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- Original The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
June 19, 2013
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 10:30am (Pacific) and began at
10:35 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was
recognized by the chairman. The meeting was held via
teleconference, hosted by Doug Cutting and Cloudera.
IRC #asfboard on was used for backup purposes.
2. Roll Call
Directors Present:
Shane Curcuru
Doug Cutting
Bertrand Delacretaz
Roy T. Fielding
Jim Jagielski
Chris Mattmann
Brett Porter
Sam Ruby
Greg Stein
Directors Absent:
Executive Officers Present:
Ross Gardler
Craig L Russell
Executive Officers Absent:
Sean Kelly
Rich Bowen
Suresh Marru
Dan Kulp
Henry Yandell
Daniel Shahaf
Marvin Humphrey
3. Minutes from previous meetings
Published minutes can be found at:
A. The meeting of April 17, 2013
See: board_minutes_2013_04_17.txt
Approved by General Consent.
B. The meeting of May 15, 2013
See: board_minutes_2013_05_15.txt
Approved by General Consent.
4. Executive Officer Reports
A. Chairman [Doug]
We held our annual members meeting last month. 36 new members
were added to the foundation. A new board was elected, adding
Chris Mattmann and Shane Curcuru. Thanks again to Rich Bowen
and Ross Gardler for their service on the board.
My report from the annual meeting follows.
It's been another great year for Apache. We've graduated about
25 new projects from the Incubator and now up to 139 projects.
Folks in these projects successfully collaborated to produce
hundreds of software releases. Hundreds of new committers have
also been added, demonstrating the vitality and openness of our
Things look rosy looking forward too. We are fortunate to have
sufficient sponsors to fund operations. Our organizational
structures seem to mostly still be scaling well and not in need
of major revision. The board has worked well together and has
proven capable of making evolutionary changes as needed.
Thanks to everyone who helps out here: the infrastructure team,
officers, and every committer. As a primarily volunteer
organization, we accomplish amazing things.
Thanks especially to the membership for being the heart of
Apache. We depend on you to ensure that we stay true to our
B. President [Jim]
This has been an extremely busy month, but kudos to all VPs for
handling the load with skill. I have not, at this time, rec'd
a report from VP Infra, but I know the actual Infra team has been
extremely busy with the upgrades and so their availability for
providing feedback and comments may have been limited. In addition
to the extensive upgrades, of particular note re: infra is that
Daniel Gruno has joined as a part-time SA.
As we kick off the new fiscal year, I have 2 contracts to renew.
The 1st is for HALO and we will renew at the same rate and level of
service. It is an annual contract but we will review at the 6 month
mark to see if any changes are required. The second renewal is for
our EA. This contract will be revised to reflect the increase in
hours and duties. I'll work with Chris to make sure the increased
payments are setup. As a reminder, this contract is based on a
6-month term.
I will be speaking next week at the Open Source Summit
( regarding Communities.
Operationally, the foundation is running well and the transition
started a few months ago from Board Cmmts to President Cmmts,
and a more "managing" President, is gaining traction and benefits.
My report from the annual meeting follows.
The ASF is fast approaching our 15 year anniversary, not even
including the several years when we were "just" The Apache Group.
During all this time, we have seen the impact of the foundation, but
most importantly, the projects increase significantly. Each year has
been an upwards flight from the previous one, and this year was no
Over the last 12 months we have added just about 30 new top level
projects. It is unfair to single out just a handful of projects, but
to get a feel for the range of TLPs added the last year, we go from
Cloud (CloudStack) to Desktop (OpenOffice) to Mobile (Cordova). New
incubating projects are also coming into the ASF, allured by the
Apache brand and the proven mechanisms in the "Apache Way" (I doubt
if we will ever be able to really drop that phrase); the ASF is
known as *the* place for open, collaborative development, if the
goal is to create a neutral yet healthy and sustainable community
around a project. We should be proud of this reputation, and
continue to foster and promote it.
Also over the last year, a number of Board Committees were re-
structured as President's Committees. These include:
o Infrastructure (VP: Sam Ruby)
o Trademarks and Branding (VP: Shane Curcuru)
o Marketing and PR (VP: Sally Khudairi)
o Fundraising (VP: Upayavira)
o Concom/Events (VP: Nick Burch)
o Travel Assistance. (VP: Gavin McDonald)
These cmmt's and their VPs make my job easier, by being proactive,
professional and on-top of all issues. My thanks go to all VPs,
our SysAdmins and all volunteers. Just some highlights for each
o Infrastructure: Substantial upgrades and updates; more hired
o Trademarks: Handling of various TM registrations
o Marketing: Incredible outreach and promotion
o Fundraising: A suite of new sponsors, including Citrix as
o Concom: 2 very successful ApacheCons: ApacheCon EU 2012 in
Sinsheim and ApacheCon NA 2013 in Portland, OR.
o TAC: Coordinating of several attendees for the above 'Cons.
Due to all these cmmt's now being under the President's
"responsibilities", we have increased the duties assigned to our EA.
She has been a significant help to many committees and her contract
has been renewed and updated, so if there are issues or tasks that
she can help with, don't hesitate to ping me or Ross (our EVP).
The board approved our FY2013-2014 budget; We are still below the $1
million (US) mark, as far as yearly expenses are concerned, and have
a bit of growth before we push through it. Also regarding our
financials, in cooperation with our Treasurer, we are starting the
process of a "preview audit" on our books.
As before, if your PMC desires specific computing resources (ie
build farm, test machines, etc.), please get in touch with the
infrastructure group. Well-reasoned and detailed proposals are
always welcomed. However, we are often limited by human resources,
so volunteers to help execute these plans are strongly encouraged.
I am happy to report, as alluded to above, that the ASF continues to
be an extremely noteworthy and respected entity in the FOSS space,
and I (and others) are frequently asked to speak at conferences,
user-groups, etc regarding the foundation, the so-called "Apache
Way" and Open Source in general. In addition, the foundation itself
is running extremely well, on "greased grooves" one might even say.
Kudos to all.
Additionally, please see Attachments 1 through 6.
C. Treasurer [Chris]
Treasurer's Office tracked down an inquiry from Sally RE: the
Contacts DB item and whether or HALO was paid for the item within
2012-2013 FY. There was no specific records of paying HALO RE: the
Contacts DB.
We reimbursed Ross Gardler for his F2F expenses for last year's
Board meeting.
We received a request from infra@ to bill pay a hardware purchase
from Silicon Mechanics and took care of that.
We've made some real headway with Paschal Greene and WFS. Chris
just needs to enter a WFS local branch and get a WFS account -- at
that point we already have the form and signatures to add Chris as
a signatory on the account and allow him to perform Bill Pay --
while cleaning up our old signators (Justin, Aaron and Geir). Sam
already signed off on the addition as well.
Paid the first retainer on the HALO > ASF FY 2013-14 contract and
invoices as well as the FY 2013-14 Contacts DB fee.
Was provided access to a simple new tool by Upayavira to track our
fundraising activities. This provides a great visible window into
what sponsorship dollars are headed our way to watch for in our
Lockbox and WFS deposits.
Worked with the Executive Assistant and paid some remaining fees
regarding Berlin Buzzwords to Newthinking.
Nick Burch contacted the Treasurer's Office to report that Newthinking
needs to send some money to the ASF regarding ApacheCon EU 2012.
The Treasurer's Office working with Nick to provide the requested
Income and Expenses
Current Balances:
Wells Fargo Business Checking: 522,305.68
Wells Fargo Savings: 287,665.71
PayPal: 167,831.28
---------------------------- ----------
Total $ 977,802.67
Income Summary:
Lockbox 203.05
Paypal 7,847.24
Misc Deposits 7,308.00
---------------------------- ----------
Total $ 15,358.29
Expense Summary:
Category Amount
---------------------------- ----------
ASF credit card - Sam Ruby 19.95
EA 6,983.22
misc expense 6,470.49
Network services - 518.00
hardware 24,270.66
Press 9,090.90
Sysadmin 54,500.00
---------------------------- ----------
Total $ 101,853.22
D. Secretary [Craig]
The office of secretary is running well with no major issues. May was a
banner month, with 59 iclas, six cclas, four grants, one nda, and
30 membership applications received and filed.
E. Executive Vice President [Ross]
Our EA and I have been discussing the state of the accounting for
ACNA13. We have some concerns over the reported numbers (see EA report
Attachment 1). These concerns are preventing us from starting to plan
the next ApacheCon. I have not fully reviewed the
accounts at this point, but agree that the issues our EA has identified
need to be explored.
Finally, I've made a small start on updating the ComDev site to provide
useful information for organisers of small events. I will continue work
on this as time permits and will shortly be seeking assistance from the
broader community.
F. Vice Chairman [Greg]
Nothing to report this month.
Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
5. Additional Officer Reports
A. VP of W3C Relations [Andy Seaborne / Doug]
See Attachment 7
B. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby]
See Attachment 8
C. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Bertrand]
See Attachment 9
Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
6. Committee Reports
A. Apache Any23 Project [Michele Mostarda / Shane]
See Attachment A
B. Apache APR Project [Jeff Trawick / Greg]
See Attachment B
C. Apache Archiva Project [Maria Odea Ching / Sam]
See Attachment C
D. Apache Axis Project [Andreas Veithen / Jim]
No report was submitted.
E. Apache Bigtop Project [Roman Shaposhnik / Roy]
See Attachment E
F. Apache Bloodhound Project [Gary Martin / Chris]
See Attachment F
G. Apache BVal Project [Matt Benson / Brett]
See Attachment G
H. Apache C++ Standard Library Project [Jim Jagielski]
No report was submitted.
There was talk of moving this project to the Attic, but this
was premature and Jim was appointed PMC chair by the board. At
end of May, Jim announced he would step down. Christopher
Bergstrom was nominated to be the new PMC chair. Christopher
Bergstrom was elected PMC and committer, but never got an
Apache id. He has his own fork elsewhere. So it's strange to
elect him PMC chair. It doesn't seem like the project is
viable. AI: Jim prepare a resolution to move the project to
the Attic.
I. Apache Camel Project [Christian Mueller / Greg]
See Attachment I
J. Apache Cayenne Project [Andrus Adamchik / Chris]
See Attachment J
K. Apache Chemistry Project [Florian Müller / Roy]
See Attachment K
L. Apache CloudStack Project [Chip Childers / Shane]
See Attachment L
M. Apache Commons Project [Luc Maisonobe / Jim]
See Attachment M
N. Apache Cordova Project [Brian LeRoux / Doug]
See Attachment N
O. Apache cTAKES Project [Pei J Chen / Brett]
See Attachment O
P. Apache DeltaSpike Project [Mark Struberg / Bertrand]
See Attachment P
Q. Apache Felix Project [Felix Meschberger / Sam]
See Attachment Q
R. Apache Flex Project [Alex Harui / Jim]
See Attachment R
S. Apache Gump Project [Stefan Bodewig / Sam]
See Attachment S
T. Apache Hive Project [Carl Steinbach / Greg]
See Attachment T
U. Apache Incubator Project [Benson Margulies / Bertrand]
See Attachment U
V. Apache Jackrabbit Project [Michael Dürig / Shane]
See Attachment V
W. Apache Karaf Project [Jean-Baptiste Onofré / Brett]
See Attachment W
X. Apache Labs Project [Tim Williams / Doug]
See Attachment X
Y. Apache Lucene Project [Steve Rowe / Roy]
See Attachment Y
Z. Apache Lucene.Net Project [Prescott Nasser / Chris]
No report was submitted.
AA. Apache Mahout Project [Jake Mannix / Brett]
See Attachment AA
AB. Apache MRUnit Project [Brock Noland / Bertrand]
See Attachment AB
AC. Apache OFBiz Project [Jacopo Cappellato / Doug]
See Attachment AC
AD. Apache Onami Project [Simone Tripodi / Chris]
See Attachment AD
AI: Chris contact PMC re: off list mail responses
AE. Apache OODT Project [Sean Kelly / Jim]
See Attachment AE
AF. Apache OpenNLP Project [Joern Kottmann / Sam]
See Attachment AF
AG. Apache OpenWebBeans Project [Gurkan Erdogdu / Shane]
See Attachment AG
AH. Apache Perl Project [Philippe M. Chiasson / Roy]
See Attachment AH
AI. Apache Pig Project [Julien Le Dem / Greg]
See Attachment AI
AJ. Apache Pivot Project [Roger Whitcomb / Brett]
See Attachment AJ
AK. Apache POI Project [Yegor Kozlov / Shane]
See Attachment AK
AL. Apache Portals Project [David Sean Taylor / Greg]
See Attachment AL
AI: Greg: ask for a better report next month
AM. Apache Qpid Project [Carl Trieloff / Bertrand]
See Attachment AM
AN. Apache ServiceMix Project [Gert Vanthienen / Jim]
No report was submitted.
AO. Apache Shiro Project [Les Hazlewood / Sam]
See Attachment AO
AP. Apache Sling Project [Carsten Ziegeler / Chris]
See Attachment AP
AQ. Apache SpamAssassin Project [Kevin A. McGrail / Roy]
See Attachment AQ
AR. Apache Stanbol Project [Fabian Christ / Doug]
See Attachment AR
AS. Apache Synapse Project [Paul Fremantle / Jim]
No report was submitted.
AT. Apache Tiles Project [Greg Reddin / Chris]
See Attachment AT
AU. Apache Tomcat Project [Mladen Turk / Shane]
See Attachment AU
AV. Apache UIMA Project [Marshall Schor / Bertrand]
See Attachment AV
AW. Apache VCL Project [Andy Kurth / Greg]
See Attachment AW
AX. Apache Whirr Project [Andrew Bayer / Doug]
See Attachment AX
AY. Apache Wicket Project [Martijn Dashorst / Brett]
See Attachment AY
AZ. Apache Wink Project [Luciano Resende / Sam]
See Attachment AZ
BA. Apache XMLBeans Project [Cezar Andrei / Roy]
No report was submitted.
