Links: 2008 - All years
- Original The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
March 19, 2008
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 10:00 (Pacific) and began at
10:01 when sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was
recognized by the chairman. The meeting was be held
teleconference, hosted by Jim Jagielski and Covalent.
IRC #asfboard on was be used for backup
2. Roll Call
Directors Present:
Justin Erenkrantz
J Aaron Farr
Jim Jagielski
Geir Magnusson Jr (arrived at 10:04)
William Rowe Jr
Sam Ruby
Henning Schmiedehausen
Greg Stein
Henri Yandell
Directors Absent:
Brett Porter
3. Minutes from previous meetings
Minutes (in Subversion) are found under the URL:
A. The meeting of January, 16, 2008
See: board_minutes_2008_01_16.txt
Approved by General Consent.
B. The meeting of February, 20, 2008
See: board_minutes_2008_02_20.txt
Approved by General Consent.
4. Executive Officer Reports
A. Chairman [Jim]
Over the last month, the most obvious activity has been the ongoing
discussion regarding the 3rd party licensing policy, including
comments and debates regarding the current "draft" policy. One thing
that all parties agree to, however, is that this needs to reach
I am looking at candidate dates for the next ASF members meeting.
The possible dates are:
May 27-29
June 3-5
June 10-12
June 24-26
Preliminary checking indicates that all of these dates are
acceptable to the current board, and so I will be pinging the
membership regarding which are the most viable. As with
previous meetings, this will also be held by irc with all
elections/voting done by the voter tool. I anticipate that
this will result in another round of "discussions" on the
members list *grin*.
The contract for the new secretarial assistant was signed on
Feb. 26, 2008, with a start date of March 1, 2008.
I did a small podcast for ebizQ with Dennis Byron concerning
the ASF. Additionally, I was invited to speak at a seminar
for The National Center for Public Health Informatics at the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta on May
5th, regarding "Open Source 101".
B. President [Justin]
Last month, at Microsoft's invitation, I and several other
representatives from various ASF projects visited Microsoft's
Compatibility Labs. It was a generally positive experience
for our projects to learn about new features in Windows that
they can take advantage of in future releases. Additionally,
it also presented an opportunity to discuss directly with
Microsoft representatives about their licensing strategies
with respect to open source.
Our issues surrounding acquiring a Sun support contract still
remain - though, within the last few days, I've been sufficiently
swamped that I haven't been able to as proactive as I would like.
The last sales contact we had has left the reseller, the new
person has given me their wrong phone number, and we don't yet
have a contact for the Netherlands. I hope to break through
the deadlock next week.
I've discussed the system administration position with Joe and
we've decided to shift more of the day-to-day management duties
to Joe going forward. We also agreed upon a new set of
responsibilities and contract rate going forward. As part of
these new duties, Joe will be responsible for drafting the
report and, as such, I've requested that the infrastructure
report now be separated from my President's report.
One of the initial tasks for Jon was to help draft a budget for
the next fiscal year, but we are awaiting the books to be brought
up to date to start this process. Also, I need to have a
conversation with Jon and Joe regarding how we will handle
procurement issues going forward. After some delays, the ball
is now in my court as to setting the date for this conversation.
During the discussion, it was noted that there is a new section
added to the agenda for infrastructure. Justin will retain
responsibility for this section.
A request was made to add list of official attendees to the MSFT
meeting to the minutes; but as it was noted that this information
is already available at committers/hackathons/port25-08 in svn.
C. Treasurer [J Aaron]
I'm still behind on getting the quickbook file up to date. I'm
going to need to take some time to consider how I'm going to
handle that. The work isn't difficult, just takes some time
that I haven't had lately.
Other points of note: We'll have a new contractor on the
payroll next week. I should also start moving money out of our
paypal account. And of course, tax time is coming up.
Paypal $ 10,316.36 ($+ 588.35)
Checking $109,934.82 ($+ 8,692.09)
Savings $156,584.82 ($+ 167.01)
Total $276,836.00 ($+ 9,447.45)
Contractor Payments $ 8,022.22
Infrastructure $ 2.886.79
Banking Fees $ 448.90
TOTAL $11,357.91
Donations via Lockbox $20,050.00 [1]
Paypal Donations $ 588.35
TOTAL $20,638.35
[1] Includes IONA Silver Sponsorship Payment
In discussion it was asked when the books will be brought up to date.
Aaron's travel for the remainder of the month might mean that this
not occur until next month. Justin suggested that Aaron make use
of either the executive assistant or the secretary assistant.
If not completed by apachecon EU, other arrangements will be
discussed there.
D. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Sam]
2 grants, 59 iclas, and 5 cclas have been processed since
2008-03-01. No issues with eFax have been identified in the process.
Training of the new secretary assistant is nearly complete. Outside
of arranging for transportation of unscanned historical faxes, at this
point the executive assistant's transitional duties are complete.
I've developed a icla-check program that reports on common
issues in that file. In the process I corrected a number of
minor issues that had built up over time. Sebastian Bazley
has been most helpful in this process.
I've also developed a small web application to assist with the
majority of common activities, hopefully reducing the error
rates in the process. Updates outside of these common
activities will still require direct editing of files and
issuing of subversion commands.
Executive officer reports approved as submitted by general consent.
5. Additional Officer Reports
A. VP of Legal Affairs [Sam Ruby]
See Attachment 1
B. VP of JCP [Geir Magnusson Jr]
See Attachment 2
C. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Sam]
See Attachment 3
D. Apache Conference Planning Project [Lars Eilebrecht / Geir]
See Attachment 4
Geir to take action to work with Lars to resolve Peru
Aaron provided an update on China (targetted for December)
E. Apache Audit Project [Henri Yandell]
See Attachment 5
F. Apache Public Relations Project [Jim Jagielski]
See Attachment 6
Greg requested that the "selected press clippings" be trimmed.
Jim agreed to do so for future meetings.
G. Apache Infrastructure Team [Justin Erenkrantz]
See Attachment 7
Additional officer reports approved as submitted by general consent.
6. Committee Reports
A. Apache APR Project [Bill Rowe]
See Attachment A
B. Apache Cayenne Project [Andrus Adamchik / Justin]
See Attachment B
The board reiterated that the ASF will not accept project
targetted donations.
C. Apache Commons Project [Torsten Curdt / J Aaron]
See Attachment C
The board agreed that redistributing unchanged binaries does
not require a re-vote. An inquiry was made re: crypto status.
Henri to communicate the former and follow up on the latter.
D. Apache Continuum Project [Emmanuel Venisse / Bill]
See Attachment D
E. Apache Excalibur Project [Carsten Ziegeler / Henning]
See Attachment E
F. Apache Felix Project [Richard Hall / Henri]
See Attachment F
G. Apache Gump Project [Stefan Bodewig / Jim]
See Attachment G
H. Apache Hadoop Project [Owen O'Malley / Greg]
See Attachment H
Greg to work with Owen to arrange for the transfer of the
domain to the ASF.
