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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

                            January 20, 2010

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 2:00pm (Pacific) and began at
    2:01 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a
    quorum was recognized by the chairman. The meeting was held
    via teleconference, hosted by Jim Jagielski and vmWare.

    IRC #asfboard on was used for backup

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Shane Curcuru
        Doug Cutting
        Justin Erenkrantz
        Roy T. Fielding
        Jim Jagielski
        Geir Magnusson, Jr.
        Brian McCallister
        Brett Porter
        Greg Stein

    Directors Absent:


    Officers Present:

        Sam Ruby
        Henri Yandell
        Serge Knystautas
        Craig L Russell

    Officers Absent:



        J Aaron Farr

3. Minutes from previous meetings

    Published minutes can be found at:

    A. The meeting of December 16, 2009:

       See: board_minutes_2009_12_16.txt


4. Executive Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Jim]

       After the last board meeting there was quite a rigorous discussion
       thread regarding the board's modification of the submitted Axis TLP
       resolution before voting on it. It was noted as a reminder that the
       board has ultimate responsibility and authority over the content of
       resolutions, but it was also suggested that what the board "should
       have" done was table the resolution and bounce it back requesting the
       changes be made and re-submitted. It was noted that the former is
       actually an indication of a "well-running" board and that a
       dysfunctional board would have taken the former action.
       A legal issue was brought to the board's attention and was referred
       to the legal cmmt for follow-through.
       I sent a reminder to the board that our Delaware Annual Report, for
       our corporate status, is due by March 1.
       A member's meeting still needs to be scheduled.

       Big uproar on the mailing lists over the board taking initiative, but
       the general consensus of the board is that the board did what it should
       have done. Waiting wouldn't have served any purpose.

    B. President [Justin]

       This last month has been quiet as expected.  By the end of this
       month, I will begin asking all of our committees to start
       formulating their 2010-2011FY budgets.  I do ask that the
       Treasurer/Asst. Treasurer help in this process by providing the
       historical YTD expenses to our committees.  I continue to expect
       that we should have a draft budget before the Board in time for
       the March 17th meeting.

       Unless there are any objections, I will take the point on the
       contract negotiations with HALO for their services.  (The current
       contract expires on March 1.)

       As mentioned previously, I have a number of speaking engagements
       in February and March representing the ASF - all within California.

       Jim volunteered to help with HALO's negotiation, Jim and
       Justin will work out offline the division of labor.
       Shane requested that Jim/Justin give the board a heads up
       should there be any significant changes in scope or budget.
       Justin indicated that he did not expect any significant

    C. Treasurer [Geir]

     Books are currently up to date as of 2010-1-17 for checking,
      savings and credit card accounts.


       - Current PayPal balance as of 01/17 is $16,608  Contributions
         for Dec 2009 were $1729  This is not reflected in
         statement of position below.
       - Invoice sent to Facebook. 
       - Contribution flow information (checks, PayPal) sent to Serge for past 
         month.  First step in fixing the 'thank you' problem.

      Tasks Done:
       - all approved bills paid.  Had a wire bounce for Wechner/Wyona Pictures
         but in contact with Michael and working to fix
      In Progress:
       - We're over the top with respect to standard FDIC and 'great
         recession' FDIC programs for insurance so starting to explore
         alternatives.  First thought is short term US Treasuries

      To Do:
       - 1099 to Sunstar
       - W-9 to Facebook
       - review switching from accrual to cash accounting
       - invoice to GOOG for GSoC - priority
       - need to start gathering CC receipts from CC holders. E.g ACON09

     1) Statement of Financial Income and Expense - December 2009 - Accrual Basis


        Ordinary Income/Expense
              Interest Income                                         120.98 
              Contributions Income
                Unrestricted                                 53,032.90
              Total Contributions Income                           53,032.90

           Total Income                                            53,153.88

              Bank Service Charges                                    338.02
              Licenses and Permits                                    710.00
              Postage and Delivery                                     19.95
              Program Expenses
                   Colocation Expenses                   518.00
                   Infrastructure Staff               15,837.56
                Total Infrastructure                         16,355.56

                Public Relations                                950.00
                Conference Expenses                           1,942.02
              Total Program Expenses                               19,247.58

           Total Expense                                           20,315.55

        Net Ordinary Income                                        32,838.33

     Net Income                                                    32,838.33

    2) Statement of Financial Position - As of December 31, 2009 - Accrual Basis

                                                    Dec 31, 09     Dec 31, 08     $ Change      % Change
        Current Assets
             PayPal                                   12,513.63       4,774.63      7,739.00        162.1%
             Wells Fargo Analyzed Account            223,304.27     155,009.88     68,294.39         44.1%
             Wells Fargo Savings                     284,941.16      98,588.89    186,352.27        189.0%
           Total Checking/Savings                    520,759.06     258,373.40    262,385.66        101.6%

           Accounts Receivable
             Accounts Receivable                      50,000.00     115,500.00    -65,500.00        -56.7%
           Total Accounts Receivable                  50,000.00     115,500.00    -65,500.00        -56.7%

        Total Current Assets                         570,759.06     373,873.40    196,885.66         52.7%

     TOTAL ASSETS                                    570,759.06     373,873.40    196,885.66         52.7%

           Current Liabilities
             Credit Cards
                ASF Credit Card - Paul Querna              0.00       2,077.90     -2,077.90       -100.0%
                ASF Credit Card - Ruby                    39.90         107.60        -67.70        -62.9%
                ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz             287.14           0.00        287.14        100.0%
             Total Credit Cards                          327.04       2,185.50     -1,858.46        -85.0%

           Total Current Liabilities                     327.04       2,185.50     -1,858.46        -85.0%

        Total Liabilities                                327.04       2,185.50     -1,858.46        -85.0%

           Retained Earnings                         363,648.74     261,948.68    101,700.06         38.8%
           Net Income                                206,783.28     109,739.22     97,044.06         88.4%
        Total Equity                                 570,432.02     371,687.90    198,744.12         53.5%

     TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                      570,759.06     373,873.40    196,885.66         52.7%

       Justin noted that Sunstar does not need a 1099 as he is a
       company instead of an individual. Geir will check into this,
       and indicated that he filed a 1099 for this last year.
       Roy asked if we should start planning for an audit. Geir
       believes that the books are ready on an ongoing basis.
       Jim asked to verify that we are planning to have a formal
       audit, and plans to figure out what it takes to reconstruct an
       Audit committee. (The previous audit committee was dissolved
       in February of 2009)

    D. Secretary [Sam]

       Minutes drafted, minutes posted for review, and minutes posted to the

       35 ICLAs, 5 CCLAs, and 1 Grant processed this month, mostly via
       eFax, then by email, with a few postal mail.  Craig continues to handle
       the bulk of these, and one working day turnaround is generally the
       norm.  Some further investment in automation has resulted in additional

       We are looking at revising the ICLA form itself to indicate that
       direct email is an acceptable alternative (in fact, it is the preferred
       alternative).  We have had people send in, and we accept, pictures
       of signed documents, which we convert to a PDF for archiving.  (Both
       svn and the mail archives show the full trace of all transformations)

       Finally, some time this month we plan to experiment with sending back
       email confirmations at the time a document is committed.  This email
       will be sent to the email address in the document itself, and will copy
       the person who sent in the document, if the document was sent by email
       and the address is different.

    E. Executive Vice President [Sander Striker]

       It's yet another short report for the EVP office. It's been a rather
       uneventful month. Press inquiries have all been handled by others. No
       speaking opportunities this month. No tasks to be handled requested by
       the President.  Not even hard drives to order for Infra. In other
       words: "Nothing of significance to report to the Board".

       That said, I should have mentioned my vacation, especially given the
       lack of connectivity. Last year I was close to an open network, I
       naively assumed the same this year. To cut this short, I'll be back
       on Jan 31. Should you need me in this timeframe, please do call my

    Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

5. Additional Officer Reports

    1. VP of JCP [Geir Magnusson Jr]

       See Attachment 1

       Geir didn't see any significant shifts in EC member support.

    2. VP of Brand Management [Shane Curcuru]

       See Attachment 2

       Shane clarified that the F2F with Sally and Serge will be in the
       Boston area.

    3. VP of Fundraising [Serge Knystautas / Doug]

       See Attachment 3

       Geir sent Serge the list of checks that came in to the lockbox, and the
       >= $100 amounts in PayPal.

       Brief discussion on the use of Google Docs vs SVN.

    4. VP of Marketing and Publicity [Sally Khudairi / Roy]

       See Attachment 4

       Jim to get clarification on "new brand launch"

    5. VP of W3C Relations [Sam Ruby]

       See Attachment 5

       Sam clarified that the current level of participation in the W3C
       consists of Sam in the AC and Larry in the PSIG.  Sam also described
       the process by which the AC rep nominates participants to W3C

    6. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby]

       See Attachment 6

    7. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Greg]

       See Attachment 7

    8. Apache Conference Planning Project [Noirin Shirley / Brian]

       See Attachment 8

       Justin suggested faxing to the ASF # vs fighting scanners.

       Noirin indicated that she tried to make it clear to SCP that there are
       no plans for an ApacheCon in Europe this year, and has not asked anyone
       to look at venues on behalf of ConCom/the ASF.

    9. Apache Infrastructure Team [Philip Gollucci / Justin]

       See Attachment 9

    10. Apache Travel Assistance Committee [Gavin McDonald / Jim]

       See Attachment 10

       Jim to follow up on the capitalization in the report

    Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

6. Committee Reports

    A. Apache ActiveMQ Project [Hiram Chirino / Shane]

       See Attachment A

    B. Apache Attic Project [Henri Yandell / Brett]

       See Attachment B

    C. Apache Axis Project [Glen Daniels / Geir]

       See Attachment C

    D. Apache Beehive Project [Eddie O'Neil / Justin]

       See Attachment D

       Brett updated committee-info.txt to make sure that this report will
       no longer appear in the agenda.

    E. Apache Click Project [Malcolm Edgar / Shane]

       See Attachment E

       Shane ask the project to include description in report.

