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- Original The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
June 25, 2008
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 10:00am (Pacific) and began at
10:02 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a
quorum was recognized by the chairman. The meeting was held
via teleconference, hosted by Jim Jagielski and Covalent.
IRC #asfboard on was used for backup
2. Roll Call
Directors Present:
Bertrand Delacretaz
Justin Erenkrantz
J Aaron Farr
Jim Jagielski
Geir Magnusson Jr
William Rowe Jr
Sam Ruby
Henning Schmiedehausen
Greg Stein
Directors Absent:
Shane Curcuru
Kevan Miller
Craig Russell
Paul Querna
Noirin Shirley joined at 10:15
Sander Striker
Henri Yandell
3. Minutes from previous meetings
Minutes (in Subversion) are found under the URL:
A. The meeting of April 16, 2008
See: board_minutes_2008_04_16.txt
Approved by General Consent.
B. The meeting of May 21, 2008
See: board_minutes_2008_05_21.txt
Approved by General Consent.
4. Executive Officer Reports
A. Chairman [Jim]
The big news is, of course, the annual members meeting from
earlier this week. We added in over a dozen new members, and are
awaiting word of acceptance from just the last one or two people.
Once we've heard back from all new members, we can officially
announce their names. One way or another, this will be done at
the July board meeting.
Also at the meeting the new board was elected. All directors from
the 2007-2008 year, except for Henri, were up for re-election and,
in fact, all were re-elected (the new director filling the open
slot vacated by Henri is Bertrand Delacretaz). I find this quite
noteworthy. Despite the obvious (as well as exaggerated) "difficulties"
the board had in finding its groove, the membership still considered
the board doing a well enough job to be re-elected. This "outside
view" is a good thing to keep in mind; when too close, sometimes
perceptions are distorted (this does not imply, of course, that
there are not problems that need further fixing).
It is quite likely that at this meeting we will take another
growth step, by separating out the role of EVP to help better
distribute workload for directors and officers. IMO, we have
always been better served with evolutionary rather than
revolutionary changes and enhancements, so this is a Good Thing.
It is anticipated that this will result in better utilization
of the EA, through no fault or inadequacy of his own.
Without a doubt, 2008-2009 will be an interesting, yet fun and
exciting, year for the ASF.
B. President [Justin]
One of my key objectives for the upcoming year is to try to actively
delegate key items off of my immediate sphere of responsibilities.
In informal discussions, it seems that the Board is receptive to
such delegation.
In light of that, I asked for a volunteer to be primarily
responsible for our infrastructure. Paul Querna has stepped
up, hence I am transitioning the oversight of infrastructure to
Paul going forward with all deliberate speed.
I also welcome the nomination of Sander Striker as Executive
Vice President. If we are both confirmed, he and I will
discuss how to further off-load some of my responsibilities.
It may end up being formalized (with certain areas assigned to
one individual) or it may be a more 'just-in-time' fluid
delegation based on available time.
The Geronimo PMC has approached the infrastructure team
requesting some machines for testing[1]. After discussions
with the Geronimo PMC, the approximate cost of the requested
machines is around $10,000 ($9,970.69 or $9,648.73 depending
upon memory configuration). This would be a special allocation
above and beyond the previously discussed machine plan. Given
the power constraints at OSU OSL (not forseen to be eased until
next year), we would likely have to build out a new data center
to support this. One possible option is a data center in
Florida (near our contract sysadmin) that will run about
$500/month. There will also be some setup costs to build out a
new data center (switches, cables, etc, etc.).
Some expressed a concern about precedent that supporting
project specific machines without a clear set of pre-defined
criteria, and how this will impact our ability to create a
A suggestion was made to explore EC2. Paul to go back to
Geronimo PMC to ask them to explore this. Henri will explore
if there is any possibility of Amazon providing special rates.
Additionally, the board pre-authorizes $10K for one time
hardware costs and $500 per month for hosting or EC2.
C. Treasurer [J Aaron]
No significant financial contributions in the last month.
The automatic payments to our contractors had not been updated
to reflect pay increases from the last round of contracts. All
back-pay has been settled this month. This is the cause of the
extra contractor costs this month.
The tax process has not yet started. It's my next major task.
Before that I'd like to get the accounts for the credit cards
up to date in our books. Given my current schedule this is
probably something we could have one of our assistants handle
and I'd like to discuss that.
Need to follow-up with audit committee on closing the books and
getting the necessary records to them. I expect this process
will result in several changes, such as the recording of
electronic bank/credit-card statements each month and proper
collection of receipts. We're lacking in all of these areas.
Many thanks to Bill Rowe for pushing this process forward.
Statement of Financial Income and Expense
May 22 through June 25, 2008
Ordinary Income/Expense
Interest Income 243.48
Contributions Income
Unrestricted 208.17
Total Contributions Income 208.17
Total Income 451.65
Bank Service Charges 289.96
Contract Labor 2,200.00
Postage and Delivery 19.95
Program Expenses
Public Relations Staff 2,222.22
Infrastructure Staff 7,000.00
Total Program Expenses 9,222.22
Total Expense 11,732.13
Net Ordinary Income -11,280.48
Net Income -11,280.48
Statement of Financial Position
As of June 25, 2008
Jun 25, 08 May 21, 08 $ Change % Change
Current Assets
Paypal 14,073.17 13,917.23 155.94 1.1%
Wells Fargo Analyzed Account 89,316.15 100,996.05 -11,679.90 -11.6%
Wells Fargo Savings 157,214.03 156,970.55 243.48 0.2%
Total Checking/Savings 260,603.35 271,883.83 -11,280.48 -4.2%
Total Current Assets 260,603.35 271,883.83 -11,280.48 -4.2%
TOTAL ASSETS 260,603.35 271,883.83 -11,280.48 -4.2%
*NOTE: when we have the credit card records up to date in
QuickBooks, I'll be including total liabilities in the report
as well.
Aaron to task the EA to do some data entry tasks, coordinating
this effort with Justin and Jim as required.
D. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Sam]
8 grants, 58 iclas, and 6 cclas have been processed since the last board
16 new members were elected. To date, 14 have accepted. Forms
are due by 05 July 2008. Reminders have been sent to the two
remaining member-elects.
3 members went emeritus. It is my hope that we can eventually
revise the process to make it easier for emeritus members who
did so voluntarily (which I believe means all of them to date) can be
easily and quickly reinstated.
Of the 24 proxy requests received, 12 were via fax, and 12 were
electronically signed.
New credit cards were issued for Sam and Aaron. Current plan is for
Sam to give Aaron his card at OSCON.
New forwarding address established for the Wells Fargo lock box.
The various licensing agreement documents were updated to indicate
that they should be sent to the Wells Fargo address where they
will be forwarded. While I have received mail from Wells Fargo,
I have yet to receive forwarded mail, but this information was
only advertised fairly recently.
Sebastian Bazley has been effectively providing auditing services
for the records; both realtime (as they are being captured) and
historical. This is very much appreciated.
The officers/iclas.txt and officers/cclas.txt both contain an
indication that "It is always best to try and handle the CLAs entirely
through the Secretary" -- something that various directors have
chosen to interpret differently. To make things more consistent
I would like to open things up so that any officer may update
these files (as well as grants.txt) PROVIDED that they also
place a scanned image of the documents in question into the
private/documents repository at the same time.
