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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

                            July 15, 2015

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 10:30am Pacific and began at 10:34
    when a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was
    recognized by the chairman.

    Other Time Zones:

    The meeting was held via teleconference, hosted by Doug Cutting
    and Cloudera.

    IRC #asfboard on was used for backup purposes.

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

      Rich Bowen
      Shane Curcuru
      Jim Jagielski
      Chris Mattmann
      David Nalley
      Brett Porter
      Greg Stein

    Directors Absent:

      Bertrand Delacretaz
      Sam Ruby

    Executive Officers Present:

      Ross Gardler
      Jan Iversen
      Kevin A. McGrail
      Craig L Russell

    Executive Officers Absent:



      Daniel Gruno
      Daniel Kulp
      Henri Yandell
      Marvin Humphrey
      Maurice (Mike) L. Kienenberger
      Owen O'Malley
      Sean Kelly
      Tom Pappas (Virtual)

3. Minutes from previous meetings

    Published minutes can be found at:

    A. The meeting of June 17, 2015

       See: board_minutes_2015_06_17.txt

       Approved by General Consent.

4. Executive Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Brett]

       It has been a relatively quiet month.

       We still have a few missing project reports. There has been good
       progress on resolving some outstanding action items. We also have a
       good number of resolutions to consider in this meeting.

    B. President [Ross]

       It's summer and it seems there are a number of missing reports this
       month. In addition I'm somewhat distracted by a changing day job role
       at present. So a shorter report this month…

       Budget: Virtual have uncovered an error in the budget spreadsheet that
       resulted in one of the Infrastructure expenses not being included in
       the total. They are verifying the remaining formula and will provide
       an updated document as soon as possible. The expected discrepancy is
       $10,000. I will submit a revised budget to the board next month if

       Executive Assistant: OSCON is progressing almost as planned.
       Unfortunately for health reason Melissa will not be able to attend.
       She is seeking to ensure the booth has adequate coverage. I want to
       thank Melissa for looking after the ASF at this time but have
       reassured her that we expect her to put her health first.

       Brand Management: No report at time of writing. Shane had previously
       indicated that this would be a slow month for personal reasons. I am
       unaware of any immediate issue requiring attention.

       Fundraising: No report at time of writing. I am aware of one new
       sponsor approaching the team as a result of my recent trip to China.
       To my knowledge the annual report has not, at this time, been sent out
       to sponsors. This is something I hope to work with VPs fundraising to
       resolve in the coming weeks
       (OSCON being the ideal opportunity to discuss issues arising from the
       report with sponsors). I've offered to send it out myself if

       Marketing and Publicity: Having completed the site refresh Sally has
       begun work on updating the ASF logo and identity system. She expects
       to deliver 2-3 distinct visual systems for review by the end of the
       summer. Naturally I expect this to cause quite some discussion, those
       wishing to have input prior to this first milestone should contact
       press@ though I feel that letting Sally work on a proposal and then
       incorporating broad feedback after review was productive with the site

       Infrastructure: Buildbot showed some suspicious network traffic and as
       a result the infra team took the service offline as a precaution. A
       full post-mortem is still to be conducted but there is no expectation
       of damage. A new buildbot is now active on new hardware. Continued
       progress towards improve configuration management for services. Our
       GeoDNS service is currently down prompting a plan to replace with an
       externally managed service in the future.

       Travel Assistance: No report has been submitted. Earlier this month it
       was brought to my attention that the Linux Foundation were concerned
       that TAC applications for ApacheConEU had not been opened. With the
       help of TAC volunteers and Melissa's guiding hand we have opened
       applications with a very tight schedule. I have stepped up to assist
       with the process under Melissa's guidance.

       Additionally, please see Attachments 1 through 6.

    C. Treasurer [Chris]

        A request made to the Treasurer's Office to add the records for the
        2013-2014 Taxes has been fulfilled.
        The Treasurer's Office is considering how to pay more attention to
        PayPal Chargebacks.
        There are remaining funds in Amazon Payments that Virtual will
        proceed to transfer into the ASF's operational account at Citizens.
        Cash at Jun 30th 2015 was down $142.9K from last month’s ending
        balance (May 2015) of $1,780.9K primarily due to the May and June
        payables were released in June and there were no Sponsor payments
        made in June 2015.  The June 2015 ending cash of $1,638K represents
        a cash reserve of 18.8 months based on the current year’s budgeted
        average monthly spending for FY15-16 YTD of $88.9K/month.
        The Treasurer's Office, Virtual, and Phil Steitz has moved ongoing
        donations for Amazon to its new Amazon Simple Payments platform and those
        payments are being recorded in the ASF Citizen's primary account.
        The balance in Amazon prior to the platform change to Simple Payments remains
        in Amazon.  Virtual is working with Amazon to take care of this.
        Income and Expenses for June 2015           CASH BASIS
        Current Balances:           
                Citizens Checking    $942,639 
                Amazon- ASF Payments     $18,828 
                Paypal - ASF     $58,081 
                Wells Fargo Checking - ASF   $330,218 
                Wells Fargo Savings  $288,234 
            Total Checking/Savings       $1,638,000 
            Income Summary:     
                Public Donations     $1,689 
                Sponsorship Program  $- 
                Programs Income  $- 
                Interest Income  $14 
            Total Income         $1,704 
            Expense Summary:        
                Infrastructure   $63,303 
                Sponsorship Program  $- 
                Programs Expense     $- 
                Publicity    $41,455 
                Brand Management     $- 
                Conferences  $4,669 
                Travel Assistance Committee  $- 
                Treasury Services    $5,950 
                General & Administrative     $9,709 
            Total Expense        $125,085 
            Net Income               $(123,381)

    D. Secretary [Craig]

       Secretary continues to be busy, although not at the earlier pace. In
       June, 66 iclas, five cclas, and three grants were received and filed.

       A few PMCs have inquired about the Web ICLA process. They have
       requested to prioritize this activity.

    E. Executive Vice President [Rich]

       The CFP for ApacheCon Europe has closed and the talk selection process
       has begun. We hope to announce a schedule soon so that event promotion
       can begin in earnest. Shortly after that, we will announce the CFP for
       ApacheCon North America. We continue to be very pleased with our
       relationship with the Linux Foundation.

       We will have a presence at OSCon again this year, and the booth will
       be staffed by a number of volunteers while the expo hall is open. I
       will be in attendance, and hope to have time to work the booth myself.

       FOSDEM dates have been announced - 30 & 31 January 2016  - and there
       has been some talk about Apache having a presence at the event,
       building on OpenOffice's presence in past years.

    F. Vice Chairman [Greg]

       Sam's work on Whimsy has enabled easy review/management of the Action
       Items held by Directors and other Officers. His tech solution has
       obviated any need for a social/manual solution. ++Kudos.

    Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

5. Additional Officer Reports

    A. VP of W3C Relations [Andy Seaborne / Jim]

       See Attachment 7

    B. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Jim Jagielski]

       See Attachment 8

    C. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Bertrand]

       See Attachment 9

    Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

6. Committee Reports

    Summary of Reports

     The following reports required further discussion:

        # ACE [bp]
        # Abdera [rb]
        # ActiveMQ [rb]
        # Celix [bp]
        # Deltacloud [bp]
        # Giraph [bp]
        # Hive [bp]
        # Maven [bp]
        # Onami [bp]
        # OpenJPA [bp]
        # Orc [bp]
        # Rave [bp]
        # Tapestry [bp]
        # Tuscany [bp]
        # Web Services [bp]
        # Wink [bp]
        # Wookie [bp]

    A. Apache Abdera Project [Ant Elder / Rich]

       See Attachment A

    B. Apache Accumulo Project [Billie Rinaldi / Sam]

       See Attachment B

    C. Apache ACE Project [Marcel Offermans / Chris]

       No report was submitted.

    D. Apache ActiveMQ Project [Bruce Snyder / David]

       See Attachment D

       @ Dan Kulp volunteered to work with Bruce regarding
       expectations for PMC chairs and board reports. @David Please
       report next month specifically on the project/community issue.

    E. Apache Airavata Project [Suresh Marru / Shane]

       See Attachment E

    F. Apache Archiva Project [Olivier Lamy / Brett]

       See Attachment F

    G. Apache Aries Project [Jeremy Hughes / Greg]

       See Attachment G

    H. Apache Attic Project [Henri Yandell / Sam]

       See Attachment H

    I. Apache Avro Project [Tom White / Greg]

       See Attachment I

    J. Apache Axis Project [Deepal Jayasinghe / Bertrand]

       See Attachment J

    K. Apache Bloodhound Project [Gary Martin / Rich]

       See Attachment K

    L. Apache Celix Project [Alexander Broekhuis / Shane]

       No report was submitted.

    M. Apache Chukwa Project [Eric Yang / Brett]

       See Attachment M

    N. Apache Crunch Project [Micah Whitacre / Jim]

       See Attachment N

    O. Apache CXF Project [Daniel Kulp / David]

       See Attachment O

    P. Apache DB Project [Bryan Pendleton / Chris]

       See Attachment P

    Q. Apache Deltacloud Project [Marios S. Andreou / David]

       No report was submitted.

    R. Apache DirectMemory Project [Raffaele P. Guidi / Jim]

       See Attachment R

    S. Apache Directory Project [Kiran Ayyagari / Rich]

       See Attachment S

    T. Apache Geronimo Project [Alan Cabrera / Bertrand]

       See Attachment T

    U. Apache Giraph Project [Avery Ching / Chris]

       No report was submitted.

    V. Apache Hadoop Project [Chris Douglas / Sam]

       See Attachment V

    W. Apache HBase Project [Andrew Purtell / Brett]

       See Attachment W

    X. Apache Hive Project [Carl Steinbach / Greg]

       No report was submitted.

    Y. Apache Incubator Project [Ted Dunning / Shane]

       See Attachment Y

    Z. Apache Isis Project [Dan Haywood / Shane]

       See Attachment Z

    AA. Apache James Project [Eric Charles / Greg]

       See Attachment AA

    AB. Apache jclouds Project [Andrew Phillips / Bertrand]

       See Attachment AB

    AC. Apache Jena Project [Andy Seaborne / Chris]

       See Attachment AC

    AD. Apache JMeter Project [Sebastian Bazley / Sam]

       See Attachment AD

    AE. Apache JSPWiki Project [Juan Pablo Santos / Jim]

       See Attachment AE

    AF. Apache Lucy Project [Marvin Humphrey / David]

       See Attachment AF

    AG. Apache Mahout Project [Suneel Marthi / Rich]

       See Attachment AG

    AH. Apache Maven Project [Hervé Boutemy / Brett]

       See Attachment AH

    AI. Apache Mesos Project [Benjamin Hindman / Chris]

       See Attachment AI

    AJ. Apache MINA Project [Jean-François Maury / Rich]

       See Attachment AJ

    AK. Apache MyFaces Project [Mike Kienenberger / Jim]

       See Attachment AK

    AL. Apache Nutch Project [Sebastian Nagel / David]

       See Attachment AL

    AM. Apache ODE Project [Tammo van Lessen / Shane]

       See Attachment AM

    AN. Apache Onami Project [Nino Martinez Wael / Greg]

       No report was submitted.

    AO. Apache OpenJPA Project [Pinaki Poddar / Bertrand]

       No report was submitted.

       @Brett please report next month

    AP. Apache OpenMeetings Project [Sebastian Wagner / Brett]

       See Attachment AP

    AQ. Apache OpenOffice Project [Jan Iversen / Sam]

       See Attachment AQ

    AR. Apache Orc Project [Owen O'Malley / Sam]

       See Attachment AR

       @Owen please update the records on IP clearance for the code
       move from github

    AS. Apache Parquet Project [Julien Le Dem / Shane]

       See Attachment AS

    AT. Apache PDFBox Project [Andreas Lehmkühler / Jim]

       See Attachment AT

    AU. Apache POI Project [Yegor Kozlov / Chris]

       See Attachment AU

    AV. Apache Rave Project [Matt Franklin / Rich]

       No report was submitted.

    AW. Apache Samza Project [Chris Riccomini / David]

       See Attachment AW

    AX. Apache Shindig Project [Ryan Baxter / Brett]

       See Attachment AX

    AY. Apache Sqoop Project [Arvind Prabhakar / Bertrand]

       See Attachment AY

    AZ. Apache Steve Project [Jim Jagielski]

       No report was submitted.

    BA. Apache Struts Project [Rene Gielen / Greg]

       See Attachment BA

    BB. Apache Synapse Project [Hiranya Jayathilaka / Bertrand]

       See Attachment BB

    BC. Apache Tapestry Project [Howard M. Lewis Ship / David]

       See Attachment BC

       @David please submit a new report next month with some changed

    BD. Apache Tcl Project [Massimo Manghi / Jim]

       See Attachment BD

    BE. Apache Tez Project [Hitesh Shah / Sam]

       See Attachment BE

    BF. Apache Thrift Project [Jake Farrell / Chris]

       See Attachment BF

    BG. Apache Tika Project [Dave Meikle / Rich]

       See Attachment BG

    BH. Apache TomEE Project [David Blevins / Greg]

       No report was submitted.

    BI. Apache Traffic Server Project [Leif Hedstrom / Shane]

       See Attachment BI

    BJ. Apache Tuscany Project [Jean-Sebastien Delfino / Brett]

       See Attachment BJ

    BK. Apache VXQuery Project [Till Westmann / Jim]

       See Attachment BK

    BL. Apache Web Services Project [Sagara Gunathunga / Bertrand]

       No report was submitted.

    BM. Apache Whimsy Project [Ross Gardler / Sam]

       See Attachment BM

    BN. Apache Wink Project [Luciano Resende / Rich]

       See Attachment BN

       @Rich check with the project to determine status

    BO. Apache Wookie Project [Scott Wilson / Greg]

       No report was submitted.

    Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

7. Special Orders

    A. Add Assistant Treasurers as Bank Signatories

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has named Kevin A. McGrail and Jan
       Iversen as Assistant Treasurers; and

       WHEREAS, Assistant Treasurers require access to Foundation accounts
       in order to release funds.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Kevin A. McGrail and Jan Iversen
       are to be added as signatories on the Apache Software Foundation’s
       Accounts with Citizens bank.

       Special Order 7A, Add Assistant Treasurers as Bank Signatories,
       was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    B. Establish the Apache NiFi Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
       Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
       open-source software, for distribution at no charge to
       the public, related to an automated and durable data broker
       between systems providing interactive command and control
       and detailed chain of custody for data.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache NiFi Project",
       be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
       Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache NiFi Project be and hereby is
       responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
       related to an automated and durable data broker
       between systems providing interactive command and control
       and detailed chain of custody for data; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache NiFi" be
       and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
       serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
       of the Apache NiFi Project, and to have primary responsibility
       for management of the projects within the scope of
       responsibility of the Apache NiFi Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
       Apache NiFi Project:
           * Brandon DeVries (
           * Matt Gilman (
           * Tony Kurc (
           * Mark Payne (
           * Aldrin Piri (
           * Dan Bress (
           * Jennifer Barnabee (
           * Joe Witt (
           * Jason Carey (
           * Adam Taft (
           * Benson Margulies (
           * Bryan Bende (

       be appointed to the office of Vice President,
       Apache NiFi, to serve in accordance with and subject to the
       direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the
       Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
       disqualification, or until a successor is appointed;
       and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache NiFi PMC be and hereby is
       tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
       encourage open development and increased participation in the
       Apache NiFi Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache NiFi Project be and hereby
       is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
       Incubator NiFi podling; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
       Incubator NiFi podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
       Project are hereafter discharged.

