Links: 2010 - All years
- Original The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
February 17, 2010
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 12:00pm (Pacific) and began at
12:03 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a
quorum was recognized by the chairman. The meeting was held
via teleconference, hosted by Jim Jagielski and vmWare.
IRC #asfboard on was used for backup
2. Roll Call
Directors Present:
Shane Curcuru
Doug Cutting
Justin Erenkrantz
Roy T. Fielding
Jim Jagielski
Geir Magnusson, Jr.
Brett Porter
Greg Stein
Directors Absent:
Brian McCallister
Officers Present:
Philip M. Gollucci
Sam Ruby
Serge Knystautas
Craig L Russell
Officers Absent:
Sander Striker
Henri Yandell
J. Aaron Farr
3. Minutes from previous meetings
Published minutes can be found at:
A. The meeting of December 16, 2009:
See: board_minutes_2009_12_16.txt
Approved by General Consent.
B. The meeting of January 20, 2010:
See: board_minutes_2010_01_20.txt
4. Executive Officer Reports
A. Chairman [Jim]
From a board and foundation point of view, things have been relatively
quiet. It looks as though most projects are running smoothly, with
an even flow of activity, although that activity seems kinda quiet
itself (note the number of reports that sum up as "not that much
going on"). I don't consider that a concern.
Kudos to infra for the LDAP migration. I've updated my script
that generates the projects.html and committers.html page to be
LDAP aware and have placed it in the foundation:board/scripts repo.
Will be sending out notice of the ASF (Special) Members meeting
after this meeting.
Although this could become a somewhat "charged" topic, I feel the need
to bring up a growing concern that I've been having. No doubt, some
will see this as just a grumpy-old-man rant about the "good old days",
but I hope not. I've observed that even though a number of projects
"get" the ASF way of managing and overseeing projects, their
affiliation to or "loyalty" to the ASF itself seems quite limited.
The closest analogy I can come up with is the difference between
people who, after graduation from University, stay in touch with the
school, join the Alumni association, etc and those who say "I did
my time, I have my degree and it has their name on it, which is all
I wanted.". As more and more ASF projects become cornerstones of IT
and web infrastructure, and as more and more companies continue to
leverage ASF projects, this has the potential, I think, to disrupt
the whole community structure of the ASF. It's just something I want
the board to maybe consider and keep in the back of their minds. Is
this something the Incubator can help with?
I continue to be contacted regarding speaking at events, which I have
had to refer to other ASFers due to some limited time availability
these last few months. (If they are online interviews, I accept.)
Come March, I should be able to accept a lot more of these in-person
General agreement on Jim's concern; splitting umbrella
projects is a good first step; beyond that no action taken.
23-25th March proposed for members meeting; Sam is unavailable
for the 23rd (W3C AC meeting), Craig will be the acting
Secretary for that meeting.
B. President [Justin]
Things chug along. I'm spending a lot of time at events - last
week, I was at FOSS 2010 in Irvine - a three-day academic/industry
workshop attended by about 40 people - Stormy Peters from GNOME
and I tried to place our foundations in the appropriate context
between academia and industry. There was a fair bit of Twitter
conversations (see #foss2010) during the event. This weekend, I'll
be talking at SCaLE 8x in LA. Next month, I'll be talking at Jasig
(San Diego) and OSBC (SF). And, I've also been invited to a panel
at EclipseCon towards the end of March. Happily, all of these
events are on the US West Coast, so it's not too onerous.
I have asked all of the committees to submit their budget requests
by March 1st. Most committees have started their internal discussions
before turning in their submissions. I still expect we are on track
to have a first draft for the Board prior to the March 17th meeting.
I have also been approached by a number of our sponsors asking for
informal advice about a variety of things related to their ASF
involvement (but not related to $$). At this time, there is
nothing requiring Board-level attention; if there is, I will bring
the Board (and, if necessary, Fundraising VP or other officers) in
the loop.
C. Treasurer [Geir]
Books are currently up to date as of 2010-02-15 for checking,
savings and credit card accounts.
- Current PayPal balance as of 01/17 is $19,103. Contributions
for Dec 2009 were $2495 This is not reflected in statement of
position below.
- W9 sent to Facebook.
- Access to PayPal completed and verified with Serge for thank-you's
- Received $2k donation via lockbox from Workers Compensation Fund
- Note that we have the outstanding 50k from MSFT for the platinum.
I don't remember the payment arrangement, but just a note for Serge
and Greg. Let me know if there's some step that I missed. I believe
I've returned all necessary paperwork to MSFT.
Tasks Done:
- all approved bills paid
- had a snafu with Phil's card - it wasn't added to "auto pay" so had to
do a manual payment. Card has been added (paperwork sent), but still
need to do manual payments until that's processed
In Progress:
- CPA confirms need to send 1099 to Sunstar. Will be sent this week
- We're over the top with respect to standard FDIC and 'great
recession' FDIC programs for insurance so starting to explore
alternatives. First thought is short term US Treasuries
- discussing way to get CC receipts from CC holders in most efficient and
non-burdensome fashion possible. We do need more info for expense
To Do:
- pull spending tracking (budgets) for FY2009 for upcoming budget
- invoice to GOOG for GSoC - priority
- need to start gathering CC receipts from CC holders. E.g ACON09
1) Statement of Financial Income and Expense - January 2010 - Accrual Basis
Ordinary Income/Expense
Interest Income 121.03
Program Income
Conference 26,913.77
Total Program Income 26,913.77
Contributions Income
Unrestricted 42,421.50
Total Contributions Income 42,421.50
Total Income 69,456.30
Bank Service Charges 398.14
Interest Expense
Finance Charge 14.26
Total Interest Expense 14.26
Postage and Delivery 19.95
Program Expenses
Colocation Expenses 518.00
Hardware Purchases 369.93
Infrastructure Staff 6,500.00
Total Infrastructure 7,387.93
Public Relations 17,215.49
Conference Expenses 3,142.34
Total Program Expenses 27,745.76
Total Expense 28,178.11
Net Ordinary Income 41,278.19
Net Income 41,278.19
2) Statement of Financial Position - As of January 31, 2010 - Accrual Basis
Jan 31, 10 Jan 31, 09 $ Change % Change
Current Assets
PayPal 12,513.63 10,253.55 2,260.08 22.0%
Wells Fargo Analyzed Account 224,608.53 155,649.16 68,959.37 44.3%
Wells Fargo Savings 285,062.19 98,651.03 186,411.16 189.0%
Total Checking/Savings 522,184.35 264,553.74 257,630.61 97.4%
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable 90,000.00 100,000.00 -10,000.00 -10.0%
Total Accounts Receivable 90,000.00 100,000.00 -10,000.00 -10.0%
Total Current Assets 612,184.35 364,553.74 247,630.61 67.9%
TOTAL ASSETS 612,184.35 364,553.74 247,630.61 67.9%
Current Liabilities
Credit Cards
ASF Credit Card - Phil Gollucci 1,971.79 0.00 1,971.79 100.0%
ASF Credit Card - Paul Querna 0.00 4,491.40 -4,491.40 -100.0%
ASF Credit Card - Ruby 39.90 79.32 -39.42 -49.7%
ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz 0.00 2,790.10 -2,790.10 -100.0%
Total Credit Cards 2,011.69 7,360.82 -5,349.13 -72.7%
Total Current Liabilities 2,011.69 7,360.82 -5,349.13 -72.7%
Total Liabilities 2,011.69 7,360.82 -5,349.13 -72.7%
Retained Earnings 363,648.74 261,948.68 101,700.06 38.8%
Net Income 246,523.92 95,244.24 151,279.68 158.8%
Total Equity 610,172.66 357,192.92 252,979.74 70.8%
TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 612,184.35 364,553.74 247,630.61 67.9%
Philip recommends upping his credit limit, Geir and Justin
recommends not purchasing hardware on credit, but rather with
lines of credits with suppliers.