A records-discuss mailing list has been established to cover topics
relating to record keeping in general at the ASF. This is intentionally
broader than what the secretary is responsible for.
Board minutes were made available for review promptly after the
meeting. I've written an application to assist with the capture
and publishing (both for internal review and to the external
website) of minutes. Additionally, the board calendar now lists
the special orders considered in each meeting. This has already
proven to be handy.
No change to the officers recording policy will be made at
this time.
Justin notes that as of a week ago, he was still getting mail
which was sent to the lockbox. We will continue to monitor it.
Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
5. Additional Officer Reports
1. VP of JCP [Geir Magnusson Jr]
See Attachment 1
Geir to work with the PRC to work out how to pro-actively
generate press interest and awareness around this issue.
2. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby]
See Attachment 2
3. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Sam]
See Attachment 3
4. Apache Conference Planning Project [Lars Eilebrecht / Bill]
See Attachment 4
There is no update or revised status for OSSummit.
5. Apache Audit Project [Henri Yandell / Jim]
See Attachment 5
6. Apache Public Relations Project [Jim Jagielski]
See Attachment 6
7. Apache Infrastructure Team [Justin Erenkrantz]
See Attachment 7
Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
6. Committee Reports
A. Apache Ant Project [Conor MacNeill / Geir]
See Attachment A
B. Apache APR Project [Bill Rowe]
See Attachment B
C. Apache Archiva Project [Maria Odea Ching / Greg]
See Attachment C
D. Apache Cayenne Project [Andrus Adamchik / J Aaron]
See Attachment D
E. Apache Commons Project [Torsten Curdt / Justin]
See Attachment E
F. Apache CXF Project [J. Daniel Kulp / Henning]
See Attachment F
G. Apache Excalibur Project [Carsten Ziegeler / Bertrand]
See Attachment G
H. Apache Felix Project [Richard Hall / J Aaron]
See Attachment H
I. Apache Gump Project [Stefan Bodewig / Bill]
See Attachment I
J. Apache Harmony Project [Tim Ellison / Jim]
See Attachment J
K. Apache HttpComponents Project [Erik Abele / Geir]
See Attachment K
L. Apache iBATIS Project [Ted Husted / Sam]
See Attachment L
M. Apache Incubator Project [Noel J. Bergman / Bertrand]
See Attachment M
Bertrand to review scheduling of podling reports with
N. Apache Jackrabbit Project [Jukka Zitting / Greg]
See Attachment N
O. Apache Jakarta Project [Martin van den Bemt / Henning]
See Attachment O
Henning to pursue a report for Jakarta.
P. Apache Labs Project [Stefano Mazzocchi / Justin]
See Attachment P
Q. Apache Lucene Project [Grant Ingersoll / Justin]
See Attachment Q
R. Apache OFBiz Project [David E. Jones / Bill]
See Attachment R
S. Apache Portals Project [David Sean Taylor / Greg]
See Attachment S
T. Apache Quetzalcoatl Project [Gregory Trubetskoy / Bertrand]
See Attachment T
Aaron to follow up on the implications of this project going
U. Apache Santuario Project [Berin Lautenbach / Sam]
See Attachment U
V. Apache ServiceMix Project [Guillaume Nodet / Geir]
See Attachment V
W. Apache SpamAssassin Project [Justin Mason / Jim]
See Attachment W
X. Apache Synapse Project [Paul Fremantle / J Aaron]
See Attachment X
Y. Apache Tiles Project [Greg Reddin / Henning]
See Attachment Y
Z. Apache Tomcat Project [Mladen Turk / Justin]
See Attachment Z
AA. Apache Tuscany Project [Ant Elder / Bill]
See Attachment AA
We discussed google analytics: in particular, who can see the
data. We decided to continue this discussion on the site-dev
mailing list.
BB. Apache Web Services Project [Glen Daniels / Henning]
See Attachment BB
CC. Apache Wicket Project [Martijn Dashorst / Jim]
See Attachment CC
DD. Apache XMLBeans Project [Cezar Andrei / Geir]
See Attachment DD
Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
7. Special Orders
A. Appoint Executive Officers
Nominee(s): Jim Jagielski [seconded; accepted]
Nominee(s): Justin Erenkrantz [seconded; accepted]
Nominee(s): J Aaron Farr [seconded; accepted]
Roy T. Fielding [seconded; accepted]
Executive V.P.
Nominee(s): Sander Striker [seconded; accepted]
Nominee(s): Sam Ruby [seconded; accepted]
Jim Jagielski got reelected as Chairman by Unanimous Vote of the
directors present.
Justin Erenkrantz got reelected as President by Unanimous Vote of the
directors present.
Sander Striker got elected as Executive V.P. by Unanimous Vote of the
directors present.
Sam Ruby got reelected as Secretary by Unanimous Vote of the
directors present.
The vote on the reappointment of the Treasurer was tabled
until September until after various Tax related activities are
complete. Aaron currently remains Treasurer.
B. Change the Apache MINA Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Trustin Lee to
the office of Vice President, Apache MINA Project, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
Trustin Lee from the office of Vice President, Apache MINA
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache MINA
project has chosen by vote to recommend Peter Royal as the
successor to the post;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Trustin Lee is relieved and
discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of
Vice President, Apache MINA Project, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Peter Royal be and hereby is appointed
to the office of Vice President, Apache MINA Project, to serve in
accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of
Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation,
retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is
Special Order 7B, Change the Apache MINA Project Chair, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
C. Change the Apache iBATIS Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Ted Husted
to the office of Vice President, Apache iBATIS, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
of Ted Husted from the office of Vice President, Apache iBATIS,
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache iBATIS
project has chosen by vote to recommend Clinton Begin as the
successor to the post;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Ted Husted is relieved and
discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
of Vice President, Apache iBATIS, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Clinton Begin be and hereby is
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache iBATIS, to
serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7C, Change the Apache iBATIS Project Chair, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
D. Update Public Relations Committee Membership
WHEREAS, the Public Relations Committee (PRC) of
The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) expects to better serve
its purpose through the periodic update of its membership; and
WHEREAS, the PRC is a Board-appointed committee whose membership
must be approved by Board resolution,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following ASF members be
added as Public Relations Committee members:
Santiago Gala <>
Special Order 7D, Update Public Relations Committee
Membership, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors
E. Change the Apache APR Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed William Rowe
to the office of Vice President, Apache APR, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
of William Rowe from the office of Vice President, Apache APR,
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache APR
project has chosen by vote to recommend Bojan Smojver as the
successor to the post;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that William Rowe is relieved and
discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
of Vice President, Apache APR, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Bojan Smojver be and hereby is
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache APR, to
serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7E, Change the Apache APR Project Chair, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
F. Change of standing Audit Committee Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Henri
Yandell as chair, standing Audit Committee, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the
resignation of Henri Yandell as chair, standing Audit Committee;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Henri Yandell is
relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of
chair, standing Audit Committee, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that William Rowe be and hereby is
appointed chair, standing Audit Committee, to serve at the
direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Audit
Committee and have primary responsibility for managing the Audit
Special Order 7F, Change of standing Audit Committee Chair,
was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
G. Update standing Audit Committee Membership
WHEREAS, the standing Audit Committee of The Apache Software
Foundation (ASF) expects to better serve its purpose through the
periodic update of its membership; and
WHEREAS, the standing Audit Committee is an Board-appointed Committee
whose membership must be approved by Board resolution.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following ASF member be
added as a standing Audit Committee member:
Shane Curcuru <>
WHEREAS, the standing Audit Committee is in receipt of the
resignations of Jim Jagielski, Gianugo Rabellino and
Henri Yandell from the standing Audit Committee;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following ASF members be
removed as members of the standing Audit Committee:
Jim Jagielski <>
Gianugo Rabellino <>
Henri Yandell <>
Special Order 7G, Update standing Audit Committee Membership, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
H. Appointment of Infrastructure Committee Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore has charged the
President with the responsibility of overseeing the activities
of the ad-hoc Infrastructure Committee using the President's
existing authority to enter into contracts and expend foundation
funds for infrastructure, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors recognizes Paul Querna as the
appropriate individual to chair the infrastructure committee,
with respect to executing the board approved infrastructure plan
binding the Foundation to infrastructure contracts and associated
financial obligations,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Paul Querna be and hereby is
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Infrastructure,
to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
President and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation,
retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is
Special Order 7H, Appointment of Infrastructure Committee Chair,
was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
8. Discussion Items
The Audit committee intends to seek outside help, and may need to
require funding to do so. No concerns were raised.
