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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

                            August 15, 2012

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 10:00am (Pacific) and began at
    10:02 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was
    recognized by the chairman. The meeting was held via
    teleconference, hosted by Doug Cutting and Cloudera.

    IRC #asfboard on was used for backup purposes.

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Rich Bowen
        Doug Cutting
        Bertrand Delacretaz
        Roy T. Fielding (joined at 10:31)
        Ross Gardler
        Jim Jagielski
        Brett Porter
        Sam Ruby
        Greg Stein

    Directors Absent:


    Executive Officers Present:

        Noirin Plunkett
        Craig L Russell

    Executive Officers Absent:



        Shane Curcuru
        Hadrian Zbarcea
        Nick Burch

3. Minutes from previous meetings

    Published minutes can be found at:

    A. The meeting of July 25, 2012

       See: board_minutes_2012_07_25.txt

       Approved by General Consent.

4. Executive Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Doug]

       The Board will hold its annual face-to-face meeting on the 28th
       of this month in the Washington DC area.  The morning will be a
       closed, executive session with the afternoon open to visitors.
       At this meeting we'll discuss changes to our executive officer
       assignments.  Folks who are interested in getting more involved
       in the Foundation's executive functions are encouraged to
       contact the Board.

       Greg has initiated the convention of listing expected travel
       expenses in a file (foundation/board/travel-data.txt).  My
       expectation is that, going forward, Foundation-funded travel
       (except that funded by the Travel Assistance Committee) should
       be first listed there so that others have a chance to review
       such expenses before they're incurred.

       The Board has tasked Hadrian Zbarcea to develop a plan for an
       audit of our finances.  With his advice, we hope to hire an
       accountant to perform either a review or a full audit before
       the end of the year.

       ConCom seems to be struggling to arrange a successful ApacheCon
       EU.  The Board is concerned that such events expose the
       Foundation to excessive financial and legal risks.  The Board
       and ConCom should establish event guidelines to limit these
       risks in the future.

    B. President [Jim]

       The Concom status, especially ACEU 2012, as noted by Doug, continues
       to be an issue. I have asked Concom to present weekly reports
       and have shared these (and will continue to do so) with the board.
       My own personal fear is that ACEU 2012 will burn out whatever
       support and volunteer energy we have, putting ACNA 2013 in
       significant risk; If I had to choose, I'd say sacrifice ACEU
       in favor of ACNA, where we have more runway to "do things right."

       I also have given Hadrian express permission to work the audit
       situation. Again, IMO, this needs to be a priority for the
       We received 3 notices from the IRS regarding our non-submission of
       Form 941 for 3 quarters. We are not required to submit these forms,
       so these notices are somewhat of a mystery. I follow-through on
       replying to the notices.
       Our D&O Insurance was renewed with no significant change in rate.
       I will add the invoice and notice to SVN.

       I am becoming concerned at the "lateness" of some reports, esp
       from non-PMC entities.
    C. Treasurer [Sam]

       Income and Expenses - July 2012

           Current Balances:

               Wells Fargo Business Checking:  384,904.14
               Wells Fargo Savings:            287,275.07
               PayPal:                         122,846.52
               ----------------------------    ----------
                    Total                    $ 795,025.73

           Income Summary:

               Sponsors                         20,000.00
               Other                             2,452.05
               ----------------------------    ----------
                    Total                     $ 22,452.05

           Expense Summary:

                       Category                  Amount
               ----------------------------    ----------
               Executive Assistant               2,308.00
               Infrastructure                      518.00
               Infrastructure Contractors       25,150.00
               Public Relations                 10,850.90
               Secretary                            19.95
               Treasurer                           411.74
               ----------------------------    ----------
                    Total                     $ 39,258.59


          * I was unaware that auto-pay for HALO was set up to expire when
            the previous contract ended.  This caused July's payment to
            be sent out late.  I chose to pre-pay August early while this
            is being straightened out -- the above summary reflects both

          * Chris Mattmann has begun work on providing status of the financials
            as input to the D&O Liability Renewal.  (This item should be
            complete by the time of the board meeting)

          * It is time to begin work on our annual tax returns.  I'll
            coordinate this with my likely replacement(s) to decide how we
            will divvy up this task.

          * I have yet to transfer the funds from PayPal to Wells Fargo.

    D. Secretary [Craig]

      In July, 53 ICLAs, three CCLAs, and three grants were received and filed.
      During processing of ICLAs, 20 new account requests were made.

    E. Executive Vice President [Noirin]

       No report was submitted.

    F. Vice Chairman [Greg]

       Nothing to report beyond some Fundraising activities where I
       got to use my Vice Chairman title.

    Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

5. Additional Officer Reports

    A. VP of Brand Management [Shane Curcuru / Bertrand]

       See Attachment 1

       It is good for Apache to have its products mentioned in public
       productions. But Apache cannot indemnify producers. Perhaps we
       can write a clause that would satisfy producers as a
       substitute for indemnification. We have budget to engage
       outside legal counsel to write such a substitute clause, which
       we can then post on our web site.

    B. VP of Fundraising [Upayavira / Sam]

       See Attachment 2

    C. VP of Marketing and Publicity [Sally Khudairi / Roy]

       See Attachment 3

    D. VP of W3C Relations [Andy Seaborne / Rich]

       See Attachment 4

    E. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby]

       No report was submitted.

       Busier than previous months. Nothing major to report.
       The biggest topic is how to allow GPL and LGPL components to
       be used by projects.

    F. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Greg]

       See Attachment 6

    G. Apache Conference Planning Project [Nick Burch / Ross]

       See Attachment 7

       Ross: Things are happening very quickly and there are still
       many things up in the air. There are volunteers but they
       cannot do everything that needs to be done.
       Jim: There is a lack of documentation (master plan) detailing
       everything that needs to be done. This should be a separate
       task for the organizer.
       Nick: Most everything is now planned to be done by the
       organizer, executive assistant, or track chairs.
       Ross: Recommend a very short time line for the organization
       task to be completed.
       Noirin: Need to balance the experience of the old guard concom
       with the enthusiasm of the new folks. Concerned about the
       short time left to promote the conference and get sponsors and
       Doug: There are risks to Apache if we continue and have a
       failed conference. But the board is not going to step in now
       and tell concom what to do.
       Nick: All contracts are either checked into svn or on the
       concom list.

    H. Apache Infrastructure Team [Sam Ruby]

       No report was submitted.

       Will report next month.

    I. Apache Travel Assistance Committee [Gavin McDonald / Brett]

       See Attachment 9

    Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

6. Committee Reports

    A. Apache Abdera Project [Ant Elder / Jim]

       See Attachment A

    B. Apache Ant Project [Conor MacNeill / Doug]

       See Attachment B

    C. Apache Buildr Project [Alex Boisvert / Jim]

       See Attachment C

    D. Apache C++ Standard Library Project [Jim Jagielski]

       No report was submitted.

    E. Apache Cassandra Project [Jonathan Ellis / Greg]

       See Attachment E

    F. Apache Click Project [Malcolm Edgar / Sam]

       No report was submitted.

    G. Apache Cocoon Project [Simone Tripodi / Roy]

       See Attachment G

    H. Apache Community Development Project [Ross Gardler]

       See Attachment H

    I. Apache Continuum Project [Brett Porter]

       See Attachment I

    J. Apache CouchDB Project [Jan Lehnardt / Doug]

       See Attachment J

       AI Doug: ask for community information

    K. Apache Empire-db Project [Francis De Brabandere / Bertrand]

       See Attachment K

    L. Apache Flume Project [Arvind Prabhakar / Brett]

       See Attachment L

    M. Apache Forrest Project [David Crossley / Rich]

       See Attachment M

    N. Apache Giraph Project [Avery Ching / Ross]

       No report was submitted.

    O. Apache Gora Project [Lewis John McGibbney / Greg]

       See Attachment O

    P. Apache Hama Project [Edward J. Yoon / Rich]

       See Attachment P

    Q. Apache HTTP Server Project [Eric Covener / Jim]

       See Attachment Q

    R. Apache HttpComponents Project [Asankha Perera / Brett]

       See Attachment R

    S. Apache Incubator Project [Jukka Zitting / Roy]

       See Attachment S

       The question of SIS request for board-level backing for
       contributing code that was assigned to OSGeo has been
       resolved. The license agreement was confirmed to allow
       contributing the code to Apache.

    T. Apache jUDDI Project [Kurt Stam / Bertrand]

       See Attachment T

    U. Apache Lenya Project [Richard Frovarp / Doug]

       See Attachment U

    V. Apache Libcloud Project [Tomaz Muraus / Ross]

       See Attachment V

    W. Apache Logging Project [Christian Grobmeier / Sam]

       See Attachment W

    X. Apache ManifoldCF Project [Karl Wright / Jim]

       See Attachment X

    Y. Apache MRUnit Project [Brock Noland / Rich]

       See Attachment Y

    Z. Apache Perl Project [Philippe M. Chiasson / Brett]

       No report was submitted.

       will report next month

    AA. Apache POI Project [Yegor Kozlov / Ross]

       See Attachment AA

    AB. Apache Portals Project [David Sean Taylor / Greg]

       See Attachment AB

    AC. Apache Qpid Project [Carl Trieloff / Sam]

       See Attachment AC

       AI Sam: ask chair to make private item public since it is
       already public.

    AD. Apache River Project [Tom Hobbs / Roy]

       See Attachment AD

    AE. Apache Roller Project [Dave Johnson / Bertrand]

       See Attachment AE

    AF. Apache Santuario Project [Colm O hEigeartaigh / Doug]

       See Attachment AF

    AG. Apache Subversion Project [Greg Stein]

       See Attachment AG

    AH. Apache Turbine Project [Thomas Vandahl / Ross]

       See Attachment AH

    AI. Apache Tuscany Project [Luciano Resende / Sam]

       See Attachment AI

    AJ. Apache VCL Project [Andy Kurth / Rich]

       See Attachment AJ

    AK. Apache Velocity Project [Nathan Bubna / Greg]

       No report was submitted.

