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                    The Apache Software Foundation

              Board of Directors Special Meeting Minutes

                          April 28, 2009

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 10:00am (Pacific) and began at
    10:02 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a
    quorum was recognized by the chairman. The meeting was held
    via teleconference, hosted by Jim Jagielski and Springsource.

    IRC #asfboard on was used for backup
    purposes and to augment minute taking.

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Bertrand Delacretaz
        Justin Erenkrantz
        J Aaron Farr
        Jim Jagielski
        Geir Magnusson Jr
        William Rowe Jr
        Sam Ruby
        Henning Schmiedehausen
        Greg Stein

    Directors Absent:



        Shane Curcuru
        Paul Querna
        Brett Porter
        Sander Striker
        Gavin McDonald
        Sally Khudairi

3. Open Budget Discussion, Chaired by Jim

   === Infrastructure ===
     jim: is there any discussion on infrastructure $157K and change?
     geir: you are going through the budget in subversion?
     ***curcuru notes Jim is using this to review:
     jim: handling infra 1st
     henning: we are paying traci about 6k a year, are we still considering
       moving this?
     paul: we still have power restrictions, and still some issue of space
     henning: we will keep it for this year, and will reevaluate when necessary?
     paul: yes
     jim: any other questions?
     jim: new item in there $30K for part time sysadmin
     geir: if you can get one that cheap, more power to you
     jim: it sounds like there is consensus on infrastructure
     justin: (note that pgollucci said on members@ he might be avail for
     aaron: justin: we seemed to have a lot more of hardware expenses last
        year.  Is $40k really enough?
     aaron: jim: yes
     justin: aaron: ask pquerna, but i think for this year, we don't need a
       lot of new equip.  in years upcoming, may need more
     aaron: most of our equipment was bought in 2007, I expect our 2010 budget
       will include a slightly higher request for replacement hardware
     pquerna: we are only replacing a couple boxes this year
     pquerna: our buying cycles for hardware are not completely.. even. most hw
       has a 3-4 year cycle for replacment (depending on what it is)

   === Travel Assistance ===
     jim: TA has requested $40K
     jim: any discussion?
     aaron: I think it is a bit of a large number...
     bill: it is representative of what we actually used in Europe, it would
       represent year/year growth in the US
     bill: 20K is what we cut Europe to (from about twice that)
     bill: reflects the attendance of about ten
     geir: I was just trying to get a sense of year over year growth
     jim: the $40K is a pretty good size number, but not out of the ordinary...
     geir: the TA is discretionary...
     jim: that's right
     jim: we can allocate it in the budget and revisit as sponsors come in (or
     bill: we won't even open this until 2 months before the conference.
     jim: we don't seem to have any more discussion...
     sam: did we cover aaron's concern?
     aaron: bill covered it
     aaron: we should put money towards this, and I'd feel better about it if
       ACon changed a bit.
     jim: any other questions or discussion?

   === Legal ===
     jim: next is legal... any questions?
     bill: I'm a bit concerned that it is low...
     sam: so far we have only spent hundreds, and we have budgeted thousands....
       and this isn't a budget buster in any case....

   === Board ===
     jim: next is board discretionary of $5K, any discussion?
     jim: ... I'll take that as a no.

   === Banking Fees ===
     jim: next is banking fees, I don't think there is any wiggle room in
       there....  any discussion?
     geir: we can take out the "need to be reviewed"
     jim: OK
     aaron: we have some very small fees that may not be necessary
     jim: is that allocated under treasury services?
     aaron: no
     aaron: treasury services is for office support or for online quickbook...
       anybody have a different understanding....
     henning: what are the monthy fees of $1K
     geir: that's the banking fee for the review checking acct
     greg: geir: $1000/month *IS* a lot of money
     justin: $1000/yr, not mo =)
     greg: ah
     greg: still a lot. $80/month
     justin: the structure of our acct is that fees are offset by our balances
     aaron: greg: I think that's mostly due to multiple people having online QB
       access.  I think that's $15 a month for each person.
     henning: thanks
     jim: fees are reasonable, and geir will continue to look at, and the board
       is comfortable with the line item.
     henning: the fees mostly eat up our interest.

