Links: 2008 - All years
- Original The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
October 15, 2008
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 10:00am (Pacific) and began at
10:03 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a
quorum was recognized by the chairman. The meeting was held
via teleconference, hosted by Jim Jagielski and Covalent.
IRC #asfboard on was used for backup
2. Roll Call
Directors Present:
Bertrand Delacretaz
Justin Erenkrantz
J Aaron Farr
Jim Jagielski
Geir Magnusson Jr
William Rowe Jr
Sam Ruby
Greg Stein
Directors Absent:
Henning Schmiedehausen
Brett Porter
Paul Querna
Sander Striker
Jason van Zyl
Henri Yandell
At 11:14 the call dropped and only the Directors dialed back in.
3. Minutes from previous meetings
Minutes (in Subversion) are found under the URL:
A. The meeting of September 17, 2008
See: board_minutes_2008_09_17.txt
4. Executive Officer Reports
A. Chairman [Jim]
Just recently, there was (and is still somewhat ongoing)
an interesting discussion on members@ concerning the use of
git at the ASF. Leaving aside this exact issue for the
time being, this does bring to mind a topic which has been
on my mind for quite awhile. Specifically, what are the
major challenges that the ASF will meet in the future.
There is a PoV that scaling and growth is likely the biggest
thing to affect us in the short term, but I don't agree.
History has shown that we've been able to handle this
and, even assuming a sudden large increase, I just don't
see how it would result in such a cultural or infrastructural
shift as to significantly change who or what we are.
No, IMO, the biggest hurdle for us with be in encouraging
and fostering innovation, and remaining relevant in the
community. We see quite a number of projects just "ticking
along" which, in and of itself, is not a bad sign, but when
we also see a decrease in energy and innovation within that
project, then obviously, we should have some concern.
So the question is how to encourage innovation? Obviously
this is at one level a cultural issue; it must be clear
that this sort of innovative, "flash of genius" development
(such as Roy described in his "Apache 3.0" keynote) is not
only allowed but welcomed. But also, we should have the tools
available to make this easier. In other words, if our current
(approved) developer toolset is a limiting factor, we should
drop them in favor of more "innovative" tools.
Of course, this all implies that innovation and relevance is
something that, as a foundation, we value and want to foster.
I am sure that there are members who really couldn't care
at all if we are "relevant", as long as we are able to create
the kind of s/w we currently are. And this is a valid point.
My main question is whether we are, right now, at the end of
our evolutionary development, or if we are still allowing
change. After all, this is really under our control.
There has been continuing but somewhat reduced discussion
on the the PMC-member ACK policy. It appears that there is
no clear consensus that this needs to be changed.
We are coming up due for a members meeting, most likely
in December. I will query the membership regarding potential
There will likely be a town hall meeting at ApacheCon New
Orleans. We will coordinate this on board@.
B. President [Justin]
First off, good news - Microsoft has now given the green light
to some of their employees to contribute to an Apache
project[1]. This is an excellent continuation of the good vibes
from Microsoft regarding open source. The employees were part
of their recent Powerset acquisition and work on the Hadoop
HBase project. Microsoft has requested some additional PR from
us in support of this announcement - I will continue
coordinating with HALO and the PRC regarding this. Also, we
have secured Sam Ramji as a keynote speaker at ApacheCon in New
Orleans next month.
Along with HALO and the PRC, we are coordinating continued
discussions and dialogue with all of our sponsors. HALO has
introduced themselves to the sponsors. There will likely be
some informal face-to-face meetings with our sponsors at the
upcoming ApacheCon US in New Orleans next month. I look
forward to receiving feedback from our sponsors regarding
our future plans for the foundation.
Discussions with SCP and ConCom continue regarding a small free
informal event in Asia in December. Due to an overlapping
holiday in the region, I plan on attending. More details
surrounding this event should be available by the next Board
Logisitcally, there are still a number of purchases that I'm
being asked to coordinate. I booked travel for HALO, as
approved by the PRC, and for one of the Travel Assistance
recipients. Also, infrastructure expenses still often require
my involvement. One of our vendors, CDW, has 'suspended' our
account and our 'lead' account representative has not responded
to calls or emails. (Other CDW account reps have been contacted,
but to resolve the issue, only the 'lead' contact can clear the
'suspension'.) Our previous purchase of this equipment through
the Sun Store was botched (likely due to an error in Sun's
site; let alone the fact that Sun refuses to assign us a sales
representative), and CDW is one of the few Sun resellers who
has the equipment at a reasonable price. I'll also note that
Sander does not yet have a credit card, so his expenses incurred on
behalf of the ASF are requiring him to bear the costs, and
reimbursement/approval procedures are still not clear. Please
remember that reimbursing expenses requires additional
paperwork for IRS purposes.
Aaron to email requests for credit cards for Paul and Sander
to Justin.
C. Treasurer [J Aaron]
Still waiting on payment from Microsoft, Yahoo! and a new
bronze sponsor. Otherwise, finances are normal and luckily,
our bank didn't fail in the last month.
Several pending treasury activities:
- Recently got feedback from an accountant about our taxes.
Things moving along there.
- Need to send in the form to Wells Fargo for new credit
Statement of Financial Income and Expense
September 17 through October 15, 2008
Ordinary Income/Expense
Interest Income 237.08
Contributions Income
Unrestricted 6,354.15
Total Contributions Income 6,354.15
Total Income 6,591.23
Bank Service Charges 273.19
Contract Labor 1,800.00
Postage and Delivery 76.40
Program Expenses
Infrastructure Staff 6,000.00
Hardware Purchases -1,974.00
Program Expenses - Other 2,307.20
Total Program Expenses 6,333.20
Total Expense 8,482.79
Net Ordinary Income -1,891.56
Other Income/Expense
Other Income
Royalty Payment 636.56
Total Other Income 636.56
Net Other Income 636.56
Net Income -1,255.00
Statement of Financial Position
As of October 15, 2008
Oct 15, 08 Sep 17, 08 $ Change % Change
Current Assets
Paypal 1,642.42 748.94 893.48 119.3%
Wells Fargo Analyzed Account 64,267.99 71,708.73 -7,440.74 -10.4%
Wells Fargo Savings 158,175.95 157,938.87 237.08 0.2%
Total Checking/Savings 224,086.36 230,396.54 -6,310.18 -2.7%
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable 205,000.00 200,000.00 5,000.00 2.5%
Total Accounts Receivable 205,000.00 200,000.00 5,000.00 2.5%
Total Current Assets 429,086.36 430,396.54 -1,310.18 -0.3%
TOTAL ASSETS 429,086.36 430,396.54 -1,310.18 -0.3%
Current Liabilities
Credit Cards
ASF Credit Card - Ruby -1,907.60 0.00 -1,907.60 -100.0%
ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz 2,297.25 0.00 2,297.25 100.0%
Total Credit Cards 389.65 0.00 389.65 100.0%
Total Current Liabilities 389.65 0.00 389.65 100.0%
Total Liabilities 389.65 0.00 389.65 100.0%
Retained Earnings 261,975.10 261,975.10 0.00 0.0%
Net Income 166,721.61 168,421.44 -1,699.83 -1.0%
Total Equity 428,696.71 430,396.54 -1,699.83 -0.4%
TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 429,086.36 430,396.54 -1,310.18 -0.3%
We discussed the expected billing for the outstanding Halo
expenses, on the order of $20K to $40K.
