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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

                            April 19, 2023

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 22:00 UTC and began at 22:03 when
    a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was recognized by
    the chair.

    Other Time Zones:

    The meeting was held via teleconference, hosted by the Secretary
    via Zoom.

    The #asfboard channel on was used for backup.

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

      Rich Bowen
      Shane Curcuru
      Bertrand Delacretaz
      Christofer Dutz - joined :23
      Sharan Foga
      Willem Ning Jiang
      Justin Mclean
      Craig L Russell
      Sander Striker

    Directors Absent:


    Executive Officers Present:

      Craig R. McClanahan
      David Nalley
      Matt Sicker
      Ruth Suehle

    Executive Officers Absent:



      Brian Proffitt
      Claude Warren
      Daniel Gruno
      Dirk-Willem van Gulik
      Drew Foulks - joined :05
      Jarek Potiuk
      Sally Khudairi

3. Minutes from previous meetings

    Published minutes can be found at:

    A. The meeting of February 15, 2023

       See: board_minutes_2023_02_15.txt

       tabled @Craig: redact M&P D&I section

    B. The meeting of March 22, 2023

       See: board_minutes_2023_03_22.txt

       Approved by General Consent.

4. Executive Officer Reports

    A. Board Chair [Sander Striker]

       It's been a fairly calm month for me.  Or rather I've been
       reorganizing my calendar with sustainability in mind.

       The Vice Chair is kindly offered to take on tasks and is taking on the
       responsibility of sending out the meeting summaries after each board

       The EU's Cyber Resiliency Act required attention this month.

       The time for today's board meeting was cause for some confusion, as
       the time defaulted to last years schedule which shifted the meeting by
       9 hours.  We're setting a new time this month with predictability in

       On the note of timing, I believe we can time our members meeting and
       budget process to align better.  This year we had our meeting early
       March.  And while the March agenda was pretty full this year, we
       should aim to have that be the month in which we review draft budget.

       My observation is that the level of engagement of individual directors
       is high currently on the committee reports.  A number of useful
       discussions are happening with respect to what would be useful
       information in the committee reports.

       In closing I've admittedly focused more on reviewing reports,
       requesting reports and grooming the agenda than on submitting my own

    B. President [David Nalley]

       I've been working with a number of other folks around our potential
       response to the EU's Cyber Resiliency Act.

       Budget is coming along nicely, thanks to Ruth for driving much of it.

       Additionally, please see Attachments 1 through 8.

    C. Treasurer [Craig R. McClanahan]

       As with previous months, we continued the process of dealing with
       vendor payable portals.  We are now down to two or three sponsors
       whose payments were made into the Citizens Bank account during this
       fiscal year, in spite of explicit payment instructions on the invoices
       in question.  In basically all of these cases, the payables systems at
       these sponsors have stored the previous (Citizens Bank) account
       details, and are not paying attention to new invoices with banking
       details.  Dealing with them gently is an important part of our
       cooperation with Fundraising to correct the internal information
       systems in each case.

       Our previous accountant at IgniteSpot has received an internal
       promotion there, and we have begun working with a new accountant there
       as our primary account representative.  Initial interactions have been
       very positive.

       For quite a while, we have been requesting Citizens Bank to close our
       account there, and transfer those funds (via a check that we can
       deposit) to our TD Bank account.  Citizens Bank has not been
       cooperative, and we are increasing the pressure on them.

    D. Secretary [Matt Sicker]

       In March, the secretary received 53 ICLAs, 4 CCLAs, 44 membership
       applications, and 1 membership emeritus request.

    E. Executive Vice President [Ruth Suehle]

       Visited the Halifax site for Community Over Code this month and was
       incredibly impressed with the city, the venues, and everyone there.

       Overall ASF budget planning is in progress for FY24.

    F. Vice Chair [Sharan Foga]

       - Currently working with the Chair to identify any meeting related
         tasks that can help with.

    Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

5. Additional Officer Reports

    A. VP of W3C Relations [Andy Seaborne / Bertrand]

       See Attachment 9

    B. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Roman Shaposhnik / Justin]

       See Attachment 10

    C. Apache Security Team Project [Mark J. Cox / Craig]

       See Attachment 11

    D. VP of Jakarta EE Relations [Rob Tompkins / Willem]

       No report was submitted.

    Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

6. Committee Reports

    Summary of Reports

     The following reports required further discussion:

        # Any23 [ningjiang]
        # Fineract [rbowen]
        # Mesos [ningjiang]
        # Submarine [striker]

    A. Apache Accumulo Project [Ed Coleman / Sander]

       See Attachment A

    B. Apache ActiveMQ Project [Bruce Snyder / Rich]

       See Attachment B

    C. Apache Airavata Project [Suresh Marru / Shane]

       See Attachment C

    D. Apache Airflow Project [Bolke de Bruin / Christofer]

       See Attachment D

    E. Apache Any23 Project [Lewis John McGibbney / Willem]

       No report was submitted.

       @Willem: pursue a roll call for PMC

    F. Apache APISIX Project [Ming Wen / Sharan]

       See Attachment F

    G. Apache Archiva Project [Olivier Lamy / Willem]

       See Attachment G

    H. Apache Aries Project [Christian Schneider / Sharan]

       See Attachment H

    I. Apache Arrow Project [Andrew Lamb / Justin]

       See Attachment I

    J. Apache AsterixDB Project [Till Westmann / Rich]

       See Attachment J

    K. Apache Attic Project [Herve Boutemy / Craig]

       See Attachment K

    L. Apache Avro Project [Ryan Skraba / Christofer]

       See Attachment L

    M. Apache bRPC Project [James Ge / Bertrand]

       See Attachment M

    N. Apache Calcite Project [Stamatis Zampetakis / Sander]

       See Attachment N

    O. Apache CarbonData Project [Liang Chen / Shane]

       See Attachment O

    P. Apache Causeway Project [Johan Doornenbal / Craig]

       See Attachment P

    Q. Apache Celix Project [Pepijn Noltes / Christofer]

       See Attachment Q

    R. Apache CXF Project [Daniel Kulp / Shane]

       No report was submitted.

    S. Apache DataFu Project [Eyal Allweil / Sharan]

       See Attachment S

    T. Apache DB Project [Bryan Pendleton / Bertrand]

       See Attachment T

    U. Apache Directory Project [Shawn McKinney / Rich]

       See Attachment U

    V. Apache DolphinScheduler Project [Lidong Dai / Justin]

       See Attachment V

    W. Apache Druid Project [Gian Merlino / Sander]

       No report was submitted.

    X. Apache Dubbo Project [Jun Liu / Willem]

       See Attachment X

    Y. Apache EventMesh Project [Eason Chen / Rich]

       See Attachment Y

    Z. Apache Fineract Project [James Dailey / Christofer]

       See Attachment Z

       @Rich: follow up with security team

    AA. Apache Flagon Project [Joshua C. Poore / Justin]

       See Attachment AA

    AB. Apache Fluo Project [Keith Turner / Craig]

       See Attachment AB

    AC. Apache Geronimo Project [Jean-Louis Monteiro / Sharan]

       See Attachment AC

    AD. Apache Griffin Project [William Guo / Sander]

       See Attachment AD

    AE. Apache Hadoop Project [Wei-Chiu Chuang / Bertrand]

       See Attachment AE

    AF. Apache HAWQ Project [Lei Chang / Shane]

       See Attachment AF

    AG. Apache HBase Project [Duo Zhang / Willem]

       See Attachment AG

    AH. Apache Helix Project [Junkai Xue / Craig]

       No report was submitted.

       @Craig: pursue PMC to elect a new chair

    AI. Apache Iceberg Project [Ryan Blue / Sander]

       See Attachment AI

    AJ. Apache Incubator Project [Justin Mclean]

       See Attachment AJ

    AK. Apache InLong Project [Charles Zhang / Shane]

       See Attachment AK

    AL. Apache James Project [Benoit Tellier / Rich]

       See Attachment AL

    AM. Apache jclouds Project [Andrew Gaul / Christofer]

       See Attachment AM

    AN. Apache Jena Project [Andy Seaborne / Bertrand]

       See Attachment AN

    AO. Apache JMeter Project [Bruno Demion / Sander]

       See Attachment AO

    AP. Apache Johnzon Project [Jean-Louis Monteiro / Craig]

       See Attachment AP

    AQ. Apache JSPWiki Project [Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez / Justin]

       See Attachment AQ

    AR. Apache Kudu Project [Andrew Wong / Willem]

       See Attachment AR

    AS. Apache Lucene.Net Project [Shad Storhaug / Sharan]

       See Attachment AS

    AT. Apache MADlib Project [Ed Espino / Roman]

       See Attachment AT

    AU. Apache Mahout Project [Andrew Musselman / Roman]

       See Attachment AU

    AV. Apache Maven Project [Karl Heinz Marbaise / Sharan]

       See Attachment AV

    AW. Apache Mesos Project [Qian Zhang / Willem]

       See Attachment AW

    AX. Apache MINA Project [Guillaume Nodet / Bertrand]

       No report was submitted.

    AY. Apache Mnemonic Project [Yanhui Zhao / Sharan]

       No report was submitted.

    AZ. Apache MyFaces Project [Bernd Bohmann / Rich]

       See Attachment AZ

    BA. Apache NiFi Project [Joe Witt / Shane]

       See Attachment BA

    BB. Apache Nutch Project [Sebastian Nagel / Justin]

       See Attachment BB

    BC. Apache NuttX Project [Alin Jerpelea / Craig]

       See Attachment BC

    BD. Apache OODT Project [Imesha Sudasingha / Bertrand]

       No report was submitted.

    BE. Apache OpenJPA Project [Mark Struberg / Christofer]

       See Attachment BE

    BF. Apache OpenMeetings Project [Maxim Solodovnik / Sander]

       See Attachment BF

    BG. Apache OpenOffice Project [Dave Fisher / Justin]

       See Attachment BG

    BH. Apache OpenWebBeans Project [Mark Struberg / Bertrand]

       See Attachment BH

    BI. Apache ORC Project [William Hyun / Rich]

       See Attachment BI

    BJ. Apache Parquet Project [Xinli Shang / Shane]

       See Attachment BJ

    BK. Apache PDFBox Project [Andreas Lehmkühler / Sharan]

       See Attachment BK

    BL. Apache Petri Project [Dave Fisher / Christofer]

       No report was submitted.

    BM. Apache Pig Project [Koji Noguchi / Sander]

       No report was submitted.

    BN. Apache Pivot Project [Roger Lee Whitcomb / Craig]

       See Attachment BN

    BO. Apache Ranger Project [Selvamohan Neethiraj / Willem]

       No report was submitted.

    BP. Apache Ratis Project [Tsz-wo Sze / Sharan]

       See Attachment BP

    BQ. Apache Rya Project [Adina Crainiceanu / Craig]

       See Attachment BQ

    BR. Apache Samza Project [Yi Pan / Rich]

       See Attachment BR

    BS. Apache ServiceMix Project [Krzysztof Sobkowiak / Christofer]

       See Attachment BS

    BT. Apache SINGA Project [Wang Wei / Shane]

       See Attachment BT

    BU. Apache SkyWalking Project [Sheng Wu / Justin]

       See Attachment BU

    BV. Apache Steve Project [Daniel Gruno / Willem]

       See Attachment BV

    BW. Apache Streams Project [Steve Blackmon / Bertrand]

       See Attachment BW

    BX. Apache Struts Project [René Gielen / Sander]

       See Attachment BX

    BY. Apache Submarine Project [Liu Xun / Willem]

       See Attachment BY

       @Sander: pursue Whimsy for PMC additions notifications

    BZ. Apache Synapse Project [Isuru Udana / Sander]

       See Attachment BZ

    CA. Apache Tapestry Project [Thiago Henrique De Paula Figueiredo / Bertrand]

       See Attachment CA

    CB. Apache Tcl Project [Georgios Petasis / Rich]

       See Attachment CB

    CC. Apache Tez Project [László Bodor / Shane]

       No report was submitted.

    CD. Apache Thrift Project [Jens Geyer / Justin]

       See Attachment CD

    CE. Apache Tika Project [Tim Allison / Sharan]

       See Attachment CE

    CF. Apache TinkerPop Project [Florian Hockmann / Christofer]

       See Attachment CF

    CG. Apache Tomcat Project [Mladen Turk / Craig]

       See Attachment CG

    CH. Apache Traffic Server Project [Bryan Call / Christofer]

       See Attachment CH

    CI. Apache Web Services Project [Daniel Kulp / Sharan]

       No report was submitted.

    CJ. Apache Zeppelin Project [Jongyoul Lee / Sander]

       See Attachment CJ

    Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

7. Special Orders

    A. Change the Apache Kafka Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Jun Rao (junrao)
       to the office of Vice President, Apache Kafka, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Jun
       Rao from the office of Vice President, Apache Kafka, and

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Kafka project
       has chosen by vote to recommend Mickael Maison (mimaison) as the
       successor to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Jun Rao is relieved and discharged
       from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President,
       Apache Kafka, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Mickael Maison be and hereby is appointed
       to the office of Vice President, Apache Kafka, to serve in accordance
       with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the
       Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal
       or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 7A, Change the Apache Kafka Project Chair, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    B. Terminate the Apache OODT Project

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache OODT project
       has chosen by vote to recommend moving the project to the Attic; and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it no longer in the best
       interest of the Foundation to continue the Apache OODT project due to

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Apache OODT project is hereby
       terminated; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Attic PMC be and hereby is tasked with oversight
       over the software developed by the Apache OODT Project; and be it

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache OODT" is hereby
       terminated; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache OODT PMC is hereby terminated.

       Special Order 7B, Terminate the Apache OODT Project, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

8. Discussion Items

    A. Regulatory Developments

    B. Board Calendar

       Determine the best time for the board meeting.

       - 21:00 UTC all year round

       Alternative Proposal:
       - April-September 21:00 UTC
       - October-March   22:00 UTC

       The board will be meeting at 21:00 UTC this term.

    C. ASF practices in the context of tooling landscape developments

       There is evidence that "if it didn't happen on the list, it didn't
       happen" is no longer anywhere near true. 
       Synchronous communication is often where business is discussed. 
       Results of synchronous discussions are not "brought back to the list." 
       GitHub dependabot messages flood dev lists.

       @Rich: continue with PMC advice around communication tooling

9. Review Outstanding Action Items

    * Willem: pursue a new PMC chair for Any23
          [ Any23 2023-02-15 ]
          Status: Any23 is thinking about retiring.

    * Bertrand: pursue a roll call for OODT
          [ OODT 2023-02-15 ]
          Status: Done, see "OODT Attic Resolution" action item

    * Roman: follow up with Subversion about VP Legal request
          [ Subversion 2023-02-15 ]
          Status: Left to be resolved between Subversion and VP Legal.

    * Willem: follow up with Any23 on report/chair
          [ Any23 2023-03-22 ]
          Status: Any23 is thinking about retiring.

    * Rich: pursue a roll call for Bahir
          [ Bahir 2023-03-22 ]
          Status: I think it's fair to say that the Bahir roll call failed. We
                  got three responses, but one of them was "no, I'm not paying
                  attention". Possibly time to start talking with them about
                  retirement. See thread on private@

    * Craig: pursue a roll call for Helix
          [ Helix 2023-03-22 ]

    * Sander: pursue a roll call for Iceberg
          [ Iceberg 2023-03-22 ]
          Status: Done. -

    * Sharan: pursue a roll call for Lucene.Net
          [ Lucene.Net 2023-03-22 ]
          Status: Roll Call requested and feedback that PMC active as per
         Have said they will submit a report
                  this month and have sent them a reminder

    * Justin: pursue a roll call for MXNet
          [ MXNet 2023-03-22 ]

    * Bertrand: pursue a potential Attic resolution for OODT
          [ OODT 2023-03-22 ]
          Status: Attic vote passed shortly before the April 19th meeting,
                  , resolution should come next month.

    * Shane: follow up with OpenNLP around issue raised in report
          [ OpenNLP 2023-03-22 ]

10. Unfinished Business

11. New Business

    The board will work on organizing a board face-to-face.

12. Announcements

13. Adjournment

    Adjourned at 23:19 UTC


Attachment 1: Report from the VP of Brand Management  [Mark Thomas]

Covering the period March 2023



Responded to the following queries, liaising with projects as required:
- Provided advice to ZOOKEEPER and AIRFLOW regarding acceptable names for
  products designed for use with our software
- Provided advice on how to reference DRUID correctly
- Provided advice on the correct logos to use for external training materials
- Approved PAIMON and SEATUNNEL as a podling names
- Provided advice to JMETER regarding required links on TLP sites
- Declined a request to use modified KAFKA and PULSAR logos in a combined


Responded to a couple of queries from counsel regarding possible international
registrations. No new international registrations were requested.


Resolved an unacceptable use of the ASF logo (it is no longer being used) on a
corporate web site.

Attachment 2: Report from the VP of Fundraising  [Bob Paulin]

1) ASF Sponsors:

a --New: we welcomed two new Bronze Sponsors during this timeframe.

b --Renewals: one Gold Sponsor has confirmed their renewal.

c --Payments: 1 --New: we received payments from two new Bronze Sponsors.

     2 --Renewing: we received payment from one renewing Platinum, two Gold,
     and one Bronze Sponsor. 2a --Incoming: we await payment from three
     Platinum, one Gold, two Silver, and four Bronze Sponsors. We await
     purchase orders to invoice two renewing Gold Sponsors.

2) Targeted Sponsors: we have welcomed a new Targeted Bronze Sponsor.

3) Sponsor Relations: we continue to spend effort engaging with current
Sponsors’ new points-of-contact, particularly in light of widespread layoffs.
We are preparing to onboard a new Silver Sponsor. Most (but not all) of our
China-based Sponsors have confirmed their attrition due to the techno-trade

4) Event Sponsorship: a small handful of ASF Sponsors await the prospectus for
the upcoming Community Over Code Conference. We are exploring possible
integration between ASF and Events Sponsorship plans/benefits. We continue to
assist Accounting with collections on a few outstanding sponsorship payments
from ApacheCon NA.

5) Individual Donations and Corporate Giving: we received $12.2K in individual
and one-time corporate donations, which included a separate corporate
contribution from a Gold Sponsor.

6) Administrivia: we worked with a Gold Sponsor to unlock a renewal payment
for the 2022 Sponsorship year. This has now been resolved and payment
received. We continue to work closely with the Treasurer and Accounting teams
in resolving outstanding Sponsor invoicing and payments issues. Work on
optimizing the new Fundraising CMS is ongoing.

Attachment 3: Report from the VP of Marketing and Publicity  [Brian Proffitt]

Event Promotion
* Community Over Code news on the wire[1],blog [2], and social media
* Google Summer of Code 2023 participation on the blog[3] and social media

Project News
* EventMesh Top Level Project news on blog[4], newswire[5], and social media
* Twitter + LinkedIn posts on project releases, industry news, and how-to

Foundation Comms
* Announced new ASF board members on ASF blog[6] and social media channels
* Continued to monitor and counsel on reactive comms around ASF branding
* Delivered proposal & options for ASF rebranding to be executed in FY24,
  including two unanswered threads on Board@ [7,8]
* Delivered proposal for 25th Anniversary story platform w/proposed next steps
  on how to build
* Posted FY2022 Annual Report to reports page

Proactive Stories
* Delivered PR Story Platform for review
* Continued social calls for #FirstASFContribution
* Sponsored: Google’s Success with Airflow + Beam on the blog[9] and social

Social Media Posts In March, we continued to drive community engagement across
social media, sharing:
* 84 Tweets + 45 LinkedIn posts covering ASF and project news; we began
  including case studies, how-to articles, thought leadership, and relevant
* Replies to questions and tags to content creators and news outlets
* A new Weekly News Wrap Up on LinkedIn that consolidates project release news

Social Analysis ASF social SOV amongst other large foundations continues to
float around the single digits at 4.5% with a net positive social sentiment
this month of 6.9%.
* March: 17.6% positive vs 10.7% negative
* YTD average : 14.9% positive vs 11.2% negative (3.7% net positive)

Social Engagement Stats (Twitter + LinkedIn)
* Total engagement: 10,180 (up 87% from Feb)
* Total clicks: 5,370 (up 51% from Feb)
* Click to engagement ratio: 53% (down 13% from Feb)
* New followers: 828 (up 10% from Feb)

Community Over Code Visited the Halifax site for Community Over Code this
month and was also very impressed with the venue. I am assisting Rich Bowen
with creating a schedule grid for the proposed tracks.


Attachment 4: Report from the VP of Infrastructure  [Myrle Krantz]

Infrastructure is operating as expected, and has no current issues
requiring escalation to the President or the Board.

- Infra held a meetup in Nashville, TN, USA. The team accomplished
  several goals, along with social/team building. This was the first
  Infra-only team event since 2019; we canceled our Spring 2020 event.
- Agenda Tool is ready for testing
- Anonymous LDAP access/read is finally disabled.