I. Apache Harmony Project [Tim Ellison / J Aaron]
See Attachment I
J. Apache iBATIS Project [Ted Husted / Henri]
See Attachment J
Henri to report back that the VP of Legal Affairs and the Board
consider the legal issue closed until we are provided with more
K. Apache Incubator Project [Noel J. Bergman / Henning]
See Attachment K
A request was made that future reports be more explicit about
tracking to exit criteria.
L. Apache Jackrabbit Project [Jukka Zitting / Jim]
See Attachment L
M. Apache Jakarta Project [Martin van den Bemt / Sam]
See Attachment M
Sam to follow up on the missing report
N. Apache Labs Project [Stefano Mazzocchi / Bill]
See Attachment N
P. Apache Lucene Project [Grant Ingersoll / Greg]
See Attachment P
Q. Apache OFBiz Project [David E. Jones / Justin]
See Attachment Q
The board notes the diversity issue and commends the project for
actively working the issue.
R. Apache Portals Project [David Sean Taylor / Geir]
See Attachment R
S. Apache Quetzalcoatl Project [Gregory Trubetskoy / Geir]
See Attachment S
Geir to follow up on the missing report
T. Apache ServiceMix Project [Guillaume Nodet / Henning]
See Attachment T
U. Apache SpamAssassin Project [Justin Mason / J Aaron]
See Attachment U
V. Apache Synapse Project [Paul Fremantle / Bill]
See Attachment V
Bill to follow up on the missing report
W. Apache Tiles Project [Greg Reddin / Henri]
See Attachment W
The board notes the request for input and advice, and simply
commends the PMC for the way they are looking after the health
of the project
X. Apache Tomcat Project [Mladen Turk / Justin]
See Attachment X
Y. Apache Web Services Project [Glen Daniels / Greg]
See Attachment Y
A request was made to see a list of inactive subprojects rather
than an absense of report. Glen has agreed to include all
subprojects in future reports.
Z. Apache Wicket Project [Martijn Dashorst / Sam]
See Attachment Z
AA. Apache Xerces Project [Gareth Reakes / Jim]
See Attachment AA
BB. Apache XMLBeans Project [Cezar Andrei / Sam]
See Attachment BB
Committee reports were approved as submitted by general consent.
7. Special Orders
A. Establish the Apache Archiva Project
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's
purpose to establish a Project Management Committee charged with
the creation and maintenance of open-source software related to
the management of build repositories and to the storage and
retrieval of the build system artifacts residing in them.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Archiva Project", be
and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and
be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Archiva Project be and hereby is
responsible for the creation and maintenance of software related to
the management of build repositories and to the storage and
retrieval of the build system artifacts residing in them based on
software licensed to the Foundation; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Archiva" be
and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve
at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the
Apache Archiva Project, and to have primary responsibility for
management of the projects within the scope of responsibility of
the Apache Archiva Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
Apache Archiva PMC:
- Fabrice Bellingard (
- Maria Odea Ching (
- Nicolas de Loof (
- Joakim Erdfelt (
- Arnaud Heritier (
- Jesse McConnell (
- Brett Porter (
- Edwin Punzalan (
- Carlos Sanchez (
- Wendy Smoak (
- John Tolentino (
- Emmanuel Venisse (
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Archiva, to
serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a
successor is appointed; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Archiva PMC be and hereby is
tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
encourage open development and increased participation in the
Apache Archiva Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Archiva PMC be and hereby is
tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
Maven PMC Archiva subproject; and be it further
RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the Maven Archiva
sub-project and encumbered upon the Apache Maven PMC
are hereafter discharged.
Special order 7A, Establish the Apache Archiva Project, was
approved by Unanimous Vote.
B. Update Public Relations Committee Membership
WHEREAS, the Public Relations Committee (PRC) of
The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) expects to better serve
its purpose through the periodic update of its membership; and
WHEREAS, the PRC is a Board-appointed committee whose membership
must be approved by Board resolution,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following ASF members be
added as Public Relations Committee members:
Bertrand Delacretaz <>
Ross Gardler <>
Special order 7B, Update Public Relations Committee Membership,
was approved by Unanimous Vote.
C. Change the Apache Shale Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Craig McClanahan
to the office of Vice President, Apache Shale Project, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
Craig McClanahan from the office of Vice President, Apache Shale
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Craig McClanahan is relieved and
discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
President, Apache Shale Project, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Gary VanMatre be and hereby is appointed
to the office of Vice President, Apache Shale Project, to serve in
accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors
and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.
Special order 7C, Change the Apache Shale Project Chair, was
approved by Unanimous Vote.
8. Discussion Items
Henri will not be attending ApacheCon EU. Sam's attendance is
doubtful at this time.
The VP of Legal Affairs reiterated that resolving the 3rd Party Licensing
policy is being pursued by the Legal Affairs Committee and requested
that discussion be directed to legal-discuss. No objections were
9. Review Outstanding Action Items
3 missing reports are to be pursued
Greg to pursue transfering of over to infra
Henri to communicate back to commons and iBATIS
10. Unfinished Business
11. New Business
12. Announcements
13. Adjournment
Meeting adjourn at 10:44 (Pacific)
Attachment 1: Report from the VP of Legal Affairs
The third party draft has been a significant distraction. This document
serves a quite useful purpose -- as a guide. Shortly after this month's
board meeting, I plan to publish a short document describing how it
is useful as a guide and identifying a few places where hard distinctions
it attempts to make are overreaching and will not (yet) be enforced.
Meanwhile, focus will return to concrete, tangible, and near-term
decisions. The first two of which which will be resolved this week
deal with code licensed for use "in the creation of products supporting
the Unicode Standard" and an optional LGPL "deployer" distributed in
source form.
Other activities:
* WSRP4J is looking into potential patent claims
* Ongoing crypto notice work
* Discussion on maintenance of the year on copyright notices
* Question as to whether we would allow projects to dual license (answer: no)
* Discussion of various open specification pledges, particularly Microsoft's
* OSGI bundle requirements will require ServiceMix to create, maintain, and
distribute a small amount of CDDL licensed descriptions.
* Continuing confusion over the split between the NOTICE and LICENSE files,
this needs to be dealt with by the Legal Affairs Committee
* Fielded a question from a non-profit that wanted to base their license
off of ours.
* A growing list of open legal questions, mostly related to third party
* Glassfish still hasn't restored the Apache License headers to Jasper
files, despite some encouraging words that they were going to. Yet
another letter was sent to Simon Phipps and the legal contact at Sun
he provided me with.
Attachment 2: Report from the VP of JCP
This was a quiet month internally - there are two new requests for TCKs
that I'm in the process of working through. There appears to be a little
internal confusion inside Sun for handling these that I will address
directly with Sun next week. I have no reason to believe it is anything
other than organizational entropy within Sun.
