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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

                            April 16, 2008

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 10:00am (Pacific) and began at
    10:03 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was
    recognized by the chairman.  The meeting was held via
    teleconference, hosted by Jim Jagielski and Covalent.

    IRC #asfboard on was used for backup

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Justin Erenkrantz
        J Aaron Farr
        Jim Jagielski
        Geir Magnusson Jr
        William Rowe Jr (arrived 10:10)
        Sam Ruby
        Henning Schmiedehausen
        Henri Yandell

    Directors Absent:

        Greg Stein


        Eddie O'Neil
        Brett Porter

3. Minutes from previous meetings

    Minutes (in Subversion) are found under the URL:

    A. The meeting of March 19, 2008

       See: board_minutes_2008_03_19.txt

       Minutes were approved by General Consent.

4. Executive Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Jim]

       The last month has seen vigorous discussion and debate on the
       members and board mailing lists, regarding a variety of
       topics. It is nice to see in most of these, voices and
       opinions from other people than just the usual group.

       ApacheCon was held last week and from all reports was a
       success. The ASF itself sponsored the hackathon.

       We are due for the annual members meeting, with June 3-5
       as the leading date. Upon final confirmation, I will start
       the process of organizing the meeting.

    B. President [Justin]

       In good news, since our last meeting, we have finally purchased
       a support contract from Sun for our OSU OSL-located Sun
       hardware.  On the European front, we are still attempting to
       cut through bureaucratic red tape for purchasing a Sun support
       contract for our Netherlands-located Sun equipment.

       We held a virtual infrastructure meeting last week during
       ApacheCon in Amsterdam.  Generally, we are continuing our
       planned machine upgrade - our backup server is now coming
       online, our new SVN EU mirror is currently entering the first
       testing phases, the next set of new machines in the shopping
       list will be ordered soon, and we are finalizing the
       requirements for the next set of machines.  Due to some
       donations and a change of suppliers, we expect to come under
       the expected machine budget.  Many thanks to Gavin McDonald,
       Norman Maurer, and Tony Stevenson for joining the
       infrastructure team!

       Finally, we have not yet been able to task the Exec. Ass't with
       any tasks since the books are not up-to-date.  It is hoped that
       this should be resolved soon.  As soon as the books are up to date,
       drafting a foundation-wide budget will become a priority.

       In the discussion, Aaron indicated that he plans to have the books
       ready by Monday.

    C. Treasurer [J Aaron]

       Sam Ruby finally has his corporate card; however, there is
       still some mix-up with Wells Fargo.  They still have Sander's
       card listed as active and Sam and my card are also Checking
       Cards (not just credit cards).  Will follow-up with Wells Fargo
       before next board meeting.

       I also finally have my Quickbooks PIN again, so I'm in the
       process of updating the quickbook records.  This needs done
       ASAP so we can begin our audit work and begin preparing for

       In terms of the current finances, the most significant change
       is a new contractor this month.  While speaking with Wells
       Fargo, I discussed changing the type of savings account we have
       to one that would provide better interest rates.  I also talked
       about ways to lower or eliminate some of our banking fees (such
       as the lockbox fee).  Our checking account should give us
       certain 'credits' against such fees.

          Paypal                        $ 13,620.02  ($+ 3,303.66)
          Checking                      $101,206.80  ($- 8,728.02)
          Savings                       $156,749.15  ($+   164.33)
          Total                         $271,575.97  ($- 5,260.03)

             Contractor Payments        $ 8,822.22
             Office Expenses            $    39.90
             Banking Fees               $   246.15
             TOTAL                      $ 9,108.27 [1]

             Donations via Lockbox      $   380.25 [2]
             Paypal Donations           $ 3,303.66
             Interest Income            $   164.33
             TOTAL                      $ 3,848.24

       [1] There are currently $4,475.99 in charges on Justin's card for
           infrastructure expenses (AVNET) that will be paid next cycle.

       [2] 3 deposits.  Two from the car payment.  One from Just Give.

       From the discussion:
         * Aaron to follow up on whether or not we need to rebalance the
           accounds in order to minimize banking fees.
         * Jim to look into a virtual address for the ASF, so we don't
           need to update things every time the secretary changes.
         * Aaron fixed a few typos.  The minutes reflect the corrected

    D. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Sam]

       0 grants, 42 iclas, and 1 ccla have been processed since the
       last board report.  Board meeting minutes are up to date and
       posted.  I've received my Wells Fargo check cashing card and
       PIN number.

    Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

5. Additional Officer Reports

    A. VP of JCP [Geir Magnusson Jr]

       See Attachment 1

    B. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby]

       See Attachment 2

    C. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Greg]

       See Attachment 3

    D. Apache Conference Planning Project [Lars Eilebrecht / J Aaron]

       See Attachment 4

       Some discussion about confusion about the VAT.  Defer to ConCom
       for a recommendation.

    E. Apache Audit Project [Henri Yandell]

       See Attachment 5

       Justin expressed a concern that this needs to show activity next
       month or we need be prepared to implement alternate plans.

    F. Apache Public Relations Project [Jim Jagielski]

       See Attachment 6

    G. Apache Infrastructure Team [Justin Erenkrantz]

       See Attachment 7

    Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

6. Committee Reports

    A. Apache ActiveMQ Project [Hiram Chirino / Justin]

       See Attachment A

    B. Apache Archiva Project [Maria Odea Ching / Bill]

       See Attachment B

    C. Apache Beehive Project [Eddie O'Neil / Sam]

       See Attachment C

    D. Apache Continuum Project [Emmanuel Venisse / Henri]

       See Attachment D

    E. Apache DB Project [Jean T. Anderson / Henning]

       See Attachment E

    F. Apache Directory Project [Emmanuel Lecharny / Geir]

       See Attachment F

    G. Apache Geronimo Project [Kevan Miller / Jim]

       See Attachment G

    H. Apache Hadoop Project [Owen O'Malley / J Aaron]

       See Attachment H

    I. Apache Incubator Project [Noel J. Bergman / Henning]

       See Attachment I

       Some discussion about the difficulty of measuring diversity while
       maintaining the privacy of affiliations.

    J. Apache Jakarta Project [Martin van den Bemt / Jim]

       See Attachment J

    K. Apache JAMES Project [Danny Angus / Justin]

       See Attachment K

    L. Apache Maven Project [Jason van Zyl / Henri]

       See Attachment L

    M. Apache MINA Project [Trustin Lee / Bill]

       See Attachment M

    N. Apache MyFaces Project [Manfred Geiler / Greg]

       See Attachment N

    O. Apache ODE Project [Matthieu Riou / Sam]

       See Attachment O

    P. Apache OpenEJB Project [David Blevins / Geir]

       See Attachment P

    Q. Apache OpenJPA Project [Craig Russell / Greg]

       See Attachment Q

    R. Apache Quetzalcoatl Project [Gregory Trubetskoy / J Aaron]

       See Attachment R

       Aaron to follow up on the missing website and appearance on
       the front page.

    S. Apache Shale Project [Gary VanMatre / Henri]

       See Attachment S

    T. Apache Struts Project [Martin Cooper / Geir]

       See Attachment T

    U. Apache Synapse Project [Paul Fremantle / Jim]

       See Attachment U

    V. Apache Tapestry Project [Howard M. Lewis Ship / Justin]

       See Attachment V

    W. Apache Tcl Project [David N. Welton / Bill]

       See Attachment W

    Committee reports were approved as submitted by General Consent.

