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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

                            June 18, 2014

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 10:30am Pacific and began at 10:37
    when a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was
    recognized by the chairman.

    Other Time Zones:

    The meeting was held via teleconference, hosted by Doug Cutting
    and Cloudera.

    IRC #asfboard on was used for backup purposes.

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Rich Bowen
        Bertrand Delacretaz
        Ross Gardler
        Jim Jagielski
        Chris Mattmann
        Brett Porter
        Sam Ruby

    Directors Absent:

        Doug Cutting
        Greg Stein

    Executive Officers Present:

        Craig L Russell

    Executive Officers Absent:



        Sean Kelly
        Shane Curcuru
        Jake Farrell
        Tom Pappas (Virtual, Inc.)
        Chip Childers
        Daniel Gruno
        Marvin Humphrey
        David Nalley
        Jamie Goodyear
        Lewis John McGibbney
        Henri Yandell
        Gavin McDonald joined at 10:49
        Joe Brockmeier joined at 10:51

3. Minutes from previous meetings

    Published minutes can be found at:

    A. The meeting of May 21, 2014

       See: board_minutes_2014_05_21.txt

       Approved by General Consent.

4. Executive Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Brett]

       The last month has been one of high activity, largely centred around
       the annual members meeting held on May 27. At the meeting we elected
       40 new members of the Foundation, and will be able to announce them as
       soon as the last acceptance comes in. It has been encouraging to see a
       number of the new Members introducing themselves, and I hope it is a
       practice that continues!

       We also elected a new Board of Directors, welcoming back Rich Bowen
       and Ross Gardler for another term. Thanks go to Shane Curcuru and Roy
       Fielding for their service in the last year.

       The meeting resulted in a number of discussions being kicked off,
       particularly in relation to the difficulty we had in achieving quorum.
       There was also a lower voter turnout than the last few years (probably
       being the first time it was under 50%). There have been several
       suggestions made including simpler proxies, following up inactive
       members, and changes to the bylaws. These are all still open to
       pursue over the coming months, and I suggest we think about having a
       half-yearly meeting again this November to elect new members and try
       some incremental improvements.

       Other discussions this month included clarification of the release
       policy, and policies regarding the canonical source repository
       requirements for projects. Those are ongoing, with no need for
       further board intervention at this point.

       Below is the report I shared with the Members at the annual meeting.


       The ASF recently marked its 15th year of incorporation, and I'm
       pleased to report that the Foundation remains strong and continues
       growing. Not only do ASF projects impact almost every area of
       computing, but the Apache License, our CLAs, and our pattern of open,
       collaborative development continue to influence and see adoption
       within the wider open source community.

       Over the last year, we've added 16 new top level projects and retired
       4, bringing the total to 146 active projects. In addition to that,
       there are now 34 podlings in the incubator. From those projects,
       we've seen a number of major releases in the last year, as well as the
       usual steady stream of improvements, and the addition of new
       committers and Project Management Committee members to our expanding

       We again have a healthy slate of new member nominations, and
       nominations for the Board of Directors, which are promising for the
       future of the Foundation.

       The board has functioned well and been well represented in the last
       year, with directors from a number of different backgrounds within the
       ASF. Despite often holding quite different opinions, they have
       consistently worked well together and made forward progress on the
       things that matter to the Foundation.

       We have continued to focus on delegating operational responsibilities
       to the President and associated officers and committees. We have seen
       the expansion of the Executive Assistant role, started a new
       relationship with The Linux Foundation to produce ApacheCon, and begun
       working with Virtual for accounting and other needs. We are now well
       poised to complete a long-awaited Audit, and to ensure the smooth
       operation of each aspect of the Foundation going forward.

       We have also seen a number of changes in executive roles this year,
       with a new President Ross Gardler, Executive Vice President Rich
       Bowen, Assistant Secretary James Carman, VP Infrastructure David
       Nalley and myself in my first term as Chairman. Our particular thanks
       go to Jim Jagielski, Sam Ruby and Doug Cutting for their prior service
       in these roles which ensured that the transition was seamless, as well
       as their long standing and ongoing contributions to the ASF. Our
       thanks also to Roy Fielding, who is standing down as a director at
       this meeting. I'd like to thank all of our executive officers and
       directors for their service over the last year, which they do as

       Finally, our thanks go to all of our sponsors, and to all of the
       committee members and committers that contribute their time to
       building great open source software, furthering the ASF's mission.

    B. President [Ross]

       Melissa has been doing a great job grabbing loose ends around
       the foundation, especially in fundraising and ApacheCon EU. I 
       encourage other VPs to request her help wherever appropriate.

       There is plenty of activity for fundraising. Plans are being
       made to meet with existing sponsors at OSCON in order to
       provide them with feedback about what the ASF has been doing
       with their money and also to understand what level of 
       engagement from the ASF they would like to see moving forwards.
       Chip Childers is driving forwards an effort to build out a
       pitch deck for potential new sponsors (with input from a
       number of other participants). 

       Upayavira has set objectives for fundraising over the coming
       year and I have identified lines in the full budget that
       can be cut should this become necessary.

       It's "business as usual" for brand management, including the
       continued increase in the number and complexity of requests,
       Including trademark registration requests. CloudStack PMC has
       requested a trademark license be granted to an undefined third
       party to assist in the marketing of the CloudStack project.
       This proposal is insufficiently detailed to be seriously
       considered at this point (it does not define who the third
       party is or what the terms of the license would be). This is
       a follow on from conversations at ApacheConNA and subsequent
       engagement with VP Marketing. Whilst neither I nor VP
       Brand Management are against this idea in principle we need
       to work more on the details. This is something that
       VP Marketing is looking into.

       VP Marketing notes in her report that she intends to focus
       exclusively on marketing in this fiscal year and is working
       with VP Fundraising to ensure her role supporting top-tier
       sponsors is filled. This is a part of the work we have been
       doing on Fundraising for the last year. We will be looking
       to Directors to help fill this role with specific directors
       who are willing to do so taking on relationship management
       with key sponsors (and potential sponsors).
       The travel assistance committee have not reported at the
       time of writing, but have provided a brief status update to
       me. Applications for Europe TAC funding are open and will
       close on 20th of July (shortly after speaker selection). Two
       new TAC members (Jan and Daniel) are helping significantly
       by providing fresh eyes on TAC materials and processes.

       We have some good news on the Infrastructure front, but also
       bad news. The infra team are somewhat stretched with hardware
       failures and security work. Nevertheless work is progressing
       on immediate areas of improvement (e.g. monitoring). A big
       thank you to some of our volunteers who have stepped in to
       relieve the pressure (especially Jake Farrell who single
       handedly closed more than 1/3rd of this months closed 
       tickets). This kind of support work is vital to the 
       effectiveness of our infra team. 

       Now for the good news. During an audit of available hardware
       five relatively new but undocumented machines were discovered. 
       Three have spare capacity. It is expected that this will reduce
       the infra budget request for this year. In addition to this I
       have asked VP Infrastructure to provide a more detailed report
       with respect to where contractors time is being spent in order
       to assist with future budget planning with respect to how we 
       provide contractor support for our volunteers as well as to 
       explore the potential for short term investments in automation 
       so as to free contractor and volunteer time for other activities.

       On the subject of budget I have identified potential cuts should
       the board be uncomfortable with the deficit proposed. However,
       given that infrastructure will be reducing their budget request
       and fundraising is gearing up to attract new sponsors I will be
       recommending the board approve the full budget (with infra
       reductions). Once I have a revised budget from VP Infra I will 
       circulate the budget, fundraising targets and potential areas
       for cuts for discussion prior to next month's board meeting.

       Additionally, please see Attachments 1 through 6.

    C. Treasurer [Chris]

       The Treasurer's Office processed the renewal payment for the HALO
       contract shortly after the last board meeting.

       The Virtual transition has been going smoothly with Assistant
       Treasurer attending the phone calls and leading the management of
       the ASF-Virtual interface.  Some highlights:

         1. Existing ASF credit cards are being examined and
            will be issued with our new bank, Citizen's Bank.  The President's
            Office is currently looking at who has credit cards with info
            from the Treasurer's Office.
         2. Virtual is taking over all invoicing and is in
            coordination with Melissa et al. to understand the schedule for
            when invoices are sent out.
         3. Virtual and Jim have selected an accountant and are
            moving forward with the retainer fee for the audit.  This will
            likely be the same accountant that will take over 990 duties.
         4. We have a new bank account at Citizen's Bank. We still
            have WFS and are in the transition period, sending over $100K
            increments totaling ~$500K to Citizen's so that Virtual can use
            the funds to begin payment. The remainder of our funds in WFS
            will be transitioned as the account is closed down over the next
            month or so.
         5. The current payables process was discussed and Virtual
            has concluded that they will adopt/follow our
            Bills/{received|approved|paid} workflow. Virtual also will take
            the lead in streamlining invoice payments, to be paid at the end
            of the month. Ad-hoc payments are possible, with a specific
            request to treasurer@.
         6. Engagement letters to begin the audit have been passed around
            and signed by Jim who is leading the audit. The letters were
            reviewed by the President/operations@, by the EA, and by the
            Treasurer's Office.
         7. Virtual is sending a Citizen's Bank token to Chris as of mid-June
            and it is on its way.
         8. Virtual plans to deliver the first expense vs budget report next
            week, and it will be shared as soon as it is ready.
         9. Virtual would like to meet with the President's Office and go
            through the budget - the meeting is being set up.
        10. Virtual is meeting with the ASF auditor on a brief phone call
            to see what help Virtual can provide.

       A request by the EA for sponsor payment status was promptly responded
       to in early June.

       Payment of the travel costs for an infrastructure meeting was dealt 
       with by the assistant treasurer.

       Directors & Officers (D&O) Liability Insurance renewal is due and
       is being handled by the President and the EA, keeping the Treasurer's
       Office in the loop.

       Income and Expenses

       Current Balances:

         Wells Fargo Business Checking:   1,207,706.07
         Wells Fargo Savings:               287,959.04
         PayPal:                             19,416.11
         Amazon:                             13,793.75
         ------------------------------   ---------
              Total                    $  1,509,458.86

       Income Summary:

         Amazon                             1,699.62
         Fundraising                      124,975.00
         Lockbox                              560.00
         PayPal                             5,622.36
         ----------------------------    ----------
              Total                    $  132,856.98

       Expense Summary:

                 Category                  Amount
         ----------------------------    ----------
             EA                             5,539.20
             Sysadmin                      48,800.00
             misc expense                     553.01
             ASF credit card - Sam Ruby     1,875.13
             ASF credit card - Jim Jagielski   11.95
             Press                         30,000.00
             ApacheCon NA 2014             14,380.63
             hardware                       1,055.25
         ----------------------------    ----------
              Total                    $  102,215.17

    D. Secretary [Craig]

       The office of secretary continues to run well. A couple of cases 
       of missed documents were related to tooling issues and the mail server
       outage but were resolved once the issues were brought up. 

       Tooling for the secretary continues to improve, making the tasks
       of secretary possible with minimum effort. Many thanks to Sam Ruby
       for continuing to make significant changes to these tools.

       A new workflow for member emeritus status was proposed and implemented.

       In May, 59 iclas, 14 member applications, and two grants were 
       received and filed.

    E. Executive Vice President [Rich]

        Now that we're one week out from the end of the CFP, talk
        proposals are starting to come in. We contacted all PMC chairs
        to encourage them to get the word out to their dev@ and users@ 
        lists to send in their proposals. It is not yet known how many
        tracks we'll have at this event - it depends on the submissions
        we receive.

        I have been working on preparations for OSCon, so that we might
        make the most of our time there to speak with existing and
        potential sponsors. 

    F. Vice Chairman [Greg]

       No report was submitted.

    Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

5. Additional Officer Reports

    A. VP of W3C Relations [Andy Seaborne / Chris]

       See Attachment 7

    B. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Jim Jagielski]

       See Attachment 8

    C. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Greg]

       No report was submitted.

    Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

6. Committee Reports

    A. Apache Abdera Project [Ant Elder / Jim]

       See Attachment A

    B. Apache Allura Project [Dave Brondsema / Brett]

       See Attachment B

    C. Apache Any23 Project [Lewis John McGibbney / Ross]

       See Attachment C

    D. Apache APR Project [Jeff Trawick / Sam]

       See Attachment D

    E. Apache Archiva Project [Maria Odea Ching / Bertrand]

       See Attachment E

    F. Apache Axis Project [Deepal Jayasinghe / Rich]

       See Attachment F

       AI Rich: Is the community really healthy? Seems Synapse is
       asking for a release.

    G. Apache Bigtop Project [Konstantin Boudnik / Jim]

       See Attachment G

    H. Apache Bloodhound Project [Gary Martin / Greg]

       See Attachment H

    I. Apache Buildr Project [Alex Boisvert / Rich]

       No report was submitted.

    J. Apache BVal Project [Matt Benson / Sam]

       See Attachment J

    K. Apache Camel Project [Christian Mueller / Ross]

       See Attachment K

    L. Apache Cayenne Project [Andrus Adamchik / Chris]

       See Attachment L

    M. Apache Chemistry Project [Florian Müller / Brett]

       See Attachment M

    N. Apache CloudStack Project [Hugo Trippaers / Bertrand]

       See Attachment N

    O. Apache Commons Project [Gary Gregory / Ross]

       See Attachment O

    P. Apache Cordova Project [Shazron Abdullah / Bertrand]

       See Attachment P

    Q. Apache Creadur Project [Robert Burrell Donkin / Brett]

       See Attachment Q

    R. Apache cTAKES Project [Pei J Chen / Jim]

       See Attachment R

    S. Apache Curator Project [Jordan Zimmerman / Rich]

       See Attachment S

    T. Apache Felix Project [Felix Meschberger / Greg]

       See Attachment T

    U. Apache Flex Project [Alex Harui / Chris]

       See Attachment U

    V. Apache Gump Project [Stefan Bodewig / Sam]

       See Attachment V

    W. Apache Helix Project [Kishore Gopalakrishna / Jim]

       No report was submitted.