    F. Apache CXF Project [J. Daniel Kulp / Greg]

       See Attachment F

       Congrats on the books from the board!!!

    G. Apache DB Project [Rick Hillegas / Brett]

       See Attachment G

    H. Apache Directory Project [Alex Karasulu / Doug]

       See Attachment H

       Doug to pursue a report for Directory

    I. Apache Geronimo Project [Kevan Miller / Brian]

       See Attachment I

       The board is pleased to see more books.

       URL for blogs:

    J. Apache Hadoop Project [Owen O'Malley / Justin]

       See Attachment J

       Justin suggested that the board ask that the Hadoop project answer
       the same questions regarding spinning off subprojects that was asked of
       Lucene in the previous month.  Doug indicated that this was in

    K. Apache iBATIS Project [Clinton Begin / Geir]

       See Attachment K

    L. Apache Incubator Project [Noel J. Bergman / Roy]

       See Attachment L

       Roy to relay that the board directs Traffic Server to go with #2, and
       tell the Incubator not to gate on this.

       Justin expressed concern over the communication issues in the Imperius

    M. Apache Jakarta Project [Rahul Akolkar / Jim]

       See Attachment M

       Brief discussion between Justin and Rahul over the applicability of the
       Attic to retired subprojects.

    N. Apache JAMES Project [Norman Maurer / Justin]

       See Attachment N

    O. Apache Maven Project [Brian Fox / Geir]

       See Attachment O

    P. Apache MINA Project [Julien Vermillard / Brett]

       See Attachment P

    Q. Apache MyFaces Project [Matthias Wessendorf / Doug]

       See Attachment Q

       Geir confirms that he is aware of this project's involvement with the

    R. Apache ODE Project [Matthieu Riou / Greg]

       See Attachment R

    S. Apache OpenEJB Project [David Blevins / Brian]

       See Attachment S

       Get together is noted.

    T. Apache OpenJPA Project [Craig Russell / Jim]

       See Attachment T

    U. Apache OpenWebBeans Project [Gurkan Erdogdu / Shane]

       See Attachment U

       Shane to follow up on committer removals.

    V. Apache PDFBox Project [Andreas Lehmkühler / Roy]

       See Attachment V

    W. Apache Pivot Project [Greg Brown / Brian]

       See Attachment W

       Shane mentioned that there was a press release.

    X. Apache Santuario Project [Raul Benito / Geir]

       See Attachment X

       Geir to follow up and get a proper report, and this supersedes
       Brian and Doug's action items. The board is discussing naming
       a new chair, citing the precedent with naming Ken as chair for

    Y. Apache Struts Project [Martin Cooper / Doug]

       See Attachment Y

    Z. Apache Tapestry Project [Howard M. Lewis Ship / Brett]

       See Attachment Z

    AA. Apache Tcl Project [David N. Welton / Jim]

       See Attachment AA

       Jim to follow up with David on whether this should become a
       candidate for the attic.

    AB. Apache Web Services Project [Glen Daniels / Roy]

       See Attachment AB

       Brief discussion of the jUDDI security issue not appearing in the
       security report.  No action taken.

    Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

7. Special Orders

    A. Establish the Apache Shindig Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the 
       Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
       Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
       open-source software related to the implementation of an OpenSocial
       container and OpenSocial API specifications for distribution at no
       charge to the public.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Shindig Project",
       be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the 
       Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Shindig Project be and hereby is
       responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
       related to the implementation of an OpenSocial container and
       OpenSocial API specifications; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Shindig" be
       and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
       serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
       of the Apache Shindig Project, and to have primary responsibility
       for management of the projects within the scope of
       responsibility of the Apache Shindig Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and 
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the 
       Apache Shindig Project:

         * Ian Boston                <ieb at apache dot org>
         * Kevin Brown               <etnu at apache dot org>
         * Chris Chabot              <chabotc at apache dot org>
         * Chico Charlesworth        <chico at apache dot org>
         * Cassie Doll               <doll at apache dot org>
         * Evan Gilbert              <evan at apache dot org>
         * John Hjelmstad            <johnh at apache dot org>
         * Paul Lindner              <lindner at apache dot org>
         * Daniel Peterson           <dpeterson at apache dot org>
         * Louis Ryan                <lryan at apache dot org>
         * Henning Schmiedehausen    <henning at apache dot org>
         * Vincent Siveton           <vsiveton at apache dot org>
         * Upayavira                 <upayavira at apache dot org>
         * Adam Winer                <awiner at apache dot org>
         * Santiago Gala             <sgala at apache dot org>

       be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Shindig, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the 
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification,
       or until a successor is appointed; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Shindig PMC be and hereby is
       tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
       encourage open development and increased participation in the 
       Apache Shindig Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Shindig Project be and hereby
       is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
       Incubator Shindig podling; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
       Incubator Shindig podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
       Project are hereafter discharged.
       Special Order 7A, Establish the Apache Shindig Project, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

8. Discussion Items

    * HALO contract (up for renewal end of February)
    * PayPal account access for Serge, possibly other transaction info, and
      hosted Quickbooks
    * This timeframe still OK for board meetings?

    General agreement on getting Serge access to PayPal data.
    Geir prefers svn for quickbooks. Serge indicated that hosted access
    was only a nice to have.
    Next board meeting will be two hours earlier.

9. Review Outstanding Action Items

    * Roy:    Follow-up with Buildr on their use of git.

    * Roy:    Update /dev with rule that invitation only dev meetings are OK,
              provided that such meetings are discussed on the dev list, and
              that all committers are included.

    * Roy:    Get with Carl Trieloff and suggest improvements to the
              Qpid report so that it can meet board expectations.

    * Greg:   Get with Gregory Trubetskoy to determine if Quetzalcoatl is
              expected to improve or if the project should be moved to the
              [Email sent; awaiting response; Greg to get with the entire

    * Justin: Obtain invoice for Filmworks project
              [Complete: invoice recv'd and paid]

    * Sander: Check on status of wire transfer
              [Sam and Geir stated that this was complete.]

    * Brian:  Ping TAC for a report covering the two months.

    * Roy:    Suggest that Abdera recruit on the Atom lists.

    * Justin: Request that podlings that don't report be requested to report
              the following months, and new incubator PMC members be listed
              in the report.
              [Carry over]

    * Brian:  Pursue a report for Santuario.
              [Geir to take over this action item]

    * Serge:  Coordinate thank-you letters with Geir.
              [Making progress, keep open]

    * Shane:  Follow up on an iBATIS report.
      - project provided report, has preapprovals this month

    * Brett:  Follow up on where collaboration in ESME is taking place.
      - mentor reported back that "things have improved tremendously" in the
        last quarter, and that the comment was probably left over from a
        previous report
      - recent events surrounding licensing will still need to be monitored

    * Greg:   Request a special report from Lucene on the the status of each
              subprojects with respect to diversity and splitting out
              as a TLP.
              [no action performed (yet), will do similarly for Hadoop]

    * Greg:   Request that be updated or that the
              entire project moves to the attic.
              [dup of above]

    * Doug:   Pursue a report from Santuario.
              [Geir to take over this action item]

    * Jim:    Make sure that sure that the Tomcat project is aware of
              infra-managed build options before rolling their own on a zone.

    * Shane:  Follow up with the Wicket project to ensure that reports
              mention any changes in PMC, committers.
              [TODO before their next reporting cycle]

10. Unfinished Business

11. New Business

12. Announcements

13. Adjournment

    Adjourned at 3:20 p.m. (Pacific)


Attachment 1: Report from the VP of JCP

There continues to be activity and interest around TCKs, recently
around the shrapnel from Java EE 6 spec completion - servlets, JavaEE,
JPA, et all.  There's an request for the EL TCK, which I thought we'd 
have, but Sun has now informed me we need to get a separate license
so I will do so.

I attended the January JCP EC F2F in Santa Clara.  I presented our
model of Incubation to the group - there's been some recent interest in
'incubators' as a possible way of helping specs get started, so I described
the Apache model in a session that included the Eclipse incubation process
as well as W3C.  I also gave an session to the newest EC members for both
ME and SE/EE on the Apache/Sun dispute.

Attachment 2: Report from the VP of Brand Management

No board-level issues noted.

Operations And Community
Policy discussion quieted down over the holidays, but is expected to 
pick up soon to better define our trademark guidelines.

Apache Pivot was warned about a potential trademark conflict with a 
Microsoft project named Pivot (that they appear to have applied for a 
registered trademark on), however the PMC preferred to keep 
their name.  

Our previous two SpamAssassin trademark registrations were allowed 
to go abandoned (last month; was omitted from SpamAssassin report).
Given the well-established use with our software product, I don't 
believe this will be an issue going forward.

Planning on attending February meeting with Sally and Serge to work 
out details of PRC break up, including budget and responsibilities.

External Requests
Answered various non-infringing related questions.

VP, Concom signed the Memorandum of Understanding between the Apache 
Software Foundation and Cloudera with regard to Hadoop World, after 
consulting with counsel and trademarks@.  The agreement is for a year, 
at which point both our overall trademark use guidelines and any 
event-specific guidelines (worked out in conjunction with Concom) 
should be well defined, ensuring that any future agreements comply 
with our overall guidelines.

Attachment 3: Report from the VP of Fundraising

Fundraising remains largely in an assessment and planning phase.  I
prioritized the areas I would work through as:
 1) sponsors,
 2) donations, and
 3) other areas.
I'll go through those three areas and then discuss coordinating with 
other areas at the ASF in this board report.

This is going pretty well.

Sally handed off all sponsor relationships to Greg Stein and myself.  I 
had a face to face meeting with Greg, and he is interested in serving as 
the primary liaison to all existing sponsors and to help with closing new 
sponsors.  Greg successfully helped close Facebook as a new gold sponsor.

Greg and I will be using a google docs to track sponsors.  We are 
looking to track key administrative tasks such as primary points of 
contacts, date of renewal, and last invoice number.  It is on Greg's 
plate to put together the first revision and share with me.  We will 
grant access to the google docs upon request to any foundation or board 

I prompted some discussion of sponsorship on fundraising@ with limited 
feedback.  I will be emailing all sponsors individually to provide a 
second point of contact at the ASF, and also to solicit any feedback on 
the sponsorship program.