The Infrastructure FY24 budget has been provided to the President's
Office for roll-up and presentation to the Board.

Short Term Priorities
- Test the Agenda Tool, and move to phase 2 (read/write).

Long Range Priorities
- Build/deploy the Artifact Distribution Platform.

General Activity
- The INFRA workspace in Jira has been made committer-only for safety
  and security. While we do not rely upon "security via obscurity", it
  does not hurt to hide things.
- LDAP cutover to new system and required-authn/authz has succeeded
  very well. The team had expected to fast-fix issue, but only a
  couple minor issues arose and were quickly resolved.
- Infra staff has moved to Bitwarden, and will roll this out to all
  (prior) LastPass users.
- Continued blogs.a.o migration.
- Much work has been done on our Gradle Enterprise instance/install.
  Some projects are involved in the trial/testing.
- Various small matters: Qbot, Twilio, PBX
- Experimenting with Hashicorp Vault for programmatic secrets management.
- Migrated to Bitwarden, as a LastPass replacement. This is also
  observed in the submitted budget.
- Continued work on Gradle implement, and on Atlassian SaaS move.
- Received final notification / re-up on cloud credits.
- Ran a podling-focused Roundtable. We need to revise notification and
  announcements to improve attendance.

Attachment 5: Report from the VP of Conferences  [Rich Bowen]

Planning for Community Over Code, our 2023 flagship event, continues. The CFP
is still open.

Meanwhile, planning for our EU event for 2024 has begun, with the hope that we
can announce the 2024 event at the 2023 event.

Planning continues for a China event in August of 2023.

Attachment 6: Report from the Apache Travel Assistance Committee  [Gavin McDonald]

posting late minimal report , apologies

Budget submitted for FY24

Prepping for events.

Attachment 7: Report from the VP of Diversity and Inclusion  [Katia Rojas]

## Description:

- The Diversity and Inclusion VP works in collaboration with a team
  that contributes towards generating a current description of the D&I
  landscape in the industry and for the foundation. The team also
  focuses on developing resources the projects can leverage to
  increase diversity and inclusion in their communities.

## Issues:

## Activity:

*** Project: Internships for underrepresented groups (Outreachy) ***
    The ASF won't participate in the May-August 2023 round.

*** Project: User Experience Research on new contributors *** 
    has delivered 2 reports and 1 blog post. They are currently being
    reviewed by Marketing and Communications. Survey report Dashboard
    report Blog post

*** Operations no news.

## Committee members' changes:
no news.

## References

Attachment 8: Report from the VP of Data Privacy  [Christian Grobmeier]

No specific issue which requires board attention.

Usual activities: requests for data erasure requests were responded to, Matomo
IDs were added. There were no conversations that needed specific highlighting.

The ASF Trademarks team has reported a 3rd party has used our logo without
permission after being added to the privacy policy. To avoid these kind of
things, VP privacy will add a note to 3rd parties to contact ASF Trademarks
when there is an idea to use our brands. Also, we will make sure to notify
trademarks@ and operations@ three days before we add a provider to the privacy
policy. This planned change to process will be documented in the privacy
website for future VPs and will probably be adjusted with the input of the
privacy@ mailing list once it will publish it there for discussion.

Attachment 9: Report from the VP of W3C Relations  [Andy Seaborne]

ASF continued its membership of the renewed JSON-LD working group. ASF has two
participants: Steve Blackmon sblackmon@ and Adam Soroka ajs6f@.

ASF has signed the W3C Community Contributor License Agreement for the
WebAssembly Community Group and Timothy Chen @tnachen has joined.

Attachment 10: Report from the Apache Legal Affairs Committee  [Roman Shaposhnik]

Past month has been pretty calm. Committee members took good care of resolving
most issues on time. After resolving a handful of LEGAL issues, we are flat at
22 outstanding issues.

The board is receiving continuous guidance on the legal aspects of the
"Apache" name from DLAPiper.

Attachment 11: Report from the Apache Security Team Project  [Mark J. Cox]

- We continue to work to improve the accuracy of our disclosed
  vulnerabilities by: working with NIST's NVD programme to align their
  CWE classifications, reviewing and suggesting fixes to the CPE's
  that were assigned to our CVE's by NIST's NVD programme, and
  reviewing the artifact mappings assigned to them in the GitHub
  Security Advisory (GHSA) database, and adding missing ones.

- We worked with the infrastructure, marketing & publicity and data
  privacy teams to improve some security/privacy features on

- CVE-2022-33891 (in Spark) will be added to the "CISA Known Exploited
  Vulnerabilities (KEV) catalog".

Stats for March 2023:

        43 [license confusion]
        15 [support request/question not security notification]
        7 [report/question relating to dependencies]

Security reports: 64 (last months: 71, 59, 62 )

        9 ['airflow']
        8 ['website or other infrastructure']
        4 ['dubbo', 'linkis', 'tomcat']
        3 ['pulsar']
        2 ['archiva', 'commons', 'inlong', 'openmeetings', 'openoffice',
           'shardingsphere', 'shiro', 'struts', 'zookeeper']
        1 ['axis',
           'cassandra', 'dolphinscheduler', 'doris', 'guacamole', 'ignite',
           'jmeter', 'kylin', 'logging', 'mina', 'ozone', 'pdfbox', 'roller',

     In total, as of 3 April 2023, we're tracking 153 (last months:
     154, 156) open issues across 53 projects, median age 78 days
     (last months: 91, 83 days). 56 of those issues have CVE names

     8 (last month: 8) of these issues, across 5 projects, are older
     than 365 days.

Attachment 12: Report from the VP of Jakarta EE Relations [Rob Tompkins]

Attachment A: Report from the Apache Accumulo Project  [Ed Coleman]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Accumulo is the creation and maintenance of software 
related to a robust, scalable, distributed key/value store with cell-based 
access control and customizable server-side processing.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Accumulo was founded 2012-03-21 (11 years ago) There are currently 41
committers and 39 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is
roughly 6:5.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Christopher L. Shannon on 2022-09-27.
- No new committers. Last addition was Christopher L. Shannon on 2022-09-27.

The following individuals stepped down from the PMC and are now considered PMC
- Arvind Shyamsundar (arvindsh)
- David Medinets (medined)

## Project Activity:
Accumulo has started discussions and work to change the processing model to
support dynamic scaling and provide elasticity. The Accumulo Confluence
space[1] was activated to host the design documents and provide a
collaboration platform for developers and users. The goal for Accumulo is to
move from a model where active table metatdata and table data management is
hosted in active processes to a model that can dynamically scale server
components on-demand to provide configurable latency and higher scalability.

Upcoming planned releases expected in the next quarter.
- Maintenance releases of 1.10.3 and 2.1.1, The the legacy 1.x line will reach
  end-of-life on 2022-11-01. Release voting for 1.10.3 is in-progress as of
- The 3.0 release is planned to be a removal of deprecated items as permitted
  by semver, but with minimal other changes. The 3.0 release will also
  complete the removal of potentially offensive terms. The 3.0 release will be
  a baseline for redesign work but the community has not decided if the
  redesign will be a 3.1 or a 4.0 release. Those discussions will occur as the
  design continues to evolve.

## Community Health:
Overall community health is good and GitHub activity remains consistent.

- The current decline in GitHub activity is due to quiet post-release activity
  and work concentrating on a redesign efforts, including activity
  occurring on Confluence

- Accumulo has transitioned from Jira to GitHub issues. The remaining Jira
  activity reflects closing obsolete issues.

## Links

Attachment B: Report from the Apache ActiveMQ Project  [Bruce Snyder]

## Description:
The mission of Apache ActiveMQ is the creation and maintenance of software 
implementing a distributed messaging system

## Issues:
No issues at this time.

## Membership Data:
Apache ActiveMQ was founded 2007-01-16 (16 years ago) There are currently 63
committers and 29 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is
roughly 2:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Domenico Francesco Bruscino on
- No new committers. Last addition was Domenico Francesco Bruscino on

## Project Activity:
### ActiveMQ Artemis
- The 2.29.0 release is almost ready for a vote. It will include a handful
  of bug-fixes and dependency upgrades, along with work to allow building
  on JDK20, and significantly reduce memory usage in test runs. The most
  notable new feature is that now "connector" definitions added via the
  management API are durable.

### ActiveMQ Classic
- ActiveMQ 5.18.0 released, with major updates including initial JMS 2.0
  support, and also initial client-only support for Jakarta Messaging 3.1 to
  enable usage with Spring 6.
- ActiveMQ 5.18.1 is currently under vote to fix activemq-client-jakarta.
- Planning is underway for how the broker can be updated to support Jakarta
  Messaging as well to allow embedding, tentatively targeted for 5.19.x.

## Community Health:
Community activity has held fairly steady within the normal bounds
demonstrated by past data.

Attachment C: Report from the Apache Airavata Project  [Suresh Marru]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Airavata is the creation and maintenance of software 
related to executing and managing computational jobs on distributed computing 
resources, including local clusters, supercomputers, national grids, academic 
and commercial clouds.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache on Airavata was founded 2012-09-18 (11 years ago)
There are currently 42 committers and 26 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Isuru Ranawaka on 2022-03-06.
- No new committers. Last addition was Dinuka DeSilva on 2021-07-22.

## Project Activity:
The development momentum is stable, and work towards breaking the project into
smaller sub-components is in acceptable progress. Releasing these individual
components as stand-alone components is the next step. The last release was
still on March 24th, 2019. But with code simplification efforts, we are getting
closer to strident releases.

## Community Health:
The community is quite healthy. The simplification efforts of the code case are
yielding fruition. New users and developers are quickly trying out
individual sub-systems and making contributions. We plan to continue these
efforrs in making the code base more self-explanatory.

Google Summer of code contributors were active and we receieved three
proposals. Review process is ongoing.

Attachment D: Report from the Apache Airflow Project  [Bolke de Bruin]

## Description:

The mission of Apache Airflow is the creation and maintenance of software
related to workflow automation and scheduling that can be used to author and
manage data pipelines.

## Membership Data:
There are currently 52 committers and 31 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:4.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Brent Bovenzi was added to the PMC on 2023-03-15
- Pierre Jeambrun was added to the PMC on 2023-03-14
- Hussein Awala was added as committer on 2023-04-12

## Issues:
No issues worth board attention

## Project Activity:
- We are speeding up release cadence - providers are released roughly twice a
  month and we are working on faster release of minor versions of Airflow on
  top of regular patchlevel releases. Improving release cadence has a number
  of benefits: better automation of release process, more incremental and
  smaller changes.
- We included API client releases in the airflow release process to avoid the
  problem of missing API clients for new released versions of Airflow.
- In order to streamline our release process, we introduced (following the ASF
  rules) an accelerated RC2+ voting process, where small individual problems
  detected during testing of previous RC would previously cause us to restart
  the whole voting time. Now small fixes to RC candidates do not automatically
  extend the voting time.
- We are gearing up for 2.6 release which we accelerated to improve the
  release cadence as we saw that some bigger planned features (Setup/Teardown
  AIP-52, Internal API for multi-tenancy AIP-44 need more time to be ready. We
  introduced feature flags to release 2.6 with those features (partially
  implemented) disabled. We got substantially more security issues reported to
  us by security researchers - very likely as a result of Airflow being put on
  a bug-bounties as important supply chain component, we try to handle them
  with urgency in some areas, though there are still a few of those issues
  that need more engagement for the areas that do not get handled quickly
- There's an on-going work including efforts led by the stakeholders and
  community members that have not been as active before: Open Telemetry
  integration (AIP-49), Open Lineage integration (AIP-53), External
  Authentication and Authorisation framework (AIP-56 - part of Multi-Tenancy),
  Automatic Setup/Teardown (AIP-52, Airflow Internal API (AIP-44 part of
  Multi-Tenancy), Removing Executor Coupling (AIP-51). Most of the efforts
  have a common theme of making Airflow more of an extensible workflow
  platform than just an end-user solution.

### Releases:
Provider packages 2023-04-02 was released on 2023-04-06. Apache Airflow 2.5.3
was released on 2023-04-01. Apache Airflow 2.5.2 was released on 2023-03-15.
Provider packages 2023-03-07 hashicorp was released on 2023-03-10. Provider
packages 2023-03-03 was released on 2023-03-06. Provider packages 2023-02-18
was released on 2023-02-21. Provider packages 2023-02-08 was released on
2023-02-11. Apache Airflow Helm Chart 1.8.0 was released on 2023-02-06. Apache
Airflow Go Client 2.5.0 was released on 2023-02-03. Apache Airflow Python
Client 2.5.1 was released on 2023-02-01. Provider packages 2023-01-23
papermill, docker, apache.cassandra was released on 2023-01-26. Apache Airflow
2.5.1 was released on 2023-01-20. Provider packages 2023-01-14 was released on

### Events:
The community is getting ready for Airflow Summit 2023 that is happening
September 19-21 in Toronto, Canda.

## Community Health:
- We have regular monthly newsletter and voting on PR of the month that
  regularly gets somewhat enthusiastic reactions from the community
- We have a number of discussion redirected from PR/Slack chats to the
  devlist, we actively redirect “substantial” discussions requiring
  architectural changes to devlist to make sure we have an inclusive community
- We continuously improve the triage process to provide faster and more
  accurate feedback to users raising issues, we introduced “needs-triage”
  label for GH issues that require triaging and we attempt to track those and
  possibly in the future work out ways to improve those. 
- We have quite an
  engagement from our users and committers on release preparation and release
  candidates testing. We publish “Status of the RC release” github issue where
  the users are testing and verifying our RC candidates, users are also
  actively engaged in testing those releases and seems that their engagement
  helps - we had a number of cases where additional testing of Release
  Candidates revealed some issues. This led us to introducing the “accelerated
  RC voting” process where we could shorten the voting period for RC2+
  candidates when only a very small change was found and fixed in a previous
- Several of our users complained that they had no information on how to
  unsubscribe from users@ list - we decided to enable the footer with the
  information included following the advice from the VP privacy of the ASF to
  be more compliant with GDPR and similar regulations.
- We introduced clearer rules on what we consider breaking changes and we will
  start communicating them with the upcoming 2.6 release - those rules clarify
  what 3rd-parties and our users  can expect from integrating their custom
  code with Airflow and what they can rely on, further strengthening the
  “Airflow-as-a-Platform” approach.
- We are tightening our policies around Providers (integrations of Airflow
  with external services and applications). We are clarifying the policies on
  when we accept new providers and when we prefer that they are developed
  outside of the Apache Software Foundation code as external integrations -
  following our well-defined Provider interfaces. We have also introduced
  rules that will allow us to suspend new releases of some niche providers
  that are holding us back due to using old and out-dated dependencies, which
  should improve security/supply chain healthiness as well as allow us to move
  faster with our release process.
- We are working closer with the stakeholders (Amazon, Google, Databricks and
  others) where providers are historically part of the Apache Software
  foundation code and following the mixed-governance model we introduced
  (following the Apache rules)
- We collaborate on upgrading the outdated dependencies of those providers and
  working out automated testing schemes which allow us to move faster without
  compromising quality and respond to changing remote APIS. That includes
  introducing automated system test dashboards managed by the stakeholders
  based on our system tests (currently works for Amazon, in the works are
  Google and Databricks ones).
- The main stakeholder - Astronomer - through the OSS team members of
  Astronomer provides the backbone of the steady improvements and making
  Airflow strong and healthy when it comes to stability and continuously
  adding of new features and fixing issues, while there is also an effort of
  other stakeholders’ supported contributors to add new features to Airflow.
  Often people supported by those various stakeholders cooperate on the new
  Airflow features even if they are competing usually (leading to healthy
  “coopetition” ). We also have a continuous influx of new contributors, who
  are independent and not affiliated with the bigger stakeholders and they
  continue to raise to the ranks of committers and PMC members

Attachment E: Report from the Apache Any23 Project  [Lewis John McGibbney]

Attachment F: Report from the Apache APISIX Project  [Ming Wen]

## Description:
The mission of Apache APISIX is the creation and maintenance of software 
related to a cloud-native microservices API gateway

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache APISIX was founded 2020-07-15 (3 years ago)
There are currently 57 committers and 28 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Shirui Zhao was added to the PMC on 2023-04-01
- Bobur Umurzokov was added as committer on 2023-02-22
- Hengliang Tan was added as committer on 2023-02-23
- Jinhua Luo was added as committer on 2023-03-25
- Liu Wei was added as committer on 2023-03-28

## Project Activity:
Recent releases:
2.15.3 was released on 2023-03-07.
3.2.0 was released on 2023-03-06.
2.15.2 was released on 2023-02-06.
apisix-dashboard-3.0.0 was released on 2023-02-01.

## Community Health: had a 24% decrease in traffic 
in the past quarter (106 emails compared to 139)
435 commits in the past quarter (-10% change)
87 code contributors in the past quarter (16% increase)
425 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (7% increase)
353 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-5% change)
417 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (no change)
325 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (14% increase)

Attachment G: Report from the Apache Archiva Project  [Olivier Lamy]

## Description:
The mission of Archiva is the creation and maintenance of software related to 
Build Artifact Repository Manager

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Archiva was founded 2008-03-19 (15 years ago)
There are currently 21 committers and 9 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 7:3.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Martin Stockhammer on 2017-04-10.
- No new committers. Last addition was Martin Schreier on 2016-09-22.

## Project Activity:
Currently focus on security reports. 
Last release: 2.2.10 20th March 2023.

## Community Health:
Very small community but started some discussion on refactoring 
the user/role management to use something standard rather than 
home build api.

Attachment H: Report from the Apache Aries Project  [Christian Schneider]

## Description:
Apache Aries software is a set of pluggable Java components enabling an 
enterprise OSGi application programming model.

## Issues:
No current issues.

## Membership Data:
Apache Aries was founded 2010-12-15 (12 years ago)
There are currently 57 committers and 41 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 4:3.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Carlos Sierra Andrés on 2018-07-03.
- No new committers. Last addition was Romain Manni-Bucau on 2020-01-29.

## Project Activity:
Mainly bugfixes currently.

Recent releases:
jax-rs-whiteboard-2.0.2 was released on 2023-01-02.
spifly-1.3.6 was released on 2022-12-16.
proxy-impl-1.1.13 was released on 2022-10-12.

## Community Health:
Very low community activity. 
OSGi spec work for next api release is not yet at the level
that affects Aries projects. had a 77% decrease in traffic in the past
 quarter (77 emails compared to 327)
2 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (-87% change)
0 issues closed in JIRA, past quarter (-100% change)
20 commits in the past quarter (-74% change)
2 code contributors in the past quarter (-33% change)
21 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-76% change)
16 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-84% change)

Attachment I: Report from the Apache Arrow Project  [Andrew Lamb]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Arrow is the creation and maintenance of software
related to columnar in-memory processing and data interchange. More
information can be found at

## Issues:
There are no specific issues to report

## Membership Data:
Apache Arrow was founded 2016-01-19 (7 years ago)
There are currently 92 committers and 46 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 2:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Will Jones was added to the PMC on 2023-03-12
- Mustafa Akur was added as committer on 2023-04-05
- Brent Gardner was added as committer on 2023-01-17
- Wang Mingming was added as committer on 2023-02-21

## Project Activity:

The main mono repo moved to github and from JIRA for issues reporting, to
lower the friction for new contributors to participate. This friction was
partly caused by the new requirement for PMC to create JIRA accounts, as well
as the need for 2 separate accounts (JIRA and github).

A run-end encoded (REE) layout has been added to the Arrow Columnar Format: REE
is a variation of run-length encoding (RLE) and is well-suited for
representing data containing sequences of the same value in a way that allows
efficient random access from a logical index using binary search.

The Arrow Columnar Format now defines canonical extension types:
This provides a way to extend Arrow data types by including the specification
in the official Arrow documentation. This way the extension type is specified
as a canonical extension type. The first canonical extension type to be added
to the list is Fixed Shape Tensor Extension Type. The implementation of which
will also be added into the Arrow C++.

## Community Health:

In response to several queries about becoming a committer, the PMC agreed upon
a public description of the criteria used, which is now posted posted at

There have been 8 blog posts published to  in
the last 3 months, including one from the community
about mapping telemetry data into Arrow.

## Language Area Updates

Arrow has at least 12 different language implementations, as explained in

Arrow 11.0.0 was released from the monorepo:

### ADBC
Arrow ADBC was released as part of a larger effort to foster integration at a
higher level. See the relevant blog entries and for more detail

A proposal for Rust support is underway, and there are discussions about
extending the API specification as well.

### C++

The new run-end encoded array type has been added to the C++ implementation.
This array type was inspired by Arrow-compatible engines. Work will continue
in the subsequent releases to integrate this data type into additional parts
of the C++ codebase, such as the compute kernels.