7. Special Orders

    A. Update Legal Affairs Committee Membership

       WHEREAS, the Legal Affairs Committee of The Apache Software
       Foundation (ASF) expects to better serve its purpose through the
       periodic update of its membership; and

       WHEREAS, the Legal Affairs Committee is an Executive Committee
       whose membership must be approved by Board resolution.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following ASF member be
       added as a Legal Affairs Committee member:

          Craig Russell <>

       Special order 7A, Update Legal Affairs Committee Membership,
       was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    B. Establish the Apache CXF project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
       Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
       open-source software related to a framework for creating,
       deploying, and consuming services based on SOA design
       principles for distribution at no charge to the public.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache CXF Project", be
       and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and
       be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache CXF Project be and hereby is
       responsible for the creation and maintenance of software related to
       a framework for creating, deploying, and consuming services based on
       SOA design principles; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache CXF" be
       and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve
       at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the
       Apache CXF Project, and to have primary responsibility for
       management of the projects within the scope of responsibility of
       the Apache CXF Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
       Apache CXF PMC:

        - Ulhas Bhole <>
        - Sean O'Callaghan <>
        - Dan Diephouse <>
        - Freeman Yue Fang <>
        - Jarek Gawor <>
        - Jeff Genender <>
        - Eoghan Glynn <>
        - Jim Jagielski <>
        - Willem Ning Jiang <>
        - Eric Johnson <>
        - Peter Jones <>
        - Daniel Kulp <>
        - Bozhong Lin <>
        - Jervis Liu <>
        - Jim Ma <>
        - James Maode Mao <>
        - Benson Margulies <>
        - Glen Mazza <>
        - Guillaume Nodet <>
        - Ajay Paibir <>

       be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache CXF, to serve
       in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of
       Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
       resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until
       a successor is appointed; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache CXF PMC be and hereby is
       tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
       encourage open development and increased participation in the
       Apache CXF Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache CXF Project be and hereby
       is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
       Incubator CXF podling; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
       Incubator CXF podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
       PMC are hereafter discharged.

       Special order 7B, Establish the Apache CXF project,
       was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

8. Discussion Items

    A. The date for ASF Members Meeting was confirmed to be June 3-5.

9. Review Outstanding Action Items

    * Aaron expects to have the books ready by Monday
    * Aaron to follow up on minimizing bank charges
    * Jim to look into establishing a virtual address for the foundation
    * Aaron to follow up with Quetzalcoatl re: site

10. Unfinished Business

11. New Business

12. Announcements

    Bill appreciates the flowers sent
    All expressed appreciation to the Concom on an excellent conference.

13. Adjournment

    Adjourned at 10:59 (Pacific)


Attachment 1: Report from the VP of JCP

Over the last month, Sun offered the ASF a TCK license for Java SE
that while a step in the right direction, failed to comply with the
JSPA on a number of fronts and that nothwithstanding, placed
requirements upon the ASF that weren't acceptable.  Earnest
negotiation with Sun didn't make any progress, and currently
discussion has paused.  I expect that it will resume shortly.

In addition, Sun presented a positive proposal for changes in the
JCP at the last EC conference call, and  I look forward to working
to realize those changes in the JCP in a workable manner.

There was healthy discussion of all of these issues on the members,
legal-internal and Harmony PMC lists, and I am working towards being
able to bring these issues to the entire ASF community at some
point hopefully in the near future.

Attachment 2: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee

Sun has restored Apache License headers to the Jasper code with
Glassfish V3.  Craig Russell was instrumental in making this happen.
I feel this issue is now closed.

In related news, the Legal Affairs Commitee voted to add Craig to the
committee, and it appears as resolution 7A on today's agenda.  From time
to time, I see a number of smaller items that come up on the legal
mailing lists go unaddressed.  I intend to continue to pursue expanding
the Legal Affairs Committee membership.

We received more information on the trademark concern, and this has
resulted in Apache iBATIS beginning the process of renaming Apache
iBATIS Abator to Apache iBATIS iBATOR.

The Legal Affairs committee participated in a number of JCP and Harmony
related discussions.  This is already adequately covered by the report
from the VP of JCP.

The third party licensing policy continues to remain a draft and despite
not being made into a policy, is still useful as a set of guidelines and
hasn't prevented us from making meaningful progress on actual requests
from podlings and PMCs, such as the request as to how Buildr is to treat
dependencies covered under the Ruby license.

There has been discussion regarding WSRP with respect to patents.
While it isn't clear that there is a patent that reads on WSRP, but a
member of the portals PMC sent a request inquiring as to how certain
patents would be licensed by IBM and Web Collage.  Upon review, the
consensus seems to be that the agreement presented to us by Web Collage
is not sufficient for our needs.

POI has a situation where a committer has stated his intent to
revert commits which were made several months ago based on a feeling
that there may be patents which read on the code in question.

Portions of the legal site are in flux, and meta discussion as to when
and who can update the site occur from time to time.  This is normal
and healthy.

Attachment 3: Status report for the Apache Security Team Project

There continues to be a steady stream of reports of various kinds arriving
at These continue to be dealt with promptly by the
security team.  For Mar 2008:

7      Support question
2      Security vulnerability question, but not a vulnerability report
3      Phishing/spam/attacks point to site "powered by Apache"
6      Vulnerability report

Attachment 4: Status report for the Apache Conference Planning Project

General News

* J. Aaron Farr will be the lead of the Web site team of the
  conference committee which is responsible for maintaining
  all Web pages related to the conference committee.

* The conference committee has decided to stop any efforts regarding
  an Apache-related event in Peru for 2008.

* SCP and the conference committee are in the process of discussing
  location and hotel options for ApacheCon Europe 2009. The conference
  may be held in Amsterdam again, but no final decision has been made

Conference Overview

* ApacheCon Europe 2008
  Location and date: Amsterdam, April 7-11, 2008
  Lead: Noirin Shirley
  Co-Lead: Lars Eilebrecht
  Planning list:
  Producer: Stone Circle Productions, Inc.

* ApacheCon US 2008
  Location and date: New Orleans, November 3-7, 2008
  Lead: Shane Curcuru
  Co-Lead: Noel J. Bergman
  Planning list:
  Producer: Stone Circle Productions, Inc.

* OSSummit Asia 2008 (joint-conference with Eclipse Foundation)
  Location and date: (location and date to be defined)
  Leaders: J Aaron Farr, Justin Erenkrantz, Noirin Shirley
  Planning list:
  Producer/Owner: OSSummit LLC

ApacheCon Europe 2008 News

* The Hackathon was attended by about 60 committers and guests
  (10 registered for a single day only).

* A post-conference press release will be published a few weeks
  after the conference.

ApacheCon US 2008 News

* The Call for Papers for ApacheCon US is closed (received more
  than 200 proposals), and the planning meeting was held the
  weekend after ApacheCon Europe 2008 in Amsterdam. Speakers
  will be notified by the end of May.

* The US 2008 Web site is planned to be published by the end of

* The conference committee is discussing changes to the
  overall structure of the conference and hackathon. One
  decision has been to experiment with BarCamp/Unconference
  sessions in addition to regular ApacheCon sessions.
  The current plan is to have single-day BarCamp on the
  Tuesday during the conference, and to combine it with the
  Hackathon in terms of registration.

OSSummit Asia 2008 News

We have a number of speakers who still have tickets to Hong Kong that
need to be used. (Most speakers had their tickets fully reimbursed by
the producer. Some speakers voluntarily held on to their tickets.)
We will try to determine which speakers are in this situation and then
try to either schedule them to go to smaller events to raise
awareness or for a 1-2 day OS Summit conference in Asia later this

We had tentatively set a date of December 2008 for OS Summit Asia in
Shanghai, but, after the recent EclipseCon, the Eclipse Foundation
representatives have decided that this date won't work for them due to
a pending release and an Eclipse board meeting in December. The ASF
is currently contemplating whether to still hold a small event in
December with only local Eclipse representatives.

