Links: 2009 - All years
- Original The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
November 18, 2009
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 2:00pm (Pacific) and began at
2:02 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a
quorum was recognized by the chairman. The meeting was held
via teleconference, hosted by Jim Jagielski and SpringSource.
IRC #asfboard on was used for backup
2. Roll Call
Directors Present:
Shane Curcuru
Doug Cutting
Justin Erenkrantz
Roy T. Fielding (stepped out 2:51-2:54pm)
Jim Jagielski
Geir Magnusson, Jr.
Brian McCallister
Brett Porter
Greg Stein
Directors Absent:
Officers Present:
Sam Ruby
Sander Striker
Officers Absent:
Philip M. Gollucci
Craig L Russell
David Crossley
Brian Fox
3. Minutes from previous meetings
Minutes (in Subversion) are found under the URL:
A. The meeting of October 21, 2009:
See: board_minutes_2009_10_21.txt
Approved by General Consent.
B. The meeting of November 1, 2009:
See: board_minutes_2009_11_01.txt
Approved by General Consent.
4. Executive Officer Reports
A. Chairman [Jim]
The last month has been spent pretty much on board-related and
ApacheCon (and our 10th anniversary/birthday) events. There's been
a lot of very good discussion, both f2f as well as on-lists and
we are making headway into some very hairy issues, as seen by the
PRC re-org as well as our feedback to Concom. But there is more
to be done, witness allowing the new post-PRC cmmts to work and
flourish as well as EA issue.
At ApacheCon (as well as the weeks heading into it), I spent some
time providing interviews and the like, related to the ASF and
our 10th birthday. This is winding down now.
At ApacheCon, Greg, Sander, Justin and I met with most of our
sponsors to get feedback as well as provide some insight into
what has been going on. As a result, Greg will be/has requested
a sponsors@ mailing list that we can use to streamline communications
between ourselves and our sponsors.
I am starting to draft our "year in review" letter.
We will be appointing new officers this meeting. No matter how
it shapes up, I have enjoyed my time as Chairman and feel that I
have been quite successful in its duties and under my Chairmanship,
the board has achieved some goals which had been on our plates for
quite some time. I have appreciated your trust.
B. President [Justin]
We recently had our ApacheCon US 2009 in Oakland and we had
about 500 attendees to celebrate our 10th anniversary for
those who couldn't make Amsterdam earlier this year. Much
kudos to the US planning team and the rest of ConCom for
pulling off the show! As Jim mentioned in his report, we also
had the opportunity to touch base face-to-face with a number of
our sponsors to get their feedback. I also had numerous discussions
with members of the press about Apache and our activities - most
of those are detailed further in the PRC report. Many many thanks
to Sally for shepherding us all through this event!
After ApacheCon, I traveled to Europe to talk at an internal
SAP open-source event. SAP is still determining how to get
more involved with open-source. They are already a member of
the Eclipse Foundation and a member of the JCP, and are starting
to contribute to some Apache projects (mostly still in the
Incubator). I also talked to some SAP developers who are
interested in submitting some more projects to the Incubator.
Matt Asay, from Alfresco and CNet, was also in attendance and
blogged about my talk:
I will be giving a variation of this talk in Beijing and
Colombo in the next few weeks at Apache Asia Roadshow 2009.
C. Treasurer [Geir]
Books are currently up to date as of 2009-11-17 for checking,
savings and credit card accounts.
- Current PayPal balance as of 11/17 is $14,642.93. Contributions
for Oct 2009 were $1,159.11 This is not reflected in
statement of position below.
- OSCOM contribution ~$18k.
Tasks Done:
- all approved bills paid except for Geir's expense claim for CSC payment
- to best of my knowledge, all TAC and similar expenses complete and paid
- new credit card for Philip
- documentation for full account access to PayPal (thanks Aaron)
- resent Sander's wire (during board meeting, so it counts!)
In Progress:
- We're over the top with respect to standard FDIC and 'great
recession' FDIC programs for insurance so starting to explore
alternatives. First thought is short term US Treasuries
- Taxes
To Do:
- review switching from accrual to cash accounting
- invoice to GOOG for GSoC
- need to start gathering CC receipts from CC holders. E.g ACON09
1) Statement of Financial Income and Expense - October 2009 - Accrual Basis
Ordinary Income/Expense
Interest Income 155.96
Total Income 155.96
Bank Service Charges 337.54
Postage and Delivery 19.95
Program Expenses
Colocation Expenses 518.00
Hardware Purchases 4,892.25
Infrastructure Staff 9,319.20
Total Infrastructure 14,729.45
Public Relations
Public Relations Staff 185.20
Total Public Relations 185.20
Conference Expenses 2,502.16
Program Expenses - Other 2,687.50
Total Program Expenses 20,104.31
Total Expense 20,461.80
Net Ordinary Income -20,305.84
Net Income -20,305.84
2) Statement of Financial Position - As of October 31, 2009 - Accrual Basis
Oct 31, 09 Oct 31, 08 $ Change % Change
Current Assets
PayPal 12,513.63 2,814.18 9,699.45 344.7%
Wells Fargo Analyzed Account 281,575.29 24,225.79 257,349.50 1,062.3%
Wells Fargo Savings 284,703.16 158,411.00 126,292.16 79.7%
Total Checking/Savings 578,792.08 185,450.97 393,341.11 212.1%
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable 0.00 200,000.00 -200,000.00 -100.0%
Total Accounts Receivable 0.00 200,000.00 -200,000.00 -100.0%
Total Current Assets 578,792.08 385,450.97 193,341.11 50.2%
TOTAL ASSETS 578,792.08 385,450.97 193,341.11 50.2%
Current Liabilities
Credit Cards
ASF Credit Card - Paul Querna 4,974.72 0.00 4,974.72 100.0%
ASF Credit Card - Ruby 2,990.90 857.39 2,133.51 248.8%
ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz 3,577.03 2,317.20 1,259.83 54.4%
Total Credit Cards 11,542.65 3,174.59 8,368.06 263.6%
Total Current Liabilities 11,542.65 3,174.59 8,368.06 263.6%
Total Liabilities 11,542.65 3,174.59 8,368.06 263.6%
Retained Earnings 363,648.74 261,948.68 101,700.06 38.8%
Net Income 203,600.69 120,327.70 83,272.99 69.2%
Total Equity 567,249.43 382,276.38 184,973.05 48.4%
TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 578,792.08 385,450.97 193,341.11 50.2%
Sander will check again on the wire.
Discussion on the coordination of the payment schedule and
renewal of PR Staff.
D. Secretary [Sam]
Minutes for both of the previous board meetings are available for review.
A burst of faxes have come in recently (many due to the impending
incubation of Subversion), and Craig has been doing an excellent job of
keeping up with the deluge. Sebb has continued with his tireless job
of auditing and cleanup.
Joe Schaefer's auto-renewing Consultant Services Agreement was signed,
scanned, and stored in subversion, as well as the three month
Consulting Services Agreement for Gavin McDonald.
A credit card for Philip M. Gollucci was received, and I will arrange
for this to be forwarded to him.
E. Executive Vice President [Sander Striker]
Verbal report: echoed Justin's report, highlight being
Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
5. Additional Officer Reports
1. VP of JCP [Geir Magnusson Jr]
See Attachment 1
Open Foundation for JCP to be covered as a discussion item.
2. W3C [Jim Jagielski]
See Attachment 2
Roy would prefer that Larry discuss the OWFa license with the
W3C on behalf of the OWF and not as the ASF rep. Otherwise,
not an immediate concern for the ASF.
3. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby]
See Attachment 3
4. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Justin]
See Attachment 4
5. Apache Conference Planning Project [Nóirín Shirley / Jim]
See Attachment 5
6. Apache Public Relations Project [Shane Curcuru]
See Attachment 6
Shane informed the board that he signed a four month extension contract
with HALO.
7. Apache Infrastructure Team [Philip M. Gollucci / Justin]
See Attachment 7
H. Apache Travel Assistance Committee [Gavin McDonald / Brian]
No report provided.
Brian to ensure that the next report covers two months.
Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
6. Committee Reports
A. Apache Abdera Project [Ant Elder / Roy]
See Attachment A
Roy to suggest that Abdera recruit on the Atom lists.
B. Apache Ant Project [Conor MacNeill / Greg]
See Attachment B
C. Apache Beehive Project [Eddie O'Neil / Brett]
No report provided - see Attic resolution.
D. Apache Buildr Project [Alex Boisvert / Shane]
See Attachment D
E. Apache C++ Standard Library Project [Martin Sebor / Geir]
See Attachment E
F. Apache Cocoon Project [Vadim Gritsenko / Roy]
See Attachment F
G. Apache Continuum Project [Emmanuel Venisse / Shane]
See Attachment G
H. Apache CouchDB Project [Damien Katz / Jim]
See Attachment H
I. Apache Forrest Project [David Crossley / Brett]
See Attachment I
Jim notes that he liked the "what is Forrest" summary.
J. Apache HTTP Server Project [William A. Rowe Jr. / Greg]
See Attachment J
Board to discuss on the mailing list whether "monthly" needs
to be aligned with board meetings or can be up to committees
to decide.
K. Apache HttpComponents Project [Erik Abele / Geir]
See Attachment K
L. Apache Incubator Project [Noel J. Bergman / Justin]
See Attachment L
Justin to request that podlings that don't report be requested
to report the following months, and new incubator PMC members
be listed in the report.
M. Apache Lenya Project [Richard Frovarp / Brian]
See Attachment M
N. Apache Logging Project [Curt Arnold / Doug]
See Attachment N
A discussion as to whether or not it was necessary for PMCs as
a whole to review a report before it is submitted to the
board. Doug to ensure that the PMC is kept in the loop.
O. Apache PDFBox Project [Andreas Lehmkühler / Brett]
See Attachment O
P. Apache Perl Project [Geoffrey Young / Doug]
See Attachment P
Q. Apache POI Project [Nick Burch / Geir]
See Attachment Q
R. Apache Qpid Project [Carl Trieloff / Greg]
See Attachment R
S. Apache Roller Project [Dave Johnson / Roy]
See Attachment S
T. Apache Santuario Project [Raul Benito / Brian]
No report provided.
Brian to seek a report.
U. Apache Turbine Project [Scott Eade / Jim]
See Attachment U
V. Apache Tuscany Project [Ant Elder / Justin]
See Attachment V
W. Apache Velocity Project [Henning Schmiedehausen / Shane]
See Attachment W
X. Apache Xalan Project [David Bertoni / Brett]
See Attachment X
Y. Apache Xerces Project [Michael Glavassevich / Greg]
See Attachment Y
Board is OK with the idea of sub-project moving to the Attic.
