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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

                            November 21, 2012

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 10:30am (Pacific) and began at
    10:32 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was
    recognized by the chairman. The meeting was held via
    teleconference, hosted by Doug Cutting and Cloudera.

    IRC #asfboard on was used for backup purposes.

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Rich Bowen
        Doug Cutting
        Bertrand Delacretaz
        Roy T. Fielding
        Ross Gardler
        Jim Jagielski
        Brett Porter joined at 10:39
        Sam Ruby
        Greg Stein

    Directors Absent:


    Executive Officers Present:

        Chris Mattmann
        Craig L Russell

    Executive Officers Absent:



        Shane Curcuru

3. Minutes from previous meetings

    Published minutes can be found at:

    A. The meeting of October 17, 2012

       See: board_minutes_2012_10_17.txt

       Approved by General Consent.

4. Executive Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Doug]

        Thanks to Greg for running the meeting in my place last month
        when I could not make it.

    B. President [Jim]

        At last month's meeting, as discussed and agreed upon at
        the face-to-face, the VPs of Brand Management, Fundraising,
        Marketing and Publicity, Conference Planning and Travel
        Assistance were "re-appointed" as serving under the direction
        of the president. As such, I will start the transition to the
        board reporting structure also discussed at the f2f: all
        reports from those entities will be sent to the President
        and the President's report will consist of summaries of those
        reports. The actual reports will be included as addenda
        to the agenda but the board will not be required to read and
        approve as has been the case up to now. In support of this,
        Greg had agreed to update the agenda template. I will confirm
        with Greg. I will also update Marvin as well. I expect the new
        system to be finalize and in place at next month's meeting.
        I am pleased with the good reports regarding ACEU 2012. Having
        a successful event certainly helps making all the efforts and
        pre-con concerns somewhat easier to take. It also sounds as
        though the new direction for ApacheCon, starting with the US
        show, will be a major help.

        I was invited to speak at the CloudStack Collaboration Conference
        later this month, which I accepted. The topic of my talk will
        be The ASF and Open Source, a la "The Apache Way", a term I
        think that despite our efforts, simply won't go away.

        I've re-informed OSI that we wish them great success with their
        Affiliate Program (as well as their membership and corporate
        affiliate programs) but that the board has decided, upon
        receipt of the Affiliate Agreement, not to sign and nor join the

        The foundation is running well.

    C. Treasurer [Chris]
        Treasurer's office has been operating smoothly. The looming item
        is dealing with our taxes, which are now due December 15th, 2012.
        Chris found form 990 online [1] that does e-filing of 990s, so he
        will spend some time over the next few weeks to learn how to perform
        the filing, and spend some time working with Sam to gather the
        needed financial data.
        We processed requests for reimbursement for ApacheCon EU and Open
        Office travel reimbursement requests, helping to explain the Treasurer
        process, and to make sure operations@ is kept in the loop and that
        the President and EVP are responsible for providing the approvals
        on all travel related expenses per the Board F2F. 
        * Google's sponsorship for ApacheCon EU 2012 came through Oct 18,
        2012. We also worked with Uli to ensure that the Google Summer of
        Code payment is also on its way and to ensure that Uli's travel to
        the mentor summit was reimbursed as requested.
        Other Requests:
        * There was an email by someone from HP on October 25th to provide
        some type of Request for Quotation. It's unclear to the Treasurer's
        office whether this was SPAM or real, but Upayavira responded
        promptly and respectfully and suggested that the person inquiring
        came to the wrong place for an RFQ as Apache doesn't provide them.
        * Aaron Williamson queried whether or not SFLC had been paid regarding
        the Brazilian trademark application for SVN and Greg Stein confirmed
        that Sam had made the appropriate international wires (2 of them)
        on September 24, 2012.
        * Chris, Ulrich Stärk and Upayavira had a brief discussion related to
        whether or not the ASF should have an EU based bank account. This 
        was originally due to Uli's mentioning of the fees that he is charged
        on wires, etc., but grew into Upayavira mentioning that sponsorship
        may benefit from this especially with EU-based sponsors. Chris thought
        that having an EU bank account may have some issues with our US based
        corporation and charity status. So, I mentioned that I would raise the
        issue to the board. Thoughts?
         Budget Rollup/Summary
         Income and Expenses 
              Current Balances:
                  Wells Fargo Business Checking:  452,959.79
                  Wells Fargo Savings:            287,415.20
                  PayPal:                         136,903.28
                  ----------------------------    ----------
                       Total                    $ 877,278.27
              Income Summary:
                  Lockbox                             611.25
                  ApacheCon EU 2012                 7,500.00
                  ----------------------------    ----------
                       Total                    $   8,111.25
              Expense Summary:
                          Category                  Amount
                  ----------------------------    ----------                  
                  ApacheCon EU 2012                   12,400.57
                  Google Summer of Code 2012             897.43
                  Executive Assistant                  2,308.00
                  Infrastructure Contractors          28,700.00
                  Network Services -           518.00
                  Public Relations                     4,545.45
                  Misc Expenses                        2,778.49
                  ASF credit card - Jim Jagielski        622.48
                  ASF credit card - Sam Ruby              19.95
                  ----------------------------    ----------
                       Total                     $    52,790.37        

    D. Secretary [Craig]

      October was an average month for document filing.  51 ICLAs, four CCLAs, 
      and three grants were received and filed. There were a few cases where 
      the automated document receiving script failed to properly identify an 
      email and these had to be handled manually. But largely, the tools are 
      working well.

      I've had some renewed interest from volunteer secretary assistants. 
      Hopefully this interest will translate into additional folks being able 
      to assist in the operation of the foundation.

    E. Executive Vice President [Ross]

       After ApacheCon EU it's been a quiet month for me. The ConCom
       report contains most of the feedback I provided to ConCom on
       ACEU and addresses some of the issues raised. I have nothing
       more to add, but those interested in more detail from me can
       read my feedback on the ConCom list.

       I managed to have a number of conversations with various people
       about how to get the most out of our volunteer efforts at the
       externally produced ApacheCon North America. Some of the ideas
       being discussed seemed to be heading in the right direction and
       were fed back to VP ConCom. See the ConCom report for more

       I've been working with RIM to coordinate their donation of
       Ripple to the incubator. It's presenting a few legal and
       trademark issues. The appropriate committees are providing
       necessary support.

    F. Vice Chairman [Greg]

       Nothing to report this month.

    Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

5. Additional Officer Reports

    A. VP of Brand Management [Shane Curcuru / Roy]

       See Attachment 1

    B. VP of Fundraising [Upayavira / Sam]

       See Attachment 2

    C. VP of Marketing and Publicity [Sally Khudairi / Greg]

       See Attachment 3

    D. VP of W3C Relations [Andy Seaborne / Doug]

       See Attachment 4

    E. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby]

       See Attachment 5

    F. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Ross]

       See Attachment 6

    G. Apache Conference Planning Project [Nick Burch / Brett]

       See Attachment 7

    H. Apache Infrastructure Team [Sam Ruby]

       See Attachment 8

       AI: Sam follow up with regard to git post-commit hook support
       by infra

    I. Apache Travel Assistance Committee [Gavin McDonald / Rich]

       See Attachment 9

       AI: Jim How much did we spend on TAC for ACEU? How much do we
       plan to spend for ACUS?

    Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

6. Committee Reports

    A. Apache Abdera Project [Ant Elder / Jim]

       No report was submitted.

       AI: Jim to pursue a report for Abdera

    B. Apache ACE Project [Marcel Offermans / Bertrand]

       See Attachment B

    C. Apache Airavata Project [Suresh Marru / Roy]

       See Attachment C

       AI: Rich follow up: Would be nice to put a date next to
       release, for historical reference.

    D. Apache Ant Project [Conor MacNeill / Doug]

       See Attachment D

    E. Apache Avro Project [Scott Carey / Brett]

       See Attachment E

    F. Apache Bigtop Project [Roman Shaposhnik / Sam]

       See Attachment F

    G. Apache Buildr Project [Alex Boisvert / Jim]

       See Attachment G

    H. Apache C++ Standard Library Project [Jim Jagielski]

       See Attachment H

    I. Apache Cassandra Project [Jonathan Ellis / Ross]

       See Attachment I

       AI: Rich follow up: Would be nice to put a date next to
       release, for historical reference.

    J. Apache Click Project [Malcolm Edgar / Rich]

       See Attachment J

    K. Apache Cocoon Project [Simone Tripodi / Greg]

       See Attachment K

    L. Apache Community Development Project [Luciano Resende / Bertrand]

       See Attachment L

    M. Apache Continuum Project [Brett Porter]

       See Attachment M

    N. Apache Cordova Project [Brian LeRoux / Greg]

       See Attachment N

       AI: Bertrand: It would be good to clarify the "difficult for
       our members to help infra" bit.

    O. Apache CouchDB Project [Jan Lehnardt / Brett]

       See Attachment O

    P. Apache Creadur Project [Robert Burrell Donkin / Doug]

       See Attachment P

    Q. Apache DirectMemory Project [Raffaele P. Guidi / Jim]

       See Attachment Q

    R. Apache Empire-db Project [Francis De Brabandere / Ross]

       See Attachment R

    S. Apache Flume Project [Arvind Prabhakar / Roy]

       See Attachment S

    T. Apache Forrest Project [David Crossley / Sam]

       See Attachment T

    U. Apache Giraph Project [Avery Ching / Bertrand]

       See Attachment U

    V. Apache Gora Project [Lewis John McGibbney / Rich]

       See Attachment V

    W. Apache Hadoop Project [Arun Murthy / Bertrand]

       See Attachment W

    X. Apache Hama Project [Edward J. Yoon / Ross]

       See Attachment X

    Y. Apache HTTP Server Project [Eric Covener / Jim]

       See Attachment Y

    Z. Apache HttpComponents Project [Asankha Perera / Sam]

       See Attachment Z

    AA. Apache Incubator Project [Jukka Zitting / Brett]

       See Attachment AA

    AB. Apache Isis Project [Dan Haywood / Rich]

       See Attachment AB

    AC. Apache jUDDI Project [Kurt Stam / Roy]

       See Attachment AC

    AD. Apache Lenya Project [Richard Frovarp / Greg]

       See Attachment AD

       AI: Greg last release was 20 months ago. that is quite long...
       is there a plan for a release RSN?

    AE. Apache Libcloud Project [Tomaz Muraus / Doug]

       See Attachment AE

    AF. Apache Logging Project [Christian Grobmeier / Ross]

       See Attachment AF

       AI: Ross: log4cxx is unmaintained, with a patch in the queue.
       Will the patch be applied, will the contributor be given
       commit access, should the project be retired, or some other

    AG. Apache Lucene.Net Project [Prescott Nasser / Rich]

       See Attachment AG

    AH. Apache ManifoldCF Project [Karl Wright / Roy]

       See Attachment AH

    AI. Apache ODE Project [Tammo van Lessen / Greg]

       See Attachment AI

       AI: Greg The branding checklist is not useful for the board
       report. Please send this to trademarks@ instead.

    AJ. Apache Oozie Project [Alejandro Abdelnur / Bertrand]

       See Attachment AJ

    AK. Apache OpenEJB Project [David Blevins / Doug]

       See Attachment AK

    AL. Apache OpenOffice Project [Andrea Pescetti / Brett]

       See Attachment AL

    AM. Apache Perl Project [Philippe M. Chiasson / Sam]

       See Attachment AM

    AN. Apache POI Project [Yegor Kozlov / Jim]

       See Attachment AN

       AI: Ross Any chance someone can blog about your success and
       link it from

    AO. Apache Qpid Project [Carl Trieloff / Ross]

       See Attachment AO

    AP. Apache River Project [Tom Hobbs / Roy]

       See Attachment AP

    AQ. Apache Roller Project [Dave Johnson / Jim]

       See Attachment AQ

    AR. Apache Santuario Project [Colm O hEigeartaigh / Rich]

       See Attachment AR

    AS. Apache Shindig Project [Paul Lindner / Bertrand]

       No report was submitted.

    AT. Apache SIS Project [Adam Estrada / Sam]

       See Attachment AT

    AU. Apache Stanbol Project [Fabian Christ / Doug]

       See Attachment AU

    AV. Apache Steve Project [Jim Jagielski]

       See Attachment AV

    AW. Apache Subversion Project [Greg Stein]

       See Attachment AW

    AX. Apache Turbine Project [Thomas Vandahl / Greg]

       See Attachment AX

    AY. Apache Tuscany Project [Luciano Resende / Brett]

       See Attachment AY

    AZ. Apache Velocity Project [Nathan Bubna / Jim]

       See Attachment AZ

    BA. Apache Xalan Project [Steven J. Hathaway / Doug]

       See Attachment BA

    BB. Apache Xerces Project [Michael Glavassevich / Bertrand]

       See Attachment BB

    BC. Apache XML Graphics Project [Chris Bowditch / Brett]

       See Attachment BC

    Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

7. Special Orders

    A. Establish the Apache Wookie Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
       Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
       open-source software, for distribution at no charge to
       the public, related to an implementation of the W3C Widgets
       family of specifications.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Wookie Project",
       be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
       Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Wookie Project be and hereby is
       responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
       related to implementation of the W3C Widgets family of
       specifications; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Wookie" be
       and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
       serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
       of the Apache Wookie Project, and to have primary responsibility
       for management of the projects within the scope of
       responsibility of the Apache Wookie Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
       Apache Wookie Project:

           * Scott Wilson        <>
           * Ate Douma           <>
           * Ross Gardler        <>
           * Matt Franklin       <>
           * Paul Sharples       <>
           * Kris Popat          <>
           * Raido Kuli          <>
           * Hoang Minh Tien     <>

       be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Wookie, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification,
       or until a successor is appointed; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Wookie PMC be and hereby is
       tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
       encourage open development and increased participation in the
       Apache Wookie Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Wookie Project be and hereby
       is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
       Incubator Wookie podling; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
       Incubator Wookie podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
       Project are hereafter discharged.

       Special Order 7A, Establish the Apache Wookie Project, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    B. Change Chair for Apache Incubator

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Jukka
       Zitting to the office of Vice President, Apache Incubator, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
       of Jukka Zitting from the office of Vice President, Apache
       Incubator, and

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Incubator
       project has chosen by vote to recommend Benson Margulies as
       the Successor to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Jukka Zitting is
       relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of
       the office of Vice President, Apache Incubator, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Benson Margulies be and hereby
       is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Incubator, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
       until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7B, Change Chair for Apache Incubator, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    C. Establish the Apache Kafka Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
       Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
       open-source software, for distribution at no charge to the
       public, related to a distributed publish/subscribe stream
       processing framework.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Kafka Project",
       be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
       Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Kafka Project be and hereby is
       responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
       related to a distributed publish/subscribe stream processing
       framework; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Kafka" be
       and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
       serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
       of the Apache Kafka Project, and to have primary responsibility
       for management of the projects within the scope of
       responsibility of the Apache Kafka Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
       Apache Kafka Project:

           * Jun Rao <>
           * Jay Kreps <>
           * Neha Narkhede <>
           * Jakob Homan <>
           * Joel Koshy <>
           * Prashanth Menon <>
           * Joe Stein <>

       be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Kafka, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification,
       or until a successor is appointed; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Kafka PMC be and hereby is
       tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
       encourage open development and increased participation in the
       Apache Kafka Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Kafka Project be and hereby
       is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
       Incubator Kafka podling; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
       Incubator Kafka podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
       Project are hereafter discharged.

