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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

                           October 18, 2017

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 10:30am Pacific and began at 9:35
    when a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was
    recognized by the chairman.

    Other Time Zones:

    The meeting was held via teleconference, hosted by Doug Cutting
    and Cloudera.

    IRC #asfboard on was used for backup purposes.

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

      Rich Bowen - left at 11:00
      Shane Curcuru
      Bertrand Delacretaz
      Ted Dunning
      Jim Jagielski
      Chris Mattmann
      Brett Porter
      Phil Steitz
      Mark Thomas

    Directors Absent:


    Executive Officers Present:

      Ross Gardler
      Kevin A. McGrail - left at 11:05
      Sam Ruby

    Executive Officers Absent:

      Craig L Russell
      Ulrich Stärk


      Bruce Snyder
      Daniel Gruno
      Daniel Takamori
      Greg Stein
      P. Taylor Goetz
      Sally Khudairi
      Sharan Foga
      Thomas Weise
      Tom Pappas

3. Minutes from previous meetings

    Published minutes can be found at:

    A. The meeting of June 15, 2017

       See: board_minutes_2017_06_15.txt

       Approved by General Consent.

    B. The meeting of September 20, 2017

       See: board_minutes_2017_09_20.txt

       Approved by General Consent.

4. Executive Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Phil]

       This month, we continued discussion of ASF document retention and
       review policies.  Over the course of the discussion, it became clear
       that what we needed to start with was a set of principles on retention
       and review.  I have started work on a policy draft.  I hope to
       complete that draft in the coming month.

       I also had discussions with Sam and Tom on developing the five-year
       operating plan for the ASF.  I subsequently proposed that we break the
       planning process into an analysis phase where we focus on how we
       expect the needs (and goals) of the ASF to change over the next 5
       years and then a development phase where we build an operational and
       financial plan based on this.  Sam and I hope to complete the plan by
       year-end.  I posted a proposed analysis framework to the ASF members
       list.  Thanks to all who have provided feedback and thanks in advance
       for help and input in the plan development process.

       Sam requests that the Chair (and other interested parties)
       have a phone conversation with Greg (and others) early in the
       document retention process draft.

    B. President [Sam]

       Items requiring board attention:

         * See resolution to establish the position of VP, Sponsor

       Overall, expenses remain under control.  Infrastructure remains an
       anomaly (slightly running over despite being under headcount), and
       Tom and Greg are working to resolve this.

       Income remains difficult to project given that it tends to come in large
       chunks, and with timings that are impossible to pin down.  I continue to
       be mindful of the fact that we we were under revenue in FY17 by $171.2K,
       which we attributed to timing issues.  We are currently over budget by
       $244.6K, which would be excellent, but it has positively benefited from
       timing issues (in both directions).

       Phil and I had a conversation regarding revisiting our five year outlook
       by year end, a conversation that has been brought back to the members@

       Conferences and TAC remain dormant.  Other areas are running normally.

       Additionally, please see Attachments 1 through 7.

       Mark asks has there been progress with making effective use of
       the EA. Sam responds that that is still on the todo list.

       Ross asks about infra being over budget. Mark/Tom clarified
       that this is a YTD. Tom and Greg have a meeting tomorrow to
       get to the bottom of this. Greg's initial conclusions is that
       this is a matter of front loading costs.

    C. Treasurer [Ulrich]

       Virtual Report

       Here is a summary of the Foundation’s performance for the first five
       months of FY18. 

       Cash on Sept. 30th, 2017 was $1,737.3K, which is up $52.8K from last
       month’s ending balance (Aug 17) of $1,684.5K, due to the timing of
       some Sponsor payments and Payables released.   The Sept 2017 cash
       balance is down $49.6K from the Sept 2016 month end balance of
       $1,786.9K.  The Sept 2017 ending cash balance of $1,737.3K represents
       a cash reserve of 15 months based on the FY18 Cash forecast average
       monthly spending of $116.2K/month. The ASF reserve continues to be
       very healthy for an organization of ASF’s size, with an FY18 YE
       estimate of 11.8 month’s cash reserve.

       Regarding the YTD Cash P&L, we continue to have a very strong showing
       against our FY18 Budget five months in to the year, however as I noted
       last month the timing of Sponsor payments and Payables releases plays
       a big part in how we do each month.  So, while last month we had our
       first down month of FY18, we have rebounded nicely with an above
       budget month in Revenue while expenses were down leaving us with
       another above budget month for Net Income.  Again, this is why we need
       to continue to focus on the new sponsors but we cannot afford to take
       any focus away from our existing sponsors as that was how the FY18
       budget was constructed.  The Fundraising team continues to do an
       excellent job in both areas, both new and existing.  This has us for
       revenue, $304.9K ahead of budget through Sept 2017.  So, with the
       $674.6K of Sponsor revenue received so far in the first five months of
       FY18 we are more than 62% to our budgeted Sponsor revenue goal of
       $1,084K for FY18, which is fantastic for less than six months into the
       FY.   We remain conservative in our forecasting, however for
       Sponsorship we are showing a very modest $3.6K increase over the FY 18
       Budget of $1,084K.  Where we are showing increases in the forecast is
       the $7.5K of Donations coming from Hopsie (which was not budgeted for
       FY 18) as well as Interest from our Deposits which is about $1.6K
       ahead of Budget. These three are offsetting the GSOC which was
       budgeted at $28K but only $15K had been received so far.  It is the
       one-time donations, where we are showing a $29K increase over budget
       based on actuals through Sept 17 being much higher than budget.   For
       total revenue, we are 60% ahead of budget five months into FY 18

       YTD expenses are under budget by $28.1K.  Infra, YTD, is over by
       $10.2K (about a $6K improvement over YTD through Aug 17) and the other
       depts. combined are under by $27.9K. I have completed a review of the
       Forecast for expenses and I am reaching out to the Dept. heads
       individually now that we are five months into the FY with some
       questions regarding the remaining seven months of FY18.  Based on the
       information I receive I will incorporate it into the forecast in the
       Oct 17 close if needed.  I would still add a bit of caution that we
       are only five months into the current fiscal year so it is still early

       Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD for FY18 the ASF finished with a
       positive $222.1K NI vs a budgeted negative $110.9K NI or $333K ahead
       of Budget for the first five months of FY18, for Net Income.  With the
       current conservative forecasted revenue, and expenses at budget for FY
       18, we are estimating a $-138.6K negative NI for FY18 vs a budgeted NI
       loss of -$167.8K or about $29K better NI than the FY18 budget.  I
       would also like to point out that YTD 18 vs YTD 17 we are $365K ahead
       in Revenue while Expenses were only $132K ahead year over year, for a
       $233K increase in Net Income year over year ( $223K NI in FY18 vs
       <-$10K NI in FY 17.)  I want to congratulate the entire Organization
       on these very positive numbers as we start to approach the halfway
       point of FY 18 ( and better than FY 17 as well), though we do need to
       continue to keep these efforts up as we move farther into FY 18 and
       continue to give Fundraising all the support we can as we move
       forward, while keeping an eye on our expenses at the same time.

       I have been in contact with the CPA and we will be getting the Cash
       Basis Audit underway around the middle of Nov 2017.  I will keep
       everyone updated as to its progress once it starts.  Also, there is a
       meeting scheduled next week for the Treasurer’s to talk to the Bank
       that has been identified as an option for CDARS (a regulated form of
       CD laddering) which will help mitigate risk of our deposits.  We will
       keep the Board updated as to the progress in this area as well.

       Board Summary Financials:

       Current Balances:            
         Citizens Money Market       1,480,646.31
         Citizens Checking             253,073.53
         Paypal - ASF                    3,587.07
       Total Checking/Savings        1,737,306.91
                                           Sep-17       Budget     Variance 
       Income Summary:              
         Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00 
         Public Donations               10,910.95     1,375.89     9,535.06 
         Sponsorship Program           105,000.00    70,000.00    35,000.00 
         Programs Income                15,100.00         0.00    15,100.00 
         Other Income                      346.07         0.00       346.07 
         Interest Income                   605.82       292.92       312.90 
       Total Income                    131,962.84    71,668.81    60,294.03 
       Expense Summary:             
         In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00 
         Infrastructure                 56,688.72    62,956.17    -6,267.45 
         Sponsorship Program             2,000.00     2,000.00         0.00 
         Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00 
         Publicity                       8,259.28    10,000.00    -1,740.72 
         Brand Management                    0.00     7,416.67    -7,416.67 
         Conferences                         0.00         0.00         0.00 
         Travel Assistance Committee         0.00         0.00         0.00 
         Tax and Audit                       0.00         0.00         0.00 
         Treasury Services               3,350.00     3,500.00      -150.00 
         General & Administrative        8,817.01     8,664.87       152.14 
       Total Expense                    79,115.01    94,537.71   -15,422.70 
       Net Income                       52,847.83   -22,868.90    75,716.73 
                                         YTD 2018       Budget     Variance
       Income Summary:
         Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
         Public Donations               41,557.26    11,994.46    29,562.80
         Sponsorship Program           674,612.08   421,250.00   253,362.08
         Programs Income                15,100.00         0.00    15,100.00
         Other Income                    5,265.11         0.00     5,265.11
         Interest Income                 3,079.84     1,464.60     1,615.24
       Total Income                    739,614.29   434,709.06   304,905.23

       Expense Summary:
         In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
         Infrastructure                354,233.16   344,063.12    10,170.04
         Sponsorship Program            10,831.96    14,250.00    -3,418.04
         Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
         Publicity                      64,794.89    74,625.00    -9,830.11
         Brand Management               14,031.51    37,083.35   -23,051.84
         Conferences                     4,987.62     4,000.00       987.62
         Travel Assistance Committee     2,191.81     5,000.00    -2,808.19
         Tax and Audit                       0.00         0.00         0.00
         Treasury Services              16,500.00    16,950.00      -450.00
         General & Administrative       49,993.84    49,735.86       257.98
       Total Expense                   517,564.79   545,707.33   -28,142.54
       Net Income                      222,049.50  -110,998.27   333,047.77

       Asst Treasurer's Report

       - Working to setup account for the ASF.  Need Country
       of Residence and Date of Birth for all Directors for OFAC. Reminder
       Sent to board@

       - Audit engagement letter signed which also includes a discounted 990
       filing cost as well.

       - Meeting with Bank about CDARS is scheduled for 10/17.

       - Working on getting backups of the ASF Quickbooks file at Virtual
       submitted periodically to SVN for an extra backup. Working with
       Virtual on a Certificate of Residence for the ASF to enable Emirio to
       pay without withholding 20% for taxes. 

       - Previously Reported Items Still Tracking w/Nothing to Report
         - Contribution Language for Car Donations - No update 
         - Annual fees for handling service and annual report filing - Virtual
       is working to get us a lower cost option.
         - Payment Privacy changes to move away from Dropbox, etc. Virtual will
       be documenting what they do now which is working - No update since
       last meeting.
         - Network for Good - Missing a $125 check - Will ask for a reissue. No

       We had a discussion about what a conservative estimate means
       in this context. We expect to do better than the forecasted
       deficit even with a conservative estimate, but we still expect
       to be running a deficit for this year.

    D. Secretary [Craig]

       In September, 71 iclas, two cclas, and two grants were received and

    E. Executive Vice President [Ross]


       Ross undertook a Board Service Training provided by
       and funded by his employer. This was a very useful undertaking, I
       would encourage all Officers to spend some time reviewing materials on
       this site.


       No issues requiring attention this month. 

       The team still an open headcount. 

       Budget anomalies identified last month have been resolved and we can
       now confirm that Infra a currently in good shape. This will be
       reviewed again once the open headcount has been filled and the
       associated expense is known.

       Marketing and Publicity

       As can be expected there has been significant interest in the Equifax
       data breach and the role Apache software had in this breach.
       Consequently it has been a busy month, otherwise mostly business as

       VP M&P led the drafting of the ASF’s response, in coordination with
       ASF Legal counsel and Board, to the US House Committee’s panel hearing
       on the Equifax data breach.

       Also published an "Apache is Open" educational blog highlighting how
       the foundation works and the responsibilities users of our software


       Nothing to report


       Nothing to report

    F. Vice Chairman [Jim]

       With my Vice-Chairman hat on, I vetted and OKed Sally's "Apache is
       Open" blog entry. Nothing else to report.

    Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

5. Additional Officer Reports

    A. VP of W3C Relations [Andy Seaborne / Shane]

       See Attachment 8

    B. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Chris Mattmann]

       See Attachment 9

       Shane points out that while the use of Maven central may not
       be a legal issue, it could very well be a foundation issue.
       This will be pursued on other lists.

    C. Apache Security Team Project [Mark J. Cox / Rich]

       See Attachment 10

    Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

6. Committee Reports

    Summary of Reports

     The following reports required further discussion:

        # ActiveMQ [cm]
        # Apex [mt]
        # Helix [jj]
        # Oltu [bd]
        # Samza [rb]
        # Stanbol [mt]
    A. Apache Accumulo Project [Michael Wall / Bertrand]

       See Attachment A

    B. Apache ACE Project [Marcel Offermans / Ted]

       No report was submitted.

    C. Apache ActiveMQ Project [Bruce Snyder / Jim]

       See Attachment C

       Bruce will track down the console issue and provide that
       information in the next regularly schedule report.

    D. Apache Airavata Project [Suresh Marru / Phil]

       See Attachment D

    E. Apache Apex Project [Thomas Weise / Chris]

       See Attachment E

       Thomas clarified that the PMC is trying to resolve the PMC
       membership criteria, and action items have been identified.

    F. Apache Aries Project [Jeremy Hughes / Brett]

       See Attachment F

    G. Apache Arrow Project [Jacques Nadeau / Mark]

       See Attachment G

    H. Apache AsterixDB Project [Till Westmann / Brett]

       See Attachment H

    I. Apache Attic Project [Jan Iversen / Jim]

       See Attachment I

    J. Apache Avro Project [Ryan Blue / Shane]

       See Attachment J

    K. Apache Axis Project [Deepal Jayasinghe / Ted]

       No report was submitted.

       Shane to communicate that the board will be expecting a chair
       change resolution next month; if no such resolution is
       received, the board will proceed to move the project to the

    L. Apache Bloodhound Project [Gary Martin / Bertrand]

       See Attachment L

    M. Apache Calcite Project [Jesús Camacho Rodríguez / Rich]

       See Attachment M

    N. Apache CarbonData Project [Liang Chen / Mark]

       See Attachment N

    O. Apache Celix Project [Alexander Broekhuis / Phil]

       No report was submitted.

    P. Apache Chukwa Project [Eric Yang / Chris]

       See Attachment P

    Q. Apache Crunch Project [Josh Wills / Ted]

       No report was submitted.

    R. Apache CXF Project [Daniel Kulp / Mark]

       See Attachment R

    S. Apache DB Project [Bryan Pendleton / Phil]

       See Attachment S

    T. Apache Directory Project [Stefan Seelmann / Rich]

       See Attachment T

    U. Apache DRAT Project [Chris Mattmann]

       See Attachment U

    V. Apache Fineract Project [Myrle Krantz / Chris]

       See Attachment V

    W. Apache Fluo Project [Keith Turner / Bertrand]

       See Attachment W

    X. Apache Geronimo Project [Alan Cabrera / Shane]

       See Attachment X

    Y. Apache Giraph Project [Avery Ching / Brett]

       See Attachment Y

    Z. Apache Hadoop Project [Christopher Douglas / Jim]

       See Attachment Z

    AA. Apache Hama Project [Edward J. Yoon / Chris]

       No report was submitted.

    AB. Apache HBase Project [Misty Stanley-Jones / Phil]

       See Attachment AB

    AC. Apache Helix Project [Kishore G / Jim]

       See Attachment AC

    AD. Apache Isis Project [Kevin Meyer / Ted]

       See Attachment AD

    AE. Apache James Project [Eric Charles / Bertrand]

       See Attachment AE

    AF. Apache jclouds Project [Andrew Gaul / Rich]

       See Attachment AF

    AG. Apache Jena Project [Andy Seaborne / Mark]

       See Attachment AG

    AH. Apache JMeter Project [Bruno Demion / Brett]

       See Attachment AH

    AI. Apache Johnzon Project [Hendrik Saly / Shane]

       See Attachment AI

    AJ. Apache JSPWiki Project [Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez / Brett]

       No report was submitted.

    AK. Apache Karaf Project [Jean-Baptiste Onofré / Chris]

       See Attachment AK

    AL. Apache Kudu Project [Todd Lipcon / Shane]

       See Attachment AL

    AM. Apache Lucene.Net Project [Prescott Nasser / Ted]

       No report was submitted.

    AN. Apache Lucy Project [Peter Karman / Jim]

       See Attachment AN

    AO. Apache MADlib Project [Aaron Feng / Bertrand]

       See Attachment AO

    AP. Apache Mahout Project [Andrew Palumbo / Rich]

       See Attachment AP

    AQ. Apache Maven Project [Robert Scholte / Phil]

       See Attachment AQ

    AR. Apache Mesos Project [Benjamin Hindman / Mark]

       No report was submitted.

    AS. Apache Metron Project [Casey Stella / Phil]

       See Attachment AS

    AT. Apache MINA Project [Jeff Maury / Mark]

       See Attachment AT

    AU. Apache MyFaces Project [Mike Kienenberger / Bertrand]

       See Attachment AU

    AV. Apache NiFi Project [Joe Witt / Jim]

       See Attachment AV

    AW. Apache Nutch Project [Sebastian Nagel / Ted]

       See Attachment AW

    AX. Apache ODE Project [Sathwik / Brett]

       See Attachment AX

    AY. Apache Oltu Project [Antonio Sanso / Chris]

       See Attachment AY

    AZ. Apache OpenJPA Project [Mark Struberg / Shane]

       No report was submitted.

    BA. Apache OpenMeetings Project [Maxim Solodovnik / Rich]

       See Attachment BA

    BB. Apache OpenOffice Project [Marcus Lange / Bertrand]

       See Attachment BB

    BC. Apache ORC Project [Owen O'Malley / Mark]

       See Attachment BC

    BD. Apache Parquet Project [Julien Le Dem / Shane]

       See Attachment BD

    BE. Apache PDFBox Project [Andreas Lehmkühler / Brett]

       See Attachment BE

    BF. Apache Ranger Project [Selvamohan Neethiraj / Rich]

       No report was submitted.

    BG. Apache RocketMQ Project [Xiaorui Wang / Chris]

       See Attachment BG

    BH. Apache Royale Project [Harbs / Jim]

       See Attachment BH

    BI. Apache Samza Project [Yi Pan / Phil]

       See Attachment BI

       @Phil: get an answer to who can attend the meetups

    BJ. Apache Sqoop Project [Jarek Jarcec Cecho / Ted]

       See Attachment BJ

    BK. Apache Stanbol Project [Fabian Christ / Mark]

       No report was submitted.

       @Mark: ensure that there are 3 active PMC members

    BL. Apache Steve Project [Daniel Gruno / Rich]

       See Attachment BL

    BM. Apache Streams Project [Steve Blackmon / Chris]

       See Attachment BM

    BN. Apache Struts Project [René Gielen / Shane]

       See Attachment BN

    BO. Apache Tapestry Project [Thiago Henrique De Paula Figueiredo / Ted]

       See Attachment BO

    BP. Apache Tcl Project [Massimo Manghi / Phil]

       See Attachment BP

    BQ. Apache Tez Project [Siddharth Seth / Bertrand]

       See Attachment BQ

    BR. Apache Thrift Project [Jake Farrell / Brett]

       See Attachment BR

    BS. Apache Tika Project [David Meikle / Jim]

       See Attachment BS

    BT. Apache TinkerPop Project [Stephen Mallette / Phil]

       See Attachment BT

    BU. Apache TomEE Project [David Blevins / Mark]

       No report was submitted.

    BV. Apache Traffic Server Project [Bryan Call / Rich]

       See Attachment BV

    BW. Apache Usergrid Project [Todd Nine / Ted]

       See Attachment BW

    BX. Apache VXQuery Project [Till Westmann / Brett]

       See Attachment BX

    BY. Apache Web Services Project [Sagara Gunathunga / Bertrand]

       No report was submitted.

       @Bertrand: pursue a report for Web Services

    BZ. Apache Xerces Project [Michael Glavassevich / Jim]

       See Attachment BZ

    CA. Apache Zeppelin Project [Lee Moon Soo / Chris]

       See Attachment CA

    CB. Apache Incubator Project [John D. Ament / Brett]

       See Attachment CB

    Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

7. Special Orders
    A. Change the Apache VCL Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Andy Kurth
       (arkurth) to the office of Vice President, Apache VCL, and
       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
       Andy Kurth from the office of Vice President, Apache VCL, and

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache VCL project
       has chosen by vote to recommend Josh Thompson (jfthomps) as the
       successor to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Andy Kurth is relieved and
       discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
       President, Apache VCL, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Josh Thompson be and hereby is appointed
       to the office of Vice President, Apache VCL, to serve in accordance
       with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the
       Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
       removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7A, Change the Apache VCL Project Chair, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    B. Establish the Apache Kibble Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests
       of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to
       establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation and
       maintenance of open-source software, for distribution at no charge to
       the public, related to an interactive project activity analyzer and

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee
       (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Kibble Project", be and hereby is
       established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Kibble Project be and hereby is responsible
       for the creation and maintenance of software related to an interactive
       project activity analyzer and aggregator;

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Kibble" be and
       hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the
       direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache Kibble
       Project, and to have primary responsibility for management of the
       projects within the scope of responsibility of the Apache Kibble
       Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are
       appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache Kibble

       * Daniel Gruno <>
       * Ulises Beresi <>
       * Daniel Takamori <>
       * Sean Palmer <>
       * David Nalley <>
       * Rich Bowen <>
       * Sally Khudairi <>
       * Christofer Dutz <>
       * Sharan Foga <>
       * Herve Boutemy <>
       * Larry McCay <>

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Rich Bowen be appointed
       to the office of Vice President, Apache Kibble, to serve in accordance
       with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the
       Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal
       or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Kibble PMC be and hereby is tasked
       with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to encourage open
       development and increased participation in the Apache Kibble Project.