D. Secretary [Sam]
2 grants, 61 iclas, 3 cclas processed since the last board report.
This includes the first attempts by this secretarial assistant to
address the backlog of unscanned documents.
financials/Bills/received emails are now sent to the board; some
progress has been made in getting these approved. One recent PR
request and a number of infrastructure requests have yet to be be
The current plan is to hand Justin's physical credit card to him at
E. Executive Vice President [Sander Striker / Justin]
Last month, September 24th, I've been on a panel in Paris,
during Capitale du Libre, on the topic of current state of
Open Source in Europe, though it shifted to impact of the
financial markets on Open Source.
Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
5. Additional Officer Reports
1. VP of JCP [Geir Magnusson Jr]
See Attachment 1
Geir verified that we would vote no on a JSR put forward with Sun
as the spec lead for "Java The Language".
2. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby]
See Attachment 2
3. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Sam]
See Attachment 3
4. Apache Conference Planning Project [Lars Eilebrecht / Geir]
See Attachment 4
Geir to follow up with Henning on publishing a list of get
reimbursed when future conferences are organized.
Aaron noted that Charel's putting together a small event in
Beijing in December. Details being worked out with concom now.
5. Apache Audit Project [William Rowe]
See Attachment 5
6. Apache Public Relations Project [Jim Jagielski]
See Attachment 6
7. Apache Infrastructure Team [Paul Querna / Justin]
See Attachment 7
8. Apache Travel Assistance Committee [Gavin McDonald / Jim]
See Attachment 8
The board is pleased with this progress.
Sam to send a note to infrastructure to update pmc-chairs svn
list. Jim to maintain pmc-chairs from that point forward.
Sam to send a note to board@ suggesting that people who have a
need to do a mass mailing to PMC private lists first
coordinate with infrastructure to be added to the
corresponding 'allow' lists for these mailing lists.
Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
6. Committee Reports
A. Apache ActiveMQ Project [Hiram Chirino / Henning]
See Attachment A
B. Apache Beehive Project [Eddie O'Neil / Greg]
See Attachment B
Greg to pursue a report for Beehive.
C. Apache CXF Project [J. Daniel Kulp / Justin]
See Attachment C
D. Apache DB Project [Jean T. Anderson / Bill]
See Attachment D
E. Apache Directory Project [Emmanuel Lecharny / Bertrand]
See Attachment E
F. Apache Geronimo Project [Kevan Miller / J Aaron]
See Attachment F
Aaron to check into usage monitoring of Geronimo's hardware
G. Apache Hadoop Project [Owen O'Malley / Henning]
See Attachment G
We discussed growth of the project... no significant concerns.
Jim to check on Zookeeper's filling out of the Incubator's IP
H. Apache HttpComponents Project [Erik Abele / J Aaron]
See Attachment H
Congrats on BOSSIE
I. Apache Incubator Project [Noel J. Bergman / Justin]
See Attachment I
Justin to request that podlings include a description in their
Justin to request that JSecurity move to ASF ASAP.
J. Apache Jakarta Project [Martin van den Bemt / Greg]
See Attachment J
Greg to pursue a report for Jakarta
K. Apache JAMES Project [Danny Angus / Sam]
See Attachment K
Henning to clarify the "privacy policy" re Google Analytics.
L. Apache Maven Project [Jason van Zyl / Bill]
See Attachment L
We discussed whether Maven needs to create another foundation,
and indicted that they would be welcome to do this work under
the auspices of the ASF. Jason indicated that given the number
of foundations that they will be working with, pursuing this
as an external entity makes sense to him.
M. Apache MINA Project [Peter Royal / Geir]
See Attachment M
N. Apache MyFaces Project [Manfred Geiler / Jim]
See Attachment N
O. Apache ODE Project [Matthieu Riou / Bertrand]
See Attachment O
P. Apache OpenEJB Project [David Blevins / Greg]
See Attachment P
Greg to follow up with Henning to understand his concerns
about OpenEJB transition paths
Q. Apache OpenJPA Project [Craig Russell / Sam]
See Attachment Q
R. Apache Shale Project [Gary VanMatre / J Aaron]
See Attachment R
S. Apache Struts Project [Martin Cooper / Justin]
See Attachment S
T. Apache Tapestry Project [Howard M. Lewis Ship / Bertrand]
See Attachment T
Bertrand to follow up with Howard to make sure that an
adequate report is made.
U. Apache Tcl Project [David N. Welton / Jim]
See Attachment U
Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
7. Special Orders
A. Change the Apache DB Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Jean
Anderson to the office of Vice President, Apache DB Project,
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the
resignation of Jean Anderson from the office of Vice
President, Apache DB Project;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Jean Anderson is
relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of
the office of Vice President, Apache DB Project, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Richard Hillegas be and hereby is
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache DB Project,
to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7A, Change the Apache DB Project Chair, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
8. Discussion Items
9. Review Outstanding Action Items
* Jim to follow up with Geir to work with QPid on rationale and licensing
Update: Geir and Jim agreed to drop this.
* Jim to follow up with Grant re: TREC
Update: No update since last month. We should drop this.
* Aaron, Jim, Henning, and Henri to work on a proposal for an "Attic"
project to contain dormant projects. Quetzalcoatl and HiveMind will
be discussed as two potential candidates.
Update: Henri to start a discussion at ApacheCon.
* Henning to follow up on hardware utilization report w/infrastructure
Update: Talked to Kevan Miller about this, he said he wants to set
it up. Offered to help with nrg, no response to that.
* Justin to find out if the results of the Lenya developer meeting was
made public (i.e., no binding decisions were made at the meeting).
Update: Justin suggested that this task be dropped
* Bill to seed a STATUS file with potential tasks, primarily
for the Executive Assistant, but also potentially for the
Secretarial Assistant, to pick up.
Update: done... two files have been created in
* Jim to renew the contract with Sec Assistant
Update: Done.
* Sam to renew the contract with Sunstarsys
Update: Not done. Will do ASAP.
* Justin to renegotiate contract with the Exec Assistant
Update: This item remains open.
* Jim to work with Aaron to close the loop on sponsor invoices
Update: One done. Sally now in loop.
* Aaron to follow up on the Google SoC invoice
Update: This item remains open.
* Sam to redirect commit messages for the bills directory to board
Update: Done
* Sam to follow up with Henk re: NTLM licensing issues for HttpComponents
Update: Not done. Will address this month.
* Henning to communicate that every project that uses Google Analytics
needs to have a published privacy policy.
Update: Sent message to Jackrabbit PMC and board on 17.09., answer
from James Carman, some musings about using an Apache-wide
GA key and maybe infra involvement. No further info, need
to gently nudge a bit more.
Question from JAMES in their report, so I will work some
more on that in the next month.
* Bill to nudge the Web Services project that they need to start nudging
some of the bigger subprojects to top-level.
Update: Done.
10. Unfinished Business
11. New Business
12. Announcements
13. Adjournment
Adjourned at 11:24 a.m. (Pacific)
Attachment 1: Report from the VP of JCP
Generally things are quiet. I applied for the TCK license for
JSR-311/JAX-RS for the CXF project now that the TCK is finally
available (takes some time after JSR completes).