       AI: Greg to pursue a report for Velocity

    AL. Apache Xalan Project [David Bertoni / Roy]

       See Attachment AL

    AM. Apache Xerces Project [Michael Glavassevich / Bertrand]

       See Attachment AM

    AN. Apache XML Graphics Project [Chris Bowditch / Doug]

       See Attachment AN

    AO. Apache Creadur Project [Robert Burrell Donkin / Brett]

       See Attachment AO

    AP. Apache Steve Project [Jim Jagielski]

       See Attachment AP

    Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

7. Special Orders

    A. Change the Apache Tika Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Chris Mattmann
       to the office of Vice President, Apache Tika, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
       of Chris Mattmann from the office of Vice President, Apache Tika,

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Tika
       project has chosen to recommend David Meikle the successor
       to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Chris Mattmann is relieved and
       discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
       of Vice President, Apache Tika, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that David Meikle and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Tika, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
       until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7A, Change the Apache Tika Project Chair, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    B. Establish the Apache Lucene.Net Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's
       purpose to establish a Project Management Committee charged with
       the creation and maintenance of open-source software, for distribution
       at no charge to the public, related to maintaining a .NET platform
       version of the Lucene Indexing Engine.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Lucene.Net Project",
       be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation;
       and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Lucene.Net Project be and hereby is
       responsible for the creation and maintenance of software related
       to maintaining a .NET platform version of the Lucene Indexing
       Engine and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Lucene.Net"
       be and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve
       at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the
       Apache Lucene.Net Project, and to have primary responsibility for
       management of the projects within the scope of responsibility of
       the Apache Lucene.Net Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby
       are appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache
       Lucene.Net Project:

       Prescott Nasser                <>
       Christopher Currens            <>
       Stefan Bodewig                 <>
       DIGY                           <>
       Michael Herndon                <>
       Troy Howard                    <>
       Simon Svensson                 <>
       Itamar Syn-Hershko             <>
       Scott Lombard                  <>

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Prescott Nasser be
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Lucene.Net, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board
       of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
       resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a
       successor is appointed; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Lucene.Net PMC be and hereby is
       tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to encourage
       open development and increased participation in the Apache
       Lucene.Net Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Lucene.Net Project be and hereby is
       tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
       Incubator Lucene.Net podling; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
       Incubator Lucene.Net podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
       Project are hereafter discharged.

       Special Order 7B, Establish the Apache Lucene.Net Project, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    C. Establish the Apache DirectMemory Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's
       purpose to establish a Project Management Committee charged with
       the creation and maintenance of open-source software, for distribution
       at no charge to the public, related to an off-heap cache for the
       Java platform

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "The Apache DirectMemory Project",
       be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
       Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that The Apache DirectMemory Project be and hereby is
       responsible for the creation and maintenance of software related to
       a second level off-heap cache; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, DirectMemory" be and
       hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the
       direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of The Apache
       DirectMemory Project, and to have primary responsibility for
       management of the projects within the scope of responsibility of
       The Apache DirectMemory Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of The
       Apache DirectMemory Project:

         * Ioannic Canellos (iocanel)
         * Maurizio Cucchiara (mcucchiara)
         * Christian Grobmeier (grobmeier)
         * Olivier Lamy (olamy)
         * Raffaele P. Guidi (raffaeleguidi)
         * Simone Gianni (simoneg)
         * Simone Tripodi (simonetripodi)
         * Tommaso Teofill (tommaso)
         * Benoit Perroud (bperroud)

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Raffaele P. Guidi be
       and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, DirectMemory,
       to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
       resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a
       successor is appointed; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache DirectMemory Project be and hereby
       is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
       Incubator DirectMemory podling; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the Apache
       Incubator DirectMemory podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
       PMC are hereafter discharged.

       Special Order 7C, Establish the Apache DirectMemory Project,
       was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    D. Changes to the Travel Assistance Committee Membership

       WHEREAS, the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) Board Committee,
       known as the Apache Travel Assistance Committee expects to better
       serve its purpose through the periodic update of its membership; and

       WHEREAS, the Apache Travel Assistance Committee is a Board-appointed
       committee whose membership must be approved by Board resolution.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following ASF
       member(s) be added as Apache Travel Assistance Committee members:

           Tony Stevenson <>

       and be it further RESOLVED, that the following ASF member(s) be thanked
       for their invaluable past contributions and be removed from the

           Upayavira <>
           Noirin Plunkett <>

       Special Order 7D, Changes to the Travel Assistance Committee
       Membership, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors

8. Discussion Items
       A. ApacheCon EU status
          Review the list of open issues and discuss whether any board action 
          is needed.
       B. Audit
          Discuss whether we should fund an audit or a review this year.
    Hadrian has come forward with a few potential items to do this year.
    There is no strong requirement for an audit, but a review of procedures
    will help us decide whether we are doing things right and correct any
    deficient procedures.
    Jim: It is time to do an audit. We have never had a full review of the
    books, and it's a minor financial hit.
    Sam: Suggest a limit of $15,000 for an outside auditor to review the books.
    Doug: The board wants Hadrian to proceed with Jim (President) as the contact.

9. Review Outstanding Action Items

    * Daniel: draft an ASF policy for projects which need to re-bundle
      other Apache projects.

    * Jim: prepare a resolution to create a VP of OSI.
            Status: On hold until we receive a formal agreement
                    regarding the OSI Affiliate Program

    * Roy: update the guidance for releases and communicate to all committers.

10. Unfinished Business

11. New Business

12. Announcements

13. Adjournment

    Adjourned at 11:19 a.m. (Pacific)


Attachment 1: Report from the VP of Brand Management

Operations And Community

The Cocoon PMC has politely contacted several groups about potentially 
confusing names.  The emails sent worked well, although one detail 
was misstated; trademarks@ will remind pmcs@ of the proper procedures 
with clearer documentation.  The parties who have responded have 
done so favorably.

External Requests

Waiting feedback from counsel on a request to sign agreement to use Apache 
OpenOffice software in a television production.  The release form includes 
indemnification clauses which I'm not comfortable signing without legal 
review.  This showcases a (minor) issue with having a major end-user consumer 
product at Apache: organizations who want to use our marks in non-traditional 
ways who wish to have legal releases beforehand.  This is not a board issue, 
but is something to think about as the reach of Apache project grows.

Trademark Registrations

A [VOTE] confirmed my recommendation to *not* pay any fees to complete a
previous registration in a small country in the Balkans. 

Sadly, only limited discussion on the amount of funding we are willing to 
spend on either registration recording, or registrations in non US/EU 
countries.  Where we do choose to register marks, it will likely be 
only in the US and EU jurisdictions where appropriate and important 
for a specific project and for the ASF as an organization.

Attachment 2: Report from the VP of Fundraising

We have had a successful month. Google and Citrix have paid, as has WANdisco.

There was some confusion (on my part) regarding the WANdisco payment - I didn't
realise the check scan was a sign of payment. I need to better understand the
route that checks take in the US to prevent such events recurring.

We have had a call with HP and clarified their payment pattern. We have also
chatted with Google. Cat acknowledged that we are free to invoice much earlier.

I will provide a fuller, more comprehensive, report next month.

Attachment 3: Report from the VP of Marketing and Publicity

I. Budget: no payments are due at this time due to ASF Treasurer
Sam Ruby's super-efficient processing.

II. Fundraising/Branding/Marketing liaison: no meetings are planned.
Sally Khudairi has been working with Upayavira on outreach with
select ASF Platinum and Gold Sponsors. She has also been working
with several companies seeking to contribute projects to the Apache
Incubator to ensure their publicity activities comply with our
guidelines. In addition, Sally has been working with some Sponsors
regarding budget planning and participation in both ApacheCons.

III. Press Releases: the following formal announcements were issued
via the newswire, ASF Foundation Blog,, and (where appropriate) -- 
- 1 August 2012: The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache Deltacloud™
- 17 July 2012: The Apache Software Foundation Announces ApacheCon Europe
  2012 and North America 2013 
- 17 July 2012:Call For Papers Now Open: ApacheCon Europe 2012

IV. Informal Announcements: the following items were announced on
@TheASF and @ApacheCon Twitter feeds -- 
- 11 August 2012 -- @ApacheCon --Those seeking financial assistance to attend
#ApacheCon #Europe, applications close on Mon, 13 Aug #Apache #conference 
- 11 August 2012 -- @ApacheCon -- REMINDER: CFP for #ApacheCon #Europe closes
Mon, 13 Aug! Submit proposals at  #Apache 
#OpenSource #conference #Germany 
- 10 August 2012 -- @TheASF -- Those with issues or questions with the 
#Apache JIRA system, updates are provided by the ASF Infrastructure team --
follow @infrabot for info 
- 9 August 2012 -- @TheASF -- Did you know #Apache #OFBiz is the eCommerce 
backbone for British Telecom, United Airlines & American Heart Assoc.? 
- 6 August 2012 -- @TheASF -- Did you know that #Apache #OODT helps power 
@MarsCuriosity downstream data archiving for #NASA Planetary Data System?
- 1 August 2012 -- @ApacheCon -- You're in luck: the #CFP for #ApacheCon 
#Europe has been extended to 13 August! Submit/details  
#OpenSource #conference 
- 1 August 2012 -- @ApacheCon -- Love #Apache? Show your support w/banners 
for #ApacheCon #Europe and #NorthAmerica! Join us! … #OpenSource #conference
- 1 August 2012 -- @TheASF -- Congratulations to #Apache #OpenOffice
(Incubating) on v3.4's 10M+ downloads!
#TheApacheWay #OpenSource 
- 1 August 2012 -- @TheASF -- The Apache Software Foundation Announces 
#Apache #Deltacloud™ v1.0  #Cloud #OpenSource 
#interoperability #EC2 #CIMI 
- 26 July 2012 -- @TheASF -- Welcome new ASF Sponsor @InMotionHosting and 
@WANdisco renews/upgrades at the Silver Level!  
#OpenSource #Apache #thanks 
- 21 July 2012 -- @TheASF -- Congratulations to ASF President Jim Jagielski
--@jimjag-- for being an O'Reilly Open Source Award recipient at
- 17 July 2012 -- @TheASF -- The #Apache Software Foundation Announces 
#ApacheCon Europe 2012 and North America 2013  
#OpenSource #conference 
- 15 July 2012 -- @TheASF -- Join #Apache @ #OSCON! M-T: 
Hackathons/BarCamps/MeetUps oh my!
… T-Th: talks/BoFs/events/expo (booths #910, #217 + 423)!  
- 13 July 2012 -- @TheASF -- You're invited! #Apache @ #OSCON: #Social
& #Widgets; Programming & Productivity; #Cloud & Web #Infrastructure
+ more!
- 13 July 2012 -- @TheASF -- Catch Apache #OODT and #Hadoop in action at the 
Symposium on Meaningful Use of Complex #Medical #Data  
#bigdata #Apache

No new posts were made on "TheApacheFoundation" account on YouTube.

V. Future Announcements: the press release for Tuscany v2.0 has
been delayed; we await input from the PMC. The press-analyst briefing
for a feature on CouchDB has been delayed due to media-analyst
scheduling conflicts, coupled with summer holidays. Those PMCs
wishing to announce major project news --as well as podlings ready
to graduate from the Incubator-- please contact Sally at
for more information. Kindly provide at least 2-weeks' notice for
proper planning and execution.

