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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

                            December 16, 2009

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 2:00pm (Pacific) and began at
    2:04 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a
    quorum was recognized by the chairman. The meeting was held
    via teleconference, hosted by Jim Jagielski and SpringSource.

    IRC #asfboard on was used for backup

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Shane Curcuru
        Doug Cutting
        Justin Erenkrantz
        Roy T. Fielding
        Jim Jagielski
        Geir Magnusson, Jr.
        Brett Porter
        Greg Stein

    Directors Absent:

        Brian McCallister

    Officers Present:

        Philip M. Gollucci (arrived at 2:57)
        Sam Ruby
        J Aaron Farr
        Craig L Russell

    Officers Absent:

        Sander Striker


        Gavin McDonald
        Henri Yandell

3. Minutes from previous meetings

    Minutes (in Subversion) are found under the URL:

    A. The meeting of November 18, 2009:

       See: board_minutes_2009_11_18

       Approved by General Consent.

4. Executive Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Jim]

       Not a lot to report. I've been watching the results of the disbanding
       of the PRC (and the subsequent creation of the separate offices) and
       have been pleased with the progress so far. I am concerned about
       the impacts of the sponsorship transition, but that is just the
       paranoid in me coming out.

       We are due for our "special" ASF members meeting, and have pinged the
       membership regarding the feasibility of it being held in mid/late
       January of 2010.
       board@ and members@ have been relatively quiet.

       At the start of the year, I'd like restart discussion regarding an
       EA, a formal audit of our books and a review of our current budgeting

    B. President [Justin]

       This month has been relatively quiet for everyone else as most
       people were either recovering from ApacheCon US or settling into
       their new officer roles as Infra and the PRC breakup has created
       a lot of turnover.  

       While most was quiet in the US and Europe, Greg and I recently
       returned from Apache Asia Roadshow 2009 in Beijing and Colombo.
       It was fantastic and we got to meet a number of developers and
       spread the Apache love.  We had about 40 attendees in Beijing and
       over 250 people in Colombo attended our free events.  (Per Great
       Circle Mapper, I flew just under 20,000 miles and Greg flew over
       23,000 miles!  I was very happy to get home.)  Some pictures I
       took on our trip are at:

       These events would not have happened without the terrific local
       support we received.  In Beijing, kudos to Xiao-Feng, Peter, Robert
       and to Intel for providing us with the space.  For Colombo, many
       thanks to so many folks including Chamindra, Kanchana, Karthiga,
       Sagara, Sanjiva, and Suchetha with help from the Lanka Software
       Foundation, Virtusa, and WSO2.  I look forward to trying to
       support more events in Asia in 2010!

       My recent keynote given at SAP in November is now online:

       I have accepted invitations to speak about the ASF at Jasig Spring
       2010 (San Diego) and OSBC 2010 (San Francisco).  I've submitted
       an Apache talk at SCALE 8x (Los Angeles).  I am hopeful that all of
       these talks will further encourage participation in our existing
       projects or perhaps bring new projects to Apache!

       Organizationally, as the page turns to January soon, I will ask
       all of our committees to start considering their budget proposals
       for FY2010-2011 with submissions due in March.  (Our fiscal year
       begins May 1.)

    C. Treasurer [Geir]

     Books are currently up to date as of 2009-12-15 for checking,
      savings and credit card accounts.

       - Current PayPal balance as of 11/17 is $14,879.04  Contributions
         for Nov 2009 were $237  This is not reflected in
         statement of position below.
       - Second half invoice for MSFT platinum sent, along with companion
       - Sally requested invoices for HP and VMWare/SpringSource.  Forthcoming.

      Tasks Done:
       - all approved bills paid 
       - FY2008 tax return complete and sent to IRS
      In Progress:
       - We're over the top with respect to standard FDIC and 'great
         recession' FDIC programs for insurance so starting to explore
         alternatives.  First thought is short term US Treasuries

      To Do:
       - review switching from accrual to cash accounting
       - invoice to GOOG for GSoC
       - need to start gathering CC receipts from CC holders. E.g ACON09

     1) Statement of Financial Income and Expense - November 2009 - Accrual Basis

        Ordinary Income/Expense
              Interest Income                                            117.02
              Contributions Income
                Unrestricted                                   18,535.32          
              Total Contributions Income                              18,535.32  

           Total Income                                               18,652.34 

              Bank Service Charges                                       385.77 
              Postage and Delivery                                        19.95 
              Program Expenses
                   Colocation Expenses                      518.00  
                   Hardware Purchases                       752.69 
                   Infrastructure Staff                  10,220.95 
                Total Infrastructure                           11,491.64

                Travel Assistance                               6,343.28 
                Public Relations
                   PRC Travel                               237.14 
                   Public Relations Staff                21,039.20 
                   Public Relations - Other               4,000.00
                Total Public Relations                         25,276.34

                Conference Expenses                             3,887.35 
                Program Expenses - Other                          903.75
              Total Program Expenses                                  47,902.36

           Total Expense                                              48,308.08

        Net Ordinary Income                                          -29,655.74

     Net Income                                                      -29,655.74

    2) Statement of Financial Position - As of November 30, 2009 - Accrual Basis

                                                      Nov 30, 09     Nov 30, 08      $ Change       % Change

        Current Assets
             PayPal                                     12,513.63       2,919.03       9,594.60         328.7%
             Wells Fargo Analyzed Account              249,288.75     168,384.22      80,904.53          48.1%
             Wells Fargo Savings                       284,820.18      98,511.45     186,308.73         189.1%
           Total Checking/Savings                      546,622.56     269,814.70     276,807.86         102.6%

           Accounts Receivable
             Accounts Receivable                             0.00     115,500.00    -115,500.00        -100.0%
           Total Accounts Receivable                         0.00     115,500.00    -115,500.00        -100.0%

        Total Current Assets                           546,622.56     385,314.70     161,307.86          41.9%

     TOTAL ASSETS                                      546,622.56     385,314.70     161,307.86          41.9%

           Current Liabilities
             Credit Cards
                ASF Credit Card - Paul Querna            4,443.78           0.00       4,443.78         100.0%
                ASF Credit Card - J. Aaron Farr              0.00       1,909.36      -1,909.36        -100.0%
                ASF Credit Card - Ruby                      39.90          39.90           0.00           0.0%
                ASF Credit Card - Striker                2,329.75           0.00       2,329.75         100.0%
                ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz             2,215.44         433.07       1,782.37         411.6%
             Total Credit Cards                          9,028.87       2,382.33       6,646.54         279.0%

           Total Current Liabilities                     9,028.87       2,382.33       6,646.54         279.0%

        Total Liabilities                                9,028.87       2,382.33       6,646.54         279.0%

           Retained Earnings                           363,648.74     261,948.68     101,700.06          38.8%
           Net Income                                  173,944.95     120,983.69      52,961.26          43.8%
        Total Equity                                   537,593.69     382,932.37     154,661.32          40.4%

     TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                        546,622.56     385,314.70     161,307.86          41.9%

       Justin requests a Y2D expenditures vs budget. Geir says it
       shouldn't be that hard, other than potential categorization
       Roy suggests that Geir take a few weeks off.
       Aaron needs to update quickbooks, Jim and Geir will get with
       Aaron offline.
       Gavin: Stone Circle still hasn't billed us for the last 3
       ApacheCons? Geir has the checks. Everything is balanced
       against WellsFargo, and Geir doesn't think that anything is
       mis-categorized. Geir and Gavin will resolve offline.

    D. Secretary [Sam]

       Minutes drafted, minutes posted.  Craig is shouldering most of the
       burden of keeping up with the various documents that are coming in, with
       occasional documents filed by me (including the ones that come in via
       the postal system).  Sebb continues to audit.

       As a result of some discussion regarding names containing non-ASCII
       characters, Jim's committers.html page has been converted to utf-8
       (Thanks, Jim!).  Due to differences in how Macs and other operating
       systems handle Unicode characters in file names (svn bug 2464), we are
       restricting file names to ASCII characters at this time.

    E. Executive Vice President [Sander Striker]

       No report submitted.

    Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

5. Additional Officer Reports

    1. VP of JCP [Geir Magnusson Jr]

       See Attachment 1

    2. VP of Brand Management [Shane Curcuru]

       See Attachment 2

    3. VP of Fundraising [Serge Knystautas / Brian]

       See Attachment 3

       Geir and Serge to coordinate thank-you letters.

    4. VP of Marketing and Publicity [Sally Khudairi / Justin]

       See Attachment 4

    5. W3C [Jim Jagielski]

       See Attachment 5

       Roy suggested that the title be "VP, W3C Relations", which met
       with general approval.

