Links: 2008 - All years
- Original The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
July 16, 2008
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 10:00am (Pacific) and began at
10:02 AM when a sufficient attendance to constitute a
quorum was recognized by the chairman. The meeting was held
via teleconference, hosted by Jim Jagielski and Covalent.
IRC #asfboard on was used for backup
2. Roll Call
Directors Present:
Bertrand Delacretaz
Justin Erenkrantz
J Aaron Farr
Jim Jagielski
Geir Magnusson Jr
William Rowe Jr
Sam Ruby
Greg Stein
Directors Absent:
Henning Schmiedehausen
Sander Striker
Paul Querna
3. Minutes from previous meetings
Minutes (in Subversion) are found under the URL:
A. The meeting of June 25, 2008
See: board_minutes_2008_06_25.txt
Approved by General Consent.
4. Executive Officer Reports
A. Chairman [Jim]
Sam has reported that we have received signed Membership applications
from all newly elected members (from the June '08 meeting). The
new members of the ASF are:
John Casey Ugo Cei Bernd Fondermann
Jarek Gawor Rick Hillegas Rainer Jung
Guenter Knauf Grzegorz Kossakowski J. Daniel Kulp
Martin Marinschek Norman Maurer Gavin McDonald
Tony Stevenson Emmanuel Venisse Roland Weber
Tom White
I have tasked the Exec Assistant to coordinate with our
insurance broker to ensure that all is ready for the D&O
renewal, as well as to look into the viability (and costs)
of insuring our increasing h/w assets.
I have also been busy speaking with representatives of
external organizations (both FOSS and non-FOSS) regarding
the ASF. From all appearances, it looks like both Justin and
I are sharing the community outreach and contact tasks; within
previous boards, either the President (eg: Brian) or the Chairman
(eg: Greg) was the main "representative"; within this board this
is being somewhat evenly "shared". I would appreciate some board
feedback on this.
This is the first board meeting in a *long* time in which we
did not have a scheduled vote on a new TLP or changing a
PMC chair or changing the roster of a board committee. Interesting.
There have been a few discussion threads on members@ and board@
but nothing of serious note. All in all, the ASF is doing well
and ticking along.
B. President [Justin]
Pursuant to the last Board meeting, Paul Querna has now taken
over primary responsibility for Infrastructure. This
transition has gone well so far, however the largest obstacle
is that Paul can not purchase items or initiate payments for
services or parts himself. Therefore, I recommend that we
ask WF to issue a corporate credit card to Paul to streamline
the purchasing process.
Along with several other Apache members, I attended a workshop
earlier this month at OSS Watch in Oxford concerning how to
mentor open source projects within the academic community.
While I was there, I was also interviewed by a local reporter
and the interview should be published later this year.
I have been approached by OSUOSL to be on their advisory
council to help them focus their efforts to support the open
source community. Since we have a sizable presence at their
facility, I have accepted the invitation. The first meeting
will be at OSCON next week, so I expect more details to emerge
then. Roy Fielding and I also plan to head to Corvallis next
week to visit the OSUOSL facility and discuss our long-term
expansion plans concerning OSUOSL.
Our contact with Yahoo! for the sponsorship program has changed,
and I have reached out to the new contacts. I hope to meet up
with them during OSCON next week for drinks or dinner similar
to last year. If anyone at OSCON is interested in tagging
along, please let me know and I will include you in any
planning communication.
As usual, I also expect to do some external outreach with other
OSS organizations and potential sponsors at next week's OSCON.
In particular, Eclipse is apparently restructuring their
membership program, so I'd like to track down some Eclipse
folks and learn what they are up to. Danese Cooper and Henri
Yandell will both be at the FLOSS foundations meetup this
weekend before OSCON, so I plan to follow up with them to see
if there's anything of interest to the ASF that is discussed.
Pursuant to the request from the last Board meeting, I have
reached out to Amazon concerning EC2 availability for our projects.
As mentioned in the Hadoop project report, the Hadoop PMC has
reached an agreement with Amazon for interested committers to receive
chunks of ~$100 credit towards EC2. I will note that to service
Geronimo's request, it'd be about $800 to $1200/mo at the published
rates. The feedback from folks that have been using EC2 is that the
cost quickly escalates to where using EC2 as a continuous test
platform does not make economic sense - and that other OSS
projects only use their EC2 platform very infrequently to save
money. As far as I can gather, Hadoop only plans on using EC2
infrequently rather than as a continuous test platform. I will
continue to explore our options with Amazon.
Other folks have volunteered to task the Exec. Asst. with
items, so I have, for the moment, relinquished that oversight
responsibility. The contracts for Exec. Asst. and Secy. Asst
expire in September, so, by next month's meeting, we need to
agree upon a plan for using our resources. Since I believe a
number of ASF folks will be at OSCON, it may be useful to have
an informal face-to-face get-together or BOF to kick-start a
discussion about our options.
Finally, I have begun discussing with Sander on how to further
off-load some items from my plate. Going forward, if there are
any European events that we feel are worthy of having an ASF
presence, Sander will try to attend. Additionally, we have
discussed transitioning some of my 'backup' roles in other
areas to Sander.
C. Treasurer [J Aaron]
There's been some talk about work on the treasurer's part.
Here's the outstanding to-do list:
- Get the credit card transactions up to date in the QuickBooks
account. This could be handed off to our Exec. Assistant.
- First draft of the tax return (due by August 1st)
- Prepare a policy and workflow for approving expenses.
The credit card issue hasn't changed since our last meeting. I
need to talk to our assistant to determine how we'll transfer
the data and Quickbooks information.
I've started looking over the taxes from last year in order to
figure out what I need to do to prepare the taxes for this
year. Looking at my current schedule, I should be able to
manage a "draft" of the taxes before August 1st which could
then be reviewed during August and submitted before September.
On the matter of helping the treasurer, there really isn't that
much work that needs to be done usually. Given that our
current assistants are, as far as I know, under-utilized, it is
my recommendation that until we show further need, we assign
excess treasurer work to one of our assistants when necessary.