       Special Order 7B, Establish the Apache NiFi Project, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    C. Change the Apache POI Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Yegor Kozlov to
       the office of Vice President, Apache POI, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
       Yegor Kozlov from the office of Vice President, Apache POI, and

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache POI project
       has chosen by vote to recommend Dominik Stadler as the successor to
       the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Yegor Kozlov is relieved and
       discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
       President, Apache POI, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Dominik Stadler be and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache POI, to serve in
       accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors
       and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
       removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7C, Change the Apache POI Project Chair, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    D. Terminate the Apache DirectMemory Project

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache DirectMemory
       project has chosen by vote to recommend moving the project to the
       attic; and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it no longer in the best interest
       of the Foundation to continue the Apache DirectMemory project due to
       lack of developer interest;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Apache DirectMemory project is
       hereby terminated; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Attic PMC be and hereby is tasked with oversight
       over the software developed by the Apache DirectMemory Project; and be it

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache DirectMemory" is
       hereby terminated; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache DirectMemory PMC is hereby terminated.

       Special Order 7D, Terminate the Apache DirectMemory Project,
       was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    E. Change the Apache Traffic Server Project Management Committee

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee (PMC) of the Apache Traffic
       Server project has chosen by vote to recommend the removal of the
       persons listed immediately below from the PMC due to extended
       inactivity in the project and lack of a positive response to remain
       an active member of the PMC:

           Chen Bin <>
           Andrew Hsu <>
           Jason Giedymin <>
           Lian Zhang <>
           Steve Jiang <>
           Bart Wyatt <>

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately
       above are relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities
       of the Apache Traffic Server PMC but are welcome to return upon their

       Special Order 7E, Change the Apache Traffic Server Project Management
       Committee, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    F. Terminate the Apache Deltacloud Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it no longer in the best
       interest of the Foundation to continue the Apache Deltacloud project
       due to inactivity

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Apache Deltacloud project is
       hereby terminated; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Attic PMC be and hereby is tasked with
       oversight over the software developed by the Apache Deltacloud
       Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Deltacloud" is
       hereby terminated; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Deltacloud PMC is hereby terminated

       Special Order 7F, Terminate the Apache Deltacloud Project, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    G. Change the Apache OpenMeetings Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Sebastian Wagner
       to the office of Vice President, Apache OpenMeetings, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
       of Sebastian Wagner from the office of Vice President, Apache
       OpenMeetings, and

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache OpenMeetings
       project has chosen by vote to recommend Maxim Solodovnik as the
       successor to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Sebastian Wagner is relieved and
       discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
       of Vice President, Apache OpenMeetings, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Maxim Solodovnik be and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache OpenMeetings, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
       until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7G, Change the Apache OpenMeetings Project
       Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors

8. Discussion Items

9. Review Outstanding Action Items

    * Greg: Any info about the community?
          [ ACE 2014-07-16 ]
          Status: their OCT and FEB reports noted activity within their
                  ecosystem. this month is a bit low, but that may just be slow;
                  the PMC does note/report upon their larger work.

    * Greg: find out if TCK is holding up progress
          [ MyFaces 2014-10-15 ]
          Status: it did. our efforts (via dkulp) did not unblock TCK access.
                  this month's report indicates downstream has generally moved
                  to another platform. the community has low activity, which has
                  exacerbated the situation.

    * Ross: Discuss with comdev how to get projects to engage with them more
          [ Lucene.Net 2014-12-17 ]

    * Brett: Any action on log4j?
          [ Logging 2015-02-18 ]
          Status: asked for an update in August

    * Chris: help PMC improve report for next month
          [ Samza 2015-03-18 ]

    * Doug: ask if PMC needs help with release policy/procedure
          [ Portals 2015-03-18 ]

    * David: pursue a report for Tuscany; missed February as well
          [ Tuscany 2015-04-22 ]
          Status: Tuscany filed a report in June. Done

    * Greg: Is the community healthy?
          [ Web Services 2015-04-22 ]

    * Jim: Any prospects for new committers/PMC members?
          [ Aries 2015-04-22 ]
          Status: Yes, we have 2 new PMC members and 1 new committer.

    * Brett: work with the PMC to get a better report
          [ Libcloud 2015-05-20 ]
          Status: I'll do this early next month in prep for their next report

    * Chris: There is low activity and it may be time for retirement.
          [ Onami 2015-05-20 ]

    * Brett: Are there enough PMC members? Is the chair able to keep the board
          [ OpenMeetings 2015-05-20 ]
          Status: Did a release after the May report with 4 PMC votes. Assuming
                  they keep an eye on activity and continue submitting reports
                  on time, I don't see any issue here.

    * Rich: pursue a report for POI
          [ POI 2015-05-20 ]
          Status: Report received.

    * David: follow up with last PMC and committer additions.
          [ Santuario 2015-05-20 ]

    * Brett: ensure SIS know how to get an answer about their repository
          [ SIS 2015-05-20 ]
          Status: Responded to their question. Nothing board level to address
                  IMO, we can close and address any follow up on list.

    * Brett: Why no FOP releases?
          [ XML Graphics 2015-05-20 ]
          Status: FOP was released 4 weeks ago, so action item is no longer

    * Sam: if nothing positive happens by next month, the board will
           vote on a resolution to move the project to the attic
          [ Axis 2015-06-17 ]
          Status: Much positive is happening. Action item complete. See emails:

    * Chris: No response from the pmc on list. Attic is the next step.
          [ Deltacloud 2015-06-17 ]

    * Rich: need a resolution for the Attic
          [ DirectMemory 2015-06-17 ]
          Status: Attic resolution received. We will be voting on it this

    * David: pursue a report for Hive
          [ Hive 2015-06-17 ]

    * Jim: Establish Apache policy for cookies on web sites.
          [ Pivot 2015-06-17 ]

    * Ross: What can be done with regard to Apache Extras?
          [ Pivot 2015-06-17 ]

    * Sam: is it time for the Attic?
          [ Synapse 2015-06-17 ]
          Status: Synapse PMC now recognizes that it has a problem. That's
                  progress. I recommend that we accept this month's report and
                  allow Synapse to go back to quarterly reporting (next report
                  would be in September).

    * David: Chair has no time to devote to the project. May be time
             for the Attic.
          [ Tuscany 2015-06-17 ]
          Status: Email on 6/23/2015 - setting our expectations for progress or
                  an attic resolution.

    * Chris: pursue a report for Wink
          [ Wink 2015-06-17 ]
          Status: report present

    * Ross: @Shane discuss how to move this issue forward
          [ Discussion Items 2015-06-17 ]

11. New Business

12. Announcements

13. Adjournment

    Adjourned at 11:48 a.m. (Pacific)


Attachment 1: Report from the Executive Assistant  [Melissa Warnkin]

Daily monitoring of all email activity (ea@, fundraising@, trademarks@,
treasurer@, comdev@, tm-registrations@, and board@) and following-up with
appropriate personnel OSCON:
•	All of the logistics completed
•	As it turns out, due to medical issues, I will be unable to attend OSCON;
however, I will be coordinating with the folks who have volunteered their
services re staffing the booth and booth set up and tear down
•	I will be able to use my unused flight ticket for Budapest; therefore, that
expense will not be a loss.

ApacheCon and TAC:
•	Applications opened on July 4th and will close on July 17th 
•	Gav, Jan, Daniel, and Ross have volunteered their time to be judges
•	We will be working on a very tight timeline; however, I have confidence in
our team in completing our tasks on schedule!
•	Gav sent an email to the community seeking more TAC volunteers; to date, we
have three new recruits

Attachment 2: Report from the VP of Brand Management  [Shane Curcuru]

Fielded a broader array of questions on trademarks@ this month, especially
some interesting questions from PMCs about registrations, appropriate logos
and conflicts, and a number of good discussions from PMCs about proper usage
of Apache marks by third parties.  Thanks to Mark Thomas among others for
helping to answer questions.

DLAPiper, for reasons unrelated to our work, can no longer provide pro bono
handling of our docket and new registrations (although they can continue to
serve as pro bono counsel for trademark questions).  They can offer us a flat
and discounted monthly rate to continue at the same level of docketing and
registration services, which I plan to continue with.  Other counsel were
approached to see if they could perform these services for our projects pro
bono or cheaper, but they report they are not able to.

Attachment 3: Report from the VP of Fundraising  [Hadrian Zbarcea]

Due to unfortunate personal issues I am a behind in sending 
the reports and reminders. I plan to finish it this week, 
hopefully before the board meeting.

There are actually 3 potential new sponsors we are talking to, 
one referred by Ross, the other by David and one by myself. 
Things look very promising at this point.

I need to provide some feedback to trademarks@ on the use of 
'nofollow' links. I intend to propose relax the requirement to use 
'nofollow' links for sponsors (only!). That means that allowing follow 
links for silver sponsors as well (others already use follow links). 
I am not sure if such a decision should be made by the 
President or the Board and whom else (trademarks@ maybe?) 
should be involved.

Attachment 4: Report from the VP of Marketing and Publicity  [Sally Khudairi]

I. Budget: Sally Khudairi submitted an invoice to the ASF Accounting
team for 50% of the new NASDAQ GlobeNewswire service agreement for
press release distribution through 2017. 

II. Fundraising/Branding/Marketing/ComDev liaison: as the new stylesheets have been successfully launched during
ApacheCon/Austin this past April, Sally has begun to work on updating
the ASF logo and identity system. HotWax Systems and LucidWorkds have
donated creative teams to help with this effort –they are: Kenneth
Paskett (who led the stylesheet project) and Lisa Dae from
HotWax Systems, and Fran Lukesh from LucidWorks. The two creative
teams have agreed to collaborate on this effort (and are working with
Mike Bates of HotWax Systems as well), with the aim of delivering 2-3
distinct visual systems for review before the end of the Summer. In
addition, Sally is also preparing the ASF Operations Summary for Q1 of
the 2015 Fiscal Year (May-July). 

III. Press Releases: no formal announcements were issued via the
newswire service, ASF Foundation Blog, or during
this timeframe. 

IV. Informal Announcements: 7 items were published on the ASF
"Foundation" Blog, and 39 items were tweeted on @TheASF. No new videos
have been updated on the ASF YouTube channel. 6 Apache News Round-ups
were issued, with a total of 42 weekly summaries published to date. 

V. Future Announcements: we are working on an upcoming announcement
with a podling preparing to graduate from the Incubator. Projects
preparing to graduate from the Apache Incubator as well as PMCs
wishing to announce major project milestones and "Did You Know?"
success stories are welcome to contact Sally at <> for
more information. Kindly provide at least 2-weeks' notice for proper
planning and execution. 

VI. Media Relations: we responded to 5 media requests, and are working
with the SD Times on a feature on NoSQL solutions. The ASF received
973 press clips over this time period, vs. last month's clip count of

VII. Analyst Relations: we responded to 2 analyst queries. Apache was
mentioned in 15 reports by Gartner, 12 reports by Forrester, 33
reports by 451 Research, and 6 reports by IDC. 

VIII. ApacheCon liaison: Sally helped promote the deadlines for the
"Apache: Big Data" and "ApacheCon: Core" events in Europe, and has
also helped with Travel Assistance notifications and publicity. 

IX. (Non-ASF) Industry Events and Outreach liaison: no activities at
this time, as Sally’s work with the Texas Linux Festival and OSCON are
complete. She is considering additional ways to help promote the many
Apache project-based events outside of the ApacheCon umbrella. 

X. Newswire accounts: we have 13 pre-paid press releases with NASDAQ
GlobeNewswire through the end of 2016, and continue to receive gratis
news release distribution in the UK by Pressat. 

# # #

Attachment 5: Report from the VP of Infrastructure  [David Nalley]

New Karma:

$2930 - Rackspace cloud
$60 - Dotster
$66 - Hetzner
$3336 - AWS

Operations Action Items:

Long Range Priorities:


While the general spread of configuration management continues, 
the major increase has been with adding Confluence as a puppet 
managed service. The Buildbot master and Jenkins master have 
started the move to being completely managed by configuration management. 


This month we've reduced the disparate number of SSL proxies. We
now have three, identical, SSL end points, all capable of serving 
the same content. With some upcoming work around GSLB, this should prepare us
to have an additional level of resilience for the many 
services behind the proxies. 


We didn't make much progress on this front this month. 

Technical Debt

Our GeoDNS instance failed this month. This service routes
users to the closest web server, SVN deployment, or rsync host based on where 
they are in the world.  The underlying host went offline and we were 
unable to resurrect it. We are awaiting assistance from smart hands 
in Europe to do so. In the meantime we've disabled the service, which is
shunting all users to single instance of thse services. We'll be 
moving this service to an external provider with substantial 
redundancy in the future. 

General Activity:


Infrastructure has run two bugbashes in the past month. Over the
course of both days, 39 bugs were resolved. 

Buildbot Security Issue

As noted in the blog, we were alerted to some aberrant
network traffic originating from our buildbot master. 
While we were able to fix the underlying issue we 
also realized that an abundance of caution dictated that we should rebuild the
machine. We also were approaching the EOL of the hardware. This led to the
decision to take the pain and rebuild it. As of this writing the post-mortem
on the incident hasn't occurred. 
But, findings will be reported when it happens. 


Our Jenkins master has been suffering from disk I/O issues and we
opted to change the underlying file system. While we 
were down for that operation we took the opportunity to begin the process of
puppetizing the host. The restoration of data 
to the host took much longer than planned, but the final 
outcome appears to be performing much better. 

Uptime Statistics:

Contractor Details:

Gavin McDonald

- Oncall Duties: remove some snapshots on hades to free up some disk space. 
We are only keeping around 1 months worth of snapshots on all repositories now
due to the space issue.
- Upgrade Confluence Wiki to latest version - documentation created in cwiki
- Migrate Buildbot to a new buildbot-vm - documentation created in cwiki
- Begin work on and local testing of buildbot master module
- 66 Jira tickets worked on closing 53 - some longstanding CMS related tickets

Attachment 6: Report from the Apache Travel Assistance Committee  [Gavin McDonald]

The Travel Assistance Committee (TAC) exists to help those that would like to
attend ApacheCon and/or other ASF Sponsored events, but are unable to do so
for financial reasons.

Current Event(s)

ApacheCon EU Budapest

Everything is going fine and we are on track to provide another successful

We have judges in place and have started scoring applicants (applications
opened on July 4th). To date we have 13 applications in and we have 5 days to
go before applications close so we are getting a great response. Another
reminder will go out to committers@ and pmcs@ on Wednesday.

Overall Activity since last report

Plenty of activity this month on the mailing lists as we gear up to ACEU 15.

The webapp needed updating to start taking in applications but now that is 
done things are on track. 

After a call for help on members@ we have had a few more volunteers turn up to
assist with various tasks. Some of which does not begin until after the
judging period ends.

