Links: 2010 - All years
- Original The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
April 21, 2010
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 12:00pm (Pacific) and began at
12:02 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a
quorum was recognized by the chairman. The meeting was held
via teleconference, hosted by Jim Jagielski and vmWare.
IRC #asfboard on was used for backup
2. Roll Call
Directors Present:
Shane Curcuru
Doug Cutting
Justin Erenkrantz
Roy T. Fielding
Jim Jagielski
Brian McCallister joined at 12:15
Brett Porter
Directors Absent:
Geir Magnusson Jr.
Greg Stein
Officers Present:
Grant Ingersoll
Sam Ruby
Sander Striker
Brian Fox
Craig L Russell
Officers Absent:
Noirin Shirley
3. Minutes from previous meetings
Published minutes can be found at:
A. The meeting of March 17, 2010
See: board_minutes_2010_03_17.txt
4. Executive Officer Reports
A. Chairman [Jim]
Of significant note for the last month is, of course, the (special)
ASF Members Meeting, that was held via irc between the dates of April
23 thru the 29th. The reason for the long recess was due to some
issues with the minotaur server, which hosts, and
is the server used for voting via the ssh voter-tool. Infrastructure
quickly brought minotaur back up, but I decided to allow some extra
days for people to confirm their votes, as well as give infra some
breathing room, just in case the server started acting up again.
We had about 120 members (out of 277) counted towards the attendance
quorum and 156 members voting. Although, historically, this is a
"good" showing, the large number of members who didn't attend or
vote is somewhat concerning. The requirements of being a member are
not the least bit onerous, and yet many members cannot even achieve
the bare minimum.
The main task of the meeting was to allow for the nomination and
election of new members. Due to the fact that a few of the newly
elected members have not yet returned their signed member application,
I am holding off announcing any specifics regarding the outcome.
There was spirited discussion on the lists regarding ApacheCon
and membership (what it is, what it means, etc...). Regarding
ApacheCon, the board's position on ApacheCon was re-iterated and
some misconceptions regarding the board position were (hopefully)
cleared up; Concom is now taking all the input under advisement.
Some suggestions regarding membership included a "new member Mentor"
possibility, as well as trying to get some agreement and alignment
among members on "what do you look for in a new member." This
discussion has, unfortunately, died down without any clear consensus.
The current status of our taxes and our CSC corporate status is
still unknown.
The number of missing reports this month is quite concerning...
B. President [Justin]
Since we have not received any feedback to the budget by this point,
I am optimistic that the Board is satisfied with it and we can
approve it during this meeting.
Kudos to Joe, Gav, Philip and the rest of the infra team for their
swift reaction on the recent security incident. In the spirit of
full disclosure and lessons learned, there is a good blog post
from the infra team:
My belief is that these things happen - the more telling thing is
how you respond and learn from it. I believe the infra team
handled it exceptionally well. Thanks!
In March, I talked at OSBC and EclipseCon. Both were interesting:
OSBC for the audience mix, and EclipseCon for how they structure
their show. OSBC is a small-ish event with about 200-300 people:
as Henri Yandell commented, more "How to use open source in your
business" rather than "How to build an open source business." I
gave my ASF intro talk and was well received even though it was the
last talk on the last day. In comparison, the EclipseCon panel on
the future of open source was essentially standing-room only - but
that was more due to my esteemed panel mates (and not for me!):
Mårten Mickos, Stephen O'Grady, and Jason van Zyl with Mike
Milinkovich as moderator. We had some different viewpoints
represented, so I felt it was a good experience.
Apropos to our continuing internal discussions about ConCom,
Eclipse continues to house their conference themselves. I had
a chance to meet with their conference team, but their producer
operates on a flat-rate basis with the Eclipse Foundation bearing
the risk (and getting the profits). We discussed the razor's
edge that is being walked when taking the risk for a large event:
a proposed European carrier strike if it had happened would have
caused significant losses to the event if a sizable number of
attendees could not make it to Santa Clara. Fortunately, the
strike was postponed and the attendees on that carrier made it,
but this is just how these things go!
While I was at EclipseCon, I went to an "Ask the Oracle Execs"
sessions - Gavin Clarke from The Register had a story about that
session at:
I also attended the Apache Retreat in Ireland - Sander has aptly
covered the experience in his report. Many thanks to Noirin for
organizing the event; and thanks to everyone who attended! It was
a lot of fun.
Of note, I'll be on vacation with no email access from April 24th
until May 4th. During my absence, Sander will be assuming my
C. Treasurer [Geir]
Books are currently up to date as of 2010-04-21 for checking,
savings and credit card accounts.
I've been a bit out of it for the past month due to personal and
work issues - however, I believe all foundation business was taken
care of in a timely manner.
- Current PayPal balance as of 03/17 is $21,726.54, an approx
$2500 increase since last report. This is not
reflected in statement of position below.
Tasks Done:
- all approved bills paid. There are what appear to be 2 paid
invoices in the approved section. Email sent to Phil with
- Missing Schedule A for FY2008 tax return complete and filed on time.
- Delaware state return filed
- Paid Silicon Mechanics for recent order. Will work to open a
line of credit.
In Progress:
- preparation for FY2010 US Tax filing. Our FY end is April 30
and my goal is a filed US tax return by May 31, 2010.
To Do:
- need to start gathering CC receipts from CC holders. E.g ACON09
1) Statement of Financial Income and Expense - March 2010 - Accrual Basis
Ordinary Income/Expense
Interest Income 96.90
Contributions Income
Unrestricted 100,000.00
Total Contributions Income 100,000.00
Total Income 100,096.90
Bank Service Charges 363.33
Postage and Delivery 31.17
Program Expenses
Colocation Expenses 518.00
Hardware Purchases 9,973.98
Infrastructure Staff 12,500.00
Total Infrastructure 22,991.98
Travel Assistance 1,069.86
Public Relations
PRC Travel 250.40
Public Relations Staff 20,000.00
Total Public Relations 20,250.40
Conference Expenses 5,451.82
Total Program Expenses 49,764.06
Total Expense 50,158.56
Net Ordinary Income 49,938.34
Net Income 49,938.34
2) Statement of Financial Position - As of March 31, 2010 - Accrual Basis
Mar 31, 10 Mar 31, 09 $ Change % Change
Current Assets
Paypal 12,513.63 10,543.63 1,970.00 18.7%
Wells Fargo Analyzed Account 190,433.40 50,134.09 140,299.31 279.9%
Wells Fargo Savings 285,266.88 298,799.19 -13,532.31 -4.5%
Total Checking/Savings 488,213.91 359,476.91 128,737.00 35.8%
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable 150,000.00 5,000.00 145,000.00 2,900.0%
Total Accounts Receivable 150,000.00 5,000.00 145,000.00 2,900.0%
Total Current Assets 638,213.91 364,476.91 273,737.00 75.1%
TOTAL ASSETS 638,213.91 364,476.91 273,737.00 75.1%
Current Liabilities
Credit Cards
ASF Credit Card - Phil Golucci 1,191.96 0.00 1,191.96 100.0%
ASF Credit Card - Ruby 51.12 82.20 -31.08 -37.8%
ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz 0.00 1,761.68 -1,761.68 -100.0%
Total Credit Cards 1,243.08 1,843.88 -600.80 -32.6%
Total Current Liabilities 1,243.08 1,843.88 -600.80 -32.6%
Total Liabilities 1,243.08 1,843.88 -600.80 -32.6%
Retained Earnings 363,648.74 261,948.68 101,700.06 38.8%
Net Income 273,322.09 100,684.35 172,637.74 171.5%
Total Equity 636,970.83 362,633.03 274,337.80 75.7%
TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 638,213.91 364,476.91 273,737.00 75.1%
D. Secretary [Sam]
Verbal report.
Processing of membership applications has not gone as smoothly as I
would have liked. Issues include: PGP signatures are more common on
membership applications than on CLAs and take more time to verify; my
availability; confusion over roles between secretary/asst sec/infra.
CSC indicates that the ASF Corporate Status is up to date. While I
went through and updated the form (mostly providing current addresses
for Directors, based on members.txt), and authorized payment, this was
rejected as already paid. Apparently this was all cleared up
automatically when the Delaware taxes were filed.
E. Executive Vice President [Sander Striker]
Friday Apr 9th through Sunday Apr 11th I spent at the Apache Retreat.
It was situated in a remote location, in Wicklow near Eniskerry.
Thirty two people showed up to enjoy the incredible and unexpected
weather conditions. Transportation was partly arranged and partly
taken care of by participants, which covered the needs.
I personally found the remote location combined the limited amount of
people to help interactions across all participants. Being able to
spend sessions outside sitting on the grass most certainly contributed.
Committers, PMC members and ASF members were all represented. There
was a, to me, surprising interest in "The Apache Way". Resulting in
talking with individuals about history and umbrella projects.
The organization fell to a single person due to circumstances, which
wasn't noticeable. Everything that needed to be taken care of was.
Location and venue left no complaints. Fifty people is probably what
to shoot for, considering the no-show rate. In my opinion the Ireland
retreat is well worth a repeat; including the weather of course.
The Hadoop project caught my attention during the event from an
organizational perspective. I have sent a subscription request to the
Hadoop PMC list, to gather more awareness for myself about the state of
An updated RFP is available in admin-search/rfp.txt, which I believe is
good enough to get the search for candidates started. The recent issues
our VP of Infrastructure had making payments makes me think we should
post the RFP sooner rather than later.
Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
5. Additional Officer Reports
1. VP of JCP [Geir Magnusson Jr]
See Attachment 1
Dan indicated that he is happy with the progress.
2. VP of Brand Management [Shane Curcuru]
See Attachment 2
Compliments to Shane on running this function smoothly.
3. VP of Fundraising [Serge Knystautas / Geir]
See Attachment 3
4. VP of Marketing and Publicity [Sally Khudairi / Doug]
See Attachment 4
5. VP of W3C Relations [Sam Ruby]
See Attachment 5
Verbal report.
AC meeting was held this month in Boston. Only item of interest to the
ASF is work ongoing to produced a HTML spec license that permits reuse
of spec text inside of software.
6. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby]
See Attachment 6
Verbal report.
Even more quiet than normal. Only 1 new JIRA, only one other JIRA
worked. There appears to be a number of efforts outside of the ASF to
come up with a common CLA form.
7. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Brian]
See Attachment 7
8. Apache Conference Planning Project [Noirin Shirley / Jim]
See Attachment 8
9. Apache Infrastructure Team [Philip Gollucci / Justin]
See Attachment 9
10. Apache Travel Assistance Committee [Gavin McDonald / Shane]
See Attachment 10
Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
6. Committee Reports
A. Apache ActiveMQ Project [Hiram Chirino / Brett]
See Attachment A
Brett to pursue a report for ActiveMQ
B. Apache Attic Project [Henri Yandell / Greg]
See Attachment B
Jim to contact Henri
C. Apache Cassandra Project [Jonathan Ellis / Roy]
See Attachment C
Paul Querna indicated that he is following IRC which is mostly user
questions; actual development is mostly in JIRA.
D. Apache CXF Project [J. Daniel Kulp / Justin]
See Attachment D
Both Daniel and Mark have volunteered to help with the JCP/TCK process,
and have credentials and ideas. This should relieve the bottleneck.
E. Apache DB Project [Rick Hillegas / Justin]
See Attachment E
Suggest OJB and DDLUtils go to the attic.
F. Apache Directory Project [Alex Karasulu / Shane]
See Attachment F
G. Apache Geronimo Project [Kevan Miller / Jim]
See Attachment G
H. Apache Hadoop Project [Owen O'Malley / Geir]
See Attachment H
Wide concern that there is a disconnect between how Hadoop is
run and the expectation from the board on how Apache projects
are run; Jim to join the mailing list.
I. Apache iBATIS Project [Clinton Begin / Greg]
See Attachment I
Jim to follow up
J. Apache Incubator Project [Noel J. Bergman / Brett]
See Attachment J
Shiro seems like it could graduate sooner
K. Apache Jakarta Project [Rahul Akolkar / Doug]
See Attachment K
L. Apache JAMES Project [Norman Maurer / Roy]
See Attachment L
M. Apache Maven Project [Brian Fox / Brian]
See Attachment M
N. Apache MINA Project [Niklas Gustavsson / Justin]
See Attachment N
Jim to inquire if the move to emeritus status is complete.
O. Apache MyFaces Project [Matthias Wessendorf / Brett]
See Attachment O
Requested to avoid URL shortening services in reports.
P. Apache ODE Project [Matthieu Riou / Roy]
See Attachment P
Q. Apache OpenEJB Project [David Blevins / Shane]
See Attachment Q
Shane to request that the report be resubmitted.
R. Apache OpenJPA Project [Craig Russell / Doug]
See Attachment R
S. Apache PDFBox Project [Andreas Lehmkühler / Brian]
See Attachment S
Andreas clarified that both Johannes and Atsuo were added as both
committers and PMC members simultaneously.
T. Apache Quetzalcoatl Project [Gregory Trubetskoy / Greg]
See Attachment T
Greg to inform the project that unless there is a new chair
and monthly reports for three months that next months board
agenda will have a resolution moving the project to the attic.
U. Apache Santuario Project [Raul Benito / Geir]
See Attachment U
Jim to inform the project that unless there is a new chair and
monthly reports for three months that next months board agenda
will have a resolution moving the project to the attic.
V. Apache Shindig Project [Paul Lindner / Jim]
See Attachment V
W. Apache Struts Project [Martin Cooper / Brett]
See Attachment W
Security patch, but no release? How was the patch released?
X. Apache Subversion Project [Greg Stein / Jim]
See Attachment X
No board level issues. Greg to submit a make-up report next month.
Y. Apache Tapestry Project [Howard M. Lewis Ship / Geir]
See Attachment Y
Z. Apache Tcl Project [David N. Welton / Greg]
See Attachment Z
Jim to follow up and get a report.
AA. Apache UIMA Project [Marshall Schor / Brian]
See Attachment AA
AB. Apache Web Services Project [Glen Daniels / Doug]
See Attachment AB
AC. Apache XMLBeans Project [Cezar Andrei / Roy]
See Attachment AC
AD. Apache Lucene Special Report to the Board [Grant Ingersoll / Shane]
See Attachment AD
Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
7. Special Orders
A. Establish the Apache Mahout Project
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
open-source software related to a machine learning platform
for distribution at no charge to the public.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Mahout Project",
be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
Foundation; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Mahout Project be and hereby is
responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
related to a machine learning platform; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Mahout" be
and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
of the Apache Mahout Project, and to have primary responsibility
for management of the projects within the scope of
responsibility of the Apache Mahout Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
Apache Mahout Project:
* Abdelhakim Deneche <>>
* Isabel Drost <>
* Ted Dunning <>
* Jeff Eastman <>
* Drew Farris <>
* Grant Ingersoll <>
* Benson Margulies <>
* Sean Owen <>
* Robin Anil <>
* Jake Mannix <>
be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Mahout, to
serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification,
or until a successor is appointed; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Mahout PMC be and hereby is
tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
encourage open development and increased participation in the
Apache Mahout Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Mahout Project be and hereby
is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
Lucene Mahout sub-project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
Lucene Mahout sub-project encumbered upon the
Apache Lucene Project are hereafter discharged.
Special Order 7A, Establish the Apache Mahout Project, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
B. Establish the Apache Nutch Project
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
open-source software related to a large-scale web search
platform for distribution at no charge to the public.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Nutch Project",
be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
Foundation; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Nutch Project be and hereby is
responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
related to a large-scale web search platform; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Nutch" be
and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
of the Apache Nutch Project, and to have primary responsibility
for management of the projects within the scope of
responsibility of the Apache Nutch Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
Apache Nutch Project:
* Andrzej Bialecki <>
* Otis Gospodnetic <>
* Dogacan Guney <>
* Dennis Kubes <>
* Chris Mattmann <>
* Julien Nioche <>
* Sami Siren <>
RESOLVED, that the Apache Nutch Project be and hereby
is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
Lucene Nutch sub-project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
Lucene Nutch sub-project encumbered upon the
Apache Lucene Project are hereafter discharged.
be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Nutch, to
serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification,
or until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7B, Establish the Apache Nutch Project, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
C. Establish the Apache Tika Project
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
open-source software related to content detection and analysis for
distribution at no charge to the public.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Tika Project",
be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
Foundation; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Tika Project be and hereby is
responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
related to a content analysis and detection toolkit; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Tika" be
and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
of the Apache Tika Project, and to have primary responsibility
for management of the projects within the scope of
responsibility of the Apache Tika Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
Apache Tika Project:
* Chris A. Mattmann (
* Jukka Zitting (
* Ken Krugler (
* Keith Bennett (
* Mark Harwood (
* Dave Meikle (
* Sami Siren (
* Rida Benjelloun (
be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Tika, to
serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification,
or until a successor is appointed; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Tika Project be and hereby
is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
Lucene Tika sub-project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
Lucene Tika sub-project encumbered upon the
Apache Lucene Project are hereafter discharged
Special Order 7C, Establish the Apache Tika Project, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
D. Establish the Apache Traffic Server Project
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
open-source software related to proxying and caching of HTTP
and other related network services for distribution at no
charge to the public.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Traffic Server Project",
be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
Foundation; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Traffic Server Project be and hereby is
responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
related to proxying and caching of HTTP and other related network
services and be it further
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Traffic Server be
and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
of the Apache Traffic Server Project, and to have primary
responsibility for management of the projects within the scope of
responsibility of the Apache Traffic Server Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
Apache Traffic Server Project:
* Andrew Hsu <>
* Anirban Kundu <>
* Bryan Call <>
* Diane Smith <>
* Eric Balsa <>
* George Paul <>
* Jean-Frederic Clere <>
* Jim Jagielski <>
* John Plevyak <>
* Leif Hedstrom <>
* Manjesh Nilange <>
* Miles Libbey <>
* Mladen Turk <>
* Paul Querna <>
* Ray Rivera <>
* Steve Jiang <>
* Vijaya Bhaskar Mamidi <>
be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Traffic Server,
to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification,
or until a successor is appointed; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Traffic Server PMC be and hereby is
tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
encourage open development and increased participation in the
Apache Traffic Server Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Traffic Server Project be and hereby
is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
Incubator Traffic Server podling; and be it further
RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
Incubator Traffic Server podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
Project are hereafter discharged.
Special Order 7D, Establish the Apache Traffic Server Project,
was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
E. Establish the Apache Avro Project
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
open-source software related to data serialization
for distribution at no charge to the public.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Avro Project",
be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
Foundation; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Avro Project be and hereby is
responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
related to data serialization; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Avro" be
and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
of the Apache Avro Project, and to have primary responsibility
for management of the projects within the scope of
responsibility of the Apache Avro Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
Apache Avro Project:
* Doug Cutting <>
* Jeff Hammerbacher <>
* Jeff Hodges <>
* Matt Massie <>
* Philip Zeyliger <>
* Scott Banachowski <>
* Scott Carey <>
* Sharad Agarwal <>
* Thiruvalluvan M. G. <>
be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Avro, to
serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification,
or until a successor is appointed; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Avro PMC be and hereby is
tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
encourage open development and increased participation in the
Apache Avro Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Avro Project be and hereby
is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
Hadoop Avro sub-project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
Hadoop Avro sub-project encumbered upon the
Apache Hadoop Project are hereafter discharged.
Special Order 7E, Establish the Apache Avro Project, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
F. Establish the Apache HBase Project
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
open-source software related to data serialization
for distribution at no charge to the public.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache HBase Project",
be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
Foundation; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache HBase Project be and hereby is
responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
related to a distributed database; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache HBase" be
and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
of the Apache HBase Project, and to have primary responsibility
for management of the projects within the scope of
responsibility of the Apache HBase Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
Apache HBase Project:
* Michael Stack <>
* Jonathan Gray <>
* Andrew Purtell <>
* John-Daniel Cryans <>
* Ryan Rawson <>
* Lars George <>
be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache HBase, to
serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification,
or until a successor is appointed; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the initial Apache HBase PMC be and hereby is
tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
encourage open development and increased participation in the
Apache HBase Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache HBase Project be and hereby
is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
Hadoop HBase sub-project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
Hadoop HBase sub-project encumbered upon the
Apache Hadoop Project are hereafter discharged.
Special Order 7F, Establish the Apache HBase Project, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
G. Approve the 2010-2011FY Budget.
See attachment AE.
Special Order 7G, Approve the 2010-2011FY Budget, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
8. Discussion Items
A. Setting date for annual members meeting/board elections?
9. Review Outstanding Action Items
10. Unfinished Business
11. New Business
Sander to put out an RFP for $25-30K part/time.
12. Announcements
William James Fielding was born at or shortly after the last ASF
board meeting.