Monthly financial reports below.
The $1,253.36 difference between the two reports is due to an
equivalent payment made on Justin's credit card. Since we are
not yet reporting liabilities (the credit cards), this only
shows up as a cash payment without any balancing decrease in
Statement of Financial Income and Expense
June 25 through July 16, 2008
Ordinary Income/Expense
Contributions Income
Unrestricted 241.99
Total Contributions Income 241.99
Total Income 241.99
Bank Service Charges 29.90
Contract Labor 1,000.00
Program Expenses
Public Relations 3,455.00
Infrastructure Staff 6,000.00
Total Program Expenses 9,455.00
Total Expense 10,484.90
Net Ordinary Income -10,242.91
Net Income -10,242.91
Statement of Financial Position
As of July 16, 2008
Jul 16, 08 Jun 25, 08 $ Change % Change
Current Assets
Paypal 196.98 14,073.17 -13,876.19 -98.6%
Wells Fargo Analyzed Account 91,696.07 89,316.15 2,379.92 2.7%
Wells Fargo Savings 157,214.03 157,214.03 0.00 0.0%
Total Checking/Savings 249,107.08 260,603.35 -11,496.27 -4.4%
Total Current Assets 249,107.08 260,603.35 -11,496.27 -4.4%
TOTAL ASSETS 249,107.08 260,603.35 -11,496.27 -4.4%
Sam to arrange payment for the Florida colo with
Jim to fax FedEx request for updated CC information to Sam for
D. Secretary [Sam]
1 grant, 43 iclas, 2 cclas
Membership applications were received for all duly elected members
and recorded.
Minutes were published in a timely fashion.
Assisted with the purchase of equipment for infrastructure. I support
the request that the VP of Infrastructure be issued a credit card.
Awaiting confirmation from Jason van Zyl on the transfer of the domain name. I don't sense that access to the credit
card is the gating issue.
Despite an initial personal visit and two subsequent follow ups
via phone, inexplicably the updating of forwarding address for the
lockbox has not been completed. This is impacting the processing
of ICLAs. If not addressed by end of month, I will adjust the
mailing address on the xCLA forms to my address until the point
where I can verify that the issue has been adequately resolved.
My perception is that the tighter tracking of action items that
we have been doing lately is reducing the number of "dropped
balls". General request to no-one in particular: if you find
yourself in a position where you don't have the cycles to
push an item forward during the course of the month, see if there
is someone who will volunteer to take over the action item.
E. Executive VP [Sander]
On behalf of Infrastructure I've reached out to some of our Dutch
Members to see if they were willing to volunteer to go to our colo
in Amsterdam when needed. The feedback has been positive, and I've
managed to show two people around at the Colo. Pending update of
the access list we should be in better shape there.
After talking to Justin, I've started to look at getting up to speed
with PRC, to be able to take over his role as backup there. I've
reached out to Sally to get her set up so that she can perform site
updates without having to depend on others. Over the course of
next month I will increase time spent on PRC.
As Justin mentions, for European events where we should have a
presence, I'm going to try and attend.
It was noted that Justin's role as backup is distinct from his
role as president, Sander indicated his desire to become more
involved with the PRC due as he views it as a key operational
area. Jim called for a vote on the PRC list.
Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
5. Additional Officer Reports
1. VP of JCP [Geir Magnusson Jr]
See Attachment 1
2. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby]
See Attachment 2
A brief discussion was had concerning ASF committers and members
participating as Expert Witnesses. This is a decision that only
the individual in question can make for themselves, but if there
is any concern that there might involve an ASF vulnerability,
then the individual is requested to include the ASF's legal VP
and counsel in the discussion.
3. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Justin]
See Attachment 3
It was noted that not all security reports are httpd related.
Henning indicated a desire that a breakdown by projects
would be nice, but there was no direction to provide it.
4. Apache Conference Planning Project [Lars Eilebrecht / Geir]
See Attachment 4
5. Apache Audit Project [William Rowe]
See Attachment 5
6. Apache Public Relations Project [Jim Jagielski]
See Attachment 6
Jim to provide feedback to Sally, asking her to only include
"significant" links.
7. Apache Infrastructure Team [Justin Erenkrantz]
See Attachment 7
Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
6. Committee Reports
A. Apache ActiveMQ Project [Hiram Chirino / Jim]
See Attachment A
The board is pleased with rate at which new committers are
being added.
B. Apache Beehive Project [Eddie O'Neil / Greg]
See Attachment B
Report was pushed back to next month
C. Apache CXF Project [J. Daniel Kulp / Sam]
See Attachment C
D. Apache DB Project [Jean T. Anderson / Bill]
See Attachment D
E. Apache Directory Project [Emmanuel Lecharny / Bertrand]
See Attachment E
F. Apache Geronimo Project [Kevan Miller / Henning]
See Attachment F
As the new hardware was approved on the basis that such will be
running non-stop, it decided that it would be good to if the initial
assumption is correct in the long run. Henning to follow up
w/infrastructure requesting a hardware utilization report.
G. Apache Hadoop Project [Owen O'Malley / J Aaron]
See Attachment G
It was noted that Zookeeper lacks an ip-clearance. Owen agreed
to follow up.
Owen reported that Amazon has agreed to donate a few hundred dollars
of computer time on EC2 to individual Hadoop developers for testing
and benchmarking.
H. Apache Incubator Project [Noel J. Bergman / Justin]
See Attachment H
Some interest was expressed in having a BlueSky report next month
and perhaps even monthly. No action was assigned.
It was noted that the Hama report was lacking information about
information happening within the ASF.
Concern was expressed about the pace of the activity within RCF, but
it was noted that activity is picking up.
Sam to follow up on CCLA/ICLA issues with Imperius
I. Apache Jakarta Project [Martin van den Bemt / Geir]
See Attachment I
J. Apache JAMES Project [Danny Angus / Henning]
See Attachment J
Henning sent the PMC a reminder for August
K. Apache Maven Project [Jason van Zyl / Bill]
See Attachment K
L. Apache MINA Project [Peter Royal / Jim]
See Attachment L
The board is pleased with the way Peter approached the topic of
Trustin's departure.