VI. Media Relations: an addition to select pre-announcement briefings,
8 media requests were responded to, and coordinated 3 interviews
for various projects. The ASF received 691 press clips over this
time period, vs. last month's clip count of 1,385.

VII. Analyst Relations: we are trying to re-book RedMonk for their
briefing on CouchDB. Apache was mentioned in 8 reports by 451
Research, 41 writeups/reports by Gartner, and 1 report by Forrester.

VIII. ApacheCon liaison: Sally is pitching ASF Sponsors interested
in sponsoring ApacheCon Europe, and is working with Melissa Warnkin
on overall sponsorship plan and approach. She is also participating
in a number of strategic discussions.

IX. (Non-ASF) Industry Events and Outreach liaison: Sally and Melissa
staffed the ASF booth at OSCON, and thanks Ross Gardler, Leif
Hedstrom, Rich Bowen, Justin Erenkrantz, Jim Jagielski, Matt Franklin,
Jeff Potts, Lennard de Rijk, Dan Allen, Les Hazlewood, Ryan Baxter,
David Nalley, and Kevin Kluge for their on-the-ground support and
booth coverage.

X. Newswire accounts: we have 5 pre-paid press releases remaining
on the PRNewswire account and 18 pre-paid press releases with NASDAQ
GlobeNewswire through the end of the Fiscal Year.

Attachment 4: Report from the VP of W3C Relations

Nothing to report this month.

Attachment 5: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee

Attachment 6: Status report for the Apache Security Team Project

For July 2012: There continues to be a steady stream of reports of
various kinds arriving at security@.  These continue to be dealt with
by the security team.

1     Support question
1     Phishing/spam/attacks point to site "powered by Apache"
5     Vulnerability reports of which:
      2 [tomcat, via]
      1 [rave, via]
      1 [batik/fop, via]
      1 [libcloud, via]

Reminder: vulnerability handling process explained at

Attachment 7: Status report for the Apache Conference Planning Project

Small Events
There are no small events currently on the cards, and none being talked 
about. There is some spare cycles available to mentor new organisers if some 
were to surface and declare an interest. There probably aren't the cycles at 
the moment to do outreach though to try to generate new interest.

Third Party Events & Policy
Requests for third party event branding approval continue to come in, 
sometimes in advance, sometimes at a later stage... We've also been working 
a bit with some Podlings around project branded giveaways, tshirts and the 
like. Much of this has been solved with mentor hats on.

There has been some discussions around logos for events, but no conclusion 
yet on exactly where the responsibilities lie between ConCom and Trademarks 
for this.

A final policy on targeted donations has been drawn up, based on the board's 
original recommendations, feedback from ConCom, and the OK of Fundraising. 
It awaits promotion to its new home on, along with some 
other things, but ApacheCon tasks have got in the way of doing this.

A good month for new blood! We've voted in Jim Jagielski, Matt Franklin, 
Mohammad Nour El-Din and Tim Williams. We've also discussed a few other 
possible people, and re-introduced the policy to hold PMC membership votes 
on concom-private now that we're opening ConCom up to all interested 

Most ApacheCon things are being covered in the (at least) weekly reports to 
the president. A few brief bits are mentioned here.

For ApacheCon North America, the contract with OpenBastion has been signed, 
a holding page with key details has gone up, and Sally + OpenBastion have 
worked on announcements / press releases. OpenBastion are working on the 
timeline, sponsorship prospectus etc at the moment. The CFP is set to open 
on Monday 3rd September, so more activities and the final website are 
expected in the coming weeks. OpenBastion are also helping with ACEU, which 
is allowing them to try out ideas in advance and see which ones work / don't 
work. This will hopefully lead to a better ACNA!

For ApacheCon Europe, the (extended) CFP is set to close in a few hours, and 
we currently have an excellent 226 proposals submitted. The planners list 
has been setup, with all track chairs (amongst others) subscribed, and 
reviewing is in progress. We have hit some teething problems with the new 
site (which will also be used for ACNA), so the selection process does risk 
slipping a little bit. Currently, the plan is for accepted / rejected / 
backup talk notifications to go out on Monday.

Ticket sales for ACEU were set to open last Monday, and ticket prices were 
finalised based on the quote for production assistance. Unfortunately, 
assumptions about EU VAT status turned out just to be that, and the planned 
process for ticket sales + sponsorship collection fell through. Daily calls 
are in place to work on this issue (and a few other critical ones), and we 
hope to have something in place to allow us to start accepting payments late 
this week, in a way where we'll be able to claim VAT back from the venue / 
food / etc bills.

Melissa and Steve are currently working on a timeline and key dates. When 
that is in place, it should be easier for people who aren't following all of 
apachecon-discuss, concom, concom-private and planners to work out what 
tasks need doing, and which ones they might have the cycles to help with. 
(Previous ways of asking for volunteers have met with mixed success)

The two different ways of doing ApacheCon continues to be a learning 
experience (one with a sponsored venue, one with a traditional producer and 
hotel). We have very clearly learnt not to try another conference on the 
model of ACEU, no matter how many people suggest beforehand that it'd be a 
great idea... We shall see in 6 months time how well the "give the producer 
most of the control and responsibilities" option works out as an alternate 

Attachment 8: Status report for the Apache Infrastructure Team

Attachment 9: Status report for the Apache Travel Assistance Committee


We have added one and removed two committee members.
The list has picked up momentum with the lead up to AC EU 12 under way.
The TAC application software has been moved from a FreeBSD Jail to a Ubuntu VM. 
A Jira ticket remains open to have encrypted db backups Sent off site.

ApacheCon EU 2012

Applications are (currently) open for ApacheCon EU 2012, our 3 judges are 
in place.
Talks are under way but have stalled on what the process is/will be for the 
OpenOffice project which has its own funds for this event. Outcome of that soon.
We've had one or two folks helping with providing feedback to the website content 
And also question set that we use. The website corrections were made but any 
question set alterations will have to wait until this event has completed. 
Our EA should soon start to get mails and/or jira tickets to start planning 
for flights. Concom are sorting out pricing for hotel rooms, 
TAC will be able to jump in with how many we need after judging.

Other News

No news of other events happening at this time.

Attachment A: Status report for the Apache Abdera Project

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom
Syndication Format and Publishing Protocol specifications.

Activity in Abdera had died down and the last board report suggested
we'd start looking at retiring the project. We did have some
discussion about doing that but no decisions yet. However, that seems
to have spurred on a couple of committers and there now has been 25
commits in the last month. Hopefully that will continue and we'll now
be able to manage the votes necessary to get a release out, will have
to see how things go, but for now, retiring seems premature.

Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Ant Project

Apache Ant is a Java based build tool (see

o Release Status

Ant 1.8.4 was released on May 23rd 2012. This was a security bugfix
release. We do not anticipate any non-security 1.8 point releases
henceforth. The next regular release will be Ant 1.9.0 and will
require Java 5

An Apache Ivy release candidate (2.3.0-RC1) was made available on
April 24th, 2012 and a beta of IvyDE (2.2.0-beta1) was made available
on April 6th. These releases have not yet been finalized.

Ant 1.8.4 was released on May 23rd 2012

Ivy 2.2.0 was released on October 7, 2010
Ivy-DE 2.1.0 was released on Aug 20, 2010

o EasyAnt

A vote was held to accept the EasyAnt project from incubation which
failed due to insufficient +1 votes. This may have been due to the
timing of the vote in the summer holiday period (that was certainly
true for myself). There would not appear to be a more natural home for
the project within the ASF.

o Committers and PMC

No Change.

o Community

No issues.

Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Buildr Project

Apache Buildr is a Ruby-based build system for Java-based applications,
including support for Scala, Groovy and a growing number of JVM languages and

After almost a year without release, we finally got our release act together and
published Buildr 1.4.7 (incl. 70+ fixes/changes/enhancements) on May 29th.

Outside of a surge surrounding the release, the mailing lists have been
relatively quiet in past 3 months. We continue to receive contributions at a
rate of about one per month on average.

We have no issues that require board attention.

Attachment D: Status report for the Apache C++ Standard Library Project

Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Cassandra Project

Cassandra is a distributed database providing massive scalability,
high performance, and high availability.


1.0.10, 1.0.11, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3


Cassandra 1.2 is nearing code freeze.  Some new features include

- virtual nodes [1]
- collections [2]
- COPY command [3]
- improved support for auto-expired data [4]
- startup optimization [5]



Dave Brosius and Yuki Morishita were added as committers.

Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Click Project

Attachment G: Status report for the Apache Cocoon Project

Apache Cocoon 3 is a major rewrite of Cocoon 2.2. Like Cocoon 2 it
is based around the concept of pipelines and sitemaps and it is
very similar to Cocoon 2.2 in many respects but is slimmed down and
designed to be easily used with Java code (= no frameworks required!).
On top of this, Cocoon 3 has the goal of becoming the best available
platform for RESTful webservices and web applications.


  Traffic on users lists continues be light, people continue be
interested on C2 and newer C3, few impatient users requested C3
release date. The PMC still cannot schedule the C3 release date
because nobody has enough cycles ATM to dedicate on reviewing
all the work done on Cocoon and there is the need of APIs
modification, which could be a huge work.

  Javier Puerto has been invited as Committer and the PMC,
he accepted to join

  The PMC chair was re-elected by the community, which wasn't strictly
necessary but he wanted to know if other people were interested in
being the PMC chair


 Following subcomponents have been released:

 * Apache Cocoon parent 9
 * Apache Cocoon Block Deployment 1.2.1
 * Apache Cocoon Serializers Charsets 1.0.2
 * Apache Cocoon Integration Test Framework 1.0.0
 * Apache Cocoon Configuration API 1.0.4
 * Apache Cocoon Reloading ClassLoader - Spring reloader 1.0.2
 * Apache Cocoon Reloading ClassLoader - Webapp Wrapper 1.0.2
 * Apache Cocoon XML Utilities 2.0.4
 * Apache Cocoon Maven Plugin 1.0.2
 * Apache Cocoon Spring Configurator 2.2.1
 * Apache Cocoon JNet 1.2.2
 * Apache Cocoon Servlet Service Implementation 1.3.1


  A lot of bugfixing on C2, light traffic on C3.

  All old sites sources have been migrated to the Apache Maven formats.


  The PMC found, outside the ASF, projects which names contain Cocoon
so project owners were put in touch with the trademarks@ office which
successfully and friendly addressed all the issues.
You can find these projects on:


  CoCoons community (an OpenFOAM fork) contacted the PMC about potential
trademarks issue, the Trademarks office managed them.

Attachment H: Status report for the Apache Community Development Project

The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become 
involved with Apache projects

Project Status

No issues require board attention at this time.


40 GSoC students passed mid-term, one failed to submit a midterm evaluation: 
in future, we should include a request to remind their students in the 
reminders we send out to mentors about evaluations.

