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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

                            March 18, 2009

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 10:00am (Pacific) and began at
    10:02 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a
    quorum was recognized by the chairman. The meeting was held
    via teleconference, hosted by Jim Jagielski and Springsource.

    IRC #asfboard on was used for backup

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Bertrand Delacretaz
        Justin Erenkrantz
        J Aaron Farr
        Jim Jagielski
        Geir Magnusson Jr 
        William Rowe Jr
        Sam Ruby
        Henning Schmiedehausen
        Greg Stein

    Directors Absent:



        Paul Querna
        Jukka Zitting
        Gavin McDonald
        Henri Yandell
        Bill Stoddard (10:24 - 11:00)

3. Minutes from previous meetings

    Minutes (in Subversion) are found under the URL:

    A. The meeting of

       See: board_minutes_2009_02_18.txt

       Approved by General Consent.

4. Executive Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Jim]

       We are less than a week away from ApacheCon EU 2009, which is note-
       worthy because it kicks off our decade of the ASF media push. Sally
       is coordinating interviews and other media-related engagements to
       promote this very cool event.
       The membership application for us to "join" W3C is still, at last
       check, still "in process." It feels good for us to be better at
       handling paperwork than other organizations!
       Both the board and member mailing lists have been relatively quiet.
       The foundation and the board are ticking along.
       I have sent a contract renewal to our current secretarial assistant
       for a duration of 3 months. It is expected that we will have our
       EA on board before the contract expires, and we can let the EA
       provide feedback on whether to continue the contract as well as
       what changes may be required. At present, I have not yet seen the
       contract filed, but there were issues with the faxing to the eFax
       line; If the SA has not rec'd it after I refaxed it on 3/17/09, I
       will scan and Email.
       I will be presenting and attending ACEU09, and have a number of
       interviews and meetings already setup. Sally will be coordinating
       my schedule for these events.
    B. President [Justin]

       This month has largely been focused on preparations for the
       upcoming ApacheCon in Amsterdam next week.  Like Jim, I will be
       at ACEU09 in Amsterdam next week and I will also be relying upon
       Sally to help coordinate my schedule for the duration of the event.

       Conversations regarding ApacheCon continue with VP, ConCom and
       the producer.  Late last month, we had a conversation with
       Karen Sandler from the SFLC and the producers.  This was a very
       beneficial call as Karen helped to clarify the rules regarding
       sponsorships.  There were also several calls related to the
       budget - largely focused on the upcoming event.  As of now, AC
       EU is projecting to be at or near the break even point
       financially.  Discussions about how to appropriately scope AC US
       to minimize financial risks in this economic climate will be
       had as part of the AC US planning meeting immediately after the
       conclusion of AC EU.  I expect substantial progress to be made
       over the next month.

       I also helped Geir get set up with the associated Wells Fargo
       MyCEO access - he now has a 'dongle' and online access.  Sam
       should be coordinating signer access for Geir.

       A preliminary budget is in Subversion.  Both PRC and
       Infrastructure have discussed and submitted their requested

       Due to scheduling conflicts, the Budget Committee has not yet
       had a chance to review the total numbers yet, but since all
       members of the committee will be in Amsterdam next week, I am
       hopeful that we should be able to carve out some time to go
       over the numbers and come to a consensus within the committee.

       I still believe we are on track to have a budget to approve for
       April's meeting (next month).  If any one has any comments
       on the budget, I would encourage that they share them sooner
       rather than later!


       Sander (via email): "I've been working on a draft rfp, but
       disappointingly didn't come up with something presentable yet.  I
       should have flagged that I had an issue with the round tuit supply
       chain the last weeks.  That said, I think that next week f2f we can
       hash something out relatively quickly."

       Jim volunteered to help

    C. Treasurer [Geir]

      The transition between Aaron and myself is going smoothly.  I have
      access to Wells Fargo CEO system, and solved the much-dreaded 
      "create a PIN for the RSA token" riddle.

      Contributions received : 
       - Intuit
       - Microsoft (from August 2008 invoice)

      No PayPal contributions listed in this report.  Will have update next
      Taxes : we are unable to file another extension.  Plan is to just 
      grind them out and send a letter explaining situation, apologizing,
      promising to never do it again, and ask for leniency from the IRS.

      Todo : 
       - taxes
       - 1099's for last year's contractors
       - get setup with PIN for online banking in QB
       - get setup w/ "retail" account for checkwriting
         and > 90 day CC reports (so I can bring QB up to date for taxes)
       - review contributor invoicing and billing process w/ fundraising
       - review switching from accrual to cash accounting
       - automate CC transaction download to QB
       - shift bookkeeping to monthly calendar rather than board calendar
       - produce month/month report for better near-term tracking
       - figure out why SA didn't get paid for jan or feb
       - more that I'm forgetting

     Statement of Financial Income and Expense
        February 19 through March 17, 2009
               (Accrual Basis)

        Ordinary Income/Expense
              Interest Income                     37.85  
           Total Income                           37.85 

              Bank Service Charges                301.19 
              Licenses and Permits                341.00
              Postage and Delivery                 43.85
              Program Expenses
                Travel Assistance            7,193.52     
                Public Relations Staff       3,636.36   
                Infrastructure Staff         6,000.00  
                Colocation Expenses          1,068.03    
              Total Program Expenses            17,897.91  

           Total Expense                        18,583.95 

        Net Ordinary Income                    -18,546.10  

     Net Income                                -18,546.10 

  Note that this is on an accrual basis, and thus there was infrastructure expense
  from January that got posted to QB today, so they "fell out" of this report, even
  though it was paid for 3/10/09.  (IOW, we have no formal record of those expenses
  in board reports.  I'll be happy to post an "updated" for the previous period if 
  it's necessary)

       The Apache Software Foundation
      Statement of Financial Position
      Accrual Basis - As of March 17, 2009

                                                   Mar 17, 09    Mar 17, 08     $ Change       % Change

        Current Assets
             Paypal                                  10,217.60      3,917.93      6,299.67         160.8%
             Wells Fargo Analyzed Account            44,397.08    112,157.04    -67,759.96         -60.4%
             Wells Fargo Savings                    298,688.88    156,584.82    142,104.06          90.8%
           Total Checking/Savings                   353,303.56    272,659.79     80,643.77          29.6%

           Accounts Receivable
             Accounts Receivable                      5,000.00          0.00      5,000.00         100.0%
           Total Accounts Receivable                  5,000.00          0.00      5,000.00         100.0%

        Total Current Assets                        358,303.56    272,659.79     85,643.77          31.4%

     TOTAL ASSETS                                   358,303.56    272,659.79     85,643.77          31.4%

           Current Liabilities
             Credit Cards
                ASF Credit Card - Ruby                   43.85          0.00         43.85         100.0%
                ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz            -27.95    -14,770.81     14,742.86          99.8%
                ASF Credit Card - Jagielski               0.00       -199.08        199.08         100.0%
             Total Credit Cards                          15.90    -14,969.89     14,985.79         100.1%
           Total Current Liabilities                     15.90    -14,969.89     14,985.79         100.1%

        Total Liabilities                                15.90    -14,969.89     14,985.79         100.1%

           Retained Earnings                        261,975.10    241,114.20     20,860.90           8.7%
           Net Income                                96,312.56     46,515.48     49,797.08         107.1%
        Total Equity                                358,287.66    287,629.68     70,657.98          24.6%

     TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                     358,303.56    272,659.79     85,643.77          31.4%

   Current outstanding AR is Joost. 
       We need to issue "thank you" to all donors over $75;
       treasurers will collect the information, the SA will execute

    D. Secretary [Sam]

       5 grants, 74 iclas, 2 cclas were processed.  This was a mix of
       arriving and archived documents.  Curiously, quite a few documents
       in the archived box were encountered that were scanned prior to
       being shipped to Raleigh.  Of course that wasn't noticed until after
       a large batch was rescanned...

       The Secretary Assistant purchased a new scanner with a document feeder.
       The scan quality also is improved.

       Small adjustments were made to the Workbench script in an attempt
       to reduce the error rate and to deal better with rescans.

