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- Original The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
January 17, 2024
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 21:00 UTC and began at 21:01 when
a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was recognized by
the chair.
Other Time Zones:
The meeting was held via teleconference, hosted by the Secretary
via Zoom.
The #asfboard channel on was used for backup.
2. Roll Call
Directors Present:
Shane Curcuru
Bertrand Delacretaz
Christofer Dutz
Sharan Foga
Willem Ning Jiang
Justin Mclean
Craig L Russell
Sander Striker
Directors Absent:
Rich Bowen
Executive Officers Present:
Craig R. McClanahan
Matt Sicker
Ruth Suehle
Executive Officers Absent:
David Nalley
Chris Wells
Daniel Gruno
Dave Fisher
Greg Stein
Michael Semb Wever
3. Minutes from previous meetings
Published minutes can be found at:
A. The meeting of December 20, 2023
See: board_minutes_2023_12_20.txt
Approved by General Consent.
4. Executive Officer Reports
A. Board Chair [Sander Striker]
Welcome to 2024. The new year was off to an exciting start, with some
of the tools used for our monthly board meeting were unavailable. It
once again shows how much the Whimsy project has moved the needle in
reducing overhead for projects and ourselves, to the point that
allowed us to scale with our existing methods. At the same time it
shows our reliance on these tools.
The board agenda tool is progressing nicely, and I intend to use it to
run today's board meeting. Once we're happy that it supports that, we
can look at other functionality that is in the critical path of the
meeting, e.g. creation of the monthly agenda.
From next month on, we should also see automated reminders be
triggered by agenda creation. There is a direct correlation between
reminders having been sent and the amount of projects submitting
reports on schedule. I'm looking forward to this automation having a
lasting impact.
Lastly, I've begun preparation of our annual Members Meeting scheduled
for March 7th. Last years process triggered some desire for
improvement, part of which should be addressed by updates to the tools
and templates. I expect that at least one more iteration beyond
upcoming meeting is necessary to get it to the level that no major
changes will be needed.
B. President [David Nalley]
Given the holidays, I don't have anything material to report, though
many of the Ops teams did important work.
Additionally, please see Attachments 1 through 9.
C. Treasurer [Craig R. McClanahan]
As with prior months, things continue to operate fairly smoothly.
One process note - Roberto Galoppini (Assistant Treasurer) will be
taking on the task of forwarding relevant physical mail that gets
received by our service provider (Wilmington Mail), which Myrle was
faithfully dealing with even after she switched roles.
D. Secretary [Matt Sicker]
In December, we received 36 ICLAs, 5 CCLAs, and 8 software grants. At
the end of December, a security issue was reported to the Whimsy PMC
where the Whimsy server was taken offline and patched before bringing
up a new server instance. A big thanks to the Whimsy PMC members who
addressed this issue!
E. Executive Vice President [Ruth Suehle]
Nothing substantial to report.
F. Vice Chair [Sharan Foga]
- Nothing to report this month
Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
5. Additional Officer Reports
A. VP of W3C Relations [Andy Seaborne / Christofer]
No report was submitted.
B. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Roman Shaposhnik / Willem]
See Attachment 11
C. Apache Security Team Project [Mark J. Cox / Bertrand]
See Attachment 12
The board trusts the security team to follow through on the
plan in place for Zeppelin.
D. VP of Jakarta EE Relations [Rob Tompkins / Sander]
See Attachment 13
Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
6. Committee Reports
Summary of Reports
The following reports required further discussion:
# Beam [rbowen]
# Dubbo [striker]
# Griffin [rbowen]
# Iceberg [cdutz]
# MADlib [rbowen]
# Security Team [rbowen]
# SkyWalking [striker]
# TinkerPop [ningjiang]
# TsFile [clr]
# Zeppelin [rbowen]
A. Apache Accumulo Project [Ed Coleman / Sharan]
See Attachment A
B. Apache ActiveMQ Project [Bruce Snyder / Justin]
See Attachment B
C. Apache Airavata Project [Suresh Marru / Craig]
See Attachment C
D. Apache Allura Project [David Philip Brondsema / Bertrand]
See Attachment D
E. Apache APISIX Project [Ming Wen / Shane]
See Attachment E
F. Apache Archiva Project [Olivier Lamy / Rich]
No report was submitted.
G. Apache Aries Project [Christian Schneider / Rich]
See Attachment G
H. Apache Arrow Project [Andrew Grove / Rich]
See Attachment H
I. Apache AsterixDB Project [Till Westmann / Bertrand]
See Attachment I
J. Apache Attic Project [Herve Boutemy / Willem]
See Attachment J
K. Apache Avro Project [Ryan Skraba / Sharan]
See Attachment K
L. Apache Bahir Project [João Boto / Shane]
No report was submitted.
M. Apache Beam Project [Kenneth Knowles / Craig]
See Attachment M
N. Apache Bigtop Project [Yuqi Gu / Justin]
See Attachment N
O. Apache Bloodhound Project [Gary Martin / Sander]
See Attachment O
P. Apache bRPC Project [James Ge / Christofer]
See Attachment P
Q. Apache BuildStream Project [Tristan Van Berkom / Craig]
No report was submitted.
R. Apache Calcite Project [Benchao Li / Christofer]
See Attachment R
S. Apache CarbonData Project [Liang Chen / Bertrand]
See Attachment S
T. Apache Causeway Project [Jörg Rade / Rich]
See Attachment T
U. Apache Celix Project [Pepijn Noltes / Sharan]
See Attachment U
V. Apache CXF Project [Daniel Kulp / Shane]
No report was submitted.
W. Apache DataFu Project [Eyal Allweil / Sander]
See Attachment W
X. Apache DB Project [Bryan Pendleton / Justin]
See Attachment X
Y. Apache Directory Project [Shawn McKinney / Willem]
See Attachment Y
Z. Apache DolphinScheduler Project [Lidong Dai / Shane]
See Attachment Z
AA. Apache Druid Project [Gian Merlino / Craig]
No report was submitted.
AB. Apache Dubbo Project [Jun Liu / Sander]
See Attachment AB
Will be looked at again at the next reporting cycle for
committer to PMC ratio.
AC. Apache ECharts Project [Wenli Zhang / Justin]
See Attachment AC
AD. Apache Fineract Project [James Dailey / Christofer]
See Attachment AD
AE. Apache Flagon Project [Joshua C. Poore / Sharan]
See Attachment AE
AF. Apache Flex Project [Harbs / Rich]
See Attachment AF
AG. Apache Fluo Project [Keith Turner / Bertrand]
See Attachment AG
AH. Apache Geronimo Project [Jean-Louis Monteiro / Justin]
No report was submitted.
AI. Apache Gora Project [Kevin Ratnasekera / Willem]
See Attachment AI
AJ. Apache Griffin Project [William Guo / Craig]
See Attachment AJ
@Christofer: follow up with roll call for PMC
AK. Apache Hadoop Project [Xiaoqiao He / Bertrand]
See Attachment AK
AL. Apache HAWQ Project [Lei Chang / Justin]
No report was submitted.
AM. Apache HBase Project [Duo Zhang / Shane]
See Attachment AM
AN. Apache Iceberg Project [Ryan Blue / Rich]
See Attachment AN
AO. Apache Impala Project [Jim Apple / Sharan]
See Attachment AO
AP. Apache Incubator Project [Justin Mclean]
No report was submitted.
AQ. Apache InLong Project [Charles Zhang / Sander]
See Attachment AQ
AR. Apache Jackrabbit Project [Marcel Reutegger / Willem]
See Attachment AR
AS. Apache James Project [Benoit Tellier / Justin]
See Attachment AS
AT. Apache jclouds Project [Andrew Gaul / Christofer]
See Attachment AT
AU. Apache Jena Project [Andy Seaborne / Justin]
See Attachment AU
AV. Apache JMeter Project [Bruno Demion / Rich]
See Attachment AV
AW. Apache Johnzon Project [Jean-Louis Monteiro / Rich]
See Attachment AW
AX. Apache JSPWiki Project [Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez / Craig]
See Attachment AX
AY. Apache Kudu Project [Andrew Wong / Shane]
See Attachment AY
AZ. Apache Lucene.Net Project [Shad Storhaug / Sander]
See Attachment AZ
BA. Apache MADlib Project [Ed Espino / Sharan]
See Attachment BA
@Rich: follow up on MADlib report prior to April
BB. Apache Mahout Project [Andrew Musselman / Sander]
See Attachment BB
BC. Apache Maven Project [Karl Heinz Marbaise / Willem]
See Attachment BC
BD. Apache Mesos Project [Qian Zhang / Shane]
No report was submitted.
BE. Apache MINA Project [Guillaume Nodet / Sharan]
See Attachment BE
BF. Apache Mnemonic Project [Gordon King / Bertrand]
No report was submitted.
@Bertrand: pursue a roll-call for Mnemonic
BG. Apache MyFaces Project [Bernd Bohmann / Christofer]
See Attachment BG
BH. Apache NetBeans Project [Geertjan Wielenga / Christofer]
See Attachment BH
BI. Apache NiFi Project [Joe Witt / Shane]
See Attachment BI
BJ. Apache Nutch Project [Sebastian Nagel / Bertrand]
See Attachment BJ
BK. Apache NuttX Project [Alin Jerpelea / Rich]
See Attachment BK
BL. Apache OpenJPA Project [Mark Struberg / Sharan]
No report was submitted.
BM. Apache OpenMeetings Project [Maxim Solodovnik / Craig]
See Attachment BM
BN. Apache OpenOffice Project [Dave Fisher / Willem]
No report was submitted.
BO. Apache OpenWebBeans Project [Mark Struberg / Justin]
No report was submitted.
BP. Apache ORC Project [William Hyun / Sander]
See Attachment BP
BQ. Apache Parquet Project [Xinli Shang / Sander]
See Attachment BQ
BR. Apache PDFBox Project [Andreas Lehmkühler / Willem]
See Attachment BR
BS. Apache Petri Project [Dave Fisher / Sharan]
See Attachment BS
BT. Apache Pig Project [Koji Noguchi / Justin]
See Attachment BT
BU. Apache Pivot Project [Roger Lee Whitcomb / Craig]
No report was submitted.
BV. Apache Ranger Project [Selvamohan Neethiraj / Bertrand]
No report was submitted.
BW. Apache Ratis Project [Tsz-wo Sze / Christofer]
See Attachment BW
BX. Apache Rya Project [Adina Crainiceanu / Craig]
See Attachment BX
BY. Apache Samza Project [Jagadish Venkatraman / Rich]
No report was submitted.
BZ. Apache SeaTunnel Project [Jun Gao / Shane]
See Attachment BZ
CA. Apache SkyWalking Project [Sheng Wu / Sander]
See Attachment CA
@Sander: discuss use of with VP Data Privacy
CB. Apache Sling Project [Robert Munteanu / Sharan]
See Attachment CB
CC. Apache Steve Project [Daniel Gruno / Willem]
See Attachment CC
CD. Apache Streams Project [Steve Blackmon / Justin]
See Attachment CD
CE. Apache Struts Project [René Gielen / Bertrand]
See Attachment CE
CF. Apache Submarine Project [Kevin Su / Rich]
No report was submitted.
CG. Apache Synapse Project [Isuru Udana / Craig]
See Attachment CG
CH. Apache Tapestry Project [Thiago Henrique De Paula Figueiredo / Justin]
See Attachment CH
CI. Apache Tcl Project [Georgios Petasis / Shane]
See Attachment CI
CJ. Apache Tez Project [László Bodor / Christofer]
See Attachment CJ
CK. Apache Thrift Project [Jens Geyer / Rich]
See Attachment CK
CL. Apache Tika Project [Tim Allison / Sander]
See Attachment CL
CM. Apache TinkerPop Project [Kelvin Lawrence / Willem]
See Attachment CM
@Willem: follow up with PMC around release procedure
CN. Apache Traffic Server Project [Bryan Call / Shane]
See Attachment CN
CO. Apache TsFile Project [Jialin Qiao / Shane]
See Attachment CO
CP. Apache Velocity Project [Nathan Bubna / Sharan]
No report was submitted.
CQ. Apache Web Services Project [Daniel Kulp / Justin]
See Attachment CQ
CR. Apache Zeppelin Project [Jongyoul Lee / Sander]
See Attachment CR
CS. Apache ZooKeeper Project [Flavio Paiva Junqueira / Christofer]
See Attachment CS
Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
7. Special Orders
A. Change the Apache Lucene Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Greg Miller
(gsmiller) to the office of Vice President, Apache Lucene, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
Greg Miller from the office of Vice President, Apache Lucene, and
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Lucene project
has chosen by vote to recommend Chris Hegarty (chegar) as the successor
to the post;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Greg Miller is relieved and
discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
President, Apache Lucene, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Chris Hegarty be and hereby is appointed
to the office of Vice President, Apache Lucene, to serve in accordance
with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the
Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal
or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7A, Change the Apache Lucene Project Chair, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
B. Establish the Apache OpenDAL Project
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of
the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to
establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation and
maintenance of open-source software, for distribution at no charge to
the public, related to the creation and maintenance of software related
to Open Data Access Layer: Access data freely, painlessly, and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee
(PMC), to be known as the "Apache OpenDAL Project", be and hereby is
established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache OpenDAL be and hereby is responsible for the
creation and maintenance of software related to the creation and
maintenance of software related to Open Data Access Layer: Access data
freely, painlessly, and efficiently; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache OpenDAL" be and
hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the
direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache OpenDAL
Project, and to have primary responsibility for management of the
projects within the scope of responsibility of the Apache OpenDAL
Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are
appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache OpenDAL
* Zili Chen <>
* Hao Ding <>
* Xiaoqiao He <>
* Willem Ning Jiang <>
* Sundy Li <>
* Zheao Li <>
* Ted Liu <>
* Cai Lue <>
* Jun Ouyang <>
* Chojan Shang <>
* Sheng Wu <>
* Xiangdong <>
* Han Xu <>
* Mingzhuo Yin <>
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Hao Ding be appointed to
the office of Vice President, Apache OpenDAL, to serve in accordance
with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the
Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal
or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.
RESOLVED, that the Apache OpenDAL Project be and hereby is tasked with
the migration and rationalization of the Apache Incubator OpenDAL
podling; and be it further
RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache Incubator
OpenDAL podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator PMC are hereafter
Special Order 7B, Establish the Apache OpenDAL Project, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
C. Change the Apache Bigtop Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Yuqi Gu (guyuqi)
to the office of Vice President, Apache Bigtop, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
Yuqi Gu from the office of Vice President, Apache Bigtop, and
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Bigtop project
has chosen by vote to recommend Masatake Iwasaki (iwasakims) as the
successor to the post;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Yuqi Gu is relieved and discharged
from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President,
Apache Bigtop, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Masatake Iwasaki be and hereby is
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Bigtop, to serve in
accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors
and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7C, Change the Apache Bigtop Project Chair, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
D. Terminate the Apache Bahir Project
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it no longer in the best interest
of the Foundation to continue the Apache Bahir project due to
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Apache Bahir project is hereby
terminated; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Attic PMC be and hereby is tasked with oversight
over the software developed by the Apache Bahir Project; and be it
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Bahir" is hereby
terminated; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Bahir PMC is hereby terminated.
Special Order 7D, Terminate the Apache Bahir Project, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
8. Discussion Items
A. Trademark attributions on web pages
Craig L. Russel notes that it is ASF policy that all ASF web sites identify
trademarks in the first/most prominent usage on each page. He has reviewed
many ASF web pages recently and very few of them conform to policy. Is this
something that the board should be concerned about?
Relevant VP, Brand Management policy:
The board trusts VP, Trademarks to express how we would like to see
policy enforced.
B. Block the use of unauthorized third party services on ASF websites?
The December 2023 data privacy VP report asked for a Board decision, on
whether the data privacy policy for ASF websites [1] should be enforced.
It looks like the Content-Security-Policy mechanism [2] can be activated for
all ASF websites, to prevent modern browsers from downloading analytics code
from unauthorized sources. This would effectively disable those third party
services on ASF websites which are not compliant.
Let's discuss whether the Board supports this, in which case the data privacy
team can work with the ASF infrastructure team to implement that.
The board unanimously supports the suggested technical enforcement.
9. Review Outstanding Action Items
* Christofer: pursue a roll call for VCL
[ VCL 2023-09-20 ]
Status: Did see activity in the project and not only from one person
(even if minimal) ... thought a roll-call wasn't really
required right now.
* Justin: follow up about the attic and how to plan for it
[ Geronimo 2023-10-18 ]
* Justin: follow up on current status of project
[ HAWQ 2023-10-18 ]
* Sander: follow up about PMC removal process
[ Mahout 2023-10-18 ]
* Sander: clarify members of committers and PMC
[ ManifoldCF 2023-10-18 ]
* Shane: follow up about attic
[ Mesos 2023-10-18 ]
Status: Done; new contributors have a plan to upstream existing
patches plus new work on upgrades, so Mesos should stay active
until next release (and then re-evaluate PMC availability).
* Justin: follow up on direction
[ Streams 2023-10-18 ]
* Shane: follow up about trademark usage policy
[ Traffic Server 2023-10-18 ]
* Justin: follow up on mentioning people's names in reports
[ ManifoldCF 2023-11-15 ]
* Sharan: check with Chris about vendor neutrality concerns
[ Ozone 2023-11-15 ]
Status: Discussed with Chris last month and this can be closed.
* Willem: follow up with PMC about community health
[ Traffic Control 2023-11-15 ]
Status: The commits dropped about 60% since Comcast withdrew their
development efforts. I will follow up with PMC by sending this
* David: follow up VP Privacy
[ Data Privacy 2023-12-20 ]
Status: Done. See Discussion Item 8B on the agenda.
