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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

                            May 15, 2013

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 10:30am (Pacific) and began at
    10:32 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was
    recognized by the chairman. The meeting was held via
    teleconference, hosted by Doug Cutting and Cloudera.

    IRC #asfboard on was used for backup purposes.

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Rich Bowen
        Doug Cutting
        Bertrand Delacretaz
        Roy T. Fielding
        Ross Gardler
        Brett Porter
        Sam Ruby
        Greg Stein

    Directors Absent:

        Jim Jagielski

    Executive Officers Present:

        Chris Mattmann

    Executive Officers Absent:

        Craig L Russell


        Sean Kelly
        Shane Curcuru
        Daniel Kulp
        Hadrian Zbarcea
        Mike Kienenberger
        Henri Yandell

3. Minutes from previous meetings

    Published minutes can be found at:

    A. The meeting of April 17, 2013

       See: board_minutes_2013_04_17.txt


4. Executive Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Doug]

       Our annual members meeting is next week.  Nominations have now
       closed.  We have a strong slate of nominees for both membership
       and next year's board.

       Today is the final meeting of the current board.  Thanks to
       those who served this past year.  You effectively guided Apache
       on its mission.  Thanks also for having me as your chair.  It's
       been an honor.

    B. President [Jim]

       A relatively normal month since the last meeting. No problems or
       problematic issues require board attention.

       The first item of note is the (re)proposed 2013-2014 budget. The
       revised budget contains the following changes from the previous

        a. President's discretionary fund returned to $5k.
        b. Updated Infra budget for increased staffing

       Special Order 7C calls for formal approval of the budget.

       As requested, our EA is now submitting monthly reports for inclusion
       in the board agenda/minutes. Feedback and comments are welcomed. As
       will be noted below, I expect that the workflow associated with the
       EA to increase to do ApacheCon conf procedural changes and an
       increased workload, as reflected in the budget.

       Trademarks, Fundraising and M&P are all progressing well. Infra
       reported extremely late but, except for the lateness of the report,
       there are no issues to concern the board. As of the date of this
       writing, I did not receive anything from TAC or Concom; Concom
       is an item of discussion however, so having no report isn't that
       much of a concern at this point. TAC seems simply in idle-mode.

       As noted in the EVP report, Concom is restructuring, based on a
       better and more realistic review of available resources and capa-
       bilities. Both the EVP and I feel that this will be the "secret
       sauce" and solution looked for by the board.

       Sam, Chris, Hadrian and I had discussions regarding the status
       and movement of the audit effort. The general consensus was that
       Chris would be working with Hadrian to get our books into
       "acceptable" shape enough to allow us to, in the very near term,
       get an accountant to review our books and methods and give us
       a good, solid "gut-check" on where we are, regarding our finances.

       On a personal matter, I will be unable to attend the 1st half of
       next week's member's meeting. I can still setup and "run" the
       elections if required/desired; I'll need to know ASAP however,
       to ensure that I do the prep-work to allow anyone to "kick-off"
       the polls, if I am late in returning from the hospital.
       Finally, I wish to thank all Directors and members for the
       opportunity to have served as Director again; it's been an honor
       and privilege.

       Additionally, please see Attachments 0 through 6.

    C. Treasurer [Chris]
       For the first time in my tenure as Treasurer (and I think in ASF
       history), we are now managing over $1M in finances for the foundation.

       A check was cut to deal with final lagging ACNA 2013 charges for
       one of our TAC travelers.

       Discussion around the audit was picked up again, with Jim calling
       for an audit to occur and consensus being reached with Chris, and
       Sam.  Chris sent a summary email detailing the 4 outcomes of the
       discussion, namely:

       1. An audit will be pushed forward - Hadrian to lead 
       2. Chris is concerned about the additional time that this will
          add to his plate. Just a concern, but wants it noted. 
          Sam suggested that rather than hiring a CPA to do this, we 
          should be leveraging the EA.
       3. The audit is assumed be a multi-month process. 
       4. Chris will proceed with helping with the audit, and continuing
          treasurer role. One concrete outcome from this is a desire by Chris
          to document the treasurer process.  INFRA-6262 created for this.

       Ulrich Stärk raised the issue of an EU subsidiary to the Treasurer's
       Office and to Upayavira from a sponsorship perspective. The idea
       is that EU sponsors would find it easier to deal with us if we had
       such a subsidiary. Additionally, ASF members dealing with the
       Treasurer's Office for reimbursements, and payments, etc., would
       also benefit from this.  Though the idea seems like a good one,  
       from the Treasurer's perspective I suggested that it won't matter
       much to me -- most EU folks I reimburse or send $$$ accept wires,
       and the only pain point is the charges their banks sometimes charge.
       But otherwise it's just as easy on my end to wire money or send
       checks (bill pay) regardless. However, I did suggest to Uli to raise
       the issue to the board if desired, and that the Treasurer's Office
       would work to support whatever is decided. Largely though it's not
       the Treasurer's role to do anything other than to implement the
       policy not to define it (IMO).

       Chris and Sam have both stepped up efforts to get WFS statements
       in SVN faster than normal since Upayavira would like to track
       sponsorship donations in a more streamlined fashion.
       The EA's FY 2012 1099 copy was delivered and received at her
       residence.  Sorry for the delay. Speaking of Taxes, our FY 2012
       taxes can be started since our books for FY 2012 are now closed
       (end of April). I believe we have until 9/15 to deliver them without
       late fee. So, plenty of time!

       Sam and Chris have reached out to WFS and our financial consultant
       Paschal to deal with Bill Pay issues.

       Income and Expenses

       Current Balances:

         Wells Fargo Business Checking:       616,647.85
         Wells Fargo Savings:                 287,629.07 
         PayPal:                              159,984.04
         ----------------------------    ----------
              Total                    $    1,064,260.96

       Income Summary:

         Lockbox                                   578.77
         Paypal                                  1,712.91
         Misc Deposits                         145,011.00
         ----------------------------    ----------
              Total                    $       147,302.68

       Expense Summary:

                 Category                  Amount
         ----------------------------    ----------
             ASF credit card - Jim Jagielski   1,193.06
             ASF credit card - Sam Ruby          494.02
             EA                                4,752.75
             misc expense                        390.88
             Network services -        518.00
             ApacheCon NA 2010 - 2011         15,087.50
             ApacheCon NA 2013                 2,005.00
             Sysadmin                         15,900.00
         ----------------------------    ----------
              Total                    $      40,341.21

       Doug noted that Treasurers generally are not immediately reappointed
       upon a board election.  Ross asks if we have concrete examples of Uli's
       concern of potential sponsors. Chris said no, and felt that it was a
       lot of work. Ross agreed that without concrete examples we shouldn't 
       pursue it.

    D. Secretary [Craig]

       The office of secretary is running smoothly. In April,
       53 iclas, two cclas, one grant, and two ndas were received
       and filed.

       Thanks to Sam for filling in for this board meeting.

    E. Executive Vice President [Ross]

       I made all officers and PMCs of the plans to restructure ConCom
       to reflect the available resources and capabilities (See
       special order D). This will see the responsibilities of
       Conference Planning move to the President, Brand Management,
       Marketing and Publicity, and Community Development Project. Two
       points of concern were raised. The first by VP Community
       Development. This concern was that the small Community
       Development Project might not be able to cope with the new
       responsibilities, especially given that other PMCs are
       considering asking ComDev to assist them. See the ComDev board
       report for more information. The second concern was raised by
       VP Marketing and Publicity who felt there was the potential
       for new roles and responsibilities not to be clear and thus
       important responsibilities might go unaddressed. This is
       something that we must remain aware.

       In my opinion neither of these concerns should prevent us
       moving forward with the proposed change.

       I contacted The Open Bastion on behalf of the President in
       order to evaluate their interest in producing an ApacheCon
       North America and Europe. They are working on a new contract
       for our consideration and have asked me to build a list of
       conferences that should be avoided. Our EA will begin handling
       the contract negotiations going forward and will work with the
       President as appropriate.

       Greg notes that responsibilities falling through the cracks is
       what we are trying to address with this change. Ross continues
       to acknowledge the concern. Doug is concerned about handing a
       volunteer committee responsibilities that they are not
       enthusiastically accepting. Greg points out that people who
       are interested in small events are the volunteers and they
       will simply show up a that new list. Ross agrees and indicates
       that comdev will be less of a 'gatekeeper' than concom was.

    F. Vice Chairman [Greg]
       Nothing to report this month.

    Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

5. Additional Officer Reports

    A. VP of W3C Relations [Andy Seaborne / Bertrand]

       See Attachment 7

    B. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby]

       See Attachment 8

       Daniel relayed that the agreement expired last year. Update:
       we got Oracle to create a new agreement and we passed this off
       to our lawyers, and we identified 5 issues. At this point it
       is in the lawyers hands. Hopefully by the June board meeting,
       we will have more information. Action Dan to forward on email
       to Roy

    C. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Greg]

       See Attachment 9

    Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

6. Committee Reports

    A. Apache Abdera Project [Ant Elder / Roy]

       See Attachment A

    B. Apache Ant Project [Conor MacNeill / Ross]

       See Attachment B

    C. Apache Bloodhound Project [Gary Martin / Brett]

       See Attachment C

    D. Apache Buildr Project [Alex Boisvert / Rich]

       See Attachment D

    E. Apache C++ Standard Library Project [Jim Jagielski]

       No report was submitted.

       C++ will report next month

    F. Apache Cassandra Project [Jonathan Ellis / Doug]

       See Attachment F

    G. Apache Clerezza Project [Hasan Hasan / Jim]

       See Attachment G

    H. Apache Click Project [Malcolm Edgar / Sam]

       See Attachment H

    I. Apache CloudStack Project [Chip Childers / Rich]

       See Attachment I

       AI: Rich to follow up on the security list

    J. Apache Cocoon Project [Thorsten Scherler / Brett]

       See Attachment J

    K. Apache Community Development Project [Luciano Resende / Bertrand]

       See Attachment K

       General discussion about a reluctance to assign responsibities
       to ComDev that it does not readily accept.

    L. Apache Continuum Project [Brett Porter]

       See Attachment L

    M. Apache CouchDB Project [Jan Lehnardt / Greg]

       See Attachment M

    N. Apache Creadur Project [Robert Burrell Donkin / Sam]

       See Attachment N

    O. Apache Crunch Project [Josh Wills / Jim]

       See Attachment O

    P. Apache cTAKES Project [Pei J Chen / Ross]

       See Attachment P

    Q. Apache DeltaSpike Project [Mark Struberg / Roy]

       See Attachment Q

    R. Apache DirectMemory Project [Raffaele P. Guidi / Doug]

       See Attachment R

    S. Apache Empire-db Project [Francis De Brabandere / Brett]

       See Attachment S

    T. Apache Etch Project [Martin Veith / Sam]

       See Attachment T

    U. Apache Flume Project [Arvind Prabhakar / Rich]

       See Attachment U

    V. Apache Forrest Project [David Crossley / Bertrand]

       See Attachment V

    W. Apache Giraph Project [Avery Ching / Ross]

       See Attachment W

    X. Apache Gora Project [Lewis John McGibbney / Roy]

       See Attachment X

    Y. Apache Hama Project [Edward J. Yoon / Greg]

       See Attachment Y

    Z. Apache HTTP Server Project [Eric Covener / Doug]

       See Attachment Z

    AA. Apache HttpComponents Project [Asankha Perera / Jim]

       See Attachment AA

    AB. Apache Incubator Project [Benson Margulies / Jim]

       See Attachment AB

       Summary of podling reports is empty: it should be filled in or
       removed in subsequent reports. It was noted the Droids has
       been in the incubator, and while the report cites Activity as
       what needs to happen, it also cites a flurry of activity.

    AC. Apache jUDDI Project [Kurt Stam / Greg]

       See Attachment AC

       Conclusion on the wiki discussion: not a board issue. Greg
       will take back a number of suggestions.

    AD. Apache Kafka Project [Jun Rao / Bertrand]

       See Attachment AD

    AE. Apache Lenya Project [Richard Frovarp / Sam]

       See Attachment AE

    AF. Apache Libcloud Project [Tomaz Muraus / Doug]

       See Attachment AF

    AG. Apache Logging Project [Christian Grobmeier / Roy]

       See Attachment AG

    AH. Apache Mahout Project [Jake Mannix / Ross]

       No report was submitted.

       AI: Ross to pursue a report for Mahout

    AI. Apache ManifoldCF Project [Karl Wright / Brett]

       See Attachment AI

    AJ. Apache Maven Project [Olivier Lamy / Rich]

       See Attachment AJ

    AK. Apache MyFaces Project [Gerhard Petracek / Rich]

       See Attachment AK

    AL. Apache Oltu Project [Antonio Sanso / Sam]

       See Attachment AL

    AM. Apache Onami Project [Simone Tripodi / Bertrand]

       See Attachment AM

    AN. Apache Oozie Project [Alejandro Abdelnur / Roy]

       See Attachment AN

       General agreement among board members that a list of PMC
       affiliations does not belong in a board report

    AO. Apache Perl Project [Philippe M. Chiasson / Doug]

       No report was submitted.