    X. Apache Hive Project [Carl Steinbach / Ross]

       No report was submitted.

    Y. Apache Incubator Project [Roman Shaposhnik / Chris]

       See Attachment Y

    Z. Apache Jackrabbit Project [Michael Dürig / Rich]

       No report was submitted.

    AA. Apache Karaf Project [Jean-Baptiste Onofré / Brett]

       See Attachment AA

    AB. Apache Labs Project [Tim Williams / Greg]

       No report was submitted.

       AI Brett: pursue a report for Labs

    AC. Apache Lucene Project [Uwe Schindler / Bertrand]

       See Attachment AC

    AD. Apache Lucene.Net Project [Prescott Nasser / Sam]

       See Attachment AD

    AE. Apache MRUnit Project [Brock Noland / Rich]

       See Attachment AE

    AF. Apache OFBiz Project [Jacopo Cappellato / Jim]

       See Attachment AF

    AG. Apache Olingo Project [Stephan Klevenz / Greg]

       See Attachment AG

    AH. Apache OODT Project [Sean Kelly / Ross]

       See Attachment AH

    AI. Apache OpenNLP Project [Joern Kottmann / Sam]

       See Attachment AI

    AJ. Apache OpenWebBeans Project [Mark Struberg / Chris]

       See Attachment AJ

    AK. Apache Perl Project [Philippe M. Chiasson / Bertrand]

       No report was submitted.

    AL. Apache Phoenix Project [James R. Taylor / Brett]

       See Attachment AL

    AM. Apache Pig Project [Cheolsoo Park / Sam]

       See Attachment AM

    AN. Apache Pivot Project [Roger Whitcomb / Ross]

       See Attachment AN

    AO. Apache Portals Project [David Sean Taylor / Greg]

       See Attachment AO

    AP. Apache ServiceMix Project [Gert Vanthienen / Bertrand]

       See Attachment AP

    AQ. Apache Shiro Project [Les Hazlewood / Jim]

       See Attachment AQ

    AR. Apache Sling Project [Carsten Ziegeler / Rich]

       See Attachment AR

    AS. Apache SpamAssassin Project [Kevin A. McGrail / Chris]

       See Attachment AS

    AT. Apache Stanbol Project [Fabian Christ / Brett]

       See Attachment AT

    AU. Apache Stratos Project [Lakmal Warusawithana / Greg]

       See Attachment AU

    AV. Apache Synapse Project [Hiranya Jayathilaka / Sam]

       See Attachment AV

       AI Sam: Ask about where the work is occurring.

    AW. Apache Tajo Project [Hyunsik Choi / Chris]

       See Attachment AW

    AX. Apache Tiles Project [Greg Reddin / Bertrand]

       See Attachment AX

    AY. Apache Tomcat Project [Mladen Turk / Ross]

       See Attachment AY

    AZ. Apache UIMA Project [Marshall Schor / Jim]

       See Attachment AZ

    BA. Apache VCL Project [Andy Kurth / Brett]

       See Attachment BA

    BB. Apache Whirr Project [Andrew Bayer / Rich]

       See Attachment BB

    BC. Apache Wicket Project [Martijn Dashorst / Jim]

       See Attachment BC

    BD. Apache Wink Project [Luciano Resende / Rich]

       No report was submitted.

    BE. Apache ZooKeeper Project [Flavio Junqueira / Ross]

       See Attachment BE

    Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

7. Special Orders

    A. Change the Apache Lucene Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Uwe Schindler
       to the office of Vice President, Apache Lucene, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
       of Uwe Schindler from the office of Vice President, Apache Lucene,

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Lucene
       project has chosen by vote to recommend Mark R. Miller as the
       successor to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Uwe Schindler is relieved and
       discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
       of Vice President, Apache Lucene, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Mark R. Miller be and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Lucene, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
       until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7A, Change the Apache Lucene Project Chair, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    B. Change the Apache River Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Greg Trasuk
       to the office of Vice President, Apache River, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
       of Greg Trasuk from the office of Vice President, Apache River,

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache River
       project has chosen by vote to recommend Patricia Shanahan as the
       successor to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Greg Trasuk is relieved and
       discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
       of Vice President, Apache River, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Patricia Shanahan be and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache River, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
       until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7B, Change the Apache River Project Chair, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    C. Change the Apache Felix Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Felix Meschberger
       to the office of Vice President, Apache Felix, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
       of Felix Meschberger from the office of Vice President, Apache Felix,

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Felix
       project has chosen by vote to recommend Carsten Ziegeler as the
       successor to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Felix Meschberger is relieved and
       discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
       of Vice President, Apache Felix, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Carsten Ziegeler be and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Felix, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
       until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7C, Change the Apache Felix Project Chair, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    D. Change the Apache Avro Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Scott Carey
       to the office of Vice President, Apache Avro, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
       of Scott Carey from the office of Vice President, Apache Avro,

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Avro
       project has chosen by vote to recommend Tom White as the
       successor to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Scott Carey is relieved and
       discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
       of Vice President, Apache Avro, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Tom White be and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Avro, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
       until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7D, Change the Apache Avro Project Chair, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    E. Change the Apache jUDDI Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Kurt Stam
       to the office of Vice President, Apache jUDDI, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
       of Kurt T Stam from the office of Vice President, Apache jUDDI,

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache jUDDI
       project has chosen by vote to recommend Alex O'Ree as the successor
       to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Kurt Stam is relieved and
       discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
       of Vice President, Apache jUDDI, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Alex O'Ree be and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache jUDDI, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
       until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7E, Change the Apache jUDDI Project Chair, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    F. Change the Apache Archiva Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Maria Odea Ching
       to the office of Vice President, Apache Archiva, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
       of Maria Odea Ching from the office of Vice President, Apache Archiva,

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Archiva
       project has chosen by vote to recommend Olivier Lamy as the successor
       to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Maria Odea Ching is relieved and
       discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
       of Vice President, Apache Archiva, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Olivier Lamy be and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Archiva, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
       until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7F, Change the Apache Archiva Project Chair, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

8. Discussion Items

    Executive officer appointments:
    The current slate of executive officers continues until such time as a
    change is needed.

9. Review Outstanding Action Items

    * Roy: Update the guidance for releases to forbid shipping binary
           dependencies within a source package unless their source is also
           included (see board_minutes_2012_04_18.txt) and communicate to
          Status: suggest we fold this into the work Marvin is doing

    * Brett: Remind PMCs to check their committee records
          Status: still not done

    * Greg: ask about "pending discussion by the PMC" by JMeter

    * Shane: ask Curator if there a plan to attract new committers/PMC members?
          Status: seems to be addressed in the report

    * Doug: discuss bringing in new PMC members with OFBiz
          Status: acknowledged in report

    * Jim: discuss service hosting issue (licensing, trademark, etc.) with
           SpamAssassin PMC.
          Status: Should have been in this report. Will re-ask.

    * Ross: what can be done to improve the Attic situation?
          Status: Resolved. New VP - new blood!

    * Doug: suggest naming a new chair for Avro
          Status: resolution 7D

    * Jim: follow up Cordova with issues regarding committers, PMC
           membership, and users mailing lists
          Status: Can close

    * Jim: follow up regarding lack of new PMC members in MyFaces
          Status: Done (PMC pinged)

    * Shane: follow up Open Climate Workbench regarding expanding the user
          Status: said same last month, hold until next report?

    * Brett: pursue a report for Abdera
          Status: report present

    * Doug: pursue a report for Buildr
          Status: missed again, Rich has sent a note

    * Brett: pursue a report for Creadur
          Status: report present

    * Bertrand: Look at the DeviceMap project health

    * Shane: Get River connected with comdev to recruit new blood
          Status: new chair proposed - good time to connect with them?

10. Unfinished Business

11. New Business

12. Announcements

13. Adjournment

    Adjourned at 11:30 a.m. (Pacific)


Attachment 1: Report from the Executive Assistant  [Melissa Warnkin]

Daily monitoring of all email activity (ea@, fundraising@, trademarks@,
treasurer@, comdev@, and board@) and following-up with appropriate personnel

•	Renewals sent; followed up on invoices previously sent
•	Great month = $185k in renewals received; thank-you emails sent
•	Completed further paperwork for EMC for Pivotal’s vendor system
•	Created new tab to track activity with potential sponsors
•	Created sponsor payment schedule for Virtual
•	Will be helping to coordinate sponsor meetings at OSCON

•	Submitted application, contract, boilerplate and logo for our booth;
        furniture and electricity have been ordered
•	Giveaways have been researched, ordered, and received
•	Researched flights and hotel; hotel also secured for Upayavira

ApacheCon Europe:
•	In communications with Nick to ramp up for assisting with TAC
•	Coordinated with Angela to have travel application info put on website
        and CFP

•	In communications with Shane wrt how to effectively assist him; will be
        setting up a call to discuss and will follow-up discussions while at

•	Coordinated travel for the Infra F2F meeting
•	Coordinated with Michael Strehmann to send stickers to Jan Iversen
•	Stickers sent to Chip Childers

Attachment 2: Report from the VP of Brand Management  [Shane Curcuru]

The number and complexity of issues coming into trademarks@ and vp-brand@
continues to increase.

Several projects have requested registration of their project names; work will
start as soon as the mailing list for organizing registration information is

Beginning work with counsel to redirect the majority of work to the lists
rather than private alias.  Requesting counsel provide more regular billing as
well as report of hours for audit purposes.

Worked with counsel on several APACHE registration issues with good success.

Attachment 3: Report from the VP of Fundraising  [Upayavira]

Fundraising has been very active this month. As well as a large set of sponsors
who renewed, preparations have started for OSCON.

Upayavira will be attending OSCON with the sole purpose of meeting existing and
prospective sponsors. Mails have already been sent out to all of our sponsors
to see whether meetings can be arranged with those that will be present.

Given that, for the first time to our knowledge, the ASF needs to raise more
income than it is being offered, Upayavira has prepared a fundraising strategy 
document that details how he is proposing fundraising be approached. Put simply,
this involves identifying a clear story to tell to our existing and prospective
sponsors, and then identifying potential 'advocates' who can help is identify
prospective sponsors, and help us make the right contacts with them.

Attachment 4: Report from the VP of Marketing and Publicity  [Sally Khudairi]

I. Budget: we closed out the fiscal year on schedule and under budget. All
vendor payments were processed on time, thanks to the Treasurer and Operations
teams. The HALO Worldwide contract has been renewed and work continues without

II. Fundraising/Branding/Marketing liaison: Sally Khudairi will be focusing
exclusively on Marketing & Publicity during this fiscal year and is working
with VP Fundraising Upayavira on transitioning out of top-tier Sponsor
communications. Following long-term discussions with VP Brand Management Shane
Curcuru that were revived in April, Sally developed a template "Powered by
Apache" mark that could easily accommodate Apache project logos; this has been
forwarded to Shane for his review/approval, with the aim of launching during
OSCON if approved. Sally continues to assist Apache CloudStack with
project-specific marketing/promotional support. The long-term outreach
strategy that can be used by all TLPs in choosing a tactical plan that best
suits their specific marketing/visibility needs remains under development.

III. Press Releases: the following formal announcements were issued via the
newswire service, ASF Foundation Blog, and

 - 03 June 2014 --The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache™ Stratos™ as
   a Top-Level Project
 - 30 May 2014 --The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache™ Spark™ v1.0

IV. Informal Announcements: 7 items were tweeted on @TheASF, and 2 on
@ApacheCon to promote the CFPs for ApacheCon Europe and CloudStack
Communication Conference. The ApacheCon producers continue to upload
presentations on "TheApacheFoundation" account on YouTube, including
presentations from the CloudStack Collaboration Conference. 

V. Future Announcements: no formal announcements are planned at present. PMCs
wishing to announce major project news, as well as podlings ready to graduate
from the Incubator, are welcome to contact Sally at <> for
more information. Kindly provide at least 2-weeks' notice for proper planning
and execution. 

VI. Media Relations: we responded to 6 media requests, and pitched 29 "Apache
friendly" journalists under embargo. Sally held a face-to-face press briefing
on "hot" Apache projects @@role in the Open Source ecosystem. The ASF received
586 press clips over this time period, vs. last month's clip count of 1,200.
We have also begun to monitor and report media hits for CloudStack; the
project (searching coverage as "CloudStack", not "Apache CloudStack") has
received a total of 917 for this month vs. 1,099 last month.

VII. Analyst Relations: we responded to 1 analyst query, and pitched 6
analysts under embargo. Sally is exploring ways to have more formal project
briefings with interested analysts (limited by not having client
subscriptions), as we have done intermittently in the past. In addition, she
is reaching out for possible analyst conference/summit/event presentation
where possible. Apache was mentioned in 1 write-up by Gartner, 5 reports by
Forrester, 10 write-ups by GigaOM, 1 report by Yankee Group, 5 reports by IDC,
and 6 write-ups by 451 Research. 