10. Unfinished Business
11. New Business
12. Announcements
13. Adjournment
Adjourned at 21:59 UTC
Attachment 1: Report from the VP of Brand Management [Mark Thomas]
Covering the period December 2023
VP Conferences updated the events branding policy:
- updated announced event names from "ApacheCon" to "Community Over Code"
- clarified "Announced Events" as "Foundation Events"
- indicated responsibility of VP, Conferences over event scheduling instead of
Updated the draft downstream distribution policy to allow back-ports to
unsupported branches to enable vendors to provide extended support. I expect
to publish the 1.0 version of this policy in January.
The draft downstream distribution policy triggered a handful of discussions
around various points relating to naming, PMC responsibilities and
distribution via other platforms.
Responded to the following queries, liaising with projects as required:
- Approved events for AIRFLOW and FLINK
- Approved names for RESILIENTDB, SDAP and OPENDAL
- Provided advice to PULSAR, HBASE and ARROW regarding TLP website branding
- Provided naming advice for an external "Champions" program
Worked with ASF counsel to renew the following registrations:
Continued to work with DEVLAKE to prepare assignment agreements in preparation
for graduation.
Attachment 2: Report from the VP of Fundraising [Bob Paulin]
1) ASF Sponsors:
a --New: we onboarded two new Bronze Sponsors during this timeframe.
b --Renewals: we have confirmed renewals from two Platinum, two Gold, three
Silver, and five Bronze Sponsors.
c --Payments: 1 --New: we received no new Sponsor payments during this time,
however, we received two corporate contributions, each equivalent to a Bronze
sponsorship, and will be recognizing the organizations as such. One new Silver
sponsor’s payment had been returned due to a processing glitch and will be
re-submitted in January.
2a --Renewing: we received two Bronze Sponsor renewal payments.
2b --Incoming: we await payment from two renewing Platinum, five renewing
Gold, three renewing Silver, two new Silver Sponsors, and three renewing
Bronze Sponsors.
2) Targeted Sponsors: we are working on renewing a Targeted Sponsor, and are
engaging with a potential new Silver Targeted sponsor.
3) Sponsor Relations: end-of-year is often our most active time for Sponsor
engagement with both ASF (paid) and Targeted (in-kind) Sponsors. We continue
to update and form new connections with Sponsors whose ASF points-of-contact
are no longer with the organizations.
4) Event Sponsorship: we are promoting the Community Over Code/Europe CFP and
2024 combined event sponsorship prospectus. We are onboarding new sponsors for
both events and continue to pursue the final outstanding sponsorship payment
issue from ApacheCon NA 2022.
5) Individual Donations and Corporate Giving: we received $18.5K in online
donations via during this timeframe, which includes
$15K in corporate contributions (two of whom will be receiving Bronze
Sponsorship recognition).
6) Administrivia: we are working closely with the Treasury and Accounting
teams on a few remaining Sponsor invoicing issues as well as unifying the
ASF’s presence and compliance requirements with third party donation platforms
and programs. We are also discussing strategic approaches towards expectations
from sponsors from different geographic locations, and formalizing ways for
PMCs to support their contributors who are receiving third-party financial
support for their contributions (actual relationships and transactions all lie
outside of ASF Sponsorship).
Attachment 3: Report from the VP of Marketing and Publicity [Brian Proffitt]
**Foundation Comms**
* Published and promoted APISIX spotlight blog[1] marking the ‘launch’ of this
blog series
* Wrote, published and promoted Apache Logging Services[2] 20th anniversary
**Branding Project**
* Began Phase II with creation of the Brand Development doc of brand keywords
and archetypes to inform the messaging framework
***Social Media Posts**
December social content focused on Community Over Code EU CFP and
registration; project releases via the announce list; and 2 notable project
features: APISIX project spotlight and the Apache Logging Services 20th
* In total, 24 Tweets + 11 LinkedIn posts were issued.
* Notable for December, total audience size across Twitter and LinkedIn
surpassed 135k.
* We continue to see a downward trend with Twitter growth, which is being
experienced across brands as Twitter (X) continues to lose users and
**Social Engagement Stats (X + LinkedIn)**
* Total engagement: 2,261 (up 11.3% from November)
* Total clicks: 1,121 (up 23.8% from November)
* Click to engagement ratio: 50% (up 6% from November)
* Total Audience: 135,221 (LinkedIn marks largest MoM increase)
**Website Analytics**
* 786,347 visits, 786,320 unique visitors -14.5%
* 2 min 32s average visit duration -7.3%
* 47% visits have bounced (left the website after one page) +2.2%
* 5.8 actions (page views, downloads, outlinks, internal site searches) per
visit -1.7%
* 10,002 max actions in one visit (level))
* 3,871,135 pageviews, 950,627 unique pageviews -13.5%
* 12 total searches on your website, 4 unique keywords -25%
* 419,527 downloads, 287,885 unique downloads -22.2%
* 262,569 outlinks, 198,860 unique outlinks -28.7%
Attachment 4: Report from the VP of Infrastructure [Myrle Krantz]
Infrastructure is operating as expected, and has no current issues
requiring escalation to the President or the Board.
- Whimsy was turned off due to an RCE report. A new server was set up
and built out. It was turned off on December 31st, 2023, and service
was restored January 4th. Credit goes to the hard work of one of the
Whimsy volunteers, who will remain private from our public minutes.
- Short report due to holidays. Infra always had staff on-call, but
most forward-looking projects were on hold.
Short Term Priorities
- Successful linkage of our LDAP to Atlassian Cloud products
Long Range Priorities
- Artifact distribution
General Activity
- The Agenda Tool proceeds. It was used for the December Board
meeting, except for working through the Action Items. The intent is
for it to be used by the Chair for the January meeting, too.
- Work continues with Atlassian and Okta, and a third party consultant
to hook up our LDAP as authoritative, and using SAML to
integrate. Several important hurdles were cleared.
- Slow work on for the new svn master.
- Lots of work on the ant/maven/jdk matrix and deployments across our
Jenkins clusters.
- We have some 18.04 boxes that are getting migrated to 22.04 LTS,
allowing for the use of mod_md for easier certificate handling.
- Beginning planning for ApacheCon in Denver and Bratislava, along
with a spring team meetup. Infra will be present at both ApacheCon
events and provide some talks.
- Ran a community survey, asking people questions regarding Infra.
We'll collate and publish.
- An Infra Roundtable was held January 10th.
Attachment 5: Report from the VP of Conferences [Brian Proffitt]
Community Over Code EU
* Call for Presentations closed, reviewing underway
* Latest report, day of CFP closing, 217 submissions from 166 speakers
* Sponsorship drive in progress
Community Over Code NA
* Call for Tracks completed
* CFP to open sometime in January, reviewing Sessionize as a potential CFP
* Sponsorship drive in progress
Community Over Code Asia
Call for tracks opened Creating domain for event
Attachment 6: Report from the Apache Travel Assistance Committee [Gavin McDonald]
Current Events
Applications should open for CoC EU within the next week or two. CoC Asia
applications should open similar timeline or a little bit later, before end of
Feb anyway. Keeping an eye on timeline of things for CoC NA to determine the
best time to open for that one.
TAC App is closed currently. Due to open as early as next week.
Future Events
Looking into a few events, discussions happening on the mailing list.
Short/Medium Term Priorities
Keeping an eye out for other smaller events to support. We are keen to hear
about projects events. Example would be Flink Forward etc.
Mailing List Activity
Discussion continues around events to support for the coming months.
No changes to the membership this month.
Attachment 7: Report from the VP of Diversity and Inclusion [David Nalley]
Attachment 8: Report from the VP of Data Privacy [Christian Grobmeier]
# General
There are no issues that need urgent attention.
It was confirmed to a board member's question that blocking 3rd party tracking tools on the infra-level is indeed helpful.
The usual requests from automated tools happened.
One person was added to be a moderator for the privacy@
mailing list. They wanted to help with moderating and responding to automated requests.
As a next step, the privacy website will soon see a collection
of canned responses, so other interested persons can help
with handling them.
Attachment 9: Report from the VP of Public Affairs [Dirk-Willem van Gulik]
PLD/CRA situation stable & the good news of the special economic class of
`open source stewards' created for us seems to be solidly locked in for us
now. Some for the product liability directive; in essence it should either
stay as is; or improve with the better definitions of open source. We expect
the CRA to come into force next month; with implementation complete early
With the other more vocal/pro-active foundations having reflected on it in
public - the ASF is now readying a more factual, muted but generally positive
story as a blog post. Planned to be on-line well before FOSDEM.
We plan to sent a questionaire to either all PMCs or all committers (probably
the first) to make a first pass to see where we have the grey (direct to
consumer, Blog Roller, Open Office) & black areas (annex-II; needs to be fit
for `critical software' - e.g. APR, LDAP, SSHD) with regard to their
respective areas. This will help us prepare for the CRA.
All this also means that public policy will need to shift towards the USA
their upcoming software regulation; so I will also prepare a call-to-action on
members@ to see if we can find a volunteer that is more US centric) to replace
me (or if that is too tall an order, offer to do something overlapping).
Attachment 10: Report from the VP of W3C Relations [Andy Seaborne]
Attachment 11: Report from the Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Roman Shaposhnik]
Past month has been pretty calm. Committee members took good care of resolving
most issues on time. After resolving a handful of LEGAL issues, we are
standing flat at 17 issues.
Attachment 12: Report from the Apache Security Team Project [Mark J. Cox]
- The Tomcat project has been onboarded in the HackerOne Internet Bug
Bounty (IBB) program, meaning reporters who are credited in Tomcat
CVEs can now claim a bug bounty from that program.
- Struts published a fix for a critical vulnerability, CVE-2023-50164
(S2-066) which attracted some attention online.
- OFBiz published a fix for a critical vulnerability CVE-2023-49070
and update CVE-2023-51467 which is being exploited
Stats for Dec 2023:
30 [license confusion]
16 [support request/question not security notification]]
10 [report/question relating to dependencies]
Security reports: 70 (last months: 74, 76, 66)
12 ['airflow']
9 ['website or other infrastructure']
5 ['ofbiz']
4 ['httpd']
3 ['hugegraph', 'superset', 'tomcat']
2 ['james', 'streampark', 'struts']
1 ['answer', 'camel', 'cassandra', 'commons', 'flink',
'geode', 'guacamole', 'helix', 'hive', 'hop', 'inlong',
'kylin', 'linkis', 'openjpa', 'openoffice', 'seata', 'shiro',
'sling', 'solr', 'streampipes', 'submarine', 'whimsy',
In total, as of 1st January 2024, we're tracking 175 (last
months: 180, 183) open issues across 61 projects, median age 119
days (last months: 122, 116). 56 of those issues have CVE names
29 (last month: 22) of these issues, across 11 projects, are older
than 365 days.
Attachment 13: Report from the VP of Jakarta EE Relations [Rob Tompkins]
There hasn't been much action of late since the conversations about the
European Cyber Resilience Act Open Letter from the Eclipse Foundation.
Attachment A: Report from the Apache Accumulo Project [Ed Coleman]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Accumulo is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a robust, scalable, distributed key/value store with cell-based
access control and customizable server-side processing.
## Project Status:
- Current project status: Ongoing with high activity.
- Issues for the board: None.
Accumulo is currently working some significant development efforts. Improving
the performance and stability of the 2.1.x line, adding new features and
performance improvements to 3.1 line, and the evolution of the processing
model to support dynamic scaling and provide elasticity.
## Membership Data:
Apache Accumulo was founded 2012-03-21 (12 years ago) There are currently 42
committers and 39 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is
roughly 1:1. It is our practice to invite committers to be PMC members at the
same time. The difference between committer and PMC members is because some
PMC members have elected to go emeritus.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Daniel Roberts on 2023-08-09.
- No new committers. Last addition was Daniel Roberts on 2023-08-10.
## Project Activity:
### Releases:
- accumulo-1.10.4 was released on 2023-11-16.
- accumulo-2.1.2 was released on 2023-08-21.
- accumulo-3.0.0 was released on 2023-08-21.
The Accumulo 1-10.x line has reached end-of-life and Accumulo-1.10.4 is the
final release. The vote thread can be found at [1]
Activity on the next release of 2.1.3, has been very active with bug-fixes
and performance improvements that are being driven by community adoption of
2.1.x. It is expected that we will release 2.1.3 in this quarter. Currently
106 PRs have been merged, and there are 18 open issues with 2 labeled as a
blocker for the release.
Work is actively proceeding on 3.1.0 that will contain new features and
performance improvements. Currently, 3.1.0 has 187 merged PRs.
In parallel to 3.1, work continues on the evolution of the Accumulo processing
model to support dynamic scaling and provide elasticity [2]. The goal for
Accumulo is to move from a model where active table metadata and table data
management is hosted in active processes to a model that can dynamically scale
server components on-demand to provide configurable latency and higher
## Community Health:
Overall community health is good and GitHub activity remains consistent.
The low email traffic reflects the community preference of using GitHub
projects and issues for planning and PRs for code discussions. We also use
our slack channel for day-to-day communications. We continue to use the
mailing list for official Apache business and remains a channel for users to
contact us.
## Links
Attachment B: Report from the Apache ActiveMQ Project [Bruce Snyder]
## Description:
Apache ActiveMQ is a popular and powerful open source message-oriented
middleware. Apache ActiveMQ is fast, supports many cross language clients and
protocols, comes with easy to use enterprise integration patterns and many
advanced features while fully supporting JMS 2.0, AMQP 1.0, MQTT, Stomp and
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing with moderate activity
Issues for the board: None
## Membership Data:
Apache ActiveMQ was founded 2007-01-16 (17 years ago) There are currently 63
committers and 30 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is
roughly 2:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Matt Pavlovich was added to the PMC on 2023-12-06
- No new committers. Last addition was Domenico Francesco Bruscino on
## Project Activity:
ActiveMQ Artemis
- 2.30.0 released, mainly bug fixes with a handful of small improvements
and dependency upgrades.
- 2.31.0 released, with various bug fixes and notable improvements such as
AMQP-based federation, broker CLI enhancements around a shell mode, MQTT
session persistence, and JDBC paging performance.
- Work is now progressing towards 2.32.0.
ActiveMQ "Classic"
ActiveMQ 6.0.0 release is available, marking a big milestone for the project.
It brings a lot of update supporting Jakarta EE namespace and JMS 2/3.
We continue to "improve" the 6.x series.
In parallel, 7.x roadmap definition has started with the objective to refactore
the ActiveMQ "Classic" core (finding another approach to Spring, etc).
- ActiveMQ NMS API 2.1.0 was released to facilitate client work on
asynchronous task based message delivery within consuming applications.
## Community Health:
The ActiveMQ community continues to operate in a healthy manner. A new PMC
member was voted in back in December and a vote is currently under way to add
a new committer.
Attachment C: Report from the Apache Airavata Project [Suresh Marru]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Airavata is the creation and maintenance of software
related to executing and managing computational jobs on distributed computing
resources, including local clusters, supercomputers, national grids, academic
and commercial clouds.
## Project Status:
Current project status: The Project is active and community remains healthy.
Issues for the board: No issues to report.
## Membership Data:
Apache Airavata was founded 2012-09-18 (11 years ago)
There are currently 42 committers and 26 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Isuru Ranawaka on 2022-03-06.
- No new committers. Last addition was Dinuka DeSilva on 2021-07-22.
## Project Activity:
Apache Airavata is incorporated into a vertically integrated project
curriculum at Georgia Tech. We are anticipating students while using Airavata
as a basis to learn open-source practices, will reenergize the projects and
participate in releases and documentation improvements.
## Community Health:
The community is small but is active, with pull requests being contributed,
discussed and merged. The project is due for targeted outreach to gain some
more rejuvenation and will focus on these aspects in the next quarter.
Attachment D: Report from the Apache Allura Project [David Philip Brondsema]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Allura is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a software development infrastructure platform commonly known as a
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing (low activity)
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache Allura was founded 2014-03-18
There are currently 17 committers and 17 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 1:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Guillermo Cruz on 2021-11-09.
- No new committers. Last addition was Guillermo Cruz on 2021-11-09.
## Project Activity:
- CVE and fix for security issue from outside reporter
- dropped python 3.7 support
- various small improvements and bugfixes
- dependency upgrades
## Community Health:
- Last release was 1.16.0 on 2023-11-06
- Modest amount of new development
- But good maintenance and support of the code continues
Attachment E: Report from the Apache APISIX Project [Ming Wen]
## Description:
The mission of Apache APISIX is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a cloud-native microservices API gateway
## Project Status:
Current project status: healthy
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache APISIX was founded 2020-07-15 (3 years ago)
There are currently 63 committers and 28 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 9:4.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Shirui Zhao on 2023-04-01.
- Fabrice Li was added as committer on 2023-10-24
## Project Activity:
The community held a meetup in Shanghai and
invited users of Apache APISIX to share their experience.
3.7.0 was released on 2023-11-21.
apisix-ingress-controller-1.7.1 was released on 2023-11-13.
3.6.0 was released on 2023-10-05.
## Community Health:
The Apache APISIX slack channel has more than 1,600 people.
It is a real-time chat channel in addition to GitHub and mailing list. had a 21% decrease in traffic in
the past quarter (131 emails compared to 164)
408 commits in the past quarter (-11% change)
88 code contributors in the past quarter (27% increase)
317 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-12% change)
333 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-15% change)
419 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (no change)
431 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-15% change)
Attachment F: Report from the Apache Archiva Project [Olivier Lamy]
Attachment G: Report from the Apache Aries Project [Christian Schneider]
## Description:
Apache Aries software is a set of pluggable Java components enabling an
enterprise OSGi application programming model.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Mainly maintenance
Issues for the board: No issues for the board.
## Membership Data:
Apache Aries was founded 2010-12-15 (13 years ago)
There are currently 56 committers and 40 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 7:5.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Carlos Sierra Andrés on 2018-07-03.
- No new committers. Last addition was Romain Manni-Bucau on 2020-01-29.
We are currently looking into possible new committer candidates.
## Project Activity:
Mainly bugfixes and security updates.
