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- Original The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
August 21, 2024
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 21:00 UTC and began at 21:02 when
a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was recognized by
the chair.
Other Time Zones:
The meeting was held via teleconference, hosted by the Secretary
via Zoom.
The #asfboard channel on was used for backup.
2. Roll Call
Directors Present:
Rich Bowen
Shane Curcuru
Christofer Dutz
Willem Ning Jiang
Jeff Jirsa
Justin Mclean
Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Craig L Russell
Sander Striker
Directors Absent:
Executive Officers Present:
Craig R. McClanahan
David Nalley - joined :03
Matt Sicker
Ruth Suehle
Executive Officers Absent:
Brian E Fox
Brian Proffitt
Daniel Augusto Veronezi Salvador
Daniel Gruno
Daniel Ruggeri
Daniel Sahlberg
Dave Fisher
Dinesh Joshi
Drew Foulks
Gary D. Gregory
Gavin McDonald
Greg Stein
Jarek Potiuk
Jim Jagielski
Julien Le Dem
Kanchana Pradeepika Welagedara
Kim McMahon
Mark Bretl - joined :11
Mark Thomas
Paul Irwin
Paul King
Philipp Ottlinger
Sally Khudairi
Torsten Curdt
3. Minutes from previous meetings
Published minutes can be found at:
A. The meeting of July 17, 2024
See: board_minutes_2024_07_17.txt
Approved by General Consent.
4. Executive Officer Reports
A. Board Chair [Shane Curcuru]
One of the great strengths of the ASF is our worldwide group of
volunteers. While several project reports this month discuss the
usual Northern Hemisphere slowdown in work, we also have plenty of
projects with more activity than ever forging forward. We've also
seen a few projects testing out a pilot program to simplify PMC
reporting, which looks promising to both simplify work for PMCs while
keeping good communication up with the board.
B. President [David Nalley]
I still haven’t gotten the report done on shadow infrastructure
I have renewed our D&O insurance coverage. Thanks to Daniel Gruno,
Greg Stein, and the Craig McClanahan for helping collect data, run
reports, and fill out forms to get this across the line.
Additionally, please see Attachments 1 through 10.
C. Treasurer [Craig R. McClanahan]
Things are proceeding as usual, with a couple exceptions.
* Roberto Galoppini has resigned from his position as Assistant
Treasurer. Please join me in thanking him for his work to assist in
dealing with all the things Treasury deals with.
* We are working with one of our contribution providers to make sure
that funds contributed to the ASF get flowed in to us appropriately.
D. Secretary [Matt Sicker]
In July, the secretary received 31 ICLAs and 2 CCLAs.
E. Executive Vice President [Ruth Suehle]
Additional info about C/C NA:
- Currently at 50% room pickup
- Have not booked evening events yet for attendance and budgetary
concerns, but must do so soon for timing
F. Vice Chair [Justin Mclean]
Nothing to report
Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
5. Additional Officer Reports
A. VP of W3C Relations [Andy Seaborne / Shane]
No report was submitted.
B. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Roman Shaposhnik / Craig]
See Attachment 12
C. Apache Security Team Project [Mark J. Cox / Justin]
See Attachment 13
Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
6. Committee Reports
Summary of Reports
The following reports required further discussion:
# AGE [jjirsa]
# BuildStream [jmclean]
# Cocoon [rbowen]
# Kafka [jmclean]
# Logging Services [ningjiang]
# Oozie [striker]
# RocketMQ [striker]
# SIS [rbowen]
# Samza [rbowen]
# Tez [clr]
A. Apache AGE Project [Jeff Jirsa / Rich]
See Attachment A
B. Apache Ambari Project [Brahma Reddy Battula / Willem]
No report was submitted.