       Special Order 7B, Establish the Apache Kibble Project, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    C. Change the Apache Logging Services Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Ralph Goers
       (rgoers) to the office of Vice President, Apache Logging Services, 

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
       Ralph Goers from the office of Vice President, Apache Logging
       Services, and

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Logging
       Services project has chosen by vote to recommend Matt Sicker
       (mattsicker) as the successor to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Ralph Goers is relieved and
       discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
       President, Apache Logging Services, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Matt Sicker be and hereby is appointed to
       the office of Vice President, Apache Logging Services, to serve in
       accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors
       and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
       removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7C, Change the Apache Logging Services Project
       Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors

    D. Change the Apache Subversion Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Evgeny Kotkov
       (kotkov) to the office of Vice President, Apache Subversion; and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
       Evgeny Kotkov from the office of Vice President, Apache Subversion; and

       WHEREAS, the Community of the Apache Subversion project has
       chosen to recommend Stefan Sperling (stsp) as the successor to
       the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Evgeny Kotkov is relieved and
       discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
       of Vice President, Apache Subversion; and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Stefan Sperling be and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Subversion,
       to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors. and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
       until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7D, Change the Apache Subversion Project Chair,
       was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    E. Establish the Apache PredictionIO Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests
       of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to
       establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation and
       maintenance of open-source software, for distribution at no charge to
       the public, related to a machine learning server built on top of
       state-of-the-art open source stack, that enables developers to manage
       and deploy production-ready predictive services for various kinds of
       machine learning tasks.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee
       (PMC), to be known as the "Apache PredictionIO Project", be and hereby
       is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache PredictionIO Project be and hereby is
       responsible for the creation and maintenance of software related to a
       machine learning server built on top of state-of-the-art open source
       stack, that enables developers to manage and deploy production-ready
       predictive services for various kinds of machine learning tasks; and
       be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache PredictionIO" be
       and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the
       direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache
       PredictionIO Project, and to have primary responsibility for
       management of the projects within the scope of responsibility of the
       Apache PredictionIO Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are
       appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache PredictionIO

       * Alex Merritt <>
       * Andrew Kyle Purtell <>
       * Chan Lee <>
       * Donald Szeto <>
       * Felipe Oliveira <>
       * James Taylor <>
       * Justin Yip <>
       * Kenneth Chan <>
       * Lars Hofhansl <>
       * Lee Moon Soo <>
       * Luciano Resende <>
       * Marcin Ziemiński <>
       * Marco Vivero <>
       * Mars Hall <>
       * Matthew Tovbin <>
       * Naoki Takezoe <>
       * Pat Ferrel <>
       * Paul Li <>
       * Shinsuke Sugaya <>
       * Simon Chan <>
       * Takahiro Hagino <>
       * Takako Shimamoto <>
       * Tamas Jambor <>
       * Tom Chan <>
       * Vitaly Gordon <>
       * Xiangrui Meng <>
       * Xusen Yin <>
       * Yevgeny Khodorkovsky <>

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Donald Szeto be appointed
       to the office of Vice President, Apache PredictionIO, to serve in
       accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors
       and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
       removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be
       it further

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache PredictionIO PMC be and hereby is
       tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to encourage open
       development and increased participation in the Apache PredictionIO
       Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache PredictionIO Project be and hereby is tasked
       with the migration and rationalization of the Apache Incubator
       PredictionIO podling; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache Incubator
       PredictionIO podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator Project are
       hereafter discharged.

       Special Order 7E, Establish the Apache PredictionIO Project,
       was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
    F. Change the Apache Lucene Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Tommaso
       Teofili (tommaso) to the office of Vice President, Apache
       Lucene, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
       of Tommaso Teofili from the office of Vice President, Apache
       Lucene, and

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Lucene
       project has chosen by vote to recommend Adrien Grand (jpountz)
       as the successor to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Tommaso Teofili is relieved
       and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
       of Vice President, Apache Lucene, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Adrien Grand be and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Lucene, to serve
       in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of
       Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
       resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a
       successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7F, Change the Apache Lucene Project Chair, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    G. Establish the Apache Juneau Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests
       of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to
       establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation and
       maintenance of open-source software, for distribution at no charge to
       the public, related to a toolkit for marshalling POJOs to a wide
       variety of content types using a common framework, and for creating
       sophisticated self-documenting REST interfaces and microservices using
       VERY little code.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee
       (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Juneau Project", be and hereby is
       established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Juneau Project be and hereby is responsible
       for the creation and maintenance of software related to a toolkit for
       marshalling POJOs to a wide variety of content types using a common
       framework, and for creating sophisticated self-documenting REST
       interfaces and microservices using VERY little code; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Juneau" be and
       hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the
       direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache Juneau
       Project, and to have primary responsibility for management of the
       projects within the scope of responsibility of the Apache Juneau
       Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are
       appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache Juneau

       * Craig L Russell <>
       * David Goddard <>
       * James Bognar <>
       * Jochen Wiedmann <>
       * John D. Ament <>
       * Peter Haumer <>
       * Raphi D Lee <>
       * Steve Blackmon <>
       * Stian Soiland-Reyes <>

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that James Bognar be appointed
       to the office of Vice President, Apache Juneau, to serve in accordance
       with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the
       Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal
       or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Juneau PMC be and hereby is tasked
       with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to encourage open
       development and increased participation in the Apache Juneau Project;
       and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Juneau Project be and hereby is tasked with
       the migration and rationalization of the Apache Incubator Juneau
       podling; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache Incubator
       Juneau podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator PMC are hereafter

       Special Order 7G, Establish the Apache Juneau Project, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    H. Establish the Position of VP, Sponsor Relations 

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors hereby creates the position of Vice
       President, Sponsor Relations to assist the Vice President, Fundraising,
       in maintaining good relations with the sponsors of the foundation; and

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the number of Vice President,
       Sponsor Relations and their responsibilities shall be initially defined
       and subsequently amended at the direction of the Vice President,
       Fundraising; and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that appointments to the office of Vice
       President, Sponsor Relations, shall be at the discretion of the Vice
       President of Fundraising, to serve in accordance with and subject to the
       direction of the Vice President of Fundraising, the ASF President, and
       the ASF Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
       resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a
       successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7H, Establish the Position of VP, Sponsor
       Relations , tabled - board will like a tracking of additions
       and removals, and would suggest a 72 hour window for approval.

    I. Change the Apache jclouds Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Andrew Gaul
       (gaul) to the office of Vice President, Apache jclouds, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
       Andrew Gaul from the office of Vice President, Apache jclouds, and

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache jclouds
       project has chosen by vote to recommend Andrea Turli (andreaturli) as
       the successor to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Andrew Gaul is relieved and
       discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
       President, Apache jclouds, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Andrea Turli be and hereby is appointed
       to the office of Vice President, Apache jclouds, to serve in
       accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors
       and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
       removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7I, Change the Apache jclouds Project Chair, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

8. Discussion Items

9. Review Outstanding Action Items

    * Ted: Discuss state of development with PMC; encourage on-list development
          [ Tajo 2017-06-21 ]
          Status: Still no answer from the project.

    * Shane: contact the project and strongly encourage them to propose a new
          chair and report next month
          [ Axis 2017-07-19 ]
          Status: Done - they will vote on new chair. Will ask for a report and
                  chair change resolution for November; if they *don't* come up
                  with both, suggest we move Axis to attic then.

    * Chris: pursue a report for Hama; is a new chair needed?
          [ Hama 2017-07-19 ]
          Status: Will continue to pursue.

    * Shane: work with the Axis community to help with governance issues
          [ Axis 2017-08-16 ]
          Status: Done - either they'll choose a new chair and provide some
                  action, or we attic in Nov.

    * Ted: pursue a report for Community Development; look at previous examples of
          [ Community Development 2017-08-16 ]

    * Chris: follow up with PMC: critical bugs fixes need release
          [ Giraph 2017-08-16 ]
          Status: Email sent with CC to board@

    * Rich: follow up to see if the project is still viable
          [ Hama 2017-08-16 ]

    * Brett: pursue a better report for next time
          [ Helix 2017-08-16 ]
          Status: done

    * Jim: follow up to document the resolution of issue next board
          [ Ignite 2017-08-16 ]
          Status: To be done at next report

    * Brett: discuss board comments with incubator pmc
          [ Incubator 2017-08-16 ]
          Status: Done. Mentioned briefly, response provided on list

    * Brett: follow up on board comments for next report
          [ Libcloud 2017-08-16 ]
          Status: poked the original thread, anticipate an update in the next

    * Jim: follow up with trademark assignment issue
          [ MADlib 2017-08-16 ]
          Status: complete

    * Brett: pursue a report for MINA
          [ MINA 2017-08-16 ]
          Status: Done.

    * Mark: pursue a report for Oltu
          [ Oltu 2017-08-16 ]
          Status: 2017-10-10 pinged private@ Complete: We have a report this

    * Ted: pursue a report for Xalan
          [ Xalan 2017-08-16 ]
          Status: The project seems minimally responsive. The responses describe
                  how people have no time just now. Probably not an Attic case
                  at this point.

    * Jim: follow up with the PMC to get a public statement out
          [ Discussion Items 2017-08-16 ]
          Status: Will be part of the AOO release messaging

    * Mark: pursue a report for Airavata; get dev involved for chronic missed
          [ Airavata 2017-09-20 ]
          Status: PMC posted note to board@ on 2017-09-20 that they had been
                  absent for several months and were now back. Done

    * Phil: engage with PMC to see what is going on
          [ Tajo 2017-09-20 ]

10. Unfinished Business

11. New Business

12. Announcements

13. Adjournment

    Adjourned at 10:43 a.m. (Pacific)


Attachment 1: Report from the Executive Assistant  [Melissa Warnkin]

* All logistics completed for the booth at ATO
* Still looking for volunteers to assist in the setup and tear down of the
  booth, as well as staffing the booth. Contact me if you’re interested in

Attachment 2: Report from the VP of Brand Management  [Shane Curcuru]


Travel and illness prevented much work on long-term strategy proposals yet.


A quieter month, but one with deeper questions.  In particular, we need more
feedback from experienced users of package managers (rpm, yum, etc.) on the
"Trademark policy vs. downstream/commercial distributions" thread, so we can
create a comprehensive brand policy about specific naming of Apache-derived
software in popular packaging formats. 

Website Analytics shows that most visitors are either direct to the URL, or
are referred by a very small number of outside postings.  This seems to
indicate that most users don't think about trademarks unless some other site
specifically sends them to our pages.

In other news, one of the largest referral sites to the brand pages came from
a "Certified Developer On Apache Spark" page at a popular website.

Similarly, clarifications on domain names need to be better
shared among all projects.  Infra was helpful in providing a list of all
domain registrations the ASF holds, totaling about 50 domains.


Counsel has been dealing with a higher volume of either registration/renewal
paperwork, or with a handful of complex issues or agreements relating to
applications recently which is now (after a delay due to billing cycles)
showing up in the brand spending.

KAFKA was issued a US registration.  Renewals were processed for HADOOP, FLEX.
New US applications were made for IGNITE, BEAM.

Attachment 3: Report from the VP of Fundraising  [Kevin A. McGrail]

1 - Resolution to establish VP, Sponsor Relations 

As a result of discussions in the prior board meeting, a resolution has
been drafted and placed in this month's agenda.

2 - Fundraising Policy: Who Can Sponsor the ASF?
is now considered policy.  

3 - Discovering more about the SEO / NoFollow issue and I believe it is now
headed off.  Have spoken to Google Web Spam via John Mueller about the issue,
codified our no-follow policy, audited all sponsors, and updated the thanks
page. as well as finalized our who can sponsor the ASF.  In discussions with
the more SEO interested sponsors, it seems to be an appropriate response that
is working well.

4 - Hopsie Captcha is working well to stop fraud attempts.  They are lowering
it from 3 bad attempts to 2 and I’m considering the matter closed.

5 - Fundraising Levels as of 1/1/18 will be: Bronze: 6K / Silver: 25K / Gold:
50K / Platinum: 125K

6 - Meetings semi-monthly with Virtual continue between KAM and Lynsey.  Next
on 10/26 and thanks for Sally and Tom joining the last one to complete our
sponsor audit.

7 - Directed sponsorship is moving along well.  Assembla has agreed to be a
Bronze Directed Sponsor for the SVN hackathon.  Still working on policy and
meeting with Infra to identify all their sponsors and their levels.

8 - Attending All Things Open on ASF Behalf (I have a work conflict and
haven’t been able to pow-wow with Rich since August.  Is anyone else going?)

9 - Future or Items with no Progress to Report: Attending FOSDEM on ASF Behalf
Likely to attend Berlin Buzzwords & FOSS Backstage on ASF Behalf Sponsor thank
you / fundraising event

Attachment 4: Report from the VP of Marketing and Publicity  [Sally Khudairi]

I. Budget: we are on budget and on schedule with no vendor payments
due at this time.

II. Cross-committee Liaison: work with ASF Fundraising continues, with
Sally Khudairi handling Sponsor engagement through the “ambassador”
program, and individual giving and donor outreach. Sally led the
drafting of the ASF’s response, in coordination with ASF Legal counsel
and Board, to the US House Committee’s panel hearing on the Equifax
data breach. She also published the “Apache Is Open.” Foundation

III. Press Releases: the following formal announcements were issued
via the newswire service, ASF Foundation Blog, and
during this timeframe:

- 3 October 2017 - Response From The Apache® Software Foundation To
Questions From US House Committee On Energy And Commerce Regarding
Equifax Data Breach 
- 25 September 2017 - The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache®
RocketMQ™ as a Top-Level Project
- 14 September 2017 - MEDIA ALERT: The Apache Software Foundation
Confirms Equifax Data Breach Due to Failure to Install Patches
Provided for Apache® Struts™ Exploit

IV. Informal Announcements: 8 items were published on the ASF
"Foundation" Blog. 1 “Success at Apache” blog post was published. 4
Apache News Round-ups were issued, with a total of 169 weekly
summaries published to date. We tweeted 22 items, and have 43.9K
followers on Twitter. We posted 8 items on LinkedIn, which garnered
nearly 177K organic impressions in total.

V. Future Announcements: five announcements are in development.
Projects planning to graduate from the Apache Incubator as well as
PMCs wishing to announce major project milestones and "Did You Know?"
success stories are requested to contact Sally at <>
with at least 2-weeks' notice for proper planning and execution.

VI. Media Relations: the past month was spent mostly in extensive
crisis communications mode, due to the Equifax data breach. We
responded to 72 media queries, with thanks to the Apache Struts PMC
and ASF Security team for their assistance with the media surge. The
ASF received 4,639 press clips vs. last month's clip count of 3,239.
Media coverage of Apache projects yielded 14,364 press hits vs. last
month's 7,634.

VII. Analyst Relations: we received no analyst queries during this
timeframe. Apache was mentioned in 3 reports by Gartner, 4 reports by
Forrester, 5 reports by 451 Research, and 12 reports by IDC.

VIII. Graphics: Sally coordinated graphics production with Sharan Foga
and Melissa Warnkin for several promotional items to be used at
various conferences.

IX. Events liaison: aside from liaising with ComDev with external
community-focused opportunities, this has been a quiet activity area.

X. Newswire accounts: we have 5 pre-paid press releases remaining with
NASDAQ GlobeNewswire through December 2017, with any balance to be
applied towards our new contract that ends in December 2019.

# # #

Attachment 5: Report from the VP of Infrastructure  [David Nalley]

Infra continues to operate as expected, and there are no issues for
the President or the Board at this time.

Following on from last month, Infrastructure's finances are in good
shape, and running under budget on many of our cost centers. However,
we still have one open headcount with an unknown impact. We will
continue to manage against the budget.

Short Term Priorities
- Schedule Jira and Confluence upgrades
- Complete our LDAP system upgrade from master/master/many-slaves
  to a simpler master/few-slaves layout

General Activity
- Major Jenkins upgrade to the latest LTS release was completed.
- Rebuilt JIRA database, in preparation for its next major upgrade.
  The upgrade date is still unschedule, as we need to do some
  additional test runs.

Uptime Statistics
No significant, unschedled downtime occurred during the past
reporting month. Our systems continue to run with high availability.

Attachment 6: Report from the VP of Conferences  [Rich Bowen]

Nothing to report this month.

Attachment 7: Report from the Apache Travel Assistance Committee  [Melissa Warnkin]

No issues to report at this time.

Attachment 8: Report from the VP of W3C Relations  [Andy Seaborne]

The appeal vote on Director's decision to pubish the EME standard passed
with votes split approximately 2:1 in favor.  ASF formally abstained
(with comments).  EME has been published.

Otherwise, nothing to report.

Attachment 9: Report from the Apache Legal Affairs Committee  [Chris Mattmann]

This month, I began an effort to cull membership to our legal-internal
list which was at 84 members, and is currently at 15 members. The
criteria for inclusion in the culling was that the membership of
the list consist of the Legal PMC, Legal VP, our pro bono counsel,
and the criteria was expanded to include ASF directors & officers
who “opted in”, and three ASF members who had been longtime Legal
contributors who requested to opt-in as well.

Shortly after the last Board meeting on 9/22/17, Facebook made a
decision to relicense the React.js framework to the MIT license
[1]. This opened up the ability for its inclusion in Apache projects.
In particular, the initial LEGAL-319 [2] issue raised by Joan Touzet
for the use of React in the Apache CouchDB project and moreover for
all Apache projects was resolved and the library can be used with
React version 16+.

There were questions surrounding the ability to import the entire
VCS history of donated software that was previously licensed under
GPLv3, per LEGAL-331 [3].  Per the discussion in that issue, there
is not a problem with importing that history, however, the important
thing is to go through the provenance of the code once Imported,
and make sure that the code that the PMC releases complies with our
legal and release policies and dependency guidance per the
legal/resolved page.  A side issue arose out of this discussion
relating to whether or not images included in said prior VCS history
that were imported were useable under fair use, as specified in
LEGAL-332 [4]. The answer to that question per Legal policy is that
such use is disallowed as outlined in the comments of LEGAL-332.

A spirited discussion was raised regarding the terms of use of the
Central repository and whether they were incompatible with the
Apache License, version 2 [5]. The recommendation from Legal is
that the ASF does not have concerns about PMCs using the Central
repo as an unofficial distribution channel relating to ASF products.
Any concerns about the use of downstream unofficial distribution
channels for ASF code should be brought up with the owners of those
channels specifically.

The Universal Permissive License 1.0 was added to the Category A
list [6].


Attachment 10: Report from the Apache Security Team Project  [Mark J. Cox]

Various statements around Struts issues this month for press and for
and the security@struts list gained a lot of requests for clarifications
around various public issues.

Stats for September 2017:

13 CVEs issued to projects (some may not be public yet).

e-mails to security@

3   Phishing/spam/proxy/attacks point to site "powered by Apache" or
     Confused user due to "Apache" mentioned in OSS licenses
2    Support Questions

9    Direct Vulnerability report to
      3 [httpd]
      1 [apr]
      1 [commons]
      1 [karaf]
      1 [spark]
      1 [zookeeper]
      1 [tomcat]

21   Vulnerabilities reported to projects
      14 [tomcat] (many the same already public issue, many others rejected)
      4 [struts]
      1 [nifi]
      1 [aoo]
      1 [hive]

Attachment A: Report from the Apache Accumulo Project  [Michael Wall]

## Description:
- The Apache Accumulo sorted, distributed key/value store is a robust,
scalable, high performance data storage system that features cell-based access
control and customizable server-side processing.  It is based on Google's
BigTable design and is built on top of Apache Hadoop, Zookeeper, and Thrift.

## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:
- There were no new releases during the current reporting period.
- There were 3 new contributors added since the last report, and 3 during the
prior quarter.
- The 4th annual Accumulo Summit will be held on Oct 16th in Columbia, MD. 
The PMC has approved the use of the Apache Accumulo trademark.

## Health report:
- The project remains healthy.  Activity levels on mailing lists, git and JIRA
remain constant.

## PMC changes:
- Currently 30 PMC members.
- Ivan Bella was added to the PMC on Tue Jul 11 2017

## Committer base changes:
- Currently 30 committers.
- Ivan Bella was added as a committer on Wed Jul 12 2017

## Releases:
- Last release was 1.7.3 on Sat Mar 25 2017

## Mailing list activity:
- Nothing significant in the figures

## JIRA activity:
- 43 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 36 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment B: Report from the Apache ACE Project  [Marcel Offermans]

Attachment C: Report from the Apache ActiveMQ Project  [Bruce Snyder]

Description Apache ActiveMQ is a popular and powerful open source
message-oriented middleware. Apache ActiveMQ is fast, supports many cross
language clients and protocols, comes with easy to use enterprise integration
patterns and many advanced features while fully supporting JMS 2.0, AMQP 1.0,
MQTT, Stomp and REST.

* ActiveMQ 5.15.1 released on Oct 2nd

ActiveMQ Artemis
* Artemis 2.3.0 was released on Sept 13th
* Artemis 2.2.0 was released on July 31st
* An embedded web management console was added
* The download page was refreshed to improve clarity and ease future

ActiveMQ Other
* A new logo was selected by community vote following a period of open
* The website was updated to use the new logo and slightly freshen the look.
* Some release process improvements were discussed and implemented.

* 5.15.1 was released on Sun Oct 01 2017
* ActiveMQ Artemis 2.2.0 was released on Sun Jul 30 2017

Attachment D: Report from the Apache Airavata Project  [Suresh Marru]

## Description: 
Apache Airavata is a distributed system software framework to manage simple to
composite applications with complex execution and workflow 
patterns on diverse computational resources 

## Issues: 
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. 

## Activity: 
- The community is active without any major concerns. 

## Health report: 
- We are putting in conscious effort to engage students as a way of 
finding “new blood” into Airavata. This is a work in progress, but we still
need to motivate sustain student to become commuters. 
Requested INFRA to make GitHub mirror writable to reduce the barrier Even
further in accepting contributions. 

## PMC changes: 

- Currently 22 PMC members. 
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months 
- Last PMC addition was Eroma Abeysinghe on Sun Dec 11 2016 

## Committer base changes: 

- Currently 33 committers. 
- No new committers added in the last 3 months 
- Last committer addition was Ajinkya Dhamnaskar at Tue Apr 11 2017 

## Releases: 

- Last release was 0.16 on Mon Jul 25 2016. 
With lot of contributor activity, we hope to get back into strident releases. 

## Mailing list activity: 

- Mailing lists, especially dev is very active. No concerns on this front.  
## JIRA activity: 

- 75 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
- 35 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment E: Report from the Apache Apex Project  [Thomas Weise]

## Description:

Apache Apex is a distributed, large-scale, high-throughput, low-latency, fault
tolerant, unified stream and batch processing platform.

## Issues:

There are currently no issues that require the Board's attention.

## Status/Activity:

Activity in the project has declined since the last report and there have been
no new releases. 
The next release is expected to be version 3.8.0 of Apex Malhar (the library).
The previous library release was 3.7.0 in March.

Apex was presented at Dataworks Summit and YOW! Data conferences in Australia
and Strata NY.

## Community:

- Currently 16 PMC members.
- Last PMC addition was Tushar Gosavi 2017-10-13

- Currently 40 committers.
- No new committer added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Devendra Tagare on 2016-08-10

- Contributors: 78 all time, 50 in last 12 months (+0, -5 since last report)

## Releases:

Following are the most recent releases:

- Core 3.6.0 released 2017-05-04
- Malhar 3.7.0 released 2017-03-31

Attachment F: Report from the Apache Aries Project  [Jeremy Hughes]

- Apache Aries delivers a set of pluggable Java components enabling an
  enterprise OSGi application programming model.