   === Treasury and Accounting Services ===
     jim: next is treasury and accting services line item
     henning: what are the online fees?
     aaron: online quickbooks
     aaron: when we do that, we may be able to reduce other fees
     justin: what do you mean "offset by our balances" ?
     jim: the amount allocated to treasury fees are reasonable to the board
     justin: greg: our account is an 'analyzed' account (std. for
       corporations).  so, we get a credit for fees based on our balances
     aaron: greg: we should get lower fees based on our account balances.
     justin: sam has the statements which have breakdown of the fees

   === Licensing and Insurance ===
     jim: next up: licensing and insurance... any questions?
     bill: do we have any use for misc insurance?
     geir: what is misc insurance?
     bill: rounding
     greg: put a name on it, rather than "misc"
     justin: as we add more services, we may need a buffer for more needs
     geir: perfectly reasonable
     greg: is it hardware insurance? D&O?
     jim: looks like about $3K over and above D&O
     aaron: would we hire the EA as employee?  Might need more insurance then.
     justin: aaron: my expectation is we continue hiring indep. contractors,
     jim: the board is OK with $5K for insurance
     bertrand: greg: agree for a better name than "misc"
     greg: aaron: yah. contractors. employees has tax and health and whatnot
     aaron: justin: that will only work as long as they are truly independent
       in how they do their job.
     greg: bertrand: additional D&O insurance?
       - "reserve for additional insurance" maybe
     bertrand: greg: it's not necessarily D&O, could be employeers/whatever

   === Shipping ===
     jim: next is shipping about $500, any concerns
     jim: ... I'll take that as a no

   === Fundraising, Administrative, and Publicity ===
     jim: next up: fundraising, administrative, and publicity, anybody have
       a preference on the order?
     geir: we've spent 177k already
     justin: fundraising first..

