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- Original The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
September 16, 2015
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 10:30am Pacific and began at 10:35
when a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was
recognized by the chairman.
Other Time Zones:
The meeting was held via teleconference, hosted by Doug Cutting
and Cloudera.
IRC #asfboard on was used for backup purposes.
2. Roll Call
Directors Present:
Rich Bowen
Shane Curcuru
Bertrand Delacretaz
Jim Jagielski
Chris Mattmann
David Nalley
Brett Porter
Sam Ruby
Greg Stein
Directors Absent:
Executive Officers Present:
Ross Gardler - left at 11:13
Craig L Russell
Executive Officers Absent:
Jan Iversen
Kevin A. McGrail
Henri Yandell
Jake Farrell
Marvin Humphrey
P. Taylor Goetz
Sean Kelly
3. Minutes from previous meetings
Published minutes can be found at:
A. The meeting of August 19, 2015
See: board_minutes_2015_08_19.txt
4. Executive Officer Reports
A. Chairman [Brett]
Encouragingly this month we have received the most reports that we
have in recent months, with just a handful not submitted. This helps
reduce the effort of shepherds and the knock on effect of extra
reports in the next month.
B. President [Ross]
First of all, my apologies for the late submission of my report this
month. It's been a busy time.
My Travel
Due to changes in my Visa arrangements I am currently unable to travel
freely. This is a short term issue but as I regularly travel and
always seek to represent the ASF wherever I go it is causing some
issues that I need to address.
Firstly, I may not be able to attend ApacheCon EU. Shane will be
present for Big Data and will present State of the Feather if I am not
present. Bertrand will be at Core and will be able to present it
I am due to provide a keynote address as ASF Prez in Korea in October.
I need a replacement. I am also due to meet a potential sponsor on
this trip, this could be delayed but if someone can replace me that
would be great. Expenses for this are covered.
I am due to provide a keynote at an Apache Roadshow event in China,
also in October, though I am still awaiting final confirmation of this
event. At the time of writing I have not arranged any sponsor meetings
but there are two potential sponsors that we should line up if someone
is able to replace me. Expenses for this are covered.
Note, the Korea and China events are back to back if someone fancies a
little Asian tour. But two separate speakers is also fine.
Finally I have been invited to keynote at a high level China event in
November. I have not yet accepted this invitation.
Anyone interested should contact me to discuss.
Executive Assistant
Melissa has been focusing on TAC this month. Everything is ready to go
despite the very tight timeframes. Other activities have included the
usual support of various VPs though there has been minimal time for
proactive help this month.
A laptop, keyboard, mouse and monitor was purchased from the Prez
discretionary budget. The total package came in well under the budget
cap I set last month.
Brand Management
Three projects (Mesos, Tomcat and Spark) have all requested
registrations that are not covered in the boards approved budget (i.e.
they include non-US registrations). I've asked Shane to provide
concrete argument to support these specific requests, and Shane is
working with the appropriate PMCs. Once I have received that argument
I will submit each to the board alongside my recommendation and any
adjustment to budget that this might require,
Shane is also addressing a new policy question that has emerged
relating to downstream redistribution of our project code. He is also
handling the usual requests as per policy.
Prompted by last months report from Virtual that fundraising was
significantly behind budget predictions I asked Virtual to provide an
accurate record of when sponsorships were paid and when they are due
for renewal. This will allow next years budget to be based on actual
numbers rather than an averaged income across 12 months as has been
the case in previous years. This will make it much easier to evaluate
actual vs budgeted income. Melissa and Hadrian are now working from
this data and ensuring that their CMS records align with the financial
data. Furthermore Hadrian has been working with Virtual to ensure that
they assist in identifying any late renewals.
It seems that each month Fundraising announces a new sponsor and this
month is no exception - welcome to PrivateInternetAccess as a new
Silver sponsor.
A renewing sponsor asked if their sponsorship could be directed to a
specific project. Hadrian interpreted the email in the same way that I
did, it was a question not a request. Hadrian indicated that we do not
currently accept directed sponsorships but has offered to discuss this
further if the sponsor requires. Hadrian and I reviewed the directed
sponsorship terms at LinuxCon recently and I believe he and I are
roughly on the same page with respect to what is/is not possible.
Finally, Hadrian has indicated that in he plans to indicate which
sponsors have renewed and are due to renew in future board reports. I
agree this is useful but I have requested that the information be
marked private so that sponsor names will not appear in the published
minutes in case any sponsors choose not to renew.
Marketing and Publicity
Sally continues to work on proposals for a logo redesign and was
scheduled to review proposals on Sept 14th (too late for this report
despite being before the meeting itself).
An item arose in the last couple of days and is thus not included
Sally's report but I want to raise it for visibility. An analyst firm
has published a report that claims a well known company had discussion
with the ASF about IP management. At the time of writing I have not
read the article and it may be harmless. However, based on comments
sent to press@ it appears that they may have some inaccurate
information that may or may not be problematic. Greg has offered to
work with the author and Jim, as VP Legal, is aware of the discussion.
I have been given a trial subscription so that I can retrieve and
share a copy.
HEADLINE: Infrastructure Investments in architecture and configuration
management pay off
A loss of an LDAP server this month resulted in a number of services
being useless. Monitoring and alerting worked as expected. Thanks to
robust configuration management for LDAP a new host was provisioned
and configured within 12 minutes. Astounding!
To quote David as VP Infrastructure "A 12 minute Mean-Time-to-Recovery
is a stunning statistic."
Round of applause for the Infra team please....
We had what the team believe to be a DDoS attack against our download
CGI scripts this month. It took around 12 hours to fully address.
Thank you to the team for their hard work on this.
New work this month has focused on monitoring. The centralized logging
facility is now in production, bringing lots of visibility into what
is really going on. An immediate result of this is the identification
of abuse of our systems and a resulting "blocky" service which
automatically blocks abusive IP numbers identified in the centralized
logs. Results have been immediate and significant, for example a 30%
reduction in one servers bandwidth.
The Mail (Phase 2) project hit a snag. In short the PoC looked
promising but it became clear it would not scale to our mail load. The
infra team have a plan, but it does present some risk. This is likely
to delay progress but it is better to see and address such problems
during the PoC stage.
Finally all SLAs were met this month and the graphs continue to show
Travel Assistance Committee
Once again there is no report from TAC. I have spoken with Gavin as VP
TAC and we have a plan to resolve this situation after ApacheCon. As
usual I do have good insight into what is happening on TAC thanks to
Melissa's oversight.
An applicant raised a concern about being expected to perform certain
actions (such as introducing speakers) at the event. This requirement
was indicated in the original materials sent to potential applicants,
however it seems that this was not clear enough. In this case the
concern expressed related to a justifiable worry about not being able
to perform the actions in a satisfactory way due to circumstances
beyond the individuals control. The applicant offered to withdraw
their application. However, I reassured the individual that we will
make appropriate arrangements should problems arise and that they
should still accept TAC assistance.
Daniel Gruno will be present in Budapest to help Gavin organize TAC
recipients at the event, as will the ever present Melissa.
Additionally, please see Attachments 1 through 6.
C. Treasurer [Chris]
After changing the paypal buttons to reflect a donation, chargebacks
are believed to have been completely nullified. The Treasurer’s
Office does not anticipate any further changes at this time.
An extension for the 990 was filed before the Sept 15th deadline.
Coordination with Jim and audit@a.o has begun concerning if an audit
for 2015 will be done. The Treasurer’s Office is ready to support
the audit in full capacity. D&O Insurance was renewed.
Apache received a $150+ donation from AmazonSmiles. The Treasurer’s
Office suggests considering augmenting our promotion of the link
for this type of donation.
Income and Expenses for August 2015 CASH BASIS
Current Balances:
Citizens Checking $857,095
Amazon- ASF Payments $-
Paypal - ASF $66,537
Wells Fargo Checking - ASF $334,573
Wells Fargo Savings $288,264
Total Checking/Savings $1,546,468
Income Summary:
Public Donations $5,537
Sponsorship Program $20,000
Programs Income $-
Interest Income $15
Total Income $25,552
Expense Summary:
Infrastructure $43,523
Sponsorship Program $-
Programs Expense $-
Publicity $5,455
Brand Management $-
Conferences $1,622
Travel Assistance Committee $8,800
Treasury Services $3,100
General & Administrative $10,987
Total Expense $73,486
Net Income $(47,933)
Closing the Wells Fargo account is in process and should be
complete next month.
D. Secretary [Craig]
Thanks to some new tooling in Whimsy created by Sam, Secretary is
reviewing and synchronizing icla.txt Public Names and LDAP Full Names.
Most of the several dozen mismatches have been resolved. Once the
remaining issues are taken care of, we will work on a process for
people to request a change in their Public Name and LDAP Full Name.
During the process of synchronizing these names, a number of anomalies
in the records were discovered, such as missing ICLAs, non-standard
file names for signatures, and wrong names in iclas.txt. Sebb has
contributed a number of improvements in this area. Others are also
being worked on.
In August, 84 iclas, five cclas, and four grants were received and
E. Executive Vice President [Rich]
We are less than a month away from ApacheCon EU. The attendance
numbers are very disappointing, and surely not helped by the refugee
situation. Angela is requesting that we do all we can to promote
attendance on our end, and we're doing what we can.
ApacheCon North America is already being promoted at
and at
but we have not yet done any promotion of the event(s). The CFP, also,
has not yet been promoted. We will start doing that in earnest in
October, and attempt to get more coverage of this event than we
managed to do for EU.
Discussion has started about having a presence at FOSDEM to promote
the ASF, and encourage a new generation of university students to
participate in ASF projects. Details have yet to be determined, as the
call for participation in FOSDEM has not yet gone out. Daniel Gruno
has volunteered to head up that effort, and will be supported by
Melissa and myself in making that happen. OpenOffice has long had a
presence there, but we wish to expand that to a larger ASF presence.
We (President, EA, VP Marketing, and myself) have also discussed our
presence at OSCon, and determined that it's 1) not really the audience
we want to be reaching and 2) was in particular not worth the
considerable cost and effort this year. We will therefore not be
participating in OSCon Europe, and unless someone steps up with a
strong case and volunteer effort to make it happen, we'll not be
participating in OSCon in Austin next year.
F. Vice Chairman [Greg]
Nothing to report for this month.
Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
5. Additional Officer Reports
A. VP of W3C Relations [Andy Seaborne / Bertrand]
See Attachment 7
B. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Jim Jagielski]
See Attachment 8
C. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Chris]
See Attachment 9
Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
6. Committee Reports
Summary of Reports
The following reports required further discussion:
# Bloodhound [bp]
# Drill [bp]
# Helix [bp]
# Incubator [rb]
# Lucene.Net [bp]
# OpenOffice [bd]
# Synapse [sr]
# Wink [bp]
A. Apache Allura Project [Dave Brondsema / Sam]
See Attachment A
B. Apache Any23 Project [Lewis John McGibbney / Shane]
See Attachment B
C. Apache APR Project [Jeff Trawick / Jim]
See Attachment C
D. Apache Archiva Project [Olivier Lamy / David]
See Attachment D
E. Apache Aurora Project [Bill Farner / Greg]
See Attachment E
F. Apache Axis Project [Deepal Jayasinghe / Rich]
See Attachment F
G. Apache Bigtop Project [Andrew Purtell / Brett]
See Attachment G
H. Apache Bloodhound Project [Gary Martin / Shane]
No report was submitted.
@Shane: pursue a report for Bloodhound
I. Apache BVal Project [Matt Benson / Bertrand]
See Attachment I
J. Apache Camel Project [Christian Mueller / Rich]
See Attachment J
K. Apache Cayenne Project [Andrus Adamchik / Greg]
See Attachment K
L. Apache Chemistry Project [Florian Müller / Sam]
See Attachment L
M. Apache CloudStack Project [Sebastien Goasguen / Chris]
See Attachment M
N. Apache Cocoon Project [Thorsten Scherler / Jim]
See Attachment N
O. Apache Commons Project [Gary Gregory / David]
See Attachment O
P. Apache Cordova Project [Shazron Abdullah / Brett]
See Attachment P
Q. Apache cTAKES Project [Pei J Chen / Bertrand]
See Attachment Q
R. Apache Curator Project [Jordan Zimmerman / Greg]
See Attachment R
S. Apache Drill Project [Jacques Nadeau / Brett]
No report was submitted.
T. Apache Falcon Project [Srikanth Sundarrajan / Jim]
See Attachment T
U. Apache Felix Project [Carsten Ziegeler / Rich]
See Attachment U
V. Apache Flex Project [Alex Harui / Shane]
See Attachment V
W. Apache Flink Project [Stephan Ewen / Chris]
See Attachment W
X. Apache Gora Project [Lewis John McGibbney / David]
See Attachment X
Y. Apache Gump Project [Stefan Bodewig / Sam]
See Attachment Y
Z. Apache Helix Project [Kishore Gopalakrishna / Jim]
No report was submitted.
@Jim: pursue a report for Helix
AA. Apache Hive Project [Carl Steinbach / Bertrand]
See Attachment AA
AB. Apache Ignite Project [Dmitriy Setrakyan / David]
See Attachment AB
AC. Apache Incubator Project [Ted Dunning / Shane]
See Attachment AC
AD. Apache Jackrabbit Project [Michael Dürig / Brett]
See Attachment AD
AE. Apache Karaf Project [Jean-Baptiste Onofré / Rich]
See Attachment AE
AF. Apache Labs Project [Jan Iversen / Sam]
See Attachment AF
AG. Apache Lens Project [Amareshwari Sriramadasu / Chris]
See Attachment AG
AH. Apache Lucene Project [Michael McCandless / Greg]
See Attachment AH
AI. Apache Lucene.Net Project [Prescott Nasser / David]
No report was submitted.
AJ. Apache MRUnit Project [Brock Noland / Sam]
See Attachment AJ
AK. Apache NiFi Project [Joe Witt / Jim]
See Attachment AK
AL. Apache OFBiz Project [Jacopo Cappellato / Bertrand]
See Attachment AL
AM. Apache Olingo Project [Christian Amend / Chris]
See Attachment AM
AN. Apache Oltu Project [Antonio Sanso / Shane]
See Attachment AN
AO. Apache OODT Project [Tom Barber / Greg]
See Attachment AO
AP. Apache Open Climate Workbench Project [Michael James Joyce / Rich]
See Attachment AP
AQ. Apache OpenNLP Project [Joern Kottmann / Brett]
See Attachment AQ
AR. Apache OpenWebBeans Project [Mark Struberg / Jim]
See Attachment AR
AS. Apache Perl Project [Philippe M. Chiasson / Brett]
See Attachment AS
AT. Apache Pig Project [Rohini Palaniswamy / Bertrand]
See Attachment AT
AU. Apache Pivot Project [Roger Whitcomb / Greg]
See Attachment AU
AV. Apache Portals Project [David Sean Taylor / Rich]
See Attachment AV
AW. Apache Serf Project [Bert Huijben / Shane]
See Attachment AW
AX. Apache ServiceMix Project [Krzysztof Sobkowiak / Sam]
See Attachment AX
AY. Apache Shiro Project [Les Hazlewood / Chris]
See Attachment AY
AZ. Apache Sling Project [Carsten Ziegeler / David]
See Attachment AZ
BA. Apache SpamAssassin Project [Kevin A. McGrail / Rich]
See Attachment BA
BB. Apache Stanbol Project [Fabian Christ / Jim]
See Attachment BB
BC. Apache Storm Project [P. Taylor Goetz / Sam]
See Attachment BC
BD. Apache Synapse Project [Hiranya Jayathilaka / Shane]
See Attachment BD
The report is not approved. @Shane: What are the plans for a
release, now that Axis has released?
BE. Apache Tajo Project [Hyunsik Choi / Chris]
See Attachment BE
BF. Apache Tiles Project [Mick Semb Wever / David]
See Attachment BF
BG. Apache Tomcat Project [Mladen Turk / Brett]
See Attachment BG
BH. Apache TomEE Project [David Blevins / Bertrand]
See Attachment BH
BI. Apache UIMA Project [Marshall Schor / Greg]
See Attachment BI
BJ. Apache Usergrid Project [Todd Nine / Jim]
See Attachment BJ
BK. Apache VCL Project [Andy Kurth / Bertrand]
See Attachment BK
BL. Apache Whimsy Project [Ross Gardler / Sam]
See Attachment BL
BM. Apache Wicket Project [Martijn Dashorst / Shane]
See Attachment BM
BN. Apache Wink Project [Luciano Resende / David]
No report was submitted.
BO. Apache Zest Project [Niclas Hedhman / Chris]
See Attachment BO
BP. Apache ZooKeeper Project [Michi Mutsuzaki / Greg]
See Attachment BP
BQ. Apache OpenOffice Project [Dennis E. Hamilton/ Rich]
See Attachment BQ
Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
7. Special Orders
A. Change the Apache OpenOffice Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Jan Iversen (jani)
to the office of Vice President, Apache OpenOffice, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Jan
Iversen from the office of Vice President, Apache OpenOffice, and
WHEREAS, the Community of the Apache OpenOffice project has chosen to
recommend Dennis E. Hamilton (orcmid) as the successor to the post;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Jan Iversen is relieved and
discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
President, Apache OpenOffice, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Dennis E. Hamilton be and hereby is
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache OpenOffice, to serve
in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of
Directors. and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation,
retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is
Special Order 7A, Change the Apache OpenOffice Project Chair,
was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
B. Establish the Apache Yetus Project
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
open-source software, for distribution at no charge to the
public, related to libraries and tools that enable contribution
and release processes for software projects
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Yetus Project",
be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
Foundation; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Yetus Project be and hereby is
responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
related to libraries and tools that enable contribution
and release processes for software projects;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Yetus" be
and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
of the Apache Yetus Project, and to have primary responsibility
for management of the projects within the scope of
responsibility of the Apache Yetus Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
Apache Yetus Project:
* Andrew Bayer <>
* Sean Busbey <>
* Nick Dimiduk <>
* Chris Nauroth <>
* Andrew Purtell <>
* Allen Wittenauer <>
be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Yetus, to
serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification,
or until a successor is appointed, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Yetus Project be and hereby
is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
Hadoop Yetus sub-project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
Hadoop Yetus sub-project encumbered upon the
Apache Hadoop Project are hereafter discharged.
Special Order 7B, Establish the Apache Yetus Project, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
C. Change the Apache Hive Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Carl Steinbach (cws)
to the office of Vice President, Apache Hive, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Carl
Steinbach from the office of Vice President, Apache Hive, and
WHEREAS, the Community of the Apache Hive project has chosen to
recommend Ashutosh Chauhan (hashutosh) as the successor to the post;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Carl Steinbach is relieved and
discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
President, Apache Hive, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Ashutosh Chauhan be and hereby is appointed
to the office of Vice President, Apache Hive, to serve in
accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors.
and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7C, Change the Apache Hive Project Chair, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
D. Change the Apache Oozie Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Mohammad Islam
(kamrul) to the office of Vice President, Apache Oozie, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
Mohammad Islam from the office of Vice President, Apache Oozie, and
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Oozie project
has chosen by vote to recommend Robert Kanter (rkanter) as the
successor to the post;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Mohammad Islam is relieved and
discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
of Vice President, Apache Oozie, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Robert Kanter be and hereby is appointed
to the office of Vice President, Apache Oozie, to serve in accordance
with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the
Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal
or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7D, Change the Apache Oozie Project Chair, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
8. Discussion Items
9. Review Outstanding Action Items
* Chris: help PMC improve report for next month
[ Samza 2015-03-18 ]
* Greg: ask if PMC needs help with release policy/procedure
[ Portals 2015-03-18 ]
Status: no progress
* Jim: Any prospects for new committers/PMC members?