9. Review Outstanding Action Items
* Aaron to follow up with Quetzalcoatl re: site
* Aaron, Sam, Justin to pursue transferring Jim, Sander's credit cards to
Aaron, Sam
* Justin and Sam to pursue Wells Fargo / iCLA address
* Greg to mail iCLA to secretary assist
* Sam to pursue Ant report
* Geir to pursue HttpComponents Project report
* Sam to pursue Santuario report
* Jim to contact Sam Ramji re: POI
Jim to follow up on this item.
* Sam to pull Jim into the discussions with ASF Legal and POI
* Geir to work with QPid on rationale and licensing
Geir to follow up on this item.
* Jim to contact Grant re: TREC
Jim to follow up on this item.
10. Unfinished Business
11. New Business
12. Announcements
13. Adjournment
Adjourned at 11:46 a.m. (Pacific)
Attachment 1: Report from the VP of JCP
On June 12, I formally told Sun that we are rejecting the then-
current TCK license for Java SE as it contained requirements
that were unacceptable to us, and in our opinion, incompatible
with the spirit and letter of the JSPA as well as open standards.
Yesterday, I offered for discussion on jcp-open@ the modified
version of Sun's own TCK license for Java SE for the OpenJDK
(and derivatives) community. This is a slightly modified
version of the document that was sent to both members@ and
legal-internal@, the modifications being a tightening of the
copyright and notice clause specific to the TCK itself, as
well as some minor formatting.
The document, which is meant as an anchor for broader open
community discussion can be found at what I hope is clearly a
non-official link :
The message to jcp-open@ has been forwarded to both ECs of the
JCP, and I expect will be part of the JCK discussion at today's
monthly EC meeting. I will update this report following that
Aside from that, things are quiet - other than some discussion
with the MyFaces PMC and a representative from Oracle regarding
the TCK that Oracle will produce for the next JSF JSR, there
has been little activity.
Attachment 2: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee
Another month with little controversy.
At this point /legal/resolved.html contains the bulk of the content
from the draft 3party text upon which there is wide consensus. This includes
the discussion of category 'A', 'B', and 'X' licenses. Henri has a real
talent for proposing text upon which people can find common ground.
The wiki that was previously set up at my request is not seeing much use.
Relevant documents that were previously there (as well as on home directories) have been migrated to the website
A JIRA area has been established for tracking legal issues, and this has
resulted in a lot of activity and issues moving to closure.
Two major areas of future focus:
Nearer term is a sincere desire in a number of areas to be more proactive
about obtaining suitable licenses for potential patents. This has caused
problems as patent licensing issues are not as clear cut as copyright or
trademark issues. I'm comfortable having the Legal Affairs Committee making
the call that, for example, WSRP4J and POI pose acceptable risks for the
foundation, and downstream help PMCs mitigate those risks should these
assessments prove to be unfounded.
Longer term, clarifying and documenting the various notice requirements
(NOTICE, LICENSE, README) needs attention.
Attachment 3: Status report for the Apache Security Team Project
There continues to be a steady stream of reports of various kinds
arriving at These continue to be dealt with
promptly by the security team. May 2008 was mostly quiet although
the release of Apache HTTP Server 2.2.9 addressed two minor issues.
1 Support question
2 Security vulnerability question, but not a vulnerability report
1 User was hacked, but it wasn't ASF software at fault
4 Vulnerability report
Attachment 4: Status report for the Apache Conference Planning Project
General News
* Result of the Hackathon Survey for ASF Committers
April 2008, the Conference Committee asked all ASF committers in a
survey various questions about Hackathon events. The complete result
of the survey is available in the following PDF:
The result of the survey has been posted to the committers list
together with some further information and decisions the conference
committee has made based on the result:
- Hackathon will become a public event
Starting with ApacheCon US 2008, the Hackathon will become a
public event open to all committers, contributors and interested
developers. With making it a public event we hope that it will
be easier to find sponsors.
- Hackathon will continue to be co-located with ApacheCon
58% of all committers replied in the survey that Hackathons
should be co-located with ApacheCon. Only 5% voted against this.
- Registration fee for attending a Hackathon
The result of the survey shows that many people are willing to
pay a small fee for attending a Hackathon, especially if food
and drinks are included. However, it is the conference
committee's aim to make attending the Hackathon free of charge or
to charge a small fee only. However, depending on the location of
the Hackathon and available sponsors, etc., this may not always
be possible.
- Camp Apache - the new BarCamp event
Some people think that we should have a bit more structure at the
Hackathon. However, instead of changing the Hackathon itself, we
will have a new BarCamp/Unconference event called "Camp Apache"
at ApacheCon US 2008 which will be held the second day of the
Hackathon as an additional event.
ApacheCon US 2008 News
* Speakers have been notified, and the training and session schedule
is confirmed along with the pricing model. Registration is expected
to open beginning of July. The formal show Web site using a new CMS
is being tested.
* The OFBiz PMC has expressed interest in presenting training materials
and two days of session content co-located at ApacheCon US. The OFBiz
PMC is working on organizing content and finding speakers, and we
will work with SCP on marketing this additional content to the OFBiz
* We will have a new BarCamp/Unconference event called "Camp Apache" at
the conference. It will be held on Tuesday, 4 November 2008, i.e.,
same time as the second day of the Hackathon. It will be a public
event and a small fee will be charged for attending.
ApacheCon Europe 2009 News
* Final date and location for the Europe 2009 conference:
23-27 March 2009
Moevenpick Hotel Amsterdam City Centre
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
* The lead for the conference will be Martin van den Bemt with
Noirin Shirley being the co-lead.
ApacheCon US 2009 News
* Final date and location for the US 2009 conference:
2-6 November 2009
Oakland Convention Center and Marriott Hotel
Oakland, CA, USA
Attachment 5: Status report for the Apache Audit Project
No activity from the Audit project this month.
Attachment 6: Status report for the Apache Public Relations Project
As noted in HALO's report below, the big news is that we released a
Mid-Year "Status" release, which went live on the 18th. There was
quite a lot of activity, feedback and comments during the drafting
of the release, which was good since it indicated, at least to me,
a growing perception that PR is becoming more and more useful and
valued within the ASF.
