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- Original The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
May 20, 2015
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 10:30am Pacific and began at 10:32
when a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was
recognized by the chairman.
Other Time Zones:
The meeting was held via teleconference, hosted by Doug Cutting
and Cloudera.
IRC #asfboard on was used for backup purposes.
2. Roll Call
Directors Present:
Rich Bowen
Shane Curcuru
Bertrand Delacretaz joined at 10:40
Jim Jagielski
Chris Mattmann
David Nalley
Brett Porter
Sam Ruby
Greg Stein
Directors Absent:
Executive Officers Present:
Ross Gardler
Craig L Russell
Executive Officers Absent:
Daniel Gruno
Jake Farrell
Sean Kelly
Marvin Humphrey
Lewis John McGibbney joined at 10:54
Henri Yandell
Tom Pappas (Virtual)
Hadrian Zbarcea
3. Minutes from previous meetings
Published minutes can be found at:
A. The meeting of April 22, 2015
See: board_minutes_2015_04_22.txt
4. Executive Officer Reports
A. Chairman [Brett]
We welcome to the ASF the 106 new members that have accepted their
invitation after being elected at the March Annual Members Meeting:
Shazron Abdullah Sharad Agarwal Tim Allison
John D. Ament Kiran Ayyagari Andreas Beeker
Andrea Del Bene Ignasi Barrera Konstantin Boudnik
Maziyar Boustani Francis De Brabandere Alexander Broekhuis
Annie Bryant Burgess Sean Busbey Ioannis Canellos
Richard Eckart de Castilho Jarek Jarcec Cecho Jerome Charron
Avery Ching Christofer Dutz Johan Edstrom
Josh Elser Peter Ent Robert Evans
Freeman(Yue) Fang Sergio Fernández Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
Peter Firmstone Ray Gauss II Brian Geffon
Violeta Georgieva Georgieva Johannes Geppert P. Taylor Goetz
Issac Goldstand Thomas Graves Andrew Grieve
Hasan Hasan Steve Hay Les Hazlewood
Lars Hofhansl Michael James Joyce Giridharan Kesavan
Shakeh Khudikyan Aaron Kimball Marcel Kinard
Kishore G Robert Kowalski Nick Kwaitkowski
Marcus Lange Dave Lester Jason Lowe
Myrna van Lunteren Renato Marroquin Nathan Marz
Milamber Kevin Minder Omprakash Muppirala
Aaron Twining Myers Prescott Nasser Chris Nauroth
Tyler Palsulich Jitendra Nath Pandey Milinda Pathirage
Travis Pinney Pinaki Poddar Werner Punz
Jun Rao Benedikt Ritter Steven Rowe
Bikas Saha Antonio Sanso Uwe Schindler
Udo Schnurpfeil Robert Scholte Siddharth Seth
Hitesh Shah Patricia Shanahan Daryn Sharp
Zhijie Shen Alexander Shorin Gordon Sim
Sami Siren Krzysztof Sobkowiak Maxim Solodovnik
Phil Sorber Kasper Sørensen Amareshwari Sriramadasu
Dominik Stadler Carl Steinbach Oleg Tikhonov
Joan Touzet Greg Trasuk Keith Turner
Leonardo Uribe Martin Veith Rob Vesse
Melissa Warnkin Volker Weber Patrick Wendell
Rupert Westenthaler Till Westmann Kim Whitehall
Reynold Xin Eric Yang Edward Yoon
Xuefu Zhang
This month we are trialling some new processes in the meeting to better
keep track of reports needing attention, and action items. Thanks
again to Sam and those that have tweaked Whimsy to help make that
seamless, and Greg for taking on responsibility for following up stale
action items.
It looks like we had a hiccup with the report reminders later in the
month, which may have contributed to a higher than usual number of
missing reports. I will follow up to make sure the next reminder goes
out successfully.
I'm planning to submit a report later this week as part of the Annual
Report that is being prepared.
James Carman has indicated that he plans to step down as Assistant
Secretary. On behalf of the board, I'd like to thank him for his
B. President [Ross]
As of May 1st Melissa is an employee of Virtual Inc. David is in the
process of moving appropriate infrastructure contractors over to
Virtual Inc. (target date June 1st)
My thanks go to Melissa for coordinating many of the moving parts in
the foundation for ApacheCon (as well as looking after out booth) and
to Rich for his shepherding of the content and the volunteers who
assisted with it. 6 TACers attended, all of whom were very helpful at
the event. Of note is that one of these attendees came to us through
the Linux Foundation website rather than the usual ASF channels.
Branding has seen some more movement with Melissa taking ownership of
the Branding "runbook". We are actively working towards streamlining
the "simple" cases by empowering Melissa to coordinate between the
requestor and the appropriate PMC. This should help ensure that we
stay on top of the ever-increasing number of requests we receive.
Melissa, Sally and I have started looking at how we might have a
greater foundation presence at open source events. We are not
proposing having a booth at multiple events, rather tracking events at
which Apache projects and representatives are present so that we can
provide swag and other supporting materials. Please share any
recommended event details with Melissa.
Fundraising continues to run smoothly. The excellent work process
improvement work led by Upayavira, the accounting of Virtual, the
transition to our two new VPs (Jim and Hadrian) alongside the
increased engagement of our EA (Melissa) can now be considered
complete, it's looks like a well oiled machine at this point. In fact
items that have been at the bottom of the todo list for a number of
years are now complete. As a result, fundraising is ahead of the
projected FY15 budget by $82.2k.
The infrastructure team have rolled out git based websites (a commonly
requested feature) and there has been significant progress towards
improvements in our mail systems (special thanks to Kevin McGrail and
the SpamAssassin community). Our mail infrastructure is now able to
scale horizontally in order to support significant additional loads.
However, David reports this is just a completion of phase 1 - more
improvements to come.
Discussions about code of conduct on the members@ list have led to an
observation that using president@ for reporting of Code of Conduct
breaches may be inadequate. As a result I am seeking advice from DLA
Piper on how to craft an appropriate policy for such escalations.
Unfortunately, in the last month there has been a serious issue on one
of our mailing lists which resulting in a police report being filed.
This issue is not yet resolved and I am working with DLA Piper in
order to ensure our actions, if any, are appropriate. I will use this
as guidance for a policy for handling such reports in the future.
Additionally, please see Attachments 1 through 6.
C. Treasurer [Chris]
The Treasurer’s Office is working to close out the WFS financial
accounts. Virtual held a meeting with our customer contact at WFS
and things are moving forward. We hope to have more to report soon.
The Assistant Treasurer granted access to the board agenda tool to
Tom Pappas from Virtual for situational awareness.
The Treasurer’s Office received a request to include the ASF in All
State’s Employee Giving programs. The request was forwarded to
Virtual for processing. As requested, the Apache Software Foundation
mission statement was sent to All State.
A request to renew the HALO contract was received by the President
and Treasurer.
Phil Steitz provided detail on a need to move away from individual
donations via Amazon Simple Payments which is sunsetting as a service
on June 1, 2015. We need to migrate to the "Login and Pay with
Amazon” service. Phil estimates that the code change will be minimal
and he is happy to help in terms of setting up the donate button -
but has requested help with account setup. Request has been forwarded
on to Virtual.
Income and Expenses for April 2015 CASH BASIS
Current Balances:
Citizens Checking $1,083,388
Amazon- ASF Payments $18,266
Paypal - ASF $55,027
Wells Fargo Checking - ASF $310,908
Wells Fargo Savings $288,205
Total Checking/Savings $1,755,793
Income Summary:
Public Donations $3,904
Sponsorship Program $98,220
Programs Income $-
Interest Income $14
Total Income $102,138
Expense Summary:
Infrastructure $53,641
Sponsorship Program $-
Programs Expense $-
Publicity $14,279
Brand Management $13,594
Conferences $25
Travel Assistance Committee $3,822
Treasury Services $2,850
General & Administrative $7,243
Total Expense $95,454
Net Income $6,684
D. Secretary [Craig]
Secretary is running a bit behind at the moment with some issues with
the board agenda tool. Many documents have been received in April: 66
iclas, two cclas, 12 grants, and 32 membership applications were
received and filed.
The prototype automated icla-by-mail has received several comments and
secretary hopes to resolve issues with VP Legal to move this process
The Assistant Secretary has resigned and Secretary is looking for a
E. Executive Vice President [Rich]
Not much to report this month. ApacheCon EU is about to start into
the CFP and promotion phase, and ApacheCon NA hasn't started at all.
F. Vice Chairman [Greg]
Nothing to report this month. Sent a reminder about action items, but
I intend to figure out a more structured/helpful approach than a
simple reminder. Something to grow into, over the next months.
Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
5. Additional Officer Reports
A. VP of W3C Relations [Andy Seaborne / Greg]
See Attachment 7
B. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Jim Jagielski]
See Attachment 8
C. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Bertrand]
See Attachment 9
Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
6. Committee Reports
Summary of Reports
The following reports required further discussion:
# Axis [sr]
# Cocoon
# Continuum
# CouchDB [bd]
# DirectMemory [sr]
# Libcloud [bd]
# OpenMeetings [bp]
# River
# Santuario
# XML Graphics [sr]
# Zest [sc]
Others not submitted:
# Abdera
# ActiveMQ
# Community Development
# DeltaCloud
# Giraph
# HttpComponents
# Mesos
# Oltu
# Onami
# Perl
# Tuscany
# Velocity
# Xerces
Airavata, Ambari, Ant, Aurora, BookKeeper, Buildr, Cassandra, Celix,
Clerezza, Creadur, DeltaSpike, DeviceMap, Drill, Empire-db, Etch,
Flume, Forrest, Gora, Hama, Hive, HTTP Server, Incubator, James,
jUDDI, Kafka, Knox, Logging, ManifoldCF, Marmotta, MetaModel, Oozie,
Open Climate Workbench, OpenJPA, Orc, Parquet, Phoenix, Qpid, Roller,
SIS, Spark, Stratos, Subversion, Syncope, Turbine, Xalan
A. Apache Abdera Project [Ant Elder / Jim]
No report was submitted.
B. Apache ActiveMQ Project [Bruce Snyder / Sam]
No report was submitted.
The PMC is ignoring requests from board members.
@Sam follow up with PMC.
C. Apache Airavata Project [Suresh Marru / Rich]
See Attachment C
D. Apache Ambari Project [Yusaku Sako / Brett]
See Attachment D
E. Apache Ant Project [Conor MacNeill / David]
See Attachment E
F. Apache Aurora Project [Bill Farner / Chris]
See Attachment F
G. Apache Axis Project [Deepal Jayasinghe / Shane]
No report was submitted.
There doesn't appear to be enough energy in this project. No
response to requests.
Seems to be some synergy with Synapse.
@Sam: follow up with Axis PMC.
H. Apache BookKeeper Project [Ivan Kelly / Brett]
See Attachment H
I. Apache Buildr Project [Alex Boisvert / Bertrand]
See Attachment I
J. Apache Cassandra Project [Jonathan Ellis / Sam]
See Attachment J
K. Apache Celix Project [Alexander Broekhuis / David]
See Attachment K
L. Apache Clerezza Project [Hasan Hasan / Jim]
See Attachment L
M. Apache Cocoon Project [Thorsten Scherler / Shane]
See Attachment M
N. Apache Community Development Project [Ulrich Stärk / Greg]
No report was submitted.
O. Apache Continuum Project [Brent Atkinson / Chris]
See Attachment O
P. Apache CouchDB Project [Jan Lehnardt / Rich]
See Attachment P
@Rich: Follow up with IP clearance issue regarding Nano
Q. Apache Creadur Project [Brian E Fox / Rich]
See Attachment Q
R. Apache Deltacloud Project [Marios S. Andreou / Sam]
No report was submitted.
Looks like Deltacloud has little adoption. May be time for
retirement to the Attic.
S. Apache DeltaSpike Project [Gerhard Petracek / David]
See Attachment S
T. Apache DeviceMap Project [Reza Naghibi / Jim]
See Attachment T
U. Apache DirectMemory Project [Raffaele P. Guidi / Chris]
See Attachment U
V. Apache Drill Project [Jacques Nadeau / Brett]
See Attachment V
W. Apache Empire-db Project [Francis De Brabandere / Bertrand]
See Attachment W
X. Apache Etch Project [Martin Veith / Shane]
See Attachment X
Y. Apache Flume Project [Arvind Prabhakar / Greg]
See Attachment Y
Z. Apache Forrest Project [David Crossley / Brett]
See Attachment Z
AA. Apache Giraph Project [Avery Ching / Sam]
No report was submitted.
AB. Apache Gora Project [Lewis John McGibbney / Rich]
See Attachment AB
AC. Apache Hama Project [ChiaHung Lin / Greg]
See Attachment AC
AD. Apache Hive Project [Carl Steinbach / Jim]
See Attachment AD
AE. Apache HTTP Server Project [Eric Covener / Bertrand]
See Attachment AE
AF. Apache HttpComponents Project [Asankha Perera / Chris]
No report was submitted.
@Chris: pursue a report for HttpComponents
AG. Apache Incubator Project [Ted Dunning / Shane]
See Attachment AG
AH. Apache James Project [Eric Charles / David]
See Attachment AH
AI. Apache jUDDI Project [Alex O'Ree / David]
See Attachment AI
AJ. Apache Kafka Project [Jun Rao / Rich]
See Attachment AJ
AK. Apache Knox Project [Kevin Minder / Shane]
See Attachment AK
AL. Apache Libcloud Project [Tomaz Muraus / Brett]
See Attachment AL
@Brett: work with the PMC to get a better report
AM. Apache Logging Project [Christian Grobmeier / Bertrand]
See Attachment AM
AN. Apache ManifoldCF Project [Karl Wright / Jim]
See Attachment AN
AO. Apache Marmotta Project [Jakob Frank / Greg]
See Attachment AO
AP. Apache Mesos Project [Benjamin Hindman / Sam]
No report was submitted.
@Sam: pursue a report for Mesos next month
AQ. Apache MetaModel Project [Kasper Sørensen / Chris]
See Attachment AQ
AR. Apache Oltu Project [Antonio Sanso / Sam]
No report was submitted.
@Sam: pursue a report for Oltu for next month
AS. Apache Onami Project [Nino Martinez Wael / Greg]
No report was submitted.
@Chris There is low activity and it may be time for
AT. Apache Oozie Project [Mohammad Islam / Bertrand]
See Attachment AT
AU. Apache Open Climate Workbench Project [Michael James Joyce / David]
See Attachment AU
AV. Apache OpenJPA Project [Pinaki Poddar / Shane]
See Attachment AV
AW. Apache OpenMeetings Project [Sebastian Wagner / Brett]
See Attachment AW
@Brett: Are there enough PMC members? Is the chair able to
keep the board informed?