[ Aries 2015-04-22 ]
* Chris: There is low activity and it may be time for retirement.
[ Onami 2015-05-20 ]
* David: follow up with last PMC and committer additions.
[ Santuario 2015-05-20 ]
* Chris: No response from the pmc on list. Attic is the next step.
[ Deltacloud 2015-06-17 ]
* Jim: Establish Apache policy for cookies on web sites.
[ Pivot 2015-06-17 ]
Status: Complete: See
* Ross: What can be done with regard to Apache Extras?
[ Pivot 2015-06-17 ]
* David: Chair has no time to devote to the project. May be time for the
[ Tuscany 2015-06-17 ]
* Ross: @Shane discuss how to move this issue [marketing using Apache brands]
[ Discussion Items 2015-06-17 ]
* David: please submit a new report next month with some changed content
[ Tapestry 2015-07-15 ]
* Sam: schedule a call to restart the online ICLA submission discussion
[ Secretary 2015-08-19 ]
Status: Pending confirmation from jimjag, we will meet after the board
meeting. jj: Don't wait for me. Go ahead and meet if everyone
else can make it.
* David: follow up on activity in PMC.
[ Etch 2015-08-19 ]
* Bertrand: follow up to see if the project is still ok.
[ Onami 2015-08-19 ]
Status: Nino replied that they might currently have only 2 active PMC
members, we need to revisit this next month
* Rich: please provide more details in the next scheduled report
[ OpenJPA 2015-08-19 ]
* Jim: work with counsel to review the bylaws and propose changes (if
necessary) to clarify how to apply "two-thirds majority" when
counting votes.
[ Discussion Items 2015-08-19 ]
Status: On-going
10. Unfinished Business
11. New Business
12. Announcements
13. Adjournment
Adjourned at 11:37 a.m. (Pacific)
Attachment 1: Report from the Executive Assistant [Melissa Warnkin]
ApacheCon and TAC:
• All flights booked
• Rooming assignments done and wire transfer requested
• Registrations done
• Giveaways ordered
• Booth logistics sorted
• Lodging and registration sorted for Daniel Gruno, our TAC OTG
(on-the-ground) helper
• TAC Welcome Dinner and subsistence money being paid by Daniel; he will
submit for reimbursement afterwards
Attachment 2: Report from the VP of Brand Management [Shane Curcuru]
Operations proceeding normally.
The Mesos, Tomcat, and Spark projects have requested registrations both in the
US as well as internationally, including Europe and other jurisdictions.
Working with the PMCs to provide a justification to the board for the
registration fees, which are not able to be covered under the existing brand
Various PMC members requested clarifications as to how Apache marks should be
handled in various common software distribution or install channels, like
linux package managers and the like.
The Mesos project noted concern over several US registrations that will cause
problems for their requested application.
Registration application of HADOOP in India was provisionally denied; however
counsel believes we can overcome the issues at very minor cost and have the
registration granted.
Attachment 3: Report from the VP of Fundraising [Hadrian Zbarcea]
Fundraising activities are continuing normally. Google is in the process of
renewing and we got a new Silver sponsor (PrivateInternetAcess).
The accounting@ team provided a report of sponsorship records from an
accounting perspective and we are reconciling them with our CRM records. We
also agreed with accounting@ to get a semimonthly report out outstanding
I think it will be useful to include the report the number of sponsors that
renewed in the past cycles and those due to renew in the next. I will start
adding them with the next report, to make things easier to track.
Attachment 4: Report from the VP of Marketing and Publicity [Sally Khudairi]
I. Budget: we remain within budget with no vendor payments due at this
II. Fundraising/Branding/Marketing/ComDev liaison: the ASF Operations
Summary for Q1 of the current Fiscal Year (May-July 2015) was
published on 28 August. Sally Khudairi continues to work with the
designers jointly donated by HotWax Systems and LucidWorks on revising
the ASF logo, and will be reviewing proposals for new visual systems
on 14 September.
III. Press Releases: the following announcements were issued via the
newswire service, ASF Foundation Blog, or during
this timeframe:
- 26 August 2015 --The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache™
Lens™ as a Top-Level Project
- 25 August 2015 --The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache™
Ignite™ as a Top-Level Project
IV. Informal Announcements: 6 items were published on the ASF
"Foundation" Blog, and 24 items were tweeted on @TheASF. No new videos
have been updated on the ASF YouTube channel. 4 Apache News Round-ups
were issued, with a total of 50 weekly summaries published to date.
V. Future Announcements: no announcements are in development. Projects
planning to graduate from the Apache Incubator as well as PMCs wishing
to announce major project milestones and/or "Did You Know?" success
stories are welcome to contact Sally at <> for more
information. Kindly provide at least 2-weeks' notice for proper
planning and execution.
VI. Media Relations: we responded to 11 media requests. The ASF
received 844 press clips over this time period, vs. last month's clip
count of 819.
VII. Analyst Relations: we responded to 4 analyst queries. Apache was
mentioned in 17 reports by Gartner, 8 reports by Forrester, 9 reports
by 451 Research, and 6 reports by IDC.
VIII. ApacheCon liaison: Sally has worked with Melissa Warnkin on the
promotional giveaways, and with Jan Iversen on signage.
IX. (Non-ASF) Industry Events and Outreach liaison: no formal
activities at this time.
X. Newswire accounts: we have 8 pre-paid press releases with NASDAQ
GlobeNewswire through the end of 2016, and continue to receive gratis
news release distribution in the UK by Pressat.
# # #
Attachment 5: Report from the VP of Infrastructure [David Nalley]
Operations Action Items:
Short Term Priorities:
We experienced what we believe to be a DDoS attacking the mirror
redirection CGI script this month. This drove our 15 minute load
average to 2700+ We ended up using a much more efficient redirection
script, and redirecting all queries to the old one to the new to
resolve the issue, and it took us around 12 hours to mitigate the
During the reporting period we lost an LDAP server inadvertently, and
this caused a number of services to cease being useful. However, our
alerting detected the problem in a timely manner, and thanks to our
resilient architecture and configuration management, we were able to
provision a new host and have it working again within 12 minutes. A
12 minute Mean-Time-to-Recovery is a stunning statistic.
Long Range Priorities:
See the monitoring section for details on how we've automated the
blocking of abusive traffic.
We didn't add much in the way of resilience, but we have a great
example of how our resilience allowed us to quickly recover from
a failure. See the short term section above.
Technical Debt
See details of mail in the General Activity section
This month a lot of investment in monitoring over the past quarter has come
to fruition.
First - we have finally promoted centralized logging into production. This has
given us tremendous additional insight thanks to the visualization and query
tools that are now available.
We did run into some scaling issues with the 'preferred logging tool' and were
able to move to a very simple python-based log-ingester, that works on both our
new puppet-managed machines as well as our legacy machines.
Once we had data in place, and ability to run analysis on the fly, we
immediately saw a number of situations where our services were being abused.
Eventually, we determined that we could programmatically deal with a number of
these issues, across all of our machines. To that end, we've now deployed a
tool called blocky that, based on input from our logging system automatically
blocks IP addresses across our entire infrastructure. We have a catalog of how
blocking this abusive behavior has dramatically reduced bandwidth usage, in
one case 30% of a server's total bandwidth was caused by abuse.
In addition to the technical benefits, we can also provide insight to projects
and fundraising for how much traffic is visiting our web properties, or even a
specific project's site, and where that traffic is coming from and what they
are doing most often.
General Activity:
Mail Phase 2
Mail has been interesting, we went from a very promising POC, to realizing at
least one component would likely not be able to scale to match our historical
load, much less be able to scale to the future. In general, while we don't
currently see any blockers, we are hearing of troubling experiences from
In response to that, we've developed a prototype of a replacement called
Ponymail. It can certainly handle the load. Our plan is to move this software
to the ASF, and ensure that it can develope a community around it. We've
already called attention to it with some similar organizations who are going
through mailman3 POCs. We will not adopt this software if a community of
folks other than ASF Infra who cares and helps to develop this software. We
want to make sure we aren't replacing an aging system with additional
technical debt that will come back to haunt us in 5-7 years.
Uptime Statistics:
We met this months service level expectations
Attachment 6: Report from the Apache Travel Assistance Committee [Gavin McDonald]
Attachment 7: Report from the VP of W3C Relations [Andy Seaborne]
Andy Seaborne (andy@) has joined the "RDF Test Suite Curation Community
Group". This is the first member of the group for ASF, so the foundation
agrees to the standard community group conditions.
Attachment 8: Report from the Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Jim Jagielski]
A formal ASF Release Policy has been drafted; it is in the process of being
reviewed. In addition, clarification on the ASF's non-release licensing
policy has also been discussed and clarified on the legal-discuss@
mailing list.
JIRA tickets continue to be closed.
Our legal council was engaged to help us with drafting a set of
emails; the pertinent matter has since been closed.
No issues requiring board attention.
Attachment 9: Report from the Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox]
Short stats for August 2015, we received:
1 Support question
9 Phishing/spam/proxy/attacks point to site
"powered by Apache" or Confused user due to Android licenses
Vulnerability reports to
1 [tomcat] closed, user error
1 [ambari]
2 [httpd]
Vulnerability reports direct to projects:
1 [aoo, via officesecurity@freedesktop]
2 [struts, via security@stuts]
1 [sentry, via security@sentry]
Attachment A: Report from the Apache Allura Project [Dave Brondsema]
## Description:
Apache Allura is an open source implementation of a software forge, a web site
that manages source code repositories, bug reports, discussions, wiki pages,
blogs, and more for any number of individual projects.
## Activity:
- Started posting news about releases and new features on
- A small code contribution from one new contributor.
- Two releases.
- Some discussion and helping of users / installers of Allura.
- Ongoing discussion, tickets, development from the active committers.
## Issues:
- No issues needing board attention.
## PMC/Committership changes:
- Currently 12 committers and 12 PMC members in the project.
- Heith Seewald was added to the PMC on Fri Mar 06 2015
- Heith Seewald was added as a committer on Fri Mar 06 2015
- New PMC/committer voted successfully - currently in process of board
notification and inviting them.
## Releases:
- 1.3.1 was released on Sun Aug 09 2015
- 1.3.0 was released on Wed Jun 17 2015
Attachment B: Report from the Apache Any23 Project [Lewis John McGibbney]
## Description:
Anything To Triples (Any23) is a library, a web service and a command
line tool that extracts structured data in RDF format from a variety of Web
## Activity:
- Project activity has primarily revolved around the GSoC project which
involved implementation of Microformats2 within Any23. We are very close to
merging this work into Any23 master branch. We will nearly be ready for a
1.2 release once this has been committed.
## Health report:
- Any23 is a small and reasonably quiet community. We would hope that our
GSoC student will continue to contribute to the project but will also be
reaching out to the Microformats community again very soon to introduce the
availability of Microformats2 support within Any23. Mailing list activity
is typical for Any23.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 13 committers and 13 LDAP committee group members.
- No new LDAP committee group members added in the last 3 months
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Stephane Corlosquet at Mon Aug 18 2014
## Releases:
- Last release was 1.1 on Tue Oct 28 2014
## Mailing list activity:
- 32 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months):
- 116 emails sent to list (216 in previous quarter)
- 42 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
- 3 emails sent to list (15 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 0 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 2 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment C: Report from the Apache APR Project [Jeff Trawick]
## Description:
The Apache Portable Runtime (APR) project creates and maintains
software libraries that provide a predictable and consistent interface
to underlying platform-specific implementations. The sub-projects
which are released somewhat regularly are APR and APR-util. In addition,
the APR-iconv sub-project is commonly used but has not had a release
since 2007.
## Activity:
- Commits have been low, as is typical in a quarter with no release-
related activity.
- Mailing list activity has also been low aside from a discussion about
future APR 2.0, which has had major structural changes implemented
(consolidation of APR and APR-util) for a number of years but which
thus far has not had the developer support to push it towards a release.
- Six bugs were opened during the reporting period, and only one bug had
any followup (closure or discussion).
## Health report:
- This is a mature project, and most of its development activity is
driven by the needs of the same small number of applications that have
used it for many years. The project members are more than able to
meet the requirements that arise from that use.
- The needs of the small number of other users are not met very well;
bug reports languish and mailing list posters may not receive timely
responses. The amount of help provided is probably not sufficient
to serve as encouragement to potential new users of APR.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 65 committers and 39 LDAP committee group members.
- No new LDAP committee group members added in the last 3 months
- Last LDAP committee group addition was Yann Ylavic at Wed May 13 2015
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Christophe Jaillet at Sat Mar 14 2015
## Releases:
- No releases in this quarter
- APR 1.5.2, released April 29, 2015
- APR-util 1.5.4, released September 22, 2014
- APR-iconv 1.2.1, released November 26, 2007
## Mailing list activity:
- 360 subscribers (up 3 in the last 3 months):
- 85 emails sent to list (135 in previous quarter)
- 19 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 26 emails sent to list (55 in previous quarter)
Attachment D: Report from the Apache Archiva Project [Olivier Lamy]
## Description:
Apache Archiva software is an extensible repository management tool that
helps taking care of your own personal or enterprise-wide build artifact
## Activity:
- The project has been quiet those last months (maybe because of summer in
- We finally migrated our jira issues from Codehaus to Apache instance.
## Issues:
- there are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 20 committers and 8 LDAP committee group members.
- No new LDAP committee group members added in the last 3 months
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Sascha Vogt at Mon Jul 14 2014
## Releases:
- Last release was 2.2.0 on Mon Mar 02 2015
## Mailing list activity:
- 234 subscribers (up 4 in the last 3 months):
- 19 emails sent to list (37 in previous quarter)
- 102 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
- 13 emails sent to list (26 in previous quarter)
- 12 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 6 emails sent to list (24 in previous quarter)
- 35 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
- 52 emails sent to list (83 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 9 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 6 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment E: Report from the Apache Aurora Project [Bill Farner]
## Description:
Apache Aurora lets you use an Apache Mesos cluster as a private cloud. It
supports running long-running services, cron jobs, and ad-hoc jobs.
## Activity:
- Release planning underway (0.10.0)
- Major effort recently for official installable packages (RPMs and debs)
- released of debs for 0.9.0, close to release of RPMs
- preparing infrastructure for nightly packages
## Health report:
There has been healthy development on Aurora for this period, though we hope to
see more growth in adoption, contributions, and committers. There has been
significant effort to make alternatives to Aurora (e.g. Kubernetes, Marathon)
easy to install and use, and Aurora is relatively more complicated to evaluate.
Packaging and better introductory documentation will our focus to address this.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 15 committers and 13 LDAP committee group members.
- New PMC member: Zameer Manji, 2014-01-14
- New committer: Joshua Cohen, 2015-02-02
## Releases:
- 0.9.0 was released on Thu Jul 23 2015
## Mailing list activity:
- 147 subscribers (up 11 in the last 3 months):
- 293 emails sent to list (437 in previous quarter)
- 33 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 1298 emails sent to list (1419 in previous quarter)
- 37 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months):
- 753 emails sent to list (844 in previous quarter)
Attachment F: Report from the Apache Axis Project [Deepal Jayasinghe]
The Apache Axis project is responsible for the creation and maintenance
of software related to the Axis Web Services frameworks and subsidiary
The level of participation in both dev and user lists are relatively active.
Last Committer/PMC- Hiranya Jayathilaka (7/2015)
No Axis/Java releases for this quarter, however the team is working towards
next release by working on releases for dependent projects. We are also making
some progress towards Axis2/C release.
Last releases:
Axis2/Java: June 2015
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
Number of commits – 49 (Axis2/Java)
Number of JIRA issues (Created 11, Resolved 7)
Attachment G: Report from the Apache Bigtop Project [Andrew Purtell]
Apache Bigtop is software for integration, packaging, deployment, and
validation of Apache big data ecosystem components.
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
The last release was version 1.0.0, released on August 10, 2015.
The project recently reached a very important milestone with the 1.0.0
release. The release completes a reboot of our build and CI
infrastructure now hosted on several EC2 cloud instances. All costs of
these instances are defrayed by a generous grant of these resources
from Amazon.
We have just kicked off a new initiative, BigTop Data Generators, an effort
to extract and clean up our data generator code into a set of generally
usable libraries for building data generators. Our vision is for all of
Apache to come to Bigtop for tools for building better, more comprehensive
data generators and blueprints for scale system simulations. We note that
Ubuntu and Kubernetes are already using the Bigtop Docker images of our pet
store data generators for testing.
The first official Apache Bigtop Workshop will be held in Budapest on
September 25th coinciding with Apache Big Data / Core events. [1]
Nate D'Amico was added as a committer on 3/24/2015.
Olaf Flebbe was added to the PMC on 6/8/2015.
Evans Ye was added to the PMC on 6/8/2015.
32 committers
21 PMC
126 subscribers to the dev list (up 4 in the last 3 months)
163 subscribers to the user list (up 9 in the last 3 months)
114 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
75 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment H: Report from the Apache Bloodhound Project [Gary Martin]
Attachment I: Report from the Apache BVal Project [Matt Benson]
## Apache BVal Report September 2015 ##
The Apache BVal project implements the Java EE Bean Validation specification(s)
and related extensions, and became a top-level project of the foundation on
February 15, 2012.
### Releases ###
Apache BVal 1.1.0 was released on June 10, 2015.
### Activity ###
Some light JIRA and mailing list activity this quarter.
### Community ###
No changes in community.
Last PMC member added Q4 2013
Last committer added Q3 2013
### Branding ###
Nothing to report.
### Legal ###
No concerns at present.
### Infrastructure ###
Nothing needed at the moment.
Attachment J: Report from the Apache Camel Project [Christian Mueller]
Apache Camel is a powerful open source integration framework based on known
Enterprise Integration Patterns.
Project Status
* There are no issues that require the board attention.
* The project is healthy, active and stays at a high level.
* The current PMC chair would like to resign and we are discussing who could
take over this role.
* On 15th July one of our PMC discovered a trademark issue, a GitHub project
called camel-labs. Unfortunately, some of the Camel PMC's was involved in this
project. On 31nd July the project was renamed and the issues was solved.
* We got 1 new contributors who signed the ICLA.
* The community stays at a high level (328 subscribers at dev@; 873
subscribers at users@)
* The community is active and questions being answered in short term.
* Avg. 355 mails per month on the users mailing list in June 2015 -
August 2015
* Avg. 116 mails per month on the dev mailing list in June 2015 -
August 2015
* Avg. 282 commits per month in June 2015 - August 2015
Community Objectives
* The camel-extra project [1] is now read-only. The people didn't received any
information how to proceed to move to SF. This wasn't a good experience, also
because all of the camel-extra committers want to move to GitHub.
