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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

                            August 19, 2009

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 10:00am (Pacific) and began at
    10:01 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a
    quorum was recognized by the chairman. The meeting was held
    via teleconference, hosted by Jim Jagielski and SpringSource.

    IRC #asfboard on was used for backup purposes.

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Shane Curcuru
        Doug Cutting
        Justin Erenkrantz
        Roy T. Fielding
        Jim Jagielski
        Brian McCallister (dropped at 10:36am)
        Brett Porter
        Greg Stein

    Directors Absent:

        Geir Magnusson Jr.

    Officers Present:

        Paul Querna
        Sam Ruby
        Sander Striker

    Officers Absent:



        David Crossley
        J Aaron Farr
        Craig L Russell
        Henri Yandell

3. Minutes from previous meetings

    Minutes (in Subversion) are found under the URL:

    A. The meeting of April 15, 2009

       See: board_minutes_2009_04_15.txt


    B. The meeting of June 17, 2009

       See: board_minutes_2009_06_17.txt

       Approved by General Consent.

    C. The meeting of July 15, 2009

       See: board_minutes_2009_07_15.txt


4. Executive Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Jim]

       The big news since last month is that we've received all the
       accepted and signed member application from all candidates
       elected in at the last members' meeting. Therefore, we officially
       would like to welcome the following new members to the ASF:

         Cezar Andrei       David Bertoni       James Carman
         Maria Odea Ching   Brian Fox           Janne Jalkanen
         Damien Katz        Luc Maisonobe       Benson Margulies
         Kevin Menard       Simon Pepping       Asankha Perera
         Gareth Reakes      Greg Reddin         Julian Reschke
         Peter Rossbach     Carlos Sanchez      Dain Sundstrom
         Carl Trieloff      Julien Vermillard   Hadrian Zbarcea

        I renewed the foundation's D&O Insurance for another year, with
        similar terms and pricing as last years. The renewal process was
        a bit more involved, due to insurance companies being much more
        circumspect in their renewals.

        We are hoping to have a director's get-together, with the most
        likely "venue" being located on the east coast sometime early-to-mid
        October. We should discuss this and try to finalize a date and
        location. See Infra's report regarding possibly also having a
        softball game at the same time. There's been a request to have the
        get together in the Boston area.

        We're seeing quite a bit of "leakage" between the prc@ and the
        members@ mailing lists. Topics related to this leakage are mostly
        regarding trademark policy and branding. I have attempted to
        describe the policy that the ASF has been operating under for the
        last ~15years with some success. Also regarding members@, there
        was an interesting thread regarding the Incubator as well.

        I was interview by regarding a wide-range of topics,
        from the ASF 10 Year Anniversary, to the Apache License, to the
        growth of Linux. This was facilitated through PRC.

        We now have a new ASF concall account. All PMC chairs have been
        made aware of the new account info, and they have been asked to
        contact directors if they need the "host" account info.

        All in all, a relatively quiet and well running month.

    B. President [Justin]

       I am currently preparing for my final defense of my dissertation
       on September 3rd.  So...yah.  Please refer to the EVP report.

       Numerous directors wished Justin good luck!

    C. Treasurer [Geir]

      Books are currently up to date as of 2009-08-14 for checking,
      savings and credit card accounts.

       - Current PayPal balance as of 8/17 is $12,621.70. Contributions via
         PayPal for July 2009 were $223.91.  This is not reflected in
         statement of position below.
         (I want the reports to always accurately represent Quickbooks data).
       - QB has PayPal data up to end of July (in prep for taxes)
       - Google 2008 partial/makeup invoice paid on 7/24
       - IONA paid on 7/13.  Revenue will be recognized starting 3/1/2009
         through 2/28/2010
       - Note that YHOO and MSFT Plat sponsorship expire this month.

      Tasks Done:
       - bills : The $4700 bill awaiting PRC approval was approved by Jim,
         and I missed the approval :)  Working now to send the wire.
       - J Aaron got us caught up re PayPal data in prep for taxes.  Thanks!
      In Progress:
       - Getting thank-you info together for Phil.  Failure on my part due to
         personal reasons, renewed focus now that work-surge is over.

      To Do:
       - FY2008 taxes - due date is Sept 15.  These are in progress.
       - Find place for cash above FDIC limit (e.g. CDs)
       - review switching from accrual to cash accounting

     1) Statement of Financial Income and Expense - July 2009 - Accrual Basis

        Ordinary Income/Expense
              Interest Income                                       120.70
              Contributions Income
                Unrestricted                                 1,563.60
              Total Contributions Income                          1,563.60

           Total Income                                           1,684.30

              Bank Service Charges                                  364.94
              PayPal Charges                                          5.09
              Postage and Delivery                                   19.95
              Printing and Reproduction                             552.64
              Program Expenses
                   Colocation Expenses                   518.00
                   Hardware Purchases                  1,329.63
                   Infrastructure Staff                6,000.00
                Total Infrastructure                         7,847.63

                Public Relations
                   PRC Travel                          2,523.06
                   Public Relations Staff              3,636.36
                Total Public Relations                       6,159.42

              Total Program Expenses                             14,007.05

           Total Expense                                         14,949.67

        Net Ordinary Income                                     -13,265.37

     Net Income                                                 -13,265.37

     2) Statement of Financial Position - As of July 31, 2009 - Accrual Basis

                                                    Jul 31, 09     Jul 31, 08     $ Change      % Change

        Current Assets
             PayPal                                   12,513.63         374.99     12,138.64      3,237.1%
             Wells Fargo Analyzed Account            180,919.35     107,617.48     73,301.87         68.1%
             Wells Fargo Savings                     284,292.39     157,694.26    126,598.13         80.3%
           Total Checking/Savings                    477,725.37     265,686.73    212,038.64         79.8%

        Total Current Assets                         477,725.37     265,686.73    212,038.64         79.8%

     TOTAL ASSETS                                    477,725.37     265,686.73    212,038.64         79.8%

           Current Liabilities
             Credit Cards
                ASF Credit Card - Paul Querna          1,329.63           0.00      1,329.63        100.0%
                ASF Credit Card - Ruby                    39.90         917.01       -877.11        -95.7%
                ASF Credit Card - Striker              1,520.10           0.00      1,520.10        100.0%
                ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz           1,555.60         534.89      1,020.71        190.8%
             Total Credit Cards                        4,445.23       1,451.90      2,993.33        206.2%

           Total Current Liabilities                   4,445.23       1,451.90      2,993.33        206.2%

        Total Liabilities                              4,445.23       1,451.90      2,993.33        206.2%

           Retained Earnings                         363,648.74     261,948.68    101,700.06         38.8%
           Net Income                                109,631.40       2,286.15    107,345.25      4,695.5%
        Total Equity                                 473,280.14     264,234.83    209,045.31         79.1%

     TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                      477,725.37     265,686.73    212,038.64         79.8%

   3) Ad-hoc Budget Tracking

    Summary : We're way behind in income on a flat monthly plan, but we're
              also far ahead in expenses. (Expenses are less their budget by
              more than income is less than target, on a percentage basis.)

    Income :

       Current monthly income target is $541,200 / 12 = $45,100

       Interest income      : $120
       PayPal Contributions : $223

       Sponsorship contributions for July 2009 :

            Platinum :  ($100,000 / 12 = $8333)
                 Microsoft   $8333
                 Yahoo       $8333
                 Google      $8333

            Silver :  ($20,000 / 12 = $1667)
                 HP           $1667
                 IONA         $1667

            Bronze : ($5,000 / 12 = $417)
                 BlueNog       $417
                 Intuit        $417
                 Joost         $417
                 Mullenweg     $417

        Sponsorship Subtotal :  $30,000

       Monthly Total : $30,343
     % of monthly target  :  67%

      YTD Total : $88,627
      % of annual plan : 16%

    Expense :

       Current monthly expense budget is $404,541 / 12 = $33,711

       Expense for June 2009 (cash basis) : $14,950

       % of  monthly target  :  44% (this is good!)