M. Apache MyFaces Project [Manfred Geiler / Greg]
See Attachment M
N. Apache ODE Project [Matthieu Riou / Bertrand]
See Attachment N
O. Apache OpenEJB Project [David Blevins / J Aaron]
See Attachment O
P. Apache OpenJPA Project [Craig Russell / Sam]
See Attachment P
Q. Apache Shale Project [Gary VanMatre / Geir]
See Attachment Q
Jim requested that they submit a report for next month
R. Apache Struts Project [Martin Cooper / Bill]
See Attachment R
S. Apache Tapestry Project [Howard M. Lewis Ship / Sam]
See Attachment S
T. Apache Tcl Project [David N. Welton / Justin]
See Attachment T
U. Apache Tuscany Project [Ant Elder / Henning]
See Attachment U
Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
7. Special Orders
8. Discussion Items
On September 1st the current contracts for Executive Assistant and
Secretarial Assistant expire, which means that we should have resolutions
in place by the August meeting if we want to renew either or both of
the contracts. Prior to that point, we should discuss whether we want
to reduce, modify, or expand these roles.
Should we issue credit cards for the Executive V.P. and/or the V.P.,
Apache Infrastructure? And if so, what should the credit limits be?
Credit Card discussion was tabled to the mailing list
Planning to attending OSCON: Aaron, Justin, Geir, Sam, Greg
9. Review Outstanding Action Items
* Jim to contact Sam Ramji re: POI
Update: Sam Ramji has been on vacation and relatively hard to
reach. However, I did manage to sync up with him regarding
POI. We will work on how to make things more obvious and
* Geir to work with QPid on rationale and licensing
Update : I [very lately :)] approached the PPMC to help. Will
have another update, either a conclusion or a proposal,
at the next board meeting.
* Jim to contact Grant re: TREC
Update: In progress. Working to see how to coordinate this with
the TREC guys first.
* Aaron to task the EA to do some data entry tasks, coordinating
this effort with Justin and Jim as required.
Update: initial contact has been made, transfer of a hard disk will
occur next week
* Geir to work with the PRC to work out how to pro-actively
generate press interest around the JCP/TCK issue.
Update : due to "jcp break", no press action was undertaken.
As per the JCP report, will be restarting this activity, and
will advise PRC as appropriate.
* Bertrand to review scheduling of podling reports with incubator.
Update: has
been created to follow up on this concern. No concrete results
yet, possible solutions are being discussed. I'll keep an eye
on it.
* Aaron to follow up with Quetzalcoatl on the implications of this
project going dormant.
Update: Aaron subscribed to mailing list, will follow up
10. Unfinished Business
Discussion of the need to approve the expense of a GAAP review. This
was tabled to the board@ mailing list.
11. New Business
12. Announcements
13. Adjournment
Adjourned at 11:06 a.m. (Pacific)
Attachment 1: Report from the VP of JCP
Short period, low activity, and little to report.
There was one phone conference call between the EC and
Jeet Kaul to disuss Sun's position from the business
perspective. My impression, and feedback from other EC
members, is that it didn't contribute to any forward
Other than that, not much happened. I took a break from
the battle over the license with the intent of resuming
at OSCON next week. I'll advise the PRC of any material
actions that are planned or situational.
Attachment 2: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee
Resolved issues:
* Documentation about the Legal Affairs Committee has been added to
the web site (primary source: board resolutions)
* Cobertura reports can be included in Apache distributions
* Yahoo! DomainKeys Patent License Agreement v1.2 does not
raise any concerns.
Significant Discussions:
* Permathread about policy issue about shipping LGPL jars reoccurred.
again this month.
* We are Revisiting whether or not there should be a JIRA checkbox concerning
whether or not there should be a "Grant license to the ASF" checkbox
and what the default should be.
* Received another inquiry from the owners of the Abator trademark.
Attachment 3: Status report for the Apache Security Team Project
There continues to be a steady stream of reports of various kinds
arriving at These continue to be dealt with
promptly by the security team. Nice and quiet for June:
1 Support question
3 Vulnerability report
Attachment 4: Status report for the Apache Conference Planning Project
Status report for the Apache Conference Planning Project (July 2008)
General News
* There are no board-level issues at this time.
ApacheCon US 2008 News
* A press release announcing the opening of registration and the show
website has been issued, and additional announce emails will be
coming this week, including discount codes for committers.
* The OFBiz PMC has produced a proposed schedule for the OFBiz
Symposium tracks that will be held at ApacheCon, which will be
integrated into the website for all attendees.
* We will remind US attendees that the US presidential elections
are happening the Tuesday of ApacheCon.
OSSummit Asia 2008 News
* We are in the final stages of scheduling a small (~10 speaker)
low-cost one-day "road show" event that will travel to Shanghai
and Beijing in early December. We are trying to determine which
speakers from our original program are available and then build
a suitable program around that.
ApacheCon Europe 2009 News
* no news since last report
ApacheCon US 2009 News
* no news since last report
Attachment 5: Status report for the Apache Audit Project
Committee requests an appropriation of $5,000 for external GAAP Review
services. One audit firm has been identified, CJBS of Northbrook, IL,
and a discussion of which firm to use is ongoing at the auditcom list.
Karen of SFLC declined to directly participate but remains available
to both the board and the committee for any legal queries.
The committee requests a timetable for delivery of all records, year
end reports and 990 submission for FY '07.
Attachment 6: Status report for the Apache Public Relations Project
A pretty "short" month since last report, with just a handful of updates.
First of all, the issue regarding the and the sites and the usage of the Apache marks
has been resolved. I contacted the organizations and they have
updated the site to mention our marks as well as clarify that they
are not affiliated or endorsed by the ASF.
Secondly, we are in the continuing process of renewing the
currently expiring Sponsorships. We are also working on a new
Sponsor and hope to have an update available for that shortly.