AX. Apache Orc Project [Owen O'Malley / Rich]
See Attachment AX
AY. Apache Parquet Project [Julien Le Dem / Jim]
See Attachment AY
AZ. Apache Perl Project [Philippe M. Chiasson / Chris]
No report was submitted.
@Chris: pursue a report for Perl
BA. Apache Phoenix Project [James R. Taylor / Shane]
See Attachment BA
BB. Apache POI Project [Yegor Kozlov / Rich]
No report was submitted.
@Rich: pursue a report for POI
BC. Apache Qpid Project [Robbie Gemmell / Brett]
See Attachment BC
BD. Apache River Project [Patricia Shanahan / Bertrand]
See Attachment BD
BE. Apache Roller Project [Dave Johnson / Sam]
See Attachment BE
BF. Apache Santuario Project [Colm O hEigeartaigh / David]
See Attachment BF
@David: follow up with last PMC and committer additions.
BG. Apache SIS Project [Adam Estrada / Chris]
See Attachment BG
BH. Apache Spark Project [Matei Zaharia / Greg]
See Attachment BH
BI. Apache Stratos Project [Lakmal Warusawithana / Jim]
See Attachment BI
BJ. Apache Subversion Project [Greg Stein]
See Attachment BJ
BK. Apache Syncope Project [Francesco Chicchiricco / Chris]
See Attachment BK
BL. Apache Turbine Project [Thomas Vandahl / Bertrand]
See Attachment BL
BM. Apache Tuscany Project [Jean-Sebastien Delfino / Greg]
No report was submitted.
BN. Apache Velocity Project [Nathan Bubna / Rich]
No report was submitted.
BO. Apache Xalan Project [Steven J. Hathaway / David]
See Attachment BO
BP. Apache Xerces Project [Michael Glavassevich / Jim]
No report was submitted.
BQ. Apache XML Graphics Project [Chris Bowditch / Brett]
See Attachment BQ
@Brett: Why no FOP releases?
BR. Apache Zest Project [Niclas Hedhman / Shane]
See Attachment BR
@Shane: The downloads page should say that these are not
official Apache releases.
Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
7. Special Orders
A. Change the Apache DeltaSpike Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Gerhard Petracek
to the office of Vice President, Apache DeltaSpike, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the
resignation of Gerhard Petracek from the office of Vice
President, Apache DeltaSpike, and
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache DeltaSpike
project has chosen by vote to recommend Thomas Andraschko
as the successor to the post;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Gerhard Petracek is
relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of
the office of Vice President, Apache DeltaSpike, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Thomas Andraschko be and hereby is
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache DeltaSpike, to
serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7A, Change the Apache DeltaSpike Project Chair,
was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
B. Establish the Apache Whimsy Project
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
open-source software, for distribution at no charge to the
public, related to tools that help automate various administrative
tasks or information lookup activities.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Whimsy Project", be
and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Whimsy Project be and hereby is
responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
related to tools that help automate various administrative
tasks or information lookup activities; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Whimsy" be
and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve
at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the
Apache Whimsy Project, and to have primary responsibility for
management of the projects within the scope of responsibility
of the Apache Whimsy Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
Apache Whimsy Project Management Committee:
* James Carman <>
* Shane Curcuru <>
* Jake Farrell <>
* Ross Gardler <>
* Jim Jagielski <>
* Chris Mattmann <>
* Brett Porter <>
* Sam Ruby <>
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Whimsy, to serve
in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of
Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until
a successor is appointed; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Whimsy Project be and hereby
is tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
encourage open development and increased participation in the
Apache Whimsy Project.
Special Order 7B, Establish the Apache Whimsy Project, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
C. Change the Apache SIS Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Adam Estrada to the
office of Vice President, Apache SIS, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Adam
Estrada from the office of Vice President, Apache SIS, and
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache SIS project has
chosen by vote to recommend Martin Desruisseaux as the successor to the
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Adam Estrada is relieved and
discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
President, Apache SIS, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Martin Desruisseaux be and hereby is
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache SIS, to serve in
accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors
and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7C, Change the Apache SIS Project Chair, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
D. Change the Apache BookKeeper Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Ivan Kelly to the
office of Vice President, Apache BookKeeper, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
Ivan Kelly from the office of Vice President, Apache BookKeeper, and
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache BookKeeper
project has chosen by vote to recommend Sijie Guo as the successor to
the post;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Ivan Kelly is relieved and
discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
President, Apache BookKeeper, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Sijie Guo be and hereby is appointed to
the office of Vice President, Apache BookKeeper, to serve in
accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors
and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7D, Change the Apache BookKeeper Project Chair,
was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
E. Change the Apache DB Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Myrna van Lunteren
to the office of Vice President, Apache DB, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
of Myrna van Lunteren from the office of Vice President, Apache DB, and
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache DB
project has chosen by vote to recommend Bryan Pendleton as the successor
to the post;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Myrna van Lunteren is relieved and
discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
of Vice President, Apache DB, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Bryan Pendleton be and hereby is
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache DB, to
serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7E, Change the Apache DB Project Chair, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
8. Discussion Items
Executive session entered at 11:33 AM.
The Board unanimously agreed to require moderation of one ASF Member's
emails to internal lists for a period of 90 days, due to repeated
violation of the Foundation’s Code of Conduct.
Executive officer appointments:
Chairman Brett Porter
Vice Chairman Greg Stein
President Ross Gardler
Executive Vice President Rich Bowen
Treasurer Chris Mattman
Assistant Treasurers Kevin A. McGrail and Jan Iversen
Secretary Craig L Russell
Assistant Secretary not filled at this time
Executive session exited at 12:04 PM.
9. Review Outstanding Action Items
* Brett: Need a real report for this project
[ DirectMemory 2015-04-22 ]
Status: not done, report hasn't improved this month
* Brett: Any action on log4j?
[ Logging 2015-02-18 ]
Status: Still need to follow up based on this report
* Brett: What is the issue with infra?
[ SIS 2015-02-18 ]
Status: also to follow up from this meeting: ensure SIS know how to
get an answer about their repository question
* Brett: follow up with PMC regarding board reports: please list PMC
and committer list changes
[ Chemistry 2015-03-18 ]
Status: not done
* Chris: help PMC improve report for next month
[ Samza 2015-03-18 ]
* Chris: join the mail list to see if action needs to be taken to help
and suggest discussing with comdev
[ Flex 2015-03-18 ]
Status: Complete, but i had to drop off the mailing list to address
other issues.
* Chris: Anyone identified as potential new committers/PMC members?
[ Accumulo 2015-04-22 ]
Status: Lots of new Accumulo PMC/committers coming and/or in the pipe.
* Chris: pursue a report for Deltacloud
[ Deltacloud 2015-04-22 ]
Status: emailed.
* Chris: Very low activity; please report next month
[ Onami 2015-04-22 ]
Status: Emailed.
* David: Please don't include company names in reports
[ HBase 2015-04-22 ]
Status: Email sent on April 22. Andrew Purtell responded on April 22
indicating that affiliations would no longer be mentioned in
* David: pursue a report for Tuscany; missed February as well
[ Tuscany 2015-04-22 ]
Status: Email sent on April 22 - Response from Jean-Sebastien Delfino
on May -11th indicated that he was no longer working on the
project and didn't have time. He also indicated that he would
be traveling with limited connectivity, and asked the question
whether it was time for retirement. Discussion on the private
list has largely been in favor of a move to the attic, with a
dissent from a single person encouraging efforts around
merging with the Fabric3 folks.
* David: Please file board reports for the next three months to address
PMC issues
[ ActiveMQ 2015-04-22 ]
Status: Email sent on April 22nd noting the concerns and asking for
board reports for the coming three months. Additionally, I
sent an email on the April 27th to dev@ detailing the same
content in response to questions on the outcome of the board
* David: The infra service was deprecated a while ago
[ CXF 2015-04-22 ]
Status: Email sent on April 22nd
* Doug: ask if PMC needs help with release policy/procedure
[ Portals 2015-03-18 ]
* Doug: please fix release history data
[ Wicket 2015-03-18 ]
* Greg: Any info about the community?
[ ACE 2014-07-16 ]
* Greg: find out if TCK is holding up progress
[ MyFaces 2014-10-15 ]
* Greg: Is it time to retire the project?
[ Tuscany 2015-01-21 ]
Status: n/a, given later actions.
* Greg: Is the community healthy?
[ Web Services 2015-04-22 ]
* Greg: Any prospects for new committers/PMC members?
[ SpamAssassin 2015-04-22 ]
Status: VP responded that they have been working on this, but the
community is mature and new arrivals are rare. The longer
answer is on board@. No further Board action/inquiry needed.
* Jim: Clarify report
[ Creadur 2015-02-18 ]
Status: Provided
* Jim: Any prospects for new committers/PMC members?
[ Aries 2015-04-22 ]
Status: Will contact for next report.
* Rich: Please don't put company affiliations in board reports unless
[ Sqoop 2015-04-22 ]
* Rich: could the PMC use some help from comdev to attract new
[ Deltacloud 2015-03-18 ]
* Ross: Discuss with comdev how to get projects to engage with them more
[ Lucene.Net 2014-12-17 ]
* Ross: Bring statistics in line with reporting period
[ OODT 2014-12-17 ]
Status: Done
* Ross: Discuss the "fork me" banner issue with the project
[ Wicket 2014-12-17 ]
Status: Damn it. I forgot all about this. I have the images, have
discussed with Martijn but need to take it to the broader
* Sam: Any prospects for new committers/PMC members?
[ MyFaces 2015-04-22 ]
Status: Votes are taking place now, Mike intends to provide an update
in the next board report. See:
* Sam: Need to resolve issues with Synapse PMC; please report next month
[ Axis 2015-04-22 ]
Status: Pings sent, will continue to follow up. Latest status:
* Shane: Is this level of activity normal?
[ ACE 2015-04-22 ]
Status: Done: PMC has replied on board@. Not believed to be a major
* Shane: Please submit a more detailed report next month
[ Celix 2015-04-22 ]
Status: Done: Celix has provided a more detailed report for May.
* Shane: Need to review activity on sub-projects
[ DB 2015-04-22 ]
Status: Done: PMC has elected a new chair (to be voted on this month).
10. Unfinished Business
11. New Business
12. Announcements
13. Adjournment
Adjourned at 12:06 p.m. (Pacific)
Attachment 1: Report from the Executive Assistant [Melissa Warnkin]
Daily monitoring of all email activity (ea@, fundraising@, trademarks@,
treasurer@, comdev@, tm-registrations@, and board@) and following-up with
appropriate personnel
• Payments received for renewals:
• $50k charitable donation (not a regular sponsor)
• As of the time of submitting this report (May 13th, 2:35pm), I have not
received a response from Virtual re sponsor payments rec’d; therefore, I have
no further info to report on payments.
• AmazonSmile registration completed
• MS Matching Volunteer Time registration completed Virtual:
• Became an official employee as of May 1st
ApacheCon and TAC:
• Booth attendance was great, as always! I had a lot of “old faces”, but I
also met a lot of new people that I was able to spread the ASF love to!
Including a couple of new potential sponsors.
• TAC’ers did a great job in their roles of assisting
• As always, Nick and Jan did an awesome job in their TAC roles!
• One thing I would like to point out for future events is that it would be
great if the booth set-up time didn’t clash with the TAC meeting/dinner; I was
not able to attend the TAC meet and greet dinner due to the tight booth set-up
restrictions! This is the first time this has happened, so hopefully it will
be the last time too!
• Work resumes with Shane on registrations
• I now have the resources available to be able to assist Shane more
effectively with the incoming queries.
• Application for non-profit pavilion for OSCON completed on May 1st.
Accepted applicants to be announced May 26th
• Collaborating with Sally on future events that having an ASF presence at
will be beneficial
• Sally will poll the community to see who will be at what events, and if
there is any availability/willingness to have a booth; we will then prioritize
from there.
• Stickers ordered for Marcel Kinard for Cordova as part of Sally’s
“ProjectApache Project sticker request [was: Apache project S: let's work
together.]” initiative.
Attachment 2: Report from the VP of Brand Management [Shane Curcuru]
## Operations:
Higher than usual number of questions on trademarks@, including a number of
new kinds of questions; overall I view this as good because many new third
parties are asking questions based on our updated Contact Us page.
Resolved 3 PODLINGNAMESEARCHes, 4 new ones submitted. As discussed at last
month's meeting, the Apache Orc pTLP creation did have a PODLINGNAMESEARCH,
which is something we need to more clearly document for future pTLPs to ensure
their PMCs understand any issues with their chosen names.
## Registrations:
At the request of the relevant PMCs, we submitted US registration applications
this month for: OFBiz.
Several other PMC registration requests are still coordinating getting all the
information needed reviewed by the PMC and to counsel.
Our HADOOP trademark registration application in Japan was finally granted.
The OPENOFFICE trademark registration application in Canada that was
originally begun by the prior owner has finally issued the formal
Attachment 3: Report from the VP of Fundraising [Hadrian Zbarcea]
See Melissa's report for more details.
I am not tracking renewals (or anything else) for infrastructure sponsors.
During the past month we realized that this is could be a problem as invoicing
for one sponsor in particular got discontinued. I am looking into changes in
the process that would address that.
Attachment 4: Report from the VP of Marketing and Publicity [Sally Khudairi]
I. Budget: The contract with HALO Worldwide has been renewed for FY
2015-2016 with no change in the remuneration. Sally Khudairi submitted
HALO's engagement documents and invoice to Ross Gardler. All vendor
payments are up-to-date.
II. Fundraising/Branding/Marketing liaison: Sally has begun work on
the ASF FY2014 Annual Report which will be published the last week of
May. The refresh/redesign of the homepage launched during
ApacheCon, and HotWax Systems have been recognized on the ASF Sponsor
"Thanks" page for their donated services. Sally has also begun working
with Apache CouchDB to solicit use cases and testimonials, and
continues to assist with outreach for Apache CloudStack.
III. Press Releases: the following formal announcements were issued
via the newswire service, ASF Foundation Blog, and
during this timeframe:
- 04 May 2015 --The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache™
SpamAssassin™ v3.4.1
- 27 April 2015 --The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache™
Parquet™ as a Top-Level Project
- 13 April 2015 --The Apache Software Foundation Welcomes Pivotal as a
Platinum-level Sponsor
IV. Informal Announcements: 8 items were published on the ASF
"Foundation" Blog, and 19 items were tweeted on @TheASF. 10 videos
from ApacheCon North America have been updated to the ASF YouTube
channel. Five Apache News Round-ups were issued, with a total of 31
weekly summaries published to date.
V. Future Announcements: there is one announcement in development that
is scheduled to be released the week of 18 May. Projects preparing to
graduate from the Apache Incubator as well as PMCs wishing to announce
major project milestones and "Did You Know?" success stories are
welcome to contact Sally at <> for more information.