We had a question about what are the actual requirements needed to apply for
assistance. Although some of this is available on we
provided much more detailed information about the requirements and application
process on our Wiki at 

which we hope clarifies things further.
How has the community developed since the last report?

No members have joined or left. 

There are currently 20 subscribers to the main mailing list. (6 up on last

Future Events:
Resources :-  




Mailing list: - ASF Members are welcome to join
by sending an email to

Attachment 7: Report from the VP of W3C Relations  [Andy Seaborne]

ASF has joined the "Data on the Web Best Practices" and "Spatial Data on
the Web" working groups.  ASF is represented by Lewis John McGibbney
(lewismc@) on both WGs.  Lewis was already active previously representing
NASA but NASA are withdrawing from W3C Membership.

Attachment 8: Report from the Apache Legal Affairs Committee  [Jim Jagielski]

Nothing requiring board attention.

Attachment 9: Report from the Apache Security Team Project  [Mark Cox]

Yann Ylavic joined security committee.  Short stats for June.  We

 3 Support question
20 Phishing/spam/proxy/attacks point to site
   "powered by Apache" or Confused user due to Android licenses

Vulnerability reports:

2     [struts, via security@struts] (1 rejected)
2     [notus, via security@] redirected to php
2     [httpd, via security@httpd] 1 rejected
2     [aoo, via]
1     [aoo, via security@] rejected
1     [ambari, via security@]
1     [poi, via security@]
1     [hadoop, via security@hadoop]
1     [xalan, via security@]
1     [camel, via security@]
1     [site, via security@] rejected
1     [directory, via security@]
1     [sling, via security@sling]
1     [groovy, via security@]
1     [activemq, via security@]

Attachment A: Report from the Apache Abdera Project  [Ant Elder]

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom
Syndication Format and Publishing Protocol specifications.

Abdera is in maintenance mode with minimal activity. I believe 
there are at least three PMC members providing oversight still.

The last release was over two years ago, the last commiter / PMC 
member addition was Nov 2011.

No board issues.

Attachment B: Report from the Apache Accumulo Project  [Billie Rinaldi]

The Apache Accumulo sorted, distributed key/value store is a robust,
scalable, high performance data storage system that features cell-based
access control and customizable server-side processing.  It is based on
Google's BigTable design and is built on top of Apache Hadoop,
Zookeeper, and Thrift.

The project is active and there are no Board-level issues at this time.
Three new committers have been added since the previous report,
addressing the community's concerns about stagnation.  We have made
releases from every active branch, including a substantial 1.7.0 release.

Version 1.6.3 was released on 7/4/2015.
Version 1.5.3 was released on 6/25/2015.
Version 1.7.0 was released on 5/19/2015.

The number of subscribers to the user list increased by 7 to 391 and the
number of subscribers to the dev list increased by 4 to 231. Mailing lists
are active.

In the past 3 months, there have been 590 commits from 22 authors, 12 of
whom are not yet committers. The Accumulo website has had 100,000 views
since the beginning of the year, 56% of which were from first-time

After three recent releases, we are just beginning to plan for future
releases. We have also discussed retiring the 1.5 branch.

Ed Coleman, Sean Hickey, and Vikram Srivastava were added as committers
and PMC members on 5/14/2015.

The Accumulo Summit in April was successful, with over 300 attendees and
40% more talks than the previous year. An O'Reilly book on Accumulo is in
the final stages of production and will be released this month.

Attachment C: Report from the Apache ACE Project  [Marcel Offermans]

Attachment D: Report from the Apache ActiveMQ Project  [Bruce Snyder]

TLP Description:

Apache ActiveMQ is a popular and powerful open source messaging server. 
Apache ActiveMQ is fast, supports many cross language clients and 
protocols, comes with easy to use enterprise integration patterns and many 
advanced features while fully supporting JMS 1.1, J2EE 1.4, AMQP 1.0.


* The development and user lists continue to remain active
* Kevin Burton voted in as a committer on 27 June 2015


* Development on ActiveMQ 5.12 is in progress and remains very active 
* Development on ActiveMQ Artemis 1.0.1 is in progress and is active 

Trademark / Branding Status:  

* Sub-projects need to be reviewed to make sure they are also compliant with 
trademark policies
* Documentation also being reviewed for compliance


* No releases this month

Attachment E: Report from the Apache Airavata Project  [Suresh Marru]

## Description: 
   Apache Airavata is a distributed system software framework to manage 
   simple to composite applications with complex execution and workflow 
   patterns on diverse computational resources.  
## Activity: 
 - Airavata community is very active this summer. The mailing list, jira 
   and commit activity remains very high. 8 of the 9 GSoC students passed 
   mid-terms. One student was failed due to lack of enough contributions.
## Issues: 
 - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes: 
 - Currently 28 committers and 20 LDAP committee group members. 
 - Supun Nakandala was added to the LDAP committee group on Mon May 11 2015 
 - Supun Nakandala was added as a committer on Mon May 11 2015 
## Releases: 
 - Last release was 0.14 on Thu Jan 08 2015. The community is preparing for
   0.15 release this month (July).  
## Mailing list activity: 
    - 89 subscribers (up 3 in the last 3 months): 
    - 3 emails sent to list (40 in previous quarter) 
    - 127 subscribers (up 8 in the last 3 months): 
    - 717 emails sent to list (219 in previous quarter) 
    - 13 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): 
    - 578 emails sent to list (700 in previous quarter) 
    - 69 subscribers (up 3 in the last 3 months): 
    - 17 emails sent to list (2 in previous quarter) 
## JIRA activity: 
 - 103 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
 - 109 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months 

Attachment F: Report from the Apache Archiva Project  [Olivier Lamy]

## Description:
   Apache Archiva software is an extensible repository management tool that
   helps taking care of your own personal or enterprise-wide build artifact

## Activity:
 - The dev activity was a bit small since the last report.

## Issues:
 - there are no issues requiring board attention at this time

## PMC/Committership changes:

 - Currently 20 committers and 8 PMC members in the project.
 - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
 - No new committers added in the last 3 months
 - Last PMC addition was Jean-Baptiste Onofre at Mon Jul 28 2014
 - Last committer addition was Sascha Vogt at Mon Jul 14 2014

## Releases:

 - 2.2.0 was released on 2nd March 2015

## Mailing list activity:

    - 231 subscribers (up 3 in the last 3 months):
    - 34 emails sent to list (52 in previous quarter)

    - 102 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):
    - 32 emails sent to list (28 in previous quarter)

    - 12 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
    - 23 emails sent to list (61 in previous quarter)

    - 35 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
    - 103 emails sent to list (57 in previous quarter)

## JIRA activity:

 - 15 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
 - 9 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment G: Report from the Apache Aries Project  [Jeremy Hughes]

Apache Aries delivers a set of pluggable Java components enabling an
enterprise OSGi application programming model.

## Releases

After some discussion at the end of May, we resolved to alter our release
process. The new process means we'll be compromising slightly on OSGi
semantic versioning at the bundle level in favour of making the release
process simpler and easier to do often.

The following releases have been created with dates they were promoted to
maven central:

* Apache Aries Transaction Manager (transaction-manager) 1.2.0 2015/05/09
* Apache Aries Parent POM (parent) 2.0.1 2015/06/08
* Apache Aries JPA 2.0.0 (jpa) 2015/06/19
* Apache Aries Subsystems API 2.0.1 (subsystem-api) 2015/06/29
* Apache Aries Subsystems Core 2.0.1 (subsystem-core) 2015/06/29
* Apache Aries Subsystems Bundle 2.0.1 (subsystem-bundle) 2015/06/29
* Apache Aries Blueprint Parser (blueprint-parser) 1.3.1 2015/06/02
* Apache Aries Blueprint Web (blueprint-web) 1.1.1 2015/06/02
* Apache Aries Blueprint no-OSGI (blueprint-noosgi) 1.1.1 2015/06/02
* Apache Aries Subsystems API 2.0.2 (subsystem-api) 2015/07/03
* Apache Aries Subsystems Core 2.0.2 (subsystem-core) 2015/07/03
* Apache Aries Subsystems Bundle 2.0.2 (subsystem-bundle) 2015/07/03
* Apache Aries Transaction Manager (transaction-manager) 1.2.1 2015/07/10

## Project update
A new module containing an implementation of the OSGi Async service has
been contributed.

Jean-Baptiste Onofre & Christian Schneider added to the PMC on 2015/04/10
New committers: Giuseppe Gerla 2015/05/26

User list activity has decreased over the past few months, whereas the
dev@ traffic remains fairly consistent. This may be due to Aries 'library'

There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

Attachment H: Report from the Apache Attic Project  [Henri Yandell]

## Description:
 - The Attic is where projects slumber when their communities fade away.

## Activity:

Activity has been low. While little new has been added this quarter 
(Lenya retirement), there are still items on the task list from Q1 or 

 - Lenya is now in the process of being moved into the Attic.
 - Whirr is still in the process of being moved into the Attic.
 - Five retired Jakarta websites need regenerating.
 - Retirement of 3 Web Services projects needs closing out.

## Issues:
 - Lack of activity is the primary issue. A request was made to members@ 
   for assistance with Lenya which resulted positively, but hasn't happened 
   for Lenya yet. Hervé has asked for access to fix up Attic project DOAP 
   files (the PMC has voted to invite him to join).
 - A secondary issue is whether the Attic needs to setup anything to avoid 
   similar situations to the loss of the Jakarta websites (both in terms of 
   noticing the loss and making replacement simple).

## PMC changes:

 - Currently 21 PMC members in the project.
 - Sebastian Bazley was added to the PMC on Sun Mar 22 2015

## Mailing list activity:
    - 33 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
    - 37 emails sent to list (18 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
 - 3 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
 - 2 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months 

Attachment I: Report from the Apache Avro Project  [Tom White]

Apache Avro is a cross-language data serialization system.

== Issues ==

There are no board-level issues at this time.

== Community ==

Since the last board report in April, 32 Jira issues were filed and 12
resolved, a slight increase from the last report. Mailing list activity
remains at around a hundred messages total per month.

No new committers have been added since January 2015.
No new PMC members have been added since September 2012.

== Releases ==

There have been no releases this quarter. Avro 1.7.7 was released in July
2014. Tom White has volunteered to be the release manager for the 1.8.0
release, and we have started discussing what will be in it.

Attachment J: Report from the Apache Axis Project  [Deepal Jayasinghe]

The trunk and the 1.6 branch have been fixed so that they are buildable with
Java 7, removing an important obstacle from the release process.  An Axis2
1.6.3 release is finally out with 7 binding and 1 non-binding votes, so we had
no problem of finding quorum to vote on the release.  That is clear evidence
that the project is able to provide sufficient oversight over releases.

Regarding the security issue reported on Axis 1.4 (with the subject “security
vulnerability in axis 1.4”) was bogus and we were unable to reproduce it.  We
have already responded back to the person who reported the issue as well as 

In terms of development we have closed over 75 issues (applied many pending
patches) and received several new patches. 

During past few weeks Axis2 was able to boost it community participation, both
user and developer lists were quite active. More importantly we were able to
bring three new contributors (Asanka Dissanayake, Andun Sameera, Ravi
Undupitiya) and they have already started contributing to the project. 

Axis2/c project also got a new community (Nadir Amra, Giorgio Zoppi, Rinil
Rushab, and Ilya Tutski) around it and have created a roadmap for the project
and they have agreed to work toward it. 

We also voted Hiranya (from Synapse) as an Axis committer with 14 binding
votes.  This is another evidence that Axis has enough quorum to keep the
project active.

We have started discussion on moving inactive sub-projects to Attic or Archive.
We will include the resolution in next board report. 

Given the progress we have made in the project we would like to see the
possibility of switching back to quarterly report schedule. 

Attachment K: Report from the Apache Bloodhound Project  [Gary Martin]

Project Description
Apache Bloodhound is a software development collaboration tool, including
issue tracking, wiki and repository browsing.


There are no issues requiring board attention at the current time.

There has no release over the last three months. The last releases

 * apache-bloodhound-0.6 (16th July 2013)
 * apache-bloodhound-0.7 (23rd August 2013)
 * apache-bloodhound-0.8 (11th December 2014)

PMC/Committer Changes

There are currently 15 PMC members on the project.
 * PMC members:
   * Last additions were in January 2014.
   * No further changes since last report.
The last new committers were added in May 2014 for the GSoC scheme.
Community & Development

Committer activity has remained low and so progress towards the next release
remains slow. Recent emails to the Bloodhound dev list have looked to discuss
the tickets sheduled in the current milestone and tickets are in progress.

As previously reported, the INFRA ticket for the broken read-only nfs mount
of the svn repository remains incomplete, leaving Bloodhound's repository
browser out of commission.

As in other areas, progress towards upgrading the main Bloodhound issue
tracker to the newest version has also been slow. As part of this effort,
problems with the stability of the two demo sites were looked into. One of
the demos has subsequently been disabled.

The user email list activity has dropped back considerably as the effect of
the previous release properly passed by.

Attachment L: Report from the Apache Celix Project  [Alexander Broekhuis]

Attachment M: Report from the Apache Chukwa Project  [Eric Yang]

## Description: 
      Chukwa is an open source data collection system for monitoring  
      large distributed systems. 
## Activity: 
 - New dashboard design.
 - New HBase metrics schema.
 - New log search capability using Apache Solr.
## Issues:

 - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## PMC/Committership changes: 
- No new PMC members in the last 3 months.
- Latest PMC addition: Sun Dec 01 2013 (Grace Huang)
- No new committers in the last 3 months.
- Latest committer addition: Mon Mar 16 2015 (Sreepathi Prasanna)
- Currently 16 committers and 12 PMC members.
## Releases: 
 - Latest Chukwa 0.6.0 released on November 22 2014
## Mailing list activity: 
    - 94 subscribers (no change in the last 3 months): 
    - 193 emails sent to list (149 in previous quarter) 
    - 159 subscribers (0 emails sent in the last 3 months): 
    - 0 emails sent to list (12 in previous quarter) 
## JIRA activity: 
 - 29 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
 - 24 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment N: Report from the Apache Crunch Project  [Micah Whitacre]

Apache Crunch is a Java library for writing, testing, and running MapReduce
and Spark pipelines on Apache Hadoop.

Project Status

The project has been moving at a similar pace to the previous quarter, with 33
new JIRA issues logged since the previous board report, with 24 (22 new + 2
old) issues being resolved in that time. The majority of the work on the
project continues to focus on maintenance such as bug fixes but also
improvements to upgrade 
the technology stack such as HBase and Java.

The project also successfully release version 0.12.0 this quarter which
featured 35 issues.  The release focussed on several bug fixes but also
improvements to the projects Scala and Spark support.

There are no board-level issues at this time.


Community activity continues to be similar with the previous reporting period.
The user mailing list has maintained a steady rate of questions and answer (1
per day). 
Over the last reporting period the activity on the developer mailing list has
increased (2 per day).

Micah Whitacre was added to the PMC on April 3rd, 2014. Micah Whitacre was
added as a committer on July 11th, 2013.