   === Fundraising ===
     jim: first up... $30K for a sponsorship director
     jim: any discussion?
     greg: jim: call on somebody :-)
     aaron: it is clear that we need to have somebody have responsibility for
     geir: I agree that we need a human being, the question is whether we need
       a paid person...
     jim: first we need to decide if there is a person dedicated to it...
     greg: seems silly to *spend* $30k to *raise* money
     ***curcuru wonders too: do we need a specific commission-paid person, who
       presumably will go out and get more sponsors?  Or do we just need someone
       to be responsible/tasked with basic billing and communications.
     geir: I don't think it should be all that we do, and contractually Sally
       does this
     justin: not true
     aaron: agrees with justin
     geir: where is the contract?
     justin: in subversion
     ***sam has never seen the contract in subversion
     bill: sally is clearly doing more than what we are contracting for
     geir: I called sally this morning
     geir: I got the sense from her that she's capable of doing it, and wants to
       do it, but...
     ***curcuru recalls seeing a contract to review long ago; but thought it
       was in the private-private part of SVN (hence, I can't see)
     ***bertrand sees a HALO contract attached to "Contract for HALO renewal"
       thread on prc@, 9/29/08
     aaron: poor sally
     sam: geir: the conflict of ACon vs ASF sponsorship, and the discussion of
       hiring has stopped her...
     wrowe: See
     jim: I also talked to Sally and told her not to wait
     wrowe: as a general category of contracts
     geir: [clarifies that jim said NOT wait]
     wrowe: now Halo appears to not be there
     aaron: I don't think we can underestimate the issue with ACon.
     aaron: I don't think we can keep both viable...
     geir: can new sponsors target some funds towards the conference?
     aaron: it is a bit of a Gordian knot....
     aaron: it will change how we deal with our conference contractor
     geir: I agree that it is hard
     geir: I don't understand how the sponsorship director solves that
     aaron: we can't solve the issue in isolation
     aaron: the issues are connected...
     geir: I agree, Sam brought this up over a week ago
     geir: wrowe: no contract for HALO in there as I can see
     justin: Jim and I asked Sally to help, and Sally has been helping out for a
       bit, but I don't think that Sally will have the time to do the publicity
       and the sponsorships
     ***bertrand forwarded the 2008/09 contract to board-private, not sure if
       it's the one that was signed
     jim: if you compare sponsorship to the work for marketing and PR, it is
       clear that marketing and PR has suffered given her work on sponsorship
     geir: I wasn't aware re how much time she spent in sponsorship
     jim: one of the persons we have been thinking about has an existing
       relationship with the sponsors
     geir: she works for someone who we are competing for sponsorships
     justin: I echo aaron's point that we shouldn't be competing.
     aaron: my position is that we need a person with clear ownership and time
       and cycles
     greg: I might be happy to handle sponsorships
     ***sam +1 go greg
     ***curcuru while I agree this is a complex question, and that personal
       relationships for sponsorships are key, it still feels funny to have a
       potential) plan based on a specific person (re: Delia). (Not that she
       doesn't appear to be good...)
     greg: don't really have anything besides Director on my hat
     aaron: I'm concerned about mixing
     bertrand: greg: +1 go for it!
     geir: we have hats?
     geir: oh!  +1!
     geir: greg's unemployed....
     aaron: I'm concerned about bringing on another person
     henning_asf: I very much agree with aaron on what he said.
     jim: we have $30K allocated to this task... would people feel differently
       if we added that money to HALO instead?
     greg: jim: it's the money, for me
     bertrand: for me it is the money... $90K is a bit much
     greg: I don't mind paying HALO whatever is appropriate for the work they
       do.  but *paying* money to *raise* money seems a bit obscene.
     henning: amounts to 6%... what additional value will we get for $30K
     greg: do we then start paying $100k to raise $1 million? are we a
       money-raising machine?
     geir: remember, once sally gets the check from chris, 300k of the 500k is
       in the bag