BB. Apache ZooKeeper Project [Flavio Junqueira / Chris]
See Attachment BB
BC. Apache Hadoop Project [Chris Douglas / Greg]
See Attachment BC
BD. Apache Subversion Project [Greg Stein]
See Attachment BD
Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
7. Special Orders
A. Termination of the ESME PMC
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it no longer in the best
interest of the Foundation to continue the Apache ESME project
due to inactivity
project is hereby terminated; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Attic PMC be and hereby is tasked with
oversight over the software developed by the Apache ESME
Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache ESME" is
hereby terminated; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache ESME PMC is hereby terminated.
Special Order 7A, Termination of the ESME PMC, was approved by
Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
B. Change the Apache Deltacloud Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed David
Lutterkort to the office of Vice President, Apache Deltacloud, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
of David Lutterkort from the office of Vice President, Apache
Deltacloud, and
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Deltacloud
project has chosen by vote to recommend Marios S. Andreou as the
successor to the post;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that David Lutterkort is relieved
and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
of Vice President, Apache Deltacloud, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Marios S. Andreou be and hereby is
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Deltacloud, to
serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7B, Change the Apache Deltacloud Project Chair,
was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
C. Change the Apache Lucene Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Steven A
Rowe to the office of Vice President, Apache Lucene, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
of Steven A Rowe from the office of Vice President, Apache
Lucene, and
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Lucene
project has chosen by vote to recommend Uwe Schindler as the
successor to the post;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Steven A Rowe is relieved
and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
of Vice President, Apache Lucene, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Uwe Schindler be and hereby is
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Lucene, to
serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7C, Change the Apache Lucene Project Chair, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
D. Change the Apache Incubator Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Benson
Margulies to the office of Vice President, Apache Incubator, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
of Benson Margulies from the office of Vice President, Apache
Incubator, and
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Incubator
project has chosen by vote to recommend Marvin Humphrey as the
successor to the post;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Benson Margulies is relieved
and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
of Vice President, Apache Incubator, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Marvin Humphrey be and hereby is
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Incubator, to
serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a
successor is appointed.
Special Order 7D, Change the Apache Incubator Project Chair,
was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
E. Update Legal Affairs Committee Membership
WHEREAS, the Legal Affairs Committee of The Apache Software
Foundation (ASF) expects to better serve its purpose through the
periodic update of its membership; and
WHEREAS, the Legal Affairs Committee is an Executive Committee
whose membership must be approved by Board resolution.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following contributor be
added as a Legal Affairs Committee member:
Chris Mattmann <>
Special Order 7E, Update Legal Affairs Committee Membership,
was approved with 8 votes in favor; Chris Mattman abstained.
F. Establish the Apache Mesos Project
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
open-source software, for distribution at no charge to the
public, related to efficient cluster management, resource
isolation and sharing across distributed applications.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Mesos Project", be
and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Mesos Project be and hereby is
responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
related to efficient cluster management, resource isolation
and sharing across distributed applications; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Mesos" be
and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve
at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the
Apache Mesos Project, and to have primary responsibility for
management of the projects within the scope of responsibility
of the Apache Mesos Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
Apache Mesos Project:
* Ali Ghodsi <>
* Andy Konwinski <>
* Benjamin Hindman <>
* Benjamin Mahler <>
* Brian McCallister <>
* Ian Holsman <>
* Matei Alexandru Zaharia <>
* Chris Mattmann <>
* Tom White <>
* Vinod Kone <>
* Brenden Matthews <>
* Thomas Marshall <>
* Charles Reiss <>
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Mesos, to
serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
until a successor is appointed; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Mesos Project be and hereby is
tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
Incubator Mesos podling; and be it further
RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
Incubator Mesos podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
Project are hereafter discharged.
Special Order 7F, Establish the Apache Mesos Project, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
G. Amend the Procedure for PMC Membership Changes
WHEREAS, the Bylaws state that the members of each existing Project
Management Committee (PMC) shall be appointed by the Board of Directors
or appointed by an officer empowered by the Board to make such
appointment; and,
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors desires to simplify the procedure for
making appointments to each PMC.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that an officer designated by the Board
as chairman of a PMC is hereby empowered to make an appointment to that
PMC, subject to the following conditions:
1) A notice of the appointment shall be delivered to the Board's
mailing list and the PMC's private discussion list, as recorded
within the Foundation's mailing list archives, at least 72 hours
prior to the effective date of the appointment, where said notice
may be sent by the chairman, or by any existing member of the PMC
if it contains a link to a formal decision by the PMC approving
of the appointment;
2) If any Director objects to the appointment, in writing, prior to
its effective date, the appointment shall not be effective until
72 hours after all such objections are resolved, or until a
resolution making the appointment is adopted by the Board at some
regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors; and,
3) The appointment shall not be effective until the Foundation's
records of committee membership are updated accordingly.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that an officer designated by the Board as
chairman of a PMC may establish a procedure wherein an appointment to
that PMC is considered to be automatically made by the chairman,
subject to the conditions above, if the appointment is approved in a
formal decision by the existing PMC members; and be it further
RESOLVED, that resignation of a member of a PMC shall take effect
immediately upon receipt of their resignation, as recorded on any of
the Foundation's mailing list archives, but can be revoked by that
member within 72 hours of receipt; and be it further
RESOLVED, that removal of a member of a PMC, except due
to their death or resignation, can be requested of the Board of
Directors by the PMC chairman or by formal decision of the PMC, but
requires a decision by the Board of Directors; and be it further
RESOLVED, that these procedures obsolete and replace all prior
procedures established by the Board of Directors for changing the
membership of a PMC.
Special Order 7G, Amend the Procedure for PMC Membership
Changes, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors
8. Discussion Items
A. Revisit officer appointments
The board entered Executive Session 11:45 to discuss officer appointments
The board exited Executive Session 12:57
The board made the following appointments:
Chairman of the board: Brett Porter
Vice Chairman: Greg Stein
President: Ross Gardler
Executive Vice President: Rich Bowen
Secretary: Craig L Russell
Assistant Secretary: James Carman
Treasurer: Chris Mattmann
Assistant Treasurer: Sam Ruby
9. Review Outstanding Action Items
* Doug: "offer" to send XMLBeans to the Attic if they continue to not
Status: not done
* Greg: email to multiple PMCs to ask for dates on releases.
* Bertrand: Let Flume and Oozie PMCs know that affiliations are not needed
in the board report.
Status: done
* Jim: Contact Oozie PMC with comments about JIRA queries.
Status: Complete
* Roy: Update the guidance for releases and communicate to all
Status: Still not done.
* Jim: Clarify Infrastructure comment from OpenMeetings report
Status: Complete. No issue.
* Rich: follow up on the security list re: CloudStack
Status: CS report indicates this was done
* Ross: pursue a report for Mahout
Status: complete
* Doug: pursue a report for Perl
Status: complete
* Roy: pursue a report for SpamAssassin
Status: complete
10. Unfinished Business
11. New Business
12. Announcements
13. Adjournment
Scheduled to adjourn by 12:00pm (Pacific)
Adjourned at 1:00pm (Pacific).
Attachment 1: Report from the Executive Assistant [Melissa Warnkin]
* Daily monitoring of all email activity and following-up with
appropriate personnel
* CloudStack Collaboration Conference
* Monitoring/responding to emails between Pat Barton (The Open
Bastion) and Sally regarding the logo for the t-shirts
* Distributed the information to the CloudStack Community re the six
free conference passes; also sent this information to Luciano
Resende for distributing to ComDev
* Sent a FedEx shipment (the Apache table skirt and misc swag) to
Matt Franklin for the Apache BarCamp Boston. Sent the FedEx
receipt and info to Treasurer@ so that they were aware of the
charges and could process the payment.
* Sent a package (stickers) via USPS to newthinking on behalf of
Isabel for the Berlin Buzzwords
* An additional 18.72 eur was charged for duty/tax, which newthinking
paid; therefore, I will be submitting the invoice for a wire
payment to them.
* Working with Upayavira regarding the issues he has as the VP of
Fundraising and how we can rectify the situation going forward
* He (and I) need visibility into the account information that is
received in the lock box. As it currently stands, if a payment
is received in the lockbox, he just knows how much but not who it
is from. We’ve been working with Chris and Sam to fix this with
Wells Fargo so that we have visibility into this information.
* Working with Chris and Sam to rectify the auto-pay problems that
we’ve been experiencing with Wells Fargo.
* Sent a couple of email reminders to Ross to commit his expenses for
reimbursement for travel expenses relating to the 2012 Board Get
* Forwarded email from John Kreisa (Hortonworks) regarding use of the
Hadoop elephant mark for the upcoming Hadoop Summit June 26th and
27th in San Jose to Shane to review for trademark issues.
* Sent repeated emails to Steve Holden (The Open Bastion) requesting
the financials from ApacheCon NA 2013. There are still very few
actual expenses reported for the conference. They plan to have
upgrades to their accounting systems up and running by the end of this
quarter, so they will be able to be rather more definitive for future
* Communications with Sally re starting production/orders for Apache
stickers/signage, etc.
* Email communications with Sam (O'Reilly) regarding Apache’s
involvement/space requirements/etc. for OSCON 2013.
Foreseeable activities for June:
* Follow-up with ex-ConCom regarding the status of the
“event-in-a-box” conversation
* Review TOB's contract against the financial summary; follow-up with
Steve w/questions, concerns, etc.
* After the review of the financials (from above), if everything is
satisfactory, we can then proceed with contract negotiations for
the future ApacheCons.
* OSCON 2013 – signage and sticker production for an on-time arrival
@the OCC; completing the required paperwork for the designated
passes and for the furniture/booth rental.
Attachment 2: Report from the VP of Brand Management [Shane Curcuru]
No board level issues. Very busy month.
* Operations And Community
The trademarks list has been very busy this month, both with general
questions and especially PODLINGNAMESEARCHes. That JIRA now sends
notifications to the list, so we should not get behind in the future.
There were more than the usual litany of brand questions, requests
for approval, and potential complaints about poor use of Apache brands.
It is clear both from the volume of requests on trademarks@, the
types of questions, and the number of questions that include potential
legal issues that Brand Management needs to make significant changes in
how we operate. The commercial and technology impact of many Apache
projects is growing very quickly, and is resulting in many commercial
companies pushing the boundaries, both in cases where they blithely
use (or misuse) Apache brands for their own purposes, as well as in
cases where they (or their counsel) ask pointed questions as to how
far they can take the use of our brands, in some cases at the
expense of our communities.
Similarly, discussing recent trademark questions with counsel has made
clear that there are additional legal risks with how we allow use of
Apache brands in some areas, in particular in how we approve incoming
podling names and logos.
As I am taking a 12 week leave from my employment this summer, I plan
to spend part of that free time working with the trademarks committee
to greatly update and improve both our policy, create detailed runbooks
for processing questions and requests, as well as bootstrapping
improved enforcement for a number of popular Apache projects.
We also welcomed a couple of new member subscribers to tm@, welcome!
* Registrations And Legal Issues
Signed client engagement letter with new trademark counsel of Burns &
Levinson, who will be appealing the technical denial of Citrix's attempt
to register the CLOUDSTACK mark in the US and the CTO (EU). Thanks
to the Cloudstack PMC in efforts to gather data of distinctiveness of
the mark in short order at counsel request.
DLAPiper has submitted US registrations for the ACTIVEMQ and SERVICEMIX
trademarks. Hopefully they will proceed through the process and be
registered in the ASF's name in a few months.
Working with counsel to determine what issues in use of the JSPWIKI
name exist for an Apache project due to a PODLINGNAMESEARCH.
Working with counsel to greatly update our process for incoming grants
for trademarks. Recent issues raised have made it clear that we will
need to be much more rigorous in how we accepting incoming brands
for podlings/products, including potential legal assignments.
Attachment 3: Report from the VP of Fundraising [Upayavira]
This last month has been productive. The updated system, a simple
spreadsheet recording next actions, has facilitated a lot of activity
with contacts, resulting in substantial progress.
Matt Mullenweg has upgraded from Gold to Platinum. InMotion Hosting
have renewed their silver sponsorship.
We have submitted two other platinum invoices, and another is ready
to be invoiced. We have submitted three gold invoices, and identified
one where the vendor system failed to pay, which they are rectifying.
We have received an unsolicited offer of a Silver sponsorship, and
have submitted a bronze invoice to another existing sponsor.
Many thanks to Sally, who has been an absolute star in following
through with many of these sponsorship renewals. I couldn't have got
close to this result without her efforts.
Attachment 4: Report from the VP of Marketing and Publicity [Sally Khudairi]
I. Budget: we have kicked off the new fiscal year with all new contracts
signed, including PR Newswire, Meltwater News, and HALO Worldwide.
Thanks to the efforts of Chris Mattmann and Sam Ruby from our office
of the Treasury, no vendor payments are due at this time.
II. Fundraising/Branding/Marketing liaison: no meetings are planned.
Sally Khudairi has been working with VP Fundraising Upayavira to
secure 6 Sponsorship renewals (3x Platinum, 1x Gold, 1x Silver, 1x
Bronze), plus close one new Platinum Sponsor and one upgrade to the
Gold level. Additionally, she has counseled a small handful of
organizations regarding publicity and promotion around projects ready
to enter the Apache Incubator as well as for podlings under
incubation. Discussions with an existing ASF Sponsor regarding
strategies to market Apache Top-level Projects continue.
III. Press Releases: no formal announcements were issued via the
newswire; one announcement was issued on the ASF Foundation Blog and during this timeperiod.
IV. Informal Announcements: 3 items were announced on @TheASF Twitter
feed. No new posts were made on the @ApacheCon Twitter feed or
"TheApacheFoundation" account on YouTube.
V. Future Announcements: two announcements are currently planned to
support major releases for TLPs. PMCs wishing to announce major
project news —as well as podlings ready to graduate from the
Incubator— are welcome to contact Sally at for more
information. Kindly provide at least 2-weeks' notice for proper
planning and execution.
VI. Media Relations: an usually quiet month across the board; Sally
responded to 7 media requests and followed up on 11 various requests
for graphics, project contact/introductions, and overall Foundation
information. She also continues to field general inquiry phone calls
regarding support for Apache projects --both corporate and personal
use-- as well as numerous specific queries on issues with Apache
OpenOffice installations. The ASF received 428 press clips over this
time period, vs. last month's clip count of 1,775.
