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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

                            January 21, 2009

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 10:00am (Pacific) and began at
    10:03 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a
    quorum was recognized by the chairman. The meeting was held
    via teleconference, hosted by Jim Jagielski and Springsource.

    IRC #asfboard on was used for backup

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Bertrand Delacretaz
        Justin Erenkrantz
        J Aaron Farr
        Jim Jagielski
        Geir Magnusson Jr
        William Rowe Jr
        Sam Ruby
        Henning Schmiedehausen (left at 11:30am)
        Greg Stein

    Directors Absent:



        Gavin McDonald
        Brett Porter
        Paul Querna
        Tony Stevenson (left at 10:35)
        Sander Striker

3. Minutes from previous meetings

    Minutes (in Subversion) are found under the URL:

    A. The meeting of December 17, 2008

       See: board_minutes_2008_12_17.txt

       Approved by General Consent.

4. Executive Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Jim]

       This year marks an important point for the ASF and for the FOSS
       community in general: In 2009 we celebrate the 10th anniversary of
       the incorporation of the ASF. Little did we realize at that point
       just how viable and valuable the ASF would be and continue to be.
       The PRC is working to ensure that this important event receives the
       notice it is due.

       During 2008 we saw continued agressive growth within the ASF, with
       new members and new PMCs and new podlings. We have kept pace with
       this growth via outsourcing some basic functions as needed, and
       keeping our infrastructure up to date and being pro-active. The
       board, and I personally, wish to thank every volunteer, committer,
       PMC member and ASF member who helped make 2008 a great year.
       Last month we held an ASF Members Meeting and we voted in 17 new
       members. All elected members have accepted the nomination and have
       provided their signed member applications (one is still in transit).
       It is my pleasure to announce the following new members of the ASF:
          Assaf Arkin        Afkham Azeez          Nathan Beyer
          Alex Boisvert      Eric Covener          Nigel Daley
          Thomas Fischer     Michael Glavassevich  Paul Hammant
          Andreas Hartmann   Oleg Kalnichevski     Xiao-Feng Li
          Karl Paul          Luciano Resende       Lawrence Rosen
          Thorsten Scherler  Bojan Smojver

       I have agreed to serve as the ASF's Advisory Committee
       Representative to the W3C. This finally creates a bridge between
       these two organizations, hopefully to the betterment of the Internet
       community at large.

       On a somewhat uncomfortable note, I am somewhat concerned about
       balls being dropped at the board and officer level. We are starting
       to see a drop, imo, in the level of responsibility towards tasks and
       roles (for example, see some of the various PMC reports which appear
       to be whipped together at the last minute). Accepting a board and/or
       officer position requires an honest assessment that one can fullfill
       those duties. Of course, we are all volunteers who do these tasks
       when we can, and things (personal, work or otherwise) pop up which
       can affect our ability to do them in a timely manner. There is (and
       should be) no shame in saying this and asking for help if needed.
       For the most part, we are all people who have a hard time doing that
       however. We need to get past that. I certainly do not claim being
       immune from this phenomena.

       We agreed to accept membership applications based on the
       postmark date

    B. President [Justin]

       The biggest item over the last month has been coordinating with
       VP, ConCom (Lars) on discussions with our conference producer
       about the optimum structure of the ApacheCon series of events.
       While we are still only in the preliminary stages of the
       conversation, both sides are so far working together to come
       to a solution that benefits everyone involved.  More detail
       is available in the ConCom report.  The producer has
       submitted a rough overview of past income and expenses - time
       permitting, I ask that we spent a few minutes towards the
       end of this meeting to help bootstrap a discussion of what
       the submitted numbers mean.

       To help kickstart the overall budget process, I have asked
       infrastructure to start drafting a budget request for FY'09-10
       and sketched out a draft budget on the PRC list.  It is my
       expectation that both committees will discuss this topic
       over the next month.  Per Special Order 7.D, I support the
       creation of an explicit committee to oversee the overall
       Budget process.

       In light of the increased demands on volunteers, I support
       Special Order 7.E to create a search committee to seriously
       explore how additional staff could be used.  In contrast
       to the prior Executive Assistant role, I believe that the
       formation of a specific committee to help with the job
       definition will go a long way to ensuring the success of
       any new positions.  We (read I) did not put appropriate
       foresight into the addition of staff.  I'm hopeful that
       an objective committee can attempt to rectify this

       As mentioned in the PRC report, I signed a non-binding (i.e.
       no fiscal impact) letter of support for a UK government
       grant proposal from OSS Watch.  If the proposal is funded,
       we will need to look for a delegate to serve on the grant's
       advisory council.

       An interview I conducted with OSS Watch last year should be
       published soon.  I also have served as a member of the 
       Program Committee for the OSS2009 conference; schedule
       and funding permitting, I plan to attend the conference
       in June.  (Sander attended a workshop at last year's
       iteration in Milan.)

    C. Treasurer [J Aaron]

       Taxes have been submitted to subversion.  Need review and then
       we can send to IRS.
       Statement of Financial Income and Expense
       December 17, 2008 through January 22, 2009


          Ordinary Income/Expense
                Interest Income                              77.44
                Contributions Income
                  Unrestricted                       7,087.38
                Total Contributions Income                7,087.38
             Total Income                                 7,164.82
                Bank Service Charges                        431.88
                Contract Labor                              800.00
                Licenses and Permits                        356.00
                Postage and Delivery                         59.37
                Printing and Reproduction                    78.48
                Program Expenses
                  Public Relations Staff             3,636.36
                  Infrastructure Travel              1,393.35
                  Infrastructure Staff               6,000.00
                  Hardware Purchases                 2,077.90
                  Colocation Expenses                  518.00
                Total Program Expenses                   13,625.61
             Total Expense                               15,351.34
          Net Ordinary Income                            -8,186.52
       Net Income                                        -8,186.52

       The Apache Software Foundation
       Statement of Financial Position
       Accrual Basis As of January 22, 2009
                                                     Jan 22, 09    Dec 17, 08     $ Change       % Change
          Current Assets
               Paypal                                   9,904.64      3,197.11      6,707.53         209.8%
               Wells Fargo Analyzed Account           155,649.16    155,148.93        500.23           0.3%
               Wells Fargo Savings                     98,588.89     98,511.45         77.44           0.1%
             Total Checking/Savings                   264,142.69    256,857.49      7,285.20           2.8%
             Accounts Receivable
               Accounts Receivable                    100,000.00    115,500.00    -15,500.00         -13.4%
             Total Accounts Receivable                100,000.00    115,500.00    -15,500.00         -13.4%
          Total Current Assets                        364,142.69    372,357.49     -8,214.80          -2.2%
       TOTAL ASSETS                                   364,142.69    372,357.49     -8,214.80          -2.2%
             Current Liabilities
               Credit Cards
                  ASF Credit Card - Ruby                   59.37         87.65        -28.28         -32.3%
                  ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz            -27.95        -27.95          0.00           0.0%
               Total Credit Cards                          31.42         59.70        -28.28         -47.4%
             Total Current Liabilities                     31.42         59.70        -28.28         -47.4%
          Total Liabilities                                31.42         59.70        -28.28         -47.4%
             Retained Earnings                        261,975.10    261,975.10          0.00           0.0%
             Net Income                               102,136.17    110,322.69     -8,186.52          -7.4%
          Total Equity                                364,111.27    372,297.79     -8,186.52          -2.2%
       TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                     364,142.69    372,357.49     -8,214.80          -2.2%

       Verbal report: not much changed last month, we did get some
       donations in the lockbox, but nothing unusual to report.
       J Aaron's computer is in the process of merging the 990 and
       statements "as we speak", and J Aaron will commit as soon as it is
       J Aaron called, the issue was "in transit" when the
       last bill was issued; this will be resolved in the next
       billing cycle.
       J Aaron will attend to the Bills svn directory shortly.
       Next year may need to write off some account receivable for
       donations promised but never received. We may need better
       control over the sponsorship program to align when payments
       are received.

    D. Secretary [Sam]

        2 grant, 93 iclas, and 2 cclas have been processed since the last
        report, this includes some scanning of the archives.  Additionally,
        16 membership applications, and two emeritus applications have
        been processed.  One more membership application is reportedly in

        I'm pleased to report that as of this morning, the Bills/received
        directory is empty!

        We now have two ICLAs that are PGP signed.  Despite coming to apparent
        agreement in last months board meeting, feedback from one current and
        one previous Director came in after the meeting.  Let's discuss.

        We got in an offer from our insurer to provide a quote for insurance
        for the servers as well as Public Liability, Automobile Liability,
        Media Liability, Errors & Omissions coverage and Security Liability.
        I'm comfortable either being self-insured on the servers, or handing
        this off to the Infrastructure VP.  Details are in

       We reaffirmed that we are comfortable with PGP/GPG for ICLAs.
       People who are interested in pursuing insurance are encouraged
       to review the document in subversion.

    E. Executive Vice President [Sander Striker]

       The search for administrative support has taken my interest.  Finding
       a suitable person as well as setting the expectations is going to be
       crucial moving forward in my opinion.  I'm foreseeing most of my time
       going into this.

