Links: 2018 - All years
- Original The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
May 16, 2018
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 10:30am Pacific and began at 10:32
when a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was
recognized by the chairman.
Other Time Zones:
The meeting was held via teleconference, hosted by Doug Cutting
and Cloudera.
IRC #asfboard on was used for backup purposes.
2. Roll Call
Directors Present:
Rich Bowen
Shane Curcuru
Bertrand Delacretaz
Ted Dunning
Brett Porter
Roman Shaposhnik
Phil Steitz
Mark Thomas
Directors Absent:
Isabel Drost-Fromm
Executive Officers Present:
Ross Gardler
Kevin A. McGrail - left at 10:50
Sam Ruby
Craig L Russell
Matt Sicker
Executive Officers Absent:
Ulrich Stärk
Daniel Gruno
Daniel Ruggeri
Geoff Macartney
Greg Stein
Jim Jagielski
Phil Sorber
Sally Khudairi
Sharan Foga - joined at 10:42
Tom Pappas
3. Minutes from previous meetings
Published minutes can be found at:
A. The meeting of April 18, 2018
See: board_minutes_2018_04_18.txt
Approved by General Consent.
4. Executive Officer Reports
A. Chairman [Phil]
This month, we had several very good reports. Brooklyn, Geode, HTTP
Server and Phoenix all submitted exemplary reports. Several PMCs were
thanked for responding to feedback and dealing with issues that they
or the board called out in prior reports and / or improving the
quality of their reports. Thanks to all who contributed to developing
project reports this month.
Other than general thanks and praise for good reporting, comments this
month were all in one of the following categories:
* Requests to ensure that projects with low activity have effective
PMC oversight
* Reminders to keep everything that can be public, public
* Request to include in board reports description of how projects
managed problems
* Reminder to include basic information on committer / PMC roster
After getting general agreement on the concept and initial list of
policies to work on, I started work this month on the policy roadmap.
Working with Bertrand, my goal is to get started on discussing the
first one (release) this month and also agree on how the review and
approval process will work and where approved policies will be hosted.
B. President [Sam]
No issues for the board.
Good fiscal year overall. Every expense line item was essentially at
or below budget. Fundraising was significantly over budget, and that
is without counting the Pineapple Fund donation.
Thanks to the board for approving the FY19 budget. My personal vision
is that we complete the next five year plan by the end of this
calendar year, and that five year plan be where we focus on strategy
and the one year budget be where we focus on tactics that implement
that strategy.
Every area is operating smoothly.
- - -
Selected Highlights:
Brand Management:
* There are currently 24 open issues across 14 PMCs
* Executed PCCC PSA for paid VP Fundraising
* Amended process for nominating VP Sponsor relations
* Working to increase targeted sponsorship
* Working to gel the Sponsor+ program
* Ready to launch ASF endowment program
Marketing and Publicity:
* New "VP Sponsor Relations" title
* Promoting ApacheCon and two Apache Roadshow events
* Worked with vendor to correct their promotional practices
* 9 blog entries, 30 tweets, 9 LinkedIn posts, 5 media queries
* Status moved to / NodePing
* mail-search has been replaced and will ultimately be retired
* new TLP server under Azure
* Jenkins server difficulties hope to be resolved with new server
* Current focus is on Apache RoadShow Europe in June
* ApacheCon North America schedule has been posted
* Proposals and venues are being evaluated for conferences in 2019
Travel Assistance:
* 28 completed applications were received and scored
- - -
After talking to Kevin, Tom, and Daniel, the costs for converting
Fundraising from a contract to a PEO are likely to be in the $15K
range annually. Our joint recommendation at this point is to NOT
proceed with this. If the board sees this differently, give me action
item and I will continue to pursue it.
Additionally, please see Attachments 1 through 6.
C. Treasurer [Ulrich]
Virtual Report:
Here is a summary of the Foundation’s performance for
the 12 months of FY18.
Operating Cash on April 30, 2018 was $2,072K, which is up $117K from
last month’s ending balance (Mar 18) of $1,955K. Total Cash as of
Apr 30th, 2018 is $2,964.4K. The Apr 2018 ending Operating cash
balance of $2,072K represents an Operating cash reserve of 20.1 months
based on the FY18 conservative Cash forecast average monthly spending
of $103.1K/month( using the FY19 budgeted expense budget of $1,896.3K,
the FY19 monthly expense amount is $158K which using the ending Oper
Cash balance of $2,072K, gives us 13.1 months of Oper based on FY19
expenses as of 4.30.18). The ASF reserve continues to be very healthy
for an organization of ASF’ s size.
Regarding the YTD Cash P&L, we had a very strong and favorable showing
against our FY18 budget, however we need to keep an eye on any
invoices that come in that may have pertained to FY18 as we move
through May and June 2018, for comparative purposes. For April 2018
we were over the FY 18 budget for Revenue by $18.8K due to timing of
Sponsor payments compared to the Apr 18 Budget. The Foundation was
also under the FY18 budget in Expenses as well for Apr 18 (all depts
were under for April 2018 except Publicity due the timing of some
invoice payments). The Fundraising team did an excellent job in both
areas, servicing both new and existing Sponsors for FY18. With total
actual FY18 Revenue, as of Apr 30th, 2018, of $1,785.9K (up $211.8K
from Mar 18 and up $796.6K from Apr 17), we finished at 145.6% ahead
of our FY18 budgeted Total Revenue of $1,226.5K. Regarding Sponsor
revenue, we finished FY18 at $1,616.9K, (up $210K from Mar 18 and up
$838K from Apr 17) which has us at an increase of 149.2% over our
budgeted Sponsor revenue goal of $1,084K for FY18. This is a great
accomplishment as we exceeded our FY18 Sponsorship budget by more than
a half million dollars if FY18 and are poised to keep that momentum up
into FY19. As for the remaining revenue categories, we have received
$169K against a total budget of $142.5K or 118.6% ahead of our FY 18
budget. With regard to FY18 vs FY17 for the other revenue categories,
we had $167K in FY18 and $139.9K in FY17 or 121% increase, due in
large part to what we have received via the Hopsie platform, which
again is fantastic as it is no real cost to the foundation but another
option for Fundraising.
KAM Comment: Including the Pineapple fund conversion to cash increases
the fundraising for FY18 by just about another $900k as well.
YTD expenses, through Apr 30th, 2018 are under budget by $157.1K, with
Infra as the only dept over budget ($2.6K or basically breakeven to
their FY18 budget). This is due primarily to a number of FY18 budgeted
expenses not being utilized (TAC legal fees in Brand, EA, etc).
Regarding Net Income (NI), for FY18 the ASF finished with a positive
$548.6K NI vs a budgeted negative <$167.9K> NI or $716.5K ahead of the
FY 18 Budget for Net Income, which is more than 3 times better than
the FY18 budget. Again, I want to congratulate the entire Foundation
on these very positive Operating results as FY 18. It does truly
take a team effort to achieve these types of results. Now that we see
what can be achieved by our efforts, we do need to continue to keep
these efforts up as we move into FY19. We need to continue to provide
Fundraising all the support and resources to continue with the
traction that has been created with in the last year, while keeping an
eye on our expenses at the same time. We should also recognize that
the Foundation as compared to not only its FY18 budget but also to FY
17 actuals, is in “an extremely good place” by all measures and we
should all be very proud of that fact, as FY 18 has ended and we enter
FY19, which in turn is very good for all of our ongoing projects and
Current Balances:
Boston Private Checking Account 2,250,000.00
Citizens Money Aprket 465,655.07
Citizens Checking 247,531.09
Paypal - ASF 1,238.60
Total Checking/Savings 2,964,424.76
Apr-18 Budget Variance
Income Summary:
Inkind Revenue 0.00 0.00 0.00
Public Donations 1,154.09 2,951.42 -1,797.33
Sponsorship Program 210,000.00 189,750.00 20,250.00
Programs Income 0.00 0.00 0.00
Other Income 291.20 0.00 291.20
Interest Income 334.86 292.92 41.94
Total Income 211,780.15 192,994.34 18,785.81
Expense SumApry:
In Kind Expense 0.00 0.00 0.00
Infrastructure 61,987.77 70,706.17 -8,718.40
Sponsorship Program 2,466.12 14,000.00 -11,533.88
Programs Expense 0.00 0.00 0.00
Publicity 39,750.00 22,625.00 17,125.00
Brand Management 4,971.49 7,416.67 -2,445.18
Conferences 0.00 4,000.00 -4,000.00
Travel Assistance Committee 0.00 27,500.00 -27,500.00
Tax and Audit 0.00 4,500.00 -4,500.00
Treasury Services 3,350.00 8,000.00 -4,650.00
General & Administrative 728.54 8,518.00 -7,789.46
Total Expense 113,253.92 167,265.84 -54,011.92
Net Income 98,526.23 25,728.50 72,797.73
YTD 2018 Budget Variance
Income Summary:
Inkind Revenue 0.00 0.00 0.00
Public Donations 129,388.43 110,999.85 18,388.58
Sponsorship Program 1,616,850.17 1,084,000.00 532,850.17
Programs Income 15,100.00 28,025.00 -12,925.00
Other Income 16,647.57 0.00 16,647.57
Interest Income 7,941.25 3,515.04 4,426.21
Total Income 1,785,927.42 1,226,539.89 559,387.53
Expense SumApry:
In Kind Expense 0.00 0.00 0.00
Infrastructure 820,828.11 818,219.04 2,609.07
Sponsorship Program 30,947.07 46,250.00 -15,302.93
Programs Expense 0.00 0.00 0.00
Publicity 161,391.61 194,000.00 -32,608.39
Brand Management 62,465.95 89,000.04 -26,534.09
Conferences 5,200.15 12,418.00 -7,217.85
Travel Assistance Committee 2,191.81 50,000.00 -47,808.19
Tax and Audit 10,687.00 14,700.00 -4,013.00
Treasury Services 39,950.00 41,450.00 -1,500.00
General & Administrative 103,635.52 128,350.16 -24,714.64
Total Expense 1,237,297.22 1,394,387.24 -157,090.02
Net Income 548,630.20 -167,847.35 716,477.55
Asst. Treasurer Report:
- Treasurer is going well.
- Purchased and implemented 10 more Google Vault Licenses for
$100/year. All users have Vault on Google. Might want to look at
bouncing all our mail archives to an infra user to use for
e-discovery noting last months evidenciary hold notice.
- We are working on the annual report due May 18 to SK.
- The public 990 is still not available for the update of the Apache
page. I am checking
and clicking the show 990 button for downloads which shows it is not
yet available.
- KAM is stepping down from his Asst Treasurer role now that the
Fundraising contract is signed:
As my role has shifted to a paid role with Fundraising please accept
this notice of resignation as Assistant Treasurer as an action item at
the next board meeting.
It has been my pleasure to help and Uli has agreed that I will
continue to help monitor treasurer@/accounting@/etc. and retain the
RSA token for Citizens in case he needs a backstop.
D. Secretary [Craig]
The secretary office continues to run smoothly with active help from the
Assistant Secretary.
In April 52 ICLAs, three CCLAs, five member applications, and two grants
were received and filed.
E. Executive Vice President [Ross]
Congratulations on bringing the ASFs largest cost centre in on budget
(actually a slight 0.3% overage on our $800K+)
A key new, long term, focus is to upgrade all infrastructure
management from Puppet v3 to Puppet v5. While the existing long term
focus of decommissioning aging hardware continues. page has been moved to - a number of
benefits are identified in the Infrastructure report. A key one is a
better mechanism for managing and notifying of scheduled maintenance.
There have been some difficulties around the Jenkins masters. This is
being managed in preparation for installation of a new dedicated piece
of hardware.
Marketing and Publicity
VP Marketing reports the completion of counselling "a Big Data vendor
on correcting their promotional practices to align with established
ASF publicity, outreach, and branding guidelines." Thank you to Sally
and the impacted PMCs, as well as the company themselves for working
in the best interests of the broader community.
Otherwise business as usual, including assistance with fundraising
Apache RoadShow Europe - Berlin, June 11-14 2018 -
ApacheCon North America - Montreal, CA, 24-27 Sept - schedule is now
Venue search is ongoing for 2019 EU event.
Proposals received for 2019 events in Japan and South Korea, though
there is no direct action to facilitate those events at this time.
28 completed applications received for ACNA Montreal. Judges in
process of evaluating.
F. Vice Chairman [Shane]
No specific activity in the past month; life issues got in the way.
Going forward, I hope to spend time working on improvements for how
projects and officers engage with the board, and keeping discussions
on changes focused and productive for all. One effort will include
the new Board JIRA queue to allow us to decide on some kinds of
specific proposals for change.
Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
5. Additional Officer Reports
A. VP of W3C Relations [Andy Seaborne / Isabel]
See Attachment 7
B. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Chris Mattmann / Roman]
See Attachment 8
C. Apache Security Team Project [Mark J. Cox / Bertrand]
See Attachment 9
@Roman: start discussion with members on how to deal with
unaddressed security vulnerabilities
Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
6. Committee Reports
Summary of Reports
The following reports required further discussion:
# Forrest [idf]
# Libcloud [mt]
# Lucene.Net [rb]
A. Apache Ambari Project [Yusaku Sako / Rich]
See Attachment A
B. Apache Ant Project [Jan Materne / Phil]
See Attachment B
C. Apache Bahir Project [Luciano Resende / Shane]
See Attachment C
D. Apache BookKeeper Project [Sijie Guo / Ted]
See Attachment D
E. Apache Brooklyn Project [Geoff Macartney / Brett]
See Attachment E
F. Apache Buildr Project [Antoine Toulme / Mark]
See Attachment F
G. Apache Camel Project [Christian Mueller / Mark]
See Attachment G
H. Apache Cassandra Project [Nate McCall / Rich]
See Attachment H
I. Apache Clerezza Project [Hasan Hasan / Isabel]
See Attachment I
J. Apache Cocoon Project [Cédric Damioli / Phil]
See Attachment J
K. Apache Community Development Project [Sharan Foga / Roman]
See Attachment K
L. Apache CouchDB Project [Jan Lehnardt / Bertrand]
See Attachment L
M. Apache Creadur Project [Brian E Fox / Ted]
See Attachment M
N. Apache DataFu Project [Matthew Hayes / Shane]
See Attachment N
O. Apache DeltaSpike Project [Mark Struberg / Brett]
No report was submitted.
@Brett: pursue a report for DeltaSpike
P. Apache DRAT Project [Chris Mattmann / Roman]
See Attachment P
Q. Apache Drill Project [Aman Sinha / Brett]
See Attachment Q
R. Apache Empire-db Project [Rainer Döbele / Rich]
See Attachment R
S. Apache Flume Project [Mike Percy / Shane]
See Attachment S
T. Apache Forrest Project [David Crossley / Isabel]
No report was submitted.
U. Apache FreeMarker Project [Dániel Dékány / Phil]
See Attachment U
V. Apache Geode Project [Mark Bretl / Ted]
See Attachment V
W. Apache Giraph Project [Avery Ching / Bertrand]
See Attachment W
X. Apache Gora Project [Lewis John McGibbney / Mark]
See Attachment X
Y. Apache Groovy Project [Guillaume Laforge / Mark]
See Attachment Y
Z. Apache Hama Project [Chia-Hung Lin / Phil]
No report was submitted.
@Phil: pursue a report for Hama
AA. Apache HTTP Server Project [Daniel Gruno / Brett]
See Attachment AA
AB. Apache HttpComponents Project [Asankha Chamath Perera / Ted]
See Attachment AB
AC. Apache Ignite Project [Denis A. Magda / Roman]
See Attachment AC
AD. Apache Impala Project [Jim Apple / Rich]
See Attachment AD
AE. Apache Incubator Project [John D. Ament / Bertrand]
See Attachment AE
AF. Apache jUDDI Project [Alex O'Ree / Shane]
See Attachment AF
AG. Apache Juneau Project [James Bognar / Isabel]
See Attachment AG
AH. Apache Kafka Project [Jun Rao / Ted]
See Attachment AH
AI. Apache Kibble Project [Rich Bowen]
See Attachment AI
AJ. Apache Knox Project [Larry McCay / Shane]
See Attachment AJ
AK. Apache Kylin Project [Luke Han / Mark]
See Attachment AK
AL. Apache Lens Project [Amareshwari Sriramadasu / Bertrand]
See Attachment AL
AM. Apache Libcloud Project [Tomaž Muraus / Isabel]
See Attachment AM
@Isabel: follow up to get a better report next month
AN. Apache Logging Services Project [Matt Sicker / Phil]
See Attachment AN
AO. Apache Lucene.Net Project [Prescott Nasser / Rich]
See Attachment AO
@Ted: remind them to please be sure to report next month
AP. Apache Mahout Project [Andrew Palumbo / Roman]
See Attachment AP
AQ. Apache ManifoldCF Project [Karl Wright / Brett]
See Attachment AQ
AR. Apache Marmotta Project [Jakob Frank / Mark]
No report was submitted.
AS. Apache MetaModel Project [Kasper Sørensen / Isabel]
See Attachment AS
AT. Apache Metron Project [Casey Stella / Phil]
See Attachment AT
AU. Apache Oozie Project [Robert Kanter / Brett]
See Attachment AU
AV. Apache Open Climate Workbench Project [Michael James Joyce / Rich]
See Attachment AV
AW. Apache Perl Project [Philippe Chiasson / Bertrand]
No report was submitted.
@Rich: ask for a new chair, due to chronic missed or late
AX. Apache Phoenix Project [Josh Elser / Ted]
See Attachment AX
AY. Apache POI Project [Dominik Stadler / Roman]
See Attachment AY
AZ. Apache Qpid Project [Robert Gemmell / Shane]
See Attachment AZ
BA. Apache REEF Project [Byung-Gon Chun / Roman]
See Attachment BA
BB. Apache River Project [Peter Firmstone / Rich]
See Attachment BB
BC. Apache RocketMQ Project [Xiaorui Wang / Ted]
See Attachment BC
BD. Apache Roller Project [David M. Johnson / Shane]
See Attachment BD
BE. Apache Santuario Project [Colm O hEigeartaigh / Bertrand]
See Attachment BE
BF. Apache Serf Project [Bert Huijben / Mark]
No report was submitted.