Kindly provide at least 2-weeks' notice for proper planning and
VI. Media Relations: we responded to 7 media requests. The ASF
received 496 press clips over this time period, vs. last month's clip
count of 1,040. Press clips for Apache CloudStack will no longer be
monitored at the request of the PMC.
VII. Analyst Relations: we responded to 3 analyst queries. Apache was
mentioned in 2 reports by Gartner (they are holding two upcoming
Webinars on Apache Hadoop), 6 reports by Forrester (an additional
report will be released soon), 9 reports by 451 Research, and 6
reports by IDC. Sally received a preview copy of the Forrester report
on Cloud platform standards that included Apache CloudStack.
VIII. ApacheCon liaison: Sally discussed themes, messaging, and
outreach for future ApacheCons with the producers, and will be working
with them on formal announcements next month.
IX. (Non-ASF) Industry Events and Outreach liaison: no formal
activities over the past month. Sally is working with Ross and Melissa
Warnkin on a strategy for ASF's presence at future events. In
addition, the process (and budget) for producing Apache
Project-specific promotional materials has migrated from Marketing &
Publicity to Conferences/Local Events/Hackathons.
X. Newswire accounts: we have 15 pre-paid press releases with NASDAQ
GlobeNewswire through the end of 2016, and continue to receive gratis
news release distribution in the UK by Pressat.
# # #
Attachment 5: Report from the VP of Infrastructure [David Nalley]
New Karma:
$3013 - related to ApacheCon
$422 - hardware replacement
$2350 - Cloud expenses
$60 - Registrar fees
Operations Action Items:
This month has seen work around onboarding the two US-based
contractors as employees. This involves background checks,
reference checks, as well as paperwork. That looks to be
largely complete. It is likely that the two US-based contractors
will be employees effective June 1.
Short Term Priorities:
Git-based websites are now possible, and seem relatively popular.
8 projects are now using the gitwcsub services, and we are
receiving ~2 requests per week.
SHA-1 based chains have been deprecated. Chrome and Windows now
show alerts for SHA-1 based certs, or certs with SHA-1 certs in the
chain. Due to this we spent a good amount of time swapping
out SSL certs this month. Despite switching out, this hasn't been
completely trouble free. Some git binaries for Mac or Windows seem
to be having difficulty, and this is a problem that continues to be
Long Range Priorities:
This month has seen some automated testing enabled for our
configuration management repo. In addition, we've moved to RTC
from CTR for most changes - while this isn't final, the change
at this point appears positive.
The big boost this month in resilience comes in the mail
infrastructure. See the comments in the mail section.
Technical Debt
While most of our monitoring has been working we continue to
have issues on our legacy systems that leave us without an
ability to monitor. Additionally, some of our applications
are needed deeper introspection for specific functionality,
and we have yet to cope with that.
General Activity:
This month has seen the culmination of phase 1 of our mail
overhaul. Many thanks to the SpamAssassin community and
Kevin McGrail in particular for providing insight into
what they see as best practice. Phase one is focused on our
MXes, spam and virus processing. In some ways, we've overbuilt
the current deployment - our new architecture can scale horizontally
allowing us to handle many times our current mail load.
Much work continues to be done on this front, and should be seen
as phase 2 materializes.
Uptime Statistics:
Overall, the total uptime for 2015 increased by 0.02% this month, in what has
generally been a quiet month in terms of emergency maintenance and downtime.
The few services that performed badly this month have been mentioned in
earlier reports, and steps are being taken to increase the availability of
these services in the long run.
Type: Target: Reality, total: Reality, month: Target Met:
Critical services: 99.50% 99.62% 99.83% Yes/No
Core services: 99.00% 99.88% 99.95% Yes
Standard services: 95.00% 98.96% 98.91% Yes
Overall: 98.59% 99.57% 99.64% Yes
Contractor Details:
Gavin McDonald
- Oncall Duties: Whimsy died 04/24 and needed a reboot. Crius disk space reached
- Some buildbot slaves offline, look into issues and bring back online.
- Look into various projects Buildbot failures and resolve, liaising with the
projects as necessary.
- Reviewing and Merging others branches to deployment.
- Crius and Hemera were 100+ packages behind, 3/4 of which were security
- Updated both then enabled auto-patching of security.
- More work on blogs_vm module, with others checking and merging
- Setting up a more robust local puppet module testing env
- Investigate and fix PagerDuty alerts for various services
- Investigate Moin Wiki ongoing issues and start to compile a report.
- Reduce Crius disk space to 70%
- Clear space on analysis-vm (sonar)
- 57 Jira tickets worked on closing 40
- Various Cron mails looked into and resolved (mainly new cert errors)
Attachment 6: Report from the Apache Travel Assistance Committee [Gavin McDonald]
The Travel Assistance Committee (TAC) exists to help those that would like to
attend ApacheCon and/or other ASF Sponsored events, but are unable to do so
for financial reasons.
Overall Activity since last report
* ACNA 2015 Austin took place since our last report.
* TAC folks on the ground Jan and others looked after 6 successful applicants.
As usual it was a great success; and we have had feedback from all our
applicants which reside in our SVN. We hope to provide public versions
of these soon. Some feedback including suggestions that we should use more
social media to help spread the word about TAC, another mentions that as
there was so few TACers (6) that (they implied) more work was required of
them and so less free time. Whilst most TACers found us through the ASF via
mailing lists of fellow
committers/contributors, one found out via the Lunux Foundation site whilst
registering for the event direct.
How has the community developed since the last report?
No members have joined or left. There are currently 14 subscribers to the
main mailing list. (1 up on last month)
The board approved our budget request of $50,000 which will be used for the
next 2 ApacheCon events and if requested and if available, any ASF supported
smaller events such as a retreat or bar camp, project hackathons etc.
Future Events:
ApacheCon EU is the next event TAC is supporting. Talk in under way in terms
creating a timeline of events leading up to ACEU 2015. The opening up of
applications should be soon but we need to plan this to try and line up with
CFP announcements.
Resources :-
www: ::
No members have joined or left. There are currently 14 subscribers to the
main mailing list. (1 up on last month)
The board approved our budget request of $50,000 which will be used for the
next 2 ApacheCon events and if requested and if available, any ASF supported
smaller events such as a retreat or bar camp, project hackathons etc.
Future Events:
ApacheCon EU is the next event TAC is supporting. Talk in under way in terms
of creating a timeline of events leading up to ACEU 2015. The opening up of
applications should be soon but we need to plan this to try and line up with
CFP announcements.
Resources :-
www: ::
Attachment 7: Report from the VP of W3C Relations [Andy Seaborne]
Matt Franklin (mfranklin@) has joined the Social Web Working Group.
The Foundation is already represented by Henry Story.
Henry Story (bblfish@) has joined the Social Interest Group, with the
Foundation signing up to the Interest Group as this is the first
Sergio Fernández (wikier@) has joined the Community Group,
with the Foundation signing up to the Interest Group as this is the first
Attachment 8: Report from the Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Jim Jagielski]
JIRA issues continue to be tracked and closed as appropriate; special
thanks goes to Henri Yandell. Some discussions but nothing requiring
board attention at this time.
Attachment 9: Report from the Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox]
Quick stats for April:
1 Support question
18 Phishing/spam/proxy/attacks point to site "powered by Apache" or
Confused user due to Android licenses
Vulnerability reports:
1 [httpd, via security@httpd]
1 [struts, via security@struts]
2 [cordova, via private@cordova]
1 [httpd, via security@httpd]
2 [site, via security@] server-status again rejected
1 [cordova, via security@]
It was noticed that Axis PMC have not responded to all the security
issues forwarded to them, and those that have were not correctly cc'd
to security@. We would suggest the board remind Axis PMC of the
responsibility in handling external security vulnerability
It was noticed that there was an issue with communication with Xerces
PMC, this was found to be partially due to the failure to moderate
messages to private@. No board action required.
In the past month the Apache Tomcat project became aware of two
instances where embargoed Tomcat security vulnerability information
was accidentally published by Red Hat. After discussions with Red Hat,
the Tomcat team are confident that both publications had the same root
cause; that procedures have been put in place by Red Hat to prevent
similar errors occurring again; and that no further action is
Attachment A: Report from the Apache Abdera Project [Ant Elder]
Attachment B: Report from the Apache ActiveMQ Project [Bruce Snyder]
Attachment C: Report from the Apache Airavata Project [Suresh Marru]
## Description:
Apache Airavata is a distributed system software framework to manage
simple to composite applications with complex execution and workflow
patterns on diverse computational resources.
## Activity:
- The mailing list, jira and commit activity remains very high. Airavata
is mentoring or co-mentoring a total of 9 GSoC projects. We strongly
encourage students do to cross pollination projects (integrating with
fellow apache projects) and hoping to recruit them into Airavata PMC.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## PMC/Committership changes:
- Currently 27 committers and 19 PMC members in the project.
- Shameera was added to the PMC on Wed Apr 01 2015
- Nipurn Doshi was added as a committer on Fri Mar 13 2015
## Releases:
- Apache Airavata 0.14 GA release was made on January 8th 2015.
We plan to make 0.15 release within the next month.
## Mailing list activity:
- 87 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):
- 36 emails sent to list (19 in previous quarter)
- 120 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 377 emails sent to list (208 in previous quarter)
- 13 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 842 emails sent to list (314 in previous quarter)
- 66 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months):
- 1 emails sent to list (1 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 137 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 211 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment D: Report from the Apache Ambari Project [Yusaku Sako]
## Description:
- Apache Ambari simplifies provisioning, managing, and monitoring of Apache
Hadoop clusters.
## Activity:
- Since the last report in Feb 2015, the community has released 2.0.0 which
included resolution of more than 1720 issues. This was a significant
milestone release that included advanced features such as rolling upgrades
(to minimize downtime while the stack is being upgraded), Ambari's native
Alerting and Metrics systems, automated Kerberization of the cluster,
as well as making Ambari more extensible via stack inheritance and
"common" services from which new stacks can be composed.
Since the 2.0.0 release, the community has been focused on development for
the 2.1.0, which includes guided configuration of various services,
advanced and customizable service dashboards / widgets, expanded platform
support (new OS's and JDK's), to name a few.
So far, around 900 issues have been resolved towards 2.1.0.
2.0.1, a maintenance release which fixes critical issues found in 2.0.0,
is also underway (around 50 fixes have been backported so far).
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## PMC/Committership changes:
- Currently 50 committers and 38 PMC members in the project.
- New PMC members:
- Jayush Luniya was added to the PMC on Thu Apr 30 2015
- Alejandro Fernandez was added to the PMC on Thu Feb 26 2015
- Last committer addition was Dilli Dorai at Tue Jan 20 2015
## Releases:
- 2.0.0 was released on Tue Apr 14 2015
## Mailing list activity:
- 173 subscribers (up 8 in the last 3 months):
- 12258 emails sent to list (12323 in previous quarter)
- 309 subscribers (up 25 in the last 3 months):
- 557 emails sent to list (232 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 1520 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 1425 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment E: Report from the Apache Ant Project [Conor MacNeill]
My apologies for this report being late (let me know if I should
resubmit next month).
There has not been a huge amount of project activity since the last
status report. There have been no releases made, new committers or PMC
members added. There is a steady, if low, level of commit activity.
Given all that, the remainder of this report is substantially the same
as that of the previous quarter
Status Report - May 2015
Apache Ant is a Java based build tool along with associated tools. It
consists of 4 main projects:
- Ant core and libraries (Antlibs)
- Ivy - Ant based dependency manager
- IvyDE - Eclipse plugin to integrate Ivy into Eclipse
- EasyAnt - Ant and Ivy toolbox to support build processes
o Release Status
Ant 1.9.4 was released on May 5, 2014
Ivy 2.4.0 was released on December 26, 2014
Ivy-DE 2.2.0 was released on November 22, 2013
The current release is still from the Incubator
o Committers and PMC
Jean-Louis Boudart was added to the PMC on Dec 6th, 2013
Charles Duffy was made a committer on Dec 8th, 2013.
o Community
See opening remarks.
Attachment F: Report from the Apache Aurora Project [Bill Farner]
## Description:
Apache Aurora is a service scheduler used to schedule jobs onto Apache Mesos.
## Activity:
- Vote for 0.8.0 release is underway
- Starting monthly cadence for events on SF Bay Area Apache Aurora Users
Group [1]
## Issues:
None to report at this time.
## PMC/Committership changes
- New PMC member: Zameer Manji, 2014-01-14
- New committer: Joshua Cohen, 2015-02-02
## Releases
Last release: 0.7.0-incubating, Release Date: Feb 05, 2015
## Mailing list activity
- 133 subscribers
- 93 e-mails in the last month [2]
## JIRA activity
- 27 JIRA tickets created in the last month [3]
- 47 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last month [4]
Attachment G: Report from the Apache Axis Project [Deepal Jayasinghe]
Attachment H: Report from the Apache BookKeeper Project [Ivan Kelly]
BookKeeper is a distributed, reliable, and high performance
logging service. The project also includes Hedwig which is
a highly scalable Pub/Sub service built on top of ZooKeeper
and BookKeeper with strong durability guarantees.
= Project Status =
Development has continued towards the 4.3.1 release, which
is a bugfix release. Work has mostly been on bugfixing and test
flakiness, and has been progressing at a steady rhythm.
= Releases =
Our last release was 4.2.4, released on 2015-01-22.
We are currently working on release 4.3.1, which has had one
release candidate which did not pass due to test flakiness.
= Community Status =
The last committer added was Robin Dhamankar (robindh) on
the 9th April 2015.
We also plan to appoint Sijie Guo as PMC chair this month (resolution
No infrastructure issues.
55 subscribers in
70 subscribers in
843 issues opened to date, 9 since 2015-03-15
581 issues resolved to date, 12 since 2015-03-15
51 people have reported issues, 4 since 2015-03-15
25 people have contributed patches, 6 since 2015-03-15
Attachment I: Report from the Apache Buildr Project [Alex Boisvert]
Apache Buildr is a Ruby-based build system for Java-based applications,
including support for Scala, Groovy and a growing number of JVM languages
and tools.
We made one minor release (v1.4.22 on March 5th) since our last board report.
Development and community activity (mailing lists, bug reports, etc.)
remains relatively low. Our last committer/PMC change happened in
October 2013.
We have no issues that require board attention.
Attachment J: Report from the Apache Cassandra Project [Jonathan Ellis]
Cassandra is a distributed database providing massive scalability,
high performance, and high availability.
2.0.15 29 Apr 2015
2.1.4 1 Apr 2015
2.0.14 1 Apr 2015
2.1.3 16 Mar 2015
A security issue was reported to Apache that Cassandra's default
configuration allowed arbitrary code to be executed remotely via JMX.
We followed Apache protocol and developed a fix as a PMC (led by Eric
Evans and Jake Luciani) resulting in the 2.0.14 and 2.1.4 releases
prior to the public announcement of the vulnerability [1].