We received a few of the normal "can we use your logo" type of
inquiries; this really shows the importance of the need for the
accepted public and published policy that J Aaron Farr is working
The website '' was deemed as using our
marks in an un-approved manner. They were contacted and the
required and requested changes were made. Unfortunately, the mark
issue with (, which redirects to appears to have resurfaced.
At the present time, they have not yet been contacted however.
It should be mentioned that the IONA PR noted in the HALO report
went through a number of iterations resulting in one which was
acceptable to the ASF, mostly because it removed all mention or
implication of ASF "approval" of the PR (for example, the 1st draft
had a quoted attributed to myself). Once done, the only real activity
was timing of the 2 releases, nothing more.
HALO's report now follows:
1-31 MAY 2008
- Reviewed IONA announcement supporting CXF graduation to TLP
- Drafted Press Release: ASF 2008 Mid-Year/Momentum Activities
- Review/audit media lists for quarterly update
- Follow-up with Scott Lamons/HP re: ASF Sponsorship + presentation at
- Coordinated press release timeframe + process with IONA's PR team
- ASF Sponsor Liaison: education and outreach with Microsoft's Open
Source/Linux team and PR team on both ASF and ApacheCon sponsorship
- Forwarded and reviewed "Jetty Web Server Closes Gap on Tomcat"
announcement with PRC for possible brand misuse
- Met with Robert Mullins/SD Times re: article on future of J2EE and
liaised interviews with Jeff Genender and Geir Magnusson (article to
be published in June)
- Met with Newton Chan of SDForum re: general ASF activities
- Met with Howard Dykoff of Linux Gazette re: general ASF activities
- Met with Mike Rohde of DevX re: general ASF activities
- Apache HTTP Server wins "Favorite Web Server" in the Linux Journal 2008
Readers' Choice Awards: "Rather than offer a Favorite Web Server category,
we should just ask 'Do you use the Apache Web server, yes or no?' and leave
it at that. Apache wins with 90.9% of your votes."
- The ASF tops the SD Times 100's list of Influencers in 2008 -- "Apache
stayed on top of its game, continuing to offer enterprise-class sever
software at a price not even Microsoft could match" -- and made a second
appearance in the "Application Servers" category, with both Tomcat and
Geronimo on the list.
other clips:,1000000121,39419829,00.htm
Attachment 7: Status report for the Apache Infrastructure Team
Addressed the board's suggestion for more descriptive
service names by updating our nagios config and
improving the documentation in dev/machines.html.
Work continues on setting up bia (backups), driven by
Norman Maurer, Tony Stevenson and Gavin McDonald.
Gaea (zones) was determined to have BIOS issues. As
mentioned in the previous report, it was shutting itself
down without warning. A ticket was filed with Sun, and
remains open. The problem hasn't occurred since upgrading
the BIOS, but we are carefully monitoring the machine.
Henk Penning continues to keep a close eye on the operation
of the rsync mirrors and their signed contents.
We purchased a NIC card and 8 GB of RAM. The NIC card is
insurance against a failing NIC in eris (svn), and the 8 GB
of RAM was divided between gaea and hyperion (zones).
Several zones were created, the tuscany TLP was migrated,
and roughly 30 new accounts were created.
We are working with OSUOSL to get new hermes (mail) online and
a new Sun 5220 racked.
Eos and aurora (websites) had system upgrades performed by Mads
Toftum and Norman Maurer.
Norman Maurer was granted root karma on
Gavin McDonald was granted apmail karma.
The general availability of was announced on
Upayavira volunteered to represent the infra team at an OSS Watch
workshop on profiling open source communities.
Attachment A: Status report for the Apache Ant Project
o Current Releases
Ant 1.7 was released on December 19, 2006.
Ant 1.7.1 is in beta and beta2 was released on 18-March-2008
Ivy 1.4.1 is the current stable release but this was released prior to
Ivy's Apache incubation. An Apache Ivy release 2.0.0 is currently in beta.
Beta 2 was released on 14-March-2008
o New Committers
Nicolas Lalevée (hibou) was added as a committer on March 23. Nicolas is
working primarily on IvyDE, which integrates Ivy with the Eclipse IDE. IvyDE
has not yet been released as an Apache build and the current release remains
the pre-incubation build. A release is currently being planned.
o Community
There was a lot of discussion around Xavier's idea for EasyAnt - A
prepackaged set of Ant builds combined with Ivy to simplify use of Ant.
Community is healthy.
Attachment B: Status report for the Apache APR Project
The last quarter was marked by some activity around releasing version 1.3.0
of the apr and apr-util libraries, reflecting new APIs and interfaces. The
version 1.3.2 was released shortly thereafter to fix a small number of new
bugs and pick up improvements in autoconf / libtool for portability. This
will likely be followed shortly by another release resolving some warning
message regressions introduced in the more recent flavor of autoconf.
Much of the activity has come from the most recently added new committers.
During this period, covener, henryjen, issac, tdonovan were added as new
committers to apr. There were no changes to the PMC roster in this period.
However, Will Rowe decided it's time to step back from chairing this PMC,
and focus on coding at APR, and on his board and committee responsibilities
at other areas of the foundation. Bojan Smojver was nominated and ratified
as the new chair by a vote of 14 in favor and none against. Ref. List-ID
<>, Thread <>. The project
respectfully requests that the board install Bojan as VP, APR Project at the
coming meeting.
There are no other issues requiring board attention at this time.
Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Archiva Project
* 1.1 milestone release is still under way. From the number of issues left,
we're looking at a release late this month or early July.
* Some of the discussions regarding procedues/conventions from last month
have been finalized but still needs to be documented.
No board level issues at this time.
Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Cayenne Project
* Active development of Cayenne 3.0.
* Posted 3.0M4 development milestone release:
* Google Summer of Code work commenced.
* Activity on the user and development lists has been steady.
Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Commons Project
o Activity
Quite a few releases. Activity on the development and user list has been
picked up a little.
o Three new components have been accepted into the Commons sandbox
- nabla
- jnet
- me
o One dormant component has been revived back into the Commons sandbox
- functor
o During ApacheCon two FastFeather tracks covered
- commons (in general)
- commons SCXML
o Released
- commons parent POM 8
- commons sandbox parent POM 4
- commons parent POM 9
- commons Lang 2.4
- commons Collections 3.2.1
- commons parent POM 10
- commons sandbox parent POM 6
- commons SCXML 0.8
- commons Chain 1.2
o GSoC students did not get their applications accepted
o New committers
- Siegfried Goeschl
- Niklas Gustavsson
o New sandbox committers
- Reinhard Pötz
- Carsten Ziegeler
o New PMC members
- Emmanuel Bourg
Attachment F: Status report for the Apache CXF Project
- 2.1.1 and 2.0.7 are very close. Will probably be in the process of
voting or even released by the time the board meets.
- No new committers or PMC's.
- Email traffic has jumped by about 35% since graduation.
- Unfortunately, many JIRA issues are being filed every day, although
many have patches and test cases.
- Nothing of note
- Incubator email archives still not moved to TLP in mod_mbox. That's
the last remaining issue for TLP handover.
Attachment G: Status report for the Apache Excalibur Project
Excalibur is stable and used by some projects. This quarter was even more
quiet than the first quarter in 2008: nearly zero activity, neither in the
mailing lists nor in subversion, and no releases.
