Links: 2009 - All years
- Original The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
February 18, 2009
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 10:00am (Pacific) and began at
10:02 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a
quorum was recognized by the chairman. The meeting was held
via teleconference, hosted by Jim Jagielski and Springsource.
IRC #asfboard on was used for backup
2. Roll Call
Directors Present:
Justin Erenkrantz
J Aaron Farr
Jim Jagielski
Geir Magnusson Jr joined at 10:05
William Rowe Jr
Sam Ruby
Henning Schmiedehausen
Greg Stein
Directors Absent:
Bertrand Delacretaz
Paul Querna
Sander Striker
Henri Yandell
3. Minutes from previous meetings
Minutes (in Subversion) are found under the URL:
A. The meeting of January 21, 2009
See: board_minutes_2009_01_21.txt
Approved by General Consent.
4. Executive Officer Reports
A. Chairman [Jim]
This month saw a lot of discussion regarding a number of issues.
At times the discussions were relatively heated.
The main discussion was regarding the EA role, which the board
created a President's cmmt last month to review, define and search
for. Unfortunately, the majority of the discussion was during the
time when Sander was offline, so he was unable to weigh in and
provide his comments. Nevertheless, the discussion was helpful and
did bootstrap the cmmt's task. I created a draft EA position
description which Bill and others have updated.
There was also discussion regarding the CouchDB project. There was
some concern, based on posts from the dev@ and user@ mailing lists,
that some aspects of the project may be deviating from ASF norms.
Since part of the concern was based on the interaction between the
VP and the community, and since the VP is the "eyes and ears" of the
board, I brought this up on the board list. The CouchDB report
refers to this and brings the matter to current closure.
The non-availability of the Treasurer continues to be a problem and
is a major input to the current description of what an EA should be.
The board thanks Geir for stepping in and stepping up and helping
close some of the major holes and open issues regarding invoicing
and payments. It should be noted that it is the board's
understanding that the tax filing have still not occured and that we
are late in the filing and incuring penalties. Justin has informed
us that we are able to file for yet another extension, which is
currently in process.
I have signed the Member Agreement with the W3C on behalf of the
ASF with myself the ASF representative. Due to the legalities of
the W3C, this agreement can only be postal mailed. We have, as of
this date, not received confirmation.
Work on a budget has continued. I created and updated an initial
budget and Justin provided substantial edits to it. This budget is
being verified with the representative cmmts (eg: PRC, ...). Also
I have been working on the position description for the EA as
part of the Admin Search cmmt.
The one membership application noted in last months report as
being "in transit" as been received and recorded by the
B. President [Justin]
The biggest news in the last month is the progress of the two
President's committees formed last month. Mini-reports from
both committees are included at the end of this report.
Conversations regarding ApacheCon continue with VP, ConCom and
the producer. As ApacheCon EU is approaching, all parties'
immediate focus is shifting toward execution of the conference
next month. Therefore, progress may be a bit slow until after
the conference is wrapped up. That said, we currently have two
calls to schedule - one to review the legal parameters of any
proposed arrangement and another call to review the budgets in
greater detail. As both calls require coordination with some
external parties, specific times have not yet been confirmed.
It is expected that both calls will occur before the March
Board meeting. As before, there is still no actionable
proposal to be discussed at this time.
Earlier this month, I visited the SFLC offices and met
primarily with Karen Sandler as well as other counsel at SFLC.
I gave her a review of our current status as well as brought
her up to speed on the ApacheCon arrangements. Per above,
Karen has agreed to sit in on a call with the ApacheCon
producers and help us walk through what is permissible for us
to do as a 501(c)3 public charity and what limitations we may
encounter. Also, as noted elsewhere, Karen informed us that we
can file for another extension with the IRS.
I also had a good conversation with Eben Moglen about how
Apache could position itself in the future. To be honest, it
did raise a number of very good thoughts, but I believe it'll
take a while for me to fully digest the takeaways from it - but
there's nothing concrete or actionable now. If we have a 'town
hall' during ApacheCon EU next month, it might be useful to
throw some of the ideas out and see what folks think.
A preliminary budget is in Subversion, but several committees
are still discussing the scope of their requested allocations.
The Budget Committee will continue to take their input until
the end of February. Then, the committee will meet and go
over the projected numbers to derive a complete draft budget.
Due to the ongoing conversations about ApacheCon, the budget
will specifically exclude any numbers for ApacheCon. When there
are specific funding requests for ApacheCon, the Board can
consider them separately. However, at this time, there is no
concrete proposal ready for review in respect to ApacheCon.
I expect that the committee will have a 'final draft' budget
for the Board's review in time for the next Board meeting in
March. Due to our fiscal year, the budget needs to be approved
prior to May 1 - I do not expect this to be a difficulty at
this time.
An inventory of task descriptions sits in Subversion; this can be
a starting point for creating an actual function description. By
next Board meeting, in March, we expect to have a full function
description. After that point the committee will move from the
definition phase to the actual searching for candidates phase.
C. Treasurer [J Aaron]
There's been some discussion about either replacing the current
treasurer or adding an assistant. I support either proposal.
With respect to improvements for the treasurer office, my
suggestions are:
- We should have an accountant do the taxes
- If we continue to do the books and invoicing ourselves and
we're going to have more than one person modifyinñg them,
then we should switch to something like Quickbooks Online.
- We may want to consider outsourcing our bookkeeping as
well, though I think we should try having an assistant
treasurer first.
- The current Bills folder in svn isn't a very good solution.
It was better than before (which was nothing), but it has
low visibility and not much of a chance to comment and
record issues. A private JIRA project (or similar tool)
would be better.
- We need a lot more coordination between PRC and treasury
with respect to invoicing our sponsors. We really need a
CRM or similar system so that we know who talked to who
when and what needs done.
- And of course, the budget, which others have stepped up to
There's been discussion about filing another extension. I
don't know the status on whether it's been filed or not (should
be a discussion item).
All bills are up to date. The reason for our late fees with is due to the payments arriving one day late. By
this billing cycle that should be fixed. We issued an extra
payment and we're back on track. We should still monitor the
invoices; however, since we only have a flat payment scheduled.
Donations of note this month:
- HP: $20,000
- OpenLogic, Inc: $750
No expenses of note.