       Identifying EU based events to attend has and will receive my attention
       next month as well.

    Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

5. Additional Officer Reports

    1. VP of JCP [Geir Magnusson Jr]

       See Attachment 1

       Geir clarifies that in principle we would object to any
       NOTICE, but in practice a NOTICE that was limited to simple
       facts would have been accepted. In fact, we have proposed
       exactly that in the past, but such an approach was rejected.

    2. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby]

       See Attachment 2

    3. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Henning]

       See Attachment 3

    4. Apache Conference Planning Project [Lars Eilebrecht / Greg]

       See Attachment 4

    5. Apache Audit Project [William Rowe]

       See Attachment 5

       Bill intends to step down based on the lack of progress. He
       recommends that the committee be reformed once the taxes are
       prepared, and repeat this process each year.
       Jim stated that he would like to revisit this later in the

    6. Apache Public Relations Project [Jim Jagielski]

       See Attachment 6

       Jim intends to have W3C reports monthly, at least initially.
       Bill, suggests that we follow the basic pattern of monthly for
       three months, then quarterly.

    7. Apache Infrastructure Team [Paul Querna / Justin]

       See Attachment 7

       Paul clarified that the original intent for Thor was as a build server,
       but the new build machines from Y! turned out to be a better match
       due to bandwidth constraints and location.

    8. Apache Travel Assistance Committee [Gavin McDonald / Bill]

       See Attachment 8

       Based on financial needs and concerns over what would be a
       reasonable rate of growth, we recommend the the target being
       10 instead of 20.
       We also discussed whether this was a reasonable use of our
       money. What metrics should we use? Do other attendees agree
       that this enriched their experience? Bill is taking back a
       list of suggestions to the TAC. If we don't have this type of
       data in the future, we are not likely to continue with the
       All Members are welcome to contribute to the methodology which
       has been developed for scoring the grant applications, by
       participating on the Travel Assistance Committee's mailing list.

    Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

6. Committee Reports

    A. Apache Abdera Project [Garrett Rooney / J Aaron]

       See Attachment A

    B. Apache ActiveMQ Project [Hiram Chirino / Bertrand]

       See Attachment B

       Bertrand to inquire as to whether Thrift is being considered.

    C. Apache Attic Project [Henri Yandell / Sam]

       See Attachment C

       We discussed the HiveMind, JServe, some retired projects in Jakarta,
       Excalibur, and Shale as projects to explore as potential candidates.

    D. Apache Beehive Project [Eddie O'Neil / Justin]

       See Attachment D

    E. Apache Buildr Project [Alex Boisvert / Geir]

       See Attachment E

    F. Apache Camel Project [Hadrian Zbarcea / Jim]

       See Attachment F

    G. Apache CouchDB Project [Damien Katz / Geir]

       See Attachment G

       The board is pleased seeing this much activity for such a young

    H. Apache CXF Project [J. Daniel Kulp / Justin]

       See Attachment H

       The privacy policy is much appreciated.

    I. Apache DB Project [Rick Hillegas / Jim]

       See Attachment I

    J. Apache Directory Project [Emmanuel Lecharny / Greg]

       See Attachment J

       The board is pleased to see this project being used in-house.

       The privacy policy should have been noted in the report, and is much

    K. Apache Geronimo Project [Kevan Miller / Bill]

       See Attachment K

       The board is pleased with the positive results from the TCK boxes.

       The privacy policy is much appreciated.

    L. Apache Hadoop Project [Owen O'Malley / Bertrand]

       See Attachment L

    M. Apache iBATIS Project [Clinton Begin / Henning]

       See Attachment M

       Henning requested a report for iBATIS

    N. Apache Incubator Project [Noel J. Bergman / J Aaron]

       See Attachment N

       The board would like podlings to add a privacy policy to their
       websites, and identified hama, nmaven, photark, thrift, xap as ones
       needing such.

       Sam to follow up with incubator regarding missing information

    O. Apache Jakarta Project [Martin van den Bemt / Sam]

       See Attachment O

       Sam to encourage Jakarta to rotate the chair assignment at
       this time.

    P. Apache JAMES Project [Danny Angus / Henning]

       See Attachment P

       Henning requested a report for JAMES

    Q. Apache Logging Services [Curt Arnold / Greg]

       See Attachment Q

       Greg to verify that the social turmoil is past

    R. Apache Maven Project [Jason van Zyl / Geir]

       See Attachment R

       The privacy policy is much appreciated.

    S. Apache MINA Project [Peter Royal / Bill]

       See Attachment S

    T. Apache MyFaces Project [Matthias Wessendorf / Sam]

       See Attachment T

    U. Apache ODE Project [Matthieu Riou / Justin]

       See Attachment U

    V. Apache OpenEJB Project [David Blevins / Bertrand]

       See Attachment V

       The privacy policy is much appreciated, though it should have been
       mentioned in the report.

    W. Apache OpenJPA Project [Craig Russell / J Aaron]

       See Attachment W

    X. Apache Qpid Project [Carl Trieloff / Jim]

       See Attachment X

    Y. Apache Quetzalcoatl Project [Gregory Trubetskoy / J Aaron]

       See Attachment Y

    Z. Apache Shale Project [Gary VanMatre / Geir]

       See Attachment Z

    AA. Apache Struts Project [Martin Cooper / Justin]

       See Attachment AA

    AB. Apache Tapestry Project [Howard M. Lewis Ship / Bill]

       See Attachment AB

       Some concerns about endorsing non-ASF resources in board
       minutes.  No action taken.
       Henning has been following this, and Jim will begin monitoring
       this. No actions on the concerns at this time, but could be in
       the future.

    AC. Apache Tcl Project [David N. Welton / Greg]

       See Attachment AC

       Henning to suggest either Attic or a more complete report.

    AD. Apache Xalan Project [Brian Minchau / Sam]

       See Attachment AD

       Sam to pursue a report for Xalan

    Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

7. Special Orders

    A. Appoint Julien Vermillard as Apache MINA chairman

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Peter Royal to
       the office of Vice President, Apache MINA, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
       Peter Royal from the office of Vice President, Apache MINA, and

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache MINA
       project has chosen by vote to recommend Julien Vermillard as the
       successor to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Peter Royal is relieved and
       discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
       President, Apache MINA, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Julien Vermillard be and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache MINA, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of
       Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation,
       retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is

       Special Order 7A, appoint Julien Vermillard as Apache MINA chairman,
       was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    B. Update Apache Travel Assistance Committee Membership

       WHEREAS, the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) Board Commmittee,
       known as the Apache Travel Assistance Committee expects to better
       serve its purpose through the periodic update of its membership; and

       WHEREAS, the Apache Travel Assistance Committee is a Board-appointed
       committee whose membership must be approved by Board resolution.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following ASF
       member(s) be added as Apache Travel Assistance Committee members:

           Tony Stevenson <>

       Special Order 7B, Update Apache Travel Assistance Committee
       Membership, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors

    C. TAC Funding Requirements Proposal

       WHEREAS ApacheCon EU 09 is an event for which travel awards should
       be granted in accordance with the purposes of the foundation, and

       WHEREAS The Travel Assistance Committee shall determine an
       application form suitable for interested individuals to apply for
       travel assistance and for the committee to score said applications
       in a fair and equitable manner, and

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that USD $24,200 be budgeted for
       travel and lodging to accommodate 10 travel award grants for the
       ApacheCon EU 2009 event, based on reasonable airfare not to exceed
       USD $1500 and assuming half the cost of accommodation between March
       23 and March 27 (or cover the entire cost at double occupancy) and cover
       up to USD $406.00 for registration to the event.

       Special Order 7C, TAC Funding Requirements Proposal, was approved by
       Unanimous Vote of the directors present.  Note that the amount approved
       is only half of what originally was requested.

    D. Creation of Budget Committee
       WHEREAS, The Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to establish an ASF Board Committee
       charged with creation of an annual budget; and
       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that an ASF Board Committee, to
       be known as the "Budget Committee", be and hereby is
       established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it
       RESOLVED, that the Budget Committee be and hereby is
       responsible for preparing and presenting an Annual Budget for
       approval by the Board of Directors by March 30 for the fiscal
       year starting May 1; and be it further
       RESOLVED, that Willam Rowe Jr. shall serve at the
       direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Budget
       Committee and have primary responsibility for managing the
       Budget Committee; and be it further
       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as members of the Budget
         * Justin Erenkrantz <>
         * Jim Jagielski <>
         * William Rowe Jr <>

       We discussed whether three people are adequate, and as long as this
       group has access to the books and are able to ask rare questions to
       the previous (and continuing) treasurer, three is fine.
       We discussed whether this should be a board committee. In lieu
       of proceeding with this vote, we all acknowledged that the
       President has created a Budget Committee with Justin, Jim, and
       William as members.