VII. Analyst Relations: we connected with three analyst firms regarding
upcoming projects/areas of focus; no formal briefings are planned at
this time. Apache was mentioned in 8 reports by Gartner, 1 report by
Forrester, 2 write-ups by GigaOM, and 8 reports by 451 Research.
VIII. ApacheCon liaison: no activities are planned at this time.
IX. (Non-ASF) Industry Events and Outreach liaison: Sally is working with
Melissa regarding our participation at OSCON 2013, where we will be
exhibiting in the non-profit pavilion. In addition, Sally created new
graphics to support several Apache TLP-based conferences, and is
planning promotional materials production over the next 14 months.
Melissa is overseeing production and logistics for promotional
materials, as well as assisting with booth tactics where needed.
X. Newswire accounts: we have 15 pre-paid press releases with NASDAQ
GlobeNewswire through December 2013, and 17 pre-paid press releases
on the PRNewswire account through May 2014.
Attachment 5: Report from the VP of Infrastructure [Sam Ruby]
Purchased 9 disks from Silicon Mechanics to fill out the eris array -
cost ~$1400.
Promoted Jan Iversen to the Infrastructure Team.
Had oceanus (new machine) racked in FUB.
Mark Thomas kicked off a new round of FreeBSD upgrades.
Disabled CGI support for user home directories on
Purchased a wildcard cert for * at $595/year from digicert.
Daniel Gruno was given root@ karma and will need to be added to the
committee as a result.
Setup a new VM with bytemark for circonus-based monitoring.
Work continues around the Flex Jira import problems.
Acquired several new domains for management by us instead of external
Attachment 6: Report from the Apache Travel Assistance Committee [Gavin McDonald]
The Travel Assistance Committee (TAC) exists to help those that would like to
attend ApacheCon events, but are unable to do so for financial reasons.
Overall Project Activity since last report
TAC has been quiet as we would expect. There are currently no events planned
which require TAC's attention. We have however compiled a short report based
on raw feedback from ApacheConNA 2013 recipients. This is included within
this report. We appreciate that this may be too verbose for board@
requirements, however inclusion here will hopefully serve interest to anyone
who wishes to see how TAC performed at ApacheConNA 2013.
Feedback from ApacheConNA 2013 TAC'ers.
In all, 10 questions answered by each recipient. Best attempts have been made
by Lewis John McGibbney to infer key parts of data which will hopefully enable
TAC to identify what we are doing right and what we could do better.
So without further ado:
Q1: What are your opinions regarding the travel assistance application
process and the feedback you got?
- The VM hiccup resulting is loss of applicant data was a bit of a pain
for applicants. It appears that the impact of this was somewhat
lessened due to the streamlined and simple application process
- Comments were made that the "Airport Near You" feature of the TAC web
application could be improved slightly.
- There was some confusion about what subsidence TAC applicants who also
applied (and were accepted) to be speakers would receive.
- Overall applicants praised the smoothness of the application procedure.
Q2. Once you were notified of your successful application, how would you
rate correspondence between TAC members and you as an applicant?
- All applicants were very satisfied with correspondence and planning
from TAC. Various TAC individuals were quoted as being especially
helpful; Matt and Melissa in particular.
Q3. With regards to Visa applications (if you had to make one), what are
your comments for the assistance you received from TAC in this regard?
- No applicants had problems which could be attributed to TAC. In fact,
one applicant noted that all the invitations, hotel booking
information that is necessary for visa arrived right on time. We
should take the positives from this and credit work done by Melissa
here as well.
Q4. Focusing just on travel arrangements. Did you encounter any
communication problems when trying to source and arrange travel to ApacheCon?
- It appears that all experiences were very positive apart from one
important observation. The particular applicant stated "In the end,
I felt that I could have sourced the ticket cheaper (inclusive of my
requirements), had I been able to use a local travel agent. I wonder
if it would be possible to entertain quotes from other travel agents
from source countries as well, during the travel arrangement
process. It would be cheaper for TAC (since you would go ahead only
if the quote was lower), and it would be smoother for international
participants to deal with a local travel agent."
This is something we should certainly consider.
Q5. Focusing just on accommodation arrangements. Did you encounter any
communication problems when trying to source and arrange accommodation
whilst attending ApacheCon?
- No problems here at all. Melissa seems to have nailed this one...
Q6. Prior to arrival in the US, were you provided with sufficient
information to help you find your accommodation once you arrived?
- The ApacheCon wiki seems to have been an important and well used
resource in this case. In addition to the emails sent by TAC, all
applicants seem to have found navigation to the hotel a walk in the
Q7. What were your comments on the Welcome Breakfast?
- There appears to have been a communication breakdown on this one. One
TAC applicant could not find us until midway through the breakfast
and another started beforehand. A suggestion was made to circulate
pictures of TAC members so they could be recognised more easily.
- For those that did make the Welcome Breakfast, as always it was
thoroughly enjoyed.
Q8. Regarding the organization tasks you were asked to do on behalf of TAC
were you given sufficient information to do them properly?
- Tasks were well organized. Comments were made to express appreciation
of the fact that being given tasks actually enabled TAC'ers to meet
with the presenters pre and post-presentation. In all it is likely
that this improved the overall experience. Steve Holden and his team
should be thanked for arranging distribution of pen drives required
to harvest presentation slides as well as the actual scheduling of
tasks for TAC'ers.
Q9. As ApacheCon progressed, were you able to find TAC members and were they
of assistance to you when you needed them?
- It appears that TAC members were very visible on the ground so to
speak. No-one mentioned any problems with sourcing either TAC
members or TAC related information.
Q10. Generally speaking, do you have any feedback about something which has
not been covered above?
- One comment was made (by a TAC'er coming from Sri Lanka) that some
more time to catch up on sleep would have been nice. This comes down
to the >30 hours these applicants need to travel in order to make it
to ApacheCon.
- One TAC'er said he was not too sure about what it was that TAC
actually did prior to applying and said he would have appreciated
some information about past TAC goals and achievements stories.
- General comments were that ALL TAC'ers really enjoyed the conference.
Justin McLean has explicitly stated that he would be very willing to
help out again in the future if so required.
Attachment 7: Report from the VP of W3C Relations [Andy Seaborne]
Lawrence Rosen has joined the Push API Patent Advisory Group.
The W3C election for the Advisory Board was contested - 12 candidates
for 4 places. This also highlighted some work going to streamline W3C
standard process in the later stages.
One area that is currently a center for debate is the experiment in
licensing for use with HTML5 extensions. The experiment is to use
a W3C Open Document License (c.f. CC-BY) which allows derived works.
Attachment 8: Report from the Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby]
There are two topics of interest this month:
During what was originally a routine evaluation of a new version of
the CC-By license, some restrictions that previously went unnoticed
in that license were identified.
During discussion of a request to reduce the size of legal
boilerplate accompanying files contained in distributions of Apache
products, suggestions were made to add a copyright notice.
My request is that discussions regarding the latter matter be referred
to the Legal Affairs committee.
Attachment 9: Report from the Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox]
For May 2013: There continues to be a steady stream of reports of
various kinds arriving at security@. These continue to be dealt with
by the security team.
7 Support question
5 Phishing/spam/attacks point to site "powered by Apache"
9 Vulnerability reports
2 [httpd, via security@] [1 CLOSED]
3 [struts, via security@struts] [1 CVE-2013-2115 CLOSED]
1 [xerces-j, via security@] [CLOSED]
1 [aoo, via]
1 [solr, via security@] [CLOSED]
1 [cloudstack, via security@cloudstack]
Attachment A: Report from the Apache Any23 Project [Michele Mostarda]
Anything the board should be aware of?
There is a concern that the Any23 community isn't really actively
participating in Apache. Lewis John McGibbney brought this to ComDev,
and since then a few actions have been taken including pushing towards
an RC for 0.8.0, and some discussions that included adding the former
Champion of the project (Chris Mattmann) back to the PMC at his request.
We should monitor progress here and hopefully we can get the project going
forward here at the ASF. All should feel welcome to chime in.
Releases / Development
Lewis John McGibbney and Andy Seaborne and others are prepping for an
Chris Mattmann was added back to the Any23 PMC.
Attachment B: Report from the Apache APR Project [Jeff Trawick]
The Apache Portable Runtime (APR) project creates and maintains
software libraries that provide a predictable and consistent interface
to underlying platform-specific implementations.
APR-util 1.5.2 was released on April 4, 2013. A release of APR 1.4.7
was attempted, but a regression was found prior to release and it
was cancelled. We anticipate that a potential APR 1.4.x release
wlll be tagged soon and prepared for testing.
The previous stable APR release was in February of 2012.
The most recent release of the legacy APR 0.9.x branch was in
September of 2011. The most recent release of the legacy
APR-Util 0.9.x branch was in October of 2010.
New PMC members: none
New committers: Gregg Smith (avail id gsmith)
About 7 bugs were opened during the reporting period, with some
sort of activity on 29 bugs.
Mailing list activity is very modest though the activity was higher
than normal this quarter due to discussions around two possible
Activity has been higher than the last couple of quarters, primarily
consisting of bug fixes for stable releases.
There are no board-level issues at this time.
Attachment C: Report from the Apache Archiva Project [Maria Odea Ching]
Apache Archiva is an extensible repository management software that helps
taking care of your own personal or enterprise-wide build artifact
repository. It is the perfect companion for build tools such as Maven,
Continuum, and ANT.
* Archiva 1.4-M4 (1 June 2013) - milestone release containing UI fixes and
LDAP support enhancements.
More activity in the users and dev lists since the 1.4-M3 and 1.4-M4
milestone releases previewing the new webapp UI based on javascript.
Development on the final 1.4 release is on-going. Target release date
is end of the 3rd quarter or early 4th quarter of this year.
No board level issues at this time.
Attachment D: Report from the Apache Axis Project [Andreas Veithen]
Attachment E: Report from the Apache Bigtop Project [Roman Shaposhnik]
Apache Bigtop is a software related to a system for integration,
packaging, deployment and validation of a big data management
software distribution based on Apache Hadoop
* The last release of Apache Bigtop was version 0.5.0, released on Dec 18, 2012
* There has not been much progress with a maintenance release of 0.3.1
* Bigtop 0.6.0 is currently being voted on
* Development activity continues as can be seen from the following report:
(since last board report, Dec 2012)
* Bigtop community pitched in for RMing Hadoop 2.0.5-alpha bug fix release
* WANDisco has adopted Apache Bigtop as a basis for their enterprise Hadoop
* Bigtop meetups are back in the SF Bay Area:
* PMC Composition has not changed since the last report.
* There were no new committers added to the project since the last report.
* Currently there are:
- Total of 106 subscribers to the developer list
- Total of 121 subscribers to the user list
- Total of 18 subscribers to the announce list
- Total of 22 committers
- Total of 21 PMC members
* There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
Attachment F: Report from the Apache Bloodhound Project [Gary Martin]
Project Description
Apache Bloodhound is a software development collaboration tool, including
issue tracking, wiki and repository browsing.
There are no issues that we believe currently require the board's attention.
There have been no releases this month. The last releases were:
* apache-bloodhound-0.5.2-incubating (1st April 2013)
* apache-bloodhound-0.5.3 (15th April 2013)
A 0.6 Release is considered to be imminent but at the time of writing, there
are blocking issues.
Community & Development
No new committee members have been added this month. The last addition to
the committee was on 10th April 2013.
Bloodhound continues to be involved with GSoC and three projects have been
accepted. We anticipate granting all three GSoC project students access to
the bloodhound repositories, at least for the duration of their projects,
with the hope that they will remain involved in Bloodhound beyond the end of
these projects.
Attachment G: Report from the Apache BVal Project [Matt Benson]
The Apache BVal project implements the Java EE Bean Validation 1.0 (JSR-303)
specification and related extensions, and became a top-level project of the
foundation on February 15, 2012.
### Releases ###
No new releases.
### Activity ###
BVal has experienced very little activity as of late. As time permits we have
one team member working in the Commons community on a component that will help
simplify BVal's code and, manpower being what it is, other BVal development
has stalled awaiting the availability of this component (Commons [weaver],
which will allow BVal to streamline/simplify the code it uses to operate in
secured Java runtime environments).
Mailing list traffic continues to be minimal.
The Java Bean Validation specification v1.1 has been released last month;
when BVal development resumes in earnest implementing this version of the
specification is a top priority.
### Community ###
No changes.
### Branding ###
Nothing to report.
### Legal ###
No concerns at present.
### Infrastructure ###
Nothing needed at the moment.
Attachment H: Report from the Apache C++ Standard Library Project [Jim Jagielski]
Attachment I: Report from the Apache Camel Project [Christian Mueller]
Apache Camel is a powerful open source integration framework based on known
Enterprise Integration Patterns.
Project Status
* There are no issues that require the board attention.
* The project is healthy, active and stays at a high level.
* We switched from SVN to GIT which was a bit bumpy because of the
missing announcement from INFRA when the SVN repo was going read-only.
But we are fine now and preparing our first release which comes from
our new GIT repo. Thank's INFRA!
* Red Hat is organizing the CamelOne 2013 conference in Boston on June 10th
- 11th ( ConCom and the Camel PMC's were involved in
the planning of this event.
* The community stays at a high level (183 subscribers at dev@; 503
subscribers at users@)
* The community is active and questions being answered in short term.
* Avg. 958 mails per month on the users mailing list in March 2013 - May
* Avg. 205 mails per month on the dev mailing list in March 2013 - May 2013
* Avg. 348 committs per month in March 2013 - May 2013
* No new committers in this reporting period (last one joined in Dec 2012)
* No new PMC members in this reporting period (last one joined in Dec 2012)
Community Objectives
* Working on Camel 2.12.0 which is our last planned 2.x release
* Finalizing our "pre" Camel 3.0 work
* Discussing and finalizing the Camel 3.0.0 road map
* 2.11.0 (04/17/2013)
* 2.9.7 (04/24/2013)
Attachment J: Report from the Apache Cayenne Project [Andrus Adamchik]
Cayenne is a Java persistence framework. It takes a distinct approach to object
persistence and provides an ORM runtime, remote persistence services, and a GUI
mapping/modeling tool.