With most of Cassandra 3.0 development complete, but with release
stalled by continuing difficulties in finishing CASSANDRA-8099 (a
rewrite of the storage engine around CQL principles rather than the
old Thrift API), we decided to release the-features-formerly-known-
as-3.0 as 2.2 as soon as possible, followed by a 3.0 release later
based on 8099. I expect a vote to begin on 2.2 beta 1 by the time the
board meets.
We had our second annual Next Generation Cassandra Conference for
Cassandra developers. (I.e., much smaller than a user-oriented
conference.) We had just over 50 developers attend this year in
Austin in conjunction with ApacheCon. Speakers included committers
and contributors from Apple, DataStax, Mesosphere, SVDS, and Vast.
Tokyo Cassandra Summit saw 500 registrations for the April event [2],
about double last year's. This puts it about on par with our San
Francisco summit from 2011, although the two events are not directly
comparable. (San Fransisco charged a fee to attendees, while Tokyo's
cost was borne entirely by sponsors, in large part because Tokyo was
able to find a sponsor willing to provide the venue for free.)
As you know, it is often difficult for Western open source projects to
gain traction in Japan (and vice versa) because of the language
barrier, so I am glad to see this growth. One analyst who attended
commented to me that he found it notable that by his estimate, about
40% of the audience at the Tokyo Summit were businessmen, compared to
virtually none at the MongoDB event that he attended recently. He
interpreted this to mean that Cassandra is more interesting to the
enterprise market that makes up so much of the Japanese industry.
Most recent committer and PMC changes:
Robert Stupp was added as committer on 15 Jan 2015.*
Aleksey Yeshchenko was added as PMC member on 7 Aug 2014.
*Sam Tunnicliffe has been voted in as committer, but has not submitted
his ICLA as of this writing. I expect that to be done by the time
the board meets.
Attachment K: Report from the Apache Celix Project [Alexander Broekhuis]
## Description:
OSGi framework implementation in C.
## Activity:
- Discussion started for the next release. This will be a release without
APR dependency in the framework, which will be backwards incompatible
- celix-bootstrap added to Apache Celix. celix-bootstrap is a project/code
generation tool which can be used to create new Apache Celix Bundle project
and initial code for bundles.
- Alexander Broekhuis & Pepijn Noltes presented "Modularizing C software
with Apache Celix" @ the Luminis devcon (Netherlands).
The activity for Apache Celix has been slow for the last months and we
expect this will increase for preparation of the next release.
Although for time to time activity on the Apache Celix mailing-lists can be
slow, we think this is natural for a small community; As long as there are
also burst of more active periods.
## Issues:
there are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## PMC/Committership changes:
- Currently 7 committers and 7 PMC members in the project.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Marcel Offermans at Fri Jul 18 2014
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Marcel Offermans at Fri Jul 18 2014
## Releases:
- Last release was 1.0.0-incubating on Tue Feb 25 2014
## Mailing list activity:
- 58 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
- 32 emails sent to list (78 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 11 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 7 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment L: Report from the Apache Clerezza Project [Hasan Hasan]
Apache Clerezza is an OSGi-based modular application and a set of components
(bundles) for building RESTFul Semantic Web applications and services.
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
- Clerezza rdf-core 0.1 created on April 13, 2015
Vote result:
- Clerezza Parent 6 created on March 24, 2015
Vote result:
- Extracted and released Clerezza Commons RDF API, modelling the RDF 1.1
data model and aligning the terms with the incubating commons RDF proposal
in the incubator
- Simple in memory implementation of the API, a SPARQL backed
implementation as well as utility classes
- Ported large part of Clerezza to use the new Clerezza Commons RDF API
- Some progress on a new version of the editor used to edit the site
- Improving folder structure, cleaning up bundles
Latest change was addition of a new committer and PMC member on 16.08.2013
- Website: Download page ( has still
not yet been updated. The new editor is urgently required and being improved.
Attachment M: Report from the Apache Cocoon Project [Thorsten Scherler]
Apache Cocoon 3 is a major rewrite of Cocoon 2.2. Like Cocoon 2 it is based
around the concept of pipelines and sitemaps and it is very similar to Cocoon
2.2 in many respects but is slimmed down and designed to be easily used with
Java code (= no frameworks required!). On top of this, Cocoon 3 has the goal
of becoming the best available platform for RESTful webservices and web
Issues needing board attention:
Traffic on users and devs list had been very light this last quarter. Some
users asked about different issues in the different versions of cocoon but
no real discussion raised.
* Last committer: Cédric Damioli and Robby Pelssers - 2011/12/18
* Changes in the PMC membership: None. - Last modified: 2012/10/21 (change of
PMC chair)
2.1 has been released on 2013/03/20.
Security issues reported
Progress of the project
none. We still need to release a new version of cocoon 3 and cocoon 2.2 but
no committer is stepping up to do so.
Attachment N: Report from the Apache Community Development Project [Ulrich Stärk]
Attachment O: Report from the Apache Continuum Project [Brent Atkinson]
Apache Continuum is an enterprise-ready continuous integration server with
features such as automated builds, release management, role-based security, and
integration with popular build tools and source control management systems.
The increase in mailing list activity reported last period has settled back to
prior volumes. The spike in issue tracker and commit activity reported has
continued to be high with progress toward a 1.5 release, but contributions were
limited to an individual. The pending 1.4.3 vote reported last period failed due
to insufficient PMC votes.
Board Issues
- There are no specific issues requiring board attention at this time
PMC/Committership changes
- Currently 18 committers and 13 PMC members in the project.
- No new changes to the PMC or committership since last report.
- Last release was 1.4.2 on Fri Jun 13 2014
Mailing list activity
- 286 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months):
- 0 emails sent to list (6 in previous quarter)
- 106 subscribers (down -3 in the last 3 months):
- 13 emails sent to list (13 in previous quarter)
- 10 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 22 emails sent to list (5 in previous quarter)
- 41 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months):
- 307 emails sent to list (72 in previous quarter)
JIRA activity
- 36 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 66 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment P: Report from the Apache CouchDB Project [Jan Lehnardt]
Report from the Apache CouchDB project [Jan Lehnardt]
## Description:
NoSQL document database using HTTP, JSON, and MapReduce
## Activity:
- Massive uptake in marketing@ activity, specifically pertaining
the framing of “The CouchDB Story”, i.e. how we communicate what
we do to the world.
- Switched website to git deploy, seeing immediate uptake in
website contributions.
- Ongoing effort to get over the last humps for our major 2.0
- Accepted the Nano project (a Node.js library for CouchDB) into
Apache CouchDB. This took a while because IP-clearance for a
GitHub project is, well, interesting.
- CouchDB will participage in the Google Summer of Code with at
least one project.
- Community vote for a new project logo. The PMC is now working
with the most favoured designers for a final selection.
- (Not necessarily Board Report material, but still a big dael,
so I am going to include it: CouchDB made the ThoughtWorks
Technology Radar:
in the “Offline First” category \o/)
- Finally, I’d like to voice my appreciation for the new board
report tool. Thank you all who made this happen!
## Issues:
- there are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## PMC/Committership changes:
- Currently 47 committers and 12 PMC members in the project.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Robert Kowalski at Fri Oct 24 2014
- New commmitters:
- Michelle Phung was added as a committer on Thu Feb 26 2015
- Tony Sun was added as a committer on Tue Feb 17 2015
- Eric Avdey was added as a committer on Wed Feb 18 2015
- Maria Andersson was added as a committer on Wed Apr 29 2015
## Releases:
- Last release was 1.6.1 on Wed Sep 03 2014
## Mailing list activity:
- 579 subscribers (up 14 in the last 3 months):
- 2999 emails sent to list (2695 in previous quarter)
- 9 subscribers (up 9 in the last 3 months):
- 87 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter)
- 74 subscribers (up 6 in the last 3 months):
- 6 emails sent to list (1 in previous quarter)
- 1334 subscribers (up 3 in the last 3 months):
- 313 emails sent to list (363 in previous quarter)
- 189 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 0 emails sent to list (1 in previous quarter)
- 238 subscribers (up 16 in the last 3 months):
- 0 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter)
- 9 subscribers (up 9 in the last 3 months):
- 8 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter)
- 42 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
- 6 emails sent to list (1 in previous quarter)
- 55 subscribers (up 11 in the last 3 months):
- 458 emails sent to list (325 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 110 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 70 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment Q: Report from the Apache Creadur Project [Brian E Fox]
Apache Creadur creates and maintains a suite of open source software related
to the auditing and comprehension of software distributions. Any language and
build system are welcomed.
Since the last report in Feb email list activity has picked up and
there are a number of new Jiras being filed as various Apache projects
continue to use Creadur.
We have had a successful release of Apache Rat 0.11 in August '14. Slow
progress is occurring towards 0.12
Drat[1] has successfully updated to 0.11, no bug reports filed yet which we
take to be a good sign.
The last committer was elected in August, 2012. In September 2013 Phil Ottlinger
was elected to join the PMC.
Apache Rat 0.11 was released in August, 2014 Apache Rat 0.10 was
released in September, 2013.
Community Objectives
Release RAT 0.12, progress has already been started on
this. Release Apache Whisker 0.1 Find more committers
Attachment R: Report from the Apache Deltacloud Project [Marios S. Andreou]
Attachment S: Report from the Apache DeltaSpike Project [Gerhard Petracek]
Apache DeltaSpike is a portable JSR-299 CDI
(Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java) Extension library
which contains lots of useful tools and helpers
which are missing in the CDI core spec.
DeltaSpike is not a CDI-container itself, but a portable
Extension library which can run on all CDI-containers!
DeltaSpike is tested and runs on many Java EE Servers like
Apache TomEE, Red Hat JBoss Application Server, JBoss Wildfly,
Oracle WebLogic, Oracle Glassfish, IBM WebSphere, and also on
simple Servlet containers like Apache Tomcat or Jetty in combination
with either JBoss Weld or Apache OpenWebBeans.
* New Committers
** Ron Smeral (April 2015)
* New PMC Members
** Rafael Benevides (April 2015)
We receive contributions from the community on a regular basis.
Our annual PMC-chair rotation vote passed.
Thomas Andraschko got voted in as new DeltaSpike PMC Chair
taking over from Gerhard Petracek.
* DeltaSpike 1.3.0 (4/March/15)
Attachment T: Report from the Apache DeviceMap Project [Reza Naghibi]
Apache Devicemap is a data repository containing devices attributes, and their
related browsers, and operating systems. The project also maintains an api
to classify these attributes.
* Working on 1.0.3 data release. Plan on releasing it this month.
* Planning continues on 2.0. The data spec is pretty much done. The next step
would be creating a test specification and reference client. After that,
data can be migrated to the 2.0 format and official clients can be created
using the spec, the test spec, and reference client as a guide.
* DeviceMap Data 1.0.2 was released on February 13th, 2015.
* DeviceMap Java Client 1.2.0 was released on December 22nd 2014.
* Volkan Yazici was added as DeviceMap committer in April 2015.
* There are still lingering issues between PMC members. Since I am involved,
I will try and report on them as unbiased as possible. The issue seems to
be rooted in how the project moves forward with multiple independent client
codebases. I personally was tired of the constant disagreement and even
floated my resignation on the dev list. I got many responses encouraging me
to stick with the project and Bertrand made some recommendations to help
with the disagreements. We all came to agreement that a better partition
in the SVN repo would help seperate the clients and how they move forward.
The hope is that members are more free to work on and move different pieces
of this project forward without the large inter-dependencies which were
present in the OpenDDR data and client.
Attachment U: Report from the Apache DirectMemory Project [Raffaele P. Guidi]
Apache DirectMemory is an off-heap cache implementation for the JVM
* General Information
Development and mailing lists traffic are mostly quiet. I think that, more
than a real report, the project needs some real activity
* Issues
The project is not seeing any active contribution nor any real world usage
* Committers or PMC members change
Last added PMC PMC member was Noctarius (Cristoph Engelbert) on 2013-09-25
* Releases
Release 0.2 has seen the light on 2013-09-17
Attachment V: Report from the Apache Drill Project [Jacques Nadeau]
## Description:
A distributed SQL MPP for Hadoop and NoSQL
## Activity:
- The community is very active, driving towards a 1.0 release. The last two
releases have driven additional engagement on the user mailing list. While
we've had some development interest from beyond the core community, there
is a hope among the PMC that having a 1.0 release will provide an easier
foundation upon which new contributors can engage in the project.
## Issues:
- there are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## PMC/Committership changes:
- Currently 23 committers and 16 PMC members in the project.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Venki Korukanti at Wed Nov 26 2014
- Hanifi Gunes was added as a committer on Thu Apr 16 2015
## Releases:
- 0.9.0 was released on Sun May 03 2015
- 0.8.0 was released on Mon Mar 30 2015
## Mailing list activity:
- 394 subscribers (down -5 in the last 3 months):
- 2899 emails sent to list (1313 in previous quarter)
- 403 subscribers (up 28 in the last 3 months):
- 628 emails sent to list (662 in previous quarter)
- 19 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
- 7790 emails sent to list (3764 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 841 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 602 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment W: Report from the Apache Empire-db Project [Francis De Brabandere]
Apache Empire-db is a relational database abstraction layer that allows
developers to take a more SQL-centric approach in application development
than traditional ORM frameworks. Its focus is to allow highly efficient
database operations in combination with a maximum of compile-time-safety
and DBMS independence.
Progress of the project
We switched from svn to git as we heard from other projects that it lowers
the barrier for sending patches. Further we got a really useful patch
submitted by a community member that we are currently integrating. A release
should be following soon.
Changes in committers or PMC members
There have been no changes in committers or PMC members during the last
There are no issues that require the board's attention at this time.
No releases since last report.
Latest release was Apache-Empire-db 2.4.3 released on 20/Aug/2014.
Attachment X: Report from the Apache Etch Project [Martin Veith]
Apache Etch is a cross-platform, language- and transport-independent
RPC-like framework for building and consuming network services.
There are no Board-level issues at this time.
* Apache Etch 1.4.0 was released on August, 06 2014.
* Bug fix release 1.4.1 is on the way
* Still very low activity, some questions discussed on the user mailing list
* Some rework on the documentation started to make it easier for new users
* No changes regarding PMC or committers composition since graduation
in January 2013.
* No changes in our committer and user base. We were able to get
exactly three binding PMC votes for the last release.
Attachment Y: Report from the Apache Flume Project [Arvind Prabhakar]
Apache Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available system for
efficiently collecting, aggregating, and moving large amounts of log
data to scalable data storage systems such as Apache Hadoop's HDFS.
* The last release of Flume was version 1.5.2, released on November
18, 2014.
* Work on the next release version 1.6.0 is currently underway.