        YTD Total : $48,701
        % of plan : 12%

       Brian will continue discussing hiring an accountant on the

    D. Secretary [Sam]

       An initial pass of scanning all the archived documents has been
       completed, as well as a match of archived ICLAs to iclas.txt.  95 other
       documents (non-ICLAs) were also scanned and need to be sorted, and
       then an audit (searching for archives for missing ICLAs) needs to be

       Craig Russell and Tim Ellison have both been assisting with the ongoing
       processing of incoming faxes.  Often times this means that same-day
       response is now becoming the norm.  Sebb, as always, continues to be

       Board minutes through July have been posted and are available for

    E. Executive Vice President [Sander Striker]

       The main event last month was OSCON.  We had a booth there, which has been
       primarily been manned by Paul Querna and Alan Cabrera, assisted by
       Craig Russell, Justin Erenkrantz and myself.  We had a good number of
       people stop by the booth, though it hasn't been crazy busy.
       ASF/ApacheCon promo cards that were left over were taken by Alan, for

       In the days leading up to OSCON, Henri Yandell, Larry Rosen, Paul, Justin,
       and myself have participated in the FLOSS Foundations meetings.

       Justin and I spent a good two days in talking to various people from the
       press.  We also participated in a video shoot for the 10th
       anniversary of the Foundation.

       Lastly I briefly met with organisers of the Open World Forum, about a
       speaking opportunity in October in Paris.  They had a booth at OSCON too.

       Unfortunately, due to personal and work circumstances I didn't get around
       to updating the admin search documentation.  If Greg has the time, I'd
       like to ask him to pull the cart for a bit.

       There were two hard drives needed for the Netherlands; I have now finally
       ordered two.  Unfortunately the US credit card failed to work, so the
       amount will be expensed.

       Greg agreed to help out with the Admin Search documentation.
       Sander believes that a month will be more than enough time.

    Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

5. Additional Officer Reports

    A. VP of JCP [Geir Magnusson Jr]

       See Attachment 1

    B. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby]

       See Attachment 2

       Sam reiterated his intent to forcibly eject trademark issues off of
       the legal lists.

    C. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Greg]

       See Attachment 3

    D. Apache Conference Planning Project [Noirin Shirley / Brian]

       See Attachment 4

    E. Apache Public Relations Project [Jim Jagielski]

       See Attachment 5

       The board is pleased with the news on MSFT sponsorship and is
       cautiously optimistic about the progress being made in the PRC.
       Jim specifically thanked Henri and Jukka for stepping up.

       Justin asked if Yahoo sent a contact? Doug indicated that
       Yahoo! intends to continue to be sponsor, and if there is any
       problem, contact him. Jim indicated that he thought he had
       seen a contact name.

    F. Apache Infrastructure Team [Paul Querna / Justin]

       See Attachment 6

    G. Apache Travel Assistance Committee [Gavin McDonald / Jim]

       See Attachment 7

       Jim to take an action item to determine if the SCP issue from
       last month was sorted out.

    Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

6. Committee Reports

    A. Apache Abdera Project [Garrett Rooney / Justin]

       No report provided.

    B. Apache Ant Project [Conor MacNeill / Doug]

       See Attachment B

    C. Apache Attic Project [Henri Yandell / Geir]

       No report provided.

    D. Apache Beehive Project [Eddie O'Neil / Shane]

       See Attachment D

    E. Apache Buildr Project [Alex Boisvert / Roy]

       See Attachment E

       Roy will follow up with the project on their use of git.

    F. Apache C++ Standard Library Project [Martin Sebor / Brett]

       See Attachment F

    G. Apache Cocoon Project [Vadim Gritsenko / Greg]

       See Attachment G

    H. Apache Continuum Project [Emmanuel Venisse / Doug]

       See Attachment H

    I. Apache CouchDB Project [Damien Katz / Brian]

       See Attachment I

       Greg complimented the project on their A.U. increase rate.

    J. Apache Directory Project [Alex Karasulu / Geir]

       See Attachment J

       Jim to follow up with Alex on the use of the api@ list and will report
       back to the board@ list.

    K. Apache Forrest Project [David Crossley / Jim]

       See Attachment K

       David indicated that he was stepping back in the hopes of
       attracting someone else to step up.
       Shane asked if the board has a specific issue?
       Roy indicated that not having a release in 2+ years is a
       specific issue, and agreed that stepping back is the right
       Henri asked if David was offering to help?  David indicated that he was.
       Henri suggested attic as a "threat".  David indicated that that had
       been tried before.  David to bring up the issue again on the dev list.
       Henri suggested splitting up the tasks.  David indicated that's what
       he did last time.
       Doug asked if there had been development that hasn't been
       released? Are developers using trunk?  David answered that there
       had been good development, and yes developers are using trunk
       Jim indicated whether or not this goes to the attic, there
       needs to be a final release.

    L. Apache HTTP Server Project [William A. Rowe Jr. / Brett]

       See Attachment L

    M. Apache HttpComponents Project [Erik Abele / Justin]

       See Attachment M

    N. Apache iBATIS Project [Clinton Begin / Shane]

       See Attachment N

    O. Apache Incubator Project [Noel J. Bergman / Roy]

       See Attachment O

       The board is pleased with the "rebooting" of Bluesky and beginning
       the process of retiring stagnated podlings.

       Jim to follow up on the Traffic Server TM issue.

    P. Apache Lenya Project [Gregor J. Rothfuss / Geir]

       See Attachment P

    Q. Apache Logging Project [Curt Arnold / Brian]

       See Attachment Q

    R. Apache Maven Project [Jason van Zyl / Greg]

       See Attachment R

    S. Apache Perl Project [Geoffrey Young / Jim]

       See Attachment S

    T. Apache POI Project [Nick Burch / Justin]

       See Attachment T

    U. Apache Qpid Project [Carl Trieloff / Doug]

       No report provided.

    V. Apache Roller Project [Dave Johnson / Brett]

       See Attachment V

    W. Apache Santuario Project [Raul Benito / Shane]

       See Attachment W

    X. Apache Sling Project [Felix Meschberger / Roy]

       See Attachment X

    Y. Apache Turbine Project [Scott Eade / Jim]

       See Attachment Y

    Z. Apache Tuscany Project [Ant Elder / Doug]

       See Attachment Z

    AA. Apache Velocity Project [Will Glass-Husain / Greg]

       No report provided.

    AB. Apache Xalan Project [David Bertoni / Brett]

       See Attachment AB

    AC. Apache Xerces Project [Gareth Reakes / Brian]

       See Attachment AC

    AD. Apache XML Project [Gianugo Rabellino / Roy]

       See Attachment AD

    AE. Apache XML Graphics Project [Simon Pepping / Justin]

       See Attachment AE

    Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

7. Special Orders

    A. Change the Apache Lenya Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Gregor J.
       Rothfuss to the office of Vice President, Apache Lenya, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
       of Gregor J. Rothfuss from the office of Vice President, Apache
       Lenya, and

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Lenya
       project has chosen by vote to recommend Richard Frovarp as the
       successor to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Gregor J. Rothfuss is
       relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of
       the office of Vice President, Apache Lenya, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Richard Frovarp be and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Lenya, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
       until a successor is appointed.
       Special Order 7A, Change the Apache Lenya Project Chair, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    B. Change the Apache Commons Chair

      WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Torsten
      Curdt to the office of Vice President, Apache Commons, and

      WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
      of Torsten Curdt from the office of Vice President, Apache
      Commons, and

      WHEREAS, the members of the Apache Commons Project Management
      Committee have chosen by vote to recommend Phil Steitz as the
      successor to the post;

      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Torsten Curdt is
      relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of
      the office of Vice President, Apache Commons, and

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Phil Steitz be and hereby is
      appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Commons, to
      serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board
      of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
      resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a
      successor is appointed.
      Special Order 7B, Change the Apache Commons Chair, was
      approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    C. Update Public Relations Committee Membership

      WHEREAS, the Public Relations Committee (PRC) of
      The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) expects to better serve
      its purpose through the periodic update of its membership; and

      WHEREAS, the PRC is a Board-appointed committee whose membership
      must be approved by Board resolution,

      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following ASF members be
      added as Public Relations Committee members:

      Larry Rosen         <>
      Noirin Shirley      <>
      Henri Yandell       <>
      Sanjiva Weerawarana <>
      Jukka Zitting       <>
      Special Order 7C, Update Public Relations Committee
      Membership, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors

8. Discussion Items

    Brett is fine with the current board meeting time, but would appreciate
    it being later.
    Greg will be moving to the US, and is OK with the time moving, and notes
    that we do have callers from Europe.
    Jim agrees with moving forward 2 hours (noon, West coast time).
    Greg suggests 6 hours (7pm east coast)
    Jim asked if anybody is opposed to a six hour push?
    Greg suggests a polling tool
    Jim would prefer picking a time now.
    Jim indicated that we will test out a 4 hour push
    The date of the next meeting will discussed on the mailing list.
    Greg requested that we settle on a date within a week or so.
    As to board meeting, Jim suggested Boston, Justin suggested October
    10th and 11th; Roy indicated that he may have a conflict with those
    dates. Jim asked about the 17th and 18th. Roy indicated that he
    can't do anything after the 8th of October. Roy suggested ApacheCon,
    Brett and Jim agreed. Jim noted that having it at ApacheCon
    encourages directors to attend ApacheCon.
    Justin asked if we want to lock in the 31st in Oakland.

