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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

                            October 21, 2009

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 2:00pm (Pacific) and began at
    2:01 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a
    quorum was recognized by the chairman. The meeting was held
    via teleconference, hosted by Jim Jagielski and SpringSource.

    IRC #asfboard on was used for backup

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Shane Curcuru
        Doug Cutting
        Justin Erenkrantz
        Roy T. Fielding
        Jim Jagielski
        Geir Magnusson, Jr.
        Brian McCallister
        Brett Porter
        Greg Stein

    Directors Absent:


    Officers Present:

        Paul Querna
        Sam Ruby

    Officers Absent:

        Sander Striker


        Philip M. Gollucci
        J Aaron Farr
        Brian Fox

3. Minutes from previous meetings

    Minutes (in Subversion) are found under the URL:

    A. The meeting of September 23, 2009

       See: board_minutes_2009_09_23.txt

       Approved by General Consent.

4. Executive Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Jim]

       Over the last month, quite a few interesting items popped up. First,
       we had a committer who was "abusing" their committer perks (mostly
       use of their Email address and their association with
       the ASF) for some questionable MLM promotions. After numerous
       discussions, I considered it prudent to temporarily suspend the
       committer's privileges (this is the item noted in the Infra report).
       Discussions are ongoing and I anticipate a smooth closure, and
       reinstatement of said privileges.
       There has also been discussion on the members@ list about the
       "should directors also be allowed to be officers" thread, of a
       couple of months ago. This discussion was just rebooted but the
       debate looks healthy.
       Our board get-together is imminent, to be held at Ovid Vineyards
       on November 1st. Current consensus is that all non-PMC chairs
       are also invited and encouraged to attend. We still need a status
       update regarding transportation to and fro.
       Quite a number of resolutions are in the agenda regarding changes
       in PMC chairs. I don't recall any other meeting with so many. Quite
       I worked with CSC and the State Of Delaware after it was discovered
       that our corporate status had been suspended. I am still working on
       finding out where the communication breakdown occurred, but at least,
       in the meantime, all has been resolved.
       The board seems to be working quite well and quite smoothly, as
       does the foundation itself. That is not to say that we don't have
       some significant issues that need to be handled. Ongoing Sponsor-
       ship, calendar-and-contract-tracking, and standard office support,
       still are open issues that have yet to be worked, much less resolved.
       Again, we seem to do quite well reactively, yet still leave something
       to be desired for proactive work. We need to knuckle under and drive
       some of these things, and that's something I intend to start working
       on immediately.
       Discussion: Brian will arrange transportation.
       Jim clarified that the board meeting is open to all officers except
       for PMC chairs per board direction.

    B. President [Justin]

       Most of the focus over the last month has been on supporting the
       upcoming ApacheCon in Oakland and drumming up awareness of the
       event through a number of interviews and story submissions.  I
       expect that the next few weeks will be extremely busy as we
       provide support for the upcoming event.

       Kudos to Jim for picking up the issue with the Delaware corporate
       status.  I'll also note that the TAC had a number of issues and
       confusion in trying to procure payments for flights for
       recipients.  I believe that continuing to focus on improving our
       back-end services is necessary.

       The contracts for our full-time system administrator and our
       PR company have or will expire soon.  I will be assisting in
       the negotiations of the new contracts as needed.

       We have received a proposal from Michael Wechner to continue
       in Oakland the Filmworks filming that he did in Amsterdam.
       The current proposal to finish the project is approximately
       $17,000 and we would receive all rights to redistribution.
       Michael has discussed this project with OSCOM (a separate
       non-profit).  OSCOM is currently looking to dissolve and needs
       to disburse their current funds (about $18,000) to another
       non-profit.  Their Board is supportive of dissolving the entity
       and disbursing the funds to the ASF.  While it is not a formal
       request, they would like us to strongly consider funding the
       completion of the Filmworks project.

       Justin indicated that this would be funded initially out of
       outreach/publicity, but eventually should be a wash. Justin
       will see to it that an invoice is produced, and Geir will
       process it via a wire.

    C. Treasurer [Geir]

      Books are currently up to date as of 2009-10-19 for checking,
      savings and credit card accounts.

       - Current PayPal balance as of 10/21 is $13,483.82. Contributions via
         PayPal for Sept 2009 were $XXXX.  This is not reflected in
         statement of position below.
       - YHOO full platinum payment, and 1st installment of MSFT platinum
         payment received

      Tasks Done:
       - all approved bills are paid except for CSC - I need to call them 
         and ask if it's ok if we send payment w/o invoice stub
       - wired amounts to Noirin for IE retreat deposit, Gavin for SA invoice,
         Sander for drive reimbursement
       - tax info to local CPA
      In Progress:
       - Thank-you's - punting until ACON where I can sit down with
         conscripts^H^H^H^H^H^H^H volunteers to put together a program
         for this
       - We're over the top with respect to standard FDIC and 'great
         recession' FDIC programs for insurance so starting to explore
         alternatives.  First thought is short term US Treasuries

      To Do:
       - review switching from accrual to cash accounting
       - get organized around various refunds and expenses for ACON
       - invoice to GOOG for GSoC

     1) Statement of Financial Income and Expense - September 2009 - Accrual Basis

        Ordinary Income/Expense
              Interest Income                                            136.39
              Contributions Income
                Unrestricted                                   150,000.00
              Total Contributions Income                             150,000.00

           Total Income                                              150,136.39

              Bank Service Charges                                       311.30
                Liability Insurance                              1,352.00
              Total Insurance                                          1,352.00

              Postage and Delivery                                        19.95
              Program Expenses
                   Colocation Expenses                      518.00
                   Hardware Purchases                     4,561.36
                   Infrastructure Staff                   6,000.00
                   Infrastructure - Other                    82.47
                Total Infrastructure                            11,161.83

                Travel Assistance                                2,951.00
                Public Relations
                   Public Relations Staff                 3,636.36
                   Public Relations - Other               4,769.10
                Total Public Relations                           8,405.46

                Program Expenses - Other                           889.53
              Total Program Expenses                                  23,407.82

           Total Expense                                              25,091.07

        Net Ordinary Income                                          125,045.32

     Net Income                                                      125,045.32

    2) Statement of Financial Position - As of September 30, 2009 - Accrual Basis

                                                    Sep 30, 09     Sep 30, 08     $ Change      % Change

        Current Assets
             PayPal                                   12,513.63       1,601.08     10,912.55        681.6%
             Wells Fargo Analyzed Account            145,171.07      72,117.84     73,053.23        101.3%
             Wells Fargo Savings                     284,547.20     158,175.95    126,371.25         79.9%
           Total Checking/Savings                    442,231.90     231,894.87    210,337.03         90.7%

           Accounts Receivable
             Accounts Receivable                     150,000.00     200,000.00    -50,000.00        -25.0%
           Total Accounts Receivable                 150,000.00     200,000.00    -50,000.00        -25.0%

        Total Current Assets                         592,231.90     431,894.87    160,337.03         37.1%

     TOTAL ASSETS                                    592,231.90     431,894.87    160,337.03         37.1%

           Current Liabilities
             Credit Cards
                ASF Credit Card - Paul Querna            796.20           0.00        796.20        100.0%
                ASF Credit Card - Ruby                 2,990.90          66.40      2,924.50      4,404.4%
                ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz             889.53          19.95        869.58      4,358.8%
             Total Credit Cards                        4,676.63          86.35      4,590.28      5,315.9%

           Total Current Liabilities                   4,676.63          86.35      4,590.28      5,315.9%

        Total Liabilities                              4,676.63          86.35      4,590.28      5,315.9%

           Retained Earnings                         363,648.74     261,948.68    101,700.06         38.8%
           Net Income                                223,906.53     169,859.84     54,046.69         31.8%
        Total Equity                                 587,555.27     431,808.52    155,746.75         36.1%

     TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                      592,231.90     431,894.87    160,337.03         37.1%

    D. Secretary [Sam]

       Faxes and minutes continue to be filed in timely fashion.  Nothing
       extraordinary to note.  Should there be a desire to formalize Craig
       Russell's role as Assistant Secretary, I am fine with that.