* A total of 78 issues have been filed, and 39 issues have been
resolved between the period starting February 5, 2014 and May 4,
* Approximately 1095 messages were exchanged on the dev list in the
past three months, while a total of 224 were exchanged on the user
list in this period.
* The last time a new committer was added to the project was on
May 8, 2015.
* The last time a new PMC member was elected for the project was
on November 4, 2014.
* Currently there are:
- Total of 262 subscribers to the developer list
- Total of 636 subscribers to the user list
- Total of 25 committers
- Total of 21 PMC members
* There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
Attachment Z: Report from the Apache Forrest Project [David Crossley]
Apache Forrest mission is software for generation of aggregated multi-channel
documentation maintaining a separation of content and presentation.
Issues needing board attention:
Changes in the PMC membership:
Last modified: 2013-04-08
Most recent addition: 2009-06-09
New committers:
Most recent addition: 2009-06-09
General status:
The most recent release is 0.9 on 2011-02-07.
No activity on the user mail list. However it never gets used much anyway.
There was minor activity on the dev mail list.
Late in the previous quarter, one PMC member started a dev discussion about
contributing a new Bootstrap-based skin. As a PMC member, i assisted to
move that discussion along and tried again late in this quarter. Going by
the response to my draft report, we should see some action during the next
During the previous quarter, as the Chair, i reminded the dev list that the
project needs to make releases. During this quarter in late-April, i did
follow-up as a PMC member to try to move that along. There was no comment.
As Chair, in late-April i asked the private list to each do our bit to
attend to the main community-health issues: having a recent release,
increasing the committer/PMC base, and being a little active. There was no
comment, but some murmurs in response to my draft report.
At this report, three PMC members were present during the quarter and
four other PMC members responded to my draft report.
This confirms that there are sufficient people hanging around for us to
potentially be able to make a decision or encourage new contributors.
Project status:
Activity: Low
3+ people have indicated presence, so has sufficient oversight.
Security issues reported:
Progress of the project:
Improved the "upgrading" notes to remind to keep any optional configuration
files synchronised with the default.
Updated our Description of a Project (DOAP) file, to rectify Forrest being
missing from the projects-new.a.o site.
In the previous quarter, Infra advised us that the machine hosting the
Forrest project's build and demo server is being decommissioned. One of
our PMC members asked for a new VM via the issue INFRA-9093 (FOR-1251).
During this quarter, Infra made a little progress by asking us what
packages we need to support that. Two PMC members responded.
Attachment AA: Report from the Apache Giraph Project [Avery Ching]
Attachment AB: Report from the Apache Gora Project [Lewis John McGibbney]
## Description:
The Apache Gora open source framework provides an in-memory data model
and persistence for big data. Gora supports persisting to column stores, key
value stores, document stores and RDBMSs, and analyzing the data with
extensive Apache Hadoop MapReduce support.
## Activity:
- Project activity has been pretty low in last quarter with an issue
blocking the release of a bug fix for Gora 0.6.1. The goal is to
amend this and release the bug fix ASAP.
- Gora has however AGAIN been accepted into the GSoC program so
renewed development will be kicking off on new features for the
codebase. More updates at the next reporting period.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## PMC/Committership changes:
- Currently 20 committers and 20 PMC members in the project.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Talat Uyarer at Mon Jan 26 2015
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Talat Uyarer at Mon Jan 26 2015
## Releases:
- Gora 0.6 was released on February 19th, 2015.
## Mailing list activity:
- 72 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):
- 318 emails sent to list (158 in previous quarter)
- 64 subscribers (up 4 in the last 3 months):
- 54 emails sent to list (20 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 15 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 7 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AC: Report from the Apache Hama Project [ChiaHung Lin]
Project Status
Apache Hama is planning to release 0.7.0, features include:
Support Mesos and Yarn.
Kyro serialization for messages.
Queue manager for incoming/ outgoing message bundles.
The last PMC addition: Aug 4, 2013
The last committer addition: 13 Jun, 2014
Community Objectives
Before moving to 1.x, fault tolerance would be the main objective goal.
The last release of Hama (0.6.4) was on 5th March 2014
Attachment AD: Report from the Apache Hive Project [Carl Steinbach]
## Description:
Apache Hive is a data warehouse written on top of Apache Hadoop. It
provides SQL to query and manage data (in the form of tables and
partitions stored in HDFS or external systems) and provides a
metastore containing metadata information about the stored data.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## PMC/Committership changes:
- Currently 51 committers and 25 PMC members in the project.
- Sergey Shelukhin was added to the PMC on Mon Mar 09 2015
- New commmitters:
- Jesus Camacho Rodriguez was added as a committer on Tue Mar 24 2015
- Mithun Radhakrishnan was added as a committer on Tue Apr 14 2015
- Matt McCline was added as a committer on Mon May 18 2015
- Siddharth Seth was added as a committer on Tue Mar 03 2015
- Alexander Pivovarov was added as a committer on Mon May 11 2015
- Dong Chen was added as a committer on Wed May 13 2015
- Ferdinand Xu was added as a committer on Wed May 13 2015
- Sergio Peña was added as a committer on Mon Apr 06 2015
- Hari was added as a committer on Wed May 13 2015
- Jimmy Xiang was added as a committer on Mon Mar 30 2015
## Releases:
- 1.1.0 was released on Sun Feb 22 2015
- 1.2.0 was released on Fri May 15 2015
## Mailing list activity:
- 740 subscribers (up 20 in the last 3 months):
- 2742 emails sent to list (12291 in previous quarter)
- 12 subscribers (up 6 in the last 3 months):
- 8365 emails sent to list (5 in previous quarter)
- 1978 subscribers (up 62 in the last 3 months):
- 1010 emails sent to list (729 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 1043 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 804 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AE: Report from the Apache HTTP Server Project [Eric Covener]
Report from the Apache HTTP Server project [Eric Covener]
## Description:
The Apache HTTP Server Project develops and maintains an
open-source HTTP server for modern operating systems.
## Activity:
Overall project activity is low, with various fixes being
made on maintenance releases but very little forward development.
Third-party work on an HTTP/2 module was discussed more this
reporting period, with some enablement work for ALPN revived
in mod_ssl.
No security issues have required new releases, so patches have
collected a little longer than normal in the stable releases.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## PMC/Committership changes:
- Currently 112 committers and 43 PMC members in the project.
- Christophe Jaillet was added to the PMC on Mon Mar 09 2015
- Stefan Sperling was added as a committer on Fri Apr 17 2015
## Releases:
- Last 2.4.x release was 2.4.12 on Jan 26 2015
- Last 2.2.x release was 2.2.29 on September 3 2014
Attachment AF: Report from the Apache HttpComponents Project [Asankha Perera]
Attachment AG: Report from the Apache Incubator Project [Ted Dunning]
Incubator PMC report for May 2015
The Apache Incubator is the entry path into the ASF for projects and
codebases wishing to become part of the Foundation's efforts.
Things have been going well in incubator lately with no major problems
to highlight. The last member election added a large number of new
members and several of these have taken the opportunity to join the
IPMC. A (good) challenge for the Incubator will be to make sure that
these people feel welcome and make contributions by shepherding and
* Community
New IPMC members:
Amareshwari Sriramadasu
David Lester
Kim Whitehall
P. Taylor Goetz
Michael Joyce
Jitendra Pandey
* New Podlings
* Graduations
The board has motions for the following:
* Releases
The following releases were made since the last Incubator report:
2015-04-02 apache-ignite-1.0.0
2015-04-02 apahce-johnzon-0.7
2015-04-15 apache-parquet-mr-1.6.0
2015-04-16 apache-calcite-1.2.0
2015-04-25 apache-streams-project-0.2
2015-04-27 apache-tinkerpop-3.0.0.M8-incubating
* IP Clearance
Apache Storm Azure Eventhub Integration
Donation of Apache Flex documentation by Adobe
Donation of Apache Usergrid source code by Apigee.
* Legal / Trademarks
* Infrastructure
The "Marvin" report reminders fired in a timely manner for the first
time in several months and were sent to the proper podlings. A
replacement script had been contemplated but now that there is less
urgency it seems likely that we will continue to use the existing
facilities. The only problem was that the script worked against an
old board report. This issue has reportedly been fixed as well.
* Miscellaneous
-------------------- Summary of podling reports --------------------
* Still getting started at the Incubator
* Not yet ready to graduate
No release:
Community growth:
* Ready to graduate
* Low Activity
ODF Toolkit
* Did not report, expected next month
Table of Contents
ODF Toolkit
Apache AsterixDB is a scalable big data management system (BDMS) that
provides storage, management, and query capabilities for large collections
of semi- structured data.
AsterixDB has been incubating since 2015-02-28.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Get the site up.
2. Do an Apache release.
3. Grow community
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
No, still getting started.
How has the community developed since the last report?
The SGA has been signed and the code has been imported.
More discussions happen on the Apache lists now.
How has the project developed since the last report?
SGA and code drop done, need to get the site (and maybe the Wiki) up as
Date of last release:
No Releases yet.
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
No elected PMC and/or committers
[x](asterixdb) Ate Douma
[x](asterixdb) Chris Mattmann
[x](asterixdb) Henry Saputra
[x](asterixdb) Jochen Wiedmann
[x](asterixdb) Ted Dunning
Blur is a search platform capable of searching massive amounts of data
in a cloud computing environment.
Blur has been incubating since 2012-07-24.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. We anticipate pursuing graduation after our upcoming release.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
- Subscriptions: user@ - 57[-3]; dev@ - 67[+1]
How has the project developed since the last report?
Many bug fixes related to stability and bulk incremental ingestion.
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
[ ](blur) Doug Cutting
[X](blur) Patrick Hunt
[X](blur) Tim Williams
Shepherd/Mentor notes:
Konstantin Boudnik (cos):
Human activity on Dev list is almost zero: high 90% of the emails are from
CI system or JIRA notificaitons.
Tim Williams (twilliams):
The comment above is from a shepherd, not a mentor. Further
Commons RDF is a set of interfaces and classes for RDF 1.1 concepts and
behaviours. The commons-rdf-api module defines interfaces and testing
harness. The commons-rdf-simple module provides a basic reference
implementation to exercise the test harness and clarify API contracts.
CommonsRDF has been incubating since 2015-03-06.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Grow the CommonsRDF Community such that we can progress
towards graduation
2. Further engage the podling with the nuances of the Apache
Incubation process
3. Drive towards the first incubating release
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
Peter Ansell resigned from the PPMC, but remains affiliated with the
How has the community developed since the last report?
Development and coding practices agreed.
Newcomers are joining discussions, adding feature requests.
Mailing list subscribers numbers were not included in last report. Numbers
for April 2015:
dev@ ======> 16 subscribers, 333 messages
commits@ ======> 9 subscribers, 248 messages
How has the project developed since the last report?
There has been a bunch of development activity going on at CommonsRDF with
over 200 dev@ messages in March and 300 in April. Website and
documentation established at All
project communication and development has been migrated to Apache
Infrastructure. The project has been introduced to the W3C Data on the
Web Best Practices Working Group to increase the community. There is also
an ongoing thread relating to the first project incubating release with a
release candidate currently being voted on.
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
[X](commonsrdf) Rob Vesse
[X](commonsrdf) John D Ament
[ ](commonsrdf) Gary Gregory
[X](commonsrdf) Lewis J. McGibbney (Champion)
[X](ipmc) Chris Mattmann
Shepherd/Mentor notes:
Chris Mattmann:
Peter Ansell's resignation from the IPMC isn't related to this project,
Rob Vesse:
Peter Ansell's resignation was due to frustrations at the speed of
progress particularly around some technical discussions that he had felt
had previously been resolved prior to this project entering the
Incubator and so he has chosen to focus his efforts on other projects.
The project does seem to now have resolved those issues and has been
able to move forward with a first release candidate.
John Ament:
Peter Ansell resigned from the PPMC/Podling, not the IPMC.
Droids aims to be an intelligent standalone robot framework that allows to
create and extend existing droids (robots).
Droids has been incubating since 2008-10-09.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Activity
2. Name Search
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
Name search needs to be concluded. Availability looks better this quarter
for completing that task.
How has the community developed since the last report?
No change
How has the project developed since the last report?
No Change
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
[x](droids) Thorsten Scherler
[x](droids) Richard Frovarp
Shepherd/Mentor notes:
Chris Mattmann:
Droids has been incubating for quite a while - is it time to graduate or
Apache Groovy is a multi-faceted programming language for the Java platform.
Groovy is a powerful, optionally typed and dynamic language, with static-
typing and static compilation capabilities, aimed at multiplying developers’
productivity thanks to a concise, familiar and easy to learn syntax. It
integrates smoothly with any Java program, and immediately delivers to your
application powerful features, including scripting capabilities, Domain-
Specific Language authoring, runtime and compile-time meta-programming and
functional programming.
Groovy has been incubating since 2015-03-24
The most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. We still have to get our new release process ready for making our first
release under the incubator banner
2. We need to continue encouraging our users to use our new resources at
Apache instead of using the old ones at Codehaus (in particular
mailing-lists which are still running at Codehaus)
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
We noticed some issues with JIRA rights that we brought to the attention
to our mentors.
How has the community developed since the last report?
With the JIRA creation and the mirroring on Github, the project received
new tickets and also code contributions through pull requests.
So the the community has followed the project at Apache, and has managed
to move to using our new resources there, and new users contributing.
How has the project developed since the last report?
Since the last report, the JIRA issue tracker has been created and
Codehaus JIRA issues have been moved in. We also got a "notifications"
mailing-list created for JIRA notification emails. The Git repository has
also been created and the code was imported in Apache's Git, and mirrored
on Github.
Date of last release:
Not yet released under the Apache incubation umbrella.
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
No new election.
[ ](groovy) Andrew Bayer
[X](groovy) Konstantin Boudnik
[X](groovy) Bertrand Delacretaz
[X](groovy) Jim Jagielski
[X](groovy) Emmanuel Lecharny
[X](groovy) Roman Shaposhnik
Shepherd/Mentor notes:
Andrei Savu:
Integration into the Incubator is going well.
Kylin is a distributed and scalable OLAP engine built on Hadoop to support
extremely large datasets.
Kylin has been incubating since 2014-11-25.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Make the first release from apache, it's in progress now, status
tracking under: KYLIN-669
2. Grow user and contributor base, increase the number of active
3. Add more documentation to support new users and contributors.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
* Nothing
How has the community developed since the last report?
1. Kylin joined Spark Meetup Bay Area on March 23 to discussed "Adding
Spark Support to Apache Kylin"
2. Kylin has been presented at Hadoop Summit Europe by Ted Dunning on
April 16
3. Kylin has been presented at Database Technology Conference 2015 Beijing
by Yang Li on April 19
4. Luke Han presented Kylin's open source topic at QCon 2015 Beijing on
April 23
5. Kylin has been presented at Strata+Hadoop World London 2015 by Luke Han
and Yang Li on May 6
6. Kylin will be present at HBaseCon 2015 by Seshu Adunuthula on May 7
8. Offical twitter account created: @ApacheKylin
* Followers 235
9. Issue backlog status since last report:
* Created: 124
* Resolved: 61
10. Mailing list activity since last report:
* @dev 475 messages in April and 421 messages in March
How has the project developed since the last report?