Finally, we sent out a mid-year report PR regarding the ASF and
its activities since the start of '08.
The HALO report follows:
- Drafted and distributed mid-year/momentum ASF release
- Coordinated CXF press release review process with IONA's PR team
- ASF Sponsor Liaison: education and outreach with Microsoft's
Open Sourceand PR teams on both ASF and ApacheCon sponsorship (ongoing)
- Coordinated Dennis Byron/IT Business Edge interview on CXF with
Benson Margulies (backup Daniel Kulp)
Attachment 7: Status report for the Apache Infrastructure Team
Purchased two dell 1950s for $10K. The machines have been shipped
to the sysadmin and will be deployed shortly for Geronimo to use
for TCK testing. We investigated EC2 as an alternative, but found
it wasn't cost-effective for the needs of the Geronimo PMC.
Entered into a monthly agreement with for ~$500 / month
for colocation services in Florida.
Ordered a switch and miscellaneous cables for setting up the colo.
Helped some new zone admins set up shop.
Set up the Sun t5220 as thor, which will be used for build systems
once we have the disk situation sorted out.
Work continues on setting up bia (backups), driven by Tony Stevenson,
Gavin McDonald, and Norman Maurer.
Set up odyne in SARA, which will be used as a zone host.
Made progress with Jason van Zyl regarding the adoption of and
the central repo machine by the ASF.
Attachment A: Status report for the Apache ActiveMQ Project
* The ActiveMQ project has had another very busy quarter. Seven new
contributors were voted in and accepted becoming ActiveMQ committers:
* Gary Tully
* Gert Vanthienen
* Dejan Bosanac
* Claus Ibsen
* Roman Kalukiewicz
* Willem Jiang
* Jim Gomes
* The development and user lists continue to stay vibrant.
* Lots of development effort continues around pushing out new
versions of ActiveMQ, ActiveMQ-CPP, and Camel.
* Camel 1.3.0
* ActiveMQ 5.1.0
* ActiveMQ 4.1.2
* ActiveIO 3.1.0
* ActiveIO 3.0.1
* ActiveMQ-CPP 2.2
Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Beehive Project
Attachment C: Status report for the Apache CXF Project
This was a "short" month since the last meeting met a week late and several
vacations (and my paternity leave) have caused a relatively short report:
2.0.7 and 2.1.1 were released.
No new committers, but mentoring is occurring with a couple people getting
close and patches being submitted. Discussions have started around planning
for new features for 2.2. Along with that we also had good a good
discussion (including several users) about whether a certain "feature"
(JAX-RS 0.8 upgrade) was worth putting in a 2.1.x patch instead of waiting
for 2.2. Very busy and healthy users list.
Nothing of note
Anyway, this should be our last monthly report and should be back on the
quarterly schedule.
Attachment D: Status report for the Apache DB Project
It was another busy quarter in Apache DB. There were changes to the PMC, we
added two new committers, and two releases went out the door. Three students
are participating in the Google Summer of Code program, and there are
prospects for a potential Incubator project. Details are below.
PMC changes
- Added Oystein Grovlen
- Added Dyre Tjeldvoll
- Retired Henning Schmiedehausen
New Committers
- Jorgen Loland (Derby)
- V. Narayanan (Derby)
- Derby
- Derby
Google Summer of Code
Three students are working on the Google Summer of Code
"Derby Test and Fix" project.
- Cees de Groot posted to in June regarding
interest in making JDBM an Apache DB subproject.
Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Directory Project
Business as usual, this quarter. Bug fixes, lot of work to implement new
Otherwise, nothing special.
The latest release (1.5.3) is being voted.
A lot of errors have been fixed. Some big new features have also been added
in this release, including a SASL NTLM mechanism, allowing users to
authenticate on Windows server (as the current implementation is based on
some GPL code, the jar is not delivered within the server, users have to
download it by themselves).
Studio 1.2.0, being voted too, is bringing some very important new feature:
it's now possible to launch an internal ADS server, without having to
install it beside. That helps a lot for those who want to experiment the
server at no cost.
No new committer this quarter.
We gained 16 new subscribers on the users' mailing list since last report
(128 against 112). It seems that we have around one new subscriber every
week or so.
The Apache conference in Amsterdam was pretty successful, and we have had
many interesting conversations with other Apache project. Derby project is
interested to establish some collaboration between our two projects. Things
are on their way.
I have informed the PMC of my will to rotate the chair, and proposed Alex.
He asked me to reconsider my call, at least for a few months, just to make
sure that we don't rotate too quickly.
SASL NTLM mechanism is one of the most important added feature.
We also have installer for almost all the platforms :
- windows
- linux (RPM, DEB, zip)
- Solaris
The site download page has been completly revamped
Performance are now much better. We still have some work to do, but we
will do it in 1.5.4.
Studio now embed ADS, which can be launched and stopped internally.
Stefan also worked on a GUI test tool.
The very same : we don't release fast enough, bigbang branch takes forever
to complete, and more documentation is needed.
Otherwise, some of us had to spend some time on MINA, which is a major
component of Directory.
Export Notification
The Export Notification procedure has to be fulfiled for Studio. It's
just a matter to update the matrix, it will be done in the next couple
of weeks.
A busy quarter. I have to add that until we get rid of the bigbang branch,
we won't see a lot of activity beside the current active committers.
Studio is really doing well, and there are more and more common parts
between the server and Studio.
We are still expecting to announce ADS 2.0 by the end of Q3.
Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Geronimo Project
Geronimo Server 2.1.1 was released on April 28th. Release preparations
for a 2.1.2 release have begun. Discussions about a Geronimo 2.2
release are taking place on our dev list. The Yoko, Plugins, Devtools,
Specs, and XBean subprojects also had releases in the past 3 months.
The Geronimo community created a request for 2 server machines to
support the community's TCK testing efforts. The request was approved
in the previous board meeting. We were also requested to evaluate an
EC2-based solution. Calculations showed that EC2 would be nearly twice
as expensive as a dedicated hardware approach. Hardware acquisition of
the new server machines is preceding.