       I can confirm the receipt of the bridging SA contract.  Unless there
       has been activity that I'm unaware of, I'm extremely skeptical that
       a new EA will be selected, on board, and in a position to make a
       recommendation at the 2.5 months remaining.  That being said, it
       should there be a need to create another extension for even as
       small as one month, that should not pose a problem.

       After a long period of appearing like clockwork, the SA did not
       receive payment for the month of February.  The treasurer has been

       We've recently had several cases where people have sent faxes and
       the've never been received.  I've done some "dumpster diving" through
       the archives and not found them.  Not sure what's going on.  If
       anybody wants to participate, the apmail private-arch officers
       secretary archives are available.  What would be helpful in such
       inquiries would be for people to provide approximate dates as to when
       the fax was originally was sent.

    E. Executive Vice President [Sander Striker]

       [no report submitted]

    Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

5. Additional Officer Reports

    1. VP of JCP [Geir Magnusson Jr]

       See Attachment 1

    2. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby]

       See Attachment 2

    3. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Justin]

       See Attachment 3

    4. Apache Conference Planning Project [Lars Eilebrecht / Sam]

       See Attachment 4

       BarCamp is free, and the Hackathon requires a fee... we are
       unhappy with that situation. The rates are determined by SCP.

    5. Apache Public Relations Project [Jim Jagielski]

       See Attachment 5 again raised as an issue
       Intuit confirmed as a bronze sponsor.

    6. Apache Infrastructure Team [Paul Querna / Justin]

       See Attachment 6

       Justin confirms that the $150-160k figure includes staffing

    7. Apache Travel Assistance Committee [Gavin McDonald / Bertrand]

       See Attachment 7

       One of the TAC applicants directly approached on of the ASF
       sponsors directly for more money. This is unacceptable
       behavior. The airfare has already been paid. This particular
       applicant will not be eligible for travel assistance for the
       next three years anyway. Jim, the TAC, and the PRC will

    Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

6. Committee Reports

    A. Apache Abdera Project [Garrett Rooney / J Aaron]

       See Attachment A

       J Aaron to pursue a report for Abdera

    B. Apache APR Project [Bojan Smojver / Henning]

       See Attachment B

    C. Apache Archiva Project [Maria Odea Ching / Greg]

       See Attachment C

    D. Apache Attic Project [Henri Yandell / Jim]

       See Attachment D

    E. Apache Buildr Project [Alex Boisvert / Bill]

       See Attachment E

    F. Apache Camel Project [Hadrian Zbarcea / Geir]

       See Attachment F

    G. Apache Cayenne Project [Andrus Adamchik / Justin]

       See Attachment G

    H. Apache Commons Project [Torsten Curdt / Bertrand]

       See Attachment H

    I. Apache CouchDB Project [Damien Katz / Henning]

       See Attachment I

    J. Apache Excalibur Project [Carsten Ziegeler / Bill]

       See Attachment J

    K. Apache Felix Project [Richard Hall / Sam]

       See Attachment K

    L. Apache Gump Project [Stefan Bodewig / Jim]

       See Attachment L

       Question: Should this move to infra? Answer: would not solve
       any problem, will leave it as is.

    M. Apache Harmony Project [Tim Ellison / Greg]

       See Attachment M

       Greg to approach PMC to inquire what the Harmony project plans
       would be if no JCK were forthcoming for an extended (two+
       years) time...

    N. Apache iBATIS Project [Clinton Begin / J Aaron]

       See Attachment N

       We'll expect another report from iBatis in June following
       their normal schedule.

    O. Apache Incubator Project [Noel J. Bergman / Geir]

       See Attachment O

       Henning will poke Shindig at ApacheCon.

    P. Apache Jackrabbit Project [Jukka Zitting / J Aaron]

       See Attachment P

    Q. Apache JAMES Project [Danny Angus / Bertrand]

       See Attachment Q

       Bertrand to pursue a report for JAMES

    R. Apache Labs Project [Bernd Fondermann / Greg]

       See Attachment R

       Looks like Vysper is shaping up for incubation.

    S. Apache Lucene Project [Grant Ingersoll / Justin]

       See Attachment S

    T. Apache OFBiz Project [David E. Jones / Jim]

       See Attachment T

       Zone are available but not as reliable. Jim to follow up.

    U. Apache POI Project [Nick Burch / Sam]

       See Attachment U

    V. Apache Portals Project [David Sean Taylor / Geir]

       See Attachment V

       David indicated that he will provide a report next month.

    W. Apache Qpid Project [Carl Trieloff / Bill]

       See Attachment W

    X. Apache Quetzalcoatl Project [Gregory Trubetskoy / Henning]

       See Attachment X

    Y. Apache ServiceMix Project [Guillaume Nodet / Bill]

       See Attachment Y

    Z. Apache SpamAssassin Project [Daryl C. W. O'Shea / Greg]

       See Attachment Z

    AA. Apache Synapse Project [Paul Fremantle / Jim]

       See Attachment AA

    AB. Apache Tiles Project [Greg Reddin / Bertrand]

       See Attachment AB

    AC. Apache Tomcat Project [Mladen Turk / Geir]

       See Attachment AC

    AD. Apache Web Services Project [Glen Daniels / J Aaron]

       See Attachment AD

       Aaron to request some outline of a plan for spinning out
       subprojects in their next (3 month) report.

    AE. Apache Wicket Project [Martijn Dashorst / Henning]

       See Attachment AE

    AF. Apache Xalan Project [Vacant / Sam]

       See Attachment AF

       Resolution for a new chair later in the agenda.

    AG. Apache XMLBeans Project [Cezar Andrei / Justin]

       See Attachment AG

    Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

7. Special Orders

    A.  Termination of the HiveMind PMC

        WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it no longer in the best
        interest of the Foundation to continue the Apache HiveMind project
        due to the inactivity of the community

        WHEREAS, the HiveMind PMC is unable to further fulfill the
        responsibilities of creation and maintenance of open-source
        software based on the HiveMind services and configuration
        microkernel, for distribution at no charge to the public

        NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Apache HiveMind Project is
        hereby terminated; and be it further

        RESOLVED, that the Attic PMC be and hereby is tasked with
        maintenance of the HiveMind framework software; and be it further

        RESOLVED, that the Apache HiveMind PMC be and hereby is no longer
        responsible for the creation and maintenance of open-source
        software based on the HiveMind services and configuration
        microkernel, for distribution at no charge to the public, based
        on software licensed to the Foundation; and be it further

        RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache HiveMind" is
        hereby terminated; and be it further

        RESOLVED, that the Apache HiveMind PMC is hereby terminated.

       Special Order 7A, Termination of the HiveMind PMC, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    B.  Update Public Relations Committee Membership

        WHEREAS, the Public Relations Committee (PRC) of
        The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) expects to better serve
        its purpose through the periodic update of its membership; and

        WHEREAS, the PRC is a Board-appointed committee whose  membership
        must be approved by Board resolution,

        NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following ASF members be
        added as Public Relations Committee members:

          Sally Khudairi <>
          Craig Russell  <>

       Special Order 7B, Update Public Relations Committee
       Membership, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors

    C. Appoint David Bertoni as Apache Xalan chairman

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Brian Minchau to
       the office of Vice President, Apache Xalan, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
       Brian Minchau from the office of Vice President, Apache Xalan;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Brian Minchau is relieved and
       discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
       President, Apache Xalan, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that David Bertoni be and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Xalan, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of
       Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation,
       retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is

       Special Order 7C, Appoint David Bertoni as Apache Xalan
       chairman, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors

8. Discussion Items
    We noted that the NYTimes article on Hadoop does not contain the
    word "Apache". PRC to work with the PMC chair on how to deal with
    PR. Perhaps a Webinar is appropriate? Perhaps a web page of
    instructions as a first step?

9. Review Outstanding Action Items

10. Unfinished Business

11. New Business

12. Announcements

13. Adjournment

    Adjourned at 11:09 a.m. (Pacific)


Attachment 1: Report from the VP of JCP

We're starting to see resolution to the outstanding requests for 
TCK's from Sun.  The request for JSR-200 (Network Transfer Format
of Java Archives) was denied - it is part of Java SE and not 
considered a separable TCK.  The request for JSR-196 (JASPI) has
been lost inside Sun.  I'm going to attempt to get the do-over
fast-tracked at the end of this week.  The request for JSR-311
(JAXRS) is complete and the TCK available to us.