The only news was the Sun presentation at the last JCP EC meeting, held
on February 26th. I have forwarded the slide deck to the members@ list
with comments, and am engaging with the membership directly. I think
that this is a good way to transparently report on confidential JCP
issues without the problem of them appearing in public board minutes.
Attachment 3: Status report for the Apache Security Team Project
There continues to be a steady stream of reports of various kinds arriving
at These continue to be dealt with promptly by the
security team. For Feb 2008:
2 Support question
4 Security vulnerability question, but not a vulnerability report
1 Phishing/spam/attacks point to site "powered by Apache"
1 User was hacked, but it wasn't ASF software at fault
3 Vulnerability report
Nothing much to note, although three requests this month to remove
emails from as the addresses are unobsfucated
and indexed by google.
Attachment 4: Status report for the Apache Conference Planning Project
General News
* no general news
Conference Overview
* ApacheCon Europe 2008
Location and date: Amsterdam, April 7-11, 2008
Lead: Noirin Shirley
Co-Lead: Lars Eilebrecht
Planning list:
Producer: Stone Circle Productions, Inc.
* ApacheCon US 2008
Location and date: New Orleans, November 3-7, 2008
Lead: Shane Curcuru
Co-Lead: Noel J. Bergman
Planning list:
Producer: Stone Circle Productions, Inc.
* Apache Track or ApacheCon Peru 2008
Location and date: Lima, Peru, October 18, 2008
An Apache-related conference or track may be co-hosted with the
VISION 2008. No final decision has been made yet.
* OSSummit Asia 2008 (joint-conference with Eclipse Foundation)
Location and date: (location and date to be defined)
Leaders: J Aaron Farr, Justin Erenkrantz, Noirin Shirley
Planning list:
Producer/Owner: OSSummit LLC
ApacheCon Europe 2008 News
* Number of registrations is very good.
* Press releases about ApacheCon Europe have been published
28 Feburary and 17 March.
* SCP's PR agency is setting up telephone interviews for
journalists with select speakers and conference planners.
ApacheCon US 2008 News
* The Call for Papers for ApacheCon US was published 1 March.
* A press release about the CFP and ApacheCon US will be
published by the end of March.
ApacheCon Peru 2008 News
No news since last board report.
OSSummit Asia 2008 News
No news since last board report.
Attachment 5: Status report for the Apache Audit Project
Justin and J Aaron requested that the Audit committee proactively help
them with the tax return. The earliest this will be needed is May 1st.
Both Gianugo Rabellino and Serge Knystatutas indicated that they could
help out in May.
Attachment 6: Status report for the Apache Public Relations Project
The PRC has started contacting current sponsors whose sponsorship
is up for renewal in a few months. We anticipate all Silver and above
sponsors will renew. We are also in final discussions with a new
Silver sponsor. We anticipate that this will complete in 1-2 weeks.
An "ASF Outreach Committee", an outgrowth of the Summer of Code
work done by various ASF people, was discussed, with the decision being
made that this was really best suited to be "folded into" the PRC.
Hence the resolution to add Bertrand and Ross to the PRC membership.
They will be focusing on these issues as well as general PRC topics.
J Aaron Farr has started crafting an ASF Trademark & Logo usage policy.
Currently its inspiration is the Tomcat policy and the Eclipse policy.
Included below is the HALO report for the last month:
ACTIVITY: Strategic Planning
- Communications Plan/Announcement Schedule (finalizing dates)
- Researching/Updating Editorial Calendar Opportunities
ACTIVITY: Content Development
- Revised ASF boilerplate
- Reviewed/Edited Press Release: Synapse 1.1 announcement
- Edited Press Release: 13 December - Yahoo! Platinum Sponsorship
- Drafted Press Release: ASF 2007 Year In Review
- Issued Press Release: ASF 2007 Year In Review
- Drafted Press Release: ApacheCon Registration Open
- Issued Press Release: ApacheCon Registration Open
- Reviewing/Updating ASF/Top-level Project/activity positioning
- Drafting Copy deck: Website News section/second tier page
- Research Archives: ASF-issued press releases post June 1999
- Drafted Press Release: Apache Synapse as TLP/v1.1.1 Available
- Issued Press Release: Apache Synapse as a TLP/v1.1.1 Available
- Potential: ASF GHOP Grand Prize Winner (did not receive ack on
request to pursue)
- Potential: Apache Lenya v2.0 (did not receive ack on request to pursue)
ACTIVITY: Outreach & Liaison
- Purchased new media lists (will be updated quarterly)
- Honing database (ongoing): additional media, influencers, and bloggers
- Face-to-Face Meeting with analysts at Forrester and Gartner
- Contacting industry analysts (pre-report time)/influencers: RedMonk,
Gartner Group, Forrester, The451, ZapThink, O'Reilly, InfoWorld, Elemental
Media Coordination: Yahoo!, Mark Logic, Radar Networks, IT Conversations
- ASF Sponsor Liaison: HP > onto ApacheCon sponsorship Outreach to Tim
Berners-Lee re: clarification on "Apache/W3C relations"
- Coordinate with Arje Cahn and Hippo PR team to translate/distribute
ApacheCon press release in Dutch
- Liaising with Delia Frees re: ApacheCon Business Track panel sponsorship
- Response to Markus Stiegler, XDEV Software, re: CeBIT; liaise with
Charel Morris
- Forwarding contact - Ilan Rabinovitch re: SCALE; liaise with Charel Morris
- Forwarding contact Armijn Hemel re: Dutch Java Users Group and Utrecht
Linux Users Group; liaise with Charel Morris
- Re-pinged Tim Berners-Lee re: clarification on "Apache/W3C relations"
(no return ack)
- Coordinate ASF logo to Arje Cahn/Hippo PR for ApacheCon press release in
- Met with New Orleans officials re: possible community
outreach/voluntourism for ApacheCon US in November
- ASF Sponsor Liaison: IONA > reviewing press release
+ ApacheCon sponsorship PR
ACTIVITY: Media Training
- Secured David Waddington for Media/Analyst training at ApacheCon Europe
- Secured Michael Cote'/RedMonk as partner for Media Training + cover the
ASF's activities during ApacheCon
- Developing "How to Work with the PRC" (will be part of Intermediate Media
Training offered at ApacheCon)
- Developing Announcement Guidelines, Tips, and Timeframes
- Incorporating process into Intermediate Media/Analyst Training for Amsterdam
- Flagged + forwarded 2 instances of process violation of the ASF name/brand
by Intaglio; action taken by the PRC
- Process clarification on coordinating "Intro to the ASF" talk with Jim and
ACTIVITY: Media Relations/Coordination
- Elise Ackerman/San Jose Mercury News re: Doug Cutting on Wikia Search
- Joe Barr/ re: Security Infestation
- Dennis Byron/ re: ASF 2007 Year in Review (article will appear
in 15 February newsletter on Open Source); podcast to be scheduled
- Dennis Byron/ re: Sun-MySQL acquisition
- Clint Boulton/eWeek re: Oracle-BEA acquisition
- Followed up on Jim Jagielski podcast with
- Followed up with PRNewswire to corrected missing content on Synapse
[NOTE: not sure if this should be posted as a
"Covalent press release"],google-summer-of-code-headed-down-under.aspx,200/ApacheCon-Europe-2008---Amsterdam-.html
Attachment 7: Status report for the Apache Infrastructure Team
Pressed new brutus machine into production, shut down old brutus.