Z. Apache XML Project [Gianugo Rabellino / Jim]
See Attachment Z
AA. Apache XML Graphics Project [Simon Pepping / Shane]
See Attachment AA
Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
7. Special Orders
A. Revoke Tetsuya Kitahata's Access and Privileges
WHEREAS, the Jakarta PMC heretofore granted Tetsuya Kitahata
committer status by virtue of his contributions to the Jakarta
Project in the form of translations of portions of the Jakarta
website, and
WHEREAS, Tetsuya Kitahata has misused the marks of this foundation
by associating these translations and his relationship with the ASF
with his personal endeavors, and without prior permission, and
WHEREAS, Tetsuya Kitahata persisted in these misrepresentations
despite numerous, repeated, and clear requests that he stop all such
activities, and
WHEREAS, Tetsuya Kitahata has requested the use of the ASF marks in
pursuit of these same activities that the ASF has previously and
consistently denied permission for,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Tetsuya's Kitahata's posting
privileges on all ASF mailing lists be revoked, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Tetsuya Kitahata's committer account
be revoked.
Special Order 7A, Revoke Tetsuya Kitahata's Access and
Privileges, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors
The board further requests that the Legal Affairs Committee take
primary responsibility for further interactions with Tetsuya Kitahata,
and that such committee work coordinates responses with the ASF Chair,
ASF President, and the VP of Brand Management.
B. Establish the Apache Click Project
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
open-source software related to a framework for creating
page and component oriented web applications, for distribution
at no charge to the public.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Click Project",
be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
Foundation; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Click Project be and hereby is
responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
related to a framework for creating page and component
oriented web applications; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Click" be
and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
of the Apache Click Project, and to have primary responsibility
for management of the projects within the scope of
responsibility of the Apache Click Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
Apache Click Project:
* Henning Schmiedehausen (
* Will Glass-Husain (
* Malcolm Edgar (
* Bob Schellink (
* Naoki Takezoe (
be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Click, to
serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification,
or until a successor is appointed; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Click PMC be and hereby is
tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
encourage open development and increased participation in the
Apache Click Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Click Project be and hereby
is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
Incubator Click podling; and be it further
RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
Incubator Click podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
Project are hereafter discharged.
Special Order 7B, Establish the Apache Click Project, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
C. Termination of the Beehive PMC
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it no longer in the best
interest of the Foundation to continue the Apache Beehive project
due to inactivity
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Apache Beehive
project is hereby terminated; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Attic PMC be and hereby is tasked with
oversight over the software developed by the Apache Beehive
Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Beehive" is
hereby terminated; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Beehive PMC is hereby terminated.
Special Order 7C, Termination of the Beehive PMC, was approved
by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
D. Executive officer appointments (order to be discussed @ meeting)
1. Appoint Chairman.
Candidates: Justin Erenkrantz, Jim Jagielski
Result: Jim Jagielski (unanimous)
2. Appoint President.
Candidates: Sander Striker, Justin Erenkrantz
Sam Ruby, Jim Jagielski
Result: Justin Erenkrantz elected with five votes.
Sam Ruby received three votes.
Sander Striker received one vote.
3. Appoint Secretary.
Candidate: Sam Ruby, Craig L Russell
Result: Sam Ruby (unanimous)
4. Appoint Asst. Secretary.
Candidates: Craig L Russell
Result: Craig L Russell (unanimous)
5. Appoint Treasurer.
Candidate: Geir Magnusson, Jr.
Result: Geir Magnusson, Jr. (unanimous)
6. Appoint Asst. Treasurer.
Candidates: J. Aaron Farr
Result: J. Aaron Farr (unanimous)
7. Appoint Executive Vice President.
Candidates: Sander Striker
Result: Sander Striker (unanimous)
Net change: Craig L Russell named Assistant Secretary; all incumbents
were reappointed.
E. Terminate the Apache Public Relations Committee
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it no longer in the best
interest of the Foundation to continue the Apache Public
Relations Committee, an ASF Board Committee, due to the
overly broad scope of the committee, and
WHEREAS the Board of Directors has before it resolutions that
create several separate Vice President roles that will assume
the remaining duties of the Apache Public Relations Committee,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Apache Public Relations
Committee be and hereby is no longer responsible for handling
public relations, managing the Apache brand and image, performing
outreach and announcements, and raising funds as necessary tasks
to sustain the operation of the Foundation and assist the creation
and maintenance of open-source software for distribution at no
charge to the public; and be it further
RESOLVED, that Shane Curcuru is relieved and discharged from
the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President,
Apache Public Relations Committee; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Public
Relations Committee" is hereby terminated; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Public Relations Committee is hereby
Special Order 7E, Terminate the Apache Public Relations
Committee, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors
F. Appoint a Vice President of Brand Management
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
Foundation's purpose to appoint an officer responsible
for Brand Management, including but not limited to
management of the ASF's trademarks, service marks, and
related ASF logos.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the office of
"Vice President, Brand Management" be and hereby created,
the person holding such office to serve at the direction
of the Board of Directors, and to have primary responsibility
of managing the ASF's trademarks and brand; and be it further
RESOLVED, that Shane Curcuru be and hereby is appointed to
the office of Vice President, Brand Management, to serve in
accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board
of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7F, Appoint a Vice President of Brand
Management, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors
The board further acknowledges that officer's committee was established
to assist in this work, initially consisting of: Upayavira, Jukka
Zitting, Craig L Russell, Grant Ingersoll, Nóirín Shirley, Jim
Jagielski, Lawrence Rosen and Doug Cutting.
G. Appoint a Vice President of Fundraising
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
Foundation's purpose to appoint an officer responsible
for Fundraising, including but not limited to ensuring that
income from Sponsorships and donations from the public
are sufficient to sustain the ASF.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the office of
"Vice President, Fundraising" be and hereby created,
the person holding such office to serve at the direction
of the Board of Directors, and to have primary responsibility
of raising funds to sustain the ASF; and be it further
RESOLVED, that Serge Knystautas be and hereby is appointed to
the office of Vice President, Fundraising, to serve in
accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board
of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7G, Appoint a Vice President of Fundraising, passes with
eight yes votes, and one abstention.
The board further acknowledges that officer's committee was established
to assist in this work, initially consisting of: Greg Stein, Justin
Erenkrantz, Upayavira, Nóirín Shirley, Phil Steitz, Sally Khudairi and
Gianugo Rabellino.
H. Appoint a Vice President of Marketing and Publicity
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
Foundation's purpose to appoint an officer responsible
for Marketing and Publicity, including but not limited to
promoting general awareness of the ASF's mission and it's
projects and communities.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the office of
"Vice President, Marketing and Publicity" be and hereby created,
the person holding such office to serve at the direction
of the Board of Directors, and to have primary responsibility
of Marketing and Publicity; and be it further
RESOLVED, that Sally Khudairi be and hereby is appointed to
the office of Vice President, Marketing and Publicity, to serve in
accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board
of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7H, Appoint a Vice President of Marketing and
Publicity passes with seven yes votes, and two abstentions.
The board further acknowledges that officer's committee was established
to assist in this work, initially consisting of: Jim Jagielski.
I. Change the Perl-Apache Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Geoffrey Young
to the office of Vice President, Perl-Apache, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
of Geoffrey Young from the office of Vice President, Perl-Apache,
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Perl-Apache
project has chosen by vote to recommend Philippe Chiasson as the
successor to the post;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Geoffrey Young is relieved and
discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
of Vice President, Perl-Apache, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Philippe Chiasson be and hereby is
appointed to the office of Vice President, Perl-Apache, to
serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7I, Change the Perl-Apache Project Chair, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the eight directors present.
8. Discussion Items
A. Set a date/time for the next members meeting. Jim proposes Jan 2010.
Deferred to the list.
B. Discussion of having the ASF create a replacement for the JCP.
Deferred to the list.
C. Scheduling of officer appointments
Agreed that scheduling officer appointments a few months after board
elections is a guideline but not a hard requirement.
9. Review Outstanding Action Items
* Roy: Follow-up with Buildr on their use of git.
-> not done yet
* Jim: Follow-up with AlexK regarding use of api@ list.
-> Done: It is an open list but has seen limited use.
* Roy: Update /dev with rule that invitation only dev meetings are OK,
provided that such meetings are discussed on the dev list, and
that all committers are included.
-> Not done yet.
* Jim: Follow up with the Incubator to ensure that all podlings report
on what they need to do for graduation.
-> Done.
* Roy: Get with Carl Trieloff and suggest improvements to the Qpid report
so that it can meet board expectations.
-> Not done yet.
* Geir: Get with Gregory Trubetskoy to determine if Quetzalcoatl is
expected to improve or if the project should be moved to the
-> Reassigned to Greg.
* Justin: Obtain invoice for Filmworks project
-> Donation received, no invoice yet.
* Geir: Followup with Gavin to ensure that all TAC charges are accounted
-> Done.
* Shane: Seek report from Beehive and/or create an attic resolution.
-> See submitted resolution in this agenda.
* Justin: Resolve git/svn issues with Infrastructure and Tapestry.
-> Not done yet.
10. Unfinished Business
11. New Business
12. Announcements
13. Adjournment
Adjourned at 3:40 p.m. (Pacific)
Attachment 1: Report from the VP of JCP
Another slow month while the world breathlessly awaits the decision
of the EU re the ORCA deal.
JCP activity has been light - a few NDAs, a few TCKs.
There was an excellent blog by the CTO of SAP regarding the need for
Java to be free.
Attachment 2: Report from the ASF Rep. for W3C
[initial, draft, report provided by Sam Ruby]
Sam Ruby attended the W3C AC meeting in Santa Clara on the ASF's behalf. Not
much discussed that can be publicly minuted or is of direct concern to the
ASF's business; in general much of the discussion dealt with attempting to
find ways for the W3C to improve the value it provides to members, and to make
people aware of things like the new look and feel to the W3C website.
A new (and member confidential) mailing list has been set
up with the ASF to allow members to coordinate ASF participation in the W3C.
W3C AC notifications are automatically being forwarded to this mailing list.
Larry Rosen has joined the W3C Patents and Standards Interest Group,
representing the ASF. He's exploring the use of OWFa as a potential solution
to the use cases provided by the HTML WG:
Jim has indicated a desire to step down as the W3C AC representative for the
ASF, and discussion has begun on a replacement.
