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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

                            April 15, 2009

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 10:00am (Pacific) and will begin as
    soon thereafter that a sufficient attendance to constitute a
    quorum is recognized by the chairman.  The meeting will be held
    via teleconference, hosted by Jim Jagielski and SpringSource.

    IRC #asfboard on was used for backup

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Bertrand Delacretaz
        Justin Erenkrantz
        J Aaron Farr
        Jim Jagielski
        Geir Magnusson Jr
        William Rowe Jr
        Greg Stein

    Directors Absent:

        Sam Ruby
        Henning Schmiedehausen


        Sander Striker
        Gavin McDonald
        Henri Yandell
        Brett Porter
        John Casey
        Brian Fox
        Jason van Zyl

3. Minutes from previous meetings

    Minutes (in Subversion) are found under the URL:

    There were no minutes approved during this meeting.

4. Executive Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Jim]

       Over the last month, we have seen quite a bit of activity,
       interest and discussion; some good, some not so good.

       On the good side, the treasurer transition appears to be
       going well, with the only remaining action item being the
       actual taxes themselves (admittedly, a major item). Also,
       other action items, such as the budget and EA search are
       progressing, although maybe not at the speed that some would
       like. Regarding the budget, there was an informal meeting at
       ApacheCon with JAaron, Sander, Sally, Justin, Bill and myself
       (also in attendance was Leo) to try to scrub some of the numbers
       in the current draft budget, mostly from a PRC, Infra and Concom
       point of view. These were committed back to the draft version.

       Regarding the EA search cmmt, a draft "task list" is, and has
       been, available in SVN for quite some time. Some updates and
       changes have been made, mostly by myself, with additional
       updates by Bill and Sam. The general consensus is that all
       directors are under close agreement, although there are differing
       "semantics" on how we are phrasing some tasks. The biggest
       discussion point was regarding the "accounting/bookkeeping"
       aspects of the position, especially since we just tagged a new
       treasurer. Sander is working on drafting a true Job Description
       based on the task list.

       As mentioned in the PRC report, there was a lot of activity
       and interest centered around the ASF's 10th Anniversary,
       primarily at ApacheCon EU but also elsewhere. This is expected
       to continue and to culminate at the ApacheCon US show in
       Oakland. In support of ApacheCon and the ASF, I did quite a number
       of f2f and online chats and interviews.

       Speaking of ApacheCon, from my own point of view, the conference
       was quite successful; it was especially interesting to see the
       huge success of the various Meetups, and to see so many of the
       sessions and informal presentations with packed rooms. I was
       also pleasantly surprised with how well the Chat and Chew
       sessions went, including my own (regarding the ASF Sponsorship

       I am currently working with HP to organize and schedule a
       "Tux Talk" session with them, regarding the ASF and Open Source.
       These sessions are online based.

       On the 'not-so-good' side (depending on one's point of view,
       this may not be an accurate adjective... some may consider it
       "healthy", others as "very bad") there was quite a heated
       thread on board@ regarding personality conflicts between some
       members of the board. In my opinion, unless such conflicts
       hinder the operation of the board, this is not a major board
       concern. After all, although it would be great if all directors
       were BFFs, the reality is that such an ideal viewpoint would be
       almost impossible to achieve in reality, and would not necessarily
       result in a "better running" or more efficient board.

       In any case, we are due for our annual members meeting and for
       the election of a new board. I anticipate scheduling this for
       June and will float some candidate dates past the membership for
       feedback. I expect, of course, it to be held via IRC and using the
       ssh-based voter tool.

       The SecAssist postion was renewed for another 3 month period. At
       last month's report, it was just noted that it was "received." It
       has, in fact, been accepted, signed and filed.

    B. President [Justin]

       Obviously, last month was ApacheCon Europe 2009 in Amsterdam. 
       A lot of activity happened there.  Jim, Sander, and I met with
       a number of reporters and external folks.  Kudos to HALO for
       smoothly coordinating our individual schedules during this
       hectic event!  To add to Jim's comments, I was definitely
       encouraged by the success of the MeetUps.  Overall, I think the
       conference reached its objectives.  However, there have been
       many conversations (both in person in Amsterdam and on-list)
       about the future of our events.  I believe that ConCom has
       taken the feedback and is trying some new ideas content-wise
       for Oakland.
       The situation regarding contract with the current event
       producer has not substantively changed over the last month. I
       would like to arrange a face-to-face meeting with the event
       producer before the next Board meeting to go over the finances
       in detail as well as to brainstorm some structural and
       organizational proposals to bring back to ConCom and to the
       Board.  I have reached out to Lars to see if he would be
       available, but if he's not available, I'd like to request
       someone else join me in these face-to-face discussions.
       Finally, I'm discouraged by the comments of a Director that I
       am not "properly functioning".  As always, I hope that I am open
       to constructive feedback, so I would like to open the
       conversation to see if this perception represents the consensus
       of the Board and receive feedback as to how I can fulfill my
       duties better.

       A face-to-face meeting in Amsterdam was held by the budget
       committee and several others also attended.  Revisions were
       made to the budget (all checked into Subversion so others not
       present could review), so I believe this is an acceptable
       budget and should be approved. We may need to come back and do
       some amendments on the budget if we miss things, but I
       recommend that we proceed with calling this latest draft our
       FY'09-'10 budget.  I think we have reached the point of
       diminishing returns on our time investment into the budget.

       However, there are no items regarding events in this budget. 
       Of note, the PRC has received a proposal for doing AC US '09
       publicity, but it's not incorporated into the latest budget
       because there isn't a lot of clarity as to how events should be
       handled.  Guidance as to how to proceed in the interim regarding
       events would be appreciated.
       A few highlights in the budget:
         - Full-time executive assistant position added
         - Part-time sysadmin position added
         - Sponsorship director position added (commission-basis)
       If the budget is approved, then I will dissolve this committee
       as it has concluded its principal task.

       An ad-hoc face-to-face meeting in Amsterdam was held by the committee.
       The thoughts on the position were aligned between the committee members,
       and seem in general alignment with Directors giving input.

       A start was made on a draft RFT, based on all input so far.

       Justin took the action item to submit the current budget as the official
       draft budget.  For the purpose of trying to get directors to vote on
       it on list before May 1st.
    C. Treasurer [Geir]

      Non-PayPal Contributions received :

      No PayPal contributions listed in this report.  Will have update next

      Taxes :  The remaining discrepancies in books are in Justin's CC
      account (about $20K) and in breaking out individual PayPal
      donations (previously PayPal was input in monthly lumps).  Aaron
      now has access to this historical data and is currently entering it.
      Done : 
       - 1099's for last year's contractors
       - get setup with PIN for online banking in QB
       - get setup w/ "retail" account for check writing
         and > 90 day CC reports (so I can bring QB up to date for taxes)
       - figure out why SA didn't get paid for jan or feb
       - automate CC transaction download to QB
       - repay system admin for returned check in march
       - shift bookkeeping to monthly calendar rather than board calendar
       - produce month/month report for better near-term tracking

      Todo :
       - taxes
       - review contributor invoicing and billing process w/ fundraising
       - review switching from accrual to cash accounting
       - PayPal reconciliation
       - list of donors for "thank you's"
       - more that I'm forgetting
      Statement for March 2009.  Note that this is for 3/1 - 3/31.
      Following will be the final traditional "board meeting to board
      meeting statement".

               The Apache Software Foundation
         Statement of Financial Income and Expense
                March 2009     Accrual Basis

        Ordinary Income/Expense
              Interest Income                      110.31
           Total Income                            110.31

              Bank Service Charges                 292.89  (1)
              Postage and Delivery                  62.25
              Program Expenses
                Public Relations Staff           5,398.04
                Infrastructure Staff                 0.00  (2)
                Colocation Expenses                518.00
              Total Program Expenses             5,916.04

           Total Expense                         6,271.18

        Net Ordinary Income                     -6,160.87

     Net Income                                 -6,160.87

       (1) I will work to reduce this - right now I believe we're
           paying for multiple electronic download fees
       (2) SunStar's check was returned to us due to USPO SNAFU.  A
           replacement check has been issued.  Expect $12k in April

   The final "board meeting to board meeting statement" :

         The Apache Software Foundation
      Statement of Financial Income and Expense
    Accrual Basis    March 18 through April 15, 2009

        Ordinary Income/Expense
              Interest Income                        110.31
           Total Income                              110.31

              Bank Service Charges                   292.89
              Contract Labor                       1,600.00  (1) 
              Postage and Delivery                    38.35
              Program Expenses
                Public Relations                   1,250.00  (2)
                Public Relations Staff             5,398.04
                Infrastructure Staff               6,000.00  (3)
                Hardware Purchases                   137.99
                Colocation Expenses                  518.00
              Total Program Expenses              13,304.03

           Total Expense                          15,235.27

        Net Ordinary Income                      -15,124.96

       (1) Reflects an additional check to makeup payment due March 1, 2009
       (2) PR Newswire
       (3) We wrote 2 6k checks, posted 4/13 and 4/14 (WF can't handle
           2 on the same day...  really...) but there was a 6k credit
           from original check posting back in late March, so net is 6k.