1. Binary package for user to install without build from source which
reduced a lot deployment issues.
2. Streaming OLAP function prototype.
3. New Cubing Algorithm
Date of last release:
None yet, the community is activity working on the first release:
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
1. 3 news committers has been elected on April 8: Shaofeng Shi, Qianhao
Zhou, Jason Zhong
[ ](kylin) Owen O'Malley
[x](kylin) Ted Dunning
[x](kylin) Henry Saputra
Shepherd/Mentor notes:
Konstantin Boudnik:
No issues with the project: mail lists are very active.
Myriad enables co-existence of Apache Hadoop YARN and Apache Mesos together
on the same cluster and allows dynamic resource allocations across both
Hadoop and other applications running on the same physical data center
Myriad has been incubating since 2015-03-01.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Fill out the ip-clearance form and donate the Myriad code to ASF.
2. Migrate the code and issues from github, change all links/references.
3. Figure out how and when to release a new "version" of Myriad.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
More than 100 emails on dev@. Began open community-wide meetings/hangouts.
One new community member from China, and more from MapR.
Gave presentations at ApacheCon, Data Science MD, and East Bay Big Data
Group. Upcoming presentations at China Mesos User Group and at MesosCon in
How has the project developed since the last report?
Significant recent commits/PRs include:
1. Committed: Remote binary distribution (PR#83)
2. Committed: Configuration via REST API (PR#84)
3. In review: Multi-project build (PR#77)
4. In progress: Web UI Dashboard (PR#82)
5. In progress: Fine-grained scaling (PR#91)
6. In progress: High availability for the Scheduler/RM (PR#94)
7. In progress: Dockerizing the Scheduler/ResourceManager (PR#95)
Date of last release:
No releases yet. Still at 0.0.1 in the source. Will plan a release after
we migrate to Apache git.
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
Need to grant Apache git karma to initial committers and migrate the code
base. Then we will vote in new committers from the existing developer
[ ](myriad) Benjamin Hindman
[ ](myriad) Danese Cooper
[x](myriad) Ted Dunning
[ ](myriad) Luciano Resende
Shepherd/Mentor notes:
Justin Mclean (jmclean):
Mentors active, no issues, project just starting out.
NiFi is a dataflow system based on the concepts of flow-based programming.
NiFi has been incubating since 2014-11-24.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Continue to grow the community and support the new user base
2. Establish rhythm for releases and improve documentation and procedures
3. Provide a clear and expedient process for code contribution and review
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
- We have a new PPMC member - Aldrin Piri.
- We completed our second release on March 17 2015.
- Two talks were given at ApacheCon NA 2015 featuring Apache NiFi
- The first Apache NiFi meetup was held in the Baltimore/Washington area.
- The project has code contributions from more than 25 people.
- The mailing lists are quite active with developer questions and an
increasing amount of user focused questions. The dev list has 118
registered addresses. Commits has 30 and our brand new 'users' list
established in mid April has 20.
How has the project developed since the last report?
- We have produced our second release within the Apache Incubator.
- We are in the closing stages of our third release and includes bug
fixes, new features, and improved documentation with significant
representation of contribution outside of the PPMC.
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
[X](nifi) Billie Rinaldi
[ ](nifi) Arvind Prabhakar
[X](nifi) Sergio Fernandez
[ ](nifi) Benson Margulies
[ ](nifi) Brock Noland
[X](nifi) Drew Farris
[X](nifi) Andrew Purtell
Shepherd/Mentor notes:
P. Taylor Goetz (ptgoetz):
Mentors engaged. Podling seems to be doing well with no issues requiring
mentor assistance.
ODF Toolkit
This report is a catch up from last month which we missed.
Java modules that allow programmatic creation, scanning and manipulation of
OpenDocument Format (ISO/IEC 26300 == ODF) documents
ODF Toolkit has been incubating since 2011-08-01.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Grow the community in terms of committers
2. Have regular releases
3. Decide if we would like to be a top level project or join an existing
project, or move to the attic.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
Nothing new, very quiet. But we are not dead yet :-)
How has the community developed since the last report?
No new committers, some minor activity re tickets in Jira
How has the project developed since the last report?
The latest release has been added as a Maven artifact in response to a
user request.
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
[X](ipmc) Chris Mattmann
Shepherd Notes:
Chris Mattmann:
- perhaps think about joining Apache POI and/or Tika?
Singa is a distributed deep learning platform.
Singa has been incubating since 2015-03-17.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Grow the community of developers and users.
2. Build the homepage and add more documentations.
2. Prepare for the first release.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
Three software engineers from NetEase have joined the dev@ list. They have
been working on deep learning using GPUs for speech processing.
How has the project developed since the last report?
1. We have updated the Incubation Status file.
2. We have finished migrating the code to Apache git repository.
3. We have discussed on the features and development schedule for first
4. A new communication framework has been implemented to unify the
training architectures used by existing systems.
5. We have added GNU autotools for installing Singa.
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
[ ](singa) Daniel Dai
[ ](singa) Alan Gates
[x](singa) Ted Dunning
[ ](singa) Thejas Nair
Slider is a collection of tools and technologies to package, deploy, and
manage long running applications on Apache Hadoop YARN clusters.
Slider has been incubating since 2014-04-29.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Building a diverse developer and user community
2. Achieving broader adoption of the existing code and slider-deployable
applications (examples: HBase, Accumulo)
3. Making slider better at deploying other applications, so improving
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
We are getting some questions from users on the list and an occasional
patch submitted. A number of features added to the recent releases
were driven by user needs.
How has the project developed since the last report?
We completed release 0.61.0-incubating in February with more complex
release artifacts than we had released previously. We also released
0.70.1-incubating in March. Planning is under way for releasing 0.80 in
May 2015.
Date of last release:
2015-03-31: Slider 0.70.1-incubating
2015-02-19: Slider 0.61.0-incubating
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
2014-09-27: Gour Saha, committer and PPMC member
[ ](slider) Arun C Murthy
[ ](slider) Devaraj Das
[ ](slider) Jean-Baptiste Onofré
[ ](slider) Mahadev Konar
Tamaya is a highly flexible configuration solution based on an modular,
extensible and injectable key/value based design, which should provide a
minimal but extendible modern and functional API leveraging SE, ME and EE
Tamaya has been incubating since 2014-11-14.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Publish a first release until mid year.
2. Keep focus for a reasonable functionality and way forward.
3. Keep up/increase community engagement, increase publicity by further
evangelizing it.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
Two people have shown very interested 1) on the mailing list, or 2) even
helped with some work at ZH Hackergarten. Crcial will be going out with a
first release asap.
How has the project developed since the last report?
We successfully backported API/core to Java 7. Overall project quality
increased. Some API aspects were reevaluated and several bugfixes and new
features were added. Also a lot of documentation and examples were added,
so we definitively approach a first release.
Date of last release:
N/A (not released anything).
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
25th January 2015 (Reinhard Sandtner)
[X](tamaya) John D. Ament
[X](tamaya) Mark Struberg
[ ](tamaya) Gerhard Petracek
[ ](tamaya) David Blevins
Shepherd/Mentor notes:
John Ament:
Podling is beginning the process towards the first release.
TinkerPop is a graph computing framework written in Java
TinkerPop has been incubating since 2015-01-16.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Get more committers on the project.
2. Get TinkerPop 3.0.0.GA out.
3. Get vendors migrated from TP2 to TP3
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
Vendors are starting to use dev@ to communicate requirements for their
respective products.
How has the project developed since the last report?
We released 3.0.0.M8-incubating -- our first Apache release.
Date of last release:
April 6, 2015
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
[ X ](tinkerpop) Rich Bowen
[ ](tinkerpop) Daniel Gruno
[ ](tinkerpop) Hadrian Zbarcea
[ ](tinkerpop) Matt Franklin
[ ](tinkerpop) David Nalley
Twill is an abstraction over Apache Hadoop® YARN to reduce the complexity
of developing distributed applications.
Twill has been incubating since 2013-11-14.
Top three items to resolve before graduation:
- More committers from different organizations.
- Regular releases.
- Increase adoption.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
- None at this time.
How has the community developed since the last report?
- 14 new JIRA issues filed since last report (2015-02-01)
- 12 JIRA issues resolved since last report (2015-02-01)
- 4 new contributors submitted patches
How has the project developed since the last report?
- Version 0.6.0-incubating is being worked upon
- New project using Twill: Fluo - transaction layer that enables
incremental processing on big data
- Twill ported to work on Mapr distribution
Date of last release:
- 2015-02-27: 0.5.0-incubating
What are the plans for the next period?
- Encourage contributions from active users
- Identify potential committers
- Improve documentation and website
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
- No new committers since incubation.
[ ](twill) Vinod K
[ ](twill) Arun C Murthy
[ ](twill) Tom White
[X](twill) Patrick Hunt
A collaborative data analytics and visualisation tool for distributed,
general-purpose data processing systems such as Apache Spark, Apache Flink,
Zeppelin has been incubating since 2014-12-23.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Do an Apache release
2. Community growth: more committers from different organisations
3. Increase adoption
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
More people submitting patches and feature requests then in previous
month: 30 patches has been merged and 40 patches has been submitted from
21 different contributors.
Traffic in users@ grew a lot in last month with new users asking and new
contributors answering questions: +27 subscribers in dev@, +58 subscribers
in users@ since last month.
Introduction to Zeppelin was well received on ApacheCon 2015, it generated
some interest from other projects in collaboration\integration which
resulted in discussions dev@ and new JIRA issues.
How has the project developed since the last report?
Generic JDBC as well as TajoJDBC and HiveJDBC interpreters were
contributed by individual contributors as well as a bunch bugs were fixed.
Pluggable notebook persistence layer was abstracted.
Rich GUI inside Notebook was added (custom AngularJS code)
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
[X](zeppelin) Konstantin Boudnik
[x](zeppelin) Henry Saputra
[X](zeppelin) Roman Shaposhnik
[x](zeppelin) Ted Dunning
[ ](zeppelin) Hyunsik Choi
Attachment AH: Report from the Apache James Project [Eric Charles]
The Apache James Project delivers a rich set of open source modules and
libraries, written in Java, related to Internet mail which build into an
advanced enterprise mail server.
There are no issue requiring board attention at this time.
No new release (last release done on 19 March 2013).
We have seen interest from contributors and have committed patches
for the different server sub-projects (protocols, mailbox...) related to
build optimization, test fixes and ACL (Access Control List) implementation.
We are also discussing on a way to integrate Pull Requests coming from Github.
Once we will reach stability on test, build and ACL, we will release the
various projects one by one (updating the DOAP file).
We monitor the newcomers to ensure they have the needed level to invite them
as committter.
We are still looking on a way to handle vulnerability VU#988628 (not yet made
public). The vulnerability is identified on James 2 which is not the current
target (we concentrate our limited resources on the upcoming James 3).
No new committer (Last committer was voted on 30 of Nov 2013).
No new PMC member (Last PMC member was voted on 17 Jul 2012).
Still to do:
Logos and Graphics (include TM, use consistent product logo on web site).
Attachment AI: Report from the Apache jUDDI Project [Alex O'Ree]
jUDDI (pronounced "Judy") is an open source Java implementation of the
Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI v3) specification for
(Web) Services. The jUDDI project includes Scout. Scout is an implementation
of the JSR 93 - Java API for XML Registries 1.0 (JAXR).
- Low traffic on the mailing lists this quarter.
- 3.2.1 Released Dec 5, 2014
- 3.3 release is near ready for release
- No release this period, not really any development took place.
- Very low volume of JAXR related questions on the mailing list.
Last PMC addition and new committer April 3, 2013 (Alex O'Ree)
Last Release jUDDI-3.2.1, Dec 5, 2014
There are no issues that require the boards attention at this time.
Attachment AJ: Report from the Apache Kafka Project [Jun Rao]
Apache Kafka is a distributed pub/sub system for efficiently collecting and
delivering a large number of messages to both offline and online systems.
We released Kafka, which fixes 4 critical issues in The
highlights in the 0.8.2.x releases include (1) a java-based new producer,
which provides better performance and a cleaner api; (2) a more scalable
Kafka-based offset storage management; (3) automated leader balancing and
controlled shutdown; (4) delete topic support; (5) more than 200 bug fixes and
improvements. We are actively developing a new java-based consumer and the
security support in trunk.
Lots of activities in the mailing list. kafka-user has 768, 776, 453 emails in
Feb, Mar and Apr, respectively (up from 665 in Jan). kafka-dev has 1742 1854,
2001 emails in Feb, Mar and Apr, respectively (up from 1632 in Jan). We last
elected a new committer Guozhang Wang on Nov. 19, 2014. We had two Kafka talks
and a meetup in ApacheCon 2015. We had a Kafka meetup in Mountain View,
California on Mar. 24, 2015.
=========== was released on Mar. 11, 2015.
Attachment AK: Report from the Apache Knox Project [Kevin Minder]
# Description
The Knox Gateway is a REST API gateway for securing Hadoop REST APIs at the
# Issues
# Status
* New release 0.6.0 on 4/30/2015
# Releases
* 0.6.0: 2015-04-30
* 0.5.1: 2015-12-01
* 0.5.0: 2014-11-04
* 0.4.0: 2014-04-21
* 0.3.0: 2013-10-13 (Incubating)
# Development Activity
* Community has just released 0.6.0
* Jira: 537 total, 129 open, +44 -36 over last 90 days
* Git (Source): 48 commits over last 90 days
* SVN (Site & Docs): 11 commits over last 90 days
# Community Activity
## Contributors Added
* 1 new contributor active
## Membership Changes
* None
## Mailing List Activity
* dev@knox: 521 messages over last 90 days
* user@knox: 10 messages over last 90 days
Attachment AL: Report from the Apache Libcloud Project [Tomaz Muraus]
Libcloud is a Python library that abstracts away the differences among
multiple cloud provider APIs.
There are no issues that require the board's attention at this time.
- 0.17.0 on February 18th, 2015
- Allard Hoeve (allard) has joined us as a committer on March 17th, 2015
- Eric Johnson (erjohnso) has joined us as a committer and a PMC member on
December 4th, 2014
Attachment AM: Report from the Apache Logging Project [Christian Grobmeier]
The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains open-
source software related to application logging.
Currently there are no issues which require the board’s attention.
- Community
Log4j 2 remains an active project. The overall
community is healthy and friendly.
Log4cxx is still active at the Incubator.
In general, all subprojects are healthy.
- Project Branding Requirements
All components except Chainsaw meet the branding requirements.