       AI: Doug to pursue a report for Perl

    AP. Apache POI Project [Yegor Kozlov / Greg]

       No report was submitted.

       Ross asked PMC to report next month

    AQ. Apache Qpid Project [Carl Trieloff / Brett]

       No report was submitted.

       Ross notes that there was some confusion as to whether QPid
       should report or not and has requested that they report next

    AR. Apache River Project [Greg Trasuk / Jim]

       See Attachment AR

    AS. Apache Roller Project [Dave Johnson / Ross]

       See Attachment AS

    AT. Apache Santuario Project [Colm O hEigeartaigh / Rich]

       See Attachment AT

    AU. Apache SIS Project [Adam Estrada / Brett]

       See Attachment AU

    AV. Apache SpamAssassin Project [Kevin A. McGrail / Roy]

       No report was submitted.

       AI: Roy to pursue a report for SpamAssassin

    AW. Apache Subversion Project [Greg Stein]

       See Attachment AW

       Subversion will report again next month to clarify the
       handling/deprecation of older versions

    AX. Apache Syncope Project [Francesco Chicchiricco / Sam]

       See Attachment AX

    AY. Apache Turbine Project [Thomas Vandahl / Greg]

       See Attachment AY

    AZ. Apache Tuscany Project [Luciano Resende / Bertrand]

       See Attachment AZ

    BA. Apache Velocity Project [Nathan Bubna / Doug]

       See Attachment BA

    BB. Apache Xalan Project [Steven J. Hathaway / Jim]

       See Attachment BB

    BC. Apache Xerces Project [Michael Glavassevich / Ross]

       See Attachment BC

    BD. Apache XML Graphics Project [Chris Bowditch / Sam]

       See Attachment BD

    BE. Apache XMLBeans Project [Cezar Andrei / Doug]

       No report was submitted.

       AI: Doug to "offer" to send XMLBeans to the Attic if they
       continue to not report.

    Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

7. Special Orders

    A. Change the Apache Tuscany Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Luciano Resende
       to the office of Vice President, Apache Tuscany, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
       of Luciano Resende from the office of Vice President, Apache Tuscany,

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Tuscany
       project has chosen by vote to recommend Jean-Sebastien Delfino as the
       successor to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Luciano Resende is relieved and
       discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
       of Vice President, Apache Tuscany, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Jean-Sebastien Delfino be and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Tuscany, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
       until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7A, Change the Apache Tuscany Project Chair, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    B. Change the Apache Whirr Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Tom White
       to the office of Vice President, Apache Whirr, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
       of Tom White from the office of Vice President, Apache Whirr,

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Whirr
       project has chosen by vote to recommend Andrew Bayer as the successor
       to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Tom White is relieved and
       discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
       of Vice President, Apache Whirr, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Andrew Bayer be and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Whirr, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
       until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7B, Change the Apache Whirr Project Chair, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    C. Approve the proposed 2013-2014 Budget (see Attachement BF)
       Special Order 7C, Approve the proposed 2013-2014 Budget (see
       Attachement BF), was approved by Unanimous Vote of the
       directors present.

    D. Dissolve the office of Vice President, Conference Planning

       WHEREAS, the board created the office of Vice President,
       Conference Planning, and;

       WHEREAS, the board created an officer's committee to assist 
       in the work of Conference Planning, and;

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it no longer in the best
       interest of the Foundation to continue the office of "Vice 
       President, Conference Planning", due to the overly broad scope 
       of the office;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Nick Burch is relieved 
       and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of Vice
       President, Conference Planning, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the officers committee to assist
       the work of conference planning be terminated, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the duties of the Vice President, 
       Conference Planning be performed, as appropriate, by the President
       and Vice President, Brand Management, Vice President, Marketing 
       and Publicity and the Community Development Project.

       Special Order 7D, Dissolve the office of Vice President, Conference
       Planning, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    E. Proposed Resolution to Amend the Procedure for PMC Membership Changes

       WHEREAS, at the board meeting on the 18th of December, 2002, the
       Board of Directors passed Resolution [R1], setting out a procedure
       whereby Vice President positions charged with the management of each
       of the Project Management Committees were assigned the authority to
       and responsibility of appointing the membership of their respective
       Project Management Committees, subject to a 72-hour waiting period
       after a Director of the Board acknowledges receipt of a notification
       from the Vice President of the respective committee, and

       WHEREAS the Board of Directors desires to allow the efficient
       operations and self-government of of the Project Management

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Resolution [R1] of December 18th,
       2002 is repealed, and shall be held to be null and void henceforth,

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Vice President
       positions charged with the management of each of the Project
       Management Committees of the Apache Software Foundation are
       hereby assigned the further authority to and responsibility
       of appointing the membership of their respective Project
       Management Committees, which will be effective 72 hours
       after a Director of the Board acknowledges receipt of a
       notification from the Vice President to the Board specifying
       the change in membership of the committee,
       unless a Director of the Board disagrees with the change within those
       72 hours, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that each such Vice President may
       delegate this authority and responsibility to appoint the membership
       of her or his respective Project Management Committee to that Project
       Management Committee, as a whole, by establishing an appropriate
       decision procedure for appointing the membership of said committee,
       and notifying the Board of this delegation. Subsequent to this 
       delegation, any member of said committee may notify the Board of 
       Directors via electronic mail, citing the archived record of the 
       decision in the Foundation's email archive, and such notification 
       shall serve as equivalent to the notification from the Vice President 
       as described hereinabove.  And

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Vice President for Infrastructure 
       shall establish an appropriate policy permitting the grant of the 
       necessary permissions to maintain the official electronic records of 
       Project Management Committee membership to Project Management 
       Committee members as delegated by the relevant Vice President.
       Special Order 7E, Proposed Resolution to Amend the Procedure
       for PMC Membership Changes, was tabled.

8. Discussion Items

    Greg to send out a general note to cover missing information (such as
    dates of last release and dates of last change to PMC composition) in
    Hadrian asked for a clarification on what information needs to be
    generated or produced for an audit.  The board directed Hadrian to work
    with Chris and Jim, and suggested that we make available whatever records
    we have to the auditor that he selects.

9. Review Outstanding Action Items
        * Daniel: Draft an ASF policy for projects which need to re-bundle
          other Apache projects.
              Status: projects have come to an informal consensus,
              closing this item.
        * Doug: follow up with XMLBeans PMC to see if project is still viable.
              Status: Not done.
        * Greg: Contact Cassandra PMC to ask for dates on releases.
              Status: Not done, will roll into larger (multiple project) email.
        * Greg: Let Flume PMC know that affiliations are not needed in the
          board report.
              Status: Bertrand to take over this item, for Flume and Oozie.
        * Jim: Contact Oozie PMC with comments about affiliations and JIRA
              Status: Bertrand to follow up on affiliations.  No status update
              on JIRA.
        * Roy: Update the guidance for releases and communicate to all
              Status: still not done
        * Ross: Discuss Git "documentation" with Flex PMC
              Status: completed (now a comdev issues)
        * Jim: Clarify Infrastructure comment from OpenMeetings report
              Status: still not done
        * Brett: find out what ActiveMQ needs to resolve their trademark
              Status: Reconnected Hiram with trademarks to resolve the issue.
                      Looks like not much further to pursue.

10. Unfinished Business

11. New Business

12. Announcements

13. Adjournment

    Adjourned at 11:47 a.m. (Pacific)


Attachment 0: Report from the Executive Assistant  [Melissa Warnkin / Jim Jagielski]

Since this is my first report, I'm not sure exactly what format you'd
like it in, but here goes:

I've only started tracking/documenting my activities after April's Board
Meeting, when I was advised to start reporting.  It's been a relatively
slow month.

  * Daily monitoring of all email activity to ensure action items,
    and follow-up with appropriate personnel on said emails.

  * I've been involved in the discussions with ConCom regarding the
    "event-in-a-box" topic.  To date, I haven't heard of a
    confirmed date/time/city that these discussions will be taking

  * I've been monitoring email discussions from Citrix with ConCom
    and Brand Management in regards to Texas Linux Fest 2013.
    Citrix wants to choose the silver sponsorship package @Texas
    Linux Fest 2013 and donate it to the Apache CloudStack project
    in an effort to increase visibility to the project.

  * I've been monitoring the progress of BarCamp Boston, and I've
    been in communication with Matt Franklin and Ryan Baxter wrt
    how I can be of assistance.

  * I've been monitoring, and responding to, emails from Elizabeth
    re Lucene/Solr Revolution Europe 2013, and following up with
    ConCom to ensure they provided her the information she
    requested.  I also contacted Sally for an .eps of the ASF logo
    for this event.

  * I've been involved in email communications with Sally and Sharon
    (Strategic Account Manager for O'Reilly) regarding the
    application process for ASF's presence @OSCON as a non-profit

  * I've been in communication with Steve Holden re The Open Bastion
    listing me as the community sponsor contact on the CloudStack
    Collaboration Conference's website.  I also brought ConCom and
    Sally into the email thread to cover all bases.  ConCom so
    they were kept in the loop and to advise me if there is
    anything else I need to be aware of/doing as part of the
    "community sponsor contact"; and Sally for Marketing/PR
    purposes, obviously, and also because TOB are requesting a
    graphic (which is Sally's forte).

Foreseeable activities for May:

  * Continuing discussions with ConCom regarding the event-in-a-box.

  * Continuing discussions with Citrix regarding Texas Linux Fest

  * Shipping the Apache table skirt and swag to Matt Franklin for
    the Boston BarCamp.

  * Ramping up for OSCON 2013.

  * Continuing discussion with TOB regarding the CloudStack
    Collaboration Conference.

I believe that should do it.  Let me know if there is something else I
need to do with this report, or if you will incorporate it into your
President's report.

Attachment 1: Report from the VP of Brand Management  [Shane Curcuru]

No board level issues.

For awareness, note that brand may need to request additional funding
during the upcoming budget year.  This primarily depends on both our
ability to secure pro bono services of various levels, and especially
how long it takes us to organize new trademark registrations.  While
I had planned to spend more of last year's budget, it took longer than
expected to get balls rolling; however we should roll much faster
this year.  Amount < $20K, so should not be a fundraising concern.

Trademarks has had quite a busy month with more than our fair share of
controversies and reported potential infringements from a variety of
projects.  While I can understand that many of our development
volunteers may want to see fast and decisive action on each of their
perceived issues with third party use of Apache brands, we need to
ensure that our brand enforcement is clear, correct, and effective;
this takes time to analyze issues.

Notable issues being worked on include branding use around Hadoop,
HBase, log4j, CloudStack, OFBiz, OpenOffice, and CouchDB.

It is clear both from the number of issues, how they are being brought
up, the size and types of companies that they are dealing with, and
advice from counsel that we will need to make a number of changes
in our brand management procedures.  These will include more thorough
procedures around how our projects create their brands as well as
how people report issues and how the Branding committee deals
with issues.

Attachment 2: Report from the VP of Fundraising  [Upayavira]


This month has been a bumper crop. We have:
 * Silver payment from VMWare
 * Renewal from Yahoo
 * New silver sponsorship from Budget Direct in Australia
 * Bronze renewal from Talend
 * Gold payment from ComCast
 * Bronze renewal from Liip

Last month I suggested a division of labour so that I can focus on the
admin side of fundraising. Since then, I have resolved the admin side
to my satisfaction meaning I can now focus more directly on sponsor
liaison. There are automation ideas floating around, but those can be
handled at a later date.

Attachment 3: Report from the VP of Marketing and Publicity  [Sally Khudairi]

  I. Budget: we remain ahead of plans and under budget. No vendor
payments are due at this time. The proposed budget for FY 2013-2014
was submitted to Jim Jagielski on 13 March, and we await confirmation
of Board approval. Our news dissemination account is being renewed
with PRNewswire at the beginning of the fiscal year. Our contract with
HALO Worldwide expires on 31 May.

  II. Fundraising/Branding/Marketing liaison: no meetings are
planned. Sally Khudairi has been in discussions with an existing
Sponsor regarding marketing Apache Top-level Projects, as well as with
another organization regarding the ASF Sponsorship and Apache
Incubator processes.

  III. Press Releases: no formal announcements were issued via the
newswire, ASF Foundation Blog, or during this

  IV. Informal Announcements: 3 items were announced on @TheASF
Twitter feed. No new posts were made on the @ApacheCon Twitter feed or
"TheApacheFoundation" account on YouTube.