    Jim indicated that plans to start reporting on W3C activities next month.
    Both Sam and Jim plan to attend the TPAC in November.

9. Review Outstanding Action Items

10. Unfinished Business

11. New Business

    Does the board wish to address the vacancy in the VP, PRC?
    The consensus is that this is something the PRC needs to handle. Jim
    indicated that he is still active and providing oversight.
    Roy suggests changing this to a president's committee. Greg believes
    that it is important that the PRC remains a board committee to make
    it obvious that the PRC has oversight. Roy notes that infrastructure
    has authority. Upon further discussion, Greg agreed with Roy; Roy
    indicated that he can review this with Larry after the meeting.
    Justin notes that president committees are not set by board
    resolutions, they are created and destroyed by the president at
    will. In the process, it was noted that the TAC does not need to be
    a board committee. Sam expressed no opinion as to whether Legal
    Affairs should be a board committee or a presidents committee.
    Justin reiterated that infrastructure has had no issues with
    perception of authority.

12. Announcements

    Jim indicated that VMWare is acquiring SpringSource. Might help out
    infra, as we are a user of VMWare.
    Greg mentioned that he is moving back to the US next week, and will
    land in Virginia in the middle of September.

13. Adjournment

    Adjourned at 11:21 a.m. (Pacific)


Attachment 1: Report from the VP of JCP

A few major things.  First, we've received implicit 
approval from legal-internal for an agreement with Sun that fixes 
the draft spec license problem in general.  The problem is that 
the standard draft spec license limits distribution of the 
implementations, and that's not acceptable to us.

Second, we've received and completed a questionnaire from the 
European Commission's Director General for Competition regarding
Oracle's acquisition of Sun.  We have completed the document
on legal-internal and I have submitted the document back to the EC.
We've asked that we can publish the document in it's entirety, but
they've asked that the document itself isn't distributed.  I'll 
find a way to publish our answers on the JCP section of the website.

Finally, Sun has delivered the early access version to the Java EE 6
TCK, which has been given to interested parties.

Attachment 2: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee

The only issue that merits board attention is the licensing of trademarks.  My
understanding remains that beyond ensuring that the way we license our
trademarks is legal, all policy decisions in this area are the purview of the
PRC.  I've tried to reinforce this a number of times, mostly unsuccessfully.

Very active month, most of it centered around JIRA issues.  By my count, 8
issues were opened and 7 closed; forward progress was made on 18 others.  As a
general rule, this is progressing without controversy; the only issues that
merit highlighting as a potential for a broader review is issue 26 (LICENSE
and NOTICE in SVN) and issue 34 (release voting procedures).

The Legal Affairs Committee provided significant input to Geir's impending
responses to various DOJ and EC requests, and intends to support Geir in
every way.  See the JCP report for more details.

It is hard to characterize the remainder of discussions, they ranged from the
relative merits of the Apache License vs [L]GPL, how to deal with non-ASF
licensed code in JIRA, combining the Apache License with other licenses
ranging from public domain to MPL, and IP clearance.

Attachment 3: Status report for the Apache Security Team Project

For July 2009: There continues to be a steady stream of reports of
various kinds arriving at  These continue to be
dealt with by the security team.

5    Support question
4    Security vulnerability question, but not a vulnerability report
3    Vulnerability reports of which
     1 Vulnerability report [httpd, via]
     2 Vulnerability report [infrastructure, via]

Attachment 4: Status report for the Apache Conference Planning Project

ApacheCon US 2009 (2-6 November)

* Planning is progressing nicely. All speakers have been notified of the
status of their proposals.

* The schedule is pretty much complete, and Sally did some great
publicity at OSCON.

* Early bird committer rate was extended to 21st August. As of 11th August,
40 committers had registered at the early bird rate. Average over the last
five conferences has been 44 people registered on the committer rate
(excludes speakers etc), so this is pretty good going!

ApacheMeetUp/BarCampApache Asia 2009 (Late Nov/Early Dec 2009)

* No news since last report

Apache Retreat, Ireland 2010

* A proposal for the first Apache Retreat to be held in Ireland was voted
on by ConCom and approved.

* Noirin Shirley, Colm MacCarthaigh  and Ross Gardler will plan this event.

* A location has been secured, Knockree Youth Hostel, for the weekend of
9th-12th April

Attachment 5: Status report for the Apache Public Relations Project



Staffing: Sally remains on medical leave and will continue to work
part-time through September; Jim will remain on as PRC chair at a minimum
through ApacheCon but has already submitted his resignation in advance.

The PRC is now able to become involved with ApacheCon should Concom require
PRC involvement


A new YouTube account has been set up for ASF promotion at the Foundation
level (including 10th Anniversary); we are also using Shane's TheApacheWay
channel for ApacheCon and community-related promotions. We have launched
the first 5 video clips of the ASF Filmworks (shot at ApacheCon Europe
2009); we will be kicking off the "My Apache" campaign for the community to
record their thoughts on the ASF, their Apache projects, as wish the ASF
happy 10th anniversary.

The ASF returned to exhibit at OSCON after several years' absence.
Attending/assisting were: Justin, Sander, Paul Querna, Alan Cabrera, and
Craig Russell. There we launched the first of the ASF Filmworks videos, and
had the team from the ApacheCon PR firm film the ASF team in action,
Justin's presentation, capture birthday wishes/"My Apache" interviews, and
sign some folks up for the conference. We also created a new version of the
ASF 'brochure", this time as a large-scale two-sided postcard. We plan to
use this card at other events, such as the Open World Forum.

Ross Gardler suggests we arrange a worldwide 10th anniversary celebration,
so that those unable to attend ApacheCon are able to share in the
festivities in their own local event, and are able to toast the success of
the ASF at the same time/day. Sally will look into promoting this.

Robert Burrell Donkin suggests we use the following footer for announcement

- ---------------------------------------------------------------
2009 Marks 10 Years Of The Apache Software Foundation
Happy Birthday Apache!
- --------------------------------------------------------------- 

Nóirín suggests the "I Remember When" campaign, to include notable
historic/entertaining trivia items from 1999. Sally will look into
incorporating this into the "master story" in our 10th Anniversary

Jukka suggests the PRC assumes oversight on the community@ list – This
was taken over by Infra.

Received and approved Sponsor request to mirror the documentation parts of


Michael Cote of RedMonk briefed with Greg Brown and Todd Volkert from the
Pivot team; his summary is at

Paul Fremantle interviewed with Brian Gopalan of Washington CORE regarding
OSS/Apache licensing strategies

Justin and Sander completed 8 interviews at OSCON with: Roberto Gallopini
(blogger), Justin James (Tech Republic), Alex Handy (SD Times), Gavin
Clarke (The Register), Leah Rosin (TechTarget), Michael Calore (Wired), as
well as follow-up interviews with Andrew Binstock (SD Times/blogger) and
Paul Anderson (OSS Watch). Justin also recorded a podcast with Bradley and
Karen from SFLC.

