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- Original The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
May 17, 2017
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 10:30am Pacific and began at 10:35
when a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was
recognized by the chairman.
Other Time Zones:
The meeting was held via teleconference, hosted by Doug Cutting
and Cloudera.
IRC #asfboard on was used for backup purposes.
2. Roll Call
Directors Present:
Rich Bowen
Shane Curcuru
Bertrand Delacretaz - joined at 10:54
Ted Dunning
Jim Jagielski
Chris Mattmann
Brett Porter
Phil Steitz
Mark Thomas
Directors Absent:
Executive Officers Present:
Ross Gardler
Kevin A. McGrail
Sam Ruby
Craig L Russell
Executive Officers Absent:
Ulrich Stärk
Brian E Fox
Chris ThistleThwaite
Daniel Gruno
Daniel Takamori
David Nalley
Gavin McDonald
Hadrian Zbarcea
Henri Yandell
John D. Ament
Myrle Krantz
P. Taylor Goetz
Sander Striker
Tom Pappas
3. Minutes from previous meetings
Published minutes can be found at:
A. The meeting of April 19, 2017
See: board_minutes_2017_04_19.txt
Approved by General Consent.
4. Executive Officer Reports
A. Chairman [Brett]
As announced on the ASF Blog, welcome to the 64 new members elected at
the Annual Members Meeting!
Taher Alkhateeb Jorge Luis Betancourt Gonzalez
Ryan Blue Davor Bonaci
Michael Brohl Cedric Champeau
Byung-Gon Chun Radu Cotescu
Jaroslaw Cwiklik William Colen
Dániel Dékány Mike Drob
Eric Evans Lars Francke
Roberto Galoppini Robbie Gemmell
Thamme Gowda N Scott Gray
Stefan Hett Jonathan Hsieh
Bilgin Ibryam Claus Ibsen
Jeff Jirsa Evgeny Kotkov
Andy Kurth Chris Lambertus
Nicolas Malin Karl Heinz Marbaise
Lee Moon Soo T. Jake Luciani
Stephen Mallette Nate McCall
Larry McCay Sidney Markowitz
Gary Martin Robert Munteanu
Kay Ousterhout Anil Patel
Christine Poerschke Matt Post
Stian Soiland Reyes Chris Riccomini
Carlos Rovira Daniel Ruggeri
Guergana K. Savova Felix Schumacher
Anthony Shaw Karanjeet Singh
Michael Starch Daniel Takamori
Josh Tynjala Ashish Vijaywargiya
Andrew Wang Claude Warren Jr
Michael Semb Wever Piotr Zarzycki
Jordan Zimmerman Matt Sicker
Jan Materne Dominik Psenner
Evans Ye Jay Vyas
Olaf Flebbe Jianfeng Zhang
I look forward to seeing the board in McLean next month. The agenda for
the face to face meeting has been posted, and comments or additional
items are welcome.
There was discussion about creating a separate board list for traffic
on discussions compared to the day-to-day notices, meeting preparation
and follow up. I intend to follow through on this over the next month.
B. President [Sam]
My current priorities: Fundraising, EA/TAC, then Brand Management.
During the process of converting the FY18 budget into monthly
allotments, Virtual identified a number of small discrepancies.
Nothing to be concerned about, in fact the net was a small positive.
As predicted, timining issues of payments led to a missing FY17 budget
targets overall. This does not seem to be a problem, but is something
we will need to recognize and account for when accessing budget vs
actuals for FY18. Exceeding targets by FY18 anything less than
fundraising shortfall should not be considered a "win".
I plan to get with Rich and Ross to determine if conferences is
something that I should add to my priority list and help with.
Virtual's increased role in terms of invoicing continues to show
results. The bigger problems previously identified are all either
resolved or are well on their way to being resolved. Virtual is
continuing to look at the entire set of sponsors to see if there are
any other problems that need to be addressed.
Hadrian has resigned as VP, Fundraising. I'm naming Kevin as his
replacement. I wish to take this opportunity to thank Hadrian for his
contributions which helped keep the foundation afloat all of these
years! And look for Hadrian's continued help.
I'm pleased to see Kevin hit the ground running and not waiting until
he has been officially named into this new role. In particular, I've
been pleasantly surprised to see Kevin revisiting two previously "third
rail" topics, namely nofollow and certification.
We intend to take the opportunity to meet with a number of Sponsors
here at ApacheCon.
While I haven't seen a final report yet for this month, I am unaware of
any issues.
Brand Management
A quiet month, and no issues for the board.
Thanks go out to Mark Thomas for setting up a BRAND JIRA instance.
New members have joined trademarks@ which is good. There has been
little feedback on policy, which is both good and bad.
Trademarks is continuing to look at which registrations are cost
effective to renew.
Additionally, please see Attachments 1 through 7.
C. Treasurer [Ulrich]
Virtual Monthly Report:
Here is a brief summary of the Foundation’s performance for FY 2017.
Cash at April 30th 2017 was $1,515.3K, which is down $131K from last
month’s ending balance (Mar 17) of $1,646.3K, due to the timing of some
Sponsor payments. The April 2017 cash balance is down $282.4K from the
April 2016 month end balance of $1,797.7K. The March 2017 ending cash
balance of $1,515.3K represents a cash reserve of 15.3 months based on
the FY17 Cash forecast average monthly spending of $98.8K/month. The ASF
reserve continues to be very healthy for an organization of ASF’s size.
Regarding the Cash P&L, for April 2017, Revenue was $9.1K vs a budget of
$82.3K. The Foundation’s total revenue YTD through April 17 was $917.6K
which was behind the “UPDATED” budget by $171.1K. This deficit was due
more to timing of Sponsor payments than missing the budget. We had
estimated $189.8K in Sponsor payments based on the open AR as of 3.31.17
and in May so far we have collected $105K, which will count toward FY18.
The open AR at this point is over $626K ($105K already collected), which
when compared to how the FY18 monthly Sponsor payments is constructed,
if these are all collected it will cover the FY 18 Budgeted Sponsor
revenue through Dec 2017. So what this means is that we are well on our
way to making our FY 18 revenue targets, as the New Fiscal Year begins
In April 2017 expenses were over Budget by $12.2K. This was a timing
issue due to some publicity invoices that were paid in April vs May, as
compared to the Budget. With regard to YTD, we are $33.7K under Budget
in expenses as of the end of the FY. This is being driven by
underspending in Prog, Fundraising, Brand, TAC, and G/A, offset by Infra
and Publicity which were over budget, some of which again was timing.
With regard to Net Income (NI), for April 2017 ASF finished with a
negative $131K NI vs a budgeted negative $45.6K NI or $85.4K behind
Budget for the month. ASF for Fiscal 17 finished with a negative
$267.5K NI vs a Budgeted negative NI of $130K, for a negative $137.5K
variance to budget for FY17. The deficit is due to a combination of
being $171.2K under in Revenue offset by $33.7K underspending in
expenses, to the FY 17 Budget. So in conclusion we were very close to
making the FY17 budgeted NI except for a few timing issues, which is a
good way to move into FY18.
Current Balances:
Citizens Checking 48,486.78
Citizens Money Market 1,465,786.77
Paypal - ASF 983.86
Total Checking/Savings 1,515,257.41
Apr-17 Budget Variance
Income Summary:
Inkind Revenue 0.00 0.00 0.00
Public Donations 3,543.01 0.00 3,543.01
Sponsorship Program 5,000.00 82,334.00 -77,334.00
Programs Income 0.00 0.00 0.00
Other Income 0.00 0.00 0.00
Interest Income 602.03 0.00 602.03
Total Income 9,145.04 82,334.00 -73,188.96
Expense Summary:
In Kind Expense 0.00 0.00 0.00
Infrastructure 62,093.69 74,539.00 -12,445.31
Sponsorship Program 1,250.00 2,000.00 -750.00
Programs Expense 0.00 0.00 0.00
Publicity 52,988.13 3,310.00 49,678.13
Brand Management 2,836.92 8,500.00 -5,663.08
Conferences 0.00 0.00 0.00
Travel Assistance Committee 8,815.16 27,456.00 -18,640.84
Tax and Audit 0.00 0.00 0.00
Treasury Services 3,100.00 3,100.00 0.00
General & Administrative 9,060.44 8,996.00 64.44
Total Expense 140,144.34 127,901.00 12,243.34
Net Income -130,999.30 -45,567.00 -85,432.30
YTD 2017 Budget Variance
Income Summary:
Inkind Revenue 0.00 0.00 0.00
Public Donations 105,525.82 88,873.67 16,652.15
Sponsorship Program 777,795.00 968,297.00 -190,502.00
Programs Income 27,200.00 27,200.00 0.00
Other Income 825.00 825.00
Interest Income 6,209.35 3,515.00 2,694.35
Total Income 917,555.17 1,088,710.67 -171,155.50
Expense Summary:
In Kind Expense 0.00 0.00 0.00
Infrastructure 725,848.62 723,067.00 2,781.62
Sponsorship Program 4,750.00 7,750.00 -3,000.00
Programs Expense 0.00 27,200.00 -27,200.00
Publicity 174,347.27 140,900.18 33,447.09
Brand Management 70,182.43 84,291.00 -14,108.57
Conferences 4,862.32 12,418.00 -7,555.68
Travel Assistance Committee 47,549.67 61,519.00 -13,969.33
Tax and Audit 7,850.00 10,500.00 -2,650.00
Treasury Services 37,200.00 37,200.00 0.00
General & Administrative 112,463.95 113,904.00 -1,440.05
Total Expense 1,185,054.26 1,218,749.18 -33,694.92
Net Income -267,499.09 -130,038.51 -137,460.58
Report from Assistant Treasurer:
It's been a busy month with continued foundational work to change
addresses, document accounts, improve our fundraising/accounting
processes. Here are some highlights.
PayPal - We are now a registered & confirmed Charity after a long,
arduous path.
eBay - We are also now a member of the PayPal Giving Fund -
Bitcoins - Transferred from our Wallet to Coinbase. First deposit of
$14850 received on Tuesday, May the 16th and confirmed. 6,499.68
expected on Thursday. This effectively cashes in on all the bitcoins
Corporate Service Company - Charges us $487~ fee for service and $180~
annual report. This is relatively high. Does anyone know any
alternatives for a Delaware corporation? Not a big spend but it tells
me I need to start a corporate service company
Revised Budgets for Fundraising breakdowns. This is the amounts
already approved just clarifying:
Revised Budget for Treasurer breakdowns. This is the amounts already
approved just clarifying:
Items Still Tracking:
- Contribution Language for Car Donations
- Payment Privacy changes to move away from Dropbox, etc.
- We have a Safety Deposit Box still at Wells Fargo. Working to get
it closed out.
- CDARS - Virtual is working towards a method to FDIC insure our
entire balance and is researching CDARS
- Network for Good - Missing a $125 check
- Credit Card with a lower foreign transaction fee
D. Secretary [Craig]
Based on whimsy tooling, Secretary has begun to annotate accounts
where the ICLA has gone missing and requesting infra to disable the
accounts. If and when a replacement ICLA is filed, the account will be
Secretary updated the Apache logo on the ICLA form with the new logo.
Additionally, the options to fax or send physical mail have been
removed from the form. These options are part of history but no longer
have relevance.
Secretary updated the CCLA form to remove fax and physical mail
options, and to create a pdf form. The pdf form should be easier for
the licensor to use than the txt document and easier for secretary to
In April, 48 iclas, two cclas, and 64 membership applications were
received and filed.
E. Executive Vice President [Ross]
Marketing and Publicity
Business as usual this month.
Media training returns this month at ApacheCon - our thanks go to
Sally for offering this excellent course again.
No significant issues this month.
There is one open position within the team, recruiting is underway.
There has been early progress on exploring ways to reduce the cost per
project, this starts with a better understanding of the distribution
of our costs across projects and services - see (note this is draft data).
There are over 500 people in attendance at ApacheCon which is
currently underway.
Interested parties will meet to discuss the future of Apache branded
F. Vice Chairman [Chris]
Nothing to report.
Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
5. Additional Officer Reports
A. VP of W3C Relations [Andy Seaborne / Brett]
See Attachment 8
B. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Marvin Humphrey / Ted]
No report was submitted.
C. Apache Security Team Project [Mark J. Cox / Rich]
See Attachment 10
Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
6. Committee Reports
Summary of Reports
The following reports required further discussion:
# ACE [bp]
# Giraph [bp]
# Hama [bp]
# Oltu [bp]
# Spark [td]
A. Apache ACE Project [Marcel Offermans / Phil]
No report was submitted.
B. Apache Ambari Project [Yusaku Sako / Mark]
See Attachment B
C. Apache Ant Project [Jan Matèrne / Jim]
See Attachment C
D. Apache Aries Project [Jeremy Hughes / Bertrand]
See Attachment D
E. Apache BookKeeper Project [Sijie Guo / Shane]
See Attachment E
F. Apache Brooklyn Project [Richard Downer / Chris]
See Attachment F
G. Apache Buildr Project [Antoine Toulme / Ted]
See Attachment G
H. Apache CarbonData Project [Liang Chen / Rich]
See Attachment H
I. Apache Cassandra Project [Nate McCall / Chris]
See Attachment I
J. Apache Celix Project [Alexander Broekhuis / Bertrand]
See Attachment J
K. Apache Clerezza Project [Hasan Hasan / Brett]
See Attachment K
L. Apache Cocoon Project [Cédric Damioli / Jim]
See Attachment L
M. Apache Community Development Project [Ulrich Stärk / Mark]
See Attachment M
N. Apache CouchDB Project [Jan Lehnardt / Phil]
See Attachment N
O. Apache Creadur Project [Brian E Fox / Shane]
See Attachment O
P. Apache DeltaSpike Project [Thomas Andraschko / Bertrand]
See Attachment P
Q. Apache Drill Project [Parth Chandra / Ted]
See Attachment Q
R. Apache Empire-db Project [Rainer Döbele / Phil]
See Attachment R
S. Apache Fineract Project [Myrle Krantz / Brett]
See Attachment S
T. Apache Flume Project [Hari Shreedharan / Jim]
See Attachment T
U. Apache Forrest Project [David Crossley / Mark]
See Attachment U
V. Apache Geode Project [Mark Bretl / Shane]
See Attachment V
W. Apache Giraph Project [Avery Ching / Rich]
No report was submitted.
X. Apache Gora Project [Lewis John McGibbney / Chris]
See Attachment X
Y. Apache Groovy Project [Guillaume Laforge / Brett]
See Attachment Y
Z. Apache Hama Project [Edward J. Yoon / Mark]
No report was submitted.
AA. Apache HTTP Server Project [Eric Covener / Ted]
See Attachment AA
AB. Apache HttpComponents Project [Asankha Perera / Phil]
See Attachment AB
AC. Apache Ignite Project [Denis Magda / Chris]
See Attachment AC
AD. Apache Incubator Project [Ted Dunning]
See Attachment AD
AE. Apache jUDDI Project [Alex O'Ree / Jim]
See Attachment AE
AF. Apache Kafka Project [Jun Rao / Bertrand]
See Attachment AF
AG. Apache Knox Project [Larry McCay / Shane]
See Attachment AG
AH. Apache Kylin Project [Luke Han / Rich]
See Attachment AH
AI. Apache Lens Project [Amareshwari Sriramadasu / Rich]
See Attachment AI
AJ. Apache Libcloud Project [Tomaž Muraus / Jim]
See Attachment AJ
AK. Apache Logging Services Project [Ralph Goers / Chris]
See Attachment AK
AL. Apache Lucene.Net Project [Prescott Nasser / Ted]
See Attachment AL
AM. Apache Mahout Project [Andrew Palumbo / Brett]
See Attachment AM
AN. Apache ManifoldCF Project [Karl Wright / Mark]
See Attachment AN
AO. Apache Marmotta Project [Jakob Frank / Phil]
See Attachment AO
AP. Apache MetaModel Project [Kasper Sørensen / Shane]
See Attachment AP
AQ. Apache Metron Project [Casey Stella / Bertrand]
See Attachment AQ
AR. Apache MINA Project [Jean-François Maury / Ted]
See Attachment AR
AS. Apache Oltu Project [Antonio Sanso / Mark]
No report was submitted.
AT. Apache Oozie Project [Robert Kanter / Brett]
See Attachment AT
AU. Apache Open Climate Workbench Project [Michael James Joyce / Rich]
See Attachment AU
AV. Apache Perl Project [Philippe M. Chiasson / Bertrand]
No report was submitted.