There also is an ongoing challenge by Tomcat regarding the
JSP 2.1 TCK. There's a conversation going on directly
between Mark Thomas/Tomcat PMC and Sun regarding this,
and for now, this is routine.
The Incomprehensible Battle Against Stupidity and Evil (iBASE)
(a.k.a. WOFTAM - "Waste of ... Time and Money") continues,
with Sun standing firm with their continued refusal
to supply a JSPA-compliant and open-source compatible TCK
license for Apache Harmony. This was the only subject of
any interest at the recent JCP Quarterly F2F. There is a
growing recocnition that Sun's recalcitrance is causing
growing harm to the Java platform as a whole, and EC members
are eager for something to happen.
Other subjects of discussion at the F2F included a
transparency discussion, ironic both considering the source
(Sun) and the fact that parts were held under EC
I've proposed that we split the Java SE JSR into two distinct
JSRs, one for "Java The Language", which would continue to be
led by Sun, and a new one "Java the Platform", which would be
led by someone else. This would allow the platform to evolve
to support the growing interest in better support for
dynamic languages, better partitioning of the Java runtime API
(e.g. what Harmony has already done years ago), etc. Needless
to say, Sun isn't yet in agreement.
Attachment 2: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee
4 JIRA requests opened, 3 closed; all related to how to deal with "one off"
Continuing discussions on Google Analytics and legal options related to the
JCK impasse.
Otherwise, a pretty quiet month.
Attachment 3: Status report for the Apache Security Team Project
There continues to be a steady stream of reports of various kinds
arriving at These continue to be dealt with
promptly by the security team.
Aug 2008
1 Support question
1 Phishing/spam/attacks point to site "powered by Apache"
Sep 2008
Now also including other, note again
"vulnerability report" includes things sent to us that turn out to not
be vulnerabilities (it's an indication of response effort)
4 Support question
3 Security vulnerability question, but not a vulnerability report
1 User was hacked, but it wasn't ASF software at fault
3 Vulnerability report [tomcat]
3 Vulnerability report [httpd]
Attachment 4: Status report for the Apache Conference Planning Project
General News
* no general news
ApacheCon US 2008 News
* The contract for ApacheCon US 2008 between the ASF and SCP has
been created as an addendum to the master contract, and has been
signed accordingly.
* Keynote speakers are confirmed, and have been announced.
* Presentations of one track of the conference and all keynote
sessions will again be available via live video streaming. Keynote
sessions and lunch presentations will be available free of charge.
* Registration numbers are in line with the last two conferences.
ApacheCon Europe 2009 News
* The CFP has opened using the new ApacheCon CMS system and is
accepting papers.
* Noirin and Martin have switched positions, and Noirin is now
the lead for ApacheCon Europe 2009.
ApacheCon US 2009 News
* no news since last report
Attachment 5: Status report for the Apache Audit Project
No records received, ergo no action to take at present and nothing
to report.
Attachment 6: Status report for the Apache Public Relations Project
It's been a pretty busy month, and a pretty productive one as well.
We renewed the HALO revised contract and are currently working
on scheduling a "kick-off/update" concall.
A Tuscany PR was written regarding its TLP graduation and its
release of version 1.3.2. It was released Oct. 14, 2008.
We are looking at use JIRA to help with internal issue tracking as
well as external requests. Henri setup a prelim implementation
which looks really good, and will likely serve as the foundation.
Hopefully this will help with the "dropped ball" syndrome as make
it easier for others to get more involved.
Jukka has done a lot of work on drafting a logo-guideline policy.
Quest is looking to donate to the ASF foundation wide JProbe
licenses. Thanks to Alex Karasulu for organizing this.
We have approved a new Cafepress store's use of the Wicket
logo. The store itself is located at:
Attachment 7: Status report for the Apache Infrastructure Team
Yahoo! talks about a build farm are ongoing.
No progress has been made in replacing hermes (mail).
We're looking forward to tackling that when FreeBSD
releases 7.1, with expected improvements in its zfs support.
Fail2Ban, a tool for guarding against ssh scans, has been
implemented on by Tony Stevenson.
Some issues with Confluence, particularly its license,
have arisen. We are currently stuck between a rock
and a hard place in that we cannot upgrade it without
breaking the autoexport plugin, which is a core feature
of the service.
Disk replacements for thor (builds) have not been ordered,
pending a callback from CDW.
Mark Thomas was granted infra karma for his work on Bugzilla.
Discussions about creating a vmware instance for Windows
are ongoing.
Our svn servers are now servicing over 2M requests per day,
which is a doubling of activity over the past year.
Our automated checks against wiki spam have blocked roughly
100K attempts over the past year.
Jukka Zitting continues his impressive work experimenting
with git at Apache on infrastructure-dev@.
Attachment 8: Status report for the Apache Travel Assistance Committee
General News
Since the reformation of the Committee on September 17th 2008, we have
had a lot to do within a tight time frame. Infrastructure was
organised, though with the current state of our CWiki (not being able
to add people to the TAC group) we settled for using SVN for our
documents and the main Apache website for our main port of call for
applicants to get the relevant info and application form
We sent out an email to as wide an audience as possible to allow for
as wide a range of people as possible to have the opportunity to apply
for travel assistance to ApacheCon US 2008. This was not without its
hiccups. The email was sent to announce@, committers@, community@ and
PMCs@. The first 3 lists all went through fine. The intention of
PMCs@ was to allow the PMCs to forward to their user@ and dev@ lists.
We allowed 1 week (as limited by our timeframe) for applications to
come in. Unfortunately quite a few PMCs must have deemed my email as
Spam as duly rejected/ignored it. I sent a follow up email to members@
to try and get the attention of the PMCs. I then sent another email to
PMCs@, most PMCs then responded and with 3 and 4 days to go, those
PMCs posted our mail to their lists. There were a few PMCs that still
did not. With a much more generous timeframe for the next ApacheCon we
hope to improve on this communication breakdown, it is important that
all projects should forward our mail to their lists (though I guess at
the end of the day it's their call?)
Travel Assistance for ApacheCon US 2008
We had a relatively low turnout for applications for our first event.
Ten (10) applications were received, of those three (3) were rejected
by the judges by unanimous decision based on a low score criteria.
Seven (7) acceptance letters were sent to the successful applicants,
one (1) of which was later declined. So we have six (6) candidates
that are currently in process for going to New Orleans. Travel,
Accommodation and Entrance assistance are currently being organised
and nearly complete.
Judges: Three judges score and process the applications coming in.
Volunteers from the current members of the travel assistance committee
were asked for to become the judges for ApacheCon US 2008. The first
three to step up were Gavin McDonald, Nick Burch and Noirin Shirley.
The judging process itself went fine with no major problems, a couple
of minor queries were raised as to the judging process itself, this
will be addressed before the next ApacheCon.
Expenditure vs Budget
In our funding proposal we asked for and received approval for $30,800
for ApacheCon US 2008. (Based on max 20 candidates at an average of
Our current breakdown of our actual expenses is as follows:-
Travel: An estimated total of $4020.00 is expected to be spent on
Accommodation: A total of $2064.00 is expected to be spent on
Conference: A total of $2750 is expected to be spent on Conference Fees.
Subsistence: A total of $800.00 is expected to be spent on Subsistence.