Jim to forward a pointer to secretary@ on annual report, Sam
(and possibly Craig) to complete.
D. Secretary [Sam]
Automation of the sending of confirmation emails is now complete.
Updates to the Software Grant document to include an email address are
being contemplated.
Once the LDAP migration was complete, I found myself in a position
where I did not have access to the secretary mail archives. Apparently
"officers" archives are only available to board members, not all
officers. As a stop gap measure, I requested that the secretary mail
archives be made available to all ASF members, and I have no problem
with that being the long term resolution to that specific problem.
That being said, there is a larger problem where, for example, the
Treasurer's assistant does not have access to the Treasurer's mail
I will remind everybody that there are:
23 documents in the "documents/received/to_geir" folder
6 documents in the "documents/received/to_jim" folder
1 document in the "documents/received/to_sam" folder
These documents need to be attended to.
Minutes were provided late this month, and for that I apologize.
Sam to open up a JIRAs on these two issues.
E. Executive Vice President [Sander Striker]
No report was provided this month.
Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
5. Additional Officer Reports
1. VP of JCP [Geir Magnusson Jr]
See Attachment 1
2. VP of Brand Management [Shane Curcuru]
See Attachment 2
3. VP of Fundraising [Serge Knystautas / Doug]
See Attachment 3
General agreement on the need to realign svn permissions.
4. VP of Marketing and Publicity [Sally Khudairi / Brian]
See Attachment 4
HALO contract extension was on the same terms as previous contracts,
only the duration of contract was changed to 6 months
5. VP of W3C Relations [Sam Ruby]
See Attachment 5
6. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby]
See Attachment 6
7. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Brett]
See Attachment 7
Discussion of the relative merits of meeting-to-meeting vs. calendar
based reports. General consensus: as long as each project is
consistent, the board is OK.
8. Apache Conference Planning Project [Noirin Shirley / Roy]
See Attachment 8
9. Apache Infrastructure Team [Philip Gollucci / Justin]
See Attachment 9
Board agrees with the approach of temporarily locking out of committers
who aren't paying attention to security notices.
10. Apache Travel Assistance Committee [Gavin McDonald / Jim]
See Attachment 10
Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
6. Committee Reports
A. Apache Abdera Project [Ant Elder / Geir]
See Attachment A
B. Apache Ant Project [Conor MacNeill / Justin]
See Attachment B
C. Apache Axis Project [Glen Daniels / Greg]
See Attachment C
D. Apache Buildr Project [Alex Boisvert / Shane]
See Attachment D
E. Apache C++ Standard Library Project [Martin Sebor / Jim]
See Attachment E
F. Apache Click Project [Malcolm Edgar / Justin]
No report received.
Justin sent a request for a report next month.
G. Apache Cocoon Project [Vadim Gritsenko / Brian]
See Attachment G
H. Apache Community Development Project [Ross Gardler / Roy]
See Attachment H
Todo: Geir to invoice Google for GSOC
I. Apache Continuum Project [Emmanuel Venisse / Brett]
See Attachment I
J. Apache CouchDB Project [Damien Katz / Doug]
See Attachment J
K. Apache Forrest Project [David Crossley / Shane]
See Attachment K
L. Apache HTTP Server Project [William A. Rowe Jr. / Greg]
No report received.
Greg to pursue a report.
M. Apache HttpComponents Project [Erik Abele / Geir]
See Attachment M
N. Apache Incubator Project [Noel J. Bergman / Doug]
See Attachment N
Various concerns: Droids IP clearance, LCF subreport formatting,
VCL's definition and status, unsticking WSRP4J, and issues around
Thrift PPMC resignation.
Doug to contact Noel with a CC to either the private or
general list.
O. Apache Lenya Project [Richard Frovarp / Roy]
See Attachment O
Roy to communicate back to Lenya with a request that the community
section should talk about community PMC or committer changes, not
technical decisions.
P. Apache Logging Project [Curt Arnold / Brian]
See Attachment P
The board reaffirms that there is no mandatory rotation of chairs.
Brett to join the list and actively monitor
Q. Apache OpenWebBeans Project [Gurkan Erdogdu / Geir]
See Attachment Q
R. Apache Perl Project [Philippe M. Chiasson / Shane]
See Attachment R
S. Apache Pivot Project [Greg Brown / Jim]
See Attachment S
Jim to follow up as to whether there has been any changes to PMC
or committers.
T. Apache POI Project [Nick Burch / Justin]
See Attachment T
U. Apache Qpid Project [Carl Trieloff / Brett]
See Attachment U
Brett to take over Roy's action item suggesting a number of
improvements required in Qpid's report.
V. Apache Roller Project [Dave Johnson / Greg]
See Attachment V
W. Apache Santuario Project [Raul Benito / Shane]
No report received.
Jim to relay to the project that a new chair resolution and report
is expected next month.
X. Apache Shindig Project [Paul Lindner / Justin]
See Attachment X
Y. Apache Turbine Project [Scott Eade / Brett]
See Attachment Y
Z. Apache Tuscany Project [Ant Elder / Doug]
See Attachment Z
AA. Apache Velocity Project [Henning Schmiedehausen / Geir]
See Attachment AA
AB. Apache Xalan Project [David Bertoni / Greg]
See Attachment AB
Sam to investigate licensing dispute.
AC. Apache Xerces Project [Michael Glavassevich / Roy]
See Attachment AC
Discussion on length of time between releases. Greg suggested that
the XML Commons subproject gets shifted over to Apache Commons for
visibility; Roy disagrees, citing a recent release as sign of good
AD. Apache XML Project [Gianugo Rabellino / Jim]
See Attachment AD
Greg suggests that when this project is down to simply managing
XIndice, it simply gets renamed.
AE. Apache XML Graphics Project [Simon Pepping / Brian]
See Attachment AE
AF. Apache Directory Project [Alex Karasulu / Shane]
See Attachment AF
Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
7. Special Orders
A. Change the Apache MINA Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Julien Vermillard
to the office of Vice President, Apache MINA, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
of Julien Vermillard from the office of Vice President, Apache MINA,
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache MINA
project has chosen by vote to recommend Niklas Gustavsson as
the successor to the post;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Julien Vermillard is relieved and
discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
of Vice President, Apache MINA, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Niklas Gustavsson be and hereby is
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache MINA, to
serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7A, Change the Apache MINA Project Chair, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
B. Establish the Apache Cassandra Project
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
open-source software related to fully distributed storage of
structured data, for distribution at no charge to the public.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Cassandra Project",
be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
Foundation; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Cassandra Project be and hereby is
responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
related to fully distributed storage of structured data; and be
it further
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Cassandra" be
and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
of the Apache Cassandra Project, and to have primary responsibility
for management of the projects within the scope of responsibility
of the Apache Cassandra Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
Apache Cassandra Project:
* Jonathan Ellis <>
* Eric Evans <>
* Jun Rao <>
* Chris Goffinet <>
* Ian Holsman <>
* Ant Elder <>
* Matthieu Riou <>
be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Cassandra, to
serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification,
or until a successor is appointed; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Cassandra PMC be and hereby is
tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
encourage open development and increased participation in the
Apache Cassandra Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Cassandra Project be and hereby
is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
Incubator Cassandra podling; and be it further
RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
Incubator Cassandra podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
Project are hereafter discharged.
