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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

                            April 18, 2012

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 10:00am (Pacific) and began at
    10:02 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was
    recognized by the chairman. The meeting was held via
    teleconference, hosted by Doug Cutting and Cloudera.

    IRC #asfboard on was used for backup purposes.

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Shane Curcuru
        Doug Cutting
        Bertrand Delacretaz
        Roy T. Fielding
        Jim Jagielski
        Daniel Kulp (left at 10:50)
        Brett Porter
        Sam Ruby
        Greg Stein

    Directors Absent:


    Executive Officers Present:

        Craig L Russell

    Executive Officers Absent:

        Noirin Plunkett


        Hadrian Zbarcea

3. Minutes from previous meetings

    Published minutes can be found at:

    A. The meeting of March 21, 2012

       See: board_minutes_2012_03_21.txt

       Approved by General Consent.

4. Executive Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Doug]

       I spoke about the ASF at an Open Source Think Tank meeting.
       Several groups there are using the Apache license but have
       created their own foundations, usually some form of
       pay-to-play.  I argued that one of keys to Apache's success is
       a meritocratic, level playing field, and that a pay-to-play
       consortium works against this.

       Folks from Citrix contacted me about bringing their CloudStack
       project to the ASF.  I outlined the incubation process to them.
       They also had some questions around publicity and sponsorship
       so I introduced them to the responsible ASF officers.  The
       Incubator has since accepted their proposal for incubation.

       I announced the May 22 members meeting to the membership and
       sent out the calls for board and member nominations.

    B. President [Jim]

       I spoke regarding open source licenses and communities at POSSCON
       last month, down in SC. The slides are available under my account.

       The proposed 2012-2013 budget has been rec'd, scrubbed and now
       proposed for approval. Thanks goes to all those who made this

       As mentioned last month, I was re-appointed for another 2 year
       term as director of OSI; I still foresee no conflicts. I also
       accepted a role as Advisor to the MARSEC-XL Foundation council,
       arising from my keynote at IOOS 2011 last year.

       The foundation continues to run smoothly, and I am pleased by the
       number and quality of the projects eager to join our happy home,
       as well as the number and quality of projects which make it, and
       become TLPs.

       Our annual members meeting is scheduled for Tuesday May 22, 2012,
       and I will be helping Doug with the backend voter-tool work.

    C. Treasurer [Sam]

       All approved bills are paid with the exception of one wire to Nick
       Burch.  Conveniently, this serves as an illustration of the exact
       type of support I would like to request.

       But first, I will back up.  When I started this role, my first focus
       was on documenting the processes as best I understood them.  I got
       little or no feedback to that effort.  Then I focused on execution -
       paying outstanding bills and sending out 1099's.  My plan was then to
       turn to record keeping.

       The problem with this approach is that I don't want to be a cargo cult
       Treasurer - doing things merely because that appears to be the way that
       things were done in the past.  Nor do I want to be both the architect
       of checks and balances as well as the person who executes on

       While I do have people in mind for the following roles, and have reason
       to believe that they are willing to do the tasks I'm about to describe,
       this time I will merely state the requirements for what I have in mind,
       and we can discuss how to proceed from there.

       For the short term, I want two people to help me.  In the mid term I
       will want a third.

       Short term person number one would be an assistant treasurer.  That
       person needs to have the availability and context to be able to check
       with SVN and be able to independently make the determination that Sam
       initiating a wire to Nick Burch based on a request approved by Ross
       Gardler is a reasonable thing to approve.  That's the scope of what
       that task will entail for the moment.  Jim will be the fallback should
       that person not be available, but we need somebody dedicated to this

       Short term I also want somebody to define the process which --
       depending on your perspective -- will reduce the need for an audit or
       improve the chances than an audit will not identify any problems.  That
       person needs to have access to our current books and have the authority
       to pay for professional accounting assistance to complete this task.
       Yes, I could be the interface to that accountant, but for now I would
       prefer to have one level of indirection.  Together they come up with
       the definition of how we track what we are doing, and myself and the
       Assistant Treasurer will follow those procedures.

       Mid term I anticipate that I could do with some clerical help in terms
       of entering transactions into the books.  But that necessarily will
       have to wait until after the procedures are defined.

       Discussion: Sam would like to have a short list of candidates
       for assistant treasurer, solicited privately. An audit
       committee would be useful, only active a short time per
       quarter. Continue the discussion on the board mailing list.

    D. Secretary [Craig]

       March was a relatively light month for secretary. 37 ICLAs and one
       grant were received and filed. Six accounts were requested at the time
       of filing the ICLAs.

    E. Executive Vice President [Noirin]

       No report was submitted.

    F. Vice Chairman [Greg]
       Over the past month, we've had a sudden flurry of new
       sponsors. Twitter at the Bronze level, GoDaddy at the Silver
       level, and Citrix at the Platinum level. I have spent time on
       the phone with Citrix, and worked with on-boarding each of
       these sponsors. I am working with their accounting departments
       and will shortly get them listed on our Thanks page. We expect
       to have some additional tweets/blogs talking about these new
       sponsors, in addition to the work done around Citrix' publicity
       about two weeks ago.
       As part of the above work, I've also formally signed, and
       committed to svn, a W-9 that we can provide to sponsors.

       Discussion: We need to be careful to make clear that the
       donation of code by Citrix and their sponsorship are
       unrelated. The incubator may yet reject the proposed code
       donation and proposed incubation of the code.

    Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

5. Additional Officer Reports

    A. VP of Brand Management [Shane Curcuru]

       See Attachment 1

    B. VP of Fundraising [Serge Knystautas / Dan]

       No report was submitted.

       Discussion: Greg's Vice Chairman report is effectively a
       Fundraising report. Changing the Fundraising VP will be voted
       as item 7B.

    C. VP of Marketing and Publicity [Sally Khudairi / Bertrand]

       See Attachment 3

    D. VP of W3C Relations [Sam Ruby]

       See Attachment 4

    E. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby]

       See Attachment 5

    F. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Jim]

       See Attachment 6

    G. Apache Conference Planning Project [Nick Burch / Shane]

       See Attachment 7

    H. Apache Infrastructure Team [Sam Ruby]

       See Attachment 8

    I. Apache Travel Assistance Committee [Gavin McDonald / Doug]

       See Attachment 9

    Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

6. Committee Reports

    A. Apache Accumulo Project [Billie Rinaldi / Greg]

       See Attachment A

    B. Apache ACE Project [Marcel Offermans / Brett]

       See Attachment B

    C. Apache ActiveMQ Project [Hiram Chirino / Sam]

       See Attachment C

    D. Apache Aries Project [Jeremy Hughes / Roy]

       See Attachment D

    E. Apache Attic Project [Gianugo Rabellino / Sam]

       No report was submitted.

    F. Apache Avro Project [Scott Carey / Roy]

       See Attachment F

    G. Apache BVal Project [Matt Benson / Shane]

       See Attachment G

    H. Apache C++ Standard Library Project [Martin Sebor / Greg]

       No report was submitted.

       Martin seems to be unwilling to perform the duties of PMC
       chair. While the PMC is reforming, the chair needs to be
       responsive to the board.

    I. Apache Continuum Project [Emmanuel Venisse / Dan]

       No report was submitted.

       AI: Dan to pursue a report for Continuum

    J. Apache CXF Project [J. Daniel Kulp / Bertrand]

       See Attachment J

    K. Apache DB Project [Kristian Waagan / Doug]

       See Attachment K

    L. Apache Deltacloud Project [David Lutterkort / Jim]

       See Attachment L

    M. Apache Directory Project [Pierre-Arnaud Marcelot / Brett]

       See Attachment M

    N. Apache Empire-db Project [Francis De Brabandere / Bertrand]

       See Attachment N

    O. Apache ESME Project [Richard Hirsch / Sam]

       See Attachment O

    P. Apache Geronimo Project [Kevan Miller / Dan]

       See Attachment P

    Q. Apache Gora Project [Lewis John McGibbney / Doug]

       See Attachment Q

    R. Apache Hadoop Project [Arun Murthy / Roy]

       See Attachment R

    S. Apache HBase Project [Michael Stack / Greg]

       See Attachment S

    T. Apache Incubator Project [Jukka Zitting / Jim]

       See Attachment T

    U. Apache James Project [Norman Maurer / Shane]

       No report was submitted.

    V. Apache JMeter Project [Sebastian Bazley / Brett]

       See Attachment V

    W. Apache Lucy Project [Peter Karman / Roy]

       See Attachment W

    X. Apache Mahout Project [Jeff Eastman / Greg]

       See Attachment X

    Y. Apache Maven Project [John Casey / Shane]

       See Attachment Y

       Discussion: The Sonatype Memorandum of Understanding is being
       finalized in the PMC, with a legal review to follow.

    Z. Apache MINA Project [Niklas Gustavsson / Bertrand]

       See Attachment Z

    AA. Apache MyFaces Project [Gerhard Petracek / Doug]

       See Attachment AA

       Discussion: The board does not recognize emeritus members of
       PMC's. A PMC might want to track ex-members but the board
       needs to have an up-to-date list of voting members. AI Doug:
       follow up with PMC to remove inactive folks from the PMC

    AB. Apache Nutch Project [Julien Nioche / Jim]

       See Attachment AB

    AC. Apache ODE Project [Tammo van Lessen / Brett]

       See Attachment AC

    AD. Apache OpenEJB Project [David Blevins / Sam]

       See Attachment AD

    AE. Apache OpenJPA Project [Pinaki Poddar / Dan]

       See Attachment AE

    AF. Apache OpenNLP Project [Joern Kottmann / Shane]

       See Attachment AF

    AG. Apache PDFBox Project [Andreas Lehmkühler / Sam]

       See Attachment AG

    AH. Apache Rave Project [Matt Franklin / Greg]

       See Attachment AH

    AI. Apache Shindig Project [Paul Lindner / Doug]

       See Attachment AI

    AJ. Apache SpamAssassin Project [Daryl C. W. O'Shea / Brett]

       See Attachment AJ

    AK. Apache Sqoop Project [Arvind Prabhakar / Dan]

       See Attachment AK

    AL. Apache Struts Project [Rene Gielen / Roy]

       See Attachment AL

    AM. Apache Tapestry Project [Howard M. Lewis Ship / Jim]

       See Attachment AM

    AN. Apache Tcl Project [David N. Welton / Bertrand]

       See Attachment AN

    AO. Apache Thrift Project [Bryan Duxbury / Brett]

       See Attachment AO

    AP. Apache Tika Project [Chris A. Mattmann / Bertrand]

       See Attachment AP

    AQ. Apache Traffic Server Project [Leif Hedstrom / Jim]

       See Attachment AQ

    AR. intentionally left blank

    AS. Apache Web Services Project [Glen Daniels / Roy]

       No report was submitted.

       No report was submitted. Glen will report next month.

    AT. Apache XML Project [Gianugo Rabellino / Sam]

       No report was submitted.

       A resolution to move XML to the Attic will be voted this

    AU. Apache XMLBeans Project [Cezar Andrei / Greg]

       No report was submitted.

       AI: Greg to pursue a report for XMLBeans

    AV. Apache Pivot Project [Sandro Martini / Shane]

       See Attachment AV

    Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

7. Special Orders

    A. Change the Apache Jackrabbit Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Jukka Zitting
       to the office of Vice President, Apache Jackrabbit, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
       of Jukka Zitting from the office of Vice President,
       Apache Jackrabbit, and

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Jackrabbit
       project has chosen by vote to recommend Michael Dürig as the
       successor to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Jukka Zitting is relieved and
       discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
       of Vice President, Apache Jackrabbit, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Michael Dürig be and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Jackrabbit, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
       until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7A, Change the Apache Jackrabbit Project Chair,
       was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    B. Appoint a new Vice President, Fundraising

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Serge
       Knystautas to the office of Vice President, Fundraising, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
       of Serge Knystautas from the office of Vice President,
       Fundraising, and

       WHEREAS, Upayavira has submitted an application for this position
       with positive feedback from the Fundraising Committee, and

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Serge Knystautas is relieved
       and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
       of Vice President, Fundraising, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Upayavira be and hereby is appointed
       to the office of Vice President, Fundraising, to serve in
       accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of
       Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
       resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a
       successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7B, Appoint a new Vice President, Fundraising,
       was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    C. Establish the Apache Jena Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
       Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
       open-source software, for distribution at no charge to the
       public, related to accessing, storing, querying,
       publishing and reasoning with semantic web data while
       adhering to relevant W3C and community standards.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Jena Project",
       be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
       Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Jena Project be and hereby is
       responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
       related to accessing, storing, querying,
       publishing and reasoning with semantic web data while
       adhering to relevant W3C and community standards;
       and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Jena" be
       and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
       serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
       of the Apache Jena Project, and to have primary responsibility
       for management of the projects within the scope of
       responsibility of the Apache Jena Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
       Apache Jena Project:

         * Andy Seaborne      <>
         * Benson Margulies   <>
         * Chris Dollin       <>
         * Damian Steer       <>
         * Dave Reynolds      <>
         * Ian Dickinson      <>
         * Paolo Castagna     <>
         * Rob Vesse          <>
         * Stephen Allen      <>

       be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Jena, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification,
       or until a successor is appointed; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Jena PMC be and hereby is
       tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
       encourage open development and increased participation in the
       Apache Jena Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Jena Project be and hereby
       is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
       Incubator Jena podling; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
       Incubator Jena podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
       Project are hereafter discharged. 

