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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

                            December 17, 2008

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 10:00am (Pacific) and began at
    10:04 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a
    quorum was recognized by the chairman. The meeting was held
    via teleconference, hosted by Jim Jagielski and Springsource.

    IRC #asfboard on was used for backup

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Bertrand Delacretaz
        Justin Erenkrantz
        J Aaron Farr
        Jim Jagielski
        Geir Magnusson Jr
        William Rowe Jr
        Sam Ruby
        Henning Schmiedehausen
        Greg Stein

    Directors Absent:



        Brett Porter
        Paul Querna
        Sander Striker
        Jukka Zitting
        Henri Yandell

3. Minutes from previous meetings

    Minutes (in Subversion) are found under the URL:

    A. The meeting of November 19, 2008

       See: board_minutes_2008_11_19.txt

       Approved by General Consent.

4. Executive Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Jim]

       Repeating what was submitted at the Members Meeting on
       December 16th. Oh yeah... We're holding a members meeting.

       Credit cards for Sander and Paul were received and FedExed out
       to them. Both Sander and Paul reported getting them.

       An invoice for CSC was received via postal mail and it was
       FAXed to the secretary for processing. The invoice was recorded
       and approved for payment.

       Since we are in December already, this will be an "almost end-of-
       year" report for the ASF. Over the last 12 months, including last
       December, we've seen an addition of 48 new members: 32 in Dec. 2007
       and 16 in June of this year. Unfortunately, we have also tragically
       lost a valued and dear member, Dion Gillard, and a noteworthy
       Wicket member, Maurice Marrink. We miss them both.

       The ASF has also seen a large growth in the number of TLPs.
       New over the last 12 months are 12 projects: Synapse, Hadoop,
       Continuum, Archiva, CXF, Tuscany, TAC, CouchDB, Buildr, Attic,
       Qpid and Abdera, most of which graduated from the Incubator.

       At the members meeting in June, the new board was voted in.
       All previous directors were re-elected except for Henri Yandell,
       who chose not to run. Bertrand Delacretaz was elected to fill the
       open position. Thus, the board is:

          Bertrand Delacretaz   Justin Erenkrantz        J Aaron Farr
          Jim Jagielski         Geir Magnusson Jr        William Rowe Jr
          Sam Ruby              Henning Schmiedehausen   Greg Stein

       Also new this year was the separation of the Executive Vice
       President (EVP) and Secretary roles. The board appointed
       Sander Striker as EVP. Paul Querna was also appointed as Chair
       of the Infrastructure team.

       The ASF Sponsorship Program has been a great success. All previous
       Platinum, Gold and Silver sponsors are renewing and we welcomed
       many new sponsors (*) as well:



            SpringSource (Covalent)  /  Progress (IONA)

            AirPlus International.  /  BlueNog*  /  Intuit*
            Matt Mullenweg  /  Tetsuya Kitahata  /  Two Sigma Investments

       We wish to officially thank all of our Sponsors.

       Continuing our pattern, we held ApacheCon Europe earlier in the
       year (April actually, in Amsterdam) and ApacheCon US later on
       (in November in New Orleans). Both shows were very successful.
       Additionally, after the US show, many members and attendees stayed
       in New Orleans to help with additional community service by rebuilding
       a fence that was destroyed during Hurricane Katrina. The Travel
       Assistance Committee (TAC) also finally obtained the right mix of
       people and were able to help provide financial assistance to some
       worthy attendees.

       The ASF Infrastructure continues to grow, both as the number of
       projects and people increase, but also due to the deligent oversight
       of the Infra team itself, being proactive in obtaining additional
       resources and hardware to meet our requirements.

       Members may have noticed an increase in the public relations
       activity related to the foundation over the last 12 months as
       well. Some of this is, of course, related to the Sponsorship
       Program, as encouragement for organizations to sponsor us.
       That is not the whole story however. It is also due to the
       fact that we realize that we have a compelling story to tell
       and that people and other organization are honestly interested
       in us, our history, our philosophy and how we do what we do.
       Many thanks to HALO Worldwide for helping us define and
       implement this PR strategy.

       Finally, 2009 marks the 10th anniversary of The Apache Software
       Foundation. Little did we realize, when we created the ASF, just
       how important, crucial and respected the ASF would be a decade
       later. But maybe all of us should not be surprised at all.

    B. President [Justin]

       Repeating what was submitted at the Members Meeting on
       December 16th.
       As discussed at the last members meeting, some restructuring
       and delegation of the responsibilities of the President have
       occurred.  Most signficiantly, we welcomed Paul Querna as Vice
       President of Infrastructure - in this newly created position,
       Paul is now responsible for leading the volunteers and paid
       resources within the infrastructure team.  Additionally, we
       welcomed Sander Striker as the new Executive Vice President -
       among other things, Sander is helping out with our presence
       within the European area.  With their additional help, we have
       decided that the separate Executive Assistant role is no longer
       required at this time.  We wish to extend our thanks to our
       departing Executive Assistant, Jonathan Jagielski, and wish him
       well in his continuing studies.
       An issue of note is that ConCom is currently discussing how we
       can better organize and structure our official events
       (including ApacheCon).  Among other concerns, one goal is to be
       able to provide more targetted and smaller officially
       sanctioned events.  If your PMC wishes to organize an event,
       please let us know!  To have your voice heard in how we plan
       and organize future events, please feel free to join ConCom and
       subscribe to concom@ for more information.

       Finally, as before, if your PMC desires specific computing
       resources (ie build farm, test machines, etc.), please get in
       touch with the infrastructure group. Well-reasoned and detailed
       proposals are welcomed. However, we are often limited by human
       resources, so volunteers to help execute these plans are
       strongly encouraged.

         Committers: 1915
         Projects: 70
         SVN Revisions: r727041
       Web stats:
         Nov '08 average requests/day:
  1,242,159  ;  62,221
  1,756,371  ;  81,965
           issues:   510,487
         Nov '08 average data transfer/day:
    3.50 TB  ; 620.03 GB
   17.62 GB  ; 473.38 MB
           issues:  10.17 GB
       Mail stats:
         Connections (Dec 15, 2008):
           nike: (maintenance: N/A); athena: 263,360 (81% rej.)
         Most useful plugins:
           dnsbl (61%), check_goodrcptto (14%)
       Mailing lists and SVN commits graph:

    C. Treasurer [J Aaron]

       (Comments identical to this month's member's meeting.)
       (Reports are for this month, not annual.)

       This year saw continued steady revenue via the sponsorship
       programs.  Expenses have increased as we've continued to
       contract executive assistants, PR and infrastructure staff.  In
       order to switch over to accural accounting, we applied for an
       extention for our US tax returns for the last fiscal year.

       The mounting fiscal issue facing the foundation is the lack of
       a proper budget.  This has been discussed in the last several
       board meetings, though no deadline has yet been established.

       Statement of Financial Income and Expense
       November 19 through December 18, 2008
          Ordinary Income/Expense
                Interest Income                                      100.45
                Program Income
                  Code Awards                                 15,500.00
                Total Program Income                              15,500.00
                Contributions Income
                  Unrestricted                                 1,554.69
                Total Contributions Income                         1,554.69
                Unrelated Business Income                            111.35
             Total Income                                         17,266.49
                Bank Service Charges                                 280.80
                Contract Labor                                       800.00
                Postage and Delivery                                  87.65
                Program Expenses
                  Public Relations Staff                       3,636.36
                  Infrastructure Staff                         6,000.00
                  Colocation Expenses                            518.00
                Total Program Expenses                            10,154.36
             Total Expense                                        11,322.81
          Net Ordinary Income                                      5,943.68
       Net Income                                                  5,943.68
       Statement of Financial Position
       As of December 18, 2008
                                                       Dec 18, 08    Nov 19, 08     $ Change       % Change
          Current Assets
               Paypal                                     3,197.11      2,737.13        459.98          16.8%
               Wells Fargo Analyzed Account             155,148.93    168,635.12    -13,486.19          -8.0%
               Wells Fargo Savings                       98,511.45     98,411.00        100.45           0.1%
             Total Checking/Savings                     256,857.49    269,783.25    -12,925.76          -4.8%
             Accounts Receivable
               Accounts Receivable                      115,500.00    115,500.00          0.00           0.0%
             Total Accounts Receivable                  115,500.00    115,500.00          0.00           0.0%
          Total Current Assets                          372,357.49    385,283.25    -12,925.76          -3.4%
       TOTAL ASSETS                                     372,357.49    385,283.25    -12,925.76          -3.4%
             Current Liabilities
               Credit Cards
                  ASF Credit Card - J. Aaron Farr             0.00      1,909.36     -1,909.36        -100.0%
                  ASF Credit Card - Ruby                     87.65         19.95         67.70         339.4%
                  ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz              -27.95        405.12       -433.07        -106.9%
               Total Credit Cards                            59.70      2,334.43     -2,274.73         -97.4%
             Total Current Liabilities                       59.70      2,334.43     -2,274.73         -97.4%
          Total Liabilities                                  59.70      2,334.43     -2,274.73         -97.4%
             Retained Earnings                          261,975.10    261,975.10          0.00           0.0%
             Net Income                                 110,322.69    120,973.72    -10,651.03          -8.8%
          Total Equity                                  372,297.79    382,948.82    -10,651.03          -2.8%
       TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                       372,357.49    385,283.25    -12,925.76          -3.4%

       We discussed various questions about specific reimbursements.
       Nothing of note.
       New schedule for tax return? Definitely be postmarked by year
       end. What is the exposure on this being late? It is felt that
       the most it could be is a fine/penalty.
       Questions on changing of accounting basis (to accrual).
       Note offer for a pro bono accounting review. Bill to follow
       Code awards represents Google of Code, at this point in time,
       this is a "account receivable".