Media Alert announcing the ASF's participation at OSCON written and
distributed via email blasts prior to OSCON

Total media hits during July: 282 (includes mentions by affiliates/friends,
as well as mailing lists)


Authorized press release draft announcing Sigil becoming a sub-project of
Apache Felix

Requests received from Laurie Morrison and Ruth Hoffman to include the
OFBiz logo in several books they intend to publish. Larry reminds them to
use "Apache OFBiz" throughout, and Sally forwarded .eps files of images

J Aaron asks about the PRC policy on non-sponsor links on TLP sites; Jukka
thinks it's OK, Sally replies listing is OK, but links are not

We are working on cleaning up the SVG versions of the Apache feather logo;
also have style guide on the wish-list. Upayavira is taking the creative
lead on the projects, and will be working with Sally to get this done

Request received to establish Shane developed a list of
marks at "". Larry will
help draft the appropriate trademark license agreements once PRC decides
the appropriate policy. Rich Bowen follows up with a suggested "Buy Stuff"
link on the main site

Doug Cutting seeks sign-off on pre-existing Hadoop, Nutch + Lucene stores
already running on CafePress

Benson Margulies noticed that there isn't a list of the official marks
stated on our draft trademark policy

Mark Thomas forwarded misuse of the Apache Tomcat brand at

Larry suggests that the SpamAssassin trademarks shouldn't be renewed every
six months unless we intend to use those marks properly on our website

Henri Yandell suggested a get-together during OSCON to discuss trademarks.
In essence. Lunch with Larry/Craig/Henri; chat with Karen/Craig/Henri;
dinner with Justin/Paul/Sander/Henri; dinner with those 4 and
Henning/Sandor/Brian also touched on it but Henri doesn't recall who or how much.
Basically wasn't a get together but was me being dull and talking about
nothing else ;)

LOTS of discussion regarding drafting our existing trademark policy. Some
topics in this regard are:

 - "Apache claim to the Hadoop name" discussion
 - "Apache Foo vs. Foo Marks" discussion
 - misuse of the brand at
 - "example of TM" mail thread
 - "Apache Solr vs. Apache Solr"
 - possible CouchDB trademark violations
 - proposed trademark policy
 - Hen's summary on "Apache vs. Acme Product" names


Who will manage Sponsor Relations (i.e., augment HALO contract vs. retain
Delia Frees) remains undecided.

Justin met with Microsoft during OSCON. They'd like us to keep them
informed about developer-centric events, and are interested in making
non-US MS subsidiaries aware of our events. They're holding an internal
Open Source Day at Microsoft mid/late November, and are seeking a speaker
to talk about the Apache way (similar to Jim's TuxTalk at HP; either Justin
or Jim will do this). They requested we ship a stack of our new promo cards
to help promote the ASF internally, as well as to begin holding a 30-minute
monthly call; Justin is organizing these both. They're now focusing on
improving Java and Python on Windows, and may be contributing to Tomcat to
help performance. Justin also discussed a MSFT build farm for ASF projects;
he will connect Infra to see what MS can provide.

Microsoft Platinum Sponsorship will be renewed; Justin will be coordinating
payment/invoicing with Geir.

Yahoo!'s Platinum Sponsorships expires in August; Sally has been working on
securing their renewal, but has been experiencing difficulty following
through as the two primary contacts no longer work there.


Upayavira sent over a draft thank you note for individual donors.

Attachment 6: Status report for the Apache Infrastructure Team

Sander Striker is still looking into purchasing a pair of replacement
drives for aurora (.eu website mirror).

Installed the recently purchased r710 Dell box as nyx. Tony Stevenson
set up VMware ESXi on nyx and created a few virtual hosts, one XP based.

We're looking to return the four IBM x345's on loan and awaiting
feedback from IBM (contact point Sam) on where the machines should
be shipped.

Fireswamp's (apachecon) power supply failed.  The machine is too
old to try and service with replacement parts; we will create a
VMware host on nyx, restored from fireswamp backups, as a replacement
soonish.  In the meantime we're redirecting all
pages to

Attempts to round up volunteers for a softball game against the board
haven't met with much success, largely due to the short (and as yet
unknown) timeframe of the board retreat.  We may need to reschedule
the game to coincide with some other Apache related get-together sometime
next year.

Dealt with some unexpected/unplanned networking issues on our build
servers in the Yahoo! data center.

Philip Gollucci replaced the over-capacity gmirror-based /x1 array on with a shiny new raidz2 zfs-based array.  After a week
or so of random zfs failures, things seem to have stabilized since upgrading
the host (minotaur) to 7.2-STABLE.

Tony Stevenson sent out another request to PMC chairs to ensure the
asf-authorization file is compatible with our plans to migrate group
data to LDAP (aka phase 2 of the LDAP migration).  Compliance is still
a mixed bag, and we will likely just do the deed for the non-compliant

In the early discussion phase for a potential new Microsoft-based build

Gavin McDonald notes Buildbot can now automatically deploy snapshots to via nexus or to a custom download page.  (See as a working example.)
Reminder that Buildbot is geared up to produce RAT reports for any project
that wants it.

Paul Querna notes problems with the Confluence auto-export referencing
Javascript and CSS hosted on brutus caused some downtime for other services
on brutus (JIRA, Bugzilla, etc).

Attachment 7: Status report for the Apache Travel Assistance Committee

General News

Applications closed today for anyone wanting to utilise TAC funding to go to 
ApacheCon. Judges have another week to go through applications so it is a bit 
early to know how many grants will be awarded.

Still looking for a US based travel agent to use.

Judges have a concall booked for this Friday to go through any anomalies.

Work will begin after judging period ends in getting all the visa requirements 
met, the flights & accommodation booked etc.

Attachment A: Status report for the Apache Abdera Project

Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Ant Project

The Ant project continues to tick over smoothly.

o Current Releases

Ant Core
Ant 1.7.1 was released on June 27, 2008.

Ivy 2.0.0 was released on Jan 20, 2009.

IvyDE 2.0.0 was released on Jul 10, 2009

o Community

No issues.

During the quarter a release candidate for Ivy 2.1.0 was made available (Jul 23).

IvyDE, an eclipse plugin for Ivy, was also released.

There is no release timetable for Ant 1.8 at this time although there was
some discussion around this.

Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Attic Project

Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Beehive Project

Beehive continues its virtual silence in both the user and developer
community. Questions come up infrequently, but when they do tend to
be answered promptly. There are no new committers or PMC members on
the horizon.

The issue of the fate of the project remains outstanding.

Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Buildr Project

The project continues to gather momentum. During the last 3 months, the dev 
mailing list has been more active than before, while the user list has kept 
steady. A few additional plugins were developed by the community and are now 
listed our our plugins page 
The committers have an increasing number of active/pending Git branches
containing improvements that require additional work, testing and/or 
documentation before committing to our code trunk.

We are planning a 1.4.0 release later in August that should contain
enhancements and bug fixes.

We have no issues which require board attention at the moment.

Attachment F: Status report for the Apache C++ Standard Library Project

Notable changes since previous report (May 2009):

  Stdcxx continues to be very quiet with only a handful of minor bug
  fixes having been committed in this period.

Future plans:

  Put out the delayed stdcxx 4.2.2 release and resume work on adding
  experimental support for C++ 0x in stdcxx 4.3.0, with complete support
  expected in 5.0. Change nightly testing infrastructure to avoid relying
  on Rogue Wave resources.


  16 committers (N/C)
  11 PMC members (N/C)

Bug tracking database changes since the last report:

  Total issues: 1030 (+5)
  Outstanding:   341 (+4)
  Resolved:      166 (+1)
  Closed:        523 (N/C)

Planned releases:

  4.2.2  Summer 2009 (was Spring 2009)
  4.3.0  Winter 2009 (was Fall 2009)
  5.0.0  2010 (was end of 2009)

Release history:

  4.2.1  May 1, 2008
  4.2.0  October 29, 2007 (incubating)
  4.1.3  January 30, 2006 (incubating)
  4.1.2  September 7, 2005 (snapshot, incubating)

N/C = No Change.

Attachment G: Status report for the Apache Cocoon Project

Report for the Apache Cocoon Project for the Jun'09 - Aug'09 quarter:


* Carsten Ziegeler has left the PMC.
* GSoC student Dariusz Łuksza continues his work on Cocoon 3,
  monitoring and statistics module.
* No new committers.


* Cocoon Block Deployer 1.1.0
* Cocoon Spring Configurator 2.1.0
* Cocoon JNet 1.1.0
* Cocoon Servlet-Service Framework 1.2.0

Ongoing Work:

* All of the ongoing work is happening on Cocoon 3 branch. Cocoon 2.1
  and Cocoon 2.2 are in the maintenance mode.

Attachment H: Status report for the Apache Continuum Project

Continuum Board Report for August 2009

Below are the important events that happened in the project since May.


* Continuum 1.3.3 (Beta) was released on May 29, 2009



* New committer: Marecor Baclay


No board level issues at this time.

Attachment I: Status report for the Apache CouchDB Project

Released 0.9.1, lots of bug fixes.

We are about to branch 0.10.0, which is our first beta.

New features in 0.10.0:
Cookie and OAuth authentication support
Windows build supports.
Continuous replication
Pure tail-append storage
More reliable and faster replication
Better RFC 2616 compliance
Several Futon (Admin UI) improvements
Native Erlang view servers
Filter API for filtered replication
Update API to parse client requests in JS


Added 2 committers, Jason Davies and Mark Hammond.