         The Apache Software Foundation
         Statement of Financial Position
       Accrual Basis   As of March 31, 2009

                                                   Mar 31, 09    Mar 31, 08     $ Change       % Change

        Current Assets
             PayPal                                  10,217.60      3,917.93      6,299.67         160.8%
             Wells Fargo Analyzed Account            50,134.09    110,083.87    -59,949.78         -54.5%
             Wells Fargo Savings                    298,799.19    156,741.44    142,057.75          90.6%
           Total Checking/Savings                   359,150.88    270,743.24     88,407.64          32.7%

           Accounts Receivable
             Accounts Receivable                      5,000.00          0.00      5,000.00         100.0%   (1)
           Total Accounts Receivable                  5,000.00          0.00      5,000.00         100.0%

        Total Current Assets                        364,150.88    270,743.24     93,407.64          34.5%

     TOTAL ASSETS                                   364,150.88    270,743.24     93,407.64          34.5%

           Current Liabilities
             Credit Cards
                ASF Credit Card - Ruby                   82.20          0.00         82.20         100.0%
                ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz          1,733.73    -14,770.81     16,504.54         111.7%
                ASF Credit Card - Jagielski               0.00       -199.08        199.08         100.0%
             Total Credit Cards                       1,815.93    -14,969.89     16,785.82         112.1%

           Total Current Liabilities                  1,815.93    -14,969.89     16,785.82         112.1%

        Total Liabilities                             1,815.93    -14,969.89     16,785.82         112.1%

           Retained Earnings                        261,975.10    241,114.20     20,860.90           8.7%
           Net Income                               100,359.85     44,598.93     55,760.92         125.0%
        Total Equity                                362,334.95    285,713.13     76,621.82          26.8%

     TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                     364,150.88    270,743.24     93,407.64          34.5%

     (1) Currently receivable is Joost sponsorship.

       Geir mentions that the report is on a month to month basis, rather
       board meeting to board meeting.  This allows for closing of the books
       within the timeframe for the board report.  Should catch expenses for
       that month, rather than slipping under the radar because they refer
       to the month before.

       Aaron took the action item to post to board@ on the topic of cash
       accounting which we haven't been doing so far.

       The Budget was added as a discussion item at end of meeting.

    D. Secretary [Sam]

       No report.

    E. Executive Vice President [Sander Striker]

       Most of my material was already covered by the Chairman.  But in addition I
       finally started with writing up a more condensed job description based on
       the input we gathered.       

    Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

5. Additional Officer Reports

    A. VP of JCP [Geir Magnusson Jr]

       See Attachment 1

    B. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby]

       See Attachment 2

    C. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Sam]

       See Attachment 3

    D. Apache Conference Planning Project [Lars Eilebrecht / Greg]

       See Attachment 4

       Geir has asked to discuss the PR augmentation proposal?
       Jim takes the action item to run the discussion on list, as it's already
       ongoing on several mailing lists.
       Jason notes positive experience with a PR firm with respect to traditional
       PR and working with analysts, but that he's not sure it's the best choice
       for event publicity. 
       Jim notes desire for closure before beginning of May, for budget approval.

    F. Apache Public Relations Project [Jim Jagielski]

       See Attachment 6

    G. Apache Infrastructure Team [Paul Querna / Justin]

       See Attachment 7

    H. Apache Travel Assistance Committee [Gavin McDonald / Bertrand]

       See Attachment 8

       J. Aaron asks if TAC will provide a report to the members/committers,
       or perhaps something on the foundation blog.
       Bertrand takes the action item of asking TAC to provide a report to
       be posted to the members/foundation blog.
       Bill asks if the information provided has been sufficient.  Greg
       inquires about mentioned survey results.  Gavin responds those were
       posted to board@.

    Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

6. Committee Reports

    B. Apache ActiveMQ Project [Hiram Chirino / Bill]

       See Attachment B

       No report.  Bill takes the action to get a report.

    C. Apache Attic Project [Henri Yandell / Geir]

       See Attachment C

       There was a short discussion about the Attic reporting frequency.  For
       the next few months, Attic is on a monthly reporting schedule, as proposed
       by Henri.

    D. Apache Beehive Project [Eddie O'Neil / Henning]

       See Attachment D

       Jim takes the action item to close the look between Beehive and Attic.

    F. Apache Camel Project [Hadrian Zbarcea / Jim]

       See Attachment F

    G. Apache CouchDB Project [Damien Katz / Bill]

       See Attachment G

       Bertrand and J. Aaron note the report is a bit thin.
       Bill takes the action item to ask for a bit more in a report.

       A short discussion is had regarding providing a template for reporting,
       but this is decided against as this could result in not reporting
       anything not in the template.

    H. Apache CXF Project [J. Daniel Kulp / Greg]

       See Attachment H

       Justin and Bertrand note that it would be a good idea to put CXF in
       touch with PRC.
       Greg takes the action item to follow up with CXF on the logo contest.

    I. Apache DB Project [Rick Hillegas / Jim]

       See Attachment I

    J. Apache Directory Project [Emmanuel Lecharny / Justin]

       See Attachment J

    K. Apache Geronimo Project [Kevan Miller / J Aaron]

       See Attachment K

       Justin asks if Geronimo has the policy of making security
       vulnerabilities public.

       J. Aaron takes the action item to get clarity on security policy.

    L. Apache Hadoop Project [Owen O'Malley / Bertrand]

       See Attachment L

       There was a discussion around umbrella projects.  There's some
       general concern about splitting up tightly coupled projects.  Fear of
       losing cross pollination.  J. Aaron will post to board@/members@.

       Bertrand takes the action item to communicate the board view on
       umbrella projects; recommend thinking about spinning off self-contained
       projects to TLP.

    M. Apache Incubator Project [Noel J. Bergman / Sam]

       See Attachment M

       Jim takes the action item to follow up on IP clearance.

    N. Apache Jakarta Project [Martin van den Bemt / Geir]

       See Attachment N

       Sander takes the action item to call Martin, and to ask about the
       reporting, with the intent to get next months report on time.

    O. Apache JAMES Project [Danny Angus / Henning]

       See Attachment O

    P. Apache Maven Project [Jason van Zyl / Bill]

       See Attachment P

    Q. Apache MINA Project [Julien Vermillard / Henning]

       See Attachment Q

    R. Apache MyFaces Project [Matthias Wessendorf / Sam]

       See Attachment R

    S. Apache ODE Project [Matthieu Riou / J Aaron]

       See Attachment S

    T. Apache OpenEJB Project [David Blevins / Bertrand]

       See Attachment T

    U. Apache OpenJPA Project [Craig Russell / Greg]

       See Attachment U

       Geir takes the action item to resolve the FOU item.

    V. Apache Portals Project [David Sean Taylor / Geir]

       See Attachment V

    W. Apache Qpid Project [Carl Trieloff / Jim]

       See Attachment W

    X. Apache Shale Project [Gary VanMatre / Justin]

       See Attachment X

       Henri takes the action item to write the boilerplate for a
       resolution, as well as submitting a resolution for Shale. 

    Y. Apache Struts Project [Martin Cooper / J Aaron]

       See Attachment Y

    Z. Apache Tapestry Project [Howard M. Lewis Ship / Sam]

       See Attachment Z

       Betrand points out that does
       not seem to include the "not endorsed by ASF" disclaimer. 

       Jim takes the action item to follow up on the lack of disclaimer
       and to inform PRC.

    AA. Apache Tcl Project [David N. Welton / Bertrand]

       See Attachment AA

  All committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

7. Special Orders

    A. Change of Directory PMC Chair
       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Emmanuel
       Lecharny to the office of Vice President, Apache Directory, and
       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
       Emmanuel Lecharny from the office of Vice President, Apache
       Directory, and
       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache
       Directory project has chosen by vote to recommend Alex Karasulu
       as the successor to the post;
       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Emmanuel Lecharny is
       relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the
       office of Vice President, Apache Directory, and
       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Alex Karasulu be and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Directory, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of
       Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation,
       retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is

       Special order 7A, Change of Directory PMC Chair, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

8. Discussion Items

    A. Budget

       There was a discussion about someone managing the sponsors.  A concern
       was raised by Geir on that.  J. Aaron mentions we dropped the ball on
       keeping sponsors up to date, and following up with them.  We lost
       sponsorship dollars in the past, which alone warrants doing this.  It
       was remarked that skill-set between an executive assistant and someone
       managing sponsorship is not expected to overlap.