New PMC Members: Shiva Kumar, Lin Sun
New Committers: Ted Kirby, Yun Feng Ma
Geronimo 2.1.1 was released on April 28th. Preparations for a 2.1.2
release are underway. Long-range discussions for a 2.2 release have
Server Repository Plugin 1.0 was released on June 27th.
Work started on a plugin to run Apache JAMES embedded in Geronimo.
Eclipse Plugin 2.1.0 and 2.1.1 were released (April 28th and June 26th)
Working on 2.0 release, which strips-out plugins and only provides
Maven configuration for simplified project configuration. Anticipating
a release in the next few months.
Some re-design work to solidify the internal command-API and all for
containers other than Plexus (like Spring) to work with the framework
with little-or-no changes. Integrated Maven artifact API to allow
GShell-application dependencies to be downloaded from a Maven
XBean 3.4, 3.4.1, 3.4.2, and 3.4.3 were released.
Shipped new 1.4 release of the javamail specs and 1.5 releases of the
javamail provider and mail jars on July 11th.
Worked with the Apache James project to get the James server working
with the Geronimo javamail implementation as an alternative to the Sun
version. James integration testing helped us uncover a number of
bugs in our Javamail implementation. Thanks to the James project
for their help.
JAX-WS Spec 2.1 was released on May 29th.
Yoko 1.0 was released on May 16th.
Attachment G: Status report for the Apache Hadoop Project
Hadoop is a set of tools for distributed applications.
The PMC voted to add a new Hadoop subproject, named Zookeeper, which
is a distributed coordination service. Zookeeper was developed by
Yahoo and was granted to Apache. Zookeeper should form a great basis
for Map/Reduce and HDFS high availability. The original committers are
Patrick Hunt, Flavio Junqueira, Mahadev Konar, Andrew Kornev, and Ben
There are now monthly Hadoop user get togethers in northern California
( and there is one scheduled
for August in London (
Core is a framework for building distributed applications, which
includes a distributed file system and map/reduce.
0.18.0 is feature frozen but unreleased, currently with 254 jiras.
0.17.2 is unreleased, currently with 4 jiras
0.17.1 was released 23 June 2008 fixing 10 jiras
0.17.0 was released 18 May 2008 fixing 200 jiras.
0.16.4 was released 5 May 2008 fixing 4 jiras.
0.16.3 was released 16 April 2008 fixing 7 jiras.
Core won the annual terabyte sort benchmark,
which is the first time that either a Java or an open source program
won the competition. Core has added 4 committers, Johan Oskarsson,
Lohit Vijaya Renu, Zheng Shao, and Tsz Wo Sze. We've had very active
development and active user base.
HBase is a distributed column-oriented database, build on top of Hadoop Core.
0.1.1 was released on 27 March 2008. 12 issues were addressed by this release.
0.1.2 was released on 13 May 2008. 27 issues were addressed by this release.
0.1.3 was released on 27 June 2008. 16 issues were addressed by this release.
The hbase-0.1.x releases runs on hadoop-0.16.x.
Work continues on release 0.2.0 which will run on hadoop-0.17.x.
231 of 239 issues have been resolved. We are targeting the end of July
for a release candidate.
On Tuesday, July 1, Microsoft and Powerset signed a deal for Microsoft to
acquire Powerset. Two of the HBase committers (who are also members of the
Hadoop PMC) are employed by Powerset and may not be able to continue work
on HBase after the deal closes. They and their manager are working with
Microsoft to determine what will happen, but may not know for several weeks
Zookeeper is a service for coordinating processes of distributed applications.
Migration from SourceForge to Apache is in progress. Yahoo's code
grant was filed with the ASF, the SourceForge SVN snapshot has been
loaded into ASF SVN and Hudson is now running daily builds on the
codebase. SourceForge tracker has been fully migrated to Jira and the
developers are now using ASF Jira and mailing lists. Migration of
documentation and website is in progress and expected to be completed
in the next couple of weeks. A new release of ZooKeeper is being
worked on in parallel with the move, completing this will be a major
focus subsequent to the ASF migration.
Ben Reed (Yahoo) and Ted Dunning (Veoh) presented ZooKeeper at the
latest Hadoop social - reaction was extremely positive. Many attendees
were already using ZK, and almost all were at least familiar with the
Attachment H: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project
THE major topic of discussion has continued to be the Maven repository. A
thread, "Do we really need an incubator?", was started by Dims, but the real
issue raised was over the perceived watering down of Incubator seperation as
a consequence of Maven's repository handling. The current emerging
consensus appears to be that there are real and significant
issues/consequences to the ASF, but they are not Incubator specific.
Whether they are something for the Board, Membership and/or Infrastructure
Team to take up is orthogonal to the issues of the Incubator. Short of
banning the use of the Maven repository for all Incubator artifacts, there
is little that makes sense for the Incubator to address.
We did commit a change to the Incubator documentation better describing the
process for electing Committers.
Empire-DB has been voted to start Incubation. Click is currently under
consideration. An image gallery project is also under active discussion and
=== Hama ===
Incubating since: 19 May 2008
The intial donation of Hama from the google project was done, but we should
firstly discuss and define the architecture before collaboration.
IPMC comments: "Before collaboration"? Shouldn't that be done
* Hama has been approved by technical commitee at NHN.
* But, Some people (Joosun, Changhee) are still waiting for make entries
in a CCLA.
* The 128-node Hama test cluster was configured at the Korean Research
Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB).
* We (see met Prof. Choi J., who is
a member of the ScaLAPACK team.
* The Hama is also good fit with block algorithms using two-dimensional
=== Imperius ===
Imperius has been incubating since November 2007.
Imperius is a rule-based infrastructure management tool
Made several enhancements to the code:
1. Added cascaded policy evaluation capability for Java-SPL. This allows
one policy to invoke another as part of its decision.
2. Access to private members of anchor classes using java-bean style
get/set methods
3. Added ability to make complex calls like a.b.c() in the decision
A couple of new teams are trying to prototype with Imperius (2 from IBM, 1
university). No new committers or contributors since the last report.
