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                     The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

                             May 15-16, 2019

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 9:00 a.m. (Central) and began at
    9:14 a.m. (Central) when a sufficient attendance to constitute a
    quorum was recognized by the Vice Chairman.

    The meeting was held in person at Google in Chicago.

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

      Rich Bowen
      Shane Curcuru
      Jim Jagielski
      Myrle Krantz
      Daniel Ruggeri
      Craig L Russell
      Roman Shaposhnik
      Joan Touzet

    Executive Officers Present:

      Tom Pappas
      Sam Ruby
      Matt Sicker

    Guests Present:

      Robin Anil
      Brian Fitzpatrick
      Sally Khudairi
      David Nalley
      Greg Stein

3. Discussion Items

    A. Agenda

     Vice Chairman Shane asked that everyone observe the current 
     agenda to ensure we cover all points in a timely manner.

    B. Recent Resignations

     Phil recently resigned from the Board, and Ross resigned as
     Executive Vice President. We would like to thank both Phil and 
     Ross for their service.

    C. Introductions

     Each Director introduced themself to the Board.

    D. Board List Communications

     The Board mailing list has been suffering from high volume with
     varying topics that have been challenging for subscribers to
     keep abreast of, particularly as the vast majority of
     participants are volunteers. Some new Directors and list
     followers (for example PMC Chairs, for whom subscription is
     required) have been surprised by the volume of the list traffic.

     Shane pointed out that how we choose to communicate on some
     mailing lists may be more problematic than the topics

     There was consensus that successful Boards of Directors are ones
     that focus on strategic details and not on operations.

     To protect our existing communities, it has been suggested that
     the Board's list discussions remain focused on items that need
     specific attention from the Board, and to redirect other issues
     that can be addressed elsewhere, for example: Operations.

     Scaling back list volume and how to best handle items that
     require longer-term discussion still need to be addressed. The
     need to remain focused without dismissing issues brought forth
     to the Board, and the style of some communications are of
     particular concern. We need to remain aware that some
     participants interpret the tone of some messages in a particular
     way doesn’t mean that others are having the same experience.

     Several future discussion items 8D - 8G were put on the next
     meeting  agenda to work on improvements in board list

    E. Apache Project Leadership

     Joan opened the discussion if we should expect PMC members to be
     held to a higher standard than other members of the community,
     with PMC Chairs even more so. That is, do people look to the
     Board and Directors or executive officers for cues on how to
     behave?  If so, should we  work on documenting expected
     behaviors from directors?

     Rich shared that the same discussion took place a year ago, with
     no consensus reached.

     At times, discussions on-list or disagreement in position are
     being interpreted as hostile.  Several list participants also
     expressed surprise at the volume of email on the board's list.

     Daniel stated that those who wish to express non-popular
     opinions should be able to do so freely.

    F. Board Votes And Consensus

     Discussion opened about how using voting to solve an issue is
     often seen  as a failure of consensus (i.e., non-unaminous votes
     seem to be avoided).

     Historically, the Board has believed that if a vote is not
     unanimous, it indicates that consensus has not been reached,
     therefore further discussion may still be necessary.

     Suggestion: the Board could utilize +0 and -0 votes (expressing
     an acceptance of a position without fully agreeing/disagreeing),
     despite that Delaware corporate law does not recognize votes like
     that, but only has yes, no, or abstain.

     Unlike other foundations, once the ASF Board has voted on
     something, speaks in one voice and all directors commit to support
     the decision within the Foundation regardless of their individual
     votes. There were many nods of agreement to this.

     There was a thorough discussion of of both the historical tendency
     of past boards to avoid non-unanimous votes, along with ideas of
     how we can make board-level decisions more efficient while
     respectfully allowing dissenting voices a chance to be heard and

     Myrle requested that we do not be normative on the meaning of “no”
     and “abstain” votes; this was moved forward as a future discussion
     item for documenting how directors express formal votes, both
     during a meeting  and in our formal published minutes.

     While some sort of consensus is needed on this topic, it doesn't
     solve the communication issue. We had a discussion regarding possible
     separation of public and private minutes with respect to votes as
     well as the canonical meaning of said votes. Tom confirmed from DE
     law that the identities of who-voted-what is not required to be
     public. The minutes, however, should indicate if a director
     revised the resolution themself or if a director dissents from
     the vote being conducted at all (e.g., a point of order over the
     voting process).

     Craig suggested that we use alternate venues for directors to
     express disagreement and dissenting views such as the board@ and
     members@ mailing lists.

