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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

                            March 20, 2024

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 21:00 UTC and began at 21:01 when
    a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was recognized by
    the chair.

    Other Time Zones:

    The meeting was held via teleconference, hosted by the Secretary
    via Zoom.

    The #asfboard channel on was used for backup.

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

      Rich Bowen
      Shane Curcuru
      Christofer Dutz
      Willem Ning Jiang
      Jeff Jirsa
      Justin Mclean
      Jean-Baptiste Onofré
      Craig L Russell
      Sander Striker

    Directors Absent:


    Executive Officers Present:

      Craig R. McClanahan
      David Nalley
      Matt Sicker

    Executive Officers Absent:

      Sharan Foga
      Ruth Suehle


      Brian Proffitt
      Daniel Gruno
      Dave Fisher
      Greg Stein
      Kanchana Pradeepika Welagedara
      Philipp Ottlinger

3. Minutes from previous meetings

    Published minutes can be found at:

    A. The meeting of February 21, 2024

       See: board_minutes_2024_02_21.txt

       Approved by General Consent.

4. Executive Officer Reports

    A. Board Chair [Sander Striker]

       Earlier this month we had our Annual Members Meeting.  I am happy to
       note that we could invite 60 new Members and welcome back 1 emeritus

       The members had a reasonable number of candidates to chose from this
       round and we ended up with a new board composed of two new directors
       and seven that already served as director in a prior term:

       I'd like to thank Bertrand Delacretaz for his for his commitment in
       serving on the board, and the contributions he has made during that
       time.  Similarly I would like to thank Sharan Foga for her dedication
       as well as the support she gave me as Vice Chair.

       And I'd like to welcome Jeff Jirsa and Jean-Baptiste Onofré.  They
       have already started to engage and put in effort into preparation for
       todays meeting.  I'm looking forward to hearing their views on items
       before the board.

       The process for the members meeting was the same as last year.  This
       time the messaging was clarified, and this helped with members getting
       attendence proxies and their votes in.  While I personally would call
       the meeting a success, I am still not happy with its synchronous
       nature, nor the platform we used.  When given the opportunity I will
       make further changes to solve these two aspects.

       Next month my focus is back on the board meetings.  I would like to
       resume our path of doing more asynchronously, and keep the Discussion
       Items section empty unless it is absolutely required to discuss
       something synchronously, e.g. because the topic requires executive

    B. President [David Nalley]

       I spent some time this month ensuring that our annual regulatory
       filings with the state of Delaware are complete and submitted.

       As indicated elsewhere, Mark Thomas and I attended CISA’s Open Source
       Security Summit representing the ASF. In addition to us, two other ASF
       members were present - Henri Yandell and Brian Fox, both representing
       their respective employers. We had a number of good conversations
       between other open source foundations and seniors members of the US
       federal government, including the Department of Homeland Security,
       Office of the National Cyber Director, Health and Human Services, and
       others. I had a chance to spend a brief amount of time with Eric
       Goldstein and Jen Easterly while they joined us.

       At the conclusion of the event, there was a table top exercise that
       explored security vulnerabilities, infrastructure outages and our
       ability to respond to it. This was a very valuable exercise, and I
       asked CISA if they would be willing to send their Table Top Exercise
       team to ApacheCon to run this scenario through with a couple of our
       projects, the security team, infrastructure, and M&P participating.
       They are tentatively planning on doing so, but I still have some
       coordination work to do with conferences and attendees.

       Additionally, please see Attachments 1 through 9.

    C. Treasurer [Craig R. McClanahan]

       As with previous months, things continue to run smoothly.

       One task of note that was recently completed was filing our Form 990,
       the non-profit version of an income tax report, for the 2022-2023
       fiscal year.  The firm that had previously been preparing this report
       for us declined to do so this year, so IgniteSpot (which also does our
       day-to-day accounting) offered to do so, and I accepted the offer.

    D. Secretary [Matt Sicker]

       In February, the secretary received 50 ICLAs, 3 CCLAs, 4 software
       grants, and one membership emeritus request.

    E. Executive Vice President [Ruth Suehle]

       Good progress on the new logo project, as referenced in the M&P report. We have a couple of promising directions from the designer that maintain ties to our existing brand while moving us away from the feather imagery. 

       Community Over Code NA -- Still very light on sponsors compared to past years, which seems comparable to what other events are experiencing this year. However, I'm still holding on booking anything beyond core necessities until we see more promise of financial support on that. 

       Also starting to explore options for 2025 location.

    F. Vice Chair [Sharan Foga]

       No report was submitted.

    Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

5. Additional Officer Reports

    A. VP of W3C Relations [Andy Seaborne / Justin]

       No report was submitted.

    B. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Roman Shaposhnik / Shane]

       See Attachment 11

    C. Apache Security Team Project [Mark J. Cox / Willem]

       See Attachment 12

    Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

6. Committee Reports

    Summary of Reports

     The following reports required further discussion:

        # ECharts [jmclean]
        # Flink [clr]
        # HAWQ [rbowen]
        # Helix [ningjiang]
        # Iceberg [jbo]
        # Lucene [ningjiang]
        # Mnemonic [jjirsa]
        # Public Affairs [striker]
        # Submarine [cdutz]
        # Superset [rbowen]
        # TomEE [jmclean]
        # cTAKES [cdutz]

    A. Apache Airflow Project [Bolke de Bruin / Sander]

       See Attachment A

    B. Apache Allura Project [David Philip Brondsema / Craig]

       See Attachment B

    C. Apache Ant Project [Jan Materne / Jeff]

       See Attachment C

    D. Apache Atlas Project [Madhan Neethiraj / Jean-Baptiste]

       See Attachment D

    E. Apache Axis Project [Robert Lazarski / Rich]

       See Attachment E

    F. Apache Beam Project [Kenneth Knowles / Sander]

       See Attachment F

    G. Apache Bigtop Project [Masatake Iwasaki / Christofer]

       See Attachment G

    H. Apache Bloodhound Project [Gary Martin / Justin]

       No report was submitted.

    I. Apache BookKeeper Project [Enrico Olivelli / Rich]

       See Attachment I

    J. Apache BVal Project [Matthew Jason Benson / Jeff]

       See Attachment J

    K. Apache Camel Project [Andrea Cosentino / Shane]

       See Attachment K

    L. Apache Cayenne Project [Michael Ray Gentry / Jean-Baptiste]

       See Attachment L

    M. Apache CloudStack Project [Rohit Yadav / Willem]

       See Attachment M

    N. Apache Commons Project [Gary D. Gregory / Craig]

       See Attachment N

    O. Apache Cordova Project [Bryan Ellis / Willem]

       See Attachment O

    P. Apache cTAKES Project [Pei Chen / Christofer]

       See Attachment P

    Q. Apache Curator Project [Enrico Olivelli / Craig]

       See Attachment Q

    R. Apache Daffodil Project [Mike Beckerle / Sander]

       See Attachment R

    S. Apache DeltaSpike Project [Mark Struberg / Jeff]

       See Attachment S

    T. Apache Drill Project [Charles Givre / Rich]

       See Attachment T

    U. Apache ECharts Project [Wenli Zhang / Jean-Baptiste]

       See Attachment U

    V. Apache Felix Project [Karl Pauls / Shane]

       See Attachment V

    W. Apache Flex Project [Harbs / Justin]

       No report was submitted.

    X. Apache Flink Project [Robert Metzger / Shane]

       See Attachment X

    Z. Apache Geronimo Project [Jean-Louis Monteiro / Justin]

       See Attachment Z

    AA. Apache Gobblin Project [Abhishek Tiwari / Rich]

       See Attachment AA

    AB. Apache Gora Project [Kevin Ratnasekera / Sander]

       See Attachment AB

    AC. Apache Guacamole Project [Mike Jumper / Jeff]

       See Attachment AC

    AD. Apache Gump Project [Stefan Bodewig / Christofer]

       See Attachment AD

    AE. Apache HAWQ Project [Lei Chang / Justin]

       See Attachment AE

       @Willem: follow up with HAWQ PMC on submitting a report

    AF. Apache Helix Project [Junkai Xue / Willem]

       See Attachment AF

    AG. Apache Hive Project [Naveen Gangam / Craig]

       See Attachment AG

    AH. Apache Hudi Project [Vinoth Chandar / Jean-Baptiste]

       See Attachment AH

    AI. Apache Iceberg Project [Ryan Blue / Shane]

       See Attachment AI

       @Jean-Baptiste: follow up with Iceberg PMC about committer

    AJ. Apache Impala Project [Jim Apple / Jean-Baptiste]

       See Attachment AJ

    AK. Apache Incubator Project [Justin Mclean]

       See Attachment AK

    AL. Apache IoTDB Project [Xiangdong Huang / Justin]

       See Attachment AL

    AM. Apache Jackrabbit Project [Marcel Reutegger / Sander]

       See Attachment AM

    AN. Apache Karaf Project [Jean-Baptiste Onofré / Willem]

       See Attachment AN

    AO. Apache Kvrocks Project [Hulk Lin / Christofer]

       See Attachment AO

    AP. Apache Kyuubi Project [Kent Yao / Craig]

       See Attachment AP

    AQ. Apache Libcloud Project [Tomaž Muraus / Jeff]

       No report was submitted.

    AR. Apache Linkis Project [Shuai Di / Rich]

       See Attachment AR

    AS. Apache Logging Services Project [Volkan Yazici / Jeff]

       See Attachment AS

    AT. Apache Lucene Project [Chris Hegarty / Sander]

       See Attachment AT

    AU. Apache Lucene.Net Project [Shad Storhaug / Christofer]

       See Attachment AU

    AV. Apache Mnemonic Project [Gordon King / Jeff]

       See Attachment AV

       @Sander: follow up on project pivot status

    AW. Apache Mynewt Project [Szymon Janc / Shane]

       No report was submitted.

    AX. Apache NetBeans Project [Geertjan Wielenga / Craig]

       See Attachment AX

    AY. Apache OFBiz Project [Jacopo Cappellato / Willem]

       See Attachment AY

    AZ. Apache Olingo Project [Michael Bolz / Justin]

       See Attachment AZ

    BA. Apache OpenDAL Project [Hao Ding / Jean-Baptiste]

       See Attachment BA

    BB. Apache OpenNLP Project [Jeff Zemerick / Rich]

       See Attachment BB

    BC. Apache OpenWebBeans Project [Mark Struberg / Jeff]

       See Attachment BC

    BD. Apache Pig Project [Koji Noguchi / Sander]

       No report was submitted.

    BE. Apache Pinot Project [Kishore G / Craig]

       No report was submitted.

    BF. Apache Pivot Project [Roger Lee Whitcomb / Craig]

       No report was submitted.

    BG. Apache PLC4X Project [Christofer Dutz]

       See Attachment BG

    BH. Apache Portable Runtime (APR) Project [Yann Ylavic / Jean-Baptiste]

       See Attachment BH

    BI. Apache Portals Project [Neil Griffin / Rich]

       See Attachment BI

    BJ. Apache Pulsar Project [Matteo Merli / Willem]

       See Attachment BJ

    BK. Apache Ranger Project [Selvamohan Neethiraj / Shane]

       See Attachment BK

    BL. Apache RocketMQ Project [Xiaorui Wang / Christofer]

       See Attachment BL

    BM. Apache Royale Project [Yishay Weiss / Justin]

       See Attachment BM

    BN. Apache SeaTunnel Project [Jun Gao / Rich]

       See Attachment BN

    BO. Apache ServiceComb Project [Bao Liu / Craig]

       See Attachment BO

    BP. Apache ServiceMix Project [Krzysztof Sobkowiak / Justin]

       See Attachment BP

    BQ. Apache Shiro Project [Brian Demers / Sander]

       See Attachment BQ

    BR. Apache SINGA Project [Wang Wei / Willem]

       No report was submitted.

    BS. Apache Sling Project [Robert Munteanu / Jeff]

       See Attachment BS

    BT. Apache SpamAssassin Project [Sidney Markowitz / Jean-Baptiste]

       See Attachment BT

    BU. Apache Storm Project [Richard Zowalla / Shane]

       See Attachment BU

    BV. Apache Submarine Project [Kevin Su / Christofer]

       No report was submitted.

       @Christofer: pursue a roll call vote for Submarine

    BW. Apache Superset Project [Maxime Beauchemin / Sander]

       See Attachment BW

       @Rich: follow up on questions

    BX. Apache Synapse Project [Isuru Udana / Justin]

       No report was submitted.

    BY. Apache Tomcat Project [Mladen Turk / Craig]

       See Attachment BY

    BZ. Apache TomEE Project [David Blevins / Jean-Baptiste]

       See Attachment BZ

       @Justin: follow up on mail list moderation

    CA. Apache TsFile Project [Jialin Qiao / Willem]

       See Attachment CA

    CB. Apache TVM Project [Tianqi Chen / Shane]

       See Attachment CB

    CC. Apache UIMA Project [Richard Eckart de Castilho / Christofer]

       See Attachment CC

    CD. Apache Unomi Project [Serge Huber / Jeff]

       See Attachment CD

    CE. Apache VCL Project [Josh Thompson / Christofer]

       See Attachment CE

    CF. Apache Wicket Project [Andrea Del Bene / Rich]

       No report was submitted.

    CG. Apache Xerces Project [Michael Glavassevich / Justin]

       See Attachment CG

    CH. Apache Yetus Project [Allen Wittenauer / Shane]

       See Attachment CH

    CI. Apache ZooKeeper Project [Flavio Paiva Junqueira / Rich]

       See Attachment CI

    Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.

7. Special Orders

    A. Establish the Apache Pekko Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of
       the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to
       establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation and
       maintenance of open-source software, for distribution at no charge to
       the public, related to a toolkit and an ecosystem for building highly
       concurrent, distributed, reactive and resilient applications for Java
       and Scala.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee
       (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Pekko Project", be and hereby
       is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Pekko be and hereby is responsible for
       the creation and maintenance of software related to a toolkit and an
       ecosystem for building highly concurrent, distributed, reactive and
       resilient applications for Java and Scala; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Pekko" be
       and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the
       direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache
       Pekko Project, and to have primary responsibility for management of the
       projects within the scope of responsibility of the Apache Pekko
       Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are
       appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache Pekko

       * Jonas Chapuis <> 
       * Matthew de Detrich <> 
       * Arnout Engelen <> 
       * PJ Fanning <> 
       * Sean Glover <> 
       * Guobin Li <> 
       * Justin Mclean <> 
       * Greg Methvin <> 
       * Alexandru Nedelcu <> 
       * Jean-Baptiste Onofré <> 
       * He Pin <> 
       * Samuele Resca <> 
       * Johannes Rudolph <> 
       * Dani Schroeter <> 
       * Roman Shaposhnik <> 
       * Ryan Skraba <> 
       * Nicolas Vollmar <> 
       * Claude Warren <> 
       * Sheng Wu <> 

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that PJ Fanning be appointed to
       the office of Vice President, Apache Pekko, to serve in
       accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors
       and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
       removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Pekko Project be and hereby is tasked with
       the migration and rationalization of the Apache Incubator Pekko
       podling; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache Incubator
       Pekko podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator PMC are hereafter

       Special Order 7A, Establish the Apache Pekko Project, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    B. Change the Apache CloudStack Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Rohit Yadav
       (rohit) to the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
       Rohit Yadav from the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and

       WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache CloudStack
       project has chosen by vote to recommend Daniel Augusto Veronezi
       Salvador (gutoveronezi) as the successor to the post;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Rohit Yadav is relieved and
       discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
       President, Apache CloudStack, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Daniel Augusto Veronezi Salvador be and
       hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack,
       to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board
       of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation,
       retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is

       Special Order 7B, Change the Apache CloudStack Project Chair,
       was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    C. Establish the Apache Celeborn Project

       Establish the Apache Celeborn Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of
       the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to establish
       a Project Management Committee charged with the creation and maintenance
       of open-source software, for distribution at no charge to the public,
       related to an intermediate data service for big data computing engines
       to boost performance, stability, and flexibility.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee
       (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Celeborn Project", be and hereby is
       established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Celeborn Project be and hereby is responsible
       for the creation and maintenance of software related to an intermediate
       data service for big data computing engines to boost performance,
       stability, and flexibility; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Celeborn" be and
       hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the
       direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache Celeborn
       Project, and to have primary responsibility for management of the
       projects within the scope of responsibility of the Apache Celeborn
       Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are
       appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache Celeborn

       * Becket Qin <>
       * Cheng Pan <>
       * Duo Zhang <>
       * Ethan Feng <>
       * Fu Chen <>
       * Jiashu Xiong <>
       * Kerwin Zhang <>
       * Keyong Zhou <>
       * Lidong Dai <>
       * Willem Ning Jiang <>
       * Wu Wei <>
       * Yi Zhu <>
       * Yu Li <>

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Keyong Zhou be appointed to
       the office of Vice President, Apache Celeborn, to serve in accordance
       with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the
       Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal
       or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Celeborn Project be and hereby is tasked with
       the migration and rationalization of the Apache Incubator Celeborn
       podling; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache Incubator
       Celeborn podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator PMC are hereafter

       Special Order 7C, Establish the Apache Celeborn Project, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

    D. Establish the Apache Paimon Project

       Establish the Apache Paimon Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of
       the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to establish
       a Project Management Committee charged with the creation and maintenance
       of open-source software, for distribution at no charge to the public,
       related to a unified lake storage to build dynamic tables for both
       stream and batch processing with big data compute engines, supporting
       high-speed data ingestion and real-time data query.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee
       (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Paimon Project", be and hereby is
       established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Paimon Project be and hereby is responsible
       for the creation and maintenance of software related to a unified lake
       storage to build dynamic tables for both stream and batch processing
       with big data compute engines, supporting high-speed data ingestion and
       real-time data query; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Paimon" be and
       hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the
       direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache Paimon
       Project, and to have primary responsibility for management of the
       projects within the scope of responsibility of the Apache Paimon
       Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are
       appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache Paimon Project:

       * Becket Qin <>
       * Caizhi Weng <>
       * Fang Yong <>
       * Feng Wang <>
       * Jingsong Lee <>
       * Nicholas Jiang <>
       * Robert Metzger <>
       * Stephan Ewen <>
       * Timo Walther <>
       * Yann Byron (Bi Yan) <>
       * Yu Li <>
       * Zelin Yu <>

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Jingsong Lee be appointed
       to the office of Vice President, Apache Paimon, to serve in accordance
       with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the
       Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal
       or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Paimon Project be and hereby is tasked with
       the migration and rationalization of the Apache Incubator Paimon
       podling; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache Incubator
       Paimon podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator PMC are hereafter

       Special Order 7D, Establish the Apache Paimon Project, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

8. Discussion Items

    A. Appoint Board Chair and Vice Chair

       At the first Board meeting after its election, the Board reviews
       Board Chair and Vice Chair appointments.

       The board held an executive session beginning at 19:51 UTC.

       The board appointed Shane as the Chair and Justin as Vice Chair.

       The executive session concluded at 20:19.

    B. Board Calendar

       Determine the best time for the board meeting.

       - 21:00 UTC all year round

       The board approves the meeting calendar proposal by general consent.

9. Review Outstanding Action Items

    * Rich: follow up on MADlib report prior to April
          [ MADlib 2024-01-17 ]

    * Sander: pursue a roll-call for Mnemonic
          [ Mnemonic 2024-01-17 ]
          Status: Followed up on dev@:

    * Willem: follow up on voting process
          [ Doris 2024-02-21 ]
          Status: Talking to the team
                  and update the wiki page for voting

    * Christofer: follow up on PMC member private subscriptions
          [ Empire-db 2024-02-21 ]
          Status: Sent an email to the private list, however didn't get any
                  response within almost 3 weeks (if no response has come in to
                  the board meeting) ... potentially a roll call could be
                  required here. From another look at the activity in the
                  project I see a maximum of 2 people working on it. Update: So
                  it seems that there has been some activity in form of 2 PMC
                  members asking to be removed from the PMC.

    * Christofer: follow up on email to ignite
          [ Ignite 2024-02-21 ]
          Status: Sent an email to the private list. In general it seems the
                  project has understood the way things looked from the outside
                  and were discussing re-starting the vote email. I left some
                  suggestions there that they should probably put some extra
                  effort in that the project doesn't seem to be under corporate

    * Craig: follow up on final release
          [ Pivot 2024-02-21 ]
          Status: The final release is being prepared. Stay tuned.

    * Willem: follow up on formalizing meeting minutes
          [ ShenYu 2024-02-21 ]
          Status: I had a chat with the PMC Chair, but the format of the meeting
                  minutes has not changed. I will work on meeting minutes with
                  the team this month.

    * Craig: initiate discussion around board agenda review comments on the board
          [ Board agenda review comments 2024-02-21 ]
          Status: Thanks to Shane for initiating this. Please see discussion at

    * Craig: follow up on filing bug report to Whimsy around project web site
          [ Project web site checks failing 2024-02-21 ]
          Status: A few items have been addressed. Arnot has asked about the
                  security flags. More will follow as I have time. I initiated a
                  discussion on Incubator general about whether podlings must
                  have .incubator in their URLs. There is general agreement that
                  removing this will help podlings.