    6. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby]

       See Attachment 6

    7. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Shane]

       See Attachment 7

    8. Apache Conference Planning Project [Noirin Shirley / Roy]

       See Attachment 8

    9. Apache Infrastructure Team [Philip Gollucci / Justin]

       See Attachment 9

    10. Apache Travel Assistance Committee [Gavin McDonald / Jim]

       See Attachment 10

       Greg noted that underspending is OK. Roy notes that TAC is not
       limited to ApacheCon.

    Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

6. Committee Reports

    A. Apache APR Project [Bojan Smojver / Brett]

       See Attachment A

       Greg indicated that commit rates is not necessary for board

    B. Apache Archiva Project [Maria Odea Ching / Geir]

       See Attachment B

       Brett clarified that "Removal of the database and audit log reporting"
       meant "removal of the database as a requirement to run, and addition
       of audit log reporting (a new feature)".

    C. Apache Camel Project [Hadrian Zbarcea / Doug]

       See Attachment C

    D. Apache Cayenne Project [Andrus Adamchik / Greg]

       See Attachment D

    E. Apache Commons Project [Phil Steitz / Roy]

       See Attachment E

    F. Apache Excalibur Project [Carsten Ziegeler / Jim]

       See Attachment F

       Some board@ mailing list discussion about attic was noted.

    G. Apache Felix Project [Richard Hall / Brian]

       See Attachment G

    H. Apache Gump Project [Stefan Bodewig / Shane]

       See Attachment H

    I. Apache Harmony Project [Tim Ellison / Geir]

       See Attachment I

    J. Apache iBATIS Project [Clinton Begin / Justin]

       No report received.

       Justin sent an email to private at ibatis, Shane to follow up.

    K. Apache Incubator Project [Noel J. Bergman / Brett]

       See Attachment K

       Gavin in talks with Etch.
       Brett to follow up on where collaboration in ESME is taking

    L. Apache Jackrabbit Project [Jukka Zitting / Justin]

       See Attachment L

    M. Apache Labs Project [Bernd Fondermann / Brett]

       See Attachment M

    N. Apache Lucene Project [Grant Ingersoll / Geir]

       See Attachment N

       Board would like to avoid umbrella projects, and Lucene (and
       Hadoop) both appear to be heading down this path. Doug's
       concern is that some of the subprojects may have enough
       (quantity) committers, but may not have enough diversity
       (e.g., all of the committers may be from one company).
       Encouraging either common committers across subprojects or for
       subprojects be spun out would bring issues to the forefront.
       Doug suggests that people with concerns be brought to the PMC.
       Jim notes that Lucene is aware of the issue, and encourages
       them to split out subprojects. Meanwhile, the board will
       monitor. Greg will like a special report on the one question:
       what that status of each subprojects with respect to diversity
       and splitting out as a TLP?  Greg to pursue.

    O. Apache OFBiz Project [David E. Jones / Jim]

       See Attachment O

    P. Apache PDFBox Project [Andreas Lehmkühler / Shane]

       See Attachment P

    Q. Apache Portals Project [David Sean Taylor / Brian]

       See Attachment Q

    R. Apache Quetzalcoatl Project [Gregory Trubetskoy / Greg]

       See Attachment R

       Shane suggests that this project either update
       or move to the attic.  Greg to pursue.

    S. Apache Santuario Project [Raul Benito / Doug]

       No report received.

       Doug to pursue; message to private at santuario already sent.

    T. Apache ServiceMix Project [Guillaume Nodet / Roy]

       See Attachment T

       Greg asked about third-party licenses, Brett indicated that they have
       approval from legal (

    U. Apache Sling Project [Felix Meschberger / Doug]

       See Attachment U

    V. Apache SpamAssassin Project [Daryl C. W. O'Shea / Jim]

       See Attachment V

       Justin gave kudos to the project for taking effective action on the
       mailing list issue.

    W. Apache Synapse Project [Paul Fremantle / Greg]

       See Attachment W

    X. Apache Tiles Project [Greg Reddin / Justin]

       See Attachment X

    Y. Apache Tomcat Project [Mladen Turk / Roy]

       See Attachment Y

       Jim to make sure that sure that the Tomcat project is aware of
       infra-managed build options before rolling their own on a zone.

    Z. Apache Web Services Project [Glen Daniels / Geir]

       No report received.

       Glen indicated that he was running late.  Report expected next month.

    AA. Apache Wicket Project [Martijn Dashorst / Shane]

       See Attachment AA

       Roy indicated that reports should mention if any changes in PMC,
       committers.  Shane to follow up.

    AB. Apache XMLBeans Project [Cezar Andrei / Brett]

       See Attachment AB

    Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

7. Special Orders

    A. Establish the Apache Pivot Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
       Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
       open-source software related to the creation and maintenance of a
       platform for building rich Internet applications in Java, 
       for distribution at no charge to the public.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Pivot Project",
       be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
       Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Pivot Project be and hereby is
       responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
       related to the creation and maintenance of a platform for
       building rich Internet applications in Java; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Pivot" be
       and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
       serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
       of the Apache Pivot Project, and to have primary responsibility
       for management of the projects within the scope of
       responsibility of the Apache Pivot Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
       Apache Pivot Project:

         * Christopher Brind         <brindy AT apache DOT org>
         * Greg Brown                <gbrown AT apache DOT org>
         * Martijn Dashorst          <dashorst AT apache DOT org>
         * Noel Grandin              <noelgrandin AT apache DOT org>
         * Niclas Hedhman            <niclas AT apache DOT org>
         * Sandro Martini            <smartini AT apache DOT org>
         * Todd Volkert              <tvolkert AT apache DOT org>

       be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Pivot, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification,
       or until a successor is appointed; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Pivot PMC be and hereby is
       tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
       encourage open development and increased participation in the
       Apache Pivot Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Pivot Project be and hereby
       is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
       Incubator Pivot podling; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
       Incubator Pivot podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
       Project are hereafter discharged.

       Special Order 7A, Establish the Apache Pivot Project,
       was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
       Roy (and others) are concerned about the confusion that will
       be created by using a name that others use (e.g., Microsoft
       Pivot will quickly dominate search results), and suggests that
       the project considers changing their name. Given that Pivot
       has been applied for as an MS Trademark (USPTO serial number
       77859890), ASF Legal and Microsoft should be consulted.

    B. Establish the Apache OpenWebBeans Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of
       the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to
       establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation and
       maintenance of open-source software related to Contexts and Dependency
       Injection for the Java EE platform for distribution at no charge to the

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache OpenWebBeans Project",
       be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
       Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache OpenWebBeans Project be and hereby is
       responsible for the creation and maintenance of software related to the
       implementation of Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE
       platform; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache OpenWebBeans" be
       and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
       serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
       of the Apache OpenWebBeans Project, and to have primary responsibility
       for management of the projects within the scope of
       responsibility of the Apache OpenWebBeans Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
       Apache OpenWebBeans Project:

         * Gurkan Erdogdu            <gurkanerdogdu at yahoo dot com>
         * Kevan Miller              <kevan dot miller at gmail dot com>
         * Mark Struberg             <struberg at yahoo dot com>
         * Joe Bergmark              <bergmark at gmail dot com>
         * Eric Covener              <covener at gmail dot com>
         * David Blevins             <david dot blevins at visi dot com>

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Gurkan Erdogdu
       be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache OpenWebBeans, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification,
       or until a successor is appointed; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache OpenWebBeans PMC be and hereby is
       tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
       encourage open development and increased participation in the
       Apache OpenWebBeans Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache OpenWebBeans Project be and hereby
       is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
       Incubator OpenWebBeans podling; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
       Incubator OpenWebBeans podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
       Project are hereafter discharged.

       Special Order 7B, Establish the Apache OpenWebBeans Project,
       was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    C. Appoint a Vice President of W3C Relations

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's
       purpose to appoint an officer responsible as the W3C Liaison,
       including but not limited to serving as the W3C Advisory
       Committee representative for the ASF.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the office of "Vice President, W3C
       Relations" be and hereby created, the person holding such office to
       serve at the direction of the Board of Directors, and to have primary
       responsibility for interfacing with the W3C; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that Sam Ruby be and hereby is appointed to the office of
       Vice President, W3C Relations, to serve in accordance with and subject
       to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the
       Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
       disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7C, Appoint a Vice President of W3C Relations,
       was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    D. Establish the Apache Axis Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
       Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
       open-source software related to the Axis Web Services frameworks
       and subsidiary components for distribution at no charge to the 

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Axis Project",
       be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
       Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Axis Project be and hereby is
       responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
       related to the Axis Web Services frameworks and subsidiary 
       components; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Axis" be
       and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
       serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
       of the Apache Axis Project, and to have primary responsibility
       for management of the projects within the scope of
       responsibility of the Apache Axis Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
       Apache Axis Project:

         * Afkham Azeez               <>
         * Ajith Ranabahu             <>
         * Aleksander Slominski       <>
         * Amila Suriarachchi         <>
         * Dimuthu Gamage             <>
         * Jarek Gawor                <>
         * Keith Chapman              <>
         * Milinda Pathirage          <>
         * Nandana Mihindukulasooriya <>
         * Paul Fremantle             <>
         * Prabath Siriwardena        <>
         * Richard Scheuerle          <>
         * Jeff Barrett               <>
         * Andreas Veithen            <>
         * Sanjiva Weerawarana        <>
         * Senaka Fernando            <>
         * Nandika Jayawardana        <>
         * Saminda Abeyruwan          <>
         * Samisa Abeysinghe          <>
         * Selvaratnam Uthaiyashankar <>
         * Damitha Kumarage           <>
         * Bill Nagy                  <>
         * Sumedha Rubasinghe         <>
         * Thilina Gunarathne         <>
         * Ruwan Linton               <>
         * Dinesh Premalal            <>
         * Upul Godage                <>
         * Srinath Perera             <>
         * Dimuthu Leelarathne        <>
         * Supun Kamburugamuva        <>
         * Ruchith Fernando           <>
         * Lahiru Sandakith           <>
         * Eran Chinthaka             <>
         * David Illsley              <>
         * Glen Daniels               <>

       be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Axis, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification,
       or until a successor is appointed; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Axis PMC be and hereby is
       tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
       encourage open development and increased participation in the
       Apache Axis Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Axis Project be and hereby
       is tasked with the migration and rationalization of Apache Web 
       Services sub-projects:

         * Axis1
         * Axis1/C++
         * Axis2/Java
         * Axis2/C
         * Rampart
         * Sandesha
         * Kandula
         * Savan
         * WS-Commons Transports

       and be it further

       RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
       Apache Web Services sub-projects mentioned above encumbered upon the
       Apache Web Services Project are hereafter discharged.

       Special Order 7D, Establish the Apache Axis Project, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

8. Discussion Items

    A. Appropriate use of

    Shane acquired the domain a year and a half ago, and started using
    it 2 months ago. Shane doesn't see this as an issue, but others have
    raised it as such.
    Roy: as long as you are using it for Apache stuff, there is no
    conflict at all, furthermore as an officer of the ASF you are
    authorized to publish official positions as you see fit.
    Justin is a bit more concerned about commercial site for selling

9. Review Outstanding Action Items

    * Roy:    Follow-up with Buildr on their use of git.
              [not done]

    * Roy:    Update /dev with rule that invitation only dev meetings are OK,
              provided that such meetings are discussed on the dev list, and
              that all committers are included.
              [not done]

    * Roy:    Get with Carl Trieloff and suggest improvements to the
              Qpid report so that it can meet board expectations.
              [not done]

    * Greg:   Get with Gregory Trubetskoy to determine if Quetzalcoatl is
              expected to improve or if the project should be moved to the
	      [not done]

    * Justin: Obtain invoice for Filmworks project
              [Sally says we should have invoice by Dec 31; kept open]

    * Justin: Resolve git/svn issues with Infrastructure and Tapestry.
              [Done based on discussion on infra-dev]

    * Sander: Check on status of wire transfer
              [not done]

    * Brian:  Ping TAC for a report covering the two months.
              [not done]

    * Roy:    Suggest that Abdera recruit on the Atom lists.
              [not done]

    * Justin: Request that podlings that don't report be requested to report
              the following months, and new incubator PMC members be listed
              in the report.
              [carried over to next month.]

    * Brian:  Pursue a report for Santuario.
              [reassigned to Doug]

10. Unfinished Business

    * [Treasurer] list of donor contact information for thank-you letters.

    Jim notes that this is the Fund-raising report.

11. New Business

12. Announcements

13. Adjournment

    Adjourned at 03:24 p.m. (Pacific)


Attachment 1: Report from the VP of JCP

Quiet period again - don't expect much to change until the ORCL/JAVA
merger completes.  Recent news reports contend that the EU 
regulators are "softening" their stance.  I have no idea what this 
really means.

Had the monthly JCP EC conference call.  Nothing of interest to
report.  Will attend the F2F next month in CA.

The ASF voted against a suite of JSRs related to Java EE 6, including
the Java EE 6 JSR as they are led by Sun, in accordance with the 
ASFs policy that EC members that don't comply with the spirit 
and letter of the JSPA should not lead JSRs.  There were two 
press followups, one that was answered in writing with CC to PR, 
and the second a 2 second phone call in which I confirmed the reason.

Other than the usual flow of requests for TCKs and updates, there's
nothing else to report.

Attachment 2: Report from the VP of Brand Management

Issues for board attention
See agenda item 8A. 

Notices to the board
I've formed an Officer's committee to assist in Brand Management, comprised
of Upayavira, Jukka Zitting, Craig L Russell, Grant Ingersoll, Noirin 
Shirley, Jim Jagielski, Lawrence Rosen and Doug Cutting.

Operations And Community
Created trademarks@ as our operational mailing list for managing 
trademarks; this is privately archived, member subscribeable, and used 
to discuss policy and to answer external requests about marks; there 
are currently 21 members subscribed.  We're in the process of moving 
trademark-related discussions to this list instead of prc@.

We plan to use site-dev@ for issues relating to "look and feel" branding, 
in conjunction with VP, Marketing and Publicity.

Discussed a proposal for new Powered By logo guidelines, and hope that 
more projects will adopt official Powered By logos.

Larry drafted a nice "here's a reminder of our policies" default email for 
use as a base to answer trademark use requests, which was used for 
the TomcatExpert request below.

Bertrand wrote a Foundation blog entry educating the public that the ASF 
only publishes official information on the or 
domains, and that web content on any other domain is not from the ASF 
itself.  This is to address the issue of both potential fundraising 
websites and other community support websites that are run by others. 

External Requests
Answered various non-infringing related questions.

SpringSource notified us of their plan to launch, a 
community support and information site for Apache Tomcat.  After reviewing 
the site and asking for some specific changes, sent SpringSource our
default email, with a reminder to respect our marks.

IBM asked if they could use a modified but obviously Apache Hadoop elephant 
logo in a IBM logo of theirs for an unspecified project.  The request was 
denied, because it would be a clear infringement of the actual Hadoop 
elephant that identifies our software product. 

Attachment 3: Report from the VP of Fundraising

The past month has largely been coming to realize the areas under
fundraising, figure out who knows what, figure out who is doing what,
and just try to make sure I have all the puzzle pieces on the table
before I start fitting them together.  My sense is that in the next 2-3
months, I will be creating a vision and plan for ASF fundraising.  My
work for fundraising is in an early assessment and planning stage.

The sponsorship program will be transitioned from HALO to myself and
Greg Stein in Q1 2010.  Greg has expressed interest in managing and/or
closing sponsorship relationships.  Greg lives near me, so I'm looking
to meet up to better understand how he sees himself helping.

I want to give is a lot of thought that will go into what it means to be
an ASF sponsor.  Key questions include what levels are there, what we
have to do to service foundation sponsors, and how is it differentiated
with an ApacheCon sponsorship.  I'm reviewing how other groups have
designed sponsorship programs (defining "groups" very broadly to mean
everything from opera companies to industry non-profit groups to schools
to NGOs).

The donation program needs to get in gear to write thank you letters
both to show sincere appreciation and to give people the tax exempt
letter some require.  Phil Steitz has offered to help.  I need to figure
out how to get the list of who gets a letter soon.  Any pointers

fundraising@ is now moderated by me, which has lead to some initial
inquiries that were getting bounced.  I plan to use this as a place for
discussion but have held back until I have some agenda of what to talk
to others about.

I've talked to Sally and need to touch base with Shane about meeting
face-to-face to talk more about our related areas of responsibility.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Attachment 4: Report from the VP of Marketing and Publicity

Background and Status:
With the newly-formed Marketing & Publicity group, the primary activity over
the past three weeks has been spent planning, knowledge transfer, and
transitioning tasks. Sally has exchanged emails with Greg Stein as well as
held a call with Serge Knystautas to discuss Sponsor Relations activities.
She also had several email conversations with both Serge and Shane Curcuru
regarding the separation of responsibilities within the Fundraising and
Brand Management groups (a possible face-to-face meeting has also been
discussed). There has been some email activity with the site-dev team
regarding editing (starting with the home page).

The day-to-day activities within the Marketing & Publicity group have been
relatively quiet, with focus on post- ApacheCon/10th Anniversary follow-up,
discussing announcement tactics with the soon-to-graduate Pivot, and
coordinating media interviews with Software Design magazine of Japan and
developer site Dzone.

Please refer to the timeline following the list below for a detailed agenda.
Hopefully the M&P team can connect this week to discuss planned tactics,
adjust scheduling, and assign tasks.


HALO/Contract: Sally Khudairi, Vice President
ASF Primary: Jim Jagielski, Craig Russell
ASF Backup: Bill Rowe

Additional Members welcome! Media Training required.