Statement of Financial Income and Expense
January 21 through February 18, 2009
Ordinary Income/Expense
Interest Income 62.14
Contributions Income
Unrestricted 31,062.96
Total Contributions Income 31,062.96
Total Income 31,125.10
Bank Service Charges 114.90
Contract Labor 800.00
Postage and Delivery 19.95
Program Expenses
Public Relations Staff 3,636.36
Infrastructure Travel 2,790.10
Infrastructure Staff 6,000.00
Colocation Expenses 518.00
Total Program Expenses 12,944.46
Total Expense 13,879.31
Net Ordinary Income 17,245.79
Net Income 17,245.79
Statement of Financial Position
As of February 18, 2009
Feb 18, 09 Jan 18, 09 $ Change % Change
Current Assets
Paypal 10,217.60 9,904.64 312.96 3.2%
Wells Fargo Analyzed Account 165,270.53 157,610.07 7,660.46 4.9%
Wells Fargo Savings 98,651.03 98,588.89 62.14 0.1%
Total Checking/Savings 274,139.16 266,103.60 8,035.56 3.0%
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable 110,000.00 100,000.00 10,000.00 10.0%
Total Accounts Receivable 110,000.00 100,000.00 10,000.00 10.0%
Total Current Assets 384,139.16 366,103.60 18,035.56 4.9%
TOTAL ASSETS 384,139.16 366,103.60 18,035.56 4.9%
Current Liabilities
Credit Cards
ASF Credit Card - Ruby 19.95 59.37 -39.42 -66.4%
ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz 2,762.15 -27.95 2,790.10 9,982.5%
Total Credit Cards 2,782.10 31.42 2,750.68 8,754.6%
Total Current Liabilities 2,782.10 31.42 2,750.68 8,754.6%
Total Liabilities 2,782.10 31.42 2,750.68 8,754.6%
Retained Earnings 261,975.10 261,975.10 0.00 0.0%
Net Income 119,381.96 104,097.08 15,284.88 14.7%
Total Equity 381,357.06 366,072.18 15,284.88 4.2%
TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 384,139.16 366,103.60 18,035.56 4.9%
Geir to sign and send out the extension for taxes.
Discussion on CRM was deferred to the list (some feeling was
expressed that a CRM system was needed, others felt it was
Was Microsoft invoiced? J Aaron is waiting on a PO number.
Geir encountered a similar issue. Peter from MS feels like he
is waiting on J Aaron. J Aaron will call Peter after the call.
D. Secretary [Sam]
4 grants, 132 iclas, 4 cclas, and again this includes some more
scanning of the archives. The final membership application that was in
transit at the time of the last board report was received and filed.
Bills/received remains empty. Bills/approved now addressed.
The current contract for the SA expires at the end of this month. I've
requested that this be discussion item.
E. Executive Vice President [Sander Striker]
I've returned last week from a two week vacation. Catching up on
email has taken some time, to use an understatement.
During my absense the Admin Search Committee, as created by the
President last Board meeting, has received input from Jim, Bill,
Sam and others.
Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
5. Additional Officer Reports
A. VP of JCP [Geir Magnusson Jr]
See Attachment 1
Geir confirmed that it wasn't particularly "exceptional" to have
multiple people representing the ASF on a single JSR, it's up
to the spec lead.
B. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby]
See Attachment 2
Sam confirmed that an open list was not a problem at this time,
and noted that he is pleased with the sharing of the load; while
Henri and Larry take on bigger shares than most (thanks!), nobody
dominates and plenty of people contribute..
C. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Jim]
See Attachment 3
We agreed to collapse the Vulnerability reports in the public
minutes going forward, omitting the names of the projects.
D. Apache Conference Planning Project [Lars Eilebrecht / Henning]
See Attachment 4
E. Apache Audit Project [William Rowe]
See Attachment 5
Bill to create a resolution to Terminate the Audit Committee
to be discussed later in the meeting, with the expectation
that we will recreate on in three or so months when it is
F. Apache Public Relations Project [Jim Jagielski]
See Attachment 6
G. Apache Infrastructure Team [Paul Querna / Justin]
See Attachment 7
H. Apache Travel Assistance Committee [Gavin McDonald / Sam]
See Attachment 8
Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
6. Committee Reports
A. Apache Abdera Project [Garrett Rooney / Bertrand]
See Attachment A
B. Apache Ant Project [Conor MacNeill / Justin]
See Attachment B
C. Apache Attic Project [Henri Yandell / J Aaron]
See Attachment C
We discussed the issue of being willing to turn over trademarks for
future development while wanting to retain ability to use the
trademark for prior releases. Discussion will continue on members@.
D. Apache Buildr Project [Alex Boisvert / Geir]
See Attachment D
E. Apache C++ Standard Library Project [Martin Sebor / Bill]
See Attachment E
F. Apache Camel Project [Hadrian Zbarcea / Greg]
See Attachment F
G. Apache Cocoon Project [Vadim Gritsenko / Justin]
See Attachment G
The board thanks Cocoon for taking care of the privacy policy issue.
H. Apache Continuum Project [Emmanuel Venisse / Bertrand]
See Attachment H
I. Apache CouchDB Project [Damien Katz / Greg]
See Attachment I
The board is very impressed with the way the community reacted to
the feedback it recently received.
J. Apache Forrest Project [David Crossley / Bill]
See Attachment J
K. Apache HiveMind Project [James Carman / J Aaron]
See Attachment K
J Aaron to pursue a report for HiveMind
L. Apache HTTP Server Project [Roy T. Fielding / Geir]
See Attachment L
M. Apache HttpComponents Project [Erik Abele / Sam]
See Attachment M
N. Apache iBATIS Project [Clinton Begin / Henning]
See Attachment N
O. Apache Incubator Project [Noel J. Bergman / Jim]
See Attachment O
8/14 is not a great ratio. Active discussion on the incubator
list as to how to deal with this situation. Some fount that to be
at odds with "nothing currently requiring the attention of the
Board." Jim has the action to participate in that thread.
We suggest making dates formats more consistent to make it easier
to scan... Jim to convey this to Noel.
P. Apache JAMES Project [Danny Angus / Geir]
See Attachment P
Geir will provide the clarification requested.
Q. Apache Lenya Project [Gregor J. Rothfuss / J Aaron]
See Attachment Q
R. Apache Logging Project [Curt Arnold / Henning]
See Attachment R
S. Apache Perl Project [Geoffrey Young / Sam]
See Attachment S
Greg inquired when were the last releases of each (sub)project? How
much activity is occurring here? No action taken.