## Issues:

- None to report this quarter.
## Activity & Health report: 

- As a community we made 10 releases this quarter. - Mailing list activity
  and pull request contribution remains broadly the same. - Release
  Distribution Policy update: .sha1 and .md5 files for all released files.
## PMC changes: 
- Currently 38 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3
  months - Last PMC addition was Dominik Przybysz on Tue May 30 2017 
## Committer base changes: 
- Currently 55 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Tom De Wolf at Wed May 03 2017 

## Releases: 
- subsystem (uber bundle) 2.0.10 was released on Tue Aug 08 2017
- subsystem-api 2.0.10 was released on Tue Aug 08 2017
- subsystem-core 2.0.10 was released on Tue Aug 08 2017
- blueprint-maven-plugin 1.8.0 was released on Thu Aug 17 2017
- blueprint-maven-plugin 1.9.0 was released on Tue Oct 10 2017
- blueprint-maven-plugin-spi 1.1.0 was released on
  Thu Aug 17 2017
- blueprint-maven-plugin-annotation 1.2.0 was released on
  Thu Aug 17 2017
- blueprint-maven-plugin-annotation 1.3.0 was released on
  Tue Oct 10 2017
- blueprint-maven-plugin-pax-cdi-handlers 1.9.0 was released on
  Tue Oct 10 2017
- blueprint-spring 1.2.0 was released on Mon Oct 2 2017
## Mailing list activity: 
   - 136 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): - 200 emails sent to
   list (310 in previous quarter) 
   - 243 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 27 emails sent to
   list (34 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity: 
- 16 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 16 JIRA tickets
closed/resolved in the last 3 months 

Attachment G: Report from the Apache Arrow Project  [Jacques Nadeau]

## Description:

Arrow is a columnar in-memory analytics layer designed to accelerate big data.
It houses a set of canonical in-memory representations of flat and
hierarchical data along with multiple language-bindings for structure
manipulation. It also provides IPC and common algorithm implementations.

Arrow contains implementations or bindings in various stages in Java, C++, C,
Ruby, Python, and JavaScript.

## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:

- We have added 6 new committers to the project

- Continued development activity and growing community since the last board
 report. We have made 4 releases, with the next release 0.8.0 coming in a
 month or so

- Development activity is increasing in JavaScript, and we are also looking to
 grow a community of R language developers in the coming quarters.

## Health report:

- Arrow activity continues to increase with community interest and adoption.

## PMC changes:

- Currently 20 PMC members.
- Kouhei Sutou was added to the PMC on Fri Sep 15 2017

## Committer base changes:

- Currently 28 committers.
- New commmitters:
   - Phillip Cloud was added as a committer on Tue Oct 03 2017
   - Bryan Cutler was added as a committer on Wed Oct 04 2017
   - Li Jin was added as a committer on Fri Oct 06 2017
   - Philipp Moritz was added as a committer on Mon Aug 14 2017
   - Paul Taylor was added as a committer on Fri Oct 06 2017
   - Siddharth Teotia was added as a committer on Wed Oct 04 2017

## Releases:

- 0.5.0 was released on Sun Jul 23 2017
- 0.6.0 was released on Mon Aug 14 2017
- 0.7.0 was released on Sat Sep 16 2017
- 0.7.1 was released on Sun Oct 01 2017

## JIRA activity:

- 460 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 382 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment H: Report from the Apache AsterixDB Project  [Till Westmann]


Apache AsterixDB is a scalable big data management system (BDMS) that
provides storage, management, and query capabilities for large
collections of semi-structured data.


- Development and discussions are active, the community is healthy and
- The third non-incubating release is out.
- GSoC project to support standard geometry objects based on GeoJSON
  has completed.
- Tutorial presented at the BOSS'17 workshop (colocated with VLDB'17 in


- There are no issues that require the board's attention at this time.

PMC/Committership changes:

- The last committer added was Dmitry Lychagin on 2017-06-22.
- The last PMC member added was Michael Blow on 2016-03-28.


- Apache AsterixDB 0.9.2 was released on 2017-08-24
- Apache Hyracks 0.3.2 was released on 2017-08-24

Attachment I: Report from the Apache Attic Project  [Jan Iversen]

## Description: The Attic is where projects slumber when their communities
fade away.
## Issues: No issues
## Activity: None
## PMC changes:
- Currently 21 PMC members.
- Jan Iversen was added to the PMC on Wed Mar 15 2017
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 25 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Jan Iversen at Thu Mar 16 2017
## Releases:
- No release can be made in attic

Attachment J: Report from the Apache Avro Project  [Ryan Blue]

## Description:

- Avro is a cross-language data serialization system.

## Issues:

- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:

- 1.8.2 released 13 May 2017.
- Planning to rotate the PMC chair.

## Health report:

- No significant changes from the last report.

## PMC changes:

- Currently 18 PMC members.
- Last PMC addition was Suraj Acharya on Wed Apr 12 2017

## Committer base changes:

- Currently 25 committers.
- New commmitters:
- Gábor Szádovszky was added as a committer on Sat Feb 04 2017
- Suraj Acharya was added as a committer on Sat Feb 04 2017

## Releases: 

- Last release was 1.8.2 on 13 May 2017

## Mailing list activity:

- 302 subscribers (up 11 in the last 3 months)
- 591 emails sent to list (417 in previous quarter)

- 669 subscribers (up 9 in the last 3 months):
- 44 emails sent to list (60 in previous quarter)

## JIRA activity:

- 49 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 24 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment K: Report from the Apache Axis Project  [Deepal Jayasinghe]

Attachment L: Report from the Apache Bloodhound Project  [Gary Martin]

Report from the Apache Bloodhound committee [Gary Martin]

Project Description 

Apache Bloodhound is a software development collaboration tool, including
issue tracking, wiki and repository browsing 

The threat of moving the project to the attic is ongoing given limited PMC
input to the project over several months. With recent board feedback
suggesting it is time again to look at moving to the attic this is being
considered as described below.


There have been no releases over the last three months. The last release
was towards the end of 2014:

 * apache-bloodhound-0.8 (11th December 2014)

PMC/Committer Changes

There are currently 14 PMC members on the project. The last changes were
in April 2017.

The last new committers were added in May 2014.

The last addition to the PMC was in January 2017 (dammina)

Ryan Ollos resigned from the PMC in April 2017.

Community & Development

With no real progress over recent months the PMC is in the position of
having to seriously consider a move to the attic. This has recently been
brought to the attention of the dev community shortly to give an
opportunity for the wider community to take note and react if they wish
to avert this. The PMC chair remains committed to supporting any
community move to continue development.

The user email list remains quiet; prior to the message to the dev list
mentioned above, there was only one contributor to this list since the
last report.

Attachment M: Report from the Apache Calcite Project  [Jesús Camacho Rodríguez]

## Description:

Apache Calcite is a highly customizable framework for parsing and
planning queries on data in a wide variety of formats. It allows
database-like access, and in particular a SQL interface and advanced
query optimization, for data not residing in a traditional database.

Avatica is a sub-project within Calcite, and provides a framework
for building local and remote JDBC and ODBC database drivers. Avatica
has an independent release schedule, and since April 2017, it has its
own independent repository.

## Issues:

- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:

Development and mailing list activity is steady for both Calcite and
its Avatica sub-project.

Since the last board meeting, there has been one Calcite release.

Calcite 1.14.0 was released at the beginning of October. The release
included more than 60 new features, improvements and bug fixes. Among
others, the GEOMETRY data type was added along with 35 associated
functions part of the OpenGIS set. Thus, projects integrating with
Calcite can benefit from this initial spatial support. In addition,
a new adapter for Elasticsearch5 was added. The adapter was an
unexpected contribution by a new member in the community, which is
representative of the benefits of open-source software development.
On top of that, a cool new feature was added: the "sqlsh" command,
which allows you to run SQL queries against your OS from your shell!

Our community continued growing this quarter, as two new committers
(Chris Baynes and Christian Beikov) were added to the project.

Finally, there was an important presence of the Apache Calcite project
in talks at multiple events, such as FlinkForward 2017 (Berlin, Germany)
and DataWorks Summit APAC 2017 (Sydney, Australia). In addition,
Calcite (as well as other Apache projects such as Flink or Kudu) was
mentioned multiple times in the media in relation with the release of
Uber's AthenaX project[1].


## Health report:

Activity levels on mailing lists, git and JIRA are normal for both
Calcite and Avatica.

## PMC changes:

- Currently 16 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Michael Mior on Mon Apr 03 2017

## Committer base changes:

- Currently 27 committers.
- Chris Baynes and Christian Beikov were added last quarter

## Releases:

- 1.14.0 was released on Sun Oct 01 2017

## JIRA activity:
- 122 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 70 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment N: Report from the Apache CarbonData Project  [Liang Chen]

Report from the Apache CarbonData Project  [Liang Chen]

## Description:

- The Apache CarbonData is an indexed columnar store file format for fast
analytics on Big Data platforms (including Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, among
others) to help speed up queries an order of magnitude faster over petabytes
of data, with the aim of using a unified file format to satisfy all kinds of
data analysis cases.

## Issues:

- There are no new issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:

- Community is pretty active, the number of contributors who are from 20+
different organizations is more than 100, we are receiving around 100-200 pull
requests per month.
- A new release 1.2.0 be completed in Sep.
- We added more tools to ensure code quality, likes: find-bugs, coverage,
cluster CI etc.
- In dev mailing list, we have started 1.3.0 scope discussion. In 1.3.0, there
are some significant feature(supports spark 2.0, streaming ingestion,partition
optimization,pre-aggregation etc.)
- We are optimizing API for easier integration with other big data
project(Presto, Hive etc.)
- We organized 2 times meetup in the past 3 months, the meetup on 2nd Sep has
more than 300 persons attended it.
- We helped 5 companies deployed CarbonData in production in the past 3
months. All these discussions and help actions be supported in mailing list
and apache JIRA.

## Health Report:

- The project is healthy, community keep active in all the various
categories(dev mailing list, JIRAs, and pull requests).
- There are 5 potential new committers who will work at 1.3.0 release.

## Releases:

- Apache CarbonData 1.1.1 released on 2017-07-10
- Apache CarbonData 1.2.0 released on 2017-09-28

## PMC changes:

- No new PMC members in the last 3 months.
- Last PMC addition: Mon May 22 2017 (Ravindra Pesala).
- Currently 9 PMC members.

## Committer base changes:

Currently 15 committers, two new committers added in the past quarter:

- Lionel Cao was added as a committer on Wed Sep 13 2017
- Manish Gupta was added as a committer on Thu Aug 24 2017

## Mailing list activity:
- Mailing list activity stays at a high level
- 165 subscribers (up 9 in the last 3 months): 
- 254 emails sent to list (790 in previous quarter) 

## JIRA activity: 
- 261 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
- 176 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment O: Report from the Apache Celix Project  [Alexander Broekhuis]

Attachment P: Report from the Apache Chukwa Project  [Eric Yang]

Report from the Apache Chukwa Project  [Eric Yang]

## Description:
- Chukwa is an open source data collection system for monitoring  
large distributed systems.

## Issues:
- there are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:
- Minor security bug fixes contributed by community.

## Health report:
- Chukwa project has little development happening at this time.  There is
planned work for more development after Hadoop 3 release to include docker
services.  This will require new work to monitor Docker services running in

## PMC changes:

- Currently 12 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Alan Cabrera on Tue Oct 15 2013

## Committer base changes:

- Currently 16 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Sreepathi Prasanna at Mon Mar 16 2015

## Releases:

- Last release was 0.8.0 on Fri Jul 15 2016

## Mailing list activity:

 - 89 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
 - 10 emails sent to list (34 in previous quarter)

 - 156 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
 - 0 emails sent to list (5 in previous quarter)

## JIRA activity:

- 2 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 1 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment Q: Report from the Apache Crunch Project  [Josh Wills]

Attachment R: Report from the Apache CXF Project  [Daniel Kulp]

## Description: Apache CXF is an open source services framework. CXF helps you
build and develop services using frontend programming APIs, like JAX-WS and
JAX-RS. These services can speak a variety of protocols such as SOAP,
XML/HTTP, RESTful HTTP, or CORBA and work over a variety of transports such as

There are also two sub-projects that leverage CXF:

Fediz - Fediz helps you to secure your web applications via the standard
WS-Federation Passive Requestor Profile.

DOSGi - is the reference implementation of the Distribution Provider component
of the OSGi Remote Services Specification

## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time

## Activity: Activity this quarter centered around a few efforts: 
1) Tomee requested a “security fix” off an old (long since unsupported) branch
of CXF that incorporated a bunch of CVE fixes.  They were very helpful in 
identifying the needed commits and testing so we were able to get 2.6.17 
out for them. 
2) CXF 3.2 - this was LONG overdue (2 years since 3.1) but we finally got it
out. Now we are working on “upgrade issues” that people are reporting, but
that’s a good thing as it shows people are using it. 
3) Subprojects - with 3.2 out, we’ve been working on the Fediz and DOSGi
subprojects to get them upgraded to be based on 3.2 instead of 3.1.

## PMC changes:

- Currently 24 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Francesco Chicchiriccò on Sun Sep 18 2016

## Committer base changes:

- Currently 40 committers.
- Dennis Kieselhorst was added as a committer on Mon May 15 2017

## Releases: 
- 3.0.15 was released on Mon Sep 11 2017 
- 3.1.13 was released on Mon Sep 11 2017 
- 3.2.0 was released on Mon Sep 11 2017 
- Apache CXF 2.6.17 was released on Thu Aug 03 2017 
- Apache CXF Fediz 1.4.1 was released on Fri Aug 18 2017 
- Apache CXF Fediz 1.4.2 was released on Fri Sep 15 2017

Attachment S: Report from the Apache DB Project  [Bryan Pendleton]

Report from the Apache DB Project  [Bryan Pendleton]

## Description:

The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects:
 o Derby    : a relational database implemented entirely in Java.
 o JDO      : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility
              testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data
 o Torque   : an object-relational mapper for Java.

## Issues:

There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:

The Derby community is working on a new release, Derby 10.14, which
is anticipated to be released this fall.

The Derby community had one student participate in the Google Summer
of Code; the project completed successfully.

## Health report:

In general, the software in the DB project is mature and reliable,
and isn't undergoing much change. Activity continues to be low, but
stable. Periodic releases occur, primarily containing bug fixes,
and are successfully voted on.

## PMC changes:

 - Currently 43 PMC members.
 - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
 - Last PMC addition was Matthew Adams on Sun Jan 19 2014

## Committer base changes:

 - Currently 44 committers.
 - No new committers added in the last 3 months
 - Last committer addition was Brett Bergquist at Tue Aug 30 2016

## Releases:

 - Derby- was released on Mon Oct 24 2016

Attachment T: Report from the Apache Directory Project  [Stefan Seelmann]

## Description:

The Apache Directory TLP consists of the following sub-projects:
- ApacheDS: An extensible and embeddable directory server entirely
            written in Java, which has been certified LDAPv3
            compatible by the Open Group. Besides LDAP it supports
            Kerberos 5 and the Change Password Protocol.
- LDAP API: An ongoing effort to provide an enhanced LDAP API, as a
            replacement for JNDI and the existing LDAP API (jLdap
            and Mozilla LDAP API). This is a "schema aware" API
            with some convenient ways to access all types of LDAP
- Studio:   A complete directory tooling platform intended to be
            used with any LDAP server however it is particularly
            designed for use with ApacheDS. It is an Eclipse RCP
            application, composed of several Eclipse (OSGi) plugins.
- Fortress: A standards-based access management system that provides
            role-based access control, delegated administration and
            password policy services with an LDAP backend.
- Kerby:    An implementation of Kerberos v5 protocol and contains
            various tools to access and manage kerberos principals
            and keytabs. It provides a rich, intuitive and
            interoperable implementation, library, KDC and various
            facilities that integrates PKI, OTP and token (OAuth2)
            as desired in modern environments such as cloud, Hadoop
            and mobile.
- Mavibot:  An embeddable key-value database library with MVCC
            (Multi Version Concurrency Control) support.

## Issues:

In response to previous report:

rb: There's a huge gap between your committer and PMC member counts.
   Is there any chance that some of those 55 committers might be
   good additions to the PMC?

We discussed this on the private ML, but there was no obvious candidate. In
general we promote people to PMC 6 month after they became committer if they
remain active.

## Activity:

- We decided to move more projects to Git/GitBox

Per sub-project activity:
- ApacheDS: Low activity
- LDAP API: Low activity: Migrated repo to GitBox
- Studio:   Good activity: Release of version 2.0.0-M13
- Fortress: Low activity
- Kerby:    Good activity: Relase of version 1.0.1
- Mavibot:  Good activity: Work on transaction support and caching

## Health report:

Overall develomment activity (commits, development related mails, resolved
issues, releases) was lower than last quarter. Two new committers were added
who contribute to Kerby. One user shows interest to contribute to Studio. 2
releases were published. The project is healthy.

## PMC changes:

- Currently 18 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Chris Pike on Wed Nov 23 2016

## Committer base changes:

- Currently 57 committers.
- Wei Zhou was added as a committer on Fri Sep 29 2017
- Frank Zeng was added as a committer on Fri Sep 29 2017

## Releases:

- Kerby: 1.0.1 was released on Mon Sep 04 2017
- Studio: 2.0.0-M13 was released on Mon Sep 04 2017
- Fortress: last release 2.0.0 on 2017-07-07
- LDAP API: last release 1.0.0 on 2017-06-07
- ApacheDS: last release 2.0.0-M24 on 2017-06-07
- Mavibot: last release 1.0.0-M8 on 2015-08-15

## Mailing list activity:

- Lower activiy then previous quarter

## JIRA activity:

- 52 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 33 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment U: Report from the Apache DRAT Project  [Chris Mattmann]

## Description:
 - Apache DRAT is a distributed, parallelized (Map Reduce) wrapper
 around Apache RAT™ and other code auditing tools to allow it to
 complete on large code repositories of multiple file types.

## Issues:
 -  there are no issues requiring board attention at this time

## Activity: 
1.       Getting infra set up  👍 
2.       Tyler
Palsulich made some commits to pull the README current and Chris
made some commits to test out Gitbox. 
3.       Getting ready for
a 1.0 release this quarter.
4.       Preparing the initial Apache DRAT web site.

## Health report:
The project has minimal mail activity, but it’s growing. We are
just starting up. We’ve had a few commits from mattmann from palsulich
for the code switchover and to test out the commits list and Gitbox.
palsulich's commits were of a PR from Thejan W, a GSoC student who
participated in Apache Tika this summer. He has expressed interest
in helping out with DRAT as well.

## PMC changes:
 - Currently 10 PMC members.  
 - No new PMC members added in the
 last 3 months

## Committer base changes:
 - Currently 10 committers.  
 - No changes (the PMC was established
 in the last 3 months)

## Releases:
 - We haven’t made a release yet, but we are going to work on a 1.0
 release this quarter.

## Mailing list activity:
 - The current mailing list subscribers are those initial members
 of the DRAT PMC. No big mailing activity yet.  We’re a small but
 growing community.

Attachment V: Report from the Apache Fineract Project  [Myrle Krantz]

## Description

Apache Fineract (\’fīn-,ә-,rakt\) is an open source system for core banking as
a platform. Fineract provides a reliable, robust, and affordable solution for
entrepreneurs, financial institutions, and service providers to offer
financial services to the world’s 2 billion underbanked and unbanked.

## Issues
- Respond to the board's question: "If Mifos I/O was always intended for
Fineract, why wasn't it part of the project from its inception?"

Before I answer, first some history about Mifos I/O:

Markus has been thinking about and planning a rearchitecting of MifosX since
before it entered incubation at Apache under the name Fineract in December
2015.  Besides his other duties he spent much of the time up till March 2016
gathering stakeholder support.

In March, the Mifos Initiative sponsored Mifos Tech Days in Amsterdam to which
all Fineract committers were invited (though not all could attend).  At that
conference, Markus introduced his architecture, and early versions of some of
the command processing code.  Videos of those talks were made and put online.

Then Markus and Myrle went into heads-down mode designing the security
concept, the accounting module, and other basic building blocks for the new
architecture. In August Mark joined us and started work on a new UI designed
to be capable of being ALV2 licensed according to the ASF's constraints,
unlike the current Mifos community app. During this period we wanted to work
with just the three of us in order to develop a clear architectural vision
before we presented it to the community. We were new to Apache (Fineract was
still in incubating), and didn't realize that we were violating the spirit of
the "no off-list communications" rule. The code we were producing is not part
of Fineract, and we never planned to introduce it without community buy-in, so
it seemed a reasonable way to work to us. Early 2017, we changed the code to a
public repository.  We did a renaming and restructuring at the same time,
during which we gave up the commit history.  For this reason, you won't see
the history before that point.

In March Markus, Mark, and Myrle switched to a new employer named Kuelap,
founded as a for-profit with the intention of making the same social mission
that Mifos pursues fiscally sustainable. We have continued to work on the
source code of Mifos I/O, preparing it for deployment.  Mifos I/O currently
consists of nearly 30 github repositories.

When we first addressed this structure on our mailing list, we understood Greg
Stein's response to be a veto against spreading code across multiple
repositories for a project.  Not long after those comments from Greg, Greg
took charge of Apache Infra.  For this reason, Myrle put careful consideration
into the question of why we actually wish to work this way and produced an
in-depth explanation which she presented at ApacheCon in November 2016 in
Seville.  Before it was clear that Apache would accept a multiple repo
approach, this was a technical obstacle to introducing the code to the

In April of 2017 Fineract graduated to a top-level project at Apache.

Between the funding pressures of founding a start-up, the customer pressures
involved in pilots, and the time-pressures that graduating a top-level project
have produced, we haven't had the time to campaign for community buy-in that
we'd like.

At this point the source-code is extensive.  The community wouldn't work if we
just threw this into everyone's lap and said: "here: this is your new
code-base".  Even if we got the votes, people wouldn't be able to work

So we're slowly trying to collect the community and help them understand the
new code well enough to make an informed decision about whether they wish to
accept it. While we have done considerable development off-list, we've been
quite open about this fact.  We are not quietly introducing off-list code into
the code-base without community buy-in.  Myrle has already made clear that she
hopes to get *all* committers on board before we begin the process of IP
clearance and code moving.

## Activity

We've added three new committers and one new PMC member. We've added new
moderators to the mailing lists.

GSoC projects have finished, and are waiting to be merged. These projects
which were led by interns on the Mifos Initiative and Apache include
two-factor authentication, a notifications framework, data import tool
enhancements, credit bureau integration, GSIM/GLIM, security fixes from static
analysis, and changes made to API structure for Swagger API documentation. 

We are looking towards participating in GCI (google code in) and digital
ocean's Hacktoberfest.

We've begun discussions on bringing the Fineract CN code into the Fineract
code base.  Kuelap is hosting a demo-server for those who want to see what it
looks like.

We're also considering a point release which will contain some of these

The Mifos Initiative has engaged a number of individual volunteers who are
working across the community on the following projects but not directly
contributing code: Denila Philip, product management volunteer, has taken over
guiding requirements and product managing the mobile money gateway which is a
critical project for Apache Fineract but has dragged on for a couple of years
and through two GSoC internship cycles. 

Ramesh Padmanabhan, an executive-level network engineer, is conducting
interviews with partners across the community to document their cloud
configuration and hosting environments to help build out toolkits,
documentation containerization and hosting of forthcoming cloud-native

Kristen Perchal, a BCG consultant, who is conducting interviews with
individuals across the community to understand their roadmap development
process and document previous strengths and weaknesses of engagement with the
community on roadmaps to help advance a collective community-driven roadmap
process with the ongoing transitions in the software and community. 