BG. Apache SIS Project [Martin Desruisseaux / Phil]
See Attachment BG
BH. Apache Spark Project [Matei Alexandru Zaharia / Isabel]
See Attachment BH
BI. Apache Subversion Project [Stefan Sperling / Brett]
See Attachment BI
BJ. Apache Syncope Project [Francesco Chicchiriccò / Phil]
See Attachment BJ
BK. Apache SystemML Project [Jon Deron Eriksson / Rich]
See Attachment BK
BL. Apache Tapestry Project [Thiago Henrique De Paula Figueiredo / Ted]
No report was submitted.
@Mark: pursue a report (again) for Tapestry
BM. Apache Turbine Project [Georg Kallidis / Brett]
See Attachment BM
BN. Apache Usergrid Project [Todd Nine / Shane]
See Attachment BN
BO. Apache Velocity Project [Nathan Bubna / Roman]
See Attachment BO
BP. Apache Whimsy Project [Sam Ruby / Isabel]
See Attachment BP
BQ. Apache Xalan Project [Steven J. Hathaway / Bertrand]
No report was submitted.
@Brett: pursue a report for Xalan
BR. Apache Xerces Project [Michael Glavassevich / Mark]
See Attachment BR
BS. Apache XML Graphics Project [Clay Leeds / Isabel]
See Attachment BS
Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
7. Special Orders
A. Change the Apache MINA Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Jeff Maury
(jeffmaury) to the office of Vice President, Apache MINA, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
Jeff Maury from the office of Vice President, Apache MINA, and
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache MINA project
has chosen by vote to recommend Guillaume Nodet (gnodet) as the
successor to the post;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Jeff Maury is relieved and
discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
President, Apache MINA, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Guillaume Nodet be and hereby is appointed
to the office of Vice President, Apache MINA, to serve in accordance
with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the
Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal
or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7A, Change the Apache MINA Project Chair, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
B. Change the Apache Bigtop Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Evans Ye (evansye)
to the office of Vice President, Apache Bigtop, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
Evans Ye from the office of Vice President, Apache Bigtop, and
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Bigtop project
has chosen by vote to recommend Peter Linnell (plinnell) as the
successor to the post;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Evans Ye is relieved and
discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
President, Apache Bigtop, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Peter Linnell be and hereby is appointed
to the office of Vice President, Apache Bigtop, to serve in accordance
with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the
Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal
or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7B, Change the Apache Bigtop Project Chair, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
C. Change the Apache Hadoop Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Chris Douglas
(cdouglas) to the office of Vice President, Apache Hadoop, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
Chris Douglas from the office of Vice President, Apache Hadoop, and
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Hadoop project
has chosen by vote to recommend Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli (vinodkv) as the
successor to the post;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Chris Douglas is relieved and
discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
President, Apache Hadoop, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli be and hereby is
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Hadoop, to serve in
accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors
and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7C, Change the Apache Hadoop Project Chair, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
D. Establish the Apache Traffic Control Project
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests
of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to
establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation and
maintenance of open-source software, for distribution at no charge to
the public, related to building, monitoring, configuring, and
provisioning a large scale content delivery network (CDN).
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee
(PMC), to be known as the "Apache Traffic Control Project", be and
hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it
RESOLVED, that the Apache Traffic Control Project be and hereby is
responsible for the creation and maintenance of software related to
building, monitoring, configuring, and provisioning a large scale
content delivery network (CDN); and be it further
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Traffic Control"
be and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at
the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache
Traffic Control Project, and to have primary responsibility for
management of the projects within the scope of responsibility of the
Apache Traffic Control Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are
appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache Traffic
Control Project:
* Dan Kirkwood <>
* David Neuman <>
* Dewayne Richardson <>
* Eric Covener <>
* Eric Friedrich <>
* Hank Beatty <>
* Jan van Doorn <>
* Jeff Elsloo <>
* Jeremy Mitchell <>
* Leif Hedstrom <>
* Mark Torluemke <>
* Phil Sorber <>
* Steve Malenfant <>
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that David Neuman be appointed
to the office of Vice President, Apache Traffic Control, to serve in
accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors
and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be
it further
RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Traffic Control PMC be and hereby is
tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to encourage open
development and increased participation in the Apache Traffic Control
Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Traffic Control Project be and hereby is
tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache Incubator
Traffic Control podling; and be it further
RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache Incubator
Traffic Control podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator PMC are
hereafter discharged.
Special Order 7D, Establish the Apache Traffic Control
Project, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors
E. Change the Apache Giraph Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Avery Ching
(aching) to the office of Vice President, Apache Giraph, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
Avery Ching from the office of Vice President, Apache Giraph, and
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Giraph project
has chosen by vote to recommend Dionysios Logothetis (dionysios) as the
successor to the post;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Avery Ching is relieved and
discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
President, Apache Giraph, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Dionysios Logothetis be and hereby is
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Giraph, to serve in
accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors
and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7E, Change the Apache Giraph Project Chair, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
F. Change the Apache Camel Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Christian Mueller
(cmueller) to the office of Vice President, Apache Camel, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
Christian Mueller from the office of Vice President, Apache Camel, and
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Camel project
has chosen by vote to recommend Andrea Cosentino (acosentino) as the
successor to the post;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Christian Mueller is relieved and
discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
President, Apache Camel, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Andrea Cosentino be and hereby is
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Camel, to serve in
accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors
and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7F, Change the Apache Camel Project Chair, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
G. Change the Apache Incubator Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed John D. Ament
(johndament) to the office of Vice President, Apache Incubator, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
John D. Ament from the office of Vice President, Apache Incubator, and
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Incubator
project has chosen by vote to recommend Justin Mclean (jmclean) as the
successor to the post;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that John D. Ament is relieved and
discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
President, Apache Incubator, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Justin Mclean be and hereby is appointed
to the office of Vice President, Apache Incubator, to serve in
accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors
and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7G, Change the Apache Incubator Project Chair,
was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
8. Discussion Items
9. Review Outstanding Action Items
* Jim: work with Greg on resourcing infra resources for OpenOffice
[ Executive Vice President 2018-02-21 ]
Status: Mailing list and Hipchat channel created. Dave Foster started
initial investigation
* Jim: follow up with PMC on activity
[ Open Climate Workbench 2018-02-21 ]
Status: As requested last month, asks that a director follow-thru with
* Chris: pursue a report for Perl
[ Perl 2018-02-21 ]
Status: Report received in March
* Brett: pursue a report or Attic proposal for Xalan
[ Xalan 2018-02-21 ]
* Mark: pursue a report for Bahir
[ Bahir 2018-03-21 ]
Status: Complete. We have a report for May.
* Brett: pursue a report for Camel
[ Camel 2018-03-21 ]
Status: Complete. Report has been submitted.
* Shane: pursue a report for Lucene.Net
[ Lucene.Net 2018-03-21 ]
Status: Done - late, but in the agenda; they are considering activity
levels and understanding they may need to start attic
* Mark: get an answer to question on previous report: "..automatic generation
[ Sentry 2018-03-21 ]
Status: Ongoing. Question answered in private@. Suggested the PMC
responds to board@ to close this out.
* Jim: when will the TM be added to the logo?
[ Xerces 2018-03-21 ]
Status: As requested last month, asks that a director follow-thru with
* Mark: follow up to get a report
[ Giraph 2018-04-18 ]
Status: Complete. We have a report in May.
* Roman: any prospects for new committers and PMC members?
[ James 2018-04-18 ]
Status: There was a good discussion on the private@ mailing list.
Hopefully some of the recommendations made there will help
improve the situation.
* Phil: pursue a report for Mahout for next month
[ Mahout 2018-04-18 ]
Status: Complete. Report has been submitted.
* Rich: follow up to get a better report for next month
[ Metron 2018-04-18 ]
Status: Complete: Report has been submitted.
* Rich: follow up re: responses to board comments
[ MyFaces 2018-04-18 ]
* Mark: pursue a report for Tapestry
[ Tapestry 2018-04-18 ]
Status: Ongoing: Report promised for May.
* Sam: provide a process for appointing VP, Sponsor Relations and defining
[ Establish Position of VP, Sponsor Relations 2018-04-18 ]
Status: Complete, and revised based on board vote. See Fundraising
report for details.
* Shane: send note publicizing the list of services to the PMCs; precise url
[ Publicize board-sanctioned list of services available to projects 2018-04-18 ]
* Shane: continue to discuss establishing a COI policy on board@
[ Adopting a well-known COI policy 2018-04-18 ]
10. Unfinished Business
11. New Business
12. Announcements
13. Adjournment
Adjourned at 11:51 a.m. (Pacific)
Attachment 1: Report from the VP of Brand Management [Mark Thomas]
A request was received for a logo to use to represent httpd. It has been
passed to the PMC who are discussing options.
Google Analytics has been removed from the Brand pages as it wasn't used and
removing it was simpler than figuring out what needed to be done to make it
GDPR compliant.
Discussed the possibility of allowing additional project content to be hosted
at sites other than * No change in policy at this time.
Merchandise request for GEODE. Passed to PMC for final approval.
Event requests for GEODE and ACCUMULO. Passed to PMC for final approval. The
GEODE event overlaps with ApacheCon. It is being hosted as a side-event at a
larger conference so such conflicts can be difficult to avoid. The organisers
will be asked to co-ordinate on dates sooner for future events to try and
avoid this.
Usage requests (books) for MAVEN and OPENOFFICE. Both approved.
The GMail based tracking system for open issues continues to work well. There
are currently 24 open issues across 14 PMCs
Started process of registering OPENOFFICE (rather than OPENOFFICE.ORG). This
follows on from previous discussions with the OpenOffice PMC regarding long
term strategy for registrations.
A notice of an office action was received for our BEAM registration. Our
response is being discussed with the PMC.
Discussed potential infringements with Spark, Maven, Cassandra and OpenOffice
with the relevant PMCs. Most were non-issues. Those that were are being
followed up with the relevant PMC.
Attachment 2: Report from the VP of Fundraising [Daniel Ruggeri]
Fundraising continues to go well. As proposed, KAM has taken a paid role of
VP Fundraising. Daniel Ruggeri serves as volunteer VP Fundraising. KAM
reports to him and he will report to the President. Additional work for HALO
to contact Platinum sponsors is also going. Work for additional levels
delayed pending contract vehicle from Virtual expected soon.
DRuggeri Notes:
* Added Sally Khudairi and Tom Pappas as VP Sponsor Relations effective
* is being built out and is mostly stabilized -
eyes welcome
* Executed PCCC PSA for paid VP Fundraising (KAM) 2018-05-14
* Amended process for nominating VP Sponsor relations per [VOTE]
KAM Notes:
* We are working on the annual report due May 18 to SK.
* KAM believes that the idea of automatically embedding and maintaining ASF
space on * resources is not tenable and is closing the ticket.
* Committee meetings continue to occur monthly.
* Work continues on our three 2018 Apache events including sponsor agreements
and pitches
* KAM CFP selected for FOSS Backstage. Planning to attend BBW & FOSS
Backstage for ASF to speak on How to be an Effective Board Member:
* KAM CFP selected for ApacheCon. Planning to attend AC2018 to speak on
Inclusion, Meritocracy and the Apache Way.
* We are working to increase targeted sponsorship and move Leaseweb to
Platinum level with annual billing so we don’t have this criss cross like
now. Tom may have a more recent update as of the board meeting as this is
ongoing as I write the report.
* KAM also repeated our ask for Apache for Amazon for Infra on 5/4. No
response received as of this report..
* Continue improving our fundraising procedures and working on our playbook
website (
* Attended CANON Cyber security event hosted by Rick Howard of Palo Alto where
we discussed the concept of an ASF endowment.
Follow-up meeting planned for the 18th.
* Some notes: pitched Accenture, talked with Twitter, talked with Bloomberg,
pitched pivotal, asked DLA piper about targeted sponsorship.
* Discussed a possible targeted sponsorship for mentorship with Andrew
* Coordinated ASF representation for Huawei annual conference.
* Working to gel the Sponsor+ program for website and event recognition for
sponsors for an entire year. Pitched to three sponsors
* Twitter is 99% back on board as a bronze level but working on a higher level
for 2019.
* Quenda has been increased in status as a targeted sponsor.
* Attending breakfast this week for GMU and will continue planning on DC
* ApacheCon in Turkey was vetted and declined.
Attachment 3: Report from the VP of Marketing and Publicity [Sally Khudairi]
I. Budget: we have kicked off the fiscal year with contract renewals with all
our vendors to ensure continuity in service. We anticipate a smooth start to
Q1 of FY2019.
II. Cross-committee Liaison: Sally Khudairi is preparing the ASF Annual
Report. We published the latest "Success at Apache" post: "Dip into the Apache
Way" . Sally continues day-to-day Sponsor
ambassadorial outreach with Fundraising under her new "VP Sponsor Relations"
title, and is working with ASF Conferences on promoting ApacheCon and two
Apache Roadshow events. She has successfully counseled a Big Data vendor on
correcting their promotional practices to align with established ASF
publicity, outreach, and branding guidelines.
III. Press Releases: the following formal announcements were issued via the
newswire service, ASF Foundation Blog, and during this
- 18 April 2018 - The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache® OozieTM
- 16 April 2018 - The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache®
Subversion® v1.10.0
IV. Informal Announcements: 9 items were published on the ASF "Foundation"
Blog. 5 Apache News Round-ups were issued, with a total of 200 weekly
summaries published to date. We tweeted 30 items, and have 47.9K followers on
Twitter. We posted 9 items on LinkedIn, which garnered more than 42.3K organic
V. Future Announcements: one announcement is in development. Projects planning
to graduate from the Apache Incubator as well as PMCs wishing to announce
major project milestones and "Did You Know?" success stories are requested to
contact Sally at <> with at least 2-weeks' notice for proper
planning and execution.
VI. Media Relations: we responded to 5 media queries. The ASF received 1,999
press clips vs. last month's clip count of 2,918. Media coverage of Apache
projects yielded 4,690 press hits vs. last month's 6,293. ApacheCon received 4
press hits.
VII. Analyst Relations: we received no analyst queries. Apache was mentioned
in 35 reports by Gartner; 2 reports by Forrester; 17 reports by 451 Research;
and 2 reports by IDC.
VIII. Graphics: No projects are currently underway.
IX. Events liaison: Sally continues work with ASF Conferences and ComDev
regarding upcoming Apache Community events that include ApacheCon and both
Apache Roadshows.
X. Newswire accounts: we have 4 pre-paid press releases remaining with NASDAQ
GlobeNewswire through 2018.
# # #
Attachment 4: Report from the VP of Infrastructure [David Nalley]
No issues for the President/EVP, nor for the Board.
Infrastructure ended up at a slight 0.3% overage on our $800K+
budget. We will call this a success. Leading into FY19, we will
continue our ongoing efforts to minimize costs and to provide as much
value as possible from the budget provided to our department.
Short Term Priorities
- Upgrade Confluence to the latest release
- Switch to the newly-provisioned Jenkins Master
- Finish tooling to enable easy/mass migration from git-wip to GitBox
Long Range Priorities
- We are currently running on Puppet v3. aka Old. Moving to v5 will
take some considerable effort, and will be started this year. Quite
a bit of research on the impact to our operation has already been
done, and how we can run v3/v5 side-by-side as we perform the
migration. This is lower priority than decommissioning old hardware
and moving those systems into puppet.
General Activity
- Our page has been moved to This
involved a move from system monitoring via PingMyBox to NodePing.
This has simplified some of our status/monitoring flow, and brought
some new features (particularly around scheduling maintenance, and
paths for people to sign up for notifications). PMB was performing
some traffic routing checks which is not available in our new
system, but that is acceptable.
- The old mail-search.a.o server has been moved to mail-search-old,
and our new replacement is mail-private.a.o. It has gone live, and
has been working terrifically (long term, it will disappear in favor
of lists.a.o)
- We have brought up a new "TLP Server" within Azure, and are running
tests to ensure everything is working correctly. It is in DNS round
robin, so is serving live traffic at this time. Concluding this
effort will allow us to turn off some very old hardware.
- In the vein of turning off old hardware, we have also started some
work on puppetizing our core email system ("hermes"). This will be a
long and fearsome process to transition into the cloud, but we'll
get there one day.
- We had an unscheduled upgrade of FishEye after receiving
notification of vulnerabilities in our version.
- Our rsync server for mirrors has been set up on a single-purpose
bare metal box (it used to be shared with TLP servers, and fought
for I/O). We will shortly disable the older servers, in favor of
this single machine, in order to reduce bandwidth costs and reduce
the I/O contention with other ASF services.
Uptime Statistics
We've been having difficulties with our Jenkins Master server, and
have needed to reboot it several times over the past week. The root
cause is still unknown. We have chosen not to dig in just yet, as
we've acquired a beefy new server tuned to become the new master. The
old one had I/O contention with fellow VMs on the box; this new one
will operate on bare metal with wicked-fast I/O. Post-move, we'll dig
in should similar problems arise.
Attachment 5: Report from the VP of Conferences [Rich Bowen]
Apache RoadShow Europe, Berlin, is just a few weeks away. June 11-14
2018. With assistance from Sally, the many speakers, and various
projects, we are promoting the event. We have also started a
discussion of how (and whether) we might cooperate with this event
next year.
ApacheCon North America now has a schedule posted, and we have stepped
up our promotion efforts, but are focusing mostly on the EU event
until early June.