13. Adjournment
Adjourned at 01:08 p.m. (Pacific)
Attachment 1: Report from the VP of JCP
Only board level issue was the recent (yesterday) discussion of getting
better service for TCK and related materials. Daniel Kulp and Mark
Thomas have volunteered to assist, and have some good, fresh ideas on
what we can do with the new LDAP-based auth we have. I look forward
to this situation getting better.
In the non-news section of the repot, Oracle is still pondering their
navel with respect to the dispute over the Java SE TCK license for
Apache Harmony. They had expected to give us an answer at the beginning
of April, but indicated ahead of the JCP EC call that they had nothing
to report, so the meeting was cancelled as we have very little to talk
about otherwise. Oracle's claim is that they are reviewing
and planning what to do with us in the context of a larger change
(or not) to the JCP and Java ecosystem.
Oracle has had a very clear public position in support of Apache's
assertions regarding the TCK license for Java SE, and I hope that
now that they are in the position to take real action on the matter
that they act in a way consistent with that public position
and put this matter finally to rest for the good of the Java
Attachment 2: Report from the VP of Brand Management
No board-level issues noted.
Operations And Community
Published first of many trademark usage FAQ's that should greatly simplify
future end-user questions. Similarly checked in overall ToDo list
to encourage more committee participation.
Approved and created JIRA to get the donated domain name
transferred to the ASF so we can continue to point it at the project.
External Requests
Answered various non-infringing related questions.
Worked with Microsoft, Red Hat, and Yahoo! in conjunction with Noirin
as VP, Concom to ensure appropriate usage of our marks at specific
third party run events.
Work is in progress with two organizations to correct infringements
of our marks in association with a website and a product.
Attachment 3: Report from the VP of Fundraising
There are no issues that require board action at this time.
I am working to close another gold sponsor. They have internally
allocated funding and want to donate one server. I'm coordinating with
infrastructure to have them say what type of server they'd like in the
$5k-$10k range, and then this sponsor will be invoiced for the balance.
Looking at the sponsor spreadsheet, there are several sponsors that will be
invoiced in May. I'll be coordinating this with the Treasurer and will
look to update our spreadsheets and review the process to make sure these
invoices are sent and collected in a timely manner.
The thank yous for 2009 were sent. I learned a bit about donor patterns
through this process that will be shared with fundraising@. I feel I have
the mechanics now under control to get thank yous out regularly and on
time, and I want to now look to push for volunteers who want to strategize
and implement a "donor program."
I had a good trip to Boston to meet with Shane and Sally, though honestly
haven't taken the next steps that I had gotten excited about while there.
It's been an unusually busy spring for me, but it's on the list to do.
Attachment 4: Report from the VP of Marketing and Publicity
- Budget: awaiting review of the proposed 2010-2011 budget submitted to ASF
President Justin Erenkrantz by the Board this week.
- M&P/Brand Management/Fundraising Meeting: The face-to-face worksession in
Boston with Shane Curcuru and Serge Knystautas took place on 23 March. The
overall experience was very positive, with plans to re-connect next quarter.
An interim solution to Sally's inability to easily edit the Website is Shane
helping post content to the site for now.
An autoresponder is now in place for emails sent to that
directs senders to the appropriate mailing list for Fundraising,
Trademarks/Branding, Marketing/Publicity, and Community Development. Sally is
now moderator for the press-at-apache-dot-org list.
- Press Releases: the following announcement was issued over PR Newswire --
13 April - Apache Cassandra Release 0.6
This announcement received more than 1,400 hits on the ASF Foundation blog
within the first 24 hours of going live. In addition, roughly 20% of those
accessing the news came directly through the ASF Twitter feed.
- Media Relations: outreach continues, with the above press release
distributed under 24-hour embargo to our press/analyst-specific distribution
list. The story was picked up by several members of the press seeking
interviews in advance of the announcement going live, and resulted in dozens
of write-ups, including SDTimes, Heise Online, the Bitsource, and Internet
World. The embargo was honored with no violations.
- Informal Announcements: the April Fool's hoax spread like wildfire, with
more than 2,500 Twitter retweets. This announcement did cause some confusion
and queries from some readers from communities not familiar with the concept
of April Fool's Day.
- Future Announcements: Sally is currently working on a press release with
the Tomcat PMC announcing the release of Apache Tomcat 7. This should take
place within the next 2 weeks
- Media/Interviews/Outreach: we coordinated press interviews for Justin
onsite at OSBC, including The Register, who reported on our role with the
Received query from SearchSOA on Open Source trends in enterprise application
Received query from IDG regarding Paul's blog entry on the breach incident
and overall background on security at
Received query from ZDNet Singapore regarding the sustainability of Open
Source community projects.
Received request for Ben Laurie's coordinates from the flagship current
affairs radio program on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
- Analyst Relations: following the Cassandra announcement, our primary
contact at RedMonk reminded us that we are able to solicit quotes from them
for use in press releases.
- ApacheCon liaison: Sally opened the CFP for the Business & Community Track
on 22 March. Luciano Resende will co-lead the Community Track. There has been
a lot of discussion on the lists regarding which PMCs will have a presence in
the technical program; Sally requested those pre-approved to forward final
sessions by the end of the month, which revealed a misunderstanding of the
process by some projects.
- (Non-ASF) Industry Events and Outreach:
We received an invitation from RedHat for Geir to present at their
Middleware2020 event. He agreed, and we worked with their publicity team on
proper usage of the ASF logo and inclusion in their press release and Website.
Unfortunately due to family emergency, Geir was unable to participate at the
last minute.
We will be participating at OSCON again this year as part of its DotOrg Expo.
Sally is working with one of the program leads on Apache-related content as
well as promoting Michael Wechner's "A Short History of The ASF" documentary.
We will screen the trailer at the ASF booth; it will also be promoted during
one of the plenary sessions the night of its premiere at the conference (dates
to be confirmed). OSCON takes place 19-23 July in Oregon.
We received a request to help spread the word on an Open Source conference
where a member of the Cassandra PMC was making a presentation.
Sally also facilitated requests from Sponsors for 1) South American speaker
support and use of the ASF logo for localized event publicity; and 2) altering
the Hadoop logo for internal team promotion.
- PR Newswire account: we have used 6 of the 10 pre-paid flat-rate press
releases on PR Newswire. The remaining releases are available until 6 October
2010. Sally wants to purchase another set of 10 as soon as possible to secure
the special non-profit rate.
Attachment 5: Report from the VP of W3C Relations
Attachment 6: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee
Attachment 7: Status report for the Apache Security Team Project
For Mar 2010: There continues to be a steady stream of reports
of various kinds arriving at These continue to
be dealt with by the security team.
2 Support question
3 Security vulnerability question, but not a vulnerability report
3 Phishing/spam/attacks point to site "powered by Apache"
4 Vulnerability reports of which:
1 Vulnerability report [httpd, via]
1 Vulnerability report [httpd, via]
1 Vulnerability report [struts, via]
1 Vulnerability report [tomcat, via]
Attachment 8: Status report for the Apache Conference Planning Project
Apache Retreat, Ireland 2010
32 people attended the Apache Retreat in Wicklow, over the weekend of April
Danese and Nick Burch put together an excellent BarCamp on Saturday and
Sunday - although participation was a little slow to begin with, people soon
got the hang of things and seemed to enjoy the unconference format.
The venue was also conducive to smaller discussions, which several people
seemed to find productive, and the excellent weather was enjoyed by all!
Transport to the venue was not as simple as it could have been - the initial
plans to organise a shuttle bus fell through because of lack of time on the
part of the planners.
The internet connectivity was also problematic, although the hostel staff
were very willing to help where possible, including opening ports as
requested and performing regular reboots of the DSL router! Some attendees
felt the intermittent connectivity improved the very participatory nature of
the event, but it is certainly something that should be looked at for future
events of this kind.
ApacheCon North America, Atlanta 2010
In conjunction with the PR themes for the ASF this year, three themes have
been chosen for ApacheCon NA in Atlanta: Innovation, Servers, Cloud.
Twelve track-days have been proposed and selected by both PMCs and cross-PMC
groups, but communication with the track organisers has been delayed by the
resignation of the Programming Lead, and the timing of the Apache Retreat.
We are still on a reasonable schedule, and ahead of where we've been in
previous years, but work is required to ensure that the communication
difficulties of last year are not repeated.
Other news
Apache Lucene EuroCon will be held in Prague from 18-21st May. This event is
not organised by ConCom, but net proceeds will be donated to the Apache
Software Foundation.
In discussion at the Apache Retreat, it became clear that the original
reasons to restrict ConCom work to members-only are no longer wholly
relevant. We anticipate inviting committers to get involved shortly, once
the immediate communication issues are better resolved.
Attachment 9: Status report for the Apache Infrastructure Team
Norman Maurer upgraded several Solaris machines to the latest
available version.
Purchased 48GB RAM from Crucial slated for installation in
the upcoming eos (websites) replacement host.
Had OSUOSL ship Ken Coar the failed fireswamp (apacehcon) host.
Installed new dell 48 port switches and moved all public dracs
at OSUOSL to the private network.
Ordered a Dell R410 (slated to replace eos) with external SAS
card for $3800.
Ordered a 12-disk JBOD from Silicon Mechanics for $6400.
Ordered a Dell R210 (slated to replace athena) for $2200.
Ordered a SonicWall SRA 2000 for $2300 to replace crappy VPN device.
Took Paul Querna up on his offer for Cloudkick service for
host/service stats.
Ruediger Pluem was granted full infrastructure karma.
Working out details of an Apple donation of a pair of Xserves.
Brutus (issues, cwiki) got hacked. The details are available
Attachment 10: Status report for the Apache Travel Assistance Committee
Very little happened this month. One conversation about how we plan to
integrate our timeline fairly so that early bird pricing could still be
available for those that apply for TAC assistance and are rejected.
Our budget is awaiting approval so no concrete plans are being made until
the results of that our known.
Applications should open right after that.
Attachment A: Status report for the Apache ActiveMQ Project
Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Attic Project
Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Cassandra Project
Cassandra is a distributed database similar to Google's Bigtable
or Amazon's Dynamo.
Cassandra continues to get a lot of attention as one of the big
names in "NoSQL." Since the last board report, this includes
adoption by Reddit [1] and representation at several conferences
(e.g., [2], [3]).
The graduation-and-0.6-final press release has been well-received [4].
0.6 beta3
0.6 rc1, promoted to -final
Mailing list participation grew from 419 in February to user@ to 960
in March to 521 in April as of this writing (2010/04/13). IRC
participation is also up.