10. Unfinished Business

11. New Business

12. Announcements

13. Adjournment

    Adjourned at 22:20 UTC


Attachment 1: Report from the VP of Brand Management  [Mark Thomas]

Covering the period February 2024




Responded to the following queries, liaising with projects as required:
- updated the events policy to remove the requirement to notify ComDev of
  proposed event dates
- approved events for PULSAR, NUTTX and DORIS
- approved use of FREEMARKER logo with the simple-icons project
- approved use of SPARK logo for a YouTube channel
- approved name searches for XTABLE, GLUTEN and AMORO
- approved use of SUPERSET logo on a non-ASF website


Worked with counsel to renew our APACHE registration in Japan.


Provided advice to ICEBERG regarding a possibly infringing page on a social
media site.

Provided advice to FREEMARKER regarding potential infringements.

The AIRFLOW PMC is continuing to address a potential infringement with an
external service.

Attachment 2: Report from the VP of Fundraising  [Bob Paulin]

1) ASF Sponsors:

a --No new Sponsors were onboarded at this time. We are working with three
organizations seeking to become ASF Sponsors.

b --Renewals: one Platinum Sponsor has confirmed their renewal.

c --Payments: 1 --New: we received no new Sponsor payments.

     2a --Renewing: we received renewal payments from one Platinum, one Gold,
     one Silver, and one Bronze Sponsor.

    2b --Incoming: we await payment from two renewing Platinum, three renewing
    Gold, one new Silver, and one renewing Bronze Sponsor.

2) Targeted Sponsors: we are renewing a Bronze Targeted Sponsor as well as
reviewing a potential Targeted Sponsor’s proposed support for an Apache
project and its community.

3) Sponsor Relations: we have been focusing our Sponsor outreach on
identifying and engaging with new Sponsor points-of-contact, as well as
providing updates on ASF events that include Community Over Code.

4) Event Sponsorship: we are overseeing the contractual/invoicing aspects of
Community Over Code sponsorships and also liaising with Marketing & Publicity
and Conferences teams on some sponsor requests involving conference benefits
and promotional opportunities.

5) Individual Donations and Corporate Giving: we received $18K in online
donations via , which included one repeat corporate

6) Administrivia: we are making good progress with the Treasury and Accounting
teams on resolving some Sponsor invoicing issues.

Attachment 3: Report from the VP of Marketing and Publicity  [Brian Proffitt]

Foundation Comms
* Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache CloudStack 4.19[1]
* Apache Wicket: Coordination and review began for announcement of v10 release
* Quarterly PMC Email:  focused on M&P Wiki and 25th Anniversary promos
* Apache AGE: Met with AGE team to discuss M&P services including Project
  Spotlight Series

25th Anniversary Project

* Constantia began strategic planning and content elements for the 25th
  anniversary including:
** Press release
** Social Media Giveaway Contest:  required coordination with ASF legal
** Graphics / infographics

Branding Project
* Enlisted graphic designer to develop anniversary logo(s) with guidance from
  Native consultant

Social Media Posts In total, 75 posts were published: 47 Tweets + 28 LinkedIn.
The increase in posts can be attributed to Community Over Code (EU and NA)
promotions  being ramped up as well as an uptick in project news from the
announce list.

Notable Takeaways: All social metrics saw an upward trend in February with
impressions and post link clicks up over 60% MoM. The Apache CloudStack 4.19
news was the top performing content.

Social Highlights (X + LinkedIn)
* Total Audience: 136,129
* New Followers in February: 532
* Total Impressions: 138,874 (61% increase MoM)
* Total Engagements: 3,347 (58.3%)
* Post Link Clicks: 1,647 (60.2%)

859,347 visits, 859,320 unique visitors -1.7% 2 min 50s average visit duration
+50.4% 47% visits have bounced (left the website after one page) 0%
9.3 actions (page views, downloads, outlinks, and internal site searches) per
visit +257.7% 10,001 max actions in one visit 0% 7,165,756 pageviews,
1,030,539 unique pageviews +384.2% 5 total searches on your website, 2 unique
keywords -64.3% 484,357 downloads, 336,526 unique downloads +2.8% 288,689
outlinks, 188,728 unique outlinks -2.3%


Attachment 4: Report from the VP of Infrastructure  [Myrle Krantz]

Infrastructure is operating as expected, and has no current issues
requiring escalation to the President or the Board.

- Upcoming team meeting in Sacremento, California.

- We are tracking to our budget, and will start planning the FY25
  Infra budget shortly.

Long Range Priorities
- Artifact Distribution Platform
- Agenda Tool

General Activity
- Regular activity of upgrading boxes off Ubuntu 18.04 (EOL'd) onto
  22.04. This also allows us to move more boxes to LetsEncrypt for
  their TLS connections.
- We continue working on moving Jira and Confluence to the Atlassian
  cloud-based products. Greg met with our assigned Atlassian people at
  their office in Austin, Texas.
- More work on spam handling, DKIM, and DMARC.
- We have continued our Roundtable events each month, and are starting
  a monthly newsletter to reach out to our communities about Infra's
- Added some monitoring of GitHub Action usage, as that is a single
  pool used by everybody. Tragedy of the Commons, and all that.

Attachment 5: Report from the VP of Conferences  [Brian Proffitt]

Community Over Code EU
* Speakers selected, information sent about registration, slides
* Sponsorship still remains low. An email campaign for both EU and NA event
  sponsorship was sent out to 42 potential sponsors on March 12.

Community Over Code NA
* Cassandra Summit has opted not to have a co-located event in Denver. They
  now have a single track within Community Over Code NA
* 16 sessions (as of 3/13/24) have been submitted in the CFP
* CFP has been extended to 4/15/24

Community Over Code Asia
* CFP ongoing, 32 sessions submission by March 15th

Attachment 6: Report from the Apache Travel Assistance Committee  [Gavin McDonald]

Current Events

Comununity Over Code EU 2024

Applications closed, a judges call happened on the 3rd of March. Sixteen
people out of thirty six were accepted. One of those has since pulled out due
to changed circumstances. Some flights have already been booked, whilst other
people are in the process of applying for Visas. We have a Travel Agent
assisting with the intricacies of those applications and will book flights
using that Travel agent as Visas get approved.

Comununity Over Code Asia 2024

Applications are open and will close on the 8th of May. So far we have had 12
applications. Judges will be called for this event soon.

Comununity Over Code NA 2024

Applications will open on the 20th March and close on the 6th of May.

Monthly Meetings

For at least the run up to events, we will now hold monthly meetings on the
second Tuesday. With multiple events to support at the same time and different
people running each event we thought a monthly live call would compliment our
mailing list and Slack Channels. Any interested members or other Operations
folks are welcome to attend these.


TAC App is open and accepting applications. The app stability has improved
since it was migrated to a new VM in a different DC

Future Events

Looking into a few other events as always. With 3 Community Over Code events
happening we may not have enough volunteer time to take on anything else

Short/Medium Term Priorities

Keeping an eye out for other smaller events to support. We are keen to hear
about project events. Examples would be Flink Forward, Cassandra Summit etc.
Ideally we would have one TAC volunteer committee member look after these
smaller events and reach out to projects, and will pose that to the list.

Mailing List Activity

Discussions happening around current and future events, call for judges etc.


No changes to the membership this month.

Attachment 7: Report from the VP of Diversity and Inclusion  [David Nalley]

Attachment 8: Report from the VP of Data Privacy  [Christian Grobmeier]

# General

There are no issues that need urgent attention.

Currently, 47 projects have requested a Matomo code (+5).
10 Matomo sites don't receive traffic at this point (not yet implemented).

# Open tasks

- Follow up on the idea of blocking 3rd party tracking on the infra-level.
  Tracked on:
- Add "canned responses" and instructions on how to run the privacy office to the website
- Investigate TAC for data privacy and develop a targeted version for the committee
- Clarify responsibility for the Matomo VM

Attachment 9: Report from the VP of Public Affairs  [Dirk-Willem van Gulik]

With the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) now through final vote
(icons at top of page to select a language - e.g. in English: all
 that now we’re waiting for is the publication in the official journal to
 anchor the various legal `in-effect' dates.  Meanwhile the Product Liability
 Directive (PLD) is proceeding apace. The EU interoperability-act and the
 Artificial Intelligence (AI) act cleared the Parliament March 13
  The Standards Essential Patents Regulation (SEP) also cleared parliament -
  and while not ideal - it is not a disaster for open source either.

With that, the focus for the CRA is now firmly shifted towards implementation.
There are several things going on here in parallel.

First - we’re working with our peers (i.e. well-governed open source
organisations that are likely to meet the not-yet-created definition of an
open source steward) to see of we can take the `good things’ we do today
around security, triage, releases, CVEs and so on - and officially define
these as industry best practice baseline.

So this is nothing new (for us) - but does formalize things like; `triage
vulnerability reports according to risk & fast track if needed', `fix issues',
do not release code with known issues, move a project to the Attic if no longer
maintained, do responsible/coordinated disclosure, etc. And we want to make
these more formal. Using bits from ISO 27001 or ISO 29147 & right-size these
to the open source steward role.

Secondly - we met with various European Commission Directorates' experts
and European Standards Organisations (ESOs) folks face to face in the last
weeks. News here was not overly good - they fully understand the
dichotomy in open source: its role -- I.e of us being something both akin to an
extension/core of the industry; and also akin to citizens/society
organisation where people, rather than companies, build something collectively.
- the other shoe has not quite dropped yet. I.e. that open-source is not just
  another (national) company that can work with (national) interests to do the
  right things in CEN/CENELEC or other ESOs. This is even more important as
  increasingly the ESOs are not standardising fairly value neutral things such
  as how to measure the fire-proofness of a wall in hours or the frequency
  deviation (all measurable with normal objective `kit' such as a stopwatch or
  an oscilloscope) -- but things such as `what is the right way to balance
  privacy v.s. security'.  And this is made worse as there is not much `open'
  to the process of creating 'open standards'.

That said - in a bit of good news - open standards have become a bit more open
-- the wonderful Carl Malamud fought all the way to the European Court of
   Justice to get citizen free/unfettered access to harmonised standards that
   are, essentially, part of the law. (Background - unlike the IETF(RFC) and
   W3C standards that rule the IT world - most ISO, CEN and similar standards
   are behind a paywall).

The other issue of concern is that, for the CRA, the EC expects CENELEC to
deliver. However, the recent effort of CEN/CENELEC to deliver on the Radio
Emission Directive (RED) saw CENELEC (in their own words) deliver late and
with sub-par standard processes and sub-standard quality standards. And they
(fairly) point at the lack of time and lack of volunteers. This despite RED
aligning with their traditional expertise and community. The CRA effort is, I
think, significantly larger than RED. And their community has not yet
attracted the needed people and expertise. And there is less time. Basically -
CENELEC hails from the world of Information Communication Technology; with a
lot of emphasis on that 'C' of Communications. Whereas open source is largely
the world of (generic) IT. I.e. higher on the stack (also from a political &
consumer perspective).

Also f importance here is that the US, at these meetings, indicated that
while it agrees on the CRA outcome, it is not married to the EU Standard
approach. The US will do its own thing and was quite clear that it is perfectly
willing to have the US National Institute for Standards and Technology
(NIST) directly author/create these.

Thirdly - I am talking to the other open source foundations and OFE to see if
we can help our community help itself by including EU companies in our
communities in the various funding rounds that are available to evaluate the
impact of the CRA, to create the tooling needed at Micro-, Small and Medium
Enterprises (SMEs), to evaluate that tooling and so on. This is a bit slow
going. Part of the complexity is that we, as a USA organisation, and a
volunteer organisation are not practically eligible for anything. This is
rather sad - as arguably we'd be in a great position to help our community
help itself if we could work at the aggregate level.

So much for the CRA.

On AI not much to report - for the ASF Michael Wechner is keeping an eye on
this for us. Vote in the parliament just passed - with final language versions
still appearing.
That means it will start to go into full force well before the end of the year
(for high risk) AI.

Similar for the Interoperability Act, which will require the EU to form an
interoperability expert community that includes open source. Not sure if the
ASF has the volunteering capacity in Europe for that.

Product Liability Directive (PLD) - similar situation - probably going to be
voted through by the parliament mid April - and it is therefore likely that it
will not benefit from the better definitions of open source stewards in the CRA.
This will cause noise; especially for our downstream community.

The Standard Essential Patents Regulation went through the European Parliament
much faster than expected. Overall it is in a reasonable state from the ASF
perspective. We currently lack volunteers here to really contribute/help right
the wrongs. But OFE is coordinating good work here from the likes of OSI and
other experts.

Finally - Regulation 1025
that defines how standards are managed & the level of access by industry and
civil society is up for renewal/updating. When it was originally written, free
and open source software was more seen as a business-model/variation of normal
corporate activity. I.e. a special, small, form of commercial activity. And
Information, Communication Technology (ICT) standards something else. With
companies firmly in charge of this field.

Today the situation is almost reversed - with 95% of products with digital
elements being open source that is shared across products. And general
Information Technology (IT, so without the C) far eclipsing ICT. Several of
our peer orgs are trying to get involved and help modernise this. I will try
to see if we can get expert volunteering for this in the ASF - but am
expecting that resource constraints mean that we are leaving this to the
organizations around OFE and the more expert players in our downstream industry.

As for the US - I'll let David report on that.

Attachment 10: Report from the VP of W3C Relations  [Andy Seaborne]

Attachment 11: Report from the Apache Legal Affairs Committee  [Roman Shaposhnik]

Past month has been pretty calm. Committee members took good care of resolving
most issues on time. After resolving a handful of LEGAL issues, we are flat at
19 issues.

M&P reached out to VP Legal regarding clarifying implications for running
sweepstakes. We reviewed the proposed T&Cs and suggested one small
clarification. Other than that this project is good to go from our

Attachment 12: Report from the Apache Security Team Project  [Mark J. Cox]

- Apache Archiva retired to the Attic with a number of open security
  reports. We took care of publishing advisories for those.

- Apache Ambari has published advisories for all issues that were
  previously briefly prematurely disclosed by a third party. We're
  still planning a retrospective to ensure the communication
  expectations are understood.

- We looked into the Cc/Reply-to issue that is causing issues with
  emails not being delivered to GMail mailboxes, which also affects
  security reports.

- We reviewed the preliminary report of the OSTIF audit of several
  Apache Commons components and provided feedback.

- We worked with the Santuario project to improve the messaging around
  the XML Security for C++ project.

- We provided input to Infra on how to improve the security and
  privacy of Apache project websites by applying an Apache-wide
  default Content-Security-Policy header (INFRA-25518).

Stats for Feb 2024:

        46      [license confusion]
        14      [support request/question not security notification]
        10      [report/question relating to dependencies]

Security reports: 78 (last months: 86, 70, 74, 76)

        11      ['airflow']
        5       ['dolphinscheduler']
        4       ['tomcat']
        4       ['website or other infrastructure']
        3       ['pulsar', 'spark', 'superset']
        2       ['cloudstack', 'commons', 'db', 'guacamole', 'linkis',
                'trafficserver', 'tvm' ]
        1       ['answer', 'apisix', 'apr', 'arrow', 'aurora', 'beam',
                'camel', 'datafu', 'dubbo', 'flex', 'flink', 'groovy',
                'httpd', 'ibb', 'kafka', 'lucene', 'lucenenet',
                'mahout', 'mesos', 'mxnet', 'parquet', 'qpid',
                'shenyu', 'servicecomb', 'storm', 'streampipes',
                'submarine', 'tribes', 'velocity', 'wicket',

     In total, as of 1st March 2024, we're tracking 173 (last
     months: 199, 175) open issues across 67 projects, median age 82
     days (last months: 90, 119). 61 of those issues have CVE names

     23 (last month: 28) of these issues, across 8 projects, are older
     than 365 days.

Attachment A: Report from the Apache Airflow Project  [Bolke de Bruin]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Airflow is the creation and maintenance of software 
related to workflow automation and scheduling that can be used to author and 
manage data pipelines

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing (High activity)
Issues for the board: No issues worth board attention

## Membership Data:
Apache Airflow was founded 2018-12-19 (5 years ago)
There are currently 61 committers and 33 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 8:5.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Andrey Anshin was added to the PMC on 2024-01-15
- No new committers. Last addition was Utkarsh Sharma on 2023-11-29.

## Project Activity:

* We continue the steady release of bug fixes (2.8.*) and new feature releases
(2.9) as well as regular Provider releases, Helm Chart and Python client.

* Security: We achieved 100% artifacts build reproducibility - for Airflow, 90
  providers, Helm Chart and Python client. We continue processing the security
  issues in a reasonable time, we have a strong response team that reacts
  quickly for severe issues (including one false alert where we were mislead
  by reporter description that project is much more severe, but we’ve been
  cooperating with Apache Superset (same component was vulnerable) and we
  managed to jointly work out good and reasonable response without unnecessary
  alerting our users. Work is ongoing on finishing what had been started with
  Sovereign Tech Fund with the goal of setting an example of being “CRA ready”
  long before CRA will even be defined. We introduced rotation of security
  team members and some of the new members are actively engaged in solving and
  triaging the issues already.
* Upcoming 2.9 release is packed with features - we continue to evolve Airflow
  and do not let it stagnate, even with its 10 years history and incumbent
  status, we have quite a few new AIP(s) Airflow Improvement Proposals that we
  actively discuss and implement, and we continuously modernize both internal
  (CI/Development tools, new Contributor’s experience) as well as user-facing
   side of Airflow. We’ve almost completed modern UI rewrite of Airflow
   resulting with slick and coherent, responsive application, we are also
   strengthening our Data-Driven Scheduling Capabilities, Several improvements
   we developed over last few years got to the point that they allow for great
   synergies between then and with new improvements coming, and we seem to
   continue innovating with increasing speed
- which seems like quite an achievement for 10 years old software. We started
  to address some of the problems that we had no capacity or energy for but
  they were highly requested by our users (e.g. DAG versioning)

* The most active initiatives - interestingly enough a number of those are
  driven by individuals with very diverse affiliations - including some
  newcomers, but we also have a few people who return to active contributions
  after being away or less active for a while.
  * AIP-49: OTEL Traces
  * AIP-57: Refactor SLA feature
  * AIP-58 Airflow ObjectStore (AS)
  * AIP-61: Hybrid Execution
  * AIP-62: Getting Lineage from Hook instrumentation
  * AIP-63: DAG Versioning (3 sub-DAGs AIP-64,65,66)
  * AIP-67: Multi-Tenancy in Airflow

* We started regular Town-Hall online meetings (three meetings already). We
  still have to see the effect of it but Briana Okyere
  (Astronomer employee) who took the role of Community Manager is very visible
   and impactful in the community leading a number of initiatives - like Town
   Hall, PR of the month, Meetups, working on Airflow Summit, Monthly
   newsletters, proposing code of conduct and much more.
* PMC is aware of the “Astronomer Champion for Apache Airflow” that Astronomer
  proposed and discussed as potentially a program run by and with the PMC.
  Following our advice, Astronomer’s team reached out to trademarks@a.o and
  after considering various options and avoiding potential contention with
  “Apache Way” of running the project, they decided to run it as entirely
  “Astronomer’s” program. It’s being mentioned in community communications
  (including Town Hall Meetings and newsletters) but with clear Astronomer’s
  affiliation and without PMC involvement nor endorsement.
* We cleaned up some of the “baggage” - remove out and outdated providers from
  active maintenance (except security fixes) and we continue extracting old
  and “legacy” part of Airflow to separated providers and replace those with
  new, modern solutions (Flask Application Builder which brings a lot of
  security issues, gets in direction of being optional part of Airflow).
* We accepted contributions of a few providers - which we are usually quite
  reluctant about - from well respected entities (Teradata, Qdrant - popular
  vector database) which puts Airflow squarely in the middle of the AI
  revolution - our users seems to use Airflow more and more to orchestrate
  their AI related tasks (seems they fit nicely into Airflow’s architecture
  and strengths - which we also plant to strengthen even more).

## Events

* The Airflow Summit 2024 will be held on September 10-12, 2024, in San
  Francisco. The event will mark the 10th Anniversary of Airflow (since the
  first commit) and this is going to be the main theme of Airflow Summit
“Celebrating 10 years of Airflow”. Organizers aim for 800 - 1000 people, we
 already secured quite a good funding for that and we have requests from new
 Sponsors who are interested in sponsoring the event where Airflow users are
 in big numbers. Organizers of the Airflow Summit (Google, Astronomer and AWS)
 work closely with Producers (Software Guru) and the PMC to make this a
 successful event, where we will be able to join the expectations of
 Stakeholders but also reserve a big part of the event for Community driven
 efforts. Despite initial delays (reported in the previous report), with
 confirming date and getting permission from the Conferencing team we opened
 CFP and we are about to finish first round targeting people who need Visas to
 get to the US, so that we can confirm it in March, giving them at least 5
 months to be able to obtain Visas which we consider as very important aspect
 of our community efforts.

* We had a number of local Airflow Meetups: London, Cincinnati, and New York,
  São Paulo, Prague, Hyderabad, Bangalore, planning new events in Warsaw
* Our community members gave talks all over the world - from Las Vegas, to
  Brussels (two talks at FOSDEM), Bangalore and more.

