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- Original The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
November 19, 2008
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 10:00am (Pacific) and began at
10:02 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a
quorum was recognized by the chairman. The meeting was held
via teleconference, hosted by Jim Jagielski and SpringSource.
IRC #asfboard on was used for backup
2. Roll Call
Directors Present:
Bertrand Delacretaz
Justin Erenkrantz
J Aaron Farr (joined 10:08)
Jim Jagielski
Geir Magnusson Jr (joined 11:00)
William Rowe Jr (joined 11:11)
Sam Ruby
Henning Schmiedehausen
Greg Stein
Directors Absent:
Eddie O'Neil
Paul Querna
Sander Striker (intermittently)
Henri Yandell
3. Minutes from previous meetings
Minutes (in Subversion) are found under the URL:
A. The meeting of September 17, 2008
See: board_minutes_2008_09_17.txt
Approved by General Consent.
B. The meeting of October 15, 2008
See: board_minutes_2008_10_15.txt
Approved by General Consent.
4. Executive Officer Reports
A. Chairman [Jim]
Foundation-wise it was a busy month. Of course, there was the ApacheCon
conference in NOLA which was very well received. During the event,
we took the opportunity to connect with many of our Sponsors,
specifically Progress/IONA, Springsource/Covalent, HP, Yahoo!
and Microsoft. The intent was to get some feedback from them
regarding their impressions of the Sponsorship program, what
has worked and what could be better. HALO helped coordinate these
meetings. Full feedback will provided as available, both to
the board and to the PRC. In general, there were 3 main points
from the Sponsors: (1) A desire for more direct and frequent
communication with the ASF; (2) a better understanding of how we
are utilizing our funds; and (3) how Sponsors and the ASF can work
together to increase the "brand" and overall use of ASF technologies.
More information is in the PRC report.
There were a number of interviews held at the event as well,
most notably with Michael Cote and with Pam Derringer. The
former was foundation general whereas the latter was mostly
around the httpd server project.
We also had a meeting with Ted Guild of the W3C regarding
better ways for the 2 organizations to "work" together. As you know,
the actual mechanics on how to do this had been a sticking point
for years. At the meeting, however, we came to a very easy and
simple agreement: that the ASF would be a participant in W3C in
a very similar manner to how we are in the JCP; we would not be
required to pay any sort of "membership" fee. Alternatively,
interested individuals within W3C would be encouraged to get more
involved in the various ASF projects which interest them and
their groups. I will be the main point of contact/liason in the
ASF/W3C relationship for the time being.
As with previous ApacheCons, I presented the State of the Feather
and ASF Sponsorship talks at ACUS. The SotF talk will form the basis
for our end-of-year release as well as content for our Sponsorship
communications. On a personal note, due to the time constraints with
the SotF talk is always under, the format of this talk should be
changed. The Sponsorship talk was held during lunchtime. This is,
to be charitable, an extremely bad time for that talk to have been
In keeping with that topic, the (special) ASF members meeting is
scheduled for December 16th and 18th, 2008 at 16:00 UTC. As with
previous meetings, it will be held via IRC. The main topics expected
for this meeting will be the election of new members.
I was invited to present at a "Tux Talk" at HP. This is basically
an opportunity for outside experts to speak to teams within HP
to increase awareness and usage of Open Source, and Apache technologies
specifically, within HP. This is still being scheduled.
I am encouraged to see such a large number of TLP resolutions this
month. The last 6 months had been somewhat dry in that regards. It
is great to see the continued growth within the foundation.
Because of our continued growth, as well as due to feedback from our
Sponsors (as noted above) and because of possible large expenditures
in the near future (and also, quite frankly, because it is our
fiduciary duty), I feel that it is very important that we actually
work towards crafting a real, honest to goodness budget. We have
subcontractors, real expenses and financial committments. We
have operated without a budget for too long.
I am also happy to see that Concom did such a good job at ACUS. The
event venue especially was a great fit for the crowd. Also, the
sessions themselves were, from all accounts, for the most part very
successful as well. Kudos also to the TAC.
Finally, it's also good that we are starting a mechanism to handle
"stale" projects, which, no doubt, will be an issue as we continue
along. It is great when people just step up, see a need, and
work towards it.
Discussion: Perhaps the audit committee could help with the budget?
B. President [Justin]
ApacheCon US was in New Orleans earlier this month and, while
keeping me extremely busy, I felt it was a success. Given the
current economic climate, a stable attendance from years past
should be considered extremely positive. There was a lot of
energy around OFBiz and Hadoop - which both had special
'co-located events' as part of ApacheCon. I hope to see more
of these smaller 'co-located events' in the future!
As noted above by the Chairman, we met with most of our
sponsors face-to-face in New Orleans and the feedback was
generally positive. As also noted, we did receive some
consistent feedback along a few areas about how we can improve
from discussions with our sponsors. Most importantly, I look
forward to keeping the lines of communication open with our
sponsors as we move forward.
One of my attention areas during the conference was organizing
our voluntourism event after the conference. We had over 20
people come out and help build a fence around a restored home
devastated by Katrina in coordination with a local charity,
Beacon of Hope. Many thanks to all of those who came out!
Some folks have posted pictures of the restored fence on
The debacle with credit cards and Wells Fargo continue. Since
Sam was not able to attend ApacheCon, my new card was FedEx'd
to me and was finally received. Many kudos to Sam for getting
off his sick bed and sending me the card. Also, we got two
Directors (Bertrand and Bill - thanks!) to sign the credit
authorization form for Paul and Sander's credit cards. At last
I have heard from Wells Fargo, the new credit cards should be
en route to Sam. If they have not arrived by the end of this
week, we should follow up again with Wells Fargo.
C. Treasurer [J Aaron]
The sponsorship payments from Yahoo! and Bluenog have
arrived. Still waiting for Microsoft's payment to arrive.
Notable expenses this month include the new contract with Halo
(and closing out the old contract) and the expenses for the
volunteer project with Beacon of Hope in New Orleans.
The payments for have now been scheduled to occur
Several reimbursements are also scheduled, but not yet mailed
Statement of Financial Income and Expense
October 15 through November 19, 2008
Ordinary Income/Expense
Interest Income 235.05
Contributions Income
Unrestricted 1,094.71
Total Contributions Income 1,094.71
Unrelated Business Income 29.00
Total Income 1,358.76
Bank Service Charges 272.10
Contract Labor 1,800.00
Contributions 1,951.07
Insurance -45.00
Postage and Delivery 19.95
Program Expenses
Travel Assistance 2,268.20
Public Relations 4,000.00
Public Relations Staff 43,636.36
Infrastructure Staff 6,000.00
Hardware Purchases 383.36
Colocation Expenses 1,043.77
Total Program Expenses 57,331.69
Total Expense 61,329.81
Net Ordinary Income -59,971.05
Net Income -59,971.05
Statement of Financial Position
As of November 19, 2008
Nov 19, 08 Oct 15, 08 $ Change % Change
Current Assets
Paypal 2,737.13 1,642.42 1,094.71 66.7%
Wells Fargo Analyzed Account 168,635.12 64,267.99 104,367.13 162.4%
Wells Fargo Savings 98,411.00 158,175.95 -59,764.95 -37.8%
Total Checking/Savings 269,783.25 224,086.36 45,696.89 20.4%
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable 100,000.00 205,000.00 -105,000.00 -51.2%
Total Accounts Receivable 100,000.00 205,000.00 -105,000.00 -51.2%
Total Current Assets 369,783.25 429,086.36 -59,303.11 -13.8%
TOTAL ASSETS 369,783.25 429,086.36 -59,303.11 -13.8%
Current Liabilities
Credit Cards
ASF Credit Card - J. Aaron Farr 1,909.36 0.00 1,909.36 100.0%
ASF Credit Card - Ruby 19.95 830.44 -810.49 -97.6%
ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz 405.12 2,297.25 -1,892.13 -82.4%
Total Credit Cards 2,334.43 3,127.69 -793.26 -25.4%
Total Current Liabilities 2,334.43 3,127.69 -793.26 -25.4%
Total Liabilities 2,334.43 3,127.69 -793.26 -25.4%
Retained Earnings 261,975.10 261,975.10 0.00 0.0%
Net Income 105,473.72 163,983.57 -58,509.85 -35.7%
Total Equity 367,448.82 425,958.67 -58,509.85 -13.7%
TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 369,783.25 429,086.36 -59,303.11 -13.8%
Discussion: Aaron to rebalance checking and savings and to check into
the continued payment of the Executive Assistant.