Brought bia (the new backup machine) online. Work continues on
setting up the actual backups, mainly driven by Tony Stevenson
and Norman Maurer.
Experiencing some problems with jira's availability on new
brutus. Jeff Turner is looking into it.
Migrated bugzilla to 3.0. Special thanks to Mark Thomas and
Sander Temme for all the hard work that went into that process.
TLP migration for continuum was completed. Roughly 2 dozen
new account requests were processed.
infrastructure-dev@ was made a public list at Jukka Zitting's
Attachment A: Status report for the Apache APR Project
Activity on the APR project has been very quiet this past quarter.
There has been relatively little bugzilla or dev forum traffic,
relatively little commit activity, and no releases nor activity
towards a release since Nov '07 (reflecting the general stability
of the project at this time). No committee members or committers
have changed in this period.
Some proposals for new APIs are being floated; since APR is consumer
driven (by projects that have adopted it), this likely reflects a quiet
period from its users development goals.
The APR project is in compliance with the Crypto policy, has been subject
to this, and is exporting socket encryption wrappers in the development
'trunk' of the apr-util subproject (not yet shipped within a release).
Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Cayenne Project
* Active development of Cayenne 3.0.
* Posted 3.0M3 development milestone release
* Cayenne now using the shared Hudson CI server
* The Sun donated server had been offline for the last month due to hardware
issues and so little work has been done to set it up for the Cayenne project
to date. Now that it is back up, we expect to install a range of databases
on that machine shortly for testing purposes.
* Activity on the user and development lists has been higher than previous
* A review of has determined that
Cayenne does not have any reporting obligations since it does not contain
any cryptographic code under the ECCN 5D002 definition. Although Cayenne
might be used by developers with cryptographic libraries, it is not "specially
designed or modified for" such a purpose.
Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Commons Project
o Activity
The past few months have been quite busy. A couple of releases (see below)
have gone out. Based on user activity is slowly
declining while activity on the development list has significantly
increased at the beginning of the year. It's slowly declining again.
Question of dormancy have been raised for 'commons vfs' and 'commons
o Re-release of old source distributions
This has been brought to the board's attention before. For the user's
convenience we would like to re-package old source releases and provide
them also as source jars. This of course affects releases that have been
made under ASL 1.1. While new releases have to be ASL 2.0 the current
opinion is that (as long as nothing is changed during the process) this
"re-packaging" does not classify as a new release. So we can still provide
the new artifact under ASL 1.1. Basically it would have to adhere to the
rules when the orignal release has been made.
No action has been taken yet. It would be great to get the board's
agreement on the PMC's notion.
o Commons Sandbox Incubator
While the Commons Sandbox works quite straightforwardly for ASF internal
use, the question is what to do with external component level code
donations that may or may not been already covered by CLA. Building a
community around a single component inside the normal Incubator might
be tough. The idea has been brought up to work with Labs or the Incubator
to find a solution to this.
o Removal of Cobertura reports (as the resulting reports may GPL)
Cobertura is a code coverage plugin for maven. It's been used through the
ASF to generate reports that are part of the website. As at least part
of the generated site is covered by the GPL we decided not to use it
anymore. Otherwise we cannot ship the website for a release.
o Support for OSGi
New Commons releases will now include the metadata that is required to be
used inside OSGi out of the box.
o We got two new components into the Commons sandbox
- monitoring
- commons build plugin
Which got promoted to proper pretty much straight away for the
infrastructure and build improvements (see below)
o Released
- commons SCXML 0.7
- commons pool 1.4
- commons sandbox parent POM 3
- commons IO 1.4
- commons fileupload 1.2.1
- commons math 1.2
- commons build plugin 1.0
- commons proxy 1.0
- commons parent POM 6
- commons parent POM 7
- commons parent POM 8
- commons sandbox parent POM 4
- commons parent POM 9
o The maven based release process has been discussed and improved.
o For some components missing/broken redirects from jakarta have been fixed.
o Old bugzilla entries have been removed and we are 100% jira now. We hope
to get redirects in place so people will not hit broken links but get to
correct jira issue instead.
o No new committers
o New PMC members
- Gary Gregory
Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Continuum Project
This report for March is the first report since Continuum graduation
last month.
Continuum resources have been completely moved out of the Maven area.
The web site has moved to its final location (
The svn repo has moved to its final location
The mailing lists has been moved too.
We are currently working on Continuum 1.2, which isn't planned yet.
Discussions are started about the next major version (2.0).
About cryptography, a review of
has determined that Continuum does not have any reporting obligations
since it does not contain any cryptographic code under the ECCN 5D002
definition. Although Continuum might be used by developers with
cryptographic libraries, it is not "specially designed or modified for"
such a purpose.
Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Excalibur Project
This quarter was the quietest one - nearly zero activity, neither in the
mailing lists nor in subversion, and no releases.
There are no known issues.
LEGAL The code of Excalibur was checked; no crypto software is
contained/developed at Excalibur so there is no action required with
regards to the Export Notification Policy.
Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Felix Project
* Added Stuart McCulloch to the PMC.
* Added Christian van Spaandonk as a committer to work on Deployment Admin.
* Released {{1.0.1}} version of core Felix sub-projects (i.e., framework
and main). This release fixed mostly minor bugs discovered since the
prior release, although there were a few minor new features added as
* Released {{1.0.3}} release of Felix framework/main subprojects; which
included numerous bug fixes and feature ehancements (including support
for running the framework on Google's Android).
* Released numerous other subprojects, including Bundle Plugin, SCR
Plugin, OBR Plugin, Preferences, Config Admin, Metatype, Event Admin,
and Bundle Repository.
* Finalized Deployment Admin contribution from Luminis and committed it
to our SVN repository.
* Finalized Peter Kriens' contribution of the File Install bundle and
committed it to our SVN repository.
* Karl Pauls committed a significant patch that adds more complete
security framework to the Felix framework and also provides
implementations for security-related OSGi standard services (e.g.,
Permission Admin and Conditional Permission Admin); these
improvements will be made available in a future release.
Licensing and other issues
* None this period.