       Special Order 7C, Establish the Apache Kafka Project, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    D. Establish the Apache Syncope Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
       Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
       open-source software, for distribution at no charge to
       the public, related to managing digital identities in
       enterprise environments.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Syncope Project",
       be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
       Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Syncope Project be and hereby is
       responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
       related to managing digital identities in enterprise environments;
       and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Syncope" be
       and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
       serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
       of the Apache Syncope Project, and to have primary responsibility
       for management of the projects within the scope of
       responsibility of the Apache Syncope Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
       Apache Syncope Project:

           * Colm O Heigeartaigh <>
           * Emmanuel Lécharny <>
           * Fabio Martelli <>
           * Francesco Chicchiriccò <>
           * Jan Bernhardt <>
           * Jean-Baptiste Onofré <>
           * Massimiliano Perrone <>
           * Marco Di Sabatino Di Diodoro <>
           * Simone Tripodi <>

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Francesco Chicchiriccò
       be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Syncope to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification,
       or until a successor is appointed; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Syncope Project be and hereby
       is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
       Incubator Syncope podling; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
       Incubator Syncope podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator.

       Special Order 7D, Establish the Apache Syncope Project, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    E. Change the Apache River Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Tom Hobbs
       to the office of Vice President, Apache River, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
       of Tom Hobbs from the office of Vice President, Apache River,

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache River
       project has chosen by vote to recommend Greg Trasuk as the successor
       to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Tom Hobbs is relieved and
       discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
       of Vice President, Apache River, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Greg Trasuk be and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache River, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
       until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7E, Change the Apache River Project Chair, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    F. Change the Apache Cocoon Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Simone Tripodi
       to the office of Vice President, Apache Cocoon, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
       of Simone Tripodi from the office of Vice President, Apache Cocoon,

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Cocoon
       project has chosen by vote to recommend Thorsten Scherler as the 
       successor to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Simone Tripodi is relieved and
       discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
       of Vice President, Apache Cocoon, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Thorsten Scherler be and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Cocoon, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
       until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7F, Change the Apache Cocoon Project Chair, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

8. Discussion Items
        A. Special Members Meeting [Doug]
           Should we have a special members meeting soon, to elect new
           members?  We held our last annual meeting in May.  Arguably we
           should have had a special meeting this month, six months later.
           We could try to have one next month, in December, but with
           holidays that would be difficult.  So the next practical time
           is probably January, just four months before the nominal time
           of our next annual meeting.  Given this, my instinct is to not
           have a special meeting this year and aim to have our annual
           meeting again in May.  How do others feel?
           The main reason for a mid-year meeting is to elect new members.
           There have not been many new member nominations, so the consensus
           is that we should cancel the mid-year meeting.
        B. [Greg] After seeing Hadoop (finally!) combine their committer
           lists, I would like to have the Board make a recommendation
           that PMCs should never have partitions in the commit lists for
           code under their purview. Each community/PMC member is
           responsible for all that code, so why should any partitions
           exist, denying a member the ability to act?
           The board can strongly recommend this as best practice. Incubator
           is one exception, although the incubator seemed to be moving in the
           direction of a single incubator commit privilege. Labs is another
           possible exception.
           @Greg: prepare a draft memo to PMCs regarding project partitioning.

9. Review Outstanding Action Items
            * Daniel: draft an ASF policy for projects which need to re-bundle
              other Apache projects.
                    Status: Not done yet.
            * Roy: update the guidance for releases and communicate to all
                    Status: Not done yet.
            * Doug: ask CouchDB to include community information in next report
                    Status: Done.
            * Jim/Ross: draft travel approval policy
                    Status: Apologies, this is waiting on me (Ross)
            * Jim: send a message to committers@ regarding binaries signed by
                    Status: Will have draft for board to review by COB of
                    next week.
            * Sam: review committers@ history and make it publicly archived
                    Status: Not done yet.
            * Greg: pursue reports for ACE, Hadoop
                    Status: Done.
            * Brett: follow up with HBase PMC to clarify the "owner" role.
                    Status: Not done yet.
            * Rich: Follow up with Tcl PMC re: perhaps too much detail on
              bugs fixed; and did the bugs end up being shipped?
                    Status: Massimo indicates that he'll keep the report to
                    the basics in the future, and that we did ship a release
                    with the bugs fixed.

10. Unfinished Business

11. New Business

12. Announcements

13. Adjournment

    Adjourned at 11:16 a.m. (Pacific)


Attachment 1: Report from the VP of Brand Management

Operations And Community

Name searches for Incubator podlings continue to come in; most are 
well researched.

Actively working with several PMCs to assist in policing use of their 
names.  We're still seeing a wide variety of familiarity (both good 
and not so good) with the PMC Branding Requirements and trademark 
basics across PMCs, so each case is very different in terms of how 
the community is understanding and dealing with the issues.

External Requests

Commented on the transfer of a twitter account to a third party 
at the PMC's request (the mostly-unused @tapestry account to 
another unrelated, outside software project).  As long as Apache 
marks are respected and general policies followed, PMCs are free 
to define how they promote their brands.

Trademark Registrations

Approved counsel to proceed with a required office action (with 
attendant discounted filing fees) for the OPENOFFICE registered 
trademark in Canada.  Per counsel's suggestion, maintaining this 
registration is likely to strengthen our ability to defend marks 
related to Apache OpenOffice.

Greg Stein provided SFLC with documentation of our payment for 
some past Subversion registration costs; SFLC were asking for 
Treasurer to provide actual receipts of payment.

Attachment 2: Report from the VP of Fundraising

I have been reasonably inactive of late. However, I attended
ApacheConEU, and did have a few discussions with folks who could turn
out to be sponsors (some at higher levels). While at ApacheCon, I met
with Melissa, who is now up-to-speed on helping us track what actions
need to be carried out, and when. I also met Steve Holden - there is
scope there for collaborating on sponsorships relating to the ASF itself
and ApacheCons.

The majority of fundraising activity in the last period has been
supporting the ApacheCon sponsorships, which this time were able to
travel through the ASF.

I have started the process of discussing renewal with one of our
platinum sponsors.