Include but are not limited to:

- Media/analyst relations and publicity (proactive and reactive)
- "Executive" communications + presentations (press, analysts, Sponsors,
- Promotional campaigns (e.g., Filmworks, "MyApache" videos, City
  Proclamations, etc.)
- Media planning and editorial calendaring
- Developing pitch and disseminating news stories
- Boosting analyst briefing program
- Lead supporting outreach through alternate channels
- Outreach/connecting with relevant Sponsor PR teams
- Media/analyst training, "Executive" training/coaching as needed
- Brand/image development and management
- Maintain PRNewswire account
- Media hits, clippings audit and management
- Create Project communications guidelines/processes
- Coaching Projects on publicity issues
- Chairing Business Track @ ApacheCon


- Marketing communications messaging, positioning, strategic planning:
setting goals, strategies, action plan, writing marketing plans - work with
select Board members to set 6-month plan
- Media planning and editorial calendar research: establishing pitch angles,
exploring possible news sources and opportunities for participation,
targeting media and analyst contacts, keeping outreach lists up-to-date
- Media/analyst relations, outreach, and publicity: writing, editing,
  distributing news releases and announcements, pitching stories to members of
  the media and analyst community, tracking media results,
  course-correcting/follow-up, overcoming negative/incorrect media impressions
- Communications and promotional campaigns: writing and disseminating news
  across multiple channels; adjusting the message for different audiences
- Outlets, publications, contacts, and clippings monitoring: maintaining
  media/analyst database and scheduled analyst reports, report newsworthy
  clips as they arise (distribution needs to be decided), issue monthly press
  clip summary
- Spokesperson bureau: obtain name and coordinates of key spokesperson for
  each TLP/Foundation activity area, along with backup mailing list address
  for corresponding project, establish similar process for Incubating projects
  (sign up on
- Interview coordination: prep parties, obtain questions/angles (where
  possible), write.edit abstracts, forward backgrounders/supporting materials,
  and post-interview follow up
- home page, News, Foundation blog, announce@, and
  Twitter feed content development and dissemination: "From the flight
  deck"-type blog entry based on monthly Board reports, updating main home
  page/News section/ASF Twitter feed as appropriate, monthly press release
  (what sort of events trigger press releases/media alerts?)
- Process and punchlist creation for projects to learn how and when to
  promote their activities
- Day-to-day publicity direction and oversight for ApacheCon, support other
  ASF-led events: establish media outreach process for smaller events (to be
  executed by organizers or M&P team depending on activity), issue 4 press
  releases per ApacheCon
- Incoming media inquiry management and follow through
- Sponsor/other 3rd party publicity/communications program liaison: press
  release review/editing, speaking support, interviews, etc.
- Brand/image support: develop and maintain copy for various collateral and
  promotional materials
- Marketing budget: planning and execution
- Beginner and Intermediate Media & Analyst Training (during ApacheCon;
  other types of training?)
- ApacheCon Business Track: chair, manage session selection, coordinate
  speakers, and oversee execution
- Group communications: hold weekly conference call and monthly project


The Marketing & Publicity team will work closely with groups where
activities cross-pollinate or intersect such as:

a) Brand Management
- develop and maintain collateral 
- support development of house style where needed
- oversee communication aspects of new brand launch
- support creation of event signage, exhibit banners, pop-up booth
  packages where needed

b) ConCom
- oversee message development and outreach tactics for ApacheCon
  --- direct day-to-day ApacheCon PR?
- share media distribution lists with the 'con
- provide press/analyst contacts for local events (where available)
  --- ApacheCon sponsor media support?
- disseminate press releases on ASF wire where appropriate

c) Community Development
- communications regarding events and participation results (e.g. GSoC, etc.)
- event participation liaison (e.g. community relations/outreach,
  ApacheCon/Community Track, etc.)

d) Fundraising/Sponsorship
- liaise Sponsor relations
- press releases, communications, team meet-and-greet
- leverage marketing and publicity resources for ASF outreach (shared lists,
  spreading the word, etc.)
- piggy back on media opportunities (interviews, analyst meetings, customer
  summits, media road shows, conferences, etc.)

e) Infrastructure
- Website development
- publishing to, Foundation blog, etc.
- mailing list development/support


14 December 2009 - Pivot Feathercast goes live; promote informally
15 December 2009 - transition Sponsor liaison activities to Serge Knystautas
                   and Greg Stein
16 December 2009 - last day to make any public announcements before holiday
                   season blackout
4 January 2010 - activate, create;
                 deactivate prc@ list with autoresponder
5 January 2010 - first day to resume public announcements
11 January 2010 - interview draft due for Software Design magazine (Japan;
                  Bart Eisenberg, reporter)
12 January 2010 - issue press release announcing Pivot as an ASF TLP
18 January 2010 - US Federal holiday (Martin Luther King Day)
15 February 2010 - US Federal holiday (President's Day)
1 March 2010 - HALO contract ends

Attachment 5: Report from the ASF Rep. for W3C

[Prepared by Sam Ruby]

Starting to organize a set of people interested in participating in W3C
activities on the ASF behalf; at the present time we have Larry Rosen, Glen
Daniels, Rahul Akolkar, and myself expressing interest.  I encourage others
who are interested to join the members-only mailing list.

As I am working closely with the W3C staff anyway, I am willing to step
forward and assume the role of VP, W3C for the ASF as well as W3C Advisory
Committee Representative for the ASF.  I don't see this as being a time
concern (activity is low, and this would enable me to work direct vs through
an intermediary).  I would also be quite willing to hand this off at any point
in the future if somebody else has the interest and cycles to pursue it.  A
board resolution has been created on this topic.

Only "real" business this month: forwarded a request for contacts regarding
developer outreach to the PRC list (as I didn't find a separate list for
Marketing and Publicity).

Attachment 6: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee

All activity this month fairly routine: one new JIRA opened, one closed, and
progress on 5 others.  Assisted the new VP, Brand Management; am monitoring
one potential IP Clearance / Pedigree issue in a Incubator podling.  On the
latter, I'm satisfied that the PPMC is taking the appropriate steps.

Attachment 7: Status report for the Apache Security Team Project

For November 2009: There continues to be a steady stream of reports
of various kinds arriving at  These continue to
be dealt with by the security team.

   5       Support question
   2       Security vulnerability question, but not a vulnerability report
   1       Vulnerability report of which
   1       [myfaces, via]

Also in November the TLS renegotiation flaw was made public which
requires protocol updates to be corrected.  While the upstream OpenSSL
fix was to disable all renegotiation that can break sites needing to
use client certificates, and so mod_ssl got an alternative mitigation
fix ( ).  This will continue to be
a painful issue for some months as changes to the protocol and OpenSSL
implementation thereof may break some client/server interactions.

Attachment 8: Status report for the Apache Conference Planning Project

ApacheCon US 2009 (2-6 November)
This was a great event!

We had approximately 750 attendees overall, including about 250 Meetup

The Mayor of Oakland declared November 4th to be Apache Software
Foundation Day, and the Governor of California sent his
congratulations and thanks for our work over the last ten years.

Apache Roadshow Asia 2009 (Nov. 28-29 (Beijing); Dec 4-6 (Colombo))
Both events were successful, more details in next month's report

Apache Retreat, Ireland 2010
Registration and publicity are proceeding at a slow but steady rate.
Noirin has been co-ordinating with local BarCamp folk, and we'll
announce the BarCamp publicly in January. A further registration
push will follow at that time.

Other events
Various people are interested in running local events in 2010:
-Bruno Borges, Ross Gardler and Danese Cooper are interested in
holding an Apache Track at FISL, June 2010 in Brazil
-Noirin Shirley, Emmanuel Lecharny and Bertrand Delacretaz are working
with the Open World Forum organisers to provide Apache-related content
at the OWF in September 2010, Paris. The exact format has yet to be
-Simon Willnauer and Isabel Drost are interested in holding an Apache
event in Berlin, dates TBD. This may be pushed to 2011, depending on
what other events go on in Europe in 2010.
-Ross Gardler & others are interested in holding an Apache event in
the UK in June/July 2010, to be co-ordinated with OSWatch's annual
-The TrafficServer and httpd projects are planning on doing a
hackathon & meetup on January 26th at the Yahoo Campus. This event is
planned to be entirely developer focused, and no ConCom assistance has
been requested.

Attachment 9: Status report for the Apache Infrastructure Team

Sander Striker ordered a disk replacement for nike ( and Bart
van der Schans installed it.

Began testing a searchable interface for private mail archives courtesy
of Chris Rhodes.

Started sending out periodic notifications to users with oversized home
directories, insecure permissions or private keys.

Improved our DNS configuration with input from Surfnet.

Ordered 6 SCSI drives to serve as replacements for various failed drives.

Tony Stevenson specced an HP machine slated to replace the aging minotaur

Tony Stevenson expanded our LDAP footprint to now be usable for logins
with all subversion repositories.