    E. Creation of Administrative Search Committee

       WHEREAS, The Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to explore the option of acquiring
       additional personnel to help execute the administrative
       tasks of the foundation; and
       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that an ASF Board Committee, to
       be known as the "Administrative Search Committee", be and hereby is
       established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it
       RESOLVED, that the Administrative Search Committee be and
       hereby is responsible for determining necessary staff for
       approval by the Board of Directors, and putting forward for
       consideration by the Board of Directors the candidate most
       suited to hold each newly created and vacant staff position;
       and be it further
       RESOLVED, that be filled in... shall serve at the direction
       of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Administrative
       Search Committee and have primary responsibility for managing
       the Administrative Search Committee; and be it further
       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as members of the Administrative
       Search Committee:
         * Jim Jagielski <>
         * Sander Striker <> more person should be tagged...
       Again, we discussed whether this should be a board committee. In lieu
       of proceeding with this vote, we all acknowledged that the
       President has created a Administrative Search Committee with Jim,
       Sander, and a person or persons to be named later as members.

8. Discussion Items
    * ApacheCon contract/budget review (limited to 10 minutes)
    * Treasurer and tax filing situation
    * ApacheCon website, (too) strong dependency on Aaron

    ApacheCon budget does not include Halo. We expect the profit to be
    steady, but flat in the future given the economic climate. For the
    complexity this reduces in dealing with sponsors alone, this is
    worth. If we bring this in house, we might consider merging this
    with the person that we are already considering for keeping our
    books. Instead of asking Sponsors to target a certain part of their
    funds to the conference and a separate part to the Foundation,
    sponsorship rates would go up.
    The ApacheCon website is not on ASF hardware.

9. Review Outstanding Action Items

    * Henning and Aaron to follow up on Geronimo hardware utilization report
        Update: unable to find the cycles to do so, will continue to pursue

    * Sam to follow up with Henk re: NTLM licensing issues for HttpComponents
        Update: incomplete

    * Henning to communicate that every project that uses Google Analytics
      needs to have a published privacy policy.
        Update:  A highly scientific survey yielded at least 26 projects using
                 GA.  Of these, activemq, continuum, cxf, directory, geronimo,
                      maven, openjpa and tuscany already complied.

                 Pinged pmcs@ about this issue, will do again after this 
                 board meeting.

                 I would appreciate if we could put a message into the marvin
                 reminders, that we expect PMCs to add this if they
                 use GA (I would add it myself but I don't know how).

                 Sanjiva started a discussion whether the ASF should have a 
                 foundation-wide general privacy policy. As far as I can see, 
                 the discussion hasn't gone anywhere yet. 

    * Sam to send a note to infrastructure to update pmc-chairs svn list.
        Update: incomplete

    * Sam to send a note to board@ suggesting that people who have a need to
      do a mass mailing to PMC private lists first coordinate with
      infrastructure to be added to the corresponding 'allow' lists for these
      mailing lists.
        Update: incomplete

    * Justin to request that podlings include a description in their report.
        Update: incomplete

    * Justin to request that JSecurity move to ASF ASAP.
        Update: incomplete

    * Greg to pursue a report for Jakarta.
        Update: Jakarta report is present this month.

    * Henning to pursue a community report for Tapestry
        Update: Tapestry report is present this month, so done.

    * Jim to follow up with Noel reinforcing request for more complete
      "Issues before graduation" information on each podling
        Update: incomplete

    * Sam to pursue a report for Xalan
        Update: Need a new chair.  Item remains open.

    * Aaron to work with the PMC on behalf of the Attic
        Update: incomplete 

    * Wrowe to close out contract with the executive assistant
        Update: Done.

    * Henning to to follow up with Ant, CouchDB, OFBiz on the use of our CI tool
        Update: ant uses Teamcity, sees no big deal in moving, not done yet.
                couchdb uses "svn checkout, make distcheck", like to move to Ci
                no answer from OFBiz.
                point can be closed.

    * Aaron to request a community section for APR.
        Update:  incomplete

    * Geir to follow up on the space requirements for CouchDB
        Update:  incomplete

    * Greg to request Logging report for next month with an update on the
      "combative" messages
        Update:  incomplete

    * Bertrand to pursue a report for Quetzalcoatl
        Update: Report present.

10. Unfinished Business

    Deferred discussing dissolving audit committee to the board mailing

11. New Business

12. Announcements

13. Adjournment

    Adjourned at 12:17 a.m. (Pacific)


Attachment 1: Report from the VP of JCP

Things of interest : 

0) At request of the JCP EC from the last quarterly meeting, Onno 
Kluyt of Sun and myself met in NYC to discuss the TCK dispute and 
see if any forward progress could be found.  While we had a nice
lunch, and it's always nice to see Onno, nothing was achieved.
Sun still believes that it's critical for their business to force 
us to post the NOTICE (implying, to me, that Sun certainly believes 
that the NOTICE will materially affect our users - logically, there
could be no other reason for them to persist with this destructive
dispute.)  I iterated our position that we only distribute software
under the Apache License, and because the NOTICE would be adding 
additional terms to that license, it was unacceptable.

1) Quarterly JCP EC Meeting : I attended by phone (there were several
that did).  Amazingly, the Apache-Sun TCK dispute is still a hot topic.
I reported the lack of progress from my meeting with Onno, and 
participate in a general, sometimes heated, discussion.  I iterated 
the following points : 
 * This is an active dispute - it is not something of only historical
   nature, and thus any proposal attempts to fix Java SE licensing 
   in the JCP must address current, active, ongoing problems
 * Apache's position is that implementors should be able to distribute
   implementations under terms that they choose, and Sun trying to 
   limit the license under which the ASF distributes it's software is
   no different from Sun telling a competitor how much to charge or
   what markets are acceptable, neither of which would be tolerated.
 * Apache isn't looking for an open source TCK or the right to 
   distribute the TCK to anyone else - it would be only for our own
   use in the Harmony project.  We have always worked with Sun's 
   closed source TCKs under confidentiality constraints as 
   specified by Sun.
 * Apache would have a tough time trusting any statements from Sun
   about future licensing as our experience with the Java SE TCK
   shows that while such statements may be made with the best of
   intentions, Sun has demonstrated that commitments may not be 

2) TCK Access : We're having a little trouble getting new TCKs for
other projects.   I currently have 2 outstanding scholarship requests
and 1 granted request where the paperwork has been difficult to 
complete.  I normally wouldn't bring this to the board's attention
as I am not looking for board assistance on this, but given the 
tender nature of the relationship between Sun and Apache, I thought
I would note it for the record.  I plan to get to the bottom of this
and report back at the next board meeting.

Attachment 2: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee

Very quiet month, nothing requiring board attention.  Highlights:

Naming discussion on JSecurity.  Probably would not have given approval to
that name in the first place, but given that the name has been in use for
four years without an issue being raised, there isn't consensus on requiring
a change.  That being said the naming discussion was an inevitable bikeshed.

Discussion of whether a given W3C license was category 'B' or 'X'.  Given that
the code in question was dual licensed with BSD, the question was moot.

A discussion about a different W3C license and the policy of not allowing 
non-OSS code in SVN wandered off into nowhere as hypothetical discussions are
want to do.  There was a similar discussion about PDF CJK fonts, and it
appears that the direction there will be to dynamically download the data vs
polluting SVN.

A question about dealing with the US Government was handled by Larry off-list.

Attachment 3: Status report for the Apache Security Team Project

For December 2008: There continues to be a steady stream of reports of
various kinds arriving at  These continue to be
dealt with promptly by the security team.

6      Support question
2      Security vulnerability question, but not a vulnerability report
1      Phishing/spam/attacks point to site "powered by Apache"
1      Vulnerability report [geronimo, direct to geronimo team]
2      Vulnerability report [tomcat, direct to tomcat team]
2      Vulnerability report [httpd, via]
1      Vulnerability report [roller, via]

Partially to address the large number of support questions, in Jan
2009 Mark Thomas has been working on a ASF top level /security page
which better explains the use of the address and
will hopefully cut down on some of the out-of-scope emails.

Attachment 4: Status report for the Apache Conference Planning Project

General News

  * Lars and Justin have resumed conversations with SCP about how
    ApacheCon should be structured going forward.  We're still in the
    process of discussing the high-level parameters to ensure that we're
    all on the same page about the goals of a re-structure.  ApacheCon US
    2008 actual budget and anticipated Europe 2009 budget will be
    delivered by SCP for review by the Conference Committee and the Board.
    Mutual goal is to have initial phase of the restructuring in place by
    ApacheCon US 2009. ApacheCon Europe 2009 will be produced under the
    current master contract with SCP.

  * Delia is working on an ASF 10th Anniversary logo for ApacheCon in
    co-ordination with Sally/PRC and the Conference Committee.

  * ApacheCon US 2010 will be held at the Atlanta Peachtree Westin hotel,
    and ApacheCon "North America" 2011 will be held at the Westin Bayshore
    in Vancouver, Canada.

  ApacheCon Europe 2009 News

  * Ross Gardler replaces Martin van den Bemt as co-lead for the

  * Speaker notifications for the conference were sent in December.

  * An initial Web site is available at
    Some content is still missing, and Aaron is still working on
    some issues with displaying the schedule.

  * Registration for the conference will be opening soon. Prices will be
    quoted in EUR, but the actual registration fee will be charged in USD.

  * Registration prices were slightly lowered as we no longer have to
    charge VAT on conference prices in The Netherlands.