VIII. ApacheCon liaison: we have promoted reminders for the CFP for ApacheCon
Europe under the usual channels.

IX. (Non-ASF) Industry Events and Outreach liaison: Melissa is working with
Sally on finalizing signage and promotional material production for the ASF
booth at OSCON. Sally is unable to attend OSCON this year: Shane and Upayavira
will be participating at the Expo in her stead. Sally is discussing with
RedMonk regarding a possible group of Apache-branded DevOps and DataOps events
in the UK, and is also creating a tearsheet for distribution at events in

X. Newswire accounts: we have 14 pre-paid press releases with NASDAQ
GlobeNewswire through the end of the calendar year, and continue to receive
gratis news release distribution by Pressat (UK) with no pre-established
termination timeframe. 

Attachment 5: Report from the VP of Infrastructure  [David Nalley]

New Karma:
* Jake Farrell (jfarrell) was added to root 
* Andrew Bayer (abayer) was added to infrastructure-interest


Discovered a past due bill from Dell based on Justin Erenkrantz getting 
collection phone calls. ~$1300

Placed order for 2 servers, totalling nearly $17,000 

With help from EA, arranged for travel for a F2F as well as 
travel for contractor training; thus far that has cost ~$9193

Operations Action Items:

None at the moment

Short Term Priorities:

* OSU Hardware failures Work continues on hardware failures at OSUOSL -
replacement hardware has been ordered and shipped, work continues on getting
it swapped in while minimizing outages. 

* Outage remediation Much work continues from the action items drawn from the

* Builds.a.o We've received a good deal of help from the Jenkins community in
finding and dealing with issues. 

Long Range Priorities:

* Monitoring Circonus has now replaced Nagios as our monitoring system with
lots of help from Jan Iversen. 
While we still have a very long way to go, the system is already proving
useful; having alerted us 
to a number of issues. 

* Automation Slow progress continues on rolling out configuration management
in efforts to make our infrastructure better documented and more easily

* Technical Debt We have begun publishing/discussing early drafts of documents
around expected service levels as well as a communications plan; which are
very early steps in beginning to prioritize work around our technical debt. 
xt and
* Resiliency Discussions around resiliency have started; but are still
General Activity:

In the month of May Infra had 194 tickets opened, and closed 158 tickets in
Jira. For the month of May, Jake Farrell closed the largest number of tickets
with 56. 

highlights include: 

* Dealt with emerging DMARC issue and blogged about it at

* Rewrote our qmail/ezmlm runbook documentation to bring it up to date.

* Raised potential UCB issues with our current organizational usage of
committers@. See INFRA-7594 for background. 

* Dealt with a crop of openssl-related security advisories.

* Dealt with two as-of-yet unpublished security vulnerabilities. 

* Published a blog entry on the mail outage postmortem:

* Confluence was patched after advance warning from Atlassian before they went
public with a security vulnerability. 

* During the course of compiling an inventory for Virtual and adding in our
cost to purchase those units, we discovered that 5 machines were not 
in our inventory[1]. Three of those machines were either unutilized or
underutilized. This will likely reduce some of our expected hardware spend as
they were relatively recent purchases.

* Enabled emails sent from committer addresses (or any addresses in
LDAP) to bypass moderation across all mailing lists.  No changes to
SPF records for the foreseeable future.

Attachment 6: Report from the Apache Travel Assistance Committee  [Gavin McDonald]

Attachment 7: Report from the VP of W3C Relations  [Andy Seaborne]

Nothing to report this month.

Attachment 8: Report from the Apache Legal Affairs Committee  [Jim Jagielski]

Most of the activity the last month has been in discussions related
to the legal and ASF-wide policy aspects related to our release
process. One interesting "topic" of the discussion is who "owns"
the release policy; for the time being, this is still being considered
a Legal Affairs discussion, at least.

Due to the relatively low-turnout, quorum-wise, of last month's members
meeting, there has also been discussion around the reason for a required
quorum, how it is (or should be) counted, and the sections of the bylaws
which could (or should) be altered to reflect any changes. At present,
there are no recommendations to be provided to the board.

Overall, there are no issues requiring board attention or concern.

Attachment 9: Report from the Apache Security Team Project  [Mark Cox]

Attachment A: Report from the Apache Abdera Project  [Ant Elder]

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom
Syndication Format and Publishing Protocol specifications.

Abdera is very quiet. The only activity recently has been around
cleaning up the dist areas at the request of infra, and setting up
svnpubsub to help with that. While the code is not being actively
developed there are still a few PMC members watching the lists so I
don't see any problems with keeping on in this quiet state for the
time being.

The last release was over one year ago, the last commiter / PMC member
addition was Nov 2011.

No board issues.

Attachment B: Report from the Apache Allura Project  [Dave Brondsema]

Apache Allura is an open source implementation of a software forge, a web site
that manages source code repositories, bug reports, discussions, wiki pages,
blogs, and more for any number of individual projects.

Project Status

Allura graduated to a TLP in March.  Development continues at a moderate pace.


* A quieter month.  A few tickets from new users.  One (incomplete) patch from a
new contributor.
* Ongoing tickets & commits from the active developers.
* No new committers or PMC members since TLP formation (Mar 2014)

Community Objectives

We would like to find and encourage new contributors to Allura.  We also want to
explore if other Apache projects would be interested in using Allura.

We need to move our tickets from SourceForge to the Allura self-hosted site.


Last release was Feb 2014.

Attachment C: Report from the Apache Any23 Project  [Lewis John McGibbney]

Anything To Triples (Any23) is a library, a web service and a command line
tool that extracts structured data in RDF format from a variety of Web

Project Releases

The last release of Any23 (1.0) was on 13-May-2014. This was a major release
for the project and marks a new direction for the community.

Overall Project Activity since last report

We are pursuing the initiative to build a Any23-based Firefox extension which 
we intend to submit to Mozilla for review once finished. It should be noted
that we have made recently made progress by engaging with several W3C
communities related to Semantic Web initiatives as well as Open Data. The
Any23 service located at (which exposes the Any23 REST
API) has been actively evaluated against the test suite residing at and the results openly discussed 
on a number of mailing lists. It turns our that based on the 
improvements made to Any23 during the 1.0 development drive 
we are running at 99.2% compliance, which is pretty awesome.

When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

How has the community developed since the last report?

We accepted and merged a Github pull request from a contributor who has not
featured on the mailing lists before. Lewis John McGibbney is exploring the
possibility of engaging individuals within NASA JPL and W3C Data on the Web
Best Practice WG in Any23. These are 
early initiatives.

Changes to PMC & Committers

Attachment D: Report from the Apache APR Project  [Jeff Trawick]

The Apache Portable Runtime (APR) project creates and maintains
software libraries that provide a predictable and consistent interface
to underlying platform-specific implementations.  The sub-projects
which are released somewhat regularly are APR and APR-util.  In addition,
the APR-iconv sub-project is commonly used but has not had a release
since 2007.

APR 1.5.1 was released on April 21, 2014.  APR-util 1.5.3 was
released on November 18, 2013.

New PMC members: none
The last new PMC member was added in November of 2013.

New committers: none
The last new committer was added in March of 2013.

Seven bugs were opened during the reporting period, with some
sort of developer followup (closure or discussion) on fifteen

Mailing list activity has been modest this quarter.  The
most active topics have been APR 1.5.1 release issues, the
new APR 1.6.x branch, and a few potential features.

A new 1.6.x branch for APR has been created with a handful
of new API features and new memory debugging capabilities.

There are no board-level issues at this time.

Attachment E: Report from the Apache Archiva Project  [Maria Odea Ching]

Apache Archiva is an extensible repository management software that helps
taking care of your own personal or enterprise-wide build artifact 
repository. It is the perfect companion for build tools such as Maven, 
Continuum, and ANT.


* Last release was on 18 April 2014 (Archiva 1.3.8)
* Archiva 2.0.1 was released on 26 March 2014

Apache Archiva 1.3.8 addressed two security issues:

 * CVE-2013-2187: Apache Archiva Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability
 * CVE-2013-2251: Apache Archiva Remote Command Execution


We have not added any committers or PMC members recently, with the last
addition for both groups on 14 Sep 2012.


On-going development is now geared towards the release of 2.1.0 with 
particular enhancements to LDAP support.


Resolution for changing the PMC Chair is being voted on and will be 
submitted to the board once the vote is complete.

Attachment F: Report from the Apache Axis Project  [Deepal Jayasinghe]

The Apache Axis project is responsible for the creation and maintenance of
software related to the Axis Web Services frameworks and subsidiary


Isuru Suriarachchi was voted as a PMC member in this quarter.

The level of participation is consistent and healthy.

Both user and developer mailing lists continue to be active with a fair amount
of traffic.

No releases for this quarter.

Last releases:
Axis2/Java: April 2012
Rampart/Java: April 2012
Sandesha2/Java: April 2012
Axis2 Transports/Java: December 2009
Axis/Java: April 2006
Axis2/C: Apr 2009
Rampart/C: May 2009
Sandesha/C: Oct 2007
Savan/C: May 2007
Axis/C++ 1.x: March 2006

There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

Attachment G: Report from the Apache Bigtop Project  [Konstantin Boudnik]

Apache Bigtop is a software related to a system for integration,
packaging, deployment and validation of a big data management
software distribution based on Apache Hadoop.

* The last release of Apache Bigtop was version 0.7.0, released on Nov 5, 2013
* Bigtop 0.8.0 is the next release scheduled for Q2 of 2014, based on Hadoop 2.3
  - release is delayed from originally planned Q1 of 2014 because of the scope
    of the changes: Hbase signularity release, causing Flume incompatibility.

* Development activity continues as can be seen from the following report:
  (since last board report, March 2014)
* Bigtop 0.8.0 is the next release the community is working on
* Accomodations are made to include HBase 0.98.2
* Spark 0.9.1 is added to the upcoming release
* Build system is migrating to the Gradle platform from make
* Two project's meetups/hackathons were put together:
  - at ApacheCon April 7-8, 2014
  - June 6,9 2014

* Jay Vyas has been added as a committer to the project
* Andrew Purtell has been added as a member to the PMC

* Currently there are:
- Total of 115 subscribers to the developer list
- Total of 137 subscribers to the user list
- Total of 24 subscribers to the announce list
- Total of 26 committers
- Total of 21 PMC members

* There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

Attachment H: Report from the Apache Bloodhound Project  [Gary Martin]

Project Description
Apache Bloodhound is a software development collaboration tool, including
issue tracking, wiki and repository browsing.

There are no issues that we believe currently require the board's attention.

There have been no releases over the last three months. The last releases

 * apache-bloodhound-0.6 (16th July 2013)
 * apache-bloodhound-0.7 (23rd August 2013)

Community & Development
No new committee members have been added this quarter. The last new
committee members to be added joined in January 2013. Unfortunately, Gavin
McDonald chose to leave the committee this month citing a lack of time for
involvment. Gavin will of course be welcomed back to the committee should
he find time again.

Bloodhound attracted a number of GSoC student applications, a number of
which were considered high enough quality to expect success. We were able
to accept three projects and, as in previous mentoring schemes, we have
voted to allow the students committer access.

Development effort has slowed of late and it is disappointing that we have
not been able to create a release in the last few months. This should be
rectified fairly shortly.

Attachment I: Report from the Apache Buildr Project  [Alex Boisvert]

Attachment J: Report from the Apache BVal Project  [Matt Benson]

The Apache BVal project implements the Java EE Bean Validation specification(s)
and related extensions, and became a top-level project of the foundation on
February 15, 2012.

### Releases ###
No new releases.

### Activity ###
BVal saw an increase in traffic to its dev@ and user@ mailing lists this
quarter. Several of these threads culminated in contributions of code and
documentation, some of which have already been adopted.

The board may recall the ongoing saga of releasing the Commons Weaver component
for use by BVal; we encountered a small setback after Commons Weaver's 1.0
release upon discovering a blocking bug in one of *its* dependencies (exposed by
the BVal trunk code). We thus engaged the third Apache community in the chain
(Geronimo) with the result that Weaver 1.1 is currently undergoing a release
vote. A la Bullwinkle, "This time for sure!" but we expect to have cleared
the path to finish BVal 1.0 and 1.1 once this is complete.

### Community  ###
No changes in community.

Last PMC member added Q4 2013
Last committer added Q3 2013

### Branding ###
Nothing to report.

### Legal ###
No concerns at present.

### Infrastructure ###
Nothing needed at the moment.

Attachment K: Report from the Apache Camel Project  [Christian Mueller]

Apache Camel is a powerful open source integration framework based on known
Enterprise Integration Patterns.
Project Status
* There are no issues that require the board attention.
* The project is healthy, active and stays at a high level.
* We got 5 new contributors who signed the ICLA.
* The community stays at a high level (297 subscribers at dev@; 760
  subscribers at users@)
* The community is active and questions being answered in short term.
 * Avg. 607 mails per month on the users mailing list in March 2014 -
   May 2014
 * Avg. 123 mails per month on the dev mailing list in March 2014 -
   May 2014
 * Avg. 290 committs per month in March 2014 - May 2014
Community Objectives
 * We are finalizing Apache Camel 2.14.0 to get it out of the door during the
   next reporting period.
Project Composition
* Dhiraj Bokde was added as committer (04/23/2014)
* Bilgin Ibryam was added as new PMC member (04/24/2014)
* Grzegorz Grzybek was added as committer (06/11/2014)
* Gregor Zurowski was added as committer (06/11/2014)
* 2.13.0 (03/18/2014)
* 2.13.1 (05/13/2014)

Attachment L: Report from the Apache Cayenne Project  [Andrus Adamchik]

Apache Cayenne is a Java persistence framework. It takes a distinct approach
to object persistence and provides an ORM runtime, remote persistence services,
and a GUI mapping/modeling tool.

