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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

                           October 26, 2011

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 10:00am (Pacific) and began at
    10:07 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a
    quorum was recognized by the chairman.  The meeting was held
    via teleconference, hosted by Craig L Russell and Oracle.

    IRC #asfboard on was used for backup

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Shane Curcuru
        Doug Cutting
        Bertrand Delacretaz
        Roy T. Fielding
        Jim Jagielski
        Brett Porter
        Lawrence Rosen
        Sam Ruby
        Greg Stein

    Officers Present:

        Philip M. Gollucci
        Noirin Plunkett
        Craig L Russell
        Chris A. Mattmann
        Daniel Kulp


        Paul Querna

3. Minutes from previous meetings

    A. The meeting of September 21, 2011

    The meeting minutes were approved by general consent.

4. Executive Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Doug]

       The ASF has operated smoothly without major events this month.
       CouchDB and infrastructure are experimenting with git, to help
       determine out how this popular tool can reasonably be used at
       the ASF.  The Board will hold its annual face-to-face meeting
       early next month at ApacheCon in Vancouver.

    B. President [Jim]

       Apologies again for missing last month's meeting and thank you all
       again for your thoughts and support the last several weeks.

       The big news has been the increasing issues related to infra, and the
       amount of oversight requested and required. I've asked Noirin, as EVP,
       to take over the tasks associated with the VP of Infra position with
       the intent of phasing out that role. Although this is not intended to
       be the last change to take place, it will serve as a reasonable
       stop-gap until the f2f meeting at ApacheCon, where this topic will
       be more fully addressed.

       Also related to infra was the discussion regarding CouchDB's
       offer and request to be a testbed regarding the ASF's use of git
       as a VCS. This is no way changes policy, nor does it imply any
       such change.

       At Sally's request, I'll be meeting with some existing and potential
       sponsors at ApacheCon.

       There has also been quite a bit of rigamarole regarding Open Office,
       and I helped out a bit in speaking w/ reporters and other interested
       parties in an attempt to clear up the FUD.

       I spoke at the IOOS2011 Conference in Malta related to FOSS and how
       the ASF tries to create community (the so-called "Apache Way" talk).
       It was very well received will likely result in similar talks with
       the EU and the Maltese government.

    C. Treasurer [Geir]

      Books are up to date as of 10/7/2011. Current (10/26/2011) balances are 
      total cash of $765,449.55 at Wells Fargo and $44,782.76 at PayPal.

      All bills are paid.

      Received $40k from Hortonworks, $100k from Yahoo!, $20k from PSW Group, and what 
      I think was intended to be $5k from LIIP AG (came in at $4987). The $100k and $40k
      will be in statement of income/expense next month as they deposited post 10/1.

      To Do :
      - GSOC PO
      - tax returns on website

     Statement of Financial Income and Expense - Sept 2011

        Ordinary Income/Expense
              Interest Income                                            58.92
              Contributions Income
                Unrestricted                                   24,987.00 
              Total Contributions Income                             24,987.00

           Total Income                                              25,045.92

              President Discretionary                                    82.95
              Bank Service Charges                                      327.41
              Contract Labor                                          2,308.00
              Licenses and Permits                                      275.00
              Postage and Delivery                                       19.95
              Program Expenses
                   Colocation Expenses                     518.00
                   Hardware Purchases                    7,622.50
                   Infrastructure Staff                 26,600.00
                Total Infrastructure                           34,740.50

                Public Relations
                   PRC Travel                            2,197.26
                   Public Relations Staff                4,545.45
                   Public Relations - Other                300.00
                Total Public Relations                          7,042.71

                Conference Expenses                               694.02
              Total Program Expenses                                 42,477.23

           Total Expense                                             45,490.54

        Net Ordinary Income                                         -20,444.62

     Net Income                                                     -20,444.62

    Statement of Financial Position - As of September 30, 2011

                                                    Sep 30, 11     Sep 30, 10     $ Change      % Change

        Current Assets
             Other Expenses                              333.90         333.90          0.00          0.0%
             Other Income                               -411.57        -411.57          0.00          0.0%
             Paypal                                   30,159.58      27,685.86      2,473.72          8.9%
             Wells Fargo Analyzed Account            354,172.53     210,812.75    143,359.78         68.0%
             Wells Fargo Savings                     286,776.12     285,839.54        936.58          0.3%
           Total Checking/Savings                    671,030.56     524,260.48    146,770.08         28.0%

           Accounts Receivable
             Accounts Receivable                      20,600.00      65,000.00    -44,400.00        -68.3%
           Total Accounts Receivable                  20,600.00      65,000.00    -44,400.00        -68.3%

        Total Current Assets                         691,630.56     589,260.48    102,370.08         17.4%

     TOTAL ASSETS                                    691,630.56     589,260.48    102,370.08         17.4%

           Current Liabilities
             Credit Cards
                ASF Credit Card - Phil Golucci             0.00       3,816.83     -3,816.83       -100.0%
                ASF Credit Card - Paul Querna              0.00           7.79         -7.79       -100.0%
                ASF Credit Card - Ruby                 4,045.13          39.90      4,005.23     10,038.2%
                ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz             -50.00           0.00        -50.00       -100.0%
             Total Credit Cards                        3,995.13       3,864.52        130.61          3.4%

           Total Current Liabilities                   3,995.13       3,864.52        130.61          3.4%

        Total Liabilities                              3,995.13       3,864.52        130.61          3.4%

           Retained Earnings                         780,865.26     626,337.08    154,528.18         24.7%
           Net Income                                -93,229.83     -40,941.12    -52,288.71       -127.7%
        Total Equity                                 687,635.43     585,395.96    102,239.47         17.5%

     TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                      691,630.56     589,260.48    102,370.08         17.4%

    D. Secretary [Craig]

       Record-keeping continues to run smoothly, with many eyes and hands
       helping. Secretary is now responsible for updating the ldap permissions 
       for retiring PMC chairs and new PMC chairs. In September, 58 ICLAs, 
       eight CCLAs, three grants, and one NDA were received and filed.

    E. Executive Vice President [Noirin]

       At Jim's request, I've started to take over the tasks and
       responsibilities of VP Infra. The first challenge is to clearly 
       define what those tasks are, which is in progress.
       I look forward to the opportunity to discuss this further at the f2f,
       and hope that we can effect a smooth transfer of whatever is 

    F. Vice Chairman [Greg]

      Greg gave a keynote at Apache Asia road show, and is going to Brazil
      for LinuxCon.

5. Additional Officer Reports

    A. VP of JCP [Geir Magnusson Jr]

       See Attachment 1

    B. VP of Brand Management [Shane Curcuru]

       See Attachment 2

    C. VP of Fundraising [Serge Knystautas / Doug]

       See Attachment 3

    No report was received.

    D. VP of Marketing and Publicity [Sally Khudairi / Jim]

       See Attachment 4

    Kudos to Sally for her huge efforts on ApacheCon

    E. VP of W3C Relations [Sam Ruby]

       See Attachment 5

    F. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby]

       See Attachment 6

    G. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Greg]

       See Attachment 7

    H. Apache Conference Planning Project [Nick Burch / Larry]

       See Attachment 8

    I. Apache Infrastructure Team [Philip Gollucci / Jim]

       See Attachment 9

    J. Apache Travel Assistance Committee [Gavin McDonald / Roy]

       See Attachment 10

    All committee reports except Treasurer (received late) and Fundraising 
    (not received) were approved by general consent.
    The treasurer report will be reviewed at the November teleconference.

6. Committee Reports

    A. Apache ActiveMQ Project [Hiram Chirino / Sam]

       See Attachment A

       Brett: does there need to be better guidance on how projects deal
           with licensing issues? I noticed ActiveMQ had no valid
           download on their site for some time.

       Larry: It looks like this PMC needs some help with trademarks

       AI Larry: discuss legal trademark issues with ActiveMQ PMC

    B. Apache Aries Project [Jeremy Hughes / Brett]

       See Attachment B

    C. Apache Attic Project [Gianugo Rabellino / Shane]

       See Attachment C

    D. Apache Avro Project [Scott Carey / Bertrand]

       See Attachment D

    E. Apache Camel Project [Hadrian Zbarcea / Bertrand]

       See Attachment E

       This report is approved, and the board would like a report from
       the new chair in November.

    F. Apache Community Development Project [Ross Gardler / Jim]

       See Attachment F

    G. Apache CXF Project [J. Daniel Kulp / Sam]

       See Attachment G

    H. Apache DB Project [Kristian Waagan / Greg]

       See Attachment H

    Several board members want to know how the security report protocol works.
    In particular, was security@ notified about the db discussions? When
    security@ receives a report, does it follow up with the PMC involved?
    When an issue is resolved, does security@ get notified/involved again?

    AI Larry: discuss security protocol with security PMC

    AI Greg: discuss security handling with DB PMC
    I. Apache Directory Project [Pierre-Arnaud Marcelot / Brett]

       See Attachment I

    J. Apache ESME Project [Richard Hirsch / Doug]

       See Attachment J

    K. Apache Geronimo Project [Kevan Miller / Shane]

       See Attachment K

    L. Apache Hadoop Project [Ian Holsman / Larry]

       See Attachment L

    M. Apache HBase Project [Michael Stack / Roy]

       See Attachment M

      Several PMC members apparently have not been ACK'd by the board.

      AI Roy: request PMC chair send list of PMC members that have not been
      ACK'd so they can be properly approved

    N. Apache Incubator Project [Noel J. Bergman / Brett]

       See Attachment N

      A number of board members are dissatisfied with the Incubator report.
      Too much boilerplate to read in order to get to the important bits.
      Several suggestions were made (outlaw templates; focus on graduation;
      implement something like the incubator clutch page for TLPs; reduce 
      the amount of copy pasted crap in podling reports). No one took an AI.

      It looks like Olio is stalled and needs to be retired.
      AI Craig: see that provenance is complete and start retirement process.

    O. Apache Jakarta Project [Rahul Akolkar / Jim]

       See Attachment O

    P. Apache JAMES Project [Norman Maurer / Roy]

       See Attachment P

    Q. Apache Mahout Project [Sean Owen / Bertrand]

       See Attachment Q

      Bertrand notes that the community section is missing.

      AI Bertrand: ask Mahout PMC chair for a community report next time

    R. Apache Maven Project [John Casey / Shane]

       See Attachment R

    S. Apache MINA Project [Niklas Gustavsson / Greg]

       See Attachment S

    T. Apache MyFaces Project [Gerhard Petracek / Larry]

       See Attachment T

    U. Apache Nutch Project [Julien Nioche / Sam]

       See Attachment U

    V. Apache ODE Project [Tammo van Lessen / Doug]

       See Attachment V

    W. Apache OFBiz Project [Jacopo Cappellato / Greg]

       See Attachment W

    X. Apache OpenEJB Project [David Blevins / Brett]

       See Attachment X

    Y. Apache OpenJPA Project [Pinaki Poddar / Jim]

       See Attachment Y

    Z. Apache PDFBox Project [Andreas Lehmkühler / Bertrand]

       See Attachment Z

    AA. Apache Shindig Project [Paul Lindner / Doug]

       See Attachment AA

    AB. Apache Struts Project [Rene Gielen / Roy]

       See Attachment AB

    AC. Apache Tapestry Project [Howard M. Lewis Ship / Sam]

       See Attachment AC

    AD. Apache Tcl Project [David N. Welton / Shane]

       See Attachment AD

    AE. Apache Thrift Project [Bryan Duxbury / Larry]

       See Attachment AE

    AF. Apache Tika Project [Chris A. Mattmann / Jim]

       See Attachment AF

    AG. Apache Traffic Server Project [Leif Hedstrom / Doug]

       See Attachment AG

    AH. Apache Web Services Project [Glen Daniels / Greg]

       See Attachment AH

    AI. Apache Whirr Project [Tom White / Bertrand]

       See Attachment AI

    All reports were approved by general consent.

7. Special Orders

    A. Resolution to change the Apache Labs Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Bernd
       Fondermann to the office of Vice President, Apache Labs, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
       of Bernd Fondermann from the office of Vice President, Apache
       Labs, and

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Labs
       project has chosen by vote to recommend Tim Williams as the
       Successor to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Bernd Fondermann is
       relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of
       the office of Vice President, Apache Labs, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Tim Williams be and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Labs, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
       until a successor is appointed.

    Resolution 7A was approved by unanimous roll call vote.

    B. Resolution to change the Apache Hadoop Chair

      WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Ian
      Holsman to the office of Vice President, Apache Hadoop, and

      WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
      of Ian Holsman from the office of Vice President, Apache
      Hadoop, and

      WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Hadoop
      project has chosen by vote to recommend Arun Murthy as the
      Successor to the post;

      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Ian Holsman is
      relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of
      the office of Vice President, Apache Hadoop, and

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Arun Murthy be and hereby is
      appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Hadoop, to
      serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
      Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
      death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
      until a successor is appointed.

    Resolution 7B was approved by unanimous roll call vote,
    with Doug Cutting abstaining.

    C. Establish the Apache Deltacloud Project

      WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of
      the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to establish
      a Project Management Committee charged with the creation and maintenance
      of open-source software implementing web service API's for interacting
      with cloud providers, and corresponding client libraries, for
      distribution at no charge to the public.