       Special Order 7C, Establish the Apache Jena Project, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    D. Establish the Apache Creadur Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
       Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
       open-source software, for distribution at no charge to the
       public, related to the comprehension and auditing of software

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Creadur Project",
       be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
       Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Creadur Project be and hereby is
       responsible for the creation and maintenance of open-source
       software related to the comprehension and auditing of software
       distributions; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Creadur" be
       and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
       serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
       of the Apache Creadur Project, and to have primary responsibility
       for management of the projects within the scope of
       responsibility of the Apache Creadur Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
       Apache Creadur Project:

       * Stefan Bodewig <>
       * Brian E Fox <>
       * David Crossley <>
       * David Blevins <>
       * Dennis Lundberg <>
       * Gavin McDonald <>
       * Jochen Wiedmann <>
       * Niall Pemberton <>
       * Robert Burrell Donkin <>
       * Ross Duncan Gardler <>
       * Sebastian Bazley <>

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Robert Burrell
       Donkin be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache
       Creadur, to serve in accordance with and subject to the
       direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the
       Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
       disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be
       it further

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Creadur PMC be and hereby is
       tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
       encourage open development and increased participation in the
       Apache Creadur Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Creadur Project be and hereby
       is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
       Incubator RAT podling; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
       Incubator RAT podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
       Project are hereafter discharged. 

       Special Order 7D, Establish the Apache Creadur Project, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    E. Terminate the XML Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it no longer in the best
       interest of the Foundation to continue the Apache XML project
       due to inactivity

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Apache XML
       project is hereby terminated; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Attic PMC be and hereby is tasked with
       oversight over the software currently maintained by the Apache
       XML Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache XML" is
       hereby terminated; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache XML PMC is hereby terminated.

       Special Order 7E, Terminate the XML Project, was approved by
       Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    F. Change the Apache SpamAssassin Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Daryl C. W. O'Shea
       to the office of Vice President, Apache SpamAssassin, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
       of Daryl C. W. O'Shea from the office of Vice President,
       Apache SpamAssassin, and

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache SpamAssassin
       project has chosen by vote to recommend Kevin A. McGrail as the
       successor to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Daryl C. W. O'Shea is relieved and
       discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
       of Vice President, Apache SpamAssassin, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Kevin A. McGrail be and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache SpamAssassin, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
       until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7F, Change the Apache SpamAssassin Project
       Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors

    G. Change the Apache Tuscany Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Anthony Elder
       to the office of Vice President, Apache Tuscany, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
       of Anthony Elder from the office of Vice President, Apache Tuscany,

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Tuscany
       project has chosen by vote to recommend Luciano Resende as the successor
       to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Anthony Elder is relieved and
       discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
       of Vice President, Apache Tuscany, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Luciano Resende be and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Tuscany, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
       until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7G, Change the Apache Tuscany Project Chair, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    H. Approve the 2012-2013FY Budget

       Call for Board approval of proposed 2012-2013 FY budget for
       the ASF.

        See Attachment AW.

       Special Order 7H, Approve the 2012-2013FY Budget, was tabled.
       Discussion: The budget for infrastructure needs additional

    I. Change the Apache C++ Standard Library Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Martin Sebor
       to the office of Vice President, Apache C++ Standard Library, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is of the opinion that a new chair
       is required;
       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Martin Sebor is relieved and
       discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
       of Vice President, Apache C++ Standard Library, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Jim Jagielski be and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache C++ Standard Library,
       to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
       until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7I, Change the Apache C++ Standard Library
       Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors

8. Discussion Items
        a) Audit activities and plans?
    This was discussed during the review of the treasurer's report.
        b) Expectations regarding source code releases
           (see question in Incubator report).
    AI Roy: update the guidance for releases and communicate to all committers.

9. Review Outstanding Action Items

    * Bertrand: ask the Thrift PMC to update the web site "now".
            Status: Done, IMO looks good now.

    * Brett: follow up with Continuum PMC about missing report.

    * Daniel: draft an ASF policy for projects which need to re-bundle
      other Apache projects.

    * Greg: pursue a report for SpamAssassin.

    * Jim: prepare a resolution to create a VP of OSI.
            Status: Awaiting agreement from OSI

    * Jim: ask Felix for details on new committers and PMC members.
            Status: Forgot. Will do.

    * Shane: prepare a resolution to move XML to the Attic.

    * Shane: ask Mahout PMC to update agenda.

10. Unfinished Business

11. New Business

12. Announcements

13. Adjournment

    Adjourned at 11:55 a.m. (Pacific)


Attachment 1: Report from the VP of Brand Management

Operations And Community

Created spreadsheet of project branding status so that volunteers 
can work on reviewing Apache projects branding.

Submitted budget request for trademark registrations and transfers.

External Requests

I submitted a talk that was accepted at OSCON on "Managing Community 
Open Source Brands".  Answered a small number of third party 
requests about branding use, including two for use on merchandise.

Received a complaint about documentation issues on the Apache 
Jackrabbit and Apache Sling websites from an end user; Jukka 
responded with pointers.

Trademark Registrations
Awaiting final notice of Hadoop trademark registration from USPTO.
Working with DLAPiper to get various existing trademark registration 
dockets organized in their tracking system.

Attachment 2: Report from the VP of Fundraising

Attachment 3: Report from the VP of Marketing and Publicity

I. Budget: all projected expenses are accounted for. No payments
are due at this time. Sally Khudairi submitted the budget proposal
for the upcoming Fiscal Year to Jim Jagielski for Board review.

II. Fundraising/Branding/Marketing liaison: no meetings are planned.
Sally worked with Greg Stein and Doug Cutting to bring Citrix on
board as Platinum Sponsors, including assistance with press release
and ASF-side promotion.

III. Press Releases: the following formal announcements were issued
during this timeframe via the newswire and ASF Foundation Blog --

- The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache Rave as a Top-Level
Project - The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache Sqoop as
a Top-Level Project

IV. Informal Announcements: the following items were announced on
@TheASF Twitter feed --

- 06 Apr: The #Apache #HTTP Server powers more than 423M Websites
globally --23M more since last month-- according to @Netcraft Web
server survey!

- 03 Apr: The #Apache Software Foundation Welcomes Citrix as its Newest Sponsor #TheApacheWay
- 02 Apr: The Apache Software Foundation Announces #Apache #Sqoop as a Top-Level Project #BigData #Hadoop #TheApacheWAy
- 27 Mar: The Apache Software Foundation Announces #Apache #Rave as a
Top-Level Project #Social #Mashup #Platform
- 22 Mar: Announcing #Apache #BarCamp #Washington DC --sign up today! #TheApacheWay #OpenSource
- 21 Mar: Once again The #Apache Software Foundation is participating
in #Google Summer of Code. Join us!
#TheApacheWay #GSoC

V. Future Announcements: Foundation quarterly
milestone statement as well as CouchDB announcement are being
planned. Those PMCs wishing to announce major project news please
contact Sally Khudairi at for more information.
Kindly provide at least 2-week's notice for proper planning and

VI. Media Relations: aside from pre-announcement briefings, much
work has been @@reactive interface and coordinating interviews on
various projects. The ASF received 568 press clips over this time
period, vs. last month's clip count of 648.

VII. Analyst Relations: we have been featured in 6 analyst write
ups during this time period; 2 from RedMonk, 1 from Gartner, 1 from
Forrester, and 2 from The451.

VIII. ApacheCon liaison: no formal activity during this time period.

IX. (Non-ASF) Industry Events and Outreach liaison: the dialogue
with O'Reilly has begun to pick up again in relation to our
participation at OSCON.

X. Newswire accounts: we have disseminated 8 press releases over
PRNewswire and 12 press releases over NASDAQ GlobeNewswire since
the beginning of the current Fiscal Year.

Attachment 4: Report from the VP of W3C Relations

Henry Story has joined the Philosophy of the Web Community Group
Larry Rosen has left the Web Applications Working Group
Jeremias Märki has joined the Print and Page Layout Community Group

Attachment 5: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee

Once again, we have had a more normal level of activity, with the majority of
discussions being anchored by a handful (more precisely: six) JIRA tickets.

One notable discussion: we confirmed that if PMCs determine that a codebase
has a single author and there is an ICLA in place for that work that they can
allow it to be committed.

Attachment 6: Status report for the Apache Security Team Project

For March 2012: There continues to be a steady stream of reports of
various kinds arriving at security@.  These continue to be dealt with
by the security team.

2      Security vulnerability question, but not a vulnerability report
7      Vulnerability reports, of which:
       1  [tomcat, via]
       1  [ds, via]
       2  [hadoop, via]
       1  [httpd, via]
       1  [aoo, via]

Reminder: vulnerability handling process explained at

Attachment 7: Status report for the Apache Conference Planning Project

Late, short report, apologies from Nick for this.

Small Events
There have been discussions about the 2nd BarCamp Apache in Spain, targeted
for late September. There was some debate about the idea of charging a small
ticket fee, which was largely resolved as being OK if the local conditions
meant it was needed. We hope that the experiences from this event can better
inform future organisers on the pluses and minuses of a small fee.
Otherwise, we all look forward to a good BarCamp!

Some committers in the Netherlands have decided to start organising small
local evening events on a ~monthly basis, in a somewhat similar way to the
existing Berlin get-togethers. We wish them luck, and encourage other areas
with a high density of committers to think about it too.

The OSCON schedule has been announced, with Apache talks included. We intend
to reach out to projects soon (especially those projects with talks, but not
only) about hackathons and talks on the Monday and Tuesday before, when we
have space. We'll also ask about helping on the booth, and possible Apache
crash space.
Planning for the DC BarCamp in about a month is proceeding well.

We've setup a TOOD list, for non-immediate admin/organising tasks at
<>. We've been less good
about completing them though...

For ApacheCon NA, a series of questions and concerns were put to the single
RFP bidder, based on discussions and feedback from the RFP proposal. We've
had the answers back from these, discussed them a bit more, and we think
we're close to being ready to hold a vote. If that passes, we'll still need
to work out a contract, for which we may well reach out to some likely
suspects for advice. Thanks to the information from Sam, we now know how to
get the legal checks we need for it too.

Attachment 8: Status report for the Apache Infrastructure Team

Coordinated the installation of aurora ( in SARA
with Bart van der Schans.  We are now out of free space
in that datacenter.

Our new backup server abi is in service at Traci.
We've arranged for Sam to have access to the joes-local
safe deposit box in an emergency.

Worked out an informal deal with SourceForge to assist
with the delivery of OpenOffice releases.  Whether or
not this continues to be used beyond the first release
is up to the AOO PPMC.

Henk Penning is putting the final touches of providing
optional Apache-mirror support for OpenOffice releases.

Bought an array from Silicon Mechanics for about $12K.
The host to attach it to will be purchased through
Intervision in the very near future.

Updated the AOO bugzilla logins to reflect the fact that
we host the domain but no longer allow mail
for it.

Considering alternatives to directly importing Flex's jira
data into the main jira instance due to repeated failed attempts.
Atlassian refuses to assist us until we can demonstrate the
identical problem on a supported platform.

Submitted our budget for review and approval.

Harmonia's ( disk subsystem finally stopped performing
well enough to continue using it as our European svn slave.
Specced a replacement host with Uli Stark's help.

Fleshed out a deal with Freie Universitat Berlin for colocation
services, targetting new harmonia as the first host to deploy there.

Set a soft limit of a combined 1GB worth of release artifacts
dropped onto the mirror system- anything exceeding that figure needs
to coordinate with infrastructure in advance.

Attachment 9: Status report for the Apache Travel Assistance Committee


List is still quiet with not much going on currently. 

No change to the committee membership.

TAC is not involved with any events currently.

Other Events

No news about any other events happening at this time. 
(Other than the list of possible events coming up later in the year)

Attachment A: Status report for the Apache Accumulo Project

The Apache Accumulo sorted, distributed key/value store is a robust,
scalable, high performance data storage system that features cell-based
access control and customizable server-side processing.  It is based on
Google's BigTable design and is built on top of Apache Hadoop,
Zookeeper, and Thrift.

Version 1.4.0 was released on 3 April 2012.