    D. Secretary [Sam]

        1 grant, 34 iclas, and 3 cclas have been processed since the last
        report, as well as 14 member proxies.

        Minutes continue to be posted in a timely fashion.

        Two items remain in Bills/received, one dated 20 Oct, the other dated
        13 Nov.  If these could be attended to, I would feel confident in
        delegating this task to the secretary assistant.

        We have received on ICLA that was PGP signed.  While we haven't
        previously endorsed that practice, I have no issue with the idea.
        Feedback welcome.

        There has been some grousing (<grin>) on the list about the
        combination providing the alternatives of IRC and fax and scanned
        signatures and PGP/GPG not being accessible enough for our members
        to participate.  While I'm not entirely sympathetic to that argument,
        I would be open to the idea of allowing members SVN write r/w to the
        proxies-received directory, and to allow individuals to commit their
        own (not otherwise signed) proxy requests there.

        Jim agreed to process the two items that are currently in the Bills
        received directory.

        We agreed in the meeting to accept ICLAs that were PGP signed.
        [note: subsequent discussion on the mailing list indicated that not
        everybody thought this was a good idea, I plan to bring this up
        again in the next meeting to reconfirm]

    E. Executive Vice President [Sander Striker]

       During the President's absense nothing came up that needed direct

       An ASF credit card was received.

       I participated in a PRC strategy call, which was to determine focus
       for upcoming period.  Outcome will be reflected in the PRC report
       next month.

    Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

5. Additional Officer Reports

    1. VP of JCP [Geir Magnusson Jr]

       See Attachment 1

       We discussed the new makeup of the SE/EE membership.  No significant
       changes were anticipated.

    2. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby]

       See Attachment 2

       People are encouraged to follow up on the first issue on

    3. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Bill]

       See Attachment 3

       No report received.  Bill sent a reminder.

    4. Apache Conference Planning Project [Lars Eilebrecht / Geir]

       See Attachment 4

    5. Apache Audit Project [William Rowe]

       See Attachment 5

    6. Apache Public Relations Project [Jim Jagielski]

       See Attachment 6

    7. Apache Infrastructure Team [Paul Querna / Justin]

       See Attachment 7

       We discussed the importance of establishing a budget before we can
       evaluate the request for a sysadmin.
    8. Apache Travel Assistance Committee [Gavin McDonald / Henning]

       See Attachment 8

       Clarification: the TAC understands that having members being
       able to read the list is a potential conflict, but accepts
       that it is necessary for auditability.

    Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

6. Committee Reports

    A. Apache Abdera Project [Garrett Rooney / Jim]

       See Attachment A

    B. Apache Ant Project [Conor MacNeill / Sam]

       See Attachment B

       Henning to follow up with Ant, CouchDB, OFBiz on the use of
       our CI tool

    C. Apache APR Project [Bojan Smojver / J Aaron]

       See Attachment C

       Aaron to request a community section.

    D. Apache Archiva Project [Maria Odea Ching / Justin]

       See Attachment D

    E. Apache Attic Project [Henri Yandell / Bertrand]

       See Attachment E

       Henri provided a verbal report.

       Things have got started with Apache Attic - the email and website space
       have been setup. People are subscribing to the general mailing list and
       initial discussions started around what to put on the website have

    F. Apache Beehive Project [Eddie O'Neil / Greg]

       See Attachment F

       Eddie is already aware of the missing report.

    G. Apache Buildr Project [Alex Boisvert / Jim]

       See Attachment G

       No report provided.  Jim sent an email reminder.

    H. Apache Cayenne Project [Andrus Adamchik / J Aaron]

       See Attachment H

    I. Apache Commons Project [Torsten Curdt / Bill]

       See Attachment I

    J. Apache CouchDB Project [Damien Katz / Geir]

       See Attachment J

       Geir to follow up on their space requirements.

       The board expressed their congratulations on the Erlanger of the
       Year award.

    K. Apache Excalibur Project [Carsten Ziegeler / Greg]

       See Attachment K

       We discussed how to deal with projects with zero activity.  We
       encourage this project to work with the newly formed Attic.

    L. Apache Felix Project [Richard Hall / Justin]

       See Attachment L

    M. Apache Gump Project [Stefan Bodewig / Henning]

       See Attachment M

    N. Apache Harmony Project [Tim Ellison / Bertrand]

       See Attachment N

    O. Apache HttpComponents Project [Erik Abele / Sam]

       See Attachment O

    P. Apache iBATIS Project [Clinton Begin / Jim]

       See Attachment P

       No report provided.  Jim sent an email to the PMC.

    Q. Apache Incubator Project [Noel J. Bergman / Bill]

       See Attachment Q

       Should RAT move to infra? Infra is not a place for code that
       is having releases.
       Bill to convey a number of questions to infrastructure; the
       board is not expecting a follow up.

    R. Apache Jackrabbit Project [Jukka Zitting / Bertrand]

       See Attachment R

       No identified concerns over "indemnify and hold harmless"
       The board is very happy with the initiative taken to publish a
       privacy policy.
       We noted that Apache Commons is an option available to them, should
       they wish to explore that alternative.

    S. Apache Jakarta Project [Martin van den Bemt / Justin]

       See Attachment S

       Justin sent an email to the PMC, and notes that this is not the
       first month a report has been missing.

       If there is no report next month, we are going to suggest that
       the PMC find a chair who has adequate time to produce a

    T. Apache Labs Project [Bernd Fondermann / Geir]

       See Attachment T

       We thank Bernd for relentlessly pursuing the issue of Crypto code
       hiding within the Labs.

    U. Apache Logging Project [Curt Arnold / Greg]

       See Attachment U

       Greg to request another report for next month with an update
       on the "combative" messages

    V. Apache Lucene Project [Grant Ingersoll / Sam]

       See Attachment V

       We discussed the number of subprojects and the community cohesion
       across same.  We did not see a problem at this time.

    W. Apache OFBiz Project [David E. Jones / J Aaron]

       See Attachment W

       We note the build and domain name issues and expect the PMC to
       continue to work with the infrastructure team.

    X. Apache Portals Project [David Sean Taylor / Henning]

       See Attachment X

    Y. Apache Qpid Project [Carl Trieloff / Greg]

       See Attachment Y

    Z. Apache Quetzalcoatl Project [Gregory Trubetskoy / Bertrand]

       See Attachment Z

       No report provided.  Bertand to request a report.

    AA. Apache ServiceMix Project [Guillaume Nodet / Justin]

       See Attachment AA

       The board is pleased with the cooperation and collaboration that
       this project demonstrated with other TLPs in the foundation.

    AB. Apache SpamAssassin Project [Daryl C. W. O'Shea / Geir]

       See Attachment AB

       Sam notes that the holdup isn't Larry, but rather Sam.

    AC. Apache Synapse Project [Paul Fremantle / J Aaron]

       See Attachment AC

    AD. Apache Tiles Project [Greg Reddin / Sam]

       See Attachment AD

    AE. Apache Tomcat Project [Mladen Turk / Bill]

       See Attachment AE

    AF. Apache Web Services Project [Glen Daniels / Jim]

       See Attachment AF

       We once again discussed the concern that this project has
       gotten too big, and will continue to watch it.

    AG. Apache Wicket Project [Martijn Dashorst / Henning]

       See Attachment AG

    AH. Apache Xalan Project [Brian Minchau / Sam]

       See Attachment AH

       Sam to pursue a report for Xalan

    AI. Apache Xerces Project [Gareth Reakes / Bertrand]

       See Attachment AI

       The board wonders if some of this Commons stuff would find a better
       home in Apache Commons.

    AJ. Apache XMLBeans Project [Cezar Andrei / Geir]

       See Attachment AJ

    Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

7. Special Orders

    A. Amending the Bylaws pertaining to Reinstatement of Emeritus Members

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors and Members deem it to be in the
       best interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to allow Members to both choose to become
       Emeritus, and to return to active Membership in the Foundation;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bylaws of the Foundation
       are modified effective the 27th of December, 2008, such that
       the article "Section 4.5. Reinstatement of Membership of 
       Emeritus Members." is revised in whole to state;

          "Upon receipt of a written request and a new membership application
          from an emeritus member, the membership shall be notified of the
          pending request.  The request will remain in a pending state for
          30 days from the notification to the membership of the requested
          change in status, during which time any member may ask for a vote
          to approve the reinstatement.  If no such a vote is requested within
          30 days of such notice, or in the case that a vote is requested and
          a majority of the members of the corporation vote to approve the
          reinstatement, the membership of said emeritus member shall be
          reinstated as a full member of the corporation, and shall be entitled
          to exercise all rights as a member of the corporation, including all
          related voting rights."

       and that the article "Section 4.2. Emeritus Members." is revised
       by striking the phrase "by subsequent action of the members".