AW. Apache Phoenix Project [James R. Taylor / Phil]
See Attachment AW
AX. Apache POI Project [Dominik Stadler / Chris]
See Attachment AX
AY. Apache Qpid Project [Robbie Gemmell / Jim]
See Attachment AY
AZ. Apache REEF Project [Byung-Gon Chun / Shane]
See Attachment AZ
BA. Apache River Project [Patricia Shanahan / Mark]
See Attachment BA
BB. Apache Roller Project [Dave Johnson / Shane]
See Attachment BB
BC. Apache Santuario Project [Colm O hEigeartaigh / Chris]
See Attachment BC
BD. Apache Serf Project [Bert Huijben / Jim]
See Attachment BD
BE. Apache SIS Project [Martin Desruisseaux / Brett]
See Attachment BE
BF. Apache Spark Project [Matei Zaharia / Ted]
See Attachment BF
BG. Apache Stanbol Project [Fabian Christ / Bertrand]
See Attachment BG
BH. Apache Subversion Project [Evgeny Kotkov / Rich]
See Attachment BH
BI. Apache Syncope Project [Francesco Chicchiriccò / Phil]
See Attachment BI
BJ. Apache Turbine Project [Thomas Vandahl / Shane]
See Attachment BJ
BK. Apache Usergrid Project [Todd Nine / Phil]
See Attachment BK
BL. Apache Velocity Project [Nathan Bubna / Jim]
See Attachment BL
BM. Apache Whimsy Project [Sam Ruby / Brett]
See Attachment BM
BN. Apache Xalan Project [Steven J. Hathaway / Mark]
See Attachment BN
BO. Apache Xerces Project [Michael Glavassevich / Bertrand]
See Attachment BO
BP. Apache XML Graphics Project [Glenn Adams / Chris]
See Attachment BP
Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
7. Special Orders
A. Change the Apache Lucy Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Marvin
Humphrey (marvin) to the office of Vice President, Apache
Lucy, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
of Marvin Humphrey from the office of Vice President, Apache
Lucy, and
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Lucy
project has chosen by vote to recommend Peter Karman (karpet)
as the successor to the post;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Marvin Humphrey is relieved
and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the
office of Vice President, Apache Lucy, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Peter Karman be and hereby is
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Lucy, to
serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7A, Change the Apache Lucy Project Chair, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
B. Change the Apache HTTP Server Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Eric Covener
(covener) to the office of Vice President, Apache HTTP Server, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
Eric Covener (covener) from the office of Vice President, Apache HTTP
Server, and
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache HTTP Server
project has chosen by vote to recommend Daniel Gruno (humbedooh) as
the successor to the post;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Eric Covener is relieved and
discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
President, Apache HTTP Server, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Daniel Gruno be and hereby is appointed
to the office of Vice President, Apache HTTP Server, to serve in
accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors
and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7B, Change the Apache HTTP Server Project Chair,
was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
C. Establish the Apache SystemML Project
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's
purpose to establish a Project Management Committee charged with
the creation and maintenance of open-source software, for
distribution at no charge to the public, related to declarative,
large-scale machine learning that compiles to hybrid runtime
execution plans ranging from single node, in-memory computations,
to distributed computations such as on Apache Hadoop MapReduce or
Apache Spark.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee
(PMC), to be known as the "Apache SystemML Project", be and hereby is
established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache SystemML Project be and hereby is
responsible for the creation and maintenance of software related to
declarative, large-scale machine learning; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache SystemML" be and
hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the
direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache
SystemML Project, and to have primary responsibility for management of
the projects within the scope of responsibility of the Apache SystemML
Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are
appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache SystemML
* Alexandre V Evfimievski <>
* Arvind Surve <>
* Berthold Reinwald <>
* DB Tsai <>
* Deron Eriksson <>
* Faraz Makari <>
* Felix Schueler <>
* Fred Reiss <>
* Glenn Weidner <>
* Henry Saputra <>
* Holden Karau <>
* Joseph Bradley <>
* Luciano Resende <>
* Matthias Boehm <>
* Nakul Jindal <>
* Mike Dusenberry <>
* Niketan Pansare <>
* Patrick Wendell <>
* Prithviraj Sen <>
* Reynold Xin <>
* Rich Bowen <>
* Shirish Tatikonda <>
* Xiangrui Meng <>
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Deron Eriksson be appointed
to the office of Vice President, Apache SystemML, to serve in accordance
with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws
of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the initial Apache SystemML PMC be and hereby is tasked
with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to encourage open
development and increased participation in the Apache SystemML
Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache SystemML Project be and hereby is tasked
with the migration and rationalization of the Apache Incubator
SystemML podling; and be it further
RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache Incubator
SystemML podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator PMC are
hereafter discharged.
Special Order 7C, Establish the Apache SystemML Project, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
D. Change the Apache Sentry Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Sravya
Tirukkovalur (sravya) to the office of Vice President, Apache Sentry,
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
Sravya Tirukkovalur (sravya) from the office of Vice President, Apache
Sentry, and
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Sentry project
has chosen by vote to recommend Alexander Kolbasov (akolb) as the
successor to the post;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Sravya Tirukkovalur is relieved
and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of
Vice President, Apache Sentry, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Alexander Kolbasov be and hereby is
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Sentry, to serve in
accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors
and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7D, Change the Apache Sentry Project Chair, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
E. Appoint Vice President, Legal Affairs
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Marvin Humphrey
to the office of Vice President, Legal Affairs; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
Marvin Humphrey from the office of Vice President, Legal Affairs; and
WHEREAS, Chris Mattmann has been nominated as a successor to the post;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Marvin Humphrey is relieved and
discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
President, Legal Affairs, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Chris Mattmann be and hereby is appointed
to the office of Vice President, Legal Affairs, to serve in accordance
with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the
Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal
or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7E, Appoint Vice President, Legal Affairs, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
8. Discussion Items
A. Select a replacement for VP, Legal
With the resignation of Marvin Humphrey from VP, Legal Affairs,
two candidates have stepped forward: Chris Mattmann and Roman
B. Consider creating board-pmcs@ list
C. F2F logistics in VA
A. Select a replacement for VP, Legal
With the resignation of Marvin Humphrey from VP, Legal Affairs, two
candidates have stepped forward: Chris Mattmann and Roman
The board appreciates that two very strong candidates for the
position have volunteered to serve. The board came to the consensus
that Chris Mattmann should be the next VP, Legal Affairs.
Voting will be recorded on Resolution 7E.
B. Consider creating board-pmcs@ list
Several issues were raised:
The board@ list is often used to discuss topics that while are
relevant to the operation of the board, are not relevant to the
majority of the subscribers.
The board@ list is often used to discuss topics that should not be
discussed widely and sometimes devolve into free-for-all rants.
The board@ list should be used to solicit feedback from PMC chairs
but in its current usage, is ineffective.
There is consensus that splitting the board@ list into at least two
lists is advisable: one for official board business; and one for
The members@ list also suffers from a similar issue.
@Brett: take the discussion to the board@ list (!) and recommend a
C. F2F logistics in VA
Dinner on June 14 will be scheduled near the meeting venue.
Breakfast on June 15 will be arranged at the meeting venue.
All attendees should update their travel plans in f2f-2017.txt.
9. Review Outstanding Action Items
* Shane: please explain the comment regarding external org
[ Cassandra 2017-02-27 ]
* Chris: follow up on reported meeting between external parties not brought
[ Eagle 2017-02-27 ]
* Shane: follow up on brand action item
[ Spark 2017-02-27 ]
* Jim: follow up with PMC to ensure that there are three active PMC members to
[ Buildr 2017-02-27 ]
Status: complete
* Jim: pursue a report for Lucene.Net
[ Lucene.Net 2017-03-15 ]
Status: done
* Ted: pursue a report for Aries for next month
[ Aries 2017-04-19 ]
Status: Done.
* Mark: work on reminder to the PMC that decisions need to be made in public
[ Mesos 2017-04-19 ]
Status: Ongoing: We have an initial draft. Need to tweak it and send
it out.
* Bertrand: pursue a report for Stanbol
[ Stanbol 2017-04-19 ]
Status: done, report is in
* Shane: where has the work been done on 0.12?
[ Tajo 2017-04-19 ]
10. Unfinished Business
11. New Business
12. Announcements
13. Adjournment
Adjourned at 12:16 p.m. (Pacific)
Attachment 1: Report from the Executive Assistant [Melissa Warnkin]
Attachment 2: Report from the VP of Brand Management [Shane Curcuru]
A somewhat quiet month leading up to ApacheCon.
Promoted the merchandising policy approved - there is clearly interest in a
variety of places for using Apache brands on non-computer swag:
Thanks to Mark Thomas for the new private BRAND JIRA instance, which we have
not quite started using.
Media queries (i.e. to use our brands in television, movies, and the like)
were received for Tomcat and OpenOffice and approved.
Several new members have joined trademarks@ recently, which is great; however
sadly there is still very little feedback to policy change proposals, like one
Rich brought forth for events.
A large number of international registrations are coming up for renewal with
some project(s), in many cases with additional and more complex costs. We
will work with the relevant PMC(s) to discuss which registrations are cost
effective to renew.
Held a telecon with a commercial company where a potential conflict existed,
and came to a satisfactory verbal agreement that allows a peaceful
Attachment 3: Report from the VP of Fundraising [Kevin A. McGrail]
#1 - Confirm that Fundraising is a President's Committee. As of this
meeting, the official members are Tom Pappas, Kevin A. McGrail & Sally
Khudairi as well as possibly Jim Jagielski & Hadrian Zbarcea. We are looking
for more people to help give a face to sponsors with the foundation.
#2 - The ASF could benefit greatly from performing work such as
certification, training, bug bounties, etc. However, I understand the
reticence to doing so. Therefore, I'd like to put forth this basic framework
that I feel could meet the Apache Way and explore these opportunities.
There are numerous opportunities that have arisen concerning providing
services, training and certification. These opportunities are not consistent
with the foundation's mission and structure.
Specifically, right now, we are evaluating a request "to A) create highly
credible course content by branding it and B) working with Apache to promote
that content." This is difficult to do under the ASF for a variety of good
and credible reasons.
As such, I propose a related but 3rd party corporation is started with the
following minimal framework that is needed to take things further. I would
ask the board to vote on this concept because even if it is a no vote, it
will be nice to document it at the highest level and agree to disagree!
- The creation of a new entity tentatively named Apache Media Corp (AMC).
The naming is primarily for the purpose of this proposal.
- The new entity, AMC, will be founded by X & Y & Z.
- AMC will be seeking private equity investors.
- The President & Chair of the ASF will be automatically 2 of the 5 initial
AMC Board of Director members to ensure that it follows The Apache Way.
Further, the ASF Board shall have the right to appoint an additional AMC
board of director member for every 3 additional board members added. This is
done for flexibility since investors may want a board seat as well and we
want investors not to be able to hijack things either!
- The ASF will license the rights to the ASF logo design and feather along
with the exclusive right to AMC to certify products, training and
certification for 2 years in the US and Europe in exchange for 15% of all
income with a minimum of $20k / year for 2 years (silver sponsors)
NOTE: I ask for 2 years so we can gain commitments to do this. I ask the
board consider that we are committed to the Apache Way and give us time to
explore what works or doesn't work. If it does work, there is guaranteed
donations AND the ability to expand outside of thee territories.
- The AMC will exist to provide services, training, training material,
documentation, and certify said materials. It is anticipated we will be
hiring existing committers to further their work and the foundation.
- The close relationship ensures that the ASF is not providing any warranty
or guarantee, maintains the 501(c)(3) status without concern and the AMC is
solely responsible for materials and consideration are adequate to the Apache
- In keeping with the Apache Way, materials generated will AT A MINIMUM be
open sourced after a vault period not to exceed 2 years.
- The AMC will be responsible for all contractual obligations in these
- Contracts and the existence of contracts with the AMC shall be considered
confidential. But the existence will always be available to board-private
upon request to maintain transparency and that there is no illusion of
backdoor deals regarding any projects.
- A strict COID policy will be enacted at the AMC and any employees,
consultants, contractors, etc. so if there is a conflict, it is fully
required to disclose the conflict in dealings with the ASF. NOTE: This will
not REQUIRE abstention. It will require disclosure.
- Please consult the ASF attorney. A reputable, skilled attorney with highly
relevant experience has reviewed this proposal and various ASF charter
documentation and stated that there is nothing in the ASF charter that
prevents this as well as nothing that stops a third party from doing most
everything here. The decision to set this up is completely political and not
Attachment 4: Report from the VP of Marketing and Publicity [Sally Khudairi]
I. Budget: Sally Khudairi has renewed the following vendor
subscriptions for FY2018: press release distribution (through December
2019); clipping + contact database (through December 2019); and
projects analytics services (through April 2018). We are on budget and
on schedule with no vendor payments due at this time.
II. Cross-committee Liaison: Sally continues work with Fundraising,
and is ramping down activities with the Apache Incubator,
Conferences/ApacheCon, and ComDev. She published the sixth "Success at
Apache" post , and is soliciting authors for
upcoming editions. We are continuing support for Fundraising, and are
beginning work on the the ASF Annual Report for FY2017. Sally will be
holding Media & Analyst Training at ApacheCon next week.
III. Press Releases: the following formal announcements were issued
via the newswire service, ASF Foundation Blog, and
during this timeframe:
- 1 May 2017 - The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache®
CarbonData™ as a Top-Level Project
- 25 April 2017 - The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache®
cTAKES™ v4.0
- 24 April 2017 - The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache®
Metron™ as a Top-Level Project
- 24 April 2017 - The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache®
Fineract™ as a Top-Level Project
- 17 April 2017 --The Apache® Software Foundation Recognizes Apache
Innovations Integral to the Pulitzer Prize-winning Panama Papers
IV. Informal Announcements: 5 items were published on the ASF
"Foundation" Blog. 4 Apache News Round-ups were issued, with a total
of 147 weekly summaries published to date. We actively promoted
ApacheCon and Apache: Big Data with 247 items tweeted on @TheASF,
which has now grown to more than 41.7K followers. The professional
editing services for post-production of recordings of ApacheCon
presentations for Feathercast, will begin next week once Rich Bowen
hands over the files, with turnaround timeframe is within two weeks.
No new videos have been added to the ASF YouTube channel. Sally
continues to tweet for the Apache Incubator, and has posted 23 items
on LinkedIn, which have garnered more than 114K collective organic
impressions over the past month.
V. Future Announcements: three announcements are in development.
Projects planning to graduate from the Apache Incubator as well as
PMCs wishing to announce major project milestones and "Did You Know?"
success stories are requested to contact Sally at <>
with at least 2-weeks' notice for proper planning and execution.
VI. Media Relations: we responded to 6 media queries, as well as
several trademarks-related queries on Apache projects. The ASF
received 1,053 press clips vs. last month's clip count of 1,231. Media
coverage of Apache projects yielded 4,560 press hits vs. last month's
3,813. Sally has worked with a small handful of organizations
(including some ASF Sponsors) on correcting misleading information in
press/marketing/social media documents and promotions. For the first
time since ApacheCon Europe (Amsterdam 2009), we will be having a
journalist conducting the interview portion of Media & Analyst
Training, namely Susan Hall of The New Stack.
VII. Analyst Relations: we received 1 analyst query during this
timeframe. Apache was mentioned in 22 reports by Gartner, 2 reports by
Forrester, 33 reports by 451 Research, and 7 reports by IDC.
VIII. Graphics: the ASF Identity Style Guide
(graphics/visual/branding) is now complete and will be uploaded to within the next few weeks. Production on all stickers and
signage for ApacheCon is complete.
IX. ApacheCon liaison: Sally will continue to work with Rich Bowen on
future ApacheCon planning/positioning. Work with Melissa Warnkin,
Sharan Foga, and Daniel Gruno on promotional materials and signage for
ApacheCon are complete and will be unveiled at the event next week.
X. (Non-ASF) Industry Events and Outreach liaison: Sharan Foga will be
representing the ASF at OpenExpo on 1 June in Madrid, and will be
accompanied by Ignasi Barrera and Jan Iverson, who will be providing
localized collateral for the event.
XI. Newswire accounts: we have 16 pre-paid press releases remaining
with NASDAQ GlobeNewswire through December 2017; any overflow needs
will link to our new contract signed that ends in December 2019.
# # #
Attachment 5: Report from the VP of Infrastructure [David Nalley]
Infra is operating normally. Our main focus continues on retiring
technical debt.
Short Term Priorities
- Hire new person to fill the open position
- Team meetup at ACNA 2017 in Miami
Long Range Priorities
- Finish puppetizing all services
- Decommission all ASF-owned hardware at OSU/OSL
General Activities
Migration from OSU hosted VMs is still progressing. We've graduated 2 new
TLP in the last two weeks (CarbonData, Fineract).
Uptime Statistics
Overall, uptime met our SLA. We had some issues with web crawlers
abusing our services, which led to us having to block an entire /16
block from Digital Ocean. We are working with them to sort this out.
Our service (run on eos at OSU) had a hard drive
failure and was down for a few hours till we had the disk replaced. The
service is now up and running again.
Community Growth
This period, we've had one new contributor to our puppet repository,
as well as contributions from 9 people who contribute on a regular
basis. on the JIRA side of things, we had 23 new people interacting
with infra via JIRA, making it 23 new users, 102 regulars (people that
have contributed before and do so often), as well as 8 'returnees'
(people that have been absent for >2 years but are now contributing/
reporting again).
On a 3 month view, we've had code contributions from 19 people, of
which 13 were regular contributors and 9 were new. 73 people have worked
on or reported a JIRA ticket for the first time, while the other 184 who
worked on or reported issues had doen so before.
Cost-per-Project Reduction
Work has been done on estimating the cost-per-project for
Infrastructure. See for details.
This is still at an early stage, and thus the figures are not
entirely accurate yet. We are working towards better managing
the documentation on time spent per project/component.
Attachment 6: Report from the VP of Conferences [Rich Bowen]
We are in the midst of ApacheCon North America, with roughly 500
people in attendance.
There will be a meeting tomorrow (Thursday) about how to proceed with
ApacheCon events in the future.
Attachment 7: Report from the Apache Travel Assistance Committee [Melissa Warnkin]
Attachment 8: Report from the VP of W3C Relations [Andy Seaborne]
The review of the "Encrypted Media Extensions" recommendation concluded
with majority in favour of publication but a significant minority
53 : Supports publication (some with suggested changes)
6 : Does not support publication, not a formal objection
30 : Formal objections
Nothing else to report.
Attachment 9: Report from the Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Marvin Humphrey]
Attachment 10: Report from the Apache Security Team Project [Mark J. Cox]
Now Apache is a CVE Candidate Naming Authority we're starting to clear
up old CVE names which were given to various TLP over the last 9 years
and that are either public and not yet at, or are not
public due to various reasons (still in progress, rejected, etc).
Stats for April 2017:
7 CVEs issued to projects (some may not be public yet).
e-mails to security@
6 Phishing/spam/proxy/attacks point to site "powered by Apache" or
Confused user due to "Apache" mentioned in OSS licenses
2 Support question
8 Direct Vulnerability report to
2 [fineract]
1 [cayenne]
1 [site]
1 [logging]
1 [tika]
1 [thrift]
1 [openmeetings]
10 Vulnerabilities reported to projects
5 [cloudstack]
3 [tomcat]
1 [trafficcontrol]
1 [hadoop]
Attachment A: Report from the Apache ACE Project [Marcel Offermans]
Attachment B: Report from the Apache Ambari Project [Yusaku Sako]
## Description:
- Apache Ambari simplifies provisioning, managing, and monitoring of Apache
Hadoop clusters.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- Since the last board report, the Ambari community has released 2.5.0 which
was a significant release consisting of 1617 JIRAs from 104 contributors.
2.4.3 has just been released for stabilization with critical fixes;
2.5.1 will follow soon.
Development towards the next major milestone release 3.0.0 has been
very active, with 700+ JIRAs resolved already.
The developer community continues to grow at a healthy pace.
The number of committers has increased by 7 over the past 3 months, with
the current total of 87 committers.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 43 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Richard Zang on Wed Nov 16 2016
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 87 committers.