Feedback from admins regarding the applications process this year was that 
there was confusion and chaos around the selection process. Many
orgs had the same issues as the Melange webapp has changed
significantly this year. This has been the case each year so far, yet we
continue to be hopeful that next year will go more smoothly as a result!

We haven't heard any complaints about the projects that did (or didn't)
get selected in the end, and in fact, we ended up giving back a couple
of slots because we didn't have the proposals to fill them out. This is
the first time this has happened, normally we take extra slots rather than
give them back.

It is also notable that a few projects have a larger than normal number 
of students. We need to explore whether this is a change of attitude towards
GSoC within the ASF or a lack of outreach work on the part of the ComDev PMC.
It is my opinion (Ross) that the annual chaos of the selection process puts
mentors off - it's simply too much work tracking the moving goalposts.

  * Evaluate reasons for reduced interest from mentors this year
  * provide feedback to Google relating to complications cause by last minute 
    process changes

Events and Speakers

  * Agree scope of ConCom and ComDev collaboration on event support
    * two members of ComDev are co-chairing an ACEU track
    * three members of ComDev are seeking to assist with ACEU
  * Raise awareness of Speaker and Event support materials
    * some small progress made, needs concerted effort as part of ACEU and ACNA
  * Integrate speaker app with Lanyrd (hosts all ApacheCon NA12 slide decks)
    * No progress


Some discussion about making our website "friendlier" but not work as yet.

Some minor improvements to small areas of the site.

  * Work with the IPMC to clarify any future role for ComDev in the incubation 
    * No progress

Attachment I: Status report for the Apache Continuum Project

Apache Continuum is an enterprise-ready continuous integration server with  
features such as automated builds, release management, role-based security, 
and integration with popular build tools and source control management      
There has been some recent activity around getting the long awaited Continuum
1.4.1 release out the door.                                                 
The last release was Continuum 1.3.8, on 18 Sep 2011.                       
Still no movement on the branding requirements, which will be updated with  
the next release.                                                           
We have not added any new committers or PMC members recently. The last      
committer was added 8 Dec 2010, and the last PMC member was added on 17 Mar

Attachment J: Status report for the Apache CouchDB Project

Apache CouchDB is a database that uses JSON for documents,
JavaScript for MapReduce queries, and regular HTTP for an API.

Started migration of donated documentation to master. Couchbase
have donated API docs and a DocBook build system that we are
working through to integrate. We'll be reaching out for legal
advice on integrating CC-licensed documentation and are looking
for prior art of this form.

We are currently working through a number of JIRA issues before
starting the 1.3 release process.

Attachment K: Status report for the Apache Empire-db Project

Apache Empire-db is a relational database abstraction layer that allows
developers to take a more SQL-centric approach in application
development than traditional ORM frameworks. Its focus is to allow
highly efficient database operations in combination with a maximum of
compile-time-safety and DBMS independence.

Progress of the project

Apache Empire-db became a TLP in January 2012. We have published our 
first top-level release last April and our next release has just been
successfully voted.
Our user community is slowly growing and we regularly receive useful
contributions. Further we have a new integration module with example
code that should help us get a broader adoption.

Changes in committers or PMC members

There have been no changes in committers or PMC members during the last


There are no issues that require the board's attention at this time.

Attachment L: Status report for the Apache Flume Project


Apache Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available system for
efficiently collecting, aggregating, and moving large amounts of log
data to scalable data storage systems such as Apache Hadoop's HDFS.

* Flume version 1.2.0 was released on July 26 which provides many
new features and bug fixes over the previous release.
* No further releases are planned at this time.

* Development activity continues as can be seen from the following report:
* All post-graduation tasks have been completed. All the infrastructure
has been setup as a TLP including the website using the CMS, conforming
to the branding and infrastructure requirements.
* The project has adopted Git as the primary source control system.

* PMC Composition has not changed since the last report.
* Committer composition changed with Mubarak Seyed joining as a committer.
* A user-group meetup is being organized for the week of October 22 around
the time of Strata-Hadoop World conference in NY.
* Currently there are:
- Total of 117 subscribers to the developer list
- Total of 270 subscribers to the user list
- Total of 21 committers
- Total of 20 PMC members


* There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

Attachment M: Status report for the Apache Forrest Project

Apache Forrest mission is software for generation of aggregated multi-channel
documentation maintaining a separation of content and presentation.

Issues needing board attention:

Changes in the PMC membership:
  Last modified: 2011-01-10

General status:
  The most recent release is 0.9 on 2011-02-07.

  Three PMC members have been active a little during this quarter.

  Development has been non-existent for the quarter.
  There was low activity on the user mail list. One return user was assisted
  with a known issue by PMC members and encouraged to follow through to add
  to the issue tracker.

Security issues reported:

Progress of the project:
  Not much happening, but still some signs of life.

  I just now reminded our PMC about our need to move to 'svnpubsub'. That
  should be easy for Forrest as we already commit generated docs to svn using
  our semi-automated 'forrestbot'. Anyway, i will commence the process soon.

  Another reminder to other ASF projects that use Forrest: We have some docs
  that explain how the Forrest project publish our own documentation to svn,
  thereby making it easy to use svnpubsub for the final publication step
  rather than a personal cron job on people.a.o to 'svn up'.
  Also if projects want to move completely to the Apache CMS, then we have
  the Forrest "Markdown output" plugin and the "Anakia output" plugin.

Attachment N: Status report for the Apache Giraph Project

Attachment O: Status report for the Apache Gora Project

The Apache Gora open source framework provides an in-memory data model and
persistence for big data. Gora supports persisting to column stores, key
value stores, document stores and RDBMSs, and analyzing the data with
extensive Apache Hadoop MapReduce support.

Project Releases

The Apache Gora team was happy to announce the release of Gora 0.2.1 on
7th August 2012. More regular Gora releases are certainly having a
significant impact downstream within the Apache Nutch community as we
witnessed the release of Nutch 2.0 (which relies heavily on Apache
Gora). The Gora 0.2.1 release artifacts will be put to good use within
the next development drive over in Nutch.

Overall Project Activity since last report

A community decision was made to make an incremental 0.2.X release as
it was deemed that enough ground had been achieved to justify the
release. The release includes >10 bug fixes, about the same in
improvements. Work has been going well with the google summer of code
project and we look forward to reviewing this work and merging it into
Gora trunk once the PMC is satisfied with it. Finally we have a
significant patch for a complete re-work of the Avro implementations
within Gora. This provides an excellent contribution to Gora and will
certainly be included in the next release.

How has the community developed since the last report?

The community spirit has remained positive and can only get better now
that we are releasing on a more incremental basis. Our GSoC student
Renato Marroquín Mogrovejo and Lewis McGibbney have submitted a joint
proposal to the forthcoming ApacheCon EU based entirely on Gora so we
hope that this will also enable us to build out the community. As
briefly mentioned above, a significant Avro contribution was received
from Ed Kohwley which is very positive.

Changes to PMC & Committers

The Gora PMC were very pleased to invite and have Kazuomi Kashii join
the PMC. This was the result from Kaz's significant work within the
gora-cassandra module and various discussions with other community

PMC and Committer diversity

We currently have committers from a wide variety of projects including,
Nutch, Tika, OODT, Camel, Solr, Accumulo & Hadoop (this is not an exhaustive
list). Within the scope of the 0.3 development drive is an extensive upgrade
of the Avro code, so we will be vigilant in attracting new members. We also
look forward to the progression of GSoC. Hopefully our student progresses
to become part of the Gora team in due course.

Project Branding or Naming issues


Legal issues


Attachment P: Status report for the Apache Hama Project

Apache Hama is a Bulk Synchronous Parallel computing engine on top of
HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) for massive scientific
computations such as matrix, graph and network algorithms.


* No releases were made since the last board report.

Community and Development:

* Implemented Fault-Tolerant BSP system.
* New Contributors (from diverse university and industry
organizations) are increasing.
* User&Dev subscribers are both increased.
* No new committer, 1 new PMC member voting.


None at this time.

Attachment Q: Status report for the Apache HTTP Server Project

The Apache HTTP Server Project is an effort to develop and maintain an
open-source HTTP server for modern operating systems.

No major issues requiring the Board's attention.

== Project Status ==

There has been no release activity during this reporting period,
heavily due to the continued quiet CVE front.  There has been
increased backport activity to our recently released 2.4.x
branch in anticipation of an August release (thanks as always
to Jim)

== Community ==
No change to PMC roster and no new committers.

Activity on mailing lists and bugzilla is steady.

The project has added a comments system (thanks to
Daniel Gruno) to the httpd manual which has elicited
some nice feedback.

Attachment R: Status report for the Apache HttpComponents Project

The Apache HttpComponents project is responsible for creating and
maintaining a toolset of low level Java components focused on HTTP
and associated protocols.


Overall the project remains active.


- HttpClient 4.2 GA was released on the 23rd of May 2012

- HttpCore 4.2.1 GA was released on the 15th of June 2012

- HttpClient 4.2.1 GA was released on the 6th of July 2012

- HttpAsyncClient 4.0-beta2 was released on the 8th August 2012


- The community remains small but active, but has good user interaction
on the mailing lists as well as contributions rolling in

- Gary Gregory was unanimously voted in as a committer on the project.

Attachment S: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project

This report changes the way report reviews are indicated. Instead of the
"Signed off by mentor" line, we're now using a more generic "Signed-off-by"
notation for all interested IPMC members to sign off reports that they've
reviewed. Some podling reports also have explicit comments from IPMC members.

o Community

 Ted Dunning and Branko Čibej joined the Incubator PMC since our last report.

 The following podlings are requesting graduation to an Apache TLP:

 - Apache DirectMemory
 - Apache Lucene.NET

 The Incubator PMC recommends the board to accept the respective resolutions.
 A number of other podlings are currently preparing for graduation.

 The following proposal for a new incubating project was accepted:

 - Apache Blur

 A proposal for a new project called Drill was brought up for discussion.

 We're continuing the work started in May to better identify absent mentors
 and thus have a clearer picture of podlings without enough active help and
 oversight. Efforts to find replacement mentors have seen mixed success so

 Some of the podlings with low activity haven't seen much improvement over
 many quarters already. We're working with those projects to seek appropriate
 exit strategies from the Incubator. Such projects make the majority of
 podlings that have been incubating for years already.

o Releases

 The following incubating releases were made since our last report:

 - July 18th, 2012: Apache Any23 0.7.0-incubating
 - July 23rd, 2012: Apache SIS 0.2-incubating
 - July 26th, 2012: Apache Flex 4.8.0-incubating
 - July 26th, 2012: Apache Openmeetings 2.0-incubating
 - July 27th, 2012: Apache Syncope 1.0.0-RC3-incubating
 - July 30th, 2012: Apache Amber 0.22-incubating
 - August 2nd, 2012: Apache Airavata 0.4-incubating

 Cutting releases in the Incubator remains a difficult task. We discussed
 starting a "release task force" to help fix this, and there have already
 been some good ideas on how to do that. Unfortunately there are few concrete
 improvements yet, and meanwhile podlings continue having trouble attracting
 enough IPMC attention on their release candidates.