In contact with Sun to replace a failed controller in helios's array.

Philip Gollucci upgraded loki to FreeBSD 8.0.

Philip Gollucci patched FreeBSD on minotaur(people) to deal with a few
security advisories.

Martin Cooper and Davanum Srinivas dealt with a mass influx of spam
accounts into Confluence.

Attachment 10: Status report for the Apache Travel Assistance Committee

ApacheCon US 2009

ApacheCon went extremely well for the TAC attendees and those on the 
ground representing TAC. Tony prepared a report and was posted on the 
TAC list for inclusion in the board report, here it is:

"..In the initial stages of this round of applications things went really 
smoothly. We opened the applications on time, and we have a steady stream 
of applications until the closing date.  We selected an agent with whom we 
could book all the airline ticketing. This is the only part of the whole 
process that is still leaves a sour taste.  As we had to utilise a judges 
personal CC to pay for a bulk of the tickets as the agent decided partway
through that she could not actually accept a wire transfer, as had 
been previously discussed. 

On site, the conference went really well. This round of TAC recipients were 
both helpful and willing.  They were involved in setting up the Barcamp 
with Ross, and then they helped with session chairing. They also helped 
with other misc tasks throughout the week.  We trotted them out to 1st 
morning breakfast. This was a good way for us to get to meet many of them, 
and for them to meet other friendly faces. This was a great idea, and should 
remain on the roster.

There are some changes that we have unofficially agreed to be made to the 
application, process, and interaction with other parts of the foundation.
We intend to have a conference call to discuss these.  

Overall I think Oakland was much more of a hit than Amsterdam wrt the TAC 

The handing over of funds from the Treasurer to Nick Burch went ok and we 
thank Geir and Nick for sorting that out.

One last refund of pre-paid funding by a TAC attendee is in process of 
being done as we speak as mentioned in the Treasurers report.

TAC members held a concall meeting on the 26th November for a post 
ApacheCon round up and to talk about what went well and what needs 
changing etc. This discussion is summarized on the TAC list for everyone 
to read through and comment on, make suggestions etc. We expect to start 
acting on some of the points raised soon.

Of particular note is the discussion we had regarding the Apache Retreat 
being held in Ireland next year. We have funds left over that was 
reserved for an ApacheCon Europe. As it 'looks' like such an event will 
not happen during our current budget year then we have funds left over to 
use for other events if we decide to do so. We agreed that the Apache 
Retreat was within our scope of helping folks get to Apache events. 
We will contact the organisers of this event shortly and see what we 
can do. The intention is to open up applications in January.

Since the concall and discussion, TAC folks have been taking a well-earned 
break from activities and so no more news since then.

Attachment A: Status report for the Apache APR Project

The activity on the project in the last 3 months (Sep 20 2009 to Dec 14
2009) was as follows:

APR trunk:        61 commits
APR 1.5.x:        56 commits*
APR util 1.5.x:   17 commits*
APR 1.4.x:        57 commits
APR util 1.4.x:   16 commits
APR 1.3.x:        30 commits
APR util 1.3.x:   10 commits
APR 0.9.x:         0 commits
APR util 0.9.x:    0 commits
APR iconv trunk:   0 commits
APR iconv 0.9.x:   0 commits
site:             10 commits

* These were copied from 1.4.x recently, so the number of commits
actually reflects mostly activity on the 1.4.x branch.

Current stable release of APR is 1.3.9, released Sep 25 2009. Legacy
release 0.9.18 remained current + 1 security patch.

Current stable release of APR util is 1.3.9, released Aug 6 2009. Legacy
release 0.9.17 remained current + 1 security patch.

Current stable APR iconv release is 1.2.1, released Nov 15 2007.

As of Dec 14 2009, there were 99 APR related bugs outstanding in Bugzilla.

Preparations are under way to release APR and APR util 1.4.x.

Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Archiva Project

* No releases since last board report
* Development for 1.2.3 is still in progress with 6 issues remaining before 
* Removal of the database and audit log reporting, both for Archiva 1.3, are
being worked on in separate branches

Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Camel Project

 * No issues that require the board attention.
 * Another busy quarter with increased contributions from the community.
 * Mailing lists continue to be very active.
 * Martin Krasser accepted as new committer.
 * We are keeping an eye on a few other active contributors to become

 * Development continues on both 1.x maintenance branch and trunk.
 * Another maintenance release of the 1.x branch planned for next quarter.
 * Camel 2.2.0 planned for next quarter.

 * Camel 1.6.2 (maintenance) released.
 * Camel 2.1.0 released.

Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Cayenne Project


* Released Cayenne 3.0 Beta 1. Barring errors discovered during the beta
phase, the 3.0 API is frozen.  A few more features in Cayenne Modeler are
still planned which are external to the API.


   * Added Olga Tkachova as a committer.
   * Added Evgeny Ryabitskiy as a committer.
   * Activity on the user and development lists has been normal.

Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Commons Project


 o Continued healthy activity across multiple components and
responsiveness on both dev and user lists.
 o Voted to sponsor incubation of agimatec-validation, an
implementation of JSR 303, the bean validation framework


 o Dbutils 1.3
 o BeanUtils 1.8.1
 o BeanUtils 1.8.2
 o Exec 1.0.1
 o Email 1.2
 o Pool 1.5.3
 o Pool 1.5.4

 o New Sandbox committers
   - Benson Margulies
 o No new committers
 o No new PMC members

Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Excalibur Project

Excalibur Quarterly Report for December 2009

There are no known issues.

Excalibur is stable and used by some projects. Again, this quarter has
been very quiet with zero activity, neither in the mailing lists nor in
subversion (and no releases of course).

Attachment G: Status report for the Apache Felix Project


    * Added new committer: Adam Wojtuniak.
    * Updated front web page to highlight Felix subprojects.
    * Felix/OSGi Track at ApacheCon US was a success.
    * Devoxx OSGi at Apache Birds Of A Feather session was well received.
    * GlassFish v3 using the Apache Felix framework and a handful of other
      Felix subprojects goes final December 10th.


    * Recent contributions:
          o OSGi User Admin specification implementation contribution accepted
            from Adam Wojtuniak.
          o OSGi IO Connector specification implementation contributed from
            Adam Wojtuniak.
    * Recent subproject releases:
          o File Install (2.0.0, 2.0.4)
          o Framework (2.0.1, 2.0.2)
          o Gogo (0.2.2)
          o HTTP Service (2.0.2, 2.0.4)
          o iPOJO Ant Task (1.4.2)
          o iPOJO Online Manipulator (1.4.2)
          o iPOJO Web Console Plugin (1.4.4)
          o Karaf (1.0.0, 1.2.0)
          o Main (2.0.1, 2.0.2)
          o Maven Bundle Plugin (2.0.1)
          o Maven iPOJO Plugin (1.4.2)
          o Maven SCR Plugin (1.4.0)
          o Preferences (1.0.4)
          o SCR (1.2.0)
          o Web Console (2.0.0, 2.0.2)

Licensing and other issues

    * Executed OSGi CT licensing agreement to give Apache committers access
      to the OSGi CT.

Attachment H: Status report for the Apache Gump Project


    * the main Gump (virtual) machine vmgump has been down for a few
      days in November because of problems with its host, fortunately
      we have a Solaris zone so integration builds could continue.


    * the installation is chugging along with active metadata


    * still all Apache committers have access to metadata in svn.

    * no releases.

Attachment I: Status report for the Apache Harmony Project


The Apache Harmony community remains healthy, and has recently released
a new milestone build.  The lack of a JCK continues to be an issue for

Development and Releases

There was no work on the core JVM and JIT code during the reporting
period, but we continue to receive a steady stream of patches to the
Java 5 and Java 6 class library branches.

The Harmony community published Apache Harmony 5.0 Milestone 12 on
December 5th.  This latest milestone build contains a number of bug
fixes and enhancements across numerous modules.  Our previous release
was in August 2009.

We are currently stabilizing the Java 6 stream with a view to making the
first stable release of that stream in the next few days.

Harmony build and test is running smoothly on the Hudson Ubuntu systems,
and we look forward to infra bringing on-line a wider variety of
platforms that can be used in test, including Windows.


The Harmony PMC appointed one new committer during the last reporting
period, and there are now 50 committers of which ~9 were active this
period.  There were no changes to the PMC membership.

Xiao-Feng gave a talk on Apache Harmony at the Apache Roadshow Asia 2009

Attachment J: Status report for the Apache iBATIS Project

Attachment K: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project

The Incubator is running smoothly, with nothing requiring the Board's
attention at this time.

There was some discussion regarding publishing of docs to the site, and
whether docs for an intermediate state are or are not to be treated the same
as a code release.  Unclear that it is in any way an Incubator issue, as
opposed to an ASF-wide topic.