Aditya Oturkar, a project manager at Analog Devices, on documenting
requirements for Drag and Drop/Ad-Hoc style reporting in Apache Fineract. 
Mabawonku Bolarinwa, a business analyst/microfinance practitioner from
Nigeria, on documenting the credit bureau integration requirements for

## Health report

The biggest threat to our project is the long list of unmerged pull requests
on the Fineract code base.  The oldest open pull request is still from March
2016. This problem is worsening with the contributions of the recent GSoC
interns added to the "pile".  We hope that the addition of several new
committers who have experience and are still actively developing on Apache
Fineract 1.0 will lead to progress on this issue.  Avik in particular has
started reviewing and commenting on older pull requests.

While adding to the backlog of pull requests a positive sign of health in the
community are the contributions of code from a number of new partners in the
community including several modifications made by the BOWPI team from
Guatemala, GSIM/GLIM changes made by the iDT Labs team in Sierra Leone, and
changes made by R116 Solutions for Mentors International in Latin America. 

The addition of the Fineract CN code base, though not yet voted in, is also
both a sign of activity, and a contributor to the problem.  We're a small
community and only about a third of the committer base are active coders. 
Those of us who are programmers have been splitting our efforts between two
code bases.  We still need more committers.  Should we vote in the Fineract CN
codebase, we cannot afford to let pull requests there linger too.

In all though, the increase in discussion around the health of our project,
and the addition of Fineract CN indicates there is a baseline of interest by
contributors in our project that can continue to drive the project.

## PMC changes
- Currently 13 PMC members. 
- Last PMC addition was Avik Ganguly last week.

## Committer base changes
- Currently 18 committers.
- New committers:
- Avik Ganguly was added as a committer on Tue Oct 03 2017
- Ippez Robert was added as a committer on Mon Aug 21 2017
- Nikhil Pawar was added as a committer on Wed Oct 04 2017
- Santosh Math was added as a committer on Fri Aug 18 2017 plus two committers
not in the Apache records: Zayyad Said (who was voted in in March, and has not
yet returned an ICLA) and Nayan Ambali (who has provided an ICLA, but has not
yet received an Apache ID).

## Releases
- Released version 1.0.0 on June 1, 2017.
- The Mifos Initiative has issued a Mifos X release based on the current
Apache Fineract code.

## Mailing list activity
 -  Subscriber counts to dev and user have been slightly but steadily
   increasing. The number of new subscribers who introduce themselves has seen
   a slight uptick, which is nice.
- Email counts are not completely comparable with previous quarters because in
mid-September we rearranged what e-mails are sent to which lists. Those
changes may have also driven changes in subscriber count to the issues and
commits mailing lists. Hopefully, those changes will also make our dev list
more attractive for newcomers.

   - 160 subscribers (up 16 in the last 3 months): 
   - 707 emails sent to list (969 in previous quarter) 
   - 12 subscribers (up 4 in the last 3 months): 
   - 200 emails sent to list (248 in previous quarter) 
   - 140 subscribers (up 15 in the last 3 months): 
   - 106 emails sent to list (41 in previous quarter) 

## JIRA activity
- Jira activity has been down somewhat.
- 44 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
- 20 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment W: Report from the Apache Fluo Project  [Keith Turner]

## Description:

 - Apache Fluo is a distributed processing system built on Apache Accumulo.
   Fluo users can easily setup workflows that execute cross node transactions
   when data changes.  These workflows enable users to continuously join new
   data into large existing data sets with low latency while avoiding
   reprocessing all data.

## Issues:

 - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:

 - Continued work on supporting Mesos, Kubernetes, and Docker
 - Started work on adding explicit read locks
 - Posted multiple issues to ASF helpwanted and Hacktoberfest.  Worked with
   multiple people who responded.  For each new contributor we tweeted a
 - Collaborated with Eclipse and formatter-maven-plugin communities to get
   a bug fixed in this plugin we use.

## Health report:

 - Since Sep 12
   - 39 Github pull request were created and 38 were closed
   - 43 commits from 3 committers and 4 non-committers
   - 4 new contributors

## PMC changes:

 - Currently 8 PMC members.
 - No new PMC members added in the last month

## Committer base changes:

 - Currently 8 committers.
 - No new changes to the committer base since last report.

## Releases:

 We released a new parent pom that is used by most Apache Fluo projects.

 - build-resources-2.0.0 was released on Wed Sep 13 2017
 - fluo-parent-2 was released on Wed Sep 13 2017

Attachment X: Report from the Apache Geronimo Project  [Alan Cabrera]

## Description:
 Apache Geronimo delivers reusable Java Enterprise components that meet
 the needs of enterprise developers and system administrators.

## Issues:

- We are planning to sunset the existing confluence based website for
a static site generation tool, but resource constraints will
potentially make this a slow process.

## Activity:

Geronimo stays active on the specification (since we are in
Microprofile and JavaEE 8 ramp up period).

We also start to see some concrete work and discussions around
Microprofile, in particular the config API but discussions are going
on around JWT and Fault Tolerance specifications.

There are some discussion "inter-communities" to ensure we don't
duplicate too much projects at ASF (this can delay a bit some projects
but should be good for ASF as a foundation).

## Health report:
 Less dicussions on the future and more work around Microprofile as
explained above (comparatively to last report).

## PMC changes:

 - Currently 43 PMC members.
 - John D. Ament was added to the PMC on Wed Aug 23 2017

## Committer base changes:

 - Currently 73 committers.
 - New commmitters:
    - Christian Schneider was added as a committer on Tue Jun 27 2017
    - Jean-Louis Monteiro was added as a committer on Fri Jul 14 2017
    - John D. Ament was added as a committer on Tue Jun 27 2017

## Releases:

- geronimo-config 1.0 on the 14th of September
- geronimo-jcdi_2.0-spec-1.0.1 was released on the 3rd of September

## Mailing list activity:

 - Statistics are moving (up and down) because of the switch from the
EE server activity to libraries (and MicroProfile in particular)

    - 340 subscribers (down -3 in the last 3 months):
    - 236 emails sent to list (134 in previous quarter)

    - 43 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months)

    - 96 subscribers (down -3 in the last 3 months):
    - 109 emails sent to list (86 in previous quarter)

    - 6 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months)

    - 444 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
    - 3 emails sent to list (1 in previous quarter)

## JIRA activity:

 - 22 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
 - 11 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment Y: Report from the Apache Giraph Project  [Avery Ching]

Giraph is a Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) framework for writing programs
that analyze large graphs on distributed machines. Giraph serves a similar use
case as Google's Pregel system.  It is one of the largest-scale open-source
graph computing engines and runs on Facebook scale graphs with over 1 trillion
edges in production.

Project releases
* No immediate plans for an upcoming new release - last major release 10/21/2016

Overall project activity since the last report
* Making an effort to move away from the Hadoop framework and support generic
* Several reliability improvements

When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
** Targeting one new committer soon
** Hassan Eslami (Committer) on 7/15/2016
** Sergey Edunov (PMC) on 8/15/2016

Mailing list members
* Our mailing list is stable (not much change from the last report)
** user@ 457 -> 460
** dev@ 281 -> 278

Attachment Z: Report from the Apache Hadoop Project  [Christopher Douglas]

Apache Hadoop is a set of related tools and frameworks for creating and
managing distributed applications running on clusters of commodity

The 3.x series entered beta as the community merged the final set of
features and is focused on stabilization. The 2.x series received a bugfix
release in 2.7.4 as the community prepares for the 2.8.2 and 2.9 releases.
Details of the release roadmap [1] and blockers/status for individual
releases [2,3] are tracked in wiki.



2.7.4 was released 2017-08-03
3.0.0-beta1 was released 2017-10-02


(+ PMC Anu Engineer 2017-08-16)
(+ PMC Daniel Templeton 2017-08-24)
(+ PMC Eric Payne 2017-07-24)
(+ PMC John Zhuge 2017-08-29)
(+ PMC Kai Zheng 2017-08-07)
(+ PMC Mingliang Liu 2017-09-21)
(+ PMC Naganarasimha 2017-08-10)
(+ PMC Ray Chiang 2017-08-24)
(+ PMC Sunil G 2017-07-28)
(+ PMC Varun Saxena 2017-07-21)
(+ PMC Wei-Chiu Chuang 2017-08-29)
(+ PMC Xiao Chen 2017-08-29)
(+ committer Aaron Fabbri 2017-09-06)
(+ committer Chen Liang 2017-09-05)
(+ committer Sean Busbey 2017-09-14)
(+ committer Surendra Singh Lilhore 2017-09-18)
(+ committer Wei Yan 2017-08-23)
(+ committer Weiwei Yang 2017-09-25)
(+ branch-HDFS-7240 Mukul Kumar Singh 2017-09-21)
(+ branch-HDFS-7240 Nanda kumar 2017-09-20)
(+ branch-HDFS-7240 Yuanbo Liu 2017-09-20)
(+ branch-YARN-1011 Miklos Szegedi 2017-09-29)
auth: 175 committers (including branch) and 89 PMC members

Attachment AA: Report from the Apache Hama Project  [Edward J. Yoon]

Attachment AB: Report from the Apache HBase Project  [Misty Stanley-Jones]

HBase is a distributed column-oriented database built on top of Hadoop Common
and Hadoop HDFS.

hbase-thirdparty is a set of internal artifacts used by the project to
mitigate the impact of our dependency choices on the wider ecosystem.


None at this time.


HBase had three releases during this reporting period, including two alpha
releases working toward 2.0.0.

- HBase 1.1.12 was released on August 20.
- HBase 2.0.0-alpha-2 was released on August 20 and HBase 2.0.0-alpha-3 was
released on September 17.

In addition, hbase-thirdparty had two releases.

- hbase-thirdparty-1.0.0 was released on July 4.
- hbase-thirdparty-1.0.1 was released on August 27

Development toward a HBase 2.0.0 release is going well, with the third alpha
released in September, a fourth alpha coming soon, and the first beta release
around the corner. There are lots of design-focused discussions on the dev@
mailing list. As momentum builds, it is increasing overall project engagement.

HBaseCon Asia was held on August 4, and was a big success. A meet-up was held
the next day at the Huawei offices. Michael Stack wrote up a summary of both
events, including photos:
The HBase project has added two new PMC members and three new committers
during this reporting period. Chunhui Shen joined the PMC on July 3, and
Chia-Ping Tsai joined the PMC on September 28. Vikas Vishwakarma and Abhishek
Singh Chouhan became committers on July 24, and Mike Drob became a committer
on July 31. 

Misty Stanley-Jones replaced Andrew Purtell as Vice President on September 18.


The dev@ mailing list saw a slight increase in membership, but a marked
increase in activity. This was due to several substantial discussions about
project health, as well as increased participation in release candidate votes
and discussion of new features and design changes.

The user@ mailing list saw a slight decrease in membership at the same time as
a significant increase in the number of discussions.

The builds@ mailing list saw a 50%+ increase in traffic, due to changes in the
testing infrastructure.

The JIRA open/close rate is significantly different from the last report.
Opened JIRAs are up 36%, and closed JIRAs are up 7%.
66 committers 38 PMC members 612 JIRA tickets created 593 JIRA tickets

Attachment AC: Report from the Apache Helix Project  [Kishore G]

## Description:
  A cluster management framework for partitioned and replicated distributed
## Issues:
 - No
## Activity:
 - 15 pull requests merged in last 3 months.
 - 39 commits in last 3 months.
## Health report:
 - Release 0.6.9 is in progress.
 - New major release 0.8 is in discussion and in preparation.
 - commits, pull requests and releases continue to happen at a regular cadence 
 - We have presented Helix at conferences, including @Scale, Qcon, etc, and
   gained many interests from industrial companies.
 - The dev@ list traffic is healthy, user@ list traffic is decreasing.
 - Many of current committers are not quite active in terms of daily
   developments and discussions, need to look for potential new committers from
   the community.
## PMC changes:
 - Currently 18 PMC members.
 - Last PMC (Junkai Xue) added in July 4. 2017.
## Committer base changes:
 - Currently 19 committers.
 - Last committer (Junkai Xue) added in April, 2017.
## Releases:
 - Last release was 0.6.8 on June 19, 2017.
## Mailing list activity:
    - 69 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):  -- need update.
    - 79 emails sent to list (179 in previous quarter)
    - 98 subscribers (up 3 in the last 3 months):  -- need update.
    - 9 emails sent to list (14 in previous quarter)

Attachment AD: Report from the Apache Isis Project  [Kevin Meyer]

## Description:

Apache Isis is a framework for rapidly developing domain-driven applications
in Java.

## Issues:

There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:

We have made 2 releases this quarter [1][2].

We are currently actively reviewing the framework with a view to simplify
the framework API. This will reduce the codebase and simpify the 
documentation without removing any functionality.

## Health report:

The project is healthy with PMC members participating in votes and both
project members and users exchanging questions and answers on the mailing 

## PMC changes:
 - Currently 13 PMC members. 
 - Andi Huber was added to the PMC on Mon Oct 02 2017 
## Committer base changes: 
 - Currently 13 committers. 
 - Andi Huber was added as a committer on Mon Oct 02 2017 
## Releases:
 - 1.15.0 was released on Mon Aug 14 2017 
 - 1.15.1 was released on Mon Sep 25 2017
## Mailing list activity:

There is nothing significant in the mailing list activity.
## JIRA activity: 
 - 97 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
 - 68 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months   
## References


Attachment AE: Report from the Apache James Project  [Eric Charles]

## Description:
 - The Apache James Project delivers a rich set of open source modules
 and libraries, written in Java, related to Internet mail which build
 into an advanced enterprise mail server.

## Issues:
 - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:
 - Final version 3.0.0 of James server has been released.
 - Further to latest board feedback, JAMES-2147 to encourage more
   code contribution. No new committer nor PMC discussed so far.

## Health report:
 - Ongoing bug fixes and user support on mailing list.

## PMC changes:

 - Currently 16 PMC members.
 - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
 - Last PMC addition was Antoine Duprat on Fri Mar 11 2016

## Committer base changes:

 - Currently 37 committers.
 - No new committers added in the last 3 months
 - Last committer addition was Raphael Ouazana at Thu Jul 07 2016

## Releases:

 - 3.0.0 was released on Tue Jul 25 2017

## Mailing list activity:

 - Subscribers and email activity stable.

## JIRA activity:

 - 100 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
 - 70 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment AF: Report from the Apache jclouds Project  [Andrew Gaul]

A cloud agnostic library that enables developers to access a variety of
supported cloud providers using one API.

== Project Status ==

We have addressed a long-standing and unpopular compatibility issue that tied
jclouds to an old version of Guava, a library that is common in many Java
environments. The change will allow users to use the latest jclouds version
with a modern Guava version.

There has been ongoing work and discussion around object tiering and
asynchronous payloads. Although the initial contributors have not been
participating in the latest conversations, some progress has been made and
concrete proposals have been pushed as pull requests for review. We hope to
come to an agreement on the desired asynchronous behaviors and to introduce
them so users can start trying them out.

We have started validating jclouds builds against Java 9. Several issues have
been identified, and we have filed corresponding JIRA tickets to enable the
community to properly plan fixes.

There has been recent interest in the Azure ARM provider coupled with external
contributions to develop a set of new features. We hope to be able to make
these features available in the coming 2.1.0 and 2.0.3 releases soon. For the
2.1.0 release, we hope to be able to promote the provider, which has been very
stable and is being used in production, out of the jclouds "labs" repo.

== Community ==

We had one GSoC student working on implementing a portable queuing
abstraction, but unfortunately the student did not complete the goals. There
was very little interaction with the community;the code, submitted late, was
insufficient. This is the first time we have had to fail a student; we still
believe that GSoC is a positive initiative that can usefully contribute to
jclouds, however - in past years, the students have completed their projects
and their code is now part of jclouds. Getting students onboard as
contributors post-GSoC remains a challenge.

The project has seen several new issue reporters of late, but unfortunately
this has not (yet) translated into new contributors. There has been some
renewed activity on IRC, although the number of regular participants there has

The mailing list activity has slowed down over the last quarter, but we expect
to encourage people to participate with the release of jclouds 2.1.0 and
2.0.3, and by spending more time promoting the project on social media.

There are currently 11 PMC members and 24 committers. 

Last committer: 2017-02-17 (Svetoslav Neykov) Last PMC member: 2016-10-21
(Andrea Turli)

== Community Objectives ==

*  Release jclouds 2.1.0 and 2.0.3 in 4Q2017 (slipped from previous report)
*  Promote the Azure ARM provider out of the jclouds labs repo
*  Improve project outreach and promotion on social media

== Releases ==

The last jclouds release, 2.0.2, took place on 2017-07-06.

Attachment AG: Report from the Apache Jena Project  [Andy Seaborne]

## Description:

Jena is a framework for developing Semantic Web and Linked Data applications
in Java. It provides implementation of W3C standards for RDF and SPARQL.

## Issues:

There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:

Jena released version 3.4.0 2017-07-17

The project has received a software contribution of a new storage subsystem. 
Software grants from the main developer (who is also a committer but this work
was not done at Apache) and his employer, for most of the development period,
have been obtained. This work was originally funded by a UK government R&D
grant, with the condition the work was open source.

## Health report:

The activity levels look normal.

## PMC changes:

- Currently 12 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Adam Soroka on Mon Jun 06 2016

## Committer base changes:

- Currently 15 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Lorenz Buehmann at Fri Oct 28 2016

## Releases:

- Last release was 3.4.0 on 2017-07-17

## JIRA activity:

- 29 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 30 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment AH: Report from the Apache JMeter Project  [Bruno Demion]

## Description: Pure Java application for load and functional testing.

## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:
- The project has released Apache JMeter 3.3.
- The trademark issue with OctoPerf ( has been resolved quickly.
- We continue to have some discussions about the HTTP/2 support inside JMeter.

## Health report:

- The project has a normal activity: GitHub pull requests from new
contributors, updating dependencies, fix the bugs, a low but regular
activities on mailing-lists.

- At 7th October 2017:
  The JMeter Twitter account has 3205 followers (3105 since July 2017)
  The Github mirror of JMeter repository has 1308 stars (1101 in July 2017)
    and 614 forks (560 in July 2017).

## PMC changes:

- Currently 8 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Antonio Gomes Rodrigues on Sat Jan 28 2017

## Committer base changes:

- Currently 14 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Maxime Chassagneux at Wed Feb 15 2017

## Releases:

- 3.3 final was released on Thu Sep 21 2017

## Mailing list activity:

   - 168 subscribers (up 3 in the last 3 months):
   - 650 emails sent to list (457 in previous quarter)

   - 48 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
   - 573 emails sent to list (340 in previous quarter)

   - 873 subscribers (up 5 in the last 3 months):
   - 219 emails sent to list (156 in previous quarter)

## Bugzilla Statistics:

- 90 Bugzilla tickets created in the last 3 months
- 99 Bugzilla tickets resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment AI: Report from the Apache Johnzon Project  [Hendrik Saly]

## Description:
Apache Johnzon is an implementation of JSR-353 (JSON-P 1.0),
JSR-374 (JSON-P 1.1) and JSR-367 (JSON-B 1.0) and a set of useful
extension for this specification like JAX-RS providers and websocket
(JSR-356) integration.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time

## Status:
We recently finished and released the implementation of JSR-374 and JSR-367.
Current focus is now to optimize the performance and stabilize the new features.
There was also a new 'circular-detection‘ feature introduced.

## Releases:
- 1.1.2 was released on Sun Jul 30 2017
- 1.1.3 was released on Fri Sep 01 2017
- 1.1.4 was released on Mon Oct 09 2017

## Committers and PMC membership:
The last committer we signed up was James W. Carman on July 03, 2017. The
last PMC member was Reinhard Sandtner, added to the PMC on August 30, 2016.

## Project activity:
Since the last report there was low to mid activity.

We had 6 new Jira tickets and closed 17 tickets. On the mailinglist there a no
unanswered questions left. On the dev list we have 32 (+1) subscribers currently
and 10 msg sent per week. Since last report we saw mailing list activity
from a few new people.

Attachment AJ: Report from the Apache JSPWiki Project  [Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez]

Attachment AK: Report from the Apache Karaf Project  [Jean-Baptiste Onofré]

## Description: 
- Apache Karaf provides a very modern and polymorphic container, multi-purpose
(microservices, OSGi, etc) powered by OSGi.
## Issues: 
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Activity: 
- We did 3 releases in the last 3 months
- We identified some improvements and new features to do in Karaf container
but also in the sub-projects
- We see more interactions and contributions coming from other communities,
especially OpenDaylight.
## Health report: 
- Our user community is still growing up and we are in touch with other
communities like OpenHAB and OpenDaylight.
- We are discussing about potential new committers
## PMC changes: 
- Currently 15 PMC members. 
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months 
- Last PMC addition was Christian Schneider on Mon Aug 22 2016 
## Committer base changes: 
- Currently 30 committers. 
- Stephen Kitt was added as a committer on Tue Jul 04 2017
- Last committer addition: Tue Jul 04 2017 (Stephen Kitt)
## Releases: 
- 4.1.2 was released on Tue Aug 08 2017
- Decanter 1.4.0 was released on Sun Jul 23 2017
- 4.0.10 was released on Thu Sep 28 2017
## Mailing list activity: 
   - 188 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months): 
   - 247 emails sent to list (315 in previous quarter) 
   - 377 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): 
   - 353 emails sent to list (590 in previous quarter) 
## JIRA activity: 
- 162 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
- 166 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment AL: Report from the Apache Kudu Project  [Todd Lipcon]

## Description: 

Apache Kudu is a distributed columnar storage engine built for the Apache
Hadoop ecosystem.

## Issues: 

No issues requiring the board's attention at this time.

## Activity: 

Since the last report, we've made one minor release (1.5.0).

Development continues in the same areas as the last report: operability,
stability, security, and incremental performance improvements. We plan to
continue making minor releases with no reason for a major
(compatibility-breaking) release on the horizon.

## Health report: 

- Subscriptions to the user mailing list are up slightly over last quarter,
  but traffic down significantly. It's not clear if there is anything
  to learn from this, but we'll make sure to look over recent weeks and see
  if any questions have been going un-answered.

- Website traffic (unique user count) is down about 9% since last quarter.
  Our blog continues to be rather quiet of late -- contributors have spent
  more time on code and less on publicity. A few posts are now in the queue
  and hoping they'll bring this back up next quarter.

- Development velocity is pretty constant from last quarter measured by
  review traffic and JIRA (commits slightly down, JIRA up significantly,
  reviews about even).

- This quarter (July-Sep), we committed code authored by 24 distinct
  contributors, of whom 6 were new to the project. Similar diversity and

  Discussion continues on the private list for new committers. The latest
  discussions were positive and seems like a vote should be called soon.