Attachment G: Status report for the Apache Gump Project
* no new is good news.
* we finally have more than just basic Maven2 support working and
now build Maven2 projects against the most recent code of their
dependencies as well.
There are still some issues to iron out like cases where one jar
built by Gump is known by more than one id in the repository or
a project really needs to build against an older version of its
dependency (think intentional API breakage on a new major
version). We also need to migrate more projects and then can
start adding more projects if they want to.
* Sooner or later we will need to add support for more VCSes like
git or hg, so far we didn't have to add a project that uses
anything but svn or CVS, though.
* Crypto: apart from some code that calculates MD5 and SHA1 hashes
in the Maven Repository Proxy there isn't anything in Gump that
would go near crypto at all. As far as we can see there is no
need for any sort of notification in Gump's code base.
* still all Apache committers have access to metadata in svn.
* no releases.
Attachment H: Status report for the Apache Hadoop Project
We have filed the appropriate paperwork for using cryptography within
Hadoop. The first use will be HADOOP-2239, which will likely be
committed this week.
Yahoo and the Computing Community Consortium are sponsoring a Hadoop
Summit ( on March 25 to bring
together users and developers. 215 people have signed up to attend.
We added two committers this month: Mukund Madhugiri for QA and
release engineering, and Hemanth Yamjiala for contrib.
Development has been active this month and we have released 0.16.1
this month, which fixed 40 jiras. Release 0.17 is scheduled to feature
freeze in the first week of April and currently includes 70 committed
Development has been focused on making our first subproject release,
0.1.0. The 0.1.0 release is feature frozen and runs against Hadoop
Core 0.16.x. 20 of the 25 identified blocker issues have been
The priorities for the 0.2 release are robustness and scalability. The
proposal is on the HBase Wiki at: HBase 0.2 is based on
Hadoop Core trunk and is making progress as well with 54 of 73 issues
An hbase contributor, Dennis Kubes, bought the domain for
the project, which points to
A second HBase Users Group meeting was held at Powerset on March 4,
with approximately 30 people attending. The meeting was informal,
mostly getting the user community to discuss problems they had
encountered using HBase and to gather issues blocking the 0.1.0
Attachment I: Status report for the Apache Harmony Project
The Apache Harmony community and code continue to be working well. We
are still looking to the Board to help resolve the JCK license issue,
but this is not stopping us delivering useful software to our users.
Development & Releases
The development team continues to be focused primarily on the Java 5 SE
code stream, and we have successfully delivered two milestone releases
since our last report.
Milestone build 5.0M4 was published on Dec 19, 2007, and 5.0M5 on
Mar 1, 2008. Each of these milestones contain a significant number of
bug fixes and new functionality, as evidenced by the over 370 JIRA
issues resolved and over 730 commits since our last report.
Noteworthy advancements have been made in the following areas:
* new JIT optimizations
* functional and coverage enhancements throughout the class libraries,
* improved VM threading design
* support for full hardware addressability on 64 bit platforms
* new appletviewer tool
* initial version of unpack200 tool
We continue to test with a variety of applications to ensure completeness
and compatibility with the specification, and have made good progress in
adding Apache Geronimo to our list of fully functional apps.
The Java 6 APIs are being steadily filled-out and kept in synch with the
Java 5 branch changes.
There were no reported security issues this period.
The community continues to operate in a healthy manner with a vibrant
developer list, including a number of new participants on the mailing
The PMC elected three new committers this period, Pavel Pervov,
Sian January, and Vasily Zakharov. There were no changes to the PMC
membership. There are currently 32 committers, ~23 of whom were active
this period.
Export Controls
The Apache Harmony PMC have reviewed the ASF export controls procedures
and confirm that we are in compliance.
Attachment J: Status report for the Apache iBATIS Project
Since our December 2007 report, the Apache iBATIS project has
continued work on iBATIS 3, which is avialable in the sandbox for
evaluation. A beta is expected sometime over the summer. We are also
expecting a new version of Abator over the next quarter.
As may be reported elsewhere, there was a legal incident with the
Apache iBAITS Abator subproject. A company which uses the word Abator
in another context raised issue with our use of the name, and the
matter was turned over to the legal-internal list.
Ted Husted has expressed an interest in resigning as PMC chair, and
the PMC is working to nominate a successor and submit a proposed
resolution to the board.
Attachment K: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project
A number of projects have been informally or formally proposed for
Incubation. We have voted on to accept:
Thrift -
CouchDB -
PDFBox -
as noted in the previous Board Report. PDFBox has provided a report for
this month; the other two have failed to do so. log4php also failed to
QPid is proposing to graduate. There are diversity concerns being raised,
and discussed. CXF is in the process of also proposing to graduate as a
TLP, and has indicate that spending additional time in the Incubator to
increase diversity, despite initial resistence, turned out to be very
helpful and the right thing.
Other than that, there are new committers and projects working on doing some
=== PDFBox ===
Apache PDFBox is an open source Java PDF library for working with PDF
documents. PDFBox entered incubation on February 7th, 2008.
The basic project infrastructure (lists, svn, jira, etc.) is already in
place, and we are currently working on migrating the source code and
existing issues from SourceForge. We have also requested a user mailing
list to replace the current help forums on SourceForge.
PDFBox uses the Bouncy Castle crypto libraries for handling encrypted PDF
files. We will take care of export control issues as we proceed with
importing the PDFBox sources to Apache.
=== RAT ===
RAT is audit and code comprehension for releases and source.
Been very quiet this month. Infrastructure is now mostly setup. Import of
RAT main has been completed but the source still need tidying up.
Incubating since: October 2007
=== River ===
River is aimed at the development and advancement of the Jini technology
core infrastructure. Jini technology is a service oriented architecture that
defines a programming model which both exploits and extends Java technology
to enable the construction of secure, distributed systems which are adaptive
to change.
Positive news is that work on the first release has completed and was
approved for release by Incubator, we decided on a branching policy and work
on the next release has been scheduled and has started.
As a concern though overall participation by the initial set of committers
is low, the same applies to people outside the group of committers.
Incubating since: December 2006
=== Shindig ===
Shindig is a reference implementation of the OpenSocial and gadgets stack.
Incubating since: 2007-12-06
(Note this report covers since inception, as we've not yet submitted any
other reports, and will submit for the next 3 months to compensate)
High-level status summary: Shindig making rapid progress since inception in
December 2007.
* Accepted a couple rounds of "bootstrapping" Java and JS code
contributions from Google (with appropriate IP licensing)
* Large patch written by a community member for PHP port committed
* Healthy community growing, though committers still Google-heavy
* JIRA queue moving in full force
* Initial website created:
Attachment L: Status report for the Apache Jackrabbit Project
Apache Jackrabbit is a fully conforming implementation of the Content
Repository for Java Technology API (JCR, specified in JSR 170).