Project Status

* Cayenne 3.1 Release Candidate 1 was released on Feb 18. New feature 
  development continues for Cayenne 3.2. One significant new feature 
  added last quarter is a new module for transparent data encryption.
* Git migration was completed.


* Mailing list activity is about average on developer and user lists.
* The last PMC member was added in December 2012.
* The last committer (Andrew Lindesay) was added in May 2014.

Attachment M: Report from the Apache Chemistry Project  [Florian Müller]

Apache Chemistry is an effort to provide an implementation of the CMIS
(Content Management Interoperability Services) specification in Java, Python,
PHP, .NET, and Objective-C (and possibly other languages). The project has
graduated in February 2011.

== Project status ==

Three Apache Chemistry sub-projects published a release this quarter. There is
some increased activity around the ObjectiveCMIS project with new contributors
and major code changes. The OpenCMIS and cmislib projects received smaller
improvements and new features.

There are no board-level issues at this time.

== Community ==

New contributors to ObjectiveCMIS.

== Releases ==

Last releases:

OpenCMIS 0.11.0    2014-04-14
ObjectiveCMIS 0.3  2014-04-08
DotCMIS 0.6       2014-03-17
cmislib 0.5.1      2012-12-19

Attachment N: Report from the Apache CloudStack Project  [Hugo Trippaers]

Apache CloudStack is open source software designed to deploy and manage 
large networks of virtual machines, as a highly available, highly scalable 
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing platform.



* The community is working on the CloudStack 4.4.0 release. In the original
  planning the release should have been pushed out already. The delay is
  caused by testers identifying multiple blocking issues. 
* Apache CloudStack CloudMonkey 5.1.0 was released on May 16 2014. Apache
  CloudStack CloudMonkey is a CLI tool for interacting with Apache
  CloudStack and is distributed separate from Apache CloudStack  
* The community is working with The Linux Foundation to setup
  the second European CloudStack Collaboration Conference
  (CCCEU). CCCEU will planned following ApacheCon in 
  Budapest from November 19 till 21.
* The Japanese user group is sending activity reports to the 
  mailing-list. This gives the non-Japanese part of the community an 
  insight on what they are doing and promotes cooperation worldwide 
  across language barriers.
* Our change in documentation format seems to have significantly
  improved the workflow for contributions, and we are now seeing an
  increase in the overall diversity and amount of doc contributions.
* The Apache CloudStack PMC has voted in favor of licensing
  our marks to an external organization dedicated to promoting the
  Apache CloudStack project and ecosystem. We have forwarded the request 
  for legal support in the drafting of a licensing agreement to VP Brand 
* The decision above is meant as a complement to foundation and
  project-level awareness efforts. Several members of the PMC had a call
  with Sally on Thursday, May 1st, to ensure that she had the necessary
  background to help with a marketing strategy for the project. We are
  looking forward to the next steps with Sally on this front.
* During ApacheCon, the project had engaged with the Infra team regarding
  our infrastructure needs for a build environment independent from a
  single vendor. Since that time, several members of the PMC has been
  working to pull together a specific proposal to share with Infra. At
  this point in time, we are still collating quotes and designs into a
  meaningful proposal.

Apache CloudStack 4.3.0 was released on March 25, 2014.
Apache CloudStack CloudMonkey 5.1.0 was released on May 16, 2014

Including the following additions, CloudStack has 91 (+5) committers and 
28 (+2) PMC members.

New Committers:
Demetrius Tsitrelis (demetriust)- April 1
Lucian Paul (nux) - April 7
Paul Angus (paul_a) - April 12
Yoshikazu Nojima (ynojima) - April 19
Saksham Srivastava (saksham) - May 29

New PMC Members:
Alena Prokharchyk (alena1108) - April 22
Go Chiba (gochiba) - April 22

The Apache CloudStack project remains a high volume community:

dev@ 761 729(+32) subs / msgs = Mar: 2262, Apr: 1772, May: 1734
users@ 1042(-59) subs / msgs = Mar: 668, Apr: 871, May: 597
issues@ 192(+15) subs / msgs = Mar: 894, Apr: 1312, May: 1692
commits@ 202(+8) subs / msgs = Mar: 1782, Apr: 809, May: 901
marketing@ 178(+15) subs / msgs = Mar: 31, Apr: 129, May: 109
users-cn@ 508(+40) subs / msgs = Mar: 415, Apr: 150, May: 137

Attachment O: Report from the Apache Commons Project  [Gary Gregory]

The Apache Commons project focuses on all aspects of reusable Java components.

The Apache Commons components are widely used in many projects, both within 
Apache and without.

The last report was in early March 2014.

No issues require board attention at this time.

Overall project health is good with eight releases this period. The [csv] 
component is still inching towards 1.0 releases and [imaging] is very close 
to 1.0 as well. 


• 2014-03-13: Apache Commons Compress 1.8
• 2014-03-17: Apache Commons Weaver 1.0
• 2014-03-19: Apache Commons Lang 3.3.1
• 2014-04-10: Apache Commons Lang 3.3.2
• 2014-05-14: Apache Commons Compress 1.8.1
• 2014-05-16: Apache Commons Math 3.3
• 2014-05-25: Apache Commons DBCP 2.0.1
• 2014-05-31: Apache Commons BeanUtils 1.9.2

New committers
• Romain Manni-Bucau
• Evan Ward
• 2014-06-04: Dipanjan Laha

• 2014-03-16: We voted to move Apache Commons Betwixt to dormant. No 
development has taken place for a long while; no further development is 

Attachment P: Report from the Apache Cordova Project  [Shazron Abdullah]

Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using 
HTML, CSS and JavaScript.


Current releases have been voted on according to the Apache vote policy, 
and all necessary updates needed in SVN and LDAP regarding the Project PMC
have been rectified. We are currently on track for a new set of 19 plugin
releases in the next week, and are actively working on versions 3.6.0 and
beyond for the upcoming quarter.

Since the last board report, Apache Cordova has had:

- over 2700 commits in its 51 Git repositories, and website
- over 3000 emails in its dev mailing list
- over 3900 issues/comments on issues in JIRA
- 9 new contributors filed iCLAs specifically for contributing to 
Apache Cordova

Since the last board report, Apache Cordova has had 31 different releases 
which are related to the overall version of Apache Cordova 3.5.0, noted


Cordova welcomed the following new committers and PMC members:

- Piotr Zalewa (zalun)


There are no Board-level issues at this time.


Releases at the root of the URL below are historical. New releases are in 
subdirectories by type, starting with the releases below.


The Platforms, Libs and Tools releases were released on 23rd May, 2014.
The Plugins releases were released on 23rd April, 2014.

- cordova-amazon-fireos@3.5.0 ...
- cordova-android@3.5.0 .........
- cordova-blackberry@3.5.0 ......
- cordova-firefoxos@3.5.0 .......
- cordova-ios@3.5.0 .............
- cordova-ubuntu@3.5.0 ..........
- cordova-windows@3.5.0..........
- cordova-wp8@3.5.0 .............

LIBS (2)

- cordova-app-hello-world@3.5.0 ......
- cordova-lib-cordova-lib@0.21.3 .....


- cordova-cordova@3.5.0-0.24 ........
- cordova-plugman@0.22.2 ............


- cordova-plugin-battery-status@0.2.8 .......
- cordova-plugin-camera@0.2.8 ...............
- cordova-plugin-console@0.2.8 ..............
- cordova-plugin-contacts@0.2.10 ............
- cordova-plugin-device-motion@0.2.7 ........
- cordova-plugin-device-orientation@0.3.6 ...
- cordova-plugin-device@0.2.9 ...............
- cordova-plugin-dialogs@0.2.7 ..............
- cordova-plugin-file@1.0.1 .................
- cordova-plugin-file-transfer@0.4.3 ........
- cordova-plugin-geolocation@0.3.7 ..........
- cordova-plugin-globalization@0.2.7 ........
- cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@0.4.0 .........
- cordova-plugin-media-capture@0.2.8 ........
- cordova-plugin-media@0.2.10 ...............
- cordova-plugin-network-information@0.2.8 ..
- cordova-plugin-splashscreen@0.3.0 .........
- cordova-plugin-statusbar@0.1.5 ............
- cordova-plugin-vibration@0.3.8 ............

Attachment Q: Report from the Apache Creadur Project  [Robert Burrell Donkin]

Apache Creadur creates and maintains a suite of open source software
related to the auditing and comprehension of software distributions.
Any language and build system are welcomed.

The project has missed reporting to the board for several months. The
last report was back in November 2013.

November saw some activity with several issues being resolved in Rat.
In December the work of a GSOC student was merged into a branch of our
own SVN repository. After that it's been mostly quiet on the mailing
lists, apart from questions and requests from other Apache projects.
There seems to be an increase in the use of Rat within the ASF.

If the current chair continues to remains absent, we will need some
guidance from the board on how to proceed.

The last committer was elected in August, 2012.
In September 2013 Phil Ottlinger was elected to join the PMC.
Gavin McDonald has expressed that he wants to resign from the PMC, but
this request still needs to be processed.

No releases since last report.
Apache Rat 0.10 was released in September, 2013.

Community Objectives
Release Apache Whisker 0.1
Release Apache Rat 0.11

Attachment R: Report from the Apache cTAKES Project  [Pei J Chen]

Apache cTAKES (clinical Text Analysis and Knowledge Extraction System) is
a natural language processing (NLP) tool for information extraction from 
electronic medical record clinical free-text.

There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

- ctakes-3.1.0 on 2013-08-30
- ctakes-3.1.1 on 2013-12-05
- ctakes-3.2.0 on 2014-06-21 (tenatively scheduled)

The committee is actively working on a release candidate for 3.2.0 
tenatively scheduled for end of June.
Some of the planned code changes for the upcoming release includes:
- Java 7 upgrade
- Integrated YTEX (Yale Extensions for Apache cTAKES) from sandbox 
to cTAKES 3.2.0 release.
- New faster/improved dictionary lookup module
Key features include storing annotations into an relational db, 
exporting annotation to data mining toolkits (WEKA, R, Matlab, etc.).
- New temporal component for extracting Time and Events.
- Various bug fixes and code enhancements tracked by Jira

Last Committers/PMC:
Murali Nagendranath (2013-10-21)
Vijay Garla (2013-11-16)
dev mailing list subscribers count: 122 (+19 since last report) 
user mailing list subscribers count: 105 (+14 since last report)

Attachment S: Report from the Apache Curator Project  [Jordan Zimmerman]

The Apache Curator Java libraries make using Apache ZooKeeper much
easier and more reliable.

Project Status
Since the last report, there have been several successful releases.
2.5.0 is the latest release.

The Curator community continues to grow. This is a good time to report
on how Curator has been integrated in the larger ZooKeeper community.

* Curator is a component in other open source projects including
Apache Storm, Metamarkets Druid, Apache Drill, Apache Oozie, Apache
Spark, Spring SD, and many, many more.

* There have been dozens of articles written either about or
mentioning Apache Curator.

* According to Ohloh, there have been 11 contributors to the project

In the last report, it was mentioned that Curator only has 1 active
committer. I think this was a bit misleading. Curator has had no
problems getting votes for releases. Many people contribute to the
development of Curator. The main issue is that stewardship of Curator
falls mainly on me (Jordan Zimmerman). The good news is that I've been
mentoring others and am very close to getting at least one and
possibly two more committers who will be active stewards of Curator. I
hope to have this by the next report.

Attachment T: Report from the Apache Felix Project  [Felix Meschberger]

Apache Felix is a project aimed at implementing specifications from the OSGi
Alliance as well as implementing other supporting tools and technologies
aligned with OSGi technology.

* PMC: No new PMC members have been added in this report period. The last new
       PMC member was added in Dec. 2013
* Committers: No new committers have been added in this report period. The
       last new committer was added in Dec. 2013
* Steady mailing list activity.
* There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

* Apache Felix Maven SCR Plugin 1.17.0 (May 22, 2014)
* Apache Felix SCR Ant Task 1.11.0 (May 22, 2014)
* Apache Felix SCR Bnd Plugin 1.1.0 (May 22, 2014)
* Apache Felix SCR Generator 1.10.0 (May 22, 2014)
* Apache Felix iPOJO Manipulator and Runtime 1.12.0 (May 17, 2014)
* Apache Felix FileInstall 3.4.0 (April 22, 2014)
* Apache Felix DeploymentAdmin 0.9.6 (April 1, 2014)
* Apache Felix Framework 4.4.0 and Framework Security 2.4.0 (March 25, 2014)
* Apache Felix Maven SCR Plugin 1.16.0 (March 16, 2014)
* Apache Felix SCR Ant Task 1.10.0 (March 16, 2014)
* Apache Felix SCR Bnd Plugin 1.0.0 (March 16, 2014)
* Apache Felix SCR Annotations 1.9.8 (March 16, 2014)
* Apache Felx SCR Generator 1.9.0 (March 16, 2014)
* Apache Felix iPOJO Manipulator and Runtime 1.11.2 (March 15, 2014)

Project Branding
* TM missing from all Logos

Licensing and other issues
* None

Attachment U: Report from the Apache Flex Project  [Alex Harui]

Apache Flex is an application framework for easily building Flash-based
applications for mobile devices, the browser and desktop.

-Apache Flex SDK 4.12.0 was released on 3/10/14.
-Apache Flex SDK 4.12.1 was released on 5/02/14.
-Apache Flex Installer 3.0.0 was also released on 5/02/14.
-Apache Flex FlexUnit 4.2.0 was released on 4/15/14.
-Apache FlexJS 0.0.1 was released on 4/23/14.
-Apache Flex FalconJX 0.0.1 was released on 4/23/14.