## Community Health:

- We exceeded the milestone of 2800 contributors on GitHub this month (2700 in
  the last report). We see continuous interest in new contributors joining
  Airflow We have regular monthly newsletter and voting on PR of the month
  that regularly gets somewhat enthusiastic reactions from the community

- We continue getting new publications at our medium publication - whooping 10 new publications since last
  report by various contributors

- We came back to Mentorship - we have MLH (Major League Hacking) sponsoring
  two interns (by Royal Bank of Canada) who work together (and showing good
  progress) on important component of Airflow (API/Connexion) that requires a
  major upgrade to free us from being depended on old dependencies with known
  security vulnerabilities. They are mentored by few mentors - some more and
  some less experienced people in our contributors / committers group.

Attachment B: Report from the Apache Allura Project  [David Philip Brondsema]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Allura is the creation and maintenance of software 
related to a software development infrastructure platform commonly known as a 

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing (moderate activity)
Issues for the board: none 

## Membership Data:
Apache Allura was founded 2014-03-18
There are currently 17 committers and 17 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 1:1. 

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Guillermo Cruz on 2021-11-09.
- No new committers. Last addition was Guillermo Cruz on 2021-11-09. 

## Project Activity:
- discussion started with "Friendly Forge Format" group about import/export
- dependency upgrades 

## Community Health:
- Last release was 1.16.0 on 2023-11-06
- Limited amount of new development
- But good maintenance and support continues

Attachment C: Report from the Apache Ant Project  [Jan Materne]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Ant is the creation and maintenance of the Ant build
system and related software components.

It consists of the following main projects:

- Ant - core and libraries (AntLibs)
- Ivy - Ant based dependency manager

## Project Status:
Current project status: Primarily in bug fix mode and maintenance mode.
Issues for the board: None for now.

## Membership Data:
Apache Ant was founded 2002-11-18 (21 years ago)
There are currently 29 committers and 22 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 4:3.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Magesh Umasankar on 2018-07-06.
- No new committers. Last addition was Jaikiran Pai on 2017-06-15.

## Project Activity:
The primary goal of Ant these days is to make sure that it can be
used to build projects using recent releases of Java. The last Ant release
1.10.14 was done around 6 months back. We have some good amount of bug
fixes and changes done in the project since then. We plan to release
1.10.15 shortly in the coming weeks.

## Community Health:
Although we don't see too much development activity in Ant,
there are several active users of the Ant build tool. We
occasionally also see pull requests on GitHub.
For a project that's in maintenance mode, this amount of
activity, I believe, is decent.

Attachment D: Report from the Apache Atlas Project  [Madhan Neethiraj]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Atlas is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a scalable and extensible set of core foundational governance
services - enabling enterprises to effectively and efficiently meet their
compliance requirements

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing, with low activity Issues for the board: here
are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Atlas was founded 2017-06-20 (7 years ago) There are currently 48
committers and 32 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Ashutosh Mestry on 2019-04-16.
- No new committers. Last addition was Umesh Padashetty on 2023-06-14.

## Project Activity:
- fixes in download search results functionality
- UI updates to improve usability of tag-propagation enable/disable
- fix in business metadata changes to update system attributes
- updated versions of Spring Security, netty

## Community Health:
- had a 40% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (143
  emails compared to 238)
- had a 100% increase in traffic in the past quarter (8
  emails compared to 4)
- 10 commits in the past quarter (-73% change)
- 6 code contributors in the past quarter (-50% change)

## Recent releases:
- Apache Atlas 2.3.0 was released on 2022-12-06
- Apache Atlas 2.2.0 was released on 2021-08-17
- Apache Atlas 2.1.0 was released on 2020-07-15

Attachment E: Report from the Apache Axis Project  [Robert Lazarski]

# Apache Axis Board Report

## Description

The Apache Axis project is responsible for the creation and maintenance of
software related to the Axis Web Services frameworks and subsidiary components
(both Java and C).

## Issues

There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Membership Data:
Axis was created on 2001-01-19 (22 years ago). It is listed as established in
2009-12 but really the first Apache commit was in 2001.

There are currently 63 committers and 62 PMC members in this project, a vote
in 2010 made all committers automatically PMC members. One PMC member

Community changes, past quarter:
 - Currently 62 PMC/ 63 Committers members.
 - No new committers were added in the last 90 days, last committer added was
   Bill Blough on December 7th 2017 who also was added to the PMC on May 9th

## Project Activity:
Recent releases:
 - Axis 2/Java 1.8.2 was released on July 14, 2022.
 - Axis 2/Rampart 1.7.1 was released on July 30, 2017.
 - Axis 2/C 1.6 was released on April 20, 2009.
 - Axis 1.4 was last released in 2006.

## Project state: Ongoing, with moderate activity

## Health report:

Development continues in Axis2 Java for the transition to jakarta and also
from httpclient4 to httpclient5 as described in AXIS2-6051. We are about 80%

A major refactoring continues of our sub project Apache Rampart - an
implementation of WS-Security standards - that was required from commits
upgrading OpenSAML from 2.x to 4.3.0, and Apache WS-WSS4J from 1.6 to 3.0.0.

More pull requests were received for Rampart. See RAMPART-449. Challenges for
this project includes no active committers use Rampart in their own projects.

We continue to get interest in our upcoming releases and have asked volunteers
to become committers in AXIS2-6051 and RAMPART-449. One individual reached
out, a vote passed though they never followed thru with an accept reply and
stopped responding to emails.

Axis2 C PMC member Bill Blough continues to help users on the mailing list and
he also participates in release votes.

## Axis2 java Jira issues opened in the last 90 days: 3

## Axis2 java Jira issues closed in the last 90 days: 1

Attachment F: Report from the Apache Beam Project  [Kenneth Knowles]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Beam is the creation and maintenance of software related 
to a unified programming model for both batch and streaming data processing, 
enabling efficient execution across diverse distributed execution engines and 
providing extensibility points for connecting to different technologies and 
user communities.

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: None

## Membership Data:
Apache Beam was founded 2016-12-20 (7 years ago)
There are currently 95 committers and 26 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Alex Van Boxel on 2023-10-01.
- Svetak Sundhar was added as committer on 2024-02-09

## Project Activity:

Recent releases:
- 2.54.0 was released on 2024-02-14.

Highlighted technical developments:
 - New capability to auto-generated Python wrappers for Java-based transforms,
   which will rapidly increase the features available to Python users.
 - Added new Enrichment transform for joining a data stream with side storage,
   with support for BigTable and Vertex Feature Store
 - Added DLQ supports to MLTransform and many widely-used connectors
 - New transform "RequestResponseIO" to read/write Web APIs without
   overwhelming them or getting banned.

Dependency upgrades: we are continuing to improve processes to stay
ahead of emerging vulnerabilities, so it is worth reporting on some
highlights here.
 - Java: Upgraded GCP libraries BOM to 26.32.0 (a major lift that upgrades
   a huge number of dependencies)
 - Python: Upgraded for a very old and deprecated GCS client to the latest
   recommended by GCP.
 - Go (used in our containers as well as SDK): upgraded to 1.21.6

## Community Health:

The overall volume on the mailing list has decreased, but there has
been a greater focus on proposals and design discussions. The average
volume on dev@beam seems steady, though lower than late 2023 due to a spike
last fall. The volume on user@beam is steady.

Attachment G: Report from the Apache Bigtop Project  [Masatake Iwasaki]

## Description:
Bigtop is a project for the development of packaging and tests of the Apache 
Hadoop ecosystem. The primary goal of Bigtop is to build a community around the 
packaging and interoperability testing of Hadoop-related projects. This 
includes testing at various levels (packaging, platform, runtime, upgrade, 
etc...) developed by a community with a focus on the system as a whole, rather 
than individual projects. In short we strive to be for Hadoop what Debian is to 

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: None

## Membership Data:
Apache Bigtop was founded 2012-09-19 (11 years ago)
There are currently 41 committers and 30 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Luca Toscano on 2023-09-26.
- No new committers. Last addition was Zhiguo Wu on 2023-05-17.

## Project Activity:
Work for 3.3.0 release is ongoing.
Ambari, Oozie and YCSB were dropped from the stack.
Ranger was added.
Support for openEuler and Rocky Linux 9 were added.

## Community Health:
Community health is good while statistiscs shows slight decrease in activity.
New committer should be added from active contiributors since existing
committers seem not to have enough bandwidth for reviewing.

- had a 16% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (232
  emails compared to 274):
- had a 27% decrease in traffic in the past quarter
  (165 emails compared to 224):
- 31 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-11% change)
- 29 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-9% change)

Attachment H: Report from the Apache Bloodhound Project  [Gary Martin]

Attachment I: Report from the Apache BookKeeper Project  [Enrico Olivelli]

## Description:
The mission of BookKeeper is the creation and maintenance of software related 
to Replicated log service which can be used to build replicated state machines

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: none

## Membership Data:
Apache BookKeeper was founded 2014-11-19 (9 years ago)
There are currently 31 committers and 18 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 8:5.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Hang Chen on 2023-03-14.
- No new committers. Last addition was Wenbing Shen on 2023-07-04.

## Project Activity:
The project is going well, we are going to cut a new major release 4.17.0.
Most of the feature requests and improvements come from Apache Pulsar users.

4.16.4 was released on 2024-01-29
4.15.5 was released on 2023-12-19
4.16.3 was released on 2023-09-19
4.14.8 was released on 2023-09-11

## Community Health:
The community is in good shape, we also have some contributor that is becoming
more and more active. Hopefully we will be able to invite some new committers
in the next quarter.

Mailing list data:
- had a 81% increase in traffic in the past quarter
(40 emails compared to 22)
- 100 commits in the past quarter (3% increase) 29 code contributors in the
  past quarter (81% increase)

Attachment J: Report from the Apache BVal Project  [Matthew Jason Benson]

## Description:
The mission of BVal is the creation and maintenance of software related to 
Apache BVal: JSR-303 Bean Validation Implementation and Extensions

## Project Status:
Current project status: Dormant
Issues for the board: none

## Membership Data:
Apache BVal was founded 2012-02-14 (12 years ago)
There are currently 16 committers and 15 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Jean-Louis Monteiro on 2020-11-29.
- No new committers. Last addition was Jean-Louis Monteiro on 2020-11-17.

## Project Activity:
Current activity consists of maintenance with the usual cast of PMC
members committed and available for voting.

## Community Health:
Nothing has changed in this aspect; the stable nature and well-defined scope
of the project represent a lack of attractive work for new contributors.

Attachment K: Report from the Apache Camel Project  [Andrea Cosentino]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Camel is the creation and maintenance of an open-source 
integration framework based on known Enterprise Integration Patterns.

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing with high activity
Issues for the board: [There
are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Membership Data:
Apache Camel was founded 2008-12-17 (15 years ago)
There are currently 92 committers and 45 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Andrea Tarocchi on 2023-09-11.
- Gaelle Fournier was added as committer on 2024-03-06

## Project Activity:
Apache Camel:
- We released Camel 3.21.4
- We released Camel 3.22.0
- We released Camel 3.22.1
- We released Camel 4.0.4
- We released Camel 4.3.0
- We released Camel 4.4.0
- Note: Camel releases have synchronized releases of Camel-Karaf and
  Camel-Spring-Boot too for 3.x, while for 4.x only Camel-Spring-Boot is
- The 4.4.x release is our LTS release train and we are already working on
  4.4.1 and next development release 4.5.0
- We continued the release train for 3.21.x LTS
- The 3.22.x release train is another LTS we are supporting
- The situation is really healthy and the community is super. We are
  introducing many new features and working on engaging the community more.

Apache Camel K:
- For Camel K we released a 2.2.0 version with a lot of good stuff.
- For Camel-K-runtime we released 3.2.3 and 3.6.0, both the releases were on
  vote at the time of writing of the last report.
- Camel K is in good shape and the community is expading with new contributors
  and many new good idea.

Apache Camel Kamelets:
- We released Camel Kamelets 4.0.3
- We released Camel Kamelets 4.4.0
- The 4.4.0 release is matching the LTS release from Camel core and it's an
  important building block for starting with routes
- We introduced a lot of new Kamelets and we are improving the documentation

Apache Camel Quarkus:
- The Camel-Quarkus work is going ahead following the main camel releases with
  multiple releases
- We released Camel-quarkus 3.7.0
- We released Camel-quarkus 3.8.0
- The 3.8.0 release is matching the 4.4.0 release from Camel core and it will
  be an LTS
- A lot of work has been done on testing side and we are working on supporting
  more extensions

Apache Camel-Karavan:
- Camel-Karavan is improving and the community around the project is
  increasing in number of features and new issues reporting
- We released the 4.3.0
- We released the 4.3.1
- We released also the 4.4.0 version matching the LTS version from Camel core

- Camel Kafka Connector release based on Camel 4.0.3 has been released.
- We plan to release a 4.4.0 to match the LTS release from camel core
- The community is active and we receive a lot of feedback and requests

- The Camel project and all the subprojects are in a really good shape and all
  of them are growing in terms of community involvement.

## Community Health:
- 303 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (8% decrease) and 277 issues
  closed on GitHub, past quarter (18% decrease): Some of the subproject are
  using github issues, but Camel core is still on JIRA. We focused mostly on
  the LTS 4.4.x and some of the Github Issues based projects were focused on
  backlog activities and alignments, like for example Camel K.
- 4835 commits in the past quarter (2% decrease) and 103 code contributors in
  the past quarter (13% decrease): We are more or less in line with the last
  quarter, we were a lot focused on more features for 4.4.x and the number of
  code contributors is justified by the fact we were stabilizing the codebase.
- 1714 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (6% decrease) and 1726 PRs closed on
  GitHub, past quarter (5% decrease): Here we are more or less in line with
  the last quarter. The situation is really good and we are observing more
  engagement in open PRs.
- had a 21% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (330
  emails compared to 416): There was a spike in December and now we are back
  at usual level. We are discussing some release scheduling in dev ML and we
  noticed many developers prefer to discuss directly in Zulip.
- had a 18% decrease in traffic in the past quarter
  (2423 emails compared to 2935): We were focusing on backlog and the clean up
   done in the last quarter justify the decrease.
- had a 18% decrease in traffic in the past quarter
  (202 emails compared to 245): Users are starting to move and ask questions
   on Zulip, like the discussion for development. 
- Jira Activity: The number doesn't seem to be accurate in the statistics
  page. It reports 0 issues opened and 0 closed. Closing the subscriptions to
  Apache JIRA contributed to the decrease of numbers. I'll try to gather more
  stats in the next report.

Attachment L: Report from the Apache Cayenne Project  [Michael Ray Gentry]

# Apache Cayenne Board Report, March 2024

## Description

Apache Cayenne is a Java database persistence framework. It takes a
distinct approach to object graph persistence and provides an ORM
runtime, remote persistence services, and a cross-platform GUI
database mapping/modeling/development tool.

## Project Status

### Project State


### Issues for Board


## Membership Data

Apache Cayenne was founded 2006-12-19 (17 years ago).
There are currently 23 committers and 9 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.

Community changes, past quarter:

- No new PMC members. Last addition was Nikita Timofeev on 2017-06-25.
- No new committers. Last addition was Arseni Bulatski on 2018-12-10.

## Project Activity

After the release of 4.2, development has shifted to 5.0 (unreleased).
Prior versions are maintenance-only.

- Cayenne 4.0.x (stable)
  - Maintenance only.

- Cayenne 4.1.x (stable)
  - Maintenance only.

- Cayenne 4.2.x (stable)
  - Maintenance only.

- Cayenne 5.0 (unreleased)
  - Features are being defined and development has started.

### Releases

- Cayenne 4.0.3 on 2023-03-02.
- Cayenne 4.1.1 on 2021-12-24.
- Cayenne 4.2 on 2023-05-25.

## Community Health

Cayenne is healthy.

User mailing list traffic increased due to user questions and support.

Developer mailing list traffic decreased with only a little discussion about
Cayenne 5.0 and documentation issues.

GitHub activity is up, especially opened and closed PRs.

Attachment M: Report from the Apache CloudStack Project  [Rohit Yadav]

## Description:
Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud
orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage, and
networking devices.

## Project Status:
No issues to report.

## Membership Data:
Apache CloudStack was founded 2013-03-20 (11 years ago).

There are currently 136 committers and 55 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:4.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Harikrishna Patnala was added to the PMC on 2024-01-15
- Alexandre Mattioli was added as committer on 2024-01-12
- João Jandre Paraquetti was added as committer on 2023-12-19
- Vishesh Jindal was added as committer on 2024-02-27
- Vladimir Petrov was added as committer on 2023-12-11

## Project Activity:

- The Apache CloudStack project released the current LTS version on 6th
February 2024.

- The previous LTS version received an updated release to on 12th
September, 2023.

- Apache CloudStack 4.20.0 is the next major release the community is working
towards, with RC1 to be cut in June 2024. The maintenance release 4.19.1 is
targeted for June, 4.18.2 is targeted for late March. João Jandre has
volunteered to serve as release manager for 4.20 and 4.18.2 releases. Suresh
Anaparti has volunteered to serve as release manager for 4.19.1.

- Apache CloudStack Terraform Provider v0.5.0 is targeted for March led by Kiran
Chavala as the release manager. The v0.6.0 release is also discussed for later
in the year.

- Apache CloudStack CloudMonkey CLI is also being discussed for its next

- The PMC is actively discussing new PMC Candidates and new committers. There
are new PMC members and committers added since the previous report.

- The project has successfully migrated to a new website

- Community participated in the CloudStack and Ceph Day Netherlands 2024 in
Amsterdam on February 22, 2024.

- The community organised its CloudStack India User Group meetup in Hyderabad on
23rd February 2024.

- The community is participating in the CloudFest 2024 from 18-21 March in Rust,

- Other upcoming events this year include the following:
  - Apache CloudStack is participating with a track at Community over Code EU
  - CloudStack European User Group is scheduled for September 12th in Frankfurt,
  - CloudStack Collaboration Conference 2024 is planned for Nov 20-22 in Madrid

- The CloudStack PMC Chair rotation was voted on in early March. A resolution to
  the Apache Board was submitted to confirm Daniel Salvador to the role.

## Community Health:

Apropos of the activity report; the project is considered healthy.

- According to the apache statistics, the project achieved the Community Health
  Score (Chi): 10.00 (Super Healthy)

- Commit activity:
  720 commits in the past quarter (32% increase)
  42 code contributors in the past quarter (17% decrease)
- GitHub PR activity:
  314 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (18% increase)
  266 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (12% decrease)
- GitHub issues:
  195 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (20% increase)
  131 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (55% increase)

- Mailing lists Statistics: had a 81% increase in traffic in the past quarter
  (889 emails compared to 489) had a 1588% decrease in traffic in the past
  quarter (152 emails compared to 9) had a 13% decrease in traffic in the past
  quarter (14 emails compared to 16) had a 72% increase in traffic in the past quarter
  (1092 emails compared to 633)

## Releases:

Recent releases:

- was released on 2024-02-06.
- was released on 2023-09-12.
- was released on 2023-03-20.
- was released on 2022-12-16.

Attachment N: Report from the Apache Commons Project  [Gary D. Gregory]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Commons is the creation and maintenance of Java-focused 
reusable libraries and components

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing with high activity.
Issues for the board: None.

## Membership Data:
Apache Commons was founded 2007-06-19 (17 years ago)
There are currently 149 committers and 43 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Phil Steitz on 2023-09-13.
- No new committers. Last addition was Claude Warren on 2022-02-01.

## Project Activity:
We've been busy with new feature and maintenance releases:

- CONFIGURATION-2.10.0 was released on 2024-03-13.
- COMPRESS-1.26.1 was released on 2024-03-09.
- PARENT-67 was released on 2024-03-06.
- DBCP-2.12.0 was released on 2024-03-04.
- BCEL-6.8.2 was released on 2024-02-25.
- COMPRESS-1.26.0 was released on 2024-02-19.
- CODEC-1.16.1 was released on 2024-02-08.
- PARENT-66 was released on 2024-02-01.
- BCEL-6.8.1 was released on 2024-01-11.
- EXEC-1.4.0 was released on 2024-01-05.
- FILEUPLOAD-2.0.0-M2 was released on 2023-12-27.
- EMAIL-1.6.0 was released on 2023-12-22.

## Community Health:
We are the most active on GitHub where we process many pull requests. Jira is
not as active but users still create tickets and we reply. The manual request
for a Jira account continues to stop spam tickets. We also reply to security
issues and communicate with reporters, for example, we've fixed two Commons
Compress CVEs.

Attachment O: Report from the Apache Cordova Project  [Bryan Ellis]

## Status report for the Apache Cordova project - March 2024

## Description

A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and

## Project Status

**Current project status:**

Our current work continues on staying updated with changes to iOS and Android,
our most utilized platforms, alongside ensuring regular updates to plugins.

Our status dashboard at remains mostly all green and
our nightly builds are still extremely stable.

Committers made a major release to update the cordova-electron platform and
are preparing for cordova-ios minor release to comply with Apple's new privacy

**Issues for the board:**

There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Membership Data

There are currently 99 committers and 96 PMC members in this project.

The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1.

**Community changes, past quarter:**

- No new PMC members. Last addition was Pieter Van Poyer on 2021-04-06.
- No new committers. Last addition was Pieter Van Poyer on 2021-04-06.