* Apache Crunch 0.12.0 was released May 8, 2015

Attachment O: Report from the Apache CXF Project  [Daniel Kulp]

## Description: 
    Apache CXF is an open source services framework. CXF helps you build and
   develop services using frontend programming APIs, like JAX-WS and
   JAX-RS. These services can speak a variety of protocols such as SOAP,
   XML/HTTP, RESTful HTTP, or CORBA and work over a variety of transports
   such as HTTP, JMS or JBI.
## Activity:
 - CXF 3.1.0 was released this quarter which brings  a bunch of useful 
   additions as well as updates the codebase to Java7 level (dropping 
   support for Java6). 
 - With CXF 3.1.0 released (and the subsequent 3.1.1 bug fix release), a ton
   of work was done to update the extension projects (Fediz, DOSGi) to use 
   the new version and get releases out. 
 - The CWIKI upgrade did cause some issues with the websites as the 
    storage format changed a bit for some macros.  Some work was done
    to start using the REST interface to confluence instead of SOAP to
    make this process easier to maintain and update in the future.
 -  A user submitted a public JIRA with a list of 10 potential security 
    issues. (likely found via static code analyze tool)  This caught us 
    off guard a bit and we had to scramble to analyze each one quickly
    due to the public JIRA.   Only one of the 10 was found to actually
    be a potential runtime issue with the rest being non-issues (code path
    to the code would not allow insecure parsing, one case of code never
    even being called/dead code), or issues in the command line tools 
    which, while needing to be fixed, are less severe of a threat.   In 
    any case, the issues were addressed, but the community was 
    definitely a bit annoyed and having to "drop everything" and look
    at it immediately due to the public nature of the logged JIRA.  We 
    have a link on the site to the security page describing how to 
    properly report security vulnerabilities, not sure what else we
    could have done.
## Issues: 
 - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time 
## LDAP committee/Committership changes: 
 - Currently 36 committers and 22 LDAP committee members. 
 - No new LDAP committee members added in the last 3 months 
 - Last LDAP committee addition was Andriy Redko at Wed Sep 10 2014 
 - Iris Ding was added as a committer on Tue May 26 2015 
## Releases: 
 - 3.1.1 was released on Tue Jun 09 2015 
 - 3.1.0 was released on Tue May 05 2015 
 - 3.0.5 was released on Tue May 05 2015 
 - DOSGi-1.7.0 was released on Wed Jul 08 2015 
 - 2.7.16 was released on Tue May 05 2015 
 - Fediz-1.2.0 was released on Tue Apr 28 2015 
## Mailing list activity: 
    - 1002 subscribers (up 8 in the last 3 months): 
    - 678 emails sent to list (666 in previous quarter) 
    - 444 subscribers (up 9 in the last 3 months): 
    - 239 emails sent to list (208 in previous quarter) 
    - 29 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months): 
    - 515 emails sent to list (463 in previous quarter) 
    - 126 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): 
    - 1076 emails sent to list (1154 in previous quarter) 
## JIRA activity: 
 - 170 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
 - 152 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment P: Report from the Apache DB Project  [Bryan Pendleton]

The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects:
 o DdlUtils : a small, easy-to-use component for working with
              Database Definition (DDL) files.
 o Derby    : a relational database implemented entirely in Java.
 o JDO      : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility
              testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data
 o Torque   : an object-relational mapper for Java.

== Status ==
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

Activities over the last quarter

a) New project chair (Bryan Pendleton) effective May 20, 2015
b) Google Summer of Code student in Derby has passed mid-term successfully
c) A security vulnerability in Derby XML processing was reported on April 29
   and acknowledged by the community. A fix is under review and will be
   included in the next Derby release. It is registered as CVE-2015-1832

=== Community ===
No PMC changes since October 2014.
No new committers since August 2010.

Attachment Q: Report from the Apache Deltacloud Project  [Marios S. Andreou]

Attachment R: Report from the Apache DirectMemory Project  [Raffaele P. Guidi]

Apache DirectMemory is an off-heap cache implementation for the JVM

* General Information

As no one volounteered to take over the PMC chair role we decided to move
the project to the attic

* Issues
Development is stuck since long time and developer's appeal is lost. No one,
including me, seems to have time to devote to the project

* Committers or PMC members change
Last added PMC PMC member was Noctarius (Cristoph Engelbert) on 2013-09-25

* Releases
Release 0.2 has seen the light on 2013-09-17

Attachment S: Report from the Apache Directory Project  [Kiran Ayyagari]

Current Activity and Status

The last quarter was mainly focused on Studio and especially on completing the
migration to the new build system. The OpenLDAP configuration editor has been
greatly improved and is still in progress.

There is an increased activity on Kerby mailing list and development is going
at a fast pace with a clearly defined roadmap. At present we have a working
server with support for many preauth mechanisms and gearing towards its first

The Mavibot(an MVCC BTree library) project is also under active development,
now it has complete support for reusing free pages and version 1.0.0-M8 will
be released soon.

We are actively communicating about Apache Directory project through twitter
( The follower base is growing every month,
currently it stands at 61.

------------------------- Detailed Information ------------------

-- Community --
* One new committer (last previous addition: March 2015)
  * Jiajia Li

* One new PMC member (last previous addition: April 2015).
  * Shawn McKinney
* Mailing lists:
  * Users mailing list: 297 subscribers (+0)
  * Development mailing list: 177 subscribers (+2)
  * API mailing list: 70 subscribers (+2)
  * Fortress mailing list: 20 subscribers (+1)
  * Kerby mailing list: 11 subscribers (+11)

-- Current activity --
* Apache Directory LDAP API:
  * Two releases during this quarter.
  * Good activity
  * Mainly bug fixes.

* Apache Mavibot:
  * No new releases.
  * Good activity
  * Many smaller fixes.
  * Work on freepage management completed.

* ApacheDS:
  * One release during this quarter.
  * Low activity.

* Apache Directory Studio:
  * One release during this quarter.
  * Good activity.
  * Work in progress on OpenLDAP configuration editor.

* Apache eSCIMo:
  * Nil activity.
  * No releases yet.

* Fortress:
  * One release during this quarter.
  * Low activity.

* Apache Kerby:
  * Good activity
  * No releases yet.

-- Releases --
* Two releases for Apache Directory LDAP API:
  * Apache Directory LDAP API 1.0.0-M30 (May 4th 2015)
    and 1.0.0-M31 (July 5th 2015)
* One release for Apache Directory Server:
  * Apache Directory Server 2.0.0-M20 (May 4th 2015)
* One release for Apache Directory Studio:
  * Apache Directory Studio 2.0.0-M9 (June 13th 2015)
* One release for Apache Fortress:
  * Apache Fortress 1.0-RC40 (April 16th 2015)
* No releases for Apache Mavibot, eSCIMo and Kerby.

Attachment T: Report from the Apache Geronimo Project  [Alan Cabrera]

## Description: 
 Apache Geronimo is an open source server runtime that integrates the best open
 source projects to create Java/OSGi server runtimes that meet the needs of 
 enterprise developers and system administrators.

## Activity: 
- Overall development activity (commits, JIRA, dev mailing list traffic) was low
- Some work being done on Java EE 7 specification jars and XBean

## Issues: 
- We are concerned with our current level of community activity.  Some
  discussions were started about next-gen Geronimo effort.  Those discussions
  will  be picked back up this “quarter”.

## LDAP committee/Committership changes: 

- Currently 69 committers and 42 LDAP committee members. 
- No new LDAP committee members added in the last 3 months 
- Last LDAP committee addition was Romain Manni-Bucau at Thu Aug 07 2014 
- No new committers added in the last 3 months 
- Last committer addition was Hendrik Saly at Thu Oct 23 2014 

## Releases: 

- Transaction Manager 3.1.2
- Transaction Manager 3.1.3
- jpa 2.1 spec jar in 1.0-alpha-1
- Geronimo XBean-4.3

## Mailing list activity: 

   - 362 subscribers (down -4 in the last 3 months): 
   - 85 emails sent to list (126 in previous quarter) 

   - 9 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months) 

   - 17 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): 
   - 18 emails sent to list (16 in previous quarter) 

   - 34 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): 
   - 0 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter) 

   - 4 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months) 

   - 459 subscribers (down -7 in the last 3 months): 
   - 7 emails sent to list (47 in previous quarter) 

   - 43 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months) 

   - 99 subscribers (down -3 in the last 3 months): 
   - 90 emails sent to list (184 in previous quarter) 

   - 34 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): 
   - 14 emails sent to list (15 in previous quarter) 

## JIRA activity: 

- 10 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
- 10 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment U: Report from the Apache Giraph Project  [Avery Ching]

Attachment V: Report from the Apache Hadoop Project  [Chris Douglas]

Hadoop is a set of related tools and frameworks for creating and managing
distributed applications running on clusters of commodity computers.

In YARN, work generalizing node labels, improving Docker support, and
implementing v2 of the timeline server made progress. Support for resizable
containers also appears on-track. A proposal for federated YARN clusters has
design docs and some preliminary code in a branch.

In HDFS, the erasure coding work continues to make progress in a branch. The
object store also has a design doc for discussion and a preliminary set of
patches has been committed to a branch. A native client and prototype HTTP/2
protocol have also made progress in branches.

In Common, work refining the test-patch scripts has expanded its scope to
become a separable component that could support other projects in the
ecosystem. Work revising the native build for Solaris also expanded to remake
much of the native build infrastructure. The S3 filesystem shim was also
updated extensively.

- hadoop-2.7.0 @ 2015-04-22
- hadoop-2.7.1 @ 2015-07-08


(+ PMC Vinayakumar B 2015-07-07)
(+ PMC Junping Du 2015-07-07)
(+ PMC Xuan Gong 2015-07-07)
(+ PMC Haohui Mai 2015-02-20)
(+ committer Lei Xu 2015-06-14)
(+ committer Ming Ma 2015-06-18)
(+ committer Xiaoyu Yao 2015-04-16)
(+ committer Varun Vasudev 2015-05-28)
(+ committer Rohith Sharma K S 2015-06-17)
Branch: Split test-patch off into its own TLP (HADOOP-12111)
(+ branch-HADOOP-12111 Andrew Kyle Purtell 2015-06-27)
(+ branch-HADOOP-12111 Nick Dimiduk 2015-06-27)
(+ branch-HADOOP-12111 Andrew Bayer 2015-06-27)
(+ branch-HADOOP-12111 Sean Busbey 2015-06-27)
Branch: YARN Federation (YARN-2915)
(+ branch-YARN-2915 Subru Krishnan 2015-07-06)
(+ branch-YARN-2915 Kishore Chaliparambil 2015-07-06)
Branch: Distributed scheduling (YARN-2877)
(+ branch-YARN-2877 Sriram Rao 2015-05-21)
(+ branch-YARN-2877 Konstantinos Karanasos 2015-05-21)
Branch: Object store (HDFS-7240)
(+ branch-HDFS-7240 Anu Engineer 2015-07-10)
Branch: Data Transfer Protocol via HTTP/2 (HDFS-7966)
(+ branch-HDFS-7966 Duo Zhang 2015-07-02)

auth: 124 committers (including branch), 58 PMC members

Attachment W: Report from the Apache HBase Project  [Andrew Purtell]

HBase is a distributed column-oriented database built on top of
Hadoop Common and Hadoop HDFS


We are considering a three month temporary ban, or some form of
moderation, for a corrosive participant on our user@ and dev@ mailing
lists, and are likely to achieve consensus on one of those options.
Since the public discussion started I have received several private
mails confirming the negative impact this individual is having on our
community, in the words of one: “[He] kept me quiet for months on the
mailing lists and JIRAs for fear of saying something wrong and getting
called out for it.”
Discussion threads:
 - Latest incident takes place in this thread:
 - Discussion (June):
 - Discussion (July): 


 - 0.98.12 was released on Apr 17 2015 
 - 1.0.1 was released on Apr 27 2015 
 - 1.1.0 was released on May 14 2015
 - was released on May 21 2015 
 - was released on May 21 2015 
 - was released on Thu May 21 2015 
 - 0.98.13 was released on Jun 18 2015 
 - 1.1.1 was released on Jun 29 2015.


No new PMC members added in the last 3 months.

Mikhail Antonov was added as a committer on Jun 10 2015.

Esteban Gutierrez was added as a committer on Jun 22 2015.

April 30th, 2015 HBase user meetup at MachineZone. [1]

May 7th, 2015 HBaseCon 2015 took place in San Francisco. [2]

New RM Nick Dimiduk made two successful 1.1.x releases.

Sean Busbey volunteered to RM for the upcoming 1.2.x series of

Andrew Purtell will be presenting on Apache HBase at OSCON on
July 23, 2015. [3]

We are working on an HBase ecosystem track for ApacheCON EU:

We have started an outreach effort to get users writing about
their use cases and experiences with our software on our blog.
The first installation in the series was recently posted. [4] 


45 committers
27 PMC
1030 subscribers to the dev list (up 4 in the last 3 months)
2265 subscribers to the user list (up 12 in the last 3 months)
623 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
841 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months 


Attachment X: Report from the Apache Hive Project  [Carl Steinbach]

Attachment Y: Report from the Apache Incubator Project  [Ted Dunning]

Incubator PMC report for July 2015

The Apache Incubator is the entry path into the ASF for projects and
codebases wishing to become part of the Foundation's efforts.

There are 43 podlings currently under incubation.

* Community

  New IPMC members:

    Justin Erenkrantz (returning)
    Hitesh Shah
    Edward Yoon

  People who left the IPMC:


* New Podlings


* Graduations

  The board has motions for the following:


* Releases

  The following releases were made since the last Incubator report:

    2015-06-29 apache-ignite-1.2.0-incubating

  Additionally, several releases from May were inadvertently
  omitted from the June report:

    2015-05-05 apache-lens-2.1.0-beta-incubating
    2015-05-10 htrace-3.2.0-incubating
    2015-05-15 apache-commons-rdf-0.1.0-incubating
    2015-05-17 nifi-0.1.0-incubating
    2015-05-18 slider-0.80.0-incubating
    2015-05-21 apache-reef-0.11.0-incubating
    2015-05-30 apache-calcite-1.3.0-incubating

* IP Clearance

  * Clemens Stolle donated CouchDB Docker, A Dockerfile for CouchDB.

  * Bob Ippolito donated CouchDB CouchPerUser, a CouchDB module that ensures
    that a private per-user database exists for each user that is managed by

  * Nuno Job donated CounchDB Nano, a Node.js Client library for CouchDB.

* Infrastructure

  * The automated report reminders failed to fire in a timely manner yet

* Miscellaneous

  * There was a sharp discussion on general@incubator about publicizing
    "clearly identifiable non-release artifacts" for Geode, which has not
    yet made an incubating release but publishes nightly builds on

  * A proposal for incubating Pistachio, a fault-tolerant low latency
    distributed storage system which originated at Yahoo, is being

  * There has been talk of migrating some of the Incubator's reporting
    functionality to whimsy.

  * OpenAZ reported, but failed to get any mentor sign-offs.  I have 
    withheld that report but will insert it as a late change if it
    gets the necessary sign-offs quickly. If not, we will include
    it next month with proper sign-off.