- The Kudu project has been collaborating closely with the Impala incubator
  podling community. Specifically, Impala is adopting Kudu's RPC library for
  their own internal usage. This is in addition to the actual user-facing
  integration between the projects that has been ongoing for upwards of a year.
  This has resulted in a number of new Kudu contributions from committers on
  that project.

## PMC/Committer changes: 

 - Currently 16 PMC members and committers (all committers are PMC)
 - Last committer/PMC addition: Jordan Birdsell was added on Nov 8, 2016.

## Releases: 

 - Apache Kudu 1.5.0 was released on September 13, 2017.

Attachment AM: Report from the Apache Lucene.Net Project  [Prescott Nasser]

Attachment AN: Report from the Apache Lucy Project  [Peter Karman]

## Description:
 The Apache Lucy search engine library provides full-text search for
 dynamic programming languages.  The Apache Clownfish "symbiotic" object
 system pairs with "host" programming language environments and facilitates
 the development of high performance language extensions.

## Issues:
 There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:
- There were no releases during this quarter.
- One mailing list thread about the golang bindings.

## Health report:
- A very quiet quarter. A few new mailing list subscribers, one mailing list

## PMC changes:

- Currently 12 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Timothy Wilkens on Sun Sep 14 2014

## Committer base changes:

- Currently 14 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Tim Wilkens at Fri Sep 26 2014

## Releases:

- Last release was 0.6.1 on Thu Dec 08 2016

## Mailing list activity:

 Email traffic was very light in this quarter, though the subscriber
 levels stayed flat.

   - 60 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):
   - 0 emails sent to list (3 in previous quarter)

   - 21 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
   - 0 emails sent to list (4 in previous quarter)

   - 89 subscribers (up 3 in the last 3 months):
   - 7 emails sent to list (19 in previous quarter)

Attachment AO: Report from the Apache MADlib Project  [Aaron Feng]

## Description:
- Apache MADlib is a scalable, Big Data, SQL-driven machine learning framework
for Data Scientists.

## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:
- Community activity related to post-graduation tasks has largely been
completed (website, wiki, ASF infrastructure, etc.)

- A MADlib community call on the topic of the 1.12 release happened on Sept 7,

- The community decided to take some of the proposed 2.0 release JIRAs and put
them into a 1.13 release to do first, targeted for November 2017. The reason
is that more time is needed to plan out the proposed interface changes for
2.0. Work on 1.13 JIRAs is in flight currently.

## Health report: The community is relatively small but very engaged with
robust mailing list traffic, interest in doing frequent releases and a bunch
of new functionality being developed by contributors. 

The number of committers actively contributing to the code/documentation has
been steady and remains at a level of half a dozen active committers each

We will constantly be on a lookout for new community members to be invited
either as committers or PMC.

## PMC changes:
- No changes in PMC, currently 13 PMC members.

## Committer base changes:

- Currently 13 committers.

- No new committers added in the last 3 months

- Last committer addition was Nandish Jayaram on 2016-09-08

## Releases:
- Next release: v1.13.0 planned for Nov 2017

- v1.12.0 released on 2017-08-29

- v1.11.0-incubating released on 2017-05-17

- v1.10.0-incubating released on 2017-03-10

## Mailing list activity: Mailing activity has remained relatively stable with
144 posts 
to dev@ and 18 posts to user@ during the month of Sep.

## JIRA Statistics:
- 6 JIRA tickets created in the last month

- 4 JIRA tickets resolved in the last month

Attachment AP: Report from the Apache Mahout Project  [Andrew Palumbo]

Apache Mahout is an environment for quickly creating scalable performant
machine learning applications.
## Issues: 
- None 
## Activity: 

* 0.13.1 release in the works, though a code freeze has been temporarily
  lifted. 0.13.1 is a multi-artifact release extending 0.13.0 to all
  combinations of Spark from 1.6 - 2.x and 2.10, scala 2.11
* Current work is on building out an algorithm library and continued native
* More work on a modern Website 
  * A designer has been found.
  * David Miller, Creator of Start Bootstrap has agreed to do a site redesign
  * Work is ongoing to update the way the website is built and deployed.  We
    are working with the Apache infrastructure team to move from a custom
    process to a more standardized way of deploying the website using
    pre-built deployment templates.
* Google Summer of Code - We have enthusiastically accepted Aditya Sarma’s
  proposal to add the DBSCAN clustering algorithm, and additionally an
  alternate implementation of the DBSCAN algorithm which reduces complexity
  from O(n^2) to O(log(n) * n). 
* GSoC experience [Aditya] - I proposed to add an distributed DBSCAN
  implementation on the lines of the paper “A new scalable parallel DBSCAN
  algorithm using the disjoint-set data structure” authored by Md. Mostofa Ali
  Patwary, Diana Palsetia, Ankit Agrawal, Wei-keng Liao, Fredrik Manne, Alok
  Choudhary of Northwestern University. But it turned out that the
  distribution strategy that they have adopted does not fit well with Mahout’s
  underlying framework. So, I contributed the Sequential algorithm and am
  working on completing the RTree module (which can be used by both the
  sequential as well as the distributed algorithm). In the meanwhile, I got in
  touch with a professor from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center and her
  group worked on an approximate dbscan algorithm that scaled well. (As an
  aside, I’m planning to work on making Mahout accessible to newcomers along
  with Trevor)
* GSoC Student Aditya Sarma passed with the mentoring of Trevor Grant.

## Health report: 
-  The health of the project is good with a devoted team of committers.

## PMC changes: 
- Currently 14 PMC members. 
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months 
- Last PMC addition was Trevor Grant on Sat Feb 04 2017 
- PMC member Benson Margulies has changed his status to PMC Emeritus 
## Committer base changes: 
- Currently 28 committers. 
- New commmitters: 
  - Holden Karau was added as a committer on Wed Jul 12 2017 
  - Dustin VanStee was added as a committer on Tue Jun 20 2017 
## Releases: 
- Last release was 0.13.0 on Mon Apr 17 2017

## External Events

Eigenfaces for Realtime Facial Recognition Scott Cote, Trevor Grant. Lucene
Revolution. Las Vegas, NV- September 15, 2017.

Do I Know You?  Realtime Facial Recognition with an Apache Stack. Trevor
Grant. Flink Forward. Berlin, DE - September 12, 2017.

Using Open Source AI with Drones to identify humans… Friendly Cylons 1.0…
Trevor Grant, who did not have editing privileges on the title or abstract
which is why it seems so hokey. Data and Cognitive Developers Meetup. New
York, NY - September 25- 2017.

Open Source AI - Roll Your Own Cylon. Trevor Grant Chicago Hadoop Users Group
(CHUG) / Chicago Apache Flink Meetup (CHAF) Joint Meetup. Chicago, IL - August
24, 2017. Weekend Project: Real World AirBnB Data Science and Pricing Bot.
Trevor Grant, Andrew Weiner. Berlin Buzzwords 2017.

Introduction to Online Machine Learning Algorithms. Trevor Grant, Dataworks
Summit, San Jose, CA -

Success at Apache: All My Roads Led to Apache, Pat Ferrel:

Apache Mahout: Distributed Matrix Math for Machine Learning. Andrew Musselman,
Seattle Data/Analytics/Machine Learning Meetup, Seattle, WA - October 17,

Distributed Evolution of Spiking Neuron Models on Apache Mahout for Time
Series Analysis.  Andrew Palumbo, Annual Symposium on Biomathematics and
Ecology: Education and Research, Illinois State University, Bloomington
Illinois, October 8, 2017.

Open Source Artificial Intelligence in a Biological/Ecological Context. Trevor
Grant, Annual Symposium on Biomathematics and Ecology: Education and Research,
Illinois State University, Bloomington Illinois, October 8, 2017.

## Question asked by board to clarify from March’s board report:  

* AWS has been sending emails to RE: a small (~16$)
  balance.  This is due to Amazon donating 1000$ of cluster time to a project
  member, who has since taken a position with a different organization.  The
  1000$ was on a now discontinued corporate card.  We are actively working on
  getting the situation worked out (the usual large corporate SNAFU keeps this
  fix at a snail’s pace), and getting more compute time donated from AWS. 

* Resolution:  Balance has been paid, and the account moved to an active
  credit card. 

## Mailing list activity: 
   - 918 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): 
   - 256 emails sent to list (582 in previous quarter)   

   - 16 subscribers (up 16 in the last 3 months): 
   - 84 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter) 

We’ve moved all Jira (including Github linked) comments from to, in order to reduce noise
on and to facilitate discussion on the list. 

This move however does not account for the full dip in
emails over the summer  (582 to 256).   We will be monitoring the activity on
this list.
   - 1783 subscribers (down -8 in the last 3 months): 
   - 41 emails sent to list (155 in previous quarter) 
As well we can see a dip in emails.  We will also
continue to monitor this.

Attachment AQ: Report from the Apache Maven Project  [Robert Scholte]

Apache Maven is a widely-used project build tool, targeting mainly Java 
development. Apache Maven promotes the use of dependencies via a 
standardized coordinate system, binary plugins, and a standard build 

* Issues

<<There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.>>

* Activity
  Q3 was a lot about the next release of Maven and about Java 9:
  - next release of Maven
  September 10th a vote on Apache Maven 3.5.1 was started. It contains quite
  some bugfixes and some minor improvements. However, this release also 
  contains 2 small changes related to classloading: changed isolation of
  maven extensions and access to the application classloader as required
  when using ServiceLoaderFactories. Based on results of early testers,
  we're investigating if these changes are correct and complete. We've
  noticed some broken builds which were easy to fix because these were in 
  fact wrong plugins use of classloaders, but this leads to questions if 
  these intended fixes do more harm than good. We want to be sure we're 
  making the right decision here, which delays the release right now.
  We were aware that changing classloaders might impact tools. We've tried 
  to reach out to IDE developers, CI server developers, etc. but didn't 
  get the  amount of feedback we were hoping for. This may become an issue,
  because with the next major release of Maven in mind, things will change.
  For example, we're thinking of introducing an extra metadata file 
  containing dependency information. It would be good if these features
  could be discussed up front with developers from the whole Maven 
  ecosystem: we need feedback and discussion to move forward in confidence.
  - Java 9
  Maven #worksFineOnJavaNine, already for a long, long time. With the date
  of September 21 in mind, we've tried to release quite some plugins in 
  order to increase Java 9 new features support.
  [RS] At Java One I've received quite some compliments from key players of
  the OpenJDK jigsaw team and others (e.g. Java champions) about the work
  done to support Java 9. As the defacto build management tool, we've taken
  our responsiblities, worked close with the Jigsaw team and forced changes
  in the specifications in order to get the best (not perfect) match to
  develop with Java 9.

* Health Report

* Community

## PMC changes: 
- Currently 25 PMC members. 
- New PMC members: 
  - Anders Hammer was added to the PMC on Wed Aug 02 2017 
  - Guillaume Boué was added to the PMC on Mon Aug 07 2017 
## Committer base changes: 
- Currently 57 committers. 
- No new committers added in the last 3 months 
- Last committer addition was Guillaume Boué at Thu Jul 07 2016 

## Mailing list activity: 
  - 1664 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): 
  - 277 emails sent to list (316 in previous quarter) 
  - 611 subscribers (down -7 in the last 3 months): 
  - 816 emails sent to list (885 in previous quarter) 
  - 675 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months): 
  - 18 emails sent to list (12 in previous quarter) 
  - 231 subscribers (down -4 in the last 3 months): 
  - 1885 emails sent to list (2290 in previous quarter) 
  - 177 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): 
  - 756 emails sent to list (1022 in previous quarter) 

## JIRA activity: 
- 257 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
- 169 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months 

* Releases


* Last Maven release: 3.5.0 (2017-04-07)


- Maven Javadoc Plugin 3.0.0-M1 was released on Fri Jul 21 2017 
- Maven Invoker Plugin 3.0.0 was released on Fri Jul 21 2017 
- Maven Enforcer 3.0.0-M1 was released on Sun Jul 30 2017 
- Maven Compiler Plugin 3.6.2 was released on Mon Jul 31 2017 
- Maven Assembly Plugin 3.1.0 was released on Sun Aug 13 2017 
- Maven EJB Plugin 3.0.0 was released on Thu Aug 17 2017 
- Maven Shade Plugin 3.1.0 was released on Tue Aug 22 2017 
- Maven JDeps Plugin 3.1.0 was released on Sat Sep 02 2017 
- Maven Compiler plugin 3.7.0 was released on Mon Sep 04 2017 
- Maven Dependency Plugin 3.0.1 was released on Sat Sep 09 2017 
- Maven Jlink Plugin 3.0.0-alpha-1 was released on Sat Sep 09 2017 
- Maven Surefire Plugin 2.20.1 was released on Fri Sep 15 2017 
- Maven JMod Plugin 3.0.0-alpha-1 was released on Sun Sep 17 2017 
- Maven WAR Plugin Version 3.2.0 was released on Sat Sep 30 2017 


- Maven Resolver 1.1.0 was released on Mon Jul 03 2017
- Maven Script Interpreter 1.2 was released on Fri Jul 21 2017 
- Maven Archiver 3.2.0 was released on Wed Aug 09 2017 
- Maven Doxia Sitetools 1.7.5 was released on Sat Sep 30 2017

Attachment AR: Report from the Apache Mesos Project  [Benjamin Hindman]

Attachment AS: Report from the Apache Metron Project  [Casey Stella]

## Description: 
Metron integrates a variety of open source big data technologies in order
to offer a centralized tool for security monitoring and analysis.  Metron
provides capabilities for log aggregation, full packet capture indexing,
storage, advanced behavioral analytics and data enrichment, while applying
the most current threat-intelligence information to security telemetry
within a single platform.
## Issues: 
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Activity: 
 - We released Metron 0.4.1, which is our second release since incubation.
 - We voted on a committer and are in the process of adding him
## Health report: 

Project activity is broadly the same as in prior months.  The new
release has been received positively and activity on the board is
## PMC changes: 
 - Currently 24 PMC members. 
 - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months 
 - Last PMC addition was Brad Kolarov on Tue Apr 18 2017 
## Committer base changes: 
 - Currently 35 committers. 
 - No new committers added in the last 3 months 
 - Last committer addition was Billie Rinaldi at Tue May 23 2017 
## Releases: 
 - 0.4.1 was released on Thu Sep 14 2017 
## JIRA activity: 
 - 211 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
 - 144 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months 

Attachment AT: Report from the Apache MINA Project  [Jeff Maury]

## Description: 
 Apache MINA is a network application framework which helps users
develop high performance and high scalability network applications
## Issues: 
 MINA 2.0.17 about to be released. 
## Activity: 
 SSHD is still the most active project while some users recently shows better
 participation for MINA. 
## Health report: 
 Users have shown interest for Core project. 
## PMC changes: 
 - Currently 12 PMC members. 
 - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months 
 - Last PMC addition was Lyor Goldstein on Mon Feb 13 2017 
## Committer base changes: 
 - Currently 26 committers. 
 - No new committers added in the last 3 months 
 - Last committer addition was Lyor Goldstein at Thu Apr 30 2015 
## Releases: 
 - Last release was SSHD-1.6.0 on Wed Jul 05 2017 
## Mailing list activity: 
    - 507 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months): 
    - 13 emails sent to list (41 in previous quarter) 
    - 355 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): 
    - 414 emails sent to list (280 in previous quarter) 
    - 131 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months): 
    - 1 emails sent to list (1 in previous quarter) 
## JIRA activity: 
 - 28 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
 - 26 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months 

Attachment AU: Report from the Apache MyFaces Project  [Mike Kienenberger]

## Description: The Apache MyFaces project is an umbrella project of the
Apache Software Foundation for projects relating to the JavaServer Faces (JSF)

## Activity and health:
- Apache Myfaces Core is healthy, and the community is working on the new
 JSF 2.3 specification features.  Designs are being discussed for a complete
 javascript rewrite for JSF 2.4.  Trinidad and Tobago have switched from svn
 to git.

UI-Component Sets:
- Apache Tobago is healthy and active.
- Apache Trinidad is in maintenance mode.  Last developer commit was Sept
- Myfaces Tomahawk is in maintenance mode. Last developer commit was May 2016.
Last commit on behalf of a contributor was May 2016.

Add-ons and Extensions:
- Apache MyFaces Portlet Bridge is in maintenance mode.  Last developer commit
was Jan 2014.  Last commit on behalf of a contributor was May 2015.
- Apache MyFaces CODI is in maintenance mode. CODI was replaced by Apache
DeltaSpike so new development happens there.  Last commit March 2014.
- Apache MyFaces Orchestra is in maintenance mode.  New projects use CDI and
DeltaSpike instead.  Last commit on behalf of a contributor was August 2016.
- Apache MyFaces ExtVal is in maintenance mode. Last commit June 2014.
- Apache MyFaces Commons is in maintenance mode.  Last commit August 2012.
- Apache MyFaces Ext-Scripting is in maintenance mode.  Last commit Sept 2017.
- Apache MyFaces Test is in maintenance mode (Used by Myfaces Core).  Last
commit May 2017.

## Community changes:

- Currently 78 committers and 43 PMC members.
- Last committer addition was Eduardo Breijo at Thu Jun 29 2017
- Last PMC additions was Dennis Kieselhorst on Sun Feb 05 2017
- We have no new committer or PMC member candidates at this time.

## Releases:

- tobago-3.0.5 was released on Mon Aug 14 2017
- tobago-3.0.6 was released on Mon Sep 18 2017
- trinidad-2.1.4 was released on Sun Jul 23 2017
- trinidad-2.2.1 was released on Sun Jul 23 2017

## JIRA activity:

- 96 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 134 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment AV: Report from the Apache NiFi Project  [Joe Witt]

## Description: 
 - Apache NiFi is an easy to use, powerful, and reliable system to
   process and distribute data.
 - Apache NiFi MiNiFi is an edge data collection agent built to seamlessly
   integrate with and leverage the command and control of NiFi. There are
   both Java and C++ implementations.
 - Apache NiFi Registry is a centralized registry for key configuration items 
   including flow versions, assets, and extensions for Apache NiFi 
   and Apache MiNiFi.
 - Apache NiFi Nar Maven Plugin is a release artifact used for supporting
   the NiFi classloader isolation model.
## Issues: 
 - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity: 
 - Released Apache NiFi 1.4.0 which is another very heavy feature, stability,
   and bug fix release.  It includes improvements on the web UI coming from new
   contributors which is a great sign.
 - The Apache NiFi downloads have been quite large and growing for some time.
   The groundwork to solve this is the Apache NiFi Registry effort which is 
   coming along nicely and which the foundational elements of NiFi to integrate
   with it are present.  We're probably looking at two more releases for that
   to land and for which we can drop the NiFi build size down.
 - We continue to hover around the 100 outstanding pull requests number. What
   is encouraging is we've seen an uptick in contributions both in code and
   review feedback from new community members.
 - The Apache NiFi MiNiFi C++ agent has rapidly matured over the past couple of 
   months and is serving as a new source for contributions and contributors.
## Health report: 
 - As stated in our past report, health of the community is strong and
   indicators of strength continue trending in the right direction. Mailing
   list and JIRA activity is strong. ASF Hipchat is serving as an on-ramp for
   new users to our mailing list and JIRA systems. We continue to see new
   users and contributors.
 - The PMC and committer ranks did not grow during the reporting period. This
   is a reflection of the PMC not focusing enough on the topic though as we're
   seeing a very strong pipeline to both committer and PMC. Expect both 
   new committers and PMC members during our next reporting period.
## PMC changes: 
 - Currently 22 PMC members. 
 - Last PMC member added Fri May 26 2017.
## Committer base changes: 
 - Currently 34 committers. 
 - Last committer added Thu Jun 01 2017.
## Releases: 
 - Apache NiFi 1.4.0 was released Oct 2 2017.
## Mailing list activity: 
 - Activity on the mailing lists remains extremely high with a mixture
   of new users, contributors, and deeper more experienced users and
   contributors sparking discussion and questions and filing bugs or
   new features. 
    - 553 subscribers (up 34 in the last 3 months): 
    - 748 emails sent to list (862 in previous quarter) 
    - 383 subscribers (up 12 in the last 3 months): 
    - 604 emails sent to list (947 in previous quarter) 
    - 46 subscribers (up 4 in the last 3 months): 
    - 5775 emails sent to list (7457 in previous quarter) 
## JIRA activity: 
 - 335 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
 - 263 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment AW: Report from the Apache Nutch Project  [Sebastian Nagel]

Apache Nutch is a highly extensible and scalable open source web crawler
software project. Stemming from Apache Lucene®, the project has diversified
and now comprises two codebases, based respectively on Apache Hadoop® data
structures and Apache Gora for leveraging NoSQL databases.


There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.


There was no release since the last board report:
- Nutch 1.13 was released on Apr 1, 2017
- the last release on the 2.x branch (2.3.1) dates to Jan 20 2016.


- 39 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 28 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Omkar Reddy has finished his GSoC 2017 project.


No new committers and PMC members in the last 3 months, last PMC addition was
Ralf Kotowski on Wed Jun 14 2017.

The traffic on the user mailing list is at a steady level:

   - 539 subscribers (up 3 in the last 3 months):
   - 537 emails sent to list (390 in previous quarter)
     (including 500 machine-generated emails from Jira,
      Jenkins, Apache Nutch Wiki)

   - 1069 subscribers (down -12 in the last 3 months):
   - 216 emails sent to list (182 in previous quarter)

Attachment AX: Report from the Apache ODE Project  [Sathwik]

## Description: Apache ODE is a WS-BPEL implementation that supports web
services orchestration using flexible process definitions.

## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity: Plan on 1.3.8 release is underway []

Summary of the work completed
* Finished Binary compatibility interim upgrade to Java 7.
* Finally will make it to Java 8 once below mentioned library 
 upgrades are through.
* Upgraded to JPA 2 with OpenJPA-2.4.2
* Upgraded to JPA 2.1 with Hibernate-4.3.11

Future efforts will be directed towards JDK 8 complaint.
* Were are waiting for TOMEE 7.0.4 release announcement which is 
 under release voting.
* Axis2 1.7.6 is released, will be upgrading to it shortly.

We are discussing on the future of ODE []

## Health report:
- ODE is very mature and stable, however the interest in BPEL has decreased
significantly. Thus ODE's development is currently pretty much in maintenance

## PMC changes:
- Currently 15 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Rafal Rusin on Wed Oct 01 2014

## Committer base changes:
- Currently 26 committers.
- No new changes to the committer base since last report.
- Last committer was Sathwik on Dec 23 2012.

## Releases:
- Last release was 1.3.7 on Fri Jul 07 2017

## Mailing list activity:  
 - 149 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
 - 84 emails sent to list (73 in previous quarter)  
 - 219 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months):
 - 63 emails sent to list (2 in previous quarter)

## JIRA activity:
 - 2 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
 - 19 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment AY: Report from the Apache Oltu Project  [Antonio Sanso]

DESCRIPTION Oltu is a project to develop a Java library which provides an API
specification for, and an unconditionally compliant implementation of the
OAuth v2.0 specifications. OAuth is a mechanism that allows users to
authenticate and authorize access by another party to resources they control
while avoiding the need to share their username and password credentials.