The Apache Jackrabbit project is in good shape. We have no board-level
issues at this time.
o Releases
Apache Jackrabbit 1.4 was released in January.
We are considering switching to releasing individual components
in a more frequent and fine-grained manner. So far Jackrabbit releases
have contained new versions of all Jackrabbit components.
The first component release, jackrabbit-core 1.4.1, was made in February.
o Legal
Apache Jackrabbit uses or bundles no cryptographic code, so there is no
need for export control notifications.
We have identified a minor license violation by an external party
bundling Jackrabbit code without meeting all the ALv2 requirements
(no NOTICE file, etc.). With help from the legal team, we have notified
the party in question and expect the issue to be resolved soon.
o Community
The Jackrabbit PMC has voted to invite Esteban Franqueiro to be a Jackrabbit
committer and PMC member. We are waiting for the CLA to proceed with the
committer account and other administrative bits.
We are planning to have a JCR community gathering event right next to the
ApacheCon EU next month in Amsterdam.
o Development
The 1.4 release was well received, and with increased usage we've also
seen many requests to make the default installation and out-of-the-box
experience smoother for new users. We're working on addressing those needs.
The ongoing work towards the JCR 2.0 reference implementation continues,
and with major new features and changes entering the codebase we may see
some instability of the trunk during the months ahead. On the other hand
there's recently been much focus on improving test coverage and more test
automation, which should help us maintain stability of the codebase.
Some of our users are not yet ready to upgrade from 1.3 to 1.4, so we
are working on the 1.3 maintenance branch to produce a 1.3.4 release with
selected bug fixes and improvements from newer releases.
o Infrastructure
Our web site is now managed using Confluence.
We have had problems with our private Continuum installation in the
Jackrabbit zone, and so we are currently migrating our CI builds to the
Hudson zone.
Attachment M: Status report for the Apache Jakarta Project
Attachment N: Status report for the Apache Labs Project
There is nothing much to report about labs that needs the board's attention.
No lab has yet to exit its status and transition into incubation even if at
least one lab (Droid) is already thinking about doing it.
There are a handful of labs that receive attention from their maintainers
and many others that just sit there. It is worth noting that this was expected
and this is nothing that concerns me or the labs population in general and I
don't think it should concern the board either.
There was a discussion about starting a lab to document guidelines for version
control systems, mostly about the difference between centralized and
distributed version control systems, but it was decided that
infrastructure-dev@ was a better place to have such discussions, if only
because the lab population was afraid of saturating the single labs@ mailing
list with lots of heated and subjective discussions about version control
Other than that, labs remains a quiet project simply cruising along and no
signs of anything that would require board attention.
Attachment O:
There is no Attachment O
Attachment P: Status report for the Apache Lucene Project
The top-level project voted to promote Hadoop to it's own TLP, Nigel Daley, Owen O'Malley and Tom White resigned
their positions on the Lucene PMC to focus on the Hadoop PMC. The TLP
also voted to create a new project, named Apache Mahout, to build
scalable machine learning libraries. Doug Cutting has resigned as
Chair of the Lucene PMC. Grant Ingersoll has been elected the new
Nutch uses PDFBox and thus has a dependency on BouncyCastle.
We have not begun the process specified at, but will do so
in the near term.
Lucene Java is a search-engine toolkit. Development has been very
active and there have been many core improvements, especially in the
area of indexing performance and error recovery. Version 2.3.0 was
released on 2008-01-24, and a minor bug fix release (2.3.1) was made
on 2008-02-23.
Solr is a full text search server. We continue to see strong adoption
and community interest. Development has been active with many new
core features being added. Grant Ingersoll was added as a committer.
Nutch is a web-search engine: crawler, indexer and search
runtime. Development is active. Recent work has concentrated on
stability and bug-fixing in preparation for the upcoming 1.0 release,
due around April.
Lucy will develop a shared C-based core for ports of Lucene to other
languages, such as Perl, Python and Ruby. No progress has been made
this quarter.
LUCENE.NET (incubating)
Lucene.Net is an port of Lucene to C# on the .NET platform.
Lucene.Net struggles with committership. George Aroush has
effectively stepped down, but other strong contributors have rallied
and are in the process of proposing a few new committers.
TIKA (incubating)
Tika is a toolkit for detecting and extracting metadata and structured
text content from various documents using existing parser
libraries. Development has been active.
Apache Mahout is a new subproject of the Lucene PMC with the goal of
building a suite of scalable machine learning libraries for text and
data mining. Initial reaction to the project has been positive, with
many people expressing interest and several code contributions already
made. Initial committers are Grant Ingersoll, Otis Gospodnetic, Erik
Hatcher, Isabel Drost, Ozgur Yilmazel, Niranjan Balasubramanian, Karl
Wettin and Dawid Weiss. Jeff Eastman was also voted in as a new
committer (after the initial project creation).
Attachment Q: Status report for the Apache OFBiz Project
This report, for March 2008, is the fourth quarterly report for OFBiz (Open
For Business) as a top level project.
The Apache Open For Business Project (Apache OFBiz) is an open source
enterprise automation software project. By enterprise automation we mean:
ERP, CRM, E-Business / E-Commerce, MRP, SCM, CMMS/EAM, and so on.
We have no issues that require Board assistance at this time.
- one new committer, Vikas Mayur, was voted in before the last
report but his CLA and account had not been finalized; that is now complete
- there are various new contributors and there is increasing traffic on the
mailing lists and in Jira issues, but no new candidates for committers have
stood out yet
- some concerns about a single company with significant community presence
has been voiced as Hotwax Media has 4 people on the PMC (out of 11) and 3
committers that are not PMC members (out of 10); the Hotwax Media leadership
(including myself) is aware of this problem and we are making an efforts to
grow from outside of the community and to help and encourage other service
providers and end-user groups to participate more in the community; 4 of the
6 partners at Hotwax are OFBiz PMC members, and one more is a committer (the
other 2 committers being employees), and it is understood that it is
important for the OFBiz community and therefore for Hotwax as well that
there be diversity and a wide base for stability within the community; any
recommendations from the board or others experienced with this sort of thing
is welcome
- more effort is going into automated testing to help with stability and to
find problems more quickly as the community grows and more people get
- contributions continue in many areas including tools for more efficient
development and analysis, core application improvements and extensions, and
certain special purpose applications such as the existing project management
app and the new sales force automation one
- Crypto Export Control: OFBiz does use cryptography libraries for various
things so as we understand it we have to follow the guidelines for the
export control notifications; as part of this we have done the following:
-- a Project listing has been added to
-- an email has been sent to,,, and relevant ASF email addresses for the TSU notice
-- a BIS/TSU exception notice has been added to the README and NOTICE files
in the OFBiz trunk and the release4.0 branch
Attachment R: Status report for the Apache Portals Project
-- New releases --
29 December 2007 - Apache Portals Jetspeed 2.1.3 Released
29 December 2007 - Apache Portals Bridges 1.0.4 Released
-- New committers --
Eric Dalquist
Dennis Dam
Vivek Kumar
-- New PMC Members --
Woonsan Ko
Dennis Dam
Vivek Kumar
Eric Dalquist
We are working towards breaking down the perceived barriers between the
Pluto and Jetspeed teams. We have scheduled a Portals meetup at ApacheCon
in Amsterdam to try to create some synergy between the different portal
vendors and open source developers involved in the Apache Portals project.