* Credits

  Report Manager: Marvin Humphrey

-------------------- Summary of podling reports --------------------

* Still getting started at the Incubator

    Climate Model Diagnostic Analyzer

* Not yet ready to graduate

  No release:


* Ready to graduate


* Did not report, expected next month

    Kalumet (2 months missed)
    ODF Toolkit

                       Table of Contents
Climate Model Diagnostic Analyzer



Apache AsterixDB is a scalable big data management system (BDMS) that
provides storage, management, and query capabilities for large collections
of semi- structured data.

AsterixDB has been incubating since 2015-02-28.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Do an Apache release.
  2. Migrate issues from Google Code
  3. Grow community

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

  No, moving steadily.

How has the community developed since the last report?

  A little more outside interest in the project.

How has the project developed since the last report?

  - JSON file for Google code issues imported into AsterixDB to use
    AsterixDB for transformation and migration
  - Draft for a new version of website available
  - Development is ongoing

Date of last release:

  No Releases yet.

When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

  No new elected PPMC and/or committers since entering incubator.


  [x](asterixdb) Ate Douma
  [ ](asterixdb) Chris Mattmann
  [X](asterixdb) Henry Saputra
  [x](asterixdb) Jochen Wiedmann
  [x](asterixdb) Ted Dunning

Climate Model Diagnostic Analyzer

CMDA provides web services for multi-aspect physics-based and phenomenon-
oriented climate model performance evaluation and diagnosis through the
comprehensive and synergistic use of multiple observational data, reanalysis
data, and model outputs.

Climate Model Diagnostic Analyzer has been incubating since 2015-05-08.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Get all initial committers/IPMCers ICLA filed
  2. Get all initial committers/IPMCers on the mailing lists
  3. Get code into ASF repo

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

  No change, see below.

How has the project developed since the last report?

  CMDA is still in spin up mode. 4 out 7 initial members have ICLAs on file.
  Mentors are working with the rest to move this forward. The project has
  JIRA and git setup. Code and development still need to be moved. The
  mailing lists are setup but not all of the initial members have
  registered.  Again, mentors are working to help move this forward.

Date of last release:

  None yet

When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

  None yet


  [ ](climatemodeldiagnosticanalyzer) James W. Carman
  [ ](climatemodeldiagnosticanalyzer) Chris Mattmann
  [X](climatemodeldiagnosticanalyzer) Michael James Joyce
  [ ](climatemodeldiagnosticanalyzer) Kim Whitehall
  [ ](climatemodeldiagnosticanalyzer) Gregory D. Reddin


Geode is a data management platform that provides real-time, consistent
access to data-intensive applications throughout widely distributed cloud

Geode has been incubating since 2015-04-27.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Expanding the community to include contributors and committers outside
     of Pivotal
  2. Execute and manage the project according to governance model required
     by the "Apache Way"
  3. Have our first Apache (incubating) release (currently blocked on us
     solving JGroups licensing issues)

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

  The issue of publishing the nightly build to DockerHub was brought up so
  we solicited IPMC feedback. There was a great discussion thread and we're
  now taking care of actionable feedback with an ETA within a week or so.

How has the community developed since the last report?

  Mailing list activity in June: 208 emails on dev, 28 emails on user. Dev
  currently has 116 subscribers, user has 96. Topics range from Geode
  features and changes to Apache Way and policies affecting our project.

  There are 50 open issues on JIRA, 8 In Progress, 14 Resolved or Closed

  Spring Data GemFire 1.7 introduced support for Apache Geode allowing
  Spring/Java-based applications to use Apache Geode.

  Events and conferences in June:

  - Virtual Meetup for Apache Geode (incubating) #1 - 2015-06-02
    - 64 attended
  - Pune, India Meetup - 2015-06-06
    - Discussion on Apache Geode -
      - 30 attended
  - Pivotal Toronto User Group - 2015-06-24
    - Introducing Apache Geode -
      - 17 attended
  - Virtual Meetup for Apache Geode (incubating) #2 - 2015-06-25
    - 25 attended
  - IMCSummit,
    - Implementing a Highly Scalable In-Memory Stock Prediction System with
      Apache Geode, R and Spring XD - 2015-06-30
      - 35 attended
    - Apache Geode Meetup - 2015-06-28
      - 14 attended

  Upcoming events and conferences:

  - OSCon IoT Lab - 2015-07-21
  - Apache Geode Hackathon -
    - launched 2015-06-28
    - submissions accepted until 2015-07-16 11:59pm PDT
    - winners to be announched 2015-07-23 at OSCON Portland
  - Virtual Meetup for Apache Geode (incubating) #3 - TBD
  - SpringOne2GX - September
    - Implementing a Highly Scalable In-Memory Stock Prediction System with
      Apache Geode, R and Spring XD
    - Building Highly Scalable Spring Applications With In-Memory
      Distributed Data Grids

  Apache Geode talks have been submitted to additional conferences:

  - ApacheCon Europe BigData - September
  - ApacheCon Europe Core - October
  - Spark Summit Europe - October
    - Apache Geode, Zeppelin and Spark: unlocking analytics for your OLTP
  - Devoxx Belgium - November

How has the project developed since the last report?

  - Second SGA from Pivotal has been sent with final code drop including new
    - Off Heap support
    - HDFS Integration
    - Command line utilities
    - JVSD - Statistic visualization tool
    - Pulse monitoring tool
    - Modules including HTTP Session Management
  - Renaming of source code packages will proceed
  - Renaming of command line from GFSH to GEODE will proceed

Date of last release:

  N/A - Just nightly builds.

When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

  7 members missed in the initial PMC list were added by vote on June 15


  [X](geode) Konstantin Boudnik
  [ ](geode) Chip Childers
  [ ](geode) Justin Erenkrantz
  [X](geode) Jan Iversen
  [ ](geode) Chris Mattmann
  [ ](geode) William A. Rowe Jr.
  [X](geode) Henry Saputra
  [X](geode) Roman Shaposhnik

Shepherd/Mentor notes:

  John D. Ament:
    The JGroups licensing issue caught me off guard.  Based on what I read
    about it, it's purely a technical issue and not licensing related
    (though triggered by licensing).  Based on the documentation heavy
    approach I'm concerned that this could be an issue for potential
    contributors (needing to create designs up front for issues).  Code
    changes seem to be going slow, but the fact that they already have a
    great website and nice logo is a good sign for the podling.


Apache Groovy is a multi-faceted programming language for the Java platform.
Groovy is a powerful, optionally typed and dynamic language, with static-
typing and static compilation capabilities, aimed at multiplying developers’
productivity thanks to a concise, familiar and easy to learn syntax. It
integrates smoothly with any Java program, and immediately delivers to your
application powerful features, including scripting capabilities, Domain-
Specific Language authoring, runtime and compile-time meta-programming and
functional programming.

Groovy has been incubating since 2015-03-24

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  The biggest issue we've had to handle was with a subset of our
  documentation (guides written in asciidoc). Parts of the documentation
  have already always been licensed under ASL 2 but the text from asciidoc
  guides has recently had a Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 license. To
  avoid a potential grey area over whether the software grant implicitly
  changed the licensing terms to ASL 2, we contacted all contributors
  (GROOVY-7470) and they all approved an explicit change to ASL 2 and all
  relevant artifacts have been modified to reflect that change.

  Lack of ASF (incubating) release

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

  No particular issue right now.

How has the community developed since the last report?

  The new Groovy mailing-lists at Apache are doing fine, and it seems a
  large portion of our community have already followed our move here.

  The project has received 19 pull requests this past month,
  and the team has managed to handle and integrate 17 of them.

  This shows an active community is there to contribute to the project.
  Furthermore, since the move to Apache,
  we're also seeing contributions from new developers
  that were not known to us before.

  Groovy committers have also contributed to other Apache projects including
  RAT (contributions of fixes that we needed) and evaluations of Commons CLI
  and Ant release candidates using the Groovy test suites.

How has the project developed since the last report?

  Ongoing incremental improvements and bug fixes.

Date of last release:

  No release yet, but progress has been made to make our build process
  comply with Apache rules, in particular with RAT.  We've moved our build
  to use the Gradle RAT plugin (which incidentally we have contributed fixes
  to).  We attempted a release that had to be cancelled, as we had still
  some issues around the usage of JARs in our test resources which have now
  been resolved.

When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

  Russel Winder joined as a new committer on the team.

  Another person signed the ICLA, so we should have another one joining soon


  [ ](groovy) Andrew Bayer
  [X](groovy) Konstantin Boudnik
  [X](groovy) Bertrand Delacretaz
  [X](groovy) Jim Jagielski
  [X](groovy) Emmanuel Lecharny
  [X](groovy) Roman Shaposhnik

Shepherd/Mentor notes:

  Emmanuel Lecharny:

    Those guys are really doing a good job ! The project is active, new
    committers are being added, they are respectfully following the rules,
    and when they are not complying by mistake, they fix their way of doing
    things. As a mentor, it's a pleasure !


Kalumet a complete environment manager and deployer including J2EE
environments (application servers, applications, etc), softwares, and

Kalumet has been incubating since 2011-09-20.

Shepherd/Mentor notes:

  Justin Mclean:
    Did not report this month. Last report (March) project was considering
    retiring. There has been no real activity on mailing list and given lack
    of progress on releases I think we should ask the PMC to consider
    retiring the project.


Lens is a platform that enables multi-dimensional queries in a unified way
over datasets stored in multiple warehouses. Lens integrates Apache Hive
with other data warehouses by tiering them together to form logical data

Lens has been incubating since 2014-10-10.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  We had discussion about "where is Lens with respect to graduation" on dev
  mailing list. Most of PPMC and mentors feel that Lens is ready to

  We intend to start preparing the graduation vote, following the

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

  There have been many new contributors showing interest and participating
  in discussion on dev mailing list and Our user mailing list is growing
  with usage questions.
  Apache Lens talk is presented at ApacheCon NA and GIDS, India in April,
  2015 and Hadoop Summit, NA in June, 2015.  Lens meetup with hackathon is
  planned on 11th July.

Mailing list subscriptions:

  dev: 51 (+14 from last report)
  user: 40 (+11 from last report)
  commits: 22 (+5 from last report)

  dev@ : 2917 messages
  user@ : 76 messages
  commits@ : 289 messages

How has the project developed since the last report?

  * Project has made one more(2.1.0-beta-incubating) release and how to
    release document published for the community. 2.2.0-beta-incubating is
    in progress.
  * Project has made progress in stabilizing api, improving performance of
    api, metrics and metering for api.
  * Has made many code quality improvements like enabling chekstyle checks,
    findbugs integration. Added more example schema and queries
  * Has added new olap features like fact partition timeline, multiple
    expression support and union queries.
  * Has added operability improvements like logging improvements, cli
  * An interpreter for Apache Zeppelin has been added.

  Issues : 163 created and 147 resolved during April-June, 2015.

Date of last release:

  2.1.0-beta-incubating : 2015-05-05
  2.2.0-beta-incubating is branched and is being verified.

When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

  Arshad Matin (2015-05-11)
  Himanshu Gahlaut (2015-05-11)


  [X](lens) Christopher Douglas
  [x](lens) Jakob Homan
  [ ](lens) Jean-Baptiste Onofre


Sentry is a highly modular system for providing fine grained role based
authorization to both data and metadata stored on an Apache Hadoop cluster.

Sentry has been incubating since 2013-08-08.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Release 1.5.1 to fix the issues with release 1.5.0: Missed voting on
     @general and License issue.
  2. Add roadmap page on wiki
  3. Initiate graduation discussion with community and address any concerns

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

  Community is working on making 1.5.1 release to fix the previous release
  issue. Most of the other issues raised during the last report have been

  1. Updated incubator Sentry page: Update news,committers list and status
     reports sections
  2. Fixed MarkMail link in sentry mailing_lists page
  3. Added Roles and responsibilities of committers and PPMC:
  4. Updates to "How to release”
     4.1. Add release discussion step in how to release
     4.2. Create checklist for how to vote on release

How has the community developed since the last report?

  Started having more discussions on the dev@ rather than specific jiras. We
  had 115 messages on dev list last month. (Got number from

How has the project developed since the last report?

  There were multiple bug fixes and some new feature work has started. About
  30 issues were created and about 20 resolved(Numbers from jira).

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

  Colin Ma, Dapeng Sun, Guoquan Shen and Xiaomeng Huang were added as
  committers on 12/24/2014. No new PPMC members have been added since the
  project has entered the incubator.


  [ ](sentry) Arvind Prabhakar
  [ ](sentry) Joe Brockmeier
  [ ](sentry) David Nalley
  [ ](sentry) Olivier Lamy
  [X](sentry) Patrick Hunt
  [X](sentry) Thomas White

Shepherd/Mentor notes:

  P. Taylor Goetz:
    Mentors are engaged and have raised a number of issues for the project to
    address prior to graduation. The Sentry community seems to be actively
    working on addressing those issues. One issue (raised by mentor David
    Nalley) that seems yet to be addressed is a lack of on-list discussions
    regarding project direction.


Trafodion is a webscale SQL-on-Hadoop solution enabling transactional
or operational workloads on Hadoop.

Trafodion has been incubating since 2015-05-24.

Four most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Develop community and a deeper understanding of the Apache Way. Move
     all communication to project public dlists.
  2. Complete wiki migration and build website.
  3. Resolve remaining license conflicts.
  4. Make our first Apache (incubating) release.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware


How has the community developed since the last report?

  Contributions in the form of code, tests, JIRAs and a logo from about a
  dozen individuals, including a committer from another Apache project.
  Podlings learning about Apache way with guidance from Mentors through
  various mailing lists.

How has the project developed since the last report?

  Software Grant from HP completed

  Git repository migrated to Apache

  Daily builds are being done using a CI system outside of ASF

  9 submissions from 7 contributors merged. 5 more in the review pipeline.

  15 JIRAs created and 5 closed in last 12 days

Date of last release:

  We have not done a release of Trafodion since incubation.

When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

  None since incubation.


  [X](trafodion) Andrew Purtell
  [ ](trafodion) Devaraj Das
  [ ](trafodion) Enis Söztutar
  [ ](trafodion) Lars Hofhansl
  [X](trafodion) Michael Stack
  [X](trafodion) Roman Shaposhnik


Usergrid is Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) composed of an integrated database
(Cassandra), application layer and client tier with SDKs for developers.

Usergrid has been incubating since 2013-10-03.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Usergrid 1.0.2 release
  2. Continue to discuss graduation
  3. Continue to grow community

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

  Project is discussing graduation

How has the community developed since the last report?

  We added a new committer and PPMC member Jeff West

How has the project developed since the last report?

  Prepared and now voting on 1.0.2 release
  Continued work on 2.0 

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

  2015-06-25 Jeff West


  [X](usergrid) Dave Johnson
  [X](usergrid) Jake Farrell
  [X](usergrid) Jim Jagielski
  [X](usergrid) John D. Ament
  [ ](usergrid) Lewis John Mcgibbney
  [x](usergrid) Luciano Resende

Shepherd/Mentor notes:

  John D. Ament:
    I eagerly look forward to Usergrid's graduation from the incubator.

BatchEE projects aims to provide a JBatch implementation (aka JSR352) and a
set of useful extensions for this specification.

BatchEE has been incubating since 2013-10-03.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

1. Increase the community
2. Improve our documentation

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

Activity is low, but there have been patches coming in and the project
is used in production

How has the community developed since the last report?
We got patches from community members. Watching those.