I feel we will need to create some form of a proactive push of updates 
to sponsors, though the shape, frequency, and targeting of these updates 
has yet to be defined.

I'll be gradually documenting the sponsorship process over the coming 
months, including:
 1) sponsor coming aboard (coordinating with press@ and treasurer@, 
updating spreadsheet, updating thanks page, etc..)
 2) sponsors leaving, and
 3) sponsor maintenance activities.

I have put the task of finding new sponsors on the back burner until 
I've gotten more of what's under the fundraising umbrella understood and 
under control.

I define this as all the cash donations coming in.

This is my next task now that sponsorship is getting under control. 
I've been trying to get the list of 2009 donors, without success. 
5 emails to Geir over the past 5 weeks, and I only have received a 
partial list of transactions from mid-Dec 2009 thru early January 2010. 
I have not been able to get answers to questions on where this money 
is going and how I can get access to it, but this was over the holidays 
and I expect to push much more actively on this in the coming month.

So next month, I get a clue of where money is going and put in place 
what I need to reliably track and report on this.  Without this in 
place, I will not be able to effectively measure the impact of any 
changes to the donation program.

I will look to review how we could improve the donation program later 
this spring.  Some people have volunteered in spot areas, and there have 
been some suggestions on fundraising@ already and emails to me 
expressing interest before fundraising@ was re-launched.  I will likely 
expect to reach out to members@ as this gets going.

This includes book revenue sharing deals, car donations, and whatever 
else that was setup by temp volunteers in the past or just handed to the 
ASF.  My sense is that right now this information is the most fragmented 
and unknown.  As I get data on the donations program, I expect some of 
these activities will be illuminated.  I expect this to be largely a 
trickle of money, and the debate to be had is whether the resources 
needed to track and manage these programs is worth the revenue they are 

I'm flying to Boston in February to meet with Shane and Sally as the 
first official face-to-face of the ASF marketing team.  I'm looking to 
understand areas of responsibility and build camaraderie to make our 
jobs easier.

I'd like to ask the board for more access to the foundations financials. 
Access to the PayPal account would be very helpful and I expect 
facilitate some of the reporting I need for donations (and sponsors).

I also do not know what else I need access to.  I'd like to discuss 
where else money is arriving and how I could get access to that, this 
would be great.  Slaps on the head accompanied by a path in SVN are 
certainly appreciated too.

Also I have access to the Quickbooks files, but it would be easier for 
me if the ASF could move to the online hosted variety so we're not 
checking out and opening a static binary file.  I may not have a recent 
enough version of Quickbooks, assuming the ASF QBW file is getting 
upgraded regularly.  So if we're not going to move to the hosted 
version, I will likely request budget to buy a copy of Quickbooks for 

As always please feel free to send me or fundraising@ any questions you 
have, and I appreciate everyone's assistance getting this going.  Thanks!

Attachment 4: Report from the VP of Marketing and Publicity


Sally exchanged emails with Greg Stein and Serge Knystautas, handed over
all Sponsor Relations activities to Greg, and liaised a personal
introduction between each Sponsor and Greg. Sally also worked with David
Recordon and the Facebook PR team on their new Gold Sponsorship
announcement and creating an official ASF statement in support of that

Sally will host a face-to-face worksession in Boston with Shane Curcuru
and Serge, who will be flying up from Baltimore for the day. The primary
agenda item will be the separation of responsibilities and budget with the
Fundraising and Brand Management groups. Other items are detailed in the
"Liaison" section below.

We are seeking an ASF Member to act as a spokesperson who is based in
Europe, as well as an Asia/Australasia/Oceania-based backup. We've received
a small handful of requests from journos who would prefer to speak with
someone within their own timezone so that they can be productive during
their workday without having to wait for the US to wake up. Preferably
this would be a Board or PMC member. Media Training is required: all
participants need to be able to *work* in a press environment.

Media/analyst relations outreach continues, with the intention of
introducing the new M&P team, updating records, and inviting interested
parties to be added to a newly-created press/analyst-specific distribution
list (to be used for for higher-level Foundation announcements, the first
of which was the Facebook Sponsorship news referenced above); response has
been overwhelmingly positive, with more than 30 additions to the list
within 24 hours of first communication sent. Feedback includes:

-- "Thank you for asking: not everyone does."
-- "By all means add both myself and David to your press and analyst list."
-- "Thank you for asking. I appreciate the courtesy. Yes, please add me."
-- "Thanks for getting in touch. I'll sign up for the RSS feeds, but please
   also add me to your Apache press list too. I suspect the volume of
   messages on the general lists would quickly train me to just hit
   delete ... (I) would be especially interested in contact details
   for anyone in Europe willing to talk to the press about Apache and
   related projects: it can be frustrating having to wait till early
   evening for US contacts to wake up! I'd also settle for contact
   details of  nightbirds on the Pacific coast, or any English speakers in
   Asia. Thanks again."
-- "Yes please do sign me up. Thanks."
-- "Great to hear! I am glad Apache will have a more cohesive approach to
   PR. I want to know about everything Apache does. Every project, every
-- "That would be great. I'd appreciate being on the 'regulars' list.
   Also, I do some blogs and podcasts, covering Microsoft and separately
   covering security. If there is any news or potential podcast guests about
   security (or Microsoft if that happens), I'd appreciate it if they might
   be on a podcast."
-- "I would like to receive and cover news from the ASF for TB. All help
   and response on your part will be hugely appreciated. Please feel free to
   add me to your list."
-- "I'm certainly interested in keeping up on the latest with the Apache
   Foundation and its many technologies and communities..."

Sally has been working with Greg Brown and the Pivot team on their press
release and dissemination tactics to support the announcement of their
graduation from the Apache Incubator and the release of Pivot v.1.4

Sally has also been discussing promotion strategy/tactics/timeframes with
the Apache Cayenne and SpamAssassin teams and has proof-read/edited Jim
Jagielski's interview with Software Design magazine of Japan.

Media hits, clippings audit and management: The ASF received 

- 150 press hits in December 2009 (primary interest: post-10th Anniversary
  coverage, year-in-review lists), and 
- 195 press hits in January 2010 (thus far; primary interest Facebook
  Sponsorship announcement, top technologies that have influenced computing,
  Apache HTTP Server v.1.3/2.0 deprecation, Geronimo)


The Marketing & Publicity team will work closely with groups where
activities cross-pollinate or intersect such as:

a) Brand Management
- develop and maintain collateral 
- support development of house style where needed
- oversee communication aspects of new brand launch
- support creation of event signage, exhibit banners, pop-up booth packages
  where needed

b) ConCom
- oversee message development and outreach tactics for ApacheCon
  --- direct day-to-day ApacheCon PR?
- share media distribution lists with the 'con
- provide press/analyst contacts for local events (where available)
  --- ApacheCon sponsor media support?
- disseminate press releases on ASF wire where appropriate

c) Community Development
- communications regarding events and participation results (e.g. GSoC, etc.)
- event participation liaison (e.g. community relations/outreach,
  ApacheCon/Community Track, etc.)

d) Fundraising/Sponsorship
- liaise Sponsor relations
- press releases, communications, team meet-and-greet
- leverage marketing and publicity resources for ASF outreach (shared
  lists, spreading the word, etc.)
- piggy back on media opportunities (interviews, analyst meetings,
  customer summits, media road shows, conferences, etc.)

e) Infrastructure
- Website development
- publishing to, Foundation blog, etc.
- mailing list development/support


11 January 2010 - previewed/edited draft submitted back to Software Design
12 January 2010 - issued Facebook announcement
18 January 2010 - US Federal holiday (Martin Luther King Day)
18 January 2010 - Sally working remotely (will be traveling with Charel
                  Morris to the UK and Spain to interview PR firms and
                  inspect potential event sites in Europe - on Stone Circle
                  Productions' budget)
19 January 2001 - Press release to be issued announcing Pivot as an ASF
                  TLP + Pivot v.1.4
20 January 2010 - possible announcement date for Apache SpamAssassin v.3.3.0
6 February 2010 - Sally returns to US
9 February 2010 - Onsite worksession with Shane and Serge
15 February 2010 - US Federal holiday (President's Day)
1 March 2010 - HALO contract ends

Attachment 5: Report from the VP of W3C Relations

Larry is now a member of the W3C Patents and Standards Interest Group, and
has participated in calls.  Among the current topics being discussed is the
request by the HTML WG for a more liberal license for HTML5 standard (i.e.,
the document itself).  This will likely result in the W3C soliciting opinions
from the Advisory Council representatives.

Attachment 6: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee

JIRA: 6 closed, 13 worked on, 0 opened; mostly during a blitz by Henri on
19 December (Thanks Henri!).

Discussions of note:

* Moving Copyright notices (a.k.a. dealing with an uncooperative donor)

* Public Domain (primarily example code)

Attachment 7: Status report for the Apache Security Team Project

For December 2009: There continues to be a steady stream of reports
of various kinds arriving at  These continue to
be dealt with by the security team.

   2       Support question
   2       Security vulnerability question, but not a vulnerability report
   1       Phishing/spam/attacks point to site "powered by Apache"
   6       Vulnerability report of which
           1       [juddi, via]
           2       [tomcat, via]
           3       [httpd, via]

Attachment 8: Status report for the Apache Conference Planning Project

Apache Roadshow Asia 2009 (Nov. 28-29 (Beijing); Dec 4-6 (Colombo))
No report was received from the Colombo team, despite requesting same in

The Beijing team reported a successful event, with huge thanks to key
people "on the ground" (particularly Peter Cheng, Xiao Feng, and Robert).
Intel's support was also greatly appreciated. The team did report
difficulties with co-ordination between the two events, and found that the
lack of a dedicated co-ordinator keeping things in sync made for several
small-but-significant hassles.

Apache Retreat, Ireland 2010
Registration continues to climb slowly. Noirin and Colm have both been
travelling since the beginning of the year, but we're still planning to
publicly announce the BarCamp in January, and do another registration
push before the end of the month.