D. Secretary [Sam]
6 grants, 60 iclas, and 4 cclas were processed since the last board
report. Minutes continue to be made available in a timely manner
and published once approved.
Use of financials/Bills/received in svn as a process still is not as
smooth as I would like, but I remain optimistic that this will
eventually work itself out. At the moment, I believe that there are
a number of items in "received" and "approved" directories that I
believe are paid. I'd like to ask the Treasurer to review these
items and move the documents as appropriate.
Justin should have his physical credit card -- I mailed it to him
in New Orleans. I've gotten a fax indicating that Wells Fargo needs
verbal authorization to mail an additional card to an alternate
address. I'll follow up today.
Renewed Joe's contract for another six months.
E. Executive Vice President [Sander Striker]
The highlight of last month was attending ApacheCon New Orleans. I've
remained mostly in the background during the event; it's been primarily
informal interaction on my part.
I've submitted accumulated expenses with our Treasurer, for flowers,
the Paris and Milan trip.
Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
5. Additional Officer Reports
1. VP of JCP [Geir Magnusson Jr]
See Attachment 1
2. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby]
See Attachment 2
3. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Justin]
See Attachment 3
4. Apache Conference Planning Project [Lars Eilebrecht / Bill]
See Attachment 4
5. Apache Audit Project [William Rowe]
See Attachment 5
Proposal declined; the board requested that the audit committee
help with preparing the budget.
6. Apache Public Relations Project [Jim Jagielski]
See Attachment 6
7. Apache Infrastructure Team [Paul Querna / Justin]
See Attachment 7
Paul notes that we may need another part time administrator
next year. Don't feel comfortable tasking that to our existing
administrators as this requires root.
The infrastructure team is looking into Covalent's tools as time permits.
8. Apache Travel Assistance Committee [Gavin McDonald / Henning]
See Attachment 8
Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
6. Committee Reports
A. Apache Ant Project [Conor MacNeill / Sam]
See Attachment A
Sam to pursue a report for Ant.
B. Apache Beehive Project [Eddie O'Neil / J Aaron]
See Attachment B
Eddie provided a verbal report. Project is quiet.
Eddie plans to submit another report next month, if for no
other reason than for ECCN.
C. Apache C++ Standard Library Project [Martin Sebor / Greg]
See Attachment C
D. Apache Cocoon Project [Vadim Gritsenko / Jim]
See Attachment D
E. Apache Continuum Project [Emmanuel Venisse / Bertrand]
See Attachment E
F. Apache Forrest Project [David Crossley / Geir]
See Attachment F
G. Apache HiveMind Project [James Carman / Henning]
See Attachment G
Henning will follow up and ask for a community report.
H. Apache HTTP Server Project [Roy T. Fielding / Sam]
See Attachment H
I. Apache HttpComponents Project [Erik Abele / Bill]
See Attachment I
Jim to pursue a report for HttpComponents.
J. Apache Incubator Project [Noel J. Bergman / Geir]
See Attachment J
Jim to follow up with Noel reinforcing request for "Issues
before graduation".
If FFMPEG can't be worked around, this discussion should be
pursued on legal-discuss to determine if this represents
either a GPL license violation or an ASF policy violation.
Henri and Aaron to help out proactively.
K. Apache Jakarta Project [Martin van den Bemt / Greg]
See Attachment K
Greg to pursue a report for Jakarta.
L. Apache Lenya Project [Gregor J. Rothfuss / J Aaron]
See Attachment L
M. Apache Logging Project [Curt Arnold / Bertrand]
See Attachment M
Report was submitted late, will be taken up next
N. Apache Perl Project [Geoffrey Young / Jim]
See Attachment N
O. Apache POI Project [Nick Burch / Justin]
See Attachment O
P. Apache Roller Project [Dave Johnson / Geir]
See Attachment P
Q. Apache Santuario Project [Berin Lautenbach / Greg]
See Attachment Q
R. Apache Turbine Project [Scott Eade / Justin]
See Attachment R
S. Apache Tuscany Project [Ant Elder / Henning]
See Attachment S
T. Apache Velocity Project [Will Glass-Husain / Jim]
See Attachment T
U. Apache Xalan Project [Brian Minchau / Sam]
See Attachment U
Sam to pursue a report for Xalan
V. Apache Xerces Project [Gareth Reakes / Bertrand]
See Attachment V
Submitted late and the project is asked to resubmit for next
W. Apache XML Project [Gianugo Rabellino / J Aaron]
See Attachment W
Aaron to work with the PMC on behalf of the Attic.
X. Apache XML Graphics Project [Jeremias Maerki / Bill]
See Attachment X
Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
7. Special Orders
A. Establish the Apache CouchDB project
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
open-source software implementing a distributed, fault-
tolerant and schema-free document-oriented database for
distribution at no charge to the public.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache CouchDB Project",
be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
Foundation; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache CouchDB Project be and hereby is
responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
related to implementing a distributed, fault-tolerant and
schema-free document-oriented database; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, CouchDB" be and
hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at
the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the
Apache CouchDB Project, and to have primary responsibility for
management of the projects within the scope of responsibility
of the Apache CouchDB Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
Apache CouchDB Project:
* J Chris Anderson (
* Damien Katz (
* Jan Lehnardt (
* Christopher Lenz (cmlenz -
* Ted Leung (twl -
* Noah Slater (
Katz be appointed to the office of Vice President, CouchDB, to
serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until
a successor is appointed; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the initial Apache CouchDB Project be and hereby
is tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
encourage open development and increased participation in the
CouchDB Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the initial Apache CouchDB Project be and hereby
is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
Incubator CouchDB podling; and be it further
RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the Apache
Incubator CouchDB podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
PMC are hereafter discharged.
Special Order 7A, Establish the Apache CouchDB project, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
B. Establish the Apache Buildr project
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's
purpose to establish a Project Management Committee charged with
the creation and maintenance of open-source software related to
a Ruby-based build system that is quick and easy for small jobs,
extensible and customizable for do-it-yourself handywork, and yet
suitable for larger multi-lingual, multi-project constructions,
for distribution at no charge to the public.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
Committee (PMC), to be known as the "The Apache Buildr Project",
be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
Foundation; and be it further
RESOLVED, that The Apache Buildr Project be and hereby is
responsible for the creation and maintenance of a software
project related to a Ruby-based build system that is quick and
easy for small jobs, extensible and customizable for
do-it-yourself handywork, and yet suitable for larger
multi-lingual, multi-project constructions
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Buildr" be
and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve
at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of The
Apache Buildr Project, and to have primary responsibility for
management of the projects within the scope of responsibility of
The Apache Buildr Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of The
Apache Buildr Project:
* Assaf Arkin (
* Alex Boisvert (
* Victor Hugo Borja (
* Antoine Contal (
* Matthieu Riou (
and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President,
Apache Buildr, to serve in accordance with and subject to
the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the
Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it
RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Buildr Project be and hereby
is tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
encourage open development and increased participation in the
Buildr Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Buildr Project be and hereby
is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
Incubator Buildr podling; and be it further
RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the Apache
Incubator Buildr podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
PMC are hereafter discharged.