How has the project developed since the last report.
BatchEE already gets used in real world projects. 
It is now also part of Apache TomEE-7.0.0. 

Date of last release:
 2014-08-09 batchee-0.2-incubating

When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
 during inubation. We got a few contributions though.

  [X](batchee) Mark Struberg
  [ ](batchee) Olivier Lamy
  [ ](batchee) Romain Manni-Buccau

Attachment Z: Report from the Apache Isis Project  [Dan Haywood]

## Description: 

Apache Isis is a framework for rapidly developing domain-driven apps in Java 
## Activity: 

This has been a relatively quiet period, with no new releases, though the
number of subscribers to our users mailing list continues to gently increase.

The most notable activity has been the reworking of our website and 
documentation [1], migrating from the Apache CMS and markdown/html to pure
Asciidoc.  This makes it easier both for the existing committers to maintain,
and for the user community to contribute [2].  Much of the material in the
user guide [3] and reference guide [4] is new.

We anticipate our next release, 1.9.0 either later this month (July) or 
in August at the latest.
## Issues: 

There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## PMC/Committership changes: 
 - Currently 11 committers and 11 PMC members in the project. 
 - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months 
 - Last PMC addition was Martin Tzvetanov Grigorov at Tue Dec 16 2014 
 - No new committers added in the last 3 months 
 - Last committer addition was Martin Tzvetanov Grigorov at Thu Dec 11 2014 
## Releases: 
 - Last release was 1.8.0 on Mon Feb 23 2015 
## Mailing list activity: 
    - 129 subscribers (up 7 in the last 3 months): 
    - 297 emails sent to list (440 in previous quarter) 
    - 71 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months): 
    - 484 emails sent to list (1066 in previous quarter) 
## JIRA activity: 
 - 37 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
 - 39 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months 
## References


Attachment AA: Report from the Apache James Project  [Eric Charles]

The Apache James Project delivers a rich set of open source modules and
libraries, written in Java, related to Internet mail which build into an
advanced enterprise mail server.


There are no issue requiring board attention at this time.


No new release (last release done on 19 March 2013).


A new committer (Benoit Tellier) has been voted and is actively on different
the different suprojects that makes up the Mail server (mailbox, protocol...).

This covers new functionalities (quota), support of Elasticsearch, Cassandra
mailbox and various fixes to make the build more robust.

Pull Requests coming from Github can also be used to commit into the Apache SVN

We don't have a release date for now, but we see other contributors that could
become also committer.

We are still looking on a way to handle vulnerability VU#988628 (not yet made
public). The vulnerability is identified on James 2 which is not the current
target (we concentrate our  limited resources on the upcoming James 3).


Last committer was voted on 07 of June 2015.

No new PMC member (Last PMC member was voted on 17 Jul 2012).


Still to do:
Logos and Graphics (include TM, use consistent product logo on web site).

Attachment AB: Report from the Apache jclouds Project  [Andrew Phillips]

A cloud agnostic library that enables developers to access a variety of
supported cloud providers using one API.

## Project Status

jclouds has not carried out any releases in the last quarter. The community 
is currently discussing and preparing for the release of 1.9.1.
Development activity on Google and Microsoft providers has continued at a
strong pace, with multiple providers from both families maturing and being
considered for promotion from the jclouds "labs" repository. Existing 
providers have also been updated to new versions.

## Community

Last committer: 2014-07-30 (Andrea Turli). A committer vote has just passed;
the PMC is waiting for the candidate's response.
Last PMC member: 2014-11-30 (Chris Custine)

## Community Objectives

* Finish and promote families of new Google and Microsoft providers
* Ensure established providers remain up-to-date and support recent versions
of the target APIs
* Demonstrate and trial more predictable "graduation paths" with new providers
* Broaden portable abstractions 

No releases in the last quarter. 1.9.1 is currently in preparation and

Attachment AC: Report from the Apache Jena Project  [Andy Seaborne]

## Description:

Jena is a framework for developing Semantic Web and Linked Data
applications in Java.

## Activity:

The project is actively working towards a major release.

The most significant user-visible is converting to org.apache.jena package
names everywhere, replacing the historical names for older code areas.

The project has also seen new contributors, both helping clean the code up,
adding new functionality and generally discussing the code.

## Issues:

There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## PMC/Committership changes:

 - Currently 13 committers and 11 PMC members in the project.
 - Osma Suominen was added to the PMC on Thu Jun 25 2015
 - Osma Suominen was added as a committer on Thu Jun 25 2015

## Releases:

 - Last release was 2.13.0 on Fri Mar 13 2015

## Mailing list activity:

    - 586 subscribers (up 16 in the last 3 months):
    - 485 emails sent to list (663 in previous quarter)

    - 149 subscribers (down -3 in the last 3 months):
    - 1480 emails sent to list (1148 in previous quarter)

## JIRA activity:

 - 67 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
 - 62 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment AD: Report from the Apache JMeter Project  [Sebastian Bazley]

## Description:

The Apache JMeter application is a pure Java application designed to load test
functional behavior and measure performance.

## Activity:

 Development continues on several items (e.g. moving to Java 7 as a minimum,
   and updating to the latest version of HttpComponents)
 The JMeter user list is active and user requests are generally dealt
 with promptly, either by other members of the community or the JMeter

 Likewise the developer list, though of course that is mainly used by
 the committers.

 The JMeter Twitter account has 1922 followers as of 3rd July 2015.
 This is about 200 more than at the time of the previous report (April)

## Issues:

 there are no issues requiring board attention at this time

## PMC/Committership changes:

- Currently 10 committers and 7 PMC members in the project.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Felix Schumacher at Tue Feb 03 2015
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Mikhail Epikhin at Wed Oct 29 2014

## Releases:

- Last release was 2.13 on Sat Mar 14 2015

## Mailing list activity:

   - 132 subscribers (up 4 in the last 3 months):
   - 360 emails sent to list (338 in previous quarter)

   - 39 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
   - 258 emails sent to list (378 in previous quarter)

   - 795 subscribers (up 11 in the last 3 months):
   - 518 emails sent to list (379 in previous quarter)

Attachment AE: Report from the Apache JSPWiki Project  [Juan Pablo Santos]

## Description: 
   A feature-rich and extensible WikiWiki engine built around the standard  
        J2EE components (Java, servlets, JSP). 
## Activity: 
 - Started conversations about releasing 2.10.2, which should happen soon.
 - Last month saw a burst of activity at user's ML.
 - New SVN branch created to introduce PicoContainer to handle dependency 
 - Ongoing work on Haddock template, a new template/ui for Apache JSPWiki.
## Issues: 
 - there are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## LDAP committee/Committership changes: 
 - Currently 15 committers and 10 LDAP committee members. 
 - No new LDAP committee members added in the last 3 months 
 - Last LDAP committee addition was David Vittor at Thu Jan 22 2015 
 - No new committers added in the last 3 months 
 - Last committer addition was David Vittor at Fri Jan 02 2015 
## Releases: 
 - Last release was 2.10.1 on Thu May 29 2014 
## Mailing list activity: 
    - 85 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): 
    - 151 emails sent to list (124 in previous quarter) 
    - 175 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months): 
    - 93 emails sent to list (29 in previous quarter) 
## JIRA activity: 
 - 17 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
 - 13 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months 

Attachment AF: Report from the Apache Lucy Project  [Marvin Humphrey]

Report from the Apache Lucy committee [Marvin Humphrey]

## Description: 
   The Apache Lucy search engine library provides full-text search for 
   dynamic programming languages. 
## Activity: 
   Activity on the Lucy project rebounded this quarter, after a bit of a dip
   last quarter.  The project continues to make progress towards an 0.5.0
   release, with most of the commits focusing on the Apache Clownfish
   symbiotic object system and Go bindings for Clownfish and Lucy.

   Commits are balanced between two main contributors (Nick Wellnhofer and
   Marvin Humphrey).  We are blessed with a number of other long-term PMC
   members who participate periodically and reliably cast release votes.

   It has been some time since we rolled out new features and we are looking
   forward to 0.5.0 and perhaps expanding our community.
## Issues: 
   There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## LDAP committee/Committership changes: 
 - Currently 14 committers and 13 LDAP committee members. 
 - No new LDAP committee members added in the last 3 months 
 - Last LDAP committee addition was Tim Wilkens at Thu Oct 02 2014 
 - No new committers added in the last 3 months 
 - Last committer addition was Tim Wilkens at Fri Sep 26 2014 
## Releases: 
 - Last release was 0.4.2 on Tue Dec 16 2014 
## Mailing list activity: 
    - 63 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): 
    - 168 emails sent to list (83 in previous quarter) 
    - 91 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): 
    - 5 emails sent to list (22 in previous quarter) 
    - 22 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): 
    - 105 emails sent to list (33 in previous quarter) 
## JIRA activity: 
 - 4 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
 - 2 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment AG: Report from the Apache Mahout Project  [Suneel Marthi]

  The goal of Apache Mahout project is to build an environment for quickly
  creating scalable performant machine learning applications.

 - Apache Mahout’s next generation 0.10.0 was released on April 11, 2015.

 - Apache Mahout 0.10.1 was released on May 31, 2015. This was a minor bug fix
   release following 0.10.0.

 - Apache Mahout now supports scalable Machine Learning on Spark, H2O and

 - The project has been working closely with Apache BigTop to integrate Apache
   Mahout into BigTop following a release.

 - Integration of Apache Mahout with Apache Flink is in the works and is being
   done in collaboration with Data Artisans and TU Berlin.

 - Anand Avati was added as a new committer.

 - Stevo Slavic was added as a PMC member.

 - Team presently working on 0.10.2 release, planned for the week of July 10,

 - Lately most design and tech discussions have been happening off the dev@
   mailing lists, the PMC is well aware of the issue and working on addressing

PMC/Committership changes:

 - Currently 25 committers and 14 PMC members in the project.
 - Stevo Slavić was added to the PMC on Fri May 08 2015
 - Anand Avati was added as a committer on Thu Apr 23 2015


 - 0.10.1 was released on Sun May 31 2015
 - 0.10.0 was released on Sat Apr 11 2015


   - 977 subscribers (down -8 in the last 3 months):
   - 1324 emails sent to list (1419 in previous quarter)

   - 1933 subscribers (down -10 in the last 3 months):
   - 243 emails sent to list (252 in previous quarter)

   - 10 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
   - 0 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter)

  - 85 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
  - 74 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment AH: Report from the Apache Maven Project  [Hervé Boutemy]

Apache Maven is a widely-used project build tool, targeting mainly Java 
development. Apache Maven promotes the use of dependencies via a 
standardized coordinate system, binary plugins, and a standard build 

* General Information

  * The main Maven site has been reworked: it has been updated to use the
    fluido skin and content has been streamlined.

  * All plugins are now at minimum of Maven 2.2.1 version requirement[1].
    The plan is now to start 3.x.x line of plugins with Maven 3 and Java 6
    minimum requirements

  * The largest non-apache maven community, was
    affected by the codehaus shutdown. The community made a succesful
    move to google groups and

* Community

  * New PMC Members
    * Tamás Cservenák (2015-05-19)
    * Dan Fabulich resigned from PMC on 2015-05-24
    * Paul Gier resigned from PMC on 2015-06-09
    * Mark Struberg resigned from PMC on 2015-06-12

  * New Committers
    * Manfred Moser (2015-06-11)

  * Mailing List activity
    - 1791 subscribers (down -4 in the last 3 months): 
    - 488 emails sent to list (672 in previous quarter) 

    - 649 subscribers (down -6 in the last 3 months): 
    - 1003 emails sent to list (1332 in previous quarter) 

    - 177 subscribers (up 4 in the last 3 months): 
    - 816 emails sent to list (929 in previous quarter) 

    - 685 subscribers (down -7 in the last 3 months): 
    - 18 emails sent to list (31 in previous quarter) 

    - 247 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months): 
    - 1763 emails sent to list (1767 in previous quarter) 

  * JIRA activity: 

 - 287 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
 - 282 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months 

* Releases


  * Maven 3.3.3 (2015-04-28)


  * Maven Release Plugin 2.5.2 (2015-04-22)
  * Maven Assembly Plugin 2.5.4 (2015-04-27)
  * Maven Eclipse Plugin 2.10 (2015-05-28)
  * Maven Assembly Plugin 2.5.5 (2015-06-04)
  * Maven Shade Plugin 2.4 (2015-06-11)
  * Maven EJB Plugin 2.5.1 (2015-06-20)
  * Maven EAR Plugin 2.10.1 (2015-07-01)
  * Maven Invoker Plugin 2.0.0 (2015-07-01)
  * Maven PMD Plugin 3.5 (2015-07-06)


  * Maven Release 2.5.2 (2015-04-22)
  * ASF Parent POM 17 (2015-04-24)
  * Maven Fluido Skin 1.4 (2015-05-07)
  * Maven Wagon 2.9 (2015-04-28)
  * Maven Shared Utils 0.8 (2015-06-20)
  * Maven Verifier 1.6 (2015-06-25)
  * Maven Reporting Implementation 2.4 (2015-07-06)


Attachment AI: Report from the Apache Mesos Project  [Benjamin Hindman]

## General ##

The state of the project is healthy with a release (0.23.0) in
progress and the next release scheduled for early august.

## Releases ##

 * Apache Mesos 0.22.0 (2015-03-17)
 * Apache Mesos 0.22.1 (2015-04-29)
 * Apache Mesos 0.23.0-rc3 vote is in progress.

## PMC/Committership ##

 * Voted to add Bernd Mathiske as a PMC and Committer on 2015-06-09.

 * Outstanding votes for Joris Van Remoortere and Michael Park for
   committership as of 2015-07-13.

## Community ##

 * 416/188 created/resolved JIRA issues in last 90 days.
 * 165/61 created/resolved JIRA issues in last 30 days.

 * MesosCon planning continues, the schedule has been announced at We've
   have finalized 5 keynote speakers. The details of the hackathon
   have also been announced.

 * Mesos related talks were presented at DockerCon and Euro Clojure

Attachment AJ: Report from the Apache MINA Project  [Jean-François Maury]

Apache MINA is a network application framework which helps users
develop high performance and high scalability network applications

-- Community --
* Currently 26 committers and 10 PMC members in the project. 
* Lyor Goldstein was added as a committer on Thu Apr 30 2015
* No new PMC member (Last addition october 2014)

Users mailing list : 
April 2015: 489 subscribers (84 emails)
July 2015: 498 subscribers (60 emails)

Dev mailing list : 
April 2015: 374 subscribers (395 emails)
July 2015: 364 subscribers (494 emails)

ftpserver-users mailing list:
April 2015: 140 subscribers (8 emails)
July 2015: 137 subscribers (26 emails)

-- Current activity --

The 2.0.10 release has still to be completed. A performance problem has been
identified, which needs to be fixed before the release.

A slow quarter, so to speak. The only two projects that saw
activity are MINA and SSHd.

* Apache MINA : 
 * MINA 2.0.9 has been released in october 2014

* Apache SSHd:
 * SSHD 0.14.0 has been released in march 2015

* Apache FtpServer:
 * No activity if the past 3 months

* Apache Vysper :
 * Nothing done

* Apache AsyncWeb:
 * No activity. 