C. Apache Ant Project [Jan Materne / JB]
See Attachment C
D. Apache BookKeeper Project [Enrico Olivelli / Sander]
See Attachment D
E. Apache Brooklyn Project [Juan D. Cabrerizo / Christofer]
See Attachment E
F. Apache BuildStream Project [Tristan Van Berkom / Rich]
See Attachment F
G. Apache Cassandra Project [Dinesh Joshi / Sander]
See Attachment G
H. Apache Celeborn Project [Keyong Zhou / Rich]
See Attachment H
I. Apache Cocoon Project [Cédric Damioli / Justin]
See Attachment I
@Rich: pursue a roll call
J. Apache Community Development Project [Swapnil Mane / Christofer]
See Attachment J
K. Apache CouchDB Project [Jan Lehnardt / Rich]
See Attachment K
L. Apache Creadur Project [Philipp Ottlinger / Sander]
See Attachment L
M. Apache CXF Project [Daniel Kulp / JB]
See Attachment M
N. Apache DataSketches Project [Lee Rhodes / Willem]
See Attachment N
O. Apache DeltaSpike Project [Mark Struberg / Craig]
No report was submitted.
P. Apache Doris Project [Mingyu Chen / Jeff]
See Attachment P
Q. Apache Drill Project [Charles Givre / Shane]
See Attachment Q
R. Apache Druid Project [Gian Merlino / Rich]
See Attachment R
@Shane: pursue a report next month
S. Apache Dubbo Project [Jun Liu / JB]
See Attachment S
T. Apache Empire-db Project [Rainer Döbele / Craig]
See Attachment T
U. Apache EventMesh Project [Eason Chen / Justin]
See Attachment U
V. Apache FreeMarker Project [Dániel Dékány / Jeff]
See Attachment V
W. Apache Geode Project [Mark Bretl / Christofer]
See Attachment W
X. Apache Geronimo Project [Jean-Louis Monteiro / Willem]
No report was submitted.
Y. Apache Gora Project [Kevin Ratnasekera / Sander]
No report was submitted.
Z. Apache Groovy Project [Paul King / Shane]
See Attachment Z
AA. Apache Hop Project [Hans Van Akelyen / Rich]
See Attachment AA
AB. Apache HTTP Server Project [Joe Orton / Sander]
No report was submitted.
AC. Apache HttpComponents Project [Michael Osipov / Jeff]
See Attachment AC
AD. Apache Ignite Project [Dmitry Pavlov / Willem]
See Attachment AD
AE. Apache Impala Project [Zoltán Borók-Nagy / Christofer]
See Attachment AE
AF. Apache Incubator Project [Justin Mclean]
No report was submitted.
AG. Apache InLong Project [Charles Zhang / Shane]
See Attachment AG
AH. Apache Johnzon Project [Jean-Louis Monteiro / Craig]
No report was submitted.
AI. Apache Juneau Project [James Bognar / JB]
See Attachment AI
AJ. Apache Kafka Project [Mickael Maison / Justin]
See Attachment AJ
@Justin: follow up on issue for board
AK. Apache Kibble Project [Sharan Foga / Christofer]
No report was submitted.
AL. Apache Knox Project [Larry McCay / Sander]
See Attachment AL
AM. Apache Kylin Project [Shao Feng Shi / Willem]
See Attachment AM
AN. Apache Libcloud Project [Tomaž Muraus / Jeff]
No report was submitted.
AO. Apache Logging Services Project [Piotr Karwasz / Shane]
See Attachment AO
@Willem: follow up with Attic about terminology/processes for
archiving subprojects
AP. Apache MADlib Project [Ed Espino / Justin]
See Attachment AP
AQ. Apache ManifoldCF Project [Piergiorgio Lucidi / Craig]
See Attachment AQ
AR. Apache Mnemonic Project [Gordon King / Sander]
No report was submitted.
AS. Apache Mynewt Project [Szymon Janc / JB]
See Attachment AS
AT. Apache Oozie Project [Dénes Bodó / Rich]
See Attachment AT
@Rich: discuss about path to Attic
AU. Apache OpenMeetings Project [Maxim Solodovnik / Christofer]
See Attachment AU
AV. Apache OpenOffice Project [Dave Fisher / Rich]
No report was submitted.
