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- Original The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
September 16, 2020
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 12:30 UTC and began at 12:33 when
a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was recognized by
the chairman.
Other Time Zones:
The meeting was held via teleconference, hosted by the Secretary
via Zoom.
The #asfboard channel on was used for backup.
2. Roll Call
Directors Present:
Shane Curcuru
Bertrand Delacretaz
Roy T. Fielding
Justin Mclean
Sam Ruby
Craig L Russell
Patricia Shanahan
Sander Striker
Directors Absent:
Niclas Hedhman
Executive Officers Present:
David Nalley
Matt Sicker
Executive Officers Absent:
Myrle Krantz
Ruth Suehle
Daniel Gruno
Greg Stein
Ming Wen
Rich Bowen
Sally Khudairi - joined 13:00 UTC
Sven Vogel
Tom Pappas
3. Minutes from previous meetings
Published minutes can be found at:
A. The meeting of July 15, 2020
See: board_minutes_2020_07_15.txt
Approved by General Consent.
B. The meeting of August 19, 2020
See: board_minutes_2020_08_19.txt
Approved by General Consent.
4. Executive Officer Reports
A. Chairman [Roy]
After technical difficulties last month (and lack of sleep),
I am going back to the normal agenda (without a consent agenda)
to see if it makes any difference for a light meeting.
B. President [David]
This month was relatively quiet.
I received and handled one code of conduct complaint.
I intend, shortly after this report is submitted, to appoint Christian
Grobmeier as VP, Data Privacy.
Additionally, please see Attachments 1 through 9.
C. Treasurer [Myrle]
This month was mostly uneventful for the Treasurer's office. We have
been working with Trademarks to resolve an issue that has made the
credit card unusable that was issued to the VP Trademarks.
After discussions on the board mailing list, we have decided to draw
down our monthly financial reporting. The board will continue to
receive this information on the private board mailing list, and we will
continue to post it in our quarterly and annual reports. But this will
be the last month in which we will include it in the Treasurer's
board report.
The Treasurer will, of course, continue to report on the activities of
the Treasurer's office in the board report.
Operating Cash on August 31st, 2020 was $1,915.4K, which is down
$44.2K from last month’s ending balance (July 20) of $1,959.6K. Total
Cash as of August 31st, 2020 is $3,341.3K (includes the Pineapple,
Restricted Donation, and project funds) as compared to $3,844.3K on
August 31st, 2019, (a decrease of $503K year over year). The August
31st, 2020 ending Operating Cash balance of $1,915.4K represents an
Operating Cash Reserve of 13.7 months based on the “Estimated” FY21
Cash forecast average monthly spending of $139.8K/month. The ASF
actual Operating Cash Reserve of 13.7 months at the end of July 2020 is
ahead of the August 2020 budgeted 12.8 months of reserve. The
forecasted ASF Operating reserve for the end of FY21 is 14.6 months.
The ASF Operating reserve is well above the ASAE standard average of 6
months of reserve for Non-Profits.
Revenue through August 31st 2020 was ahead of budget by $24.2K,
primarily due to the timing of Sponsor payments year to date vs the
Budget. As compared to FY20, FY21 YTD revenue is behind by $357.4K.
This is due to Sponsorship and registration revenue for ACNA and ACEU
in 2019 ( $358.6K of Conference income in 2019 vs $24.5K in 2020),
which are not happening as a face to face events in FY21. Also,
Foundation Sponsorship payments are down $27.9K from 2019 to 2020
though Donations are up $4.2K during the first 4 months of the Fiscal
year as compared to the same time period in FY20.
Expenses through August 31st, 2020 are under budget by $25K. This is
due to timing of Conference expenses for the online event platform,
planned for later in the year as well as the timing of the payments of
the anniversary video and timing of some Brand management invoices.
This is offset by under-spending in all other departments.
Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD FY21 the ASF finished with a Negative
<$221K>NI vs a budgeted negative <$270.3K> NI or $49.3K better than
the Budgeted NI as of August 31st 2020. FY21 compared to FY20 as of
August 31st 2020, while we are behind in revenue, by $357.4K as noted
above, we are also behind on expenses by $106.2K. So year over year
as of August 31st 2020 we are behind in NI by $251.2K. We are however
holding to our FY21 Budgeted NI which is a favorable sign for the
first 4 months of FY21.
Current Balances:
Boston Private CDARS Account 3,031,000.29
Citizens Money Market 223,401.39
Citizens Checking 85,473.07
Paypal - ASF 1,417.29
Total Checking/Savings 3,341,292.04
Aug-20 Budget Variance
Income Summary:
Public Donations 10,376.51 3,367.00 7,009.51
Sponsorship Program 12,000.00 49,500.00 -37,500.00
Programs Income 0.00 0.00
Conference/Event Income 24,542.25 0.00 24,542.25
Other Income 0.00 0.00
Interest Income 1,668.26 0.00 1,668.26
Total Income 48,587.02 52,867.00 -4,279.98
Expense Summary
Infrastructure 65,653.75 78,999.50 -13,345.75
Programs Expense 0.00 0.00 0.00
Publicity 97.13 21,458.00 -21,360.87
Brand Management 7,040.58 7,500.00 -459.42
Conferences 10.20 0.00 10.20
Travel Assistance Committee 0.00 2,917.00 -2,917.00
Fundraising 11,053.13 16,334.00 -5,280.87
Privacy 0.00 0.00
Treasury Services 3,656.39 4,267.00 -610.61
General & Administrative 5,192.46 5,782.00 -589.54
Diversity and Inclusion 0.00 1,250.00 -1,250.00
Total Expense 92,703.64 138,507.50 -45,803.86
Net Income -44,116.62 -85,640.50 41,523.88
YTD FY21 Budget Variance
Income Summary:
Public Donations 19,781.45 16,706.00 3,075.45
Sponsorship Program 274,048.15 279,500.00 -5,451.85
Programs Income 0.00 0.00 0.00
Conference/Event Income 24,542.25 0.00 24,542.25
Other Income 0.00 0.00 0.00
Interest Income 2,019.24 0.00 2,019.24
Total Income 320,391.09 296,206.00 24,185.09
Expense Summary
Infrastructure 247,047.27 315,986.00 -68,938.73
Programs Expense 89.99 0.00 89.99
Publicity 147,302.48 98,332.00 48,970.48
Brand Management 36,508.71 30,000.00 6,508.71
Conferences 29,766.73 0.00 29,766.73
Travel Assistance Committee 0.00 11,668.00 -11,668.00
Fundraising 60,148.15 71,336.00 -11,187.85
Privacy 0.00 0.00 0.00
Treasury Services 13,977.72 17,068.00 -3,090.28
General & Administrative 6,605.66 17,128.00 -10,522.34
Diversity and Inclusion 0.00 5,000.00 -5,000.00
Total Expense 541,446.71 566,518.00 -25,071.29
Net Income -221,055.62 -270,312.00 49,256.38
D. Secretary [Matt]
In August 2020, the secretary received 40 ICLAs, 3 CCLAs, 3 software
grants, and 2 CoI affirmations. We have a small number of outstanding
conflict of interest forms remaining to collect for 2020.
E. Executive Vice President [Ruth]
Exceptionally pleased in the lead-up to ApacheCon@Home. Details in VP
Conferences report.
Apologies in advance for either being late to or missing this
call--feel free to ping in Slack with any questions.
F. Vice Chairman [Shane]
Nothing to report for this month.
Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
5. Additional Officer Reports
A. VP of W3C Relations [Andy Seaborne / Patricia]
See Attachment 10
B. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Roman Shaposhnik / Craig]
See Attachment 11
C. Apache Security Team Project [Mark J. Cox / Sam]
See Attachment 12
D. VP of Jakarta EE Relations [Rob Tompkins / Shane]
No report was submitted.
Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
6. Committee Reports
Summary of Reports
The following reports required further discussion:
# Any23 [rtf]
# Marmotta [rubys]
# Open Climate Workbench [ps]
A. Apache Airflow Project [Bolke de Bruin / Niclas]
See Attachment A
B. Apache Allura Project [David Philip Brondsema / Sander]
See Attachment B
C. Apache Any23 Project [Lewis John McGibbney / Roy]
No report was submitted.
@Roy: pursue a roll call for Any23
D. Apache APISIX Project [Ming Wen / Bertrand]
See Attachment D
E. Apache Archiva Project [Olivier Lamy / Justin]
See Attachment E
G. Apache Atlas Project [Madhan Neethiraj / Roy]
See Attachment G
H. Apache Axis Project [Robert Lazarski / Bertrand]
See Attachment H
I. Apache Bahir Project [Luciano Resende / Shane]
See Attachment I
J. Apache Beam Project [Kenneth Knowles / Patricia]
See Attachment J
K. Apache Bigtop Project [Jun He / Justin]
See Attachment K
L. Apache Bloodhound Project [Gary Martin / Niclas]
See Attachment L
M. Apache BVal Project [Matthew Jason Benson / Sam]
See Attachment M
N. Apache Camel Project [Andrea Cosentino / Sander]
See Attachment N
O. Apache Cayenne Project [Michael Ray Gentry / Roy]
See Attachment O
P. Apache Chemistry Project [Florian Müller / Niclas]
See Attachment P
Q. Apache CloudStack Project [Sven Vogel / Justin]
See Attachment Q
R. Apache Commons Project [Gary D. Gregory / Patricia]
See Attachment R
S. Apache Cordova Project [Jesse MacFadyen / Sander]
See Attachment S
T. Apache cTAKES Project [Pei Chen / Craig]
See Attachment T
U. Apache Curator Project [Jordan Zimmerman / Bertrand]
See Attachment U
V. Apache DeltaSpike Project [Mark Struberg / Shane]
See Attachment V
W. Apache Eagle Project [Edward Zhang / Sam]
No report was submitted.
X. Apache Felix Project [Karl Pauls / Niclas]
See Attachment X
Y. Apache Flex Project [Olaf Krüger / Justin]
See Attachment Y
Z. Apache Flink Project [Stephan Ewen / Shane]
See Attachment Z
AA. Apache Guacamole Project [Mike Jumper / Roy]
See Attachment AA
AB. Apache Gump Project [Stefan Bodewig / Patricia]
See Attachment AB
AC. Apache Helix Project [Kishore G / Bertrand]
See Attachment AC
AD. Apache Hive Project [Ashutosh Chauhan / Sander]
See Attachment AD
AE. Apache Hudi Project [Vinoth Chandar / Craig]
See Attachment AE
AF. Apache Iceberg Project [Ryan Blue / Sam]
See Attachment AF
AG. Apache Incubator Project [Justin Mclean]
See Attachment AG
AH. Apache Jackrabbit Project [Marcel Reutegger / Shane]
See Attachment AH
AI. Apache Joshua Project [Tommaso Teofili / Niclas]
No report was submitted.
AJ. Apache Karaf Project [Jean-Baptiste Onofré / Bertrand]
See Attachment AJ
AK. Apache Kibble Project [Rich Bowen / Sam]
See Attachment AK
AL. Apache Logging Services Project [Matt Sicker / Justin]
See Attachment AL
AM. Apache Lucene Project [Anshum Gupta / Sander]
See Attachment AM
AN. Apache Lucene.Net Project [Shad Storhaug / Craig]
See Attachment AN
AO. Apache Marmotta Project [Jakob Frank / Roy]
See Attachment AO
@Roy: follow up about resolution for Attic for Marmotta
AP. Apache Mnemonic Project [Gang Wang / Patricia]
See Attachment AP
AQ. Apache Mynewt Project [Justin Mclean]
See Attachment AQ
AR. Apache NetBeans Project [Geertjan Wielenga / Craig]
See Attachment AR
AS. Apache OFBiz Project [Jacopo Cappellato / Sam]
See Attachment AS
AT. Apache Olingo Project [Michael Bolz / Bertrand]
See Attachment AT
AU. Apache OODT Project [Imesha Sudasingha / Sander]
No report was submitted.
@Sander: pursue a roll call for OODT
AV. Apache Oozie Project [Gézapeti / Shane]
See Attachment AV
AW. Apache Open Climate Workbench Project [Huikyo Lee / Patricia]
See Attachment AW
@Roy: follow up with OCW about formal expectations and roll
AX. Apache OpenNLP Project [Jeffrey T. Zemerick / Justin]
See Attachment AX
AY. Apache OpenWebBeans Project [Mark Struberg / Roy]
See Attachment AY
AZ. Apache Pig Project [Koji Noguchi / Niclas]
See Attachment AZ
BA. Apache Pivot Project [Roger Lee Whitcomb / Sander]
See Attachment BA
BB. Apache PLC4X Project [Christofer Dutz / Sam]
See Attachment BB
BC. Apache Portable Runtime (APR) Project [Nick Kew / Roy]
See Attachment BC
BD. Apache Portals Project [David Sean Taylor / Craig]
See Attachment BD
BE. Apache PredictionIO Project [Donald Szeto / Justin]
See Attachment BE
BF. Apache Pulsar Project [Matteo Merli / Patricia]
See Attachment BF
BH. Apache RocketMQ Project [Xiaorui Wang / Bertrand]
See Attachment BH
BI. Apache Royale Project [Piotr Zarzycki / Niclas]
See Attachment BI
BJ. Apache Sentry Project [Kalyan Kalvagadda / Roy]
No report was submitted.
BK. Apache ServiceMix Project [Krzysztof Sobkowiak / Sander]
See Attachment BK
BL. Apache Shiro Project [Brian Demers / Sam]
See Attachment BL
BM. Apache SINGA Project [Wang Wei / Niclas]
See Attachment BM
BN. Apache Sling Project [Robert Munteanu / Patricia]
See Attachment BN
BO. Apache SpamAssassin Project [Sidney Markowitz / Shane]
See Attachment BO
BP. Apache Storm Project [Kishor Patil / Justin]
See Attachment BP
BQ. Apache Submarine Project [Wangda Tan / Craig]
See Attachment BQ
BR. Apache Synapse Project [Isuru Udana / Bertrand]
No report was submitted.
BS. Apache SystemDS Project [Jon Deron Eriksson / Patricia]
See Attachment BS
BT. Apache Tajo Project [Hyunsik Choi / Sander]
No report was submitted.
BV. Apache Tomcat Project [Mladen Turk / Shane]
See Attachment BV
BW. Apache Trafodion Project [Pierre Smits / Justin]
See Attachment BW
BX. Apache UIMA Project [Marshall Schor / Sam]
See Attachment BX
BY. Apache Unomi Project [Serge Huber / Roy]
See Attachment BY
BZ. Apache VCL Project [Josh Thompson / Bertrand]
See Attachment BZ
CA. Apache Wicket Project [Andrea Del Bene / Niclas]
See Attachment CA
CB. Apache Xerces Project [Michael Glavassevich / Patricia]
See Attachment CB
CC. Apache XML Graphics Project [Clay Leeds / Shane]
See Attachment CC
CD. Apache Yetus Project [Allen Wittenauer / Patricia]
See Attachment CD
CE. Apache ZooKeeper Project [Flavio Paiva Junqueira / Roy]
See Attachment CE
Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
7. Special Orders
A. Terminate the Apache PredictionIO Project
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache PredictionIO
project has chosen by vote to recommend moving the project to the
Attic; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it no longer in the best interest
of the Foundation to continue the Apache PredictionIO project due to
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Apache PredictionIO project is
hereby terminated; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Attic PMC be and hereby is tasked with oversight
over the software developed by the Apache PredictionIO Project; and be
it further
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache PredictionIO" is
hereby terminated; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache PredictionIO PMC is hereby terminated.
Special Order 7A, Terminate the Apache PredictionIO Project,
was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
B. Regular Meeting Schedule
RESOLVED, that starting in October 2020, future regular
meetings of the Board of Directors are hereby scheduled
for the third Wednesday of each month at 20:00 UTC, to be held
via a suitable videoconferencing system.
Special Order 7B, Regular Meeting Schedule, was approved by
Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
C. Change the Apache SystemDS Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Jon Deron Eriksson
(deron) to the office of Vice President, Apache SystemDS, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Jon
Deron Eriksson from the office of Vice President, Apache SystemDS, and
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache SystemDS
project has chosen by vote to recommend Matthias Boehm (mboehm7) as the
successor to the post;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Jon Deron Eriksson is relieved and
discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
President, Apache SystemDS, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Matthias Boehm be and hereby is appointed
to the office of Vice President, Apache SystemDS, to serve in
accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors
and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7C, Change the Apache SystemDS Project Chair,
was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
D. Modify Bylaws to change gender-specific terminology
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests
of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to be a
welcoming environment for all users and contributors regardless of
their sex, gender identity, or gender expression; and
WHEREAS, the Bylaws include gender-specific terminology that might not
be consistent with this goal;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bylaws be and hereby are
modified to change all instances of gender-specific terminology to
gender-neutral terminology, specifically:
changing "Chairman" to "Board Chair", "Vice Chairman" to "Vice Chair",
"chairman" to "chair", "he or she" to "they", "him/her" to "their",
"his or her" to "their", "his, her, or their" to "their", and
"his, her, or its" to "their".
Special Order 7D, Modify Bylaws to change gender-specific
terminology, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors
E. Establish the Apache IoTDB Project
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests
of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to
establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation and
maintenance of open-source software, for distribution at no charge to
the public, related to an IoT native database with high performance
for data management and analysis;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee
(PMC), to be known as the "Apache IoTDB Project", be and hereby is
established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache IoTDB Project be and hereby is responsible
for the creation and maintenance of software related to an IoT native
database with high performance for data management and analysis; and
be it further
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache IoTDB" be and
hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the
direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache IoTDB
Project, and to have primary responsibility for management of the
projects within the scope of responsibility of the Apache IoTDB
Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are
appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache IoTDB Project:
* Chen Wang <>
* Christofer Dutz <>
* Dawei Liu <>
* Gaofei Cao <>
* Haonan Hou <>
* Jialin Qiao <>
* Jianmin Wang <>
* Jincheng Sun <>
* Jinrui Zhang <>
* Julian Feinauer <>
* Jun Yuan <>
* Justin Mclean <>
* Kevin A. McGrail <>
* Kun Liu <>
* Lei Rui <>
* Rong Kang <>
* Rui Liu <>
* Shuo Zhang <>
* Stefanie Zhao <>
* Tian Jiang <>
* Tianan Li <>
* Willem Ning Jiang <>
* Xiangdong Huang <>
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache IoTDB, to serve in
accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors
and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be
it further
RESOLVED, that the initial Apache IoTDB PMC be and hereby is tasked
with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to encourage open
development and increased participation in the Apache IoTDB Project;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache IoTDB Project be and hereby is tasked with
the migration and rationalization of the Apache Incubator IoTDB
podling; and be it further
RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache Incubator
IoTDB podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator Project are
hereafter discharged.
Special Order 7E, Establish the Apache IoTDB Project, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
F. Terminate the Apache Open Climate Workbench Project
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Open Climate
Workbench project has chosen by vote to recommend moving the project to
the Attic; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it no longer in the best interest
of the Foundation to continue the Apache Open Climate Workbench project
due to inactivity;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Apache Open Climate Workbench
project is hereby terminated; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Attic PMC be and hereby is tasked with oversight
over the software developed by the Apache Open Climate Workbench
Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Open Climate
Workbench" is hereby terminated; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Open Climate Workbench PMC is hereby
Special Order 7F, Terminate the Apache Open Climate Workbench
Project, was tabled.
G. Terminate the Apache Tajo Project
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Tajo project
has chosen by vote to recommend moving the project to the Attic; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it no longer in the best interest
of the Foundation to continue the Apache Tajo project due to
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Apache Tajo project is hereby
terminated; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Attic PMC be and hereby is tasked with oversight
over the software developed by the Apache Tajo Project; and be it
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Tajo" is hereby
terminated; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Tajo PMC is hereby terminated.
Special Order 7G, Terminate the Apache Tajo Project, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
8. Discussion Items
A. What to do with the Pineapple fund?
We have discussed whether the board has formally set aside the funds
associated with the Pineapple donation. No restrictions were
attached to that money when donated.
We also discussed whether we have (or need) a common expectation
regarding the size of our operating reserve, with respect to other
non-profit organizations, and how that could feed into future
budget discussions.
There is board consensus that the funds will be recognized as a
one-time donation.
9. Review Outstanding Action Items
* Roy: work on binary release policy
[ Unfinished Business 2020-05-20 ]
Status: Stalled.
* Sander: work on guidelines for PMCs to request CI resources
[ Unfinished Business 2020-05-20 ]
Status: Remains unfinished due to circumstances outside of my control
- Will pair up with Bertrand to get this over the line.