The venue search for ACNA 2019 is progressing. We still intend to
announce ACNA19 at ACNA18.
A proposal was received for a 2019 event in Turkey, and declined.
Thus, we are still open to other opportunities in Europe for 2019.
We have received proposals for 2019 events in Japan and South Korea.
While there was general approval, VP Conference is not taking any
direct action on either of those proposals at the moment.
Attachment 6: Report from the Apache Travel Assistance Committee [Gavin McDonald]
For ACNA Montreal we have had 28 completed applications (and 4 that never got
finished in time). The judges have scored and at this time we are putting
together a judges meeting to go through and approve/reject the applications.
Once this is done, the applicants will be informed, ACNA planners will be
informed and then we'll start to go through the rest of the process, getting
Visa applications sorted etc.
No other events being supported yet, but we are on the lookout for other
smaller events now that our budget was approved.
Attachment 7: Report from the VP of W3C Relations [Andy Seaborne]
Nothing to report this month.
Attachment 8: Report from the Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Chris Mattmann]
Overall a very quiet month.
The Legal Affairs committee responded to an inquiry from the Infrastructure
administrator regarding allowing the capability of PMCs to set the repo:status
information in GitHub through our GitBox tooling. Legal saw no issue with
A discussion surrounding examples of components that have undergone
relicensing from GPL to ALv2 was run to ground with useful help from various
members of the legal committee to the inquirer.
Attachment 9: Report from the Apache Security Team Project [Mark J. Cox]
Continued work on incoming security issues and helping projects clean
up the backlog of old issues and outstanding CVE names.
Stats for April 2018:
17 [license confusion]
11 [support request/question not security notification]
Security reports: 54 (last months: 47, 40)
6 [httpd]
3 [storm]
3 [struts]
2 [geode]
2 [guacamole]
2 [hadoop]
2 [openoffice]
2 [tika]
2 [tomcat]
2 [zeppelin]
1 [accumulo],[activemq],[airavata],[ambari],[ant],[apex]
Attachment A: Report from the Apache Ambari Project [Yusaku Sako]
## Description:
- Apache Ambari simplifies provisioning, managing, and monitoring of Apache
Hadoop clusters.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- Since the last report, the community successfully managed to release 2.6.2,
which included resolution of 109 issues to stabilize the 2.6 line.
Development on trunk for the future 2.7.0 release remains very active, with
more than 440 issues resolved in the past 3 months.
Ambari committer Oliver Szabo and Ambari contributor Paul Codding gave a
presentation on Apache Ambari at DataWorks Summit in Berlin on April 18.
The development community and engagement remains strong;
we have achieved a significant milestone of having 100 committers on the
project, with 2 new committers added since the last report.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 46 PMC members.
- Vivek Ratnavel Subramanian was added to the PMC on Tue Mar 27 2018
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 100 committers.
- New commmitters:
- Jason Golieb was added as a committer on Wed Apr 18 2018
- Sandor Molnar was added as a committer on Thu Apr 26 2018
## Releases:
- 2.6.2 was released on Mon Apr 30 2018
## Mailing list activity:
- 299 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months):
- 146 emails sent to list (137 in previous quarter)
- 45 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
- 4919 emails sent to list (4109 in previous quarter)
- 60 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
- 7 emails sent to list (1058 in previous quarter)
- 486 subscribers (down -9 in the last 3 months):
- 88 emails sent to list (42 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 866 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 726 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment B: Report from the Apache Ant Project [Jan Materne]
## Description:
Apache Ant is a Java based build tool along with associated tools.
It consists of 3 main projects:
- Ant - core and libraries (AntLibs)
- Ivy - Ant based dependency manager
- IvyDE - Eclipse plugin to integrate Ivy into Eclipse
Additionally Ant provides several extensions to Ant (antlibs).
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- Set up a build matrix: Ant (1.10.x) can be build from Java 8 to Java 11.
- Published a new Ivy release (RC version as the API is not fixed enough), so
we could get more familiar with the release process of Ivy and send a sign of
life. Ivy-2.5-RC1 is compatible with Eclipse Oxygen.3.
- Lots of refactoring the Ant codebase regarding JUnit/Hamcrest matchers,
Java8 and codestyle.
## Health report:
For Ant we feel healthy enough to apply patches, and get a release done.
But basically we are in "maintenance mode". There isn't much development.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 22 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was J Pai on Tue Jan 16 2018
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 30 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Gintas Grigelionis at Sat Aug 05 2017
## Releases:
- Ant 1.9.10 was released on Tue Feb 06 2018
- Ant 1.10.2 was released on Tue Feb 06 2018
- Ant 1.9.11 was released on Tue Mar 27 2018
- Ant 1.10.3 was released on Tue Mar 27 2018
- Ivy 2.5.0-rc1 was released on Thu Apr 19 2018
Attachment C: Report from the Apache Bahir Project [Luciano Resende]
Apache Bahir provides extensions to distributed analytic platforms such as
Apache Spark and Apache Flink. Currently, Bahir provides extensions to
multiple distributed analytic platforms, extending their reach with a
diversity of streaming connectors and SQL data sources.
Community Activity:
Apache Bahir community has been quiet for the last couple months, but
activity should be resuming as there is a need to catch up on past and
upcoming Spark Releases. Release discussions are ongoing on the project
mailing list.
* No known issues
08/22/2017 - Bahir for Spark 2.2.0
07/11/2017 - Bahir for Spark 2.1.1
05/24/2017 - Bahir for Flink 1.0
03/05/2017 - Bahir for Spark 2.1.0
01/28/2017 - Bahir for Spark 2.0.2
10/28/2016 - Bahir for Spark 2.0.1
Committers or PMC changes (Currently 9 PMC / 37 committers)
09/14/2017 - Esteban Laver becomes Apache Bahir committer
04/05/2017 - Robert Metzger becomes Apache Bahir PMC
03/13/2017 - Christian Kadner becomes Apache Bahir PMC
11/30/2016 - Christian Kadner voted as Apache Bahir committer
10/18/2016 - Robert Metzger voted as Apache Bahir committer
* No known issues.
Legal Issues:
* None
Attachment D: Report from the Apache BookKeeper Project [Sijie Guo]
## Description:
BookKeeper is a scalable, fault-tolerant, and low-latency storage service
optimized for append-only workloads. It has been used as a fundamental service
to build high available and replicated services in companies like Twitter,
Yahoo and Salesforce. It is also the log segment store for Apache
DistributedLog and message store for Apache Pulsar.
Apache DistributedLog is a high-level API and service layer for Apache
BookKeeper, providing easier access to the BookKeeper primitives. It is a
subproject of Apache BookKeeper.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- 4.6.2 was released on 09th April 2018.
- 4.7.0 was released on 17th April 2018. It is also the first release of
Apache DistributedLog after it is merged as sub modules of Apache
BookKeeper. This release adopted 7 BPs and 446 issues fix.
- Yahoo branch is fully merged back to upstream, and Apache Pulsar
(incubating) starts using official BookKeeper release 4.7.0 for its
upcoming 2.0 release
- The number of BookKeeper proposals are increasing, due to increased
- use etcd as metadata store
- Metadata API module
- BookKeeper Table Service
- BookKeeper Durability Anchor
## Health report:
- Development continues at a steady pace. We are merging multiple PRs per
day on average.
- Mailing list and slack discussions are brisk, in particularly around the
active projects.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 15 PMC members.
- New PMC members:
- Enrico Olivelli was added to the PMC on Fri Feb 23 2018
- Jia Zhai was added to the PMC on Fri Feb 23 2018
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 21 committers.
- New commmitters:
- Andrey Yegorov was added as a committer on Sat Feb 10 2018
- Sam Just was added as a committer on Fri Feb 09 2018
## Releases:
- 4.6.2 was released on Mon Apr 09 2018
- 4.7.0 was released on Tue Apr 17 2018
## Mailing list activity:
- 104 subscribers (up 6 in the last 3 months):
- 348 emails sent to list (226 in previous quarter)
- 12 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 2 emails sent to list (9 in previous quarter)
- 42 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 11 emails sent to list (11 in previous quarter)
- 9 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 79 emails sent to list (173 in previous quarter)
- 26 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 0 emails sent to list (12 in previous quarter)
- 9 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):
- 3302 emails sent to list (3647 in previous quarter)
- 115 subscribers (up 8 in the last 3 months):
- 46 emails sent to list (33 in previous quarter)
## Github activity
- 67 Github issues created in the last 3 months
- 34 Github issues closed/resolved in the last 3 months
- 216 Github Pull Requests created in the last 3 months
- 206 Github Pull Requests closed/resolved in the last 3 month
Attachment E: Report from the Apache Brooklyn Project [Geoff Macartney]
## Description:
- Apache Brooklyn Project is a software framework for modelling, monitoring
and managing cloud applications through autonomic blueprints.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- Development continues with a regular turnover of pull requests submitted
and merged.
- We had previously proposed two candidate Google Summer of Code projects,
one for a new UI and one for improved authentication mechanisms. However,
while there were a number of expressions of interest and some proposed
projects, we did not find that any of them met the criteria sufficiently
for us to accept them.
- Richard Downer stepped down as PMC chair and I (Geoff Macartney, geomacy)
have taken up the role.
## Health report:
- The project continues with a regular turnover of pull requests and commits.
It has been a relatively quiet quarter compared to previous ones in terms
of the number of commits, however development is continuing and users are
feeding back their problems and feature suggestions.
- We continue to monitor our community for potential new committers and PMC
members with the aim of regularly adding individuals. On this occasion,
there have been no new appointments since our last report.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 15 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Thomas Bouron on Tue Oct 31 2017
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 15 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Thomas Bouron at Wed Oct 04 2017
## Releases:
- Last release was 0.12.0 on Wed Sep 27 2017
- There has been dev list discussion about releasing a 1.0.0 version of
Brooklyn. While no firm date has been set, the consensus seems to be that
we are close to being able to do that, and I expect discussions about a
suitable date for the release will happen during the summer.
## JIRA activity:
- 9 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 11 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment F: Report from the Apache Buildr Project [Antoine Toulme]
## Description:
Apache Buildr is a build system for Java-based applications, including
support for Scala, Groovy and a growing number of JVM languages and
tools. We wanted something that’s simple and intuitive to use, so
we only need to tell it what to do, and it takes care of the rest.
But also something we can easily extend for those one-off tasks, with
a language that’s a joy to use. And of course, we wanted it to be
fast, reliable and have outstanding dependency management.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
The project is moving at a slow pace with a few commits in the last months.
We just successfully voted our last release, 1.5.6.
## Health report:
The project has been stable for a long while and the space of build tools
for Java projects has been overall stagnant for a number of years.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 7 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Peter Donald on Tue Oct 15 2013
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 9 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Tammo van Lessen at Fri Aug 08 2014
## Releases:
- Last release was 1.5.6 on May 12th 2018
Attachment G: Report from the Apache Camel Project [Christian Mueller]
## Description:
- Apache Camel is a powerful open source integration library based on
Enterprise Integration Patterns. Rules for Camel's routing engine can be
defined in either a Java based DSL or XML.
## Issues:
- We apologize to have missed the previous board reports. PMC members stepped
up and we are taking action to move forward.
- We also asking the board to change the Apache Camel PMC chair and proposing
Andrea Cosentino as the new PMC chair.
## Activity:
- We are focusing the development of the next minor release Apache Camel
2.22.0 expected for the end of June.
- Since the last report we released: Camel 2.21.0, 2.21.1, 2.20.2, 2.20.3 and
- We are working on a new website while the documentation has been totally
migrated to Github to be able to control the documentation at code level.
- We are continuing our work towards Apache Camel 3.0.0.
## Health report:
- The project is super healthy, active and stays at a high level
- We are discussing to rotate the PMC chair.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 31 PMC members.
- Onder Sezgin is the last new PMC Member added since the last report
- Last PMC was added on Sun Apr 29 2018
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 62 committers.
- 2 additions since the last report
- James Netherton was added on Tue Dec 26 2017
- John Poth was added on Thu Dec 21 2017
## Releases:
- 2.20.2 was released on Tue Jan 23 2018
- 2.19.5 was released on Fri Mar 30 2018
- 2.20.3 was released on Fri Mar 30 2018
- 2.21.0 was released on Thu Mar 15 2018
- 2.21.1 was released on Fri May 04 2018
## Mailing list activity:
- 995 subscribers (up 14 in the last 3 months):
- 330 emails sent to list (417 in previous quarter)
- 359 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):
- 519 emails sent to list (398 in previous quarter)
- 86 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
- 2257 emails sent to list (2090 in previous quarter)
- 8 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months)
## JIRA activity:
- 254 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 241 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment H: Report from the Apache Cassandra Project [Nate McCall]
## Description:
The Apache Cassandra database is the right choice when you need scalability
and high availability without compromising performance. Linear scalability and
proven fault-tolerance on commodity hardware or cloud infrastructure make it
the perfect platform for mission-critical data. Cassandra's support for
replicating across multiple datacenters is best-in-class, providing lower
latency for your users and the peace of mind of knowing that you can survive
regional outages.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
After several lengthy mail list discussions, a consensus reached on the
timeframe of early September for creating a 4.0 branch and what the rough
goals are going to be for a feature set. This consensus has been in the making
for some time, so we are glad to have it.
## Health report:
As seen from the mail list activity and committer and PMC additions, overall
the project is healthy.
## PMC changes:
There are currently 27 PMC members. Three New PMC members were added during
this reporting period:
- Blake Eggleston on Wed Mar 28 2018
- Sam Tunnicliffe on Tue Apr 03 2018
- Stefan Podkowinski on Wed Mar 07 2018
## Committer base changes:
There are currently 50 committers. One committer was added during this
reporting period:
- Jay Zhuang on Wed Feb 28 2018
## Releases:
We had a minor release on each of our four supported branches:
- 2.1.20 was released on Fri Feb 16 2018
- 2.2.12 was released on Fri Feb 16 2018
- 3.0.16 was released on Mon Feb 19 2018
- 3.11.2 was released on Mon Feb 19 2018
## Mailing list activity:
Mail list activity on the dev and user lists has been up substantially. We
attribute the rise in dev list activity to a series of robust discussions
regarding the timeline of branching and releasing a forthcoming 4.0.
- 1626 subscribers (down -4 in the last 3 months):
- 703 emails sent to list (180 in previous quarter)
- 3060 subscribers (down -35 in the last 3 months):
- 1487 emails sent to list (721 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 230 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 190 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment I: Report from the Apache Clerezza Project [Hasan Hasan]
Apache Clerezza models the RDF abstract syntax in Java and provides supports
for serializing, parsing, and managing triple collections, as well as a tool
to generate the source code of a Java class with constants for an ontology
described in RDF. Apache Clerezza components are OSGi-based and have the
purpose to ease building of Semantic Web applications and services.
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
A question of the board to the previous report was:
mt: Over 4 years since the last PMC/committer change and getting on for 2
years since the last release. Is the project still viable?
Are there at least 3 active PMC members?
Yes, there are 4 active PMC members in the project:,,, and Therefore,
Apache Clerezza is still viable.
Latest release was partial-release-201604 created on May 13, 2016.
Reto and Hasan met in Zurich to discuss refactoring of the new
'reunited' branch of Apache Clerezza. Hasan is working on it.
Latest change was addition of a new committer and PMC member on 16.08.2013.
Latest update of the Apache Clerezza Website was in February 2018.
Attachment J: Report from the Apache Cocoon Project [Cédric Damioli]
## Description:
Web development framework: separation of concerns, component-based.
## Issues:
there are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Activity:
The most recent release is 2.1.12 on 2013-03-14 A few JIRA issues opened or
resolved since last report. A little activity on both users and dev
mailing-lists, in any case more than the previous quarter. The project is
mainly in maintenance mode.
Last board feedback was the occasion to have a small discussion between PMC
members on the opportunity/interest to move to the Attic. It seems that the
time has not yet come, but it's true that the activity keeps being low.
## PMC changes:
None. Most recent addition: 2012-07-06
## Committer base changes:
None. Most recent addition: 2012-07-06
Attachment K: Report from the Apache Community Development Project [Sharan Foga]
# Description:
The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become
involved with Apache Projects
## Issues:
No issues require board attentions at the moment.
## Activity:
As part of our involvement with the OpenExpo, there was a request for
volunteers to write short articles on open source trends for the conference
e-book. Several volunteers came forward and the ebook was published in both
English and Spanish versions. [1][2]. Thanks very much to Sally for
co-ordinating this effort.
Ignasi Barrera has taken over the event co-ordination from Sharan for the
OpenExpo as she is now fully focussed on managing the EU Roadshow. A wiki page
[3] has been setup to track the details.
Apache EU Roadshow
The CFP for the Roadshow ended with 72 talks being submitted. A request for
reviewers was made on the mailing list. The Tomcat and Httpd PMCs selected
their own tracks and while the others were based on reviewer scores. 28 talks
were finally selected and the schedule has been announced.[4]
We will now be focussing on promoting the event to attract as many attendees
as possible.
ApacheCon NA
The CFP for ApacheCon NA ended with 249 submissions. To help promote the event
across as many projects as possible an apachecon
"ad" has been created that projects can add to their websites. [6]
Other Events
GOTO Chicago : Thanks to Trevor Grant talking to the organisers, we also had a
booth presence at GOTO Chicago.Feedback was very positive and a proposal has
been made to run an Apache Roadshow in Chicago for 2019 [5]
OW2Con Paris: We were given a track but unfortunately had only one submission
so have cancelled our involvement.
OSCON: We have been allocated a free booth and there are quite a few Apache
project related talks (Spark, OpenWhisk, Kafka, PredictionIO, Ignite, MXNet,
Mesos and Fineract) on the schedule.