- New commmitters:
- Attila Doroszlai was added as a committer on Thu Feb 09 2017
- Eugene Chekanskiy was added as a committer on Fri Feb 17 2017
- Laszlo Puskas was added as a committer on Sat Feb 18 2017
- Madhuvanthi Radhakrishnan was added as a committer on Mon Mar 27 2017
- Padma Priya Nagaraj was added as a committer on Fri Mar 17 2017
- Vivek Ratnavel Subramanian was added as a committer on Sat Mar 25 2017
- Venkatasairam was added as a committer on Tue Apr 04 2017
## Releases:
- 2.4.3 was released on Wed May 10 2017
- 2.5.0 was released on Tue Mar 28 2017
## Mailing list activity:
- 278 subscribers (up 6 in the last 3 months):
- 110 emails sent to list (100 in previous quarter)
- 40 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):
- 10725 emails sent to list (9891 in previous quarter)
- 44 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
- 3844 emails sent to list (3657 in previous quarter)
- 472 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):
- 63 emails sent to list (126 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 1076 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 1023 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment C: Report from the Apache Ant Project [Jan Matèrne]
## Description:
Apache Ant is a Java based build tool along with associated tools.
It consists of 3 main projects:
- Ant - core and libraries (AntLibs)
- Ivy - Ant based dependency manager
- IvyDE - Eclipse plugin to integrate Ivy into Eclipse
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
For Ant we added some more Java9 related patches.
For Ivy we applied some patches.
No changes in IvyDE.
## Health report:
For Ant we feel healthy enough to apply patches, and get a release done.
But basically we are in "maintenance mode". There isn't much development.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 21 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Jean-Louis Boudart on Thu Dec 12 2013
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 28 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Stephen Haberman at Tue Oct 13 2015
## Releases:
- Ant 1.10.1 was released on Mon Feb 06 2017
- Ant 1.9.9 was released on Mon Feb 06 2017
## Mailing list activity:
- Mailing list numbers are relatively stable over the last month. Everything
is healthy but with low activity.
## Bugzilla Statistics:
- 9 Bugzilla tickets created in the last 3 months
- 18 Bugzilla tickets resolved in the last 3 months
## JIRA activity:
- 5 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 2 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment D: Report from the Apache Aries Project [Jeremy Hughes]
- Apache Aries delivers a set of pluggable Java components enabling an
enterprise OSGi application programming model.
- The PMC apologises for missing the April 2017 board report deadline and
offers this report to cover the period between the April board meeting
and now in addition to the months of the previous reporting period (mid
Jan to mid Apr).
## Issues:
- One issue for the Board to consider is how to add new committers when
the PMC lead is not available, see below in committer base changes.
## Activity:
- As a community we made 12 releases this quarter.
- Raymond Augé and Tom de Wolf have been voted in as new committers.
## Health report:
- The PMC were requested by the board to consider if there are any
potential PMC candidates among the current committers. The PMC have
invited Dominik Przybysz and will continue to consider new PMC members.
- A new contribution of CDI integration has been donated by Raymond Augé.
- The dev@ list traffic is increasing, user@ traffic has been quite low.
- The dev@ mailing list seems to be the channel most people communicate
## PMC changes:
- Currently 37 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Christian Schneider on Fri Apr 10 2015
- Dominik Przybysz has accepted an invitation and is in the process of
being added
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 55 committers.
- New commmitters:
- Grzegorz Grzybek was added as a committer on Tue Feb 28 2017
- Raymond Augé was added as a committer on Mon Apr 24 2017
- Tom De Wolf was added as a committer on Wed May 03 2017
- We voted Raymond Augé and Tom de Wolf in as committers, but it took
*some time* for Raymond (already a committer) to be added to the
committer group and for Tom's ID to be created while the PMC chair was
unavailable for 4 weeks.
In retrospect,
indicates Tom could have had his ID created in the absence of the Chair:
"...ASF member can use the same form in his/her stead. .... If the ICLA
included the PMC name, normally the account will already have been set up
in the correct LDAP group that will grant access to the project source
But Raymond, who already has an Apache ID, couldn't be added to the
aries unix group without an action by the Chair:
"To grant or deny access to directories in SVN, the PMC chair needs to
update the appropriate [group] entry."
This seems like an anomaly and we'll start a discussion to see what we
can do to resolve.
## Releases:
- Aries JPA (jpa) 2.6.1 - 3-Apr-2017
- Aries Proxy API (proxy-api) 1.1.0 - 24-Mar-2017
- Aries Proxy (proxy) 1.1.0 - 24-Mar-2017
- Aries Blueprint Core (blueprint-core) 1.8.0 - 24-Mar-2017
- Aries Blueprint CM (blueprint-cm) 1.1.0 - 24-Mar-2017
- Aries ESA Maven Plugin (esa-maven-plugin) 1.0.2 - 15-Mar-2017
- Aries JPA (jpa) 2.6.0 - 27-Feb-2017
- Aries Blueprint Maven Plugin Annotations
(blueprint-maven-plugin-annotation) 1.1.0 - 27-Feb-2017
- Aries Blueprint Maven Plugin (blueprint-maven-plugin) 1.6.0 -
- Aries Remote Service Admin 1.10.0 (aries-rsa) 27-Feb-2017
- Aries Blueprint Spring (blueprint-spring) 0.3.0 - 7-Feb-2017
- Aries Aries Blueprint Spring Extender Support
(blueprint-spring-extender) 0.3.0 - 1-Feb-2017
## Mailing list activity:
- 137 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):
- 539 emails sent to list (398 in previous quarter)
- 237 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 30 emails sent to list (99 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 40 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 47 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment E: Report from the Apache BookKeeper Project [Sijie Guo]
## Description:
BookKeeper is a distributed, reliable, and high performance logging service.
It has been used as a fundamental service to build high available and
replicated services in companies like Twitter, Yahoo and Salesforce. It is
also the log segment store for Apache DistributedLog (incubating) and message
store for Yahoo Pulsar.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- Sijie gave a bookkeeper talk at linux #vault in March.
- A followup #vault interview about bookkeeper on by Sijie and JV.
- BookKeeper Proposals are continuing accepting new proposals.
## Health report:
Release 4.5.0 is inprogress. We have been having healthy discussions around
the issues and features that need to be included in 4.5.0, including security
support, netty 4 upgrade, weight-based placement policy and such.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 8 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Matteo Merli on Wed May 25 2016
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 14 committers.
- New commmitters:
- Enrico Olivelli was added as a committer on Tue Mar 28 2017
- Charan Reddy G was added as a committer on Fri Mar 31 2017
## Releases:
- Last release was 4.4.0 on Sun May 15 2016
## Mailing list activity:
- TODO Please explain what the following statistics mean for the project. If
there is nothing significant in the figures, omit this section.
- 83 subscribers (up 3 in the last 3 months):
- 953 emails sent to list (595 in previous quarter)
- 6 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months)
- 101 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):
- 23 emails sent to list (36 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 49 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 35 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment F: Report from the Apache Brooklyn Project [Richard Downer]
## Description:
- Apache Brooklyn Project is a software framework for modeling, monitoring and
managing cloud applications through autonomic blueprints.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Activity:
- Development continues with a regular turnover of pull requests submitted and
- Our next release, version 0.11.0, is currently in progress.
- A community member was invited to become a committer and accepted. Later
they were invited to join the PMC, and also accepted.
## Health report:
- The project continues with a similar level of activity that we have seen
recently. There is a regular turnover of pull requests and commits, and JIRA
tickets, showing that development is at a healthy pace and that users are
feeding back their problems and feature suggestions.
- We continue to monitor our community for potential new committers and PMC
members with the aim of regularly adding individuals.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 14 PMC members.
- Mark McKenna was added to the PMC on Fri May 05 2017
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 14 committers.
- Mark McKenna was added as a committer on Thu Mar 30 2017
## Releases:
- Last release was 0.10.0 on Mon Dec 26 2016. Release 0.11.0 is imminent.
## JIRA activity:
- 65 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 67 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment G: Report from the Apache Buildr Project [Antoine Toulme]
## Description:
Apache Buildr is a build system for Java-based applications, including
support for Scala, Groovy and a growing number of JVM languages and
tools. We wanted something that’s simple and intuitive to use, so
we only need to tell it what to do, and it takes care of the rest.
But also something we can easily extend for those one-off tasks, with
a language that’s a joy to use. And of course, we wanted it to be
fast, reliable and have outstanding dependency management.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
We have released 2 minor releases. We see users popping up on the user
list and reporting issues.
## Health report:
The activity is slow, with 2 active committers.
Little activity on the user or dev list.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 7 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Peter Donald on Tue Oct 15 2013
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 9 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Tammo van Lessen at Fri Aug 08 2014
## Releases:
- Last release was 1.5.2 on Sun Apr 02 2017
## JIRA activity:
- 1 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 6 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment H: Report from the Apache CarbonData Project [Liang Chen]
The Apache CarbonData is an indexed columnar store file format for fast
analytics on Big Data platforms (including Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, among
others) to help speed up queries an order of magnitude faster over petabytes
of data, with the aim of using a unified file format to satisfy all kinds of
data analysis cases.
## Issues:
- There are no new issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- Apache CarbonData graduated on April 19, 2017. Prepared press work to
announce the graduation, content work to remove incubation disclaimers,
and coordination with Infra for the necessary adjustments there.
- Nominated 1 committer and 1 PMC in private mailing list.
- Preparing Apache CarbonData 1.1.0, will release in May.
- Jackyli and Jihongma presented Apache CarbonData at Spark Summit East on
- Liang Chen presented Apache CarbonData at beijing big data meetup on
- Liang Chen will present Apache CarbonData at ApacheCon on 2017-05-16.
- Jackylk will presente Apache CarbonData at China Spark summit on 2017-05-19.
## Health Report:
- The project is healthy, community keep active in all the
various categories(dev mailing list, JIRAs, and pull requests).
## Releases:
- Apache CarbonData 1.0.0-incubating released on 2017-01-29
- Have started the new release Apache CarbonData 1.1.0, have submited RC2 for
PMC vote.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 8 PMC members. We are discussing for a new PMC candidate.
## Committer base changes:
Currently 13 committers, two new committers added in the past quarter:
- hexiaoqiao was added as a committer on 2017-02-21.
- qiangcai was added as a committer on 2017-05-09.
## Mailing list activity:
- 141 subscribers (up 50 in the last 3 months).
- 654 emails sent to list in March, April, May (672 in previous quarter).
- 7 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months).
- 3552 emails sent to list in March, April, May (3964 in previous quarter).
## JIRA activity:
- 320 JIRA tickets created in March, April, May.
- 268 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months.
Attachment I: Report from the Apache Cassandra Project [Nate McCall]
## Description:
The Apache Cassandra database is the right choice when you need scalability
and high availability without compromising performance. Linear scalability and
proven fault-tolerance on commodity hardware or cloud infrastructure make it
the perfect platform for mission-critical data.Cassandra's support for
replicating across multiple datacenters is best-in-class, providing lower
latency for your users and the peace of mind of knowing that you can survive
regional outages.
## Health Report:
Community activity continues to stabilize. We have added additional avenues of
test resource integration (specifically providing base Travis and CircleCI
configurations in tree) for any member in the community to take advantage of
for their personal development branches. Note that ASF Jenkins is still used
exclusively for committed code. The benefits of this have been a wider
participation from newer community members, as we are taking advantage of
"free" resources for open source projects offered by those companies for day
to day development.
Overall, we have increased our velocity over the past quarter and are closing
tickets a faster pace than the previous two quarters.
## Issues:
There are no new issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Releases:
Apache Cassandra has had the following releases:
- 2.1.17 was released on Mon Feb 20 2017
- 2.2.9 was released on Mon Feb 20 2017
- 3.0.11 was released on Mon Feb 20 2017
- 3.0.12 was released on Thu Mar 09 2017
- 3.0.13 was released on Thu Apr 13 2017
## PMC changes:
Currently 21 PMC members. No new PMC members added in the last 3 months.
## Committer base changes:
Five new committers have been added in the past quarter:
- Ariel Weisberg was added as a committer on Mon Feb 13 2017
- Blake Eggleston was added as a committer on Mon Feb 13 2017
- Alex Petrov was added as a committer on Mon Feb 13 2017
- Joel Knighton was added as a committer on Tue Feb 14 2017
- Stefan Podkowinski was added as a committer on Sat Feb 18 2017
## Mailing list activity:
Subscriptions to the user list are off slightly but the number of messages has
increased. This could be a result of efforts to make unsubscribing from the
mail list a little easier. Dev list activity is down compared to the previous
quarter but still healthy. Note that the previous quarter can be considered an
outlier given the volume of messages during discussions of changing the
release process.
- 1615 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 515 emails sent to list (560 in previous quarter)
- 3132 subscribers (down -10 in the last 3 months):
- 1153 emails sent to list (1115 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
As mentioned above, the number of closed/resolved tickets has increased almost
30% over the previous quarter.
- 316 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 259 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment J: Report from the Apache Celix Project [Alexander Broekhuis]
## Description:
- OSGi framework implementation in C and C++.
## Issues:
- there are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Activity:
- The donation for the publish subscribe implementation is added to
the develop branch.
- Erjan Altena and Roy Lenferink both has joined the team as comitters
## Health report:
- The current activity is healthy considering the size of the community.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 7 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Alexander Broekhuis on Wed Jul 16 2014
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 10 committers.
- Roy Lenferink was added as a committer on Thu Feb 09 2017
## Releases:
- Last release was 2.0.0 on Wed Oct 26 2016
## Mailing list activity:
- The current activity is a bit low and hopefully will increase again
- 58 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
- 15 emails sent to list (45 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 13 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 9 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment K: Report from the Apache Clerezza Project [Hasan Hasan]
Apache Clerezza models the RDF abstract syntax in Java and provides
supports for serializing, parsing, and managing triple collections,
as well as a tool to generate the source code of a Java class with
constants for an ontology described in RDF.
Apache Clerezza components are OSGi-based and have the purpose to
ease building of Semantic Web applications and services.
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
Latest release was partial-release-201604 created on May 13, 2016.
No code development is done in this quarter.
Latest code development was done in quarter 1 2017.
Latest change was addition of a new committer and PMC member on 16.08.2013.
Regarding the search for new developers, the person who has sent response,
would try to use some Apache Clerezza functionality outside the framework
first and would give feedback afterwards, but not yet so far.
The Apache Clerezza Website is being improved. A set of tutorials is being
planned. The first tutorial has been provided.
Attachment L: Report from the Apache Cocoon Project [Cédric Damioli]
## Description:
Web development framework: separation of concerns, component-based.
## Issues:
Following the step down of Thorsten, the PMC voted for nominating Cédric
Damioli as PMC chair.
## Activity:
The same activity report than the last quarter apply here:
The most recent release is 2.1.12 on 2013-03-14
No JIRA issues opened nor resolved since last report
No commits since last report
There's only a little activity on both users and dev mailing-lists.
There have been some quite interesting changes since last release, at least
for 2.1 branch, which would deserve a release.
In the last board report, there was concerns about the low activity and the
community health.
The project is actually in a very quiet state, in that there's almost no
development activity, only bug fixes, but the project itself is very stable
and mature and still used, according to a recent PMC discussion.
The discussion about the future of the project periodically reappears, and it
seems that up to now, the community is still fine with the current status.
## PMC changes:
Most recent addition: 2012-07-06
## Committer base changes:
Most recent addition: 2012-07-06
Attachment M: Report from the Apache Community Development Project [Ulrich Stärk]
## Description:
The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become
involved with Apache projects
## Issues:
No issues require board attention at the moment.
## Activity:
Apache Way Track @ApacheCon
An Apache Way track has been put together for Apachecon. This is the first
time that a full track has been designed in this way and the aim is to
have something that is portable that could be used in isolation for other
conferences or events. The 6 talks cover different aspects of the Apache Way
in a clear and logical way.
FeatherCast has been re-branded as the voice of the ASF. Previously it was
informal. It is now being used Community Development as our main podcast /
news channel. In the past it has been generally used to record presentations
from events such as ApacheCon and make them available online for people who
didn't have the chance to attend, and also for general reference. We also
share news and interviews about what is happening in our projects.
A separate FeatherCast mailing list has been setup and people that are
interested in helping are encouraged to subscribe. As part of the lead up to
ApacheCon we have been busy recording short interviews with some of the
ApacheCon and Big Data speakers. So far 10 interviews have been published
and we can follow and analyse the views to gauge the popularity of specific
A communication was sent about interviews and we have already received
feedback from people in various projects wanting an interview during
ApacheCon. FeatherCast could be a great tool to bring the projects together
and learn about each other.
Tools Inventory and Hackathon
We have started putting together a list of all the tools and applications
that the Community Development team has at its disposal. This includes what
websites (internal or external), social media accounts, or other applications
that we use, manage or are responsible for. Having this will give us greater
visibility and more flexibility to share and co-ordinate activities.
Benjamin Young has suggested a ComDev tools hackathon for ApacheCon in Miami.
The session will be used not only to get familiar with the tools and
applications, but also work on cleanup, coding and anything that can help
make our tools more effective.
OpenExpo - Madrid
We have been offered a free booth at the OpenExpo conference in Madrid on
1st June. We have 3 volunteers including 2 Spanish speakers (Jan Iversen,
Ignasi Barrera and Sharan Foga) who will be managing the booth. The
conference has content in both Spanish and English, though we are expecting
that attendees will be mainly Spanish speakers. This is a new conference for
us so we will be looking to see if it is a good fit and also what we can do
to develop the Apache Spanish community.
ASF on Facebook
Raphael Bircher discovered that the ASF had an automatically generated
Facebook site with over 9000 likes. Facebook automatically generates pages
for highy requested pages that don't already exist, so highlights that we
have a significant amount of followers looking for us. We have now created
our official ASF page and are focussing on actively building our following.
We are encouraging projects already on Facebook to also link to us. Thanks
to Raphael for taking this on and getting it setup.
Committer Survey Feedback
During March the detailed comments from the Committer Diversity Survey were
posted on our mailing list. We had a range of feedback from improvements for
the structure of the survey to comments about diversity and the role of the
Apache Software Foundation itself. Some comments referred to specific
projects and these were passed onto the project PMCs. It was good to be able
to engage with our committer group and get their feedback.
We are now looking at following up on some of the ideas for improvements,
including finding a way to better inform and engage committers across all
our projects.
Apache Way Resource
A new resource is available that simply and easily explains the main concepts
of the Apache Way. The new site put together by Shane Curcuru and breaks down
the Apache Way into 6 key concepts as in an easy understandable concepts.
This is a helpful reference resource that can be used to expand our materials.