       No action taken on formalization of Craig's role at this time.

    E. Executive Vice President [Sander Striker]

       No report submitted by Sander.  The following was submitted by Greg:
       Greg has been culling the mailing lists to get a handle on
       where and how the discussion got derailed several months
       ago. The intent is to fold the concerns into a final proposal
       to bring to the Board Offsite in two weeks. The proposal will
       be developed in svn for feedback/review, and will contain the
       job description, and our search/interview/hire process.

    Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

5. Additional Officer Reports

    1. VP of JCP [Geir Magnusson Jr]

       See Attachment 1

    2. W3C [Jim Jagielski]

       See Attachment 2

    3. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby]

       See Attachment 3

    4. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Jim]

       See Attachment 4

    5. Apache Conference Planning Project [Noirin Shirley / Geir]

       See Attachment 5

    6. Apache Public Relations Project [null / Greg]

       See Attachment 6

       Discussions on whether the PRC calls will continue. The answer
       to that depends on what the future status of PRC.

    7. Apache Infrastructure Team [Paul Querna / Justin]

       See Attachment 7

    8. Apache Travel Assistance Committee [Gavin McDonald / Roy]

       See Attachment 8

       Geir to follow up with Gavin to ensure that all TAC charges
       are accounted for.

    Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

6. Committee Reports

    A. Apache Abdera Project [Garrett Rooney / Brian]

       See Attachment A

       The board notes that this effectively makes Ant a member of
       the PMC.

    B. Apache ActiveMQ Project [Hiram Chirino / Doug]

       See Attachment B

    C. Apache Attic Project [Henri Yandell / Brett]

       See Attachment C

    D. Apache Beehive Project [Eddie O'Neil / Shane]

       See Attachment D

       Shane will continue to follow up and/or create an attic resolution.

    E. Apache CXF Project [J. Daniel Kulp / Justin]

       See Attachment E

    F. Apache DB Project [Rick Hillegas / Shane]

       See Attachment F

       The board notes that other subprojects were not mentioned.

    G. Apache Directory Project [Alex Karasulu / Brett]

       See Attachment G

    H. Apache Geronimo Project [Kevan Miller / Brian]

       See Attachment H

    I. Apache Hadoop Project [Owen O'Malley / Jim]

       See Attachment I

       Hadoop is a trademark of the ASF, and Hadoop World is a
       conference and therefore needs to be approved by ConCom.
       Originally, there was some confusion, but as ConCom approves of
       this usage, so no issue.
       ConCom will work to clarify policies, such as whether the name
       of such conferences (in the future, not retroactively) need to
       be named as Apache Hadoop World or the like.

    J. Apache Incubator Project [Noel J. Bergman / Roy]

       See Attachment J

       Incubator report arrived late and will need to be resubmitted.

    K. Apache Jakarta Project [Rahul Akolkar / Justin]

       See Attachment K

    L. Apache JAMES Project [Danny Angus / Geir]

       See Attachment L

    M. Apache Maven Project [Jason van Zyl / Greg]

       See Attachment M

    N. Apache MINA Project [Julien Vermillard / Doug]

       See Attachment N

    O. Apache MyFaces Project [Matthias Wessendorf / Brett]

       See Attachment O

    P. Apache ODE Project [Matthieu Riou / Roy]

       See Attachment P

    Q. Apache OpenEJB Project [David Blevins / Doug]

       See Attachment Q

    R. Apache OpenJPA Project [Craig Russell / Jim]

       See Attachment R

    S. Apache Struts Project [Martin Cooper / Geir]

       See Attachment S

    T. Apache Tapestry Project [Howard M. Lewis Ship / Justin]

       See Attachment T

       Justin will get with infrastructure to ensure that the git/svn
       issues have been resolved. The goal is to discourage projects
       from using git as their primary repository.

    U. Apache Tcl Project [David N. Welton / Greg]

       See Attachment U

    V. Apache Velocity Project [Will Glass-Husain / Shane]

       See Attachment V

    Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

7. Special Orders

    A. Update Public Relations Committee Membership

       WHEREAS, the Public Relations Committee (PRC) of The Apache
       Software Foundation (ASF) expects to better serve its purpose
       through the periodic update of its membership; and

       WHEREAS, the PRC is a Board-appointed committee whose
       membership must be approved by Board resolution; and

       WHEREAS, the Board is in receipt of Jim Jagielski's resignation
       as a member of the PRC,

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following ASF
       member be removed from the list of Public Relations Committee

           Jim Jagielski         <>

       Special Order 7A, Update Public Relations Committee
       Membership, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors

    B. Change of Maven PMC Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Jason van Zyl
       to the office of Vice President, Apache Maven, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
       of Jason van Zyl from the office of Vice President, Apache Maven,

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Maven
       project has chosen by vote to recommend Brian Fox as the successor
       to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Jason van Zyl is relieved and
       discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
       of Vice President, Apache Maven, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Brian Fox be and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Maven, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
       until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7B, Change of Maven PMC Chair, was approved by
       Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    C. Change the Apache James Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Danny Angus
       to the office of Vice President, Apache James, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
       of Danny Angus from the office of Vice President, Apache James,

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache James
       project has chosen by vote to recommend Norman Maurer as the 
       successor to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Danny Angus is relieved and
       discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
       of Vice President, Apache James, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Norman Maurer be and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache James, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
       until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7C, Change the Apache James Project Chair, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    D. Change the Apache Xerces Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Gareth
       Reakes to the office of Vice President, Apache Xerces, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
       of Gareth Reakes from the office of Vice President, Apache
       Xerces, and

       WHEREAS, the members of the Apache Xerces Project Management
       Committee have chosen by vote to recommend Michael Glavassevich
       as the successor to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Gareth Reakes is
       relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of
       the office of Vice President, Apache Xerces, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Michael Glavassevich be and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Xerces, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board
       of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
       resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a
       successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7D, Change the Apache Xerces Project Chair, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    E. Change the Public Relations Committee Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Jim 
       Jagielski to the office of Vice President, Public Relations, 

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
       of Jim Jagielski from the office of Vice President, Public 
       Relations, and 

       WHEREAS, the Public Relations Committee has chosen by vote to 
       recommend Shane Curcuru as the successor to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Jim Jagielski is relieved 
       and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the 
       office of Vice President, Public Relations, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Shane Curcuru be and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Public Relations, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
       until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7E, Change the Public Relations Committee Chair,
       was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    F. Change the Apache Abdera Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Garrett
       Rooney to the office of Vice President, Apache Abdera, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
       of Garrett Rooney from the office of Vice President, Apache
       Abdera, and

       WHEREAS, the members of the Apache Abdera Project Management
       Committee have chosen by vote to recommend Ant Elder as the
       successor to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Garrett Rooney is
       relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of
       the office of Vice President, Apache Abdera, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Ant Elder be and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Abdera, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board
       of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
       resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a
       successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7F, Change the Apache Abdera Project Chair,
       was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
       The board also acknowledges that Ant Elder is added to the PMC.