The ASF was accepted as a GSoC mentor organisation again this year and our
mentors mailing list is being used to co-ordinate the work. Both Uli and Maxim
have been very active in finalising the list of accepted students.
Ongoing Discussions:
Producing new member orientation material How to improve the Help Wanted
experience and/or site
## Health report:
We are recieving an increasing number of requests to participate at
conferences either with a booth presence or with track presentations. We
perhaps need to think about introducing better co-ordination, visibility and
planning if we want to be able to participate more effectively in future
We have also had a lot of interest from people using the Help Wanted site and
are currently discussing ways to improve the experience.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 26 PMC members.
- New PMC members:
- Olivier Heintz was added to the PMC on Tue Feb 20 2018
- Maxim Solodovnik was added to the PMC on Wed Mar 28 2018
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 26 committers.
- Maxim Solodovnik was added as a committer on Wed Mar 28 2018
## Releases:
- No release data could be found
## Mailing list activity:
Increased activity due to GSoC and also requests coming in from Help Wanted,
and various event participation requests.
Mail traffic from our involvement in GSoC has also contributed to the
- 816 subscribers (up 12 in the last 3 months):
- 709 emails sent to list (535 in previous quarter)
- 325 subscribers (up 14 in the last 3 months)
## JIRA activity:
- 30 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 4 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment L: Report from the Apache CouchDB Project [Jan Lehnardt]
## Description:
- Seamless multi-master sync, that scales from Big Data to Mobile,
with an Intuitive HTTP/JSON API and designed for Reliability.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- We worked through a gnarly set of issues in 2.1.1 that will culminate
in the soon-ish 2.2.0 and 2.1.2 set of releases. This was a multi-month
cross-team effort that resulted in many happy end-users.
- Updated CI infrastructure and convenience build dependencies due to
major repos dropping one of our dependencies (SpiderMonkey 1.8.5).
- We will have presence at ApacheCon in Montreal thanks to Joan @woahli
- A number of PMC members attended long-time contributor Robert Newson’s
wedding in Windsor:
## Health report:
- Slowed down activity after busy Q4/17 & Q1/18, some of it due to
industry-wide generally busyness because of SPECTRE, MELTDOWN & GDPR.
- The project is doing fine overall, and is looking forward to after
May 25th.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 15 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Nick Vatamaniuc on Tue Nov 07 2017
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 63 committers.
- Peng Hui Jiang was added as a committer on Sat Mar 03 2018
## Releases:
- Last release was 2.1.1 on Mon Jan 29 2018
Attachment M: Report from the Apache Creadur Project [Brian E Fox]
Apache Creadur creates and maintains a suite of open source software related
to the auditing and comprehension of software distributions. Any language and
build system are welcomed.
# Status
Since the last report, a new TLP for DRAT was proposed, which raised some
questions about how it relates to Creadur / RAT. There were no specific
concerns raised within the Creadur PMC. An offer was extended to the Creadur
PMC members to join the DRAT PMC, and Brian Fox accepted and is now also
partof DRAT. Otherwise, no changes to the code.
Since this is a low activity project, a vote was called on the content of this
report as a test of our ability to self-govern. As of the time of posting, we
achieved 4 +1s in less than 24 hours.
Creadur is primarily used by other Apache projects to help check for
conformity to ASF standards. This is why the project team is primarily
comprised of members and committers from other ASF projects. The risk of the
project foundering is therefore very low despite the ongoing lack of progress.
If someone has an itch to scratch, it will no doubt get fixed.
# Community
In September 2016 Karl Heinz Marbaise was elected to join the PMC / Commit.
# Releases
- Apache Rat 0.12 was released in June, 2016
- Apache Rat 0.11 was released in August, 2014
- Apache Rat 0.10 was released in September, 2013.
Attachment N: Report from the Apache DataFu Project [Matthew Hayes]
## Description:
- DataFu provides a collection of Hadoop MapReduce jobs and Pig UDFs to
perform data analysis. It provides functions for common statistics tasks
(e.g. quantiles, sampling), PageRank, stream sessionization, and set and
bag operations. DataFu also provides Hadoop jobs for incremental data
processing in MapReduce.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- No activity to report in the past month.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 11 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 18 committers.
- No new changes to the committer base since last report.
## Releases:
- 1.4.0 was released on Wed Mar 21 2018
## JIRA activity:
- 9 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 11 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment O: Report from the Apache DeltaSpike Project [Mark Struberg]
Attachment P: Report from the Apache DRAT Project [Chris Mattmann]
- Apache DRAT is a distributed, parallelized (Map Reduce) wrapper around
Apache RAT™ and other code auditing tools to allow it to complete on large
code repositories of multiple file types.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- we are currently voting on the addition of a few new PMC members and
committers and will have something to report next quarter here.
- Google Summer of Code has started and we have a project to improve the DRAT
UI with Ahmed Ifhaam to evolve the DRAT UI. Chris Mattmann is mentoring and
we expect some activity around the project.
- Wayne Burke and Phil Otilinger made some minor updates to the website to
conform to the branding policy by fixing the year mentioned and to clean
the website of old artifiacts.
- Lewis McGibbney upgraded DRAT to the latest released version of OODT
(1.2.2) and to the latest Tomcat (9.x)
## Health report:
- we are a small but growing project. There are some big opportunities to
make DRAT the defacto code analysis tool used by all of our projects. We
need to get our Drat-Viz full ASF website published and we also need to
think about a Maven plugin. But beyond that we are healthy, adding new
committers and PMC, participating in GSOC and slowly but steadily growing.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 11 PMC members.
- Philipp Ottlinger was added to the PMC on Mon Feb 26 2018
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 11 committers.
- Philipp Ottlinger was added as a committer on Tue Feb 27 2018
## Releases:
- None to date
## Mailing list activity:
- Activity is consistent. Expect a bunch of GSOC emails in the next few
months and activity there. Chris also wants to finish getting the DRAT full
ASF viz up on the website so we expect there to be some activity there.
- 16 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):
- 73 emails sent to list (71 in previous quarter)
- 10 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months)
Attachment Q: Report from the Apache Drill Project [Aman Sinha]
## Description:
- Drill is a Schema-free SQL Query Engine for Hadoop, NoSQL and Cloud Storage
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Activity:
- Since the last board report, Drill has released version 1.13.0. The following is a partial list of
new features/enhancements that were added in addition to many other bug fixes:
- JDK 8 support.
- Upgrade to Apache Calcite version 1.15.
- JDBC Statement.setQueryTimeout(int) support.
- Batch sizing improvements.
- Support for SPNEGO to extend Kerberos to Web applications through HTTP.
- Ability to run Drill under YARN.
- Parquet filter pushdown improvements and related performance improvements.
- Hive client for Drill is updated to version 2.3.2.
- Ability to automatically manage memory allocations during Drill startup.
- Support SQL syntax highlighting of queries, auto-complete support in SQL editors, and snippets.
- Improved performance of the Single Merge Exchange operator.
- Like operator optimization.
- User/Distribution-specific configuration checks during startup.
## Health report:
- The project is quite healthy. Development activity as reflected in the pull requests and JIRAs
is good. Activity on the dev and user mailing lists continues to be strong.
Three new committers were added in the last period.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 19 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Paul Rogers on Mon Jan 29 2018
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 43 committers.
- New commmitters:
- Kunal Khatua was added as a committer on Tue Feb 27 2018
- Vova Vysotskyi was added as a committer on Thu Mar 15 2018
- Sorabh Hamirwasia was added as a committer on Fri Apr 27 2018
## Releases:
- 1.13.0 was released on Sun Mar 18 2018
## Mailing list activity:
- 437 subscribers (down -9 in the last 3 months):
- 2582 emails sent to list (2244 in previous quarter)
- 19 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 3652 emails sent to list (3088 in previous quarter)
- 605 subscribers (down -8 in the last 3 months):
- 356 emails sent to list (181 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 252 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 183 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment R: Report from the Apache Empire-db Project [Rainer Döbele]
## Description:
- Apache Empire-db is a relational database access engine that takes an
SQL-centric approach in contrast to object-relational-mapping like with JPA
It encapsulates the functionality of a RDBMS in a powerful, vendor
independent, intuitive and maintenance friendly API providing a maximum of
## Issues:
- there are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- Again, we have worked on fixes and received various improvements which we
plan to publish with a new release later this year.
- Work on the redesign of our website has not yet started due to lack of time
of the chair (and possibly others).
## Health report:
- The project remains healthy.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 10 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Jan Glaubitz on Sun Jul 10 2016
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 9 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Jan Glaubitz at Mon Oct 05 2015
## Releases:
- Last release was 2.4.6 on Tue Jan 17 2017
## Mailing list activity:
- 36 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months):
- 19 emails sent to list (25 in previous quarter)
- 54 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months):
- 6 emails sent to list (1 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 6 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 0 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment S: Report from the Apache Flume Project [Mike Percy]
## Description:
Apache Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available system for efficiently
collecting, aggregating, and moving large amounts of log data to scalable data
storage systems such as Apache Hadoop's HDFS.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- Added support for encrypted passwords
- Various bug fixes and stability improvements
## Health report:
This has been a slow quarter due to people being busy, going on vacation, and
only having a few active PMC members and committers. On the plus side, there
have been some new contributors to the project.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 23 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months.
- Last PMC addition was Denes Arvay on Sun Nov 05 2017.
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 31 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months.
- Last committer addition was Attila Simon on Sat Nov 04 2017.
## Releases:
- Last release was 1.8.0 on Tue Oct 03 2017.
- There are no releases being planned at this time.
## Mailing list activity:
Partway through the previous quarter we switched JIRA traffic from dev@ to
issues@. This resulted in a significant drop in traffic to dev@ that was
smeared across the previous quarter and this quarter. We'll monitor the
activity next quarter to see how things are progressing, but overall it appears
that change has been good for increasing the signal:noise ratio on the dev list.
One thing we didn't do yet was update the web site to reflect the addition of
the issues@ list, so the number of subscribers to that list is very low. We'll
get that fixed soon.
- 284 subscribers (down -7 in the last 3 months):
- 47 emails sent to list (189 in previous quarter)
- 9 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 125 emails sent to list (59 in previous quarter)
- 673 subscribers (down -7 in the last 3 months):
- 21 emails sent to list (20 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 19 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 9 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment T: Report from the Apache Forrest Project [David Crossley]
Attachment U: Report from the Apache FreeMarker Project [Dániel Dékány]
## Description:
Apache FreeMarker is a template engine, i.e. a generic tool to generate text
output based on templates. Apache FreeMarker is implemented in Java as a class
library for programmers.
FreeMarker 2 (the current stable line) produces releases since 2002. The
FreeMarker project has joined the ASF in 2015, and graduated from the
Incubator in early 2018.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
There was some development activity, in the 3.0 branch mostly. All the post
graduation tasks have been completed.
## Health report:
Activity is relatively low but steady, as it's usual for this project. User
question and new Jira issues are being answered promptly.
The long term goal is continuing the ongoing development on the 3.0 branch, so
that the project can innovate and the code base can become much cleaner (and
more attractive for new committers), instead of being blocked by 15 years of
historical baggage. (Meanwhile, the backward compatible 2.x branch must be
maintained, and produce releases.)
## PMC changes:
- Currently 7 PMC members.
- No changes since the graduation on 2018-03-21
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 7 committers.
- No changes since the graduation on 2018-03-21
## Releases:
- 2.3.28 was released on Wed Apr 04 2018
## Mailing list activity:
- 60 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 198 emails sent to list (200 in previous quarter)
- 16 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
- 708 emails sent to list (471 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 8 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 11 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment V: Report from the Apache Geode Project [Mark Bretl]
## Description:
Apache Geode provides a database-like consistency model, reliable transaction
processing and a shared-nothing architecture to maintain very low latency
performance with high concurrency processing.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- Two full product releases, Apache Geode versions 1.5 and 1.6
- PMC member John Blum gave a Webinar to the community on [Using Spring
Session and Apache Geode to manage (HTT) Session
- Community member Addison Huddy presented 'What the Heck is an In-Memory
Data Grid?' at DataEngConf SF '18
- Launched an investigation into adding PR status updates based on CI jobs
(see INFRA-16409).
- In connection with SpringOne Platform, Pivotal, Inc., proposed to host a
Geode community event, prompting a discussion among the PMC regarding logo
## Health report:
- Mailing lists remain active and productive.
- JIRA tickets show that issues continue to be identified and resolved.
- We’re continuing to work on attracting new contributors and making it
easier to participate in the community.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 46 PMC members.
- New PMC members:
- Dick Cavender was added to the PMC on Tue Feb 20 2018
- Lynn Hughes-Godfrey was added to the PMC on Mon Feb 19 2018
- Lynn Gallinat was added to the PMC on Mon Feb 19 2018
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 87 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Michael W. Dodge at Wed Jan 24 2018
## Releases:
- Apache Geode 1.5.0 was released on Fri Apr 06 2018. Highlights include:
- Support for arithmetic operators in the WHERE clause of OQL queries
- Expanded gfsh (cli) functionality in the form of new commands and
enhancements to existing commands
- REST interface improvements
- Improved deadlock prevention
- Improved client capabilities, including enhancements to load balancing
and subscription behavior
- 18 new features
- 270 enhancements and improvements
- 226 bug fixes
- Apache Geode 1.6.0 was released on Fri May 04 2018 under the watchful eye
of Mike Stolz, in his debut as an Apache Geode Release Manager. Highlights
- Serialization refinements
- JDBC connector improvements
- gfsh (cli) commands to configure and manage JNDI bindings
- Cluster configuration enhancements
- 17 new features
- 139 enhancements and improvements
- 148 bug fixes
## Mailing list activity:
Mailing lists have remained active and have maintained consistent usage
- 182 subscribers (up 6 in the last 3 months):
- 818 emails sent to list (706 in previous quarter)
- 54 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 7028 emails sent to list (4960 in previous quarter)
- 251 subscribers (up 12 in the last 3 months):
- 151 emails sent to list (228 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 612 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 701 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment W: Report from the Apache Giraph Project [Avery Ching]
## Description:
- Giraph is a Bulk Synchronous Parallel framework for writing programs
that analyze large graphs on a Hadoop cluster. Giraph is similar to
Google's Pregel system.
## Summary:
- Avery Ching has stepped down as VP of Giraph and the PMC voted to
nominate Dionysios Logothetis. The resolution has been added to the
board's agenda.
- We are actively trying to reinvigorate the community and the flow of
patches being committed has resumed.
- Since last report, we have added a few features around collecting
performance statistics and making it possible to act on it
(e.g. when excess Garbage Collection happens). These have proven
necessary tools in a large-scale production environment.
- In terms of increasing community engagement, we are in contact with
a team from the industry that is considering investing in Apache
Giraph and contributing to the project (details below).
## Issues:
- The PMC has requested a brand new member of the project, Dionysios
Logothetis, as the new VP. As a result, the Apache members on the
PMC (Avery Ching, Hyunsik Choi, Owen O'Malley, and Sebastian
Schelter) will need to be actively mentoring.
## Activity:
- Code contributions
- It is now possible to collect statistics on performance stragglers
and act on it through the Observer mechanism.
- New GC observers provide ability to define actions on GC events through
simple interface.
- Instantiation of custom OutEdges implementation is now more
configurable and more efficient.
- Improved serialization mechanism by reducing intermediate data copies.
- Bug fixes.
- We started cleaning-up JIRAs that have been completed, and closing
obsolete ones.
## Health report:
- We are in discussion with a team from the industry that want to
start building a graph analytics platform on top of Apache Giraph in
the next few years and plan to start contributing to the
project. They are already active by creating JIRAs and have
expressed interest in contributing specific tasks, such as cleaning
up obsolete hadoop profiles, and improving the Giraph testing
environment. They also want to become committers at some point.
- As a consequence, this will increase the diversity in the group of
committers, not just the numbers.
- We plan to clean-up the code in two ways (i) remove obsolete Hadoop
profiles. This will allow us to remove the need for the Munge
plugin, which will make it easier to develop and test code locally
(ii) remove unmaintained modules. These two items will remove some
unnecessary complexity from our build and make it easier to maintain
a healthy build. This is important for the overal health of the
project as it will make it easier for new contributors to start
working with Giraph.
- We plan to make a release after this clean-up.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 13 PMC members.
- Dionysios Logothetis was added to the PMC on Sun Apr 22 2018
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 20 committers.
- Dionysios Logothetis was added as a committer on Mon Apr 23 2018
## Releases:
- Last release was 1.2.0 on Thu Oct 20 2016
## JIRA activity:
- 24 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 16 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment X: Report from the Apache Gora Project [Lewis John McGibbney]
## Description
The Apache Gora open source framework provides an in-memory data model and
persistence for big data. Gora supports persisting to column stores, key value
stores, document stores, distributed in-memory key/value stores, in-memory
data grids, in-memory caches, distributed multi-model stores, and hybrid
in-memory architectures. Gora also enables analysis of data with extensive
Apache Hadoop MapReduce and Apache Spark support.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
Gora has, yet again, been accepted into GSoC. We are in community bnding period
and are working with our students to ensure we set off on the right footing.
More details to come.
## Health report:
The project is in good health with new issues being worked by new community
members via Github. Development will pick up over the summer.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 26 PMC members.
- Cihad Guzel was added to the PMC on Tue Mar 13 2018
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 26 committers.
- Cihad Guzel was added as a committer on Wed Mar 14 2018
## Releases:
- Last release was 0.8 on Mon Sep 18 2017
## Mailing list activity:
Our dev mailing list is where all the action takes place. It is positive to
see subscribers grow.
- 75 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):
- 190 emails sent to list (59 in previous quarter)
- 75 subscribers (down -3 in the last 3 months):
- 17 emails sent to list (2 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 9 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 3 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment Y: Report from the Apache Groovy Project [Guillaume Laforge]
## Description:
Apache Groovy is a multi-faceted programming language for the Java platform.