## PMC changes:
The PMC currently features 22 members. The last addition has been
Sharan Foga on 2016-11-1
Currently 22 PMC members.
Sharan Foga was added to the PMC on Tue Nov 15 2016
## Committer base changes:
Currently 23 committers.
Sharan Foga was added as a committer on Tue Nov 15 2016
## Releases:
## Mailing list activity:
756 subscribers (up 27 in the last 3 months):
407 emails sent to list (524 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity
13 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
3 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment N: Report from the Apache CouchDB Project [Jan Lehnardt]
## Description:
- CouchDB is a database with seamless multi-master sync that scales from Big Data
to Mobile, with an intuitive HTTP/JSON API, and designed for reliability.
## Issues:
- there are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Activity:
- Beta phase for Debian/Ubuntu and RedHat native system packages
- 2.1 release cycle starts
- Major new replication scheduler feature landed and is slated for 2.2
- Major CI overhaul done
- Ran the 2017 Annual CouchDB Survey, result analysis is TBD
- Adopted gitbox.a.o
## Health report:
- Project is running smoothly
## PMC changes:
- Currently 14 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Garren Smith on Mon Oct 19 2015
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 57 committers.
- Jonathan Hall was added as a committer on Wed May 10 2017
## Releases:
- Last release was on Thu Dec 08 2016
Attachment O: Report from the Apache Creadur Project [Brian E Fox]
Apache Creadur creates and maintains a suite of open source software related
to the auditing and comprehension of software distributions. Any language and
build system are welcomed.
No changes since the last report.
Creadur is primarily used by other Apache projects to help check for
conformity to ASF standards. This is why the project team is primarily
comprised of members and committers from other ASF projects. The risk of the
project foundering is therefore very low despite the ongoing lack of progress.
If someone has an itch to scratch, it will no doubt get fixed.
In September 2016 Karl Heinz Marbaise was elected to join the PMC / Commit.
Apache Rat 0.12 was released in June, 2016
Apache Rat 0.11 was released in August, 2014
Apache Rat 0.10 was released in September, 2013.
Community Objectives
Attachment P: Report from the Apache DeltaSpike Project [Thomas Andraschko]
## Description:
Apache DeltaSpike is a suite of portable CDI (Contexts & Dependency
Injection) extensions intended to make application development easier when
working with CDI and Java EE. Some of its key features include:
- A core runtime that supports component configuration, type safe messaging
and internationalization, and exception handling.
- A suite of utilities to make programmatic bean lookup easier.
- A plugin for Java SE to bootstrap both JBoss Weld and Apache OpenWebBeans
outside of a container.
- JSF integration, including backporting of JSF 2.2 features for Java EE 6.
- JPA integration and transaction support.
- A Data module, to create an easy to use repository pattern on top of JPA.
- Quartz integration
Testing support is also provided, to allow you to do low level unit testing of
your CDI enabled projects.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
We are still preparing the upcoming release 1.8, which mainly consists of a
reworked configuration API and bugfixes. We are also discussing the change
of the PMC chair as we agreed on yearly chair rotation.
## Health report:
The community and developers activity was a little bit higher again.
As already stated in the last report: The activity is quite low as DeltaSpike
is already very stable and covers many real-life usecases. It will likely be
higher again if we preparing our code-base this year for Java 8 / Java EE8.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 19 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Harald Wellmann on Thu May 19 2016
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 33 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Matej Novotny at Fri Jun 03 2016
## Releases:
- Last release was 1.7.2 on Sun Nov 06 2016
## Mailing list activity:
- 180 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 75 emails sent to list (19 in previous quarter)
- 104 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 154 emails sent to list (150 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 20 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 18 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment Q: Report from the Apache Drill Project [Parth Chandra]
## Description:
- Drill is a Schema-free SQL Query Engine for Hadoop, NoSQL and Cloud Storage
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Activity:
- Since the last board report, Drill has released version 1.10
- Drill has added many improvements since the last report including
- Support for left outer joins with nested loop joins
– Support for ANSI_QUOTES option to allow alternatives to backtick for
quoting strings
– New sub-operator test framework
– Fixed missing query text in prepared statement
– Fixed new external sort when data contains map type columns
– Improved query planning time against MapR-DB tables via caching of row
count metadata
– Improved query planning time by using runtime metadata dispatchers
## Health report:
The project is healthy. Development activity is at the same level as the
previous period. Activity on the dev mailing list, JIRAs, and pull requests is
the same or higher than in the previous period. Three new committers were added
in the last period.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 17 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- One PMC member has resigned due to lack of time.
- Last PMC addition was Sudheesh Katkam on Wed Oct 05 2016
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 33 committers.
- New commmitters:
- Abhishek Girish was added as a committer on Mon Feb 13 2017
- Arina Ielchiieva was added as a committer on Thu Feb 23 2017
- Rahul Kumar Challapalli was added as a committer on Wed Feb 15 2017
## Releases:
- 1.10.0 was released on Tue Mar 14 2017
## Mailing list activity:
- 436 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 2066 emails sent to list (1758 in previous quarter)
- 20 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 3118 emails sent to list (2499 in previous quarter)
- 586 subscribers (up 9 in the last 3 months):
- 382 emails sent to list (374 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 220 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 166 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment R: Report from the Apache Empire-db Project [Rainer Döbele]
## Description:
- Apache Empire-db is a relational database access engine that takes an
SQL-centric approach in comparison to traditional OR-Mappers
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- No significant activities have been performed this quarter
We apologize for being late with the report.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 10 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Jan Glaubitz on Sun Jul 10 2016
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 9 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Jan Glaubitz at Mon Oct 05 2015
## Releases:
- 2.4.6 was released on Tue Jan 17 2017
## Mailing list activity:
- Latest release of Jan 17 appears to be stable and mature
hence activity has been low.
- 37 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 0 emails sent to list (49 in previous quarter)
- 54 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 1 emails sent to list (6 in previous quarter)
Attachment S: Report from the Apache Fineract Project [Myrle Krantz]
## Description:
Apache Fineract (\’fīn-,ә-,rakt\) is an open source system for core banking as a
platform. Fineract provides a reliable, robust, and affordable
solution for entrepreneurs, financial institutions, and service
providers to offer financial services to the world’s 2 billion
underbanked and unbanked.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
Apache Fineract graduated on April 19, 2017 and has been engaged in press work
to announce the graduation, content work to remove incubation disclaimers, and
coordination with Infra for the necessary adjustments there.
Apache Fineract will be mentoring three students for the 2017 Google Summer of
Code. Rajan Maurya from India will be working on a new Android field officer app
based on use cases in Latin America. Sanyam Goel from India will be working on
live REST API documentation using Swagger. Nikhil Pawar from the USA will be
working on extended and enhancing the credit bureau integration module.
## Health report:
The project remains healthy. Activity levels on mailing lists, git and
JIRA remain constant.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 12 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months.
- Last PMC addition was Jim Jagielski on November 3rd, 2016.
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 14 committers.
- 2 new committers added in the last 3 months.
- Last committer additions were Zayyad Said and Robert Ippez on March 13th, 2017.
## Releases:
The last release was announced on January 17th, 2017,
We have started the process of next release.
## Mailing list activity:
- 141 subscribers (up 27 in the last 3 months):
- 860 emails sent to list (864 in previous quarter)
- 113 subscribers (up 15 in the last 3 months):
- 65 emails sent to list (71 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 73 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 69 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment T: Report from the Apache Flume Project [Hari Shreedharan]
Apache Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available system for
efficiently collecting, aggregating, and moving large amounts of log
data to scalable data storage systems such as Apache Hadoop's HDFS.
* The last release of Flume was version 1.7.0, released on October
16, 2016.
* No other releases are planned at this time.
* A total of 37 issues have been filed, and 9 issues have been
resolved in the last three months.
* Approximately 392 messages were exchanged on the dev list in the
past three months, while a total of 57 were exchanged on the user
list in this period.
* The last time a committer was added to the project
was on September 21, 2016.
* Currently there are:
- Total of 292 subscribers to the developer list
- Total of 684 subscribers to the user list
- Total of 28 committers
- Total of 22 PMC members
* The last time a new PMC member was elected for the project was
on March 8, 2017.
* Bessenyei Balázs Donát was added to the PMC on March 08, 2017.
* There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
Attachment U: Report from the Apache Forrest Project [David Crossley]
Apache Forrest mission is software for generation of aggregated multi-channel
documentation maintaining a separation of content and presentation.
Issues needing board attention:
Changes in the PMC membership:
Last modified: 2013-04-08
Most recent addition: 2009-06-09
New committers:
Most recent addition: 2009-06-09
None on the horizon.
General status:
The most recent release is 0.9 on 2011-02-07.
Still requires someone to initiate the release process.
No activity on the user mail list. However it never gets used much anyway.
On the dev list, the only activity was related to our initial contribution
received via GitHub. This brought the issue to the fore, that our mirror
was was out-of-date. Many thanks to the PMC member who followed through
with ASF Infra to solve that and apply the patch.
Two PMC members were present during the quarter.
At this report, two other PMC members responded to my draft report.
This confirms that there are sufficient people hanging around for us to
potentially be able to make a decision or encourage new contributors.
Project status:
Activity: Low
3+ people have indicated presence, so has sufficient oversight.
Security issues published:
Progress of the project:
Add notes about develop-time use of Cocoon "server status" plugin.
Add the "SupportApache" image and link to Contributing page.
Attachment V: Report from the Apache Geode Project [Mark Bretl]
## Description:
- Apache Geode provides a database-like consistency model, reliable
transaction processing and a shared-nothing architecture to maintain very low
latency performance with high concurrency processing.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- The Geode PMC issued CVE-2017-5649 and released v1.1.1 to address this
- The geode-examples have been improved significantly to make it easier to add
new examples and provide a better learning experience.
- The geode-native source and documentation has undergone significant changes
to prepare it for inclusion in a Geode release.
- The community has discussed a number of new proposals on modularization,
binary protocol, redis adapter, class loading, and finer-grained security.
## Health report:
- We’re continuing to work on attracting new contributors and making it easier
to participate in the community.
- Mailing list activity is healthy and discussions are productive.
- Work is progressing towards the next Geode release, 1.2.0.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 35 PMC members.
- New PMC members:
- Ernest Burghardt was added to the PMC on Mon Mar 20 2017
- Jacob Barrett was added to the PMC on Tue May 09 2017
- Jared Stewart was added to the PMC on Sun Feb 12 2017
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 79 committers.
- Ernest Burghardt was added as a committer on Tue Mar 21 2017
## Releases:
- 1.1.0 was released on Wed Feb 15 2017
- 1.1.1 was released on Sat Apr 01 2017
## Mailing list activity:
- Mailing lists remain active and we’re seeing continued growth in subscriber
counts. The dev@geode list in particular is highly active.
- 159 subscribers (up 3 in the last 3 months):
- 7550 emails sent to list (4317 in previous quarter)
- 55 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months):
- 0 emails sent to list (1042 in previous quarter)
- 218 subscribers (up 12 in the last 3 months):
- 215 emails sent to list (305 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 461 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 327 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment W: Report from the Apache Giraph Project [Avery Ching]
Attachment X: Report from the Apache Gora Project [Lewis John McGibbney]
## Description:
The Apache Gora open source framework provides an in-memory data model
and persistence for big data. Gora supports persisting to column stores,
key value stores, document stores and RDBMSs, and analyzing the data
with extensive Apache Hadoop™ MapReduce support.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
Gora has seen a reasonable amount of activity. We were successful
in pushing our 0.7 release which incorporates a number of GSoC
efforts from 2016 as well as some key upgrades to various datastores to
align them with other projects.
## Health report:
The project is successfully retaining interest with several PMC/community
members VOTE'ing on our 0.7 release candidate. We've added a number of new
modules as a result of continued GSoC participation. It is probably a good
time for the community to reach back out to Apache projects and see
where else Gora can/should integrate.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 23 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Kevin Ratnasekera on Thu Jan 12 2017
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 23 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Kevin Ratnasekera at Wed Dec 07 2016
## Releases:
- 0.7 was released on Mon Mar 20 2017
## Mailing list activity:
Out mailing list subscriptions are increasing which is great.
- 75 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
- 297 emails sent to list (45 in previous quarter)
- 79 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):
- 7 emails sent to list (21 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 8 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 10 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment Y: Report from the Apache Groovy Project [Guillaume Laforge]
## Description:
Apache Groovy is a multi-faceted programming language for the Java platform.
Groovy is a powerful, optionally typed and dynamic language, with static-
typing and static compilation capabilities, aimed at multiplying developers’
productivity thanks to a concise, familiar and easy to learn syntax. It
integrates smoothly with any Java program, and immediately delivers to your
application powerful features, including scripting capabilities, Domain-
Specific Language authoring, first class functional programming support
and runtime and compile-time meta-programming.
## Issues:
There are no new issues arising requiring board attention at this time. There
is one outstanding issue around better aligning the Apache Groovy website with
branding guidelines. Work has now commenced on this activity and can be
tracked via the following three Jira issues:
- GROOVY-8181: Website move - step 1:
create new repositories for user and dev sites
- GROOVY-8182: Website move - step 2:
populate user and dev sites splitting current content
- GROOVY-8183: Website move - step 3:
generate user and dev sites from repo content
Of these, step 1 is complete. Step 2 has commenced. Enquires have been
made about how to do step 3 and it appears we can adapt our current
site generation scripts to work with existing Apache tools in this
area (e.g. Buildbot).
## Activity:
This quarter, 126 commits were contributed from 17 contributors including 8
non-committer contributors (6 new).
## Health report:
With the progress on the build and release aspects of the project,
our release train has increased velocity, and the community seems happy to see
us being back on track with regular releases.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 10 PMC members.
- John Wagenleitner was added to the PMC on Sun Apr 02 2017
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 18 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Sergei Egorov at Thu Dec 08 2016
## Releases:
- 2.4.10 was released on Sat Mar 18 2017
- 2.4.11 was released on Fri Apr 28 2017
- 2.4.9 was released on Mon Feb 27 2017
- 2.5.0-alpha-1 was released on Sun Apr 02 2017
## Mailing list activity:
- 405 subscribers (up 12 in the last 3 months):
- 225 emails sent to list (284 in previous quarter)
- 231 subscribers (up 7 in the last 3 months):
- 360 emails sent to list (577 in previous quarter)
- 32 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
- 1195 emails sent to list (644 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 106 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 84 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment Z: Report from the Apache Hama Project [Edward J. Yoon]
Attachment AA: Report from the Apache HTTP Server Project [Eric Covener]
## Description:
The Apache HTTP Server Project develops and maintains an
open-source HTTP server for modern operating systems.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
* Development pace is slow with a few notable exceptions
(HTTP/2, security investigations)
* Some new interest/discussion in SSL config/defaults as well as
resynching with security@a.o CVE policy.
* Working towards a 2.4.26 release.
## Health report:
* Security backlog is creeping back up, most issues have some
active engagement.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 49 PMC members.
- Steffen Land was added to the PMC on Sun Feb 26 2017
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 119 committers.
- New commmitters:
- Daniel Ferradal was added as a committer on Wed Apr 26 2017
- Steffen Land was added as a committer on Thu Feb 09 2017
* Overall things are healthy. Routine tickets/emails
are being addressed in a timely manner.
* The backlog of aged security issues has been mostly cleared out with last
reporting periods releases.
* Currently 116 committers.
## Releases:
* None this period. Both trees expected next period.
* Last Stable release: 2.4.25 on December 21, 2016
* Last Legacy release: 2.2.32 on January 13, 2017
## Issues/Bugs:
* 73 issues created (up 21% since last period)
* 23 issues closed (down -66% since last period)
* 7 people closing issues, 65 creating them.
* Around 70% of all tickets are made by newcomers, showing a steady
interest in the project new people (was 68% in the past cycle).
Looking over a two year timespan, the ticket activity seems to have
been holding steady, neither increasing nor decreasing greatly.
## Mailing lists:
Discounting commits and bugs (see above), we had around 1,000 emails
sent to our dev and users list this past cycle, with around 250
distinct topics being discussed. While this is a decrease from the
previous cycle, that same cycle was a 5 year high for the project.
Attachment AB: Report from the Apache HttpComponents Project [Asankha Perera]
## Description:
- The Apache HttpComponents project is responsible for creating and
maintaining a toolset of low-level Java components focused on HTTP and
associated protocols
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Activity:
- A vote was passed to move over to Git from SVN. This will thus be performed
in the near future
- We are currently working on adding support for HTTP/2 protocol to HttpCore
and HttpClient.
- We understand that our web site could be improved to migrate away from
XML/APT and Maven generation to something like Markdown and jekyll. This
would be something we plan to look into in the months ahead.
## Health report:
- Overall the project remains active. Although established in late 2007
the project remains stable and active as seen by JIRA and Emails.
- The number of emails could be seen as low, but it is stable like the state
of the project, and we still have interested people joining into the
dev list hoping to contribute, and saying so on the list.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 9 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Michael Osipov on Mon Aug 24 2015
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 18 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Julian Sedding at Fri Sep 30 2016
## Releases:
- HttpAsyncClient 4.1.3 GA was released on Fri Feb 10 2017
- HttpCore 5.0-alpha3 was released on Tue May 02 2017
- HttpClient 5.0-alpha2 was released on Wed May 10 2017
## JIRA activity:
- 42 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 56 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AC: Report from the Apache Ignite Project [Denis Magda]
## Description:
The Apache Ignite (TM) In-Memory Data Fabric is a high-performance, integrated
and distributed in-memory platform for computing and transacting on
large-scale data sets in real-time, orders of magnitude faster than possible
with traditional disk-based or flash technologies.
Apache Ignite (TM) provides many in-memory components to improve performance and
scalability of user applications, including in-memory data grid, in-memory sql
grid, in-memory compute grid, in-memory streaming, and more.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- Since the latest board report Apache Ignite community released versions 1.9
and 2.0. Both versions gave significant shift to the overall project direction
making it usable for a variety of new use cases thanks to SQL Grid, Machine
Learning library and reengineered memory architecture. Read more on this there:
* Apache Ignite 2.0: Apache
* Ignite 1.9:
- Apache Ignite is thinking of accepting a huge donation from GridGain which is
one of the project’s contributors. The donation is a distributed transactional
and fault-tolerant disk store that seamlessly integrates with Apache Ignite
memory architecture and can be enabled by a couple of configuration parameters.