* We are focusing the development of the next minor release Apache Camel
Project Composition
* no new committer was added in this reporting period
* the last committer was added at 19/05/2015
* no new PMC member was added in this reporting period
* the last PMC member was added at 04/24/2014
* 2.15.3 (20/08/2015)
Attachment K: Report from the Apache Cayenne Project [Andrus Adamchik]
## Description:
Apache Cayenne is a Java persistence framework. It takes a distinct approach
to object persistence and provides an ORM runtime, remote persistence
services, and a GUI mapping/modeling tool.
## Activity:
The project is working towards 4.0.M3, though this quarter was fairly quiet.
We switched 4.0 branch to Java 1.7, upgrading a number of internal APIs. There
were a number of bug fixes and minor improvements. A few bigger things are
likely to be committed in the coming quarter. User mailing list activity
picked up almost twice compared to the previous quarter.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 20 committers and 7 LDAP committee group members.
- No new LDAP committee group members added in the last 3 months
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Savva Kolbachev at Mon Jan 19 2015
## Releases:
- Last release was 4.0.M2 on Thu Mar 19 2015
## Mailing list activity:
- 115 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
- 53 emails sent to list (114 in previous quarter)
- 239 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months):
- 187 emails sent to list (109 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 11 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 9 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment L: Report from the Apache Chemistry Project [Florian Müller]
## Description:
Apache Chemistry is an effort to provide an implementation of the CMIS
(Content Management Interoperability Services) specification in Java,
Python, PHP, .NET, Objective-C, and JavaScript (and possibly other
The project has graduated in February 2011.
## Activity:
- We received a new code contribution called PortCMIS, which is a
C# CMIS client library. It is very similar to DotCMIS, but
implements the CMIS 1.0 and CMIS 1.1 specifications.
Long-term it will replace DotCMIS.
- The Java implementation OpenCMIS gets bug fixes and new features.
It has been recently refactored to work with Java 8 and Java 9.
- All other CMIS implementations are not active at the moment.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 37 committers and 35 LDAP committee group members.
- No new LDAP committee group members added in the last 3 months
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Sanija Shabani at Wed Nov 26 2014
## Releases:
- DotCMIS 0.7 was released on Mon Apr 13 2015
- ObjectiveCMIS 0.5 was released on Mon Mar 09 2015
- OpenCMIS 0.13.0 was released on Mon Apr 06 2015
## Mailing list activity:
- 181 subscribers (up 3 in the last 3 months):
- 191 emails sent to list (242 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 28 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 30 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment M: Report from the Apache CloudStack Project [Sebastien Goasguen]
## Description:
Apache CloudStack is an IaaS (“Infrastracture as a Service”) cloud
orchestration platform.
## Activity:
- The CloudStack project continues to release new software at a steady pace.
- We have adopted a new commit workflow for our master branch. Trying to
stabilize master and make it the releasable branch. All commits to master
must now be reviewed and given two LGTM + green Travis tests before being
merged. While this slows down development, our hope is that it increases
stability and reduces time between releases.
- EC2stack which went through IP clearance is now going through its first
release VOTE
- We have added Docker images for our main components
(simulator, management server, marvin, ec2stack, cloudmonkey)
- We have held two CloudStack day events collocated with Linuxcon, attendance
has been poor. CloudStack conference Europe is scheduled for Oct 8-9 in
Dublin, this is a multi-day event. It seems that the collocation with
linuxcon is not providing the cross-pollination hoped for and despite the
good number of registrations there is a significant number of no shows.
## Health report:
- Committee Health score: 9.60 (Super Healthy) from
- Participation on mailing lists is stable
- Participation in CloudStack day events has been poor so far this year
- Cycle of releases is healthy
## Issues:
- A slight note that ASF infra should make sure to pay attention to Docker Hub
integration and the use of it to house ASF software images.
- The CloudStack “marketing alliance” effort which had been discussed
at length has stalled with no further discussions.
- There are no other issues requiring board attention at this time
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 106 committers and 39 LDAP committee group members.
- New LDAP committee group members:
- Nux was added to the LDAP committee group on Mon Jun 15 2015
- Wilder Rodrigues was added to the LDAP committee group on Thu Jul 02
- Bruno Demion was added to the LDAP committee group on Mon Jun 15 2015
- Remi Bergsma was added to the LDAP committee group on Tue Aug 11 2015
- Karen Vuong was added to the LDAP committee group on Thu Jul 02 2015
- Last committer addition was Marco Sinhoreli at Wed May 13 2015
## Releases:
- 4.4.4 was released on Wed Jun 24 2015
- 4.5.2 was released on Tue Aug 25 2015
- CloudMonkey 5.3.2 was released on Thu Aug 27 2015
- EC2stack 0.8.0 was released on Mon Sep 9 2015
- Working on 4.6.0 release with new commit workflow
## Mailing list activity:
- 1158 subscribers (up 13 in the last 3 months):
- 1041 emails sent to list (1352 in previous quarter)
- 764 subscribers (up 11 in the last 3 months):
- 4971 emails sent to list (4507 in previous quarter)
- 452 subscribers (up 20 in the last 3 months):
- 0 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter)
- 231 subscribers (down -3 in the last 3 months):
- 3313 emails sent to list (2488 in previous quarter)
- 16 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months)
- 225 subscribers (up 5 in the last 3 months):
- 68 emails sent to list (229 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 253 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 163 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment N: Report from the Apache Cocoon Project [Thorsten Scherler]
## Description:
Web development framework: separation of concerns, component-based.
## Activity:
As you can see from the statics there had been close to nothing in
activities. Francesco deleted old releases and there were a question
that had not been a single reply. However the draft of this report
got 5 positive pmc votes meaning we are still fully functional as project.
## Health report:
- the project is suffering a decline of interest from the common public
since xml is nothing sexy anymore. There is further basically no
interest of doing a release and no communication on the mailing lists. I
will raise the discussion on the cocoon PMC whether we should move to
the attic.
## Issues:
- there are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 80 committers and 32 LDAP committee group members.
- No new changes to the LDAP committee group or committership since last
## Releases:
- Last release was 2.1.12 on Thu Mar 14 2013
## Mailing list activity:
- 393 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months):
- 2 emails sent to list (7 in previous quarter)
- 237 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 6 emails sent to list (6 in previous quarter)
- 88 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 0 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter)
- 69 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 25 emails sent to list (2 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 1 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 1 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment O: Report from the Apache Commons Project [Gary Gregory]
## Description:
The Apache Commons project focuses on all aspects of reusable Java components.
The Apache Commons components are widely used in many projects, both within
Apache and without.
## Activity:
The last report was in June 10 2015.
## Health report:
Overall, project health is good with six releases this period.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 122 committers and 36 LDAP committee group members.
- Kristian Rosenvold was added to the LDAP committee group on Sat Jul 04 2015
- Otmar Ertl was added as a committer on Tue Jul 14 2015
## Releases:
- CLI-1.3.1 was released Jun 18 2015
- CONFIGURATION-2.0-beta1 was released Jun 20 2015
- COMPRESS-1.10 was released on Mon Aug 17 2015
- POOL-2.4.2 was released on Sat Aug 01 2015
- DBCP-2.1.1 was released on Thu Aug 06 2015
- CSV-1.2 was released on Mon Aug 24 2015
## Mailing list activity:
- 663 subscribers (up 10 in the last 3 months):
- 655 emails sent to list (715 in previous quarter)
- 311 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 1580 emails sent to list (1873 in previous quarter)
- 1216 subscribers (down -3 in the last 3 months):
- 171 emails sent to list (128 in previous quarter)
- 9 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):
- 350 emails sent to list (610 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 229 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 192 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment P: Report from the Apache Cordova Project [Shazron Abdullah]
## Description:
A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and
## Activity:
Current releases have been voted on according to the Apache vote policy. We
missed the target of releasing the cordova-ios 4.0.0 platform this quarter
(but released minor versions 3.9.0 and 3.9.1), and are actively working on
updating our other platform versions for the upcoming quarter.
We released a new platform, cordova-browser@4.0.0, and minor updates for
cordova-android and cordova-windows. We have two platforms that have been
revived after being inactive for some time -- cordova-webos@3.7.0 and
We also renamed and moved all our core plugins to npm (node package manager -, and set the Cordova Plugins Registry (c.p.r) to read-only, with a
shut-down date tentatively set for October 15th, 2015. Users that use the old
plugin ids from the c.p.r are re-directed to npm automatically from our
## Health report:
Due to the summer vacation period, activity is slower than usual especially on
release of plugins, although we had essentially the same number of releases
from last quarter (45 vs 46). For this period, we managed only one overall
plugins release (of 22 plugins) when our goal was to have one plugins release
per week.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 72 committers and 69 LDAP committee group members.
- New LDAP committee group members:
- Jason Robitaille was added to the LDAP committee group on Tue Aug 04
- Rob Paveza was added to the LDAP committee group on Sat Jul 18 2015
- jcesarmobile was added to the LDAP committee group on Mon Aug 03 2015
- Suraj Pindoria was added to the LDAP committee group on Thu Aug 13 2015
- Omar Mefire was added to the LDAP committee group on Thu Aug 13 2015
- Andrey Kurdyumov was added to the LDAP committee group on Sat Jul 25
- New commmitters:
- Jason Robitaille was added as a committer on Tue Aug 04 2015
- Suraj Pindoria was added as a committer on Wed Aug 12 2015
- Omar Mefire was added as a committer on Wed Aug 12 2015
- Rob Paveza was added as a committer on Fri Jul 17 2015
- Andrey Kurdyumov was added as a committer on Mon Jul 20 2015
- jcesarmobile was added as a committer on Mon Aug 03 2015
## Releases:
- cordova-js@4.1.1 was released on Thu Sep 03 2015
- cordova-js@4.0.0 was released on Tue Jun 09 2015
- cordova-android@4.1.0 was released on Mon Jul 27 2015
- cordova-android@4.1.1 was released on Tue Aug 04 2015
- cordova-ios@3.9.0 was released on Mon Aug 03 2015
- cordova-cli@5.1.1 was released on Tue Jun 09 2015
- cordova-browser@4.0.0 was released on Wed Aug 19 2015
- cordova-cli@5.3.1 was released on Thu Sep 03 2015
- cordova-lib@5.2.0 was released on Thu Aug 13 2015
- cordova-lib@5.3.1 was released on Thu Sep 03 2015
- cordova-ios@3.9.1 was released on Thu Aug 13 2015
- cordova-plugin-file-transfer@1.2.1 was released on Fri Jul 10 2015
- cordova-blackberry@3.8.0 was released on Sat Sep 05 2015
- cordova-js@4.1.0 was released on Thu Aug 13 2015
- cordova-serve@0.1.2 was released on Tue Jun 16 2015
- cordova-serve@0.1.3 was released on Wed Aug 26 2015
- cordova-plugin-file@3.0.0 was released on Thu Aug 20 2015
- cordova-cli@5.2.0 was released on Thu Aug 13 2015
- cordova-plugman@1.0.2 was released on Thu Sep 03 2015
- cordova-plugman@1.0.0 was released on Thu Aug 13 2015
- cordova-lib@5.1.1 was released on Tue Jun 09 2015
- cordova-windows@4.1.0 was released on Wed Aug 26 2015
- cordova-webos@3.7.0 was released on Mon Aug 17 2015
- cordova-plugman@0.23.3 was released on Tue Jun 09 2015
- cordova-plugin-battery-status@1.1.0 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015
- cordova-plugin-camera@1.2.0 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015
- cordova-plugin-console@1.0.1 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015
- cordova-plugin-contacts@1.1.0 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015
- cordova-plugin-device@1.0.1 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015
- cordova-plugin-device-motion@1.1.1 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015
- cordova-plugin-device-orientation@1.0.1 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015
- cordova-plugin-dialogs@1.1.1 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015
- cordova-plugin-file@2.1.0 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015
- cordova-plugin-file-transfer@1.2.0 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015
- cordova-plugin-geolocation@1.0.1 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015
- cordova-plugin-globalization@1.0.1 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015
- cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@1.0.1 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015
- cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist@1.1.0 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015
- cordova-plugin-media@1.0.1 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015
- cordova-plugin-media-capture@1.0.1 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015
- cordova-plugin-network-information@1.0.1 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015
- cordova-plugin-splashscreen@2.1.0 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015
- cordova-plugin-statusbar@1.0.1 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015
- cordova-plugin-test-framework@1.0.1 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015
- cordova-plugin-vibration@1.2.0 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015
- cordova-plugin-whitelist@1.1.0 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015
## Mailing list activity:
- 526 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months):
- 2993 emails sent to list (3364 in previous quarter)
- 87 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
- 4193 emails sent to list (4806 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 478 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 455 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment Q: Report from the Apache cTAKES Project [Pei J Chen]
## Description:
Apache clinical Text Analysis and Knowledge Extraction System (cTAKES) is
an open-source natural language processing system for information extraction
from electronic medical record clinical free-text.
## Activity:
- There is interest from new contributor(s) in integrating cTAKES
with Spark (CTAKES-374)
- There is interest from new contributor(s) in integrating Gene
Mappings to cTAKES (CTAKES-375)
- There is interest from new contributors(s) on using cTAKES for
- The committee is planning a local meetup (Boston) in the near future to
integrate cTAKES with Docker for easier deployments.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 31 committers and 30 PMC members in the project.
- Last PMC addition was Michelle Chen at Fri Jan 23 2015
- Last committer addition was Jim Gregoric at Sat Feb 28 2015
## Releases:
- 3.2.2 was released on May 30 2015
- 3.2.1 was released on Dec 10 2014
- 3.2.0 was released on Jul 23 2014
## Mailing list activity:
- 179 subscribers (up 17 in the last 3 months):
- 181 emails sent to list (228 in previous quarter)
- 155 subscribers (up 13 in the last 3 months):
- 94 emails sent to list (95 in previous quarter)
- 21 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 77 emails sent to list (103 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 11 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 7 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment R: Report from the Apache Curator Project [Jordan Zimmerman]
## Description:
A set of Java libraries that make using Apache ZooKeeper much easier.
## Activity:
- We have a new committer, Mike Drob
- We are actively working on two releases, 2.9.0 which is a maintenance release
and 3.0.0 which will track the upcoming ZooKeeper 3.5.x release
- Curator adoption continues to grow, in particular amongst Apache projects
## Health report:
- Curator now has a core of 4 active committers. This has helped the health
of the project tremendously. The project could benefit from 1 or more
additional active committers.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 11 committers and 11 LDAP committee group members.
- Mike Drob was added to the LDAP committee group on Thu Jul 23 2015
- Mike Drob was added as a committer on Thu Jul 23 2015
## Releases:
- Last release was 2.8.0 on May 11 2015
## Mailing list activity:
- 45 subscribers (up 5 in the last 3 months):
- 646 emails sent to list (521 in previous quarter)
- 145 subscribers (up 6 in the last 3 months):
- 9 emails sent to list (39 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 33 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 22 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment S: Report from the Apache Drill Project [Jacques Nadeau]
Attachment T: Report from the Apache Falcon Project [Srikanth Sundarrajan]
Falcon is a data processing and management solution for Hadoop
designed for data motion, coordination of data pipelines,
lifecycle management, and data discovery. Falcon enables end
consumers to quickly onboard their data and its associated
processing and management tasks on Hadoop clusters.
There are no issues that require board's attention at this time.
Falcon was accepted as a TLP in December 2014.
Since the last report 0.6.1 and 0.7 were released. 0.6.1 is a
stability release over 0.6 and it fixed number of issues reported
against 0.6. Project is adding lot of new capabilities to make
Falcon more extensible and for allowing greater customization.
FalconUnit was added as a alpha feature in the latest release
0.7, which allows developers to write tests against falcon apps.
Online Community sync up continue to happen and the discussions
are brought to dev@ for closure. The user and dev community
continues to grow.
* 2015-09-09: Released 0.7
* 2015-07-12: Released 0.6.1
* 2014-12-05: Released 0.6-incubating
* 14 PMC members (no new additions since last report)
Last Addition: 2014-08-28: Ruslan Ostafiychuk
* 17 Committers (+2 since last report)
* Last Addition: 2015-09-08 Pallavi Rao
2015-06-15, Paul Isaychuk
* 168 New issues created (last 90 days - as of Sep 8th 2015)
* 204 issues resolved (last 90 days - as of Sep 8th 2015)
* 117 Subscriptions to dev@ (+5 since last report)
* 1994 messages on dev@
Attachment U: Report from the Apache Felix Project [Carsten Ziegeler]
Apache Felix is a project aimed at implementing specifications from the OSGi
Alliance as well as implementing other supporting tools and technologies
aligned with OSGi technology.
PMC: No new PMC members have been added in this report period. The last new
PMC member was added in Jul. 2014
Committers: One new committer, Raymond Auge, has been added to the project
Steady mailing list activity.
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
Apache Felix Framework 5.2.0 (August 30, 2015)
Apache Felix Resolver 1.6.0 (August 30, 2015)
Apache Felix Threaddump 1.0.0 (August 28, 2015)
Apache Felix Http Proxy 3.0.0 (August 17, 2015)
Apache Felix Http Bridge 3.0.0 (August 17, 2015)
Apache Felix Metatype 1.1.2 (August 14, 2015)
Apache Felix SCR 2.0.0 (August 11, 2015)
Apache Felix DS Webconsole Plugin 2.0.0 (August 11, 2015)
Apache Felix SCR Compat 1.0.0 (August 11, 2015)
Apache Felix ConfigAdmin 1.8.8 (August 10, 2015)
Apache Felix Metatype 1.1.0 (August 10, 2015)
Apache Felix EventAdmin 1.4.4 (August 10, 2015)
Apache Felix Http API 3.0.0 (August 10, 2015)
Apache Felix Http Jetty 3.1.0 (August 10, 2015)
Apache Felix Http Base 3.0.0 (August 10, 2015)
Apache Felix Http Servlet API 1.1.2 (August 10, 2015)
Apache Felix Http Sslfilter 1.0.2 (August 10, 2015)
Apache Felix Http Whiteboard 3.0.0 (August 10, 2015)
Apache Felix WebConsole 4.2.10 (July 20, 2015)
Apache Felix Framework 5.0.1 (June 21, 2015)
Apache Felix Resolver 1.4.0 (June 21, 2015)
Project Branding
No issues
Licensing and other issues
No issues
Attachment V: Report from the Apache Flex Project [Alex Harui]
Apache Flex is an application framework for easily building Flash-based
applications for mobile devices, the browser and desktop.
-Apache Flex Installer 3.2.0 was also released on 6/23/15.
-Apache Flex BlazeDS 4.7.1 was released on 8/6/15.
-Apache Flex SDK 4.14.1 was released on 3/30/15.
-Apache Flex Tour De Flex Component Explorer 1.2 was released on 11/28/14.
-Apache Flex Tool API 1.0.0 was released on 11/20/14
-Apache Flex Squiggly 1.1 was released on 10/26/14
-Apache FlexJS 0.0.2 was released on 7/17/14.
-Apache Flex FalconJX 0.0.2 was released on 7/17/14.
The past three months saw continued activity related to FlexJS, a
version of Flex that is independent from the Adobe Flash Platform. Some
interesting new features were added, such as integration with the IntelliJ IDE
and the ability to write low-level JavaScript applications in ActionScript.