Attachment 3: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee
Things are running smoothly, a few items that the board may wish to be aware
of and/or directly participate in:
1) Working with Sonatype to determine how best enable their company to succeed
while preserving the ASF's right to enforce a Trademark on the term Maven.
2) Debate on the suitability of the OWFa specification license within the ASF.
At the moment, this discussion is hypothetical, as the ASF has no codebases
intending to implement specifications under such licenses. This may become
relevant as this license is being proposed for consideration by the W3C.
3) Early discussions on how to deal with individuals that continue to misuse
our trademarks even after repeated requests. One result of this discussion
can be found as resolution 7A on today's meeting agenda.
4) ASF Corporation status was renewed by Jim.
5) Richard Hall is coordinating access to the OSGi CT.
Attachment 4: Status report for the Apache Security Team Project
For October 2009: There continues to be a steady stream of reports
of various kinds arriving at These continue to
be dealt with by the security team.
2 Support question
4 Security vulnerability question, but not a vulnerability report
2 Vulnerability report of which
1 [infrastructure xss, via]
1 [httpd, via]
Attachment 5: Status report for the Apache Conference Planning Project
- Apache Roadshow Asia 2009 is transitioning from planning to execution
with a great deal of activity around web/wiki sites, press, registration,
etc. Communications are happening on the planners-2009-asia internal
mailing list and an update will be provided for the December report.
- ApacheCon US 2009 is a wrap, summary will be in the December report.
- Apache Retreat, Wicklow IE, registration continues to gather steam.
- Additional activity around new gatherings was fostered during AC/Oakland
and these proposals will be appearing on the board report as the event
teams are assembled with interest in creating each of these meetups/events.
Breaking news will be on the primary ApacheCon wiki
Attachment 6: Status report for the Apache Public Relations Project
= = =
PRC Update - Activities Undertaken 1 October - 13 November
= = =
Status of Individual Thank You letters? Phil Steitz stated that he'll
help Geir get these done. These seem to not have gone out yet.
PRC restructuring: please see resolutions disbanding the PRC board
committee and instead creating several VP's to manage more focused parts
of the activities of the PRC.
= = =
Jim resigned from PRC.
Numerous proposals regarding the reorg of PRC: Sally (again), Shane,
Jukka, and Craig were sent out and discussed.
After much debating, polling, jabbing, and voting, Shane is the new VP PRC.
Sally notes that nobody seems interested in ASF Marketing & Publicity.
No ack or response from a single soul to her second request for
Bertrand received a prc@ subscription request from a PMC chair who's not
a member who wants to participate on the PRC list. Request declined.
= = =
Bertrand followed up regarding their experience at the Open World Forum,
both onsite, as well as with the organizers. Sally sent a 5-point
proposal for improving our working relationship with them moving
forward. It's an important event to participate in, with 1,500+
attendees, and a likely one for us to want to become more involved in.
The UInnsbruck-MIT Branding Study team followed up with participating in
the next stage in their study on Apache. Sally sent out a call to the
Membership and ASF Sponsors to help streamline the online survey which
will be disseminated to the general public.
Leo Simons forwarded a request from Rachel Willmer, who was seeking
sponsorship and nominations for the UK Open Source awards (November
2009). We don't plan to sponsor or have a formal presence at the event.
Received a conference Participation Request for S&SV's Open Source
Expo/Nov 2009 - Isabel Drost and Simon Wittenour will be doing this,
with Ross as the mentor.
Justin James, a reporter/blogger who's covered ApacheCon, is seeking any
interested Apache folk to speak at their CodeCamp/Jan 2010 in South
Carolina. No takers yet.
= = =
A new group spun out of the PRC, was dubbed "Outreach Sub-committee" for
a bit and then created as the Apache Community Development PMC, with
Ross as VP (during board retreat meeting). "ComDev" held their first
meeting onsite at ApacheCon during the BarCamp with plenty of attendees.
Sally suggests they take on the chairing of the Community Track at
ApacheCon. The board also minuted that they should consider taking on
oversight of community@ and women@.
= = =
See the board resolution creating a VP, Marketing & Publicity to take
over duties in this area in the future.
Sally and Justin connected with PRNewswire to renew our 10-release
nonprofit flat-rate package (our package purchased for 2008-2009 expired
in August; we submitted 8/10 releases). The rate remains the same --
$4,000 for 10 x US1 distributions (with no overage charges, vs. retail
rate of ~$650 for the first 400 words, plus overage charges). Even
though we didn't use the entire package last year, we saved at least
$1,200. We have already issued two press releases since the renewal
(i.e., 8 remain).
Received request to provide quote in SAP press release. Declined, but
helped review and wordsmith announcement.
Received request to review/approve a press release from SpringSource.
Received request to review/approve a press release from Yahoo! on the
Traffic Server code
"Comments" on Foundation blog were backed up in moderation - now fixed.
Sally forwarded Progress FUSE newsletter to demonstrate how we can
leverage our supporters to help spread the word.
Received request for ASF support for help share cost of live/archived
video streaming at ApacheCon with CollabNet. Request granted after
several negotiation go-rounds regarding license and content distribution
details. Concom is organizing the post-con video streams; the provider
will give concom the files under the Apache License after 90 days.
Tim Morin from fama PR requested the list of registered press. Sally
declined, as the company he represented (Organic) was neither a
conference sponsor or exhibitor (often PR firms who seek the list
without providing background information try to poach our contacts).
Cliff asked that we give it to them nonetheless, considering that he
co-founded the company with Brian. The list was forwarded; they
confirmed that they had no direct need for the list nor our assistance
at the time.
Sally worked very closely with PageOne in creating the PR strategy and
overseeing day-to-day tactics for ApacheCon.
We had a PRC table onsite at ApacheCon which was staffed by PageOne and
PRC team members on Wednesday and Thursday. The PageOne team filmed
"MyApache" shoutouts and handed out ApacheCon swag from the archives in
exchange for going on video.
HALO coordinated interviews, Filmworks appointments, meeting rooms,
press room, Sponsor meetings, ASF booth schedule, etc., during
conference. Busy!
We helped publicize trainings as well as general conference activities
and special events on the ASF's Twitter account.
Published more Filmworks clips and filmed "MyApache" shoutouts at the
Media Partner TheBitsource posted a series of interviews to promote
ApacheCon, including Brian Behlendorf's keynote, The President's Post
with Justin, The Essences of the ASF with Jim, Erik Hatcher on Apache
Lucene and Solr Search Applications trainings, Filip Hanik on Everything
Tomcat training, and Apache Hadoop training with Aaron Kimball. Thanks,
Guest blog entries by Jim, Justin, Shane, and Gianugo were published on
Media Partner Ostatic's site. Bertrand's is MIA; Sally is hunting it down.
MS issued media statement announcing ASF Sponsorship renewal; highlights
recent interview w/Justin
Our own Isabel Drost and Simon Willnaur covered ApacheCon for Heise
Online (Germany).
Raise a Glass campaign resulted in numerous press mentions, as well as
dedicated recognition from the Eclipse Foundation, NLUUG (The
Netherlands), and the Aeturnum team in Sri Lanka.
3 press releases issued: ApacheCon Keynotes + Sponsors; SVN joining the
Incubator (released on the CollabNet wire account); and Post-con/10th
Anniversary closing.
Jukka pinged us regarding re: press release for the upcoming Jackrabbit
2.0; will do this after ApacheCon.
Alex Karasulu pinged us re: press release for the new alliance between
the OpenLDAP and Apache Directory Projects; draft in progress.
Sally held Media Training at ApacheCon @ full capacity. Michael Cote of
RedMonk attended the session and held additional briefings/meetings with
select participants afterwards.
ASF birthday wishes from ApacheCon Europe/AMS Filmworks now online
We received 1 city proclamation for Apache Software Foundation Day
(Oakland) and 1 letter of recognition (State of California).
14 members of the press attended ApacheCon.
Total 656 press hits, including mentions by "friends" and on blogs; 467
from the week of ApacheCon alone.
= = =
See the board resolution creating a VP, Brand Management to take over
duties in this area in the future.
Jim forwarded a proposed mission for this group.
Matt Hall requested clarification for proper attribution for the ASF for
an article he's writing for the technical magazine of the Society of
Exploration Geophysicists.
Benson Margulies followed up on his query about the possible use of
several names related to Lucene for a commercial product, including
"Rosette Search Essentials for Lucene".
Iliya Bazlyankov inquires about using "Apache" in a domain name - his
client plans to use the website to give localized content about Apache.
Hasmin AbdulCader from WSO2 wanted to clarify if its OK to use the term
"Powered by Apache Projects"; we suggested that they use the "Powered
by" logo. Henning states that the logo is rather ugly; Sally mentioned
that she'd sent Upayavira an email asking if he can take this on now
whilst the other "branding/house style" stuff (such as the Website) is
in Discussion Mode.
We approved the use of the Apache/ASF projects logo/names for the track
border and/or car skin for the TORCS-NG racing game project .
Robert Burrell Donkin committed his suggested layout + instructions for
scaled business/MOO cards to be used at ApacheCon.
Mladen Turk was seeking the ASF Feather logo in windows .ico format in
resolution larger then 16x16 pixels.
Sebb forwarded an "offer" received from to purchase declined/ignored.
The PRC worked with the ApacheCon Asia Roadshow team re: the logo for
their upcoming event.
Inquiry received from a student at the University of Alabama re:
marketing analysis on Web Services and Axis2. He was referred to the
project dev list.
Steve Klabunde contacted us to ensure he's using the proper trademark
and attribution to ASF for Apache in documentation.
Gianugo points out that he has some issues with Shane's ownership and
use of which elicited followup discussion. No changes
were made.
Jim requested the SpringSource team to provide the proper attribution
(trademark statement) on several pages on their Website. Corrected.
Yonik Seeley states that there is a disconnect with some members on the
Lucene PMC regarding to how liberal we should be in granting trademark
use to others, and what's actually best for the projects. He's requested
that the Lucene PMC at least be consulted before decisions are made or
measures are taken against others when they involve Lucene project
Claudine Bianchi contacted us on behalf of Basis Technology on how to
best use the Apache Lucene/Solr logos in a paper that details their
products' use of Lucene/Solr.
The ASF banner will be transported to EU, and possibly returned to the
US in 2010 - Simon and Isabel will take it with them for the Open Source
Expo event in Germany, then will ship it to Nóirín for the Apache
Retreat in Ireland. We will be using the ASF FedEx account to cover the
transport costs.
Lincoln Sayger requested advice from us regarding the use of the ASF
logo in a slideshow on Web design, and the concept of a LAMP stack.