* Sander: roll call for Apache Joshua
[ Joshua 2020-08-19 ]
Status: Roll call message sent: There is a
thread based on report feedback: 3
PMC members have responded.
* Shane: pursue a report for Bloodhound
[ Bloodhound 2020-08-19 ]
Status: In progress: four separate people responded they are still
working on Bloodhound, so no need to think about Attic yet.
* Craig: pursue a report for Mnemonic and roll call
[ Mnemonic 2020-08-19 ]
Status: Roll call request sent Monday September 7.
* Patricia: follow up about SystemDS 0.2.0 informal release
[ SystemDS 2020-08-19 ]
Status: Done
* Justin: pursue a roll call
[ Drill 2020-08-19 ]
* Justin: follow up about release cycles
[ Giraph 2020-08-19 ]
Status: Discussion at
* Craig: prepare a board resolution for bylaw changes
[ Unfinished Business 2020-08-19 ]
Status: Done. Resolution 7D in September 2020 board agenda.
10. Unfinished Business
A. Clarify guidelines for PMCs to publish binary artifacts
B. Clarify guidelines for PMCs to request Continuous Integration resources
C. Follow up on member vote to update Bylaws to change
gender-specific terms.
11. New Business
12. Announcements
13. Adjournment
Adjourned at 13:19 UTC
Attachment 1: Report from the VP of Brand Management [Mark Thomas]
Covering the period August 2020
A quiet month. I was away for the start of the month any busy with $work on my
- Approved one podling name search
- Responded to a query regarding OpenUsageCommons
- Responded to one query regarding rescheduling a 3rd party conference
- Work with the Treasurer to resolve an issue with a missing invoice
There were an additional 5 queries that arrived in August that did not receive
a response until early September. They will be included in next month's
Worked with counsel to progress a registration for FLINK in China.
Attachment 2: Report from the VP of Fundraising [Daniel Ruggeri]
1) ASF Sponsor status: we are pursuing renewals for one Platinum, one Gold,
and two Silver Sponsors; we have a dozen additional sponsors up for renewal in
Q4 of 2020. One Platinum sponsor has renewed one quarter prior to their
anniversary. Payments have been received from one Platinum and two Bronze
Sponsors. One Gold and one Silver sponsor have renewed, and one Platinum has
downgraded to Silver. We are in the invoicing process with two Platinum, one
Gold, one Silver, and three Bronze Sponsors, one of which is a new sponsor. We
are discussing possible sponsorship with four organizations (sponsorship
levels not yet confirmed).
2) Targeted sponsor status: discussions continue with two candidate Targeted
Sponsors interested in providing support to ASF Infrastructure.
3) Sponsor Relations: Sponsor outreach, development, and communication
continues. We have issued a sponsor update focusing on the August
month-in-review, ApacheCon@Home, and project interviews on Feathercast.
4) Event Sponsorship: we have successfully processed this year’s
ApacheCon@Home sponsors that include Apple, AWS, Codethink, DataStax, IBM,
Imply, Instaclustr, OpenLogic, PostgreSQL Association, Red Hat, and VMware. A
few additional sponsors are in-flight.
5) Individual Donations and Corporate Giving: we have earned $22,535+ total
during August. This includes sponsors using Hopsie for online payment
processing that includes ASF Sponsors (one Bronze renewal); ApacheCon@Home
(one Platinum payment); ASF Conferences partner (payment for use of the
ApacheCon Hopin account), as well as 40 individual donations, including one
donation for $7,200. We have also received a contribution from FOSS
Responders’ UPLIFT! program.
Attachment 3: Report from the VP of Marketing and Publicity [Sally Khudairi]
[REPORT] ASF Marketing & Publicity — September 2020
I. Budget: all vendor payments are up-to-date.
II. Cross-committee Liaison: Sally Khudairi continues to support day-to-day
activities within ASF Fundraising, including creating a presentation on the
ASF for a Platinum Sponsor. ASF Conference promotions continue across ASF
channels as we approach ApacheCon@Home at the end of September. We issued the
August Month In Review , published "Success at
Apache: I Became an Apache Solr Committer in 4,662 Days. Here's how you can do
it faster!" , and are editing Part I of the "Inside
Infra” interview with Daniel Gruno. Some of our "Success at Apache" posts,
particularly those that are "Apache Way" process-oriented, have been
translated and promoted in Chinese. We coordinated responses to a
vulnerability with members of the ASF Security team, and reported a brand
violation to ASF Trademarks & Brand Management. We are planning FY2021
reports, and continue to make adjustments to the master style
templates and homepage.
III. Press Releases: no formal announcements were issued via the newswire
service, ASF Foundation Blog, or during this timeframe.
IV. Informal Announcements: we published 6 items on the ASF "Foundation" Blog,
including 4 Apache News Round-ups and 1 monthly overview, totalling 332 news
summaries published to date. We tweeted 12 items to 57.7K followers on
Twitter, and posted 11 items to 43.1K followers on LinkedIn that garnered more
than 61.4K organic impressions.
V. Future Announcements: 2 announcements are on hold. Projects planning to
graduate from the Apache Incubator as well as PMCs wishing to announce major
project milestones, "Did You Know?" success stories, "Have You Met?"
highlights, and "Project Perspectives" profiles are requested to contact Sally
at <> with at least 2-weeks' notice for proper planning and
VI. Media Relations: we responded to 4 media queries. We missed a reporter's
very short deadline on a security-related article; a volunteer PMC member
responded 12 hours after the article was published. We reconnected with a
publication whose editor-in-chief had left the group after 16 years, and now
have two new journalists in our media circle. We also coordinated a member
from the Apache Kafka community to author a paid article for a German
publication. The ASF and Apache Projects have received a total of 2,396 press
hits vs. last month's 2,850.
VII. Analyst Relations: we responded to 3 analyst requests. We were asked to
review a report in development on Open Source trends that appears to have been
commissioned due to the heavily-biased nature of their questions and
statements; we are continuing work with this group on this project. Apache was
mentioned in a total of 19 reports by Gartner, Forrester, 451 Research, and
VIII. Central Services: the Creative team continues to publish updates to the homepage to include all four parts of the "Trillions and Trillions
Served" documentary as well as adjustments to the site's master style. We are
also working with ASF Infrastructure on their content publishing project
across and migrating from the current CMS. We created a new badge
for ApacheCon, and have been asked to create an additional asset. We will be
reaching out to Apache projects and invite those seeking creative assistance
to do so using our new intake form and process. The Editorial team continues
to help with drafting and publishing Weekly News Round-ups and Month-in-Review
IX. Events liaison: we will continue helping promote ApacheCon@Home through
the duration of the event. We were approached by India's largest Hackathon to
participate in an upcoming event, which we forwarded to ComDev for
X. Newswire and press clip accounts: we haven't changed our processes yet,
although we will establish standalone accounts for the ASF to phase out
billing pass-throughs from HALO Worldwide.
XI. Miscellany: we continue to review and counsel organizations on their
promotions that highlight their relationships with specific Apache projects,
including press releases, blog posts, bylined articles, and educational
videos. Sally was invited to give an orientation to two incoming Outreachy
interns. An incubating podling has been seeking our assistance on promotional
tactics to benefit the project as well as its contributors.
# # #
Attachment 4: Report from the VP of Infrastructure [David Nalley]
Infrastructure is operating as expected, and has no current issues
requiring escalation to the President or the Board.
- CMS out-migration has been in earnest. This service has been
deprecated for many years, we have several alternate solutions for
the projects, and our documentation for website building has been
improved, to support the migration.
- All Jenkins nodes are now managed via multiple CloudBees Operations
Center instances, providing better service to the projects with
"their own" Jenkins nodes. The shared cluster is now managed this
way, too, and all jobs moved over from the old shared cluster.
Short Term Priorities
- Finish GitBox v2, in order to use our newer platforms/services.
Long Range Priorities
- Migrate all projects away from the CMS, and turn it off.
General Activity
- Many improvements around "pipservice" tooling, and our deployment of
those tools to all our machines. Some tricky work was needed to
uninstall pre-pipservice tools.
- Turned up our usage of the AWS Route53 DNS service for the few
domains which are not served directly by Namecheap (most are
redirects to $ The expected increase in traffic did
not materialize, however, so we may have already been serving the
bulk of our DNS queries via R53.
- Our mirror network is now served via IPv6, where available. Most
mirrors are served via TLS (a future requirement of Chromium when
downloading content).
- All projects have migrated away from Ubuntu 14.04, but many are
"in-flight" on migrating away from 16.04. We are migrating them to
Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) and Puppet v6, mostly within the PNAP
datacenter. Infra has some older machines which are lower priority
to migrate.
- Our spam-processing infrastructure has been upgraded to 20.04/v6, as
part of our continuing process to modernize our mail subsystems.
- Lots of supporting work for the shift to Operations Center, such as
account credentials, and using GitHub Apps to trigger builds. This
work creates a more solid system and avoids some GitHub API limits.
- Additional support for the new nightlies.a.o service.
Attachment 5: Report from the VP of Conferences [Rich Bowen]
We are in the final stretch leading up to ApacheCon @Home 2020, which
will be held September 29th - October 1st, at As of today (September 8th) we have
2550 attendees registered.
At this point we're just making small tweaks to the talk schedule, and
working with sponsors to get all of their content and sponsored
keynotes on the website.
We have 8 Platinum sponsors, one Gold, and two Bronze.
We are working on criteria to make the Hopin platform available to
other projects, after ApacheCon, since the Hopin contract is a
year-long subscription, with unlimited events. We hope to present this
plan to the President a few weeks after ApacheCon.
Meanwhile, we are hosting Pulsar Summit as a pilot of that plan, to
figure out how it's going to work, working with a PMC to host an
event. Pulsar Summit is scheduled for November 27th - 29th.
We continue to carefully watch travel bans at major tech companies, as
we consider what we'll do in 2021. Most companies we have been
watching have banned conference travel through June of 2021, so it
seems likely that we will continue doing virtual events through 2021
at least.
Attachment 6: Report from the Apache Travel Assistance Committee [Gavin McDonald]
Current Events
No current events
Future Events
None Currently
Short/Medium Term Priorities
We have received a SoW with quote for the TAC Application software. The price
is within our approved budget. Will hold off on 'go ahead' until we've had a
chat with (E)VP and Treasurer.
Mailing List Activity
No activity this month
No changes to the membership this month.
Attachment 7: Report from the VP of Finance [Tom Pappas]
VP of Finance Aug 2020 report Month was quiet. Attended and supported
both Fundraising and Conferences meetings during the month No issues
to report
Attachment 8: Report from the VP of Diversity and Inclusion [Gris Cuevas]
D&I Report
Contributors Gris Cuevas & Katia Rojas
## Description:
- The Diversity and Inclusion VP works in collaboration with a team who
contributes towards generating a current description of the D&I landscape in
the industry and for the foundation. The team also focuses on developing
resources the projects can leverage to increase diversity and inclusion in
their communities.
## Issues:
## Activity:
*** Project: Survey***
- This project is now complete.
*** Project: User Experience Research on new contributors ***
- Interviews: We had 19 interviews from the different interest groups to
expand on the research. This part is complete.
- Analysis of interview data in progress
- Quantitative analysis: Notice to the 12 selected PMCs went out, no concerns
so far.
- Researcher requested approval from V.P. of PR for publication of research
results, approval was granted.
- Next Steps: Finalize interview and quantitative analysis, write final report
and the team is working on a paper to be submitted to the IEEE with research
*** Project: Internships for underrepresented groups (Outreachy) ***
Second cohort of Outreachy finished. Submit proposals and apply to be a
mentor: Funding for at least
6 interns secured Timeline: Aug. 31, 2020, 4 p.m. UTC - #OutreachyChat on
Twitter to promote projects to applicants Sept. 17, 2020 - last day for
communities to sign up Sept. 24, 2020 - last day for mentors to submit
projects Oct. 1, 2020 - contribution period opens Oct. 31, 2020 at 4pm UTC -
contribution period closes Nov. 23, 2020 - interns announced Dec. 1, 2020 to
March 2, 2021 - internship
Full notes of working group here [1]
## Committee members changes:
Attachment 9: Report from the VP of Data Privacy [Dirk-Willem van Gulik]
Attachment 10: Report from the VP of W3C Relations [Andy Seaborne]
Nothing to report this month.
Response to comments:
ASF participation is primarily in the web data area of W3C where much of W3C's
"new work" nowadays happens in Community Groups (CG) which are open to
individuals and not requiring a W3C member organisations.
In addition, ASF has 2 people on the JSON-LD Working Group, which does require
individuals to come from a W3C member organisations.
I only have some knowledge of the web data area of W3C. A quarterly overview
of what is happening in W3C is a significant amount of work to track areas I
currently have no insight into.
Does W3C Relations need to be a direct report to the board or can it be folded
into another activity?
Attachment 11: Report from the Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Roman Shaposhnik]
This, again, was one of the most uneventful months on record (summer time
perhaps?): we've had a regular amount of usual requests flowing through LEGAL
JIRA and legal-discuss. Committee members took good care of resolving most of
these in time. We're up 2 (to 29), unresolved issues this month.
The only worthy event was that we finally got an agreement from DLAPiper to do
a pro-bono full review of our by-laws. This is great timing giving the vote
that is expected to happen on changing the gender pronouns.
Attachment 12: Report from the Apache Security Team Project [Mark J. Cox]
Continued work on incoming security issues, keeping projects reminded
of outstanding issues, and general oversight and advice.
Stats for Aug 2020:
16 [license confusion]
24 [support request/question not security notification]
Security reports: 24 (last months: 38, 46, 41, 36)
6 [site]
4 [ofbiz]
3 [airflow], [dubbo]
2 [openoffice]
1 [activemq], [apisix], [calcite], [cassandra], [nifi], [shiro]
In total, as of 1st September 2020, we're tracking 68 (last month:
84) open issues across 38 projects, median age 67 (last month:
57) days. 41 of those issues have CVE names assigned.
8 (last month: 9) of these issues, across 6 projects, are older
than 365 days. None require escalation.
Attachment 13: Report from the VP of Jakarta EE Relations [Rob Tompkins]
Attachment A: Report from the Apache Airflow Project [Bolke de Bruin]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Airflow is the creation and maintenance of software
related to workflow automation and scheduling that can be used to author and
manage data pipelines
## Issues:
We would like guidance from the Board about what constitutes a release when it
comes to Docker images and Helm Charts.
For context:
The ASF release policy says:
"Every ASF release must contain a source package, which must be sufficient for
a user to build and test the release provided they have access to the
appropriate platform and tool"
Our specific question:
- Does the reproducibility of a Helm chart include the images it depends on?
- Or do we count the Helm chart as "stand-alone" (it is just text files/text
templates and references which docker files to use.
We (Airflow PMC) weren't able to reach a conclusion ourselves
## Membership Data:
Apache Airflow was founded 2018-12-19 (2 years ago)
There are currently 34 committers and 24 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Daniel Imberman was added to the PMC on 2020-07-07
- Kamil Breguła was added to the PMC on 2020-07-07
- Tomasz Urbaszek was added to the PMC on 2020-07-07
- QP Hou was added as committer on 2020-07-13
- Leah Cole was added as committer on 2020-07-20
- Ry Walker was added as committer on 2020-07-16
## Project Activity:
- 1.10.12 was released on 2020-08-25.
- 1.10.11 was released on 2020-07-10.
- "Backport Provider Packages" was released on 2020-06-24. (This is a early
release of some components that will be available in Airflow
2.0 but available on the 1.10 series.)
- Weekly dev calls for "Releasing 2.0" are happening (minutes in Confluence
and on list), strong focus on releasing 2.0 this year.
## Community Health:
- AirflowSummit 2020 was a huge success - with over 6,000 people registering
and 3,000 watching the (virtual) sessions live.
Attachment B: Report from the Apache Allura Project [David Philip Brondsema]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Allura is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a software development infrastructure platform commonly known as a
## Issues:
- No issues needing board attention.
## Membership Data:
Apache Allura was founded 2014-03-18 (6 years ago) There are currently 15
committers and 15 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Shalitha Suranga on 2018-10-28.
- No new committers. Last addition was Shalitha Suranga on 2018-10-29.
## Project Activity:
- final steps for supporting Python 3 are picking back up and nearly done!
- other small fixes & improvements
- still need to do a next release, probably once Python 3 support is ready
- updated jenkins test suite to new jenkins host
- moved hosting to new hardware
## Community Health:
- No questions from from end-users/admins on mailing list
- Slow core development but still there
- Past contributors have not been making multiple contributions, so no
candidates for adding as committers yet.
Attachment C: Report from the Apache Any23 Project [Lewis John McGibbney]
Attachment D: Report from the Apache APISIX Project [Ming Wen]
## Description:
The mission of Apache APISIX is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a cloud-native microservices API gateway
## Issues:
No issue.
## Membership Data:
As nearly two month as the TLP, the community is growing fast.
Just in the main repo, the contributors have reached 106.
Apache APISIX was founded 2020-07-15 (2 months ago)
There are currently 27 committers and 20 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:5.
Community changes, past quarter:
- JinChao Shuai was added to the PMC on 2020-08-21
- Zeping Bai was added as committer on 2020-08-22
## Project Activity:
No new version was released in the last month.
same new features:
Added ewma load balancing implementation;
etcd protocol is migrating from v2 to v3.
## Community Health:
The community is healthy, contributors are active.
One committer and one PMC member were newly elected in the last month.
Last month, 163 emails sent by 20 people,
divided into 39 topics in
We has 81 active Pull Requests(merged 60 PRs) and
144 active issues(closed 96 issues) in github last month.
In the mailing list, the community gave a lot of suggestions
and feedback on the new version of the dashboard,
then submitted several PRs based on the discussion,
which is very helpful to attract more contributors.
Attachment E: Report from the Apache Archiva Project [Olivier Lamy]
## Description:
The mission of Archiva is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Build Artifact Repository Manager
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention
## Membership Data:
Apache Archiva was founded 2008-03-19 (12 years ago)
There are currently 21 committers and 9 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 7:3.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Martin Stockhammer on 2017-04-10.
- No new committers. Last addition was Martin Stockhammer on 2016-09-22.
## Project Activity:
Last release was 2.2.5 and was released on 19th June 2020.
There is current work on a Rest API v2 (security model based on Tokens)
## Community Health:
We have a low activity but still some questions and bug reports. The community
will be more interesting with supporting more repository format.
Attachment G: Report from the Apache Atlas Project [Madhan Neethiraj]
## Description:
Apache Atlas is a scalable and extensible set of core foundational governance
services that enables enterprises to effectively and efficiently meet their
compliance requirements within Hadoop and allows integration with the complete
enterprise data ecosystem.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Membership Data:
Apache Atlas was founded 2017-06-20 (3 years ago)
There are currently 42 committers and 32 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 4:3.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Ashutosh Mestry on 2019-04-16.
- Nikhil P Bonte was added as committer on 2020-09-03
## Project Activity:
- Atlas community released 2.1.0, more than a year in making, with a number
of new features, enhancements and fixes, like:
- quick search, with type-ahead suggestions
- business Metadata to enable augmenting entity-types with additional
attributes, search entities using these attributes
- ability to add labels on entities, and search entities using labels
- ability to add entity instance specific custom attributes i.e. attributes
not defined in entity-def or business metadata
- REST APIs to purge deleted entities
- ability to find entities by more than one classification
- support to process notifications from multiple Kafka topics
- model updates to capture Spark, AWS S3, ADLS-Gen2 entities
- performance, UI improvements
- the community is working on enhancements and fixes for next release
- audit enhancements to track entity-type create/update/data
- authorization enhancements to support type-read permission
- support for date-range in search filters
- working on adding Java and Python APIs
## Community Health:
- had a 28% decrease in traffic in the past quarter
(1254 emails compared to 1734)
- had a 50% increase in traffic in the past quarter (30
emails compared to 20)
- 96 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (-46% decrease)
- 60 issues closed in JIRA, past quarter (-81% decrease)
- 123 commits in the past quarter (-58% decrease)
- 18 code contributors in the past quarter (-21% decrease)
- 7 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-22% decrease)
- 4 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-55% decrease)
## Releases:
2.1.0 was released on 07/16/2020
0.8.4 was released on 06/21/2019
1.2.0 was released on 06/12/2019
2.0.0 was released on 05/14/2019
0.8.3 was released on 10/31/2018
1.1.0 was released on 09/17/2018
1.0.0 was released on 06/02/2018
0.8.2 was released on 02/05/2018
1.0.0-alpha was released on 01/25/2018
0.8.1 was released on 08/29/2017
0.8-incubating was released on 03/16/2017
0.7.1-incubating was released on 01/26/2017
0.7-incubating was released on 07/09/2016
0.6-incubating was released on 12/31/2015
0.5-incubating was released on 07/11/2015
Attachment H: Report from the Apache Axis Project [Robert Lazarski]
# Apache Axis Board Report
## Description
The Apache Axis project is responsible for the creation and maintenance of
software related to the Axis Web Services frameworks and subsidiary components
(both Java and C).