The transition to TLP has been fairly smooth.  Mailing lists, subversion
repository, website, project pages, and DOAP file have all been updated.
The mailing lists have been active with hundreds of messages per month
on the dev and commits lists.  The user list is still below 200 messages
per month, but appears to be increasing.  There are approximately 100
subscribers each for the dev and user lists.  Most emails receive
responses promptly.  We anticipate making a 1.3.6 release soon to
supersede 1.3.5-incubating.  Major features to be implemented in 1.5
have yet to be decided, but there are currently 87 open tickets with Fix
Version 1.5.0.

Jason Trost became a new committer on 20 March 2012.

"TM" has been added to the Accumulo logo and to the first text reference
to Apache Accumulo on each web page.  "Apache Accumulo, Accumulo,
Apache, the Apache feather logo, and the Apache Accumulo project logo
are trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation" has been added to the
footer of each web page.

INFRA-4571 pointed out a violation of policy on the Accumulo website.  A
committer had put a thrift jar on the Accumulo site because the jar was
no longer available through any maven repository.  The jar was removed
promptly.  Instructions have been added for building the necessary jar
from the corresponding thrift tag.

Attachment B: Status report for the Apache ACE Project

Apache ACE is a software distribution framework that allows you to
centrally manage and distribute modular software components,
configuration data and other artifacts to OSGi based and related target

This board report is the fourth one since ACE graduated as a TLP, and
from now on we're switching to a report every three months.

* December 11th, 2011: ACE 0.8.1-incubator

 * Lots of activity in the form of patches, new features, etc.
 * We are now working towards the first TLP release.

Changes in committers/PMC members:
 * We welcomed two new committers: Jan Willem Janssen and
   Bram de Kruijff.

Committer/PMC diversity:
 * No concerns, we have 10 committers that work for 7 different
   unique organizations.

Branding/naming issues:
 * No issues.

Legal issues:
 * We should still make sure we conform to the trademark policy
   with our new site CMS based site.

Attachment C: Status report for the Apache ActiveMQ Project

Apache ActiveMQ is a popular and powerful open source messaging
server. Apache ActiveMQ is fast, supports many Cross Language Clients
and Protocols, comes with easy to use Enterprise Integration Patterns
and many advanced features while fully supporting JMS 1.1 and J2EE 1.4.

 * The development and user lists continue to stay active.
 * No changes in the committer or PMC membership rosters

 * The ActiveMQ 5.6 should be getting released shortly
 * Apollo 1.0 finally came out of beta and is now having regular releases

Trademark / Branding Status:

 * The and TLD's are owned by other entities
 * Need to investigate if we should be using (R) instead of (TM) for the ActiveMQ 
 * Sub-projects need to be reviewed to make sure they are also compliant
 * Documentation and readme files will also be reviewed for compliance


 * Apache Apollo 1.1
 * Apache Apollo 1.0
 * Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ 1.5.3

Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Aries Project

Apache Aries delivers a set of pluggable Java components enabling an
enterprise OSGi application programming model.


After the significant number of releases last quarter there were no new
releases this quarter. Work is going on in a branch in preparation for a
1.0 release. Bundles and packages will be brought up from 0.x to 1.0 to
better reflect the stability and level of confidence we have in them. This
will also bring our versioning policy inline with that described in the
OSGi Alliance semantic versioning white paper.

Project Branding Board Report Checklist 

Little progress:

* Project Website Basics : homepage is (done)
* Project Naming And Descriptions : use proper Apache forms, describe
  product, etc. (pending)
* Website Navigation Links : navbar links included, link to
  included (pending - feather link done)
* Trademark Attributions : attribution for all ASF marks included in footers,
  etc. (pending)
* Logos and Graphics : include TM, use consistent product logo on your site
* Project Metadata : DOAP file checked-in and up to date (done)

Community update

No new committers since the last report. The user/dev lists and JIRAs
continue to be moderately active.

There are no board level issues.

Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Attic Project

Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Avro Project

Apache Avro is a cross-language data serialization system.

== Issues ==

There are no issues that require the board's attention at this time.

== Community ==

We voted in two new PMC members, Douglas Creager and James Baldassari. 
Douglas has accepted, we are awaiting a response from James.

The mailing lists have been active, user@ had its busiest month ever
(barely) in February, dev@ activity was above average.

== Releases ==
Two minor releases:

Avro 1.6.2 was released on February 15th, 2012.
Avro 1.6.3 was released on March 19th, 2012.

Attachment G: Status report for the Apache BVal Project

The Apache BVal project implements the Java EE Bean Validation 1.0 (JSR-303)
specification and related extensions, and became a top-level project of the
foundation on February 15, 2012.

### Releases ###
BVal version 0.3-incubating was released April 28, 2011.  The PMC is
currently voting to release BVal 0.4 RC1, which will be integrated
into OpenEJB's imminent TomEE release.

### Activity ###
Recent activity has focused on the 0.4 release, with an eye to the
project's long-term goals (e.g. minimizing dependencies).  Our next
goals are to continue improving the codebase so that we can make, as
soon as possible, a 1.0 release with the best possible interface with
which to provide reliability to our user base.  Discussions in this
regard have already begun.

Traffic on the user mailing list remains low/nonexistent.  As always, we
consider that to be merely in the nature of providing an implementation of a
wider-known specification:  the reference implementation gets the user traffic.

We continue to follow the progress of the Bean Validation specification; its
1.1.0 version is being developed under Red Hat's (open) leadership as JSR-349.
Certain of the features of specification version 1.1.0 duplicate custom
functionality already implemented in BVal; these must of course be merged.
Apache BVal will implement Bean Validation v1.1.0 as soon as is practical.

### Community  ###
The composition of the team has not changed since graduation, at which time
all committers became members of the inaugural PMC.  The PMC is quite diverse
and we are satisfied that no entity has undue influence in our decision-making

### Branding ###
The task of creating a new project logo remains open, though some positive
discussion has taken place and seems to be heading in the direction of
satisfying interested parties.

### Legal ###
No concerns at present.

### Infrastructure ###
We have some outstanding features we'd like to implement on our project
website (specifically a news or blog feed), and may seek advice and/or support
from infrastructure to accomplish this.

Attachment H: Status report for the Apache C++ Standard Library Project

Attachment I: Status report for the Apache Continuum Project

Attachment J: Status report for the Apache CXF Project

Apache CXF is an open source services framework. CXF helps you build and
develop services using front-end programming APIs, like JAX-WS and 
JAX-RS. These services can speak a variety of protocols such as SOAP, 
XML/HTTP, RESTful HTTP, or CORBA and work over a variety of transports 
such as HTTP, JMS or JBI.

2.3.9 released
2.4.6 released
2.5.2 released

cxf-xjc-utils 2.6.0 released - utility plugins for JAXB XJC

DOSGi 1.3.0 was released.  1.3.1 currently being released to address some 
compatibility issues with the DOSGi specification.

2.6.0 is in final preparations.   May be released by the time the board 
meets.  (along with 2.3.10, 2.4.7, and 2.5.3 patch release)

Committer added:
No new committers, but discussions started on 2 individuals.   Will likely 
have votes started soon if discussions go well.

Dennis Sosnoski added to the PMC

Infrastructure update:
The CXF WebSite was completely moved over to using svnpubsub for publishing.  
Working with Joe Schaefer, we came up with an external exporter that 
buildbot can run that allows our content to remain in Confluence, but meets 
the svnpubsub requirement for publishing.   This process has been "live" for 
over 2 months now and the committers are definitely happy with it.   It's 
working quite well.  

Community updates:
The community has really come together to get 2.6.0 out the door.   There 
has been a significant amount of testing with the 2.6.0 snapshots to make 
sure everything works well.  Every example in the distributions has been 
hand tested to make sure it works and that the README is accurate.   Many 
"outside of Apache" test cases, examples,  and tutorials have been tested.  
The result is that the 2.6.0 migration guide is very complete and we're also 
quite confident in the quality of the release. 

There are also discussions around "Fediz", a potential CXF subproject around 
federated security  that currently is being worked on in the CXF sandbox.  
Interested people have created a potential roadmap and are working on some 
additional ideas for it.

DOSGi subproject did a release to update to the newer versions of CXF proper 
and also add a bunch of enhancements that users asked for.   However, 
shortly after the release, we discovered a couple issues with it with the 
DOSGi TCK (thanks to RedHat for running the tests) which as prompted a patch 
release to fix those issues.   

A research paper was published by Aspect Security and Sonatype at:
(PDF file)  that, unfortunately, did not put CXF (and several other Apache 
projects) into a great light, specifically highlighting 2 security 
vulnerabilities CXF had last year.   On the positive side, we hope that will 
encourage folks to upgrade to the newer versions of CXF.   :-)

15 committers committed changes during the period.    A total of 1345 
commits were done, with 537 of them on the main trunk.  (the rest were back 
porting fixes to branches as well as some work in the sandbox, DOSGi, and 
cxf-xjc subprojects).   From a diversity standpoint, a very large portion of 
the commits (over ~80%) were done by six employees of one company (not 
unexpected), but 9 others did contribute in significant ways.

Attachment K: Status report for the Apache DB Project

The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects:
 o DdlUtils : a small, easy-to-use component for working with
              Database Definition (DDL) files.
 o Derby    : an open source relational database implemented entirely in Java
 o JDO      : focused on building the JDO API and the TCK for
              compatibility testing of JDO implementations.
 o Torque   : an object-relational mapper for Java.

== Status ==
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

Activities over the last quarter, which has been a quiet one for the PMC:
 1) Apache DB is still not fully compliant with the branding
    requirements. No progress this quarter (same as last quarter).
 2) Discussed an issue regarding distribution of a file without
    redistribution rights in Derby. Changes are being implemented.
 3) Discussed an incoming new project proposal (proposed once before)
    and answered the inquiry.
 4) Three PMC members have flagged their interest to be mentors in 
    Google Summer of Code.

== Community ==
No PMC changes since August 2011.
No new committers since August 2010.
Traffic on the user lists is pretty low. User questions are being answered.

== Releases ==
No releases this quarter.
Derby is working on the 10.9 feature release.
JDO is working on the 3.1 maintenance release.
Torque is working on the 4.0 feature release

Attachment L: Status report for the Apache Deltacloud Project

Deltacloud defines a web service API for interacting with cloud service
providers and resources in those clouds in a unified manner. In
addition, it consists of a number of implementations of this API for the
most popular clouds. 

Their are no issues for board consideration

No new committers


Released Deltacloud 0.5.0 on 2012-02-02

Work on DMTF CIMI front-end continues to progress. Updates/improvements to
various drivers (OpenStack, OpenNebula) Lots of bug fixes and smaller

Attachment M: Status report for the Apache Directory Project

The Apache Directory Project provides directory solutions entirely written in
Java. These include a directory server, which has been certified as LDAP v3
compliant by the Open Group (ApacheDS), Eclipse-based directory tools (Apache
Directory Studio) and a client API that can be used to communicate with any
directory server (Apache LDAP API).

-- Community --
* No new committers.
* No new PMC members.

-- Development --
* Apache Directory LDAP API:
 * Three releases during this quarter.
 * Mainly bug fixes and feature stabilization.
 * The use of the API inside Apache Directory Studio 2.0 has greatly helped
   discovering new bugs and stabilize the features.

* ApacheDS:
 * Three releases during this quarter.
 * These releases contains small bug fixes and were meant for inclusion 
   inside Apache Directory Studio.
 * In the meantime, major works are still underway on these topics:
   * a transaction mechanism on top of our backend implementations
   * a review of the indices system
 * An important vulnerability has been discovered very recently in the ApacheDS
   1.5.x branch which allows authentication with the direct use of the hashed 
   password as credentials. Considering that the ApacheDS 1.5.x branch is 
   almost dead, we are in the process of documenting it on the website and 
   moving our users towards the 2.0 milestone versions (which are not affected 
   by the issue).

* Apache Directory Studio:
 * Three releases during this quarter.
 * A first milestone version, followed by 2 other ones, has finally been 
   released for Apache Directory Studio 2.0. 1 year and 9 months after the 
   latest released version (1.5.3) back in April 2010.
 * These releases have been very well received and users provided us important
   bug reports that helped us stabilize it.
 * Following an incubator email, we've discovered that Apache Directory
   Studio's usage of some external binary libraries (contained in the source 
   release) was not appropriate and we are working to get this fixed during 
   the next quarter for our next releases. 
* Website:
 * An update of the ApacheDS website is required ASAP to let our users know 
   about the authentication vulnerability and make it clear that they should
   use 2.0 milestone versions instead.
 * We also need to start thinking about the migration of our entire website to
   use svnpubsub instead of Confluence.