After discussions with the producer in Amsterdam last week, we have
agreed that our focus should be on building the conference up from the
grassroots. Therefore, we will focus on raising our visibility at
smaller events. We have also decided to substantially scale back the
conference to 1-2 days at most from a longer 5 day ApacheCon-style
event to better fit the regional expectation for these events.

There is a COPU event in Guangzhou in May that J. Aaron and Greg are
planning on attending. Justin and Erik Abele (among others) have
volunteered to also help out OS Summit by attending other regional
events when we decide the promotional/awareness investment is worth

Attachment 5: Status report for the Apache Audit Project

No activity this month - it's expected that things will increase in activity
next month, helping the treasurer with the tax return.

Attachment 6: Status report for the Apache Public Relations Project

The big news is that we have a new Silver Sponsor: IONA. The site has
been updated to reflect this fact. Also, the site has
a new skin, which was "approved" and "released" during ApacheCon EU 08.
Also regarding the Sponsorship Program, we have received verbal
confirmation that Google, HP and Covalent/SpringSource will be
renewing their sponsorship for another year. Both Google and
Covalent/SpringSource have confirmed at the same level.

We have (re)started discussions regarding creating marketing collateral
for the ASF. There seems enough continued interest by enough people
that this may actually reach closure!

The PRC provided approval for for
ASF logo merchandising, as with other select vendors.

The ASF has taken over billing responsibility for our PR Newswire
account after the previous billing party terminated paying for
the account with no real advanced notice at all.

HALO Activities are as follows:

ACTIVITY: Strategic Planning
- Communications Plan/Announcement Schedule (need input from PMCs)
- Researching/Updating Editorial Calendars

ACTIVITY: Content Development
- Revised ASF boilerplate
- Reviewed/Edited Press Release: Synapse 1.1 announcement
- Edited Press Release: 13 December - Yahoo! Platinum Sponsorship
- Drafted Press Release: ASF 2007 Year In Review
- Issued Press Release: ASF 2007 Year In Review
- Drafted Press Release: ApacheCon Registration Open
- Issued Press Release: ApacheCon Registration Open
- Reviewing/Updating ASF/Top-level Project/activity positioning
- Drafting Copy deck: Website News section/second tier page
- Research Archives: ASF-issued press releases post June 1999
- Drafted Press Release: Apache Synapse as TLP/v1.1.1 Available
- Issued Press Release: Apache Synapse as a TLP/v1.1.1 Available
- Potential: ASF GHOP Grand Prize Winner (did not receive ack on request
  to pursue)
- Potential: Apache Lenya v2.0 (did not receive ack on request to pursue)
- Reviewed/Edited ASF Sponsorship presentation for ApacheCon

ACTIVITY: Outreach & Liaison
- Purchased new media lists (quarterly)
- Honing database (ongoing): additional media, influencers, and bloggers
- F2F Meeting with analysts at Forrester and Gartner
- Contacting industry analysts (pre-report time)/influencers: RedMonk,
  Gartner Group, Forrester, The451, ZapThink, O'Reilly, InfoWorld,
  Elemental Media Coordination: Yahoo!, Mark Logic, Radar Networks,
  IT Conversations
- ASF Sponsor Liaison: HP > onto ApacheCon sponsorship Outreach to
  Tim Berners-Lee re: clarification on "Apache/W3C relations"
- Coordinate with Arje Cahn and Hippo PR team to translate/distribute
  ApacheCon press release in Dutch
- Liaising with Delia Frees re: ApacheCon Business Track panel sponsorship
- Response to Markus Stiegler, XDEV Software, re: CeBIT; liaise with
  Charel Morris
- Forwarding contact - Ilan Rabinovitch re: SCALE; liaise with Charel
- Forwarding contact - Armijn Hemel re: Dutch Java Users Group and
  Utrecht Linux Users Group; liaise with Charel Morris
- Re-pinged Tim Berners-Lee re: clarification on "Apache/W3C relations"
  (no return ack)
- Coordinate ASF logo to Arje Cahn/Hippo PR for ApacheCon press release
  in Dutch
- Met with New Orleans officials re: possible community
 outreach/voluntourism for ApacheCon US in November
- ASF Sponsor Liaison: IONA > reviewing press release
+ ApacheCon sponsorship PR
- Forwarded response from Tim Berners-Lee re: clarification on
  "Apache/W3C relations"
- ASF Sponsor Liaison: IONA > - reviewing/editing/following-up/signoff
  press release + ApacheCon sponsorship PR
- Liaised preview of Sourcesense/Microsoft press release with ASF
- Outreach to Scott Lamons/HP to support ASF Sponsorship presentation
  at ApacheCon

ACTIVITY: Media Training
- Secured David Waddington as backup for Media/Analyst training at
  ApacheCon Europe (he'll be on the Business Track Panel)
- Secured Armijn Hemel for Media/Analyst training at ApacheCon Europe
  (possibly joined by Gijs Hellenius)
- Secured Pieter-Paul Spiertz for Media/Analyst training at ApacheCon
- ApacheCon Europe Media Training registrants - for both beginner and
  intermediate classes:

    1 Leo Simons
    2 Noorin Plunkett Shirley
    3 Bertrand Delacretaz
    4 Craig Russell
    5 Wendy Smoak
    6 Arje Cahn
    7 Jukka Zitting (refresher from Austin!)
    8 Mylene Reiners (paid registrant)

- Secured Michael Cote/RedMonk as partner for Media Training + cover the
  ASF's activities during ApacheCon
- will begin in ApacheCon US/New Orleans

- Developing "How to Work with the PRC" (will be part of Intermediate Media Training offered at ApacheCon)
- Developing Announcement Guidelines, Tips, and Timeframes
- Incorporating process into Intermediate Media/Analyst Training for Amsterdam
- Flagged + forwarded 2 instances of process violation of the ASF name/brand by Intaglio; action taken by the PRC
- Process clarification on coordinating "Intro to the ASF" talk with Jim and CDC
- Confirmed/established stock response: no purchase policy for reprints
- Reviewed inquiry on false entry at AboutUs
- Confirmed/established stock response: no book review/endorsements

ACTIVITY: Media Relations/Coordination
- Elise Ackerman/San Jose Mercury News re: Doug Cutting on Wikia Search
- Joe Barr/ re: Security Infestation
- Dennis Byron/ re: ASF 2007 Year in Review (article will appear in 15 February newsletter on Open Source); podcast to be scheduled
- Dennis Byron/ re: Sun-MySQL acquisition
- Clint Boulton/eWeek re: Oracle-BEA acquisition
- Followed up on Jim Jagielski podcast with
- Followed up with PRNewswire to corrected missing content on Synapse release
- Pamela Jones/Groklaw: re: official ASF policy on Sourcesense/Microsoft/POI/OOXML
- Nick Hoover/CMP: re: POI progress

Additional clippings to list previously sent:

Attachment 7: Status report for the Apache Infrastructure Team

Purchased a 1y silver-level Sun support contract from Technologent
regarding OSUOSL-located Sun equipment.

We had the system board and a DIMM in eos replaced under the aforementioned
support contract.

Work continues on setting up bia, our backup host, mainly driven by Tony
Stevenson and Norman Maurer.  Both of them have been granted apmail karma.

Roughly 2 dozen new account requests were processed.

Sun graciously donated a pair of x4150s for use at SARA.   We have brought
one of them online as harmonia, and will be pressing it into service as an
svn mirror site.