T. Apache POI Project [Nick Burch / Greg]
See Attachment T
Greg to pursue a report for POI
U. Apache Qpid Project [Carl Trieloff / Bill]
See Attachment U
The report was received on time, but wasn't added to the
agenda. Will consider that report next month.
V. Apache Roller Project [Dave Johnson / Bertrand]
See Attachment V
W. Apache Santuario Project [Berin Lautenbach / Jim]
See Attachment W
Jim notes that Berin is looking for a replacement chair.
Jim to pursue a report for Santuario.
X. Apache Turbine Project [Scott Eade / Justin]
See Attachment X
Y. Apache Tuscany Project [Ant Elder / Bertrand]
See Attachment Y
Z. Apache Velocity Project [Will Glass-Husain / J Aaron]
See Attachment Z
AA. Apache Xalan Project [Vacant / Sam]
See Attachment AA
We've received an indication that there is progress on naming a
replacement chair. Resolution to be considered later in the agenda.
Sam to continue to pursue a report for Xalan
AB. Apache Xerces Project [Gareth Reakes / Jim]
See Attachment AB
We are pleased to see increasing activity!
AC. Apache XML Project [Gianugo Rabellino / Greg]
See Attachment AC
AD. Apache XML Graphics Project [Jeremias Maerki / Bill]
See Attachment AD
Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
7. Special Orders
A. Appoint Executive Officers
Nominee(s): J Aaron Farr
Geir Magnusson Jr
Nominee(s): Geir Magnusson Jr
J Aaron Farr
By a roll-call vote of 6 to 2, Geir Magnusson Jr was named the new
A subsequent roll-call vote named J Aaron as Assistant-Treasurer, by a
vote of 7 yes and 1 abstention.
Jim thanks Aaron and Geir for handling a very uncomfortable
situation very well, and appreciated the work both Aaron and
Geir have done, and anticipates a smooth transition.
B. Appoint David Bertoni as Apache Xalan chairman
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Brian Minchau to
the office of Vice President, Apache Xalan, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
Brian Minchau from the office of Vice President, Apache Xalan;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Brian Minchau is relieved and
discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
President, Apache Xalan, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that David Bertoni be and hereby is
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Xalan, to
serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of
Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation,
retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is
This vote was tabled.
Sam to resolve the spelling of David's last name (Berton/Bertoni)?
C. Dissolve the standing Audit Committee
WHEREAS, the board created the standing Audit Committee, and;
WHEREAS, William Rowe Jr had been appointed chairman of the
Audit Committee, and;
WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the Board that this standing
committee and office should be dissolved until records are
submitted for audit of a specific fiscal year.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that William Rowe Jr. is
relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities
of chairing the Audit Committee, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the standing Audit Committee
is hereby dissolved.
Special Order 7C. Dissolve the standing Audit Committee, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
8. Discussion Items
Geir to follow up with HLShip concerning the removing of PMC members
from the auth list for Tapestry apparently without any discussion on
the PMC list.
- - -
Jim noted that the secretary assistant position contract is up for
renewal, and indicated he had not had the opportunity yet to sync up
with the SA on the current scope of work. Bill expressed concerns about
the compensation rate, status of historical record scanning and
oversight. Jim asked if the board believed the position should still
be continued, and received no objection.
Justin pointed out that a three month renewal would be sufficient while
the scope of work is reevaluated in light of the new EA position. Bill
further offered that if substantial historic archives remain to be
scanned, that this might be outsourced to Office Max, Kinkos, etc to be
completed in a short timeframe at reasonable cost.
Justin pointed out that, based on the Treasurer boxes that he sent to
Sam last year, some of those materials may be hard to outsource the
bulk scanning of as they are all in varying paper sizes and formats.
Jim stated his plan to contact that SA, reevaluate the scope of work and
renegotiate a corresponding contract for a period which will allow for
a one month overlap between the SA and EA.
- - -
We confirmed that until a budget is in place, Executive Officers may
authorize expenses up to $5K without prior approval.
9. Review Outstanding Action Items
Skipped this month.
10. Unfinished Business
11. New Business
12. Announcements
A. Greg changed time zones to Brussels, to live with his (new) fiancé
Jim, Aaron, Greg, Henning, Justin, Bill with be at ApacheCon EU; Geir and
Sam will not be there.
13. Adjournment
Adjourned at 11:32 a.m. (Pacific)
Attachment 1: Report from the VP of JCP
A much quieter month than last.
1) As strange as it sounds, the ASF lost at least 2 allies in Sun's
recent layoffs with the departure of Onno Kluyt and Ray Gans. While
they certainly executed the Sun official agenda regarding our struggle
over the Java SE TCK license, they did work internally to try to bring
about a sane resolution for us. I'd like to officially note my
2) The problem with securing licenses for new TCKs from Sun seems to
be clearing up. The license process is moving forward. We're still
stuck on what to do about a license for JSR-200 ("Network Transfer Format
for Java Archives") because it's part of the Java SE TCK and therefore
no separate TCK is available, but Sun is looking into it.
3) We have interest in ASF representation on JSR-294 ("Improved Modularity
Support in the Java Programming Language") from two people, Alan Cabrera
and Karl Pauls. We'll try to get both on the EG.
Attachment 2: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee
While traffic has picked up from last month, absolutely none of it should be
of any concern to the board. Brief summary:
* General questions on public domain and fair use
* A question about a previously approved license (zlib/libpng)
* Two questions on IP clearance, one quick and one more involved, both
forwarded to the incubator
* A JSR spec contained obsolete licensing terms (Geir quickly dove in)
* An inquiry on trademark considerations, including the project logo and the
ASF feather from committers on an ASF project working on a book.
* An internal discussion on open letters.
The list also attracts questions from users. While it is not something that
we are set up to do (or, in fact, a service we intend to provide), it has not
proven to be a problem in practice. Discussions of this nature from the past
* Request for advice on a project desiring to use the Apache License and
depend on code licensed under the GPL.
* A webapp developer asked a question about the MySQL license
* A developer of an application on sourceforge asked about how to structure
his LICENSE file given that his project is based on an ASF project
* A general question about defensive publication as a way to protect against
patent trolls.