## Project Activity


- cordova-electron@4.0.0 was released on 2024-03-11.

## Community Health

ASF Project Statistics gives the project a Community Health Score (Chi): 4.70

We continue to see contributions from a small group of dedicated individuals.
Things remain stable and the project continues to see good traffic.

Github discussions have become how our community supports each other. Our
discussion area is live at and
activity is forwarded to the 'issues' list.

## Mailing List Activity

- had a 80% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (19
  emails compared to 94)
- had a 35% decrease in traffic in the past quarter
  (585 emails compared to 897)

## Github Activity


Issue close rate of 98%

- 48 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (-53% change)
- 47 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-44% change)


PR close rate of 113%

- 31 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-52% change)
- 35 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-58% change)


- 42 commits in the past quarter (-50% change)
- 8 code contributors in the past quarter (-33% change)

Attachment P: Report from the Apache cTAKES Project  [Pei Chen]

## Description:
The mission of cTAKES is the creation and maintenance of software related to 
Natural language processing (NLP) tool for information extraction from 
electronic medical record clinical free-text

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing with moderate/low activity.
Issues for the board: There are no issues requiring board attention at
this time.

## Membership Data:
Apache cTAKES was founded 2013-03-19 (11 years ago)
There are currently 40 committers and 31 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:4.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Gandhi Rajan on 2018-07-12.
- No new committers. Last addition was Dennis Johns on 2023-01-06.

## Project Activity:
- Committee continues to work on the future release (5.x.x)
- Volunteers building/testing a 5.x release.
- Last release was patch on Jan 20 2021
- 4.0.0 was released on Apr 27 2017
- 3.2.2 was released on May 30 2015

## Community Health: had a 14% decrease in traffic in the past quarter 
(26 emails compared to 30).
Main top the mailing lists were related to the future release.
19 commits in the past quarter (850% increase)
4 code contributors in the past quarter (300% increase)
7 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (600% increase)
3 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (200% increase)

A friendly reminder was sent out to PMC members to join private@ on 12/17/23 
as Chris Dutz pointed out.

Attachment Q: Report from the Apache Curator Project  [Enrico Olivelli]

## Description:
The mission of Curator is the creation and maintenance of software related to 
Java libraries that make using Apache ZooKeeper easier

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: none

## Membership Data:
Apache Curator was founded 2013-09-18 (10 years ago)
There are currently 16 committers and 16 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 1:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Kezhu Wang on 2023-03-25.
- No new committers. Last addition was Kezhu Wang on 2023-03-24.

## Project Activity:
As usual the traffic is not very high, but the project is moving forward.

5.6.0 was released on 2024-01-08.
5.5.0 was released on 2023-04-28.
5.4.0 was released on 2022-10-28.

## Community Health:
The community is running, but it is quite little. We are used to see waves of
changes / discussions, and the past quarter was pretty quiet. We haven't seen
new contributors in the past quarter.

Relevant metrics:
- had a 12% increase in traffic in the past quarter (45
  emails compared to 40)
- had a 44% increase in traffic in the past quarter
  (13 emails compared to 9)
- 0 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (-100% change)
- 2 code contributors in the past quarter (-50% change)
- 4 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-71% change)

Attachment R: Report from the Apache Daffodil Project  [Mike Beckerle]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Daffodil is the creation and maintenance of software
related to an implementation of the Data Format Description Language (DFDL)
used to convert between fixed format data and more readily processed forms
such as XML or JSON.

## Project Status:
Current project status: The project is healthy based on ongoing activity and

The DFDL Standard from the Open Grid Forum (OGF) was accepted as ISO/IEC 23415
(say "Eye-so two thirty-four fifteen") in December 2023. Publication of an
official ISO version of the standard is in process.

The last release was Daffodil version 3.6.0 which was released on 2023-10-27.
Release 3.7.0 is planned for later this month.  This should enable completion
of the our first tight inter-project integration which is with Apache Drill.

The last release of the VSCode extension for Daffodil version 1.3.1 was
2023-09-12. Release v1.4.0 is planned for March/April 2024 timeframe.

Issues for the board: none.

## Membership Data: 
Apache Daffodil was founded 2021-02-16 (3 years ago)

There are currently 19 committers and 18 PMC members in this project. The
Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- A new committer and PMC member, Peter Katlic, has just accepted and is in
  process of being added (ICLA etc. in the works)
- last prior addition was Regis Thomas on 2023-08-01.

## Project Activity:
Collaboration on the Drill connector to Daffodil will resume once
3.7.0 is released.

A minor observation is that much of the VSCode extension discussion happens on
commits threads, not dev. It is recorded in the github traffic on issue
tickets and PRs. Hence, volume of emails on our dev list alone are not
sufficient to understand the level of activity on the project as a whole which
is robust.

## Community Health:
Activity level is acceptable and our metrics reflect that, but overall there
is good participation.

Attachment S: Report from the Apache DeltaSpike Project  [Mark Struberg]

## Description:
 Apache DeltaSpike is a suite of portable CDI (Contexts & Dependency
 Injection) extensions intended to make application development easier when
 working with CDI and Java EE.  Some of its key features include:

 - A core runtime that supports component configuration, type safe messaging
 and internationalization, and exception handling.
 - A suite of utilities to make programmatic bean lookup easier.
 - A plugin for Java SE to bootstrap various CDI containers.
 - JSF integration
 - JPA integration and transaction support.
 - A Data module, to create an easy to use repository pattern on top of JPA.
 - Testing support to allow low level unit testing of CDI enabled projects.

## Issues:
 There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity
 We are still working on DS-2.0 and got quite a bunch of good contributions
 recently. Commits and mailing list activity increased a lot.

## Community Health
  This increased activity also resulted in adding a new committer.

## Project Composition:
- There are currently 36 committers and 19 PMC members in this project.

## Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Harald Wellmann on 2016-05-19.
- Thomas Frühbeck was added as committer on 2024-02-05 

Attachment T: Report from the Apache Drill Project  [Charles Givre]

## Description:
The mission of Drill is the creation and maintenance of software related to 
Schema-free SQL Query Engine for Apache Hadoop, NoSQL and Cloud Storage

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: No issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Drill was founded 2014-11-18 (9 years ago)
There are currently 62 committers and 27 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was James Turton on 2022-01-23.
- No new committers. Last addition was Maksym Rymar on 2022-10-19.

## Project Activity:
We are overdue for the release od Drill 1.21.2 AND 1.22.0.  Regarding the minor
release, we had a license file issue which took some time to resolve and then 
we've had a number of recent bug submissions which were promptly fixed.  I would
anticipate 1.21.1 being released before the end of the month.  

For 1.22, we have been collaborating with the Mike Bekerle from Daffodil.  
The goal is to use Apache Daffodil to provide schema information to Drill for 
querying non-traditional files.  We're waiting for the release of Daffodil 3.7
which has some functionalities that we need for the integration. Hopefully this
month or next we will be able to complete this work.

Recent releases:

1.21.1 was released on 2023-04-29.
1.21.0 was released on 2023-02-21.
1.20.3 was released on 2023-01-07.

## Community Health:
The Drill community remains healthy. had a 112% increase in traffic in the past quarter 
(323 emails compared to 152) had a 186% increase in traffic in the past quarter
(278 emails compared to 97) had a 76% decrease in traffic in the past quarter 
(6 emails compared to 25)

33 commits in the past quarter (65% increase)
10 code contributors in the past quarter (42% increase)
21 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (16% increase)
22 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (46% increase)
10 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (-9% change)
2 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-33% change)

Attachment U: Report from the Apache ECharts Project  [Wenli Zhang]

## Description:
The mission of Apache ECharts is the creation and maintenance of software 
related to a charting and data visualization library written in JavaScript

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing: With moderate activity both in code and 
the community
Issues for the board: NA

## Membership Data:
Apache ECharts was founded 2020-12-16 (3 years ago)
There are currently 29 committers and 14 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was He Hao on 2022-07-06.
- No new committers. Last addition was Linghao Su on 2023-08-01.

## Project Activity:
The project status is actively developing with the recent release of Apache 
ECharts 5.5.0 on 2024-02-18, which included several new features and 
enhancements. The development team has implemented changes to the default ESM 
package, added server-side rendering and client hydration capabilities, and 
introduced support for multi-level drill-down transitions. Additionally, new 
options such as padAngle and endAngle control for pie charts and 
angleAxis.endAngle setting for polar charts have been added to improve user 

## Community Health:
The community is developing stably. The Apache ECharts project has seen an 
increase in traffic on the mailing list and commits on 
GitHub in the past quarter, indicating growing interest and active development.
 However, there has been a decrease in the number of code contributors and 
negative changes in the number of opened and closed pull requests and issues on 
GitHub. We should focus on encouraging people in the community to contribute.

Attachment V: Report from the Apache Felix Project  [Karl Pauls]

## Description:
Apache Felix is a project aimed at implementing specifications from the OSGi
Alliance as well as implementing other supporting tools and technologies
aligned with OSGi technology.

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing, with low activity.
Issues for the board: none.

## Membership Data:
Apache Felix was founded 2007-03-28 (17 years ago)
There are currently 68 committers and 27 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:4.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Georg Henzler on 2019-06-10.
- No new committers. Last addition was Robert Munteanu on 2020-07-20.

## Project Activity:
- Existing implementations have been improved/enhanced based on community
- Released 11 components. Mostly bug fixes/minor improvements but most are
 related to the move to the Jakarta API.

### Releases
- org.apache.felix.http.jetty-4.2.26 was released on 2024-03-04.
- org.apache.felix.http.jetty-5.1.10 was released on 2024-03-04.
- org.apache.felix.http.base-4.2.14 was released on 2024-01-26.
- org.apache.felix.http.base-5.1.6 was released on 2024-01-26.
- org.apache.felix.http.bridge-4.2.18 was released on 2024-01-26.
- org.apache.felix.http.bridge-5.1.6 was released on 2024-01-26.
- org.apache.felix.http.jetty-4.2.24 was released on 2024-01-26.
- org.apache.felix.http.jetty-5.1.8 was released on 2024-01-26.
- org.apache.felix.http.jetty12-1.0.2 was released on 2024-01-26.
- was released on 2024-01-18.
- org.apache.felix.webconsole-5.0.0 was released on 2024-01-08.

## Community Health:
- Overall the project is in ok health with little ongoing activity.
- There is a decline in community activity and in general, we don't see a lot
  of new development right now. We are at the lookout for new topics and
- We need to work with the PMC members to make sure they are subscribed to the
  private list and still present.
- Questions on the user list are answered, development concerns are either
  discussed on the mailing list or directly in the JIRA issues.
- We had no issues voting on releases and JIRA issues are generally addressed.

Attachment W: Report from the Apache Flex Project  [Harbs]

Attachment X: Report from the Apache Flink Project  [Robert Metzger]

## Description:
The mission of Flink is the creation and maintenance of software related to 
platform for scalable batch and stream data processing

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: none

## Membership Data:
Apache Flink was founded 2014-12-17 (9 years ago)
There are currently 109 committers and 48 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:3.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Matthias Pohl on 2023-08-03.
- Alexander Fedulov as invited as committer on 2023-12-22
- Jiabao Sun was added as committer on 2024-02-09
- Mason Chen was invited as committer on 2024-02-13

The Flink PMC is actively monitoring and discussing new PMC and committers.

## Project Activity:

Recent releases:
* Flink 1.18.1 was released on 2024-01-19
* connector-parent-1.1.0 was released on 2024-02-28.
* connector-mongodb-1.1.0 was released on 2024-02-19
* connector-jdbc-3.1.2 was released on 2024-02-21.
* connector-opensearch-1.1.0 was released on 2024-02-01.
* gcp-pubsub-3.0.2 was released on 2024-01-12.
* shaded-18.0 was released on 2024-01-11.

The PMC approved a request for Flink Forward Asia 2024 by Alibaba.

There were two security reports to the PMC, which were handled.

Ververica started a discussion to contribute the Flink CDC connectors
to Flink. The Flink community happily accepted this adoption of a new codebase
into the project, as CDC use cases with Flink SQL are very popular in the 
user base.

Flink started participating in the trial of the ASF Infra provided GitHub
Actions runners.

## Community Health:
The Flink community is healthy and active.
In the last report, we had a 14% activity increase on the dev@ mailing list,
this reporting cycle, the increase is 6%. We anticipate the activity to
increase or stay at this level as there are major projects around
Flink 2.0 ongoing.
The code commit activity is also going up.
The only metric that is going down is the user@ mailing list (-37%), which is 
probably primarily driven by a shift towards the Flink Community Slack, and also
in less activity by experienced community members on the user@ list.

Attachment Z: Report from the Apache Geronimo Project  [Jean-Louis Monteiro]

## Description:
The mission of Geronimo is the creation and maintenance of software related to 
Java2, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) container

## Project Status:
Current project status: at risk
Issues for the board: none

## Membership Data:
Apache Geronimo was founded 2004-05-26 (20 years ago)
There are currently 71 committers and 41 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Francois Papon on 2021-03-09.
- No new committers. Last addition was Francois Papon on 2021-03-09.

## Project Activity:
The main activity is maintenance. There are a few new features and work to
bring Geronimo components to the specification level required. Some projects
are already starting to work on Jakarta EE 11 even though it's not released.

## Community Health:
The overall activity remains low. As per the board feedback, we could avoid
spliting community and better use the current community time by merging the
mailing lists. It does not make much sense to keep them all apart. In terms of
moving to atic, there have been many discussions over time, and eveytime this
is mentioned, it feels like everyone jumps into the thread with a lot of good
reasons to not move it to atic. But when it tends to actually work on the
project, there is far less people. We had some recent discussions though and a
solid list of people (PMC and committers) are still responsive, voting and
wiling to discuss which is important. We even discussed about getting a PMC.
member. The project itself is used very widely, like the Mail provider,
or the Transaction manager for instance, they are used in many other Apache
projects or outside. This is also true with the specs.

Attachment AA: Report from the Apache Gobblin Project  [Abhishek Tiwari]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Gobblin is the creation and maintenance of software 
related to a distributed data integration framework that simplifies common 
aspects of big data integration such as data ingestion, replication, 
organization and lifecycle management for both streaming and batch data 

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing.
Issues for the board: None.

## Membership Data:
Apache Gobblin was founded 2021-01-19 (3 years ago)
There are currently 20 committers and 12 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 5:3.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Abhishek Tiwari on 2021-01-19.
- No new committers. Last addition was Arjun Singh Bora on 2023-10-09.

## Project Activity:

* Added Temporal metadata tags to temporal parent workflow for GaaS
* Implemented LaunchDagProc to handle new dag launches
* Added Helix-free Yarn app launcher
* Improved logic to set permissions and ACL as appropriate
* Implemented Distributed Data Movement (DDM) Gobblin-on-Temporal end-to-end
  Workflow for arbitrary job config
* Generalized lease arbiter after patch
* Added an iterator for fetching dataset versions with glob and in batch
* Fixed code to use correct root path when finding relative paths on
  destination side
* Implemented Distributed Data Movement (DDM) Gobblin-on-Temporal WorkUnit
  generation (for arbitrary Source)
* Reworked MR-related job execution for reuse in Temporal-based execution
* Created MostlyInMemoryDagManagementStateStore to merge UserQuotaManager
* Added configuration to disable task failed event from emitting
* Fixed iceberg-distcp dest-side TableMetadata consistency check to accurately
  detect stale table metadata
* Added logging for concurrent flow status check
* Added logic to ignore concurrent check if the flow execution ID is the same
  as the currently running flow execution ID to handle race condition of
  concurrent hosts misreporting status
* Added logic to avoid deletion of flowSpec too early
* Added support to ensure Iceberg-distcp consistency by using same
  TableMetadata for both WU planning and final commit
* Added iceberg-distcp config to exclude copying manifest.json files
* Added support to set (target) dataset path correctly in
* Added ability for Yarn app to terminate on finishing of temporal flow
* Updated GobblinServiceManagerTest to reduce flakiness
* Added logic to fail the streaming container when OOM issue happens
* Added support to allow run-immediately flows to execute in multi-active
  scheduler mode
* Added logging for FileStatus for only the first N inputs in
* Incorporated the mod time of enclosing dirs into the
* Added DagProcEngine, DagManagement, DagTask, DagProc, and other abstractions
  for refactored DAG management
* Added consensus flowExecutionId to FlowSpec to use for compilation
* Removed Optionals to make DagManager, EventSubmitter, and TopologyCatalog
  required for GaaS operation
* Added suppor to show a consistent flowExecutionId between Compilation &
* Renamed writer.path.type config name as it has a type conflict with
* Pared down TaskStateCollectorService failure logging, to avoid flooding logs
  during widespread failure
* Added implementation of GTE for GaaS Observability Event in MR alternative
  for distcp 

* Last Release date: 30th August, 2023

## Community Health:
- There have been 48 commits since December 2023.
- 27 commits have been from non-committers.
- Arjun Singh Bora was voted in October, 2023 as a committer. We constantly
 look for consistent contributors to vote them in as Committers.

Attachment AB: Report from the Apache Gora Project  [Kevin Ratnasekera]

## Description:
The mission of Gora is the creation and maintenance of software related to ORM 
framework for column stores such as Apache HBase and Apache Cassandra with a 
specific focus on Hadoop

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing project with low activity
Issues for the board: None

## Membership Data:
Apache Gora was founded 2012-01-24 (12 years ago)
There are currently 31 committers and 29 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Lahiru Jayasekara on 2020-04-30.
- No new committers. Last addition was Lahiru Jayasekara on 2020-04-27.

## Project Activity:
- Received several contributions from external people.
- Even though there are no concrete plans yet, We are exploring possibilities 
 in participating in this years GSoC programme. 
- Except for work carried out related to GSoC project past quarters,
 we have not been able to make significant progress on our next major release,
 0.9 was released on 2019-08-15 and it has been quite while since last release.

## Community Health:
- We observed the usual low activity level on both Github and mailing lists for
 the past quarter. So nothing significant that worth mentioning for the this
 quarterly report compared to previous reports. We are hoping to increase the 
 level of activity in the project with GSoC preparation and next release work.

Attachment AC: Report from the Apache Guacamole Project  [Mike Jumper]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Guacamole is the creation and maintenance of software 
related to providing performant, browser-based remote access

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing, with moderate activity.
Issues for the board: none.

## Membership Data:
Apache Guacamole was founded 2017-11-14 (6 years ago)
There are currently 15 committers and 10 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Luke on 2023-02-22.
- No new committers. Last addition was Alexander Leitner on 2023-11-13.

## Project Activity:
The project is finalizing its next release (1.5.5) and looks to be roughly a
week away from a first RC. To help larger ongoing development tasks move
forward, a new branching scheme has been adopted which replaces the single
"master" development line with "patch" (trivial changes), "main" (minor
 changes), and "next" (major, possibly-breaking changes). With this new
 branching scheme in mind, the initial scopes of future releases 1.6.0 and
 2.0.0 have also been laid out.

Recent releases:
- 1.5.4 was released on 2023-12-07.
- 1.5.3 was released on 2023-07-31.
- 1.5.2 was released on 2023-05-25.

## Community Health:
The community continues to be active and healthy. There has been an uptick in
both the number of contributors (+20%) and user mailing list activity (+9%).
Those upticks do not appear to correlate with any specific project action beyond
continuing to serve the needs of a healthy community.

Attachment AD: Report from the Apache Gump Project  [Stefan Bodewig]

## Description

Apache Gump is a cross-project continuous integration server. Gump's
intention isn't so much to be a CI server but rather a vehicle that
makes people look beyond their project's boundaries and helps the
projects to collaborate.

Gump is written in Python and supports several build tools and version
control systems. The Apache installation of Gump builds ASF as well as
non-ASF projects and their dependencies. It started in the Java part
of the foundation but also builds projects like APR, HTTPd and

## Project Status

Current Status: dormant - when things need to be done, they get done

Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data

Apache Gump was founded 2004-02-18. There are currently 16 committers
and 10 PMC members in this project.

The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 8:5.

Community changes, past quarter:

    No new PMC members. Last addition was Mark Thomas on 2014-12-03.
    No new committers. Last addition was Konstantin Kolinko on 2015-02-11.

## Project Activity

The Tomcat community is the only one still using Gump actively and the
only activity in Gump is around keeping the infrastructure alive and
tweaking things for the benefit of Tomcat builds.

We will certainly support any other project that wants to get the
benefit of the early warning system for backwards incompatible changes
Gump provides, but we are not actively recruiting projects.

## Releases

Gump has never done any releases. One reason for this is that the ASF
installations of Gump work on the latest code base almost all of the
time following its "integrate everything continuously" philosophy.

## Community Health

There isn't much happening but help is there when anybody needs it.

Apart from foundation wide announcements or infrastructure team
messages nobody has posted any message to the Gump mailing list or
asked for a change who is not a member of the Gump PMC already for the
last five+ years.