A confluence-backed website was hacked into due to an improper permissions
scheme.  As confluence typically does not provide change notifications, no
record of the event was sent to the affected project's mailing lists. It
was later determined by David Blevins that roughly 30 other confluence
spaces were also misconfigured, further reinforcing the opinion of many
infrastructure members that the confluence installation at the ASF is a
bridge to nowhere.

Wendy Smoak continues her excellent work reviewing changes to the Apache
maven repos on repository@.

Gavin McDonald, Norman Maurer, and Tony Stevenson were all granted full
infrastructure karma.

Attachment A: Status report for the Apache ActiveMQ Project


The ActiveMQ community continues to stay vibrant with a very healthy amount
of email traffic flowing through it's email lists. It has also added
several new committers to it's ranks.

New Committers:

* Jim Gomes
* Roman Kalukiewicz
* Willem Jiang
* Claus Ibsen


Development continues at a good pace. Several releases are eminent and may
get fully released by the time this board report is submitted. Those
releases include a bug fix release for ActiveMQ 4.1.2 and ActiveMQ 5.1.0.
We are also reviewing the LICENSE and NOTICE files for conformance with the
recent clarifications on legal-discuss about what they are intended to


* Apache ActiveIO 3.0.1
* Apache ActiveIO 3.1.0
* Apache Camel 1.3.0

ECN Status:

Notices have sent to the BIS/NSA and they have been documented at the official
location .
The only projects using crypto software were:

 * Apache ActiveMQ
 * Apache Camel

Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Archiva Project

This is the first board report submitted by Archiva since becoming a TLP.
Below are the important events that happened in the project since March.


* Archiva 1.0.2 has been released on April 9. 2008.

* Archiva 1.1 is scheduled to be released within the month.


* Archiva is still in the process of moving out of the Maven area. The
  source repository has been migrated into its own space. The mailing lists,
  and the website and software publishing spaces still need to be created.

* No new committers were added since the project became a TLP last March

* Discussed and submitted for the 'feature your project' program for
  ApacheCon US 2008.


* The Java Service Wrapper has moved to GPL for version 3.3.0+. Archiva uses
  this wrapper but will be sticking with the 3.2.3 version.

Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Beehive Project

== General ==
Beehive continues to be pretty quiet.  The project is mature and
doesn't seem to have an obvious "roadmap".  Commits have consisted of
very incremental bug fixing and haven't included net-new feature work
in quite a while.  Questions on the mailing lists tend to be answered
in a timely fashion.  There are no new committers or PMC members (this
would presumably require commits or patches).

== Export Control ==
Beehive is integrated with web application (and other Java enterprise
application) security mechanisms, and while the project doesn't have a
line of encryption code, this integration seems to indicate that
Beehive should be classified as 5D002 as per bullet one of the
definition of ECCN 5D002.  At least, we believe this to be the case;
any thoughts to the contrary are welcome.  No notification e-mails
have been sent (yet).

Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Continuum Project

This is the second board report submitted by Continuum since becoming a TLP.
Below are the important events that happened in the project since March.

* No new release since previous report

* All issues are defined for Continuum 1.2, but the release isn't scheduled yet


* Discussion started to redesign the web site

* Discussion started for the internal architecture in future versions

* Two new Continuum commiters (Olivier and Arnaud) are helping out with vmbuild


* The Java Service Wrapper has moved to GPL for version 3.3.0+. Continuum uses
  this wrapper but will be sticking with the 3.2.3 version.

Attachment E: Status report for the Apache DB Project

It was a busy quarter for Apache DB. Two releases were produced and progress
made towards a third. Three new committers were added, and subprojects were
reviewed for compliance with the export notification policy. Details are below.


- Torque 3.3-RC3 released as 3.3
- JDO 2.1
- Derby is working on version 10.4

New committers:

- Camilla Haase (Derby)
- John Embretsen (Derby)
- Thomas Nielsen (Derby)

Export notification policy:

- TSU notifications are in place for DdlUtils, Derby, OJB, and Torque.
- No notice is needed for JDO.

Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Directory Project

The last quarter was pretty calm, with some intense coding sessions, and
preparation for releases and Apache Conference EU. Two releases will be
done :
  - Apache Directory Server 1.5.2
  - Apache Directory Studio 1.1.0

We have welcomed 2 new committers.


Again, we missed our target, which was to release every 3 months. We missed
it by 6 months ! Last release (1.5.1) was done back in september, and we
tried hard to release for december, with no success.

What happened is that we under estimated our workload and overestimated
our capacity to do it on time. The impact is quite huge as a lot of our
committers were waiting for this new release to move on, as we were
refactoring some major parts of the core server. Hopefully, we are close
to be done with this big refactoring, and we start to see the benefit of

Studio was also expected to be released in december, but we spent 2 months
to change the build system from Ant to Maven. Thanks to Felix and Pierre-
Arnaud, we are done.

So here we are, just in time to release before Apache Conference, as usual !

We gained 15 subscribers on the users' mailing list since last report (112
against 97).

As we released some RC for studio, the number of download has increased
greatly. We are now around 30 000 downloads, including the server.

We are still moving slowly to the 2.0 version, adding some more feature,
working on performance, removing bugs. The server has doubled in size since
the 1.0 version ...

We have had the pleasure to welcome two new committers :
  - Jan Rellermeyer
  - Kiran Ayyagari

Jan will work on all the protocols other than LDAP, and Kiran is currently
implementing some core data structure dedicated for our needs (AVL trees).

At the same time, some long waited cleaning has been done. As MINA and
ADS split last year, the MINA committers don't belongs anymore to the
ADS committers' group. After having asked them, and received their agreement,
they have been removed from the ADS committers list. Here is the list :
  - Dave Irving
  - Julien Vermillard
  - Mike Heath
  - Nicklas Therning
  - Peter Royal

6 ADS committers will be present at Amsterdam.


The long expected StartTLS extended operation has been added last month.

A new API is now used instead of JNDI inside the server, allowing better
control. This is something we want to pursue, eventually down the road to
a RFC or a JSR.

Performance are not as good as the previous version, due to some of the
refactoring. This was expected, and will be fixed in 1.5.3

We have installers for almost all the platforms, but Solaris.


Our priority is to finish the refactoring, so a lot of issues have been
postponed. The server is still 'stable', but we will add new
functionalities in the next few months.

Documentation is lagging... A big effort will have to be done on this
before releasing 2.0 !

Export Notification

The Export Notification procedure has been fulfiled. We are now registred
in the ECCN matrix, the US gov has been notified, the README files have
been updated. I wish we are OK ...

We are on our way to Apache Conference now. The next big thing will be
the september LDAP conference in Germany (?), where we expect to announce
ADS 2.0.

We start to see more and more people who want to use ADS in production
or to integrate it into some product. This is encouraging, even if this
is not the explosion projects like Wicket can have ! It's a long term
project, which needs dedication. Apache is pretty good at that :)

Attachment G: Status report for the Apache Geronimo Project

The Apache Geronimo Project released Geronimo 2.1 on February 15th. Currently
we are working on the 2.1.1 release for April 2008. There are no community
issues for the Board's attention. Details follow.

A new release process
was voted on and accepted by the project.


Geronimo 2.1 was released on February 15th. Preparations for a 2.1.1 release
are underway.


Version 1.0 of the Apache Directory plugin was released in March.

Transaction manager and connector framework 2.1 (January) and 2.1.1
(February) were released.

Work is underway preparing a 2.1 release of the Geronimo Eclipse Plugin.

Genesis 1.4 was released in March with support for our new release process.

XBean 3.3 was released in January, incorporating new function/bug fixes.

Preparations for a 2.1 release of our samples is underway.