      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee
      (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Deltacloud Project", be and hereby is
      established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further

      RESOLVED, that the Apache Deltacloud Project be and hereby is
      responsible for the creation and maintenance of software related to web
      service API's for interacting with cloud providers, and corresponding
      client libraries; and be it further

      RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Deltacloud" be and hereby
      is created, the person holding such office to serve at the direction of
      the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache Deltacloud Project,
      and to have primary responsibility for management of the projects within
      the scope of responsibility of the Apache Deltacloud Project; and be it

      RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are
      appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache Deltacloud

        * Marios Andreou     (
        * Michal Fojtik      (
        * Jim Jagielski      (
        * Chris Lalancette   (
        * David Lutterkort   (
        * Sang-Min Park      (
        * Carl Trieloff      (
        * Eric Woods         (

      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that David Lutterkort be
      appointed to the office of Vice President, Deltacloud, to serve in
      accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors
      and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
      removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be
      it further

      RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Deltacloud Project be and hereby is
      tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to encourage open
      development and increased participation in the Deltacloud Project; and
      be it further

      RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Deltacloud Project be and hereby is
      tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache Incubator
      Deltacloud podling; and be it further

      RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the Apache Incubator
      Deltacloud podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator PMC are
      hereafter discharged.

    Resolution 7C was approved by unanimous roll call vote.

    D. Establish the Apache JMeter Project

      WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
      interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
      Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
      Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
      open-source software related to a Java desktop
      application designed to load test functional behavior and
      measure performance, for distribution at no charge to the

      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
      Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache JMeter Project",
      be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
      Foundation; and be it further

      RESOLVED, that the Apache JMeter Project be and hereby is
      responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
      that provides a Java desktop application designed to load
      test functional behavior and measure performance; and be it

      RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache JMeter" be
      and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
      serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
      of the Apache JMeter Project, and to have primary responsibility
      for management of the projects within the scope of
      responsibility of the Apache JMeter Project; and be it further

      RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
      hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
      Apache JMeter Project:

       * Sebastian Bazley (
       * Milamber (
       * Peter Lin (
       * Henri Yandell (
       * Rahul Akolkar (
       * Oleg Kalnichevski (
       * Rainer Jung (
       * Philippe Mouawad (

      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Sebastian Bazley
      be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache JMeter, to
      serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
      Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
      death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification,
      or until a successor is appointed; and be it further

      RESOLVED, that the initial Apache JMeter PMC be and hereby is
      tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
      encourage open development and increased participation in the
      Apache JMeter Project; and be it further

      RESOLVED, that the Apache JMeter Project be and hereby
      is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
      Jakarta JMeter sub-project; and be it further

      RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
      Jakarta JMeter sub-project encumbered upon the Apache Jakarta
      Project are hereafter discharged.

    Resolution 7D was approved by unanimous roll call vote.

    E. Change to the Travel Assistance Committee Membership

       WHEREAS, the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) Board Commmittee,
       known as the Apache Travel Assistance Committee expects to better
       serve its purpose through the periodic update of its membership; and

       WHEREAS, the Apache Travel Assistance Committee is a Board-appointed
       committee whose membership must be approved by Board resolution.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following ASF
       member(s) be added as Apache Travel Assistance Committee members:

           Zoe Slattery <>

    Resolution 7E was approved by unanimous roll call vote

    F. Resolution to change the Apache Pig Chair

      WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Olga Natkovich
      to the office of Vice President, Apache Pig, and

      WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
      of Olga Natkovich from the office of Vice President, Apache
      Pig, and

      WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Pig
      project has chosen by vote to recommend Daniel Dai as the
      Successor to the post;

      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Olga Natkovich is
      relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of
      the office of Vice President, Apache Pig, and

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Daniel Dai be and hereby is
      appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Pig, to
      serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
      Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
      death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
      until a successor is appointed.

    Resolution 7F was approved by unanimous roll call vote

8. Discussion Items

    A. Invitation for ASF to join OSI as Affiliate

    This discussion was deferred to the face-to-face meeting.

    B. Verify Daniel's payments are setup correctly for Nov 1

    AI Jim: follow up with Geir and Noirin

    C. Discuss legal preparation for registration of Apache mark 

    This discussion was deferred to the face-to-face meeting.

    D. Discuss executive summary in board reports (unless already
       clear from board@ list).

    Several board members are dissatisfied with the volume of material
    that they need to digest for each board meeting. Others are fine
    with the status quo but are willing to entertain changes. No changes
    were proposed nor agreed. 

9. Review Outstanding Action Items

    * Philip: follow up on /dist with Perl PMC

    * Shane: prepare discussion for board face-to-face in Vancouver.
            Status: done.

    * Shane: report on Apache trademark application.
            Status: See discussion item; discuss at Vancouver board meeting.

    * Bertrand: Discuss Attic with Axis PMC.
            Status: in progress, got a reply but no closure yet.

    * Jim: Help Camel PMC with diversity issue.
            Status: will work on at ApacheCon

    * Bertrand: ask jUDDI for a community section next report.
            Status: done.

    * Larry: follow up with the Pivot PMC to clarify trademark status.

  All committee reports were approved by general consent.

10. Unfinished Business

11. New Business

12. Announcements

13. Adjournment

    Adjourned at 11:44am (Pacific)


Attachment 1: Report from the VP of JCP

Very quiet month.

Only actions in progress is trying to restart the process with Oracle
to get new TCKs.  Post-acquisition, it appeared that Oracle's legal team
was focused on revenue-producing activities rather than any JCP 
obligations related to TCK licensing.  I've been invited to restart
the process and am doing so.

Attachment 2: Report from the VP of Brand Management

Operations And Community

UIMA and a third party asked for clarification of when TM is needed in logos.
Current consensus is that it is important for the primary project logo, but 
not strictly required on other graphical branding elements, especially 
smaller logos or cases where the association is clear.

Discussions about what a "distribution of Apache Foo" truly means, and how 
we should allow third party names in a similar style continue to crop up.
While every case is unique, it's clear that given our limited resources, 
we need a general policy that is fair and appropriate to allow us to simplify 
the process for evaluating third party requests or uses of Apache marks 
in their product names. 

External Requests

trademarks@ is now receiving mark usage requests from the 
previous OOo website form.  The issue of how to manage this mark is still not 
clearly decided, and trademarks@ will push to work with the AOOo podling to 
get a more concrete plan around its future branding.

Similarly, the AOOo podling's work at identifying social media accounts that 
use aspects of the branding is another area where the AOOo 
project's end user focus and large, pre-existing brand is another area where 
our projects are requesting more guidance in terms of controlling our brands. 

Still waiting on the Maven PMC completing its work on domain name
MOU and confirming it with Sonatype.  (repeat from last month)

Trademark Registrations

A new registration for our Apache mark in various classes is being discussed 
with counsel. 

Attachment 3: Report from the VP of Fundraising

Attachment 4: Report from the VP of Marketing and Publicity

I. Budget: we're continuing to issue on a new wire service that
requires us to pay-as-we-go (vs. our usual pre-paid, flat-rate
package with PR Newswire); so far, invoices are being paid on time.
Melissa Warnkin's airfare for ApacheCon was purchased using Sam's
ASF credit card last month, but we will need to sort out how to pay
for her hotel expenses onsite.

II. Fundraising/Branding/Marketing liaison: Sally Khudairi has been
in discussions with an organization regarding publicity on a
recently-submitted project they're preparing to support in the
Apache Incubator. Sally will be attending the face-to-face Board
meeting in November, and is considering arranging a "Marketing Trio"
meeting with Serge and Shane whilst onsite at ApacheCon.

III. Press Releases: Sally wrote and issued the following announcements
over the PR Newswire and NASDAQ GlobeNewswire services (please see
Section IX for further details):

- 18 October: The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache
Cassandra(tm) v1.0

- 14 October: The Apache Software Foundation Statement on Apache

- 4 October:  The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache TomEE
Certified as Java EE 6 Web Profile Compatible

- 27 September: MEDIA ALERT: The Apache Software Foundation announces
ApacheCon Keynotes by noted Open Source authority David A. Wheeler,
Hortonworks CEO Eric Baldeschweiler, and IBM Emerging Internet
Technology group CTO David Boloker

- 27 September: The Apache Software Foundation Announces 10th
Anniversary of Apache Lucene

Upcoming announcements planned for distribution include the Apache
Tika v1.0 announcement which will take place the week of ApacheCon.

IV. Informal Announcements: in addition to the above announcements
also posted on the ASF blog, we published a blog entry titled, "Hats
off to the Apache Subversion team on the milestone release of
Subversion v1.7.0!" In addition, the following items were announced
on @TheASF Twitter feed:

- 18 October: The Apache Software Foundation Announces #Apache
#Cassandra v1.0 #OpenSource #NoSQL #Distributed
#Database #Cloud

- 14 October: #ApacheCon Early Registration ends at Midnight PT:
sign up now! #Apache #HTTP #Tomcat #Cloud #Hadoop
#Solr #OpenOffice

- 14 October: The Apache Software Foundation Statement on #Apache #OpenOffice #OpenSource #Community

- 11 October: Hats off to the #Apache #Subversion team on the
milestone release of #Subversion v1.7.0! #versioning
#SVN #OpenSource

- 4 October: The Apache Software Foundation Announces #Apache #TomEE
Certified as #Java EE 6 Web Profile #Compatible

- 3 October: Welcome @Hortonworks as ASF Sponsors at the Gold Level!
Thanks to all our corporate and individual donors: go #Apache!…

- 27 September: #Apache Committers are invited to the Apache
#Hackathon in Amsterdam Sat 15 Oct chez @OneHippo. Sign up + details…

- 27 September: Catch #Apache at GotoCon/AMS--20% off reg (code:
goto2011Apache) or Apache Track for just €50! Details:…

- 27 September: #ApacheCon Confirms Keynotes: FOSS authority David
Wheeler, Hortonworks' Eric Baldeschweiler & IBM's David Boloker

- 27 September: The Apache Software Foundation Announces 10th
Anniversary of #Apache #Lucene #OpenSource #Search

PMCs wishing to announce major project milestones should contact
Sally at for more information.

V. Media Relations: a hectic month reactively in response to our
issued announcements, as well as a significant amount of heavy-lifting
to help promote ApacheCon. We've been fortunate to have the support
of PMC chairs and ApacheCon Track chairs to help with bylined
articles, media writeups, and podcast interviews. The "Apache
Asserts" blog on ComputerWorldUK resumes this month. Our
"executive"/Foundation availability continues to be a serious issue:
more Board-level spokespeople are still needed.

VI. Analyst Relations: Sally is coordinating interviews with
Technology Business Research on Hadoop, HBase, CouchDB, and Cassandra
for a research report on 'in-memory' database technology.

VII. ApacheCon liaison: Sally has been working around the clock to
complete a tremendous amount of work from schedule development and
project management to securing keynotes and sponsorship support to
writing promotional copy and direct e-marketing campaigns, to Website
content development/publishing and hotel/travel coordination in
order to get the event back on track; we're nearly caught up at
this stage. There's an exceptionally high level of sloppiness/overlooked
details, particularly with actions required from the producer,
causing further delays and frustration. Many on the Planners list,
along with a handful of volunteers have stepped up to finalize the
program, and help with scheduling, speaker liaison, taking concall
minutes, offering onsite support, and promoting the event on Twitter
and Lanyrd. We also have Melissa's assistance with logistics,
expo/booth setup and staffing, international planner support
(providing documentation necessary for visas, etc.), among other
tactical needs.

VIII. (Non-ASF) Industry Events and Outreach liaison: a very quiet
month with "outside" conferences, but we have been actively working
to help with the promotion of Apache Hackathon in Amsterdam and
BarCampApache in Vancouver and Seville, as well as outreach events
including GsoC and GoToCon.

IX. Newswire accounts: we have 6 pre-paid press releases with
PRNewswire remaining through 3 March 2012; this account is used to
issue top-level Foundation news, such as the recently-distributed
Apache statement. We have also issued 6 press releases
over the NASDAQ GlobeNewswire service using HALO's account; this
is at a lower cost than the non-profit, flat-rate using PRNewswire,
and therefore will be used as our distribution channel for project-based
announcements and other related Apache news.

Attachment 5: Report from the VP of W3C Relations

Henry Story joined the Uncertainty, Trust and the Semantic Web
Community Group on behalf of the ASF.

Attachment 6: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee

Typical month with nothing that requires board attention.  Most of
the discussion concerns either OO.o or trademarks (or both).

Notable threads: there was a request to modify the CCLA for NSA, but
ultimately the NSA decided they could sign the CCLA that we have.
There was also a discussion about allowing corporations to opt in to
have their CCLAs listed publicly.  The latter discussion seems to have
died down.

Attachment 7: Status report for the Apache Security Team Project

For September 2011: There continues to be a steady stream of reports of
various kinds arriving at security@.  These continue to be dealt with
by the security team.  

4     Support question
3     Security vulnerability question, but not a vulnerability report
6     Vulnerability reports, of which:
      3 [httpd, via]
      1 [commons, via]
      2 [struts, via]

Attachment 8: Status report for the Apache Conference Planning Project

We held an Apache track at GotoCon in Amsterdam last week, as an experiment
in colocating with an event to deliver entry level material and outreach.
This seemed to work quite well, both from an organising and speaking
perspective, and from a "getting the word out about Apache and our projects"
one. At a suitable conference, this would seem worth trying again in the
future. We expect to do some work with ComDev at ApacheCon to help reduce
the amount of volunteer effort required to let this sort of event happen,
which may make it easier to do. (It's not a suitable replacement for
ApacheCon though)

We've had an initial request from Cloudera to renew their MOU for use of the
Hadoop mark for conferences. A problem was spotted, and they've gone off to
update one clause. We expect to be asking legal for a review of the new one

Otherwise on the third party event branding front, we're currently reviewing
two applications, and considering a slight wording tweak.