  V. Future Announcements: no announcements are currently planned,
although some discussions have taken place with a podling contributor
regarding graduation. PMCs wishing to announce major project news —as
well as podlings ready to graduate from the Incubator— are welcome to
contact Sally at for more information. Kindly provide
at least 2-weeks' notice for proper planning and execution.

  VI. Media Relations: Sally responded to 7 media requests and 2
requests for project graphics/logos (she created new monochrome ASF
graphics for a request from an Apache project conference). The ASF
received 1,775 press clips over this time period, vs. last month's
clip count of 1,615.

  VII. Analyst Relations: no formal briefings are planned. Apache
was mentioned in 6 reports by Gartner, 4 write-ups by GigaOM, and 5
reports by 451 Research.

  VIII. ApacheCon liaison: no activities are planned at this time.

  IX. (Non-ASF) Industry Events and Outreach liaison: Sally
continues to work with O'Reilly regarding our participation at OSCON
2013; we have been formally accepted as exhibitors in the non-profit
pavilion. Melissa Warnkin is assisting with booth tactics.

  X. Newswire accounts: we have 15 pre-paid press releases with
NASDAQ GlobeNewswire through December 2013, and 7 remaining pre-paid
press releases remaining on the PRNewswire account through May 2013
which will be rolled into our balance for the new fiscal year.

# # #

Attachment 4: Report from the VP of Infrastructure  [Sam Ruby]

Completed our budget deliberations including funding for a new
part-time position.

Purchased 3 new HP switches to replace our aging Dell switches.
Cost ~ $4700.

Continued discussion of code-signing certificates for our

Dealt with some failing/overloaded build machines in our Y!

Jan Iversen continued to work on our nagios -> circonus
service monitoring migration.

2 disks have failed in loki (tinderbox), we've replaced one from
inventory but will need to order more to complete the replacement.

Experienced some security / porn issues with the moin wiki and
have upgraded to the latest version to assist with controlling
the spam.

We will be disabling password-based ssh access to
in the near future, once the supporting scripts have been tested.

Rainer Jung was granted root karma and needs to be added to the
formal committee roster.

Attachment 5: Report from the Apache Conference Planning Project  [Nick Burch]


Attachment 6: Report from the Apache Travel Assistance Committee  [Gavin McDonald]


Attachment 7: Report from the VP of W3C Relations  [Andy Seaborne]

The W3C Advisory Board election process has started.  There are 12
candidates for 4 places.

Nothing to report this month on ASF related activity.

Attachment 8: Report from the Apache Legal Affairs Committee  [Sam Ruby]

Relatively quiet month.  Nothing requiring board attention.

Longest thread involved determining what constitutes a source release.
Impetus was a desire to include third party fonts in svn.  Conclusion was
that these particular fonts were made available under a Category B license
so that they could be made available, but were not the "preferred form for
making modifications" so could not be considered source.

After determining a small number of issues that need to be worked before we
consider signing a new TCK license with Oracle, I had Dan Kulp introduce Aaron
Williamson of the SFLC to discuss these issues with Oracle on our behalf.

Attachment 9: Report from the Apache Security Team Project  [Mark Cox]

For Apr 2013: There continues to be a steady stream of reports of
various kinds arriving at security@.  These continue to be dealt with
by the security team.

5      Support question
1      Security vulnerability question, but not a vulnerability report
5      Phishing/spam/attacks point to site "powered by Apache"
12     Vulnerability reports
       1 [cloudstack, via private@cloudstack and security@]
       2 [tomcat, via security@tomcat] [CLOSED]
       1 [tomee, via security@]
       1 [ofbiz, via security@]
       1 [ACS, via security@ and private@cloudstack]
       2 [httpd, via security@] [1 CLOSED]
       1 [Santuario, via security@]
       1 [struts, via security@struts]
       1 [xerces-j2, via security@]
       1 [tapestry, via security@]

Attachment A: Report from the Apache Abdera Project  [Ant Elder]

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom
Syndication Format and Publishing Protocol specifications. The
previous board report was in March so this one is slightly early.

Activity in Abdera is low but there have been about 20 commits from a
couple of committers this year. The last release was 4 months ago.
There have been no committer or PMC member changes, its been 18 months
since the last PMC addition.

No board issues.

Attachment B: Report from the Apache Ant Project  [Conor MacNeill]

Apache Ant is a Java based build tool and associated tools

o News

The EasyAnt project was adopted from the incubator by vote on March
7th. The Apache Ant project now consists of 4 (sub) projects

- The Ant Core
- Ivy
- Ivy DE
- EasyAnt

o Release Status

Ant 1.9.1 is currently under discussion

Ant 1.9.0 was released on March 7, 2013

Ivy 2.3.0 was released on January 21, 2013
Ivy-DE 2.1.0 was released on Aug 20, 2010

The current release is still from the Incubator

o Committers and PMC

Michael Clarke was added as a committer on April 5th, 2013.

o Community

No issues.

Attachment C: Report from the Apache Bloodhound Project  [Gary Martin]

Project Description
Apache Bloodhound is a software development collaboration tool, including
issue tracking, wiki and repository browsing.


There are no issues that we believe currently require the board's attention.


There have been no releases this month. The last releases were:

* apache-bloodhound-0.5.2-incubating (1st April 2013)
* apache-bloodhound-0.5.3 (15th April 2013)

A discussion about the next releases has recently begun.

Community & Development

No new committee members have been added this month. The last addition to
the committee was on 10th April 2013.

Bloodhound has submitted projects for GSoC and has put a good amount of
effort into encouraging prospective students to get involved and interact on
the mailing list. We appear to have four valid proposals from students.

In addition to the interesting discussions resulting from GSoC, the dev
mailing list has been very active covering a good range of topics. And we
appear to be remaining responsive to questions. Post graduation interest
appears to be ongoing with some more voices appearing on the dev list. We
have also seen bloodhound specific questions appearing on the external
trac-user mailing list. Although it is good to see interest anywhere, we
have attempted to encourage this kind of discussion to move to bloodhound

A conversation regarding a potential 1.0 release has also begun as we have
recently made very good progress on the initial aims of the project.

Attachment D: Report from the Apache Buildr Project  [Alex Boisvert]

Apache Buildr is a Ruby-based build system for Java-based applications,
including support for Scala, Groovy and a growing number of JVM languages and

Since the last report, we have released Buildr 1.4.11 that fixed a single
regression in v1.4.10.

We have also just voted for the release of Buildr 1.4.12; this release will
contain 5 enhancements, 4 bug fixes and 2 minor changes. 3 of these were
contributed by non-committers. The mailing lists remain relatively quiet.

Our last committer addition dates back to October 2010. Our last PMC addition
dates back to September 2010, though we are currently in the voting process to
add Peter Donald (our most active committer in the past 2 years) into our PMC.

We have no issues that require board attention.

Attachment E: Report from the Apache C++ Standard Library Project  [Jim Jagielski]

Attachment F: Report from the Apache Cassandra Project  [Jonathan Ellis]

Cassandra is a distributed database providing massive scalability,
high performance, and high availability.


1.1.10 14/Feb/13
1.2.2 24/Feb/13
1.2.3 17/Mar/13
1.2.4 10/Apr/13
1.1.11 18/Apr/13


The Cassandra committers held an in-person roadmap discussion in San
Mateo, CA at the end of February.  Besides those based in the Bay
area, several committers flew in from out of town.  Aleksey Yeschenko
and Jake Luciani attended remotely via Google Hangout.  General
sentiment was that the meeting was a success, but we will try our next
meeting entirely virtually over Hangout, both to reduce the travel
overhead and to make everyone more of an equal participant.

I wrote up notes of the meeting itself at [1] [2] [3].


Marcus Eriksson was added as a committer.


Attachment G: Report from the Apache Clerezza Project  [Hasan Hasan]

Apache Clerezza is an OSGi-based modular application and a set of components 
(bundles) for building RESTFul Semantic Web applications and services.

There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

Latest release was created on 17.04.2013

Various improvements and bug fixes in source codes including:
- Update dependencies to wink to the latest release 1.3.0 and remove reference
to obsolete jaxrs.testutils.
- Update jena dependency to the latest version
- Moving ResultSetMessageBodyWriter (a jax-rs provider) from rdf.web.core 
to jaxrs.rdf.providers module
- Forwarding exceptions and replacing obsolete method invocation for index 
optimization in rdf.cris module

Further, works are in progress in various issues on supporting fastlane for 
SPARQL execution.

Latest changes was addition of a new committer and PMC member on 26.03.2013

Transfer of source codes to Git is still in progress (waiting for INFRA)
Folders for source code distribution under are requested (waiting for INFRA)
An issue for INFRA is created to merge mailing list archive of Clerezza
incubation to Clerezza TLP

Attachment H: Report from the Apache Click Project  [Malcolm Edgar]

Apache Click is an easy-to-use page and component oriented Java web

The project is facing issues of having a viable community. 

There are no infrastructure issues at this time.

No headway has been made towards a version 2.3.1/2.4 release.

There have been no new commiter or PMC members added during this period.

Mailing list traffic has been higher over the last reporting period.

Attachment I: Report from the Apache CloudStack Project  [Chip Childers]


Apache CloudStack is open source software designed to deploy and manage
large networks of virtual machines, as a highly available, highly
scalable Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing platform.

* 4.0.2 was released on April 24, 2013
** CVE-2013-2756 and CVE-2013-2758 were addressed in the 4.0.2 release
* The community is still finalizing our 4.1.0 release.


* The 4.1.0 release has been slow in getting finalized, due to upgrade
  bugs from older (2.x) versions of the software. Issues with the
  upgrade path is actually helping to inspire some new contributors to
  engage with the project.
* New features continuing to merge into master for an eventual 4.2.0
  release, and a schedule has been set for that release.
* There has been an increase in commits, merge requests and patch
  requests that include the test automation requested by the community.
* The community is working on plans for the upcoming CloudStack
  Collaboration Conference (June).
* Seven GSOC proposals have been seen on the dev@ list, and we are
  working to help the proposers in refining their understanding of the
* The project has created a security@ list for use in coordinating
  security vulnerabilities and is working to refine it's security report
  handling processes.


Including the following additions, CloudStack has 61 committers and 21
PMC members.

New Committers added in April:
* Bruno Demion
* Go Chiba
* Clayton Weise
* Isaac Chiang
* Phong Nguyen

New PMC Members added in April:
* Prasanna Santhanam

The Apache CloudStack project remains a high volume community:
* dev@ 609 subs / ~2600 msgs in Apr
* users@ 782 subs / ~800 msgs in Apr
* issues@ 109 subs / ~2400 msgs in Apr
* commits@ 166 subs / ~3300 msgs in Apr
* marketing@ 85 subs / ~260 msg in Apr
* users-cn@ ~300 subs / ~260 msgs in Apr


Attachment J: Report from the Apache Cocoon Project  [Thorsten Scherler]

Apache Cocoon 3 is a major rewrite of Cocoon 2.2. Like Cocoon 2 it
is based around the concept of pipelines and sitemaps and it is
very similar to Cocoon 2.2 in many respects but is slimmed down and
designed to be easily used with Java code (= no frameworks required!).
On top of this, Cocoon 3 has the goal of becoming the best available
platform for RESTful webservices and web applications.

Issues needing board attention:

Changes in the PMC membership:
 Last modified: 2012/10/21 (change of PMC chair)


Traffic on users and devs list continues be light but steady, people got a
bit more active around the release to give feedback. Various devs attended
the questions and provided solutions.


2.1 has been released on 2013/03/20 after 6 posivite PMC votes. Special
thanks to Cédric for his first cocoon release. 2.2 and 3 are waiting for some
blocking bugs to be closed to be released.


Bugfixing on C3 and release on the 2.1 branch. Various
tickets and patches had been applied to the code base,

Security issues reported:

Progress of the project:

 One Forrest PMC member did assist to do testing prior to our 2.1.12 release
inside Forrest.

Attachment K: Report from the Apache Community Development Project  [Luciano Resende]

The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become
involved with Apache projects

Project Status

No issues require board attention at this time.

PMC changes

Suresh Marru has been added to the Community Development PMC
Rich Bowen has been added to the Community Development PMC


The ASF has been accepted to GSoC 2013, and Ulrich Stärk has volunteered to 
be our Admin for the program this year. Currently we are in the reviewing 
students proposal phase, and Google should communicate accepted students
by end of the month.

Mentoring Projects

We have been discussing a pilot mentoring project with India ICFOSS and we are 
finalizing the schedule of the program before start recruiting mentors from
the foundation projects. This project should be similar to GSoC where students
will be matched with ASF mentors and work on projects for a specific period of
time, but there are NO monetary incentives for either parts.