There are no known issues.
Attachment H: Status report for the Apache Felix Project
* Conducted an OSGi security tutorial at EclipseCon in March.
* Presented a Felix talk at ApacheConEU in April.
* Presented two Felix talks about security and Android at JSpring 2008
in April.
* Added Peter Kriens as a committer.
* Apache Sling project contributed Web Console as a subproject.
* Accepted Log Service implementation contribution from OPS4J community.
* Released version 1.0.4 of Felix framework, as well as updates to the
core related subprojects.
* Released new subproject versions of Web Console, Maven Bundle Plugin,
Config Admin, and Declarative Services.
* The iPOJO subproject is working toward its first release vote, which
should occur within the month.
* Committed initial changes to start implementing framework support bundle
fragments, the last major piece of missing specification functionality.
Licensing and other issues
* None.
Attachment I: Status report for the Apache Gump Project
* no new is good news.
* the installation is happily chugging along but no active development
* still all Apache committers have access to metadata in svn.
* no releases.
Attachment J: Status report for the Apache Harmony Project
Harmony continues to make good progress in the Java 5 SE code stream, and has
accepted a contribution in the area of Java ME. There have been a number of
new committers and PMCers elected recently. The lack of a JCK continues to
be an issue for Harmony.
Development & Releases
Development continues to be focused primarily on the Java 5 SE code stream,
with work on the Java 6 SE stream being limited to core areas of the class
library. There is also significant ongoing development in the build and
testing infrastructure resulting in enhanced application, stability, and
performance testing on Harmony builds.
Milestone build 5.0M6 was published on May 22, 2008 containing a significant
number of bug fixes and new functionality. Milestone 6 includes over 290
JIRA issues resolved and over 650 commits since our last Milestone at the end
of February.
Noteworthy advancements have been made in the following areas:
* new JIT optimizations
* functional and coverage enhancements throughout the class libraries
* improved VM threading design
* support for full hardware addressability on 64 bit platforms
* completion of the unpack200 implementation
* ...and much more
In addition, Harmony accepted a substantial code contribution from the
authors of Microemulator. Microemulator is a pure Java implementation of
Java ME APIs in Java SE. With the emulator code it becomes possible to run
MIDlet (MIDP/CLDC) based applications as a standalone Java application or as
a web browser applet.
There are six Google Summer of Code projects being mentored by members of the
Harmony community.
There were no reported security issues this period.
The community continues to operate in a healthy manner, with a noticeable
turnover recently in the participants on the mailing list.
We have had constructive interactions with other Apache projects, and the
Eclipse TPTP project who are consuming the Harmony bytecode verifier code.
The PMC appointed six new committers this period, Alexei Fedotov,
Chunrong Lai, Igor Stolyarov, Ilya Berezhniuk, Pavel Rebriy, and
Xiao Xia (Sean) Qiu. In addition, seven committers were appointed to the
PMC membership: Egor Pasko, Jimmy Lv, Mikhail Fursov, Pavel Pervov,
Sian January, Tony Wu and Vasily Zakharov.
There are currently 38 committers, ~22 of whom were active this period.
Attachment K: Status report for the Apache HttpComponents Project
-- Status --
There are no items needing immediate attention of the board except to
note that we've missed the last report. We're very sorry for that and
we'll ensure that this does not happen again.
See below for more details.
-- Releases --
We have had three releases since the last report:
25 February 2008 - HttpComponents HttpClient 4.0 alpha 3
07 May 2008 - HttpComponents HttpClient 4.0 alpha 4
17 June 2008 - HttpComponents HttpCore 4.0 beta 2
-- Community --
Roland Weber has decided to go emeritus on the PMC (March 16 2008).
We have voted in a new committer, Sam Berlin, at the beginning of May;
by now he is fully equipped with karma and happily hacking away.
The amount of messages on the users mailinglist is steadily increasing,
and in general the whole community looks and behaves very healthy.
-- Migration --
Items still in work:
- finalize and approve project bylaws
- re-instate deployment of website via Subversion
(currently deployed by Maven due to TLP migration)
-- Development --
HttpCore beta2 has been released.
The release adds a number of improvements to the NIO components, most
notably having improved asynchronous client side and server side protocol
handlers. There have also been a number of important bug fixes in the
HttpCore NIO module, whereas the HttpCore Base module has had very few
changes. The focus of the development efforts is now gradually shifting
towards providing better test coverage, documentation and performance
HttpClient alpha3 and alpha4 have been released.
The last release marks the completion of the overhaul of the connection
management code in HttpClient. All known shortcomings of the old HttpClient
3.x connection management API have been addressed. NTLM authentication
remains the only missing major feature in the new codeline that prevents
us from moving toward the API freeze.
General Notes.
The PMC was contacted by some Google folks in regard to their usage of
HttpClient in Android. We agreed to coordinate the timeframe for the API
freeze to enable them to incorporate the latest code without drawbacks.
As indicated above, the project is still waiting for an answer from MS in
regard to the licenses required for an implementation of NTLM. In the
meantime several alternative solutions have been explored, without any
conclusions as of yet.
As noted in the last report, the HttpComponents project is in compliance
with the crypto export and notification policy.
Attachment L: Status report for the Apache iBATIS Project
The latest maintenance release of iBATIS, 2.3.3 will be released by
the end of June. 2.x will continue to be supported with bug fixes and
minor features, but new innovations and further development will be
focused into the 3.0 major release. iBATIS 3.0 is a ground up rewrite
of iBATIS and represents the most significant redevelopment since 1.0.
The iBATIS 3.0 Java Core is complete with a programmatic configuration
API. New configuration options including XML and annotations are
planned, but the first priority is a 2.0 compatibility kit that will
be used for functional and performance testing (using the existing
iBATIS 2.0 as a base). Focus on unit testing and code quality
continues -- already has double the code:test ratio of iBATIS 2. In
addition, a vote has passed to switch from Ant to Maven 2 as the
official build tool for iBATIS 3.0.
iB3.NET 3.0 has moved ahead with a new XML configuration API and is
currently implementing some of the new features from the iB3 Java
Core. The two project remain in regular communication to maintain an
acceptable level of consistency without limiting each platform.
Due to a trademark infringement claim against our use of the name
"Abator", we've voluntarily renamed the tool to "ibator". We're happy
with the new name and it has resolved the issue for the claimant. To
implement the change a new code base for ibator is in SVN, but has not
yet been formally released.
Finally, Ted Husted has indicating an interest in resigning as PMC
Chair. Accordingly, the PMC has provided the Board with a draft
resolution that proposes Clinton Begin as the new PMC Chair.
Attachment M: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project
The top two issues of discussion in the past month are textual revision(s)
to make it clearer that the Incubator runs the same as every other ASF
project: only PMC votes are binding, although we encourage everyone from the
broader community and the especially the PPMC to cast (non-binding) votes;
and (once again) issues with Maven.
The Maven problem is a tension between the need to distinguish between
Incubator artifacts and other ASF artifacts, compounded by the problem that
Maven doesn't do anything to authenticate any artifacts at all. A couple of
approaches have been mooted.
Incubating since: 19 May 2008
Mailing lists, subversion repository, and JIRA setup was completed.
Software Grant Agreement (Initial code owners are chanwit and me) was sended
for the intial donation of Hama code from the google project.