Small Events
A hackathon was held on in Amsterdam last weekend, after GotoCon. The Rave
project had got heavily behind this, and found the event very very useful.
No other projects had pushed it, so committers from other projects that attended
mostly just ended up learning about and working on Rave! It showed that
getting one or two "seed" projects involved in these local hackathons is
important to making them a success - simply having enough local committers
isn't enough on its own. ConCom is grateful to Trifork, the GotoCon
organisers, for supplying the room and a lovely lunch!

The BarCamp in Serville was the week before, and went well.
Things are on track for the Apache Asia Roadshow in Shanghai in a week's
time. The budget has come in lower than originally requested, which is good,
and signup numbers are looking excellent.

After a worrying period of silence, things are moving quickly with the
post-ApacheCon BarCampApacheVancouver. A venue has been found, the local
organisers are active, key people have been invited, and we hope to formally
announce shortly.

The possible 2nd BarCampApacheSydney had been stalling for lack of a good
venue (despite lots of investigations by the local organiser Kazuyuki Kono).
Thanks to a fortuitous beer at GotoCon however, we think we may now have a
sponsored venue in the city. If this pans out, we could be ready to kick off
organising and announcements in earnest in a week or so.

No other BarCamps are currently planned.

ApacheCon NA 11
ApacheCon in Vancouver is approaching worryingly rapidly. Registration
figures are looking good (but not amazing) compared to previous years.

Otherwise, things are progressing in an OK fashion, but at a much much higher
level of volunteer energy than should be being required. The number of
things being dropped by the producer is worryingly high. Sally and the
planners are either doing these, or poking the producer until they are done
(whichever is easier), but it is only our shared desire for an excellent
conference that is making us take on this extra work. The only silver lining
is that it's giving us plenty of things to ensure are done better by a
planner at any future ApacheCon....

Several projects have signed up for meetups, but there is space for more!

ConCom is immensely grateful to Sally for all the work she is putting in on

Future ApacheCons
The discussions on the future of ApacheCon have started, but not gone very
far owing to Vancouver taking most people's time. We expect to have lots of
useful discussions in Vancouver, and we hope this will then feed into
fruitful debate and discovery on the mailing list.

Nick and Sally intend to raise the proposed outline plans at the board F2F
in Vancouver, doubtless to the delight of everyone...

No changes this month. A number of committers and members have privately
expressed interest in helping with a future ApacheCon in Germany at SAP.
Assuming we get the board nod, and approve a plan, this is likely to result
in bringing these people (and others) onto the committee as well as that
event's planners list.

Attachment 9: Status report for the Apache Infrastructure Team

Board Action Items:
Intervision LOC needs to be signed,filled out,and sent
approved/dell-2011-05.pdf needs to be moved to paid by treasurer@
approved/Noirin-Infra-flights.txt needs dealing with

No other items are expected to be changed in Staff SA contracts.
Need signature by an officer who is aware of the new

General Activity:
The harmonia ( bad root disk situation remains
unresolved.   We expect to purchase a replacement disk
with Uli's help and have Bart van der Schans install it

Bart has received and tested the replacement server
for aurora (  We need to schedule a date for
decommissioning and eventual reinstall of aurora soon.

Held an infra meetup to coincide with the Surge conference
in Baltimore, MD.  Discussed plans for the remainder of the
fiscal year. Tabled the staff review b/c the president could
not attend.  We'll reschedule.
See notes here --

Pursuant to explicit authorization from the board, started
the git hosting experiment with CouchDB as the initial guinea

Renewed the domain for 1 year.

Updated's operating system in light of the
published local-root vulnerability in FreeBSD.  Other FreeBSD
hosts are scheduled to be upgraded to FreeBSD 9.0 on release.

Began work rationalizing the state of our switches at OSUOSL.
The current situation is a mess, we're moving to a one-switch-
per-rack configuration with no cross-cabling between racks
other than through the patch panel.

Re-initiated the transfer of the domain to the ASF's
dotster account.

Renegotiated the financial terms of Gavin's and Joe's contracts.

Began talks for another infra meetup sometime during Apachecon NA 2011.

Attachment 10: Status report for the Apache Travel Assistance Committee

With apologies for no report in September, this is a combined report.


No changes to the Committee. 
A resolution has been added to this months agenda for the addition of 
Zoe Slattery.

ApacheCon NA 2011 Vancouver

Work is continuing for getting people to AC NA 2011 at Vancouver. Our EA 
along with the Shepherds have been finalising getting people organised 
for ApacheCon.

Jiras for EA have all been worked through and closed.

We accepted 15 non speakers, of whom 11 are coming. (4 pulled out or 
were cancelled for various reasons, none of them had cost us any money 
at this point)

In addition, there were 3 speakers applied who we've assisted with admin 
support and helped with claiming support from SCP, who didn't incur us 
any costs.

Zoe will be our TAC person on the ground to liaise with our applicants 
this time around. Nick will be around to assist.

Other Events:

No news about any other events happening at this time.

Attachment A: Status report for the Apache ActiveMQ Project

* The development and user lists continue to stay active.
* No new committers or PMC members added.

* A LGPL licensed artifact was discovered to be in a Apache Camel
dependency which was included in the ActiveMQ 5.4.0, 5.4.1, 5.4.2 and
5.5.0 releases.  We have removed the release from the Apache download
server and released ActiveMQ 5.4.3 and 5.5.1 with the artifacts
* ActiveMQ 5.6 is about to be released.
* Apollo 1.0 is approaching completion. Several betas have been
released and it has shown to be stable and easy to manage.  The Apollo
messaging engine will likely be the path used to implement ActiveMQ

Trademark / Branding Status:

* The and TLD's are owned by other entities
* Need to investigate if we should be using (R) instead of (TM) for
the ActiveMQ mark
* Sub-projects need to be reviewed to make sure they are also compliant
* Documentation and readme files will also be reviewed for compliance


* Apache ActiveMQ 5.5.1
* Apache ActiveMQ 5.4.3
* Apache Apollo 1.0 beta 5
* Apache ActiveIO 3.1.3

Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Aries Project

Apache Aries delivers a set of pluggable Java components enabling an
enterprise OSGi application programming model.

A new module called versioning has been created for a utility to byte
code analyse latest binaries with the last release of those binaries to
find changes that should cause an OSGi Export-Package version attribute
change, according to the OSGi Semantic Versioning whitepaper.

It looks as though Apache Aries JMS will become the reference
implementation of the update to the OSGi JMX spec for which an early draft
was released by the OSGi Alliance in September.


Bug fix releases:

* Apache Aries Application 0.2.2
* Apache Aries Util 0.2.1

We have been putting together a functional release from trunk but it's
taking longer than we'd hoped. Due to our objective of getting the OSGi
versioning correct, we're having to release more modules and correct more
OSGi version ranges than we had hoped. A fully staged release of Apache
Aries Blueprint and its dependencies is imminent.

Project Branding Board Report Checklist 

A little progress here. Unfortunately there's been little progress here.

* Project Website Basics : homepage is (done)
* Project Naming And Descriptions : use proper Apache forms, describe
  product, etc. (pending)
* Website Navigation Links : navbar links included, link to included (pending - feather link done)
* Trademark Attributions : attribution for all ASF marks included in
  footers, etc. (pending)
* Logos and Graphics : include TM, use consistent product logo on your
  site (pending)
* Project Metadata : DOAP file checked in and up to date (done)

No new committers since the last report.

There are no board level issues.

Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Attic Project

Since the last board report retirement of Cactus and Regexp has
completed. XIndice moved to the Attic, work is ongoing to shelve the
project. No issues requiring board attention at this time.

Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Avro Project

Apache Avro is a cross-language data serialization system.

== Issues ==

There are no issues that require the board's attention at this time.

== Community ==

Progress has been healthy.  C, C++, Java, and Python have had the most new
features and improvements. C#, has also seen some activity.

No new contributors or PMC members were added.

Contributors are currently wrapping up tasks for Avro 1.6.0 and we expect
the first release candidate any time in the next couple weeks.

== Releases ==
Three minor releases:

Avro 1.5.2 was released on August 12th, 2011.
Avro 1.5.3 was released on August 30th, 2011.
Avro 1.5.4 was released on September 12th, 2011.

Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Camel Project

Apache Camel is a powerful open source integration framework
based on known Enterprise Integration Patterns.

* There are a few issues that require the board intervention
* The project is healthy and continues to grow
* Three more PMC members moved to emeritus status: nsandhu,
ammulder and jlaskowski
* One member added to the PMC: jgenender

* Development continues with new features and fixes on trunk
 and the camel-2.7.x and 2.8.x maintenance branches

* 2.7.4
* 2.8.2

Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Community Development Project

This report is two months overdue - my sincere apologies. We will report
again next month to bring us back onto schedule.

Project Status

No issues require board attention at this time.


GSoC went well overall, although there was one serious issue regarding a
mentor who was approved but is not a committer. This situation was resolved
in consultation with Google. We have proposed modifications to the process
to prevent this happening again.

In the future, mentors have to notify their respective PMC that they intend
to mentor a GSoC project. The PMC has to acknowledge and a waiting period 
of 72 hours starts during which objections can be voiced. A notification 
template will be made available to prospective mentors.

In addition, we will ask infrastructure to create a special group which
holders of temporary accounts, i.e. GSoC students, have to be a member of.
This group will be modifiable by pmc-chairs and comdev-pmc, and  will allow
such temporary accounts to be reviewed and if needed closed in due time.

Some stats:

  * Students accepted: 40
  * Students who passed midterm: 38
  * Students who passed final: 36

Unfortunately we, once again, failed to do any press around our GSoC
activities. This needs to be made an explicit responsibility of the GSoC
admin (at present it is not in the Admin support materials)

Events and Speakers

ConCom are using the ComDev web space to host an ASF events calendar [1],
this has yet to gain significant traction. Similarly the "speaker"
application is not being used by either ConCom or press@. ComDev to work
with both to figure out how best to promote use of these resources. Nick
Burch and Ross Gardler (along with anyone else who cares) will be meeting to
come up with a plan for these resources at ApacheCon.

There are still many requests for standard slide decks about the ASF.  We
have collected a few slide decks for reuse and linked to them on our website
[2]. These collections need to be extended and, possibly, linked to the
speaker application.


ComDev website is slowly growing to include very high level information
about how ASF communities work. Rather than duplicating content held
elsewhere on the a.o site we are seeking to provide a minimum fuss entry
point leading towards the appropriate detail heavy documents.

The arrival of OpenOffice prompted the production of a fair amount of
appropriate materials to help combat some of the initial confusion over what
an ASF project looks like.


Mentoring activity (other than GSoC) is almost non-existent, at least as
coordinated through ComDev. The EU project which was supposed to be sending
people our way is currently evaluating why students did not come to us
(report due before next board report).

Objectives for next period

Raise awareness of Speaker and Event support materials


Attachment G: Status report for the Apache CXF Project

Apache CXF is an open source services framework. CXF helps you build and
develop services using front-end programming APIs, like JAX-WS and 
JAX-RS. These services can speak a variety of protocols such as SOAP, 
XML/HTTP, RESTful HTTP, or CORBA and work over a variety of transports 
such as HTTP, JMS or JBI.

2.3.6 released
2.3.7 released
2.4.2 released
2.4.3 released

PMC changes:
Alessio Soldano added to PMC
Aki Yoshida added to PMC

Community updates:
Work on CXF 2.5.0 is winding down and we hope to have a release in a couple 
weeks.   What's exciting about this release to the community is that it 
expands the scope of CXF from just a services framework to actually providing 
a couple of enterprise level services.   2.5.0 includes a full Security Token 
Service and a WS-Notification service.  It also includes a bunch of other new 
features and enhancements, but the expansion of the scope of the project is 

Attachment H: Status report for the Apache DB Project

The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects:
 o DdlUtils : a small, easy-to-use component for working with Database
              Definition (DDL) files.
 o Derby    : an open source relational database implemented entirely in Java
 o JDO      : focused on building the JDO API and the TCK for 
              compatibility testing of JDO implementations.
 o Torque   : an object-relational mapper for Java.

== Status ==
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

Activities over the last quarter:
 1) Apache DB is still not fully compliant with the branding
    requirements. No progress this quarter.
 2) Ongoing efforts in the subprojects:
     o DdlUtils: low activity maintenance
     o Derby: continued work on 10.8.2 maintenance release, postponed
       due to technical issues (progress is made, RC3 being tested)
     o JDO: work on 3.1 maintenance release, and a 3.0.1 release
       (OSGi usability integration).
     o Torque: continued work on Torque 4
 3) A few potential Derby security issues were discussed by the PMC.
 4) The two GSoC students both passed.
 5) Derby decided to drop support for J2SE 1.4 in the next feature
    release (most likely 10.9).

== Community ==
Tiago Espinha joined the DB PMC in August 2011.
No new committers since August 2010.

List subscriber counts stable (see July report for numbers).

== Releases ==
No new releases this quarter.

Attachment I: Status report for the Apache Directory Project

The Apache Directory Project provides directory solutions entirely written in
Java. These include a directory server, which has been certified as LDAP v3
compliant by the Open Group (ApacheDS), Eclipse-based directory tools (Apache
Directory Studio) and a client API that can be used to communicate with any 
directory server (Apache LDAP API). 

-- Community --
* Two new committers
  * Selcuk Aya (
  * Gokturk Gezer (
* No new PMC member.
* One contributor (Oliver Schmidt) has been given write permission on
  Confluence to contribute some documentation on ApacheDS 2.0.
* Two of our team members went and presented at LDAPCon 2011 (October 10-11)
  in Heidelberg, Germany.