       Special Order 7A, Amending the Bylaws pertaining to
       Reinstatement of Emeritus Members, was tabled due to two concerns:
       "need legal review" and "there is no instance of the potential

    B. Establish the Apache Camel Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
       Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of an
       open-source integration framework based on known Enterprise
       Integration Patterns for distribution at no charge to the public.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Camel PMC",
       be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
       Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Camel Project be and hereby is
       responsible for the creation and maintenance of an open-source
       integration framework based on known Enterprise Integration
       Patterns; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Camel" be
       and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
       serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
       of the Apache Camel Project, and to have primary responsibility
       for management of the projects within the scope of
       responsibility of the Apache Camel Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
       Apache Camel Project:

         * Jonathan Anstey		<>
         * Hiram Chirino		<>
         * Rob Davies			<>
         * Claus Ibsen			<>
         * David Jencks			<>
         * Willem Jiang			<>
         * Roman Kalukiewicz		<>
         * Jacek Laskowski		<>
         * Aaron Mulder			<>
         * Guillaume Nodet		<>
         * Nicky Sandhu			<>
         * Bruce Snyder			<>
         * James Strachan		<>
         * William Tam			<>
         * Gary Tully			<>
         * Gert Vanthienen		<>
         * Hadrian Zbarcea		<>

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Hadrian Zbarcea
       be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Camel,
       to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction
       of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification,
       or until a successor is appointed; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Camel PMC be and hereby is
       tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
       encourage open development and increased participation in the
       Apache Camel Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache ActiveMQ Project be and hereby
       is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
       ActiveMQ CAMEL sub-project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
       ActiveMQ Camel sub-project encumbered upon the
       Apache ActiveMQ Project are hereafter discharged.
       Special Order 7B, Establish the Apache Camel Project, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

8. Discussion Items

    * Is there a further update to the complaint of encumbered code being
      checked into POI's repository?

      None noted.

9. Review Outstanding Action Items

    * Henning and Aaron to follow up on Geronimo hardware utilization report
        Update: This item remains open.
            henning: Another month passed without me finding time for this. :-(

    * Aaron to follow up on the Google SoC invoice
            farra: invoice was sent.

    * Sam to follow up with Henk re: NTLM licensing issues for HttpComponents
        Update: This item remains open.

    * Henning to communicate that every project that uses Google Analytics
      needs to have a published privacy policy.
            henning: Jukka and legal-discuss pursued this and produced
                 which is great. I will send out mail later this week
                 to pmcs@ and remind them of this and that they have
                 to update their web sites if they are using GA. By
                 using this page as template, it should be easy.

    * Sam to send a note to infrastructure to update pmc-chairs svn list.
        Update: This item remains open.

    * Sam to send a note to board@ suggesting that people who have a need to
      do a mass mailing to PMC private lists first coordinate with
      infrastructure to be added to the corresponding 'allow' lists for these
      mailing lists.
        Update: This item remains open.

    * Jim to check on Zookeeper's filling out of the Incubator's IP clearance.
        Update: Hadoop PMC contacted. IP form added to site-author dir
                on Dec 17 (had mistakenly not been committed). Can close.

    * Justin to request that podlings include a description in their report.
        Update: This item remains open.

    * Justin to request that JSecurity move to ASF ASAP.
        Update: This item remains open.

    * Greg to pursue a report for Jakarta.
        Update: This item remains open.

    * Sam to pursue a report for Ant
        Update: Ant report is present this month.

    * Henning to pursue a community report for Tapestry
        Update: This item remains open.
           henning: Uhm, missed that sorry. I thought it was an action
                    item for the last project shepherd. Will do so.

    * Jim to pursue a report for HttpComponents
        Update: report submitted. Can be closed.

    * Jim to follow up with Noel reinforcing request for more complete
      "Issues before graduation" information on each podling
        Update: Will follow up. Keep open.

    * Greg to pursue a report for Jakarta
        Update: This item remains open.

    * Bertrand to pursue a report for Logging
        Update: report received, Attachment U.

    * Sam to pursue a report for Xalan
        Update: This item remains open.

    * Aaron to work with the PMC on behalf of the Attic
        Update: No changes.

    * Wrowe to close out contract with the executive assistant
        Update: This item remains open.

10. Unfinished Business

11. New Business

    Chair officially tasks Bill Rowe with the task of creating a budget,
    and is open to the idea of creating a Finance committee in the

12. Announcements

13. Adjournment

    Adjourned at 11:37 a.m. (Pacific)


Attachment 1: Report from the VP of JCP

Another quiet month.  Have one new TCK license to turn around to 
Sun, and 3 (?) applications pending.

The ASF voted "no" for JSR 317 - Java Persistence 2.0 - because the
EG is led by Sun.  We indicated in our comment that our no vote was
due to our belief that Sun should not be permitted to lead JSRs 
while it is violating the terms of the JSPA, the governing contract
of the JCP.

At the monthly EC call, we continued to discuss the Sun-Apache 
problem, and it was strongly urged by the EC that I meet with Onno 
Kluyt of Sun to try to find ways to move forward.  I indicated that 
I was willing, as long as I didn't have to go to Albany, Schenectady 
or any other -y town in New York state to meet him (he lives in 
Rochester).  Doug Lea offered to drive.  More as it happens.  This 
could be like a Zucker film.

Indications are that Sun executive management is currently occuppied
with their pending job cuts and eroding market cap, and thus my 
request to meet with the replacement for Rich Green is unlikely 
to get any attention for at least a month or two.

Finally - after the last EC f2f meeting, the terms of the Java SE TCK 
license were made available to all EC members at my request.  Many
could not understand the problem with the NOTICE as it is deceptively
similar to the language found in the JSPA.  I've been challenging 
EC members to take a harder look with their legal team and decide if 
they would post such an item with their products and services at the 
request of Sun.  So far, one of the major EC members who initially 
questioned our resistance to post the NOTICE has publicly reversed
his position and is arguing on our behalf.  

Attachment 2: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee

Most significant thread has the unfortunate subject line of 
"use of proprietary binaries".  I say unfortunate, as it is unduly
prejudicial.  The essence of the pragmatism behind "category B" is to
identify artifacts whose licenses, while different than our own, don't
affect the ability of us developing our code under our license.  As long
as the dependency is clearly marked and we are not distributing these
artifacts, we should be good.  Related questions such as whether such
artifacts can be checked into SVN, etc. should be examined in terms of
infrastructure burden and potential to increase confusion, and not excluded
as a blanket matter of policy.

The context for the above is optional external APIs and compliance test
suites.  While we would all love for these to be open, that's not a
requirement.  The line in the sand is whether or not usage of such affects
our ability to develop our code under our license.

By contrast, redistribution of PDF CJK fonts, for which the license clearly
states that the "contents of this file are not altered" was greeted warmly,
albeit with a separate discussion about patents.

Other threads:

Does working on Sun RI automatically "contaminate" developer, and preclude
them from working on ASF project?  Answer: not in general, though specific
PMCs may have specific rules in place depending on the nature of the project.

Lenya website redesign - ensuring that the contributions are under the
appropriate license.

Obtaining licenses for testing purposes - original question dealt with
WebSphere, but wondered off to TCKs.

Branding question ("AskApache") referred to PRC.

Continued discussion about Google Analytics.  No consensus that there is
a clear issue yet.

A naming question for JSecurity lead to the inevitable bikeshedding...

Attachment 3: Status report for the Apache Security Team Project

There continues to be a steady stream of reports of various kinds
arriving at These continue to be dealt with
promptly by the security team.  For Nov 2008:

4       Support question
2       Security vulnerability question, but not a vulnerability report
1       Vulnerability report [spamassassin]

Attachment 4: Status report for the Apache Conference Planning Project

 General News

 * Georg Richter has resigned from the Conference Planning committee.

 ApacheCon Europe 2009 News

 * Sending of speaker notifications for the conference has been delayed
   due to ongoing work finishing the new CFP system. However, speaker
   notifications will be sent by the end of December.

 ApacheCon US 2009 News

 * No news since last report.

 Apache Meet Up and BarCamp Beijing 2008

 * The Apache Meet Up and BarCamp events in Beijing have finished

Attachment 5: Status report for the Apache Audit Project

No accounting of FY 07-08 received, no action to take, nothing to report.
Note the extension to file requires filing by December 15.

Attachment 6: Status report for the Apache Public Relations Project

The PRC requests skipping this months report and will submit an
extended report in Jan 2009 which includes our End Of The Year
PR activities.

Attachment 7: Status report for the Apache Infrastructure Team

6 SAS disks were purchased for use in thor: cost $2000.
Discussions for repurposing thor as a database/blog server
once the disks are installed are ongoing.

4 Yahoo! build-farm machines have been made available to the
infrastructure team for configuration. Discussions for
requesting another hired sysadmin on a part-time basis
to provide centralized build services are underway.

Henri Yandell continues to wrestle with a jira upgrade.

Bart van der Schans visited the SARA colo again to help
with maintenance on harmonia (svn mirror) and nike (mail).

Paul Querna continues work on the new pages.

Sander Striker and Paul Querna are pursuing an IPv6 allocation
for apache hosts.

Adaptivist has offered to continue James Dumay's work on the
autoexport plugin (which still prevents us from upgrading Confluence).

Atlassian has offered to host an SVN mirror for providing more
Fisheye sites.

Renewed the domain for an additional 2 years.

Philip Gollucci somehow figured out how to upgrade our two frontline
mailservers, nike and athena, to FreeBSD-7-STABLE.

Renewed the SSL certificates for and

Upgraded all ~800 apache mailing lists to support the emerging SRS
and BATV specifications.

Tony Stevenson continues to pursue LDAP deployment at the ASF.

Chris J. Davis was brought on as a new infrastructure committer.

Jukka Zitting was added to the infrastructure team for his work
on git mirrors.

The attic pmc infrastructure was set up.

Three TLP migrations - abdera, qpid, and couchdb - were completed.

Attachment 8: Status report for the Apache Travel Assistance Committee

General News

TAC has been relatively quiet this month, it is not a concern yet but
we are due to be making preparations for opening up applications on
January 9th 2009, so there is some work to do to be ready before that

Nick Burch has volunteered to produce our Webapp for taking in 
applications, scoring by judges and also emailing out all applicants as
to their outcome.
The webapp creation is waiting to find a home for Django, we have 
approached infra and (just recently) concom to see what can be sorted out.
If no result soon we'll have to resort to simpler 1980's methods.