The Plasma subproject will be removed in the 12.0.0 release. It was originally
donated by the Ray project, but the original maintainers from Ray forked it
and reintegrated it as a private utility for Ray, since a tighter coupling
allowed them to make better optimizations. The Arrow subproject has been
mostly unmaintained since. However, in the meantime Arrow has added its own
homegrown protocols for exchanging data: Flight RPC and the C Data Interface.

The Acero compute engine, currently embedded within the core libarrow shared
library, is being pulled out into a separate library. This will allow the C++
distribution to be more modular and also help support splitting the
higher-level bindings (such as Python) into smaller sub-packages.

### C#

Work has started on adding the C Data Interface to the C# implementation. This
will allow this implementation to create C# wrappers around Arrow libraries
implemented in other languages, such as the C++ Parquet reader or the
DataFusion query engine.

### Go

The Go implementation has released various compute functionality natively in
Go, leveraging SIMD where able. This includes various arithmetic functions
along with filter mechanisms for Arrays, Records and Tables. Work has also
started on integrating Substrait with this compute functionality.

The new run-end encoded type array was added to the Go implementation,
inspired by Arrow-compatible engines. This has been integrated into additional
parts of the code-base including scalars, and parts of the compute package.

ADBC has a native Go definition via interfaces along with native Go
implementations for the Flight SQL driver and CGO implementations to load any
other desired ADBC drivers. There is also an adapter to leverage any ADBC
drivers via Go’s standard database/sql package. The Go Flight SQL driver is
utilized and wrapped to be deployed with the Python ADBC package as a shared
library with almost no dependencies, making it ideal for use in the python

There’s been a significant uptick in community contributions and interest in
the Go implementation. In particular, significant contributions have been
coming from CloudQuery ( as they
shift to leverage Arrow as their primary type system and move their codebase
to utilizing Arrow. We’ve also seen OpenTelemetry utilize the Go Arrow
implementation to prototype shifting their telemetry memory format to using
Arrow for communication benefits, leading to a series of blog posts (the first
of which has been posted:

### Java

Publish modules also as a Software Bill of Materials SBOM artifacts thru
CycloneDX plugin.

Expose writer compression supports Lz4/Zstd for

Split flight-sql-jdbc-driver module to facilitate reuse.

Working to incorporate Substrait consumer into Dataset module thru JNI binding
to call Acero.

### JavaScript

### Julia

### nanoarrow

The nanoarrow C library and associated R bindings had their first release:
Additionally, support for reading Arrow IPC streams is mostly complete and
will be included in the forthcoming 0.2 release

### Rust
Rust has several projects: arrow-rs (arrow, parquet, arrow-flight object_store
implementations) arrow-datafusion: Rust query engine arrow-ballista:
Distributed query engine

The arrow-rs Rust implementation has been working on improving the lower level
array implementations both for better use of ergonomics as well as
interoperability with another, non ASF governed Rust Arrow implementation,
arrow2. The communities of arrow and arrow2 are working on a high level plan
to merge to combine resources. See . We also made
substantial performance improvements to CSV parsing, JSON parsing, and date /
timestamp parsing and hope to blog about that soon

The DataFusion project gained several new public users, and contributions to
it have grown substantially. We continue to struggle to with finding enough
review capacity to keep up with contributions. On the upside there are several
maintainers who regularly review and merge code regularly.  We are also
working on improving our documentation site which is  now more regularly updated.

We also continue calendar based (every 2 weeks) release train which has served
the projects well.

### C (GLib)

We added more bindings of the C++ implementation.


1. In response to helpful feedback from the community [1], a significant
   refactor [2] was done to mathworks/libmexclass [3] (a framework which makes
   it possible to implement MATLAB classes in terms of corresponding C++
   classes using MEX [4]) in order to support tighter integration with the
   upstream Apache Arrow codebase.

There is an open pull request to merge in the refactored libmexclass code

2. The first arrow.array.<Array> class (i.e. arrow.array.Float64Array) is also
   included as part of this pull request. After this pull request has been
   merged, development efforts will continue to be focused on building out the
   MATLAB Interface to Arrow, starting with the rest of the core
   arrow.array.<Array> types.


### Python

The Dataframe Interchange Protocol
( is now
implemented for pyarrow Table and RecordBatch. The protocol enables conversion
for basic data types between Python dataframe libraries that have the protocol
implemented and therefore serves the same purpose as the Arrow C Data
Interface but with less data type coverage. As it is a Python protocol it is a
bit easier for the Python libraries to implement. With it PyArrow will be able
to exchange data with the libraries that do not support Arrow format. Some
examples of the libraries that currently support the protocol are: cuDF,
modin, pandas, polars and vaex.

### R

The nanoarrow project had its first CRAN release; this provides users with a
minimal set of bindings to work with Arrow C Data and/or Arrow C Stream
structures in circumstances where they wish to work with Arrow but cannot or
do not want to work with the full library.  There has been a substantial
rewrite of the docs, which should make it easier for users to find help with
the R package, and we've written some new functions to simplify the process of
working with datasets.  Various updates have been done to ensure that the
package is compatible with the latest version of dplyr, the API which the
arrow R package implements..

### Ruby

We added more Ruby-ish APIs.

### Swift

We started implementing the Swift implementation.

## Release activity

Recent releases:
* RS-37.0.0 was released on 2023-04-10.
* RS-OS-0.5.6 was released on 2023-04-03.
* RS-DATAFUSION-21.1.0: was released on 2023-04-02.
* RS-36.0.0 was released on 2023-03-28.
* RS-DATAFUSION-21.0.0 was released on 2023-03-27.
* ADBC-0.3.0 was released on 2023-03-21.
* RS-DATAFUSION-PYTHON-20.0.0 was released on 2023-03-20.
* JULIA-2.5.0 was released on 2023-03-16.
* RS-DATAFUSION-20.0.0 was released on 2023-03-14.
* RS-35.0.0 was released on 2023-03-13.
* NANOARROW-0.1.0 was released on 2023-03-07.
* RS-OS-0.5.5 was released on 2023-03-02.
* RS-34.0.0 was released on 2023-02-27.
* ADBC-0.2.0 was released on 2023-02-15.
* RS-33.0.0 was released on 2023-02-13.
* RS-DATAFUSION-18.0.0 was released on 2023-02-13.
* RS-OS-0.5.4 was released on 2023-02-07.
* JULIA-2.4.3 was released on 2023-02-04.
* RS-32.0.0 was released on 2023-01-30.
* RS-DATAFUSION-17.0.0 was released on 2023-01-30.
* 11.0.0 was released on 2023-01-25.
* RS-31.0.0 was released on 2023-01-16.
* JULIA-2.4.2 was released on 2023-01-15.
* RS-DATAFUSION-16.0.0 was released on 2023-01-15.

Attachment J: Report from the Apache AsterixDB Project  [Till Westmann]

Apache AsterixDB is a scalable big data management system (BDMS) that provides
storage, management, and query capabilities for large collections of
semi-structured data.

- A new process for integrating and documenting large improvements to
  AsterixDB was adopted, AsterixDB Proposed Enhancments (APE).
- APE1 was voted in and the patch is under review.
- Development and discussions are active, the community continues to be
  healthy and engaged.
- The latest release was in late spring, and feature work on the main branch
  for the next release is underway


There are no issues that require the board's attention at this time.

PMC/Committership changes:

- Glenn Galvizo was added as a committer on 2021-06-04.
- The last committer added was Glenn Galvizo on 2021-06-04.
- The last PMC member added was Xikui Wang on 2018-02-02.


- Apache AsterixDB JDBC Connector 0.9.8 was released on 2022-06-07
- Apache AsterixDB 0.9.8 was released on  2022-05-06 .
- Apache Hyracks 0.3.8 was released on  2022-05-06 .

Attachment K: Report from the Apache Attic Project  [Herve Boutemy]

## Description:
The mission of Attic is the creation and maintenance of a home for dormant

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Membership Data:
Apache Attic was founded 2008-11-19 (14 years ago)
There are currently 19 committers and 17 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Herve Boutemy on 2015-07-19.
- No new committers. Last addition was Herve Boutemy on 2016-01-27.

## Project Activity:
Attic retired one project this quarter: jUDDI.  

## Community Health:
Last retirements went well with our tools and documented process.

Attachment L: Report from the Apache Avro Project  [Ryan Skraba]

## Description:
Apache Avro is a data serialization system with a compact binary format. It is
used for storing and transporting schema-driven serialized data. The unique
features of Avro include automatic schema resolution: when the reader's
expected schema is different from the actual schema with which the data was
serialized the data is automatically adapted to meet reader's requirements.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Avro was founded 2010-04-21 (13 years ago)
There are currently 37 committers and 25 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:4.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Martin Tzvetanov Grigorov on 2022-09-08.
- No new committers. Last addition was Zoltan Csizmadia on 2022-03-28.

## Project Activity:

The last release of Apache Avro 1.11.1 was 2022-07-31. A new minor release for
bug and security fixes is overdue and in-demand; our intention was to release it
in the first quarter of 2023. There are no blockers other than the effort 
required to do a release across all languages, and one solution under discussion
is to release and version all language artifacts separately. we are
on track to do a major release (1.12.0) if necessary.

## Community Health:

COMDEV-482 has been fixed to give us accurate stats on community health:

Mailing Lists:
- had 348 emails (-18% change)
-  (mostly notifications) had 695 emails (-25% change)
- had less than 5 emails over the quarter

- 29 issues opened (-57% decrease)
- 22 issues closed (-48% decrease)

Code Repository:
- 337 commits in the past quarter (-10% change)
- 25 code contributors in the past quarter (-19% change)

- 124 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-18% change)
- 120 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-8% change)

While it isn't great that every indicator of project health has decreased this
quarter, it's not necessarily concerning yet. It's very possible that the
user@avro list is being abandoned in favour of the dev@avro list, which used
to be flooded with automated notifications (now sent to issues@). Likewise,
the reduced JIRA stats are probably related to the account creation changes.

We should keep an eye on the stats, however, to make sure this is just a lull
in activity and that we aren't discouraging new contributions somehow.
Continuing to release regularly is one thing we can do to improve.  We have
had some good feedback on the new website, but we are still working on
improving the process between accepting a contribution and seeing it live.
Many steps are still manual and tied to the release.

Another specific action we can work on is to be more reactive on reviewing and
merging or closing PRs more reactively. Of course, a really good way to do this
is to identify and nominate contributors as committers.

In this quarter, we've voted on and started the IP Clearance process to accept
the code donation for the popular gradle-avro-plugin. In the short term, this
might add a bit of maintenance work for the Avro project, but could also attract
those enthusiastic users as contributors.

Attachment M: Report from the Apache bRPC Project  [James Ge]

## Description
 - bRPC is an industrial-grade RPC framework for building reliable and
   high-performance services.
 - bRPC was graduated as Top Level Project in December 2022.

## Issues
 There are no Board-level issues at this time.

## Membership Data
- PMC Members: 13
- Committers: 17
- Contributors: 129
- Date of newest committer: Feb. 13th, 2023
- Date of newest PMC Member: Jun. 22th, 2022
- Diversity: 129 contributors are from 20 more unique organizations, and 16
  committers are from 9 unique organizations including Baidu, ByteDance,
  Google, 4Paradigm, Momemta. AI, Shopee, Tecent, JOYY.

## Project Activity
- In Q1 2023, we released bRPC v1.4.0 with new features such as the
  RDMA support and bazel third_party support, along with several bug fixes.

## Community Health
- On Feb. 13th, Zhaogeng Li who has contributed the RDMA patch to bRPC became
  the new committer.
- On Feb. 16th, there was a live interview organized by OSCHINA to James Ge
  and Weibing Wang on history and the future roadmap of brpc.
- On Mar. 29th, all committers have a online meeting to discuss the
  development of brpc and personal career planning.
- During the past quarter, about 100 new emails were received and answered
  weekly. Committers take turns to answer users’ questions on a weekly basis
  and complicated issues are encouraged to send to all committers to raise
  more in-depth discussions. A summarizing oncall report will be sent to all
  committers to make the transition to next committer smoother.

Attachment N: Report from the Apache Calcite Project  [Stamatis Zampetakis]

## Description:
Apache Calcite is a highly customizable framework for parsing and planning
queries on data in a wide variety of formats. It allows database-like
and in particular a SQL interface and advanced query optimization, for data
not residing in a traditional database.

Avatica is a sub-project within Calcite and provides a framework for
local and remote JDBC and ODBC database drivers. Avatica has an independent
release schedule and its own repository.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Calcite was founded 2015-10-22 (7 years ago)
There are currently 63 committers and 27 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 7:3.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Benchao Li was added to the PMC on 2023-01-27
- Alex Plehanov was added as committer on 2023-01-06
- Jiajun Xie was added as committer on 2023-02-10
- Istvan Toth was added as committer on 2023-01-25

## Project Activity:
Apache Calcite 1.34.0 was released on 2023-03-14. It contains contributions
from 18 contributors, and resolves 34 issues. It’s worth highlighting the
introduction of QUALIFY clause (CALCITE-5268), which facilitates filtering the
results of window functions. Among other improvements and fixes, it adds
roughly 15 new functions in BigQuery library for handling dates, times, and

Apache Calcite 1.33.0 was released on 2023-02-06. It contains contributions
from 33 contributors, and resolves 107 issues. It’s worth highlighting the
support for custom time frames (CALCITE-5155), the new MEASURE type and
AGGREGATE aggregate function (CALCITE-5105) as well as the many improvements
to the BigQuery dialect (CALCITE-5180).

Apache Calcite Avatica 1.23.0 was released on 2023-01-19. It fixes bugs in
Statement.getUpdateCount(), ResultSet.getObject; and supports HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
and configuring fetch size and SSL key-store type. Also, there are various
improvements to DateTimeUtils and ByteString.

On 2023-03-15, there was an online meetup of the Calcite community with
approximately 50 participants joining the call. We had three very interesting
presentations around adding measures in SQL, incremental view maintenance for
streaming engines, and debugging planner issues, followed by open discussion.
The videos from the meetup as well as the slides were published online shortly
after the event.

## Community Health:
The project remains super healthy and there is a general increase in traffic
almost in every aspect of the project (dev@, JIRA, and GitHub).

The most notable increase in traffic was for dev mailing list (46%). One
factor that led to this increase is the addition of four new members in the
project and the traditional welcoming emails that usually come along. Another
one, would probably be the various discussion/votes around releases; we had
more this quarter compared to our usual cadence. Last there were also some
changes in the CI (SonarCloud intergration) that sparked some additional

The number of non-committer (contributor) commits per month:
|        year         |        month        | contributor_commits |
| 2023                | 1                   | 20                  |
| 2023                | 2                   | 15                  |
| 2023                | 3                   | 17                  |

The number of active reviewers per month:
|        year         |        month        |  active_reviewers   |
| 2023                | 1                   | 4                   |
| 2023                | 2                   | 5                   |
| 2023                | 3                   | 4                   |

Top-3 reviewers in the last quarter:
| committer                               |       reviews       |
| Julian Hyde <>          | 34                  |
| Benchao Li <>        | 9                   |
| Stamatis Zampetakis <> | 4                   |

The number of non-commiter commits has almost doubled in the last quarter
which is a good thing. Unfortunately the number of active reviewers is
still pretty low and few individuals namely Julian Hyde, and Benchao Li
are pulling almost all the weight of reviewing contributors work.

Attachment O: Report from the Apache CarbonData Project  [Liang Chen]

## Description:
- The Apache CarbonData is data store solution for fast
  analytics on Big Data platforms (including Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark,
  Apache Flink among others) to help speed up queries an order of magnitude
  faster over petabytes of data, with the aim of using a unified file format
  to satisfy all kinds of data analysis cases.

## Issues:
 - There are no new issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:
- Last 3 months, we focus on fixing issues, some key issues as below: 
    - Fixed spark integration compile issues.
    - Fixed Exception in loading data with overwrite on partition table.
    - Fixed index issues of "sort_columns"
## Health Report:
- Commit activity:
  - 13 commits in the past quarter
  - 5 code contributors in the past quarter 

## Releases:   
- we are preparing 2.3.x, the community focus on fixing issues
- 2.3.0 was released on 2022-01-24
- 2.2.0 was released on 2021-08-05
- 2.1.1 was released on 2021-03-29

## Project Composition:
 -   Brijoo Bopanna was added to the PMC on 2022-09-24
 -   Brijoo Bopanna was added as committer on 2022-09-20
 -   There are currently 28 committers and 18 PMC members in this project.
 -   The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:5.
 -   In private mailing list, we are discussing a new PMC.

## Community changes, past quarter:
 - Brijoo Bopanna was added to the PMC on 2022-09-24
 - Indhumathi was added to the PMC on 2022-02-16
 - Vikram Ahuja was added as committer on 2022-02-10
 - Akash R Nilugal was added to the PMC on 2021-04-11

## Notable mailing list trends:Mailing list activity stays at a high level
    - 161 subscribers (change 13):
    - had a 23% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (28 emails compared to 36)

## Github issues activity:
   - 5 issues opened on Github.

## Github PR activity:
   - 5 PRs opened on Github.

Attachment P: Report from the Apache Causeway Project  [Johan Doornenbal]

## Description:
The mission of Causeway is to enable the rapid development of maintainable
domain-driven apps in Java.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Membership Data:
Apache Causeway was founded 2012-10-17 (10 years ago).

There are currently 15 committers and 15 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 1:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Jörg Rade on 2020-04-12.
- No new committers. Last addition was Jörg Rade on 2020-03-23.

## Project Activity:
In the last quarter we released Causeway 2.0.0-RC1 [1], which is the first
release of the framework under its new name, "Causeway".  (Our umbrella ticket
of tasks [2] could be useful for other projects that change their name).

We are (finally) closing in on the release of v2.0, which is to "re-platform"
the framework to run on top of Spring Boot.  We're currently working on
squashing bugs, and also continuing to flesh out our demo/tutorial app [3] to
provide an improved on-ramp for folks discovering the framework.

We hope to issue an 2.0.0-RC2 within the next quarter. We will also be
looking to actively reach out to Java user groups and meetup groups to start
raising awareness and hopefully our user base.

As requested we have restructured the website so that the formal source
release is more prominent under "downloads" menu item on our main site [4]
while the informal interim builds are now less prominent [5].

## Community Health:
This is a mature project and the framework is generally stable. We are
continuing to see good engagement on and new sign-ups to our slack channel,
which the community seems to much prefer over the users mailing list.
Nevertheless, we continue to ensure that all relevant information are
cross-posted to users@ and dev@ where necessary.

## Question to the board
We notice that whimsy has two separate pages of meeting notes; most are for
our old name, "Isis" [6], while there is also an almost empty one for our new
name, "Causeway" [7] (confusingly that new page _does_ include the very first
notice to establish the project in 2012).

Is this how this is meant to work - and we should perhaps reference the
historical minutes for "Isis" as well as the current?  Or is it possible to
merge the two pages?

## References (links)

Attachment Q: Report from the Apache Celix Project  [Pepijn Noltes]

## Description:
The mission of Celix is to provide a C/C++14 adaptation of OSGi

## Issues:
There are no issue requiring board attention. 
Maybe good to note that the last board report was late and submitted 
only a month ago.

## Membership Data:
Apache Celix was founded 2014-07-16 (9 years ago)
There are currently 17 committers and 10 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:5.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Peng Zheng on 2022-10-16.
- No new committers. Last addition was Zhenbao on 2022-10-19.

## Project Activity:

- Last release was 2.3.0 on 2022-07-14
- Remote service discovery using mdns (bonjour) was added
- Bundle cache behaviour refactored
- Next major release (3.0.0) issue created / discussion started
- A lot of coverity (static code analyses) issues where fixed
- Several smaller issues were fixed

## Community Health:

Activity is increases, mostly focused on technical work and discussion. 
There is also an increase in discussion for future ideas, mostly done 
through github ticket/issues.

Attachment R: Report from the Apache CXF Project  [Daniel Kulp]

Attachment S: Report from the Apache DataFu Project  [Eyal Allweil]

## Description:
The mission of Apache DataFu is the creation and maintenance of software 
related to well-tested libraries that help developers solve common data 
problems in Hadoop and similar distributed systems

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache DataFu was founded 2018-02-21 (5 years ago)
There are currently 19 committers and 12 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:3.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Ohad Raviv was added to the PMC on 2023-02-06
- No new committers. Last addition was Ohad Raviv on 2019-07-27.

## Project Activity:
DataFu-Spark 1.7.0 was just released, on 2023-01-22. We are planning another
non-backwards-compatible release soon.

## Community Health:
Relatively light activity this quarter. There is a small backlog of submitted
content that we want to release, but no new contributions.

Attachment T: Report from the Apache DB Project  [Bryan Pendleton]

## Description:
The mission of the Apache DB project is to create and maintain
commercial-quality, open-source, database solutions based on software licensed
to the Foundation, for distribution at no charge to the public.