  ApacheCon US 2009 News

  * No news since last report.

Attachment 5: Status report for the Apache Audit Project

No accounting of FY 07-08 received, no action to take, nothing to report.
Note the 990 was to be filed by December 15.
Attachment 6: Status report for the Apache Public Relations Project

The last 2 months have dealt with both the normal PRC-related
issues (requests for use of logos, mark and license queries,
etc...) as well as updates to better handling our visibility
to the outside world (such as a PRC JIRA and a draft logo/mark
usage guide). It is nice to see some PRC members getting more
involved and helping to see these issues getting closer to

A PRC concall was held on Dec 11, 2008; in attendance were
Craig, Jim, Sander, Shane, Justin, Sally. Topics included the
focus of PR for the coming year, which of course is the ASF's
10 year anniversary. Also discussed was suggested content for
the Year In Review PR to be drafted and released early this year.

There was also discussion about some centralization of news
related topics under the PRC, to provide oversight as well
as focused interest. Coordination and having enough people
with enough time to cover this remains the main blocker.
In a related note, a twitter account was created (TheASF)
and Email was sent to all PMCs encouraging them send their
ASF news items to Jim so they can be posted.

Forrester Research requested a briefing for Jetspeed 2. David
Taylor is expected to cover this for us. 

InfoWorld requested some additional information, mostly from
the Harmony community, regarding our continuing position (and
voting) regarding fair use and TCKs. Geir will cover this
for us.

A Letter Of Support was drafted, approved and sent for a FOSS Education
project proposal to the Joint Information Systems Committee, c/o
Ross Gardler and Justin.

A Press Release for Apache Shindig is in process.

HALO has been working steadily on sponsor relations as
well as tracking sponsor renewals. HALO is also working steadily
on the year in review report.

Below is HALO's report ("I" refers to HALO):


<## Below to be "sanitized" for public minutes... no need to
mention for example or Lucid Imagination. We
can instead just say potential sponsors ##>
Potential: 1) In 8th round of discussions with, who have
offered us $7,000 for a Bronze Sponsorship (the extra $2K for an active
link), or the chance to feature a custom made poker section for
(!) as of 9 January. Received confirmation of "sorry no" reply from Jim
and Justin; will decline offers today. 2) Anil from Lucid Imagination has
gone radio silent after sending me a meeting confirmation for 15 December
(he was a no-show), but hasn't replied to any emails since mid-December.
I've pinged him again on 9 January.

Existing: Google - still awaiting response from Chris DiBona's assistant,
Erum Rahman-Subedar, to schedule a tele-meeting. I've copied Chris on my
message from 9 January and received an auto-responder from Erum indicating
that he's out of the office from 15 December through 12 January.

General: Drafting New Year email/newsletter with updates on new Members,
new TLPs, and new releases. Also advisory on 10th Anniversary and ApacheCon


Following several email exchanges with Tim Berners-Lee, Jim, Justin, and I
met with Ted Guild of W3C during ApacheCon/New Orleans to discuss a more
formal working relationship. We have agreed to "join" W3C, where the
Consortium would waive the Membership fees for ASF, and that the ASF would
be able to be called upon as invited experts on certain W3C working groups
(HTTP, for example). In turn, the ASF will help act as conduits for select
W3C team members regarding specific technical issues that may arise (on the
Apache HTTP Server mailing lists, for example).

We completed and submited the W3C Membership form. Jim will be serving as
the Advisory Committee Representative (similar to Geir with the JCP). Ted
Guild has waived any fees required to join once our paperwork is received.


ASF 10th Anniversary: Drafting taglines, soundbites, and press
announcements/releases. Originally planned to be ready by 16 January, but
need decision on this urgently to dovetail into the promotional activities
for ApacheCon Europe.

Attachment 7: Status report for the Apache Infrastructure Team

Discussions about what to do with thor now that the new
disks are installed continue.

The new Yahoo! machines are online and being configured
by Nigel Daley and Gavin McDonald with build services.

Henri Yandell continues to wrestle with a Jira upgrade.

Purchased a new array, cables, and SAS card for minotaur
(aka for $4700.

Brought loki (hot-spare) online with FreeBSD 7.1.  We're
planning to do the same for new hermes (mail) next month.

Tony Stevenson continues to lead the LDAP deployment discussions
on infrastructure-dev@.

Two TLP migrations, buildr and camel, were completed.

Roughly 2 dozen new accounts were created.

Philip Gollucci is planning to upgrade minotaur (
to FreeBSD 7.1 in preparation for the arrival of the forementioned

Attachment 8: Status report for the Apache Travel Assistance Committee

General News

We are preparing for opening applications to ApacheCon EU 2009.
The webapp is finally ready and being tested before going live.
Applications are due to open on 21st/22nd January after the board
meeting, assuming other resolutions are approved. There is a link to the
application webapp on, and the direct uri is

We have proposed Tony Stevenson as a new member of TAC, which should
bring some more cycles to the TAC effort.

We have submitted our budget proposal for ApacheCon Europe 2009.
Two things to note regarding this budget.

1. It was submitted in USD. Where any payments may be made in EUROS then
there will be a slight overall cost difference.

2. The total figure is a 'worst case' scenario that we don't expect to

We have an outstanding item in that we still need to arrange to get
feedback from the previous successful TAC applicants, so that this
feedback can be added to our wiki. This is also important to see how the
funds being spent are being converted into usefulness for Open Source.

Just a quick thanks (and heads up) to those cc holders in advance for their
help that will be needed over the coming few weeks.

Attachment A: Status report for the Apache Abdera Project

Abdera has been fairly quiet since the last report.  We finished the
last little bits of the transition to TLP status that were missed last
month, and have started to move towards releasing a 1.0 release.  Once
some packaging issues are taken care of that should go out the door,
as people seem pretty pleased with the state of the code.  Traffic on
the mailing lists is light, but questions from users keep coming in
and get answered in a reasonable period of time.

There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

Attachment B: Status report for the Apache ActiveMQ Project

 * The ActiveMQ project has had another very busy quarter.  William
   Tam has been added as an ActiveMQ committer.
 * The development and user lists continue to stay vibrant.
 * The Camel sub project has been approved to become a TLP and is
   currently setting it's infrastructure to do so.
 * A privacy policy page has been added to all the ActiveMQ wikis and websites.

 * ActiveMQ 5.3.x development is underway.  Several new ideas are
   being researched like a new storage implementation
   and a protocol buffer based wire encoding.  If accepted into the
   main line this may bump up the major version to 6.0.
 * ActiveMQ-CPP 3.0 development is underway.  The current architecture
   is being refactored to improve performance and
   to allow for new features to be added more easily such as a
   Failover Transport.

 * ActiveMQ 5.2.0
 * ActiveMQ-CPP 2.2.2
 * ActiveMQ-CPP 2.2.3
 * Camel 1.5.0

Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Attic Project

Apache Attic's site has been launched at and
hooked to the ASF website, and an announcement email has been sent out
to all pmcs. We're ready for our first zombie.

Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Beehive Project

Beehive continues to be quiet (silent?) in both the user and developer
community. Questions asked on the mailing list continue to be
answered promptly and there are no new committers or PMC members on
the horizon.

The Beehive PMC has not yet initiated a conversation about the future
of the project, but it's pretty clear that this is something that
should happen before the project's next report to the board.

Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Buildr Project

Mailing list activity was slow during December, probably due to the holiday
season. A few people submitted patches for enhancements to Buildr, although
some still lack test cases that would allow us to accept them.

Our plugin ecosystem was born. An independent project called
"buildr4eclipse" was announced to develop a Buildr plugin for building
Eclipse plugins. The authors provided some helpful feedback on our plugin

We're planning a 1.3.4 release in January and expect to work on migrating
our infrastructure to a TLP project (INFRA-1829).

Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Camel Project

* The Camel community is very excited about becoming a TLP.
* We started the process of moving the infrastructure (INFRA-1830).
* Community is vibrant and contributing new features, components and
  tutorials to Camel.
* The development and user lists continue to be very active.
* No new committers.
* A privacy policy has been added to the website and wiki.

* Lots of development effort continues.

* No new releases in the past month.
* We plan a new Camel 1.6 release once we migrate the infrastructure.

Attachment G: Status report for the Apache CouchDB Project

CouchDB is a distributed document-oriented database system written in Erlang.
The project graduated to TLP in November 2008 and Damien Katz was approved as
the Apache CouchDB PMC chair.

= Community =

The community around CouchDB grew in the last couple of months quite a bit. We
gain attention in early adaptor markets and can look at the first production
grade setups running on CouchDB (iWantMyName,<>).

The mailing list traffic grew and so did the number of third party library
implementations that interact with CouchDB. More and more support on the mailing
list comes from outside the core team which proves that there is an active
community growing.

Multiple open source projects and commercial projects and products built on
CouchDB have been released or launched in the last few weeks. We are trying to
keep track of them on on
github reveals around 30 projects around CouchDB.