- There has been various talks about expanding the ComDev
responsibilities, such as taking the policy documentation
responsibilities from Incubator and handling pieces of event
management from ConCom. Most of these discussions started due to
overwhelmed PMCs that have grown out of control and have taken a lot
more responsibilities that they can handle. Although these discussions
are good and should be happening, I want to make sure we don't
overwhelm the ComDev PMC with all these new responsibilities all at
once. Anyway, this is my particular view, and so far we haven't heard
concrete plans to implement these discussed items.

- The Community has revamped the ComDev website, with the goal to
enhance site navigation and information categorization to users.

Attachment L: Report from the Apache Continuum Project  [Brett Porter]

Apache Continuum is an enterprise-ready continuous integration server with
features such as automated builds, release management, role-based security,
and integration with popular build tools and source control management

As expected, activity has dropped off after the 1.4.1 release last quarter.
A contributor has recently submitted some patches related to the upgrade
that would warrant a 1.4.2 release once they are reviewed and applied.

User list activity was likewise very low, but questions were responded to.

The last release was Continuum 1.4.1, on January 7, 2013.

We have not added any new committers recently. The last committer was added
December 8, 2010 and the last PMC member was added on September 2, 2012.

Attachment M: Report from the Apache CouchDB Project  [Jan Lehnardt]


Apache CouchDB is a database that uses JSON for documents, JavaScript for
MapReduce queries, and regular HTTP for an API.


   - 1.2.2 (4th April 2013)

   - 1.3.0 (24th April 2013)


   - Work is underway to merge in Cloudant's BigCouch fork which will add
     clustering capabilities to CouchDB.
   - Work is underway to merge in Cloudant's Fauxton overhaul of the
     CouchDB admin interface.
   - Work is underway to merge in parts of Benoît Chesneau's rcouch fork
     which improves the build system.
   - Work is underway to improve our test suite with a view toward making
     it more stable.
   - The documentation donation from Couchbase was merged in and shipped
     with CouchDB 1.3.0.

The docs are also available at:

The project is undergoing an expansionist phase. The PMC is
focusing on bolstering the committer base, and the committer
base is focusing on bolstering CouchDB. As part of this, we
are also conducting several restructuring exercises. These
include: recruiting more committers, re-enforcing expectations
around consensus building and decision making processes,
re-evaluating our Git workflow, and switching to regular
time-based releases. These exercises are going very well
so far.

We have established consensus to have GitHub pull request
comment notifications sent to the development mailing list.
This will be an experiment. Our goal is to increase the
visibility of important activity that is happening away
from the lists. Our success criteria will be increased
activity and attention to contributions coming in from
GitHub. We will re-enforce the primacy of the mailing list
for development discussion and decision making, and will
keep a watchful eye for any issues.


Including the following additions, CouchDB has 27 committers and 9 PMC

New committers:

    - Dale Harvey
    - Wendall Cada
    - Alexander Shorin
    - Ryan Ramage

No new PMC members.

Mailing list stats:

   - announce
       - 56 subscribers
       - 2 messages since February
   - user
       - 1456 subscribers
       - 1,057 messages since February
   - erlang
       - 105 subscribers
       - 14 messages since February
   - dev
       - 601 subscribers
       - 2,006 messages since February
   - commits
       - 101 subscribers
       - 959 messages since February


No issues for the board at this time.

Attachment N: Report from the Apache Creadur Project  [Robert Burrell Donkin]

Apache Creadur creates and maintains a suite of open source
software related to the auditing and comprehension of
software distributions. Any language and build system are

Project Status
Creadur graduated from the Apache Incubator in April, 2012.
The final handover tasks associated with the first
release are now in progress.

We have no issues requiring board attention at the moment.

More traffic on the list, and some interest in one of our
GSOC project ideas.

Stefan Bodewig has resigned from the PMC.

None (yet). The last release happened while the project was
incubating: RAT 0.8 released in November 2011.

Rat 0.9 has been approved but the announcement is pending
completion of final release infrastructure handover tasks.

Whisker is waiting to be released.

Community Objectives
* Complete release of Apache Rat 0.9
* Release Apache Whisker 0.1

Attachment O: Report from the Apache Crunch Project  [Josh Wills]

Apache Crunch is a Java library for writing, testing, and running
MapReduce pipelines on Apache Hadoop.

There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

We are currently holding a vote for our 0.6.0 release, our first
release since leaving the incubator at the end of February. We have
received three +1 votes for the current release candidate from PMC members
and expect the vote to pass when voting closes in a couple of days.

Community & Development:
No new PMC members or committers have been added since our report last
month, when we added two new committers.

We had a tough month on the dev list, primarily due to a strange and
somewhat random Java compiler error that caused Crunch builds to
fail consistently in some environments but not others, which was
frustrating to debug and caused lots of Jenkins failures. We believe
that we have resolved these issues with the latest release candidate
and are looking forward to our next release and getting back to working
on new features and bug fixes for our next release.

Attachment P: Report from the Apache cTAKES Project  [Pei J Chen]

Apache cTAKES (clinical Text Analysis and Knowledge Extraction System) is
a natural language processing (NLP) tool for information extraction from
electronic medical record clinical free-text.

There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

Last release was created on 22.02.2013 (ctakes-3.0-incubating)


cTAKES has graduated to TLP per board meeting on 20.03.2013.
The code repo and incubator references have been updated to reflect the
new TLP home.  The committee is currently working on the next release of

No new committers or PMC members are added since last month.
There has been an increase in user questions on the user and dev mailing
lists presumably indicating more interest in the project and community.
Also, one of the contributors recently contributed a sizable update to one of
the cTAKES components (Dependency Parser) for the future release.
Existing committers have also created a Twitter and LinkedIn account
to help the community grow and thrive.

Attachment Q: Report from the Apache DeltaSpike Project  [Mark Struberg]

Apache DeltaSpike is a portable CDI Extension Library (Java JSR-299).
It contains a purely JavaSE based core plus a few modules for JavaEE.

Project Status:
DeltaSpike graduated 3 weeks ago and we are still in transition
(INFRA-6178). This is our first TLP report.

We are currently working on 0.4 release preparations.
After that pretty big release we'd like to establish a
bi-monthly release schedule.

The DeltaSpike community is stable and pretty active.
We have regular commits from a handful of people and even
more people discussing on the mailing lists.
There are a few new people on the list already.


There are no issues that require the board's attention.

Attachment R: Report from the Apache DirectMemory Project  [Raffaele P. Guidi]

Apache DirectMemory is an off-heap cache implementation for the JVM. It
features direct memory management (a-la BigMemory) to enable efficient
handling of a large number of java objects without affecting JVM garbage
collection performance.

* General Information
Community interest seems to be still alive, a new contribution/merge
has been proposed. Not much happening in the ML and in SVN

* Releases
  No releases since we left incubation (last one was in sept. 2012) and
still far away from the first one.

Attachment S: Report from the Apache Empire-db Project  [Francis De Brabandere]

Apache Empire-db is a relational database abstraction layer that allows
developers to take a more SQL-centric approach in application development
than traditional ORM frameworks. Its focus is to allow highly efficient
database operations in combination with a maximum of compile-time-safety
and DBMS independence.

Project Status

During the previous months we have submitted several minor bug fixes
and small improvements that we will publish with our next release.
The overall code base however is very stable and mature and there has been
no demand for major changes.

Changes in committers or PMC members

After several contributions last year prior to our current release, we have
decided to accept Dimitar Simeonov as a new committer on our project.


There are no issues that require the board's attention at this time.

Latest Release

Apache-Empire-db 2.4.1 was released on Oct 30, 2012.

Attachment T: Report from the Apache Etch Project  [Martin Veith]

Apache Etch is a cross-platform, language- and transport-independent
RPC-like framework for building and consuming network services.

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

There hasn't been any new release since becoming a TLP in January 2013.
We are still working on the C++ binding, which will become the main
feature of the new release. In collaboration with some beta users
we are continuing to improve and fix all known issues in the C++ binding.

* Since reporting last month we have seen some new users, using both the
  C and beta C++ binding. Good discussions on the mailing list.
* Community patches submitted last month are still in review.
* From a development prospective we are focusing on the C++ binding.
  It is becoming more mature, hoping we can release it within the next

* No changes regarding PMC or committers composition since graduation
  in January 2013.
* Our committer base is quite small but where are in a good work mode.
  After the C++ binding becomes stable there should be time to take some
  actions to increase both user and developer community.

Attachment U: Report from the Apache Flume Project  [Arvind Prabhakar]


Apache Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available system for
efficiently collecting, aggregating, and moving large amounts of log
data to scalable data storage systems such as Apache Hadoop's HDFS.

* The last release of Flume was version 1.3.1, released on January
2, 2013.
* No further releases are planned at this time.

* Development activity continues with steady stream of issues being
logged and resolved.
* A total of 111 issues have been filed, and 77 issues have been
resolved between the period starting February 20, 2013 and May 6,
* Approximately 1505 messages were exchanged on the dev list in the
past three months, while a total of 477 were exchanged on the user
list in this period.

* PMC Composition has not changed since the last report.
* Committer composition has not changed since the last report.
* Currently there are:
- Total of 174 subscribers to the developer list
- Total of 399 subscribers to the user list
- Total of 22 committers
- Total of 20 PMC members


* There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

Attachment V: Report from the Apache Forrest Project  [David Crossley]

Apache Forrest mission is software for generation of aggregated multi-channel
documentation maintaining a separation of content and presentation.

Issues needing board attention:

Changes in the PMC membership:
  Jeremias Märki (jeremias) resigned.
  Last modified: 2013-04-08
  Most recent addition: 2009-06-09

New committers:
  Most recent addition: 2009-06-09

General status:
  The most recent release is 0.9 on 2011-02-07.

  Some tiny activity on the user mail list, where a "status" question was
  well handled by another PMC member.

  No activity on the dev mail list.

  Three other PMC members thanked the efforts of Jeremias. So we know that
  there are 4+ people hanging around, meaning that we can potentially still
  make decisions.

  Nice. Response to my late draft report showed that I can stop squinting.

Security issues reported:

Progress of the project:

  One PMC member did assist at the Apache Cocoon project to do testing
  prior to their 2.1.12 release, by testing it inside Forrest. Bumped some
  related items in our issue tracker which will hopefully stimulate some
  developer interest. We still need to follow through and update our use of
  Cocoon and blocks (especially the FOP block).

Attachment W: Report from the Apache Giraph Project  [Avery Ching]

Giraph is a Bulk Synchronous Parallel framework for writing programs
that analyze large graphs on a Hadoop cluster. Giraph is similar to
Google's Pregel system.

Project Status:

   1.0.0 - Will be officially released today.  Our first release after graduation!


Eli Reisman was voted into the PMC.  Lewis John Mcgibbney and Claudio Martella are
GSoC mentors.

Mailing lists:
  168 subscribers on dev
  237 subscribers on user

Attachment X: Report from the Apache Gora Project  [Lewis John McGibbney]

The Apache Gora open source framework provides an in-memory data model and
persistence for big data. Gora supports persisting to column stores, key
value stores, document stores and RDBMSs, and analyzing the data with
extensive Apache Hadoop MapReduce support.

Project Releases

The Apache Gora team was extremely happy to announce the release of Gora
0.3 on 8th May 2013. VOTE'ing and the release management procedure seems
to be working well for the community and it was great to get the code

Overall Project Activity since last report

Generally project activity has been fairly steady. We have been working
towards our 0.3 release with one issue (flagged upstream within Nutch)
posing quite a problem from a technical viewpoint. The 0.3 release
candidate was initially delayed with the intent of addressing this issue
however a decision was made to push the RC and address it in 0.4.
The user list has seen usual very low traffic. Our dev list has seen
236, 110 and 55 posts (so far) for the months March, April and May
respectively. We've recently seen some contributions and activity
from newer community members brought to Gora by Google Summer of Code (GSoC).
The Gora community decided to move to Apache CMS for publishing documentation
and we are currently deciding on when to push the staging site live.

How has the community developed since the last report?

We have had some interest (mainly streamed down from the Nutch community)
regarding improving Gora for specific use cases and more generally.
user@gora has 33 subscribers
dev@gora has 54 subscribers
PMC members Renato and Lewis are preparing and presenting Gora at this
years Cassandra Summit in San Francisco in July. This is another attempt
to build Gora out more.
We have seen a number of students come forward and propose projects for this
years GSoC. This is great news for Gora and we are optimistic about working
to make the Gora community better.

Changes to PMC & Committers

The Gora PMC were very pleased to invite and have Roland von Herget
join our ranks on Thu, 7th Mar 2013. Roland also joined the
Gora PMC.

PMC and Committer diversity

We currently have committers from a wide variety of Apache projects
including, Nutch, Tika, OODT, Camel, Solr, Accumulo, Whirr & Hadoop
(this is not an exhaustive list).