       Jim takes the action item to kick off budget discussion on list.

9. Review Outstanding Action Items

10. Unfinished Business

11. New Business

12. Announcements

13. Adjournment

    Adjourned at 11:11 a.m. (Pacific)


Attachment 1: Report from the VP of JCP

In anticipation of Sun's "VP of all things Java" Jeet "Darth" Kaul's meeting
with the Java EC on 4/7/09, I proposed the following motion for a vote
by both the SE/EE and ME EC's : 

Resolved: It is the position of the EC that:

  TCK licenses must not be used to discriminate against or
  restrict compatible implementations of Java specifications
  by including field of use restrictions on the tested implementations
  or otherwise.  Licenses containing such limitations do not meet the
  requirements of the JSPA, the agreement under which the JCP operates,
  and violate the expectations of the Java community that JCP specs can
  be openly implemented.

The vote was : 

   SE/EE : 14-1 (with one vote not counted for process reasons)
   ME  : 15-1

I probably can't report the actual votes of each company since this was
an EC-level referendum, but you can probably guess who voted no on each EC.

After the discussion with Jeet at the monthly EC meeting, I'm starting to 
seriously consider ideas that explore the concept of an alternative to 
the JCP.

In other news, the TCK that there is a request for (JSR-196) has completed
the licensing process (it was lost several times inside Sun), and we 
are waiting for the binaries.

I do have an outstanding issue re fixing the draft license for JSR-317 for 
OpenJPA.  Apologies to all involved.  This is doable as we did it for 

Attachment 2: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee

Another quiet month.  Nothing requiring board attention.  Summary of mailing
list discussions:

ASF Business (topic on first line, summary of resolution on next line):
  Is it OK for Maven to have an optional dependency on svnkit (GPL)?
    - withdrawn
  How does one bring a JSON plugin into the ASF?
    - referred to
  What's the policy on copyright headers (for Pivot)
    - referred to
  Shindig is considering a logo contest question, any advice?
    - a pointer to a related effort (Solr) was provided
  Is it OK to copy Sun JDK source code (GPLv2) into an ASF project?
    - no
  Do donation include trademarks (for VCL)?
    - ask the contributor (NCSU) to make this more explicit
  Is a grant required for a large contribution?
    - No, a ICLA/CCLA is sufficient, but if the contribution is truly large,
      Incubator IP clearance is required.
  Continuing discussion of OASIS OpenCSD XSDs...
    - Tuscany project is proceeding treating these artifacts as read only.

External questions:
  Do forks of ASF projects need to publish source?
    - no
  Follow on: what does prominent notice mean?
    - ask a lawyer
  Know any good IP lawyers? (Not a follow-on)
    - we don't provide such recommendations.

Attachment 3: Status report for the Apache Security Team Project

For Mar 2009: There continues to be a steady stream of reports of
various kinds arriving at  These continue to be
dealt with promptly by the security team.

  2    Support question
  3    Phishing/spam/attacks point to site "powered by Apache"
  6    Vulnerability report
       of which
       1    Vulnerability report [httpd, via]
       2    Vulnerability report [tomcat, direct]
       2    Vulnerability report [tomcat, via]
       1    Vulnerability report [mod_perl, via]

Attachment 4: Status report for the Apache Conference Planning Project

General News

* New Blog

  The conference planning committee has started using as their new blog
  ( redirects to the new location).

* New Members

  The conference planning committee has voted to add Ross Gardler and
  Jean-Frederic Clere as new members. Both received 9 +1 votes (and no
  other votes).

ApacheCon Europe 2009 News (23-27 March)

* ApacheCon in Amsterdam has ended successfully. Despite the difficult
  economy, the conference attracted more than 360 attendees for the main
  conference and trainings. The free project MeetUps on the first two days
  have been very successful and attracted about 300 attendees.

* The conference video archive will be online by 15th of April.

* A press release will be published 15th of April.

* Signing the contract addendum was delayed, but this has now been done.

ApacheMeetUp/BarCampApache Asia 2009 (Aug/Sept)

* Event leads are Justin Erenkrantz, Sanjiva Weerawarana, and Xiao-Feng Li.

* The expected timeframe is late August/early September, but the precise
  dates have not been finalized.

* The current plan is to hold the event in a minimum of two locations:
  Colombo, Sri Lanka and Beijing, China. Shanghai, China is being explored
  as a potential third location.

* The event will be free to attendees, with one day of invited talks, and
  one day of BarCampApache.

* The goal is to have a shoestring budget and to try to have those costs
  covered by local sponsorships.

* Xiao-Feng has already discussed with a local University regarding
  receiving space in Beijing.  It is also expected that Sanjiva would be
  able to find an appropriate space in Colombo.

* It is expected that SCP will be retained to handle the conference

* Final details regarding location and scheduling should be available in
  time for the May report.

ApacheCon US 2009 News (2-6 November)

* The planning meeting was a huge success (defining success as making many
  new, innovative and original plans and entertaining lively debate).

* Tutorial speakers will be notified very soon as to their acceptance, and
  again assigned mentors to work with them through the entire approach to
  the show, the goal is not to need to cancel any accepted tutorial session.

* The tracks will not be programmed until a letter is sent to all PMCs this
  week with an invitation to partner with the Planners on their project's
  related material (track sessions, meet-ups, symposium etc.)  This should
  be in draft within two weeks, and final in four weeks.

* The show will consist of a 2 day BarCamp, and Hackathon together
  co-located in the (very large) main hall.  This part of the event
  culminates with the 10th Anniversary BFBB (Big Feather Birthday
  Bash) on Tuesday eve.  Wed-Fri will follow a typical format during
  the day, and expand on the idea of project specific
  symposiums/unconference tracks for PMCs which choose to participate.
  Wed-Fri eve (and Sun/Mon eve overflow) will have space available for
  project meetups for those who wish to organize them, with the
  alternative of BOF sessions for projects who would rather have

* SCP has not completed the budget, so the registration fee schedule,
  speaker compensation etc are all up in the air.  Various alternative
  scenarios have been requested for ConCom to review.

Attachment 5: Status report for the Apache Audit Project

Attachment 6: Status report for the Apache Public Relations Project

(Report by Sally K.)


Craig Russell and Sally Khudairi were voted in as new members of the PRC

New PRC Guidelines and supporting documents were published online;
available at

Discussion about budget: increasing funds to include PRC-related travel for
specialty publicity (e.g., Justin, Sally, * to attend OSCON)

PRC met during ApacheCon: Sally wants to publish internal guidelines on how
PMCs can get the word out (specifically step-by-step instructions on press
releases). Discussion also about making Media Training mandatory for PMCs

Jim's posted an open letter to the US President regarding Open
Source and Open Standards and the implied growing interest in the
current US administration.

W3C Membership Activated for The Apache Software Foundation

Jim initiates discussion re: possible restructuring the PRC with Sally in a
stronger leadership role. Options include VP nomination, reviving CMO role,
changing PRC to a President or Chairman's committee, etc.

Sally now can publish to


New launched at ApacheCon Europe on first day of con, 23
March; second post published on 25 March re: 10th anniversary + cake
cutting, but has gone quiet since; need to better coordinate outgoing +
moderating comments

PRC discussed guidelines for blogs.a.o and planet.a.o

PRC stepped in to fund ApacheCon items: 
-- 10th Anniversary cake at Welcome Reception
-- Lightning Talks beers (posed negative fallout to ASF brand
   and low perception of the event)

Received informal comments re: some folks have issue with PRC using the
phrase "The Apache Way"

Sally coordinated 30 interviews with ASF Filmworks shoot at ApacheCon over
3 days, and created ASF Photo/Video Release Form

Sally coordinated 18 interviews in a single afternoon for the
MIT/UInnsbruck Branding study on the ASF (3 dozen additional contacts in
follow-up list)

Sally held Media training on 23 March. 2 no shows (were in Hackathon and
forgot schedule)


Edited and distributed the press release on Qpid as a TLP w/members of the
Qpid PMC

Wrote and distributed the 10th anniversary press release on 25 March, along
with new "ASF Highlights" page and Chairman's Letter. More than 350 press
and hits to date; several areas of feedback from within ASF community on
additions/changes to the "Highlights" document, which Sally is

Sally reviewed and edited ApacheCon 18 March and wrap-up press releases for

Sally updated the ApacheCon boilerplate to be used in every press release
at any event, irrespective of location

Jim did a podcast interview to promote ApacheCon and focused on the ASF's
upcoming 10th anniversary

Jim also met with UK reporter Gareth Kershaw onsite at ApacheCon

Sally reviewed/edited the Hippo press release for ApacheCon

Sally reviewed/approved the SpringSource press release for ApacheCon

PRC reviewed/amended the Yahoo! press release on expanding Cloud
initiatives into academic sector ("M45 runs Hadoop, an Apache Software
Foundation open-source distributed file system and parallel execution
environment that allows users to process large amounts of data.")