ICLAs were sent, But We are still waiting for the arrival of CCLAs.
Pig is a platform for analyzing large data sets that consists of a
high-level language for expressing data analysis programs, coupled with
infrastructure for evaluating these programs. The salient property of Pig
programs is that their structure is amenable to substantial parallelization,
which in turns enables them to handle very large data sets.
Pig's infrastructure is in good shape. Several new features have been added
since Pig joined the incubator. This includes streaming, parameter
substitution, custom splits, better configuration management, improved
memory management, etc. 147 issues resolved since. Work in progress includes
addition of types and rework of the execution pipeline.
The community is growing with the addition of Pi Song as a new committer.
There is increased activity on the pig-dev mailing list with a number of
The project needs to improve its compliance with some standard Incubator
tasks, like updating the status file on a regular basis.
Incubating since: October 2007
River is aimed at the development and advancement of the Jini technology
core infrastructure. Jini technology is a service oriented architecture that
defines a programming model which both exploits and extends Java technology
to enable the construction of secure, distributed systems which are adaptive
to change.
A substantial amount of issues have been resolved (34 in total) with a small
number (18 in total) left for our second release. The overall participation
of committers has been improved and we have seen more discussion around
issues, although participation of non Sun committers is still not what it
ought to be. The need for an automated test environment is felt and the
workflow for JIRA should be adapted to facilitate our review then commit
policy which committers seem to do in practice.
Things that needs to be done before graduation:
the API in the com.sun namespace must be changed to org.apache, probably has
to await the incorporation of patches lingering around and after our
automated test framework is in place
overall participation of non Sun committers must increase and we should grow
our community by getting more people involved
Incubating since: December 2006
Thrift is a software framework for scalable cross-language services
development. Thrift allows you to define data types and service
interfaces in a simple definition file. Taking that file as input, the
compiler generates code to be used to easily build RPC clients and
servers that communicate seamlessly across programming languages.
Incubating since May 2008
* The SVN repository has been moved to Apache.
* Mailing lists and JIRA have been set up.
* Have 9 committers (6.5 from Facebook, 2.5 not from Facebook).
* Adapt to the JIRA workflow.
* Improve (wiki) documentation.
* Complete a release cycle plan. (What/when/how defines the release of a
* Find and establish best practices of Git as a contribution tool.
(Background: we are very happy with the way Git worked for us before
incubation, and we want to find a way to make it continue to work
within the Apache Way).
* Finish rounding up Software Grant forms.
Attachment N: Status report for the Apache Jackrabbit Project
Apache Jackrabbit is a fully conforming implementation of the Content
Repository for Java Technology API (JCR, specified in JSR 170).
The Apache Jackrabbit project is in good shape. We have no board-level
issues at this time.
o Releases
Since the last report we made a number of small component releases and
one older maintenance release. The releases were:
* March 26, 2008: jackrabbit-core 1.4.2
* April 2, 2008: jackrabbit-jcr-commons 1.4.2
* April 9, 2008: jakcrabbit-jcr-rmi 1.4.1
* May 8, 2008: Apache Jackrabbit 1.3.4
* May 8, 2008: jackrabbit-core 1.4.3
* May 9, 2008: jackrabbit-core 1.4.4
* June 9, 2008: jackrabbit-core 1.4.5
o Legal
The license issue noted in the previous report (external party using our
code without proper attribution) has been resolved.
We have been clarifying our LICENSE and NOTICE files based on recent
discussions on legal-discuss@ and the incubating sling-dev@ mailing lists.
o Community
Esteban Franqueiro and Alexander Klimetschek became committers and
PMC members of Apache Jackrabbit.
Many members of our community attended ApacheCon EU and we also
organized a free-for-everyone JCR community gathering along the conference.
o Development
We are working towards Jackrabbit 1.5 in near future and Jackrabbit 2.0
(and the JSR 283 reference implementation) later on.
o Infrastructure
We switched to Hudson for our CI builds.
We requested and got FishEye indexing for our codebase.
The mirror is much appreciated as most of our
committers are based in Europe.
Attachment O: Status report for the Apache Jakarta Project
Attachment P: Status report for the Apache Labs Project
The labs project has very little to report.
There are only a few labs that currently receive attentions from their
sponsoring committers (basically Droids, a web crawler, and Vysper,
an XMPP server) and there has been no lab proposed since the last report.
There have been tentative talks about how to go about promoting a lab
into incubation (in relation to Vysper) but no action has yet to come
out of that.
Overall, as far as the board is concerned, labs is a sleepy harmless project.
Attachment Q: Status report for the Apache Lucene Project
=== Lucene Status Report: 25th of June, 2008 ===
The TLP has added two new PMC members: Mike Klaas and Ryan McKinley.
The PMC also voted to mark Christoph Goller as emeritus due
to lack of participation for over 1 year and failure to respond
to inquiries.
Nutch uses PDFBox and thus has a dependency on BouncyCastle. has been opened and is
actively being worked on.
Lucene Java is a search-engine toolkit. Development has been
active and there have been many core improvements, especially in the
area of indexing performance and error recovery. Version 2.3.2 was
released on 2008-05-06.
Solr is a full text search server. We continue to see strong adoption
and community interest. Development has been active with many new
core features being added. Koji Sekiguchi was added as a committer.
Solr 1.3 is expected to be released in the next quarter.
Nutch is a web-search engine: crawler, indexer and search runtime.
Otis Gospodnetic was added as a Nutch committer. Development of the
current code base was limited, and the planned 1.0 release is moved
to Q3 2008. Nutch community started discussions about a fundamental
redesign of the platform for the next releases.
Lucy will develop a shared C-based core for ports of Lucene to other
languages, such as Perl, Python and Ruby. No progress has been made
this quarter, but there has been some recent email activity.
LUCENE.NET (incubating)
Michael Garski, of MySpace, has a couple of developers to bring on board.
Currently there is no active committership, though their is a small
community of users present on the mailing list. We're still optimistic
that this project will see new life soon.
TIKA (incubating)
Apache Tika is a toolkit for detecting and extracting metadata and
structured text content from various documents using existing parser
libraries. Tika entered incubation on March 22nd, 2007.
Niall Pemberton joined the project as a committer and PPMC member.
Community is currently working towards 0.2 release.
Apache Mahout is a new subproject of the Lucene PMC with the goal of
building a suite of scalable machine learning libraries for text and
data mining. We have received the Taste Collaborative Filtering engine
into Mahout as via a software grant from Sean Owen. We have also
implemented several machine learning algorithms to date. Sean Owen and
Ted Dunning were added as committers.
Attachment R: Status report for the Apache OFBiz Project
Report for June 2008 for OFBiz (Open For Business) as a top level project.
The Apache Open For Business Project (Apache OFBiz) is an open source
enterprise automation software project. By enterprise automation we mean:
ERP, CRM, E-Business / E-Commerce, MRP, SCM, CMMS/EAM, and so on.
We have no issues that require Board assistance at this time.
- There have been no new committers or PMC members since the last report.
- With some new objectives (see the Project section below) we have created
more opportunity for people to get involved in the project, and various
prospective committers have stepped up and helped with these opening the
way to various nominations for new committers.
- The pool of committers added a few months ago is doing quite well and a
few are even involved in driving new development and helping out with other
efforts and general maintenance as well.