    G. Change the Apache Velocity Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Will Glass-Husain
       to the office of Vice President, Apache Velocity, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
       of Will Glass-Husain from the office of Vice President, Apache
       Velocity, and

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Velocity
       project has chosen by vote to recommend Henning Schmiedehausen as the
       successor to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Will Glass-Husain is relieved and
       discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
       of Vice President, Apache Velocity, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Henning Schmiedehausen be and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Velocity, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
       until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7G, Change the Apache Velocity Project Chair,
       was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    H. Establish the Apache PDFBox Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
       Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
       open-source software related to reading, creating and
       manipulating PDF documents for distribution at no charge to
       the public.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache PDFBox Project",
       be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
       Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache PDFBox Project be and hereby is
       responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
       related to reading, creating and manipulating PDF documents
       and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache PDFBox" be
       and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
       serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
       of the Apache PDFBox Project, and to have primary responsibility
       for management of the projects within the scope of
       responsibility of the Apache PDFBox Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
       Apache PDFBox Project:

       * Andreas Lehmkühler        <>
       * Ben Litchfield            <>
       * Brian Carrier             <>
       * Daniel Wilson             <>
       * Jeremias Märki            <>
       * Jukka Zitting             <>
       * Philipp Koch              <>

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Andreas Lehmkühler
       be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache PDFBox, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification,
       or until a successor is appointed; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache PDFBox PMC be and hereby is
       tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
       encourage open development and increased participation in the
       Apache PDFBox Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache PDFBox Project be and hereby
       is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
       Incubator PDFBox podling; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
       Incubator PDFBox podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
       Project are hereafter discharged.

       Special Order 7H, Establish the Apache PDFBox Project, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    I. Update Legal Affairs Committee Membership

       WHEREAS, the Legal Affairs Committee of The Apache Software Foundation
       (ASF) expects to better serve its purpose through the periodic update
       of its membership; and

       WHEREAS, the Legal Affairs Committee is a Executive Committee
       whose membership must be approved by Board resolution; and

       WHEREAS, the Board is in receipt of Niclas Hedhman's resignation as a
       member of the Legal Affairs Committee,

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following ASF member be
       removed from the list of Legal Affairs Committee members:

           Niclas Hedhman        <>

       Special Order 7I, Update Legal Affairs Committee Membership,
       was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

8. Discussion Items

    PRC reorganization looks like it is converging on the mailing list.
    Originally, it was decided to table item 7E, but during discussion
    Geir suggested that the board simply vote on 7E. The conclusion was
    that it makes sense to replace the VP of PRC now independent of
    whether or not the PRC eventually (or even imminently) gets
    Potential board meeting during ApacheCon (Wed, Thu afternoon?)... if
    this does happen, Sam notes that he will not be available to minute
    the meeting as he will be at the W3C face to face. Some concern over
    deviating from the tradition of board meetings being open to members,
    Roy clarified that that was not a requirement and should not stand in
    the way of getting things done.
    Some discussion about logistics of scheduling a board meeting, to
    minimize confusion if there is a need trying to round up all nine
    directors. Actual scheduling deferred to the F2F.

9. Review Outstanding Action Items

    * Roy:   Follow-up with Buildr on their use of git.
             => not done.

    * Jim:   Follow-up with AlexK regarding use of api@ list.
             => started, but still open.

    * Roy:   Update /dev with rule that invitation only dev meetings are OK,
             provided that such meetings are discussed on the dev list, and
             that all committers are included.
             => not done.

    * Shane: Follow up on lack of report from Abdera.
             Note: Abdera has submitted a report and a change of chair 
             resolution as Special Order 7.F
             => closed.

    * Jim:   Follow up with the Incubator to ensure that all podlings report
             on what they need to do for graduation.
             => started, but still open.

    * Roy:   Get with Carl Trieloff and suggest improvements to the Qpid report
             so that it can meet board expectations.
             => not done.

    * Geir:  Get with Gregory Trubetskoy to determine if Quetzalcoatl is
             expected to improve or if the project should be moved to the
             => not done.

    * Roy:   To seek a report for Velocity.
             => done.

10. Unfinished Business

11. New Business

12. Announcements

13. Adjournment

    Adjourned at 3:05 p.m. (Pacific)


Attachment 1: Report from the VP of JCP

Like watching a beloved pet die, the stasis of the JCP continues.

There's very little to report at the moment.  Standard TCK
update support continues.

I attended the latter part of the monthly JCP EC conference
call.  Only thing to report is that it's business as usual
with regards to ORCA and JAVA.  I'll be presenting on our
incubator process at the next meeting along with Eclipse 
as the JCP is exploring the topic.

Attachment 2: Report from the ASF Rep. for W3C

Nothing much to report. The W3C f2f is happening in parallel with
ACUS, and due to the conflict, I've asked Sam Ruby, who will be
attending, to represent the ASF for us; he's agreed.

W3C "members" mailings are forwarded to the ASF members@ list
(with the [W3C] Subj. prefix)... there was a suggestion to create
a mailing list for just these Emails, but I haven't done anything
with that yet.

Attachment 3: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee

Very uneventful month.  One issue created, two discussed.  Mostly dealing with
topics like Artistic and CC-SA licensed materials for tutorials and test data
(e.g., metal Olympics table).

Additionally, the Legal PMC participated in trademark license discussions (in
support of the PRC), and reviewed responses to the EU (in support of the VP,

The Legal Affairs Committee is OK with WSRP4J releasing and graduating.

I'd like to thank Niclas Hedhman for his positive contributions during his
membership in the Legal Affairs Committee.  He will be missed.

Attachment 4: Status report for the Apache Security Team Project

For September 2009: There continues to be a steady stream of reports
of various kinds arriving at  These continue to
be dealt with by the security team.

2   Support question
3   Security vulnerability question, but not a vulnerability report
5   Vulnerability reports, of which:
    1    Vulnerability report [tomcat, via]
    1    Vulnerability report [tomcat, via]
    1    Vulnerability report [portals, via]
    2    Vulnerability report [httpd, via]

Attachment 5: Status report for the Apache Conference Planning Project

ApacheCon US 2009 News (2-6 November)

* Registration continues apace, PR is going well.

* The conference now has two platinum sponsors, Microsoft and Thawte.

ApacheMeetUp/BarCampApache Asia 2009 (Nov. 28-29 (Beijing); Dec 4-6 (Colombo))

* Dates have now been fixed for the events, and budget secured from the board.

* Charel will work as producer for the Beijing event, Sanjiva will
  co-ordinate all arrangements in Colombo.

* Justin and Greg have booked tickets for Beijing and Colombo.

* Awaiting draft contract from Charel for producing Beijing event.

* Sanjiva has organized a team of local volunteers in Colombo led by
  Sagara Gunathunga (committer on WS).

* Colombo team has posted a draft schedule and location information.

Apache Retreat, Ireland 2010

* No news since last report


* A question was raised about extending the ACUS committer rate to
  non-committer TAC attendees. The producer had been given the
  impression that TAC attendees would be committers, but only half of
  them are. This has been resolved for the current conference, but TAC
  need to negotiate an agreement for future conferences.

Attachment 6: Status report for the Apache Public Relations Project

**Board-Level Attention Required on the following items:

General: proposed PRC re-organization/restructuring, VP replacement 

The PRC discussed potential VP candidates to forward to the board for
consideration.  Three nominees were named: Jukka, Sally, and Shane.
The PRC voted to recommend Shane as the new VP, PRC.  A change of 
chair resolution is submitted as Special Order 7.E above.

Fundraising: individual thank-you letters (see section below)

= = =

PRC Update: Activities Undertaken During September

= = =


Continued discussion on possibly splitting or reorganizing the PRC.
Jim suggested an internal sort into distinct sub-committees with its
own lead responsible for its operation. Justin suggested three
primary areas: fundraising, communications, and branding; Bertrand
suggested the addition of a fourth area, 'outreach', which would
address activities such as GSoC and other related student activities.
Sally's 2006 proposal refers to this as 'community outreach', that
includes conferences.