-- Releases --
* Three releases for Apache Directory LDAP API:
 * 1.0.0-M9 (January 18th 2012)
 * 1.0.0-M10 (February 7th 2012)
 * 1.0.0-M11 (February 29th 2012)
* Three releases for ApacheDS:
 * 2.0.0-M4 (January 18th 2012)
 * 2.0.0-M5 (February 7th 2012)
 * 2.0.0-M6 (February 29th 2012)
* Three releases for Apache Directory Studio:
 * 2.0.0-M1 [2.0.0.v20120111] (January 18th 2012)
 * 2.0.0-M2 [2.0.0.v20120127] (February 7th 2012)
 * 2.0.0-M3 [2.0.0.v20120224] (February 29th 2012)

Attachment N: Status report for the Apache Empire-db Project

Apache Empire-db is a relational database abstraction layer that
allows developers to take a more SQL-centric approach in application
development than traditional ORM frameworks. Its focus is to allow
highly efficient database operations in combination with a maximum of
compile-time-safety and DBMS independence.

Progress of the project

Apache Empire-db became a TLP in January 2012. The migration from the
incubator has been completed. We just shipped our first Apache Empire-db
top-level release and since this is our third monthly report we can now
switch to a quarterly reporting schedule.

Changes in committers or PMC members

Benson Margulies was added as PMC member. Benson has been with us
for a long time as mentor in the Incubator and we somehow forgot to add
him to our graduation resolution.


There are no issues that require the board's attention at this time.


Apache-Empire-db 2.3.0 was released on 02 Apr 2012, this is our first
top-level release.

Attachment O: Status report for the Apache ESME Project

Apache ESME's mission: Enterprise Social Messaging Environment (ESME) is a
secure and highly scalable microsharing and micromessaging platform that
allows people to discover and meet one another and get controlled access
to other sources of information, all in a business process context.

2011-08-29 1.3


We are continuing work on our 1.4 release.  We hope to focus on Akka
and Apache Camel integration.

The level of development activity has decreased dramatically the last
3 months. We just had a few commits dealing with older issues. We are 
trying to refresh the community with new developers but this is 
proving more difficult than expected. 

* No new committers
* No new PMC members.

No Board level issues at this time


* Project Naming And Descriptions : use proper Apache forms, describe
product, etc -> Done
* Website Navigation Links : navbar links included, link to included -> Done
* Trademark Attributions : attribution for all ASF marks included in
footers, etc. -> Done
* Logos and Graphics : include TM, use consistent product logo on your
site -> In progress
* Project Metadata : DOAP file checked-in and up to date -> Done

Attachment P: Status report for the Apache Geronimo Project

Apache Geronimo is an open source server runtime that integrates
the best open source projects to create Java EE / OSGi server 
runtimes that meet the needs of enterprise developers and system

The community remains active on the dev and users mailing lists. 
There have been recent discussions regarding release schedules 
for older geronimo releases 2.1.x and 2.2.x.


The community released the following during the last 3
months: Geronimo Tomcat, Geronimo JSP specs, Geronimo samples &
daytrader, and Geronimo Eclipse Plugin.

The community has begun discussions for Geronimo 3.0 server 
and XBean releases.


Xiao Yi (John) was voted in as a new committer on the project.


The Geronimo Tomcat release was needed to pick up the Tomcat
security fix in Tomcat 7.0.23.

Attachment Q: Status report for the Apache Gora Project

Apache Gora

The Apache Gora open source framework provides an in-memory data model and
persistence for big data. Gora supports persisting to column stores, key
value stores, document stores and RDBMSs, and analyzing the data with
extensive Apache Hadoop MapReduce support.

Project Releases

The last official project release was made on 24/09/2011 which was the
0.1.1-incubating release (2nd whilst in the Incubator). Since last
reporting there have been few commits but the ones we've seen
have been fairly significant. The community is currently in discussion
regarding a 0.2 release candidate and it is hoped that we will see a 
Gora 0.2 release by mid/end April.

Overall Project Activity since last report

Activity shadows last months average, with nothing exceptional taking place.
A blocker issue with our usage of a particular sql library has been dealt with,
additionally Keith Turner was able to commit his gora-accumulo module, as the 
distribution of Accumulo was released and available for us to use. Ferdy 
committed a nice piece of work which now provides users with the ability to 
properly support multiple data store implementations in parallel. We've also
seen keen interest for our proposed GSoC project which is to add a gora-Amazon
DynamoDB module to the project and look forward to picking up traction with 
this in the near future. Finally our Hadoop core and test dependencies have
been upgraded to Hadoop 1.0.1 which also paves the way for the Avro upgrade
post 0.2 release.

How has the community developed since the last report?

We recently received (rather encouragingly) that someone struggled to
join the user@ list. This was because this list did not exist, it has
however now been created. We've had some questions coming into the
project regarding the hbase module, and whether or not we were going
to support certain features within Gora, however unfortunately none of
these issues lead to any commits from outside the existing community.

Changes to PMC & Committers


PMC and Committer diversity

We currently have committers from a wide variety of projects including,
Nutch, Tika, OODT, Camel, Solr, Accumulo & Hadoop (this is not an exhaustive
list). There is work to be done with the Avro implementations, so once we
are 100% ready to work on these issues, we will be looking to interest
members of the Avro community in Gora. It would also be nice to attract 
members of the Hector and Cassandra community so we will work towards this

Project Branding or Naming issues


Legal issues


Attachment R: Status report for the Apache Hadoop Project

Apache Hadoop is a set of related tools and frameworks for creating and 
managing distributed applications running on clusters of commodity computers.

On the people side, we have had new people join our ranks:
* We've added new committers - Thomas Graves, Robert Evans, Hitesh Shah & Uma M
* We've added new PMC members: Aaron Myers, Matt Foley

On the project side, we have made 3 releases:
- hadoop-1.0.1 was released on 22nd Feb, 2012
- hadoop-0.23.1 was released on 28th Feb, 2012
- hadoop-1.0.2 was released on 4th April, 2012

- Work on further Hadoop 0.23.2 release is nearly done, and is
  scheduled for a release in the next few days.

- Developer community is working well together. 


Common is the shared libraries for HDFS and MapReduce.

* 46 committers
* 1520 subscribers on common-dev
* 2952 subscribers on common-user
* 1503 subscribers on general

New committers:
* 4 new committers (Thomas Graves, Robert Evans, Hitesh Shah & Uma M) have been 
  added to this project.


HDFS is a distributed file system that supports reliable replicated storage 
across the cluster using a single name space.

New committers:
* 1 new committer (Uma M) has been added to this project.

* 42 committers
* 607 subscribers on hdfs-dev
* 1092 subscribers on hdfs-user


MapReduce is a distributed computation framework for easily writing
applications that process large volumes of data.

New committers:
* 3 new committers (Thomas Graves, Robert Evans & Hitesh Shah) have been 
  added to this project.

* 45 committers
* 637  subscribers to mapreduce-dev
* 1250 subscribers to mapreduce-user

Attachment S: Status report for the Apache HBase Project

HBase is a distributed column-oriented database built on top of Hadoop
Common and Hadoop HDFS




0.90.6, a point release with 38 fixes over 0.90.5.

0.92.0 was released January 23rd.

0.92.1 was released March 17th with 64 fixes over 0.92.0.

The first release candidate for 0.94.0, our next major release, was
put up on March 27th.


We added one new committer (and PMC member):

Mikhail Bautin (Facebook)  --


We had a meetup on March 27, 2012 in San Francisco [1].

Beforehand, a majority of PMC members met to discuss face to face
hbase project issues.  The agenda and minutes were posted on our
blog and to the mailing list [2].

We are preparing for the first hbase conference, hbasecon, in
San Francisco on May 22nd [3].

17 committers [4]
703 subscribers to the dev list (Was 674 at last report)
1632 subscribers to the user list (Was 1521 at last report)


Attachment T: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project

The biggest Incubator news since our last report is the CloudStack project
seeking to enter the ASF. This and other topics as summarized below have
kept us busy lately. At times the related discussions have gotten a bit
heated, but for the most part the Incubator is functioning acceptably.

The overall trend currently is for more podlings to graduate than are coming
in as newly proposed projects. Given the backlog of stuck projects and the
recent focus on pushing then forward this trend can be expected to continue
at least for the next few months.

o Community

  Chris Hostetter, Leo Simons, Michael McCandless, Ted Leung and William Rowe
  resigned from the Incubator PMC since our last report.

  The following podlings are requesting graduation to Apache TLPs:

  - Apache Creadur
  - Apache Jena

  The Incubator PMC recommends the board to accept the respective resolutions.

  We received a proposal to accept the CloudStack project as a new podling.
  The proposal has received quite a bit of excitement and many volunteer
  mentors. On the other hand there were some concerns about the publicity
  around the proposal (current Incubator policy prohibits publicity-seeking
  in the proposal phase). Another issue of note is the handling of patents
  that was raised as a potential issue for the proposed podling. The vote
  to accept CloudStack for incubation is currently in progress.

o Legal / Trademarks

  The Flex podling continues working on a custom trademark licensing deal
  with Adobe. See the Flex report for mode details.

  A point was raised about including the project branding checklist in
  podling graduation criteria. This seems like a useful change, though the
  details are still to be worked out.

o Releases

  The following incubating releases were made since our last report:

  - March 12th, 2012: Apache Tashi 201203-incubating
  - March 20th, 2012: Apache Rave 0.9-incubating
  - March 23rd, 2012: Apache Jena Fuseki 0.2.1-incubating
  - March 27th, 2012: Apache Flume 1.1.0-incubating
  - April 2nd, 2012: Apache Bigtop 0.3.0-incubating

  Apache OpenOffice used Apache mirrors to distribute binary security
  patches for fixing the CVE-2012-0037 issue in 3.3 and
  3.4 beta. Even though the /dist/incubator area was used, this wasn't
  considered an official Apache release and the distribution was not
  formally blessed by the Incubator PMC. See the OpenOffice report
  about the extraordinary circumstances surrounding the patch.

  A notable discussion came up in relation to a release candidate by
  the ManifoldCF podling. Based on more or less standard practice in
  many Ant-based Java projects in and outside the ASF and related
  mentor guidance the podling was including libraries from upstream
  projects as binary dependencies inside the source release package.
  It was pointed out that an Apache release must contain nothing
  that isn't included in source form, and rough consensus from the
  resulting discussion agreed with this view. The ManifoldCF release
  candidate was withdrawn and is being revised for this, but the
  broader issue of many Apache projects shipping binary dependencies
  inside their source releases still remains. Board guidance on
  how projects should deal with this regarding both current and past
  releases would be appreciated.

  Followup discussion and related feedback from podlings suggests
  that our existing release documentation is not up to the task of
  providing clear and consistent guidance to support our projects.
  More work in this area is clearly needed.

o Infrastructure

  The Flex project continues to have trouble with their migration to
  Apache infrastructure as explained in more detail in their report.
  A suggestion was made that, if possible, they could/should use
  external infrastructure to avoid blocking development until the
  migration issues have been resolved. This is in line with other
  podlings that have migrated their infrastructure to Apache gradually
  in smaller steps.

  More generally with complex podlings like OpenOffice, Flex and the
  proposed CloudStack project stressing infra resources and the steady
  flow of various Incubator-related infrastructure issues (especially
  around podlings entering and existing the Incubator) we feel that
  the Incubator is putting quite a bit of load on the infrastructure
  team. It would be great if the foundation could help through increased
  funding or other help to infrastructure.

  One proposal that was discussed for helping the life of both podlings
  and infrastructure was about allowing new podlings to set up their
  infrastructure directly at the expected final TLP locations. The details
  of that proposal are still open.

  Due to spamming the Incubator wiki was configured to require explicit
  authorization of new contributors.

-------------------- Summary of podling reports --------------------

We reviewed all podlings reporting in this quarter and categorized them
according to their progress through the Incubator and the most pressing
issues that are currently blocking progress.

Still getting started at the Incubator (2 podlings)

  DeviceMap, Syncope

  These projects are still getting started, so no immediate progress
  towards graduation is yet expected.

Not yet ready to graduate (17 podlings)

  IP clearance: -
  No release: Any23, Cordova, DirectMemory, Flex, JSPWiki, Mesos, OpenOffice
  Low activity: AWF, Celix, EasyAnt, Kitty, VXQuery
  Low diversity: Chukwa, Kafka, ODF Toolkit, Oozie, Tashi

  We expect the next quarterly report of projects in this category to
  include a summary of their actions and progress in solving these issues. 

Ready to graduate (1 podlings)


  We expect these projects to graduate within the next quarter.

-------------------- Detailed Reports --------------------

Anything To Triples (any23) is a library, a web service and a command line
tool that extracts structured data in RDF format from a variety of Web
documents. Currently it supports the following input formats:

  - RDF/XML, Turtle, Notation 3
  - RDFa with RDFa1.1 prefix mechanism
  - Microformats: Adr, Geo, hCalendar, hCard, hListing, hResume, hReview,
    License, XFN and Species
  - HTML5 Microdata: (such as
  - CSV: Comma Separated Values with separator auto-detection.