Recent releases:
proxy-impl-1.1.14 was released on 2023-11-13.
spifly-1.3.6 was released on 2023-11-13.
jax-rs-whiteboard-2.0.2 was released on 2023-01-02.
## Community Health:
No new development but we have some regular bugfix releases.
Statistics are a bit hard to read because of all the dependabot activity.
(Maybe dependabot could be tracked separately?)
Attachment H: Report from the Apache Arrow Project [Andrew Grove]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Arrow is the creation and maintenance of software related
to columnar in-memory processing and data interchange
## Project Status:
Current project status:Ongoing (high activity)
Issues for the board:None
## Membership Data:
Apache Arrow was founded 2016-01-19 (8 years ago)
There are currently 103 committers and 52 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:4.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Jonathan Keane was added to the PMC on 2023-10-13
- Raúl Cumplido was added to the PMC on 2023-11-12
- Curt Hagenlocher was added as committer on 2023-10-14
- Felipe Oliveira Carvalho was added as committer on 2023-12-06
- James Duong was added as committer on 2023-11-16
- Xuwei Fu was added as committer on 2023-10-22
## Project Activity:
### Sub Project Updates
Arrow has several subprojects, as listed on
### ADBC
ADBC 0.8.0 was released on 9 November 2023. Highlights:
C#/.NET has added a BigQuery driver. Also, it now can be used through ADO.NET.
The R bindings now use the ADBC 1.1.0 specification, and more packages are now
available on CRAN. The Snowflake driver now has an option to control whether
to return decimal types or attempt to convert to integers/floats. The
PostgreSQL driver now uses COPY for bulk ingestion, which Pandas has found is
approximately 35x faster than their previous method. The SQLite driver can now
load extensions and supports more data types, including Arrow binary (SQL
BLOB), and supports binding some dictionary-encoded types (which will be
### Arrow Flight
No update
### Arrow Flight SQL
There is community interest in implementing and extending an ODBC driver for
Arrow Flight SQL, and we are in the process of accepting an ODBC driver[1] to
support that interest.
### Arrow Flight SQL adapter for PostgreSQL
There were some feedback after the first release and we solved most of them.
We’ll release the next version in a few months.
### DataFusion & Ballista
DataFusion continues releasing regularly. We have submitted a proposed paper
describing the system to the ACM SIGMOD conference and in general are trying
to scale the project as it grows in popularity. There is a draft proposal for
promoting DataFusion (including Ballista) to a top-level ASF project, and we
hope to have a proposed board resolution for the April board meeting.
Ballista is not very active but continues to receive occasional contributions.
### nanoarrow
Arrow nanoarrow continues its ~quarterly release cadence with active
improvement to the C, R, and Python implementations scheduled for release in
mid-January as nanoarrow 0.4.
### Language Area Updates
Arrow has at least 13 different language implementations, as explained in
Arrow 14.0.0 was released from the monorepo:
### C++
Fixed shape tensor extension type has been added as a new canonical extension
type in release 12.0.0 and variable shape tensor extension is now being under
review for the next release (16.0.0).
#### Dataset & Parquet
Added support for reading and writing the newly added Parquet float16 logical
Added support for Parquet modular encryption.
#### Acero & Compute
Improvements were made to several compute functions.
Added support for serializing and deserializing compute expressions using
#### Gandiva
Migrated LLVM JIT engine from MCJIT to ORC v2/LLJIT.
Added support for the latest LLVM (17).
Added support for registering external function registries.
Added support for registering external C functions.
### C#
The C# implementation has been steadily improving its compatibility with the
standard. Since the last report, it has gained support for duration and
interval types, as well as the new types utf8 view, binary view and list view.
Dictionaries now work correctly in file and memory implementations, and there
are only four explicit exclusions for C# in the Archery integration tests.
### Go
Integration testing for the C Data API has been added to the CI for Go and
other implementations. The Parquet implementation continues to gain fixes for
different encoding/decoding types and bug fixes. Also fixed Go release
verification for arm64.
### Java
We are working on adding nullability annotations and enabling module support
for Java 9+.
### JavaScript
No update
### Julia
Version 2.7.0 was released on 10 December 2023
### Rust
The parquet implementation continues to mature, for example supporting new
statistics metadata. The FFI bindings have been improved as well, and are now
integration tested against arrow-cpp (among others)
The object_store module, developed as part of this project, allows for
generically interacting with object store systems such as AWS S3, Google Cloud
Storage, and Azure Blob Storage. This crate has seen significant adoption
outside of the arrow community, for example the service itself.
### C (GLib)
No update
We are currently working on integrating with the project release tooling to
make it possible to distribute pre-built MLTBX files for easy installation of
the MATLAB interface.
### Python
There has been ongoing work on improving interoperability with other Python
projects for example adding C Data Interface PyCapsule protocol and
implementing the usage of capsules in ADBC and nanoarrow-python. We have also
implemented the DLPack protocol on Arrow Arrays that is used to move the data
to ML libraries.
A critical security vulnerability was discovered in PyArrow versions 0.14.0 to
14.0.0 that allowed arbitrary code execution when loading a malicious Arrow
IPC, Feather, or Parquet data file (CVE-2023-47248). The vulnerability was
patched in PyArrow version 14.0.1. A hotfix package was released to patch the
vulnerability in all other versions of PyArrow for users unable to immediately
### R
Completed large parts of a major rework of the Arrow R package build system.
These changes aim to reduce maintenance burden and streamline new-contributor
experience e.g. by automating the use of nightly builds which enables
contributions to the R package without having to setup a C++ development
### Ruby
Added some convenient APIs.
### Swift
Improved Flight SQL implementation.
## Community Health:
Community communication continues to be strong.
There have been 5 blog posts published to in
the last 3 months.
The mailing lists are active
Attachment I: Report from the Apache AsterixDB Project [Till Westmann]
## Description:
Apache AsterixDB is a scalable big data management system (BDMS) that provides
storage, management, and query capabilities for large collections of
semi-structured data.
## Project Status:
Current project status: ongoing Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache AsterixDB was founded 2016-04-19 (7 years ago) There are currently 40
committers and 27 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is
roughly 5:4.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Wail Alkowaileet was added as a PMC member on 2023-11-22.
- Peeyush Gupta was added as committer on 2023-05-12
## Project Activity:
Releases: Apache AsteriDB was released on 2023-05-09. Apache Hyracks was released on 2023-05-09.
Activity: Release 0.9.9 is nearly ready, just waiting on a few fixes.
## Community Health:
APE was adopted but is still a fledgling and needs to gain more mindshare.
APE 2 (Query Plan Cache) is under review.
APE 3 (Fixed Point recursion operator for Hyracks) is under review.
APE 4 (COPY TO statement) is implemented.
APE 5 (Change COPY FROM syntax) is implemented.
APE 6 (Compute-Storage Separation (Cloud Mode Deployment)) is in progress.
The convention of tying fixes/features to JIRA entities has become more
consistent over time.
The attempts to bring more activity to the list has not yielded the desired
results. APE was part of the plan for this as the process entails at least a
few +1 emails, but that has not been sufficient.
We continue to try to bring off list discussions to the dev list.
Attachment J: Report from the Apache Attic Project [Herve Boutemy]
## Description:
The mission of Attic is the creation and maintenance of a home for dormant
## Project Status:
Current project status: ongoing
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache Attic was founded 2008-11-19 (15 years ago)
There are currently 19 committers and 17 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Herve Boutemy on 2015-07-19.
- No new committers. Last addition was Herve Boutemy on 2016-01-27.
## Project Activity:
There was no project to retire this quarter.
## Community Health:
Last retirements went well with our tools and documented process.
Attachment K: Report from the Apache Avro Project [Ryan Skraba]
## Description:
Apache Avro is a data serialization system with a compact binary format. It is
used for storing and transporting schema-driven serialized data. The unique
features of Avro include automatic schema resolution: when the reader's
expected schema is different from the actual schema with which the data was
serialized the data is automatically adapted to meet reader's requirements.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache Avro was founded 2010-04-21 (14 years ago)
There are currently 39 committers and 26 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 3:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Michael A. Smith on 2023-08-09.
- No new committers. Last addition was Christophe Le Saec on 2023-08-12.
## Project Activity:
There was no release this quarter, although the discussion is open to do
another major release. Both of the last two quarters had a minor release
covering bugs and security fixes. Even if Avro typically has a pretty slow
release cadence, it's been over 2 years so a major release would be welcome.
The community has voted on and selected a new logo for the project, with the
help of a volunteer designer.
## Community Health:
It appears that is no longer autocalculating stats for us.
These numbers might be approximate, but certainly show a decline in all metrics
over this quarter.
Mailing Lists:
- had 383 emails (-39% change)
- (mostly notifications) had 872 emails (-25% change)
- continues to have very little traffic, less than 10
- 46 issues opened (-46% change)
- 35 issues closed (-57% change)
Code Repository:
- 35 commits in the past quarter (-79% change)
- 19 code contributors in the past quarter (-17% change)
- 127 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-38% change)
- 114 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-61% change)
Some of these statistics are significantly lower, although lower code activity
can probably be explained because we had two minor releases recently in the
last two quarters which is unusual for Avro. We've had quarters with similar
stats in the past, but we've also had issues with low community engagement in
the past, so we should be careful with continuing to release and encourage
One important issue that isn't great for engagement: the Avro website is
currently out of date with our latest releases and news. We've identified the
problem and potential solutions (AVRO-3651), but it still requires some effort.
Attachment L: Report from the Apache Bahir Project [João Boto]
Attachment M: Report from the Apache Beam Project [Kenneth Knowles]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Beam is the creation and maintenance of software related
to a unified programming model for both batch and streaming data processing,
enabling efficient execution across diverse distributed execution engines and
providing extensibility points for connecting to different technologies and
user communities.
## Project Status:
Current project status: ongoing
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache Beam was founded 2016-12-20 (7 years ago)
There are currently 94 committers and 26 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:1.
Community changes since last report:
- Valentyn Tymofieiev was added to the PMC on 2023-10-02
- Robert Burke was added to the PMC on 2023-10-02
- Alex Van Boxel was added to the PMC on 2023-10-02
- Sam Whittle was added as committer on 2023-10-09
- Byron Ellis was added as a committer on 2023-10-13
## Project Activity:
Recent releases:
- 2.53.0 was released on 2024-01-05.
- 2.52.0 was released on 2023-11-17.
- 2.51.0 was released on 2023-10-11.
Highlighted technical developments
- Beam YAML (a YAML format for writing a pipeline) has its
stable release!
- Lots of focus on Beam ML, a collection of utility transforms
that handle loading models, performing inference, and increasingly
pre- and post-processing steps specific to ML workloads.
- Running multi-language pipelines locally no longer requires docker. This
addresses pain points for users of operating systems with less
great docker support, as well as corporate policies that
forbid it.
- Avro dependency finally removed from the core SDK, fixing dependency
conflicts that plagued users.
- Explicit java 21 support added to our released artifacts.
- Deprecated Euphoria DSL due to being obsoleted by Beam main SDK
- Finished migrating all of Jenkins jobs to GitHub actions
- Upgraded to golang 1.21.5
Highlights of community activities:
- Beam College 2023 ( took place from
October 23 - November 3, 2023 as an online training event. More than 800
attendees joined this season It contains three tracks:
- Dive into data processing
- Hands-on Apache Beam
- Graduate to streaming.
- Beam Blogs have been active and varied, for example:
- Two part series on scaling up Beam on Flink
- A "Contributor spotlight" [blog]
## Community Health:
Variations in community metrics are within normal variations,
especially considering the season.
Attachment N: Report from the Apache Bigtop Project [Yuqi Gu]
## Description:
Bigtop is a project for the development of packaging and tests of the Apache
Hadoop ecosystem. The primary goal of Bigtop is to build a community around the
packaging and interoperability testing of Hadoop-related projects. This
includes testing at various levels (packaging, platform, runtime, upgrade,
etc...) developed by a community with a focus on the system as a whole, rather
than individual projects. In short we strive to be for Hadoop what Debian is to
## Project Status:
Current project status: In the 3.3.0 release cycle.
Issues for the board: There are no issues requiring board attention.
## Membership Data:
Apache Bigtop was founded 2012-09-19 (11 years ago)
There are currently 41 committers and 30 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Luca Toscano on 2023-09-26.
- No new committers. Last addition was Zhiguo Wu on 2023-05-17.
## Project Activity:
- We are working on v3.3.0 release work including bug fixes and
new features implementation.
- Added OpenEluer support in Bigtop.
- Dropped some deprecated distro support and inactive projects.
- Improved the CI infrastructure by upgrading the OS and Jenkins
for enhanced security, implementing better TLS certificate renewal,
and enabling HTTP/2 for httpd.
Additionally, we discussed the development of the new sub-project
Bigtop-Manager, which is a platform for managing Bigtop components
within the Bigtop framework.
## Community Health:
Overall community health is good.
Community Health Score (Chi): 7.96 (Healthy). Several contributors
were actively fixing issues and developing the 3.3.0 release.
The metrics decreased due to the holiday season at the end of 2023.
- 9 code contributors in the past quarter (-18% change)
- 47 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-12% increase)
- 41 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-18% increase)
- 37 commits in the past quarter (-57% increase)
- []( had a
7% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (258 emails compared to 277)
Attachment O: Report from the Apache Bloodhound Project [Gary Martin]
Apache Bloodhound is a software development collaboration tool, including
issue tracking, wiki and repository browsing
There are no issues to raise to the Board at this time.
There have been no releases since the last report. The last release was
towards the end of 2014:
* apache-bloodhound-0.8 (11th December 2014)
PMC/Committer Changes
There are currently 14 PMC members on the project. The last changes were in
April 2017.
The last new committers were added in May 2014.
The last addition to the PMC was in January 2017 (dammina)
Community & Development
The development community has been a lot quieter since the last report. New
Hackdays will be announced shortly to attempt to build on the activity and
interest from outside of the PMC.
Attachment P: Report from the Apache bRPC Project [James Ge]
## Description:
The mission of Apache bRPC is the creation and maintenance of software related
to an industrial-grade RPC framework for building reliable and high-performance
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: None
## Membership Data:
Apache bRPC was founded 2022-12-21 (a year ago)
There are currently 20 committers and 13 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:4.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Cai Daojin on 2022-12-21.
- No new committers. Last addition was Zhaogeng Li on 2023-02-11.
## Project Activity:
bRPC 1.7.0 was released on Nov. 4th with the following updates:
- Support pthread mode for ExecutionQueue
- Add Wireshark dissector for baidu_std protocol
- Selective_channel supports response_attachment
- Add option for StreamWrite and Async RPC to write to socket in
background bthread.
- Server support ALPN with OpenSSL
## Community Health:
Committers take turns responding user emails and issues on a weekly basis.
During the last quarter, 123 commits were made by 33 code contributors.
Attachment Q: Report from the Apache BuildStream Project [Tristan Van Berkom]
Attachment R: Report from the Apache Calcite Project [Benchao Li]
## Description:
Apache Calcite is a highly customizable framework for parsing and planning
queries on data in a wide variety of formats. It allows database-like
and in particular a SQL interface and advanced query optimization, for data
not residing in a traditional database.
Avatica is a sub-project within Calcite and provides a framework for
local and remote JDBC and ODBC database drivers. Avatica has an independent
release schedule and its own repository.
## Project Status:
There are no issues requiring board attention.
## Membership Data:
Apache Calcite was founded 2015-10-22 (8 years ago) There are currently 74
committers and 27 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is
roughly 5:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Benchao Li on 2023-01-27.
- Hongyu Guo was added as committer on 2023-11-03
- Runkang He was added as committer on 2023-11-03
- Lei Shen was added as committer on 2023-11-01
- Mihai Budiu was added as committer on 2023-10-26
- Ran Tao was added as committer on 2023-10-28
Following our yearly rotation tradition, the PMC has elected a new chair:
Benchao Li.
## Project Activity:
Apache Calcite 1.36.0 was released on 2023-11-10. It contains contributions
from 30 contributors, and resolves 125 issues. The new release adds 30 new
SQL functions in various libraries such as BigQuery and Spark, contains many
improvements hardening TABLESAMPLE, integrates SQL Logic Test suite, and many
more core improvements such as the support of recursive WITH and CREATE TABLE
Apache Calcite Avatica 1.24.0 was released on 2023-12-04. It features mostly
dependency upgrades with some minor bug fixes and features, and contains a
breaking change: due to CALCITE-5678, date literals not satisfying the
Gregorian calendar will be rejected.
Apache Calcite Avatica Go 5.3.0 was released on 2023-12-11. It is a
maintenance release of Avatica Go including dependency updates and bug fixes.
This release supports Go 1.20 and 1.21, which are currently the versions
supported and maintained by the Go team.
## Community Health:
The community maintains a healthy status.
Mailing list and JIRA activity has slightly dropped (dev@ -4%, issues@ -36%,
JIRA opened -47%, JIRA closed -33%) due to the holiday of Chrismas and New
Year. However, commit (+52%) and PRs closed(+27%) has increased on the
contrary, one reason is we have many commits/PRs testing the unstable test
problem in CALCITE-6123, another reason is some new contributors are used to
opening and closing the PR repeatedly.
The number of non-committer (contributor) commits per month:
| year | month | contributor_commits |
| 2023 | 10 | 35 |
| 2023 | 11 | 21 |
| 2023 | 12 | 13 |
The number of active reviewers per month:
| year | month | active_reviewers |
| 2023 | 10 | 8 |
| 2023 | 11 | 12 |
| 2023 | 12 | 6 |
Top reviewers in the last 3 months:
| committer | reviews |
| Jiajun <> | 11 |
| Julian Hyde <> | 11 |
| Mihai Budiu <> | 9 |
The number of non-committer commits and active reviewers are slightly
decreased compared to Q3 due to the holidays, but the number is still very
good compared to times before 2023 Q2.