Attachment 3: Report from the VP of Marketing and Publicity

I. Budget: we are ahead of plans, under budget, with no payments due at
this time.

II. Fundraising/Branding/Marketing liaison: no meetings are planned. Sally
Khudairi has been working with ApacheCon sponsorship liaison with select
ASF Platinum, Gold, and Silver Sponsors. She also continues to work with a
small handful of companies that are a) actively participating in the
Apache Incubator and seeking to promote various milestones; or b) planning
to contribute projects to the Incubator to ensure their publicity plans
comply with our guidelines; or c) are planning to launch events/products
and need clearance from Brand Management and/or ConCom. After three months
of planning and coordination, the donation of ARM servers from Dell and
Calxeda was successfully completed and announced on 24 October at Hadoop
World. Special thanks to the Apache Infrastructure team for their
much-needed help and ongoing support!
III. Press Releases: the following formal announcements were
issued via the newswire, ASF Foundation Blog,, and (where appropriate) --
- 30 October 2012: The Apache Software Foundation Announces
ApacheCon Europe Community Edition Officially Sold-Out; Extends CFP for North
America Event
-18 October 2012: The Apache Software Foundation Announces
Apache OpenOffice(tm) as a Top-Level Project
IV. Informal Announcements: the following items were
announced on @TheASF and @ApacheCon Twitter feeds (excludes interactions/conversations/responses/replies/re-tweets
of non-ASF posts) --
- 14 November - @ApacheCon [re-tweeted by @TheASF] - Early
Registration is OPEN for #ApacheCon --sign up today + save!  #Apache
#conference #OpenSource #community #PDX
- 14 November - @TheASF - Congratulations to #Apache
#Hadoop for winning @HPCwire's "Readers' Choice: Best Application of
#BigData in #HPC" award at #SC12!
- 14 November - @ApacheCon - Early Registration is OPEN for
#ApacheCon --sign up today + save!  #Apache #conference #OpenSource #community
- 12 November - @ApacheCon - Keep 'em coming:
talks/trainings CFP for #ApacheCon North America is closing soon!  #Apache
#conference #OpenSource #PDX
- 12 November - @ApacheCon - Fun photos are up of last
week's #ApacheCon #Europe --thanks to all who participated! … #Apache #conference
- 11 November - @ApacheCon - FINAL HOURS: #ApacheCon talks
+ trainings #Apache #HTTPServer #Cassandra #Hadoop #Lucene/Solr #OpenOffice
#Maven +more! 
- 11 November - @ApacheCon - Great presentations, slides
& updates from last week's #ApacheCon #Europe available … #Apache #Community #conference
- 11 November - @ApacheCon - Join us! #Apache #BigData
#Cloud #Messaging #LinkedData #Java #NoSQL #SmartSearch #Servers #Web
#Community #Innovation 
- 11 November - @ApacheCon - Early Registration is OPEN for
#ApacheCon --sign up today + save!  #Apache #conference #OpenSource #PDX
- 11 November - @ApacheCon - CFP CLOSING SOON: #Apache
#BigData #Cloud #Messaging #LinkedData #Java #NoSQL #SmartSearch #Servers
#Community +more 
- 11 November - @ApacheCon - FINAL CALL: #ApacheCon talks +
trainings #Apache #HTTPServer #Cassandra #Hadoop #Lucene/Solr #OpenOffice
#Sling +more! 
- 11 November - @ApacheCon - #CFP for #ApacheCon ends 11
Nov --theme: "Open Source Community Leadership Drives Enterprise-Grade
Innovation"  #Apache
- 10 November - @ApacheCon - Final call for talks +
trainings for for #ApacheCon North America:ends 11 Nov!  #Apache
#BigData #Cloud #HTTPServer #PDX
- 10 November - @ApacheCon [re-tweeted by @TheASF] - Last
chance! #CFP for ApacheCon North America closes 11 Nov! Submit your #talk +
#training proposals now!  #Apache #PDX
- 9 November - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon CFP ends 11 Nov;
Travel Assistance applications close 26 Nov  EARLY BIRD REG OPEN!  #PDX
- 9 November - @ApacheCon - Hats off to all #ApacheCon
#Europe participants --fab speakers, sponsors, delegates & staff: THANK
- 6 November - @ApacheCon - Friends of @TheASF will hold a
#BoF at @Supercomputing on #open #governance for #cyberinfrastructure
… #Apache
- 6 November - @ApacheCon [re-tweeted by @TheASF] - Got
what it takes to present to & train the #Apache #community? #CFP for
#ApacheCon NA extended to 11 Nov!  #conference
- 5 November - @ApacheCon - Coming to the #Rhein-Neckar
Arena for #ApacheCon #Europe? We're in the BUSINESS CLUB: "Fanshop"
nearby & footie kicker sculpture in front!
- 5 November - @ApacheCon - Thanks to @VMware for
sponsoring the #ApacheCon #Europe #Apache #Committers & #Hackathon
Reception at the fabulous @museumtechnik Sinsheim!
- 5 November - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon Europe has kicked
off today in Sinsheim --lots of great folks, hacking, and networking thus far!
#Hackathon #Apache #conference
- 3 November - @ApacheCon - w00t! Early-Bird Reg is open
for #ApacheCon NA --sign up today and save $330 over last year's rate!  #Apache
- 1 November - @TheASF [re-tweeted by @ApacheCon] - Showcase
your smarts to the #Apache #community! Preso & training submissions for #ApacheCon
NA close 9 Nov  #CFP #event
- 1 November - @TheASF - #ASF #Infrastructure donations
include @VMWare virtualization software & @Thawte SSL certificates -many
thanks! … #Apache
- 1 November - @TheASF - Did you know #ASF #infrastructure
uses servers donated by @Sun @IBM @HP @Dell & @Calxeda ? Thank you!! … #in-kind #Apache
- 1 November - @TheASF - Additional thanks for
#Infrastructure Support to @NoIPcom ,  & …
- 1 November - @ApacheCon - YES! Spots available for
#ApacheCon's popular FastFeather track next wk. Short presos on #Apache
projects of all kinds
- 1 November - @ApacheCon - Reminder: #CFP (Talks &
Trainings) for #ApacheCon North America closes 9 Nov! Newbie? Guru? All
Welcome!  #Apache
- 31 October - @TheASF - Did you know that the total market
for #Apache #Hadoop Market is expected to reach $13.95 Billion by 2017?
#BigData #study @MarketsandMarkets
- 31 October - @TheASF - Major thanks to @osuosl &
@SURFnet for providing #ASF infrastructure support (server hosting &
bandwidth). Our @infrabot loves you! #Apache
- 31 October - @TheASF - Thanks #ASF Bronze #Sponsors
@BlueNog @DigitalPrimates @IntuitInc @Liip @LucidImagineer @Talend @Twitter
@Two_Sigma ... …
- 31 October - @TheASF - Thanks #ASF Silver #Sponsors!
@BasisTechnology @Cloudera @GoDaddy @HuaweiPress @InMotionHosting @pswgroup
@SpringSource & @WANdisco #Apache
- 31 October - @TheASF - Thank you to #ASF Gold #Sponsors
@AMD_Unprocessed @HP @Hortonworks @IBM and @photomatt ! … … #Apache #support #gratitude
- 31 October - @TheASF - Thanks #ASF Platinum #Sponsors
@Yahoo @Microsoft @Google @Citrix and @Facebook ! We so appreciate your support … #Apache
- 31 October - @TheASF - Did you know that #ASF #Sponsors
offset expenses incl bandwidth, servers/hdware, legal, mktg/PR, support staff
+more? …
- 31 October - @ApacheCon - We're super excited for
#ApacheCon Europe at the state-of-the-art #Rhein-Neckar Arena  Thanks
- 30 October - @TheASF [re-tweeted by @ApacheCon] - Announcing
#ApacheCon #Europe #Community Edition Officially Sold-Out; Extends #CFP for
North America Event  #Apache
- 29 October - @ApacheCon - Welcome Claus von Riegen, @SAP
Head of Open Source & Open Standard participation, as #ApacheCon #Europe
plenary speaker 
- 29 October - @ApacheCon - Thank you @Oracle for
sponsoring the #Apache #OpenOffice Track at #ApacheCon #Europe!  #conference #community
- 29 October - @ApacheCon - Special thanks to @Cloudant and
@Optiver for co-sponsoring the #NoSQL #Database Tracks at #ApacheCon #Europe!  #CouchDB
- 29 October - @ApacheCon - "Es gibt noch
#Studenten-Tickets zu 75€ für die #ApacheCon #Europe - sei schnell!"  #konferenz #Rhein-Neckar
- 29 October - @ApacheCon - Less than 1/2 dozen tickets
remain for #ApacheCon #Europe! Sign up today!  #Apache
#conference #OpenSource #Germany
- 28 October - @ApacheCon [re-tweeted by @TheASF] - Get
cracking on your proposals! The #ApacheCon NA #CFP has been extended to Friday
9 November. Will you submit?  do RT!
- 24 October - @ApacheCon - Jian Lee presents
"Improvements of Table Formatting in Writer" at #ApacheCon -join us!  #Apache #OpenOffice #conference
- 24 October - @ApacheCon - Łukasz Dywicki presents
"When #Camel meets CDI" at ApacheCon --join us!  #Apache #enterprise #messaging #conference
- 24 October - @ApacheCon - Olivier Heintz presents
"OFBiz CRM, presentation, functionalities" at #ApacheCon --join us!  #conference #Apache #ERP
- 24 October - @ApacheCon - Mikhail Khludnev presents
"Handling Realtime Item Availability in #eShop" at #ApacheCon  #Lucene #Solr #Apache
- 24 October - @ApacheCon - Tammo van Lessen presents
"Faster builds with #Apache #Buildr" at #ApacheCon --join us!  #conference #OpenSource #Europe
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - Find out what's new @TheASF at
the #ApacheCon Fast Feather Track! Itching to showcase your #Apache project?
Sign up at …
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - Andre Fischer presents "#OpenOffice
Build System" at #ApacheCon --join us!  #Apache #conference #OpenSource
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - Kai Wähner presents "Next
Generation – Systems Integration in the #Cloud Era with #Apache #Camel" at
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon presents Olivier
Heintz "Multi resource Project Scheduling with #OFBiz"  Join
us! #Apache #ERP #OpenSource
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon presents Tommaso
Teofili "Text categorization with #Lucene & #Solr" Join us  #Apache #SmartSearch #conference
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon presents Christian
Grobmeier "World of #Logging"  Join us! #Apache #conference #OpenSource #Germany
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon presents Rony
Flatscher "Scripting #Apache #OpenOffice" Join us!  #Apache #conference #OpenSource #Germany
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon presents Frank
Lyaruu "Scripting languages in #OSGi" Join us!  #Apache #Modular #Java #Applications
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon presents Dejan
Bosanac "#Apollo & future of #ActiveMQ"  Join
us #Apache #Enterprise #Messaging #Integration
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon presents Sascha
Rodekamp "Multi-Store #eCommerce with #Apache #OFBiz" Join us!  #Apache #OpenSource #ERP
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon presents Michael
Christen "A Web #Search Appliance with #Solr & #YaCy" Join us!  #Apache #Lucene #smartsearch
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon presents Gabriele
Columbro "Standard Application Lifecycle Mgmt as Community &
#Enterprise enabler" Join us! 
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon presents Liu Zhe
"#Apache #OpenOffice Automated Testing" Join us!  #conference #OpenSource #Germany
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon presents Karl Pauls "#Felix
Connect"  Join us! #Apache #conference #OpenSource #Modular #Java #Applications
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon presents Hadrian
Zbarcea "#Apache #Camel - Advanced Techniques"  Join us! #Apache #conference #OpenSource
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon presents Nandana
Mihindukulasooriya "Publishing #LinkedData - Lessons Learned in
#Government" Join us! 
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon presents Ingo Renner
"#CMS Integration of #Apache #Solr - How we did it"  Join
us! #smartsearch #conference
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon presents Karl-Heinz
Marbaise "Unit- & Integration Testing w/ #Maven"  Join
us #Apache #conference #OpenSource
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon presents Weike Liang
"DOCX Export In AOO" Join us!  #Apache #OpenOffice #conference #OpenSource
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon presents Carsten
Ziegeler "Managing Installations & Provisioning #OSGi
Applications" Join us  #Apache #Java
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon presents Christian
Müller "#Apache #Camel in Action - Common Problems, Solutions & Best
Practices" Join us! 
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon presents Christoph
Goller "#Solr-based search & tagging services..." Join us  #Apache #conference #OpenSource
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon presents Dragan
Milosevic "Flexible Distributed Reporting...powered by #Hadoop &
#Lucene" Join us!  #Apache
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - "Es gibt noch
Studenten-Tickets zu 75€ für die #ApacheCon #Europe - sei schnell!"  #konferenz
#Rhein-Neckar #OpenSource
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon presents Jukka
Zitting" The secrets of a file" Join us!  #Apache #conference #OpenSource #Germany
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon presents Matthias
Stürmer "...improving #OOXML integration in #LibreOffice/#Apache
#OpenOffice" Join us! 
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon presents A Broekhuis
"Modular Java Applications Native-OSGi, Modular Software Development in a
Native world" 
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon presents Jan Lehnardt
"The #CouchDB Implementation" Join us!  #NoSQL
#database #conference #Germany
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon presents Suat Gonul:
"#Semantic #Indexing & #Search for Content Management Systems"
Join us  #LinkedData #CMS
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon presents Chris
Hostetter "Boosting & Biasing: Using Domain Knowledge + User
#Analytics in #Apache #Solr" 
- 23 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon presents Simone
Tripodi: "Refurbished wheels still round - the rise of reusable components
in ASF" Join us 
-19 October - @ApacheCon - Welcome #ApacheCon #Europe
#Community Sponsors @innoQ @OneHippo @dkd_de @GridDynamics @sentric_ch
@Lynx_consulting BeyondTrees @anneveling !
- 19 October - @ApacheCon - A great promotion for #ApacheCon
from Louis Suárez-Potts @luispo --thank you! …
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon's #Community Edition
is a smaller, less formal event aimed at a more technically-oriented audience.
Join us! 
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"Lucene 4 Performance Tuning" w/Simon Willnauer  #SmartSearch #Solr #conference #Germany
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"#Tomcat 8 preview" w/Mark Thomas  #Enterprise #computing #server #conference
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"Getting started with AMQP 1.0 using #Apache #Qpid" w/Rajith
Attapattu  #Cloud #conference
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"High Availability #Hadoop" w/Steve Loughran  #BigData #Cloud #conference #Germany
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - Join us at #ApacheCon #Europe
for the BoF on building and maturing the #Apache #OpenOffice #Community  #conference
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"Content extraction with #Apache #Tika" w/Jukka Zitting  #Lucene
#Solr #conference
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"An introduction to #Apache #Flex" w/Justin Mclean"  #enterprise #computing #conference
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"OpenSource #AMQP messaging with #Apache #Qpid" w/Doug Mahugh  #conference #Germany
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"#HBase Sizing and Schema Design" w/Lars George  #BigData #Hadoop #conference #Germany
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"Interfacing #Apache #HTTPServer 2.4 w/External Applications" w/Jeff
Trawick  #conference
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"Mosaic Fun with #OpenOffice Calc" w/imacat  #conference #OpenSource #productivity #suite
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"#SolrCloud Round Table" w/Mark Miller  #SmartSearch
#Lucene #Solr #conference #Germany
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"#Wicket - where do we go from here?" w/Sven Meier  #enterprise #computing #conference
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"#Apache #CloudStack Scalability" w/Kevin Kluge  #Cloud
#CloudComputing #conference
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight
"Operating #HBase: Things You Need to Know" w/Christian Gügi  #BigData #conference #Germany
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"Cloud4All - automatic personalised access" w/ Steve Lee  #Web
#Infrastructure #conference
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight
"Moving the DrawingLayer component of #Apache #OpenOffice .." w/Armin
LeGrand  #conference
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #Apache & #BigData top the
list: No certification required for 10 top-paying IT skills  via @joemckendrick
& @mattz62
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"#ElasticSearch in Production: lessons learned" w/Anne Veling  #SmartSearch #Lucene #Solr
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"Modern Web #Application Development With #Apache #Struts 2" w/René
Gielen  #conference
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"What is new in #CloudStack 4.0?" w/Wido den Hollander  #Cloud
#conference #Germany
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"#Hadoop #YARN - Under the Hood" w/Sharad Agarwal  #BigData #conference #Germany
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"#Apache #HTTP Server 2.4 Problem Diagnosis" w/Jeff Trawick  #conference #Germany
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - Join us for a BoF on the
#OpenDocument file format (#ODF) with the #Apache #OpenOffice Community at
#ApacheCon #Europe! 
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - Gartner: "#BigData to Drive
$34B of IT Spending in 2013"  Join us at #ApacheCon #Europe + learn how 
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #SmartSearch fans: the
@LuceneEurocon is co-located with #ApacheCon #Europe! Join us!  #Lucene #Solr thx @LucidImagineer
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"#Solr 4, the #NoSQL database" w/Yonik Seeley  #Lucene #Solr #conference #Germany
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"Open Source Identity Management" w/Francesco Chicchiriccò  #enterprise #conference
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"Introduction to #Apache #CloudStack" w/Kevin Kluge  #Cloud
#conference #Germany
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"Inside hadoop-dev" w/Steve Loughran  #conference #BigData #Hadoop #OpenSource #Germany
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight
"#Enterprise Performance: #Scaling the Web with #Apache" w/Igor Galić  #conference #Germany
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"Change Tracking in #Apache #OpenOffice and #ODF" w/Oliver-Rainer
Wittmann  #conference
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"Searching relational like data w/ #Lucene" by Martijn van Groningen  #conference #search
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight
"#Apache #TomEE, #JavaEE 6 Web Profile on #Tomcat" w/David Blevins  #conference #Enterprise
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"Extending lifespan with #Hadoop & R" w/Radek Maciaszek  #conference #BigData #OpenSource
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"Introducing #Apache #TrafficServer" w/Igor Galić  #conference #OpenSource #Germany
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"#Apache #OpenOffice Accessibility" w/Steve Yin  #conference #OpenSource #Germany
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"Query Parsing - Tips and Tricks" w/Erik Hatcher  #Lucene #Solr + Friends #conference
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"The #Apache #MyFaces Universe" w/Gerhard Petracek  #conference #OpenSource
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"#Deltacloud and #Cloud API standards" w/David Lutterkort. Register  #conference #Apache
- 18 October - @TheASF [re-tweeted by @ApacheCon] - Those
experiencing difficulty accessing today's #Apache #OpenOffice post may also
find the announcement at 
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - Congratulations to #Apache
#OpenOffice on becoming a TLP @TheASF! Catch @openofficeorg at #ApacheCon  #conference
- 18 October - @TheASF [re-tweeted by @ApacheCon] - The
Apache Software Foundation Announces #Apache #OpenOffice as a Top-Level Project  #OpenSource
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - Reminder: CFP for #ApacheCon NA
closes 5 Nov. From #Abdera to #Zookeeper, all are welcome!  #Apache #conference #PDX
- 18 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"Enabling Elastic, Multi-tenant, Highly Available #Hadoop on Demand"
w/Richard McDougall 
- 18 October - @TheASF - Those experiencing difficulty
accessing today's #Apache #OpenOffice post may also find the announcement at 
- 18 October - @TheASF - The Apache Software Foundation
Announces #Apache #OpenOffice as a Top-Level Project  #OpenSource
- 17 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"Policing the RFC: How Not To Kill Your Website at Scale" by Graham
Leggett. Program/reg 
- 17 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"#OpenOffice Extensions and Templates" by Roberto Galoppini"  #conference #Apache
- 17 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"Fundamentals of Information Retrieval, Illustration w/#Apache
#Lucene" by Majirus Fansi 
- 17 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"CDI at #Apache - Open WebBeans and #DeltaSpike Deep Dive" by Mark
Struberg  #conference
- 17 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"Integration in the #cloud - IPaaS with Fuse technology" w/Charles
Moulliard  #conference
- 17 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"Taking the guesswork out of your #Hadoop Infrastructure" by Steve
Watt.  #conference
- 17 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe highlight:
"What's new in #Apache #HTTP Server 2.4" by Rainer Jung.
Program/register  #conference
- 17 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #EU highlight:
"#OpenOffice at #Apache" by Juergen Schmidt. Sessions & register
at  #conference #OpenSource
- 17 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon NA Track: #Enterprise
#Messaging –#Apache #ActiveMQ #Camel #Qpid #ServiceMix #Shindig #Tuscany +more
- 17 October - @ApacheCon - "Es gibt noch
Studenten-Tickets zu 75€ für die #ApacheCon #Europe - sei schnell!"  #konferenz
#Rhein-Neckar #OpenSource
- 16 October - @ApacheCon - Special thanks to #ApacheCon
#Europe Silver sponsors @Cloudant, @HP & @Oracle; and Evening Event
sponsors @codeBusters_es & @theopenbastion!
- 16 October - @ApacheCon - Special thanks to #ApacheCon
#Europe underwriter/Platinum sponsor @SAP; plus Gold sponsors @Citirix,
@Google, @Hortonworks, and @LucidWorks!
- 16 October - @ApacheCon - Es gibt noch #Studenten-Tickets
für die #ApacheCon #Europe - nur 75€ - sei schnell bevor sie weg sind!  #konferenz
- 15 October - @ApacheCon - Hyper-discounted #ApacheCon #EU
#STUDENT tickets available --just €75! Register today  #Apache
#OpenSource #conference
- 15 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon NA Track: #Business
& #Community –@TheASF best practices #committing #code #Incubator
#leadership +more #CFP 
- 15 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon NA Track: Web
#Infrastructure –the backbone of the Web #Apache #HTTPServer #Tomcat
#TrafficServer +more #CFP 
- 15 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon NA Track: #Apache
#OpenOffice updates + sessions on #Writer #Calc #Impress #Math #Base &
#Draw submit #CFP 
- 15 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon NA Track: #OFBiz –the
#OpenSource #ERP suite of applications, from eCommerce to FiCo and more. #CFP 
- 15 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon NA Track: #NoSQL
–uses & latest dev'ts dovetailing #BigData w/ #Cassandra #HBase #CouchDB
#Accumulo .. #CFP 
- 15 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon NA Track: Modular
#Java –developing/deploying #Cloud apps using #Felix #ACE #Karaf #Aries #Sling
+more #CFP 
- 15 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon NA Track: #Lucene /
#Solr + Friends –the latest in #smart #search & analytics #Tika #ManifoldCF
+more #CFP 
- 15 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon NA Track: #LinkedData
–adopting/linking/interoperating the Web of Data #Jena #Any23 #Clerezza
#Stanbol #CFP 
- 15 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon NA Track: Cloud
–#Apache's key role includes #Libcloud #Deltacloud #Whirr #Accumulo #Cloudstack
+ more #CFP 
- 15 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon NA Track: Camel in
Action –-common problems, solutions, and best practices with #Apache #Camel
- 15 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon NA Track: #BigData
–hi-vol perf, innovation & analytics #Cassandra #Hadoop #HBase #Hive
#Mahout #Pig .. #CFP 
- 15 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon NA Track: ApacheEE –
#Java at @TheASF #OpenWebBeans #OpenEJB #TomEE #Tomcat #MyFaces #OpenJPA etc.
- 15 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon NA Track: Apache
Daily –-tools, frameworks & components: #Logging, #Maven, #Ant, #Buildr,
#Commons etc. #CFP 
- 15 October - @ApacheCon - Reminder: CFP for #ApacheCon NA
closes 5 Nov. From Abdera to Zookeeper, all are welcome!  #Apache
#conference #PDX
- 15 October - @ApacheCon - CFP for #ApacheCon NA ends 5
Nov: "Open Source #Community Leadership Drives Enterprise-Grade
Innovation”. Submit at 
- 15 October - @ApacheCon - Have you registered for #ApacheCon
#Europe yet? Spots are filling quickly!  #Apache #conference #cloud #bigdata #servers
- 13 October - @ApacheCon - Tickets for #ApacheCon #Europe
going fast! Sign up today  #Apache #conference #OpenSource
- 9 October - @ApacheCon - #ApacheCon #Europe €75 #student
tickets still available but going fast! Sign up at  #Apache #conference #sponsor #Google
No new posts were made on "TheApacheFoundation" account on YouTube.
V. Future Announcements: none planned at present.  Those PMCs wishing to
announce major project news --as well as podlings ready to graduate from
the Incubator-- please contact Sally at for more
information. Kindly provide at least 2-weeks' notice for proper planning
and execution.