Other events
The TrafficServer and httpd projects are holding a hackathon & meetup on
January 25 & 26th at the Google Campus. This event is supported by Google,
and presented at no cost to attendees or to the Foundation.

Simon Willnauer and Isabel Drost are planning a Hadoop-focused event in
Berlin in May. ConCom is currently discussing support for this event, and
may seek funds from the board next month to do this. Several issues with
the ConCom Supported Events policy have come to light in this process, but
the organising team have been patient with ConCom as we work things out!

Memorandum of Understanding with Cloudera
The Memorandum of Understanding between the Apache Software Foundation and
Cloudera with regard to Hadoop World has been signed by both parties. We
plan to renegotiate within a year, with the aim of ensuring this agreement
falls in line with the Trademark Policy currently being developed at the

Attachment 9: Status report for the Apache Infrastructure Team

De-racked 4 decommissioned machines: freyr, freyja, idunn, fireswamp.

Introduced ckl, a communication tool for distributed sysadmin teams,
into our workflow.

Tony Stevenson acquired a 2 year wildcard SSL certificate from Thawte.
All top-level project websites, including, are now
available over https.

Sketched out some preliminary plans for migrating the zones on helios
to jails on sigyn.

Replaced a failed disk in hermes(mail).

Ordered a pair of SSD's and a JBOD enclosure to house them from Silicon
Mechanics for ~$2400.  The order is expected to ship before Feb 1 and
will be used to beef up performance on eris (svn).

Ordered a corresponding PCIe 2xSAS card for eris (svn) to communicate with
the SSD's for ~$400.

Dan Kulp was granted root on brutus to assist with confluence admin.

Attachment 10: Status report for the Apache Travel Assistance Committee

General News

Not much activity since the last report.
Nick Burch has been completely revamping the webapp to make it Easier 
to use for both the applicants and judges, streamlining And making it 
configurable 'per event'.
There has been some initial talk on how we might be able to Handle smaller 
more focused events, what the criteria should be, Etc. No decisions have 
been made and has been put on the back Burner whilst we concentrate on our 
current event, the Apache Retreat In Ireland.

Although we have some lurkers on the TAC list, no new volunteers have 
stepped forward as yet to offer their time. We have enough TAC members to 
cope with the current situation but it would be nice if in future events 
we were able to do more rotation. This is just a quiet mention to note that 
if any ASF Members would like to help out at TAC they are more than welcome 
to join us. Ideally, we are looking for one or two more people, and, as 
with projects, we would be looking at dedicated stayers rather than short 
term help.

Apache Retreat - Ireland.

We are just about to start our preparations for providing assistance to Those 
that might qualify, for the Apache Retreat in Ireland. We expect to Open 
applications within the next few days.
This is our first of this type of smaller event and we have a slightly 
Different criteria and process. Nicks work on the webapp includes retreat 
oriented changes so this should help make things easier. We have our 3 Judges 
in place.

Attachment A: Status report for the Apache ActiveMQ Project

* The ActiveMQ project has had another very busy but quiet quarter.
* The development and user lists continue to stay vibrant.
* Tim Bish has joined the ActiveMQ PMC

* The Apache.NMS.Stomp project has begun development of its first release.

* ActiveMQ-CPP 3.1.0

Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Attic Project

No issues for the board.

* Beehive has been Attic'd
* Xang has moved into the Attic from the project
* Crimson still expected at some point (pending XML PMC).

Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Axis Project

This is the initial board report for the new Axis PMC.  Cc'ing the WS PMC for
only this first report.

I recently submitted after a
good bit of discussion on the WS PMC list about the correct way to set up the
new PMC and handle the SVN structure, mailing lists, and migration.  While
there are still open questions as to how our new SVN layout will work (or
rather, how to cleanly transition old code to a new structure), I think we
should be able to get started on moving the mail traffic and the website over
to their new locations soon.

After the requisite bumps involved in getting set up, I'm expecting 2010 to
be a good focused year for Axis2 development, and that we'll wrap up Axis1 in
a few months time.

Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Beehive Project

This is a dead project.

Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Click Project

This is the inaugural Click board report.

We have recently submitted to migrate Apache
Click from the incubator to a TLP.  Once the project has been migrated
we will release Apache Click 2.1.

There has been an up kick of activity of late with new community
members, bug fixes and ideas. There has also been a book published
"Getting Started with Apache Click"

I think 2010 is going to be a very good year for Apache Click.

Attachment F: Status report for the Apache CXF Project

2.1.8 was released
2.2.5 was released
DOSGi 1.1 was released

Final preparations for 2.1.9 and 2.2.6 releases are occurring now and will
likely be in the process of being voted on by the board meeting.

The CXF developers have decided that 2.1.9 will be the last patch release for
2.1.x (which has been out for 22 months) so we can concentrate more on getting
2.3 finished.  Users have been notified to start migrating to 2.2.x.

Cyrille Le Clerc added as a committer

The CXF committer community did an amazing job this quarter doing JIRA triage
and bug fixing.    The "bug" count in JIRA is now under 25 open bugs (with
several blocked on bugs in external dependencies) and under 130 total open

User and dev list traffic remains pretty steady and generally questions and
issues are answered promptly.    Vacations and such over the holidays did
cause some minor delays and backlogs, but that seems to be cleared up now.

Another exciting development has been the publication of the first technical
books about CXF.    Previously, there were not any books about CXF which was a
short coming.   In December, TWO books were published about CXF.
1) Apache CXF Web Service Development:
2) Developing Web Services with Apache CXF and Axis2 (3rd Edition):
Neither were written by CXF committers so it really was the user community
responding to a need.    (And thanks to Brett Porter for being a reviewer on
the first one.  :-)     Also, a section about CXF's JAX-RS implementation was
put into Bill Burke's "RESTful Java with JAX-RS" book.

Attachment G: Status report for the Apache DB Project

Development in the DB project continued over the last quarter:

1) Derby is working on a new feature release, 10.6. Derby's summer-of-code
   mentees continue to contribute.

2) JDO is preparing for a maintenance release, JDO 2.3.

3) Torque is relatively quiet, some ideas are being discussed for a major
   4.0 release.

4) DdlUtils and ObjectRelationalBridge did not report any status updates
   this quarter.

5) For the first time in my memory, a security issue came to the DB PMC.
   We are following the Apache security process ( ) and have mapped out a
   solution which satisfies the person who raised this security issue. Given
   the small number of vulnerabilities which come to us, we are not inclined
   to create a special mailing list for DB security discussions; the full PMC
   list seems adequate.

Attachment H: Status report for the Apache Directory Project

Attachment I: Status report for the Apache Geronimo Project

No major issues to report. The community has been active on the
dev and user mailing lists. Several releases were created. The
community is working on a Geronimo 3.0 release targeting support
for OSGi and EE6.

Geronimo 2.2 was released in December. 

Updates to support a 2.2 release have been made. Also,
some exploratory development work has been done on DayTrader for
OSGi EE environments. There has been discussion about moving this
work to the Aries project.

A vote for a GEP 2.2 release is currently active.

The Geronimo Samples are being updated in preparation for a 2.2 release.

The Geronimo implementation of the JSR-317 JPA 2.0 spec API was
released in January.

ApacheCon US held in November '09 included a half day dedicated to Geronimo.  
Presentations included:
 * Apache Geronimo 2.2 - by David Jencks
 * OSGi Blueprint Container Specification and Geronimo - by Jarek Gawor
 * Apache Geronimo 3.0: OSGi and Java EE6 - by David Jencks

Geronimo now has a blog.

A new Geronimo book has been published by Packt
Publishing: "Apache Geronimo 2.1: Quick Reference". We were
contacted by the publisher offering to donate a portion of their
proceeds to the project. This offer was forwarded to the
fundraising mailing list.

 * Cai Jun Jie (Jack) was added as a committer in December.

Attachment J: Status report for the Apache Hadoop Project

Hadoop status report for October 2009 to January 2010

Hadoop is a set of related tools and frameworks for creating and
managing distributed applications running on clusters of commodity

Hadoop World China was held on 2009/11/15 and was well attended. It had
representation from Cloudera, Facebook, Google, and Yahoo. There was
also a smaller Hadoop Conference in Japan on 2009/11/13.

The Hadoop PMC added the following members:
  * Daniel Dai
  * Pradeep Kamath
  * Zheng Shao
  * Tsz Wo (Nicholas) Sze


Avro is an inter-language serialization and RPC library that supports
versioning of schemas and protocols for both compiled and interpreted

Development has been brisk this quarter.  We're anticipating a 1.3
release in late January.

New committers:
  * Philip Zeyliger
  * Jeff Hammerbacher

  * 6 active committers
  * 94 subscribers on avro-dev
  * 114 subscribers on avro-user


Chukwa is a distributed log collection framework that aggregates logs
from across a cluster into a reasonable number of HDFS files.

  * release 0.3.0 on 2009/11/09 with 40 issues
  * branch 0.4 planned for 2010/02

Current state of community
  * 4 active contributors
  * 15 subscribers on chukwa-dev
  * 17 subscribers on chukwa-user

The upcoming 0.4 release will include new real time Hadoop Activity monitor
for small to mid scale Chukwa deployment.


Common is the shared libraries for HDFS and MapReduce. 

  * branch 0.21 was made on 2009/09/18

New committers:
  * Boris Shkolnik
  * Jakob Homan

  * 904 subscribers on common-dev
  * 1838 subscribers on common-user

The development has continued to be active, but work on the blockers
on the upcoming 0.21 release has been moving very slowly. Even after
splitting HDFS and MapReduce out of Common a large number of patches
cross the sub-project boundaries.


HBase is a distributed column-oriented database built on top of
Hadoop Common and HDFS.

  * 0.20.2 on 2009/11/19 -- 40 fixes.
  * There is currently a release candidate out for 0.20.3

New committers:
  * Lars George.


HDFS is a distributed file system that support reliable replicated
storage across the cluster using a single name space.

* No new releases this quarter. A considerable effort is being made to
  make the earlier release 0.21 stable.