* A general question on internal use of Apache projects
Attachment 3: Status report for the Apache Security Team Project
For Jan 2009: There continues to be a steady stream of reports of
various kinds arriving at These continue to be
dealt with promptly by the security team.
2 Support question
1 Security vulnerability question, but not a vulnerability report
6 Phishing/spam/attacks point to site "powered by Apache"
1 User was hacked, but it wasn't ASF software at fault
8 Vulnerability reports
Also in January the security team page was created to 1) tell users
how to report issues in any ASF project along and 2) give guidance
on how to deal with such reports.
Attachment 4: Status report for the Apache Conference Planning Project
General News
* No news since last report.
ApacheCon Europe 2009 News (23-27 March)
* Registration for the conference was announced January, 27th.
* A press release was published February, 10th.
* A print advertisement will appear in the CeBIT edition of the iX
magazine of Heise publishing, Germany. In addition, an advertisement
will be placed in Heise's Open Source newsletter.
* Feathercast is in the process of publishing interviews with the trainers.
* Live video streaming and archiving will be performed by Linux New Media
ApacheCon US 2009 News (2-6 November)
* The planning meeting for the conference will be held the weekend
after ApacheCon Europe 2009 in Amsterdam at the Mövenpick hotel.
* The Call for Papers deadline is February, 27th.
Attachment 5: Status report for the Apache Audit Project
There are no records to audit, no action by the committee in Jan-Feb.
The board is in receipt of the resignation of William Rowe, Jr. from
the chairmanship of this committee, and two calls on the auditcom list
for a replacement chair are unanswered. It appears that the board needs
to reach out to the membership for a new chair of this committee, and
validate that over the past 8 months the sitting members of the Audit
Committee are still willing and able to serve, once called upon to
review the records of the 2007-2008 FY.
Attachment 6: Status report for the Apache Public Relations Project
Work continued on requests for use of logos/marks, including approving the
use of the Apache ActiveMQ, Tomcat and ServiceMix logos in the SOPERA
ToolSuite product, after some work from Sopera in clarifying in their UI
that these were Apache marks.
Justin drafted a budget for the PRC, to assist in the ongoing work of
developing a budget for the Foundation.
PRC decided on an event name and tagline for the 10th Anniversary
celebrations. These are "Ten Years of Apache", and "Celebrating a Decade of
Open Source Leadership", respectively.
Delia Frees developed a 10th Anniversary logo for ApacheCon, and accepted
feedback from the PRC on this.
The PRC agreed to co-sponsor the Members' & Committers' Reception at
ApacheCon EU as part of their community outreach and public relations
The OWF organisation have expressed an interest in a better interaction
with The ASF. Other speaking opportunities were also floated - at Jazoon
and at CeBIT's Open Source Forum.
A group at MIT and U. Innsbruck requested that we send a survey to
committers as part of their research into community driven brands. The PRC
agreed to sending out the survey in principle, but Justin noted that we
should keep this kind of activity to a minimum.
Draft web pages for The PRC, Media and Analyst Relations, and Trademark and
Logo Guidelines have been circulated to the committee, and are currently
under review.
Apache Ivy's 2.0 release hit heise-online
Communications guidelines for two incubating projects were provided:
1) Qpid (requested by Carl Trieloff)
2) Shindig (requested by Brian McCallister)
David Sean Taylor and Ate Douma had a briefing with Forrester Research on
Jetspeed 2.
Lars noted a speaking opportunity about Apache/ASF at the Open Source Forum
of the CeBIT Expo in Hannover ( He indicated that he most
likely would not be able to make it and asked if there were any volunteers.
Lucid Imagination was contacted regarding their usage of ASF marks in the
names of their products. The product names have been updated to remove the
mark violation.
Attachment 7: Status report for the Apache Infrastructure Team
Philip Gollucci successfully upgraded to
FreeBSD 7.1.
Paul Querna purchased cables, SAS card, and an array for
replacing the existing array on, for ~ $4500.
Unfortunately the cable provider sent us the wrong cable, so
we had to order a replacement.
Paul Querna and Sander Striker coordinated with our datacenter
providers to enable IPv6 routing for our websites.
Tony Stevenson set up backup services for the Apachecon hosts.
Paul Querna restructured the DNS zone to be generated from
a script.
Gavin McDonald continues to work on a buildbot installation on 2
of our new Yahoo! hosts.
Gavin McDonald pushes for a budget for infrastructure by the end of
Brian Fox set up a Nexus instance on the
zone to facilitate moving some of our maven infrastructure to
Paul Querna renewed the DNS for 2 years.
Confluence is still mired in the futility of hoping someone will fix
the autoexport plugin, despite many promises from Atlassian.
Mads Toftum and Norman Maurer are discussing how best to provision
thor for the services we will place on it.
Eos (websites) lost a ZFS disk which took it out of commission for a
few days. Services were moved to aurora to prevent a significant
Infrabot was significantly enhanced, adding many new collaboration
features. It is worth noting that infrabot is now on twitter at , which we expect to use for service
announcements and outreach to folks too busy to follow the
infrastructure mailing lists.
Attachment 8: Status report for the Apache Travel Assistance Committee
General News
Applications for ApacheCon Europe 2009 has ended. We have 8 successful
applicants and are now in the process of getting visa information prepared
for those that need them, flights are in the process of being booked
(we are in discussions with a British based Travel Agent), rooms being
booked etc.
The 3 judges did a good job and worked well together, as did the online
application form and scoring system created by Nick Burch.
Feedback is still be asked for and obtained regarding ApacheCon US, this
will be done soon.
Attachment A: Status report for the Apache Abdera Project
Abdera has been relatively quiet since the last report. Our 1.0 release is
still in the works, although work has slowed down due to real life interfering
in the free time available to the committers who were largely responsible for
pushing the release forward. Traffic on the mailing lists remains low,
although there are occasional user questions from time to time.
There are no issues that require board attention at this time.
Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Ant Project
o Current Releases
Ant Core
Ant 1.7.1 was released on June 27, 2008.
A number of issues has been fixed recently in SVN and will provide the
impetus for a 1.8.0 release in the coming months.
Ivy 2.0.0 was released on Jan 20, 2009.
This is the first full Apache release of Ivy.
o Community
No issues.
Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Attic Project
Not much activity this month. A mail was sent to private@hivemind +
private@attic following the HiveMind chair - James Carman's interest
in the attic to point out the two directions of either moving into the
attic, or being restarted in the Incubator. James was interested in the
Incubator direction (to which the need for mentors + champions was
pointed out) and Howard as in favour of the attic.
I've also been asking on members@ as to Apache's trademark position,
partly to understand what the fork of HiveMind would look like.
Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Buildr Project
Migration to TLP project is now completed (INFRA-1829) and our web site has
been updated accordingly.
Since January 1st, we had 11 issues reported and 5 enhancements suggested,
about half of which came with suggested patches. All of them are still
open, pending committer review.
We had planned to release 1.3.4 in January after the migration but the
release has not happened yet. We are now gearing for a February release
Attachment E: Status report for the Apache C++ Standard Library Project
Notable changes since the last report (November 2008):
Project activity continues to be very low. A handful of minor
issues have been reported by users and resolved by the team.
Future plans:
Continue to work toward the release of stdcxx 4.2.2 and on
implementing C++ 0x. The plan is to enable experimental
support for a subset of C++ 0x in 4.3.0, and full support
in 5.0,0.
The stdcxx community is unchanged since the last report.
16 committers (N/C)
11 PMC members (N/C)
Mailing list activity changes since the last report:
commits: 21 (N/C) subscribers, 4.06 (N/C) posts/day
dev: 55 (N/C) subscribers, 5.24 (N/C) posts/day
issues: 13 (N/C) subscribers, 8.24 (N/C) posts/day
user: 51 (N/C) subscribers, 0.11 (N/C) posts/day
Bug tracking database changes since the last report:
Total issues: 1022 (+ 6)
Outstanding: 340 ( N/C)
Resolved: 164 (+ 1)
Closed: 519 (+ 6)
Planned releases:
4.2.2 Spring 2009 (was Winter 2008)
4.3.0 Summer 2009
5.0.0 end of 2009
Release history:
4.2.1 May 1, 2008
4.2.0 October 29, 2007 (incubating)
4.1.3 January 30, 2006 (incubating)
4.1.2 September 7, 2005 (snapshot, incubating)
N/C = No Change.
Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Camel Project
* TLP infrastructure transition is complete (INFRA-1830).
* Community is very active on both camel-1.x branch and the trunk.
* The development and user lists continue to be very active.
* No new committers.
* Lots of contributions from committers and community on both
camel-1.x branch and trunk.
* Camel 1.6.0 released.
Attachment G: Status report for the Apache Cocoon Project
One person, Robin Wyles, has been voted in as a committer, but he did
not file the paperwork. One of our PMC members is trying to reach him.
There has been no PMC Changes.
* Cocoon 3.0.0-alpha-1
* Cocoon XML 2.0.0 has been just voted for release
Ongoing Work:
Active work is going on in the Cocoon 3.0 branch. Cocoon 2.2 and 2.1
seen relatively few svn commits. Privacy policy page (required due to
usage of Google Analytics) is being set up (it has been added to our
CMS but is not published to live site yet).
Attachment H: Status report for the Apache Continuum Project
Below are the important events that happened in the project since November.
* 1.2.3 was released on January 13, 2009
* 1.3.1 (Alpha) was released on January 21, 2009
* We started a discussion/implementation about distributed build in
October/November 2008.
Initial implementation of the feature was included in 1.3.1 (Alpha)
* We started a discussion/implementation about parallel build in December
Initial implementation of the feature was included in 1.3.1 (Alpha)
* We started discussion about plugins system "a la" maven and creating a
prototype branch based on osgi/felix
* No new committers or PMC members.
No board level issues at this time.
Attachment I: Status report for the Apache CouchDB Project
CouchDB is a document oriented database.
- Community -
Jan and Chris Anderson are giving CouchDB Trainings at ApacheCon EU and
Erlang Factory in SF, where Damien is a giving a keynote as well.
Mailing list activity continues to grow, the user list had 761 messages in
January, compared to 365 and 462 in November and December, respectively.
The PMC has voted in 2 new committers: Adam Kocoloski and Paul Davis.
- Releases -
Less than 20 tickets are currently blocking the 0.9 release, and we've had
a lot of community support in knocking out tickets. The replication
security patch isn't done and may not make 0.9.0, in which case 0.9.0 will
be another alpha release.
- Community Problem -
CouchDB as a project uses IRC too liberally and refers users and community
with questions and concerns to IRC chat for both new discussions and
decisions that have previously been considered. Because of this failure,
we've projected the notion that we make make project decisions on IRC, and
that those not on IRC are excluded. This can really hurt people's feelings.
Instead we need to direct people to voice concerns and questions in the
appropriate mailing lists so they can be discussed by the larger community.
We have kicked off new discussions in the mailing lists about the core
technical directions and upcoming releases:
We also now have written policies around limiting IRC usage on the
communtiy wiki.
Project members and the community have referred to me as BDFL. No PMC
member gets special treatment, and we should actively discourage such
notions. No one in the community is more special than others. If someone
wants to contribute, their contributions and concerns should have a chance
be considered by the wider community in the mailing lists, regardless if
they are PMC or not.
The failure of the CouchDB PMC on these issues is to ensure the community
feels like their voice, concerns and contributions get a fair airing.
Attachment J: Status report for the Apache Forrest Project
Apache Forrest mission is software for generation of aggregated multi-channel
documentation maintaining a separation of content and presentation.
Issues needing board attention:
Changes in the PMC membership:
General status:
Development is still rather quiet, as noted in previous reports.
Developers are still assisting each other when needed.
Low traffic on the user list. Still being answered by various developers.
Progress of the project:
One committer continued to progress the next version of "Dispatcher" in our
whiteboard area.
Two committers presented sessions at German "tcworld conference 2008"
(tekom-Jahrestagung 2008). Also there were several other presentations for
smaller groups all through 2008 year.
No releases since 0.8 on 2007-04-18.
Attachment K: Status report for the Apache HiveMind Project
Attachment L: Status report for the Apache HTTP Server Project
Apache HTTP Server Project
Status report for 18 Feb 2009
The Apache HTTP server project has continued to gain steam from
last quarter. We have no board-level issues at this time.
We have added two httpd committers, Rainer Jung and Takashi Sato,
and three new members of the PMC: Bojan Smojver, Brian McCallister,
and Chris Darroch.