Bertrand and Justin draft mission statements for the Communications,
Fundraising, Branding, and Outreach sub-committees/groups. Several
PRC members confirm their interest in participating in the various

We will very likely be creating a new "Powered By" logo as part of
the new house style.

Robert Burrell Donkin proposes we use the following image for the
back of our mini cards for ApacheCon ; he has also
committed scaled images and instructions in Subversion

Justin sets up weekly PRC teleconferences on Tuesdays at 10AM PT (now
9AM PT) on the dedicated  Covalent/SpringSource/VMware bridge

Discussion about promoting the BFBB as an event that's open to the
public; however, due to the low sponsorship monies in at present at
ApacheCon, this is not a possibility

Larry asked to be removed as a voting member from the PRC: he'll 
still participate and provide counsel, but does not want to be 
involved with official votes

Ross suggested we consider creating and publishing quarterly reports,
similar to those being done at the Gnome Foundation

Jim suggested some sort of pub-crawl get-together between PRC and
ConCom on the Thursday evening of ApacheCon

Sally is composing a schedule of PRC-related activities onsite at
ApacheCon that includes PRC planning meeting, possible worksession
with (Michael) Cote of RedMonk (he'll be there to do the Media
Training final exam with Sally and participate on her Business Track
panel), Sponsor meetings, press briefings, etc.

Sally sent a note to PMCs imploring them to help promote their
Projects' presence at ApacheCon, and reminded them that Media
Training is available to all PMC members free of charge. The only
group to ack/respond is Apache Cayenne, who won't be at ApacheCon,
but are likely to have a release shortly after the conference.

= = =


Jim, Justin, and Sally had a teleconference to discuss the launch of
the CodePlex Foundation (announced by Microsoft) with Robert Duffner
of Microsoft and Sam Ramji (now ex-Microsoft, and acting CodePlex
Foundation president).

Sally, Sander, Emmanuel, and Bertrand attempted to follow up with the
Open World Forum organizers, as the conference was taking place 1
October and few details were confirmed two weeks before the event

Alan Cabrera inquired as to whether we should consider consolidating
several ASF-related LinkedIn groups

Gianugo gave the closing keynote at the first openSUSE conference.
There he distributed the ASF promo cards and had shown the promo
video shot at OSCON featuring Brian Behlendorf, Justin, and Sander

Alan Cabrera assisted Sally in shipping ASF promo cards to the
openSUSE conference organizers, as well as to Emmanuel Lecharny for
distribution at Open World Forum

Sally suggests we have a PRC + ASF/Project table at the ApacheCon
Expo, where there will always be a member of the PRC and/or PageOne
available to act as an ASF ambassador/information desk, and to
promote the MyApache video shout-outs (say Happy Birthday on video
and get a t-shirt, etc. from the ApacheCon swag archives). Also, the
table would be available to any ASF project if they want to hold
'office hours' to the conference attendees, press, etc.

= =


Sally still working very closely with PageOne on PR strategy and
day-to-day tactics for ApacheCon

Press release issued on 15 September re: ApacheCon program and
special events

Interviews from OSCON with SDTimes, TechRepublic, and IT Business
Edge were published

Darryl Taft published a slide show on eWeek from our "ASF 10th
Anniversary" presentation that we've been pitching the press. He also
finally met Jim in person, after 4 attempts. Thanks, Jim!

Sally forwarded the section that covers the ASF from Datamonitor's
report on Open Source in the Enterprise.

Secured guest blog opportunities with GigaOM's OStatic to help
promote ApacheCon. Received commitments from Jim, Justin, Shane,
Bertrand, and Gianugo to contribute. Jim and Justin completed their
drafts, which Sally edited and forwarded to OStatic.

Jukka inquired about the process to start publicity --particularly a
press release-- for Jackrabbit 2.0; possibly in time for ApacheCon

Justin received and responded to a UK-based media inquiry on the
CodePlex Foundation; PageOne forwarded a media inquiry from eWeek on
CodePlex shortly after it was announced (Sally declined to PageOne:
'This is news to us, so we're unavailable for comment at this point.
We don't know anything about this initiative other than what's on
their Website. To state a position at this stage doesn't make sense
for us.')

Next set of ASF Filmworks clips (Mike Bates, Arje Cahn, Timo
Rantalaiho, Bill Rowe, and Greg Stein) were completed and forwarded
by Michael Wechner; Sally published them on YouTube and has been
promoting them

Total 220 press hits, including mentions by 'friends' and on blogs.

= =


Permission granted for Brian Pendleton of Cluster Resources to use
the Apache logo in a PowerPoint presentation

Sally spoke with Cloudera CEO Mike Olson regarding proper attribution
of the Apache Hadoop name; request to correct 'Hadoop is a registered
trademark of the Apache Software Foundation' (they need to remove the
'registered' part) has been acknowledged, with the promise they'll
fix this with their next site build. Also the same was addressed with
respect to marketing the Hadoop World event.

Larry forwarded a press release pertaining to the misuse of the WWF

Received request from Daniel Smith of iContact, who want to name
their flag football team 'The Spam Assassins'

Larry forwarded guidelines on choosing a trademark -- the nutshell: 1)
Pick a good trademark; 2) Search for similar or competitive software;
3) Claim your mark; 4) Refer complaints/issues to legal-internal:
don't try to resolve it yourself.

Received inquiry from Eckhard Jäger of the TORCS-NG racing game
project to create an ASF-branded  track border and racing car skin.
Examples at

Ross Gardler forwarded suggested wording for PRC approval for the
Apache Wookie (Incubating) project's MeetUp in London on 13 October.

J. Aaron Farr forwarded negative community feedback on the new Drupal
trademark policy with an alert that this is something we must avoid
when formalizing our policies

Justin forwarded guidelines/policy with respect to names, as
developed by Roy, Jim, and Justin on earlier discussions on prc@: 1)
"Apache <project name>" is a protected name; 2) "<project name>" is a
protected name only when "<project name>" is not "generic"; 3) Except
when nominative use applies, all third party use of names derived
from our protected names are prohibited; 4) Protected names only
apply to software.

Received query from Martin Hall of Karmasphere seeking approval on a
new product name scheduled to be launched at Hadoop World; have
agreed to 'Karmasphere Studio for Apache Hadoop'

Gianugo noticed and objected to the thawte name alongside the Apache
Feather as sponsors of the httpd.conf track; the graphic has been
adjusted accordingly

Larry forwarded a revised draft of the ASF Trademark policy that
incorporates PRC feedback, as well as that from Karen Sandler. (Ref --
date: Tue 15 Sept 2009; Subject: DRAFT: ASF Trademark Policy); edits
and comments continue. Revised version incorporates a ConCom-specific
issue as brought forth by Noirin (Ref -- date: Thu 24 Sept 2009;
Subject: DRAFT Proposed addition to DRAFT Trademark Policy)

Request received from Diane Pither-Patterson of Viforce, who is
seeking to use the primary Apache/ASF logo on their Website.
Suggested she use the 'Powered by' logo instead.

Larry clarifies his usage preference of definite and indefinite
articles: he will not use the word "the" except to refer to a
definite instance of a general noun (as in this sentence). I.e., he
will never state "the The Apache Software Foundation"...neither
should we.

Jukka opens a vote to license the Apache feather logos under ALv2;
Justin clarifies that he logo is not under the terms of the ALv2, and
that Jim's commit should stay. Results: STET -- +1 Jukka Zitting; -1
Justin Erenkranz; -1 Lars Eilebrecht.