Attachment D: Status report for the Apache CXF Project
2.1.9 was released
2.2.6 and 2.2.7 were released
New PMC members:
David Bosschaert
New Committers:
David Valeri
Marc Schaaf
Community update:
User and dev list traffic remains pretty steady and generally questions and
issues are answered promptly.
There have been several students presenting proposals and ideas for the Google
Summer of Code program. We're working with them to solidify some quality
proposals and look forward to working with some of them to produce some useful
enhancements for CXF.
One a negative note, several CXF committers were laid off from Progress this
quarter (including the PMC chair). There is a little bit of uncertainty
about their future contributions as they investigate opportunities. For a
positive spin: the diversity of the project has never been better. :-)
Issues requiring board attention:
Several ([1][2][3]) requests to the JCP list for updated versions of TCKs have
been completely ignored. This is definitely a problem for several ASF
projects including CXF, Axis, and Wink, but other projects also consistently
having this problem. We request that the board expand the JCP committee to
more than one person and require that ALL have access to obtain requested
materials. (dkulp personal note: I would volunteer for this.) Apache requires
diversity in its communities to avoid single points of failure, but JCP doesn't
meet that general expectation.
Attachment E: Status report for the Apache DB Project
*** Private note on. ***
The DB PMC approved a plan for handling a security flaw in one of the DB
projects. A fix for the flaw will be released soon. The flaw is tracked by
this Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures id: CVE-2009-4269.
*** Private note off. ***
Development in the DB project continued over the last quarter:
1) Derby is wrapping up work for the next feature release, 10.6.
2) Summer-of-code students are discussing potential projects with
Derby committers.
3) Thomas Fischer contributed a major rewrite of Torque's generator module,
making it more flexible and easier to maintain.
4) No status updates were received from DdlUtils, JDO, or
Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Directory Project
o ApacheDS 1.5.6
o ApacheDS 1.5.7 next week
o Apache Directory Studio 1.5.3
o Ldap-API 0.1.0 is out
o Ersin Er requested to go emeritus and requested removal from PMC due to
inactivity. No new committers.
o GSoC proposals (one very interested guy, another one maybe)
Attachment G: Status report for the Apache Geronimo Project
No major issues to report. The community has had a very active
quarter. Lots of activity on dev and user mailing lists. There have
been multiple releases by the community. Much of the activity is
focused on Geronimo 3.0 development. However, the community is also
actively maintaining our 2.1.x and 2.2.x branches.
* Geronimo 2.1.5 was released in April.
* Preparations for a Geronimo 3.0 Milestone release are underway.
* Geronimo OpenJPA 2.0.0-beta Plugin was released in February.
* Geronimo TXManager 2.1.4 was released in March. Geronimo Tomcat
6.0.26 was released in April.
* Geronimo Eclipse Plugin (GEP) 2.2 was released in January.
* A release vote has been started for a GEP 2.1.5 release.
* Geronimo Samples 2.2 was released in January.
* Multiple spec releases (geronimo-validation, geronimo-el,
geronimo-atinject, geronimo-interceptor, and geronimo-jcdi).
* Many Java EE6 specs required for the Geronimo 3.0 Milestone release
are currently up for vote.
* Ming Xia (Forrest) was added as a committer in March.
* Ashish Jain was added as a committer in March.
Attachment H: Status report for the Apache Hadoop Project
Hadoop status report for January 2010 to April 2010
Hadoop is a set of related tools and frameworks for creating and
managing distributed applications running on clusters of commodity
In response to the board's request that we evaluate the Hadoop
sub-projects with respect to ensuring adequate supervision. Here is
the breakdown by sub-project:
* Avro and HBase have decided to each become a TLP.
* Pig and ZooKeeper have discussed the issue and would prefer to
remain a sub-project for now. The three primary concerns are the work
of splitting themselves out, a lack of organizational diversity in the
committers, and loss of visibility if the Hadoop TLP site doesn't link
to them. The last concern can be addressed by ensuring that the TLP
*does* continue to link to their project pages. These projects are
adequately monitored and have good representation on the PMC, but
the PMC is still discussing what the their recommendation to the board is.
* Hive hasn't discussed the issue, which needs to be addressed. I
expect that it is in the same group as Pig and ZooKeeper.
* Chukwa still struggles to broaden its community from the original
developers and to reach consensus on its goals. It has three committers,
but no representation on the PMC, which makes it difficult to make
releases and ensure adequate supervision. The PMC has not yet discussed
what to do with Chukwa.
* Common, HDFS, and MapReduce are still very tightly bound. Many
patches cross 2 or 3 of the 3 sub-projects and each of the trunks only
builds against the other project's trunks. They are branched and
released in unison. They will likely remain together for a long time.
We started the process of discussing the bylaws that Hadoop should
adopt, but we need to drive this through to completion. I would
suggest that in the future, projects which are becoming TLP establish
bylaws as part of being created. Without explicit bylaws, there are
many votes for which it isn't clear what the required level of
consensus is.
The Hadoop PMC added the following members:
* Namit Jain
Avro is an inter-language serialization and RPC library that supports
versioning of schemas and protocols for both compiled and interpreted
A resolution to promote Avro to a top-level project is currently before
the board. If the board passes this resolution, this will be Avro's
last report as a Hadoop subproject.
Avro made three releases this quarter, 1.3.0, 1.3.1 and 1.3.2. We
expect to make a 1.4.0 release in the next quarter.
Development has been active in all versions of Avro: C, C++, Java,
Python, and Ruby.
Three new, legally-independent committers were added this quarter:
* Jeff Hodges
* Scott Carey
* Bruce Mitchener
Chukwa is a distributed log collection framework that aggregates logs
from across a cluster into a reasonable number of HDFS files.
* Testing Chukwa 0.4.0 RC1 to RC3
Current state of community
* 4 active contributors
* 15 subscribers on chukwa-dev
* 17 subscribers on chukwa-user
The upcoming 0.4 release will include new real time Hadoop Activity monitor
for small to mid scale Chukwa deployment and JMSAdaptor for pulling data
from JMX.
Common is the shared libraries for HDFS and MapReduce.
* 0.20.2 (including HDFS and MapReduce) was released on 2/16/2010
with 29 patches
* We plan to rebase the 0.21 branch to trunk this month
New committers:
* none
* 963 subscribers on common-dev
* 1924 subscribers on common-user
The development has continued to be active, including Kerberos-based
and token-based authentication to the RPC.
The previous 0.21 branch failed to be released and we expect to rebase
the branch to the current trunk in the next few weeks. The challenge
is learning how to adapt our project and processes to the growing
importance of Hadoop. We are moving toward a release manager-based
approach similar to the HTTPD one, in the hopes that will lead to
stable releases without stagnating on the 0.20 branch forever. We are
also requiring more thought out, documented, and tested changes.
Changes that are backwards incompatible or potentially destabilizing
must go through a lot of scrutiny. This is all part of the process of
moving from a research prototype to a critical piece of infrastructure
in our respective organizations.
HBase is a distributed column-oriented database built on top of Hadoop
Common and HDFS.
A resolution to promote HBase to a top-level project is currently
before the board. If the board passes this resolution, this will be
HBase's last report as a Hadoop subproject.
* 0.20.3 on 2010/01/25 -- 74 fixes.
* There is currently a release candidate out for 0.20.4
New Committers:
* None
* HBase User Group 9 met at Mozilla, 03/10/2010
* HBase User Group 10 and Hackathon happening 04/19/2010
HDFS is a distributed file system that support reliable replicated
storage across the cluster using a single name space.
* We plan to rebase the 0.21 branch to trunk this month
New committers:
* None
* 11 new code contributors
* 25 committers
* 194 code contributors
* 205 subscribers to hdfs-dev
* 317 subscribers to hdfs-user
Work is in progress to incorporate security features into HDFS.
Hive is a data warehouse written on top of Hadoop. It provides SQL to query
and manage data stored in Hadoop in table and partitions and provides a
metastore to metadata information about the data stored in hadoop.
release 0.5.0 on 2010/02/23. This release has 106 bug fixes, 39 new features
and 26 improvements.
New committers:
* John Sichi
* Hive User Group meetup at Facebook, 03/18/2010 attended by over 70 people.
* A total of 138 people have commented, filed bugs or contributed on the
Hive JIRA so far. This number was at 115 at the time of the last report.
MapReduce is a distribute computation framework for easily writing
applications that process large volumes of data.
* We plan to rebase the 0.21 branch to trunk this month
New committers:
* None
* 178 subscribers to mapreduce-dev
* 280 subscribers to mapreduce-user
Security features are being implemented that include both the
Kerberos-based and token-based authentication and authorization so
that user's can define who is allowed to do what on their job.
Pig is a platform for analyzing large data sets that consists of a
high-level language for expressing data analysis programs, coupled
with infrastructure for evaluating these programs.
* Pig 0.6.0 released on 3/1/2010
New committers:
* Dmitriy Ryaboy
* Thejas Nair
* 15 committers
* 181 developers (compared to 171 in the last report)
* 402 users (compared to 225 in the last report)
We've put out 4 GSOC ideas and received 2 student proposals.
Pig community reviewed the board's request to promote some of the
subprojects to TLP. Pig community consensus is to stay as Hadoop
subproject for the time being. Detailed discussion can be found at
ZooKeeper is a reliable coordination service for distributed
* release 3.3.0 on 25/March/10
New committers:
* 5 active committers, 2 PMC members
* 147 subscribers on zookeeper-dev (up from 114 3 months ago)
* 269 subscribers on zookeeper-user (up from 225 in the same timeframe)
We've put out a number of GSOC ideas and seen 6 student proposals.
Mentors are reviewing and we hope to gain a number of projects for
GSOC 2010.
Feedback and community involvement has been slowly increasing, we
frequently meet with users during Hadoop meetups and hold site visits.
Work is underway to certify and support running the ZooKeeper service
in production under Windows servers.
The ZooKeeper community reviewed the board's request to examine
subprojects with an eye to graduation to TLP status. Please find the
results of the ZooKeeper as TLP discussion here:
There was consensus amongst the development team that we will stay as
a subproject of Hadoop for the time being. Full details of the
discussion can be found in the thread provided
Attachment I: Status report for the Apache iBATIS Project
Attachment J: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project
The past month has been exceedingly quiet within the Incubator; activity
within projects excepted.
A few projects under discussion for Incubation, but none are far along.
Apache Traffic Server is graduating to TLP status. The Portals project
decided to shutter the long suffering WSRP4J project, although there remains
interest in building that functionality in a new codebase within Portals.