The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects:
 o Derby    : a relational database implemented entirely in Java.
 o JDO      : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility
              testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data
 o Torque   : an object-relational mapper for Java.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache DB was founded 2002-07-16 (21 years ago)
There are currently 47 committers and 44 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Georg Kallidis on 2020-08-26.
- No new committers. Last addition was Tobias Bouschen on 2021-01-19.

## Project Activity:
Recent releases:

Derby- was released on 2022-06-15.
JDO 3.2.1 was released on 2022-05-25.
JDO 3.2 was released on 2022-02-01.

- The Derby community successfully completed their verification
of Derby support for JDK 20.

- JDO project is working on sonar cloud reports that will improve 
the quality of the code. We have already fixed reports under 
the category of Reliability and Security. Still working on Maintainability.

- The Torque community are continuing development work on the
version 5.2 code. There has been some new interest in the Torque 
user community with some new contributions from the community.

## Community Health:
It was a quiet winter for the DB subprojects, with reduced activity
in some areas but a few welcome increases in activity, such as the
new user community interest on the Torque subproject and the
appearance of a possible new Torque committer. Torque community
have called a vote for the new committer; the results are expected
in the next reporting period.

Attachment U: Report from the Apache Directory Project  [Shawn McKinney]

## Description:
The Apache Directory TLP consists of the following sub-projects:

- ApacheDS: An extensible and embeddable directory server entirely written in
  Java, which has been certified LDAPv3 compatible by the Open Group.

- LDAP API: An ongoing effort to provide an enhanced LDAP API, as a
  replacement for JNDI and the existing LDAP API (jLdap and Mozilla LDAP API).
  This is a "schema aware” API with some convenient ways to access all types
  of LDAP servers.

- Studio: A complete directory tooling platform intended to be used with any
  LDAP server however it is particularly designed for use with ApacheDS. It is
  an Eclipse RCP application, composed of several Eclipse (OSGi) plugins.

- Fortress: A standards-based authorization platform that provides role-based
  access control, delegated administration and password policy services with
  an LDAP backend.

- Kerby: An implementation of Kerberos v5 protocol and contains various tools
  to access and manage kerberos principals and keytabs. It provides a rich,
  intuitive and interoperable implementation, library, KDC and various
  facilities that integrates PKI, OTP and token (OAuth2) as desired in modern
  environments such as cloud, Hadoop and mobile.

- Mavibot:  An embeddable key-value database library with MVCC (Multi Version
  Concurrency Control) support.

- SCIMple:  An implementation of SCIM v2.0 specification.

## Issues:

- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Membership Data:
Apache Directory was founded 2005-02-22 (18 years ago)
There are currently 59 committers and 19 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 8:3.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Radovan Semancik on 2018-09-28.
- No new committers. Last addition was Brian Demers on 2022-04-14.

## Project Activity:
Activity's slow but steady, the projects are being maintained.  The PMC is
pleased to note that activity in Scimple continues to be robust with what
appears to be a growing community.

## Community Health:

No problems to report.  1Q activity low but PMC has active members and the
project continues to be adequately maintained.

Attachment V: Report from the Apache DolphinScheduler Project  [Lidong Dai]

## Description:
Apache DolphinScheduler is a cloud-native workflow orchestration platform with
powerful user interface, dedicated to solving complex task dependencies in the
data pipeline and providing various types of jobs available `out of the box`

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Membership Data:
Apache DolphinScheduler was founded 2021-03-17 (2 years ago)
There are currently 53 committers and 25 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:4.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Chufeng Gao on 2022-11-24.
- No new committers. Last addition was Hui Zeng on 2022-11-08.

As far as I know, some PMC members are preparing for nominating new Committers

## Project Activity:
Software development activity:
 - We released the bug fix release 2.0.8 on 2023-02.
 - We released the bug fix release 3.1.4 on 2023-02.
 - We released the bug fix release 3.1.5 on 2023-03.
 - We released the bug fix release 3.0.5 on 2023-03.

Meetups and Conferences:
 - We hold up 2 times online Meetups and 1 offline meetup 

## Community Health:
254 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (-34% change)
251 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-30% change)
254 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (-34% change)
Community Health Score (Chi): 9.60 (Super Healthy)

Attachment W: Report from the Apache Druid Project  [Gian Merlino]

Attachment X: Report from the Apache Dubbo Project  [Jun Liu]

## Description:
Apache Dubbo is an easy-to-use Web and RPC framework that provides different
language implementations, service discovery, traffic management,
observability, security, tools, and best practices for building
enterprise-ready microservices.

## Issues:
Dubbo participated in the 2023 Google Summer of Codesub-projects, with a total
of 6 sub-projects in the community registering for 28 tasks and has received,
36 proposals, accounting for approximately 25% of Apache's total proposal
count (36/138).

On the one hand, the Dubbo community is very large and includes projects
implemented in multiple languages, including a group of side projects.
Therefore, we have many tasks suitable for students to participate in; On the
other hand, the Dubbo community has always been in a very healthy and active
state, and student developers have become an important channel for us to
cultivate future contributors and maintain the long-term healthy development
of the community in the past two years. Therefore, we are conducting a
detailed evaluation of the proposals we have received, and we will mark those
well-written proposals, we don't expect to keep all of the proposals but hope
to keep all those good ones as much as possible.

## Membership Data:
Apache Dubbo was founded 2019-05-15 (4 years ago)
There are currently 92 committers and 28 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Xuewei Niu was added to the PMC on 2023-01-19
- Deng Zhengwei was added as committer on 2023-02-10
- XiaoSheng Song was added as committer on 2023-03-03
- Chen Youwei passed the PMC vote and the board notice email has sent.

## Project Activity:
The community has been focusing on building a better ecosystem around Dubbo,
so many of the activities in the past quarter happened on some side projects
like dubbo-rust, dubbo-admin, dubbo-website, dubbo-go, dubbo-initializer etc.

Release or activities classified by the project:

● apache/dubbo, more than 10 releases in this quarter, 3.2.0 is another
  milestone release coming this month.
● apache/dubbo-go, refactor and usability improvement undergoing
● apache/dubbo-rust, v0.3.0 released and v0.4.0 will be released in next
● apache/dubbo-website, new website version released, a major follow-up update
  will come soon
● apache/dubbo-admin, features rewritten with go ready, integration tests
● apache/dubbo-initializer, for users to quickly launch a demo dubbo project,
  is about to release in this month

## Community Health:
Developing activities and discussions are extremely healthy according to the
data collected by the reporter.

In the past quarter, we have still received a certain number of vulnerability
risk reports, perhaps 5-6 or even more, although most of them are still
discussing the same type of known issues, and some are invalid reports. This
indicates that on the one hand, we still receive attention from the security
field, and on the other hand, we should put notice of the avoidance or
solution methods on a better-inknown place.

Attachment Y: Report from the Apache EventMesh Project  [Eason Chen]

## Description:
EventMesh is a new generation serverless event middleware for building
distributed event-driven applications.
## Issues:
here are no issues requiring board attention.
## Membership Data:
Apache EventMesh was founded 2023-03-22 (21 days ago) There are currently 42
committers and 14 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members (project graduated recently).
- No new committers were added.

## Project Activity:
1. Storage layer and interconnect layer spliting.
2. GSoC preparing, 5 tasks opened.
3. ALC Shenzhen offline meetup.
4. connector design and v1.9 is developing.
5. project resources transfer out of incubator.
## Community Health:
Someone from the community requested a proposal[1], and then PMC created and send Git-related information to it.


Attachment Z: Report from the Apache Fineract Project  [James Dailey]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Fineract is the creation and maintenance of software 
related to a core banking platform that provides a reliable, robust, and 
affordable solution for entrepreneurs, financial institutions, and service 
providers to offer financial services to the world's underbanked and unbanked.

## Issues:
"There are no significant issues requiring Board attention"

## Membership Data:
Apache Fineract was founded 2017-04-18 (6 years ago, contributed by Mifos)
There are currently 51 committers and 23 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Bharath Gowda on 2023-01-04.
- No new committers. Last addition was Bharath Gowda on 2022-12-14.

## Project Activity:
We have 19 contributors active with 214 commits in the past quarter.

We released a patch for security issues and a backward compatible database
migration tool March 15 (1.8.4 and 1.7.3) We took a decision in 2022 to only
support the last two releases with patches, thus version 1.8 and 1.7 get a
security patch. 

We intend to release version 1.9 in May 2023.

## Community Health:
Unfortunately engagement on Dev listserv is a bit down for this quarter
despite active software dev.

The community is developing good functionality and improving quality of code,
however the devs are perhaps not doing a lot of design work or discussion on
the list.

There is a lack of engagement by the broader community on planned
improvements. It would appear 90% of the list is simply "downstream" and on
various derivative forks (with no upstream contributions).   

A bright spot was the effort to create a joint roadmap - which gave the
project a useful set of activities but little follow up has occurred.

Another highlight is ongoing work to be part of the Digital Public Good
Alliance, meetings in Bangalore included discussion about how to use good open
source practices, like Apache Way.  Fineract is one of the oldest DPGs and the
only one at ASF.

There are a number of PMC members that are not participating.  Some of them
have taken themselves off of the private listserv and others have not
responded or participated in 4+ years. 

The focus for the past year at Fineract has been on making a significant
investment in the code, to make it more scalable and performant especially
around the core loan management features. 

The hope is that these improvements will drive more high quality
contributions. Historically, all deployments of the project and commercial
uses by vendors have been to take the code as a "Starter Dough" for their
deployments with nearly zero contributions coming back upstream. 

The intent therefore is to make the project more performant and useful for
vendors, such that the best vendors would be want to be on the best upstream
version and therefore to contribute back useful code, security fixes, etc.  We
are seemingly far from this goal. 

We are working to build community involvement for fixing deployment
documentation, managing the roadmap, fixing security issues, and simply doing
better at community building.  These are significant challenges, and merely
the starting point, and we hope that we can turn it around from current poor
engagement levels.  

Attachment AA: Report from the Apache Flagon Project  [Joshua C. Poore]

## Description:
Apache Flagon is an open-source, user behavioral analytics platform
## Issues:
The Apache Flagon community is presently working through initial set-up
and migration from the Apache Incubator, having been established as a 
TLP last Month (MAR 2023). PMC is working closely to close set-up actions. 
No other current or pressing issues to report. 

## Membership Data:
Apache Flagon was founded 2023-03-21 (21 days ago)
There are currently 16 committers and 10 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 8:5.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members (project graduated recently).
- Jason Young was recently onboarded as a Committer during the past month.

## Project Activity:
- Development activity continues on UserALE.js (core product)
- New PRs were received; they are under-review and under-discussion. 
- Source code is maintained
- Next release is being planned for Apache Flagon UserALE.js

## Community Health:
PMC has been very focused on TLP set-up actions; fewer topical discussion on
product/features on Dev. Following infra migration, PMC will focus on new
releases of UserALE.js, first official release of Distill product, and
demonstrations of new integrations with other Apache products (i.e., Kafka, 
Superset, Druid). We believe these integrations will drive additional community 

PMC is also cognizant of need to onboard additional PMC members and is actively 
discussing this with current committers.

Attachment AB: Report from the Apache Fluo Project  [Keith Turner]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Fluo is the creation and maintenance of software related 
to the storage and incremental processing of large data sets

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Fluo was founded 2017-07-18 (6 years ago) There are currently 15
committers and 13 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is
roughly 8:7.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Brian Frank Loss on 2022-02-01.
- No new committers. Last addition was Brian Frank Loss on 2022-02-02.

This quarter, the following individuals stepped down from the PMC and are now
considered PMC Emeritus:

- Arvind Shyamsundar
- Joseph Koshakow

## Project Activity:

Minor code changes were made in anticipation of release.  A release candidate
was generated and put up for a vote that is currently active.

## Community Health:

There was very little activity since the last report and less than previous
quarters.  There were 4 commits from 3 contributors, one of which was not a
committer.  If the release vote passes it will be the first release in ~5
years.  There is a lot of unreleased goodness from many people that has built
up in this time.

Attachment AC: Report from the Apache Geronimo Project  [Jean-Louis Monteiro]

## Description:
The mission of Geronimo is the creation and maintenance of software related to 
Java2, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) container

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Geronimo was founded 2004-05-26 (19 years ago)
There are currently 71 committers and 41 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Francois Papon on 2021-03-09.
- No new committers. Last addition was Francois Papon on 2021-03-09.

## Project Activity:
No release but I'm expecting a few coming soon because we have done some work
to bring Activation/Mail, Transaction manager and Connector implementation up
to speed with Jakarta.

Most of the effort moved to implementing Jakarta Batch in Geronimo BatchEE.

I've been myself involved in the effort to port all Apache implementation to
Jakarta, so haven't yet started the PMC thread on the future for Geronimo.

## Community Health:
Traffic decreased over the last few weeks. Community is shared over multiple
Apache implementation and traffic shifted to other projects.

Attachment AD: Report from the Apache Griffin Project  [William Guo]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Griffin is the creation and maintenance of software 
related to a data quality solution for big data, including both streaming and 
batch mode. It offers an unified process to measure data quality from different 

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Membership Data:
Apache Griffin was founded 2018-11-21 (4 years ago)
There are currently 21 committers and 19 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 6:5.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Chitral Verma on 2020-05-06.
- No new committers. Last addition was Chitral Verma on 2020-05-05.

## Project Activity:
 - we are fixing some bugs in 0.6.0.
 - we are developing new features in branch 1.0.0, it will release on June.

## Community Health:
 - Community needs a new release, we will do it soon. overall, it is healthy.
 - Some external developers are contributing on community.

Attachment AE: Report from the Apache Hadoop Project  [Wei-Chiu Chuang]

## Description:
The mission of Hadoop is the creation and maintenance of software related to 
Distributed computing platform

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Hadoop was founded 2008-01-15 (15 years ago)
There are currently 242 committers and 124 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Mukund Thakur was added to the PMC on 2023-01-20
- No new committers. Last addition was Shilun Fan on 2022-11-21.

## Project Activity:
3.3.5 was released on 2023-03-23, which added a new Vectored IO API support

We are continuing to maintain 3.3.x release line. Meanwhile, Steve initiated a
thread to discuss dropping JDK8 support moving forward.

New feature development started this quarter:
* YARN-11411 [Umbrella] Build Concurrent Yarn Scheduler
* HADOOP-18671 Add recoverLease(), setSafeMode(), isFileClosed() APIs to

## Community Health:

It appears the development activities are gradually trending down, though this
is to be expected as the project matures. I see that Steve responded to most
of the vulnerability reports, which is great. However, the community (me
included) collectively should be more vigilant to vulnerability reports.

* had a 0% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (1
emails compared to 1)
* had a 29% decrease in traffic
in the past quarter (5 emails compared to 7)
* had a 67% decrease in traffic in the past
quarter (97 emails compared to 288)
* had a 62% decrease
in traffic in the past quarter (31 emails compared to 80)
* had a 31% decrease in traffic in the past
quarter (1102 emails compared to 1584) 
* 237 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter
(-5% change)
* 175 issues closed in JIRA, past quarter (-14% change)
* 342 commits in the past quarter (4% increase)
* 66 code contributors in the past quarter
(-9% change)
* 244 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-9% change)
* 193 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-23% change)

Attachment AF: Report from the Apache HAWQ Project  [Lei Chang]

## Description:
The mission of Apache HAWQ is the creation and maintenance of software related 
to a cloud native SQL query engine that combines the key technological 
advantages of an MPP database with the scalability and convenience of Hadoop.

## Issues:
There are no outstanding issues requiring board attention.
Except that almost 50% of all PMCs not being subscribed to the private list.

## Membership Data:
Apache HAWQ was founded 2018-08-15 (5 years ago)
There are currently 69 committers and 46 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Wan Chiyang on 2022-01-25.
- No new committers. Last addition was Wan Chiyang on 2021-02-20.

## Project Activity: was released on 2021-08-18. Below are recent features and fixes:
1) HAWQ-1855. Fix access to the uninitialized variable database

## Community Health:
Overall community health is good. We have been performing extensive outreach
to related projected, in order to attract new contributors.
We'd like to take his opportunity to ask the board or others reading this
report for guidance on how to make the PMCs subscribe to the private list.

Attachment AG: Report from the Apache HBase Project  [Duo Zhang]

## Description:
Apache HBase is an open-source, distributed, versioned, non-relational
database. Apache HBase gives you low latency random access to billions of rows
with millions of columns atop non-specialized hardware.

hbase-thirdparty is a set of internal artifacts used by the project to
mitigate the impact of our dependency choices on the wider ecosystem.

hbase-connectors is a collection of integration points with other projects.
The initial release includes artifacts for use with Apache Kafka and Apache

hbase-filesystem contains HBase project-specific implementations of the Apache
Hadoop FileSystem API. It is currently experimental and internal to the

hbase-operator-tools is a collection of tools for HBase operators. Now it is
mainly for hosting HBCK2.

hbase-native-client is a client library in C/C++, in its early days.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache HBase was founded 2010-04-21 (13 years ago)
There are currently 102 committers and 58 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:4.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Tak-Lon  Wu was added to the PMC on 2023-01-29
- Tianhang Tang was added as committer on 2023-03-16

## Project Activity:
Recent releases:
2.4.16 was released on 2023-02-05.
2.5.3 was released on 2023-02-05.
hbase-thirdparty-4.1.4 was released on 2023-01-21.

The Ozone community started to work on support writing HBase WAL to Ozone. So
in the future we can run HBase fully on Ozone, without deploying a small HDFS
cluster for writing WAL.

The infra team delivered a self serving page for requesting jira account, so
we changed our again.

We planned to hold a hybrid (physical and virtual) meetup in April, to discuss
several technical topics, and also what are we going to do in
ApacheCon/Community Over Code in October.

## Community Health:
- Mailing list activity:
959 subscribers(956 in the previous quarter)
599 emails sent to list(434 in the previous quarter)
1987 subscribers(1987 in the previous quarter)
43 emails sent to list(59 in the previous quarter)
78 subscribers(78 in the previous quarter)
43 emails sent to list(18 in the previous quarter)

- JIRA activity:
224 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (62% increase)
160 issues closed in JIRA, past quarter (26% increase)

- Commit activity:
588 commits in the past quarter (40% increase)
51 code contributors in the past quarter (24% increase)

- GitHub PR activity:
227 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (66% increase)
230 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (75% increase)

While the numbers showed improvement compared to the previous quarter, we are
still working on releasing versions 2.6.0 and 3.0.0-alpha-4. Despite this, we
have made progress towards these two releases this quarter. Various groups of
contributors in the community have begun deploying and testing HBase with mTLS
support, a key feature in. Additionally, we successfully completed the most
challenging sub-task for HBASE-27109, which is part of 3.0.0-alpha-4. This
progress makes us optimistic that we will soon be able to release both

Attachment AH: Report from the Apache Helix Project  [Junkai Xue]

Attachment AI: Report from the Apache Iceberg Project  [Ryan Blue]

## Description:

Apache Iceberg is a table format for huge analytic datasets that is designed
for high performance and ease of use.

## Issues:

There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:

Apache Iceberg was founded 2020-05-19 (3 years ago)
There are currently 22 committers and 15 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Fokko Driesprong was added to the PMC on 2023-04-06
- Steven Wu was added to the PMC on 2023-04-06
- Yufei Gu was added to the PMC on 2023-04-06
- No new committers. Last addition was Steven Wu on 2022-10-07.

## Project Activity:

* 1.2.0 was released on 2023-03-20, followed by 1.2.1 on 2023-04-11
* Python 0.3.0 was released on 2023-02-09

The Python implementation has reached feature parity with the "legacy" codebase,
so the legacy code that was never part of an ASF release has been removed! The
Python implementation now supports full read planing, including parallel
metadata reads, manifest pruning, partition pruning, and column stats pruning.
Python frameworks that use Apache Arrow can use data from Iceberg tables,
including Arrow compute, Pandas, DuckDB, and Ray. Write support is the next
milestone for the Python implementation.

The Java implementation's latest release included several new capabilities:
* Branching and tagging, with support in Flink and Spark using VERSION AS OF
* Spark DDL for branches and tags
* Metadata query pushdown in Spark
* Changelog reads in Spark
* Throttling for streaming reads in Flink
* FileIO support for ORC readers and writers
* SigV4 support for REST catalog auth
* Remote signing client for S3
* The ability to read Snowflake Iceberg tables

There are also efforts to add encryption to the format and to support multi-
table transactions.

The community is also discussing a Rust or C++ implementation hosted by the ASF.

## Community Health:

The community remains healthy, with a reasonable increase in both opened and
closed pull requests, as well as a stead number of unique contributors. The
Python implementation has been bringing a lot of new contributors.

Iceberg was featured in 14 talks at Subsurface, as well as in a panel.