Project Status
* Cayenne 3.1 is stable and approaching GA status. The last Beta was released
on Feb 18.
* Cayenne 3.2 is where the most activity happens now.
* Working with Infra on Git migration
* Mailing list activity is near-average on developer and user lists.
* The last PMC member was added in December 2012
* The last committer was added in May 2012
* A Cayenne Training Day will be happening at WOWODC 2013 in Montreal on June
23. We got a formal approval of ConCom of the branding aspects of this event
and our participation.
Attachment K: Report from the Apache Chemistry Project [Florian Müller]
Apache Chemistry is an effort to provide an implementation of the CMIS
(Content Management Interoperability Services) specification in Java,
Python, PHP, .NET, and Objective-C (and possibly other languages).
The project has graduated in February 2011.
== Project status ==
The OpenCMIS (Java) subproject finished the implementation of the
CMIS 1.1 specification and released a new version in June.
The server and client libraries are now supporting CMIS 1.0 and
CMIS 1.1.
The ObjectiveCMIS (Objective-C) subproject started refactoring the code
and adding new functionality.
There is not much activity around the other subprojects at the moment
except for bug fixing.
There is steady traffic on the mailing list and on JIRA.
There are no Board-level issues at this time.
== Community ==
No community changes this quarter.
Last quarter we added six new PMC members.
== Releases ==
Releases this quarter:
OpenCMIS 0.9.0 2013-06-05
Previous releases of other subprojects:
cmislib 0.5.1 2012-12-19
DotCMIS 0.5 2013-01-19
ObjectiveCMIS 0.1 2013-01-10
Attachment L: Report from the Apache CloudStack Project [Chip Childers]
Apache CloudStack is open source software designed to deploy and manage
large networks of virtual machines, as a highly available, highly
scalable Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing platform.
* 4.1.0 was released on June 4, 2013.
* 4.1.1 and 4.2.0 are in progress.
* The schedule for 4.2.0 was modified after a rather long debate about
schedules that culminated in a committer VOTE thread. Features
continued to be reviewed and merged into master in anticipation of a
4.2.0 branch being cut.
* Following our 4.1.0 release, Ilya has stepped up to be the release
manager for 4.1.x bug-fix releases.
* The CloudStack security team has been formed, and our reporting
instructions have been posted to (and linked from the
ASF-wide security page, as requested after last month's board report).
* The community is conducting a user survey, in an attempt to gather
some statistics about our install base.
* Very active discussions are happening around three different (but
related) storage framework features, aiming at a consistent set of
architectural changes between the features.
* The community continues to prepare for our CloudStack Collaboration
Conference, to be held June 23 through 25.
* The GSOC students and mentors have begun to actively engage with each
other (and the rest of the community).
Including the following additions, CloudStack has 67 committers and
22 PMC members.
New Committers:
* Sangeetha Hariharan (sangeethah)
* Phong Nguyen (pnguyen)
* Devdeep Singh (devdeep)
* Sailaja Mada (sailajamada)
* Venkata Swamy (swamy)
* Wei Zhou (weizhou)
New PMC Members:
* John Burwell (jburwell)
The Apache CloudStack project remains a high volume community:
* dev@ 616 subs / 2494 msgs in May
* users@ 823 subs / 583 msgs in May
* issues@ 121 subs / 3015 msgs in May
* commits@ 166 subs / 4627 msgs in May
* marketing@ 99 subs / 336 msg in May
* users-cn@ ~300 subs / 219 msgs in May
No issues for the board at this time.
Attachment M: Report from the Apache Commons Project [Luc Maisonobe]
Apache Commons provides a large set of reusable Java components. Commons
components are widely used in many projects, both at Apache and outside.
There are no particular problems that would require board support.
A discussion has started in late May to decided if BeanShell could be
added to commons sandbox directly or should be first accepted in incubator.
There have been no changes in the community this quarter.
Several components have been released since last report:
Commons Compress 1.5 (2013-03-14)
Commons Daemon 1.0.14 (2013-03-19)
Commons Logging 1.1.2 (2013-03-20)
Commons FileUpload 1.3 (2013-03-27)
Commons Daemon 1.0.15 (2013-04-03)
Commons Math 3.2 (2013-04-07)
Commons Codec 1.8 (2013-04-29)
Commons Logging 1.1.3 (2013-05-21)
Attachment N: Report from the Apache Cordova Project [Brian LeRoux]
Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using
HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Work continues on plugins tooling, and breakout of core APIs into discreet
repos. Associated CLI tooling.
* Benn Mapes voted as committer.
* Bryan Higgins voted as committer.
* Jeffery Heifetz voted as committer.
* 2.7 released 2/May/13
* 2.8 released 7/Jun/13
Attachment O: Report from the Apache cTAKES Project [Pei J Chen]
Apache cTAKES (clinical Text Analysis and Knowledge Extraction System)
is a natural language processing (NLP) tool for information extraction
from electronic medical record clinical free-text.
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
Last release was created on 22.02.2013 (ctakes-3.0-incubating)
The committee is actively working on the next release of cTAKES.
The next release is tentatively scheduled for end of June. To spread
the knowledge, another committer has volunteered (James Masanz) to be
the Release Manager.
Some of the planned code changes include:
- New Dependency Parser/Semantic Role Labeler
- New optional Clear-Based Parts Of Speech Tagger
- New HL7/CDA Sectionizer to identify and normalize EMR Segments
- New Standardized Clinical Element Model Instance Template population
- New regression testing component
- Various bug fixes and code enhancements tracked Jira
No new committers or PMC members are added since last month.
Attachment P: Report from the Apache DeltaSpike Project [Mark Struberg]
Apache DeltaSpike is a portable JSR-299 CDI Extension library which contains
lots of useful tools and helpers which are missing in the CDI core spec.
DeltaSpike is not a CDI-container itself, but a portable Extension library
which can run on all CDI-containers!
DeltaSpike is tested and runs on many Java EE Servers like Apache TomEE,
JBoss AS, Oracle WebLogic, Oracle Glassfish, IBM WebSphere, and also
on simple Servlet containers like Apache Tomcat or Jetty in combination
with either JBoss Weld or Apache OpenWebBeans.
Project Status:
The Graduation tasks are now almost all resolved on INFRA side and we
are also mostly done with upgrading docs and links. We are just waiting
for the distribution area.
deltaspike-0.4 release VOTE did pass on 2013-05-31. We are currently setting
up the distribution area together with infra before writing the official
We are already working towards deltaspike-0.5 which we like to ship end of
this month or early next month.
The community is pretty active on the mailing list and is currently
discussing the features to put into 0.5 and afterwards. We got quite some
nice feedback from the community for the 0.4 release.
There are no new committers so far though.
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
Attachment Q: Report from the Apache Felix Project [Felix Meschberger]
Apache Felix is a project aimed at implementing specifications from the OSGi
Alliance as well as implementing other supporting tools and technologies
aligned with OSGi technology.
* Felix Meschberger, V.P. Apache Felix, executed the OSGi Alliance Compliance
Tests License, Version 3.00 for Qualified Not-for-Profit organizations on
behalf of ASF. The agreement is backdated to Dec. 2, 2011 to continue the
previous license. More information on the OSGi Alliance Compliance Tests is
available at
* DS Annotations 1.2.0 (March 12, 2013)
* Main Distribution 4.2.1 (March 20, 2013)
* Framework 4.2.1 (March 12, 2013)
* Famework Security 2.2.0 (March 12, 2013)
* Resolver 1.0.0 (April 10, 2013)
* iPojo BND plugin 1.10.0 (May 24, 2013)
* iPojo Maven plugin 1.10.0 (May 24, 2013)
* iPojo 1.10.0 (May 24, 2013)
* iPojo Annotations 1.10.0 (May 24, 2013)
* iPojo Ant Task 1.10.0 (May 24, 2013)
* iPojo API 1.10.0 (May 24, 2013)
* iPojo Gogo 1.1.0 (May 24, 2013)
* iPojo Composite 1.10.0 (May 24, 2013)
* iPojo Manipulator 1.10.0 (May 24, 2013)
* iPojo Manipulator Online 1.10.0 (May 24, 2013)
* iPojo Web Console Plugin 1.7.0 (May 24, 2013)
* Deployment Admin 0.9.4 (June 4, 2013)
* AutoConf 0.1.4 (June 4, 2013)
* Inventory Printer 1.0.0 (June 5, 2013)
* Web Console 4.2.0 (June 5, 2013)
* SCR Generator 1.7.0 (June 6, 2013)
* Maven SCR Plugin 1.13.0 (June 6, 2013)
* SCR Ant Task 1.7.0 (June 6, 2013)
* SCR Annotations 1.9.4 (June 6, 2013)
Project Branding
* Project Website Basics: done
* Website Navigation Links: done
* Trademark Attributions: done
* Logos and Graphics: open
* TM missing from all Logos
* Project Metadata: done
Licensing and other issues
* None
Attachment R: Report from the Apache Flex Project [Alex Harui]
Apache Flex is an application framework for easily building Flash-based
applications for mobile devices, the browser and desktop.
Apache Flex SDK 4.9.1 was released on 2/28/13.
Apache Flex Installer 2.5.4 was released on 4/11/13.
The community is currently preparing its next release of both the SDK and
Activity in Apache Flex continues to be in two main areas: improvements to
the existing Adobe Flash Platform-dependent code base, including the
releases listed above, and prototyping ways to create a version of Flex that
is independent from the Adobe Flash Platform. There is another group
working on Maven-related tools for the existing code base. Just in the past
30 days, 130 JIRA issues were resolved. JIRA activity is so high, a vote is
underway to split JIRA notifications off to its own mailing list
Getting used to Git was still a frequent topic in April and May. Because
Git does not support partial checkouts, the community prototyped using
GitHub for the whiteboards. GitHub notifications are sent to the commits@
list just like any other Apache Git commit. The PMC then voted to approve
this workflow. And because we do our work in a branch and have trunk only
have released sources, we had to ask Infra to update the mirrors to work
from that branch.
The owner of a popular application-framework that leverages the Flex SDK
has offered to donate the code to the project. This has met with some
opposition from those who use competing application-frameworks. The
ensuing discussion indicated that the PMC is in favor of accepting
donations from the these other frameworks should they choose to donate, so
we believe we are not endorsing or showing favoritism.
No new committers in the last 90 days. A vote is underway to promote a
committer to the PMC. Latest analytics include over 4000 downloads since
4/11/2013, and an average of 3000 hits per day during weekdays.
* Infra attempted to resolve INFRA-4380 but ran into problems. I have
approval to try to use the SOAP interface to pull the current state of
JIRA issues, merge them with the original attachments and provide a new
import file for INFRA. That task has been delayed by other issues like
getting new releases out, but we will get to it eventually.
We have noted that Apache projects are forming that use code module names
that are used in Apache Flex. Namely 'Falcon' and now 'Spark'. These two
words are used often on the mailing lists when discussing the related code
which then finds its way into the search engines. Is this an issue?
Attachment S: Report from the Apache Gump Project [Stefan Bodewig]
Apache Gump is a cross-project continuous integration server. Gump's
intention isn't so much to be a CI server but rather a vehicle that
makes people look beyond their project's boundaries and helps the
projects to collaborate.
Gump is written in Python and supports several build tools and version
control systems. The Apache installation of Gump builds many ASF
projects and their dependencies. It started in the Java part of the
foundation but also builds projects like APR, HTTPd and log4net.
== Summary ==
The Gump PMC is currently in doubt whether the service is still
needed/appreciated and will query the projects who's code is currently
built by Gump over the course of the next quarter.
== Releases ==
The ASF installations of Gump work on the latest code base almost all
of the time. The project is in a state of a perpetual beta. There
have been no releases.
== Activity ==
The problems with accessing Maven Central mentioned in the last report
has magically disappeared. The best guess is Gump was hitting some
misbehaving CDN nodes that have now been fixed.
In theory we could re-enable nagging mails now, but given the very low
interest over the past years and given that not a single PMC has asked
to re-enable mails Stefan Bodewig raised the question whether it might
not be time to stop providing the service at all. Feedback from the
community so far was along the lines of "this probably is a service
that you only miss when it is gone" but that we shouldn't keep putting
time and energy into keeping the service alive just because it's
Stefan intends to contact the PMCs who's code is currently built by
Gump and we'll discuss our next steps depending on the outcome.
The last quarter didn't see any activity at all.
== Infrastructure ==
Gump hasn't been reinstalled on the MacOS X server after the OS
upgrade reported last quarter. The FreeBSD jail has seen an OS
upgrade as well and also need Gump to be re-enabled.
== Changes to the Roster ==
All ASF committers have write access to the metadata that configure
the ASF installations.
No new committers to the code base, no changes to the PMC.
Attachment T: Report from the Apache Hive Project [Carl Steinbach]
Apache Hive is a data warehouse written on top of Apache Hadoop. It
provides SQL to query and manage data (in the form of tables and
partitions stored in HDFS or external systems) and provides a
metastore containing metadata information about the stored data.
* The last release of Apache Hive was version 0.11.0, released on
May 16th, 2013.
* Development activity continues as can be seen from the following
* Hive user-group meetings were held on April 25th in Palo Alto and
on June 4th in San Francisco. 70 people RSVPed for the former event
and 107 people for the latter.
* The next user-group meetup is scheduled for June 25th in
San Jose. Currently 80 people have RSVPed for this event and
another 15 people are on the waiting list.
* Existing committer Navis Ryu was added to the PMC.
* Harish Butani and Owen O'Malley were added as committers.
* The current affiliations of PMC members are: Facebook (4),
Qubole (2), HortonWorks (1), Citus Data (1), NexR (1),
and Media6Degrees (1).
* Currently there are:
- Total of 576 subscribers to the developer list
- Total of 1441 subscribers to the user list
- Total of 5 committers
- Total of 11 PMC members
- Total of 6 Emeritus PMC members
We've created HIVE-2432 to track this, with sub-tasks corresponding to
each item.