VI. Media Relations: an addition to select pre-announcement briefings, 14
media requests were responded to, and 6 interviews coordinated for various
projects. The ASF received 2,121 press clips over this time period, vs.
last month's clip count of 487.

VII. Analyst Relations: no formal briefings have taken place over the past
month, although members of the analyst community continue to receive
regular announcements. Apache was mentioned in 27 reports by 451 Research,
2 reports by Forrester, and 14 reports by Gartner. We also were mentioned
in 13 articles by GigaOM

VIII. ApacheCon liaison: Sally worked with Melissa Warnkin on securing
sponsorships for ApacheCon Europe. She also worked extensively on
publicizing ACEU as well as executed numerous responsibilities that were
needed for the event but had no “owner”, including creating all onsite
signage and ensuring the many communications to the Planning team were
responded to. As there is no official internal “event lead”, Sally remains
the primary point-of-contact with proposal submitters, Committers,
delegates, and sponsors for ApacheCon North America. She is currently
working with The Open Bastion on overall positioning, promotions, and
marketing plan for the event, which will be handed over to TOB’s PR
contractor to execute in December.

IX. (Non-ASF) Industry Events and Outreach liaison: Sally has been primary
point-of-contact for several activities, including the HPCWire Readers’
Choice Award on behalf of the Hadoop PMC, as well as ASF project industry
events/conferences, and numerous speaking opportunities.

X. Newswire accounts: we have 12 pre-paid press releases remaining on the
PRNewswire account and 8 pre-paid press releases with NASDAQ

Attachment 4: Report from the VP of W3C Relations

Nothing to report this month.

Attachment 5: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee

A fairly quiet month -- both in terms of the number of threads and the
length/"temperature" of each -- nothing to concern the board.  Most topics
concern license compatibility questions.

Aaron Williamson of the SFLC indicated that he will try to get a preliminary
answer to the crypto question by the end of the month.

I've started to work again with Daniel Kulp and Mark Thomas regarding the TCK
issue.  One way or another we should try to wrap this up early next year.

Attachment 6: Status report for the Apache Security Team Project

For Oct 2012: There continues to be a steady stream of reports of
various kinds arriving at security@.  These continue to be dealt with
by the security team.

2      Support question
1      Security vulnerability question, but not a vulnerability report
1      Phishing/spam/attacks point to site "powered by Apache"
10     Vulnerability report
       3 [httpd, 2 via, 1 via]
       2 [tomcat, via]
       2 [hadoop, via]
       1 [struts, via]
       1 [cloudstack, via] CVE-2012-4501
       1 [cordova, via]

Reminder: vulnerability handling process explained at

Attachment 7: Status report for the Apache Conference Planning Project

ApacheCon Europe
A full report on the conference was sent last week. The short summary is
that it was a success, sold out, but not the type of conference that was
originally planned, and the model shouldn't be repeated.

We believe we made a small profit on the event, the exact amount should be
clear soon when we finish sorting out the various small last minute
expenses. NewThinking are still waiting on a number of sponsors to pay, a
balancing credit should come from them once that is completed.

Slides were captured from almost all sessions, and Nour is leading the
process to get them online and tagged/associated with sessions. Most
sessions were audio recorded, and another group of volunteers are editing
those for eventual posting to FeatherCast. We're working out a plan with
Infra to host the raw videos (one out of each six sessions) and get them

ApacheCon North America
ACNA is taking place in Portland in late Feb, being organised by Open
Bastion, following the RFP in the spring. It should involve significantly
lower ASF energies than both ACEU and past ACNAs did, and the producer
seems well aware of our desire to avoid the past problems.

PMCs have been asked to help review content from the CFP, and quite a few
people have kindly agreed to help with this. We are hoping to approach a
few people to provide sign-posting services for TOB to help them get
queries answered by appropriate bits of the ASF. Most of the available
volunteer energies will be directed to organising community events before
/ during / after.

The current outline plan for community events around the conference are:
* Sunday - open barcamp, needs website + venue + locals + maybe sponsors?
* Monday - hackathon, needs wiki
* Tue - Thurs - events 5-7pm + evening, such as barcamp / lightning
talks in hackathon / food space
* Fri/Sat - project events, needs wiki + projects to sign up

We'll need to start planning these community events fairly soon, though
much of the organising won't be needed yet.

There was a lot of discussion at ACEU about the level of support needed to
have a strong community event around ApacheCons. Part of this was felt to
be a lot of support for those speakers who need it, to allow for a wide
range of different communities and speakers to attend, and part of it was
cheap committer tickets for those committers who won't attend many talks
(most committers at ACEU talked and hacked). However, it was known during
the RFP that the current ApacheCon attendee numbers can't support this
level of committer+speaker support. We have agreed to a capped amount of
underwriting for this support with the producer, to allow the discounted
committer tickets to go on sale, and speakers be offered free tickets if
they need it. If ACNA is a success, very little ConCom money will be
needed (but a small amount will be). We can then evaluate how well that
amount of support works before the next one, which will hopefully be
bigger and better able to support the committers and speakers from
attendee registrations.

New People
We're still waiting to hear back from operations@ on the process to add
new committee members with the new structure. Several people who helped
out with ACEU have agreed to help join.

Once we receive the information on the process for adding new committee
members, we'll start the ball rolling to bring the fresh blood in!

Other Events
Following discussions at ApacheCon, it looks like there are a number of
possible future barcamps:
* Sydney
* Bangalore
* New York
* Paris

Those who expressed interests in helping with these have been encouraged
to join the small-events-discuss list and ask for help/advice there.
Hopefully at least some of these possible events will go ahead over the
coming months!

Another Apache Asia Roadshow is being planned for December 13th in
Beijing, with organisers from last year augmented by a few new volunteers.
The date was chosen to dovetail in with the Cloud Computing Summing in
Beijing. Currently, no funds look to be needed to support the event due to
contributions from local sponsors.

Attachment 8: Status report for the Apache Infrastructure Team

Restructured the creation of new mailing list infrastructure:
new "foo" lists will be named following this convention:


instead of the now antiquated "$".

Similarly restructured website assets for new podlings to use


instead of the prior "$podlingname/".

These changes will help make migration to TLP status easier for
both the podling and the Infrastructure Team.

Coordinated with Sally with respect to the Calxeda/Dell ARM donation.

Worked with OSUOSL to mitigate the downtime of a series of
scheduled network outages affecting our .us services.

Discussed the pros and cons of using Round-Robin DNS for websites.
No action taken moving us away from RR DNS.

Rainer Jung upgraded our webserver install on eos ( to the
latest and greatest version of 2.4.x.

Mark Thomas upgraded all 3 bugzilla instances in response to a security
vulnerability report.

Some generic stats detailing the org's recent growth:

    New committer intake: ~300 / year like clockwork over the past decade.

    New TLP graduations:
                          2010: ~20
                          2011: ~10
                          2012: ~30

    New INFRA issues:

    Mailing List / Subversion activity: [*]

    Average Subversion traffic (hits): consistently ~ 3.2M / day for the past
    few years.

    Inbound Mail traffic: 250-300K connections per day for the past few years.

    Average Website traffic (hits):
                           Nov 2010: 10M / day
                           Nov 2011: 11M / day
                           Nov 2012: 21M / day [**]

    Rough Download Page traffic (hits):
                           Nov 2010:  48K / day
                           Nov 2011:  46K / day
                           Nov 2012: 145K / day [***]

    46 Virtual Machines (18 new within the past year) and 24 additional ARM
    servers due to the Calxeda/Dell donation.

[*] - clicking on the mailing list graph shows incubator + hadoop + lucene 
      is now responsible for 40 % of the org's total mailing list traffic.

[**] - 10M / day due to

[***] - 100K / day due to openoffice (note openoffice users typically upgrade
using the openoffice software itself rather than by visiting the download webpage)

Attachment 9: Status report for the Apache Travel Assistance Committee


No additions/removals to the committee this month. Mailing list busy before
the AC EU event and has naturally tailed off just after. Expect it to pick
up again as the ramp up for AC NA gives us little break this time.

ApacheCon EU 2012 Sinsheim

On the whole, we think ACEU was a success from the TAC perspective. We had
one of our best conferences for numbers supported. Thanks to the amazing
work from Melissa, the committee had to do much less work than in the past.
(There was at least as much work as before, it's just that Melissa did most
of it for us!). Melissa reports that in addition to TAC duties, other tasks
were being asked at the same time (from other committees) and that it would
be nice if like previous years, Shepherds can resume their roles and do some
of the leg work. 

Getting payments to the Travel Agent was complicated by the change of
treasurer, but that should be solved now. Hopefully Portland travel stuff
should be much simpler.

Unlike previous years, we didn't have a welcome breakfast, partly because
everyone had breakfast in their room rate, and partly because most of the
organisers were busy setting up first thing on the Monday. 

The first get-together was the briefing and session assignment. This didn't
seem to work quite as well, and TACers seemed a bit more confused about what
they had to do (possible due to an information overload with only one
session). Based on this, I would suggest for Portland we do the same as
Vancouver, and do welcome breakfast, then general briefing, then session
assignment, as three separate meetings.

Thanks also to Mohammad and Kanchana for being goto people for the TACers.

ApacheCon NA 2012 Portland

Currently, the draft plan for Portland is BarCamp on Sunday, Hackathon on
Monday and Conference Tues-Thurs, so we could do a Sunday breakfast, general
briefing before BarCamp setup, and session stuff the day after during

Applications are open and flowing in for this event already. More
advertising of this to go out to PMCs again soon.

Attachment A: Status report for the Apache Abdera Project

Attachment B: Status report for the Apache ACE Project

Apache ACE is a software distribution framework that allows you to
centrally manage and distribute modular software components,
configuration data and other artifacts to OSGi based and related target

* December 11th, 2011: ACE 0.8.1-incubator

* Lots of small fixes and optimisations, business as usual.
* We are still working towards the first TLP release.

Changes in committers/PMC members:
* None.

Committer/PMC diversity:
* No concerns, we have 11 committers that work for 7 different
  unique organizations.

Branding/naming issues:
* No issues.

Legal issues:
* No issues.

Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Airavata Project

Apache Airavata is a software framework providing APIs, sophisticated
server-side tools, and graphical user interfaces to construct, execute,
control and manage long running applications and workflows on
distributed computing resources.

== Releases ==

The PMC has made the first TLP release 0.5.

== Activity ==

The release 0.5 has surged momentum and the community is quickly marching
towards a 0.6 release. The current focus is to make it easy for clients to
integrate with Airavata services.

== Community ==

Chathuri Wimalasena was announced as the new Airavata Committer/PMC member.
Few contributors have been very active and showing commitment.

== Press ==

Members of Airavata and OODT PMC, Marlon Pierce, Suresh Marru, Chris Mattmann
are leading a BOF Featuring ASF at Supercomputing 2012 on Nov13th.

== Infrastructure ==

The project starting using the svnpubsub dist locations for release mirroring.
Also is using the dev area (
for staging RC's for testing and voting. With this, the project has completely
stopped directly using people:/www area.

== Infrastructure ==

There are no outstanding issues requiring board attention.

Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Ant Project

Apache Ant is a Java based build tool (see

o Release Status

A 2nd release candidate for Apache Ivy 2.3.0 (2.3.0-RC2) was made
available on November 12th, 2012

Ant 1.8.4 was released on May 23rd 2012

Ivy 2.2.0 was released on October 7, 2010
Ivy-DE 2.1.0 was released on Aug 20, 2010

o Committers and PMC

Jean-Louis Boudart (jlboudart) was added as a committer on October 31st.
He is a committer on the EasyAnt podling.

o Community

No issues.

Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Avro Project

Apache Avro is a cross-language data serialization system.

== Issues ==

There are no issues that require the board's attention at this time.

== Community ==

Tom White was added as a PMC Member on September 28, 2012

User mailing list activity was average throughout July, August, September,
and October 2012. Developer mailing list activity was inconsistent;
high in September but low in August and October.

We had activity in most language implementations and discussions related
to adding another (JavaScript)

== Releases ==

Avro 1.7.1 was released on July 19th, 2012.
Avro 1.7.2 was released on September 27th, 2012.

Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Bigtop Project


Apache Bigtop is a software related to a system for integration,
packaging, deployment and validation of a big data management
software distribution based on Apache Hadoop

* The last release of Apache Bigtop was version 0.4.0-incubating, released
  on Aug 20, 2012 while in Incubation.
* There has not been much progress with a maintenance release of 0.3.1
* Bigtop 0.5.0 release has been scoped and RM assigned (Roman Shaposhnik)
  The target date for the release is end of Nov 2012

* Development activity continues as can be seen from the following report: (since last board report, Oct 2012)
* All post-graduation tasks have been completed and all of the project
  infrastructure (web site, SCM, etc.) reflects its TLP status.


* PMC Composition has not changed since becoming a TLP.
  The current affiliations in the PMC stand at: independent (4),
  Cloudera (9), Hortonworks (3), Canonical(1), Oracle(1), Twitter(1),

* Currently there are:
- Total of 98 subscribers to the developer list
- Total of 108 subscribers to the user list
- Total of 21 committers
- Total of 21 PMC members


* There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

Attachment G: Status report for the Apache Buildr Project

Apache Buildr is a Ruby-based build system for Java-based applications,
including support for Scala, Groovy and a growing number of JVM languages and

We released Buildr 1.4.8 on November 1st containing 7 enhancements, 7 bug fixes
and a few minor changes from 5 different contributors/committers. We released a
subsequent "hot-fix" release (1.4.9) a week later to address a non-deterministic
bug affecting some users. Thanks to the work of Peter Donald (committer), we
have continuous integration testing working again on Jenkins covering multiple
versions of Ruby (1.8.7, 1.9.2, JRuby 1.7.0) and platforms (Linux, Windows) and
our automated release scripts have been cleaned up.