Attachment Y: Report from the Apache Hama Project  [Edward J. Yoon]

Apache Hama is a pure BSP (Bulk Synchronous Parallel) computing
framework on top of HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) for massive
scientific computations such as matrix, graph and network algorithms.

Project Status:

 * The Hama project has no board-level issues at this time.


 * April 01, 2013 - Hama 0.6.1 has released.


 * Martin Illecker (Hama Pipes contributor) was voted into the
committer and PMC.
 * Users and Volunteers are increasing, but Development was inactive
since the last board report.
 * Edward is participate in GSoC 2013 mentoring program.

Mailing lists:

 * 94 subscribers on dev
 * 163 subscribers on user

Attachment Z: Report from the Apache HTTP Server Project  [Eric Covener]

Project Description
The Apache HTTP Server Project is an effort to develop and maintain an
open-source HTTP server for modern operating systems.

Issues for the Board
There are no outstanding issues that require the board's attention.

httpd 2.4.4 was released on February 25th, just before ApacheCon North America,
which made for interesting new things to talk about at the conference.

httpd 2.2.24 was released on February 26th.

httpd 2.0.x has not seen a release since late 2010. It is likely that the next release
will be accompanied by an EOL declaration.

Bug reports
Bug reporting and fixing is going at a steady pace with between a half and one 
new ticket being filed and fixed every day (68 new tickets versus 63 closed).
A total of 193 bugs have been discussed via Bugzilla within the last quarter.

There have been no new committers or PMC members since the last report, putting
the latest addition of a committer at January, 2013 and the last addition to the
PMC at December, 2012. 

IRC and mailing list activity are steady

The online commenting system embedded in the manual has proved quite useful
in lowering the bar for feedback.

A revamped is operational.

Attachment AA: Report from the Apache HttpComponents Project  [Asankha Perera]

The Apache HttpComponents project is responsible for creating and
maintaining a toolset of low level Java components focused on HTTP
and associated protocols.

Overall the project remains active.

- HttpCore 4.2.4 GA was released on the 25th of March 2013

- HttpCore 4.3-beta1 was released on the 25th of March 2013

- HttpClient 4.2.4 GA was released on the 12th of April 2013

- HttpClient 4.3-beta1 was released on the 12th of April 2013

- HttpClient 4.2.5 GA was released on the 24th of April 2013

The community remains small but active, but has good user
interaction on the mailing lists as well as contributions rolling in

HttpCore 4.3, HttpClient 4.3 and HttpAsyncClient 4.0 are moving
toward a GA release and presently being optimized for performance

Attachment AB: Report from the Apache Incubator Project  [Benson Margulies]

The incubator PMC continues to have difficulties with supervision and
reporting, as evinced by set of missing reports below. [1] It's not
really clear why this problem has grown worse. Perhaps the previous
chair was more capable of harnessing the efforts of the PMC, or
perhaps it's the larger number of podlings, or perhaps it's random, or
more likely it's a combination of the above.

While there is a consensus in the PMC that there are problems, there
is not a consensus about what actions to take. Several people have
proposed changes, and all of those changes have attracted a mixture of
support and opposition.

If nothing changes, either at the level of lack of reports and other
evidence of supervision problems, or with the PMC's ability to reach a
consensus, Benson is going to ask the Board for an agenda item on the
June agenda to discuss the situation.

On the positive side, the PMC has added several new members from
inside the podlings, which is one of the schemes for getting more
supervision done.

[1] There is some evidence that Marvin failed to deliver some
reminders. If true, it is a partial explanation but not a complete

o Community

New IPMC members:

David Nalley
Henry Saputra
Hemming Schmiedenhausen
Chip Childers
Joe Brockmeier

People who left the IPMC:
Stefan Bodewig

o New Podlings


o Graduations: the board has motions for the following:


o Releases

o Legal / Trademarks

o Infrastructure

The Wiki outage was a minor disruption.

-------------------- Summary of podling reports --------------------

Still getting started at the Incubator

  These projects are still getting started, so no immediate progress
  towards graduation is yet expected.

Not yet ready to graduate

Ready to graduate

                       Table of Contents
Hadoop Development Tools
ODF Toolkit
Open Climate Workbench



Ambari is a monitoring, administration and lifecycle management project for
Apache Hadoop clusters.

Ambari has been incubating since 2011-08-30.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:


Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?

How has the community developed since the last report?

How has the project developed since the last report?

Please check this [ ] when you have filled in the report for Ambari.

Owen O'Malley: [ ](ambari)
Chris Douglas: [ ](ambari)
Arun Murthy: [ ](ambari)

Shepherd notes:


Blur is a search platform capable of searching massive amounts of data
in a cloud computing environment. 

Blur has been incubating since 2012-07-24.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. An official Apache Release - currently have a plan for 0.1.5 being that release.
  2. Community growth, Blur still needs to grow it's community.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?
- We've welcomed a new PMC Member/Committer.
- Subscriptions: user@ - 35[+4]; dev@ - 38[+5]

How has the project developed since the last report?
- In pursuing an official release, we settled on solidifying and releasing the current
code - putting on pause for now a 0.2 version.  This should bring a release much faster.

Please check this [X] when you have filled in the report for Blur.

Doug Cutting: [X](blur)
Patrick Hunt: [X](blur)
Tim Williams: [X](blur)

Shepherd notes:


Curator - ZooKeeper client wrapper and rich ZooKeeper framework

Curator has been incubating since 2013-03-11.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Build community
  2. Create a first release
  3. Finalize name search/trademarks

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

Outside users are starting to post issues, ask questions, etc. 
Several potential new committers have been identified.

There are currently 15 subscribers on the dev list. 
There are 18 subscribers to the user list.

How has the project developed since the last report?

The mentors have continued to educate the committers on the Apache Way and
how to conduct a proper release.
The initial 2.0.0-incubating release is now very close to finalization.

Please check this [ ] when you have filled in the report for Curator.

Enis Söztutar: [ ](curator)
Luciano Resende: [x](curator)
Mahadev Konar: [ ](curator)
Patrick Hunt: [X](curator)

Shepherd notes:


DeltaSpike is a collection of JSR-299 (CDI) Extensions for building
applications on the Java SE and EE platforms.

DeltaSpike has been incubating since 2011-12-07.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:


Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?

How has the community developed since the last report?

How has the project developed since the last report?

Please check this [ ] when you have filled in the report for DeltaSpike.

Mark Struberg: [ ](deltaspike)
Gerhard Petracek: [ ](deltaspike)
David Blevins: [ ](deltaspike)
Matt Benson: [ ](deltaspike)
Jim Jagielski: [ ](deltaspike)

Shepherd notes:


Droids aims to be an intelligent standalone robot framework that allows to
create and extend existing droids (robots).

Droids has been incubating since 2008-10-09.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Activity

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

There has been no change in the active members of the community. 
There are enough active people to form a viable PMC.

How has the project developed since the last report?

Development this quarter has been slow after the flury of development 
last quarter. The codebase has a decent level of maturity, so a lot of 
changes isn't expected.

Please check this [ ] when you have filled in the report for Droids.

Thorsten Scherler: [X](droids)
Richard Frovarp: [X](droids)

Shepherd notes:


Falcon is a data processing and management solution for Hadoop designed for
data motion, coordination of data pipelines, lifecycle management, and data
discovery. Falcon enables end consumers to quickly onboard their data and its
associated processing and management tasks on Hadoop clusters.

Falcon has been incubating since 2013-03-27.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Bootstrap the project (source code, documentation, issue tracking)
  2. Add new and diverse committers
  3. Build and grow community
  4. Releases at frequent and regular intervals

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?
- No

How has the community developed since the last report?
This is the first report for Falcon since its acceptance into Incuabtor. We
have requested for infrastructure for bootstrapping the podling (awaiting
source control, mailing list and issue tracking) -
( We will look to move the
source code and make documentation and easy startup-guide available for users
to try it out and collaborate.

How has the project developed since the last report?
N/A. This is the first report being filed for the project.

Please check this [ ] when you have filled in the report for Falcon.

Alan Gates: [X](falcon)
Chris Douglas: [X](falcon)
Devaraj Das: [ ](falcon)
Owen O'Malley: [ ](falcon)

Shepherd notes:

Hadoop Development Tools

Eclipse based tools for developing applications on the Hadoop platform

Hadoop Development Tools has been incubating since 2012-11-09.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
- Support multiple versions of Hadoop in a single IDE instance. During this 
  time building understanding of the Apache processes around working and releasing.
- Release
- Grow the podling community in terms of users and contributors. 

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?
- None

How has the community developed since the last report?
- Mirko Kaempf has begun contributing to the project (HDT-21)
- Worked with, and established a process for, a contribution from a pull request

How has the project developed since the last report?
- Tools now allow interacting with HDFS and launching Map/Reduce jobs on Hadoop 0.23.6
- New class wizards that support the "new" mapreduce api

Please check this [X] when you have filled in the report for Hadoop Development Tools.

Suresh Marru: [X](hadoopdevelopmenttools)
Chris Mattmann: [X](hadoopdevelopmenttools)
Roman Shaposhnik: [ ](hadoopdevelopmenttools)

Shepherd notes:


A cloud agnostic library that enables developers to access a variety
of supported cloud providers using one API

jclouds has been incubating since 2013-04-29.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

We are in the initial stages of setup. Our mailing lists have just
been created, and we are waiting for infrastructure to migrate git

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

This is our first report.

How has the project developed since the last report?

This is our first report.

Please check this [x] when you have filled in the report for jclouds.

Brian McCallister: [ ](jclouds)
Tom White: [X](jclouds)
Henning Schmiedehausen: [ ](jclouds)
David Nalley: [x](jclouds)
Jean-Baptiste Onofré: [ ](jclouds)
Mohammad Nour El-Din: [ ](jclouds)
Olivier Lamy: [x](jclouds)
Tomaz Muraus: [ ](jclouds)
Suresh Marru: [X](jclouds)
Carlos Sanchez: [ ](jclouds)

Shepherd notes:


Knox Gateway is a system that provides a single point of secure access
for Apache Hadoop clusters.

Knox has been incubating since 2013-02-22.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Expand community to include more diverse committers.
  2. Align technically with security work going in in Hadoop.
  3. Clear the project name with legal and pick a new name if required.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?

  1. None

How has the community developed since the last report?

  1. Now that we have a release we will be reaching out to those that
     expressed interest when the project was proposed.
  2. Couple of active developers engaging the project on the mailing
     lists at the moment.
  3. Apache ways of discussing on list and other important knowledge
     being learned and executed by the community.

How has the project developed since the last report?

  1. Completed initial release (0.2.0) via Apache processes.
  2. Over 65 issues brought into JIRA.
  3. All Knox source code/etc. has been vetted and is in Git.

Please check this [ ] when you have filled in the report for Knox.

Owen O'Malley: [ ](knox)
Chris Douglas: [X](knox)
Mahadev Konar: [ ](knox)
Alan Gates: [X](knox)
Devaraj Das: [ ](knox)
Chris Mattmann: [X](knox)
Tom White: [X](knox)

Shepherd notes:


Mesos is a cluster manager that provides resource sharing and
isolation across cluster applications.

Mesos has been incubating since 2010-12-23.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Improved documentation and support using ASF Mesos Wiki.
  2. Roll an 0.11.0 release.
  3. More interaction on the dev lists besides those from Review Board/JIRA.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

The project currently only has 1 active mentor, Chris Mattmann. Chris 
has been able to get Paul Ramirez and Andrew Hart, both IPMC members,
to help mentor as well when needed (e.g., with release VOTE'ing), but
it's still been pretty scarce. Chris brought this up to the IPMC in
threads before, but it went without a reply.

How has the community developed since the last report?

Ben Mahler was added as a PPMC member and committer on the project.

We've seen an increase in activity on the mailing list. Airbnb has
been increasingly using Mesos, not only for Chronos, but also for
Hadoop (using our newly written Hadoop framework). There has also been
a production engineering meetup where Mesos was presented:

How has the project developed since the last report?

The project has moved its source repo to ASF Git per

We need to get our website properly ASF branded. 
We also need to move towards more discussions on the dev list
that aren't shepherded by automated tools (Review Board, and JIRA).
This would make it easier to follow conversations, and to encourage
new contributors to be able to discuss the code, and its stewardship.

On top of the usual bug fixes and reliability improvements, we've
implemented resource monitoring to gain visibility into the resource
consumption of executors running in Mesos. We are also much closer to
shipping a feature that allows the slave to upgrade gracefully
(without killing all tasks underneath it).

Chris Mattmann:   [X](mesos)
Brian McCallister [ ](mesos)
Tom White         [X](mesos)


MRQL is a query processing and optimization system for large-scale,
distributed data analysis, built on top of Apache Hadoop and Hama.