New committers:
  * Boris Shkolnik
  * Jakob Homan

  * 25 committers
  * 183 code contributors
  * 245 subscribers on hdfs-user
  * 163 subscribers on hdfs-dev

  The HDFS Append feature is now part of the latest HDFS 0.21 release. A
  design for implementing security in HDFS has been published in the
  Jira forum and is gathering feedback from developers.


Hive is a data warehouse written on top of Hadoop. It provides a SQL
to query and manage data stored in Hadoop in table and partitions.

  release 0.4.1 on 2009/12/17 with 7 issues

New committers:
  none this quarter

For the upcoming 0.5 release, there are 153 resolved issues and 3 open ones.


MapReduce is a distribute computation framework for easily writing
applications that process large volumes of data.

  * branch 0.21 was made on 2009/09/18

New committers:
  none this quarter

  * 178 subscribers to mapreduce-dev
  * 280 subscribers to mapreduce-user

  MapReduce 0.21 continues to stabilize relatively slowly. Security
  and changes to support Avro types through the shuffle continue to go in.


Pig is a platform for analyzing large data sets that consists of a
high-level language for expressing data analysis programs, coupled
with infrastructure for evaluating these programs.

  * release 0.5.0 on 29/Oct/09 with 48 issues
  * release 0.6.0 branched and no blockers; to be released shortly

New Committers:
  * Ashutosh Chauhan
  * Dmitry Ryaboy
  * Richard Ding
  * Jeff Zhang

 * 354 subscribers to pig-user
 * 171 subscribers to pig-dev


ZooKeeper is a reliable coordination service for distributed

On 12/4/09 we gained a new committer, Henry Robinson of Cloudera!

  * release 3.2.1 on 9/Sept/09
  * release 3.1.2 on 14/Dec/09
  * release 3.2.2 on 14/Dec/09

  * 114 subscribers on zookeeper-dev (up from 99 3 months ago)
  * 225 subscribers on zookeeper-user (up from 175 in the same timeframe)

Feedback and community involvement has been slowly increasing, we
frequently meet with users during Hadoop meetups and hold site visits.

Attachment K: Status report for the Apache iBATIS Project

iBATIS 3 is a greenfield reimplementation of iBATIS. We've been
releasing betas about every 3 weeks. Beta 8 was released on January
10th. There were only 4 issues discovered during this beta period,
but more importantly, they were quite minor and quite low level. Two
could be classified as non-functional/performance related. So the
kinds of issues we're finding now are in the "tweaks and tuning"
classification. This gives me a lot of confidence that iBATIS 3 is
nearing GA.

Attachment L: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project

The Incubator appears to be running smoothly, with nothing regarding Board
level attention.

Shindig, Cassandra and UIMA are all talking about graduating. Shindig was
voted on last week, with the vote closed this morning in time to try to make
the Board meeting. Cassandra, which is not reporting this period, is
discussing graduation to TLP status. As noted separately, below, UIMA is
preparing to graduate in the very near future.

Proposed or newly entered:

 OODT --- a grid middleware framework for science data processing,
information integration, and retrieval
 Lucene Connector Framework
 JPPF : a parallel processing framework for Java

There is a 4th proposal, which resulted in some discussion regarding (code)
clearance vs (community) incubation. It should be resolved shortly so that
the project can move forward.

Subversion, rather ironically, given the membership of the project, failed
to provide a monthly report for January. Thrift also failed to report.
Notes on each are below.


= Ace =

Apache ACE is a software distribution framework that allows you to centrally
manage and distribute software components, configuration data and other
artifacts to target systems. ACE started incubation on April 24th 2009.

There are currently no issues requiring board or Incubator PMC attention.


* Toni Menzel accepted our invitation to become a committer, after
considerable contributions since the start of ACE which include support for
launching using Pax Runner, various patches and the migration to Maven.

* Brian Topping accepted our invitation to become a committer, after
learning about ACE at ApacheCon US 2009. Brian is helping out with the
migration to Maven.

* Jean-Baptiste Onofre accepted our invitation to become a committer, after
approaching us to work together on integrating ACE with AutoDeploy/Kalumet.
He has since also helped out with the migration to Maven.

* Marcel Offermans presented ACE at the ApacheCon US 2009 as part of the
OSGi track


* Migrating from an Ant based build to Maven. Current trunk holds both
* Currently its about aligning the Maven output with their Ant originals.
After that, the ant project will be moved out/removed. (Overview: ACE-62)
* CI build is going to be moved to the Hudson grid. (see ACE-71). Awaiting
account creation in INFRA-2419.
* Agreed on new terminology for some of the core concepts in ACE after
Carsten started a broad discussion about them.

Licensing and other issues

* None at the moment.

Things to resolve prior to graduation

* Make a release
* Grow the community some more

= Bluesky =

BlueSky has been incubating since 01-12-2008. It is an e-learning solution
designed to help solve the disparity in availability of qualified education
between well-developed cities and poorer regions of China.

Last month we tried to pack the release candidate package and place it at However, we made some mistakes when
producing the package, first, a improper version number, second, forget to
start a release audit before making the release candidate package. These
faults are the things we'd restore the next step as soon as possible.

top 2 or 3 to resolve prior to graduation:

* Complete the release audit and clarify the last legal issues;
* Revise the release version number and repack the release candidate;
* Start a new round of release vote at bluesky dev-mailing list;

= Chemistry =

Apache Chemistry is an effort to provide a Java (and possibly others, like
JavaScript) implementation of the upcoming CMIS specification. Chemistry
entered incubation on April 30th, 2009.

There are currently no issues requiring board or Incubator PMC attention.


* Another project (OpenCMIS) targeting a Java implementation of CMIS, like
Chemistry, has been proposed to the Incubator. Discussions between OpenCMIS
and Chemistry developers have identified areas of possible collaboration but
the OpenCMIS incubation status has not moved forward.

* Chemistry is now being used by companies or individuals outside the
initial developers.


* Development continues at a steady pace, mostly driven by Florent
* Chemistry now targets CMIS 1.0 CD 05 draft, soon to be 06.
* Nuxeo will contribute a command-line shell for CMIS in a few days.
* SOAP bindings are planned in the coming days as well.

Issues before graduation

* Stabilize the general interest into a sustainable development community.
* Set up Hudson builds.
* Create an Apache release of the Chemistry codebase.

= Clerezza =

Clerezza (incubating since November 27th, 2009) is an OSGi-based modular
application and set of components (bundles) for building RESTFul Semantic
Web applications and services.

The are currently no issues requiring board attention. Recent activity:
* All the Clerezza code has been imported in the podling's svn repository
* Hudson continuous integration activated service interface
for extracting/creating metadata on upload
* thumbnail generator based on the above
* some fixes around security and sparql
* started utilities to make "tagging" with skos concepts easy (front end
widget, and rest service querying remote sparql endpoints)
* bug fixes in sparql and security (cookie authentication)
* move to felix 2.0.2 with its security framework
* look for synergies with apache wink
* scripting engines (mainly scala): use common code base with sling
* webdav support
* offline site generation, to generate clerezza website with clerezza
* implement graph-isomorphism algorithm for proper implementation of
* Stable serialization: review proposed patch
* migration of Jena TDB to 0.8.4 version

Next steps:
* integration with UIMA
* integration with Tika

Top 2/3 Issues before graduation:
* Get our website online, currently it's just a placeholder
* Prepare some easy-to-run demos to get people interested in Clerezza
* Prepare for a first release

= Empire-db =

Empire-db is a relational data persistence component that aims to overcome
the difficulties, pitfalls and restrictions inherent in traditional Object
Relational Management (ORM) approaches. Empire-db is on the Apache Incubator
since July 2008.

We accepted Benjamin Venditti as committer, this after his work on the code
generator through jira-posted patches. The code generator already got the
attention from other community members as well. Our maven-based release also
seems to have helped growing the community, the activity on both the user
and the dev list went up. We are still hoping to get one or two extra
developers involved in our development team.

The project's top 2/3 things to resolve prior to graduation:

* Grow a larger community
* Roll out a second maven-based release

= HISE =

HISE is Human Interactions Service Engine - an implementation of
WS-Human-Task specification.
It is in incubation since 2009-11-06.

For graduation, it needs:
* remaining task operations implementation - currently it's about a half
* building community of users and diversifying community of developers -
currently all committers are from a single company.

Currently project has a basic WAR distro, which enables to do some basic
WS-Human-Task operations, like:

* basic path for Task lifecycle: receiving a claim via Web Services,
claiming ownership, forwarding, completing a task and sending response via
Web Services,

* it has authentication support via WSS4J and holds an internal persistent
structure of user logins, passwords and their group memberships; potential
owners for tasks can be looked up by user's group attributes.

= Imperius =

Imperius has been incubating since November 2007.

Imperius is a rule-based policy evaluation engine based on the CIM-SPL
language from Distributed Management Task Force (

Candidate for the first release of Imperius was voted and accepted by the
Imperius community. The vote was then forwarded to the general mailing list.
Currently, we are waiting on one more binding vote to complete the release
and make the binaries publicly available.

In general, communication within the community continues to be limited and

Things to resolve prior to graduation:

* Create an Apache release
* Grow the community

= JSPWiki =

JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007.

JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program.

Significant progress was made in Stripesifying the jsp's. We also
introduced a new content-inspection package and integrated CAPTCHA. We
upgraded to the priha 0.7.0-alpha release which passes all tests from the
JSR-170 test suite, and offers better performance.

A number of bugs were fixed and 27 new unit tests were added, the current
unit test compliance has dropped a bit to 96.8 %.

Of the 27 items on the graduation checklist, still only 18 are complete, so
in that area there has been no progress. All open items are documentation
and ASF process and infrastructure related. There still is no
3.0.0-incubating-alpha1 release.

The developer list currently has 82 members, a minor decrease from 86; and
the user list has 191 members, an increase from 187.

= Libcloud =

Libcloud is a unified interface into various cloud service providers,
written in python. Libcloud joined the Incubator on November 3rd, 2009.