The initial set of committers is still incomplete. The issue is slow
resolution of the CCLA/ICLA contracts in BigCo.
Graduation is not on the table based on the size and diversity of the
community; and there has not been a release of code.
=== JSPWiki ===
JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007.
JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program.
During the past three months, the JSPWiki community seems to still enjoy a
steady increase. The developer list now has 59 names, an increase of 15%.
The user list is now 142 people strong, a growth of 18%. In addition, the
JSPWiki PPMC and the Incubator PMC voted to add a new committer, Harry
Metske, to the team.
All LGPL dependencies have now been cleaned away from the code base, and all
the code is now accounted for, either under individual CLAs, corporate CCLAs
or SGAs. The cleanup did unfortunately mean that some bits of the codebase
needed to be re-implemented under the Apache license, delaying the work.
JSPWiki 2.8.0 has entered the testing cycle with an JSPWiki 2.8.0 alpha
build available to users and developers. This is not an incubator release as
such, but is released through the old mechanism so that we can postpone the
switch to the org.apache.jspwiki package structure until 3.0.
The API development for 3.0 has also been started in the SVN and wiki.
Graduation is not on the horizon yet. The code base is not yet migrated to
use the org.apache package naming and there has not been an official
incubator release yet.
=== JSecurity ===
JSecurity is a powerful and flexible open-source Java security framework
that cleanly handles authentication, authorization, enterprise session
management and cryptography.
JSecurity has been incubating since June 2008.
The project has kicked off with some basic infrastructure now in place.
Mailing lists have been set up.
The svn repository is ready for code.
The JIRA project is set up.
The initial committers have sent ICLA's and all accounts have been created.
Discussion is underway as to migration of the existing code into the Apache
repository. There is an existing code base with users that will need to have
releases and maintenance while the project is incubating.
PMC comments:
* jukka: JSecurity status page is missing
=== Lucene.Net ===
IPMC reviews: jukka
Lucene.Net is a source code, class-per-class, API-per-API and algorithmatic
port of the Java Lucene search engine to the C# and .NET platform utilizing
Microsoft .NET Framework. Lucene Indexes created with Java / C# Lucene are
cross compatible.
Lucene.Net has been incubating since April 2006.
Development on Lucene.Net is back with renewed interest and commitment from
a number of new folks. Currently, work is underway to port Java Lucene
2.3.1 to the .NET platform. In addition, we are looking to add new
committers to the project based on their contribution.
=== Qpid ===
Qpid is an enterprise messaging broker which implements the AMQP protocol.
It has been incubating since 2006-08-27.
* A new release timetable and source management process was agreed on
* We're completing our mid-term evaluations of our two GSoC students
* Continuing to attract new contributers, hopefully a more rapid and
reliable release schedule will help
* Prototype forrest-based website has comitted to svn to replace the
existing confluence-backed one
Issues before graduation:
* PPMC diversity needs to be improved
=== RCF ===
RCF is a rich component set for JSF which supports AJAX. We are in the
process of analyzing and removing undesired dependencies of our code to be
compliant in the OpenSource world. Incubating since: May 2007.
The project sources have not yet been committed to Apache svn. We have some
internal (oracle) discussion about migration for our existing customers,
since the code-base is already used inside the company.
Issues before graduation:
* Bring the sources to Apache
* build a community around the code
=== Sanselan ===
Sanselan has been in incubation since September 2007.
Sanselan is a pure-java image library for reading and writing a variety of
image formats.
The community hasn't grown much in the past three months. There continues to
be only one active committer.
There was work on EXIF metadata read/write support and a bug in the
implementation was discussed on the dev aliaas.
Builds outside Apache have been made but no official Apache release has been
created yet.
Barriers to graduation continue to be diversity, size of the community,
overall activity, and lack of a release from Apache.
=== Tika ===
Apache Tika is a toolkit for detecting and extracting metadata and
structured text content from various documents using existing parser
libraries. Tika entered incubation on March 22nd, 2007.
* Tika community remains relatively small, with just a handful of active
* Work towards Tika 0.2 continues, Chris Mattman has volunteered to be the
release manager
Issues before graduation:
* Increase the size and diversity of the community (or graduate into a
Lucene subproject?)
=== Thrift ===
Thrift is a software framework for scalable cross-language services
development. Thrift allows you to define data types and service interfaces
in a simple definition file. Taking that file as input, the compiler
generates code to be used to easily build RPC clients and servers that
communicate seamlessly across programming languages.
Incubating since May 2008
* The SVN repository has been moved to Apache.
* Mailing lists and JIRA have been set up.
* Have 9 committers (6.5 from Facebook, 2.5 not from Facebook).
* Adapted to the JIRA workflow.
* Some best practices around use of Git have been developed. Documentation
and further discussion required.
* Significant rework of the Ruby bindings completed and committed.
* Improve (wiki) documentation.
* Complete a release cycle plan. (What/when/how defines the release of a
* Document and elaborate best practices of Git as a contribution tool.
(Background: we are very happy with the way Git worked for us before
incubation, and we want to find a way to make it continue to work within the
Apache Way).
* Finish rounding up Software Grant forms.
=== UIMA ===
UIMA is a component framework for the analysis of unstructured content such
as text, audio and video. UIMA entered incubation on October 3, 2006.
Some recent activity:
* New Releases: Version 2.2.2 of the base framework and an add-on
package of annotators, plus a simple server for serving the results of
running UIMA Annotators as a web service
* 3 other components, the Asynchronous Scale-out support (which uses
Apache ActiveMQ), a HotFix for the base 2.2.2, and a new CAS Editor, are
currently up for a release vote on general@i.a.o list.
* New sandbox annotators were added that support OpenCalais, a new web
service that does annotations.
* Information from a UIMA Workshop held at LREC in Marrakesh, Morocco,
was added to our website; see
* One user got UIMA to run on the Apache Hadoop infrastructure, and
posted a how-to guide on the UIMA Wiki.