PRC reviewed/amended the Siemens SIS Press Release on ESME (in Incubator –
"The ESME project has recently been accepted into the Apache Incubator of
The Apache Software Foundation {ASF} for consideration as an official ASF
Project. Siemens is an active partner in the Open Source Community.")

Sally drafted a press release with OFBiz team announcing 9.04 release
branch; will be distributed either 15 April or 20 April, depending on PRC

PRC discussions on getting news items on the Foundation's News page

PRC discovered several instances of Hadoop being mentioned in the press
with no attribution to ASF – particularly the articles in NYTimes – and
followed up with the journalist to request possible correction

PRC discussions on engaging Open Source-centric industry analysts Redmonk
at $5K/yr nonprofit rate

Media Alert for 10th Anniversary Press Conference issued; due to low press
turnout, it was rescheduled to take place during the conference, just
before the Welcome Reception. ASF-invited press all reported on the event;
the sole ApacheCon reporter in attendance (Kershaw) did not yet post a
story on the news

Geir handled several interviews regarding "Apache's decision not to support
the release of Java EE 6"

PRC debated accepting an interview request on JSPA by The Register due to
previous inaccuracies in reporting

Discussions regarding retaining PageOne PR to help drive publicity for
ApacheCon US/OAK in connection with the 10th Anniversary Big Feather
Birthday Bash


Permission granted to use screenshots in textbook on Applied Information

Permission granted to use Hadoop logo for IBM Book

Permission granted to Ross Gardler to use ASF image for
BarCampApache/Oxford09 souvenir mugs

Permission pending (?) for Edgar Camacho to Apache trademarks in
configuration management listing

Permission granted/corrected for including Apache HTTP Server in Symantec

Ted Husted followed up on ProCheckUp request for use of ASF logo on their

Bertrand Delacretaz followed up on Michael Minella's generic request on
using the Apache Trademark on his Website

Henri Yandell updated us on the issue of dead project names and their
migration to/from the Apache Attic

Doug Cutting worked with the PRC on making the Apache
affiliation/attribution clearer on the Hadoop pages

Santiago Gala discussed the new ApacheCon group on LinkedIn as it ties into
the overall ASF brand

Christophe Bisciglia sent us a heads-up on unauthorized content in Mandarin
on; PRC is seeking localized follow-up assistance from J Aaron


Sally discussed Progress/IONA renewal with Debbie Moynihan, no word back on
their budget/decision

PRC discussion of possible budget release for informal/lightweight sponsor
"meet and greet" at ApacheCon; general concept approved, event canceled as
only two formal Sponsor contacts were in attendance

Discussions with Tetsuya Kitahata re: using Apache name on DubLi
fundraising; also discovered that he had "sponsored" a TAC recipient with
additional funds for on-the-ground logistics

Updated Sponsor page with BlueNog Inuit, and Joost; PRC discussion as to
when they're added to the SponsorshipThanks page (e.g., when contract is
signed vs. monies received)

PRC in discussions regarding retaining Delia Frees to manage overall ASF
sponsorship program

Attachment 7: Status report for the Apache Infrastructure Team

Submitted a budget to the budget committee.

Purchased a 1-year extension to the Technologent service contract for
our Sun gear at $4K.

Set up a blogging infrastructure for projects to use at

Henri Yandell merged the Click, Cayenne, and Roller jiras into the main

Our Dotster account was hacked (again), the impact of which was to see
our DNS glue records for changed for a brief period.  Discussions
to change our registrar are ongoing.

Migrated our core mail server (hermes) from our last IBM x345 in service
to one of our new Dell 2950's.  The old gear will be deracked and sent back
to IBM along with the other x345's.

Set up Geographic DNS for to distribute traffic between
our master server (eris) and our European mirror (harmonia).

Purchased a Linksys RV042 VPN device for $138.

Work on the new continues, principally being performed
by Jukka Zitting and Grzegorz Kossakowski.

Work on LDAP at the ASF continues, being driven by Tony Stevenson.

Work on the Buildbot installation continues, being driven by Gavin McDonald.
We've set up a new mailing list for build services at

Norman Maurer upgraded our backup server (bia) to Solaris 10u6.

Lost a disk in both aurora (websites) and minotaur (people).

Attachment 8: Status report for the Apache Travel Assistance Committee

General News

ApacheCon Europe has ended. As far as TAC goes, it was a great success.

Any remaining hotel/flight arrangements outstanding from last report
were completed ok.

One of our successful applicants had last minute troubles with obtaining
a passport and subsequently visa papers were not ready on time, so only
7 of our 8 applicants made it to ApacheCon Europe.

We have had some pre/during conference surveys filled out and will be
submitted to board@ as feedback along with post apachecon surveys when
they are done. We aim to send out post apachecon surveys in the next week
or so.

I and the rest of TAC would like to thank Nick Burch and Tony Stevenson
for the excellent work they did representing TAC on the ground at
ApacheCon - meeting & greeting our attendees, organizing between them
and conference organizers giving the attendees jobs of chairing sessions,
helping speakers with slides etc. From feedback received so far they did
a great job, and unofficially too, as they were there on their own agendas,
so thanks again.

Previous reports have promised feedback surveys for the previous ApacheCon US
 2008. These are now complete and have been posted to the board list.

Currently TAC list is now quiet whilst everyone enjoys a well earned break.
Discussions should start up again in May to start thinking about the next
ApacheCon US.

Attachment A: Status report for the Apache Abdera Project

Attachment B: Status report for the Apache ActiveMQ Project

Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Attic Project

No activity this month.

Current action item is to followup on the HiveMind project now being
in the Attic by making that apparent to the users.

Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Beehive Project

Beehive continues its virtual silence in both the user and developer
community.  Questions come up infrequently, but when they do tend to
be answered promptly.  There are no new committers or PMC members on
the horizon.

The PMC chair floated to the PMC group the need to discuss the future
of the project as homework due for the July report.  I (chair) expect
that we'll have a well-discussed and reasoned answer to the question
by then.

Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Buildr Project

Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Camel Project

 * The Camel community continues to be very active.
 * Camel is participating in the Google SOC with 2 projects.
 * No new committers.

 * Lots of contributions from committers and community on trunk.
 * New components proposed by the community are under evaluation.
 * Final release of Camel 2.0 and 1.x maintenance release planned for
   this quarter.

 * None this month.

Attachment G: Status report for the Apache CouchDB Project

CouchDB is a document oriented database.

- Community -

CouchHack is a informal CouchDB hacker event being held in Asheville April
19-22. We currently have 6 people attending and a sponsor.

- Releases -

CouchDB 0.9.0 has been released.

Attachment H: Status report for the Apache CXF Project

2.0.10 was released
2.1.4 was released
2.2 was released  (Major release supporting several new WS-* standards and
JAX-RS 1.0)

2.0.11/2.1.5/2.2.1 are being prepared to be released by the end of the month.
The Distributed OSGi 1.0 implementation will be released immediately after

This period saw a couple external announcements that were related to CXF and
the CXF community:
1) JOnAS announced that they have achieved J2EE certification.   They used CXF
for their JAX-WS and JWS implementation.

2) RedHat/JBoss announced that they will be supporting CXF as the core WS
stack in JBoss and putting resources into improving CXF.    We've seen some of
this already as patches are coming in from RedHat folks with a couple of them
getting very close to being nominated for committership.

We finally managed to get the JAX-RS TCK so some effort is starting to get CXF
JAX-RS certified as well.

We've started a thread on the private list about how to start a "contest" to
design a logo for CXF.   We're kind of trying to figure out the rules and such
at this point.   We're examining the rules Solr used as a base.

Spent quite a bit of time reviewing GSoC proposals and chatting with the
students via email and on IRC.  Hopefully (fingers crossed), that investment
will pay off with some of the proposals accepted.

Andrzej Michalec was added as a committer.

Attachment I: Status report for the Apache DB Project

During the last quarter, January - March 2009:

1) Derby began vetting release 10.5.1.

2) Summer of Code proposals were posted and mentors volunteered.

3) JDO 2.2 fixes were applied to multiply-mirrored maven metadata.