The mailing lists remain relatively quiet and we continue to receive
contributions at a rate of about one per month on average.

We have no issues that require board attention.

Attachment H: Status report for the Apache C++ Standard Library Project


Apache C++ Standard Library Project is a collection of functions
designed to implement a standard C++ library.


* No releases yet.


* Activity has really ramped up over the last several months.
  We are seeing renewed development and interest in the project
  and at the present time, I see no reason not to allow the
  project to continue.


* No new committers or PMC members


* There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

Attachment I: Status report for the Apache Cassandra Project

Cassandra is a distributed database providing massive scalability,
high performance, and high availability.


1.0.11, 1.0.12, 1.1.4, 1.1.5, 1.6, 1.2beta1, 1.2beta2


Cassandra 1.2 is feature-frozen with the second beta release out.
Release candidates will follow shortly.  Some new features include

- virtual nodes [1]
- collections [2]
- improved support for auto-expired data [3]
- startup optimization [4]
- atomic batches [5]


Aleksey Yeschenko was added as a committer.

The Cassandra Summit in late August saw over 800 attendees across four
tracks.  Slides and videos are archived at [6].


Attachment J: Status report for the Apache Click Project

Apache Click is an easy-to-use page and component oriented Java web

There are no board level issues at this time.

There are no infrastructure issues at this time.

Some headway has been made towards a version 2.3.1/2.4 release, but getting
enough time to complete this release has been a challenge.

There have been no new committer or PMC members added during this period.

Mailing list traffic has been very light for the period.

The project needs to recruit new committers and community support remain
active and healthy.

Attachment K: Status report for the Apache Cocoon Project

Apache Cocoon 3 is a major rewrite of Cocoon 2.2. Like Cocoon 2 it
is based around the concept of pipelines and sitemaps and it is
very similar to Cocoon 2.2 in many respects but is slimmed down and
designed to be easily used with Java code (= no frameworks required!).
On top of this, Cocoon 3 has the goal of becoming the best available
platform for RESTful web services and web applications.


  Traffic on users lists continues be light, people continue be
interested on C2 and newer C3, few impatient users requested C3
release date - again.

  Cocoon Hackaton took place at ApacheCon EU for 3.0-beta version

  Thorsten Scherler and Javier Puerto, both PMC members, gave a
talk "Rapid mobile development with Apache Cocoon3, Apache
Cordova and Jenkins CI" at ApacheCon EU

  Simone Tripodi, PMC member, gave a talk
"Refurbished wheels still round" at ApacheCon EU
showing Cocoon3 Pipelines APIs


 No releases during the last quarter


  Still bugfixing on C2, light traffic on C3.

Attachment L: Status report for the Apache Community Development Project

The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become
involved with Apache projects

Project Status

Ross Gardler has set down as Community Dev Chair, and Luciano Resende has
been elected new Chair.

No issues require board attention at this time.


GSoC mentor summit happened on November 20 and 21, and ASF was represented
by  Ulrich Stärk and Luciano Resende. There was one session where different
organizations presented the benefits for projects joining their foundation
and ASF was represented by Uli.

GSoC invoice for the GSoC and Mentor Summit has been submitted and are being
processed by Google.


  * Work with the IPMC to clarify any future role for ComDev in the incubation
    * No progress
  * Start discussions on how to simplify the process for new people to find
    tasks to work on based on areas of interest, programming language, level,
    etc. This would benefit GSoC students and overall new contributors.
    * No progress

Attachment M: Status report for the Apache Continuum Project

Apache Continuum is an enterprise-ready continuous integration server with
features such as automated builds, release management, role-based security,
and integration with popular build tools and source control management

A number of issues blocking the Continuum 1.4.1 release have been resolved,
and the vote for that should be upcoming very shortly. Aside from that, 
activity remains very low.

Occasional questions to the users@ list were responded to promptly.

Brent Atkinson was added as a PMC member on 2 Sep 2012.

The last release was Continuum 1.3.8, on 18 Sep 2011.

Still no movement on the branding requirements, which will be updated with
the next release.

We have not added any new committers recently. The last committer was added 8
Dec 2010.

Attachment N: Status report for the Apache Cordova Project

Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications
using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.


Post graduation development cadence remains very strong. Work remains
to complete migration from incubator infra.


- Our incubator infra to tlp infra migration ongoing. Only two steps
  left are moving the site off incubator and creating our new git

- There is concern that it has been difficult for our members to help
  infra. Cordova required git post-commit hooks to wire CI. Ended up
  writing our own server on a community members own hardware to poll
  our git repos to facilitate after multiple attempts working w/ infra
  to set this up.

- Cordova documentation is currently *not* hosted on Cordova project
  website but rather a downstream distribution site. (Nor has project
  website been migrated from incubator domain so expect to fix this in
  one go.)

- There has been some minor confusion with the CLAs and the account
  request mechanism. We will refine our project contribution
  guidelines to make this process more clear.


Cordova has two official releases as an Apache project and expects a
third this month.

Attachment O: Status report for the Apache CouchDB Project

Apache CouchDB is a database that uses JSON for documents,
JavaScript for MapReduce queries, and regular HTTP for an API.

Sorted out legal and integration issues for the documentation
grant from Couchbase.

Sorting out final blockers before 1.3.0 release.

PMC changes:
+ Benoit Chesneau (benoitc)
+ Robert Newson (rnewson)
+ Dave Cottlehuber (dch).
+ Jason Smith (jason).
- J Chris Anderson (jchris).

Started a weekly IRC meeting to check status and discuss current
issues. Reports are sent to dev@ for final decision making.

Preliminary planning for a CouchHack community event in Berlin
in January and participation at ApacheCon NA in February.

Notable take-up on project activity.

Started an erlang@c.a.o mailing list for people who want to
learn about the CouchDB codebase. It has already proven useful
to get new people into the codebase.

Attachment P: Status report for the Apache Creadur Project

Apache Creadur creates and maintains a suite of open source
software related to the auditing and comprehension of
software distributions. Any language and build system are

Project Status
Creadur graduated from the Apache Incubator in April, 2012.
Except for tasks performed after the first release as a top
level project, handover is now complete.

We have no issues requiring board attention at the moment.

Branding and Trademarks
Replaced ApacheConEU banners with ApacheCon NA banners.

Thanks to contributions, in particular, from the Apache
Maven and Apache CloudStack communities, activity is
increasing. Thanks to everyone for getting involved.

Hoping to trial a plugin that integrates Apache CMS
with Maven.

None (yet). The last release happened while the project was
incubating: RAT 0.8 released in November 2011.

A new Rat release is on track, once improvements based on
feedback from the Apache Maven community are completed.

The first Whisker release is on track, once improvements
based on feedback from the Apache CloudStack community
are completed.

Community Objectives
* Release Apache Rat 0.9
* Release Apache Whisker 0.1

Attachment Q: Status report for the Apache DirectMemory Project

Apache DirectMemory is an off-heap cache implementation for the JVM. It
features direct memory management (a-la BigMemory) to enable efficient
handling of a large number of java objects without affecting JVM garbage
collection performance.

* General Information
Community interest is still high, we are receiving interesting proposals
and questions in the mailing list. Some DirectMemory related or based projects
are being initiated as well and added as subprojects
On the "down" side we are still far away from a release.

* New Committers
  * Christoph Engelbert

* Project Branding Requirements
  Already completed.

* Issues
  No board level issues at this time.

Attachment R: Status report for the Apache Empire-db Project

Apache Empire-db is a relational database abstraction layer that allows
developers to take a more SQL-centric approach in application
development than traditional ORM frameworks. Its focus is to allow
highly efficient database operations in combination with a maximum of
compile-time-safety and DBMS independence.

Progress of the project

During recent months we have worked on an extension module that works as
a bridge for web applications based on Java Server Faces (JSF) version
2.x or later. This simplifies and enhances JSF development significantly,
since meta-data provided from the model is directly available in the
business and view layer, reducing redundancies. This module had been
initially released 3 months ago as part of release 2.4.0 and has now
been significantly improved with our latest release 2.4.1 that was
published on October 30th.

Changes in committers or PMC members

There have been no changes in committers or PMC members during the last


There are no issues that require the board's attention at this time.


Apache-Empire-db 2.4.1 was released on Oct 30, 2012.

Attachment S: Status report for the Apache Flume Project


Apache Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available system for
efficiently collecting, aggregating, and moving large amounts of log
data to scalable data storage systems such as Apache Hadoop's HDFS.

* Work for releasing Flume version 1.3.0 is underway and expected to
  be completed by end of the month.
* The last release of Flume was version 1.2.0, released on July 26,

* Development activity continues as can be seen from the following report:

* PMC Composition has not changed since the last report.
* Patrick Wendell joined as committer on 11/11/2012. He is affiliated to
  Berkley AMPLabs.
* A user-group meetup was held on October 25, 2012 at PulsePoint
  headquarters in New York. This was attended by 20 people in all.
* Currently there are:
- Total of 138 subscribers to the developer list
- Total of 324 subscribers to the user list
- Total of 22 committers
- Total of 20 PMC members


* There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

Attachment T: Status report for the Apache Forrest Project

Apache Forrest mission is software for generation of aggregated multi-channel
documentation maintaining a separation of content and presentation.

Issues needing board attention:
  Be aware that the project appears to be dormant. Suggestions for next steps.

Changes in the PMC membership:
  Last modified: 2011-01-10

General status:
  The most recent release is 0.9 on 2011-02-07.

  Development has been non-existent for the quarter.
  There was no activity on any mail list.

  No other PMC members have been active during this quarter. Two people did
  respond to my draft board report. This confirms that there are at least
  three people hanging around, and so we are potentially able to make a
  decision or encourage new contributors.

Security issues reported:

Progress of the project:

  There was no response to the previous quarter reminder about our need to
  move to 'svnpubsub'. This quarter I added notes about that to our issue
  tracker to assist others (FOR-1237). During the next quarter I will
  proceed to request the infrastructure move.

Attachment U: Status report for the Apache Giraph Project

Giraph is a Bulk Synchronous Parallel framework for writing programs
that analyze large graphs on a Hadoop cluster. Giraph is similar to
Google's Pregel system.

Project Status

  0.2.0 - expected sometime in December
     * Currently, the codebase is improving too quickly to consider an
       immediate release


Lately, the project has picked up steam and we are adding
improvements/fixing bugs at a fantastic rate.  In the past 30 days we
have resolved 48 issues.

Mailing lists:
  145 subscribers on dev
  207 subscribers on user

Attachment V: Status report for the Apache Gora Project

The Apache Gora open source framework provides an in-memory data model and
persistence for big data. Gora supports persisting to column stores, key
value stores, document stores and RDBMSs, and analyzing the data with
extensive Apache Hadoop MapReduce support.

Project Releases

The Apache Gora team was happy to announce the release of Gora 0.2.1 on
7th August 2012. No releases have been made since.

Overall Project Activity since last report

The last report quoted that good progress was being made on the GSoC
project, these efforts have now come to fruition with the recent merge
of a goraamazon branch with the trunk code. The entire efforts which
went into GSoC project can now be leveraged and enjoyed by Gora users
and dev's. In all 17 of 77 issues have been addressed since we last

How has the community developed since the last report?

Our GSoC student (and now PMC member and Committer) Renato Marroquín 
Mogrovejo recently presented on Gora @ACEU, continued exposure of this
calibre will most certainly aid in building out the community. We have also
witnessed Gora users from outside the typical community posting
presentations based on Gora use cases, as well as a significant portion of
Julien Nioche's presentation (on Apache Nutch) @ACEU focussing on Gora. Not
only is this encouraging but also shows that interest in Gora is growing as
the technology matures.

Changes to PMC & Committers

The Gora PMC were very pleased to invite and have Renato Marroquín
Mogrovejo join as PMC and Committer. This was the result of a long
summers participation in the GSoC project as well as Renato's
interest in getting the Gora brand out there at this years ACEU. We look
forward to more contributions which build on the great work done over the

PMC and Committer diversity

We currently have committers from a wide variety of Apache projects including,
Nutch, Tika, OODT, Camel, Solr, Accumulo, Whirr & Hadoop (this is not an exhaustive
list). Within the scope of the 0.3 development drive is an extensive upgrade
of the Avro code, so we will be vigilant in attracting new members.

Project Branding or Naming issues


Legal issues


Attachment W: Status report for the Apache Hadoop Project

Hadoop is a set of related tools and frameworks for creating and managing
distributed applications running on clusters of commodity computers.

On the people side, we have new people joining our ranks.
* We've added one new committer - Jason Lowe
* We've added 3 new PMC members: Siddharth Seth, Robert Evans, Thomas Graves

On the project side, we have made 6 releases:
- hadoop-2.0.1-alpha was released on 26th July, 2012
- hadoop-0.23.3 was released on 17th September, 2012
- hadoop-2.0.2-alpha was released on 9th October, 2012
- hadoop-1.0.4 was released on 11th October, 2012
- hadoop-1.1.0 was released on 14th October, 2012
- hadoop-0.23.4 was released on 15th October, 2012

Developer community is working well together, even though there was a fresh
(but minor) outbreak of vendor wars with some participation by members of
the PMC. No action from the Board is necessary now.

We've added a new Hadoop YARN sub-project.

We had a fairly contentious public discussion on splitting Apache Hadoop
into separate projects since there are at least 3 very distinct developer
communities in Apache Hadoop now: HDFS, YARN & MapReduce. For now the
community has voted to merge separate committer lists, but there seems to be
some emerging, albeit very early/tenuous consensus that after hadoop-2 is
declared 'stable' we should split the project into separate projects (HDFS,
YARN, MapReduce). This will better reflect reality that they have distinct
communities. No action from the Board is necessary now.

* 48 committers
* 3817 user@
* 1624 subscribers on general@


Common is the shared libraries for HDFS and MapReduce.

* 1681 subscribers on common-dev


HDFS is a distributed file system that supports reliable replicated storage 
across the cluster using a single name space.

* 735 subscribers on hdfs-dev


YARN is a distributed computation framework for easily writing distributed 

* 86  subscribers to yarn-dev


MapReduce is an implementation of the map/reduce programming paradigm.

* 766  subscribers to mapreduce-dev

Attachment X: Status report for the Apache Hama Project

Apache Hama is a Bulk Synchronous Parallel computing engine on top of
HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) for massive scientific
computations such as matrix, graph and network algorithms.


 * A new release is being voted.