Attachment S: Report from the Apache CarbonData Project [Liang Chen]
## Description:
- The Apache CarbonData is data store solution for fast analytics on Big Data
platforms (including Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, Apache Flink among others)
to help speed up queries an order of magnitude faster over petabytes of
data, with the aim of using a unified file format to satisfy all kinds of
data analysis cases.
## Issues:
- There are no new issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
- Last 3 months, we focused on bugfixs and discussed how to integrate with AI
computing engine:
- In Nov, we finished 2.3.1 release.
- David caiqiang fixed CarbonData integration with Spark issues, made the
CI run properly.
- Bo xu contributed : using Apache CarbonData to integrate with notebook,
machine learning functions can query carbondata also.
- Jacky Li started a new discussion thread for C++ implementation for
Carbondata reader and writer
## Health Report:
- Commit activity:
- 29 commits in the past quarter
- 6 code contributors in the past quarter
## Releases:
- we are preparing 2.3.2, the community focus on fixing issues
* 2.3.1 was released on 2023-11-25.
* 2.3.0 was released on 2022-01-24.
* 2.2.0 was released on 2021-08-05.
## Project Composition:
- There are currently 28 committers and 19 PMC members in this project.
- The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:5
## Community changes, past quarter:
No new PMC members. Last addition was Bo Xu on 2023-04-21. No new committers.
Last addition was Brijoo Bopanna on 2022-09-20.
## Notable mailing list trends:Mailing list activity stays at a high level
- 160 subscribers (change 13):
- had a 557% increase in traffic in the past
quarter (125 emails compared to 19):
## Github issues activity:
- 4 issues be handled
## Github PR activity:
- 7 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter
- 57 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter
Attachment T: Report from the Apache Causeway Project [Jörg Rade]
## Description:
The mission of Causeway is to enable the rapid development of maintainable
domain-driven apps in Java.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Membership Data:
Apache Causeway was founded 2012-10-17 (~11 years ago).
There are currently 15 committers and 15 PMC members in this project. The
Committer-to-PMC ratio is 1:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- None
## Project Activity:
In this quarter we released Causeway 2.0.0-RC4 [1], which is the fourth
release of the framework under its new name, "Causeway". (Our umbrella ticket
of tasks [2] could be useful for other projects that change their name).
We are (finally) closing in on the release of v2.0, which is to
"re-platform" the framework to run on top of Spring Boot. We're currently
working on squashing bugs, and also continuing to flesh out our demo/tutorial
app [3] to provide an improved on-ramp for folks discovering the framework.
We hope to issue an 2.0.0-RC5 within the next quarter, followed up by the
final v2.0 release afterwards. We will also be looking to actively reach out
to Java user and meetup groups to extend our user base.
## Community Health:
This is a mature project and the framework is generally stable. We are
continuing to see good engagement on and new sign-ups to our slack channel,
which the community seems to much prefer over the users mailing list.
Nevertheless, we continue to ensure that all relevant information are
cross-posted to users@ and dev@ where necessary.
## References (links)
Attachment U: Report from the Apache Celix Project [Pepijn Noltes]
## Description:
The mission of Celix is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Implementation of the OSGi specification adapted to C
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: None
## Membership Data:
Apache Celix was founded 2014-07-16 (9 years ago)
There are currently 17 committers and 10 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:5.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Peng Zheng on 2022-10-16.
- No new committers. Last addition was Zhenbao on 2022-10-19.
## Project Activity:
Latest release was 2.4.0 on 2023-09-29
- Release 2.4.0 was made on 2023-09-29 (already mentioned in the previous
report, but without date)
- Many relative small changes which removes deprecated API parts in preparation
of a 3.0.0 release
- Update to curl 8.4.0 due to CVE-2023-38545
- Several fixes for coverity (static code analysis tool) reported issues
- Support and build script for a developer container added
## Community Health:
The number of mails, commits, closed PRs, etc is decreased (30-50%)
compared to the previous quarter. but the community is still active
and committed.
Attachment V: Report from the Apache CXF Project [Daniel Kulp]
Attachment W: Report from the Apache DataFu Project [Eyal Allweil]
## Description:
The mission of Apache DataFu is the creation and maintenance of software
related to well-tested libraries that help developers solve common data
problems in Hadoop and similar distributed systems
## Project Status:
Current project status: Between Ongoing and Dormant
Issues for the board: None
## Membership Data:
Apache DataFu was founded 2018-02-21 (6 years ago)
There are currently 19 committers and 12 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:3.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Ohad Raviv on 2023-02-06.
- No new committers. Last addition was Ohad Raviv on 2019-07-27.
## Project Activity:
We are in the process of releasing DATAFU-SPARK-2.0.0 (vote called and
approved, though still ongoing)
## Community Health:
In order to increase participation in the project, once we complete the
release we will publish a blog entry to publicize it and encourage the new
version's use and new contributors. Usually we do get an uptick of interest
after a release, and this one is a major release.
We are also reaching out to past non-committer contributors to see if any
would like to step up to becoming committers. There is at least one promising
Attachment X: Report from the Apache DB Project [Bryan Pendleton]
## Description:
The mission of the Apache DB project is to create and maintain
commercial-quality, open-source, database solutions based on software licensed
to the Foundation, for distribution at no charge to the public.
The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects:
o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java.
o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility
testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data
o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing, with moderate activity
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache DB was founded 2002-07-16 (21 years ago)
There are currently 48 committers and 45 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Tobias Bouschen on 2023-08-27.
- No new committers. Last addition was Max Philipp Wriedt on 2023-04-14.
## Project Activity:
The JDO project have a number of code improvements currently active.
We are investigating use of automated release artifact signing to
streamline release preparation. We have updated our automatic
CI build to test with JDK 21 while maintaining compatibility
with JDK 8 target (still seems to be the most popular deployment).
JDO is also working on improving performance of TCK tests by
taking advantage of new features in JUnit 5 that allow for
parallel execution of test cases where no changes to the datastore
are made. This includes most query tests.
JDO also continues to work on code quality issues reported by SonarCloud.
In the Torque community there was some code activity to
fix time duration handling (resolving JIRA issue TORQUE-362)
and to remedy build failures (in Jenkins job).
The Derby community achieved two milestones in this quarter:
- The Derby 10.17.1 release.
Derby has been built and tested on the Java SE 21
platform, and will run only on Java SE 21 and newer Java platforms.
Derby cannot be used with older Java platforms.
- Derby fixes a flaw in Derby's LDAP authentication
logic (CVE-2022-46337). DB team thanks Arnout and the security@
team for all their help with the resolution of CVE-2022-46337.
## Community Health:
DB project health was good in this quarter. All the project
communities were active and working toward achieving development
milestones for their communities. A new release was made. It
was all nice to see!
Attachment Y: Report from the Apache Directory Project [Shawn McKinney]
## Description:
The Apache Directory TLP consists of the following sub-projects:
- ApacheDS: An extensible and embeddable directory server entirely written in
Java, which has been certified LDAPv3 compatible by the Open Group.
- LDAP API: An ongoing effort to provide an enhanced LDAP API, as a
replacement for JNDI and the existing LDAP API (jLdap and Mozilla LDAP API).
This is a "schema aware” API with some convenient ways to access all types
of LDAP servers.
- Studio: A complete directory tooling platform intended to be used with any
LDAP server however it is particularly designed for use with ApacheDS. It is
an Eclipse RCP application, composed of several Eclipse (OSGi) plugins.
- Fortress: A standards-based authorization platform that provides role-based
access control, delegated administration and password policy services with
an LDAP backend.
- Kerby: An implementation of Kerberos v5 protocol and contains various tools
to access and manage kerberos principals and keytabs. It provides a rich,
intuitive and interoperable implementation, library, KDC and various
facilities that integrates PKI, OTP and token (OAuth2) as desired in modern
environments such as cloud, Hadoop and mobile.
- Mavibot: An embeddable key-value database library with MVCC (Multi Version
Concurrency Control) support.
- SCIMple: An implementation of SCIM v2.0 specification.
## Project Status:
Over the past year two pmc members left. Many more in the years prior.
There are four active members remaining, including one who was added to the
PMC in the last quarter.
## Issues:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Membership Data:
Apache Directory was founded 2005-02-22 (19 years ago)
There are currently 59 committers and 19 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 8:3.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Brian Demers was added to the PMC on 2023-10-23
- No new committers. Last addition was Fredrik Roubert on 2023-07-10.
## Project Activity:
Per sub-project:
- ApacheDS: Apache DS 2.0.0.AM27 was released on 2023-10-21.
- LDAP API: Apache LDAP API 2.1.5 was released on 2023-10-12.
- Studio: no activity: Stefan Seelman was the maintainer of this project for
many years. He has left the project and we must find someone else.
- Fortress: low activity
- Kerby: low activity
- Mavibot: no activity
- SCIMple: good activity: The first release in the works
## Community Health:
Activity is low but project continues to be adequately maintained despite
concerns over losing members and not being able to attract new ones.
Attachment Z: Report from the Apache DolphinScheduler Project [Lidong Dai]
## Description:
The mission of Apache DolphinScheduler is the creation and maintenance of
software related to a distributed and extensible workflow scheduler platform
with powerful DAG visual interfaces
## Project Status:
Current project status: Super Healthy
Issues for the board: 391 issues closed and 463 PRs closed
## Membership Data:
Apache DolphinScheduler was founded 2021-03-17 (3 years ago)
There are currently 58 committers and 26 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Hua Jiang on 2023-08-01.
- Changhai Fu was added as committer on 2024-01-06
## Project Activity:
- 3.1.9 was released on 2024-12-25
- 3.2.0 was released on 2023-10-17.
- operator 0.1.0 was released on 2022-08-15.
## Community Health:
- 6% increase dev in traffic in the past quarter,
which means we have discussed issues or features more frequently than before.
- And the important thing is we started using users' mail threads to
announce some like releasing new version and having a meetup, both online
or offline for our users, So our users' mail list had 71% increase.
- And for Dec, 2023, we try to gather our PMC members to
solve the security issue, which we did not take enough attention has
been paid to them in the past, and the good news is we fixed
all the issues and release one of new release and the end of the year
Attachment AA: Report from the Apache Druid Project [Gian Merlino]
Attachment AB: Report from the Apache Dubbo Project [Jun Liu]
## Description:
Apache Dubbo is an easy-to-use Web and RPC framework that provides different
language implementations, service discovery, traffic management,
observability, security, tools, and best practices for building
enterprise-ready microservices.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing: With high activity.
Issues for the board: In the last report, I mentioned about 'raising the
committer bar' in the community. Rich has put forward some different opinions
on this point, and we have discussed it in the community, the link to the
discussion is here
To sum my points up, when saying raising the bar, I mainly refer to the main
repo apache/dubbo for it has a very high activity level and we have no worry
about less of contributions. For other projects, like apache/dubbo-go,
apache/dubbo-kubernetes, we are still positive and willing to vote for new
committers as a way of encouraging active and qualified contributors.
Issues for the board: Jun Liu from Apache Dubbo initiated the request for
establishing ALC Hangzhou, two other PMC members from the community show
interest in participating.
Issues for the board: apache/dubbo project is approaching 40K stars, which is
an important milestone for both Dubbo and Apache, so I wonder if we can have
some kind of promotion, such as an official blog article on ASF site?
## Membership Data:
Apache Dubbo was founded 2019-05-15 (5 years ago) There are currently 99
committers and 29 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is
roughly 7:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was YouWei Chen on 2023-04-21.
- Yuxuan Wang was added as committer on 2023-11-14
- Libin Zhang was added as committer on 2023-11-21
Right now, there are about 2-3 candidates who are qualified to be promoted as
committers in the next quarter.
## Project Activity:
There're more than 6 projects have new releases or deploymeht updates:
- 4 releases for apache/dubbo
- 1 release for apache/dubbo-go
- 1 release for apache/dubbo-go-pixiu
- 1 release for apache/dubbo-admin
- Active contributions see on apache/dubbo-kubernetes
- online service update for apache/dubbo-initializer at
- new documentation for apache/dubbo and apache/dubbo-go at The community plan to release a new doc
version for both chinese and english at the beginning of the next quarter.
## Community Health:
There are more than 6 projects that maintain good activity level in the
community in the last quarter. Some projects like apache/dubbo-kubernetes and
apache/dubbo-go did a great job in attracting contributors.
Attachment AC: Report from the Apache ECharts Project [Wenli Zhang]
## Description:
The mission of Apache ECharts is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a charting and data visualization library written in JavaScript
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: NA
## Membership Data:
Apache ECharts was founded 2020-12-16 (3 years ago)
There are currently 29 committers and 14 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was He Hao on 2022-07-06.
- No new committers. Last addition was Linghao Su on 2023-08-01.
## Project Activity:
We are working on the next major release 5.5.0, which should start testing
tomorrow. We usually release a version every 4 months but this version takes
longer time because it's a major release and delayed for some time because we
believe some features should be included. We are expected to start the release
job this week and should keep the release frequency more strictly in the future.
## Community Health:
The development of the community has remained essentially unchanged; we have
quite a few new contributors, but currently, there is still a lack of developers
with successful committer qualifications. We should still encourage more people
to contribute continuously so that they can become committers.
Attachment AD: Report from the Apache Fineract Project [James Dailey]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Fineract is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a core banking platform that provides a reliable, robust, and
affordable solution for entrepreneurs, financial institutions, and service
providers to offer financial services to the world's underbanked and unbanked.
## Issues:
We have not had a formal release since Aug 2022, although, due to heroic
efforts by , version 1.9 is undergoing a VOTE for release
this week.
This pattern, however, of going a very long time with lots of code changes in
dev branch and then relying on one person to pull it all together, checking
hundreds of PRs, reviewing hundreds of tickets, and updating multiple
dependencies is not a good model. We are trying to address this.
## Membership Data:
Apache Fineract was founded 2017-04-18 (nearly 7 years ago, contributed by
Mifos) There are currently 51 committers and 24 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1. Community changes, past quarter:
- Adam Saghy was the last addition to the PMC on July 10th, 2023.
- No new committers. Last addition was Bharath Gowda on 2022-12-14.
## Project Activity:
We are in the process of releasing version 1.9. Previously, the last full
release was in August 2022. The last release was a patch release:
1.7.3 was released on 2023-03-24.
1.8.4 was released on 2023-03-24.
## Community Health:
Our track on Community over Code 2023 in Halifax was bigger than the year
before in terms of number of talks, although attendance was largely driven by
three organizations. The community is getting traction in different regions
and the downloads statistics shows steady growth. We have seen 1,300 downloads
in the last two months.
Whilst our technology solution is gaining strength, we have several gaps in
both a collective understanding of a shared roadmap and a model where multiple
significant “contributor groups” are actively developing. Being a ‘fan’ of
the project is very welcome but insufficient for an healthy open source
project. Per a suggestion after the last Board report, a "Guild" of
supporters based on commercial companies that are using the software is being
###Deprecating Fineract-CN
A vote is underway to formally remove the Fineract_CN repositories. In past
reports we highlighted that there was no progress in moving forward to a
formal release. Discussion is here → Vote is here
→ (5 binding
votes in favor, 1 binding vote against) The next step is to create a ticket
in infra and list the 30+ repos that need to be archived.
To reiterate a key issue - the project is complex enough to require specific
domain knowledge and non-trivial software environment setup. While the project
doesn't have good data on what constitutes difficulty for the devs coming to
the project, we see a lot of questions. We have a goal of making it more
approachable with improvements to documentation.
There is some ambiguity about what skill level is required for starting up a
dev environment, never mind the skill level required to run the software in
production. We also see many users coming to the project on very old version
of the software - downloaded from other repos or sources - further confusing
the picture. The message we are trying to give out is that older versions are
not supported, so please upgrade.
###Authentication and Security Framework
This remains an area of concern in the security framework. We are seeking to
add more context for users of the software, i.e. how to run it securely. There
are fixes going into version 1.9 that will start to address the security
framework concerns and potentially allow for a migration to Keycloak (or other
authentication service) for those using the software.
###Emeritus status:
We are delayed in our plans to remove people who are no longer active, per the
PMC decision of May 2023. We have this as an action item.
###Powered By listing
We (I) have started discussing the idea of putting "powered by" listings of
companies using the software on our site, and the potential for thank you
pages. We will be
keeping ASF Marketing & Publicity in the loop.
###Other topics:
Attachment AE: Report from the Apache Flagon Project [Joshua C. Poore]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Flagon is the creation and maintenance of software
related to thin-client behavioral logging capability useful for business
analytics, usage analytics, usability and user testing
## Project Status:
Current project status: Apache Flagon is a New TLP.
Issues for the board: No issues at this time.
## Membership Data:
Apache Flagon was founded 2023-03-21 (10 months ago)
There are currently 17 committers and 11 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Jason Young on 2023-08-06.
- No new committers. Last addition was Jason Young on 2023-04-22.
## Project Activity:
- Coordinated development activity among committers, PMC on new project features
- Released new Product (Apache Flagon Distill) 12/3/2023
- PMC, Committers and Contributors are currently collaborating on updates to
UserALE.js and modernizing the current ELK-stack back-end examples
## Community Health:
Since the last reporting period the community has engaged in a variety of
collaborative efforts and discussions. Most notably PMC, committers and
contributors collaborated on updates to UserALE.js, Distill, and ELK-stack
modernization projects. This has included teaching newer PMC and committers to
lead releases, providing the project additional, engaged members who can lead
and execute release processes consistent with the Apache Way. Additionally,
the community has had governance discussions. VOTING is currently underway to
bring in a long-time contributor into the project as a committer. While modest
community growth at best, we believe that activity since the last report
provides numerous indicators of community and project health.