Special Order 7B, Establish the Apache Buildr project, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
C. Change the Apache MyFaces Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Manfred Geiler to
the office of Vice President, Apache MyFaces, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
Manfred Geiler from the office of Vice President, Apache MyFaces,
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache MyFaces
project has chosen by vote to recommend Matthias Wessendorf as the
successor to the post;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Manfred Geiler is relieved and
discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
President, Apache MyFaces, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Matthias Wessendorf be and hereby is
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache MyFaces, to
serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of
Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation,
retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is
Special Order 7C, Change the Apache MyFaces Project Chair, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
D. Establish the Apache Attic Project
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
Committee charged with the oversight of projects which
otherwise would not have oversight.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Attic Project",
be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
Foundation; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Attic Project be and hereby is
responsible for the oversight of projects which
otherwise would not have oversight; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Attic Project be and hereby is
not authorized to actively develop and release the projects
under its oversight; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Attic" be
and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
of the Apache Attic Project, and to have primary responsibility
for management of the projects within the scope of
responsibility of the Apache Attic Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
Apache Attic Project:
* Rahul Akolkar (
* Rich Bowen (
* J Aaron Farr (
* Ralph Goers (
* Vadim Gritsenko (
* Niclas Hedhman (
* Jim Jagielski (
* Sally Khudairi (
* Craig L Russell (
* Jeremias Maerki (
* Brett Porter (
* Gianugo Rabellino (
* Scott Sanders (
* Henning Schmiedehausen (
* Noirin (Plunkett) Shirley (
* Davanum Srinivas (
* Mads Toftum (
* Thomas Vandahl (
* Upayavira (
* Henri Yandell (
be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Attic, to
serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification,
or until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7D, Establish the Apache Attic Project, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
E. Establish the Apache Qpid Project
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's
purpose to establish a Project Management Committee charged with
the creation and maintenance of open-source software related to
distributed messaging, for distribution at no charge to the
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Qpid Project", be and
hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and
be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Qpid Project be and hereby is
responsible for the creation and maintenance of software related
to distributed messaging; a multiple language implementation
providing daemons and APIs for publish & subscribe, eventing and
a wide range of message distribution patterns based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) and related technologies
such as (transaction management, federation, security,
management); and be it further
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Qpid" be and hereby
is created, the person holding such office to serve at the
direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache
Qpid Project, and to have primary responsibility for management
of the projects within the scope of responsibility of the Apache
Qpid Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby
are appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache Qpid
* Rajith Attapattu (
* Alan Conway (
* Paul Fremantle (
* Robert Godfrey (
* Robert Greig (
* Steve Huston (
* Marnie McCormack (
* John O'Hara (
* Martin Ritchie (
* Jonathan Robie (
* Ted Ross (
* Craig Russell (
* Nuno Santos (
* Rafael Schloming (
* Yoav Shapira (
* Gordon Sim (
* Arnaud Simon (
* Aidan Skinner (
* Manuel Teira (
* Carl Trieloff (
* Kim van der Riet (
appointed to the office of Vice President, Qpid, to serve in
accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of
Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a
successor is appointed; and be it further
RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the Qpid
encumbered upon the Apache Incubator be hereafter discharged.
Special Order 7E, Establish the Apache Qpid Project, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
F. Establish the Apache Abdera Project
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's
purpose to establish a Project Management Committee charged with
the creation and maintenance of open-source software related to
a framework for building clients and servers for the Atom
Publishing Protocol and other related technology, for distribution
at no charge to the public.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
Committee (PMC), to be known as the "The Apache Abdera Project",
be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
Foundation; and be it further
RESOLVED, that The Apache Abdera Project be and hereby is
responsible for the creation and maintenance of a software
project related to a framework for building clients and servers
for the Atom Publishing Protocol and other related technology.
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Abdera" be
and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve
at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of The
Apache Abdera Project, and to have primary responsibility for
management of the projects within the scope of responsibility of
The Apache Abdera Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of The
Apache Abdera Project:
- Jim Ancona (
- David Calavera (
- Ugo Cei (
- Dan Diephouse (
- Stephen Duncan Jr. (
- Garrett Rooney (
- James M. Snell (
and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President,
Apache Abdera, to serve in accordance with and subject to
the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the
Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it
RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Abdera PMC be and hereby is
tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
encourage open development and increased participation in the
Apache Abdera Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Abdera Project be and hereby
is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
Incubator Abdera podling; and be it further
RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the Apache
Incubator Abdera podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
PMC are hereafter discharged.
Special Order 7F, Establish the Apache Abdera Project, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
8. Discussion Items
We discussed whether there was a perceived or actual requirement to have
an ASF member in each of our PMCs. While it is something we tend to look
for, it is not by any means a hard requirement. If there is not an ASF
member in a PMC, the board often looks for a member to volunteer to
monitor the mailing lists. Another way to address this, strongly
encouraged by the board, is for members to look at new PMCs as an
opportunity to nominate new members. Jim will include words to this
effect in the invitation to the next members meeting.
Wrowe to close out contract with the executive assistant
9. Review Outstanding Action Items
* Aaron, Jim, Henning, and Henri to work on a proposal for an "Attic"
project to contain dormant projects. Quetzalcoatl and HiveMind will
be discussed as two potential candidates.
Update: See resolution above.
* Henning and Aaron to follow up on hardware utilization report
Update: henning: botched a mail from Kevan suggesting a
meeting @ AC US and did not get anything done
afterwards. Sorry.
* Sam to renew the contract with Sunstarsys
Update: Done
* Justin to renegotiate contract with the Exec Assistant
Update: We decided not to pursue this further.
* Jim to work with Aaron to close the loop on sponsor invoices
Update: Done
* Aaron to follow up on the Google SoC invoice
Update: Invoice created. Need to send to Google. Working
with Ross.
* Sam to follow up with Henk re: NTLM licensing issues for HttpComponents
Update: This item remains open.
* Henning to communicate that every project that uses Google Analytics
needs to have a published privacy policy.
Update: henning: Lively discussion on legal-discuss about this; seem
to died down now; need to summarize and talk to the PMCs.
henning: As Sam is monitoring this too (see legal report), I
will catch up with him on this.
* Aaron to email requests for credit cards for Paul and Sander to Justin.
Update: See Justin's report.
* Geir to follow up with Henning on publishing a list of get reimbursed
when future conferences are organized.
Update: Henning: Uhm, what? Parse error in that sentence.
rubys: I can no longer recall and can not reconstruct what
the original action item was, unless anybody else
can jog my memory, I'll drop it.
* Sam to send a note to infrastructure to update pmc-chairs svn list.
Update: This item remains open.
* Sam to send a note to board@ suggesting that people who have a need to
do a mass mailing to PMC private lists first coordinate with
infrastructure to be added to the corresponding 'allow' lists for these
mailing lists.
Update: This item remains open.
* Greg to pursue a report for Beehive.
Update: Not done. Will do ASAP.
* Aaron to check into usage monitoring of Geronimo's hardware.
Update: No progress.
* Jim to check on Zookeeper's filling out of the Incubator's IP clearance.
Update: Have not done yet. Apologies.
* Justin to request that podlings include a description in their report.
Update: This item remains open.
* Justin to request that JSecurity move to ASF ASAP.
Update: This item remains open.
* Greg to pursue a report for Jakarta.
Update: Not done. Will do ASAP.
* Greg to follow up with Henning to understand his concerns about OpenEJB
transition paths.
Update: henning: Gee, what? That was a joke in the last board report!
I considered "Weblogic -> Tomcat/OpenEJB" an interesting transition path.
(Mental note: American's don't fully grok german humor).
* Bertrand to follow up with Howard to make sure that an adequate report
is made for Tapestry ("community" info was missing).
Update: (see also message from Howard to board@ Nov 6, 2008 8:23 PM)
Howard says community interest is strong, lots of activity on the
lists and in JIRA, many well researched bugs and some patches.
On the other hand, for the 5.0.16 release, he fixed 70 out of
71 bugs, so no real community involvement when it comes to coding.
That's for Tapestry 5, while 3 and 4 are in maintenance mode.
henning: I considered the second mail (answer to my questions) where he
all but stated that "he is Tapestry" much more alarming.
10. Unfinished Business
11. New Business
12. Announcements
13. Adjournment
Adjourned at 11:34 a.m. (Pacific)
Attachment 1: Report from the VP of JCP
Quiet month, not much to report. Request for RESTful TCK
still pending. There were a few requests for udpated
An issue came up with the MyFaces PMC regarding a draft
spec license from Oracle. The license was taken from
old boilerplate, and had a FOU limit. We discussed
with Oracle and they quickly fixed this issue. Kudos
to Sun for facilitating and generally helping get
things straightened out quickly. The new license has
been forwarded to legal-discuss for extra eyes, but I
think it's fine.
Sun's recent announcement of their reorganization of their
software division may present an opportunity for new
thinking and therefore progress on the Harmony TCK issue.
Hope springs eternal.
Attachment 2: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee
It would be helpful to obtain a Notice of Allowance from Robyn in order to
pursue registering the SpamAssassin Trademark.
Sebastian Bazley updated the mailbox drop information on CCLAs to reflect our
Wells Fargo lockbox.
Discussed documenting privacy policies w.r.t. Google analytics and
interpreting "internal use" as our project mailing lists. Parallel discussion
occurred on site-dev.