Danny Angus requested that the event banners need updating at as he uses that content on his
blog; forwarding to concom@ since it's currently only used for ApacheCon
and event related items.
Team-wide discussions re: "The Foo Company" (Foo = Apache Foo project
name); the Foo PMC and related players are also actively involved in the
= = =
See the board resolution creating a VP, Fundraising to take over duties
in this area.
Justin sent forth a proposed mission for this group.
Status of Individual Thank You letters? Phil Steitz stated that he'll
help Geir get these done.
Long-winded communication problems with a former Bronze Sponsor ensue;
per request, all actions regarding this sponsor are being handled at the
board level.
Onsite meetings arranged with Sponsors at ApacheCon. Greg Stein has
requested to join Jim, Justin, and Sally in the meetings as he
reportedly will assume Sponsor relations activities from HALO.
Successful meetings held with Microsoft, Progress, and HP; SpringSource
and Google had declined to meet in person (Mark/SpringSource wasn't in
attendance; Chris/Google was returning from travels and was
unavailable). A permanent contact/liaison at Yahoo! has yet to be named,
and our meeting requests were unanswered. In addition, they also met
with representatives from the CodePlex Foundation.
Received portion of Platinum Sponsorship fee from Microsoft.
Received Platinum Sponsorship fee from Yahoo!
= = =
6 October
Attendees -- Shane, Craig, Upayavira, Sally, Jim, Larry
* Branding/Graphic designs
- Upayavira discussed the graphic redesigns that he's been working on,
in consultation with Sally. He will post some of the designs and/or text
to the prc@ list so people can see where they're at. He and Sally are
leading on some new versions of printable flyers, cards, etc. that we
can use as collateral for events.
- Sally's graphic redesign goal is to create two versions of a common
copy deck, with different graphical flavors. Then the PRC can vote to
select which overall design is preferred. We hope to see a few drafts of
what Upayavira and Sally are thinking of, but hope they can complete the
draft versions on the side, and the whole PRC can choose between the end
* Organization
- We spent a while discussing how to organize PRC and make it more
effective. Expect to see more discussion on the list, as well as a
specific proposal from Craig.
- Splitting mailing lists: a number of people (Shane, Upayavira
included) have expressed difficulty in following the current list
traffic. Expect to see proposals to split functional groups into
separate mailing lists, which will concretely help some volunteers
participate. For those who don't like splitting lists, you can always
subscribe to them all and filter them into one folder.
- Strong leadership: we all agreed that having responsible leaders or
point people for each functional area is needed.
- Specific functional leaders need to be discussed on list, but we did
discuss potential VP, PRC candidates - i.e. an overall chair for the
existing PRC board committee. Sally, Shane, and Craig's name came up as
potential VP's. Larry cast a vote of confidence in saying that most of
the PRC participants could make fine VP candidates.
- We discussed issues to address if Sally is selected as VP, PRC.
-- Craig wants to ensure that we're not setting wider precedent or
example of having paid committee chairs (i.e. if Sally is chair, she's
also still going to be contracting via HALO, and thus is paid for some
of her work).
-- Shane noted that we would need to clearly document the reporting
structure for the paid contract, to ensure there's no conflict of interest.
-- Larry suggested that if VP, PRC is such a complex and time-demanding
position, why not hire staff for it?
- Craig plans to submit a PRC plan to the list, and suggests he'd be
willing to serve as VP, PRC, if that would make other decisions easier.
- In any case, Jim noted that he'd really like to see a PRC-acceptable
nominee for VP and chair by next week's telecon on Tuesday, so that we
can show progress on organizing the PRC to the board.
* Sponsorships
- Microsoft has paid part of their platinum sponsorship
renewal; rest is going to be invoiced.
- Sally notes that we expect to have sponsor meetings at ApacheCon,
likely with Sally/Jim/Justin. Microsoft in particular may want to talk
to infra folks about other ASF needs.
* Communications
- PR release going out tomorrow about ApacheCon, featuring keynotes and
* Trademarks
- Shane to add Craig's comments and Nóirín's Concom section to the DRAFT
Trademark guidelines, and post the completed doc to the list for a vote.
* Events
- Sally notes the Open World Forum issue: they were disorganized, how do
we work with them / do we want to work with them going forwards?
- Sally also notes a potential booth and stage space at the Open Source
Expo in Germany, produced by S&S Verlag. They are very interested in
Lucene, and Isabel Drost may volunteer to speak. Sally will forward
details to prc@, concom@Lucene. Sally will forward the proposal to prc@,
concom@ for discussion/approval.
13 October
Attendees: Shane, Nóirín, Larry, Justin, Sally. Jim, Craig, Jukka all
wanted to attend but had conflicts.
* Re-org proposals / VP volunteers
Larry asks about voting procedures; should we have a secret ballot or
other mechanisims? Shane points out that other similar votes are held
on pmc lists; i.e. private to the membership.
Justin suggests we just break it up now - we already have several
specific subgroups; we could simply create those groups right now.
Nóirín and Larry both hope to see a specific VP to tie together PRC
related activities - even if the subgroups do the work separately, they
hope to see one point of contact that rolls up reports, ensures the
subgroups communicate, etc.
Discussion of the website thread on members@: while PRC folks definitely
do want to improve the website, our focus is on organizing the content,
and ensuring the website is easy to update. While it's a great topic,
it's not something we can completely focus on quite yet.
* Trademark policy [VOTE]
Is out for a vote.
Larry asked if Karen saw any of her changes that got missed; no response
* ApacheCon or related marketing heads-up (if any)
Sally: no particular ApacheCon related announcements scheduled this
week. Normal marketing continuing and regular tweets are continuing to
go out.
Note: we are not currently publicizing the BFBB as free (it's currently
only for registered con attendees). The After Party on Wednesday will be
free to invited guests (and we have a number of them) only.
Sally: Berkeley is only .edu that responded to post ApacheCon stuff on
campus; still hoping to get any other edus to respond, ... Justin has
contacted Richard Taylor at UCIrvine to ask for ideas there as well.
Attachment 7: Status report for the Apache Infrastructure Team
Philip Gollucci was appointed VP Infra, replacing Paul Querna.
Brian Fox was added to the Infrastructure Team.
A podling's distribution directory was compromised due to lax
permissions (our hacker from August had installed a backdoor
script in a user's public_html directory). The offending
material was removed prior to being distributed to the mirrors.
A general cleanup of home-dirs with lax permissions was also
One of our virtual hosts was hacked, most likely due to a poor
choice of root passwords (and leaving remote-root-logins enabled).
The virtual host was summarily nuked as a result.
There was some confusion surrounding the creation of a DNS entry
for the upcoming Asia Roadshow event.
A general question was raised by Philip regarding how much Infra
has spent of its budget so far. Advice from the Treasurer would be helpful.
Sander Striker is pursuing a replacement for clarus.
Infra held a face-to-face meeting at ApacheCon. Notes were posted
to the infra-private list by Upayavira.
Tony Stevenson has started tackling LDAP again.
Chris Rhodes has been testing a service to provide web access to our private
archives to members.
The PDFBox TLP was created.
Subversion's repo has been migrated to the ASF repo.
Chris J. Davis began hacking up a new website for Apache.
Gavin McDonald continued to extend our buildbot offerings.
We seem to have unresolved issues with the tape library on bia (backups).
We're in discussions with HP regarding a hardware donation/loan.
We're in discussions with Thawte regarding SSL certificates.
Two disks have failed in nyx's (virtual machines) array. Tony Stevenson
has partially addressed the situation, but we need to purchase replacement
drives ASAP.
One disk has failed in eos's (websites, wiki) array. We're waiting for
a replacement drive to be purchased.
We're stalled on what to do about switch replacements. The current (24 port)
switches are essentially full, and we need to purchase a switch or two with
more ports to replace them.
Attachment 8: Status report for the Apache Travel Assistance Committee
Attachment A: Status report for the Apache Abdera Project
Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom
Syndication Format (RFC 4287) and Atom Publishing Protocol (RFC 5023)
specifications. Abdera graduated from the Incubator in November 2008.
Abdera has struggled to maintain a developer community, since
graduating there have been no releases, a total of 40 commits, and no
commits since June. A 1.0 release almost happened but a couple of main
developers left in the middle and the release was never published.
The last board reports were missed and last month I (not an Abdera
committer) became PMC chair as no one else would do it.
Despite the neglect Abdera has gained some traction as there's not
much else available for Java Atom support, there is still some
activity on the mailing lists, JIRAs get raised and patches get
posted, however its difficult to apply them as the last commits broke
trunk so it no longer builds. Since last month we've had some
discussion about resurecting the 1.0 release which looks like it will
now happen, then I'd like to get trunk fixed so it builds again and
start applying patches which may help get some old committers active
again, and also encourage some new ones. Realistically its going to be
tough, so in six months or so we may be looking at moving to the
Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Ant Project
o Current Releases
Ant Core
Ant 1.7.1 was released on June 27, 2008.
Ivy 2.1.0 was released on October 8, 2009.
IvyDE 2.0.0 was released on Jul 10, 2009
o Committers
We have recently added a new committer: Jonathan K. Schneider
o Community
No issues in the Ant community. Things continue to progress smoothly.
Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Buildr Project
Since August, there's been continued activity on both user@ and dev@
mailing list, as well as a steady stream of small contributions
(mostly in the form of bug fixes) from the community. Most notable was
our release of version 1.3.5 with a few new features and bug fixes
at the beginning of October. (
We are planning a 1.4.0 release hopefully before the end of the year
that should contain enhancements that did not get finished or merged
into 1.3.5 for lack of time/resources.
We have no issues that require board attention at the moment.
Attachment E: Status report for the Apache C++ Standard Library Project
Notable changes since previous report (August 2009):
All stdcxx activity, including mailing list traffic and source code
repository commits, continues to be very low.
Future plans:
Release the stdcxx 4.2.2 bugfix update. Attempt to increase project
activity to get help with providing experimental support for C++ 0x
in stdcxx 4.3.0, and complete support in 5.0. Migrate nightly build
and test infrastructure away from Rogue Wave based resources.
16 committers (N/C)
11 PMC members (N/C)
Bug tracking database changes since the last report:
Total issues: 1034 (+4)
Outstanding: 342 (+1)
Resolved: 166 (N/C)
Closed: 526 (+3)
Planned releases:
4.2.2 Winter 2009 (was Summer 2009)
4.3.0 Spring 2009 (was Winter 2009)
5.0.0 2010 - 2011
Release history:
4.2.1 May 1, 2008
4.2.0 October 29, 2007 (incubating)
4.1.3 January 30, 2006 (incubating)
4.1.2 September 7, 2005 (snapshot, incubating)
N/C = No Change.
Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Cocoon Project
* No PMC changes.
* No new committers.
Two blocks for the Cocoon 2.2 were released:
* Apache Cocoon Serializers Charsets 1.0.0
* Apache Cocoon Serializers Block 1.0.0
Ongoing Work
* With the exception of two releases for Cocoon 2.2, all of the ongoing work is
happening on the Cocoon 3 branch.
* GSoC student Dariusz Łuksza continues his work on the statistics module.
Attachment G: Status report for the Apache Continuum Project
Below are the important events that happened in the project since August.
* Continuum 1.3.4 (Beta) was released on September 4, 2009
Slowly working towards a GA release of Continuum 1.3.
Wendy Smoak spent considerable effort ensuring the issue tracker was up to
date so that current issues are visible.
A couple of developers continue to help maintain the Continuum instance on
VMBuild for Apache projects, and now also have access to a Windows machine
for testing. We're looking to reinstall these soon after the 1.3 GA release.
VMBuild was recently moved to a different VM box, and we plan to work with
infrastructure to ensure it meets their criteria for standardised VM
No board level issues at this time.
Attachment H: Status report for the Apache CouchDB Project
Released 0.10.0 our first beta.
New features in 0.10.0:
Cookie and OAuth authentication support
Windows build supports.
Continuous replication
Pure tail-append storage
More reliable and faster replication
Better RFC 2616 compliance
Several Futon (Admin UI) improvements
Native Erlang view servers
Filter API for filtered replication
Update API to parse client requests in JS
Windows Support
We are planning on 0.11.0 release for Feb. 1 and put CouchDB into feature
freeze for 1.0
Voted to add new committer. We haven't finalized it yet,
CouchDB is included in every Ubuntu 9.10 install.
Mozilla Raindrop, a messaging platform built on CouchDB, was released.
Attachment I: Status report for the Apache Forrest Project
Apache Forrest mission is software for generation of aggregated multi-channel
documentation maintaining a separation of content and presentation.
Issues needing board attention:
Be aware of response to last quarterly report's queries.
Changes in the PMC membership:
General status:
Development is still rather quiet, as noted in previous reports.
Issues on the user mail list are being attended to by various developers.
That list is extremely quiet this quarter.
Encouraged one new developer to send some documentation patches.
Those patches were applied. However, in general, the patch queue is not
getting shorter.
Some minimal progress with the upcoming release. See EHcache and licensing
notes below. See October discussion on the dev list. There are many aspects
where people can assist, but it seems difficult to encourage them to.
There was an attempt to re-kindle the project with a "Status and future
direction" discussion starter:
and a couple of other related threads around the same time. No substantial
outcome yet. The discussion (which we have had on various past occasions)
seems to have two important themes: Forrest, in terms of its original
intent, is still relevant to people; The current, overly complex,
implementation seems to be holding development back.
Sent an alert message to the private@ list to remind anyone who might not
be closely watching the dev list.
Sent an "assistance with Apache Forrest" message to every ASF project that
uses Forrest to manage its project website. Intentional multiple-meaning:
showed some useful facilities that people might not be aware of (e.g.
documenting how the Forrest project manages our own docs), and alerted
them to the Status thread, and asked to assist us.
Progress of the project:
Made some improvements with the method for declaring the licensing
situation for supporting products.
The license header situation for source files was already attended to.
Now also using Apache RAT (in incubation) to monitor.
Enabled EXSLT stylesheets to be utilised by core and by plugins and by
project sites.
A committer added a new iCal output plugin, which assists with virtual
meeting notes.
We replaced the custom caching implementation with EHCache in the
LocationMap feature. Given how integral the LM has become, this gives
us much better overall performance, concurrent behavior, and cache
configuration options.
No releases since 0.8 on 2007-04-18.
Attachment J: Status report for the Apache HTTP Server Project
httpd 2.2.14 was released this past quarter, and a patch was published
to address the ssl renegotiation vulnerability. Further patches and the
next release depend on the OpenSSL project's decisions and next release.
Additional module subprojects releases mod_fcgid 2.3.1-beta, 2.3.4 GA and
mod_ftp 0.9.6-beta all moved these efforts along.
The httpd project has resumed publishing 2.3 alpha release candidates
from trunk. Although problems have been reported, corrections to these
issues are moving ahead.
The two day httpd.conf track at ApacheCon was well attended. There was
a great deal of Hackathon discussion which has spawned list discussion
about what comes after 2.4 (the conclusion of 2.3-dev), with a diverse
set of input into that discussion.
Stefan Fritsch (sf) and Ryan Pan (pqf) were both added as committers to
httpd. There were no changes to the PMC in this timeframe.
There are no board level issues at this time.
Attachment K: Status report for the Apache HttpComponents Project
Status report for the Apache HttpComponents project - 11/2009
-- Status --
The project in general is floating along very smoothly; there are no
issues requiring the attention of the board.
-- Releases --
We have had one release since the last report:
13 September 2009 - HttpComponents HttpCore 4.1 Alpha 1
-- Community --
There were no changes in the composition of the committership since
the last report.
-- Development --
Development has slowed down a tiny bit after having reached two major
milestones (HttpCore 4.0 & HttpClient 4.0) recently.
Nevertheless, the first steps towards HttpCore 4.1 have been taken and
development activity is starting to pick up again.
Attachment L: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project
The Incubator is running smoothly, with nothing requiring the Board's
attention at this time.
The big news is no longer news: Subversion has been accepted into the
On other news, Pivot looks set to graduate, and is actively preparing to do
so. WSRP4J appears to have finally cleared its legal hurdles, and can move
Droids and Stonehenge, which are active and were represented at ApacheCon,
failed to report.
= Aries =
Aries will deliver a set of pluggable Java components enabling an enterprise
OSGi application programming model.
Aries entered incubation on September 22, 2009. This is our second board
There are currently no issues requiring IPMC or Board attention .
The svn area has been organized with a single trunk for now, though we still
need to settle the discussion about components lifecycle and the svn layout.
The application manifest component of the IBM contribution has been moved
out into the trunk. The blueprint component has undergone some further
enhancement and work is starting on an implementation of the OSGi JMX
The mailing lists was quieter this month, probably due to the apache
Top 2 or 3 things to resolve before graduation:
* Build community
* Create a release
* Address project scope concerns raised during acceptance vote
= Bluesky =
BlueSky has been incubating since 01-12-2008. It is an e-learning solution
designed to help solve the disparity in availability of qualified education
between well-developed cities and poorer regions of China.
What we've completed in the last month:
* API documents has been generated and committed to svn repos;
* Kevin volunteered as release manager and we are learning the last steps
of a release;
* Announced checklist of third-party library and checklist of release
documents in dev-mailing list;
top 2 or 3 to resolve prior to graduation:
* After last round of checking release documents and release source code
* Start a release vote in dev mailing list first and then vote in general
mailing list;
* community development
= Droids =
= PhotArk =
Apache PhotArk will be a complete open source photo gallery application
including a content repository for the images, a display piece, an access
control layer, and upload capabilities.
PhotArk was accepted for Incubation on August 19, 2008. PhotArk M1 was
released in Sept/27/2009.
Issues before graduation :
* Grow community
Luciano Resende is now a Mentor of Apache PhotArk.
We started seeing couple people showing interest in the community, a student
using the project for a class assignment, and a new contributor has
expressed some ideas that he wants to contribute and also started to provide
= Pivot =
Pivot is an open-source platform for building rich internet applications in
Java. It has been in incubation since January 2009.
Pivot 1.3 was released in September. This was a major feature release and
included a number of new features, bug fixes, and other enhancements.
A new Pivot tutorial highlighting a number of features included in Pivot 1.3
was published on IBM developerWorks:
The team is actively working on version 1.4. Pivot 1.4 is primarily a
documentation and bug fix release, though some new features will also be
Top 3 issues prior to graduation:
The Incubator PMC voted on a graduation proposal in September. The proposal
technically passed, but only by a very slim margin. As a result, Pivot PPMC
elected to cancel the vote and focus on the issues raised by those who
voted -1, in hopes that a more unanimous approval might be obtained later.
The primary concern was that the project had not yet established sufficient
community and was still largely driven by two of the initial committers.
Since that time, there has been a significant increase in activity from the
other committers, and the project has received several patches from outside
contributors. One such patch, an improvement to table column resizing, was
committed to the platform. The developer responsible for the patch
demonstrated very strong knowledge of the platform and would be considered
for addition as a committer should the quality of his code submissions
continue to be high.
The team hopes to present a renewed graduation proposal early next year, to
coincide with the release of Pivot 1.4.
= Stonehenge =
= Subversion =
Subversion entered the Incubator on November 7, 2009.
Discussions have been occurring on general@incubator with respect to
graduation requirements, and some options for the podling's mailing lists
and location in the main ASF Subversion repository. In addition, a number of
discussions have been occurring on Subversion's developer mailing list
( regarding the mailing lists (migration, shut
down, target address, etc), repository choices and location, which bug
tracker to use, website migration, and the buildbot system(s).
INFRA-2321 has been opened to track the code migration, and is scheduled for
the afternoon (EST) of Sunday, November 15th.
INFRA-2324 has been opened to construct the core five mailing lists for the
Subversion podling: dev@, users@, commits@, private@, and announce@. These
mailing lists will be built on the hostname. While
this is non-standard for a podling, discussion on general@incubator has
raised no issues with it. We will later backfill archives for these lists
with the content from their equivalents on
The software grant from Subversion Corporation was filed in ASF records on
November 14.
Many Subversion developers have been sending ICLAs into the ASF. An initial
batch of *eighteen* account requests has been sent to root. There are
fifteen(!) Subversion committers who already had accounts at the ASF, and
they will simply be added to the authorization file for the Subversion
The project has an initial status file in place, and its checklist items are
being worked through. The podling is hoping that it can complete its work in
time to place a TLP resolution on the December Board meeting's agenda.
= VCL =
VCL has been incubating since December 2008. VCL is a cloud computing
platform for the management of physical and virtual machines.