Activity in Apache Flex continues to be in two main areas: improvements
To the existing Adobe Flash Platform-dependent code base, and FlexJS,
a version of Flex that is independent from the Adobe Flash Platform.
There is another group working on Maven-related tools for the existing
code base, and significant work on the Installer, which can now run a
subset of Apache Ant in Adobe AIR without Java or Ant prerequisites.
One committer has taken on integrating the multi-threaded debugger
support into the development branch.  Another committer and a potential
Committer are working on TLF Table support.

In the past three months we've continued to see:
- Continued JIRA activity (more bugs raised than resolved however)
- More committers becoming active again.
- Fewer new folks contributing and eventually becoming committers.

Other highlights:
-Two committers gave presentations on Flex at ApacheCon 2014.
-Seven committers gave presentations on Flex at the 360|Flex conference.

Code Donation Update
-Swiz donation is still pending. The donor has not filed the paperwork.
-Adobe completed the donation of several Flex-related code bases, including
the remaining pieces of BlazeDS, the TourDeFlex sample apps, the FlexPMD
Project, the Squiggly spell checker, multi-threaded support in the
Debugger, and several popular web articles.

-Piotr Zarzycki and Mihai Chira were added as committers
-Carlos Rovira and Christopher Dutz were added to the PMC.
-Latest analytics include over 2500 hits per day on the website during the
work week (less on weekends).
-There were more than 12,000 installs of 4.12.x since its release.
-There were more than 300 installs of FlexJS.

Attachment V: Report from the Apache Gump Project  [Stefan Bodewig]

Apache Gump is a cross-project continuous integration server.  Gump's
intention isn't so much to be a CI server but rather a vehicle that
makes people look beyond their project's boundaries and helps the
projects to collaborate.

Gump is written in Python and supports several build tools and version
control systems.  The Apache installation of Gump builds ASF as well
as non-ASF projects and their dependencies.  It started in the Java
part of the foundation but also builds projects like APR, HTTPd and

== Summary ==

Gump seems to create useful results for the few projects that use it.
Ant decided to switch from svn to git which might require some real
coding work to be done.

== Releases ==

Gump has never done any releases.  One reason for this is that the ASF
installations of Gump work on the latest code base almost all of the
time following its "integrate everything continuously" philosophy.

== Activity ==

Ant migrated most of its codebases from svn to git.  When Gump
switched to use the git location we had to learn the ASF's https git
service was not compatible with git 1.7.x which still is the latest
version available as package for Ubuntu 10.04 (which powers vmgump).
A self-compiled git 2.0 on vmgump solved the problem.

While Gump caught up with the change for Ant itself, the Antlib and
Ivy builds are still using the stale svn uris.  The Ant project is
currently pondering the idea of using git submodules for the Antlibs
projects, these are not supported by Gump, yet, which may require some
changes in the git integration.

== Changes to the Roster ==

All ASF committers have write access to the metadata that configure
the ASF installations.

No new committers to the code base, no changes to the PMC.  The most
recent addition to the PMC was in December 2006 when we added Sander

Attachment W: Report from the Apache Helix Project  [Kishore Gopalakrishna]

Attachment X: Report from the Apache Hive Project  [Carl Steinbach]

Attachment Y: Report from the Apache Incubator Project  [Roman Shaposhnik]

The Apache Incubator is the entry path into the ASF for projects and
codebases wishing to become part of the Foundation's efforts.

There are currently 34 podlings under incubation. Two new podlings joined 
the Apache Incubator in May, two podlings graduated. 

* Community

  New IPMC members:

    John D. Ament

  People who left the IPMC:


* New Podlings


* Graduations


  The board has motions for the following:


* Releases

  The following releases were made since the last Incubator report:


   ODF Toolkit's release was approved using the alternative voting
   process worked out last November/December.  We believe that's the first
   official release in the history of the Foundation that passed with 
   binding votes by non-PMC members.

* IP Clearance
    Cray donated a set of libraries called Hadoop RDF Tools, and a VOTE 
    to accept the tools was called by Rob Vesse. The vote passed by lazy
    consensus after 72 hours. No objections or points of discussion were
    raised during the VOTE.

* Legal / Trademarks

    New name for Stratosphere, now Flink. 

* Infrastructure

  Apache Podlings affected by ASF mail outage from May 7th through 
  May 10th, and extended recovery period to deliver backlog.

* Miscellaneous

  S4 failed to report this month, and has been generally inactive. It
  is likely that S4 will be retired, though the PPMC has not voted yet
  to do so.

  NPanday failed to report in a previous cycle, but was accidentally
  dropped from the reporting schedule for this month. NPanday developers
  and mentors were contacted. In 72 hours nobody was available to
  report on the project. Given consistent troubles with getting project
  to report and project mentors MiA, IPMC will look into a resolution.

-------------------- Summary of podling reports --------------------

* Still getting started at the Incubator


* Not yet ready to graduate

  No release:


  Community growth:


* Ready to graduate


* Did not report, expected next month


                       Table of Contents
Flink (formerly Stratosphere)



Brooklyn is a framework for modeling, monitoring, and managing applications
through autonomic blueprints.

Brooklyn has been incubating since 2014-05-01.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Migrating fully to Apache infrastructure (mainly concerning open
     pull requests and issue tracker)
  2. Forming a diverse community and PPMC
  3. Learning and following "the Apache way"

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

  This is our first report; our community remains very similar to the
  point where we joined the Incubator.

How has the project developed since the last report?

  This is our first report; our project remains very similar to the
  point where we joined the Incubator.

Date of last release:

  No releases yet under the Incubator.

When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

  No new committers since we joined the Incubator.


Apache DeviceMap is a data repository containing device information, images
and other relevant information for all sorts of mobile devices, e.g.
smartphones and tablets. While the focus is initially on that data, APIs
will also be created to use and manage it.

DeviceMap has been incubating since 2012-01-03.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Grow community.
  2. Generate a release.
  3. Explore options to allow contributions through a Web based
     interface/API to add new device specs.
  4. Improved support for additional languages/platform (.NET, PHP,...)

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

  Tangentially, there have been presentations at conferences like JavaLand
  raised awareness. A Mobile Development MeetUp group in Germany is looking
  into the code, and where they might contribute.

How has the project developed since the last report?

  Syncing device data with OpenDDR in regular intervals when relevant
  changes occur. Update of the Java DDR Simple API and other libraries.

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PMC members elected?




Apache Drill is a distributed system for interactive analysis of large-scale
datasets that is based on Google's Dremel. Its goal is to efficiently
process nested data, scale to 10,000 servers or more and to be able to
process petabyes of data and trillions of records in seconds.

Drill has been incubating since 2012-08-11.

Three Issues to Address in Move to Graduation:

  1. Complete the 1.0 feature set (team targets next release and graduation
     in the month of July)
  2. Continue to attract new developers/contributors with a variety of
     skills and viewpoints
  3. Continue the outreach activities to build the early user community for
     the technology

Issues to Call to Attention of PMC or ASF Board:

How community has developed since last report:

  Community awareness and outreach were strengthened in multiple forums as

  * First Apache Drill Hackathon was organized on 4/24. Over 40 participants
    including members from Visa, Linkedin, Cisco, Hortonworks worked to
    harden/enhance Drill project. Several new features have been added to
    Drill product Array reference functions, enhanced Optiq support, Kafka
    storage plugin, robust testing framework etc 

  * Hive big data think tank meet up on 5/14- Talk by MC Srivas, with ~200
    member participation
  * Open Source Cloud meet up on 4/23 - Talk by Keys Botzum
  * Apache Conference session on 4/8 - Talk by Neeraja Rentachintala, with
    ~100 members participation

  Apache Drill is also showcased at the Hadoop Summit 6/3-6/5

  Mailing list discussions:
  Activity summary for the user mailing list:

    * June to date 6/10: 28
    * May 2014, 82
    * March 2013, 15

  Activity summary for the dev mailing list:

    * June to date 6/10: 87 (jira focussed discussions were removed from
      this thread recently)
    * May 2014, 1183(jira, focused discussions)
    * April 2014, 772 (jira; focused discussions)

  For details of code commits, see (about
  300 commits in the past 3 months)

  26 contributors have participated in GitHUB code activity; there have been
  142 forks.
  Community Interactions

  Weekly Drill hangout continues, conducted remotely through Google hangouts
  Tuesday mornings 10am Pacific Time to keep core developers in contact in
  realtime despite geographical separation.

  Community stays in touch through @ApacheDrill Twitter ID, and by postings
  on various blogs including Apache Drill User which
  has had several updates and through international presentations at


  Examples of articles or reports on Apache Drill since last report include:
  * Drill Hackathon summary blog post by Jacques Nadeau
  * Drill milestone roadmap blog post by Neeraja Rentachintala 
  * Drill code samples by Nitin Bandugula

  Social Networking

  @ApacheDrill Twitter entity is active and has grown substantially by 19%,
  to 887 followers.

How project has developed since last report

  Significant progress is being made on the performance and distributed

  C++ client API and ODBC driver leveraging the C++ API was built for Drill
  by a group led by George Chow in Vancouver. The initial drops for the
  driver are available

  New functionality has been added to the product namely distributed
  optimization, join order optimization, Table/view creation, repeated map
  support, HBase support, expanded SQL support, Text readers, new data types
  and functions, Session options for query tuning and lot more

  Nearly ~500 bugs files and ~400 bugs resolved

  Significant progress on running ANSI standard queries such as TPC-H

  Significant code drops have been checked in from a number of contributors
  and committers

  New docs have been published on Drill wiki (Apache Drill in 10 mins,
  Working with various data sources and Installing and Running Apache Drill
  on a cluster)

  Work toward a Beta milestone is progressing substantially.


  [x](drill) Ted Dunning
  [x](drill) Grant Ingersoll
  [ ](drill) Isabel Drost-Fromm
  [x](drill) Sebastian Schelter

Shepherd/Mentor notes:

  Konstantin Boudnik (cos):

    Project's dev@ list is very active both with the JIRA traffic and
    otherwise.  June report to the board hasn't been sent on time.


Falcon is a data processing and management solution for Hadoop designed for
data motion, coordination of data pipelines, lifecycle management, and data
discovery. Falcon enables end consumers to quickly onboard their data and
its associated processing and management tasks on Hadoop clusters.

Falcon has been incubating since 2013-03-27.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Continue to build a broader community
  2. Add more committers to the project

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

  * No

How has the community developed since the last report?

  * More users & contributors have joined the falcon project and the
    community continues to grow rapidly
  * We have had 2 Birds of Feather for Falcon at Hadoop Summit, Europe and
    USA. There were quite a few registered users

How has the project developed since the last report?

  * 0.5-incubating release candidate is available for vote
  * Project now has diverse user & contributor base
  * It appears to be time for the community to start thinking about

Date of last release:

  * 2014-02-03 (0.4-incubating)

When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

  * Two new committers have joined the project on 2014-03-07


  [X](falcon) Alan Gates
  [X](falcon) Chris Douglas
  [ ](falcon) Devaraj Das
  [ ](falcon) Owen O'Malley


Flink is an open source system for expressive, declarative, fast, and
efficient data analysis. Flink combines the scalability and programming
flexibility of distributed MapReduce-like platforms with the efficiency,
out- of-core execution, and query optimization capabilities found in
parallel databases.

Flink has been incubating since 2014-04-14.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Infrastructure setup (git, JIRA, mailing list renaming)
  2. Release
  3. Build an ASF community

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

  The community still "lives" outside the ASF since the infrastructure is
  not ready.

  Two new contributors opened pull requests since the last report.

How has the project developed since the last report?

  The community has voted for a new name, so the project is moving away from
  its old name "Stratosphere" to the new one: "Flink".

  We are still waiting for Infra to rename the mailing list, to create a
  JIRA (blocked by the mailing list) and create a Git repository (blocked by
  the SGA (which we already provided)).

  We released a new major release (0.5) outside the ASF.

Date of last release:

  2014-05-31 (no incubator release yet)

When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

  Only initial committers.


  [ ](flink) Sean Owen
  [X](flink) Ted Dunning
  [ ](flink) Owen O'Malley
  [X](flink) Henry Saputra
  [ ](flink) Ashutosh Chauhan
  [X](flink) Alan Gates

Shepherd/Mentor notes:

  Konstantin Boudnik (cos):

    Project dev@ list has healthy traffic.  Some of the mentors are active
    on the list and helping community. No visible issues.


Logging for C++

log4cxx2 has been incubating since 2013-12-09.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. We probably need to decide what's an acceptable platform/compiler list,
     sort out any remaining hiccups, and then move towards a release.
  2. We need to release 0.11.0 as maintenance release done via ASF
  3. We need to make a broader use of the ASF infrastructure
     (notably the CI, as well as improved management of the Jira
     site - notably with triaging), and establish a roadmap for
     the next releases.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

  No changes in team.

How has the project developed since the last report?

  We are actively supporting the project. Mails suggest that there's work
  going on in the background by some committers especially regarding the
  build process, but there hasn't been any notable commit in the last weeks.
  The current trunk now fixes most of the important outstanding bugs.

Date of last release:

  2008-04-03 was the official, pre-incubation 0.10.0

  Many post-0.10.0 commits exist on trunk which we intend to get out as

When were the last committers or PMC members elected?



  [X](log4cxx2) Christian Grobmeier
  [ ](log4cxx2) Scott Deboy


Kalumet a complete environment manager and deployer including J2EE
environments (application servers, applications, etc), softwares, and

Kalumet has been incubating since 2011-09-20.