There has been a bit of discussion in the community about the
Apache/Sun fight over the Java SE TCK, triggered by our "no" 
vote for Java EE 6.   For example :

Finally, I requested an EC vote on the following resolution to 
take place immediately.  I expect it to be part of the public 
minutes :

Resolved: It is the position of the EC that:

   TCK licenses must not be used to discriminate against or
   restrict compatible implementations of Java specifications
   by including field of use restrictions on the tested implementations
   or otherwise.  Licenses containing such limitations do not meet the
   requirements of the JSPA, the agreement under which the JCP operates,
   and violate the expectations of the Java community that JCP specs can
   be openly implemented.

This is in response to a simply awful article on Sun, Harmony and changes
in the JCP where Sun positioned the current situation as having EC backing 
because the EC made the current rules.

Attachment 2: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee

Active month, nothing requiring board attention beyond a passing mention of
staffing.  Summary:

  LGPL optional library for testing CouchDB (OK)
  DOM4J (BSD style license, accepted)
  JSR 173 license (replaced with an ALv2 equiv)
  Protocol Buffer License (verified as BSD) 
  Unicode data license (ICU: OK)
  MSV license (category X: due to FOU)
  License Headers question (dealing with BSD)
  Question as to when CCLAs are required (QPid)
  OASIS license of XSDs (not separately licensed?)
  OLIO fragment cache license (MIT)
  ICLA required for student under contract? (wouldn't hurt)
  Use of Prolog (the language) (OK)
  Abstract question on documentation (need specifics)

  Permission to reuse our CLA form itself (granted!)
  Question as to whether the ECCN "conveys" to commercial users (answer:
    exemption may not apply - consult a lawyer)
  General question as to whether ASF code can be sublicensed commercially
    (can and does)
  Hypothetical Discussion between Bruce Perens and Larry Rosen (over my head)

Referred elsewhere:
  Two separate potential violation of an ASF Trademark (to PRC)
  Advice for book authors (to PRC)
  IP-clearance question (to incubator)

Attachment 3: Status report for the Apache Security Team Project

For Feb 2009: There continues to be a steady stream of reports of
various kinds arriving at  These continue to be
dealt with promptly by the security team.

2     Support question
2     Security vulnerability question, but not a vulnerability report
3     Phishing/spam/attacks point to site "powered by Apache"
1     User was hacked, but it wasn't ASF software at fault
4     Vulnerability report

Attachment 4: Status report for the Apache Conference Planning Project

 General News

 * The conference committee is planning to have another Apache event
   in Asia for 2009, similar to the one held in Beijing in 2008.
   Details are still to be defined. 

 ApacheCon Europe 2009 News (23-27 March)

 * Lars Eilebrecht replaces Noirin Shirley as the lead for the
   conference as she has unfortunately become unavailable, and
   will not be able to attend the conference. Ross Gardler, and
   Shane Curcuru will be helping as co-leads with the conference.

 * BarCampApache was changed to be free of charge.

 * On Monday and Tuesday evening Meetups for the Apache projects
   Wicket, Jackrabbit, Lucene, Maven, and Portals will be held.
   Each Meetup is self-organized by each project, and can be
   attended free of charge.

 ApacheCon US 2009 News (2-6 November)

 * The Call for Papers deadline was extended until March, 14th, and
   is now closed with 210 submissions. Acceptances and rejections
   should be emailed by the end of April.

 * The planning meeting is scheduled at the Mövenpick March 28 & 29.
   The planners team includes Bill Rowe (lead), Cliff Skolnick
   (co-lead), Lars Eilebrecht, Shane Curcuru, Danese Cooper,
   Jean-Frederic Clere, Ross Gardler, Noel Bergman, Sally Khudairi,
   Justin Erenkrantz, Santiago Gala, Rich Bowen and Noirin Shirley
   (the last three are unlikely to attend the Amsterdam meeting at
   this point).

 * Conference registration is planned to be opened by May 2009.

Attachment 5: Status report for the Apache Public Relations Project

The last 4 weeks has seen quite a bit of work within the PRC, with
a number of outstanding items finally "done".

 o The Logo/Trademark page is now up! This is, as is the 3rd party
   licensing page, a work in progress, but is a substantial step in
   the right direction.
 o We are busy with PR activities for both our 10th anniversary and
   with ACEU (in support of that)
 o We are adding SallyK and CraigR to the PRC (see above resolution)
 o Worked on and released QPid PR at the start of the month.
 o Worked on and released 10 Anniversary Press Conference Media Alert
 o Coordinated discussion between Geir and OpenSource Release Feed
   regarding our NO vote on Java EE 6
 o "Finalized" budget for PRC
 o It looks like Intuit is officially a Bronze sponsor.
 o Sally has been in contact with current Sponsors, in the
   hopes of coordinating a meet-and-greet at ACEU09. Unfortunately,
   a number of sponsors will not be attending, so we will have
   a somewhat smaller get-together than originally planned.

HALO's report is as follows:

During ApacheCon:

- MIT/UInnsbruck study on Apache as online brand leading community-driven
  innovation kicks off; researchers will be onsite on Tuesday (only) for
  face-to-face interviews;

- ASF "Filmworks" project will kick off on Wednesday and run through Friday
  of next week. We will sponsor Michael Wechner as director and two
  additional film crew members; this covers travel and hotel expenses for
  three days;

- Coordinating 10th Anniversary celebration cake to be unveiled at the
  Welcome Reception on 25 March;

- trying to launch "greeting card" campaign on for folks
  to send their well-wishes and comments to the ASF (honoring 10 years of
  excellence, etc.)

HALO's been in touch with all the Sponsors, having finally connected with
Google (good call; notes to follow) and Progress/IONA/FUSE (their
Sponsorship is up for renewal this month). All Sponsors have also been
invited to participate in the branding study and ASF Filmworks projects.

Follow up with NYTimes on Hadoop story and related ASF branding; Shane
wants to follow through with Larry's suggestion on getting all our
projects/marks properly attributed, working with the PMCs, and a clear(er)
policy on the Website.

We also have an Overview page for the PRC, as well as Media and Analyst
Relations guidelines (includes information on writing press releases), and
ASF Highlights 1999-2009 document.

Attachment 6: Status report for the Apache Infrastructure Team

Replaced a failed disk in eris (svn).

Discussed what to do about disused accounts on
No actions taken at this time.

Replaced a failed disk in eos (websites).  Norman Maurer rebuilt
the array to be based on raidz2 instead of raidz1, and upgraded
the operating system to Solaris 10u6 + patches.

Gavin McDonald convinced Yahoo! to open up the buildbot server
port on ceres (builds).

Discussed a budget - the general consensus is that the infra
budget should be $150K-$160K per year, but folks on the budget
committee are looking for a more detailed breakdown of the
hardware portion.

Discussed an infra meetup between various open source
organizations, with the intent to fund travel should it come to

Norman Maurer convinced the SpamAssassin PMC to move their IO-
intensive jobs to their zone on odyne.

Shipped the errant SAS cable back to was setup on odyne for Jukka Zitting to work

Coordinated the move of to,
with the help of several member volunteers.

Henri Yandell carefully upgraded all of our Jira installations to

Sebastian Bazley continued his work validating foundation records.

Henk Penning continued his work handling mirror requests.

Attachment 7: Status report for the Apache Travel Assistance Committee

Status report for the Apache Travel Assistance Committee (March 2009)

General News

ApacheCon fast approaches, all tickets are booked, all hotel rooms are
sorted, am awaiting confirmation but I believe all have also registered for
the event also. Most applicants required documentation proof from the Hotel
and from the ASF confirming our invitations to them for ApacheCon. These
were also all sent out. So, I believe we are all done in this regard, but
over the next week I will cross T's and dot i's getting the last remaining
feedback that all is well and in place for and with all applicants.

Thanks go to Upayavira for his finding a good Travel Agent; and for being
liaison throughout, right up until final payments were made. Thanks also to
Justin and Sam for getting the payment done so swiftly. We tried a shepherd
system this time around where each shepherd looked after all aspects needed
to get their two applicants through to booking, no clue where we nabbed that
idea from ;) - it worked well.