There was some discussion on the email list as to whether or not we need
another more public mailing list where non-tac members can contribute to
our cause; and also be used for feedback, general questions regarding tac
processes. The current mailing list, whilst private, is accessible by ASF
Members, this in itself can cause conflict if those same members then want
to apply for assistance.

The creation of a new mailing list where these members can go does not
prevent them from still accessing the main list or its archives. community@
has been suggested as a possible ready made public list for our use,
waiting for feedback as to whether this is a good option or not.

Attachment A: Status report for the Apache Abdera Project

Since graduating from the incubator Abdera has been largely concerned with
transitioning from the incubator to TLP.  All infrastructure related tasks
have now been completed and Abdera is completely out of the incubator.

The main discussion over the past month has been over the next release.  The
original plan had been to do a 0.5 release as soon as we had completed our
graduation, but now it is looking likely that we will simply call the next
release 1.0, as there are no planned changes to the API expected in the near
future.  With luck the release should happen within the next few weeks,
although the holidays may delay that.

There have been no changes in committers or PMC members, and there are no
other issues the board needs to be aware of at this time.

Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Ant Project

o Current Releases

Ant 1.7.1 was released on June 27, 2008.

I don't expect a 1.8 release being considered for a while yet.


Ivy 2.0.0 RC2 is currently available (released Nov 4)

IvyDE, an Eclipse plugin for Ivy has a beta 1 available (IvyDE 2.0.0 beta1)

o Development

An account has been created at Jetbrains' teamcity CI server for Ant builds.

o Community

There has been some discussion about moving Ant bug reporting from
BugZilla to JIRA although no action has been taken on this front yet.

No other issues.

Attachment C: Status report for the Apache APR Project

The activity on the project in the last 3 months (Sept 9 2008 to Dec 13
2008) was as follows:

APR trunk:       11 commits
APR util trunk:  29 commits
APR 1.3.x:        3 commits
APR util 1.3.x:  16 commits
APR 0.9.x:        2 commits
APR util 0.9.x:   1 commit
APR iconv trunk:  0 commits
APR iconv 0.9.x:  0 commits
site:             1 commit

Current stable release of APR is 1.3.3, released Aug 14 2008.

Current stable release of APR util is 1.3.4, released Aug 15 2008.

Current stable APR iconv release is 1.2.1, released Nov 15 2007.

Apart from regular bug fixing, APR util received DSO handling of db,
gdbm and ndbm drivers.

Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Archiva Project


* 1.1.2 was released on September 16, 2008

* 1.1.3 was released on October 9, 2008

* First milestone release (1.2-M1) for 1.2 was released on November 14, 2008


* Added James William Dumay to the Archiva PMC

* Added new committer - Martin Cooper

* After a brief discussion with the infrastructure team over the irc and
  mailing list, it has been agreed that a zone would be appropriate for
  setting up an Archiva instance for demo/testing purposes.

* An Archiva FFT was held during ApacheCon US last November.

* Development work for 1.2 is still on-going. The project is currently
  moving towards a plugin-based framework and the search feature is also
  being revamped.


No board level issues at this time.

Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Attic Project

Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Beehive Project

Attachment G: Status report for the Apache Buildr Project

Attachment H: Status report for the Apache Cayenne Project


* Lots of development activity on the Cayenne core and the Modeler.
* 3.0M5 release voting is coming to a close.


* Welcomed Andrey Razumovsky as a new committer to the project.  Andrey
  participated in the Google Summer of Code improving the Cayenne Modeler
  and has shown great interest in the project and continued supporting it.
* Welcomed Robert Zeigler as a new committer to the project. Robert has been
  using Cayenne since before it joined the Apache project and has been helpful
  with answering questions and code patches in the past. He is also working on
  the Tapestry+Cayenne integration project to enable Tapestry to natively use
  Cayenne as a backend ORM.
* Activity on the user and development lists has been steady.

Attachment I: Status report for the Apache Commons Project


 o Activity:
   All time low on both the user and dev mailing list.
   Math and Configuration got some new traction though.
 o ApacheCon:
   Session about Commons was presented. Attendance was reasonable
   given the slot.
 o Commit Access:
   During ApacheCon the idea has come up to lower the bar for committers
   across the foundation. (Not externally!) Right now every committer can
   ask for access to the sandbox. The idea was to do the same for proper
   and dormant. So that Commons becomes a natural place to share code and
   collaborate across projects without major obstacles. No decision has
   been made on this yet though.


 o Net 2.0

 o SCXML 0.9


 o No new sandbox committers
 o Ralph Goers as new committer
 o No new PMC members

Attachment J: Status report for the Apache CouchDB Project

CouchDB is a distributed document-oriented database system written in
Erlang. The project graduated to TLP in November 2008 and Damien Katz was
approved as the Apache CouchDB PMC.

- Community

Damien Katz was named Erlanger of the Year at the 2008 Erlang User
Conference in Stockholm for his work with CouchDB.

Noah Slater is super awesome. Claims to have award as proof (other project
members skeptical).

- Development

We are now looking to release CouchDB 0.9.0 in early January, our first a
TLP and our first BETA release.

New features currently in trunk for 0.9.0:
- Security and data validation functionality
- View server internals re-architecture to allow the ability to quickly
  read stale views as indexes are being updated.
- Multi-key view lookup enhancements
- Include_docs. Ability to load full documents with view rows.
- Btree performance improvements
- Faster and more compact internal JSON term format, that is also the new
  Erlang canonical JSON term format. Additionally, when a low level JSON
  parser is implemented in core Erlang, it is will use this format and we'll
  gain more performance for free.
- Ability to run a CouchDB server right from the project source directory,
  for development purposes

- Infrastructure

We have now transfered all couchdb assets over to the final TLP locations,
including the site, the mailing lists and the SVN
repositories. The last remaining item is to setup a redirect from to

We have a daily build site hosted by Jan Lenhardt.

Attachment K: Status report for the Apache Excalibur Project

There are no known issues.

Absolutely zero activity in all places, so nothing to report.

Attachment L: Status report for the Apache Felix Project


   * Presented Felix at ApacheCon US.
   * Contributions from the CXF community for patches to Felix to
     support distributed OSGi features from the next OSGi specification
   * Sun released GlassFish v3 Prelude, which includes Felix.


   * Still working on incorporating the new Log Service contribution
     from PAX; largely delayed due to a naming issue and lack of time.
   * Released version 1.2.1 of Felix (includes Framework 1.2.1, Main
     1.2.1) to address a performance regression.
   * Released version 1.2.2 of Felix (includes Framework 1.2.2, Main
     1.2.2) to address a security bug.
   * Released version 1.4.0 of Felix (includes Framework 1.4.0, Main
     1.4.0, Bundle Repository 1.2.1); this was a fairly major release
     including support for features from the coming OSGi R4.2
     specification and many more resolved compliance issues and small bugs.
   * Released various other subprojects (e.g., iPOJO 1.0.0, Web Console
     1.2.0, Remote Shell 1.0.2, SCR 1.0.6, Maven SCR Plugin 1.0.8,
     Maven Bundle Plugin 1.4.3).
   * Released subproject bundles are now available via an OBR
     repository for easy deployment into Felix (and other OSGi frameworks).
   * Various fixes and enhancements to HTTP Service subproject,
     including improved alias resolution, better cache support with
     inclusion of Last Modified timestamps, and publishing actual ports
     used as service properties.

Licensing and other issues

   * Need to investigate licensing issue for a JMX admin console

Attachment M: Status report for the Apache Gump Project


    * we've added the Java packages Gump doesn't build but needs to
      the private svn repo (and consider putting them somewhere else

      For historical reasons there also exists a password protected
      collection of them in the public svn repo (we needed to get
      reminded of them by infra, thanks!) but these can be removed and
      we don't need the history either - the infrastructure team is
      aware that files and history can be deleted from the public repo
      at any time.


    * the installation is happily chugging along but no active

    * Stefan has support for git/hg/bzr and darcs on his personal TODO
      list, but no other development seems to be planned right now


    * still all Apache committers have access to metadata in svn.

    * no releases.

Attachment N: Status report for the Apache Harmony Project

The Apache Harmony community is healthy and continues to release increasingly
capable builds on a regular schedule.  The lack of a JCK continues to be an
issue for Harmony.

Development & Releases
Harmony now has over 99% of the required Java SE 5 APIs completed.  The
missing pieces of functionality are primarily providers for different
protocols, such as sound file formats, kerberos authentication, and so on.
It goes without saying that we are ready to run the JCK and claim compliance
to the Java specification.

Milestone build 5.0M8 was declared on November 17, 2008.  This milestone
includes a number of fixes and enhancements including 51 JIRA issues resolved
and approximately 240 commits.  Our last milestone was published three months
earlier in August.

Beyond the day to day business of fixing bugs, there is a steady stream of
improvements to performance, both throughput and start-up times; and
enhancements to the usability and maintainability of the code.

No reported security incidents this period.

The community continues to operate in a healthy manner.  We continue to
interact with other projects, both within the ASF and hosted elsewhere.
Of note this period is the ja.NET project who are using Apache Harmony in
conjunction with Mono to run Java programs on .NET.

There were no changes to committers or PMC membership during this period.
There are currently 38 committers, ~10 of whom were active this period.

Attachment O: Status report for the Apache HttpComponents Project

-- Status --

This is the fourth report in a row so there's nothing really new, except
for some end-of-year numbers.