4) JDO 2.3 work continued with contributions from four of the committers
   and feedback from the community and members of the JDO expert group.

5) Google announced that their first Java App Engine offering would include
   JDO as an application interface to BigTable, using the JDO 2 API and the
   JDO RI (DataNucleus) as the implementation.

6) Torque-4 development fixes were applied.

7) Reorganization of the Torque source tree continued.

Attachment J: Status report for the Apache Directory Project

We have voted a 'new' Chairman, Alex Karasulu. Emmanuel Lecharny
is stepping down from the chair after having been in this position
for two years.

Studio 1.4 has been released on april, 10th.

We have scheduled to release ADS 1.5.5 next week. This will
probably be the last release before ADS 2.0.

A new Committer : Andrea Gariboldi, who wrote an Oracle backend.

No new PMC members.

Although last quarter was very calm, since March, all the ADS committers
suddenly surged and are back.

All the team is now targeting ADS 2.0, with Replication, DRS and
configuration in DiT. This should be feasible by the next three months.

A few reorganization in the code has been discussed, we will create a
subproject for Kerberos.

We have had some discussion about more collaboration with OpenLDAP,
and the decision was made to build a compatible replication system :
OpenLDAP and ADS should be able to replicate. OpenLDAP people also asked
us about supporting jLDAP (see next point).

Last, not least, we are working on a Client LDAP API, which will be
used by Studio and the replication system. We will most certainly
promote this project as a sub-project of Directory. This should be
close to jLDAP but leveraging Java 5 (based on MINA, it will be a non-
blocking API, with varargs and generics).

An interesting quarter, very active, with a great Apache Con.

Attachment K: Status report for the Apache Geronimo Project

The Geronimo project generated multiple releases over the last
three months. The community is currently discussing a Geronimo
Server 2.2 release. There have also been discussions regarding OSGi
support and potential impacts to the Geronimo kernel. Ivan Xu
joined the Geronimo project as our newest committer.

Geronimo Server 2.1.4 was released. This release included
multiple bug fixes and addressed 3 security vulnerabilities in
the admin console.

Geronimo TxManager 2.1.2 was released. This release included
multiple bug fixes.

Geronimo Eclipse Plugin 2.1.4 was released. This release included
bug fixes and support for the latest 2.1.4 server release.

GShell 1.0-alpha2 was released

XBean 3.5 was released.

Javamail Spec 1.6 and Provider 1.7 were released.


Two Geronimo presentations were made at ApacheCon EU 2009 by
David Jencks:

Administering Apache Geronimo 2.x
Administering Apache Geronimo through Custom Server Assemblies

The community established a policy for dealing with Security
Vulnerabilities. The Server 2.1.4 release was the first release
to follow this policy.

We requested the jsr-196 (jaspi) tck from sun on dec 2 2008 and
still haven't received it.

We discussed using the Nexus installation at Apache for release and
snapshot staging/deployment. The community decided to hold off on
switching to this new process until after the Geronimo Server
2.1.4 release.

Three security vulnerabilities were discovered in the Geronimo
admin console. There were fixed in the Geronimo Server 2.1.4

* CVE-2008-5518
* CVE-2009-0038
* CVE-2009-0039

Special thanks are due to Digital Security Research Group, who
identified a number of these problems and were extremely helpful
with the resolution and testing of these issues.

Ivan Xu

Attachment L: Status report for the Apache Hadoop Project

Hadoop is a set of tools for creating and managing distributed
applications, especially those with large data sets.

Hadoop was the focus of a nice article in the New York Times
( on 17 March 2009. Unfortunately, the
article failed to mention that Hadoop is an Apache project.

The PMC added 8 new members: Raghu Angadi, Devaraj Das, Chris Douglas,
Alan Gates, Mahadev Konar, Hairong Kuang, Konstantin Shvachko, and
Ashish Thusoo.

We've also voted to create two new subprojects: Chukwa and Avro.
Chukwa is a distributed log aggregation and cluster monitoring system
that was originally in Core's contrib directory. The initial
committers for Chukwa are Ariel Rabkin and Eric Yang. Avro is a
serialization and RPC library with a focus on supporting versioned
persistent data and supporting scripting languages. The initial
committers for Avro are Doug Cutting and Sharad Agarwal.

Hadoop was well represented at ApacheCon EU, with a track of talks
about Core, HBase, and Pig.

A Hadoop Summit is being organized for June 10th in Santa Clara.


Core is the fundamental set of utilities, including RPC,
serialization, and compression that the rest of Hadoop depends
on. HDFS provides a distributed file system. Map/Reduce provides a
framework for distributed applications that process large data sets.

Amazon has started explicitly marketing and supporting Hadoop as a
service on EC2 at a much lower cost than a standard EC2 virtual

We are still in the process of factoring Map/Reduce and HDFS out of
Core. The code is separated and all that is left to be split are the
unit test cases and their dependencies.

0.20.0 is nearing release, with  280 jiras addressed.
0.18.3 was released on 27 Jan 2009 with 51 jiras addressed.

The current plan is to try and release Core, HDFS, and Map/Reduce 1.0
this year.


Core has added Sharad Agarwal, Giri Kesavan, Ariel Rabkin, Sanjay
Radia, and Eric Yang as committers. The community is active and


HBase is a distributed column-oriented database, build on top of
Hadoop Core.

0.18.1 was released on 27 October 2008. 14 issues were addressed.
0.19.0 was released on 21 January 2009. 184 issues were addressed.
0.19.1 was released on 19 March 2009. 43 issues were addressed.

Work is underway on release 0.20.0 with 97 of 174 issues resolved. It
is expected that many of the open issues will be pushed to a
subsequent release.


January 14, 2009; March 3, 2009 - HBase User Group meetings in San Francisco
January 30, 2009 - HBase Hackathon in Los Angeles


There are no new committers since the last report. There are about 7
active contributors (of which 3 are committers).

There are also a number of people who come by to "kick the tires" but
then leave because of possible data loss due to a lack of a patch for


Hive is a data warehouse written on top of Hadoop Core. It provides a SQL
to query and manage data stored in hadoop in table and partitions.


Our 0.2.0 branch that was to be released in Feb, 2009 was not released
and was not put for a vote as there were some significant fixes which
the community felt should be checked in before it could be put to
vote. As this branch was not fully soak tested on Facebook production
load, we decided to target the 0.3.0 branch for release.

0.3.0 was branched in Mar, 2009. All the blockers in that branch have
been fixed. We are going to put a release candidate from that branch
up for vote by Apr 15, 2009.

At present there are 177 open issues with none of them as a blocker
for 0.3.0. 111 issues have been resolved since the last report in


Hive continues to see growth in the number and diversity of
contributors. Since the last report the number of contributors in the
project have grown from 16 to 21.  We added Prasad Chakka, Raghu
Murthy, Johan Oskarsson, and Joydeep Sen Sarma as committers.


Pig is a platform for analyzing large data sets that consists of a
high-level language for expressing data analysis programs, coupled
with infrastructure for evaluating these programs.

A vote was called on Pig 0.2.0 on 3/27/09. This release is major
redesign of the system including addition of type system, significant
(2-10x) performance improvements, addition of Limit, ORDER BY desc and
Grunt shell improvements.


ZooKeeper is a reliable coordination service for distributed applications.


3.1.0 was released on 2009/02/13 with 70 jiras fixed.
3.1.1 was released on 2009/03/27 with 11 jiras fixed.

Our next release, 3.2.0, is slated for 5/26/2009. A number of major
new features will be included, in particular; extending the client
libraries to include common ZK use cases (recipes), adding REST based
API to the server, Perl binding support, numerous optimizations.


Feedback and community involvement has been slowly increasing, we
frequently meet with users during Hadoop meetups and hold site visits.

Attachment M: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project

This past month, particularly recently, has been a bit less quiet than
usual.  At the moment, nothing that warrants the Board's attention, although
there are a few matters that are getting the Incubator PMC's collective
attention, as it appears that we have a couple of projects where the
community is not functioning as well as they should for one reason or
another, and the Mentors feel that they are not being respected in the
discussions.  Discussion is currently on the PMC private list to deal with
these matters.

We've had a number of proposals this past month:

 Jaffre - lightweight Java RPC
 ACE - a software distribution framework based on OSGi
 SocialSite - a social networking service based on Apache Shindig
 Commons Incubator - a "perpetual" podling for Apache Commons

We're also talking a bit about how to restart Log4PHP, although with
ApacheCon and other cycle drains, that has not progressed sufficiently well.
Gavin has volunteered to help, and we have a couple of people wanting to be
active, so we'll need to look at Committer status.