No report submitted this month.

Shepherd/Mentor notes:

  Justin Mclean (jmclean):

    Podling may be in a little trouble. Failed to report this month, mailing
    list traffic and commits at a very low level. A mentor is still active
    but looks likes like the last release candidate (October 2013) wasn't
    voted on by the IPMC and a new release candidate hasn't been created.
    Last report talked about graduation so perhaps they just need some help
    in getting past the final hurdle?


MRQL is a query processing and optimization system for large-scale,
distributed data analysis, built on top of Apache Hadoop, Hama, and Spark.

MRQL has been incubating since 2013-03-13.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. increase adoption, expand user community, and increase user list
  2. have at least one more incubator release

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

  A new PMC member was elected, Moon Soo Lee. The company DataSayer and the
  project Zeppelin ( are now using MRQL.

How has the project developed since the last report?

  We have switched to Junit for query testing, instead of evaluating queries
  from files using plain Java code. New tests were introduced and some bugs
  were corrected based on these tests.

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PMC members elected?



  [X](mrql) Alan Cabrera
  [ ](mrql) Anthony Elder
  [ ](mrql) Alex Karasulu
  [ ](mrql) Mohammad Nour El-Din


Parquet is a columnar storage format for Hadoop.

Parquet has been incubating since 2014-05-20 .

Three most important issues

  - Finish bootstrapping project, IP clearance, initial website
  - Expanding the community and adding new committers
  - 1st release

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

  - None at this time

How has the community developed since the last report?

  - All initial committers have submitted ICLAs and the accounts have been
    created. The mailing lists have been setup and we are starting to use
    them for communication.

How has the project developed since the last report?

  - We have setup the incubator status page and are waiting on the final
    SGA to be sent in to start the code import (INFRA-7782)

Date of last release

  - No releases as of yet. Working through initial IP clearance.

When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

  - N/A, still bootstrapping the project.


  [ ](parquet) Todd Lipcon
  [X](parquet) Jake Farrell
  [ ](parquet) Chris Mattmann
  [X](parquet) Roman Shaposhnik
  [X](parquet) Tom White


S4 (Simple Scalable Streaming System) is a general-purpose, distributed,
scalable, partially fault-tolerant, pluggable platform that allows programmers
to easily develop applications for processing continuous, unbounded streams of

S4 has been incubating since 2011-09-26.

No report submitted this month. There have been discussions about retiring the
podling from the Apache Incubator.


Sentry is a highly modular system for providing fine grained role based
authorization to both data and metadata stored on an Apache Hadoop cluster.

Sentry has been incubating since 2013-08-08.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Grow the Sentry community
  2. Add new committers that diversify the project
  3. Continue to release at regular intervals

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware


How has the community developed since the last report?

  The community is growing. A number of new members have started actively
  contributing to the project.

How has the project developed since the last report?

  The project did its 2nd release from incubation. Thanks to lot of hard
  work from the release manage Karthik Ramchandran and other community
  members, version 1.3 was released earlier this month. The db backed policy
  store feature branch is merged into master. The community is working
  towards improving that functionality and stabilization.

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

  Vamsee Yarlagadda has been added as a committer as announced on Feb 28,
  2014. No new PPMC members have been added since the project has entered
  the incubator.


  [X](sentry) Arvind Prabhakar
  [X](sentry) Joe Brockmeier
  [X](sentry) David Nalley
  [ ](sentry) Olivier Lamy
  [X](sentry) Patrick Hunt
  [X](sentry) Thomas White


Slider is a collection of tools and technologies to package, deploy, and
manage long running applications on Apache Hadoop YARN clusters.

Slider has been incubating since 2014-04-29.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Podling name search
  2. Growing user community
  3. Growing and increasing diversity of developer community

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

  We're only getting started, and do not have any diversity yet. Our first
  goal will be to get users, bug reporters and developers. The dev list is
  up and running -and we do not have any separate user list, so we hope to
  pull users into coding.

  The initial release will help to gain awareness, and should bring in

How has the project developed since the last report?

  Our main activity has been setting up the incubator-hosted project, JIRA,
  site, mailing list. etc. The Infra team have been very helpful here.

  - Making and publishing our site has educated us on site publishing
  - The initial release has taught us of the release process for incubating
    projects, and where we need to improve it.

  We're still trying to get Jenkins building, but that's a matter of
  handling protobuf-versions on the build machines, rather than infra

  We have made our first ASF-hosted release on June 2. This was a source
  only release; some of the reviewers have made suggestions which will need
  to be incorporated into the next. We plan to do another release in a few
  weeks time, and so evolve the project rapidly.

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

We have only just set up and so the committer and PMC membership is
as covered in the incubator proposal.


  [ ](slider) Arun C Murthy
  [ ](slider) Devaraj Das
  [ ](slider) Jean-Baptiste Onofré
  [X](slider) Mahadev Konar


Storm is a distributed, fault-tolerant, and high-performance realtime
computation system that provides strong guarantees on the processing of

Storm has been incubating since 2013-09-18.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Community growth
  2. Next release
  3. Documentation improvements

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

 We have added on additional committer and community activity in the mailing
 lists continues to grow.

How has the project developed since the last report?

 We have held a logo contest and completed the first of two rounds of
 voting.  Final logo selection will take place shortly. We have also
 established a feature branch for incorporating all the security work done
 by the engineering team at Yahoo!. Having the option for secure Storm
 deployments will play a big role in increasing enterprise adoption.

 We plan on initiating our next release next week in addition to completing
 the logo contest. Once these two tasks are complete we would like to
 consider beginning the graduation process.

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

  2014-03-26 (Michael G. Noll)


  [x](storm) Ted Dunning
  [X](storm) Arvind Prabhakar
  [ ](storm) Devaraj Das
  [ ](storm) Matt Franklin
  [ ](storm) Benjamin Hindman

Shepherd/Mentor notes:

  John Ament (johndament):

    Storm is showing a lot of progress and growth.  They have a lot of
    activity on JIRA and mailing lists, and are generally in good shape.


Apache Streams is a lightweight server for ActivityStreams.

Streams has been incubating since 2012-11-20.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Growing the community
  2. Consolidate codebase and produce a release
  3. Continue to implement the Apache way and community decision making

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

  There are contributions from new individuals and an increase in new faces
  on the dev list.

How has the project developed since the last report?

  There has been a significant increase in development and communication on
  the dev list; but, the community still needs to grow in size and adoption
  of the Apache Way.

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

  2014-01-14 (Carol Hansen)


  [ ](streams) Matt Franklin
  [x](streams) Ate Douma
  [ ](streams) Craig McClanahan


A wave is a hosted, live, concurrent data structure for rich communication.
It can be used like email, chat, or a document.

Wave has been incubating since 2010-12-04.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Make a release
  2. Expand the community
  3. Decide on a future path (whether we are continuing?)

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

  There has been no major development. A new user reported a regression on
  master compared to the last release candidate, but overall the project has
  been very quiet this last quarter.

How has the project developed since the last report?

  Some maintenance work has been committed from new developers, this
  replaced Socket.IO with Atmosphere. A few other minor fixes for different
  aspects (gadgets, build system) have been committed.

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

  30th June 2013.


  [X](wave) Christian Grobmeier
  [ ](wave) Upayavira

Attachment Z: Report from the Apache Jackrabbit Project  [Michael Dürig]

Attachment AA: Report from the Apache Karaf Project  [Jean-Baptiste Onofré]

Apache Karaf provides higher level features and services specifically designed
for creating OSGi-based servers.


The talk "Apache Karaf in real life" has been provided by a committer during
the latest ApacheCon NA 2014. Talks have been submitted by different
committers for the next ApacheCon Europe 2014.

We can note a couple of books available (or in preparation) about Karaf and
its sub-projects (Cellar, Cave, EIK). There have been three articles in the
german JavaMagazin about Karaf 3.0 in April, May and June. 

We started to work on the next Karaf 4.0.0 branch including a lot of new
features and improvements.

Last committers addition: October 21, 2013
Last PMC addition: September 05, 2012


The following new releases have been voted:
- Apache Karaf 3.0.1 (maintenance release) (April 13, 2014)
- Apache Karaf 2.3.5 (maintenance release) (April 13, 2014) 

We plan to release a Karaf 3.0.2 version (especially for Java8 support) and
Cellar 3.0.0 version (for full support of Karaf 3.0.x branch) in the coming

Issues for board consideration

None so far.

Attachment AB: Report from the Apache Labs Project  [Tim Williams]

Attachment AC: Report from the Apache Lucene Project  [Uwe Schindler]

The Apache Lucene project develops open-source search software.


We added one new PMC member in the last quarter: Alan Woodward.

We added one new committer in the last quarter: Timothy Potter.

Lucene Core and Solr

Lucene Core is a search-engine toolkit.

Solr is a search server built on top of Lucene Core.

In the last quarter we made four releases of both Lucene Core and Solr:

 - 4.7.1 on 2 April 2014
 - 4.7.2 on 15 April 2014
 - 4.8.0 on 28 April 2014
 - 4.8.1 on 20 May 2014

The corresponding Apache Solr Reference Guide was released
as PDF version, generated from the Confluence Wiki:

 - 4.8 on 2 May 2014

The community is very active.

Security: There was one security incident reported to the Lucene
PMC through on 15 April 2014 against Apache Solr.
This incident was resolved because it was not possible to reproduce
with the release it was reported against (Solr 4.7.0). The reporter
was testing against Solr 4.4.0 and the issue was already fixed in
Solr 4.5.0.

Open Relevance Project

The Open Relevance Project was a project aimed at providing Lucene and others
tools for judging the quality of search and machine learning approaches.

There were no releases since the project start in 2009, the user mailing list
had the last message in Oct 2012, and the last developer mailing list post
was in Jul 2013.

The Apache Lucene PMC decided in a vote that the sub-project will be

The mailing lists will be closed, and the website will get a notice about the
archiving of the project. The other sub-project-specific infrastructure will
be integrated (where applicable, like CWIKI) into the TLP's resources.


PyLucene is a Python integration of Lucene Java.  Development is almost
entirely an automated port, so this project will never require a lot of
developers.  The user community is active.

In the last quarter we made two releases of PyLucene:

 - 4.7.2-1 on 28 April 2014
 - 4.8.0-1 on 3 May 2014

Attachment AD: Report from the Apache Lucene.Net Project  [Prescott Nasser]

Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C#
and targeted at .NET runtime users.
== Summary ==
Activity has picked up for the port of 4.3.0, the team is finishing up testing
and some contrib packages for additional functionality. It looks like we
should be approaching a release soon (closer than last report which had
similar language)
== Releases ==
Working toward 4.3.0
== Statistics ==
Nuget package downloads: Lucene.Net 3.0.3: 69765
Lucene.Net Contrib 3.0.3: 20767
Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial: 2639
Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS: 732
== Additional Information ==
The overall health of the community is difficult to quantify - 
* We have some new names popping up in our developers mailing list, helping us
with bug fixes and tweaks, as well as questions regarding our progress
* A few of our committers are very active working to finalize the v4 port of
* There have been ~50 new questions tagged as Lucene.Net since March
Areas needing improvement - 
* As a group we need to update our documentation / wiki to allow others to
easily jump in and contribute - it's difficult to understand the current
progress and see what needs to be done as an outsider
* A better, more up to date roadmap and better communication with the

Our last PMC Member and Committer was added late 2013

Attachment AE: Report from the Apache MRUnit Project  [Brock Noland]

I apologize for not having the report ready in time. I will build a report for
next months meeting.

Attachment AF: Report from the Apache OFBiz Project  [Jacopo Cappellato]

Apache OFBiz (The Apache Open For Business Project) is an open source
enterprise automation software project. By enterprise automation we mean:
ERP, CRM, E-Business / E-Commerce, MRP, SCM, CMMS/EAM, and so on.

We have no issues that require Board assistance at this time.

* the stabilization of the latest release branch 13.07 is complete now;
the first release out of it (13.07.01), initially planned in February has
been delayed in order to give to the community enough time to enhance some
parts of the system (multi tenant support and other areas); now we are ready
to start a new vote that will happen after the completion of the
release processes (currently in progress) for the new bug fixes for 12.04
and 11.04 (see next items)
* the vote for the release of “Apache OFBiz 12.04.03” is in progress: this is
a scheduled bug fix release of the 12.04 branch and will be bundled with the
latest version of Tomcat (with fixes for the vulnerabilities announced by the
Tomcat community)
* we are also working to the release of “Apache OFBiz 11.04.05” in order to
bundle a fixed version of Tomcat; this release was initially scheduled
in July 2014 and it will be the latest release from the 11.04 branch

*Community and Project*
* no new committers or PMC members have been added in this quarter; the
last committer was Paul Foxworthy (paulfoxworthy), invited in
November 2012; the last PMC member was Erwan de Ferrieres (erwan),
invited in December 2009
* the PMC is aware of the importance of working with the community in order to
encourage new contributors and promote them to committers and PMC members;
however we still need some time to discuss and find together the best way to
implement the actions to make the PMC and committers group more dynamic; from
now on I will include a paragraph to the report with updates about this.
* mailing list traffic and commits are lower than in the past years but they
are still relevant

We have no issues that require Board assistance.

Attachment AG: Report from the Apache Olingo Project  [Stephan Klevenz]

* Briefly describe what your primary software product actually does.

Apache Olingo is an effort to provide an implementation of the OASIS
OData (Open Data) specification in Java, and Javascript (and possibly
other languages). The project has graduated in April 2014.

* When did the project last make any releases?