O'Reilly, Manning, Apress have books in development, and Wrox is looking
for writers for a 4th book.

Canonical has announced CouchDB based services in Ubuntu, putting us into
the default Ubuntu distribution and ~ 10 million desktops.

- 10 Libraries in PERL’s CPAN
- 10 Python Packages (
- 12 Debian Ruby Gems (

- 27 project repos on Bitbuckets
- 314 project repos on Github!


We had some small issues with our third party libs we include in our source
tree. While we haven't found any code in our repos that is improperly
licensed, we did find places where we failed to follow correct procedure
and checks importing the code to the repos.


Our awesomeness is increasing by 53 Awesome Units a day.

Attachment J: Status report for the Apache Directory Project

We requested an extension for the July report since many of us were traveling
without Internet access.  Hence why we're reporting in August instead of our
regular time.

We had a pretty slow quarter as far as releases and new committers are
concerned.  No new committers and no new PMC members appeared.  Many new
contributors and list participants are appearing to create even greater
activity on our user list.

We have a new mailing list for a client API effort where several LDAP projects
are collaborating together:

We just today kicked off a vote to release ApacheDS 1.5.5 which has been long
awaited: 11 months since ApacheDS 1.5.4.  It should be the last release
before we go to ApacheDS 2.0.  However this is mostly for the next report.

Noteworthy point is that some of us are heading out to present ApacheDS and
Studio at the next international LDAP conference.  Emmanuel and Stefan
Seelmann will be attending and speaking.  Again though most of this will
be in the next report.

Overall this was a relatively event-less quarter for Apache Directory.

Attachment K: Status report for the Apache Forrest Project

Apache Forrest mission is software for generation of aggregated multi-channel
documentation maintaining a separation of content and presentation.

Issues needing board attention:

Changes in the PMC membership:
  Sina Heshmati is a new committer and PMC member.

General status:
  Development is still rather quiet, as noted in previous reports.

  Issues on the user mail list are being attended to by various developers.
  That list is very quiet this quarter.

  As usual when voting in a new committer/PMC member, discussions arose about
  various aspects of the project. A number of people came out of dormancy to
  air their views. This indicates that the project is still breathing and that
  people do care. There were a few suggestions, such as elaborating on our
  existing public statements about the status and potential directions for the
  project. These were not acted on in the subsequent three months.

Progress of the project:
  FOR-1172 enable validation of the internal xml

  Improved "Trademark" statements on our website.

  Some improvements to the TEI input and output plugins.

  No releases since 0.8 on 2007-04-18.

Attachment L: Status report for the Apache HTTP Server Project

Over the past three months, Roy Fielding stepped down as the chair of the
project to concentrate on board-level issues.  The committee thanks him
for his service as Project Chairman, again, for these past four years.
William Rowe was appointed to serve in this capacity at the July Board

Stas Bekman and David Welton both requested to withdraw to an emeritus
status from the PMC; no new PMC members were added in this period.
The committee added Dan Poirier (poirier) as a committer to httpd.

Following seven months without release activity, httpd 2.2.12 was
released on 7/28 for security fixes, bug fixes and new features
including the first to support SNI (server name identification) for
mod_ssl, permitting named virtual https: hosts.

An httpd release 2.2.13 followed on 8/8 due to an apr flaw that would
conceivably elevate the risks for any third party module vulnerability
(which might or might not exist) due to allocating memory based on
untrusted user input.

There was no release activity on older branches, the current development
trunk, or the module subprojects this quarter.  Updating snapshots to
the current branches was discussed, but no action was taken.

The Apache HTTP Project is represented at ApacheCon 2009 in November
with two days of content organized by Rich Bowen and Noirin Plunket
and sponsored by Thawte, and a two day tutorial by Rich Bowen and Jim
Jagielski.  The project's modules make an additional appearance on the
Tomcat track.  The potential for hackathon or meetup activities will be
discussed on the dev or user lists as appropriate.

The project noted a revival of interest in resource exhaustion attacks
based on the "slowloris" tool, reported to httpd security list and posted
on bugtraq, etc.  Discussion of this class of issues was moved to the
dev@ list for discussion, due to their well-known nature (since the 90's).

HTTP Server Project is in-sync with the new subversion structure for
LDAP migration, with the httpd-pmc list in-sync with committee-info.txt.

There are no board level issues at this time.

Attachment M: Status report for the Apache HttpComponents Project

-- Status --

Right after releasing HttpCore 4.0 GA, development of HttpClient resumed
in full force and the project is proud to have reached another milestone
this month: HttpClient 4.0 GA.

The project in general is doing very fine, there are no issues requiring
attention of the board.

-- Releases --

We have had two releases since the last report:

  22 June 2009 - HttpComponents Core 4.0.1
  13 August 2009 - HttpComponents Client 4.0

-- Community --

The project was not able to attract any new committers since the last report
although the user base is vibrant as ever.

As a result of several well-known products using HttpCore and/or HttClient we
are seeing continued interest in the project.

-- Development --

In the last two month the project focussed on getting HttpClient 4.0 finished
and released. This includes improvements to the documentation and resulted in
a dedicated tutorial on the new HttpClient.

The project is now actively moving into the direction of HttpCore 4.1; a first
alpha release for developer consumption has been put together recently.

Attachment N: Status report for the Apache iBATIS Project

  * Michael McCurrey has joined iBATIS as a committer (.NET)
  * Gilles Bayon is MIA.  Hope he is well, but in the meantime we are
    restructuring the team from contributors nominated by the community.

  * iBATIS for Java 3.0 is in Alpha.  The Ibator tool is being updated
    to support iBATIS 3.
  * iBATIS.NET 3.0 is already is Alpha quality, and is already being
    used by some projects.

  * iBATIS continues to be among the top choices among Persistence
    Frameworks for Java.
  * No major impediments.
  * Website redesign to begin soon.

Attachment O: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project

Last month we mentioned that there had been extensive discussion regarding
Bluesky, and that Bill Stoddard had a face-to-face meeting with the team.
This month's report reflects the current results of Bill's efforts.

As previously discussed, the Incubator PMC has started to retire projects
that have stalled. We spent more time bikeshedding the term to be used
than we did actually retiring the projects. :-) XAP and Lokahi are this
month's retirees. PhotoArk is getting a chance to reboot, as there are
people still interested in the project.

Pivot would like to graduate, but the PMC has expressed concern over the
current lack of diversity. Actually, there was some dispute over the need
for diversity, but Pivot has taken it as an action item to focus on growing
their committers.

JSPWiki is also looking to graduate in the near future.

As a general rule, the Incubator is running smoothly (notwithstanding
complaints from elsewhere that not enough projects had graduated this year,
which is also a misimpression due to several having graduated into existing
TLPs), and it is of no insignificant pleasure to the Chair to see the degree
of active participation from a large swath of participants.


= Bluesky =
BlueSky has been incubating since 01-12-2008. It is an e-learning solution
designed to help solve the disparity in availability of qualified education
between well-developed cities and poorer regions of China.

Summer vacation started from last month, but some members of the team are
still working. We've started to replace FFmpeg with Theora and Vorbis which
might takes 1-2months. Simultaneously, we would prepare preliminary work of
the Release of BlueSky.

*Replace FFmpeg and commit.
*Prepare to release.

Bill Stoddard comments that "we are in the early stages of effectively
'rebooting' the Bluesky project after the recent incident involving sharing
of an individuals user id. Inactive members of the community will have their
id's revoked and the mentors are considering options for restarting the
project with a new set of project committers. "

= Droids =
Droids is an Incubator project arrived from Apache Labs. Droids entered
incubation on October, 2009.

It's an intelligent standalone robot framework that allows one to create and
extend existing web robots.

Things are charging along in Droids. We have a new committer "Mingfai Ma"
with new ideas and another real life use case. He committed some ideas to the
sandbox which are going steady into the core distribution. More people are
subscribed lately to the mailing list and we received some patches from
different new developers. The patches had been incorporated in our
repository already.

Still the focus is on evolving the design and building a larger community.

= Empire-db =

Empire-db is a relational data persistence component that aims to overcome
the difficulties, pitfalls and restrictions inherent in traditional Object
Relational Management (ORM) approaches.
Empire-db is on the Apache Incubator since July 2008.