Special Order 7B, Establish the Apache Cassandra Project, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
C. Change the Apache Open for Business Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed David E. Jones
to the office of Vice President, Apache Open for Business, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
of David E. Jones from the office of Vice President,
Apache Open for Business, and
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the
Apache Open for Business project has chosen by vote to recommend
Jacopo Cappellato as the successor to the post;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that David E. Jones is relieved and
discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
of Vice President, Apache Open for Business, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Jacopo Cappellato be and hereby is
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Open for Business, to
serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7C, Change the Apache Open for Business Project
Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors
D. Establish the Apache Subversion Project
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
open-source software related to version control, for
distribution at no charge to the public.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Subversion
Project", be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of
the Foundation; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Subversion Project be and hereby is
responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
related to version control; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache
Subversion" be and hereby is created, the person holding such
office to serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as
the chair of the Apache Subversion Project, and to have primary
responsibility for management of the projects within the scope
of responsibility of the Apache Subversion Project; and be it
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
Apache Subversion Project:
* Max Bowsher <>
* Paul Burba <>
* Stephen Butler <>
* Branko Čibej <>
* Ben Collins-Sussman <>
* Justin Erenkrantz <>
* Brian W. Fitzpatrick <>
* Julian Foad <>
* Karl Fogel <>
* David Glasser <>
* Lieven Govaerts <>
* Neels J. Hofmeyr <>
* Greg Hudson <>
* Bert Huijben <>
* Erik Hülsmann <>
* Kamesh Jayachandran <>
* Mark Benedetto King <>
* Senthil Kumaran S <>
* Stefan Küng <>
* Philip Martin <>
* Joe Orton <>
* Mark Phippard <>
* C. Michael Pilato <>
* Daniel Rall <>
* Garrett Rooney <>
* Peter Samuelson <>
* Daniel Shahaf <>
* Stefan Sperling <>
* Greg Stein <>
* Sander Striker <>
* Kouhei Sutou <>
* Jeremy Whitlock <>
* Hyrum Wright <>
* Blair Zajac <>
* Ivan Zhakov <>
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Subversion,
to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
until a successor is appointed; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Subversion PMC be and hereby
is tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
encourage open development and increased participation in the
Apache Subversion Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Subversion Project be and hereby
is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
Incubator Subversion podling; and be it further
RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
Incubator Subversion podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
Project are hereafter discharged.
Special Order 7D, Establish the Apache Subversion Project, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
E. Update Legal Affairs Committee Membership
WHEREAS, the Legal Affairs Committee of The Apache Software Foundation
(ASF) expects to better serve its purpose through the periodic update
of its membership; and
WHEREAS, the Legal Affairs Committee is a Executive Committee
whose membership must be approved by Board resolution; and
WHEREAS, the Board is in receipt of Robert Burrell Donkin's resignation
as a member of the Legal Affairs Committee,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following ASF member be
removed from the list of Legal Affairs Committee members:
Robert Burrell Donkin <>
Special Order 7E, Update Legal Affairs Committee Membership,
was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
8. Discussion Items
9. Review Outstanding Action Items
* Roy: Follow-up with Buildr on their use of git.
[not done]
* Roy: Update /dev with rule that invitation only dev meetings are OK,
provided that such meetings are discussed on the dev list, and
that all committers are included.
[not done]
* Roy: Get with Carl Trieloff and suggest improvements to the
Qpid report so that it can meet board expectations.
[reassigned to Brett]
* Greg: Get with Quetzalcoatl to see if it is expected to improve or if
the project should be moved to the attic.
[in progress, continuing]
* Roy: Suggest that Abdera recruit on the Atom lists.
[not done]
* Justin: Request that podlings that don't report be requested to report
the following months, and new incubator PMC members be listed
in the report.
* Serge: Coordinate thank-you letters with Geir.
[Geir indicated that Serge has access, action item held open]
* Greg: Request a special report from Lucene HADOOP on the status of
each subproject with respect to diversity and splitting out
as a TLP.
[not complete]
* Shane: Follow up with the Wicket project to ensure that reports
mention any changes in PMC, committers.
[Done previously]
* Jim: Get clarification on "new brand launch" from Marketing and
[See this month's report - basically, 10Years Of Apache
is no longer viable ;) ]
* Shane: Ask the Click project to include a description in the report.
[Done today; also asked for report (late!)]
* Roy: Relay to the Incubator that the board directs the Traffic Server
PPMC go with option #2, and tell the Incubator not to gate on
[Derailed due to marks already being abandoned in US, so the
board's direction is OBE. Roy needs to respond regarding
international marks.]
* Shane: Follow up on OpenWebBeans committer removal.
[not complete]
* Geir: Follow up with Santuario to either get a proper report or name a
new chair.
[Action item reassigned to Jim]
* Jim: Follow up with David on whether TCL should become a candidate
for the attic.
[Emailed David w/ the question. No response so will retry]
10. Unfinished Business
11. New Business
12. Announcements
13. Adjournment
Adjourned at 1:15 p.m. (Pacific)
Attachment 1: Report from the VP of JCP
Two items of major interest this month.
First, the EU dropped it's opposition to the Sun acquisition by
Oracle, and as of last week of January 2010, Sun is a wholly-
owned subsidiary of Oracle. I understand that starting this week
or next, the transition of employees from Sun to Oracle will
begin, completing the process as we civilians would understand
it. In terms of the TCK license, I've spoken to the Oracle
EC rep and he assures me that he's pushing for the issue to get
attention, but the process of digesting 25,000 employees and
several duplicate and new businesses has people preoccupied.
I expect that we'll get some information from them in the next
few weeks. Don has promised he'd keep me updated, and I
certainly will be pressing on him for information.
As for other things, we've had a few TCK requests (updates) and
some new TCK requests, for which I'm figuring out who to
request from at Oracle.
Attachment 2: Report from the VP of Brand Management
No board-level issues noted. Expect a small (<$5,000) budget
request from Brand Management for select trademark registrations.
Operations And Community
Submitted draft principles for brand management and trademark
licensing, along with a preliminary list of Trademark FAQs to the
trademarks@ list for discussion.
February meeting with Sally and Serge to work out details of PRC
break up was postponed to later in Feb due to bad weather.
External Requests
Answered various non-infringing related questions.
Acknowledged existing merchandising policy in relation to request
for shirts for the community from an ASF member.
Forwarded a potential name conflict with Apache Scout (a subproject
of Web Services) to Eclipse in relation to their proposed new
Scout project.
Approved transfer of Subversion registered trademarks to the ASF,
asking ASF counsel to arrange the details.
Working with Lucene PMC to better clarify policy relating to
potentially commercial links on project websites, when used in
relation to services requested by the community.
Attachment 3: Report from the VP of Fundraising
Fundraising did not get a lot done with the 4+ feet of snow over the past
few weeks. My part of the country is not used to that.
The existing sponsors Excel chart was put into google docs but we
have not updated it to make it current or have the other fields that
we want to track.
I took my first call with a potential silver foundation sponsor and
am due to follow up with them this week.
I still have plans to document the sponsorship process as outlined
in the January report and to introduce myself to the sponsors. This
should be done in the next month.
I continue to think that sponsors will warrant regular outbound
news-ish communication to keep them up to date on Foundation
activities. This is still a few months out as well as logistically
I got access to PayPal, and discussed some with Geir about how to
cull this data for the necessary information. The thank you's for
2009 have not been started, and that is at the top of my list. I've
outlined the 4 steps to the project as follows:
1. Define criteria for who gets a thank you
2. Write the thank you (form or otherwise)
3. Extract the donor information from svn and PayPal
4. Mail the thank you's.
I will be emailing fundraising@ soon to outline the project and
coordinate with volunteers so as to get this done in the next couple
of weeks.
There are a few other areas that fall into the fundraising area.
Car donations checks are in svn but I don't have an audit process to
tie the checks back to the donors yet.
Book deals is the hot topic for fundraising. Geir and I were able to
save a non-trivial royalty payment from a book publisher (Packt),
which would have gotten bounced in the past. We are not clear how
many past payments were bounced back. We may launch an audit to find
out how many past royalty payments if Packt is open to resending
There is a discussion on fundraising@ about how these deals are
treated. Who publicizes them, what is allowed, who decides, etc...