AW. Apache OpenWhisk Project [Dave Grove / Craig]
See Attachment AW
AX. Apache Ozone Project [Sammi Chen / Willem]
See Attachment AX
AY. Apache Perl Project [Steve Hay / Justin]
See Attachment AY
AZ. Apache Petri Project [Dave Fisher / JB]
See Attachment AZ
BA. Apache Phoenix Project [Rajeshbabu Chintaguntla / Jeff]
See Attachment BA
BB. Apache Pinot Project [Kishore G / Shane]
See Attachment BB
BC. Apache Pivot Project [Roger Lee Whitcomb / Sander]
No report was submitted.
BD. Apache POI Project [Dominik Stadler / Sander]
See Attachment BD
BE. Apache Pulsar Project [Matteo Merli / Craig]
See Attachment BE
BF. Apache Qpid Project [Robbie Gemmell / Christofer]
See Attachment BF
BG. Apache Ranger Project [Selvamohan Neethiraj / Justin]
No report was submitted.
BH. Apache RocketMQ Project [Xiaorui Wang / JB]
See Attachment BH
@Justin: follow up with trademarks
BI. Apache Roller Project [David M. Johnson / Jeff]
See Attachment BI
BJ. Apache Samza Project [Jagadish Venkatraman / Rich]
See Attachment BJ
@Rich: follow up about healthy project activity
BK. Apache Santuario Project [Colm O hEigeartaigh / Willem]
See Attachment BK
BL. Apache SDAP Project [Nga Thien Chung / Shane]
See Attachment BL
BM. Apache Sedona Project [Jia Yu / Justin]
See Attachment BM
BN. Apache Serf Project [Daniel Sahlberg / Sander]
See Attachment BN
BO. Apache ServiceComb Project [Bao Liu / JB]
See Attachment BO
BP. Apache ShardingSphere Project [Liang Zhang / Shane]
See Attachment BP
BQ. Apache ShenYu Project [Yu Xiao / Willem]
See Attachment BQ
BR. Apache SIS Project [Martin Desruisseaux / Craig]
See Attachment BR
@Craig: pursue a roll call for PMC
BS. Apache Solr Project [Jason Gerlowski / Jeff]
See Attachment BS
BT. Apache Spark Project [Matei Alexandru Zaharia / Christofer]
See Attachment BT
BU. Apache StreamPipes Project [Philipp Zehnder / Rich]
See Attachment BU
BV. Apache Streams Project [Steve Blackmon / Rich]
No report was submitted.
BW. Apache Subversion Project [Nathan Hartman / Justin]
See Attachment BW
BX. Apache Superset Project [Maxime Beauchemin / Rich]
See Attachment BX
BY. Apache Syncope Project [Francesco Chicchiriccò / Sander]
See Attachment BY
BZ. Apache SystemDS Project [Matthias Boehm / Jeff]
See Attachment BZ
CA. Apache Tez Project [László Bodor / Craig]
See Attachment CA
@Craig: pursue a roll call for PMC
CB. Apache TomEE Project [David Blevins / Justin]
No report was submitted.
CC. Apache Traffic Control Project [Eric Friedrich / Christofer]
See Attachment CC
CD. Apache TsFile Project [Jialin Qiao / Willem]
See Attachment CD
CE. Apache Turbine Project [Georg Kallidis / JB]
See Attachment CE
CF. Apache Velocity Project [Nathan Bubna / Shane]
See Attachment CF
CG. Apache Web Services Project [Daniel Kulp / JB]
See Attachment CG
CH. Apache Whimsy Project [Shane Curcuru]
No report was submitted.
CI. Apache Xalan Project [Gary D. Gregory / Christofer]
See Attachment CI
CJ. Apache Xerces Project [Michael Glavassevich / Craig]
See Attachment CJ
CK. Apache XML Graphics Project [Clay Leeds / Willem]
See Attachment CK
CL. Apache YuniKorn Project [Wilfred Spiegelenburg / Sander]
See Attachment CL
Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent.
7. Special Orders
A. Terminate the Apache Geode Project
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Geode project
has chosen by vote to recommend moving the project to the Attic; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it no longer in the best interest
of the Foundation to continue the Apache Geode project due to
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Apache Geode project is hereby
terminated; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Attic PMC be and hereby is tasked with oversight
over the software developed by the Apache Geode Project; and be it
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Geode" is hereby
terminated; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Geode PMC is hereby terminated.