Recent activities:

Following a rather quiet period in April and May development activities have
significantly improved in June and July.
The main goal of the development team was to finally complete the release of
the Empire-db-2.0.5 release including Maven project management. The new
release is now in the staging area and we are currently waiting for our
mentors to approve the release, before we move on to get approval of the

Community aspects:

Recently code submissions from outside the current development team were
received by users from different countries and backgrounds. The submissions
are currently under review and are under consideration for an upcoming
release. This gives us reasons to believe that the community is growing and
demand for Empire-db is rising.

= Lokahi =

The Lokahi project has been retired.

= PDFBox =

Apache PDFBox is an open source Java library for working with PDF documents.
PDFBox entered incubation on February 7th, 2008.

The PDFBox project continues doing well. Perhaps due to to the summer break,
the development activities stuck a little bit, but the community itself is

A problem was detected with the naming of the previously released FontBox
and JempBox Maven artifacts. Project mentor Jukka Zitting worked around this
issue by copying the existing release artifacts to match the Maven metadata
(0.8.0-incubator instead of 0.8.0-incubating). It was noted that even though
a new release vote wasn't strictly necessary for such an action, it should
have been done only based on community consensus.

After solving most of the remaining blockers found during the license review
we will likely soon make a release of the main PDFBox library. PDFBox will
soon be ready to graduate from the Incubator.

Issues before graduation:

* Closing the last recently resolved legal issues found during the license
* Release PDFBox 0.8.0-incubating
* Increase community activity

= PhotArk =

Apache PhotArk will be a complete open source photo gallery application
including a content repository for the images, a display piece, an access
control layer, and upload capabilities.

 * PhotArk was accepted for Incubation on August 19, 2008.
 * Issues before graduation :
   * Grow community
   * Releases

 * After Roland Weber and Carsten Ziegeler stepped down as a mentor for the
PhotArk Podling, the project had only two mentors left.
 * The community is very slow going as discussed on general@a.o recently
and has not changed since when project entered incubation.
 * We are working on producing release candidates for our first release
which had been evaluated by community members. It is the hope of the current
community that having a release will help attract other contributors.
 * As discussed in general@a.o we are waiting the first release to get out
and then re-evaluate the status of the PhotArk project after couple months.

= Pivot =

Pivot is an open-source platform for building rich internet applications in
Java. It has been in incubation since January 2009.

* Pivot 1.2 was released in June. The team is actively working on version
1.3, tentatively scheduled for release in September. Package names have been
changed to org.apache.pivot.* for the forthcoming release. Complete release
notes are available in JIRA:
* Noel Grandin was added as a PPMC member in July.
* A Pivot logo
created by new contributor Thien Luh, was approved by the PPMC.
* A new article ( by
developer Greg Brown was posted on Javalobby discussing some of the new
features in Pivot 1.3.
* Another new article, entitled "Using Apache Pivot to Build an iTunes
Search Client" (also by Greg Brown), was submitted to IBM developerWorks and
is currently awaiting final publication approval.
* Developers Greg Brown and Todd Volkert were interviewed
by Michael Cote of Redmonk.
* The Auckland JVM Group presented Apache Pivot
( at their most
recent meeting.
* Greg and Todd will be presenting Pivot at the next New England Java
Users Group ( meeting in September.

Top 3 issues prior to graduation:

The Incubator entertained a Pivot graduation proposal submitted by project
mentor Niclas Hedhman, but that is tabled pending additional growth in the
Pivot committer base.

= SocialSite =

SocialSite is a social networking server and a set of gadgets that make it
possible to add social networking features to existing web sites. The server
is based on Apache Shindig, written in Java and adds a complete persistent
social graph (stored via JPA). SocialSite's user interface is an Admin
Console and a set of OpenSocial Gadgets that provide a complete social
networking interface.

The project has been incubating since April 30, 2009. The SVN space, mailing
lists and initial user accounts have been created but we are still waiting
for Sun to sign-off on the code grant. It's been about six months since Sun
told us this would happen, we've been checking in with Sun every couple of
weeks and apparently we're getting close.

= Stonehenge =

Stonehenge has been incubating since December 2008. Stonehenge a set of
example applications for Service Oriented Architecture that spans languages
and platforms and demonstrates best practices and interoperability by using
currently defined W3C OASIS standard protocols.

Since the last report in April, the Stonehenge project has gained tremendous
sustained momentum over releasing Milestone 1 (M1) and starting Milestone 2
(M2). The community has gone through many discussions defining and refining
features for the .NET StockTrader, Axis2/Java StockTrader, WSF/PHP
StockTrader, and the new Glassfish/Metro based StockTrader from SUN. Two of
them were demonstrated in the Microsoft Keynote at JavaOne.

A detailed update:

Admin: The community has gone through a release iteration, learning the
various Apache guidelines for managing a release. After 3 iterations of
review by the incubator-general list, M1 released on June 4th.

Community: About 8 new developers have joined, three of them have been
nominated to and granted committer status based on a community vote. Their
contributions have been instrumental in advancing M1 and M2. In the last
couple of weeks various graduate students from University of Pennsylvania
joined the community and are exploring ways to contribute to the Java

M1: The community has identified and resolved 34 JIRA issues towards the
first release. The M1 release was accompanied by detailed documentation
allowing any external developer to download and configure the various
implementations of the StockTrader application, and demonstrate
interoperability between the various platforms. The Stonehenge project was
well received at JavaOne and had positive mentions in the press. The
Glassfish/Metro based Stocktrader was contributed towards the end of M1. It
is currently being moved to trunk in M2.

M2: An extensive discussion ensued about the various security feature and
scenarios to implement as an extension for the StockTrader applications. The
community identified which features of the various security web services
specs implemented by each platform can be used in M2. An overall spec was
approved on the list by the respective members of each platform. Currently
there are 17 JIRA issues marked as M2.

Graduation map:
1- M1 release: done
2- M2: IN the April report, M2 was described as "Another iteration of
improvements for StockTrader would constitute the second release (M2)". M2
now is clearly defined as extending security features in StockTrader,
development is well on track for a release in Sept.
3- M3: In the April report, M3 was described as "A third release would be
either adding more interop functionality to StockTrader, or implementing a
new sample application". M3 is not discussed yet, however with the momentum
we have we might prefer to execute it after graduation.

Given the M1 and M2 momentum, we believe we are very close to graduation
requirements. The only issues left before graduation is completing M2, along
with the needed documentation to demonstrate interoperability between the


= Traffic Server =

TrafficServer has been incubating since July 13, 2009. The software is an
extensible and scalable HTTP proxy and cache, actively used internally at
Yahoo!. TS is also well conformed to the HTTP/1.1 specifications, and works
very well with the Apache HTTPD server.

The immediate goals for TS are:

* Release the source to the Apache SVN server. The Y! developers are
actively working on code cleanup, which is the last hurdle before we can
push the code out to Incubator.
* Build a community.
* Make a v1.0 release with the help of the community. This includes fixing
whatever breakage the code cleanup has done, improving build system, and

Recent activities include:

* Initial Committers have been given SVN and access.
* Mailing lists have been setup, and the champion, mentors and committers
are all added to the PPMC list.
* The Incubator status page was created
* A Jira project has been created for Traffic Server

= VCL =


= VXQuery =

The VXQuery Project implements a standard compliant XML Query processor.
It has been in incubation since 2009-07-06.

Completed setup steps:
* JIRA/Wiki set up
* SVN access for initial committers set up
* Initial codebase submitted to SVN
* Mailing lists set up
* All ICLAs and most CCLAs in place
*  Incubator status page set up:

Immediate goals:
* Get all CCLAs in place
* Fix mailing list issues
* Setup project home page

Top 3 issues before graduation:
* Complete podling setup
* Build community
* Create a release

= Wookie =

Apache Wookie is a project to create open source software for adding widgets
to your applications. It has been in incubation since July 2009.