-- Releases --

We have had one release since the last report:

  19 October 2008 - HttpComponents HttpCore 4.0 beta 3

We are also currently in the process of voting on a release candidate for
HttpComponents HttpClient 4.0 beta 2.

In total we have had seven releases this year:

  24 January 2008 - HttpComponents HttpCore 4.0 beta 1
  25 February 2008 - HttpComponents HttpClient 4.0 alpha 3
  07 May 2008 - HttpComponents HttpClient 4.0 alpha 4
  17 June 2008 - HttpComponents HttpCore 4.0 beta 2
  29 August 2008 - HttpComponents HttpClient 4.0 beta 1
  19 October 2008 - HttpComponents HttpCore 4.0 beta 3
  ?? December 2008 - HttpComponents HttpClient 4.0 beta 2 (TBD)

-- Community --

As indicated in the last report, we have finally restored access for one
of our committers from the early days at Jakarta, Sean Sullivan, at the
beginning of November.

All in all the project made good progress over the year: several new
contributors joind the project as committers and the overall usage of the
project gained new heights (especially due to some prominent users like
Google Android and Limewire). We were also able to induce some press
interest and, in the end, even received an award.

-- Development --

Actual development has slowed down a little bit after the latest release
but we were able to make valuable progress on the documentation.

The 'norobots' codebase (which was inherited as an experiment) also finally
found a new home at the Droids project currently in icubation.

The user as well as the developer communities are still as vibrant as ever.

Attachment P: Status report for the Apache iBATIS Project

Attachment Q: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project

Just a generally nice month.

CouchDB, Qpid and Abdera have graduated from the Incubator.  Stonehenge and
ESME are new entries into the Incubator.  A candidate up for vote is
Cassandra.  As discussed in last month's report, rather than fork the
project, the Cassandra community decided to move to the ASF.  Feedback has
generally been very positive about this change of plans.

The Composer project has been retired, and resources have been cleaned up.
Not sure what is happening with log4php, but have asked the Mentors to

There are still some birthing pains with BlueSky.  The new website is
published by IP, not domain, and should be hosted at the ASF.  Mentors need
to address this matter.  There also seem to be continued questions about the
source code.

Etch has an infrastructure issue.  Brett Porter is trying to help.  Perhaps
Bill Rowe might also jump in, since the issue appears to be setting up an
MS-Windows based build environment, and he's had an interest in that for
some time.


Per-project reports:

= BlueSky =

BlueSky has been incubating since 01-12-2008. It is an e-learning solution
designed to help solve the disparity in availability of qualified education
between well-developed cities and poorer regions of China.

In the past month, we set up the website and applied for a new international
ip address. Here is the website link: We've already
put three version of source code, including complete version, clean version
with project files (the project files are autogenerated by Anjuta, in case
it may violate ASL, we divide the source code into two types, with or
without project files) and purely clean version. We hope that someone could
double check the legality of the clean source code so we can upload the
source code soon.

Top priorities:

    * upload our source code to SVN repository. As soon as the code is
      granted by Apache community, this thing shoulde be finished quite soon.

IPMC comments:

   * jukka: Why the new server and web site? I don't seem to be able to
            access it (I'm in Switzerland).
   * clr: What does it mean "as soon as the code is granted by Apache

= Click =

Click is a page and component oriented Java web framework.

Click has been incubating since July 2008.

Tasks completed since November:
 * SVN code base was succesfully migrated to ASF repository.
 * Click website was ported and is now hosted at the Incubator.

Top priorities:
 * Replace incompatible third party software which includes the JavaScript
   libraries JSCalendar and TinyMCE.
 * Cut the first official Apache release.
 * Import issues from existing JIRA.

= Droids =

Droids is a new Incubator project recently arrived from Apache Labs (end
October). It's an intelligent standalone robot framework that allows one to
create and extend existing web robots.

Things have been quiet this month in Droids. We focus on evolving the design
and building a larger community.

= Etch =

Etch was accepted into Incubator on 2 September 2008.

Etch is a cross-platform, language- and transport-independent framework for
building and consuming network services. The Etch toolset includes a network
service description language, a compiler, and binding libraries for a
variety of programming languages.

After the stumbling blocks reported last month, i.e. trouble to get going
with infrastructure, the project is now up and running. All external code,
documentation and Jira issues have been ported into the Apache Etch project.
Development activity is medium (~30 commits in 2 weeks), from mainly two
developers. The first posts to the etch-user list is promising, but
development list is still a "Post Jira -> Fix It" without much mailing list
discussion. This will be the main focal point to resolve over the next

The main splash page ( is
still incomplete. The process to update the main page is burdensome. I've
seen someone else suggest using an automated background process to
incorporate changes and strongly support that idea.

The last remaining infrastructural issue is to find a home for our
continuous build system. It requires a Windows home because of C# and
microsoft visual studio components.

= Hama =

Hama has been incubating since 19 May, 2008. It is a parallel matrix
computational package based on Hadoop Map/Reduce.

Development activity is medium from mainly two developer, we focus on
proofing/benchmarking current code/algorithm recently. A number of inactive
initial contributors stepped down from the project. And, 'Saumel Guo' joined
to hama project as a new committer.

 * We are looking for more mathmathicians/committers
 * We will plan for our first release

= Kato =

Kato was accepted into the Incubator on 6 November 2008.

Kato is a project to develop the Specification, Reference Implementation,
and TCK for JSR 326: the JVM Post-mortem Diagnostics API

Kato is just starting up; most of the infrastructure work has now been done;
mailing lists, SVN, JIRA etc. created. Most initial committer user IDs have
been requested, still waiting on the last couple of CLAs.

The next steps for Kato are agreeing the highest level user stories that
will drive the JSR design and seeding the repository with the code
contributed by IBM.

= log4php =

Failed to report.  Checking the mailing lists, there is minimal, but present
traffic on both the developer and user lists.  The last commit was two
months ago by Jim.

= Olio =

Olio has been incubating since September 2008.

Olio is a web 2.0 toolkit to help developers evaluate the suitability,
functionality and performance of various web technologies by implementing a
reasonably complex application in several different technologies.

 * The project web page has now been created at
 * An Overview presentation has been posted at
 * Initial committers' accounts are all set up now.
 * Two external users (i.e not belonging to the original committers'
   organizations) have started running Olio.
 * Olio Rails code has been committed to repository.
 * Several bugs have been filed and are being actively worked on.

= OpenWebBeans =

OpenWebBeans will be an ASL-licensed implementation of the Web Beans
Specification which is defined as JSR-299.

OpenWebBeans entered the incubator in October 26, 2008. The following items
have been made after the first report

 * The SVN, mailing lists and JIRA setup are done.
 * Project status page is completed and updated.
 * Project web site is created.
 * SVN directory structure is created.
 * Project code is dropped from the sourceforge to the SVN.
 * Project source code commit is started to add new functionalities to the
 * Project defects are written to the JIRA page.

We are working to get more attraction to the project. Belows are the task we
will handle

 * We will try to finish the first alpha version.
 * We will create some documentation in the project web site.
 * We will looking for getting more committers.

= RAT =

RAT has struggled to gain any additional development community since joining
the incubator. The small developer base means that releases are not really
possible. Without releases, it's hard to find motivation for development of
new functions for - what is - a mature code base. As a component of the
Apache and Incubator release infrastructure, it made sense to bring RAT
here. From the RAT project perspective, it made much less sense.

= River =
River is aimed at the development and advancement of the Jini technology
core infrastructure. Jini technology is a service oriented architecture that
defines a programming model which both exploits and extends Java technology
to enable the construction of secure, distributed systems which are adaptive
to change.

In November, Niclas Hedhman stepped up as a new Mentor for the project. He
thinks River/Jini is too important to be ignored. This resulted in an
extended discussion of what should actually happen with River. Quite a few
voices have been heard, BUT most committers are quiet, which is worrying.
The things that the vocal people can agree on are probably:

 * River needs new goals. The community is unable to define a single goal or
agree on a couple of them.

 * People should not talk the talk, if they can't walk the walk. The
infamous 'itch' is obviously not strong enough in any particular area, not
enough low-hanging fruit so to speak. Niclas presented a simple solution;
branch trunk and let those who are active to make the structural changes
needed for a sustained future. Hopefully, those more experienced will also
get excited and help out when they can.

 * Consolidation of external Jini projects. There are many external Jini
projects. Some of those provide same or similar solutions. Many in the
community think that these should merge, possibly under the River umbrella.

But there are many things where there are more opinions than there are
people. Right now, we feel that is being a good thing, since it indicates a
strong interest in the technology, and the challenge is to funnel this
energy into something constructive, with or without the initial committers.

All in all, River project is slow, but we think we have a lot of willingness
in the user community, and just need the lever to exploit this. The goal for
now, up until the next report, is to get us going on Apache River "New
Generation", where we indeed shake off the Sun heritage and start moving

Incubating since December 2006

= Shindig =

Shindig is a reference implementation of the OpenSocial and gadgets stack,
incubating since: 2007-12-06.  The active community has built two parallel
implementations of the OpenSocial and gadgets spec; one in Java and one in
PHP.  Currently the Shindig community is working toward an incubation
release of the OpenSocial v0.8.1 spec as well as implementing the new
functionality defined in OpenSocial v0.9.

Top 2 things to resolve prior to graduation:
 * Improve diversity of committers (progress, but on-going)
 * Run through at least one release (first release scheduled to go out by
   end of year)

= Stonehenge =

Stonehenge was just recently accepted into the Incubator. So far we have:
 * Set up the SVN, JIRA and Mailing lists
 * Added all the committers who have a CLA on file
 * Built a very basic website
 * Had a code donation from WSO2
 * We are awaiting more code donation
 * We still need to create our incubator status page and add to the list of
   incubator projects

= Tashi =

Tashi has been incubating since September 2008.