Advised Facelets to preserve NOTICEs and not to modify copyright claims
in files that they copy.
Jira item created for documenting the process for choosing names for ASF
projects. Looks promising.
Once again, a discussion of making section 5 of the Apache License, Version
2.0 more explicit via mailing list messages surfaced. Thankfully, it died
quickly. My feeling is that what we have works for us for now, and shouldn't
be changed unless there is a specific issue.
A company offered Lucene access to archived blog data. There was a discussion
concerning us hosting a copy of this, but this made some people uncomfortable
w.r.t. potential copyright violations.
Discussed w3c's copyright-documents-19990405.html. Overall doesn't look
open source friendly, but we may be open to further discussion of checkin
of unmodified sources with appropriate documentation.
Reviewed Oracle's proposed revised JSR301 draft license
Attachment 3: Status report for the Apache Security Team Project
There continues to be a steady stream of reports of various kinds
arriving at These continue to be dealt with
promptly by the security team. For Oct 2008:
1 Support question
3 Security vulnerability question, but not a vulnerability report
2 Phishing/spam/attacks point to site "powered by Apache"
1 User was hacked, but it wasn't ASF software at fault
7 Vulnerability reports across four projects containing a mix of
verified and unverified issues
Attachment 4: Status report for the Apache Conference Planning Project
General News
* The conference committee is planning to make it easier for PMCs
(or even third parties) to run smaller Apache-related events
such as meetups or BarCamps, and to get formal recognition by
the ASF, i.e., being allowed to use the Apache name and logo
for the event. The criteria and guidelines for such events are
still to be created.
* The conference committee has started exploring the possibilities
of having an ApacheCon (or smaller Apache event) in Brazil in 2009.
ApacheCon US 2008 News
* ApacheCon US 2008 in New Orleans has finished successfully.
Attendance numbers were still good, even though the recent
economic downturn affected many attendees.
* Despite moderate attendance numbers, the first BarCampApache was
a successful event, and the conference committee is planning to
continue having BarCamp events at future ApacheCons, and as
separate events.
ApacheCon Europe 2009 News
* The planning meeting was held the weekend before ApacheCon US 2008
in New Orleans, and a draft schedule is available. The final
schedule should be available soon, and speakers will be notified.
ApacheCon US 2009 News
* The conference committee has voted William A. Rowe, Jr. the lead,
and Cliff Skolnick the co-lead for ApacheCon US 2009. Call for
2009 US team members has already begun, and expected to wrap up
in November.
* The Call for Papers has opened 7 November 2008, and the planning
meeting will be held the weekend after ApacheCon Europe 2009 in
Apache Meet Up and BarCamp Beijing 2008
* Apache Meet Up Beijing 2008 will be held 5 December 2008 at the
Intel office in Beijing, followed a one-day BarCamp Beijing event.
* The conference committee has voted to make the Apache Meet Up
in Beijing a formal ASF event (not ApacheCon). The event will
be using ApacheCon Web site infrastructure, but doesn't require
any ASF funds. Registration for the event will be free, and thus
we do not expect to generate any profit from the event.
* Three conference committee members have signed up to organize the
event, and it will be produced by SCP.
Attachment 5: Status report for the Apache Audit Project
No records received, ergo no action to take at present and nothing
to report.
Proposed; that the standing Audit committee be dissolved, and simply
be formed at such point in time that there are an annual accounting
of the activity of the foundation.
Attachment 6: Status report for the Apache Public Relations Project
(includes Summer of Code 2008 final report)
During the ApacheCon conference this month, held in NOLA, HALO
coordinated and attended meeting with various sponsors (Yahoo!,
Microsoft, HP, Progress/IONA and Springsource/Covalent) to get
their feedback regarding the success of the Sponsorship Program.
Another topic of discussion was how could the program be more
beneficial to current and future Sponsors. A common theme was
more frequent and "direct" communication between Sponsors and
the ASF, such as a quarterly newletter or some similar mechanism.
The overlap between the ASF Sponsorship and ApacheCon sponsorship
was also discussed as well.
Additional feedback from Sponsor meetings also included strong interest in
learning how to better work with us to leverage the Apache brand -- whether
in press interviews, product packaging/description, or developer/community
outreach and events (e.g., user group meetings). There was also concern for
clearer understanding/detail on how the funds donated are being utilized.
Each sponsor we had spoken with seemed supportive of the possibility of
evolving the *structure* of ApacheCon, and were very interested in the
opportunity to participate in smaller, more community-driven events (such
as an Apache/*/GetTogether).
Industry Analyst Briefings were also head at AC (coordinated by HALO).
Whilst Cote was here, he had three hour-long briefings on the ASF's State
of the Feather, as well as several projects in the Incubator. In addition,
he had 5-7 minute "snapshots" of ASF initiatives with ten of the Media
Training participants. (So basically it was a 1/2 day of briefings, which
is A Good Thing for any organization)
The HALO contract was revised and renewed (and the same annual
rate as last year). The revisions were around focusing more on
the Sponsorship tasks, and coordinating with our Sponsors.
As with previous years, Media Training was held during the ApacheCon
conference. From all accounts, it was a successful and warmly received
event. In attendance were: Hans Bakker, Keith Chapman, Deng (Maria Odea)
Ching, Torsten Curdt, Martijn Dashorst, Ross Gardler, Deepal Jayasinghe,
Brian McCallister, Felix Meschberger, Debbie Moynihan, Craig Russell,
and 2 non-ASF guests.
Microsoft has indicated their desire to have their Port25 site be
more an open forum for various open source topics and communities.
As such, Justin and Jim were asked to consider posting entries to
the site, using their ASF perspective. Exact details are still being
worked out.
We are welcoming 2 new Bronze sponsors: Intuit and BlueNog.
A PRC concall was held on Oct. 23rd. In attendance were Sally, Justin,
Shane, Craig and Jim. Meeting notes were posted to the PRC list.
A PR regarding the Tuscany graduation and 1.3.2 release was drafted
and released on Oct. 13. This PR, as with pretty much every
other one, was substantially organized and managed by HALO.
Tracking PRC issues and tasks is still something that needs to
be closed. Henri put a lot of work into setting up JIRA
for us, and, unfortunately, Jim was not able to close up with
Henri at ACUS to complete this. This was some discussion regarding
using OFBiz and some CRM, which may better align with what we
want to do, especially with invoicing and the like.
The ASF still has an open invitation for a "free table" at the SpringOne
show in December in FLA. Also, the ASF was contacted (via various people
to various people) regarding the Open World Forum 2008 in Paris. They
were hoping to get some advice and insight from us regarding what
would make a good show, suggest and recommend content and
sessions, etc. Emmanuel Lcharny and Raphael Luta will close the
loop on this.
Summer of Code 2008 final report:
The Google Summer of Code was in its third year this year. We received 186
applications, of which 31 were slotted. 22 of these projects passed both
the mid-term and final evaluations. 5 of these passed the mid-term, but
failed the final evaluation and a further 4 failed at the mid-term. This
pass rate is below the average rate for the whole GSoC program, however, it
was felt by the mentors and admins that this reflects the high standards
expected of contributors to the ASF.
This year we had three administrators:
Bertrand Delecretaz
Ross Gardler
Luciano Resende
Having more administrators is a good thing and seemed to work well since
the most experienced of these admins was able to spend some time
documenting the GSoC processes on the wiki.
Selection Process
In previous years the application RankingProcess worked reasonably well.
However, this year there were insufficient numbers of mentors reviewing all
proposals. This resulted in some well represented projects receiving an
artificially high ranking. The admins attempted to ensure that the final
rankings were as fair as possible, but there can be no doubt that the
RankingProcess needs to be revisited for GSoC2009 (assuming there is a GSoC
2009, of course).
This has already been discussed on the code-awards mailing list and we
believe a fairer system, which does not rely on significant numbers of
mentors reviewing all applications, was provisionally agreed upon. However,
it should be noted that no ranking system will be perfect and there will,
undoubtedly, always be someone who feels the system has failed them. We
hope that the system adopted for 2009 will be good enough and encourage all
interested committers to oversee the definition and execution of the
process on the code-awards list.
Success Stories
A number of success stories were collected on the code-awards list, the
full text of all SoC2008SuccessStories is available on,
whilst some edited highlights are included below:
Milinda Lakmal Pathirage is now a committer for Apache ODE.