* Items to be resolved
  * Complete podling setup
  * Create a release
  * Develop community

* No issues currently require IPMC or Board attention
* ICLAs and CCLAs are still being gathered so no code is currently in ASF
* Incubation status file requires updating -
* This is our first report. In the last few weeks we have:
  * set-up ASF infrastructure
  * prepared code for bringing into the ASF
  * seen our first JIRA activity from external parties
* During the next month we hope to:
  * file all CLAs
  * move code into ASF
  * set up ASF project website

= Wink =

Notable Activity:
* The first Wink release was submitted to the IPMC with good feedback from
mentors and IPMC members. Issues related to packaging and licensing
prevented the broad approval of the 0.1 release. Wink committers have
addressed issues raised by the IPMC and will re-submit the release candidate
to the IPMC once voting is completed in the Wink community.
* First new committer added to the project. Jason Dillon was put up for
vote and accepted unanimously.
* In the process of adding a users mailing list so end users can more
easily participate without all of the JIRA and other messages they might not

Planned Activity:
* Attract more users via more outreach and find out what features they want
above and beyond JAX-RS (security related, APIs, etc.)
* More updates to documentation on cwiki

Top issues before graduation:
* Get releases out
* Build community

= WSRP4J =

The WSRP4J Project is an implementation of WSRP 1.0 Producer. WSRP is an
OASIS specification that describes a protocol which allows portlets to be
accessed remotely using Web Services.

The WSRP4J Project has been adopted by the Portals PMC, while still in the
Apache Incubator, since August 2003 , with the intent to eventually graduate
as a sub-project of Apache Portals.

* There is no activity to report since the last Portals report of June
* Primary task, and foremost reason for the incubation stagnation, is
resolving the legal IPR issue with regards to the WSRP spec patent claim
from WebCollage, see for further detail the report from June 2009.
* Interest to resolve this issue remains high by the Portals project
however, but we lack the legal knowledge and experience how to proceed.
* The Portals PMC would very much appreciate further help and legal advise
in this.
* The current mentors haven't been interactive in a very long time, maybe
other/new mentors might be interested to step up?

= XAP =

The XAP project has been retired.

Attachment P: Status report for the Apache Lenya Project

Richard Frovarp was elected by the PMC to be the PMC chair. A resolution
for the change has been submitted to the board (see mail to board@).

A development meeting as held in Bad Saeckingen, Germany. This spawned good
discussion and some module development.

Attachment Q: Status report for the Apache Logging Project

- Summary

No changes to PMC or committers.  Users lists active.  Development glacial.

- Development

log4j 1.2:

log4j 1.2.16 now over a year overdue.  Lot of good bug fixes that 
are long overdue to get into a formal release.

Most user and bug traffic has involved the rolling file 
appenders which are trouble-prone.  There has been some
discussion about restarting an effort to provide an
more robust alternative based on java.nio.

log4j 2.0:

log4j 2.0 (the proposed re-architecting of log4j targeting Java 5
and using current best practices) has had no activity for over
a year.


No development in this period.  A minor bug fix release to address
compilation issues and a segfault in some usage patterns would be


User list traffic is higher.  New contributors have been answering
questions.  Several bug fixes committed.


log4php is reporting through the Incubator PMC.  Development appears
to be progressing and the community appears to be healthy.


Several bug fixes committed. 

Note: This report was not written in time to allow for Logging PMC
review before the reporting deadline.  All statements are my personal
observation or opinion.

Attachment R: Status report for the Apache Maven Project

* General Information

The major news this period revolves around the two active releases of Maven
and updates to conform with Apache release process: Maven 2.2 was released
as a bug fix release building upon Maven 2.1.0. The version was incremented
as there was a decision to use JDK 1.5 functionality in 2.1, but it wasn't
actually implemented. We didn't feel this to be appropriate for 2.1.1 so we
used the next version instead. Maven 2.x+ will be JDK 1.5 from this point

Work is still ongoing for Maven 3.x but it has been progressing rapidly
lately. Although there are no further alphas at this point, most of the
work has gone into Integration tests and getting the testing automated on
the build grid at Most of the ITs are now
passing with just a few known things left to implement. The 3.0 release of
Maven will mostly be focused on the backwards compatibility with Maven 2.x
after the refactoring. This should provide a good base to improve upon in
future releases.

Work is ongoing to update the Maven and later Apache parent poms to support
proper source bundles for all Maven releases. These bundles will include
the full code required to perform the release and will be signed by the
release manager. This is in addition to the traditional source jars already
produced by Maven for IDE integration. The Assembly Plugin release listed
below was the first step in this process as it introduced some
functionality required to produce the source bundle in a generic way that
will hopefully make it easy for all Maven based Apache projects to get the
proper release criteria out of the box.

* New PMC Members

Barrie Treloar

* New Committers

* Releases


 * Maven 2.2.0 (Tuesday, June 30th, 2009)


 * Maven Patch Plugin 1.1 (Monday, April 13th, 2009)
 * Maven Shade Plugin 1.2.1 (Friday, April 17th, 2009)
 * Maven Source Plugin 2.1 (Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009)
 * Maven Assembly Plugin 2.2-beta-4 (Friday, June 5th, 2009)
 * Maven Eclipse Plugin 2.7 (Saturday, June 13th, 2009)
 * Maven PDF Plugin 1.0 (Monday, June 29th, 2009)
 * Maven Checkstyle Plugin 2.3 (Tuesday, July 14th, 2009)
 * Maven Site Plugin 2.0.1 (Tuesday, July 14th, 2009)
 * Maven EJB Plugin 2.2 (Tuesday, July 14th, 2009)
 * Maven Stage Plugin 1.0-alpha-2 (Tuesday, July 14th, 2009)
 * Maven Ant Plugin 2.2 (Sunday, July 19th, 2009)
 * Maven Project Info Reports Plugin 2.1.2 (Thursday, July 23rd, 2009)
 * Maven Jarsigner Plugin 1.0 (Thursday, July 23rd, 2009)
 * Maven Javadoc Plugin 2.6 (Thursday, July 29th, 2009)
 * Maven Repository Plugin 2.2 (Monday, August 10th, 2009)


 * Maven Ant Tasks 2.0.10 (Wednesday, May 27th, 2009)
 * Doxia-1.1.1 and Doxia-Sitetools-1.1.1 (Wednesday, June 24th, 2009)
 * Maven Wagon 1.0-beta-6 (Tuesday, June 30th, 2009)
 * Maven Reporting Implementation (Thursday, July 23rd, 2009)

Attachment S: Status report for the Apache Perl Project

-- mod_perl 1.0 --

The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd

No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report.

--- mod_perl 2.0 --

mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches.

No new mod_perl 2.x releases since the last report.

--- Apache-Test --

Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write
test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server.  It is
used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and
includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP
and Parrot.

No new Apache-Test releases since the last report.

--- Apache-SizeLimit --

Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production
environments.  It is used to kill off large httpd child processes
based on various environmental triggers.

No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report.

--- Apache-Bootstrap --

Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl
module distributions for different mod_perl versions.  It encapsulates
code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make
maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy.

Apache-Bootstrap 0.07 was released on July 13, 2009.

--- Apache-Reload --

Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development
environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter
without completely restarting httpd.

No new Apache-Reload releases since the last report.

-- Development --

mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though
as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally
slower pace than in years past.  Bugs are found and discussed and
applied with due consideration for our production userbase.

-- Users --

The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving.  nothing noteworthy
has happened since the last report.

-- PMC --

No noteworthy PMC events happened during this quarter.

Attachment T: Status report for the Apache POI Project

In the last quarter, we have voted in one new committer + pmc member, Mark
Beardsley. Mark has begun his committership with some much needed work on
the examples, and has hopes of updating the docs too!

At this time, we haven't been able to identify any other potential new
committers on the lists, but we keep our eyes open for them.

Traffic on the dev list has been slightly up, much of this around ooxml
compatibility (see below). Traffic on the user list is slightly up to,
partly driven by Mark's sterling work on complex user queries! Bug report
numbers seem fairly steady.
We have one talk accepted for the content track at ApacheCon US, and many of
the committers are hoping to attend the conference. Discussion about a
hackathon and meetup are ongoing.

POI 3.5 final still remains elusive, though it is getting closer. Hopefully
if we do arrange a hackathon at ApacheCon, that should provide the push to
get the remaining release blocking bugs fixed and missing bits written.

There were no new 3.2 releases this quarter.

OOXML Compatibility
This quarter has seen discussions on two areas of OOXML (Office Open XML)
compatibility. The first is on relative vs absolute paths to reference other
parts of the file. The spec indicates that relative should be used. We write
relative, but can read both. Excel writes absolute, but reads both.
OpenOffice writes absolute, but only reads absolute, so POI-generated OOXML
files are unreadable. After some discussions, we decided to add a flag to
toggle between the two behaviours in POI, and to set the default to be
absolute references (which is against the spec, but in line with everyone

In July, Microsoft released Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac Service Pack 2
(12.2.0). This release contained what later turned out to be a number of
bugs in how OOXML files are loaded. The effect was that all POI produced
OOXML files were unreadable, and small number of Office 2007 for Windows
produced files.