* Project Website Basics: [DONE]
* Project Naming And Descriptions: [IN PROGRESS]
* Website Navigation Links: [IN PROGRESS]
* Trademark Attributions: [IN PROGRESS]
* Logos and Graphics: [DONE]
* Project Metadata: [DONE]
* In late May Teradata requested that the project remove a UDF
('npath') which was included in the 0.11.0 release. Teradata
alleges that this UDF violates a US patent they hold as well
as their common law trademark. The Hive PMC has referred this issue
to the ASF Legal Board.
Attachment U: Report from the Apache Incubator Project [Benson Margulies]
There is nothing very novel or interesting to report this month. The
current chair exits as of this report. The reports below show the
usual mixture of informative and not-so- informative.
Several IP clearances passed via 'lazy consensus.' They couldn't be
lazier; no one on the IPMC (except the Foundation Secretary) indicated
that they reviewed this transactions.
Table of Contents
Open Climate Workbench
Forge software for the development of software projects, including source
control systems, issue tracking, discussion, wiki, and other software
project management tools.
Allura has been incubating since 2012-06-25.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Make a release
2. Continue to grow community
3. Move project development to ASF hardware
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
Some new folks on the mailing lists, including developers from the EU-funded
project, PROSE, who are deploying Allura at
Patches contributed from Jon Schewe and Chris Tsai.
How has the project developed since the last report?
1. We believe licensing work is complete, so we should be able to make our first
release soon.
2. Many bug fixes & feature developments. Several updates to our vagrant image
for easier development.
Please check this [x] when you have filled in the report for Allura.
Ross Gardler: [X](allura)
Greg Stein: [ ](allura)
Jim Jagielski: [ ](allura)
Rich Bowen: [x](allura)
Shepherd notes:
Curator - ZooKeeper client wrapper and rich ZooKeeper framework
Curator has been incubating since 2013-03-11.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Build community
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
A new committer is in the process of being on-boarded: Eric Tschetter
4 subscribers were added to the dev list.
8 subscribers were added to the user list.
How has the project developed since the last report?
Curator 2.0.0-incubating and 2.0.1-incubating have been released.
Date of last release:
Curator 2.0.1 released May 31st.
Please check this [x] when you have filled in the report for Curator.
Enis Söztutar: [ ](curator)
Luciano Resende: [x](curator)
Mahadev Konar: [ ](curator)
Patrick Hunt: [x](curator)
Shepherd notes:
Apache Drill is a distributed system for interactive analysis of
large-scale datasets that is based on Google's Dremel. Its goal is to
efficiently process nested data, scale to 10,000 servers or more and
to be able to process petabyes of data and trillions of records in
Drill has been incubating since 2012-08-11.
Three Issues to Address in Move to Graduation:
1. Continue to attract new developers with a variety of skills and viewpoints
2. Develop community skills and knowledge by building some releases
3. Demonstrate community robustness by rotating project tasks among multiple
project members
Issues to Call to Attention of PMC or ASF Board:
How community has developed since last report:
Mailing list discussions:
There has been active participation in discussions on the developer mailing
list, including new participants and developers. A few have participated in
the users list; mainly activity takes place on developer mailing list.
Activity summary:
June to date 5 June, 29 (mainly jira; some discussion)
May 2013, 135 (jira, focused discussions)
April 2013, 188 (jira; focused discussions)
March 2013 260 (jira, focused discussions)
Topics in discussion on the dev mailing list included but not limited to:
* Evolution of logical plan syntax with addition of operators including
the Value and Union Distinct operators
* Advantages and disadvantages of Parquet versus ORC
* ValueVector construct and requirements
* The relative performance of Janino based compilation versus
* Initial development of execution engine environment
* Discussion of various types of large array and off heap data structure
* RPC protocol and framework
For details of code commits, see and
There has been great progress around both evolution of the reference interpreter and
In the last three months, there have been many commits including:
* Initial implementation of RPC framework
* Base client and Zookeeper based client abstraction
* SQL parser with JDBC driver
* Distributed query scheduling framework
* ValueVector implementations
* Large number of reference interpreter tests and fixes
Community Interactions
There is now a weekly Drill hangout conducted remotely through Google
hangouts Tuesday mornings 9am Pacific Time to keep core developers in
contact in realtime despite geographical separation. Results from
these discussions are shared with the discussion list through meeting
minutes and all are welcome to attend. This has been helpful in
speeding development and averages attendance of 8-10 developers each
There have been presentations from community members at conferences, meet-ups
and through the weekly Google hangout.
* As you can see from there were few more
HUGs/BUGs where Drill was presented/discussed (in Europe) - the blog
itself might also be considered to manifest a contribution (?)
* We have published an article on Drill in the Big Data journal
Sample presentations:
* Introduction to Apache Drill, Bay Area Analytics Group 2 April 2013 by
Tomer Shiran
* Interactive Ad hoc query at scale: talk at Hadoop User Group UK by
* Apache Drill Technical Overview: talk at Google Hangout, May 22 by
Jacques Nadeau available at
* Drill Technical update @April 16 Hangout by Jacques Nadeau available at
* Drill Dissection at NoSQL matters (April) @mhausenblas video available
* All You Need to Know About Drill, talk during Big Data Week #bdw13 by
Michael Hausenblas on 26 April
* Deep Dive into Drill Implementation 3 June at Berlin Buzzwords by Ted
Dunning and Michael Hausenblas
Slides from Drill presentations posted online such as at slideshare get a
large number and increasing number of views.
An invited interview with Ted Dunning in an O’Reilly white paper by
Mike Barlow titled “Real Time Big Data Analytics: Emerging
Architecture” discussed Apache Drill; there have been a number of blog
Social Networking
@ApacheDrill Twitter entity is active and has grown to 362 followers.
How project has developed since last report:
1. Wiki has been updated regularly
2. Significant code drops have been checked in from a number of developers
3. Significant design documents have been created and discussed
4. Additional non-code contributors have become active and are being encouraged
Please check this [ ] when you have filled in the report for Drill.
Ted Dunning: [x](drill)
Grant Ingersoll: [x](drill)
Isabel Drost-Fromm: [x](drill)
Falcon is a data processing and management solution for Hadoop designed for
data motion, coordination of data pipelines, lifecycle management, and data
discovery. Falcon enables end consumers to quickly onboard their data and its
associated processing and management tasks on Hadoop clusters.
Falcon has been incubating since 2013-03-27.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Add new and diverse committers
2. Build and grow community
3. Releases at frequent and regular intervals
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?
- No
How has the community developed since the last report?
We now have users subscribed to the dev mailing list and have added one new
contributor since the last report.
How has the project developed since the last report?
24 new JIRAs have been created since the last report and 7 have been
resolved so far with 9 more in patch available status. We intend to release
version 0.3 in the next month.
Please check this [ ] when you have filled in the report for Falcon.
Arun Murthy: [ ](falcon)
Chris Douglas: [X](falcon)
Owen O'Malley: [ ](falcon)
Devaraj Das: [ ](falcon)
Alan Gates: [X](falcon)
Shepherd notes:
A cloud agnostic library that enables developers to access a variety of
supported cloud providers using one API
jclouds has been incubating since 2013-04-29.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. We are working on our first release - iterating over issues
currently, making sure we have a proper ASF release ready to go. 2.
Since this is the first ASF project for some of the committers,
it's taking some time for everyone to adjust to the Apache way, but
we're getting there. 3. We need to figure out details on our wiki
and site implementaiton.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?
Not particularly - we're definitely edging against some of the boundaries of
what's allowed in an Apache project re: license headers, specifically in
test expectation files, but we're getting there.
How has the community developed since the last report?
The community is roughly the same - no changes in committer list. We have
continued to receive patch submissions and JIRAs from new people, which is,
of course, great.
How has the project developed since the last report?
A lot. =) More specifically:
* We've moved our source to the Apache git repos.
* We've moved to ASF JIRA and mailing lists.
* We've renamed our Maven groupIds to org.apache.jclouds, and are
publishing SNAPSHOTs to
* The jclouds.{org,com,net} domain names have been transferred to
Apache, and the jclouds trademark is en route.
* We've been working on RCs for Apache jclouds 1.6.1-incubating, ironing
out the many little gotchas, license issues, etc that are to be
expected when folding such a large, complex existing project into
the ASF. We hope to have a viable final RC presented to the IPMC for
voting within a week or so, assuming our mentors sign off on the
next RC.
Date of last release:
No ASF release yet.
Please check this [X] when you have filled in the report for jclouds.
Brian McCallister: [ ](jclouds)
Tom White: [X](jclouds)
Henning Schmiedehausen: [ ](jclouds)
David Nalley: [X](jclouds)
Jean-Baptiste Onofré: [ ](jclouds)
Mohammad Nour El-Din: [X](jclouds)
Olivier Lamy: [ ](jclouds)
Tomaz Muraus: [ ](jclouds)
Suresh Marru: [X](jclouds)
Carlos Sanchez: [ ](jclouds)
Shepherd notes:
Really? 10 mentors and no report? Is everyone relying on everyone else? (rgardler)
Kalumet a complete environment manager and deployer including J2EE
environments (application servers, applications, etc), softwares, and
Kalumet has been incubating since 2011-09-20.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Release 0.6.0-incubator (fixes on the legal files)
2. Complete the documentation
3. Refactore the console
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?
None so far
How has the community developed since the last report? We submitted Kalumet
0.6.0-incubating release to vote, not approved by an IPMC as it requires some
fixes on legal files (NOTICE especially).
We submitted a talk to ApacheCon NA, but the talk has not been selected.
This talk presents Kalumet, with the current features and the roadmap. It has
been given to different "local" events in Europe.
How has the project developed since the last report? We created the Jira
corresponding to the changes that we want to include in Kalumet releases.
We decided to increase the release cycle in order to give more visibility to
the users, as soon as 0.6.0-incubating will be out.
We completed a first documentation. The documentation will be part of the
0.6.0-incubating release and is also available directly on the website.
Date of last release:
- 0.6.0-incubating submitted 2 times (September, 2012 and November, 2012),
but not cancelled.
- This release is in preparation with the legal fixes
Please check this [ ] when you have filled in the report for Kalumet.
Jim Jagielski: [ ](kalumet)
Henri Gomez: [ ](kalumet)
Jean-Baptiste Onofre: [X](kalumet)
Olivier Lamy: [ ](kalumet)
Shepherd notes:
Knox Gateway is a system that provides a single point of secure access for
Apache Hadoop clusters.
Knox has been incubating since 2013-02-22.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Expand community to include more diverse committers.
2. Align technically with security work going in in Hadoop.
3. Clear the project name with legal and pick a new name if required.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?
1. None
How has the community developed since the last report?
1. No new PPMC members or committers added since last report,
though commits now coming from Larry and Kevin instead of mostly
Kevin which is great.
How has the project developed since the last report?
1. 53 open issues out of 71 issues currently in JIRA.
2. ReviewBoard is set up per INFRA-6068.
3. Discussion underway to set up Git/JIRA integration.
Please check this [X] when you have filled in the report for Knox.
Owen O'Malley: [ ](knox)
Chris Douglas: [X](knox)
Mahadev Konar: [ ](knox)
Alan Gates: [X](knox)
Devaraj Das: [ ](knox)
Chris Mattmann: [X](knox)
Tom White: [X](knox)
Shepherd notes:
MRQL is a query processing and optimization system for large-scale,
distributed data analysis, built on top of Apache Hadoop and Hama.
MRQL has been incubating since 2013-03-13.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Complete the first release
a) Ensure proper transfer of code
b) Verify distribution rights
2. Establish whether "Apache MRQL" is a suitable name
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
We have posted a project description on the HadoopSphere blog, which
initiated some discussion and interest. Since the last report, there
was little activity in recruiting new users and developers, but we are
very close to completing the first release. We believe that, as soon
as we make the first release available, many users will start using
the system, will request bug fixes, improvements, and additional
functionality, and will become new contributors.
How has the project developed since the last report?
We are in the process of completing the MRQL codebase to make it ready
for the first release, which we expect to take place in the next few
weeks. The only major component missing that delays this release is
switching to maven as our project management tool. We believe that
using maven is important because it will facilitate contributions by
(and recruitment of) committers and will ease version management. The
reasons for the delay are: 1) no one of the current developers has
prior experience with maven 2) the codebase is non-standard because it
uses non-standard tools to generate Java code.
Date of last release:
none yet
Please check this [ ] when you have filled in the report for MRQL.
Alan Cabrera: [X](mrql)
Anthony Elder: [ ](mrql)
Alex Karasulu: [ ](mrql)
Mohammad Nour El-Din: [X](mrql)
Shepherd notes:
Open Climate Workbench
Apache Open Climate Workbench (Incubating) is an effort to develop
software that performs climate model evaluation using model outputs
from a variety of different sources (the Earth System Grid Federation,
the Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment, the U.S. National
Climate Assessment and the North American Regional Climate Change
Assessment Program) and temporal/spatial scales with remote sensing
data from NASA, NOAA and other agencies. The toolkit includes
capabilities for regridding, metrics computation and visualization.
Open Climate Workbench has been incubating since 2013-02-15.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Develop an Apache community for Open Climate Workbench and connect to
other relevant Apache efforts (Tika, Hadoop, SIS, OODT)
2. Make an initial release.
3. Add new contributors to the project.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?
None at this time.
How has the community developed since the last report?
We're up to 86% (24) of the initial project members having ICLAs on
file and accounts. We've got 14% more (4) people still who have yet to
submit their ICLA. Chris Douglas and Chris Mattmann have reached out
to Bruce Hewitson to submit ICLA. 3 NASA participants from the
original proposal are working on their getting their ICLAs
approved. Chris Jack from University of Cape Town just had his account
Community is now discussing many issues on list: 5 threads
(deprecation policy; ideas to improve the metrics module; proposed
tool refactoring; tools for Apache Open Climate Workbench; and coding
style are all being actively discussed.
How has the project developed since the last report?
* Wiki now being used:
* Review Board reviews are being leveraged; as is JIRA.
* Commit activity is high; and not singled out to Mike Joyce and Cameron
Goodale any longer (Whitehall; Huikyo Lee; now contributing)
* The project discussed and decided to add new JIRA issue labels for
users pointing out which issues are e.g., easy, more difficult, etc., to
tackle. Worked with Gav in infra to set this up.