MRQL has been incubating since 2013-03-13.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Expand the development community to include more diverse committers
  2. Complete the first release
  3. Improve query performance on large clusters

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

We are in the process of completing the infrastructure for the MRQL  
podling. We have created a new wiki site for MRQL that includes a  
detailed developer documentation, which includes a guide to potential  
committers on how to contribute to the MRQL project, gives a detailed  
roadmap of the codebase, and lists the future release plans. This wiki  
also contains user documentation of the MRQL query language. We have  
also created a JIRA site for MRQL. So far we have created 9 JIRA  
issues, some of them related to infrastructure improvement, from which  
6 have already been resolved.

How has the project developed since the last report?

The existing code has been substantially modified in many ways to  
facilitate contributions by committers. The codebase now includes a  
testbed of queries to automatically test various aspects of the  
system. We are now in the process of refactoring the code based on our  
coding guidelines and of using maven as our project management tool.

Please check this [ ] when you have filled in the report for MRQL.

Alex Karasulu: [X](mrql)
Anthony Elder: [ ](mrql)
Alan Cabrera: [X](mrql)
Mohammad Nour El-Din: [ ](mrql)

Shepherd notes:


NPanday allows projects using the .NET framework to be built with Apache Maven.

NPanday has been incubating since 2010-08-13.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. work out a concrete plan towards graduation ASAP
  2. encourage newer contributors to do so on a continuing basis
  3. reach out to other projects using .NET that might be interested
     in working with NPanday

Some new attention has sparked recently around getting support for
Mono back up to par, which might help resolve some of the regressions
that are in the way of a release. Hopefully some of the newer
contributors will be able to continue helping out in that regard.

Users have drawn attention to the fact that the home page doesn't list
any recent activity. Some effort needs to go into making it clearer of
the current status and how to contribute.

The existing committers continue to be busy with other projects, but
are still interested in seeing the project succeed and looking for new

We are still short on mentors, and would appreciate any volunteers.

Please check this [ ] when you have filled in the report for NPanday.

Dennis Lundberg: [ ](npanday)

Shepherd notes:

ODF Toolkit

Java modules that allow programmatic creation, scanning and
manipulation of OpenDocument Format (ISO/IEC 26300 == ODF) documents

ODF Toolkit has been incubating since 2011-08-01.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Grow the community, especially attracting new developers.
  2. Successfully complete another podling release. 
  3. Hold an informal graduation readiness vote.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

No new committers added.  

We stalled in our 0.6 release plans when our Release Manager left due
to changing work commitments.  A new Release Manager stepped forward
and we're currently voting on a new Release Candidate.

There has also been some discussion of whether we will ever become
large enough to sustain a TLP, and whether it would make more sense to
move the code into an existing TLP, e.g., OpenOffice or POI, both of
which are related technologies.

How has the project developed since the last report?

Completed development work for 0.6 release.  Along with the usual bug
fixes, enhancements in this release include:

* Added document encryption support
* Added metadata support
* Support for OpenDocument-v1.2
* Additional APIs for Simple API

Please check this [ ] when you have filled in the report for ODF Toolkit.

Sam Ruby: [ ](odftoolkit)
Nick Burch: [ ](odftoolkit)
Yegor Kozlov: [ ](odftoolkit)

Shepherd notes:


Apache Onami aims to create a community focused on the development and
maintenance of a set of Google Guice extensions not provided out of
the box by the library itself nor the Google developers team, such as
integration with 3rd part frameworks or extra functionalities.

Onami has been incubating since 2012-11-14.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?

We have successfully performed all votes to graduate. Graduation has
not performed, infra issues are still open:

Please check this [ grobmeier ] when you have filled in the report for Onami.

Christian Grobmeier: [ X ](onami)
Mohammad Nour El-Din: [ ](onami)
Olivier Lamy: [ ](onami)

Shepherd notes:

Open Climate Workbench

Apache Open Climate Workbench (Incubating) is an effort to develop
software that performs climate model evaluation using model outputs
from a variety of different sources (the Earth System Grid Federation,
the Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment, the U.S. National
Climate Assessment and the North American Regional Climate Change
Assessment Program) and temporal/spatial scales with remote sensing
data from NASA, NOAA and other agencies. The toolkit includes
capabilities for regridding, metrics computation and visualization.

Open Climate Workbench has been incubating since 2013-02-15.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Develop an Apache community for Open Climate Workbench and
     connect to other relevant Apache efforts (Tika, Hadoop, SIS,
  2. Make an initial release.
  3. Add new contributors to the project.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?

None at this time.

How has the community developed since the last report?

We're up to 82% (23) of the initial project members having ICLAs on
file and accounts. We've got 18% more (5) people still who have yet to
submit their ICLA. Chris Douglas and Chris Mattmann have reached out
to Chris Jack and Bruce Hewitson and Chris Jack has submitted his
ICLA. We are working on processing his account request atm.

How has the project developed since the last report?

*  Primary development has been moved to Apache from JPL now.
*  Previously planned development has been migrated to Apache as well via JIRA issues
*  Cameron Goodale focused on refactoring the core code and breaking it down into smaller functions and objects
*  Mike Joyce and Shakeh Khudikyan have impressive GUI code on its way to the source.
*  Suresh Marru working on refactoring source code to use ASF package names
*  Huikyo Lee now contributing to the discussion on list.

Please check this [X] when you have filled in the report for Open Climate Workbench.

Chris Mattmann: [X](openclimateworkbench)
Suresh Marru:   [X](openclimateworkbench)
Chris Douglas:  [ ](openclimateworkbench)
Nick Kew:       [ ](openclimateworkbench)


Provisionr provides a service to manage pools of virtual machines on multiple clouds.

Provisionr has been incubating since 2013-03-07.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. release 0.4.0-incubating compliant with the ASF policies
  2. develop a community
  3. improve support for golden images & cloudstack

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?

None at this time.

How has the community developed since the last report?

The community is still bootstrapping the project. 

How has the project developed since the last report?

All the project infrastructure has been set up now. Meanwhile development
activity has been fairly light so far.

Please check this [X] when you have filled in the report for Provisionr.

Roman Shaposhnik: [ ](provisionr)
Tom White: [X](provisionr)
Mohammad Nour El-Din: [ ](provisionr)

Shepherd notes:


Tajo is a distributed data warehouse system for Hadoop.

Tajo has been incubating since 2013-03-07.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Make an initial Tajo release 
  2. Grow the Apache Tajo community
  3. Foster more committers

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?
 * A Seoul Tajo meetup was held April 4, 2013 and Jihoon, Sangwook, Jinho,
   Jaehwa, people who are interested in Tajo, were present. Hyunsik wrote up
   a summary detailing the meting, which included an overview of Tajo and briefly 
   mentioning that the roadmap is on the Tajo wiki. Coordinated with ComDev.
 * The number of subscribers for tajo-dev grows up to 40.
 * The Tajo official logo is being voted in
 * 4 GSoC projects have been proposed.

How has the project developed since the last report?
 * Many Jira issues have been created.
 * 10 Jira issues, including bug fixs and improvements, are resolved.

Please check this [ ] when you have filled in the report for Tajo.

Chris Mattmann: [X](tajo)
Owen O'Malley: [ ](tajo)
Alex Karasulu: [X](tajo)

Shepherd notes:


Tez is an effort to develop a generic application framework which can
be used to process arbitrarily complex data-processing tasks and also
a re-usable set of data-processing primitives which can be used by
other projects.

Tez has been incubating since 2013-02-24.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Develop collaborations with other Apache projects, including Hadoop, YARN
  2. Make an initial Tez release.
  3. Grow the Apache Tez community.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?

None at this time.

How has the community developed since the last report?

The community is still bootstrapping. 

How has the project developed since the last report?

A few jiras have been created and some patches have been filed.
Mailing lists for dev, private, and commits are up and running.  There
have been some JIRAs, Git is up and running and a couple of larger
code contributions have been made. Chris raised this as a potential
issue. In the meanwhile, moderate-low development is occuring.

Please check this [X] when you have filled in the report for Tez.

Alan Gates: [X](tez)
Arun Murthy: [ ](tez)
Chris Douglas: [X](tez)
Chris Mattmann: [X](tez)
Jakob Homan: [ ](tez)
Owen O'Malley: [ ](tez)

Attachment AC: Report from the Apache jUDDI Project  [Kurt Stam]

jUDDI (pronounced "Judy") is an open source Java implementation of the
Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI v3) specification for
(Web) Services. The jUDDI project includes Scout. Scout is an implementation
of the JSR 93 - Java API for XML Registries 1.0 (JAXR).

- We are close to releasing version 3.1.5 adding a much improved distribution
  with quickstart examples,  a way to create deployments using different JPA
or JAXWS implementations for different target platforms, lots of fixes of
bugs found by the work that is taking place on the console.
- Traffic on the mailing lists picking up, mostly people starting to use the
- a new committer on the project (Alex) is currently working on a console
  which will be released as part of 3.2 (which we will focus on after 3.1.5)
- 3.2 will probably drop support for JDK 1.5.
- some new ideas are bounced around for as extensions to the UDDI v3 spec.
  They may likely get published as part of this project since the OASIS
committee is no longer active.

- No release this period, not really any development took place.
- Very low volume of JAXR related questions on the mailing list.

Request: wiki enabled on Github.
The jUDDI project has a github mirror, and we'd like to have the wiki on
github enabled, we use a process where we maintain the docs on the wiki using
asciidoc, which can then be converted to docbook and then the html, pdf etc.
This or asciidoc support on the Apache CMS (using Gollum?). See also

Attachment AD: Report from the Apache Kafka Project  [Jun Rao]

Apache Kafka is a distributed pub/sub system for efficiently collecting and
delivering a large number of messages to both offline and online systems.

We are in the final phase of testing Kafka 0.8 (supports intra-cluster replication).
We have updated the related docs and expect to release 0.8 beta in a couple weeks.

Lots of activities in the mailing list. kafka-user has 390, 357, 174 emails in Apr,
Mar and Feb, respectively (up from 243 in Jan). kafka-dev has 567, 565, 457 emails
 in Apr, Mar and Feb (down from 804 in Jan since 0.8 dev is winding down). There are
patches being contributed by non-committers.

0.7.2: released Oct. 11, 2012
0.8.0 beta: expected to release in two weeks

Attachment AE: Report from the Apache Lenya Project  [Richard Frovarp]

The Apache Lenya CMS is a Cocoon based XML/XHTML content management


No board level issues at this time.


No new releases this quarter.
Last release: 2.0.4 on 2011-03-14

There has been an effort to make a new release. We are currently trying
to improve our build system. We use Ant without Ivy, causing some problems
in dependency management that we would like to improve.

There is a GSOC proposal in for the project.


Requests are being handled in a timely manner on the lists.

No change in community.

Attachment AF: Report from the Apache Libcloud Project  [Tomaz Muraus]

Libcloud is a Python library that abstracts away the differences among
multiple cloud provider APIs.


There are no issues that require the board's attention at this time.


- Libcloud 0.12.1 has been released on February 19th, 2013
- Libcloud 0.12.3 has been released on March 21st, 2013
- Libcloud 0.12.4 has been released on April 22nd, 2013


* No new PMC Members
* Multiple patches have been contributed by external contributors

Attachment AG: Report from the Apache Logging Project  [Christian Grobmeier]

The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains open-
source software related to the logging of application behavior.

- Community

Remko Popma joined as a committer.
We have received significant contributions from Nick Williams to log4j 2
and will most likely invite him as committer too.

There is more community participation around log4j 2
in general.

A discussion on the log4cxx lists took place on moving the
component to the attic. A couple of users were -1 to it.
According to them log4cxx is stable and valuable and should
be kept. The idea of forking it to GitHub was not accepted.
The idea of forming a new dev team from the community
and restarting it at the incubator found some interest.
A couple of people mentioned they would be willing to submit
a "few patches". However, it seems nobody is willing to take
ownership for long-term tasks like cutting releases.

In 2012, the Logging project decided on a yearly chair
election. The PMC re-confirmed the current chair to serve
for another year.

In general, the project is healthy and growing again.

- Project Branding Requirements

All components meet the branding requirements, except Chainsaw.
We are still planning for a new Chainsaw release.

- Releases

  * Log4j 2.0-beta5 (Apr 25, 2013)

- Subproject details

log4j 1, Companions: less activity, several bugs were

log4net: less activity, a few code modifications. Help
has been provided on the user list.

log4cxx: no activity (see community section).

log4php: less activity than last quarter.

Chainsaw: still blocked by a Companions release.

Companions (for log4j 1.x): a new release still planned.