Luckily, the first user of POI to notice this issue also had a Microsoft
support contract, and so was able to quickly link us up with the appropriate
people there to get this resolved. We were able to produce a workaround to
allow files to be re-written such that this faulty version of Office was
able to read them, as well as get confirmation from Microsoft that they
believed that what we were previously doing was correct. Microsoft have
recently produced an updated copy of SP2 (12.2.1) which corrects the issue,
and is now able to load POI produced files without issue.

Attachment U: Status report for the Apache Qpid Project

Attachment V: Status report for the Apache Roller Project

This is Roller's quarterly board report for August 2009. It covers
community health, status of our most recent release, work that has
been done in the trunk and plans for new work.

Status of work in the trunk

Below are the changes in the trunk since the last report:

* The new Media Blogging additions from Ganesh Mathrubootham
  (committer) and Tanuja Varkanthe have been merged into trunk.
* A patch from Nathan Beyer helped us to upgrade from OpenJPA 0.97
  to OpenJPA 1.2 (not as easy as one might think).

Plans for new work in the trunk

Current plan is to release the the current trunk plus small
improvements and bug fixes as Roller 5.0. Here is the current
Roller 5.0 proposal on the Roller wiki:

Community health

Status here is mostly unchanged since last report. The community
is doing OK, but our committers are definitely not as active as
they were in the past and we need some new blood.

Dave Johnson's proposal for a What's New in Roller 5.0 talk
was accepted for ApacheConUS 2009.

Attachment W: Status report for the Apache Santuario Project

During this period we have release the version a bug fixing and
security release of the java library ( changelog ) Thanks Sean Mullan
and Colm O hEigeartaigh for his work.

Also in June but after the last report, we have Vote Colm O hEigeartaigh
as new committer for the java library, his bug fixing submission are
very appreciated. And a new bug fixing report of C++ library was

A good month of work.

Attachment X: Status report for the Apache Sling Project

Sling is an OSGI-based scriptable web framework that uses a Java Content
Repository, such as Apache Jackrabbit, to store and manage content.

Sling graduated as a TLP on June 17th, 2009.

There are no issues which require board attention at the moment.

* Ian Boston was voted in as a member of the PMC (effective 2009/07/25)
* Mike Müller was voted in as a committer (effective 2009/08/11)

* Apache Sling OSGi LogService Implementation, 2.0.6 has been released

Licensing and other issues
* none

Attachment Y: Status report for the Apache Turbine Project


The Turbine project has as usual seen fairly low levels of activity
in the last quarter.

The Turbine project has no board-level issues at this time.

Community changes

No new committers were voted in since the last board report.

No new PMC members were voted in since the last board report.

Turbine core project

There has been no activity on the Turbine core project this quarter.

No beta or final releases were made since the last board report.

Fulcrum component project

Work on migrating the build process of the non-sandbox components to
Maven 2 continues slowly.

Releases this quarter:
 * fulcrum-testcontainer 1.0.6 was released on 30 May 2009.
 * fulcrum-factory 1.0.4 was released on 22 June 2009.
 * fulcrum-pool 1.0.4 was released on 11 July 2009.
 * fulcrum-localization 1.0.6 was released on 11 July 2009.

META project

A returning committer has expressed interest in updating META to work
with Maven 2.

No beta or final releases were made since the last board report.

Attachment Z: Status report for the Apache Tuscany Project

Apache Tuscany is an SOA framework based on OASIS OpenCSA and SCA.

Tuscany continues to have active developer and user communities.
Mailing list traffic is steady with around 570 emails per month to the
dev list and 80 per month to the user list. There are 370 subscribers
on the user mailing list, up from 347 last year.

Two code streams are currently under development: 1.x which is based
on the older specifications released at OSOA and 2.x which is
implementing the latest specifications being standardized at OASIS.
There have been two releases this quarter: a 1.5 release and a 2.0
milestone 3 release. In addition, there is a 1.5.1 maintenance release
which is about to be voted on. Most new development is taking place in
2.x where the focus is on implementing the latest OASIS specifications
and on getting the Tuscany runtime passing the OASIS conformance test

The Tuscany nightly builds have recently been moved from using
Continuum to use the Hudson build machines.

This quarter there have been no new committers of PMC membership
changes. The project was represented at this year's JavaOne conference
with a presentation and a BOF, and there is planned to be a joint
track in conjunction with Apache Synapse at the upcoming ApacheCon in

Attachment AA: Status report for the Apache Velocity Project

Attachment AB: Status report for the Apache Xalan Project

There have been no releases this quarter for Xalan-C or Xalan-J. There
has been a small to moderate amount of activity on the project's mailing
lists. Several Jira minor issues were reported and addressed, but no major
defects were reported.

Attachment AC: Status report for the Apache Xerces Project

We're still making good progress on support for XML Schema 1.1. At the
moment the developers are discussing the design and working on the
implementation of "inheritable attributes" for the new conditional
type assignment feature introduced in XML Schema 1.1. Google Summer of
Code (GSoC) is now wrapping up. Richard Kelly (our student) has
completed support for character normalization (relying on ICU4J) and
has posted patches for us to review. We're looking forward to
integrating his contributions into the trunk and making this
capability available in the next Xerces-J release. 

The security vulnerability reported by CERT-FI in a recent advisory
has been fixed and can be applied as a patch against the source of
earlier releases. Users can also work around the issue by enabling the
"disallow-doctype-decl" feature which rejects any document containing
a DOCTYPE before reading it. 

There's been lots of development activity lately, particularly with
fixing JIRA issues. CERT-FI notified us about a security vulnerability
which we fixed before they formally announced it to the public this
month. A patch is available for users. No releases are planned for
this time. 

Nothing in particular to report. There was no development activity
over the reporting period. 

XML Commons
There was some discussion in late May / early June about a proposal
for adding a new component for a simple ease of use API for processing
XML. It turned out that something close to this idea already existed
in the project:
A couple new bug reports were opened against the XML Commons Resolver,
otherwise no other activity to report for this period. 

Gareth is stepping down as PMC chair. He's nominated Michael
Glavassevich to become the next chair and has started a vote which was
still going on at the time of this report.  

Attachment AD: Status report for the Apache XML Project

The XML project has been, as usual, pretty quiet this quarter,
although we just managed to finally start the process to move AxKit to
the Attic. On top of being a good news in itself, it's also comforting
to see that the PMC was able to come up with a valid vote: that is a
good sign that PMC members haven't dropped the ball, and lack of
activity is mostly due to lack of actual work to do. Now that, with
the departure of AxKit, the XML project is left with just one project
(XIndice) and the website, a discussion is in order as
to what to do next - food for next quarters.

Xindice had minimal activity this quarter. Several questions answered
on user list, and that's all.

No other issues require the board's attention.

Attachment AE: Status report for the Apache XML Graphics Project

General Comments

The XML Graphics subprojects are not fashionable but rather good old
software, which a large user base just expects to be there without
giving it much thought. This makes them less attractive to new
contributors. Batik and FOP have been around since 1999 (note the
10-year anniversary later this year). So far in 2009, 3 committers
have been active on the Batik codebase, 7 on the FOP codebase. In the
case of Batik these 3 have been the same since 2005. No additions, but
so far luckily no drop-offs. We have to get better at turning regular
contributors into committers.

We're a little concerned (but not alarmed, yet) that a slightly
growing number of patches don't get processed in reasonable time.

Other than these reflections on the longer-term developments, there
are no project-level issues. Business as usual.

XML Graphics Commons

No releases, no major changes, just a few improvements and fixes in
various components.


Same as last time: Not much going on. A little bugfixing and code
cleanup. Activity on the users and dev mailing list was somewhat less
than in the preceding quarter. The lists and bug reports enjoy the
active participation of one contributor, besides the committers.


No releases this quarter. A provisional solution for changing IPD
(page width) has been developed in a branch. This solution works only
for simple cases and is more a hack than anything else. But it should
make a majority of users happy until a more complete solution is

Besides that we've seen the usual bugfixing and a few smaller
improvements. No release has been made nor discussed. We are pleased
to see that Jeremias has resumed working on FOP. In his absence,
mainly Vincent and Andreas kept the lists responsive. Activity on the
users and dev mailing lists seems stable.

End of minutes for the August 18, 2009 board meeting.