## Issues
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Membership Data:
Axis was created on 2001-01-19 (19 years ago).
There are currently 63 committers and PMC members in this project, a vote in
2010 made all committers automatically PMC members.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Currently 63 PMC/Commiters members.
- No new committers were added in the last 90 days, last committer added was
Bill Blough on December 7th 2017 who also was added to the PMC on May 9th
## Project Activity:
Recent releases:
- Axis 2/Java 1.7.9 was released on November 16, 2018.
- Axis 2/C 1.6 was released on April 20, 2009.
- Axis 1.4 was last released in 2006.
## Health report:
As Axis approaches our 20th year as an Apache project, this past quarter we
continued to have slow but steady progress by having at least three PMC
members make commits.
Our Axis user lists and Jira activity this past quarter indicates that we
continue to have users. We typically see them when they are migrating their
legacy applications to newer servers and dependencies.
The Axis2 Java commits this past quarter included upgrades of many of our
dependenices, as requested by Jira issue AXIS2-5984. We continue to make
commits related to supporting JDK 9 and later. Our goal for the next release
is JDK 11 compilation, including reworking the custom code we have for Javdoc
and XDoclet.
For Axis2 java, most of our users are using legacy SOAP so we are lacking
committer growth. The plan to attract new users is by better highlighting our
Axis2 JSON and Rest support in the upcoming release that we expect by the end
of the year. We expect that some planned Spring Boot docs will also bring in
new users.
Axis2 C PMC member Bill Blough continued to make good progress this past
quarter, as shown by 14 commits and 4 closed Jira issues.
## Axis2 java Jira issues closed in the last 90 days.
AXIS2-5983, AXIS2-5984
## Axis1 java Jira issues closed in the last 90 days.
AXIS-2938, AXIS-2939 (closed issue, helped clarify the fix).
## Axis2 C Jira issues closed in the last 90 days.
AXIS2C-1600, AXIS2C-1603, AXIS2C-1638, AXIS2C-1674
Attachment I: Report from the Apache Bahir Project [Luciano Resende]
## Description:
The mission of Bahir is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Extensions to distributed analytic platforms such as Apache Spark
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Membership Data:
Apache Bahir was founded 2016-05-17 (4 years ago)
There are currently 40 committers and 12 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- João Boto was added to the PMC on 2020-07-09
- No new committers. Last addition was Łukasz Antoniak on 2019-01-21.
## Project Activity:
Apache Bahir community continues to see a steady medium flow of
contributions enhancing the existing extensions for both
Apache Spark and Apache Flink.
The extensions to Apache Flink has seen higher activity compared to
the extensions to Apache Spark, but hopefully the bringup of the
extensions to support Apache Spark 3.0 will bring the activity level
back to normal.
## Community Health:
### Mailing List activity: had a 55% increase in traffic in the past quarter had a 68% increase in traffic in the past quarter
### JIRA activity:
9 issues opened in the past quarter (10% decrease)
6 issues closed in JIRA, past quarter (500% increase)
### Releases
Apache Bahir for Apache Spark 2.3.4 released on 2019-09-23
Apache Bahir for Apache Flink 1.0 released on 2017-05-24
## Trademark/Branding
* No known issues.
## Legal Issues
* No known issues.
Attachment J: Report from the Apache Beam Project [Kenneth Knowles]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Beam is the creation and maintenance of software related
to a unified programming model for both batch and streaming data processing,
enabling efficient execution across diverse distributed execution engines and
providing extensibility points for connecting to different technologies and
user communities.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.
## Membership Data:
Apache Beam was founded 2016-12-20 (3.75 years ago)
There are currently 75 committers and 22 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Alexey Romanenko was added to the PMC on 2020-06-11
- Aizhamal Nurmamat kyzy was added as committer on 2020-06-17
- Austin Bennett was added as committer on 2020-06-22
- Heejong Lee was added as committer on 2020-09-03
- Reza Ardeshir Rokni was added as committer on 2020-08-17
## Project Activity:
- Beam 2.24.0 is the last release with Python 2 and Python 3.5 support.
- “Cross-language transforms” continue to grow: JdbcIO (Java-based) now
available to Beam Python users.
- Twister2 runner is merged
- Python 3.8 support added
- More effort on Splunk, Snowflake, and Google Healthcare API integrations
Recent releases:
- 2.23.0 was released on 2020-07-29.
- 2.22.0 was released on 2020-06-08.
- 2.21.0 was released on 2020-05-27.
## Community Health:
Community metrics steady:
- Mailing list activity about the same on user@ (about 500) and
dev@ (between 1000 and 1500)
- Pull request open and close rate about the same (just under 800). The fact
that equal numbers of pull requests are opened and closed is nice.
The board may enjoy this basic analysis [1] of code contributors presented at
the Beam Summit. Highlighted points:
- Each release has a bit under 100 unique contributors (steady for a long
- About 20 of which are new each time (which means 20 depart as well)
- This is explained because the majority of Beam's contributors have under
10 commits total, perhaps mostly "scratching an itch" by fixing a one-off
Attachment K: Report from the Apache Bigtop Project [Jun He]
## Description:
Bigtop is a project for the development of packaging and tests of the Apache
Hadoop ecosystem. The primary goal of Bigtop is to build a community around
the packaging and interoperability testing of Hadoop-related projects. This
includes testing at various levels (packaging, platform, runtime, upgrade,
etc...) developed by a community with a focus on the system as a whole, rather
than individual projects. In short we strive to be for Hadoop what Debian is
to Linux.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.
## Membership Data:
Apache Bigtop was founded 2012-09-19 (8 years ago)
There are currently 39 committers and 28 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:4.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Kengo Seki on 2020-04-17.
- Yuqi Gu was added as committer on 2020-06-10
## Project Activity:
- V1.5.0 release is in active developing. Community is mainly working on the
distro and architecture (x86/arm/ppc) compatibility in this quarter.
- Added support for two new components: Logstash and Kibana.
## Community Health:
- Community elected Yuqi Gu as new committer for his continuous and
considerable contributions to the project.
- Regularly received bug reports/feature requests/PRs from users and community
- had a 47% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (223
emails compared to 420)
- had a 48% decrease in traffic in the past quarter
(131 emails compared to 249)
- had a 53% increase in traffic in the past quarter (23
emails compared to 15)
- 29 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (-35% decrease)
- 29 issues closed in JIRA, past quarter (-23% decrease)
- 24 commits in the past quarter (-29% decrease)
Attachment L: Report from the Apache Bloodhound Project [Gary Martin]
Apache Bloodhound is a software development collaboration tool, including
issue tracking, wiki and repository browsing
There are no issues to raise to the Board at this time.
There have been no releases since the last report. The last release was
towards the end of 2014:
* apache-bloodhound-0.8 (11th December 2014)
PMC/Committer Changes
There are currently 14 PMC members on the project. The last changes were
in April 2017.
The last new committers were added in May 2014.
The last addition to the PMC was in January 2017 (dammina)
Community & Development
Unfortunately a long time has gone by since the last board report with no
real progress being demonstrated.
A message on the dev list from a Director asking if it was time to move the
project to the attic produced a quick response from members of the PMC and
others indicating that despite the silence, oversight was being provided by
at least 4 PMC members. A roll call email has been sent to the private PMC
list to see if other PMC members are available.
In order to make progress, one PMC member has specified their expected
availability over the week of September 21st for working on the project and
encouraging others to engage to any extent that they feel they are able
over this time. At this point further plans for what to do with this time
and further preparations still need announcing.
Alongside this, there has been some effort to migrate a bloodhound vm with
the help of INFRA. Progress has also stalled on this but there is not
expected to be much more to do to complete this.
Attachment M: Report from the Apache BVal Project [Matthew Jason Benson]
## Description:
The mission of BVal is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Apache BVal: JSR-303 Bean Validation Implementation and Extensions
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Membership Data:
Apache BVal was founded 2012-02-14 (9 years ago)
There are currently 15 committers and 14 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 8:7.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Thomas Andraschko on 2019-05-15.
- No new committers. Last addition was Thomas Andraschko on 2019-05-16.
## Project Activity:
Maintenance release 2.0.4 was made in July. We are currently working to
migrate our project website off the Apache CMS.
## Community Health:
Our roster of engaged PMC members remains sufficient for making releases and
carrying out necessary upkeep.
Attachment N: Report from the Apache Camel Project [Andrea Cosentino]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Camel is the creation and maintenance of an open-source
integration framework based on known Enterprise Integration Patterns.
## Issues:
there are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Membership Data:
Apache Camel was founded 2008-12-17 (12 years ago)
There are currently 72 committers and 36 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 2:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Omar Al-Safi on 2020-06-01.
- Maria Arias de Reyna Dominguez was added as committer on 2020-08-08
- Otavio Rodolfo Piske was added as committer on 2020-08-31
## Project Activity:
- We released Apache Camel 3.4.0 on 2020-06-18.
- We released Apache Camel 3.4.1 on 2020-07-16.
- We released Apache Camel 3.4.2 on 2020-07-22.
- We released Apache Camel 3.5.0 on 2020-09-01.
- We released Apache Camel 2.25.2 on 2020-07-21.
- The 3.4.x series of releases are part of the LTS on-going effort we are
doing, so we are following this patch releases series
- At the same time we are working on new innovating releases in 3.6.0 and
sequent, until the next LTS which will be released in December.
- We are preparing the next patch release for 2.25.x
- We released Camel-K-Runtime 1.4.0, 1.4.1 and 1.5.0 respectively on 13 Jul
2020, 21 Jul 2020 and 4 Aug 2020
- We released Camel-K 1.0.1 on 25 Jun 2020
- We released Camel-K 1.1.0 on 21 Jul 2020
- We are improving the support of Camel 3 and improving the Camel-K experience
- We are continuing supporting Camel-Quarkus by releasing 3 versions this
- We released the following Camel-Quarkus versions:
- 1.0.0-CR3 on 3 Jul 2020
- 1.0.0 on 10 Aug 2020
- 1.0.1 on 26 Aug 2020
- We are continuing working on the Camel-kafka-connector project and we
released two version of it
- 0.3.0 on 17 Jun 2020
- 0.4.0 on 30 Jul 2020
- The 0.4.x will be based on LTS releases of Camel, so we are expecting to
release some patch releases
- We are working on 0.5.x based on 3.5.0 and we'll release it soon
- The Camel website is going through a revamp with a new fresh and modern
style and the community seems to be happy about it.
- This is the complete releases list
- Apache Camel 3.4.0 on 2020-06-18.
- Apache Camel 3.4.1 on 2020-07-16.
- Apache Camel 3.4.2 on 2020-07-22.
- Apache Camel 3.5.0 on 2020-09-01.
- Apache Camel 2.25.2 on 2020-07-21.
- Camel-K 1.0.1 on 25 Jun 2020
- Camel-K 1.1.0 on 21 Jul 2020
- Camel-Quarkus 1.0.0-CR3 on 3 Jul 2020
- Camel-Quarkus 1.0.0 on 10 Aug 2020
- Camel-Quarkus 1.0.1 on 26 Aug 2020
- Camel-Kafka-connector 0.3.0 on 17 Jun 2020
- Camel-Kafka-connector 0.4.0 on 30 Jul 2020
- This year Apache Camel participated to Google Summer Of Code: both the
selected students passed the evaluation with success
- This year Apache Camel participated to Outreachy program: the two person
selected did a great job
## Community Health:
- had a 25% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (467
emails compared to 622): This is mainly related to the fact we released the
LTS 3.4.x. So there was less activity on dev ML, another reason is the
summer time
- had a 22% decrease in traffic in the past quarter
(367 emails compared to 469): Similar to dev ML, the summer time is one
reason, the other one is that Camel 3 is still in his early adoption so not
all the users are moving from the 2.x version
- 337 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (-31% decrease) This is related to
the LTS releases train and the summer time
- 338 issues closed in JIRA, past quarter (-25% decrease) This is related to
the LTS releases train and the summer time too. Basically we are adding new
features on next releases > 3.4.x and we are reviewing the old issues.
- 3000 commits in the past quarter (-13% decrease) During the LTS work we add
a lot of stuff, during the summer time we slowed down a bit
- 673 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-28% decrease) This decrease is
related to the LTS releases and the summer time
- 681 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-25% decrease) This decrease is
related to the LTS releases and the summer time
- 299 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (-6% decrease) This decrease is
related to the summer time and the LTS releases
- 207 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-40% decrease) This decrease is
related to the summer time and the LTS releases. We reviewed the old github
issues and closed some of them.
Attachment O: Report from the Apache Cayenne Project [Michael Ray Gentry]
# Apache Cayenne Board Report, September 2020
## Description
Apache Cayenne is a Java database persistence framework. It takes a
distinct approach to object graph persistence and provides an ORM
runtime, remote persistence services, and a cross-platform GUI
database mapping/modeling/development tool.
## Issues
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Membership Data
Apache Cayenne was founded 2006-12-19 (14 years ago).
There are currently 23 committers and 9 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Nikita Timofeev on 2017-06-25.
- No new committers. Last addition was Arseni Bulatski on 2018-12-10.
## Project Activity
Development is focused on Cayenne 4.2. Prior versions are
- Cayenne 4.0 (stable)
- Maintenance only.
- Cayenne 4.1 (stable)
- Maintenance only.
- Cayenne 4.2 (development)
- Most development work is focused on this version.
### Releases
- Cayenne 4.0.2 on 2019-10-14.
- Cayenne 4.1 on 2020-07-21.
- Cayenne 4.2.M1 on 2020-04-15.
## Community Health
Cayenne is healthy. Development activity is stable and and we have a
stable user and developer community.
### Mailing List Activity
- had a 40% decrease in traffic in the past quarter
(23 emails compared to 38).
- had a 148% increase in traffic in the past quarter
(87 emails compared to 35).
User mailing list traffic increase was mainly due to releasing
Cayenne 4.1 Final and questions about Cayenne 4.2.M1.
### JIRA and GitHub Activity
- 8 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (38% decrease).
- 4 issues closed in JIRA, past quarter (66% decrease).
- 78 commits in the past quarter (8% increase).
- 4 code contributors in the past quarter (20% decrease).
- 8 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (33% decrease).
- 7 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (30% decrease).
JIRA and GitHub activity mainly reflect fixing issues to release
Cayenne 4.1, plus a few new features added to 4.2.
Attachment P: Report from the Apache Chemistry Project [Florian Müller]
## Description:
Apache Chemistry is an effort to provide an implementation of the
CMIS (Content Management Interoperability Services) specification in
Java, Python, PHP, .NET, Objective-C, and JavaScript (and possibly other
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Membership Data:
Apache Chemistry was founded 2011-02-16 (10 years ago)
There are currently 38 committers and 36 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Laurent Mignon on 2017-09-23.
- No new committers. Last addition was Laurent Mignon on 2017-09-20.
## Project Activity:
There was little to no activity in the last three months.
Last releases were in 2017.
## Community Health:
We have a mature code base. No major development is expected.
Because there hasn't been much activity in the last three years, we
consider moving the project to the attic after a final OpenCMIS release.
Attachment Q: Report from the Apache CloudStack Project [Sven Vogel]
## Description:
Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud
orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage
and networking devices.
## Issues:
No issues to report.
## Activity:
- The Apache CloudStack project is pleased to announce the releases of
CloudStack 4.14.0 and 4.13.1.
Apache CloudStack 4.14.0 is the latest new LTS release while 4.13.1 is
a maintenance release of the 4.13 LTS branch.
- the community is actually working on the release of the Apache
CloudStack 4.15 and the first GA candidate of the new UI (Primate)
- The PMC as a whole decided stop maintaining a separate security list
and move the CloudStack security related issues to the ASF Security
Team and private lists for more visibility.
explanation and justification to the Apache Board of Directors:
The PMC had a security@ list which was by definition separate to the
PMC private@ list. Because of this, the PMC was not directly aware of
issues. we don't have a dedicated security team and the sizes/scope of
our project does not really warrant one. the removing of the
CloudStack security@ list and having raise any
issues directly with the PMC was the next logical step.
## Health report:
- Apropos of the activity report; the project is considered healthy
## PMC changes:
- Currently 51
- no new PMC members were added since last report.
- Most recently added PMC member:
Andrija Panic, Gabriel Beims Bräscher, Bobby Stoyanov, Nathan
Johnson, Sven Vogel on July 17st 2019
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 121
- no new committers members were added since last report.
- Most recently added committers: Sven Vogel on March 18th 2019 and
Dennis Konrad on March 21st 2019
## Releases:
- 4.14 was released on 26th May 2020
Attachment R: Report from the Apache Commons Project [Gary D. Gregory]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Commons is the creation and maintenance of Java focused
reusable libraries and components
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.
## Membership Data:
Apache Commons was founded 2007-06-19 (13 years ago) While the project is open
to all Apache committers, there are currently 150 project committers and 40 PMC
members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 4:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Matt Sicker was added to the PMC on 2020-08-07
- Romain Manni-Bucau was added to the PMC on 2020-09-01
- No new committers. Last addition was Peter Lee on 2020-03-13.
## Project Activity:
The team has been busy creating the following eleven (11) releases:
- CODEC-1.15 was released on 2020-09-01.
- CRYPTO-1.1.0 was released on 2020-09-01.
- JCS-3.0 was released on 2020-08-16.
- IMAGING-1.0-alpha2 was released on 2020-08-07.
- VALIDATOR-1.7 was released on 2020-08-07.
- NET-3.7 was released on 2020-08-06.
- PARENT-52 was released on 2020-08-03.
- POOL-2.8.1 was released on 2020-07-31.
- TEXT-1.9 was released on 2020-07-24.
- GEOMETRY-1.0-beta1 was released on 2020-07-20.
- LANG-3.11 was released on 2020-07-16.
## Community Health:
We have been working well with GitHub PRs, email activity is up and the
community feels responsive. We have welcomed two new PMC members (see above).
Attachment S: Report from the Apache Cordova Project [Jesse MacFadyen]
## Status report for the Apache Cordova project - September 2020
## Description:
- A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and
## Activity
Recent work has been around keeping up with recent changes to iOS and Android,
our most used platforms. We are also working towards reducing some of our
technical debt, we have discussed narrowing our platform support by removing
some of the now outdated platforms we support so we can better serve our
community. We still have not made a decision how best to use last year's
generous donation.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Health report:
Our status dashboard at is mostly all green -
failures are usually due to external service issues that do device testing.
Our nightly builds have been extremely stable.
ASF Project Statistics gives the project a Community Health Score (Chi): 6.33
(Healthy) That said, we are only seeing contributions from a small group of
dedicated individuals, and a lot of work has been focused on reducing some of
the technical debt to keep the project managable with the limited time we
have. All the large corporate sponsered development has ceased, but the
project continues to see good traffic, and usage has been stable.
The cordova-cli, the base tool used for creating/building/running gets 125k
downloads a week on npm, and has been consistent for the last year. Various
core plugins see usage in the 50-80k/wk range.
Our primary channel for helping, and hearing from users is via our #slack
community, which has ~4k users and is fairly active.
The pmc has renewed interest in having online video hangouts, which we are
aiming to have every 2-3 weeks or more if possible. Our time-zones are very
distrubuted, so we will likely distribute the timing as well. All meetings
will be recorded and shared on YouTube, and we hope to get more and more
intrest from the community.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 99 PMC members.
- No new PMC members.
- Niklas Merz was added to the PMC on 2019-12-26
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 102 committers.
- No new committers.
- Niklas Merz was added to committers on 2019-12-26
## Releases:
- cordova-ios@6.1.1 was released on 2020-08-31.
- cordova-cli@10.0.0 was released on 2020-08-04.
- cordova-lib@10.0.0 was released on 2020-07-27.
- cordova-plugin-splashscreen@6.0.0 was released on 2020-07-20.
- cordova-common@4.0.2 was released on 2020-07-03.
- cordova-android@9.0.0 was released on 2020-06-29.
- cordova-ios@6.1.0 was released on 2020-06-24.
- cordova-osx@6.0.0 was released on 2020-06-24.
- cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@4.0.0 was released on 2020-06-13.