 The vote on an upcoming Bloodhound release brought up the topic of how
 relaxed we can be in interpreting the Apache release policy for podling
 releases. The current thinking is that since these are official Apache
 releases so notable breaches of policy that materially affect our rights
 or those of our downstream users to distribute or use the released code
 are allowed only if explicitly cleared by legal. Smaller issues like
 minor mistakes in source headers or partially incomplete licensing metadata
 can be allowed in an incubating release as long there's a commitment to
 fix such issues in time for the next release.

 We also did some cleanup in /dist/incubator of old releases by projects
 that have already graduated and have more recent releases.

o Legal / Trademarks

 See podling reports for a few ongoing and already resolved issues.
 The only bigger issue that may be of interest to the board is the
 contribution of the GeoTk codebase that led the SIS podling into
 discussions with the OSGeo foundation. See the SIS report for details.

o Infrastructure

 One topic for the proposed release task force to look into is the
 migration of /dist/incubator to svnpubsub within the next few months.
 No progress on this yet.

-------------------- Summary of podling reports --------------------

Still getting started at the Incubator (4 podlings)

 Allura, CloudStack, Crunch, cTAKES

 These projects are still getting started, so no immediate progress
 towards graduation is yet expected.

Not yet ready to graduate (5 podlings)

 Low activity:  Clerezza, Droids, Nuvem
 Low diversity: PhotArk, Syncope

 We expect the next quarterly report of projects in this category to
 include a summary of their actions and progress in solving these issues.

Ready to graduate (8 podlings)

 Airavata, Amber, DeltaSpike, Lucene.NET, SIS, Stanbol, Wink, Wookie

 We expect these projects to graduate within the next quarter.

Missed reports (2 podlings)

 Ambari, NPanday

 These projects failed to report in time. A report is expected next month.


Airavata is a software toolkit which provides features to compose, manage,
execute, and monitor large scale applications and workflows on computational
resources ranging from local clusters to national grids and computing clouds.
Airavata is incubating since May 2011.

A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards

1. Airavata started to see active contributions from diverse organizations.
    Thanks to GSoC students, tutorial and outreach events conducted by dev's,
    and growing general interest. The community would like to keep this
    momentum, and encourage diverse participation and hoping to retain
    interest from GSoC students.

2. Create a clear and concise roadmap.

3. Review the architecture and document the findings and improve incumbent

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware

 The community was very active this summer with large number of dev list
 and code commit email traffic (May: Dev-220, Commit-169;
 June: Dev-371, Commit-366; July: Dev-271, Commit-226).

 Random community members have been proposing new use cases, and filing
 feature requests in JIRA, this is a very good sign. Hoping to see some
 of them will turn into contributors and then committers.

How has the community developed since the last report?

 Yes. Shahani Weerawarana from University of Moratuwa, Srilanka
 was voted in as a committer and PPMC members based on her contributions.
 A good number of community members are actively filing JIRA's and some have
 started to contribute patches. Some of them seem to be potential committers.

 Of the 4 GSoC projects proposed on Airavata 3 students are actively
 developing and interacting with community. In addition to GSoC goals,
 these students also are actively participating in technical discussions
 and reviewing, testing and voting on releases.

How has the project developed since the last report?

 Within the last quarter the project has made 0.3-incubating and
 0.4-incubating releases.

Signed-off-by: mattmann, rgardler, ate, jukka
IPMC comments:
   mattmann - project is basically ready to graduate. I am going
              to start DISCUSS thread on list post 0.4 final release.


A list of the three most important issues to address in the move
towards graduation

1. Move project development to ASF hardware
2. Grow the community
3. Get the necessary paperwork (CLAs and software grant) submitted

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware

 No issues at this time

How has the community developed since the last report?

 We had a BOF at OSCON, which was attended by 8 people, 4 of whom were new to
 the community and have expressed interest in participating and have joined
 mailing lists. Other people at OSCON have expressed interest in the project,
 and we hope to see them join the lists soon.

 We have also had some offers of contribution from people at Bitergia who are
 interested in contributing the work that they have done around metrics.
 was a very encouraging start to growing the community.

How has the project developed since the last report?

 This is our first report, as we have just begun the incubation process.
 Infra has set up our mailing lists, and discussions have started. Also,
 since we will be self-hosted, Infra has created a VM for us, and we are
 in the process of installing Allura on that VM. We are also in the process
 of getting CLAs for all of our initial committers, and reaching out to
 anyone outside of the initial team for additional participants on the

Signed-off-by: gstein, rgardler, jukka


Failed to report in time, report expected next month.


Amber has been incubating since July 2010. Amber is a project to develop
a Java library which provides an API specification for, and an
compliant implementation of the OAuth v1.0, v1.0a and v2.0 specifications.
OAuth is a mechanism that allows users to authenticate and authorise access
by another party to resources they control while avoiding the need to share
their username and password credentials.

A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards

 - Attract users and developers
 - Start to think about a  graduation plan

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware

 No particularly issues at the moment

How has the community developed since the last report?

 New users / devs show up on the mailing lists both contributing patches
 and asking for guidance/release

 Fraunhofer AISEC decided to donate their UMA implementation based on
 OAuth 2.0
 to Amber (see AMBER-57). Amber PPMCs are evaluating how to move forward.

How has the project developed since the last report

 - The legal issue that slowed down the project significantly has been
   finally solved, see LEGAL-134
 - Fixed a bunch of issues for aligning with latest OAuth specification
 - amber-0.22-incubating (Amber first release) has been officially approved
   and ready to be used.

Signed-off-by: Raymond Feng (rfeng), mfranklin, jukka
IPMC comments:
mfranklin: Everything looks good with community & project. Status page needs
           to be updated and all items signed off before graduation.
    jukka: Congratulations on the release and especially on successfully
           navigating through the legal issue!


(incubating since November 27th, 2009)

Clerezza is a framework and set of components designed to make it easy to
build applications for the semantic and the social web.


 As in our last report in May, we believe Clerezza should graduate soon, but
 unfortunately that hasn't happened yet. Activity is currently fairly low,
 and it looks like Clerezza might remain a small/low activity project, but
 the PPMC is functional, has done releases and invited additional committers
 so there's no need to stay in the Incubator any longer once a plan to
 attempt to grow the community is in place.

 This plan has been discussed, and mostly involves better exposing Clerezza's
 reusable components. The current docs mostly present the content management
 aspects of Clerezza, which require adopting it as a whole, although several
 modules are useful on their own for tasks related to RDF data and/or triple
 stores. Making it clearer which modules are useful on their own should help
 grow the community.

How has the community developed since the last report:

 No changes since last report.

How has the project developed since the last report:

 Some project restructuring to facilitate releasing individual modules.

Next steps:

 - Release individual modules.
 - Improve docs on reusing parts of Clerezza.
 - Graduate.

Signed-off-by: jukka, bdelacretaz (mentor)
IPMC comments:
 jukka: +1 to attempts to regain lost momentum


A list of the three most important issues to address in the move
towards graduation

1. Licensing work
2. Finishing up the move of CloudStack infrastructure resources to the ASF.
3. Shipping a release.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware

 No issues at this time

How has the community developed since the last report?

 CloudStack has added 6 new committers in the month of July.

 We had BOF and hackathon time at OSCON, which was a positive benefit for
 those committers who attended, particularly in being able to delve into
 issues around incubation, branding, and licensing. Additionally two
 committers presented tutorials at OSCON one focused on end users deploying
 CloudStack and the other focused on developers hacking on CloudStack, both
 had great attendance.

 We have also had some offers of contribution from people at Bitergia who are
 interested in contributing the work that they have done around metrics.
 which was a very encouraging start to growing the community.

How has the project developed since the last report?

 Lots of modularization has been injected into CloudStack, which makes some
 of our licensing issues far less of a problem as we can merely turn the
 affected code off by default.

 The wiki has begun migration to an ASF hosted wiki instance.

 One of the CloudStack committers provided a dramatically easier way to be
 able to test and develop for CloudStack in the form a completely contained
 CloudStack environment that can be run as a VirtualBox VM. Much additional
 enhancement has been contributed to this making the process easier and
 easier to update.

 We also saw the movement of documentation from binary .docx files to
 DocBook XML; while this effort isn't complete it does permit folks to far
 more easily collaborate, as well as providing a far better interface
 for l10n.

Signed-off-by: brett, jukka, jim


Crunch is a Java library for writing, testing, and running pipelines of
MapReduce jobs on Apache Hadoop.

Crunch entered incubation on 2012-05-29.

The most important steps towards graduation:

 - Infrastructure setup (CMS for the Crunch website)
 - Add new committers
 - Create a release

Nothing that currently requires IPMC attention.


 The Crunch developer community continue to grow. The project
 received code submissions from six new developers representing
 five distinct organizations in the month of July. One of the new
 developers made such substantial contributions to the design
 and testability of the Crunch code base that the PPMC voted
 to add him as a committer, increasing the number of distinct
 organizations on the committer list from four to five. We look
 forward to adding new committers from our pool contributors, and
 also added documentation to the wiki to explain to new contributors
 how to get started with the project.


 - 29 issues were created on the Crunch JIRA in the month of July,
   23 of those were resolved.
 - All ICLAs are in place, including the one for the committer the project
   just added.
 - Cloudera submitted the software grant documents to the Apache
   Secretary on 2012-07-11, and the Secretary registered the grant
   the same day.
 - crunch-dev has been active: 308 emails on the list in July.

Signed-off-by: jukka


cTAKES (clinical Text Analysis and Knowledge Extraction System) is a natural
language processing (NLP) tool for information extraction from electronic
medical record clinical free-text.

cTAKES was voted into the Incubator by the IPMC on Monday, June 11, 2012.

Three most important steps moving towards graduation

 - Attract new contributors
 - Make at least one cTAKES release
 - Get everyone's ICLA on file and start developing code at Apache and using
   the infrastructure

Anything required IPMC attention?



 All ICLAs are now on file from initial committers in proposal.

 We have been actively discussing the work going on still at
 with respect to cTAKES pre-Apache and now Apache cTAKES. Most of the
 cTAKES community here at the ASF is learning the ASF model and infra.
 There was an active discussion regarding the proposed release of cTAKES
 at (2.6) and Chris and Jörn suggested that the release should be
 made at Apache. The team is now progressing towards that goal. We are
 in the process of attracting new contributors and building the community, so
 far focusing on contributors from the project from Boston Children's
 Hospital, MITRE Corp., Mayo Clinic, and Colorado University.