     jim: sponsorship is not something that HALO is contracted to do
     jim: $60K is completely separate from sponsorship
     ***sam not according to the contract I read
     jim: I'm concerned that we are talking about 90K when 60K is pure marketing
     geir: I see sponsorship responsibilities in the contract
     jim: I'll take a look at the contract
     justin: I don't think we elected to do it
     geir: one issue is the amount of dollars that I thought Sally is already
       contractually required to do, two: the conflict of interest, and three: I
       think it should be a foundation member
     geir: Ideally, the chair and president, but ....  Sally is at a member who
       is directly involved in the foundation's life.
     greg: I was just saying that *paying* to raise money is weird
     bertrand: greg: and you *did* volunteer to manage sponsors, not?
     aaron: re: conflict of interest.... I agree
     ***curcuru wonders if part of the key issue is: someone to organize
       existing sponsor relations Vs. someone to actively find more also (the
       second role probably requires paying; the first might not with the
       right member volunteer to really step up)
     greg: bertrand: I said that it sounds kinda interesting and that I may
       have the time for to be a "handler" for our sponsors
     geir: either way, we are going to have to fund-raise.
     justin: the chair and president don't have the time to follow up
     greg: I would only be a handler. not a seeker.
     bertrand: greg: ok got it
     greg: (per curcuru's point)
     justin: we need somebody who seeks new sponsors
     greg: bertrand: but I'd want to ponder on that.  whether I *do* have the
       right time to do it right
     greg: justin: I think it is crass to pay someone to seek out money
     geir: +1 to diversity
     greg: commission? ugh
     bill: understand that this percentage is half of what we pay for ACon
     greg: are we going to do a telethon? hire Jerry Lewis and go on television?
     geir: greg:  I don't want to pay either, but it's not uncommon for
       professional fundraisers
     greg: geir: "professionsal" is the problem
     justin: greg: i don't see any volunteer being proactive.  i think
       that's important.
     jim: yes, the HALO contract does mention sponsor and sponsorship....
     geir: right - and I believe that we can continue to do it w/ some
       organizational/process support
     jim: sponsorship seems to be 10% vs marketing at about 90%
     greg: we've lost plenty of sponsorship money by not having someone
       dedicated to this, though.  So the position could easily pay for itself.
     jim: if we wanted to adjust, we need to revisit the contract...
     geir: we've lost plenty of money by forgetting to invoice
     bertrand: aaron: money was lost because we didn't have a "handler", but
       sponsors have been found
     greg: justin: I think the "idea" of a sponsor handler has not been
       clear. obviously. is it Jim? Sally? Treasurer?  Justin?
     bertrand: and greg seems to say he'd be happy to be "handler"
     greg: over the past two weeks, we've unequivocally demonstrated that even
       *we* don't know who is responsible,
     geir: and I'll support greg's paperwork needs
     greg: let alone somebody jumping in to volunteer/proactive for it
     ***bertrand elects greg as sponsorship manager ;-)
     ***aaron seconds bertrand's motion
     ***curcuru notes some of the sponsorship tracking really isn't that hard
       once it gets started.  I'd like to help too, perhaps in exchange of some
       of my concom volunteering
     sam: perhaps we all should ponder greg's suggestion, but not hold up the
       meeting as it is unlikely that any of us have had the time to consider it
     greg: sam: right
     bertrand: greg: you'd need to change your twitter profile picture though
     jim: would greg want to do this out of his own pocket?
     greg: jim: heh
     greg: bertrand: I changed it recently
     geir: I've been doing it for years
     justin: I don't like having our officers spending their own money
     greg: geir: we didn't ask you to
     geir: and I don't want reimbursement
     greg: there is volunteering, and then being appointed to do something with
       an out-of-pocket expectation.
     geir: (all I'm saying is that if someone wants to, good for them)
     jim: once again mentions that we are looking for someone to get new
     greg: jim: I am thinking "being a handler" might be good. not necessary
       out marketing/seeking sponsors.
     aaron: if greg just wants to handle sponsors, then maybe he can be the new