If the donation is accepted, Apache Ignite can be used as memory-first SQL
database with its own distributed disk memory layer.
- The community keeps blogging actively about Ignite
( and takes part at conferences and other
events (
## Health report:
The mailing statistics, project evolvement, releases delivery and overall
community engagement shows that the state of the project is in a good shape.
However, the community has not promoted contributors to committers and
committers to PMC members for a long time. There are several candidates that
might be promoted the next 3 months.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 24 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Denis Magda on Sun Sep 27 2015
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 33 committers.
- Igor Sapego was added as a committer on Thu Mar 02 2017
## Releases:
- 1.9.0 was released on Tue Mar 07 2017
- 2.0.0 was released on Wed May 03 2017
## Mailing list activity:
The number of subscribers grows steadily across the dev and user lists.
The number of discussions on both dev and user lists went up.
- 267 subscribers (up 19 in the last 3 months):
- 3326 emails sent to list (2231 in previous quarter)
- 25 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 5282 emails sent to list (4984 in previous quarter)
- 7 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months)
- 461 subscribers (up 48 in the last 3 months):
- 1949 emails sent to list (1613 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 520 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 467 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AD: Report from the Apache Incubator Project [Ted Dunning]
Incubator PMC report for May 2017
The Apache Incubator is the entry path into the ASF for projects and
codebases wishing to become part of the Foundation's efforts.
There are presently 59 podlings incubating. Podlings executed seven releases
in April, including the first release from ODF Toolkit in a long time. One
IPMC member stepped down in April, and two new members joined.
* Community
New IPMC members:
- Larry McCay
- Ryan Blue
People who left the IPMC:
- Marvin Humphrey
* New Podlings
- None
* Retired Podlings
- Pirk
* Podlings that failed to report, expected next month
- Gobblin
- Horn
- iota
- Joshua
- Sirona
- Slider
- Tamaya
- Toree
* Graduations
The board has motions for the following:
- None
* Releases
The following releases entered distribution during the month of
- 2017-04-01 Apache Guacamole 0.9.12
- 2017-04-02 Apache Gossip 0.1.2
- 2017-04-10 Apache ODF Toolkit 0.6.2
- 2017-04-13 Apache Mnemonic 0.6.0
- 2017-04-24 Apache PredictionIO 0.11.0
- 2017-04-28 Apache Gearpump 0.8.3
- 2017-04-28 Apache Juneau 6.2.0
* Legal / Trademarks
- Podlings struggle with their first releases. There has been growing asks
to revisit the binaries in source releases policy as a number of newer
build tools rely on including a small JAR to ease the build process.
Several IPMC members have voiced interest in following up with legal in
this area.
* Infrastructure
- There were small hiccups with the Metron graduation that may need some
refinement between IPMC, Infrastructure and Trademarks/Press.
- The other graduations and Pirk's retirement went smoothly.
- In addition, thanks to some strong collaboration with Infrastructure we
now have a podlings [AT] incubator DOT apache DOT org to better
communicate with the podlings as a whole.
* Miscellaneous
- The new podling logo has been announced to all podlings. Some have
already implemented the new logo and it looks much better on websites.
- The new incubator website is being worked on, slowly. We may start by
simply porting the existing content and then refining policies.
- We have refined our processes to communicate out that rosters should be
maintained in Whimsy going forward. A formal announcement should happen
by ApacheCon.
* Credits
- Report Manager: John D. Ament
Table of Contents
BatchEE projects aims to provide a JBatch implementation (aka JSR352) and a
set of useful extensions for this specification.
BatchEE has been incubating since 2013-10-03.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Update documentation
2. Better communicate around the project (and its independance of TomEE)
3. -
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
Not much but since there is not yet a new version of the spec it was expected.
How has the project developed since the last report?
Not much but since there is not yet a new version of the spec it was expected.
How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
[ ] Initial setup
[ ] Working towards first release
[X] Community building
[ ] Nearing graduation
[ ] Other:
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
[ ](batchee) Jean-Baptiste Onofré
[ ](batchee) Olivier Lamy
[X](batchee) Mark Struberg
Blur is a search platform capable of searching massive amounts of data
in a cloud computing environment.
Blur has been incubating since 2012-07-24.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
We have started a discussion thread to talk about retiring Blur due to lack of
growth and activity.
How has the community developed since the last report?
Subscriptions: user@ - 61[0]; dev@ - 76[-1]
How has the project developed since the last report?
How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
[ ] Initial setup
[ ] Working towards first release
[ ] Community building
[ ] Nearing graduation
[ ] Other:
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
[ ](blur) Doug Cutting
[X](blur) Patrick Hunt
[ ](blur) Tim Williams
DistributedLog is a high-performance replicated log service. It offers
durability, replication and strong consistency, which provides a fundamental
building block for building reliable distributed systems.
DistributedLog has been incubating since 2016-06-24.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Continue to grow the community, and increase diversity of community.
2. Improve documentation, including documentation of project and processes.
3. Successful releases.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
1. community
- Sijie gave a talk about DistributedLog at Strata+Hadoop San Jose.
- The DistributedLog paper is accepted at ICDE 2017.
- Leigh Stewart gave a presentation about DistributedLog at ICDE.
2. 44 people subscribed to dev mail list,
8 improvement proposal in progress,
and 72 open issues.
How has the project developed since the last report?
- We have released the first Apache version : 0.4.0-incubating on April 25.
- We start the work on release 0.5.0-incubating.
How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
[ ] Initial setup
[ ] Working towards first release
[x] Community building
[ ] Nearing graduation
[ ] Other:
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
[ ](distributedlog) Flavio Junqueira
[ ](distributedlog) Chris Nauroth
[X](distributedlog) Henry Saputra
Apache Edgent is a programming model and micro-kernel style runtime
that can be embedded in gateways and small footprint edge devices enabling
local, real-time, analytics on the continuous streams of data coming
from equipment, vehicles, systems, appliances, devices and sensors of
all kinds (for example, Raspberry Pis or smart phones). Working in
conjunction with centralized analytic systems, Apache Edgent provides
efficient and timely analytics across the whole IoT ecosystem: from the
center to the edge.
Edgent has been incubating since 2016-02-29.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Create and expand a diverse community of contributors and committers
around the Edgent project.
2. Checking of all items in the project's Maturity Model
3. Although not required to graduate, it might be good to attract at
least another independent committer/ppmc member.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
* Three speakers will present their experience with Edgent at the
ApacheCon North America in May 2017:
* Video Analytics at the Edge: Fun with Apache Edgent, OpenCV and a
Raspberry Pi - Dale LaBossiere and William Marshall, ppmc members and
committers for Edgent.
* Having fun with Raspberry(s) and Apache Projects - Jean-Frederic Clere.
* Since the last report, 2 individuals have subscribed to the Apache
Edgent dev mailing list. There were 65 subscribers as of the end of
April 2017.
How has the project developed since the last report?
* Release 1.1.0 of Edgent as part of the Apache incubator was created on
17 March 2017. This represented 26 bug fixes and improvements,
including more usage examples, application autoSubmit capability to
IotProvider, support for publishing WIoTP device events using HTTP,
and many others.
* According to JIRA, 33 new issues were added to the project and 81
issues have been resolved or closed between February 2017 and April 2017.
How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
[ ] Initial setup
[ ] Working towards first release
[X] Community building
[ ] Nearing graduation
[ ] Other:
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
In May 2016, we added two new committers and PPMC members,
Kathy Saunders and Queenie Ma.
[ ](edgent) Daniel Debrunner
[x](edgent) Luciano Resende
[ X ](edgent) Katherine Marsden
Comments: Great product. Great Apache way attitude. Everything in place,
but just need to focus community growth and diversity. I am hoping the
Apachecon presentations will help bring this great product and project on
the radar.
[ ](edgent) Justin Mclean
IPMC/Shepherd notes:
Fluo is a distributed system for incrementally processing large data sets
stored in Accumulo.
Fluo has been incubating since 2016-05-17.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Make an additional release of Fluo and Fluo Recipes.
2. Vote in a new committer.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
A non-committer has made multiple code contributions to the project recently.
We are discussing a release soon.
How has the project developed since the last report?
A few exciting new features were added that will be in the next release :
* Writing Fluo applications is now easier. Users only need to configure
a single observer provider class, instead of configuring each observer
class separately. This change makes it possible to use Java 8 Lambdas!
* The scalability of Fluo was greatly improved by changing how it scans for
notifications. The work to find notifications was decreased from O(N^2)
to O(N) where N is the number of nodes.
* Multiple internal performance improvements were made.
How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
[ ] Initial setup
[ ] Working towards first release
[X] Community building
[ ] Nearing graduation
[ ] Other:
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
[x](fluo) Billie Rinaldi
[x](fluo) Drew Farris
[x](fluo) Josh Elser
Fluo is comprised of ASF "veterans" -- they operate themselves
well. That "learn the Apache way" part of incubation was there from day #1
because they already "got it". However, they continue to struggle to
attract new talent (it is niche software). There have been some publicity
efforts from the devs, but growing the podling beyond themselves has not
yet happened nor is on the horizon, IMO.
Guacamole is an enterprise-grade, protocol-agnostic, remote desktop gateway.
Combined with cloud hosting, Guacamole provides an excellent alternative to
traditional desktops. Guacamole aims to make cloud-hosted desktop access
preferable to traditional, local access.
Guacamole has been incubating since 2016-02-10.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
2. Call community graduation VOTE
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
Community activity on the mailing lists is strong and increasing, with the
user@ list currently receiving an average of 164 posts per month. Overall:
Report | Period | Avg. posts (per month)
May 2016 (1) | (START) .. 2016-04 | 0 (Not yet migrated)
Aug 2016 (2) | 2016-05 .. 2016-07 | 90
Nov 2016 (3) | 2016-08 .. 2016-10 | 108
Feb 2017 (4) | 2016-11 .. 2017-01 | 129
May 2017 (5) | 2017-02 .. 2017-04 | 164
How has the project developed since the last report?
The project has fallen into a nice rhythm with respect to releases and has
gone through two additional releases since last report: 0.9.11-incubating
and 0.9.12-incubating.
The project website has been updated with documentation covering release
procedures, the acceptance of new committers, and handling of code review
via pull requests. Links to relevant ASF resources for PPMC members and
committers have also been added.
The development community continues to be engaged on the mailing lists, and
a new committer, Nick Couchman, has been brought onto the project as of
Recent discussion on the mailing lists regarding graduation readiness has
been positive. The podling status page for Guacamole has been brought
up to date, and the suitable name search issue has been created:
How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
[ ] Initial setup
[ ] Working towards first release
[ ] Community building
[X] Nearing graduation
[ ] Other:
Date of last release:
2017-04-01 (0.9.12-incubating)
When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
The following committers have been elected since Guacamole began incubation:
* Nick Couchman - 2017-02-09
* Frode Langelo - 2016-04-03
As of the VOTE on 2016-12-09, all committers are implicitly members of the
[ ](guacamole) Jean-Baptiste Onofre
[ ](guacamole) Daniel Gruno
[X](guacamole) Jim Jagielski
Comments: So far, a well run PPMC with minimal issues.
[ ](guacamole) Greg Trasuk
Impala is a high-performance C++ and Java SQL query engine for data stored in
Apache Hadoop-based clusters.
Impala has been incubating since 2015-12-03.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Growth of the developer community
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
There have been 267 Commits:
git log --format='%ci' | grep -cE '2017-0(2|3|4)'
42 of those commits were by non-committers:
git log --format='%ae %ci' | grep -E '2017-0(2|3|4)' | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
There were 114 emails to the user list. Of the top nine
participants, six were not committers:|dto=2017-4-30:
There are six new committers:|dto=2017-4-30:%22has%20invited%22
Two new contributors have announced plans to take on large
development efforts (JSON support and ppc64le support).
How has the project developed since the last report?
Two of the "three most important issues to address in the move
towards graduation" from our last report in February have been
completed: The bug tracker was transitioned to,
and the documentation now describes Apache Impala specifically, not
any non-Apache extensions. The documentation has also been posted to and
Many commits have landed since our last report towards increasing
the performance of metadata.
How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
[ ] Initial setup
[ ] Working towards first release
[X] Community building
[X] Nearing graduation
[ ] Other:
Once the developer community has grown a bit, Impala will be ready
to contemplate graduation.
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
[X](impala) Tom White
[X](impala) Todd Lipcon
[X](impala) Carl Steinbach
[X](impala) Brock Noland
Apache MXNet
MXNet is an open-source deep learning framework that allows you to define,
train, and deploy deep neural networks on a wide array of devices, from
cloud infrastructure to mobile devices. It is highly scalable, allowing for
fast model training, and supports a flexible programming model and multiple
languages. MXNet allows you to mix symbolic and imperative programming
flavors to maximize both efficiency and productivity. MXNet is built on a
dynamic dependency scheduler that automatically parallelizes both symbolic
and imperative operations on the fly. A graph optimization layer on top of
that makes symbolic execution fast and memory efficient. The MXNet library
is portable and lightweight, and it scales to multiple GPUs and multiple
* A list of the three most important issues to address in the move
towards graduation.
1. Migrate code(GitHub) and website to Apache.
2. Grow the community:
2.1 Improving documentation including APIs & Tutorials.
2.2 Improving user-experience, for example improved error messages.
3 Establish a dependable, Apache-way consistent release process.
3.1 Features: New operators requested by user community.
Accelerate performance on CPUs and GPUs.
* Any issues that the Incubator PMC or ASF Board might wish/need to be
aware of:
Code and website have taken time to get moving on. The plan is to discuss
these with Apache Infra at ApacheCon and then get the code migrated in May.
* How has the community developed since the last report.
1. The community was engaged for contributions to API documentation and
2. Slack channels have been created for the community to contribute
discussions to (though they need to move to the ASF Slack channel that
was recently created).
3. In the last month, excluding merges, 51 authors have pushed 165 commits
to master and 180 commits to all branches. On master, 502 files have
changed and there have been 26,246 additions and 12,188 deletions. Count of
Closed Issues = 62, Count of New Issues = 146, Count of Merged Pull
Requests = 161, Count of Proposed Pull Requests = 27.
* How has the project developed since the last report.
On GitHub:
1. The API Documentation has improved.
2. More features (e.g. operators) requested by the user community has been added.
3. Hardware acceleration like cuDDN6 integration and MKL ML package
integration was completed.
4. A new Perl language binding for MXNet was added.
5. Apache MxNet talk at Apache BigData North America on May 18, 2017
* How does the podling rate their own maturity.
Maturity = Low. Initial setup and adjusting community to Apache-style interactions.
Date of last release:
No @Apache release yet.
When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
No new committers added yet.
[ ](mxnet) Sebastian Schelter
[X](mxnet) Suneel Marthi
[ ](mxnet) Markus Weimer
[X](mxnet) Henri Yandell
Comments: Starting to see movement on moving things to Apache.
The dev@ list is beginning to see traffic.
PredictionIO is an open source Machine Learning Server built on top of state-
of-the-art open source stack, that enables developers to manage and deploy
production-ready predictive services for various kinds of machine learning
PredictionIO has been incubating since 2016-05-26.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Establish a formal release schedule and process, allowing for
dependable release cycles in a manner consistent with the Apache way.
2. Grow the community to establish diversity of background.
3. Transition remaining former PredictionIO users from google-groups to
ASF mailing lists.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
1. We have published the first release (0.11.0) that incorporates major
changes by non-committer contributors.
2. There are new tutorials and online classes for PredictionIO by third
3. The user mailing list has more activities than last report.
4. GitHub stars keep growing.
How has the project developed since the last report?
1. Released version 0.11.0 with major contributions from the
non-committer community.
2. Established PMC documentation regarding release processes.
3. In the process of preparing for top level graduation discussion.
How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
[ ] Initial setup
[ ] Working towards first release
[ ] Community building
[X] Nearing graduation
[ ] Other:
Date of the last release:
Apache PredictionIO 0.11.0-incubating on 2017-04-25
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
Naoki Takezoe was elected as committer and PMC member on Apr 28, 2017,
pending acceptance of invitation and status change.
Shinsuke Sugaya was elected as committer and PMC member on Apr 28, 2017,
pending acceptance of invitation and status change.
Takahiro Hagino was elected as committer and PMC member on Apr 28, 2017,
pending acceptance of invitation and status change.
Takako Shimamoto was elected as committer and PMC member on Apr 28, 2017,
pending acceptance of invitation and status change.
Sara Asher was elected as product manager and JIRA administrator on Apr
30, 2017.
[X](predictionio) Andrew Purtell
Comments: The podling is planning a graduation vote soon. I have expressed
concerns regarding community growth. There are several frequent contributors
who were not invited to become committers until I asked about it. That said,
I think this podling is maturing and nearing graduation.
[ ](predictionio) James Taylor
[ ](predictionio) Lars Hofhansl
[x](predictionio) Luciano Resende
[ ](predictionio) Xiangrui Meng
[ ](predictionio) Suneel Marthi
Ratis is a java implementation for RAFT consensus protocol
Ratis has been incubating since 2017-01-03.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Setup jenkins.
2. Make the first release. Release candidate for 0.1.0-alpha release is out for voting.
3. Add new committers.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
- None
How has the community developed since the last report?
- 3 new contributors joined. Total 29 contributors now.
- Ratis is now being used for a feature in Apache Hadoop, in a branch. That
adds to user community.
How has the project developed since the last report?
- Ratis is now being used for a feature in Apache Hadoop, in a branch. That
adds to user community.
- Release candidate for 0.1.0-alpha release is out for voting.
- 3 new contributors
- 18 new commits
How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
[ ] Initial setup - - Need jenkins setup, and documentation
[ ] Working towards first release - Release candidate out for voting.
[ ] Community building - 3 new contributors. Apache Hadoop community experimenting with the snapshot release.
[ ] Nearing graduation
[ ] Other:
Date of last release:
- None
When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
- Initial set of committers/PPMC.
[ ](ratis) Chris Nauroth
[ ](ratis) Devaraj Das
[x](ratis) Jakob Homan
[ ](ratis) Uma Maheswara Rao G
S2Graph is a distributed and scalable OLTP graph database built on Apache
HBase to support fast traversal of extremely large graphs.
S2Graph has been incubating since 2015-11-29.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Make a second release.
2. Attract more users and contributors.
3. Build the developer community in both size and diversity.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
* Mailing lists have been quiet.
- one inquery on full text search feature support.
How has the project developed since the last report?
* Development has been quiet.