Groovy is a powerful, optionally typed and dynamic language, with static-
typing and static compilation capabilities, aimed at multiplying developers’
productivity thanks to a concise, familiar and easy to learn syntax. It
integrates smoothly with any Java program, and immediately delivers to your
application powerful features, including scripting capabilities, Domain-
Specific Language authoring, first class functional programming support and
runtime and compile-time meta-programming.
## Issues:
There are no new issues requiring board attention at this time. Outstanding
- The final steps to completing the website migration are still outstanding.
A new issue has been raised wrt bad formatting on the https version of the
site due to the current status, so there will be increased pressure on us
to complete this task.
- The community is still keen on some kind of Groovy Champions scheme. We
have passed on the information around Apache requirements for such a scheme
was it to move forward. No further discussions have taken place.
## Activity:
- This quarter, 349 commits were contributed from 18 contributors including
11 non-committer contributors (10 new).
- Over the previous quarter, Apache Groovy has been downloaded 19 million
times. Twice as much in Q1'18 as the same period the previous year.
## Health report:
- Our release train velocity has been maintained, and there seems to be a
healthy level of discussion about project direction on the mailing lists.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 10 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was John Wagenleitner on Sun Apr 02 2017
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 18 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Sergei Egorov at Thu Dec 08 2016
## Releases:
- 2.4.14 was released on Fri Mar 02 2018
- 2.4.15 was released on Tue Mar 27 2018
- 2.5.0-beta-3 was released on Fri Feb 23 2018
- 2.5.0-rc-1 was released on Mon Apr 09 2018
- 2.6.0-alpha-3 was released on Tue Mar 06 2018
- 3.0.0-alpha-2 was released on Tue Apr 17 2018
## Mailing list activity:
- Slight increase in subscribers over the period otherwise nothing to report
## JIRA activity:
- 101 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 88 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment Z: Report from the Apache Hama Project [Chia-Hung Lin]
Attachment AA: Report from the Apache HTTP Server Project [Daniel Gruno]
## Description:
The Apache HTTP Server Project is an effort to develop and maintain an
open-source HTTP server for modern operating systems including UNIX and
Windows. The goal of this project is to provide a secure, efficient and
extensible server that provides HTTP services in sync with the current HTTP
## Issues:
There are currently no issues requiring board attention.
## Activity:
- Two releases (2.4.32, 2.4.33) were made in this quarter.
- The project is working towards leveraging github for bugs/feature requests
- Discussions on revamping/restructuring the QA/test framework are ongoing
- The latest releases and gotchas found there have led to an ongoing
discussion around release procedures and versioning.
- We are looking into expanding community outreach and adoption of httpd
through various vendor-neutral marketing pushes. Among them are plans to
start a monthly newsletter to both inform about new features of httpd and
combat elements of fear, uncertainty, and doubts about the project, its
capabilities and its community as a whole.
## Health report:
- The project is generally speaking very healthy. Commits in this reporting
period were up almost 40%, and the number of active developers (22) were up
around 10%. On emails and issues, we've had virtually no change in the
number of active people, with roughly the same number of people joining and
leaving. We've seen one new committer, Jim Riggs, and 10 new issue
- On the email front, this quarter has been extremely busy compared to the
previous one, as explained in detail in the last paragraph in this report.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 52 PMC members.
- New PMC members:
- Jim Riggs was added to the PMC on Thu Apr 12 2018
- Frank Gingras was added to the PMC on Thu Feb 01 2018
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 120 committers.
- Jim Riggs was added as a committer on Fri Apr 06 2018
## Releases:
- 2.4.32 was released on Wed Mar 14 2018
- 2.4.33 was released on Sat Mar 24 2018
## Mailing list stats:
I wish to include the stats in this report, as they show a very positive
uptick in activity over the past quarter. This is primarily due to the
discussions outlined in the activity paragraph, as well as increased
efforts on the development front:
- 2527 subscribers (down -15 in the last 3 months):
- 452 emails sent to list (368 in previous quarter)
- 832 subscribers (down -11 in the last 3 months):
- 1099 emails sent to list (434 in previous quarter)
- 324 subscribers (down -4 in the last 3 months):
- 738 emails sent to list (382 in previous quarter)
Attachment AB: Report from the Apache HttpComponents Project [Asankha Chamath Perera]
## Description:
- The Apache HttpComponents project is responsible for creating and
maintaining a toolset of low-level Java components focused on HTTP and
associated protocols
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
- The board has asked about prospective PMCs or committers, but
we do not have any at this moment.
## Activity:
- The team has been considering moving the website to markdown.
## Health report:
- Overall the project remains active. Although established in late 2007
the project remains stable and active as seen by JIRA and Emails.
- The number of emails could be seen as low, but it is stable like the state
of the project, and we still have interested people contributing.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 9 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Michael Osipov on Mon Aug 24 2015
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 18 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Julian Sedding at Fri Sep 30 2016
## Releases:
- Last release was HttpClient 4.5.5 GA on Mon Jan 22 2018
Attachment AC: Report from the Apache Ignite Project [Denis A. Magda]
## Description:
- memory-centric a distributed database, caching, and processing platform for
transactional, analytical, and streaming workloads delivering in-memory
speeds at petabyte scale
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- The community release Apache Ignite 2.4.0 that goes with machine learning
component in the general availability state, long time anticipated Ignite
and Spark DataFrames integration, new binary client protocol for the
development of Ignite's lightweight clients for various programming
languages, and much more.
- Ignite contributors and experts keep flooding the stages of conferences and
meet up groups:
## Health report:
- The state of the project and community growth is good enough. A lot of new
contributors come and get involved in a variety of tasks. More and more
contributors are being promoted to committers.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 24 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Pavel Tupitsyn on Mon Aug 28 2017
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 36 committers.
- Dmitry Pavlov was added as a committer on Wed Mar 21 2018
## Releases:
- 2.4.0 was released on Mon Mar 12 2018
## Mailing list activity:
- 360 subscribers (up 24 in the last 3 months):
- 3630 emails sent to list (2669 in previous quarter)
- 5 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months)
- 34 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):
- 7665 emails sent to list (6190 in previous quarter)
- 7 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months)
- 661 subscribers (up 25 in the last 3 months):
- 1568 emails sent to list (1946 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 816 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 594 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AD: Report from the Apache Impala Project [Jim Apple]
# Description:
Impala is a high-performance distributed SQL engine.
## Issues:
The PMC requested that Google, the owners of "IMPALA: Scalable Distributed
DeepRL in DMLab-30"[0], add a disclaimer acknowledging that the ASF owns the
Impala trademark. Google declined to do so.
We engaged with Mark Thomas, ASF's VP, Brand. He suggested we not pursue this
further. See [1] for details.
## Activity:
The previous three months had 248 patches to the master branch, while this
three-month period had 364. This pattern in the past was usually a result of a
slowdown during the US winter holiday months, and I expect that's true of this
uptick, as well.
Prominent work in the last three months includes:
- Decimal support in Kudu tables
- End-to-end compression of metadata
- Support for LLVM 5
- Support for Hadoop 3
- Support for the ORC format
## Health report:
The project remains very active. Statistics pertaining to this are covered
above and below: more than 100 commits per month, more than 100 JIRAs resolved
per month, four new people added as PMC members or committers. We have
continued a release cadence of about once per quarter.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 26 PMC members.
- New PMC members:
- Philip Zeyliger was added to the PMC on Sun Apr 22 2018
- Thomas Marshall was added to the PMC on Sun Feb 04 2018
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 36 committers.
- New committers:
- Alexandra Rodoni was added as a committer on Fri Apr 06 2018
- Vuk Ercegovac was added as a committer on Tue Apr 03 2018
## Releases:
- 2.12.0 was released on Mon Apr 23 2018
- 3.0 is being voted on as of May 3.
## JIRA activity:
- 504 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 408 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AE: Report from the Apache Incubator Project [John D. Ament]
Incubator PMC report for May 2018
The Apache Incubator is the entry path into the ASF for projects and
codebases wishing to become part of the Foundation's efforts.
There are presently 52 podlings undergoing incubation. This was an extremely quiet month within the incubator, no changes in the PMC structure, no new podlings, one podling planning to graduate and only one release executed. We do have two additional podlings planning graduation, but likely they will go next month (June). There is work ongoing to replace the present chair.
* Community
New IPMC members:
- None
People who left the IPMC:
- None
* New Podlings
- None
* Podlings that failed to report, expected next month
- Gossip - report received extremely late, but had no mentor sign off. Prior comments from mentor (P. Taylor Goetz) are retained:
Reminders sent for both April and May reports. When I brought up
the possibility of retirement, several community members expressed interest
in continuing incubation.
- S2Graph - report received, but no mentor sign off
* Graduations
The board has motions for the following:
- Traffic Control
* Releases
The following releases entered distribution during the month of
- 2018-04-02 Apache ServiceComb Java_Chassis 1.0.0-m1
* IP Clearance
* Legal / Trademarks
* Infrastructure
* Miscellaneous
- A discussion began recently about how to deal with absent mentors. No concrete work, but it seems one call out is to check on a mentor's pulse to see if they are still supporting their podlings.
Table of Contents
Druid is a high-performance, column-oriented, distributed data store.
Druid has been incubating since 2018-02-28.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Complete SGA for current sources and ICLAs for current committers.
2. Move the source code and website to Apache infrastructure.
3. Plan and execute our first Apache release.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware
- None.
How has the community developed since the last report?
- We have disabled posting on our pre-Apache development list.
- We have updated our pre-Apache community page ( to
include information about incubation.
- We have set up a placeholder site on
- A healthy, constant flow of bug fixes, quality improvements and new features
are still ongoing on
How has the project developed since the last report?
- Since the last report there have been 69 commits from 23 individuals.
- We have conducted a vote to put out a release candidate 0.12.1-rc1. This
release candidate is being done outside the Incubator. We also anticipate the
0.12.1 release to be done outside the Incubator.
How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
[X] Initial setup
[ ] Working towards first release
[ ] Community building
[ ] Nearing graduation
[ ] Other:
Date of last release:
- Druid 0.12.0 on 2018-03-06 (non-Apache release)
- No official Apache release yet since beginning Apache Incubation
When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
- Project is still functioning with the initial set of committers.
[X](druid) Julian Hyde
Comments: The "Initial setup" status is accurate because the SGA has
not been completed yet. This is frustrating to all. Code is in github
rather than ASF git, and Apache releases are not possible.
Druid is functioning according to the Apache Way as much as they
can, given these limitations.
Druid has made its 2nd non-ASF patch release, with permission.
[X](druid) P. Taylor Goetz
Comments: SGA finally received. Hopefully druid will be able to do an Apache
release soon.
[ ](druid) Jun Rao
Dubbo is a high-performance, lightweight, java based RPC framework.
Dubbo has been incubating since 2018-02-16.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. First ASF release
2. IP clearance
3. Community building
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
* 1 student application has been formally accepted by GSoC (Raghu on
Protocol Buffer integration)
* A complete list of contributors who is signed or not signed
ASF/Alibaba CLA has been summarized
* Spring Cloud Sleuth (a distributed tracing solution for Spring
Cloud) now officially supports Dubbo
* Ian Luo(Dubbo PPMC) has delivered a talk about Dubbo’s present and
future at QCon Beijing 2018
* The community has decided to move Github notifications to notifications@ list
* The community has discussed and decided release schedule on the mailing list
* 13 new companies reported their using of Dubbo since last report
How has the project developed since the last report?
* Received feature donation about circuit breaker from Hangzhou 2Dfire
Technology Co., Ltd
* Received documentation donation about dubbox features from Dangdang
* 53 Active Pull Requests, 38 pull request merged, with 20 contributors involved
* 179 Active Issues, 111 issues closed
* Preparing for the first release
How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
[ ] Initial setup
[X] Working towards first release
[ ] Community building
[ ] Nearing graduation
[ ] Other:
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
[X](dubbo) Justin Mclean
[ ](dubbo) Jean-Frederic Clere
[X](dubbo) Mark Thomas
Comments: Activity levels remain very high. I am struggling to follow day
to day activity. notifications@ has helped a little. The particular
challenges for me are:
- no threading of github issue / pr mail makes it hard to follow
individual issues
- users having different ASF and GitHub user names makes to hard to
follow who is a committer and who is not
ECharts is a charting and data visualization library written in JavaScript.
ECharts has been incubating since 2018-01-18.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Prepare for v4.1.0 release.
2. Get familiar with release procedure and moving towards first release.
3. Get started with website for project.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
How has the project developed since the last report?
Almost ready for the first release.
How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
[ ] Initial setup
[x] Working towards first release
[ ] Community building
[ ] Nearing graduation
[ ] Other:
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
[X](echarts) John D. Ament
Comments: Podling is working through their first release, and getting through the incubator has begun.
[ ](echarts) Daniel Gruno
[ ](echarts) Kevin A. McGrail
[X](echarts) Dave Fisher
Comments: Project is getting started and is asking questions. Kevin and John are handling most of the interaction.
Apache Edgent is a programming SDK and micro-kernel style runtime
that can be embedded in gateways and small footprint edge devices enabling
local, real-time, analytics on the continuous streams of data coming
from equipment, vehicles, systems, appliances, devices and sensors of
all kinds (for example, Raspberry Pis or smart phones). Working in
conjunction with centralized analytic systems, Apache Edgent provides
efficient and timely analytics across the whole IoT ecosystem: from the
center to the edge.
Edgent has been incubating since 2016-02-29.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Create and expand a diverse community of contributors and committers
around the Edgent project.
2. Attracting at least another independent committer/ppmc member.
3. Finding further real world users of Edgent
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
Community participation, implying interest in Edgent, continues
to be an issue. One of the two active committer/PPMC members has
retired at the end of February and the level of their continuing
participation is has been significantly reduced since then. The second
active committer was also very consumed with finishing his house-
building, which is now finished. So we are hoping to see increased
activity again.
How has the community developed since the last report?
* An article on Apache Edgent has been published as cover-story in the
German JavaSPEKTRUM magazine in March
* At the Techcamp.Hamburg in April we had one well attended talk about
Apache Edgent
* Total, we have 76 subscribers to our mailing list, an increase
of 4 since the last report.
* We have seen a new name on the list, which seems to be interested in
contributing. Especially in the Kafka area. We are hoping to see more
activity in the near future.
How has the project developed since the last report?
* We have updated the Kafka module to the latest Kafka version
* According to JIRA, 2 new issues were added and none were resolved
in the last 90 days
* 12 commits were made in the last 90 days.
How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
[ ] Initial setup
[ ] Working towards first release
[X] Community building
[ ] Nearing graduation
[ ] Other:
Date of last release:
2017-12-14 Apache Edgent 1.2.0
When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
In August 2017, we added Christofer Dutz as a new committer
and PPMC member.
[ ](edgent) Daniel Debrunner
[ ](edgent) Luciano Resende
[X](edgent) Justin Mclean
A real-time, distributed, fault-tolerant stream processing engine.
Heron has been incubating since 2017-06-23.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Finish bootstrapping project, IP clearance, initial website
2. Expanding the community and adding new committers
3. 1st ASF release
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
Extracting all binaries out of code base is still in progress. There is only one binary left.
Internal developers from Twitter are working on this process.
How has the community developed since the last report?
* The number of contributors to the project has increased from 82 to 87 since the last report.
* A meetup was hosted at Twitter HQ in Sunnyvale, CA with approximately 80 in attendance
How has the project developed since the last report?
* Development has been very active.
* Work is in progress to get all licensing headers in compliance with Apache
* Twitter has submitted a signed SGA, granting ownership of Heron to Apache
* The repository has been moved from Twitter's github account to Apache git
* The appropriate work has been completed for package renaming. com.twitter has now been changed to org.apache
* All of the binaries have been removed from the code base with the exception of Scribe. Twitter developers are to finish this task.
How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
[ ] Initial setup
[x] Working towards first release
[ ] Community building
[ ] Nearing graduation
[ ] Other:
Date of last release:
No Apache releases as of yet. The first Apache release will happen soon once all binaries are removed from the codebase.
When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
N/A, still bootstrapping the project.
[X](heron) Jake Farrell
[ ](heron) Jacques Nadeau
[ ](heron) Julien Le Dem
[X](heron) P. Taylor Goetz
Comments: Heron has been somewhat slow in adopting Apache-style communication and practices. Hopefully
a first Apache release will provide an opportunity to change that.
IPMC/Shepherd notes:
Dave Fisher: I've been following the podling for many months. The podling is beginning to communicate better on the dev@ list. It took a long time to get the SGA from Twitter, but now that it is done. They are working towards the right way. They do need to have better asynchronous discussion and I've prompted for such on dev@.
Joshua is a statistical machine translation toolkit
Joshua has been incubating since 2016-02-13.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Complete graduation process
2. Further identifying specific use cases that Joshua might excel at.
3. Continue to attrac active developers and users.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
The Joshua community has VOTE'd on Graduation with favorable results.
How has the community developed since the last report?
1. Jeff Zemerick and Suneel Marthi presented 'Embracing Diversity:
Searching over multiple languages' at Haystack Conf, Charlottesville
VA using Apache Joshua, Apache Nifi and Apache OpenNLP on April 10, 2018
2. Suneel Marthi and Kellen Sunderland presented - Streaming Pipelines
for Neural Machine Translation using Apache Joshua, Apache Flink,
Apache OpenNLP at DataWorks Summit, Berlin on April 19, 2018
How has the project developed since the last report?
The community has been engaged with the Graduation VOTE
How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
[X] Initial setup
[X] Working towards first release
[X] Community building
[X] Nearing graduation
[ ] Other:
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
- 2016-11-16 Michael A. Hedderich (mhedderich) joins the Joshua PPMC +
- 2016-11-16 Tobias Domhan (tdomhan) joins the Joshua PPMC + Committership.