The Tashi project aims to build a software infrastructure for
cloud computing on massive internet-scale datasets (what we call
Big Data). The idea is to build a cluster management system
that enables the Big Data that are stored in a cluster/data center
to be accessed, shared, manipulated, and computed on by remote users
in a convenient, efficient, and safe manner.

Work has been progressing toward an initial test installation of Tashi via
the OpenCirrus testbed (  This has consumed much
of the developers' time.  During this though, a few minor changes were made
to the code to make it more amenable to deployment.

Items to be resolved before graduation:
        * Check and make sure that the files that have been donated have
          been updated to reflect the new ASF copyright
        * Check and make sure that all code included with the distribution
          is covered by one or more of the approved licenses
        * Migrate the project to Apache infrastructure (begin using Jira)
        * Community diversity (currently Intel and CMU committers)
        * Demonstrate ability to create Apache releases

= VCL =

VCL has been going through the startup phase of the project and the
remainder of the new accounts were created over the last month.  The 
codebase is in the process of being moved to the ASF.  The developers at
NC State were completing their work in progress for 2.0 and will transfer it
shortly.  Until then the project is flying a holding pattern.

In the interim we'll start some of the more mundane tasks like getting the
web site setup and shtuffes like that.

Attachment R: Status report for the Apache Jackrabbit Project

Apache Jackrabbit is a fully conforming implementation of the Content
Repository for Java Technology API (JCR, specified in JSR 170).

The Apache Jackrabbit project is in good shape. We have no board-level
issues at this time.

o Releases

  We released Apache Jackrabbit 1.5.0 on December 8th.

  We also made the following patch releases from the 1.4 branch:
  * jackrabbit-core 1.4.6 on October 7th
  * jackrabbit-classloader 1.4.1 on October 2nd
  * jackrabbit-jcr-server 1.4.1 on September 30th

o Legal

  We use Google Analytics to track usage of our web site. We posted a
  privacy policy that mentions the Analytics use on our web site and
  continue to work with legal-discuss@ to resolve concerns that were
  raised about the use of Google Analytics.

o Community

  Claus Koell joined the Jackrabbit team as a committer and PMC member.

  The slump in community activity over late summer seems to be gone and
  we're back to normal levels of mailing list and commit activity.

  Based on interest to the CMIS implementation effort (see below),
  we have extended write access in our sandbox area in svn to
  all Apache committers.

  We are considering starting a "JCR Commons" subproject for managing
  the development and release of a number of our components that are not
  tightly coupled with the Jackrabbit content repository implementation.
  This subproject would keep using our existing mailing lists but would
  have its own web site (under
  and separate issue trackers and release cycles for each component.
  See for more details.

o Development

  Development in trunk continues with post-1.5 features, and I expect us
  to release Jackrabbit 1.6 early next year. Jackrabbit 2.0 (and the JSR
  283 reference implementation) will probably be released later next year.

  A new sandbox component was started for an effort to implement the
  proposed Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) specification
  on top of a JCR content repository.

o Infrastructure

  We created a new Jira project (JCRCMIS) for the CMIS implementation effort
  and plan to create more assuming the JCR Commons subproject gets started.
  We've enabled wiki markup and the patch-available workflow in the JCRCMIS
  project. If these features work well, we will enable them also in our main
  JCR project in Jira.

Attachment S: Status report for the Apache Jakarta Project

Attachment T: Status report for the Apache Labs Project

After a busy start, the last quarter ended rather quiet.

At first, many thanks to Stefano Mazzocchi, Labs initiator, inventor and
first PMC chair who resigned in September, for his great work on this
project. He promised to stick around and that's very good news.
Handing over PMC chair duties went seamlessly.

== Labs Statistics ==

- new: 0
- status changes (last 3 months): 1
  - Droids (promoted to Incubator)
- total number: 23
  - active: 21
  - idle: 1
  - promoted: 1
  - completed: 0
- labs with commits: droids, magma, vysper

== Promotion to Incubator ==

I am happy to report that Droids (PI Thorsten Scherler) moved on to the
Incubator, becoming the first lab to do this, after the lab already
gained traction in the previous reporting period. Thorsten did a great
job in transisioning the lab, both in exploring and finding consent how
to do it. People from Lucene and HttpComponents helped making the move a

Thorsten (on 2008-10-29) triggered a discussion if labs should be
allowed to move not only to Incubator but alternatively as a subproject
to an already existing TLP without going through Incubator first. The
discussion faded after a few people had commented without any resolution
or vote. I don't see this as an urgent issue. We can re-visit this topic
as soon as a lab wants to take this route.

== Lab hacking ==

Magma saw many commits and JIRAs. PI Simone Gianni is the only
committer, others participated via JIRA, but nobody contributed code, as
far as I can see.
Vysper had some commits, too. Nobody contributed on-list, in svn or JIRA
besides PI Bernd Fondermann.

== New Labs ==

No new lab to report.
Failed lab inception: Paul Querna proposed a new lab 'mboxed' (not to be
confused with already existing lab 'mboxer'). The proposal received a
warm welcome. But since the proposal lacked a DOAP file and there is no
related activity anywhere on Labs to be seen, this lab has not yet been

== Crypto ==

Crypto notices: Two labs use cryptographic software, BaDCA and Vysper.
Both have crypto notes in place in their SVN trunk root. Notes have also
been added at the proper place at incubator/site, so I am left to send
out the appropriate emails for both products.

Attachment U: Status report for the Apache Logging Project

This is an out of sequence report covering a four month period.

The board should be aware of a thread proposing direct
implementation of SLF4J in log4j raised by Ceki Gulcu
on log4j-dev [1].  The tone of discussion has been fairly
combative.  The first post on 2008-12-06 [2] raises issues with
my execution of the office of PMC Chair.

SLF4J is an abstract logging API created and maintained
by which appears to be solely under Ceki's control. currently provides a facade implementation that
delegates to log4j.  The proposal is to invert this model and
have log4j classes implement SLF4J interfaces adding a
dependency on SLF4J.

When SLF4J was launched several years ago there was not a way
found to have log4j to directly implement SLF4J
interfaces without breaking source and binary compatibility.
It is uncertain if that has changed.

Only slight progress since the last report.  Commit activity from
carnold (log4j, log4cxx), psmith (log4j, chainsaw), rgrabowski (log4net),
afester (log4cxx), sdeboy (log4j, chainsaw).

log4j 1.2.16 RC1 was said to be imminent at last board report.
Unfortunately, Hurricane Ike and recovery severely reduced
my (carnold) availability early in the period and planning
my upcoming wedding (12/27) has reduced it late in the period.
Who would have guessed that planning a wedding was stress-producing
and time-consuming?

log4cxx has had several compilation issues reported with recent
gcc releases that have not been addressed in a timely manner.
Due to the previously mentioned resource constraints.

log4net has not made significant progress toward a release.

log4php (restarted incubation) has had minimal activity
and no community development.  Reports to the Incubator PMC
are likely long overdue.


Attachment V: Status report for the Apache Lucene Project

=== Lucene Status Report: December, 2008 ===


The TLP has added Lucene Java committer Michael Busch to the PMC.


Nutch uses PDFBox and thus has a dependency on BouncyCastle. is now closed.


Lucene Java is a search-engine toolkit.  Development has been
active and we are working towards the release of 2.9.  
Uwe Schindler has been added as a contrib committer.


Solr is a full text search server.  Development and the community
is active.  Solr 1.3 was released on September 15, 2008.


Nutch is a web-search engine: crawler, indexer and search runtime.
Development activity (measured by number of commits) has been low,
mainly bug fixes and minor enhancements. There are however some
nice new exciting features, currently under discussion attached
to Jira.

Lucy will develop a shared C-based core for ports of Lucene to other
languages, such as Perl, Python and Ruby.  Some small, incremental
 progress has been made this quarter.

LUCENE.NET (incubating)

Lucene.Net continues to thrive with the addition of two new committers,
Doug Sale and Digy.  The project is still working through making some
official releases and getting organized but the community is vibrant.


Apache Tika is a toolkit for detecting and extracting metadata and
structured text content from various documents using existing parser
libraries.  Tika has graduated from the Incubator and is now
a Lucene subproject.  On December 9th, 2008, Tika 0.2 was released
under the Lucene PMC. 


Apache Mahout is a new subproject of the Lucene PMC with the goal of
building a suite of scalable machine learning libraries for text and
data mining.  We know have Map-Reduce implementations of several 
clustering algorithms, 2 classification algorithms based 
on bayesian statistics and support 
for scaling fitness functions in genetic algorithms.  
We are working on bug fixes and documentation to get ready for a 0.1 release.

Attachment W: Status report for the Apache OFBiz Project

Report for Dec 2008 for OFBiz (Open For Business) as a top level project.

The Apache Open For Business Project (Apache OFBiz) is an open source 
enterprise automation software project. By enterprise automation we mean: 
ERP, CRM, E-Business / E-Commerce, MRP, SCM, CMMS/EAM, and so on. 

We have no issues that require Board assistance at this time. Some feedback 
from the board on the infrastructure issues would be helpful.