The last couple of reports have mentioned that we will be obtaining feedback
from the ApacheCon US TAC attendees. This month saw the Questionnaire go out
to those attendees. Of the six questionnaires, we have received full
feedback returned from four so far, they are excellent replies and we look
forward to presenting that information next month when we expect the other
two to come through also.

Attachment A: Status report for the Apache Abdera Project

Attachment B: Status report for the Apache APR Project

The activity on the project in the last 3 months (Dec 9 2008 to Mar 9
2009) was as follows:

APR trunk:      101 commits
APR util trunk:  32 commits
APR 1.4.x:       17 commits
APR util 1.4.x:  27 commits
APR 1.3.x:       13 commits
APR util 1.3.x:  16 commits
APR 0.9.x:        0 commits
APR util 0.9.x:   1 commit
APR iconv trunk:  0 commits
APR iconv 0.9.x:  0 commits
site:             1 commit

Current stable release of APR is 1.3.3, released Aug 14 2008.

Current stable release of APR util is 1.3.4, released Aug 15 2008.

Current stable APR iconv release is 1.2.1, released Nov 15 2007.

APR/APU trunk is now targeting 2.x, a new major version. A new branch, 1.4.x
has been started as well, to cover all desired 1.x features that cannot go
into 1.3.x, due to versioning rules. The 1.3.x. branch received quite a few
bug fixes, many of which were backports from the trunk.

Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Archiva Project


* No releases since last board report.


* Development work for 1.2 is still on-going. 69 issues already fixed and 35
  more to go before the release.

* An Archiva session is scheduled for ApacheCon Europe at the end of
  the month.


No board level issues at this time.

Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Attic Project

The HiveMind PMC have voted to move to the Attic. The Attic PMC will
be working with the board to effect resolutions such that oversight
over HiveMind is passed over to the Attic PMC.

Focus next month will be on making the change such that HiveMind
is now recognizably in the Attic.

Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Buildr Project

Since our February report, we had 12 new issues reported and 6 enhancements
suggested; 12 issues were fixed, 4 based on patches from non-committers.

We've been planning a 1.3.4 release since January but it has not
happened yet.  We have a volunteer for the release so the last hurdle
is just making it happen.

There were some discussions related to clarifying our usage of git and
improving contribution/patch workflow with git. The discussion
culminated by the contribution of a tiny tool called "gitflow" that
facilitates the use of git while maintaining our Subversion repository
as the system of reference. Still, post-commit git synchronization
issues remain and manual merging is often necessary.

Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Camel Project

Apache Camel PMC Board Report, March 2009
* The Camel community continues to be very active and growing.
* Increased traffic on the development and user lists indicate wider
  adoption of Camel.
* No new committers.

* Lots of contributions from committers and community on trunk.
* We just issued the first milestone release of Camel 2.0.
* Final release of Camel 2.0 planned for next quarter.
* Development on the camel 1.x is slowing down while the focus shifted to 2.0.
* Camel 1.x will be still maintained for the foreseeable future.

* Camel 2.0-M1 released.

Attachment G: Status report for the Apache Cayenne Project

* Significant development activity on the Cayenne core and the Modeler. Addressed a few long-standing user requests.
* 3.0M5 got released in December 2008.
* Added GoogleAnalytics to the web site in January.

* Activity on the user and development lists has been steady.
* An issue was raised on the PMC list about the procedure of working with non-English speaking contributors. We are receiving a stream of patches from such a person, but we don't have a mechanism for making this contributor a committer, as there's no direct communication with this person on the mailing list, only communication done by proxy. Currently there's no resolution, and communication continues in a national language via one of the PMC members, and all the submissions are still done via patches.

Attachment H: Status report for the Apache Commons Project


 o Activity has picked up a bit on both the user and dev lists again.
   The compress component has gained some traction is soon a candidate
   for proper.

 o The question has come up how to handle the inclusion of external code
   that is covered under Apache 1.1 license. (Adding both headers? Keep it
   as 1.1?) The author was contacted and changed the license to 2.0 which
   resolved the problem for us.
   But it would be good to have an answer on this anyway.

 o New sandbox components
   - money
   - new java5 version of dbutils


 o Digester 1.8.1
 o Digester 2.0
 o Configuration 1.6


 o No new sandbox committers
 o New committer
   - Mark Thomas
   - Dan Fabulich
   - Paul Benedict
 o New PMC members
   - Stefan Bodewig
   - Siegfried Goeschl

Attachment I: Status report for the Apache CouchDB Project

CouchDB is a document oriented database.

- Community -

Continued growth on the mailing lists, In Feburary 800+ messages on
dev and 500+ on user.

New chapters of the upcoming O'Reilly book on CouchDB have been
released and are receiving feedback.

The 2 new committers we voted in last month, Paul Davis and Adam
Kocoloski, are now actively checking in code.

- Releases -

We've a lot of progress releasing 0.9.0, the first beta release of
Couchdb. We are now feature complete and we have 12 tickets are
currently blocking the 0.9 release. With feature work done things
should stabilize quickly.

Attachment J: Status report for the Apache Excalibur Project

There are no known issues.

Absolutely zero activity in all places, so nothing to report.
If this state continues for the next quarters we should consider moving
the project to the Attic by the end of the year.

Attachment K: Status report for the Apache Felix Project


    * Niclas Hedhman stepped down from the Felix PMC.
    * Additional contributions from David Bosschaert of the CXF community
      for patches to Felix to support distributed OSGi features from the
      next OSGi specification release.
    * Proposed contribution of new OSGi shell from Peter Kriens, based on a
      proposed new OSGi R4.2 specification.
    * Received code contributions for File Install subproject from community
      members Sahoo and Filippo Diotalevi.
    * Marcel did a 15 minute lightning talk about Dynamic Deployment with
      Apache Felix at FOSDEM '09 in Brussels.


    * Attempt to integrate PAX Logging into Felix has apparently been
      abandoned due to lack of time by those involved.
    * Preparing to release version 1.6.0 of Felix.
    * Released version 1.4.1 of Felix (includes Framework 1.4.1 and Main
      1.4.1); there were several small fixes and improvements in this
      release, but the main focus was to release patches needed by the CXF
      community to support distributed services.
    * Released various other subprojects (e.g., iPOJO 1.2.0, Web Console
      1.2.2, Remote Shell 1.0.4, Config Admin 1.0.10, Maven Bundle Plugin
    * Checked in a testing harness for both bundles and the framework itself
      based on bnd (from Peter Kriens).
    * Added ConfigAdmin support and support for NIO for HTTPS to the
      HTTP Service implementation.
    * Committed Device Access specification implementation, which was
      contributed by Dennis Geurts.

Licensing and other issues

    * None.

Attachment L: Status report for the Apache Gump Project


    * no news is good news.


    * Gump has seen some development activity sparked by JUnit
      migrating to github but we don't expect too much to happen in
      the future.  Gump is more of a service by now, not a typical
      development project - which is fine with us.

    * the installation is happily chugging along with active metadata


    * still all Apache committers have access to metadata in svn.

    * no releases.

Attachment M: Status report for the Apache Harmony Project


The Apache Harmony community remains healthy and continues to enhance
the body of Java runtime technology under its management.  There is a
new  project milestone build imminent and a new committer has recently
been appointed. The lack of a JCK continues to be an issue for Harmony.

Development and Releases

The Harmony community is focused on improving the quality of the
existing code, and completing the last remaining providers and tools
usually associated with Java runtimes.  The code is currently undergoing
release management towards a Java 5.0 M9 release expected to be declared
by the end of this month.  Our last release was in November 2008.

Contributions into the code base are numerous.  New work being delivered
in the upcoming release includes:
 - performance: across multiple areas, including class library
   improvements and JIT compiler global propagation optimizations,
   integer MUL/DIV/REM strength reduction, and so on.
 - pack200: a new implementation of the JSR-200 compression technology
   for Java bytecodes.
 - porting work: in the class libraries for AIX and zOS operating
 - bug fixing: focus on our test case enhancements, and on passing the
   Eclipse Test Suite.