Overall Total expected is $9634.00 at an average of $1605.67 for 6
Thanks go to all the members of the Travel Assistance Committee for
helping to make this become a reality in the first place, and for the
continued work leading up to ApacheCon, important work was done by
all. I was going to single out people for particular work they did,
but I'd probably end up mentioning everybody :)
Attachment A: Status report for the Apache ActiveMQ Project
* The ActiveMQ project has had another very busy quarter. Jonathan
Anstey was voted in as an ActiveMQ committer.
* The development and user lists continue to stay vibrant.
* Lots of development effort continues around pushing out new
versions of ActiveMQ, ActiveMQ-CPP, and Camel. A new 5.2.0 release
of ActiveMQ is currently in the works.
* ActiveMQ-CPP 2.2.1
* Camel 1.4.0
Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Beehive Project
Attachment C: Status report for the Apache CXF Project
2.0.8 was released
2.1.2 was released
2.0.9 and 2.1.3 are in final preparations to be released shortly
Sergey Beryozkin added to PMC
Christian Schneider added as committer
1) Progress toward 2.2 is going well. A lot of work has gone into the
WS-SecurityPolicy stuff, the JMS transport, etc....
2) The distributed OSGi implementation is also progressing quite well in
the sandbox. 2 PMC members are travelling to the OSGi bundlefest in
Montpellier, France next week to work on integrating our dOSGi
implementation with an RI of the OSGi Discovery Service and also a
3) 13 committers committed stuff this period, a couple of which hadn't
committed anything for a while. Nice to see some folks active again.
4) One issue that keeps coming up on the list is people filing bugs
against older versions of CXF that are already fixed, especially versions
embedded in third party applications. We need to find a way to encourage
upgrading. (take a page from the Spring playbook and delete the old tags?)
(that was a joke :-)
5) Another issue is that there are a couple folks that have filed some
JIRA issues with very good patches (which is good) and COULD potentially
earn a committer spot, but they haven't participated AT ALL on the mailing
lists (which is bad) or even on the wiki or anything and thus really aren't
part of the "community". Need to find a way to get them involved there
as well at which point committer status should be obtainable.
6) Another issue: jira issues (with patches) logged against XmlSchema
aren't being looked at. Need to follow up with WS group to see what
can be done to alleviate that or help out there. That said, there is
an opinion that XmlSchema isn't the "best fit" for us so alternative
ideas are being explored.
Attachment D: Status report for the Apache DB Project
During July-September 2008 two Apache DB subprojects produced releases
and we also made changes to the PMC. Apache DB was otherwise pretty quiet.
Details are below.
- JDO 2.1.1
- Derby
PMC Changes:
- Andy Jefferson was added as a PMC member.
- Jean Anderson announced her intention to step down as PMC chair when
a new chair has been selected.
Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Directory Project
Nothing much to mention. We have two new PMC members, no new committer.
We are still busy working on new features, targeting a 2.0 before Apache
Con EU 2009.
Otherwise, nothing special.
We have had 2 releases in the last 3 months, 1.5.3 and 1.5.4. The latest
is not a bug release, but we just have decided to work on a better
roadmap, with more releases, more often.
Hopefully, ADS 2.0 RC could be ready for Q1 2009.
Studio 1.3.0-RC1 has justbeen voted as well, 3 months only after the latest
release (1.2.0).
It seems that we are now in a good trend of a release every 3 months.
No new committer this quarter.
Two new PMC members : Felix Knecht and Kiran Ayyagari.
The community has been more active this quarter, with around 15% more commit
than on the last 4 quarters.
Export Notification
The Export Notification procedure has been fulfiled for Studio.
OpenGroup certification
Apache DS 1.0 certification has been extended one more year, thanks to
Stefan Zörner who run the VSLDAP suite and to the OpenGroup.
A standard quarter, with nothing important worth mentionning. We are moving
slowly toward the 2.0 version.
The number of downloads (ADS and Studio) has grown up to a rate of
400 downloads per day (150 000 per year).
Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Geronimo Project
The Geronimo project generated multiple releases in the last quarter,
including releases of the Geronimo server, eclipse plugin, genesis,
and javamail.
New committers: Manu George, BJ Reed
* Geronimo 2.1.3 Server was released on September 15th.
* Geronimo 2.1.2 Server was released on August 5th.
* Release discussions have begun for a 2.2 release.
* The community is monitoring the Java EE 6 specifications being
generated by the JCP.
* Geronimo Eclipse Plugins 2.1.3 was released on September 19th.
* Geronimo Eclipse Plugins 2.1.2 was released on August 22nd.
* Genesis 1.3.1 was released on September 2nd.
* Geronimo 2.1.2 Samples were released on October 3 (compatible with
Geronimo 2.1.2 and 2.1.3).
* Javamail 1.4 (v1.6) was released on September 1st.
* Javamail 1.4 Spec (v1.5) was released on September 1st.
* Created Security related mailing list and status pages:
* Two machines (phoebe and selene) were purchased by the ASF for use
by the Geronimo project for Geronimo TCK testing. These machines
were used to perform the TCK certification of the Geronimo 2.1.3
release. They've also been used to uncover problems in our current
2.2 codebase.
* Testing to date has been driven manually. However, community has
settled on the framework to be used in driving automated
testing. Expect to see this realized in the near future.
* Interest in monitoring the utilization of these two machines has
been expressed. We plan on installing appropriate software to start this
monitoring. The data will be made publically available. We will
plan on including a summary of usage statistics in our quarterly reports.
* Evans Data Corporation released a report titled "Application
Servers 2008 Rankings". In the report, Geronimo was the second highest
ranking application server in the report, and was the highest ranking
open source server.
Attachment G: Status report for the Apache Hadoop Project
Hadoop is a set of tools for creating and managing distributed applications.
The PMC felt that the Core project had grown difficult to manage as a
single subproject. With the core-dev email list topping over 3600
messages last month it is difficult to keep on top of the entire
project. We therefore have voted to split Core into 4 pieces: Core,
which is the common infrastructure; HDFS, which is the distributed
file system; Map/Reduce, which is the distributed computation
framework; and Hive, which is a higher-level query processor built on
Map/Reduce. After release 0.19 has stabilized we will work on
splitting up the code bases.
Additionally, we have started a vote whether to accept Pig as a
subproject when it graduates from the incubator.
We have added Arun Murthy to the PMC.
Hadoop will be well represented at ApacheCon US next month. There will
be 3 Hadoop talks in the main series and an assortment of related
talks at the Hadoop Camp. There will be presentations about the Core,
Hive, Pig, and Zookeeper subprojects at Hadoop Camp.
Core is a framework for building distributed applications, which
includes a distributed file system and map/reduce.
0.19.0 is feature-frozen, but unreleased, with 270 jiras.
0.18.2 is unreleased, with 3 jiras.
0.18.1 was released on 2008/09/17 with 6 jiras.
0.18.0 was released on 2008/08/19 with 266 jiras.
0.17.3 is unreleased, with 4 jiras.
0.17.2 was released on 2008/08/11, with 12 jiras.
The development has been ever increasing with 0.19.0 having the
largest number of patches in a release. In 0.19, includes Hive as a
contrib module. We have started discussions on the email lists about
when we should release 1.0 and what level of forwards and backwards
compatibility we should guarantee.