Special Order 7A, Terminate the Apache Geode Project, was
B. Change the Apache CXF Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Daniel Kulp
(dkulp) to the office of Vice President, Apache CXF, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
Daniel Kulp from the office of Vice President, Apache CXF, and
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache CXF project has
chosen by vote to recommend Andriy Redko (reta) as the successor to the
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Daniel Kulp is relieved and
discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
President, Apache CXF, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Andriy Redko be and hereby is appointed to
the office of Vice President, Apache CXF, to serve in accordance with
and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws
of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 7B, Change the Apache CXF Project Chair, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
C. Establish Logo Development Committee
WHEREAS, the Members seek to ensure that future decisions
regarding the Foundation's branding are made in a manner that
reflects broad Member input and alignment with the Foundation’s
values, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deem it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
Committee charged with the creation and development of a
brand and logo for the Foundation;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Logo Development
Committee", be and hereby is established pursuant to the Bylaws
of the Foundation; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Logo Development Committee be and hereby is
responsible for creation and development of a brand and logo
for the Foundation; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Logo" be and
hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at
the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the
Logo Development Committee, and to have primary responsibility
for management of the projects within the scope of
responsibility of the Logo Development Committee; and be it
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
Logo Development Committee:
* James Dailey <>
* Bertrand Delacretaz <>
* Dave Fisher <>
* Jeff Genender <>
* Daniel Gruno <>
* Nathan Hartman <>
* Jim Jagielski <>
* Chris Lambertus <>
* Keith N. McKenna <>
* Andrew Musselman <>
* Brian Proffitt <>
* Craig Russell <>
* Gilles Sadowski <>
* Roman Shaposhnik <>
* Greg Stein <>
* Ruth Suehle <>
* Chris Wells <>
appointed to the office of Vice President, Logo, to serve in
accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of
Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until
a successor is appointed; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Logo Development Committee shall provide
monthly progress reports to both the Board and the Membership,
ensuring transparency and keeping all Members informed, with
ongoing access to discussions and draft work products for all
Special Order 7C, Establish Logo Development Committee, was
approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
D. Call for Special Meeting
WHEREAS, the Members have indicated a desire for a Special
Meeting, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors may call a Special Meeting;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Special Meeting will be
held on Wednesday, September 18th, at 20:00 UTC; and be it
RESOLVED, that the Board Chair and Secretary will Notify the
Members about the Special Meeting in a timely manner, while the
agenda of the Special Meeting is constructed by the Members.
Special Order 7D, Call for Special Meeting, was tabled.
8. Discussion Items
A. Rebranding
Reflect on the existing Brand Steering Committee effort to date, and discuss
improvements to the process reflecting wider Member feedback and proposals.
B. Supplemental report about the Logo process
See Attachment CM
9. Review Outstanding Action Items
* David: reach out on list about strategy for D&I position
[ Diversity and Inclusion 2024-04-17 ]
* Rich: follow up about metrics tooling
[ Traffic Server 2024-04-17 ]
Status: Done. This is not a board issue, but there's ongoing
discussion on ComDev about metrics tooling in the future.
However, it requires volunteer effort that is not
* Rich: follow up about lack of BuildStream.a.o website and related policy
[ BuildStream 2024-05-15 ]
Status: Done. looking sharp.
* Justin: follow up with PMC about board report sections
[ TomEE 2024-06-19 ]
* David: follow up with report about shadow infrastructure budget
[ President 2024-06-19 ]
* Shane: follow up about enforcement for privacy policies
[ Data Privacy 2024-07-17 ]
* Rich: reach out about status of releases
[ Airavata 2024-07-17 ]
Status: Done. There is, in fact, quite a bit of activity on the
project, and there is a desire to move towards a release. I
don't know when, because that's not how this works, but I am
not terribly concerned that this project is unhealthy -- just
struggling to find time to do a release.