 - We plan to migrate the entire SVN repo from SourceForge to Apache SVN.
   (  Our goal is to create
   an initial 2.6-incubating release after this is done.

 - We have received ICLA's from  Sean Finan, Tim Miller, Dmitry Dligach,
   Vinod Kaggal

 - We began using Apache's Infrastructure (SVN, Apache CMS, Jira,
   Mailing Lists)

 - The ctakes-dev@ discussions have been very active with over 182 mails
   within the last month.

Signed-off-by: mattmann, jukka


(incubating since December 2011)

DeltaSpike will consist of a number of portable CDI extensions that provide
useful features for Java application developers. The goal of DeltaSpike is
to create a de-facto standard of CDI-Extensions that is developed and
maintained by the community.

There are currently no issues requiring IPMC or Board attention.

Since our last report in May 2012, we have accomplished the following:

 - Started using Apache-CMS for our site and documentation
 - Refactored the initial test-infrastructure
 - We did a major review and cleanup of the existing code-base
 - prepared for the release of deltaspike-0.3-incubating
 - added lots of new features
 - established an active community
 - New Committers (voted and added)
   - Charles Moulliard
   - Romain Manni-Bucau

Upcoming major goals:

 - Finish the setup for the documentation and the website
 - Release deltaspike-0.3-incubating
 - add JSF module and simple login/authentication

Top 2 or 3 things to resolve before graduation:

1. Create Documentation

Signed-off-by: Gerhard Petracek, Mark Struberg, jim, Dave Fisher
IPMC comments:
 Dave Fisher: AFAIK Documentation is not a graduation requirement.
              I was frustrated with the documentation because the lack makes
              it hard to understand the project, but that is not a blocker.
              I think the project should start working on graduation soon.


Droids is an Incubator project arrived from Apache Labs. Droids entered
incubation on October, 2008.

It's an intelligent standalone robot framework that allows one to create
and extend existing web robots.

Issues before graduation :

 Diversity is still an issue for the podling. More activity will help the
 diversity problem.

 Activity is still an issue for the podling. The podling has attempted
 to make its second release. However, it is having difficulty securing
 the necessary votes from IPMC members. The difficulty in making a release
 discourages activity.

 It was discussed on general@i.a.o by IPMC members after last quarter's
 report that it might be possible to graduate into Commons. The project
 has not approached the Commons PMC about this possibility at this time,
 but will be explored in the next quarter.

Signed-off-by:  rfrovarp, mfranklin, jukka
IPMC comments:
 jukka: two consecutive quarters with low activity, +1 to approaching Commons


Lucene.Net was accepted into the Apache Incubator in February 2011.
Originally it was a sub project of the Lucene Project.

Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and
targeted at .NET runtime users. Lucene.Net has three primary goals:

 - Maintain the existing line-by-line port from Java to C#, fully automating
   and commoditizing the process such that the project can easily synchronize
   with the Java Lucene release schedule.

 - High-performance C# search engine library.

 - Maximize usability and power when used within the .NET runtime. To that
   end, it will present a highly idiomatic, carefully tailored API that
   takes advantage of many of the special features of the .NET runtime.

Recent Activity:

 - Voted to graduation (vote passed - we will now be sending our resolution
   to the board)

Current Activities:

 Lucene 3.0.3 has taken longer to get out the door than expected -
 originally planned for June. We are still nearly ready to release,
 but we have added a lot of functionality - compatibility with .NET 3.5
 (which we removed for the 2.9.4 release). CLS compliance for usage with
 other .NET languages (like VB.NET). We have also done a lot of cleanup
 work on the code base.

 Working through the graduation process and all the entails.

Long term goals:

 Have a nearly fully automated process to convert Java Lucene to C#.
 (This has been a goal, but we are discussing if this is truly the best
 idea of the project).
 MAY UPDATE: We have done some more investigative work on this, but not
 much progress was made.
 AUGUST UPDATE: still unfortunately little progress has been made

 Parity with Java Lucene (4.0). Planning for an interim 3.6 release before
 the 4.0.

 Have a new .NET version of Lucene utilizing .NET constructs and idioms.
 Much progress was made on this (using properties vs GetXX/SetXX).

Graduation thought:

 We are submitting our resolution to the board, the vote has passed in
 our Lucene.Net community as well as by the IPMC and incubator community.

Signed-off-by: jukka


Failed to report in time, report expected next month.


Apache Nuvem will define an open application programming interface for
common cloud application services, allowing applications to be easily
ported across the most popular cloud platforms.

Nuvem was accepted for Incubation on June, 2010.

The Nuvem project is moving very slowly, contributions are mostly around
the new features: Message Queue component for different cloud platforms,
which is part of Dulini Atapattu's GSoC project.

Top things to resolve prior to graduation:

 - Increase the number of active committers.

Signed-off-by: lresende (mentor), bimargulies, jukka
IPMC comments:
 bimargulies: The report comment about small size and slow growth seems
              accurate, but there's at least an active mentor in the
              house and some things are happening.
       jukka: A more concrete plan on how to proceed is needed.
              Only a single commit since their last report.


Apache PhotArk will be a complete open source photo gallery application
including a content repository for the images, a display piece, an access
control layer, and upload capabilities.

PhotArk was accepted for Incubation on August 19, 2008.

PhotArk has a small community of contributors, mostly students, that need a
lot of attention in order to keep them active. The recent move in the
project direction to become a hybrid HTML5/Cordova mobile application that
aggregates images from different photo sources has contributed to bring old
members of the community and the is also two students participating in
GSoC that have been doing a great job.

The community have voted Prabhath Suminda as a new project committer, and
if finalizing the vote on another new committer as well.

Issues before graduation :

 PhotArk started as a project with no initial code-base, and we have
 grown the community to the minimal independent committer size required
 for graduation. We need to make these contributors constantly active
 in order to think about graduation again, or recruit new contributors.
 If the project can sustain the same level of activity for the next three
 months, I believe we could think about graduation again.

Signed-off-by: lresende (mentor), jukka
IPMC comments:
jukka: Just one active mentor, though Luciano is doing great.
       The heavy reliance on GSoC is a diversity concern.


Apache SIS is a toolkit that spatial information system builders or users
can use to build applications containing location context. This project will
look to store reference implementations of spatial algorithms, utilities,
services, etc. as well as serve as a sandbox to explore new ideas. Further,
the goal is to have Apache SIS grow into a thriving Apache top-level
community, where a host of SIS/GIS related software (OGC datastores, REST-ful
interfaces, data standards, etc.) can grow from and thrive under the
Apache umbrella.

SIS was voted into the Incubator by the IPMC on February 21, 2010.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware

 We are currently discussing a large software grant and code drop from
 the GeoTk (fork of GeoTools) project. This could easily make SIS a
 "go to" spatial library for many Java/other communities in the spatial
 domain and get us a long way.

 However, we are being VERY careful to make sure that we are operating
 in the Apache way here, and discussing the pros and cons of incremental
 development on list, and with the mentors and ASF members watching
 the project. Martin Desruisseaux is leading the discussions from the
 GeoTk side and he is also in contact with the OSGeo board to determine
 if they will grant copyright to the ASF and to the original developers
 of GeoTK. We are discussing all of the issues on list, and the OSGeo
 side of the conversation will come up at their board meeting on August 9,

Community progress since the last report

 Ross Laidlaw, Peter Karich, and Charith Madusanka were
 added as SIS PPMC members and committers.

Project progress since last report

 Apache SIS 0.2-incubating was released on July 23, 2012:

 Kevan Miller stepped up and helped us out with some LICENSE
 and NOTICE file issues.

 Looking at just mailing list activity:
 had 3, 13 and 78 messages from May 2012, June 2012 and July 2012,

 Ross Laidlaw, our GSoC student has put up a guide on the wiki for how
 to integrate Apache SIS with Apache OODT: you can find the tutorial here,
 as well as links to our other Incubator reports (linked and re-organized
 by Chris Mattmann):

 Chris filed an issue for GeoSPARQL integration, SIS-42, but there
 hasn't been much progress to date on it.

 SIS is actively being used and piloted by students of Dr. Ellis Horowitz and
 Chris Mattmann in USC's CSCI 572: Search Engines and Information Retrieval

 The team is very excited to be actively working and collaborating with
 the GeoTK project's Martin Desruisseaux. We are discussing ways to do
 a full import of the GeoTK code and to bring their community to the ASF
 as part of SIS. So far so good. In addition, we are educating the GeoTK
 community as to the benefits of the ASF.

 An ASF Legal question arose out of this conversation, LEGAL-143, and it's
 being tracked here:

Signed-off-by: mattmann, kevan, jukka
IPMC comments:
 jukka: There was a request for board-level backing for the efforts to build
        an organization-level relationship with the OSGeo foundation.


Apache Stanbol is an open source modular software stack and reusable set of
components for semantic content management. Incubating since November, 2010.


 There are no more remaining issues for graduation. Since the last report
 the project made a 2nd release of a single component showing that Stanbol
 is able to release single components (and modules).

 The project has updated its status page at [1] and opened
 PODLINGNAMESEARCH-8 [2] to establish Stanbol as a project name. Since
 there seem to be no issues against graduation from our mentors the
 next step is to create and discuss a resolution.



 No new committers or PPMC members since the last report, but steady activity
 on our lists from both existing and new members of our community.

 The Integration with DBpedia Spotlight resulted in a contribution of the
 resulting Enhancement Engines (STANBOL-706)

 Mihaly Heder joined the community and is working on an Stanbol UIMA
 Adapter (allows to use Apache UIMA as Stanbol Enhancement Engine
 and to convert UIMA results to the Stanbol Enhancement Engine

 Apache Stanbol was integrated into the LOD2 ( -
 meaning that LOD2 manages now a Debian package for Apache Stanbol.
 In addition there are also talks between the Stanbol and the
 NIF community (see

 The RDF extension of Google Refine
 release support for reconciling using the Apache Stanbol Entityhub

 Several nice blogs from Apache Stanbol users e.g. on how to implement
 Enhancemnt Engines (

 GSoC project MidTerm results (

 Apache Stanbol was a major topic of the IKS Community Workshop in
 Salzburg. Many new and Interesting Stanbol use cases where shown.
 Blogs about a lot of those can be found at

Project activity:

 - New utility for performance/stress testing of the Stanbol Enhancer
 - Added "Managed Sites" to the Stanbol Entityhub (allows to manage
   Entities by using the Entityhub RESTful API
 - Major improvements to the Ontology Manager
 - First working version of (STANBOL-471): Also ongoing work to adopt
   this "store -> index" architecture also for the Stanbol Entityhub.
 - High number of small improvements and bug fixes (> 70 solved Isses
   since June)

Signed-off-by: rgardler, bdelacretaz, jukka


Syncope is an Open Source system for managing digital identities in
enterprise environments, implemented in JEE technology. Syncope joined the
incubator on February 10th 2012.