MILESTONES Apache Oltu 1.0 was released on March 3rd 2014. Release Apache Oltu
Auth2 JWT 1.0.3 on 13/02/2017
CURRENT ACTIVITY The activity of the project is really really low. One of the
reason is also due the fact OAuth is a protocol that is pretty stable. The
other reason is that the team members that are active are busy/demotivated.

I proposed to bring new blood in the PMC by rotating the Chair position but no
one seemed to be interested. I do not know if you want to consider the option
to move to attic or not. My personal view is that nobody of the current
PMC/committer has time/interest for this project anymore. Said that I guess
that Oltu might still used by someone out there. The problem is that even if
people created issues and even proposed patches nobody of us
(included myself) reacted to it.
COMMUNITY Last new addition tot the team are 2 PMC members: Stein Welberg and
Jasha Joachimsthal in June 2016  (13/06/2016)

ISSUES There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

Attachment AZ: Report from the Apache OpenJPA Project  [Mark Struberg]

Attachment BA: Report from the Apache OpenMeetings Project  [Maxim Solodovnik]

## Description:
 - Openmeetings provides video conferencing, instant messaging, white board,
   collaborative document editing and other groupware tools using API functions
   of the Red5 Streaming Server for Remoting and Streaming.

## Issues:
 - there are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:
 - We are almost ready to release next major version 4.0.0

## Health report:
 - There were 2 releases in previous quarter, I believe everything is
OK so far :)

## PMC changes:

 - Currently 25 PMC members.
 - Hemant Sabat was added to the PMC on Sat Aug 05 2017

## Committer base changes:

 - Currently 27 committers.
 - Hemant Sabat was added as a committer on Sat Aug 05 2017

## Releases:

 - 3.3.1 was released on Wed Sep 06 2017
 - 3.3.2 was released on Thu Sep 21 2017

## Mailing list activity:

 - Increased mailing list activity is caused by upcoming release and
   recent changes in Google Chrome policy for handling multimedia devices.

    - 146 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months):
    - 210 emails sent to list (136 in previous quarter)

    - 346 subscribers (down -3 in the last 3 months):
    - 795 emails sent to list (370 in previous quarter)

    - 65 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
    - 17 emails sent to list (5 in previous quarter)

    - 40 subscribers (up 3 in the last 3 months):
    - 93 emails sent to list (91 in previous quarter)

## JIRA activity:

 - 51 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
 - 71 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment BB: Report from the Apache OpenOffice Project  [Marcus Lange]


Apache OpenOffice is an open-source office-document productivity suite. There
are six productivity applications based around the OpenDocument Format (ODF)
that are Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math, Base. With limited support for
other file formats, OpenOffice ships for Windows, macOS, Linux 64-bit, Linux
32-bit and in more than 40 languages.


The activity within the project starts to grow again. With the new planned
release more traffic came into different mailing lists. Limitations of
capacity of development is an ongoing concern.


There are no current topics to be concerned with.


The current release is Apache OpenOffice 4.1.3.

The next release is 4.1.4 and is planned to be published in mid October 2017.
Since the last release in Oct 2016 we have again release builds for all
platforms and languages.

Apache OpenOffice 4.2.0 is now the next goal as we want to do it also within
this year - maybe for the end of the year - to include new features and bigger
enhancements but of course also bugfixes.

Complete Release History
2016-10-12 4.1.3 (with integrated patch1)
2016-08-30 4.1.2-patch1 (additional binaries)
2016-08-02 4.1.2-patch1 (source code only)
2015-10-28 4.1.2
2014-04-29 4.1.0
2013-10-01 4.0.1
2013-07-23 4.0.0
2013-01-30 3.4.1 refresh (8 more languages)
2012-08-23 3.4.1 incubating
2012-05-08 3.4.0 incubating


There are 27 PMC members as of 2017-Jul-12. The recognition and invitation
of potential candidates remains on a stable level. 1 new PMC member was

Last PMC member addition was on 2017-Jul-01 Peter Kovacs (petko) Last PMC
member withdrawal was on 2017-Feb-04 Dennis E. Hamilton (orcmid)

There are 139 committers as of 2017-Jul-12. The recognition and invitation
of new committers is also on a stable level. However, no new committer were

Last committer addition was on 2016-Nov-13 Matthias Seidel (mseidel)
Last committer withdrawal was on 2017-Feb-04 Dennis E. Hamilton (orcmid)


Development and Release Engineering
Currently the project is busy with the upcoming 4.1.4 release. After that
is done planning and bugfixing will switch to 4.2.0, dev builds are
routinely built and testing will be started soon. Upgrades to the build
system is ongoing.

The arrival of new developers is very low. But the current committers are
willing to help where possible. Improving the mentoring of newcomers and
expanding the capacity to address major issues is a key factor for the next

Issue Tracking (Bugzilla)
The rate of new Bugzilla issues is decreasing and on a stable level. The
rate at which issues remain unresolved over all that time is more than 40%.
But volunteers can handle and help with the new issue reports that come in.

As of 2017-Oct-08 we have more than 227,000,000 downloads and it is at a
consistent rate with ~??,000 downloads in average per day. Windows is the
most famous platform. Then macOS and Linux are following.

Downloads regarding the country over the last 3 months are spread like the
following (source:

14.3 % United States
13.5 % France
 9.6 % Germany
 6.7 % Italy 
 5.7 % Russia
 4.3 % Poland
 4.2 % United Kingdom
 3.8 % Spain
 3.4 % Japan
 2.5 % India
 2.1 % Canada
29.9 % all other countries

Updates are done and the websites are up-to-date so far, at least for the
initial entrance portal, download webpage and some others.

Mailing Lists/Archives and their activity
              2012  2013  2014  2015 2016 H1-2017 Q3-2017

        dev@  1266  1124   552   340  323 208     199
      users@   235   198   328   219  208 180     101
       l10n@   211   225   119    34   18 20        8
         qa@   150   127    71    16   16 5         2
  marketing@    63    87    18     3    4 1         0
        api@    30    35    20    15    1 0         0
        doc@     7    41    25    12   13 1         3
recruitment@     -     -     -     -    3 9        12
(start in Sep 2016, 128 in total up to now)

   users-de@    38   167   147    94   89 62       42
     dev-de@     0     0    42     6   13 10        5
  utenti-it@    29    40    30    37   27 9         8
progetto-it@    12    17     8     2    1 0         0
 general-es@    34    24     9     4    4 7         5
   users-fr@     1     4     6     0    1 1         1
 general-ja@     3     2     0     0    0 1         0
 geral-ptbr@    21     5     1     0    0 1         0

Fairs and events
Apache OpenOffice is represented on a few fairs and events which is managed
regularly by a small and fine team. The next are:

04th + 05th Nov, OpenRheinRuhr in Oberhausen (Germany)
18th + 19th Nov, T-Dose in Eindhoven (The Netherlands)

In average there is nearly 1 request per month for use of the marks - but
it's decreasing in the last months. The same for reports about suspected
trademark misuse (or confusion about selling of Apache OpenOffice binaries,
e.g., on eBay).


No topics

Attachment BC: Report from the Apache ORC Project  [Owen O'Malley]

## Description:
 - A high-performance columnar file format for Hadoop workloads.

## Issues:
 - There are no issues requiring the board's attention.

## Activity: 
 - We are planning bug fix releases on the 1.3 and 1.4 branches with Prasanth
   as the release manager.
 - Spark has started using the ORC 1.4 release (instead of the ORC from Hive
   1.2), which has lead to large performance improvements. The work to improve
   the Spark bindings for ORC continues.
 - Presentations:
   - Ingesting Data at Blazing Speed Using Apache ORC
   - Performance Update: When Apache ORC Met Apache Spark.
   - Big Data Storage - Comparing Speed and Features for Avro, JSON, ORC, and
 - We are discussing a new version of the ORC format for ORC 2.0.
## Health report: 
 - The community continues to gain strength.
## PMC changes: 
 - Currently 9 PMC members. 
 - New PMC members: 
    - Eugene Koifman was added to the PMC on Tue Sep 05 2017 
    - Deepak Majeti was added to the PMC on Tue Sep 05 2017 
## Committer base changes: 
 - Currently 36 committers. 
 - No new committers added in the last 3 months 
 - Last committer addition was Deepak Majeti at Tue May 09 2017 
## Releases: 
 - Last release was 1.4.0 on Sun May 07 2017 
## Mailing list activity: 
 - The number of subscribers to the various lists has been increasing.
    - 50 subscribers (up 10 in the last 3 months): 
    - 330 emails sent to list (397 in previous quarter) 
    - 20 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months): 
    - 420 emails sent to list (406 in previous quarter) 
    - 54 subscribers (up 5 in the last 3 months): 
    - 18 emails sent to list (9 in previous quarter) 
## JIRA activity: 
 - 40 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
 - 30 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months 

Attachment BD: Report from the Apache Parquet Project  [Julien Le Dem]

## Description: 
Parquet is a standard and interoperable columnar file format for efficient
## Issues: 
there are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity: 
- Ongoing work to add Bloom Filters to parquet format. Discussion around the
prototype and java<->cpp interoperability
- Prototype is ready for adding page offset metadata in the footer and using
it for better push down. Ready to proceed with merging metadata.
- compression with Brotli and Zstandard
- Preparing a parquet-format release
## Health report: 
- issues: tickets closed about at the same rate they are opened
- mailing list email level is stable.  

## PMC changes:    
- Currently 23 PMC members. 
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months 
- Last PMC addition was Uwe Korn on Sun Mar 26 2017 
## Committer base changes:  
- Currently 26 committers. 
- Deepak Majeti was added as a committer on Tue Aug 01 2017 
## Releases: 
- CPP-1.2.0 was released on Sun Jul 30 2017 
- CPP-1.3.0 was released on Sun Sep 24 2017 
## Mailing list activity:  
- activity stable since the last report
   - 188 subscribers (up 3 in the last 3 months): 
   - 468 emails sent to list (618 in previous quarter) 
## JIRA activity:  
- 74 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
- 54 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment BE: Report from the Apache PDFBox Project  [Andreas Lehmkühler]

## Description: 
- the Apache PDFBox library is an open source Java tool for working with PDF
## Issues: 
- there are no issue requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity: 
- we are working on fixing bugs in 2.0.x
- there are some small improvements as well
- we already started a vote for 2.0.8, but cancelled it due to a regression
- Levigo donated their JBig2 ImageIO plugin to PDFBox and we are almost done
with the integration 
## Health report: 
- there is a steady stream of contributions, bug reports and questions on the
mailing lists 
## PMC changes: 
- Currently 21 PMC members. 
- New PMC members: 
   - Joerg O. Henne was added to the PMC on Mon Oct 09 2017 
   - Sebastian Holder was added to the PMC on Wed Oct 11 2017 
   - Carolin Köhler was added to the PMC on Wed Oct 11 2017 
   - Matthäus Mayer was added to the PMC on Mon Oct 16 2017 
## Committer base changes: 
- Currently 21 committers. 
- New commmitters: 
   - Joerg O. Henne was added as a committer on Mon Oct 09 2017 
   - Sebastian Holder was added as a committer on Wed Oct 11 2017 
   - Carolin Köhler was added as a committer on Wed Oct 11 2017 
   - Matthäus Mayer was added as a committer on Moon Oct 16 2017 
## Releases: 
- 2.0.7 was released on Thu Jul 20 2017 
## JIRA activity: 
- 94 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
- 90 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment BF: Report from the Apache Ranger Project  [Selvamohan Neethiraj]

Attachment BG: Report from the Apache RocketMQ Project  [Xiaorui Wang]

## Description: 
- Apache RocketMQ is a distributed messaging and streaming platform with low
latency, high performance and reliability, trillion-level capacity and
flexible scalability. 
## Issues: 
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity: 
- vincentWangKB contributed a stable, widely used C++ client SDK of Apache
RocketMQ, ICLA has been filed.
- Community project RocketMQ-Mysql, RocketMQ-Redis, RocketMQ-Go have got a
great evolution, the related pull requests are still in work.
- A brand new RocketMQ website is being developed, and the formal release of
community projects are scheduled.
- Still working through some graduation common tasks with INFRA, these are
mostly done.
## Health report: 
Within the past three months:

- 59 JIRA issues were opened and 29 closed
- 53 GitHub pull requests were opened and 29 were closed
- 50 commits were made by 9 authors, 5 authors were not committers
## PMC changes: 
- Currently 10 PMC members. 
- The last time a new PMC member was elected for the project was on July 13,
2017. dongeforever was added a PMC member. 
## Committer base changes:  
- Currently 15 committers. 
- The last time a committer was added to the project was on July 19, 2017.
linjunjie was added a committer. 
## Releases: 
- The last release of RocketMQ was version 4.1.0-incubating, released on June
8, 2017.
- The first TLP release Apache RocketMQ 4.2.0 is planned on October, 2017.
## Mailing list activity: 
   - 88 subscribers (up 14 in the last 3 months): 
   - 36 emails sent to list (49 in previous quarter) 
   - 81 subscribers (up 10 in the last 3 months): 
   - 823 emails sent to list (931 in previous quarter) 
   - 39 subscribers (up 5 in the last 3 months): 
   - 703 emails sent to list (1278 in previous quarter) 
## JIRA activity: 
- 59 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
- 29 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment BH: Report from the Apache Royale Project  [Harbs]

Apache Royale is a new implementation of the principles of Apache Flex but
designed for JavaScript runtimes instead of Adobe Flash/AIR runtimes.  Apache
Royale is designed to improve developer productivity in creating applications
for wherever Javascript runs, including browsers as well as Apache Cordova
applications, Node, etc. 

Apache Royale was approved as a new TLP in the September meeting.  Royale took
over responsibility for the code related to what was known as Apache FlexJS
from the Apache Flex community. This is our first report.

There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

- Apache FlexJS 0.8.0 was released on 6/25/17.

- Apache Royale was approved on September 20, 2017.  There some delays getting
Royale entered in committee-info.txt in order to allow Infra to start setting
up the project.  However, at the time of this report, we believe Infra has
completed all of its tasks.

- There is quite a bit of work required to deal with the rename of the project
and a lot of progress has been made towards that goal.

- One PMC member is working on a website for the project. We expect him to
have some results to show soon.

The community is still working through the transition from Apache Flex to
Apache Royale.  

Currently, users@royale has 29 subscribers and dev@royale has 42 subscribers.
There has been interest from the community which might lead to new

Future reports will contain information about:

-Last committer added
-Last PMC member added
-Latest analytics and statistics:
- Website hits per day
- Number of known installs

Several PMC members wanted to allow another PMC member to use
and/or to externally host some content to promote Apache Royale.
Trademarks denied use of that domain name. We might revisit the topic if and
when there is a concrete reason to do so.
## SECURITY Nothing to report.

Attachment BI: Report from the Apache Samza Project  [Yi Pan]

## Description: Apache Samza is a distributed stream processing engine that
are highly configurable to process events from various data sources, including
real-time messaging system (e.g. Kafka) and distributed file systems (e.g.

## Issues: - there are no issues requiring board attention at this time  

## Activity:  
- LinkedIn has another Stream Processing Meetup in Sept  
-- Real-time Indexing of LinkedIn’s Economic Graph  
-- Samza at Redfin: Using Streaming to Help Home Buyers and Sellers  
- Talks and Presentations:  
-- 5th Big Data Global Conference: unified processing using Samza high-level
-- @Scale: Samza booth   

## Health report: 
- Project is in healthy status with a lot of development activities 
- Added 2 PMC members and 2 committers in the past quarter  

## PMC changes:  
- Currently 13 PMC members. 
- New PMC members: 
- Jagadish Venkatraman was added to the PMC on Thu Sep 14 2017 
- Jake Maes was added to the PMC on Thu Sep 14 2017  

## Committer base changes:  
- Currently 18 committers. 
- New commmitters: 
- Boris Shkolnik was added as a committer on Mon Oct 02 2017 
- Prateek Maheshwari was added as a committer on Wed Sep 20 2017  

## Releases:  
- 0.13.1 was released on Thu Aug 24 2017  

## Mailing list activity:  
- 291 subscribers (down -5 in the last 3 months): 
- 314 emails sent to list (464 in previous quarter)   

## JIRA activity:  
- 95 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
- 74 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment BJ: Report from the Apache Sqoop Project  [Jarek Jarcec Cecho]

## Description: Apache Sqoop is a tool designed for efficiently transferring
bulk data between Apache Hadoop and structured datastores such as relational
databases. It can be used to import data from external structured datastores
into Hadoop Distributed File System or related systems like Hive and HBase.
Conversely, Sqoop can be used to extract data from Hadoop and export it to
external structured datastores such as relational databases and enterprise
data warehouses.

## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity: Development activity continues mainly on the trunk branch.

## Health report: Community is healthy, we see a new contributors showing up
and contributing to the project.

## PMC changes:
- Currently 16 PMC members.
- We’ve added new PMC member (Abraham Fine) in November 2016

## Committer base changes:
- Currently 30 committers.
- Boglarka Egyed was added as a committer on Thu July 27 2017 

## Releases:
- 1.99.7 was released on Sun Aug 07 2016
- We’re working towards 1.4.7 release

## JIRA activity:
* 34 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
* 19 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment BK: Report from the Apache Stanbol Project  [Fabian Christ]

Attachment BL: Report from the Apache Steve Project  [Daniel Gruno]

## Issues: 
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Activity: 
Nothing really going on at the moment. STeVe remains in hiatus till the time
of the next annual members meeting. There are no current plans to release the
STeVe codebase, although there have been a few off-list inquiries about
helping out with plugins and an overhaul of the UI. Based on this, we may be
expecting development to pick up some pace in the coming months.
## Health report: 
I did a check of the PMC, and we have at least 3 PMC members reporting in,
which should be sufficient oversight.
## PMC changes: 
- Currently 5 PMC members. 
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months 
- Last PMC addition was Rich Bowen on Mon Apr 20 2015 
## Committer base changes: 
- Currently 9 committers. 
- No new committers added in the last 3 months 
- Last committer addition was Pierre Smits at Tue Dec 15 2015 
## Releases: 
- No releases yet.
## Mailing list activity:

Very little activity, though with a few more subscribers this period for
whatever reason.

Attachment BM: Report from the Apache Streams Project  [Steve Blackmon]

## Description:
- Apache Streams unifies a diverse world of digital profiles and online
activities into common formats and vocabularies, and makes these datasets
accessible across a variety of databases, devices, and platforms for
streaming, browsing, search, sharing, and analytics use-cases.

## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:
- Updates to the twitter integration enabling bi-directional data-flow and new
applications, such as DM chatbots.
- Our final graduation task remaining is to cease hosting the website from the
incubator svn, we’re working with infra on this.

## Health report:
- Streams graduated to TLP on July 19 2017.  
- Eight PPMC members have joined the new PMC.
- Email activity been low since graduation, though pull request and code
reviews have continued at pace.
- Streams PMC needs to focus on increasing users and committers. 

## PMC changes:
- None. There are currently 8 PMC members.
## Committer base changes:
- None. There are currently 8 committers.

## Releases:
- Prior release was 0.5-incubating on March 20, 2017
- Next release will be 0.6.0 - discussion on list has started.

## Mailing list activity: (3 month) 60 subscribers (47 to dev@ 13 to
commits@). 21 emails sent by 10 people, down 47 (-69%) compared to previous 92
days. 6 topics started during these 92 days, down 18 (-75%) compared to
previous 92 days. 10 Participants during these 92 days, down 4 (-28%) compared
to previous 92 days.

## JIRA Statistics: (3 month) 21 new, 16 resolved

## Website activity: (3 month) 953 sessions, up 59.90% compared to previous 3
months. 865 users, up 89.28% compared to previous 3 months.

## Upcoming Project Initiatives:
- Reduce disparities between normalized activities and objects of like type
collected from various data sources. 
- Reduce disparities between the configuration objects that initialize similar
providers from various data sources.
- Improve the interfaces by which components are created, configured,
activated, and executed via SDK and CLI.
- Drop remaining maven dependencies on java SDKs for accessing third-party
HTTP APIs in favor of interfaces powered by Apache Juneau (incubating)
Remoteable Annotations.
- Add official support for and Activity Streams 2.0 data types.
- More tweets and blog posts of zeppelin notebooks demonstrating data
pipelines and analyses based on Apache Streams.
- More official examples in source tree demonstrating integration of Apache
Streams with complementary technologies.

Attachment BN: Report from the Apache Struts Project  [René Gielen]

The Apache Struts MVC framework is a solution stack for creating elegant and
modern action-based Java web applications. It favors convention over
configuration, is extensible using a plugin architecture, and ships with
plugins to support technologies such as REST, AJAX and JSON. 

The Struts team made two GA releases in the last quarter.
* Struts 2.5.13 - full GA release including bug fixes, feature enhancements
  and security fixes (2017-09-05) [1][2][3]
* Struts 2.3.34 - bug and security fix release (2017-09-07) [1][2][3][4]

Furthermore we updated a security announcement that did not imply a new Struts
framework releases [5]

At the beginning of the reporting period the team could focus on improving the
Struts 2.5 release train, leading to many improvements in the Struts 2.5.13

Additionally we received vulnerability reports that lead to both integrating
security fixes into 2.5.13 and to a 2.3.34 security fix release within the
Struts 2.3 release train. Besides DoS vulnerabilities, we had to fix RCE
vulnerabilities of critical severity. Dealing with these issues went smoothly
in a timely manner.

Shortly after the said security relevant releases, US company Equifax reported
a massive data breach, potentially executed by exploiting an Apache Struts
vulnerability. Additional media coverage seemed to be blaming the Struts
project for this incident. Sally Khudairi was contacted by Reuters to comment
on this, which Sally extended to the Struts PMC. We started to work closely
with Sally, the press team, the security team and board members to establish a
communication strategy and to push out an official statement of the Struts PMC

The PMC statement was well received by the public, both in media coverage and
in getting the message across that we did a proper job at dealing with
framework security issues, while Equifax potentially missed to roll out
security updates that were provided already - an assumption that rendered
correct after Equifax admitted that a vulnerability fixed by the Struts team
in March was used to conduct the exploit in May [7]. We since got a lot of
media queries which, coordinated by Sally, were tried to be covered in a
timely manner by PMC members. Additionally, the US congress formally requested
background to support a hearing with Equifax CEO. While the request was dealt
with mainly at board and legal level, the PMC provided input for the questions

We like to thank everyone involved in dealing with this massive incident and
providing time (lots of) and advice. Especially we’d like to thank Sally
Khudairi, who did an amazing and restless job as first responder, coordinator,
author and media gateway!

No committer or PMC member was added in the last quarter. We are  watching a
potential committership candidate and we are currently voting on a possible
PMC addition. 

The last committer addition was on 2017-1-30 (Stefaan Dutry). The last PMC
addition was on 2016-08-13 (Aleksandr Mashchenko).

We have no issues that require board assistance at this time. 