There has been a lot of discussion regarding the ACE proposal, most of it
concerns from JvZ as it overlaps with Eclipse P2 technology, but that
appears to be the only objection, and there seems to be quite a bit of
interest to incubate the project.

The Commons Incubator project is another one that has had considerable
discussion.  At the moment, it is meeting with a fair amount of resistence
as not being a good fit, but discussion is ongoing.


= Bluesky =

BlueSky has been incubating since 01-12-2008. It is an e-learning solution
designed to help solve the disparity in availability of qualified education
between well-developed cities and poorer regions of China.

Recent Activity: We finished the required work by Bill, our mentor. We'd
tried to use Dirac for replacing FFmpeg, while we were waiting for the
results of second code view. However, some problems happened and could be
resolved. Reading api of FFmpeg and vobis?theora is still undergoing. The
reason, why it is retarded, is that we had to do several projects
simultaneously, besides the classes. The running demo of Bluesky is
postponed too, but i can assure that it would be completed next week, after
i finish the coding task this week.

Next step:

   *Waiting for the second code view results.
   *Recording Bluesky running demo.
   *Tried to work out a reliable sketch of replacing FFmpeg in two weeks.

= Cassandra =

Cassandra is a distributed storage system for managing (un)structured data
while providing reliability at a massive scale. It has been in incubation
since January 2009.

The incubator project had a very slow start. Code started to get moved over
from Google Code just about 5 weeks ago. But a very basic web site and the
wiki is in place. A new committer was elected. Unfortunately there is some
friction about contributions, code reviews and branching that needs to be
addressed ASAP. This is a community issue and we hope to get this resolved.
More on that in the next report.

   * Consensus about the development process (code reviews, branching etc)
   * JIRA permissions and configuration
   * A bit more information on the web site

= Empire-db =

Empire-db is a relational data persistence component that aims to overcome
the difficulties, pitfalls and restrictions inherent in traditional Object
Relational Management (ORM) approaches.

Empire-db is on the Apache Incubator since July 2008.

 * Development seems to pick up some momentum. Parts of the code are now
unit-tested and two new integration examples have been added (Apache CXF)
 * dev@ and user@ traffic is rising, this brought some fixes to PostgreSQL
Driver as well as some possible changes for future releases.

 * Preparations for a release are under way, this will be our first
maven-based release
 * We hope the switch to maven will lower the barrier for adoption

Issues prior to graduation:
 * Grow the community,
 * Successful maven-based release
 * Even more integration example code (Apache Wicket?) + more documentation

= Imperius =

Imperius has been incubating since November 2007.

Imperius is a rule-based infrastructure management platform.

Web site:

Code: Development continues on the code base.

 * Several bug fixes were provided.
 * In the process of adding two new committers (David Wood, Xiping Wang) to
the community.
 * Discussions underway regarding first release

Issues prior to graduation:
 * Grow the community
 * Successful completion of the release

= JSPWiki =

2009 April JSPWiki Incubator status report

JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007.

JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program.

During the past three months, the JSPWiki community has still
continued to increase.  The developer list now has 82 names, a modest
increase from 72 the last time, and the user list is now 167 people
strong, ten more than three months ago.

The big push now is for our graduation.  The biggest hurdles have been
overcome: The packages are now called "" (please see
Tomcat bug to
see why we couldn't use org.apache.jspwiki); JSPWiki has switched to
the Stripes framework; and we have switched to use the JCR backend
(e.g. Apache Jackrabbit).  As a result of a vote, the support for
webdav has been dropped.  The fairly old jsonrpc has been replaced by

However, the trunk is in a fairly immature state.  For example, it is
not deployable at all, which means that nobody can yet use the trunk
for its intended purpose.  Our main concern is to stabilize the code
to some state where it would be actually usable before making a

The biggest slowdown is simply the fact that JSPWiki is (still) a
completely volunteer- developed project, with nobody actually
receiving any money for its development.  While this is great in the
sense that development is relatively easy to join, and communities are
not overrun by corporate requirements, it also means that the
committer's priorities often conflict with the object of speedy

We are planning to have an "alpha" grade release as our first official
Apache release, after which we should be fairly ready for graduation.

= Ki =

Ki (previously JSecurity) is a powerful and flexible open-source Java
security framework that cleanly handles authentication, authorization,
enterprise session management and cryptography.

Ki has been incubating since June 2008.

The project team voted at the end of February to change the project name
from JSecurity (its previous name prior to entry into the ASF Incubator) to
'Apache Ki' for a number of reasons, which are documented in full detail

Project infrastructure is being changed to match this name change, but is
not yet fully complete.  Mailing lists are pending still.

There was a post on the old website by an individual stating
that they would appreciate if we used a different name other than Ki, posted
One of our project members responded and have not received any responses
further.  The project team is now internally debating whether we need to
change the project name yet again.

The old project website has entered an archival state, clearly
pointing that all users should be redirected to the new Incubator ki
site.  A crontab entry has been created to auto-export the cwiki to here:

We're happy to report that development and user list activity has steadily
increased since we started incubation last year, with March (last month)
being the most active month to date.

The project team is not considering graduation at this point,
as the code is not ready for an Apache release. Once IP clearance is
complete, we'll attempt our first incubator release.

One mentor, Emmanuel Lecharny, decided to step down from the project. The
number of mentors is now down to three, which is the quorum. Finding a few
more mentors should be a good idea at this point.

The status is being maintained at

= Lucene.Net =

Lucene.Net has been in incubation since April 2006

Lucene.Net is a source code, class-per-class, API-per-API and algorithmatic
port of the Java Lucene search engine to the C# and .NET platform utilizing
Microsoft .NET Framework.

Not much changed from the last report:

 * Announced Lucene.Net 2.3.1 as "final" (via SVN).

 * Port of 2.3.2 is completed; the code is being reviewed and should be
announced soon.

 * Work is simultaneously underway on the Lucene.Net 2.4.0 port.

 * We are in the process of looking into graduation

= Olio =

Olio has been incubating since September 2008.

Olio is a web 2.0 toolkit to help developers evaluate the suitability,
functionality and performance of various web technologies by implementing
a reasonably complex application in several different technologies.

 * Olio is continuing to gain users and being used for diverse purposes.
 * One user is using it for testing MySQL performance.
 * Another is using it for testing performance of file systems.
 * Microsoft has started a .NET port of Olio.
 * VMWare has joined the project and plans to use it for several of their
   performance testing efforts.
 * There are multiple deployments attempting to scale Olio to test
   performance of system infrastructure, software application stack etc.
 * A lot of work has gone to make the product more robust and stable over
   long benchmark runs - over 50 JIRA issues have been fixed.
 * Work is underway to create the first release. The artifacts are tested;
   the major work is in fixing the source headers, licenses etc.
 * Olio has been presented to some Apache and Rails Meetups to get
 * We're encouraging users to become active in contributing to the code.

= Pivot =

Pivot has been in incubation since January 2009.

Pivot is an open-source platform for building rich internet applications in

 * Noel Grandin was added as a new committer on 3/29.

 * The codebase was forked into the "WTKX" project at Google Code: We didn't get a clear answer from the
   developer as to why he chose to fork rather than collaborate. From what we
   can gather, he seems to want to do Pivot "his own way".

 * The Pivot PPMC is currently voting on a proposed 1.1 release. Work has
   begun on a 1.1.1 maintenance release and 1.2 feature release.

Top 3 issues prior to graduation:

 * Successfully complete the 1.1 release.
 * Strengthen the understanding of The Apache Way and how to operate a PMC.
 * Even stronger community; currently quite good with 5 active committers
   from 4 different employers.

= RCF =


RCF has been in Incubation since April 2007 (two years), sponsored by

= Sanselan =

Sanselan has been in incubation since September 2007.
Sanselan is a pure-java image library for reading and writing a variety of
image formats.

The community hasn't grown much in the past six months. There continues to
be only one active committer. Participation level is low.
A new version has been released

Barriers to graduation continue to be diversity, size of the community, and
overall activity. We will address the possible graduation paths in the next
quarter and try to evaluate what the best approach for Sanselan might be.

= Stonehenge =

Stonehenge has been incubating since December 2008.

Stonehenge a set of example applications for Service Oriented Architecture
that spans languages and platforms and demonstrates best practices and
interoperability by using currently defined W3C OASIS standard protocols.

In the month of March, the growing Stonehenge community has ramped its
activity on several fronts, and has made solid plans for near future::

Admin: The donated code from Microsoft and WS02 was moved from contrib to
trunk. In the process various installation and configuration issues were
identified, and the community has worked very closely on the DL and offline
to advance these issues.

Community: 3 SUN developers have joined and have been working through the
various installation and configuration issues, and understanding the code
architecture. They plan to contribute a Metro based java implementation in
the medium term. Synergy has been developing between the WS02 and Microsoft
developers towards identifying and resolving common issues.