BlueSky has delivered a codebase for release that is under consideration.
Now that the RealClass codebase is present, perhaps we can get more interest
in helping out.
Thrift was discussed. The gist is that although the community and code seem
fine, they have not been inclined to either release nor leave the Incubator.
Suggestions where made, and steps are being taken to resolve it. Perhaps
ironically, all projects reported this month *except* for Thrift.
= Ace =
Apache ACE is a software distribution framework that allows you to centrally
manage and distribute software components, configuration data and other
artifacts to target systems. ACE started incubation on April 24th 2009.
There are currently no issues requiring board or Incubator PMC attention.
* Karl Pauls and Marcel Offermans did a tutorial on, amongst other things,
ACE at the EclipseCon/OSGi DevCon in March.
* Marcel Offermans presented ACE at the OSGi UK Users Forum end of January.
* Completed the migration of both the target and server nodes from Ant to
Maven, we now have a fully functional Maven build.
* Switched to the newly agreed terminology in the user interface (in the
code, this still needs to be done).
* Started a discussion about migrating to a common scheduler API, possibly
sharing it with Sling and ServiceMix.
* Toni Menzel did some work on setting up a CI build on Hudson, setting it
up and successfully deploying to a Nexus instance using his own setup, still
a work in progress on getting it up and running on Apache infrastructure.
* Implemented the option to statically or dynamically link bundles to
features in the UI.
Licensing and other issues
* None at the moment.
Things to resolve prior to graduation
* Make a release.
* Grow the community some more.
= BeanValidation =
Bean Validation will deliver an implementation of the JSR303 Bean Validation
1.0 specification.
There are currently no issues requiring IPMC or Board attention.
Since Bean Validation entered incubation on March 1, 2010, we have
accomplished the following:
1. Initial project resources and accounts created
2. Initial code contribution under SGA from Agimatec GmbH imported into svn
3. Source code package names updated from com.agimatec to org.apache.bval
4. Agimatec copyright moved to NOTICE files and removed from source
5. Three committers are already active making code updates
6. Started setup of our Confluence space as our main website
7. Already have one non-committer using the code and submitting patches
Upcoming major goals:
1. Finish setup of website
2. Setup and usage of Nexus
3. First release of artifacts
4. Start TCK testing
Top 2 or 3 things to resolve before graduation:
1. Build community
2. Create at least one release
= Bluesky =
BlueSky has been incubating since 01-12-2008. It is an e-learning solution
designed to help solve the disparity in availability of qualified education
between well-developed cities and poorer regions of China.
Recently, we've passed RealClass (Ed: RealClass is an implementation of one
of BlueSky's key directives) release vote in dev mailing list. Now, we are
waiting for Bill to check the completeness of the release candidate. Also we
are considering to add more feature in the next version of RealClass. The
following will be included in the new features.
* optimize DTU structure;
* support IPv6 and satellite;
The coding of IPv6 and satellite module has been finished. But we need some
time to test the functionality and robustness of the module. After that we
would commit that as new version.
= Chemistry =
Apache Chemistry is an effort to provide a Java (and possibly others, like
JavaScript) implementation of the upcoming CMIS (Content Management
Interoperability Services) specification. Chemistry entered incubation on
April 30th, 2009.
A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards
1. First formal incubator release. Although this is planned, there are
several tasks to complete (e.g. documentation) and a learning curve to
Any issues that the Incubator PMC or ASF Board might wish/need to be aware
There are currently no issues requiring board or Incubator PMC attention.
How has the community developed since the last report
1. The OpenCMIS project (originally proposed to the Incubator which also
targets a Java implementation of CMIS) has joined Apache Chemistry, with the
following new committers - David Ward, Florian Muller, Jens Hubel, Martin
Hermes, Paul Goetz and Stephan Klevenz
2. Jeff Potts has contributed his Python CMIS client library and became a
3. Nick Burch has joined as a new mentor.
4. Mailing list traffic has increased 2.5 times since last quarter.
How has the project developed since the last report
1. Development continues at a steady pace, and Chemistry now targets CMIS
1.0 CD07, the version of the specification submitted to OASIS.
2. Command-line Shell has been contributed (from Nuxeo).
3. Hudson builds have been setup and stabilized.
4. An agreement has been been met on how to merge the Chemistry and
OpenCMIS codebases. The merge will take place in a branch, until stabilized
(which should take no longer than 2 weeks).
5. A first formal incubator release of the merged Chemistry/OpenCMIS
codebases is planned shortly after the merge is complete.
= Empire-db =
Empire-db is a relational data persistence component that aims to overcome
the difficulties, pitfalls and restrictions inherent in traditional Object
Relational Management (ORM) approaches. Empire-db is on the Apache Incubator
since July 2008.
Issues to address in the move towards graduation:
Empire-db is mature and seems to be used in many productive environments.
The release process has been fully implemented according to Apache
conventions. User feedback is positive apart from some complaints about the
Yet our community is still small and we need to do more advertising in order
to attract more users. In order to attract more committers we also need to
provide a roadmap that shows were Empire-db will be going in the future and
how people can participate.
Community development since the last report:
During the last three months several new users have had questions or
suggestions for improvement. The requests have shown that Empire-db is being
used in various different environments (OSGi, Spring) and even together with
other programming languages than Java (Scala).
One user donated a new example project that demonstrates the use of
Empire-db together with Spring that we will publish with our new release.
Project development since the last report:
We have just finished working on Release 2.0.6 and are currently seeking
approval from the Incubator PMC to publish the release. The release contains
various new features, improvements and bugfixes. The most important new
feature is a reverse engineering component that generates data model mapping
files from existing databases either from command line or by a Maven plugin.
= Imperius =
Imperius has been incubating since November 2007.
Imperius is a rule-based policy evaluation engine based on the CIM-SPL
language from Distributed Management Task Force (
The voting for the first release of Imperius was passed on Jan 18, 2010. The
release was initially made available on April 12, 2010 via the Imperius
website and mirrors.
Communication continues to be intermittent. However, the community is
discussing the next steps for Imperius. The implementation of the CIM-SPL
standard appears fairly complete and so, although the community is currently
small, we would like to consider promoting Imperius as a formal Apache
A list of the most important issues to address in the move towards
1. Grow community
2. Javadoc needs improvement
How has the community developed since the last report?
Still limited, although we have confirmation that we have 3 independent
How has the project developed since the last report?
Limited work other than release preparation. Some additional bugs have been
reported. Currently discussing the need for possible additional features.
= JSPWiki =
JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007.
JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program.
Quite a few bugs were fixed in the JSP tier. Slimbox was upgraded, various
media formats are now supported so you can view youtube or facebook videos,
other wikipages, or even external web-pages. Also support was added for
multi-file uploads. We also added an experimental wysiwyg editor based on
ReferenceManager was rewritten to use JCR UUIDs to keep references between
A couple of bugs were fixed and, and the unit test compliance has climbed
from 96.8 to 99.3 %.
Of the 28 items (1 was recently added) on the graduation checklist, 19 are
complete, so in that area there has been not much progress, with the
exception of fixing junit tests.. All open items are documentation and ASF
process and infrastructure related. There still is no
3.0.0-incubating-alpha1 release.
It looks like things have slowed down the last few weeks for an unknown
The developer list currently has 88 members, an increase from 82; and the
user list has 193 members, an increase from 191.
= Lucene Connectors Framework =
Lucene Connectors Framework is an incremental crawler framework and set of
connectors designed to pull documents from various kinds of repositories
into search engine indexes or other targets. The current bevy of connectors
includes Documentum (EMC), FileNet (IBM), LiveLink (OpenText), Patriarch
(Memex), Meridio (Autonomy), SharePoint (Microsoft), RSS feeds, and web
content. Lucene Connectors Framework also provides components for individual
document security within a target search engine, so that repository security
access conventions can be enforced in the search results.
Lucene Connectors Framework has been in incubation since January, 2010.
A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards
1. End-user documentation needs to be converted into a usable form; this is
probably the biggest obstacle to developing a broader community at this
2. Javadoc and nightly builds need to be set up
3. The first official release needs to be planned and executed
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware
We'd like to know whether there is any official Apache position on
inclusion of NTLM implementations in ASF projects, since we've gotten mixed
signals on this from other developers. This represents a crucial piece of
functionality needed to support LiveLink, Meridio, SharePoint, RSS, and Web
connectors properly.
[Ed: There have been discussions of NTLM IP issues on Apache Legal during
2008 and 2010. That is where the issue needs to be brought to a
How has the community developed since the last report?
We've received several queries and comments from non-Apache developers
recently. This is a good sign. There is also a Eurocon conference in Prague
which will include LCF, where we will have an opportunity to introduce the
project to a broader Lucene community.
How has the project developed since the last report?
The LCF site has been fleshed out, and much more extensive developer
documentation has been written and linked into the LCF site. Preparations
have also been made to pull appropriate build and execution dependencies in
using Ivy or Maven. Javadoc is now available to people willing to build the
project themselves. The project remains buildable and usable.
= Olio =
Olio has been incubating since September 2008.
Olio is a web 2.0 toolkit to help developers evaluate the suitability,
functionality and performance of various web technologies by implementing a
reasonably complex application in several different technologies.
We have so far put out two releases successfully. Most users are now using
the 0.2 release. Except for one issue with the Java version, this release
seems to be stable. Several new developers are actively working on the Java
version to improve and expand on it's functionality and robustness.
Olio seems to be the workload of choice for testing virtual machines.
Several researchers as well VMware are using Olio for this purpose.
Graduation From Incubation:
Diversity of committers is the primary issue with the project - although we
have users, we haven't been successful in converting them to committers
We could use the PMC and Board's help in spreading the word about Olio to
get better traction.
= OODT =
OODT is a grid middleware framework for science data processing, information
integration, and retrieval. OODT is used on a number of successful projects
at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology, and
many other research institutions and universities.
A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards
1. Port OODT code and license headers into ASF license headers
2. OODT contributions from at least 2 other organizations besides JPL
3. At least one OODT incubating release, hopefully in the first few months
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware
No, not at this time.
How has the community developed since the last report?
Dave Kale, from Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA), is the first
external to JPL contributor to the project (besides mentors of course). Dave
contributed the patch for OODT-8, fixing a minor bug in referencing a jar
dependency for Maven. Cameron Goodale, another JPL'er (but not a committer),
input OODT-14 for documentation that he is working on. Much of the other
activity continues to be from the mentors and committers.
How has the project developed since the last report?
OODT was voted into the Incubator by the IPMC on January 22, 2010.