Debbie Moynihan of Progress Software alerted us to new products
coming from the FUSE team, and worked with us to ensure proper
wording. The product names will now be: "Support for Apache XYZ" and
"Servicepack for Apache XYZ".

Mark Thomas alerted the team that the SpringSource Website seems to
be misleading with its use of the ASF Feather (only; vs. 'Powered
By') as part of its promotion -- Jim has
followed up with them to make the necessary changes

Sam Jebeile of Inspired Digital Solutions requested the use of the
ASF logo on his Website as part of their services offered.

Jacob Hookom sent a note to Marko Gargenta stating that the logos he
created using the ASF and Tomcat logos on both his Website and
Facebook advertising his training services are in violation of the
ASF logo usage policy. Thanks Jacob!

A formal "ASF Trademark Policy" based on the version from Larry with
modifications (as discussed on list and earlier in this report) was
voted on and passed (7 binding +1s and 1 non-binding -1), and is now
published at

= = =


Geir sent an invoice to renew Yahoo!'s Platinum Sponsorship

Jukka suggests we use a tool to track Sponsor activity; Sally prefers
we don't employ yet-another-tool, as it may disrupt her pre-existing
(but private) system. The challenge is transparency: there is none to
the PRC team.

Discussions continue regarding Tetsuya's communications on the
community@ and related lists.

= = =


Status of Individual Thank You letters incomplete. Phil Steitz stated
that he'll help Geir get these done, yet no update has since been

= = =


Conference calls were held: 11 September, 22 September, and 29
September Minutes are available in the PRC@ archives; future calls
take place 9AM PT on Tuesdays on the ASF/SpringSource bridge

Attachment 7: Status report for the Apache Infrastructure Team

Moin wiki post-upgrade issues resolved.

Ruediger Pluem developed a patch for httpd to mitigate the ddos
issue plaguing brutus (jira,bugzilla).

Norman Maurer upgraded eos (wiki,websites) Solaris 10 u8.

Issues with the sync scripts were resolved by Tony Stevenson.

Athena ( was brought back online by Philip Gollucci after
osuosl replaced the power supply.

Phillip Gollucci developed an automated system for managing crons.

Paul Querna purchased a Dell Poweredge R610 for ~$4400 slated
as a replacement for helios (zones).

Justin Erenkrantz dealt with some IO issues on helios by shuffling
a few zones around.

Philip Gollucci cleaned up a few unused root accounts.

(Temporarily) suspended a committer's privileges pursuant to a board

General interest was expressed in participating in a cross-foundation
infrastructure list hosted by osuosl.

Gavin McDonald continued his work on the buildbot-based farm.

Gavin McDonald spec'ed a Dell machine to potentially be used as an
Australian svn mirror.

Philip Gollucci upgraded viewvc to 1.1.2.

Paul Querna ordered a fiber channel card for ~$450 to complement the
ordered Dell mentioned above.

Attachment 8: Status report for the Apache Travel Assistance Committee

General News

The main work for the month was continuing to organize flight tickets,
send out ASF Invite letters for those that needed them for VISA
applications etc.

Our Travel Agent of choice this time around initially agreed on wire
transfer for payments of tickets and then changed their minds, so a
frantic barrage of emails to credit card holders ensued. Thanks to
those that stepped up and quickly booked tickets for TAC. The final
round of ticketing was paid for by a TAC member on their Credit Card
and the Treasurer will get a reimbursement request for that shortly.

Of the 13 initially granted to go to AC US 09, one became unresponsive
to emails so we had to pull their funding due to lack of required
information and communication. This also prompted an idea that we
should consider late applications due to there being funding/space
become available, this will be talked about over the next weeks.

There was some confusion and discussion raised on a few lists
regarding TAC pricing for entrance fees and hotel room fees from
SCP. It was thought that all our attendees would be committers, and so
we have always been given committer rates due to this. Of course we
accept applications from the wider community and do not award based on
committer-ship alone. It is agreed that TAC, SCP and Concom will
discuss after AC US 09 the best way forward and review TAC pricing.

Attachment A: Status report for the Apache Abdera Project

There has been little activity in the Abdera project in recent months.
 Other than the occasional user question (which generally gets
answered relatively quickly) there is little activity on the mailing
lists, and there is virtually no development work going on.  As far as
I can tell the committers are simply off doing other things.

In personnel matters, Garrett Rooney has stepped down as PMC chair,
and Ant Elder has been nominated to replace him.  While Ant is not
currently a member of the Abdera PMC, he is the PMC chair for Apache
Tuscany, which makes use of Abdera, so we have full faith in his
ability to handle the job.

Attachment B: Status report for the Apache ActiveMQ Project

* The ActiveMQ project has had another very busy but quiet quarter.
* The development and user lists continue to stay vibrant.

* It was a busy an fruitful quarter which produced several new releases.

* Apache.NMS 1.1.0
* Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ 1.1.0
* Apache.NMS.EMS 1.1.0
* Apache.NMS.MSMQ 1.1.0
* Apache.NMS.WCF 1.1.0
* ActiveIO 3.1.1
* ActiveIO 3.1.2
* ActiveMQ Protocol Buffers 1.0
* ActiveMQ 5.3.0

Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Attic Project

In August AxKit moved into the Attic. Greg Reddin took care of
things and it appeared to go very smoothly.

The XML project have very recently voted for Xang to move to the
Attic, and we understand that Crimson (XML parser before Xerces)
may follow.

Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Beehive Project

Attachment E: Status report for the Apache CXF Project

The summer was a bit slow, but things have picked up again in

2.0.12 was released - last planned Apache release for 2.0.x series
2.1.6 was released
2.1.7 was released
2.2.3 was released
2.2.4 was released

DOSGi 1.1 release is being prepared now that 2.2.4 is out the door.

2.3 development has kind of stalled as we worked on 2.2.4 and fixing JIRA
issues and other user requested issues, although a couple of 2.3 things have
been back ported to 2.2.4 to get those into users hands sooner.

The traffic on the users and dev lists remains pretty steady.   Questions are
normally answered promptly.

After the Confluence upgrade, we had a lot of problems with our web site not
formatting content correctly.   We used this as an opportunity to completely
install a more "non-confluence-looking" look and feel for the site which has
made the site much more approachable.   The navigation links for the
documentation was also redone to make it easier to find information that is

There has been some effort put in to trying to clean up JIRA by reviewing old
JIRA issues.  MANY were found to be already fixed and were marked resolved.
We've requested more information about others and are waiting for responses.
In all, "open" JIRA counts has dropped from about 330 to 260, with more to go.

Christian Schneider was added to the PMC

Attachment F: Status report for the Apache DB Project

Over the past quarter, development in the DB project continued:

1) Derby produced a bug-fix release, This was deprecated
soon afterwards.

2) Derby produced a replacement release, including more bug-fixes:

3) Derby mentored four summer-of-code students, all of whom made
valuable contributions and received passing grades.

4) Derby posted plans for an upcoming feature release, 10.6.1.

Attachment G: Status report for the Apache Directory Project

No new committers, no new PMC members. No release since the last
report, but Studio 1.5.0 is in its ultimate finitions. The server
is again under some huge refactoring (schema)

Studio 1.5.O should be voted in the next two weeks.

We expected to release ADS 2.0-RC1 before ApacheCon US, but it
might be a bit tight schedule...

No new committer this quarter.

No new PMC members either.

We gained 27 new subscribers on the users' mailing list since january
report (174 against 147).

Since July, a big refactoring is being done, affecting a main part
of the server, the Schema. It's expected to be done by the end of

Two members of the Directory community went to LdapCon 2009 in
Portland, OR, where they presented the base replication system which is
currently being written, a common API effort with SUN, tooling and
some Java/Ldap mapping.