Both Robin Anil and Deneche Abdelhakim contributed code that has been
committed to Apache Hadoop, and both did a good job of working with the
community by answering questions and participating in the process.
Wojtek Janiszewski is now a committer on Apache Tuscany
Douglas Leite is now a committer on Apache Tuscany
Oscar Castaneda is now a committer on Apache Tuscany
Andrey Razumovsky became a committer on Apache Cayenne and is described as
one of the most active Cayenne committers as of now.
Andras Belicza and Tharindu Mathew provided a useful new module and
numerous bug fixes for Apache Harmony.
Lahiru Gunathilake got his committer rights for Apache Qpid in September.
This means that the ASF gained at least six committers in this years Google
Summer of Code. The administrators would like to thank all mentors for
their hard work during the Summer of Code.
Mentor Summit (report from Luciano)
Every year after Summer of Code is over, Google hosts a summit at its
headquarters in Mountain View to foster sharing of mentors experience, and
also to learn first hand what could be improved for next year program.
Luciano Resende attended the Summit on behalf of ASF.
This year, the summit followed the unconference idea, and various groups of
people gather together to discuss Summer of Code and other OSS related
topics. Various of the suggested themes were around how to successfully go
from recruit to project delivery without having the student to disappear.
Some mentors/organizations were trying to make the student selection very
strict and really follow a job recruitment procedure, where others were
more towards given an opportunity for the students to learn and enjoy
working with open source software.
Attachment 7: Status report for the Apache Infrastructure Team
Yahoo! talks about a build farm are proceeding at our normal slow and steady
T-shirts were distributed to team members.
Held a face-to-face meeting at Apachecon with irc logging.
Henk Penning and Gavin McDonald led the effort to clean out the mirror system,
successfully purging over 6GB of redundant artifacts.
Made progress with bringing Confluence up-to-date, by first recognizing its
importance to current operations and then working with James Dumay on irc to
bring the autoexporter plugin up to date. We expect to make more progress
once James' patch has been tested and incorporated into the autoexporter tree.
No progress has been made in replacing hermes (mail). We're looking forward to
tackling that when FreeBSD releases 7.1, with expected improvements in its zfs
Norman Maurer is still waiting for us to order disk replacements for thor
Took a few failed cracks at upgrading nike (mail) to FreeBSD 7 with Bart van
der Schans' on-site help. Will continue tackling this problem before pursuing
FreeBSD upgrades to other x2200's in service.
Offered Chris Davis committership under infrastructure's purview. He has
accepted the offer.
Tony Stevenson-led investigations into deploying LDAP at the ASF have gained
some speed. We've talked with the Apache Directory project a bit about
potentially using their software for this purpose.
Paul Querna provided the Syracuse researchers with a filtered dump of our
public svn tree, and will be coordinating with them to determine the best
way of keeping their soon-to-be-published copy of our repo current. We also
pointed them at the rsync location of our raw mail archives.
Justin Erenkrantz purchased a few new SSL certs to replace those that were
scheduled to expire next month.
Attachment 8: Status report for the Apache Travel Assistance Committee
General News
Our first report was submitted whilst we were in the final straight in
organising our applicants to go to New Orleans. Since then of course,
ApacheCon US has happened and all of our applicants arrived safely and
attended for the full week. There were some final minute confirmations
as to who was in what room etc, and last minute organising of meeting the
applicants themselves.
We are now doing our post-apachecon reviews and beginning to organise for
the next ApacheCon in March Next year. Part of our post-apachecon review
involves the contacting of and getting feedback from our attendees. Ross
was in contact with one such attendee during and now after ApacheCon.
We are eager to sort something out here regarding feedback and so will
continue to follow up on this. We need feedback about the whole application
process, not just about the event itself. Feedback we hope will be published
on our wiki.
We also had our first meeting via #irc as part of our post-apachecon to talk
about the lead up to and including ApacheCon, to improve our processes. This
led onto preparation for ApacheCon EU 2009. We have organised a timeline of
events, opening/closing application periods etc. We now have a more
realistic time gap between each phase so hopefully it wont be so hectic.
The lead up starts almost immediately with the wiki soon to be utilised more.
Of note to the board is that of Credit Cards and their limits. Due to these
restraints, it may become a pain if we are to book 20+ flights, as it stands
booking them individually seems to be the only way, this time around it was
ok, but need to look at this further. Block booking with Travel Agents
although may give us better discount, we would still need to pay at the time
of booking. Bill is looking into this more.
Thanks to all who attended the meeting and apologies for the mix up in the
time/day it was taking place.
We are awaiting invoices for hotel/entrance costs etc. So we will have a
clearer picture of what this event actually cost us ready for the next
We are in the process of information gathering in preparation of applying
for our budget for ApacheCon Amsterdam. We should (Need to) have this ready
for submitting next month.
Attachment A: Status report for the Apache Ant Project
Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Beehive Project
Attachment C: Status report for the Apache C++ Standard Library Project
Notable changes since the last report (August 2008):
Project activity has been low over the last three months due
to several committers having been busy with other work. The
team has mostly been fixing bugs; little progress has been
made on new C++ 0x features. In September, the C++ committee
voted to publish the C++ 0x draft standard for international
ballot. The final C++ Standard can be expected to be published
withing a year to two of the completion of the ballot, with
only bug fixes but no other significant changes.
BIS Export Control Classification:
Apache C++ Standard Library contains no encryption source code
nor does it make use of any third party encryption software.
Future plans:
Continue to work toward the release of stdcxx 4.2.2 and on
implementing C++ 0x. The plan is to enable experimental
support for a subset of C++ 0x in 4.3.0, and full support
in 5.0,0.
The stdcxx community is unchanged since the last report.
16 committers (unchanged)
11 PMC members (unchanged)
Mailing list activity changes since the last report:
commits: 21 (+2) subscribers, 4.06 (-0.84) posts/day
dev: 55 (-2) subscribers, 5.24 (-2.02) posts/day
issues: 13 (+0) subscribers, 8.24 (-3.19) posts/day
user: 51 (+3) subscribers, 0.11 (+0.00) posts/day
Bug tracking database changes since the last report:
Total issues: 1016 (+ 19)
Outstanding: 340 (+ 4)
Resolved: 163 (+ 3)
Closed: 513 (+ 12)
Planned releases:
4.2.2 Winter 2008 (was Fall 2008)
4.3.0 Winter 2008 - 2009
5.0.0 first half of 2009
Release history:
4.2.1 May 1, 2008
4.2.0 October 29, 2007 (incubating)
4.1.3 January 30, 2006 (incubating)
4.1.2 September 7, 2005 (snapshot, incubating)
Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Cocoon Project
New Committers:
* David Legg
PMC Changes:
* Added Andreas Hartmann
* Added Luca Morandini
* Added Jasha Joachimsthal
* Added David Legg
* Added Steven Dolg
No Releases.
Ongoing Work:
* New code in whiteboard, previously known as 'Corona', was renamed to
'Cocoon 3' and moved out of the whiteboard svn area.
* Cocoon 3 sees steady stream of commits and Jira issues. Cocoon 3.0.0 alpha 1
release is expected soon.
* Work is going on on the new branch which was created for Cocoon 2.1
integration with Dojo 1.1.1 release. It is expected that Cocoon
2.1.12 will be released with these changes, and they also will be
merged into Cocoon 2.2 (trunk).
Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Continuum Project
* 1.2 release was released on September 21, 2008
* 1.2.1 was not released due to problems discovered during the vote
* 1.2.2 was released on November 3, 2008
* We started a discussion/implementation about distributed build.
* We started discussion about plugins system "a la" maven.
* No new committers or PMC members.
No board level issues at this time.
Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Forrest Project
Apache Forrest mission is software for generation of aggregated multi-channel
documentation maintaining a separation of content and presentation.
Issues needing board attention:
Changes in the PMC membership:
General status:
A spurt of developer activity early in the quarter, as a couple of
committers fixed a long-standing issue with our version of Apache Cocoon.
See below, about that and other progress.
Otherwise development is still rather quiet, as noted in previous reports.
Developers are still assisting each other when needed.
Low traffic on the user list. Still being answered by various developers.