Attachment AE: Report from the Apache HAWQ Project  [Lei Chang]

## Description:
The mission of Apache HAWQ is the creation and maintenance of software related 
to a cloud native SQL query engine that combines the key technological 
advantages of an MPP database with the scalability and convenience of Hadoop

## Project Status:
Current project status: there are no outstanding issues requiring board
attention regarding project status.
Issues for the board: there are no outstanding issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache HAWQ was founded 2018-08-15 (6 years ago)
There are currently 69 committers and 46 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Wan Chiyang on 2022-01-25.
- No new committers. Last addition was Wan Chiyang on 2021-02-20.

## Project Activity: was released on 2021-08-18. There was offline discussion on new features
to be added to Apache HAWQ.

## Community Health:
Overall community health is good. We have been performing extensive outreach
to related projects, in order to attract new contributors. Previously, there are
about 50% of all PMCs being subscribed to the private mail list, now there are
43 out of 46 PMCs being subscribed to the private mail list, which is about 93%
as a result of 43% increase.

Attachment AF: Report from the Apache Helix Project  [Junkai Xue]

## Description:
The mission of Helix is the creation and maintenance of software related to A 
cluster management framework for partitioned and replicated distributed 

## Project Status:
Current project status: ongoing, moderate
Issues for the board: Limited UI experts for UI support.
Due to role of product and lack of experts in UI, we are thinking of deprecating
UI support.

## Membership Data:
Apache Helix was founded 2013-12-17 (10 years ago)
There are currently 28 committers and 18 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:5.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Jiajun Wang on 2022-11-02.
- No new committers. Last addition was Molly Gao on 2023-06-06.

## Project Activity:
 - 1.3.1 was released on 2023-09-28
 - 1.3.0 was released on 2023-07-25
 - 1.2.0 was released on 2023-05-02
 - 1.1.0 was released on 2023-01-04.
 - 1.0.4 was released on 2022-06-09.

## Community Health:
Overall activities:
- 82 commits in the past quarter.(12% increase)
- 14 code contributors in the past quarter (16% increase)
- Closed all issues which have not updated from 2022 as they are either 
non-critical or even logic outdated.

Would like to share some update for following topics:
1. Release
Current release is onholding for completion of the feature. The feature was 
supporting operations in Helix like draining partitions, 1-1 instance swaps.
We would like to give user an unified experience in API instead of breaking
things in the middle. Some changes will be completed in this quarter and move
forward for releasing.

2. UI issues
We do encounter an problem mentioned in issue section. We had limited
contributors in UI. And ALL CVE issues are coming from UI. It is hard for
us to maintain the UI. In addition, UI is just a nice to have product. We
are thinking to deprecate the support.

3. Next gen of shard management
Existing Helix is heavy and complicated. It is not user friendly to most of
lightweight use cases. We are in planning of proposing some lightweight version
in Helix and making sure it converging with Helix with leverage.

4. Other continuous improvments
- Fixing unstable tests
- Adding container world support features and so on.

Attachment AG: Report from the Apache Hive Project  [Naveen Gangam]

## Description:
The Apache Hive ™ data warehouse software facilitates reading, writing, and
managing large datasets residing in distributed storage (Apache Hadoop) using

## Project Status:
Current project status: Apache Hive community remains fairly active with new
features work on master and release related work for 4.0 release.

Recent releases:
4.0.0-beta-1 was released on 2023-08-14.
4.0.0-alpha-2 was released on 2022-11-16.
4.0.0-alpha-1 was released on 2022-03-30.

Issues for the board: No issues to report that require board attention at this
point in time.

## Membership Data:
Apache Hive was founded 2010-09-21 (13 years ago)
There are currently 107 committers and 55 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:4.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Krisztian Kasa on 2023-01-29.
- No new committers. Last addition was Butao Zhang on 2023-11-29.

## Project Activity:
Release planning for 4.0.0GA underway.
* All known 4.0 blocker tickets are resolved now
* master branch has been prepped for next development version 4.1.0
* Branching work for branch-4.0 from latest master completed.
* Functional and tpcds testing underway on the release branch
* When the release testing is complete and meet the release criteria, RC build
  will be created.

Jira activity: 
In the trailing 31 days, 43 jiras have been opened, 14 of
which have been FIXED. A total of 48 jiras have been closed/resolved of which a
total of 44 jiras have been FIXED.

Commit activity:
144 commits have been merged in the last quarter from 51 separate contributors.
171 Pull Requests have been created in the past quarter.

## Community Health:
Community Health Score (Chi): 7.15 (Healthy) Community is relatively healthy
based on engagement. Compared to last quarter, overall activity
(jira/github/dev lists) is up this quarter compared to the 4 weeks prior to

Attachment AH: Report from the Apache Hudi Project  [Vinoth Chandar]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Hudi is the creation and maintenance of software related 
to providing atomic upserts and incremental data streams on Big Data

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: none.

## Membership Data:
Apache Hudi was founded 2020-05-19 (4 years ago)
There are currently 38 committers and 19 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 2:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Sagar Sumit on 2023-11-05.
- Jing Zhang was added as committer on 2024-02-07
- Jonathan Vexler was added as committer on 2024-02-13

## Project Activity:
The community is working on two release lines. The 0.15.0 release is another
major release in the current 0.X release line. In parallel, active PRs are
worked upon on master branch towards a 1.0.0-beta2 release, while taking
feedback from 1.0.0-beta1 that was released late last year.

Community continues to be active with community syncs (monthly) where we
present major developments, showcase user talks. New blogs written by Hudi
users have been added to the Hudi website's blog page.

## Community Health:
We continue to see healthy, steady developer engagement on the project in
terms of code contributions. We don't have any specific causes/reasons for the
marginal dips in PR activity. Our GH issue traffic reflects support issues
filed by the community, reduction there could also signify progress. Overall,
the community has been working on things around improving devex, for e.g our
CI runtime has been reduced from 3hrs to almost 1 hr now, helping us land PRs

Attachment AI: Report from the Apache Iceberg Project  [Ryan Blue]

## Description:
Apache Iceberg is a table format for huge analytic datasets that is designed
for high performance and ease of use.

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: None

## Membership Data:
Apache Iceberg was founded 2020-05-19 (4 years ago)
There are currently 27 committers and 16 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:4.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Szehon Ho on 2023-04-20.
- Bryan Keller was added as committer on 2024-03-02
- Honah J. was added as committer on 2024-01-11
- Renjie Liu was added as committer on 2024-03-06

## Project Activity:

- Java 1.5.0 was released on 2024-03-11
- Rust 0.2.0 was released on 2024-02-20 (first release!)
- PyIceberg 0.6.0 was released on 2024-02-19
- Java 1.4.3 was released on 2023-12-27

Java implementation:
- 1.5.0 is the first release supporting Iceberg Views
- Added View resolution support in Spark engine integration
- Added View commands to Spark (SHOW/CREATE/DROP/etc.)
- View support in Trino is unblocked by the 1.5.0 release
- Added View support to REST, Nessie, and JDBC catalogs
- Discussing Materialized View extensions to Iceberg specs
- Added EncryptingFileIO to minimize encryption-related API changes
- Added StandardEncryptionManager to implement Iceberg Encryption spec
- Added Parquet (native) and Avro (AES GCM) encryption support
- Added pagination to listing in the REST catalog protocol
- Discussing multiple extensions to the REST protocol (appends, planning)
- Added delete file cache to Spark
- Added support for Flink 1.18
- Removed support for Spark 3.2

PyIceberg Python implementation:
- 0.6.0 is the first release supporting native writes
- Append and full table overwrite are supported
- Only writes to unpartitioned tables are supported
- Added commit support to JDBC, Glue, and Hive catalogs
- Implemented name mapping support for reading Parquet files without field IDs
- Actively working on writes to partitioned tables and engine integration

Rust implementation:
- 0.2.0 is the first Rust release
- Supports reading metadata files
- Supports REST catalog interaction
- Scan planning is the next active area of work

- Switched to new site build in the iceberg repository so contributing is easier

## Community Health:

The Iceberg community continues to be healthy. Although commit and PR activity
declined, the metrics indicate that activity was still strong (with 70
contributors and nearly 1,000 commits). This quarter also included holidays
(which usually have decreased activity) and a huge increase in mailing list
traffic (60%) because the community has been having many design discussions
about evolving the REST spec, introducing new specs (materialized views), and
discussions around how to keep track of new design proposals.

The community also started organizing an Iceberg Summit, to be held May 14-15.
The summit has been cleared by trademarks and the call for proposals has been
posted. More information can be found at:
* The Iceberg Summit website:
* The Call for Proposals:

Attachment AJ: Report from the Apache Impala Project  [Jim Apple]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Impala is the creation and maintenance of software 
related to a high-performance distributed SQL engine

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing with high activity
Issues for the board: none

## Membership Data:
Apache Impala was founded 2017-11-15 (6 years ago)
There are currently 69 committers and 40 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:5.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Riza Suminto was added to the PMC on 2024-03-06
- Peter Rozsa was added as committer on 2024-03-02

## Project Activity:
Over the last three months, the Impala community has implemented the following:
- Improvements Iceberg support (UPDATE, equality deletes, metadata tables)
- Table maintenance operations for Iceberg tables (OPTIMIZE)
- Workload management functionalities
- Improvements to the event processor
- Improvements to JSON support
- Impala to Impala federation
- Predicate push down to external data sources
- Various optimizations (count star, intra-node communication, etc.)
- Numerous bug fixes

## Community Health:
reviews@ is the most reliable metric of Impala community activity level.
There were 3628 emails to that list in January, February, and March (until 15th)

Attachment AK: Report from the Apache Incubator Project  [Justin Mclean]

# Incubator PMC report for March 2024

The Apache Incubator is the entry path into the ASF for projects and
codebases wishing to become part of the Foundation's efforts.

The Apache Incubator is the entry path into the ASF for projects and 
codebases wishing to become part of the Foundation's efforts.

There are currently 31 podlings incubating. In February, podlings executed 
6 distinct releases and 1 IP clearance occurred.

Several incubating proposals have been discussed on teh mailing list and
several podlings have been proposed for graduation.
There has been some work on updating the website template for incubating 
projects, and there was a discussion of dropping the requirement of having
incubating in podling domain names.

## Community

### New IPMC members:
  - Robert Metzger

### People who left the IPMC:
  - None

## New Podlings
  - None

## Podlings that failed to report, expected next month
  - None

## Graduations
  - list podling here

  The board has motions for the following:
  - Celeborn
  - Paimon
  - Pekko

## Releases

  The following releases entered distribution during the month of
  - Answer 1.2.5
  - Celeborn 0.4.0
  - Paimon 0.7.0
  - Paimon 0.6.1
  - Pekko 1.0.3 M1
  - Pekko HTTP 1.0.1

## IP Clearance
  - Apache Arrow DataFusion Comet

## Legal / Trademarks

## Infrastructure

## Miscellaneous

## Table of Contents  

## Answer

  A Q-and-A platform software for teams at any scale.

  Answer has been incubating since 2023-10-09.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

  1. Release more ASF-compliant versions.
  2. Build and grow a diverse community, attracting more committers and PPMC

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of? 

  Currently no.

### How has the community developed since the last report?

  - 1 new contributor have joined the community (52 in total).

### How has the project developed since the last report?

  - The third ASF-compliant version (v1.2.5) was released.
  - 2 new features, 5 bug fixes, 5 improvements.

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
  Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  - [ ] Initial setup
  - [ ] Working towards first release
  - [X] Community building
  - [ ] Nearing graduation
  - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:    

  18 Feb, 2024

### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

  There was no new committer or PPMC members elected.

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?

  Yes, all the mentors are helpful and responsive.

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?

  There are no known brand and naming issues.

### Signed-off-by:

  - [X] (answer) Willem Ning Jiang  
     Comments:  The project is in the good track.
  - [X] (answer) tison  
     Comments: Running well. I saw a few users starting to use this 
     software. The releases are smooth. PPMC may try to extend the community
     with more developers.
  - [X] (answer) Justin Mclean  
  - [X] (answer) Christofer Dutz  

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

## Baremaps

Apache Baremaps is a toolkit and a set of infrastructure components for
creating, publishing, and operating online maps.

Baremaps has been incubating since 2022-10-10.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

  1. Reviewing the changes made to make the code and documentation website 
  compliant with Apache standards

  2. Growing the community

  3. Making releases

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?

  We underestimated the effort required to make the project compliant with
  Apache guidelines.
  In particular, some datasets used in the code (EPSG) and in the tests
  (OpenStreetMap, NaturalEarth, Ripe, etc.) were causing licensing issues.
  We hope that closing these issues will help us increase the release
  frequency and focus on growing the community.

### How has the community developed since the last report?

  No new committer joined the project.

### How has the project developed since the last report?

  We have now been able to remove all the licensed datasets with synthetic
  ones, and we should be able to remove the disclaimer-wip soon.
  We improved the style and the tileset of the basemap.
  We introduced a new workflow for the daylight map distribution (Microsoft
  and Google Building Footprints, Facebook Experimental ML Roads, etc.)[1,2].
  We added support for the PMTiles format.


### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
  Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  - [ ] Initial setup
  - [ ] Working towards first release
  - [X] Community building
  - [ ] Nearing graduation
  - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

  When we joined the incubator.

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?

  Yes, the mentors' advice has been helpful, especially in removing the
  problematic datasets.

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?


### Signed-off-by:

  - [ ] (baremaps) Bertrand Delacretaz  
  - [ ] (baremaps) Martin Desruisseaux  
  - [X] (baremaps) Julian Hyde  
  - [X] (baremaps) Calvin Kirs  
     Comments:  Good to see the team is making progress on License-related 
  - [ ] (baremaps) George Percivall  

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

## Fury

A blazing fast multi-language serialization framework powered by jit and

Fury has been incubating since 2023-12-15.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

  1. Standardize cross-language serialization protocol of Fury.
  2. Align the serialization implementation of 
  Java/Python/JavaScript/C++/Golang/Rust to the cross-language serialization
  3. Grow the community (attracting more committers, contributors, users)

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?

### How has the community developed since the last report?
  This is the first report for Fury. We attracted about 10 new contributors
  since Fury started incubating in 2023-12-15.

### How has the project developed since the last report?
  This is the first report for Fury. The main progress are:
  1. Standardized Fury java serialization protocol.
  2. Optimized Fury JavaScript performance.

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
  Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  - [X] Initial setup
  - [X] Working towards first release
  - [ ] Community building
  - [ ] Nearing graduation
  - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:
  We haven't made a release since Fury joined the Apache incubator.

### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
  We haven't elected new committers or PPMC members. Currently all the
  committers and PPMC members are the initial committers.

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?

### Signed-off-by:

  - [X] (fury) tison  
     Comments: Let's try to make the first release in the following two 
  - [X] (fury) PJ Fanning  
     Comments: All looking good 
  - [X] (fury) Yu Li  
     Comments: Good to see all necessary infra are set for the project and 
     the team is working towards the first release as an incubator project.
  - [X] (fury) Xin Wang  
     Comments: The team is working towards the first Apache release. 
  - [X] (fury) Enrico Olivelli  
     Comments: LGTM, Probably points 1 and 2 are not strictly needed for 
     graduation (they look more nice-to-have)

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

  jmclean: Points 1 and 2 don't have anything to do with graduation. Try not
  to focus on functionality in the next report.

## Gluten

Gluten is a middle layer responsible for offloading JVM-based SQL engines'
execution to native engines.

Gluten has been incubating since 2024-01-11.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

  1. Complete Code Transfer to Apache
  2. Publish 1st Apache release
  3. Community Growth Initiative

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?

### How has the community developed since the last report?
  This is 1st report for Gluten.

### How has the project developed since the last report?
  This is 1st report for Gluten.

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
  Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  - [X] Initial setup
  - [ ] Working towards first release
  - [ ] Community building
  - [ ] Nearing graduation
  - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:

### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected? 
  2024-01-11, when the project was accepted into the incubator.

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
  Yes, Gluten's mentors actively participate in the project, contribute
  insights, and help advance the project towards graduation.

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks? 
  - The name "Gluten" has been approved by Mark Thomas, the VP of Brand
  - Gluten's logo is currently being designed.

### Signed-off-by:

  - [X] (gluten) Yu Li  
     Comments: The podling setup is in good progress and the team actively 
     cooperates. Hopefully we could complete the code transfer and website
     setup, and start preparing the first Apache release in the next report
  - [X] (gluten) Wenli Zhang  
  - [X] (gluten) Kent Yao  
  - [X] (gluten) Shaofeng Shi  
  - [X] (gluten) Felix Cheung  
     Comments:  good to see code transfer in progress.

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

## HoraeDB

HoraeDB is a high-performance, distributed, cloud native time-series

HoraeDB has been incubating since 2023-12-11.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

  1. Implement a new table engine, designed for high-throughput, 
  low-latency workloads
  2. Support Prometheus query protocol(a.k.a PromQL) natively
  3. Implement toolset to deploy/maintain HoraeDB cluster, mainly for 

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?


### How has the community developed since the last report?

  This is the first report for HoraeDB.

### How has the project developed since the last report?  

  This is the first report for HoraeDB.

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
  Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  - [X] Initial setup
  - [X] Working towards first release
  - [ ] Community building
  - [ ] Nearing graduation
  - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:

  We haven't make a release since join Apache incubator.

### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?


### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?

  Yes, they are very kind to work with.

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?


### Signed-off-by:

  - [X] (horaedb) tison  
     Comments: Already made a release for the horaedb-proto subproject, 
     working at the main repo release.
  - [X] (horaedb) Shaofeng Shi  
  - [X] (horaedb) Gang Li  
  - [ ] (horaedb) Von Gosling  

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

  jmclean: None of the unfinished issues relate to ASF graduation. Please try
  to focus on community and release in your next report.

## KIE

KIE (Knowledge is Everything) is a community of solutions and supporting
tooling for knowledge engineering and process automation, focusing on
events, rules, and workflows.

KIE has been incubating since 2023-01-13.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

  1. Releasing our first Apache release. 
  2. Continuing to build the community. 
  3. Improve the website.

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?

### How has the community developed since the last report?  

  We added a new committer and we published a basic Apache website. We're
  also having weekly calls via Zoom, available for everyone to attend.
  Minutes and agendas are available on GitHub for all to read and add to.

### How has the project developed since the last report?

  We're ever moving toward our first release. Hopefully, we'll have that
  started and voted on by the next report. The community is growing slowly
  but still growing. I believe the main contributors are really learning how
  the mailing lists work and how things are done at the ASF. Alex opened a
  discussion on the general incubator list about a dependency issue, thank
  you for those who contributed to the discussion.

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
  Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  - [X] Initial setup
  - [o] Working towards first release - Ongoing
  - [o] Community building - Stable and Ongoing
  - [ ] Nearing graduation - No
  - [ ] Other: - No

### Date of last release:

  N/A, hopefully soon

### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?  

  Earlier in February 2024.

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?

  Mentors have been very helpful. We're getting to the point of not having to
  ask them much, it feels good.

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?

  Yes, branding has not been a problem. Names, brands, trademarks, etc. are
  doing fine. The ASF isn't managing it just yet, won't until we graduate, as
  per the agreement with Red Hat and IBM.

### Signed-off-by:

  - [X] (kie) Brian Proffitt  
  - [X] (kie) Claus Ibsen  
  - [X] (kie) Andrea Cosentino  

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

  jmclean: Zoom and timezones, by their very nature, make it impossible for
  everyone to attend. It good that the minutes are put where everyone can see
  them, but take care you are not excluding any of your community.

## Nemo

Nemo is a data processing system to flexibly control the runtime behaviors
of a job to adapt to varying deployment characteristics.

Nemo has been incubating since 2018-02-04.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

  1. Motivate growth in the community
  2. Address remaining items before graduation   

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?

  The issue raised in our previous podling report (Dec. 2023) still exists. 
  This is a project initiated from academia, and many of the committers have
  graduated with their degree and moved
  on to something else. The project itself is very promising, known that 
  many outstanding academic papers have been developed on top of Apache Nemo
  [1-5], so it would be ideal
  if it finds its purpose, however it seems quite challenging at this 
  particular moment. It is quite disappointing to see the project lose its
  momentum during the covid-19
  pandemics, which made it extremely challenging for us to build the 
  community. Nevertheless, the project itself, I believe, deserved to be in
  the TLP, but it seems like if
  there is no breakpoint for the project regarding the project community, I 
  think we could start discussing about sending it to the attic. Any
  suggestions or opinions are welcome!


### How has the community developed since the last report?

  Trying to have a discussion towards the issue raised above

### How has the project developed since the last report?

  Trying to have a discussion towards the issue raised above

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
  Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  - [ ] Initial setup
  - [ ] Working towards first release
  - [X] Community building
  - [X] Nearing graduation
  - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

  September 28, 2021

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?

  Please refer to the issue raised above.

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?

  The PPMC manages the polling's brand / trademarks.

### Signed-off-by:

  - [ ] (nemo) Hyunsik Choi  
  - [X] (nemo) Byung-Gon Chun  
  - [X] (nemo) Jean-Baptiste Onofré  
  - [ ] (nemo) Markus Weimer  

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

## ResilientDB

ResilientDB is a distributed blockchain framework that is open-source,
lightweight, modular, and highly performant.

ResilientDB has been incubating since 2023-10-21.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

  1. Transfer related websites to Apache domain.
  2. Grow the community by facilitating more applications being built on 
  3. Improve and extend documentation.

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?

### How has the community developed since the last report? 

  Regular meeting continues every week.