The LDAP API effort has been started with the creation of a new mailing
list (api@directory.a.o), it's currently not very active as we are
swamped in the Schema redesign.

A very active quarter, with major modifications being done, and a lot
of discussions going on with other LDAP actors (SUN, OpenLDAP).

Attachment H: Status report for the Apache Geronimo Project

The Geronimo project has had an active 3 months. There are no issues
requiring board attention. My thanks to Jay McHugh for helping to compile
this report.

Development trunk has been moved into branches/2.2 in preparation for
a Geronimo 2.2 release. This is likely to be our final JavaEE 5
development branch. Trunk has begun preparations to hold the new
JavaEE 6 server development. Also, a move to an OSGi-base has been
discussed and work has begun to develop a working model.

JASPI 1.0 - released Sept. 15
TXManager 2.1.3 - released Sept. 16
Blueprint 1.0.0 - released Sept. 16. The Blueprint implementaton has
been subsequently contributed to the new Aries podling. 

Work has begun to prepare DayTrader for a 2.2 release.

In the Geronimo Eclipse Plugin (GEP) a number of bugs have been
corrected and new enhancements added. The current development is
targeting Eclipse Galileo, but has not yet been released.

XBean 3.6 was released in September.

A number of spec updates were released:

geronimo-jpa_1.0_spec-1.1.2 - released Sept. 18
geronimo-jacc_1.1_spec-1.0.2 - released Sept. 15

Work has begun to implement some of the draft JavaEE 6 spec api
jars. This work was complicated by the fact that some Specs are using
outdated templates with restrictive licensing terms. This problem has
been fixed (thanks Geir!) and the following were released:

geronimo-jpa_2.0_spec-1.0-PFD2 - released Oct. 5
geronimo-validation_1.0_spec-1.0-CR5 - release Oct. 5

org.apache.geronimo.ext.tomcat- was released on Sept. 21.

In preparation for ApacheCon in November, work has begun on a half day
presentation track to discuss where Geronimo is now and where it may
be going in the near future.

The user and developer community have gained a number of new names (as
evidenced by an increase of activity on both the user and dev

Ivan Xu

Xuan "Delos" Dai
Lin "Shawn" Quan Jian
Lei "Rex" Wang

The Java EE 6 TCK has been received from Sun.

The Geronimo sources have been mirrored to 

Attachment I: Status report for the Apache Hadoop Project

Hadoop status report for July to October 2009

Hadoop is a set of related tools and frameworks for creating and
managing distributed applications running on clusters of commodity

Hadoop World NYC on 2009/10/02 was well received by roughly 500
attendees. It was organized by Cloudera and sponsored by Yahoo,
Facebook, Amazon WebServices, IBM, Rackspace, Softlayer, eHarmony,
SuperMicro, Intel, Impetus, Booz Allen Hamilton, and Vertica. The
format was similar to Hadoop Summit with a general session with six 20
minute talks in the morning and three tracks each with ten 30 minute
talks in the afternoon. Hadoop World China will be held next month.


Avro is an inter-language serialization and RPC library that supports
versioning of schemas and protocols for both compiled and interpreted

  * release 1.2.0 on 2009-10-14
  * release 1.1.0 on 2009-09-08
  * release 1.0.0 on 2009-07-09

New committers:
  Matt Massie
  Thiruvalluvan M. G.


Chukwa is a distributed log collection framework that aggregates logs
from across a cluster into a reasonable number of HDFS files.

New committers:
  Jerome Boulon

The SALSA and Mochi suite of Hadoop log analysis and visualization
tools, built at Carnegie Mellon, have been progressively phased in and
integrated with the Chukwa log collection and processing
infrastructure. The basic analysis and visualization components are
available, and further work is being done to improve the
user-friendliness of operating these added tools, and to improve the
automated manageability for analysis and visualization. This can also
serve as a roadmap for other analysis tools to be integrated with

Development has been proceeding steadily. Chukwa is substantially more
reliable, flexible and robust than it was a year ago, or even four
months ago.  The system is in production use at UC Berkeley, and a
number of user suggestions have been incorporated. We intend to
release 0.3 in the coming weeks. 


Common is the shared libraries for HDFS and MapReduce. 

  * release 0.19.2 on 2009/06/30 with 40 issues
  * release 0.20.1 on 2009/09/01 with 87 issues
  * branch 0.21 was made on 2009/09/18

New committers:
  Konstantin Boudnik for QA
  Suresh Srinivas

  * 784 subscribers on common-dev
  * 1738 subscribers on common-user

The upcoming 0.21 release will include the new FileContext API, which
will replace the FileSystem API, and the visibility and audience
annotations that let us mark the intended public-ness of various


HBase is a distributed column-oriented database built on top of Hadoop
Common and HDFS.

HBase had a User Group meeting on August 7th and a Hackathon over the
weekend of August 7-9.  Both events were open to the public and hosted
by StumbleUpon.

 * release 0.20.0 on 09/September/2009 - 465 issues addressed by this release
 * release 0.20.1 on 10/12/2009 - 60 issues addressed by this release

Current state of community
  * 23 active comtributors
  * 459 subscribers to hbase-user mailing list
  * 185 subscribers to hbase-dev mailing list


HDFS is a distributed file system that support reliable replicated
storage across the cluster using a single name space.

  * release 0.19.2 on 2009/06/30 as part of common 0.19.2
  * release 0.20.1 on 2009/09/01 as part of common 0.20.1
  * branch 0.21 was made on 2009/09/18

New committers:
  Konstantin Boudnik for QA
  Suresh Srinivas

  * 112 subscribers to hdfs-dev
  * 154 subscribers to hdfs-user

HDFS 0.21 was feature frozen and branched. The biggest features are
the much requested feature to append and sync to written files.  There
are 8 remaining blocker issues that need to be resolved.
A developer meet focused entirely on HDFS testing was held at the 
Yahoo Sunnyvale campus. It was well represented by
about 15 contributors from Yahoo, Cloudera, Facebook, etc. 


Hive is a data warehouse written on top of Hadoop. It provides a SQL
to query and manage data stored in Hadoop in table and partitions.

  release 0.4.0 on 2009/10/14 with 209 issues

New committers:
  * Edward Capriolo
  * He Yongqiang

Hive 0.4.0 had 46 new features, 115 bug fixes, 6 optimizations, 35
improvements and 2 incompatible changes.

At present there are 617 open issues with none of them as a blocker
for 0.5.0. A total of 619 issues have been resolved so far.


we continue to see new contributors in the project. Since
the last report the number of contributors in the project have grown
from 21 to 48. Out of these 35 contributors are external to
Facebook. A total of 94 people have commented, filed bugs or
contributed on the Hive JIRA so far. This number was at 49 at the time
of the last report.


MapReduce is a distribute computation framework for easily writing
applications that process large volumes of data.

  * release 0.19.2 on 2009/06/30 as part of common 0.19.2
  * release 0.20.1 on 2009/09/01 as part of common 0.20.1
  * branch 0.21 was made on 2009/09/18

New committers:
  Konstantin Boudnik for QA

  * 121 subscribers to mapreduce-dev
  * 172 subscribers to mapreduce-user

MapReduce 0.21 will have substantially improved Capacity and FairShare
schedulers that let administrators share clusters more
effectively.  The ability to run tasks as the submitting user and
a standardized job history format written in Avro's JSON format.


Pig is a platform for analyzing large data sets that consists of a
high-level language for expressing data analysis programs, coupled
with infrastructure for evaluating these programs.

 * release 0.4.0 on 29/Sep/09 with 48 issues

 * 155 subscribers on pig-dev
 * 269 subscribers on pig-user (I could not update this number because
   my request failed with mailbox full error)


ZooKeeper is a reliable coordination service for distributed

  * release 3.2.1 on 2009/09/09

  * 99 subscribers on zookeeper-dev
  * 175 subscribers on zookeeper-user

Feedback and community involvement has been slowly increasing, we
frequently meet with users during Hadoop meetups and hold site visits.