-- Development --
* Apache LDAP API:
  * Improvements on common replication objects and utilities.
  * Bug fixes and small additions to previously released milestones versions.
  * Three new milestones versions have been released (see below).

* ApacheDS 2.0:
  * The master-slave replication sub-system is finally back and working.
  * Bug fixes for some server startup and Kerberos corner case issues. 
  * Two new milestones versions have been released (see below).

* Apache Directory Studio:
  * Added the ability to start ApacheDS 2.0.0-M3 version within Studio.
  * Small bug fixes and minor code cleaning.

* Overall:
  * We have voted the removal of support for Java 5 for ApacheDS and Apache
    Directory Studio. The compilation target for these two projects is now 
    Java 6.

-- Releases --
* Three milestones releases for Apache LDAP API 1.0:
  * 1.0.0-M6 (August 4th 2011)
  * 1.0.0-M7 (August 19th 2011)
  * 1.0.0-M8 (September 8th 2011)
* Two milestone releases for ApacheDS 2.0:
  * 2.0.0-M2 (August 19th 2011)
  * 2.0.0-M3 (September 12th 2011)

Attachment J: Status report for the Apache ESME Project

Apache ESME's mission: Enterprise Social Messaging Environment (ESME) is a
secure and highly scalable microsharing and micromessaging platform that
allows people to discover and meet one another and get controlled access
to other sources of information, all in a business process context.

2011-08-29 1.3


We have started work on our 1.4 release.  We hope to focus on Akka and
Apache Camel integration. 

No changes

Finished transition of site to CMS. 

No Board level issues at this time


* Project Naming And Descriptions : use proper Apache forms, describe
product, etc -> Done
* Website Navigation Links : navbar links included, link to included -> Done
* Trademark Attributions : attribution for all ASF marks included in
footers, etc. -> Done
* Logos and Graphics : include TM, use consistent product logo on your
site -> In progress
* Project Metadata : DOAP file checked-in and up to date -> Done

Attachment K: Status report for the Apache Geronimo Project

No major issues require the board's attention.

Apache Geronimo is an open source server runtime that integrates
the best open source projects to create Java/OSGi server runtimes
that meet the needs of enterprise developers and system

The community is in the final preparation stages for a Geronimo
3.0-beta release. 3.0-beta will be a Java EE 6 compliant
release. Our server trunk has been passing all relevant tests for
several months, now. We've had to wait for the release of several
dependent projects (Geronimo internal, OpenEJB, etc) before
creating our 3.0-beta release.


The Geronimo community had the following releases during the last
3 months: commons-httpclient OSGi bundle, MyFaces OSGi bundle,
axis2 OSGi bundle, Geronimo transaction manager, Geronimo Xbean,
and Geronimo JavaMail.

JUGs and Conferences

There will be two Geronimo presentations at ApacheCon.


There are 498 subscribers to the user@ mailing list and 404
subscribers to the dev@ mailing list.

We continue to see documentation and community participation from
new sources. They are greatly appreciated.

New Committers

Michael Fang was voted as a new committer on the project.

Attachment L: Status report for the Apache Hadoop Project

Hadoop status report for October 2011

   Hadoop is a set of related tools and frameworks for creating and
   managing distributed applications running on clusters of commodity

   On the people side, we have a couple of new people join our ranks.
    * Giri Kesavan, and Jitendra Pandey have accepted a role in the PMC
    * 4 people have accepted committership. Alejandro Abdelnur, Harsh J
      Chouraria, Eric Yang and Ramya Sunil
    * A new PMC Chair (Arun Murthy) is being recommended to the board for 
      their approval.

   On the project side, we have made some exciting progress.
   - 0.20.205's vote has closed successfully, and will be released shortly.
     This release integrates two major features (security & append), of which 
     the append feature was topic of much internal debate, so this is an 
     excellent outcome for the health of Hadoop, and allows other projects like 
     HBase to use a 'official' release.

   - Work on Hadoop 0.23 release is continuing, and is scheduled for release 
     at the end of the month

   - Konstantin Shvachko is now leading the 0.22 Release process

   - Mavenization of our codebase is complete

   - Developer community is working well together

   - Vendors are continuing to use the lists to promote their own products.
     We are formulating appropriate responses to discourage this practice. 
     No action from the board is required at this stage.


   Common is the shared libraries for HDFS and MapReduce.

   * (beta) was released on the 5 September.

   * 2598 subscribers on common-dev
   * 1341 subscribers on common-user
   * 1392 subscribers on general


   HDFS is a distributed file system that supports reliable replicated
   storage across the cluster using a single name space.

   New committers:
   * 4 new committers has been added to this project.

   * 41 committers
   * 499 subscribers on hdfs-dev
   * 864 subscribers on hdfs-user


   MapReduce is a distributed computation framework for easily writing
   applications that process large volumes of data.

   * None this period.

   New committers:
   * 4 new committers has been added to this project.

   * 41 committers
   * 528  subscribers to mapreduce-dev
   * 1016 subscribers to mapreduce-user

Attachment M: Status report for the Apache HBase Project

HBase is a distributed column-oriented database built on top of Hadoop
Common and Hadoop HDFS


In the HBase project, folks who have been made committers automatically
become members of the HBase PMC only I failed to ask the boards'
permission adding new PMC members.   The current list of committers
who are also members of the PMC can be found here:

I will follow the protocol going forward requesting ACK and waiting 72 hours
before adding new PMC members.  Is there anything I should do about my
past failing in this regard?


No new releases.

Developer focus is (still) on stabilizing 0.92.0, our next major release


We added two new committers during this period: Ramkrishna S Vasudevan
and Lars Hofhansl


The HBase O'Reilly book was released

We have a new logo.

Developer velocity has picked up over the last month.

We had a well attended meetup, ~130 people, at Facebook on 22nd of August [1]
It was preceded by a hackathon attended by ~30 people.

639 subscribers to the dev list
1421 subscribers to the user list



Attachment N: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project

Most of the general discussion on the Incubator list over the past month was
how to improve the usability of the Incubator web-site.

S4 (Simple Scalable Streaming System) -- a general-purpose, distributed,
scalable, partially fault-tolerant, pluggable platform that allows
programmers to easily develop applications for processing continuous,
unbounded streams of data -- was voted to begin Incubation.

Any23 (Anything To Triples) -- a Java library, a Web service and a set of
command line tools to extract and validate structured data in RDF format
from a variety of Web documents and markup formats -- was voted to begin

Apache DirectMemory -- a multi-layered cache implementation featuring
off-heap memory storage (a la Terracotta BigMemory) to enable caching of Java
objects without degrading JVM performance -- was voted to begin Incubation.

Apache Callback (derived from PhoneGap) -- a platform for building native
(Apple iOS, Google Android, RIM BlackBerry, Microsoft Windows Phone 7, HP
webOS, Nokia Symbian and Samsung Bada) mobile applications using HTML, CSS
and JavaScript -- was voted to begin Incubation.

DeltaCloud is currently voting on graduation from the Incubator.  ACE is
also discussing graduation.

With respect to an early version of the report, there was confusion as to
which podlings needed to report this month, but we appear to have it
straightened out.  The Wiki page had a few too many projects loaded onto it.



Accumulo is a sorted, distributed key/value store based on BigTable's
design.  Accumulo entered incubation in September 2011.

In the move towards graduation, we must address:
1. Learning Apache procedures
2. Creating releases
3. Building a community

Any issues that the Incubator PMC or ASF Board might wish/need to be aware
Discussion is ongoing as to whether agreements other than ICLAs are needed
or desirable for people employed by the US government to make contributions
to Apache (see LEGAL-100).

Developments since entering incubation:
* mailing lists created
* JIRA created
* SVN directory and git mirror created
* accounts for initial committers created
* ICLAs and Software Grant filed
* CMS-ready site begun
* initial code uploaded
* Jenkins build created
* ReviewBoard group created



Apache ACE is a software distribution framework that allows you to centrally
manage and distribute software components, configuration data and other
artifacts to target systems. ACE started incubation on April 24th 2009.

There are currently no issues requiring board or Incubator PMC attention.

* We've got a lot of great feedback and patches from the community.
* There have been talks with the jclouds (we use them) as well as the
Amdatu (they use us) open source projects.

* We now have a REST client API.
* The management agent has been extended.
* Karaf features were added.
* We have a server side resolver based on Apache Felix.

Licensing and other issues:
* None at the moment.

Things to resolve prior to graduation:
* We hope this is our very last board report as we think we're ready for
graduation now!



Ambari is monitoring, administration and lifecycle management project for
Apache Hadoop clusters.

* Incubating since 30 August 2011.
* Mailing lists created and mentors subscribed.
* Confluence created.
* Initial code committed.
* Site created.
* Code grant received.
* Development proceeding actively.
* RAT added to pom and report is clean.



Anything To Triples (shortly Any23) defined as a Java library, a Web service
and a set of command line tools to extract and validate structured data in
RDF format from a variety of Web documents and markup formats. Any23 is what
it is informally named an RDF Distiller.

A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards

  1. Port Any23 code to ASF infrastructure and update license headers
  2. Develop a strong community with organizational diversity and with
strong connections to other relevant ASF communities.
  3. At least one Any23 incubating release

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC), Tika PMC, or ASF Board wish/need
to be aware of?

No, not at this time.

How has the community developed since the last report?

Everyone has their ASF account set up, except for Giovanni Tumarello (ICLA filed
and Chris working on getting account set up). We've already moved our
discussions onto the public mailing lists now that they are set up.

How has the project developed since the last report?

Any23 was voted into the Incubator by the IPMC on October 1, 2011.

Software grants from DERI and from FBK have been filed and accepted thanks to
Michele Mostarda. There has already been discussion of how to move over JIRA
issues and Wiki issues from the Google Code site and the full issues transition
was completed on 12/10/2011. Code imports will likely begin soon, and a pointer
on the existing Google Code site will point to the ASF Incubator as the new
home. Simone has created us a podling status page. Chris filed INFRA-3978 to
track JIRA, Wiki and mailing list creation for podling set up.  It's all taken
care of (thanks Gav).



Celix is an implementation of the OSGi Specification in C.

Celix entered incubation on November 2, 2010.

In the code not much has changed during the past few months, mostly due to
vacations. Some (reported) bugs have been fixed, and some interesting
examples have been added. These example where donated by a user, and follow
the OSGi in Action book. This makes them a great addition to Celix.
Furthermore, some work has been done to make testing from CMake easier, and
we are also looking into a method for mocking services to be able to test
only one service without all its dependencies.

On the community site, Luminis and Thales are organizing an event (in Dutch)
to introduce embedded/distributed companies to OSGi. During this event OSGi
will be explained, Celix and PojoSR will be introduced. Also a small
introduction in Apache and the "Apache Way" will be given, with the goal to
invite people to use/join Celix.
Also, in november a talk and demo will be given at the ApacheCon.

Most important issues are:

   Improve robustness (APR, error handling etc)
   Generate awareness and grow a community!



Chukwa is Hadoop monitoring system

Chukwa is an open source data collection system for monitoring large
distributed systems.

A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards

  1. Simplify the build process and provide sample to use cases.
  2. At least one Apache Incubator release.
  3. Develop a strong community with organizational diversity and well
aligned with existing ASF projects as outlined here:

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware

No, not at this time.

How has the community developed since the last report?

There are some activity on the user mailing list, and some new users
participated in adopting Chukwa for processing and visualizing big data

How has the project developed since the last report?

There are several bug fixes, and migration to Hadoop Metrics 2 for Hadoop



Deft is a non-blocking, asynchronous, event driven high performance web
framework running on the JVM. The project entered incubation on 2011-07-08.

The most important issues to address in moving to graduation:

  1. Prepare an initial incubation release.
  2. Attract more committers, and other community members.
  3. Secure the previously used URL, "".

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware
- Not at this time.

How has the community developed since the last report?
- There have been no significant developments.

How has the project developed since the last report?
- Outstanding tasks are still being worked on, and the branch has been moved
to trunk.
- There is a vote pending on project name change, a task previously
identified as needing to be addressed before graduation.



Easyant is a build system based on Apache Ant and Apache Ivy. Incubating
since 2011-01-31.

Towards graduation, we need to:
* Creating a release
* Building a community

Since the last report:
* an initial committer of Easyant didn't provided its iCLA. Hence an
iterative cleanup of the code has been done together with developers and
mentors. This cleanup is finished, the IP clearance is considered done,
acknowledge by mentors.
* no particular progress on the diversity of the community
* discussion has started to how setup the build which will fit the ASF
release guidelines



Apache Empire-db is a relational database abstraction layer that allows
developers to take a more SQL-centric approach in application development
than traditional ORM frameworks. Its focus is to allow highly efficient
database operations in combination with a maximum of compile-time-safety and
DBMS independence. Empire-db has entered Incubation in August 2008.

Activity since last report:
* a lot of work on the code has been done in order to address architectural
changes that may significantly improve the ease-of-use and robustness of the
code. These changes have been the biggest core code changes since
* Testing of the new features and preparation of a new release are in

* many of our committers have worked and contributed to this upcoming
release especially all new committers that have joined the project since
incubation. This gives us confidence that community improvements are slow
but steady and that once people have learned about the benefits of Empire-db
they will stick to it.
* requests of new users on mailing lists have been answered and problems
have been solved.