### How has the project developed since the last report?
   Many applications built on ResDB have been launched, like [Desktop 
  [CrypGo](, [Rust
  tml), and [TypeScript
  More application details can be found in 

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
  Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  - [X] Initial setup
  - [ ] Working towards first release
  - [X] Community building
  - [ ] Nearing graduation
  - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?   

  November of 2023

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive? 

  The mentors helped tremendously throughout the project build-up and 

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?

  There are no known brand and naming issues as reported here

### Signed-off-by:

  - [X] (resilientdb) Junping Du  
  - [X] (resilientdb) Calvin Kirs  
  - [ ] (resilientdb) Kevin Ratnasekera  
  - [ ] (resilientdb) Roman Shaposhnik  
  - [X] (resilientdb) Christian Grobmeier  

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

## Uniffle

Uniffle is an unified Remote Shuffle Service

Uniffle has been incubating since 2022-06-06.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
  Promote the project and grow the user and dev community.

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?

### How has the community developed since the last report?
  1. Regular meeting every two weeks
  2. 5 new contributors

### How has the project developed since the last report?
  1. 113 pull requests are created and 92 pull requests are merged.
  2. 68 issues are created and 61 issues are closed.

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
  Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  - [ ] Initial setup
  - [ ] Working towards first release
  - [X] Community building
  - [ ] Nearing graduation
  - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:

  2023-12-13, we released 0.8.0 version

### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
  Qing Liu, elected as the committer on 2024.02.
  Junfan Zhang, elected as the PPMC on 2023.06.

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
  Yes, they are helpful in guiding the podding project.

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?

### Signed-off-by:

  - [X] (uniffle) Felix Cheung  
  - [X] (uniffle) Junping Du  
  - [X] (uniffle) Liu Xun  
  - [ ] (uniffle) Weiwei Yang  
  - [ ] (uniffle) Zhankun Tang  

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

  jmclean: For the next report, please list the three most important
  unfinished issues.

## Wayang

 Wayang is a cross-platform data processing system that aims at decoupling
the business logic of data analytics applications from concrete data
processing platforms, such as Apache Flink or Apache Spark. Hence, it tames
the complexity that arises from the "Cambrian explosion" of novel data
processing platforms that we currently witness.

Wayang has been incubating since 2020-12-16.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

  1. Growing community

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?


### How has the community developed since the last report?

  There are new multiple contributors since last report. We are also in
  process of adding new committers and PPMC members.

### How has the project developed since the last report?

  We've added new features, re-structured the code and have now released 1.0.
  We also have a new website now.

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
  Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  - [ ] Initial setup
  - [ ] Working towards first release
  - [ ] Community building
  - [X] Nearing graduation
  - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?


### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?

  Yes, No issues here

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?

  Yes, no issues here.

### Signed-off-by:

  - [X] (wayang) Christofer Dutz  
  - [ ] (wayang) Lars George  
  - [ ] (wayang) Bernd Fondermann  
  - [X] (wayang) Jean-Baptiste Onofré  

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

## XTable

Apache XTable (incubating) is a cross-table converter for lakehouse table 
formats that facilitates interoperability across data processing systems 
and query engines.

XTable has been incubating since 2024-02-11.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

  1. Complete tasks related to code base and website migration to ASF.
  2. Publish a release under ASF.
  3. Foster community growth.

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
  None at present.

### How has the community developed since the last report?
  This is the first report for XTable, so there's no history of community
  development to report on.

### How has the project developed since the last report?
  Similarly, as this is the first report, there's no previous project
  development to compare with.

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
  Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  - [X] Initial setup
  - [ ] Working towards first release
  - [ ] Community building
  - [ ] Nearing graduation
  - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:
  There hasn't been any release for XTable yet.

### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
  No new PPMC members or committers have been elected.

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?
  Yes, the PPMC members have been overseeing the management of the podling's
  brand and trademarks, ensuring compliance with ASF conventions, such as
  guidelines for project name references on the documentation, website, etc.

### Signed-off-by:

  - [X] (xtable) Jesús Camacho Rodríguez  
  - [X] (xtable) Hitesh Shah  
  - [X] (xtable) Stamatis Zampetakis  
  - [X] (xtable) Jean-Baptiste Onofré  
     Comments: Good start for xtable, things are moving forward smoothly. 

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
  Projects mailing list conversation looks good to me, the project is in a
  good sharp.

Attachment AL: Report from the Apache IoTDB Project  [Xiangdong Huang]

## Description:
The mission of Apache IoTDB is the creation and maintenance of software related 
to an IoT native database with high performance for data management and analysis

## Project Status:
Current project status: ongoing
Issues for the board: no

## Membership Data:
Apache IoTDB was founded 2020-09-16 (3 years ago)
There are currently 61 committers and 29 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Steve Yurong Su on 2023-09-28.
- No new committers. Last addition was Sicheng Yu on 2023-08-01.

## Project Activity:
Software development activity:
- IOTDB-1.3.0 was released on 2024-01-01.
- We are working on time series computing feature.
- We are improving the JVM GC options for supporting diverse workload.
- v1.3.1 is on the way.

## Community Health:
Overall community health is good. 
- Joined a meetup titled "Open Source Database Technology" in Shanghai.
- The community has more connection with Apache Ratis, and one of IoTDB
committer became Ratis's PMC member.
- The number of PR, code modifications, and mails decreased, 
but it is reasonable because there are many developers in Asia and there
is a long holiday in this quarter.

Attachment AM: Report from the Apache Jackrabbit Project  [Marcel Reutegger]

## Description: 
The Apache Jackrabbit™ content repository is a fully conforming
implementation of the Content Repository for Java™ Technology API
(JCR, specified in JSR 170 and 283). The Jackrabbit content 
repository is stable, largely feature complete and actively being

Jackrabbit Oak is an effort to implement a scalable and performant 
hierarchical content repository as a modern successor to the Apache
Jackrabbit content repository. It is targeted for use as the 
foundation of modern world-class websites and other demanding 
content applications. In contrast to its predecessor, Oak does not 
implement all optional features from the JSR specifications, and it 
is not a reference implementation. 

## Project Status: 
The project is ongoing with moderate activity.

There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Membership Data:
Apache Jackrabbit was founded 2006-03-15 (18 years ago).

There are currently 59 committers and 59 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 1:1, because all committers automatically
become PMC members.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Nuno Santos on 2023-11-14.
- No new committers. Last addition was Nuno Santos on 2023-11-13.

## Project Activity: 
Apache Jackrabbit Oak receives most attention nowadays. All 
maintenance branches and the main development branch are 
continuously seeing moderate to high activity.

Apache Jackrabbit itself is mostly in maintenance mode with most of 
the work going into bug fixing and tooling. New features are mainly
driven by dependencies from Jackrabbit Oak.

The project website sources were migrated from SVN to Git in January.
Due to its size, the generated website content still resides in SVN.

In January the team voted to require Java 11 for the next feature
release of Apache Jackrabbit (2.22.0).

RMI support in Apache Jackrabbit was deprecated in February and the
feature will be removed in the next feature release.

## Community Health:
The project is generally healthy with a continuous stream of traffic
mostly on JIRA issues and GitHub pull requests reflecting activity of
the respective component. 

Commit activity is moderate, mirroring the activity on the 
JIRA issues and the desire of the individual contributors to bring
features and improvements in for the next Jackrabbit Oak release.

## Releases:

- jackrabbit-2.20.14 was released on 2024-01-11
- jackrabbit-2.21.23 was released on 2024-02-08
- jackrabbit-2.21.25 was released on 2024-02-26

## JIRA activity:

- 147 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
- 114 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

Attachment AN: Report from the Apache Karaf Project  [Jean-Baptiste Onofré]

## Description:
The mission of the Apache Karaf project is the creation and maintenance of 
open-source software related to a generic platform providing higher level 
features and services specifically designed for creating OSGi-based servers for 
distribution at no charge to the public.

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing with moderate activity during last quarter
Issues for the board: none

## Membership Data:
Apache Karaf was founded 2010-06-16 (14 years ago)
There are currently 32 committers and 17 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 8:5.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Francois Papon on 2018-11-29.
- No new committers. Last addition was Robert Varga on 2023-10-31.

## Project Activity:
We released:
* Karaf runtime 4.4.5 was released on 2024-01-10. 

We are also preparing Karaf
runtime 4.5.0 which will be a main milestone with Jakarta namespace support.
We plan this release in March 2024. This release requires updates/activities
on other projects (Aries, etc).

## Community Health:
The karaf-integration distribution is planned for Karaf 4.5.0 (see KARAF-7792
- Provide karaf-integration distribution OPEN ). The Karaf community started
  to help on camel-karaf, restarting this project to support Camel 4.x in
(as requested by users), see The activity was lower
 in the past quarter as we were working on the 4.5.0 milestone. We expect much
 more activity (blog, messages on the ml, etc) with the 4.5.0 release will be

Attachment AO: Report from the Apache Kvrocks Project  [Hulk Lin]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Kvrocks is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a distributed key-value NoSQL database, supporting the rich data

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing Issues for the board: None

## Membership Data:
Apache Kvrocks was founded 2023-06-21 (9 months ago) There are currently 24
committers and 10 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is
roughly 2:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Ji Huayu was added as committer on 2024-01-23

## Project Activity:
Apache Kvrocks just completed the release process for 2.8.0, it supports many
new Redis commands, as well as the notable feature of the RESP3 protocol which
makes significant progress to make Kvrocks compatible with the Redis protocol.

In addition, the community is working on the RedisSearch module, and we look
forward to seeing RedisSearch in the future release.

## Community Health:

Overall community health is good. We have got 6 new contributors now, and the
development traffic(Pull Requests +7%) is slightly increasing compared to the
last quarter. The community also actively participates in GSoC and OSPP to
involve more contributors in the Kvrocks community.

Below is our full metrics:

- had a 19% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (26
  emails compared to 32)
- 53 commits in the past quarter (-25% change)
- 13 code contributors in the past quarter (44% increase)
- 137 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (7% increase)
- 141 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (11% increase)
- 75 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (33% increase)
- 59 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (18% increase)

Attachment AP: Report from the Apache Kyuubi Project  [Kent Yao]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Kyuubi is the creation and maintenance of software 
related to a distributed and multi-tenant gateway to provide serverless SQL on 
data warehouses and lakehouses

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing with moderate activity
Issues for the board: none

## Membership Data:
Apache Kyuubi was founded 2022-12-21 (a year ago)
There are currently 26 committers and 15 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:4.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Zhen Wang on 2023-11-07.
- Yi Zhu was added as committer on 2024-01-29

## Project Activity:

Software development activity:

 - We released the bug fix release 1.8.1 for Apache Kyuubi on 2024 Feb 21.
 - Release of kyuubi-shaded 0.3.0 is on voting
 - The donation of PyHive project and the IP Clearance is still ongoing.
 - We added Apache Impala support

Meetups and Conferences:

 - No special events holded in this quater 

## Community Health:

We observed the number from districts outside the China mainland was
growing. It's a good news for the community to become more diversity.

Attachment AQ: Report from the Apache Libcloud Project  [Tomaž Muraus]

Attachment AR: Report from the Apache Linkis Project  [Shuai Di]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Linkis is the creation and maintenance of software 
related to a distributed computation middleware to facilitate connection, 
governance and orchestration between the upper applications and the
underlying data engines.

## Project Status:
Current project status: New
Issues for the board: There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Linkis was founded 2022-12-21 (a year ago)
There are currently 37 committers and 26 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:4.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Jie Cheng was added to the PMC on 2024-01-28
- No new committers. Last addition was GuoHua Liu on 2023-12-06.

## Project Activity:
Apache Linkis released version 1.5.0 on December 27th. This version involved
more than 25 contributors, including 2 new contributors (currently: 156),
and contained over 31 new features. Apache Linkis 1.6.0 are currently
under development.

Software development activity:
We released 1.5.0 three months ago. 
We are currently developing 1.6.0 
and have completed most of the new features as below.

Linkis V1.6.0(developing) New features:
- Spring cloud version upgrade fixes security issues
- Flink supports UDF function
- Support doris engineconn
- Result set storage supports switching to orc and Parquet formats
- Orchestator supports substitution
- Once mode supports commit from the Entrance
- Apache Spark etl supports Apache Doris

Meetups and Conferences:
- On January 20th, Linkis and the Doris community jointly organized a Meetup.

## Community Health:
Overall community health is good.
- 36 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter
- 19 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter

Attachment AS: Report from the Apache Logging Services Project  [Volkan Yazici]

## Description:
The mission of the Apache Logging Services project is to create and maintain
software for managing the logging of application behavior, and for related
software components.

## Project Status:
- Log4j project, and its children Log4j Kotlin and Log4j Scala, are
  "ongoing" with high activity.
- Log4cxx is "ongoing" with high activity.
- Log4net is, as was in the last report, "at risk", since
  it hardly gets updated and is maintained by 1 PMC member
  (davydm) and a new committer (freeandnil).
- Log4j Audit project is "at risk". There has not been any
  activity in the last several years.
- Flume project is "at risk". There has not been any activity
  in the last several years, even after merging PMCs.
- The September 2023 attempt[1] to move Chainsaw to dormant status
  had failed. A recent second attempt turned out to be a success[2].


## Membership Data:
There are currently 45 committers and 22 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 2:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- [Flume] Balázs Donát Bessenyei was added to the PMC on 2023-11-17
- [Flume] Juhani Connolly was added to the PMC on 2023-11-17
- [Flume] Mike Percy was added to the PMC on 2023-11-17
- [Log4cxx] Stephen Webb was added to the PMC on 2023-11-24
- [Flume] Tristan Stevens was added to the PMC on 2023-11-17
- [Flume] Balázs Donát Bessenyei was added as committer on 2023-11-17
- [Flume] Juhani Connolly was added as committer on 2023-11-17
- [Flume] Mike Percy was added as committer on 2023-11-17
- [Flume] Tristan Stevens was added as committer on 2023-11-17
- [Log4net] Fred am Nil was added as committer on 2024-02-09

Except Stephen Webb and Fred am Nil, the rest of the added PMC
members were due to the merge of Flume with Logging Services.

## Project Activity:
- Stephen Webb has been a long time log4cxx committer. Upon PMCs
  ask, he agreed to join the PMC. Since then, he has been raining
  commits on log4cxx! Recently released log4cxx `1.2.0` is a vivid
  demonstration of the strong development efforts.
- After being explicitly asked[1], Fred am Nil, a long time Log4net
  contributor, volunteered to join Log4net as a committer.
- Released Log4j `2.22.0`[2] marks the first version with a
  CycloneDX-based SBOM and VDR support. This work is supervised
  by Hervé Boutemy (from Maven PMC) and Steve Springett (Chair
  of CycloneDX SBOM Standard). This collaboration resulted in
  Logging Services PMC contributing several improvements to
  `cyclonedx-maven-plugin`. (Log4j `2.23.0` and `3.0.0-beta2`
  were released since then.)
- Log4j crew is trying hard to give birth to Log4j 3.
  Intensive labor is going on to get the associated branch (i.e.,
  `main`) ready for a major release. `main` was forked from
  `2.x` ~6 years ago. In the meantime, `main` was subject to
  several major experiments: new DI system, new property system,
  etc. Next to that, if not all, several `2.x` changes were never
  ported to `main`. There is a big "porting stuff from `2.x` to
  `main`" plumbing going on.
- Log4j team has agreed to not release a new Log4j 3 API, but
  embrace the Log4j 2 API as "the Log4j API"[3]. That is, Log4j 3
  version will target the Log4j 2 API. This happy news for users
  translates to more work for Log4j 3 release preparations.
- Log4j Audit and Flume have no activity by any means.


## Community Health:
- Log4j is currently the most active project across GitHub and mailing lists.
- Log4cxx and Log4net haven't seen much community activity.
- Log4j Audit and Flume have no activity by any means.

Attachment AT: Report from the Apache Lucene Project  [Chris Hegarty]

## Description:
The mission of Lucene is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Search engine library.

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: none

## Membership Data:
Apache Lucene was founded 2005-01-19 (19 years ago)
There are currently 100 committers and 68 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:5.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Ben Trent was added to the PMC on 2024-02-22
- Stefan Vodita was added as committer on 2024-01-18
- Chao Zhang was added as committer on 2024-02-20

## Project Activity:

- pylucene-9.10.0 was released on 2024-03-04.
  - Make it possible to use modern Python packaging without falling
    afoul of "python install" being deprecated.
- 9.10.0 was released on 2024-02-20.
  - Support for similarity-based vector searches, ie. finding all nearest
    neighbors whose similarity is greater than a configured threshold from
    a query vector.
  - Index sorting is now compatible with block joins.
  - MMapDirectory now takes advantage of the now finalized JDK foreign
    memory API internally when running on Java 22 (or later).
  - SIMD vectorization now takes advantage of JDK vector incubator on Java 22
  - Release notes:
- 8.11.3 was released on 2024-02-08.
  - A number of bugs in polygon tessellating have been fixed.
  - Improvements in memory usage
  - Release notes:  
- 9.9.2 was released on 2024-01-29.
  - Fix NPE when sampling for quantization in scalar quantized format
  - Rollback the tmp storage of BytesRefHash to -1 after sort
  - Release notes:
- 9.9.1 was released on 2023-12-16
  - JVM SIGSEGV crash when compiling computeCommonPrefixLengthAndBuildHistogram
  - Fix bug in OutputAccumulator as IntersectTermsEnumFrames push and pop
  - Release notes:

Of note, is the upgrade of the Lucene _main_ branch, and therefore the
future next major release (Lucene 10), to a minimum of Java 21.   

## Community Health:

Community interactions remain very healthy, with good activity in all areas
(discussions, PRs, etc).
- The dev@ mailing list had a moderate decrease of 12% in traffic compared
  to last quarter (326 emails compared to 367). There were no particularly
  contentious topics, but rather a healthy amount of discussion on a breadth
  of subjects (and welcoming our newest committers!) The moderate decrease
  is likely due to the holiday period.
- Development remains very active. In this quarter:
  - 472 commits across all branches
  - 196 PRs opened
  - 161 PRs closed
  - This is down a little from the previous quarter, but still very healthy.
- PR volume remains healthy, with open PRs trending in a steady state
  while closed PRs continue to increase at the same trend


1. Lucene now has a Githubsearch, that supports drilling down on PRs
and issues, filtering by author, reviewer requested, time open, etc. This
showcases many fun features from Lucene itself, and could be of interest to
other projects wanting similar functionality. The announce message has more
details, see

2. Inspired by an Apache Beam talk at Community Over Code in Halifax, we
enabled Github's "stale PR" functionality, which keeps track of PRs that
are not making progress, which in turn helps reduce response times for

Attachment AU: Report from the Apache Lucene.Net Project  [Shad Storhaug]

## Description:
The mission of Lucene.Net is the creation and maintenance of a search engine
library and related software for .NET runtime users.

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing 
Issues for the board: None

## Membership Data:
Apache Lucene.Net was founded 2012-08-14 (11 years ago) There are currently 16
committers and 14 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Ron Clabo on 2022-03-02.
- No new committers. Last addition was Ron Clabo on 2021-06-02.

Two PMC members were invited to join as ASF members since the last report:
Shad Storhaug (nightowl888) and Paul Irwin (paulirwin).

## Project Activity:
No new releases have been made since the previous release. We have been
focusing on remaining work to get the 4.8 release finished, including test
review, OpenNLP support, .NET 8 testing, and various other code correctness
and cleanup issues.

## Community Health:
As mentioned in the prior status report, most community discussions have been
moving to GitHub rather than the mailing list. There have been some new issues
opened with good discussion around them. PRs have mostly been among PMC
members with a few from the community since the last report.

Attachment AV: Report from the Apache Mnemonic Project  [Gordon King]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Mnemonic is the creation and maintenance of software 
related to a transparent nonvolatile hybrid memory oriented library for Big 
data, High-performance computing, and Analytics

## Project Status:
Current project status: low activity with ongoing maintenance   
Issues for the board: none

## Membership Data:
Apache Mnemonic was founded 2020-11-30 (3 years ago)
There are currently 22 committers and 14 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Chenyang Li on 2020-11-04.
- No new committers. Last addition was Katarina King on 2023-11-21.

## Project Activity:
There are some ongoing works to maintain the codebase, including the bug
fixes, code improvement and code refactor. We have one active committer are
working on this project and going to find more contributors to working on this
project. Our PMC members are going to consider recruiting new PMC to support
this project and define the scope and plan tasks to make the consensus
direction of this project. It is really difficult to find contributors who are
interesting in working on non-volatile technology, however, we are expecting
the non-volatile memory related project may bring some benefit to AI ecosystem
in the future.

## Community Health:
15 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter
5 issues closed in JIRA, past quarter
14 commits in the past quarter 
1 code contributors in the past quarter

Attachment AW: Report from the Apache Mynewt Project  [Szymon Janc]

Attachment AX: Report from the Apache NetBeans Project  [Geertjan Wielenga]

## Description:
The mission of Apache NetBeans is the creation and maintenance of software
related to development environments, tooling platforms, and application

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing with steady activity. 
Issues for the board: None.