Stabilizing the code for release has taken longer than expected, but I expect
the vote to start in September. Another distraction was responding to a CVE
that resulted in the BlazeDS 4.7.1 release. Meanwhile, there is activity
around various bug fixes to other Apache Flex releases and better Maven
integration. Mailing list traffic is down, but not an issue yet.
The recent changes to the mirrors.cgi broke our installer. Infra has put in a
temporary workaround, but we will be forced to release a newer installer that
uses the newer mirror JSON.
-Joseph Labrecque was added as a committer.
-A vote is about to start on a new PMC member.
-Latest analytics include a little less than 2000 hits per day on the website
during the work week (less on weekends).
-There were more than 12,500 installs of Apache Flex 4.14.1 since its release
about two months ago.
-Almost 75,000 people have run the Tour De Flex application. Tour De Flex is
a set of examples folks use to learn how to develop Flex applications.
-We discovered that yet another site has been created. The last
time (September 2013) it was resolved easily, but I guess someone else grabbed
and is now using it. An email was sent, but no response. What should we do
Attachment W: Report from the Apache Flink Project [Stephan Ewen]
Flink is a distributed data streaming system for batch and streaming data
analysis on top of a streaming dataflow engine.
Flink's stack contains functional batch and streaming analysis APIs in
Java and Scala and libraries for various use cases.
Flink interacts and integrates with several Apache projects, including
Hadoop (YARN, HDFS, MapReduce), Kafka, HBase, Zeppelin, MRQL, Tez, Orc,
- There are no issues that require board attention.
- The community is working towards version 0.10, which contains several new
major features, like an overhaul of the streaming API, high availability.
The community aims to graduate the streaming API out of beta status and make
it stable.
- The question about a releasing version 1.0 has been brought up in the
community, as APIs and operational features mature.
- Flink is seeing an increasing number of users and contributors, and the
community is discussing ways to handle the load, make pull requests and
patches more efficient to review, and to guide contributors towards
making productive contributions. Current efforts include more precise
guidelines and automated QA technology.
- Interest in Flink is growing, we are seeing more and more meetup groups
springing up, as well as a 2-day conference on Flink in October in Berlin.
- The community is looking to diversify the technical expertise.
Right now, most people contribute to libraries, APIs, tools, integration.
We would like to get more people knowledgeable about the core. Efforts in
talks and documentation are currently happening.
- The project has one new PMC member since the last report
(Maximilian Michels was added July 2nd, 2015)
- The project has 4 new committers since the last board report
- Andra Lungu was added as a committer on June 08th, 2015
(voted in before last report, accepted and added since)
- Chiwan Park was added as a committer on June 22 2015
- Chesnay Schepler was added as a committer on Tue, August 11th, 2015
- Matthias J. Sax was added as a committer on Mon, August 31st 2015
- Flink currently has 21 committers and 16 PMC members
The following releases were made since the last board report
- 0.9.0 was released on June 24th, 2015
- 0.9.1 was released on August 31st, 2015
- 214 subscribers (up 40 in the last 3 months):
- 1661 emails sent to list (1956 in previous quarter)
- 233 subscribers (up 74 in the last 3 months):
- 1183 emails sent to list (756 in previous quarter)
- 40 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):
- 10271 emails sent to list (8179 in previous quarter)
- 446 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 350 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment X: Report from the Apache Gora Project [Lewis John McGibbney]
## Description:
The Apache Gora open source framework provides an in-memory data model
and persistence for big data. Gora supports persisting to column stores, key
value stores, document stores and RDBMSs, and analyzing the data with
extensive Apache Hadoop MapReduce support.
## Activity:
- Our GSoC efforts have come to fruition with one successful project completed
and committed to the master codebase, new community members and numerous
blog posts on a number of high visibility sites. This is Gora's 3rd year as
a participant in GSoC. We are please to announce the very recent release of
Gora 0.6.1.
## Health report:
- Mailing list activity has remained fairly steady over the last three months
with minor levels of growth evident. We hope this will increase as the 0.6.1
release gets more widely used.
## Issues:
- there are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 21 committers and 20 LDAP committee group members.
- No new LDAP committee group members added in the last 3 months
- Furkan Kamaci was added as a committer on Mon Sep 14 2015
## Releases:
- 0.6.1 was released on Mon Sep 14 2015
## Mailing list activity:
- 72 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
- 352 emails sent to list (134 in previous quarter)
- 65 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
- 31 emails sent to list (32 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 16 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 16 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment Y: Report from the Apache Gump Project [Stefan Bodewig]
Apache Gump is a cross-project continuous integration server. Gump's
intention isn't so much to be a CI server but rather a vehicle that
makes people look beyond their project's boundaries and helps the
projects to collaborate.
Gump is written in Python and supports several build tools and version
control systems. The Apache installation of Gump builds ASF as well
as non-ASF projects and their dependencies. It started in the Java
part of the foundation but also builds projects like APR, HTTPd and
== Summary ==
No development activity, Gump seems to create useful results for the
few projects that use it.
== Releases ==
Gump has never done any releases. One reason for this is that the ASF
installations of Gump work on the latest code base almost all of the
time following its "integrate everything continuously" philosophy.
== Activity ==
The projects that use Gump have occasionally modified their respective
configuration files. No other activity.
=== Mailing-List Statistics ===
49 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months) (64 emails sent in the past
3 months, 92 in the previous cycle)
Currently: 20 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months) (42 emails sent
in the past 3 months, 94 in the previous cycle)
== Changes to the Roster ==
All ASF committers have write access to the metadata that configure
the ASF installations.
The last changes to the PMC have seen Konstantin Kolinko and Mark
Thomas join in November 2014.
Attachment Z: Report from the Apache Helix Project [Kishore Gopalakrishna]
Attachment AA: Report from the Apache Hive Project [Carl Steinbach]
## Description:
The Apache Hive (TM) data warehouse software facilitates querying and
managing large datasets residing in distributed storage.
## Activity:
- The PMC voted to elect Ashutosh Chauhan as the new chair. A resolution
for this change has been attached to the agenda.
## Health report:
- Hive continues to attract new contributors. Development in terms of bug
fixing and new features is strong. Mailing list activity is strong.
## Issues:
- A resolution to appoint a new PMC chair is attached to this document.
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 55 committers and 28 LDAP committee group members.
- New LDAP committee group members:
- Sun Chao was added to the LDAP committee group on Fri Jun 12 2015
- Sushanth Sowmyan was added to the LDAP committee group on Mon Jul 20
- Gopal Vijayaraghavan was added to the LDAP committee group on Fri Jun
12 2015
- New commmitters:
- Lalam Chinna Rao was added as a committer on Wed Jul 01 2015
- Dmitry Tolpeko was added as a committer on Mon Aug 17 2015
- Pengcheng Xiong was added as a committer on Mon Aug 10 2015
## Releases:
- 1.2.1 was released on Fri Jun 26 2015
## Mailing list activity:
- 787 subscribers (up 40 in the last 3 months):
- 1634 emails sent to list (2371 in previous quarter)
- 12 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 7175 emails sent to list (9667 in previous quarter)
- 2060 subscribers (up 69 in the last 3 months):
- 747 emails sent to list (987 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 785 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 582 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AB: Report from the Apache Ignite Project [Dmitriy Setrakyan]
## Description:
The Apache Ignite (TM) In-Memory Data Fabric is a high-performance,
integrated and distributed in-memory platform for computing and
transacting on large-scale data sets in real-time, orders of magnitude
faster than possible with traditional disk-based or flash technologies.
Apache Ignite (TM) provides many in-memory components to improve
performance and scalability of user applications, including in-memory
data grid (distributed caching), in-memory compute grid, in-memory
streaming, and more.
## Activity:
- The community is working towards version 1.4, which which will be the
1st release as a TLP project. The release includes support for SSL
protocol, and many stabilization and fault tolerance fixes.
- The community finalized processes for working with GitHub pull requests,
improved on coding guidelines, and improved on code review process via
- The community is planning release 1.5 which will include more sbabilization
fixes, improved memory utilization, as well as C++ and .NET implementation
donated by GridGain in August.
## Health report:
- Ignite keeps attracting new contributors. The community has added 4 new
contributors in the last month.
- Ignite PMC is in the process of voting to promote 2 contributors to
committers and PMC.
## Issues:
- There are no outstanding issues.
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 24 committers and 22 LDAP committee group members.
- No new LDAP committee group members added since TLP on August 19th, 2015
## Releases:
- Inigte 1.2.0 was released on 2015-06-29
- Ignite 1.3.0 was released on 2015-07-21
## Mailing list activity:
- 88 subscribers (up 42 in the last 3 months):
- 730 emails sent to list (431 in previous quarter)
- 105 subscribers (up 18 in the last 3 months):
- 2108 emails sent to list (2159 in previous quarter)
- 15 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):
- 3233 emails sent to list (3086 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 387 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 232 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AC: Report from the Apache Incubator Project [Ted Dunning]
The Apache Incubator is the entry path into the ASF for projects and
codebases wishing to become part of the Foundation's efforts.
There are 41 podlings currently undergoing incubation.
* Community
New IPMC members:
- Sharad Agarwal
- Venkatesh Seeratham
People who left the IPMC:
- Jan Iversen
* New Podlings
- Apex
* Graduations
- Usergrid graduated last month, but wasn't on the report due to timing of
their graduation vote.
* Releases
The following releases were made during the month of August:
- 2015-08-10 taverna-language-0.15.0-incubating
- 2015-08-10 taverna-parent-1-incubating
- 2015-08-15 apache-reef-0.12.0-incubating
- 2015-08-17 apache-johnzon-0.9-incubating
- 2015-08-22 tamaya-distribution-0.1-incubating
- 2015-08-28 incubator-corinthia_release_0.1
- 2015-08-30 ripple-emulator-0.9.32-incubating
- 2015-08-31 apache-johnzon-0.9.1-incubating
- 2015-08-31 apache-calcite-1.4.0-incubating
* IP Clearance
- Adobe contributed the Sling HApi Tools, which provide a set of
Hypermedia API tools for Sling.
* Legal / Trademarks
- The copyright section of the IP Clearance template was modified.
* Infrastructure
- The automated Marvin report reminders fired eight days late this
month. The manual Marvin report reminders went instead.
* Miscellaneous
- The Corinthia podling experienced a crisis. Many PPMC members, including
the most active core contributors, announced their resignations and intent
to carry on the project outside Apache.
- A long conversation took place on general@incubator and other ASF lists
regarding trademark enforcement for binary distributions which are not
directly compiled from unmodified Apache release source code, but instead
from modified releases or unreleased code.
- The Kalumet podling is holding a vote to retire.
- The Droids podling is considering retirement.
* Credits
- Report Manager: Marvin Humphrey
-------------------- Summary of podling reports --------------------
* Still getting started at the Incubator
- Apex
* Not yet ready to graduate
No release:
- FreeMarker
- Geode
- Singa
- Trafodion
Community growth:
- Atlas
- CommonsRDF
- HTrace
- Johnzon
- log4cxx2
- ODF Toolkit
- Ranger
- Sentry
- Slider
- Streams
- Taverna
- Zeppelin
* Ready to graduate
- Brooklyn
- Calcite
* Considering retirement
- Kalumet
* In crisis
- Corinthia
* Did not report, expected next month
- Cotton
- Droids
- Myriad
- Ripple
* Missing Mentor sign-off, expected next month
- Wave
Table of Contents
ODF Toolkit
Apex is an enterprise grade native YARN big data-in-motion platform that
unifies stream processing as well as batch processing.
Apex has been incubating since 2015-08-17.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Complete software donation
2. Create an incubating web site (<>)
3. Release Apex-Core, and Apex-Malhar at least twice
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
None. Thanks for continual support.
How has the community developed since the last report?
This is the first report. Community incubated few weeks ago.
How has the project developed since the last report?
This is the first report. The community is now using Apache forums, and
other tools to collaborate.
Date of last release:
No release under ASF-Incubation code base as yet. Apex-Core, Apex-Malhar
was last launched on July end in pre Apache days.
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
Committers and Mentors came about via incubation proposal
[X](apex) Chris Nauroth
[X](apex) Alan Gates
[X](apex) Hitesh Shah
[X](apex) Justin Mclean
[X](apex) P. Taylor Goetz
[ ](apex) Ted Dunning
Shepherd/Mentor notes:
Chris Nauroth (cnauroth):
We are already seeing substantial public discussion on the dev mailing
list, both in terms of number of messages and the content of those
messages. Collaboration is going well.
Apache Atlas is a scalable and extensible set of core foundational
governance services that enables enterprises to effectively and efficiently
meet their compliance requirements within Hadoop and allows integration with
the complete enterprise data ecosystem
Atlas has been incubating since 2015-05-05.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Podling name search is pending
2. Grow the community beyond Jira and ML participation
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
* None
How has the community developed since the last report?
* We have added a few contributors (about 12) to the project
* A vote is in progress in the private ML for adding a committer
* Atlas is being presented at the security meet up at DataGuise on
How has the project developed since the last report?
* We made the first release of Atlas 0.5.0-incubating on 7/10/2015
* A total of 130 issues were created and about 50 of them are resolved
Date of last release:
2015-07-15 - 0.5.0-incubating
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
* A vote is in progress scheduled to close 9/3/2015.
[ ](atlas) Arun Murthy
[x](atlas) Chris Douglas
[x](atlas) Jakob Homan
[ ](atlas) Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli
Brooklyn is a framework for modelling, monitoring, and managing applications
through autonomic blueprints.
Brooklyn has been incubating since 2014-05-01.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. One more release (under way)
2. Podling Name Search (under way)
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
The Brooklyn community is active, growing, increasingly diverse and doing
very well. Chip (champion) suggested a couple of weeks back that the
community should start discussing graduation.
How has the community developed since the last report?
The 0.7.0 release got out with only minor comments about a month ago. A
0.8.0 version is being prepared that addresses the comments and should be
out shortly.
There are 2 new committers and PPMC members that joined, plus a 3rd one
currently under vote.
How has the project developed since the last report?
Very active, growing community.
A couple of presentations at LinuxCon in Seattle in Aug.
Talks scheduled for ApacheCon, Budapest in Oct.
Date of last release:
2015-07-27 (0.7.0)
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
2015-08-06 (svet)
(one more under vote)
[ ](brooklyn) Matt Hogstrom
[ ](brooklyn) Alex Karasulu
[X](brooklyn) David Nalley
[ ](brooklyn) Marcel Offermans
[X](brooklyn) Jean-Baptiste Onofré
[X](brooklyn) Olivier Lamy
[X](brooklyn) Chip Childers
[ ](brooklyn) Andrei Savu
[ ](brooklyn) Joe Brockmeier
[ ](brooklyn) Jim Jagielski
Calcite is a highly customizable engine for parsing and planning queries on
data in a wide variety of formats. It allows database-like access, and in
particular a SQL interface and advanced query optimization, for data not
residing in a traditional database. (Renamed from Optiq on 2014-09-30.)
Calcite has been incubating since 2014-05-19.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Hold a graduation vote
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
In August, there were 122 messages on dev@, 28 commits, 46 issues
created, 22 issues resolved by 8 contributors.
We released 1.4, the first release for which Julian Hyde was not
release manager.
Collaborations with Apache projects (Phoenix, Samza, Kylin, Hive,
Drill) continue.
We are discussing graduation, and will move to a vote shortly.
How has the project developed since the last report?
Released 1.4.
Date of last release:
2015-09-02 apache-calcite-1.4.0-incubating
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
2015-04-24 5 new committers
2014-12-31 1 new PPMC member
[ ](calcite) Ted Dunning
[X](calcite) Alan Gates
[ ](calcite) Steven Noels
Commons RDF is a set of interfaces and classes for RDF 1.1 concepts and
behaviours. The commons-rdf-api module defines interfaces and testing
harness. The commons-rdf-simple module provides a basic reference
implementation to exercise the test harness and clarify API contracts.
CommonsRDF has been incubating since 2015-03-06.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Grow the Commons RDF community base
2. Continue development towards 0.2.0-incubating release
3. Work with key target communities (initially within Apache) to ensure
Commons RDF meets potential user requirements and expectations
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
A new community member has mentioned development of a branch which _may_
have the potential to drive the project in a different direction. Commons
RDF IPMC members are continuing conversation on the topic. Additionally
there is recent discussion of how Commons RDF can be used within Apache
Jena. Jena is one of the key consumer communities Commons RDF aims to
target within the scope of addressing #3 above.
How has the project developed since the last report?
Development has been reasonably slow post 0.1.0-incubating release.
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
N/A no PPMC or Committers have been elected yet.
[X](commonsrdf) Rob Vesse
[X](commonsrdf) John D Ament
[ ](commonsrdf) Gary Gregory
[X](commonsrdf) Lewis J. McGibbney
Shepherd/Mentor notes:
Rob Vesse (rvesse):
Activity dropped to almost zero after first release but has recently
started to pick up again.
Corinthia is a toolkit/application for converting between and editing common
office file formats, with an initial focus on word processing. It is
designed to cater for multiple classes of platforms - desktop, web, and
mobile - and relies heavily on web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and
JavaScript for representing and manipulating documents. The toolkit is
small, portable, and flexible, with minimal dependencies. The target
audience is developers wishing to include office viewing, conversion, and
editing functionality into their applications.
Corinthia has been incubating since 2014-12-08.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Solve the community crisis and avoid a break
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
The community is experiencing a major breakdown. The mentors have accessed
the situation including several attempts to stop the breakdown without
success. IPMC have been informed with a suggestion which are being
It is to be expected that several core developers will leave the project
in a very short term unless a solution is found.
How has the community developed since the last report?
We are proud that we have managed to make our first release.
How has the project developed since the last report?
Added support for 32/64bit windows.
Made the setup of a build environment a lot easier, a PPMC provide all
third party libraries prebuilt.
A long discussion about licenses lead to major difficulties in deciding
whether and how to proceed with one of the project’s two main
components, an end-user editing app. As a result this development is
being redirected.
Our buildbot setup is slowly taking shape, this is important since it will
allow a nightly build as well as a nightly test.
Date of last release:
2015-08-28 Release 0.1
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
2015-06-12 Ian Cunningham
2015-08-31 Gavin McDonald
[ ](corinthia) Daniel Gruno
[x](corinthia) Jan Iversen
[ ](corinthia) Dave Fischer
FreeMarker is a template engine, i.e. a generic tool to generate text output
based on templates. FreeMarker is implemented in Java as a class library for
FreeMarker has been incubating since 2015-07-01.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. IP clearance
2. Move to ASF infrastructure, especially the code repository
3. Finding contributors
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
We are still in early stage of incubation (like source code was
only imported recently), so not much is happening inside ASF yet.
One new contributor has found us through ASF.
How has the project developed since the last report?
GitHub import was done, we are starting the IP clearance process.
(On GitHub the project was highly active.)
Date of last release:
There was no release from the Incubator yet
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
We only have the initial committers and initial PMC members yet.