We released httpd 2.2.11 on December 14 and continued maintenance
of that branch will justify another release soon. Two tags of the
2.3.x (alpha) branch, unreleased, have been good for exposing some
areas in trunk that need to be fixed before the next major release.
The apreq subproject released 1.34 and made some progress on a
candidate for 2.11.
Several httpd modules have been added with the goal of becoming new
features for httpd 2.3.x (alpha):
mod_sed: filter Request/Response bodies through sed
[Basant Kumar Kukreja]
mod_privileges: make httpd on Solaris privileges-aware and enable
different virtual hosts to run with different privileges and
Unix user/group IDs [Nick Kew]
mod_buffer: support buffering of the input and output filter stacks.
[Graham Leggett]
mod_heartbeat: generate multicast heartbeats to know if a
server is online. [Paul Querna]
mod_heartmonitor: collect heartbeats and write out a file
so that other modules can load balance traffic as needed.
[Paul Querna]
mod_lbmethod_heartbeat: load balance mod_proxy workers based on
heartbeats. [Paul Querna]
mod_lua: allow in-process request handling using the Lua scripting
language (was mod_wombat). [Brian McCallister and Paul Querna]
mod_ratelimit: bandwidth rate limiting. [Paul Querna]
mod_fcgid: an implementation of the FastCGI protocol [Ryan Pan]
All of the above modules were written by existing committers or
passed IP-clearance through incubator.
We have not done any releases this quarter for flood, mod_mbox, or
mod_ftp, and no progress has been made on the next generation code
bases for httpd. Focus has instead moved back to what can be done
within the 2.x code base. The biggest problem facing the project
is that we have 892 open issues in bugzilla for 2.x without a plan
for closing them out (yet).
Attachment M: Status report for the Apache HttpComponents Project
-- Status --
All is good in the land of HttpComponents: the project team is eagerly
working on hammering out that last issues with HttpCore 4.0 Final; the
release vote is imminent.
-- Releases --
We have had one release since the last report:
20 December 2008 - HttpComponents HttpClient 4.0 beta 2
-- Community --
We have recently re-confirmed by vote to finally remove the author tags
which are still existent in various old bits of (legacy) code; there was
no discussion, simply a re-affirmation before going ahead and removing
The user community is thriving as ever; the committership is stable and
also very happy to finally arrive at a major milestone with HttpCore 4.0.
-- Development --
In the last two months development has been focussed on improving the
documentation for HttpCore. This resulted in a complete set of API docs
as well as specialized articles for HttpCore 4.0 - kudos to Oleg for his
impressive work.
Attachment N: Status report for the Apache iBATIS Project
Very little has changed since the last report. iBATIS for Java is quickly
nearing an Alpha release. Only the dynamic SQL component remains for
iBATIS.NET 3.0 is already is Alpha quality, and is already being used by
some projects that are running from their own source build. No official
Alpha release has been made.
iBATIS continues to be among the top choices among Persistence Frameworks
for Java. The latest Spring book from Manning included a section on
iBATIS, as did a recent publication from IBM on the subject of Java
No changes to the team. No major issue.
Attachment O: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project
The last month has been fairly quiet, with nothing currently requiring the
attention of the Board.
We voted to accept Pivot for Incubation. Pivot did not report this month,
but is still just getting started, and have not yet received all of their
infrastructure ( We will
require them to report March, April, and May.
A number of projects held votes to perform releases, including OpenWebBeans,
Sanselan, and Click.
Little else at the Incubator level. Some discussion of housekeeping. The
Incubator has started a vote to suspend XAP, as well as to discuss which
others should be suspended.
= Bluesky =
BlueSky has been incubating since 01-12-2008. It is an e-learning solution
designed to help solve the disparity in availability of qualified education
between well-developed cities and poorer regions of China.
Recent Activity:
* Feb Update: Clean room version of the Bluesky code has been reviewed by
Bill Stoddard (project mentor).
* Jan Status: It is nearly the end of this semester. We were busy
preparing and taking exams in the past month. So no further progress could
we make. We sent our clean version code our mentor, and are waiting for his
Next Steps:
* Consider replacement of FFmpeg. We believe that the clean version of our
code should be available under ASL. Thus we are considering the cost of
using Theora.
* Submit Bluesky code grant to ASF. Perform final code review, cleanup
then check the code into the svn repository.
* Begin working on formal release of Bluesky
= Cassandra =
= Droids =
= ESME =
Enterprise Social Messaging Experiment (ESME) is a secure and highly
scalable microsharing and micromessaging platform that allows people to
discover and meet one another and get controlled access to other sources of
information, all in a business process context.
ESME entered the incubator in 2008-12-02.
The following items have been performed since the last reporting period
* Inclusion of other existing svn branches (actions, etc.) from Google Code
into Apache SVN trunk
* Anne Kathrine Petteroe elected as a committer
* Completion of first development sprint
* Transfer of existing issues in Google Code to Apache Jira
* Source code clean-up (Moving everything to org.apache.esme path, Apache
copyright, etc.)
The following items are planned for the next reporting period:
* Work on development second sprint
* Submission of Apache CLA by other team members
* -- In progress --
Top 2 or 3 things to resolve prior to graduation
* Move all collaboration to the esme-dev mailing list
* Increase community involvement in the project
* Provide instructions for people to build, install and evaluate EMSE by
= Kato =
Kato was accepted into the Incubator on 6 November 2008.
Kato is a project to develop the Specification, Reference Implementation,
and TCK for JSR 326: the JVM Post-mortem Diagnostics API
Recent Activity:
* The discussions on users stories for the tools that will shape the API
have been ongoing.
* Work is being done to get the CCLA and initial code contribution
prepared. Target is the end of February.
The following is planned for next reporting period:
* Wiki and Website setup.
* Contribution of source code along with CCLA.
= Lokahi =
= PDFBox =
Apache PDFBox is an open source Java library for working with PDF documents.
PDFBox entered incubation on February 7th, 2008.
The past three months have been very good for the PDFBox project. Community
activity has increased notably, and we've added Andreas Lehmkuhler and Brian
Carrier as committers and PPMC members. The lengthy license review is nearly
finished and we're preparing for the first Apache release of PDFBox.
Issues before graduation:
* Increase community size and activity
* Resolve remaining issues found during the license review
* First Apache release
= PhotArk =
Apache PhotArk will be a complete open source photo gallery application
including a content repository for the images, a display piece, an access
control layer, and upload capabilities.