The javamail provider jars 1.4 were released in March with 2 bug fixes as
well as the corresponding updates for Genesis 1.4 and new release process.

Our specs were updated with OSGI bundle support (a feature desired by
other projects which use our spec jars) and released in February. These
jars included: activation, annotation, ejb, el, interceptor, j2ee-connector,
j2ee-management, jacc, jaxr, jaxrpc, jms, jpa, jsp, jta, saaj, servlet, and
ws-metadata specs. In addition the javamail and servlet 2.5 specs were
released in March.

Policy Changes:
A new release process
was voted on and accepted by the project.

New Committers:
Viet Nguyen
Jason Warner

PMC Additions:

TCK Access:
Geronimo TCK access was given to Vasily Zakharov who plans on working on
running Geronimo TCK tests using Harmony.

Export Status

Apache Geronimo is currently classified as ECCN 5D002. The PMC feels this is
correct and do not believe any other Geronimo product required ECCN

Other Issues

The PMC had a discussion regarding PMC membership. It was noted that some
PMC members are not currently playing an active role in the community.
Instituting a policy for "emeritus" PMC status was discussed and a
poll/timeout policy for PMC participation was discussed. The concensus
was that as long as PMC activity is strong, the fact that some members
are not actively participating is not a community issue to be overly
concerned with.

Development of a sandbox project, AsyncHttpClient, has effectively been
moved to the Mina community. One committer, Rick McGuire, and one
community member, Sangjin Lee, have earned commit rights to the Mina project.

Attachment H: Status report for the Apache Hadoop Project


The Hadoop Summit ( occurred
on March 25 and had more than 300 people attending. It was well
received by the community.


Development has been active this month with 0.16.2 being released on 2
April 2008. We will likely release 0.16.3 with 7 jiras this week.
Release 0.17, which has 160 jiras, has been branched and will be
released when it is stabilized. Hadoop Core was well represented at
ApacheCon EU with a BOF and 3 talks by Owen O'Malley, Tom White, and
Allen Wittenauer.


The first version of HBase as a subproject, version 0.1.0, was
released on March 28th. We are now working on patches for version
0.1.1, which will be released after hadoop-0.16.2. 6 of 8 identified
issues have been resolved.

With the focus on releasing 0.1.0, progress slowed a bit for release
0.2.0. Since last month, an additional 20 issues have been resolved
and an additional 29 have been identified for a total of 74 out of 102
issues resolved.

Attachment I: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project

As previously noted, CXF is proposing to graduate as a TLP.  The resolution
has been submitted to the Board.  QPid withdrew its proposal, in light of
the fairly strong line that the Incubator PMC is taking on diversity.  There
was some unfortunate public airing of affiliations, but I believe that the
lesson of discussing people on private lists instead of in public has been

The Incubator PMC's experience has been that projects are more often focused
on getting good code done than in preparing to have a diverse PMC, and that
the issue is significant enough to warrant that we emphasize the need to
focus on that diversity.  CXF and Tuscany have both been pushed in that
direction previously, and have reported great satisfaction with the end
result.  Quoting from CXF: "spending additional time in the Incubator to
increase diversity, despite initial resistence, turned out to be very
helpful and the right thing."

Tuscany is discussing graduation again, and although Tuscany is not due to
report this month, they provided an interim report on their own initiative
regarding their status, which I am including in this month's report.  I
won't speak for the Incubator PMC, as we haven't discussed Tuscany's report,
but will indicate my own satisfaction at what I read.

Other than that, pretty much the usual: projects working towards Incubator
releases, such as Abdera, Tuscany, and UIMA; projects clearing IP;
clarification of procedures; etc.

We've reiterate to projects that if Confluence is being used to generate
their web site, the people with edit rights must have a signed CLA on file.


April 2008 Board reports per Incubating project

=== Buildr ===

Description - Buildr is a build system for Java applications written in
Date of Entry - Nov. 2007


Buildr 1.3 is now in feature freeze and we're working to fix outstanding
bugs, complete the documentation and add more test cases.  As indicated in
the previous report, we worked on multi-language support, adding Scala and
Groovy to the mix, and also using RSpec (Ruby) to test Java code.  JRuby 1.1
is now an official deployment platform for Buildr, alongside MRI 1.8.


Traffic on the mailing list is definitely picking up, as are feature
requests and bug reports.  Victor Hugo Borja joined as committer.

Issues before graduation

Legal has addressed our licensing issues specific to Ruby project, and we're
ready to make a 1.3 release.  From then it's business as usual: continuing
to build a healthy community around Buildr.

=== CouchDB ===

CouchDB is a distributed document-oriented database system written in
Erlang. The project entered incubation on February 12th, 2008.

The infrastructure (SVN, JIRA, mailing lists, and web-site) has been set up,
and the team has moved source, documentation, and bug reports from their
former homes to the ASF.

Work has continued on removing code forked from other projects from the
CouchDB codebase. This includes Mozilla SpiderMonkey, the code for which
was previously included with CouchDB in slightly modified form. Instead, it
is now treated as an external compile-time dependency via a custom C wrapper
using the SpiderMonkey API. Also, work is currently in progress on
replacing the dependency on a forked version of `inets`, which is part of
the Erlang standard library (EPL), with the MIT-licensed MochiWeb library.
For the time being, the MochiWeb code is included in the CouchDB codebase,
mostly because there has been no official release of that library yet.

=== CXF ===

Project Name - Apache CXF

Description - SOA enabling framework, web services toolkit

Date of Entry - August 2006

Items to resolve before graduation:
 * Nothing - vote to graduate to a TLP has passed in the CXF community and
the Incubator PMC.   Only thing left is the approval of the board.

Community aspects:
 * JBoss has started filing JIRA issues as they work to integrate CXF into
JBoss as a webservice stack.
 * Have worked with ServiceMix folks to provide an OSGi bundle for CXF to
use for ServiceMix 4's webservice stuff.
 * Camel has also done some work to integrate CXF better.
 * Combined the Axis 2 and CXF JAX-WS TCK efforts into a single project
with a single SVN repo and single mailing list to reduce duplicated effort
and to share knowledge.
 * Lots of testing and final bug fixing for 2.1 which should be released
 * Lots of interest in the new JAX-RS stuff in 2.1.

Code aspects:
 * Released 2.0.4-incubator fixing over 50 issues found by users.
 * Released 2.0.5-incubator fixing over 30 issues found by users.
 * Finalizing 2.1

=== Imperius ===

Imperius has been incubating since November 2007.

Imperius is a rule-based infrastructure management tool

The source code has been re-organized into a maven-friendly repository

Code: The following code was checked in:
1. Eclipse based tooling for Imperius with Java binding.
2. Client side (non-provider) Imperius with CIM binding.
3. Imperius with CIM binding running as a CIM provider.
4. Eclipse based tooling for Imperius with CIM binding.

Web site: Documentation added:
1. A SPL Language reference has been added to the documentation
2. A SPL Editor Guide has been added to the documentation


Two of the original committers have had accounts created. We are still
waiting for the arrival of ICLAs for the others before creating accounts for

A new committer, Erik Bengtson, was voted in. Erik was already a committer
on another Apache project.

=== JSPWiki ===

JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007.

JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program.

During the past three months since our last report, the JSPWiki community
has grown nicely.  Currently over 120 people are monitoring the user mailing
list, and over 50 on the dev list.  Apache JIRA has been integrated to our
workflows, and the influx of patches seems to be growing steadily.

The JSPWiki development has been moved to the Apache SVN, and almost all
code has been relicensed under the Apache 2.0 license.  A few files still
remain under LGPL, mostly pending CLAs which have not yet found their way to

During the past three months, the 2.6 LGPL branch has seen two bug fix
releases using our old release mechanism, and the development for the 2.8
release is currently ongoing in the SVN trunk.