[X](freemarker) Jacopo Cappellato
[ ](freemarker) Jean-Frederic Clere
[ ](freemarker) David E. Jones
[X](freemarker) Ralph Goers
[X](freemarker) Sergio Fernández
Geode is a data management platform that provides real-time, consistent
access to data-intensive applications throughout widely distributed cloud
Geode has been incubating since 2015-04-27.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Have our first Apache (incubating) release (currently blocked on us
solving JGroups licensing issues) GEODE-77.
2. Expanding the community to include contributors and committers outside
of Pivotal.
3. Execute and manage the project according to governance model required
by the "Apache Way"
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
* Geode now has a Zeppelin interpreter.
* In August 120 issues were created and 59 resolved, bringing the total to
304 created and 136 resolved.
* There were 6 pull requests to github in the last 30 days, for a total of
18 pull requests.
* There were 322 messages on the dev list and 63 messages on the user
* There are now 117 subscribers on the user and 127 on the dev list.
* Events and Conferences in August:
* QCon Rio: (30 attended)
* In-Memory Analytics and Machine Learning in practice with Spark,
Geode, Spring XD and Docker
* Geode Clubhouse: Roundtable
(<>) where 10 issues were
discussed in the community. (about 20 participated)
* September:
* Geode clubhouse: Building Effective Apache Geode Applications with
Spring Data GemFire (Sept 8th)
* Three talks at "Apache: Big Data Europe"
- An introduction to Apache Geode (incubating)
- Building a highly scalable open-source Real-time Streaming Analytics
system using Spark SQL, Apache Geode (incubating), SpringXD and
Apache Zeppelin (incubating)
- Implementing a Highly Scalable In-Memory Stock Prediction System
with Apache Geode (incubating), R and Spring XD
How has the project developed since the last report?
* Great progress has been made on JGroups issue, where many unit and
integration tests now pass on the feature/GEODE-77 branch.
* Good progress has also been made on stabilizing CI, by fixing various
intermittent failures in integration tests.
Date of last release:
NA - Just nightly builds.
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
7 members missed in the initial PMC list were added by vote on June 15,
[X](geode) Konstantin Boudnik
[X](geode) Chip Childers
[X](geode) Justin Erenkrantz
[ ](geode) Jan Iversen
[ ](geode) Chris Mattmann
[ ](geode) William A. Rowe Jr.
[ ](geode) Henry Saputra
[X](geode) Roman Shaposhnik
Shepherd/Mentor notes:
Konstantin Boudnik (cos):
Jan Iversen has resigned from the PPMC today, citing personal reasons.
HTrace is a tracing framework intended for use with distributed systems.
HTrace has been incubating since 2014-11.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Continue to grow the HTrace community
2. Continue to develop and release stable HTrace incubating artifacts
3. Continue to explore the integration of the HTrace framework into
other Apache products
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
38 subscribers to dev@ (up from 32) and about 55 messages
since last report (down from 120 on previous period)
At least three new contributors have showed up in this
How has the project developed since the last report?
About 47 issues resolved since last report contributed
by 6 different contributors.
Working on new htrace-4.0 API with fixes to make htrace
easier to host with a release inside the next few weeks.
Date of last release:
None for this period.
Last release was htrace-3.2.0 Jun 2, 2015
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
Committer: Abraham Elmahrek - 2.11.15
[X](htrace) Jake Farrell
[ ](htrace) Todd Lipcon
[X](htrace) Lewis John Mcgibbney
[X](htrace) Billie Rinaldi
[X](htrace) Michael Stack
Implementation of JSR-353 JavaTM API for JSON Processing
Johnzon has been incubating since 2014-06-09.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Expanding the community, increase dev list activity and adding new
committers/pmc members
2. Complete the project incubation status page
3. Add and improve documentation
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
* Nothing
How has the community developed since the last report?
There are new people on the dev list and the project got contributions
from non-committers. On the dev list there are approx. 30 msgs (on
average) messages per month. We will present Johnzon at ApacheCon Europe,
maybe we can attract some people there to join the project.
How has the project developed since the last report?
The project did its 7th incubator release.
During the last three month 10 jira issues were reported and fixed.
Project has also started to implement the upcoming JSR-374 specification.
Date of last release:
2015-AUG-17 (0.9-incubating)
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
Last committer was elected 2014-08-23, last PMC member was elected
2015-04-09 (Hendrik Saly)
[X](johnzon) Justin Mclean
[ ](johnzon) Daniel Kulp
Kalumet a complete environment manager and deployer including J2EE
environments (application servers, applications, etc), softwares, and
Kalumet has been incubating since 2011-09-20.
Unfortunately, due to low activity and lack of time, the Kalumet community
didn't success to move forward on the releases and implementation of the
expected feature.
We are thinking about retiring Kalumet from the incubator. A formal vote has
been sent on the mailing list.
[X](kalumet) Jim Jagielski
[ ](kalumet) Henri Gomez
[X](kalumet) Jean-Baptiste Onofre
[ ](kalumet) Olivier Lamy
Shepherd/Mentor notes:
John D. Ament (johndament):
Activity has been extremely low on the podling, pinged them to see how
they were doing, received a quick response. It's always sad to see a
podling choose to retire, but it's a valid resolution in this case.
Logging for C++
log4cxx2 has been incubating since 2013-12-09.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Activate some community
2. Create a release
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
Not grown. However, the project aims to become a sub project of Apache
Logging again. Community growth is not much a matter for this podling, as
long as there are a few active contributors.
How has the project developed since the last report?
Not at all: There's no public development and it seems there's currently
only one originally incubating community member left. Though some support
is given and bugs are tracked.
Date of last release:
2008-04-03 was the last official, pre-incubation 0.10.0
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
[X](log4cxx2) Christian Grobmeier
[ ](log4cxx2) Scott Deboy
MRQL is a query processing and optimization system for large-scale,
distributed data analysis, built on top of Apache Hadoop, Hama, Spark, and
MRQL has been incubating since 2013-03-13.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Increase the number of active committers
2. Increase adoption, expand user community, and increase user list
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
There were no new developers or new committers since our last report, but
the project got contributions from a non-committer (from the Flink
How has the project developed since the last report?
During the last three months, 5 Jira issues were reported, from which 4
were fixed. Most of these issues were related to MRQL query evaluation in
Flink and Hama modes running on Yarn.
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
[x](mrql) Alan Cabrera
[x](mrql) Edward J. Yoon
[ ](mrql) Mohammad Nour El-Din
Shepherd/Mentor notes:
Alan Cabrera (adc):
Things seem to be chugging along nicely. The community is not the size
of Apache Hadoop, but it's moving in the right direction.
ODF Toolkit
Java modules that allow programmatic creation, scanning and manipulation of
OpenDocument Format (ISO/IEC 26300 == ODF) documents
ODF Toolkit has been incubating since 2011-08-01.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Grow the community
2. Generate additional releases
3. Encourage community engagement beyond Jira
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
Lack of mentor sign-off on August 2015 report.
How has the community developed since the last report?
Received+applied patches from new contributor.
How has the project developed since the last report?
Most activity via Jira (12 active issues since May 2015)
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
[ ](odftoolkit) Sam Ruby
[ ](odftoolkit) Nick Burch
[ ](odftoolkit) Yegor Kozlov
[x](odftoolkit) Rob Weir
Shepherd/Mentor notes:
John D. Ament (johndament):
The podling is not very active but is thriving. There appears to be a
tight community behind it. It may help the podling to bring in some new
mentors to keep things moving. Potential new contributors have begun
discussing on the mailing lists, so we'll see how they grow.
The Ranger project is a framework to enable, monitor and manage
comprehensive data security across the Hadoop platform.
Ranger has been incubating since 2014-07-24.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Increase the community participants for Apache Ranger
2. Provide easier user guide/documentation to support new users and
3. Discuss and decide on roadmap for next release
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
1. Added three new contributors: (Hanish Bansal, Mack Hendricks, Sailaja
2. Added one new committer (Gautam Borad)
3. Mailing list activity since last report (June-01-2015 to Aug-31-2015):
@dev 856
@user 259
@commit 355
4. Issues (JIRAs) created/resolved since last report (after June-01-2015
before Sep-01-2015):
Created: 113
Resolved: 166
How has the project developed since the last report?
1. Project has successfully completed - second major release of Apache
Ranger - 0.5.0 on 06/10/2015
2. Members have been working on roadmap for the next release – 0.6.0.
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
1. Gautam Borad has been added as committer on June-29-2015
[X](ranger) Alan Gates
[ ](ranger) Daniel Gruno
[ ](ranger) Devaraj Das
[ ](ranger) Jakob Homan
[X](ranger) Owen O'Malley
REEF (Retainable Evaluator Execution Framework) is a scale-out computing
fabric that eases the development of Big Data applications on top of
resource managers such as Apache YARN and Mesos.
REEF has been incubating since 2014-08-12.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Discussion on graduation is on-going at dev@. Consensus needs to be
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
* We have seen significant activities from the community since last report
- 346 JIRA issues created
- 242 JIRA issues resolved
- 2500+ emails on dev (including auto-generated messages)
* New committers have been added to the team
- Mariia Mykhailova from Microsoft
- Andrew Chung from Microsoft
* Byung-Gon Chun and Brian Cho will present a tutorial on REEF at the
"Big Data Open Source Systems" workshop at VLDB 2015.
How has the project developed since the last report?
* 0.12.0-incubating released
- release date: August 15, 2015
- Vote: 3 +1 binding votes and 0 -1 votes
- 177 issues, tasks, features were resolved in this release.
* Apache release versioning and packaging scripts added
* Group Communications Gather and Scatter added
* Driver restartability under active development
* IMRU (Iterative Map-Reduce Update) under active development
* Vortex (runtime for utilizing volatile resources) under active
development, in collaboration with Microsoft Research, Asia
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
* Andrew Chung: 2015-08-28
* Mariia Mykhailova: 2015-08-11
[X](reef) Chris Douglas
[ ](reef) Chris Mattmann
[ ](reef) Ross Gardler
[X](reef) Owen O'Malley
SAMOA provides a collection of distributed streaming algorithms for the most
common data mining and machine learning tasks such as classification,
clustering, and regression, as well as programming abstractions to develop
new algorithms that run on top of distributed stream processing engines
(DSPEs). It features a pluggable architecture that allows it to run on
several DSPEs such as Apache Flink, Apache Storm, Apache S4, and Apache
SAMOA has been incubating since 2014-12-15.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Grow the community
2. Elect new PMC members
3. Following up our first release with further releases
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
Mailing list activity (June-July-August 2015):
* @dev 225 messages
Jira issues backlog (June-July-August 2015):
* Created: 10
* Resolved: 5
Our main goal is still to grow the community, which is still pretty small.
We are doing a large amount of dissemination work in conferences and
events to promote SAMOA.
We have had contributions from outside the PMC. In particular, we have
been collaborating with the Apache Flink community.
How has the project developed since the last report?
Main developments:
* First release 0.3.0 in July.
* Cleanup of codebase to ease adoption by new contributors.
We should increase the rate of technical contribution to the project and
move to less incremental ones.
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
[X](samoa) Alan Gates
[ ](samoa) Ashutosh Chauhan
[ ](samoa) Enis Soztutar
[ ](samoa) Ted Dunning
Sentry is a highly modular system for providing fine grained role
based authorization to both data and metadata stored on an Apache Hadoop
Sentry has been incubating since 2013-08-08.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Encourage more feature and direction discussions on the dev list rather
than jira.
2. Continue reporting on time
3. Continue making periodic releases following the Apache guidelines.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
Community has made been making good progress on all of the above mentioned
1. There have been multiple discussions on the dev list about features/
design decisions/ roadmap/ dev practices.
2. Community has been doing timely monthly reporting.
3. Community is actively working on bug fixes and working to release 1.6.0
next month
How has the community developed since the last report?
We had 160 messages on dev list last month. (Got number from
How has the project developed since the last report?
About 42 issues were created and about 42 resolved(Numbers from jira).
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
Colin Ma, Dapeng Sun, Guoquan Shen and Xiaomeng Huang were added as
committers on 12/24/2014. No new PPMC members have been added since the
project has entered the incubator.
[X](sentry) Arvind Prabhakar
[ ](sentry) Joe Brockmeier
[X](sentry) David Nalley
[ ](sentry) Olivier Lamy
[X](sentry) Patrick Hunt
[ ](sentry) Thomas White
Singa is a distributed deep learning platform.
Singa has been incubating since 2015-03-17.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Complete unit testing
2. Follow the release guide to complete the first release
3. Plan the features for the second release
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
1. Researchers from a Stanford group contacted Singa committers regarding
adding new features to Singa.
2. Some Singa team members from NUS attended workshops associated with
SIGMOD15 (Melbourne), VLDB15 (Hawaii), and a local workshop on deep
learning in Singapore, to extend the reach of the project to developers
from other institutions and countries.
3. There are new developers contributing to the code base.
How has the project developed since the last report?
1. Implementation of the features included in the first release was
completed. Particularly, we added contrastive divergence algorithm for
training RBM models. Checkpointing and restoring are also implemented.
2. Code review is completed for 3/4 of the code. We also tuned and
optimised the code to improve efficiency and scalability.
3. User documents are added at We are moving
them to the Apache website.
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
[ ](Singa) Daniel Dai
[X](Singa) Alan Gates
[ ](Singa) Ted Dunning
[X](Singa) Thejas Nair
Shepherd/Mentor notes:
Thejas Nair (thejas):
The documentation url mentioned above is a staging url. Content will be
moved/copied to apache website after initial version is ready.
Slider is a collection of tools and technologies to package, deploy, and
manage long running applications on Apache Hadoop YARN clusters.
Slider has been incubating since 2014-04-29.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Getting more external users
2. Getting more diverse set of developers
3. Getting more diverse set of committers/PMC
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
We are seeing a lot of traction in the community, over the improvement in
deployment and management of applications using Slider. Good number of
emails are pouring in the dev list, primarily on creation of Slider
packages for newer applications and willingness to contribute code. Few
presentations and meetups were organized by the community, socializing
their Slider-ized applications. Occasional patches were submitted and a
number of features added to the recent releases were driven by end-user
needs. We still have to get those people into long term coding, and then
bring them in to the committer group.
How has the project developed since the last report?
We released slider-0.80.0-incubating in May with 64 JIRAs resolved. It was
one of Slider's most important release, with several critical business
application features like rolling upgrade, co-processor support for
dynamic addition of libraries, and support for Docker containers.
We've been debating when to switch from Hadoop 2.6+ support to 2.7.1+
only. Given how Slider has always tended to push much of the YARN
services work, it's time to pick up on the changes they've put in.
Date of last release:
2015-05-18 slider-0.80.0-incubating
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
2015-07-07: Yu (Thomas) Liu
[ ](slider) Arun C Murthy
[X](slider) Devaraj Das
[X](slider) Jean-Baptiste Onofré
[ ](slider) Mahadev Konar
Apache Streams (incubating) is a lightweight (yet scalable) framework for
Streams has been incubating since 2012-11-20.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Community growth and PMC maturity.
2. Demonstrate a consistent release schedule.
3. Collaborate with other Apache projects to improve integrations
with their software.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
# of contributors submitting and reviewing pull requests has been
uncharacteristically low in 2015.
How has the community developed since the last report?
# of contributors submitting and reviewing pull requests has been
uncharacteristically low in 2015.
How has the project developed since the last report?
26 issues created / 21 merged / 4 in pull request this quarter
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
2015-02-23: Robert Douglas elected as committer / PMC member
[ ](streams) Matt Franklin
[X](streams) Ate Douma
[ ](streams) Craig McClanahan
Shepherd/Mentor notes:
John D. Ament (johndament):
Most mailing list activity is JIRA/Github. Little live communication
Taverna is a domain-independent suite of tools used to design and execute
data-driven workflows.
Taverna has been incubating since 2014-10-20.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Motivate community engagement
2. Community growth
3. Continued release planning
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
Thank you to GSOC and three very successful students!
How has the community developed since the last report?
New contributor of documentation.
3 GSOC projects completed, all contributions merged.
Mailing list activity for Jun/Jul/Aug 2015:
- dev@taverna: 392/336/194
- users@taverna: 7/14/11
- commits@taverna: 338/367/211
How has the project developed since the last report?
First Apache release: taverna-language-0.15.0-incubating.
Documented release procedure and ironed out LICENSE/NOTICE.
Focus on documentation.
Date of last release:
2015-08-11 taverna-language-0.15.0-incubating
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
[x](taverna) Andy Seaborne
[ ](taverna) Chris Mattmann
[ ](taverna) Suresh Srinivas
[ ](taverna) Suresh Marru
[x](taverna) Marlon Pierce
Shepherd/Mentor notes:
Marlon Pierce (mpierce):
Nice quarter with first Apache release and 3 successful GSOC projects.
Trafodion is a webscale SQL-on-Hadoop solution enabling transactional or
operational workloads on Hadoop.
Trafodion has been incubating since 2015-05-24.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Develop community and a deeper understanding of the Apache Way.
2. Resolve remaining license conflicts.
3. Make our first Apache (incubating) release.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
* JIRAs being created and commented on by end users from at least 2
* Contribution in terms of code from an end user.
* First committer elected from community that was introduced to Trafodion
since incubation.
* User participation in public lists remains steady.
* Distinct culture shift -- discussions have moved out from private
distribution lists into public Apache distribution lists
How has the project developed since the last report?
* Wiki migration almost complete. Several new pages added.
* 14 authors have made 51 commits to master in August. 5,574 files
changed, 111,847 line additions, 93,047 deletions.
* 41 JIRAs created and 1000 resolved in August2015
* Copyright header changed in all source files.
Date of last release:
We have not done a release of Trafodion since incubation.
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
Steve Varnau and Pierre Smits elected as committers in August, 2015.
[X](trafodion) Andrew Purtell
[ ](trafodion) Devaraj Das
[ ](trafodion) Enis Söztutar
[ ](trafodion) Lars Hofhansl
[X](trafodion) Michael Stack
[X](trafodion) Roman Shaposhnik
A collaborative data analytics and visualization tool for distributed,
general-purpose data processing systems such as Apache Spark, Apache Flink,
Zeppelin has been incubating since 2014-12-23.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Do an Apache release
2. Community growth: more committers from different organisations
3. Increase adoption
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
Traffic in users@ and dev@ grew and +46 subscribers in @dev, +132
subscribers in users@ since last report.
How has the project developed since the last report?
139 patches has been merged and 181 patches has been submitted from 57
different contributors since last report.
Made first release under Apache incubation. Integration to Apache Flink,
Apache Ignite, Apache Lens, Apache Geode, Cassandra, Apache Phoenix,
Postgresql, Apache Kylin has been added. Lots of improvements in front-end
side for better user experiences.
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
[X](zeppelin) Konstantin Boudnik
[ ](zeppelin) Henry Saputra
[X](zeppelin) Roman Shaposhnik
[ ](zeppelin) Ted Dunning
[ ](zeppelin) Hyunsik Choi
Attachment AD: Report from the Apache Jackrabbit Project [Michael Dürig]
## Description:
The Apache Jackrabbit™ content repository is a fully conforming
implementation of the Content Repository for Java™ Technology API
(JCR, specified in JSR 170 and 283).
## Activity:
Apache Jackrabbit itself is mostly in maintenance mode with most of
the work going into bug fixing and tooling.
Apache Jackrabbit Oak receives most attention nowadays. Both the
1.0 and 1.2 maintenance branches and the 1.3 unstable branch are
continuously seeing high activity.