- Working on Integration with Apache TinkerPop3
- StructureStandardSuite has been passed.
- ProcessStandardSuite has been begun. 325/582 passed, 257 failed.
* Issues resolved/created: 0/1
How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
[ ] Initial setup
[ ] Working towards first release
[x] Community building
[ ] Nearing graduation
[ ] Other:
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
[ ](s2graph) Andrew Purtell
[ ](s2graph) Seetharam Venkatesh
[X](s2graph) Sergio Fernández
Comments: The podling struggles to get out of the company that originated
the project and build a community.
IPMC/Shepherd notes:
Drew Farris (shepherd): No apparent commit activity since December and very
little other activity on the mailing list. One mentor active.
SystemML provides declarative large-scale machine learning (ML) that aims at
flexible specification of ML algorithms and automatic generation of hybrid
runtime plans ranging from single node, in-memory computations, to distributed
computations such as Apache Hadoop MapReduce and Apache Spark.
SystemML has been incubating since 2015-11-02.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Grow SystemML community: increase mailing list activity,
increase adoption of SystemML for scalable machine learning, encourage data
scientists to adopt DML algorithm scripts, respond to user feedback to
ensure SystemML meets the requirements of real-world situations, and present
talks about SystemML.
2. Continue to produce releases.
3. Increase the diversity of our project's contributors and committers.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
Our mailing list from February through April had 350 messages on a variety
of topics. We gained 1 new contributor to the project since February 1. On
GitHub, the project has been starred 487 times and forked 184 times.
How has the project developed since the last report?
The main project has had 334 commits since February 1. 112 pull requests have
been created since February 1, and 103 pull requests have been closed. Since
February 1, 348 issues have been reported on our JIRA site and 249 of these
have been resolved.
How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
[ ] Initial setup
[ ] Working towards first release
[X] Community building
[X] Nearing graduation
[ ] Other:
Date of last release:
2017-03-02 (version 0.13.0-incubating)
When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
2017-05-01 Felix Schüler (PPMC)
[x](systemml) Luciano Resende
[X](systemml) Henry Saputra
[ ](systemml) Patrick Wendell
[ ](systemml) Reynold Xin
[ ](systemml) Rich Bowen
IPMC/Shepherd notes:
Drew Farris (shepherd): Healthy activity on the mailing lists.
Two mentors active. Looking good.
Unomi is a reference implementation of the OASIS Context Server specification
currently being worked on by the OASIS Context Server Technical Committee. It
provides a high-performance user profile and event tracking server.
Unomi has been incubating since 2015-10-05.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. New releases with extended tests and updates of used/included projects
(Karaf, Cellar, ...)
2. Grow up both dev and user communities. Encourage new people on the
projects, increasing mix of features and bug fixes.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
We expect traction around the coming release and new updated on the
website (factual use cases).
Some Unomi committers will be present during ApacheCon. We plan some
informal discussion about Unomi and next major steps.
How has the project developed since the last report?
After the 1.1.0-incubating release, we are now preparing 1.2.0-incubating
We improved the tests coverage, including performance benchmark (tests
have been performed with 5M of profiles, and 35M events for instance).
We also plan to move 1.x series on a dedicated branch and update master to
2.x, including major third parties updates.
How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
[ ] Initial setup
[ ] Working towards first release
[X] Community building
[ ] Nearing graduation
[ ] Other:
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
[ ] Initial setup
[ ] Working towards first release
[ ] Community building
[ ] Nearing graduation
[ ] Other:
[ ](unomi) Bertrand Delacretaz
[X](unomi) Jean-Baptiste Onofre
IPMC/Shepherd notes:
Weex is a framework for building Mobile cross-platform high performance UI.
Weex has been incubating since 2016-11-30.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Move the whole workflow and infra into Apache (not the codebase only).
2. Develop more contributors and committers.
3. First Release while in Incubator.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
We are worried that only 1 mentor is actively helping us, as this will put
more burden on the rest of the Incubator to approve our releases.
Especially, most of active committers are not good at dealing with
license-related problem.
How has the community developed since the last report?
* We voted in 3 new committer:TianYi Ma, Tancy and HaiBo Song.
* There are 90+ new forks and 700+ new stars since last report.
* We have encouraged people to discuss more in the JIRA and dev
mail list. Up to now, 30 issues are reported on JIRA and 25 of them
are resovled.
* We have redirect github's mails to the commits mail list to have a
clear overview of our activity in the dev mail list.
How has the project developed since the last report?
* We are trying to release 0.12 this month. Both two RCs were failed due
to the license issue. This is major issue of project.
How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
[ ] Initial setup
[x] Working towards first release
[ ] Community building
[ ] Nearing graduation
[ ] Other:
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
TianYi Ma, 5 April 2017
Tancy, 18 April 2017
HaiBo Song, 24 April 2017
[ ](weex) Luke Han
[ ](weex) Willem Jiang
[ ](weex) Stephan Ewen
[x](weex) Niclas Hedhman
Comments: Technical development and sheer momentum is still very high,
and no concerns in that area. The move of GitHUb notifications to
commits@ makes dev@ a more pleasant space. But I still have concerns that
a lot of discussions of what to do happens in office or other channels.
Attachment AE: Report from the Apache jUDDI Project [Alex O'Ree]
jUDDI (pronounced "Judy") is an open source Java implementation of the
Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI v3)
specification for (Web) Services. The jUDDI project includes Scout.
Scout is an implementation of the JSR 93 - Java API for XML Registries
1.0 (JAXR).
- All mailing lists have had very Low traffic this quarter.
- 3.3.4 Released Feb 11, 2017, maintenance and bug fixes.
- No release this period, no development took place.
- No JAXR related questions on the mailing list.
Last PMC addition and new committer April 3, 2013 (Alex O'Ree)
Last Release jUDDI-3.3.4, Feb 11, 2017
Next Release jUDDI-3.3.5, Planned for Aug 2017
There are no issues that require the boards attention at this time.
Low development activity is a factor for low mailing list volume, but in all
likelihood, it's from a general lack of interest in the protocol.
There are enough active PMC members to approve releases and respond to potential
security issues. There were no issue raised since the last report.
Attachment AF: Report from the Apache Kafka Project [Jun Rao]
Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform for efficiently storing and
processing a large number of records in real time.
We released on Feb. 21, 2017, which includes new features such as
session window and global table in streams, client compatibilty, multiple
listeners in the same security protocol and SASL/SCRAM. We released on
Apr. 26, 2017, which includes 29 critical bug fixes.
We are actively working on new features such as exactly-once semantic, admin
apis, request quotas, and controller improvement for the next release.
Lots of activities in the mailing list. We have 2427 subscribers in the user
mailing list, up 89 in the last 3 months. We have 1824 emails in the user
mailing list in the last 3 months, about the same as 1833 in the previous cycle.
We have 977 subscribers in the dev mailing list, up 54 in the last 3 months. We
have 6779 emails in the dev mailing list in the last 3 months, up from 6066 in
the previous cycle.
We elected one new committer, Rajini Sivaram on Apr. 22, 2017. We last elected a
new PMC member Gwen Shapira on Aug. 17, 2016.
We held a 1-day Kafka Summit in NY on May 8. It's a success with 24 technical
sessions and more than 500 attendees.
=========== was released on Apr. 26, 2017.
Attachment AG: Report from the Apache Knox Project [Larry McCay]
# Description
The Apache Knox Gateway is a REST API Gateway for interacting with Apache
Hadoop clusters. The Knox Gateway provides a single access point for all
REST/HTTP interactions with Apache Hadoop clusters.
# Issues
# Status
The Apache Knox team released 0.12.0 was release on Mar 20th with some great
enhancements and new features, some of the highlights are:
* Proxy support for Solr UI and API
* Proxy support for Gremlin REST API
* KnoxToken API for acquiring a Knox Access Token
* Proxy support for Zeppelin UI through Knox
* New release module for KnoxShell
* YARN RM HA implementation for REST API and UI
* Support for pluggable validator for Header pre authentication provider
We have continued to use the KIP-# pages to drive the primary focus of each
release and feel it is working well. The 0.12.0 release was primarily
focused on the client library and programming model for consuming REST APIs
through Knox. There had been an increasing uptake of this library and it had
become clear that it needed to mature.
We have begun discussing what needs to land in 0.13.0 and what the strategy
is for a 1.0.0 release in this timeframe. KIPs have been created for security
improvements, port-mapping for simplified URLs and refactoring for package
The current level of collaboration is healthy and encouraging within the
community on both mailing lists and JIRAs.
# Releases
* 0.12.0: 2017-03-20 Added support for new APIs and UIs, KnoxToken API,
release module for KnoxShell, and fixed a number of bugs - through
~35 commits.
# Development Activity
* Community is working toward the 0.13.0 goals and a possible 1.0.0 release
which will continue to use KIPs to drive the release themes
* Jira: 933 total, +14 -3 (last 30 days)
* Git (Source): 10 commits over last 30 days
* SVN (Site & Docs): 2 commits over last 30 days
# Community Activity
## Membership Changes
* Sandeep More was added as a committer and PMC member on 1/20/2017.
* We continue to see a growth in contributions from the community and remain
on the lookout for new committer candidates to emerge.
## Mailing List Activity
* user@knox: ~50 messages over last 30 days
* dev@knox: ~500 messages over last 30 days (inflated due to jenkins emails)
Attachment AH: Report from the Apache Kylin Project [Luke Han]
## Description:
Apache Kylin is an open source Distributed Analytics Engine designed
to provide SQL interface and multi-dimensional analysis (OLAP) on
Hadoop supporting extremely large datasets.
## Issues:
- there are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Activity:
- Nominated 3 committers
- Apache Kylin 2.0 has been developed long time, it
has been release on 2017-04-30, the coming development
activities will more focus on migration bug fixes which
reported by community and testing result
- Yang Li presented Apache Kylin 2.0 features
at Strata Hadoop World San Jose on 2017-03-16
- Luke Han presented Apache Kylin open source
at OSCAR Beijing on 2017-04-19
- Apache Kylin Meetup @Toutiao in Beijing
hosted on 2017-04-29 with 200 attendees onsite
and 200 online
- Chaozhong Yang presented Apache Kylin use case
in Toutiao at above Meetup
at OSCAR Beijing on 2017-04-19
- Dong Li presented Apache Kylin
at OSC China Fujian on 2017-02-25
- Dong Li presented Apache Kylin
at OSC China Xiamen on 2017-02-26
- Dong Li presented Apache Kylin
at OSC China Wuhan on 2017-04-15
- Dong Li presented Apache Kylin
at OSC China Changsha on 2017-04-16
- Hongbin Ma presented Apache Kylin
at NJSDGlobal Nanjing on 2017-04-21
- Chen Wang presented Apache Kylin
at DBAPlus Meetup China Shanghai on 2017-04-08
- Roger Shi presented Apache Kylin
at SQL on Hadoop Meetup Shanghai on 2017-04-29
## PMC changes:
- Currently 18 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Dong Li on Mon Apr 11 2016
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 28 committers.
- New commmitters:
- Alberto Ramón was added as a committer on Thu Apr 27 2017
- Zhixiong Chen was added as a committer on Thu Apr 27 2017
- Roger Shi was added as a committer on Thu Apr 27 2017
## Releases:
- 2.0.0 was released on Sat Apr 29 2017
## Mailing list activity:
- 334 subscribers (up 23 in the last 3 months):
- 809 emails sent to list (900 in previous quarter)
- 61 subscribers (up 9 in the last 3 months):
- 923 emails sent to list (1525 in previous quarter)
- 270 subscribers (up 52 in the last 3 months):
- 239 emails sent to list (320 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 164 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 151 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AI: Report from the Apache Lens Project [Amareshwari Sriramadasu]
## Description:
Lens provides an Unified Analytics interface. Lens aims to cut the Data
Analytics silos by providing a single view of data across multiple tiered
data stores and optimal execution environment for the analytical query. It
seamlessly integrates Hadoop with traditional data warehouses to appear like
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
Community has done the following improvements in project:
- Following features are added in OLAP cube service
- Support different tables at update period level
- Union queries across fact tables to support each fact/storage evolution
- Cube segmentation which offers multiple smaller cubes to be
participating cubes to complete a base cube
- CubeTestSetup changed to use xml file definitions
- Virtual fact feature which adds ability to provide a mandatory
filter for a fact
- Project has been moved to compile with Java8, by default.
- Some issues in python client resolved.
- 2.7 release planning activity has started
## PMC changes:
- Currently 18 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Puneet Gupta on Tue Sep 20 2016
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 22 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Archana H at Sat May 21 2016
## Releases:
- Last release was 2.6 on Tue Oct 25 2016
## JIRA activity:
- 34 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 29 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AJ: Report from the Apache Libcloud Project [Tomaž Muraus]
## Description:
Libcloud is a Python library that abstracts away the differences among
multiple cloud provider APIs.
## Issues:
There are no issues which require board attention at this time.
## Activity:
Since the v2.0.0 release candidates, activity has picked up and we have
received a good amount of various contributions.
Major milestone for us was v2.0.0 release (April 25, 2017) which included
a big rewrite of the core piece of the code which handles HTTP(s) requests.
We moved from a home grown implementation to requests (widely popular and
used Python library).
## PMC changes:
- Currently 13 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Jeff Dunham on Sat May 21 2016
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 19 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Jeff Dunham at Sat May 21 2016
## Releases:
- 2.0.0 was released on Tue Apr 25 2017
- 2.0.0-rc2 was released on Fri Apr 07 2017
## JIRA activity:
- 21 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 14 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AK: Report from the Apache Logging Services Project [Ralph Goers]
The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains open-
source software related to application logging.
Currently there are no issues which require the board's attention.
- Community
Log4j 2 remains an active project. The overall community is healthy
and friendly.
"CVE-2017-5645 - Apache Log4j socket receiver
deserialization vulnerability" was fixed. The same vulnerability
was reported against Logstash. After the fix was announced a
developer from a Logstash contacted us that he was not happy
with the fix we made. The vulnerability is due to the design of
how Java handles deserialization of Java serialized oobjects. We
modified our Socket Server example to implement white listing to
prevent deserializating untrusted objects. The Logstash developer
wanted Log4j to solve the problem on the sending side. We pointed
out that this would not cure the security vulnerabilty in
Logstash as they accept Java serialized events from other sources.
We then directed him to an alternate format they could recommend
to their users instead of using Java serialized objects. We are
also planning on removing the SerializedLayout as the default for
the SocketAppender.
Log4cxx has graduated back to the Logging project.More details are in
the subproject section below.
The development mailing lists were combined this quarter so that the
PMC could stop having discussions on the private list. This has resulted
in a net loss of about 9% of the subscribers from the individual various
lists. It would seem most of those unsubscribing did not like the sudden
increase in email they were now getting since most of the dev mailing
lists were very quiet. OTOH, there has been a noticeable increase in
cross-project discussions.
In general, all subprojects are still healthy although none has grown
since the last report.
- Project Branding Requirements
All components except Chainsaw meet the branding requirements. The PMC
needs to discuss what to do about this as it appears no release will be
- Last three community changes
* Curt Arnold resigned from the PMC and as a committer on May 4, 2017
* Thorsten Schöning was added as a committer on Mar 6, 2017
* Jonathon Davies was added as a committer on Jan 8, 2017
- Releases
* Log4j 2.8.1 (Feb 28, 2017)
* Log4j 2.8.2 (Apr 4, 2017)
* Log4net 2.0.8 (Mar 10, 2017)
- Subproject summaries
Log4j 2: Active. Several new git repos have been created for additional
components related to Log4j. Initial work to support Java 9 has begun.
Log4net: Active with 1 release within the last quarter. The project
moved from subversion to git and modified the web site to reflect the
look and feel of the other Logging project sites.
Log4cxx: Log4cxx was graduated from the incubator back to the Logging
Services project. The most active committer in the podling, Thorsten
Schöning, was added as a Logging Services committer. Another individual
has been active on the mailing list and will contribute enough to also
become a committer.
Log4php: No activity this quarter.
Chainsaw: There has been some activity with questions this quarter. However,
there is great concern that that the primary individual maintaining
Chainsaw is pointing people to his private unreleased snapshot instead
of performing a release. Otherwise, Chainsaw continues to have no activity,
and continues to not conform to the ASF branding requirements.
Attachment AL: Report from the Apache Lucene.Net Project [Prescott Nasser]
Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C#
and targeted at .NET runtime users.
== Summary ==
* Finally released a beta version of 4.8.0 to the community. (Vote:, passed )
* We're quickly following that up with a second beta to fix some critical
multi threading issues (Vote currently inprogress)
* Strong community involvement to get this over the line, and lots of people
are jumping in to give feedback on the release.
* Previously we've been asked about "strong involvement". In efforts to
quantify that a bit, mailing list message count on dev starting in Jan: 28,
14, 58, 167, 123 (10 days into may). Additionally, we've had several
community members look at performance enhancements and submit PR's (which
for us is not common).
== Releases ==
* Release 4.8.0 Beta1 - May, 2017
* Release 3.0.3 - Oct 2012
== Statistics ==
* Last PMC Member added May 2017, Shad Storhaug
* Last committer added Sept 2016, Shad Storhaug
Nuget package downloads:
* Lucene.Net 3.0.3: 550,874 (up from 417,307)
* Lucene.Net.Contrib 3.0.3: 141,606 (up from 109,915)
* Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial: 12,883 (up from 11,269)
* Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS: 2,347 (up from 2,079)
As we will have 17 packages for 4.8.0 release, I'll work on a new way to
present these metrics. Currently we have about 18 downloads of the core beta
package and 9 for the various libraries that add additional features
Attachment AM: Report from the Apache Mahout Project [Andrew Palumbo]
Apache Mahout Board Report, May 2017
Apache Mahout is an environment for quickly creating scalable performant machine learning applications.
## Issues:
- None
## Activity:
Mahout released its benchmark 0.13.0 release with GPU and multi-threaded native
solvers using OpenCL, OpenMP (ViennaCL), and CUDA (NVIDIA) in the works.
An intuitive Algorithm Development Framework was also released in 0.13.0 based
on the sk-learn model.
Current work is on building out an algorithm library and continued native
New more modern Website
Google Summer of Code - We have enthusiastically accepted Aditya Sarma’s
proposal to add the DBSCAN clustering algorithm, and additionally an alternate
implementation of the DBSCAN algorithm which reduces complexity from O(n^2) to
O(log(n) * n).
## Health report:
- The health of the project is good with a devoted team of committers.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 15 PMC members.