HBase is a distributed column-oriented database, build on top of Hadoop Core.
0.2.0 was released on 2008/08/08. 293 issues were addressed by this release.
0.2.1 was released on 2008/09/13. 44 issues were addressed by this release.
0.18.0 was released on 2008/09/21. 58 issues were addressed by this release.
The hbase-0.2.x releases run on hadoop-0.17.x. With hbase-0.18.0,
releases have been renumbered to reflect the version of hadoop that
the hbase release runs on.
Work has started on release 0.18.1. 5 of 9 issues have been addressed.
Work has started on release 0.19.0. 25 of 58 issues have addressed.
On Wednesday, October 8, Microsoft agreed to let two of their
engineers, who are committers and PMC members, resume their
contributions to HBase. The contributions had been blocked when
Microsoft acquired Powerset last quarter.
Andrew Purtell was added as an HBase committer.
Zookeeper is a service for coordinating processes of distributed applications.
Migration from SourceForge to Apache of source, documentation, wiki,
issue tracking, mailing lists, etc... is complete. We are planning to
make our first Apache release, which is named 3.0, on Oct 22nd with
over 85 issues addressed.
Attachment H: Status report for the Apache HttpComponents Project
-- Status --
We have reported just last month so there is not very much to say in this
months' report. In fact we are wondering why we have to report this time:
shouldn't we fall back to the normal schedule after a missed report?
-- Releases --
We have had no release since the last report but there's another beta release
for HttpCore in the pipeline (we're currently voting on the candidates).
-- Community --
There were no arrivals or departures since the last report.
We're very happy to inform the Board that HttpClient was among the 60 winners
of InfoWorlds "Best of Open Source Software Awards 2008" (BOSSIE); it was
selected as one of the best open source development tools:
We're also happy to report that Erik Abele was interviewed by the
"Software Development Times" in regard to the projects current status and
its future plans - the PRC is aware of that and we'll update them as soon
as we've seen the outcome.
There is also the regular activity on all fronts; overall the whole
community still looks and behaves very healthy.
-- Migration --
Items still in work:
- finalize and approve project bylaws
- re-instate deployment of website via Subversion
(currently deployed by Maven due to TLP migration)
-- Development --
Development is progressing at its usual pace; there were quite a few fixes
in HttpCore so we are anticipating the next release (beta3) very soon.
We are also very happy to see that Sam Ruby was chosen to further pursue the
discussions around the NTLM licensing issues.
Attachment I: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project
In general the Incubator is operating well.
The Bluesky project, which has been an area of concern, has submitted a
report this month.
A number of us have asked that the Maven Repository issues, which has
swamped the general@ list for more than a month almost to the exclusion of
all other discussion, be moved from the Incubator to Infrastructure. Yes,
the Incubator is effected in terms of our requirement that users be aware of
and agree to the use of Incubator artifacts, as the Incubator has long been
charged with maintaining the distinction that Incubator projects are "not
yet fully endorsed by the ASF" in large part to protect the Apache brand and
imprimatur. But although Maven's lack of support for authenticated and
approved artifacts does effect the Incubator's ability to perform that role,
discussion and correction of that defect really belong at the Infrastructure
level, as the scope of its consequences is much more serious and widespread.
Unresolved for now is what to do about Incubator artifacts and Maven in the
interim. It is unclear that there is a solution that allows Incubator
projects to publish into the Maven repository at all without violating the
policy regarding explicit user knowledge and consent.
The discussion of the issues caused by Maven's repository handling has led
to revisiting under what circumstances Incubator projects should be
permitted to do releases, if at all. Personally, I would consider it
unfortunate, unfair, and a shame if we were to decide to return to the
prohibition against releases due to a build tool's inadequacies, nor do I
believe that most people want that to happen. Others, mostly Maven users,
would like to see any distinction between the Incubator and the ASF
eliminated, which is also an undesirable approach. There has also been
confusion evidenced about what the Apache License permits anyone to do with
the our code versus policies that the ASF self-imposes on its projects.
We are reminding all projects to provide, at a minimum, the following
* The "incubating since" info
* The project's top 2 or 3 things to resolve prior to graduation
* A short description of what your project's software does
Not all of them have yet complied, but we're working on it.
We're looking at various projects to see if they are ready to graduate,
whether as or into a TLP, and have new projects arriving, one from the
Apache Labs. Pig appears ready, and is being voted on, to leave the
Incubator for the Hadoop project. We need to examine QPid and UIMA
regarding graduation.
= BlueSky =
Now, BlueSky ASF Project is running in the first phase. A lot of efforts are
done to legalize the BlueSky source code under Apache licence. For RealClass
system source code, there are three main third-part libraries whose licences
do not comply with ASL definitely. They are GUN c++ stl, arts and ffmpeg.
The issue that dynamic link with GPLed GUN c++ stl in RealClass system
source code is legal or not have been discussing in bluesky mailing list.
The conflict which the other two libraries lead to are so complicated that
more time is spent and discuss in details to resolve this problem.
Besides ,we do the following:
* In order to introduce RealClass system's functions, feature and usage, we
supply the document about system customer manual to BlueSky website.
* Due to conflict with ASL, the work of committing the source code is
behind of the schedule.
= Empire-DB =
Empire-db has been accepted to the incubator in July 2008. While ths SVN
repository had soon been set up and development progressed there has until
now not been an official Apache release with the packages containting the
org.apache namespace and with all legal files available and in the right
Recent activity:
The main concern of the Empire-db committers in the previous month has been
the acceptance of the first official Apache release by members of the
incubator PMC.
Due to legal concerns about the inclusion of two .jar files the distribution
was first changed to go without them which however resulted in compilation
problems with the build files provided. After a long discussion period the
two jars which were taken from a Tomcat distribution where included again
and release candidate 2 of Empire-db 2.0.4 and Struts2-extentions 1.0.4 were
again put up for voting. Finally the release got accepted incubator PMC.
The accepted distribution files will now be offered for download from the
Empire-db website. (Yet to be done)
Meanwhile a few improvement and bufixing tasks have already been opened for
the upcoming 2.0.5 release.
Community aspects:
Slowly the empire-user mailing list is getting used by uses not belonging to
the empire-db development team. A few mail requests have been answered. With
the now accepted official Apache release we hope that we can now further
increase the community.
= PhotArk =
Apache !PhotArk will be a complete open source photo gallery application
including a content repository for the images, a display piece, an access
control layer, and upload capabilities.
PhotArk has been accepted for Incubation in August 19, 2008.
Top Issues before graduation
* Grow community
Community Aspects
* All infrastructure resources are available.
* Initial committer accounts are ready.
* Initial website ready and live.
* Initial application prototype available in svn trunk.
= Click =
Click is a page and component oriented web application framework.
Click entered the incubator in July 2008.
* The initial committers submitted their ICLA's and accounts have been
* Mailing lists were created and the community have successfully migrated
to the new lists.
* JIRA instance has been setup.
There have been three external releases since incubation started namely
1.5M3, 1.5RC1 and 1.5RC2. We are busy fixing the last remaining issues
before 1.5 final is released. With a stable 1.5 available we will start
migrating the code to Apache repository.
Top priorities:
* Migrate Click website to Apache.
* Import issues from existing JIRA.
* Migrate SVN repository.