=== RCF ===

RCF is a rich component set for JSF which supports AJAX. We are in the
process of analyzing and removing undesired dependencies of our code to be
compliant in the OpenSource world. Incubating since: May 2007.

The project sources have not yet been committed to Apache svn.

Issues before graduation:

 * Bring the sources to Apache
 * build a community around the code

=== JuiCE ===

JuiCE is being voted on for dormant status.

=== Lucene.Net ===

Lucene.Net has been struggling with the absence of the only committer
(George Aroush).  A handful of the top contributors are in the process of
rallying and proposing themselves as future committers and rejuvenating the
project.  There is interest here, but it has been a tough time for this

Perhaps we could liason with Microsoft (Bill Rowe might take point) on
publicizing and promoting ASF .NET/C# projects.

=== PDFBox ===

Apache PDFBox is an open source Java PDF library for working with PDF
documents. PDFBox entered incubation on February 7th, 2008.

The contents of the issue trackers at SourceForge have been migrated to
Jira. We've also created a pdfbox-users mailing list and plan to point
people from the SourceForge support forums to that list. The project sources
have not yet been migrated to Apache svn.

Issues before graduation:

 * Bring the sources to Apache
 * Increase community size and activity
 * Release once all licensing and export issues are resolved

=== Qpid ===

Qpid is an AMQP implementation, providing an interoperable messaging

In incubation since 2006-08-27

 * We attempted a graduation vote. Going into our graduation vote we had
thought that we needed a diverse committer base (which we have), however we
came to learn that the PMC also needs good diversity (yes - thinking about
this it is logical). So we stopped our graduation vote in order to add
representation on our PPMC, even though we do have at least 3 legally
independent members. We will take some time to add committers to our PPMC.
To be specific, we took away to (a.) increase our committer base + (b) have
a more diverse PMC for graduation (The project at graduation vote time
included Red Hat, another employer + Rupert Smith(independent)). So we will
add committers and PPMC members before re-requesting a vote.

 * No other issues (other than diversity) for graduation.

 * M2.1 release in progress
 * Lots of new people doing stuff on project
 * Working through GSoC submission (8)
 * New Camel supports Qpid:

 * Seem to have had our status page revert, must have fat fingered it --
need to recover the correct version and fix

=== Sanselan ===

Sanselan has been in incubation since September 2007.

Sanselan is a pure-java image library for reading and writing a variety of
image formats.

The community hasn't grown in the past three months. There have been commits
from only two people. No patches from contributors, yet.

There was work on EXIF metadata read/write support and some changes were
made to prepare for a first release.

=== Shindig ===

Shindig is a reference implementation of the OpenSocial and gadgets stack.

Incubating since: 2007-12-06

High-level status summary: Shindig making rapid progress since inception in
December 2007.

   * Introduced a new committer, primarily focused on PHP server
   * Participating in Summer of Code to help build the community
   * Giving Fast Feather talk and hosting Shindig BoF at ApacheCon EU
   * Technical progress:
         * Initial infrastructure for OAuth and signing keys, and completed
crpyto compliance
         * Discussions around RESTful implementation design
         * Refactoring to introduce a proper sample container, especially
for OpenSocial data
         * Improved integration and extension support

=== Tika ===

Apache Tika is a toolkit for detecting and extracting metadata and
structured text content from various documents using existing parser
libraries. Tika entered incubation on March 22nd, 2007.


 * Niall Pemberton joined the project as a committer and PPMC member
 * The number of issues reported by external contributors is growing
 * There was a Fast Feather Talk on Tika in ApacheCon EU 2008
 * We have good contacts especially with Apache POI and PDFBox


 * We are working towards Tika 0.2
 * Metadata handling improvements are being discussed

Issues before graduation:

 * Increase the size of the community

=== Tuscany ===

We'd like to take this opportunity to share information about how
Apache Tuscany project has positively moved forward to build a larger
community that is more integrated within the Apache ecosystem.

- We have welcomed 3 new committers, and have a new one being voted.
- And added new PPMC members.
- We have also experienced an increase in the number of user generated
patches, from an average of 4 in the last months of 2007 to  7 in
March, and other 7 only on the first days of current month.
- We have welcomed many new community members who are beginning to
learn Tuscany or are at a point of wanting to contribute
- We also noticed traction from China and would like to thank the
Tuscany contributors who have been instrumental for creating that
awareness. This effort includes  contribution of a Chinese version of
the Tuscany website.
- Actively participated in GSOC and mentored students and
we have 8 good proposals being evaluated at the moment.
- We have enhanced our website and user documentation, and this has
paid off with great feedback from the community [1], here is what J
Aaron Farr posted in his blog :  " ... One interesting observation was
that the Tuscany team got started faster thanks to good project
documentation and fewer software prerequisites...."
- And some of the Tuscany Users have also been providing us with great
feedback of their success using Tuscany in their first try [2].

The Tuscany community also spent great amount of time extending
Tuscany to integrate with other Apache projects:

 - Apache Abdera for our Atom binding support
 - Apache ActiveMQ
 - Apache Axis2 for WebServices biding
 - Apache Derby
 - Apache Felix for OSGI runtime support
 - Apache Geronimo as a first-class integrated hosting platform for Tuscany
 - Apache ODE for BPEL engine integration
 - Apache OpenJPA
 - Apache Tomcat as hosting platform
 - etc

And we have also noticed interest from other open source projects:
 - Eclipse STP for SCA Tooling is available for Tuscany SCA release 1.1 [3]
 - Also the Eclipse ELIF project has been integrating with Tuscany SCA [4]

Tuscany community participated in many conferences and wrote journal
articles to create awareness around Tuscany and help expand the

 - ApacheCon
 - JavaOne 2007 and 2008
 - OASIS Symposium
 - SOA World
 - Asia Open Source Symposium Asia Open Source Symposium Code Fest
 - Presentations at Universities in  (China, US, UK, Brazil)
 - Articles in Brazilian Magazines, Java Developer Journal and Chinese
technical magazine
 - PyCon Italia Due Conference (Italy)

And also, we have continued to deliver various Tuscany releases.

We would like to thank our mentors and the community as a whole for
the tremendous effort that has been put into creating the open and
growing community that we are experiencing today.

Further information is also available in the Tuscany Incubator Status page


=== UIMA ===

UIMA is a component framework for the analysis of unstructured content
such as text, audio and video. UIMA entered incubation on October 3,

Some recent activity:

   * The UIMA Tooling Eclipse Plugins are now available from an Eclipse
update site on our web page.

   * Version 2.2.2, our fourth incubator release, is currently up for vote
on uima-dev.

  * Also up for vote for its first release is the Annotator Package, a
selection of useful plug-ins for UIMA that were developed as part of our
sandbox.  Our hope is that this will help encourage others to participate in
submitting their own components to the sandbox, and ultimately to become
UIMA committers.

   * UIMA-AS (Asynchronous Scaleout), an extension to UIMA that uses JMS
and Apache ActiveMQ is nearing its first release.  There has been a lot of
development work on this recently.  Temis, a commercial company using UIMA,
has expressed interest in joining the development work around this new
capability, and we welcome their participation.

  * The Cas Editor is now ready for its first release inside the UIMA
project, and we expect it to be out shortly after the base UIMA 2.2.2

Items to complete before graduation:

   *  We still need to attract more new committers.


   *  We continue to do outreach to attract new contributors, which may
become committers. We hope that the upcoming release of the Annotator
Package and UIMA-AS will help.

   *  There's a good amount of traffic on both the dev and user list.