Progress of the project:
Our packaged version of Apache Cocoon has been changed to use the latest
version of their stable 2.1 branch. This is a major step forward for
Forrest. It enables us to use a reliable and up-to-date Cocoon. Forrest
developers can again participate at Cocoon to fix issues or develop new
blocks. A number of major performance issues are already fixed in this
version. In previous versions of Forrest we were using a development
version of Cocoon trunk (i.e. 2.2). A number of things happened which
caused us to fall out of synchronisation with Cocoon. They started using
Maven as a build system, which took a long time to settle down. In turn
that meant that Apache Gump could not perform continuous integration,
which shut Forrest off. At the same time Cocoon trunk was making technical
advances which changed some of the ways that Forrest interacts with
Cocoon. In particular the command-line interface which Forrest uses to
build a complete static site. See other notes via FOR-1017. Cocoon-2.1 is
closer to our stalled version of Cocoon-2.2 than the current head of
Cocoon-2.2 trunk.
One committer continued to progress the next version of "Dispatcher" in our
whiteboard area.
Another committer improved the PDF plugin, with assistance from others to
define naming conventions. The PDF output plugin can now utilise a FOP
configuration file, e.g. to specify the font family via configuration.
Work progressed with using i18n catalogues for each plugin. The PDF plugin
A committer presented a session at ApacheCon US 2008.
No releases since 0.8 on 2007-04-18.
Attachment G: Status report for the Apache HiveMind Project
The HiveMind project has remained quite inactive during the last 3
months. There are currently no active developers on the project.
Attachment H: Status report for the Apache HTTP Server Project
The Apache HTTP server project has picked up some steam this quarter.
We have no board-level issues at this time.
We have added two httpd-docs committers, Vincent Deffontaines and
and Lucien Gentis. Thom May resigned from the PMC due to lack
of bandwidth.
We released httpd 2.2.10 on October 21 and continued maintenance of
that branch will justify another release soon. We have not done any
releases this quarter for flood, libapreq, mod_mbox, mod_wombat, or
mod_ftp, and no progress has been made on the next generation code
bases for httpd. There are, however, release candidates in process
for libapreq (1 and 2) with rumbling sounds of approval in the near
future, significant work on mod_wombat prior/during ApacheCon, and
additions of new features and a new MPM to httpd's trunk.
Attachment I: Status report for the Apache HttpComponents Project
Attachment J: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project
Overall a good month. A few items of note.
Several of us met with Michael Cote at ApacheCon to discuss the Incubator
with him. Bertrand was instrumental in instigating and facilitating the
The most contentious, and it isn't very contentious at that, discussion is
regarding the Helenus proposal, which is to incubate an already existing
fork of Facebook's Cassandra project, ostensibly because Cassandra is dead
from a community perspective, with Facebook being absentee landlords.
Because of that, the community has already forked the project, and is
looking for a home. Ian Holsman is our point of contact with that community
at present, and proposed Incubation.
Stonehenge has been accepted for Incubation. From the proposal: "The aim of
the Stonehenge project is to develop a set of sample applications to
demonstrate seamless interoperability across multiple underlying platform
technologies by using currently defined W3C and OASIS standard protocols."
Kato has been accepted for Incubation. From the proposal: "Kato is a
project to develop the Specification, Reference Implementation and
Technology Compatibility Kit for JSR 326: Post-mortem JVM Diagnostics API"
OpenWebBeans has been accepted for Incubation. From the proposal: "Open Web
Beans will be an implementation of the Web Beans Specification which is
defined as JSR-299."
A number of other proposals are under consideration.
Abdera, Buildr, CouchDB and Qpid are in the process of seeking graduation.
NMaven is going to go dormant. JvZ apparently wants to move the project out
of the ASF entirely.
= Abdera =
Abdera has been incubating since May 2006. It is a framework for building
Atom publishing protocol clients and servers.
At the time of writing, Abdera is in the process of composing our graduation
to TLP proposal for the Incubator PMC. Depending on how quickly that gets
done we hope to have a proposal for the board for either the November or
December meeting.
Other than that progress is steady but slow. We have a continuing stream of
minor issues and fixes, and a few relatively new committers who have been
taking care of them. There has been little major progress but a fair amount
of minor changes and fixes. All in all the project seems healthy and we
anxiously await graduation and our next release, which should come soon
= BlueSky =
Bluesky has been incubating since 01-12-2008. It is an e-learning solution
designed to help solve the disparity in availability of qualified education
between well-developed cities and poorer regions of China.
During the past month, we finally clear the legal problem lay in our source
code. Agreement achieved that the libstdc++ don't collide with ASL, however,
FFMPEG is absolutely vetoed under ASL. So we have to find a subsitute to
replace it.
Students of the bluesky team@XJTU are either busy cramming for exams or
painstaking coding for an original system. Thus the work at Apache has been
greatly delayed. But we still complete several critical things. The first is
to eleminate the code which violates ASL from the Bluesky source code.
Secondly, we renewed the user manual. Hope it will facilitate people who
wanna try our software.
Top priorities:
*upload our source code to SVN repository. In order to ensure the
qualification of our source code under ASL, we will, soon, put our
"cleansing version" code on our website@XJTU.China and hope people at Apache
community to have a double examination. After that we will commit our code
to SVN.
*Another emergency is to replace FFMPEG. FFMPEG plays a critical role in
our software. If proper subsititute can't be found, the progress of our
incubating at Apache will be delayed to a large extent.
= Buildr =
We released Buildr 1.3.3 on October 16th, our 4th release in the incubator.
Along with bug fixes and minor improvements, this release featured improved
code organization for multi-language support. We also reorganized the
documentation to have language-specific sections.
In August Antoine Contal has been accepted as a new commmitter and was
subsequently voted in the Buildr PPMC.
Traffic on the mailing lists has been steady. A
Fast Feather talk] about Buildr was given during ApacheCon.
We started discussing graduation in September and requested community
feedback on the proposed resolution in October. In November, we initiated
the [ vote from the Incubator
PMC] and the vote passed.
= Click =
Click is a page and component oriented Java web framework.
Click has been incubating since July 2008.
We have released 1.5 final and are in the process of migrating SVN and JIRA.
Tasks completed since October:
* Public Wiki has been setup.
* Source code have been exported and are currently being migrated to
Top priorities:
* Finish SVN migration.
* Import issues from existing JIRA.
= CouchDB =
CouchDB is a distributed document-oriented database system written in
Erlang. The project entered incubation on February 12th, 2008.
Since the last report in August, we released CouchDB version 0.8.1. We are
currently collecting feedback 1.3.2 cleared up some missing/mixed copyright
issues that slipped past QA in earlier releases, and as of now we have no
outstanding licensing issues.
for a 0.9.0 release since trunk has gotten some significant additions:
* faster b-tree operations
* authentication for Futon, the admin interface
* improvements for building CouchDB on BSD and Solaris systems
* support for massive numbers of databases on a single node
* improved binary attachment handling
* multi-key-get and include-docs options for views
An initial version of CouchDB's security model is also in the works for the
0.9 release.
The project added J Chris Anderson (jchris) to the list of (now five)
committers with the approval of the IPMC. A few patches that lead to new
features were contributed by non-committers. General feedback, interest and
support in and of CouchDB continues to grow.
The project is currently asking the IPMC to recommend CouchDB's graduation
to the Board.
= Droids =
Droids is a new Incubator project recently arrived from Apache Labs (end
It's an intelligent standalone robot framework that allows one to
create and extend existing web robots.
Things are charging along in Droids. The code has been moved over in
SVN, a website setup, JIRA project migrated and a wiki location
defined. There is much coding and redesign activity from the initial 3
committers and Thorsten successfully seeded interest in Droids at both
BarCamp and FastFeather Talks at ApacheCon US.
Now the focus is on evolving the design and building a larger community.
= Empire-db =
Empire-db is a relational data access layer offering special benefits over
other solutions through string-free dynamic query generation, metadata
access and improved compile-time safety.
Empire-db has been accepted to the incubator in July 2008.
Recent activity:
In October only a few minor bug fixes and improvements for both the core
database component and the Struts2 extensions library have been provided.
Still on our list is the maven support for the upcoming 2.0.5 release.
Another idea is to provide an example for how to integrate Web-Services in a
Web-Application using Empire-db's metadata capabilities.
There are also plans for providing integration with Apache Wicket, which
could be a new subproject just like the Empire-db Struts2 extensions. This
however is a task that would take a few months to develop.