.adaptTo() Berlin 2015 will be featuring a session on Jackrabbit
Oak in September.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 47 committers and 47 LDAP committee group members.
- New LDAP committee group members:
- Stefan Egli was added to the LDAP committee group on Mon Jul 20 2015
- Dominique Jäggi was added to the LDAP committee group on Thu Jul 30 2015
- Francesco Mari was added to the LDAP committee group on Fri Aug 28 2015
- Julian Sedding was added to the LDAP committee group on Fri Aug 28 2015
- New commmitters:
- Dominique Jäggi was added as a committer on Wed Jul 29 2015
- Julian Sedding was added as a committer on Fri Aug 28 2015
- Stefan Egli was added as a committer on Mon Jul 20 2015
- Francesco Mari was added as a committer on Thu Aug 27 2015
## Releases:
- oak 1.0.17 was released on Sun Jul 12 2015
- oak 1.3.0 was released on Mon Jun 15 2015
- oak 1.3.1 was released on Thu Jun 25 2015
- oak 1.3.2 was released on Mon Jul 06 2015
- oak 1.3.4 was released on Fri Aug 21 2015
- 2.11.0 was released on Wed Aug 12 2015
- oak 1.0.18 was released on Sun Aug 02 2015
- oak 1.0.16 was released on Mon Jun 29 2015
## Mailing list activity:
- 621 subscribers (down -9 in the last 3 months):
- 83 emails sent to list (82 in previous quarter)
- 343 subscribers (down -4 in the last 3 months):
- 300 emails sent to list (411 in previous quarter)
- 32 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months):
- 1931 emails sent to list (1537 in previous quarter)
- 5 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months)
- 29 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
- 4246 emails sent to list (3440 in previous quarter)
- 249 subscribers (up 3 in the last 3 months):
- 2 emails sent to list (8 in previous quarter)
- 189 subscribers (down -4 in the last 3 months):
- 761 emails sent to list (747 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 413 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 375 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AE: Report from the Apache Karaf Project [Jean-Baptiste Onofré]
Apache Karaf provides a very modern and polymorphic container, multi-purpose
(microservices, OSGi, etc) powered by OSGi.
Two talks will stand at ApacheCon EU related to Karaf.
We are following a couple of potential new committers.
Last committer addition: October 21, 2013
Last PMC addition: September 05, 2012
The following new releases have been voted:
- Apache Karaf 4.0.1 (maintenance release) (August 19, 2015)
- Apache Karaf Decanter 1.0.0 (first release) (August 01, 2015)
- Apache Karaf 2.4.3 (maintenance release) (July 12, 2015)
- Apache Karaf Cave 4.0.0 (first branch release) (July 8, 2015)
- Apache Karaf 3.0.4 (maintenance release) (July 2, 2015)
- Apache Karaf 4.0.0 (first branch release) (June 26, 2015)
- Apache Karaf 4.0.0.M3 (June 8, 2015)
Issues for board consideration
None so far.
Attachment AF: Report from the Apache Labs Project [Jan Iversen]
## Description
Apache Labs hosts small and emerging projects from ASF committers.
## Activity
Another typical quiet couple months for Labs. The PMC remains quiet
and healthy.
A request for a new Lab has been made, and request has been granted.
## Issues
## PMC/Committership changes:
- Currently 31 committers and 11 PMC members in the project.
- Last PMC addition was Jan Iversen at Sat Feb 15 2014
- Last committer addition was Jan Iversen at Thu Feb 27 2014
## Releases
The project does not make releases per definition.
Attachment AG: Report from the Apache Lens Project [Amareshwari Sriramadasu]
## Description:
Apache Lens is a platform that enables multi-dimensional queries in a
unified way over datasets stored in multiple warehouses. Lens integrates
Apache Hive with other data warehouses by tiering them together to form
logical data cubes.
## Project Activity:
- The project is actively working on stabilizing user errors seen from
accessing the api.
- New execution driver for Elastic search has been added.
- Feature with respect to throttling query submission has been completed.
- Logging in the project has been moved from log4j to slf4j and logback.
- New improved web client is being under development.
## Project Activity with respect to TLP move:
- Apache Lens graduated to TLP from incubator on 2015-08-19.
- The project infrastructure move from Incubator to TLP completed.
- Project has made first TLP release.
- Apache Blog announcing Lens as TLP went Live on 2015-08-26.
## Issues for the board:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 16 committers and 16 LDAP committee group members.
- New commmitters:
- Raju Bairishetti was added as a committer on July 19 2015
- Yash Sharma was added as a committer on July 18 2015
## Community:
- 59 subscribers on dev list (+8 from last report)
- 52 subscribes on user list (+12 from last report)
- 27 subscribers on commits list (+5 from last report)
## Mailing list activity
- 1040 mails on dev@lens
- 42 mails on user@lens
- 135 mails on commits@lens
## JIRA activity:
- 58 issues created during August, 2015.
- 57 issues resolved during August, 2015.
## Releases:
- 2.3.0-beta released on 2015-08-28
- 2.2.0-beta-incubating released on 2015-07-17.
Attachment AH: Report from the Apache Lucene Project [Michael McCandless]
## Description:
- Lucene Core is a search-engine toolkit
- Solr is a search server built on top of Lucene Core
## Activity:
- The community is very active
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## PMC/Committership changes:
- Currently 57 committers and 35 PMC members in the project
- Added three new committers:
Dh Upayavira on June 22
Mikhail Khludnev on July 20
Christine Poerschke on July 27
- Added no new PMC members
## Releases:
- 5.2.1 was released on June 14
- 5.3.0 was released on August 24
## Mailing list activity:
- 822 subscribers (up 9 in the last 3 months):
- 10742 emails sent to list (10046 in previous cycle)
- 213 subscribers (unchanged)
- 7876 emails sent to list (8310 in previous cycle)
- 17 subscribers (unchanged)
- 0 emails sent to list (0 in previous cycle)
- 68 subscribers (unchanged)
- 0 emails sent to list (0 in previous cycle)
- 971 subscribers (up 17 in the last 3 months)
- 50 emails sent to list (31 in previous cycle)
- 94 subscribers (down 1 in the last 3 months)
- 0 emails sent to list (0 in previous cycle)
- 1103 subscribers (up 10 in the last 3 months)
- 301 emails sent to list (307 in previous cycle)
- 3501 subscribers (up 43 in the last 3 months)
- 3203 emails sent to list (3176 in previous cycle)
- 95 subscribers (unchanged)
- 0 emails sent to list (0 in previous cycle)
- 9 subscribers (unchanged)
- 0 emails sent to list (6 in previous cycle)
- 124 subscribers (up 3 in the last 3 months)
- 8 emails sent to list (23 in previous cycle)
- 79 subscribers (unchanged)
- 0 emails sent to list (0 in previous cycle)
## JIRA activity:
- 631 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 460 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AI: Report from the Apache Lucene.Net Project [Prescott Nasser]
Attachment AJ: Report from the Apache MRUnit Project [Brock Noland]
## Description:
Apache MRUnit is a Java library that helps developers unit test Apache
Hadoop map reduce jobs.
## Activity:
- Three JIRA issues have been opened with several comments from community
## Health report:
- The project is slow as the API MRUnit is built for is mature. The community
has expressed interest in updating the project should the API change in
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 15 committers and 12 LDAP committee group members.
- No new LDAP committee group members added in the last 3 months
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Mac Noland at Tue Feb 10 2015
## Releases:
- Last release was 0.9.0 on Tue May 01 2012
## Mailing list activity:
- 38 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months):
- 9 emails sent to list (11 in previous quarter)
- 78 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months):
- 1 emails sent to list (4 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 3 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 0 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AK: Report from the Apache NiFi Project [Joe Witt]
## Description:
- Apache NiFi is an easy to use, powerful, and reliable system to process and
distribute data.
## Activity:
- We have not yet completed the NiFi 0.3.0 release but tremendous progress
has been made. We've really focused over the past couple of weeks on
testing and as a result have identified and addressed important defects.
- There have been several healthy feature and roadmap discussions on the
developer mailing lists leading to the establishment of several wiki
documented feature proposals and progress against them.
- Several talks have been given recently or are planned in the near future
- Aug 11, 2015 - Joe Witt, Matt Gilman, Enterprise dataflow with Apache NiFi,
Global Big Data Conference Boston
- Aug 13, 2015 - Joe Witt, Enterprise Dataflow with Apache NiFi,
AOL Codebrew Sterling, VA
- Aug 26, 2015 - Matt Gilman, Mark Payne, Global Big Data Conference Raleigh
- Sep 2, 2015 - Matt Gilman, Mark Payne, Global Big Data Conference Santa
- Sep 3, 2015 - Ricky Saltzer, Designing Scaleable Data Pipelines with
Apache NiFi, Triangle Hadoop Users Group
- Sep 15, 2015 - Aldrin Piri, Enterprise Dataflow with Apache NiFi,
Deview 2015 Seoul South Korea
- Sep 22, 2015 - Mark Payne, Spark Streaming Integration with Apache NiFi,
Apache Spark Maryland
- Sep 23, 2015 - Bryan Bende, Building Data Pipelines for Solr with Apache
NiFi, DC Area (NOVA) Apache Lucene/Solr Meetup
- Oct 1, 2015 - Joe Witt, Enterprise Dataflow with Apache NiFi,
Hadoop User Group Phoenix, AZ.
- Oct 19, 2015 - Ricky Saltzer, Designing Scaleable Pipelines with Apache
NiFi, All things Open Conference Raleigh NC
## Health report:
- JIRA, mailing list, and new and existing contributor activity all suggest
the project is on a good growth path.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 12 committers and 12 LDAP committee group members.
- Aldrin Piri was added to the LDAP committee group on Fri Jul 17 2015
- Bryan Bende was added as a committer on Mon Jun 15 2015
## Releases:
- nifi-0.2.0-incubating was released on Sun Jul 12 2015
- nifi-0.2.1 was released on Sun Jul 26 2015
## Mailing list activity:
- 93 subscribers (up 53 in the last 3 months):
- 225 emails sent to list (61 in previous quarter)
- 142 subscribers (up 16 in the last 3 months):
- 1050 emails sent to list (913 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 268 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 200 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AL: Report from the Apache OFBiz Project [Jacopo Cappellato]
## Description:
Apache OFBiz (The Apache Open For Business Project) is an open source
enterprise automation software project
## Activity:
- the second OFBiz Community Day has been successful with 24 Jira tickets
resolved (in this day the community members work together remotely to fix
as many bugs as possible)
- the community is designing a new version of the project website, with
improved, better organized and expanded content
- the design of a better online help has been discussed
- the activity in the official blog is steady, with monthly news summaries
- the activity in the official Twitter account is steady and the number of
subscribers is increasing
- several new features, improvements and bug fixes have been contributed
- the OFBiz project will have a full day of OFBiz sessions at ApacheCon Core
EU, Budapest, featuring:
-- State of Apache OFBiz - Jacopo Cappellato
-- GrowERP-PAAS An Open Source Software Development Platform
Including ERP Based on Apache OFBiz - Hans Bakker
-- Enhance OFBiz CRM with Asterisk Call Center Integration - Youssef Khaye
-- Build a Web Application in 40 minutes with Apache OFBiz - Gil Portsenseigne
-- DevOps Environment for an OFBiz Agile Project - Nathan Boudou
-- UX Design in OFBiz: How to Make it a Reality! - Julien Nicolas
## Health report:
- After the big spike of invitations in the committer and PMC groups of the
last quarter (+1 PMC member and +8 committers), in this quarter we have
consolidated the group, helping the new members to get up to speed and
comfortable with their new roles; the process is going smoothly so far
- the community is friendly and active, contributing new code, documentation
and ideas for the growth of the project
## Issues:
- there are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 37 committers and 15 LDAP committee group members.
- No new LDAP committee group members added in the last 3 months
- Last LDAP committee group addition was Nicolas Malin at Tue Mar 24 2015
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Julien Nicolas at Tue May 19 2015
## Releases:
- Last release was 13.07.02 on Sat May 23 2015
## Mailing list activity:
- 542 subscribers (up 3 in the last 3 months):
- 1484 emails sent to list (3907 in previous quarter)
- 915 subscribers (up 12 in the last 3 months):
- 441 emails sent to list (487 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 126 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 88 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AM: Report from the Apache Olingo Project [Christian Amend]
## Description:
Apache Olingo is a Java and JavaScript library that implements the Open
Data Protocol (OData). Apache Olingo serves client and server aspects of
OData. It currently supports OData 2.0 and OData 4.0 (beta). The latter is
the OASIS version of the protocol: OASIS Open Data Protocol (OData) TC.
## Activity:
The project is ongoing. With the OData V2 implementation we see more adoption
and thus get more JIRA issues and mails on our user list. The dev list is
currently used for OData V4 related discussion. The most recent discussion
is about the release candidate for the first stable OData V4 implementation
for Java servers and clients.
## Health report:
The number of mails and issues in our JIRA is either constant or slowly
growing. We expect a rise in interest after the first stable V4 release. All
in all we are happy with the state of the project although we would always
like more committers.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 23 committers and 12 LDAP committee group members.
- No new LDAP committee group members added in the last 3 months
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Christian Holzer at Thu Feb 26 2015
## Releases:
- Last release was V2 2.0.4 on Sun May 31 2015
## Mailing list activity:
- 69 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):
- 534 emails sent to list (609 in previous quarter)
- 108 subscribers (up 5 in the last 3 months):
- 195 emails sent to list (126 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 75 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 70 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AN: Report from the Apache Oltu Project [Antonio Sanso]
Oltu is a project to develop a Java library which provides an API
specification for, and an unconditionally compliant implementation of the
OAuth v2.0 specifications. OAuth is a mechanism that allows users to
authenticate and authorise access by another party to resources they control
while avoiding the need to share their username and password credentials.
Apache Oltu 1.0 was released on March 3rd 2014.
The core part of the project related to 'The OAuth 2.0 Authorization
Framework' (RFC 6749) is pretty stable due the fact RFC 6749 is now a
A stable version 1.0 was released on March 3rd 2014. We plan to make a new
minor release soonish
( []
- Release a new version of Oltu Open ). We have extended the coverage for the
IETF JOSE specifications
(that is strictly correlated to OAuth 2) as JWS
( The
current intention is to extend the coverage to the JWE part. We got quite some
feedbacks from users (included patches). The answer from Oltu dev seems to be
a bit slow though. The overall coding activity is also slow. The reason might
also be the fact the OAuth specification is stable for a while (being an RFC)
hence also the code is stable.
PMC composition has not changed since graduation We have voted one new
committer Jasha Joachimsthal in January 2015 (31/01/2015)
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
Attachment AO: Report from the Apache OODT Project [Tom Barber]
Apache OODT is a software framework as well as an architectural style for
the rapid construction of scientific data systems.
It provides components for data capture, curation, metadata extraction,
workflow management, resource management, and data processing.
- Last release was 0.9 on Sun Jun 07 2015
We resolved 24 issues for 0.9.
We have recently cut the 0.10 RC1 and 0.10 RC2 builds.
The mailing lists have been reasonably active and whilst our community
is small it collaborates well and is effective in driving platform development.
We are working on a number of activities to help drive community numbers
and increase visibility.
- 95 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):
- 453 emails sent to list (339 in previous quarter)
Whilst 0.10 was not released in this quarter, it has a number of bug fixes
and improvements, and a large update from the GSOC project which is in the
process of being merged.
- Currently 43 committers and 42 LDAP committee group members.
- No new LDAP committee group members added in the last 3 months
- Last LDAP committee group addition was Dana J Freeborn at Fri Mar 27 2015
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Dana J Freeborn at Fri Mar 27 2015
Attachment AP: Report from the Apache Open Climate Workbench Project [Michael James Joyce]
Apache Open Climate Workbench is a tool for scalable comparisons of remote
sensing observations to climate model outputs.
Project Activity:
Development has slowed slightly since the last reporting period. The last
release (0.5) was done in mid-January which had a number of significant
toolkit improvements.
While we've seen some tapering off of activity we have had a number of
contributions from long idle members and a few contributions from
new faces. The team is actively discussing rolling a 1.0.0 RC since
we've made quite a bit of respectable progress on some key features.
Issues for the Board:
When was the last release:
0.4 - 11 September 2014
0.5 - 14 January 2015
When was the last committer or PMC member elected:
Ross Laidlaw - 6 November 2014
Attachment AQ: Report from the Apache OpenNLP Project [Joern Kottmann]
The Apache OpenNLP library is a machine learning based toolkit for the
processing of natural language text. It supports the most common NLP
tasks, such as tokenization, sentence segmentation, part-of-speech
tagging, named entity extraction, chunking, parsing, and coreference
resolution. These tasks are usually required to build more advanced text
processing services.
The two GSOC students both passed and we will start working to incorporate
the WSD component they build into the core OpenNLP Tools package.
The development team stayed active over the last three month and
participated in smaller development efforts.
We received a Naive Bayes classifier contribution from
Cohan Sujay Carlos and integrated it into OpenNLP.
The community stayed active with the usual amount of traffic on the user
mailing list.
Rodrigo Agerri was added to the PMC on Jul 09 2015
The two GSOC 2015 students were voted in as committers.
Mondher Bouazizi and Anthony Beylerian were added as a committer on
Fri Sep 04 2015.
The last release OpenNLP 1.6.0 was released on Jul 09 2015.
There are no board-level issues at this time.
Attachment AR: Report from the Apache OpenWebBeans Project [Mark Struberg]
## Description:
Apache OpenWebBeans is an ALv2-licensed implementations of the
"Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE platform"
specification which is defined as JSR-299 (CDI-1.0) and CDI-1.1 and CDI-1.2 (MR)
specifications (JSR-346).
We started with the work towards CDI-2.0 (JSR-365). The spec is not yet finished
so all the work is done in a new feature branch.
## Activity:
Activity is fine.
We shipped new maintenance releases, improved our site and
started with the work towards CDI-2.0.
## Issues:
there are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 19 committers and 12 LDAP committee group members.
- No new LDAP committee group members added in the last 3 months
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Reinhard Sandtner at Fri Sep 26 2014
## Releases:
- 1.6.2 was released on Tue Aug 11 2015
- 1.6.1 was released on Fri Jun 19 2015
## Mailing list activity:
- 65 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 117 emails sent to list (399 in previous quarter)
- 90 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
- 0 emails sent to list (104 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 9 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 4 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AS: Report from the Apache Perl Project [Philippe M. Chiasson]
## Description:
The Perl interface to the Apache API
## Activity:
mod_perl 2.0.9 was released on Wed Jun 17 2015, many thanks to Steve Hay
who drove this release forward.
## Health report:
mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though
as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally
slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and
fixes are applied with due consideration for our production userbase.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 22 committers and 11 LDAP committee group members.