The three committers Chris Anderson, Noah Slater and Jan Lehnardt started
releasing chapters from their work-in-progress book "CouchDB: The Definitive
Guide" on The content will be licensed under Apache
2.0 and published in print by O'Reilly Media. The book mailing list has 340+
subscribers and the feedback is immense.

For the book, Chris and Jan are working on CouchApp, a toolkit for writing
standalone CouchDB applications that is gaining traction on its own.

= Development =

We are now looking to release CouchDB 0.9.0 in January, our first as TLP and our
first BETA release.

New features currently in trunk for 0.9.0:
 * Security and data validation functionality
 * View server internals re-architecture to allow the ability to quickly read
    stale views as indexes are being updated.
 * Multi-key view lookup enhancements
 * Include_docs. Ability to load full documents with view rows.
 * Btree performance improvements
 * Faster and more compact internal JSON term format, that is also the new
    Erlang canonical JSON term format. Additionally, when a low level JSON
    parser is implemented in core Erlang, it is will use this format and we'll
    gain more performance for free.
 * Ability to run a CouchDB server right from the project source directory,
    for development purposes
 * Streaming attachment writes
 * Support for on the fly converting json documents to other formats (XML, HTML,
 * Deferred commits (optional acid) for faster update and replication speed

= Infrastructure =
We have now transfered all couchdb assets over to the final TLP locations,
including the site, the mailing lists and the SVN

Attachment H: Status report for the Apache CXF Project

2.1.3 was released
2.0.9 was released

David Bosschaert added as committer

1) Two CXF committers (myself and Benson Margulies) were voted in as
committers to ws due to ongoing work on XmlSchema and WSS4J.   This will
help with backlogs of issues with ws project and help get releases out
from them as needed.

2) The distributed OSGi implementation will be moved out of the sandbox
and into a subproject very soon.

3) 2.1.4 should be released shortly (waiting on some more WSS4J fixes).
Geronimo needs 2.1.4 so we may not wait for wss4j and do a 2.1.5 once
wss4j is ready.

4) Privacy policy added to website.

Attachment I: Status report for the Apache DB Project

During the last quarter, October-December 2008:

1) Jean Anderson resigned as DB chair and the PMC elected Rick
Hillegas to succeed her.

2) The DB PMC inducted Kim Haase.

3) The DB PMC released JDO 2.2.

Attachment J: Status report for the Apache Directory Project

Status report for the Apache Directory Project

No new committers, no new PMC members. Studio 1.3 has been released
in november. A lot of work has been done to migrate to MINA 2.0. we
have to refine the 2.0 roadmap, as the current roadmap is a bit
irrealistic. Right now, we are mainly focused on replication and
on the Disaster Recovery System. The idea is to get a 2.0-RC1 out by
the next Apache conference (Amsterdam).

Studio 1.3 has been released. It does not contain a lot of visible
modifications, but a lot of new small features and bug fixes.

We expected to release ADS 1.5.5 by the end of last year, but failed to
meet this milestone. This is still a target for the next few weeks, as
we have a lot of bugs fixed in this version.

No new committer this quarter.

No new PMC members either.

We gained 19 new subscribers on the users' mailing list since july's
report (147 against 128).

We didn't had a lot of activity for many of the main committers,
as many of us are on a day job. Alex was MIA for 3 months, but it was
announced, and he is now back. Obviously, being one of the most active
committer, it impacted negatively the activity. Emmanuel had to spend
one month on MINA to get the 2.0.0-M4 out, as there were blocking
issues in the library, forbidding us to use it for ADS.

As there is a starting Infrastructure project (using ADS inside The ASF)
we also spend some time installing ADS on a solaris zone, and to do a
first injection of Apache committers into the ldap base.
Until we get a working replication system, we won't go any further, though.

A slow quarter, but an active beginning of year, as we have a lot of
communication around the replication system first because it's a major
feature we want to have in 2.0, and second because it's mandatory for
ADS to be used by Infra.

We are pretty happy to have the OpenLDAP community participating in
this area, through mails. Thanks to Howard Chu and Quanah Gibson-Mount.

The number of downloads (ADS and Studio) has stabilized to 350 downloads
per day (10 000 per month), down from a peak of 56 000 downloads in April,
according to V. gritsenko stats (

Google Analytics gives a more accurate number of downloads for each
product :
1.5    : 41 472 downloads in 2008 (113 per day)
1.0    :  6 116 downloads in 2008 (16 per day)
Studio : 52 188 downloads in 2008 (142 per day)

Attachment K: Status report for the Apache Geronimo Project

The Geronimo project generated several releases over the last three
months. The community is actively working on new server releases of
Geronimo 2.2 and 2.1.4. One new PMC member was voted in by the PMC.

* Genesis 1.5 was released on October 27th.

* specs-parent 1.6 was released on November 4th.
* SAAJ 1.3 Spec (v 1.0.1) was released on October 16th.
* Concurrent 1.0 Spec (v 1.0-EA) was released on December 12th.

Two Geronimo presentations were made at ApacheCon US 2008 by David Jencks:
* Geronimo Security, now and in the future
* Administering Apache Geronimo 2.x

Automated Java EE 5 TCK tests are running on phoebe and
selene: providing much faster test results that can be shared and
reproduced by the entire Geronmo TCK community. In addition some
manually driven TCK testing has been performed for non-Geronimo

The Geronimo project added a Privacy Policy to our project web site.

* Jason Warner

The Geronimo project received a report of potential security
vulnerabilities from Digital Security Research Group. The community
is working to evaluate and, as necessary, fix these issues.
During the course of this work, the archival status of the security
mailing list for this project was reviewed and corrective action was

Attachment L: Status report for the Apache Hadoop Project

Hadoop status report for September 2008 to January 2009.

Hadoop is a set of tools for creating and managing distributed

There were various Hadoop user meetings:
 * Beijing
 * Berlin
 * Los Angeles (HBase)
 * New Orleans (as part of ApacheCon US)
 * New York
 * San Diego
 * San Francisco (HBase)
 * Santa Clara


Core is the fundamental set of utilities, including RPC,
serialization, and compression that the rest of Hadoop depends
on. HDFS provides a distributed file system. Map/Reduce provides a
framework for distributed applications that process large data sets.

The pace of development in Core is very rapid and the community is
active. Some of the Chinese developers have translated the
documentation for Core into Chinese and submitted them as a

Although the work to factor out Hive is complete, the factoring
for HDFS and Map/Reduce is pretty close and they should become
separate subprojects in the next 3 months.

Discussions, plans, and work have continued to work toward a 1.0 release of
Core, HDFS, and Map/Reduce. The hope is to achieve the desired levels of
compatibility and stability and release 1.0 this year.

0.20.0 is feature-frozen, but unreleased with 184 jiras fixed.
0.19.0 was released on 2008/11/18 with 360 jiras fixed.
0.18.2 was released on 2008/11/3 with 25 jiras fixed.


HBase is a distributed column-oriented database, built on top of
Hadoop Core.

0.18.1 was released on 2008/10/27 with 14 jiras fixed.

10 of 11 issues have been addressed for 0.18.2, but it is unclear
if 0.18.2 will be released given that 0.19.0 will be released soon.

At this point, 176 of 176 issues have been addressed for hbase-0.19.0.
Testing is in progress at this moment. If no new blocker issues are
identified, a release candidate will be published in the next few days.


Hive is a data warehouse written on top of hadoop. It provides a SQL
to query and manage data stored in hadoop in table and partitions.

Hive was split out of Core on 11/12/2008. Most of the migration
related work from hadoop contrib to hadoop subproject has been
completed. Enabling Hudson builds for Hive is still
pending. Continuous builds on committed changes using CABIE are
already enabled.


We are planning to make our first release, which is named 0.2.0,
sometime in the Feb 2009. At present we have 130 outstanding issues
with 23 of those identified as blockers for a release. 103 issues have so
far been resolved since Hive was open sourced.

Hive has added Ashish Thusoo and Namit Jain as committers. The number
of contributors to the project has grown from 7 to 16 since Hive
became a hadoop subproject. 6 of these are contributors external to


Pig is a platform for analyzing large data sets that consists of a
high-level language for expressing data analysis programs, coupled with
infrastructure for evaluating these programs.

Pig graduated from Apache incubator and became Hadoop subproject on

0.1.1 was released on 2008/12/8/08 with 2 jiras.

Release 0.1.1 was primarily focused on integrating with Hadoop 0.18.

Pig welcomed Pradeep Kamath and Santhosh Srinivasan as new committers.


Zookeeper is a reliable coordination service for distributed applications.


3.0.1 was released on 2008/11/24 with 16 jiras fixed.
3.0.0 was released on 2008/10/27 with 108 jiras fixed.

Our next release, 3.1.0, is slated for 1/19/2009. A number of major
new features will be included, in particular; improved management
(JMX) support and Quota (ie. filesystem quota) support will also be

Feedback and community involvement has been slowly increasing.

Attachment M: Status report for the Apache iBATIS Project

Attachment N: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project

All in all, it has been very quiet since the December report.  Cassandra has
been voted upon to enter incubation, but does not appear to have started and
has not yet reported.  A couple of proposals are under consideration:

  - Scrum/Maestro/Kalumet -- an autodeploy project
  - Pivot -- a Java-based Rich Web Client project

The Incubator PMC is also discussing what should be done with respect to
projects that fail to report.  Informal (or formal if you feel it necessary)
input would be appreciated, to general@i.a.o.