Community aspects:
In order to increase our community and make people more aware of the
capabilities and benefits of Empire-db we have submitted a proposal for a
presentation at the Apache Con Europe 2009 in Amsterdam. We are waiting to
hear from the conference committee any time soon.
= Etch =
Etch was accepted into Incubator on the 2 September 2008.
Etch is a cross-platform, language- and transport-independent framework for
building and consuming network services. The Etch toolset includes a network
service description language, a compiler, and binding libraries for a
variety of programming languages.
Progress has been slow this last month, mainly due to lag in getting the
source code into Subversion. We have at least now gotten the stuff into
/repos/test and everything looks good and are now waiting for Joe to put it
into /repos/asf/incubator/etch.
The following tasks are in progress:
* Publishing source tree in SVN; INFRA has the subversion repo-dumpfile and
we have tested access.
* Confluence Wiki for Etch, and once it is setup we will begin migration of
the public pages at to Apache.
Our goal is to get back to coding once we have the infrastructure
= JSecurity =
We just have to report that the code base has been imported into the ASF
repository, and as it was a long waited move, it's good to have it announced
in this monthly report !
= Lokahi =
Lokahi did not report, and has had no activity since March. The PMC will
investigate whether or not this project should go into a dormant status.
= NMaven =
NMaven develops plugins and integration for Maven to make building and using
.NET languages a first-class citizen in Maven.
Incubating since: 2006-11-17
* Slight increase in mailing list traffic
* Work has progressed on helping to migrate the previous version to the
revised trunk
* Discussion of another release
* Started to set up a repository on the Maven central repository for .NET
* Presented a brief fast feather talk at ApacheCon, but didn't generate
additional interest
* Very recent discussion on the future of the podling and it's dissolution
As noted, JvZ indicated to the Incubator that the NMaven community wish to
leave the ASF.
= Olio =
Olio has been incubating since September 2008.
Olio is a web 2.0 toolkit to help developers evaluate the suitability,
functionality and performance of various web technologies by implementing
a reasonably complex application in several different technologies.
All infrastructure has been created for the project.
The olio web site has been set up via Confluence.
Initial code drops for rails and php have been committed to the repository.
= OpenWebBeans =
Open Web Beans will be an ASL-licensed implementation of the Web Beans
Specification which is defined as JSR-299.
OpenWebBeans is entered incubator in October 26, 2008. Since then the
following items has been done;
* Matthias Wessendorf kindly accepts to be a new mentor of the project
besides Kevan Miller.
* The SVN, mailing lists and JIRA needs to be set up. Infra. group is
informed about this.
* The initial committers submitted their ICLA.
* OpenWebBeans status page is generated, but it needs some more work.
After the SVN is setup , we will be working for an import of a current
codebase into the Apache repository.
= PDFBox =
Apache PDFBox is an open source Java library for working with PDF documents.
PDFBox entered incubation on February 7th, 2008.
The website has been set up. The license review is underway and has already
progressed quite far. The export control notification has been set up. These
tasks and most other tasks were all performed by PDFBox mentors (mostly by
Jukka Zitting). Sadly, there has been almost no participation by the initial
committers, yet, except for handling the license grants and CLAs.
On the user side, some questions don't seem to get answered. Not many
patches have reached us, either.
Issues before graduation:
* Increase community size and activity
* Finish license review
* First Apache release
= PhotArk =
Apache PhotArk will be a complete open source photo gallery application
including a content repository for the images, a display piece, an access
control layer, and upload capabilities.
* PhotArk has been accepted for Incubation in August 19, 2008.
* Issues before graduation :
* Grow community
* Releases
* The community has not changed over the last month.
* Our initial prototype is quickly approaching the point of initial
release. We hope to have a .01 release by the end of the year. It is the
hope of the current community that having a release will help attract other
= Sling =
Sling is a framework to develop content centric web applications based on
the idea of modularizing the rendering of HTTP resources.
Sling entered incubation on September 5th, 2007.
* Although we don't see a deluge of users yet, there are signs that
people are starting to use Sling in their projects.
* Sling has been presented at and ApacheCon US.
* Lots of bug fixes and enhancements since the first release in June.
Therefore we are considering another full release soon.
* Due to timing constraints work on enhancing the documentation on the
site has not gone forward yet.
Issues before graduation
* Grow a more diverse community (so far commits mostly from Day
Licensing and other issues
* none
= Tashi =
Tashi has been incubating since September 2008.
The Tashi project aims to build a software infrastructure for cloud
computing on massive internet-scale datasets (what we call Big Data). The
idea is to build a cluster management system that enables the Big Data that
are stored in a cluster/data center to be accessed, shared, manipulated, and
computed on by remote users in a convenient, efficient, and safe manner.
The initial committers' accounts are active.
The initial code import has been completed.
A project website and an incubation status page have been added.
Items to be resolved before graduation:
* Complete items listed on the project status page (relating to entering
* Community diversity (currently Intel and CMU committers)
* Demonstrate ability to create Apache releases
= VCL =
Status for November 2008
This is the first report to the board since being bootstrapped. Over the
month we have created our SVN tree and started some of the administrative
User IDs were created for:
* Aaron Peeler (NCSU) [MAILTO]
* Andy Kurth (NCSU) [MAILTO]
* Brian Bouterse (IBM) [MAILTO]
* John Bass (NCSU) [MAILTO]
* Josh Thompson (NCSU) [MAILTO]
* Mark Gardner (VA Tech) [MAILTO]
* Mladen Vouk (NCSU) [MAILTO]
* Steve Thorpe (MCNC) [MAILTO]
* Don Sizemore (UNC-CH) [MAILTO]
* Ken Chestnutt (UNC-CH) [MAILTO]
* Paul Jones (UNC-CH) [MAILTO]
Next Steps
The CCLA from NC State has been transmitted to Apache and we are looking for
confirmation in officers/cclas.txt so we can begin introducing code.
Our next steps are to complete IP clearance and get organized.
= WSRP4J =
The project did not report, but recent discussion with
( indicates that the "fuzzy
state of potential patent claims on WSRP 1.0" prevents the project from
making releases at this time, which impacts community development.
= XAP =
XAP appears to have become essentially dead back in March or April. The
Incubator PMC will investigate dormant status for it.
Attachment K: Status report for the Apache Jakarta Project
Attachment L: Status report for the Apache Lenya Project
Lenya 2.0.2, a bug fix release, was released at the end of August.
We started a discussion about possibly overhauling the Lenya UI.
No new committers or PMC members.
Attachment M: Status report for the Apache Logging Project
Attachment N: Status report for the Apache Perl Project
-- mod_perl 1.0 --
The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd
No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report.
--- mod_perl 2.0 --
mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches.
No new mod_perl 2.x releases since the last report.
--- Apache-Test --
Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write
test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is
used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and
includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP
and Parrot.
No new Apache-Test releases since the last report.
--- Apache-SizeLimit --
Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production
environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes
based on various environmental triggers.
No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report.
--- Apache-Reload --
Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development
environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter
without completely restarting httpd.
No new Apache-Reload releases since the last report.
-- Development --
mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though
as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally
slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and
applied with due consideration for our production userbase.
-- Users --
The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. Nothing noteworthy
has happened since the last report.
-- PMC --
No news of interest to report.
Attachment O: Status report for the Apache POI Project
No new committers or PMC members this quarter.
We have identified three potential new committers. Mentoring for them is
being provided by Yegor and Nick, and we hope to be able to vote on at least
some of them in the next month.
Traffic on the dev list has been slightly down this quarter, but this may
just be to do with fewer contentious legal and OOXML related things to fan
things up. The user list traffic is up again this quarter, at least in part
driven by the takeup of the new OOXML support. Bug report numbers seem about
the same, and are tending to be focused on the ooxml support, and other
newer areas of the codebase.
Code Grant
We have received a grant for OpenXML4J, a small library which we use to
handle the in-zipfile metadata for OOXML files. All the paperwork is on
file, and the IP clearance vote on the incubator list has just passed. We
hope to start importing the code shortly.
POI 3.2 (our last version with no OOXML support) was released on the 19th of
October. It contained a large number of bug fixes, improvements and new
functionality relating to text extraction, and improvements to the formula
parsing and evaluation system.
We have had two more beta releases of POI 3.5 (with OOXML support) this
quarter. The number of supported features continues to grow, and we once
again are aiming to do the final release next quarter!