Attachment AJ: Report from the Apache Incubator Project  [Justin Mclean]

# Incubator PMC report for April 2023
The Apache Incubator is the entry path into the ASF for projects and 
codebases wishing to become part of the Foundation's efforts. There are 
presently 29 podlings incubating. In March, podlings executed 4 distinct 
releases. We added 2 new IPMC members, Flagon and Event Mesh graduated, and 
no new podlings have been added, but a couple are under discussion.
IPMC cleaned up some podlings that are no longer active, Marvin-AI has 
retired, and PageSpeed and Spot have completed the voting process for 
The release of Teaclave had some issues, including category X licensed code 
and compiled code in the source release. This has been pointed out to them 
SeaTunnel is discussing graduation, and some minor issues were identified, 
including reliance on off-list ephemeral communication.
Some podlings are participating in GSoC, and this should further promote 
community development.
Most discussions on the mailing list were around releases.

## Community

### New IPMC members:
  - Ayush Saxena
  - Xinyu Zhou

### People who left the IPMC:
  - None

## New Podlings
- None

## Podlings that failed to report, expected next month

- Annoator
- Liminal
- Teaclave
- Toree

## Graduations
  - Flagon
  - EventMesh

## Releases
  - Baremaps 0.7.1
  - Celeborn 0.2.1
  - SeaTunnel 2.3.1
  - Uniffle 0.7.0

## IP Clearance
  - None

## Legal / Trademarks
  - None

## Infrastructure
  - Infrastructure held a round table discussion on how the incubator can 
help incubating projects. 

## Miscellaneous
  Justin created a couple of games that may help podlings understand how 
ASF projects operate. 

## Table of Contents   

## DataLab

DataLab is a platform for creating self-service, exploratory data science
environments in the cloud using best-of-breed data science tools.

DataLab has been incubating since 2018-08-20.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
  or PP

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
  No, there aren't any issues.

### How has the community developed since the last report?
  New committers or PPMCs have not been added since the last report

### How has the project developed since the last report?
  - Graduation process in progress

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
  Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  - [ ] Initial setup
  - [ ] Working towards first release
  - [ ] Community building
  - [ ] Nearing graduation
  - [X] Other: Started graduation process

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers
  MC members elected?
  The last committer was added on July 22, 2022.

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
  Yes, our mentors are helpful and responsive.

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?
  Brand and naming issues are absent.

### Signed-off-by:

  - [ ] (datalab) P. Taylor Goetz  
  - [ ] (datalab) Henry Saputra  
  - [X] (datalab) Furkan Kamaci  

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:


## HugeGraph

A large-scale and easy-to-use graph database

HugeGraph has been incubating since 2022-01-23.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

  1. Release distributed storage module (include PD/store) & make graph 
computer easy to use
  2. At least 2 new PPMC & 5 committers take deep part in the community
  3. Overall easier to use, more stable and reliable

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?


### How has the community developed since the last report?

  4 committers elected, 2 new contributors submit PR,
  we have cooperation with G6VP & GraphAR (open source) community

### How has the project developed since the last report?

  Release 1.0.0 for the first ASF release, then we have a roadmap to plan 
for the next release.
  We expect to provide a native distributed storage feature, which will be 
the biggest change,
  and currently we're discussing the details of the integration.

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
  Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  - [X] Initial setup
  - [X] Working towards first release
  - [X] Community building
  - [ ] Nearing graduation
  - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

  2023-03-12 (last committer)

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?

  Yep, thanks for their help during the first release stage.

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?


### Signed-off-by:

  - [ ] (hugegraph) Lidong Dai  
  - [ ] (hugegraph) Trista Pan  
  - [ ] (hugegraph) Xiangdong Huang  
  - [ ] (hugegraph) Yu Li  
  - [X] (hugegraph) Willem Ning Jiang  
     Comments: It's good to see Hugergraph made a first release and 
     invited new PPMC members. 

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

## Livy

Livy is web service that exposes a REST interface for managing long running 
Apache Spark contexts in your cluster. With Livy, new applications can be 
built on top of Apache Spark that require fine grained interaction with 
many Spark contexts.

Livy has been incubating since 2017-06-05.  

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

  1. Revitalization of the Community
  2. Dependable Release Cadence
  3. Focus on Contributors rather than primarily on Users (Docs for 

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?


### How has the community developed since the last report?

  New PPMC, committers and contributors have been working towards the 0.8.0 
release goals.
  Focus on security fixes and CI processes in github as well as reviews and 
merges of contributions from other contributors have been most active.

### How has the project developed since the last report?

  log4j remediation is underway and nearly complete
  Numerous dependency related CVEs have been addressed.
  A number of bug and improvements patches have been merged.
  0.8.0 release will be ready in coming weeks.

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
  Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  - [X] Initial setup
  - [X] Working towards first release (with revitalized community)
  - [X] Community building
  - [ ] Nearing graduation
  - [X] Other: Nearing graduation in code stability but with a re-emerging 
a dev community supporting it and working toward 0.8.0 release

### Date of last release:

### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
  December 2022

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
  No issues with mentors to report.

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?
  No issues to report.

  - [ ] (livy) Bikas Saha  
  - [ ] (livy) Luciano Resende  
  - [X] (livy) Jean-Baptiste Onofré  
     Comments: The activity has restarted, mostly maintenance. I think we 
can have new features and improvements soon, helping to extend the 
  - [ ] (livy) Madhawa Kasun Gunasekara  
  - [X] (livy) Larry McCay  
  - [ ] (livy) Sunil Govindan  

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

## Training

The Training project aims to develop resources which can be used for 
training purposes in various media formats, languages and for various 
Apache and non-Apache target projects.
Training has been incubating since 2019-02-21.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

  Improve the community participation (other Apache projects should 
actively be linked to this project, since they "have the content")
  (Re)define the short-, mid-, and long-term goals of the project.
  Select an approach to handle non coding / non document related tasks 
(e.g., community related activities on events)
  Create a strategy how this projects contributes to or is supported by 
other Apache projects
  Create a tutorial on how the tools provided by this project can be used 
to create own content
  Review current policies around contribution review and releases to find a 
pragmatic compromise

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?

  The Training Project needs more contribution from other Apache projects.

  It also needs feedback from other Apache projects on the presentations 
and trainings developed till now.

  In order to improve this collaboration we suggest to investigate the 
status of other project’s documentation in a systematic approach, 
especially with an eye on available training related material.

### How has the community developed since the last report?

  Activity has remained low since the last report.

  We have to work on strategies to increase the participation and the 
visibility of the project and its goals.

  Besides requests for contributions from individual contributors from 
other Apache projects we want to show what the Apache Training project can 
offer to those projects.

  We should build on the assumption that synergy and network effects can 
help us to increase the community around training and skill management 

### How has the project developed since the last report?

  Some new training material has been provided, for details, please look at 
the project repo commit comments.

  PR activity continuous on a low level since the last report.

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?

  - [ ] Initial setup
  - [ ] Working towards first release
  - [X] Community building
  - [ ] Nearing graduation
  - [ ] Other:

  There are currently some issues with this podling that we are working to 
address, we believe that the issues are not yet critical and can be turned 
around from within the community but want to make the board aware of this 
early on.

  Initial setup of the project’s structure: Goals and strategy needs 
  Working towards first release: What type of artifacts to release is not 
clear, due to unclear goals and strategy.
  Community building: The community exists of a very small number of people 
but is more or less invisible, as of today (April 2023).
  Nearing graduation: Currently, we are far away from graduation.

### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

  November 2020

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?

  Mentors have been responsive and helpful when reached out to.

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?

  The name search process has not yet been started, as there is still time 
to do that if and when graduation draws nearer.

  The PPMC is actively monitoring usage of the Podlings current name on 
other sites.

  The Podling is not directly affiliating with any sponsors donating 
content and presenting an independent image on the webpage.

### Signed-off-by:

  - [X] (training) Craig Russell  
  - [X] (training) Christofer Dutz  
     Comments: Admittedly I have been thinking of stepping back from being 
a mentor of this project as there was literally no activity at all. In the 
last few days this has changed a bit, so I'll postpone my resignation for 
  - [X] (training) Justin Mclean  
  - [ ] (training) Lars Francke  

## Milagro

Milagro is core security infrastructure and crypto libraries for
decentralized networks and distributed systems.

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

  1. Introduce policies for correct corporate involvement (see
  2. Continue to build relevant and useful crypto libraries and 
  applications for decentralized networks in order to grow the ecosystem of
  users and contributors to the project.
  3. Improve automated quality pipelines, improve existing releases and 
  demonstrate improved compliance with the Apache Way.

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?

  No issues are known as of now.

### How has the community developed since the last report?

  - There was activity by several new contributors on new issues
  - The roadmap for the most important component (MPC) has been updated

### How has the project developed since the last report?

  - The path to graduation map has been updated [in a GitHub 

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
  Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  - [ ] Initial setup
  - [ ] Working towards first release
  - [X] Community building
  - [ ] Nearing graduation
  - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

  December 2022

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?


### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?
  No third party are using the brand's name incorrectly

### Signed-off-by:

  - [ ] (milagro) Nick Kew  
  - [X] (milagro) Jean-Frederic Clere  

## Nemo

Nemo is a data processing system to flexibly control the runtime behaviors 
of a job to adapt to varying deployment characteristics.

Nemo has been incubating since 2018-02-04.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

  1. Address remaining items before graduation
  2. Motivate growth in the community
  3. A new release after finishing handling of a few existing PRs

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?


### How has the community developed since the last report?

  - We have communicated, interviewed, and have selected GSoC students in 
order to grow our community and work on potential projects based on Nemo.

### How has the project developed since the last report?

  - Discussions for graduation
  - Organizing code for filing PRs for past work (e.g., for supporting 
features regarding offloading bottleneck tasks to serverless frameworks)

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
  Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  - [ ] Initial setup
  - [ ] Working towards first release
  - [X] Community building
  - [X] Nearing graduation
  - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

  September 28, 2021

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
  - The mentors have been helpful.

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?
  - The PPMC manages the podling's brand / trademarks.

### Signed-off-by:

  - [ ] (nemo) Hyunsik Choi  
  - [X] (nemo) Byung-Gon Chun  
  - [X] (nemo) Jean-Baptiste Onofré  
  - [ ] (nemo) Markus Weimer  

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

## NLPCraft

A Scala library for NLU applications.

NLPCraft has been incubating since 2020-02-13.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

  1. Community growth.

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?


### How has the community developed since the last report?

  - We have communicated with developers which have interest to contribute 
to the project.

### How has the project developed since the last report?

  - New version released and related tasks and issues finished.
  - Site updated, examples extended

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
  Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  - [X] Initial setup
  - [X] Working towards first release
  - [X] Community building
  - [ ] Nearing graduation
  - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

  August of 2021.

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
  No issues with mentors to report.

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?
  No issues with mentors to report.

### Signed-off-by:

  - [ ] (nlpcraft) Roman Shaposhnik  
  - [ ] (nlpcraft) Furkan Kamaci  
  - [ ] (nlpcraft) Evans Ye  
  - [X] (nlpcraft) Paul King  
  - [ ] (nlpcraft) Konstantin I Boudnik  
  - [ ] (nlpcraft) Dave Fisher  

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

## OpenDAL

Open Data Access Layer: Access data freely, painlessly, and efficiently.

OpenDAL has been incubating since 2023-02-27.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

  1. Grow the community (attracting more committers, contributors, users)   
  2. Publish Apache releases (resolving logistics on Apache release)   
  3. Improve project structure and documentation

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?


### How has the community developed since the last report?

  OpenDAL has now been adopted by llama-hub to provide support for cloud 
object storage services. Additionally, we have noticed that a command-line 
tool called dilu has been using OpenDAL. We are also planning to provide 
webhdfs support for object store in the near future.

  In the past month, we have had close to 20 new contributors and elected 
two new committers.

### How has the project developed since the last report?

  - Core: We are now pushing for support for copy/rename.
  - Cli: The implementation of the oli command-line tool is still ongoing, 
and we support configuration files and some common operations such as `ls` 
and `cat`.
  - Bindings: We now have a basic Ruby binding implementation, and further 
improvements have been made to Python and Node.js bindings.

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?

  Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  - [ ] Initial setup
  - [X] Working towards first release
  - [X] Community building
  - [ ] Nearing graduation
  - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


  NOTE: v0.30.5 - 2023-03-31 is not yet an official ASF release. We are 
still in the process of learning how to create a formal one.

### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

  March 24th, 2023. In the last month, we selected two committers who are 
maintainers of python bindings and nodejs bindings, respectively.

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?


### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?
  Are 3rd parties respecting and correctly using the podlings
  name and brand? If not what actions has the PPMC taken to
  correct this? Has the VP, Brand approved the project name?


### Signed-off-by:

  - [ ] (opendal) tison  
  - [X] (opendal) Willem Ning Jiang  
     Comments: Good to see OpenDAL made it's first release.
  - [ ] (opendal) Sheng Wu  
  - [ ] (opendal) Ted Liu  
  - [ ] (opendal) Xiaoqiao He  

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

## Pegasus

Pegasus is a distributed key-value storage system which is designed to be
simple, horizontally scalable, strongly consistent and high-performance.

Pegasus has been incubating since 2020-06-28.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

  1. Grow the community(attracting more committers, contributors, users).

  2. Make more releases in ASF policy regularly.

  3. Improve the Pegasus project performance, stability, and usage 

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?


### How has the community developed since the last report?

  2.4.0 is released on Oct 30, 2022.

### How has the project developed since the last report?

  Preparing to release 2.5.0.

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
  Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  - [X] Initial setup
  - [X] Working towards first release
  - [X] Community building
  - [X] Nearing graduation
  - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

  2023-1-3, PPMC member: Dan Wang(GitHub ID: empiredan)

  2023-2-25, PPMC member: Yanzhao Tang (GitHub ID: Smityz)

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?

  Yes, our mentors gave us a lot of help, including IP
  clearance, version release, and etc.

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?

  No issues that we are aware of.

### Signed-off-by:

  - [X] (pegasus) Duo zhang  
     Comments: The development is active but I think the release frequency 
is too low, we should try to make more patch releases.
  - [ ] (pegasus) Liang Chen  
  - [ ] (pegasus) Von Gosling  
  - [ ] (pegasus) Liu Xun  

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

## Pekko

Pekko is a toolkit and an ecosystem for building highly concurrent,
distributed, reactive and resilient applications for Java and Scala.

Pekko has been incubating since 2022-10-24.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:  

  1. Complete the work on updating the file headers and docs to reflect the 
new branding and licensing.  
  2. Get the core web site and documentation up.
  3. Get a milestone release done - at least for the core modules. This 
would facilitate the wider OSS community. We would hope that other OSS 
projects that currently support Akka would look to also support Apache 

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?  
  Nothing of note

### How has the community developed since the last report?  
  We recently added a new committer (Arnout Engelen).

### How has the project developed since the last report?  
  Some reasonable progress with getting the code migrated.

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?  
  Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  - [X] Initial setup
  - [X] Working towards first release
  - [X] Community building
  - [ ] Nearing graduation
  - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:  

  None yet.

### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?  

  2023-03-09 (new committer) -- no new PPMC members added

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
  There were some knotty issues to discuss about how to manage the license 
headers and similar issues but the conversations were very constructive.

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?   
  * The Pekko project has been widely discussed in Social Media and blogs. 
No issues to report.
  * Pekko project did an initial Trademark search to verify the name 
availability for software products
  * VP, Brand has approved the name (

### Signed-off-by:

  - [X] (pekko) PJ Fanning  
     Comments: Progress being made  
  - [X] (pekko) Justin McLean  
  - [ ] (pekko) Roman Shaposhnik  
  - [ ] (pekko) Wu Sheng  
  - [ ] (pekko) Ryan Skraba  
     Comments:  The community is forming nicely: good decision-making 
together as the project advances.
  - [X] (pekko) JB Onofré  
     Comments:  Good progress so far
  - [X] (pekko) Claude Warren  

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

## Pony Mail

Pony Mail is a mail-archiving, archive viewing, and interaction service,
that can be integrated with many email platforms.

Pony Mail has been incubating since 2016-05-27.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

  1. Growing community
  2. Finalizing graduation, getting discussions going again
  3. Roll call?

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?

### How has the community developed since the last report?
  No material changes since last report. The community has been rather 
  quiet, albeit present.

### How has the project developed since the last report?
  No noteworthy development since last report.

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
  Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  - [X] Initial setup
  - [X] Working towards first release
  - [X] Community building
  - [X] Nearing graduation
  - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
  Sean Palmer was elected committer on 2021-04-02

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
  No answer.

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?
  No answer.

### Signed-off-by:

  - [ ] (ponymail) John D. Ament  

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

## SeaTunnel

SeaTunnel is a very easy-to-use ultra-high-performance distributed data 
integration platform that supports real-time synchronization of massive 

SeaTunnel has been incubating since 2021-12-09.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

  1. Growing community
  2. Complete graduation discussion and voting.

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?

### How has the community developed since the last report?
  The community ushers in 19 new contributors, bringing the total number to 
176 now, 310+ pull requests have been merged since SeaTunnel entered the 
last report.

### How has the project developed since the last report?
  The CDC synchronization function we support is very important for 
SeaTunnel and has improved support for data integration scenarios.

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
  Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  - [X] Initial setup
  - [X] Working towards first release
  - [X] Community building
  - [X] Nearing graduation
  - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
  JinXin Shen was elected PPMC on 2023-04-07

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
  Yes, always responsive and helpful. They gave a lot of great suggestions 
on community building.

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?
  No known issues, but further investigation is still required by the 


### Signed-off-by:

  - [X] (seatunnel) Zhenxu Ke  
  - [X] (seatunnel) William-GuoWei  
  - [X] (seatunnel) Lidong Dai  
  - [ ] (seatunnel) Ted Liu  
  - [ ] (seatunnel) Kevin Ratnasekera  
  - [X] (seatunnel) JB Onofré  
  - [ ] (seatunnel) Willem Jiang  

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:


Attachment AK: Report from the Apache InLong Project  [Charles Zhang]

## Description:
The mission of Apache InLong is the creation and maintenance of software 
related to a one-stop data integration framework that provides automatic, 
secure, and reliable data transmission capabilities. InLong supports both batch 
and stream data processing at the same time, which offers great power to build 
data analysis, modeling, and other real-time applications based on streaming 

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Membership Data:
Apache InLong was founded 2022-06-15 (10 months ago)
There are currently 42 committers and 26 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Yunqing Mo was added to the PMC on 2023-01-18
- Xueying Zhang was added as a committer on 2023-03-17
- The Xia was added as a committer on 2023-01-18

## Project Activity:
In the past quarter, InLong has successively released 1.6.0, which 
closed about 202+ issues, including 11+ major features and 80+ optimizations, 
for example:

- the addition of the Kudu data stream
- improvement of Redis data stream
- the addition of the MQ cache cluster selector strategy
- optimization of Audit ID allocation rules
- the addition of data node connection testing
- optimization of Sort Audit reconciliation benchmark time
- expansion of Audit support for using Kafka to cache audit data

And there is no meetups and conferences in the past quarter.

## Community Health:
The community health looks good overall. In the latest month,

- 9 new code contributors contributed to the project (136 in total).
- 114 commits to master (-36% decrease).
- 31 active contributors (-11% decrease).
- 127 PRs opened on GitHub (-32% decrease).
- 133 issues closed on GitHub (-29% decrease).

The last quarter had some big holidays for most contributors, and 
the community was focusing on addressing stability issues, which 
I think are the reasons for the decline in some data.

Attachment AL: Report from the Apache James Project  [Benoit Tellier]

## Description:

The Apache James Project delivers a rich set of open source modules and
libraries, written in Java, related to Internet mail which build into an
advanced extensible mail server running on the JVM.

## Issues:

There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Membership Data:
Apache James was founded 2003-01-22 (20 years ago)
There are currently 42 committers and 17 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Karsten Otto on 2022-09-20.
- No new committers. Last addition was Jean Helou on 2022-06-17.

## Project Activity:
Recent releases:

    JAMES-3.7.4 was released on 2023-03-31.
    JAMES-3.7.3 was released on 2023-01-06.
    JSPF-1.0.3 was released on 2023-01-06.
    MIME4J-0.8.9 was released on 2023-01-06.

The community was mostly focussed on bug fixes and improvments lately.

## Community Health:

We are seeing an encouraging trend as more users pays attention to James:

 - had a 59% increase in traffic in the past
   quarter (67 emails compared to 42)
 - 16 code contributors in the past quarter (14% increase)

Coding activity did decrease overall, with 10% less pull requests, 21% less
commits, and less exchanges on both JIRA and server-dev.

Apache James proposed several topics for the Google Summer of Code.

Attachment AM: Report from the Apache jclouds Project  [Andrew Gaul]

There are no issues requiring board attention.

A cloud-agnostic library that enables developers to access a variety of cloud
providers using one API.

== Project Status ==

During the last months, we initiated discussions to move the project to the
Attic, given the low activity and the concerns shared in previous reports.