Top priorities prior to graduation:
* Finish and publish the release
* Go out and advertise the benefits of Empire-db in general and the
advantages of the new features in particular



Giraph is a large-scale, fault-tolerant, Bulk Synchronous Parallel
(BSP)-based graph processing framework that runs on Hadoop. Giraph
entered the incubator in August 2011.

Project developments:

* JIRA activity steadily increased (57 issues reported so far)
* added Jake Mannix and Dmitriy Ryaboy as committers/PPMC members

Next steps:
* Making a release.
* Update on 1 initial committer who still hasn't filed an ICLA. He
will fill off the ICLA by next week.



(introduced to Apache incubator on Jul 4, 2011)

Kafka provides an extremely high throughput distributed publish/subscribe
messaging system. Additionally, it supports relatively long term persistence
of messages to support a wide variety of consumers, partitioning of the
message stream across servers and consumers, and functionality for loading
data into Apache Hadoop for offline, batch processing.

A list of the most important issues to address in the move towards

  1. Successful podling release.
  2. Invite diverse new active committers

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware

Not at this time.

How has the community developed since the last report?

We are getting very close to release the very first version of Kafka in
Apache. A couple of RCs have been proposed and we are still fixing various
license header issues reported by rat. The proposed RC fixed more than 40
issues. The main feature added in the RC is end-to-end compression support.

How has the project developed since the last report?

Activities in the mailing list remain high. Several patches from
non-committers have been submitted, reviewed and committed.



Kalumet a complete environment manager and deployer including J2EE
environments (application servers, applications, etc), softwares, and

Kalumet was accepted into Apache Incubator on September 20, 2011. See vote:

Status Page information:

First report:
* Creation of mailing list.
* Creation of Jira project.
* Creation of Confluence Space.
* Various committers account creation.
* Pending: svn repository (svndump has been provided)

Issues before graduation
* Create Kalumet web site.
* Make an incubating release.
* Grow the community size and diversity.



Lucy is a loose port of the Apache Lucene search engine library, written in C
and targeted at dynamic language users.

Lucy was voted into the Incubator on July 22, 2010.

Progress since the last report:

* Released versions 0.2.0 and 0.2.1.
* Added new committer Brad Harder.
* Technical developments:
  * Eliminated one of two remaining dependencies covered by LEGAL-86
    (JSON::XS).  Only Parse::RecDescent remains.
  * Reestablished Windows portability.
  * Continued Clownfish C porting.

Top priorities prior to graduation:

* Disperse knowledge of codebase among developers.

Issues for Incubator PMC or ASF Board:

* None at this time.



* Implementation of a replicated log has been completed (based on Paxos).
Next steps will be to use the log to enable the Mesos masters to have an
accurate snapshot of the currently running frameworks, currently connected
slaves, etc. This will enable the Mesos master to be able to launch the
schedulers rather than them needing to be launched independently. In
addition, the log will be useful to give to schedulers that want

* Numerous bugs have been fixed by new contributors: Vinod Kone, Brian
Wickman, John Sirois.

* Numerous bug fixes and features were added surrounding the interaction
Mesos has with ZooKeeper, including in-process ZooKeeper testing
(contributed by John Sirois).

* Progress has been made on moving the build system to autotools. We'd like
to accomplish this before trying to do a release.



The ODF Toolkit is a set of Java modules that allow programmatic creation,
scanning and manipulation of OpenDocument Format (ISO/IEC 26300 == ODF)
documents. Unlike other approaches which rely on runtime manipulation of
heavy-weight editors via an automation interface, the ODF Toolkit is
lightweight and ideal for server use.

* ODF Toolkit entered incubation on Aug 1st, 2011.

* Most important issues to address.
 1) Growing the community, increasing diversity of committers
 2) Completing IP review and updating headers
 3) Successful podling release.

* Any issues that the Incubator PMC or ASF Board might wish/need to be aware of
 None at this time.

* How has the community developed since the last report
 The mailing lists are ready now for 55 days.  We have 36 subscribers.
We're starting to receive patches from new contributors.

* How has the project developed since the last report.

Legacy Bugzilla issue tracker has been migrated to the Apache JIRA instance.
We're now working on the details of source and binary release directory
layouts and build automation to support the same in preparation for our
first release.

We're exploring enabling Jenkins support for the build.



Olio is a web 2.0 toolkit to help developers evaluate the suitability,
functionality and performance of various web technologies by implementing
a reasonably complex application in several different technologies.
Olio entered incubation in October 2008

There is no development activity on this project. There was at least 1 new
user in the last quarter who used Olio.

Graduation From Incubation:

The user base is not showing growth. Since this is a test
it is being used as such for short-term projects.
I think the decision was made to simply keep the project so users can
continue to access it.



* Oozie is a workflow management and scheduler primarily for Hadoop based
* Oozie entered the incubation on July 11, 2011.

* A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards

  * Make the first Oozie release from Apache incubation.
  * Improve the documentations: user, development for quicker adoption
  * Establish the formal contribution process (such as CTR vs RTC)

* Any issues that the Incubator PMC or ASF Board might wish/need to be aware

  * No issues.

* How has the community developed since the last report:
  * Oozie user entirely moved to Apache Incubator using new user group
email for communication.
  * Oozie-user email list is active and nearly 75 emails were exchanged in
last month.
  * oozie-dev email list had nearly 150 emails in last month.

* How has the project developed since the last report.

  * Development is completely based on Oozie code from Apache SVN.
  * Development activity became stronger during the last month. Nearly 12
people created 24 JIRA in last month.
  * Extensively using review-board for patches. Development community has
addressed nearly 20 code reviews.


* entered incubation 2011-06-13. is an open-source, office-document productivity suite
providing six productivity applications based around the OpenDocument Format
(ODF). is released on multiple platforms.  Its localizations
support 110 languages worldwide.

* Most Important To Address:

1) Migration of the remaining legacy website's content and
services to Apache infrastructure, including wiki, forums, mailing lists,
and cross-service registration using customized software not already
supported by Apache projects and infrastructure.  Successful negotiation of
governance migration of user-supported services brought under incubation.
Resolution of copyright, license and notice for content migrated from
legacy website.

2) Completion of the IP-review portions of the incubation checklist, which
will require getting an amended SGA from Oracle to cover additional source
files; scrubbing of incompatible notices from SGA-licensed code and
resolving provenance of other existing materials being migrated.  There are
several modules that have non-compliant dependencies which will need to be

3) A Successful Podling Release

* Issues for IPMC or ASF Board Awareness


* Community Development Progress

As of 2011-10-12 there are 76 committers with 55 on the PPMC, compared to 72
and 55 at last report.

To serve our Japanese contributor base we've added an ooo-general-ja list.

Active discussions with an autonomous group that runs a support bulletin
board for OpenOffice on the possibility of that community joining the AOOo

Discussion of criteria for bringing on new committers and PPMC members, and
whether or not there should be a separate criteria for each role, as well as
how these decisions should be communicated to the project.

Discussion of roles for PPMC members including TDF liaison, branding, press,
and legal affairs.

* Project Development Progress

Dev focus has been on IP review and replacement of copyleft dependencies.

Detailed planning continues on public wiki:

Migration of several parts of the infrastructure are in
various stages.



S4 (Simple Scalable Streaming System) is a general-purpose, distributed,
scalable, partially fault-tolerant, pluggable platform that allows
programmers to easily develop applications for processing continuous,
unbounded streams of data.

S4 entered incubation on September 26th 2011.

* Issues before graduation
1. Migrate code from github to Apache SVN and make an initial release on
Apache with the current code (version 0.4 = version 0.3 + checkpointing +
2. All committers to get ICLA
3. Migrate web site from to Apache infrastructure
4. Complete the current work on the new version (0.5), which is a major
refactoring in order to simplify concepts, API, and introduce new features
such as dynamic deployment and reliable channels
5. Grow the community

1. Mailing lists have been created. We are already using them.
2. Jira initialized and started to track issues
3. Karma granted for committers with ICLA
4. Confluence Wiki space created
5. IRC channel set-up

Project developments
We have pre-Apache releases on github and our current effort mostly
focused on a major refactoring of the codebase. Goal is to have it ready
soon so that we don't need to support 2 distinct concurrent versions.



Tashi has been incubating since September 2008.

The Tashi project aims to build a software infrastructure for cloud computing on
massive internet-scale datasets (what we call Big Data). The idea is to build a
cluster management system that enables the Big Data that are stored in a
cluster/data center to be accessed, shared, manipulated, and computed on by
remote users in a convenient, efficient, and safe manner.

Tashi has previously encompassed just the tools to manage virtual
machines using Xen and KVM, but is gaining the facility to hand out
physical machines as well.

Development activities have included:-
       * Zoni has been merged into the mainline code trunk
       * Additional capability added to Zoni
       * Implement hint to influence scheduler packing policy
       * Reject incorrect arguments to tashi-client to prevent
         unintended defaults from being used
       * Migrated to rpyc version 3.1
       * Add "free capacity" info function to Tashi
       * Support for auto creation of zoni tftp boot menus
       * Fixed deadlocks in clustermanager
       * Rewrite CM to concentrate decay handlers into one spot
       * Use Linux LVM for local scratch space creation
       * VMM is now authoritative to what is running
       * Retry deploying held VMs at a later time

The project is still working toward building a larger user and development
community. User groups have been identified in Ireland, Slovenia and Korea,
Malaysia, as well as at Georgia Tech.

Items to be resolved before graduation:
       * A stable branch exists which could be a release candidate, but
         the codebase is large and test hardware is currently in
         short supply. We are confident that the code in the stablefix
         branch will work if running QEMU emulation, Pickle or sqlite
         data storage, primitive scheduler. Xen, other data stores and
         schedulers have not been tested recently.
       * Should have example accounting code (data is kept, but
         interpretation is currently manual)
       * Develop community diversity (Committers currently at Telefonica,
         Google and CMU)



The VXQuery Project implements a standard compliant XML Query processor. It
has been in incubation since 2009-07-06.

Recent activities:

   * activity picked-up a little in August and September
   * considering direction of the project

Top issues before graduation:

   * Create a release
   * Build community (developer and users)

[September report follows]

The flood of Hadoop related projects continues with new Incubator projects:

* HMS (now Ambari), a monitoring, administration and lifecycle management
project for Apache Hadoop clusters
* Accumulo, a sorted, distributed key/value store based on Google's
BigTable design, and built on top of Hadoop, Zookeeper, and Thrift

were voted to start Incubation, along with:

* Kalumet, a complete environment manager and deployer including J2EE
environments (application servers, applications, etc), softwares, and

Other projects under discussion:

* S4 (Simple Scalable Streaming System), a general-purpose, distributed,
scalable, partially fault-tolerant, pluggable platform that allows
programmers to easily develop applications for processing continuous,
unbounded streams of data.

OGNL should be moving to Apache Commons.


Ambari (was HMS)

Ambari is monitoring, administration and lifecycle management project for
Apache Hadoop clusters.

* Incubating since 30 August 2011.
* Changed name to Ambari over trademark concerns.
* In process of moving onto Apache infrastructure:
  * Jira and subversion created.
  * Mailing lists requested (6 Sep), but not created.
  * Confluence requested (6 Sep), but not created
  * Committer accounts created.
  * Working on initial code import and code grant.



Bean Validation was accepted into Incubator on 1 March 2010.

The Bean Validation project is an implementation of the Java EE Bean
Validation JSR303 specification.

There are no other important issues open before a possible graduation.
Actually the project is discussing its graduation as TLP or into
Apache Commons, as natural successor of Commons Validator.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC or ASF Board might wish/need to be aware

* none

How has the community developed since the last report

* Users community activity is stable, users slightly decreased the
activity of filling issues on JIRA and asking questions, we suppose
codebase/provided documentation start being mature enough to satisfy
users needs.

How has the project developed since the last report.

* Started a 'extras' module development where putting validators
not included in the JSR303 spec.
* planning the development for implementing next JSR330 spec version.



Bigtop is a project for the development of native packaging and stack tests
of the Hadoop ecosystem.

Bigtop entered incubation on June 20, 2011.

Primary issues blocking graduation:
* Need for increased diversity and additional committers.
* Incubating release including testing framework.
* Incorporation of functional stack testing.

Issues which Incubator PMC and/or ASF Board might need/wish to be aware of:
* Due to limitations in available platforms on Apache Jenkins infrastructure
and need for VM spin-up/spin-down for tests, we are working directly with
OSUOSL on build/test setup.

Community development since last report:
* Community meetup held August 18th, with mentors and committers alike.

Project development since last report:
* 0.1.0-incubating released.
* Website created.
* Additional component project (Mahout) added.
* Supported platforms voted on.
* Initial implementation of package validation tests implemented and live.



Deft is a non-blocking, asynchronous, event driven high performance web
framework running on the JVM.

Issues before graduation
* Project rename (Deft seems to be trademarked)
* Put together a first incubation release
* Find new committers

The PPMC has discussed that we probably need to rename Deft. The reason for
this is to avoid future complication because of trademarks associated with

No significant change has been noticed regarding the Apache Deft community.

The Apache Deft web page is up and running (still a lot of documentation to
be done).



Etch was accepted into Incubator on 2 September 2008.

Etch is a cross-platform, language- and transport-independent framework for
building and consuming network services. The Etch toolset includes a network
service description language, a compiler, and binding libraries for a
variety of programming languages.