= Etch =
Etch was accepted into Incubator on the 2 September 2008. Since then the
following items has been completed;
* Project STATUS page, navigation and entry in projects/index.html has
been set up.
* Mailing lists has been set up.
* Jira project has been set up.
* ICLAs for all initial committers has been submitted and recorded.
We are still waiting for a CCLA from Cisco, where all initial committers
work. We also track all progress
in JIRA ( which is a lot
easier than the STATUS page,
and highly recommended for future recommended use to other podlings.
= Tashi =
Tashi has been incubating since September 2008.
The Tashi project aims to build a software infrastructure for
cloud computing on massive internet-scale datasets (what we call
Big Data). The idea is to build a cluster management system
that enables the Big Data that are stored in a cluster/data center
to be accessed, shared, manipulated, and computed on by remote users
in a convenient, efficient, and safe manner.
Mailing lists have been created.
The svn repository was created at
Initial committers' accounts are in process. Mentors have
been given access to the svn repo.
The JIRA project has been created.
= Imperius =
Imperius has been incubating since November 2007.
Imperius is a rule-based infrastructure management tool.
Code: Development continues on the code base.
Community: Two new committers since the last report. (The CCLA
and ICLAs from Sun contributors have been received and
commit access is now set up for all initial contributors).
One new contributor contributed a patch via JIRA which was
Graduation is not on the table based on the size and diversity
of the community; and there has not been a release of code.
= JSPWiki =
JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007.
JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program.
During the past three months, the JSPWiki community seems to still enjoy
a steady increase. The developer list now has 66 names, an increase
of 12%. The user list is now 152 people strong, a growth of 7% since the
The first beta of JSPWiki 2.8 (which is the Apache-licensed version of 2.6)
has been released, and it is missing only a few key patches to be a full
This, however, won't be an Apache release (as it is meant to be backwards
compatible with 2.x series, which means keeping the old package structure).
Despite of this, we're practicing the Apache processes of voting and
Graduation depends chiefly of three things:
* Stable release of 2.8, so we can concentrate on 3.0 process
* Making a successful 3.0 release, including
* Renaming of all packages to org.apache.*
* Taking the new API into use
* Making sure all the legal bits and pieces are in order (i.e. the status
= JSecurity =
JSecurity is a powerful and flexible open-source Java security framework
that cleanly handles authentication, authorization, enterprise session
management and cryptography.
JSecurity has been incubating since June 2008.
Last month, a new external release was issued (0.9.0-RC2).
After this, a single bug fix has been implemented and
committed to the external SourceForge SVN repository.
Many other commits have been made, but all were nonfunctional
and were made to round out the project's JavaDoc.
The JavaDoc is already quite good, but not 100%. The team has
discussed on the development list that it would be a good idea
to get the JavaDoc completed at 100% before releasing 0.9 final,
with 0.9 final being the last external release. After this point,
we wanted to inject the code source into the Apache repository
as a 'clean slate' initiative.
The idea is that perhaps 0.9.1 would be an Apache release,
allowing that release to focus only on adherence to Apache
policy and not dependent on code or documentation. Then all
subsequent releases could benefit from the experience of this
'first run', continuing to maintain Apache policy.
The JavaDoc is currently being updated intermittently, as the
development team has the opportunity to update it in their spare
time. It is certainly desirable to finish this effort soon,
hopefully no more than a week or two. But this time frame is
ultimately dependent upon the number of contributors.
The project team is not considering graduation at this point,
as the code is not ready for an Apache release. The community
is working well, with decisions being made in public.
The status is being maintained at
= Olio =
Olio has been incubating since September 2008.
Olio is a web 2.0 toolkit to help developers evaluate the suitability,
functionality and performance of various web technologies by implementing
a reasonably complex application in several different technologies.
Mailing lists have been created.
The svn repository was created at
Initial committers' accounts are in process. Mentors have
been given access to the svn repo.
The JIRA project has been created.
= Lucene.Net =
No changes.... still a limping along community with the potential for new
committers on the horizon for quite some time now but no action towards
bringing them on. There is some vitality to the mailing list, but being a
mostly auto-generated port of Java Lucene does not an excitingly innovative
project make.
= Qpid =
Qpid is an enterprise messaging broker which implements the AMQP protocol.
It has been incubating since 2006-08-27.
* Oct 08 - Completed our M3 release
* Sep 08 - Lahiru Gunathilake was voted in as a committer. He contributed
a CLI management tool as part of the GSoC project
* Sep 08 - Manuel Teira was voted in as a committer. He is working on a
solaris port for the c++ broker
* Sep 08 - Steve Huston was voted in as a committer. He is working on a
windows port for the c++ broker
* Two GSoC students, one successfully completed
* Continuing to attract new contributers.
Issues before graduation:
* From last board report: PPMC diversity needs to be improved --
Progress, we now have 7 independent entities on the project
It took ~1 month to get a vote on our last release candidate completed,
some on general@ seem happy to pick holes when somethings wrong but seem
uninterested in acknowledging when the issues has been resolved. There was
plenty of activity on other threads, but repeated reminders seemed
ineffectual. This was a bit disappointing.
= RCF =
RCF is a rich component set for JSF which supports AJAX. We are in the
process of analyzing and removing undesired dependencies of our code to be
compliant in the OpenSource world. Incubating since: May 2007.
The project sources have not yet been committed to Apache svn. We have some
internal (oracle) discussion about migration for our existing customers,
since the code-base is already used inside the company.
Issues before graduation:
* Bring the sources to Apache
* build a community around the code
= Sanselan =
Sanselan has been in incubation since September 2007.
Sanselan is a pure-java image library for reading and writing
a variety of image formats.
The community hasn't grown much in the past three months. There
continues to be only one active committer.
The first official Apache release occurred on July 30th, 2008.
A second release is being prepared. It will include significant bug
fixes, better documentation, better IPTC and XMP support and
improvements to the release structure.
Barriers to graduation continue to be diversity, size of the community,
and overall activity.
= Thrift =
= Tika =
Apache Tika is a toolkit for detecting and extracting metadata and
structured text content from various documents using existing parser
libraries. Tika entered incubation on March 22nd, 2007.
* Dave Meikle was just voted in as a new committer.
* Paolo Mottadelli will present Tika at ApacheCon US.
* Tika 0.2 should be released soon.
* Usage documentation has been added to the website.
Issues before graduation:
* The current plan is to graduate as a Lucene subproject, which could
happen soon as the incubation criteria seem to be met.
= UIMA =
UIMA is a component framework for the analysis of unstructured content such
as text, audio and video. UIMA entered incubation on October 3, 2006.
Some recent activity:
* New Release: Version 2.2.2 of the UIMA-AS (asynchronous scale-out)
framework - this is the initial release of this component
* New Release: a hot fix for the base 2.2.2 release
* New Release: the CAS Editor tool
* Pending release vote in Incubator: UIMA-CPP - the C++ version of the
UIMA framework, allowing C++ components (and components written in PERL,
PYTHON, and TCL) to be intermixed with Java components.
* CAS Viewer code was accepted into the sandbox, and work is underway to
integrate it with the CAS Editor
* Pending contribution: a user has integrated Apache Tika as a UIMA
component and is offering to contribute it.