The discussion started in October 2022 (
and the Brooklyn and Karaf communities expressed interest in keeping the
project alive and helping the project. Despite the very welcomed good
intentions, however, nothing actually happened in the form of actual
contributions, further engagement with the project, etc, and for months we
have been just waiting for something to happen beyond the will to keep the
project alive.

The Attic discussion is a perfect example of the current status of the jclouds
community: there are people interested in keeping the project alive, but no
one has the time and/or energy to actually do it, and in this scenario, it has
been discussed that we would probably better serve the community by moving the
project to the Attic and set clear expectations for our users, instead of
keeping it in the current limbo of inactivity.

== Community ==

Last committer: 2018-07-23 (Daniel Estevez)
Last PMC member: 2021-03-14 (Jean-Baptiste Onofré)

== Community Objectives ==

Finalize the Attic movement discussion and release 2.6.0 in 2Q2023
which may be the final release.

== Releases ==

The last major jclouds release, 2.5.0, took place on 2022-03-26.
The last bugfix release, 2.2.1, took place on 2020-05-14.

Attachment AN: Report from the Apache Jena Project  [Andy Seaborne]

## Description:
The mission of Jena is the creation and maintenance of software related to Java 
framework for building Semantic Web applications

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Jena was founded 2012-04-18 (11 years ago)
There are currently 18 committers and 13 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:7.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Aaron Coburn on 2019-01-22.
- No new committers. Last addition was Greg Albiston on 2019-07-08.

## Project Activity:
This quarter has seen steady progress with several contributions from people
outside the project. There has been a significant performance improvement to
primary storage subsystem, developed after discussions with users. There is a
maintenance effort to improve the maintainability of the RDF/XML parser.

## Community Health:
Activity levels are normal. Contributions to the project and technical
discussions come via GitHub, and a slight increase in the the use of Github
discussions. There were already very few issues coming via JIRA even before the
switch to the process for new accounts - from early Nov 2022 to March 2023
there were no new JIRA issues.

Attachment AO: Report from the Apache JMeter Project  [Bruno Demion]

## Description:
The mission of JMeter is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Java performance and functional testing

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Membership Data:
Apache JMeter was founded 2011-10-26 (11 years ago) There are currently 13
committers and 8 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is
roughly 7:4.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Vladimir Sitnikov on 2018-06-08.
- No new committers. Last addition was Maxime Chassagneux on 2017-02-15.

## Project Activity:
- The project continue to fix some bugs and add some improvements.

## Community Health:
- The project has a normal activity during last quarter.

## Project Release Activity:
Recent releases:

    5.5 final was released on 2022-06-14.
    5.4.3 final was released on 2021-12-24.

Attachment AP: Report from the Apache Johnzon Project  [Jean-Louis Monteiro]

## Description:
The mission of Johnzon is the creation and maintenance of software related to 
JSR-353 compliant JSON parsing; modules to help with JSR-353 as well as JSR-374 
and JSR-367

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Johnzon was founded 2016-04-20 (7 years ago)
There are currently 8 committers and 6 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 4:3.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Reinhard Sandtner on 2016-08-30.
- No new committers. Last addition was Jonathan Gallimore on 2018-05-09.

## Project Activity:
Recent releases:

    1.2.19 was released on 2022-08-22.
    1.2.18 was released on 2022-05-05.
    1.2.17 was released on 2022-04-21.
    1.2.16 was released on 2022-02-08.
    1.2.15 was released on 2021-10-28.

Currently community is voting on 1.2.20.

Aside from this, we are all hands down to implement the latest Jakarta
specification for Jakarta EE 10. I'm expecting a first alpha or a final if we
can get the TCK to fully pass.

## Community Health:
Traffic has a bit decreased because people are fully focused in implementing
remaining part to be Jakarta EE 10 compliant on JSON-B/JSON-P. Good to see new
non-committer people jumping to help. For instance the polymorphism part is
being worked on by a non-committer.

Attachment AQ: Report from the Apache JSPWiki Project  [Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez]

## Description:
The mission of JSPWiki is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Leading open source WikiWiki engine, feature-rich and built around standard 
JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP).

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache JSPWiki was founded 2013-07-17 (10 years ago)
There are currently 14 committers and 8 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 7:4.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06.
- No new committers. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06.

## Project Activity:
Quiet period, with small developments pushed into master. Aiming for the 
2.12.0 release, the associated vote should start somewhere this week. This
release contains a fix for some XSS vulnerabilities that has been sitting
on master for a while now. We would like to thank Arnout Engelen from the
Security team for kindly following through this reports and ensuring they
are fixed and released on a reasonable time span.

This quarter we've also reviewed almost all of our pending PRs, and 
discarded a bunch of dependabot false positives.

Last release was 2.11.3 on 2022-08-02.

## Community Health:
Traffic on both MLs has decreased compared with last quarter, mostly 
reflecting PRs movement.

There is enough people appearing on the ML and providing project oversight.

Attachment AR: Report from the Apache Kudu Project  [Andrew Wong]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Kudu is the creation and maintenance of software related
to a distributed columnar storage engine built for the Apache Hadoop ecosystem.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Membership Data:
Apache Kudu was founded 2016-07-19 (6 years ago)
There are currently 28 committers and 28 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 1:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Abhishek Chennaka was added to the PMC on 2023-02-11
- Abhishek Chennaka was added as committer on 2023-02-10

## Project Activity:
1.17.0 has branched and is waiting on some fixes before proceeding
1.16.0 was released on 2022-04-11.
1.15.0 was released on 2021-06-22.
1.14.0 was released on 2021-01-27.

## Community Health:
- Traffic to has increased (42 emails compared to 7), as it
  has been used more this quarter to share several design docs (improved
  caching, multi-tenancy, dynamic master changes for the client), to discuss
  the 1.17 release, and to welcome Abhishek to the PMC.

- Development activity measured in the number of commits has remained steady
  (+1% increase). Activity measured in open and closed issues was mixed (36
  issues opened, +28%; 11 closed, -21% change).

- Development activity measured in the number of unique contributors increased
  (16 contributors, a 23% increase).

- Public IM activity over the community Slack channel is steady, measured by
  average daily posting members (roughly 4) and average weekly posting members
  (roughly 12).

Attachment AS: Report from the Apache Lucene.Net Project  [Shad Storhaug]

## Description:

Apache Lucene.NET is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C#
and targeted at .NET runtime users.

## Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

## Membership Data:

Apache Lucene.Net was founded 2012-08-15 (11 years ago)
There are currently 16 committers and 14 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 8:7.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Ron Clabo on 2022-03-03.
- No new committers. Last addition was Ron Clabo on 2021-06-03.

## Project Activity:

Although there have been no recent releases, work has been progressing on
getting the ICU4N project (our biggest dependency) stabilized. We managed to
get it repackaged and the resource data is distributed as a separate NuGet
transitive dependency that is enabled by default but can be disabled so
smaller resource distributions can be made by end users. Although the work had
been done some time ago, we finally got a release out with the changes.

Lucene.Net had a flurry of activity around October and a new contributor
helped setup SonarCloud to scan the code base for issues. Although this
created a lot of noise, it has also helped us to spot some important problems.
For example, it helped us find all of the virtual members called in
constructors across the whole project and a couple of PMC members have managed
to fix nearly all of them, which was an issue we realized we had for a while
but had no real way to find them.

We also set up a Slack channel so PMC members can collaborate on the work that
is happening.

There has been over 200 (squashed) commits since the last release and we are
now in the process of preparing for a new release. However, we expect it might
take a while to get the new release out. We are trying to close as many open
PRs and issues as possible and we have several performance optimizations and
API refactorings in the works that we are hoping to include, as well as some
updated dependencies (ICU4N, IKVM, and OpenNLP).

Some of those updates are:

1. .NET Core support on OpenNLP
2. A new ValuePriorityQueue ref struct that allows us to reduce heap
   allocations on several hot paths
3. Multiple solutions for the virtual member calls in constructors that was
   previously mentioned
4. Refactored CharArraySet and CharArrayMap that conform to .NET conventions
5. Refactoring to the OfflineSorter to make it more reliable and perform
6. Optimization of array copy operations
7. Migration of some areas (mostly in Lucene.Net.Analysis.Common) to use
   Span<T> and stack allocations
8. A new PersianStemmer class that was contributed by a Lucene.Net user (which
   we pushed back to the Lucene project)

Recent releases:

    Apache-Lucene.Net-4.8.0-beta00016 was released on 2022-02-17.
    Apache-Lucene.Net-4.8.0-beta00015 was released on 2021-10-29.
    Apache-Lucene.Net-4.8.0-beta00014 was released on 2021-03-28.

## Community Health:

We have had several people contribute to our commit log and we occasionally
get a PR here and there. There have also been several issues opened, but these
have mostly been user questions rather than bugs. While we still get most of
our commits from one or 2 users, there has been an improvement in
participation than in previous reports.

The dev mailing list has nearly all been re-posted issues and PRs from GitHub. had a 56% decrease in traffic in the past quarter
(217 emails compared to 488) 43 commits in the past quarter (-64% change) 5
 code contributors in the past quarter (-54% change) 42 PRs opened on GitHub,
 past quarter (-33% change) 45 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-21%
 change) 8 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (-65% change) 2 issues closed
 on GitHub, past quarter (-91% change)

(previous quarter stats available directly via

Attachment AT: Report from the Apache MADlib Project  [Ed Espino]

## Description:
Apache MADlib is an open-source library for scalable in-database analytics.
It provides data-parallel implementations of mathematical, statistical,
graph and machine learning methods for structured and unstructured data.

## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Membership Data:
At the ASF Board Meeting on March 22, 2023, Roman Shaposhnik (rvs) put
forth a proposal to "Reboot the Apache MADlib Project PMC". The
proposal passed unanimously. Here is the new PMC roster:

- Atri Sharma (2017-07-19)
- Chris Hajas (2023-03-23)
- David Kimura (2023-03-23)
- Ed Espino (2023-03-23)
- Ekta Khanna (2021-02-16)
- Greg Chase (2017-07-19)
- Hansome Yuan (2023-03-23)
- Jingyu Wang (2023-03-23)
- Nikhil Kak (2019-02-20)
- Orhan Kislal (2017-07-19)
- Roman Shaposhnik (2017-07-19)
- Venkatesh Raghavan (2023-03-23)

Ed Espino now serves as the Apache MADlib PMC chair. Ed has been added
to pmc-chairs (INFRA-24380). Ed has been added as a moderator to the
project's mailing lists (commits, dev, issues, private, user).

All team members have been subscribed to the
and mailing lists.

Apache MADlib was founded 2017-07-18 (6 years ago)

There are currently 23 committers and 12 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.

## Project Activity:
* v1.21.0 was released on 2023-03-01

  New features include:
  - Graph: Add warm start for weakly connected components.
  - Graph: Add multicolumn identifier support for SSSP and APSP.
  - Build: Add support for Photon3 OS.

  - XGBoost: Add support for bigint and varchar columns.
  - XGBoost: Enable eval_metrics parameter.

  Venkatesh (Venky) Raghavan served in the release manager capacity.

  The vote for releasing Apache MADlib 1.21.0 (RC2) passed with 4
  binding +1s, 1 non-binding +1, and no 0 or -1 votes.

  Official Vote thread:

* The Apache MADlib project's web site was deficient in adhering to
  the Website Navigation Links Policy

  The following have been corrected (as reported in
  - Events
  - License
  - Thanks
  - Security
  - Sponsorship
  - Privacy
  - External resources

## Community Health:
* New PMC members have confirmed they are on the private and
  dev mailing lists.

* On March 2nd, Orhan Kislal put forth a proposal to support
  Python 3. This work will be targeted for the Apache MADlib v2.0
  release. The proposal passed unopposed.
  Proposal Thread:

* Thank you Roman Shaposhnik (rvs) for your dedication to ASF and in turn to 
  the Apache MADlib project.

* Thank you ASF infrastructure for assisting with the project reboot.

* For the next project report, we hope to review and report on various
  facets of the project (project wiki & website, roadmap, jira,
  infrastructure, release processes, dev community participation).

Attachment AU: Report from the Apache Mahout Project  [Andrew Musselman]

## Description:
Apache Mahout is a distributed linear algebra framework with a mathematically
expressive Scala DSL designed to let mathematicians, statisticians, and data
scientists quickly implement their own algorithms.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Mahout was founded 2010-04-20 (13 years ago)
There are currently 29 committers and 11 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 8:3.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Shannon Quinn was added to the PMC on 2023-02-12
- Jowanza Joseph was added as committer on 2023-03-02

## Project Activity:
Revamping the build and release process underway, point release targeted for
this month. Web site refreshed with improved documentation. Monthly community
meetings resumed, minutes published to home page.

## Community Health:
* 19 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (1800% increase)
* 10 issues closed in JIRA, past quarter (900% increase)
* 30 commits in the past quarter (900% increase)
* 5 code contributors in the past quarter (150% increase)
* 10 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (900% increase)
* 10 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (900% increase)
* Mail totals across commits, issues, dev, and user:
  * Past quarter: 234
  * Prev quarter:  22
* Health score: Healthy (6.74)

Attachment AV: Report from the Apache Maven Project  [Karl Heinz Marbaise]

## Description:
The mission of Maven is the creation and maintenance of software related to 
Java project management and comprehension tools

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Maven was founded 2003-03-01 (20 years ago)
There are currently 69 committers and 26 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:4.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Sylwester Lachiewicz was added to the PMC on 2023-03-21
- Aleksandr Ashitkin was added as committer on 2023-04-06
- Maximilian Novikov was added as committer on 2023-04-05

## Project Activity:
Maven Reporting API 4.0.0-M6 was released on 2023-04-09.
Maven Site Plugin 4.0.0-M7 was released on 2023-04-08.
Apache Resource Bundles 1.5 was released on 2023-04-05.
Maven Doxia Sitetools 2.0.0-M7 was released on 2023-04-02.
Maven Reporting Exec 2.0.0-M6 was released on 2023-04-02.
Maven Reporting Impl 4.0.0-M6 was released on 2023-04-02.
Maven Enforcer 3.3.0 was released on 2023-04-01.
Maven Fluido Skin 2.0.0-M5 was released on 2023-03-28.
Maven Invoker Plugin 3.5.1 was released on 2023-03-27.
Maven SCM Publish Plugin 3.2.1 was released on 2023-03-26.
Maven Deploy Plugin 3.1.1 was released on 2023-03-24.
Maven Filtering 3.3.1 was released on 2023-03-24.
Maven Install Plugin 3.1.1 was released on 2023-03-24.
Maven Resources Plugin 3.3.1 was released on 2023-03-24.
Apache Maven 4.0.0-alpha-5 was released on 2023-03-20.
Maven Site Plugin 4.0.0-M6 was released on 2023-03-20.
Maven Doxia 2.0.0-M6 was released on 2023-03-19.
Maven Doxia Sitetools 2.0.0-M6 was released on 2023-03-19.
Maven Reporting API 4.0.0-M5 was released on 2023-03-19.
Maven Reporting Exec 2.0.0-M5 was released on 2023-03-19.
Maven Reporting Impl 2.0.0-M5 was released on 2023-03-19.
Apache Maven 3.9.1 was released on 2023-03-18.
Maven Release 3.0.0 was released on 2023-03-17.
Maven SCM 2.0.0 was released on 2023-03-15.
Maven Help Plugin 3.4.0 was released on 2023-03-14.
Apache Maven Surefire 3.0.0 was released on 2023-03-11.
Maven Resolver 1.9.7 was released on 2023-03-11.
Maven Wrapper 3.2.0 was released on 2023-03-09.
Apache Maven 3.8.8 was released on 2023-03-08.
Maven Resolver 1.9.6 was released on 2023-03-06.
Maven Artifact Plugin 3.4.1 was released on 2023-03-05.
Maven Compiler Plugin 3.11.0 was released on 2023-02-27.
Maven Indexer 7.0.1 was released on 2023-02-27.
Maven Plugin Testing 4.0.0-alpha-1 was released on 2023-02-27.
Maven Plugin Tools 3.8.1 was released on 2023-02-27.
Maven Resolver 1.9.5 was released on 2023-02-23.
Maven Assembly Plugin 3.5.0 was released on 2023-02-22.
Apache Maven Surefire 3.0.0-M9 was released on 2023-02-14.
Maven Fluido Skin 2.0.0-M3 was released on 2023-02-12.
Maven Invoker Plugin 3.5.0 was released on 2023-02-12.
Maven Javadoc Plugin 3.5.0 was released on 2023-02-12.
Maven Reporting Impl 4.0.0-M4 was released on 2023-02-11.
Maven Site Plugin 4.0.0-M5 was released on 2023-02-11.
Apache Maven 3.9.0 was released on 2023-02-09.
Maven Deploy Plugin 3.1.0 was released on 2023-02-09.
Maven Artifact Plugin 3.4.0 was released on 2023-02-04.
Apache Maven 4.0.0-alpha-4 was released on 2023-02-01.
Apache Maven Daemon 0.9.0 was released on 2023-02-01.
Apache Maven Daemon 1.0.0-m4 was released on 2023-02-01.
Maven Doxia Sitetools 2.0.0-M5 was released on 2023-01-31.
Maven Reporting Exec 2.0.0-M4 was released on 2023-01-31.
Maven Enforcer 3.2.1 was released on 2023-01-28.
Maven Doxia 2.0.0-M5 was released on 2023-01-22.
Maven Reporting API 4.0.0-M4 was released on 2023-01-22.
Maven Fluido Skin 1.11.2 was released on 2023-01-17.
Maven Plugin Tools 3.7.1 was released on 2023-01-16.
Maven Resolver 1.9.4 was released on 2023-01-16.
Doxia 1.12.0 was released on 2023-01-14.
Doxia Converter 1.3 was released on 2023-01-14.
Maven Fluido Skin 2.0.0-M2 was released on 2023-01-12.

Some detailed information:

Based on the current ongoing effort we have reached the version 4.0.0
(alpha-5) of Apache Maven and getting a number of reports about possible

The Apache Maven 3.9.X-Release-Line is intended as an intermediate
step to integrate some needed (possibly) breaking changes for Apache
Maven 4.0.0 into the wild. It has shown some of the expected

We have made new Apache Maven Daemon version release:
* 1.0.0-m6 which embeds Apache Maven 4.0.0-alpha-5 and Maven 3.9.1

The Doxia cleaning out process is undergoing.

The SCM release 2.0.0 is now available.

## Community Health:
On the users list as well as on the dev list we can observe
an increase of activity also the JIRA issue activity has been
increased and furthermore the commit activity has increased.
The activity of GitHub PR's is even increasing compared to the 
previous quarter.

Attachment AW: Report from the Apache Mesos Project  [Qian Zhang]

## Description:
The mission of Mesos is the creation and maintenance of software related to a 
cluster manager that provides efficient resource isolation and sharing across 
distributed applications

## Issues:
Based on the latest info that we gathered in the mail list, there are no enough
active committers & contributors in Mesos community, so we may have to request
to move Mesos to attic.

## Membership Data:
Apache Mesos was founded 2013-06-19 (10 years ago)
There are currently 50 committers and 50 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 1:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Charles-François Natali on 2021-08-08.
- No new committers. Last addition was Charles-François Natali on 2021-08-07.

## Project Activity:
In the mail list, we had some discussion around the next step of Mesos and
transferring MesosCon 2015 videos to a better place, and there is a PR about
supporting for Nvidia MIG in Mesos containerizer, but unfortunately we do not
have enough committers to review it.

## Community Health:
No new committers or contributors, overall the community is not active, only
one PR was created.

Attachment AX: Report from the Apache MINA Project  [Guillaume Nodet]

Attachment AY: Report from the Apache Mnemonic Project  [Yanhui Zhao]

Attachment AZ: Report from the Apache MyFaces Project  [Bernd Bohmann]

## Description:
The mission of MyFaces is the creation and maintenance of software related to 
JavaServer(tm) Faces implementation and components

## Issues:
There are no issues.

## Membership Data:
Apache MyFaces was founded 2005-02-23 (18 years ago)
There are currently 80 committers and 46 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:3.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Henning Nöth on 2021-06-01.
- No new committers. Last addition was Melloware on 2021-05-11.

## Project Activity:
- Apache MyFaces Core the community could release our first Faces 4.0 release.
  Now waiting for wider feedback and improving the quarkus extension.

- Apache Tobago the community is working for 5.x and reporting minor bugs in 
  myfaces-core javascript library. 

- Recent releases:
  tobago-5.6.1 was released on 2023-04-04.
  tobago-5.6.0 was released on 2023-03-29.
  myfaces-core-4.0.0 was released on 2023-03-04.
  myfaces-core-4.0.0-RC5 was released on 2023-02-17.
  tobago-5.5.0 was released on 2023-01-30.
  myfaces-core-4.0.0-RC4 was released on 2023-01-26.