Attachment P: Status report for the Apache Roller Project
This is Roller's quarterly board report for November 2008. It covers
community health, status of our most recent release, work that has
been done in the trunk and plans for new work.
Status of work in the trunk
(Unchanged since last report) Here's some of the work we've done since
4.0 was release. The user management work is probably significant
enough to justify calling the next release 5.0. We need to decide
whether to push a new release out soon as is, or later with better
plugin support.
* We added a new fully pluggable user management system and better
support for contributed by Dave Johnson working on Sun's social
software for Glassfish efforts.
* Our Google Summer of Code student has completed OpenID support,
using Spring Security to do. We are currently evaluating the final
* Dave Johnson started working on upgrading from OpenJPA 0.9.7 to
OpenJPA 1.0 but ran in to problems and has committed none of this work.
* Allen Gilliland contributed his most recent code for Apache Roller
Planet, from his work on This is a separate
application from the Apache Roller Weblogger and has not yet been
Plans for new work in the trunk
Two San Jose State University students, Ganesh Mathrubootham and
Tanuja Varkanthe, are working on a two-semester project to improve
Roller's Media Blogging features. This includes better management of
media files images, video and audio files, new user interfaces for
browsing and selecting media files and more. They've been doing
extensive work on the Roller wiki to create a proposal and detailed
design for this work, which you can find here: Proposal Media Blogging
Support. Just last week we created a branch for the development of
these new features, which will eventually (we hope) find their way in
to the trunk. Proposal -
Status of Apache Roller 4.0
(Unchanged since last report) Roller 4.0 is the best available release
of Roller. We have made enough bug fixes in the 4.0 code base to
justify a 4.0.1 release, users have tested snapshot builds and we
should wrap things up and make a final 4.0.1 release as soon as
Community health
(Unchanged since last report) Development activity still relatively
slow due to committers working on other projects and the fact that
Roller 4.0 is stable and works well as is. User support questions are
coming in at a steady clip and the mailing list is responding to them
Promoting the project
Dave Johnson spoke on the topic of Roller at the Open Source Days
conference in Copenhagen, Denmark on October 4, 2008. He covered this
history of the project, current status and his thoughts about the
future of the project. Session abstract here:
Attachment Q: Status report for the Apache Santuario Project
No major activity this quarter - the dev list has focused on helping
users with bugs and questions for both the Java and C++ libraries.
I have asked for volunteers for the chair role for the project moving
forward. My involvement has been almost non-existent for a relatively
long period of time and I do not feel this is appropriate for the person
in this role.
Attachment R: Status report for the Apache Turbine Project
The project continues on with its typical activity pattern, i.e.
occasional bursts of development. Questions are occasionally raised
on the mailing lists and answered reasonably promptly.
The Turbine project has no board-level issues at this time.
Community changes
No new committers were voted in since the last board report.
No new PMC members were voted in since the last board report.
Turbine core project
A vote on the 2.3.3 release is under way and is scheduled to
close on 14 November.
No beta or final releases were made since the last board report.
Fulcrum component project
Work continues on migrating the build process to Maven 2.
A vote on the release of the fulcrum-parent component that provides
the parent pom for Maven 2 builds of all other components is
under way and scheduled to close on 17 November.
No beta or final releases were made since the last board report.
META project
No beta or final releases were made since the last board report.
Attachment S: Status report for the Apache Tuscany Project
Apache Tuscany is an SOA framework based on OASIS OpenCSA. It is now
six months since Tuscany graduated from the Incubator and it continues
to be an active and interesting project.
PMC+=1, committers+=4
Since the last board report there has been one new addition to the
PMC, Dan Becker, and there have been four new committers added:
Oscar Castaneda, Ramkumar Ramalingam, Dan Becker, Douglas Siqueira
Releases: two
There have been two releases since the last board report, SCA 1.3.1
and 1.3.2 which are maintenance releases of the Java SCA project.
There is discussion about a 1.4 release that may happen this year,
and also we've just voted to start work on a non-backward
compatible 2.x code stream.
Project Promotion:
There were two talks about Tuscany at the recent ApacheCon, with the
help of the ASF PRC there was a ASF press release publicizing Tuscany,
we're also currently running an anonymous survey to get feedback from
users about their use of Tuscany which will be used to help shape the
2.0 release and to try to increase community participation.
The new 2.x code stream has been started to work on support for the
latest OASIS SCA specifications and to clean up the code base, the 1.x
code stream supporting the older OSOA specifications will continued to
be supported and maintained. A divergent code branch has also been under
development looking at better integration with OSGi and the community is
now grappling with how to merge that work with the new 2.x code stream.
Attachment T: Status report for the Apache Velocity Project
Velocity has taken a step up in activity this past quarter with two
new beta releases for the Velocity Engine that point to a full version
release within the next quarter. While these efforts are largely
driven by a single committer, it's encouraging to see discussion, JIRA
comments, and contributions coming from a variety of non-committer
developers. Other committers contribute discussion, testing, and votes
on an occasional basis.
As a sign of the increased activity, the message traffic on the dev
list is about double what it has been for recent quarters. (and better
yet -- all from productive discussion). User list traffic remains the
same, with 1-2 messages per day. Questions continue to get answered
quickly by both project committers and other community members.
There has been a small amount of activity on the Velocity Tools project.
This remains at a late beta stage, with an anticipated upcoming release.
The Velocity project currently has no board-level issues at this time.
There have been no changes to the Velocity Committers or PMC.
Attachment U: Status report for the Apache Xalan Project
Attachment V: Status report for the Apache Xerces Project
We continue to make good progress on the XML Schema 1.1 implementation
with the help of several volunteers in the community including our
former Google Summer of Code student who has decided to continue
contributing to the project. A discussion was started on the mailing
lists about officially dropping support for JDK 1.2 and possibly
requiring Java 1.4 or 5 as the minimum JDK level. From the responses
so far the users seem to be on board with us dropping support for JDK
1.2 but not moving further than that at this time. A few minor (mostly
schema related) features have been implemented in the last few
weeks. Still hoping to have a release before the end of the year.
Following more bug fixes, testing, warning squashing, and
documentation updates, Xerces-C++ 3.0.0 was released on the 29th of
September. The 3.1.0 release is tentatively targeted for mid 2009. We
are also considering releasing 3.0.1 with a few bug and memory leak
fixes in the near future.
Still unable to make a Xerces-P 3.0 beta release. Late code changes in
Xerces-C broke compilation, which is now fixed, but a number of unit
tests are now failing. Most are minor but we have been unwilling to
release until we understand the cause of the failure.
XML Commons
There has been some recent activity on the XML Catalog resolver, with
a few significant performance improvements made in the last week. In
XML Commons External a few bug fixes were applied to the JAXP 1.3 and
1.4 branches. Nothing else notable to report.
A vote has been started (just needs to be added up now) to add Boris
to the PMC. I don't have enough time to give at the moment and don't
feel I am doing a good enough job so will be looking to step down as
PMC chair as soon as we find people who are willing to take the job /
have a vote.
Attachment W: Status report for the Apache XML Project
Nothing specific requiring board attention, though it should be noted
that the PMC seems decreasingly active and responsive (then again,
there is little to do).
Xindice development this quarter has picked up and we are getting
closer towards next planned release (1.2). Questions on users mailing
list are getting answered.
AxKit is getting into a serious problem, as it failed to report
despite direct pings to Matt Sergeant. The project seems pretty
stalled anyways, with no real community to speak of. There is,
however, some development going on in a project dubbed "axkit2" -
casual signs of life are visible at On
one hand, this happens outside the foundation, OTOH, it seems to be a
different project. AxKit, at the moment, makes a great candidate for
the upcoming Apache Attic.
Attachment X: Status report for the Apache XML Graphics Project
General Comments
There are no project-level issues. Business as usual, not much activity
on the development side.
XML Graphics Commons (components for Batik & FOP)
No releases, no major changes, just a few improvements and fixes in
various components.
Batik (SVG implementation)
Same as last time: Not much going on. A little bugfixing and code
cleanup. Activity on the users mailing list seems stable.
FOP (XSL-FO implementation)
No releases this quarter. Various improvements and fixes in the Trunk
but not many new features. The development on the branches for the new
intermediate format and AFP GOCA support continues and is expected to be
folded back into Trunk soon. Research for an improved approach at page
breaking continues. Activity on the users mailing list seems stable.
End of minutes for the November 19, 2008 board meeting.