There is discussion of an OpenCMIS project, with some people wanting it, and
others concerned about incubating two projects in the same domain at the
same time.  There is also discussion of incubating a JSR-303 Bean Validation

Pivot and OpenWebBeans are set to graduate.  Apache Clerezza is set to start


= Aries =

Aries will deliver a set of pluggable Java components enabling an enterprise
OSGi application programming model.

Aries entered incubation on September 22, 2009.

There are currently no issues requiring IPMC or Board attention.

The svn area has been organized with a single trunk for now, though we still
need to settle the discussion about components lifecycle and the svn layout.

The following sub-components are actively being developed:

* Application
* Blueprint

There has been a lot of activity on the mailing list this month indicating a
vibrant community is being built.

Top 2 or 3 things to resolve before graduation:

* Build community
* Create a release
* Address project scope concerns raised during acceptance vote

= Bluesky =

BlueSky has been incubating since 01-12-2008. It is an e-learning solution
designed to help solve the disparity in availability of qualified education
between well-developed cities and poorer regions of China.

What we've completed in the last month:

   * last round check of first release preparation, e.g., legal issues of
compile scripts;
   * all the scripts and documents are committed, official website was
updated correspondingly;
   * Announced the first round vote of release of RealClass of BlueSky, but
failed due to deficiency of understanding release procedure;

top 2 or 3 to resolve prior to graduation:

   * According to the opinions on RealClass@BlueSky first release which
reverberate from dev-mailing list, we'd improve and start the release vote as
soon as possible;
   * Once the first release is made, we'd move fast to the next version's
transferring on the base of our prototype;
   * Community development is always under concern though it is not
realized because of some complex reasons. However, i'd be sure we could do
better when the development of the next version is on its way;

= Cassandra =

Cassandra is a distributed storage system providing reliability at a massive
scale. Started incubation: 01/2009. Opened to community in 03/2009.

Past action items:

* Get 0.4.0 release out. Done. (And 0.4.1, and 0.4.2)

Other notable activity:

* Cassandra users survey thread including responses from Twitter, Mahalo,
Ooyala, SimpleGeo, and 20+ others:
* Added Chris Goffinet and Johan Oskarsson as committers

Next steps:

* Get 0.5.0 release out. (Beta1 was released a couple weeks ago; Beta2 is
being voted on now.)
* Graduate

= Clerezza =

Clerezza was accepted in the incubator on November 27th, 2009.

We are setting up the podling, waiting on our mailing lists, there are no
issues requiring board attention at the moment.

= ESME =

Enterprise Social Messaging Experiment (ESME) is a secure and highly
scalable microsharing and micromessaging platform that allows people to
discover and meet one another and get controlled access to other sources of
information, all in a business process context.

ESME entered the incubator in 2008-12-02.

The following items have been performed since the last reporting period

* Activity on the mailing list has increased dramatically
* The Apache wiki is full of content and used widely
* We have at least 4 new contributors adding code on a daily (almost)
* Professional performance tests have been assisting us to find memory
* Use of Apache Hudson for daily builds
* Started defining the Jira items necessary for a first release
* Great deal of media attention - based on Chatter announcement from
* Collaboration with various Apache-external groups (#ubimic, akibot, etc.)
* Collaboration with OFBiz regarding integration of ESME into the
* Users from various enterprises are using ESME in test installations

The following items are planned for the next reporting period:

* Work on new UI
* Hopefully, our first release

Top 2 or 3 things to resolve prior to graduation

* Move all collaboration to the esme-dev mailing list
* Increase community involvement in the project
* Multiple Apache releases

= Etch =

Etch was accepted into Incubator on 2 September 2008. We had our first

Etch is a cross-platform, language- and transport-independent framework for
building and consuming network services. The Etch toolset includes a network
service description language, a compiler, and binding libraries for a
variety of programming languages.

This last reporting period saw little activity (0 commits, 0 releases).
We're finding it hard to regain our momentum after the dissolution of our
team. James and Scott are using etch in their current projects, and Youngjin
would like to pick up the c-binding. What we lack is the organizational
energy to get things moving.

Release 1.1 is ready but needs some administrative polish before it is

Release 1.2 is next in the pipeline.

Our continuous integration build problem will only be solved by one of us
hosting it at our new gigs. James and Scott are looking into this.

Outstanding items:

* More community.. we have been Cisco-centered with just a few nibbles
outside of Cisco. Things are definitely changing with members employed or so
to be employed in different places. Building a stronger community remains
our key task. We wish we knew how.

Signed off by mentor: dashorst

= Hama =
Hama has been incubating since 19 May, 2008. It is a parallel matrix
computational package based on Hadoop Map/Reduce.

Recent developments:

* We implemented BSP(Bulk Synchronous Parallel) library on top of the
* We were re-architecting the computing engine based on BSP to solve a
problem of performance and locality of sub-blocks in distributed system.

Required before graduation:

* Recently, the community and patch contribution is increasing. However, we
need more committer/reviewers who are capable of proofing algorithm.
* We need more documentation (We are preparing to submit a paper to the
USENIX) and education about linear algebra and graph algorithm.

Signed off by mentor: brett

= HISE =
HISE has entered incubation on November 6, 2009. HISE provides a deployable
component ready to interpret human interactions defined in xml files, as
specified in WS-Human-Task 1.0 Spec. It also exposes a taskOperations Web
Service for tasks management.

HISE is still in the setup phase, although that's almost done. All initial
committers now have an account, the repository and issues manager has been
setup. The only missing piece left are mailing-lasts, for now we're using
ODE's development list when necessary.

= Kato =

Kato was accepted into the Incubator on 6 November 2008.

Kato is a project to develop the Specification, Reference Implementation,
and TCK for JSR 326: the JVM Post-mortem Diagnostics API

Recent Activity:

* The project is working towards making a milestone 1 release. Currently
working through release candidates using a multi-staged audit process as
suggested by Robert Burrell Donkin.
* The JSR specification document has been accepted as an Early Draft Review
and the review period has passed.
* The Technology Compliance Kit (TCK) has been running against the hprof
and CJVMTI implementations of the API.

The following is planned for next reporting period:

* Our first release of the RI, demos and TCK.
* The 1.0 release of the RI in concert with the Final Draft Review (FDR) of
the JSR.
* Finalization of RI and JSR.

Before this project can be graduated we need to produce a usable
implementation of the API and more useful tools to encourage adoption and
participation of a much needed community.

= Libcloud =

Libcloud is a unified interface into various cloud service providers,
written in python. Libcloud joined the Incubator on November 3rd, 2009. Most
of our activity since joining the incubator has been around migrating our
existing code and community to the ASF.

* All but one developer account has been created.
* All iCLAs from pre-existing contributors have been submitted.
* libcloud git repo has been migrated to ASF SVN.
* libcloud mailing list has been migrated to ASF.
* We are holding a libcloud meetup/dinner in San Francisco on Thursday,
December 10th. See the mailing list if you are interested in joining!

We are actively working on a release, which we hope to happen early 2010.

= Log4php =

Log4PHP is a logging framework similar to Log4J, but in PHP. The project
entered incubation in 2004, retired and restarted again on 2007-07-04. The
project got some community feedback, which is good, but not enough for

* Christian Hammers has been elected as new Committer
* The Log4PHP team created 3 release candidates. We are currently voting on
them and will bring the proposed release on the incubator list soon
* Update 13-12-09 - Today Log4PHP made its first release since being in the
Incubator for over 4 years!! A truly great effort to get this far, well done

= OpenWebBeans =

OpenWebBeans is an ASL-licensed implementation of the JSR-299: Contexts and
Dependency Injection for the Java EE platform which is defined as JSR-299.

OpenWebBeans entered the incubator in October 26, 2008. The following items
have been made after the last report

* We have passed JSR-330 TCK
* We have increased our community
* We have voted for graduation
* We have been updating our code base using final specification
* We begin to work on JSR-299 TCK
* We have created a documentation project using docbook

Below are the next steps;

* We will try to graduate as TLP
* We will release the M4 version.
* We will integrate with the Apache Geronimo
* We will fully implement specification
* We will work on JSR-299 TCK

= RAT =

A number of patches have been (belatedly) applied and elections of some
contributors new to RAT but well known to the ASF are in progress.

The issue of final destination would probably be best solved by the creation
of a new TLP with a charter slightly wider than just RAT to allow the
development of other similar auditing tools useful to the Apache

= River =

River is aimed at the development and advancement of the Jini technology
core infrastructure. Jini technology is a service oriented architecture that
defines a programming model which both exploits and extends Java technology
to enable the construction of secure, distributed systems which are adaptive
to change. River has been incubating since December 2006.

Work on the test suite and other parts of River has continued and there is
continued talk about doing the AR2 release. The active development community
is still rather small.

Next steps before graduation (no changes since last report):

* AR2 Release
* Change com.sun.jini.* namespace to org.apache.river.*
* Reduce barriers to entry for new developers.
* Increased committer participation.