Community Development:

 The transition of previous users-base to the new ASF infrastructure was
 successfully completed. user@ ML activity is raising, with new users
 evaluating the project and asking questions: currently 35 subscribers,
 including 4 archive / non human addresses.

 Two contributors were voted and reported in project site's team list page.
 The PPMC voted a new committer and PPMC member; this candidate declined our
 invitation. dev@ ML activity is quite consistent: currently 35 subscribers,
 including 4 archive / non human addresses.

Project Development:

 Commits activity is healthy, commits@ ML activity is high.

 Three releases, carried out by two distinct release managers, have been
 successfully completed; the release process has been included in project
 website in order to facilitate new release managers. The path to
 1.0.0-incubating seems to be really short now.

 The community discussed and elaborated the project roadmap currently
 drafted at

Web Site/Communication Development:

 The website is kept up-to-date on
 Status page is updated.
 It introduces Syncope, provides first content and news.

Signed-off-by: simonetripodi, elecharny, coheigea, bimargulies, jukka


Apache Wink is a project that enables development and consumption of REST
style web services. The core server runtime is based on the JAX-RS (JSR 311)
standard. The project also introduces a client runtime which can leverage
certain components of the server-side runtime. Apache Wink will deliver
component technology that can be easily integrated into a variety of

Apache Wink has been incubating since 2009-05-27.

Development list traffic and discussions are steadily, but low. Users
have been helping each other with questions and suggestions.

Activities since last report period :

 - Apache Wink 1.2 completed.
 - Apache Wink 1.2.1 being voted.
 - Website being migrated to Apache CMS and taking in consideration
   trademark requirements (still in progress)
 - Based on IPMC feedback, Graduation discussions have started again.

Planned Activity:

 - Continue next round of graduation discussions

Signed-off-by: kevan, jukka
IPMC comments:
 jukka: Some differing opinions about status in May,


Wookie is a Java server application that allows you to upload and deploy
widgets for your applications. Wookie is based on the W3C Widgets
specification, but widgets can also be included that use extended APIs
such as Google Wave Gadgets and OpenSocial.

Wookie has been incubating since 17th July 2009.

Progress since May 2012:

- Implemented new release schedule (aligned with Apache Rave)
- Two new releases
  - 0.10.0 (24th May)
  - 0.11.0 (22nd June)
- Started graduation process

Next steps:

- 0.12.0 release
- Complete graduation process

Issues before graduation:

- none


 In our last report we identified a task to increase the frequency of
 releases to help community development, and this has now been achieved.

 We also indicated that we were ready to graduate from incubation. Since
 then we have held a vote on the wookie-dev list to nominate the PMC chair.
 Scott Wilson was the person voted as proposed chair (receiving 6 +1s,
 with no other votes) A JIRA issue has been created
 ( for the graduation
 process, which includes references to wookies charter.

Signed-off-by: Ate, rgardler, jukka

Attachment T: Status report for the Apache jUDDI Project

jUDDI (pronounced "Judy") is an open source Java implementation of the
Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI v3) specification for
(Web) Services. The jUDDI project includes Scout. Scout is an implementation
of the JSR 93 - Java API for XML Registries 1.0 (JAXR). 

- No new releases this period.
- Traffic on the mailing lists was fairly low
- No new committers. 

- No new releases, no real activity during the last quarter.
- Very low volume of JAXR related questions on the mailing list. 

No board level issues at this time. 

Attachment U: Status report for the Apache Lenya Project

The Apache Lenya CMS is a Cocoon based XML/XHTML content management 


No board level issues at this time.


No new releases this quarter.
Last release: 2.0.4 on 2011-03-14


Requests are being handled in a timely manner on the lists.

No change in community.

The PMC is healthy and can act in a timely manner when
changes are proposed.

Attachment V: Status report for the Apache Libcloud Project

Apache Libcloud

Libcloud is a Python library that abstracts away the differences among
multiple cloud provider APIs.


There are no issues that require the board's attention at this time.


- Libcloud 0.10.0 has been released on May 24th, 2012
- Libcloud 0.11.0 has been released on July 30th, 2012
- Libcloud 0.11.1 has been released on August 2nd, 2012


On August 6th we received a report about a potential SSL MITM vulnerability
in the Libcloud SSL certificate validation code. We have confirmed the report
and released a new version with a security fix (0.11.0) in the same day.

We have followed all the steps outlined on the Apache "security page".

Release announcement:
Libcloud security page:
Private voting thread title: "[VOTE] Release Apache Libcloud 0.11.1"


* No new PMC Members
* Multiple patches have been contributed by external contributors
* GSoC student made good progress and his midterm evaluation. Currently
  student is in the final phases of the project which includes final code
  touches and cleanup and writing a Getting Started guide.

Attachment W: Status report for the Apache Logging Project

Logging Services PMC Chair: Christian Grobmeier (

Project description

The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains open-source
software related to the logging of application behavior.


Dominik Psenner has joined the log4net team as a new committer.

Christian Grobmeier has been elected as the new PMC Chair. We all are very
thankful to Curt Arnold for his work on Apache Logging.

Project Branding Requirements

Already meeting the requirements:
   - log4net
   - log4php
   - log4j 1.x
   - log4jcxx
   - log4j 2.0 (to be deployed with the new release)

   - chainsaw (soon to be done)



The project has migrated to the Apache CMS, with many help from the Infra
and Maven team. With that we fulfill the requirements of svnpubsub which
will become mandatory by the end of the year.

The JavaMagazin published an article on Apache log4j 2.0 in their August

log4j 1.2:

The 1.2.17 has been released on 28.05.2012. We are working to restructure
the complex build of log4j 1. Besides, the product will see some
maintenance, but no new features.

log4j 2.0:

Constant activity and regular commits. The project faces an increased
level of interest. We are currently voting on RC for the first release.


No activity.


Less activity, some patches coming in.


Constant activity, still a small team. Changes are mainly driven from one


A new chainsaw release is blocked by the companions release.


We are heading towards a new companions release.

Attachment X: Status report for the Apache ManifoldCF Project

ManifoldCF PMC Chair: Karl Wright (

Project description

ManifoldCF is an effort to provide an open source framework for connecting
source content repositories like Microsoft Sharepoint and EMC Documentum,
to target repositories or indexes, such as Apache Solr , OpenSearchServer
or ElasticSearch. ManifoldCF also defines a security model for target
repositories that permits them to enforce source-repository security


ManifoldCF graduated from the Apache Incubator on May 16, 2012, one day
after the latest major release on May 15, 2012.  Since then, there has
been a limited point release as well (on May 22, 2012), and a major
software release occurred on July 13, 2012.  Another release is planned
for the end of September.

Mailing list activity

Mailing list activity picked up late in July, with broad activity on
topics related to the Web Connector, SharePoint 2010, MySQL support, and
the build infrastructure.  Dev list comments also centered around
release-related communication and voting. I am unaware of any mailing-list
question that has gone unanswered.

Committer and PMC membership

The last new committer signed on was in February, 2012.  Since then we've
had a number of offers for contribution from outside the community but
insufficient demonstrated commitment to offer committership or PMC
membership to any individual.  We are actively working to have a broader
committer base, as always, and try to maintain an encouraging attitude
towards new contributors.


We are aware of no current violations of the Apache ManifoldCF brand.


There are no outstanding legal issues that need resolution at this time.


There are only minor individual-related infrastructure issues outstanding
at this time.  This includes a committer who did not catch the mandatory
password change on May 24 and thus lost access to his Apache account.  We
are trying to resolve the issue now that he has returned to work.

Attachment Y: Status report for the Apache MRUnit Project


MRUnit is a Java library that helps developers unit test Apache Hadoop
MapReduce jobs. Unit testing is a technique for improving project quality
and reducing overall costs by writing a small amount of code that can
automatically verify the software you write performs as intended. This is
considered a best practice in software development since it helps identify
defects early, before they're deployed to a production system.

* The last release of Apache MRUnit was version 0.9.0-incubating, released on
  May 12, 2012 while in Incubation.
* No new releases are planned currently for the project.

* Board report was submitted late. My apologies.
* Development activity continues as can be seen from the following report:
* 13 JIRAs were resolved in the last month
* Mail traffic is largely on the DEV list. August messages on dev: 123, 
  messages on user 6
* Two new committers have been voted in
* Work continues on MRUNIT-69 which is a new/easier to use API


* The composition of the committers and PMC members has not changed since
  the last report.
* Currently there are:
  - Total of 25 subscribers to the developer list.
  - Total of 34 subscribers to the user list.
  - Total of 10 committers
  - Total of 10 PMC members


* There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

Attachment Z: Status report for the Apache Perl Project

Attachment AA: Status report for the Apache POI Project

Project Description
Apache POI is a Java library for reading and writing Microsoft Office file

Project Status
We have no issues that require Board assistance at this time.


Evgeniy Berlog has been voted in as a POI committer/PMC member

Traffic on the mailing lists has been steady. Most patches and
bug fixes are applied without much delay.

This year POI is participating in GSoC, the student is doing well
and passed the mid-term evaluation.

No releases in the last quarter.
We are aiming to release POI-3.9 in late 2012.

Attachment AB: Status report for the Apache Portals Project

Apache Portals is a project for building freely available and interoperable
portal software. With the Pluto project, we provide a reference
implementation for the Java portlet standard. The Jetspeed project is a full
feature enterprise open source portal. The Portals Applications project is
dedicated to providing robust, full-featured, commercial-quality, and freely
available portlet applications.

Relatively low activity. The board has required an additional report in
August 2012.

No releases since the last report.

One committer has been active on the Applications sub-project. Another
committer is clearing up time to start working on the next release of
Jetspeed. The Pluto team expressed commitment to keeping the Pluto
sub-project maintained. Mailing list activity is still relatively low.

Attachment AC: Status report for the Apache Qpid Project

Apache Qpid™ is a cross-platform Enterprise Messaging system which 
implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), providing 
message brokers written in C++ and Java, along with clients for C++, 
Java JMS, .Net, Python, and Ruby.

The project has expanded to include a protocol lib -- proton.

Proton is a high performance, lightweight messaging library. It can be 
used in the widest range of messaging applications including brokers, 
client libraries, routers, bridges, proxies, and more. Proton is based 
on the AMQP 1.0 messaging standard. Using Proton it is trivial to 
integrate with the AMQP 1.0 ecosystem from any platform, environment, 
or language.