We have enhanced the community-hosted builds with new jobs running on
the Apache Hudson infrastructure.  This gives a valuable insight into
the state of the builds for developers who do not run their own
continuous integration server.


No reported security incidents this period.


We are delighted to have Aleksey Shipilev accept an offer to become a
committer for Harmony.  Aleksey has contributed to many areas of Harmony
including performance and community discussion over a sustained period.

There were no changes to the PMC during this period.  There are
currently 39 committers, of which ~14 were active this period.

After a discussion around our use of Google Analytics, we decided to
remove the analytics tracker code from our website rather than update
the privacy policy.

The Harmony project intends to participate once again in the Google
Summer of Code program, and discussion around suitable projects is
underway on the developer mailing list.

Attachment N: Status report for the Apache iBATIS Project

Attachment O: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project

After last month's report, the Incubator has started the process of
recognizing the dormant status of projects that are in that condition.

The most serious issue that happened this past month is recorded in the
Empire-DB report, the gist of which is that a Committer had provided a
third-party with his SVN credentials. That issue is covered in detail

BlueSky, Cassanda, Log4PHP, and Shindig all failed to report. Comments are
below, in-line with each project.


Individual Project Status:

= Bluesky =

Bluesky failed to report.

Reviewing their mailing list, there is activity in the project, just no

= Cassandra =

Cassandra failed to report. They did recognize and discuss the need for a
report, but failed to provide one, anyway.

The Cassandra Project is a distributed storage system for managing
structured/unstructured data while providing reliability at a massive scale.

= Click =

Click is a page and component oriented Java web framework.

Click has been incubating since July 2008.

Tasks completed since December:
* Replaced all incompatible licensed libraries
* Click 2.0.1 was released from the Apache Incubator
* New JIRA was created and issues imported from old version

Top priorities:
* Review the current diversity in the developer community

= Empire-db =

This is an out of schedule board report, that the Incubator PMC asked us to
provide due to the following incident:

=== The situation ===

A committer "C" of Empire-db had the idea to create and provide an example
application that demonstrates how to use Apache Empire-db together with
Apache CXF. Initially he intended to write the code himself, but then he
found himself too busy and never really got around doing it. So he decided
to ask a student S instead to write the code for him using his templates and
ideas. S then wrote the code with a little aid of C and he got paid for it.
The work contract S had with C said that all rights over the code would
exclusively belong to C.

When the coding was finished, C asked S to submit the code using his Apache
SVN account. For that C temporarily logged S in from within Eclipse to SVN
on one of C's computers (Please note: the login was performed by C the
password itself was not given to S). C then also asked S subscribe and write
to the Empire-db-dev mailing list to resolve problems he had with the Maven
project layout. C believed that all actions taken were legitimate and in the
best interest of the project and the ASF.

=== The issues ===

When a Mentor of the Empire-db project became aware of this transaction, he
raised strong concerns regarding the following two issues:
1. Legal concerns that an ICLA from S would be required for the code that
was contributed.
2. Security concerns, whether access to the SVN could have been abused by S
or the password for the SVN account for C could have been revealed by S.
Furthermore he pointed out, that sharing an account - even temporarily - is
not approved by the community and hence must under no circumstances be

These concerns were also forwarded to the Incubator private mailing list,
where the actions taken by C also upset many people. There was a clear
verdict, that the mentor's concerns and disapproval were shared by everyone

C was surprised by the reaction of the Incubator PMC and defended himself
with the following arguments:
1. Since C is the exclusive legal owner of all rights over the code that
was submitted, only he could contribute it to the ASF anyway. Hence an ICLA
for S is from a legal point of view not required, even though he might be
the originator.
2. It is very unlikely and there is absolutely no reason to believe that
the account has been abused or compromised by S in any way, since the login
was only valid for the actual Eclipse session. For people of the same
company, working in the same LAN, there might be technically easier ways of
compromising an account. Even so he takes full responsibility for everything
that is or was done under his account.

C posted his statements on the Empire-db private mailing list and it is
unclear whether all people interested in this subject had the opportunity to
read these arguments.

The respondents were not all convinced by these arguments and the legal
issue still has not been fully resolved. However, still there is a strong
common agreement on the disapproval of account sharing.

=== The resolve ===

C acknowledges and respects the opinion of the community. As far as the
sharing of this account is concerned, he publicly assures not to repeat it
with any of this Apache accounts.

In order to resolve any remaining concerns the following actions were taken
by C and S as requested from the Incubator board:
1. S has signed and submitted an ICLA to the ASF.
2. C has changed this SVN password

= ESME =

Enterprise Social Messaging Experiment (ESME) is a secure and highly
scalable microsharing and micromessaging platform that allows people to
discover and meet one another and get controlled access to other sources of
information, all in a business process context.

ESME entered the incubator in 2008-12-02.

* Additional community members have submitted their iCLA with the aim of
becoming more involved
* Siemens press release about ESME, reviewed by the Apache PRC and
published at

* Somewhat reduced activity last month, and questioning as to why this is
* Good progress on the Twitter API, implementation nearly finished.

Top 2 or 3 things to resolve prior to graduation

* Move all collaboration to the esme-dev mailing list
* Increase community involvement in the project
* Provide instructions for people to build, install and evaluate EMSE by

= Etch =

Etch was accepted into Incubator on 2 September 2008.

Etch is a cross-platform, language- and transport-independent framework for
building and consuming network services. The Etch toolset includes a network
service description language, a compiler, and binding libraries for a
variety of programming languages.

We've prepared a bug fix release (1.0.2) which has been submitted for an
incubator vote. The 1.0.2 release also includes updated licensing
information in compliance with Apache standards. A 1.1 release with proper
package and namespace changes is being prepared as well. The 1.1 release
will also include experimental code for a c and python binding.

Our problem with finding a home for our continuous build continues. Various
plans have been proposed and failed due to lack of a Windows-friendly c#
build environment. While we will continue for awhile to host this build at
Cisco, we need to find a more neutral and open place to do public builds.

Cisco folks continue to be the primary source of discussion and commits.
There are some external nibbles, but none that are ready to pitch-in in a
serious way yet. More work needs to be done on the web site to make steps to
participation more evident. Work also needs to be done on the build
environment to make it a bit more forgiving.

Outstanding items:
* Check and make sure that the papers that transfer rights to the ASF been
* Check and make sure that the files that have been donated have been
updated to reflect the new ASF copyright...
* Check and make sure that for all code included with the distribution that
is not under the Apache license...
* Check and make sure that all source code distributed by the project is
covered by one or more of the following approved licenses...

= Hama =

Hama has been incubating since 19 May, 2008. It is a parallel matrix
computational package based on Hadoop Map/Reduce.

Recent developments:

* We constructed interfaces of matrix and vector.
* We implemented sparse/dense matrix-matrix multiplication and dot
* We implemented shell and user can use shell to manage matrices.
* We start implementation of the sparse matrix and sparse graph which is a
graph with sparse matrix.

Required before graduation:

* More practical examples of matrix manipulation
* Increase community size and activity
* First Apache release

= Kato =

Kato was accepted into the Incubator on 6 November 2008.

Kato is a project to develop the Specification, Reference Implementation,
and TCK for JSR 326: the JVM Post-mortem Diagnostics API

Recent Activity:

* The corporate CCLA has been received by ASF.
* Initial code contribution has been contributed.

The following is planned for next reporting period:

* Contributed code to be built.
* API Java doc to be built and put onto website.
* Development of reference implementation (RI) of Kato API.
* Development of working TCK.

= Log4php =

Log4php failed to report.

Log4php has been in the Incubator since 2004, and was retired once already,
then reviewed by new interest appeared. Reviewing the mailing list, Log4php
appears to still be very much a one person project, with Christian Grobmeier
as the sole participant. I see no sign of a user community, nor a developer
community. Is there any thought on what should be the discposition of the
project? Apache Labs? Something else?

= OpenWebBeans =

!OpenWebBeans will be an ASL-licensed implementation of the Web Beans
Specification which is defined as JSR-299.