Any23 was voted into the Incubator by the IPMC on October 1, 2011.

The community has seen steady levels of traffic with the dev list receiving
281 hits in March; an increase from the previous month.

One very interesting thread related to the project, which
recently used Apache Any23 to extract embedded structured data from web
pages. The project scales to cover several billion web pages, so we are
very confident that the Any23 community is growing interest, this news
reflects that view.

We were recently contacted by the W3C's Semantic Web Activity Lead
(Ivan Herman), and have been invited to provide an EARL report of Any23's
test results with regards to the RDFa test suite, so that we could include
it into We have been given until the end of
April to submit.

We are very close to VOTE'ing on the 0.7.0-incubating release (1st during
incubation), and Simone Tripodi has stepped up as release manager. We are
currently discussing when to push for the RC.

Chris Mattmann is investigating the use of Any23 as one potential component
in implementing GeoSPARQL, along with Jena, Tika and Apache SIS.

Signed off by mentor: mattmann


AWF is a non-blocking, asynchronous, event driven high performance web
framework running on the JVM. The project entered incubation on 2011-07-08.

The project has been renamed from DEFT to AWF, all the mailing-lists, web
site, JIRA etc have been migrated.

We have had few activity this quarter:

  - Still working on getting our first release out
  - Some bugs have been fixed

How has the community developed since the last report?

  - On one hand Roger does not have any more time to work on the project
  - But on the other hand there is a new potential committer. His
    recommendation is being under discussion 

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?

  - Not at this time.

How has the project developed since the last report?

  - Still working on getting our first release out

NOTE: It was questioned if this project was viable as the activity remains
low, but the team thinks that it's a temporary situation due to individuals
being swamped into day job and change in family situation, so the decision
to pursue the effort has been agreed on.

Signed off by mentors: mnour, elecharny


Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using
HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The project entered incubation as Apache Callback
in October, 2011, before changing its name to Cordova.

  - continued code migration to Cordova namespace
  - documentation updated for migration inc getting started guides
  - cordovajs migration for: ios, android, blackberry complete; 
  - cordovajs migration remains for: wp7, bada, webos and qt
  - Shaz crushed crazy iOS local storage bug; his solution getting a tonne
    of attention in iOS community
  - Tim Kim voted as committer
  - Intel contribution of initial Tizen src identified

Graduation concerns:

 - official Apache release remains to be verified

Signed off by mentor: jukka


Celix is an implementation of the OSGi Specification in C.

Celix entered incubation on November 2, 2010.

The last month we received or first large code donation, the code still has
to be added to the project. This code is an implementation of the OSGi Device
Access specification for Celix and has been made by Thales Netherlands.
Together with this donation a new committer (Pepijn Noltes) is accepted.
Pepijn has developed and will maintain the Device Access code.

We have also been working on a graduation plan which is included below.

Most important issues are:

  - Improve robustness (APR, error handling etc), resulting in a first release
  - Update/Implement remote services for interoperability with Java OSGi
    (Apache Felix)
  - Generate awareness and grow a community!

Graduation Plan

  Celix is in incubation since November 2010. During the first one and a half
  year talks where given at several conferences (EclipseCon, ApacheCon, OSGi
  User Group meetings, etc). Even though there seems to be an interest in
  the project, two important questions keep coming up:

  - What is the state of the project?
  - Why no support for C++?

  Trying to answer/solve these two questions might make it able to attract
  more community members. So this plan will focus mostly on these two items.

State of the project

  - Releases

    Celix entered incubation in its early stage. There was only a proof of
    concept, but no complete implementation. This is an important reason for
    people to hold back and not yet use/improve Celix, on the other hand,
    being hesitant also keeps Celix from growing towards a more stable/robust
    solution. To be able to use Celix the implementation has to reach, at
    least, a more stable state. Over the past year lots of effort has been
    put into this. Within the next half year a release has to be made of the
    core component of Celix. Hopefully this will attract more users/testers
    (and potentially committers). Since a formal release takes quite some
    effort, it might also make sense to provide snapshots (with documentation)
    to be able to reach more people.

  - Committers

    During the last months there has been an interest from Thales Netherlands
    to use Celix in its middleware. In a research project they are working on
    an implementation of the Device Access specification. This implementation
    is donated to Celix, and the main developer has expressed the intention
    to maintain the code base. Via this path a new committer has been added
    to Celix [1][2]. But to be able to have a diverse community more
    committers are needed. Having a release makes it easier for people to use
    and improve Celix. This is one step towards more committers.


  - Technical state

    One of the important aspects of Celix is interoperability with Java OSGi
    through remote services. Currently Celix has basic support for Celix to
    Celix remote services, following the Remote Service Admin specification
    of OSGi. This implementation has to be improved and extended to comply
    better to the specification. Also a Java OSGi implementation has to be
    made which can interact with the Celix implementation. Some existing
    open source solutions are available, but are either to large for our
    intended target platforms or rely on to many other libraries (for
    example XML handling etc). To be able to have an implementation which
    fits the environment ((de)serialization and protocol) it makes sense to
    implement a simple solution ourselves. Having functional remote services
    makes it easier to use Celix in a mixed Java/C environment. This solution
    can also be positioned as an alternative to JNI with the benefit that the
    Java and C components are separate processes. If either one crashes the
    other part is kept running, resulting in a more robust solution.
C++ Support

  - Technical Scope

    Currently Celix is limited to C only. This was a deliberate choice since
    Celix tries to target  embedded/constrained platforms. But during talks
    people also seem to be interested in C++ support. Extending the technical
    scope of the project might attract more users and committers. Over the
    next half year we will work out a plan how C++ support can be added
    without impacting the current supported platforms. A start with the
    discussions has been made on the mailing list, see [2] for more information.


  - Cooperate with existing C++ OSGi like implementations

    In [3] a list of similar projects is mentioned. Reaching out to these
    projects and trying to find a common ground on requirements/API etc
    could benefit Celix (and those projects as well).  To see if there is
    a common ground we need to contact those projects and plan a meeting.

Signed off by mentor:


Chukwa is an open source data collection system for monitoring large
distributed systems. Chukwa is built on top of the Hadoop Distributed
File System (HDFS), HBase and Map/Reduce framework and inherits Hadoop’s
scalability and robustness. Chukwa also includes a flexible and powerful
toolkit for displaying, monitoring and analyzing results to make the best
use of the collected data.

  - Chukwa 0.5.0 has been released
  - New committer Ahmed Fathalla has been voted in and granted proper karma
  - Mentor William A. Rowe Jr resigned
  - Alan D. Cabrera volunteer to become new mentor
  - For Chukwa 0.5.0 release, the majority of code has been contributed
    from single individual.
  - There are questions raised by mentors that there should be more
    diversity of the contribution from the community.
  - There are increased activities on user mailing list in the past
    month, but momentum and traction is still a concern.
  - More to the point, we had a discussion whether or not to continue
    Incubation for Chukwa. The consensus was that it's worthwhile to wait
    for the project to get traction a little longer.

Signed off by mentor: berndf, cdouglas


Apache DeviceMap is a data repository containing device information, images
and other relevant information for all sorts of mobile devices, e.g.
smartphones and tablets.

Entered incubation on January 3rd, 2012.

There are no issues that require the Incubator PMC's or the board's attention.

The project is still slowly ramping up. We have started to flesh out our
website, created some initial prototypes for data collection of mobile
device data and setup a VM at to experiment
with those prototypes.

Signed off by mentor: bdelacretaz, kevan


(incubating since October 2011)

Apache DirectMemory is a multi layered cache implementation featuring
off-heap memory management (a-la BigMemory) to enable efficient handling
of a large number of java objects without affecting JVM garbage collection

There is only one important issue to address in the move towards graduation
- understanding process/decision making guidelines (new committer process
is undergoing testing, release process still yet to be worked out)

Any issues that the Incubator PMC or ASF Board might wish/need to be aware of

  - None

How has the community developed since the last report

  - Tasks and proposals contributed by non-committers
  - The team has up-voted a new committer

How has the project developed since the last report.

  - An important contribution (the integration with EHCache, the most used
    caching system) could spread adoption and community attention
  - A talk of DirectMemory should be presented at DevoXX France (thanks to
    Olivier Lamy)

Signed off by mentor: twilliams


EasyAnt is a build system based on Apache Ant and Apache Ivy. Incubating
since 2011-01-31.

Towards graduation, we need to:

  - Create a release
  - Build a community

Since the last report:

  In the last report we described that the activity of the podling was quite
  low. Some discussion with developers and mentors raised about this concern.
  Developers acknowledged that the current code refactoring make it's build
  break too much to keep people interested in contributing. Developers are
  still motivated even if most lack of time. The conclusion is that the focus
  should be on doing a release ASAP to keep things going on and bring back

  Some discussion started about the last points to tackle before preparing
  a release.

Signed off by mentor: bodewig


Apache Flex is an application framework for easily building Flash-based
applications for mobile devices, the browser and desktop.

Summary: A highly energetic community waits for Adobe to complete the
source code transition and infrastructure.

Date of entry to the Incubator:  December 31, 2011

Top three items to resolve before graduation:

  - Resolve trademark donation or licensing
  - Complete code and bug database donation
  - Make at least one release

Is there anything that the Incubator PMC or ASF Board specifically needs
to address?

  The ASF legal team may have to agree to a custom Trademark licensing.
  Adobe is currently evaluating the parameters of a custom Trademark license
  proposed by an ASF Board member.  If approved, a custom agreement will be
  drafted and signed by both parties.  Apache is waiting on Adobe to approve
  the latest Apache proposal.

Are there any legal, infrastructure, cross-project or personal issues that
need to be addressed? (Are there any stumbling blocks that impede the podling?)

  Besides the trademark issue mentioned previously, the import of existing
  JIRA bugs is blocked by an issue with Apache JIRA's import utility. It has
  failed to import the data file supplied by Adobe. Infra has opened a support
  ticket with Atlassian, but the problem remains unresolved one month later.

Check that the project's Incubation Status file up to date.

What has been done (releases, milestones, etc.) since the last report?

  - The Flex compiler source code, including history, was donated to Apache.
    It is pending import into the SVN repository
  - Other initial committers have donated code to the whiteboard.
  - Martin Heidegger was accepted as committer to the podling.

What are the plans and expectations for the next period?

  Adobe expects to complete the transfer the mustella test suite.
  We hope to make progress on an initial release.

Are there any recommendations for how incubation could run more smoothly
for you?

  Our mentors are great. We are wondering if Apache has considered giving
  large projects like Flex their own SVN and JIRA servers. Recently, we pushed
  really hard to get a software grant signed (An Adobe VP even came in
  to sign it while he was taking time off to move to a new house) in order to
  try to make the weekend deadline for getting code imported into SVN.  We
  are in a hurry because we have seen signs we are losing momentum (mailing
  list traffic is much lower) and a key Flex conference is coming up on
  April 15. Being able to announce that new code was in SVN would be a good
  boost and good timing.

  We submitted a software grant and code on Friday afternoon, but were 
  too late to have the secretary record the software grant and that meant 
  that Infra couldn't import the code since they only do that on weekends, 
  and so we are now waiting for the next weekend.  Having our own separate 
  SVN repository would make weeknight imports possible and maybe not tax 
  a single database as much.  Large projects like Flex have tons of files.

  The same holds true for the bug database as well.  We submitted the
  JIRA import file on Feb 1.  Infra has been unable to get the import to
  succeed (it worked on a test instance on my computer) and has had to file
  a bug with Atlassian (JIRA's maker).  We asked about using the SOAP
  interface to import bugs but Infra is concerned that some problem in
  that process would screw up JIRA for everyone and/or cause performance
  issues.  Having our own JIRA instance would allow us to try alternate 
  means of getting around the JIRA issue.  A SOAP import utility exists and 
  was used to successfully import all 30,000 issues into a test instance
  but there is risk of having some other issue show up when we add that many
  issues to an existing database.

Signed off by mentor: bdelacretaz, greddin, wavw


Giraph is a large-scale, fault-tolerant, Bulk Synchronous Parallel
(BSP)-based graph processing framework that runs on Hadoop. Giraph
entered the incubator in August 2011.

Project developments:

  - First incubator release (version 0.1)
  - Increased traffic on user list from new users
  - Committer/PPMC member Claudio gave talk on Giraph at FOSDEM
  - "Processing over a billion edges on Apache Giraph", a talk by
     Committer/PPMC member Avery accepted for Hadoop Summit in June.
  - Community working with students at UC Irvine who are exploring
    porting various algorithms to Giraph.
  - 53 new JIRA issues opened since last report
  - 36 JIRA issues closed since last report

Next steps:

  - Another incubator release
  - Adding new committers

Signed off by mentor: omalley, mattmann


JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007.

JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program.

As a result of discussing in the dev-list, the objectives for graduation have
changed: the first Apache release will be based on 2.8 (package-renamed),
which is  battle-tested, being the plan to evolve from there.