The Apache Portals Applications sub-project was voted upon and accepted by
the PMC.
Apache Portals Applications (APA) is a collaborative software development
project existing under the Apache Portals project. APA is dedicated to
providing robust, full-featured, commercial-quality, and freely available
Portlet Applications under the Apache license developed at the Apache
Software Foundation.
To promote the use of open source portal technology at the application
layer: writing open portlet applications. The scope of APA does not include
the system layer of portal development, such as portals and containers like
Jetspeed, Pluto, or WSRP. We view portlet applications as an important
technology in the growing web applications environment. We intend to build
freely available portlet application software in order to promote the use
of this technology. After several years of Apache Portals providing portal
and container software, we are finding that portal technology has reached
limited success. We believe the cause to this limited success is the lack
of usable, open source portlet applications.
Voting has started on the Pluto 1.1.5 release and is in progress this week.
Pluto is continuing working towards the Portlet 2.0
specification reference implementation. JSR-286 implementation is
coming along at Pluto, integration with Jetspeed, at a design level,
has started.
Jetspeed: working towards a 2.2 release, new Maven build and documentation.
The WSRP4J project is still problematic. I have discussed this on legal
It was recommended that I, the Portals representative, send letters to
both patent holders, IBM and Web Collage. Here is the letter sent to IBM:
Dear Sir or Madam,
I'm writing to request an IBM patent license in support of the OASIS WSRP
Version 1 Specification, in accordance to the IPR claims from IBM as made
available on the following website:
I'm requesting this patent license on behalf of the Apache Software
Foundation (ASF) and as Vice President of the Apache Portals project,
and in particular
for the Apache WSRP4J project which is working towards a formal release
of an OASIS WSRP Version 1 implementation under the Apache License 2.0.
The Apache WSRP4J project was initiated by IBM and include an initial
source code donation and a Software License Agreement by IBM representative
Dirk Wittkopp, Manager Portal Development, on September 2nd 2003.
Although the Software License Agreement covers a patent license for the
donated source code itself, it is not complete clear to us if this fully
covers all possible patent claims of IBM concerning the OASIS WSRP
Version 1 Specification.
To be sure our WSRP4J implementation won't be unintentionally infringing
these IBM patent claims, we'd like to receive a nonexclusive, royalty
free patent license for these patents in addition to the above mentioned
Software License Agreement.
Yours faithfully,
David Sean Taylor
VP Apache Portals
and the letter to Web Collage:
Dear Mr Natovich,
I'm writing to request a WebCollage patent license in support of the OASIS
WSRP Version 1 Specification, in accordance to the IPR claims from WebCollage
as made available on the following website:
I'm requesting this patent license on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation
(ASF) and as Vice President of the Apache Portals project, and in particular
for the Apache WSRP4J project which is working towards a formal release of
OASIS WSRP Version 1 implementation under the Apache License 2.0.
Attachment S: Status report for the Apache Quetzalcoatl Project
Attachment T: Status report for the Apache ServiceMix Project
Added the following committers:
* Chris Custine
* Jeff Yu (account request pending)
* Lars Heinemann
* Apache ServiceMix Kernel 1.0-m2
* ServiceMix 3.2 and 3.3 are actively
maintained, with new components being
included in the 3.3 trunk (OSWorkflow
and Mail)
* Work is being done to improve the
* ServiceMix 4 is being developed with
a new milestone of the Kernel done, a
milestone of the NMR currently being
* we need to take care of the export policy,
as some JBI components include libraries
subject to such requirements
* we have requested a solaris zone to root
* discussions around importing a JBoss
plugin seem to have reached an agreement
that it should be doable
* we have also raised some questions about
repackaging some third party libraries
not under ASL 2.0 license to add OSGi
manifest entries and redistribute them
Attachment U: Status report for the Apache SpamAssassin Project
- we released SpamAssassin 3.2.4 on 2008-01-05.
- added Mark Martinec as a PMC member.
- the crypto export policy has been applied, and has been updated to include
SpamAssassin, with a 5D002 ECCN code.
- we've been discussing the possibility of building a Hadoop-based
mass-checking system; there's nothing concrete there yet, though.
Attachment V: Status report for the Apache Synapse Project
Attachment W: Status report for the Apache Tiles Project
General Status
The Tiles project continues to see slow and steady forward
movement. There has been an uptick in interest on the users list. This
is likely due to the fact that a GA release is finally
available. Antonio is wanting to start the IP clearance for Kaolin
(formerly the Dimensions project) and is still looking for a champion
among the membership. He is seeking help on general@incubator.
We have reviewed the project code and dependencies and we do not believe the
Tiles project meets the requirements for export notification. Please advise if
the board requires further clarification.
We have been concerned about a lack of committer activity on the
project. Essentially all coding and technical support in at least the
last three months has been done by one PMC member, namely Antonio
Petrelli. That is not to say that no one else on the PMC is
involved. I have been watching the commit logs and mailing lists, but
really only contributing to the project administratively. It is also
not due to any kind of "community tyranny" on the part of Antonio or
anyone else. He is simply the only one who has the itch to scratch and
the time to do it at the same time.
I took a poll on the private list asking the PMC members to indicate
their desired level of involvement on a 3-point scale with 1 being
"fully involved" - contributing code, support, etc., 2 being
administratively involved - moderating lists, voting, testing
releases, etc., and 3 being not involved or emeritus. Antonio is the
only committer who indicated a level of 1. Wendy Smoak, Nathan Bubna,
and myself indicated a level 2, or intention for administrative
involvement. No one else has responded, but in fairness I started the
poll too late and was not able to give the full 72 hours needed for a
full consensus.
My personal take on the issue is that the Tiles codebase is in a
stable state. It does what it is supposed to do in most cases. We do
have a sense of where we would like to take the project in the future,
but currently most of us are too involved elsewhere to make much
progress in that direction. I see the uptick of user activity as a
very positive thing and I need to do a better job of making the needs
of the project and opportunities for involvement known to the users. I
think we can draw in new committers from the user base over time. We
should also consider the advice from the board at our last report to
seek the help of prc@ in promoting the project. Again, we welcome any
further input and advice from the board on this matter.
Attachment X: Status report for the Apache Tomcat Project
The project continues to be active on a number of fronts. There are no
issues requiring Board attention at this time.