!OpenWebBeans entered the incubator in October 26, 2008. The following items
have been made after the last report

* We have got a new committer who is Mark Struberg.
* We released the M1 version
* We published our new site via Maven

Belows are the next steps for coming days;

* We will release the M2 version.
* We will create additional documentation in the project web site.
* We will implement additional examples that show the usage of the
* We will continue to attract new committers into the project.

= Pivot =

Pivot is an open-source platform for building rich internet applications in

Pivot was accepted into incubation on the 26 January 2009.

The Pivot community missed the last report, largely due to after acceptance
a period of 'no action' ensued. The Pivot project has now taken off. One
initial committer is lost in action and has been removed from the initial
committer list, as well as the couple of patches that he supplied has been
The remaining 4 committers have submitted CLAs, accounts has been created,
authorization setup, Jira has been created, Confluence space has been
created, and we are soon to do the initial codebase submission. All
activities of setting up the podling has been tracked in

= RAT =

After a long quiet period, there seems to have been a definite change of
momentum. A major stumbling block has been the absence of released version
of the codebase after the move to Apache. Once this has happened, it should
be possible to start on some more interesting topics.

Preparation of a 0.6 release ongoing (and looking good). Hopefully due in

The scan code that generates (by auditing
the distribution directories) is probably just about good enough for wider
distribution and use by other projects at Apache. This will be targeted for
release before May.

Discussions are ongoing about a Google SoC originating in Harmony but more
naturally in scope at RAT

Top Issues Before Graduation:
1. ATM RAT is too small for a TLP but not clearly in scope for any existing
2. Regain momentum

= River =

River is aimed at the development and advancement of the Jini technology
core infrastructure. Jini technology is a service oriented architecture that
defines a programming model which both exploits and extends Java technology
to enable the construction of secure, distributed systems which are adaptive
to change. River has been incubating since December 2006.

The River project is not doing well. Practically all original committers are
inactive and while there are interested users and even some pretty active
discussions about the future of River, that interest isn't showing up as
patches or other more constructive contributions.

We've seen some effort towards making the QA test suite more accessible, and
there is interest in doing another release. However, nobody is actively
working on new features or bigger improvements. It has been suggested that
River needs a major new vision, but it's debatable whether that would do
better as a fresh new project. In any case nobody is actively pushing for
anything like that.

There is still hope for River, but at this rate the project is heading for

Issues before graduation:

* Re-activate the development community
* Migrate packages to org.apache.river
* Another Apache release

= Shindig =

Shindig failed to report.

Reviewing the Shindig mailing list shows considerable activity, with in the
realm of 1000+ messages per month.

= Stonehenge =

Stonehenge was accepted in December 2008

Stonehenge continues to make progress. There is now code committed for Ruby,
PHP, Axis2/Java and .NET. We are working on the wiki documentation on how to
get started and run the samples. Sun are working on an implementation for
Metro and we hope to get some contribution from Apache CXF too. Discussion
and mailing lists are slowly getting into place and the SVN and JIRA are all
in place and being used.

Main Activities:

* .NET Stock Trader code contributed
* Java and PHP Stock Trader code contributed
* New tree structure for all contributions created
* All existing code moved from contrib to trunk
* new committers from SUN Microsystems identified and came online
* Goals and exit criteria of Milestone 1 release being defined.

Attachment P: Status report for the Apache Jackrabbit Project

Apache Jackrabbit is a fully conforming implementation of the Content
Repository for Java Technology API (JCR, specified in JSR 170).

The Apache Jackrabbit project is in good shape. We have no board-level
issues at this time.

o Releases

  We made the following two releases from the 1.5 branch:

   * Apache Jackrabbit 1.5.2 on January 20th
   * Apache Jackrabbit 1.5.3 on February 27th

  The 1.5.2 release contained a fix to the security issue CVE-2009-0026
  (Cross site scripting issues in webapp). This was the first security
  issue we had received through security@, and we had some initial
  confusion on how we should react to such issues. The security team was
  very helpful in guiding us.

  We also made the following component releases from the older 1.4 branch:

   * jackrabbit-core 1.4.7 on January 20th
   * jackrabbit-core 1.4.8 on January 29th
   * jackrabbit-core 1.4.9 on March 3rd

  To get the JCR Commons subproject started we created and released a
  standalone Jackrabbit parent POM:

   * org.apache.jackrabbit:parent:2 on February 6th

o Legal

  No issues at the moment.

o Community / Development

  Michael Duerig joined the Jackrabbit team as a committer and PMC member.

  The JCR Commons subproject was started after related discussion and a
  vote. We are still in the process of setting up this new subproject.
  To respond to earlier feedback from the board: we decided *not* to move
  these components to Apache Commons to avoid splitting the development

  There is continuous interest in the JCR-based CMIS implementation we
  are developing in our sandbox. Florent Guillaume, who is not (yet) an
  Apache committer, is working on a related codebase in an external
  Mercurial repository under the working name "Chemistry". There are
  concerns over the development being split over different source
  repositories. For now we hope to bring all development into Apache svn
  and plan to manage the effort as organic growth within the Jackrabbit
  project, possibly targetting a subproject once the effort matures.
  Another option is to push the effort to the Incubator as a new podling.

  Starting with the 1.5.3 release our release notes include a section
  that acknowledges everyone who has contributed to that release. The
  contents of this section is based on the contribution report in Jira.

  Work in Jackrabbit trunk continues and I expect us to release
  Jackrabbit 1.6.0 in a few months. After the 1.6 release we'll most
  likely start targeting Jackrabbit 2.0 for release later this year.
  Jackrabbit 2.0 will require Java 5 as the base platform.

o Infrastructure

  We have migrated our Hudson CI builds to the new
  slave server.

  The CI builds are now configured to deploy snapshots to the new server. We are planning to start using the server also for staging Maven releases.

  The Jackrabbit zone that we used earlier for CI builds is being
  removed as we no longer need it.

  We have configured monthly Google Analytics reports to be sent to our
  development mailing lists. This is not truly optimal as each report
  needs to be separately approved by a moderator (due to the variable
  sender address), but for now this works well enough as a mechanism of
  sharing site statistics with everyone interested.

Attachment Q: Status report for the Apache JAMES Project

Attachment R: Status report for the Apache Labs Project

Labs is an open space for committer's coding experiments.

Business-as-usual in the past quarter here at Labs, without anything
requiring board attention.

== Labs Statistics ==

last 3 months:
- new: 1
- status changes: 0
- labs with commits: magma, vysper, BananaDB, noggit, orthrus

- total number: 24
 - active: 22
 - idle: 1
 - promoted: 1
 - completed: 0

== New or Reactivated Labs ==

BananaDB (PI Karl Wettin) was started in January. It is about a
"Filesystem based hashtable, living in the filesystem rather than in
RAM. Aims at becoming a general embedded key/value pair DB with
transactions, secondary indices and annotational API."

Orthrus (PI Paul Querna) became alive. Substantial code was committed
to its svn trunk.

== Small and mature projects ==

A very interesting discussion spun up[1] about where small (in terms
of code, features and community) and mature (in terms of features,
code quality and thus releasability) projects would have a place here
at ASF.

The consensus was that there currently is none, while there was no
consensus if that is good or bad and what might be a solution to it.

== Lab hacking ==

Magma still busy in terms of commits and JIRAs. Other labs saw more
selective development.

== GSoC09 ==

The Vysper Lab is reaching out for GSoC09 students with one proposal [2].


Attachment S: Status report for the Apache Lucene Project

=== Lucene Status Report: March, 2009 ===


Jukka Zitting was added to the PMC.  The PMC also accepted a
software grant to add PyLucene, a Python based port of Lucene
into the Lucene family.


Lucene Java is a search-engine toolkit.  Development has been
active and we are working towards the release of 2.9.
2.4.1 was released on March 9, 2009.


Solr is a full text search server.  Development and the community
is active.  Solr is working towards the release of 1.4


Nutch is a web-search engine: crawler, indexer and search runtime.
Nutch is in the process of releasing version 1.0


After some public debate on the (lack) of progress on the project,
we will be keeping a close eye on it over the next six months.
People have expressed an interest in seeing it continue and some
progress has been made to that end.

LUCENE.NET (incubating)

The .NET community is picking up some steam and has begun looking
into graduation from the incubator.