* IP clearance forms are being worked on for 3 new components being
incorporated into the Sandbox with software grants: A Common Feature
Extractor useful for extracting features from CASes to use as training data
in machine learning algorithms, a Concept Mapper - a general dictionary
style lookup annotator which may be eventually combined with another
dictionary annotator, and a Cas Viewer Eclipse plug-in tool, which may be
combined with the Cas Editor work.
Items to complete before graduation:
* We still need to attract more new committers with diverse
* We continue to do outreach to attract new contributors with diverse
affiliations, who may become committers.
Attachment J: Status report for the Apache Jakarta Project
Attachment K: Status report for the Apache JAMES Project
Mime4j and JSieve both saw point releases since the last report.
No new commiter or new PMC members were added in the period. However
an invitation to an existing commiter to join the PMC has been made.
Other business:
a) recently it was said that...
" The board recently stated that..."
"... every project that uses Google Analytics needs to have a
published privacy policy."
We would be greatful for some clarification
b) I have indicated to the PMC that I don't believe that I can carry
out the role of chair to the level that I think the project deserves,
owing to pressures on my time.
The PMC are currently discussing options, whether or not to accept my
failings, or when and how to conduct the election of my replacement.
c) generally the period has been uneventful.
Attachment L: Status report for the Apache Maven Project
Maven Board Report - October 2008
* General Information
* Maven PMC Call
This call covered two topics. The discussion topic was the policy
of the Maven PMC enforcing third party policy, and the second was
how to manage the central repository. The full audio of the call
can be found here:
1) The domain transfer to ASF discussed previously has
been cancelled due to concerns raised by a number of PMC
members. A cal was held for the PMC to discuss alternatives,
and the agreed upon plan going forward is to setup a non-profit
that will manage the central repository. The non-profit will
be established as something that is not Maven specific given
every build tool centered around Java is using the central
repository as a resource. I have been put in touch with Evan
and Rosen in San Francisco (referred by Fenwick & West) who
specialize in the formation of non-profits and I will be having
a call with them next week to discuss how we might proceed with
2) The gist of our discussion concluded that if an artifact can be
distributed by the say so of its license then that is really
the only condition the Maven PMC will adhere to. If the license
says it can be redistributed then it's fair game to place that
artifact directly in the central repository. For the incubator
this now seems moot as the vote put up by Jukka has passed an
Incubator artifacts can now go directly to central. The policy
as we have initially drafted it is as follows:
Maven PMC Artifact Redistribution Policy
This document outlines the Maven PMC's position on the
redistribution of artifacts to Maven's Central Repository.
Maven's Central Repository is a hub through which Maven users can
access many Open Source artifacts that is intended to be a
convenience for Maven users as it requires no configuration to use
with a standard Maven distribution. It is highly desirable for
projects to get their artifacts into Maven's Central Repository
because it provides the easiest way for users of Maven to consume
those artifacts making the process of building software
easier. Maven may move to a more distributed model of making
artifacts available to users, but to date the primary distribution
channel is the Maven Central Repository.
The Maven PMC will adhere to the redistribution rights set forth
by the license under which a particular artifact is made available
and will not enforce any policies set forth by third parties. If
the license for a particular artifact allows for redistribution,
then the Maven PMC will not hinder its placement in Maven's
Central Repository. The only recommendation that the Maven PMC
will make is that projects desiring to place their artifacts in
Maven's Central Repository make a best effort to ensure any
addition requirements of their project be available in Maven's
Central Repository.
The Maven PMC will make a best attempt to verify that artifacts
being synced or submitted to JIRA are official releases. If the
releases are official and submitted from a project participant
then the project's standard group id will be used for placement in
the central repository.
* The central repository has been taking a bashing lately and so a
load balancer is being installed and Contegix has been actively
banning the IPs of folks who have been abusing their connections
to the central repository. We are actively trying to setup more
mirrors around the world and we will likely have 4-5 new mirrors
setup this month.
* The general health of the community is good. We are now moving the
bulk of the work over to a 2.1.x branch and trying to keep the
2.0.x in maintenance mode while the trunk has been renamed
3.0.x. The 3.0.x branch is largely a removal of all maven-artifact
related code with a new project called Mercury and a refactoring
of all the major components.
* A new sub-project called Mercury has been promoted and it is a new
HTTP/HTTPS/DAV transport layer with integrated support for
artifact repositories. Mercury will be of interest as Maven
finally has complete, well tested support for PGP. With Mercury it
will be possible for users to enable signature validation. This
was easy to do given the architecture of Mercury and supercedes
all previous efforts.
* An open-invite in-person Maven Day was held at Intuit in Mountain
View on October 9th. The beginning of the day was primarily a
demonstration of m2eclipse, Nexus, and Maven with some time spent
helping Google get a repository synchronization setup. The
afternoon was spent talking about Maven architecture and some
release plans for Maven 3.0.x and the state of NMaven in the
* Several Maven developers have indicated that they will be present
at ApacheCon US in November. On the schedule is a Maven training,
a Maven presentation. Sonatype will be providing free Maven
training to pilot its new set of courses and will be hosting an
event the night of November 5th at the Marriot (across the street
from ApacheCon) to do some demos and provide an additional forum
(and beer :-)) to discuss Maven development with a focus on the
3.0.x line and NMaven.
* Sonatype and O'Reilly have published their book 'Maven: The
Definitive Guide'.
* New PMC Members
Herve Boutemy
Ralph Goers
* New Committers
Shane Isbell
* Releases
* Maven 2.1.0-M1 (Thursday September 18th, 2008)
* Maven Antrun Plugin 1.2 (Friday July 25th, 2008)
* Maven Project Info Reports Plugin 2.1 (Monday July 28th, 2008)
* Maven DOAP Plugin 1.0 (Friday August 1st, 2008)
* Maven Deploy Plugin 2.4 (Wednesday August 6th, 2008)
* Maven IDEA Plugin 2.2 (Friday August 8th, 2008)
* Maven Invoker Plugin 1.2.1 (Saturday August 9th, 2008)
* Maven War Plugin 2.1-alpha-2 (Thursday August 14th, 2008)
* Maven Javadoc Plugin 2.5 (Tuesday August 26th, 2008)
* Maven Help Plugin 2.1 (Thursday September 4th, 2008)
* Maven Enforcer Plugin 1.0-alpha-4 (Wednesday, September 17th, 2008)
* Maven Reactor Plugin 1.0 (Saturday, September 27th, 2008)
* Maven Invoker Plugin 1.3 (Monday, September 29th, 2008)
* Maven Antrun Plugin 1.3 (Saturday, October 11th, 2008)
* Maven Plugin Testing 1.2 (Wednesday July 23th, 2008)
* Maven Wagon 1.0-beta-4 (Thursday July 31st, 2008)
* Maven Invoker 2.0.9 (Wednesday August 6th, 2008)
* Maven Filtering 1.0-beta-1 (Wednesday August 6th, 2008)
* Maven Plugin Tools 2.4.3 (Wednesday August 20th, 2008)
* Maven SCM 1.1 (Wednesday August 27th, 2008)
* Maven Invoker 2.0.10 (Wednesday August 27th, 2008)
* Maven Dependency Tree 1.2 (Monday September 1st, 2008)
* Maven Parent 9 (Thursday September 11th, 2008)
* Maven Shared Components Parent 10 (Sunday September 21st, 2008)
* Maven Plugins Parent 12 (Sunday September 21st, 2008)
* Maven Filtering 1.0-beta-2 (Wednesday October 8th, 2008)
Attachment M: Status report for the Apache MINA Project
MINA-land has been mostly-calm.