The latest release is version 1.2.0 and was built on 2014-03-24.

* Describe the overall activity in the project over the past quarter.

Olingo community is working on support for OASIS OData 4.0 standard
and is doing the maintenance for OData 2.0 which is already released.
The project has a healthy community and is getting more stakeholders.
Mailing list and Jira do show constant traffic.

* When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

The PMC is still initial after graduation in April 2014:
Last PMC member:  2014-03-19
Last committer:   2014-02-10

Attachment AH: Report from the Apache OODT Project  [Sean Kelly]


Apache OODT is a software framework as well as an architectural style for the
rapid construction of scientific data systems.  It provides components for
data capture, curation, metadata extraction, workflow management, resource
management, and data processing.


• OODT-0.6 on 2013-07-17
• OODT-0.5 on 2012-12-25

We project the release of OODT-0.7 this month (2014-06).  We resolved 8
issues in JIRA [1] since our last report.

Our development mailing lists remain popular, while the user list shows less
activity.  The table below lists the number of postings by list, by month,
in 2014:

List Apr May Jun
---- --- --- ---
dev  190 113   7
user  10  11   0


Latest committers and PMC members:

• Chris Schollar (chris) 2014-05-18 (committer and PMC)


Lindsay Magnus of the South African Astroinformatics Alliance reported [2] that
Apache OODT is an integral part of the data infrastructure for the Square
Kilometre Array [3], the world's largest radio telescope.  We are pleased that
OODT plays such a role in this massive scientific endeavor.


There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.


Attachment AI: Report from the Apache OpenNLP Project  [Joern Kottmann]

The Apache OpenNLP library is a machine learning based toolkit for the
processing of natural language text. It supports the most common NLP tasks,
such as tokenization, sentence segmentation, part-of-speech tagging, named
entity extraction, chunking, parsing, and coreference resolution. These tasks
are usually required to build more advanced text processing services.

The development team remains active. In the last three months many
contributions from new committers where integrated into OpenNLP. The work for
the next release paused and will hopefully continue soon.

The community remained stable during the last three months, a few patches were
contributed and three new committers were voted in.

There are no new PMC members.

Vinh Khuc (May), Tommaso Teofili (April) and Rodrigo Agerri (March) have
become committers since the last report.

The last release OpenNLP 1.5.3 was released on 15.4.2013.

There are no board-level issues at this time.

Attachment AJ: Report from the Apache OpenWebBeans Project  [Mark Struberg]

 Apache OpenWebBeans 1.x is an ALv2-licensed implementation of the 
 "Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE platform" 
 specification which is defined as JSR-299 (CDI-1.0).
 OpenWebBeans 2.x will also implement the CDI-1.1 and CDI-1.2 (MR) 

Board Issues
 There are no issues requiring board attention this time.

 Development continues in trunk to implement CDI 1.2 as 
 We are also actively maintaining OpenWebBeans-1.2.x still.

New Releases
 * OpenWebBeans 1.2.3 on 2014-04-28
 * OpenWebBeans 1.2.4 on 2014-05-08
 * OpenWebBeans 1.2.5 on 2014-05-28

 Most discussions are around CDI-1.2 TCK  questions and user requests.

 Community activity is fine. We are working towards CDI-1.2 
 and already pass more than 700 TCK tests.
 We have a new Contributor (Daniel Cunha) who is currently 
 looking through our samples and reviewing them.

 Last Committer: Karl Kilden on Oct 29th, 2013
 Last PMC addition: Thomas Andraschko and Jean-Louis Monteiro on 2014-05-28

Attachment AK: Report from the Apache Perl Project  [Philippe M. Chiasson]

Attachment AL: Report from the Apache Phoenix Project  [James R. Taylor]

Phoenix is a SQL query engine for accessing NoSQL datastores such as Apache
HBase. It is accessed as a JDBC driver and enables querying and managing NoSQL
tables using SQL.

* When did the project last make any releases?

The latest release was version 4.0.0-incubating on 2014-04-04

* Describe the overall activity in the project over the past quarter.

Conversion to TLP complete (kudos to INFRA on the quick turnaround). Both dev
and user lists are busy. James Taylor gave a talk on Phoenix at Hadoop Summit.
Expect next release by end of July to include:
- Support for derived/nested queries to increase breadth of SQL support.
- Alternate, complementary secondary indexing strategy called local indexes.
- Misc built-in functions contributed from various non committers. Work has
started on reworking the type system so that it can be used when data is
stored in HBase for projects such as HBase, Hive, Drill, Kite, and Impala.

* When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

The last PMC member was elected on 2014-04-08. No new committers have been
elected, but a vote on two new ones is expected to start shortly.

* Any issues for the Board?


Attachment AM: Report from the Apache Pig Project  [Cheolsoo Park]


Pig is a platform for analyzing large data sets that consists of a high-level
language for expressing data analysis programs, coupled with infrastructure for
evaluating these programs. The salient property of Pig programs is that their
structure is amenable to substantial parallelization, which in turns enables
them to handle very large data sets.


- 0.12.1: maintenance release that contains several bug fixes (April 14, 2014)


- 417 subscribers to the dev mailing list (413 in the last report)
- 1153 subscribers to the user mailing list (1142 in the last report)
- We have no new PMC members or committers this quarter
- The PMC has now 15 members and the project counts 8 additional committers
- Pig participated in GSoC 2014 program, we accepted 2 proposals from students

Status of branding checklist

- Project Naming and Description: DONE
- Website Navigation Links: DONE
- Trademark Attributions: DONE
- Logos and Graphics: NOT STARTED
- Project Metadata: NOT STARTED

Attachment AN: Report from the Apache Pivot Project  [Roger Whitcomb]

Apache Pivot is a platform for building installable Internet
applications (IIAs). It combines the enhanced productivity and
usability features of a modern user interface toolkit with the
robustness of the Java platform.

Project activity is a little slower than it has been, but still going on.
We got the next maintenance release (2.0.4) finished this quarter.

There is renewed interest from at least one other long-time user who would
like to help with development.

We have been tracking JDK updates, and have built successfully with Java 8
(with one problem re: web deployments).

There were 12 new issues created this quarter, and 12 resolved.

Board Issues:
None that I know of.

Last release was 2.0.4, published 19-May-2014.

Branding/Naming issues:

Legal issues:

Infrastructure Issues/Needs:
Still waiting on a definitive answer about Apache Extras.

Last Committer Piotr Kolaczkowski (pkolaczk) was created 09 May 2012.

Attachment AO: Report from the Apache Portals Project  [David Sean Taylor]

Apache Portals is a project for building freely available and interoperable
portal software. With the Pluto project, we provide a reference implementation
for the Java portlet standard. The Jetspeed project is a full feature
enterprise open source portal. The Portals Applications project is dedicated
to providing robust, full-featured, commercial-quality, and freely available
portlet applications.


Still working towards Jetspeed 2.3.0 release. Missed projected date, getting
near end, around 10 open issues.

March 6, 2013 - Portals Apps Web Content 1.3
October 10, 2011 - Portals Jetspeed 2.2.2 
26 September 2011 - Portals Pluto 2.0.3



Security updates:


Community update:

The main activity this quarter has been the finalizing designing the Java
Portlet Specification 3.0 reference implementation. 
New activities are starting up at Pluto, including implementation of the
Portlet 3.0 RI, Portlet 3.0 Portlet Hub, and Portlet 3.0 TCK all fully under
Apache license. 

Also, we have moved the Pluto repository to Git.

Attachment AP: Report from the Apache ServiceMix Project  [Gert Vanthienen]

Apache ServiceMix is a flexible, open-source integration container that
unifies the features and functionality of Apache ActiveMQ, Camel, CXF and
Karaf to provide a complete, enterprise-ready ESB powered by OSGi.

Project Status

The project focus of Apache ServiceMix is the assembly of the integration
container, the actual functionality is being maintained in related projects
like Apache Karaf, Apache CXF and Apache Camel.

After the discussion about the future of ServiceMix a few months ago, we
managed to get two new releases out. As a result, activity on the mailing
lists and in JIRA has increased a bit again over the past few months.

There are no outstanding issues requiring board attention.


Since our last board report, we voted in 1 new committer, Krzysztof Sobkowiak.
Last additions to the PMC were made in January 2014.

Community Objectives

After the initial few 5.0.x releases, the goal is to keep a steady release
schedule.  We're also working towards a 5.1.0 and 6.0.0 release to provide
our users with major version upgrades of Karaf, Camel, CXF, ...

At the same time, there's some work being done in order to update the website
and docs.


- Apache ServiceMix 5.0.0 in March
- A set of 68 OSGi bundle in April
- Apache ServiceMix 5.0.1 in May
- A set of 171 OSGi bundle in June

Attachment AQ: Report from the Apache Shiro Project  [Les Hazlewood]

Apache Shiro is a powerful and flexible open-source application security
framework that cleanly handles authentication, authorization, enterprise
session management and cryptography.

We have no issues that require Board assistance at this time.


- No new releases since our previous 1.2.3 bugfix release last quarter on
  25 February 2014.  A 1.3 release still appears to be on the
  the horizon as an interim before 2.0.

Community & Project:

- Mailing list traffic remains steady compared to last quarter.

- The Shiro plugin for Apache ActiveMQ has been accepted by the ActiveMQ
  project and has been released in their v. 5.10 distribution! This allows
  all aspects of ActiveMQ to be secured by Shiro - a nice addition!

- Efforts towards a 2.0 distribution remain active on a separate dev branch.
  Changes made this past week make it ready for full dev team review and
  discussion.  An actual 2.0 release date has not been planned yet.

Last PMC Member voted in: Brian Demers on 20 May 2013
Last committer voted in: Jared Bunting on 29 Jul 2012

Attachment AR: Report from the Apache Sling Project  [Carsten Ziegeler]

Apache Sling is an OSGI-based scriptable web framework that uses a Java 
Content Repository, such as Apache Jackrabbit, to store and manage content.

There are no issues which require board attention at the moment.


Good activity level overall, contributions from different people continue.

No new committers in this quarter.

6 new PMC member additions:
Oliver Lietz, Dan Klco, Robert Munteanu, Stefan Egli, Chetan Mehrotra, 
and Antonio Sanso

Vidar Ramdal went emeritus as a PMC member (his wish)


- Apache Sling Service User Mapper (June 2nd, 2014)
- Apache Sling JCR ContentLoader 2.1.8 (May 23th, 2014)
- Apache Sling Commons Compiler 2.2.0, 
  and Apache Sling Scripting JSP 2.1.0 (May 20th, 2014)
- Apache Sling Archetype Parent 1 (May 14th, 2014)
- Apache Sling Models Impl 1.0.4 (May 7th, 2014)
- Apache Sling Discovery Impl 1.0.8, 
  Apache Sling Resource Inventory 1.0.2, 
  and Apache Sling Eventing 3.3.10 (April 30th, 2014)
- Apache Sling Commons ClassLoader 1.3.2 (April 17th, 2014)
- Apache Sling Resource Resolver 1.1.0, 
  Apache Sling Featureflags 1.0.0, 
  Apache Sling Resource-Based Discovery Impl 1.0.6 (April 4th, 2014)
- Apache Sling Servlets Resolver 2.3.2, 
  Apache Sling Servlets Get 2.1.8, 
  Apache Sling Installer Configuration Factory 1.0.12, 
  and Apache Sling Parent POM 19 (March 31st, 2014)
- Apache Sling API 2.7.0, 
  Apache Sling JCR Resource 2.3.6, 
  Apache Sling JMX Resource Provider 1.0.2, 
  and Apache Sling Resource Merger 1.1.2 (March 24th 2014)
- Apache Sling Model Implementation 1.0.2 (March 18th 2014)
- Apache Sling JCR Resource 2.3.4 (March 17th, 2014)
- Apache Sling Engine 2.3.2 (March 16th, 2014)
- Apache Sling i18n 2.2.8,
  Apache Sling JCR Resource 2.3.2, 
  Apache Sling Discovery Impl 1.0.4, 
  Apache Sling JCR Webdav 2.2.2, 
  Apache Sling Resource Collection 1.0.0, 
  Apache Sling Resource Inventory 1.0.0, 
  Apache Sling JMX Provider 1.0.0, 
  and Apache Sling Resource Merger 1.1.0 (March 8th, 2014)

Documentation and infrastructure

    Website has moved to Apache CMS
    Dist folder has moved to svn

Project Branding is tracked in SLING-2696.

Attachment AS: Report from the Apache SpamAssassin Project  [Kevin A. McGrail]

SpamAssassin is a mail filter to identify spam. It is an intelligent email
filter which uses a diverse range of tests to identify unsolicited bulk email,
more commonly known as Spam. These tests are applied to email headers and
content to classify email using advanced statistical methods. In addition,
SpamAssassin has a modular architecture that allows other technologies to be
quickly wielded against spam and is designed for easy integration into
virtually any email system.

3.4.0 was released on 2014-02-11.

Our rules releases have been down since mid-April when our ASF Zones box 
was lost in a catastrophic failure.  Thanks to Infra for setting up a new VM.  

We published one test set of rules on 2014-06-14 and are moving towards full
restoration of rules production shortly.

The release of 3.4.1 is pending as it took a backseat to the zones failure.

No other releases for this quarter.

Community & Development
The most recent addition to our PMC is Adam Katz added on 2013-01-30.

The most recent addition to the committers is Joe Quinn added on 2014-02-27.

We still have 3 contributors invited to submit a CLA on the project and begin
moving towards committer karma.

Our RuleQA dev list has been active and community support is good.

The project users' list is active; questions get asked and answered.