* The team is discussing cutting a 0.1-incubating RC.
Please check this [X] when you have filled in the report for Open Climate Workbench.
Chris Mattmann: [X](openclimateworkbench)
Suresh Marru: [X](openclimateworkbench)
Chris Douglas: [X](openclimateworkbench)
Nick Kew: [ ](openclimateworkbench)
Provisionr provides a service to manage pools of virtual machines on multiple
Provisionr has been incubating since 2013-03-07.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Make a release
2. Build a community
3. Document all the important bits
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
Some new folks on JIRA and on the mailing list (18 subscribers)
How has the project developed since the last report?
1. We believe licensing work is almost complete and we should be able to
prepare the first release candidate soon
2. General code cleanups
Date of last release: none
Please check this [X] when you have filled in the report for Provisionr.
Roman Shaposhnik: [ ](provisionr)
Tom White: [X](provisionr)
Mohammad Nour El-Din: [X](provisionr)
Shepherd notes:
S4 (Simple Scalable Streaming System) is a general-purpose,
distributed, scalable, partially fault-tolerant, pluggable platform
that allows programmers to easily develop applications for processing
continuous, unbounded streams of data.
S4 has been incubating since 2011-09-26.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. growing the community
2. verifying (changing?) the name of the project. See PODLINGNAMESEARCH-10
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?
Ant Elder brought up the possibility of graduating. This is being discussed
in the community.
How has the community developed since the last report?
New release created/approved.
How has the project developed since the last report?
Released a new version (0.6.0)
Date of last release: June 3rd 2013
Please check this [X] when you have filled in the report for S4.
Patrick Hunt: [x](s4)
Arun Murthy: [ ](s4)
Shepherd notes:
Apache Streams is a lightweight server for ActivityStreams.
Streams has been incubating since 2012-11-20.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Diverse participation in development. More of the community
needs to be actively engaged.
2. Increase the codebase
3. Develop a larger community.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?
Not at this time
How has the community developed since the last report?
Streams was discussed at the Apache BarCamp in Boston during the month of May.
How has the project developed since the last report? Some discussions
have occurred on list for improved documentation for new users as well
as some architectural discussion. After a period of inactivity, the
discussions have picked up as of late.
Please check this [ ] when you have filled in the report for Streams.
Matt Franklin: [x](streams)
Ate Douma: [x](streams)
Craig McClanahan: [ ](streams)
Andrew Hart: [ ](streams)
Shepherd notes:
Tajo is a distributed data warehouse system for Hadoop.
Tajo has been incubating since 2013-03-07.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Make an initial Tajo release
2. Grow the Apache Tajo community
3. Foster more committers
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
* We voted for the official Tajo logo.
* Two projects were accepted to GSoC 2013.
How has the project developed since the last report?
* We changed data types to SQL data types.
* We've started to use jenkins as a continuous integration (CI) tool.
Date of last release:
Please check this [X] when you have filled in the report for Tajo.
Chris Mattmann: [X](tajo)
Owen O'Malley: [ ](tajo)
Alex Karasulu: [ ](tajo)
Shepherd notes:
Tez is an effort to develop a generic application framework which can
be used to process arbitrarily complex data-processing tasks and also
a re-usable set of data-processing primitives which can be used by
other projects.
Tez has been incubating since 2013-02-24.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Develop collaborations with other Apache projects, including Hadoop, YARN
2. Make an initial Tez release.
3. Grow the Apache Tez community.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?
None at this time.
How has the community developed since the last report?
No new PPMC members or committers added since the last report. We need
to work to do a better job of identifying new contributors, but there
is great activity so I don't think this will be a big issue.
Another here that we need to do a better job of here is discussing issues
on list. I see lots of JIRAs and commits, but few [DISCUSS] and other threads.
There was a discussion of merging TEZ-1 which is great though.
How has the project developed since the last report?
1. 109 issues resolved and 81 currently open in JIRA (lots of work going on).
2. Discussion to merge TEZ-1 (branch) into master.
3. Giri and Hitesh created CI for Tez:
Please check this [X] when you have filled in the report for Tez.
Alan Gates: [X](tez)
Arun Murthy: [ ](tez)
Chris Douglas: [X](tez)
Chris Mattmann: [X](tez)
Jakob Homan: [ ](tez)
Owen O'Malley: [ ](tez)
Shepherd notes:
Wave is rich, web-based, distributed, collaboration platform that allows
users to interact in near real time. The wave platform includes a
web-based user interface containing an rich-text. The system is
extendable though widgets, robots, and editor doodads. The Wave In a Box
implementation is developed in java using a variety of web technologies
such as Web Sockets, Java Script, GWT, and supported by an operational
transform based conflict resolution algorithm.
Wave has been incubating since 2010-12-04.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Finish the initial release
2. Continue increasing the community size
3. Improve documentation for new users
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?
None at this time.
How has the community developed since the last report? The last month
has seen significantly increased activity on the mailing list
regarding long-term visions on where the Wave project should be
heading, with an influx of new people (mostly as potential users)
discussing how they can help the project. At one of their suggestions,
a public discussion was held to help with Wave's publicity, with the
aim to bring more people to the project.
How has the project developed since the last report? Much progress
has been made towards an initial release (named 0.4), with RC2 and RC3
having votes on the wave-dev list. RC3's vote ends on the 8th June and
is looking likely to be submitted for a vote on the general incubator
list within the next few days. Meanwhile development has continued on
the trunk, receiving 5 review requests with the last week from 3
different people (2 new to the project). The documentation has also
seen work, with 3 people have been granted wiki access to help.
Date of last release: N/A
Please check this [X] when you have filled in the report for Wave.
Santiago Gala: [ ](wave)
Upayavira: [X](wave)
Andrus Adamchik: [ ](wave)
Vincent Siveton: [ ](wave)
Ben Laurie: [ ](wave)
Shepherd notes:
The report is very accurate and Wave is actually ways more active than
before. All ideas of moving it to the attic/github should be delayed,
as the project might have a chance to succeed, if the activity
persists. From the mentors, only Upayavira is active. Not heard of any
of the others the past period. (grobmeier)
Attachment V: Report from the Apache Jackrabbit Project [Michael Dürig]
The Apache Jackrabbit™ content repository is a fully conforming
implementation of the Content Repository for Java™ Technology API
(JCR, specified in JSR 170 and 283).
The Apache Jackrabbit project is in good shape. We have no board-level
issues at this time.
o Releases
We made the following stable release from Jackrabbit trunk:
* Apache Jackrabbit 2.6.1 on May 13th
* Apache Jackrabbit 2.6.2 on May 29th
We made the following unstable release from Jackrabbit trunk:
* Apache Jackrabbit 2.7.0 on May 13th
The following patch releases were made from earlier maintenance
* Apache Jackrabbit 2.4.4 on May 13th
We made a release from the Jackrabbit Oak sub project:
* Apache Jackrabbit Oak 0.7 on May 20th
* Apache Jackrabbit Oak 0.8 on May 27th
o Community / Development
No new committers or PMC members joined the Jackrabbit team since
February 2013.
o Infrastructure
Jackrabbit web site migration is done. To make updating easier we
will probably migrate most of the site's content to the Wiki and
go with a simpler main page that points to all relevant resources.
Attachment W: Report from the Apache Karaf Project [Jean-Baptiste Onofré]
Apache Karaf provides higher level features and services
specifically designed for creating OSGi-based servers.
Indicators during the last 3 months:
- Download: 38,730 downloads (Karaf distributions without the subprojects
like Cellar, all branches) between March, 1 and May, 31.
- User mailing list: 516 messages between March, 1 and May, 31.
- Dev mailing list: 383 messages between March, 1 and May, 31.
- Commits: 414 commits between March, 1 and May, 31.
Last committers addition: February 11, 2013
Last PMC addition: September 05, 2012
The following new releases have been voted:
- Apache Karaf 3.0.0.RC1 (March 15, 2013)
- Apache Karaf 2.2.11 (April 30, 2013)
- Apache Karaf Cellar 2.2.6 (May 23, 2013)
- Apache Karaf Cellar 2.3.0 (May 23, 2013)
Issues for board consideration
None so far.
Attachment X: Report from the Apache Labs Project [Tim Williams]
Apache Labs hosts small and emerging projects from ASF committers.
A typically slow quarter for Labs. The PMC remains quiet and healthy.
== Community ==
The Mavibot lab has been quite successful. Still haven’t pursued any
avenues out of labs yet.
The community is sleepy but typically responsive when beckoned. One
potential concern is that a new lab was proposed “Summarize” that
didn’t immediately get enough binding votes to pass. This is the
first time I’m aware of it happening. It’s likely that it just got
pushed to the bottom of folks mailbox.
== New Labs ==
none to report
== Labs Statistics ==
- new: 0
- status changes (last 3 months): 0
- total number: 40
- active: 16
- idle: 14
- promoted: 3
- completed: 7
- labs with commits: alike, mavibot, yay
Attachment Y: Report from the Apache Lucene Project [Steve Rowe]
The Apache Lucene project develops open-source search software.
We have submitted a resolution to change the PMC Chair from Steven A. Rowe
to Uwe Schindler.
We added three new PMC members in the last quarter: David Smiley, Adrien
Grand, and Shalin Shekhar Mangar.
We added two new committers in the last quarter: Shawn Heisey and Han Jiang.
Lucene Core and Solr
Lucene Core is a search-engine toolkit.
Solr is a search server built on top of Lucene Core.
In the last quarter we made two releases of both Lucene Core and Solr:
- 4.2.1 on 02 April 2013
- 4.3.0 on 04 May 2013
The community is very active.
Open Relevance Project
The Open Relevance Project is a project aimed at providing Lucene and others
tools for judging the quality of search and machine learning approaches. The
community is not very active, but we don't expect it to be very high volume
either as it is a niche area.
PyLucene is a Python integration of Lucene Java. Development is almost
entirely an automated port, so this project will never require a lot of
developers. The user community is active.
PyLucene 4.3.0-1 was released on 14 May 2013.
Attachment Z: Report from the Apache Lucene.Net Project [Prescott Nasser]
Attachment AA: Report from the Apache Mahout Project [Jake Mannix]
Apache Mahout has implementations of a wide range of machine learning and
data mining algorithms: clustering, classification, collaborative filtering
and frequent pattern mining
Project Status
The project continues to have a large and active user base. With the book
Mahout in Action it has become simpler for beginners to get started using
the project.
The second quarter of 2013 was relatively more active, with many committers
and PMC members fixing bugs, reviewing contributor patches, and slowly
removing old dead code.
We added four new committers to the project: Suneel Marthi, Dan Filimon,
Gokhan Capan, and Stevo Slavic.
There are a few committers who volunteered to become GSoC mentors. As for
them it will be the first year participating as mentors on behalf of Mahout
they will need some guidance on what the process looks like at the ASF.
Community Objectives
Discussions regarding the 0.9 planning and 1.0 release happened in person
among many of the core committers at Berlin Buzzwords, and has continued on
the mailing list, revolving significantly around what features/algorithms
will be supported in 1.0 and onward, with an eye toward streamlining the
scope of the project to not contain as many rarely used / unsupported
The PMC and especially the PMC Chair apologize for missing the last two
Board Reports, and we have discussed internally as a PMC whether we should
make any changes and are working to make sure it doesn't happen again.
The upcoming 0.8 release contains one significant new algorithm
implementation, Streaming K-Means ( MAHOUT-1154 ), as well as numerous
performance enhancements and API improvements to the core linear algebra
library and many bugfixes.
No releases since the last report. 0.8 is targeted for the end of June, and
currently bugfixes are the primary focus. Only two open issues remaining at
the time of this writing ( )
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
Attachment AB: Report from the Apache MRUnit Project [Brock Noland]
MRUnit is a Java library that helps developers unit test Apache Hadoop
MapReduce jobs. Unit testing is a technique for improving project quality
and reducing overall costs by writing a small amount of code that can
automatically verify the software you write performs as intended. This is
considered a best practice in software development since it helps identify
defects early, before they're deployed to a production system.
* The last release of Apache MRUnit was version 1.0.0, released on
May 21, 2013. This was MRUnit's first release since graduation in May 2012.
* Development activity continues as can be seen from the following report:
* 8 JIRAs were resolved since the last report.
* Mail traffic is largely on the DEV list. Messages since March 1st: dev 184,
user 7
* The composition of the committers and PMC members has not changed since
the last report.
* Currently there are:
- Total of 34 subscribers to the developer list.
- Total of 59 subscribers to the user list.
- Total of 10 committers
- Total of 10 PMC members
* There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
Attachment AC: Report from the Apache OFBiz Project [Jacopo Cappellato]
Apache OFBiz (The Apache Open For Business Project) is an open source
enterprise automation software project. By enterprise automation we mean:
ERP, CRM, E-Business / E-Commerce, MRP, SCM, CMMS/EAM, and so on.
We have no issues that require Board assistance at this time.
* new release: "Apache OFBiz 12.04.01" has been released in April 2013; this
release is an important milestone for the project because it contains all
the features of the trunk up to April 2012 and since then has been
stabilized with bug fixes. It is now the OFBiz current stable release:
users of the 11.04 series are encouraged to migrate to this release in
order to get all the new features implemented from April 2011
thru April 2012
* we are in the process of preparing new bug fixes releases for the 10.04,
11.04 and 12.04 series; the release for the 10.04 series will be the last
of this series
* we have decided to postpone the creation of the 13.0x series (initially
planned for April) of a few weeks because we wanted to include in it a
series of important framework refactorings that we are doing in the trunk
*Community and Project*
* Al Byers resigned from the OFBiz PMC; Al was one of the early (pre ASF)
committers of OFBiz but has never been very active since years and was not
an active PMC member
* no new committers or PMC members have been added in this quarter; the
last committer was Paul Foxworthy (paulfoxworthy), invited in
November 2012
* mailing list traffic is lower than in the past years but it is still
relevant and there is good community interaction
We have no issues.