Attachment BO: Report from the Apache Tapestry Project  [Thiago Henrique De Paula Figueiredo]

## Description: 
- Apache Tapestry is a Java component-based web framework that features high
productivity, great code reuse, robust deployment, and terrific performance.
## Issues: 
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity: 
- It was a pretty slow quarter in terms of activity.
## PMC changes: 
- Currently 11 PMC members. 
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months 
- Last PMC addition was Bob Harner on Thu Apr 06 2017 
## Committer base changes: 
- Currently 26 committers. 
- No new committers added in the last 3 months 
- Last committer addition was Dmitry Gusev at Fri May 26 2017 
## Releases: 
- Last release was 5.4.3 on Sun Apr 23 2017 
## JIRA activity: 
- 3 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
- 0 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment BP: Report from the Apache Tcl Project  [Massimo Manghi]

## Description:
 - Apache Tcl is home to the Tcl-Apache integration efforts.
   The purpose of our project is to combine the power of the
   Apache web server with the capabilities of the mature,
   robust and flexible Tcl scripting language. Currently
   only the Apache Rivet project is actively maintained

## Issues:
 - no issues worth reporting to the board

## Activity:
 - A new 2.3 rivet artifact was released last August with a
   few bug fixes. We also successfully created a CMake based
   build system for the code in trunk (3.0) and starting from
   that a Windows build was created and tested. The design of
   this development version proved to work on Windows
   with the WinNT MPM of the Apache HTTP web server

## Health report:
 - No changes from the last report

## PMC changes:

 - Currently 10 PMC members.
 - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
 - Last PMC addition was Brice Hamon De Crevecoer on Tue Nov 25 2014

## Committer base changes:

 - Currently 15 committers.
 - No new committers added in the last 3 months
 - Last committer addition was Brice B. Hamon at Tue Nov 25 2014

## Releases:

 - rivet-2.3.4 was released on Wed Aug 02 2017

## Bugzilla Statistics:

 - 6 Bugzilla tickets created in the last 3 months
 - 1 Bugzilla tickets resolved in the last 3 months 

Attachment BQ: Report from the Apache Tez Project  [Siddharth Seth]

## Description: 
Apache Tez is an effort to develop a generic application framework which
can be used to process arbitrarily complex directed-acyclic graphs (DAGs) of
data-processing tasks and also a re-usable set of data-processing primitives
which can be used by other projects.
## Issues: 
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity: 
A new major version of Tez was released - 0.9.0, whcih includes work from
several feature development branches.
## Health report:
Post the 0.9.0 release, development activity has slowed down.
There's more focus on bug fixes as they show up, and fewer new features
are being discussed / developed - driven by consuming projects like
Apache Pig and Apache Hive. 
## PMC changes: 
 - Currently 33 PMC members. 
 - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months 
 - Last PMC addition was Sreenath Somarajapuram on Tue May 03 2016 
## Committer base changes: 
 - Currently 38 committers. 
 - No new committers added in the last 3 months 
 - Last committer addition was Kuhu Shukla at Wed May 10 2017 
## Releases: 
 - 0.9.0 was released on Thu Jul 27 2017 

## JIRA activity: 
 - 60 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
 - 39 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment BR: Report from the Apache Thrift Project  [Jake Farrell]

Apache Thrift is a framework for providing cross-platform RPC and serialization.

Project Status
The Apache Thrift community is currently working on our 0.11.0 release
candidate which will include a number of stability and performance
enhancements to our client libraries [1]. We are also working to simplify 
our patch testing process to make it easier to verify contributions
across numerous languages and operating systems.

Latest Additions:

* PMC addition:            Nobuaki Sukegawa, 1.25.2016
* Committer addition:   James King, 10.18.2016

Issue backlog status since last report:

* Created:   108
* Resolved:  98

Mailing list activity since last report:

* @dev    1785 messages
* @user   55 messages

Last release: 0.10.0, Release Date: 1.3.2017
Cut 0.11.0 branch, release candidate creation and testing in progress


Attachment BS: Report from the Apache Tika Project  [David Meikle]

## Description: 
Apache Tika is a dynamic toolkit for content detection, analysis, and 
extraction. It allows a user to understand, and leverage information from, a
growing a list over 1200 different file types including most of the major
types in existence (MS Office, Adobe, Text, Images, Video, Code, and science
data) as recognised by IANA and other standards bodies.
## Issues: 
There are no issues that require the board's attention at this time.

## Activity: 
- Progress is steady towards a 1.17 release with bug fixes and new features 
such as Image-to-Text captioning and improved Phonetic string handling.
- Sergey Beryozkin added Apache Tika into Apache Beam[1] as an input component
which has triggered cross community collaboration.
- We've also started  catch up work on 2.x branch to align with updates made 
on the master branch (1.x series).
- Google has released a Tika package for Go (thanks Tyler Bui-Palsulich) which
adds to the community released bindings [2].

## PMC changes: 

- Currently 29 PMC members. 
- Madhav Sharan was added to the PMC on Thu Aug 31 2017 

## Committer base changes: 

- Currently 30 committers. 
- Madhav Sharan was added as a committer on Thu Aug 31 2017 

## Releases: 

- Last release was 1.16 on Wed Jul 12 2017 

## Mailing list activity: 

 - 202 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months): 
 - 595 emails sent to list (1396 in previous quarter) 

 - 352 subscribers (up 6 in the last 3 months): 
 - 35 emails sent to list (135 in previous quarter) 

## JIRA activity: 

- 46 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
- 30 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months 


Attachment BT: Report from the Apache TinkerPop Project  [Stephen Mallette]

## Description:
Apache TinkerPop is a graph computing framework for both graph databases
(OLTP) and graph analytic systems (OLAP).

## Activity:
TinkerPop released versions 3.1.8, 3.2.6, and 3.3.0, where 3.3.0 represented
a major new release with a number of new features. As part of this release
cycle, we also offered a release candidate for a .NET Gremlin Language
Variant[2], which should further expose TinkerPop beyond the Java

Release 3.1.8 will be the last release on the 3.1.x line, leaving the
community to focus efforts on maintaining 3.2.x and 3.3.x areas of

In the wider TinkerPop community, it was announced that Apache S2Graph[1]
implemented support for TinkerPop as part of their recent release. The
community was also pleased to see that Apache TinkerPop had won a 2017
Bossie Award in the "Best Databases and Analytics Tools" category[3] which
covered InfoWorld's picks for the "best open source software for
large-scale search, SQL, NoSQL, and streaming analytics".

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Releases:
- 3.1.8 (August 20, 2017)
- 3.2.6 (August 20, 2017)
- 3.3.0 (August 20, 2017)

## PMC/Committer:

- Last PMC addition was Robert Dale - April 2017
- Last committer addition was Florian Hockmann/Jorge Bay Gondra - July 2017

## Links


Attachment BU: Report from the Apache TomEE Project  [David Blevins]

Attachment BV: Report from the Apache Traffic Server Project  [Bryan Call]

## Description:
Apache Traffic Server is an HTTP proxy server and cache, similar to Squid
and Varnish in functionality and features. What makes ATS unique across the
landscape of HTTP proxy caches is a focus on extensibility (plugins), HTTP
protocol conformity and performance. ATS is driving some of the largest CDNs
in the world, delivering a significant portion of all Internet traffic.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:
We are having our Fall Summit on 10/24 and 10/25, that will be hosted by
Yahoo.  There are currently 62 people signed up for the summit and more
people continue to register everyday.

We have resolved all security issues, except for one.  There are two CVEs
that are ready to be announced.

## Health report:
7.1.0 and 7.1.1 were released.  Two large deployments have moved to 7.1.1
and we are seeing smaller deployment moving over to 7.1.1.

6.2.2 was also released with bug fixes for our long term support release.

## PMC changes:

 - Currently 41 PMC members.
 - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
 - Last PMC addition was Gancho Tenev on Sun Jun 04 2017

## Committer base changes:

 - Currently 53 committers.
 - No new committers added in the last 3 months
 - Last committer addition was Chenwei Song at Fri Jun 30 2017

## Releases:

 - 6.2.2 was released on Wed Aug 09 2017
 - 7.1.0 was released on Sun Jul 23 2017
 - 7.1.1 was released on Thu Sep 07 2017

## Mailing list activity:

 - Email subscriptions and activity was flat over the last quarter.

    - 496 subscribers (down -5 in the last 3 months):
    - 141 emails sent to list (127 in previous quarter)

    - 330 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months):
    - 114 emails sent to list (154 in previous quarter)

    - 16 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
    - 3 emails sent to list (2 in previous quarter)

    - 33 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months):
    - 258 emails sent to list (399 in previous quarter)

    - 15 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months)

## GitHub Issue activity:
 - 78 issues created in the last 3 months
 - 42 issues closed in the last 3 months

## Commit activity:
 - 100,426 lines of code changed (up 216%)
 - 498 commits (up 35%)
    - 20 committer email addresses (down 10%)
    - 46 author email addresses (down 5%)
- 15 new code contributers

Attachment BW: Report from the Apache Usergrid Project  [Todd Nine]
## Description:
 -  Usergrid is Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) composed of an integrated
    database (Cassandra), a query engine (Elastic Search), and
    application layer and client tier with SDKs for developers.

## Issues:
 -  There are no issues requiring board attention at this time

## Activity:
 - Bug fixes and stabilization

## Health report:
 - Usergrid is healthy and the community is growing at a moderate pace.

## PMC changes:

 - Currently 25 PMC members.
 - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
 - Last PMC addition was Mike Dunker on Mon Jan 18 2016

## Committer base changes:

 - Currently 15 committers.
 - No new committers added in the last 3 months
 - Last committer addition was Robert Walsh at Sun Feb 26 2017

## Releases:

 - Last release was 2.1.0 on Wed Feb 17 2016

## Mailing list activity:

    - 108 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
    - 48 emails sent to list (76 in previous quarter)

    - 142 subscribers (up 3 in the last 3 months):
    - 3 emails sent to list (12 in previous quarter)

## JIRA activity:

 - 2 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
 - 1 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months 

Attachment BX: Report from the Apache VXQuery Project  [Till Westmann]

Apache VXQuery implements a parallel XML Query processor.

- 2 GSoC projects by Christina Pavlopoulou (extending the index support
  in VXQuery) and Erandi Ganepola (adding a RESTful API for VXQuery)
- Low activity after the GSoC projects.
- Still no new release.

- There are no issues that require the board's attention at this time.

PMC/Committership changes:

- Currently 12 committers and 7 PMC members in the project.
- Last PMC addition was Steven Jacobs at Jul 18, 2014.
- Last committer additions were Riyafa Abdul Hameed and Christina
  Pavlopoulou on Aug 22, 2016.


- Last release was 0.6 on May 26 2016

Attachment BY: Report from the Apache Web Services Project  [Sagara Gunathunga]

Attachment BZ: Report from the Apache Xerces Project  [Michael Glavassevich]


No development activity over the reporting period, though there was some
discussion on defects/patches in JIRA and a possible release date for Xerces-J
2.12.0. We made another appeal on the development mailing list for the
community to get more involved in the project. No one has responded to that

Mailing list traffic has been moderate; roughly 65+ posts on the j-dev and
j-users lists since the beginning of May 2017.

No new releases since the previous report. The latest release is Xerces-J
2.11.0 (November 30th, 2010).


Xerces-C 3.2.0 was released in August which addresses many JIRA issues and has
a new feature to support the CMake build system.

Mailing list traffic has been high; roughly 500+ posts on the c-dev and
c-users lists since the beginning of May 2017.

The latest release is Xerces-C 3.2.0 (August 28th, 2017).


Nothing in particular to report. There was no development activity over the
reporting period.

XML Commons

No activity over the reporting period.

Committer / PMC Changes

The most recent committers were added in April 2017 (Xerces-C) and May 2017

No new PMC members since the last report. The most recent addition to the PMC
was in June 2016.

Two committers have committed changes to SVN since May.

Apache Project Branding Requirements

The project logo still needs a "TM" to be added to it.

Attachment CA: Report from the Apache Zeppelin Project  [Lee Moon Soo]

## Description: 
-  Apache Zeppelin is a collaborative data analytics and visualization tool
for general-purpose data processing systems.
## Issues:
- No issues
## Activity:
- community made 0.7.3 release
## Health report: 
- Steady increment of number of code contributors. +16 since last report, 234
## PMC changes: 
- Currently 10 PMC members.
- Last PMC addition was Ahyoung Ryu on Thu Jun 29 2017
## Committer base changes: 
- Currently 17 committers.
- Last committer addition was Park Hoon at Jun 22 2017
## Releases:
- 0.7.3 was released on Wed Sep 20 2017
- 0.7.2 was released on Mon Jun 12 2017
- 0.7.1 was released on Fri Mar 31 2017
- 0.7.0 was released on Sun Feb 05 2017
- 0.6.2 was released on Fri Oct 14 2016
- 0.6.1 was released on Aug 15 2016
- 0.6.0 was released on Jul 02 2016
- 0.5.6-incubating was released on Jan 22 2016
- 0.5.5-incubating was released on Nov 18 2015
- 0.5.0-incubating was released on Jul 23 2015

## Mailing list activity: 
   - 719 subscribers (up 23 in the last 3 months): 
   - 381 emails sent to list (592 in previous quarter) 
   - 331 subscribers (up 17 in the last 3 months): 
   - 1771 emails sent to list (2842 in previous quarter) 

## JIRA activity: 
- 217 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 
- 109 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment CB: Report from the Apache Incubator Project  [John D. Ament]

Incubator PMC report for October 2017

The Apache Incubator is the entry path into the ASF for projects and
codebases wishing to become part of the Foundation's efforts.

There are currently 54 podlings incubating.  Podlings executed seven releases last month.  Two new IPMC members joined our fold and one new podling joined.  We presently have two or three podlings preparing to graduate this month.

* Community

  New IPMC members:

  - Davor Bonaci
  - Jacques Le Roux

* New Podlings

  - PageSpeed

* Podlings that failed to report, expected next month

  - Gossip
  - Milagro (report filed, not signed off by mentors)
  - Myriad

* Graduations

  The board has motions for the following:

  - Mnemonic
  - PredictionIO
  - Juneau

* Releases

  The following releases entered distribution during the month of

  - 2017-09-04 Apache Airflow 1.8.2
  - 2017-09-05 Apache MXNet 0.11.0
  - 2017-09-13 Apache Impala 2.10.0
  - 2017-09-13 Apache Mnemonic 0.9.0
  - 2017-09-21 Apache Tephra 0.13.0
  - 2017-09-27 Apache PredictionIO 0.12.0
  - 2017-09-29 Apache Unomi 1.2.0

* Legal / Trademarks

  - Multiple podlings have pending requests in to legal to clarify SGAs, ICLAs.  Prompt responses would be appreciated.

* Infrastructure

  - A change to the mlreq process caused delays in creation of mailing lists for PageSpeed.  Work is on going to migrate to a new process for these requests that is agreeable for IPMC members to execute on.

                       Table of Contents
ODF Toolkit
Traffic Control



Airflow is a workflow automation and scheduling system that can be used to
author and manage data pipelines.

Airflow has been incubating since 2016-03-31.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. We are working on our 4th apache release 1.9.0 and are getting better at releases

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

How has the community developed since the last report?
  1. We had our third official release 1.8.2 on Aug 7th 2017.
  2. Since our last podling report 3 months ago (i.e. between July
     5 & Sept 25, inclusive), we grew our contributors from 280 to 315
  4. Since our last podling report 3 months ago (i.e. between July
     5 & Sept 25, inclusive), we resolved 167 pull requests (currently at 1797 closed
  5. Since being accepted into the incubator, the number of companies
     officially using Apache Airflow has risen from 30 to 114, 16 new from the last podling report.

How has the project developed since the last report?
See above : 167 PR resolved, 35 new contributors, & 16 new companies officially using it.

How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  [ ] Initial setup
  [ ] Working towards first release
  [ ] Community building
  [x] Nearing graduation
  [ ] Other:

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

  2017-01-01 fokko a.k.a Fokko Driespong (committer/PMC)


  [ ](airflow) Chris Nauroth
  [x](airflow) Hitesh Shah
  [ ](airflow) Jakob Homan

IPMC/Shepherd notes:
A quick look at this month's email and it looks like Airflow is ready to graduate.
Dave Fisher


Apache Amaterasu is a framework providing continuous deployment for Big Data

Amaterasu has been incubating since 2017-09-07.

It provides the following capabilities:

Continuous integration tools to package pipelines and run tests.
A repository to store those packaged applications: the applications repository.
A repository to store the pipelines, and engine configuration (for instance, location of the Spark master, etc.): per environment - the configuration repository.
A dashboard to monitor the pipelines.
A DSL and integration hooks allowing third parties to easily integrate.

Amaterasu has been incubating since 2017-09.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Prepare first release
  2. Grow up user and contributor communities
  3. Prepare documentation

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

  * Talks have been given in different events to promote and give visibility to Amaterasu

How has the project developed since the last report?

  * Resources creation is in progress (website, Jira, git & github mirror, ...)
  * The code donation is in preparation (rename packages, check legal, ...)
  * The website has been published and is online.

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PMC members elected?



  [X](amaterasu) Jean-Baptiste Onofré
  [X](amaterasu) Davor Bonaci
     Comments: Completing code donation and moving development to Apache repository is the next step.
  [ ](amaterasu) Olivier Lamy

IPMC/Shepherd notes:

  - Drew Farris (shepherd): Still in project setup phrase, one mentor observed active on mailing list.


Annotator provides annotation enabling code for browsers, servers, and humans.

Annotator has been incubating since 2016-08-30.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Release initial versions
  2. Add active contributors
  3. Demonstrate good governance through voting on process improvements.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

  None at this time.

How has the community developed since the last report?

  Community has been pretty stable, with a trickle of new stars, forks, and watchers on the GitHub repo. Committers and other interested parties have made plans to meet in person over the next month and to work on contributions.

How has the project developed since the last report?

  Significant code developments took place to establish the foundation of the project through August and September. A simple demonstration of the most basic functionality is now included in a working build.

How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  [ ] Initial setup
  [X] Working towards first release
  [X] Community building
  [ ] Nearing graduation
  [ ] Other:

Date of last release:

  We are still coding toward our first release.

When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

  We are still working to add all initial committers to the project.


  [ ](annotator) Nick Kew
  [ ](annotator) Brian McCallister
  [ ](annotator) Daniel Gruno
  [X](annotator) Jim Jagielski


BatchEE projects aims to provide a JBatch implementation (aka JSR352) and a
set of useful extensions for this specification.

BatchEE has been incubating since 2013-10-03.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Still increase the community (but hard since it is quite stable and between new specification releases)
  2. -
  3. -

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

No much since no new specification version was released.

How has the project developed since the last report?

Not much since it is stable.

How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  [ ] Initial setup
  [ ] Working towards first release
  [X] Community building
  [ ] Nearing graduation
  [ ] Other:

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?



  [ ](batchee) Jean-Baptiste Onofré
  [ ](batchee) Olivier Lamy
  [X](batchee) Mark Struberg

IPMC/Shepherd notes:
  Dave Fisher:
    There is no activity and they are waiting until a new spec arrives.
    On the four year anniversary as a podling I think that BatchEE should be looking how to become a low activity TLP.


Apache Daffodil is an implementation of the Data Format Description Language
(DFDL) used to convert between fixed format data and XML/JSON.

Daffodil has been incubating since 2017-08-27.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

1. obtaining SGAs
2. establishing new apache-centric infrastructure
3. broadening base of contributors

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

- Only that chasing the SGAs down is going to take some time, though
this may be typical.

How has the community developed since the last report?

- Users:
(1) The Open Grid Forum's DFDL workgroup mailing list has had inquiries
and questions about Daffodil - using it and creating DFDL schemas.
We will start redirecting such to our incubator users mailing list,
as soon as we're ready.
(2) A large software company has demonstrated a prototype integration of
Daffodil into their commercial product. Of note: they did this without
any support contact to Daffodil developers.

- Developers/Contributors: One new outside developer has been setup, and has
started a project modifying the Daffodil code-base. This is still in the pre-Apache
context, and we've no idea if they'll want to contribute back. But it does show
both interest and that the technical barriers to entry for new developers to be
productive are surmountable.

How has the project developed since the last report?

- A final consistent release/build of the legacy (pre-Apache) code-base
is over, all project efforts going forward can be Apache focused
once we have infrastructure setup.
- Progress is being made on obtaining the individual and organizational

How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

 [X] Initial setup
 [ ] Working towards first release
 [ ] Community building
 [ ] Nearing graduation
 [ ] Other:

Date of last release:

 (none yet) XXXX-XX-XX

When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

- No changes yet - same as at our project incubator inception


 [X](daffodil) John D. Ament
    Comments: Podling is still bootstrapping, looking for some feedback from legal on approaches due to public sector relationship.
 [X](daffodil) David Fisher


DataFu provides a collection of Hadoop MapReduce jobs and functions in higher
level languages based on it to perform data analysis. It provides functions
for common statistics tasks (e.g. quantiles, sampling), PageRank, stream
sessionization, and set and bag operations. DataFu also provides Hadoop jobs
for incremental data processing in MapReduce.

DataFu has been incubating since 2014-01-05.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Positive IPMC recommendation vote for graduation
  2. Address any IPMC feedback regarding graduation
  3. Continue releases

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

  No new developments

How has the project developed since the last report?

  Added support for Pig macros distributed in JAR.
  Added a couple counting macros and TFIDF.
  Started graduation discussion in general list.

How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  [ ] Initial setup
  [ ] Working towards first release
  [ ] Community building
  [x] Nearing graduation
  [ ] Other:

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

  July 2016 (Eyal Allweil)


  [ ](datafu) Ashutosh Chauhan
  [ ](datafu) Roman Shaposhnik
  [X](datafu) Ted Dunning

IPMC/Shepherd notes:

  johndament: The podling is attempting to graduate, however there are some concerns raised within the discussion over how big the actual PMC is.  There have also been concerns raised over the removal of committer status.


FreeMarker is a template engine, i.e. a generic tool to generate text output
based on templates. FreeMarker is implemented in Java as a class library for

FreeMarker has been incubating since 2015-07-01.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  We have a large user base but a rather small group of committers.
  This was actually expected, given the maturity (and topic) of the project.
  While the FreeMarker 3 branch, which was started 8 month ago, will be much
  more appealing for contributors, development and growth due to that will
  certainly take a long time. In other respects the project is mature and
  ready for graduation.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

  We are eager to graduate but we're afraid that the number of active
  contributors will prevent that in the foreseeable future. But remaining in
  the incubator for serveral years is obviosly a problem as well.

How has the community developed since the last report?

  There were no changes since the last report.

How has the project developed since the last report?

  Most activity was in the FreeMarker 3 branch.
  The FreeMarker 2 branch was less active, but had some fixes and new features.
  At the moment we are nearing the next release from the 2 branch.

How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  [ ] Initial setup
  [ ] Working towards first release
  [X] Community building
  [X] Nearing graduation
  [ ] Other:

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

  2017-02-13 Woonsan Ko, committer (non-PMC)


  [X](freemarker) Jacopo Cappellato
  [X](freemarker) Jean-Frederic Clere
  [X](freemarker) David E. Jones
  [X](freemarker) Ralph Goers
  [ ](freemarker) Sergio Fernández

IPMC/Shepherd notes:

  johndament: What is stopping Freemarker from graduating?