Code: The community has had discussions about a first release (M1) in the
immediate short term. The release is defined to be executable code from the
.NET and PHP implementations of the StockTrader  application, along with
complete documentation allowing a new Stonehenge member to demonstrate
interoperability by mixing and matching components from the two StockTrader
applications. The two applications are also undergoing necessary code
changes to quality for passing the RAT tool (such as adding the legal

Wider Community: Some members and sponsors of Stonehenge have attended
ApacheCon EU and connected with the wider community about Stonehenge.

= Tashi =

Tashi has been incubating since September 2008.

The Tashi project aims to build a software infrastructure for
cloud computing on massive internet-scale datasets (what we call
Big Data). The idea is to build a cluster management system
that enables the Big Data that are stored in a cluster/data center
to be accessed, shared, manipulated, and computed on by remote users
in a convenient, efficient, and safe manner.

Development activities have included adding support for using a database to
track virtual machine information, modifying code to work with Python 2.4,
integration with dynamic DHCP and DNS servers, and adding a "tidy" target to
check the source code.

There have been a few questions on tashi-user@i.a.o that centered around
getting Tashi up and running.  Additionally, submissions on the dev list
included patches from a student at CMU, and some scripts from a
at Intel.  There is still a lot of work to be done in growing a community.

Items to be resolved before graduation:
       * Put more effort into project documentation so that other potential
         contributors may more easily get involved
       * Develop community diversity (currently Intel and CMU committers)
       * Prepare and review a release candidate

= Thrift =

Thrift is a software framework for scalable cross-language services
development. It combines a software stack with a code generation engine to
build services that work efficiently and seamlessly between a variety of
programming languages. Thrift entered the Apache Incubator in May 2008.

Recent Activity:
 * Bryan Duxbury and Andrew McGeachie added as committers
 * Automatic "instant releases" to simplify the build process
 * First official release candidate scheduled for April 7th, 2009
 * Finished migrating all source headers to ASF licensing
 * Continued language library improvements
 * Support for Twisted in Python
 * Support for .NET 2.0
 * New compact encoding
 * Cross-pollination with other projects continues
 * More PoweredBy entries
 * Cassandra, now in Incubation, uses Thrift
 * Discussions underway about collaboration with the Avro project
 * Hadoop and HBase work ongoing

= UIMA =

UIMA is a component framework for the analysis of unstructured content such
as text, audio and video. UIMA entered incubation on October 3, 2006.

Some recent activity:

  * OASIS ( members approved the Unstructured
    Information Management Architecture (UIMA) version 1.0 as an OASIS
  * A new contributor, Rico Landefeld, contributed a component to enable
    indexing annotations as fields using Lucene.
  * Many bug fixes and improvements continue to be focused on UIMA-AS (the
    asynchronous scale-out add-on to base UIMA) driven by experience
    with users doing extensive scale-out.  The fixes address error
    handling and performance.
  * IBM and MAYO Clinic announced a new consortium around making available
    open-source UIMA annotators for use by the Medical / Health area; see

Items to complete before graduation:
  * We still need to attract more new committers with diverse affiliations.

Attachment N: Status report for the Apache Jakarta Project

Attachment O: Status report for the Apache JAMES Project

Little to report form James this period.
We have no new committers or PMC members.

We released version 1.0 of Mailet Base.
This is a collection of utilities and lightweight
frameworks useful when working with the  Apache Mailet API (a
framework. Which saw its first independent release last period.
Mailets base is used as the basis for the email processing functions
shipped with the  Apache James server but is not
dependent on that server.

No further activity to report this time.

Attachment P: Status report for the Apache Maven Project

Everything is humming along. A couple Maven releases, lots of plugin
release, and lots of component releases.

* General Information
 A new repository manager is available at
 The Maven project has voted to use this for staging and releasing artifacts
 and hosting the repository that is then rsynced to central.

* New PMC Members

Benjamin Bentmann

* New Committers

* Releases


 * Maven 2.0.10 (Wednesday, February 18th, 2009)
 * Maven 2.1.0 (Saturday, March 21st, 2009)


 * Maven Enforcer Plugin 1.0-beta-1 (Wednesday, February 25th, 2009)
 * Maven Plugin Plugin 2.5 (Thursday, February 26th, 2009)
 * Maven Project Info Reports Plugin 2.1.1 (Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009)
 * Maven EAR Plugin 2.3.2 (Sunday, March 8th, 2009)
 * Maven Site Plugin 2.0 (Wednesday, March 11th, 2009)
 * Maven WAR Plugin 2.1-beta-1 (Sunday, March 22nd, 2009)
 * Maven Install Plugin 2.3 (Wednesday, March 25th, 2009)
 * Maven Release Plugin 2.0-beta-9 (Saturday, March 28th, 2009)
 * Maven Eclipse Plugin 2.6 (Tuesday, March 31st, 2009)


 * Doxia 1.0 (Thursday, February 19th, 2009)
 * Apache Parent 5 (Friday, February 20th, 2009)
 * Maven Parent 11 (Friday, February 20th, 2009)
 * Maven Plugins Parent 13 (Friday, February 20th, 2009)
 * Maven Shared Component Parent 11 (Friday, February 20th, 2009)
 * Maven Wagon 1.0-beta-5 (Tuesday, February 24th, 2009)
 * Maven Plugin Tools 2.5 (Thursday, February 26th, 2009)
 * Doxia Sitetools 1.0 (Sunday, March 1st, 2009)
 * Maven Doxia Tools 1.0.2 (Wednesday, March 4th, 2009)
 * Doxia 1.1 (Saturday, March 7th, 2009)
 * Doxia Sitetools 1.1 (Saturday, March 7th, 2009)
 * Doxia Tools 1.0 (Saturday, March 7th, 2009)
 * Scm 1.2 (Saturday, March 28th, 2009)

Attachment Q: Status report for the Apache MINA Project


MINA is slowly going from Milestone to RC cycle, with a emphasis on
documentation and website. We had lot of feedback and bug reports on the
last 2.0.0-M4 release, with some serious bug fixed, so releasing an
intermediate 2.0.0-M5 was voted. Normally the last one before the

FtpServer is in the early stages of planning for the 1.1 work which
will include some new major features. In general, the project gets a
fair amount of user feedback so the community seems to be growing.

The new SSHD project is actively developed a first release is still to
be expected.


FtpServer : release of FtpServer 1.0 after the RC cycle
A 2.0.0-M5 release for MINA is to be released in the next days, the main
effort is on the documentation, a RC1 is to expect soon as critical bugs
were fixed.


Sai Pullabhotla was voted as new committer, mainly focused on FtpServer.
After few month of cool down, the activity is coming back in commit and
mailing list activity.

Vysper a XMPP (Jabber) server based on MINA, which is currently
developed at Apache labs is willing to join MINA as a subproject (as
FtpServer and Asyncweb). This idea received a warm welcome of the
MINA community.

Attachment R: Status report for the Apache MyFaces Project

= Summary =
 * Some community changes
 * New releases
 * Release candidates
 * Prototypes
 * Discussions

= Community =
 * New committer:
  * Jan-Kees van Andel
 * No new PMC members,
 * Some new contributors

= Releases =
 * MyFaces (sub) projects with new releases since the last report:
  * MyFaces Core 1.2.6
  * MyFaces Portlet Bridge 2.0.0-alpha
  * MyFaces Trinidad Plugins 1.2.9
  * MyFaces Trinidad Core 1.2.11
  * MyFaces Orchestra 1.3.1

= Release candidates =
 * MyFaces Extensions Validator 1.1.2
 * MyFaces Extensions Validator 1.2.2

= Prototypes =
 * Bean-Validation (JSR 303) integration module for MyFaces
   Extensions Validator 1.x

= Discussions =
 * discussion to support new JSR for the Portlet 2.0 Bidge for
   JavaServer Faces 1.2
 * the community promoted some components (toggleLink and fieldset)
   to tomahawk (from sandbox)
 * New Trinidad-Skin was proposed on the DEV list. The community
   is currently discussing this.
 * Trinidad changed the trunk. Now the Trinidad 1.2.x is the major
   trunk, Trinidad 1.0.x is now on a maintaining stage
 * MyFaces 2.0 is getting more attention. Several new community
   members (-> contributors) are active on the dev list and they are
   submitting ideas and patches

Attachment S: Status report for the Apache ODE Project

There are no specific issue relevant to the board at the moment.


We've released ODE 2.0-beta1, the first beta from the redesigned trunk.
It's now used by various Eclipse projects. We're also working on
another and probably last 1.X release.