Attachment AD: Report from the Apache Onami Project [Simone Tripodi]
Apache Onami is a project focused on the development and maintenance
of a set of Google Guice extensions not provided out of the box by the
library itself nor the Google developers team, such as integration
with 3rd part frameworks or extra functionalities.
Onami graduated from the Apache Incubator on April 17, 2013.
Since then, there have been three new releases:
* Apache Onami Parent 4 - Release Date: 28/May/13
* Apache Onami Converters 1.0.0 - Release Date: 02/Jun/13
* Apache Onami Scheduler 1.4.0 - Release Date: 02/Jun/13
The "After graduation tasks" are almost completed, steps had been
tracked in; there is
still a pending INFRA
( about dist area.
Development activity is quiet healthy, a new AOP Sandbox Component
has been proposed, the community enthusiastically accepted it.
PMC composition has not changed since graduation
Users community is quite silent, it often happens that people write
developers directly rather than using the user@ ML
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
Attachment AE: Report from the Apache OODT Project [Sean Kelly]
Apache OODT is a software framework as well as an architectural style for the
rapid construction of scientific data systems. It provides components for
data capture, curation, metadata extraction, workflow management, resource
management, and data processing.
The last release of OODT-0.5 was on 2012-12-25. This quarter we made headway
on 0.6 with the following highlights:
• Apache OODT + Apache Airavata [1] integration
• PGE Writers based on metadata-key templates and Apache Velocity
• Windows & Cygwin compatibility
• XML Product Server database improvements
• Workflow engine conditionals
• Regexp-based metadata extraction
• WebGrid configuration improvements
• RADiX Archetypes for Process Control System and Resource Manager
• Skinnable Operations UI
Future work in the next quarter will focus on releasing 0.6. We haven't
forgotten Python yet, either; we've just been busy elsewhere.
We resolved 32 issues in JIRA [2] since our last report.
We also standardized our JIRA issue labels so newcomers to the project can
tackle issues by difficulty level.
Our development mailing lists remain quite popular, while the user list shows
less activity. The table below lists the number of postings by list, by
month, in 2013:
List Apr May Jun
---- --- --- ---
dev 150 46 14
user 17 6 3
We nabbed two projects for the Google Summer of Code 2013:
• Upgrading the OODT CAS-Product Web App to use JAX-RS via Apache CXF, by Ross
Laidlaw, University of Oxford (mentored by Rishi Verma) [3]
• OODT monitor for Ganglia, by T.W. Rajith O. Siriwardana, University of
Moratuwa (mentored by Chris Mattmann) [4]
We inducted the following committers into the OODT PMC:
• Arni Sumarlidason (sumarlidason)
• Gavin McDonald (gmcdonald)
• Lewis John McGibbney (lewismc)
• Nga Chung (nchung)
• Varun Ratnakar (varunr)
There are no outstanding branding issues. All's good.
Apache OODT PMC members Paul Ramirez, Andrew Hart, Cameron Goodale, and Chris
Mattmann are part of the planning team [5] of the Open Source Summit 3.0
(June 24–27, Washington DC). Jim Jagielski is scheduled to speak at the
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
Attachment AF: Report from the Apache OpenNLP Project [Joern Kottmann]
The Apache OpenNLP library is a machine learning based toolkit for the
processing of natural language text. It supports the most common NLP tasks,
such as tokenization, sentence segmentation, part-of-speech tagging,
named entity extraction, chunking, parsing, and coreference resolution.
These tasks are usually required to build more advanced text processing
After the last release of the 1.5x branch the next release can contain bigger
changes and we are actively working on new features, currently, pluggable
machine learning support, refactoring of the machine learning code, support
for the Brat (annotation tool) data format.
The community remains active and there is good traffic on the lists.
The project received a contribution to resolve named entities to an
entry in a data base and it was discussed to add a lemmatizer component.
No new committers have been voted in and no new PMC members.
The last release OpenNLP 1.5.3 was released on 15.4.2013.
There are no board-level issues at this time.
Attachment AG: Report from the Apache OpenWebBeans Project [Gurkan Erdogdu]
Apache OpenWebBeans is an ALv2-licensed implementation of the
"Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE platform"
specification which is defined as JSR-299 (CDI-1.0). OpenWebBeans
will also implement the CDI-1.1 specification which is currently being
created as JSR-346.
Board Issues
* There are no issues that require Board attention.
* Code cleanup & update at 1.1.x code base.
* Development continue in trunk to implement CDI 1.1.
New Releases
* OpenWebBeans, 1.1.8, 28 March 2013
* Build-tools, 1.1.3, 17 May 2013
* OpenWebBeans, 1.2.0, 25 May 2013
* Release procedure of 1.1.x and 1.2.x.
* Dependent Conversation module integration.
* How to proceed best with CDI-1.1 and whether we shall start OWB-2.x for it.
* New PMC member, Romain Manni-Bucau, April 25th 2013
* Last committer, Jean-Louis Monteiro, 1st October 2012
* Active discussions on the dev list from a few new users
Attachment AH: Report from the Apache Perl Project [Philippe M. Chiasson]
-- mod_perl 1.0 --
The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd
No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report.
--- mod_perl 2.0 --
mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches.
Work to fully support httpd-2.4 is moving along.
--- Apache-Test --
Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write
test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is
used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and
includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP
and Parrot.
Apache-Test 1.38 was released on August 6th, 2012
No new Apache-Test releases since the last report.
--- Apache-SizeLimit --
Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production
environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes
based on various environmental triggers.
No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report.
--- Apache-Bootstrap --
Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl
module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates
code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make
maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy.
No new Apache-Bootstrap releases since the last report.
--- Apache-Reload --
Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development
environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter
without completely restarting httpd.
Apache-Reload 0.12 was released on March 31st, 2012
No new Apache-Reload releases since the last report.
-- Apache-DBI --
Apache-DBI is a popular component in many mod_perl deployments. It
is used to provide transparent database connection pooling to clients
using DBI.
No new Apache-DBI releases since the last report.
-- Development --
mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though
as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally
slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and
applied with due consideration for our production userbase.
The httpd-2.4 branch has generated more activity recently, with more users
reporting a desire to have mod_perl for it.
mod_perl 2.0.8 was released on April 17th 2013
-- Users --
The mod_perl users list is seeing an increase in activity, with a few bug
reports and user questions.
More patches for httpd-2.4 are making their way into trunk. Also, more patches
to keep supporting newer Perls have landed.
-- PMC --
No noteworthy PMC events happened since the last report.
Attachment AI: Report from the Apache Pig Project [Julien Le Dem]
Pig is a platform for analyzing large data sets that consists of a
high-level language for expressing data analysis programs, coupled
with infrastructure for evaluating these programs. The salient
property of Pig programs is that their structure is amenable to
substantial parallelization, which in turns enables them to handle
very large data sets.
* 0.11.1 : released on 03/28/2013 bug fixes
* 361 subscribers to the dev mailing list (349 in the last report)
* 1003 subscribers to the user mailing list (944 in the last report)
* We have one new Committer: Prashant Kommireddi
* The PMC has 12 members and the project counts 6 additional
* We're going to have a Pig Meetup on June 25, 2013 The day before
Hadoop summit
* We have one project accepted for GSOC:
"A better plan/data flow visualizer"
Attachment AJ: Report from the Apache Pivot Project [Roger Whitcomb]
Apache Pivot is a platform for building installable Internet
applications (IIAs). It combines the enhanced productivity and
usability features of a modern user interface toolkit with the
robustness of the Java platform.
This is my first report, so pardon if it is not as brief as it
probably could be.
Relatively low traffic still, although Users list is a little more
active the last month or so. It feels like we have some "silent"
users who are just picking up the technology and using it with
relatively little problem or need for help, which is good.
A little bit of development toward the 2.1 branch in that I started
to commit some changes to make a File Browser using Apache Commons
VFS. Also one company is interested in donating some code to help
interact between Pivot and Java Swing and Java FX.
Several PMC members, however, have expressed privately that they
are no longer interested in the product. But one PMC member is now
coming back online after a period of silence. So, we may (again)
have a quorum to be able to get a full vote on Releases.
Some developers have expressed the opinion that Pivot is not that
relevant anymore with the latest developments of Java FX and the
fact that it doesn't interact well with Swing. I don't agree
and think that we can improve the interactions too.
I have started making some overtures to other Apache Projects
(Commons and Flex and a couple others) to see if there are any
potential interactions with Pivot. Not any response yet, though.
We tried for the second time to vote on releasing a 2.0.3 version
but fell short after Chris was unable to finish his testing in time.
We have had almost daily Jenkins build failures due to lack of space
on the build machine. I have pinged INFRA about this but have had
no response. Probably have to raise an issue with them.
There is one high-priority outstanding issue with IME support on OSX
which I have tried to address, but it seems to be complicated, so no
progress yet.
Last Release was 2.0.2, published 21 May 2012.
We have started two votes on releasing 2.0.3, and fell short of the
required number of votes both times.
Branding/Naming issues:
Legal issues:
I reached out to legal-discuss about attribution of the proposed
donation of some code, and have the answer in hand.
Nothing else.
Infrastructure Issues/Needs:
Just the space issue on the Jenkins build machine.
Community Changes:
Last Committer Piotr Kolaczkowski (pkolaczk) was created 09 May 2012.
I have been grooming a co-worker, who has a lot of Pivot experience
now, to get more active on the mailing lists, in view of him becoming
a committer. Still a work-in-progress.
Attachment AK: Report from the Apache POI Project [Yegor Kozlov]
Apache POI is a Java library for reading and writing Microsoft Office file
There have been no releases in the last quarter.
The last release is version 3.9, released on 3rd December 2012
A bug fix release of POI 3.10 is being discussed on the mailing list.
We plan to roll the release candidate in the second half of June.
Dominik Stadler (centic) has been voted as new committer and PMC member.
Two more people submitted their ICLAs and expressed interest in becoming POI
committers: Tim Allison and Cedric Walter.
Project Status
Apache POI continues to be an active project, both in terms of
community and development.
The number of open bug reports and submitted patches significantly
grew in the last 3 months.
The POI team is planning to address them in the nearest time.
Traffic on the mailing lists has been steady in the last 3 months.
General Comments
There are no issues that require Board attention.
Attachment AL: Report from the Apache Portals Project [David Sean Taylor]
Apache Portals is a project for building freely available and interoperable
portal software. With the Pluto project, we provide a reference implementation
for the Java portlet standard. The Jetspeed project is a full feature
enterprise open source portal. The Portals Applications project is dedicated
to providing robust, full-featured, commercial-quality, and freely available
portlet applications.
The Jetspeed team has submitted a roadmap and started planning for the next
Attachment AM: Report from the Apache Qpid Project [Carl Trieloff]
Apache Qpid is a cross-platform Enterprise Messaging system which
implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), providing
message brokers written in C++ and Java, along with clients for C++,
Java JMS, .Net, Python, and Ruby.
There are no issues requiring the board's attention.
There have been a few CVEs of low severity that the project has worked
in the prior period.
Solid community activity. User list activity continues and here is
quite a bit of interaction between project around the AMQP1.0 work
from project like ActiveMQ.
0. Some great presentations (user cases) done at ApacheCon on deployments like eBay.
1. Fraser Adams was nominated as a committer.
2. Fraser contributed a Java version of QMFv2 + a web based console.
3. We are in the process of working towards a 0.22 release for Qpid and 0.5
release for Proton.
4. We are in the process of re-vamping our website.
0.20 has is the current release, released since the last report.
Project is maintaining its time based release schedule.
Attachment AN: Report from the Apache ServiceMix Project [Gert Vanthienen]
Attachment AO: Report from the Apache Shiro Project [Les Hazlewood]
Apache Shiro is a powerful and flexible open-source application security
framework that cleanly handles authentication, authorization, enterprise
session management and cryptography.
We have no issues that require Board assistance at this time.
- We released a new 1.2.2 bugfix release on May 30th encompassing
18 bug fixes.
Community & Project:
- We have finally moved over to Apache Infra's svnpubsub mechanism for
publishing website updates. This is working really well so far. We are
still flushing out the best authoring system to use - we are currently
using a custom file-based CMS, but recently found Octopress, which looks
much more feature rich and powerful.
- Initial efforts towards a 2.0 distribution have started in the svn trunk.
It is still quite early, and a new release is probably at least 6
months away.
- Outside of the Shiro codebase, there is a significant effort to secure
Apache ActiveMQ with Shiro located here:
Once complete, the ActiveMQ development team has indicated they will be
happy to include it in ActiveMQ's distribution.
- Les presented at the 2013 Cassandra Summit showing how to use Cassandra
as a distributed data store for clustering Shiro sessions:
Attachment AP: Report from the Apache Sling Project [Carsten Ziegeler]
Apache Sling is an OSGI-based scriptable web framework that uses a Java
Content Repository, such as Apache Jackrabbit, to store and manage content.
There are no issues which require board attention at the moment.
Good activity level overall, contributions from different people continue.
Three new committers:
Robert Munteanu, Daniel Klco, Stefan Egli
* Apache Sling Form Based Authentication Handler 1.0.4 (May 27th, 2013)
* Apache Sling Scripting JSP 2.0.28 (May 16th, 2013)
* Apache Sling Servlets Post 2.3.0,
Apache Sling JCR Resource 2.2.8 (May 10th, 2013)
* Apache Sling API 2.4.2, Apache Parent POM 16 (May 3rd, 2013)
* Apache Sling Tenant 1.0.0,
Apache Sling Security 1.0.4
Apache Sling javax.activation 0.1.0 (April 26th, 2013)
* Apache Sling API 2.4.0
Apache Sling Bundle Resource Provider 2.1.2
Apache Sling File System Resource Provider 1.1.2
Apache Sling JCR Resource 2.2.6
Apache Sling Resource Resolver 1.0.6
Apache Sling Servlets Resolver 2.2.4
Apache Sling Engine 2.2.8
Apache Sling Auth Core 1.1.2 (April 18th, 2013)
* Website has moved to Apache CMS
* Dist folder has moved to svn
Project Branding is tracked in SLING-2696.