We cut a number of releases incorporating all our active branches.
Tomcat 5.5.26 was released last month incorporating numerous security
updates and bug fixes.
Tomcat 6.0.16 was released last month, both primarily bug fix and security
fix release over the previous 6.0.14 release
Tomcat connectors, mod_jk, had a release: 1.2.26.
Tomcat Native connector, had a first release: 1.1.13.
Finally the Tomcat 4.1.37 was released which was primarily security fix
We've been working closely with security issue reports and the Apache
Security committee on quickly replying to issues, resolving them, and
coordinating public disclosures.
We decided by majority that Tomcat Native (APR based connector) will be
handled from now on as a separate subproject with its own release cycle.
The standard vote/release process will be applied to it. The reason for
separating this subcomponent to a separate release cycle is to better
maintain this optional component, and to provide limited backward bug fix
compatibility, and the fact that it is used both by Tomcat 5.5 and 6.0
After last quarter's new committers and PMC members, there were no changes
the committership nor PMC membership this time. The new commit policy is
working very fine, and we've been very active both in commit and release
Attachment Y: Status report for the Apache Web Services Project
Notable Happenings
Dims is back! :) Reinstated to the PMC.
Elected new PMC members : Afkham Azeez, Keith Chapman
Legal: We added Rampart, Rampart/C, and WSS4J to the export controls page
and duly notified the gov't in order to come into compliance with crypto
Sayonara, Synapse - best of luck as a TLP!
Nothing that requires board attention this time around.
Subproject News
The following are the specifics for each project that has had significant
activity during this quarter. If a project is not mentioned below, there's
nothing to report.
* Axis2
Activity has been steady.
Planning for the 1.4 release continues after a bit of a slow start. We're
now in the midst of scrubbing JIRA for must-fix issues. Dims has been voted
release manager and we're hoping to get an RC out very soon.
As the world seems to be moving in an OSGi-ish direction, we've been adding
OSGi metadata to our packages, including Axis2.
* JaxMe2
No notable happenings.
* Woden
Since graduating from the incubator in Dec. Woden's infrastructure has been
migrated to the Web Services project. Woden is still working towards an M8
release. While some time constraints have pushed back this release progress
has been made recently and work is underway on the last feature for the M8
release, validation of the WSDL 2.0 assertions. We've also seen progress on
Woden serialization, a key post M8 feature being implemented by a Woden
* Xml Schema
Ajith has been pulling together a 1.4 release collecting a lot of recent
improvements, which we hope to have out soon. Currently at RC2 (as of March
14th), expect the release by EOM at latest.
* Axis2/C
1. Axis2/C 1.3.0 Released 3rd March 2008
2. Three New Committers
* Bill Mitchell
* Senaka Fernando
* Lahiru Gunathilake
3. Fixed 150+ issues since 1st of Jan 2008
No notable happenings since the last board report.
Attachment Z: Status report for the Apache Wicket Project
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component
oriented web applications, and was established as an Apache project in June
Wicket 1.3 has been released at the start of the new year, and has received 2
maintenance releases. Planning has started for a new Wicket version and a new
Wicket community event around ApacheCon EU 2008. Maurice Marrink has been
added to the Wicket team. A crypto notification has been added.
A second Wicket community event will be organized on tuesday April 8th just
prior to ApacheCon. The previous Wicket meetup attracted 80-90 people from
around the Netherlands and neighbouring countries. Wicket meetups around the
world continue to be around, especially the London Wicket event attracts lots
of people. Wicket will be presented at ApacheCon EU by Gerolf Seitz.
Maurice Marrink has been voted in as a new committer and PMC member (we are
waiting for him to send in his CLA). Martijn Dashorst was elected to become an
Apache Member, increasing Membership participation for the Wicket PMC.
Google's GHOP contest ended on February 4, 2008. The grand prize winner
nominated by the ASF mentors did not work on any tasks related to the Wicket
project. Off the 14 tasks provided by the Wicket team, 7 tasks have been
completed. Both the students and the Wicket community showed only little
effort towards interacting with each other. There is no delegate of the Wicket
project attending the GHOP Award Ceremonies on July 10-13, 2008.
We have released two maintenance releases for our 1.3 release (1.3.1 and
1.3.2). We are starting to plan our next release (Wicket 1.4 or 2.0: version
number hasn't been decided yet). Part of the user community is eager for a
quick 1.4/2.0 release with only Java 5 support in it, while the core team is
reluctant to do so as it will force us into maintaining 3 branches: current
1.3, the generics version and new development. A decision will be made in the
coming weeks.
We added Wicket to the export controls page and duly notified the government
in order to come into compliance with crypto policy.
Attachment AA: Status report for the Apache Xerces Project
Aside from some prototyping on an implementation of XML Schema 1.1 the
project has been fairly quiet. Design thoughts have been posted on the
Wiki. A few JIRA issues were recently raised by a member regarding the
website/documentation (e.g. links to MD5 files) and packages we've
published. We plan to address these before having our next release.
A number of big tasks have been completed in the preparation for the 3.0.0
* Website copy split and documentation reorganization in order to host
both 3 and 2-series releases.
* Reorganization of the autotools-basedbuild system.
* Removal of the lazy initialization that relied on invalid
double-checked locking trick.
* Clean up of the error messages.
The build and tests are now passing on a number of platforms that were
known to fail before (AIX, Solaris, Cygwin/Mingw). See the
XercescBuildStatus page for details. A successful vote for the release of
3.0.0 beta was held.
Giaugo Rabellino kindly pointed out (with thanks to Black Duck Software)
that some files still have the 1.1 Apache license. No release has been made
with the incorrect license version. When Xerces-C 3.0 is released the new
version of P will be with the 2.0 license. This has been corrected in SVN.
XML Commons
Though there was no new development there was one bug report ([WWW] opened that is
worth noting. The W3C receives a large number of requests every day for the
same DTDs, XML Schemas and other XML resources. They've observed that this
happens in large part because applications are not using XML Catalogs or
grammar caching facilities such as the ones provided by Xerces. They're
appealing to us for help. We plan to review their thoughts/proposals.
We recently participated in the Google Highly Open Participation (GHOP)
contest and engaged with a couple of students on some small tasks including
a new logo for the project (designed by Ashley Morgan). Cryptography
We are not aware of any cryptographic code in the Apache Xerces
Attachment BB: Status report for the Apache XMLBeans Project
As usual, development continues with small fixes. On the community side,
the mailing list seems to have increased the traffic lately, mostly with
user questions that get answered quite promptly.
There were no releases, no new committers and no issues to be brought to
board's attention this quarter.
The Cryptography discussion was brought on dev list, and we believe that
XMLBeans project doesn't contain or directly use any cryptographic code,
so there is no requirement for export control notifications.
End of minutes for the March 19, 2008 board meeting.