Attachment AH: Report from the Apache Mahout Project  [Jake Mannix]

Attachment AI: Report from the Apache ManifoldCF Project  [Karl Wright]

Project description

ManifoldCF is an effort to provide an open source framework for
connecting source content repositories like Microsoft Sharepoint and
EMC Documentum, to target repositories or indexes, such as Apache
Solr, OpenSearchServer or ElasticSearch. ManifoldCF also defines a
security model for target repositories that permits them to enforce
source-repository security policies.


ManifoldCF graduated from the Apache Incubator on May 16, 2012.  Since
then, there have been three major releases, including a 1.1.1 release
on February 13, 2013, and another major release is undergoing voting
right now.

Committers and PMC membership

The last committer and PMC member we signed up was Minoru Osuka
(minoru), on January 10, 2013.  We are voting on a new committer and
PMC member at the time of this writing also.

Mailing list activity

Mailing list has been active, with a wide range of topics.  Most of
our connectors now have significant use cases and constituencies.  Dev
list comments centered around new committers, release-related
communication, and voting.

I am unaware of any mailing-list question that has gone unanswered.


We have reviewed the site branding guidelines and believe we are now
compliant with these, with the possible exception of (TM) signs in
logos from other Apache products that don't have any such marks.
Hopefully we will be able to correct this issue soon.

Attachment AJ: Report from the Apache Maven Project  [Olivier Lamy]

Apache Maven is a widely-used project build tool, targeting mainly Java
development. Apache Maven promotes the use of dependencies via a
standardized coordinate system, binary plugins, and a standard build

* General Information

  Maven 1 has been declared officialy EOL.

  A security fix core version has been release due to the security issue

  Maven core is moving from Sonatype Aether to Eclipse Aether for its 3.1
  version: it has the downside of implying some non backward compatible changes
  for a few plugins. The plan is to first fix those plugins to have them working
  with the future new core release.

  We have a usual release numbers of components and plugins (see below).

* New PMC Members

  None this quarter - last added June 2012

* New Committers

  * Andreas Gudian
  * Michael Osipov
  * Henning Schmiedehausen

* Releases

  * Maven Wagon 2.4 (2013-02-11)
  * Maven 3.0.5 (2013-02-22)
  * Doxia 1.4 (2013-04-27)

* Plugins

  * Maven PMD Plugin 3.0 (2013-02-17)
  * Maven Checkstyle Plugin 2.10 (2013-02-22)
  * Maven Help Plugin 2.2 (2013-02-23)
  * Maven Changes Plugin 2.9 (2013-03-07)
  * Maven Surefire Plugin 2.14 (2013-03-08)
  * Maven Failsafe Plugin 2.14 (2013-03-08)
  * Maven Surefire Reports Plugin 2.14 (2013-03-08)
  * Maven PMD Plugin 3.0.1 (2013-03-10)
  * Maven Dependency Plugin 2.7 (2013-03-13)
  * Maven Release Plugin 2.4.1 (2013-03-26)
  * Maven Compiler Plugin 3.1 (2013-04-08)
  * Maven Surefire Plugin 2.14.1 (2013-04-10)
  * Maven Failsafe Plugin 2.14.1 (2013-04-10)
  * Maven Surefire Reports Plugin 2.14.1 (2013-04-10)

* Other

  * ASF Parent pom 13 (2013-01-21)
  * Maven Parent pom 23 (2013-01-21)
  * Maven Shared Utils 0.3 (2013-03-08)
  * Maven Dependency Analyzer 1.4 (2013-03-13)
  * Maven Indexer 5.1.1 (2013-03-06)
  * Maven Shared Incremental 1.1 (2013-04-08)
  * Maven Shared Utils 0.4 (2013-04-10)
  * Maven Reporting Exec 1.1 (2013-04-18)
  * Doxia Sitetools 1.4 (2013-04-27)
  * Maven Dependency Tree 2.1 (2013-05-06)

* Security

  * CVE-2013-0253 Apache Maven 3.0.4

Attachment AK: Report from the Apache MyFaces Project  [Gerhard Petracek]

Apache MyFaces is a project of the Apache Software Foundation,
and hosts several sub-projects relating to the JavaServer Faces (JSF) technology.

This report is a re-submission of the report submitted in April.

 * No new Committers
 * No new PMC Members
 * No new Contributors

The MyFaces community is stable. Besides working on new releases,
we discuss upcoming topics.

-> Community business as usual (nothing special to report).

MyFaces (sub) projects with new releases since the last report:
 * MyFaces Core v2.0.17 (01/Apr/13)
 * MyFaces Core v2.1.11 (01/Apr/13)
 * MyFaces Extensions Validator (ExtVal) 2.07 (03/Mar/13)
 * MyFaces Tobago 1.0.40 (04/Mar/13)
 * MyFaces Tobago 1.5.9 (04/Mar/13)

 * After a discussion about Wiki-Spam we locked
   (which we don't use actively any longer) by the end of april .
 * CWiki -> CMS migration (ongoing)

There are no issues that require the board's attention at this time.

Attachment AL: Report from the Apache Oltu Project  [Antonio Sanso]


Oltu is a project to develop a Java library which provides an API
specification for, and an unconditionally compliant implementation of
the OAuth v2.0 specifications.  OAuth is a mechanism that allows users
to authenticate and authorise access by another party to resources
they control while avoiding the need to share their username and
password credentials.


Oltu graduated from the Apache Incubator on January 16, 2013. Since
then, there have been no new releases.


The "After graduation tasks" are now completed. We have been following
the instruction as for We tracked
the steps in and that
is now resolved The previous INFRA blocker
( about JIRA
migration has been solved.  All the JIRA issues are successfully
migrated.  development activity is healthy we started also to
implement OpenId Connect and JWT specifications, new contributors are
emerging as potential new committers; We have improved our demo webapp
module users activity is almost quiet.


PMC composition has not changed since graduation
We have voted one new committer since graduation


There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

Attachment AM: Report from the Apache Onami Project  [Simone Tripodi]

Project Description

  Apache Onami aims to create a community focused on the development and
maintenance of a set of Google Guice extensions not provided out of the
box by the library itself nor the Google developers team, such as
integration with 3rd part frameworks or extra functionalities.

Onami graduated from the Apache Incubator on April 17, 2013.
Since then, graduation has not performed, infra issues are still open, see

New Releases

  No new releases since incubation completed, see above

Committers and PMC membership

  No new committers nor PMC membership since incubation completed.

Mailing list activity

  Mailing lists activity keep healthy, with lower activity in the user@ list


  For the best of our knowledge, site branding is aligned to requirements.

Attachment AN: Report from the Apache Oozie Project  [Alejandro Abdelnur]


Apache Oozie is a system for managing and scheduling workflows that run
different types of Hadoop jobs (such as MapReduce, Pig, Hive and Sqoop)
as well as system specific jobs (such as Java programs and shell scripts).

* Apache Oozie version 3.3.2, released on MAR/25/2013

* Development activity continues as can be seen from the following report: (since last report, February 2013)
* Branch 4.0, with HCatalog integration, will be the next major release


* PMC composition has not changed since last report.
  The current affiliations in the PMC stand at: independent (1),
  Cloudera (2), Continuity (1), Ebay (1), Hortonworks (2), Microsoft (2),
  Yahoo (2).

* Committers composition has not changed since last report.

* Currently there are:
- Total of 105 (-1) subscribers to the developer list
- Total of 268 (+23) subscribers to the user list
- Total of 13 committers
- Total of 11 PMC members


* There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

Attachment AO: Report from the Apache Perl Project  [Philippe M. Chiasson]

Attachment AP: Report from the Apache POI Project  [Yegor Kozlov]

Attachment AQ: Report from the Apache Qpid Project  [Carl Trieloff]

Attachment AR: Report from the Apache River Project  [Greg Trasuk]

Apache River is a Java-based Service Oriented Architecture, implementing
the Jini Specification and Jini Technology Starter Kit originally
donated by Sun Microsystems.


There are no board-level issues at this time


Apache River 2.2.1 was released on May 2, 2013.  At time of writing the
release has been approved by the PMC but not announced yet (just waiting
for the distribution mirrors).  We also expect to release artifacts for
version 2.2.1 to the Maven repository in the near future (these will be
subject to another release vote as we understand it).  The last previous
release was 2.2.0 in July 0f 2011.


No new committers have been added since Nov of 2011, although a couple of
emeritus committers have showed up on the mailing list in recent months.
We hope that with releases coming on a more regular basis, user interest will
pick up, and with it we will attract more potential new committers.


There has been significant activity around the release.  The 2.2.1
release was a maintenance release of the 2.2 branch.  In the time since
the 2.2 branch there have been a large number of changes to the trunk
code and the QA test code, particularly in regards to concurrency
issues, leading to some debate around the confidence level in the trunk
code.  Basically, we feel that we waited far too long between releases.
With the 2.2.1 maintenance release out of the way, the community is
discussing how to proceed with release of the trunk code (which will
likely become the 2.3 stream).  Also, we are discussing a switch to
Review-then-Commit procedure on the trunk code (previously we had
specified RTC only on API changes, but Commit-then-Review on the
implementation code).  The discussions have been at times spirited, but
generally cordial.

There have been some suggestions that we should consider switching to
Git for version control.  We're watching other project's experiences
with interest.

Attachment AS: Report from the Apache Roller Project  [Dave Johnson]

Apache Roller is a full-featured, Java-based weblogging package that works
well on Tomcat and MySQL, and is also known to run on other servers and
databases. The ASF blog site at runs on Roller 5.0.1.


No board issues at this time.


The latest release of Apache Roller is v5.0.1, which was released
on June 24, 2012, a security and bug fix release.


Since our last report the community has continued to clean-up the
JIRA issue list, make simplifications in the Roller codebase and
re-organize the Roller source into a smaller number of Maven

Apart from that, the Roller community continues to be rather quiet
with low traffic that mostly concerns technical support and installation

Attachment AT: Report from the Apache Santuario Project  [Colm O hEigeartaigh]

The Apache Santuario project is aimed at providing implementation of
security standards for XML.

There was one new release in the last quarter - version 1.5.4 of the XML
Security for Java project was released on the 18th of March. This release was
a minor bug fix release. Overall project activity was quiet, with some ongoing
work on a new major 2.0 release of the XML Security for Java project. The
svnpubsub migration was also completed during the last quarter.

Santuario has added a new PMC member in the last quarter - Marc Giger.

Attachment AU: Report from the Apache SIS Project  [Adam Estrada]

Apache SIS is a spatial framework that enables better representation
of coordinates for searching, data clustering, archiving, or any other
relevant spatial needs.


RangeSet class[1] was started by Martin D and worked on by Joe White.
Resolved a blocking issue with XML prefix mappings [2]

An implementation of the ISO 19115 standard (Geographic information
--- Metadata --- Part 1: Fundamentals) has been committed in the
"org.apache.sis.metadata.iso" package and sub-packages [3]. This
implementation contains about 100 public classes defined by the
international standard, plus about as many internal classes in
support of XML marshalling. Dynamic (read/write) views of metadata
property as java.util.Map and as TreeTable have been provided using
reflection mechanism similar to JavaBeans. Those views are used
today for rich toString() representations, and will be used later
for metadata edition in Graphical User Interfaces.

Next Release:

Release of Apache SIS 0.3 is planned as soon as the following work
has been completed (tentatively this month):

   * A bridge from NetCDF files conforming to the CF-1.5 conventions,
     to the ISO 19115 metadata. This bridge would provides to SIS
     users a first "real" source of data they can use with SIS
     metadata implementation.
   * Complete and test the XML marshalling of metadata objects. This
     marshalling shall be compliant to the ISO 19139 (Geographic
     information -- Metadata -- XML schema implementation) standard.


Mattmann was invited to present at at the Geospatial FOSS NOAA meetup
right outside of Washington DC. This meetup was hosted by OpenGeo and
there are currently 64 members.

Harash Kumar is currently evaluating how to to couple SIS and Apache
Airavata as part of an ongoing research project he is working on.

Apache SIS to participate in Google Summer of Code!


The SIS Website is finally ported to the Apache CMS from the old
incubator site. Wahoo! We are now working on getting it cleaned up
and looking great! Many thanks to Suresh Marru in helping us get
everything working properly.

Setup a review board for SIS here[4]

The new SIS website is now updated and live.

We were having systematic JVM crash on the Solaris node, while it
worked well on Ubuntu. We did not really fixed the problem, but
just avoid it for now by forcing the builds to occur on the Ubuntu
nodes. We have some ideas about what may cause the JVM crash, which
we will try after the SIS release.


Attachment AV: Report from the Apache SpamAssassin Project  [Kevin A. McGrail]

Attachment AW: Report from the Apache Subversion Project  [Greg Stein]

* Board Issues

  There are no Board-level issues of concern.

* Community

  elego is sponsoring a hackathon in Berlin again. Unlike past years,
  this is being run independent of a paid conference. This will happen
  next month (June), lasting for a week. The Subversion community has
  greatly benefited from these hackathons and is looking forward to
  attending again.