- Last PMC addition was Trevor Grant on Feb 4 2017
## Committer base changes:
- Nikolai Sakarnykh was added as a committer on April 21, 2017
- Currently 27 committers.
## External Events
Pat Ferrel, Andy Palumbo. GPU Technology Conference. Silicon Valley, CA- May 11,
Marthi, Trevor Grant. GPU Technology Conference. Silicon Valley, CA- May 11,
Apache Mahout: An Extendable Machine Learning Framework for Spark and Flink
Trevor Grant. Apache Big Data. Miami, FL- May 16, 2017
An Apache Based Intelligent IoT Stack for Transportation
Trevor Grant, Joe Olsen. ApacheCon IoT. Miami, FL- May 18, 2017
Apache Mahout: Distributed Matrix Math for Machine Learning
Andrew Musselman. MLConf. Seattle, WA- May 19, 2017
Attachment AN: Report from the Apache ManifoldCF Project [Karl Wright]
Project description
ManifoldCF is an effort to provide an open source framework for connecting
source content repositories like Microsoft Sharepoint and EMC Documentum, to
target repositories or indexes, such as Apache Solr, OpenSearchServer or
ElasticSearch. ManifoldCF also defines a security model for target
repositories that permits them to enforce source repository security
ManifoldCF graduated from the Apache Incubator on May 16, 2012. Since then,
there have been numerous major releases, including a 2.7 release on
April 20, 2017. The next major release is scheduled for August 30, 2017.
Committers and PMC membership
The last committer we signed up was Markus Schuch on December 2, 2016. The last
PMC member was Rafa Haro, voted in on August 31, 2015. In response to the
Board's inquiry in February, we've been looking for PMC members and there are
some potential ones among our newer committers, but it's too soon to know yet.
Generally we like to see long-term interest in the project before we offer PMC
Mailing list activity
Mailing list activity has been high this quarter. Major development has been
taking place around a new user interface and the 2.7 release, which turned out
to be major for a number of reasons. Issues reported have been largely about
refinements to some of our connectors that have a short track record, such as
the email connector. I am unaware of any mailing list question that
has gone unanswered.
Outstanding issues
No outstanding infrastructure issues are known at this time.
We continue to believe we are now compliant with Apache branding guidelines,
with the possible exception of (TM) signs in logos from other Apache products
that don't have any such marks. We received word that the ManifoldCF
trademark application (US TM App No. 86583085 for "MANIFOLDCF" in Cl. 9 | DLA
Ref: 393457-900118) has been accepted.
Attachment AO: Report from the Apache Marmotta Project [Jakob Frank]
# Marmotta Board Report for May 2017
## Description:
Apache Marmotta, an Open Platform for Linked Data.
Apache Marmotta was founded in December 2012, and has graduated from the
Incubator in November 2013.
## Issues:
There are no major issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
Still very low, but a quarter with more activity in the community, specially
regarding questions and patches. The community still struggles to find its fit
to warranty midterm viability of the project.
Therefore it is critical to find new people with the time and the ideas to
keep the project alive and being a reference in the Linked Data spectrum.
Given his contributions to the project, Xavier Sumba was invited as new
Regarding that, we have proposed to Google Summer of Code the task of
upgrading to Eclipse RDF4J. Marmotta still uses the old Sesame, and this is
critical for the future technical viability. The project received two
different proposals, accepting the one by Gustavo Mora (Ecuador).
Further details at the announcement mail:
## Health report:
The project was considered feature-complete in 3.3.0. The current release
cycle (3.4.0) focuses on refining and fixing bug, plus incorporation some
non-core new features. The development activities (issues, commits, emails)
have significantly come down in the last year.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 11 PMC members.
- Last PMC addition was Mark A. Matienzo on Thu Aug 18 2016
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 13 committers.
- Xavier Sumba was added as a committer on Mon Mar 27 2017
## Releases:
- Last release was 3.3.0 on Fri Dec 05 2014
## Mailing list activity:
- 113 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months):
- 7 emails sent to list (4 in previous quarter)
- 100 subscribers (up 5 in the last 3 months):
- 101 emails sent to list (31 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 3 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 4 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AP: Report from the Apache MetaModel Project [Kasper Sørensen]
## Description:
Providing a common interface for discovery, exploration of metadata and
querying of different types of data sources.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Activity:
- Initiative started (recent week or so) to get an early version of MetaModel
5.0 out.
- Activity on the main @dev mailing list remains lower than it was a few
reporting cycles ago.
## Health report:
- The low activity is still a bit concerning. The project has certainly slowed
down and the work to make a 5.0 release seems to have lost momentum. As a
reaction to this there is a proposal (from myself) to release it with less
enhancements than what was sketched in JIRA, but enough to maybe spark the
project into life a bit.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 11 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Dennis Du Krøger on Mon Sep 05 2016
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 11 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Dennis Du Krøger at Thu Oct 15 2015
## Releases:
- Last release was 4.6.0 on Fri Feb 03 2017
## Mailing list activity:
- As can be seen from the stats below, the trend doesn't look good and it seems
that several core community members are spending less time on the project now
than previously.
- 78 subscribers (down -3 in the last 3 months):
- 20 emails sent to list (79 in previous quarter)
- 7 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months)
- 16 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):
- 0 emails sent to list (3 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 3 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 1 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AQ: Report from the Apache Metron Project [Casey Stella]
## Description:
Metron integrates a variety of open source big data technologies in order
to offer a centralized tool for security monitoring and analysis. Metron
provides capabilities for log aggregation, full packet capture indexing,
storage, advanced behavioral analytics and data enrichment, while applying
the most current threat-intelligence information to security telemetry
within a single platform.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Activity:
- We graduated from the incubator at the time of last month's board
- We are moving through the unincubation checklist and have JIRAs
outstanding with INFRA to migrate some of our infrastructure over.
- We are in the middle of voting for a release, our first as an top level
## Health report:
Project activity is broadly the same as in prior months. There was
some renewed interest after graduation in user@ and it's evident that
more people are trying the product. I think a new release will
increase interest and traffic.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 24 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- A new PMC member is being discussed presently in private@
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 24 committers.
- No changes (the PMC was established in the last 3 months)
## Releases:
- We are working on our first release post-graduation.
## Mailing list activity:
- 174 subscribers (up 9 in the last 3 months):
- 3259 emails sent to list (2140 in previous quarter)
- 22 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 2540 emails sent to list (1770 in previous quarter)
- 194 subscribers (up 19 in the last 3 months):
- 440 emails sent to list (34 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 238 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 131 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AR: Report from the Apache MINA Project [Jean-François Maury]
## Description:
Apache MINA is a network application framework which helps users
develop high performance and high scalability network applications
## Issues:
FTPServer 1.1.1 fixes stability problems.
## Activity:
A single release this quarter for FTPServer
## Health report:
Project activitity is broadly the same as previous quarter, in all the
various categories (commits, JIRA tickets, mails)
## PMC changes:
- Currently 12 PMC members.
- Lyor Goldstein was added to the PMC on Mon Feb 13 2017
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 26 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Lyor Goldstein at Thu Apr 30 2015
## Releases:
- Apache FTPServer 1.1.1 was released on Tue Apr 25 2017
## Mailing list activity:
- 511 subscribers (up 3 in the last 3 months):
- 27 emails sent to list (46 in previous quarter)
- 357 subscribers (down -3 in the last 3 months):
- 286 emails sent to list (303 in previous quarter)
- 129 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months):
- 16 emails sent to list (2 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 24 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 14 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AS: Report from the Apache Oltu Project [Antonio Sanso]
Attachment AT: Report from the Apache Oozie Project [Robert Kanter]
## Description:
- Oozie is a workflow scheduler system to manage Apache Hadoop jobs.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- The OOZIE-1770 Oozie on Yarn project is still being
reviewed for merging back to the trunk branch. The plan
is to finish this around May 12, and do the remaining
Oozie on Yarn work in the trunk branch.
- Most other work is on bug/usability fixes
- We're planning on doing an Oozie 5.0.0 release later
this year, with Oozie on Yarn as the flagship feature.
- There's been talk of maintaining the 4.x line with
minor bug fixes, but nothing's been decided yet.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 16 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Ryota Egashira on Mon Aug 10 2015
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 23 committers.
- New commmitters:
- Gézapeti was added as a (full) committer on Mon Mar 17 2017
- Peter Bacsko was added as a (full) committer on Thu Mar 20 2017
- Last committer addition was Satish Saley at Mon Jan 02 2017
## Releases:
- Last release was 4.3.0 on Thu Dec 01 2016
## Mailing list activity:
- 157 subscribers (up 3 in the last 3 months):
- 1836 emails sent to list (1895 in previous quarter)
- 493 subscribers (down -13 in the last 3 months):
- 61 emails sent to list (74 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 93 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 57 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AU: Report from the Apache Open Climate Workbench Project [Michael James Joyce]
Apache Open Climate Workbench is a tool for scalable comparisons of remote
sensing observations to climate model outputs.
Activities and started picking back up again on the task after the holiday /
conference breaks. The project released v 1.1.0 late in July which provides a
number of key features required of the tool in addition to many quality-of-life
improvements. After working hard on a number of features for 1.2, the project
voted to release 1.2 on the 24th of April. Artifacts will be pushed out shortly!
Issues for the Board:
When was the last committer or PMC member elected:
- Omkar Reddy - 20 January 2016
- Ibrahim Jarif - 26 April 2016
When was the last release:
- 1.1.0 - 27 July 2016
- 1.2.0 - 24 April 2017
Attachment AV: Report from the Apache Perl Project [Philippe M. Chiasson]
--- mod_perl --
No new mod_perl 2.x releases since 2016-10.
A quiet quarter all around, with a few bugfixes going into 2.0.11-dev
because of changes in httpd 2.4.25
-- Activity --
mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though
as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally
slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and
fixes are applied with due consideration for our production userbase.
-- Users --
The mod_perl users list is seeing little activity, as usual.
Patches and bug reports are few, but keep on coming.
-- Commiters --
Currently 22 committers.
No new changes to the committer base since last report.
Last Commiter addition was Jan Kaluza in April 2013
-- PMC --
Currently 11 PMC members.
No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
Last PMC addition was Steve Hay on Wed Feb 29 2012
Attachment AW: Report from the Apache Phoenix Project [James R. Taylor]
## Description:
- Apache Phoenix enables SQL-based OLTP and operational analytics
for Hadoop using Apache HBase as its backing store.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Activity:
- Successfully released 4.10.0 with substantial performance
improvements for write-once/append only use cases.
- Planning for PhoenixCon 2017 is going well: 120 attendees have
RSVPed and we have 7 talks submitted. Event is scheduled for
Tue June 13th.
## Health report:
- The project is healthy and continues to grow as users look for easy
ways to gain insight over and manage their ever-increasing Hadoop
data through standard SQL and JDBC APIs.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 24 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Josh Elser on Tue Aug 09 2016
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 31 committers.
- New commmitters:
- Chenglei was added as a committer on Wed Feb 22 2017
- Geoffrey Jacoby was added as a committer on Sun Feb 26 2017
## Releases:
- 4.10.0 was released on Mon Mar 13 2017
## JIRA activity:
- 181 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 121 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AX: Report from the Apache POI Project [Dominik Stadler]
Report from the Apache POI committee [Dominik Stadler]
## Description:
- Apache POI is a Java library for reading and writing Microsoft Office file
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Activity:
- There is constant activity in commits, bugfixes, feature-work and also
user questions.
Work happened in areas like various ways of embedding other types of files
in Office files, support for EMF pictures, Unicode related fixes, some Asian
date formats and (HX)SLF file format (.ppt/.pptx) improvements.
We released 3.16 in April and are planning for a first beta for 3.17 during
Long-term efforts like mass-regression-testing and high unit test coverage
seem to begin to pay off as the number of regression bugs is small despite
code-changes in many areas.
Unit test coverage is key for on-boarding new developers who aren't
familiar with all the code, working quickly to develop new features or test
contributions by developers who do have a better understanding of the code,
greatly simplifying pre-release testing, and reducing bugs and regressions.
## Health report:
- The last few months we saw a constant stream of new bug reports/feature
requests which indicates that the popularity of Apache POI is still very
good, maybe even increasing.
However also the number of open bug-reports is increasing, many users
requests and questions with only a handful of people actively triaging
these reports.
On new committers/PMC: there are currently only a few users active enough to
discuss committership to bring on new talent.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 28 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Greg Woolsey on Wed Oct 05 2016
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 35 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Greg Woolsey at Tue Oct 04 2016
## Releases:
- 3.16 was released on Wed Apr 19 2017
## Mailing list activity:
- Mainly constant membership numbers, a few new subscribers for this
period. POI is a mature project with a stable user/developer-base.
- 243 subscribers (up 4 in the last 3 months):
- 882 emails sent to list (795 in previous quarter)
- 131 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):
- 2 emails sent to list (2 in previous quarter)
- 634 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months):
- 142 emails sent to list (192 in previous quarter)
## Bugzilla Statistics:
- 94 Bugzilla tickets created in the last 3 months
- 61 Bugzilla tickets resolved in the last 3 months
- 496 bugs are open overall
- Having 126 enhancements, thus having 370 actual bugs
- 103 of these are waiting for feedback
- Thus having 267 actual workable bugs
- 6 of the workable bugs have patches available
- Distribution of workable bugs across components: {HSSF=79, XSSF=73, HWPF=37,
SS Common=29, XWPF=16, SXSSF=10, XSLF=8, HPSF=4, POI Overall=4, POIFS=3,
HSLF=2, HSMF=1, OPC=1}
Attachment AY: Report from the Apache Qpid Project [Robbie Gemmell]
Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a
protocol engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a
message router, and client libraries for C++, Java / JMS, .Net,
Python, Perl and Ruby.
# Releases:
- Qpid Proton-J 0.18.0 was released on 10th March 2017.
- Qpid JMS 0.21.0 was released on 14th March 2017.
- Qpid Python 1.36.0 was released on 14th March 2017.
- Qpid for Java 6.1.2 was released on 21st March 2017.
- Qpid JMS 0.22.0 was released on 20th April 2017.
- Qpid Dispatch 0.8.0 was released on 1st May 2017.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.19.0 was released on 6th May 2017.
# Community:
- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and JIRAs
are being raised and addressed, in line with prior activity levels.
- There were no new PMC additions in this quarter.
The most recent new PMC member is Ganesh Murthy, added on 30th Jan 2017.
- There were no new committer additions in this quarter.
The most recent new committer is Ganesh Murthy, added on 29th Feb 2016.
# Development:
- Following prior discussion around making the AMQP 0-x JMS client and
Java broker independently releasable components going forward, work was
undertaken to that end. The components were then additionally migrated
from Subversion to individual Git repositories, now aligning all project
components on using Git. Work continues towards a 7.0.0 broker release and
a 6.3.0 client release, as well as bug fixes in the existing 6.x lines.
- Proton-J had its 0.18.0 and 0.19.0 releases, incorporating various bug
fixes and improvements. Proton-C and its language bindings continues to
see significant work implementing improved support for alternate IO level
integrations, working toward a 0.18.0 release.
- Dispatch router had its 0.8.0 release, incorporating a significant set of
improvements and bug fixes over the prior release. Work is now well under
way to overhaul its IO handling, based on the work for Proton 0.18.0,
building towards a Dispatch 1.0.0 release.
- The AMQP 1.0 JMS client had its 0.21.0 and 0.22.0 releases, incorporating
various bug fixes and improvements since the 0.20.0 release added support
for JMS 2.0. Additional fixes and improvements continue, with the next
release planned in the coming weeks.
# Issues:
There are no Board-level issues at this time.
Attachment AZ: Report from the Apache REEF Project [Byung-Gon Chun]
## Description:
Apache REEF (Retainable Evaluator Execution Framework) is a library for
developing portable applications for cluster resource managers such as
Apache Hadoop YARN or Apache Mesos.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- REEF-as-a-library completed after one year's effort.
With this feature, running REEF on Spark demonstrated.
- Great progress towards running REEF.Net on CoreCLR/Linux.
- Hosting two GSoC students who will work on verifying REEF
protocols formally and exposing new resource manager
features through REEF.
## Health report:
Overall, the community is healthy: the community has been achieving
important milestones and there is a constant flow of bug reports, fixes,
and discussions.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 21 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Andrew Chung on Wed Nov 18 2015
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 34 committers.
- Doug Service was added as a committer on Tue Apr 11 2017
## Releases:
- Last release was 0.15 on Mon May 23 2016
- Preparing for releas 0.16, which we plan to announce
during the week of ApacheCon
## Mailing list activity:
- 79 subscribers (up 3 in the last 3 months):
- 793 emails sent to list (384 in previous quarter)
- 12 subscribers (up 3 in the last 3 months):
- 2 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 58 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 44 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment BA: Report from the Apache River Project [Patricia Shanahan]
## Description:
Apache River provides a platform for dynamic discovery and lookup search of
network services. Services may be implemented in a number of languages, while
clients are required to be jvm based, to allow proxy jvm byte code to be
provisioned dynamically.
## Issues:
No significant issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- Significant drop in activity since February (205 emails on dev), down to 6 in
March and 8 in April.
- Proposed Release roadmap received positive responses:
Proposed Release roadmap:
> River 3.0.1 - thread leak fix
> River 3.1 - Modular build restructure (& binary release)
> River 3.2 - Input validation 4 Serialization, delayed unmarshalling & safe
ServiceRegistrar lookup service.
> River 3.3 - OSGi support
## Health report:
- Minimal activity at present on dev.
- Plan to update website with more recent success stories of River deployment,
in one large scale deployment example maintenance costs are low to non
existance while reliability is reportedly very solid in the face of external
system failures. There seem to be at least four recent examples that need to
be added to our success stories.
- No recent commit activity, but there are plans for more work in near future.
- Future Direction:
* Target IOT space with support for OSGi and IPv6 (security fixes required
prior to announcement)
* Input validation for java deserialization - prevents DOS and
Gadget attacks.
* IPv6 Multicast Service Discovery (River currently only support
IPv4 multicast discovery).
* Delayed unmarshalling for Service Lookup and Discovery (includes
SafeServiceRegistrar mentioned in release roadmap), so
authentication can occur prior to downloading service proxy's,
this addresses a long standing security issue with service lookup
while significantly improving performance under some use cases.
* Security fixes for SSL endpoints, updated to TLS v1.2 with removal
of support for insecure cyphers.