We will fix the Chainsaw branding with the next release.
- Last three community changes
* Matt Sicker joined as PMC Member on Aug 10 2014
* Bruce Brouwer joined as a Committer on May 16 2014
* Matt Sicker joined as a Committer on Mar 01 2014
- Releases
* Log4j 2.2.0 (Feb 26, 2015)
* Log4j 2.1.0 (Oct 28, 2014)
* Log4j 2.0.2 (Aug 22, 2014)
- Subproject summaries
Log4j 2: Active.
Log4j 1: No activity. We need to discuss the future of v1.x.
Log4net: Almost no activity, but questions on the mailing lists are answered.
Log4cxx: Active in the Incubator. Release is considered.
Log4php: Almost no activity, but questions on the mailing lists are answered.
Chainsaw: Ready for a new release.
Attachment AN: Report from the Apache ManifoldCF Project [Karl Wright]
ManifoldCF PMC Chair: Karl Wright (
Date: May 2015
Project description
ManifoldCF is an effort to provide an open source framework for connecting
source content repositories like Microsoft Sharepoint and EMC Documentum, to
target repositories or indexes, such as Apache Solr, OpenSearchServer or
ElasticSearch. ManifoldCF also defines a security model for target
repositories that permits them to enforce source-repository security policies.
ManifoldCF graduated from the Apache Incubator on May 16, 2012. Since then,
there have been ten major releases, including a 1.8 and 2.0 release on
December 26, 2014, and two corresponding pairs of point releases on February 3,
2015 and March 2, 2015. The next major release is scheduled for April 30, 2015.
A pair of release candidates (1.9 and 2.1) are now up for voting in the
ManifoldCF is still in the position of supporting both a legacy set of releases
(1.x), and a non-backwards-compatible set of releases (2.x). We plan to
continue this dual support for a period of roughly one year, that is until
roughly December 2015.
Committers and PMC membership
The last committer we signed up was Kishore Kumar on April 28, 2015.
Mailing list activity
Mailing list has been less active than at its peak a couple of quarters ago,
but still robust. Most of our connectors now have significant use cases and
constituencies. Dev list comments for this period centered around the
ManifoldCF 2.0.2 and 1.8.2 point releases, and the fact that there is no
official upgrade path between the 1.x series and 2.x series of releases.
This seems to be a concept that users are finding hard to grasp for
some reason. I am unaware of any mailing-list question that has gone
Outstanding issues
Release upload to the svn repository is quite slow, and takes
well over an hour for a single ManifoldCF release candidate. We raised this
issue with Infra originally by posting to the Infra list, but did not manage to
resolve it. The problem was originally noted in uploads to
We were told to migrate to svn for release candidate availability, which we did,
only to find that it was no faster than uploading to I
finally raised a specific ticket - INFRA-9519 - when it became clear that no
progress had been made. There has been no progress on or acknowledgement of
this ticket at the time of this report.
We continue to believe we are now compliant with Apache branding guidelines,
with the possible exception of (TM) signs in logos from other Apache products
that don't have any such marks. We submitted ManifoldCF to the trademark
registration service and received word that our trademark application is now
Attachment AO: Report from the Apache Marmotta Project [Jakob Frank]
Apache Marmotta, an Open Platform for Linked Data.
Apache Marmotta was founded in December 2012 and has graduated from the
Incubator in November 2013.
We have again two students for GSoC 2015:
* "RDF HDT implementation for Sesame RIO" (MARMOTTA-593), by Junyue
Wang, and
* "Proposal to Implement GeoSPARQL in Marmotta" (MARMOTTA-584), by
Francisco Xavier Sumba Toral.
The last quarter has been relatively quiet on the lists, and also the codebase
did not change a lot.
Community building is becoming an issue for Marmotta: Soon two years will have
passed since we last elected a new committer. The PMC is aware of this and is
actively looking for candidates.
Subscribers to the projects mailing list:
dev@marmotta.a.o: 83 subscribers (+7 since last report, 2015-02)
users@marmotta.a.o: 93 subscribers (+3 since last report, 2015-02)
2014-12-05 (3.3.0)
2014-05-20 (3.2.1)
Committers & PMC
Peter Ansell (committer&PMC, 2013-06-24)
Raffaele Palmieri (committer&PMC, 2013-05-21)
Issues for the Board
There are no Board-level issues at this time.
Attachment AP: Report from the Apache Mesos Project [Benjamin Hindman]
Attachment AQ: Report from the Apache MetaModel Project [Kasper Sørensen]
## Description:
Providing a common interface for discovery, exploration of metadata and
querying of different types of data sources.
## Activity:
- Several minor bugfix patches are being working on at the moment.
- A larger new module to add Apache Solr connectivity is also
being reviewed and refined.
- We invited Hosur Narahari to become a committer but he has not
yet filed the ICLA.
## Issues:
- there are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## PMC/Committership changes:
- Currently 10 committers and 10 PMC members in the project.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Henry Saputra at Thu Nov 27 2014
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committers added: 2014-10-14 (Alberto Rodriguez)
## Releases:
- 4.3.2 was released on Wed Mar 11 2015
- 4.3.3 was released on Thu Apr 16 2015
## Mailing list activity:
- 65 subscribers (up 7 in the last 3 months):
- 469 emails sent to list (419 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 28 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 15 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AR: Report from the Apache Oltu Project [Antonio Sanso]
Attachment AS: Report from the Apache Onami Project [Nino Martinez Wael]
Attachment AT: Report from the Apache Oozie Project [Mohammad Islam]
## Description:
Oozie is a workflow scheduler system to manage Apache Hadoop jobs.
## Activity:
- Oozie 4.2.0 release is under active development
## Issues:
- there are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## PMC/Committership changes:
- Currently 17 committers and 13 PMC members in the project.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Rohini Palaniswamy at Mon Jun 23 2014
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Purshotam Shah at Tue Aug 12 2014
## Releases:
- Last release was 4.1.0 on Mon Dec 08 2014
## Mailing list activity:
- 129 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
- 1329 emails sent to list (1243 in previous quarter)
- 440 subscribers (up 11 in the last 3 months):
- 172 emails sent to list (94 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 97 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 67 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AU: Report from the Apache Open Climate Workbench Project [Michael James Joyce]
Apache Open Climate Workbench is a tool for scalable comparisons of remote
sensing observations to climate model outputs.
Project Activity:
Development activity on the project has been great since the last reporting
period. The 0.5 release was pushed out in mid January and had many significant
toolkit improvements.
The team has been working hard on getting features integrated for the 1.0.0
release. Great progress has been made so far and the team hopes to get the
release polished and pushed out in the next few months.
Issues for the Board:
When was the last release:
0.4 - 11 September 2014
0.5 - 14 January 2015
When was the last committer or PMC member elected:
Ross Laidlaw - 6 November 2014
Attachment AV: Report from the Apache OpenJPA Project [Pinaki Poddar]
## Description:
Apache OpenJPA is a Java Persistence API 2.0 Implementation
## Activity:
* Maintenance is going on for JPA-2.0 parts.
* We had a few people asking for JPA-2.1 support
but did not start yet.
* Discussions about cleaning up the PCEnhancer and moving to ASM only
(currently we use 4 different bytecode libs in OpenJPA in parallel)
* We still get regular bug reports and even patches.
## Issues:
* The Project needs some healthy blood refresh.
* We are probably blocked with moving to JPA-2.1 by the
outstanding TCK for EE7 issue.
## PMC/Committership changes:
- Currently 29 committers and 12 PMC members in the project.
- Last new PMC member: Mark Struberg on 2015-05-18
## Releases:
- Last release was 2.4.0 on 2015-04-22.
We still need to update the docs and upload the javadoc though.
## Mailing list activity:
- 247 subscribers (up 4 in the last 3 months):
- 73 emails sent to list (47 in previous quarter)
- 133 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 182 emails sent to list (227 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 18 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 18 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
There are many 100 open tickets still. Many of them are not
relevant anymore. We need to do a cleanup of those.
Attachment AW: Report from the Apache OpenMeetings Project [Sebastian Wagner]
## Description:
Apache OpenMeetings provides video conferencing, instant messaging, white
board, collaborative document editing and other groupware tools using
API functions of the Red5 Streaming Server for Remoting and Streaming.
## Releases:
Version 3.0.5 has been released in the end of April, unfortunately it contains
one critical issue and we are preparing to release 3.0.6 this week.
There is still ongoing work on the 3.0.x tree to fix issues and add new
functionality. As well as ongoing work in trunk for the 3.1.x tree.
## Activity:
The constant activity in mailing list, JIRA and commits.
We observing minor decrease in mailing list activity, but we believe this is
caused by "low season".
## Community:
Our project was accepted for GSOC this year, we have 2 students.
Unfortunately there is not very much development activity: 1-2 active
developers. We tried to start company on to get some
attention and money for development but wasn't successful.
## Infrastructure:
No outstanding issue.
## Board:
There is not very much development activity: 1-2 active developers, maybe we
can get some advise on how to increase the level of activity.
Attachment AX: Report from the Apache Orc Project [Owen O'Malley]
Report from the Orc project [Owen O'Malley]
## Description:
- ORC is a high-performance columnar file format for Hadoop workloads.
## Activity:
- Infra created the git repository.
- Infra created the jira.
- Infra created the mailing lists.
- Infra created the website and we are creating the content for it.
- We added 7 new committers based on their previous work on ORC.
- We've started the work to refactor Hive so that ORC can depend on
a minimal subset of Hive.
- We are working on the code grant to pull the C++ reader code from
## Issues:
- There are no issues that require the board's attention.
## PMC/Committership changes:
- Currently 7 committers and 5 PMC members in the project.
## Releases:
- No releases have been made yet.
## Mailing list activity:
- 10 subscribers (up 10 in the last 3 months):
- 2 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter)
- 9 subscribers (up 9 in the last 3 months):
- 1 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter)
- 6 subscribers (up 6 in the last 3 months)
## JIRA activity:
- 3 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 0 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AY: Report from the Apache Parquet Project [Julien Le Dem]
Parquet is a columnar file format for Hadoop.
## Project Status
The project just graduated from the incubator and is voting on its first
release as a TLP. No issues to report.
## Community
- Two new PMC members Alex Levenson and Daniel Weeks on Dec 28th 2014
- No new committer or PMC member since last report in April
- JIRA past 30 days: 30 created and 22 resolved as of May 18th
- 114 subscribers to the dev mailing list as of May 18th
- emails on the dev list: Apr: 397, Mar: 319, Feb: 135, Jan: 112
- commits: Apr: 84, Mar: 38, Feb: 47, Jan: 9
- regular project sync ups are held on hangout.
They are open to anyone and advertised on the dev mailing list
notes are then published on the list as well
- several Parquet related presentations scheduled at the Hadoop summit in June
# Community Objectives
The community main objectives (not excluding other efforts also ongoing)
- Working towards merging the ByteBuffer access work
- Vectorized execution improvements (and integration with Apache Drill,
Apache Hive, Presto)
- Improving Projection and Predicate APIs
- Standardizing nested type representations (thrift and avro write-side)
- Improving high-level type specs (microsecond time/timestamp)
## Releases
- Last releases:
- parquet-mr 1.6.0-incubating on Apr 12th:
- parquet-mr 1.7.0 on May 18th (just voted):
- Next release: a parquet-format release will happen soon.
Attachment AZ: Report from the Apache Perl Project [Philippe M. Chiasson]
Attachment BA: Report from the Apache Phoenix Project [James R. Taylor]
Report from the Apache Phoenix project [James R. Taylor]
## Description:
Apache Phoenix is a relational database layer on top of HBase.
## Activity:
- James Taylor and Maryann Xue gave a talk on Phoenix at HBaseCon.
- James Taylor represented Phoenix on a SQL-on-HBase panel at HBaseCon.
- James Taylor is scheduled to give a talk on Phoenix at Hadoop Summit
on June 10, 2015.
- Hortonworks hosted a Phoenix Meetup on May 5, 2015.
- Apache Ambari relies on Phoenix for its metrics system.
- Apache Yarn is planning on using Phoenix for its Application Timeline
- Capital One has volunteered to host the next Phoenix meetup (date TBD).
- New Phoenix module added to integrate with Apache Spark
- New Phoenix module added to support testing on cluster at scale
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## PMC/Committership changes:
- Currently 22 committers and 20 PMC members in the project.
- New PMC members:
- Samarth Jain was added to the PMC on Sat Mar 14 2015
- Rajeshbabu Chintaguntla was added to the PMC on Sat Mar 14 2015
- Ravi Magham was added to the PMC on Sat Mar 14 2015
- Cody Marcel was added as a committer on Thu Apr 09 2015
## Releases:
- 4.3.1 was released on Tue Apr 07 2015
- 4.3.0 was released on Wed Feb 25 2015
- 3.3.0 was released on Wed Feb 25 2015
- 3.3.1 was released on Tue Apr 07 2015
## Mailing list activity:
- 147 subscribers (up 28 in the last 3 months):
- 4976 emails sent to list (2962 in previous quarter)
- 301 subscribers (up 39 in the last 3 months):
- 620 emails sent to list (577 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 315 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 251 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment BB: Report from the Apache POI Project [Yegor Kozlov]
Attachment BC: Report from the Apache Qpid Project [Robbie Gemmell]
Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a
protocol engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a
message router, and client libraries for C++, Java / JMS, .Net,
Python, Perl and Ruby.
# Releases:
- Qpid 0.32 was released on 19th March 2015.
- Qpid JMS client 0.1.0 was released on 19th March 2015.
- Qpid Proton 0.9 was released on 31st March 2015.
- Qpid Dispatch router 0.4 was released on 9th April 2015.
- Qpid Proton 0.9.1 was released on 2nd May 2015.
# Community:
- The main developer and user lists continue to be active.
184 subscribers (no change), 1992 emails (1287 previous).
360 subscribers (down 1), 557 emails (338 previous).
88 subscribers (up 6), 1004 emails (580 previous).
- JIRAs are being raised and addressed.
277 JIRA tickets were created and 296 resolved in the last 3 months.
- There were no new committers added since the last report.
The last new committer was Dominic Evans on 12th Dec 2014.
- There were 7 new PMC members added since the last report:
Alex Rudyy was added on 3rd March 2015
Dominic Evans was added on 3rd March 2015
Ken Giusti was added on 3rd March 2015
Timothy Bish was added on 3rd March 2015
Pavel Moravec was added on 4th March 2015
Cliff Jansen was added on 6th March 2015
Darryl Pierce was added on 6th March 2015
# Development:
- The new AMQP 1.0 JMS client had its first release as mentioned earlier.
We have been working on improvements and fixes since then and will be
looking to do a 0.2.0 release imminently.