* Christofer: follow up about Elasticsearch dependency
[ Flagon 2024-07-17 ]
* Rich: follow up on roll call for Fluo PMC
[ Fluo 2024-07-17 ]
Status: Roll call requested. Only 1positive vote on the roll call and
three "kinda paying attention but not really". There is a
proposal to move Fluo into the Accumulo community as a
subproject, as a means to keep it alive. Can someone who knows
the communities step up to facilitate this?
* Sander: add an Attic resolution for Mnemonic for next month and inform PMC
[ Mnemonic 2024-07-17 ]
Status: Not done.
* Rich: pursue a report for Streams
[ Streams 2024-07-17 ]
Status: I've reached out to Steve again. Sadly, I think it might be
time to nudge them towards the attic. :(
* Justin: update trademark registration runbook
[ Trademark management status briefing VP, Brand Management 2024-07-17 ]
* Shane: update Incubation guidelines to include trademark grant
[ Trademark management status briefing VP, Brand Management 2024-07-17 ]
10. Unfinished Business
11. New Business
12. Announcements
13. Adjournment
Adjourned at 22:16 UTC
Attachment 1: Report from the VP of Brand Management [Mark Thomas]
Covering the period July 2024
Responded to the following queries, liaising with projects as required:
- reviewed a proposed product name for a sponsor
- provided a status overview for the board and attended the July meeting to
answer questions
- approved one request to use a project logo in marketing collateral
- updated PMC guidance to explicitly state projects must not use the ASF
feather in a project logo (existing usages do not need to be removed)
- removed a couple of very out of date pages from the web site that were not
linked from anywhere
- requested the ICEBERG PMC add the missing TM symbols to the project website
- approved the use of a project mark for a series of meetup sites
Our IMPALA mark in the US and WIPO has been renewed.
Worked with ASF counsel and the Iceberg PMC to register the project name. On
the advice of counsel, "APACHE ICEBERG" has been submitted for registration.
ASF counsel informed us that the AIRFLOW is now registered in the US.
Multiple issues of missing "Apache" before project names corrected on a
commercial website.
Worked with the AGE PMC towards the resolution of a number of potential
POI resolved an issue with a potentially infringing project hosted on GitHub.
Continue to work with counsel and the FREEMARKER PMC to resolve a potential
Attachment 2: Report from the VP of Fundraising [Bob Paulin]
1) ASF Sponsors:
a —New: we signed on a new Bronze Sponsor, and continue to onboard another new
b —Renewals: we are discussing sponsorship renewal with one Sponsor.
c —Payments: 1 —New: no new Sponsor payments were received this month.
2a —Renewing: we received one Gold renewing Sponsor payment.
2b —Incoming: we await payment from one renewing Platinum, one renewing
Silver, and one new Silver Sponsor.
2) Targeted Sponsors: we are working with a Targeted Sponsor regarding a
second unrestricted donation to benefit an additional Apache Project and its
community. We are awaiting a multi-year payment from one Targeted Sponsor, and
are coordinating their continued support in 2025.
3) Sponsor Relations: we are exploring ways to formalize a new way for
Targeted Sponsorships to provide support to emerging priorities within the
ASF. We are also planning the next quarterly call with ASF Gold and
Platinum-level Sponsors.
4) Event Sponsorship: we continue to support new Sponsorships for the
Community Over Code North America event in October.
5) Individual Donations and Corporate Giving: we received $800 in online
donations via as well as a $3K corporate
6) Administrivia: we are pleased to have helped facilitate a donation with the
support of the Treasury team, and are also working together to mitigate a
banking issue associated with an international Sponsor payment.