Attachment AF: Report from the Apache Flex Project [Harbs]
## Description:
The mission of the Apache Flex project is to create and maintain software
related to the development of expressive web applications that deploy to all
major browsers, desktops and devices (including smartphones, tablets and tv)
## Project Status:
Current project status: No recent ativity
Issues for the board: None
## Membership Data:
Apache Flex was founded 2012-12-19 (11 years ago)
There are currently 67 committers and 45 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Greg Dove on 2023-03-03.
- No new committers. Last addition was Greg Dove on 2016-09-07.
## Project Activity:
Recent releases:
Apache Flex BlazeDS 4.8.0 was released on 2023-04-17.
flex-maven-tools/flex-sdk-converter 1.1.0 was released on 2023-02-20.
Install Apache Flex 3.3.2 was released on 2018-07-09.
## Community Health:
There has not been a lot of community activity.
There was almost no activity on the dev@ list this past quarter.
Some light discussion on the users@ list.
Attachment AG: Report from the Apache Fluo Project [Keith Turner]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Fluo is the creation and maintenance of software related
to the storage and incremental processing of large data sets
## Project Status:
Current project status: Dormant
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache Fluo was founded 2017-07-18 (6 years ago)
There are currently 15 committers and 12 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 5:4.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Brian Frank Loss on 2022-02-01.
- No new committers. Last addition was Brian Frank Loss on 2022-02-02.
## Project Activity:
For the Muchos sub-project the following activity happened.
* Updated Ansible core and Azure modules
* Added support for a new VM type in Azure
* Added support for mixing OS image types in an Azure deployment.
* Added support for AlmaLinux 8/9 and Rocky Linux 8
For the Uno sub-project, Mac OSx support was improved. Also changes were made
to work around Hadoop not working with Java 17.
The last release was Fluo 2.0.0 in April 2023.
## Community Health:
Given that there was almost no activity last quarter, the increase in activity
for this quarter was huge percentage wise. However the overall amount of
activity was light with 15 commits from 2 committers and a new contributor.
Attachment AH: Report from the Apache Geronimo Project [Jean-Louis Monteiro]
Attachment AI: Report from the Apache Gora Project [Kevin Ratnasekera]
## Description:
The Apache Gora open source framework provides an in-memory data model and
persistence for big data. Gora supports persisting to column stores, key-value
stores, document stores, distributed in-memory key-value stores, in-memory data
grids, in-memory caches, distributed multi-model stores and hybrid in-memory
architectures. Gora also enables analysis of data with extensive Apache Hadoop
MapReduce, Apache Spark, Apache Flink, and Apache Pig support.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing project with low activity
Issues for the board: None
## Membership Data:
Apache Gora was founded 2012-01-24 (12 years ago)
There are currently 31 committers and 29 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Lahiru Jayasekara on 2020-04-30.
- No new committers. Last addition was Lahiru Jayasekara on 2020-04-27.
## Project Activity:
- One candidate is invited for PMC/Committership and another is proposed
and being discussed in private mailing lists.
- Except for work carried out related to GSoC project past quarters,
we have not been able to make significant progress on our next major release,
0.9 was released on 2019-08-15 and it has been quite while since last release.
## Community Health:
- General activity level of Github and mailing lists through out the past
quarter is very low. Historically, holiday period is usually quiet
in terms of activity level, we will monitor things and work towards
improving activity level for the next quarter. Next major release is
something pending from us for quite a long time now, hopefully with
the help from PMC we could plan to complete this in coming quarters.
Attachment AJ: Report from the Apache Griffin Project [William Guo]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Griffin is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a data quality solution for big data, including both streaming and
batch mode. It offers an unified process to measure data quality from different
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing, with low activity.
Issues for the board: There are no issues requiring board attention at this
## Membership Data:
Apache Griffin was founded 2018-11-21 (5 years ago)
There are currently 21 committers and 19 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 6:5.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Chitral Verma on 2020-05-06.
- No new committers. Last addition was Chitral Verma on 2020-05-05.
## Project Activity:
- Next objective is to release griffin-1.0.0, to make griffin activity higher.
## Community Health:
- The project has a low activity during last quarter.
- Hope that next quarter with the move to Spark 3.5, will increase activity.
Attachment AK: Report from the Apache Hadoop Project [Xiaoqiao He]
## Description:
The mission of Hadoop is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Distributed computing platform
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: None
## Membership Data:
Apache Hadoop was founded 2008-01-16 (16 years ago)
There are currently 245 committers and 125 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:4.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Shilun Fan was added to the PMC on 2023-10-31
- No new committers. Last addition was Simbarashe Dzinamarira on 2023-09-27.
## Project Activity:
Recent releases:
3.3.6 was released on 2023-06-25.
3.3.5 was released on 2023-03-23.
3.3.4 was released on 2022-08-08.
We are preparing for the 3.4.0 release, which is ongoing and
delayed more than expected time.
The announcement of 3.3.7-aws[1] is not from Hadoop PMC and
it is not an official release.
## Community Health:
- Mailing list activity: had a 0% increase in
traffic in the past quarter (472 emails compared to 471) had a 3% decrease in
traffic in the past quarter (5436 emails compared to 5560) had a 6% decrease in
traffic in the past quarter (458 emails compared to 487) had a 17% increase in
traffic in the past quarter (2410 emails compared to 2044) had a 0% increase in
traffic in the past quarter (276 emails compared to 276) had a 10% decrease in
traffic in the past quarter (194 emails compared to 214) had a 20% decrease in traffic
in the past quarter (32 emails compared to 40) had a 0% increase in
traffic in the past quarter (360 emails compared to 358) had a 0% increase in
traffic in the past quarter (1173 emails compared to 1163)
- Commit activity:
410 commits in the past quarter (4% increase)
72 code contributors in the past quarter (18% increase)
- JIRA activity:
183 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (-47% change)
129 issues closed in JIRA, past quarter (-38% change)
- GitHub PR activity:
261 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-22% change)
229 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-9% change)
It looks like JIRA and GitHub traffic are both decreasing
in the past quarter. However, the project development
overall looks healthy with more contributors and commits
check in, also the next release is in progress.
Attachment AL: Report from the Apache HAWQ Project [Lei Chang]
Attachment AM: Report from the Apache HBase Project [Duo Zhang]
## Description:
Apache HBase is an open-source, distributed, versioned, non-relational
database. Apache HBase gives you low latency random access to billions of rows
with millions of columns atop non-specialized hardware.
hbase-thirdparty is a set of internal artifacts used by the project to
mitigate the impact of our dependency choices on the wider ecosystem.
hbase-connectors is a collection of integration points with other projects.
The initial release includes artifacts for use with Apache Kafka and Apache
hbase-filesystem contains HBase project-specific implementations of the Apache
Hadoop FileSystem API. It is currently experimental and internal to the
hbase-operator-tools is a collection of tools for HBase operators. Now it is
mainly for hosting HBCK2.
hbase-native-client is a client library in C/C++, in its early days.
hbase-kustomize is for deploying HBase on kubernetes, still under development.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board:
There is a request from the trademarks team about missing the 'TM' superscript
for some web pages on hbase.a.o.
The issue has already been resolved.
## Membership Data:
Apache HBase was founded 2010-04-21 (14 years ago)
There are currently 104 committers and 59 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:4.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Bryan Beaudreault was added to the PMC on 2023-10-17
- No new committers. Last addition was Hui Ruan on 2023-09-15.
## Project Activity:
2.5.7 was released on 2023-12-24.
hbase-connectors-1.0.1 was released on 2023-10-27.
2.5.6 was released on 2023-10-20.
We have cut branch-2.6 and started to prepare the 2.6.0 release. There were
some discussions around the hadoop versions we want to support
We decided to follow the hadoop community, move the minimum hadoop 3 support
to 3.3.x, but for hbase-2.x, we still have support for 2.10.2, though there
are some CVEs.
We upgraded zookeeper dependencies to 3.8.x in a patch release due to some
CVEs, and it should be much less hurt than upgrading Hadoop.
There will be a HBase meetup in India.
## Community Health:
960 subscribers(958 in the previous quarter)
420 emails sent to list(360 in the previous quarter)
1986 subscribers(1988 in the previous quarter)
31 emails sent to list(39 in the previous quarter)
77 subscribers(78 in the previous quarter)
17 emails sent to list(19 in the previous quarter)
- JIRA activity:
108 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (-36% change)
75 issues closed in JIRA, past quarter (-32% change)
- Commit activity:
464 commits in the past quarter (20% increase)
40 code contributors in the past quarter (-4% change)
- GitHub PR activity:
160 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (4% increase)
145 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (no change)
The community is overall healthy. It is Christmas so recently the numbers
decreased a lot. We have cut branch-2.6 and planned to put up 2.6.0 release
candidate soon. And the vote for 3.0.0-beta-1 is ongoing.
Attachment AN: Report from the Apache Iceberg Project [Ryan Blue]
## Description:
Apache Iceberg is a table format for huge analytic datasets that is designed
for high performance and ease of use.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: None
## Membership Data:
Apache Iceberg was founded 2020-05-19 (4 years ago)
There are currently 24 committers and 17 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 3:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Szehon Ho on 2023-04-20.
- Rushan Jiang was added as a committer on 2023-01-05.
## Project Activity:
- 1.4.3 was released on 2022-12-27.
- 1.4.2 was released on 2023-11-02.
- Python 0.5.0 was released on 2023-09-18.
REST protocol spec:
- Considering an extension to delegate scan planning to the catalog
- Discussing how to exchange access decisions/restrictions for tables
- An extension was proposed for server-side commits
- Started planning for a 2.0.0 release to clean up deprecated APIs
- Added an encryption manager that supports Parquet native encryption
- Ongoing effort to add encryption for table metadata using AES GCM streams
- Added support for Flink 1.18
- Completed the view API and support in the REST and Nessie catalogs
- Added view read support in Spark
- Ongoing work to improve Spark delete file performance
- Write support is nearing completion
- Working toward first release (documentation, additional tests)
- Readers and writers for manifests and manifest lists were committed
- The Iceberg site is moving back into the main repo to make contribution easier
## Community Health:
The project continues to be healthy, with no concerning changes to metrics.
Technical progress is strong and growing in the new language implementations.
The community also expects a proposal for a third-party organized Iceberg
Attachment AO: Report from the Apache Impala Project [Jim Apple]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Impala is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a high-performance distributed SQL engine
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing with high activity
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache Impala was founded 2017-11-14 (6 years ago)
There are currently 68 committers and 39 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:5.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Michael Smith was added to the PMC on 2023-11-02
- No new committers. Last addition was Gergely Fürnstáhl on 2023-08-12.
## Project Activity:
The latest release was 4.3.0 on 2023-10-03.
Over the last three months, the Impala community has implemented the following:
- Improved support for JDK 17, aarch64, Python 3, and Unicode names
- Improvements to Iceberg support
- A graphical timeline view of query execution
- Support for querying external RDBMS via JDBC
- Improved memory tracking for codegen caching
- High availability for Impala's Statestore
- Implemented small string optimization for StringValue to speed serialization
- Improvements to Hive Metastore event processing
- Improvements to cardinality estimation
- Improvements to runtime filter aggregation
- Numerous bug fixes
## Community Health:
reviews@ is the most reliable metric of Impala community activity level.
There were 3921 emails to that list in October, November, and December.
Attachment AP: Report from the Apache Incubator Project [Justin Mclean]
Attachment AQ: Report from the Apache InLong Project [Charles Zhang]
## Description:
The mission of Apache InLong is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a one-stop data integration framework that provides automatic,
secure, and reliable data transmission capabilities. InLong supports both batch
and stream data processing at the same time, which offers great power to build
data analysis, modeling, and other real-time applications based on streaming
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing, with moderate activity.
Issues for the board: There are no issues requiring board attention
at this time.
## Membership Data:
Apache InLong was founded 2022-06-15 (2 years ago)
There are currently 48 committers and 27 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 8:5.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. The last addition was Fan Deng on 2023-08-09.
- Wenwei Huang was added as a committer on 2023-12-27
## Project Activity:
In the past quarter, InLong has successfully released 1.10.0, and
the project is working on 1.11.0, which will be released next month.
For the newly released 1.10.0, it closed about 200+ issues, including 6+
major features and 30+ optimizations, for example:
- Support periodic collection for Agent module
- Support for viewing Agent audit by IP dimension
- Add group operation logs for the Manager module
- Support switch group for managing multi-cluster
- C++ SDK supports multi-dimensional isolation
And there were no meetups during the past quarter.
## Community Health:
The community health looks good overall. In the past quarter,
- had an 11% decrease in traffic in the
past quarter (557 emails compared to 621)
- 286 commits in the past quarter (-15% decrease)
- 261 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-11% change)
- 262 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-13% change)
- 264 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (-11% change)
- 259 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-15% change)
The developing data experienced some decline, but it's within expectations,
and the project is still undergoing normal iteration and evolution.
Attachment AR: Report from the Apache Jackrabbit Project [Marcel Reutegger]
## Description:
The Apache Jackrabbit™ content repository is a fully conforming
implementation of the Content Repository for Java™ Technology API
(JCR, specified in JSR 170 and 283). The Jackrabbit content
repository is stable, largely feature complete and actively being
Jackrabbit Oak is an effort to implement a scalable and performant
hierarchical content repository as a modern successor to the Apache
Jackrabbit content repository. It is targeted for use as the
foundation of modern world-class websites and other demanding
content applications. In contrast to its predecessor, Oak does not
implement all optional features from the JSR specifications, and it
is not a reference implementation.
## Project Status:
The project is ongoing with moderate activity.
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Membership Data:
Apache Jackrabbit was founded 2006-03-15 (18 years ago)
There are currently 59 committers and 59 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 1:1, because all committers automatically
become PMC members.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Nuno Santos was added to the PMC on 2023-11-14
- Nuno Santos was added as committer on 2023-11-13
## Project Activity:
Apache Jackrabbit Oak receives most attention nowadays. All
maintenance branches and the main development branch are
continuously seeing moderate to high activity.
Apache Jackrabbit itself is mostly in maintenance mode with most of
the work going into bug fixing and tooling. New features are mainly
driven by dependencies from Jackrabbit Oak.
In October a significant code contribution to Jackrabbit Oak was made
by a non-committer (Lucas Weitzendorf). The contribution adds support
for parallel compaction of a segment store.
Throughout the last quarter the indexing component of Jackrabbit Oak
has seen a lot of activity. The team has been working on a more efficient
way to index large repositories.
Migration to Jakarta APIs saw some progress with good collaboration
between different Apache project teams. However, the migration requires
many changes while the team also wants to keep modules compatible with
the current version of the Servlet API.
In December the classic Jackrabbit code base was migrated from SVN to
Git. The only remaining module in SVN is the project website, but there
are plans to migrate that as well.
## Community Health:
The project is generally healthy with a continuous stream of traffic
mostly on JIRA issues and GitHub pull requests reflecting activity of
the respective component.
Commit activity is moderate, mirroring the activity on the
JIRA issues and the desire of the individual contributors to bring
features and improvements in for the next Jackrabbit Oak release.
## Releases:
- jackrabbit-2.20.12 was released on 2023-09-08
- jackrabbit-oak-1.22.17 was released on 2023-09-15
- jackrabbit-2.21.20 was released on 2023-10-11
- jackrabbit-oak-1.58.0 was released on 2023-10-16
- jackrabbit-filevault-3.7.2 was released on 2023-11-04
- jackrabbit-2.20.13 was released on 2023-11-07
- filevault-package-maven-plugin-1.3.6 was released on 2023-11-16
- jackrabbit-oak-1.22.18 was released on 2023-12-01
- jackrabbit-oak-1.60.0 was released on 2023-12-06
- jackrabbit-2.21.21 was released on 2023-12-12
- jackrabbit-2.21.22 was released on 2023-12-19
## JIRA activity:
- 140 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 131 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Attachment AS: Report from the Apache James Project [Benoit Tellier]
## Description:
The Apache James Project delivers a rich set of open source modules and
libraries, written in Java, related to Internet mail which build into an
advanced extensible mail server running on the JVM.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing, moderate activity.
Issues for the board: none.
## Membership Data:
Apache James was founded 2003-01-22 (21 years ago)
There are currently 42 committers and 17 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Karsten Otto on 2022-09-20.
- No new committers. Last addition was Jean Helou on 2022-06-17.
## Project Activity:
JAMES-3.8.0 was released on 2023-05-30.
JAMES-3.7.4 was released on 2023-03-31.
JAMES-3.7.3 was released on 2023-01-06.
Project activity is centered on developing a ligther high performance
backend for Apache James based on PostgreSQL. Initial community feedback is
good, and we expect this to lower the entry bar for deploying Apache James.
## Community Health:
Over the past 3 month we did see an increase of technical related discussion
on JIRA and on the mailing list:
- had a 19% increase in traffic in the past
quarter (193 emails compared to 161)
Most user discussions discussions happens on gitter. Though overall activity
is slightly lower, discussions on the user mailing list remains at a healthy
- had a 27% decrease in traffic in the past
quarter (61 emails compared to 83)
Attachment AT: Report from the Apache jclouds Project [Andrew Gaul]
There are no issues requiring board attention
A cloud-agnostic library that enables developers to access a variety of cloud
providers using one API.
== Project Status ==
During the last months, we initiated discussions to move the project to the
Attic, given the low activity and the concerns shared in previous reports.
The discussion started in October 2022 (
and the Brooklyn and Karaf communities expressed interest in keeping the
project alive and helping the project. Despite the very welcomed good
intentions, however, nothing actually happened in the form of actual
contributions, further engagement with the project, etc, and for months we
have been just waiting for something to happen beyond the will to keep the
project alive.
The Attic discussion is a perfect example of the current status of the jclouds
community: there are people interested in keeping the project alive, but no
one has the time and/or energy to actually do it, and in this scenario, it has
been discussed that we would probably better serve the community by moving the
project to the Attic and set clear expectations for our users, instead of
keeping it in the current limbo of inactivity.