* PhotArk has been accepted for Incubation in August 19, 2008.
* Issues before graduation :
* Grow community
* Releases
* Roland Weber retired as PhotArk mentor
* The community has not changed over the last month, although we have
started to see people collaborating on the mailing list
* We are working towards a .01 release. It is the hope of the current
community that having a release will help attract other contributors.
= Pivot =
Pivot was voted on subsequent to the January Board meeting, and is brand
new, and still being setup. Pivot started as an internal project at VMware
for a rich, Java-based, in-browser, web UI. We are in the process of
collecting the necessary CLA documents.
= Sling =
Sling is a scriptable web framework that uses a Java Content Repository,
such as Apache Jackrabbit, to store and manage content.
Sling entered incubation on September 5th, 2007.
* With the new year, new activity has sparked around Sling and new
people come to use Sling
* Sling will be the subject of various sessions at ApacheCon EU, and
interest in JCR in general is increasing, which should help Sling as well.
* We're expecting to do a new release real soon now, after closing a few
outstanding issues.
* Rory Douglas contributed OpenID authentication support for Sling.
* Due to timing constraints work on enhancing the documentation on the
site has not gone forward yet.
Issues before graduation
* Grow a more diverse community. Activity of non-Day people is growing
which we see as a good sign, that this is finally taking off - but we're not
there yet.
Licensing and other issues
* none
= Stonehenge =
Stonehenge was accepted into the Incubator in December 2008
Since the last board report, there has been further contributions and
updates to the Stonehenge codebase and we are working towards our first
release. The incubator website is now updated with Stonehenge listing and
status page.
= VCL =
= WSRP4J =
= XAP =
The project reports no activity.
Attachment P: Status report for the Apache JAMES Project
Another quiet but steady quarter for Apache James.
Since our last report:
We have released version 2.4 of the Apache Mailet API.
A big step for the project, this represents the first release of the
API independent from the James Server.
We have added a new sub project MPT
"... contains a lightweight scripting framework suitable for the
functional testing of the ASCII line based protocols common in mail"
Testing is a major headache for James, owing in no small part to the
asynchronous nature of email and James server, and it has long been a
goal of all concerned to develop a framework for automating testing of
email systems.
We have separated out mime4j mail onto its own mailing list, separate
from server-dev.
We have added two commiters:
Markus Wiederkehr
Oleg Kalnichevski
and one PMC member:
Niklas Therning
The PMC are currently concerning ourselves with the process of
removing inactive members from the PMC.
We're awaiting clarification of a couple of points from the board.
Attachment Q: Status report for the Apache Lenya Project
1 new committer, Rudolf Korhummel.
We voted to branch trunk into a v2.0 and use trunk to migrate lenya on
top of cocoon 2.2.
A lot of work was then done on trunk to move us to Cocoon 2.2.
Syntax highlighting was added to the source editor.
Attachment R: Status report for the Apache Logging Services Project
This report covers the previous month as this project has been
reporting monthly at board request since December. Unless
otherwise requested, the project will resume quarterly reporting.
- Community
No new PMC members, no new committers in this period.
- Development
log4j 1.2:
One bug fixed addressed in this period. No other progress toward
a 1.2.16 release.
log4j 2.0:
log4j 2.0 (the proposed rearchitecting of log4j targeting Java 5
and using current best practices) has not seen any development
for many months.
No commits this month. No fixes for compilation failures on recent
Fedora release now 3 months or so after initial reporting.
No commits this period.
log4php has not had any active development for a prolonged
period of time and is not current on its Incubator reporting.
No commits this period.
- Releases
log4j 1.2.16 is overdue. It was originally hoped to be released last fall,
but Hurricane Ike disrupted that release push. A release candidate before
the next board report would be highly desirable.
Several log4j companions, log4cxx, log4net and Chainsaw are seriously
overdue for releases.
Attachment S: Status report for the Apache Perl Project
--- mod_perl 1.0 --
The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd
No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report.
--- mod_perl 2.0 --
mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches.
No new mod_perl 2.x releases since the last report.
--- Apache-Test --
Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write
test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is
used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and
includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP
and Parrot.
No new Apache-Test releases since the last report.
--- Apache-SizeLimit --
Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production
environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes
based on various environmental triggers.
No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report.
--- Apache-Bootstrap --
Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl
module distributions for different mod_perl versions.
No new Apache-Reload releases since the last report.
--- Apache-Reload --
Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development
environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter
without completely restarting httpd.
No new Apache-Reload releases since the last report.
-- Development --
mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though
as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally
slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and
applied with due consideration for our production userbase.
-- Users --
The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. nothing noteworthy
has happened since the last report.
-- PMC --
Adam Prime was given commit karma to the documentation repository.
No other noteworthy events happened during this quarter.
Attachment T: Status report for the Apache POI Project
Attachment U: Status report for the Apache Qpid Project
Attachment V: Status report for the Apache Roller Project
This is Roller's quarterly board report for February 2009. It covers
community health, status of our most recent release, work that has been
done in the trunk and plans for new work.
Status of work in the trunk
Below are the changes in the trunk since the last major release.
(no change since last report)
* We added a new fully pluggable user management system and better support
for contributed by Dave Johnson working on Sun's social software for
Glassfish efforts.
* Our Google Summer of Code student has completed OpenID support, using
Spring Security to do. We are currently evaluating the final patch.
* Dave Johnson started working on upgrading from OpenJPA 0.9.7 to
OpenJPA 1.0 but ran in to problems and has committed none of this work.
* Allen Gilliland contributed his most recent code for Apache Roller
Planet, from his work on This is a separate application
from the Apache Roller Weblogger and has not yet been released.
In December 2008, Dave Johnson proposed that the next major release of
Roller include these changes, enchanced Media Blogging, cluster-friendly
search and upgrades to the latest Struts and OpenJPA releases. His
proposal is here Apache Roller 5.0 Release:
Plans for new work in the trunk
Two San Jose State University (SJSU) students, Ganesh Mathrubootham and
Tanuja Varkanthe, are working on a two-semester project to improve
Roller's Media Blogging features. This includes better management of media
files images, video and audio files, new user interfaces for browsing and
selecting media files and more. They've been doing extensive work on the
Roller wiki to create a proposal and detailed design for this work,
which you can find here:
We created a branch for the development of these new features and In late
December 2008, Ganesh submitted and we accepted a patch that includes new
manager interfaces, POJOs, Struts actions and JSPs that form the
foundation for the Media Blogging work.