## JIRA activity:
- 0 JIRA tickets created in the last quarter (JIRA has been shut down)
- 161 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last quarter
## Dev mailing list: had a 17% increase in traffic in the past quarter (301
emails compared to 256):
## Github activity:
Issue close rate of 92%:
- 308 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter
- 282 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter
PR close rate of 105%:
- 274 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter
- 289 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter
- 491 commits in the past quarter (22% increase)
- 36 code contributors in the past quarter (no change)
Attachment T: Report from the Apache cTAKES Project [Pei Chen]
## Description:
The mission of cTAKES is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Natural language processing (NLP) tool for information extraction from
electronic medical record clinical free-text
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Membership Data:
Apache cTAKES was founded 2013-03-19 (7 years ago)
There are currently 38 committers and 31 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:4.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Gandhi Rajan on 2018-07-12.
- No new committers. Last addition was Gandhi Rajan on 2017-11-14.
## Project Activity:
- dev@ is working with infra on CMS migration for the static web site
- Committee continues to work on the future release (4.0.1). There were
discussions to possibly to create the next release as 5.x depending on
- Last release was 4.0.0 on Thu Apr 27 2017
- 3.2.2 was released on May 30 2015
- 3.2.1 was released on Dec 10 2014
## Community Health:
- There are approx 10 cTAKES presentations scheduled for ApacheCon2020:
- had a 371% increase in traffic in the past quarter
(132 emails compared to 28)
- had a 366% increase in traffic in the past quarter
(14 emails compared to 3)
Attachment U: Report from the Apache Curator Project [Jordan Zimmerman]
## Description:
The mission of Curator is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Java libraries that make using Apache ZooKeeper easier
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.
## Membership Data:
Apache Curator was founded 2013-09-18 (7 years ago)
There are currently 15 committers and 15 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 1:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Enrico Olivelli was added to the PMC on 2020-06-11
- Zili Chen was added to the PMC on 2020-08-06
- Enrico Olivelli was added as committer on 2020-06-11
- Zili Chen was added as committer on 2020-08-06
## Project Activity:
Recent releases:
Apache Curator 5.1.0 was released on 2020-07-03.
Apache Curator 5.0.0 was released on 2020-05-28.
Apache Curator 4.3.0 was released on 2020-02-29.
## Community Health:
We added two new committers and PMC members recently. The code base is pretty
stable. We recently released a new major release and we see users that are
migrating to the new version asking questions on the mailing list. We started
a slack channel on ASF workspace, used especially for committers for fast
interactive communications.
Attachment V: Report from the Apache DeltaSpike Project [Mark Struberg]
## Description:
Apache DeltaSpike is a suite of portable CDI (Contexts & Dependency
Injection) extensions intended to make application development easier when
working with CDI and Java EE. Some of its key features include:
- A core runtime that supports component configuration, type safe messaging
and internationalization, and exception handling.
- A suite of utilities to make programmatic bean lookup easier.
- A plugin for Java SE to bootstrap both JBoss Weld and Apache OpenWebBeans
outside of a container.
- JSF integration, including backporting of JSF 2.2 features for Java EE 6.
- JPA integration and transaction support.
- A Data module, to create an easy to use repository pattern on top of JPA.
Testing support is also provided, to allow you to do low level unit testing of
your CDI enabled projects.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
Summer time has been quite quiet. Our main activity went to move our
CI to the new boxes and also added workarounds to our EAR tests for
a few big EE irons which behave a bit weird.
## Health report:
Still many active users. But DeltaSpike is really stable, so it most of
the times just works. We also have a strong eye on backward compatibility
and don't just rework/rewrite parts for the fun of it.
## Releases:
- 1.9.4 was released on 2020-06-12
- 1.9.3 was released on 2020-02-05.
- 1.9.2 was released on 2019-12-16.
## Project Composition:
- There are currently 35 committers and 19 PMC members in this project.
- The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:5.
## Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Harald Wellmann on 2016-05-19.
- No new committers. Last addition was Christian Beikov on 2019-10-21.
Attachment W: Report from the Apache Eagle Project [Edward Zhang]
Attachment X: Report from the Apache Felix Project [Karl Pauls]
## Description:
Apache Felix is a project aimed at implementing specifications from the OSGi
Alliance as well as implementing other supporting tools and technologies
aligned with OSGi technology.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.
## Membership Data:
Apache Felix was founded 2007-03-28 (13 years ago)
There are currently 69 committers and 27 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Georg Henzler on 2019-06-10.
- Robert Munteanu was added as committer on 2020-07-20
## Project Activity:
- Existing implementations have been improved/enhanced based on community
- Accepted and integrated a contribution of a metrics component by Robert
Munteanu (needs a release next).
- Work on implementing the upcoming R8 OSGi Core specification is finished.
- With the R8 OSGi Core spec being proposed final draft and the implementation
finished we a working towards a new framework release.
- Work on migrating the website away from Apache CMS has started (as requested
by INFRA).
- Released 9 components (mostly bug fixes).
### Releases
- Log 1.2.4: 2020-09-03
- SCR 2.1.22: 2020-09-03
- org.apache.felix.fileinstall-3.6.8: 2020-07-27
- org.apache.felix.configurator-1.0.12: 2020-07-23
- org.apache.felix.configadmin-1.9.18: 2020-07-20
- org.apache.felix.http.jetty-4.0.20: 2020-07-20
- org.apache.felix.webconsole-4.5.4: 2020-07-20
- maven-bundle-plugin-5.1.1: 2020-07-14
- org.apache.felix.healthcheck: 2020-07-14
## Community Health:
- Overall the project is in ok health.
- Questions on the user list are answered, development concerns are either
discussed on the mailing list or directly in the JIRA issues.
- We had no issues voting on releases and JIRA issues are generally addressed.
- Attracted a new committer (Robert Munteanu) but need to start thinking about
adding new PMC members.
- had a 27% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (535
emails compared to 728)
- 39 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (-17% decrease)
- 28 issues closed in JIRA, past quarter (-47% decrease)
- 20 PR on Github (5 open / 15 closed) for felix-dev
- 10 PR on Github (1 open / 9 closed) for felix-atomos
Attachment Y: Report from the Apache Flex Project [Olaf Krüger]
## Description:
The mission of the Apache Flex project is to create and maintain software
related to the development of expressive web applications that deploy to all
major browsers, desktops and devices (including smartphones, tablets and tv)
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Membership Data:
Apache Flex was founded 2012-12-19 (8 years ago)
There are currently 69 committers and 45 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Olaf Krüger on 2017-08-28.
- No new committers. Last addition was Greg Dove on 2016-09-07.
## Project Activity:
The community is evaluating options of migrating the Flex website. The current
website is based on the Apache CMS which reaches its end-of-life.
## Community Health:
A discussion about starting the process to attic the Flex project begun. There
was no vote about it, but it seems that there's a consensus to not start the
attic process as long as Harman will support Flex/AIR and as long our
community is able to meet the Apache criteria for an active project.
Attachment Z: Report from the Apache Flink Project [Stephan Ewen]
## Description:
Apache Flink is a distributed data streaming system for batch and streaming
data analysis on top of a streaming dataflow engine. Flink's stack contains
functional batch and streaming analysis APIs in Java, Scala, Python, and
libraries for various use cases.
Flink interacts and integrates with several Apache projects in the broader
ecosystem of data storage and computing, such as Apache Beam, Calcite,
Hadoop, Mesos, Kafka, HBase, Cassandra, and various others.
## Issues:
- There are currently no community issues that require board attention.
## Membership Data:
PMC changes since previous report:
- Yu Li joined the PMC on 2020-06-15
- Piotr Nowojski joined the PMC on 2020-06-15
- Dian Fu joined the PMC on 2020-08-27
New committers since previous report:
- Benchao Li was added as committer on 2020-06-08
- David Anderson was added as committer on 2020-08-08
- Yun Tang was added as committer on 2020-09-07
- Igal Shilman was added as committer on 2020-09-07
The newest PMC member is Dian Fu, joined on August 27th, 2020.
The newest committer is Igal Shilman, joined on September 7th, 2020.
There are currently 62 committers and 32 PMC members in this project.
## Releases
The following releases were made since the last board report:
- 1.10.2 was released on 2020-08-25.
- 1.11.0 was released on 2020-07-07.
- 1.11.1 was released on 2020-07-22.
## Project Activity:
- The Flink community is proud that Flink continues to be among the most
active projects in the ASF. As per the FY 2020 Annual Report, Flink had
the #1 most active dev@ mailing list (excluding builds, commits, and issue
updates which go to separate lists) and the #2 most active user@ list,
despite a growing second user mailing list (user-zh@).
- The big 1.11.0 release went out in July, and a follow-up patch release
since then as well. It included a lot of improvements, like a major update
to Flink's checkpoint mechanism, support for change-data-capture streams,
deeper Hadoop/Hive integration, better support for common Python libraries
for Python users.
- For the 1.12.0 release, the community has discussed the feature freeze to
be end of October. The major release cycle is implicitly becoming a bit
longer than it used to be, which seems a natural result due to the growth
of the project, community, and issues going into releases.
- The Stateful Functions project is heading for the 2.2 release, probably
in the next two weeks, with several usability and stability improvements.
- There will be a Virtual Flink Forward Community Conference, October 21-22.
The main event is free for all.
## Community Health:
After a very busy spring season, the summer season is slightly slower:
- About 20 new major feature proposals (FLIPs = Flink Improvement Proposals)
- user@f.a.o is roughly stable (2266 mails/quarter)
- user-zh@f.a.o almost doubled (3359 mails/quarter)
- dev@f.a.o is 25% slower (2340 mails/quarter)
Similarly, Jira activity is at 50% of last quarter;
- 876 JIRA tickets created,
- 782 JIRA tickets closed
This is probably explained by the very big 1.11 release to which the community
was gearing up in the last quarter, while this quarter didn't yet see the very
active phase leading to the next release (1.12 feature freeze is still two
months away).
Attachment AA: Report from the Apache Guacamole Project [Mike Jumper]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Guacamole is the creation and maintenance of software
related to providing performant, browser-based remote access
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.
## Membership Data:
Apache Guacamole was founded 2017-11-14 (3 years ago)
There are currently 14 committers and 9 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:5.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Carl Harris on 2017-11-19.
- No new committers. Last addition was Luke on 2020-02-07.
## Project Activity:
The project is currently working to finalize the scope of the upcoming 1.3.0
release, tentatively planned for mid-month, a major focus of which is adding
support for automatically prompting users for remote desktop credentials.
Recent releases:
- 1.2.0 was released on 2020-06-28.
- 1.1.0 was released on 2020-01-29.
- 1.0.0 was released on 2019-01-08.
## Community Health:
The community is active and healthy. Project website traffic, general
community engagement on the mailing lists, and code contributions all remain
Attachment AB: Report from the Apache Gump Project [Stefan Bodewig]
Apache Gump is a cross-project continuous integration server. Gump's intention
isn't so much to be a CI server but rather a vehicle that makes people look
beyond their project's boundaries and helps the projects to collaborate.
Gump is written in Python and supports several build tools and version control
systems. The Apache installation of Gump builds ASF as well as non-ASF
projects and their dependencies. It started in the Java part of the foundation
but also builds projects like APR, HTTPd and OpenSSL.
## Summary
In essence, nothing has changed over the past three months and we honestly do
not anticipate changes in the foreseeable future.
The Tomcat community is the only one still using Gump actively and the only
activity in Gump is around keeping the infrastructure alive and tweaking
things for the benefit of Tomcat builds.
We will certainly support any other project that wants to get the benefit of
the early warning system for backwards incompatible changes Gump provides, but
we are not actively recruiting projects.
We've been scheduled to move the vmgump instance over to a bigger machine
## Releases
Gump has never done any releases. One reason for this is that the ASF
installations of Gump work on the latest code base almost all of the time
following its "integrate everything continuously" philosophy.
## Changes to the Roster
All ASF committers have write access to the metadata that configure the ASF
The last changes to the PMC have seen Konstantin Kolinko and Mark Thomas join
in November 2014.
Brett Porter has left the PMC in December 2019.
Attachment AC: Report from the Apache Helix Project [Kishore G]
## Description:
The mission of Helix is the creation and maintenance of software related to A
cluster management framework for partitioned and replicated distributed
## Issues:
No blocking issues.
## Membership Data:
Apache Helix was founded 2013-12-17 (7 years ago)
There are currently 22 committers and 18 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 6:5.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Junkai Xue on 2017-07-03.
- Ali Reza Zamani was added as committer on 2020-08-03
- Huizhi Lu was added as committer on 2020-08-04
## Project Activity:
Apache Helix 1.0.1 released on 2020-07-29.
Apache Helix 1.0.1 released on 2020-05-18.
## Community Health: had a 16% increase in traffic in the past quarter.
152 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (61% increase)
106 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-3% decrease)
104 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-1% decrease)
Attachment AD: Report from the Apache Hive Project [Ashutosh Chauhan]
## Description:
The mission of Hive is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Data warehouse infrastructure using the Apache Hadoop Database
## Issues:
No issue which needs board attention at this point.
## Membership Data:
There are currently 91 committers and 49 PMC members in this project.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Anishek Agarwal on 2020-02-10.
- Karen Coppage was added as committer on 2020-06-09
- Krisztian Kasa was added as committer on 2020-06-09
## Project Activity:
Culminating many rounds of discussion on dev list, project decided to move to
Github PR based model of accepting contributions. CI infrastructure is also
integrated in the workflow which runs unit tests. Switch happened in early
June and is working will till now.
Because of shutdown of svn based CMS system of Apache infra, project is
moving website content to project code repository and will be using Github
pages as deployment mechanism. Transition is still in progress.
## Community Health:
Community is healthy generally. Slight decrease in traffic on user@ list. Dev
activity moving from jira to Github.
Attachment AE: Report from the Apache Hudi Project [Vinoth Chandar]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Hudi is the creation and maintenance of software related
to providing atomic upserts and incremental data streams on Big Data
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention
## Membership Data:
Apache Hudi was founded 2020-05-19 (4 months ago)
There are currently 18 committers and 11 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Anbu Cheeralan on 2020-05-19.
- Pre-graduation,last PMC addition was Bhavani Sudha Saktheeswaran on
- Gary Li was added as committer on 2020-08-21
- Pratyaksh Sharma was added as committer on 2020-09-04
- Udit Mehrotra was added as committer on 2020-08-24
- Raymond Xu was added as committer on 2020-08-21
## Project Activity:
We released Apache Hudi 0.6.0, the major release that provides lot of
critical functionality like - Spark Streaming/Compaction, Bulk Ingestion
tools, Data bootstrapping and many more. All in all, it was a community effort
to stabilize RC, test, fix blockers and put this release out.
We had few blogs on, that feature contributors sharing
ideas, explaining how features work. Our PMC members (Vinoth Chandar/Nishith
Agarwal) were featured on DataCouncil DC_THURS to discuss history and evolution
of the project.
Planning ahead, community is discussing several improvements to our release
process including major/minor release principles, testing/CI to be more
continuous. 0.7.0 is the next major release that will deliver elimination of
filesystem listing, new indexes and Flink support.
## Community Health:
Compared to previous report timeline, there were similar activity in terms of
github issues/prs/jiras. Some upticks in number of participants on dev ML and
its related metrics. Drilling down, we continue to support more and more user
support tickets via GH issues, as users tend to like its ability to share
code/stack traces better over mailing list.
Last month, we merged close to 68 PRs, with several large PRs under review
Attachment AF: Report from the Apache Iceberg Project [Ryan Blue]
## Description:
Apache Iceberg is a table format for huge analytic datasets that is designed
for high performance and ease of use.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.
## Membership Data:
Apache Iceberg was founded 2020-05-19 (4 months ago)
There are currently 10 committers and 9 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members since graduation on 2020-05-19
- Shardul Mahadik was added as committer on 2020-07-25
## Project Activity:
Recent releases:
* 0.9.0 was released on 2020-07-13
* 0.9.1 was released on 2020-08-14
The community expects to release 0.10.0 soon with support for Hive reads,
Flink writes, and the utilities needed to implement row-level deletes in
external processing engines, like Presto.
Notable improvements this month include:
* Implemented end-to-end row-level deletes in the client library (direct reads)
* Committed Flink write support for both DataStreams and SQL
* Added Hive predicate pushdown and a runtime bundle
* Committed name mapping support for reading ORC files from non-Iceberg tables
* Added a new snapshot expiration action that runs in parallel using Spark
* Added metadata to configure tables with a preferred sort order
The community is actively working on Hive column pruning, Hive write support,
Flink read support, and row-level deletes in more processing engines.
## Community Health:
The number of unique contributors increased in the last month to 26, from the
previous high watermark of 21. Contributions are still healthy, with 74 commits
in the past month. New community members have been contributing documentation
and build improvements (PR labels, fixing warnings); it is great to have these
valuable contributions in addition to features and bug fixes.
Attachment AG: Report from the Apache Incubator Project [Justin Mclean]
# Incubator PMC report for September 2020
The Apache Incubator is the entry path into the ASF for projects and
codebases wishing to become part of the Foundation's efforts. There are
presently 46 podlings incubating. In August, podlings executed 8 distinct
releases. We added one IPMC member and none retired. There were 2 IP
clearances in August. A couple of new podlings are still being discussed
and proposals prepared, one in particular Hop has generated interest. No
projects graduated last month.
This month we were missing reports from BlueMarlin, Liminal, S2Graph, SDAP,
Warble and Weex. All of these podlings failed to report last month and it
concerning that two of them are new podlings. Again all will be asked to
report next month. If they fail to report again, the IPMC will need to take
further action. This is the fourth time that Warble has failed to report,
and it will be recommended to the podling that it retires. Again we've also
seen more podlings needing to ask mentors and IPMC members to vote on
releases. This may be a result of the current pandemic situation or a lack
of mentor engagement.
MXNet progress on resolving issues seems to have been stalled. Conversation
with NVIDIA about changing the licensing terms also seem to have stalled.
An MXNet release was found to contain code that had not passed IP clearance
and further branding, trademarks and distribution issues have been uncovered.
At this point, I think the IPMC will need to discuss if the project should
continue to be in the incubator and if it can graduate in its current state.
Discussions on ECharts graduation uncovered several trademark, branding and
domain issues which are being dealt with by the project. Graduation of TVM
also run into several similar issues, most of which have been resolved.
However, it was determined that the project has not made enough
releases to be ready for graduation as it had only made 2 releases by a
single project manager.
No progress on the policy changes to distributing releases on various
platforms has been made. This initiative is currently stalled, and without
board intervention or ASF policy change, it may not progress further.
The incubator has organised a track for the upcoming Apache@home conference.
Most discussions on the mailing list were around releases, graduations and
new proposals.
Spot has sorted out its subscription/roster issues.
## Community
### New IPMC members:
- Lee Moon Soo
### People who left the IPMC:
- None
## New Podlings
- None
## Podlings that failed to report, expected next month
- BlueMarlin
- Liminal
- S2Graph
- Warble
- Weex
## Graduations
- None
The board has motions for the following:
- IoTDB?
## Releases
The following releases entered distribution during the month of
- DolphinScheduler maven plugin 1.0.0
- ECharts 4.9.0
- IoTDB 0.10.1
- MXNet 1.7.0
- Superset 0.37.0
- Toree 0.4.0
- Tubemq 0.5.0
- YuniKorn 0.9.0
## IP Clearance
- MXNet MShadow
- Dubbo Getty
## Legal / Trademarks
- MXNet outstanding legal issues
## Infrastructure
- Changes to distribution policy
## Miscellaneous
- N/A
## Table of Contents
## AGE
AGE is a multi-model database that enables graph and relational models built
on PostgreSQL.
AGE has been incubating since 2020-04-29.
### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
1. Complete the Apache AGE Website development and infrastructure set
2. First Apache based release
3. Build Healthy community around project.
### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
### How has the community developed since the last report?
Current focus is to complete website development, it's infrastructure
and move working on our first Apache based release.
### How has the project developed since the last report?
Last month we migrated our code repository to Apache. We are now carrying
out our
usual development work now on top of Apache Repository. Apart from this
we made
significant progress on the website deployment and planning to complete
website infrastructure deployment very soon.
### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
- [X] Initial setup
- [X] Working towards first release
- [ ] Community building
- [ ] Nearing graduation
- [ ] Other:
### Date of last release:
We are currently working on our first Apache release.
### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
Yes, they have been helpful and responsive.
### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?
PPMC is not managing the podling's brand / trademarks yet.
### Signed-off-by:
- [X] (age) Kevin Ratnasekera
- [X] (age) Von Gosling
- [ ] (age) Raphael Bircher
- [X] (age) Felix Cheung
### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
## brpc
brpc is an industrial-grade RPC framework for building reliable and high-
performance services.
brpc has been incubating since 2018-11-13.
### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
1.release Apache standard releases regularly
2.attract more contributors and committers
3.clean branding issue
### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
No big issues.
### How has the community developed since the last report?
We had one online meeting on Aug to talk about the task lists of
near future.
It includes several tasks.
1. Let new PPMC member to involve into release related things
2. Add “good first issue” to several GitHub issues for beginner
3. Plan to have monthly online meeting
And we found that there are several engineers from tencent were
using brpc too.
We have invited them to join the dev@ mail list.
### How has the project developed since the last report?
Build 0.9.8-rc01 is released, this time our new PPMC member helei
made the build.
we are planning for our next release as 1.0.0 before the end of
this year.
### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
- [ ] Initial setup
- [ ] Working towards first release
- [X] Community building
- [ ] Nearing graduation
- [ ] Other:
### Date of last release:
2020-08-05 vote passed for 0.9.8-rc01
### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
Are things falling through the cracks? If so, please list any
open issues that need to be addressed.
Von suggest that we need to fix compliance issue and make a
standard apache release next time.
And we are planning that we will fix these issues on our next build
which will become 1.0.0.
### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?
Are 3rd parties respecting and correctly using the podlings
name and brand? If not what actions has the PPMC taken to
correct this? Has the VP, Brand approved the project name?
Not ready for the branding issue, will check it next time.
### Signed-off-by:
- [X] (brpc) Kevin A. McGrail
Comments: Any chance we can get more committers?
- [ ] (brpc) Jean-Baptiste Onofré
- [X] (brpc) Von Gosling
### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
## Crail
Crail is a storage platform for sharing performance critical data in
distributed data processing jobs at very high speed.
Crail has been incubating since 2017-11-01.
### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
1. Grow developers community
2. Establish convincing Crail use cases
3. More steady release cycle
### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
### How has the community developed since the last report?
A developer recently joined the community, volunteering for the
implementation of the elastic scaling of the data store.
### How has the project developed since the last report?
The project failed to resume from a period of
inactivity which started this spring. With implementing
elastic scaling, we hope to see increasing activity.
Elastic scaling is a needed pre-requisite to use Apache Crail
as an efficient ephemeral data store for serverless frameworks.
### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
- [ ] Initial setup
- [ ] Working towards first release
- [X] Community building
- [ ] Nearing graduation
- [ ] Other:
### Date of last release:
### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
December 4th, 2018
### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
Yes, our mentors have been supportive and responsive.
### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?
There are no known cases of a 3rd party podling name/brand incorrect use.
Podling name search has been completed - see
### Signed-off-by:
- [X] (crail) Julian Hyde
- [X] (crail) Luciano Resende
Comments: It has been a while since new PPMC members were added,
please keep an open mind for new contributors.
- [X] (crail) Felix Cheung
Comments: community has been quiet, glad to see a plan that could
generate some interests
### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
## Daffodil
Apache Daffodil is an implementation of the Data Format Description
Language (DFDL) used to convert between fixed format data and XML/JSON.
Daffodil has been incubating since 2017-08-27.
### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
1. Increase community growth and participation beyond Owl (main
2. Work with other Apache projects where Daffodil could provide extra
3. Continue frequent release schedule
### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
- None
### How has the community developed since the last report?
- Pull requests merged from four first-time contributors (three
- Continued involvement in mailing lists
- dev: 38 postings, 32 subscribers (5 new)
- users: 58 postings, 43 subscribers (2 new)
- Owl is actively encouraging other companies with known Daffodil
interests to make public contributions and increase involvement
- Smooks ( 2.0.0-M1 has been released with
Daffodil integration
- Apache NiFi integration has been improved by Nteligen
- Mike Beckerle will give a presentation on Daffodil at ApacheCon
@Home 2020
### How has the project developed since the last report?
- Released Daffodil 2.7.0
- 22 commits merged from 8 different contributors
- Changes primarily include bug fixes and code cleanup
- 38 issues created, 49 issues resolved
- Design proposals complete and development making progress for large
streaming capabilities and memory requirement reduction--main focus
for the next release
### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
- [ ] Initial setup
- [ ] Working towards first release
- [X] Community building
- [ ] Nearing graduation
- [ ] Other:
### Date of last release:
### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
- 2020-06-15 - John Interrante (PPMC)
- 2019-11-26 - Olabusayo Kilo (Committer)
- 2019-06-20 - Brandon Sloane (PPMC)
### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
- Yes
### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?
- No known cases of a 3rd party incorrectly using the Daffodil
- Podling name search has been completed and approved by Brand
Management Committee:
### Signed-off-by:
- [X] (daffodil) Dave Fisher
- [X] (daffodil) Christofer Dutz
### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
## Hivemall
Hivemall is a library for machine learning implemented as Hive
Hivemall has been incubating since 2016-09-13.
### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
1. Community growth (committers and users)
2. One or more Apache Releases as an Incubator project
### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
PPMCs are considering exit approaches including retiring.
### How has the community developed since the last report?
No particular topic.
### How has the project developed since the last report?
Several Hotfixes (HIVEMALL-295, HIVEMALL-296, HIVEMALL-297) and minor
documentation update has been applied.
### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
- [ ] Initial setup
- [ ] Working towards first release
- [X] Community building
- [ ] Nearing graduation
- [ ] Other:
### Date of last release:
### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
Elected Jerome Banks as a committer on April 2, 2018.
### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?
Yes, we keep tracking podling's brand / trademarks.
### Signed-off-by:
- [X] (hivemall) Daniel Dai
- [X] (hivemall) Koji Sekiguchi
### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
Dave Fisher: Hivemall PPMC discussed becoming a subproject of Hive, but
has never taken any action to discuss it with the Hive PMC.
## IoTDB
IoTDB is a data store for managing large amounts of time series data such as
timestamped data from IoT sensors in industrial applications.
IoTDB has been incubating since 2018-11-18.
### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
1. attract more contributors
2. constantly update the stats in the maturity model assessment
3. keep driving the graduation process according to the Apache graduation
### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
A vote for graduation and discussion on the Charter Resolution is under
### How has the community developed since the last report?
1. 2 new PPMC are elected(Haonan Hou, Dawei Liu)
2. more new contributors appear in the mailing list.
3. More people are getting involved in community voting, for
example(v0.10.0 release vote: 17 votes, 7 votes from committers)
4. Successfully held an online Meetup(2020-07-11)
### How has the project developed since the last report?
1. Two version(v0.10.0 and v0.10.1) are released.
2. The project keeps active, there are 258 pr has merged and 148 pr into
the main branch.
3. The distributed version is in testing stage..
4. Many new improvements and features have been addressed, for
example(RestAPI performance optimization, implemented data level merge,
support order by time , etc ...)
### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
- [ ] Initial setup
- [ ] Working towards first release
- [ ] Community building
- [X] Nearing graduation
- [ ] Other:
### Date of last release:
### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
2020-07-13 for the last PPMC.
### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
Yes, helpful and responsive.
### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?
Required Name Search is done. A google search didn’t show any major
branding issues that the PPMC needs to deal with.
### Signed-off-by:
- [X] (iotdb) Justin Mclean
- [X] (iotdb) Christofer Dutz
Comments: I fully support the projects efforts to graduate. They've
done a great job.
- [X] (iotdb) Willem Ning Jiang
Comments: It's good to see IoTDB is ready to graduate :)
- [X] (iotdb) Kevin A. McGrail
Comments: Looking forward to post-graduation!
### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
## Marvin-AI
Marvin-AI is an open-source artificial intelligence (AI) platform that helps
data scientists, prototype and productionalize complex solutions with a
scalable, low-latency, language-agnostic, and standardized architecture
while simplifies the process of exploration and modeling.
Marvin-AI has been incubating since 2018-08-21.
### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
1. Increase activity from current contributors and community.
2. Build new release.
3. Bring more new committers.
### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
### How has the community developed since the last report?
We are expanding at local universities with AI/ML related events to publish
Marvin for all computer science students.
### How has the project developed since the last report?
1. Minor bug fix;
2. Preliminary version of the new cli and integration with the daemon;
3. Benchmark system for model testing in development;
4. Preliminary version of Kubernetes deploy;
5. Architectural discussions on dev mailing list.
### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
- [ ] Initial setup
- [ ] Working towards first release
- [X] Community building
- [ ] Nearing graduation
- [ ] Other:
### Date of last release:
### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
Wei Chen added as new PPMC member (2019-06-07)
### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?
### Signed-off-by:
- [X] (marvin-ai) Luciano Resende
- [ ] (marvin-ai) William Colen
### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
## Nemo
Nemo is a data processing system to flexibly control the runtime behaviors
of a job to adapt to varying deployment characteristics.
Nemo has been incubating since 2018-02-04.
### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
1. Grow the community (committers, contributors, users)
2. Create releases
### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
### How has the community developed since the last report?
- Committers continuing to improve code quality
- Dynamic task partitioning, cache spilling as part of GSoC
### How has the project developed since the last report?
- Implemented a simulator of job completion time estimation
- Designed and implemented cache spilling
- Designed dynamic task partitioning
- Reviewed the Apache Maturity model
### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
- [ ] Initial setup
- [ ] Working towards first release
- [X] Community building
- [X] Nearing graduation
- [ ] Other:
### Date of last release:
### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
February 27, 2020
### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
Are things falling through the cracks? If so, please list any
open issues that need to be addressed.
Our mentors have been helpful and responsive.
### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?
Are 3rd parties respecting and correctly using the podlings
name and brand? If not what actions has the PPMC taken to
correct this? Has the VP, Brand approved the project name?
The PPMC manages the podling's brand / trademarks.
### Signed-off-by:
- [X] (nemo) Hyunsik Choi
- [X] (nemo) Byung-Gon Chun
- [ ] (nemo) Jean-Baptiste Onofre
- [X] (nemo) Markus Weimer
### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
Dave Fisher: Activity seems to be low since March. I'm not sure if this is
a concern or normal for this project to be slow during the Northern Summer.
## NLPCraft
A Java API for NLU applications
NLPCraft has been incubating since 2020-02-13.
### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
This list is unchaged from the previous report:
1.Stable release process for all sub-projects involved.
2.Community growth.
### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
### How has the community developed since the last report?
We have 1 new community member.
### How has the project developed since the last report?
We are still in the midst of development of 0.7.0 release that should
address all remaining licensing issues.
### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
- [X] Initial setup
- [X] Working towards first release
- [X] Community building
- [ ] Nearing graduation
- [ ] Other:
### Date of last release:
### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
Yes, no issues to report.
### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?
Yes, no issues to report.
### Signed-off-by:
- [ ] (nlpcraft) Roman Shaposhnik
- [ ] (nlpcraft) Furkan Kamaci
- [ ] (nlpcraft) Evans Ye
- [X] (nlpcraft) Paul King
- [ ] (nlpcraft) Konstantin I Boudnik
### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
## Pegasus
Pegasus is a distributed key-value storage system which is designed to be
simple, horizontally scalable, strongly consistent and high-performance.
Pegasus has been incubating since 2020-06-28.
### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
1. First release
2. Attract more contributors and committers.
### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
### How has the community developed since the last report?
### How has the project developed since the last report?
- The Github repo of Pegasus has been migrated to
- We are working towards the first community release v2.1.0, with many
important features and improvements (bulk-load, write-latency-optimization).
- The project keeps active, 33 PRs has been merged to the main branch
(including xiaomi/rdsn).
### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
- [X] Initial setup
- [X] Working towards first release
- [ ] Community building
- [ ] Nearing graduation
- [ ] Other:
### Date of last release:
### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
None yet.
### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
Are things falling through the cracks? If so, please list any
open issues that need to be addressed.
Our mentors are very helpful and responsive.
### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?
Are 3rd parties respecting and correctly using the podlings
name and brand? If not what actions has the PPMC taken to
correct this? Has the VP, Brand approved the project name?
### Signed-off-by:
- [ ] (pegasus) Kevin A. McGrail
- [ ] (pegasus) Duo zhang
- [ ] (pegasus) Liang Chen
- [X] (pegasus) Von Gosling
Comments: Very close to the first formal release
### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
SAMOA provides a collection of distributed streaming algorithms for the most
common data mining and machine learning tasks such as classification,
clustering, and regression, as well as programming abstractions to develop
new algorithms that run on top of distributed stream processing engines
(DSPEs). It features a pluggable architecture that allows it to run on
several DSPEs such as Apache Storm, Apache S4, and Apache Samza.
SAMOA has been incubating since 2014-12-15.
### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
1. Revitalize the project by resuming development
2. Enlarge the user base and contributing community
### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
### How has the community developed since the last report?
- Mailing list activity:
- @dev: 14 messages
### How has the project developed since the last report?
We are working in an implementation of adaptive random forests.
### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
- [ ] Initial setup
- [ ] Working towards first release
- [X] Community building
- [ ] Nearing graduation
- [ ] Other:
### Date of last release:
### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
August 2019
### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
Yes, the mentors have been helpful and responsive.
### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?
Yes. There are no 3rd parties incorrectly using the podling‘s name and
brand for now.
### Signed-off-by:
### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
## Sedona
Sedona is a big geospatial data processing engine. It provides an easy to
use APIs for spatial data scientists to manage, wrangle, and process
geospatial data.
Sedona has been incubating since 2020-07-19.
### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
1. We are still working on the initial setup.
### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
### How has the community developed since the last report?
The community has been active since the last report. We have started to
use the mailing list to exchange ideas of different development issues in
Sedona. Several contributors, users and committers have joined the
discussion on the mailing list dev@
It is also worth noting that we are still working on importing the code
into the incubator ASF GitHub repo. It took us several weeks to collect
CLAs and SGAs from the major participating parties. I believe we have
collected sufficient evidence to prove that the artifact is ready to be
imported and the secretary has confirmed the CLA and SGA. We just created
a JIRA ticket for the infra team and are waiting for them to import our
codebase into ASF GitHub:
### How has the project developed since the last report?
The project made a good progress. In the past month, we accepted several
patches from Kengo Seki and Sachio Wakai. In the meantime, Committer
Netanel is working on a large PR to replace a 3rd party dependency
JTSplus with JTS in order to improve the performance. Committer Pawel is
working on another large PR to carry out the Sedona Python support for
Spark 3.0.
### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
- [X] Initial setup
- [ ] Working towards first release
- [ ] Community building
- [ ] Nearing graduation
- [ ] Other:
### Date of last release:
### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
The last time when we added committers or PPMC is July 2020. It is when
we submitted our proposal.
### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
Are things falling through the cracks? If so, please list any
open issues that need to be addressed.
Yes, mentors are very helpful throughout the process. We exchanged many
emails recently to solve the CLA and SGA issues.
### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?
Are 3rd parties respecting and correctly using the podlings
name and brand? If not what actions has the PPMC taken to
correct this? Has the VP, Brand approved the project name?
We haven't seen any ongoing issues regarding this matter.
### Signed-off-by:
- [X] (sedona) Felix Cheung
Comments: good to see the progress in the community. I see source is
- [ ] (sedona) Jean-Baptiste Onofré
- [ ] (sedona) George Percivall
- [X] (sedona) Von Gosling
### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
## Spot
Apache Spot is a platform for network telemetry built on an open data model
and Apache Hadoop.
Spot has been incubating since 2016-09-23.
### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
1. Increase community activity in mailing list and commits
2. Make the product more approachable for new contributors and users
3. Develop a roadmap that focuses on delivering one use case effectively
### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
Not at this time.
### How has the community developed since the last report?
Our new contributors have helped us increase our capacity to fix and
resolve issues. Our goal in the near future is to work with the
community on a roadmap that will allow more contributors to focus
and work on different levels of the project (i.e. data modeling and
schema design, use-cases, ingestion, ml, ui, dev ops, docs, etc).
### How has the project developed since the last report?
We have increased our conformance with ASF podling policies by removing
from the PPMC all who are not on the private mailing list. This has
been the longest-standing caution against us.
We have significantly revamped the project website with the object of
making it more approachable for new contributors. We have used whimsy
to ensure that all ASF requirements are complied with.
We have captured all of the sample data used by the project and are now
hosting them using ASF resources, instead of a third party AWS S3 link,
which was hosted by unknown persons.
We have cleared away a large development effort that was initiated by
a large company but not completed, and no contributors appear to be
ready to resume work on it. Discussions have been started to take
this feature in a direction fulfilling different use cases.
### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
- [ ] Initial setup
- [ ] Working towards first release
- [X] Community building
- [ ] Nearing graduation
- [ ] Other:
### Date of last release:
### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
2020-08-24 - We removed PPMC members who were not subscribed
to the private mailing list and who did not respond to
an email asking them to subscribe
### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
Are things falling through the cracks? If so, please list any
open issues that need to be addressed.
Our mentors have been helpful in onboarding new contributors,
and in getting us the Whimsy and Clutch reports and updating
the website so we more completely conform to ASF policy
requirements for podlings.
### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?
Are 3rd parties respecting and correctly using the podlings
name and brand? If not what actions has the PPMC taken to
correct this? Has the VP, Brand approved the project name?
We have no knowledge of any issues with the brand or trademark.
### Signed-off-by:
- [ ] (spot) Uma Maheswara Rao G
### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
## StreamPipes
StreamPipes is a self-service (Industrial) IoT toolbox to enable non-
technical users to connect, analyze and explore (Industrial) IoT data
StreamPipes has been incubating since 2019-11-11.
### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
1. Multiple Apache releases
2. Grow the developer community
3. Attract more users
### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
There are no issues right now.
### How has the community developed since the last report?
- We have two accepted talks for the ApacheCon @Home, one about flexible
Industrial IoT Management and one joint talk with PLC4X about data
analyzing with PLC4X and StreamPipes
- StreamPipes was elected for the AI-Champions Award (awarded by the
German state of Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany), which created more visibility
in the IIoT domain
- New users have joined the mailing list, and there is an increasing
amount of traffic on the dev mailing list
- We had several remote training sessions to show users how to use
- We are updating the documentation for a better overview over all
features of StreamPipes and a better onboarding for new users
( <>)
- We updated the README’s for the upcoming release for a quicker entry of
new developers
- Gathered more feedback from manufacturing companies how they use
StreamPipes for IIoT analytics
- Number of Twitter followers increased (last report: 128, currently: 148)
- Number of Github stars increased (last report: 144, currently: 163)
### How has the project developed since the last report?
- Refactor UI and remove all AngularJS components. This is a big
improvement for the code base, because new changes and features are now
much easier to accomplish. This especially improves experience for new
- Created release branch and perform final testing for our second release
(version 0.67.0), with around 70 bug fixes/improvements/new features
- New Features:
- Add Data Explorer to explore historic data
- Rework the installer and command line tool
- Remove AngularJS from UI
- Several new processors and adapters
- We added the Apache Maturity Model to our developer wiki:
- This month, we plan to perform our release and discuss about
future developments.
### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
- [ ] Initial setup
- [ ] Working towards first release
- [X] Community building
- [ ] Nearing graduation
- [ ] Other:
### Date of last release:
2020-05-19 (Version 0.66.0)
### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
Are things falling through the cracks? If so, please list any
open issues that need to be addressed.
Our mentors always provided very good feedback and support.
### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?
Are 3rd parties respecting and correctly using the podlings
name and brand? If not what actions has the PPMC taken to
correct this? Has the VP, Brand approved the project name?
- We started a discussion in the community about our new logo <>
- We are constantly monitoring the usage of the Apache StreamPipes name
in external websites and posts
### Signed-off-by:
- [X] (streampipes) Christofer Dutz
- [ ] (streampipes) Jean-Baptiste Onofré
- [X] (streampipes) Julian Feinauer
Comments: There is a lot of development going on in the project and
the core community is very active. I hope that more contributors will join
the community in the near future.
- [X] (streampipes) Justin Mclean
- [ ] (streampipes) Kenneth Knowles
### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
## Superset
Apache Superset is a modern data exploration and visualization platform
Superset has been incubating since 2017-05-21.
### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
1. Updating Status File on
2. Seek guidance for graduation process from the IPMC
3. Produce a project charter
### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
1. To give our PMs and contributors-that-are-not-committers triage access
apply labels, assign reviews, close and reopen issues as need. This is being
discussed in the community and has 3 binding vote yes.
2. Is there any way our non-committer can update the status file?
Can we link add a link in the status file and direct it to our
Wiki page, which has the updated content.
### How has the community developed since the last report?
1. [Superset Virtual Meetup](
was a success!
2. Organic growth of our Github Contributors:
* Stars (28,870 → 29,870)
* Forks (5,909 → 6,176)
* Watchers (1,255 → 1,277)
3. Added 437 commits (June 1, 2020 to August 31, 2020)
4. Grew Superset slack users to (1,665 → 2,005)
### How has the project developed since the last report?
4. Released 0.37.0 on 2020-08-07
### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.