  We added one new committer (rschupp).
  Our last PMC Member was added in March, 2012.
* Releases

  1.8.0-rc2 has been produced for the community to evaluate. We expect
  the 1.8.0 release to occur in June. When that happens, we will fully
  deprecate the 1.5.x series, according to Subversion policy. The
  1.6.x series will receive only security updates, and 1.7.x will
  continue receive useful, important, and security updates.
  Since our February report, Subversion 1.6.21 was released on April
  4th (to; this was primarily a security release. In
  addition, Apache Subversion 1.7.9 was released on the same day to
  fix the same set of security issues. The Security Team helped the
  PMC with CVE generation, and overall assistance.

LATE NOTE: the versioning policy described above is incorrect. Please
see and our report next month. In short: 1.6.x
will be fully deprecated and receive no updates.

Attachment AX: Report from the Apache Syncope Project  [Francesco Chicchiricco]

Apache Syncope is an Open Source system for managing digital identities
in enterprise environments, implemented in JEE technology.


There are no outstanding issues requiring board attention.


user@ ML is active, with new users evaluating the project and
asking questions: currently 59 subscribers, including 4 archive / non
human addresses.
dev@ ML activity is progressing: currently 50 subscribers,
including 4 archive / non human addresses.

After effort for finalizing new major version 1.1.0, we are preparing to
start working on 1.2.0, while providing maintenance fixes for 1.0.X
and 1.1.X.

We have a new contributor, Bruno Rogério de Moura.

Releases since last report

 * 1.0.6 (Feb 27th, 2013)
 * 1.0.7 (Mar 26th, 2013)
 * 1.1.0 (Apr 5th, 2013)
 * 1.0.8 (Apr 18th, 2013)
 * 1.1.1 (Apr 29th, 2013)

Attachment AY: Report from the Apache Turbine Project  [Thomas Vandahl]

Apache Turbine is a servlet based framework that allows experienced Java
developers to quickly build web applications. Turbine allows you to
personalize the web sites and to use user logins to restrict access to
parts of your application.

Turbine is a matured and well established framework that is used as the
base of many other projects.


The Turbine project has as usual seen low levels of activity in the last
The Turbine project has no board-level issues at this time.

Project Branding Board Report Checklist

The last issue left is
- TODO: Logos and Graphics : include TM

Community changes

No new committers were voted in since the last board report.
No new PMC members were voted in since the last board report.

Turbine core project

The Turbine core project proceeds slowly to the next milestone release
which shall include a modified security implementation and support for
the Quartz scheduler to replace the built-in one.

We finally committed the site to the location provided by Infra and are
now ready for switching to svnpubsub.

Fulcrum component project

There has been no activity on the Fulcrum sub-project in this quarter.
No beta or final releases were made since the last board report.

Attachment AZ: Report from the Apache Tuscany Project  [Luciano Resende]

Apache Tuscany is an SOA framework based on OASIS OpenCSA and SCA.

- There are no issues that require the board's attention.

- None

- The Tuscany PMC has voted to recommend a new project chair.
- Sebastian Millies has been voted as a new Tuscany Committer.
- The community has started moving the artifacts from Apache Nuvem as part of Tuscany
  and the phyton modules have been incorporated into the Native Tuscany. We still need
  to complete the move of java artifacts.
- Traffic hasn't changed much, and continues to be on the lower side in the
  past few months.

- We still need to update logos with ™ and review project doap file.

Attachment BA: Report from the Apache Velocity Project  [Nathan Bubna]


Apache Velocity is a java template engine and related projects.


* None


* Minimal


* We have welcomed Sergiu Dumitriu as a committer.
* Activity remains low on all lists and slightly higher on Stack Overflow.

Attachment BB: Report from the Apache Xalan Project  [Steven J. Hathaway]


 The Apache Xalan Project develops and maintains libraries and programs that
 transform XML documents using XSLT standard stylesheets. Our subprojects use
 the Java and C++ programing languages to implement the XSLT libraries.

 We implement the W3C XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0 and the
 XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0 recommendations.


 No new releases - latest stable releases are:
 Xalan C/C++ version 1.11   29-0ct-2012
 Xalan Java  version 2.7.1  27-Nov-2007


 A patch release for Xalan C/C++ is being planned during the summer.
 A patch release for Xalan Java is being planned after the summer.

 The GSoC-2012 student is showing interest of more active involvement.

 There is still a healthy community to do bug fixes.

 Our projects had a presence at ApacheCon NA 2013 thanks to Steve Hathaway.

 Michael Glavassevich may be mentoring a student for GSoC 2013.
 The student from last year is again showing interest to participate.


 There are no issues for the board at this time.

Attachment BC: Report from the Apache Xerces Project  [Michael Glavassevich]


It's been relatively quiet on the development front. A few bugs
were fixed and some JIRA issues were resolved.

There were a few students who expressed an interest in working on
Xerces-J for GSoC though none of them created a formal proposal.

Mailing list traffic has been moderate; about 125+ posts on the
j-dev and j-users lists since the beginning of February 2013.

No new releases this quarter. The latest release is
Xerces-J 2.11.0 (November 30th, 2010).


Several users have asked for the release of version 3.2.0, in order
to include the latest fixes (including the support for Visual
Studio 2012). A proposal has been made to include support for the
XML 1.0 5th edition in the 3.2.0 release. A few users have
volunteered to do testing on various platforms. We are hopeful that
the new version will be ready in the coming weeks.

Mailing list traffic has been moderate; about 120+ posts on the
c-dev and c-users lists since the beginning of February 2013.

No new releases this quarter. The latest release is
Xerces-C 3.1.1 (April 27th, 2010).


Nothing in particular to report. There was no development activity
over the reporting period.

XML Commons

Some minor improvements were made to the JAXP ObjectFactory classes
to better align them with similar classes in Xerces-J and Xalan-J.
No postings to the mailing list this quarter.

Apache Project Branding Requirements

There's still some work left to do on the TLP website, including
adding "TM" to the project logo.


After reaching consensus with the community an admin group was set
up for the Xerces Wiki to put an end to the SPAM that was
frequently being posted to it.

Attachment BD: Report from the Apache XML Graphics Project  [Chris Bowditch]

The Apache XML Graphics Project is responsible for software intended for the
creation & maintenance of the conversion of XML formats to graphical output &
related software components.

Issues for the Board
No issues at present.

No new committers. 1 new PMC Member; Luis Bernardo

XML Graphics Commons
3 bug fixes committed to SVN.

There were no releases this quarter.

The latest release is 1.5 (20 October 2012)

User mailing list has several questions posted and answered each week. Some
new bugs logged and several patches have been submitted and processed. 26
separate commits in total to SVN.

There were no releases this quarter

The latest release is 1.1 (20 October 2012)

Mailing list activity was very light. 2 committers from the FOP Team,
prepared a patch to allow Batik to load Fonts from a source other than
java.awt.Font. This was submitted and reviewed by a Batik committer. Its not
yet beenn apllied as this is Work in progress.

There were no releases this quarter.

The latest version is 1.7 (6 January 2008)

Attachment BE: Report from the Apache XMLBeans Project  [Cezar Andrei]

Attachment BF: Proposed 2013-2014 Budget  [Jim Jagielski]

ASF budget for FY May 1 2013 - Apr 30 2014
APPROVED by the board:

INCOME (projected)

== Interest ==
Interest income              :   $3,600.00

== Public donations ==
  One-Time (by chk, etc)     :   $2,400.00
  PayPal ($2000 x 12 mos)    :  $24,000.00
  Car Program LLC            :   $1,600.00
    ($400 x 4 contributions)
Category total               :  $28,000.00

== Sponsorship Program ==

  Platinum sponsors (5)      : $500,000.00
  Gold sponsors (4)          : $160,000.00
  Silver sponsors (3)        :  $60,000.00
  Bronze sponsors (4)        :  $20,000.00

Category total               : $740,000.00

== Program Income ==
Google Summer of Code        :  $10,000.00

Category Total               :  $10,000.00

== Unrelated Business Income (royalty, licenses, etc.) ==

Category Total               :       $0.00

Income Category Summaries:

  Interest Income           : $  3,600.00
  One-time donations        : $ 28,000.00
  Sponsorship Program       : $740,000.00
  Program Income            : $ 10,000.00
  Unrelated Business Income : $      0.00

INCOME Total                : $781,600.00


== Fundraising Overhead ==

PayPal (@ ~ 3.74%)              :    $100.00
Car Program LLC                 :     $ 0.00

Category Total                  :    $100.00

== Administrative ==

Office Supplies (Sec'y)         :      $0.00
Office Supplies (Treasurer)     :    $500.00
President Discretionary         :  $5,000.00
Exec. Assistant (PT)            : $40,000.00 (+33%)

Category Total                  : $45,500.00 (+28%)

== Infrastructure ==

Staffing System Admin        : $ 420,000.00    (+17%)
  (4.5 FT)

Hosting                      : $ 8,216.00
    Cloud                       : $ 2,000.00
    OSU OSL (OR, USA)           : $     0.00
    SURFnet (AMS, NL)           : $     0.00 (FL, USA)         : $ 6,216.00

Hardware                     : $ 65,000.00     (+3%)
    Replacement                 : $ 20,000.00  (-20%)
    Expansion                   : $ 30,000.00  (+50%)
    Build farm                  : $ 10,000.00
    Disks/RAM                   : $  5,000.00  (-36%)

Service contracts            : $ 000.00        (-100%)
    Dell                        : $    000.00
    Silicon Mechanics           : $    000.00
    Sun                         : $    000.00
    Other                       : $    000.00

Misc                         : $  1,500.00
    Spamhaus RBL                : $      0.00
    SSL / DNS renewals          : $    700.00
    3rd Party Thank yous        : $    800.00

Travel                       : $ 000.00        (-100%)
    4 Staff+VP @ AC Event       : $    000.00
    AC Event food 1 mtg         : $    000.00

Category Total               :$ 494,716.00     (+7%)

== Publicity ==

Outside PR Services             : $75,000.00
Press releases (prepaid)        : $12,000.00
Travel                          : $7,500.00
Consultant Expenses             : $2,500.00
Conference Participation        : $1,500.00
Conference Support              : $5,000.00
Conference Signage              : $4,500.00
Collateral Printing             : $2,500.00
Contact Database                : $1,500.00
Clipping Service                : $5,000.00

Category Total 2013             : $117,000.00 (-0.9%)

== ConCom ==

Local events & hackathons       : $50,000.00
Travel                          :  $5,000.00
Discretionary                   :  $5,000.00

Category Total                  : $60,000.00

== Travel Assistance Committee ==

Sponsored Attendees (4 events)  : $50,000.00   (-30%)

Category Total                  : $50,000.00

== Legal ==

Discretionary                   :  $2,500.00

Category Total                  :  $2,500.00

== Brand Management ==

Register key trademarks         :  $8,400.00
Register project marks          :  $2,000.00
Register mark ownership         :  $3,000.00

Category Total                  :  $13,400.00

== Board ==

Chairman Discretionary          :  $5,000.00
Conference Calls                :      $0.00

Category Total                  :  $5,000.00

== Banking Fees ==

Checks                          :  $  150.00
Safe-deposit box                :  $   75.00
Monthly fees                    :  $1,000.00
Lockbox                         :  $2,500.00

Category Total                  :  $3,725.00

== Treasury Services ==

Tax Filing                      :  $2,000.00
Online services                 :  $1,500.00

Category Total                  :  $3,500.00

== Licenses / Insurance ==

Corp. Service Co. (DE Agent)    :  $  299.00
D&O Insurance                   :  $1,500.00
Property/Asset Insurance        :  $1,000.00
Misc. Insurance                 :  $2,201.00

Category Total                  :  $5,000.00

== Shipping ==

Federal Express / Courier       :    $500.00

Category Total                  :    $500.00

== Misc. ==

Category Total                  :      $0.00

Expense Category Summaries:
  Fundraising overhead          :$    100.00
  Administrative                :$ 45,500.00
  Infrastructure                :$494,716.00
  Publicity                     :$117,000.00
  ConCom                        :$ 60,000.00
  Travel Assistance             :$ 50,000.00
  Legal                         :$  2,500.00
  Brand Management              :$ 13,400.00
  Board                         :$  5,000.00
  Banking Fees                  :$  3,725.00
  Accounting Services           :$  3,500.00
  Licenses / Insurance          :$  5,000.00
  Shipping                      :$    500.00
  Misc                          :$      0.00
Expense Total                   :$740,941.00

=== SUMMARY ===

Income Total                 : $781,600.00
Expense Total                : $800,941.00   (+4%)

Net Total                    : $-19,341.00

End of minutes for the May 15, 2013 board meeting.