We have added one new committer, Edouard De Oliveira.
We re-organized our website some for usability's sake.
Release-wise, we have put out two milestone releases towards MINA 2.0, M2
and M3. We hope to release a M4 by the end of the year. Development has
been progressing more slowly (as expected) since Trustin's departure.
On our FtpServer subproject, from Niklas Gustavsson:
"In FtpServer land we've done two releases since the last report,
1.0-M2 and 1.0-M3. And we're well on the way to 1.0-M4 which is
expected to be the last milestone before the end game to 1.0.
Development has been ongoing and community involvement is greatly
improving, however we still need more active commiters on the code."
Attachment N: Status report for the Apache MyFaces Project
* No community changes
* New releases
* JavaServer Faces 2.0
* No new committers, no PMC changes
* Some new contributors
* MyFaces (sub) projects with new releases since the last report:
- Myfaces Core 1.1.6
- Myfaces Core 1.2.4
- MyFaces Tomahawk 1.1.7
- MyFaces Tobago 1.0.18
- Myfaces Orchestra 1.2
- MyFaces Commons 1.0.0
JSF 2.0 (JSR-314)
* A Roadmap for the JSF 2.0 implementation effort was discussed.
* A branch and Jira component was created.
* Some parts already committed by Simon Lessard (Fujitsu). IP is
cleared (ICLA and CCLA).
Attachment O: Status report for the Apache ODE Project
There are no specific issue relevant to the board at the moment.
Version 1.2 has been well received and we're now gearing toward both
a maintenance release (version 1.3) focusing on bug fixes and minor
Our development branch (version 2.0) is stabilizing and we'll be
doing a beta cycle or two before the official release. Main
improvements are the infrastructure to support transactional and
reliable invocations, versioning of the runtime (to retain backward
compatibility with processes compiled with earlier versions) and more
performance in the persistence layer.
Our new effort to come up with a simplified process execution
language is coming along nicely. Some basic constructs already work
and even if there's still a lot to develop, it's taking shape.
Lots of activity on the community side this quarter.
Our Google Summer of Code project contributed by Milinda Pathirage
has been a great success. The management console that he developed
has been included in our tree and Milinda has been elected committer
by the ODE PMC.
We voted in a new committer, Karthick Sankarachary, who's been very
active during the past months by contributing several important
improvements. We've also voted Alexis Midon in our PMC (he was a
new committer from last quarter).
Attachment P: Status report for the Apache OpenEJB Project
The user base has grown significantly. The primary areas seem to be people
replacing the JBoss Embedded platform with OpenEJB as an embedded container
for either testing or Swing/GUI work and people using OpenEJB in Tomcat for
web work. There have also been some reports of very large applications
getting ported to OpenEJB. External signs of adoption have increased as well
with some OpenEJB users popping up in other communities such as Maven asking
for OpenEJB focused improvements in their tools, a half dozen or so very
favorable blog entries from people outside the project and a recent thread on
TheServerSide where many users expressed they were considering leaving Spring
for OpenEJB/Tomcat or Glassfish.
Development on the OpenEJB Eclipse Plugin continues strong. The
still-in-development Eclipse plugin is attracting some interest and has
already received some contributions from at least two different
individuals. Thanks goes out to Jonathan Gallimore for not succumbing to
post-commit-status burnout as so many people do when first getting
commit. The dedication is noted. Other larger areas of development have been
a total overhaul of the client/server aspect of OpenEJB, first in the request
speed and throughput and secondly in request failover and retry. This had
been a weak area for the project and these improvements will likely increase
the number of people using the standalone version of OpenEJB (current major
areas of use are embedded and Tomcat). Some experimental work on integrating
OpenEJB with Spring has been done which when completed should prove to be a
compelling feature.
Support for EJB 3.1 is underway. Full support for the proposed Singleton bean
type has been added, which to our knowledge is the only implementation in the
market currently. This should drive some EJB 3.1 early adopters to the
project and serve as a good tool for getting feedback for the EJB 3.1 spec.
The OpenEJB 3.1 release is up for a vote and if all goes well will be final
in a few days. It's been a bit too long since our last release in April.
Hopefully after 3.1 is released we can get back into the frequent release
rhythm we had throughout the betas and up until 3.0 final.
Attachment Q: Status report for the Apache OpenJPA Project
OpenJPA has shipped a minor feature release, OpenJPA 1.2.0. Please see
for details.
Two new committers have been voted in: Jeremy Bauer and Fay Wang.
Mailing lists continue to be very active, with an average of almost 300
messages per month on the dev alias and nearly 300 messages per month on
the users alias.
OpenJPA continues to experience an increase in email subscriptions and
activity. There are over 140 subscribers to dev and 160 to users.
The community is working well together. Questions from the community
are answered promptly, often resulting in a JIRA being filed.
The PMC continues to track contributors with an eye toward making them
committers, and committers PMC members.
OpenJPA 1.2.0 has shipped. The maintenance branch 1.3.x currently is
tracking bugs fixed in the trunk.
Discussion is underway regarding the next major release that will
correspond to the release of Java Persistence 2.1.
The consensus is that we will branch the trunk to continue the
1.3.x code line and transform trunk into the 2.x line corresponding
with the to-be-released Java Persistence specification.
Attachment R: Status report for the Apache Shale Project
Shale is still working towards the 1.0.5 release. All the artifacts are
published to the Maven repo and the mirrors. The only thing lacking is
the website.
Shale has added Paul Spencer as its newest committer. Paul is a MyFaces
committer and has been a positive supportive of the Shale project.
There has been recent talk of a 1.1.0 release. The talk has been about the
Shale test library. It is unclear at this point if all the shale libraries
be release or just the shale test library.
There was more discussion on the mailing list about the future of Shale.
test is always at the center of this debate. We have addressed these concerns
and encourage volunteers to step forward and submit patches and engage in the
Attachment S: Status report for the Apache Struts Project
There have been no new releases this quarter. A Struts release is
in the works.
Discussions continue on the core of Struts 2 as well as several of the
plugins. On the plus side, there is a good deal of interest in the use of
OSGi within Struts 2, continuing earlier work on an OSGi plugin; on the
negative side, the Dojo plugin is a bit of a thorn in our sides in its
current form, and needs to be updated or removed. There has been very
little activity on Struts 1.
The quarter saw us add Dave Newton to the PMC, while Antonio Petrelli
elected to go emeritus and departed the PMC.
Attachment T: Status report for the Apache Tapestry Project
Tapestry 4:
A maintenance release, 4.1.6, was created to address several highly-voted
bugs, and add an JavaScript abstraction layer
Tapestry 5:
Two beta releases, 5.0.15 and 5.0.15, have been created. The next release,
5.0.16, is expected to be the release candidate.
Attachment U: Status report for the Apache Tcl Project
Nothing new to report. We're basically in maintenance mode, with
Massimo Manghi doing some work to modernize Rivet, as time allows.
Everyone involved is active when called for, though - questions get
answered on lists when they arise.
End of minutes for the October 15, 2008 board meeting.