4 JIRA issues were fixed since last period, and tests are now part of the
main build.

The main issues blocking graduation now are resolution acceptance, and
community and IPMC graduation vote.

Signed off by mentor:


(introduced to Apache incubator on Jul 4, 2011)

Kafka provides an extremely high throughput distributed publish/subscribe
messaging system. Additionally, it supports relatively long term persistence
of messages to support a wide variety of consumers, partitioning of the
message stream across servers and consumers, and functionality for loading
data into Apache Hadoop for offline, batch processing.

A list of the most important issues to address in the move towards graduation

  - Invite diverse new active committers

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?

  - None

How has the community developed since the last report?

  - Added a new committer.  Continued contribution to source code in fixes
    and features and continued activity on the mailing lists.

How has the project developed since the last report?

  - Work was begun on 0.8 release which includes our replication feature and
    also requires a breaking change for existing consumers/producer to the
    wiring protocol.

Signed off by mentor: cdouglas, adc


The Kitty Project is a lightweight, production focused, Java-based
application server performance diagnostic and management utility. Kitty
is written in Groovy.

The project entered incubation on 2010-10-03.

In order to get graduated, Kitty needs the following features:

  - The ability to save profiles of commonly connected to jmx servers
    including groups of tomcat servers
  - The ability to collect metrics on an aggregate group of JMX servers

There are no issues that require the Incubator PMC's or the board's attention.

The community hasn't grown since the last report.

The project had some contribution as far as code is concerned, but the
mailing list had no new threads started nor old threads had new contributions.
Changes were related to the management of the console output, and some
re-engineering in order to begin working on the missing features.

Signed off by mentor: kevan


Mesos is a scalable cluster manager that can dynamically share resources
between multiple computing frameworks, including Hadoop, Spark and MPI.

Mesos entered incubation on December 23, 2010.

Progress since the last report:

  - Begun the process for our *first release!* (vote on mesos-dev list has
    passed, now moving to vote on general@incubator)!
  - Discussion/vote thread started about adding two new committers
  - Hadoop patch working and new tutorial written
  - API improvements declineOffer
  - Updates to cluster Deployment scripts
  - Committed major build system update (migrated to Autotools, build
    sped up by >2x)

Top priorities prior to graduation:

  - Finalizing addition of new committers to the project!

Issues for Incubator PMC or ASF Board:

  - None at this time.

Signed off by mentor: tomwhite

ODF Toolkit

The ODF Toolkit is a set of Java modules that allow programmatic creation,
scanning and manipulation of OpenDocument Format (ISO/IEC 26300 == ODF)
documents. Unlike other approaches which rely on runtime manipulation of
heavy-weight editors via an automation interface, the ODF Toolkit is
lightweight and ideal for server use.

ODF Toolkit entered incubation on Aug 1st, 2011.

Most important issues to address.

  - Growing the community, increasing diversity of committers

Any issues that the Incubator PMC or ASF Board might wish/need to be aware of

  - None at this time.

How has the community developed since the last report

  - We have two GSoC mentors and two proposals and are discussing these
    with students.
  - Most recent new committer was voted in November 16th, 2011

How has the project developed since the last report.

  - We did our first, successful podling release on January 12th
  - Researched new crypto reporting requirements in preparation for
    checking in encryption/digital signature support.
  - Working on next release, to feature the new crypto support, for later
    this Spring.

Signed off by mentor: nick


Oozie is a workflow management and scheduler primarily for Hadoop based jobs.
Oozie entered the incubation on July 11, 2011.
A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards

  - Add new committers.
  - Further improve the documentations: user, development for quicker adoption.
  - Automate the formal release process. 

Any issues that the Incubator PMC or ASF Board might wish/need to be aware of: 

  - No issues.

How has the community developed since the last report:

  - Oozie dev/users are active in the email lists (around 2000+ Emails in
    oozie-dev and 300+ in oozie-user).
  - In last one month, 67 JIRAs were created and 49 were resolved.
  - 2 new developers from 2 new companies are contributing to coding.
How has the project developed since the last report: 

  - The first Oozie release (3.1.3) from Apache incubator has been
    successfully released. 
  - A new release (3.2) process is started. The new branch is created. 
  - Cookbook like documentation was added to Oozie product web page.

Signed off by mentor: Devaraj Das


Out-of-Band Report

On March 22nd we issued a security bulletin and patch for a vulnerability
reported in 3.3, the last released pre-Apache version of

Technical details of the issue and patch can be found in this announcement:

The IPMC and Board should note that this extraordinary patch was made
available, as a courtesy to the ecosystem, based on the severity of the
reported vulnerability and the ease of exploiting it.  The patch was made
available under ALv2, and distribution was done via the Apache mirrors,
although this did not constitute an official release.

Because of the required secrecy around the preparation of such security
patches, a minimum number of Apache members were involved in vetting this
release, though we did try to touch all bases by involving mentors, Infra
and Legal Affairs.

Signed off by mentor: joes, rgardler


Apache Syncope is an Open Source system for managing digital identities in
enterprise environments, implemented in JEE technology. Syncope joined the
incubator on February 10th 2012.

Community Development:

  Older Syncope users-base is (not really quickly) migrating to the new ASF
  infrastructure, user@ ML activity is low.

Project Development:

  Commits activity is healthy, commits@ ML activity is high.

  Committers are working towards the first release.

Web Site/Communication Development:

  The website is kept up-to-date on
  Status page is updated

  It introduces Syncope and provide first content.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of:

  None so far.

Signed off by mentor: simonetripodi


Tashi has been incubating since September 2008.

The Tashi project aims to build a software infrastructure for cloud computing 
on massive internet-scale data sets (what we call Big Data). The idea is to 
build a cluster management system that enables the Big Data that are stored in 
a cluster/data center to be accessed, shared, manipulated, and computed on by 
remote users in a convenient, efficient, and safe manner.

Tashi originally encompassed just the tools to manage virtual machines 
using Xen and QEMU, but has been merged with Zoni, which manages the 
physical aspects of a cluster like power control, network settings and 
handing out physical machines.

In the period from January to April, the project had received permission
to publish a release. Shortly thereafter, a further release was
approved, incorporating several bug fixes detected during deployment
of the first release and from Jira reports.

In the process of making our first release, contact to two of our three
mentors was re-established. The third mentor has not been heard from
(also in other parts of Apache) for quite a while. We obtained sufficient
administrative access to Jira to manage our problem reports.

Development efforts this period have mainly been in adding resilience
to Tashi components, as well as returning more helpful messages in case
of errors. Some parts of the code base that were relevant only to Thrift
have been removed.

Upcoming software goals are to investigate what is needed to support IPv6,
considering replacement for RPyC and providing the ability to hand
out server slices (operating system level virtualization).

The project has a user community, but it is small. Growth mostly has
happened by word of mouth. To show potential users at large the
utility of this project, the author of this report will apply some of
the advice posted to, as well as create
web pages demonstrating the project's utility, provide sample VM images
and disseminate other information relating to the deployments close to him.
He will also urge others to make similar information publicly available.

One of our users has requested the creation of a private branch for his
team to work on. Perhaps this will result in a valuable feature addition
to the project.

Items to be resolved before graduation:

  - Generate more publicity for the project.
  - Develop members of the user community to submit feature extensions.

Signed off by mentor:


The VXQuery Project implements a standard compliant XML Query processor.
It has been in incubation since 2009-07-06.

Recent activities:

  - change of the focus of the project (the previous focus was to be
    flexible wrt the representation of the data model, the new focus
    is parallel processing of large amounts of XML data)
  - renewed development activity
  - 2 proposals for GSoC (1 person expressed interest in working on
    VXQuery for GSoC)

Top issues before graduation:

  - Build community

    VXQuery's community is still the initial (very small) community
    The goal of the change of focus to attract more interest in the
    project and to increase the size and diversity of the community

  - Create a release

Signed off by mentor:

Attachment U: Status report for the Apache James Project

Attachment V: Status report for the Apache JMeter Project

The Apache JMeter desktop application is a pure Java application
designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance.

Version 2.6 was released on Feb 1st.
This included many fixes and major improvements to the GUI.

Work continues on fixing bugs and implementing new features and
generally tidying up the code.

We have discussed requiring a minimum Java 1.6 for the next release.
There were no objections from the dev or user lists so we will do so
when it is appropriate.

There have been no changes to the PMC or committers since the last report.

The JMeter user list is active and user requests are generally dealt
with promptly, either by other members of the community or the JMeter

Likewise the developer list, though of course that is mainly used by
the committers.

As previously reported, it is believed that all the branding
requirements have been completed.

There are no board level issues at this time.

Attachment W: Status report for the Apache Lucy Project

The Apache Lucy search engine library provides full-text search for dynamic
programming languages.

This report is the first since the board approved the charter establishing
the Apache Lucy project on March 21, 2012.


  * The transition to TLP has effectively been completed save for drafting
    our bylaws.
  * Development of the codebase has been active, with a focus on enabling
    compiled extensions.


  * None during this period.
  * The last release was 0.3.0, an incubating release dated 2012-01-15.


  * No change to committer/PMC membership ranks during this period.
  * The dev list has been active, the user list has been quiet.
  * Commit diversity within the existing community is satisfactory and
    continues to improve.


  * We believe that we are in full compliance with the ASF branding


  * None requiring board-level attention at this time.

Attachment X: Status report for the Apache Mahout Project

Apache Mahout provides implementations of machine learning algorithms 
(collaborative filtering, clustering, classification, and more) for 
large-scale data, mostly via Hadoop-based implementations.


There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.


Activity has remained high during the past 3 months. We completed our
0.6 release on Feb. 6th that closed 182 JIRA issues.

The user@mahout.a.o mailing list has 1271 current subscribers
The dev@mahout.a.o mailing list has 661 current subscribers

Now we are embarked upon a new 0.7 release. The goal of 0.7
is to clean up and refactor existing functionality to improve 
consistency and improve user experience.

Code freeze for 0.7 is targeted for May 15.

A 1.0 release is not yet on the horizon.


We have two new committers since our January report:
- Paritosh Ranjan
- Tom Pierce


At least two commercially-supported Hadoop distributions now include 
Mahout in their offerings (Cloudera, MapR). We will keep an eye out to
make sure they are distributed in accordance with Apache trademark


"Mahout in Action", Owen, Anil, Dunning & Friedman is being well 

Attachment Y: Status report for the Apache Maven Project

Maven Board Report - April 2012

Apache Maven is a widely-used project build tool, targeting mainly Java 
development. Apache Maven promotes the use of dependencies via a 
standardized coordinate system, binary plugins, and a standard build 

* General Information

* New PMC Members

  * Robert Scholte (2012-02-14)

* New Committers

* Releases

  * Apache Maven Core 3.0.4 (2012-01-20)
* Plugins

  * Maven EAR Plugin 2.7 (2012-01-16)
  * Maven Javadoc Plugin 2.8.1 (2012-01-23)
  * Maven JAR plugin 2.4 (2012-02-01)
  * Maven Assembly plugin 2.3 (2012-02-01)
  * Maven WAR plugin 2.2 (2012-02-01)
  * Maven Surefire plugin 2.12 (2012-02-01)
  * Maven PMD Plugin 2.7 (2012-02-05)
  * Maven Checkstyle Plugin 2.9 (2012-02-12)
  * Maven Eclipse plugin 2.9 (2012-02-14)
  * Maven PMD Plugin 2.7.1 (2012-02-16)
  * Maven Checkstyle Plugin 2.9.1 (2012-02-25)
  * Maven Shade Plugin 1.6 (2012-03-18)

* Other
  * Skins (2012-01-22): fluido 1.1, classic 1.1, default 1.1 and stylus 1.4
  * Maven Archiver 2.5 (2012-02-01)
  * Maven Reporting Impl 2.2 (2012-02-12)
  * Fluido Skin 1.2 (2012-03-23)
  * Fluido Skin 1.2.1 (2012-04-03)
  * Maven Reporting Exec 1.0.2 (2012-04-09)

Attachment Z: Status report for the Apache MINA Project

Apache MINA is a network application framework which helps users
develop high performance and high scalability network applications


* No releases has been made since the last report


* A fairly slow quarter in the MINA community with mostly discussions
on the Vysper subproject
* No new committers or PMC changes


* Development activity on the Vysper subproject has picked up with
several new community members participating.
* MINA itself as well as the SSHD and FtpServer subprojects had low activity.


No board level issues at this time.