   *  There'll be an academic UIMA workshop at LREC 2008 (major
data-oriented computational linguistics conference).

Attachment J: Status report for the Apache Jakarta Project


I like to thank Sebastian Bazley, Stefan Bodewig and Niall Pemberton (sorry
if I forgot to mention others) for helping out when I was not available.
For some of the lists there was only
one moderator (myself) and that single point of failure has now been solved
by 2 volunteers (thanks). I have been offline a lot lately (and having a
hard time catching up on the mail after that offline period) and will improve
communication about that, so people know that I am not available.


Jakarta Cactus 1.8 was released on 12-4-2008

Community changes

Petar Tachiev was added to the Jakarta PMC.
Roland Weber resigned from the Jakarta PMC.


Some development takes place and user questions are answered.


(Rony Flatscher)
As BSF 2.4 and 3.0 has matured, there is actually not much one needs to do, so
a "calm BSF" list is a good sign. There are a few little open issues, which
will be addressed.


Cactus had a new release in a long time, so it is very good to see that code
that is unmaintained can be brought back to life by enthouisiastic souls.
Release notes :
This version contains several changes in the
ant-integration module. More specifically we merged Cactus with the
Cargo project so that we can manipulate the containers with the Cargo
framework. We also migrated our build system to Maven, which brings a
new module separation internally in the project.


Patches are applied and user questions are answered.


Sebestian will update the ECCN page for JMeter and I will send over the TSU
A lot of activity and development as always

Nothing to report :


Retired Projects


The slide webdav client has been forked to sourceforge
( by a user.

Attachment K: Status report for the Apache JAMES Project

James has enjoyed a quietly productive quarter.
We still have no consensus around medium or long term road map for the
project, but work progresses on the refactoring of the trunk, and a
number of proposals for taking this work further are being considered
without too much controversy.

Debate continues as to whether we should aim to release the trunk as a
new major version, or to continue to develop the current stable 2.x
branch while taking a longer term view of the code in the trunk

In particular the separation between Mailets and James is being
considered, making the mailets which are used in James into a
portable, and platform agnostic collection of email functionality.

We have been contacted by a number of potential Google summer of code
students this year, and one of these has submitted a solid proposal
based on one of our suggestions. We hope that this proposal is

There have been no releases or new commiters since the last report.

As to the item on cryptography the JAMES entries at are correct and up to date.

James distributions include a crypto notice.

I am unsure as to whether this means that JAMES PMC have any
outstanding actions in relation to this or not. Perhaps someone could
clarify this for us?

The JAMES project released jSPF 0.9.6  on the 8th of April 08.
jSPF is a 100% java implementation of the SPF (Sender Policy
Framework) standard and complies fully with RFC 4408.

Attachment L: Status report for the Apache Maven Project

Maven Board Report - April 2008

* General Information

  * A new release process was trialed with the Maven 2.0.9 release. This
    process focused on quality by introducing Release Candidate builds
    first to the dev team and then to the wider user community. We identified
    many regressions from 2.0.8 to 2.0.9 during this and were able to fix
    them all over 8 RC builds. We feel that this is a positive step forward
    to improving the quality of the core releases. This is significant and
    will be integrated into our standard process for major releases of Maven.
  * Jason has talked with Joe and Justin about transferring the
    domain over to Apache. Justin just needs to initiate the transfer from
    the Apache side and that should be that.
  * Continuum has completed the process of transferring resources out of
    Maven into the new top level project established in February
  * Archiva has begun the process of transferring resources out of Maven
    into the new top level project established in March

* New PMC Members

  Olivier Lamy
  Milos Kleint

* New Committers

  Benjamin Bentmann
  Paul Gier

* Releases

  * Maven 2.0.9 (Thursday, April 10th, 2008)
  * Archiva 1.0.2 (Wednesday, April 9th, 2008 - included for completeness)
  * Archiva 1.0.1 (Sunday February 3th, 2008)


  * Maven Dependency Plugin 2.0 (Friday January 25th, 2008)
  * Maven Surefire 2.4.1 (Tuesday February 5th, 2008)
  * Maven Archetype Plugin 2.0-alpha-1 (Friday February 8th, 2008)
  * Maven Surefire 2.4.2 (Wednesday February 20th, 2008)
  * Maven Archetype Plugin 2.0-alpha-2 (Friday February 22nd, 2008)
  * Maven Stage Plugin 1.0-alpha-1 (Friday February 22nd, 2008)
  * Maven Assembly Plugin 2.2-beta-2 (Friday, February 29, 2008)
  * Maven Shade Plugin 1.0 (Tuesday March 4th, 2008)
  * Maven Javadoc Plugin 2.4 (Thursday March 13th, 2008)
  * Maven Eclipse Plugin 2.5 (Tuesday March 18th, 2008)
  * Maven Plugin Tools 2.4 (Tuesday March 18th, 2008)
  * Maven Shade Plugin 1.0.1 (Thursday March 20th, 2008)
  * Maven Plugin Tools 2.4.1 (Tuesday March 25th, 2008)
  * Maven Eclipse Plugin 2.5.1 (Saturday April 5th, 2008)


  * Continuum TLP Resolution (Monday February 11th, 2008)
  * Maven Parent 8 (Friday February 29th, 2008)
  * Maven Repository Builder 1.0-alpha-2 (Shared component)
    (Friday, February 29, 2008)
  * Archiva TLP Resolution (Tuesday March 4th, 2008)
  * Maven Shared Components 9 (Friday March 14th, 2008)
  * Apache Jar Resource Bundle 1.4 (Thursday March 20th, 2008)
  * Maven Remote Resources 1.0 (Thursday March 20th, 2008)
  * Maven Reporting Implementation (Tuesday March 25th, 2008)

Attachment M: Status report for the Apache MINA Project

We released two backward-compatible minor bug fix releases - MINA 1.0.9
and 1.1.6. Most importantly, MINA 2.0.0-M1 has been release after long
long development.

We have set up two subprojects; FtpServer and AsyncWeb. The dedicated
mailing list for FtpServer users has been created. AsyncWeb currently
has two implementations for the client side HTTP. One is from Geronimo
contributors and the other is from MINA contributors. Both contributors
have agreed to merge the two implementations into one. As a result of
the effort to accelerate the merger, Sangjin Lee and Rick McGuire joined
the MINA team.

MINA project itself also has set up the dedicated mailing list for MINA
users due to increasing number of questions and answers in the developer

On the other hand, we are seeing a few important incoming contribution
such as Scala binding (Rich Dougherty) and proxy support (James Furness
and Edouard De Oliveira). They are good candidates as MINA team members
and we are going to keep our eyes on them and their contribution.

Noteworthy Features
We have moved immature traffic shaping/throttling feature from the trunk
to the sandbox not to deliver broken implementation. It shouldn't hurt
MINA itself because traffic shaping/throttling can be always done in
most modern operating systems (aka QoS support.)

Both AsyncWeb and FtpServer need to integrate their web site into its
parent site. It's purely a matter of time and effort, so I believe it
will be resolved this quarter.

Except that, I don't see any issue that requires the board's attention.

Attachment N: Status report for the Apache MyFaces Project

 * Some community changes
 * New releases
 * New Design for MyFaces Website
 * JSF 2.0 collaboration with Sun

 * One new committer since last report
 * Wendy Smoak resigned from the PMC
 * Simon Kitching and Scott O'Bryan joined the PMC

 * MyFaces sub projects with new releases since the last report:
    - MyFaces Core 1.2.x
    - MyFaces Tobago
    - MyFaces Trinidad 1.1.x
    - MyFaces Trinidad 1.2.x
    - MyFaces Orchestra
    - MyFaces Portlet Bridge

New web design
 * Thanks to Adonis Raduca our MyFaces Website [1] shines in new splendor.
   Adonis has also worked hard on new Logos for the various MyFaces
   sub projects.