Migration of infra services complete. Mailing list activity in this early
period has been good. More accounts were requested and have been processed.
A few Jira issues have been created and some early commits are happening.
The project API docs are being built and hosted on the ASF Buildbot, and it
runs RAT for us. There was a meetup in early December and by all accounts it
went rather well with a good turnout. New contributors are appearing and
showing interest by interacting on the mailing lists and providing patches.
Informal talk goes on in the #libcloud IRC channel. Work is underway to
interface with more external vendors. Libcloud is continuing to progress
towards a release.

= Olio =

Olio has been incubating since September 2008.

Olio is a web 2.0 toolkit to help developers evaluate the
suitability, functionality and performance of various web technologies by
implementing a reasonably complex application in several different
technologies. We currently have 3 implementations in PHP, Rails and Java.

We made our second apache release: Olio 0.2 version on January 13. This
release had some major enhancements to improve performance and better
alignment between the 3 versions of the application. This is the first
release for the Java version as well. We have closed a large number of JIRA
issues for this release.

Olio is continuing to gain users especially within the academic community
and is being used for diverse purposes from performance testing cloud
services to specialized file system and databases. There are 35 subscribers
to the user list and 30 subscribers to dev, slightly more than in October.

Graduation From Incubation:

Diversity of committers is the primary issue with the project - although we
have users, we haven't been successful in converting them to
committers (yet).

We could use the PMC and Board's help in spreading the word about Olio to
get better traction.

= Shiro =

Shiro is a powerful and flexible open-source application security framework
that cleanly handles authentication, authorization, enterprise session
management and cryptography.

Shiro has been incubating since June 2008.

During the period, the project has made steady progress towards releasing
the first 1.0.0 release as part of Apache incubator. All IP clearance issues
have been resolved and the team has verified there are no known remaining
issues open. Previous issues related to project's name change have been
largely resolved.

Community involvement remains high and many users are eagerly waiting for
the first official release. The team is planning on making the release
during the next period. There's been an on-going effort to clean up the
codebase and prioritize open JIRA issues before the release.

Project's API documentation (javadoc) is in a fairly good state, but the
remaining issue is where and how to automatically publish the javadoc for
general consumption. In addition, a wiki-based documentation effort for
creating a reference guide was launched.

The project team is not considering graduation at this point, but after the
first release, the team will decide on a roadmap targeting graduation.

The status is being maintained at

Signed off by mentor: Craig L Russell

= Socialsite =

SocialSite is an open source Social Networking Service based on Apache
Shindig (incubating). The software is not simply a "canned" Social Network
or Facebook-in-a-box type of web application; it's something different.
SocialSite is designed to add social networking features to existing web
applications and web sites. SocialSite is made up of two parts: 1) a social
data server that supports the OpenSocial APIs and extensions and 2) a set of
OpenSocial gadgets that provide a complete user-interface for social

SocialSite is in the process of entering the incubator. Status page and SVN
space have been created but no user accounts. Committers have sent in ICLAs
but we're still waiting on Sun to deliver the code grant. During the last
month, out contacts within Sun have finally gotten permission to donate the
code to Socialsite -- so we are hopeful that we'll have code in SVN soon

= Subversion =

Subversion entered the Incubator on November 7, 2009. Subversion is a
version control system.

Mailing lists have been migrated to ASF infrastructure, and the old lists on have been turned into read-only mode. No progress has been made
to backfill archives, though some discussion has occurred. (Backfilling of
archives is not required for graduation.)

The most recent RAT report for Subversion shows only 32 unknown licensed
files. Work continues on either removing inappropriately licensed files from
the distribution tarballs or adding licenses to files found deficient.

The Apache Subversion web presence at is being filled
with content migrated from the existing website at
Once migrated, the Subversion community plans on culling unneeded
information, and better organizing existing content. (You don't get to
redesign your page hierarchy everyday!)

The community's plans to create a new patch release, have been a bit bumpy,
due to a number of technical issues caught during the signing/validating
period. These have been resolved, and the new patch release should be
imminent. It should be noted that although this release will be made under
the old license (to avoid having to relicense mountains of code on the
release branch), the release process will be observed and monitored by the
Incubator PMC as part of the podling's progress toward graduation.

The podling remains optimistic that a rapid progression to graduation is
possible in the next month.

The project is very active, with over a 1100 commits in December and ~200 so
far in January; 100s of messages per mailing list.

= Tashi =

Tashi has been incubating since September 2008.

The Tashi project aims to build a software infrastructure for cloud
computing on massive internet-scale datasets (what we call Big Data). The
idea is to build a cluster management system that enables the Big Data that
are stored in a cluster/data center to be accessed, shared, manipulated, and
computed on by remote users in a convenient, efficient, and safe manner.

Development activities have included work on the aws compatability layer, a
few minor bug fixes, a port of nmd to python, adding support for tagged
bridges in xen, and importing Zoni.

The project is still working toward building a larger user and development
community. Michael Ryan, an active committer on the project, has taken a
new job and is unable to actively contribute to the project any longer.

Items to be resolved before graduation:
* Prepare and review a release candidate
* Develop community diversity (currently Intel and CMU committers)

= Traffic Server =

Traffic Server is an HTTP proxy server and cache, similar to Squid and
Varnish (but better). Traffic Server has been incubated since July 2009.

Recent activities:

* 2009-12-28 George Paul joins the project as a new committer.
* 2009-12-04 Buildbot system setup, with automatic RAT reports.
* 2009-12-02 John Plevyak joins the Traffic Server PPMC.
* 2009-11-16 John Plevyak joins the project as a new committer.
* 2009-11-16 Diane Smith joins the project as a new committer.
* 2009-11-16 Paul Querna joins the Traffic Server PPMC.
* 2009-11-11 Paul Querna joins the project as a new committer.
* 2009-10-29 Source code migration to Apache Subversion completed.

Significant code contributions has been made since the code was initially
released, including 64-bit support, IPv6 and ports to most popular Linux
distributions. Work is actively done on ports for Solaris, FreeBSD and
MacOSX. A development branch is made for new large code changes, there are
already some very exciting additions, including dramatic cache improvements.
We're keeping our trunk as stable as possible (bug fixes primarily) in
preparation for code freeze and our first Apache release. The plan is to
release Apache Traffic Server v2.0 in Q1 2010. Three new, non-Yahoo
committers have been added since incubation, further increasing the projects
diversity. The number of RAT reports / issues has been reduced
significantly, and we expect to have them all covered this month.

A joint hackathon with the HTTPD crowd is planned for January 25-26. Some
details at

The top three things in the way for Traffic Server graduation are:

* We have a potential license issue with a dependency on Berkeley DB.
This needs to be resolved

* The TM on Traffic Server issue. Yahoo! has offered two possible solutions
for ASF to consider, and we'd like for the board to pick one (see details

* We need to make an official Apache release (planned for Q1 2010).

The Trademark issue is that Y! holds several TMs for the name "Traffic
Server", most of which expires soon. Our legal team has proposed two
possible solutions, the first being the easiest for us.

1. Yahoo! provides ASF with a letter of assurance stating that we own all
right, title and interest in and to the TRAFFIC SERVER mark and the four
active registrations and that we will not take any action against ASF or
any of its licensees during the life of these registrations (and we'd express
our intention of letting them lapse and expire in this letter).

2. Yahoo! will assign all right, title and interest in and to the TRAFFIC
SERVER mark including the four active registrations to ASF [though we'd
probably want to make this contingent on getting through the incubator stage].

= Thrift =


Thrift is running, and did put out a release in December. There were 199
developer messages (a large percentage of which are JIRA posts), a handful
of user-related messages, and roughly a score of commits.

= UIMA =

UIMA is a component framework for the analysis of unstructured content such
as text, audio and video. UIMA entered incubation on October 3, 2006.

Some recent activity:

* 2.3.0-RC9 is out for testing and being voted as 2.3.0-incubating, and
just past the release vote; the IPMC will be asked to review now.
* UIMA and Semantic Search presentation at IKS 2nd workshop (see
* new incubating project Clerezza planning to integrate with UIMA
* New committer voted in (Bhavani Iyer)

Items to complete before graduation:

* UIMA is ready to graduate, and plans to start the graduation process
after the current release activity is finished.

= VXQuery =

The VXQuery Project implements a standard compliant XML Query processor. It
has been in incubation since 2009-07-06.

Recent activities:

* all CCLAs in place
* mailing lists are fixed
* some progress towards running the complete XQTS (XQuery Test Suite)

Completed setup steps:

* JIRA/Wiki set up
* SVN access for initial committers set up
* Initial codebase submitted to SVN
* Mailing lists set up
* All CLAs in place
* Incubator status page set up
* project home page set up

Top issues before graduation:

* Build community
* Create a release

Attachment M: Status report for the Apache Jakarta Project

Jakarta status report, January 2010. There are no issues requiring board
attention at this time.

* General
A majority vote to consolidate all the Jakarta subproject development
mailing lists into one list has passed. Accordingly, we have requested
Infra to help us merge the lists.

* Releases
  - None this quarter

* Subproject news

BCEL saw a recent surge in development activity during which a number
of bugs (10+) were fixed by Torsten Curdt. There has been a discussion
about a v5.3 release and a call for testers on the developers list.

2 JIRA issues relating to the website were fixed; otherwise no activity.

* Cactus
Quiet quarter, one new issue reported in JIRA.

No activity - maintenance mode.

Couple of issues fixed by Aaron Smuts. User mailing list sees a couple
of posts a week, most answered by Aaron.

* JMeter
User mailing list is active as usual. More progress has been made
towards updating JMeter for Java 1.5, but no release as yet.

No activity - maintenance mode.

* Regexp
1 issue has been reported & fixed.

* Retired Subprojects
  - Slide
  - Taglibs

Attachment N: Status report for the Apache JAMES Project

James Board Report - January, 2010

* James-Project 1.5 is currently in the vote process ( acts as parent
pom for all James subprojects)

After the James-Project will be released we will start to vote for
james-imap 0.1-M1 and james-server 3.0-M1.