Community Involvement
* The Apache VCL community is growing and people from several organizations
are contributing
* Questions about administration and end user use of Apache VCL are
being asked and answered on the project's vcl-dev and vcl-user lists
* A growing number of community members from multiple organizations are
answering questions
* Collaboration is occurring for architectural design and release planning
via the vcl-dev list
* Code patches have been discussed on the vcl-dev list and submitted to
the Jira issue tracking system
Release Preparation - Apache VCL 2.1
* The community is working to complete the final administrative tasks
required to issue the first release (Apache VCL 2.1)
* Josh Thompson has volunteered to act as the release manager for 2.1 per
the advice of Matt Hogstrom, one of the project mentors
* PGP keys have been created and added to the distribution area
* A release candidate artifact has been created and is currently being
* Code and documentation updates are being made to the release candidate
per community consensus
* The tasks required to complete the release are being discussed on the
vcl-dev list
* Jira is being used to track the release tasks and to assemble the release
* Release procedures are being documented as the community develops its
release process
3rd Party Dependencies
* Procedures for handling 3rd party dependencies are being worked out by
the VCL community with help from the ASF legal-discuss list
* Major components of VCL are written in Perl and the Apache VCL release
will only contain Perl code developed by the ASF
* A Perl interpreter and supplemental Perl modules are required. These are
licensed under the Artistic License, GPL, and LGPL.
* Concerns were brought up by the project mentors and a question was posed
to the legal-discuss list. The question was answered and we are working on
implementing the recommendation.
Project Name
* The Apache VCL project name issue has been resolved
* NCSU has taken steps to clearly indicate on its Apache VCL instance
website that Apache VCL is developed by the ASF
* References to NCSU have been removed from the code
* NCSU employees affiliated with the Apache VCL project routinely
communicate that VCL is an ASF project and encourage colleagues of other
organizations to do the same
* A large amount of documentation has been added to the project's
Confluence site
* People from multiple organizations have contributed to improving the
documentation, both by editing the pages themselves and by pointing out
areas for improvement on the lists
Unresolved Issues
* As noted in the May 2009 report questions were asked of the mentors
regarding the rules governing wiki contributions from individuals who have
not signed the CLA. It is the community's understanding that a separate wiki
will be needed one for official documentation included with releases and one
containing contributions from individual who have not signed the CLA. A
request has been made to one of the mentors who had offered to create a
2nd wiki instance. This has not been completed yet.
* A request has been made to the mentors to create a Confluence committers
group that contains the Apache VCL community members with a CLA on file
* A request has been made to the mentors to create a Jira Committers role
that contains the Apache VCL community members with a CLA on file
* Some committers have lost administrative access to Jira. The
project mentors have been asked to restore the permissions.
Top Issues Before Graduation
* Complete the release of Apache VCL 2.1
* Continue to increase contributors from multiple institutions
= Wookie =
Apache Wookie (Incubating) is a project to create open source software for
adding widgets to your applications. It has been in incubation since July
* No issues currently require IPMC or Board attention
* Source code has now been imported to Apache SVN
* ASF sanctioned Widgets/Wookie Meetup meetup in London (13th Oct)
* Directly resulted in the engagement of a new member of the community
* reported issues
* enhanced the ELGG plugin
* OpenSocial/SocialSite/Wookie meetup at ApacheCon
* short presentation on Wookie - some interest but most attendees present
for Shindig
* enabled three of the mentors to meet and discuss graduation location
* JIRA Activity is increasing and patches from external contributors are
starting to arrive
Items for next reporting period:
* Remove GPL dependencies
* First Apache release
Items to be resolved before graduation:
* Create a release
* Develop community
= Wink =
Apache Wink is a project that enables development and consumption of REST
style web services. The core server runtime is based on the JAX-RS (JSR 311)
standard. The project also introduces a client runtime which can leverage
certain components of the server-side runtime. Apache Wink will deliver
component technology that can be easily integrated into a variety of
Apache Wink has been incubating since 2009-05-27.
Notable Activity:
* Added Mike Rheinheimer as a committer
* Voted and approved a 1.0 release with bug fixes and API stabilization.
* Created a migration document from Apache Abdera to Apache Wink for Feeds
Planned Activity:
* More updates to documentation on cwiki
* Updates to comply with JAX-RS 1.1
Top issues before graduation:
* Looking into how to interact with other communities
* Build community
= WSRP4J =
The WSRP4J Project is an implementation of WSRP 1.0 Producer. WSRP is an
OASIS specification that describes a protocol which allows portlets to be
accessed remotely using Web Services.
The WSRP4J Project has been adopted by the Portals PMC, while still in the
Apache Incubator, since August 2003, with the intent to graduate as a
sub-project of Apache Portals.
* There is no project activity to report since the last report of August
* The IPR issue has been reviewed by the Legal Affairs Committee and
formally stated to be OK with WSRP4J releasing and graduating.
Many thanks to Niclas Hedhman for helping out enormously with this!
* The project now hopefully will get back into action and start cleaning up
the codebase, removing/replacing incompatible licensed dependencies
(Hibernate) and working towards a first release.
* Still standing issue from last report: The current mentors haven't been
interactive in a very long time, maybe other/new mentors might be interested
to step up?
[October report follows]
The Incubator is running smoothly, with nothing requiring the Board's
attention at this time.
There is a vote underway to graduate the Click project as a TLP. Lucene.NET
has been voted on by the Incubator PMC and the Lucene PMC to transfer to a
Lucene sub-project.
As was discussed in last month's report, the Aries project (OSGi-related)
has now been accepted for Incubation, and reported (below). The Geronimo
project is already working with and contributing to the Aries project.
= Ace =
Apache ACE is a software distribution framework that allows you to centrally
manage and distribute software components, configuration data and other
artifacts to target systems. ACE started incubation on April 24th 2009.
There are currently no issues requiring board or Incubator PMC attention.
* Angelo van der Sijpt accepted our invitation to become a committer, after
contributing various patches related to a new Web UI.
* Toni Menzel contributed patches to migrate to a customized, Pax Runner
based launcher and integrate the Web UI in Apache Felix Web Console.
* The GWT based Web UI is now fully functional. A lot of work has gone into
* An Apache Felix Web Console plugin was created so the ACE UI can also be
displayed inside that console.
* Target artifacts are now built by Pax Runner, allowing us to easily use
any OSGi framework implementation to run the software on.
* The configurator we use can now update configuration data on the fly.
* Fixed a lot of integration tests run in our continuous build. A few bugs
still remain.
Licensing and other issues:
* None at the moment.
Things to resolve prior to graduation:
* Make a release.
* Grow the community some more.
= Aries =
Aries will deliver a set of pluggable Java components enabling an enterprise
OSGi application programming model.
Aries entered incubation on September 22, 2009. This is our first board
There are currently no issues requiring IPMC or Board attention .
All infra resources have been set up (svn / site / mailing lists) very
quickly. The svn area has been organized with a single trunk for now, though
we still need to settle the discussion about components lifecycle and the
svn layout. IBM has contributed some code that has been imported into svn
and the JNDI modules have already been imported into trunk. Both Geronimo
contribution (OSGi Blueprint Services) and ServiceMix contribution (OSGi
Transaction Manager) have been imported into trunk.
On the community side, we've already voted 3 additional committers (Adam
Wojtuniak, Alan Keane and Niclas Hedhman) who had expressed their interest
in joining the project just after the acceptance vote on the proposal was
There is a lot of discussions and activity on the mailing lists.
Top 2 or 3 things to resolve before graduation:
* Build community
* Create a release
* Address the project scope concerns raised during acceptance vote
= Bluesky =
BlueSky has been incubating since 01-12-2008. It is an e-learning solution
designed to help solve the disparity in availability of qualified education
between well-developed cities and poorer regions of China.
What we've completed in the last month:
* Instead of using ARTS, we replace it simply by basic soundcard write
* Solve all the legal issues lies in RealClass system and upload whole
source code of the four components to Apache SVN repos;
* update the incubation status page:
BlueSky wiki:
BlueSky official website:
* Remove Hibernate module from MersMp system;
top 2 or 3 to resolve prior to first release:
* Use doxygen to generate API documents of RealClass system
* Replace Hibernate module with other library compatible with ASL
= Chemistry =
Apache Chemistry is an effort to provide a Java (and possibly others, like
JavaScript) implementation of the upcoming CMIS specification. Chemistry
entered incubation on April 30th, 2009.
There are currently no issues requiring board or Incubator PMC attention.
* No notable community changes.
* Development continues at a steady pace, mostly driven by Florent
Guillaume and Gabriele Columbro.
* A full 0.62/0.70 CMIS AtomPub binding TCK contributed and maintained
against the spec by David Caruana
* The codebase is currently split to two branches, targeting different
draft versions of CMIS.
* Chemistry is planning to use as a Maven
deployment target
Issues before graduation
* Stabilize the general interest into a sustainable development
* Make sure that all licensing details conform with Apache policies
* Create an Apache release of the Chemistry codebase
= Empire-db =
Empire-db is a relational data persistence component that aims to overcome
the difficulties, pitfalls and restrictions inherent in traditional Object
Relational Management (ORM) approaches. Empire-db is on the Apache
Incubator since July 2008.
After we had completed development activities on release 2.0.5 in July we
were hoping to get the release accepted by our mentors the Incubator PMC
within a couple of weeks. Unfortunately we first faced the problem that due
to vacation time we were not able to get a mentors vote on our PMC. With
recommendation of one of your mentors we then decided to move on to the
IPMC. Again we did not get many responses at first, but finally we found
some reviewers who discovered some incomplete or inconsistent documentation
issues and raised some concerns about the content of the distribution files
and maven artifacts. After we had corrected these issues and after
presenting a new release candidate to the IPMC new issues came up that had
not been raised before and in the end it took us 6 lengthy iterations before
we finally got our release accepted by the incubator PMC. After the approval
of Empire-db 2.0.5 the new release was published in the Maven repository and
on our website. Now that the new project structure has been established and
approved we hope that the release process of our next release will run a lot
smoother and quicker.
Meanwhile new plans have been made for our next release where intend to
provide a code generator that allows generation of the data model class
files from an existing database. For this a new subproject and the
corresponding JIRA tasks have already been set up. As such a suggestion has
been raised by one of our users, We are hoping to get new users involved in
our development team.
The project's top 3 things to resolve prior to graduation:
* Grow a larger community
* Roll out a second maven-based release
= Imperius =
Imperius has been incubating since November 2007.
Imperius is a rule-based policy evaluation engine based on the CIM-SPL
language from Distributed Management Task Force (
In September, CIM-SPL was ratified as a DMTF standard. See
In September, Sun made an interim build of Imperius available as part of its
Open Solaris effort. The build can be found at
In September, IBM made their Policy Management Library based on Imperius
available on its alphaWorks site at
There has been some forward progress in the Imperius community in the past 3
After discussion, a number of bugs were fixed with an en masse commit.