* 3 new parts are being incorporated into the Sandbox with software
grants: A Common Feature Extractor useful for extracting features from CASes
to use as training data in machine learning algorithms, a Concept Mapper - a
general dictionary style lookup annotator which may be eventually combined
with another dictionary annotator, and a Cas Viewer Eclipse plug-in tool,
which may be combined with the Cas Editor work.
Items to complete before graduation:
* We still need to attract more new committers.
* We continue to do outreach to attract new contributors, which may
become committers. We hope that the release of the Annotator Package and the
upcoming release of UIMA-AS will help.
IPMC comments:
* Looking at the Jira contribution reports of the past few releases we see
quite a few contributors who've submitted issues and patches. It looks like
you've already attracted a number of people and need to evaluate/vote on
them as Committers.
=== RAT ===
Incubating since November 2007. RAT is an auditing tool for automated
checking of compliance with ASF requirements (e.g., licensing).
* Work has continued on ''scan'' a utility that audits distribution
directories on and create reports on any changes. This should
be complete soon.
* Ross Gardler contributed a significant contribution supporting the
optional updating of headers. This is a major improvement over the ad-hoc
scripts used in the past.
* Work continued rationalising the organisation of the codebase
Attachment I: Status report for the Apache Jakarta Project
Since I have been very busy lately and will probably stay that way until the
end of the year, my reporting, oversight and onvolvement hasn't been at the
level of what is expected from a chair. I opted on the PMC list that it is
probably time to replace the chair after 2 years. Currently no candidates
are available to replace me. Although I don't have a problem staying on as
the chair, I feel uneasy about not completely being able to fulfill all my
duties on time. I do expect improvement in the next year, when most of my
big time consuming projects are over.
Sebastian cleaned up and updated the Jakarta website
06-14-2008 JMeter 2.3.2
Subproject news
There is interest from some Harmony people to get involved in getting active
on the project, since they are depending on it.
A user requested to get a patch applied and Robert volunteered to review and
when ok commit it.
Had one release in June, version 2.3.2.
There was a question from a user to the PRC about the fact that the 1.0.3
release of jstl doesn't contain a license file. The question of the user was
if she could assume that the 1.1 was active for that release. We replied that
the 1.0.3 indeed doesn't contain a license file and was intended to be
released under the Apache Software License 1.1. We suggested moving to the
1.0.6 version, which contains the correct license information.
Nothing to report :
Attachment J: Status report for the Apache JAMES Project
Attachment K: Status report for the Apache Maven Project
* General Information
* transfer discussed in last board report was not completed.
Discussion about this, and the transferral of the contract for the Maven
repository hardware to the ASF have been resumed by Jason and the
infrastructure team in the past week.
* New PMC Members
Dan Kulp
* New Committers
Oleg Gusakov
* Releases
* Maven Changes Plugin 2.0 (Wednesday April 16th, 2008)
* Maven Archetype Plugin 2.0-alpha-3 (Monday April 28th, 2008)
* Maven Surefire Plugin 2.4.3 (Wednesday May 14th, 2008)
* Maven Shade Plugin 1.1 (Thursday May 29th, 2008)
* Maven PMD Plugin 2.4 (Thursday May 29th, 2008)
* Maven Ant Plugin 2.1 (Thursday May 29th, 2008)
* Maven Invoker Plugin 1.2 (Friday May 30th, 2008)
* Maven Checkstyle Plugin 2.2 (Wednesday June 4th, 2008)
* Maven Repository Plugin 2.1 (Thursday June 26th, 2008)
* Maven Site Plugin 2.0-beta-7 (Wednesday July 2nd, 2008)
* Maven Plugins Parent 11 (Tuesday April 8th, 2008)
* Maven Ant tasks 2.0.9 (Thursday April 17th, 2008)
* Doxia 1.0-alpha-11 (Thursday May 15th, 2008)
* Maven Invoker 2.0.8 (Saturday May 17th, 2008)
* Doxia Sitetools 1.0-alpha-11 (Tuesday May 20th, 2008)
* Maven Doxia Integration Tools 1.0 (Thursday May 29th, 2008)
* Maven Runtime 1.0-alpha-1 (Tuesday June 3rd, 2008)
* Wagon 1.0-beta-3 (Friday June 13th, 2008)
* Maven Doxia Integration Tools 1.0.1 (Saturday June 14th, 2008)
* Maven Plugin Tools 2.4.2 (Thursday June 26th, 2008)
Attachment L: Status report for the Apache MINA Project
This has been a tumultuous quarter for MINA. One of our longtime developers
and project co-founders, Trustin Lee, has decided to leave the project. He
will be sorely missed.
Trustin was a prolific contributor, and it remains to be seen how the
project will adapt to his departure.
Other contributors have been stepping up, which is a healthy sign. It has
been a wakeup-call of sorts to the community to realize how much we were
depending upon a single individual, and this may be the painful lesson
that ultimately leads to greater diversity.
We have continued to provide updated versions of our released software
MINA 1.0.10 and 1.1.7. Development continues towards a 2.0 release, with a
second milestone release just last week. The focus has been on helping
others understand the codebase, and to those ends, we have been working
on documntation and clarifying refactorings. Our FtpServer sub-project has
also been under active development, but no releases.
PMC / Committer changes:
* Trustin Lee resigned from the PMC
* Peter Royal succeeds Trustin as PMC chair
* Edouard De Oliveira and Rich Dougherty added as committers
* Mark Webb and Maarten Bosteels joined the PMC
Attachment M: Status report for the Apache MyFaces Project
* Some community additions
* New releases
* Discussions
* Hazem Saleh joined the MyFaces Committers Group
* Matt Cooper joined the MyFaces PMC
* MyFaces sub projects with new releases since the last report:
- MyFaces Core 1.2.x
- MyFaces Tobago
- MyFaces Trinidad 1.0.x
- MyFaces Trinidad 1.2.x
* There is an ongoing discussion about the JSR-301 Portlet Bridge TCK
License on the list (see Thread "Lisense
for the Portlet Bridge TCK")
* There where also discussions about a contribution that supports
creating Adobe Flex components as JSF components (see "Request of
thought regarding proposal of MyFaces Alchemy Subproject" on Since there was not enough interest (ie.
no community) on the incubator list, the contributor (Jihoon Kim) went
to Google Code.