We're gradually transitioning from the stable 1.X branch to the trunk,
adding new features almost only on trunk. Overall development is still
very active and we continue to see quite a few interesting


Several GSoc of code projects are shaping up (at least 3).

Attachment T: Status report for the Apache OpenEJB Project

A patch release of OpenEJB 3.0 (3.0.1) was released with fixes aimed to
support the Geronimo 2.1.4 release.  Talk has started on a release of the
current 3.1 branch (to be OpenEJB 3.1.1), which already contains several
fixes and improvements over the 3.1 version released in November.

List traffic has continued to increase.  In Q1 2008 traffic averaged 63
messages per month.  In Q1 2009 the average is 133 per month.  This resulted
in occasional delays in response times due to bursts of requests.  At a
particularly heavier burst one user complained in an email titled, "Thank you
for not supporting me in any way."  This proved to be an overall positive
event as it provided an opportunity to reset expectations, get everyone
behind the project, and resulted in a generous increase of participation from
users and committers alike[1].  Ultimately it was just what we needed.

Jean-Louis Monteiro has been contributing some good patches and time on the
user list and proving to be a good potential committer.  His activity is
primarily around web services which is one area where can certainly use the
expertise.  His participation is greatly appreciated and we look forward to
continued contribution.

Discussions have opened up with OpenWebBeans on providing them with the tools
they need to support their own OpenEJB integration in efforts to complete the
JSR-299 specification.  The JSR-299 itself is currently very unstable and
major changes to the core of the specification, requested by the Java EE 6
(JSR-316) EG, are planned to address overlap with other specifications like
JSF and EJB.  These will certainly provide some challenges as the
specification is rebalanced.

Several users have recently pointed out a possible incompatibly in regards to
the handling of business remote interfaces also marked as a web service
interface.  The issue has been raised on the EJB 3.1 (JSR-318) EG.
Regardless of the outcome, support for that feature is planned.


Attachment U: Status report for the Apache OpenJPA Project


OpenJPA is (still) busy implementing the latest JPA 2.0 JSR-317, which is in
Proposed Final Draft status. The latest draft was issued 13-March-2009 and
contains several very large changes that will keep the project busy for
another few months.

OpenJPA has a Field Of Use problem with the draft JPA 2.0 specification
license.  The license contains language restricting distribution of the early
implementation of JSR-317. The way we read this is that OpenJPA will be
unable to offer an early release of OpenJPA that supports JPA 2.0 until
and unless 2.(iii) is amended to remove the clause "is made available for
testing and evaluation purposes only".

This issue was raised with Geir Magnusson, Apache VP, JCP on February 3, 2009,
and is still unresolved.

<jsr-317 draft>
2. Distribute implementations of the Specification to third parties for
their testing and evaluation use, provided that any such implementation:
(i) does not modify, subset, superset or otherwise extend the Licensor
Name Space, or include any public or protected packages, classes, Java
interfaces, fields or methods within the Licensor Name Space other than
those required/authorized by the Specification or Specifications being
(ii)is clearly and prominently marked with the word "UNTESTED" or
"EARLY ACCESS" or "INCOMPATIBLE" or "UNSTABLE" or "BETA" in any list of
available builds and in proximity to every link initiating its download,
where the list or link is under Licensee's control; and
(iii)includes the following notice:
"This is an implementation of an early-draft specification developed under
the Java Community Process (JCP) and is made available for testing and
evaluation purposes only. The code is not compatible with any specification
of the JCP."
</jsr-317 draft>


OpenJPA voted to offer Milosz Tylenda to committer status, and he accepted.

Mailing lists continue to be very active, with an average of almost 400
messages per month on the dev alias and approximately 250 messages per
month on the users alias.

OpenJPA continues to experience a modest increase in email subscriptions and
activity. There are over 150 subscribers to dev and over 225 to users.

The community is working well together. Questions from the community
are answered promptly, often resulting in a JIRA being filed.


The PMC continues to track contributors with an eye toward making them
committers, and committers PMC members.


Release 1.2.1 is a bug-fix release for the JPA 1.0 code line.

Attachment V: Status report for the Apache Portals Project

Status report for the Apache Portals Project --  March 18, 2008

-- New releases --


-- New committers --


-- Status --

1. Pluto JSR-286 Portlet API 2.0 Specification Release

Completed all work on Portlet 2.0 Specification compliance. Passing 2.0
TCK. Refactoring is completed. The Pluto 2.0 SPI refactoring branch was
merged back into trunk. Jetspeed 2.2 and Pluto 2.0 are now back in full
alignment of trunks. The release of Pluto is scheduled for within a few
weeks, hopefully by end of March.

2. Apache Con, Portals meetup

We have scheduled a meetup in Amsterdam with Wicket, Jackrabbit teams

3. Jetspeed-2

Reaching end of long overdue 2.2 release. Hope to release within next
month. We have thus far completed:

*  a new Maven build
* new extensible security model
* LDAP synchronization
* new documentation guides (Admin, Users,Deploy, Dev)
* 90% of Pluto integration of JSR-286 Portlet 2.0 compliance
* Rewrite of Preferences component

Still to be completed in next few weeks

* Final integration with Pluto
* implementing all Portlet 2.0 features, pass TCK
* JPA integration. JPA will be replacing OJB as ORM
* Administrative portlets rewritten in Wicket
* New Jetspeed skins

4. Portals Applications

We are working towards the first release of Portals Applications,
hopefully within the next month. A few applications are ready for
releasing including RSS, DB Browser, and a Portlet Suite with a
scheduler, address book, google gadgets, netvibes widgets, timecard,
message board. Some of these portlets are still in a sandbox and may
not make the final release.

5. Conforming to Maven/Nexus standards at Apache

We are now looking into using Nexus to manage our Maven repositories at

Attachment W: Status report for the Apache Qpid Project

For the last month there is not much to report for Qpid.

In short,

- Good community actively & user list traffic.
- 0.5 release branch has been created and is in close down.
- Good list of contributors that are interacting with the project
  and progressing towards possible committership.
- Ben Hyde joined PMC list as observer being an Apache member

Attachment X: Status report for the Apache Shale Project

The Shale PMC has voted that the Shale project should be retired and moved
into the attic.  The vote was passed with 5 affirmative votes.  This
decision has been made over several months and was reported in our last
board report.

The activity of the community and the Shale volunteers has gradually
decreased to the point that it is time to dissolve the community as the
project has become stale.  Shale has served as a proving ground for JSF
with value added features.  Some of these ideas have been adopted by the
JSF specifications and others have been reinvented in similar projects.

As previously reported, the MyFaces community has interest in taking
ownership of the Shale test library.  We are uncertain of the proper
protocol for MyFaces to take ownership of the Shale test subproject.

Attachment Y: Status report for the Apache Struts Project

In contrast to the previous quarter's slew of releases, and in part because
of it, this quarter saw no new releases. However, work continues on Struts
2.1.7, which we expect to release shortly, as well as on several plugins,
and there is discussion of creating a branch so that work on Struts 2.2 can
begin. There was almost no activity on Struts 1 this last quarter.

Our zone is now hosting several sample applications on both Tomcat and
Jetty. Other platforms, and perhaps versions, may be added at a later date.

During the quarter, we added Mathias Bogaert as a committer, and Ted Husted
elected to go emeritus and departed the PMC.

Attachment Z: Status report for the Apache Tapestry Project

Tapestry 3, Tapestry 4

No activity.

Tapestry 5

Work on 5.1 is finishing up; we've voted up several alpha releases and are
voting on release currently, which should be the beta. is
expected to be the GA release. The 5.1 release mostly adds features related
to performance including a number of optimizations of internal code,
and the use of GZIP compression in responses. The IoC container gains a
number of new features that make it easier to customize Tapestry's

Many users are upgrading from 5.0.18 to the 5.1 alphas and experiencing only
minor issues, if any.

Tapestry Community

Robert Zeigler and Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo have been voted on as
Tapestry committers. Robert was already a Cayenne committer, Thiago is new to
Apache. Both have contributed some significant code to Tapestry 5.1,
largely in the area of customization of Tapestry URLs.

Activity on the mailing lists appears steady.

Howard Lewis Ship created a Tapestry Refcard for

Activity on Tapestry360 ( is increasing; this is an
external site that provides project hosting for projects that can't
live at Apache due to licensing or other concerns.

Attachment AA: Status report for the Apache Tcl Project

Things that have been going on recently:

* Ronnie has continued to add some new things to Websh.

* We have someone interested in working on the otherwise dormant
  mod_tcl, and we are in the process of deciding how to deal with that.

Attachment AB: Status report for the Apache Xalan Project

End of minutes for the April 15, 2009 board meeting.