Sean Kelly imported the Python version of the OODT query, profile, product,
and webgrid components in OODT-6. Work on the initial import into Apache
OODT-3) is nearing completion. Sean McCleese and Andrew Hart have been
leading the way. Committers have begun logging new issues in Jira and using
the Apache SVN for their current development efforts (e.g., see the efforts
from Brian Foster in OODT-10, OODT-11, OODT-12 and OODT-13). Brian Foster
also initiated discussion regarding OODT-15, which proposes to create one
top-level build for the OODT components and a versioning scheme for the
= Shiro =
Shiro is a powerful and flexible open-source application security framework
that cleanly handles authentication, authorization, enterprise session
management and cryptography.
Shiro has been incubating since June 2008.
The project is just about ready for its first 1.0 release. Cryptography API
and implementation adjustments had to be made prior to the 1.0 release,
delaying the 'code complete' stage before incubator vote by 2 weeks. That
effort is being finished this week.
As soon as this code is complete, and we resolve 4 outstanding Jira bugs, we
will go immediately initiate the voting process to clear our first 1.0
release (hopefully next week).
The project team is not considering graduation at this point, but after the
first release, the team will decide on a roadmap targeting graduation.
The status is being maintained at
= SIS =
Apache SIS is a toolkit that spatial information system builders or users
can use to build applications containing location context. This project will
look to store reference implementations of spatial algorithms, utilities,
services, etc. as well as serve as a sandbox to explore new ideas. Further,
the goal is to have Apache SIS grow into a thriving Apache top-level
community, where a host of SIS/GIS related software (OGC datastores,
REST-ful interfaces, data standards, etc.) can grow from and thrive under
the Apache umbrella.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware
Not at this time
Community progress since the last report:
Chris Mattmann was contacted by an ESRI representative inquiring about the
direction of the project. This lead will be followed as garnering support
from ESRI would be big win for the project and attract a large community.
Project progress since last report:
SIS was voted into the Incubator on February 21, 2010.
Chris Mattmann has finished importing the LocalLucene code into the SIS
codebase (SIS-1) and Patrick O'Leary has compiled around geocoded records
for development/testing of SIS spatial functions. Work on creating the SIS
incubator website has begun led by Sean McCleese as well.
= Socialsite =
SocialSite has been incubating since May 2009.
SocialSite has been stalled for quite a long time, but it appears that there
is some new movement at Sun/Oracle. There are some details here: If
there is no movement by the next report, we should consider mothballing this
Three most important issues to address for graduation:
1. Get source code grant from Sun, import to SVN.
2. Migrate codebase: repackage, work out bad deps, etc.
3. Learn Apache way: demonstrate that we have a community
SocialSite is an open source Social Networking Service based on Apache
Shindig (incubating). The software is not simply a "canned" Social Network
or Facebook-in-a-box type of web application; it's something different.
SocialSite is designed to add social networking features to existing web
applications and web sites. SocialSite is made up of two parts: a social
data server that supports the OpenSocial APIs and extensions and a set of
OpenSocial gadgets that provide a complete user-interface for social
= Tashi =
Tashi has been incubating since September 2008.
The Tashi project aims to build a software infrastructure for cloud
computing on massive internet-scale datasets (what we call Big Data). The
idea is to build a cluster management system that enables the Big Data that
are stored in a cluster/data center to be accessed, shared, manipulated, and
computed on by remote users in a convenient, efficient, and safe manner.
Tashi has previously encompassed just the tools to manage virtual machines
using Xen and KVM, but is gaining the facility to hand out physical machines
as well.
Development activities have included fixes to conform to new python
programming standards, and a module for Zoni to assign ports on HP blade
server switches.
The project is still working toward building a larger user and development
community. Michael Ryan, an active committer on the project, has taken a new
job and is unable to actively contribute to the project any longer. Richard
Gass, who is running a Tashi production environment, has been added as a
committer. Richard introduced the Zoni physical hardware management layer to
Tashi earlier.
Items to be resolved before graduation:
* Prepare and review a release candidate
* Develop community diversity (currently Intel and CMU committers)
= Traffic Server =
Traffic Server is an HTTP proxy server and cache, similar to Squid and
Varnish (but better). Traffic Server has been incubated since July 2009.
Recent activities:
* 2010-03-30 The PPMC has begun the graduation process.
* 2010-03-29 The new home page is launched.
* 2010-03-17 Diane Smith joins the Traffic Server PPMC.
* 2010-03-13 Apache Traffic Server v2.0.0-alpha is released.
* 2010-03-04 The community votes for CTR for trunk, RTC for release
* 2010-03-02 Manjesh Nilange joins the Traffic Server PPMC.
* 2010-02-26 Manjesh Nilange joins the project as a new committer.
* 2010-02-23 2.0.x release branch created, and CI environment setup.
* 2010-02-09 The last RAT issues are resolved, we're clean.
* 2010-02-02 KEYS file added to dist area.
* 2010-02-02 Automatic sync from SVN dist repo to dist servers setup.
* 2010-01-18 George Paul joins the Traffic Server PPMC.
The graduation process is completed, and we've passed the votes in both the
PPMC and the IPMC. A resolution proposal has been submitted to the board for
the next board meeting.
= Thrift =
DID NOT REPORT, but see general comments at the top of the Board report.
= VXQuery =
The VXQuery Project implements a standard compliant XML Query processor. It
has been in incubation since 2009-07-06.
Recent activities:
* more progress towards running the complete XQTS (XQuery Test Suite)
* first signs of community interest
Top issues before graduation:
* Build community
* Create a release
Attachment K: Status report for the Apache Jakarta Project
Jakarta status report, April 2010. There are no issues requiring board
attention at this time.
* General
We have voted to move two subprojects to the Apache Attic. Jakarta Slide
and Jakarta Taglibs showed very little activity over the past year or so.
After a discussion to gauge committer interest, we deemed it appropriate to
move those to the Apache Attic. We have asked the Apache Attic PMC to take
over. As a result, we will no longer include a status on these subprojects
in future board reports. Henri Yandell has volunteered to help move Jakarta
Taglibs to the Apache Attic. We are looking for a volunteer to help with
the move for Jakarta Slide.
We are discussing three other Jakarta subprojects: ECS, ORO and Regexp.
These have number of active users but no new major development planned. We
expect to present the outcome of this discussion in our next report.
As mentioned in the last report, we voted to consolidate all the Jakarta
subproject development mailing lists into one list. The progress is being
tracked in JIRA and infra intends to look at it soon.
* Releases
- None this quarter
* Subproject news
Couple of posts to the user list and couple of new issues reported in
Bugzilla. No development activity this quarter.
A couple of JIRA issues have been fixed in the code for BSF3. The Maven
build has been updated to work better with automated build systems such as
Gump and Hudson, and the tests now work better on Java 1.6. No activity on
the BSF2.x code line.
* Cactus
Small number of posts on the user list. Couple of new JIRA issues created.
No development activity this quarter.
No activity - maintenance mode.
Small number of posts on the user list. Aaron Smuts continues to answer
most queries. Couple of new JIRA issues. There has been a discussion about
the next release. Thomas Vandahl has volunteered to do the release and a
move to using Maven2.
* JMeter
User mailing list is active as usual. More progress has been made towards
updating JMeter for Java 1.5, but no release as yet.
No activity - maintenance mode.
* Regexp
No activity - maintenance mode.
* Slide
Voted to move to Apache Attic this quarter.
* Taglibs
Voted to move to Apache Attic this quarter.
Attachment L: Status report for the Apache JAMES Project
* None
* No new committers or PMC Members. However we had a few
non-committers which helps us to find and fix some new bugs
* The project is seeking to mentor a GSoC project on developing a
Maildir implementation for the Mailbox storage which is used by the
POP3 and IMAP component of JAMES.
* Development is ongoing to get James Server 3.0-M1 out of the door.
We had some OOM Exception reported which is currently blocking us. The
OOM seems to be fixed, but we wait for the feedback of the reporter at
the moment
* James IMAP now supports storing Mailbox contents in JCR
* Mime4J got some bug fixes
No board level issues at this time.
Attachment M: Status report for the Apache Maven Project
* General Information
Since the last report, we have had 2 releases of Maven core (2.0.11 and
3.0-alpha-7) and plenty of other releases shown below.
The next planned release of Maven 3 will be beta-1 in the next week or so
as we move towards the final 3.0.
Otherwise this quarter has been relatively uneventful.
* Releases
* Maven 2.0.11 (Friday, February 26th, 2010)
* Maven 3.0-alpha-7 (Saturday, March 13th, 2010)
* Plugins
* Maven Clean Plugin 2.4 (Friday, January 15th, 2010)
* Maven Surefire Plugin 2.5 (Sunday, January 17th, 2010)
* Maven Surefire Report Plugin 2.5 (Sunday, January 17th, 2010)
* Maven Failsafe Plugin 2.5 (Sunday, January 17th, 2010)
* Maven Shade Plugin 1.3.1 (Thursday, January 21st, 2010)
* Maven Verifier Plugin 1.0 (Saturday, January 30th, 2010)
* Maven Release Plugin 2.0 (Wednesday, February 10th, 2010)
* Maven Checkstyle Plugin 2.5 (Thursday, February 11th, 2010)
* Maven GPG Plugin 1.0 (Sunday, February 14th, 2010)
* Maven Resources Plugin 2.4.2 (Sunday, February 21st, 2010)
* Maven Eclipse Plugin 2.8 (Thursday, February 25th, 2010)
* Maven EJB Plugin 2.2.1 (Saturday, March 20th, 2010)
* Maven Shade Plugin 1.3.2 (Thursday, March 25th, 2010)
* Maven Help Plugin 2.1.1 (Friday, March 26th, 2010)
* Other
* Maven SCM 1.3 (Friday, January 15th, 2010)
* Maven Surefire 2.5 (Sunday, January 17th, 2010)
* Maven Parent POM 16 (Thursday, February 4th, 2010)
* Maven Plugins Parent POM 17 (Thursday, February 4th, 2010)
* Maven Shared Components Parent POM 15 (Thursday, February 4th, 2010)
* Maven Release Manager 2.0 (Wednesday, February 10th, 2010)
* Maven Filtering 1.0-beta-4 (Sunday, February 21st, 2010)
* Maven Skins parent 5 (Monday, March 22nd, 2010)
* Maven Stylus Skin 1.2 (Monday, March 22nd, 2010)
Attachment N: Status report for the Apache MINA Project
* FtpServer 1.0.4 was released on March 16, 2010. A bug fix release.