Related to this is a text messaging donation offer, which we are
generally skeptical of, but I haven't yet come up with a good reason
to say no.
Three areas to touch on...
Marketing trio's get together in Boston was canceled because of snow
storms. Still trying to reschedule it.
Fundraising and events could potentially compete for sponsors. There
was a quick discussion to share concerns. Fundraising will look for
alerts on negative reactions from sponsors and will look to learn
which sponsors /would/ react negatively so as to prevent donor
The LDAP migration unexpectedly removed my access to financials in
svn, but the infrastructure team restored it today. I have access
because I'm in the "audit" committee... would it be possible to get
a more straight-forward and accurate permission rather than via a
defunct committee?
And I got a new sig thanks to some prodding. :)
Attachment 4: Report from the VP of Marketing and Publicity
- M&P/Brand Management/Fundraising Meeting: Due to a snowstorm, the 9
February face-to-face worksession in Boston with Shane Curcuru and Serge
Knystautas was rescheduled to 23 February.
- Press Releases: the following announcements were issued over PR Newswire
18 January - Apache Pivot as an ASF TLP + v.1.4
26 January - Apache SpamAssassin v.3.3.0
- Foundation Spokespeople: The following ASF Members have agreed to act as
global spokespersons:
US: Jim Jagielski, Justin Erenkrantz, Sally Khudairi, Craig Russell
Europe: Sander Striker, Noirin Shirley, Ross Gardler (backup: Andrus Adamchik
and Santiago Gala)
Australasia: Brett Porter
- Media/analyst relations outreach continues, with the two above-mentioned
press releases distributed under embargo (24 hours) to our newly-created
press/analyst-specific distribution list. No violations of the embargo have
We also received several media inquiries through activity on announce@,
particularly the retirement of Apache Beehive to the attic.
- Press Hits: The ASF received 461 press hits since the last Board report
- Future Announcements: Discussions regarding promoting Apache Cayenne and
SpamAssassin teams continue
- Top 5 Themes for 2010: the following themes will be key speaking topics,
both proactively and reactively, as well as woven into calls-to-action as
1. Apache: foundation of the Cloud
2. The Apache Way (ASF process) works!
3. Apache HTTP server - going from strength to strength
4. Ushering new innovations in the next decade (Incubator, Labs, new releases,
5. ASF hits 1M revisions (most likely early Fall timeframe)
We will also highlight large-scale, highly-visible projects powered by Apache,
or where Apache is an ingredient brand (e.g. "Intel inside") -- examples
include: eBay using Synapse, and #Twitter stream is powered by Jetty use
Apache Wink client API to connect. Sally will solicit more examples from the
- ASF Branding Research Project: Sally received the latest version of the
UInnsbruck/MIT questionnaire from PhD candidate Roland Schroll and his
advisor Johann Füller. This will be forwarded to community@ on 16 February;
they are looking for 300+ replies. Please forward any objections/issues ASAP.
- PR Newswire account: we have used 4 of the 10 pre-paid flat-rate press
releases on PR Newswire. The remaining releases are available until 6
October 2010.
- Contract with HALO Worldwide: the current contract will expire on 28
February. Jim Jagielski has approved the renewal of our engagement with
HALO, and has extended the work timeframe until 1 October 2010.
Attachment 5: Report from the VP of W3C Relations
The W3C is soliciting input on allowing more permissive licenses for specs
such as HTML, and I would be interested in people's opinion on the subject.
Larry has been participating in this discussion and has recommended two
licenses for consideration, including the Apache License, Version 2.0.
The next AC meeting is in Cambridge during the fourth week of March. I plan
to be in attendance.
Attachment 6: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee
In contrast to last month's blitz, this month saw 3 new JIRAs created and 5
others actively worked on.
We had a lengthy discussion on the advisability of reading patents.
I need to work on getting the XAP incubator site clearly marked as shut down.
I am recommending that the same budget that was present in the FY2009-2010 for
legal expenses be present in the FY2010-2011. The amount in $2,500.
Trademark discussions continue to bleed over into legal mailing lists, but
this is not a problem, in fact I will suggest that it is less of a problem
now that Trademarks is separately called out from PRC, and Trademarks clearly
have a legal aspect. In other words, the owner is clear, and Legal plays
a supporting role.
Attachment 7: Status report for the Apache Security Team Project
For January 2010: There continues to be a steady stream of reports
of various kinds arriving at These continue to
be dealt with by the security team.
4 Security vulnerability question, but not a vulnerability report
5 Vulnerability reports of which:
4 Vulnerability report [httpd, via]
1 Vulnerability report [myfaces, via]
Attachment 8: Status report for the Apache Conference Planning Project
Apache Roadshow Asia 2009 (Nov. 28-29 (Beijing); Dec 3-5 (Colombo))
Beijing report included in Jan board report.
Sri Lanka report:
In order to develop and improve the community of Sri Lankan contributors to
Apache, the local community of contributors, along with the Sri Lankan Free and
Open Source Software (FOSS) community organised part of the
Apache Asia Roadshow 2009.
On December 3rd and 4th there were 12 sessions that covered various ASF
projects, mainly conducted by local committers. There was also a panel
discussion on the 4th about "Impact of Apache on Asia and Asia on Apache".
December 5th included a special invitation-only gathering and
"unconference", allowing speakers and audience to meet, mingle, and
exchange ideas in an informal environment.
Apache Retreat, Ireland 2010
Registration continues to climb, along with local interest. The hostel are
looking forward to welcoming us, and have been helpful in making arrangements
so far.
ApacheCon North America, Atlanta 2010
A planning team has been assembled for this conference, and we're getting
started on pulling together a great event!
Other events
The TrafficServer and httpd projects held a successful hackathon & meetup on
January 25 & 26th at the Google Campus.
The proposed Berlin event will no longer be held under an Apache banner.
Various issues arose, and the short deadlines required to pull off the
event meant that they could not be resolved to mutual satisfaction.
Attachment 9: Status report for the Apache Infrastructure Team
Turns out the SAS card we ordered for eris (svn) is totally unsupported
by FreeBSD. We have sent it back to Newegg and ordered a known-to-be-
supported Dell card instead, with additional cables from Provantage,
at a total cost of ~$350.
After several months of trouble with the nyx (vm's) raid card / array,
upgrading "everything" seems to have resolved the random disk failures.
Jukka Zitting has installed gerrit on for preliminary
(semi-authorized) testing of native server-side git support.
Mass mailed hundreds of committers about insecure / oversized items in their
home directory. It is not encouraging to see the same people on the lists
Philip Gollucci negotiated new terms for the Sun support contract (to be
signed later this month).
Tony Stevenson and Chris Rhodes engineered the successful migration of Unix
and svn group data into LDAP.
Attachment 10: Status report for the Apache Travel Assistance Committee
General News
Not much happened in the way of non Retreat activity. The TAC wiki was
revamped a little; and more information is being added regularly.
There was some talk as to the weight penalty of going to a smaller event as
opposed to a larger event (such as an ApacheCon). It was decided to weight
all events equally, with costs involved in getting people to a small or
large event would be about the same. Encouraging applicants to apply for
events closest to them, small or large is still a goal.
What does that mean? Well, any successful applicant for an event is
automatically disqualified from applying for assistance at the next event is
one of the existing criteria.
Apache Retreat - Ireland
Applications opened and closed. Judges are finalizing scoring this week.
A fairly low count of applications by all accounts. Once we have our
successful applicants confirmed, flights will be booked with our chosen
Travel Agent in the UK, who accepts wire transfer.
Attachment A: Status report for the Apache Abdera Project
Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom
Syndication Format (RFC 4287) and Atom Publishing Protocol (RFC 5023)
specifications. Abdera graduated from the Incubator in November 2008.