Apache Mahout is working towards
building a suite of scalable machine learning libraries for text and
data mining.  Some progress has been made on adding more clustering
algorithms as well as perceptron and winnow.
We are working on the processes for a 0.1 release and expect to do that
release soon.


PyLucene was donated by the Open Source Applications Foundation.
Andi Vajda and Mike McCandless are the initial committers on the
project.  PyLucene is working towards it's first release as
an Apache hosted project.


Apache Tika is a toolkit for detecting and extracting metadata and
structured text content from various documents using existing parser

The first candidate for the 0.3 release is already in place and the
release should be pushed out in March.

Metadata handling and metadata frameworks like XMP have been a source
of much discussion, but so far no clear consensus on has been reached
on whether or how the metadata features in Tika should be extended.

A wiki was created for Tika.

Attachment T: Status report for the Apache OFBiz Project

Report for Mar 2009 for OFBiz (Open For Business) as a top level project.

The Apache Open For Business Project (Apache OFBiz) is an open source
enterprise automation software project. By enterprise automation we mean:
ERP, CRM, E-Business / E-Commerce, MRP, SCM, CMMS/EAM, and so on.

We have ONE issue that require Board assistance at this time. Please see
the Infrastructure section for details.


- No new PMC members have been added.
- One new committer has been added: Bruno Busco (2009-01-15).


- Planning on a release branch around the end of this month (March 2009).
- Significant progress has been made on security issues, especially those
particular to webapps (like XSS, XSRF, etc).
- Significant new framework functionality is in place to support user
configured pages (portal/portlet style), and user editable content (stored
in filesystem, can interact with source repository, supports templating and
scripting and such just like previous tools)
- Refinement and fleshing out of business-oriented project functionality is
progressing based on the Universal Business Process Library
( mentioned last month. Jira tasks and
contributions based on some of this is starting to get into the project.


- ISSUE: This issue is related to the non-ASF hosting issues for project
resources included in the report last time (Dec 2008), and to a new
objective that came from discussion at ApacheCon in New Orleans in Nov 2008.
We are working on migrating all OFBiz project management tools to actually
run on OFBiz (including software enhancements and data conversion tools),
including moving from Confluence to OFBiz and from Jira to OFBiz, and also
running a dynamic internationalized project web site in OFBiz. The issue
with this is how and where to host it. We didn't get a lot of response from
infra about this, and it seems like there isn't really much precedence for
this as their are not facilities in place to host this sort of thing,
especially just for one project. Various other ASF Members (and some Board
members) expressed interest at ApacheCon in hosting more ASF stuff on
software that is developed within the ASF, and that is very compatible with
what we want to do in OFBiz. In other words, whatever is done now will
hopefully mature over the next few months to a point where not only OFBiz
can use it for project resources, but other ASF projects can as well.
Because various people involved with OFBiz either are hosting companies or
work with hosting companies it isn't hard to find a place to host this,
even a monitored production environment, but unless we somehow made that
official ASF infrastructure there are PRC as well as survivability issues
with it. Comments and recommendations from the board are needed to help
guide this effort. It will be a little while, probably at least until the
next board report (3 months from now), before we are ready to try anything
on a production scale to replace existing OFBiz project resources.

Attachment U: Status report for the Apache POI Project

No new committers or PMC members this quarter.

In the run up to our previous board report, we had identified a few
possible new committers. Some mentoring has happened this quarter, but the
people have drifted away somewhat, so no voting has occured. We continue to
keep an eye out for anyone else.

There was much "lively" debate in December, which saw Andrew Oliver resign.
The rest of the PMC has asked Andrew to reconsider, and David Fisher has
been taking the lead on this. If we are unable to get Andrew to reconsider
soon, we'll with much sadness follow the proceedure for removing him from
the pmc, and removing his svn commit.

Traffic on the dev list has been about steady this quarter, with a lot of
that covering licensing (see below). The user list traffic is slightly
down, but in keeping with the drop seem in the same quarter this year. Bug
report numbers seem about the same, though we've been having a bug push to
close off older bug reports this quarter.

We have one talk coming up at ApacheCon EU, and several committers
attending, so we hope to make some good progress in the hackathon.

Licensing, Notices etc
We are very grateful to the work Jukka Zitting has been helping us with
this quarter on making sure we're following all the best practices.

One thing to come out of this was that we did have one datafile under a
non-approved license, but with all the information on its licensing clearly
listed in the Notice file. Once the error had been pointed out, we worked
quickly with the VSDump to get the file in question re-licensed, though in
the mean time the dev list did feature a heated debate, including Andrew's
resignation (see above).

With Jukka's continuing help, and plenty of input from the community, we've
tidied up a few more loose ends, and we hope that by the 3.5 final release
we'll be up to the standard of the best apache projects in this area.

There have been no releases to POI 3.2 (our last version with no OOXML
support) this quarter. We have instead focused all our efforts on POI 3.5.

We have had two more beta releases of POI 3.5 (with OOXML support) this
quarter. The number of supported features continues to grow, and we once
again are aiming to do the final release next quarter... With ApacheCon EU
coming up, there's a chance we actually will do!

Attachment V: Status report for the Apache Portals Project

Attachment W: Status report for the Apache Qpid Project

- Voted on Robbie Gemmell as committer
- Lots of new people supplying patches, and contributing,
  good list of people working towards committership.

- Working on our next release close down, will most likely
  complete next month.

Attachment X: Status report for the Apache Quetzalcoatl Project

No new developments to report for Quetzalcoatl this quarter. No new
versions released, no major issues discovered. The pace of development and
Jira issues is very very slow.

Attachment Y: Status report for the Apache ServiceMix Project

Development continues towards a release of ServiceMix 4, while we also
keep on working on improving and stabilizing ServiceMix 3.  The
upcoming release already gets a fair share of the attention on the
mailing, with early adopters helping out by testing, raising issues
and suggesting improvements.

Preparing for our next major release, we have released:
* ServiceMix Specs 1.2.0
* a set of 13 osgi bundles for 3thd party dependencies

We have added 4 new committers to the project:
- Ulhas Bhole
- Jamie Goodyear

- Edell Nolan
- Jean-Baptiste Onofre

The last board report already mentioned the addition of Gianfranco
Boccalon and Andrea Zopello, whose ICLAs have also been processed in

In the PMC, we welcome Chris Custine as our newest member!

A Google Analytics Privacy Policy page has been set up and a link has
been added to the footer of all our website pages.

Attachment Z: Status report for the Apache SpamAssassin Project

- users' mailing list seems to be healthy with a number of questions
  being asked and most, if not all, questions be answered/resolved daily

- we haven't heard anything about our trademarks being registered, we'll
  have to ping Larry about that

- we've been working with ReturnPath (a major email accreditor) to have
  them improve their DNSBLs, respond better to abuse by their customers,
  work better with SpamAssassin users (regarding abuse reports
  concerning their customers) and help us better guage our install base;
  they've also started accrediting email from for us gratis

  if spam (e.g. backscatter, or relayed-via-list spam) is relayed
  through that IP, we may lose the accreditation, but it won't affect
  our status in a negative way -- we won't get blacklisted; so there's
  no downside there

- jm moved I/O heavy operations off spamassassin.zones onto
  spamassassin2.zones at the request of infrastructure

--Daryl C. W. O'Shea, on behalf of the SpamAssassin PMC.

Attachment AA: Status report for the Apache Synapse Project

Notable Happenings:
We are working hard towards the Synapse 1.3 release. There are a lot
of good fixes going into the trunk and we are currently updating to
using the Axis2 1.5 codestream.

We believe the community is continuing to grow in terms of mailing
list traffic, JIRA contributions, patches. We've had one very
demanding (and lacking some social skills) user taking a lot of

Export controls
We have now done our TSU notification and the latest release has the
correct documentation.
The next release will ship with the BouncyCastle JAR that excludes the
patented IDEA algorithm.

Attachment AB: Status report for the Apache Tiles Project


In this quarter the Apache Tiles PMC released version 2.1.1 as beta quality. 
After that release we found a security flaw related to Tiles' support for JSP EL 
expressions. The flaw is documented here:

The release was not pulled, but the bulletin above includes a recommendation not
to use it. A subsequent 2.1.2 release. The 2.1.2 release also fixed some other 
bugs and hardened some features for the 2.1.x series. Thus it was released as the
first GA release of the 2.1.x series.