Community and Development:

 * No new committers or PMC members voted in.
 * Users mailbox size has increased. There have been a number of new
users on the mailing lists.
  * User: 183 messages.
  * Dev: 599 messages.
  * Commit: 123 messages.
 * Tommaso will talk at ApacheCon EU 2012 about Hama and Machine Learning.
 * Few interesting projects on top of Hama began from academic and
industry labs. (query language, advanced analytics, ..., etc).


 * No Board level issues at this time.

Attachment Y: Status report for the Apache HTTP Server Project

The Apache HTTP Server Project is an effort to develop and maintain an
open-source HTTP server for modern operating systems.

No major issues requiring the Board's attention.

== Project Status ==

We produced two bugfix releases in the beginning of the reporting period,
2.2.23 and 2.4.3. Our 2.0.x stream has seen some renewed attention in
anticipation of a "final" security roll-up release and an announcement
of EOL.

More bugfix releases around EOY are anticipated.

== Community ==

IRC and users@ activity has been steady. Bugzilla and development lists
has been relatively slow.

Fabien Coelho has initiated discussions about rolling his popular out-of-tree
module mod_macro into the core distribution.

Apache HTTP Server was well represented at ACEU with Jeff, Stefan, Daniel,
Graham, Igor, and Rainer attending/hacking and 5 well attended Web
Infrastructure track talks.

Long-time bugzilla contributor Christophe Jaillet was added as a
committer. No changes were made to the PMC roster.

Attachment Z: Status report for the Apache HttpComponents Project

The Apache HttpComponents project is responsible for creating and
maintaining a toolset of low level Java components focused on HTTP
and associated protocols.


Overall the project remains active.


HttpCore 4.2.2 GA was released on the 23rd of September 2012

HttpAsyncClient 4.0-beta3 was released on the 30th of September 2012

HttpClient 4.2.2 GA was released on the 26th of October 2012


The community remains small but active, but has good user interaction
on the mailing lists as well as contributions rolling in

Attachment AA: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project

As mentioned last month, Jukka Zitting is resigning as the IPMC
chair due to changes in personal life. The Incubator PMC has voted
to recommend Benson Margulies as the successor for this post.

Overall the Incubator continues to work as the path for new projects
to join the ASF. There are still various unresolved issues in the
incubation process and the structures, roles and documentation
surrounding it, but none of these issues seem as unresolvable as
they did still at the beginning of this year. Also the reduction
in the number of active podlings from 59 at the beginning of the
year to 39 today has helped free up volunteer energy and time to
better focus on helping the remaining podlings.

o Community

  Roman Shaposhnik joined the Incubator PMC since our last report.

  The following podlings are requesting graduation to Apache TLPs:

  - Apache Kafka
  - Apache Syncope
  - Apache Wookie

  The Incubator PMC recommends the board to accept the respective resolutions.

  Other podlings like Clerezza, Droids and Nuvem would otherwise seem ready
  for graduation, but their low community activity seems risky for a standalone
  TLP. Thus they're looking at possibly graduating into broader existing TLPs.
  See the respective reports for more details on these plans.

  The following proposals for new incubating projects were accepted:

  - Apache Hadoop Development Tools
  - Apache Onami

  The proposal for a new Apache Streams podling is being voted on, and
  various other proposals for new projects are being prepared.

  The previously mentioned vote to retire the Apache Kitty podling passed.

o Releases

  The following incubating releases were made since our last report:

  - October 15th, 2012: Apache Droids 0.2.0-incubating
  - October 30th, 2012: Apache Syncope 1.0.3-incubating
  - November 2nd, 2012: Apache CloudStack 4.0.0-incubating
  - November 12th, 2012: Apache Flex SDK Installer 1.0.9-incubating
  - November 15th, 2012: Apache Bloodhound 0.2-incubating

  The crypto export issue of the Wookie podling is still open and is
  blocking their releases. Assistance from the legal team is requested.

o Legal / Trademarks

  The trademark team continues to be helpful in resolving various
  trademark-related issues that come up with many podlings.

  Apart from the crypto export issue mentioned above there
  are currently no major open legal issues that would require
  board attention.

o Infrastructure

  The first few podlings using the previously proposed streamlined infrastructure are now up and running.

-------------------- Summary of podling reports --------------------

Still getting started at the Incubator (4 podlings)

  Blur, Drill, Helix, Ripple

  These projects are still getting started, so no immediate progress
  towards graduation is yet expected.

Not yet ready to graduate (6 podlings)

  Low activity:  Clerezza, Droids, NPanday, Nuvem, PhotArk
  Low diversity: Ambari

  We expect the next quarterly report of projects in this category to
  include a summary of their actions and progress in solving these issues. 

Ready to graduate (6 podlings)

  Amber, Crunch, DeltaSpike, Syncope, Wookie, Wink

  We expect these projects to graduate within the next quarter.


Ambari is monitoring, administration and lifecycle management project
for Apache Hadoop clusters. Incubating since 30 August 2011.

  - Ambari 0.9 released.
  - Working towards the next release - target date sometime in end
    Nov/early December
  - One new PPMC member added - Yusaku Sako
  - AMBARI-666 branch created to allow a more flexible architecture
    - goal is to merge it to trunk for the next release
  - More than 270 jiras have been fixed on AMBARI-666
  - Number of users on the list - 85
  - Number of devs on the list - 67 

Issues that must be addressed before graduation are:

  - Making a release
  - Attracting users and developers
  - Increase diversity of developers outside of Hortonworks

Signed-off-by: Owen O'Malley, Devaraj Das, cdouglas, jukka


Amber has been incubating since July 2010. Amber is a project to develop
a Java library which provides an API specification for, and an unconditionally
compliant implementation of the OAuth v1.0, v1.0a and v2.0 specifications.
OAuth is a mechanism that allows users to authenticate and authorise access
by another party to resources they control while avoiding the need to share
their username and password credentials.

A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards

  - Attract users and developers
  - Start to execute the graduation plan

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?

  - No particularly issues at the moment

How has the community developed since the last report?

  New users / devs show up on the mailing lists both contributing patches and
  asking for guidance/release.

How has the project developed since the last report

  After the Amber first release (amber-0.22-incubating) seems that the
  community has taken a little hiatus. Next challenge is to comply against
  the just released RFC 6749 ( Since the
  last report we fixed some issues for aligning with latest OAuth

Signed-off-by: wave (as shepherd)
IPMC comments:
  wave: I think that Amber is ready to graduate - the traffic on the ML is
        down but indicates that some might use Amber if it were a TLP. I see
        starts to the process, I think that the mentors just need to give the
        podling some nudges. Some status updates to the mentor lists and
        sign-offs are in order as well.


(Incubating since August 2012)

Apache Blur is a search platform capable of searching massive amounts of data
in a cloud computing environment.

Issues needing Board/Incubator PMC Attention:


Key Activities:

  - Website has been migrated to Apache CMS and is online at

  - Apache Rat has been integrated into the build process
    - Many of issues that Apache Rat identified have been corrected

  - A major rework of the code base is in progress with a goal of releasing
    0.2 as the first release of Apache Blur
    - During the rework of the code the community has been active in
      discussions and contributing code
    - Jan 2013 is a realistic timeline for a release

  - The most significant development achievement over the past month has
    been the update to Lucene 4.0
    NOTE: The version change caused several thousand compile errors and many
    were fixed by community contributions.  With the help of community
    developers the update only took a couple of weeks before tests were
    passing and the application was working again.


  - Over the past 30 days in JIRA, 17 issues have been created and 12 resolved.
  - Several of these issues were resolved by contributions from outside the
    current committers.
  - Subscriptions: users@ - 22[+3]; dev@ - 24[+3]
  - Mail list messages in blur-dev has grown to 227 in October,
    up from 70 in August

Graduation is still a long way off, the next major milestone toward graduation
will be Blur's first Apache release.

Signed-off-by: twilliams


(incubating since November 27th, 2009)

Clerezza is a framework and set of components designed to make it easy to
build applications for the semantic and the social web.

Although Clerezza could technically graduate, activity has been very low and
diminishing since 2010, especially regarding the content management
components. The reusable RDF libraries are used in Stanbol for example and
see slightly more activity.

We've started a discussion about the future of Clerezza, with a proposal to
move those reusable libraries to another project, probably Stanbol, and
terminate incubation of the other components.

The goal is to have a decision on this within a few days.

Signed-off-by: bdelacretaz (mentor), jukka
IPMC comments:
  jukka: See also Stanbol's TLP report to the board.


Crunch is a Java library for writing, testing, and running pipelines
of MapReduce jobs on Apache Hadoop.

Crunch entered incubation on 2012-05-29.

The most important steps towards graduation:

  - Create another release or two
  - Perform the name search

Nothing that currently requires IPMC attention.


  The Crunch community has been very active and continues to
  grow. Two new committers have been voted in and one existing
  committer has joined the PPMC. As a result, Crunch now has 10
  committers from 7 different organizations.

  We have created our first release in September and have published
  a website using the Apache CMS a few days later. Our second
  release will follow in November.


  - 76 issues were created on the Crunch JIRA in August to October,
    70 of those were resolved.
  - crunch-dev has been active: 922 emails in the reporting period
  - Apache CMS and ReviewBoard for Crunch are up and running
  - All ICLAs are in place, including those for the new committers

Signed-off-by: tomwhite, jukka


(incubating since December 2011)

DeltaSpike will consist of a number of portable CDI extensions that provide
useful features for Java application developers. The goal of DeltaSpike is
to create a de-facto standard of CDI-Extensions that is developed and
maintained by the community.

There are currently no issues requiring IPMC or Board attention.

Since our last report in August 2012, we have accomplished the following:

  - Migration to ApacheCMS almost finished
  - Release of deltaspike-0.3-incubating
  - JSF module started
  - New Committers (voted and added)
    - Boleslaw Dawidowicz

Upcoming major goals:

  - Finish the setup for the documentation and the website
  - Release deltaspike-0.4-incubating
  - Prepare for Graduation in the next few months

Top 2 or 3 things to resolve before graduation:


Signed-off-by: Gerhard Petracek, struberg, jukka


Drill's goal is to build an open source clone of Dremel with appropriate
extensions to foster greater flexibility.

Drill has been incubating since September of 2012.

Since last month, we have been working on bringing in existing code assets.
We now have the following items in our source repository:

  - A web-based GUI front-end for DRILL
  - A query parser for a Dremel equivalent language
  - An early prototype of a physical plan interpreter

The web front-end and query parser still need formalized IP clearance
including ICLA's or CCLA's as appropriate.  Informal clearances have been
granted on all components.

In terms of infrastructure, the project web site has been incorporated into CMS.

Graduation is still very far away, but the community activity has been high
and the mailing list has been active with over 200 postings in October.  
Numerous public presentations have been made since the last report.

Most important issues to address before we can graduate: 

  Get the basics in place, build up a working code base, make releases
  (that is, everything) 

Any issues the Incubator PMC or ASF board need to be aware of: 

  None at this time 

How has the community developed since the last report: 

  The active contributors mentioned in the previous report continue to
  be active and additional contributors have been identified.  At least
  one corporate supporter of the project has hired a full-time engineer
  to focus on Drill. We are working to bind these new contributors into the
  community and several appear likely to become committers over time.

How has the project developed since the last report: 

  The community has continued to make progress and substantial code assets
  are in the process of being contributed.

Signed-off-by: berndf


Droids is an Incubator project arrived from Apache Labs. Droids entered
incubation on October, 2008.

It's an intelligent standalone robot framework that allows one to create
and extend existing web robots.

Issues before graduation :

  Diversity is still an issue for the podling. More activity will 
  help the diversity problem.

  Commons was very recently contacted to see what options exist for
  graduating into Commons and if it would be beneficial for both communities.

Recent Activity:

  Apache Droids incubating 0.2 was released on August 9th, 2012. 
  This marks the second release for the project.

  Members of the community met up at ApacheCon EU to discuss ideas and options. 
  In accordance with ASF guidelines, no voteable decisions were made during 
  those discussions.

Signed-off-by: rfrovarp, bimargulies


Started incubating October 15th

Apache Helix is a generic cluster management framework used to build
distributed systems and provides automatic partition management, fault
tolerance and elasticity.

Issues needing Board/Incubator PMC Attention:


Key Activities:

  - Website setup at All
    committers submitted ICLA.
  - Source code migrated to Apache Git
  - Working on first release. Possibly in November.
  - Build integration
    - Integrated with Jenkins, Sonar, Apache Rat
    - Working on stabilizing tests that depend on time.
  - Code clean up and Documentation


  - 11 Jiras created, 3 resolved. Mostly on improvements.
  - Subscriptions: users@ - 18; dev@ - 15
  - Most activity on dev, little activity on user.

Next milestones

- First release
- Identify potential use cases for Helix.

Signed-off-by: olamy


NPanday allows projects using the .NET framework to be built with Apache Maven.
NPanday has been incubating since August 2010.

NPanday's lull in activity has continued with the committers busy elsewhere.
There is still interest in pulling together a release, which hopefully will
spur further activity, but little progress has been made since the last report.

The project was mildly impacted by instability in the Windows instance of
Jenkins on two recent occasions, but that appears to be sorted out.

As we reported 2 months ago, we continue to see occasional questions from users,
and occasional patch submissions, but haven't added a new committer since
20 April 2011. 

The last release was on 16 May 2011.

We are still short on mentors, and would appreciate any volunteers!

The top priorities towards graduation are:

  - work out a concrete plan towards graduation in the next quarter
  - encourage newer contributors to do so on a continuing basis.
  - reach out to other projects using .NET that might be interested in
    working with NPanday

Signed-off-by: dennisl, jukka
IPMC comments:
  jukka: Second quarter with low activity. May need to consider
         alternatives to graduation if activity doesn't pick up.


Apache Nuvem will define an open application programming interface for
common cloud application services, allowing applications to be easily
ported across the most popular cloud platforms.

Nuvem was accepted for Incubation on June, 2010.

Nuvem is a small community, where the contributions are 100% done by
volunteers in their own free time, which makes the level of activity
low, compared to what is required for graduating it as a TLP.

We have discussed this matter in the Apache Nuvem PMC, and based on
the PMC synergies and technologies dependencies, we are in conversation
with the Apache Tuscany PMC and plans are to graduate Apache Nuvem as a
subproject of Tuscany. So far, the discussions are going fine, and we
should start required votes soon.

Planned activities for graduation:

  - Start required votes to graduate as a subproject of Apache Tuscany.

Signed-off-by: lresende (mentor), Roman Shaposhnik (rvs)
IPMC comments:
    project has a low level of activity and is self-aware of that, a good
    graduation trajectory here seems to be to join Apache Tuscany as a
    sub-project. There is a vote in progress addressing such proposal.


Apache PhotArk will be a complete open source photo gallery application
including a content repository for the images, a display piece, an access
control layer, and upload capabilities.

PhotArk was accepted for Incubation on August 19, 2008.