- One new PMC member has been added: Bilgin Ibryam (2008-10-18).
- No new committers have been added.
- The OFBiz Symposium at ApacheCon US 2008 was a great success. There was 
significant community involvement in presentation and attendance, and a lot 
of building relationships with others in the ASF. There was also a lot of 
discussion about the project as well, including future strategy and 
direction, getting more involvement from the large numbers of people working
with OFBiz on a regular basis but not really contributing a lot (and why it 
is in their best interest to contribute and get more involved, ie how they 
could solve some issues they have been facing by going it alone), and in 
general how different people/groups with different objectives can work 
together to achieve goals (like continuing to allow contributions without 
test cases, but encourage everyone who wants something to work or continue 
to work a certain to contribute test cases to the already fairly large test 


- Lots of new functionality in both business applications and framework
- New effort to gather requirements and designs to drive and organize the 
next generation of enhancements
- New objective, mostly just discussion so far, to move toward using OFBiz 
to manage the project, and perhaps eventually more of the ASF


It has been brought up as a concern that OFBiz is not using available ASF 
infrastructure for various things. Thanks especially to Ted Husted of the 
PRC for feedback on this.

There are three resources linked to from the OFBiz home page that are not 
on ASF infrastructure:

1. doc site @
2. nightly builds @
3. demo site @

Aside from these, as you've noted, the domain name is still 
registered to me personally.

I'll comment on each of these, but in short none of these has come up as 
urgent issues (as I imagine you have guessed) so while they have been 
discussed from time to time, relatively minor problems run into while 
working on them have stalled progress.

This site has been around since before the ASF incubation. Around that time 
cwiki was just coming into use, so we looked at moving stuff over briefly 
but it was not a priority for incubation and was tabled. We actually started
working on this again a few months ago (Jacopo Cappellato and I were working
on it) but ran into an issue because even thought the confluence instance on is quite old (we haven't updated it for a long time), the one
on is even older. At that point fearing a large manual 
effort, and there being other priorities, we decided to table it again 
(hoping that infra would be updating confluence soon, but no we haven't 
asked anyone about it; again, it's been considered a lower priority).

This is a pretty new thing, and was more community-driven than PMC-driven. 
In other words, it was setup and then presented to the PMC and we assisted 
in linking to it and tried to make sure it was clear that it is not an 
official or ASF hosted resource. If I remember right in this case someone 
setup a manual build server on a home computer on a DSL line or something, 
and then Tim Ruppert at Hotwax (one of my partners) saw the dev list 
messages and volunteered to do something more formal, or more accurately 
volunteered to have the people at Contegix do it on one of our boxes hosted 
there (in general with them we describe what we want done and they take care
of all installation, scripting, monitoring, etc).

So far we don't have any volunteers on the OFBiz PMC do work with infra to 
get this setup, but we could certainly give it a try.

This has been around a bit longer than, but has a 
similar history. No official demo site exists for OFBiz, so this community 
contributed one is the one linked to on the site. There are also some others
(or maybe just one other) listed on a confluence page, and if I remember 
right those were also things like personal desktops running an instance of 

Again this was volunteer driven by people outside of the PMC and simply 
linked to as a resource that might be helpful to the community. We also 
asked them to make it clear who the demo was hosted and sponsored by so that
people would not think it was an official ASF resource. It concerns me that 
you found things that made it appear to be an official ASF resource... could
you be more specific about what led you to believe that and how we might 
clarify (which can probably be done a lot more quickly and easily than 
setting up a replacement). domain

This was not a high priority during incubation, and I understood that in 
general it wasn't a big deal as the official URL for Apache OFBiz is now I'd be happy to donate the domain name, I just haven't 
been asked to yet, and while I've thought about doing so it also hasn't been
a priority. The biggest part of the effort would be finding and trying to 
change references to old email addresses (I think Andrew Zeneski 
and I were the only ones to ever use those). For me personally I wouldn't 
mind... most of the emails I get on that address are things that should 
really go to the project mailing lists, and 99% of the time I reply with a 
"form letter" type email that asks them to subscribe and discuss it there 
with the community instead of with me personally.

Possible Resolutions

1. Move all of these resources to current ASF infrastructure
2. These resources are hosted at Contegix. Matthew Porter at Contegix has 
mentioned to us that they are doing some hosting for Maven repositories that
is somehow official ASF infra, but I don't really know what that means or if
it is helpful. Matthew is currently looking into the details so we have some
ideas, and feedback from infra would be helpful as well (though we have not 
requested that yet).

Attachment X: Status report for the Apache Portals Project

-- New releases --


-- New committers --


-- Status --

1. Pluto Refactoring

Completed. Jetspeed-2 and Pluto are now "in sync" in our respective trunks.
This is a major accomplishment for the Portals project and should create a
healthier environment for community.

2. Pluto JSR-286 Portlet API 2.0 Specification Release

Pluto now is passes the JSR-286 (Portlet API 2.0) compliance test. We hope
to release a new version of Pluto and Jetspeed in the next quarter.

3. Apache Con, Portals meetup

We met up in New Orleans. There were not as many committers from the
project attending as we expected. Perhaps company budgets are affecting

4. Jetspeed-2

Merged with Pluto Refactoring branch complete. Security refactoring
complete. The SSO component is now broken. We are also in the process of
converting OJB to JPA.

2.2 is going to be a long-release in coming but it will set a foundation
for future releases.

Attachment Y: Status report for the Apache Qpid Project


- We are in the process of performing post graduation hand off. DNS, domain
  and site has been moved. Still working svn, & mail. Hope to complete
  hand-off from the incubator by the end of the year, and established board
  reporting schedule.
- We are in the process of completing our 4th major release of the project.
  First RC spun this week

-None to report.

Graduation Thanks:

I believe it would be appropriate to thank all those that have helped us
get to graduation. I would like to start with Cliff, who helped me create
all the initial documents, work through legal, source code grant, and
initial mentoring & championing the project. Since then we have had 4
additional mentors who have provided great support, namely Craig, Paul,
Scott & Yoav. They have been with the project over the last 2+ years
providing advise, support and asking the hard questions as needed. And of
course the IPMC, and all those on the incubator list that have helped us.

We graduated the project with the follow committer base {Aidan Skinner,
Alan Conway, Arnaud Simon, Andrew Stitcher, Carl Trieloff , Gordon Sim, Jim
Meyering , John O'Hara, Jonathan Robie, Kim van der Riet, Lahiru
Gunathilake, Manuel Teira, Marnie McCormack, Martin Ritchie, Nuno Santos,
Paul Fremantle, Rafael Schloming, Rajith Attapattu, Robert Godfrey,  Robert
Greig, Rupert Smith,  Steve Huston, Yoav Shapira} it is you who have got
the project to where it is.

Then we have those that have contributed or where contributing in the early
stages to Qpid, and those that continue to contribute and are hoping that
of you will be joining us as committer on the project soon. And to {Colin
Crist(use case work),  Bhupendra Bhardwaj(eclipse tool), Kevin
Smith(security), Steve Vinoski(build), Steven Shaw(.net), Tomas
Restrepo(.net), Andrea Gazzarini(Qman)} for your larger contributions. And
of course the many users and patch submitters, those that have announced
support for Qpid & those on the lists.

Attachment Z: Status report for the Apache Quetzalcoatl Project

Attachment AA: Status report for the Apache ServiceMix Project

Since September report, ServiceMix has released the following things:
* ServiceMix Kernel 1.0.0
* ServiceMix NMR 1.0.0-m2
* ServiceMix NMR 1.0.0-m3
* ServiceMix Specs 1.1.0
* ServiceMix Specs 1.1.1
* ServiceMix maven plugins (jbi-maven-plugin 4.0, res-maven-plugin 4.0, xfire-maven-plugin 4.0 ,features-maven-plugin 1.0 ,checksum-maven-plugin 1.0)
* several osgi bundles for 3thd party dependencies
* JBI components in version 2008.01
* ServiceMix 3.2.3
* ServiceMix 3.3
* new JBI binding component for SNMP protocol (servicemix-snmp)

A number of committers have been voted:
* Gianfranco Boccalon
* Andrea Zopello
Their ICLAs have not been processed yet.

We have voted one more committer but his employer seems to have concerns
so the invitation will remain open.

The PMC contains a new member:
* Lars Heinemann

SSHD, a Java based SSH server / client library originally developed
for ServiceMix Kernel / Geronimo GShell integration as the default
remoting protocol has been accepted as a new Apache Mina subproject.

Attachment AB: Status report for the Apache SpamAssassin Project

- not a lot of code development recently; mainly performance tweaks and
  changes to avoid triggering hard to debug Perl bugs

- very few, if any, really pressing open bugs (lots of enhancement ideas
  though); I'm confident anything major would be quickly addressed

- users' mailing list seems to be healthy with a number of questions
  being asked and most, if not all, questions be answered/resolved daily

- Larry Rosen is (hopefully) still in the process of fully registering
  the two SpamAssassin trademarks

- no committer representation at ApacheCon... probably has a lot to do
  with none of our active committers doing SpamAssassin as a central
  part of their day job (and ApacheCon being reportedly more web, than
  email, centric)

Attachment AC: Status report for the Apache Synapse Project

Notable Happenings:
We voted in two new members of the PMC: Indika Kumara and Andreas Veithen

We are still working towards the Synapse 1.3 release.

We believe the community is continuing to grow in terms of mailing
list traffic, JIRA contributions, patches.

Export controls
We have now done our TSU notification and the latest release has the
correct documentation.
The next release will ship with the BouncyCastle JAR that excludes the
patented IDEA algorithm.

Attachment AD: Status report for the Apache Tiles Project

The biggest accomplishment this quarter has been the successful
IP Clearance of the Velocity Tiles Plugin. The plugin was contributed by
Sergey Zolotaryov via a software grant and is now part of Tiles.