- Etch binding-cpp is currently in development and some parts of the basic
framework (OS abstraction layer, collection types, basic Etch components)
are already implemented and available in the trunk
- A new developer Martin Veith from the BMW Car IT provided a lot of patches
and some documentation stuff
- Fixed some smaller bugs in the C, Java and C# bindings
- The new Apache Etch website is nearly complete and will be migrated to the public area
while the next weeks. A detailed Etch documentation will be converted
afterwards (Docbook PDF and HTML)
- Community ramp up a little bit and we hope to get a better grounding

future tasks:
- Prepare next release and publish it
- Migrate to new Apache Etch CMS
- Further development of the binding-cpp
- Community development



Apache Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available system for
efficiently collecting, aggregating, and moving large amounts of log data to
scalable data storage systems such as Apache Hadoop's HDFS.

Flume entered incubation on June 12th, 2011.

== Issues before graduation ==

* Create Flume web site.
* Make an incubating release.
* Grow the community size and diversity.
* Licensing and trademark issues.

== Community ==

* Development activities are going steadily with eighteen JIRA issues
created in the past month, and eighteen resolved.
* Active development is going on in flume-728 branch which is an effort to
address critical problems observed in the trunk implementation.
 * The core interfaces have been defined for the first cut.
 * Active development is going on for implementing HDFS sink.
 * Active development is going on for implementing a reliable channel.
 * Core lifecycle and configuration aspects of the system are still being
tweaked to ensure support for common use-cases.

== Project developments ==

* Initial inquiry into trademark status.



Giraph is a large-scale, fault-tolerant, Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP)-based
graph processing framework that runs on Hadoop. Giraph entered the incubator in
August 2011.

Project developments:

* Project website created.
* Confluence wiki created.
* Accounts were created for two of the committers.
* Project is entirely on Apache infrastructure.

Next steps:
* Adding new committers.
* Making a release.
* One of the initial committers still hasn't filed an ICLA. We either
need him to move forward or remove him.



Gora is an ORM framework for column stores such as Apache HBase and Apache
Cassandra with a specific focus on Hadoop.

A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards

  1. Port Gora code and license headers into ASF license headers.
  2. Develop a strong community with organizational diversity and with
infection into existing ASF projects like Nutch and Hadoop.
  3. At least one Gora incubating release

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware

No, not at this time.

How has the community developed since the last report?

In July 2011, we elected Ioannis Cannelos to the Gora PPMC and as a Gora
Committer. We've also had a lot of interest from the Nutch community lately
(specifically Lewis John McGibbney) as they are trying to help us get a
stable version of Gora 0.2 trunk out the door and working with Maven Central
so that Nutch as a downstream consumer can leverage Gora in it's 2.0 trunk

How has the project developed since the last report?

Gora was voted into the Incubator by the IPMC on September 26, 2010.

We are on RC #4 for Gora 0.1.1-incubating, a small patch to 0.1-incubating
to get Maven dependencies working and a process in place. There has been
some recent dev activity in trunk by Alexis Detreglode to get a new
Cassandra back-end store in place, and improve upon the existing one. There
are also efforts underway by Henry Saputra to get a CI build on Jenkins
going for Gora.



Hama was accepted into Incubator on 20 May 2008. Hama is a distributed
computing framework based on BSP (Bulk Synchronous Parallel) computing
techniques for massive scientific computations.

== Top 2 or 3 things to resolve prior to graduation ==

* Invite new active committers

== Issues for the Incubator PMC or ASF Board ==


== Community development ==

* Now we have 3 people ready to become committers (ChiaHung Lin, Thomas
Jungblut, Miklos Erdelyi).
* 'Miklos Erdelyi' has contributed graph computing framework on top of BSP.

== Project development ==

* Now we support multi-task.
* Migrated from Forrest to Maven site.
* Some bug and performance issues are fixed.
* Plan to integrate with Hadoop nextGen.



HCatalog is a table and storage management service for data created using
Apache Hadoop.

The most important issues in moving the project to graduation are expanding
the community of developers and producing a release of the software.

Since the last report we have:
* Made several attempts at an initial release, each of which have had issues
with NOTICE or DISCLAIMER files.  We are preparing for another release
* Continued feature development, adding two major new features (ability to
write multiple partitions at once and a notification interface for data
* Added significant testing

Currently there are 60 subscribers to the user list and 59 on the dev list.
There were 32 and 30 respectively last report (June 2011).



Isis is an ALv2 licensed implementation of the Naked Objects pattern. It is
based on contributions of the original Naked Objects Framework along with a
number of sister projects that were developed for the book "Domain Driven
Design using Naked Objects " (pragprog 2009).

Isis was accepted into the Incubator in 2010, September 7th.

Project Development

* Isis-0.1.2-incubating released during July 2011
* Ongoing work on new json viewer, implementing the spec
* Enhancements to sql object store

Community Development

* Reasonably active mailing list; first "real" problem/change request raised
(and fixed)
* Frequent commits
* Isis members attended BarCamp Oxford in Sept, presented on Isis

Top 3 Issues to address in move towards graduation

* More blogging/publicity from existing community...
* More users of the framework...
* More committers to the framework

None of these issues requires Board attention.

New Releases

* Next release expected in Nov 2011



Introduced to Apache incubator on Jul 4, 2011

Kafka provides an extremely high throughput distributed publish/subscribe
messaging system. Additionally, it supports relatively long term persistence
of messages to support a wide variety of consumers, partitioning of the
message stream across servers and consumers, and functionality for loading
data into Apache Hadoop for offline, batch processing.

A list of the most important issues to address in the move towards

  1. Successful podling release.
  2. Invite diverse new active committers

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware

Not at this time.

How has the community developed since the last report?

Mailing list traffic for July-August-September[12th] (user: 40, 65, 19; dev:
116, 371, 63) both show healthy growth trends.  Qualitatively the -dev
discussion has trended away from topics like "how should we configure Jira?"
to "What's the best way to deal with multiple language bindings?".  Several
patches were submitted by first time contributors.

How has the project developed since the last report?

The general theme over the past month has been polish: fixing bugs, better
unit tests, getting log levels right, build system cleanup etc.



Kato was accepted into the Incubator on 6 November 2008.

Kato is a project to develop the Specification, Reference Implementation,
and TCK for JSR 326: the JVM Post-mortem Diagnostics API.

Recent Activity:

* Some JIRA items have been raised regarding the command-line tomcat
* Discussions with Oracle have been continuing. An individual from Oracle
has been identified, but no discussions have come from this yet.

The following is planned for next reporting period:

* Decide in what form the podling should continue, if at all.

Before this project can graduate we need to encourage more participation in
the project and grow the community.




ManifoldCF is an incremental crawler framework and set of connectors
designed to pull documents from various kinds of repositories into search
engine indexes or other targets. The current bevy of repository connectors
includes Documentum (EMC), FileNet (IBM), LiveLink (OpenText), Meridio
(Autonomy), SharePoint (Microsoft), JDBC, CIFS file systems, CMIS
repositories, RSS feeds, and web content. Output support includes Solr,
MetaCarta GTS, and OpenSearchServer.  ManifoldCF also provides components
for individual document security within a target search engine, so that
repository security access conventions can be enforced in the search

ManifoldCF has been in incubation since January, 2010. It was originally a
planned subproject of Lucene but is now a likely top-level project.

--A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards

1. We need at least one additional active committer, as well as additional
users and repeat contributors
2. We want to finish the current release before graduating
3. We'd like to see long-term contributions for project testing, especially
infrastructure access

--Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?--

All issues have been addressed to our satisfaction at this time.

--How has the community developed since the last report?--

A book has been completed, and is now available in early-release form,
available from Manning Publishing, at  We
have signed up a new committer in this quarter and are discussing a second.
One of our mentors (Grant Ingersoll) resigned.

We continue to have user community interest.  We are participating this year
in both Apache Eurocon and Apache North America.  We've had a number of
extremely helpful contributions from the field, including the CMIS connector
and the OpenSearchServer output connector.  We have started to discuss
graduation from the incubator, which may come to pass by the end of the

--How has the project developed since the last report?--

An 0.1 release was made on January 31, 2011, and a 0.2 release occurred on
May 17, 2011.  Another release is scheduled for September 15, 2011, and will
contain significant new features, including two new connectors and a client
scripting language.


MRUnit - a library to support unit testing of Hadoop MapReduce jobs.

MRUnit entered incubation on March 8th, 2011.

* Still looking to develop a broader community.
* Release and contribution docs under development.
* Eric Sammer doing a great job pushing development forward.
* Discussions about producing first MRUNIT release candidate.

Issues before graduation
* Make an incubating release
* Grow the community size and diversity

Licensing and other issues
* none - MRUnit was originally a subproject of Hadoop



The ODF Toolkit is a set of Java modules that allow programmatic creation,
scanning and manipulation of OpenDocument Format (ISO/IEC 26300 == ODF)
documents. Unlike other approaches which rely on runtime manipulation of
heavy-weight editors via an automation interface, the ODF Toolkit is
lightweight and ideal for server use.

* ODF Toolkit entered incubation on Aug 1st, 2011.

* Most important issues to address.
 1) Growing the community, increasing diversity of committers
 2) Technical migration from the ODF Toolkit Union to Apache
infrastructure, including code repository, website, bugzilla and wiki.
 5) Successful podling release.

* Any issues that the Incubator PMC or ASF Board might wish/need to be aware
 None at this time.

* How has the community developed since the last report
 The mailing lists are ready now for 23 days.  We have 37 subscribers. We
invited the existing users to this new community and are trying to attract
more new people join us.  This should be easier once we have code in the

* How has the project developed since the last report.

Requests are in queue with Apache Infra for loading the code repository and
the issue tracker.   70% website and wiki migration work has been done.



Oozie is a workflow management and scheduler primarily for Hadoop based

Oozie entered the incubation on July 11, 2011.

* A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards
  * Make the first Oozie release from Apache incubation.
  * Improve the documentations: user, development for quicker adoption
  * Establish the formal contribution process (such as CTR vs RTC)

* Any issues that the Incubator PMC or ASF Board might wish/need to be aware
  * No issues.

* How has the community developed since the last report:
  * Oozie users from github started moving to Apache Incubator.
  * Using new Apache Oozie JIRA for issue tracking.
  * Using oozie-users and oozie-dev mailing list provided by Apache instead
of the same from yahoo group.

* How has the project developed since the last report.
  * Oozie source code is migrated to Apache SVN.
  * Oozie code originally had Yahoo License. Replace those text by Apache
  * Oozie product web page is created.  Further improvement is ongoing on.
  * Old github Issues and JIRA have been migrated to Apache Oozie JIRA.


* entered incubation 2011-06-13. is an open-source, office-document productivity suite
providing six productivity applications based around the OpenDocument Format
(ODF). is released on multiple platforms.  Its localizations
support 110 languages worldwide.

* Most Important To Address

1) Migration of the legacy website's content and services to
Apache infrastructure, including defect tracking, wiki, forums, mailing
lists, and cross-service registration using customized software not already
supported by Apache projects and infrastructure.  Successful negotiation of
governance migration of user-supported services brought under incubation.
Resolution of copyright, license and notice for content migrated from
legacy website.

2) Completion of the IP-review portions of the incubation checklist, which
will require getting an amended SGA from Oracle to cover additional source
files; scrubbing of incompatible notices from SGA-licensed code and
resolving provenance of other existing materials being migrated.

3) A Successful Podling Release

* Issues for IPMC or ASF Board Awareness

Notices concerning encryption methods employed in code now in the podling
SVN have not been produced; legal-discuss is being consulted in regard to
product class for

* Community Development Progress

As of 2011-09-12 there are 72 committers, with 55 on the PPMC, up from 71
and 52 at last report.  Eleven initial committers have failed to submit
iCLAs and are out of communication.

Discussion is underway with the operators of the existing
user-support forums for migration of the forums into the project, with
adjustment of governance to provide appropriate PPMC oversight.

We have created a ooo-users.i.a.o mailing list.  A Japanese-language
ooo-general-ja.i.a.o is also starting.

We have reviewed a request for permission to use the
trademark by a German book publisher, and sent our approval recommendation
to Apache Branding.

A "Building for Linux" buildfest was announced on the project
blog and carried out over the Internet in the first full week of September.

* Project Development Progress

The trademarks have been transferred to Apache.  The domain-name registrations are being transferred to Apache.

The legacy Issue Tracking Bugzilla has been moth-balled as
read-only and an Apache Bugzilla established for continuation of Issue
Tracking under the podling.

The main source code base has been transferred to Apache SVN and is being
actively tested and modified.  Merging of additional work spaces from, and preservation of versioning history is being pursued.
The current effort is focused on successful build of a counterpart of the
last complete build at

Test configurations of the forum system and the Wiki have been brought up on Apache infrastructure fixtures.
Cutover of the forum system is anticipated as part of the

Detailed planning continues on public wiki:



Rat audits releases.

A renewed push started to find a final status for Rat. A consensus emerged
that the best destination for Rat would be a top level project, even if the
scope is broad enough to allow a suite of related products to be developed
by the community. Hopefully, Rat will be in a position to graduate soon.

Work has started on new code complementing the classic plugins:

* Apache Rat Eye assists bulk reviews (coded in Python)
* Apache Rat Whisker automates the verification and generation of legal
documents (LICENSE, NOTICE, etc) for application composed from many
components (coded in Java)

The 0.8 release of the classic plugin is expected soon.

Trademark, branding and marketing issues remain unresolved. The Incubator
guides no longer accord well with developments in ASF policy in this area.
It seems appropriate that before graduation these issues should be sorted
out, though this may require work to develop incubator policy, which may
potentially delay graduation.



Apache Rave is a new web and social mashup engine. It will provide an
out-of-the-box as well as an extendible lightweight Java platform to host,
serve and aggregate (Open)Social Gadgets and services through a highly
customizable and Web 2.0 friendly front-end.