- [ ] Initial setup
- [ ] Working towards first release
- [ ] Community building
- [ ] Nearing graduation
- [X] Others: Kicked off graduation process
### Date of last release:
### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
* 2020-06-22 Serena Jiang (committer & PPMC)
### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
Are things falling through the cracks? If so, please list any
open issues that need to be addressed.
Open issues:
* Felix was very helpful with Superset 0.37.0 release and also
Superset's charting library Apache ECharts 4.9.0 release. Thanks for
### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?
Are 3rd parties respecting and correctly using the podlings
name and brand? If not what actions has the PPMC taken to
correct this? Has the VP, Brand approved the project name?
All is well. Name has been approved.
### Signed-off-by:
- [X] (superset) Felix Cheung
Comments: glad to see good traction - and that it goes beyond with
other podling too
- [X] (superset) Jim Jagielski
### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
Attachment AH: Report from the Apache Jackrabbit Project [Marcel Reutegger]
## Description:
The Apache Jackrabbit™ content repository is a fully conforming
implementation of the Content Repository for Java™ Technology API
(JCR, specified in JSR 170 and 283). The Jackrabbit content
repository is stable, largely feature complete and actively being
Jackrabbit Oak is an effort to implement a scalable and performant
hierarchical content repository as a modern successor to the Apache
Jackrabbit content repository. It is targeted for use as the
foundation of modern world-class web sites and other demanding
content applications. In contrast to its predecessor, Oak does not
implement all optional features from the JSR specifications and it
is not a reference implementation.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Membership Data:
Apache Jackrabbit was founded 2006-03-15 (14 years ago)
There are currently 56 committers and 56 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 1:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Fabrizio Fortino on 2020-05-22.
- No new committers. Last addition was Fabrizio Fortino on 2020-05-21.
## Project Activity:
Apache Jackrabbit Oak receives most attention nowadays. All
maintenance branches and the main development branch are
continuously seeing moderate to high activity.
We continue making regular feature releases of Jackrabbit Oak. The
most recent release was Jackrabbit Oak 1.32.0 that was made available
on July 16th.
Apache Jackrabbit itself is mostly in maintenance mode with most of
the work going into bug fixing and tooling. New features are mainly
driven by dependencies from Jackrabbit Oak.
The project migrated CI builds to the new Jenkins service from
CloudBees. Builds seem to take longer on the new Jenkins service.
## Community Health:
The project is healthy with a continuous stream of traffic on all
mailing lists reflecting the activity of the respective component.
There is a wide range of topics being discussed on the dev and user
lists as well as on the various JIRA issues.
Commit activity is moderate mirroring the activity on the
JIRA issues and the desire of the individual contributors to bring
features and improvements in for the next Jackrabbit Oak release.
## Releases:
- jackrabbit-2.20.1 was released on 2020-06-08
- jackrabbit-2.21.2 was released on 2020-07-08
- jackrabbit-oak-1.32.0 was released on 2020-07-16
- jackrabbit-oak-1.22.4 was released on 2020-07-17
- jackrabbit-2.21.3 was released on 2020-07-24
- jackrabbit-filevault-3.4.6 was released on 2020-08-03
- filevault-package-maven-plugin-1.1.4 was released on 2020-08-03
- jackrabbit-2.18.6 was released on 2020-08-27
- jackrabbit-oak-1.8.23 was released on 2020-08-27
## JIRA activity:
- 181 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 153 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AI: Report from the Apache Joshua Project [Tommaso Teofili]
Attachment AJ: Report from the Apache Karaf Project [Jean-Baptiste Onofré]
## Description:
Apache Karaf provides a modern and polymorphic applications runtime,
multi-purpose (micro services, cloud, modulith, integration, IoT, OSGi, etc).
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Membership Data:
Apache Karaf was founded 2010-06-16 (10 years ago)
There are currently 31 committers and 17 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 8:5.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Francois Papon on 2018-11-29.
- No new committers. Last addition was Francois Papon on 2018-05-19.
## Project Activity:
Apache Karaf track has been prepared for ApacheCon, the schedule is ready. We
are working to create HTML page to publish the schedule on ApacheCon website.
There's two PoC on the way:
- Karaf DevX (
- Karaf Spring Boot support
( These two
new features will be discussed on the mailing list as soon as we have a
full story to show. We migrate our Jenkins build to ci-builds.a.o now
pipeline build.
In term of releases, we did:
- Apache Karaf Cellar 4.2.1 was released on 2020-08-21.
- Apache Karaf Cellar 4.2.0 was released on 2020-07-18.
- Apache Karaf Decanter 2.5.0 was released on 2020-06-22.
- Apache Karaf runtime 4.2.9 was released on 2020-06-09.
Apache Karaf 4.2.10 is in preparation with several fixes and improvements.
Apache Karaf 4.3.0 is also in preparation. We are waiting for Pax Web 8.0,
however in the meantime, we are evaluating the use of Felix HTTP as default
## Community Health:
We are happy to have received several talk proposals for ApacheCon.
We are increasing our partnership with other Apache projects, especially
Apache Camel to help on the camel-karaf project (cleanup, refactoring,
Regarding ServiceMix, we are still in the process to move ServiceMix parts to
Karaf, but due to other activities, we have postponed a bit.
Attachment AK: Report from the Apache Kibble Project [Rich Bowen]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Kibble is the creation and maintenance of software
related to an interactive project activity analyzer and aggregator
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at present.
## Membership Data:
Apache Kibble was founded 2017-10-18 (3 years ago) There are currently 12
committers and 12 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Rafael Weingärtner on 2017-12-09.
- No new committers. Last addition was Rafael Weingärtner on 2017-12-09.
## Project Activity:
Community outreach is being done, helping other open source communities
utilize Kibble for gaining insights into development trends and
community/diversity statistics for individual projects as well as
organizations and communities as a whole.
Due to time being spent in other Apache projects and life outside Open Source,
the project code-base has not changed much this quarter.
We helped out Project Jupyter[1] assess their code-base and developer make-up,
and are looking at other similar projects to help spread what Kibble can help
communities achieve.
[1] +
## Community Health:
The community remains a small handful of people. We do have oversight and >=3
active PMC members, but would love to grow the community.
Attachment AL: Report from the Apache Logging Services Project [Matt Sicker]
## Description:
The mission of the Apache Logging Services project is to create and maintain
of software for managing the logging of application behavior, and for related
software components.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.
## Membership Data:
Apache Logging Services was founded 2003-12-16 (17 years ago)
There are currently 39 committers and 13 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 3:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Carter Kozak on 2018-07-29.
- Volkan Yazici was added as a committer on 2020-05-17
- Davyd McColl was added as committer on 2020-08-04
- Robert Middleton was added as committer on 2020-08-04
- Stephen Webb was added as committer on 2020-08-08
## Project Activity:
- In May, we released version 12.0 of Log4j Scala which introduced support for
Scala 2.13 as well as migrating its build system to SBT.
- In May, we released version 2.13.3 of Log4j to fix a regression introduced in
the previous 2.13.2 release.
- In June, we merged Volkan Yazici's JSON template layout along with Volkan
himself into the project.
- In July, we migrated from using Travis CI to GitHub Actions to increase the
reliability of our PR checks.
- In July, we migrated our Jenkins pipelines from to which eventually allowed us to enable PR checks from
this system as well.
- In July, we announced CVE-2018-1285 which affects log4net releases up to and
including 2.0.8 and the recently released 2.0.9. This XXE vulnerability only
affects applications that allow arbitrary user input in their log4net
configuration file, and it is planned to be fixed in a future 2.0.10 release.
- In August, we released version 2.0.9 of log4net with the help of our new
committer, Davyd McColl. This release primarily involves bringing the project
back from dormancy and making its build and release process functional again.
- In August, we released version 0.11.0 of log4cxx with the help of our two new
committers, Robert Middleton and Stephen Webb. Being the first release of
log4cxx in about 12 years, this includes numerous changes, features, and bugs
fixed. Much of the recent activity around this project involved migrating to
CMake and making a release with the renewed community interest.
- In August, we signed and tagged all our historical Log4j git tags under the
immutable rel/X.Y.Z tagging scheme.
- In August, we migrated our base website from the old CMS
to the asf-site git branch method of publishing the site. We also migrated
from svnpubsub to the pypubsub in publishing the rest of our website.
## Community Health:
- This quarter has been one of the busiest in our community in some time!
- Both log4net and log4cxx have seen renewed community interest including new
committers working on them and new releases published.
- The publication of CVE-2018-1285 did raise several inquiries about the state
of the project, though this hasn't led to any new contributors.
- Mailing list traffic, commits, and PRs are all up from previous quarters;
much of this is attributable to increased activity in log4net and log4cxx in
addition to the typical Log4j activity.
- We updated our Project Team page on our website to list our active and
inactive team members. Active team members are defined as committers who have
participated in the project in the past two years. Inactive team members are
either committers/PMC members who requested emeritus status or have not
participated in the community in the last few years; they are always welcome
to continue participating at any time. Today, we have 8 active PMC members
and 6 active committers (14 together), along with 11 inactive or emeritus
PMC members and 4 inactive committers.
Attachment AM: Report from the Apache Lucene Project [Anshum Gupta]
## Description:
- Lucene Core is a search-engine toolkit
- Solr is a search server built on top of Lucene Core
## Issues:
The community is currently working on reducing the tech debt that Solr
currently carries, as mentioned in the previous board reports. Several
committers are actively working on a much improved 9.0 release.
## Membership Data:
Apache Lucene was founded 2005-01-18 (16 years ago) There are currently 86
committers and 59 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is
roughly 3:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Atri Sharma was added to the PMC on 2020-08-19
- Gus Heck was added to the PMC on 2020-08-02
- Mike Drob was added to the PMC on 2020-07-23
- Munendra S N was added to the PMC on 2020-08-02
- Namgyu Kim was added to the PMC on 2020-08-02
- Michael Sokolov was added to the PMC on 2020-07-02
- Ilan Ginzburg was added as committer on 2020-06-18
- Mayya Sharipova was added as a committer on 2020-06-08
- Tomoko Uchida was marked as Emeritus PMC member but continues as a committer
- Doron Cohen was marked as Emeritus PMC member
## Project Activity:
As informed in previous reports, the Lucene PMC is currently working on
graduating Solr as its own TLP based on a vote earlier this year. This effort
will move faster after some planned build reorganization is completed.
We released Apache Lucene and Solr 8.6.0, 8.6.1, and 8.6.2 since the last
Lucene 8.6.0 introduced a feature to optionally reduce the number of small
segments in the index, increasing search performance. It also fixed resource
leaks and various other optimizations. Solr 8.6.0 improved the search
performance in cases where exact count isn’t required. This version also
released a major redesign of the Solr documentation.
Solr 8.6.1 was a bug fix release that fixed a performance issue introduced by
the default auto-scaling policy introduced in 8.6.0 release.
Lucene 8.6.2 fixed a memory leak in the IndexWriter that was introduced in
8.6.0. Solr 8.6.2 introduced a bug fix allowing the admin screen to work with
older ZooKeeper versions.
The community has removed Ant support for building the project from master and
transitioned to gradle.
A new Logo for Apache Lucene was selected by voting[1]. The old logo will be
retired soon.
A code contribution from The Library of Congress for the Advanced Query Parser
is currently being worked on as SIP-9[2].
## Community Health:
Our JIRA issue activity and code contributions are also very strong. 365
issues were opened and 383 issues closed in JIRA past quarter (25% increase).
There were 2578 commits in the past quarter (187% increase) due to some heavy
committing on a feature branch to pay off technical debt.
There has been an overall deterioration in the community health with an
increase in the incidents involving loud language and impolite behavior. The
community needs to return to a more friendly and inviting style of community
discussions and resolution of disagreements as we have in the past.
A committer meeting was organized in this last quarter as a substitute for
in-person meetings that used to happen at conferences. The meeting was
attended by many committers, and there are plans to organize subsequent
meetings at a regular interval.
## Links
Attachment AN: Report from the Apache Lucene.Net Project [Shad Storhaug]
Apache Lucene.NET is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C#
and targeted at .NET runtime users.
== Summary ==
Lucene.NET has had a pretty active quarter:
• Several bug fixes
• Some missing features were added to the project
• The test framework has had some major bottlenecks removed
• We had 3 beta releases (00009, 00010, 00011)
• We also had releases of our 2 main dependencies, J2N and ICU4N
• We set up performance benchmarks to see how different releases compare
Since our move to GitHub Issues, we are now getting bug reports that have been
long underreported. This new collaboration channel with end users is helping
us zero in on bugs, and is also helping to drive some PR activity from
contributors. We have also been steadily improving performance and refactoring
APIs to be more .NET-like than Java-like.
In addition, 2 new PMC members were added this quarter.
== Board-Level Issues ==
There are no Board-level issues at this time.
== Releases ==
* Last Release 3.0.3 - Oct 2012
* Working toward 4.8.0 - Currently beta00011, released 2020-07-24
== People ==
* Last PMC Member added Sept 2020, Laimonas Simutis (laimis)
* Last committer added April 2020, Michael Condillac (xmichaelc78x)
* PMC Chair rotated 20 June 2018 to Shad Storhaug (nightowl888)
Attachment AO: Report from the Apache Marmotta Project [Jakob Frank]
## Description:
Apache Marmotta, an Open Platform for Linked Data. Apache Marmotta was founded
in December 2012, and has graduated from the Incubator in November 2013.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.
## Membership Data:
Apache Marmotta was founded 2013-11-20 (7 years ago)
There are currently 13 committers and 11 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:6.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Mark A. Matienzo on 2016-08-18.
- No new committers. Last addition was Xavier Sumba on 2017-03-27.
## Project Activity:
Almost none. Two mails were sent to the dev-list on rebooting development
efforts, but without any significant response.
## Community Health:
Given the little response on the Attic-Question raised on the dev-list,
especially from the PMC members, the community seems mostly dormant or moved
away, and new committers are not in sight.
Attachment AP: Report from the Apache Mnemonic Project [Gang Wang]
Apache Mnemonic is an open-source Java library for durable object-oriented
programming on hybrid storage-class memory(e.g. NVM) space. it comes up
with durable object model (DOM) and durable computing model(DCM) and
takes full advantages of storage-class memory to simplify the code
complexity, avoid SerDe/(Un)Marshal, mitigate caching for constructing
next generation computing platform. Mnemonic makes the storing and
transmitting of massive linked objects graphs simpler and more efficient.
The performance tuning could also be mostly converged to a single point
of tuning place if based on Mnemonic to process and analyze
linked objects. The programmer is able to focus on the durable object
oriented business logic instead of worrying about how to normalize/join,
serDe(un)marshal, cache and storing their linked business objects
with arbitrary complexity.
There are no board-level issues at the moment.
During this unprecedented crisis, I think pretty much everything is
largely slowed down.In this period of reporting, 13 of tickets has been
created and 14 resolved, basically, we are working on refactoring project
building process and upgrading the dockerfiles to major Linux
distributions, fixed some CI and documentation issues. we plan to migrate
Maven build to Gradle for efficiency and flexibility.
Health Report:
Basically unchanged since the last report. Users are generally quiet
in public but development continues.
PMC Changes:
- Currently 11 PMC members.
- no new PMC member added since Jun. 2018.
- 1 PMC left in Aug. 2020
Committer Base Changes:
- Currently 12 committers.
- No new committer added since Jun. 2018.
- Last release was v0.12.0 on Sep. 04 2018
- Still active development on next major version (0.13)
Attachment AQ: Report from the Apache Mynewt Project [Justin Mclean]
## Description:
Mynewt is a real-time operating system for constrained embedded systems like
wearables, lightbulbs, locks and doorbells. It works on a variety of 32-bit
MCUs (microcontrollers), including ARM Cortex-M, RISC-V and MIPS
The mission of Apache Mynewt is the creation and maintenance of software
related to an embedded OS optimized for networking and built for remote
management of constrained devices that are incapable of running either Linux or
## Issues:
Bluetooth SIG manufacturer ID for ASF issue is stil not resolved.
## Membership Data:
Apache Mynewt was founded 2017-06-21 (3 years ago)
There are currently 35 committers and 19 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:5.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Jerzy Kasenberg on 2019-10-24.
- No new committers. Last addition was Andy Gross on 2020-05-04.
## Project Activity:
Community work in several areas including:
test facilities, new MCU and BSP support, new BLE features,
internal code improvements and refactoring,
new core features (eg audio support)
Plan to release new version on Q4 20202.
## Community Health:
# Mailing list activity:
- Mailing list activity seeing new users and responders to questions asked
(esp. questions from newcomers)
- Mailing list exchanges are mostly around BLE, upgrading to new version,
low level core details
- Mailing list activity has decreased compared to last quarter
- Some questions on mailing list remained without response
- Slack activity decreased compared to last quarter
# GitHub Issues activity:
- Issue types seen include change/feature requests, bug reports,
contributions/PR, Q&A
Attachment AR: Report from the Apache NetBeans Project [Geertjan Wielenga]
## Description:
The mission of Apache NetBeans is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a development environment, tooling platform, and application
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring the board's attention.
## Membership Data:
Apache NetBeans was founded 2019-04-17 (a year ago)
There are currently 71 committers and 63 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:8.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Sarvesh Kesharwani on 2019-06-06.
- Christian Oyarzun was added as committer on 2020-06-15
## Project Activity:
- 12.1 voted on and approved, in process of being released, any day now.
- Active core of key developers, with continual activity on mailing lists.
- Annual LTS release, 12.0, was released, together with installers, on
- Working towards a time-based schedule with quarterly releases, which is
going very well:
## Community Health:
- had a 6% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (885
emails compared to 936)
- had a 44% decrease in traffic in the past quarter
(436 emails compared to 771)
- 328 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (-27%
- 161 issues closed in JIRA, past quarter (-7% decrease) 210 commits
in the past quarter (-48% decrease)
Attachment AS: Report from the Apache OFBiz Project [Jacopo Cappellato]
## Description:
Apache OFBiz is an open source product for the automation of enterprise
processes that includes framework components and business applications for ERP
(Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM (Customer Relationship Management),
E-Business / E-Commerce, SCM (Supply Chain Management), MRP (Manufacturing
Resource Planning), MMS/EAM (Maintenance Management System/Enterprise Asset
Management). Apache OFBiz provides a foundation and starting point for
reliable, secure and scalable enterprise solutions.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.
## Membership Data:
Apache OFBiz was founded 2006-12-20 (14 years ago)
There are currently 51 committers and 28 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:4.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Aditya Sharma was added to the PMC on 2020-07-05
- Arun Patidar was added to the PMC on 2020-07-06
- Pawan Verma was added to the PMC on 2020-07-27
- Suraj Khurana was added to the PMC on 2020-07-04
- Devanshu Vyas was added as committer on 2020-08-17
## Project Activity:
- Apache OFBiz 17.12.04 was released on 2020-07-13: this is a bug fix release
published to address, among other minor issues, two security vulnerabilities
(see below)
- with the latest release two security vulnerabilities have been resolved:
CVE-2020-9496 and CVE-2020-13923
- in August we have held our "Community Days" celebration: during a long
weekend (from the 21st to the 25th) the community worked together at
resolving as many tickets as possible
- Trademarks: we do not have trademark related concerns at the moment and our
backlog of non-compliant parties is mostly empty
- More details about the community activities are published in the official
blog [1], on Twitter [2], YouTube [3] and other social media [4].
## Community Health:
It was a good quarter, maybe a bit slower than usual probably because of the
summer season. The community is engaged in improving the trunk, fixing
vulnerabilities, stabilizing the two active release branches, publishing new
releases (1 in the last quarter) and in various discussions and support
requests posted in the mailing list and in our issue tracker. We are
continuing to onboard new PMC members (+4 in the last quarter) from our active
committers watchlist; one new committer has been invited as well.
Attachment AT: Report from the Apache Olingo Project [Michael Bolz]
## Description:
The Apache Olingo Project be and hereby is responsible for the creation and
maintenance of software related to providing an implementation of the OASIS
OData (Open Data Protocol) specifications, in server and client form;
It currently supports OData 2.0 and OData 4.0. The latter is
the OASIS version of the protocol: OASIS Open Data Protocol (OData) TC.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Membership Data:
Apache Olingo was founded 2014-03-19 (6 years ago)
There are currently 25 committers and 15 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 5:3.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Ramya Vasanth on 2019-04-15.
- No new committers. Last addition was Archana Rai on 2017-05-26.
## Project Activity:
Recent releases:
- 4.7.1 was released on 2019-12-25.