One item of note is that the Incubator PMC is trying to remind each project
to include the three (3) items requested by the ASF Board of each report, so
far with mixed results.


= BlueSky =

BlueSky has been incubating since 01-12-2008. It is an e-learning solution
designed to help solve the disparity in availability of qualified education
between well-developed cities and poorer regions of China.

recent activity:
  It is nearly the end of this semester. We were busy preparing and taking
exams in the past month. So no further progress could we make. We sent our
clean version code our mentor, and are waiting for his reverberation.
Top priority:
  * Replacement of FFmpeg. We believe that the clean version of our code
should be available under ASL. Thus we are considering the cost of using

= Cassandra =

Newly entered Incubation.  No activity as yet.

= Droids =

Droids is a new Incubator project recently arrived from Apache Labs (end
October). It's an intelligent standalone robot framework that allows one to
create and extend existing web robots.

Things have been quiet this month in Droids. We focus on evolving the design
and building a larger community.

= Empire-db =

Empire-db is a relational data persistence component that aims to overcome
the difficulties, pitfalls and restrictions inherent in traditional Object
Relational Management (ORM) approaches. Empire-db is on the Apache Incubator
since July 2008.

Recent activity:

After the acceptance and publication of the first Apache release in October
there has been a discussion going on about what would be the most important
improvement for the upcoming release. A suggestion was made to provide a
Maven like distribution that will allow to access and build Empire-db with
Maven instead of the classic .jar file distribution with Ant build files.
While the benefits of this suggestion were soon agreed upon on the developer
mailing list, this started a long and verbose discussion on how to go about
the issue. Ideas ranged from a basic and slow transition to a Maven big

Since the core development team had no experience with Maven it was also
necessary to find someone with the skills to get it right. We were happy to
find a community member who was capable and willing to perform this task.
After different transition models have been discussed he was given the
freedom to decide on the most suitable approach. Since then the Maven
transition has been going on in a different SVN branch that is planned to be
merged with the trunk for the next release.

Besides that the developers participated in discussions and blogs about
relational data persistence on non Apache sites such as An interesting article here
html proves that this is still a hot topic with many who could benefit from

Plans for the future are:
 * Finish the Maven transition and provide a Maven style release
 * Provide further documentation and example applications

Community aspects:
For the transition to a Maven style distribution we were happy to find a new
committer for our project. Francis De Brabandere who we believe has
excellent Maven skills offered his services and was accepted by the current
development team and the mentors.

= ESME =

Enterprise Social Messaging Experiment (ESME) is a secure and highly
scalable microsharing and micromessaging platform that allows people to
discover and meet one another and get controlled access to other sources of
information, all in a business process context.

ESME entered the incubator in 2008-12-02. This report is ESME's first since
it joined the incubator and the following items have been performed since
its acceptance

 * Jira has been established and initial issues have been created
 * The Apache Wiki for ESME has been created
 * Initial website has been created with Apache Forrest
 * ESME Core source code has been partially transfered to the Apache SVN
from the Google Code site. This drop is based on the latest version of Scala
and includes a more optimal separation of UI and server code to ease
 * Accounts for the initial committers have been created (dpp, dhague,
vdichev, mrinal)

The following items are planned for the next reporting period:
 * Inclusion of other existing svn branches (actions, etc.) from Google Code
into Apache SVN trunk
 * Submission of Apache CLAs by two or more other team members.
 * Next version of Apache Incubator web site with more details
 * Collection of feature requests for the next version. Special focus on
federation and access rights.
 * Transfer of existing issues in Google Code to Apache Jira
 * Focus on evolving the design and building a larger community.

= Imperius =

Imperius has been incubating since November 2007.

Imperius is a rule-based infrastructure management tool.

Web site:

Code: Development continues on the code base.

Community: Not a lot of activity during the holidays. A couple of
patches were provided by a contributor which were committed. Discussion
about the first release of Imperius is currently under way.

Plans for the future are:
 * Add more documentation and example applications
 * Work towards the first release

= JSecurity =

JSecurity is a powerful and flexible open-source Java security framework
that cleanly handles authentication, authorization, enterprise session
management and cryptography.

JSecurity has been incubating since June 2008.

At the end of November, the JSecurity team released a final
external (non-Apache) release: 0.9.0 final.  All modifications
after the release were made under the assumption that the next
release will be an Apache incubating release.

After the November final release, there has been lengthy discussion
for the month and half following about JSecurity's name and whether
or not it should be changed to something else.  3 mentors voted in favor
of chainging the name to something else, 1 voted against, and 1 abstained.
Those voting in favor cited concerns of a few external
(3rd party) products that might cause a name conflict.  Concensus was
not reached, resulting in the vote.  However, it is considered
still an open issue with continued discussion as other IPMC members
are contributing to the discussion.

More recently, the team has debated about how the source tree
should be configured to allow easy modular builds and to clearly
delineate the differnece of JSecurity core versus web support and
3rd party support.  The team came to concensus about an initial
directory organization and the ant build files were modified to
reflect the new structure.  It was also discussed that two build
systems, both Ant+Ivy and Maven, could be used to build the framework,
allowing the one building to choose based on their preference.

Infrastructure migration (noted in our STATUS file) is almost
complete - all that needs to be done is migration of the
website into our incubator snapshot.  A volunteer is currently
in the process of enabling the existing JSecurity theme in the ASF's
Confluence export mechanism.

Low-hanging fruit to be cleared hopefully by the next board report is
all IP clearance:  the Copyright & Licensing and Distribution Rights
sections of the STATUS file should be able to be completed in their

The biggest exit criteria remaining is Team Collaboration.  Although
the team is satisfying all collaboration directives and has a good
community, we need to attract new committers.  Hopefully that will be
a significant difference in the upcoming months and throughout 2009.

Finally, one of our mentors, Alex Karasulu, had to step down and remove
himself as a mentor, citing busy schedules and not enough time to
dedicate (  We are
very grateful for the time he was able to contribute!

The project team is not considering graduation at this point,
as the code is not ready for an Apache release. Once IP clearance is
complete, we'll attempt our first incubator release.

The status is being maintained in SVN

= JSPWiki =

JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007.

JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program.

During the past three months, the JSPWiki community has increased somewhat,
but the growth seems to level off.  The developer list now has 72 names,
a modest increase from 66 the last time, and the user list is now 157
people strong, five more than three months ago.

JSPWiki 2.8 (an Apache-licensed version of 2.6) was made successfully, and
even a couple of bugfix releases have been done.  This means that work on
3.0 - the first Apache-branded release - is currently strongly underway.

A minor problem was encountered when a widespread bug in Jasper means
that we cannot use our initial choice of "org.apache.jspwiki" as the
package name without sacrificing compatibility with the majority of
servlet containers.  The community is still debating a couple of options.

Graduation depends on:

 * Renaming org.jspwiki to conform with the org.apache naming scheme
 * Making a successful 3.0 release, which is currently being tracked at
 * Making sure all the legal bits and pieces are in order (i.e. the status

= Kato =

Quiet month with little progress due to vacation period.

 * JSR development has started in earnest with group working to
define/prioritize major user stories.
 * CCLA from IBM is still outstanding. Current expectation is end of month.

= Lucene.Net =

Lucene.Net has been in incubation since April 2006

Lucene.Net is a source code, class-per-class, API-per-API and algorithmatic
port of the Java Lucene search engine to the C# and .NET platform utilizing
Microsoft .NET Framework.

Lucene.Net has seen positive activities over the past 3 (or even 6 months),
the key highlights are:

 * Accepted Isik Yigit (aka: "DIGY") and Doug Sale as new committers, on
November 2008.
 * Announced Lucene.Net 2.3.1 as beta (via SVN).
 * Work is underway on the Lucene.Net 2.3.2 port.
 * Work is simultaneously underway on the Lucene.Net 2.4.0 port.

= Olio =

Olio has been incubating since September 2008.

Olio is a web 2.0 toolkit to help developers evaluate the suitability,
functionality and performance of various web technologies by implementing
a reasonably complex application in several different technologies.

 * Olio is now being run actively by several organizations.
 * One user has modified Olio to replace the MySQL database with another.
 * There are multiple deployments attempting to scale Olio to test
of system infrastructure, software application stack, etc.
 * With increased deployment, more bugs are being found and JIRAs filed.
 * Work is underway to add a caching tier using memcached.

= OpenWebBeans =

!OpenWebBeans will be an ASL-licensed implementation of the Web Beans
Specification which is defined as JSR-299.

!OpenWebBeans entered the incubator in October 26, 2008. The following items
have been made after the second report

 * We have got a new committer who is Mohammad Nour El-Din.
 * We implemented introductory sample project to show its usage.
 * We come close to finish the first alpha (M1) version.
 * We published introductory presentation about the OpenWebBeans.

 Belows are the next steps for coming days;

 * We will release the first alpha version (M1).
 * We will implement the remaining parts of the specification.
 * We will plan the release date and content of the (M2) version of the
 * We will create some documentation in the project web site.
 * We will continue to attract new committers into the project.