* james-server:
 - underwent a big refactoring to replace Phoenix with Spring as Container
 - now use JSR250 annotations for dependency injection as replacement for Avalon
 - removed ant build in favor of maven2
 - use OpenJPA implementation of IMAP Mailboxes in place of Torque

* imap
 - OpenJPA implementation is now used in james-server

* mime4j
 - Stefano Bagnara did a big refactoring of mime4j to remove cycle
dependencies and make it more consistent in its handling ( currently
in review )

* hupa
 - Manuel Carrasco Moñino is constantly workin on hupa to get it ready
for a Milestone

No new committers

With the replacement of Phoenix / Avalon, it seems like more people
are getting interested in james-server again. Also some people talked
about the plans to write a JCR based and Maildir based imap store. We
received some contribution from non committers which is a good sign ;)

Attachment O: Status report for the Apache Maven Project

Maven Board Report - January, 2010

* General Information

Since the last report, we've had 4 more Maven 3.x Alpha releases and are
close to calling it Beta. There was also a large effort to review and
clean the Jiras. This resulted in many duplicates being closed, and issues
validated against 3.x and closed. We have a total of 500 open Jiras across
all versions, but this is probably half of what we had prior to the

Sonatype has offered to donate the Nexus Indexer code to the Maven
project. You can read more about the indexer here[1]. The PMC has voted to
accept the code and the 3 new committers to maintain it. We are just
beginning the process of preparing the code for IP clearance and subsequent

The development community has started to become more active again as the
3.x releases gain popularity and some parallel efforts to produce parallel
builds have started.

On the repository front, has been upgraded
and Apache branding applied. We have also enabled automatic pgp validation
for all releases being staged on the repo. This checks that the artifacts
are properly signed and the key is publicly available for validation. We
have 32 projects in total using the new repo.


* New PMC Members

* Emeritus
  We have had 3 inactive PMC members step down and become Emeritus:
  John Tolentino
  James Strachan
  Joakim Erdfelt

* New Committers

  Igor Fedorenko
  Kristian Rosenvold
  Brian Demers
  Damian Bradicich
  Tamas Cservanak

* Releases

  * Apache Maven 3.0-alpha-3 (Friday, November 13th, 2009)
  * Apache Maven 3.0-alpha-4 (Monday, November 16th, 2009)
  * Apache Maven 3.0-alpha-5 (Thursday, November 26th, 2009)
  * Apache Maven 3.0-alpha-6 (Saturday, January 9th, 2010)

* Plugins

  * Maven Source Plugin 2.1.1 (Friday, October 16th, 2009)
  * Maven Ear Plugin 2.4 (Saturday, October 24th, 2009)
  * Maven Javadoc Plugin 2.6.1 (Monday, October 26th, 2009)
  * Maven Invoker Plugin 1.5 (Monday, October 26th, 2009)
  * Maven Toolchains Plugin 1.0 (Sunday, November 1st, 2009)
  * Maven Ant Plugin 2.3 (Wednesday, November 11th, 2009)
  * Maven Checkstyle Plugin 2.4 (Wednesday, November 18th, 2009)
  * Maven Changes Plugin 2.2 (Monday, November 23rd, 2009)
  * Maven JAR Plugin 2.3 (Tuesday, November 24th, 2009)
  * Maven Shade Plugin 1.2.2 (Thursday, November 26th, 2009)
  * Maven Changes Plugin 2.3 (Wednesday, December 9th, 2009)
  * Maven PDF Plugin 1.1 (Sunday, December 13th, 2009)
  * Maven Assembly Plugin 2.2-beta-5 (Sunday, December 13th, 2009)
  * Maven Site Plugin 2.1 (Monday, December 21st, 2009)
  * Maven Deploy Plugin 2.5 (Thursday, December 24th, 2009)
  * Maven Compiler Plugin 2.1 (Saturday, January 2nd, 2010)
  * Maven Shade Plugin 1.3 (Sunday, January 3rd, 2010)
  * Maven Patch Plugin 1.1.1 (Wednesday, January 6th, 2010)

* Other

  * Apache Source-Release Assembly Descriptor 1.0.1 (Wednesday, October 28st, 2009)
  * Maven Parent POM 14 (Wednesday, October 28st, 2009)
  * Maven Plugins Parent POM 15 (Wednesday, October 28st, 2009)
  * Maven Shared Components Parent POM 13 (Wednesday, October 28st, 2009)
  * Maven Parent POM 15 (Monday, November 2nd, 2009)
  * Maven Plugins Parent POM 16 (Monday, November 2nd, 2009)
  * Maven Shared Components Parent POM 14 (Monday, November 2nd, 2009)
  * Maven Runtime 1.0-alpha-2 (Saturday, November 7th, 2009)
  * Maven Reporting Impl (Tuesday, November 10th, 2009)
  * Apache Source-Release Assembly Descriptor 1.0.2 (Thursday, November 12th, 2009)
  * Maven Plugin Testing 2.0-alpha-1 (Friday, November 20th, 2009)
  * Maven Doxia Tools 1.1 (Tuesday, November 24th, 2009)
  * Maven Ant Tasks 2.1.0 (Friday, December 4th, 2009)
  * Maven Doxia 1.1.2 (Monday, December 7th, 2009)
  * Maven Doxia Tools 1.2 (Sunday, December 13th, 2009)
  * Apache Parent POM 7 (Wednesday, December 30th, 2009)

Attachment P: Status report for the Apache MINA Project

General & Release

The first MINA 2 RC was released lot of bugs was fixed, an RC2 or a GA
is imminent. Technical discussions started about a 3.0 rewrite with a
few code drop in a branch.

A 0.3.0 release of SSHD was done.

From Vysper a new module for on stream XML decoding emerged. Will be a
basic brick for all the XML based network protocols (like XMPP).

We have some new activity on the AHC (Async Http Client) let's hope for
a release.


No new committer since October.
Ashish Paliwal just have been elected as PMC member.
The chair rotation is under vote.

Some stats :

Number of subscribers on the dev list : 368 (was 373 in october)
Number of subscribers on the users list : 336 (was 314 in october)

Attachment Q: Status report for the Apache MyFaces Project

MyFaces Quarterly Report January 2010

= Summary =
 * Some community changes
 * New releases
 * Discussions

= Community =
 * New committer:
  * Max Starets
  * Blake Sullivan
  * another vote passed; candidate has been invited; no account yet
 * No new PMC members,
 * Some new contributors (mainly MyFaces 2.0 related)

= Releases =
 * MyFaces (sub) projects with new releases since the last report:
  * MyFaces Trinidad (Maven) Plugins 1.2.11
  * MyFaces Core 1.2.8
  * MyFaces Core 2.0.0-alpha (TCK not (yet) passed)
  * MyFaces Orchestra 1.4
  * MyFaces Builder Plugin 1.0.4
  * MyFaces Portlet Bridge (Master POM v3)

= Milestones =
  * MyFaces Extensions Validator 1.1.3M2
  * MyFaces Extensions Validator 1.2.3M2
  * MyFaces Extensions Validator 2.0.3M2

= Discussions =
 * Important to note again, but Apache MyFaces released the first alpha
of the JSF 2.0 spec implementation. We are now "working" on the TCK...
 * Apache MyFaces PMC member Werner Punz is now part of the JSF EG,
representing Apache together with Martin Marinschek
 * MyFaces 2 (post alpha) can now be integrated with Geronimo
(see SVN REV: 893759)
 * Work on Trinidad 2.0 is still going on:
-Several patches have been applied to that branch.
-A first release of a 2.0.0-alpha will come soon.
-The maven plugins for 2.0.x are on the vote (for a release).
 * Orchestra started to work on JSF 2.0 stuff as well
 * Extension-Scripting ongoing work in the area of dynamic Java recompilation
and reloading for JSF, getting close to an alpha release (probably next month)

Attachment R: Status report for the Apache ODE Project

There are no specific issue relevant to the board at the moment.


No release to report this quarter.


Beside usual bug fixes, 3 major area of work this quarter have been the
implementation of ODE's process context specification, clean up of our
JPA support to merge Hibernate and OpenJPA modules and the development
of a Maven build.


HISE, an implementation of WS-Human-Task Specification, has entered
incubation with ODE as the sponsoring entity. As such we expect some
cross-project work and a possible extension of the ODE community.

Attachment S: Status report for the Apache OpenEJB Project

Main areas of development activity include OSGi support, upgrading JAX-WS and
support for JAX-RS, and Java EE 6 @ManagedBean support. More detailed
planning has also begun for the remaining EJB 3.1 work.

Overall user list activity continues to increase with October and November
both being record months in terms of volume. Diversity in developers
responding to user requests has also been greatly improved, quite stellar in
fact, with more committers pitching in and resolving user issues. A wonderful
trend. Holidays had their usual impact on December activity.

OpenEJB Eclipse Plugin 1.0.0.alpha was released in late October and a
screencast created which shows how to get started with it was put up in the
project blog and website.

An informal get together is planned in Milan, Italy for the last weekend of
January. Information has been sent to the user list and anyone is welcome to
come. Primary goal is just to meet each other and have a few beers, but
there's certainly room for tech talk and some will likely occur. Anything
substantial will reach the dev list as with any offline communication.

Attachment T: Status report for the Apache OpenJPA Project


OpenJPA is wrapping up implementation of the latest JPA 2.0 JSR-317, 
which is in final release status.

A maintenance revision, OpenJPA 1.2.2 has been released.


Mailing lists continue to be very active, with an average of close to 220
messages per month on the dev alias and approximately 220 messages per
month on the users alias.

OpenJPA continues to experience a modest increase in email subscriptions and
activity. There are over 150 subscribers to dev and over 230 to users.


No changes in the PMC list for the quarter. We continue to monitor contributors
for possible committers and committers for PMC members.


A maintenance revision, OpenJPA 1.2.2 has been released.

Attachment U: Status report for the Apache OpenWebBeans Project

OpenWebBeans is an ASL-licensed implementation of the JSR-299: Contexts and
Dependency Injection for the Java EE platform which is defined as JSR-299.