- 2016-11-02 Max Thomas (mthomas) joins the Joshua PPMC + Committership.
[ ](joshua) Paul Ramirez
[X](joshua) Lewis John McGibbney
[ ](joshua) Chris Mattmann
[ ](joshua) Tom Barber
Nemo is a data processing system to flexibly control the runtime behaviors of
a job to adapt to varying deployment characteristics.
Nemo has been incubating since 2018-02-04.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Grow the community
2. Create a first Apache release
3. Donate code to ASF
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
* Committers actively involved in mailing lists
* Committers actively started to send PRs and do code reviews
* PPMC accepted a GSoC student to work on Nemo web UI issues
How has the project developed since the last report?
* Progress towards supporting Spark DSL programs
* Optimization policy for geo-distributed data analytics
* Optimization policy for skew handling
* Working on a paper that describes the design and
implementation of Nemo
How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
[X] Initial setup
[X] Working towards first release
[ ] Community building
[ ] Nearing graduation
[ ] Other:
Date of last release:
None yet.
When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
None yet.
[X](nemo) Davor Bonaci
Comments: Good progress; the podling is on track.
[ ](nemo) Hyunsik Choi
[X](nemo) Byung-Gon Chun
[X](nemo) Jean-Baptiste Onofre
[X](nemo) Markus Weimer
[ ](nemo) Reynold Xin
PageSpeed represents a series of open source technologies to help make the web
faster by rewriting web pages to reduce latency and bandwidth.
PageSpeed has been incubating since 2017-09-30.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Work on ASF compliance with regard to the code base and website
needs review.
2. Create a first release
3. Engage more active developers, expanding the community
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
One new pmc member/committer joined. There have been external contributions to
the code, but those have been mostly one-offs and not to the core product.
We do see certain users committing to helping out others on the google group
and github, some of them consistently for months now.
In terms of user engagement activity continues to be healthy.
(lots of questions, some of which have been added to the FAQ).
How has the project developed since the last report?
Changes with regard to ASF/incubator compliance for the code-base,
dependencies, and existing website have been made for mod_pagespeed.
There have been non-trivial dependency upgrades to address platform
compatibility issues.
A bug fix for a relatively frequently reported issue is under review.
How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
[ ] Initial setup
[X] Working towards first release
[X] Community building
[ ] Nearing graduation
[ ] Other:
Date of last release:
A discussion on dev@ will be initiated to gauge consensus for spinning up
the release process based on the current code-base. The advantage is that
doing so would make transitioning from Google- to ASF- signed releases
low friction.
When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
Feb 2 2018 (Huibao Lin, elected as both committer and PMC member)
[ ](pagespeed) Jukka Zitting
[X](pagespeed) Leif Hedstrom
[X](pagespeed) Nick Kew
[X](pagespeed) Phil Sorber
Ratis is a java implementation for RAFT consensus protocol
Ratis has been incubating since 2017-01-03.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Work towards a beta release.
2. Stabilize nightly build process.
3. More committers and PPMC members.
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
2 new contributors have been added. Total 43 contributors currently.
1 new committer has been elected. Total 18 committers currently.
How has the project developed since the last report?
27 new commits. Ratis is being used on ozone/hdds project in Hadoop and is being actively tested.
HipChat channel added. Guest access URL:
How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
[X] Initial setup
[ ] Working towards first beta release.
[ ] Community building. 2 new contributors. 1 new committers.
[ ] Nearing graduation
[ ] Other:
Date of last release:
2017-05-17: 0.1-alpha release
2018-04-16: Last snapshot release
When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
[ ](ratis) Chris Nauroth
[x](ratis) Jakob Homan
[ ](ratis) Uma Maheswara Rao G
[X](ratis) Devaraj Das
IPMC/Shepherd notes:
johndament: The report mentions a snapshot release. What is a snapshot release? I'm assuming its an ASF compliant release.
SDAP is an integrated data analytic center for Big Science problems.
SDAP has been incubating since 2017-10-22.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Grow community
2. Make formal SDAP (Incubating) releases
3. Evangelize SDAP as an integrated data analytic center for Big Science problems
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
How has the community developed since the last report?
SDAP has been heavily advertised at/in tons of Earth Science
technology forums. The SDAP community has plans to continue
in this thread with loads of activity booked over the summer
including for example, a workshop at the forthcoming ESIP
Summer 2018 meeting in Tucson, AZ
How has the project developed since the last report?
Development is being sustained with initial discussion of an initial
Incubating release some time soon. The dev@ community has produced
documentation regarding release artifacts. The aim would be to have
a release candidate ready within the next month or so.
How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
[X] Initial setup
[X] Working towards first release
[X] Community building
[ ] Nearing graduation
[ ] Other:
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
Kevin M Gill was elected on 2018-03-05
[ ](sdap) Jörn Rottmann
[ ](sdap) Raphael Bircher
[ ](sdap) Suneel Marthi
[X](sdap) Lewis John McGibbney
IPMC/Shepherd notes:
johndament: The report was written by a mentor. It seems only this mentor is active on list.
Slider is a collection of tools and technologies to package, deploy, and
manage long running applications on Apache Hadoop YARN clusters.
Slider has been incubating since 2014-04-29.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
A discussion thread has begun on the retirement of the Slider podling.
There has not been much activity on the thread so far. Concern was
expressed that users who are unable to upgrade to Hadoop 3 will be
stuck without Slider support. A question was posed about whether an
additional release before retirement would help. Given the lack of
involvement on the thread, it is likely that a retirement vote will be
held soon.
How has the community developed since the last report?
No new community development.
How has the project developed since the last report?
Two commits have been made since the last report. One improved Slider's
behavior in multi-homed environments and the other fixed a bug in how the
Slider agent kills processes.
How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
[ ] Initial setup
[ ] Working towards first release
[ ] Community building
[ ] Nearing graduation
[x] Other: Nearing retirement
Date of last release:
2017-03-23 slider-0.92.0-incubating
When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
2018-02-21 New committer and PPMC member Kyungwan Nam
[ ](slider) Arun C Murthy
[ ](slider) Devaraj Das
[ ](slider) Jean-Baptiste Onofré
[ ](slider) Mahadev Konar
[X](slider) Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli
Comments: Barring any last minute high-pitch concerns on the discuss thread, the community will / should start a vote thread for retiring the project.
Tamaya is a highly flexible configuration solution based on an modular,
extensible and injectable key/value based design, which should provide a
minimal but extendible modern and functional API leveraging SE, ME and EE
Tamaya has been incubating since 2014-11-14.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1.release new versions compliant with configJSR, rework API
2.grow the community, get more active participants
3.graduate as the project is functionally very mature already
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
We'd like to graduate after 0.4 is out, maybe Q2-2018.
How has the community developed since the last report?
New external contributor Aaron Coburn
How has the project developed since the last report?
* continue working on the configJSR-branch
* updated to new microprofile v1.2
* new external blogposts about Tamaya
How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
[ ] Initial setup
[ ] Working towards first release
[X] Community building
[X] Nearing graduation
[ ] Other:
Date of last release:
2018-05-27 v0.3-incubating
When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
P. Ottlinger at 2016-04-24.
[X](tamaya) John D. Ament
Comments: I disagree that the podling is nearing graduation. They have a long ways to go. Some people are interested in the project, and they need to come up with a way to capitalize on it.
[ ](tamaya) David Blevins
Toree provides applications with a mechanism to interactively and remotely
access Apache Spark.
Toree has been incubating since 2015-12-02.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1.More discussion and engagement on the mailing list as opposed to "gitter"
3.Continue to make releases
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?
* We have discussed couple times about inactive mentors, and we will
most likely start a process to replace those with new more available
ones so that we can get our release and graduate process more smoothly.
How has the community developed since the last report?
* The community has been working on the 0.2.0 release,
and a new RC5 is undergoing vote.
How has the project developed since the last report?
* Regular cadence of community activity, more on the low to medium
size on the mailing lists. Having said that, lots of questions and
interactions are still happening in a very active fashion on the
"gitter chat community". I am particularly trying to make folks
reach out via the mailing lists or JIRA, but without much success.
How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
[ ] Initial setup
[ ] Working towards first release
[x] Community building
[x] Nearing graduation
[ ] Other:
Date of last release:
* 2017-02-21
When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
* Ryan Blue was added to the PMC on 2017-04-03
[x](toree) Luciano Resende
[ ](toree) Reynold Xin
[ ](toree) Hitesh Shah
[ ](toree) Julien Le Dem
[x](toree) Ryan Blue
Unomi is a reference implementation of the OASIS Context Server
specification currently being worked on by the OASIS Context Server
Technical Committee.
It provides a high-performance user profile and event tracking server.
Unomi has been incubating since 2015-10-05.
Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
1. Keep a good pace of releases
2. Improve communication around the project and improve project web site
3. Expand the communities (both developers and end-users)
Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware
How has the community developed since the last report?
We are seeing external contributors more active in both mailing list and
the issue tracker. We are also working on making sure to on-board by
swiftly answering questions and taking their needs into account while
encouraging them to contribute.
How has the project developed since the last report?
Version 1.3.0-incubating should be released soon, we are working on it
right now. It notable include upgrading a lot of frameworks (Apache Karaf
4, Apache CXF 3.1, and lots more). After that version we plan to work on
integrating the new CXS GraphQL API as well as work on some more
performance and scalability improvements.
On the communication side we plan to update the website to talk about the
support for GDPR features and better privacy integration, and one of our
PPMC members will talk about the project at ApacheCon NA.
How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
[ ] Initial setup
[ ] Working towards first release
[ ] Community building
[X] Nearing graduation
[ ] Other:
Date of last release:
2017-09-20 (with new version 1.3.0 being released soon)
When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
[ ](unomi) Bertrand Delacretaz
[X](unomi) Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Comments: I think Unomi is ready to prepare and propose the graduation.
Attachment AF: Report from the Apache jUDDI Project [Alex O'Ree]
## Description:
- jUDDI (pronounced "Judy") is an open source Java implementation of the
Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI v3) specification
for (Web) Services. The jUDDI project includes Scout. Scout is an
implementation of the JSR 93 - Java API for XML Registries 1.0 (JAXR).
## Issues:
- There are no issues that require the board's attention at this time.
## Activity:
- jUDDI - last release was 22 NOV 2017. Little development has taken place
since then.
## Health report:
- Low development activity is a factor for low mailing list volume, but in
all likelihood, it's from a general lack of interest in the protocol.
- There are enough active PMC members to approve releases and respond to
potential security issues. There were no issues raised since the last
## PMC changes:
- Currently 7 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Alex O'Ree on Sun Mar 17 2013
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 7 committers.
- No new changes to the committer base since last report.
## Releases:
- Last release was 3.3.5 on Wed Nov 22 2017
## /dist/ errors: 14
- These errors are for older versions of jUDDI in which a former PMC's gpg
key expired. The key has been refreshed however the previous releases will
probably not be resigned.
## Mailing list activity:
- 71 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 39 emails sent to list (50 in previous quarter)
- 112 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months):
- 5 emails sent to list (8 in previous quarter)
Attachment AG: Report from the Apache Juneau Project [James Bognar]
## Description:
- Apache Juneau is a toolkit for marshalling POJOs to a wide variety of
content types using a common framework, and for creating sophisticated
self-documenting REST interfaces and microservices using VERY little code.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- We had one major release (7.1.0) on March 8 that made significant
functionality improvements.
- We are currently working on version 7.2.0 which will introduce support for
auto-generated Swagger UI. Release date should be in the next few weeks.
## Health report:
- Finding new interested contributors continues to be a struggle. However, it
has not impacted our ability to produce new releases.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 9 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Craig L Russell on Tue Oct 17 2017
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 9 committers.
- No new changes to the committer base since last report.
## Releases:
- 7.1.0 was released on Wed Mar 07 2018
## Mailing list activity:
- We had healthy email and website visits after the March release. The
activity has trailed off since then. It should pick back up after release
of 7.2.0.
- 24 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 110 emails sent to list (190 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 2 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 1 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AH: Report from the Apache Kafka Project [Jun Rao]
Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform for efficiently storing and
processing a large number of records in real time.
We released 1.0.1, which fixes 49 critical issues. We also released 1.1.0, which
includes major features such as JBOD, delegation tokens, controller improvements,
dynamic broker configs, improved consumption performance with a large number of
partitions, and Kafka Streams API improvements. We are actively fixing critical
issues that have been reported since the release.
Lots of activities in the mailing list. We have 2665 subscribers in the user
mailing list, up 36 in the last 3 months. We have 1044 emails in the user
mailing list in the last 3 months, a bit less than the 1152 in the previous
cycle. We have 1143 subscribers in the dev mailing list, up 39 in the last 3
months. We have 2521 emails in the dev mailing list in the last 3 months, a bit
less than the 2869 in the previous cycle.
We elected one new committer, Dong Lin on Mar. 28, 2018. We didn't elect any new
PMC member in this cycle. We last elected a new PMC member on Jan. 17, 2018.
Kafka Summit in London completed with more than 500 attendees.
1.0.1 was released on Mar. 6, 2018.
1.1.0 was released on Mar. 29, 2018.
Attachment AI: Report from the Apache Kibble Project [Rich Bowen]
Apache Kibble is a suite of tools for collecting, aggregating and visualizing
activity in software projects.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity and health
This quarter has, again, been very quiet. We had some interesting discussions
(at FOSDEM, in February) with organizations and open source projects that
expressed an interest both in using, and participating in, Kibble, however
there has been no followup from them. We intend to proactively reach back out
to them in the coming month to see what their plans are.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 12 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Rafael Weingärtner on Fri Dec 08 2017
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 12 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Rafael Weingärtner at Sat Dec 09 2017
## Releases:
We have not yet made a release.
## Mailing list activity:
All of our lists have been silent in the last month, and moderately quiet for
the duration of the quarter. We suspect that this is because many of our
community members have had other thing pressing on their attention the last
few months, and that we will see a resurgence when those things abate.
Attachment AJ: Report from the Apache Knox Project [Larry McCay]
## Description:
- The Apache Knox Gateway is a REST API Gateway for interacting with Apache
Hadoop clusters. The Knox Gateway provides a single access point for all
REST/HTTP interactions with Apache Hadoop clusters.
## Issues:
- None
## Activity:
- In February Apache Knox 1.0.0 was released. While Knox has been maintaining
backward compatibility and a commitment to previous releases for the community
for some time, we did need to repackage our classes to remove the name 'hadoop'.
In order to ensure compatibility, we also released an 0.14.0 version with the old
package names as well.
- In April we added a new committer and PMC member.
- We identified cloud usecases as an important feature set via our KIP-11 wiki
one pager.
- We are in the process of closing down on our 1.1.0 release and target its release
within the next couple weeks.
## Health report:
- Activity on the email lists, JIRAs and commits appear to continue to grow and seem
rather healthy.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 17 PMC members.
- Kevin Risden was added to the PMC on Mon Apr 02 2018
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 21 committers.
- Kevin Risden was added as a committer on Tue Apr 03 2018
## Releases:
- Last release was 1.0.0 on Wed Apr 07 2018
## Mailing list activity:
- 90 subscribers (up 4 in the last 3 months):
- 998 emails sent to list (964 in previous quarter)
- 121 subscribers (up 8 in the last 3 months):
- 159 emails sent to list (53 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 129 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 106 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AK: Report from the Apache Kylin Project [Luke Han]
## Description:
Apache Kylin is an open source Distributed Analytics Engine designed
to provide SQL interface and multi-dimensional analysis (OLAP) on
Hadoop supporting extremely large datasets.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Activity:
- Dong Li presented Kylin at JAWS Day @Toyko on 2018-03-19
- Dong Li presented Tuning Kylin at Strata AI Conf @Beijing
on 2018-04-13
- Xiaolong Li presented Kylin at QCon @Beijing on 2018-04-21
## PMC changes:
- Currently 19 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Billy Liu on Sun Nov 26 2017
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 32 committers.
- Julian Pan was added as a committer on Tue Apr 17 2018
## Releases:
- 2.3.0 was released on Sat Mar 03 2018
- 2.3.1 was released on Tue Mar 27 2018
## Mailing list activity:
- 415 subscribers (up 10 in the last 3 months):
- 654 emails sent to list (526 in previous quarter)
- 87 subscribers (up 6 in the last 3 months):
- 1478 emails sent to list (2792 in previous quarter)
- 340 subscribers (up 17 in the last 3 months):
- 327 emails sent to list (424 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 136 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 102 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AL: Report from the Apache Lens Project [Amareshwari Sriramadasu]
## Description:
Lens provides an Unified Analytics interface. Lens aims to cut the Data
Analytics silos by providing a single view of data across multiple tiered
data stores and optimal execution environment for the analytical query. It
seamlessly integrates Hadoop with traditional data warehouses to appear like
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- Apache Lens 2.7.1 released.
- Security fixes for making Lens work with secure hadoop and Hive went in.
- Hadoop version dependency upgraded to 2.7.x
## PMC changes:
- Currently 18 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Puneet Gupta on Tue Sep 20 2016
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 23 committers.
- Rajitha R was added as a committer on Fri Feb 09 2018
## Releases:
- Last release was 2.7 on Tue Feb 06 2018
Attachment AM: Report from the Apache Libcloud Project [Tomaž Muraus]
## Description:
Libcloud is a Python library that abstracts away the differences among
multiple cloud provider APIs.
## Issues:
There are no issues which require board attention at this time.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 13 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Jeff Dunham on Sat May 21 2016
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 20 committers.
- Quentin Pradet was added as a committer on Thu Sep 21 2017
## Releases:
- 2.3.0 was released on March 03, 2018
- 2.2.1 was released on September 21, 2017
- 2.2.0 was released on September 04, 2017
Attachment AN: Report from the Apache Logging Services Project [Matt Sicker]
## Description:
- Apache Logging Services creates and maintains open source software related
to application logging.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- New component Log4j Kotlin API is under development and preparing for its
initial release.