- Discussions and work to begin preparing for a Qpid Proton 0.10 have
begun, incorporating some major SASL related changes since 0.9. Work
also continues on expanding language support for the new Reactor API's
to Go, C++, Ruby, and Java, some of which may be aimed at the following
- Following the Qpid 0.32 release there was intent to reorganise the
repository structure to better support releasing the various components
on their own schedules going forward, as has been the case for newer
components. The Java broker, earlier clients and associated items have
been relocated to a new trunk, with further relocations still to come
for other components.
# Issues:
There are no Board-level issues at this time.
Attachment BD: Report from the Apache River Project [Patricia Shanahan]
Apache River is a Java-based Service Oriented Architecture, implementing the
Jini Specification and Jini Technology Starter Kit.
There are no board-level issues at this time
Apache River 2.2.2 was released on November 18, 2013 Apache River 2.2.1 was
released on May 2, 2013.
The last change in the PMC was in June 2014, when Patricia Shanahan returned
from emeritus to active status as a committer and PMC member.
There is a concern about slow progress because many of the committers and PMC
members have limited time. Recruiting new committers is hindered by the need
for a better initial experience.
There is on-going development in the following areas:
* Improved examples - important for community building by providing a good
initial experience for new users and developers.
* Update code for Java 8.
* Usability
* Security issues associated with Java Serialization.
Our major push at this time is to get these developments out to our users by
preparing an Apache River 3.0 release. We have agreed to replace
and com.artima package names with org.apache.river names in this release. We
have also agreed on the base branch for the new release.
Attachment BE: Report from the Apache Roller Project [Dave Johnson]
Apache Roller is a full-featured, Java-based blog server that works
well on Tomcat and MySQL, and is known to run on other Java servers
and relational databases. The ASF blog site at runs on
Roller 5.0.3 Tomcat and MySQL.
No board issues at this time.
The latest release of Apache Roller is v5.1.2, which was released
on March 24, 2015 to fix a security vulnerability. The release
announcement is here:
And the security vulnerability report is here:
The Roller community is small but active these days, busy with a new
release and fielding support questions about that release.
The last new PMC member and committer who joined is Kohei Nozaki
who joined on March 8, 2015.
This quarter, like most recent quarters, there has been a slow but steady
stream of bug fixes, re-factorings and improvements to the Roller code
base, documentation and the wiki.
Attachment BF: Report from the Apache Santuario Project [Colm O hEigeartaigh]
## Description:
Library implementing XML Digital Signature Specification & XML Encryption
## Activity:
- Over the last quarter, version 1.7.3 of the Apache XML Security for C++
library was released, fixing a number of bugs, including a major issue
involving ECDSA signature generation. Version 2.0.4 of the Java library was
also released. Project activity remains low but consistent.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## PMC/Committership changes:
- Currently 16 committers and 6 PMC members in the project.
- No new changes to the PMC or committership since last report.
## Releases:
- Apache XML Security for Java 2.0.4 was released on Mon Apr 20 2015
- Apache XML-Security C++ 1.7.3 was released on Sun Mar 15 2015
## Mailing list activity:
- 248 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):
- 60 emails sent to list (37 in previous quarter)
Attachment BG: Report from the Apache SIS Project [Adam Estrada]
Apache SIS is a spatial framework that enables better representation of
coordinates for searching, data clustering, archiving, or any other
relevant spatial needs.
Some of the simplest map projections have been ported to SIS [1]. This
gives us a base for testing the general framework (e.g. WKT and GML)
before to continue porting more map projections.
Well Known Text (WKT) [2] (a.k.a. ISO 19162) support is under development:
Formatting is almost done.
Port of the parser code is expected to start soon.
Geographic Markup Language (GML) support for Projected Coordinate
Reference Systems is under development.
VOTE has been passed but not formally accepted by board@ for Martin
Desruisseaux to become the new SIS VP. Adam E., Charitha M, Joe W,
Chris M and Olivier N have all +1'd the VOTE.
Apache Tika now uses SIS for parsing ISO 19139 files (geospatial metadata)
Apache Lucene created a Geo3D package for searching geospatial
information [4] but does not yet use SIS. That Geo3D package is
designed for Lucene specific needs and is mostly about geometries. SIS
is not yet ready to support a geometry module because it depends on
“referencing by coordinates”, which is still a work in progress, and
because the international standard for geometries (ISO 19107) is under
revision. However we plan to see if some Geo3D functionalities can be
moved to SIS when we will be ready to start geometry work.
The next Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) meeting will take place in
Boulder (Colorado) in June 1st to 5th [5]. Discussion about geospatial
API is expected to continue there.
We have been contacted by Andrew Ross (director of ecosystem
development of the Eclipse Foundation) about an issue they are also
facing. We have not yet resolved whether Apache or Eclipse could
distribute the EPSG database together with their software [6]. We do
not know yet if some action could be taken in common.
SIS implements the GeoAPI 3.0 interfaces, which is an OGC standard [7]
deployed on Maven Central. OGC owns the “” internet domain
name and defines the GeoAPI 3.0 interfaces in “org.opengis” packages.
However a few external projects (not from Apache or OGC) use their own
fork of GeoAPI interfaces without changing the “org.opengis” package
names to something else, for historical reasons. This cause
incompatibility problems for users who want to use Apache SIS (or any
other GeoAPI 3.0 compliant implementation) together with those
projects [8]. Some of those projects are considering to deploy their
software on Maven Central. Is there any verification mechanisms in
Nexus for making sure that JAR files deployed on Maven Central do not
contain classes in packages owned by another community? In this
particular case, is there a way to ensure that only the owner of
“org.opengis” groupId can deploy on Maven Central JAR files containing
classes in the “org.opengis” packages?
SIS 0.5 has been released in February.
Attachment BH: Report from the Apache Spark Project [Matei Zaharia]
Apache Spark is a fast and general engine for large-scale data processing. It
offers high-level APIs in Java, Scala, and Python as well as a rich set of
libraries including stream processing, machine learning, and graph analytics.
Project status:
- We posted our 1.3.0 release in March, with contributions from 174
developers. Major features included a DataFrame API for working with
structured data, a pluggable data source API, streaming input source
improvements, and many new machine learning algorithms
- We posted the Spark 1.2.2 and 1.3.1 maintenance releases in April.
- We cut a release branch and started QA for Spark 1.4.0, which should
be released in June. The biggest feature there is R language support,
along with SQL window functions, support for new Hive versions, and
quite a few improvements to debugging and monitoring tools.
Latest releases:
April 17, 2016: Spark 1.2.2 and 1.3.1
March 13, 2015: Spark 1.3.0
February 9, 2015: Spark 1.2.1
December 18, 2014: Spark 1.2.0
Committers and PMC:
We voted to add four new committers on May 2nd, 2015
(Sandy Ryza, Yun Huai, Kousuke Saruta, Davies Liu)
The last PMC members were added August 12th, 2014
(Joseph Gonzalez and Andrew Or).
Mailing list traffic:
2979 subscribers to user list, 7469 emails in past 3 months
1692 subscribers to dev list, 1622 emails in past 3 months
Attachment BI: Report from the Apache Stratos Project [Lakmal Warusawithana]
Apache Stratos is a highly-extensible Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) framework
that helps run Apache Tomcat, PHP, and MySQL applications and can be extended
to support many more environments on all major cloud infrastructures.
* Last release - Apache Stratos 4.0.0 released in June 20th 2014
Community and development
* 3 new committer/PMC member added
* Announced Beta developer previews for up coming 4.1.0 release. Preparing for
* One public hangout for educate developers
* 5 projects accepted for the GSoC from Apache Stratos.
* Mailing list activity on dev@ was at 1101 messages in February, 1513
messages in March, 763 messages in April.
* 506 commits in February, 349 commits in March, 192 commits in April. 12 code
New Committer/PMC member addition
* Chamila De Alwis - 2015.03.10
* Dakshika Jayathilaka - 2015.03.10
* Shaheedur Haque - 2015.04.21
Attachment BJ: Report from the Apache Subversion Project [Greg Stein]
Apache Subversion exists to be universally recognized and adopted as
an open-source, centralized version control system characterized by
its reliability as a safe haven for valuable data; the simplicity of
its model and usage; and its ability to support the needs of a wide
variety of users and projects, from individuals to large-scale
enterprise operations.
* Board Issues
There are no Board-level issues of concern.
* Community
A small hackathon/gathering occurred during the ApacheCon US in
Austin. Some work was completed, but it was not as well-orgniazed as
past hackathons. There are another couple possibilities in the near
future. The community tends to gather at hackathons once or twice
per year.
Subscribership across our mailing lists is down about 1% this
quarter, but activity is up about 20%.
The project has 43 PMC members and 79 committers (in varying
capacities). We are one of the few PMCs with Universal Commit.
Our last PMC addition was Mar 2014, and committer in Sep 2014.
As a mature project, new faces in our community are rare, but we
continue to work to include people as they arrive.
* Releases
Since our last report in Feb, we released 1.7.20 and 1.8.13 in March
to (primarily) fix some security issues. (1.8.12 was skipped)
On May 11, we posted our first 1.9.0 release candidate (1.9.0-rc1).
Based on past experience, the actual release should drop in the next
month or two.
Attachment BK: Report from the Apache Syncope Project [Francesco Chicchiricco]
## Description:
Apache Syncope is an Open Source system for managing digital identities
in enterprise environments.
## Activity:
While keeping the bug-fix activity on the current stable release branch
1_2_X, we have also consistently started working on the next stable release
2.0.0 on master branch. Besides other features, we have also discussed and
started building the new admin UI.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## PMC/Committership changes:
- Currently 19 committers and 9 PMC members in the project.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Guido Wimmel at Sat Apr 05 2014
- Last committer addition was Giacomo Lamonaco in January 2015
## Releases:
- 1.2.3 was released on Fri Mar 20 2015
- 1.2.4 was released on Tue May 05 2015
## Mailing list activity:
- 622subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months):
- 426 emails sent to list (313 in previous quarter)
- 101 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
- 134 emails sent to list (125 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 32 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 35 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment BL: Report from the Apache Turbine Project [Thomas Vandahl]
Apache Turbine is a servlet based framework that allows experienced Java
developers to quickly build web applications. Turbine allows you to
personalize the web sites and to use user logins to restrict access to parts
of your application.
Turbine is a matured and well established framework that is used as the base
of many other projects.
The Turbine project has again seen low levels of activity in the last quarter.
The Turbine project has no board-level issues at this time.
Community changes
No new committers were voted in since the last board report. The last change
to the committer base was the addition of Georg Kallidis (2012/09/19).
No new PMC members were voted in since the last board report. The last change
to the PMC was the addition of Georg Kallidis (2013/09/30).
Turbine core project
A few commits have been done in the core project. The last released component
was the parent POM (2013/09/25).
Fulcrum component project
A few commits have been done in the Fulcrum project.
Fulcrum Intake 1.2.0 has been released (2015/05/06).
Attachment BM: Report from the Apache Tuscany Project [Jean-Sebastien Delfino]
Attachment BN: Report from the Apache Velocity Project [Nathan Bubna]
Attachment BO: Report from the Apache Xalan Project [Steven J. Hathaway]
The Apache Xalan Project develops and maintains libraries and programs
that transform XML documents using XSLT standard stylesheets. Our subprojects
use the Java and C++ programing languages to implement the XSLT libraries.
Xalan is a mature project, but we are hoping to acquire more committers
who can upgrade the project to address the newer XPath and XSLT standards.
We are in process of doing integration builds to incorporate the Xerces-C
Steve is mentoring a project at Oregon State University with undergraduate
students. They have an engineering exposition planned for May 15, 2015.
Xalan is a mature product. There is little development activity other
than patch maintenance. Most of the activity is in the Xalan-J subproject.
Changes in the PMC membership:
Last new committer:
May 2014
Xalan Java 2.7.2 April 15, 2014
Xalan C/C++ 1.11 October 31, 2012
Publishing of project releases was refreshed Oct 30, 2014.
Looks like issues moving XML to the attic have been resolved.
We still have enough active members to vote on releases and other PMC issues.
We continue to get requests for Xalan to support XSLT version 2. The
Xalan libraries currently support XSLT version 1.
Attachment BP: Report from the Apache Xerces Project [Michael Glavassevich]
Attachment BQ: Report from the Apache XML Graphics Project [Chris Bowditch]
The Apache XML Graphics Project is responsible for software intended for
the creation & maintenance of the conversion of XML formats to graphical
output & related software components.
== Issues for the Board ==
No issues at present.
== Community ==
Last new committer: Simon Steiner on 2014/04/11
Last new PMC member: Luis Bernardo on 2013/03/04
2 commits to SVN this quarter. 1 bug fix, and a new feature to add support
for PDF/VT generation.
There were no releases this quarter
The latest release is 2.0 (3 October 2014)
== FOP ==
18 separate commits to SVN. These are mostly bug fixes (including a couple
of patches from the community); but also includes support for PDF/VT and
PDF Linearization. Now that the Batik and commons releases have been
completed we're in a position to start a FOP release. This was recently
agreed on the developers mailing list. The PDF Plug-in sub project will
not be released yet since this still depends on a snapshot of PDFBox. Once
PDFBox v2.0 is released we'll release PDF plug-in. The PMC agreed on this
course of action since the PDF Plug-in is an optional module used only by
a small number of users.
The FOP User list has a slow but steady stream of questions being raised
and answered; 77 e-mails in total.
There were no releases this quarter
The latest release is 1.1 (20 October 2012)
== BATIK ==
18 separate commits to SVN. This breaks down into refactoring to resolve
the cyclic dependencies between components, and some bug fixing in
preparation for the release. We decided to do the release after the Complex
Script work has been put on hold for a while, and we received notification
of a security vulnerability. This security vulnerability was reported
1/23/2015 according to ASF Security guidelines. The issue was resolved via
a PATCH being developed and deployed as a general Release. The Eclipse
project has also requested that the fix for security vulnerability be back
ported to 1.6 and 1.7 versions. Thanks to Luis Bernardo for volunteering to
apply the patch to both branches and to prepare the releases. The mailing
lists are fairly quiet, with only 19 e-mails to the users list this
Batik v1.8 was released on 17th March
The latest version is 1.8 (17 March 2015)
Attachment BR: Report from the Apache Zest Project [Niclas Hedhman]
Inception: 18 March 2015
Last PMC addition: 1 May 2015
Last Committer additions: 29 April 2015
Apache Zest contains platforms and tools to explore the Composite Oriented
Programming paradigm.
The second month of Zest has been dominated by bringing in the external
codebase, start ensuring that NOTICE files are constructed correctly,
migrating the website, and general clean up. Development on new features
has begun.
4 committers have been added in this month, and one committer has been
voted into the PMC.
Mailing list activity
Dev mailing list discussions are healthy.
Next Steps
* Ensure IP is free of encumbrance.
* Secure the remaining Software Grants
* Plan release 2.1, hopeful for June
* New Apache branded documentation.
End of minutes for the May 20, 2015 board meeting.