User list traffic remains steady. There is a strong indication that
many people are experimenting and developing applications using Tiles.
We are continuing efforts to recruit some of these users as developers
and probably need to step up those efforts. Our development work
continues to be driven primarily by one person, but, for the most
part, we are not having trouble finding a quorum when votes occur.

We know of no issues currently needing board attention.

Attachment AE: Status report for the Apache Tomcat Project

The project continues to be active on a number of fronts.
There are no issues requiring Board attention at this time.

We cut a number of releases mostly of our connector branches.

Tomcat Connectors 1.2.27 was released last month, both primarily bug fix
and feature enhancement over the previous 1.2.26 release.

Tomcat Native connector 1.1.16 was released,
primarily minor bug fix release over the previous 1.1.15 release.

And finally Tomcat 4.1.39 was released including a number
of recently resolved security issues.

We've been working closely with security issue reports and the Apache
Security committee on quickly replying to issues, resolving them, and
coordinating public disclosures.

CVE-2008-2938 will shortly be updated to correctly ID the root cause
as the JVM rather than Tomcat.

Development was concentrated mainly on security issues and fixing
bugs for the current releases.

We branched Tomcat Native connector to 1.1.x stable and all
future development will took place in head aiming 1.2.x versions.
The 1.1.x branch is considered stable and will have RTC commit

After last quarter's new committers and PMC members, there were no
changes the committership nor PMC membership this time.
The new commit policy is working very fine, and we've been
very active both in commit and release volume.

Attachment AF: Status report for the Apache Web Services Project

=== Notable Happenings ===

After the last board report, the board sent us an inquiry about WS futures
and structure, considering the wide breadth (the word "umbrella" came up
:)) of the current project.  This spurred a conversation within the PMC
revolving around how (and if) we should split Axis2 off as a separate TLP. 
Although there was some broad acceptance of the idea, the conversation
unfortunately devolved into some fairly acrimonious back-and-forthing at
times, and we did not reach a successful resolution.  We hope to revisit
this in the coming weeks and try to achieve some consensus.  In the
meanwhile it's business as usual.

As part of that conversation, it was noted that we really should do a
review of our sub-projects and see which ones need a) to be retired, b) a
new injection of effort, or c) to be split off into TLPs.  This will be
happening in early 2009.

We have several new committers, including Danushka Menikkumbura, Dave
Parsons, Chris Twiner, Benson Margulies and Dan Kulp.

We welcomed Nandana Mihindukulasooriya to the PMC.

Sadly, Dims has once again decided to take a break from the WS project.  We
wish him well and fervently hope he is able to return in the future.

Activity levels have been pretty standard for us, which is to say bursty.

=== Code Releases [since the last report] ===

 * XmlSchema release 1.4.3: bugfixes and performance, driven in part by
   interoperation with CXF.

=== Subproject News ===

(No news below means nothing particularly notable for the board occurred
this quarter)

==== Apache Axis2 ====
Apache Axis2 is the third generation Web service framework of the Apache
Web service stack.  A highly extensible message processing engine focused
on SOAP messages, it includes plugins for services, transports,
MessageReceivers, and Modules (message interceptors).

Axis2 is in the process of pulling together a 1.5 release.  Many of the
WSO2 guys are flat-out on a development effort there, so there are only a
few of us working it.  However it's mostly just a few bug fixes and getting
the good work that's already happened post-1.4.1 into an official release. 
Hope to release a beta by Dec 20, and perhaps get the release out the door
by the end of the year.

==== Kandula ====
Apache Kandula is an implementation of Web Services Coordination, Atomic
Transaction and Business Activity protocols. The project provides
implementations for both Apache Axis (kandula-1 branch) and Apache Axis2
(kandula-2 branch) platforms.

==== Apache Axis ====
Apache Axis is a web services framework implementing the W3C SOAP standard.

==== Apache Woden ====
Woden is an open source Java implementation of the W3C WSDL 2.0

==== JaxMe2 ====
JaxMe 2 is an open source implementation of JAXB, the specification for
Java/XML binding.

==== Apache Scout ====
Apache Scout is an implementation of the JSR 93 (JAXR), which is a java API
to XML registries such as jUDDI.

==== Apache jUDDI ====
jUDDI (pronounced "Judy") is an open source Java implementation of the
Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) specification for
Web Services.

==== Apache Rampart ====
Rampart provides the WS-Security and WS-SecureConversation support for
Apache Axis2 using Apache WSS4J as the base. The configuration model uses
the WS-Policy framework and supports WS-SecurityPolicy specification.  The
"Rahas" module in Rampart implements the WS-Trust specification with a
security token service implementation and a client API to carry out token
exchanges with the security token service.

==== Apache Rampart/C ====
Apache Rampart/C is the security module for Apache Axis2/C. It's an effort
to implement WS-Security Specification 1.0. Rampart/C also comes with an
XML-Crypto library known as OMXMLSecurity. In addition Apache Rampart/C
configurations are based on security policy assertions as per WS-Security
Policy specification 1.1

==== Apache Sandesha2 ====
Sandesha2 is an implementation of WS-ReliableMessaging specifications for
Apache Axis2. By using Sandesha2 you can add reliable messaging capability
to the Web services you have hosted in Axis2. You can also use Sandesha2
with Axis2 client to interact with already hosted web services in a
reliable manner.

==== Apache Sandesha2/C ====
Sandesha2/C is a C implementation of WS-ReliableMessaging
specifications(both 1.0 and 1.1) for Apache Axis2/C projects. Sandesha2/C
is inter operable with Axis2/Java implementation and .net implementations.

==== Apache Savan ====
Savan is a Publisher/Subscriber implementation for Apache Axis2. 

==== Apache Savan/C ====
Savan/C is a Publisher/Subscriber implementation for Apache Axis2/C
projects written in C Language.

==== Apache Axis2/C ====
Apache Axis2/C is an effort to implement Axis2 architecture in C. Apache
Axis2/C can be used to provide and consume Web Services.

==== Apache WSIF ====
Apache Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF) is a simple Java API for
invoking Web services, no matter how or where the services are provided as
long as it is described in WSDL.

==== Apache WS-Commons ====
Apache WS-Commons is a collection of projects that are primarily used as
parts of various WS projects but useful even outside the WS space.
WS-Commons houses Apache Axiom - the streaming XML object model, Apache
XmlSchema -  an object model to manipulate XML schema documents, Apache
Neethi - the WS-Policy implementation and various other smaller projects
such as tcpmon.

The XmlSchema subproject acquired two new committers from CXF-land, and did
a new release.

==== Apache Muse ====
Apache Muse is a Java implementation of WS-ResourceFramework,
WS-Notification, and WS-DistributedManagement. It provides code generation
tools and APIs that aid users in creating standards-compliant interfaces
for manageable resources. Muse-based interfaces can be deployed in a J2EE
or OSGi environment.

==== Apache XML-RPC ====
Apache XML-RPC is a Java implementation of XML-RPC, a popular protocol that
uses XML over HTTP to implement remote procedure calls.

Attachment AG: Status report for the Apache Wicket Project

Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component
oriented web applications, and was established as an Apache project in
June 2007.


We have released 1.3.5 and the first release candidate for 1.4. Work on
1.4 and 1.3.6 continues, mailing list traffic has slowed down a bit.
Wicket was featured at ApacheCon US New Orleans and Oredev conference in
Malmo, Sweden.


No new committers were added, but we have a couple of folks we are
watching on the watch list. Several folks are stepping up their
visibility on the Wicket user and dev lists. Our companion project
repository (Wicket Stuff) is also undergoing revitalization and


We have released Wicket 1.3.5 and 1.4-rc1. The remaining issues for our
1.3 branch and trunk (1.4) are getting fewer and fewer. So final
releases for 1.3 and 1.4 are expected in the next quarter, possibly
before the end of the year.

Attachment AH: Status report for the Apache Xalan Project

Attachment AI: Status report for the Apache Xerces Project


We continue to make good progress on the XML Schema 1.1 implementation
with the help of several volunteers in the community including our
former Google Summer of Code student who has decided to continue
contributing to the project. A discussion was started on the mailing
lists about officially dropping support for JDK 1.2 and possibly
requiring Java 1.4 or 5 as the minimum JDK level. From the responses
so far the users seem to be on board with us dropping support for JDK
1.2 but not moving further than that at this time. A few minor (mostly
schema related) features have been implemented in the last few
weeks. Still hoping to have a release before the end of the year.


Following more bug fixes, testing, warning squashing, and
documentation updates, Xerces-C++ 3.0.0 was released on the 29th of
September. The 3.1.0 release is tentatively targeted for mid 2009. We
are also considering releasing 3.0.1 with a few bug and memory leak
fixes in the near future.


Still unable to make a Xerces-P 3.0 beta release. Late code changes in
Xerces-C broke compilation, which is now fixed, but a number of unit
tests are now failing. Most are minor but we have been unwilling to
release until we understand the cause of the failure.

XML Commons

There has been some recent activity on the XML Catalog resolver, with
a few significant performance improvements made in the last week. In
XML Commons External a few bug fixes were applied to the JAXP 1.3 and
1.4 branches. Nothing else notable to report.


Boris has joined the PMC. I don't have enough time to give at the
moment and don't feel I am doing a good enough job so will be looking
to step down as PMC chair as soon as we find people who are willing to
take the job / have a vote.

Attachment AJ: Status report for the Apache XMLBeans Project

As usual traffic on the mailing list remains stable, there are many
questions from fresh new users. The process of adding Wing Yew as a new
committer has been finished.

Development was focused mainly on bug fixes, many of them found by the
community, some even had fix patches.

There were no new releases this quarter, and there were no issues requiring
board's attention.

End of minutes for the December 17, 2008 board meeting.