Attachment AQ: Report from the Apache SpamAssassin Project [Kevin A. McGrail]
SpamAssassin is a mail filter to identify spam. It is an intelligent email
filter which uses a diverse range of tests to identify unsolicited bulk email,
more commonly known as Spam. These tests are applied to email headers and
content to classify email using advanced statistical methods. In addition,
SpamAssassin has a modular architecture that allows other technologies to be
quickly wielded against spam and is designed for easy integration into
virtually any email system.
NOTE: This report includes extra information since the last report
submitted was in December.
No releases for this quarter.
Release of version 3.4.0 is still imminent. A preliminary release candidate
was created on Jan 18 and a release candidate was created on Jun 17.
3.4.0 is a major release. It introduces nearly two years of bug fixes and
features including the Bayes Redis back-end (bug 6879), eDNS changes (bug
6910), Native IPv6 Support, numerous changes/features and a small API
change in libspamc (bug 6562) with many other subtle changes.
IPv6 Note: This was tested on an IPv6-only host (works fine except Razor,
using an external DNS recursive server on a dual-stack host).
And SpamAssassin was tested on a Raspberry PI (ARM6, Raspbian / Debian 7.0
Wheezy, perl 5.14.2) ... yes it's 20 times slower than an i7-960, but all
tests pass! (all long & network tests, some stress tests need increased timing
Overall, this release has been tested in many production-level environments
for nearly a year. It is highly recommended and stable.
Community & Development
Need to migrate our zones and zones2 server off of Solaris to yet to be
determined resource. Bug 6886.
Need to migrate our website to svnpubsub. Bug 6885.
Need to get our Jenkins build slave working under FreeBSD instead of Solaris1.
Bug 6887.
Need access to the box to figure out what is killing it on the build slave.
Have not approached builds@ for approval for that process.
Adam Katz joined the PMC on February 4, 2013.
The project users' list is active; questions get asked and answered.
The project dev list has been active with both committers and community
members contributing.
Our RuleQA dev list has been active and we have many requests to add accounts
to the project to publish rules more consistently.
Added thanks to
QUESTION FOR BOARD: Is using Coral a possibility for rules mirrors for ASF?
Project Branding Requirements
Attachment AR: Report from the Apache Stanbol Project [Fabian Christ]
Apache Stanbol provides a set of reusable components for semantic content
There are no issues which require board attention at the moment.
The project is active and development is steadily going on. The project
faces the challenge of handling a large code base. A discussion on how to
improve the maintainability of the Stanbol components has started.
Two Stanbol proposals were selected for this years GSoC:
Freebase Entity Disambiguation in Apache Stanbol
Student: Antonio David Perez Morales
Mentor : Rupert Westenthaler
FOAF Co-reference Based Entity Disambiguation Engine In Apache Stanbol
Student: Dileepa Jayakody
Mentor : Andreas Kuckartz
Subscribers on the dev list: 186
Sergio Fernández was elected as a new committer on Jun 4th, 2013
Rafa Haro was elected as a new committer on Jun 4th, 2013
Fabian Christ has been voted as ASF member at the May 2013 Members' meeting
No releases were published since March 2013 report.
Last release was: apache-stanbol-enhancement-engines-0.10.0 on Feb 2nd, 2013
Attachment AS: Report from the Apache Synapse Project [Paul Fremantle]
Attachment AT: Report from the Apache Tiles Project [Greg Reddin]
Apache Tiles is a templating framework built to simplify the
development of web application user interfaces.
Once again, the Tiles community has stepped up and shown some signs
of life just when I was ready to call it done. This quarter has
shown some continued activity around releases. Questions continue
to trickle into the users list and they generally get responses
within a day or two. Progress is slow, but I'm comfortable continuing
to work with a slow-moving project as long as the Apache Board is
willing to continue with it. The community is responsive even though
new development seems to be happening at a snail's pace. I think
Tiles still has a significant user base within the Spring community.
Our challenge would be to figure out how to get more of those users
involved in the project.
This quarter the Tiles PMC made two releases: We released version
5 of the master POM with a quality of GA. We also released version
1.0.3 of the Tiles Request library with a quality of Beta.
There have been no changes to the Tiles community in this quarter.
The last addition to the PMC was in April, 2012.
Attachment AU: Report from the Apache Tomcat Project [Mladen Turk]
Continued healthy activity across multiple components and
responsiveness on both dev and user lists.
We are currently unable to access the latest TCKs for the
Servlet, JSP, EL and WebSocket specifications pending the
ASF's ongoing discussion with Oracle regarding TCK renewal.
This means we are unable to test Tomcat 8 against these
specifications and provide the assurance (that many of our
users look for) that Tomcat 8 has passed the TCKs. This is
not an immediate concern but will become increasingly
important as we approach the first release of Tomcat 8
(probably later this year).
* Apache Tomcat 7.0.41
* Apache Tomcat 7.0.40
* Apache Tomcat 7.0.39
* Apache Tomcat 7.0.38
* Apache Tomcat 6.0.37
There was lots of development activity on Apache Tomcat 7
and forthcoming Apache Tomcat 8 release.
Konstantin Kolinko has been voted as Apache Software Foundation
member. Beside that there were no changes in community
* CVE-2013-2071 - Moderate: Information disclosure
Fixes a scenario where elements of a previous request may be
exposed to a current request.
* CVE-2013-2067 - Important: Session fixation
FORM authentication associates the most recent request requiring
authentication with the current session.
This issue was identified by the Tomcat security team on
15 Oct 2012 and made public on 10 May 2013.
Detailed status:
There are no pending trademark issues which would require board's
attention at this time.
Attachment AV: Report from the Apache UIMA Project [Marshall Schor]
Apache UIMA's mission: the creation and maintenance of open-source
software related to the analysis of unstructured data, guided by the
UIMA Oasis Standard.
We released a component, Apache UIMA Ruta r 2.0.1, on 29 May 2013
Other Activity:
Following the advice of trademarks@, the trademark issue over the
name "Textmarker" was resolved by us dropping the use of that
term, and renaming the project UIMA Ruta, and doing a new release
under that name, updating the Website, etc.
All three new major recent contributions, uimaFIT, Ruta, and DUCC,
are very active.
Ruta is getting additional contributions from
4 new people in that community (who have sent in ICLAs).
No Board level issues at this time.
Attachment AW: Report from the Apache VCL Project [Andy Kurth]
VCL is a modular cloud computing platform which dynamically provisions and
brokers remote access to compute resources including virtual machines,
bare-metal computers, and resources in other cloud platforms. A self-service
web portal is used to request resources and for administration. VCL became a
TLP on June 20, 2012.
* Work was completed for the VCL 2.3.2 bugfix release. Fixes for the
previous Apache VCL 2.x releases were also created.
* Progress is being made on the large new configuration management system
slated for VCL 2.4.
* Aaron Coburn presented at ApacheCon in February. The topic was "Desktop
Virtualization with Apache VCL".
* A fair amount of work has been done to improve the look and organization
of the project CMS website as well as the Confluence wiki.
* There is some interest within the VCL community to work with the
Cloudstack project. Cloudstack resources could be provisioned via VCL.
There may be additional ways to integrate the two products/projects.
* VCL 2.3.2 was released on 3-25-2013
* Subscribers to the user list: 160
* Posts to user list, 3/13-5/13: 141
* Subscribers to the dev list: 142
* Posts to dev list, 3/13-5/13: 137
* Committers: 7
* PMC members: 4
* There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
Attachment AX: Report from the Apache Whirr Project [Andrew Bayer]
Whirr is a library for running services like Hadoop or ZooKeeper in the cloud.
No new releases this quarter.
Andrew Bayer has replaced Tom White as the PMC chair. No new
committers have joined.
- User mailing list: 27 messages
- Dev mailing list: 179 messages
- Commits: 22 commits (non-release-related)
No Board level issues at this time
Attachment AY: Report from the Apache Wicket Project [Martijn Dashorst]
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic,
component oriented web applications.
Things worthy of note:
- Released Wicket 6.7.0, 6.8.0
- No new committers or members were added in this period
- Discussion concerning the bar of entry to committership
Date last committer added: 23-04-2012
Attachment AZ: Report from the Apache Wink Project [Luciano Resende]
Apache Wink is a project that enables development and consumption of
REST style web services. The core server runtime is based on the
JAX-RS (JSR 311) standard. The project also introduces a client
runtime which can leverage certain components of the server-side
runtime. Apache Wink delivers component technology that can be easily
integrated into a variety of environments.
There are no issues that require Board attention at the moment.
* Apache Wink 1.3.0 released on April 12 was the first official TLP release.
* There are some small bugs being discussed for a Wink 1.3.1 release,
but we are still waiting for the fixes.
* Activity continues regular.
* The new CMS based website is now live.
Committers or PMC changes:
* None
* No known issues.
Legal Issues:
* None
Attachment BA: Report from the Apache XMLBeans Project [Cezar Andrei]
Attachment BB: Report from the Apache ZooKeeper Project [Flavio Junqueira]
ZooKeeper is a reliable coordination service for distributed
Trunk is under development for an eventual 3.5.0 release. A couple of
important improvements on the way for 3.5.0:
- One important new feature in 3.5.0 will be the ability to reconfigure a
ZooKeeper ensemble. This feature was discussed a long time in
ZOOKEEPER-107 and we have finally converged and committed it;
- We are also focusing on a number of improvements over the code that
performs recovery. In particular, we are targeting an implementation that
avoids sending and taking unnecessary snapshots, which reduces time
to recover in the presence of crashes.
There are other various patches we are working on related code cleanup
and refactoring.
3.5.0 release date is not defined yet. Our focus is on scalability, jdk7 and
openjdk support, maven build/rel, testing and audit logging.
A bug fix release 3.4.6 is also expected to go out, but given the low traffic
of reviews and patches committed, it is unclear when it will happen.
Mailing list activity continues to be high, although the number of patch reviews
and commits has dropped significantly.
* 10 active committers representing 8 unique organizations; one new member
has been voted and has accepted: Michi Mutsuzaki.
* 9 active PMC members representing 7 unique organizations; two new
committers have been voted in this period and have accepted: Thawan
Kooburat and Alexander Shraer.
* 387 subscribers on dev (up from 384 last quarter).
* 816 subscribers on user (up from 784 last quarter).
=== BookKeeper Board Report - June 2013 (subproject)
Bookkeeper is a distributed, reliable, and high performance
logging service. The project also includes Hedwig which is
a highly scalable Pub/Sub service built on top of ZooKeeper
and Bookkeeper with strong durability guarantees.
Trunk has been progressing towards the 4.3.0 release which has been
planned for the 31st of July 2013. This will be a big release
including a switch to netty and protobuf for RPC, SSL & auth support
and significant improvements to on disk storage performance.
As 4.3.0 is a big change, we will also be releasing 4.2.2, a bugfix
release which also includes some small features which have been
requested by the community.
Infrastructure issues:
No issues.
Community building:
Flavio Junqueira presented bookkeeper at Hadoop Summit EU in Amsterdam
in March. This generated significant interest.
While the number of people reporting issues has dropped, the diversity
in terms of number of companies, has grown (out of 9 reporters, there
are 6 companies).
* 54 subscribers to bookkeeper-dev
* 65 subscribers to bookkeeper-user
* 612 issues opened to date, 42 opened since Mar 1, 2013
* 41 reporters of Jira issues, 9 since Mar 1, 2013
* 20 patch contributors
Attachment BC: Report from the Apache Hadoop Project [Chris Douglas]
Hadoop is a set of related tools and frameworks for creating and managing
distributed applications running on clusters of commodity computers.
This is an off-cycle report, as the last few weeks were eventful. The Hadoop
project made five releases from three active development branches, elected 7
members to the PMC, and added five committers. The project amended its
bylaws to eliminate votes on "release plans".
- hadoop-0.23.7 @ 2013-04-18
- hadoop-2.0.4 2013-04-23
- hadoop-1.2 @ 2013-05-13
- hadoop-0.23.8 @ 2013-06-05
- hadoop-2.0.5 @ 2013-06-09
(+ PMC Jonathan Eagles 2013-05-29)
(+ PMC Kihwal Lee 2013-05-29)
(+ PMC Steve Loughran 2013-05-29)
(+ PMC Luke Lu 2013-05-29)
(+ PMC Uma Maheswar Rao G 2013-05-29)
(+ PMC Hitesh Shah 2013-05-29)
(+ PMC Daryn Sharp 2013-05-29)
(+ committer Brandon Li 2013-05-21)
(+ committer Colin McCabe 2013-05-21)
(+ committer Jing Zhao 2013-05-22)
(+ committer Ivan Mitic 2013-05-23)
(+ committer Chris Narouth 2013-05-23)
auth: 79 committers, 43 PMC members
The bylaws contained an obscure clause that required release managers to
call a vote on a "release plan". Given that a majority vote of the PMC
establishes a new release, the meaning of this rarely-observed ritual is
ambiguous: there was a vote, but nothing in it was binding. After several
weeks of heated exchanges that accomplished nothing, the PMC voted to remove
the clause from the bylaws entirely. Now, any committer who wants to roll a
release notifies the dev list to explain its motivation and get preliminary
feedback, but there is no vote.
The completely avoidable confusion these threads created has mostly
Attachment BD: Report from the Apache Subversion Project [Greg Stein]
On Tuesday, June 18, Apache Subversion 1.8.0 was released. This
release was the culmination of twenty months of work, and the Apache
Marketing/PR group helped with announcing and spreading the word.
With this release, the development community will begin work on the
1.9.x series. Fixes will be backported to 1.8.x and releases will be
performed (historically, this happens about once a month). Security
fixes will be backported to the 1.7.x series, which historically
occurs once every two or three months. The 1.6.x series will be
retired and no further releases will be made.
When the Apache Subversion project arrived at the Foundation, the
community continued to perform backported releases of 1.5.x and 1.6.x
via the platform. With the 1.6.x pre-Foundation release now
deprecated, the community will only be producing Foundation releases
Moving forward, the community is looking to shrink the twenty month
release cycle to approximately nine months. As that frequency would
deprecate a release in just eighteen months, the community may adjust
its support policies to include a third historical release series.
End of minutes for the June 19, 2013 board meeting.