-- Releases --
* No release during this quarter.

-- JIRA activity --
75 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
67 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment AK: Report from the Apache MyFaces Project  [Mike Kienenberger]

## Description: 
   The Apache MyFaces project is an umbrella project of the Apache Software
   Foundation for projects relating to the JavaServer Faces (JSF) technology.
## Activity: 
 - Apache Tobago is healthy and active.
 - All other MyFaces subprojects are in maintenance mode with no active
 - There was no commit activity in most subprojects, and only a couple of
   commits in the others.
 - Patches continue to be submitted, but are not always applied.
 - User and dev mailing list questions are not always answered.
 - Added 1 new PMC member and 4 new committers.

## Issues: 
 - Only Tobago MyFaces PMC members are actively involved with code development,
   although many PMC members monitor the private@ mailing list and vote on
   community changes.  A total of 14 PMC members voted on six community member
   changes, with between six-to-ten PMC members voting each time.  Many PMC
   members monitor the dev@mailing list and release candidates receive the
   necessary votes to be released, with three to five binding votes on average.

 - There were no new committers or PMC members until this reporting period.
   While someone suggested a new committer in November 2014, no one followed
   through with a vote (The individual in question is now one of our new
   committers).  The last time someone other than myself initiated a vote for a
   new committer was Sept 2011.

   We've discussed the committer issue on private back in April, and I proposed
   that we offer commit access sooner in order to retain contributors who are
   interested in the project.  I also offered some ideas on identifying
   potential committer candidates sooner.  We agreed that whenever a
   contributor's patch is applied that we should drop a note to the private@
   mailing list.  Two of our new committers have yet to commit their own
   pending JIRA patches despite accepting the invitation to be a committer, so
   it remains to be seen if our policy to offer commit access sooner will be

   Unfortunately, I am still the only one nominating new committers and all
   five candidates were nominated by me.  It's unclear to me what more can be
   done to motivate our current PMC members to become active in this process,
   but those who are applying the patches submitted by contributors should be
   the ones who are also nominating new committers.  As we nominate new PMC
   members, I will try to make the need for the new PMC members to be
   nominating committers more clear.

 - Patches continue to be submitted, but are not always applied in a timely
   manner for most of the subprojects.  Sometimes it's difficult to find
   someone with enough expertise to determine if they should be applied.  In
   the case of Trinidad and PortletBridge, there is no one stepping foward who
   is familiar with the codebase.   The same issue exists for user and
   developer questions on the mailing list for these subprojects.  I've been
   attempting to recruit new developers from those submitting patches and bug
   reports, but we may need to retire these projects.  It's now well-known why
   umbrella projects are not best-practice, but it's unclear how we move away
   from this for inactive sub-projects.  We have discussed the problem on our
   private list while talking about the health of Myfaces in general, but we
   would be interested in any guidance on this from other ASF members reading
   this report.

 - I suggested that Tobago consider becoming an independent TLP, but that there
   was no response from the three members of the Tobago team who are on the
   MyFaces PMC.

 - Concern was once again expressed by one of our developers that the lack of a
   TCK has resulted in the replacement of MyFaces with Mojarra in every
   application server except Tomee.

## PMC/Committership changes: 
 - Currently 76 committers and 39 PMC members in the project. 
 - Hazem Saleh was added to the PMC on Fri May 15 2015 
 - New commmitters: 
    - Bill Lucy was added as a committer on Tue Jun 23 2015 (still no commits)
    - Ross Clewley was added as a committer on Mon May 18 2015 (still no
    - Thomas Andraschko was added as a committer on Thu Jul 02 2015 
    - Dennis Kieselhorst was added as a committer on Mon May 11 2015 (Tobago /
      very active)
 - One additional contributor was invited and verified on Jun 25 that they
   received our invitation to join, but have yet to respond.

## Releases: 
 - Apache MyFaces Core 2.2.8 was released on Mon Apr 13 2015
 - Apache Tobago 2.0.8 was released on Jun 10 2015

## Mailing list activity: 
    - 755 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): 
    - 45 emails sent to list (39 in previous quarter) 
    - 317 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): 
    - 329 emails sent to list (214 in previous quarter) 
    - 19 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months) 
    - 109 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): 
    - 0 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter) 
    - 267 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): 
    - 0 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter) 
## JIRA activity: 
 - 56 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
 - 48 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months 

Attachment AL: Report from the Apache Nutch Project  [Sebastian Nagel]

Apache Nutch is a highly extensible and scalable open source web crawler
software project. Stemming from Apache Lucene™, the project has diversified
and now comprises two codebases, based respectively on Apache Hadoop
data structures and Apache Gora for leveraging NoSQL databases.


There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.


Nutch 1.10 was released on May 6th, 2015. The last release
on the 2.x branch was in January, 2015.


We are participating in Google Summer of Code 2015
with two students. One failed to pass the mid-term


Guiseppe Totaro has joined the PMC and become a committer
on April 21st, 2015.

The traffic on the mailing lists is at a steady level.

Attachment AM: Report from the Apache ODE Project  [Tammo van Lessen]

## Description: 
   Apache ODE is a WS-BPEL implementation that supports web services 
   orchestration using flexible process definitions. 
## Activity: 
 - We are tailoring our next release. We got some good bug reports that
   need some further investigation. We are also supervising two GSOC
   student, one from Sri Lanka (working on clustering support) and one 
   from Cameroon (working on console improvements) and are looking forward
   to good results. 
## Issues: 
   There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## LDAP committee/Committership changes: 
 - Currently 26 committers and 15 LDAP committee members. 
 - No new changes to the LDAP committee or committership since last report. 
## Releases: 
 - No releases in this reporting period.
## Mailing list activity: 
    - 156 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months): 
    - 172 emails sent to list (158 in previous quarter) 
    - 231 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): 
    - 45 emails sent to list (29 in previous quarter) 
## JIRA activity: 
 - 2 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
 - 9 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months 

Attachment AN: Report from the Apache Onami Project  [Nino Martinez Wael]

Attachment AO: Report from the Apache OpenJPA Project  [Pinaki Poddar]

Attachment AP: Report from the Apache OpenMeetings Project  [Sebastian Wagner]

## Description: 
      Openmeetings provides video conferencing, instant messaging, white board,
      collaborative document editing and other groupware tools using API
      functions of the Red5 Streaming Server for Remoting and Streaming. 
## Activity: 
 - The community is very active as can be seen via the below stats.
 - Development is being performed by 1-2 active developers, no progress since
   last report
 - We have submitted a resolution to change the PMC Chair from Sebastian Wagner
   to Maxim Solodovnik.

## Issues: 
 - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. 
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes: 
 - Currently 24 committers and 21 LDAP committee group members. 
 - Peter Dahn was added to the LDAP committee group on Wed Jun 10 2015 
 - Ono Keiji was added as a committer on Thu May 28 2015 
## Releases: 
 - 3.0.6 was released on Mon May 25 2015 
 - 3.0.5 was released on Sun Apr 26 2015 
## Mailing list activity: 
    - 139 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months): 
    - 118 emails sent to list (165 in previous quarter) 
    - 22 subscribers (up 5 in the last 3 months): 
    - 112 emails sent to list (149 in previous quarter) 
    - 321 subscribers (up 7 in the last 3 months): 
    - 454 emails sent to list (1433 in previous quarter) 
    - 54 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): 
    - 26 emails sent to list (25 in previous quarter) 
## JIRA activity: 
 - 34 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
 - 35 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months 

Attachment AQ: Report from the Apache OpenOffice Project  [Jan Iversen]

## Description:
Apache OpenOffice is an open-source, office-document productivity
suite providing six productivity applications based around the
OpenDocument Format (ODF). OpenOffice is released on multiple
platforms and in dozens of languages.

## Activity:
The support channels (users mailing list and official forums) remain
active, the mailing lists have a low but steady flow.

The level of commits on trunk remain low, only a few simple commits.

Due to a contributor, the buildbots were maintained to a operational
again. They are still some configuration work outstanding.

The same contributor provided a patch to solve a rat-scan issue. We
still have a minor rat-scan issue (6 non-critical files are being

A PMC member volunteered to be release manager (limited to the
upcoming release), discussion is ongoing.

There will not be a AOO track at apacheCON CORE, since only a few
talks have been submitted.

## Issues:
The lack of progress on all fronts in the project is a major concern,
and the PMC have been trying for some time to find consensus about
the road ahead.

## PMC/Committership changes:
 - Currently 140 committers and 29 PMC members in the project.
 - New PMC members:
    - Dennis E. Hamilton was added to the PMC on Fri Feb 13 2015
 - Last committer addition was Tal Daniel at Tue Apr 29 2014

## Releases:
 - Last release was 4.1.1 on Thu Aug 21 2014

AOO remains committed to bring out version 4.1.2, but no real
work has been done since last report. The issues destined for 4.1.2
have been given a BZ status that allows a faster integration (less
test demand). Digital signing is still a wish for the new release.

Attachment AR: Report from the Apache Orc Project  [Owen O'Malley]

## Description:
   A high-performance columnar file format for Hadoop workloads.

## Activity:
 - The project is continuing work on refactoring the Hive and Orc Java
   code base inside the Hive project to minimize the time that the
   code is forked before it can be replaced with a reference to the
   new project. The work can be tracked in HIVE-10171.
 - The C++ implementation has been moved over from github.

## PMC/Committership changes:

 - Currently 12 committers and 5 PMC members in the project.
 - The PMC was created on 22 April 2015 and no members have been added since.
 - The project added 7 committers on 11 May 2015.

## Releases:

 - No releases have been made.

## Mailing list activity:

    - 18 subscribers (up 3 in the last month):
    - 35 emails sent to list (17 in previous month)

    - 15 subscribers (up 2 in the last month):
    - 4 emails sent to list (1 in previous month)

    - 9 subscribers (up 0 in the last month):
    - 33 emails sent to list (11 in previous month)

## JIRA activity:

 - 19 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
 - 4 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment AS: Report from the Apache Parquet Project  [Julien Le Dem]

Apache Parquet is a general-purpose columnar storage format. 

## Activity: 
We're working towards a 1.8.0 release and merging the ByteBuffer PR (ZeroCopy
HDFS reads) Our goal is to keep master in a releasable state and to do
releases quickly.

## Issues: 
- there are no issues requiring board attention at this time

## LDAP committee group/Committership changes: 
- Currently 21 committers and 21 LDAP committee group members. 
- No new changes to the LDAP committee group or committership since last
  report. Two new PMC members Alex Levenson and Daniel Weeks were added on Dec
  28th 2014

## Releases:    
- 1.7.0 was released on Mon May 18 2015 
- 1.8.0 is being voted on.  

## Mailing list activity: 
- 116 subscribers (up 5 in the last 3 months): 
- 707 emails sent to list (722 in previous quarter) 

## JIRA activity: 
- 79 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
- 64 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment AT: Report from the Apache PDFBox Project  [Andreas Lehmkühler]

## Description:
  The Apache PDFBox library is an open source Java tool for working with
  PDF documents.

## Activity:

- the work on our next major release 2.0.0 is an ongoing effort
- our plan to cut a first release candidate in April didn't come true
- we are down to round about 25 tickets for 2.0.0


- Project "PDFBOX-2530 improve PDFDebugger" is doing nicely, many useful code
  contributions by the student have been committed, and benefits of the improved
  PDFDebugger are already being felt. The best is that the activities of the
  student have motivated other committers to provide additional improvements, so
  the whole thing is now a group effort that is expanded beyond the original

## Issues:

- there are no issues requiring board attention at this time

## PMC/Committership changes:

- Currently 16 committers and 16 PMC members in the project.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was John Hewson at Tue Feb 11 2014
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was John Hewson at Fri Feb 07 2014

## Releases:

- Last release was 1.8.9 on Sat Mar 28 2015

## Mailing list activity:

   - 496 subscribers (up 15 in the last 3 months):
   - 579 emails sent to list (572 in previous quarter)

   - 148 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months):
   - 2609 emails sent to list (3650 in previous quarter)

## JIRA activity:

- 110 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 97 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment AU: Report from the Apache POI Project  [Yegor Kozlov]

## Description:

Apache POI is a Java library for reading and writing Microsoft Office file

## Activity:

Apache POI continues to be an active project, both in terms of community and

Work is ongoing for the next release 3.13 with work items being switching
internal implementations for the POIFS implementation and providing a common
layer in the framework for working with different format of Powerpoint files.

Most patches are applied without much delay.

## Issues:

there are no issues requiring board attention at this time

## LDAP committee/Committership changes:

- Currently 31 committers and 24 LDAP committee members.
- David North was added to the LDAP committee on Sat May 23 2015
- David North was added as a committer on Wed May 20 2015

- Dominik Stadler was elected as a new PMC chair (resolution submitted).

## Releases:

- 3.12 was released on Mon May 11 2015

## Mailing list activity:

- 258 subscribers (down -8 in the last 3 months):
- 687 emails sent to list (729 in previous quarter)

- 651 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months):
- 165 emails sent to list (156 in previous quarter)

- 130 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months):
- 3 emails sent to list (3 in previous quarter)

Attachment AV: Report from the Apache Rave Project  [Matt Franklin]

Attachment AW: Report from the Apache Samza Project  [Chris Riccomini]

## Description: 
   Apache Samza is a distributed stream processing framework. 
## Activity: 
 - Currently voting on an 0.9.1 release.
 - Samza talks going on at London HUG on July 9.
 - Added our first PMC member since graduation.

## Issues: 
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## PMC/Committership changes: 
 - Currently 13 committers and 10 PMC members in the project. 
 - Yi Pan was added to the PMC on Tue Jun 16 2015 
 - New commmitters: 
    - Yi Pan was added as a committer on Mon Apr 13 2015 
    - Navina Ramesh was added as a committer on Fri May 22 2015 
## Releases: 
 - 0.9.0 was released on Tue Mar 31 2015 
## Mailing list activity: 
    - 244 subscribers (up 36 in the last 3 months): 
    - 852 emails sent to list (855 in previous quarter) 
## JIRA activity: 
 - 102 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
 - 69 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment AX: Report from the Apache Shindig Project  [Ryan Baxter]

Apache Shindig is an Opensocial Reference implementation in wide use by both
social networks and enterprise software. Shindig graduated from the Incubator
in January 2010.
The Shindig PMC has no issues that require board attention.
The Shindig community has saw a noticeable decline in mailing list activity as
well as contributions to the code base over the past few months.  Some of this
might have to do with the OpenSocial Foundation being dissolved and portions
of the OpenSocial specification being taken over by the W3C
(  The Shindig community has not
seen any contributions due to specification changes coming from the W3C since
the move has taken place. This quarter we have seen a couple (2-3) fixes from
a single community member.
No PMC member changes.
Apache Shindig 2.5.2 was released the 2014-10-26.  The community is currently
working towards a 2.5.3 release.

Attachment AY: Report from the Apache Sqoop Project  [Arvind Prabhakar]


Apache Sqoop is a tool designed for efficiently transferring bulk data
between Apache Hadoop and structured datastores such as relational
databases. It can be used to import data from external structured
datastores into Hadoop Distributed File System or related systems like
Hive and HBase. Conversely, Sqoop can be used to extract data from
Hadoop and export it to external structured datastores such as relational
databases and enterprise data warehouses.