== Community ==
Last committer: 2018-07-23 (Daniel Estevez)
Last PMC member: 2021-03-14 (Jean-Baptiste Onofré)
== Community Objectives ==
Finalize the Attic movement discussion and release 2.6.0 in Q1. This
is planned to be the final release.
== Releases ==
The last major jclouds release, 2.5.0, took place on 2022-03-26.
The last bugfix release, 2.2.1, took place on 2020-05-14.
Attachment AU: Report from the Apache Jena Project [Andy Seaborne]
## Description:
The mission of Jena is the creation and maintenance of software related to Java
framework for building Semantic Web applications
## Project Status:
Current project status: ongoing
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache Jena was founded 2012-04-18 (12 years ago)
There are currently 19 committers and 13 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:4.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Aaron Coburn on 2019-01-22.
- No new committers. Last addition was Arne Bernhardt on 2023-07-11.
## Project Activity:
Version 4.10.0 was released at he start of November. This is planned to be the
last 4.x release of Jena, with the next version being 5.0.0. The git main
branch is Jena5.
Most of the intended work reported last quarter has been completed. There are
development artifacts available.
An email has been sent the users list to highlight the main points of impact.
As well as moving to requiring Java17 or later, the server code is now based
on Eclipse Jakarta.
There has not been a need to continue the Jena 4.x line so far but the
project could release on that branch if necessary after the release of Jena 5.
## Community Health:
Activity has been at normal levels. There has been a small increase in questions
from users coming via github issues. The users mailing list is maybe a little
quieter, comparing the same month across 2023, 2022 and 2021. StackOverflow
questions get answers from people outside the PMC and developer community.
Attachment AV: Report from the Apache JMeter Project [Bruno Demion]
## Description:
The mission of JMeter is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Java performance and functional testing
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing, with low activity
Issues for the board: There are no issues requiring board attention at this
## Membership Data:
Apache JMeter as TLP was created 2011-10-26 (12 years ago), before was Apache
Jakarta JMeter, first version was released 1998-12-15 (25 years ago)
There are currently 13 committers and 8 PMC members in this project. The
Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:4.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Vladimir Sitnikov on 2018-06-08.
- No new committers. Last addition was Maxime Chassagneux on 2017-02-15.
## Project Activity:
- The project have just release a new version at the beginning of year 2024
- Next objective is to move the code base of JMeter to Java 17+ (from Java 8)
for next major release (6.0)
- Recent releases:
5.6.3 final was released on 2024-01-07.
5.6.2 final was released on 2023-07-11. (fix regression release)
5.6.1 final was released on 2023-07-10.
## Community Health:
- The project has a low activity during last quarter.
- Hope that next quarter with the move to Java 17, will increase activity.
Attachment AW: Report from the Apache Johnzon Project [Jean-Louis Monteiro]
## Description:
The mission of Johnzon is the creation and maintenance of software related to
JSR-353 compliant JSON parsing; modules to help with JSR-353 as well as JSR-374
and JSR-367
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing. Activity is mainly maintenance unless there
is a new Jakarta release. Jakarta 11 for instance is planned for Q2 2024.
Issues for the board: none.
## Membership Data:
Apache Johnzon was founded 2016-04-20 (8 years ago)
There are currently 8 committers and 6 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 4:3.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Reinhard Sandtner on 2016-08-30.
- No new committers. Last addition was Jonathan Gallimore on 2018-05-09.
## Project Activity:
We were able to fully pass the JSON-B and JSON-P TCK and do a final release by
the end of 2023. We should maybe claim compliance and be listed in Jakarta as
a compatible implementation. The gaps were pretty big in some parts so it took
a bit more time to catch up. For the moment, we will mainely do maintance
because the code base is stable. Next big chunk of work is planned for Jakarta
11 (Q2).
## Community Health:
We had a few contributors joining the effort to implement Jakarta EE 10,
JSON-P and JSON-B. Since we released, they haven't reached out or
contributed anything, so not yet ready to be invited as committers. The
current committers and PMC are still active and available.
Attachment AX: Report from the Apache JSPWiki Project [Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez]
## Description:
The mission of JSPWiki is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Leading open source WikiWiki engine, feature-rich and built around standard
JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP).
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing, with low activity.
Issues for the board: There are no issues requiring board attention.
## Membership Data:
Apache JSPWiki was founded 2013-07-17 (10 years ago)
There are currently 15 committers and 9 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 5:3.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Arturo Bernal was added to the PMC on 2023-06-21
- Arturo Bernal was added as committer on 2023-06-21
## Project Activity:
We received two vulnerability reports this quarter, of which one of them
resulted in an actual vulnerability, already fixed in master.
As a result from a thread on the user ML, we also have introduced support
of custom wiki event listeners on our public API, and squashed a bug
regarding the content of some wiki events.
We still have to release 2.12.2, but we'd like to introduce in it a big
internal refactor so that JSPWiki can benefit from virtual threads support
when running under JDK-21. This work is tracked at [#1].
## Community Health:
Work on latest master shows commits from 2 different commiters.
Other than that, we got the usual amount of emails (that is, not too much). No
unanswered questions, and there is enough people appearing on the ML and
providing project oversight.
Attachment AY: Report from the Apache Kudu Project [Andrew Wong]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Kudu is the creation and maintenance of software related
to a distributed columnar storage engine built for the Apache Hadoop ecosystem.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: None
## Membership Data:
Apache Kudu was founded 2016-07-19 (7 years ago)
There are currently 30 committers and 30 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 1:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Marton Greber was added to the PMC on 2023-11-09
- Marton Greber was added as committer on 2023-11-09
## Project Activity:
1.17.0 was released on 2023-09-01.
1.16.0 was released on 2022-04-11.
1.15.0 was released on 2021-06-22.
1.14.0 was released on 2021-01-27.
## Community Health:
- Traffic to the dev mailing list decreased (13 emails, 57% decrease). The dip
can be attributed to last quarter's active threads pertaining to the 1.17.0
- Development activity measured in the number of commits has dipped (-25%),
though the traffic to the reviews mailing list has increased (+15%).
Activity measured in number of opened and closed issues decreased (13 opened:
-53%, and 7 closed: -68%).
- Development measured in the number of unique developers decreased slightly
(15 to 13).
- Community activity measured in community Slack is down, with the number of
daily active users dropping 20%. The average number of users posting in
public channels didn't change.
Attachment AZ: Report from the Apache Lucene.Net Project [Shad Storhaug]
## Description:
The mission of Lucene.Net is the creation and maintenance of software related
to Search engine library targeted at .NET runtime users.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: None
## Membership Data:
Apache Lucene.Net was founded 2012-08-14 (11 years ago)
There are currently 16 committers and 14 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 8:7.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Ron Clabo on 2022-03-02.
- No new committers. Last addition was Ron Clabo on 2021-06-02.
## Project Activity:
No new releases have been made since the previous release.
There is a large influx of work waiting to be published but there
hasn't been enough time for a full review. There have been several
community led discussions on issues or PRs on GitHub for
current bugs and enhancements.
## Community Health:
There have been several new contributors to the GitHub repo, both in
terms of PRs submitted or issues raised. Mailing lists aren't used
very much, GitHub is really the main place where discussions happen.
Attachment BA: Report from the Apache MADlib Project [Ed Espino]
## Description:
Apache MADlib is an open-source library for scalable in-database analytics.
It provides data-parallel implementations of mathematical, statistical,
graph and machine learning methods for structured and unstructured data.
## Project Status:
- The project has been relatively quiet the past five months.
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Membership Data:
Apache MADlib was founded 2017-07-18 (6 years ago)
There are currently 23 committers and 12 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.
## Project Activity:
- No releases have occurred since last project report (Oct 2023).
- Two issues (improvement: MADlib-1516, bug: MADLIB-1517) may be
worked on for the next release.
## Community Health:
We continue to have good voting participation from the newly formed PMC members.
Attachment BB: Report from the Apache Mahout Project [Andrew Musselman]
## Description:
Mahout is a distributed linear algebra framework and mathematically expressive
DSL designed to let mathematicians, statisticians, and data scientists quickly
implement their own algorithms.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: None at this time. A couple Directors showed
interest in some details of project management during our recent period of
revival, but the PMC feels we're on top of things now.
## Membership Data:
Apache Mahout was founded 2010-04-20 (13 years ago) There are currently 28
committers and 10 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is
roughly 7:3.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Shannon Quinn on 2023-02-12.
- No new committers. Last addition was Jowanza Joseph on 2023-03-02.
## Project Activity:
In our community meetings this quarter we prioritized quantum compute as a new
back end, given the affinity between our matrix math focus and the arithmetic
performed by quantum logic gates. We have a few new interested collaborators
on the lists and in our ASF Slack channel.
## Community Health:
Core team is in touch with each other and we have been consistent with
community meetings (
Attachment BC: Report from the Apache Maven Project [Karl Heinz Marbaise]
## Description:
The mission of Maven is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Java project management and comprehension tools
## Project Status:
There are no issues requiring board attention.
## Membership Data:
Apache Maven was founded 2003-03-01 (21 years ago)
There are currently 69 committers and 31 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:4.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Romain Manni-Bucau was added to the PMC on 2023-10-16
- No new committers. Last addition was Aleksandr Ashitkin on 2023-04-06.
## Project Activity:
Maven JXR 3.3.2 was released on 2023-12-26.
Maven Compiler Plugin 3.12.1 was released on 2023-12-21.
Maven Resolver 2.0.0-alpha-5 was released on 2023-12-17.
Maven Indexer 7.1.1 was released on 2023-12-16.
Maven Compiler Plugin 3.12.0 was released on 2023-12-15.
Maven Site Plugin 4.0.0-M13 was released on 2023-12-14.
Maven Reporting Impl 4.0.0-M13 was released on 2023-12-10.
Maven Surefire 3.2.3 was released on 2023-12-09.
Apache Maven 3.9.6 was released on 2023-12-01.
Maven Resolver 2.0.0-alpha-3 was released on 2023-12-01.
Maven Build Cache extension 1.1.0 was released on 2023-11-30.
Maven Javadoc Plugin 3.6.3 was released on 2023-11-30.
Maven Resolver 1.9.18 was released on 2023-11-25.
Maven Reporting Exec 2.0.0-M12 was released on 2023-11-21.
Maven Reporting Impl 4.0.0-M12 was released on 2023-11-21.
Maven Resolver 1.9.17 was released on 2023-11-21.
Maven Site Plugin 4.0.0-M12 was released on 2023-11-21.
Maven Doxia Sitetools 2.0.0-M16 was released on 2023-11-18.
Maven Resolver 2.0.0-alpha-2 was released on 2023-11-18.
Maven Project Info Reports Plugin 3.5.0 was released on 2023-11-17.
Maven Reporting API 4.0.0-M9 was released on 2023-11-12.
Apache Parent POM 31 was released on 2023-11-08.
Maven Parent POMs 41 was released on 2023-11-08.
Maven Plugin Testing 4.0.0-alpha-2 was released on 2023-11-07.
Maven Resolver 2.0.0-alpha-1 was released on 2023-11-06.
Maven Javadoc Plugin 3.6.2 was released on 2023-11-03.
Maven Surefire 3.2.2 was released on 2023-11-03.
Maven Plugin Tools 3.10.2 was released on 2023-11-02.
Maven PMD Plugin 3.21.2 was released on 2023-10-30.
Maven Indexer 7.1.0 was released on 2023-10-28.
Apache Maven 4.0.0-alpha-8 was released on 2023-10-25.
Maven Clean Plugin 3.3.2 was released on 2023-10-23.
Maven Docck Plugin - Retired 1.2 was released on 2023-10-22.
Maven Checkstyle Plugin 3.3.1 was released on 2023-10-21.
Maven Dependency Plugin 3.6.1 was released on 2023-10-20.
Maven JXR 3.3.1 was released on 2023-10-20.
Maven Surefire 3.2.1 was released on 2023-10-20.
Maven Plugin Tools 3.10.1 was released on 2023-10-15.
Maven Site Plugin 4.0.0-M11 was released on 2023-10-14.
Maven Doxia 2.0.0-M8 was released on 2023-10-13.
Maven Doxia Sitetools 2.0.0-M13 was released on 2023-10-13.
Maven Reporting API 4.0.0-M8 was released on 2023-10-13.
Maven Reporting Exec 2.0.0-M11 was released on 2023-10-13.
Maven Reporting Impl 4.0.0-M11 was released on 2023-10-13.
- Maven 4 development is continuing. Download rates from central are
as expected low.
- Adoption rates for newer Maven versions take very long, because
currently (Jan 2024) the first place based on downloads(central)
kept by Maven 3.6.3 (ca. 2.4 million) while 3.9.5 only ca. 0.8
million and for 3.9.6 ca. 0.6 million.
- A lot of effort is currently going into 4.X development
as well as into cleaning/updating existing plugins etc.
- Maven 3.8.X, 3.9.X lines continued.
- Discussions related to minimum requird Maven version for
the plugins. Currently we favour 3.6.3 as minimum.
At the moment all plugins require 3.2.5 as minimum.
## Community Health:
Activity has been increased for the last quarter on the mailing
list. The activity on the issues has been increased, also the
traffic on the users mailing list has increased noticeable.
The jira activity is decreased a bit based on vacations also
for the commit activity.
Attachment BD: Report from the Apache Mesos Project [Qian Zhang]
Attachment BE: Report from the Apache MINA Project [Guillaume Nodet]
## Description:
The mission of MINA is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Multipurpose Infrastructure for Network Application
## Project Status:
Current project status: ongoing
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache MINA was founded 2006-10-25 (17 years ago)
There are currently 29 committers and 15 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Gary D. Gregory on 2023-09-13.
- No new committers. Last addition was Gary D. Gregory on 2022-03-24.
## Project Activity:
Apache MINA has released three bug fixes releases to fix datagram issues:
* Apache MINA 2.0.25 was released on 2023-09-12
* Apache MINA 2.1.8 was released on 2023-09-12
* Apache MINA 2.2.3 was released on 2023-09-12
## Community Health:
The community is healthy.
Attachment BF: Report from the Apache Mnemonic Project [Gordon King]
Attachment BG: Report from the Apache MyFaces Project [Bernd Bohmann]
## Description:
The mission of MyFaces is the creation and maintenance of software related to
JavaServer(tm) Faces implementation and components
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing, with moderate activity
Issues for the board: None
## Membership Data:
Apache MyFaces was founded 2005-02-23 (19 years ago)
There are currently 80 committers and 46 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:3.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Henning Nöth on 2021-06-01.
- No new committers. Last addition was Melloware on 2021-05-11.
One PMC Member subscribed to the private list again.
There is an open question about who is missing on private
and if there is no response we will ask them to request going emeritus.
## Project Activity:
- Apache MyFaces Core is working on JSF 5.0, JSF 4.1(Jakarta 11)
and small fixes.
- Apache Tobago the community is working on 5.x and 6.x.
6.x is our first Jakarta 10/JSF 4.0 version.
- Recent releases:
tobago-5.9.0 was released on 2023-12-01.
tobago-6.1.0 was released on 2023-12-01.
tobago-5.8.0 was released on 2023-11-09.
tobago-6.0.0 was released on 2023-11-09.
## Community Health:
- Apache MyFaces Core is healthy.
UI-Component Sets:
- Apache Tobago is healthy.
- Apache Trinidad is in maintenance mode.
Last developer commit was Sept 2017.
- Myfaces Tomahawk is in maintenance mode.
Last developer commit was May 2016.
Last commit on behalf of a contributor was May 2016.
Add-ons and Extensions:
- Apache MyFaces Portlet Bridge is in maintenance mode.
Last developer commit was Jan 2014.
Last commit on behalf of a contributor was May 2015.
- Apache MyFaces CODI is in maintenance mode.
CODI was replaced by Apache DeltaSpike so new development
happens there. Last commit March 2014.
- Apache MyFaces Orchestra is in maintenance mode.
New projects use CDI and DeltaSpike instead.
Last commit on behalf of a contributor was August 2016.
- Apache MyFaces ExtVal is in maintenance mode.
Last commit June 2014.
- Apache MyFaces Commons is in maintenance mode.
Last commit August 2012.
- Apache MyFaces Ext-Scripting is in maintenance mode.
Last commit Sept 2017.
- Apache MyFaces Test is in maintenance mode (Used by Myfaces Core).
Last commit May 2017.
Attachment BH: Report from the Apache NetBeans Project [Geertjan Wielenga]
## Description:
The mission of Apache NetBeans is the creation and maintenance of software
related to development environments, tooling platforms, and application
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing with continual development.
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache NetBeans was founded 2019-04-17 (5 years ago)
There are currently 82 committers and 65 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 6:5.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Michael Bien on 2022-05-01.
- No new committers. Last addition was Tomas Hurka on 2023-05-24.
## Project Activity:
- Apache NetBeans 20 was released on 2023-12-05.
- 20.0.0 NetBeans VSCode extension was released on 2023-12-05.
- Release Notes:
## Community Health:
- Consistent work being done by a core group of developers, quarterly releases
being done on schedule:
- The last release had 26 contributors, 6 of whom were new, this is more or
less the number of contributors and the ratio of new contributors for each
release over the past years.
- had a 3% increase in traffic in the past quarter
(230 emails compared to 223
- had a 16% increase in traffic in the past quarter
(183 emails compared to 157)
Attachment BI: Report from the Apache NiFi Project [Joe Witt]
## Description:
The mission of NiFi is the creation and maintenance of software related to
providing an easy to use, powerful, and reliable system to process and
distribute data.
Apache NiFi MiNiFi is an edge data collection agent built to seamlessly
integrate with and leverage the command and control of NiFi. There are both
Java and C++ implementations.
Apache NiFi Registry is a centralized registry for key configuration items
including flow versions, assets, and extensions for Apache NiFi and Apache
Apache NiFi Nar Maven Plugin is a release artifact used for supporting the
NiFi classloader isolation model.
Apache NiFi Flow Design System is a theme-able set of high quality UI
components and utilities for use across the various Apache NiFi web
applications in order to provide a more consistent user experience.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing. High.