## Community Health:
- Apache MyFaces Core is healthy.

UI-Component Sets:
- Apache Tobago is healthy.
- Apache Trinidad is in maintenance mode.
  Last developer commit was Sept 2017.
- Myfaces Tomahawk is in maintenance mode.
  Last developer commit was May 2016.
  Last commit on behalf of a contributor was May 2016.

Add-ons and Extensions:
- Apache MyFaces Portlet Bridge is in maintenance mode.
  Last developer commit was Jan 2014.
  Last commit on behalf of a contributor was May 2015.
- Apache MyFaces CODI is in maintenance mode.
  CODI was replaced by Apache DeltaSpike so new development
  happens there.  Last commit March 2014.
- Apache MyFaces Orchestra is in maintenance mode.
  New projects use CDI and DeltaSpike instead.
  Last commit on behalf of a contributor was August 2016.
- Apache MyFaces ExtVal is in maintenance mode.
  Last commit June 2014.
- Apache MyFaces Commons is in maintenance mode.
  Last commit August 2012.
- Apache MyFaces Ext-Scripting is in maintenance mode.
  Last commit Sept 2017.
- Apache MyFaces Test is in maintenance mode (Used by Myfaces Core).
  Last commit May 2017.

Attachment BA: Report from the Apache NiFi Project  [Joe Witt]

## Description:
The mission of NiFi is the creation and maintenance of software related to
providing an easy to use, powerful, and reliable system to process and
distribute data.

Apache NiFi MiNiFi is an edge data collection agent built to seamlessly
integrate with and leverage the command and control of NiFi. There are both
Java and C++ implementations.

Apache NiFi Registry is a centralized registry for key configuration items
including flow versions, assets, and extensions for Apache NiFi and Apache

Apache NiFi Nar Maven Plugin is a release artifact used for supporting the
NiFi classloader isolation model.

Apache NiFi Flow Design System is a theme-able set of high quality UI
components and utilities for use across the various Apache NiFi web
applications in order to provide a more consistent user experience.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Membership Data:
Apache NiFi was founded 2015-07-14 (8 years ago)
There are currently 63 committers and 33 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Nathan Gough on 2022-09-06.
- Ferenc Kis was added as committer on 2023-03-23
- Nándor Soma Abonyi was added as committer on 2023-03-15

## Project Activity:
The NiFi community released NiFi 1.20.0 in Feb 2023 and is in the RC voting
process for NiFi 1.21.0 now expected to be available in early April 2023. 
More than 170 JIRAs have already landed toward our upcoming NiFi 2.0.0 
release as discussed in previous board reports.  The 1.21 release is 
largely focused on stability and continuing to prepare to move 1.x users
to 2.x with as minimal disruption as possible. As always we remain super 
focused on dependency maintenance as it relates to security vulnerabilities.

## Community Health:
Community health remains a point of strength and emphasis.  We have long
enjoyed excellent engagement on release verification and voting. We have added
a couple new committers in this cycle and there are more in the pipeline and
discussions. Mailing list activity is stable if not a little slowed but again
is countered by consistent growth of 100 or so users per quarter into Slack
where we now see more than 2600 users in the general channel up by more than
100 from last report. Our JIRA and commit activity has increased and some of
this is likely as we're working now two major feature lines both 1.x and 2.x.

Attachment BB: Report from the Apache Nutch Project  [Sebastian Nagel]

## Description:
Apache Nutch is a highly extensible and scalable open source web crawler
software project based on Apache Hadoop® data structures and the MapReduce
data processing framework.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention. 

## Membership Data:
Apache Nutch was founded 2010-04-21 (13 years ago) There are currently 21
committers and 21 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Shashanka Balakuntala Srinivasa on
- No new committers. Last addition was Shashanka Balakuntala Srinivasa on

## Project Activity:
Nutch 1.19 was released on 2022-08-22.

Work on the next Nutch release continues. A notable additions is the OpenSearch
indexer plugin. Remaining work was about bug fixes and dependency upgrades.

## Community Health:
The number of contributions (Jira issues, commits, activity on the
mailing lists) is on a low but steady level.

Attachment BC: Report from the Apache NuttX Project  [Alin Jerpelea]

## Description:
The mission of Apache NuttX is the creation and maintenance of software related 
to a mature, real-time embedded operating system (RTOS)

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Membership Data:
Apache NuttX was founded 2022-11-16 (5 months ago)
There are currently 28 committers and 20 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 7:5.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Tomasz Cedro was added to the PMC on 2023-03-09
- Guiding Li was added to the PMC on 2023-01-30
- Tomasz Cedro was added as committer on 2023-03-07
- Guiding Li was added as committer on 2023-01-27

## Project Activity:
### Date of last release:
 NuttX-12.0.0 was released on 2023-01-16

Press release

### Target date for the next release:
 NuttX-12.1.0 planned for  2023-04-15

## Community Health:
 - The NuttX community is healthy. The project sees on average 10-20 commits
   per day from numerous contributors.
    121 code contributors in the past quarter (18% increase)
   1527 commits in the past quarter (4% increase)
   1064 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (17% increase)
   1012 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (12% increase)
 - Virtually all communications have moved from old venues to which had a 42% increase in traffic in the past quarter
   (683 emails compared to 480):
 - GitHub's PRs and Issues also have their own discussions.
    82 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (100% increase)
    48 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (20% increase)
 - We are seeing new contributors to the project through GitHub.

Attachment BD: Report from the Apache OODT Project  [Imesha Sudasingha]

Attachment BE: Report from the Apache OpenJPA Project  [Mark Struberg]

## Description:
 The mission of OpenJPA is the creation and maintenance of software related to
 OpenJPA: Object Relational Mapping for Java

## Issues:
 There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Project Activity:
 We are now rather confiden to start OpenJPA-4.0 which would target the
 jakarta namespace natively. Right now we only provide support for jakarta
 via shading, which is quite tricky to consume.

## Community Health:
 Small community but I hope that the Jakarta push will revive activity.

## Membership Data:
 Apache OpenJPA was founded 2007-05-16 (15 years ago)
 There are currently 35 committers and 18 PMC members in this project.
 The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:5.

## Community changes, past quarter:
 - No new PMC members. Last addition was Maxim Solodovnik on 2019-04-13.
 - No new committers. Last addition was Matt Pavlovich on 2019-05-22.

Recent releases:
 3.2.2 was released on 2022-03-16.
 3.2.1 was released on 2022-02-06.
 3.2.0 was released on 2021-05-14.

Attachment BF: Report from the Apache OpenMeetings Project  [Maxim Solodovnik]

## Description:
The mission of OpenMeetings is the creation and maintenance of software related 
to OpenMeetings: Web-Conferencing and real-time collaboration

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache OpenMeetings was founded 2013-01-25 (10 years ago)
There are currently 30 committers and 28 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 8:7.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Ali Alhaidary on 2021-03-22.
- No new committers. Last addition was Ali Alhaidary on 2021-04-07.

## Project Activity:
Recent releases:
 - 7.0.0 was released on 2023-02-13.
 - 6.3.0 was released on 2022-05-16.
 - 6.2.0 was released on 2021-10-24.

## Community Health:
We have more or less constant ML activity, user questions are being
answered, everything seems to be OK :)

Attachment BG: Report from the Apache OpenOffice Project  [Dave Fisher]


Apache OpenOffice is an open-source office-document productivity suite. There
are six productivity applications based around the OpenDocument Format (ODF)
that are Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math, Base. With limited support for
other file formats, OpenOffice ships for Windows, macOS, Linux and in 41

### History

2022-10-17 — Apache OpenOffice celebrates 10 years as Top-Level Project (TLP)
2022-08-17 — More than 333,333,333 downloads of Apache OpenOffice (binary
installation files)
2020-10-24 — 300 million downloads of Apache OpenOffice (binary installation 
2020-10-14 — 20-year anniversary of OpenOffice
2016-10-18 — 200 million downloads of Apache OpenOffice (binary installation 
2014-04-17 — 100 million downloads of Apache OpenOffice (binary installation 
2012-10-17 — Apache OpenOffice was established as Top-Level Project (TLP)
2011-06-13 — was accepted as Incubator project in the ASF
with the new name Apache OpenOffice


Latest Release (4.1.14) was in February 2023. The community activity in general
is on a low but sustainable level. A major obstacle is the complex code and
build system. Therefore, it is not easy for new people to gain a foothold into
the code when the first build is hard to be done. There is recent activity to
update the building guides to make it easier to get builds working.


We are working in parallel on 2 release lines:

1) 4.2.0 is the next minor release.

It is planned to be released into a beta phase. We have recently released v4 of
a Development version, which is available via

An alpha and/or beta release is planned for the next quarter. For that
release, we are improving the translation process. We can now sync our
translation server Pootle with the code. Together with ASF Infrastructure,
we were able to set up a new (updated) translate VM. Presently,
we support 65 languages in Pootle. We plan to add some new languages
to the 4.2.0 release.

Because of the significant updates between 4.1.x and 4.2.x, we will need to
drop support for some of the oldest versions of our supported OSes. This also
requires an update to our default build systems for macOS and Linux.

2) We have started the process for the planned release 4.1.15.

The motivation in still maintaining the 4.1.x release line is not very high
nor very feasible, as required 3rd party libraries quickly are no longer
supported for the older 4.1.x architectures. Therefore, we will deprecate the
4.1.x tree as soon as we have a stable release of 4.2.x.


2023-02-27 4.1.14
2022-07-22 4.1.13
2022-05-04 4.1.12


There are currently 141 committers and 28 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:1. 

Community changes, past quarter:

— No new PMC member
2023-Jan-15 - Addition of Czesław Wolański (cwolan)
2021-Nov-07 - Withdrawal of Andrew "Drew" Jenson (atjensen) due to his

— No new committer
2022-Jun-06 - Addition of Francis Campos (franciscc)
2022-May-18 - Addition of David Robley (robleyd)
2022-Mar-15 - Withdrawal of Jörg Schmidt (joesch) due to his passing


Community overall health is improving. 

We had discussed a project Mission Statement draft on the developers list and
completed the final revisions. It is available at the following address:


Our Windows and Linux build bots are now migrated to new server.

We are working on a Mac build bot to enhance our changes. The machine is
sponsored by MacStadium. As mentioned above, due to our goal of supporting
older versions of various OSes, these build bots cannot be used for our
community builds, but simply for regression testing.

We are working on a new migration of our MWiki wiki.oo.o and Forums to a new VM.
While updating, we will also test OpenGrok to move to a container architecture.

We are publishing the Windows builds in the Microsoft Store (Windows 10/11).
This is another way to reach Windows users — as our main user group — where
they expect to find the official Apache OpenOffice software.

### Google Analytics

Apache OpenOffice no longer uses Google Analytics on and is planning
to remove it from our other websites. 


### Facebook

We have one Volunteer representing Apache OpenOffice on Facebook. The
activity is irregular. Most engagement is helping users with issues. Articles
reach about 2.2K people.

### Twitter

One person maintains our Twitter account. We will be adding more users to avoid the
bus factor.


### Apple Code Signing

We have done numerous signed builds since the AOO 4.1.8 macOS DMG images are
also signed. However, since Apple has changed the standards, users may still
see a Gatekeeper warning (this is due to the AOO 4.1.x builds requiring an
older SDK). Signing is done manually but via scripting and follows Apple's
preferred process:

### Windows Code Signing

We sign all Windows installer since the AOO 4.1.8 release. There is some
discussion to switch from the current Installer to an MSI installer. But
there are technical hurdles to be solved. Windows code signing is currently
a manual process.

### Unmaintained Python 2 code

Python 2 is unmaintained. We have in the development tree the external python3 support. Internal python 3 support is difficult. We are checking alternatives. Planned for the next major release

### New ODF Version

Our default file format, the Open Document Format, has received a new
Standard update. We plan to support this format.

## Documentation

### User Guides

A small documentation team is in the process of updating the User Guides to
the 4.1.x code line. We are using the Writer component, of Apache OpenOffice,
to update and publish the Guides to our mwiki in both PDF and ODT format.

The first guide to be published, was the Getting Started Guide, which was
completed in late December.


No issues

Attachment BH: Report from the Apache OpenWebBeans Project  [Mark Struberg]

## Description:
 Apache OpenWebBeans is an ALv2-licensed implementations of the
 "Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE platform"
 specifications which are defined as JSR-299 (CDI-1.0), JSR-346
 (CDI-1.1 and CDI-1.2 MR) and JSR-365 (CDI-2.0).

 The OWB community also maintains a small server as
 Apache Meecrowave subproject. Meecrowave bundles latest releases of
 the ASF projects Tomcat9 + OpenWebBeans + CXF + Johnzon + log4j2.

## Issues:
 There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:
 We've got our CDI-4.0 implementation ready and pass most TCK tests.
 A few refinements are still needed to finish this task. It is also
 already used in the new TomEE branch targetting Jakarta 10.

## Health:
 We get things done. With bursts of productivity and periods of silence
 as expected from such a mature project. 

## PMC changes:
 - Currently 13 PMC members, 20 committers
 - Last PMC addition was Reinhard Sandtner on 2017-10-09.
 - Last committer addition was John D. Ament on 2017-10-09.

## Recent Releases
 - 2.0.27 was released on 2022-06-07.
 - meecrowave-1.2.14 was released on 2022-05-11.
 - 2.0.26 was released on 2022-02-08.

Attachment BI: Report from the Apache ORC Project  [William Hyun]

## Description:
The mission of ORC is the creation and maintenance of software related
to the smallest, fastest columnar storage for Hadoop workloads.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache ORC was founded 2015-04-21 (8 years ago)
There are currently 47 committers and 15 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:1.

The PMC has been focusing on the community's growth to be
a healthier community by helping candidates.

    - Pavan Lanka was added to the PMC on 2023-03-30
    - Xin Zhang was added as committer on 2023-02-06

In addition, there are two member status changes inside ORC PMC.

    - Alan Gate informed his resignation on 2023-04-07
    - Dongjoon Hyun became an ASF Member on 2023-03

## Project Activity:
According to our release cadence, we released two maintenance releases
in this quarter and helped Apache Spark and Iceberg to use it.

    - 1.8.3 was released on 2023-03-15.
    - 1.7.8 was released on 2023-02-14.
    - 1.8.2 was released on 2023-01-13.

In addition, we are preparing the following milestones.
Gang Wu volunteered as a new release manager.

    - 1.7.9 (May, Release Manager: Gang Wu)
    - 1.8.4 (June)
    - 1.9.0 (September)

## Community Health:
There was the following comment in the last report.

> rbowen: I would love to hear more about your initiative of "helping candidates."

We have added one new committer and promoted one new PMC member.

In this quarter, user/dev/issues mailing lists have 520%/51%/24%
increase in traffic,
respectively, and the number of code contributors has a 33% increase.
It's a good sign to be a healthier community.

Attachment BJ: Report from the Apache Parquet Project  [Xinli Shang]

## Description:
The mission of Parquet is the creation and maintenance of software related to 
columnar storage format available to any project in the Apache Hadoop ecosystem

## Issues:
There was no issues found in the community.  

## Membership Data:
Apache Parquet was founded 2015-04-21 (8 years ago)
There are currently 38 committers and 27 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:4.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Gidon Gershinsky on 2021-11-23.
- Gang Wu was added as committer on 2023-02-28

## Project Activity:
MR-1.13.0 was released on 2023-04-06.
MR-1.12.3 was released on 2022-05-26.
MR-1.12.2 was released on 2021-10-06.
MR-1.11.2 was released on 2021-10-06.

## Community Health:
40 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (81% increase)
44 issues closed in JIRA, past quarter (238% increase)
48 commits in the past quarter (242% increase)
22 code contributors in the past quarter (100% increase)
46 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (100% increase)
40 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (100% increase) had a 151% increase in traffic in the past quarter

Attachment BK: Report from the Apache PDFBox Project  [Andreas Lehmkühler]

## Description:
The mission of PDFBox is the creation and maintenance of software related to 
Java library for working with PDF documents

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Membership Data:
Apache PDFBox was founded 2009-10-21 (13 years ago)
There are currently 21 committers and 21 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 1:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Matthäus Mayer on 2017-10-16.
- No new committers. Last addition was Joerg O. Henne on 2017-10-09.

## Project Activity:
Recent releases:

    2.0.27 was released on 2022-09-29.
    1.8.17 was released on 2022-09-15.
    2.0.26 was released on 2022-04-21.

## Community Health:
- there is a steady stream of contributions, bug reports and questions on the
  mailing lists
- there are a lot of refactorings, improvements and bugfixes
- we are still planning to cut the first beta release of our next major
  version 3.0.0
- we've started a vote for the 2.0.28 release
- the new release consists of bug fixes and small improvements. One of the
  more significant changes is the improved support for arabic pdfs
- we received three reports through security@a.o. All of them are well known
  and didn't qualify for a CVE due to a low severity

Attachment BL: Report from the Apache Petri Project  [Dave Fisher]

Attachment BM: Report from the Apache Pig Project  [Koji Noguchi]

Attachment BN: Report from the Apache Pivot Project  [Roger Lee Whitcomb]

## Description:
The mission of Pivot is the creation and maintenance of software related to 
Rich Internet applications in Java

## Issues:
No Board-level issues at this time. A potential security vulnerability
came up this quarter, which was investigated and deemed non-critical,
albeit with some documentation changes. Apologies for missing the report
last month, as I was dealing with a death in the family.

## Membership Data:
Apache Pivot was founded 2009-12-15 (13 years ago)
There are currently 10 committers and 7 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:4.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Gavin McDonald on 2022-04-13.
- No new committers. Last addition was Gavin McDonald on 2022-04-14.

## Project Activity:
Other than the security investigation, no real development activity since
last report. Still intend to make final release *soon*. Expect to start a
mailing list announcement / discussion on this in the next few weeks. But
otherwise mailing lists are quiet (as usual).

## Community Health:
Interesting that the potential security issue came up, but having such
little community activity was a big factor in downgrading the problem.
Expect discussion of the end-of-life situation in the next report.

Attachment BO: Report from the Apache Ranger Project  [Selvamohan Neethiraj]

Attachment BP: Report from the Apache Ratis Project  [Tsz-wo Sze]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Ratis is the creation and maintenance of software related 
to a highly customizable Raft protocol implementation in Java.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Ratis was founded 2021-02-16 (2 years ago)
There are currently 29 committers and 18 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 8:5.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Attila Doroszlai on 2022-04-25.
- No new committers. Last addition was William Song on 2022-12-28.

## Project Activity:
We released Ratis 2.5.0 and Ratis Thirdparty 1.0.4 on 2023-04-10
and 2023-03-21, respectively.

Ratis 2.5.0 is a bug-fixed version of 2.4.1, which includes a number 
of new features and improvements, to list a few:

*** New features
- Support linearizable follower read via the read index algorithm.
- Support transfer leadership between nodes with the same priority.
- Support GENERIC_COMMAND_OPTIONS in ratis-shell.

*** Improvements
- Improve metrics module’s memory usage.
- Support keyManager and trustManager in tlsConfig.
- Improve LogAppender’s performance.
- Add documents on snapshot & metrics & raft server configurations.
- Improve gRPC installSnapshot streaming ability.
- Use Maven Wrapper for building Ratis.

Ratis Thirdparty 1.0.4 is a bug-fixed version of 1.0.3.
It was to upgrade Netty to 4.1.86.Final to fix CVE-2022-41881.

The previous Ratis 2.4.1 release and the Ratis Thirdparty 1.0.3 release
were released on 2022-11-28 and 2022-11-8, respectively.

## Community Health:
The project is healthy.  We had more commits and PRs this quarter,
although the mailing lists had less traffic.  We also had a few new
contributors starting contributing to Ratis.

Attachment BQ: Report from the Apache Rya Project  [Adina Crainiceanu]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Rya is the creation and maintenance of software related 
to scalable storage, retrieval, and analysis of RDF data

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention. 

## Membership Data:
Apache Rya was founded 2019-09-17 (4 years ago)
There are currently 12 committers and 11 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Adina Crainiceanu on 2019-09-17.
- No new committers were added.

## Project Activity:
Apache Rya 4.0.1 was released on 2020-12-22.
There was a discussion for a new release, but not much progress has been made 

## Community Health:
The activity level in the project is low, but one committer still plans on
spending some time on the project in the next few months.

Attachment BR: Report from the Apache Samza Project  [Yi Pan]

## Description:
The mission of Samza is the creation and maintenance of software related to 
distributed stream processing framework

## Issues:
No issues require board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Samza was founded 2015-01-22 (8 years ago)
There are currently 30 committers and 17 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 8:5.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Bharath Kumarasubramanian on 2020-02-13.
- No new committers. Last addition was Ajo Thomas on 2022-12-14.