Abdera still has very low activity. We've almost published the 1.0
release that was done shortly after leaving the Incubator but never
quite released and that should happen in the next quarter. There
was discussion of code donation of a new Activity Streams extension
from some new users and one of the old inactive Abdera committers
said they'd have time again to help with Abdera development. So the
next quarter hopefully will be a more productive.
There have been no committer or PMC changes in the last quarter, and
there are no board level issues at this time.
Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Ant Project
Ant Status Report
o Current Releases
Ant Core
Ant 1.8.0 was released on Fed 8, 2010.
This release has gone quote smoothly so far. It is about 18 months
since the last Ant core release.
Whilst obviously a mature project, Ant does continue to develop and
it's nice to see a new release.
Thanks to Antoine Levy-Lambert for acting as the release manager.
Ivy 2.1.0 was released on October 8, 2009.
IvyDE 2.0.0 was released on Jul 10, 2009
o Community
No issues in the Ant community.
Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Axis Project
The Axis project is still in slow startup mode. Our initial mailing lists
are set up, but not the subproject ones yet, and Gavin has been helping us
start the infra work for webspace and moving SVN. We have some reasonably
complex SVN rejiggering happening, and that should be in progress now. Hope
to be reporting a fully spun-up project next time.
Nothing that requires board attention at this time.
Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Buildr Project
We've seen continued activity on both user@ and dev@ mailing list since
November, as well as a few small contributions (mostly in the form of bug
fixes) from the community.
We are gearing for a 1.4.0 release most likely during the first quarter
that should contain enhancements that did not get finished or merged into
1.3.5 for lack of time/resources.
We have no issues that require board attention at the moment.
Attachment E: Status report for the Apache C++ Standard Library Project
Notable changes since previous report (November 2009):
Stdcxx continues to be very quiet to the point of dormancy.
No new committers or PMC members have been added.
Rogue Wave has discontinued running nightly builds which has made
portability testing exceedingly difficult. Since most 4.2.2 changes
were tested before the shutdown, this maintenance update can be
released without much further testing. Unless an alternate multi-
platform build and infrastructure is set up future releases might
need to focus on a much more limited set of platforms (such FreeBSD,
Linux, Solaris, and Windows).
Future plans:
Release the stdcxx 4.2.2 bugfix update. Attempt to increase project
activity and find and set up an alternate build and test infrastructure.
Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Click Project
Attachment G: Status report for the Apache Cocoon Project
* Added new committer and PMC member: Simone Tripodi
* Apache Cocoon 3.0.0-alpha-2
* Apache Cocoon XML 2.0.2
Ongoing Work
Cocoon 3 is in active development.
Attachment H: Status report for the Apache Community Development Project
The community development project aims to help newcomers to The Apache
Software Foundation take their first steps on their way to being a part of
our community.
Issues for board attention
GSoC invoicing process
The ComDev PMC would like the board to evaluate the process for making
claims for GSoC payments from Google. For the board's convenience, the
process is currently:
a) GSoC admin informs Google of total amount owing
b) Google issue a PO
c) GSoC admin liaises with ASF treasurer
d) ASF issues an Invoice
e) Google pays invoice
At present the processes seems to get stuck at c). The GSoC admin is unaware
of the issuing of an invoice for 2009 and we suspect other years may have
been missed as well.
This not only impacts ASF income but increases our costs since travel to the
mentor summit is reimbursed through the same invoice.
Main items to report
- addition of Isabel Drost, Nick Birch, Noel J. Bergman and Kathey Marsden
to the Community Development PMC
- documentation of proposed mentoring programme [1]
- commencement of our first mentored participant [2]
- two press interviews in response to word of mouth discovery of the project
- GSoC has been officially announced and will be run this year with Noirin
Shirley as admin, Ross Gardler and Luciano Resende as co-admins
- creation of a "people near you" webapp populated with people available for
presenting or meeting those interested in the ASF - this is not yet public
as we are awaiting the creation of a zone on which to host it
Main items for next period
- Move documentation of GSoC from to
- Launch of the "people near you" webapp
- Launch of the ASF GSoC engagement
- Preparation for the official launch of the ASF mentoring programme (which
will occur after GSoC has commenced)
Attachment I: Status report for the Apache Continuum Project
Below are the important events that happened in the project since November.
* Continuum 1.3.5 (Beta) was released January 19, 2010
The number of issues left for the 1.3.6 release is in single digits and is
likely to be the first GA release of the series.
The developers discussed and agreed on a roadmap for 1.4 and beyond.
Dennis Lundberg was added as a committer, after offering to help with the
Emmanuel fixed some problems with the Continuum instance on VMBuild. The host
instance now seems to be stable, but work is still needed to clean up old
projects and upgrade to the latest release.
No board level issues at this time.
Attachment J: Status report for the Apache CouchDB Project
This is the quarterly ASF board report for Apache CouchDB.
0.11.0 Branch created. Feature frozen for 1.0.
New features in 0.11:
Enhanced authentication and authorization support
Attachment compression
UI enhancements to Futon
Added new committer Benoit Chesneau.
O'Reilly's CouchDB: The Definitive Guide is now available.
Added new security related mailing list after a security issue was found.
Couchio, a startup created by some CouchDB PMC members, obtains VC funding
and begins offering support.
Attachment K: Status report for the Apache Forrest Project
Apache Forrest mission is software for generation of aggregated multi-channel
documentation maintaining a separation of content and presentation.
Issues needing board attention:
Be aware that activity appears to be generally quiet, but obviously some
efforts are being made.
Changes in the PMC membership:
General status:
Development is very quiet.
Issues on the user mail list are being attended to by a couple of PMC
members. That list is extremely quiet this quarter.
A few PMC members worked on sorting out the issues needing to be addressed
prior to our next release.
A PMC member merged a development branch, the next version of the
Dispatcher, a new skinning/theming/structuring mechanism. Some post-merge
issues were identified.
Since late-December there has been very little activity. The next quarter
should give a better idea of the state of the project.
Progress of the project:
No releases since 0.8 on 2007-04-18.
Attachment L: Status report for the Apache HTTP Server Project
Attachment M: Status report for the Apache HttpComponents Project
-- Status --
It was a very quiet last quarter so there is not much to report
this time. There are also no issues requiring the attention of the
-- Releases --
We have had two release since the last report:
11 December 2009 - HttpComponents HttpClient 4.0.1 (GA)
11 December 2009 - HttpComponents HttpClient 4.1 Alpha 1
-- Community --
There were no changes in the composition of the committership since
the last report.
-- Development --
Development in regard to HttpCore & HttpClient 4.1 is slowly but steadily
moving towards the final steps. A first alpha package of HttpClient has been
cut and put up for review.
Attachment N: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project
Largely, the usual business of the Incubator. One of the larger discussions
involved moving to svnpubsub for the web site. There was some heated
discussion in January regarding handling of a third party copyright notice
in ESME, but it was handled by ASF legal and the project, and resolved.
OODT (see reports, below) entered Incubation. Subversion is discussing
graduation, as noted in the report, below.
Proposed for Incubation:
Chatterbot ( -- chat
responder framework
Dalesa ( -- Peer-to-Peer
web caching software
Spacial ( -- toolkit,
allowing spatial data to be represented and queried
Rather than start a new community, the OpenCMIS codebase is being
contributed to Apache Chemistry, and the two communities are voluntarily
Two projects did not report, BlueSky and HISE, although both did report last
Incubator PMC Membership:
At the request of the Board, an Incubator PMC membership report was prepared
and separately submitted, covering Incubator inception to 2010-01. This
report lists changes since 2010-01. Future Incubator reports will include
changes since the the previous monthly report.
Incubator PMC membership addition(s): Glen Daniels
Incubator PMC membership subtraction(s): Jason van Zyl
== Bluesky ==
The project did, however, report last month in January, and there appears to
have been little traffic in the interim. There have been zero commits in
February, 4 commits in January, and 10 in December. The last big batch was
in November: 107. Likewise, there have been zero e-mails in February, 16 in
January, 45 in December.