- No new changes to the LDAP committee group or committership since last
## Releases:
- 2.0.9 was released on Wed Jun 17 2015
## Mailing list activity:
- 152 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):
- 34 emails sent to list (157 in previous quarter)
- 20 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 0 emails sent to list (22 in previous quarter)
- 120 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 0 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter)
- 113 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months):
- 4 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter)
- 35 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 0 emails sent to list (5 in previous quarter)
- 45 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 380 emails sent to list (377 in previous quarter)
- 24 subscribers (down -3 in the last 3 months):
- 4 emails sent to list (2 in previous quarter)
- 47 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 23 emails sent to list (98 in previous quarter)
- 150 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 12 emails sent to list (7 in previous quarter)
- 908 subscribers (down -10 in the last 3 months):
- 102 emails sent to list (196 in previous quarter)
- 6 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 4 emails sent to list (12 in previous quarter)
- 310 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):
- 0 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter)
- 9 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months)
Attachment AT: Report from the Apache Pig Project [Rohini Palaniswamy]
## Description:
Apache Pig is a platform for analyzing large data sets on Hadoop. It
provides a high-level language for expressing data analysis programs,
coupled with infrastructure for evaluating these programs.
## Activity:
- Development is under way for Pig 0.15.1 patch release and Pig 0.16 release
with focus on performance optimizations, minor features/enhancements and
stabilization of Pig on Tez.
- Pig on Spark was running out of steam and had very little progress for
past couple of months with only one person working on it and most of the
interested parties backing out to focus on other projects. But it is back
on track now with new contributors from another organization who are
heavily invested in Pig scripts and looking to migrate from Mapreduce to
Spark ready to drive it and target making it production ready by end of
the year for deployment in their clusters.
- Dilip Ramesh mentored by Daniel Dai on PIG-2597 for GSOC 2015 successfully
completed the program. He is continuing to work on it post GSOC 2015 as
well on rest of the pieces required to complete the full feature.
## Health report:
- Project activity in the community - mails, commits, bugs etc is good. Users
have also started using and reporting issues on Pig on Tez which was a new
execution engine released in Pig 0.14.
- There has been no new committership for an year. Patches are being
contributed by lot of new and different users. But not enough complex
patches or volume of patches or long time involvement per person to
nominate for committership at the moment. There are couple of folks inching
towards that with regular contributions and hopefully we will have some of
them in the next board report.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 28 committers and 15 LDAP committee group members.
- No new LDAP committee group members added in the last 3 months
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Praveen Rachabattuni at Mon Sep 08 2014
## Releases:
- Last release was 0.15.0 on Fri Jun 05 2015
## Mailing list activity:
- 431 subscribers (up 5 in the last 3 months):
- 903 emails sent to list (1634 in previous quarter)
- 1184 subscribers (up 13 in the last 3 months):
- 118 emails sent to list (106 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 74 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 58 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AU: Report from the Apache Pivot Project [Roger Whitcomb]
Apache Pivot is an open-source platform for building installable Internet
applications (IIAs). It combines the enhanced productivity and
usability features of a modern user interface toolkit with the
robustness of the Java platform.
- User activity was very low this quarter, the lowest I've ever seen,
although there were two (apparently) new users.
- Development activity was all from myself -- I have many ideas for
enhancements, but not much time. No other committer (with one exception)
seems interested in (or available to) do anything.
Health report:
- The Reporter facility says that we are in an unhealthy state because of
no recent releases and no new committers and no PMC changes for several
years. I concur.
- The topic of moving to the Attic comes up at least once a quarter in
private correspondence. Since I am actively using it I would hate to see
that, but I am doubtful we could raise 3 PMC members for a vote at this
moment. I think we could (and should) release a new maintenance version
in the next quarter, so I will push for that, and see if we can raise the
votes for it.
- I reached out to ComDev last quarter for ideas/help in building community
and heard nothing back. I will do some further reaching out in the next
few weeks.
- As I mentioned last quarter, the move by Google (final as of last week) to
no longer support Java applets in the browser means that approximately 25%
of the browser market is no longer available for the kind of applications
that can be developed using Pivot (IIAs).
- There are still two issues brought up last quarter that need Board
attention: Apache-Extras and the ASF "cookie" policy.
LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 9 committers and 6 LDAP committee group members.
- No new changes to the LDAP committee group or committership since last
- Last Committer Piotr Kolaczkowski (pkolaczk) was created 09 May 2012.
- Latest PMC Changes:
Roger Whitcomb (rwhitcomb) was added to PMC on 27 Oct 2011,
Martijn Dashorst (dashorst) went Emeritus in July 2012,
Greg Brown (gbrown) went Emeritus on 10 Sept 2013.
- Last release was 2.0.4 on Mon May 19 2014
Mailing list activity:
- 57 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 102 emails sent to list (58 in previous quarter)
- 174 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 3 emails sent to list (5 in previous quarter)
JIRA activity:
- 8 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 4 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AV: Report from the Apache Portals Project [David Sean Taylor]
## Description:
Apache Portals exists to promote the use of open source portal technology. We
intend to build freely available and interoperable portal software in order to
promote the use of this technology. With the Pluto project, we provide a
reference implementation for the Java portlet standard. The Jetspeed project
is a full feature enterprise open source portal. The Portals Applications
project is dedicated to providing robust, full-featured, commercial-quality,
and freely available portlet applications.
## Activity:
Apache Portals released 1 release since the last report.
Apache Portals Jetspeed released version 2.3.0. Version 2.3.0 introduces new
features as well as bug fixes. New features include Portlet 2.1.0 support,
Preferences and Security performance improvements, new Responsive Layouts and
Decorators, Java7 and Tomcat7 support, new User and Profiler Admin portlets,
an AutoRefresh feature and more.
Apache Pluto is actively designing the Portlet API 3.0
## Issues:
We have no board-level issues at this time.
## PMC/Committership changes:
## Releases:
- Portals Jetspeed 2.3.0 on July 28 2015
Attachment AW: Report from the Apache Serf Project [Bert Huijben]
## Description:
The serf library is a high performance C-based HTTP client library built
upon the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) library. Serf is the default
client library of Apache Subversion and Apache OpenOffice.
## Activity:
We have been busy moving the project to the ASF infrastructure. The
website, mailinglists, Subversion, Jira, etc. are all migrated. With
some help of some Subversion developers we now have a few buildbots
configured to help with release testing. With all this done, we are
now trying to get serf 1.4.0 released as the first ASF release.
## Health report:
The last few weeks we had an above average average activity as
everybody was trying to get everything moved onto the ASF
infrastructure after the googlecode site was made read-only.
I hope we can continue at this pace to get 1.4.0 released soon.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 12 committers and 11 LDAP committee group members.
- No new LDAP committee group members added in the last 3 months
- New commmitters:
- Branko Cibej was added as a committer on Wed Sep 02 2015
## Releases:
- No ASF releases yet. Last pre-ASF release 2014-10-20
## Mailing list activity:
- 20 subscribers (up 20 in the last 3 months):
- 216 emails sent to list (7 in previous quarter)
- 8 subscribers (up 8 in the last 3 months)
## JIRA activity:
- 7 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 10 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AX: Report from the Apache ServiceMix Project [Krzysztof Sobkowiak]
Apache ServiceMix is a flexible, open-source integration container that
unifies the features and functionality of Apache ActiveMQ, Camel, CXF and
Karaf to provide a complete, enterprise-ready ESB powered by OSGi.
## Project Status
The project focus of Apache ServiceMix is the assembly of the integration
container, the actual functionality is being maintained in related projects
like Apache Karaf, Apache CXF, Apache Camel and Apache ActiveMQ.
Activity on the mailing lists and in JIRA has been a bit slow over the
summer, but is picking up again now that we're planning to do new releases.
We have released the first release from the new 6.0.x, which is based on
Karaf 3.0.x and includes numerous new features. We have also provided the
users with a new release 5.5.0, based on Karaf 2.4.x and containing upgrades
to the newest dependencies and some new features. We have also released the
next maintenance releases 5.4.1 and 5.1.6 and 3 sets of OSGi bundles.
There are no outstanding issues requiring board attention.
## Community
Currently 49 committers and 22 PMC members in the project. No new PMC members
nor committers were added in the last 3 months. Last committer addition was
Wim Verreydt on July 05 2014. Last PMC addition was Krzysztof Sobkowiak on
July 05 2014.
## Community Objectives
After the 6.0.0 release, our goal for the next period is to make the branch
6.0.x as a new stable line of ServiceMix. We're not expecting too much
dependency updates to become available for the 5.1.x, 5.2.x and 5.3.x branches,
but we do plan to keep our release schedule going with the 5.4.x and 5.5.x
releases. We plan to keep a steady release schedule and keep up with new fix
releases of our dependency projects.
We also plan to start the work on the new ServiceMix 7.x line, which should be
based on Karaf 4.x and will include numerous new features and dependency
Our goal for the next months is to improve the documentation and website.
## Releases
- A set of 77 OSGi bundles on June 19 2015
- Apache ServiceMix 5.1.6 on June 26 2015
- Apache ServiceMix 5.2.2 on June 27 2015
- Apache ServiceMix 6.0.0 on July 08 2015
- A set of 67 OSGi bundles on July 13 2015
- Apache ServiceMix 5.4.1 on July 17 2015
- Apache ServiceMix 5.5.0 on July 18 2015
- A set of 42 OSGi bundles on August 09 2015
## Mailing list activity
- 410 subscribers (down -9 in the last 3 months):
- 114 emails sent to list (105 in previous quarter)
- 204 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 110 emails sent to list (163 in previous quarter)
- 7 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 374 emails sent to list (676 in previous quarter)
- 53 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 1623 emails sent to list (1409 in previous period)
## JIRA activity
- 84 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 88 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AY: Report from the Apache Shiro Project [Les Hazlewood]
Apache Shiro is a powerful and flexible open-source application
security framework that cleanly handles authentication, authorization,
enterprise session management and cryptography.
We have no issues that require Board assistance at this time.
- We released the 1.2.4 bugfix/point release 2 months ago on July 7th.
Community & Project:
- We have a new committer! Jerome LELEU, a long time community member
and friend of the Shiro community accepted our invitation and became a
committer last month on August 4th, 2015.
- We are still working on 2.x and active discussion has resumed
towards this effort.
- Project is mostly stable and in maintenance/bugfix mode until a 2.0
release can be made. No significant feature development is planned on
Last committer voted in: Jerome LELEU on 4 Aug 2015
Last PMC Member voted in: Brian Demers on 20 May 2013
Attachment AZ: Report from the Apache Sling Project [Carsten Ziegeler]
Apache Sling is an OSGI-based scriptable web framework that uses a Java Content
Repository, such as Apache Jackrabbit, to store and manage content.
There are no issues which require board attention at the moment.
Good activity level overall, contributions from different people continue.
No new committers (last committers change was in March 2015 with three new
committers elected), no new PMC member. Last PMC change was in June 2014
with six new PMC members elected.
Apache Sling Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.3.6 (September 7th, 2015)
Apache Sling Launchpad Base 5.2.0-2.6.4 (September 6th, 2015)
Apache Sling Security 1.0.16 (September 4th, 2015)
Apache Sling JCR Resource 2.5.6,
Apache Sling Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.3.4,
Apache Sling Security 1.0.14 (August 31st, 2015)
Apache Sling Security 1.0.12 (August 25th, 2015)
Apache Sling Testing OSGi Mock 1.5.0,
ResourceResolver Mock 1.1.8 (August 24th, 2015)
Apache Sling Web Console Security Provider 1.1.6 (August 21st, 2015)
Apache Sling Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.3.2 (August 20th, 2015)
Apache Sling JCR API 2.3.0,
Apache Sling JCR Base 2.3.0,
Apache Sling JCR Jackrabbit Server 2.3.0,
Apache Sling JCR Davex 1.3.0 and
Apache Sling JCR Webdav 2.3.0 (August 17th, 2015)
Apache Sling Commons Scheduler 2.4.10 (August 14th, 2015)
Apache Sling i18n 2.4.4, Apache Sling Scripting Core 2.0.34,
Apache Sling Scripting JavaScript 2.0.22,
Apache Sling Scripting Sightly JS Use Provider 1.0.8 (August 13th, 2015)
Apache Sling Commons Log 4.0.6 (August 11th, 2015)
Apache Sling Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.3.0, and
Apache Sling Provisioning Model 1.3.0 (August 7th, 2015)
Apache Sling XSS Protection Bundle 1.0.4 (August 3rd, 2015)
Apache Sling Scripting Core 2.0.32 (July 26th, 2015)
Apache Sling Event 3.7.4 and
Apache Sling Distributed Event Admin 1.0.2 (July 24th, 2015)
Apache Sling Scripting API 2.1.8,
Apache Sling Scripting Core 2.0.30,
Apache Sling Scripting JavaScript 2.0.20,
Apache Sling Scripting Sightly JS Use Provider 1.0.6,
Apache Sling Resource Merger 1.2.10 (July 21st, 2015)
Apache Sling JCR Resource 2.5.4 (July 17th, 2015)
Apache Sling Servlets GET 2.1.12 (July 17th, 2015)
Apache Sling Event 3.7.2 (July 13th, 2015)
Apache Sling Authentication Service 1.3.10 (July 13th, 2015)
Apache Sling Scripting Thymeleaf 0.0.6 (July 10th, 2015)
Apache Sling Content Detection Support 1.0.2 (July 9th, 2015)
Apache Sling Parent 24,
Apache Sling Authentication Service 1.3.8 (July 6th, 2015)
Apache Sling Scripting JavaScript Support 2.0.18 (July 2nd, 2015)
Apache Sling Feature Flags 1.0.2 (July 1st, 2015)
Apache Sling Event 3.7.0 (June 30, 2015)
Apache Sling Models API 1.2.0, Models Impl 1.2.0,
Testing Sling Mock 1.4.0, OSGi Mock 1.4.0, JCR Mock 1.1.8 (June 27th, 2015)
Apache Sling JCR Resource Resolver 2.5.2 (June 26th, 2015)
Apache Sling Parent 23 (June 25th, 2015)
Apache Sling Log Tracer 1.0.2 (June 22th, 2015)
Apache Sling Commons FileSystem ClassLoader 1.0.2 (June 19th, 2015)
Apache Sling Default POST Servlets 2.3.8 (June 15th, 2015)
Apache Sling Provisioning Model 1.2.0, Apache Sling Installer Core 3.6.6,
Apache Sling Commons Scheduler 2.4.8, and
Apache Sling Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.2.0 (June 13th, 2015)
Documentation and infrastructure
Nothing to report
Project Branding is tracked in SLING-2696.
Attachment BA: Report from the Apache SpamAssassin Project [Kevin A. McGrail]
## Description:
SpamAssassin is a mail filter to identify spam. It is an intelligent email
filter which uses a diverse range of tests to identify unsolicited bulk email,
more commonly known as Spam. These tests are applied to email headers and
content to classify email using advanced statistical methods. In addition,
SpamAssassin has a modular architecture that allows other technologies to be
quickly wielded against spam and is designed for easy integration into
virtually any email system.
## Health Report:
- Mature project that could always use more invigoration but there are no
issues and nothing requiring board attention at the moment
## Activity:
- Mailing list for dev & users is active with questions are being asked &
answered, spam techniques is being discussed, new users helped & bugs open
/ closed.
## PMC/Committership changes:
- Currently 26 committers and 7 PMC members in the project.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Joe Quinn at Sun Mar 02 2014
## Releases:
- 3.4.1 was released on April 30th, 2015
- 3.4.2 release candidate target of Sept 30th
## Project Branding Requirements
- Logos and Graphics : Consistently used
- No decision has been made or active discussion currently to register the
trademark of the project.
## Infra
- Zones2 deprecation is a bit stalled due to diskspace requirements.
## Mailing list activity:
- 1682 subscribers (up 5 in the last 3 months):
- 872 emails sent to list (1088 in previous quarter)
- 271 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months):
- 246 emails sent to list (639 in previous quarter)
- 2284 subscribers (up 5 in the last 3 months):
- 0 emails sent to list (1 in previous quarter)
- 15 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months)
- 25 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 0 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter)
- 36 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
- 54 emails sent to list (78 in previous quarter)
Attachment BB: Report from the Apache Stanbol Project [Fabian Christ]
Apache Stanbol provides a set of reusable components for semantic content
There are no issues which require board attention at the moment.
The project is working on updating the JIRA issues and bringing the code
base into a state that allows easier release cutting.
We had an issue with a crashed testbed server running at that was now resolved. The server is available
A hint by Mike Kienenberger to invite additional people as PMC members to
increase their involvement in Stanbol was recognized. The current PMC
is now looking for opportunities to bring in new people to the Stanbol PMC.
Subscribers on the dev list: 227
Last new committer was
Cristian Petroaca on May 7th, 2015
No new PMC member was elected since the graduation of Apache Stanbol on
Sep 19th, 2012.
Last stack release was:
Apache Stanbol 0.12 on Mar 2nd, 2014
Last component release was:
Apache Stanbol Partial Security Release RC2 on June 5th, 2014
Attachment BC: Report from the Apache Storm Project [P. Taylor Goetz]
## Description:
Apache Storm is a distributed real-time computation system.
## Activity:
- The community is currently working on finalizing version 0.10.0 and
planning for version 0.11.0.
- The PMC is working with Alibaba to finalize the donation of the JStorm code
(a Java implementation of Storm's clojure code) and the corresponding IP
clearance process.
- The community is actively working on implementing a number of improvements
identified in Twitter's Heron paper.
- The community is finalizing a redesign of the Apache Storm website.
## Health report:
- Activity on the mailing lists is steady, and Storm continues to attract new
users and contributors.
## Issues:
In July I asked on the board@ list [1] for advice regarding anecdotal
evidence that members of another ASF community were claiming that Storm
is "End of Life" (and thus a community in decline) and how best to
respond. In that thread, a number of suggestions were made by both ASF
directors and members, and the PMC continued the discussion on the Storm
private@ list. The general sentiment from the board@ discussion was that
it is the responsibility of the PMC to decide what, if any, actions to
take, and escalate the matter only if those actions fail to produce the
desired outcome.
The general consensus among the Storm PMC is that no specific action is
necessary at this point, and that any efforts by the PMC are best focused
on improving Storm as a project and community.
No further attention from the board is necessary.
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 21 committers and 20 LDAP committee group members.
- Jungtaek Lim was added to the LDAP committee group on Mon Jun 29 2015
- Jungtaek Lim was added as a committer on Mon Jun 29 2015
## Releases:
- 0.10.0-beta was released on Fri Jun 12 2015
- 0.10.0-beta1 was released on Fri Jun 19 2015
## Mailing list activity:
- 491 subscribers (up 29 in the last 3 months):
- 3307 emails sent to list (3176 in previous quarter)
- 1298 subscribers (up 75 in the last 3 months):
- 945 emails sent to list (1354 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 181 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 111 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment BD: Report from the Apache Synapse Project [Hiranya Jayathilaka]
Apache Synapse is a high performance, flexible, lightweight
Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and a mediation framework.
No new committers or PMC members were nominated this quarter. Latest
Synapse committer was elected on December, 2013. Latest Synapse PMC
member was elected on December, 2013.
We continue to work with the Axis2 community on getting an Axis2 release
out, which has been a significant blocker for releasing Synapse. Progress
has been slow but steady. Issues have been fixed/resolved more aggressively
than usual, and some of the build issues that have been affecting both
projects have been resolved. Overall, there have been multiple positive
signs that an Axis2 release is imminent.
There have been no new releases during this period.
The last release of Synapse is version 2.1, which was released on
January, 2012.