Issues for the board: None.
## Membership Data:
Apache NiFi was founded 2015-07-14 (8 years ago)
There are currently 64 committers and 36 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 8:5.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Csaba Bejan was added to the PMC on 2023-10-25
- No new committers. Last addition was Timea Barna on 2023-08-02.
## Project Activity:
The community conducted its first major (semantic versioning) milestone 1
release of Apache NiFi 2.0.0 M1 in November of 2023. The first new major
release since 2016! This release is a total game changer for NiFi. In
addition to the more than 900 JIRAs included which comprise of features, bug
fixes, and security related changes this release makes major steps forward.
The NiFi 2.0 means we are up to date with and based on Java 21 and the latest
of many great projects like Apache Maven, Spring, Jetty, and many more. Users
can now write legit NiFi components in Python and enjoy a first class
integrated experience in NiFi as if they were written in Java. We eliminated
many defunct code areas, improved and clarified APIs, eliminated poorly
maintained code, and much more. We anticipate having a full blown 2.0
production release soon though we already know of several production users of
the 2.0 M1 release now.
We also kept the momentum up with the NiFi 1.x line releasing, also in
November, Apache NiFi 1.24.0. Again this comes with improvements, security
changes, and bug fixes.
We have also at long last finally launched a revamped website for
## Community Health:
Community health remains strong and growing. Our mailing list activity
as measured by the dev list dropped by 17% but overall activity remained
busy. The dev list drop likely relates to the Holidays and the activity
on Slack. PR activity, reviews, and merges remain highly active with more
than 31 authors contributing code in this quarter. We added another 150
or so net Slack users this quarter now sitting at 2980 in the general
channel. We continue to ensure discussions that should turn into JIRAs or
other documented mailing lists do get sent to those mechanisms. We continue
to see plenty of commercial activity around NiFi in the form of vendor
material, blogs, social media posts, etc..
Attachment BJ: Report from the Apache Nutch Project [Sebastian Nagel]
## Description:
Apache Nutch is a highly extensible and scalable open source web crawler
software project based on Apache Hadoop® data structures and the MapReduce
data processing framework.
## Project Status:
Current project status: ongoing with medium to low activity
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache Nutch was founded 2010-04-21 (13 years ago)
There are currently 22 committers and 22 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 1:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Tim Allison was added as committer and PMC member on 2023-07-19
## Project Activity:
Nutch 1.19 was released on 2022-08-22.
Work on the next Nutch release 1.20 continued at slow pace, with few bug fixes,
improvements to the code and build system, and important dependency upgrade
(Tika 2.9.0 to 2.9.1) to address a CVE.
## Community Health:
The number of contributions decreased during the last month after a very
active preceding quarter.
Attachment BK: Report from the Apache NuttX Project [Alin Jerpelea]
## Description:
The mission of Apache NuttX is the creation and maintenance of software related
to a mature, real-time embedded operating system (RTOS)
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: None.
## Membership Data:
Apache NuttX was founded 2022-11-16 (a year ago)
There are currently 29 committers and 22 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 4:3.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Chao An was added to the PMC on 2023-12-19
- No new committers. Last addition was Tiago Medicci on 2023-05-30.
## Project Activity:
Nuttx 12.4 release process in ongoing and soon will be sent for community vote.
Recent releases:
12.3.0 was released on 2023-10-24.
## Community Health:
Community health score 7,96,
which is a relatively good number for a project of this age.
The project activity decreased a bit, but there is still a steady development
Statistics had a 30% decrease in traffic in the past quarter
(346 emails compared to 490):
1970 commits in the past quarter (-49% decrease)
99 code contributors in the past quarter (-41% change)
1225 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-55% change)
156 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (8% increase)
78 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-22% change)
Attachment BL: Report from the Apache OpenJPA Project [Mark Struberg]
Attachment BM: Report from the Apache OpenMeetings Project [Maxim Solodovnik]
## Description:
The mission of OpenMeetings is the creation and maintenance of software related
to OpenMeetings: Web-Conferencing and real-time collaboration
## Project Status:
Current project status: Dormant
Issues for the board: none.
## Membership Data:
Apache OpenMeetings was founded 2013-01-25 (11 years ago)
There are currently 30 committers and 28 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 8:7.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Ali Alhaidary on 2021-03-22.
- No new committers. Last addition was Ali Alhaidary on 2021-04-07.
## Project Activity:
We were able to release 7.2.0, and our `master` branch was switched to
Jakarta EE (Tomcat 10, Spring 6 etc.)
Recent releases:
- 7.2.0 was released on 2023-12-23.
- 7.1.0 was released on 2023-05-09.
- 7.0.0 was released on 2023-02-13.
## Community Health:
I plan to do some testing on upcoming 8.0.0 version (with Jakarta EE)
This will introduce some major changes, so I hope mail traffic might
increase :) The project is very quiet we definitely need some fresh blood :)
Attachment BN: Report from the Apache OpenOffice Project [Dave Fisher]
Attachment BO: Report from the Apache OpenWebBeans Project [Mark Struberg]
Attachment BP: Report from the Apache ORC Project [William Hyun]
## Description:
The mission of ORC is the creation and maintenance of software related to the
smallest, fastest columnar storage for Hadoop workloads.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.
## Membership Data:
Apache ORC was founded 2015-04-21 (9 years ago) There are currently 46
committers and 14 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is
roughly 3:1.
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Pavan Lanka on 2023-03-30.
- No new committers. Last addition was Xin Zhang on 2023-02-06.
We are continuing to encourage community engagement, and we have voted on and
invited a new committer candidate.
## Project Activity:
We started the Apache ORC Format repository which includes ORC specifications
and a ProtocolBuffer file. We released version 1.0.0 and successfully migrated
the ORC repository.
- ORC-1572: Use ORC Format 1.0.0
According to our release cadence, we released three maintenance releases in
this quarter and helped other Apache communities use them.
- 1.9.2 was released on 2023-11-10.
- 1.8.6 was released on 2023-11-10.
- 1.7.10 was released on 2023-11-10.
In addition, we are preparing the following milestones in 2024.
- 2.0.0 (January)
- 1.9.3 (March)
- 1.8.7 (April)
- 1.7.11 (September)
## Community Health:
In this quarter, the traffic of both dev and issues mailing lists have
increased by 33% and 6% respectively. And the number of code contributors has
increased 33%, which is a good sign for community growth.
Attachment BQ: Report from the Apache Parquet Project [Xinli Shang]
## Description:
The mission of Parquet is the creation and maintenance of software related to
columnar storage format available to any project in the Apache Hadoop
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing Issues for the board: n/a
## Membership Data:
Apache Parquet was founded 2015-04-21 (9 years ago) There are currently 38
committers and 27 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is
roughly 5:4.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Gidon Gershinsky on 2021-11-23.
- No new committers. Last addition was Gang Wu on 2023-02-28.
## Project Activity:
Format 2.10.0 was released on 2023-11-20.
1.13.1 was released on 2023-05-18. MR-1.11.2 was released on 2021-10-06.
## Community Health: had a 88% increase in traffic in the past quarter had a big increase in traffic in the past quarter
47 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (17% increase)
62 issues closed in JIRA, past quarter (195% increase)
100 commits in the past quarter (100% increase)
22 code contributors in the past quarter (100% increase)
77 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (37% increase)
86 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (79% increase)
Attachment BR: Report from the Apache PDFBox Project [Andreas Lehmkühler]
## Description:
The mission of PDFBox is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Java library for working with PDF documents
## Project Status:
Current project status: ongoing with moderate activity
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache PDFBox was founded 2009-10-21 (14 years ago)
There are currently 21 committers and 21 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 1:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Matthäus Mayer on 2017-10-16.
- No new committers. Last addition was Joerg O. Henne on 2017-10-09.
## Project Activity:
Recent releases:
3.0.1 was released on 2023-11-30.
2.0.30 was released on 2023-11-04.
3.0.0 was released on 2023-08-17.
## Community Health:
- there is a steady stream of contributions, bug reports and questions on the
mailing lists
- we released the first minor release of our new 3.0.x line to fix some
regression issues. A couple of improvements and further fixes were included
as well.
- the development of the current trunk version 4.0.0 is an ongoing effort,
e.g. we switched to Log4j2 and did some major refactorings
Attachment BS: Report from the Apache Petri Project [Dave Fisher]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Petri is the creation and maintenance of software related
to assessment of, education in, and adoption of the Foundation's policies and
procedures for collaborative development and the pros and cons of joining the
## Project Status:
Current project status: Low - Ongoing
Issues for the board: None
## Membership Data:
Apache Petri was founded 2019-11-19 (4 years ago)
There are currently 8 committers and 5 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 8:5.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Daniel Shahaf on 2019-11-19.
- No new committers. Last addition was Justin Erenkrantz on 2020-04-23.
## Project Activity:
The project is quiet, but we have had contact about possible new cultures.
These are always confidential.
## Community Health:
We have had some efforts around website maintenance. had a 77% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (7
emails compared to 30)
1 commit in the past quarter (-88% change)
1 code contributor in the past quarter (-80% change)
0 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-100% change)
2 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-83% change)
0 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (-100% change)
2 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-66% change)
Attachment BT: Report from the Apache Pig Project [Koji Noguchi]
## Description:
Apache Pig is a platform for analyzing large data sets on Hadoop. It provides
a high-level language for expressing data analysis programs, coupled with
infrastructure for evaluating these programs.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Dormant
Issues for the board: 0.18 not released yet but making progress.
## Membership Data:
Apache Pig was founded 2010-09-21 (13 years ago)
There are currently 31 committers and 17 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 8:5.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Koji Noguchi on 2016-08-04.
- No new committers. Last addition was Nándor Kollár on 2018-09-06.
## Project Activity:
Version 0.18 still not released yet. Patch uploaded for one blocker PIG-5444
and being reviewed. Hoping other test regressions won't take this long to fix.
## Community Health:
Overall activity is low as the project is mostly stable and contributions
are mainly bug fixes.
Attachment BU: Report from the Apache Pivot Project [Roger Lee Whitcomb]
Attachment BV: Report from the Apache Ranger Project [Selvamohan Neethiraj]
Attachment BW: Report from the Apache Ratis Project [Tsz-wo Sze]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Ratis is the creation and maintenance of software related
to a highly customizable Raft protocol implementation in Java
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: NA
## Membership Data:
Apache Ratis was founded 2021-02-16 (3 years ago)
There are currently 30 committers and 18 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 5:3.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Attila Doroszlai on 2022-04-25.
- Guo Hao was added as committer on 2023-10-13
## Project Activity:
We released Ratis 3.0.0 on 2023-11-17. It was a major release which added
roughly 100 commits to the previous Ratis 2.5.1 release. The changes were:
Incompatible Changes:
- Not to auto-format RaftStorage for multiple directories configuration;
- Defining a public Ratis-Metrics API;
- Streaming protocol change.
New Features:
- Leader lease;
- Read-after-write consistency;
- New state machine APIs;
- New configuration properties and supporting reconfiguration;
- New shell commands.
There were also many bug fixes and performance improvements.
We also released Ratis Thirdparty 1.0.5 on 2023-11-05. It was to update the
versions of the dependencies.
The previous Ratis 2.5.1 release and the Ratis Thirdparty 1.0.4 release
were released on 2023-05-05 and 2023-03-21, respectively.
## Community Health:
The project is healthy. In this quarter, we had a 1,166% increase in traffic
in the dev mailing list. According to, we have resolved
105 issues while only 88 issues have been created.
Attachment BX: Report from the Apache Rya Project [Adina Crainiceanu]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Rya is the creation and maintenance of software related
to scalable storage, retrieval, and analysis of RDF data
## Project Status:
Current project status: dormant
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache Rya was founded 2019-09-17 (4 years ago)
There are currently 12 committers and 11 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Adina Crainiceanu on 2019-09-17.
- No new committers were added.
## Project Activity:
No new activity. Last release 4.0.1 was on 2020-12-22
## Community Health:
The activity level in the project is low. The project is in "dormant" state:
not much happening on the code, but at least 3 PMC members ready to engage
if needed
Attachment BY: Report from the Apache Samza Project [Jagadish Venkatraman]
Attachment BZ: Report from the Apache SeaTunnel Project [Jun Gao]
## Description:
The mission of Apache SeaTunnel is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a very easy-to-use ultra-high-performance distributed data
integration platform that supports real-time synchronization of massive data
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: None.
## Membership Data:
Apache SeaTunnel was founded 2023-05-17 (8 months ago)
There are currently 30 committers and 20 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 3:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Li Liu was added to the PMC on 2023-10-26
- Yao Zhou was added as committer on 2023-11-14
## Project Activity:
We released seatunnel-web 1.0.0 on 2023-10-17.
We are ready to release seatunnel version 2.3.4.
Cloud-native Big-Data Meetup in China Hefei.
## Community Health:
In terms of data, community discussions and commitments are down significantly
compared to last quarter. This is because the connector architecture is being
refactored. We have created a todo list of all connector modifications based
on the new architecture, but we still need time to promote them and get more
contributions involved.
Attachment CA: Report from the Apache SkyWalking Project [Sheng Wu]
## Description:
The mission of Apache SkyWalking is the creation and maintenance of software
related to application performance management and monitoring (APM)
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: No issue
## Membership Data:
Apache SkyWalking was founded 2019-04-17 (5 years ago)
There are currently 58 committers and 34 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 8:5.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Ye Cao on 2023-08-28.
- No new committers. Last addition was Gong Dewei on 2023-07-01.
A new committer is voted and accepted. The account creation is ongoing.
The new committer is Xiang Wei.
## Project Activity:
Several releases are made by the project.
- java-9.1.0 was released on 2023-12-04
- 9.7.0 was released on 2023-12-01.
- infra-e2e-1.3.0 was released on 2023-11-13.
- nodejs-0.7.0 was released on 2023-11-08.
- banyandb-0.5.0 was released on 2023-10-23.
- go-0.3.0 was released on 2023-10-23.
A new repository is created, skywalking-graalvm-distro.
It hosts codes for the re-distribution version of the official
Apache SkyWalking OAP server running on GraalVM. No release yet.
## Community Health:
The community is active. had a 38% decrease in traffic in the past quarter
(138 emails compared to 222)
376 commits in the past quarter (-35% change)
59 code contributors in the past quarter (-4% change)
The number is lower as we had cutted the last major release in 2023.
Features are stable.
Discussion page has 3000 views and 100 GitHub accounts involved per month.
The community introduced GTP-based AI assistance( to help user to
locate correct documents/blogs/books and discussed issues/pull requests
since Dec. 2023. 328 questions are made on that platform for the first year.
Attachment CB: Report from the Apache Sling Project [Robert Munteanu]
## Description:
Apache Sling™ is a framework for RESTful web-applications based on an
extensible content tree.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing, with moderate activity.
Issues for the board: none.
## Membership Data:
Apache Sling was founded 2009-06-17 (15 years ago)
There are currently 51 committers and 29 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:4.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Joerg Hoh on 2022-06-13.
- Henry Kuijpers was added as committer on 2023-10-19
- Roy Teeuwen was added as committer on 2023-10-19
## Project Activity:
We released version 12 of our sample application, the Sling Starter, on
March 18th, 2022. We have not yet made plans for version 13, but individual
modules are being developed and released, with 28 releases for this reporting
Work is ongoing for migrating individual modules to the Jakarta JSON
### Clarification on "Sling Committers' Round Table at adaptTo 2023"
The round table is an open event and took place during the adaptTo conference.
The discussed topics were continued into the Sling Hackathon a couple of
days later and announced on the dev mailing list at
## Community Health:
Community health is good and contributions from various individuals continue.
Attachment CC: Report from the Apache Steve Project [Daniel Gruno]
## Description:
The mission of Steve is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Apache's Python based single transferable vote software system
## Project Status:
Current project status: Dormant, sufficient oversight
Issues for the board: None
## Membership Data:
Apache Steve was founded 2012-07-25 (11 years ago)
There are currently 10 committers and 6 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 5:3.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Jim Jagielski on 2022-04-16.
- No new committers. Last addition was Sean Palmer on 2022-03-04.
## Project Activity:
No activity of note. The work on the v3 iteration of STeVe has been put on the
back-burners for now, pending free cycles to work on it.
## Community Health:
We still have sufficient PMC oversight, with at least 3 PMC members actively
responding to queries, but otherwise it's been very quiet. As we do not have
any outstanding issues of note, this is not considered a problem.
Attachment CD: Report from the Apache Streams Project [Steve Blackmon]
## Description:
Apache Streams unifies a diverse world of digital profiles and online
activities into common formats and vocabularies, and makes these datasets
accessible across a variety of databases, devices, and platforms for
streaming, browsing, search, sharing, and analytics use-cases.
## Issues:
The project code and community has become stagnant, and with the end of
Twitter's free API, there is now very little code in the project today
useful enough to attract users or developers. It's been several years
since the community rallied around a project, much less followed through
on it, unfortunately. I (Steve) am trying very hard to change that by
inspiring the community toward a new 'North Star'.
## Membership Data:
Apache Streams was founded 2017-07-18 (6 years ago). There are
currently 9 committers and 9 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 1:1.
## Community changes:
- Brian Hodge joined PMC on 2020-04-26
- Brian Hodge became a committer on 2020-04-26
## Project Activity:
- Apache Streams 0.6.1 was released in March 2020.
- The next Apache Streams release will be the first compatible with JDK11
and JDK17.
- 2021 and 2022 and 2023 all had minimal commit and mailing list and
- 2024 is different - there are conversations and planning underway to reboot
the project in an exciting direction that should have wide appeal (see below)
## Other Comments:
- Twitter's pay-walling of the free API is quite unfortunate. Streams
most mature and powerful libraries and examples are all based on these APIs.