Attachment J: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project

Attachment K: Status report for the Apache Jakarta Project

Jakarta status report for August - October 2009. There are no issues
requiring board attention at this time.

* PMC membership updates

Over the last three months, the Jakarta PMC has gone from being the largest
PMC in the foundation records to the second largest, from having 120 members
on the PMC to currently 87. A number of PMC members who no longer have a lot
of interest or time to devote towards Jakarta anymore have stepped down. At
the same time, we also checked with 28 PMC members who were no longer
subscribed to the private list, 2 of whom decided to stay on and subscribe.

* Releases

  - BSF 3.0 (October 9th)

* Subproject news

Occasional post to the user list, in maintenance mode. Dave Brosius has made
a number of code improvements in the last week.

There have been discussions about a 3.0 release. There has also been
interest from Rony Flatscher in continuing the 2.x line of development for a
2.5 bugfix release.

There have been a number of improvements, an SVN reorganization and work
was completed towards a 3.0 release, mostly by sebb.

BSF 3.0 was released on October 9th.

* Cactus
A couple of user list posts, no development activity since last report.

No activity - maintenance mode.

The user list has been active, and a couple of bug fixes have recently gone
in. Aaron Smuts has been responding to user queries and making the code

* JMeter
JMeter has been the busiest part of Jakarta in the last three months.

Sebb continues to make many improvements. The code in trunk is being
upgraded to JDK 1.5 which has offered the opportunity for related
improvements. There have been a number of new Bugzilla reports, including
a few patches being proposed.

Some activity in bugzilla in September - maintenance mode.

* Regexp
No activity - maintenance mode.

* Taglibs
This is the last board report that will list Taglibs updates.

As reported in July, the Tomcat project will host three of the taglibs
(RDC, Standard, Extended) going forward and the rest of the taglibs have
been retired. Henri Yandell did most of the work to make this happen.

The SVN move for the three taglibs is complete. The websites have been
migrated to the site. Bugzilla and Gump have been
redirected. The taglibs-user list has been maintained and moved over to the domain name, while the main Tomcat development list will
now be used for contributor discussions. The taglibs-dev Jakarta list has
been closed.

Taglibs updates will henceforth be part of the Tomcat board reports.

* Retired Projects
  - Slide
  - Taglibs (partial)

Attachment L: Status report for the Apache JAMES Project

I hope that you will also have before this month you a motion to approve the
change of Chair for James from myself to Norman Maurer. Norman was selected
unopposed as our candidate for the new chair.

The rest of this months report has been prepared by Norman.

A lot of things are going on in the James project at the moment.

[New Subprojects]
* "Hupa" joined James as subproject, migrating from Apache Labs. Hupa
is a GWT based webmail which use IMAP to access the users inbox.

* "jDKIM" joined James as subproject. jDKIM is a DKIM implementation
written in JAVA. It was contributed by Stefano Bagnara

* James Server 2.3.2 was releases in August.

* Preparations are on-going to release James Server 3.0-M1 this month.
It will be the first milestone of James trunk after almost 4 long
years. One main improvement is the included IMAP support (just to
highlight one thing)

* Danny Angus stepped down as PMC-Chair and Norman Maurer will serve
as the new one
Bernd Fondermann has left the PMC
Markus Wiederkehr has left the PMC

* The lists have not seen to much traffic the last quarter. Hopefully
this will change after James Server 3.0-M1 is released

* No new committers / PMC-Members

Attachment M: Status report for the Apache Maven Project

<<submitted by Brian Fox>>
* PMC Chair change
   Jason van Zyl has submitted his resignation as Chair of Apache
Maven PMC and the PMC has voted to nominate Brian Fox as the new Apache
Maven PMC Chair. The motion for Board approval has been submitted under
separate cover.

* General Information
   Maven 2.2.1 is a bugfix release aimed at resolving the regressions
that surfaced in the 2.2.0 release. These regressions mainly centered on the
switch from a HttpURLConnection-based wagon to one driven by HttpClient.
Since HttpClient doesn't support NTLMv2, many users experienced proxy
problems where Maven had previously worked fine. Additionally, since neither
HttpClient nor its wrapping Wagon implementation supports a
cached-authentication strategy, the default Wagon setting disabling
preemptive authentication caused corruption of artifact checksums and
network timeouts, as artifacts were each transferred twice (once
unauthenticated, and again after the challenge with accompanying
credentials). Beyond this, Maven 2.2.1 makes two important improvements: the
ability to select a Wagon provider to be used for a particular protocol, and
resolution of some long-standing quirks in the extension-loading mechanisms
that made custom lifecycle mappings very difficult to implement.

   As far as almost 500 ITs and testing on some bigger OSS projects
shows, the trunk of Maven 3.x has reached the desired compatibility with
Maven 2.x. Recent development efforts have been focusing on further
refactoring to provide a better integration with IDEs and build extensions.
Parallel to the development on the new Maven core, a new version of the
Maven Site Plugin is being developed to account for the revised reporting
approach in Maven 3.x.

* New Committers

 Mark Struberg
 Stephen Connolly

* Releases


 * Maven 2.2.1 (Tuesday, August 11th, 2009)

* Plugins

 * Maven Jarsigner Plugin 1.1 (Sunday, August 16th, 2009)
 * Maven Resources Plugin 2.4 (Tuesday, August 25th, 2009)
 * Maven Remote Resources Plugin 1.1 (Tuesday, September 22nd, 2009)
 * Maven Invoker Plugin 1.4 (Thursday, September 24th, 2009)
 * Maven Jarsigner Plugin 1.2 (Wednesday, September 30th, 2009)
 * Maven Resources Plugin 2.4.1 (Tuesday, October 6th, 2009)
 * Maven Repository Plugin 2.3 (Tuesday, October 6th, 2009)
 * Maven Plugin Plugin 2.5.1 (Thursday, October 8th, 2009)

* Other

 * Maven common artifact filters 1.2 (Thursday, August 20th, 2009)
 * Apache Resource Bundles Parent POM 3 (Friday, August 21st, 2009)
 * Apache Source-Release Assembly Descriptor 1.0 (Friday, August 21st, 2009)
 * Maven Parent POM 13 (Friday, August 21st, 2009)
 * Maven Plugins Parent POM 14 (Tuesday, September 15th, 2009)
 * Maven Shared Components Parent POM 12 (Tuesday, September 15th, 2009)
 * Maven Verifier 1.2 (Tuesday, September 22nd, 2009)
 * Maven Artifact Resolver 1.0 (Tuesday, September 22nd, 2009)
 * Maven Invoker 2.0.11 (Thursday, September 24th, 2009)

Attachment N: Status report for the Apache MINA Project

October Report

General & Release

The first MINA 2 RC is under vote and is going to be released in the
next days. Most of all the remaining bug was  squeezed.

September was very quiet, let's hope the new release generate more
activity, specially the probable start of a 3.0 experimental branch.

FtpServer released 1.0.3 a bug fix release.

SSHD made its second release the 0.2.0.

Vysper after a lot of activity during the summer is now suffering the
September syndrome.

Asyncweb is still asleep.


No new committer since July.

Some stats
Number of subscribers on the dev list : 373
Number of subscribers on the users list : 314

We broke the number of downloads per month last July  : around 40 000,
around 1300 a day.