= Shindig =

Apache Shindig is an OpenSocial container and helps you to start
hosting OpenSocial apps quickly by providing the code to render
gadgets, proxy requests, and handle REST and RPC requests. Apache
Shindig entered the incubator 2007-12-03.

The following tasks have been completed since the last reporting period.

   * Multiple licensing issues have been cleaned up and we have
successful RAT tests in place.
   * Successful release of shindig 1.1-BETA5 on 11/24/2009, we now
have multiple committers that can cut releases.
   * Approval of two new committers.
   * Created distribution area with KEYS and our 1.0.0 and 1.1-BETA5 releases.
   * Updated Website

The following items are planned for the next reporting period:

   * Start graduation process.
   * Official 1.1 release.

= Stonehenge =

Stonehenge has been incubating since December 2008. Stonehenge a set of
example applications for Service Oriented Architecture that spans languages
and platforms and demonstrates best practices and interoperability by using
currently defined W3C OASIS standard protocols.

Since the last report in August, the Stonehenge project has been making
progress towards, and clarifying the scope of an M2 release with
improvements to the first sample application centered on both a unified
configuration system, and a claims-based security model. As part of the
efforts towards an M2 release, a Sun Metro based implementation of the
StockTrader sample was added to the trunk.


Since the last report, about 2 new developers have joined and actively
contributed code in the form bug fixes and new functionality, as well as
documentation. Apache Stonehenge was demonstrated at, the NYC
Connected Systems User Group, ApacheCon, and


Progress has been steady towards an M2 release. There is on-going work on a
claims-based security system that adds a passive and active STS in select
implementations of the StockTrader sample application. Interoperability
testing is currently underway on this new functionality. As documentation is
a key part to this project we've completely revamped out to accommodate
future samples. Currently there are 19 open JIRA issues marked as M2.


As mentioned in the August 2009 Report M3 would consist of either adding
more interoperability features to StockTrader or implementing new sample
applications. The latter is currently the focus, and the community is
focusing on creating "micro samples" for many common WS-* scenarios, with
the goal being around creating implementations with low barriers to entry.
Discussions are in progress about testing frameworks and scenarios of

Graduation Map

* Grow community around new claims based stocktrader implementations just
* More thorough documentation that empowers developers to replicate
interoperability scenarios demonstrated
* Demonstrate full interoperability between existing components, and

= Subversion =

Subversion entered the Incubator on November 7, 2009.  Subversion is a
version control system.

Mailing lists have been migrated to ASF infrastructure.  As of Dec. 10th,
the development mailing list has fully migrated over with the old
dev@ list being shut down.  A users@ list has been created on ASF
infrastructure and is being used, but there are a number of published
references to the old users@ address, so we are still discussing
that transition - that should be complete within the next month.  No
progress has been made to backfill archives, though some discussion has
occurred.  (Backfilling of archives is not required for graduation.)

The Subversion project has merged its source code history into the One True
Repo at  The old repository on has been put
in read-only mode, and all new development is happening on
Most, if not all, active Subversion contributors have filed their ICLAs, and
are continuing development on the new infrastructure.

The most recent for
Subversion shows only 70 unknown licensed files, down from more than 200 a
couple of weeks ago.  Work continues on either removing inappropriately
licensed files from the distribution tarballs or adding licenses to files
found deficient.

The community plans to create a new patch release, Subversion 1.6.7, before
the end of the year.  Although this release will be made under the old
license (to avoid having to relicense mountains of code on the release
branch), the release process will be observed and monitored by the Incubator
PMC as part of the podling's progress toward graduation.

The podling remains optimistic that a rapid progression to graduation is
possible in the next month or two.

Attachment L: Status report for the Apache Jackrabbit Project

Apache Jackrabbit is a fully conforming implementation of the Content
Repository for Java Technology API (JCR, specified in JSR 170 and 283).

The Apache Jackrabbit project is in good shape. We have no board-level
issues at this time.

o Releases

  Jackrabbit 2.0 reached beta status with the following releases:

    * Apache Jackrabbit 2.0 alpha11 on September 23rd
    * Apache Jackrabbit 2.0 beta1 on October 30th
    * Apache Jackrabbit 2.0 beta3 on November 25th
    * Apache Jackrabbit 2.0 beta4 on December 12th

  We also made two releases from the old 1.4 maintenance branch:

    * jackrabbit-core 1.4.10 on September 15th
    * jackrabbit-core 1.4.11 on September 23rd

  We made two releases of the Jackrabbit parent POM:

    * org.apache.jackrabbit:jackrabbit:4 on September 14th
    * org.apache.jackrabbit:jackrabbit:5 on October 4th

o Legal

  We're tracking the LEGAL-50 and LEGAL-62 issues for further comments,
  but currently we have no open legal action items.

  We are interested in figuring out how the new trademark policy affects
  our logo, website and releases, and what steps we need to take to meet
  the policy.

o Community / Development

  Jackrabbit participated in the Content Technology track and the NoSQL
  meetup at ApacheCon US 2009.

  The development branch related to database connection pooling has been
  merged back to Jackrabbit trunk and the results are included in the
  Jackrabbit 2.0 beta4 release.

  We've discussed with Apache Sling about taking over some OSGi bundling
  code they've written for Jackrabbit. On the other hand there is some
  code in Jackrabbit that's only being used by Sling and that might end up
  being adopted by them. We're considering making parts of our svn tree
  writable by members of both projects to simplify such cooperation.

o Infrastructure

  We received some spam through Nabble on our dev@ list, and have asked
  Nabble to disable posts through the web interface.

  We reconfigured the Jackrabbit entry on Ohloh to get code statistics
  from the Git mirror at since the svn history seen by Ohloh
  didn't include the time when Jackrabbit was still incubating.

Attachment M: Status report for the Apache Labs Project

Apache Labs hosts small and emerging projects from ASF committers.


Overall a quiet quarter with business-as-usual at Apache Labs.


== Labs Statistics ==

- new: 0
- status changes (last 3 months): 1
  - hupa (promoted)
- total number: 30
  - active: 24
  - idle: 1
  - promoted: 2
  - completed: 3
- labs with commits: hupa, magma, jaxmas, consite, dungeon, fluid

== New Labs =

UPnPSpread (PI: Norman Maurer): The vote for creating this lab has succeeded,
but the lab has not been created yet.

== Re-activated labs ==


== Completed labs ==

Hupa (PI: Norman Maurer) moved as a subproject to Apache JAMES.

== Community ==

Nothing remarkable.

== Lab hacking ==

Nothing remarkable.

Attachment N: Status report for the Apache Lucene Project


-The PMC added George Aroush and Chris Mattmann to the PMC
-The PMC added Open Relevance committer Robert Muir
-The PMC added Mahout committer Jake Mannix
-The PMC added Tika committer Ken Krugler


Lucene Java is a search-engine toolkit.  Development has been
active and we released both 2.9 and 3.0 this quarter


Solr is a full text search server using Lucene Java.
Development and the community is active.  Solr released
version 1.4 this quarter.


Nutch is a web-search engine: crawler, indexer and search runtime. There has
been a recent flurry of work on discussing Nutch's future post ApacheCon,
spearheaded by Andrzej Bialecki and others. In addition, there is ongoing
work on reducing code duplication (tighter integration of the Tika parsing
framework and mime type detection, better Solr integration) and using a
more flexible storage system (e.g. HBase). Many issues are being fixed in
preparation for a 1.1 release early next quarter.


Lucy is a loose C port of Lucene targeted at dynamic language bindings.
Development this quarter has focused on abstraction of the IO subsystem and
portability to various compiler platforms.


Lucene.NET is a .NET based port of Lucene Java.  Development and the
community are active.  Lucene.NET graduated from the incubator and is
now a full-fledged Lucene sub-project.


Apache Mahout is working towards
building a suite of scalable machine learning libraries for text and
data mining.  Development is active and version 0.2 was released this

Open Relevance Project

The Open Relevance Project is a new project aimed at providing Lucene
and others tools for judging the quality of search and machine
learning approaches.  The project added Robert Muir as a committer
this quarter and development is getting under way. Recent work
has added support for Indonesian "Tempo" and Persian
"Hamshahri" collection to execute relevance judgements with


PyLucene is a Python integration of Lucene Java. Development is
active. Closely tracking the Lucene Java releases, we released PyLucene
2.9.0, PyLucene 2.9.1 and PyLucene 3.0.0 this quarter. A major addition was
made to JCC, the code generator making PyLucene possible: the support
for Java generics now in use by Lucene Java 3.0.


Apache Tika is a toolkit for detecting and extracting metadata and
structured text content from various documents using existing parser
libraries.  Tika released version 0.5 this quarter. There have been
recent development efforts to speed up Tika's mime detector, as well as
efforts to provide a self-contained OGSI-based Tika bundle. There is a
strong desire to release these post 0.5 improvements, so we are planning
to release Tika 0.6 in the next few weeks.