There has also been progress towards an initial release by the community. A
release candidate was created. Problems were found with this and are being
In general, communication within the community continues to be limited and
Things to resolve prior to graduation:
* Create an Apache release
* Grow the community
= JSPWiki =
JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007.
JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program.
Development on the trunk has picked up again after the summer, with focus on
three areas: improving the quality of the JCR back-end, completing the
migration of the MVC presentation layer, and stabilizing the trunk now that
the JCR back-end is in place. Progress on all fronts continues. Over the
last quarter, for example, unit test compliance has risen from the low 80s to
nearly 99.5%.
Of the 27 items on the graduation checklist, 18 are complete. Two of the
remaining items are documentation related: writing the charter and IP process
The most significant remaining task is to release a 3.0.0-incubating-alpha1
With the increasing stability of the trunk, an alpha release in the near
term looks increasingly likely. All other remaining checklist items are
purely ASF process and infrastructure related.
The developer list currently has 86 members, a minor increase from 83; and
the user list has 187 members, an increase of nine people.
= Olio =
Olio is a web 2.0 toolkit to help developers evaluate the suitability,
functionality and performance of various web technologies by implementing a
reasonably complex application in several different technologies.
The developers are working on a second release - 0.2. This release features
more alignment between the different implementations, performance
enhancements, code cleanup, bug fixes etc. This will be the first binary
release for the Java implementation.
Even without a kit release, the Java implementation already has several
users. Olio is continuing to gain users and being used for diverse purposes.
There are 30 subscribers to the user list and 30 subscribers to dev.
There are over a hundred JIRA issues filed, and continuous activity toward
closing them (about 26 open currently)
Graduation From Incubation:
Diversity of committers is the primary issue with the project - we still
need to work on recruiting more committers from different
= Shiro =
Shiro is a powerful and flexible open-source application security framework
that cleanly handles authentication, authorization, enterprise session
management and cryptography.
Shiro has been incubating since June 2008.
We are very excited to report we have added Kalle Korhonen as our first new
committer since joining the incubator. This marks a big project milestone
for us as we continue to grow our community.
There remain a few project infrastructure inconsistencies resulting from
our previous name change as described in this email thread:
Resolving these inconsistencies are a high priority and should be resolved
as soon as possible.
An issue of how Shiro is configured was the largest issue impeding our first
Apache release. That issue has been largely resolved and once finalized,
we should be able to focus on our first Apache release.
The project team is not considering graduation at this point, as the code is
not ready for an Apache release. Once IP clearance is complete, we'll
attempt our first incubator release.
The status is being maintained at
= Socialsite =
= Tashi =
Tashi has been incubating since September 2008.
The Tashi project aims to build a software infrastructure for cloud
computing on massive internet-scale datasets (what we call Big Data). The
idea is to build a cluster management system that enables the Big Data that
are stored in a cluster/data center to be accessed, shared, manipulated,
and computed on by remote users in a convenient, efficient, and safe
Development activities have included a communication layer rewrite, the
introduction of an EC2 compatibility layer, a bridge that allows the use of
Maui as a scheduler for Tashi, patches for HVM booting in Xen, DNS updates,
using RPyC on Python 2.4, the SQL backend, the updateVm RPC, and the client
utility's output, fixes to and an expansion of the VM statistics collection
code in the Qemu backend. Additionally, a notes field was added to the host
definition, a syslog handler was added for logging, the scheduler was
modified to reduce the number of repeated messages, and the documentation
for setting up a single machine and configuring DHCP and DNS servers was
The project is still working toward building a larger user and development
community. We have recently been contacted by some potential users from
Taiwan HP, as seen on the -dev list. Additionally, two developers have
increased the quantity of patches submitted in this quarter, expanding the
number of developers working on the project. The upcoming tutorial at
SC'09 [1] is drawing near and we expect to draw in more potential users at
the event.
Items to be resolved before graduation:
* Prepare and review a release candidate
* Develop community diversity (currently Intel and CMU committers)
= Traffic Server =
The last month has been focusing on code cleanup and build system changes.
The Traffic Server project was accepted into the incubator in July 2009, and
we're still actively working on getting the community built up and to get
ready for an Open Source release of TS.
The Yahoo! team has worked on the following code cleanup tasks in
preparation for the code migration:
* All Coverity issues (that are relevant) have been fixed.
* All code that we are not Open Sourcing (at this point) has been removed.
* We have eliminated all Yahoo! proprietary code, cleaned up comments, and
unnecessary attributions.
* Build system has been reworked / improved, and the cleaned up code now
builds and run.
* We have eliminated a few licensing issues (there was nothing there that
would prevent us to push the code to SVN, but our legal wanted this to be
eliminated before code push).
In addition, we have completed the following incubator tasks:
* SVN area has been created (in preparation for code push),
* Confluence Wiki has been created, and documentation migration has begun, .
Outstanding Incubator tasks include:
* We're working on a final sign-off from our (Yahoo!) Legal Department,
which is currently holding us back from pushing the code. The goal here is
to assure that we have full distribution rights to all code that we push to
Apache SVN.
* Migrate project code to ASF infrastructure.
* Get the Trademark issue resolved (see below).
* Finish the ASF copyright and license attribution in all source files
(this is partway done).
Also, we'd like to bring up again the proposal that we made during the
incubator process for how to deal with the Traffic Server trademark. Our
preferred option is the following (from Chuck Neerdaels and our legal dept):
* The preferred option is to provide ASF with a letter of assurance stating
that we own all right, title and interest in and to the TRAFFIC SERVER mark
and the four active registrations and that we will not take any action
against ASF or any of its licensees during the life of these registrations
[and we'd express our intention of letting them lapse and expire]
* If this is acceptable to ASF, then that is what we'll do. If not, the
other alternative, which is more elaborate, is to assign all rights for the
Traffic Server trademark to the ASF.
= Thrift =
Thrift is a software framework for scalable cross-language services
development. It combines a software stack with a code generation engine to
build services that work efficiently and seamlessly between a variety of
programming languages. Thrift entered the Apache Incubator in May 2008.
* Release candidate is still outstanding -- review has continued but the
release has not been finalized
* Lots of general iteration and bugfixing activity
Generally, things are in a similar state as last quarter. There is plenty of
activity in JIRA and on the mailing lists, but we need to finalize our
release candidate and get it officially out the door.
= UIMA =
UIMA is a component framework for the analysis of unstructured content such
as text, audio and video. UIMA entered incubation on October 3, 2006.
Some recent activity:
* New committers added: Burn Lewis and Tommaso Teofili,
* Work almost complete on 2.3.0 release
* New integration with other Apache projects (such as Lucas, Tika Annotator
and UIMA-AS Camel Driver - integrations with Apache Lucene search, Apache
Tika and Apache Camel to drive UIMA AS processing).
* The Configurable Feature Extractor, including documentation, was
refreshed, and will be included in the next release.
* The next sandbox release is more than doubling the number of pre-done
UIMA components that are available with the framework.
* IBM announced a "grand challenge" effort to have a computer compete live
against humans on the popular (in the USA) TV game, Jeopardy! in answering
open-domain questions, (not connected to the internet), in real time - and
that this system is being built upon UIMA and UIMA-AS (see ).
* building improved: Maven use optimized using parent POMs and RAT, static
jar binaries removed from the build process
* code quality improved: wide use of generics, stale code deprecated
* UIMA-AS has been graduated out of the Sandbox as an add-on package.
* The Cas Editor has been graduated out of the Sandbox and is now part of
base UIMA.
* academic UIMA workshop (see with strong participation
from UIMA's users list community
Items to complete before graduation:
* UIMA is ready to graduate, and plans to start the graduation process
after the current release activity is finished.
= VXQuery =
The VXQuery Project implements a standard compliant XML Query processor. It
has been in incubation since 2009-07-06.
September activities:
* created project home page
* some code additions
* some progress on CCLAs (still not done)
Completed setup steps:
* JIRA/Wiki set up
* SVN access for initial committers set up
* Initial codebase submitted to SVN
* Mailing lists set up
* All ICLAs and most CCLAs in place
* Incubator status page set up
* project home page set up
Immediate goals:
* Get all CCLAs in place
* Fix mailing list issues
Top 3 issues before graduation:
* Complete podling setup
* Build community
* Create a release
= Wookie =
Apache Wookie (Incubating) is a project to create open source software for
adding widgets to your applications. It has been in incubation since July
* No issues currently require IPMC or Board attention
* All ICLAs and CCLAs in order to import incubator code to ASF repository
* Code import process started via INFRA-2273
* Paul Sharples account created
* Widgets/Wookie Meetup meetup in London (13th Oct)
* OpenSocial/SocialSite/Wookie meetup at ApacheCon
* JIRA Activity is increasing and patches are starting to arrive
Items for next reporting period:
* Remove GPL dependencies
* First Apache release
Items to be resolved before graduation:
* Complete podling setup
* Create a release
* Develop community
Attachment M: Status report for the Apache Lenya Project
Rainer Schoepf was voted to be a Lenya committer.
Alexander Sizemin successfully completed a Google Summer of
Code project for Lenya with Richard Frovarp as the mentor.
His project will be integrated into Lenya after the next release.
No Issues to report
Attachment N: Status report for the Apache Logging Project
- Summary
No changes to PMC or committers. Users lists active. Development glacial
except for log4php and a release push for log4j that didn't quite
make it.
- Development
log4j 1.2:
log4j 1.2.16 now over a year overdue. Lot of good bug fixes that
are long overdue to get into a formal release. There was an
release push that didn't quite make it to the finish line
in October.
Most user and bug traffic has involved the rolling file
appenders which are trouble-prone. There has been some
discussion about restarting an effort to provide an
more robust alternative based on java.nio.
log4j 2.0:
log4j 2.0 (the proposed rearchitecting of log4j targeting Java 5
and using current best practices) has had no activity for over
a year.
In this quarter, there was a little more traffic from potential
contributors who are starting to feel the age of log4j 1.2 to the
point of contributing in building the next generation.
No development in this period.
User list traffic is higher. New contributors have been answering
questions. Several bug fixes committed.
log4php is under incubation and is its status is officially
reported through the Incubator PMC. A first release candidate
has been prepared for review and a vote is in progress on
Several bug fixes committed.
Note: This report was not written in time to allow for Logging PMC
review before the reporting deadline. All statements are my personal
observation or opinion.
Attachment O: Status report for the Apache PDFBox Project
General Comments
There are no issues that require Board attention.
We are still working on transferring PDFBox from the incubator to its new
home as an Apache TLP.