JSF 2.0 collaboration with Sun
 * There where some discussions about joining forces with community
   (="Sun") for upcoming JSF 2.0. Some suggested to contribute to the JSF 2.0
   reference implementation at instead of starting our own Apache
   MyFaces JSF 2.0 implementation.
   Conclusion: Due to license issues this seems rather hypothetical. Project
   Mojarra [2] (= the Sun JSF 2.0 RI) is currently CDDL+GPL. Unless
   Sun switches Mojarra to Apache License (which seems very unlikely!) and/or
   donates their code to the ASF it is impossible to contribute to this
   project as a community. Of course, everybody is free to contribute as an
   Experience from JSF 1.2 has shown that finishing a JSF 2.0 implementation
   might become an exhausting process. And there seems to be some kind of
   pessimism in the community.
   My personal feelings are: There will definitely be an Apache MyFaces JSF 2.0
   implementation. Only question is: when!


Attachment O: Status report for the Apache ODE Project

There are no specific issue necessitating the board attention at the


We've released 1.1.1 which was mostly an incremental release as
expected. Users feedback has been good. We're now preparing for a 1.2
but we'll need to stabilize our trunk first.


The most significant feature addition this quarter is the support for
the HTTP WSDL binding. We're also going to start stabilizing trunk
that includes support for transaction propagation, reliable messaging
and BPEL extensions (with a cute Javascript extension example).
Parallely we're progressing slowly but surely on some research
projects for a simplified orchestration language and workflow.


The HTTP WSDL binding has been contributed by a newcomer and we're
monitoring him closely to eventually vote him as a committer if his
involvement persists. A couple of users also have been reliably
submitting bugs and patches, which could eventually lead to something
more significant.

Attachment P: Status report for the Apache OpenEJB Project

The highlight of early February was the release of OpenEJB 3.0 beta 2 which
was very well received and triggered another small increase in overall
users@openejb.a.o traffic. We've also seen some encouraging growth signs we
haven't seen for quite a while: users answering each other's questions; first
time posters saying "we've added this feature, do you want it?"; more
questions answerable with documentation links; random new faces on IRC.

Work on OpenEJB 3.0 final began towards the end of February with the first
binaries up for vote on March 11th. Some wonderful feedback on both the dev
and users list revealed some critical technical issues with those binaries
and the vote was cancelled so that the issues could be fixed. Several members
of the community went the extra mile to help get issues fixed and the release
out the door. After steady stream of bug fixes, legal file maintenance, and a
few more aborted votes, the long anticipated OpenEJB 3.0 Final was released
April 12th. The binaries proposed a month prior pale in comparison to the
binaries eventually released and we are all very pleased with the quality of
the 3.0 final. We are very excited to see what kind of a splash 3.0 will make
and expect a 3.0.1 will be required soon.

The work contributor Jonathan Gallimore has been doing with an OpenEJB
Eclipse plugin has taken root with other developers in the community and
development naturally changed from code drops to frequent patches and
discussion. A big thank you to committer Daniel Haischt for contributing to
the Eclipse plugin and giving Jonathan someone to work with and the
opportunity to demonstrate his collaborative skills. A bigger thank you to
Jonathan for his patience.

Attachment Q: Status report for the Apache OpenJPA Project


OpenJPA has shipped another maintenance release, OpenJPA 1.0.2, and is
planning a minor feature release, OpenJPA 1.1.0.

The crypto web page was reviewed and OpenJPA does not fall into the
category ECCN 5D002, and therefore needs no special export classification.


EasyBeans has integrated OpenJPA to provide JPA services. EasyBeans is
an open source, lightweight and modular EJB3 container hosted by the
OW2 consortium. EasyBeans is the EJB container
of the JOnAS application server.
OpenJPA is the default persistence provider in some JOnAS packages.

OpenJPA continues to experience an increase in email subscriptions and
activity. There are over 140 subscribers to both dev and users.
The dev list currently logs approximately 300 messages per month;
the users list around 250.

Several new contributors have uploaded patches to JIRA issues.

The community is working well together. Questions from the community
are answered promptly, often resulting in a JIRA being filed.


There has been little traffic on the openjpa-private alias, reflecting
the relative calm of the project.

Marc Prud'hommeaux has resigned from the OpenJPA PMC. He was a strong
community member and will be welcomed back when/if he returns.

The PMC continues to track contributors with an eye toward making them
committers, and committers PMC members.


OpenJPA 1.0.2 has shipped. The maintenance branch 1.0.x
currently is tracking bugs fixed in the trunk and currently has a few

The need for a new release based on the trunk has been identified, and
a volunteer will be recruited to release the update while work goes on
in the trunk.

It was brought to the attention of the PMC that the 1.0.2 release was not
properly signed before being distributed. Releases will be subject to
a bit more oversight in future.

Attachment R: Status report for the Apache Quetzalcoatl Project

Things continue to be very quiet on the Quetz/mod_python front. No new
releases have been made since the last report and none are planned for
the near future.

Attachment S: Status report for the Apache Shale Project

The Shale project does not have any product distributions that contain
or use cryptography. Craig McClanahan has stepped down as chair and
Gary VanMatre has taken this role. Shale is moving for a 1.0.5 release
lead by Greg Reddin. This release will contain all Shale libraries.

Attachment T: Status report for the Apache Struts Project

This quarter, we released Struts GA, a security release that
addresses possible XSS issues. A Struts 2.1 release came closer to
reality, and is largely awaiting a release of Struts Annotations 1.0.3,
which is in the works. There are also plans for a Struts 1.3.10 release
in the near future.

In an initiative from a member of the community, in which said member
offered to pay a small sum to the person who fixed the most issues in a
specified period of time, we had a flurry of issues resolved and patches
applied. The winner of the "Closer" award fixed 10 out of the 24 qualifying
fixes, and is one of our newest committers, Wes Wannemacher.

During the quarter, we added two new committers, Wes Wannemacher and Jeromy
Evans. As part of a PMC "clean up", in which we encouraged inactive PMC
members to declare themselves emeritus if they did not expect to become
active again in the near future, we had eight departures from the PMC,
namely Patrick Lightbody, Greg Reddin, Ian Roughley, Jason Carreira, Gary
VanMatre, Hubert Rabago, Joe Germuska, and Craig McClanahan.

Attachment U: Status report for the Apache Synapse Project

= Progress on TLP =
Everything is now in place.

= Notable Happenings =
There has been significant work done towards our next release.
Discussion on user and dev lists continues to increase.

= Export controls =
We are up to date and ready for our next release.

Attachment V: Status report for the Apache Tapestry Project

Tapestry PMC

The Tapestry PMC has voted in three new committers: Daniel Jue,
Ted Steen and Kevin Menard.

Tapestry 5

Voted on preview release 5.0.8, which was retracted due to the presence
of a blocker bug, identified by Andreas Andreou. The system works!

Reviewed the export notification policy
( and found nothing in the
Tapestry code base that would be in violation.

Released Tapestry 5.0.9, 5.0.10 and 5.0.11. We are progressing towards
API stability and a release candidate.

Resolved an licensing conflict due to the use of a LGPL JavaScript
Calendar; replaced the library with an ASL licensed equivalent.

Attachment W: Status report for the Apache Tcl Project

After some activity last quarter, this one has been very quiet for the
Apache Tcl community, so there is nothing requiring board attention to

End of minutes for the April 16, 2008 board meeting.