== Clerezza ==
Clerezza (incubating since November 27th, 2009) is an OSGi-based modular
application and set of components (bundles) for building RESTFul Semantic
Web applications and services.
There are currently no issues requiring board attention
Recent activity:
* Code refactoring to enhance efficiency
* Integration with UIMA started
* reduced number of dependencies on external maven repos
* initial graph isomorphism implementation
* Discobits editor (wysiwyg editor for documents structured described
in rdf) fixed
* maven plugin to document exposed rest interface
Next steps:
* integration with Tika
Top 2/3 Issues before graduation:
* Get our website online, currently it's just a placeholder
* Prepare some easy-to-run demos to get people interested in Clerezza
* Prepare for a first release
== Droids ==
Droids is an Incubator project arrived from Apache Labs. Droids entered
incubation on October, 2008.
It's an intelligent standalone robot framework that allows one to create and
extend existing web robots.
What we've completed in the last months:
* new elected committer Javier Puerto is waiting since over three month
for account creation;
* more people sending patches;
* the community is trying to organize a community day to fix current
Issues before graduation :
* Do a release
* Grow community
* IP clearance
== HISE ==
Human Interactions Service Engine - an implementation of WS-Human-Task
The project is new, reported last month, and perhaps was unaware that they
also needed to report this month. There have been 16 commits in February
and 47 in January. Likewise, there has been some light e-mail traffic on
the mailing lists.
== Libcloud ==
Libcloud is a unified interface into various cloud service providers,
written in python. Libcloud joined the Incubator on November 3rd, 2009.
Lots done this month. Plenty of activity on the main dev list, more drivers
support added, more fixes tweaks and unit test cases added. RAT reports
Libcloud as having 0 bad license headers.
The Libcloud community and the Incubator IPMC are currently voting on their
first incubator release 0.20.
== Lucene Connector Framework ==
The Lucene Connectors Framework (LCF) is an effort to build and support an
open source framework for connecting to content repositories like Microsoft
Sharepoint and EMC Documentum, amongst others via a single API.
* A list of the three most important issues to address in the move
towards graduation.
1. Process initial code grant and incorporate into SVN
2. Do a release
3. Build out a diverse community. We have a diverse set of committers already.
* Any issues that the Incubator PMC or ASF Board might wish/need to be
aware of
We'd appreciate any contacts anyone has with Microsoft Sharepoint
* How has the community developed since the last report
N/A: First report.
* How has the project developed since the last report.
N/A: First report.
== OODT ==
OODT is a grid middleware framework for science data processing, information
integration, and retrieval. OODT is used on a number of successful projects
at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory/ California Institute of Technology, and
many other research institutions and universities.
A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards
1. Port OODT code and license headers into ASF license headers
2. OODT contributions from at least 2 other organizations besides JPL
3. At least one OODT incubating release, hopefully in the first few
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware
No, not at this time.
How has the community developed since the last report?
There was a lot of positive interest from the Incubator community during the
OODT proposal and voting process. We hope that once we get our mailing lists
up and start to commit code, that we'll build up an Apache-based community.
How has the project developed since the last report?
OODT was voted into the Incubator by the IPMC on January 22, 2010.
Progress has been steady, with our mentor Justin Erenkrantz creating issues
for setting up the mailing list (INFRA-2463), JIRA (INFRA-2464) and
Confluence (INFRA-2465). Chris submitted a software grant for OODT on
January 25, 2010 and the grant was acknowledged in r21258 in
/foundation/officers/grants.txt on January 26, 2010.
Once the mailing lists are up, Justin and Chris plan to begin requesting
accounts for all OODT committers. After that, Justin will grant karma to our
SVN space to all OODT committers, and we can begin importing code into the
== PhotArk ==
Apache PhotArk will be a complete open source photo gallery application
including a content repository for the images, a display piece, an access
control layer, and upload capabilities.
* PhotArk was accepted for Incubation on August 19, 2008.
* Issues before graduation :
o Grow community
* Avdhesh Yadav has been voted as Committer for Apache PhotArk
* The PhotArk community has made good progress code wise:
o Provided support for personal galleries that can be easily
deployed to Google App Engine
o We are continuously working to enhance our JCR Repository
o Admin UI is being discussed and prototypes are available
* Discussions started for PhotArk M2 release, and we believe it will be
ready in the next month or so.
== Stonehenge ==
Stonehenge has been incubating since December 2008. Stonehenge is a set of
example applications for Service Oriented Architecture that spans languages
and platforms and demonstrates best practices and interoperability by using
currently defined W3C OASIS standard protocols.
Since the last report in December 2009, the Stonehenge project has
intensified its efforts around interop testing between the M2 implementation
of the claims-based security model extension to the Stock Trader
implementations. Testing between .NET, Axis2/Java and Metro/Glassfish
implementations have uncovered various bugs and were subsequently corrected
in the web services library and the application code. An example of which is
an OpenSSO problem in the Metro/Glassfish implementation that was corrected
in the original code base.
With testing winding down, the community is preparing to vote and release
its M2. M2 constituted expanding the Stocktrader application to use
claims-based authentication using an active and a passive STS for each
implementation. We also upgraded the usage of the WS-* specs from the
submitted versions to the ratified one. Extensive documentation work was
done in parallel to describe the new feature set and simplify the
installation and configuration process.
The focus remains on creating "micro samples" for many common WS-*
scenarios, with the goal being around creating implementations with low
barriers to entry. Discussions are in progress about testing frameworks and
scenarios of interest. A proposed spec should be presented soon to the
community to seed the discussion around defining M3
Graduation Map
* Grow community around new claims based stocktrader implementations
just added
* More thorough documentation that empowers developers to replicate
interoperability scenarios demonstrated
* Demonstrate full interoperability between existing components, and
== Subversion ==
Subversion entered the Incubator on November 7, 2009. Subversion is a
version control system.
The Apache Subversion web presence at has been filled
with content migrated from the existing website at
Work continues to cull unneeded information, and better organize existing
The community released Subversion 1.6.9 late last month. The release was
made under the old license (to avoid having to relicense mountains of code
on the release branch), and the release process was observed and monitored
by the Incubator PMC as part of the podling's progress toward graduation.
The podling's graduation vote was in-process when this report was written.
It is strongly trending for graduation, so a resolution will be presented to
the Board once the podling determines who will be recommended for the VP.
== Thrift ==
Thrift is a software framework for scalable cross-language services
development. It combines a software stack with a code generation engine to
build services that work efficiently and seamlessly between a variety of
programming languages. Thrift entered the Apache Incubator in May 2008.
* Release candidate 0.2 was cut and released on December 11
* Worth noting some tension in the community around Apache release
process and ICLA issues encountered, resolved via email discussion but
resulted in the resignation of one PPMC member
* General continued iteration and bugfixing
With a release out the door, the largest hurdle to graduation is out of our
== VCL ==
Community Involvement
* The Apache VCL community continues to grow. We're seeing more and more
people start to contribute to our online documentation and file JIRA
issues - some with patches attached.
* We're seeing more feature requests come in which means more people are
using VCL.
* More people have joined the vcl-dev list and are asking questions as
they install VCL at new locations.
* Aaron Peeler, Andy Kurth, and Josh Thompson have become part of the
First Official Release
* Our first official release (Apache VCL 2.1) was made available on Dec.
4th, 2009.
* We set a small number of features to work on for the next few releases
in hopes of getting releases out more quickly.
3rd Party Dependencies
* Procedures for handling 3rd party dependencies have been worked out.