Board Issues
None identified
Attachment BE: Report from the Apache Tajo Project [Hyunsik Choi]
## Description:
Tajo is an open source big data warehouse system in Hadoop for
processing web-scale data sets.
## Activity:
- We are preparing the next major release 0.11.0, including lots of
new features, such as query federation, table space support, and
JDBC storage handler, and python UDF.
- Jihoon Son will have a talk in Apache Big Data Europe 2015.
## Health report:
- Tajo community is small but very active. Questions and
lots of issues are addressed quickly.
## Issues:
- there are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 18 committers and 15 LDAP committee group members.
- No new LDAP committee group members added in the last 3 months
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Jihun Kang at Sat Dec 13 2014
## Releases:
- 0.10.1 was released on Mon Jun 29 2015
## Mailing list activity:
- 98 subscribers (down -5 in the last 3 months):
- 72 emails sent to list (210 in previous quarter)
- 44 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months):
- 21 emails sent to list (15 in previous quarter)
- 27 subscribers (down -3 in the last 3 months):
- 3599 emails sent to list (4769 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 187 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 160 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment BF: Report from the Apache Tiles Project [Mick Semb Wever]
## Description:
Apache Tiles is a free open-sourced templating framework for
Java applications. Based upon the Composite pattern it is built to
simplify the development of user interfaces.
## Activity:
Activity in the Tiles community remains slow, roughly the same.
Questions and issues are still generally addressed quickly.
June-July saw a flurry of activity with some contributions from newcomers.
An interesting discussion was raised from a newcomer that could see some nice
improvements result. Otherwise since then it has been quiet and the majority
of traffic on StackExchange and within the Spring community.
## Health report:
The Apache Tiles project remains in the "action required" health status for
apache projects. The few active members are aware of the state of the
project and most of our attention goes toward keeping a stable project still
communicating with users and developers that have questions. Little time
goes toward trying to increase the project's momentum, we need to address
## Issues:
there are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- No new changes to the LDAP committee group or committership since last
## Releases:
- No releases were made this quarter. The project is due for a patch release.
Attachment BG: Report from the Apache Tomcat Project [Mladen Turk]
# Description:
A Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java WebSocket and Java
Unified Expression language specifications implementation.
## Activity:
- Continued healthy activity across multiple components and
responsiveness on both dev and user lists.
- We hope to have a milestone release of the current development
branch (Tomcat 9.0.x) later in the autumn once HTTP/2 support
has progressed.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## PMC/Committership changes:
- Currently 38 committers and 22 LDAP committee group members.
- No new LDAP committee group members added in the last 3 months
- Last LDAP committee group addition was Jeremy Boynes at Fri Mar 06 2015
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was André Warnier at Fri Jan 02 2015
## Releases:
- Apache Tomcat 8.0.24 was released on Mon Jul 06 2015
- Apache Tomcat 8.0.26 was released on Fri Aug 21 2015
- Apache Tomcat 7.0.64 was released on Mon Aug 24 2015
- Apache Tomcat 7.0.63 was released on Sun Jul 05 2015
- Apache Tomcat Connectors 1.2.41 was released on Tue Aug 11 2015
## Mailing list activity:
- 3009 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
- 1063 emails sent to list (1452 in previous quarter)
- 833 subscribers (down -10 in the last 3 months):
- 3099 emails sent to list (4361 in previous quarter)
- 353 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
- 0 emails sent to list (1 in previous quarter)
- 3861 subscribers (up 110 in the last 3 months):
- 5 emails sent to list (11 in previous quarter)
## Trademark:
- Detailed status:
- We have started the process to register Tomcat as a trademark in the US,
EU, India and China. We have also requested the registration of "Tomcat"
as a service in the US.
Attachment BH: Report from the Apache TomEE Project [David Blevins]
Apache TomEE delivers enterprise application containers and services
based on, but not limited to the Enterprise JavaBeans Specification
and Java Enterprise Edition Specifications.
A repeat discussion has been around what the next major version number
for TomEE should be. After a vote the community has decided to rename
TomEE 2.0 to TomEE 7 to more clearly align with the Java EE 7
specification. I have pointed out the many disadvantages of this such
as being locked into a major version number that we don’t control,
only changes every 4 years and doesn’t reflect our own innovations and
major changes. While not my personal preference, the overwhelming
majority prefers the 7 version number and I am quite proud to see the
community has the health to peacefully disagree and move forward —
especially when some of them are disagreeing with their employer.
This must be encouraged.
The project has voted in 4 new members to the PMC; Andy Gumbrecht,
Mark Struberg, Romain Manni-Bucau and Thiago Veronezi. Discussion of
this took place openly on the dev list with actual voting on the
private@ list. Noted in a previous board report that if the community
continued to feel more comfortable voting in private, the PMC numbers
would have to be increased. This appears to be the case and so the
PMC has been expanded.
New faces appeared on the project from Pivotal and SAP, both wishing
to contribute a buildpack for TomEE to run in their cloud platforms.
Faces from WS02 and ManagedCat have started appearing a little more
frequently occasionally joining dev or user list conversations.
Contributions are not there yet, but it is promising and the timing is
very good. As of September Tomitribe employs the majority of active
committers the project has had over the last 5 years. While all
members of the community act as individuals, we all know how important
it is to have diversity in employers. It would be a milestone to see
the project graduate to Tomcat or HTTPd levels of diversity in both
individual and employers. This will also be heavily encouraged.
While many positive community changes have happened in the previous 5
months since the last board report, the development pace of the
project continues to be slow and focused on maintenance. TomEE 1.7.2
was released in May and is now the primary download for most users.
Work on TomEE 7 continues to be hindered by the lack of a Java EE 7
TCK. Cameron’s departure from Oracle, could likely be a sign the
community will have to stand purely on it’s own innovations.
Last release was 1.7.2 on 2015-05-22. Last committer was added
November 2013. Last PMC addition, 4 new members on 2015-08-11.
Attachment BI: Report from the Apache UIMA Project [Marshall Schor]
Board report for Apache UIMA, for September 2015.
Apache UIMA's mission: the creation and maintenance of open-source
software related to the analysis of unstructured data, guided by the
UIMA Oasis Standard.
25 Aug 2015 (new) last release - Apache UIMA Ruta 2.3.1
12 Mar 2013 (no change) last PMC addition
24 Jul 2015 (new) last Committer addition
22 Jul 2015: UIMA Java SDK 2.8.0 released - restoring some accidentally
dropped public APIs
11 Aug 2015: UIMA Java SDK 2.8.1 released - a few bug fixes found in 2.8.0
after release
11 Aug 2015: UIMA DUCC 2.0.0 released - a major release with many new
features and bug fixes
25 Aug 2015: UIMA Ruta 2.3.1 released - bugfix release
Other Activity:
Received a software grant for the donation of a rework of the UIMA innards.
Work continues documenting various ideas, tradeoffs,
and diagrams explaining some of the more subtle points about UIMA innards.
These are on our confluence wiki.
The person we talked with at ApacheCon contributed some improvements to a
visualization tool; these were incorporated into our UIMA 2.8.0 release.
We participated in the documentary video about the ASF via a video call.
The community continues to be moderately active with some contributions
coming from a couple of new people.
No Board level issues at this time.
Attachment BJ: Report from the Apache Usergrid Project [Todd Nine]
Usergrid is Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) composed of an integrated
database (Cassandra), a query engine (Elastic Search), and
application layer and client tier with SDKs for developers.
Development continues on the 2.0 release. Stabilization and bug
fixes from the results of large scale testing are in progress.
Short summary of Usergrid activity over past three months
Added 2 new Committers
Michael Russo
Michael Dunker
When was the last PMC member and committer added to the project?
Michael Russo 01 Sept 2015
Michael Dunker 01 Sept 2015
When was the last release made by the project?
2015-07-16 - apache-usergrid-1.0.2-incubating
Mailing list activity
dev : 85 subscribers
user: 93 subscribers
JIRA activity
292 Tickets created in the last 3 months
106 Tickets closed in the last 3 months
Attachment BK: Report from the Apache VCL Project [Andy Kurth]
## Description:
VCL is a modular cloud computing platform which dynamically provisions and
brokers remote access to compute resources including virtual machines,
bare-metal computers, and resources in other cloud platforms. A self-service
web portal is used to request resources and for administration. VCL became a
TLP on June 20, 2012.
## Activity:
- The Apache VCL community had previously decided to release a minor
bugfix-only VCL 2.4.3 release in order to facilitate a transition from
Subversion to Git. It was decided that adding support for Windows 10
images was worthwhile. Since the upcoming version will contain new
features, it will be version 2.5. Work is nearly complete.
## Health report:
- Traffic to the dev@vcl list is down from the previous quarter because
there was a flurry of activity in March and April while we prepared VCL
2.4, 2.4.1, and 2.4.2. I expect traffic to increase over the next month as
VCL 2.5 is finalized.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 8 committers and 7 LDAP committee group members.
- No new LDAP committee group members added in the last 3 months
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Young Hyun Oh at Sun Dec 08 2013
## Releases:
- Last release was 2.4.2 on Thu Apr 16 2015
## Mailing list activity:
- 132 subscribers (up 3 in the last 3 months):
- 240 emails sent to list (454 in previous quarter)
- 169 subscribers (up 4 in the last 3 months):
- 25 emails sent to list (96 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 29 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 32 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment BL: Report from the Apache Whimsy Project [Ross Gardler]
## Description:
Whimsy is a site where a set of absolutely unnecessary yet often quite
handy applications are deployed.
## Activity:
The project is up and running and apart from a chair not coordinating board
reports in a timely manner is functioning well. We are even seeing growth in
the number of dev list subscribers, which is surprising to some given the
nature of the software being produced.
## Health report:
This project is very specific to the ASF and is unlikely to attract
significant interest from outside contributors. Interest in the project is
perhaps higher than we might have expected at this stage. Turning more of that
interest into contributions and issue triage will be useful.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
No new additions to the PMC or committer list since TLP created in May
- Currently 1 committers and 8 LDAP committee group members.
- No new LDAP committee group members added in the last 3 months
- Last LDAP committee group addition was James W. Carman at Wed May 20 2015
- Ross Duncan Gardler was added as a committer on Tue Aug 18 2015
## Releases:
No release have been made and given the nature of the project are unlikely to
be made. However, the live service is updated regularly.
## Mailing list activity:
- 12 subscribers (up 4 in the last 3 months):
- 106 emails sent to list (1 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 12 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 3 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment BM: Report from the Apache Wicket Project [Martijn Dashorst]
Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application
- Wicket 7.0.0 was released
- A brand new web site has been published at
celebrating the new 7.0 release
- Francois Meillet was added as a committer and PMC member on
- The reporter tool gives us a 10 for healthiness
- Given the vacation quarter the project was in calm waters, not much
- Work for releasing 7.1.0 (or 7.0.1) and 6.21 will start soon
- A steady stream of projects using Wicket and job openings are passing
through our @apache_wicket twitter stream (thanks to Francois
Meillet's efforts) and our builtwithwicket tumblr blog
Releases since last report:
- 7.0.0-M6 was released on Tue Jun 16 2015
- 7.0.0 was released on Fri Jul 10 2015
Attachment BN: Report from the Apache Wink Project [Luciano Resende]
Attachment BO: Report from the Apache Zest Project [Niclas Hedhman]
## Description:
Apache Zest is a community based effort exploring Composite Oriented
Programming for domain centric application development.
## Activity:
Apache Zest made its first release (Java Edition 2.1) last day in July and it
went remarkably well. Release Manager had no previous ASF release experience,
and that shows testimony to the high standards of the generic Release
Documentation (kudos!) After release, everyone went on a well-deserved
holiday, but activity is now climbing back up, with planning and
implementation for ver 3.0, which will require Java 8. All naming from Qi4j to
Zest has been completed.
## Health report:
Zest is a small but active community, and the size of community is not
expected to grow substantially in the near future. All previous Qi4j
contributors still active have been on-boarded, and we will take it from
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 17 committers and 10 LDAP committee group members.
- No new LDAP committee group members added in the last 3 months
- Last LDAP committee group addition was Jiri Jetmar at Tue Jun 02 2015
- New commmitters:
- Alin George Dreghiciu was added as a committer on Tue Jun 09 2015
- Kent Sølvsten was added as a committer on Sun Jun 14 2015
## Releases:
- Java Edition 2.1 was released on Fri Jul 31 2015
## Mailing list activity:
- 17 subscribers (up 3 in the last 3 months):
- 1 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter)
- 25 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):
- 1024 emails sent to list (286 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 96 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 73 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment BP: Report from the Apache ZooKeeper Project [Michi Mutsuzaki]
## Description:
A distributed computing platform.
## Activity:
- Released 3.5.1-alpha, which includes new features such as container znodes
and SSL support for client-server communication.
- Added Chris Nauroth as a committer.
- Shifted our focus on the next stable release 3.4.7.
## Health report:
- Our committee health score is 5.92 (Healthy).
- The user mailing list is very active and stable.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:
- Currently 19 committers and 9 LDAP committee group members.
- No new LDAP committee group members added in the last 3 months
- Chris Nauroth was added as a committer on Wed Sep 09 2015
## Releases:
- 3.5.1 was released on Wed Sep 02 2015
## Mailing list activity:
- 452 subscribers (up 8 in the last 3 months):
- 1378 emails sent to list (2585 in previous quarter)
- 1079 subscribers (up 38 in the last 3 months):
- 358 emails sent to list (287 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 56 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 33 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment BQ: Report from the Apache OpenOffice Project [Dennis E. Hamilton]
This interim status provides early visibility on issues
that will be rolled-up/revised as part of the regular quarterly
report in October 2015.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Apache OpenOffice is an open-source, office-document productivity
suite providing six productivity applications based around the
OpenDocument Format (ODF). OpenOffice is released on multiple
platforms and in dozens of languages.
The Project is working diligently toward maintenance release 4.1.2.
There is adjustment to the change of Chair for the second time in
2015. The PMC is moving all inessential private@ discussions to
dev@ for engagement of the AOO community. Warning signs around
sustainability are being brought to community attention.
The Board needs to be aware of warning signs concerning Sustainability
reported in the Issues section, below.
There is no release expected in the current August-October quarter.
Release 4.1.2 is anticipated before year-end 2015.
Complete Release History
2014-08-21 4.1.1
2014-04-29 4.1
2013-10-01 4.0.1
2013-07-17 4
2013-01-30 3.4.1 refresh (8 more languages)
2012-08-21 3.4.1 incubating
2012-05-08 3.4 incubating
Release Effort and Plans
Developer focus is on provision of the Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2
maintenance release. This will extend to localization, web site
updates, and provision of any associated security advisories.
Non-4.1.2-release-blocker issues and some anticipated features are
targeted for th future Apache OpenOffice 4.2 release. There
is no anticipated date at this time.
Community Operations
The developer and support channels (users mailing list and official
forums) remain typical. There has been some finger-pointing in
conjunction with the world-wide upgrading to Microsoft Windows 10,
although complaints seem to be minimal considering the pace of
Issues brought to the developer and user lists about usage are
addressed by volunteer users, sometimes unevenly. Discussion is
just beginning on improved coordination of issues across the
Bugzilla, lists, wiki and forums. The goal is more-reliable capture
of issues and consistent provision of resolutions and work-arounds.
The AOO PMC consists of 26 individuals as of 2015-08-31
19 have remained continuously out of the
23 from TLP formation in October, 2012.
7 are new or returned PMC members
6 of the current PMC are Apache Software Foundation
Members, including the original Chair
2015-08-23 Jan Iversen retired
2015-02-13 Dennis E. Hamilton joined the PMC
2015-02-11 Jan Iversen returned to PMC as Chair
2015-01-03 Mechtilde and Dr. Michael Stehmann were added
The last preceding addition was on 2014-01-16
The last preceding retirement was on 2014-08-30
PMC membership history is available in PDF at <>.
- Currently 141 committers
2015-08-23 Jan Iversen resigned
2015-08-06 Manik Malhotra
2015-07-27 Gavin McDonald
- Last previous committer addition was Tal Daniel on 2014-04-29
The lack of progress on all fronts in the project has been a
continuing issue. Obstacles are being identified and brought before
the entire community for its wisdom in identification of consensus-
based direction.
Initial achievements on this approach will be reported in October.
The following warning signs are noticed with regard to
CUSTOM IT SUPPORT. The Project has not maintained consistent
support of the servers that is has agreed to operate as part of its
agreement with Infra. The services are at risk. (See Infrastructure
in the next section.)
RELEASE MANAGEMENT. A single Release Manager has undertaken all
releases up until now. On the stepping down of that RM, Andrea
Pescetti has stepped in for 4.1.2 and others are needed to rotate
into Release Management duties thereafter.
SKILL DEVELOPMENT. The learning curve required to contribute
effectively to the current code base has proven to make it difficult
to develop or attract experienced developers to the project. While the
ASF is traditionally about the people and not companies, the AOO
project is evaluating engagement with companies that might
have a strategic reason for contributing skills to the project.
EXISTING CAPACITY. The depth and breadth of developer coverage of
the code base will be assessed by October when the sprint toward
4.1.2 can also be appraised and development capacity assessed.
ISSUE CLEARANCE AND TECHNICAL DEBT. Analysis of bugzilla status
since the inception of that database provides the following portrait
of issue legacy as of 2015-08-05
* the oldest unresolved issue is #497 created on 2001-03-02
* 24115/121298 (20%) issues are unresolved from before November,
2012 commencement as a TLP
* 2232/5139 (43%) issues unresolved of new issues from November,
2012 through July, 2015
* 192/452 (42%) issues unresolved of those created in the first
seven months of 2015
There are a number of factors that impact the quality of these
statistics (PDF details at <>), including
* Unresolved issues are not here differentiated by type. Feature
and enhancement requests are counted among confirmed defects.
* The resolved proportion includes issues rejected as duplicates,
as lacking supporting information, and as usability/support
matters rejected as not being bugs, even when obviously about
There is every reason to fear that, after such adjustments, the rate
of technical debt accrual is even greater than 42-43%.
The disposition of bugzilla issues will continue to be monitored
along with improved coordination of issues across the user-facing
activities of the project now beginning discussion.
PMC OPERATION. The AOO PMC was unable or unwilling to find a
replacement in its own ranks for retiring Chair, Andrea Pescetti.
The election of a new Chair was held between two non-PMC nominees
after there was no consensus on the only PMC member who stood as a
On the subsequent retirement of that new Chair, the only nominee
to step forward had been on the PMC six months and had no PMC
involvement since graduation of the AOO podling in October 2012.
Whatever the level of confidence that reflects, it remains that
there does not appear to be a strong, ready bench and easy
succession. The Chair-elect intends to retire in September, 2016.
Infrastructure Issues/Needs
Apache OpenOffice, by long-standing agreement with Apache Infra,
takes responsibility for the custom MediaWiki and Forum servers
operating on Infra-provided VMs. Limited support is achieved;
more is required. Although operational, the software is out-of-
There is also need to support buildbots from within the
ACTION: Clarify the situation and achieve a sustainable arrange-
ment in consultation with Infra. Identify at least temporary
relief by October, with solid arrangement by January.
End of minutes for the September 16, 2015 board meeting.