- New component Log4j Audit is nearly ready for an initial release.
- Log4j Scala API migrated to SBT and contributed a new RAT plugin for it.
- Log4j 3.0 development has begun with modularization of the core and Java 8
improvements as a unifying theme.
- We are migrating our git repositories to gitbox to ease the maintenance
burden on Infra as well as take advantage of better GitHub integration.
## Health report:
- The project remains active, and the community continues to provide a
friendly, helpful experience.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 13 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Mikael Ståldal on Mon Jun 20 2016
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 33 committers.
- Carter Kozak was added as a committer on Wed Mar 28 2018
## Releases:
- LOG4J-2.11.0 was released on Thu Mar 15 2018
## /dist/ errors: 6
- We are looking into updating expired signatures for old releases.
## Mailing list activity:
- Mailing list activity is lower than the previous quarter but is
still rather active.
Attachment AO: Report from the Apache Lucene.Net Project [Prescott Nasser]
Lucene.NET's development has come to a complete stand-still since
about six months by now. Not a single commit to the ASF repository has
happened. While there are a few PMC members around who send an
occasional emails, nobody seems to find the time to carry on
When we asked on the dev list whether people were willing to
contribute only a few people indicated interest but said they wouldn't
find the time to contribute anyway.
Financial support has been offered to the project and directed to the
appropriate ASF channels
There are different opinions between PMC members whether Lucene.NET is
on its way into the Attic. The Attic has already been mentioned by one
PMC member on the dev list but we haven't openly discussed dissolving
the PMC and going to the Attic.
We'll be kicking of a public discussion about the future of the
project in the coming week. If we decide to go to the Attic then this
will have already been the first step according to
Attachment AP: Report from the Apache Mahout Project [Andrew Palumbo]
## Description:
Apache Mahout is an environment for quickly creating scalable performant machine learning applications.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Activity:
Activity this quarter has been low. The team hit a larger blocker with a very ambitious multi-artifact release; while upgrading scala and spark versions shifting IP restrictions and life for an all volunteer team has made it difficult to get over this hump. As well the the team, spread very thin in the past quarters, took on several other large tasks, leaving all overworked.
The team has been considering plan for a release to become Spark 2.x/scala 2_11.x compliant:
## PMC changes:
- Currently 14 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Trevor Grant on Sat Feb 04 2017
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 28 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Holden Karau at Wed Jul 12 2017
## Releases:
- Last release was 0.13.0 on Mon Apr 17 2017
## Mailing list activity:
Mailing list activity has slowed compared to relatively steadily over the last quarters. We have established a #mahout channel on in hopes of reaching more people.
- 902 subscribers (down -7 in the last 3 months):
- 46 emails sent to list (49 in previous quarter)
- 10 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 3 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter)
- 15 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 22 emails sent to list (125 in previous quarter)
- 1750 subscribers (down -11 in the last 3 months):
- 11 emails sent to list (19 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 2 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 2 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Talks and Publications
“Apache Mahout.” Author: Andrew Musselman. In: Sakr S., Zomaya A. (eds) Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies. Springer, Cham. February 26, 2018.
“Matrix Math at Scale with Apache Mahout and Spark,” Andrew Musselman; workshop at ODSC East, Boston, May 2nd 2018.
The Magnificent Modular Mahout:An extensible library for distributed math and HPC.
Trevor Grant, HPC, Big Data, and Data Science track, Fosdem 2018.
Attachment AQ: Report from the Apache ManifoldCF Project [Karl Wright]
Project description
ManifoldCF is an effort to provide an open source framework for connecting
source content repositories like Microsoft Sharepoint and EMC Documentum, to
target repositories or indexes, such as Apache Solr, OpenSearchServer or
ElasticSearch. ManifoldCF also defines a security model for target
repositories that permits them to enforce source repository security policies.
ManifoldCF graduated from the Apache Incubator on May 16, 2012. Since then,
there have been numerous major releases, including a 2.10.0 release on
April 19, 2018. The next major release is scheduled for August 30, 2018.
Committers and PMC membership
We nominated and approved Markus Schuch as a PMC member on 12/29/2017.
We did not sign up any new committers this quarter. We continue to be on the
lookout for new PMC members and committers.
Mailing list activity
Mailing list activity has been moderate to active this quarter. Development has
included a number of long-running projects being finally reintegrated with trunk,
e.g. the initiative to provide explicit repository migration support.
Issues reported have been centered on the development of new connectors,
development currently being coordinated through the Google Summer of Code program.
I am unaware of any mailing list question that has gone unanswered.
In answer to the board's question whether we were aware that people could
use the UI to communicate on our lists without having to sign up:
no, this was not something I was aware of, and I will be happy to advise people
who have singleton questions to use that feature.
Outstanding issues
No outstanding infrastructure issues are known at this time.
We continue to believe we are now compliant with Apache branding guidelines,
with the possible exception of (TM) signs in logos from other Apache products
that don't have any such marks. We received word that the ManifoldCF
trademark application (US TM App No. 86583085 for "MANIFOLDCF" in Cl. 9 | DLA
Ref: 393457-900118) has been accepted.
Attachment AR: Report from the Apache Marmotta Project [Jakob Frank]
Attachment AS: Report from the Apache MetaModel Project [Kasper Sørensen]
## Description:
Providing a common interface for discovery, exploration of metadata and
querying of different types of data sources.
## Issues:
- there are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Activity:
- We've added a few new committers to the project.
- The project is in a low activity period in terms of code/issues.
## Health report:
- We've been trying to promote people from casual committers to
actual formal committer members. But it hasn't yet caused for any
kind of increased activity it seems.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 11 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Dennis Du Krøger on Mon Sep 05 2016
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 13 committers.
- New commmitters:
- Arjan Seijkens was added as a committer on Mon Mar 19 2018
- Jörg Unbehauen was added as a committer on Thu May 03 2018
## Releases:
- Last release was 5.1.0-RC1 on Mon Jan 29 2018
## Mailing list activity:
- It's been a period of quite low mailing list activity,
as can be seen by the numbers below.
- 78 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 23 emails sent to list (139 in previous quarter)
- 10 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months):
- 12 emails sent to list (98 in previous quarter)
- 26 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
- 1 emails sent to list (15 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 3 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 1 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AT: Report from the Apache Metron Project [Casey Stella]
## Description:
Metron integrates a variety of open source big data technologies in order
to offer a centralized tool for security monitoring and analysis. Metron
provides capabilities for log aggregation, full packet capture indexing,
storage, advanced behavioral analytics and data enrichment, while applying
the most current threat-intelligence information to security telemetry
within a single platform.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Activity:
We continued with healthy activity across the mailing lists including
a number of active discuss threads.
There were multiple talks given about Metron in Dataworks Summit Europe
in Berlin. A number of our users seem to be in Europe, so it was quite
well attended. It featured introductory talks and more advanced
streaming analytics features by vendors. There was also a use-case talk
by a customer. Additionally, prior to the conference there was a meetup
held and was very well attended.
We also have multiple talks by committers scheduled at the Dataworks
Summit San Jose in June. These talks will be more technical and
architectural deep dives on our streaming analytics capabilities.
## Health report:
Mailing list activity, conference submissions and ticket participation
indicates that we're continuing to grow and attract real users.
Specifically, we performed substantial performance refactoring in
reaction to Metron being used in production in some larger companies.
This forced us to rearchitect some components to be simpler, which
is a good sign.
Given this maturation and the active work to add support for new indices
(i.e. Apache Solr), we are at a cusp of a next release, I feel.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 27 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Justin Leet on Sun Dec 03 2017
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 37 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Anand Subramanian at Mon Dec 25 2017
## Releases:
- Last release was 0.4.2 on Fri Dec 22 2017
## JIRA activity:
- 102 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 46 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AU: Report from the Apache Oozie Project [Robert Kanter]
## Description:
- Oozie is a workflow scheduler system to manage Apache Hadoop jobs.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- Oozie 5.0.0 Released!
- The Programmatic API project (OOZIE-2339) is making good progress
- A 5.1.0 release has not been scoped yet, but is on our radar
## PMC changes:
- Currently 20 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Peter Bacsko was added to the PMC on Tue Jan 30 2018
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 24 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Andras Piros at Mon Oct 16 2017
## Releases:
- 4.3.1 was released on Mon Feb 12 2018
- 5.0.0 was released on Wed Apr 04 2018
## JIRA activity:
- 72 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 37 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AV: Report from the Apache Open Climate Workbench Project [Michael James Joyce]
Apache Open Climate Workbench is a tool for scalable comparisons of remote
sensing observations to climate model outputs.
Activity has slowed slightly since last quarter but remained mostly on par with what
we expect aside from an unusually quiet April. We voted on and released version
1.3.0 which included a number of key fixes, improvements, and new features for
the toolkit.
The vote for a new member mentioned in the previous quarter's report resulted
in us inviting a new person to become a committer and PMC member. Unfortunately,
he declined to join. That being said, he continues to contribute and we welcome his
contributions and hope that he will decide to join us in the future.
We continue to see occasional bursts of activity from new contributors
but they tend to leave as quickly as they arrived. Adding new blood to the
project is a constant goal for us. GSoC and internships offered by PMC
members provide the most consistent avenue for new contributors. We're continuing
to monitor activity given the occasional drop that we see and the overall
stagnation of PMC/Committer additions.
Issues for the board:
When was the last committer or PMC member elected:
- Ibrahim Jarif - 26 April 2016
- Omkar Reddy - 20 January 2016
When was the last release:
- 1.3.0 - 23 April 2018
- 1.2.0 - 24 April 2017
Attachment AW: Report from the Apache Perl Project [Philippe Chiasson]
Attachment AX: Report from the Apache Phoenix Project [Josh Elser]
## Description:
- Apache Phoenix enables SQL-based OLTP and operational analytics for Apache
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Activity:
- 4.14.0 release (rc0) being voted upon now
- 5.0.0-alpha release completed mid-February
- 5.0.0 release (rc0) incoming soon
- Completed IP Clearance process to adopt a new codebase: a Python-based
driver originally developed outside of Apache.
- PhoenixCon is scheduled for June 18th in San Jose, California, USA. The
event will be held concurrently with HBaseCon (same day, same space). A
subset of PMC members are presently finalizing talks which will be given at
the event.
## Health report:
- Overall the project is maintaining its healthy state. We have our strong
core developers, a regular collection of users getting involved, new
developers submitting fixes, and releases happening. PMC needs to evaluate
contributors and committers for new committers and PMC members,
## PMC changes:
- Currently 25 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Sergey Soldatov on Mon Oct 02 2017
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 35 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Pedro Boado at Tue Jan 30 2018
## Releases:
- 5.0.0-alpha was released on Tue Feb 13 2018
## Mailing list activity:
- Both dev and user lists are trending upward slightly over the previous
quarter but are not significantly different.
## JIRA activity:
- 144 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 135 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AY: Report from the Apache POI Project [Dominik Stadler]
Report from the Apache POI committee [Dominik Stadler]
## Description:
- Apache POI is a Java library for reading and writing Microsoft Office file
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Activity:
- Committer-activity is good, there is progress towards a 4.0.0 release,
albeit the large piece of fixing a few severe issues in a "un-attic-ed"
release of XMLBeans is still not finished yet. Despite this we are working
on fully supporting Java 10+ due to some changes breaking our
Zip-Bomb-protection. A number of bug-fixes and smaller enhancements were
merged, quite a number of these were provided by non-committers via GitHub
## Health report:
- There is constant discussion of bug reports/features via bugzilla and a
number of requests which indicates that the popularity of Apache POI is
still very good. Questions via email or on Stackoverflow usually get
answers quickly.
Bug influx decreased slightly and we could work off a few compared to last
time, probably in part because it is now some time since a new release was
## PMC changes:
- Currently 30 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Alain Béarez on Tue Nov 21 2017
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 37 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Alain Béarez at Mon Nov 20 2017
## Releases:
- Last release was 3.17 on Wed Sep 13 2017
## Mailing list activity:
- Mostly constant membership numbers, a few un-subscribers for this period,
no apparent reason for that. POI is a mature project with a stable
- 234 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months):
- 576 emails sent to list (612 in previous quarter)
- 131 subscribers (down -5 in the last 3 months):
- 3 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter)
- 602 subscribers (down -5 in the last 3 months):
- 71 emails sent to list (73 in previous quarter)
## Bugzilla Statistics:
- 43 Bugzilla tickets created in the last 3 months
- 50 Bugzilla tickets resolved in the last 3 months
- 500 bugs are open overall (-5)
- Having 136 enhancements (+-0)
- Thus having 364 actual bugs (-5)
- 95 of these are waiting for feedback (-6)
- Thus having 269 actual workable bugs (+1)
- 5 of the workable bugs have patches available (+-0)
- Distribution of workable bugs across components: {HSSF=76, XSSF=67, SS
Common=37, HWPF=36, XWPF=14, SXSSF=11, XSLF=10, POI Overall=6, HPSF=3,
POIFS=3, HSLF=2, HPBF=1, HSMF=1, OPC=1, SL Common=1}
Attachment AZ: Report from the Apache Qpid Project [Robert Gemmell]
Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a protocol
engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a message router,
and client libraries for C, C++, Go, Java/JMS, Python, and Ruby.
# Releases:
- Qpid Proton-J 0.26.0 was released on 25th February 2018.
- Qpid JMS 0.30.0 was released on 1st March 2018.
- Qpid Broker-J 7.0.2 was released on 2nd March 2018.
- Qpid Proton 0.21.0 was released on 5th March 2018.
- Qpid JMS 0.31.0 was released on 26th March 2018.
- Qpid CPP 1.38.0 was released on 28th March 2018.
- Qpid Proton 0.22.0 was released on 2nd April 2018.
- Qpid Broker-J 7.0.3 was released on 4th April 2018.
- Qpid for Java 6.1.6 was released on 4th April 2018.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.27.0 was released on 23rd April 2018.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.27.1 was released on 29th April 2018.
- Qpid JMS 0.32.0 was released on 3rd May 2018.
# Community:
- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and JIRAs
are being raised and addressed, in line with prior activity levels.
- There were no new committer additions in this quarter.
The most recent new committer is Chris Richardson, added on 15th Nov 2017.
- There were no new PMC additions in this quarter.
The most recent new PMC member is Ganesh Murthy, added on 30th Jan 2017.
# Development:
- Work on a 1.1.0 release of Dispatch nears completion, with a couple of
candidates proceeding to vote but having issues found in testing. A new
candidate should proceed to vote soon. Work on various other improvements
and new functionality continues toward additional feature releases, plus
work on any further bug fixes needed for 1.1.x.
- Work continues on Qpid Broker-J 7.1.0, adding various improvements to the
7.0.0 base and refining the test suite following the AMQP 0-x JMS client
being made independent. Bug fixes continue to be backported to the 7.0.x
and 6.x lines for intermediate releases as needed, with a Broker-J 7.0.4
and 6.3.1 AMQP 0-X JMS client release planned for the coming days.
- Proton-C and its language bindings had their 0.21.0 and 0.22.0 releases,
incorporating various bug fixes and improvements, and removing some
deprecated bindings. The source tree has been reorganised to better
accommodate its remaining contents, after these and earlier changes when
proton-j was moved to its own independent repo. Work continues on fixing
additional issues ahead of a 0.23.0 release.
- Proton-J saw releases 0.26.0 to 0.27.1 to incorporate various improvements
and fixes useful to dependent client/broker/other components, and work
continues on more.
- The AMQP 1.0 JMS client had its 0.30.0 to 0.32.0 releases, adding some new
functionality and incorporating various bug fixes, work continues on more.
# Issues:
There are no Board-level issues at this time.
Attachment BA: Report from the Apache REEF Project [Byung-Gon Chun]
## Description:
Apache REEF (Retainable Evaluator Execution Framework) is a library for
developing portable applications for cluster resource managers such as
Apache Hadoop YARN or Apache Mesos.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- Progress towards supporting Azure Batch
- Providing driver restartability in reef runtime mock
- Adopting gRPC to bridge Java and C#
- Enabling node label expressions in Evaluator requestor
- Updating the .Net project to target .net461
## Health report:
Overall, the community is healthy: the community has been achieving
important milestones and there is a constant flow of bug reports, fixes,
and discussions.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 22 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Doug Service on Fri Sep 29 2017
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 34 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Doug Service at Tue Apr 11 2017
## Releases:
- Last release was 0.16 on Thu Aug 10 2017
## Mailing list activity:
- 84 subscribers (down -5 in the last 3 months):
- 283 emails sent to list (180 in previous quarter)
- 18 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months):
- 0 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 38 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 34 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment BB: Report from the Apache River Project [Peter Firmstone]
## Description:
- Apache River provides a platform for dynamic discovery and lookup search of network services. Services may be implemented in a number of languages, while clients are required to be jvm based (presently at least), to allow proxy jvm byte code to be provisioned dynamically.
## Issues:
No significant issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
Interest in making Jini specifications programming language agnostic.
Release roadmap:
River 3.1 - Modular build restructure (& binary release)
River 3.2 - Input validation 4 Serialization, delayed unmarshalling& safe ServiceRegistrar lookup service.
River 3.3 - OSGi support
## Health report:
- Minimal activity at present on dev.
- Some recent commit activity, around modular build.
- Future Direction:
* Target IOT space with support for OSGi and IPv6 (security fixes required prior to announcement)
* Input validation for java deserialization - prevents DOS and
Gadget attacks.
* IPv6 Multicast Service Discovery (River currently only supports
IPv4 multicast discovery).
* Delayed unmarshalling for Service Lookup and Discovery (includes
SafeServiceRegistrar mentioned in release roadmap), so
authentication can occur prior to downloading service proxy's,
this addresses a long standing security issue with service lookup
while significantly improving performance under some use cases.