## Project Activity:
- Pipeline draining feature released w/ 1.8
- Full elasticity support (SEP-32) is wip
- LinkedIn blog post on Beam Samza and Spark convergence solution published

## Community Health:
6 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (-45% change)
1 issue closed in JIRA, past quarter (-95% change)

Github Activities:
27 commits in the past quarter (68% increase)
8 code contributors in the past quarter (14% increase)
17 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (no change)
22 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (57% increase)

Attachment BS: Report from the Apache ServiceMix Project  [Krzysztof Sobkowiak]

## Description:
The mission of Apache ServiceMix project is to create and maintain a flexible, 
open-source integration container, powered by OSGi, that unifies the features 
and functionality of Apache ActiveMQ, Camel, CXF, and Karaf into a powerful 
runtime platform you can use to build your own integrations solutions.

## Issues:
No issue requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache ServiceMix was founded 2007-09-19 (15 years ago)
There are currently 50 committers and 21 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:3.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Andrea Cosentino on 2017-03-15.
- No new committers. Last addition was Andrea Cosentino on 2016-03-13.

## Project Activity:
Recent releases:
bundles-2023.02 was released on 2023-02-03.
bundles-2023.03 was released on 2022-12-12.

## Community Health:
ServiceMix is still maintained, waiting for the "move" to Karaf.
Our main focus is on specs and bundles (the runtime is really on Karaf
side for now).
We plan to release SMX 8.0.0 as "last" version before Karaf move.
We will move forward on Karaf "move" on or Q2/Q3 2023.
We will cut a new updated release, just as Karaf assembly soon.

Attachment BT: Report from the Apache SINGA Project  [Wang Wei]

## Description:
The mission of Apache SINGA is the creation and maintenance of software related 
to a distributed deep learning platform

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache SINGA was founded 2019-10-16 (3 years ago)
There are currently 23 committers and 16 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Chris Yeung on 2020-04-17.
- No new committers. Last addition was Naili Xing on 2022-11-19.

## Project Activity:

The team has released SINGA 4.0.0 on 07 April 2023.

The release note is at

The main features of this release include

    1. Enhance distributed training including printing intermediate mini-batch
    information and adding support for switching between CPU and GPU devices.
    2. Enhance example code by updating hyper-parameters, and
    adding more datasets and model implementations.
    3. Enhance the online documentation for distributed training.
    4. Promote code quality
    5. Update the runtime Dockerfile

Apart from this release, the community has been working on adding SINGA-Easy,
a framework built as a component of Apache SINGA, for domain-specific users.

## Community Health:
According to the statistic, there are 114 emails and 33 commits in the past
quarter. Also, according to the statistic there are increase of email traffic,
JIRA activities and GitHub issues opened, which indicates that the community
is active in the development.

Attachment BU: Report from the Apache SkyWalking Project  [Sheng Wu]

## Description:
The mission of Apache SkyWalking is the creation and maintenance of software 
related to application performance management and monitoring (APM)

## Issues:
There is no issue.

## Membership Data:
Apache SkyWalking was founded 2019-04-17 (4 years ago)
There are currently 56 committers and 33 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:5.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Yihao Chen was added to the PMC on 2023-02-22
- No new committers. Last addition was Puguang Yang on 2022-11-08.

## Project Activity:
The following releases are made in this quarter.
- java-8.15.0: 2023-04-10
- php-0.4.0: 2023-03-29
- rust-0.6.0: 2023-03-11
- 9.4.0: 2023-03-09
- skywalking-banyandb-java-client-0.3.1: 2023-02-27
- python-1.0.0: 2023-02-22
- banyandb-0.3.0: 2023-02-10
- php-0.3.0: 2023-02-02
- java-8.14.0: 2023-01-15

SkyWalking community is discussing a new subproject skywalking-grafana-plugins.
Two PMC members, Kai and Sheng, would join the first China 
ObservabilityCon as panel speaker and session speaker.

## Community Health: had a 86% increase in traffic in the past 
quarter (218 emails compared to 117)
342 commits in the past quarter (-41% change)
40 code contributors in the past quarter (-14% change)
240 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-22% change)
236 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-25% change)

The numbers of codes changes are decreasing 
as 9.4.0, banyandb and new Java agent 
releases are all out.
More features are being planned for the next release.
The community is active.

Attachment BV: Report from the Apache Steve Project  [Daniel Gruno]

## Description:
The mission of Steve is the creation and maintenance of software related to 
Apache's Python based single transferable vote software system

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at present.

## Membership Data:
Apache Steve was founded 2012-07-24 (11 years ago)
There are currently 10 committers and 6 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 5:3.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Jim Jagielski on 2022-04-15.
- No new committers. Last addition was Sean Palmer on 2022-03-04.

## Project Activity:
No noteworthy activity this past quarter. We are hoping to reboot the 
activity around the next (v3) iteration of STeVe, intended to be the 
system behind the next annual members meeting.

## Community Health:
No changes to community health. We have sufficient oversight, but 
we are also a small project with a niche product.

Attachment BW: Report from the Apache Streams Project  [Steve Blackmon]

## Description:
Apache Streams unifies a diverse world of digital profiles and online
activities into common formats and vocabularies, and makes these datasets
accessible across a variety of databases, devices, and platforms for
streaming, browsing, search, sharing, and analytics use-cases.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Membership Data:
Apache Streams was founded 2017-07-18 (5 1/2 years ago). There are currently 9
committers and 9 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is

## Community changes:
- Brian Hodge joined PMC on 2020-04-26
- Brian Hodge became a committer on 2020-04-26

## Project Activity:
- Apache Streams 0.6.1 was released in March 2020.
- The next Apache Streams release will be the first compatible with JDK11.
- 2021 and 2022 both had minimal commit and mailing list and discussions.
- Several recent board reports have been missed.  Very sorry about that.

## Other Comments:
- Twitter's imminent pay-walling of the free API is quite unfortunate. 
  Streams most mature and powerful libraries and examples are all based on
  these APIs.
- A silver lining with the turmoil at Twitter is rapidly growing interest in
  open alternatives based on ActivityPub ex. Mastadon.  This offers the
  project a path to new life, as ActivityPub is based on ActivityStreams.
- We need to get the upgrades on our main branch released ASAP.
- We need to better reach out to users and developers to reinvigorate the
- We need to lean further into the ActivityPub ecosystem to become relevant

Attachment BX: Report from the Apache Struts Project  [René Gielen]

The Apache Struts MVC framework is a solution stack for creating elegant and
modern action-based Java web applications. It favours convention over
configuration, is extensible using a plugin architecture, and ships with
plugins to support patterns and technologies such as REST, AJAX and JSON.

The Struts team made one release in the last quarter:
* Struts 6.1.2 - Security fix release (2023-03-10) [1]

The last Struts releases besides the core framework were
* Struts Master 14 - Apply Apache Parent POM and plugin upgrades (2020-02-05)
* Struts Annotations 1.0.8 - Enhancements in preparation for the next
  framework release (2022-11-05)

Within the last quarter we saw steady development and community activity. We
had 76 (65 in previous reporting quarter) opened and 76 (64) closed in the
main project. These numbers are slightly higher compared to the last quarter,
but within a typical variance for the project.

We counted 146 (187) commits by 7 (6) contributors in the report quarter.
Notably, a new contributor showed up, with 16 high quality PRs since December
2022 that all got accepted. As a result, he is on our watch list for
committership candidates.

We released no security bulletin in the last quarter. However, we released a
security fix release due to issues with Apache Commons File Upload discovered

We have no issues that require board assistance at this time.

## PMC changes:

- Currently 22 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- James Chaplin (jchaplin) was added to the PMC on 2020-11-16

## Committer base changes:

- Currently 60 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- James Chaplin (jchaplin) was added as committer on 2020-01-08

## Mailing list activity:

Mailing list activity decreased towards more normal levels, as Struts Version
6 becomes more mainstream.

- 239 emails sent to list (289 in previous quarter)

- 488 emails sent to list (745 in previous quarter)

- 56 emails sent to list (76 in previous quarter)

## JIRA activity:

- 29 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months (32)
- 30 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months (50)


Attachment BY: Report from the Apache Submarine Project  [Liu Xun]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Submarine is the creation and maintenance of software 
related to allowing infrastructure engineers and data scientists to build deep 
learning applications (TensorFlow, PyTorch, etc.) end to end on cluster 
management platforms (like YARN/K8s)

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Submarine was founded 2019-10-16 (3 years ago)
There are currently 36 committers and 11 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC.
- No new committers.

## Project Activity:
Meetups and Conferences:
- Technical exchange meetings are held twice a week.

## Community Health:
Submission activities have dropped significantly this quarter. 
The main reason is that there are many college students among the 
contributors of the project, and many students went out to 
participate in off-campus internships or graduations this quarter.
The number of contributors has also remained unchanged. 
There are 21 contributors active this quarter, 
which is a good number for this project.
We are cultivating newly enrolled students to participate 
in the development of the community, 
and we are also attracting corporate users to participate 
in the development of the community.

Attachment BZ: Report from the Apache Synapse Project  [Isuru Udana]

## Description:
Apache Synapse is a high-performance, flexible, lightweight
Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and a mediation framework.

## Issues:
None identified.

## Membership Data:
Apache Synapse was founded 2007-12-19 (15 years ago)
There are currently 36 committers and 27 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 4:3.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Shafreen on 2021-05-09.
- No new committers. Last addition was Nuwan Jayawardene on 2022-11-19.

## Project Activity:
We resumed the release work last week. The release manager who was away due to
medical conditions became available again to drive the release. Currently we
have frozen the code and now all set for the final stage of the release.

## Community Health: had a 135% increase in traffic in the past quarter (33
emails compared to 14) 7 commits in the past quarter (600% increase) 1 code
contributor in the past quarter (no change) 4 PRs opened on GitHub, past
quarter (33% increase) 3 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (50% increase)

Community health got improved in this time period. With the release
activities this will get further improved in the future.

Attachment CA: Report from the Apache Tapestry Project  [Thiago Henrique De Paula Figueiredo]

## Description:
The mission of Tapestry is the creation and maintenance of software related to 
Component-based Java Web Application Framework

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Tapestry was founded 2006-02-14 (17 years ago)
There are currently 29 committers and 13 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Ben Weidig on 2021-12-02.
- No new committers. Last addition was Volker Lamp on 2022-04-14.

## Project Activity:
This past quarter had its activity focused on developer productivity,
specifically improvements to live class reloading and reducing the
number of invalidated cached page instances. Getting it done requires
getting a lot of moving parts implemented correctly, so it's complex
work that should help developers on large projects. It's taking us 
longer than expected, we admit.

## Community Health:
While the commit number was down, the community participation was up: had a 100% increase in traffic in the past 
quarter (16 emails compared to 8) had a 116% increase in traffic in the 
past quarter (13 emails compared to 6)
7 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (16% increase)
2 issues closed in JIRA, past quarter (100% increase)
15 commits in the past quarter (-48% change)
3 code contributors in the past quarter (50% increase)
3 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (300% increase)
3 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (50% increase)

Attachment CB: Report from the Apache Tcl Project  [Georgios Petasis]

## Description:
The mission of Tcl is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Dynamic websites using TCL. Apache Tcl is home to the Tcl-Apache integration
efforts. The purpose of our project is to combine the power of the Apache
web server with the capabilities of the mature, robust and flexible Tcl
scripting language. Currently only the Apache Rivet project is actively

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Membership Data:
Apache Tcl was founded 2000-07-24 (23 years ago)
There are currently 12 committers and 7 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Brice Hamon De Crevecoer on 2014-11-25.
- No new committers. Last addition was Brice B. Hamon on 2014-11-25.

## Project Activity:
No release has been made during the reporting period. The new release made
before two reporting periods (rivet-3.2.2 was released on 2022-06-21) has
received positive feedback, and no problems have been identified so far.

## Community Health:
The traffic of the mailing lists has remained at similar levels to the
previous reporting period, which is normal for the project (as most traffic in
the list happens after new releases). The current increase in the traffic
relates to some usage questions performed by some new users.

Attachment CC: Report from the Apache Tez Project  [László Bodor]

Attachment CD: Report from the Apache Thrift Project  [Jens Geyer]

## Description:
Apache Thrift is a high performance cross platform RPC and serialization

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Thrift was founded 2010-10-20 (12 years ago)
There are currently 41 committers and 21 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Mario Emmenlauer on 2022-04-13.
- No new committers. Last addition was Liu Jiayu on 2022-06-25.

## Project Activity:
Technically speaking we had a two releases. However, the 0.18.1 (March) was
only fixes an issue we overlooked in 0.18.0 (February). We aim for the next
release to happen in July.

## Community Health:
Communication and general activity is on a relative low level. We have a
notable number of open PRs on Github for quite a while now, yet there are only
frew active reviewers. Since Thrift is special in the regard that we support
20+ target languages, we definitely could use more skilled hands to review
those PRs.

Attachment CE: Report from the Apache Tika Project  [Tim Allison]

## Description:
Apache Tika is a dynamic toolkit for content detection, analysis, and
extraction. It allows a user to understand, and leverage information from, a
growing a list of over 1200 different file types including most of the major
types in existence (MS Office, PDF, Text, Images, Video, Code, and science
data) as recognized by IANA and other standards bodies.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Tika was founded 2010-04-20 (13 years ago)
There are currently 32 committers and 32 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 1:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Nicholas DiPiazza on 2021-07-05.
- No new committers. Last addition was Nicholas DiPiazza on 2021-06-03.

## Project Activity:
Our last release (2.7.0) was on 3 Feb 2023, and we're working towards the
release of 2.8.0 in the next few weeks. We're expanding our file type
detection based on data from Common Crawl.  We continue to make bug fixes and
improvements throughout the code base.

## Community Health:
We've seen a decrease in opened issues, commits and dev list emails.  The new
requirement to register for a JIRA account may be suppressing opened issues,
but we have no evidence of that. Our CHI is 4.70 (Healthy).

Attachment CF: Report from the Apache TinkerPop Project  [Florian Hockmann]

## Description:
Apache TinkerPop is a graph computing framework for both graph databases
(OLTP) and graph analytic systems (OLAP).

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Community changes, past quarter:
- Yang Xia was added to the PMC on 2023-03-15
- Ken Hu was added as committer on 2023-02-27

## Project Activity:
TinkerPop released versions 3.5.5 and 3.6.2 in the last quarter. These
releases were mostly maintenance releases. One noteworthy improvement in these
releases is how the Java gremlin-driver deals with temporarily unavailable
hosts to make the driver much more resilient to intermittent network failures.

Unfortunately, these releases introduced some pain points for users. One being
the gremlin-python aiohttp dependency version too restrict: TINKERPOP-2810
[1], which has been resolved in a gremlin-python
3.6.3rc1/3.5.6rc1 release.

Another is a new bug that prevents some .NET users from upgrading:
TINKERPOP-2918. [2] A fix for this problem was already provided by contributor
Daniel C. Weber and we have published a release candidate of Gremlin.Net with
this fix.

We continue the maintenance work on 3.5.x/3.6.x. A notable achievement by Ken
Hu was to resolve a long standing performance issue with the Groovy
dependency: TINKERPOP-2526 [3], which drastically improved gremlin-console
performance, as well as the length of time for documentation generation. This
fix also enabled the Groovy 4 upgrade in 3.7.0.

We are also continuing our work on the upcoming major release 3.7.0. One
noteworthy improvement that was implemented in the past quarter is a change in
how elements are returned by default. Until now, we only return those elements
without their properties in most cases which has been confusing to users. This
will be changed in 3.7.0 where such elements, like vertices or edges, are
returned with their properties by default.[4] Users will of course still be
able to configure a different behavior if they want to.

### Releases:
3.5.5 was released on 2023-01-16.
3.6.2 was released on 2023-01-16.

## Community Health:
As already mentioned in the last board report, we have created a YouTube
channel for TinkerPop to host recordings of our live events.[5] We have
additionally created a Twitch channel [6] where we now host our live events to
make it easier for interested users to join them as no account is needed for
that like it was for Discord where we held our events previously. We already
had four different events on Twitch in the last quarter for which recordings
are now available on the YouTube channel:

* TinkerPop Wide: G.V() 2023 Roadmap with Q&A - Presenter: Arthur Bigeard -
  lead developer of G.V()

* Contributorcast: Apache TinkerPop 3.5.5/3.6.2 Post-Release Review -
  Presenter: Yang Xia, Valentyn Kahamlyk, Cole Greer, and Ken Hu

* TinkerPop Wide: Back to the Future - Time Travelling with Gremlin in
  ChronoGraph - Presenter:  Martin Häusler - author of ChronoGraph

* TinkerPop Wide: New Features of Amazon Neptune - Presenter: Kelvin
  Lawrence, Dave Bechberger, and Stephen Mallette

We have also established some guidelines to host these events / upload videos.
These guidelines will be part of our official documentation with the next
release but they can already be found in our git repository: [7].

## Links

Attachment CG: Report from the Apache Tomcat Project  [Mladen Turk]

## Description:
 - A Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java WebSocket and Java
   Unified Expression language specifications implementation
   and Jakarta EE equivalents.

## Issues:
 - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time

## Membership Data:
 - Apache Tomcat was founded 2005-05-18 (18 years ago)
 - There are currently 48 committers and 29 PMC members in this project.
 - Han Li was added to the PMC on 2023-03-06.
 - No new committers. Last addition was Han Li on 2022-08-23.

## Project Activity:
 - Apache Tomcat 11.0.0-M3 was released on 2023-02-23.
   This release is a milestone release and is targeted at Jakarta EE 11.
 - Apache Tomcat 10.1.6 was released on 2023-02-24.
 - Apache Tomcat 9.0.73 was released on 2023-03-03.
 - Apache Tomcat 9.0.72 was released on 2023-02-23.
 - Apache Tomcat 9.0.71 was released on 2023-01-13.
 - Apache Tomcat 8.5.87 was released on 2023-03-03.
 - Apache Tomcat 8.5.86 was released on 2023-02-24.
 - Apache Tomcat 8.5.85 was released on 2023-01-19.
 - Apache Tomcat Native 2.0.3 was released on 2023-02-13.
 - Apache Tomcat Native 1.2.36 was released on 2023-02-13.

## Community Health:
 - Continued healthy activity across multiple components and
   responsiveness on both dev and user lists.
 - The Apache Tomcat ended support for 
   Apache Tomcat 8.5.x on 31 March 2024.

## Trademark:
 - No new trademark issues in the last 4 months
   and  there are currently no outstanding trademark issues that the
   Apache Tomcat PMC is working on.

Attachment CH: Report from the Apache Traffic Server Project  [Bryan Call]

## Description:
The mission of Traffic Server is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a fast, scalable and extensible HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 compliant
caching proxy server.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Membership Data:
Apache Traffic Server was founded 2010-04-20 (13 years ago)
There are currently 70 committers and 57 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:8.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Damian Meden on 2022-12-14.
- No new committers. Last addition was Chris McFarlen on 2022-10-11.

## Project Activity:
We released our latest feature release of 9.2.0 this quarter.  We are
currently working on our next major release that will have: HTTP/3, HTTP/2 to
the origin, JSON RPC, and many more features.  We are testing HTTP/2 to the
origin and JSON RPC in production and will start testing HTTP/3 very soon.

Giving the amount of work we still have to do for ATS 10, the release date
should be sometime in Q3.

## Community Health:
We have scheduled our ATS Spring Summit for May 16th and 17th.  Unfortunately
we are going to have the summit remote, due to travel restrictions from
companies that what to reduce their budgets.  This is a setback from having
our Fall Summit in person in December after having the summits for three years

We are continuing to have our weekly PR and issue scrub meetings every Monday
and HTTP/3 meetings on Tuesdays.

GitHub PRs opened and closed have greatly increased over Q4, 72% and 59%
respectively.  This seems to be a normal pattern where development slows
around the holidays and picks up in Q1.  All stats were up except for the
number of contributors, which is surprising at -6%.

Attachment CI: Report from the Apache Web Services Project  [Daniel Kulp]

Attachment CJ: Report from the Apache Zeppelin Project  [Jongyoul Lee]

## Description:
The mission of Zeppelin is the creation and maintenance of software related to 
A web-based notebook that enables interactive data analytics

## Issues:
The last report was submitted last month. Thus, there's not much update this

## Membership Data:
Apache Zeppelin was founded 2016-05-18 (7 years ago)
There are currently 24 committers and 11 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Jeff Zhang on 2018-01-25.
- No new committers. Last addition was Guanhua Li on 2022-12-03.

## Project Activity:
The latest version of 0.10.1 was released on 2022-03-01. It's quite outdated
from the current master. PMC will prepare a new release sooner

## Community Health:
Most metrics including mailing and contribution have descresed in the past
quater even thoguth I have seen some new users and contributors. To make it
active, I'm talking to other PMC members and contributors. I'm discussing a new
contribution event supported by Korean govenrment which is similar to

End of minutes for the April 19, 2023 board meeting.