Attachment AA: Status report for the Apache MyFaces Project

Apache MyFaces is a project of the Apache Software Foundation, and
hosts several sub-projects relating to the JavaServer Faces (JSF)

 * No new Committers
 * No new PMC Members
 * No new Contributors
 * Changed to status emeritus (first status update - see
   * Adam Winer
   * Alexander Bell
   * Anton Koinov
   * Arvid Hülsebus
   * Bernhard Huemer
   * Bill Dudney
   * Craig R. McClanahan
   * Daniel Robinson
   * Dennis Byrne
   * Detlef Bartetzko
   * Ernst Fastl
   * Gerald Muellan
   * James Holmes
   * James Mitchell
   * John Robert Fallows
   * Jurgen Lust
   * Lance Frohman
   * Mathias Broekelmann
   * Oliver Rossmueller
   * Paul McMahan
   * Paul Spencer
   * Peter Mahoney
   * Philippe Hennes
   * Sean Schofield
   * Sharath Reddy
   * Simon Kitching
   * Sylvain Vieujot
   * Ted Husted
   * Travis Reeder
   * Wendy Smoak

MyFaces (sub) projects with new releases since the last report:
 * MyFaces Core 2.0.12
 * MyFaces Core 2.1.6
 * MyFaces Extensions CDI (CODI) 1.0.3
 * MyFaces Extensions CDI (CODI) 1.0.4
 * MyFaces Extensions Scripting 1.0.2
 * MyFaces Trinidad 2.0.1
 * MyFaces Tobago 1.0.39
 * MyFaces Tobago 1.5.2
 * MyFaces Tobago 1.5.3
 * MyFaces Tobago 1.5.4
 * MyFaces Commons20
 * MyFaces Master POM 12
 * MyFaces Master POM 13
 * MyFaces Master POM 14

Project Branding
 * Started (ongoing)

Attachment AB: Status report for the Apache Nutch Project


Apache Nutch is an open source web-search software project. Stemming
from Apache Lucene, it now builds on Apache Solr adding web-specifics,
such as a crawler, a link-graph database and parsing support handled
by Apache Tika for HTML and an array of other document formats.


There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.


No release has been made since the last report. A number of issues has
been filled in JIRA for 1.5 and we are planning to release Nutch 1.5
and the nutchgora branch shortly. Recent patches have upgraded some of
our dependencies on other Apache projects such as Tika 1.1 and Hadoop
1.0. A functionality which was often mentioned on the user lists had
been committed (parse-metatags).  The documentation on the WIKI has
been improved.


The traffic on the user and dev mailing lists has kept a relatively high
level in the last quarter. Questions from users are usually answered
promptly by the community. There have not been any meetings or talks related
to Nutch since the previous report.

Attachment AC: Status report for the Apache ODE Project

Apache ODE (Orchestration Director Engine) executes business processes
written following the WS-BPEL standard. It integrates and orchestrates
web services by sending and receiving messages, handling data manipulation
and error recovery as described by the process definition. It supports both
long and short living process executions to orchestrate all the services that
are part of your application.


This was again a quiet development period. We still have some
development items on our agenda, e.g. the OModel refactoring,
backporting features from our experimental branch. It is also time for a
new release, which will hopefully take place in the next reporting


No release to report in this quarter.


No significant progress to report. We did some experiments to find an
alternative to the OModel serialization, which will be taken up by our
GSoc student.


One of our critical issues has been taken by a Google Summer of Code
applicant. We worked with him on the proposal and are looking forward to
his acceptance and a successful project.

Project Branding Board Report Checklist

We are planning to address the requirements with the migration from
confluence to the CMS.

 * Project Website Basics : homepage is ?
 * Project Naming And Descriptions : use proper Apache forms, describe
product, etc. ?
 * Website Navigation Links : navbar links included, link to included ?
 * Trademark Attributions : attribution for all ASF marks included in
footers, etc. ?
 * Logos and Graphics : include TM, use consistent product logo on your site ?
 * Project Metadata : DOAP file checked-in and up to date ?

Attachment AD: Status report for the Apache OpenEJB Project

Apache OpenEJB is an enterprise application containers and object distribution
services based on, the Enterprise JavaBeans Specification and Java Enterprise
Edition Web Profile.

OpenEJB 4.0.0-beta-2 and TomEE 1.0.0-beta-2 were released late January as
expected.  The releases were well received and a much needed replacement for
the "beta-1" set of binaries released and widely announced in October.  A
typical influx of new faces and questions kept the community busy in the month
following beta-2.

Primary activity in the last month has been on working towards the long
awaited OpenEJB 4.0.0 final and TomEE 1.0.0 final.  Updates for the TomEE
1.0.0 include: continued "openejb" -> "tomee" renaming, particularly the
console, logging files and config files; more work on the Arquillian Adapters;
heavy performance tuning.  The release branch has been cut and several preview
binaries have been pushed to Nexus in staging.  Voting could happen as early
as this week.  Work on announcements pending (thanks in advance to Sally).

Many thanks to OpenJPA, OpenWebBeans, BeanVal, and Geronimo for the releases
we needed to prepare for the final OpenEJB/TomEE release.  We couldn't have
done it without you!

Attachment AE: Status report for the Apache OpenJPA Project

There are no items requiring board attention at this time.

* Highlights
   Apache OpenJPA provides POJO persistence for stand-alone JSE, JEE
   container and many other lightweight frameworks, such as Tomcat,
   Spring or OSGi.

* Community

   Mailing lists continue to be very active and many instances of developers
   migrating from other vendors to OpenJPA can be cited.

   The developer community had maintained steady rate of defect resolution
   and support for previous releases.

* Governance

    We continue to monitor contributors for possible committers and
    PMC members.

* Releases

   OpenJPA 2.2.0 version has been released on February 12, 2012.
   Albert Lee was the Release Manager.

Attachment AF: Status report for the Apache OpenNLP Project

The Apache OpenNLP library is a machine learning based toolkit for the
processing of natural language text. It supports the most common NLP tasks,
such as tokenization, sentence segmentation, part-of-speech tagging,
named entity extraction, chunking, parsing, and coreference resolution.
These tasks are usually required to build more advanced text processing

All the graduation tasks are done and the team is now focused on the
development of OpenNLP again, there have been a few commits almost
every day from different committers.

Much work and time went into bug fixing and smaller improvements.

There is now integrated training support for the coreference component
which is very important for others to be able to work on the code.
The training is needed to ensure that code changes don't break anything.

The community is active and the project received a few smaller patches.
We will likely soon receive a clojure interface layer contribution
and will hopefully be able to integrate the clojure minded OpenNLP
user better into the community at Apache.

No new committers have been voted in.

No releases since we graduated from the incubator.

There are no board-level issues at this time.

Attachment AG: Status report for the Apache PDFBox Project

The Apache PDFBox library is an open source Java tool for working with PDF

General Comments

There are no issues that require Board attention.


There is a steady stream of contributions and bug reports from the
Tharaka Wijebandara is preparing a GSOC proposal for an improvement of the
PDFReader coming with PDFBox. Mehdi Houshmand volunteers as mentor.


No release this quarter.


The development on the next release is still in progress. We are currently
working on

- a new conforming parser
- improved font handling
- improved rendering
- refactoring + improved integration of preflight
- bugfixing

We just started a discussion on how to proceed with the next release(s), if
it'll be a major release or if there will be a bugfix/feature release first. 

Attachment AH: Status report for the Apache Rave Project

Apache Rave is a widgets-based, web-and-social mashup platform.

There are no issues that need the Board's attention.

The TLP migration has occurred without major issue.

  Task Status:
    * Infrastructure migration complete 
    * All code (Maven POMs) & web pages have been updated to 
      reflect new status 
    * Final incubator status committed 
    * committee-info.txt updated with PMC details 
    * Officer info updated for new chair

At the request of the community, a
mail list has been created and is already being used by community
members.  The community continues to encourage participation and
engagement from additional individuals and organizations.

A wiki was created for work in progress, proposals and technical
information. It does not replace the existing documentation website.

Three additional committers & PMC members were added since graduation:
  * Ankur Shashikant Goyal [Committer & PMC]
  * Marijan Milicevic [Committer & PMC] 
  * Paul Sharples [Committer & PMC]

The PMC has performed its first TLP release and the community
is voting on a second TLP release.

Project activity remains high with mail lists and commits
continuing at the pre-graduation pace.

The Apache press release for the Rave graduation has gone out
and been picked up by various news organizations such as CMS Wire
and E-Week.

Thanks to the hard work of the Infra team, Rave was
able to complete its critical infrastructure transition prior to
the press release.  We really appreciate the extra effort on the
part of Infra to make that a reality.

   * Project Naming And Descriptions : complete 
   * Website Navigation Links : complete 
   * Trademark Attributions : complete 
   * Logos and Graphics : complete 
   * Project Metadata : complete

Attachment AI: Status report for the Apache Shindig Project

Apache Shindig is an Opensocial Reference implementation in wide use by
both social networks and enterprise software.  Shindig graduated from the
Incubator in January 2010.

The Shindig PMC has no issues that require board attention.


The project continues to enjoy broad contributions with an active
community and mailing list.

As a community we decided to renumber our releases.  We have abandoned 
the 3.0.0 beta series and re-released as 2.5.0 beta series.  This puts the
major version of shindig in alignment with the OpenSocial spec that it
implements (similar to the way Tomcat aligns with servlet specifications)

For 2.5.0-beta1 we also had assistance in cleaning up our NOTICE
and LICENSE files to be in better conformance.

There has been some work on converting to use
Apache CMS.


* 2.5.0-beta1 released March 2012

Attachment AJ: Status report for the Apache SpamAssassin Project

- Daryl C.W. O'Shea herein resigns his role as Chair and VP, Apache 
- Kevin A. McGrail was chosen by vote to succeed Daryl C. W. O'Shea 
  as Chair and VP, Apache Spamassassin.
- A draft resolution for the board's consideration in changing the 
  chair is attached.
- The release of version 3.4.0 is imminent.  This release will improve 
  IPv6 support greatly.  Our project will aim for April 30th for this 
  release per our release goals at
- The committee finalized the Apache SpamAssassin PMC Policy for DNSBL 
  Inclusion at:
- Two Blacklist have implemented our Block Notification Rule to allow 
  adminstrators to know when they have exceeded blacklist restrictions 
  on queries.
- The project users' list is active; questions get asked and answered.
- the project dev list has been active with both committers and 
  community members contributing.  
- We participated in the Google Code-In and mentored on several projects
- We have registered to Mentor in the Google Summer of Code
- We anticipate spending a lot of time migrating code on our zones over 
  the coming months because our zones are being end of life'd.
- Alex Broens has been voted by the PMC and an invite to the project 
  PMC is pending

Attachment AK: Status report for the Apache Sqoop Project


Apache Sqoop is a tool designed for efficiently transferring bulk data
between Apache Hadoop and structured datastores such as relational
databases. It can be used to import data from external structured
datastores into Hadoop Distributed File System or related systems like
Hive and HBase. Conversely, Sqoop can be used to extract data from
Hadoop and export it to external structured datastores such as
relational databases and enterprise data warehouses.

* The last release of Apache Sqoop was version 1.4.1-incubating, released on
  February 16, 2012 while in Incubation.
* No new releases are planned currently for the project.

* Post-graduation tasks have been completed since Apache Sqoop became a TLP.
* Development activity continues as can be seen from the following report:


* The composition of the committers and PMC members has not changed since
* Currently there are:
  - Total of 60 subscribers to the developer list.
  - Total of 104 subscribers to the user list.
  - Total of 14 committers
  - Total of 12 PMC members
* A Sqoop User meetup was held in Palo Alto, California on April 4, 2012
  attended by 22 attendees in all.


* There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

Attachment AL: Status report for the Apache Struts Project

Apache Struts is an action-based Java web application framework.

The Struts team made one release in the last quarter:
* Struts - security fix release

With the latest release we closed an important security issue reported by
Meder Kydyraliev, Google Security Team [1]. Dealing with the issue and the
reporter went very well both in terms of communication and disclosure as
well as time to fix.

The next regular release, Struts 2.3.2, is just around the corner. The
release candidate build is available for community testing and quality

In March Sally Khudairi approached us with a media query from ZDNet
regarding a Sonatype sponsored study about open source security fix
provisioning and adoption. Since Struts 2 was explicitly referenced as an
example for the relation between security patch provisioning and actual end
user downloads and patch deployments, the PMC decided to craft and forward a
general statement on this topic. Parts of the statement were cited in the
actual article [2].

In the last quarter no new committers or PMC members were added.

We have no issues that require Board assistance at this time.

Trademarks and Project Branding:
Trademark Attributions: in progress
(all other topics were marked as already fixed in previous reports)


Attachment AM: Status report for the Apache Tapestry Project

Tapestry is a Java-based component web framework.

This quarter saw the release of Apache Tapestry 5.3.2, which removes some
limitations on Java component classes, and improves integration with the
Spring framework.

A small amount of work has continued on Tapestry 5.4, with most new features
and fixes back-ported to the Tapestry 5.3.3 branch, which is nearing a

Beyond Apache, there have been new releases of useful third party libraries,
including jQuery integration, Twitter Bootstrap integration, Less/CoffeeScript
integration, and more. Several of these third party libraries presage
functionality that is expected to be the default in Tapestry 5.4.