All dependencies that have incompatible licenses are now specified as
"System Requirements" as stated under "System Requirements" at
* A large amount of documentation has been added to the project's
Confluence site
* People from multiple organizations have contributed to improving the
documentation, both by editing the pages themselves and by pointing out
areas for improvement on the lists
* A new confluence space has been created to be used for managing the
official documentation for the project. Documentation that should be
included with releases will be migrated from the existing confluence space
to the new one, and the autoexport of the space will be cron copied to our
official documentation location. Work on this migration has not started.
Unresolved Issues
* All unresolved issues reported in our 2009-11 report have been
Top Issues Before Graduation
* Continue to increase contributors from multiple institutions
== Wookie ==
Apache Wookie (Incubating) is a project to create open source software for
adding widgets to your applications. It has been in incubation since July
No issues currently require IPMC or Board attention
Notable activities:
* Wookie is now one of 3 products with 100% conformance to the W3C
Widgets specification: see
* Work progressing on conformance to W3C Widgets Interface
specification: see
* Wookie Plugins for Elgg and Moodle have migrated to their respective
project communities
* JIRA Activity is increasing as is frequency of patches received from
external contributors
* External contributors engaged in more significant design work such as
oAuth/OpenID integration architecture and inter-widget communication models
* 3 separate face to face widget development workshops using Wookie held
in February (in Innsbruck, Oxford, and London)
* Voted rgardler as a committer (rgardler is also the project's champion)
Items to be resolved before graduation:
* Remove GPL dependencies
* Create a release
* Develop community
== Wink ==
Apache Wink is a project that enables development and consumption of REST
style web services. The core server runtime is based on the JAX-RS (JSR 311)
standard. The project also introduces a client runtime which can leverage
certain components of the server-side runtime. Apache Wink will deliver
component technology that can be easily integrated into a variety of
Apache Wink has been incubating since 2009-05-27.
Notable Activity:
* Bug fixes and a few improvements to the base runtime code such as
minor performance and improvements to warning cases and messages.
* Added some experimental Google Guice support.
* A few IBM developerWorks articles have recently been written regarding
Apache Wink.
Planned Activity:
* Another release with updates to comply with JAX-RS 1.1
Top issues before graduation:
* Build community
== WSRP4J ==
The WSRP4J Project is an implementation of WSRP 1.0 Producer. WSRP is an
OASIS specification that describes a protocol which allows portlets to be
accessed remotely using Web Services.
The WSRP4J Project has been adopted by the Portals PMC, while still in the
Apache Incubator, since August 2003, with the intent to graduate as a
sub-project of Apache Portals.
* There is no project activity to report since the last report of
November 2009.
Attachment O: Status report for the Apache Lenya Project
Lenya 2.0.3 was released 2010-01-20.
The community has decided to move forward with a Java 6 minimum
version requirement for future versions.
No issues to report.
Attachment P: Status report for the Apache Logging Project
- Community
Christian Grobmeier was added to the Logging PMC in December after a year of
contribution to the incubating log4php project. Christian also has an
interest in contribution to the dormant log4j 2.0 effort and has been
granted commit rights to that branch.
Ceki Gulcu, log4j founder, former PMC chair and project lead of
logback, has raised issues on log4j-dev with my tenure as
PMC Chair. Relevant links are:
Similar issues were previously raised in:
- Development
log4j 1.2:
log4j 1.2.16 is a long overdue push away from a release
to package up two and a half years of bug fixes.
log4j 2.0:
log4j 2.0 is still just talk. Christian Grobmeier was granted
SVN commit rights and has initiated threads on log4j-dev
regarding log4j 2.0 development.
No development in this period.
Mailing lists are fairly active, several messages a week. Only one
commit during the report period.
log4php 2.0.0-incubating was released on December 14th, 2009.
Mailing list and development activity are healthy. An push
to exit the incubator is likely to be undertaken shortly.
Christian Grobmeier has been added to the Logging PMC.
No development in this period.
Attachment Q: Status report for the Apache OpenWebBeans Project
OpenWebBeans is an Apache-licensed implementation of the JSR-299:
Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE platform which is
defined as JSR-299.
OpenWebBeans has graduated from the Incubator in 16, December 2009.
* We are ready for M4 but waiting dependent releases from Geronimo.
* Setup is done for Hudson for auto building.
* Nexus Repository is enabled for OWB releases.
* Adding simple documentation to web side.
* We already implemented nearly 95 percent of the specification,
remaining parts are mainly related with Java EE integration.
--Current Development Status--
* Steadily coding on implementation to cover all specification.
* Working on bug-fixing and refactoring.
* Working on JSR-299 TCK-Standalone for being fully compatible.
* Working on documentation project to improve guides etc.
--Future Development Plans--
* Release M4 after Geronimo releases dependencies.
* Release a 1.0.0 version with full spec coverage.
* Starting to integrate with Geronimo Server.
* Working on JSR-299 TCK Integration tests.
--New Releases--
-- Discussions--
Attachment R: Status report for the Apache Perl Project
-- mod_perl 1.0 --
The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd
No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report.
--- mod_perl 2.0 --
mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches.
No new mod_perl 2.x releases since the last report.
--- Apache-Test --
Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write
test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is
used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and
includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP
and Parrot.
Apache-Test 1.31 is pending release, RCs are being tested at the moment.
--- Apache-SizeLimit --
Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production
environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes
based on various environmental triggers.
No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report.
--- Apache-Bootstrap --
Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl
module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates
code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make
maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy.
No new Apache-Bootstrap releases since the last report.
--- Apache-Reload --
Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development
environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter
without completely restarting httpd.
No new Apache-Reload releases since the last report.
-- Apache-DBI --
Apache-DBI is a popular component in many mod_perl deployments. It
is used to provide transparent database connection pooling to clients
using DBI.
Apache-DBI 1.08 was released 03 Feb 2010.
-- Development --
mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though
as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally
slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and
applied with due consideration for our production userbase.
-- Users --
The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. Nothing noteworthy
has happened since the last report.
-- PMC --
No noteworthy PMC events happened during this quarter.
Attachment S: Status report for the Apache Pivot Project
Apache Pivot is a platform for building rich Internet applications in Java.
Pivot graduated from the Incubator in December. Version 1.4 was released in
early January, and a press release was issued in late January announcing
Pivot's graduation. The announcement was accompanied by a site redesign
The team is actively working on Pivot 1.4.1, tentatively scheduled for
release in March.
Attachment T: Status report for the Apache POI Project
In the last quarter, we have added one new committer, Maxim Valyanskiy.
However, there are currently no new people on the lists showing the
potential to be added as a committer this quarter, though we remain on the
lookout as ever.
Traffic on the dev list was up in December, mostly due to release and
committer votes, but is subsequently back to its usual baseline. User list
traffic remains steady at around twice the dev list.
Bug report numbers seem fairly steady. A fair percentage of user queries and
bug reports lately relate to our support for Word, which remains our weakest
supported of the 3 main file formats (and isn't in the main jar, only the
scratchpad). Sadly despite a long standing notice on the website that this
area of the codebase needs new developers, the code continues to lack the
love (and possible re-write) that it really needs.
Quite a bit of work on the documentation has been done following discussions
at ApacheCon, which seems to have helped users based on on-list feedback,
but as ever some more work remains...
We released POI 3.6 Final this quarter, in mid December. This featured quite
a number of bug fixes for the new features added in 3.5. It also includes a
smaller version of the OOXML schemas, as suggested by Tika, which seems to
have been well received!
Attachment U: Status report for the Apache Qpid Project
Qpid 0.6 a major release is completing, hopefully released by the
date of the board meeting. It brings a large additional feature
set with including interop between all the components using AMQP
0-10 and the best support for all AMQP version for any AMQP project
around. This is substantive release we will be proud of once voting
is complete, which includes large non-committer contributions (via JIRA).
New committers voted onto the project: Ken Giusti.
Long debate on private lists around mixing committer votes with
improving our governance. It seems like we are maturing and improving
our game with a consequence that we may have raised the bar mid stream
on those working to committership. The improving our game is good but
we need to carefully manage those that are in process of working to
The community continues to grow both from patches and users.