On the development front, we are moving towards FreeMarker and Velocity support.
A plan has been prepared a plan for future releases. That plan, at a high level,
includes the aforementioned Freemarker and Velocity support in the 2.2.x series,
and more revolutionary changes for a 3.0.x series. The full plan can be seen 


Recent months have seen a slight uptick in user mailing list activity. We are still
in dire need of more committers to add some better diversity to the development 
team. We continue to encourage patches and other submissions. To date, it seems
there are a lot of people experimenting with Tiles and using it in production
environments, but there is very little interest from the outside in helping
further develop the project. The developer community has not changed in a very 
long time, but we are still able to find a qorum for releases and other things.

Attachment AC: Status report for the Apache Tomcat Project

Apache Tomcat Board Report, March 2009

The project continues to be active on a number of fronts.
There are no issues requiring Board attention at this time.

We didn't cut any release from the last board report.

However we are in the process of releasing mod_jk 1.2.28
and Tomcat 6.0.19.

We've been working closely with security issue reports and the Apache
Security committee on quickly replying to issues, resolving them, and
coordinating public disclosures.

CVE-2009-0781 - Cross-site scripting vulnerability
   The calendar application in the examples web application contains
   an XSS flaw due to invalid HTML which renders the XSS
   filtering protection ineffective.
   Fixed in the SVN for all major Tomcat branches.

We are working on few other security issues not mentioned
here because they have not been publicly disclosed yet.

Development was concentrated mainly on security issues and fixing
bugs for the current releases.

There were no changes in the committership nor PMC membership
during this quarter.

Attachment AD: Status report for the Apache Web Services Project

New PMC Members:
  Andreas Veithen

New committers:
  Sara Mitchell
  Dobri Kitipov

Code releases:
  Axiom 1.2.8
  XmlSchema 1.4.4
  WSS4J 1.5.5 and 1.5.6

  Web Services has been grooving along at a reasonably steady pace,
  nothing in particular requiring board attention at this time.

  We are still gearing up for Axis2 1.5, which is only pending a release of
  the newly-refactored WS-Commons transport project.  As soon as the
  transports go 1.0, Axis2 1.5 will release an RC followed by a final.
  After 1.5 is out the door we expect rapid releases by the Rampart and
  Sandesha subprojects as well, which will bring the published releases
  in line with the new functionality on the trunk.

  At some point in the near future we need to revive the "splitting the
  PMC and retiring a few projects" discussion, now that a bit of time has
  passed since the last round.

  The PMC chair continues his well-established pattern of NOT getting
  around to sending the "PMC cleanup" mails to our extremely inactive
  brethren and then removing them from the PMC list.  This isn't causing
  any problems, but hopefully noting this here will help said PMC chair
  to get off his butt and get it done.

  Individual sub-project reports follow. (no content after the project
  description means no specifics to report)

* Apache Axis2 *
Apache Axis2 is the third generation Web service framework of the Apache Web
service stack. A highly extensible message processing engine focused on SOAP
messages, it includes plugins for services, transports, MessageReceivers,
and Modules (message interceptors).

* Kandula *
Apache Kandula is an implementation of Web Services Coordination, Atomic
Transaction and Business Activity protocols. The project provides
implementations for both Apache Axis (kandula-1 branch) and Apache Axis2
(kandula-2 branch) platforms.

* Apache Axis *
Apache Axis is a web services framework implementing the W3C SOAP standard.

  Still hoping to release 1.5 and then retire the project, but no progress
  on this for this quarter.

* Apache Woden *
Woden is an open source Java implementation of the W3C WSDL 2.0

* JaxMe2 *
JaxMe 2 is an open source implementation of JAXB, the specification for
Java/XML binding.

  Trunk updated to support Java 6. Preparing release of 0.6.

* Apache Scout *
Apache Scout is an implementation of the JSR 93 (JAXR), which is a java API
to XML registries such as jUDDI.

* Apache jUDDI *
jUDDI (pronounced "Judy") is an open source Java implementation of the
Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) specification for
Web Services.

* Apache Rampart *
Rampart provides the WS-Security and WS-SecureConversation support for
Apache Axis2 using Apache WSS4J as the base. The configuration model uses
the WS-Policy framework and supports WS-SecurityPolicy specification. The
"Rahas" module in Rampart implements the WS-Trust specification with a
security token service implementation and a client API to carry out token
exchanges with the security token service.

* Apache WSS4J *
Apache WSS4J is an implementation of the OASIS Web Services Security
(WS-Security) from OASIS Web Services Security TC . WSS4J is primarily a
Java library that can be used to sign and verify SOAP Messages with
WS-Security information.

  With WSS4J's latest release, the package now fully supports everything
  needed to interoperate with Microsoft's WS-Trust interop tests.  Woo!

* Apache Rampart/C *
Apache Rampart/C is the security module for Apache Axis2/C. It's an effort
to implement WS-Security Specification 1.0. Rampart/C also comes with an
XML-Crypto library known as OMXMLSecurity. In addition Apache Rampart/C
configurations are based on security policy assertions as per WS-Security
Policy specification 1.1

* Apache Sandesha2 *
Sandesha2 is an implementation of WS-ReliableMessaging specifications for
Apache Axis2.

* Apache Sandesha2/C *
Sandesha2/C is a C implementation of WS-ReliableMessaging
specifications(both 1.0 and 1.1) for Apache Axis2/C projects.
Sandesha2/C is inter operable with Axis2/Java implementation and .net

* Apache Savan *
Savan is a Publisher/Subscriber implementation for Apache Axis2.

* Apache Savan/C *
Savan/C is a Publisher/Subscriber implementation for Apache Axis2/C projects
written in C Language.

* Apache Axis2/C *
Apache Axis2/C is an effort to implement Axis2 architecture in C. Apache
Axis2/C can be used to provide and consume Web Services.

* Apache WSIF *
Apache Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF) is a simple Java API for
invoking Web services, no matter how or where the services are provided as
long as it is described in WSDL.

* Apache WS-Commons *
Apache WS-Commons is a collection of projects that are primarily used as
parts of various WS projects but useful even outside the WS space.
WS-Commons houses Apache Axiom - the streaming XML object model, Apache
XmlSchema - an object model to manipulate XML schema documents, Apache
Neethi - the WS-Policy implementation and various other smaller projects
such as tcpmon.

  The WS-Commons transports project is preparing to release version 1.0 of
  each of the current Axis2 transports.

* Apache Muse *
Apache Muse is a Java implementation of WS-ResourceFramework,
WS-Notification, and WS-DistributedManagement. It provides code generation
tools and APIs that aid users in creating standards-compliant interfaces for
manageable resources. Muse-based interfaces can be deployed in a J2EE or
OSGi environment.

* Apache XML-RPC *
Apache XML-RPC is a Java implementation of XML-RPC, a popular protocol that
uses XML over HTTP to implement remote procedure calls.

Attachment AE: Status report for the Apache Wicket Project

Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component
oriented web applications, and was established as an Apache project in
June 2007.

Things worthy of note:
- Added Jeremy Thomerson as a Committer and PMC member
- Work on 1.3.6 and 1.4 final is progressing slowly
- Waiting for final discussions to settle regarding generics for 1.4
- ApacheCon presentation, training and Meetup
- Martijn visits London Wicket Meetup April 1st
- Rename Wicket to WicketFX so we can get a spot in JavaOne (none of our
  submitted talks were accepted)

No issues require attention from the board (rename action is not an
actual issue).

Attachment AF: Status report for the Apache Xalan Project

Attachment AG: Status report for the Apache XMLBeans Project

The activity on the mailing lists stays at the same levels with a slight
increase in the last few weeks. There were a few bugs on JIRA that were
promptly responded and closed. Also a bigger feature is in discussion that
came from a non committer.

For this quarter, there were no new releases though there were code fixes
going into trunk. There were no new committers and no PMC changes and no
other issues requiring board's attention.

End of minutes for the March 18, 2009 board meeting.