Rave entered incubation on 2011-03-01.

Current Status:
 * The project has adopted a monthly release cycle:
   - a first time 0.1-incubating release candidate was accepted by the IPMC
on July 8
   - a 0.2-incubating release candidate was canceled by the PPMC in August
because the required Incubating DISCLAIMER file was missing in some artifacts
   - a 0.3-incubating release candidate was accepted by the IPMC on
September 16
 * Reach out to and further cooperation and coordination with Shindig is
 * An integration of Wookie (Incubating) is targeted on short notice (this
or next release cycle)
 * Preliminary steps are made showing how to extend and customize Rave for
end users/developers
 * Jasha Joachimsthal has been elected as new committer in June
 * The commit rate has been steadily growing (more than doubled since the
last report)
 * Mailing list activity remains high
 * Rave has been added to ReviewBoard ( to provide
better support for community contributions and patches
 * Website documentation is steadily improved and extended
 * A presentation about Rave, focusing on Apache, community and
collaboration, was given by Matt Franklin and Ate Douma at TransferSummit
2011/UK (Oxford) September 8th

Next steps:
 * Continue to build up awareness of Rave and grow the community
 * Further collaboration and coordination with Shindig and Wookie
 * Further modularize Rave to support extending and customizing for end
 * Keep up the pace for the monthly release schedule, working towards a
0.4-incubating release by end September 2011

Issues before graduation:
 * Complete 1.0 release
 * Expand the community/user base



A tool for efficiently transferring bulk data between Apache Hadoop and
structured datastores such as relational databases.

Sqoop was accepted into Apache Incubator on June 11, 2011. Status
information is available at

Progress since last report:
* Development activity became stronger over the last month with twelve
issues resolved and nine new issues created in this period.
* Sqoop PPMC voted in a new committer on the project - Bilung Lee.
* Sqoop is seeing healthy input from the community with respect to filing
JIRA issues and providing patches.

Issues before graduation
* Create Sqoop web site.
* Make an incubating release.
* Grow the community size and diversity.
* Review all license headers (all contains Cloudera).
* Change java package from com.cloudera.sqoop to org.apache.sqoop.



Incubating since: Dec-2010

Description: Wave is a real-time communication and collaboration tool. Wave
in a Box (WIAB) is a server that hosts and federates waves, supports
extensive APIs, and provides a rich web client. This project also includes
an implementation of the Wave Federation protocol, to enable federated
collaboration systems (such as multiple interoperable Wave In a Box

Most important issues are:
* Migrate source code from to SVN.
* Building up community.

The community shows stable levels of activity.

Project development:
- The migration of the source code was delayed due to technical issues of
migrating Mercurial repository from Google Code to Apache SVN without
loosing history. After some discussion we decided to move the code to Apache
infra by 28th September 2011 even if that would require a clean check in
without history.
- About 26 commits with improvements and bug fixes.

Attachment O: Status report for the Apache Jakarta Project

Jakarta status report, October 2011. We have included a TLP resolution
for Apache JMeter for the board's consideration at this board meeting.

* General

This quarter, we reached consensus on the remaining three sub-projects
at Jakarta. BSF was moved to Apache Commons, Cactus was moved to Apache
Attic and we have a TLP resolution for Apache JMeter for the board's
consideration at this meeting. If the board approves the resolution, we
will then begin the steps to move JMeter to a TLP and subsequently, the
steps to shut down Apache Jakarta.

* Community

New committer: Philippe Mouawad (JMeter)

* Releases

 - JMeter 2.5.1 - Oct 3rd 2011
 - JMeter 2.5 - Aug 17th 2011

* Subproject news


Moved to Apache Commons last quarter, move has been completed.


Moved to Apache Commons this quarter, move has been completed.

* Cactus

Moved to Apache Attic this quarter, move has been completed.


Moved to Apache Commons last quarter, move has been completed.

* JMeter

Active user list and Bugzilla component. Many bug fixes and improvements
this quarter. One new committer this quarter. We have voted to propose
JMeter as a TLP this quarter. Released JMeter 2.5.1 on Oct 3rd 2011,
2.5 was released on Aug 17th 2011.

Attachment P: Status report for the Apache JAMES Project
=== Apache JAMES Status Report: Oct 2011 ===

The Apache JAMES Project delivers a rich set of open source modules
and libraries, written in Java, related to internet mail which build
into an advanced enterprise mail server.


There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.


Felix recently started to work on our project hierarchy and maven
setup. He made good progress this quarter and so we are currently
voting the artifacts, which will also allow us
to finish more of the TRADEMARKS / BRANDING stuff.
Beside this we are currently on the way to fix the last standing bugs
for Apache James Mailbox 0.4 and Apache James Imap 0.3. Once this is
done we will release a new version of them and then
go ahead and cut Apache James Server 3.0-beta4.


We voted Ioan as James committer after he successfully completed his
GSOC project (A HBase based mailbox implementation). Looking back GSOC
was a great success for us. Thanks again to Eric and Robert to
mentor Ioan. Even after GSOC we see some "contributors" which are
interested to take up on other "projects" which were labeled for GSOC
before. Currently we have one of them working on a CouchDB based
mailbox implementation
and one who want to start to work on some AI stuff.


We did the following releases during this period:

* Apache James Mime4J 0.7
* Apache James Mime4J 0.7.1
* Apache James Protocols 1.6-beta1


* Project Naming And Descriptions : use proper Apache forms, describe
product, etc -> Done
* Website Navigation Links : navbar links included, link to included -> In progress (*)
* Trademark Attributions : attribution for all ASF marks included in
footers, etc. -> In progress (*)
* Logos and Graphics : include TM, use consistent product logo on your
site -> We lack someone which can do that atm. We will look at it
* Project Metadata : DOAP file checked in and up to date -> Not yet

(*) We are currently voting the new maven-skin for James which will
fix this. This should be done within the next few days..

Attachment Q: Status report for the Apache Mahout Project

Apache Mahout provides implementations of machine learning algorithms 
(collaborative filtering, clustering, classification, and more) for 
large-scale data, mostly via Hadoop-based implementations.


There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.


Activity has been moderate during the past 3 months. There were no
new releases, and the 0.6 release process is not yet begun, though
will likely start within the next 2 months. Judging by Fixed issue
count, 0.6 is about 60% as far along as previous releases.

A 1.0 release is not yet on the horizon.


It appears that Mahout will be bundled with Cloudera soon.

As with other commercial distributions we'll keep an eye out to
make sure it's distributed in accordance with Apache trademark


Mahout in Action has at last been published.

Attachment R: Status report for the Apache Maven Project

Maven Board Report - 10-2011

* General Information

  * Wendy Smoak resigned from PMC and committer roles on July 25, 2011
  * Vincent Massol resigned from PMC on August 19, 2011
  * Reinstated Mark Hobson's committership status from emeritus at his 
    request on October 14, 2011
  * Recently, Jason van Zyl has offered to donate some changes Sonatype 
    has made to Maven in a private set of branches. It appears they have 
    lost interest in the idea of releasing the divergent changes under the
    new name of Tesla, and Jason has asked whether we would be interested 
    in re-integrating the new work to the Maven project.
    It appears that some of the changes are fairly extensive, and that 
    several new features have been implemented. The Maven PMC is discussing
    this situation cautiously, trying to secure a code grant, so that we may
    bring in the changes to a branch and then start work to integrate them
    feature-by-feature, for features that are championed by one or more PMC
    We are still too early in the discussion to determine what the eventual
    outcome is likely to be.

* New PMC Members

* New Committers

* Releases

* Plugins

  * Maven Release Plugin 2.2.1 (2011-08-02)
  * Maven Site Plugin 3.0 (2011-08-02)
  * Maven Checkstyle Plugin 2.7 (2011-08-11)
  * Maven Jar Plugin 2.3.2 (2011-08.21)
  * Maven Deploy Plugin 2.7 (2011-08-26)
  * Maven GPG Plugin 1.4 (2011-08-26)
  * Maven Archetype Plugin 2.1 (2011-09-04)
  * Maven Surefire Plugin 2.10 (2011-09-30)

* Other

  * Maven Reporting Exec 1.0.1 (2011-08-02)
  * Apache Parent 10 (2011-08-10)
  * Maven Parent 21 (2011-08-19)
  * Maven Plugins Parent 22 (2011-08-19)
  * Maven Shared Components Parent 17 (2011-08-19)
  * Maven Archiver 2.4.2 (2011-08-21)
  * Maven Indexer 4.1.2 (2011-09-25)
  * Maven Wagon 2.0 (2011-09-29)

Attachment S: Status report for the Apache MINA Project

Apache MINA is a network application framework which helps users
develop high performance and high scalability network applications


* MINA 2.0.4 was released.
* The SSHD subproject released 0.6.0.


* No committer or PMC changes.
* A MINA meetup is planned at ApacheCon.


* The increased development around MINA 3.0 from last quarter has
continued. Lots of code and discussions.
* The SSHD, FtpServer and Vysper subprojects has had a period of low activity


No board level issues at this time.

Attachment T: Status report for the Apache MyFaces Project

= Summary =
 * Community
 * New releases

= Community =
 * New Committers:
   * Matt Benson
   * Michael Kurz
 * New PMC Members:
   * Martin Kocí
 * No new Contributors

= Releases =
 * MyFaces (sub) projects with new releases since the last report:
   * MyFaces Core 2.0.8
   * MyFaces Core 2.0.9
   * MyFaces Core 2.1.2
   * MyFaces Core 2.1.3
   * MyFaces Extensions CDI (CODI) 1.0.0
   * MyFaces Extensions CDI (CODI) 1.0.1
   * MyFaces JsDoc Plugin 1.0.0 Beta1
   * MyFaces Test 1.0.4
   * MyFaces Tobago 1.0.37
   * MyFaces Tobago 1.5.0-beta-1
   * MyFaces Tomahawk 1.1.11

= Milestones =

= Discussions =
 * The future of our Wikis (ongoing)
 * The future of our Component Libs (ongoing)
 * Trademarks (ongoing)
 * Handling of inactive committers: some committers will be contacted

= New Projects/Versions =

 * 2 GSoC projects finished successfully

= Project Branding =
 * Started (ongoing)

Attachment U: Status report for the Apache Nutch Project


Apache Nutch is an open source web-search software project. Stemming from Apache
Lucene, it now builds on Apache Solr adding web-specifics, such as a crawler, a
link-graph database and parsing support handled by Apache Tika for HTML and an
array of other document formats.


There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.


Due to the lack of progress of Nutch 2.0, it has been decided to move it from
trunk to a separate branch (nutchgora) and move the stable version 1.4 back into

Work has started towards a release of 1.4, which should happen before the end of
this month and quite a few issues on JIRA have already been earmarked for v 1.5

The website has been modified to reflect the recommendations of the foundation
and our wiki pages have been greatly updated (mostly thanks to our new committer
Lewis J. Mc Gibbney).


There is increased traffic on the user and dev mailing lists, with more
non-committers providing help and advice but also contributing suggestions and

A few members of the community have expressed their concern about 2.0
(nutchgora) not being the main focus of the development but the majority of
users/committers seems happy to leverage the stable 1.x branch.

Attachment V: Status report for the Apache ODE Project

== Status ==
This was a quiet development period. The user community looks healthy,
we get a lot of questions and answers, mainly in the user's area.
Besides of that there is nothing new to report. We are still in the
situation that the development speed has decreased and the project lacks
dev resources.

== Release ==
No release to report in this quarter.

== Development ==
No significant progress to report.

== Community ==
Waruna Ranasinghe is a new ODE committer.

== Project Branding Board Report Checklist ==
    Project Website Basics : homepage is ✔
    Project Naming And Descriptions : use proper Apache forms, describe
product, etc. ✔
    Website Navigation Links : navbar links included, link to included ✘
    Trademark Attributions : attribution for all ASF marks included in
footers, etc. ✘
    Logos and Graphics : include TM, use consistent product logo on your
site ✘
    Project Metadata : DOAP file checked in and up to date ✔

Attachment W: Status report for the Apache OFBiz Project

Apache OFBiz (The Apache Open For Business Project) is an open source
enterprise automation software project. By enterprise automation we mean:
ERP, CRM, E-Business / E-Commerce, MRP, SCM, CMMS/EAM, and so on.

We have no issues that require Board assistance at this time.

*Project Branding Checklist*
Project Website Basics: complete
Project Naming And Descriptions: complete
Website Navigation Links: complete
Trademark Attributions: complete
Logos and Graphics: in progress - include TM, use consistent product logo on
 your site; we have a logo with a small feather (different from the Apache
 feather) and without TM
Project Metadata: complete
The main pages (index, download) should be now compliant with the project
branding guidelines; however there are several Confluence based pages (linked
from the home page) that still need to be reviewed.

- no new releases but we are currently discussing a short term plan to release
  two bug fix releases (for 09.04 and 10.04 series) and the first release for
  the 11.04 series

*Community and Project*
- Community interaction remains strong, user and dev mailing lists traffic
 is high
- Significant new development continues, for highlights see:

- no issues

Attachment X: Status report for the Apache OpenEJB Project

Apache OpenEJB is an enterprise application containers and object
distribution services project based on, the Enterprise JavaBeans
Specification and Java Enterprise Edition Web Profile.

It was a very eventful quarter with the completion of certification work,
release, and JavaOne announcement of TomEE, the former "OpenEJB/Tomcat"
integration code which has been a major part of OpenEJB for years.