Gobblin is a distributed data integration framework that simplifies common
aspects of big data integration such as data ingestion, replication,
organization and lifecycle management for both streaming and batch data

Gobblin has been incubating since 2017-02-23.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Cut our first release.
  2. Elect new Committer(s) / PPMC.
  3. Update links on website and documentation.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

* 15+ major companies, startups, universites and research institutes are now using Gobblin (refer to Powered-by section [1] here: )
* Email stats for last month: : 25 : 163
* There have been 40 Commits in last month:
    git log --format='%ci' | grep -cE '2017-0(9)'
* 29 of those commits were by non-committers:
   git log --format='%ae %ci' | grep -E '2017-0(9)' | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
* Another video conference based meetup happened last month with good attendance and interest.
* We are continuing to work towards our first release. 

[1] This data was collected before incubation via a survey. It was expanded to include more companies as and when requested by respective contributors.

How has the project developed since the last report?

* Continued active development. 
* Progress continues to be tracked via JIRA / Sprint dashboard.

How would you assess the podling's maturity?

There is an all around progress, and the podling is working towards its first release. 

  [ ] Initial setup
  [X] Working towards first release
  [X] Community building
  [ ] Nearing graduation
  [ ] Other:

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?



  [ ](gobblin) Jean-Baptiste Onofré
  [ ](gobblin) Olivier Lamy
  [X](gobblin) Jim Jagielski

IPMC/Shepherd notes:

  johndament: The podling has the right notion of next steps, website is probably the biggest area of work needed.



  [ ](gossip) P. Taylor Goetz
  [ ](gossip) Josh Elser
     Comments: Podling missed creating a report this month. In general, the podling remains low-volume, but has had some repeat contributions from GSOC students in the past 3-months. It's unclear if these contributors will be preserved past the monetary-perks of GSOC.
  [ ](gossip) Drew Farris


HAWQ is an advanced enterprise SQL on Hadoop analytic engine built around a
robust and high-performance massively-parallel processing (MPP) SQL framework
evolved from Pivotal Greenplum Database.

HAWQ has been incubating since 2015-09-04.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards

  1. Continue to improve the project's release cadence. To this
     end we plan on expanding automation services to support
     increased developer participation.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need
to be aware of?

     Nothing urgent at this time.

How has the community developed since the last report?

1. Conference Talks (2):

 * Big Data Technology Trends. China Big Data Industry Ecosystem Conference (Speaker: Lei Chang, August 2, 2017)
 * Future Data Warehouse. China CIO Conference (Speaker: Lei Chang, Sep 16, 2017)
2. Active contributions from approximately 20 different community
   contributors since the last report (July 2017).

3. Yi JIN volunteered as the release manager for 2.3 release. 

How has the project developed since the last report?

1. Apache HAWQ was released. HAWQ 2.2 is the first binary release.

   Release information: 

   1) Release page:

   2) Issues/tasks fixed (80):

2. The scope of 2.3 release is finalized:

  1) New Feature: HAWQ Ranger supports RPS HA.  (Done)
  2) New Feature: HAWQ Ranger supports Kerberos authentication. (Done)
  3) New Feature: HAWQ Core supports plugable external storage framework. (On going HAWQ-786)
  4) New Feature: HAWQ Core supports HDFS TDE (Transparent Data Encryption) through libHdfs3. (Done, HAWQ-1193)
  5) Licenses: Fix PXF license files located in PXF jar files. (Not started HAWQ-1496)
  6) Licenses: Check Apache HAWQ mandatory libraries to match LC20, LC30 license criteria. (Not started HAWQ-1512)
  7) Build: Release build project (On going HAWQ-127)
  8) Bug fixes. (On going)

Project page link:

3. Project mail list activity:

   Between July 1, 2017 and Sep 25, 2017: &
     155 emails sent
     53  participants

How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  [ ] Initial setup
  [ ] Working towards first release
  [ ] Community building
  [X] Nearing graduation
  [ ] Other:

Date of last release:

  2017-07-12, Apache HAWQ
When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

  Podling committers (1) added:
    Xiang Sheng (, May 16, 2017


  [X](hawq) Alan Gates
  [ ](hawq) Konstantin Boudnik
  [ ](hawq) Justin Erenkrantz
  [ ](hawq) Thejas Nair
  [ ](hawq) Roman Shaposhnik


A real-time, distributed, fault-tolerant stream processing engine.

Heron has been incubating since 2017-06-23.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Finish bootstrapping project, IP clearance, initial website
  2. Expanding the community and adding new committers
  3. 1st ASF release

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

   Migration to Apache infrastructure is waiting on the SGA from Twitter which has not provided an ETA. There was a discussion on the general incubator and Heron dev lists[1] about whether an SGA was required, but consensus was not reached. LEGAL-339 [2] has been filed to get clarification.

1 -
2 - 

How has the community developed since the last report?

  * Developer discussions have moved from Google groups and Slack to the Heron Apache dev list.

How has the project developed since the last report?

  * Development has been active, despite limited progress migrating to Apache infra.

How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  [x] Initial setup
  [ ] Working towards first release
  [ ] Community building
  [ ] Nearing graduation
  [ ] Other:

Date of last release:

  No Apache releases as of yet. Working on code import.

When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

  N/A, still bootstrapping the project.


  [ ](heron) Jake Farrell
  [ ](heron) Jacques Nadeau
  [ ](heron) Julien Le Dem
  [X](heron) P. Taylor Goetz


Apache Juneau is a toolkit for marshalling POJOs to a wide variety of content
types using a common framework, and for creating sophisticated self-
documenting REST interfaces and microservices using VERY little code.

Juneau has been incubating since 2016-06-24.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Complete Podling Name Search (currently unresolved).
  2. Continue to grow community.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

Two new PPMC members:
1) Steve Blackmon
2) Raphi D. Lee

How has the project developed since the last report?

1 new release - Juneau 6.3.1, 08/01/2017
1 release currently in vote - Juneau 6.4.0

Currently undergoing internal graduation discussions within the PPMC.

How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  [ ] Initial setup
  [ ] Working towards first release
  [ ] Community building
  [X] Nearing graduation
  [ ] Other:

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?



  [x](juneau) Craig Russell
     Comments: Juneau has made great progress and I believe is ready to graduate.
  [ ](juneau) Jochen Wiedmann
  [X](juneau) John D. Ament
     Comments: Podling is ready to graduate.  They understand the Apache Way and have grown to multiple contributors.  Great progress.


Livy is web service that exposes a REST interface for managing long running
Apache Spark contexts in your cluster. With Livy, new applications can be
built on top of Apache Spark that require fine grained interaction with many
Spark contexts.

Livy has been incubating since 2017-06-05.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Grow the community to involve more users and contributors.
  2. Grow more committers to maintain the project.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

One new committer was elected, more users appeared in mailing list

How has the project developed since the last report?

Several new features including auto completion, get session by name were proposed and under review.

How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  [ ] Initial setup
  [ ] Working towards first release
  [X] Community building
  [ ] Nearing graduation
  [ ] Other:

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?



  [x](livy) Bikas Saha
  [ ](livy) Brock Noland
  [ ](livy) Luciano Resende
  [ ](livy) Jean-Baptiste Onofre


The below report was submitted by Milagro, however not signed off.  The content and feedback is worth including.

Distributed Cryptography; M-Pin protocol for Identity and Trust

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Improve project communication
  2. Define clear commit guidelines
  3. Building the Milagro community – engaging developers and cryptographers,
     raising awareness and helping to secure future of internet.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

How has the community developed since the last report?

  We moved all of the crypto code to a new organisation on GitHub called milagro-crypto ( ).
It is hoped this will enable further engagement with the community and specifically their involvement in developing the crypto code in other languages.
  Since the last report, two new committers were added.

How has the project developed since the last report?

  The development was focused on Milagro Crypto C and Milagro Crypto JavaScript. Milgaro can now support multiple curves and security levels in a single binary.

How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  [ ] Initial setup
  [x] Working towards first release
  [ ] Community building
  [ ] Nearing graduation
  [ ] Other:

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?



  [ ](milagro) Sterling Hughes
  [ ](milagro) Jan Willem Janssen
  [ ](milagro) Nick Kew

IPMC/Shepherd notes:

  johndament: Dave Fisher raised an issue, as noted in the report, that much of Milagro's work seems to have moved to a private GitHub organization.  The podling has not responded to questions in this area.


Apache MXNet is an open-source deep learning framework that allows you to define, train, and deploy deep neural networks on a wide array of devices, from cloud infrastructure to mobile devices. It is highly scalable, allowing for fast model training, and supports a flexible programming model and multiple languages. MXNet allows you to mix symbolic and imperative programming flavors to maximize both efficiency and productivity. MXNet is built on a dynamic dependency scheduler that automatically parallelizes both symbolic and imperative operations on the fly. A graph optimization layer on top of that makes symbolic execution fast and memory efficient. The MXNet library is portable and lightweight, and it scales to multiple GPUs and multiple machines.

Apache MXNet has been incubating since 2017-01-23.

The most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Establish a predictable release process consistent with Apache Way -- Ongoing.
  2. Grow the Community - Ongoing 
  3. Update project website to Apache standards - In Progress
  4. Identify remaining ICLAs and SGAs that need to be addressed - in progress

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

 a)  Various Slack channels and dev@ mailing lists are being used actively. New user support and discussion forum created with the guidance of Apache members at:  

 b) O’Reilly  published a series of blogs about MXNet, including ones with step-by-step instructions to implement a convolutional neural network to classify traffic signs with Apache MXNet:

 c)  A new blog post published on 28-July showing users how to exploit the unique features of Apache MXNet with a cheat sheet:

d) New Blog series by Viacheslav Kovalevskyi on Apache MxNet in Depth published on Medium

e) Members of the community have conducted open meetups to share information on Apache MXNet:

f) Talks on Apache MXNet have been held in various universities and conferences across the world including US, China, etc.:

g) Presently working towards an upcoming 0.12.0 release targeted for October or November 2017. 

How has the project developed since the last report?

a) The code base was migrated from to on 28-July, 2017. The website has also been migrated to this repository. 

b) From a statistics perspective, in July 2017, 54 authors pushed 140 commits to master, with updates to 358 files including 22K additions and 3K deletions. In Sep 2017, 62 authors pushed 171 commits to master, with updates to 467 files including 26K additions and 7K deletions.

c) Documentation- Architecture guides, How To’s, Tutorials, and APIs continue to be improved.

d) More features (e.g. operators, algorithms) and bug-fixes requested by the user community continue to be added.

How would you assess the podling's maturity?

Podling is still being established in Apache - hence maturity == Low, but the project has a very diverse set of contributors.

Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  [ ] Initial setup
  [ ] Working towards first release
  [X] Community building
  [ ] Nearing graduation
  [ ] Other:

Date of last release:

 A maintenance release Apache MXNet-incubating 0.11.0 with few bug-fixes was released on 05-Sep, 2017.

 A maintenance release Apache MXNet-incubating 0.10.0 Post 2 with few bug-fixes was released on 17-July, 2017.

When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

  Ly Nguyen, Haibin Lin and Madan Jampani were added as committers and PPMC members in June 2017.


  [X](mxnet) Sebastian Schelter
     Comments: Second Suneel's comment that the project should work towards more communication on its mailinglists.
  [X](mxnet) Suneel Marthi
     Comments: Plenty of activity on the project, would love to see more discussions happening on mail lists or Slack.
  [ ](mxnet) Markus Weimer
  [X](mxnet) Henri Yandell
     Comments: Noting acknowledgement that Infra JIRA requests will be going via mentors due to both the reported  
               volume of requests and the requests coming from contributors and not committers. Also noting that 
               I've been active on legal-discuss@ regarding MXNet ICLA/source headers, and in discussion offline 
               with an employer of contributors who has concerns with ICLA signing. 

IPMC/Shepherd notes:

  johndament: The podling has come under fire recently for what is perceived to be an over abundant amount of requests coming from non-committers.  If nothing else, it's a sign that they are anxious to get going here at Apache and perhaps they need to look at their communication model, moving more discussion on list, as well as potentially voting in new committers.



  [ ](myriad) Benjamin Hindman
  [ ](myriad) Danese Cooper
  [ ](myriad) Ted Dunning
     Comments: I am concerned about viability here.
  [ ](myriad) Luciano Resende


NetBeans is a development environment, tooling platform and application

NetBeans has been incubating since 2016-10-01.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Relicensing of files to ASF.
  2. Completion of NOTICE and LICENSE files.
  3. Increase the involvement of the community in release tasks.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

- Various discussions ongoing on Apache NetBeans dev mailing list.
- First pull requests have been received and community has been reviewing them.
- At NetBeans meetup in Munich, Sven Reimers, an Apache NetBeans committer, demoed Java 9 features (e.g., Jigsaw, JShell, JLink) in Apache NetBeans.

How has the project developed since the last report?

- SGA has been provided by Oracle and accepted by Apache.
- Apache Git repo now contains the 1st code donation, 2 more being worked on, consisting of around 45,000 files and 4 million LOC.
- Mirroring has been set up via GitHub.
- Around 29000 files have been relicensed to Apache via a converter tool created by Jan Lahoda, an Apache NetBeans committer.
- Repo has been set up for tools, e.g., the converter tool referenced above:
- Initial README, NOTICE, and LICENSE have been created and pushed.
- Jenkins build jobs have been set up and are working.
- Rat integration has been set up and is working as part of the build process.

How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  [X] Initial setup
  [X] Working towards first release
  [X] Community building
  [ ] Nearing graduation
  [ ] Other:

Date of last release:

  No release yet.

When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

  Only initial committers, no additional voting has been done.


  [X](netbeans) Ate Douma
  [X](netbeans) Bertrand Delacretaz
  [ ](netbeans) Daniel Gruno
  [ ](netbeans) Mark Struberg

IPMC/Shepherd notes:

  johndament: Now that they have their first SGA, podling is getting their feet wet in true ASF processes to get a release out the door.  On list activity is great.

ODF Toolkit

Java modules that allow programmatic creation, scanning and manipulation of
OpenDocument Format (ISO/IEC 26300 == ODF) documents

ODF Toolkit has been incubating since 2011-08-01.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Attract more developers
  2. Have frequent releases
  3. Fulfil the 1.0 version  

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

        Michael Stahl was voted as new committer/PMC member. Being OASIS ODF TC member and LibreOffice developer. 
        Patches had been provided by other new developers.      

How has the project developed since the last report?

  Svante Schubert received sponsorship by German government prototype fund to develop a new collaboration feature for the ODF Toolkit within upcoming 6 months.
  Developer vote has passed to move from SVN to GIT to improve visibility on GitHub and archive better mergeability for feature branches.
Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PMC members elected?



  [ ](odftoolkit) Nick Burch
  [ ](odftoolkit) Yegor Kozlov
  [X](odftoolkit) Tom Barber
     Comments: Some positive steps this month, activity has certainly picked up and the SVN to Git swap will certainly help things. There were plenty of +1's on the mailing list to show people are watching, but gaining active members is clearly a struggle for the project. New PMC member will help that also.  


Rya (pronounced "ree-uh" /rēə/) is a cloud-based RDF triple store that
supports SPARQL queries. Rya is a scalable RDF data management system built on
top of Accumulo. Rya uses novel storage methods, indexing schemes, and query
processing techniques that scale to billions of triples across multiple nodes.
Rya provides fast and easy access to the data through SPARQL, a conventional
query mechanism for RDF data.

Rya has been incubating since 2015-09-18.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Have more releases as part of the Apache Foundation
  2. Increase diversity of contributors.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

  * PPMC and IPMC voted to release 3.2.11

How has the project developed since the last report?

  * Implemented new types of inferences: owl:hasValue, owl:unionOf, owl:equivalentClass, owl:allValuesFrom, owl:intersectionOf, owl: oneOf, owl:someValuesFrom, owl:ReflexiveProperty, owl:hasSelf
  * Added documentation and examples for the use of shell, Prospector, and Pre-computed joins updater
  * Removed/replaced code that used incompatible license (e.g. org.json, jcalendar)  - use ALv2 compatible license now 

How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  [ ] Initial setup
  [ ] Working towards first release
  [ ] Community building
  [x] Nearing graduation
  [ ] Other:

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

 * PPMC member Caleb Meier elected on Jan 3rd, 2017


  [x](rya) Josh Elser
     Comments: Podling continues to show increased maturity (recently, handling some licensing issues during a release with very little guidance).
  [ ](rya) Edward J. Yoon
  [ ](rya) Venkatesh Seetharam
  [x](rya) Billie Rinaldi


SensSoft is a software tool usability testing platform

SensSoft has been incubating since 2016-07-13.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Moving towards the first Incubating release of the source code and other
     release artifacts to NPM/Bower, etc.
  2. Grow the Apache SensSoft (Incubating) community.
  3. Complete the issues highlighted at the SensSoft Roadmap

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

  The community continues development via the scrum method, 
  sprinting towards the generation of the first release candidate 
  for UserALE.js. No new community members have come onboard with
  development swamping the mailing lists.

How has the project developed since the last report?

  The project is making sustainable progress. Project members
  are driving towards generation of a release candidate for 
  UserALE.js 0.1.0. 

How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  [X] Initial setup
  [X] Working towards first release
  [X] Community building
  [ ] Nearing graduation
  [ ] Other:

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

  Arthi Vezhavendan was added to PPMC and Committer base on 2017-01-24


  [ ](senssoft) Paul Ramirez
  [X](senssoft) Lewis John McGibbney
  [ ](senssoft) Chris Mattmann

IPMC/Shepherd notes:

  - Drew Farris (shepherd): One mentor active on the mailing lists. 


Apache Spot is a solution stack that provides the capability to ingest IT related telemetry (network flows, domain name service DNS, and proxy server logs) and provide unsupervised machine learning capabilities to identify suspicious activity.  The information is organized and presented using operational analytics so that a security analyst can investigate the most suspicious connections. Apache Spot is built on and using Apache Spark and Apache Hadoop.

Spot has been incubating since 2016-09-23.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Build diverse community
  2. Continue building a strong and diverse body of PPMC members for long term project continuity
  3. Demonstrate ability to create releases

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
 * Recently Facebook decided to re-license React under MIT license, to enable compatibility with Apache licensed projects and many others. If there are not other indications from Incubator board we’ll call out a vote to keep it for now:

How has the community developed since the last report?

 * Committers that are specialized on Ingest functions are merging branches for Open Data Model (ODM) development.
 * Same case for views in order to simplify the process of normalization through the UI.
 * Datasets with both benign and malicious traffic have been crafted to allow community to test/evaluate ML executions, and facilitate visualization exercises when doing Threat Hunting .
 * Number of issues and discussion have increased with both feedback/RFE and bug fixes, which probes adoption, of course Community growth also consists on continue expanding the Committer baseline. 

How has the project developed since the last report?

 * The Spot project completed the first official Apache release for Spot v1.0, approved and voted by Incubator PMC.
 * Open Data Model, development efforts continue over its branch in both directions specification and code pushes.

How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  [ ] Initial setup
  [ ] Working towards first release
  [X] Community building
  [ ] Nearing graduation
  [ ] Other:


 * Completion of the first Apache release was a significant milestone. The focus now needs to be converting the large number of project observers into project committers to foster a more diverse community, creating project awareness through technology blog posts, and Meetups is a significant effort that needs to happen for project evangelization

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?



  [X](spot) Jarek Jarcec Cecho
  [ ](spot) Brock Noland
  [ ](spot) Andrei Savu
  [X](spot) Uma Maheswara Rao G

IPMC/Shepherd notes:
  Project is active and moving forward well. They do use ReactJS and will need to upgrade and release as soon as the relicensed version is available.
  Dave Fisher

Traffic Control

Traffic Control is a set of components that can be used to build, monitor, configure, and provision a large scale content delivery network (CDN). 

Traffic Control has been incubating since 2016-07-12.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

1. Enhance automation to make it easier to build, install, and configure each component.
2. Improve documentation to ease ramp-up time for new community members and make it easier for existing community members to find what they are looking for.
3. Grow the community.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?  


How has the community developed since the last report?

The community took a vote and decided to move to full GitHub for source code management and to use github for issue tracking instead of Jira.

Traffic Control will be holding its fall summit on October 17th and 18th in Atlanta, GA.  There are currently over 20 participants from 5 different companies registered to join.   

How has the project developed since the last report?

  Since the last report (July 2017), we have

  * Merged 93 Pull Requests with 609 commits from 21 contributors
  * Opened 284 Github/Jira issues
  * Closed 83 Github/Jira issues
  * 284 emails sent by 39 people on the dev@ list
  * 5 emails sent by 2 people on the users@ list

How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

At our next summit (Oct 2017), we will be discussing what steps we need to take to get to graduation.  We still have some hurdles to clear, but it’s good that we have recognized we need to start the discussion.

  [ ] Initial setup
  [ ] Working towards first release (wip)
  [x] Community building (wip)
  [ ] Nearing graduation
  [ ] Other:

Date of last release:

  Traffic Control 2.0 was released on July 7th, 2017.

When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

In August, Traffic Control added 3 new committers from 2 different companies: Derek Gelinas (Comcast), Rob Butts (Comcast) , and Peter Ryder (Cisco)


  [X](trafficcontrol) Phil Sorber
  [](trafficcontrol) Eric Covener
  [X](trafficcontrol) Leif Hedstrom

IPMC/Shepherd notes:

  johndament: It's great to see a community driven in person event being scheduled.  However, the podling should be cautious and ensure that all information discussed in person is brought back to the list when complete.


Weex is a framework for building Mobile cross-platform high-performance UI.

Weex has been incubating since 2016-11-30.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

1. Move the whole workflow and infra into Apache (not the codebase only).
2. Develop more contributors and committers.
3. More releases while in Incubator.
4. Improve the developer's activity in JIRA and mailing list.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

• We voted two new committers: gurisxie, Hanks
• Our Github has growth contributors (131), forks (760), watchers (296)  
and stars (5522)
• We have encouraged people to discuss more in the JIRA and dev mailing  
list. Up to now, 76 issues have been reported on JIRA and 37 of them are  
resolved or closed.
• WebSite Trends Month Active, PV(393698), UV(64096), IP(53712), New  
Unique Visitor(36155) , Session(103184)

How has the project developed since the last report?

• 21 authors have pushed 284 commits to master and 285 commits to all branches since last month.
• We are replacing Facebook's Yoga with Google's FlexboxLayout for our layout system.
• Several new features including  pseudo-class,  box-shadow in Android,  
3d rotate were proposed and developed under review.

How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  [ ] Initial setup
  [ ] Working towards first release
  [X] Community building
  [ ] Nearing graduation
  [ ] Other:

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

• gurisxie,  13 Sep 2017
• Hanks, 9 Aug 2017


  [ ](weex) Luke Han
  [ ](weex) Willem Jiang
  [ ](weex) Stephan Ewen
  [X](weex) Raphael Bircher
     Comments: The community still learning the Apache Way. Also we have to work on the diversity.
     But we make progress. An additional active Mentor would be good.

End of minutes for the October 18, 2017 board meeting.