PhotArk has a small community of contributors, mostly students, that need a
lot of attention in order to keep them active. The recent move in the 
project direction to become a hybrid HTML5/Cordova mobile application that 
aggregates images from different photo sources has contributed to bring old 
members of the community and the is also two students participating in 
GSoC that have been doing a great job and became committers.

The community has discussed retirement, and few PMC members want to still
contribute  to the project. Having said that, the reality is that PhotArk is
a small community, where the contributions are 100% done by volunteers in
their own free time, with some dependency on GSoC to attract higher level
of activity as the students can devote their full time on the project.

Right now the community is looking into preparing a release based on the
features that were implemented during the past few months.

Issues before graduation :

  PhotArk started as a project with no initial code-base, and we have
  grown the community to the minimal independent committer size required
  for graduation. We need to make these contributors constantly active
  in order to think about graduation again, or recruit new contributors.
  If the project can sustain the same level of activity for the next three
  months, I believe we could think about graduation again.

Signed-off-by: lresende (mentor), bimargulies (mentor), jukka
IPMC comments:
  jukka: It seems like the risk of relying heavily on GSoC contributions
         has materialized as a large drop in activity after summer.


Ripple is a browser based mobile phone emulator designed to aid in the
development of HTML5 based mobile applications. Ripple is a cross platform
and cross runtime testing/debugging tool. It currently supports such
runtimes as Cordova, WebWorks and the Mobile Web.

Project just entered the incubator. Currently infra related tasks are being
organized and ICLAs collected.

Signed-off-by: grobmeier


Apache Syncope is an Open Source system for managing digital identities in
enterprise environments, implemented in JEE technology. Syncope entered
incubation on 2012-02-10.

Podling's graduation resolution proposal was voted and accepted by the
Incubator PMC. Suitable name search (PODLINGNAMESEARCH-17) was also conducted.
The approved graduation proposal, alongside with the suitable name search
result, was notified to the board by podling's champion Simone Tripodi
on Nov 11th.

Signed-off-by: coheigea


Apache Wink is a project that enables development and consumption of REST
style web services. The core server runtime is based on the JAX-RS (JSR 311)
standard. The project also introduces a client runtime which can leverage
certain components of the server-side runtime. Apache Wink will deliver
component technology that can be easily integrated into a variety of

Apache Wink has been incubating since 2009-05-27.

Development list traffic and discussions are steadily, but low. Users
have been helping each other with questions and suggestions.

The community has concluded the graduation vote, and we are waiting
for the name search jira to get closed by the Trademark PMC so that 
we can start an IPMC vote.

Activities since last report period :

  - Apache Wink 1.2.1 completed.
  - Michael Fiedler voted as new Apache Wink committer

Planned Activity:

  - Start graduation process in IPMC once name search jira is closed.

Signed-off-by: lresende, jukka


Wookie is a Java server application that allows you to upload and deploy
widgets for your applications. Wookie is based on the W3C Widgets
specification, but widgets can also be included that use extended APIs
such as Google Wave Gadgets and OpenSocial.

Wookie has been incubating since 17th July 2009. 

Progress since August 2012:

  - Started monthly release for August
    (version 0.12.0. has been stalled - see below)
  - Progressed graduation process

Next steps:

  - Resume monthly release cycle
  - Complete graduation process

Issues before graduation:

  - none


- Graduation process

  Further to our graduation status as reported in our last report...

  Name searches completed

  Held Graduation Vote

  The proposal to graduate Wookie as a TLP was sent to on
  31/10/2012 to be resolved at the next meeting.

- Stalled Release

  On 22 August we created the build artifacts for version 0.12.0-incubating,
  in accordance with our monthly release schedule. During the VOTE process
  a question was raised on the subject of the inclusion of Apache Santuario
  XMLSec in wookie.


  It was decided to ask/consult apache legal. At present there has been no
  answer on this matter and therefore the wookie release cycle is stalled.
  We urgently require guidance on this matter, so we can resolve this build
  and consequently resume our release cycle.


Signed-off-by: ate, mfranklin, bimargulies

Attachment AB: Status report for the Apache Isis Project

Apache Isis graduated from the incubator last month (approved at the Oct 2012
board meeting).  This is the first of the monthly reports required for three
months post-graduation.

Project Description:

Apache Isis is a framework to enable the creation of software using
domain-driven design principles, being an implementation of the naked objects
architectural pattern


Dan Haywood is the new PMC chair.  Those listed in the graduation
resolution [1] have been added to the PMC group.


Two of the Isis committers (Dan Haywood and Jeroen van der Wal) are currently
engaged on a project where the client is in
effect funding development of Isis.  The work is being done under ICLAs of
the committers; client understand they have no claim to IP.  Commits have
continued to be made to the codebase during the reporting period. This
project will continue through 2013.

We have started to work with infra to transition to a TLP [2], [3].

The community has also voted to move from SVN to GIT.  We will be working
with infra to effect this change [4].

The community has also decided to transition to using the CMS website, rather
than the static Maven site currently supported.  We now have a basic
placeholder site up and running [5].

Community Activity:

A presentation on RestfulObjects (a submodule of Isis) was made at
J-Fall 2012 conference in the Netherlands [6].

At the same conference, a set of hands-on lab sessions were also run [7].

At ApacheConEU, a presentation was made on Apache Isis [8].

No new committers or contributors this month.

Infrastructure Changes:

The following post-graduation tasks were performed [2], [3]:
* New root aliases and groups
* New mailing lists have been established, subscribers moved over
* SVN code has moved out from under the incubator branch
* Begin setting up of new CMS-based website


In addition to the new CMS site, currently a placeholder [5], the old
incubator site [9] is still live.

Project Branding:

The CMS site was adapted from an existing CMS site.  The branding of Isis on
the old incubator site is now inaccurate, since the project is no longer
incubating.  We expect to retire the incubator site before Xmas 2012.


There are no outstanding issues requiring board attention.


Attachment AC: Status report for the Apache jUDDI Project

jUDDI (pronounced "Judy") is an open source Java implementation of the
Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI v3) specification for
(Web) Services. The jUDDI project includes Scout. Scout is an implementation
of the JSR 93 - Java API for XML Registries 1.0 (JAXR).

- No new releases this period.
- Traffic on the mailing lists was fairly low, interestingly mostly grad
- No new committers.

- No new releases, no real activity during this quarter.
- Very low volume of JAXR related questions on the mailing list.

No board level issues at this time. We're currently ramping up to do a
release on both projects.

Attachment AD: Status report for the Apache Lenya Project

The Apache Lenya CMS is a Cocoon based XML/XHTML content management


  No board level issues at this time.


  No new releases this quarter.
  Last release: 2.0.4 on 2011-03-14


  A meetup was held at ApacheCon EU.

  Requests are being handled in a timely manner on the lists.

  No change in community.

Attachment AE: Status report for the Apache Libcloud Project

Apache Libcloud

Libcloud is a Python library that abstracts away the differences among
multiple cloud provider APIs.


There are no issues that require the board's attention at this time.


- Libcloud 0.11.3 has been released on September 25th, 2012


Tomaz Muraus gave a talk titled "Avoiding Vendor Lock-In Using Apache
Libcloud" at CloudOpen in San Diego


* No new PMC Members
* Multiple patches have been contributed by external contributors
* GSoC student has successfully finished his project. Currently we are working
  with the student on integrating the project into main line. Student wrote a
  short blog post about his experience at

Attachment AF: Status report for the Apache Logging Project

The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains open-source
software related to the logging of application behavior.

- Community

Gary Gregory has joined the Apache Logging PMC.

- Project Branding Requirements

All components meet the branding requirements, except Chainsaw. We expect a
new Chainsaw release soon which will close the gap.

- Development


No outstanding issues.
A talk has been held about Apache Logging on ApacheCon EU.

log4j 1.2:

Some work has been done for a new release, but has stalled due to the high
activity of log4j 2.0.

log4j 2.0:

The team is currently voting on the 5th release of log4j 2. There are two
committers actively maintaining the code and we face an increased interest
from the wider community. For example, 802 messages has been sent to the dev@
mailing list (September 418, August 215).


Low activity. A patch has been sent to the mailing list, but there are no
committers maintaining this component.


No activity.


Constant activity, 1 release has been published. Preparations for log4php
3.0.0 have started. We get more issue reports/patches from users, but have
not identified a new potential committer yet. The project agreed to migrate
from SVN to GIT and is currently working with Infra on this.


A new chainsaw release is blocked by the companions release. The log4j 2.0.0
interest increases interest in a new Chainsaw release.

Companions (for log4j 1.x):

We are heading towards a new companions release. Some work has been done and
the release might happen close after ApacheCon EU.

Attachment AG: Status report for the Apache Lucene.Net Project

Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in
C# and targeted at .NET runtime users.

== Summary ==
No Board level issues.

== Releases ==
Lucene.Net 3.0.3 was released in the last month.
The next planned release is 3.6 which mirrors the 3.6 code for Java Lucene.
No timeline is currently available. Planning and discussion are underway.

== Statistics ==
Nuget package downloads:
Lucene.Net 3.0.3: 850
Lucene.Net Contrib 3.0.3: 229
Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial: 38
Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS: 34
Note: all these packages are new in the last month, so these represent <1
month of downloads

Attachment AH: Status report for the Apache ManifoldCF Project

Project description

ManifoldCF is an effort to provide an open source framework for connecting
source content repositories like Microsoft Sharepoint and EMC Documentum, to
target repositories or indexes, such as Apache Solr , OpenSearchServer or
ElasticSearch. ManifoldCF also defines a security model for target
repositories that permits them to enforce source-repository security


ManifoldCF graduated from the Apache Incubator on May 16, 2012.  Since then,
there have been two major releases, including a 1.0 release on October 3,

Mailing list activity

Mailing list has been active, especially with new connector development and
user activity centered around the SharePoint 2010 connector.  Dev list
comments also centered around new committers, release-related communication,
and voting.

I am unaware of any mailing-list question that has gone unanswered.

Committer and PMC membership

We have signed up two new committers since the last report in August, 2012.
We also continue to receive contributions in random bursts from people using
the software.  We've identified any contributor who seems to have a
medium-term or better commitment to the technology as being a potential
committer, and as always, we try to maintain an encouraging attitude towards
new contributors.


We are aware of no current violations of the Apache ManifoldCF brand.


There are no outstanding legal issues that need resolution at this time.


There are no infrastructure issues known at this time.

Attachment AI: Status report for the Apache ODE Project


Apache ODE (Orchestration Director Engine) executes business processes
written following the WS-BPEL standard. It talks to web services,
sending and receiving messages, handling data manipulation and error
recovery as described by your process definition. It supports both long
and short living process executions to orchestrate all the services that
are part of your application.


This was again a quiet development period. We still have some
development items on our agenda, e.g. the OModel refactoring,
backporting features from our experimental branch. We have made some
progress in migrating the web site to Apache CMS, including a revamped
site layout that will finally adhere to the project branding guidelines.
See for a first glimpse. We're in the
process of reviewing patches in order to apply them and cut a
maintenance release.


No release to report in this quarter.


No significant progress to report. However, we some interesting
discussions at ACEU with the Camel team and are looking forward to a
potential collaboration and some development activity.


Reviewing the patches revealed some good contributions and potential new


We are planning to address the requirements with the migration from
confluence to the CMS, which is in progress:

Project Website Basics : homepage is 
Project Naming And Descriptions : use proper Apache forms, describe product, etc.
Website Navigation Links : navbar links included, link to included 
Trademark Attributions : attribution for all ASF marks included in footers, etc. 
Logos and Graphics : include TM, use consistent product logo on your site
Project Metadata : DOAP file checked in and up to date

Attachment AJ: Status report for the Apache Oozie Project


Apache Oozie is a system for managing and scheduling workflows that run
different types of Hadoop jobs (such as MapReduce, Pig, Hive and Sqoop)
as well as system specific jobs (such as Java programs and shell scripts).

* The last release of Apache Oozie was version 3.2.0-incubating, released
  on Jun 06, 2012 while in Incubation.
* Finalizing work towards release 3.3.0.

* Development activity continues as can be seen from the following report: (since last report, October 2012)
* TLP migration complete, site live


* PMC Composition has not changed since becoming a TLP.
  The current affiliations in the PMC stand at: independent (1),
  Cloudera (2), Continuity (1), Ebay (1), Hortonworks (2), Microsoft (2),
  Yahoo (2).
* 2 new committers: Mona Chitnis (Yahoo) and Robert Kanter (Cloudera)
* Currently there are:
- Total of 98 (+5) subscribers to the developer list
- Total of 213 (+7) subscribers to the user list
- Total of 13 (+2) committers
- Total of 11 PMC members


* There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

Attachment AK: Status report for the Apache OpenEJB Project

Apache OpenEJB is an enterprise application containers and object
distribution services based on, the Enterprise JavaBeans Specification and
Java Enterprise Edition Web Profile.

A year has passed since "TomEE" was first released last October 2011 at
JavaOne.  Website traffic is up roughly 150% percent since last September.
Mailing list traffic is up 230%.  With the clear success of TomEE, the
project is currently discussing changing the primary identity from OpenEJB
to TomEE. Having them as separate TLPs is a technical impossibility as for
all intents and purposes TomEE is OpenEJB.  The success has come almost
exclusively from certification and rebranding of existing code.

The release efforts for TomEE 1.1.0 and OpenEJB 4.5.1 mentioned in last
release never resulted in a release due to overwhelming feedback and always
having more critical bugs to fix.  A release was finalized in October just
prior to JavaOne this year in order to keep people off of snapshots.  Due to
the large volume of fixes, enhancements and features the version was bumped
to 1.5.0 and 4.5.0 respectively.  A release branch has already been created
for 1.5.1 and 4.5.1 with hopes for release candidates in the coming week.

Project efforts focus mainly on fixes, documentation, addressing migration
issues and keeping up with the high volume of user feedback we are now
getting.  More frequent releases and documentation have been repeatedly
noted by users and developers as major needs of the project.  Efforts to
further document and create tooling for the release process are starting to
show results in the form of greater participation in the release process,
which is encouraging.  With further efforts, we will hopefully finally
realize the desire and demand for more frequent releases.

Attachment AL: Status report for the Apache OpenOffice Project

Apache OpenOffice entered incubation 2011-06-13 and graduated from the
Incubator on 2012-10-17.
OpenOffice is an open-source, office-document productivity suite providing
six productivity applications based around the OpenDocument Format (ODF).
OpenOffice is released on multiple platforms. Its localizations support 110
languages worldwide.

As the project graduated very recently, this report still focuses on the
pre-graduation phase and uses the pre-graduation template.


OpenOffice graduated in October. To that aim, the project since the last
report had:
1. chosen a PMC with public nominations on the ooo-dev list
2. elected a PMC chair
3. carefully checked the compliance of code in its repository with the Apache


No new issues at this time.


We are increasing our global reach by recruiting volunteers to help update
and maintain the large set of native language home pages and to update the
OpenOffice translations into several languages. We managed to recruit new
translation volunteers and get them involved in the project.