Attachment O: Status report for the Apache OFBiz Project

The Apache Open For Business Project (Apache OFBiz) is an open source
enterprise automation software project. By enterprise automation we mean:
ERP, CRM, E-Business / E-Commerce, MRP, SCM, CMMS/EAM, and so on.

We have no issues that require Board assistance at this time.


- Three new PMC members have been added: Bruno Busco, Adam Heath, Ashish 
- One new committer has been added: Erwan de Ferrieres
- Community interaction remains strong: user and dev mailing lists traffic 
is high, and the commits remain about the same.
- The PMC has voted to change SVN authorization so that all committers have 
full access instead of newer committers only having access to higher-level 
parts of OFBiz (applications, themes, specialpurpose)


- Significant new development continues, for highlights see:


- The OFBiz wiki and other content has been moved from the old server to
- The CI server is now in use to test builds and automated tests in the 
- Work is in progress to move nightly builds and other remaining infra 
that is not on ASF servers to ASF servers by the end of the month (special 
thanks to Gavin and others on the infra side, and Jacques and Tim and 
others on the OFBiz side)

Attachment P: Status report for the Apache PDFBox Project

General Comments

There are no issues that require Board attention.

The transfer of PDFBox from the incubator to its new home as an Apache TLP
is completed.
We decided to upgrade to Java 5 with the upcoming 1.0.0 version.


We released the first version (1.0.0) of JempBox as an Apache TLP.


After receiving an ICLA from Villu Ruusmann we are able to integrate his
contribution which adds support for Adobe CFF/Type2 fonts to FontBox.
Following the integration we will prepare to release the first version of


Jukka switched the PDFBox build from ant to maven. Some minor issues were
solved and some minor improvements were added.

Right after the release of FontBox we will start planning the first release
of PDFBox as TLP. 

Attachment Q: Status report for the Apache Portals Project

-- New releases --


-- New committers --


-- Status --

1. Pluto JSR-286 Portlet API 2.0 Specification Release

No new core work since release of Portlet 2.0 Specification compliance
earlier this year. A developer from the Geronimo team has started looking
into adding OSGi support to Pluto, replacing non-standard assemblies.

2. Jetspeed-2

Last released version (described in last quarterly report) was in May 2009
(2.2.0). Team is committing daily working towards a new release in Q1 2010.
(Version 2.2.1). Also working towards a bug fix release for the 2.1.x
branch, version 2.1.4 The new 2.2.1 release will contain several new
features including:

- New Web 2.0 Client Side Customization Engine
- A Jetspeed Toolbar for one-click customization
- REST Customization APIs  
- Ate Douma is now involved as Mentor of the new Incubator Wookie project
  which is of much interest to Apache Portals: we're envisioning a full
  integration of Wookie within Jetspeed Portal

3. Portals Applications

Activity in Web Content application to support single-signon and improved
IFrame support such as dynamic resizing of IFrame portlets Continued
maintenance and contributions to 1.0 applications released in May 2009 from
community and committers

4. Apache Con, Oakland 2009

David Taylor presented "Content Driven Portals with Jetspeed and Jackrabbit"

Attachment R: Status report for the Apache Quetzalcoatl Project

This report is a repeat of the previous one:

No new developments to report for mod_python this quarter. No new versions
released, no major issues discovered. The pace of development and Jira
issues is very very slow.

Attachment S: Status report for the Apache Santuario Project

Attachment T: Status report for the Apache ServiceMix Project

The following releases have been performed:
* servicemix-pom 4
* servicemix-utils 1.2.0
* servicemix-specs 1.40
* several osgi bundles from third party 
    libraries (quartz 1.6.6, juel 2.1.1, ...)
The POMs include mainly cleanup and dependencies upgrade 
in preparation for the next components release iteration.

The SMX 4.1 release is on the road, including new Felix 
Karaf and components release.

No changes in the committers or pmc members list.

Attachment U: Status report for the Apache Sling Project

Sling is an OSGI-based scriptable web framework that uses a Java Content
Repository, such as Apache Jackrabbit, to store and manage content.

Sling graduated as a TLP on June 17th, 2009.

There are no issues which require board attention at the moment.


    * New committer: Justin Edelson.
    * Felix Meschberger presented Sling as part of the Content Track at
      ApacheCon US.
    * Carsten Ziegeler presented Sling at the WJAX in November in Munic.
    * Ian Boston presented Sling to and ran 1 day workshops with the
      Sakai Community at the 10th Sakai Conference in Boston, MA, US
      and the 3rd AuSakai Conference in Bathurst, NSW, AU
    * Sling Users and Developers lists are now also archived on Nabble.


    * Apache Sling Parent POM 8
    * Apache Sling Launchpad Base 2.1.0
    * Apache Sling Commons ClassLoader 1.1.0
    * Apache Sling JCR ClassLoader 3.0.0
    * Apache Sling Scripting Core 2.0.8
    * Apache Sling Scripting JSP 2.0.8
    * Apache Sling Scripting JSP Taglib 2.0.6
    * Apache Sling Scripting JavaScript 2.0.6
    * Apache Sling Commons HTML 1.0.0
    * Apache Sling Commons Compiler 1.0.0
    * Apache Sling JCR Compiler 1.0.0
    * Apache Sling JCR Prefs 1.0.0
    * Apache Sling Scripting Java 1.0.0


    * Website documentation is steadily improving.

Licensing and other issues

    * none

Attachment V: Status report for the Apache SpamAssassin Project

- We're well on our way to a major release, 3.3.0.  Beta1 was recently
  cut nearly two weeks ago, no major issues so far.

- We had an issue with a users@sa list member harassing/attacking a
  representative of Return-Path and sending abusive emails to PMC members.
  We've revoked posting privs from the user and made it clear on the users
  list that such behaviour will not be tolerated in our community.  board@
  was copied in my email titled "Note from SA PMC: Removal of an abusive
  list member", sent at Tue, 08 Dec 2009 23:01:59 -0500.  Other than that,
  the mailing lists are active and healthy.

- We added two new committers since the last report: Warren Togami Jr.
  (wtogami) and Adam Katz (khopesh).  That brings our active committer
  count to approximately 13.

Attachment W: Status report for the Apache Synapse Project


The Synapse community keeps going well. Mailing list traffic is solid
and continuous, with new users on a regular basis. We voted in a new committer:
Supun Kamburugamuwa

The 1.3 release is taking longer than expected due to dependencies on
other projects. However, the WS-Commons Transports release is

We had a number of presentations at ApacheCon.

Board issues
None identified.

Attachment X: Status report for the Apache Tiles Project

This quarter Apache Tiles has released new versions of both the 2.1 and 2.2 
series. Here is a synopsis of the releases:

 * 2.2.1 Beta - The 2.2 series includes a cleaner API and some new features
   and is dependent on modern versions of the JDK and servlet specifications. 

 * 2.1.4 GA - The older 2.1 series is being maintained for users who require 
   older JDK and servlet versions, but there are no plans to backport the
   newer features to this branch.

 * The release roadmap is on the Tiles wiki here:

There have been no changes to the PMC or committers group this quarter. User 
list traffic is steady and non-committers seem to be stepping up a bit more to 
answer questions. 

Attachment Y: Status report for the Apache Tomcat Project

The project continues to be active on a number of fronts.
There are no issues requiring Board attention at this time.

We have released Tomcat Native 1.1.18.

We've been working closely with security issue reports and the Apache
Security committee on quickly replying to issues, resolving them, and
coordinating public disclosures.

CVE-2009-3548 - Insecure default password
  The Windows installer defaults to a blank password for the
  administrative user. If this is not changed during the install
  process, then by default a user is created with the name admin,
  roles admin and manager and a blank password.

Development was concentrated mainly on fixing bugs for the current
releases and on finalizing the Tomcat 7. The new Tomcat Lite was moved
from the sandbox to the modules directory.
We have requested the Solaris Zone for Tomcat PMC which we would
like to use for creating daily and release builds.

There were no changes in the committership nor PMC membership
during this quarter.

Attachment Z: Status report for the Apache Web Services Project

Attachment AA: Status report for the Apache Wicket Project

Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component
oriented web applications, and was established as an Apache project in
June 2007.

Things worthy of note:
- Released Apache Wicket 1.4.2, 1.4.3 and 1.4.4
- Development for 1.5 is ongoing

No issues require attention from the board.

Attachment AB: Status report for the Apache XMLBeans Project

This quarter was a busy one for the developers of XMLBeans with the v2.5.0 
release preparations. Right now we're in the process of voting for RC1 to 
become the official v2.5.0 release.

Community wise, the involvement on the mailing lists with questions, answers, 
feature requests and release continues steadily.

There were no new committers or PMC changes this quarter.

There are no issues requiring board's attention.

End of minutes for the December 16, 2009 board meeting.