Attachment N: Status report for the Apache ODE Project
We've released a 1.2 that adds a few major features, like the
support for WSDL HTTP binding, some REST extensions, endpoint
configuration and external variables that can be persisted in
user-defined database tables. It also includes quite a few bug
fixes and small improvements. The release is very fresh and we're
still announcing it here and there and gathering feedback (which
seems good so far).
After this release, we're going to focus on backward compatibility
of our trunk, so an upgrade path can be available for the next
release (2.0). Then we should be able to provide more advanced
functionalities like transaction propagation and reliable messaging.
We've voted in a new committer, Alexis Midon, who has contributed
the HTTP binding code and other features. He intends to continue
his contribution and we're very happy about this new help.
We also have a GSoC project going for a web management console
developed by Milinda Pathirage. It's coming along nicely and we
already have some nice result after mid-term.
There has been an increase in mailing list traffic as well as the number
of issues (Jira) reported along with an increase of submitted patches.
Attachment O: Status report for the Apache OpenEJB Project
The OpenEJB 3.0 Final release in mid April brought some good attention to the
project and more new users. User list traffic showed a small increase in
April and May and a sharp spike in June. July looks to be a slow month so
far. Many users are content and anxiously awaiting the next release.
Planning for the next release has begun. The list of fixes and improvements
is growing very large. If all goes well it won't be too much longer before
we start spinning binaries for OpenEJB 3.1. Major new features will include
more EJB 3.1 support, jaxb performance increases through the SXC project,
network performance increases in client/server communication, cmp and jpa
conversion improvements, tomcat console improvements, and fixes in the jdbc
connection pooling.
Jonathan Gallimore was voted in as a committer with great support. Jonathan
is not just a new committer to OpenEJB but to the ASF. A very warm welcome
to Jonathan!
Attachment P: Status report for the Apache OpenJPA Project
OpenJPA has shipped a minor feature release, OpenJPA 1.1.0. Please see
for details.
Two PMC members have been voted in.
Mailing lists continue to be very active, with an average of almost 300
messages per month on the dev alias and nearly 200 messages per month on
the users alias.
OpenJPA continues to experience an increase in email subscriptions and
activity. There are over 140 subscribers to dev and 160 to users.
The community is working well together. Questions from the community
are answered promptly, often resulting in a JIRA being filed.
Pinaki Poddar and Albert Lee have been voted onto the OpenJPA PMC. Both
are active committers and have demonstrated continued commitment to the
The PMC continues to track contributors with an eye toward making them
committers, and committers PMC members. A couple contributors are on track
to be voted into committership this summer.
OpenJPA 1.1.0 has shipped. The maintenance branch 1.1.x currently is
tracking bugs fixed in the trunk. A new maintenance release 1.0.3 and
minor feature release 1.2.0 are being planned.
It was brought to the attention of the PMC that the 1.1.0 release was not
properly signed before being distributed. Changes will be made to the
release process and better tested prior to the next release.
Discussion is underway regarding the next major release that will
correspond to the release of Java Persistence 2.1.
Attachment Q: Status report for the Apache Shale Project
Attachment R: Status report for the Apache Struts Project
This quarter saw Struts 2.1.2 released as Beta, marking our first solid
release in the 2.1 family. We also released Struts, which
addresses a security concern with the Struts 2.0 family. A Struts
release is likely, though, due to an issue with one of our dependencies.
There were no Struts 1.x releases this quarter.
A preliminary Struts 2 roadmap has been drafted, with some initial
discussion. However, most of the energy is being put into reaching a GA
level release of Struts 2.1, subsequent to which I anticipate that the
roadmap discussion will pick up again. A continuing point of discussion
has been the future of the Dojo plugin, which has been languishing without
updates for some time. There has been some maintenance work on the Struts
1.x code line this quarter, but in general the activity level is low.
We added no new committers this quarter. Two further PMC members, Cedric
Dumoulin and James Mitchell, declared themselves emeritus and departed the
PMC. We are in the process of adding two new PMC members at this time.
Attachment S: Status report for the Apache Tapestry Project
Tapestry PMC
The Tapestry PMC has voted in a new committer, Igor Drobiazko.
Tapestry 3
Jesse Kuhnert has been performing maintenance work on this release, adding
performance improvements.
Tapestry 4.1
Andreas Andreou has updated the tapestry-archetype to use the latest
tapestry 4 versions and has included several enhancements suggested by the
community. Together with Marcus Schulte they've fixed some minor bugs and a
new 4.1.6 release should be expected soon.
Tapestry 5
Two releases have occurred: 5.0.11 and 5.0.13 (5.0.12 was voted down due to
a significant bug). Some minor work still remains before 5.0.14, which will
likely be the release candidate.
Attachment T: Status report for the Apache Tcl Project
Apache Tcl continues to be quiet. This quarter saw some improvements
to the Apache 2 Rivet code by Massimo Manghi. Questions on all lists
are answered promptly when they arise. Nothing else to mention,
Attachment U: Status report for the Apache Tuscany Project
Apache Tuscany is an SOA framework based on OASIS OpenCSA.
This is the second monthly report since graduating from the Incubator.
The migration from the Incubator to a TLP has now been completed, check out Many thanks to all the help from the Infra guys.
There have been no releases since last months report, voting is currently
under way on an SCA 1.3 release and release candidates are being prepared for
an SDO 1.1.1 release.
On the community front there have been no new committers or PMC changes. We're
working on a press release about Tuscany's graduation to TLP and the upcoming
SCA 1.3 release and plan to ask PRC for help. The GSoC students working on
Tuscany projects have submitted their interim reports and appear to be making
good progress.
End of minutes for the July 16, 2008 board meeting.