- 4.7.0 was released on 2019-12-04.
- 4.6.0 was released on 2019-05-05.
Planning maintenance release by end of the year.
## Community Health:
Overall community health is good and the less activity in last quarter was
expected over the summer months.
The V4 code line is on steady development also reflected in related
discussions on mailing list which results in 15 new JIRA items (48% decrease).
Release of V4 version 4.7.1 was done in December last year
and we plan for a maintenance release by end of this year.
The V2 code line has still open JIRA items but as they are not done there
is no V2 release planned for this year.
On GitHub 2 PRs were created and 1 PR was closed in the last quarter.
Attachment AU: Report from the Apache OODT Project [Imesha Sudasingha]
Attachment AV: Report from the Apache Oozie Project [Gézapeti]
## Description:
The mission of Oozie is the creation and maintenance of software related to A
workflow scheduler system to manage Apache Hadoop jobs.
## Issues:
The project activity is at an extremely low level this year. Oversight is
still available.
## Membership Data:
Apache Oozie was founded 2012-08-28 (8 years ago)
There are currently 27 committers and 22 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:6.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Andras Salamon on 2020-01-07.
- No new committers. Last addition was Mate Juhasz on 2020-03-28.
## Project Activity:
There are some new tickets with new contributors which get reviewed and
committed, but the overall development speed is very slow.
We've migrated the precommit job over to ci-hadoop.a.o with the help of Gavin
(thanks for the infra team's efforts on that project!). The project's website
lives on Apache CMS which will be decommissioned soon. We're looking for
volunteers in the community to help with the migration.
There is no discussion about new releases.
## Community Health:
Overall mailing list traffic and commit activity is low, we have a couple
tickets opened, and mails on the list.
Attachment AW: Report from the Apache Open Climate Workbench Project [Huikyo Lee]
## Description:
- The OCW includes a Python open-source library for
common climate model evaluation tasks
- OCW provides a set of user-friendly interfaces for quickly
configuring a model evaluation task.
- OCW also allows users to build their own climate data
analysis tools, such as the statistical downscaling toolkit.
## Issues:
We discuss moving the OCW project to the attic.
## Membership Data:
Apache Open Climate Workbench was founded 2014-02-18 (7 years ago)
There are currently 30 committers and 30 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 1:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Ibrahim Jarif on 2016-04-25.
- No new committers. Last addition was Christopher Douglas on 2016-04-26.
## Project Activity:
A comprehensive refactoring of the numpy/scipy based codes
by applying xarray and dask.
There have been major achievements over the last few months.
There is an open JIRA ticket to upload the xarray version of OCW.
## Community Health:
- Currently 30 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
Attachment AX: Report from the Apache OpenNLP Project [Jeffrey T. Zemerick]
## Description:
The mission of OpenNLP is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Machine learning based toolkit for the processing of natural language text
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.
## Membership Data:
Apache OpenNLP was founded 2012-02-14 (9 years ago)
There are currently 22 committers and 15 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Koji Sekiguchi on 2017-10-09.
- No new committers. Last addition was Tim Allison on 2020-01-28.
## Project Activity:
Version 1.9.3 was released in July. This version resolved some important
discrepancies that were hindering development across JDK versions. This
release makes OpenNLP's results consistent across JDKs 11/8 and AMD/Intel
architectures. We aim for another release before year end.
- 1.9.3 was released on 2020-07-31.
- 1.9.2 was released on 2019-12-30.
- 1.9.1 was released on 2018-12-31.
## Community Health:
We had a small uptick in the dev mailing list traffic likely due to the
release vote thread. Overall, while the community activity remains low in
terms of contributions and mailing list activity, the community is healthy as
observed during the 1.9.3 release.
Attachment AY: Report from the Apache OpenWebBeans Project [Mark Struberg]
## Description:
Apache OpenWebBeans is an ALv2-licensed implementations of the
"Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE platform"
specifications which are defined as JSR-299 (CDI-1.0), JSR-346
(CDI-1.1 and CDI-1.2 MR) and JSR-365 (CDI-2.0).
The OWB community also maintains a small server as
Apache Meecrowave subproject. Meecrowave bundles latest releases of
the ASF projects Tocmat9 + OpenWebBeans + CXF + Johnzon + log4j2.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
We are right now in the process of releasing OWB-2.0.18 and prepare
for a new Meecrowave release as well.
We also have a colleague participate in the GSOC with good progress.
## Health report:
We still do really fine. A lot of feedback has been given and did lead
to performance improvements and bug fixes. There are also still a good
hand of active people to push things forward.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 13 PMC members, 20 committers
- Last PMC addition was Reinhard Sandtner on 2017-10-09.
- Last committer addition was John D. Ament on 2017-10-09.
## Releases:
- 2.0.17 was released on 2020-06-14
- 2.0.16 was released on 2020-03-30.
- 2.0.15 was released on 2020-02-18.
## Project Statistics:
- We saw increased mail traffic (up 240%), but nothing really remarkable.
- 24 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (-17% decrease)
- 20 issues closed in JIRA, past quarter (-33% decrease)
Attachment AZ: Report from the Apache Pig Project [Koji Noguchi]
## Description:
Apache Pig is a platform for analyzing large data sets on Hadoop. It provides
a high-level language for expressing data analysis programs, coupled with
infrastructure for evaluating these programs.
## Issues:
Still no 0.18 release. Got PIG-5253(Pig Hadoop 3 support) reviewed and ready
to be committed.May require a bit more testing. Other remaining tasks include
updating the dependent jars from owasp reports and cleaning up the unit&e2e
test failures especially for pig-on-spark.
## Membership Data:
Apache Pig was founded 2010-09-21 (10 years ago)
There are currently 31 committers and 17 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 8:5.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Koji Noguchi on 2016-08-04.
- No new committers. Last addition was Nándor Kollár on 2018-09-06.
## Project Activity:
Very low. We need to work for 0.18 release.
(Last 0.17.0 release was on 2017/06/16. )
## Community Health:
Overall activity is low as the project is mostly stable and contributions are
mainly bug fixes.
Attachment BA: Report from the Apache Pivot Project [Roger Lee Whitcomb]
## Description:
The mission of Pivot is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Rich Internet applications in Java
## Issues:
There are no new issues this quarter: little to no activity, but at least
three PMC members are still available. Some small amount of development
still ongoing.
## Membership Data:
Apache Pivot was founded 2009-12-15 (11 years ago)
There are currently 10 committers and 7 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:4.
## Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Niclas Hedhman on 2016-01-13.
- No new committers. Last addition was Niclas Hedhman on 2020-02-05.
## Project Activity:
Still hoping to get to a 2.1.0 (likely final) release in the near
future. There will need to be some decisions made for future Java
compatibility before release.
## Community Health:
The community has mostly disappeared, but there is still one developer
doing work, who is also available for security fixes, if necessary.
Attachment BB: Report from the Apache PLC4X Project [Christofer Dutz]
## Description:
The mission of the Apache PLC4X project is creating a set of libraries for
communicating with industrial programmable logic controllers (PLCs) using a
variety of protocols but with a shared API.
## Issues:
## Membership Data:
Apache PLC4X was founded 2019-04-17 (a year ago) There are currently 16
committers and 10 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Lukas Ott on 2020-03-17.
- Stefano Bossi was invited as new Committer on 2020-09-04.
## Project Activity:
Version 0.7.0 was released on 2020-05-25 and we are working hard on making the
0.8.0 ready for release. In the past few weeks we did quite a number of bug
reports and feature requests which have mostly been addressed.
Also in the last few weeks a lot of new folks have been showing up, one was
already invited to become a committer and some which will probably be invited
pretty to join the community soon, if they continue the current level of
Especially the new PLC4PY initiative, where a group of community members and
new folks have started working on porting PLC4J to Python is currently seeding
more activity in the community.
Another notable initiative is one to bring support for CAN bus communication
as well also the efforts to port PLC4J to C.
ApacheCon@Home will be having 3 talks where PLC4X is a main topic or a
sub-topic and we are looking forward to it.
## Community Health:
- had a 11% decrease in traffic in the past quarter
(554 emails compared to 619)
- had a 71% increase in traffic in the past quarter
(250 emails compared to 146)
- 39 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (129% increase)
- 26 issues closed in JIRA, past quarter (85% increase)
- 273 commits in the past quarter (-20% decrease)
- 13 code contributors in the past quarter (-7% decrease)
- 21 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-38% decrease)
- 16 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-52% decrease)
- 225 Github Stars (up by 24)
- 373 @ApachePLC4X Twitter account followers (up by 18)
Attachment BC: Report from the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) Project [Nick Kew]
## Description:
The mission of the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) project is to create and
maintain software libraries that provide a predictable and consistent
interface to underlying platform-specific implementations. The primary goal is
to provide an API to which software developers may code and be assured of
predictable if not identical behaviour regardless of the platform on which
their software is built, relieving them of the need to code special-case
conditions to work around or take advantage of platform-specific deficiencies
or features.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.
## Membership Data:
Apache Portable Runtime (APR) was founded 2000-12-01 (20 years ago)
There are currently 68 committers and 43 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Michael Osipov was added to the PMC on 2020-08-29
- Michael Osipov was added as committer on 2020-08-29
## Project Activity:
The project has been very quiet even by APR's standards. Nothing of interest
to report.
The most recent release was 1.7.0 in April 2019.
Regarding nh comment on the previous report:
nh: Has APR looked into expanding the scope with abstractions of
modern architecture to get new traction and excitement, or has
it decided to remain what it currently is? Examples; GPUs and
FPGAs are making in-roads to "general computing", Security
Hardware Accelerators, fingerprint sensors are on many
laptops,... Just a thought from peanut gallery.
The answer is No and No. We haven't considered it as of now, but we are
always open to new proposals if someone is driving them. If someone comes
forward with a credible proposal or an existing piece of work that might
integrate with APR, we would expect to consider that on its merits.
## Community Health
The community is quiet, reflecting the lack of activity. Working on the
principle of "scratch your own itch", noone is itching. We believe we retain
the capacity to respond to new proposals or to new issues, though none have
arisen in the quarter.
Attachment BD: Report from the Apache Portals Project [David Sean Taylor]
## Description:
The mission of Portals is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Portal technology
## Issues:
We have no board-level issues at this time.
## Membership Data:
Apache Portals was founded 2004-02-17 (17 years ago)
There are currently 41 committers and 18 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Neil Griffin on 2017-02-11.
- No new committers. Last addition was Ahmed on 2016-08-06.
## Project Activity:
No new releases since April 25 (Pluto 3.1.0).
We are planning on a new Jetspeed 2.3.2 release
by end of year if time permits. A new contributor
would like to start working on the project.
Improved XSS filters to Jetspeed in July 2020.
No additional members since last report
12 Feb 2017 - Two new PMC members added
27 April 2017 - Apache Portals Pluto team
released Pluto Maven Archetypes 3.0 to support
to developing new portlets to the new 3.0 spec
## Community Health:
Apache Portals is not showing much activity or
mailing list interest for the last few years.
Attachment BE: Report from the Apache PredictionIO Project [Donald Szeto]
## Description:
The mission of Apache PredictionIO is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a machine learning server built on top of state-of-the-art open
source stack, that enables developers to manage and deploy production-ready
predictive services for various kinds of machine learning tasks
## Issues:
A discussion to move to the Attic was initiated on both the user and dev
mailing lists. There was no objection and a subsequent vote was held on the
dev mailing list. The vote
was successful. A resolution is added to the board agenda.
## Membership Data:
Apache PredictionIO was founded 2017-10-17 (3 years ago) There are currently
29 committers and 28 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio
is roughly 8:7.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Andrew Kyle Purtell on 2017-10-17.
- No new committers were added.
## Project Activity:
Attic discussion and vote were started and completed successfully.
## Community Health:
Sporadic mailing list traffic on the user list. There was no other discussion
other than moving to the Attic.
Attachment BF: Report from the Apache Pulsar Project [Matteo Merli]
## Description:
Pulsar is a highly scalable, low latency messaging platform running on
commodity hardware. It provides simple pub-sub semantics over topics,
guaranteed at-least-once delivery of messages, automatic cursor management for
subscribers, and cross-datacenter replication.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Project Activity:
- 2.6.0 was released on June 17th 2020
- 2.6.1 was released on Aug 28th 2020
- Pulsar Client Go 0.2.0 was released on Aug 26th 2020
- Pulsar Client Node 1.2.0 was released on Aug 12th 2020
- Several improvement proposals have been submitted:
* PIP 69: Schema design for Go client
* PIP 68: Exclusive Producer
* PIP 67: Pulsarctl - An alternative tools of pulsar-admin
* PIP 66: Pulsar Function Mesh
- Pulsar has reached 307 contributors on the main Github repo
- First Pulsar Summit conference was held on June 17th and 18th
2020. This has been rescheduled as a virtual conf from the
in-person event that was earlier scheduled for March 2020.
Many Pulsar committers and PMC members are participating along with
several users presenting on their experiences and their journeys
in the Pulsar adoption.
- Pulsar Summit Asia will replicate the same format, while targeting
the APAC community. The conference will take place in virtual form
on Nov. 28-29th and the CFP is now open.
- Next release 2.7.0 is being worked on and it's expected to be ready
for mid October.
- The seconds release fof Pulsar-Manager (0.2.0) is being voted.
## Health report:
- There is healthy grow in the community, several users are starting to
become contributors to the project and engaging more and more with
the community.
## Membership Data:
- Apache Pulsar was founded 2018-09-18 (2 years ago)
- There are currently 33 committers and 24 PMC members in this project.
- The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 4:3.
- Community changes, past quarter:
* No new PMC members. Last addition was Penghui Li on 2019-09-16.
* Huanli Meng was added as committer on 2020-09-01
## Community Health:
- Activity on the mailing lists remains high with a mixture of new users,
contributors, and deeper more experienced users and contributors sparking
discussion and questions and filing bugs or new features.
- 19% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (152 emails compared to 187)
- 54% increase in traffic in the past quarter (899 emails compared to 583)
## Slack activity:
- 2223 Members (1990 in June 2020)
- 320 Active weekly users (250 in June 2020)
## GitHub activity:
- 621 commits in the past quarter (-32% decrease)
- 86 code contributors in the past quarter (-24% decrease)
- 514 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-2% decrease)
- 475 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-11% decrease)
- 344 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (12% increase)
- 241 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-1% decrease)
Attachment BH: Report from the Apache RocketMQ Project [Xiaorui Wang]
## Description:
The mission of Apache RocketMQ is the creation and maintenance of software
related to fast, low latency, reliable, scalable, distributed, easy to use
message-oriented middleware, especially for processing large amounts of
streaming data
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Membership Data:
Apache RocketMQ was founded 2017-09-20 (3 years ago)
There are currently 33 committers and 14 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:4.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Rongtong Jin on 2020-03-30.
- Yufei Zhang was added as committer on 2020-08-18
- Rui Liu was added as committer on 2020-08-05
## Project Activity:
ROCKETMQ-SPRING-2.1.1 was released on 2020-07-24.
ROCKETMQ-4.7.1 was released on 2020-06-29.
ROCKETMQ-CLIENT-GO-2.0.0 was released on 2020-04-03
## Community Health:
RocketMQ community health is overall good as we see multiple improvements
proposals are being discussed in parallel and most issues/PRs are timely
responded. The RocketMQ community is currently actively optimizing the
consumer load balancing architecture. In accordance with the cloud-native
technical trend, RocketMQ also evolves that way. Currently,
rocketmq-operator has gained official support from the operator community.
mailing list: had a 85% increase in traffic in the past quarter. had a 13% decrease in traffic in the past quarter.
Attachment BI: Report from the Apache Royale Project [Piotr Zarzycki]
## Description:
Apache Royale is a new implementation of the principles of Apache Flex,
designed for JavaScript instead of Adobe Flash/AIR runtimes. Apache Royale
improves developer productivity in creating applications to run wherever
JavaScript runs, including on browsers as well as in Apache Cordova
applications, Node, etc.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Releases:
Apache Royale 0.9.4 was released on November 14 2018
Apache Royale 0.9.6 was released on October 1 2019
Apache Royale 0.9.7 was released on May 13 2020
## Membership Data:
Apache Royale was founded 2017-09-20 (3 years ago)
There are currently 18 committers and 14 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 9:7.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Greg Dove on 2019-10-29.
- Christofer Dutz was added as committer on 2020-09-04
- Raúl Núñez was added as committer on 2020-06-26
## Project Activity:
- We have done more work on stability over recent months, particularly for the
Jewel UI set, which we see more users adopting. We have continued expanding
documentation to cover all classes and components for Jewel.
- Release of the next version of SDK is on hold pending the release master
having available time.
- We had a lot of activity on social networks, sharing what is happening in
Apache Royale as we progress in the project. We think it is important to do
this so people outside the project and not following it on a daily basis can
get a notion of how we are doing. The numbers are:
- Our Twitter account has 677 (previously 661) followers.
- Our Facebook page has 162 (previously 147) likes.
- Our LinkedIn Group has 140 (previously 131) people. Our StackOVerFlow
"apache-royale" tag currently has 56 (previously 50) questions.
- We recently added a Slack channel, "royale", in workspace
as an experiment to support real-time collaboration.
## Community Health:
- We have been working intensively with several users who want to port
existing applications from Flex to Apache Royale.
Attachment BJ: Report from the Apache Sentry Project [Kalyan Kalvagadda]
Attachment BK: Report from the Apache ServiceMix Project [Krzysztof Sobkowiak]
## Description:
The mission of Apache ServiceMix project is to create and maintain a flexible,
open-source integration container, powered by OSGi, that unifies the features
and functionality of Apache ActiveMQ, Camel, CXF, and Karaf into a powerful
runtime platform you can use to build your own integrations solutions.
## Issues:
No issue requiring board attention
## Membership Data:
Apache ServiceMix was founded 2007-09-19 (13 years ago)
There are currently 50 committers and 21 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:3.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Andrea Cosentino on 2017-03-15.
- No new committers. Last addition was Andrea Cosentino on 2016-03-13.
## Project Activity:
As we are late in the migration of ServiceMix parts, we are still active on
the maintenance, especially on ServiceMix bundles. We did our regular monthly
release as the bundles are used in other projects like Karaf, Camel, CXF, etc.
## Community Health:
We are still working on the plan to migrate ServiceMix parts mostly in Karaf.
We will notify board when we have a concrete schedule.
Attachment BL: Report from the Apache Shiro Project [Brian Demers]
## Description:
The mission of Shiro is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Powerful and easy-to-use application security framework
## Issues:
We have no issues that require Board assistance at this time.
## Membership Data:
Apache Shiro was founded 2010-09-21 (10 years ago)
There are currently 13 committers and 10 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:5.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Colm O hEigeartaigh on 2019-10-08.
- No new committers. Last addition was Benjamin Marwell on 2020-04-23.
## Project Activity:
- New PMC Chair (bdemers) voted in on 2020-0-17
- The project is maintaining a 1.x branch for bug fixes and security updates
- Also continuing to move forward with 2.x on master
- 1.6.0 was released on 2020-08-17.
- 1.5.3 was released on 2020-05-03.
- 1.5.2 was released on 2020-03-23.
## Community Health:
The overall mailing list and commit counts are down from the previous quarter,
we should see another bump in activity shortly as as prepare for the next
minor release.
Of note the number of code contributors did go up (10% increase)
Attachment BM: Report from the Apache SINGA Project [Wang Wei]
## Description:
The mission of Apache SINGA is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a distributed deep learning platform
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention
## Membership Data:
Apache SINGA was founded 2019-10-16 (a year ago)
There are currently 22 committers and 16 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Chris Yeung on 2020-04-17.
- Zhang Zhaoqi was added as committer on 2020-07-01
- Rulin Xing was added as committer on 2020-06-23
- Shicong Lin was added as committer on 2020-06-26
## Project Activity:
The last release is on April 18, 2020.
The community is working on release v3.1, which include the following
1. generating wheel package for distributing SINGA on PyPI repo and
simplifying the installation process.
2. moving from Travis CI to Github workflow for better integration with
3. improving the computational graph to support RNN models
4. adding new operators to support more ONNX models
5. fixing bugs.
## Community Health:
Overall, the community has slowed down a bit after releasing version 3.0. We
are still active in development for v3.1, with 52 PRs opened and 53 PRs
closed. The community is growing stably with 3 new committers joined since
last report.
Attachment BN: Report from the Apache Sling Project [Robert Munteanu]
## Description:
Apache Sling™ is a framework for RESTful web-applications based on an
extensible content tree.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.