- In order to have something with a reasonable scope to work toward for a
release we have identified the framework as a priority to target for
refactoring and cleanup, general and automated testing, and for certain new
features to round it out. A framework-only release will be coming along in
a few months, possibly before the next report, but planned at the latest
for before ApacheCon in November. As with any community effort this means
different things to different contributors, but all together things are
shaping up to create a good offering and modernize certain parts of the
project, like using more AJAX and client-side scripting for example.
- The opportunity to have an OFBiz Symposium @ ApacheCon for the USA 2008
event is an exciting motivator for many people and organizations already
involved in OFBiz to work together to increase awareness of the project,
and promote the many business concerns that make it possible for people to
stay involved in the project as well. The plan is for 2 training courses
(one 2-day, one 1-day), along with 12 conference sessions and 4 BOF
sessions on Wednesday and Thursday. The timeline for planning this is
short, but with various volunteers already lined up and many other
prospects and groups looking at how they can be involved it is looking like
we'll be able to fill up these offerings.
Attachment S: Status report for the Apache Portals Project
-- New releases --
-- New committers --
-- Status --
1. Pluto Refactoring
Work is in progress on the Pluto 2.0 SPI Refactoring branch. The goal
of this branch is to bring Pluto trunk and Jetspeed trunk back in
alignment. A little history: Pluto 1.x, a new architecture severely
broke backward compatibility with the previous 1.0 API and SPI by
replacing the container object model (OM) interfaces with directly
and hard coded use of the new Deployment Descriptor based *classes*,
and almost all SPI Factory interface usages have been replaced by
direct and Pluto container internal (only) instantiation of
singletons or Portlet API implementation classes. These changes
"broke" Jetspeed, as it was coded to the more pluggable 1.0 API/SPI.
To make a long story short, we hope to have the SPI Refactoring
branch merged back in this summer and Jetspeed and Pluto back in
alignment from the trunks.
2. Pluto JSR-286 Portlet API 2.0 Specification Release
Work is also near completion on the Portlet API 2.0 specification
implementation. One the Pluto Refactoring branch is ready,
it will be merged in and we will work towards releasing a
Portlet API 2.0 compliant release of Pluto.
3. Apache Con, Portals meetup
The Portals meetup at ApacheCon in Amsterdam was a success.
4. Jetspeed-2
Continued work towards a 2.2 release this summer and merging with
the Pluto Refactoring branch when available.
5. WSRP-4J
I am asking for your help with the WSRP4J project. I have
discussed this with some of you on legal, but frankly I have not
received much support. As reported in the March report, we sent
letters to both IBM and Web Collage. Web Collage responded
with a licensing contract that, in my opinion, requires legal
consultation, before signing. IBM never responded. We really
need to get this project out of incubation. But because of the
licensing issues, we are stuck. I am asking the board to please
help us clear up the licensing issues, and to provide us with
Apache's legal council to help us solve the licensing issues.
Attachment T: Status report for the Apache Quetzalcoatl Project
No releases made since the last board report, no releases planned in the
near future.
Mod_python continues to be dormant, my recent email to the PMC received only
one response, and it appears that the current development team and the PMC
has either little interest or time (or both) to contribute to the project. I
personally feel that we do not know how it may evolve and so we are just
letting it be.
Infrastructure has just created a zone for us (which only took like a year),
so in the near future we will start moving's content there.
Attachment U: Status report for the Apache Santuario Project
Activity this quarter restricted to the Java library around bug fixes and
user queries. In addition, a 1.4.2 beta release has been created
incorporating the bug fixes plus an implementation of C14n 1.1.
No other items of note - another quiet quarter.
Attachment V: Status report for the Apache ServiceMix Project
In the three months that passed since our latest board report, there
were no changes to the committer base or PMC. With the existing team
however, we had a lot of activity on ServiceMix 4:
- the release of ServiceMix NMR 1.0-m1 in the second half or March
- the release of ServiceMix Kernel 1.0-m3 in May
- the release of ServiceMix Kernel 1.0.0-rc1 in June
ServiceMix Kernel by now provides a stable OSGi runtime with a very
nice feature set. The recent release of ServiceMix Kernel 1.0.0-rc1
is the first step in getting an official ServiceMix Kernel 1.0 out.
Meanwhile, development also continues on ServiceMix 3.
- ServiceMix 3.2.2 (a bugfix release) will be released as soon as new
versions of some core components are available
- for the next major release (ServiceMix 3.3), we already have some
new features done as well (e.g. a JBI compliant mail component,
scripting service engine with JSR-223 support)
- we are planning to split the JBI components into a separate
subproject, which should make it easier to re-use them in ServiceMix 4
(or other JBI-compliant products). This work has already started and
one of the main driver was to be able to have shorter release cycles
(due to the great number of dependant projects, it is very difficult
to find a time window where we don't depend on snapshots).
Most concerns from the previous board report have been dealt with;
work on creation of the ServiceMix zone is still ongoing (INFRA-1564).
Attachment W: Status report for the Apache SpamAssassin Project
- We are in the process of voting on tarballs for a 3.2.5 release.
- added Karsten Bräckelmann as a committer.
- nothing of note.
- We're sharing more of our spamtrap data with third parties. Barracuda are
sending spam our way, in a reciprocal arrangement. In addition, we are
hosting a "frontline" spamtrap server as a virtual machine at Amazon's EC2,
paid for by MailChannels, and in return send them some of our spam which they
use to test their product.
By doing this we're ensuring that we have a good mix of sources of spam,
which helps deal with spammers hiding their output from us.
(it'd be nice to host these on ASF infrastructure, but it takes a lot of CPU
and bandwidth for little real gain; it is a lot easier to use third-party
Attachment X: Status report for the Apache Synapse Project
We voted in two new committers, Hiranya Jayathilaka and Evanthika Amarasiri.
Apache Synapse released 1.2 with a number of bugfixes and stability
improvements, together with the addition of Hessian support and FIX
support via QuickFix/J.
Mailing list activity is very healthy, both users and developers
interacting positively. We have a set of new contributors who have
recently started interacting on the user and dev lists and we hope
some may become committers over time.
Export controls
We have now done our TSU notification and the latest release has the
correct documentation.
Attachment Y: Status report for the Apache Tiles Project
This quarter we released Apache Tiles 2.0.6 as GA quality. It is mostly a
bugfix release. In addition the Kaolin (formerly Dimensions) incubation process
is progressing. I think we are still waiting for IP clearance forms to come
through. There are no changes in the community to report. Mailing list activity
has been steady with maybe a slight increase. We did issue a "call for help" on
the users list which generated some response, but has not yet translated into
much formal help. We continue to seek greater participation by the community
at large.
Attachment Z: Status report for the Apache Tomcat Project
The project continues to be active on a number of fronts. There are
no issues requiring Board attention at this time.
There was no releases from the last report.
We've been working closely with security issue reports and the Apache
Security committee on quickly replying to issues, resolving them, and
coordinating public disclosures.
The following security issues has been resolved:
JSESSIONIDSSO is transmitted without the "secure" attribute
6.0.x: Fixed, released and announced
5.5.x: Fixed, released and announced
We are currently working on the following security issues:
XSS with national characters and reason-phrase of HTTP response
CVE-2008-1947 Need to get a CVE for this
More XSS in manager app
We decided by majority that Tomcat Version 3.x will be declared
as unsupported. This means removing download links from site and marking all bugzilla issues as WONTFIX.