* Maven build to replace existing ant built that uses
classdepandjar, a bytecode dependency analysis build tool.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 11 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Bryan Thompson on Sun Aug 30 2015
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 15 committers.
- Zsolt Kúti was added as a committer on Wed Dec 07 2016
- Bharath Kumar was added as a committer on the 23th March 2017
## Releases:
- River-3.0.0 was released on Wed Oct 05 2016
## Mailing list activity:
- Relatively quiet in comparison to recent months, however this appears as a
result of reaching concensus after a period of discussion.
## JIRA activity:
- Nil Activity this period.
## Addendum: Response / clarification for publication of security info.
River's existing deployments are on private networks due to some limitations
with NAT and ipv4 preventing deployment on public networks, ipv6 will allow
public network deployment (end to end connectivity is required by River), the
security fixes are required before we incorporate ipv6 support. In practice,
most readers of dev@river.a.o understand the issue.
Attachment BB: Report from the Apache Roller Project [Dave Johnson]
## Description:
Apache Roller is a full-featured, Java-based blog server that works
well on Tomcat and MySQL, and is known to run on other Java servers
and relational databases. The ASF blog site at runs on
Roller 5.1.2 Tomcat and MySQL.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Activity:
- The core Roller community is small and with low activity levels.
- There is ongoing work to create a modernized UI using Bootstrap with Struts.
## Health report:
- Community is made-up of part-time volunteers with limited time to devote to
## PMC changes:
- Currently 5 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Kohei Nozaki on Sun Dec 06 2015
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 10 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Kohei Nozaki at Mon Mar 09 2015
## Releases:
- Last release was 5.1.2 on Tue Mar 24 2015
## Mailing list activity:
Subscriber counts could be taken to mean there is still some interest in
Apache Roller. The low email counts reflec the low level of development
and user-support activity.
- 157 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 4 emails sent to list (4 in previous quarter)
- 284 subscribers (down -3 in the last 3 months):
- 6 emails sent to list (2 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 1 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 0 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment BC: Report from the Apache Santuario Project [Colm O hEigeartaigh]
## Description:
- Library implementing XML Digital Signature Specification & XML Encryption
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Activity:
- There were no new releases over the last quarter. A user reported a
documentation issue relating to thread safety that was fixed. As part of
this some code refactoring was done to remove duplicate code from an area
of the project.
Some work was also done on getting the forthcoming 2.1.0 release of the Java
library ready to work with Java 9. It is anticipated that 2.1.0 might be
released over the next quarter, or possibly the quarter after that.
## Health report:
- Apache Santuario is a mature and stable project that has reached a point
where not too many fixes are required, as it is a set of implementations
of some specifications that are quite old now. It is actively managed by
the PMC. Right now there are no obvious potential new committers for the
We had a discussion on the private list about the future of the project.
For now it appears the forthcoming Java 2.1.0 release might be the last
major release in the foreseeable future, unless new contributions are made.
We anticipate several more years at least of bug fixing maintenance however.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 6 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Marc Giger on Wed Apr 03 2013
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 16 committers.
- No new changes to the committer base since last report.
- Last committer addition was Marc Giger in July 2012
## Releases:
- Last release was Apache Santuario XML Security for Java 2.0.8 on Mon Dec
05 2016
## JIRA activity:
- 2 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 2 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment BD: Report from the Apache Serf Project [Bert Huijben]
## Description:
The serf library is a high performance C-based HTTP client library
built upon the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) library. Serf is the
default client library of Apache Subversion, Apache OpenOffice and
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
Some minor features were added over the last few months. Distributor
input triggered some release script updates, but we haven't created
a new release yet.
## Health report:
Activity is at a normal, fairly quiet level.
The serf project's activity is quite related to that of Subversion
and with that projects recent affairs we slowed more than expected.
## PMC & Committer changes:
Currently 12 PMC members and 13 committers. We added Evgeny Kotkov
as Committer and PMC member this April.
## Releases:
Apache Serf 1.3.9 was released on Thu Sep 01 2016
## Mailing list and Jira activity:
Normal slow activity.
Attachment BE: Report from the Apache SIS Project [Martin Desruisseaux]
## Description:
Apache Spatial Information System (SIS) is a Java library for developing
geospatial applications. SIS enables better representation of spatial
objects for searching, archiving, or other relevant spatial needs. The
base of the SIS library is modelled according international standards
published jointly by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
Commits continue at the same rate (a few per days on average). We got
two Google Summer of Code (GSoC) projects accepted: one for porting
Apache SIS to the Android platform [1], and one for creating a JavaFX
frontend [2]. Work from previous GSoC has not yet been fully integrated
into Apache SIS; we are in the same state than previous report in this
regard. Previous report also mentioned one possible new contributor and
we asked if he could sign ICLA, but got no confirmation yet.
We will have two talks in two Free and Open Source Software for
Geospatial (FOSS4G) conferences: a talk in FOSS4G Europe (July 19-21th
in Paris) [3] and a 20 minutes talk in FOSS4G International (August
14-19 in Boston [4]). Apache SIS is also referenced in the latest draft
of W3C Spatial Data on the Web Best Practices paper [5].
Release of SIS 0.8 (possibly renumbered 1.0) is pending release of
GeoAPI 3.0.1 by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). This release has
been approved a few months ago; the delay is only due to the time needed
by OGC staff for completing other tasks before GeoAPI in their queue.
For future GeoAPI evolutions, we are trying to form a new working group
at OGC and drafted a new charter to be submitted at OGC. More news will
be posted on Apache geospatial mailing list if the group creation is
## Health report:
The project is reported healthy according the Apache Committee Report
Helper, but got no new committer in the last year. Activity on the
developers mailing list has increased thanks to Google Summer of Code
## PMC changes:
* Currently 19 PMC members.
* No new PMC members added in the last 3 months.
* Last PMC addition was Marc Le Bihan on Wed Dec 10 2014
## Committer base changes:
* Currently 21 committers.
* No new committers added in the last 3 months.
* Last committer addition was Johann Sorel at Thu Mar 31 2016.
## Releases:
Last release was 0.7 on Fri May 27 2016. We can start the 0.8 or 1.0
release train as soon as GeoAPI 3.0.1 is released.
## Mailing list activity:
o 63 subscribers (up 3 in the last 3 months)
o 51 emails sent to list (18 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
* 10 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
* 15 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment BF: Report from the Apache Spark Project [Matei Zaharia]
Apache Spark is a fast and general engine for large-scale data processing. It
offers high-level APIs in Java, Scala, Python and R as well as a rich set of
libraries including stream processing, machine learning, and graph analytics.
Project status:
- The community released Apache Spark 2.1.1 on May 2nd with bug fixes for
the 2.1 branch, and is currently voting on release candidates for 2.2.0.
This will be a major release with various new features in streaming, SQL,
machine learning and other areas of the project.
- We have been making significant progress to publish Apache Spark in the
standard Python and R package repositories (PyPI and CRAN) to make it
easier to install for Python and R users.
- We documented the "Spark improvement proposal" process described
earlier for proposing large new features on our website. It just defines
a short format for writing a proposal and a JIRA tag to place on such
documents so that they can all be viewed in one place.
- The Spark Summit East conference ran Feb 7th to 9th in Boston.
- We are continuing engagement with various organizations.
Latest releases:
- May 02, 2017: Spark 2.1.1
- Dec 28, 2016: Spark 2.1.0
- Nov 14, 2016: Spark 2.0.2
- Nov 07, 2016: Spark 1.6.3
- Oct 03, 2016: Spark 2.0.1
- July 26, 2016: Spark 2.0.0
Committers and PMC:
- The last committer was added on Feb 10th, 2017
(Takuya Ueshin).
- The last PMC members were added on Feb 15th, 2016
(Joseph Bradley, Sean Owen and Yin Huai).
Attachment BG: Report from the Apache Stanbol Project [Fabian Christ]
Apache Stanbol provides a set of reusable components for semantic content
We started a discussion about who is using Stanbol and encouraged the
people who actively use (and depend) on Stanbol to contribute and
become part of the developer community.
Unfortunately, the technological barrier is rather high and people
are a little bit overwhelmed with the large code base and the
number of OSGi bundles. So people need time to get familiar
with that.
This may be one reason why not much happened since then. No new
contributions from people outside the PMC were made. The PMC
itself has only one active (code) contributer over the last
The PMC is aware of the situation but at the moment the lack
of time and availability of persons make it very difficult
to change something fundamentally.
However, there are at least three PMC members who are active in
a way that security issues can be handled and new releases can
be published if required.
Subscribers on the dev list: 231
Last new committer was
Cristian Petroaca on May 7th, 2015
Last new PMC member were
Cristian Petroaca on July 28th, 2016
Rafa Haro on July 28th, 2016
Last stack release was:
Apache Stanbol 1.0.0 on Oct 23rd, 2016
Last component release was:
Apache Stanbol Partial Security Release RC2 on June 5th, 2014
Attachment BH: Report from the Apache Subversion Project [Evgeny Kotkov]
Apache Subversion exists to be universally recognized and adopted as
an open-source, centralized version control system characterized by
its reliability as a safe haven for valuable data; the simplicity of
its model and usage; and its ability to support the needs of a wide
variety of users and projects, from individuals to large-scale
enterprise operations.
* Board Issues
There are no Board-level issues of concern.
* Community
Within this quarter, the community has been working on resolving the
previously reported SHA1 collision issues and on preparing the first
alpha release of Subversion 1.10. The work is not yet complete,
but some good progress has happened on the SHA1-related issues.
We will continue working on these tasks in the next quarter.
In order to improve the quality of the translations and to allow more
people to participate in the translation process, the community has set
up an experimental system using Transifex (
for these purposes.
There is a bit of slowdown in the commit activity and in the users@
mailing list traffic, which has received 151 messages during these
three months, opposed to 336 in the previous quarter. The dev@
mailing list is active and has received 318 messages.
There are no new faces in the community at this time, but we would be
happy to include such people to our community if they arrive and try
to maintain an open atmosphere with the questions being answered and
the feedback occurring in a timely fashion.
Last PMC addition was in February 2017 (Stefan Hett).
Last committer addition happened in November 2015 (James McCoy).
* Releases
Subversion 1.8.17 and 1.9.5 were released on November 29th 2016.
The work toward Subversion 1.10.x continues.
Attachment BI: Report from the Apache Syncope Project [Francesco Chicchiriccò]
## Description:
Apache Syncope is an Open Source system for managing digital identities in
enterprise environments.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
The last months were busy with fixes, new features and enhancements for the
stable branch, which led to the release of 2.0.3.
We received 5 final proposals for GSoC 2017 (more candidates triggered
discussions on JIRA or dev@, but did not finalize any proposal): 2 were not
considered upfront because we had only 3 mentors available, 2 were discarded
by the internal ASF ranking process, 1 was reject because the proposing
student was already accepted by another organization.
## Health report:
Discussions about new features and improvements arouse in the dev@ and still
The increase of subscribers to both dev@ and user@, and the considerably
higher number of messages exchanged are both relevant indicators of community
The number of proposals received for GSoC 2017 is another indicator that the
project looks attractive. The fact that we could not accept any proposal is
instead unfortunate, partially caused by the poor quality of some proposals
and possibly also due to the timing used in the internal process for
## PMC changes:
- Currently 11 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Andrea Patricelli on Thu Oct 13 2016
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 20 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Matteo Di Carlo at Sat Jul 09 2016
## Releases:
- 2.0.3 was released on Sat Apr 25 2017
Attachment BJ: Report from the Apache Turbine Project [Thomas Vandahl]
Apache Turbine Project Board Report, May 2017
Apache Turbine is a servlet based framework that allows experienced Java
developers to quickly build web applications. Turbine allows you to
personalize the web sites and to use user logins to restrict access to parts
of your application.
Turbine is a matured and well established framework that is used as the base
of many other projects.
The Turbine project has had low levels of activity this quarter.
The Turbine project has no board-level issues at this time.
Community changes
No new committers were voted in since the last board report.
The last change to the committer base was the addition of Georg Kallidis
No new PMC members were voted in since the last board report.
The last change to the PMC was the addition of Georg Kallidis (2013/09/30).
Turbine core project
No releases have been done this quarter. The latest released component was the
Turbine4 Webapp Archetype, version 1.0.1 (2017/01/25)
Fulcrum component project
No releases have been done this quarter. The latest released component was
Fulcrum Intake, Version 1.2.2 (2016/12/18) A new version of the Fulcrum
Security component is being prepared.
Attachment BK: Report from the Apache Usergrid Project [Todd Nine]
## Description:
- Usergrid is Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) composed of an integrated
database (Cassandra), a query engine (Elastic Search), and
application layer and client tier with SDKs for developers.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Activity:
- Google cloud has been added as a supported storage subsystem for assets.
## Health report:
- Usergrid is healthy and the community is growing at a moderate pace.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 25 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Mike Dunker on Mon Jan 18 2016
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 14 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was George Reyes at Tue Sep 29 2015
## Releases:
- Last release was 2.1.0 on Wed Feb 17 2016
## Mailing list activity:
- 107 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):
- 76 emails sent to list (82 in previous quarter)
- 138 subscribers (up 4 in the last 3 months):
- 12 emails sent to list (11 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 8 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 7 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment BL: Report from the Apache Velocity Project [Nathan Bubna]
## Description:
- Java-based template engine
## Issues:
- No issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- Light activity, mostly finishing touches on Engine 2.0 release
## Health report:
- Engine 2.0 release candidate quality vote in progress. Expected to be
approved as GA shortly.
- A Tools 3.0 release is still planned, but work is on hold until at least
Engine 2.0 goes GA.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 8 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Sergiu Dumitriu on Wed Jun 10 2015
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 14 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Michael Osipov at Mon Jan 30 2017
## Releases:
- None in this quarter (2.0 will just miss)
## JIRA activity:
- 2 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 0 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment BM: Report from the Apache Whimsy Project [Sam Ruby]
## Description:
Tools that help automate various administrative tasks or information lookup
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## GitHub experiment:
- No issues to report. The Whimsy project continues to operate with GitHub
defacto acting as master. Unless there is a request to continue with
this information, my plans are to cease reporting separately on this
unless there is something worth mentioning.
## Health report:
- Shane became active this quarter in a big way. Contributions ran the
gamut from documentation to styling to minor changes to existing tools
to addition to library functions to entirely new tools.
So the current status is that we continue to have more than adequate
oversight, we now have three active committers, and two to three occasional
## Development:
- The whimsy site was moved to a new machine, with a new version of the
operating system, new version of Ruby, and all of the various upgrades
this implies. Three tools (board/agenda, roster, and secretary/workbench)
are being held back on older versions of JavaScript dependencies pending
further testing.
- PMC site ( now has content, and many of the tools
on the whimsy site now have a more common look and feel.
- New tool has been created to scan all of the committee (PMC and otherwise)
sites for compliance with a number of requirements and requests.
- New tools being explored: one to scan mailing lists and to make a
public version of organization chart.
## PMC and committer base:
- Currently 9 committers, all on the PMC.
- Last addition was Craig L Russell in December of 2015.
Attachment BN: Report from the Apache Xalan Project [Steven J. Hathaway]
The Apache Xalan Project develops and maintains libraries and programs
that transform XML documents using XSLT standard stylesheets. Our subprojects
use the Java and C++ programing languages to implement the XSLT libraries.
Xalan is a mature project, but we are hoping to acquire more committers
who can help with integration builds for a new release that integrates
Oregon State University Capstone students have been invited to contribute.
None have accepted the offer at this time.
Most activity has been through JIRA issue tracking. The email lists
have seen little activity.
Changes in the PMC membership:
Last new committer:
May 2014
Xalan Java 2.7.2 April 15, 2014
Xalan C/C++ 1.11 October 31, 2012
Publishing of project releases was refreshed Oct 30, 2014.
We would still appreciate more active persons to build Xalan-C tests.
We continue to get requests for Xalan to support XSLT version 2. The
Xalan libraries currently support XSLT version 1. Feature ugrades and
migration will require more than a few committers.
Attachment BO: Report from the Apache Xerces Project [Michael Glavassevich]
The PMC recently voted to reinstate Jeff Rodriguez as a committer.
He wishes to contribute to Xerces-J again after a long break.
Mailing list traffic has been low with 15 posts on the j-dev and
j-users lists since the beginning of April 2017.
No new releases this quarter. The latest release is
Xerces-J 2.11.0 (November 30th, 2010).
In the last month there has been quite a bit of activity in JIRA
and an ongoing discussion on integrating CMake support for
Mailing list traffic has been moderate; roughly 50+ posts on the
c-dev and c-users lists since the beginning of April 2017.
No new releases this quarter. The latest release is
Xerces-C 3.1.4 (June 29th, 2016).
Nothing in particular to report. There was no development
activity over the reporting period.
XML Commons
No activity over the reporting period.
Committer / PMC Changes
The most recent committers were added in
April 2017 (Xerces-C) and May 2017 (Xerces-J).
No new PMC members since the last report. The most recent
addition to the PMC was in June 2016.
No changes have been committed to SVN since the previous
board report in April.
Apache Project Branding Requirements
The project logo still needs a "TM" to be added to it.
Attachment BP: Report from the Apache XML Graphics Project [Glenn Adams]
## Description:
- The Apache XML Graphics Project is responsible for software
intended for the creation & maintenance of the conversion of XML
formats to graphical output & related software components.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- During this reporting period, activity on the three sub-projects
has remained low, with 38 issues resolved or closed during this
reporting period.
## Health:
- The level of community and developer activity remains at a
low level for a relatively mature product, albeit one
with a fair number of outstanding unresolved issues.
## PMC:
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Simon Steiner on Tue Jan 19 2016
- Currently 11 PMC members.
## Committers:
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer added was Matthias Reischenbacher at Wed May 13 2015
- Currently 21 committers.
## Releases:
- New versions of all projects were released during this period.
- XMLGraphics Commons 2.2 was released on Thu Mar 23 2017
- XMLGraphics Batik 1.9 was released on Sun Apr 09 2017
- XMLGraphics FOP 2.2 was released on Sun Apr 09 2017
- XMLGraphics FOP PDF Images 2.2 was released on Sun Apr 09 2017
## Mailing Lists:
- Slight decrease in subscribers of 1%, down from 1127 to 1117.
- Mail lists show a significant increase in traffic of 61%, up
from 434 to 711, primarily due to the release cycle activity.
End of minutes for the May 17, 2017 board meeting.