## Membership Data:
Apache NetBeans was founded 2019-04-17 (5 years ago). There are currently 82
committers and 65 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is
roughly 6:5.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Michael Bien on 2022-05-01.
- No new committers. Last addition was Tomas Hurka on 2023-05-24.

## Project Activity:
- Apache NetBeans 21 was released on 2024-02-20.
- Release notes:
- Neil C. Smith, who has been tirelessly driving the release process over the
  past years, is taking a step back (many thanks for your great work and
  please do stick around!), and we'll need to pull together as a community to
  fill the gap, with Eric Barboni on point for the next release, as scheduled:
- Background on the above item: though we of course work together as a
  community on the releases, having one or two people on point as a center for
  co-ordinating activities, has worked well for us so far.

## Community Health:
- Consistently between 20 and 30 committers contribute to each release,
  including three to five new committers per release, so that's very nice. For
  example, see these stats at the end, as an example:
- had a 86% increase in traffic in the past quarter
  (296 emails compared to 159)
- had a 44% decrease in traffic in the past quarter
  (148 emails compared to 263)

Attachment AY: Report from the Apache OFBiz Project  [Jacopo Cappellato]

## Description:
Apache OFBiz is an open source product for the automation of enterprise 
processes that includes framework components and business applications for ERP 
(Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), 
E-Business / E-Commerce, SCM (Supply Chain Management), MRP (Manufacturing 
Resource Planning), MMS/EAM (Maintenance Management System/Enterprise Asset 
Management). Apache OFBiz provides a foundation and starting point for 
reliable, secure and scalable enterprise solutions.

## Project Status:
Current project status: ongoing.
Issues for the board: none.

## Membership Data:
Apache OFBiz was founded 2006-12-20 (17 years ago)
There are currently 58 committers and 36 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 8:5.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Giulio Speri was added to the PMC on 2023-12-21
- Mekika Leila was added to the PMC on 2023-12-21
- Nicola Mazzoni was added to the PMC on 2023-12-21
- No new committers. Last addition was Mekika Leila on 2022-09-28.

## Project Activity:
* New releases:
** 18.12.11 was released on 2023-12-21
** 18.12.12 was released on 2024-02-28
* with the two releases four security vulnerabilities have been disclosed and
 fixed: CVE-2023-50968, CVE-2023-51467, CVE-2024-25065, CVE-2024-23946
* trademarks: there are no trademark related concerns at the moment

## Community Health:
No new committers have been invited during the last quarter but, as
anticipated in our last report, three new members joined the PMC. Community
activity over the last quarter has been on average with various topics
discussed both on our mailing lists and ticketing system.

Attachment AZ: Report from the Apache Olingo Project  [Michael Bolz]

## Description:
The Apache Olingo Project is responsible for the creation and maintenance of
software related to providing an implemention of the OASIS OData
(Open Data Protocol) specifications, in server and client form;

## Project Status:
Current project status: Dormant Issues for the board: No issues requiring
board attention at this time.

## Membership Data:
Apache Olingo was founded 2014-03-19 (10 years ago) There are currently 25
committers and 15 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Ramya Vasanth on 2019-04-15.
- No new committers. Last addition was Archana Rai on 2017-05-26.

## Project Activity:
Recent releases:
  - V4 5.0.0 was released on 2023-12-18.
  - 4.10.0 was released on 2023-10-22.
  - V2 2.0.13 was released on 2023-10-22.

For V2 a feature release (version 3.0.0) is in progress, however it is delayed
and will not come before May. For V4 the next release is a maintenanace
release planned in December.

## Community Health:
Overall community health is okay. Even if activity on the mailing lists
decreased as well as no contributions (Jira, GitHub). Roadmap for feature
release was discussed and decided, resulting in the plan mentioned in project

Attachment BA: Report from the Apache OpenDAL Project  [Hao Ding]

## Description:

Apache OpenDAL is a data access layer that allows users to easily and
efficiently retrieve data from various storage services in a unified way.

Its vision centers on enabling **access data freely**, with the goal of
empowering ALL users to freely access ANY storage service in ANY way they

## Project Status:

Current project status: New
Issues for the board: None

## Membership Data:

Apache OpenDAL was founded 2024-01-17 (2 months ago)
There are currently 22 committers and 15 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Liuqing Yue was added to the PMC on 2024-01-22
- Yang Shuai was added as committer on 2024-01-23

## Project Activity:

OpenDAL community made one releases since last report (2024-02):

- 0.45.1 was released on 2024-03-02.

The OpenDAL community participates in GSoC events and has submitted three
ideas. We've gained new contributors, some of whom we anticipate will become
new committers to OpenDAL.

## Community Health:

### Mailing List had a 40% increase in traffic in the past quarter (210
emails compared to 150)

As GSoC progresses, we anticipate an increase in traffic in the upcoming

### Contributors

Since our last report, the OpenDAL community has merged 100 PRs across 209
files, thanks to the work of 18 contributors. Our total number of contributors
has now reached 184, marking an increase of 4 since the last report.

Our contributor growth has slowed, and no new committers have been nominated
since the last report, which is concerning. The OpenDAL PMC plans to implement
the following actions to address this:

- Participate in GSoC to attract more contributors to OpenDAL.
- Enhance documentation for OpenDAL, benefiting both developers and users.
- Simplify the internal implementation logic to make contributions easier.

We expect to see more committers in the next report.

Attachment BB: Report from the Apache OpenNLP Project  [Jeff Zemerick]

## Description:
The mission of OpenNLP is the creation and maintenance of software related to 
Machine learning based toolkit for the processing of natural language text

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: None

## Membership Data:
Apache OpenNLP was founded 2012-02-14 (12 years ago)
There are currently 25 committers and 17 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:5.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Martin Wiesner on 2023-06-24.
- No new committers. Last addition was Atita Arora on 2023-02-28.

## Project Activity:
Apache OpenNLP 2.3.2 was a maintenance release with minor improvements and was
released on 2024-02-04. A pull request to Apache Lucene to upgrade its OpenNLP
dependency to 2.3.2 was merged last month. Lucene was previously using OpenNLP
1.9.4 so it was a bit behind. Now that Lucene is using the newest version,
there is work being done in Apache Solr to use the new features. This may help
make the community more active.

## Community Health:
The community activity was slower this period compared the previous periods,
but the community remains healthy.

Attachment BC: Report from the Apache OpenWebBeans Project  [Mark Struberg]

## Description:
 Apache OpenWebBeans is an ALv2-licensed implementations of the
 "Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE platform"
 specifications which are defined as JSR-299 (CDI-1.0), JSR-346
 (CDI-1.1 and CDI-1.2 MR), JSR-365 (CDI-2.0) and
 Jakarta CDI (CDI-4.0).

 The OWB community also maintains a small server as
 Apache Meecrowave subproject. Meecrowave bundles latest releases of
 the ASF projects Tomcat + OpenWebBeans + CXF + Johnzon + log4j2.

## Issues:
 There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:
 We've now rolled another CDI-4.0 implementation release called OWB-4.0.2.
 Next steps will focus on getting a new Meecrowave release out of the door.

## Community Health
 Activity is rather fine. 

## PMC changes:
 - Currently 13 PMC members, 20 committers
 - Last PMC addition was Reinhard Sandtner on 2017-10-09.
 - Last committer addition was John D. Ament on 2017-10-09.

## Recent Releases
 - 4.0.2 was released on 2024-02-14.
 - 4.0.1 was released on 2023-11-16.
 - meecrowave-1.2.14 was released on 2022-05-11.

Attachment BD: Report from the Apache Pig Project  [Koji Noguchi]

Attachment BE: Report from the Apache Pinot Project  [Kishore G]

Attachment BF: Report from the Apache Pivot Project  [Roger Lee Whitcomb]

Attachment BG: Report from the Apache PLC4X Project  [Christofer Dutz]

## Description:
The mission of the Apache PLC4X project is creating a set of libraries for 
communicating with industrial programmable logic controllers (PLCs) using a 
variety of protocols but with a shared API.

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing with moderate activity
Issues for the board: None

## Membership Data:
Apache PLC4X was founded 2019-04-17 (5 years ago)
There are currently 21 committers and 13 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was César García on 2021-10-01.
- No new committers. Last addition was Jinlin Hong on 2022-11-02.

## Project Activity:
Version 0.12.0 was released on 2024-02-19

The project has been working on closing many issues this quarter.
We were able to cut the number of open issues by half. Also did we
invest a considerable amount of time for working towards reproducible
builds and automating most of the release process. Also did we update
the content on the website, especially thanks to a new documentation-
generator now the configuration for our drivers is automatically going
to be up to date.

## Community Health:
We know we haven't invited any new committers for quite some time.
This is definitely not due to a high committer bar, but more related
to the fact that the people needing Apache PLC4X seem to come from a
part of the industry that is completely new to the concept of open-source.

Only very few people accept our offer to mentor them to scratching their
own itches. 

Interestingly the project is gaining more and more popularity on the user-

Activity on the mailing lists seems to have increased slightly (8% - 605 emails)

The community is looking forward to a community meetup in Frankfurt the 
weekend after the board meeting. Here we hope to re-ignite some of the 
community activity and focus on perhaps releasing a 1.0.0 version of
PLC4X this year.

Attachment BH: Report from the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) Project  [Yann Ylavic]

## Description:
The mission of the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) project is to create and 
maintain software libraries that provide a predictable and consistent interface 
to underlying platform-specific implementations. The primary goal is to provide 
an API to which software developers may code and be assured of predictable if 
not identical behaviour regardless of the platform on which their software is 
built, relieving them of the need to code special-case conditions to work 
around or take advantage of platform-specific deficiencies or features.

## Project Status:
Current project status: ongoing.
Issues for the board: no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Portable Runtime (APR) was founded 2000-12-01 (23 years ago)
There are currently 68 committers and 43 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Steffen Land on 2023-03-02.
- No new committers. Last addition was Steffen Land on 2023-02-27.

## Project Activity:
The quarter was quiet, but nothing unusual, presumably the sign that current
versions work as expected.
No new releae discussed for now.

## Community Health:
Low activity for both the mailing lists and commits, it usually increases
at release time or when something needs fixing.

Attachment BI: Report from the Apache Portals Project  [Neil Griffin]

## Description:
The mission of Portals is the creation and maintenance of software related to 
Portal technology

## Project Status:
Current project status: Apache Pluto is a stable implementation of a JCP
standard and is currently in a maintenance mode. Issues under consideration
at this point largely (if not entirely) consist of 3rd party security
vulnerabilities that need to be fixed by updating dependencies.

Issues for the board: None at this time

## Membership Data:
Apache Portals was founded 2004-02-17 (20 years ago)
There are currently 40 committers and 17 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:3.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Neil Griffin on 2017-02-11.
- No new committers. Last addition was Ahmed on 2016-08-06.

## Project Activity:
Apache Portals Pluto 3.1.2 was released shortly after the last report published
on December 20, 2023.

As indicated by the release notes, version 3.1.2 largely contains upgrades of
3rd party dependencies:

## Community Health:
There is no recent activity on the dev lists, and no recent community
contributions. Again, the project is in a maintenance mode.

Attachment BJ: Report from the Apache Pulsar Project  [Matteo Merli]

## Description:

Pulsar is a highly scalable, low latency messaging platform running on
commodity hardware. It provides simple pub-sub semantics over topics,
guaranteed at-least-once delivery of messages, automatic cursor management for
subscribers, and cross-datacenter replication.

## Project Status:
 - Security Advisories
   The project has created 8 different security advisories
    * 2024-03-12 CVE-2022-34321 Improper Authentication for Pulsar Proxy 
                                Statistics Endpoint
    * 2024-03-12 CVE-2024-27135 Improper Input Validation in Pulsar Function 
                                Worker allows Remote Code Execution
    * 2024-03-12 CVE-2024-27317 Pulsar Functions Worker's Archive Extraction
                                Vulnerability Allows Unauthorized File
    * 2024-03-12 CVE-2024-27894 Pulsar Functions Worker Allows Unauthorized File
                                Access and Unauthorized HTTP/HTTPS Proxying
    * 2024-03-12 CVE-2024-28098 Improper Authorization For Topic-Level Policy
    * 2024-02-07 CVE-2023-51437 Timing attack in SASL token signature
    * 2023-12-20 CVE-2023-37544 Improper Authentication for WebSocket Proxy
                                Endpoint Allows DoS
  All the supported versions of Pulsar have already available patch releases
  with fixes for all the issues.

## Project Activity:

  - 3.2.0  - Feb 05 2024
  - 3.2.1  - Mar 08 2024 
  - 3.1.2  - Jan 02 2024
  - 3.1.3  - Mar 08 2024
  - 3.0.3  - Mar 09 2024 
  - 2.11.3 - Jan 03 2024
  - 2.11.4 - Mar 08 2024
  - 2.10.6 - Mar 07 2024

  - Pulsar C++ releases:
    - No releases

  - Pulsar Python releases:
    - 3.4.0 - Jan 3 2024
  - Pulsar Go releases:
    - 0.12.0 - Jan 28 2024
    - 0.12.1 - Mar 8 2024

  - Pulsar reactive client:
    - 0.5.2 - Jan 15 2024
    - 0.5.3 - Feb 20 2024
  - Pulsar NodeJS client:
    - 1.10.0 - Feb 6 2024

  - We continue to have a very high number of "Pulsar Improvement
    Proposal" getting submitted, discussed and voted by the

    PIP-327: Support force topic loading for unrecoverable errors
    PIP-328: Add a topicDeleteProtectionEnable configuration option.
    PIP-329: Strategy for maintaining the latest tag to Pulsar docker images
    PIP-330: getMessagesById gets all messages
    PIP-331: Replace configuration 
             brokerServiceCompactionPhaseOneLoopTimeInSeconds with
    PIP-332: peek messages from topic subscription with offset value
    PIP-334: Create a new admin API: pck (Pulsar Consistency Checker).
    PIP-335: Oxia metadata plugin
    PIP-336: WASM Support for pulsar-function-java
    PIP-337: SSL Factory Plugin to customize SSL Context and SSL Engine
    PIP-338: Add default lookup listener and fix inconsistency with listener's
             usage between different protocols
    PIP-339: Introducing the --log-topic Option for Pulsar Sinks and Sources
    PIP-341: Pluggable client metrics tracker interface
    PIP-342: Support OpenTelemetry metrics in Pulsar client
    PIP-343: Use picocli instead of jcommander
    PIP-344: Correct the behavior of the public API
    PIP-345: Optimize finding message by timestamp
    PIP-346: Add a simplified configuration file for Pulsar
  - Pulsar has reached 644 contributors on the main Github repo
    (It was 639 contributors in December 2023)

## Health report:
  - There is healthy growth in the community, and several users are starting
    to become contributors to the project and engage more and more with
    the community. In this quarter, 8 contributors were invited as
    committers to the project.

## Membership Data:
  Apache Pulsar was founded 2018-09-18 (5 years ago)

  There are currently 82 committers and 41 PMC members in this project.
  The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 2:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
 * David Jensen was added to the PMC on 2024-02-07

 * Asaf Mesika was added as committer on 2024-02-20
 * Kiryl Valkovich was added as committer on 2024-02-26

## Community Health:

 - Activity on the mailing lists remains high with a mixture of new users,
   contributors, and deeper, more experienced users and contributors sparking
   discussion and questions and filing bugs or new features.

    - 206% increase in traffic in the past quarter (46 emails compared to 15)

    - 5% increase in traffic in the past quarter (622 emails compared to 592

## Slack activity:
  - 10189 Members (10071 in Dec 2023)
  - 142 Active weekly users (140 in Dec 2023)

Attachment BK: Report from the Apache Ranger Project  [Selvamohan Neethiraj]

## Description:
Apache Ranger is a framework to enable, monitor and manage comprehensive data
security - consistently across various data processing services.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time

## Membership Data:
- Apache Ranger was founded 2017-01-17 (6 years ago).
- There are 33 committers and 17 PMC members in this project. 
- The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:5.

##Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Sailaja Polavarapu on 2019-09-18.
- Last addition to Committer was Abhishek Patil on 2024-02-26.

## Project Activity:
- Ranger 3.0.0 version is being worked by the team (60+ jira assigned for 3.0.0 version)
- Key features addressed in 3.0.0 release in the past quarter:
  -- PrestoSQL module is renamed to Trino and added Docker setup
  -- Added more functionality to GDS (like who can share data from a dataset)
  -- Optimization of Hive metastore API calls (from Hive Plugin)
  -- UI Improvements for password screen
  -- Support for filtering based on PolicyType in the PolicyList page
  -- Added option to bypass evaulation of chained plugins
  -- Upgrade of Spring Security (5.7.11) and Spring Framework (5.3.32) versions
  -- various bug fixes
- Will be working to release 3.0.0 version after addressing unresolved high-priority JIRA(s).

## Community Health:
No Significant changes to mailing list traffic.
- 1145 emails in in this quarter  (-18% change from past quarter)
-  18 emails in in this quarter (+157% change from past quarter) 
- 157 issues opened in JIRA in this quarter            (-12% change from past quarter)
-  84 issues closed in JIRA in this quarter            (-29% change from past quarter)
- 119 commits in this  quarter                         (-34% change from past quarter)
-  21 code contributors in this quarter                (- 4% change from past quarter)

## Most Recent releases:
- Apache Ranger 2.4.0 was released on 2023-03-30
- Apache Ranger 2.3.0 was released on 2022-07-06
- Apache Ranger 2.2.0 was released on 2021-11-01

Attachment BL: Report from the Apache RocketMQ Project  [Xiaorui Wang]

## Description:
The mission of Apache RocketMQ is the creation and maintenance of software 
related to a fast, low latency, reliable, scalable, distributed, easy to use 
message-oriented middleware, especially for processing large amounts of 
streaming data

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: none

## Membership Data:
Apache RocketMQ was founded 2017-09-20 (6 years ago)
There are currently 73 committers and 22 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Zhouxiang Zhan on 2023-09-21.
- No new committers. Last addition was Fan Wang on 2023-07-11.

## Project Activity:
Due to the Chinese New Year holiday falling in this quarter, 
there has been a noticeable decrease in overall project activity. 
We expect a return to normal levels in the next quarter.

## Community Health:
Pull Requests Merged: We’ve merged 15 community-contributed pull requests,
 addressing various issues and adding new features.
Bug Fixes: The community has been active in identifying and fixing bugs.
 Kudos to everyone involved!

Attachment BM: Report from the Apache Royale Project  [Yishay Weiss]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Royale is the creation and maintenance of software 
related to improving developer productivity in creating applications for 
wherever JavaScript and other runtimes run.

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing.
Issues for the board: none.

## Membership Data:
Apache Royale was founded 2017-09-20 (6 years ago)
There are currently 20 committers and 16 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 5:4.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Hugo Ferreira on 2022-10-27.
- No new committers. Last addition was María José Esteve on 2021-11-23.

## Project Activity:

The minimum Java version for running the compiler was bumped to 11 to end
support of older Java versions and allow us to focus on supporting the
compiler to work with more recent Java versions.

## Community Health:

Most metrics show a decline in activity, with the exception of issues being
reported, in which there was a noticeable increase.

Attachment BN: Report from the Apache SeaTunnel Project  [Jun Gao]

## Description:
The mission of Apache SeaTunnel is the creation and maintenance of software 
related to a very easy-to-use ultra-high-performance distributed data 
integration platform that supports real-time synchronization of massive data

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: None

## Membership Data:
Apache SeaTunnel was founded 2023-05-17 (10 months ago)
There are currently 30 committers and 20 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Li Liu on 2023-10-26.
- No new committers. Last addition was Yao Zhou on 2023-11-14.

## Project Activity:
- seatunnel 2.3.4 is released.
- PMC Talks with ZhongAn Insurance: Dive into SeaTunnel User application

## Community Health:
- In the past quarter, we have emphasized the importance of mailing lists to
  the community and actively guided discussions within them.
- The community is trying to use Apache Confluence to manage design documents.
- The community is actively discussing the roadmap for 2024.

Attachment BO: Report from the Apache ServiceComb Project  [Bao Liu]

## Description:
The mission of Apache ServiceComb is the creation and maintenance of software 
related to a microservice framework that provides a set of tools and components 
to make development and deployment of cloud applications easier.

## Project Status:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache ServiceComb was founded 2018-10-17 (5 years ago)
There are currently 37 committers and 21 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:3.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was ZhangJian He on 2023-03-21.
- Yuebin Si was added as committer on 2024-01-19
- Hao Yang was added as committer on 2024-01-19
- Cheng Youling was added as committer on 2024-02-21

## Project Activity:
ServiceComb Service-Center 2.2.0 was released on 2024-01-23.
ServiceComb Java Chassis 3.0.1 was released on 2024-01-16.
ServiceComb Java Chassis 2.8.14 was released on 2023-12-20.
ServiceComb Java Chassis 3.0.0 was released on 2023-12-14.

## Community Health:
Overall, community health is good despite some components like kie, 
service center do not have sufficient oversight from the PMC. And
we are looking new commiters to help with these components.
We vote for 3 new committers to recognize their contribution
to the Java Chassis and Service Center project.
ServiceComb Java Chassis is working for 3.x and have many PRs. 
ServiceComb Service Center fixed security issues and released 2.2.0.