No issues to report at this time.
Attachment V: Status report for the Apache Roller Project
Apache Roller is a full-featured, Java-based weblogging package that
works well on Tomcat and MySQL, and is also known to run on other
servers and databases.
Status of the Roller codebase
We've been ready for a Roller 5.0 release since our last report, but
since then we decided to move the Roller build process over to Maven
in a whole-hog fashion, adopting the Maven directory structure,
breaking up into modules, late night rituals, etc. We hope that this
will make it easier for existing committers to maintain Roller and for
new contributors to understand, build and run the code.
At this point the Maven build works and mvn jetty:run-war will run
Roller but we're still working out kinks in the build and especially
under Windows. Once the build process is stable again, it is likely
that we'll start producing release candidates for Roller 5.0.
Status of Roller community
Since our last report, we nominated, voted in and setup a new PMC
member: Greg Huber.
Attachment W: Status report for the Apache Santuario Project
Attachment X: Status report for the Apache Shindig Project
Apache Shindig is an Opensocial Reference implementation in wide use by
both social networks and enterprise software. Shindig graduated from the
Incubator in January 2010 and has migrated all resources from there.
* PMC Approved new committer Chirag Shah
* Continued healthy discussions on dev list
* Many new contributions in form of patches submitted to Jira
* New users list set up as part of TLP migration
* The Shindig PMC has no issues that require board attention
* no project releases
* Moved all incubator resources to TLP status (site, mailing lists, jira, etc.)
Ongoing work
* Work on a 1.1 release is ongoing.
* Finish modifications to web site to reflect graduated status
Attachment Y: Status report for the Apache Turbine Project
The Turbine project has as usual seen fairly low levels of activity
in the last quarter.
The Turbine project has no board-level issues at this time.
Community changes
No new committers were voted in since the last board report.
No new PMC members were voted in since the last board report.
Turbine core project
There has been no activity on the Turbine core project this quarter.
Work on Turbine core is expected to recommence after the
externalization services into Fulcrum components is completed.
No beta or final releases were made since the last board report.
Fulcrum component project
Work on migrating the build process of the Fulcrum components
to Maven 2 continues.
Releases this quarter:
* fulcrum-xslt 1.1.0 was released on 20 November 2009.
* fulcrum-intake 1.0.6 was released on 23 November 2009.
* fulcrum-spring 1.0.0 was released on 29 January 2010.
META project
There has been no activity on the META sub-project in this quarter.
No beta or final releases were made since the last board report.
Attachment Z: Status report for the Apache Tuscany Project
Apache Tuscany is an SOA framework based on OASIS OpenCSA and SCA.
In the last quarter there was one release made - a 1.6 release from
the 1.x code stream. Another release from the latest 2.x code stream
has been discussed and should happen in the next month or so.
Tuscany continues to have active developer and user communities.
There are 371 subscribers on the user mailing list, and 283 to the
dev list, and mailing list traffic is steady with around 500 emails
per month to the dev list and 85 per month to the user list. The
development focus is on the 2.x code which is working towards support
for the latest specifications being standardized at OASIS where
Tuscany will be one of the OASIS reference implementations, and
it will also be the reference implementation of the upcoming SCA
Configuration Type for OSGi Remote Services spec as part of OSGi
Enterprise Release 4.2.
There have been no committer or PMC changes in the last quarter, and
there are no board level issues at this time.
Attachment AA: Status report for the Apache Velocity Project
Feb 2010 Board Report
Velocity continues to be quiet and steady. Traffic on the dev list continues
to be light (and is mostly reflecting bug tracker activity). User list
traffic also is light but steady.
The Velocity project currently has no board-level issues at this time.
Community changes
Velocity did not add or remove any new committers or PMC members since the
last board report.
Velocity Engine project
Velocity Engine 1.6.3 was released on Dec. 16th, 2009.
Light activity on the bug tracker, new bugs are addressed and closed, the
overall rate of bug reports is pretty low (Velocity is, after all, pretty
mature software). 9 Bugs were opened after Dec 1st., 18 were resolved or
closed in various states (mostly fixed).
Velocity Tools project
The tools project had no releases since the last board report. Discussion
about a 2.0 release has been started but not yet concluded.
Other Velocity Sub projects
There was no activity in the other velocity sub-projects.
Attachment AB: Status report for the Apache Xalan Project
There have been no releases this quarter for Xalan-C or Xalan-J
There has been a small to moderate amount of activity on the project's mailing
lists. Several former active committers have also started participating again,
with some contributors' patches being integrated.
A few days ago, a licensing dispute between an active committer and another
contributor over a patch was brought to my attention. I'm going to review the
history of the dispute and likely will need to contact someone within the
organization who has more experience with license issues.
Attachment AC: Status report for the Apache Xerces Project
The developers are still working towards releasing Xerces-J 2.10.0.
It had been planned for December but the committers became busy with
other matters late in the year so did not have enough time to finish
it off. 79 JIRA issues have been resolved so far with a few more to
go before we can wrap this up.
We've had some early interest from a student looking to participate
in GSoC. He has been getting familiar with Xerces, has already been
posting to the mailing lists and looks like he may submit a proposal
to work on the Schema Component Designators (SCD) project that we
had suggested on the ASF GSoC Wiki in 2009.
Xerces-C++ 3.1.0 was released on the 1st of February. This includes
a fix for CVE-2009-1885 (the security issue reported by CERT-FI last
summer). A bug-fix 3.1.1 release may follow in a few months if
Jason Stewart announced to the PMC in January that he would be
leaving the project after a long absence, so at the moment Xerces-P
has no active maintainers. Xerces-P was folded into the Xerces-C++
codebase in 2007 so any of the C++ developers could pick this up in
the future if they were motivated to. A user recently asked how they
could use Xerces-P with Xerces-C++ 3.1.0 (this isn't possible with
the current Perl version) so there may still be some interest in
the community in further development.
XML Commons
In December, we released xml-commons-external-1.4.01 (JAXP 1.4),
xml-commons-external-1.3.05 (JAXP 1.3) and
xml-commons-external-1.2.06 (JAXP 1.2). These were the first
releases from XML Commons since 2006. The JAXP 1.4 APIs will be
bundled with Xerces-J 2.10.0. Some new bug reports have been coming
in for the XML Commons Resolver which should be investigated.
Boris Kolpackov was formally added to the PMC in December. The vote
occurred in 2008 but seems we forgot to send the result to the board
for acknowledgment at the time.
Attachment AD: Status report for the Apache XML Project
The XML project is cozy and quiet, with no issues requiring board
attention. Since the last report, Xang has been moved to the Attic and
it is expected that Crimson will follow shortly. If the board has
spare cycles, suggestions on what to do when the XML project becomes
the home for XIndice alone are welcome.
No releases, no new committers, very little development activity on
XIndice (though the list are monitored and questions answered).
Attachment AE: Status report for the Apache XML Graphics Project
General Comments
There are no issues that require Board attention.
XML Graphics Commons
No releases, no major changes, just a few improvements and fixes in
various components.
Helder Magalhães (see was voted in as
a new committer. A new release, consolidating bug fixes and small
improvements, would be good, but due to lack of committer time, no
release was made.
Pascal Sancho (see was
voted in as a new committer. A new release is overdue, but due to lack
of committer time, no release was made.
Attachment AF: Status report for the Apache Directory Project
No new committers. No new PMC members.
New unofficial alliance between OpenLDAP and Apache Directory yielding
greater collaboration and interoperability namely where replication is
No new ApacheDS releases. Few minor releases of Apache Directory Studio.
All quiet over all with a lot of activity on the new LDAP API list. Many
groups are collaborating to build the next LDAP API standard.
End of minutes for the February 17, 2010 board meeting.