= RCF =

Did not report, and the Incubator PMC is currently discussing closing the
project.  Carsten reports that it never really got started.

= Sanselan =

Sanselan has been in incubation since September 2007.

Sanselan is a pure-java image library for reading and writing
a variety of image formats.

The community hasn't grown much in the past three months. There
continues to be only one active committer. Participation level is low.

The first official Apache release occurred on July 30th, 2008. A new
release has just been prepared and is current being voted upon.

The new release includes significant bug fixes, better documentation, better
IPTC and XMP support (metadata) and improvements to the release structure.

Barriers to graduation continue to be diversity, size of the community,
and overall activity.

= Stonehenge =

Stonehenge has been incubating since December 2008. Since the last report
there has been a contribution of code from Microsoft. All nominated
committers have submitted CLAs and are now authorized. Apart from that
activity has been slow over the holiday period.

Our next steps are to start working towards a first milestone release.

= Tashi =

Tashi has been incubating since September 2008.

The Tashi project aims to build a software infrastructure for
cloud computing on massive internet-scale datasets (what we call
Big Data). The idea is to build a cluster management system
that enables the Big Data that are stored in a cluster/data center
to be accessed, shared, manipulated, and computed on by remote users
in a convenient, efficient, and safe manner.

Activity has been slow over the holidays.

The JIRA has been set up and is being used.

Work has begun on integration between the Tashi scheduler and DHCP and DNS

Items to be resolved before graduation:
 * Check and make sure that the files that have been donated have been
	  updated to reflect the new ASF copyright
 * Check and make sure that all code included with the distribution is
	  covered by one or more of the approved licenses
 * Community diversity (currently Intel and CMU committers)
 * Demonstrate ability to create Apache releases

= Thrift =

Thrift is a software framework for scalable cross-language services
development. It combines a software stack with a code generation engine to
build services that work efficiently and seamlessly between a variety of
programming languages. Thrift entered the Apache Incubator in May 2008.

Recent Activity:

 * General iteration and bug-fixing continuing
 * Added support for a general type-annotation system added to the
grammar -- allows for greater flexibility in type modifications
 * Significant additions made to some language libraries (i.e. C# has become
much more complete)
 * Jake Luciani was granted commit rights. He was on the original project
proposal, but did not contribute for some 10 months. Therefore, his addition
was handled with a PPMC, then an Incubator PMC vote

Issues before Graduation:

 * We are still working through adding more committers to the project.
 * We are also still developing against the trunk, and will need to create
our first Apache release.

= UIMA =

UIMA is a component framework for the analysis of unstructured content such
as text, audio and video. UIMA entered incubation on October 3, 2006.

Some recent activity:

   * New Release: Version 2.2.2 (actually the first release) of the C++
version of the UIMA framework, supporting components written in C++.
   * Jorn Kottmann added to the IPMC
   * Tong Fin and Jerry Cwiklik voted in as committers
   * New components voted into the sandbox: a Configurable Feature Extractor
and an Apache Tika Annotator
   * Many bug fixes and improvements to UIMA-AS (the asynchronous scaleout
add-on to base UIMA) driven by experience with users doing extensive
scaleout.  The fixes address error handling and performance.

Items to complete before graduation:
   * We still need to attract more new committers with diverse affiliations.

= VCL =

Incubator Project - VCL

Included is the monthly status report for VCL to the Incubator PMC for
January 2009

* Community
The community has been active on the vcl-dev mailing list. Some new
interested parties have subscribed and open discussion about goals, 
development processes, etc. have been happening.

There has been some discussion about the use of the project name 
VCL as NC State is still using this name for their student 
computing lab. The issue was raised about whether this is 
acceptable or not. This issue should be resolved before the next
 board report.

* Source Code
Code has been committed and folks are getting accustomed to the 
structure and layout of the VCL architecture.

* Miscellaneous
No issues at this time.

Attachment O: Status report for the Apache Jakarta Project

As expected things have been quiet across Jakarta. As with the rest of
the foundation the shock of Dion's loss was felt in September. Dion
was a major figure in Jakarta since the beginning of 2002 and was
still committing (to Commons) as recently as August.

The notice that board reports were missed led to a discussion of who
was still active in Jakarta, with at least a dozen PMC members
raising their hands. The following are subproject reports on
activity in the last 6 months:

    David Brosius and Torsten Curdt continue to work sporadically on
    BCEL. Bugfixes are applied, but no release since mid-2006.

    Sebastian Bazley made one commit. He and Rahul Akolkar had put in
    some work earlier in the year, but it tapered off for the second
    half of the year. The last release was in November 2007. Intent
    is to continue work on BSF.

* Cactus
    A large amount of work was done earlier in the year by Petar Tahchiev
    towards a release (version 1.8.0). He continued to work on the
    project through the latter half of the year towards a 1.8.1 bugfix

    Robert Burrell Donkin committed a bugfix and an enhancement supplied
    by a user. Along with a similar patch in mid 2007, these are the only
    changes since May 2003.

    Aaron Smuts has resumed activity on JCS and put in a lot of work in
    in the last 6 months towards a 1.3.2 release.

* JMeter
    Sebastian Bazley continues to put in huge amounts of work on JMeter.
    JMeter 2.3 was released in September 2007, with 2.3.1 following in
    December and 2.3.2 in June 2008. A 2.3.3 release is hoped for this

    ORO was last committed to in April 2006, with the last release being
    in December 2003. No activity in the last 6 months.

* Regexp
    Regexp was last committed to in March 2007 when the 1.5 version was
    released. Since then there has been no activity, however this is due
    to a very low level of reported bugs (4). If bugs are reported Vadim
    expects to react.

* Taglibs
    Some continued slow work on JSTL 1.1.3 by Henri Yandell in November
    had a leap forward with the donation from Robert Goff at IBM of a
    patch to bring the codebase up to the JSTL 2.0 specification in
    December. This needs to be tested against the TCK and released.
    In addition 2009 has seen Rahul Akolkar and Henri working on a
    migration of the majority of the undeprecated taglibs to Maven2
    along with the related site overhauls.

Attachment P: Status report for the Apache JAMES Project

Attachment Q: Status report for the Apache Logging Services Project

This is a off-sequence report at the request of the board.  The project
missed its previously scheduled report in November, filed a delayed report
in December and is scheduled to report again in February.

- Community

The community has been relatively quiet over the holidays.  After the previous
board report was filed, there was a complaint raised to the board that the
Logging PMC was not involved in the development of the report and not
cc'd on the filing of the report.  There was proposal and subsequent
discussion on on a process for
developing the board report that would give other PMC members
opportunity to contribute to, comment on or dissent from the report
before submission to the board.  Unfortunately, I should have written
the draft a few days earlier to follow the timeline in that process.

- Development

log4j 1.2:

Some bugs from the bug list have been addressed in this period in
preparation for closing out log4j 1.2.16.

log4j 2.0:

log4j 2.0 (the proposed rearchitecting of log4j targeting Java 5
and using current best practices) has not seen any development
for many months.


Several well researched bug reports have been filed, but not
been incorporated due to resource issues.  Hopefully, one
or more of these filers may be potential developers.


No commits during this period.


log4php has not had any active development for a prolonged
period of time and is not current on its Incubator reporting.


No commits during this time.

- Releases

log4j 1.2.16 is overdue.  It was originally hoped to be released last fall,
but Hurricane Ike disrupted that release push.  A release candidate before
the next board report would be highly desirable.

Several log4j companions, log4cxx, log4net and Chainsaw are
seriously overdue for releases.

Attachment R: Status report for the Apache Maven Project

Maven Board Report - January 2009

* General Information

 * Added a privacy policy page for the Maven site using
   maven-stylus-skin, other sub-sites in progress. 
   (Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008)

 * The previous report discussed the load on Central. Since 
   then, several tools were found to have bugs that caused 
   repeated downloads of the index, causing nearly all of the 
   load seen. These tools were blocked (and later corrected) 
   and the load on Central is back to normal (~10mbps down from 
   100mbps). Additionally, the index has been moved to S3 to 
   provide faster downloads for index users and improve 
   performance for the rest of Central.

* New PMC Members

* New Committers

 * Petar Tahchiev (Thursday, January 15, 2009)

* Releases


 * Maven 3.0-alpha-1 (Monday, January 12th, 2009) [not announced 
  due to bad signatures, and release plugin failures]


 * Maven Resources Plugin 2.3 (Friday, October 17th, 2008)
 * Maven Release Plugin 2.0-beta-8 Released (Friday, October 31th, 2008)
 * Maven DOCCK Plugin 1.0 Released (Sunday, November 16th, 2008)
 * Maven Changes Plugin 2.1 Released (Monday, November 24th, 2008)
 * Maven Assembly Plugin 2.2-beta-3 Released (Monday, January 5th, 2009)
 * Maven Dependency Plugin 2.3 Released (Sat, January 10th, 2009)
 * Maven Clean Plugin 2.1 Released (Sat, January 10th, 2009)


 * Maven Release Manager 1.0-alpha-5 (Friday, October 31th, 2008)
 * Maven Parent 10 (Sunday, December 7th, 2008)
 * Maven Skins 4 (Friday, January 2nd, 2009)
 * Maven Common Artifact Filters 1.1 (Monday, January 5th, 2009)
 * Maven Archiver 2.4 (Monday, January 5th, 2009)
 * Maven Shared File Management 1.2.1 Released (Sat, January 10th, 2009)
 * Maven Dependency Analyzer 1.1 Released (Sat, January 10th, 2009)
 * Maven Stylus Skin 1.1 (Monday, January 12th, 2009)

Attachment S: Status report for the Apache MINA Project

It has been a good quarter for MINA. The project is continuing to see
activity and progress. Acivity on the mailing lists is continuing to come
from an increasingly diverse crowd.