Status of Apache Roller 4.0
After learning of a security vulnerability in our 4.0 release, we decided
it was time to make a release to include a fix for the security problem
plus the dozens of bug fixes we've made since 4.0 was released in
December 2007. The release announcement is here:
Community health
The community is doing well, but our committers are definitely not as active
as they were in the past and we need some new blood. We nominated and voted
in a new committer Ganesh Mathrubootham and there are several other
community members that may develop into new committers.
Attachment W: Status report for the Apache Santuario Project
Attachment X: Status report for the Apache Turbine Project
The Turbine project has been very slow in the last quarter.
The Turbine project has no board-level issues at this time.
Community changes
No new committers were voted in since the last board report.
No new PMC members were voted in since the last board report.
Turbine core project
Apart from the release below there has not been a great deal
of activity for Turbine this quarter.
Releases this quarter:
* Turbine 2.3.3 was released on 23 November 2008.
Fulcrum component project
Work continues on migrating the build process to Maven 2, but progress is slow.
No beta or final releases were made since the last board report.
META project
No beta or final releases were made since the last board report.
Attachment Y: Status report for the Apache Tuscany Project
Apache Tuscany is an SOA framework based on OASIS OpenCSA. It is now
nine months since Tuscany graduated from the Incubator and it continues
to have active and healthy developer and user communities.
One new PMC member has been voted on to the PMC since that last board
report, and another is currently being voted on. There have been no new
committers. Mailing list traffic on both dev and user lists is
starting to track up
again after dipping down at the end of the year.
Development continues on both the SCA 1.x and 2.x code streams with
2.x aiming for a mid year 2.0 release to support the upcoming final
versions of the OASIS SCA specifications.
An SCA 1.4 release was announced in January, the first milestone release
the 2.0 code is currently being voted on.
Attachment Z: Status report for the Apache Velocity Project
The Apache Velocity project continues to have renewed momentum for
what is essentially mature product. The increased dev-list traffic
reported last quarter continues, and we're now up to three engaged
committers and several other regular contributors.
User list traffic remains steady with 1-2 messages per day, all
answered quickly.
In December 2008 we released Velocity 1.6. This release added
incremental features, syntax improvements, and extensive performance
improvements. We followed up shortly thereafter with a bug fix
release Velocity 1.6.1 in January 2009.
Velocity Tools released version 2.0-beta3 in December 2008. We
anticipate a full 2.0 release in the coming quarter.
We have added one new committer, who has taken a very active role in
testing, fixing bugs and moving us towards our next release.
The Velocity project currently has no board-level issues at this time.
Attachment AA: Status report for the Apache Xalan Project
Attachment AB: Status report for the Apache Xerces Project
February 2009 Report
There was quite a bit of development since November, including more
progress on the XML Schema 1.1 implementation, other schema features,
the StAX event API and an implementation of the DOM Element Traversal
API. The latter requires a new interface from the W3C. Hoping this can
be included soon. See issues highlighted in the XML Commons report.
Still getting good help from the community on the XML Schema 1.1
work. Our former GSoC student is helping to improve the support for
type alternatives and another is looking at the assertions support.
No development activity to report.
In some clean up work of the old XML project it was discovered that is still being used for publishing snapshots. A
discussion was started to determine what should be done with these. No
development activity to report.
XML Commons
There was some discussion in December about creating a new component
for SAX utilities, seeded with some existing utilities from Apache
Tika. The Apache Commons project is also being considered as a
possible home. For the time being the developers decided to move
forward with a sandbox component over in the Commons project, also
including works from Cocoon and Jackrabbit.
Xerces-J recently implemented the Element Traversal API and would like
to add the W3C interface to XML Commons External. Apache Batik has
already been shipping it. It was recently discovered by one of the
developers that the interface isn't correctly licensed under the W3C
Software License. At our request, the Web Applications Working Group
appears to have fixed this issue, issuing an erratum against the
specification. Once we hear official word, we plan to include the
properly licensed copy of the source in XML Commons. More information
is available here: [WWW]
We finally got around to developing a proper top-level website for
Xerces. Had a skeleton up there for years which wasn't too
inviting. [WWW] is now building with
Forrest. Special thanks to Ashley Morgan for the logo. This is one of
the wonderful things that came out of Google's GHOP contest.
Attachment AC: Status report for the Apache XML Project
From a general business perspective, not much is happening in the XML
project. Jeremias Maerki is working with various pre-XML-now-TLD
communities to fix a few inconsistencies in the XML website, and no
topic requiring the PMC attention has been brought up. Now that Attic
is in place, next quarter could be a good timing to consider moving
AxKit there (also considering they failed to report, again).
Xindice is been quiet this quarter, with minor activity on users list
and in SVN.
Attachment AD: Status report for the Apache XML Graphics Project
General Comments
There are no project-level issues. Business as usual.
XML Graphics Commons
No releases, no major changes, just a few improvements and fixes in
various components. Most changes happened in the PostScript and image
loading parts. A release will be made prior to the next FOP release (see
Same as last time: Not much going on. A little bugfixing and code
cleanup. Activity on the users mailing list seems stable.
No releases this quarter. The AFP GOCA branch has been folded into trunk
and various improvements were done since then. The branch with the new
intermediate format is about to be finished within a matter of days.
Research for an improved approach at page breaking continues. Besides
that we've seen the usual bugfixing and a few smaller improvements.
Activity on the users mailing list seems stable. The dev list may have
been a tad less busy.
We've discussed the version number for the next release to be done
within the next reporting period. We finally seem to dare make the jump
to 1.0. The previous ideas for the 1.0 release simply proved unrealistic.
We will likely try to involve the PRC to help avoid false expectations
on the user side due to a 1.0 release after almost 10 years of
development. And we'll probably start with a beta phase first, like for
the previous release.
Terminology: "AFP" (Advanced Function Presentation) is an IBM document
and printing format. "GOCA" is AFP's graphical/vector content
specification. The "Intermediate Format" is a proprietary XML
representation of the formatted pages produced by FOP's layout engine.
End of minutes for the February 18, 2009 board meeting.