OpenWebBeans has graduated from the Incubator in 16, December 2009.


* Migration of Incubator to TLP has done.
* Cleaning of Incubator side has done.
* Started to work with JSR-299 TCK.

--Current Development Status--

* Steadily coding on implementation to cover all specification.
* Working on JSR-299 TCK-Standalone for being fully compatible.
* Working on documentation project to improve guides etc.

--Future Development Plans--

* Release a M4.
* Starting to integrate with Geronimo Server.
* Working on JSR-299 TCK Integration tests.

--New Releases--


-- Discussions--

* Talking about automated site deployment
* Decided to pick hudson as the automated build environment for OWB


There were some discussions in the PMC-private about the new PMC
members of the OpenWebBeans (that were voted by OWB PPMC/community,
IPMC, and approved by the board) and about some of old incubator
committers current and future status.

PMC of the OWB has decided about issues as follows,

* Enable committer status of Matthias Wessendorf.

* Disable committer status of Mohammad Nour El-Din and email
  to him about fact. Because he expressed that he will not contribute
  more because of interests with other projects.

* Disable committer status of Conny Lundgren and email to
  him about fact. He has never participated in community. He
  was just proposed as an initial committer of the incubator project.

Attachment V: Status report for the Apache PDFBox Project

General Comments

There are no issues that require Board attention.

Due to christmas there was not that much traffic on the mailing lists in
december. But now people are returning.


No new releases, no new issues.


We are still working on integrating Villu's patch which adds support for
Adobe CFF/Type2 fonts to FontBox. It contains a lot of new classes which
have to be reviewed before we can add them.
Probably the CFF/Type2 support will give us an alternative to solve a major
issue with embedded true type fonts (PDFBOX-490).


We changed some external libraries to more recent versions.
We received a lot of promising patches from different contributors in the
last months. E.g., there were several patches from Mel Martinez including
notable performance improvements for the parser, which Jukka already added
to the codebase. As some of the other contributions include substantial
changes to the codebase, we have to ask the contributors to sign a CLA first.

Attachment W: Status report for the Apache Pivot Project

Pivot is a platform for building rich internet applications in Java. Pivot
graduated from the Incubator in December 2009. Version 1.4 was released last
week to coincide with the graduation, and the team is currently in the
process of migrating content from the Incubator to We are
also actively working on version 1.4.1, which will primarily include bug
fixes and minor feature enhancements.

Attachment X: Status report for the Apache Santuario Project

Just normal bug fixing. Quiet quarter.

Attachment Y: Status report for the Apache Struts Project

This last quarter saw only one new release, that of Struts as GA.
As one might expect, this is a patch release that resolves issues with our
2.1.8 release. Discussions are underway on the goals of Struts 2.2, and a
new JSR 299 / CDI / WebBeans plugin has been created in our sandbox.

The IP Clearance process for bringing XWork to Struts is largely complete,
pending only the filing of final paperwork, which should be completed shortly.

A new Confluence wiki space has been created for the purpose of reorganising
the Struts 2 documentation and adding new tutorials. An effort is also under
discussion to migrate the Struts 1 documentation from XML in Subversion to a
Confluence space. Hen has made forward motion on merging the separate Struts
JIRA instance into the main ASF JIRA instance, but apparently has run into

No new committers or PMC members have been added in the last quarter.

Attachment Z: Status report for the Apache Tapestry Project

This has been a good quarter for Tapestry involvement: several critical
bug fixes were backported from the Tapestry 5.2 code base to Tapestry
5.0 (as release 5.0.19) and to Tapestry 5.1 (as release, still
pending). Andreas Andreou has spearheaded the release process, as well
as the use of Apache's Nexus server (to stage releases) and Hudson server
(for continuous integration builds).

We are investigating how to get xfvb (X virtual frame buffer) and
FireFox installed on the Hudson server (a requirement for running the
Tapestry 5 test suite).

Work on Tapestry 5.2 has been accelerating, with over 80 bug fixes already
in place, and with a newly-added module to support JSR-303 (Bean Validation).

Traffic on the mailing list has been good, currently running about 74
messages a day.

We've voted in a new committer, Ulrich Stark. In addition, we've expanded
the PMC, voting in Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo. We expect to continue
expanding the size of the community in the near future.

Attachment AA: Status report for the Apache Tcl Project

Nothing much to say - we are basically in 'active' maintenance mode -
if there's something that comes up, people are available to respond to
it quickly.

Attachment AB: Status report for the Apache Web Services Project

* Notable Happenings

As of the December board meeting, all the Axis-related and Axis2-related
subprojects will be moved to the new "Axis" TLP. This will therefore be the
final report dealing with these projects in this context.

The WS project split was a long time coming (over a year of on-and-off
discussion), and we're looking forward to more focused and streamlined
efforts in both the Web Services project and the new Axis project.

The forward-looking plan is to evaluate the rest of the projects in WS
over the next few months and either 1) promote them to TLPs, 2) retire
them to the Attic, or 3) leave some in place in WS as common libraries
for at least Axis2 and CXF.

* Code Releases [since the last report]
 * Axis2 1.5.1 was released on October 23rd
 * Scout 1.2 was released on October 23rd
 * jUDDI 3.0 was released on October 26th

- Subproject News -

No news below means nothing particularly notable for the board occurred this

==== Apache Axis2 ====
Apache Axis2 is the third generation Web service framework of the Apache Web
service stack. A highly extensible message processing engine focused on SOAP
messages, it includes plugins for services, transports, MessageReceivers,
and Modules (message interceptors).

==== Kandula ====
Apache Kandula is an implementation of Web Services Coordination, Atomic
Transaction and Business Activity protocols. The project provides
implementations for both Apache Axis (kandula-1 branch) and Apache Axis2
(kandula-2 branch) platforms.

==== Apache Axis ====
Apache Axis is a web services framework implementing the W3C SOAP standard.

==== Apache Woden ====
Woden is an open source Java implementation of the W3C WSDL 2.0
specification. Recently Woden source repository was restructured to follow
Maven conventions. One of the significant feature, Woden serialization was
completed during last few months. Woden team decided to support WSDL 2.0
Component level equals method and it has been already implemented now. Also
Woden provides new logging strategy based on Commons-logging API.

Further Woden provides two new utilities as Woden Converter Maven plug-in
and Woden Converter Ant Task to convert WSDL 1.1 documents in to WSDL 2.0
documents , Woden Converter Ant Task was contributed by a new contributor
Dilshan Edirisuriya. There was a session about Woden and it's recent
improvements by Sagara Gunathunga in the Apache Asia 2009 conference was
held in Colombo Sri Lanka. Woden team plan to release M9 version very soon.

==== JaxMe2 ====
JaxMe 2 is an open source implementation of JAXB, the specification for
Java/XML binding.

==== Apache Scout ====
Apache Scout is an implementation of the JSR 93 (JAXR), which is a java API
to XML registries such as jUDDI.

Scout-1.2 was released supporting the
UDDIv2 and UDDIv3 specifications. It must be noted that only a subset of the
UDDIv3 features was implementation because of limitations in the JAXR v1

==== Apache jUDDI ====
jUDDI (pronounced "Judy") is an open source Java implementation of the
Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) specification for
Web Services.

jUDDI released jUDDI v3.0, which implements the UDDI v3 spec.
jUDDI is completely rearchitected and uses the JAXB, JAX-WS and JPA
Standards. The projects started shipping a portlet based console, to
administer and browse the repository.

==== Apache Rampart ====
Rampart provides the WS-Security and WS-SecureConversation support for
Apache Axis2 using Apache WSS4J as the base. The configuration model uses
the WS-Policy framework and supports WS-SecurityPolicy specification. The
"Rahas" module in Rampart implements the WS-Trust specification with a
security token service implementation and a client API to carry out token
exchanges with the security token service.

==== Apache Rampart/C ====
Apache Rampart/C is the security module for Apache Axis2/C. It's an effort
to implement WS-Security Specification 1.0. Rampart/C also comes with an
XML-Crypto library known as OMXMLSecurity. In addition Apache Rampart/C
configurations are based on security policy assertions as per WS-Security
Policy specification 1.1

==== Apache Sandesha2 ====
Sandesha2 is an implementation of WS-ReliableMessaging specifications for
Apache Axis2. By using Sandesha2 you can add reliable messaging capability
to the Web services you have hosted in Axis2. You can also use Sandesha2
with Axis2 client to interact with already hosted web services in a reliable

==== Apache Sandesha2/C ====
Sandesha2/C is a C implementation of WS-ReliableMessaging
specifications(both 1.0 and 1.1) for Apache Axis2/C projects. Sandesha2/C is
inter operable with Axis2/Java implementation and .net implementations.

==== Apache Savan ====
Savan is a Publisher/Subscriber implementation for Apache Axis2.

==== Apache Savan/C ====
Savan/C is a Publisher/Subscriber implementation for Apache Axis2/C projects
written in C Language.

==== Apache Axis2/C ====
Apache Axis2/C is an effort to implement Axis2 architecture in C. Apache
Axis2/C can be used to provide and consume Web Services.

==== Apache WSIF ====
Apache Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF) is a simple Java API for
invoking Web services, no matter how or where the services are provided as
long as it is described in WSDL.

==== Apache WS-Commons ====
Apache WS-Commons is a collection of projects that are primarily used as
parts of various WS projects but useful even outside the WS space.
WS-Commons houses Apache Axiom - the streaming XML object model, Apache
XmlSchema - an object model to manipulate XML schema documents, Apache
Neethi - the WS-Policy implementation and various other smaller projects
such as tcpmon.

==== Apache Muse ====
Apache Muse is a Java implementation of WS-ResourceFramework,
WS-Notification, and WS-DistributedManagement. It provides code generation
tools and APIs that aid users in creating standards-compliant interfaces for
manageable resources. Muse-based interfaces can be deployed in a J2EE or
OSGi environment.

==== Apache XML-RPC ====
Apache XML-RPC is a Java implementation of XML-RPC, a popular protocol that
uses XML over HTTP to implement remote procedure calls.

End of minutes for the January 20, 2010 board meeting.