Because our product is client-centric, we have put additional focus on our
social networking accounts - Google +, Facebook - in collecting feedback and
ideas from our user base. For example, 1260 users proposed ideas for
OpenOffice 4.0 in a survey we conducted using Google Moderator.

In anticipation of additional growth post-graduation, we are developing
web pages to support new volunteers, especially in the localization
and QA areas.

We are also looking at conferences and events to increase our outreach: after
ApacheCon, we will have a strong presence at FOSDEM (February 2013, Brussels,
Belgium) where the Apache OpenOffice project will have a dedicated track for
developers ("devroom").


We started discussing plans for the next OpenOffice release. It will contain
several new features and it will probably be labelled 4.0. Plans are to
release it in Q1 2013 or shortly after.

Community support forums remain popular with users. The English forum reached
50,000 members in June (or, if we remove the spam accounts which manage to go
through, in September 2012, almost 5 years after its creation). The ooo-users
list also is quite active and the localization list ooo-L10N is fast growing.
As Apache OpenOffice is a client product, we continue to investigate ways to
direct users to appropriate support venues.

The developer list, ooo-dev, remains very active.

Attachment AM: Status report for the Apache Perl Project

-- mod_perl 1.0 --

The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd

No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report.

--- mod_perl 2.0 --

mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches.

Work to fully support httpd-2.4 is moving along.

--- Apache-Test --

Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write
test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server.  It is
used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and
includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP
and Parrot.

Apache-Test 1.38 was released on August 6th, 2012

No new Apache-Test releases since the last report.

--- Apache-SizeLimit --

Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production
environments.  It is used to kill off large httpd child processes
based on various environmental triggers.

No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report.

--- Apache-Bootstrap --

Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl
module distributions for different mod_perl versions.  It encapsulates
code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make
maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy.

No new Apache-Bootstrap releases since the last report.

--- Apache-Reload --

Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development
environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter
without completely restarting httpd.

Apache-Reload 0.12 was released on March 31st, 2012

-- Apache-DBI --

Apache-DBI is a popular component in many mod_perl deployments. It
is used to provide transparent database connection pooling to clients
using DBI.

No new Apache-DBI releases since the last report.

-- Development --

mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though
as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally
slower pace than in years past.  Bugs are found and discussed and
applied with due consideration for our production userbase.

-- Users --

The mod_perl users list is seeing an increase in activity, with a few bug
reports and user questions.

Patches from the httpd-2.4 branch have started being applied to trunk.

-- PMC --

No noteworthy PMC events happened since the last report.

Attachment AN: Status report for the Apache POI Project

Apache POI is a Java library for reading and writing Microsoft Office file

Project Status

Apache POI continues to be an active project, both in terms of user
activity and development.

Traffic on the mailing lists has been steady in the last 3 months:

- User mailing list: 331 messages
- Dev mailing list: 511 messages
- Commits: 84 commits

Most patches and bug fixes are applied without much delay.

GSoC student has successfully completed his project and has been voted
in as a POI committer/PMC member.

No releases in the last quarter. We are aiming to release POI-3.9 in
December 2012.

Attachment AO: Status report for the Apache Qpid Project

Apache Qpid™ is a cross-platform Enterprise Messaging system which 
implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), providing 
message brokers written in C++ and Java, along with clients for C++, 
Java JMS, .Net, Python, and Ruby.

The release cadence is continuing, with a release made since the last 
board report.

AMQP 1.0 support is furiously being working into the brokers. The protocol
support is being created in the sub-project proton, which i also been 
picked up by ActiveMQ and other projects. It appears that the project will 
have complete AMQP 1.0 protocol support in the few releases.

The traffic on the lists seem to be consistent with prior reporting periods.

No issues to report.

Attachment AP: Status report for the Apache River Project

Apache River is a distributed computing architecture, based on the JSK
Starter Kit Source code donated by Sun Microsystems, for the Jini

No new releases since last report. Some failing unit tests are the
only blocker to release right now and they are being investigated.

Some more interesting discussions are taking place about some
directions River might take and what it's going to do next. There
have been some commits and we're looking again at getting ready for
another release. There has been some frank and open discussion which
the PMC dealt with well and we feel that we're acquitting ourselves

The PMC chair has requested that the PMC/community elect a new chair,
citing external commitments preventing him from being able to devote
sufficient to River. The board should expect this change to happen

No board issues at this time

Attachment AQ: Status report for the Apache Roller Project

Apache Roller is a full-featured, Java-based weblogging package that works
well on Tomcat and MySQL, and is also known to run on other servers and
databases. The ASF blog site runs on Roller 5.0.1.


No board issues at this time.


The latest release of Apache Roller is v5.0.1, which was released
on June 24, 2012, a security and bug fix release.


Since our last report, there have been a couple of patches and bug 
reports made.

Apart from that, the Roller community continues to be rather quiet
with low traffic that mostly concerns technical support and installation
issues. No new committers or PMC changes to report.

Attachment AR: Status report for the Apache Santuario Project

The Apache Santuario project is aimed at providing implementation of security
standards for XML.

There was one new release during the last quarter. Version 1.5.3 of the
Apache XML Security for Java library was released. This release featured
some new development work to support XML Signature 1.1 KeyInfo extensions,
as well as a number of bug fixes.

Work has continued apace on introducing a new streaming XML Security model
in the forthcoming 2.0 release of the Java library. This work is mostly
complete, and may be released in the next quarter.

No changes to the PMC or new committers in this quarter.

Attachment AS: Status report for the Apache Shindig Project

Attachment AT: Status report for the Apache SIS Project

Apache SIS is a spatial framework that enables better representation of
coordinates for searching, data clustering, archiving, or any other relevant
spatial needs.


The code that was generously donated by Martin Desruisseaux [1] is still
being moved over from the GeoTK project "as is". At this point, parts of the
current code base will be evaluated and refactored as there are known issues
that need to be addressed. The AngleFormat class not implementing
formatToCharacterIterator(Object) is a recent example of this, but there is
also bigger issues like Geotk not working well with longitudes in the
[0‚360] range (it is designed for the [-180‚180] range). This will be an
ongoing effort as there is quite a bit of code to integrate. Currently, there
are 230,000 lines of code waiting to move over and the potential for 530,000
more pending further investigation.

The first class was "officially" checked in on Oct 23rd [2] which in turn can
be used across multiple locales for internationalization purposes...


No new activity...


The Website[2] and Project logo[3] are currently being worked on and will be
finalized soon

Martin Desruisseaux attended the OGC meeting in Korea and there are plans for
other SIS PMC members from NASA and MDA Information Systems to attend the
meeting when it's located at ESRI (Redlands, California) in January 2013. [5]


Attachment AU: Status report for the Apache Stanbol Project

Apache Stanbol provides a set of reusable components for semantic content

The project is active and development is steadily going on. New users and
questions pop up on the mailing list and the community starts to help
each other - even without the need of any core committer which is a good

Stanbol committers were actively involved in the ApacheCon EU. There were
three Stanbol related talks in the Linked Data track. The feedback from
the Apache community was very positive and many more people are now
aware of the existence of Stanbol.

There were no new committers or PMC members elected.

There are discussions going on about merging code from Apache Clerezza
(incubating) into Stanbol. No final decisions made yet.

The project did not manage to publish new releases the last month
but is working on that.

Attachment AV: Status report for the Apache Steve Project

Apache Steve is up to a somewhat slow start, with the SVN import
being the main item to be resolved.


Apache Steve is a collection of tools and programs used by the
ASF to implement the STV voting system and tallying of results.


* No releases yet.


* All Steve mailing lists, jira, wiki, etc. are set up per
 INFRA-5082 [1].

* Discussion continues on the dev mailing list regarding the SVN
 import issue in INFRA-5169 [2].


* No new committers or PMC members


* There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.


Attachment AW: Status report for the Apache Subversion Project

** Board Issues

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

** Releases

As we reported in June, the Apache Subversion 1.7.6 was imminent, and
was released on August 15. Since then, Apache Subversion 1.7.7 was
released on October 9th.

We also performed a non-Apache release of Subversion 1.6.19 on
September 21.

** Community

The Subversion Live events in October (produced by WANdisco) were
well-attended by users, and many of the Subversion committers.

We have added no new committers or PMC members since our last
report. Ben Reser has returned from inactive status, and is being his
old productive self.

Attachment AX: Status report for the Apache Turbine Project

Apache Turbine is a servlet based framework that allows experienced
Java developers to quickly build web applications. Turbine allows
you to use personalize the web sites and to use user logins to restrict
access to parts of your application.

Turbine is a matured and well established framework that is used as
the base of many other projects.


The Turbine project has as usual seen low levels of activity in the
last quarter.
The Turbine project has no board-level issues at this time.

Project Branding Board Report Checklist

The last issue left is
- TODO: Logos and Graphics : include TM

Community changes

Georg Kallidis has been voted in as a Turbine Committer.
No new PMC members were voted in since the last board report.

Turbine core project

The Turbine core project proceeds slowly to the next milestone release
which shall include a modified security implementation and support for
the Quartz scheduler to replace the built-in one.

Due to unexpected problems with the release of a Fulcrum component (the
previous method of mirroring the M2 repository on people.a.o does no
longer work), we found the need to create a new Parent POM for the project
that uses Nexus. As this is a substantial change in the organization of
the Turbine core project and the Fulcrum components a full vote is being

Two other votes are open
- Maven Archetype for a Turbine 2.3.3 web application
- Maven Archetype for a Turbine 4.0 web application (based on Turbine 4.0M1)

Fulcrum component project

The Fulcrum security components are being prepared to be included in the
Turbine 4.0M2 release. Several other Fulcrum components have been updated
and will be released subsequently, once the new Parent POM is released.

- fulcrum-upload, version 1.0.5 has been released.

META project

There has been no activity on the META sub-project in this quarter. The
sub-project will be closed down when the two archetypes have passed their
vote. We are planning not to report on this sub-project anymore starting
from the next board report.

No beta or final releases were made since the last board report.

Attachment AY: Status report for the Apache Tuscany Project

Apache Tuscany is an SOA framework based on OASIS OpenCSA and SCA.

- There are no issues that require the board's attention.

- None

- The project has discussed to accept Nuvem as a sub-project,
and the required process has started with community vote.
- Traffic hasn't change much, and continue on the lower side
in the past few months.
- Few patches are still coming from users.

- We still need to update logos with TM and review project doap file.

Attachment AZ: Status report for the Apache Velocity Project


Apache Velocity is a java template engine and related projects.


* None


* Minimal


* The composition of the committers and PMC members has not
changed since the last report.
* Activity remains low on all lists, though Stack Overflow
regularly has Velocity questions, of which the intelligent
ones and a few less-so ones are answered in reasonable time.
* Apache Velocity remains in a more-or-less dormant period,
not its first in the last 12 years though.


* There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

Attachment BA: Status report for the Apache Xalan Project

Project Description
Apache Xalan delivers libraries and programs to transform XML documents
using XSLT stylesheets.  Our subprojects support development of these
libraries in Java and C++ programming languages.

Steven J. Hathaway is the new chair of Xalan PMC.
David Bertoni, the outgoing chair, still remains a PMC member.

Product Releases
Xalan C++ (Version 1.11) released November 2, 2012.

Xalan C++ 1.11 is our first release of any kind since reforming the
Xalan PMC.

Community Activity
Google Summer of Code 2012 was a success. The coding work is being
prepared for integration into the Xalan-C/C++ library.  The
student is helping with this integration.

Committers for Xalan Java are still working toward a patch release.

The Xalan-C++ code base has been independently compiled and tested
on multiple commercial platforms. All reported issues have been
patched and incorporated into the product release.

Infrastructure Changes
 * Xalan WIKI has been established
 * Apache XML project has been retired
 * Xalan distribution directories are created
 * Mirror.cgi has been patched - resolving mirror selection
 * Xalan-C dependencies on Apache XML have been re-hosted
 * Xalan-Java dependencies on Apache XML have been re-hosted
 * Xalan-C download support has been validated
 * Xalan-C webpage resource links have been validated
 * Xalan-Java download support has been validated
 * Xalan-Java webpage resource links have been validated

Website Publishing
The Xalan tlp website is using svnpubsub for content publishing.

Project Branding
Ongoing -- New website pages are compliant.  The old website
pages are deprecated and will eventually be phased out.

There are no outstanding issues requiring board attention.

Attachment BB: Status report for the Apache Xerces Project


We continue to receive feedback from the community on the XML Schema
1.1 implementation and are addressing the issues they're raising in
JIRA with fixes.

Our GSoC student (Shakya) successfully completed his project in
August. This addresses a long standing issue with validation against
multiple XML schemas with the same namespace.

Mailing list traffic has been moderate; about 180+ posts on the j-dev
and j-users lists since the beginning of August.

No new releases this quarter.


In September we heard from Rob Cameron of International Characters,
Inc. about a potential donation of code to the project. They've
developed a high performance version of Xerces-C++ called icXML. It
seemed like he was interested in joining the community to develop
this further in Apache, though we have not yet seen an Incubator
proposal or follow-up from the initial discussion thread.

A few bugs were fixed during the reporting period.

Mailing list traffic has been moderate; about 95+ posts on the c-dev
and c-users lists since the beginning of August.

No new releases this quarter.


Nothing in particular to report. There was no development activity
over the reporting period.

XML Commons

It's been quiet in XML Commons. No development activity to report.

Apache Project Branding Requirements

There's still some work left to do on the TLP website, including
adding "TM" to the project logo.

Attachment BC: Status report for the Apache XML Graphics Project

One new committer; Luis Bernardo

Moving to CMS based websites
Further progress has been made on the prototype CMS Website and we are now
satisfied that it is ready to go live. There are still a few minor issues
outstanding but we have decided to make them as we go along rather than
trying to get everything perfect before the switch during which time we are
maintaining 2 websites. Our current planned go live date is 7th November.

Switching from Bugzilla to Jira
Infra have reported that it is a big challenge for them to import the
bugzilla bugs into Jira as the import process will bring all 50K Bugzilla
Users into Jira. Infra have identified a workaround but that will take a
long time and it isn't known when they will be able to fit that into their
work schedule.

The team has released FOP v1.1, which is a significant achievement as it
represents 2 years of bug fixes and new enhancements some of which are very
large such as Complex Script Support.

There have been several bug fixes and enhancements since the last board
report and the 1.1 branch was created. The most notable are; Table marker
support, PDF/A-2 support and an implementation of rounded corners.

XML Graphics Commons
1 new release; v1.5 synchronized to the FOP v1.1 release.

There were over 40 commits this quarter. A lot of them were related to the 1.5
release, but there were a few bug fixes too, e.g. Bugzilla 49516

11 commits were made to SVN to fix a few bugs, this includes processing a
contributor patch from Bugzilla 42395

End of minutes for the November 21, 2012 board meeting.