     David shared subscriber statistics for the board@ mailing list.
     The trend shows that the subscriber count has been consistently
     increasing, with a handful of unsubscriptions within a single
     month. These figures  do not reflect any subscribers who may
     simply filter out these emails.

    G. Documentation

     Greg suggests adding a highlights section to Infrastructure board
     reports of notable changes affecting either projects or operations

     * Action-Item: Greg/David to update monthly Infrastructure board
     report format.

     Matt suggests a form email for new directors similar to the new
     PMC chairs email with how-to information. This should likely be
     emailed  from the outgoing Chairperson each year.

     Craig suggests updating the ICLA form to use given name and family
     name fields to help reduce confusion in the ordering of names from
     various languages.

     * Action-Item: Joan to improve documentation on how Code of
     Conduct violations are resolved.

    H. Bill Payment Processing

     Myrle notes that our current bill pay workflow combined with our
     current accounting roles has created a situation in which it is
     difficult for the Treasurer to check that all outstanding bills
     are being paid.  This will be brought back to the list for action.

    I. Executive Session

     There was a 30 minute executive session from 12:00PM to 12:30PM.
     All Directors were present along with the Secretary.

    J. Monthly Board Meeting

     At 12:30PM the normal monthly May 2019 Board meeting took place.
     The agenda and minutes for this meeting will be published 
     after the usual board review.

     The monthly meeting adjourned at 1:45 PM. This was followed 
     by a one hour break.

    K. President and EVP Discussion on Operations

     Sam noted that we shouldn't get hung up on the word "operations"
     in terms of describing various non-project officers doing work.
     Notifications from Operations to the Board need to be proactive 
     and broken out clearly in reports. Operations is empowered to do 
     things within their specific areas of responsibility on their 
     own if necessary.

     We like to follow the principle of least astonishment. Mistakes
     will be made, and are expected.

    H. Five Year Strategic Plan

     With a new board we discussed updates to director sheperds to: 

     @Myrle @Shane: help Rich with the Conferences section

     @Daniel: add topic on paid fundraising position.

     @Joan: Help shepherd the governance and PMC lifecycle sections.

     @Tom: Help shepherd the financial aspects.

     @Gris: Author proposals for diversity and inclusion.

     @Myrle: Make sure every current director has access to the asf-p wiki.

     @Greg: Make sure all current directors have write access to source repository.

     @Matt: Start thread about ASF policies page to help with Incubator.

4. Recess

    The meeting was recessed at 5:00 p.m. (Central) until the following day,
    16 May 2019, at 9:00 a.m. (Central), at the same location.

5. Reconvene

    The meeting was reconvened on 16 May 2019 at 9:10 a.m. (Central) and
    began as soon thereafter that a sufficient attendance to constitute a
    quorum was recognized by the Vice Chairman.

6. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Rich Bowen
        Shane Curcuru
        Myrle Krantz
        Daniel Ruggeri
        Craig L Russell
        Roman Shaposhnik
        Joan Touzet
        Danny Angus joined 9:36

    Directors Absent:


    Executive Officers Present:

        David Nalley
        Tom Pappas
        Sam Ruby
        Matt Sicker

    Executive Officers Absent:

        Ross Gardler
        Ulrich Stärk


        Robin Anil
        Brian Fitzpatrick
        Sally Khudairi
        Greg Stein joined 9:29

  7. Discussion Items

     A. The Board accepted the resignations of Phil Steitz and
        Jim Jagielski by general consent.

     B. Roman suggested we fill the two vacant director positions before
        choosing the new chair. He proposed that Vice Chairman Shane
        continue as the acting chair.

     C. A question was raised whether or not we can choose a chair that
        is not a director, though no action was taken on this.

     D. To fill the vacant director seats, the Board first considered the
        runners up in the most recent election. The Board appointed Danny
        Angus to the board of directors by general consent. As there were
        no other runners up, the Board postponed discussion of filling 
        the remaining director seat until Danny could join the meeting.

     E. Daniel gave an explicit vote of confidence in Sam Ruby as
        President; there were several concurrences.

     F. The Board welcomed Danny Angus as Director who joined the
        meeting via telephone.

     G. The Board declined to make any further officer changes, noting 
        that David Nalley had been appointed EVP during the May meeting.

     H. Joan volunteered to run small event funding.

     I. The Board further considered Directors from the previous term
        to fill the remaining board seat. After considerations and 
        contact with candidates, the Board appointed Ted Dunning to the 
        board of directors by general consent.

     J. Roman complimented Infrastructure about the smooth transition 
        of many project repositories from SVN to GitHub.

  8. Adjournment

     Adjourned at 10:50 a.m. (Central)
End of minutes for the May 15-16, 2019 board meeting.