## Membership Data:
Apache Sling was founded 2009-06-17 (11 years ago)
There are currently 48 committers and 28 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Eric Norman was added to the PMC on 2020-08-19
- Cris Rockwell was added as committer on 2020-07-21
- Henry Saginor was added as committer on 2020-08-04
## Project Activity:
Work continues on various individual modules, with 36 releases for this
reporting period.
Efforts are being made for the next release of Sling Starter 12, our sample
The adaptTo conference, a traditional opportunity for the communities around
Sling, Felix and Jackrabbit to meet is taking place online this year, between
the 28th and 30th of September.
## Community Health:
Community is in good health. Activity indicators are lower ( e.g. 1/3 decrease
in Jira activity ) but this is probably due to lower activity during the
summer months rather than decreasing interest in project.
Attachment BO: Report from the Apache SpamAssassin Project [Sidney Markowitz]
Apache SpamAssassin report to Board for September 2020
SpamAssassin is a mail filter to identify spam. The project provides a
framework/engine and regular rule updates that reflect the changing nature of
spam email seen in the wild. Updated rules are generated through a combination
of hand crafted contributions and automated processing of spam and anonymized
processed non-spam that are contributed by volunteers.
Status and health report:
The project activities, including running our rule update infrastructure and
our dev and user mailing lists, are continuing smoothly.
SpamAssassin 3.4.4 was released on 28 January, 2020. It was primarily a
security release, fixing two CVEs, all then known outstanding open security
issues on the project.
Release of SpamAssassin 3.4.5 is imminent, fixing a subsequently reported CVE
level security issue. 3.4.5 Pre-Release 1 was built on June 21, 2020.
We intend to return our primary focus to development of version 4.0.0. A
Pre-Release 1 of 4.0.0 is planned.
The last release was Apache SpamAssassin version 3.4.4 on 28 January 2020.
Note that we maintain online rule updates that are continuously updated
through a combination of developer contributions and automated processing via
our mass-check facility.
Committer/PMC changes:
Most recent new committer:
Paul Stead (pds) 12 September 2018
Most recent new PMC members:
Giovanni Bechis (gbechis) 24 Sep 2018
Henrik Krohns (hege) 25 Sep 2018
Attachment BP: Report from the Apache Storm Project [Kishor Patil]
## Description:
The mission of Storm is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Distributed, real-time computation system
## Issues:
There are no open issues at the moment.
## Membership Data:
Apache Storm was founded 2014-09-16 (6 years ago)
There are currently 40 committers and 39 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Aaron Gresch on 2019-08-08.
- No new committers. Last addition was Aaron Gresch on 2019-08-09.
## Project Activity:
- The team is currently working on fixing some bugs.
- We may have a release next quarter to release all these fixes.
- This is my first report to the board as PMC Chair for Storm.
## Community Health:
The community is actively participating with patches and preparing for release
candidate 2.3.
Attachment BQ: Report from the Apache Submarine Project [Wangda Tan]
# [REPORT] Submarine - Sep 2020
## Description
Apache Submarine is a unified AI platform which allows engineers and data
scientists to run Machine Learning and Deep Learning workload in a
distributed cluster.
## Issues
There are no problematic issues requiring board attention.
## General
### Feature development of Submarine:
The community is busy working on the following features,
continue efforts since last report.
- Notebook service.
- UI including experiment, notebook and environment.
- Experiment related features and improvements including Github integration,
environment integration, etc.
## Membership Data:
Apache Submarine was founded on 2019-10
No new committers and PMCs were added in the last quarter.
(We're working with community and getting new committer/PMC added in short
## Project Activity:
### Releases
- Community is actively working on 0.5.0 since last report,
we have released 0.4.0 in the last quarter.
- Roadmap for 0.5.0:
## Community Health:
### JIRA Activity
- 99 JIRA tickets created since the past quarter [
project in ("Apache Submarine") AND createdDate >= 2020-06-09
- 88 JIRA tickets resolved since the past quarter [
project in ("Apache Submarine") AND resolutiondate >= 2020-06-09
- 23 JIRA tickets created since the past month [
project in ("Apache Submarine") AND createdDate >= 2020-08-09
- 23 JIRA tickets resolved since the past month [
project in ("Apache Submarine") AND resolutiondate >= 2020-08-09
### Mailing list, slack channel, Github activities:
- dev@submarine: 147 emails since Aug 09, 2020. There're
21 accounts participated the discussion.
- Community sync up: Similar to last report.
Submarine community sync up is very active now, weekly sync up has 10+
participants in the last several months.
- There're 312 stars of apache/submarine Github, which up from 257 since
last report.
## Answers for feedbacks from board:
No specific question from board for the last report.
Attachment BR: Report from the Apache Synapse Project [Isuru Udana]
Attachment BS: Report from the Apache SystemDS Project [Jon Deron Eriksson]
## Description:
Apache SystemDS is a machine learning (ML) system for the end-to-end
data science lifecycle from data preparation, validation, and cleaning,
over efficient ML training, to model debugging and deployment. Data
scientists specify ML algorithms or ML pipelines in a high-level
language with R-like syntax - or through related Python and Java APIs,
and the system automatically generates hybrid runtime plans of single
node, in-memory operations as well as distributed operations on top of
Apache Spark.
## Project Status:
- The name change from Apache SystemML to Apache SystemDS has been
completed (thanks to the INFRA team for changing all relevant services
such as JIRA, Github URLs, website, and mailing lists).
- We're currently in preparation of the SystemDS 2.0 release,
hopefully to be released by end of September.
- Change PMC chair: According to the board feedback on our 08/2020
report, we had an explicit vote on changing the PMC chair, and this
resolution has been submitted to the board for approval.
## Membership Data:
- Apache SystemML - now SystemDS - was founded 2017-05-16
(incubator process entered 2015-11-02)
- 4 new committers have been added 2020-05-01
(Arnab Phani, Mark Dokter, Shafaq Siddiqi, and Kevin Innerebner).
- 1 new committer has been added 2020-06-08
(Sebastian Baunsgaard)
- Rich Bowen has resigned from the PMC 2020-08-19
- There are currently 31 committers and 22 PMC members in the project.
## Activity and Health:
- Code activity is healthy with 175 commits in the last 3 months.
- Community growth is healthy with 1 new committer and 20 active
contributors in the last 3 months
- Communication is healthy but mailing list activity can be improved.
## Releases:
- Apache SystemML 1.2.0 was released on 2018-08-24.
- SystemDS 0.2.0 was released (outside ASF) on 2020-03-24
- in progress of preparing the SystemDS 2.0 release
(for reconciling the previous SystemML and SystemDS version lines)
## Answers to Board Questions:
- ss: I'm unclear what this means, could you please clarify? "-
SystemDS 0.2.0 was released (outside ASF) on 2020-03-24"
ps: The situation is complicated by a merge and name change from
SystemML to SystemDS, but neither set of mailing lists seems to
have a release vote early this year.
This statement referred to the System 0.2 release [1]. SystemDS was
forked from Apache SystemML in Sep 2018, and this v0.2 was the last
release of the forked, non-ASF open source system (Mar 2020). After
PMC discussions end of 2019, we merged SystemDS with Apache SystemML
in Apr 2020, to form Apache SystemDS.
- curcuru: Reminder: to change the PMC's chair, you should have a PMC
vote, and you must submit a resolution to the board.
Thanks, I misinterpreted the guidelines. We now had a successful vote
and we have submitted the resolution to the board.
Attachment BT: Report from the Apache Tajo Project [Hyunsik Choi]
Attachment BV: Report from the Apache Tomcat Project [Mladen Turk]
## Description:
- A Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java WebSocket and Java
Unified Expression language specifications implementation.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Membership Data:
- There are currently 28 PMC members.
Igal Sapir was added to the PMC on Mar 18 2019
- There are currently 47 committers.
Raymond Augé was added as committer on 2020-07-02
## Community Health:
- Continued healthy activity across multiple components and
responsiveness on both dev and user lists.
## Project Activity:
- We have been working on preparing tracks for upcoming
ApacheCon NA 2020. We have 13 presentations from 7
different presenters.
- Apache Tomcat 10.x is the current focus of development.
It builds on Tomcat 9.0.x and implements the Servlet 5.0,
JSP 3.0, EL 4.0, WebSocket 2.0 and Authentication 2.04
specifications (the versions required by Jakarta EE 9 platform).
- Apache Tomcat 10.0.0-M7 was released on 2020-07-05
- Apache Tomcat 9.0.37 was released on 2020-07-05
- Apache Tomcat 8.5.57 was released on 2020-07-05
- Apache Tomcat Native 1.2.25 was released on 2020-09-03
## Security:
- Detailed status:
## Trademark:
- No new trademark issues in the last 3 months
and there are currently no outstanding trademark issues that the
Apache Tomcat PMC is working on.
Attachment BW: Report from the Apache Trafodion Project [Pierre Smits]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Trafodion is the creation and maintenance of software
related to webscale SQL-on-Hadoop solution enabling transactional or
operational workloads.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Membership Data:
Apache Trafodion was founded 2017-12-20 (3 years ago)
There are currently 25 committers and 15 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 5:3.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Anoop Sharma on 2018-12-06.
- No new committers. Last addition was Zalo Correa on 2020-03-25.
## Project Activity:
The project produced release 2.4.0 in May. The project continues to work to
improve the product. Currently efforts are under way to have the next release
## Community Health:
Interactions between community member, including activities relating to code
improvements continued to decline during last quarter. Though this may be
related to current global economic uncertainties, as well as being the
vacations period, the project continues to monitor the situation. The PMC
regards the project still as a healthy organisation.
Attachment BX: Report from the Apache UIMA Project [Marshall Schor]
Board report for Apache UIMA, for September 2020.
## Description:
Apache UIMA's mission: the creation and maintenance of open-source software
related to the analysis of unstructured data, guided by the UIMA Oasis
Standard. The software provides frameworks, tools and annotators,
facilitating the analysis of unstructured content such as text, audio and
## Issues: No Board level issues at this time.
## Membership Data:
Apache UIMA was founded 2010-03-16 (10 years ago)
There are currently 25 committers and 17 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:5.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Viorel Morari on 2019-11-18.
- No new committers. Last addition was Viorel Morari on 2018-09-20.
## Project Activity:
### Releases:
0 releases in last quarter
4 releases previous quarter
11 April 2020: Apache UIMA Ruta 2.8.1
17 April 2020: Apache UIMA Ruta 3.0.1
26 April 2020: Apache uimaFIT 2.5.0
12 May 2020: Apache uimaFIT 3.1.0
## Activity:
UIMA AS completed the process of switching to GIT.
Work was done as to switch our Jenkins automation to the new build
infrastructure, for several projects.
Issues at a slow/moderate pace are continuing to be reported
and fixed mainly in uimaFIT and Ruta.
Work on other projects slowed during this last quarter.
## Community Health: The community continues to be moderately active.
Attachment BY: Report from the Apache Unomi Project [Serge Huber]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Unomi is the creation and maintenance of software
related to providing a reference implementation of the OASIS Customer Data
Platform specification currently being worked on by the OASIS Context Server
Technical Committee
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.
## Membership Data:
Apache Unomi was founded 2019-02-20 (2 years ago)
There are currently 12 committers and 6 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 2:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was David Griffon on 2019-02-20.
- No new committers. Last addition was Taybou on 2019-04-01.
## Project Activity:
The project has been quite active both on development and maintenance work. On
the master branch (future 2.0 version) the new GraphQL API is progressing
nicely and on the maintenance branch (1.5) we've been producing more regular
releases that include security fixes. A 1.5.2 version to address the latest
reported security issue will be released in the coming weeks, once all quality
assurance is completed, as the latest changes to fully address the security
issue required some changes that may have impacts. Alongside the security
fixes, new contributions from new and existing contributors have been merged
into the stable branch to encourage contributors to participate in the project
and make sure it stays current.
Here is the release data :
1.5.1 was released on 2020-05-14.
1.5.0 was released on 2020-05-12.
1.4.0 was released on 2019-05-24.
## Community Health:
The community is quite active on the Apache Slack #unomi channel. It really
seems as this is now the preferred channel of interaction for quick questions
and answers. Of course, all official Apache business is still happening on the
mailing lists but newcomers seem to prefer using Slack.
The project will probably be proposing new committers soon, as some of the
regular contributions for the GraphQL API work have been consistently
contributing and providing great support to the project.
Here are some metrics:
- #unomi slack channel has 87 members !
- had a 37% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (340
emails compared to 532)
- had a 37% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (7
emails compared to 11)
- 22 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (-65% decrease)
- 13 issues closed in JIRA, past quarter (-82% decrease)
- 55 commits in the past quarter (-61% decrease)
- 9 code contributors in the past quarter (-35% decrease)
- 24 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-25% decrease)
- 23 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-28% decrease)
Attachment BZ: Report from the Apache VCL Project [Josh Thompson]
## Description:
The mission of the Apache VCL project is to create and maintain of software
related to a modular cloud computing platform which dynamically provisions and
brokers remote access to compute resources.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.
## Membership Data:
Apache VCL was founded 2012-06-19 (8 years ago)
There are currently 10 committers and 8 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 5:4.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Mike Jennings was added to the PMC on 2020-08-24
- No new committers. Last addition was Mike Jennings on 2019-01-04.
## Project Activity:
- Last release: 2019-07-25
- VCL is primarily used by universities. With a new semester having recently
started, time to put toward development has been pretty low. We hope to be
able to focus more on development once things start to slow down for the
semester and then work toward getting another release out.
## Community Health:
- VCL remains a small but functioning community.
- We're happy to have picked up a new PMC member.
Attachment CA: Report from the Apache Wicket Project [Andrea Del Bene]
## Description:
The mission of Wicket is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Component-based Java Web Application Framework.
## Issues:
No issues require board attention.
## Membership Data:
Apache Wicket was founded 2007-06-20 (13 years ago)
There are currently 33 committers and 32 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:8.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Thomas Heigl was added to the PMC on 2020-08-14
- No new committers. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-05-18.
## Project Activity:
The most relevant activity of the last quarter has been the release of Wicket
9, which has been covered by two online magazines: the German based
and the sdtimes. At the same time we released the new 8.x version and the last
7.x which reached its end of life. We also managed CVE-2020-11976 inviting
users to upgrade Wicket to the latest versions. As final note, in the next
quarter we should rotate the Chair role to another PMC member, as we decided
to do after Wicket 9 has been released.
## Community Health:
Overall community health is good. The new Wicket 9 has been received very well
and we already integrated some external PR(*) to foster security standards
support. In general, the overall amount of feedback collected so far is enough
for the first minor release of 9.x branch, i.e. 9.1.0
Attachment CB: Report from the Apache Xerces Project [Michael Glavassevich]
Only some minor improvements to the documentation were made since the last
report. No updates to the Java source were made. A large portion of the
mailing list activity has been a discussion about a possible bug in the XML
Schema 1.1 validator. That discussion is still continuing with the reporter.
Mailing list traffic has been low; roughly 70+ posts on the j-dev and j-users
lists since the beginning of May 2020.
No new releases since the previous report. The latest release is Xerces-J
2.12.1 (January 11th, 2020).
The developers started discussing a proposal for future development of a
Xerces-C 4.0.0. This release would be focused on making C++ modernization
improvements. Most of the activity since the last report has been on responses
and updates to JIRA issues, as well as review of some pull requests in GitHub.
Mailing list traffic has been moderate; roughly 170+ posts on the c-dev and
c-users lists since the beginning of May 2020.
No new releases since the previous report. The latest release is Xerces-C
3.2.3 (April 10th, 2020).
Nothing in particular to report. There was no development activity over the
reporting period.
XML Commons
No activity over the reporting period.
Committer / PMC Changes
The most recent committers were added in April 2017 (Xerces-C) and May 2017
No new PMC members since the last report. The most recent addition to the PMC
was in June 2016.
Two committers have committed changes to SVN and Git since May 2020.
Attachment CC: Report from the Apache XML Graphics Project [Clay Leeds]
Apache XML Graphics Project Board Report
The Apache XML Graphics Project is responsible for software intended for the
creation & maintenance of the conversion of XML formats to graphical output &
related software components.
No issues at present.
* Apache Batik 1.13 released 2020-05-13
* Apache FOP 2.5 released 2020-05-13
The level of community and developer activity remains at a consistent,
moderate, level with respect to the previous reporting period.
Currently 11 PMC members.
* Simon Steiner was added to the PMC on Tue Jan 19 2016
* Clay Leeds was approved for XML Graphics PMC Chair position on March 26,
Currently 21 committers.
* No new committers added in the last 3 months
* Last committer added was Matthias Reischenbacher at Wed May 13 2015
Most Recent Releases
* Apache XML Graphics Commons 2.4 was released on November 05, 2019
* Apache XML Graphics FOP 2.5 was released on May 20, 2020
* Apache XML Graphics Apache Batik 1.13 was released on May 20, 2020
Community activity was light, although there were a few bugs resolved.
New Release?
There were no releases this quarter.
Latest Release
XML Graphics Commons 2.4 was released on November 05, 2019
A release of Apache FOP 2.5 was made this quarter.
New Release?
* Allow to hide empty blocks from structure tree
* Bug fixes include:
* border improvements
* make JAI optional
* Font substitutions improvements
* FOP Documentation improvements
* and ~15 more improvements
Latest Release
Apache XML Graphics FOP 2.5 was released on May 20, 2020
Apache XML Graphics Apache Batik 1.13 was released on May 20, 2020
New Release?
Apache XML Graphics Apache Batik 1.13 was released on May 20, 2020
* BATIK-1276: Allow blocking of external resources
* BATIK-1275: Refactor shared resources.
* BATIK-1274: Add .gitignore
Latest Release
Apache XML Graphics Apache Batik 1.13 was released on May 20, 2020
Attachment CD: Report from the Apache Yetus Project [Allen Wittenauer]
## Description:
The mission of Yetus is the creation and maintenance of software related to
libraries and tools that enable contribution and release
processes for software projects
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.
## Membership Data:
Apache Yetus was founded 2015-09-15 (5 years ago)
There are currently 12 committers and 9 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 4:3.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Akira Ajisaka on 2018-12-17.
- No new committers. Last addition was Akira Ajisaka on 2018-02-06.
## Project Activity:
Project has been very quiet the past quarter, with sporadic discussion about
switching form 'master' to 'main', the occasional help request, bug/rfe work,
etc. The community health metrics below reflect that.
Overall, it's summer and people are busy with other things. Nothing too
exciting to worry about... we are due to work on a release soon though, if
only to update the dependencies in our Docker image.
With the removal of, the Yetus community has decided to move
their CI to GitHub Actions. There are enough contributors that regularly use
Jenkins that it wasn't felt necessary to continue using that as a the baseline
test. Additionally, jobs that we ran for the ASF's benefit ( JIRA<->Jenkins
patch submitter, docker cleanup, etc) would require significant retooling and
support effort to work in an equivalent manner under the new, broken up
## Community Health:
* had a 29% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (25
emails compared to 35)
* 12 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (-20% decrease)
* 7 issues closed in JIRA, past quarter (-41% decrease)
... but not totally dead!
* 5 commits in the past quarter (-72% decrease)
* 6 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-57% decrease)
* 6 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-60% decrease)
Attachment CE: Report from the Apache ZooKeeper Project [Flavio Paiva Junqueira]
## Description:
Apache ZooKeeper is a system for distributed coordination. It enables
the implementation of a variety of primitives and mechanisms that are
critical for safety and liveness in distributed settings, e.g.,
distributed locks, master election, group membership, and configuration.
## Issues:
No issues require board attention.
## Membership Data:
Apache ZooKeeper was founded 2010-11-17 (10 years ago)
There are currently 28 committers and 15 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:4.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Enrico Olivelli on 2020-01-15.
- No new committers. Last addition was Mate Szalay-Beko on 2020-04-03.
## Project Activity:
- Community is working on a bug fix release, 3.6.2.
- Talk by Christopher Bunn, a Facebook Engineer, at Systems @Scale Remote
Edition on containerizing ZooKeeper:
## Community Health:
It is the second quarter in a row in which activity is dropping, even though
the summer months tend to be slower in general because of vacation time.
- had a 54% decrease in traffic in the past quarter
(236 emails compared to 506)
- had a 45% decrease in traffic in the past
quarter (456 emails compared to 817)
- had a 35% decrease in traffic in the past quarter
(103 emails compared to 158)
- 67 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (-36% decrease)
- 28 issues closed in JIRA, past quarter (-62% decrease)
- 64 commits in the past quarter (-59% decrease)
- 16 code contributors in the past quarter (-44% decrease)
- 71 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-25% decrease)
- 50 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-50% decrease)
End of minutes for the September 16, 2020 board meeting.