Jukka switched the JempBox build from ant to maven. We are discussing to
replace JempBox with Apache XMLGraphics. Jeremias volunteers to implement
the missing features which are needed by PDFBox.
Jukka switched the FontBox build from ant to maven. Andreas tries to fix
a major issue with truetype fonts. Additionally we have to check on a
contribution from the community which adds support for Adobe CFF/Type2
fonts to FontBox.
Jukka works on switching the PDFBox build from ant to maven.
The activity on both user@ and dev@ mailing list is increasing slightly.
There is a steady stream of contributions and bug reports from the
We are planning to release a first version as Apache TLP, just right after
Jukka finishes switching the build tool.
Attachment P: Status report for the Apache Perl Project
-- mod_perl 1.0 --
The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd
No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report.
--- mod_perl 2.0 --
mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches.
No new mod_perl 2.x releases since the last report.
--- Apache-Test --
Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write
test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is
used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and
includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP
and Parrot.
No new Apache-Test releases since the last report.
--- Apache-SizeLimit --
Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production
environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes
based on various environmental triggers.
No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report.
--- Apache-Bootstrap --
Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl
module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates
code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make
maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy.
No new Apache-Bootstrap releases since the last report.
--- Apache-Reload --
Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development
environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter
without completely restarting httpd.
No new Apache-Reload releases since the last report.
-- Development --
mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though
as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally
slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and
applied with due consideration for our production userbase.
-- Users --
The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. Nothing noteworthy
has happened since the last report.
-- PMC --
Geoffrey Young officially decided to step down as PMC chair. On
November 6, 2009 a resolution was sent to the Board to certify
Philippe M. Chiasson as the new chair.
Geoffrey Young has been PMC chair since January 19, 2005. The PMC
has recognized his great work and extends him many thanks for a job
very well done.
Attachment Q: Status report for the Apache POI Project
In the last quarter, we haven't added any new committers, but our new
committer from last quarter has been getting on well. Yegor and David have
identified a couple of people from the list who show promise, and are keeping
an eye out for possible mentoring of them if more patches are forthcoming.
Traffic on the dev list has been at its usual levels. User list traffic was
slightly up again, with lots of discussions and questions on the new
features in 3.5. Bug report numbers seem fairly steady.
We had a fairly successful time at ApacheCon last week. Four committers
attended for the whole of the conference, and one other dropped in at times.
Monday saw a slot at the barcamp with lots of discussions on the size of one
dependency (the compiled ooxml xsds). On Tuesday we had a productive
hackathon, with lots of investigation into the xsd size, general bug fixing,
and discussions around documentation. Later in the week, Paolo gave a talk
which while lightly attended, did seem to get almost everyone relevant in
attendance! We also all had several chats with the Microsoft people at the
conference, which may yet prove fruitful.
David Fisher has agreed to do a big overhaul of our documentation, based on
discussions in Oakland. He's hoping to bring a proposal on his work to the
dev list shortly.
We did eventually manage to ship POI 3.5 Final this quarter, at the end of
September, after some great work from much of the team to get it all
finished. We've fixed a fair few minor bugs since then (none major), so the
thinking is for a beta release soon, and a point release around christmas.
Attachment R: Status report for the Apache Qpid Project
Currently there are no items requiring specific board attentions.
Project status:
Some good interactions at ApacheCon, however it was noted that Qpid is not
widely known around the ApacheCon attendance. this is something which has
generated some discussion and may need some attention from the project to
promote itself.
List activity and interaction as strong and continue to grow
0.6 release coming should be out soon, some of the larger pieces of work
featured include:
- includes Windows installer, SQL-based persistence, WCF channel additions,
funded by Microsoft.
- a common API initiative.
- update to the Java broker so both C++ and Java broker are on AMQP 0-10,
latest published AMQP specification
- 0-9-1 and 0-10 support in the Java Broker... Meaning Qpid now supports all
versions of AMQP that have been released
No new committers to report at this time, however there are a few
individuals we hope cross the bar soon to be voted into the project.
Attachment S: Status report for the Apache Roller Project
Status of work in the trunk
All features in the Roller 5.0 proposal have been implemented and we're
in the final push to get Roller 5.0 out.
Roller 5.0 Proposal on Wiki
Recent activities
We have just started to make Roller 5.0 builds available for testing,
the first one is Roller 5.0 beta 1. Once we've gotten enough feedback
on the new features we'll start creating Release Candidate builds
for a final Roller 5.0 release.
Mail thread - "Apache Roller 5.0 beta 1 build available"
Apache Roller 5.0 beta 1 build files
Status of the community
Mailing list traffic is light but steady. Dave Johnson presented at
ApacheCon US 2009 on the topic of What's new in Roller 5.0.
Attachment T: Status report for the Apache Santuario Project
Attachment U: Status report for the Apache Turbine Project
The Turbine project has as usual seen fairly low levels of activity
in the last quarter.
The Turbine project has no board-level issues at this time.
Community changes
No new committers were voted in since the last board report.
No new PMC members were voted in since the last board report.
Turbine core project
There has been no activity on the Turbine core project this quarter.
Work on Turbine core is expected to recommence after the
externalization services into Fulcrum components is completed.
No beta or final releases were made since the last board report.
Fulcrum component project
Work on migrating the build process of the non-sandbox components to
Maven 2 continues slowly, as does the process of externalizing
services from Turbine core to become Fulcrum components.
Releases this quarter:
* fulcrum-parser 1.0.2 was released on 19 October 2009.
* fulcrum-crypto 1.0.7 was released on 19 October 2009.
* fulcrum-mimetype 1.0.5 was released on 3 November 2009.
META project
A committer from the past had expressed interest in updating META
to work with Maven 2, however nothing seemed to come from this.
No beta or final releases were made since the last board report.
Attachment V: Status report for the Apache Tuscany Project
Apache Tuscany is an SOA framework based on OASIS OpenCSA and SCA
which graduated from the Incubator in May 2008.
There were two releases made in the last quarter, a 1.5.1 release from
the 1.x code stream which is now in maintenance mode, and a Milestone
4 release from the 2.x code stream which is working towards support
for the latest specifications being standardized at OASIS. A focus of
development in recent months has been on passing the specification
conformance test suites that are becoming available as the OASIS specs
approach being finalized (there are about a dozen separate specs).
Thats going well with Tuscany now passing or almost passing several of
the test suites.
Tuscany continues to have active developer and user communities.
Mailing list traffic is steady with around 550 emails per month to the
dev list and 90 per month to the user list. There are 370 subscribers
on the user mailing list, and 285 to the dev list. Several Tuscany
committers attended ApacheCon and gave three presentations relating to
Tuscany. In the last quarter there have also been a couple of articles
published which were written by Tuscany committers.
There have been no committer or PMC changes in the last quarter, and
there are no board level issues at this time.
Attachment W: Status report for the Apache Velocity Project
Velocity still continues its quiet, steady flow. Activity picked up a
little in October with some messages on the dev list. The user lists
continues to be very self-helping with questions getting answered by
members of the user and dev communities.
Velocity changed its chair from Will Glass-Husain to Henning Schmiedehausen.
The Velocity project currently has no board-level issues at this time.
There were no new committers or PMC members voted in since the last
board meeting.
No beta or final releases were made since the last board report.
Attachment X: Status report for the Apache Xalan Project
There are no releases currently scheduled.
A discussion about the future of Xalan-J was raised on the user list and has
spilled over to the developer list. There has been interest from users to
contribute to the project and become contributors, since the current
committers have not been active recently. Henry Zongaro has agreed to start
reviewing patches with the intention of bringing some contributors in as
There was also a discussion about reviving the development of the experimental
XSLT 2.0 branch. A proposal was made to fork the code and create a development
effort outside of Apache. Others stated they felt a fork was inappropriate, and
that it was possible to develop an XSLT 2.0 processor in the Xalan-J project,
so that will hopefully begin once some new committers have been brought in.
Attachment Y: Status report for the Apache Xerces Project
A Xerces-J 2.10.0 release should be coming very soon, tentatively
planned for December 18th, 2009. It would include among other things
a preview of the XML Schema 1.1 support which has been under
development. The team continues to make good progress on this front,
lately expanding support for CTA to include all of XPath 2.0, making
improvements for assertions to better handle namespaces in the XPath
expressions and agreeing on a more efficient design for using the
PsychoPath XPath 2.0 processor. Other features expected to be in the
release are JAXP 1.4, StAX event API (,
Element Traversal API (org.w3c.dom.ElementTraversal) and Unicode
normalization checking.
A large number of bugs have been fixed in the past couple of months
in preparation for the 3.1.0 release. On November 5th, 2009 a vote to
release the first release candidate for 3.1.0 has passed. The release
candidate is tentatively scheduled for November 16th, 2009.
Nothing in particular to report. There was no development activity
over the reporting period.
XML Commons
There has been some recent activity in XML Commons External, with a
few bug fixes to StreamResult applied to all of the branches. A
release of the JAXP 1.4 APIs is expected before the end of the year
to support the upcoming Xerces-J 2.10.0 release.
The XML project wondered if Xerces would be interested in taking
Crimson for a sub-project. We passed on that. Given its years of
inactivity, Crimson is more likely suitable for the Attic.
Attachment Z: Status report for the Apache XML Project
No issues requiring board attention in the XML project which has been
pretty much dormant as usual. From the good news department, we voted
to move Xang to the Attic, with Crimson to follow in the next quarter.
This quarter there were few fixes on Xindice trunk, one due to Gump nagging.
Few emails on users list, all were answered.
Attachment AA: Status report for the Apache XML Graphics Project
General Comments
There are no issues that require Board attention.
XML Graphics Commons
No releases, no major changes, just a few improvements and fixes in
various components.
One of the three committers has taken a break from Batik development
for a few months to finish university studies. This leaves one
committer and one active contributor to answer queries on the mailing
list. A new release, consolidating bug fixes and small improvements,
would be good, but due to lack of committer time, no release was made.
A new release is overdue, but due to lack of committer time, no
release was made.
Vincent finished his temporary solution to enable changing page widths
in a page sequence. Vincent also finished work to add accessibility to
the PDF files created by FOP. This work was started by Jost
Klopfstein, and earlier worked on by Jeremias.
Two developers expressed serious interest in participating in FOP's
development. One of them was explicitly backed by his company's
management, which is a good thing in itself. In the ensuing discussion
that company turned out to have expertise in non-Western scripts,
which could enhance FOP's coverage of such scripts. We would be very
happy if this would give us two new committers.
End of minutes for the Novermber 18, 2009 board meeting.