* Vysper 0.5 was released on March 29, 2010. This is the first release of
* Dormant committers was asked if they wanted to go into emeritus and some
chose to do so (or did not reply):
* Ersin Er
* Dan Diephouse
* Dave Irving
* Enrique Rodriguez
* Mike Heath
* Niklas Therning
* Peter Royal
* Timothy Bennett
* John Conlon
* Rich Dougherty
* Trustin Lee
* Niklas Gustavsson was voted as the new PMC chair according to our
yearly reelection.
* The project is seeking to mentor a GSoC project on developing BOSH support
in Vysper
* Development is ongoing to get MINA 2.0 release. Some last minute issues
was found which are currently being investigated.
* Prototyping of MINA 3.0 has started, with the main focus of simplifying
the code base.
* Development on FtpServer has picked up pace with several enhancements and
bug fixes being work on for the future 1.0.5 and 1.1.0 releases
* Vysper is getting more known with increasing interest in the project on
the mailing list.
* SSHD subproject has implemented some new features.
* A redesign and restructuring of the MINA site is ongoing and near
* All releases has moved to using
No board level issues at this time.
Attachment O: Status report for the Apache MyFaces Project
MyFaces Quarterly Report April 2010
= Summary =
* Some community changes
* New releases
* Discussions
= Community =
* New committer:
* Jakob Korherr
* Mark Struberg
* No new PMC members..
= Releases =
* MyFaces (sub) projects with new releases since the last report:
* MyFaces Trinidad (Maven) Plugins 1.2.12
* MyFaces Trinidad (Maven) Plugins 2.0.0
* MyFaces Trinidad (Maven) Plugins 2.0.1
* MyFaces Trinidad 1.2.13-core
* MyFaces Trinidad 1.0.12-core
* MyFaces Trinidad 2.0.0-alpha
* MyFaces Trinidad 2.0.0-alpha-2
* MyFaces Extensions Validator 1.1.3
* MyFaces Extensions Validator 1.2.3
* MyFaces Extensions Validator 2.0.3
* MyFaces Core 2.0.0-beta (TCK not (yet) passed)
* MyFaces Core 2.0.0-beta-2 (TCK not (yet) passed)
* MyFaces Core 2.0.0-beta-3 (TCK not (yet) passed)
= Milestones =
* none
= Discussions =
* The Trinidad subproject now has a new skin (look-and feel). Since the
skin was a large code contribution by someone who is not a committer,
we checked on the "general AT" mailing list to determine
if we needed a software grant for the skin. Since nothing indicated that we
required a software grant ( and,
we merged the donation to our code-base
* A new subproject "CODI" has been created. The goal is to deliver jsf
extensions for the JSR299, and we continue to closely work with the Apache
OpenWebBeans community on this project.
* We have finally received an updated version of the TCK which takes into
account our challenges and are rerunning the TCK.
* We are slowly following up on a security report. We feel it's acceptable to
take a slower approach since the issue has been well-known for several years.
* Google Summer of Code: The Apache MyFaces team has submitted the following
ideas for which students can apply:
-Module for automated webapp tests for MyFaces core + extensions
-[MAB] MyFaces Application Builder:
-MyFaces 2.0 performance improvements:
-HTML 5 renderkit for MyFaces:
* We will update the documentation and move it to (step-by-step)
Attachment P: Status report for the Apache ODE Project
There are no specific issue relevant to the board at the moment.
A new release of ODE's stable branch, mostly including bug fixes and
smaller improvements is under preparation. We should have a 1.3.4
The JPA support clean-up to merge Hibernate and OpenJPA modules has
been pretty active this quarter and is getting close to being ready
in the 2.0 branch. Beside this, new development activity has been
mild this quarter, concentrating mostly on fixes.
Jeff Yu has been voted as a new committer and PMC member.
Attachment Q: Status report for the Apache OpenEJB Project
OpenEJB 3.0.2 was released in early April, primarily focused on supporting
the Geronimo 2.1.5 release.
Major development activity has been around new support for JAX-RS and JPA
2.0, upgrading ActiveMQ versions, and major overhaul of Stateless pooling
List user list traffic now getting heavy enough that there are more questions
than answers. Something to keep a close eye on as the community continues to
grow. The developer side of the project shows signs of growth as well with a
few new promising contributors who are themselves users. These things tend
to fluctuate, hopefully we can pull in some new active committers while we
are trending upward.
Attachment R: Status report for the Apache OpenJPA Project
OpenJPA is preparing to publish its implementation of the latest JPA 2.0
JSR-317, which is in final release status. The OpenJPA release is 2.0.0.
There were some last minute changes that will require another spin of the
release. So the release will probably occur the week of the board meeting.
Mailing lists continue to be very active, with an average of close to 350
messages per month on the dev alias and approximately 200 messages per
month on the users alias.
OpenJPA continues to experience a modest increase in email subscriptions and
activity. There are over 150 subscribers to dev and over 230 to users.
OpenJPA voted in two new committers, Dianne Richards and Ravi Palacherla.
The OpenJPA PMC voted in a new member, Rick Curtis.
We continue to monitor contributors for possible committers and committers
for PMC members.
Several milestones of OpenJPA 2.0.0 have been released.
Attachment S: Status report for the Apache PDFBox Project
General Comments
There are no issues that require Board attention.
New committers + PMC members:
Villu Ruusmann
Johannes Koch
The activity on both user@ and dev@ mailing list is increasing slightly.
There is a steady stream of contributions and bug reports from the
- FontBox and PDFBox 1.0.0 were released on February 16, 2010
- FontBox, JempBox and PDFBox 1.1.0 were released on March 31, 2010
Jukka merged the 3 separate trunks of fontbox, jempbox and pdfbox
into one trunk and created a maven environment to build simultaneous
releases of all 3 components. Johannes contributed a lot of stuff to
support tagged pdfs. The integration of Villus CFF/Type2 support is
completed. Due to a contribution of Atsuo Ishimoto we improved the
text extracting capabilites of CJK based pdfs. Daniel works on several
optimizations to support the .NET version of PDFBox using a more
recent version of IKVM.
There are a lot of other minor improvements and bugfixes.
Attachment T: Status report for the Apache Quetzalcoatl Project
Attachment U: Status report for the Apache Santuario Project
Attachment V: Status report for the Apache Shindig Project
Apache Shindig is an Opensocial Reference implementation in wide use by
both social networks and enterprise software. Shindig graduated from the
Incubator in January 2010.
* Two new committers and PMC members, Jasvir Nagra and Ziv Horesh.
* There will be an Apache Shindig presentation at the upcoming 'State
of OpenSocial' event on May 18th, 2010.
* We have one student proposing a Google Summer of Code Project.
Mentor is Paul Lindner
* The Shindig PMC has no issues that require board attention
* no project releases
Ongoing Work
* Work (still) continues on a 1.1 release. Most of a large refactor
has been completed.
Attachment W: Status report for the Apache Struts Project
This has been a remarkably quiet quarter for the Struts project. No
releases were made this quarter. An XSS vulnerability was reported
against Struts, and the provided patch has been applied.
The IP Clearance process for bringing XWork to Struts is now complete,
the final Incubator vote having recently concluded. A software grant
has been received and recorded by the ASF from Google for a GXP plugin
that will become a part of Struts 2.
The previously independent Struts instance of JIRA has now been merged
into the main ASF JIRA instance. For future Struts releases, the team
has elected to use the ASF instance of Nexus to streamline the process.
No new committers or PMC members have been added in the last quarter.
Attachment X: Status report for the Apache Subversion Project
Attachment Y: Status report for the Apache Tapestry Project
Tapestry 5.2 continues to progress at a good rate, but is still alpha.
Howard has been tackling some significant infrastructure issues inside
Tapestry that will eventually break the dependence on the JBoss Javassist
Discussion has continued about how to reorganize the documentation to
better address the concerns of new users.
Several groups outside Apache are now regularly producing extensions to
Thiago and Ulrich have spearheaded a Google Summer of Code internship;
they will be mentoring a student who will be adding several Ajax-powered
components to Tapestry's standard library.
Andreas has switched Tapestry over to Apache's Hudson server for continuous
integration, and the Apache Nexus server to stage release artifacts. The old
server,, is no longer referenced in the Tapestry 5.2
We expect to add additional committers over the next quarter, and will
likely have a beta release of Tapestry 5.2.
Attachment Z: Status report for the Apache Tcl Project
Attachment AA: Status report for the Apache UIMA Project
Apache UIMA's mission: the creation and maintenance of open-source
software related to the analysis of unstructured data, guided by the
UIMA Oasis Standard.
Moving to TLP:
Apache UIMA graduated from the incubator last month; this is its first
report to the Board. The top level project infrastructure was set up on
April 9th, and SVN was moved on April 13. Our web-site has been moved
to the TLP position. Nexus support is now initialized, and we are
working to update our build process to follow more conventional Apache /
Maven ways, including inheriting from the Apache common POM.
We have more work to do to complete the move to a TLP, including
removing the incubation notices and making a first release as a TLP.
none yet (as a TLP)
2010-1-26 2.3.0 (Incubator - last release) release of Java SDK, Annotator
add-on package, UIMA-AS (Async scaleout), and UIMA-CPP
(C++ enablement)
It was relatively quiet during the first part of the month, as we were
awaiting our move from the incubator to become a TLP. Subsequently,
there has been lots of activity to complete TLP migration, and
realign our maven build process to use NEXUS and the standard Apache
parent POM.
The AlchemyAPI Annotator component in the sandbox is making significant
An ongoing effort to make individual annotators available as OSGi
bundles is underway; we are trying to do things the same way that
Apache Felix-Commons does this. There are some questions remaining
to figure out about this approach though, which are being discussed
on the development list.
A significant number of issues remain in Jira, postponed from the
last release. There has been some progress on these, and
a few new ones have been raised.
No changes
No Board level issues at this time
Attachment AB: Status report for the Apache Web Services Project
-- Notable Happenings
Axis is gone! Now what? :)
The WS PMC is just starting solid discussions on three main topics, and we
hope to have board resolutions for these things by our July report, if not
* Which subprojects should be promoted to TLPs?
* Which subprojects should be migrated to the Attic?
* What should the structure look like for what remains?
Discussion has started here:
-- Code Releases [since the last report]
XML-RPC 3.1.3 was released in Feb
jUDDI 3.0.1 was released in Feb
Scout 1.2.1 was released in Feb
-- Subproject News
No news below means nothing particularly notable for the board occurred this
Apache Woden
Woden is an open source Java implementation of the W3C WSDL 2.0
JaxMe 2 is an open source implementation of JAXB, the specification for
Java/XML binding.