- A silver lining with the turmoil at Twitter is rapidly growing interest in
open alternatives based on ActivityPub ex. Mastadon. This offers the
project a path to new life, as ActivityPub is based on ActivityStreams.
- Addition of Pekko (incubating) to the wider community is an opportunity to
clean house on the code base, switching plumbing to more suitable patterns, and
supporting scala developmers natively.
- The new 'North Star' under discussion is for Apache Streams to release a
cloud-native ActivityPub server akin to Mastadon, but optimized for
deployments to customize the experience, for the community to add new
features, and able to support massive user bases.
- We need to get the upgrades on our main branch released ASAP.
- We need to better reach out to new users and developers to reinvigorate the
project, and expand influence and awareness among the ActivityPub ecosystem.
Now that we have a new exciting relevant objective this is a high priority!
Attachment CE: Report from the Apache Struts Project [René Gielen]
The Apache Struts MVC framework is a solution stack for creating elegant and
modern action-based Java web applications. It favours convention over
configuration, is extensible using a plugin architecture, and ships with
plugins to support patterns and technologies such as REST, AJAX and JSON.
The Struts team made four releases in the last quarter:
- Struts - Security fix release (2023-12-07) [1][3]
- Struts 2.5.33 - Security fix release (2023-12-07) [2][3]
The last Struts releases besides the core framework were
- Struts Master 14 - Apply Apache Parent POM and plugin upgrades (2020-02-05)
- Struts Annotations 1.0.8 - Enhancements in preparation for the next
framework release (2022-11-05)
Within the last quarter we saw steady development and community activity. We
had 68 PRs (compared to 61 in previous reporting quarter) opened and 60 (61)
closed in the main project.
These numbers again represent a rather busy quarter, given the maturity of the
project. Furthermore quite a bunch of new features are in the pipeline, some
of which are scheduled for the upcoming 7.0 release.
We counted 162 (216) commits by 7 (6) contributors in the report quarter.
We released one security bulletin in the last quarter [3], leading to two
security fix releases: 2.5.33 and The issue fixed by this releases
can lead to RCE. Due to this severeity, it received a fair amount of media
We furthermore announced an EOL date for Struts 2.5, which is now scheduled to
no longer receive patches starting in May 2024. [4]
We introduced a new notifications@ mailinglist for GitHub notifications to
unclutter dev@ traffic.
We have no issues that require board assistance at this time.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 21 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- James Chaplin (jchaplin) was added to the PMC on 2020-11-16
- James Chaplin resigned from the PMC on 2023-09-08
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 60 committers.
- No new committers added in the last 3 months
- Kusal Kithul-Godag (kusal) was added as committer on 2023-07-31
## Mailing list activity:
- [](
34 emails sent to list (302 in previous quarter)
- [](
584 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter, new list)
- [](
727 emails sent to list (502 in previous quarter)
- [](
51 emails sent to list (43 in previous quarter)
## JIRA activity:
- 14 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months (28)
- 12 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months (26)
Attachment CF: Report from the Apache Submarine Project [Kevin Su]
Attachment CG: Report from the Apache Synapse Project [Isuru Udana]
## Description:
Apache Synapse is a high-performance, flexible, lightweight
Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and a mediation framework.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Dormant
Issues for the board: None
## Membership Data:
Apache Synapse was founded 2007-12-19 (16 years ago)
There are currently 36 committers and 27 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 4:3.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Shafreen on 2021-05-09.
- No new committers. Last addition was Nuwan Jayawardene on 2022-11-19.
## Project Activity:
The project activity has increased slightly compared to the last quarter. We
received a new feature contribution from a new contributor. There is an
important discussion going on the PMC list at the moment of merging a massive
amount of features and bug fixes done in a forked repo into the Apache Synapse
code base. Depending on the outcome of the PMC discussion, I will write a
separate email to the board if we feel it requires board attention.
## Community Health: had a 400% increase in traffic in the past quarter (30
emails compared to 6) 3 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (300% increase) 1
commit in the past quarter (100% increase) 1 code contributor in the past
quarter (100% increase) 2 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (100% increase)
Attachment CH: Report from the Apache Tapestry Project [Thiago Henrique De Paula Figueiredo]
## Description:
The mission of Tapestry is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Component-based Java Web Application Framework
## Project Status:
Current project status: ongoing.
Issues for the board: none.
## Membership Data:
Apache Tapestry was founded 2006-02-14 (18 years ago)
There are currently 29 committers and 13 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Ben Weidig on 2021-12-02.
- No new committers. Last addition was Volker Lamp on 2022-04-14.
## Project Activity:
It was a quiet quarter, with lower activity than usual and no
releases done. There was some interesting discussions about
the team plans for the Tapestry's future, specially about
support to the latest Java version and Jakarta EE. We
also discussed one person to invite to the PMC, who
unfortunately declined for the time being, and another
for committer.
## Community Health:
As mentioned in the previous section, it was a quarter with
lower-than-usual activity overall, although we still had
a few positive or neutral stats:
6 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (-14% change)
4 issues closed in JIRA, past quarter (33% increase)
8 commits in the past quarter (-20% change)
4 code contributors in the past quarter (no change)
2 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (no change)
Attachment CI: Report from the Apache Tcl Project [Georgios Petasis]
## Description:
The mission of Tcl is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Dynamic websites using TCL. Apache Tcl is home to the Tcl-Apache integration
efforts. The purpose of our project is to combine the power of the Apache
web server with the capabilities of the mature, robust and flexible Tcl
scripting language. Currently only the Apache Rivet project is actively
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: None
## Membership Data:
Apache Tcl was founded 2000-07-24 (23 years ago)
There are currently 12 committers and 7 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Brice Hamon De Crevecoer on 2014-11-25.
- No new committers. Last addition was Brice B. Hamon on 2014-11-25.
## Project Activity:
Following the previous candidate release (Rivet 3.2.3rc1 on 3 October 2023),
during this reporting period a new Rivet version has been released
(rivet-3.2.3 was released on 2023-10-19). The contributions made by Scott
Pitcher concerning the incomplete and faulty implementation of
::rivet::raw_post, the correct logging of messages during the ChildInit stage
and the new tests connected to these improvements, have been integrated to
Rivet. As Tcl 9.0 has reached beta status, the Rivet community has started
working on compatibility with the forthcoming Tcl 9.0.
## Community Health:
The traffic of the mailing lists has increased in comparison to the
previous reporting period, which is normal for the project (as most traffic in
the list happens after new releases).
Attachment CJ: Report from the Apache Tez Project [László Bodor]
## Description:
Apache Tez is an effort to develop a generic application framework which can be
used to process arbitrarily complex DAGs of data-processing tasks and also a
re-usable set of data-processing primitives which can be used by other projects.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: none.
## Membership Data:
Apache Tez was founded 2014-07-16 (9 years ago)
There are currently 36 committers and 32 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 9:8.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was László Bodor on 2020-11-24.
- Ayush Saxena was added as committer on 2024-01-09
## Project Activity:
We're currently creating 0.10.3 release for Hive 4.0.
## Community Health:
New committer, finally! We're looking forward to doing wonderful things
Attachment CK: Report from the Apache Thrift Project [Jens Geyer]
## Description:
Apache Thrift is a high performance cross platform RPC and serialization
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing moderate
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache Thrift was founded 2010-10-20 (13 years ago)
There are currently 41 committers and 21 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Mario Emmenlauer on 2022-04-13.
- No new committers. Last addition was Liu Jiayu on 2022-06-25.
## Project Activity:
Working towards next release which is planned for February.
Previous release 0.19.0 was released on 2023-09-02.
## Community Health:
Overall usual levels of activity, increasing level especially via Github.
Level of "normal" patches decreases, most new contribs start communication via
Github now. Moving forward towards next release, improving especially Go targets
plus misc other issues across the entire project.
Attachment CL: Report from the Apache Tika Project [Tim Allison]
## Description:
Apache Tika is a dynamic toolkit for content detection, analysis, and
extraction. It allows a user to understand, and leverage information from, a
growing a list of over 1200 different file types including most of the major
types in existence (MS Office, PDF, Text, Images, Video, Code, and science
data) as recognized by IANA and other standards bodies.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: None
## Membership Data:
Apache Tika was founded 2010-04-20 (14 years ago)
There are currently 32 committers and 32 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 1:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Nicholas DiPiazza on 2021-07-05.
- No new committers. Last addition was Nicholas DiPiazza on 2021-06-03.
## Project Activity:
We released 3.0.0-BETA in mid December. We're aiming for a 3.0.0 release in
the next few weeks. The big difference between the 2.x and 3.x branch is that
the 3.x branch will require Java 11. We plan to maintain the 2.x branch for 6
months after we release 3.0.0. We've seen a decrease in CVEs over the last
## Community Health:
Community health is still a robust 4.7. We saw a decline in traffic on dev@
likely due to the end of year/holiday season.
Attachment CM: Report from the Apache TinkerPop Project [Kelvin Lawrence]
## Description:
Apache TinkerPop is a graph computing framework for both graph databases
(OLTP) and graph analytic systems (OLAP).
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.
## Project Status:
The project is ongoing with relatively high activities this past quarter.
## Membership Data:
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Yang Xia on 2023-03-15.
- No new committer. Last addition was Cole Greer on 2023-05-30
## Project Activity:
TinkerPop just released versions 3.5.8, 3.6.6, and 3.7.1 on November 20, 2023.
This is another triple release with new features included into 3.7.1, and
maintenance releases for 3.6.6 and 3.5.8. This release also marked the end of
the 3.5.x release line, users and providers have been recommended to upgrade.
With the release of 3.7.1, one of our biggest releases this year, we have
added over 20 new traversal functions for manipulating strings, lists, and
dates. These new functions will provide convenience for users in data querying
and manipulation, as it removes the need for certain complex closures
operations, and bridges a functionalities gap for providers that don't allow
closures for performance or security reasons.
We will be monitoring community feedback on these new functionalities for
issues and improvements in the next release cycle.
In the wider TinkerPop ecosystem, we recently learned of the launch of a graph
data lakehouse, PuppyGraph[1]. PuppyGraph is a TinkerPop enabled, cloud-native
graph system that allows users to run gremlin graph queries against existing
tabular data, and supports a wide array of databases and data lakes as sources
including Apache Hive, Apache Hudi, Apache Iceberg, MySQL, and PostgreSql. We
have also learned that TuGraph, being TinkerPop-enabled in its commercial
offering, has recently set a new LDBC benchmark record with Gremlin as the
query language, as announced under LDBC SNB Business Intelligence workload[2].
Additionally, JanusGraph, a long-time provider for TinkerPop, has launched
their full 1.0.0 release on TinkerPop 3.7.0 in October[3].
### Releases:
3.5.8 was released on 2023-11-20.
3.6.6 was released on 2023-11-20.
3.7.1 was released on 2023-11-20.
## Community Health:
Overall, the community is in good health. We have seen new PR contributions
this quarter in various modules of the project, and we continue to foster and
monitor contribution activity for potential new committers.
We again had some live events on Twitch[4], with an exciting roadmap update
from G.V() and a debut talk from the new TinkerPop provider, PuppyGraph. All
the recordings are available on our YouTube channel[5]:
* TinkerPop Wide: G.V() October 2023 Roadmap with Q&A[6] Presenter: Arthur
* TinkerPop Wide: PuppyGraph - Query your tables as a graph with Gremlin[7]
Presenter: Weimo
* Contributorcast: Apache TinkerPop 3.7.1/3.6.6/3.5.8 Post-Release Review[8]
Presenter: Yang Xia, Valentyn Kahamlyk, Cole Greer, Ken Hu, and Ryan Tan
* TinkerPop Gathering: We have hosted several 1-hour free-chat events on the
Discord channel, they have been crucial in gaining user feedback on the new
traversal functionalities in development, and has helped propel the feature
releases in 3.7.1 this quarter.
## Links
Attachment CN: Report from the Apache Traffic Server Project [Bryan Call]
## Description:
The mission of Traffic Server is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a fast, scalable and extensible HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 compliant
caching proxy server.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing with moderate activity
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache Traffic Server was founded 2010-04-20 (14 years ago)
There are currently 71 committers and 56 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:7.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Damian Meden on 2022-12-14.
- Josiah VanderZee was added as committer on 2024-01-07
- Zhengxi Li was added as committer on 2023-11-16
## Project Activity:
We made two bug fix and security related releases last quarter (8.1.9 and
9.2.3). These releases had patches to help with the HTTP/2 Rapid Reset
We are working on the next major release, scheduled for Q1 2024. We have
moved our build and CI system to cmake as part of this release. The release
will have HTTP/2 to origin support and experimental HTTP/3 support.
## Community Health:
We had our ATS Fall Summit remotely on November 14th and 15th with good
attendance numbers, approximately 45 people. We are in the process of
figuring out if we will have our spring summit remote or in person and where.
Due to the holidays some of our standup meetings were canceled, but they are
back on schedule for the new year. We are meeting on Monday for PR and issue
scrubs and on Tuesdays for the ATS 10 release.
Most of the community health metrics are down, which normally happens in Q4 of
each year, because of holiday vacations.
Attachment CO: Report from the Apache TsFile Project [Jialin Qiao]
## Description:
TsFile is a columnar storage file format designed for time series
data, which supports efficient compression, high throughput of read
and write, and compatibility with various frameworks.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing with high activity.
Issues for the board: no.
## Membership Data:
Apache TsFile was founded 2023-11-15 (2 month ago)
There are currently 18 committers and 18 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 1:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Project is initialized. new 18 PMC members
## Project Activity:
- Release
No release now.
- Main work of project
Sort out the connection layer between TsFile with IoTDB.
Copy the code of TsFile from Apache IoTDB, there are 3 modules in
TsFile repo now: tsfile, common, examples.
Configured the github issue, github actions.
## Community Health:
Great, the mail list is active.
Attachment CP: Report from the Apache Velocity Project [Nathan Bubna]
Attachment CQ: Report from the Apache Web Services Project [Daniel Kulp]
## Description:
Apache Web Services is a collection of shared technologies related to SOAP/XML
based Web Services that can be shared by different implementations. Spring-WS,
Axis2, CXF, and others use parts of the technology created within Apache Web
## Project Status:
Current project status: ongoing, low activity
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache Web Services was founded 2003-01-22 (21 years ago)
There are currently 223 committers and 43 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Robert Lazarski on 2021-06-14.
- No new committers. Last addition was Alessio Soldano on 2014-09-14.
## Project Activity:
WebServices is a mature project based on standards that are also quite mature.
As such, there is not a significant amount of activity required. However, user
questions are being answered promptly, bugs are being fixed, and there are at
least 3 independent PMC members around making sure the project can continue to
produce releases as needed. Since SOAP/XML based Web Services is no longer
considered state of the art, we don't expect a major uptick in new development
efforts, new committers, etc...
Activity this quarter was in a few areas:
1) Axiom - more updates for Jakarta namespace migration
2) WSS4J - some updates to enable a new signature algorithm, some dependency
updates, EdDSA keys
Releases this quarter:
WSS4J 3.0.2 was released on 2023-11-01
Past Releases:
Neethi-2.3.1 was released on 2023-09-11.
XmlSchema-2.3.0 was released on 2021-09-20.
Axiom-1.4.0: 2022-05-14
Woden-1.0M10: 2015-09
## Community Health:
As mentioned, SOAP/WebServices is not considered state-of-the-art anymore and
we are getting very little contribution from anyone other than the 2 or 3
regulars" that are driving features and changes needed for CXF (which is
being driven by their employers). Thus, we are not seeing any possibilities
for future new committers or PMC members. However, there are plenty of
people around that can do releases and answer questions and respond to
security issues. It's a mature project.
Attachment CR: Report from the Apache Zeppelin Project [Jongyoul Lee]
## Description:
The mission of Zeppelin is the creation and maintenance of software related to
A web-based notebook that enables interactive data analytics
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing with moderate activity
Issues for the board: The project is handling security issues with the highest
## Membership Data:
Apache Zeppelin was founded 2016-05-18 (8 years ago)
There are currently 24 committers and 11 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Jeff Zhang on 2018-01-25.
- No new committers. Last addition was Guanhua Li on 2022-12-03.
## Project Activity:
The project is preparing a new release of 0.11 for the first time in a year and
a half. The release vote starts soon
## Community Health:
The community is not that active recently but asks about the new release and I'm
preparing the new release which solved several security isseus
Attachment CS: Report from the Apache ZooKeeper Project [Flavio Paiva Junqueira]
## Description:
Apache ZooKeeper is a system for distributed coordination. It enables
the implementation of a variety of primitives and mechanisms that are
critical for safety and liveness in distributed settings, e.g.,
distributed locks, master election, group membership, and configuration.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: None
## Membership Data:
Apache ZooKeeper was founded 2010-11-17 (13 years ago)
There are currently 32 committers and 16 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 2:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Mate Szalay-Beko on 2022-03-28.
- No new committers. Last addition was Li Wang on 2023-03-17.
## Project Activity:
The community has proudly delivered three minor releases with multiple
improvements and bug fixes:
- 3.7.2 was released on 2023-10-09.
- 3.8.3 was released on 2023-10-09.
- 3.9.1 was released on 2023-10-09.
## Community Health:
Traffic dropped with the releases and the end-of-year break. The community
plans to continue to work on the issues for 3.10.0 and minor releases of
existing branches (3.7, 3.8, and 3.9) which are still broadly used.
- had a 22% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (79
emails compared to 101)
- had a 35% decrease in
traffic in the past quarter (138 emails compared to 211)
- had a 46% decrease in traffic in the past
quarter (164 emails compared to 303)
- had a 62%
decrease in traffic in the past quarter (16 emails compared to 42)
- 17 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (-58% change)
- 6 issues closed in JIRA, past quarter (-81% change)
- 23 commits in the past quarter (-73% change)
- 10 code contributors in the past quarter (-47% change)
- 18 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-60% change)
- 13 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-58% change)
End of minutes for the January 17, 2024 board meeting.