We decided by majority that Tomcat version 4.x will be marked
as de-supported giving a 12 to 16 months period before marking it
as unsupported. Beyond that, development was concentrated mainly
on fixing bugs for the current releases.
After last quarter's new committers and PMC members, there were no
changes the committership nor PMC membership this time.
The new commit policy is working very fine, and we've been
very active both in commit and release volume.
Attachment AA: Status report for the Apache Tuscany Project
Apache Tuscany is an SOA framework based on OASIS OpenCSA. This is the
first board report after graduating from the incubator last month.
Since last months Incubator report there has been one release for SCA
1.2.1, there are SDO 1.1.1 RCs under review, and a branch has just
been taken for an SCA 1.3 release probably for late June/early July.
Migration from the Incubator to a TLP is under way but has been a
little slow due to all the release activities, I'd hope it will be
completed by next months board report.
Mailing list discussion has started up again around some runtime and
distribution redesigning for the future SCA releases. These are things
we've struggled to get consensus in the past and early indications are
that that this time we might have more success.
On the community front two new committers have been voted in, Scott
Kurz and Vamsavardhana Reddy. The six GSoC students working on Tuscany
projects are working on their first phase of the development. A good
level of cooperation continues with the Apache ODE. Red Hat/JBoss
announced on the mailing list that they want SCA support for their SOA
Platform so plan to use Tuscany and participate in Tuscany development
Attachment BB: Status report for the Apache Web Services Project
Notable Happenings
New PMC members - Rich Scheuerle, Jeff Barrett, Bill Nagy, Jarek Gawor, Amila
We had several new releases, including Axis2 1.4, Axiom 1.2.6, Rampart 1.4,
Axis2-c 1.4.0, and WSS4J 1.5.4
Two discussions in the Web Services PMC were of particular note to the board
since our last report. First, in the midst of voting on the new PMC members
listed above, we got into a conversation about the status of our PMC and the
fact that we have a bunch of PMC members who have been inactive for a loooong
time. As a result, I sent out a "probe" message asking for the PMC membership
to please respond if still interested in being a part of the PMC. Most of the
members responded, but a number did not. It was our plan to "emeritize" the
folks who didn't respond, but I haven't yet followed through with this. I
believe my current plan is to send personal mails to those who haven't
responded and confirm that it's ok for us to remove them from the PMC for now.
Of course if they wish to return at any time they'll be welcomed with open
arms. Just wanted to run this past the board for comment.
The second interesting discussion revolves around some new code that WSO2 has
written that has recently been contributed to the Sandesha2
(WS-ReliableMessaging implementation) subproject. The new code is an alternate
RM implementation built from scratch known as "Mercury". Mercury is built with
an entirely different, state-machine-based core model, and solves some
existing problems with Sandesha2. WSO2 has already released a version of this
code, and needs to continue maintaining it, while at the same time we'd very
much like to see the developer cycles and the codebases from both efforts
merge into one if at all possible. After some back-and-forthing, it seems like
the current plan is to a) get the Mercury code available to everyone for
reference (done), and b) start work on a new implementation, with
participation from all interested parties, that will carry forward the good
architectural ideas from both Sandesha2 and Mercury without necessarily
relying on either codebase explicitly. This will likely be done as a
"revolutionary branch" of Sandesha2, and might become Sandesha3 or might be a
newly named WS subproject.
Subproject News
- Axis2
1.4 release.
Deepal's new book on Axis2 was published.
The team voted to move all future development of Axis2 to Java 1.5, dropping
the requirement for 1.4 compatibility. This had been discussed several times
previously but we're finally biting the bullet and making the switch.
- Sandesha
Preparing for a Sandesha2 1.4 release built on Axis2 1.4 and Rampart 1.4
containing many stability and performance fixes in a branch. The trunk has now
moved on to match Axis2 trunk in being Java 5 based.
- Woden
In April, Woden released milestone 8 in support of Axis2 1.4. Woden has since
seen new contributors come on board to tackle updating the Woden WSDL 1.1 ->
2.0 converter (Jeff Maury) and the Woden OM model (Vikas Gujjar). Woden's
validation framework has seen some work recently. There has therefore also
been some increased activity in the implementation of the validation logic for
the WSDL 2.0 assertions. Woden was also recently mentioned in the
developerWorks article [WWW] Describe REST Web services with WSDL 2.0 by
Lawrence Mandel.
- Rampart
Rampart 1.4 was released on Jun 12 with lots of bug fixes and some new
features. New features includes WS Security 1.1 features (Encrypted headers ,
Encrypted SHA1 references ), WS Security Policy 1.2 support, WS Trust features
( Renew binding,Validation binding ) ,New configuration options ( Ability to
plug in Custom policy validators, Ability to define certAlias different from
username for signature , Ability turn off mili second precision ) and ability
to secure messages faults. Rampart 1.4 is tested thoroughly for
interoperability with other WS Stacks.
Apache Rampart also got a Google Summer of Code project this summer.
The jUDDI v2 code is close to being done. We need to go through a round of
sanity checking before we can do the final 2.0 release. In the mean time
coding for v3 has started. jUDDI version 3 is slated to support UDDI v3.
- Scout
The bug list got shorted, and we are getting closer to the final 1.0 release.
- Commons
- Axiom
- Kandula
- Muse
- JaxMe2
- Xml Schema
- Axis2/C
Nothing to report aside from what was mentioned above.
Attachment CC: Status report for the Apache Wicket Project
Status report for the Apache Wicket Project June 2008
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component
oriented web applications, and was established as an Apache project in June
Wicket 1.3 continues to receive maintenance releases (currently 1.3.4). New
release (Java 5 based) is in the works (two milestone releases have been
released). Timo Rantalaiho was added to the Wicket PMC. The Wicket meetup
before ApacheCon was well attended.
A second Wicket community event was organized on tuesday April 8th just prior
to ApacheCon. This Wicket meetup attracted 30-40 people from around the
Netherlands and neighbouring countries. This meetup wasn't as well attended as
the previous meetup, mostly because it was held on a tuesday (a business day),
whereas the previous meetup was on a friday, allowing more folks from abroad
to join.
Wicket meetups around the world continue to grow, especially the London Wicket
event attracts lots of people. Wicket was presented at ApacheCon EU by Gerolf
Timo Rantalaiho has been voted in as a new committer and PMC member.
Trademarks was brought to the attention of the Wicket PMC, and
together with the PRC and the owner of we have a
satisfactory and compliant use of the Apache Wicket mark.
We have released two maintenance releases for our 1.3 release since our last
report (1.3.3 and 1.3.4). We are working on our next release (Wicket 1.4).
Quite some controversy involved the application of generics to our API and
the burden it brings to our users. We are in the process of evaluating the
choices and are confident to bring this controversy to a good close and create
a solid 1.4 release.
We received a software grant for a Kitten Captcha component created in the
past by The grant and code have gone through the IP clearance and
will be integrated into our extensions module.
Attachment DD: Status report for the Apache XMLBeans Project
XMLBeans board report, June 2008
Last quarter was a little busier than usual; there were more
checkins than usual, including new features and fixes in
preparation for the next release. The process for the new v2.4.0
release has started. Activity on the mailing lists also seems to
have increased in the last month.
There are no new committers or pmc changes. Also there are no
issues to require board's attention.
End of minutes for the June 25, 2008 board meeting.