The project dev list has been active with both committers and community
members contributing.

We still need to get our Jenkins build slave working under FreeBSD
instead of Solaris1 (Bug 6887).

Project Branding Requirements
    IN PROCESS - Logos and Graphics : include TM, use consistent product logo
on your site - NOTE: Pending TM being added to one version of the logo to make
the announcement for the new logo.

The PMC had no input regarding the branding request to trademark SpamAssassin 
as this was trademarked and abandoned previously.

No other issues requiring board attention.

Attachment AT: Report from the Apache Stanbol Project  [Fabian Christ]

Apache Stanbol provides a set of reusable components for semantic content

There are no issues which require board attention at the moment.

The project is performing well and the development is going on for the
maintain 0.12 release branch and the trunk towards version 1.0. Recently,
a partial security release was published.

The Stanbol project is participating in this year's Google Summer of Code
(GSoC) program. There we have four active projects:

  1. Enhancement Workflows. Enterprise Integration Patterns in
     Apache Stanbol
     Student: Antonio David Perez Morales
     Mentors: Florent André, Rafa Haro
  2. Integrate YAGO2 and AIDA NED with Apache Stanbol
     Student: Chalitha Perera
     Mentor: Rafa Haro
  3. STANBOL-1294 Topic Classification Framework Proposol for
     Student: Furkan KAMACI
     Mentors: Rupert Westenthaler, Andreas Kuckartz
  4. Speech to Text Enhancement Engine for Apache Stanbol
     Student: Suman Saurabh
     Mentor: Andreas Kuckartz

Subscribers on the dev list: 218

No new committers or PMC members were elected.

Last new committer was
  Antonio David Perez Morales on Jan 14th, 2014

Last stack release was:
  Apache Stanbol 0.12 on Mar 2nd, 2014

Last component release was:
  Apache Stanbol Partial Security Release RC2 on June 5th, 2014 

Attachment AU: Report from the Apache Stratos Project  [Lakmal Warusawithana]

Apache Stratos is a highly-extensible Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) framework
that helps run Apache Tomcat, PHP, and MySQL applications and can be extended
to support many more environments on all major cloud infrastructures.

Releases within this quarter:

* No releases after graduation
  (Last release Apache Stratos 3.0.0-incubating - 2013-11-09)

Community and development:

* One new committer/PMC member added after graduation
* Launched new Apache Stratos website
* Completed post graduated task
* Apache Stratos Press Release done
* Preparing (initiated vote for RC4) Apache Stratos 4.0.0 release
* Discussed Apache Stratos 4.1.0 features
* Improved wiki docs
* Excluding merges, 10 authors have pushed 36 commits to master and 52 commits
to all branches. On master, 76 files have changed and there have been 6,932
additions and 139 deletions for last month. (May 9th to June 9th)

New Committer/PMC member addition
* Martin Eppel

Project Branding Checklist

* Project Naming And Descriptions: OK
* Website Navigation Links: OK
  (License, Sponsorship, Thanks, Security, Linking ASF home page are OK )
* Trademark Attributions: OK
* Logos and Graphics: OK 
* Project Metadata: OK
  (DOAP file created and committed)

Attachment AV: Report from the Apache Synapse Project  [Hiranya Jayathilaka]

Apache Synapse is a high performance, flexible, lightweight
Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and a mediation framework.


No new committers or PMC members were nominated this quarter. Latest
Synapse committer was elected on December, 2013. Latest Synapse PMC
member was elected on December, 2013. 


There have been no new releases during this period.
The last release of Synapse is version 2.1, which was released on 
January, 2012.

Work is currently underway for a 3.0 release. We are currently waiting
on some releases from several other upstream projects that Synapse
depends on (most notably Apache Axis2).

Board issues

None identified.

Attachment AW: Report from the Apache Tajo Project  [Hyunsik Choi]

Apache Tajo is a robust big data relational and distributed data warehouse
system for Apache Hadoop. Tajo is designed for low-latency and scalable ad-hoc
queries, online aggregation, and ETL (extract-transform-load process) on
large-data sets stored on HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) and other data
sources. By supporting SQL standards and leveraging advanced database
techniques, Tajo allows direct control of distributed execution and data
flow across a variety of query evaluation strategies and optimization

There are no outstanding issues requiring board attention.

Hyunsik Choi, PMC chair, had talks at Hadoop Summit North America 2014 on June
3rd and Big Data Camp 2014 LA on June 14 respectively.

Mailng list:

  * 92 subscribers
  * 30 subscribers

We released 0.8.0 in May 1, 2014. 0.8.0 is the second major release including
lots of improvements, bugfix, and new features. Currently, we are preparing
0.8.1 minor release, including many bugfix and new minor features.

The last committers or PMC members elected
Last new committer: Alvin Derek Henrick <> on 2014/05/24.

Attachment AX: Report from the Apache Tiles Project  [Greg Reddin]

Apache Tiles is a free open-sourced templating framework for modern Java 
applications. Based upon the Composite pattern it is built to simplify the 
development of user interfaces.

The Tiles project continues to move at a slow pace, but work is ongoing. In the 
last quarter the project has produced several releases including the following:

 * Tiles-Request 1.0.4 GA
 * Tiles 3.0.4 GA
 * Tiles-Request 1.0.5 (Release is ongoing currently and the quality vote is
The same one or two people have been continuing to do much of the  development 
for Tiles. We have not added any new committers or PMC members since 2012. We
have put out several requests to the user community to see if we could spark
more interest without much success. A patch or two have been submitted, but 
nothing sustained. The primary user base of the Tiles software appears to be
in the Spring community, but it is not clear that many from that community
desire to see changes in the software. This state of affairs would tend to keep
the development community small, and slow, but still present and active.

Attachment AY: Report from the Apache Tomcat Project  [Mladen Turk]

  Continued healthy activity across multiple components and
  responsiveness on both dev and user lists.

  The Apache Tomcat PMC continues to monitor the progress of the
  discussions with Oracle regarding regaining access to the TCKs.
  After a brief burst of activity at the end of April / beginning
  of May this appears to have stalled again.

  * Apache Tomcat 8.0.4 (not released)
  * Apache Tomcat 8.0.5 - beta, 2014-03-27
  * Apache Tomcat 8.0.6 (not released)
  * Apache Tomcat 8.0.7 (not released)
  * Apache Tomcat 8.0.8 - beta, 2014-05-21
  * Apache Tomcat 7.0.53 - 2014-03-30
  * Apache Tomcat 7.0.54 - 2014-05-22
  * Apache Tomcat 6.0.40 (not released)
  * Apache Tomcat 6.0.41 - 2014-05-23
  * Apache Tomcat Connectors 1.2.40 - 2014-04-15
  * Apache Tomcat Native 1.1.30 - 2014-04-15

  There was lots of development activity on Apache Tomcat 7
  and Apache Tomcat 8.

  There were no changes in community since the last report.
  A problematic user who persistently (over several years)
  refused to improve their interactions with the community was
  unsubscribed from the users list and blocked from resubscribing
  after all other attempts at addressing the issues failed.

 * CVE-2014-0075 - Important: Denial of Service
   It was possible to craft a malformed chunk size as part of a
   chucked request that enabled an unlimited amount of data to
   be streamed to the server, bypassing the various size limits
   enforced on a request. This enabled a denial of service attack.
 * CVE-2014-0096 - Important: Information disclosure
   The default servlet allows web applications to define
   (at multiple levels) an XSLT to be used to format a directory
   listing. When running under a security manager, the processing
   of these was not subject to the same constraints as the web
   application. This enabled a malicious web application to bypass
   the file access constraints imposed by the security manager via
   the use of external XML entities.
 * CVE-2014-0099 - Important: Information disclosure
   The code used to parse the request content length header did not
   check for overflow in the result. This exposed a request
   smuggling vulnerability when Tomcat was located behind a reverse
   proxy that correctly processed the content length header.
 * CVE-2014-0119 - Low: Information Disclosure
   In limited circumstances it was possible for a malicious web
   application to replace the XML parsers used by Tomcat to
   process XSLTs for the default servlet, JSP documents, tag
   library descriptors (TLDs) and tag plugin configuration files.
   The injected XML parser(s) could then bypass the limits
   imposed on XML external entities and/or have visibility of
   the XML files processed for other web applications deployed
   on the same Tomcat instance.

  Detailed status:
  Registered interest with V.P. Brand in registering Tomcat and Apache
  Tomcat. Waiting to hear from V.P. Brand on what the next
  steps will be.

Attachment AZ: Report from the Apache UIMA Project  [Marshall Schor]

Apache UIMA's mission: the creation and maintenance of open-source
software related to the analysis of unstructured data, guided by the
UIMA Oasis Standard.

12 May 2014    last release
12 Mar 2013    last PMC addition
24 Dec 2013    last Committer addition
2 Releases:
  12 May 2014  UIMA Java SDK 2.6.0 released May 2014
  15 Apr 2014  UIMA Ruta 2.2.0 released April 2014

Other Activity:
  DUCC website improved with links to demo server.
  uimaFIT is in a new release vote as I write this.
  Major work continues on DUCC and Ruta. 

  The mailing lists are fairly active, and normal
  bug finding/fixing work continues.

Community: no change
Issues: No Board level issues at this time.

Attachment BA: Report from the Apache VCL Project  [Andy Kurth]


VCL is a modular cloud computing platform which dynamically provisions and
brokers remote access to compute resources including virtual machines,
bare-metal computers, and resources in other cloud platforms. A self-service
web portal is used to request resources and for administration. VCL became a
TLP on June 20, 2012.


* The next release of VCL is targeted for late summer. Development is
  progressing. Several JIRA issues have been closed recently.
* Work is progressing to add OpenStack provisioning support to VCL. A few
  people are working on this.
* The community continues to work to attract development contributions and
  eventually additional committers.
* Members of the VCL community residing in Budapest are considering submitting
  proposals for ApacheCon. [1]




* Subscribers to the user list: 163
* Posts to user list, 3/14-6/14: 168
* Subscribers to the dev list: 137
* Posts to dev list, 3/14-6/14: 92
* Committers: 8 (+0)
* PMC members: 7 (+0)


There are no issues requiring board attention at this time


Attachment BB: Report from the Apache Whirr Project  [Andrew Bayer]

Whirr is a library for running services like Hadoop or ZooKeeper in the cloud.

No new releases this quarter. Last release was 0.8.2, April 2013.

The PMC composition did not change, and we had no new committers since the
last report. The last PMC change was the addition of Andrew Bayer in November
of 2012, and the last new committer was Graham Gear, also in November of 2012.

No activity since the last report.

Attachment BC: Report from the Apache Wicket Project  [Martijn Dashorst]

Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic,
component oriented web applications.

With all the holidays going on combined with a previous late report, this was a
quiet two months.

Things worthy of note:

- Wicket 7 is moving along
- Released Wicket 6.15.0, 7.0.0-M1, and 6.16.0, 7.0.0-M2 are about to
  be released
- No new committers or members were added in this period

ApacheCon EU 2014

While I have no insight into the submissions for ApacheCon EU, I have submitted
four Wicket related proposals, and am prodding other developers to do the same.

Date last committer added: 12 July 2013

Attachment BD: Report from the Apache Wink Project  [Luciano Resende]

Attachment BE: Report from the Apache ZooKeeper Project  [Flavio Junqueira]

ZooKeeper is a reliable coordination service for distributed systems.

Trunk is still under development for an eventual 3.5.0 release. A couple
of important improvements on the way for 3.5.0:

- One important new feature in 3.5.0 will be the ability to reconfigure
a ZooKeeper ensemble. This feature was discussed a long time in
ZOOKEEPER-107 and we have converged and committed it;
- We are also focusing on a number of improvements over the code that
performs recovery. In particular, we are targeting an implementation that
avoids sending and taking unnecessary snapshots, which reduces time to
recover in the presence of crashes.

Also, the release is supposed to address scalability, jdk7 and openjdk support,
maven build/rel, testing and audit logging. There are other various patches
we are working on related code cleanup and refactoring.

We have released 3.4.6 on March 10, 2014. 3.5.0 release date is not defined

No infrastructure issues.


Mailing list activity is moderate and the number of patch reviews and
commits has dropped significantly. 

* 11 active committers representing 10 unique organizations. One new committer
has been voted: Rakesh R, Huawei.
*  9 active PMC members representing 8 unique organizations. No change to
the list of PMC members.
* 424 subscribers on dev (up from 421 since December 2013).
* 938 subscribers on user (up from 927 last quarter).
* 1933 jira issues have been created to date (42 more since March

Apache BookKeeper (subproject)

Bookkeeper is a distributed, reliable, and high performance logging
service. The project also includes Hedwig which is a highly scalable
Pub/Sub service built on top of ZooKeeper and Bookkeeper with strong
durability guarantees.

We continue to work towards the 4.3.0 release, which has slowly been
moving towards a release. We project that it will be released in
August. This release includes a lot of improvements to the bookie
on-disk performance, a new statistics framework, and protobuffer
protocol support along with numerous bugfixes.

A release candidate for 4.2.3 is currently being voted on. This
release's focus was mainly to remove some operational annoyances
along with other bugfixes.

The last release was 4.2.2 in October, 2013.

Infrastructure issues:

No issues.


No new committer has been added during the last period.

51 subscribers to bookkeeper-dev
66 subscribers to bookkeeper-user

757 issues opened to date, 27 since 2014-03-12
517 issues resolved to date, 21 since 2014-03-12
45 people have reported issues, 5 since 2014-03-12
19 people have contributed patches, 6 since 2014-03-12

End of minutes for the June 18, 2014 board meeting.