       PRC chair.
     greg: jim: I think that is HALO. "marketing"
     geir: how about a combo of Sally and Greg?
     geir: "Greg and Sally's Excellent Adventure"
     aaron: geir: right, Sally as contractor and Greg as PRC Chair
     striker: geir: bad reference to Bill and Ted
     striker: geir: don't say "random"
     geir: sorry
     aaron: we may need to take up ACon...
     geir: giving greg and sally a chance is not an irreversible change....
     sam: isn't ACon a separate budget?
     bertrand: sam: separate budget but similar circle of potential sponsors
     sam: at the moment ACon is a separate budget, but it could eventually come
       from the same sponsorship pool (to some extent).
     bill: correct: the budget that we have does not incluce apachecon, simply
       because we don't have the data
     aaron: [repeated what bill said]
     jim: when you talked to sally, did she mention whether she was interested
       in doing it for the same money?
     geir: we didn't talk money
     ***curcuru reminds folks that we're still contracted to SCP/Charel for
       ApacheCon for the next 2ish years; so sponsorship differences are still
      an issue (we only canceled the evergreen in the future)
     geir: she thought that this was her todo
     jim: I'm going to give sally a quick call
     geir: can we get sally *on* the call?
     bill: can we get sally on the call?
     ***bertrand agree with having sally on the call
     jim: I'm calling her now to see if she can join us
     jim: she should be joining shortly
     jim: adjourn for 5 minutes
     jim... reconvening....
     jim: is this something that HALO can take on?
     sally: yes, previous contracts had three different options...
     sally: in 2007, we decided to go only with PR
     sally: in subsequent years sponsorship became more important
     justin: (member @ w3c == sponsor)
     sally: we decided to augment the contract slightly to cover sponsorship...
       mainly "customer/client relations" that is handling existing sponsors,
       and communication.  And we discussed in Amsterdam with being more
     sally: I've already done [opportunistic] outreach...
     sally: I haven't done much with it given that the ASF is exploring
       alternatives, but yes, I am interested in doing it
     jim: is this something that could be done at the same level at the
     sally: I think it would be more work... but not a lot
     sally: but it really depends
     greg: I'm pondering on it. it sounds good to me.
     greg: I just don't want to commit, then not have the time to do it.
     geir: I think that you were already voted into the job, greg :)
     greg: so I need a bit of navel-gazing time :-)
     greg: ha!
     geir: understood
     jim: there are two parts: keeping touch with existing sponsors, and
     jim: our goals are 3+3+3+4 sponsors at various levels
     jim: will you still be able to do it at the same funding level?
     sally: it would be very challenging
     jim: what would it take?
     aaron: or do we really need the same level of pr/marketing?
     greg: jim: that was putting her on the spot. unfair :-P
     sally: I can get back to you....
     jim: [references prior contracts]
     sally: the question is on the renewals... this may adjust the time
     sally: pr is seasonal
     sally: acon may also consume a bit of my time
     jim: greg has offered to help out
     sally: fantastic
     aaron: so, maybe we need to use Sally's expertise and ask her:  "here's the
       list of our ideal situation which includes sponsors like this, people
       doing this and that, etc.  What would that cost?  How would you
       implement it?"
     jim: we would be looking at HALO taking the lead and utilizing greg
     sally: excellent
     sally: this is only for sponsor development, and doesn't include ACon
     aaron: are we doing this slightly backwards?
     aaron: because it seems like we're trying to decide how to run PR,
       marketing, and sponsorship rather than just handing this over to someone
       more competent.  Perhaps we should ask Sally for a proposal?
     Sally: this is a common thing... different organizations at different
     ***curcuru ponders the difference between leading the mission, and planning
       the execution of it.  I also think the "how should we do it" question is
       a good reason to consider hiring RedMonk as well.
     Sally: I can't do that in a vacuum
     jim: I agree
     jim: I appreciate Sally joining.... you are welcome to drop or stay on...