* Security fixes for SSL endpoints, updated to TLS v1.2 with removal
of support for insecure cyphers.
* Maven build to replace existing ant built that uses
classdepandjar, a bytecode dependency analysis build tool.
* Updating the Jini specifications.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 12 PMC members.
- Last PMC addition was Dan Rollo on Fri 1st December 2017
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 16 committers.
## Releases:
- River-3.0.0 was released on Wed Oct 05 2016
## Mailing list activity:
- Relatively quiet .
## JIRA activity:
- Activity around making Jini specifications programming language agnostic.
- 15 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 0 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment BC: Report from the Apache RocketMQ Project [Xiaorui Wang]
## Description:
- Apache RocketMQ is a distributed messaging and streaming platform with low latency, high performance and reliability, trillion-level capacity and flexible scalability.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- Apache RocketMQ community provides some GSoC projects and three projects are selected, we have three registered mentors for these projects.
- Implement openwhisk-package-rocketmq to support serverless function
- Support AMQP protocol for RocketMQ
- Implementing integration plugins in RocketMQ for HBase and Beam
- Apache RocketMQ community has disabled the JIRA system and migrated to Github Issues for better visit speed.
## Health report:
Within the past three months:
- 31 GitHub pull requests were opened and 17 were closed
- 28 commits were made by 10 authors, 6 authors were not committers
## PMC changes:
- Currently 10 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- The last time a new PMC member was elected for the project was on July 13, 2017. dongeforever was added a PMC member.
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 15 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- The last time a committer was added to the project was on July 19, 2017. linjunjie was added a committer.
## Releases:
- Last release was ROCKETMQ-4.2.0 on Mon Dec 18 2017
## Mailing list activity:
- 120 subscribers (up 16 in the last 3 months):
- 81 emails sent to list (29 in previous quarter)
- 107 subscribers (up 15 in the last 3 months):
- 533 emails sent to list (375 in previous quarter)
- 50 subscribers (up 5 in the last 3 months):
- 279 emails sent to list (456 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 23 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 7 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Github activity
There are some question issues opened in the last 3 months and has been resolved quickly.
- 71 Github issues created in the last 3 months
- 58 Github issues closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment BD: Report from the Apache Roller Project [David M. Johnson]
## Description:
Apache Roller is a full-featured, Java-based blog server that works
well on Tomcat and MySQL, and is known to run on other Java servers
and relational databases. The ASF blog site at runs on
Roller 5.1.2 Tomcat and MySQL.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Activity:
- Some progress made on new Struts-Bootstrap implementation of UI.
- Some progress on bug fixes and small improvements.
## Health report:
- Community is made-up of part-time volunteers with limited time to devote to Roller.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 5 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Kohei Nozaki on Sun Dec 06 2015
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 8 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Kohei Nozaki at Mon Mar 09 2015
## Releases:
- Last release was 5.2.0 on Sun Nov 05 2017
## Mailing list activity:
Subscriber counts could be taken to mean there is still some interest in
Apache Roller. The low email counts reflect the low level of development
and user-support activity.
- 154 subscribers (down -4 in the last 3 months):
- 20 emails sent to list (8 in previous quarter)
- 276 subscribers (down -4 in the last 3 months):
- 3 emails sent to list (6 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 1 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 1 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment BE: Report from the Apache Santuario Project [Colm O hEigeartaigh]
## Description:
- Library implementing XML Digital Signature Specification & XML Encryption
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- Work continued on a few issues for the XML Security for Java project. A
performance issue spotted by a user was fixed. An issue with including
newline characters in BASE-64 encoded output was also fixed, which was
causing interop problems with other stacks.
The single biggest chunk of work was in modifying the StAX-based XML
Security implementation to work with MTOM-enabled web services. Finally,
some work was done to get the current trunk code working with Java 10. A
new 2.1.2 release with these fixes is expected in the next quarter.
The XML Security for C++ library was also under active development over
the last quarter.
## Health report:
- Apache Santuario is a mature and stable project that has reached a point
where not too many fixes are required, as it is a set of implementations
of some specifications that are quite old now. It is actively managed by
the PMC. Right now there are no obvious potential new committers for the
## PMC changes:
- Currently 6 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Marc Giger on Wed Apr 03 2013
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 16 committers.
- No new changes to the committer base since last report.
- Last committer addition was Marc Giger in July 2012.
## Releases:
- Last release was Apache Santuario XML Security for Java 2.0.10 on Fri Jan
26 2018
## JIRA activity:
- 4 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 3 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment BF: Report from the Apache Serf Project [Bert Huijben]
Attachment BG: Report from the Apache SIS Project [Martin Desruisseaux]
## Description:
Apache Spatial Information System (SIS) is a Java library for developing
geospatial applications. SIS enables better representation of spatial
objects for searching, archiving, or other relevant spatial needs. The
base of the SIS library is modelled according international standards
published jointly by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
The work submitted by a contributor last year (upgrade XML metadata from
legacy ISO 19139:2007 format to the new ISO 19115-3:2016 format) has
been integrated. This work impacts about 500 classes.
A Google Summer of Code student got her project accepted for this summer
[1]. She already did a project in 2016 (which has been integrated for
most parts), and her 2018 project builds on top of her 2016 work.
A talk has been accepted for ApacheCon in Montréal: "Which geospatial
API for the cloud?" [2]
## Health report:
The project is reported healthy according the Apache Committee Report
## PMC changes:
* Currently 20 PMC members.
* No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
* Last PMC addition was Johann Sorel on September 7, 2017
## Committer base changes:
* Currently 21 committers.
* No new committers added in the last 3 months.
* Last committer addition was Johann Sorel at Thu Mar 31 2016.
## Releases:
* 0.8 was released on November 24, 2017.
* Next release will be 1.0.
## Mailing list activity:
o 68 subscribers (same as previous report)
o 41 emails sent to list (23 in previous report)
o 48 subscribers (down -1 since last report)
o 15 emails sent to list (14 in previous report)
## JIRA activity:
* 21 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
* 11 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment BH: Report from the Apache Spark Project [Matei Alexandru Zaharia]
Apache Spark is a fast and general engine for large-scale data processing. It
offers high-level APIs in Java, Scala, Python and R as well as a rich set of
libraries including stream processing, machine learning, and graph analytics.
Project status:
- We released Apache Spark 2.3.0 on Feb 28, 2018. This includes Kubernetes
support, a low-latency continuous processing mode for streaming
applications that wish to prioritize latency, faster UDFs in Python using
data batching through Apache Arrow, images as a data type in the machine
learning library, and various other new features.
- Work is under way to expand several of these new features in upcoming minor
and major releases.
- We are continuing engagement with various organizations.
Latest releases:
- February 28, 2018: Spark 2.3.0
- December 1, 2017: Spark 2.2.1
- October 9, 2017: Spark 2.1.2
- July 11, 2017: Spark 2.2.0
Committers and PMC:
- We added seven committers in the past three months: Anirudh Ramanathan,
Bryan Cutler, Cody Koeninger, Erik Erlandson, Matt Cheah, Seth Hendrickson
and Zhenhua Wang.
- The latest committer was added on March 28th, 2018 (Zhenhua Wang).
- The latest PMC member was added on Jan 12th, 2017 (Xiao Li).
Attachment BI: Report from the Apache Subversion Project [Stefan Sperling]
Apache Subversion exists to be universally recognized and adopted as
an open-source, centralized version control system characterized by
its reliability as a safe haven for valuable data; the simplicity of
its model and usage; and its ability to support the needs of a wide
variety of users and projects, from individuals to large-scale
enterprise operations.
* Board Issues
There are no Board-level issues of concern.
* Community
The community is healthy and active. New features are being designed
and developed, and bug reports are being handled. Our user support
forums (Email and IRC) receive questions and answers regularly.
Our last committer additions happened in October 2017:
Pavel Lyalyakin who has been contributing to the project's website.
Troy Curtis Jr who has been contributing to SVN's Python 3 bindings.
We thank Johan Corveleyn and Mark Thomas for their behind-the-scenes
assistance in dealing with code of conduct violations.
* Releases
We have released Subversion 1.10.0 on April 13 2018.
This release was accompanied by an ASF blog post:
The current supported releases are 1.10.0 and 1.9.7.
Several bug fixes for our stable release series have been proposed,
New stable releases can be expected in the near future.
* Wiki Migrated
Our Wiki was migrated from the ASF's old MoinMoin instance to the
Confluence wiki on The migration took considerable
effort to get right, preserving full history and as much of the
original layout as possible. The various conversion tweaks will be
documented for ASF Infra so they can be reused for other interested
projects. The old wiki pages will be edited to become redirects to the
new pages, after which they can be made read-only.
Attachment BJ: Report from the Apache Syncope Project [Francesco Chicchiriccò]
## Description:
Apache Syncope is an Open Source system for managing digital identities in
enterprise environments.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
CVE-2018-1322 and CVE-2018-1311 were successfully managed by the PMC, and led
to the 2.0.8 and 1.2.11 releases.
Andrea Patricelli (PMC member) was officially nominated mentor for the GSoC
2018 project based on SYNCOPE-1220.
Maintenance work (with feature addition) keeps going onto the 2_0_X branch and
will likely lead to 2.0.8 release. The code on master branch has reached a
point where it could effectively be released as 2.1.0: discussion around this
point need to start on the dev@.
## Health report:
Discussions about new features and improvements keep appearing and being
followed up in dev@.
Newcomers approach user@ and are getting supported by various members of the
The numbers (ML subscribers and traffic) seem to support these trends.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 12 PMC members.
- Matteo Alessandroni was added as a PMC member on Fri Dec 22 2017
- Last PMC addition: Fri Dec 22 2017 (Matteo Alessandroni)
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 21 committers.
- Matteo Alessandroni was added as a committer on Fri Jul 28 2017
- Last committer addition: Fri Jul 28 2017 (Matteo Alessandroni)
## Releases:
- 1.2.11 was released on Tue Mar 13 2018
- 2.0.8 was released on Tue Mar 13 2018
Attachment BK: Report from the Apache SystemML Project [Jon Deron Eriksson]
## Description:
SystemML provides declarative large-scale machine learning (ML) that aims at
flexible specification of ML algorithms and automatic generation of hybrid
runtime plans ranging from single node, in-memory computations, to distributed
computations such as Apache Hadoop MapReduce and Apache Spark.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- The Apache SystemML 1.1.0 release was approved on March 28, 2018.
- We added our second committer since becoming a top-level project.
- We are currently planning our 1.2 release.
## Health report:
- Code activity is healthy with 226 commits in the last 3 months.
- Community growth is healthy with our last new committer approved in March.
- Communication is healthy on mailing list, JIRAs, and pull requests.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 23 PMC members.
- No new PMC members have been added since we became a top-level project.
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 25 committers.
- Janardhan Pulivarthi was added as a committer on March 19, 2018.
## Releases:
- Version 1.1.0 was released on March 28, 2018.
Attachment BL: Report from the Apache Tapestry Project [Thiago Henrique De Paula Figueiredo]
Attachment BM: Report from the Apache Turbine Project [Georg Kallidis]
## Description:
Apache Turbine is a servlet based framework that allows experienced Java
developers to quickly build web applications. Turbine allows you to
personalize the web sites and to use user logins to restrict access to parts
of your application.
Turbine is a matured and well established framework that is used as the base
of many other projects.
## Issues:
- No board-level issues at this time.
- INFRA-16437 Git Mirror for Turbine Maven Archetype in preparation
## Health report:
- The Turbine project has had quite a busy quarter by our measure again
- Upgrade to Java 8/9 postponed after (another) bugfix release of Turbine core
is set for next quarter
- Some (resolved) discussion about general release healthcheck issues between
active PMC members and INFRA
## PMC changes:
- Currently 9 PMC members.
- Jeffery Painter was added to the PMC on Sun Nov 12 2017 (last change)
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 11 committers.
- No new changes to the committer base since last report.
- The last change to the committer base was the addition of Georg Kallidis on
Sept 19 2012.
## Releases:
Fulcrum component project:
- Fulcrum Intake 1.2.3 was released on Mon Feb 12 2018
Turbine core project:
- Turbine Core 4.0.1 was released on March 5 2018
- Turbine Webapp Archetype release postponed to next quarter
- Waiting for Turbine Core bugfix release before Java upgrade
Attachment BN: Report from the Apache Usergrid Project [Todd Nine]
## Description:
- Usergrid is Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) composed of an integrated
database (Cassandra), a query engine (Elastic Search), and
application layer and client tier with SDKs for developers.
## Issues:
- The project has stalled. We've held a vote on the private list, and we've decided
to begin the procedure to move the project to the attic here.
I intend to send an email out this week to gauge community interest in new committers.
If we don't generate enough committers to continue the project, we'll vote to move
to the attic in the public mailing lists.
## Activity:
- Minimal
## Health report:
- See Issues
## PMC changes:
- Currently 25 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Mike Dunker on Mon Jan 18 2016
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 15 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Robert Walsh at Sun Feb 26 2017
## Releases:
- Last release was 2.1.0 on Wed Feb 17 2016
## Mailing list activity:
- 109 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
- 7 emails sent to list (61 in previous quarter)
- 146 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):
- 8 emails sent to list (3 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 1 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 1 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment BO: Report from the Apache Velocity Project [Nathan Bubna]
## Description:
- Java-based template engine
## Issues:
- No issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- Minimal. Some light dev discussion on Tools project configuration for
upcoming major release.
## Health report:
- Project is stable and quiet. Maintenance issues and user questions are all
handled promptly, developers are talking, but no work happened.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 9 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Michael Osipov on Thu Jul 27 2017
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 14 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Last committer addition was Michael Osipov at Mon Jan 30 2017
## Releases:
- None this period.
- Last release was Engine 2.0 GA, Aug 6, 2017.
## Mailing list activity:
- Lists are fairly quiet. Most users either don't have questions or find
answers on Stack Overflow.
- Developers still talk, but barely.
- 123 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months):
- 13 emails sent to list (64 in previous quarter)
- 73 subscribers (down -7 in the last 3 months):
- 4 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter)
- 289 subscribers (down -5 in the last 3 months):
- 7 emails sent to list (20 in previous quarter)
Attachment BP: Report from the Apache Whimsy Project [Sam Ruby]
## Description:
Tools that help automate various administrative tasks or information lookup
## Issues:
## Health report:
A relatively quiet quarter, development wise.
We continue to have more than adequate oversight, with two to three active
committers, and two to four occasional committers.
## Development:
- New tool created to gather board meeting statistics
- A number of improvements were made to the board agenda tool, mostly
reconciling secretary/chairman tasks, but also adapting to the new chair's
meeting flow, provide templates for adding items to the agenda, and to
treat separate discussion items as separate agenda items.
- Safari and Microsoft Edge now support service workers by default, meaning
that at this point all but IE users will be using Service Workers and
ES2017, most notably improving page reload times.
- Minor usability improvements to the roster tool.
## PMC and committer base:
- Currently 10 committers, all on the PMC.
- Last addition: Thu Jun 2017 (John D. Ament)
Attachment BQ: Report from the Apache Xalan Project [Steven J. Hathaway]
Attachment BR: Report from the Apache Xerces Project [Michael Glavassevich]
Xerces-J 2.12.0 was released at the end of April which contains a completed
XML Schema 1.1 processor, fixes several bugs and addresses a few security
issues. Thanks to Mukul Gandhi for driving this long awaited release.
There has been some discussion on the mailing lists about pushing the new
Xerces release into the Maven repositories. We're looking to the community for
volunteers to help with this.
Mailing list traffic has been moderate; roughly 135+ posts on the j-dev and
j-users lists since the beginning of March 2018.
The latest release is Xerces-J 2.12.0 (April 30th, 2018).
Some improvements were made to the Xerces-C build in March. Otherwise it's
been quiet on the development front since the last release.
Mailing list traffic has been moderate; roughly 230+ posts on the c-dev and
c-users lists since the beginning of March 2018.
No new releases since the previous report. The latest release is Xerces-C
3.2.1 (February 28th, 2018).
Nothing in particular to report. There was no development activity over the
reporting period.
XML Commons
No activity over the reporting period.
Committer / PMC Changes
The most recent committers were added in April 2017 (Xerces-C) and May 2017
No new PMC members since the last report. The most recent addition to the PMC
was in June 2016.
Two committers have committed changes to SVN since March 2018.
Apache Project Branding Requirements
The project logo still needs a "TM" to be added to it.
Attachment BS: Report from the Apache XML Graphics Project [Clay Leeds]
## Description:
- The Apache XML Graphics Project is responsible for software
intended for the creation & maintenance of the conversion of XML
formats to graphical output & related software components.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- During this reporting period, activity on the three sub-projects
has remained low.
## Health:
- The level of community and developer activity remains at a
low level for a relatively mature product, albeit one
with a fair number of outstanding unresolved issues.
## PMC:
- Clay Leeds is the new PMC Chair for the Apache XML Graphics Project
- Glenn Adams resigned as PMC Chair for Apache XML Graphics Project 2/5/18
And will remain on the PMC. The PMC thanks Glenn for his service as Chair
- No new PMC member during this period.
- Currently 11 PMC members.
- Last PMC addition was Simon Steiner on Jan 19 2016
## Committers:
- No new committer during this period.
- Currently 21 committers.
- Last committer addition was Matthias Reischenbacher, May 2015
## Releases:
- No releases during this period.
- XMLGraphics Commons 2.1 was released on Mon Apr 10 2017
- XMLGraphics FOP 2.2 was released on Mon Apr 10 2017
- XMLGraphics Batik 1.9.1 was released on Tue Aug 15 2017
## Mailing Lists:
- Mailing lists has similar traffic to last period.
End of minutes for the May 16, 2018 board meeting.