We're continuing to see mailing list traffic of 1000 - 1200 messages per month.

Attachment AN: Status report for the Apache Tcl Project

Not much new to report.  Progress continues on Rivet, Websh is ably
maintained, and otherwise all is well.

One thing worthy of board attention, that I'd actually like a bit of
guidance/assistance for, is that I want to step down as VP, Apache
Tcl, with the intention of having Massimo Manghi fill that role.  We
discussed this on the Rivet list, and just need to figure out all the
steps to take, from having an official vote on it (other candidates
would of course be welcome and encouraged, but it seems as if Massimo
is the one being pushed down the plank:-), to the other details that
will need taking care of.

Attachment AO: Status report for the Apache Thrift Project

Thrift is a framework for providing cross-platform RPC and serialization.

The Thrift community has seen nice consistent traffic of contributions and 

We are prepping for an 0.9 release in the coming months.

We completed the release of a new website that addressed the Apache branding
requirements and in general improved the content, appearance, and 
maintainability of the website.

Attachment AP: Status report for the Apache Tika Project

What is Tika?  
Apache Tika is a dynamictoolkit for content detection, analysis, and 
extraction. It allows a user to understand, and leverage information 
from, a growing a list over 1200 different file types including most 
of the major types in existence (MS Office, Adobe, Text, Images, 
Video, Code, and science data) as recognized by IANA and other 
standards bodies.

We released Tika 1.1 on 3/23/12.

The current work on Tika 1.2 includes 14 of 33 issues already fixed.
These issues include a cool new Tika JAX-RS network server [2] that
really helped foster good will between the Apache Tika and CXF
communities. Sergey Beryozkin from CXF, and Maxim Valyanskiy from
Tika really led the way. Besides the network server, MIME type
support for the scientific data file format FITS, used heavily in
the astronomy community was added [3], and the ability to extract
embedded images from Powerpoint files [4] and the improvements to
the way that Tika load Detectors and Parsers in an OSGI environment
were also added [5] in the current trunk development branch.

There has been discussion of adding GDAL support to TIKA [6], which
would add hundreds spatial formats and the ability to parse and
detect them to Tika.

No new PMC members/committers
were added in the last quarter.

The Tika PMC is still sponsoring the Any23 incubator project [7],
which is progressing along nicely and getting ready to make their
first Incubator release.

Mailing list activity on dev@ remained steady in January, February,
and March 2012 (189, 125, 200 messages) but slowed in April 2012
(48 messages, respectively), while the user activity remained
consistent in January, February and March 2012 (51, 46 and 37
messages). No user questions in April 2012 yet.


Attachment AQ: Status report for the Apache Traffic Server Project

Apache Traffic Server is an HTTP proxy server and cache, similar to Squid
and Varnish in functionality and features.


There are no issues that needs the boards attention.


Three new committers and PMC members were added since the last report, and
we're very excited with our developer community growth. The mailing lists
are seeing somewhat less growth than normal, the current tallies are:

    users@   - 259 subscribers (up 7% since last report)
    dev@     - 187 subscribers (up 7% since last report)

The community dealt with a security incident, CVE 2012-0256, which led to
the release of v3.0.4 and v3.1.3. Everything went very well, and it showed
that our process for dealing with security incidents is solid.

The Apache Traffic Server community volunteered to participate in the git
trials. As of 1/28 we are fully migrated to the new git infrastructure.
So far, it's been a good experience, with an expected hurdle of the steep
learning curve of git. The infrastructure team have been tremendously
helpful getting everything configured, and minor issues resolved.


Four releases have been made since the last status report:

    3.0.3 and 3.0.4 - New stable releases.
    3.1.2 and 3.1.3 - Development releases.

Primary focus right now includes

    * Stability and bug fixes, without performance regressions
    * Finishing up for a v3.2 release in April - May time frame

Many interesting features have been added since v3.0, including SNI and
NPN support for TLS. NPN is an enabler for developing a SPDY plugin for
example. Full IPv6 support is also completed. Many performance
improvements have been made, including better connection pooling. A number
of stable plugins are now included with the main software distribution,
and will be part of the next stable release.

In total, over 200 bugs, improvements and new features have been fixed
since v3.0.

Attachment AR: intentionally left blank

Attachment AS: Status report for the Apache Web Services Project

Attachment AT: Status report for the Apache XML Project

Attachment AU: Status report for the Apache XMLBeans Project

Attachment AV: Status report for the Apache Pivot Project

Apache Pivot is a platform for building installable Internet
applications (IIAs).  It combines the enhanced productivity and
usability features of a modern user interface toolkit with the
robustness of the Java platform.


As usual we had a low levels of traffic in our users mailing lists,
but usually we are able to give an answer on fast time.
Little activity on dev mail list and issue tracker, but sometimes we
receive some patches from our users via JIRA.

Our Mailing lists have these numbers:
   commits -  22 subscribers
   dev     -  71 subscribers
   users   - 188 subscribers

On the progress of the project, we are still working on bug fixing,
and we proceed slowly because all of us can work on it only at spare time.
In last weeks we have some trouble with Mac users because none of us
has a Mac to use for manual GUI tests, but we are trying to solve
problems the same, only more time is needed.

After fixing current bugs we'll start to develop our next release with
many new features, and in the meantime we are discussing many new
features to include in that release.


There are no issues that require the board's attention at this time.

No new Release, but we are still working on a maintenance one: 2.0.2,
to be releases in a few months.

Branding/naming issues:
* create a DOAP file  -- DONE
Remaining issues are:
* main site navigation needs some additional links

Legal issues:

Infrastructure issues/needs:

Community changes
After many time, a new Committer (Piotr Kołaczkowski) were voted in,
but we are still waiting him to sign the ICLA.
There are no diversity issues regarding the PMC.

Attachment AW: Proposed 2012-2013 Budget

ASF budget for FY May 1 2012 - Apr 30 2013

INCOME (projected)

== Interest ==
Interest income              :   $3,600.00

== Public donations ==
  One-Time (by chk, etc)     :   $2,400.00
  PayPal ($2000 x 12 mos)    :  $24,000.00
  Car Program LLC            :   $1,600.00
    ($400 x 4 contributions)
Category total               :  $28,000.00

== Sponsorship Program ==

  Platinum sponsors (5)      : $500,000.00 (+25%)
  Gold sponsors (4)          : $160,000.00 (+33%)
  Silver sponsors (3)        :  $60,000.00
  Bronze sponsors (4)        :  $20,000.00

Category total               : $740,000.00 (+22%)

== Program Income ==
Google Summer of Code        :  $10,000.00

Category Total               :  $10,000.00

== Unrelated Business Income (royalty, licenses, etc.) ==

Category Total               :       $0.00

Income Category Summaries:

  Interest Income           : $  3,600.00
  One-time donations        : $ 28,000.00
  Sponsorship Program       : $640,000.00
  Program Income            : $ 10,000.00
  Unrelated Business Income : $      0.00

INCOME Total                : $781,600.00 (+6%)


== Fundraising Overhead ==

PayPal (@ ~ 3.74%)              :    $100.00
Car Program LLC                 :     $ 0.00

Category Total                  :    $100.00

== Administrative ==

Office Supplies (Sec'y)         :      $0.00
Office Supplies (Treasurer)     :    $500.00
President Discretionary         :  $5,000.00
Exec. Assistant (PT)            : $30,000.00

Category Total                  : $35,500.00

== Infrastructure ==

Staffing                     : $ 306,200.00    (+44%)
    System Admin          (FT)  : $92,400.00   (+6%)
    System Admin          (FT)  : $85,200.00   (+7%)
    System Admin          (FT)  : $78,000.00   (new) 
    System Admin          (PT)  : $42,600.00   (+9%)
    Bonus Pool                  : $ 8,000.00

Hosting                      : $ 8,216.00
    Cloud                       : $ 2,000.00
    OSU OSL (OR, USA)           : $     0.00
    SURFnet (AMS, NL)           : $     0.00 (FL, USA)         : $ 6,216.00

Hardware                     : $ 60,000.00     (-63%)
    Replacement                 : $ 25,000.00  (-55%)
    Expansion                   : $ 20,000.00
    Build farm                  : $ 10,000.00  (-41%)
    Disks/RAM                   : $  8,000.00  (+60%)

Service contracts            : $  9,500.00     (+35%)
    Dell                        : $  7,000.00  (+55%)
    Silicon Mechanics           : $  1,500.00
    Sun                         : $    500.00 
    Other                       : $    500.00

Misc                         : $  1,800.00
    Spamhaus RBL                : $      0.00
    SSL / DNS renewals          : $    700.00
    3rd Party Thank yous        : $    800.00
    OpenOffice release overflow traffic :  ??? # a work in progress with sourceforge admins, tbd

Travel                       : $ 20,400.00     (+17%)
    4 Staff+VP @ AC Event       : $ 20,000.00
    AC Event food 1 mtg         : $    400.00

Category Total               :$ 408,816.00     (+20%)

== Publicity ==

Outside PR Services             : $75,000.00
Press releases (prepaid)        : $10,000.00
Travel                          : $15,000.00
Consultant Expenses             :  $6,000.00
Conference Participation        :  $4,000.00
Conference Support              :  $5,000.00
Conference Signage              :  $3,500.00
Collateral Printing             :  $2,500.00
Contact Database                :  $2,500.00
Clipping Service                :  $5,000.00

Category Total                  :$128,500.00

== ConCom ==

Local events & hackathons       : $50,000.00
Travel                          :  $5,000.00
Discretionary                   :  $5,000.00

Category Total                  : $60,000.00

== Travel Assistance Committee ==

Sponsored Attendees (7 events)  : $72,500.00   (+81%)

Category Total                  : $72,500.00

== Legal ==

Discretionary                   :  $2,500.00

Category Total                  :  $2,500.00

== Brand Management 2012 Request ==

Register key trademarks         :  $8,400.00
Register project marks          :  $2,000.00
Register mark ownership         :  $3,000.00

Category Total                  :  $13,400.00  (+312%)

== Board ==

Chairman Discretionary          :  $5,000.00
Conference Calls                :      $0.00

Category Total                  :  $5,000.00

== Banking Fees ==

Checks                          :  $  150.00
Safe-deposit box                :  $   75.00
Monthly fees                    :  $1,000.00
Lockbox                         :  $2,500.00

Category Total                  :  $3,725.00

== Treasury Services ==

Tax Filing                      :  $2,000.00
Online services                 :  $1,500.00

Category Total                  :  $3,500.00

== Licenses / Insurance ==

Corp. Service Co. (DE Agent)    :  $  299.00
D&O Insurance                   :  $1,500.00
Property/Asset Insurance        :  $1,000.00
Misc. Insurance                 :  $2,201.00

Category Total                  :  $5,000.00

== Shipping == 

Federal Express / Courier       :    $500.00

Category Total                  :    $500.00

== Misc. ==

Category Total                  :      $0.00

Expense Category Summaries:
  Fundraising overhead          :$    100.00
  Administrative                :$ 35,500.00
  Infrastructure                :$408,816.00
  Publicity                     :$128,500.00
  ConCom                        :$ 60,000.00
  Travel Assistance             :$ 72,500.00
  Legal                         :$  2,500.00
  Brand Management              :$ 13,400.00
  Board                         :$  5,000.00
  Banking Fees                  :$  3,725.00
  Accounting Services           :$  3,500.00
  Licenses / Insurance          :$  5,000.00
  Shipping                      :$    500.00
  Misc                          :$      0.00
Expense Total                   :$739,041.00

=== SUMMARY ===

Income Total                 : $781,600.00   (+22%)
Expense Total                : $739,041.00   (+17%)

Net Total                    : $ 42,559.00


== NOTES ==


There is a significant increase in this years budget, over last year.  This is 
due to the sharp increase in staffing costs.  We have effectively added a new 
FT post over above last years budget.  There is a reduced hardware budget, 
as there are fewer hosts requiring replacement. 

Brand Management:

With the growth in commercial popularity of many of our projects - and the 
corresponding growth in third parties who use (and sometimes abuse) our 
project brands, and on the advice of counsel, we plan to register a number 
of trademarks in the coming year, primarily in response to approved project 

We also plan to register the change of ownership of several trademarks, to 
deal with key project's brand image and to ensure third parties clearly 
understand our ownership of these marks (there have been several questions 
about our legitimacy).

We also plan to work with DLAPiper on trademark issues going forward. They 
have offered detailed docket tracking - a huge help to us - completely pro 
bono, but also note that to ensure the registration process is smooth, higher 
fees may be expected when processing actual registrations or transfers.

All requested budget is for national registry fees or for legal expenses 
directly related to registered trademarks. 

End of minutes for the April 18, 2012 board meeting.