   === Publicity ===
     jim: moving on to Publicity
     justin: ($60k is HALO, $5k for other firms)
     bertrand: what does sponsor outreach mean?
     justin: jim, or sally, or I hopping on a plane
     sally: that's correct.
     aaron: how is that different from travel?
     justin: travel is presence at other events... OSCON, etc.
     aaron: would that include conference fees?
     justin: yes
     jim: the current contract with HALO expects the ASF to cover expenses
     aaron: it seems like that could be bigger
     geir: "off budget"
     justin: thre is an additional ~15K for ACon
     aaron: we should relabel
     sally: Microsoft and OSCON... it put Justin in an awkward situation.... it
       would have been helpful if I had been there.
     jim: the question is "is $7K enough"?
     justin: that's 4-5 people to two events over and above ACon
     sally: in some cases, the sponsors will pay
     jim: any other questions?
     bertrand: I think we can combine...
     justin: Karen recommended that we track them separate
     jim: any other questions or comments?
     aaron: re: PR Travel budget: for example, we just had the Libre Graphics
       Meeting asking if we could send/encourage some ASF folk to attend (such
       as our XML Graphics committers).
     ***curcuru I think in many cases it's best to keep expenses separate, both
       for IRS purposes, and for member communication purposes.
     jim: the idea about pure marketing seemed to have generated a lot of
       discussion....  we still feel a need to do this.
     geir: I want the opportunity to think a bit about this...
     henning: we need to do marketing and PR, I have to agree that the amount is
       something I need to think about.  I'm leaning towards saying this amount
       is justified.
     [sally drops off]
     bill: I passed this by a close friend, and his major point was that $60K is
       in the ballpark, what you really are paying for is somebody who
       understands your particular market.
     geir: I'm looking at this in terms of % on PR... I like Sally
     justin: we need to listen to Sally's ideas.... in the past we haven't
       followed through on Sally's ideas.
     justin: these amounts are more of a floor, and not a ceiling
     bertrand: the overall goal is to get more sponsors... that wasn't very
     sam: we need to look at the overall dollars spent on sponsors
       (admin+PR+liaison+...) as a percentage
     aaron: I agree, we need to clearly split these
     aaron: I don't think we've been getting our money's worth on PR
     aaron: I think that Sally could do a good job for us, I think the lack is
       of a comprehensive plan (3-5 years)
     bertrand: +1 to what aaron is saying
     sam: +1 to aaron
     jim: I agree that we are not getting the value...  because Sally is
       spending a lot of time on sponsor stuff
     ***curcuru so the biggest issue of all is what it always is: what do we
      want to be when we grow up // what is the mission statement of the ASF.
      re: as aaron said
     aaron: curcuru: the issue is we need to spend money based on clear
       objectives and goals, not to just spend money because we think we need
     jim: we need to have a plan
     sam: plan should predate budget?
     aaron: sam: +1
     sam: perhaps we should budget "come up with a plan" vs "do it"?
     ***curcuru aaron: yup: first comes "what are the goals" - which is always
       the hard question, esp. in a group.  Key question: who - specifically -
       votes on the actual goals?
     jim: I want to make sure that it is not an unfunded mandate.
     sam: blank check doesn't work either... we need to find a place to meet in
       the middle
     geir: perhaps we should set spending goals as a %
     jim: that's what's in the contract
     geir: I'm coming at it from the other direction (top down?), perhaps with a
        little stimulus funding for this year
     justin: jim, sander, and I talked about what we wanted to focus on...
     pquerna: stimulus funding. heh, heh.
     geir: what about looking at this as a general operating budget, and
       identify the specific amount that is a one time special event
     justin: bill split that out...
     bill: we need to further refine the separate budget...
     geir: when I worked for gluecode, having the plan as a baseline would have
       been helpful in my procuring funding...
     bill: we still need data
     ***geir notes that  "PR" and "Sponsorship" might be a useful division as
     wrowe: +1
     jim: will there be funds allocated to approve $60K?
     sam: I'm not comfortable in isolation.
     geir: sam: +1
     jim: but you already said that you were ok with adding $30K to halo's
     sam: nobody said that
     geir: clearly, right now, 60k
     geir: we signed the contract
     sam: we asked sally to come back with a proposal, and she said that it
       would be a challenge to do so at the current level....
     sam: we signed a contract in October
     aaron: we need to at least cover the current contract
     justin: if we want to do sponsorship, we will need to adjust the contract
     bill: sponsorship is already in the contract.
     jim: if the HALO came back with contracts for $90K, $75, and $60K, would
       the board allow the PRC to accept the contract?
     bill: authorizing is not the same as expenditures....
     bill: sally may become the chair... so she won't make the final call
     jim: tabling this for now...

   === Admin ===
     jim: looking at the admin item...
     sam: I'd like to see an estimate of hours per week before we talk about
     aaron: for EA?
     sam: for EA.
     bertrand: we need to look at the actual figure for income before we can
       figure out how much we can afford...
     justin: this is what we felt that we reach if we had someone dedicated for
     bertrand: it might we wise to have worst case scenarios....
     justin: these numbers are realistic
     jim: sam's point about hours makes sense
     jim: I'm sure the amount in the budget reflects a full time person

   === Summary ===
     jim: we need an hours for EA, and we need a proposal for marketing, along
        with Greg's offer to help with sponsorship
     jim: we have been spending $60K/year on marketing+sponsorship...

   === Next Neeting ===
     jim: will look for a good time to reconvene...
     justin: !friday plz
     [henning is blocked for the rest of the week]
     greg: maybe thursday for me. friday is road trip. in car for 10 hours.
     bertrand: lets arrange on the list
     aaron: jim: thanks!
     jim: adjourned.

End of minutes for the March 28, 2009 special board meeting.