Attachment BP: Report from the Apache ServiceMix Project  [Krzysztof Sobkowiak]

## Description:
The mission of Apache ServiceMix project is to create and maintain a flexible, 
open-source integration container, powered by OSGi, that unifies the features 
and functionality of Apache ActiveMQ, Camel, CXF, and Karaf into a powerful 
runtime platform you can use to build your own integrations solutions.

## Project Status:
Current project status: ongoing with low activity
Issues for the board: none

## Membership Data:
Apache ServiceMix was founded 2007-09-19 (16 years ago)
There are currently 50 committers and 21 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:3.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Andrea Cosentino on 2017-03-15.
- No new committers. Last addition was Andrea Cosentino on 2016-03-13.

## Project Activity:
Recent Releases:
- bundles-2023.12

We are now preparing bundles-2024.02 release.

## Community Health:
Still in maintenance mode. The karaf-integration distribution should
be provided by the Karaf community soon as an alternative to SMX
distribution. It's planned for Karaf 4.5.0.

Attachment BQ: Report from the Apache Shiro Project  [Brian Demers]

## Description:
The mission of Shiro is the creation and maintenance of software related to 
Powerful and easy-to-use application security framework

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing with low activity

Issues for the board:
We have no issues that require Board assistance at this time.

## Membership Data:
Apache Shiro was founded 2010-09-21 (13 years ago)
There are currently 14 committers and 12 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 7:6.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Lenny Primak on 2022-12-04.
- No new committers. Last addition was Lenny Primak on 2022-11-02.

## Project Activity:
The Shiro team is actively working on 2.0, and 1.x is in maintenance mode.
2.0 is now GA and we are in the process of figuring out a End-of-life 
plan for 1.x
- 2.0.0: 2024-02-20

## Community Health:
The GitHub related community health reporting seems broken, all values are zero

Attachment BR: Report from the Apache SINGA Project  [Wang Wei]

Attachment BS: Report from the Apache Sling Project  [Robert Munteanu]

## Description:
Apache Sling™ is a framework for RESTful web-applications based on an 
extensible content tree.

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing, with moderate activity.
Issues for the board: none.

## Membership Data:
Apache Sling was founded 2009-06-17 (15 years ago)
There are currently 51 committers and 29 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:4.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Joerg Hoh on 2022-06-13.
- No new committers. Last addition was Henry Kuijpers on 2023-10-19.

## Project Activity:
We released version 12 of our sample application, the Sling Starter, on
March 18th, 2022. We have not yet made plans for version 13, but
individual modules are being developed and released, with 27 releases for this
reporting period.

Work is ongoing for migrating individual modules to the Jakarta JSON

## Community Health:
Community health is good and contributions from various individuals
continue at a steady pace.

Attachment BT: Report from the Apache SpamAssassin Project  [Sidney Markowitz]

Apache SpamAssassin report to Board for March 2024

## Description:
SpamAssassin is a mail filter to identify spam. The project provides a
framework/engine and regular rule updates that reflect the changing nature of
spam email seen in the wild. Updated rules are generated through a combination
of hand crafted contributions and automated processing of spam and anonymized
processed non-spam that are contributed by volunteers.

## Project Status:
Project state: Ongoing with low to moderate activity

Primary focus for development is now ongoing maintenance bug fixes to the
recently released 4.0.0.

Preparation of a bug fix release 4.0.1 is in progress.

Issues for the board: None

## Membership Data:
Apache SpamAssassin was founded 2004-06-01 (20 years ago) There are currently
32 committers and 14 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio
is roughly 2:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Paul Stead on 2021-03-23.
- No new committers. Last addition was Paul Stead on 2018-09-12.

## Project Activity:
Last release: Apache SpamAssassin version 4.0.0 on 17 December 2022.

We maintain online rule updates that are continuously updated through a
combination of developer contributions and automated processing via our
mass-check facility.

## Community Health:
Maintenance of our rule update infrastructure, developer community submissions
for rule update testing, and our dev and user mailing lists, are continuing

This past quarter has seen the dev mailing list have a lower volume of email
discussion, offset by increased volume mirrored from development activity on
the Bugzilla bug database with minor bugs and fixes leading up to the 4.0.1

Attachment BU: Report from the Apache Storm Project  [Richard Zowalla]

## Description:
The mission of Storm is the creation and maintenance of software
related to Distributed, real-time computation system

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing (reactivated)
Issues for the board: None

## Membership Data:
Apache Storm was founded 2014-09-17 (9 years ago) There are currently 47
committers and 46 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is
roughly 1:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Nikhil Singh on 2023-10-23.
- No new committers. Last addition was Nikhil Singh on 2023-10-23.

## Project Activity:

Project activity has slowed down over the past few years. Storm is essentially
in maintenance mode.

The project would like to thank P. Taylor Goetz for his service as V.P. Storm
and would like to welcome Richard Zowalla as the new PMC Chair.

We have upgraded many third-party libraries to newer versions in order to to
reduce technical debt, and did a maintenance release in February. We hope to
to maintain this release cadence and release patches at a similar frequency.

We are also currently working on reducing third-party dependencies in Storm.
Storm depends on many third-party party libraries. It remains a huge task to
to reduce this technical debt in order to have a controlled set of third-party

On another technical note, the Storm UI has a lot of legacy and outdated
Javascript libraries in the Git repository. We may want to replace these with
an automated step using appropriate front-end tools(npm/gulp) to create a
minimised, bundled javascript file with a controlled version of these

The project has decided to migrate issues from Jira to GitHub. This step may
may require some technical changes to our release tools and documentation. We
are are confident that this move will attract new users and contributors by
lowering the barrier to entry for issues.

Recent releases
- 2.6.1 was released on 2024-02-02.

## Community Health:
Community engagement is currently healthy, but could benefit from new
contributors or users. contributors or users. We are still onboarding our new
PMC members (some of whom have never contributed to an ASF project before) to
teach them  the Apache way and make them active contributors. However, active
contributions from outside remain sparse.

Attachment BV: Report from the Apache Submarine Project  [Kevin Su]

Attachment BW: Report from the Apache Superset Project  [Maxime Beauchemin]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Superset is the creation and maintenance of software 
related to data exploration, analysis, visualization, and dashboarding

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing, with high levels of activity, but a less
engaged PMC than we'd find ideal.

Issues for the board:

1) Community newsletter protocols — We're engaged in a discussion on our
private@ list and the trademarks@ list regarding the Apache Superset Community
Newesletter. Most of the details are navigable. The biggest open question is
whether it's allowable to send such a newsletter to our Slack community
membership, when Slack provides no opt-in opportunity in Slack's signup flow.
We know of other Projects who share this concern, but would appreciate any
advice if this is a "solved problem" for any other Apache projects. With 328
members on our dev@ list, and 14,321 Slack members, we do not want to miss
this opportunity to grow engagement by sharing content and announcement.
Historically, it's been warmly received, but we want to make sure we do this
in an acceptable way.

2) PMC engagement — Many of our PMC have moved away from the project, but
remain PMC members since this is effectively a permanent position. We passed a
Vote [1] in 202 allowing an annual acticity audit to determine if inactive PMC
wish to remain on the committee. We published this on our wiki but never
followed through out of nervousness, especially since the Apache Members on
our PMC were among those considered inactive. If you have any advice on if/how
to reduce our PMC to those who are (or are likely to be) engaged in the
project's future, we'd love to hear it.


3) There's an unanswered question on the legal-discuss@ list we'd like clarity
on. We discovered that a package we use in CI runs (Applitools) changed its
license from MIT to a seemingly Apache-incompatible license somewhere along
the line. If this npm package is a `devDependency` or `optionalDependeny`, is
that still a problem since it's not distributed in the project's binary or
necessary for the product's functionality? We can remove it if needed but it
would be an unfortunate loss.

## Membership Data:
Apache Superset was founded 2020-11-17 (3 years ago)
There are currently 62 committers and 34 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 8:5.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Justin Park was added to the PMC on 2024-01-16
- No new committers. Last addition was Rob Moore on 2023-11-29.

## Project Activity:
3.0.4 was released on 2024-02-20.
3.1.1 was released on 2024-02-20.
3.1.0 was released on 2024-01-18.
3.0.3 was released on 2024-01-17.

We are actively testing our 4.0 release in hopes that it'll be out soon. A
backlog for 5.0 is already beginning to gather. We have a community-approved
plan for coordinating guture major release efforts which is published on our
wiki, and should lead to a more consistent major release cadence.

We're happy to report that we did recently reach 0 open security tickets.
We're back to 1 but it already has a fix merged on the repo. We will strive to
keep things up to date and closed out as expediently as possible going
forward. We've also made great strides in reducing package vulnerabilities for
the forthcoming 4.0 release.

## Community Health:
The community continues to grow, with 14,321 members on Slack as our driving
indicator (up from 12,827 as of the November board meeting). This continues to
be the most active platform for our community.

We're actively staying on top of PRs, with 796 opened in the last quarter, and
756 closed.

We've been making an active effort to get GitHub issues under control, and
where 203 issues have been opened in the last quarter, we've closed 1016.
We've gone from 1.4K open issues to under 600, and will continue to get the
backlog to a closer to sustainability.

Attachment BX: Report from the Apache Synapse Project  [Isuru Udana]

Attachment BY: Report from the Apache Tomcat Project  [Mladen Turk]

## Description:
- A Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java WebSocket and Java
Unified Expression language specifications implementation
and Jakarta EE equivalents.

## Project Status:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time

## Membership Data:
- Apache Tomcat was founded 2005-05-18 (18 years ago)
- There are currently 48 committers and 29 PMC members in this project.
- Han Li was added to the PMC on 2023-03-06.
- No new committers. Last addition was Han Li on 2022-08-23.

## Project Activity:
- Apache Tomcat 11.0.0-M17 (alpha) was released on 2024-02-19.
- Apache Tomcat 10.1.19 was released on 2024-02-19.
- Apache Tomcat 10.1.18 was released on 2024-01-09.
- Apache Tomcat 9.0.86 was released on 2024-02-19.
- Apache Tomcat 9.0.85 was released on 2024-01-09.
- Apache Tomcat 8.5.99  was released on 2024-02-19
- Apache Tomcat 8.5.98 was released on 2024-01-09.
- Apache Tomcat Native 2.0.7 was released on 2024-02-08.

## Community Health:
- Continued healthy activity across multiple components and
responsiveness on both dev and user lists.
- Participated in the web-server/Tomcat track at
 ApacheCon/Community Over Code in Halifax in October 2023.

- The Apache Tomcat will end support for
Apache Tomcat 8.5.x on 31 March 2024.

## Trademark:
- No new trademark issues in the last 3 months
and there are currently no outstanding trademark issues that the
Apache Tomcat PMC is working on.

Attachment BZ: Report from the Apache TomEE Project  [David Blevins]

## Description:

Apache TomEE delivers enterprise application containers and services based
on, but not limited to the Enterprise JavaBeans Specification and Java
Enterprise Edition Specifications.

## Health

Activity on the project over the last quarter is higher than the previous
quarter, with around 60 commits to main from 5 individuals compared to just
23 commits from 2 individuals in the previous.  We do tend to see an increase
in commits over the last weeks of December and early January as people have
more time off during the holidays.  We have a vote going in the PMC for a
potential committer and will hopefully have something positive there to
report next quarter.

## Activity

Work on Jakarta EE 10 is still the main focus.  Progress has been made and
although we've not setup all the TCKs and have complete numbers, we are far
more complete than before.  Discussion is in progress on doing a first
milestone of TomEE 10.

Some of this work was to incorporate the latest BatchEE into TomEE and get
the Jakarta Batch TCK tests passing.  This involved filing a TCK Challenge
against some TCK test code we felt was relying on non-standard behavior.
Praise to Richard Zowalla for bringing this to the Jakarta Batch spec and
getting it approved without conflict.

A release of TomEE 9.1.2 was shipped in December with several library
upgrades addressing CVEs.

## PMC changes:

- Currently 13 PMC members.
- Last PMC addition Richard Zowalla on May 23rd, 2022

## Committer base changes:

- Currently 33 committers.
- Last committer added was Richard Zowalla on January 6th 2021

## Releases:

 - Apache TomEE 9.1.2 on December 19th, 2023

Attachment CA: Report from the Apache TsFile Project  [Jialin Qiao]

## Description:
Apache TsFile is a columnar storage file format designed specifically for time
series data, with a focus on efficient storage, high throughput for read and
write operations, and compatibility with various data processing frameworks.
TsFile is intended to integrate seamlessly with existing time series
databases, such as IoTDB, and data processing frameworks like Apache Spark and
Apache Flink, facilitating the adoption of TsFile in IoT big data processing
ecosystems.TsFile aims to become a widely adopted standard for time series
data storage.

## Project Status:
Apache TsFile was founded 2023-11-15
Current project status: Current project status: Ongoing with high activity.
Issues for the board: no

## Membership Data:
There are currently 18 committers and 18 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 1:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Gaofei Cao on 2023-11-15.
- No new committers were added.

## Project Activity:
Apache TsFile 1.0.0 is released on 2024-02-20.

The TsFile logo is defined:

The Website of TsFile is online:

## Community Health:
The mail list is active. had a 7600% increase in traffic in the past quarter
(154 emails compared to 2) had a big increase 
in traffic in the past quarter (54 emails compared to 0)

Attachment CB: Report from the Apache TVM Project  [Tianqi Chen]

## Description:
The mission of Apache TVM is the creation and maintenance of software related 
to compilation of machine learning models to run on a wide range of hardware 

## Project Status:
Current project status: ongoing
Issues for the board: none

## Membership Data:
Apache TVM was founded 2020-11-17 (3 years ago)
There are currently 73 committers and 28 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Ruihang Lai on 2023-09-27.
- Star Yuan was added as committer on 2024-01-08

## Project Activity:

Recent releases:

- 0.14.0 was released on 2023-11-03.
- 0.13.0 was released on 2023-08-08.
- 0.12.0 was released on 2023-05-13.

The project continue to make strides on enabling emerging workloads such as
dynamic shape and LLM models. Some of the highlights include:

- Better support for remote debugging in hexagon NPU
- GPU sampling for LLM usecases
- H100 and fp8 initial support

## Community Health:

The project continues to receive contributions from the community. As a
project in machine learning we also need to adapt and build solutions for the
latest waves of genAI models.

The community voted and passed on the transition to enable the unity
development effort in the main branch [1]. As of now the transition has
been completed, including new features in unity while ensuring all previous
testcases pass. This milestone will and helps us to collectively evolve the
project to empower genAI.


Attachment CC: Report from the Apache UIMA Project  [Richard Eckart de Castilho]

## Description:
Apache UIMA (*) software provides frameworks, tools and annotators, 
facilitating the analysis of unstructured content such as text, audio and 
video. (*) Unstructured Information Management Architecture.

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing (low)
Issues for the board: none

## Membership Data:
Apache UIMA was founded 2010-03-17 (14 years ago)
There are currently 25 committers and 17 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:5.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Pablo Duboue on 2023-03-07.
- No new committers. Last addition was Pablo Duboue on 2023-03-06.

## Project Activity:
* uima-ruta-3.4.1 was released on 2024-02-08.
* uima-ruta-3.4.0 was released on 2024-01-19.

## Community Health:
At present, there is little activity. Occasional user activity on the mailing
list / issue tracker, but not much overall. Pablo has started picking up work
on the UIMA C++ SDK again and is also now looking into creating
a new website for the UIMA project.

Attachment CD: Report from the Apache Unomi Project  [Serge Huber]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Unomi is the creation and maintenance of software related 
to providing a reference implementation of the OASIS Customer Data Platform 
specification currently being worked on by the OASIS Context Server Technical 

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: none

## Membership Data:
Apache Unomi was founded 2019-02-20 (5 years ago)
There are currently 16 committers and 7 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Taybou on 2021-03-19.
- No new committers. Last addition was Francois Gerthoffert on 2022-09-15.

## Project Activity:
As Unomi 2 is maturing there is less need for maintenance releases.
Contributions to the project consist mostly of minor fixes. Focus is more on
documentation and helping the community with project usage to help people get
started or solve problems with the new version. The focus is
currently on improving overall quality and bug fixes, while also improving the
GraphQL API, which is still young and less used.

## Community Health:
The Apache Unomi community is healthy, but not much message traffic has happened
recently, mostly due to the fact that the project is more mature and hopefully
the current documentation is helpful. As usual the mailing lists are not used
by humans much, but the Slack channel has 168 members in it which is still
growing. Most people are lurkers though but the community is answering
people's questions in a timely manner. Contributions are welcome and as usual
a focus is made on being inclusive. As for any decisions and voting of course
the mailing lists are the only place where they happen. JIRA is also used for
project planning, not just for issue tracking.

Attachment CE: Report from the Apache VCL Project  [Josh Thompson]

## Description:
The mission of the Apache VCL project is to create and maintain software 
related to a modular cloud computing platform which dynamically provisions and 
brokers remote access to compute resources.

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache VCL was founded 2012-06-19 (12 years ago)
There are currently 10 committers and 8 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 5:4.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Mike Jennings on 2020-08-24.
- No new committers. Last addition was Mike Jennings on 2019-01-04.

## Project Activity:
- Last release: 2019-07-25
- Since our last report in December, we've had increased activity working
  toward a new release. We've had a fair number of commits and activity in
  JIRA tracking the commits (the project statistics page on reporter.a.o isn't
  accurately showing commit and JIRA activity).

## Community Health:
We are encouraged by the progress we've made in becoming more active again
after a long period of being dormant.

Attachment CF: Report from the Apache Wicket Project  [Andrea Del Bene]

Attachment CG: Report from the Apache Xerces Project  [Michael Glavassevich]

Apache Xerces is a collaborative software development project dedicated to
providing robust, full-featured, commercial-quality, and freely available XML
parsers and closely related technologies on a wide variety of platforms
supporting several languages.



We recently closed a vote (which passed) for electing another committer and
PMC member and will be extending a formal invitation to him soon.

New development recently completed for supporting an XPath 3.1 function in the
DOM implementation which would be useful to the Xalan project. A member of the
community provided a patch and several suggestions for improving and
simplifying the build which has since been committed to SVN.

Mailing list traffic has been moderate; roughly 65+ posts on the j-dev and
j-users lists since the beginning of November 2023.

No new releases since the previous report. The latest release is Xerces-J
2.12.2 (January 24th, 2022).



Xerces-C 3.2.5 was released on December 20th, 2023 containing a fix for a CVE
from 2018 ( There
was a flurry of activity around the release and a few other fixes were made in
GitHub and some issues were addressed in JIRA.

Mailing list traffic has been moderate; roughly 70+ posts on the c-dev and
c-users lists since the beginning of November 2023.

The latest release is Xerces-C 3.2.5 (December 20th, 2023).



Nothing in particular to report. There was no development activity over the
reporting period.


XML Commons

No activity over the reporting period.


Committer / PMC Changes

The most recent committers were added in April 2017 (Xerces-C) and September
2023 (Xerces-J).

The most recent addition to the PMC was in September 2023.

Three committers have committed changes to SVN and GitHub since November 2023.

Attachment CH: Report from the Apache Yetus Project  [Allen Wittenauer]

## Description:
Apache Yetus provides libraries and tools that enable contribution and
release processes for software projects.

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing/low
Issues for the board: None

## Membership Data:
Apache Yetus was founded 2015-09-15 (8 years ago)
There are currently 12 committers and 9 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 4:3.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Akira Ajisaka on 2018-12-17.
- No new committers. Last addition was Akira Ajisaka on 2018-02-06.

## Project Activity:
With 0.15.0 released last quarter, we're in our typical lull as projects adopt
the new release and report back issues.  So far it has been quiet so no real
activity to fix issues.

## Community Health:
Quiet, as can be expected from a project is very cyclical. e.g.: had a 59% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (5
emails compared to 12) combined with zero JIRA and Github activity.

Attachment CI: Report from the Apache ZooKeeper Project  [Flavio Paiva Junqueira]

## Description:
Apache ZooKeeper is a system for distributed coordination. It enables
the implementation of a variety of primitives and mechanisms that are
critical for safety and liveness in distributed settings, e.g.,
distributed locks, master election, group membership, and configuration.

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: None

## Membership Data:
Apache ZooKeeper was founded 2010-11-17 (13 years ago)
There are currently 32 committers and 16 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 2:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Mate Szalay-Beko on 2022-03-28.
- No new committers. Last addition was Li Wang on 2023-03-17.

## Project Activity:
The community released two minor versions in the last reporting period: 

3.9.2 was released on 2024-03-12.
3.8.4 was released on 2024-03-05.

## Community Health:
The traffic increase on the dev list is due to the releases. 

- had a 26% increase in traffic in the past quarter
 (106 emails compared to 84)
- had a 56% decrease in
 traffic in the past quarter (9 emails compared to 20)

The numbers below are not correct as they are not supposed to be zero, we are
not sure why these metrics are being reported incorrectly.

- 0 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (-100% change) 0 issues closed in
 JIRA, past quarter (-100% change)
- 0 commits in the past quarter (-100% change) 0 code contributors in the
 past quarter (-100% change)
- 0 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-100% change) 0 PRs closed on GitHub,
 past quarter (-100% change)

End of minutes for the March 20, 2024 board meeting.