Key developments:
1. We are ready to release 0.18
2. Perl binding for Qpid Messaging API
3. New HA for the C++ broker.
4. Web based management console for the Java broker.
5. Proton has it's own JIRA and mailing list and development has been
   picking up with more folks joining in.

No major change, positive or negative to report. Things still humming 

As mentioned above, 0.18 release about complete.

Attachment AD: Status report for the Apache River Project

Apache River is a distributed computing architecture, based on the JSK
Starter Kit Source code donated by Sun Microsystems, for the Jini

No new releases since last report.  Work on fixing some issues for the
next release is ongoing.

No issues to report.

The pace of commit activity remains steady, with several large pieces
of work reaching some significant milestones.

No issues to report.

No issues to report.

Attachment AE: Status report for the Apache Roller Project

Apache Roller is a full-featured, Java-based weblogging package that works
well on Tomcat and MySQL, and is also known to run on other servers and
databases. The ASF blog site runs on Roller 5.0.0.


No board issues at this time.


The Roller project announced the availability of a new Apache Roller 5.0.1
release and urged all Roller sites to upgrade. This new release is identical
to Apache Roller 5.0 but with the addition of two security fixes:

1) fix for CVE-2012-2380: Roller Cross-Site-Resource-Forgery (XSRF)
2) fix for CVE-2012-2381: Roller Cross-Site-Scripting (XSS) vulnerability

We worked closely with the Apache Security team, followed the process
and the community stepped up to test the fixes and get a release out.
We also worked with the infrastructure team deployed the fixes to weeks before we announced the vulnerability.


Apart from the above activity, the Roller community continues to be
rather quiet with low traffic that mostly concerns technical support
and installation issues. No new committers or PMC changes to report.

Attachment AF: Status report for the Apache Santuario Project

The Apache Santuario project is aimed at providing implementation of security
standards for XML.

There were two new releases during the last quarter. Version 1.5.2 of the
Apache XML Security for Java library was released. A new canonicalization
algorithm for encryption was introduced that fixes a problem where an element
might be decrypted to the wrong namespace.

Version 1.7.0 of the Apache XML Security for C++ library was also released.
This release provides a few bug fixes and a partial implementation of XML
Encryption 1.1 features, including AES-GCM encryption and some support for
newer RSA-OAEP variants.

Work has started on a 2.0 release for the Java library which focuses on
introducing a streaming XML Security model to complement the existing DOM 
model. This work is based on a code contribution to the Apache WSS4J project
for WS-Security, the XML Security specific portions of which were moved to
Santuario. The author of this work was voted in as a new committer to the
Apache Santuario project.

Attachment AG: Status report for the Apache Subversion Project

No Board issues at this time.

Since our report in June, the Apache Subversion project has added no
new committers or PMC members; we have added to each group within the
past six months. The 1.7.6 release is in-process and should occur
coincident with the Board meeting, or within the following two days.

One of the Foundation's sponsors, WANdisco, is hosting several
Subversion events in October. A number of PMC members will be speaking
and/or attending, along with a few ASF Members attending.

Attachment AH: Status report for the Apache Turbine Project

Apache Turbine is a servlet based framework that allows experienced Java
developers to quickly build web applications. Turbine allows you to use
personalize the web sites and to use user logins to restrict access to
parts of your application.

Turbine is a matured and well established framework that is used as the
base of many other projects.


The Turbine project has as usual seen low levels of activity in the last

The Turbine project has no board-level issues at this time.

Project Branding Board Report Checklist

The last issue left is
TODO: Logos and Graphics : include TM

Community changes

No new committers were voted in since the last board report.

No new PMC members were voted in since the last board report.

Turbine core project

The Turbine core project proceeds slowly to the next milestone release
which shall include a modified security implementation and support for the
Quartz scheduler to replace the built-in one.

Fulcrum component project

The Fulcrum security components are being prepared to be included in the
Turbine 4.0M2 release. Several other Fulcrum components have been updated
and will be released subsequently.

- A vote on the fulcrum-upload, version 1.0.5 RC2 release has been
successful. The publication of the release will follow shortly.

META project

There has been no activity on the META sub-project in this quarter.

No beta or final releases were made since the last board report.

Attachment AI: Status report for the Apache Tuscany Project

Apache Tuscany is an SOA framework based on OASIS OpenCSA and SCA.

- There are no issues that require the board's attention.

- Tuscany 2.0 release was approved, we started working with @press 
to get a 2.0 release press release but we are making slow progress
on getting the press release out, particularly arranging quotes, etc.

- In general traffic is on the lower side in the past few months.

- We still need to update logos with ™ and review project doap file.

Attachment AJ: Status report for the Apache VCL Project

VCL is a modular cloud computing platform which dynamically provisions and
brokers remote access to compute resources including virtual machines,
bare-metal computers, and resources in other cloud platforms. A self-service
web portal is used to request resources and for administration. VCL became a
TLP on June 20, 2012.

* The community has completed most of the post-graduation tasks with the help
  of Infrastructure. [1]
* A CMS website has been created. [2] We are working to migrate content from
  Confluence to the CMS.
* A VCL 2.3.1 bugfix branch has been created. This will be released in a few
* Development is beginning for VCL 2.4 features including NAT and IPv6
  support and new configuration management features.

* VCL 2.3 was released on 2012-07-20

* Subscribers to the user list: 150
* Subscribers to the dev list: 143
* Committers: 9
* PMC members: 6

* There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

[1] []
[2] []

Attachment AK: Status report for the Apache Velocity Project

Attachment AL: Status report for the Apache Xalan Project

1. The new Xalan TLP and project websites are now using svnpubsub as
   requested by the Infrastructure team.  The project websites are now
   officially published in the Xalan namespace.  The new Xalan TLP web
   site conforms to Apache branding requirements.

2. New mailing lists for our top-level project are being created. These
   lists will allow us to remove our dependence on the XML project namespace.

3. The new Xalan-J release will be in the Xalan distribution tree instead of
   the old XML distribution tree.  Along with new mail lists, this will
   complete the migration away from the XML project for Xalan-J.

4. Work is being done on multiple platforms to get Xalan-C ready for release.

5. The The GSoC-2012 project to add more EXSLT support to Xalan-C is
   progressing very well and is on track for completion.  The current code is
   available in Jira.

6. Xalan-J is moving towards a release, with the contributors figuring out
   which trunk changes will be merged into the 2.7 branch for the patch

7. Decisions about upgrading the Java platform requirements for Xalan-J will
   need to be made. XPath2 support is also being considered and there are
   contributors who want to start that work soon.

8. David Bertoni will be stepping down as the PMC chair. The PMC plans to
   nominate Steven Hathaway and we will hold the vote on the developer list

Attachment AM: Status report for the Apache Xerces Project


Our GSoC student (Shakya Wijerama) has been busy working on his
project over the summer and will be wrapping that up over the next
few weeks.

We're getting more feedback from the community on the XML Schema 1.1
implementation. Several JIRA issues were opened by users of the XML
Schema 1.1 code. We've addressed each of the valid ones with fixes.

Some users are asking again for Xerces jars to be deployed to
Apache's Maven repository. None of the committers use Maven or have
a personal interest in it so this has never become part of our
release process. Deployment to the repository has been managed in
the past by volunteers from the user community. Expecting new
volunteers with an interest in Maven will need to step up for these
sorts of requests to be satisfied.

Mailing list traffic has been moderate; about 200 posts on the j-dev
and j-users lists since the beginning of May.

No new releases this quarter.


A potential contributor contacted the PMC about making a software
grant to the project and is exploring whether that should go through
the Incubator. We're still talking.

One minor bug fix was made during the reporting period.

Mailing list traffic has been moderate; about 65+ posts on the c-dev
and c-users lists since the beginning of May.

No new releases this quarter.


Nothing in particular to report. There was no development activity
over the reporting period.

XML Commons

Enhancements were made to the JAXP QName class in XML Commons
External to improve its hash code algorithm.

Aside from a JIRA issue opened against the wrong component, no
mailing list traffic to report.

Apache Project Branding Requirements

There's still some work left to do on the TLP website, including
adding "TM" to the project logo.

Attachment AN: Status report for the Apache XML Graphics Project

One new PMC Member; Glenn Adams

Moving to CMS based websites
Clay Leeds has done some more work on a prototype website based on the CMS.
However, we're not yet ready to make the switch. I am hopeful that this
will come together in the next quarter. If not then we will have to assign
further resources to this task.

FOP made its first release in 2 years; v1.1rc1 which is a release candidate.
Glenn Adams prepared the release and we are collecting feedback from the user
community. We plan to release v1.1 final after a few weeks and any reported
severe bugs have been fixed. Meanwhile patches continue to come in from
contributors and committers continue to work on new features. Since the v1.1
branch, trunk has seen changes including a new API to increase compatibility
of FOP for cloud based environments. Users continue to report issues and ask
questions on the user mailing list and the committer team continue to answer
their questions.

The FOP committer team have recently agreed to create Bugzilla entries for
every significant change. Previously the agreed practice was to update
status.xml for each change, but it is felt that using a Bug Tracking System
will give a better paper trail for anyone wanting to understand why a change
was implemented in the future.

XML Graphics Commons
Contributor Luis Bernardo contributed a patch containing some new PNG Image
Loaders that are more efficient than the existing loaders. Work is underway
on URI resolution in the XGC library to give users more strict control of
file access and resource acquisition for the cloud environment.

Activity has increased since the last quarter. 2 committers processed a
couple of bugs and made some commits to SVN.

Attachment AO: Status report for the Apache Creadur Project

Apache Creadur creates and maintains a suite of open source
software related to the auditing and comprehension of
software distributions. Any language and build system are

Project Status
Creadur graduated from the Apache Incubator in April, 2012.
Except for tasks performed after the first release as a top
level project, handover is now complete.

We have no issues requiring board attention at the moment.

Branding and Trademarks
ApacheCon banners added.

Improved documentation to help explain our products to a
wider audience. A quiet month on the mailing lists.

We welcomed Philipp Ottlinger as a new committer.

Still yet to discover a good way to maintain our mix
of hand and generated contents in Apache CMS.

None (yet). The last release happened while the project was
incubating: RAT 0.8 released in November 2011.

We hope to cut the first release of Apache Whisker very

Community Objectives
* Release Apache Whisker 0.1
* Continue to improve documentation

Attachment AP: Status report for the Apache Steve Project

* Summary

No board-level issues at this time.

The project was established just a few weeks ago, and is currently
bootstrapping itself into existence. Version control, mailing lists,
and the wiki have been set up. See [1] for more details.

The project is currently reviewing issue tracker options, and its
options for preserving development history of the formerly-private
voter tools code. Greg Stein is producing an initial SVN dump as part
of this effort [2].


End of minutes for the August 15, 2012 board meeting.