Attachment O: Status report for the Apache MyFaces Project

= Summary =
 * Some community changes
 * New releases
 * Discussions

= Community =
 * New committer:
  * Curtiss Howard 
  * another vote just passed, ICLA is now on file.
    invitation to be send out soon
 * No new PMC members,
 * Some new contributors (e.g. on Trinidad 2.0 stuff)

= Releases =
 * MyFaces (sub) projects with new releases since the last report:
  * MyFaces Trinidad (Maven) Plugins 1.2.10
  * MyFaces Trinidad CORE 1.0.11
  * MyFaces Trinidad CORE 1.2.12
  * MyFaces Tobago 1.0.22
  * MyFaces Tobago 1.0.23

= Milestones =
 * MyFaces Extensions Validator 1.1.3M1
 * MyFaces Extensions Validator 1.2.3M1

= New modules =
 * JSR 303 integration module for MyFaces Extensions Validator
 * MyFaces Extensions Scripting

= Prototypes =
 * MyFaces Extensions Validator 2.0.3

= Discussions =
 * More on the "logger vote" (for details check our July2009 report):
The original vote was to replace commons-logging with the JavaUtilLogger.
Current situation in MyFaces is that some projects use different loggers:
  * Apache MyFaces Trinidad => JUL (+ a little facade for i18n)
  * CORE 2.0 => JUL
  * Core (for 1.x),Tomahawk,Tobago => commons-logging
Now, the vote was to replace the commons-logger by JUL (like Trinidad has),
but some other project want to use slf4j. Finally agreement is that we
(the myfaces community) are now +1 to go away from commons-logger. This
suggestion ( we agreed on
(no more mails means agreed). Seriously, as there are tons and gazillions
of different loggers, votes (and discussions) on loggers are always fun...

 * Work on Trinidad 2.0 (based on JSF 2.0) started.
This branch requires now JDK 1.6. We also got new contributions in that area.

 * A scripting subproject has been created. Currently the work is on getting
the groovy support bridge stable. This may become part of MyFaces core,
but for now this is an extra module.

 * The MyFaces PMC is trying to get another guy -Werner Punz- to join the
"JSF expert group" (as a backup for Martin Marinschek), however there is
NO response from the expert group (and its lead).
Not sure how this can be solved in the future.

Attachment P: Status report for the Apache ODE Project

* Release

This quarter we've released both a new minor release of our stable
branch (ODE 1.3.3) and a new beta for what will be the future of ODE
(2.0-beta2). The last step before going with a final release of the
2.0 branch is migration steps from older versions.

* Development

Development is still going strong, both with new developments and
bug fixes.

* Community

Many news on the community side. Rafal Rusin, elected committer last
quarter is now part of the PMC. JBoss has made public their use of
ODE as their BPEL engine in RiftSaw, which is a nice confirmation of
ODE's position as the "reference" BPEL implementation.

In this year's Google Summer of Code programme, we got two proposals
and students accepted and funded by Google. Buddhika Chamith de Alwis
successfully completed his project aiming at integrating ODE with
BPELunit to improve our test harness. Denis Weerasiri worked on a
Web-based BPEL debugger for Apache ODE.

Finally, a new proposal for a BPEL4People project is coming to the
incubator and we hope for much more development on that side.

Attachment Q: Status report for the Apache OpenEJB Project

OpenEJB 3.1.2 was released over this last week.  Vote concluded last
Thursday, binaries pushed Friday, announcements went out on Monday.  Overall
it is a release focused on bug fixes and improvements.  This is the first
release from the 3.1.x branch to be included in a Geronimo release.
Significant time/effort was given to address related TCK issues and get
everything closed up in time for the Geronimo 2.2 release which should roll
very soon.

User list traffic continues to increase with a considerable spike over the
last two months.  Active new faces have popped up on the user and dev list
over the last quarter.  A clear standout is Quintin Beukes who has been
passionate about helping other users and giving back to the project.  We've
asked him for a CLA and are excited to see what he contributes.

The blogs.a.o service has been used quite actively with good success.  Thank
you again to all who helped set that up.  It has proven to be an invaluable
tool.  The blog preview support we created for RTC-ing blog posts has been
tweaked and installed right on blogs.a.o with the help of Gavin and other
members of infra.  A big thanks to them and we hope that other projects find
it as useful as we do.

Jonathan Gallimore was voted in as a PMC member shortly after the previous
board report.  An initial alpha release of the OpenEJB Eclipse plugin was put
up for a vote in September, with Jonathan as release manager.  The vote was
eventually cancelled to address some missing license headers and NOTICE file
formatting, but after a small hiatus the plugin is back up for a vote this
week and looking good.  With fingers crossed we can soon celebrate the first
release of the OpenEJB Eclipse plugin and as well as congratulate Jonathan on
surviving his first Apache release.

Attachment R: Status report for the Apache OpenJPA Project


OpenJPA continues to implement the latest JPA 2.0 JSR-317, which is in
Proposed Final Draft 2 status. The latest draft was issued 08-October-2009
and is very close to what will be voted upon as the final release.

The Field Of Use restriction in the draft specification was resolved with
Geir's help, and an interim release of the problematic API was published.

A release of OpenJPA 2.0.0 Milestone 3 has been posted for download.
This release is based on the Proposed Final Draft 2 of JSR-317.


Rick Curtis and Tim McConnell were offered, and they accepted, committer
status on the project.

Mailing lists continue to be very active, with an average of close to 400
messages per month on the dev alias and approximately 250 messages per
month on the users alias.

OpenJPA continues to experience a modest increase in email subscriptions and
activity. There are over 150 subscribers to dev and over 230 to users.

The community voted to adopt a logo for OpenJPA. You can see it in action


Donald Woods, Milosz Tylenda, and David Ezzio were offered, and they
accepted, membership in the OpenJPA PMC.


OpenJPA 2.0.0 Milestone 3 has been posted for download.

Attachment S: Status report for the Apache Struts Project

The Struts community has been busy on several fronts this quarter. We released
Struts 2.1.8 as GA, and have a release in the wings to resolve a minor
issue with 2.1.8. We also released Struts Annotations 1.0.5. Two more plugins,
JSON and Embedded JSP, have been promoted out of the sandbox and into the main
repo, while the two that were promoted during the previous quarter, OSGi and
OVal, were included in our 2.1.8 release. There is some discussion of a new
showcase application to more thoroughly illustrate what Struts 2 is capable of.

After much discussion over an extended period of time, we have finally started
the IP Clearance process to bring the OpenSymphony XWork project into the ASF
as a part of the Struts framework. For some time now, XWork has effectively
been little more than a component of Struts 2 that lives outside the ASF, and
bringing it here will reflect reality as well as simplify our dependency and
release management.

We have not added any new committers or PMC members this quarter.

Attachment T: Status report for the Apache Tapestry Project

Tapestry development was very relaxed over the summer. There's been a
bit of bug fixing for the 5.2 release. Mailing list activity has been

A community-based effort to improve the organization of our online
documentation is in progress.

We are in the process of expanding our PMC, adding active committers.

We are in the midst of a discussion on the mechanics of moving the Tapestry
code base to a Git repository.

Attachment U: Status report for the Apache Tcl Project

Not a great deal to report in Tcl land.

Ronnie Brunner called a vote on a new release of Websh, which was
approved, and the release subsequently happened.

Attachment V: Status report for the Apache Velocity Project

This very short Board report for October 2009 is submitted, with
apologies, following missed reports for August and September 2009.  We
presume our regular reporting schedule will resume with the November
2009 reports.

Activity in the Velocity project has been quiet in the past few
months.  There have been a handful of commits and no new releases
since the last report in May.  Mailing lists are low traffic but still
active with about a message a day.  All questions are promptly replied
to by one of the active committers or others in the community.

The Velocity project currently has no board-level issues at this time.

End of minutes for the October 21, 2009 board meeting.