* In this quarter there have been two releases of Apache Sqoop - version
1.99.6 was released on May 11, 2015 from sqoop2 branch, and version 1.4.6
was released on May 10, 2015 from the master.
* No further releases are planned at this time.


* Development activity continues on both trunk as well as sqoop2
* A total of 122 issues have been resolved between the period starting
from April 1, 2015 to July 1, 2015.
* In the past three months, a total of 239 messages were exchanged on the
user list and a total of 1624 messages were exchanged on the dev list.


* The last addition of a new committer was done in June 2015.
* The last appointment to the PMC was done in March 2015.
* Currently there are:
- Total of 451 subscribers to the user list
- Total of 154 subscribers to the dev list
- Total of 24 committers
- Total of 15 PMC members
* Two developer meetings were held in the month of May. Minutes of those
meetings are available at [1]


* There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.



Attachment AZ: Report from the Apache Steve Project  [Jim Jagielski]

Attachment BA: Report from the Apache Struts Project  [Rene Gielen]

The Apache Struts MVC framework is a solution stack for creating elegant
and modern action-based Java web applications. It favors convention over
configuration, is extensible using a plugin architecture, and ships with
plugins to support technologies such as REST, AJAX and JSON.

The Struts team made two GA releases in the last quarter:
* Struts - security fix release (2015-05-06)
* Struts 2.3.24 - improvement and bug fix release

Within the reporting period we saw a boost in development activity. Work
on Struts 2.5 has not only started, but it is also next to completion
according to our plans. Struts 2.5 will include new features and drop
support for deprecated APIs and framework parts. It is considered a
milestone release towards Struts 3, which is supposed to include major
new features as well as breaking changes.

No new committers have been added in the last quarter. Christoph Nenning
(cnenning) joined the PMC as a new member (2015-05-12). Last committer
addition was on 2014-01-06.

Attachment BB: Report from the Apache Synapse Project  [Hiranya Jayathilaka]

Apache Synapse is a high performance, flexible, lightweight
Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and a mediation framework.


No new committers or PMC members were nominated this quarter. Latest
Synapse committer was elected on December, 2013. Latest Synapse PMC
member was elected on December, 2013. 

We had a discussion on our pmc and dev mailing lists about the future
of the Synapse project. While the responses were few, there were
several developers and contributors who showed great interest in moving
the project forward towards another release. 

Consequently, we have started collaborating with the Axis2 community 
more closely. Synapse PMC chair and few other Synapse contributors have 
already started providing patches for various issues in Axis2, and the 
Axis2 team has provided us with commit rights in return. We are hopeful
that this collaborative effort would lead to an expedited Axis2 release,
which in turns would enable a Synapse release. 


There have been no new releases during this period.
The last release of Synapse is version 2.1, which was released on 
January, 2012.

Attachment BC: Report from the Apache Tapestry Project  [Howard M. Lewis Ship]

Apache Tapestry is a Java component-based web framework that features high
productivity, great code reuse, robust deployment, and terrific performance.

Any issues for the Board?

  There are no Board-level issues at this time.

When did the project last make any releases?

  The latest stable version of Tapestry (5.3.7) has been released 2013-04-29.
  We have made available the a series of beta builds of the upcoming 5.4
  release, (most recently, 5.4-beta-26, on 19 Jan 2015), following successful
  votes.  A release candidate vote was run and failed; a new RC vote is currently
  in progress.

Describe the overall activity in the project over the past quarter.

  Activity on the user mailing list is fair. Questions are answered with
  participation of not only the core contributors but also by the community
  at large. Discussion focuses especially around new features of the upcoming
  5.4 release. There are also frequent announcements concerning third-party
  libraries developed entirely outside the Tapestry team.

  Activity on the dev mailing list is medium.

  The focus of development currently lies on the upcoming Tapestry 5.4 which
  will bring major improvements in JavaScript support and other new features.
  At this point we are primarily looking at fixing bugs (from our large backlog)
  and documenting the significant new features.

When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

  Jochen Kenmade has been voted in as a committer on 25 Apr 2014, and
  subsequently been voted into the PMC (2 Mar 2015).

PMC and committer diversity

  PMC and committer diversity is good. To our knowledge no two committers share
  the same employer. Levels of contribution vary over time.

Project branding or naming issues, either in the project or externally.

  No known issues.

Branding requirements progress:

 * "Project Website Basics: homepage is" - completed
 * "Project Naming And Descriptions: use proper Apache forms, describe
   product, etc." - completed
 * "Website Navigation Links: navbar links included, link to
   included" - License and Security links are missing
 * "Trademark Attributions: attribution for all ASF marks included in footers,
   etc." - completed
 * "Logos and Graphics: include TM, use consistent product logo on your site"
   - TM missing from logo
 * "Project Metadata: DOAP file checked in and up to date" - completed

Legal issues or questions:


Infrastructure issues or strategic needs:


Attachment BD: Report from the Apache Tcl Project  [Massimo Manghi]

## Description:
 - Apache Tcl is an umbrella for Tcl-Apache integration efforts. Current
   projects are

 * Rivet
 * Websh

## Activity:

 - mod_rivet: new improvements and fixes for the code in the
   2.2 branch led to a better and more consistent error handling and
   code was released as 2.2.3. Same improvements were ported to the
   code in trunk which got other fixes aimed at resolving a possible
   memory leak

## Issues:

 - there are no issues requiring board attention at this time. In
   our April report I stated I wanted to formally solve the problem
   of the inactive PMC members but I have to postpone it to the next

## PMC/Committership changes:

 - Currently 15 committers and 10 PMC members in the project.
 - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
 - Last PMC addition was Brice B. Hamon at Tue Nov 25 2014
 - No new committers added in the last 3 months
 - Last committer addition was Brice B. Hamon at Tue Nov 25 2014

## Releases:

 - Apache/Rivet released 2.2.3 on May 21st
 - Websh is maintained but no new artifacts were released after
   3.6.0b5 (2009-09-24)

## Mailing list activity:

    - 15 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
    - 6 emails sent to list (3 in previous quarter)

    - 47 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
    - 108 emails sent to list (41 in previous quarter)

    - 5 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
    - 60 emails sent to list (77 in previous quarter)

## Notes

  - We want to publicly thank those who worked at the automatic
   report generator: a smart and useful tool 

Attachment BE: Report from the Apache Tez Project  [Hitesh Shah]

## Description: 
  Apache Tez is an effort to develop a generic application framework which 
  can be used to process arbitrarily complex directed-acyclic graphs (DAGs) of 
  data-processing tasks and also a re-usable set of data-processing primitives 
  which can be used by other projects. 

## Activity: 
  Multiple releases went out in the past month. The 0.7.0 release was
  targeted for various performance enhancements. There were also
  maintenance releases for both the 0.5 and 0.6 lines. 
  Community activity remains high with focus on various performance
  enhancements, improvements to the UI and fixing bugs as and when
  encountered by users.
  Work is also continuing on the TEZ-2003 branch which is meant to
  allow Tez to work in a hybrid manner by introducing support for
  integrating with 3rd party execution engines.

  The Apache Tez paper was accepted at SIGMOD, 2015.
  ( ).
  There was also a talk on Apache Tez presented at Hadoop Summit in
  San Jose, CA.

## Issues: 
  There are no issues requiring Board attention at this time.

## PMC/Committership changes: 

  - Currently 34 committers and 32 PMC members in the project. 
  - Jeff Zhang was added to the PMC on Mon Jun 01 2015 
  - Sreenath was added as a committer on Wed May 13 2015 

## Releases: 

  - 0.7.0 was released on Mon May 18 2015 
  - 0.5.4 was released on Fri Jun 26 2015 
  - 0.6.1 was released on Mon May 18 2015 

## Mailing list activity: 

    - 152 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): 
    - 292 emails sent to list (243 in previous quarter) 

    - 56 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months): 
    - 4638 emails sent to list (3610 in previous quarter) 

    - 170 subscribers (up 13 in the last 3 months): 
    - 283 emails sent to list (106 in previous quarter) 

## JIRA activity: 

  - 326 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
  - 289 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment BF: Report from the Apache Thrift Project  [Jake Farrell]

Thrift is a framework for providing cross-platform RPC and serialization.

Project Status
Since our last 0.9.2 release Apache Thrift has seen a number of bugs
addressed and new features added to improve our multi os build
capabilities. We have also resolved security vulnerabilities raised and are
planning on our 0.9.3 rc being cut and voted on this month

Latest Additions:

* PMC addition:          Ben Craig, 3.20.2014
                         Henrique Mendonca, 3.20.2014
* Contributor addition:  Konrad Grochowski, 9.22.2014

Issue backlog status since last report:

* Created:   148
* Resolved:  156

Mailing list activity since last report:

* @dev   2386 messages
* @user  80 messages

Last release: 0.9.2, Release Date: Nov 7, 2014

Attachment BG: Report from the Apache Tika Project  [Dave Meikle]

What is Tika?
Apache Tika is a dynamic toolkit for content detection, analysis, and
extraction. It allows a user to understand, and leverage information from, a
growing a list over 1200 different file types including most of the major types
in existence (MS Office, Adobe, Text, Images, Video, Code, and science data) as
recognised by IANA and other standards bodies.

There are no issues that need the boards attention.

The 1.9 release of Tika was made last month (June 2015) with new features such
as cTakes[1] integration and probabilistic MIME detection. Work has now started
on the 1.10 development stream.

The Tika PMC added Luis Filipe Nassif in March 2015 and Giuseppe Totaro in
April 2015 as committers and PMC Members.

The authors (Chris Mattmann and Jukka Zitting) of the Tika in Action book have
donated the examples from the book to Tika. These have been included in a new
tika-examples sub-module.

There have been articles published on NASA and the Jet Propulsion Lab’s
involvement in the Memex project, which features Apache projects including

Mailing list activity on dev@ was at 317, 307 and 63 messages in May, June and
July 2015, respectively. user@ was at 27, 39 and 9 messages, during the same


Attachment BH: Report from the Apache TomEE Project  [David Blevins]

Attachment BI: Report from the Apache Traffic Server Project  [Leif Hedstrom]

## Description:
  Apache Traffic Server is an HTTP proxy server and cache, similar to Squid
  and Varnish in functionality and features.

## Activity:
  The community has worked feverishly to finish the upcoming v6.0.0 release.
  Expected release date is mid to end of July. On an interesting side note,
  Comcast has Open Sourced a management portal around Traffic Server:

  This was announced on our mailing list, and it's unclear at this point if
  the project will stay on Github, or move to ASF. We will keep both the
  Incubator PMC and Board in the loop.

## Issues:
  There are no issues requiring Board attention at this time.

## LDAP committee/Committership changes:
  - Currently 41 committers and 39 LDAP committee members.
  - No new LDAP committee members added in the last 3 months
  - Last LDAP committee addition was Thomas Jackson at Fri Feb 13 2015
  - No new committers added in the last 3 months
  - Last committer addition was Thomas Jackson at Tue Feb 10 2015

## Releases:
  - 5.3.1 was released on Sat Jul 04 2015
  - 5.3.0 was released on Mon May 11 2015

## Mailing list activity:
    - 462 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):
    - 287 emails sent to list (300 in previous quarter)

    - 297 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
    - 575 emails sent to list (459 in previous quarter)

## JIRA activity:
  - 239 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months (216 previous quarter)
  - 308 JIRA tickets resolved in the last 3 months (167 previous quarter)

Attachment BJ: Report from the Apache Tuscany Project  [Jean-Sebastien Delfino]

Apache Tuscany is an SOA framework based on OASIS OpenCSA and SCA.

- Community activity is very low.

- Last release was Tuscany SCA 2.0.1, 10/3/2013.

- Last committer addition was Sebastian Millies, 12/4/2012.

- Mailing list traffic is almost non-existent with only two discussions of JIRA
issues on the dev list in 2015.

- There has been only two commits in 2015, one from infra to fix broken
download links and one from a Tuscany committer adding a DOAP file.

- Given the lack of activity, in May we discussed moving to the Attic on the
private list, with three +1, one 'wouldn't object' and a new idea from Luciano
Resende to approach the Fabric3 community and see if they'd be interested in
merging back with Tuscany to create Tuscany 3.x. Luciano is pursuing this, but
we don't have an update yet.

- I also indicated that I may be able to find a bit of time for Tuscany again
and started another discussion a few days ago on the private list asking if
folks would be interested in working on a lightweight Javascript implementation
of Tuscany SCA for micro-services, to attempt to get some action again in the
project. Two PMC members, Simon Nash and Luciano, showed interest in discussing
this on the dev list, so I will move that discussion there.

- The project needs to update logos with ™.

Attachment BK: Report from the Apache VXQuery Project [Till Westmann]

Apache VXQuery implements a parallel XML Query processor.

- Increased activity on mailing lists and code. A lot of this is driven by
  Shivani Mall and Efi Kaltirimidou who are doing great work on VXQuery during
  their Google Summer of Code.

- There are no issues that require the board's attention at this time.

PMC/Committership changes: 

- Currently 10 committers and 7 PMC members in the project.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Steven Jacobs at Fri Jul 18 2014
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Steven Jacobs at Fri Jul 18 2014


- Last release was 0.5 on Thu Mar 05 2015

Mailing list activity: 

  - 31 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
  - 240 emails sent to list (227 in previous quarter)

JIRA activity:

- 23 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 12 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months 

Attachment BL: Report from the Apache Web Services Project  [Sagara Gunathunga]

Attachment BM: Report from the Apache Whimsy Project  [Ross Gardler]

Apache Whimsy produces tools that help automate various administrative
tasks or information lookup activities for the ASF.

We are still setting up the infrastructure for this project.

No new additions to the PMC or committer list since TLP create in May

No releases have been made by this new project.

Attachment BN: Report from the Apache Wink Project  [Luciano Resende]

Apache Wink is a project that enables development and consumption of
REST style web services. The core server runtime is based on the
JAX-RS (JSR 311) standard. The project also introduces a client
runtime which can leverage certain components of the server-side
runtime. Apache Wink delivers component technology that can be easily
integrated into a variety of environments.

## Activity:
The Wink project has a small community which is not very active. We have
had discussions on how to increase community activity, but so far activity
continues on the low side. Having said that, I believe Wink is a mature project
with active users and we should not consider any retirement actions at the
moment. Last svn activity shows couple jiras patches being applied.
## Issues:
 - There are no issues that require Board attention at the moment.
 - There are no Trademark/Branding known issues at the moment.
 - There are no Legal Issues known at the moment.
## PMC/Committership changes:  
 - Currently 17 committers and 15 PMC members in the project.
 - No new changes to the PMC or committership since last report.
 - Voted Gerhard Petracek as a Wink committer in August 2013.
## Releases: 
 - Last release was 1.4 on Mon Sep 16 2013 
## Mailing list activity: 
    - 58 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months): 
    - 49 emails sent to list (14 in previous quarter) 
    - 102 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): 
    - 8 emails sent to list (7 in previous quarter) 
## JIRA activity: 
 - 3 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
 - 0 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months 

Attachment BO: Report from the Apache Wookie Project  [Scott Wilson]

End of minutes for the July 15, 2015 board meeting.