Code released October 4th, 2011:
 - OpenEJB 4.0.0-beta-1 
 - TomEE 1.0.0-beta-1
 - TomEE Plus 1.0.0-beta-1


Steady progress on TCK work was made all through August and September with
the hopes of maybe making it in time for a JavaOne certification
announcement.  First 100% pass completed on the 22nd.  Last major bits
revolved around @DataSourceDefinition support, CDI integration, global JNDI
support and the standard two dozen "picky" things some of which involved
patching jars.

Release and Announcement

Release preparation started shortly after as did work on an announcement.
Primary release work involved splitting the TomEE distro into two parts and
cleaning up legal files.  For certification purposes, any uncertified parts
beyond the web profile had to be split into a separate download that could be
clearly marked as not certified.  Legal work was also quite involved as it
had been a year since the trunk code had been released.  Typically, releases
have taken 2-3 weeks due to discovering issues with LICENSE and NOTICE files
of the zips and tar.gz.  To aid in the legal screening and speed up release
time in a healthy way, a tool was created to make it easier to inspect the
zip contents and all NOTICE and LICENSE files in all jars inside said zip.
The tool is being moved into the RAT project and will be called "Tentacles."

The release announcement was drafted up by Sally with the help of myself and
others.  The plan was to announce the Thursday of JavaOne, but that date was
moved up 2 days when Oracle placed TomEE on the certification page Monday
night.  By Tuesday morning word had already broken on twitter, some of which
had people posting links to snapshots, so the announcement was moved up to
Tuesday thanks to some agility on Sally's part and the release binaries were

TomEE was featured prominently at JavaOne in a session on Thursday that week.
The session was standing room only and went quite well.  I participated in
two interviews about TomEE [2][3].  Aside from one of them naming me "project
lead", they represent the ASF values nicely.  The interviewer's usage of
"project lead" usage was an oversight on my part, one which will not slip by
uncorrected so easily again.

Future public events

TomEE will be presented by members of the community in the near future.
Jacek Laskowski at Warsjawa 2011, Jonathan Gallimore at JAXLondon in
November, and myself at ApacheCon also in November.  The community has been
sharing all slides from all presentations given this year via the project svn
which has been quite nice in helping others reuse the materials for the
benefit of the project.

Current Activities

Immediately post release, work has been focused on completing the Arquillian
adapter for TomEE, improving the Embeddable functionality, and refactoring
the code to make it clearer what we consider "OpenEJB" and what is "TomEE."
The two have been one indistinguishable codebase as the roots of TomEE is
simply "the OpenEJB/Tomcat integration" code renamed and certified.  Renaming
that code TomEE has been a boon in helping people understand what it does in
a way they can also communicate to others, but it is a bit of a mess as TomEE
is looking like it could easily become the dominant identity.  The two,
"OpenEJB" and "TomEE", will likely remain as part of the same build and
codeline for the foreseeable future, but work as started on giving TomEE more
of its own identity in code terms.

Much work remains to be done on TomEE Plus, the flavor of TomEE where the
uncertified JMS, JAX-RS, JAX-WS and Java EE Connector functionality lives.
There is desire to certify this as well, though, that will likely be months


Attachment Y: Status report for the Apache OpenJPA Project

There are no items requiring board attention at this time.

* Highlights
  Apache OpenJPA provides POJO persistence for stand-alone JSE, JEE
  container and many other lightweight frameworks, such as Tomcat,
  Spring or OSGi.

* Community

   Mailing lists continue to be very active.

  The developer community had maintained steady rate of defect resolution
  and support for previous releases.

* Governance

   We continue to monitor contributors for possible committers and
   PMC members.

* Releases

  OpenJPA 2.1.1 was released in July 27, 2011.

Attachment Z: Status report for the Apache PDFBox Project

The Apache PDFBox library is an open source Java tool for working with PDF

General Comments

There are no issues that require Board attention.


New committers and PMC members: Guillaume Bailleul and Eric Leleu

There is a steady stream of contributions and bug reports from the


No release this quarter.


Guillaume Bailleul, Eric Leleu, Germain Costenobel and their
employer ATOS Worldline donated the codebase of PaDaF a java-based
PDF/A validator to the ASF. As it passed the IP-Clearance process, it is 
now part of PDFBox.

The development on the next release is still in progress. We are currently
working on

- a new conforming parser
- improved font handling
- improved rendering

Project Branding Requirements

- Project Website Basics
- Project Metadata
- Project Naming And Descriptions
- Other Trademark Guidelines
- Trademark Attributions
- Website Navigation Links
- Logos And Graphics
- Powered By... Logos

Nothing left to do.

Attachment AA: Status report for the Apache Shindig Project

Apache Shindig is an Opensocial Reference implementation in wide use by
both social networks and enterprise software.  Shindig graduated from the
Incubator in January 2010.

The Shindig PMC has no issues that require board attention.


New PMC members have been very active and involved with the OpenSocial 2.0
standardization effort where Apache Shindig serves as the reference

Ryan Baxter was voted in as a new committer.

Four new committers are in the voting pipeline.

Apache Code Review system has been working very well for the Community.


* None this quarter.  3.0.0-beta3 release planned for week of 
  October 24, 2011.
* Final 3.0.0 release is blocked on implementing more standards.


Mostly complete, but final publication of the new Apache Shindig site is blocked
on some problems with site layout/css.

Completed this quarter but not yet deployed:
- Project Naming and Descriptions
- Trademark Attributions
- Website Navigation Links

Remaining work:
- Logo and Graphics (need to add TM to graphics)

Attachment AB: Status report for the Apache Struts Project

Apache Struts is an action-based Java web application framework.

In September, the Struts team released Struts as GA, which is a security
fix release for Struts 2.2.3 regular release. The security issue fixed by this
release, rated with a maximum security rating of "Important", was unfortunately
again reported undisclosed via JIRA. Given that, the development team this
time did a very good job to both fix the issue and prepare the security fix
release ASAP. We updated the "Reporting Security Issues" section of the Struts
website to emphasize how important disclosure is for security reports.

We have received two more security reports via our security mailing list. JPCERT
notified us about a possible remote command execution vulnerability validated
against an old version of Struts 2, namely 2.0.14. We believe that the issue is
already addressed and fixed in newer releases, which we asked JPCERT to
crosscheck. Communication on their side seems to take its time, though. The
second issue about a possible XSS attack was reported by a company named SecPod.
After investigating we came to the conviction that this is not an issue at all,
since it refers to obviously missing user input sanitizing in a small Struts 2
showcase application section intended to demonstrate a particular Struts 2
feature not related to that topic. Our final report to SecPod is currently
crafted and will be sent soon.

The development community has been quite active to prepare the next regular
release of Struts 2, adding various bug fixes and improvements such as plugin
support for Contexts And Dependency Injection (CDI), which has been voted on to
be moved out of the sandbox and to be included in the project trunk. Meanwhile a
prolific discussion is happening about a possible Struts 3 release, supposed to
include major refactorings and overhauls. There has been a noticeable increase
of community issue reports and contributions of generally high quality, also
indicating quite a few new business adopters.

In the last quarter we added Philip Luppens (phil) to the PMC and voted Maurizio
Cucchiara (mcucchiara) and John Lindal (jafl) to be invited to the PMC (board
ack period still ongoing, invitation pending). No committers were added in this

We have no issues that require Board assistance at this time.

--- Trademarks and Project Branding (ongoing) ---
Trademark Attributions: ongoing
(all other trademark topics were marked as fixed already in last report)

Attachment AC: Status report for the Apache Tapestry Project

Tapestry is a Java component web framework.

This has been busy quarter; we've voted in a new committer, Taha Hafeez.  In
addition, we've generated a long series of Tapestry 5.3 beta previews on the
Apache Nexus. These have, in turn, spurred great feedback from the community,
and allowed a number of critical performance and threading bugs to be
identified and fixed.

We are on target to make a release candidate available shortly, with the goal
of voting up a final Tapestry 5.3 release soon after. Tapestry's last major
release was 5.2.5 (December 2010), with a bug fix release, 5.2.6, in June

Attachment AD: Status report for the Apache Tcl Project

Everything is slowly but surely chugging away in Tcl land.  Massimo
has prepared a new release of Rivet, and Ronnie promptly answers all
questions pertaining to Websh that come up.

Attachment AE: Status report for the Apache Thrift Project

The community has seen nice growth. We have a few new committers and
have elected a new PMC member, Jake Farrell.

We released Thrift 0.7. There are no immediate plans for Thrift 0.8.

Attachment AF: Status report for the Apache Tika Project

What is Tika?  
Apache Tika is a dynamic
toolkit for content detection, analysis, and extraction. It allows
a user to understand, and leverage information from, a growing a
list over 1200 different file types including most of the major
types in existence (MS Office, Adobe, Text, Images, Video, Code,
and science data) as recognized by IANA and other standards bodies.

We rolled the Tika 0.10 release
on 9/30/2011 [1]. We opted for a 0.10 instead of 1.0 to try and
time the 1.0 release with ApacheCon. We've got a few weeks left and
are going to try and make it!

We added Michael McCandless to the Tika PMC on August 29th, 2011.

The Tika PMC agreed to sponsor the Any23 (Anything to Triples)
Incubator project [3]. Any23 is a semantic understanding toolkit,
whose goal is to extraction information from, to detect, and to
reason over most of the current semantic document formats including
RDF, OWL, etc. Any23 leveraged Tika in its existing framework at
Googlecode, and we see the projects hopefully having a lot of synergy
going forward. Any23 was accepted into the Incubator on October 1,
2011 [4].

Mailing list activity on dev@ is growing (197, 356, and 186 in
August, September and October 2011, respectively), while the user
activity grew a little bit in August and September (70 and 66
messages), but has been relatively quiet in October (3 messages).

Chris Mattmann will give a talk at ApacheCon NA 2011 on "Apache
Tika: One Point Oh!" [5] commemorating the upcoming 1.0 Tika release.

Chris and Jukka and Sally have
drafted a press release about Tika's use at NASA, as well as its
use at Day Software and other companies. The goal is to have this
coincide with the 1.0 release and ApacheCon NA 2011.

Tika In Action 
Chris Mattmann and Jukka
Zitting are writing a Manning book called "Tika in Action" [6] and
the book is in its final copyediting stages and it should be in
print in time for ApacheCon NA 2011.


Attachment AG: Status report for the Apache Traffic Server Project

Apache Traffic Server is an HTTP proxy server and cache, similar to Squid
and Varnish in functionality and features.


There are no issues that needs the boards attention.


Lian Zhang ("mohan_zl") and William Bardwell have joined the community as
committers and PMC members. Both are great additions, welcome! Activity on
mailing lists is healthy, and subscriptions continue to grow:

    users@   - 210 subscribers (up 13%)
    dev@     - 158 subscribers (up 11%)

Three presentations are scheduled for November and December: Two for
ApacheCon 2011 (Vancouver), and one for Usenix LISA (Boston)


Two releases have been made since the last status report:

    3.0.1 - Our first stable update to the 3.0 release
    3.1.0 - Our first development release

We're moving steadily towards both a 3.0.2 release, and a v3.2 release
later this year, or possibly early next year. The goal is to try to keep
up with frequent releases (monthly) as well as major releases on a
rough 6 month schedule.

Attachment AH: Status report for the Apache Web Services Project

The Web Services project develops several shared components that are
generally useful in implementing XML/SOAP based Web Services.


Slow and steady.  Our community report last month pretty much sums up
the fact that while there are few people active, mailing list traffic
is consistent and releases are happening.  No major progress this
month in terms of streamlining, but forward progress is happening.

Code releases:

* WSS4J 1.5.12 (August 16th)
* WSS4J 1.6.3 (October 3rd)
* XmlSchema 2.0.1 (September 26th)

PMC Membership:

No changes.

Cleanup, branding requirements:

No progress to report, and we remain "almost done" for the moment.

Board-level issues:

No issues to report.

Subproject Descriptions

* Apache Woden

Woden is an open source Java implementation of the W3C WSDL 2.0

* JaxMe2

JaxMe 2 is an open source implementation of JAXB, the specification
for Java/XML binding.

* Apache Axiom

Apache Axiom is a StAX-based, XML Infoset compliant object model which
supports on-demand building of the object tree.

* Apache XmlSchema

Apache XmlSchema is a Java object model for manipulating and utilizing
XML Schema.

* Apache Neethi

Apache Neethi is a Java implementation of the WS-Policy specifications.

* Apache WS-Commons

Apache WS-Commons is a collection of projects that are primarily used
as parts of various WS projects but useful even outside the WS space.
WS-Commons houses various smaller projects such as tcpmon.

* Apache XML-RPC

Apache XML-RPC is a Java implementation of XML-RPC, a popular protocol
that uses XML over HTTP to implement remote procedure calls.

* Apache WSS4J

Apache WSS4J is a Java implementation of the OASIS Web Services
Security (WS-Security) from OASIS Web Services Security TC.

Attachment AI: Status report for the Apache Whirr Project

Whirr is a library for running services in the cloud. Whirr graduated
from the incubator in August and this is the second board report as a

 We continue to get a good level of contributions and user activity.

 Adrian Cole and Chad Metcalfe gave talks about Whirr at PuppetConf last month.

 Tom White will give a talk about Whirr at ApacheCon next month.

 Work has continued for the 0.7.0 release, which we hope to release in
the next few weeks.

Branding checklist:
 Project Website Basics - done
 Website Navigation Links - done
 Trademark Attributions - not done
 Logos and Graphics - not done
 Project Metadata - not done
 Read PMC Branding Responsibilities - not done

Issues for board consideration

End of minutes for the October 26, 2011 board meeting.