We have added three new committers, Ashish Paliwal, David Latorre and
Guillaume Nodet. The long road towards MINA 2.0 is coming to a close with a
2.0M4 release which signaled a code-freeze towards 2.0-final

Our FTPServer sub-project just released their first 1.0 release candidate.

We also added a new sub-project that aims to produce a SSHd implementation.

Finally, I am stepping down as PMC chair. The PMC has voted to recommend
Julien Vermillard as my successor.

Attachment T: Status report for the Apache MyFaces Project

= Summary =
 * Some community changes
 * New releases
 * Discussions

= Community =
 * No new committers,
 * New PMC members:
  * Gerhard Petracek
  * Leonardo Uribe
 * New PMC chair -> Matthias Wessendorf
 * Some new contributors

= Releases =
 * MyFaces (sub) projects with new releases since the last report:
  * MyFaces Core 1.2.5
  * MyFaces Tomahawk 1.1.8
  * MyFaces Tobago 1.0.19
  * MyFaces Tobago 1.0.20
  * MyFaces Trinidad 1.0.10
  * MyFaces Trinidad 1.2.10
  * MyFaces Orchestra 1.3
  * MyFaces Extensions Validator 1.1.1
  * MyFaces Extensions Validator 1.2.1
  * MyFaces Portal Bridge 1.0.0-alpha-3
  * MyFaces Portal Bridge 1.0.0-beta

= Discussions =
 * The MyFaces PMC worked with folks from Oracle, the JCP and
the legal list to get a slight modification of the notice  for the
portlet bridge implementation, which is backed by the JSR 301.

 * A proposal to create a common skinning module is being discussed
on the dev list, which could be used by all the myfaces component
libraries, and potentially become part of a future version of JSF.
Several community members are involved on the discussion of such
an API / an implementation.

Attachment U: Status report for the Apache ODE Project

= Release =

We're currently getting really close to have our next stable branch
released as ODE 1.3. This is mostly a continuation of our 1.X branch
with many bug fixes and stability improvements.

In parallel, a new re-designed branch is maturing and will, we hope,
shape ODE 2.X. Because of the many differences we'll probably have a
beta or release candidate cycle before coming up with final releases
on this branch.

= Development =

We're exploring new directions, like RESTful BPEL, a simple process
execution language and a RESTful task manager written in Rails. We're
also continuing developments around BPEL, improving performance, QoS
and standard supports.

= Community =

We voted another new committer, Sean Ahn. We've been consistently
adding fresh blood to the project in the past few quarters and it's
been great to see all that new development taking place. The flow of
user-submitted patches is also increasing which is a good sign for the

Attachment V: Status report for the Apache OpenEJB Project

The OpenEJB 3.1 release vote passed and binaries were shipped in late
October.  It was a long anticipated release as OpenEJB 3.0 was
released seven months prior.  An 3.1.1 patch release is in the works
with the goal of getting more frequent, smaller, releases out there
for people to use.

Work on the Eclipse plugin continues and discussion of moving out of
the sandbox and preparing a first release has begun.  Development
slowed over the holidays. No new features have been added with most
work relating to TCK and other bug fixes required for the upcoming
3.1.1 release.

Despite the holidays, user list traffic was up for both November and
December and appears strong in January as well.

The requested Privacy Policy for projects using Google Analytics has
been added to the website, copied from the Jackrabbit Privacy Policy.

Attachment W: Status report for the Apache OpenJPA Project


OpenJPA is busy implementing the latest JPA 2.0 JSR-317, which is in
Public Review Draft status. The implementation is being done in trunk in
"iterations" after discussion with the community. The first iteration
has been completed (not released) and can be evaluated via nightly

Slice has been added to OpenJPA as a separate module. Slice is a plug-in
extension for OpenJPA to interact with distributed databases within the
same transaction.


Mailing lists continue to be very active, with an average of almost 300
messages per month on the dev alias and approximately 400 messages per
month on the users alias.

OpenJPA continues to experience an increase in email subscriptions and
activity. There are 150 subscribers to dev and nearly 200 to users.

The community is working well together. Questions from the community
are answered promptly, often resulting in a JIRA being filed.


The PMC has elected Jeremy Bauer to the PMC, and Jeremy has accepted.
The PMC continues to track contributors with an eye toward making them
committers, and committers PMC members.


No releases since 1.2, but a 1.3.x branch was created, anticipating
a release based on JPA 1.0 specification if it becomes necessary.

Attachment X: Status report for the Apache Qpid Project

- Andrea Gazzarini (independent) successfully voted onto Qpid as
- M4, still not quite out yet, in vote process/ corrections being
  done as needed

- I believe that all the setup is now complete
- Clean up from Incubator, etc, not yet complete.
- Delays, primarily do to me not having power for extended periods
  of time due to ice storms
- Updated checklist to be completed.

Attachment Y: Status report for the Apache Quetzalcoatl Project

Things continue to be very quiet on the Quetz/mod_python front. No new
releases have been made since the last report and none are planned for the
near future.

The current version of mod_python works fine with the latest Python 2.x
branch, however now that Python 3.0 is out, we will try to make a new
version of mod_python, however it is not clear at this point how
complicated it will be and whether it is at all technically possible.

Attachment Z: Status report for the Apache Shale Project

Shale had another slow quarter. There has been very little discussion on
the mailing lists and no new activity. The 1.0.5 release is pending as
the final steps to release are outstanding.

In the past week, the PMC has discussed if Shale should be retired to the
attic. It was an unofficial vote with four affirmatives.

There are several factors that would lead us to this decision. The first
is the lack of time that the Shale volunteers have to contribute.  Besides
the declined activity of the community, many of the value added features
provided by Shale are being considered in the next draft of the JSF
specification. Similar concepts will be provided by the JSF runtime and
supported by the MyFaces community going forward as the have already began
implementing JSF 2.0.

The MyFaces community has expressed that they have interest in taking
ownership of the Shale Test library. This discussion has come up several
times with the last having to do with the implementation of the JSF 2.0.

Attachment AA: Status report for the Apache Struts Project

This has been a rather prolific quarter for releases in the Struts
community, with GA releases of Struts 1.3.10, 2.0.12, 2.0.14 and 2.1.6,
and of Struts Annotations 1.0.4.

In addition to all of the work on the releases themselves, we're now using
the ASF Hudson instance for regular builds, and our newest PMC member, Wes
Wannemacher, has started an initiative to make better use of our Solaris
zone. We've also cleaned out our old releases, at the request of infra.

Finally, we added Nils-Helge Garli Hegvik and Wes Wannemacher to the PMC,
while David Graham and David Karr elected to go emeritus and departed the

Attachment AB: Status report for the Apache Tapestry Project

Tapestry 4.1

No work has been done on Tapestry 4. There is a backlog of issues in JIRA but
nobody has stepped forward to work on them.

Tapestry 5

A series of release candidates were voted up. 5.0.16 and 5.0.17 had minor
issues that were corrected for 5.0.18, which was subsequently voted as the
final release for 5.0.

A set of performance improvements for Tapestry 5.0 are in the 5.0 branch; if
released this will be 5.0.19. However, the same changes are available in 5.1.

Tapestry 5.1

A significant number of new features have been added to Tapestry 5.1.
We are hoping to have a 5.1 final release available in just a few months.
We think it is important to the perceived stability of Tapestry that a
release that builds on 5.0 but stays fully compatible be made available.

An effort is underway to rewrite the standard Tapestry 5 documentation as
an extended tutorial.

Tapestry Community

New committers added to the project over the last year have continued to
contribute very lightly. The vast bulk of the code continues to be developed
by Howard Lewis Ship. With no committers "stepping up to the bat", there has
been no progress on expanding the membership of the PMC.

That being said, the rest of the community is lively, with many users
mentoring each other in the user list, a steady flow of issues (some with
patches), and a respectable number of messages (79 messages / day, across
the three mailing lists, according to

In addition, to support the community, an external Tapestry development hub
named "Tapestry 360" ( is being set up by Formos
(Howard Lewis Ship's employer). This will allow a centralized location
for open source Tapestry development that can not take place at Apache due
to, for example, licensing restrictions.

Attachment AC: Status report for the Apache Tcl Project

Nothing new to report this quarter.

Attachment AD: Status report for the Apache Xalan Project

End of minutes for the January 21, 2009 board meeting.