Apache Scout
Apache Scout is an implementation of the JSR 93 (JAXR), which is a java API
to XML registries such as jUDDI.
Since January Scout went through a cycle of testing and bug fixing and a
1.2.1 maintenance release was released in February. No new features were
added in the last quarter.
Apache jUDDI
jUDDI (pronounced "Judy") is an open source Java implementation of the
Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) specification for
Web Services.
jUDDI v3 went through a cycle of testing and bug fixing. The 3.0.1 release
in February saw lots of bug fixes and small enhancements. A load test
framework based on XLT was committed. Documentation is now DocBook based, and
is starting to get some critical mass. The project is now using Nexus. We will
see a 3.0.2 release soon, and development for 3.1 has also started.
Apache WSIF
Apache Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF) is a simple Java API for
invoking Web services, no matter how or where the services are provided as
long as it is described in WSDL.
Apache WS-Commons
Apache WS-Commons is a collection of projects that are primarily used as
parts of various WS projects but useful even outside the WS space.
WS-Commons houses:
* Apache Axiom : A streaming XML object model
* Apache XmlSchema : an object model to manipulate XML schema documents
* Apache Neethi : a WS-Policy implementation
* Apache TCPMon : a network monitor/debugging tool
Apache Muse
Apache Muse is a Java implementation of WS-ResourceFramework,
WS-Notification, and WS-DistributedManagement. It provides code generation
tools and APIs that aid users in creating standards-compliant interfaces for
manageable resources. Muse-based interfaces can be deployed in a J2EE or
OSGi environment.
Apache XML-RPC
Apache XML-RPC is a Java implementation of XML-RPC, a popular protocol that
uses XML over HTTP to implement remote procedure calls.
Attachment AC: Status report for the Apache XMLBeans Project
XMLBeans missed the report last month; we're following up this
month. Since the last report in December, XMLBeans had finished
the 2.5.0 release, new bugs and fixes went in since than.
After the holidays the traffic on the mailing lists came back up,
as always there are questions from new people all the time, and
answers from both committers and non committers.
There were no new committers or PMC changes this quarter, nor any
other issues requiring board's attention.
Attachment AD: Lucene Requested Report to the Board
Special Report to Board on Lucene's "Umbrella" Status
The Lucene Project has, for a long time, organized itself into several
related sub projects focused on common tasks related to searching. As of
our last board report (March 2010) the sub-projects were:
* Lucene-Java: Our "flagship" Java search library
* Nutch: A server application for crawling/indexing/search the web
* Solr: A server application for indexing/searching structured data
* Tika: A content extraction framework/library
* Mahout: A machine learning framework/library
* Open Relevance Project (ORP): A new initiative aimed at producing tools
& tests for improving relevance for search engines and machine learning
* Several "Ports" of Lucene-Java: Lucene.Net, PyLucene, Lucy
(These are all translations, mostly automated, of the Lucene Java API)
The board's chief concerns regarding umbrella projects, as communicated to
the Lucene PMC by Greg, seem to focus on three main issues...
1) Can every PMC member "commit" to all of these sub-projects?
2) Is the PMC generally aware of everything going on in these sub-projects?
3) Is the PMC representing these sub-proejcts adequately to the board?
The answers to these questions, in short, are:
1) Yes, and no. From the Lucene website
PMC members have karma for the all Lucene code, but
as a general rule avoid making changes to sub-projects
unless they have explicitly been made a committer of
that sub-project by a vote of the PMC.
(end quotage)
2) As a whole: Yes. Some PMC members are not directly involved in some
sub-projects, but every sub-project has multiple voices on the PMC.
3) We believe so, but if the board feels like more details about the state
of each sub-project needs to be included in each report, we will be
happy to elaborate more in future reports.
In this regard, we don't feel that there is any significant cause for
concern regarding the umbrella nature of the project. To quote Greg:
"we're all good. no changes are necessary."
However, based on various discussions in the community (and in some cases
spurred on by the Board's concerns), the Lucene PMC is pursuing some
changes moving forward.
The PMC has put up two resolutions for this Board meeting to spin out
Mahout and Tika, both of which have solid communities that are independent
of Lucene and search. The PMC has also consolidated development between
Solr and Lucene such that there is now a single committer base (there was
already very high overlap of code and committers) and dev mailing list
across those two projects. We intend to still release both Lucene and
Solr artifacts and to keep separate user question mailing lists for the
foreseeable future. Finally, we have put up a resolution for Nutch to be
a TLP. While it is search related, it also has a significant component
related to crawling. Nutch also has a solid, independent community from
Lucene, including a diverse set of committers.
This leaves the following sub projects: the Ports and Open Relevance.
In regards to the Ports, these fill a niche within the Lucene community
and are generally small, have almost complete technical overlap (releases
usually follow shortly after Lucene Java releases) but not necessarily a
lot of committer overlap due to them being ports to other programming
languages. Because they are nearly automated ports, there isn't a lot of
contributions to them, but there are decent sized communities of users for
each port. Branding wise, they make sense being a part of the Lucene TLP.
Thus, the PMC doesn't feel a need to spin these out, even though they
don't share SVN, etc. with Lucene core. That being said, we are still
evaluating the situation.
The Open Relevance sub project is small community effort to facilitate
discussions on relevance in Lucene. It is nice to have it's own branding,
but is made up of existing Lucene committers, so it best fits where it
is. If, at some point, we start to see traction and interest from other
search engines and other projects (Mahout, UIMA), it may make sense
Attachment AE: Proposed 2010-2011 Budget
ASF budget for FY May 1 2010 - Apr 30 2011
INCOME (projected; unchanged from '09)
== Interest ==
Interest income : $3,200.00
== Public donations ==
One-Time (by chk, etc) : $2,400.00
PayPal ($2000 x 12 mos) : $24,000.00
Car Program LLC : $1,600.00
($400 x 4 contributions)
Category total : $28,000.00
== Sponsorship Program ==
Platinum sponsors (3) : $300,000.00
Gold sponsors (3) : $120,000.00
Silver sponsors (3) : $60,000.00
Bronze sponsors (4) : $20,000.00
Category total : $500,000.00
== Program Income ==
Google Summer of Code : $10,000.00
Category Total : $10,000.00
== Unrelated Business Income (royalty, licenses, etc.) ==
Category Total : $0.00
Income Category Summaries:
Interest Income : $ 3,200.00
One-time donations : $ 28,000.00
Sponsorship Program : $500,000.00
Program Income : $ 10,000.00
Unrelated Business Income : $ 0.00
INCOME Total : $541,200.00
== Fundraising Overhead ==
PayPal (@ ~ 3.74%) : $100.00
Car Program LLC : $ 0.00
Category Total : $100.00
== Administrative ==
Office Supplies (Sec'y) : $0.00
Office Supplies (Treasurer) : $500.00
President Discretionary : $5,000.00
Category Total : $5,500.00
== Infrastructure ==
System Admin (FT) : $78,000.00
System Admin (FT) : $72,000.00
Hosting - OSU OSL (OR, USA) : $0.00
Hosting - SURFnet (AMS, NL) : $0.00
Hosting - (FL, USA) : $6,216.00
Hardware - Replacement : $80,000.00
8 machines/arrays
Hardware - Expansion : $0,000.00
Hardware - Build farm : $5,000.00
1k for EC2 stuff
Hardware - Service contracts : $2,000.00
Spamhaus RBL : $300.00
SSL / DNS renewals : $700.00
Travel (FT & PT @ AC's) : $8,000.00
Category Total :$252,216.00
== Publicity ==
Outside PR Services : $65,000.00
Press releases (prepaid) : $10,000.00
Travel : $15,000.00
Consultant Expenses : $6,000.00
Conference Participation : $4,000.00
Conference Support : $5,000.00
Conference Signage : $3,500.00
Collateral Printing : $2,500.00
Contact Database : $2,500.00
Clipping Service : $5,000.00
Category Total :$116,000.00
== ConCom ==
Local events, up to 4 ($15k ea) : $60,000.00
Hackathons : $15,000.00
Travel : $10,000.00
Discretionary : $5,000.00
Category Total : $90,000.00
== Travel Assistance Committee ==
Sponsored Attendees (4 events) : $66,000.00
Category Total : $66,000.00
== Legal ==
Discretionary : $2,500.00
Category Total : $2,500.00
== Brand Management ==
Register key trademarks : $1,950.00
Register project marks : $1,300.00
Category Total : $3,250.00
== Board ==
Chairman Discretionary : $5,000.00
Conference Calls : $0.00
Category Total : $5,000.00
== Banking Fees ==
Checks : $ 150.00
Safe-deposit box : $ 75.00
Monthly fees : $1,000.00
Lockbox : $2,500.00
Category Total : $3,725.00
== Treasury Services ==
Tax Filing : $2,000.00
Online services : $1,500.00
Category Total : $3,500.00
== Licenses / Insurance ==
Corp. Service Co. (DE Agent) : $ 299.00
D&O Insurance : $1,500.00
Property/Asset Insurance : $1,000.00
Misc. Insurance : $2,201.00
Category Total : $5,000.00
== Shipping ==
Federal Express / Courier : $500.00
Category Total : $500.00
== Misc. ==
Category Total : $0.00
Expense Category Summaries:
Fundraising overhead :$ 100.00
Administrative :$ 5,500.00
Infrastructure :$252,216.00
Publicity :$116,000.00
ConCom :$ 90,000.00
Travel Assistance :$ 66,000.00
Legal :$ 2,500.00
Brand Management :$ 3,250.00
Board :$ 5,000.00
Banking Fees :$ 3,725.00
Accounting Services :$ 3,500.00
Licenses / Insurance :$ 5,000.00
Shipping :$ 500.00
Misc :$ 0.00
Expense Total :$557,291.00
=== SUMMARY ===
Income Total : $541,200.00
Expense Total : $557,291.00
Net Total :-$ 16,091.00
Interest Income : $ 3,200.00
One-time donations : $ 28,000.00
Sponsorship Program : $500,000.00
Eligible income : $531,200.00
2% support tesg : $10,624.00 / donor
One-time donations : $28,000.00
Bronze Sponsors (4) : $20,000.00
Silver Sponsors (3) : $31,872.00
Gold Sponsors (3) : $31,872.00
Platinum Sponsors (3) : $31,872.00
Public Donations Total : $143,616.00
Public Support : 27.04%
End of minutes for the April 21, 2010 board meeting.