Attachment 3: Report from the VP of Marketing and Publicity [Brian Proffitt]
Foundation Comms
* Wrote the FY2024 annual report to improve readability for Sponsor
prospecting and renewals, and simplify the process in the absence of
submitted reports
* Met with ComDev to discuss areas of collaboration to better support and
showcase work of ASF projects and contributors
* Collaborated with ASF Fundraising re: ways M&P can support ASF sponsors
* Wrote and issued press release announcing schedule and registration details
for Community Over Code North America
* Drafted and submitted responses to Q&A from InfoWorld re: open source
* Wrote and published blog sharing insights from OSPOs for Good event
FY 2024 Annual Report The annual report was sent for officer review on
Monday, August 12. The document’s format has been updated from years past to
tell the story of the FY24 period in a more narrative way. Once officers and
the president approve the document, it will be released through the usual
25th Anniversary Project
* Published and promoted project spotlight featuring Apache SeaTunnel
* Continued development of wireframes and began design
* Continued audit of ASF assets for eventual rebranding, including project
logos and assessing costs associated with updating project logos that
include feather imagery
Social Media Overview In total, 59 posts were published: 40 Tweets + 19
LinkedIn. The highest performing pieces of content included the Apache
SeaTunnel Project Spotlight and the blog recap for the OSPO for Good Event in
New York. July is often a slow month for engagement and impressions with
summer holidays and work slowdowns globally.
Social Highlights (X + LinkedIn)
* Total Audience: 139.445
* New Followers in July: 592
* Total Impressions: 105.219 (38.6% decrease MoM)
* Total Engagements: 4,046 (51.1% decrease MoM)
* Post Link Clicks: 1,952 (64.6% decrease MoM)
Website Analytics
* 811,858 visits, 811,789 unique visitors -3.8%
* 2 min 42s average visit duration -1.2%
* 50% visits have bounced (left the website after one page) +2%
* 8.1 actions (page views, downloads, outlinks, internal site searches) per
visit +65.3%
* 10,006 max actions in one visit 0%
* 5,916.987 pageviews, 1,003,274 unique pageviews +71.7%
* 28 total searches on your website, 21 unique keywords -24.3%
* 369,304 downloads, 252,302 unique downloads -5%
* 297,530 outlinks, 190,145 unique outlinks +4%
Rebranding Project
* Published blog post from Shane Curcuru announcing ASF brand direction;
shared exclusively with Steven Vaughn-Nichols
* Updated talking points for ASF board including ASF Brand PR FAQ
* Following the public announcement of the rebrand in July, the news has been
picked up by at least one Indigenous news website.[1] Members of Indigenous
communities have expressed gratitude directly to me and other Officers for
the ASF vowing to introduce a new logo.
Moving Forward
Throughout the rebranding process, M&P provided the members with progress
updates and has documented work in progress on the Private wiki.[3] Despite
these efforts, some Members have suggested the process was not transparent
and have called for a Special Meeting to “restart the logo design
It’s important to point out that a logo is one of the final outputs of a
rebranding process. Months of pre-work was completed by the Branding Steering
Committee to inform the logo design, all documented on the wiki and shared
with Members. In my professional opinion, focusing on a “logo design” only,
without taking into account the brand research that has already been
conducted, is not advisable for an institution with the size and reach of the
Additionally, the M&P team has been working on other rebranding updates in
parallel to the logo design process that are centered on the +1 concept. For
example, there's a new Plus One newsletter that will launch in October. The
Feathercast/Voice of Apache will be relaunched as the Plus One Podcast. The
website is currently being redesigned to incorporate the +1 concept and new
brand messaging.
The poll has closed. STeVe has reported a winner, based on the procedures
that it has in its programming.
There are several discussions about proposed items for what to do with this
result or starting a new process. Again, M&P will work in whatever capacity
the President and the Board need to have done, in fulfillment of its mission:
casting the ASF in the best possible light to the general public.
Attachment 4: Report from the VP of Infrastructure [Myrle Krantz]
Infrastructure is operating as expected, and has no current issues
requiring escalation to the President or the Board.
General Activity
- Preparations for the Infra Denver ApacheCon track, and for the team
travel bookings to get there.
- Continued work on validating Ubuntu 24.04 for our boxes and Puppet.
- Porting selfserve and the infra reporting dashboard to asfquart.
- Creating a selfserve workflow for Confluence signups.
- Minimal activity on Atlassian Cloud, but it continues to move along
- Bugzilla updated to recent, and migrated to Ubuntu 22.04
- Agenda Tool is moving along with recent updates to asfquart
- Review and discussions on MFA for ASF properties.
Attachment 5: Report from the VP of Tooling [Myrle Krantz]
Attachment 6: Report from the VP of Conferences [Brian Proffitt]
Community Over Code NA 2024
We are currently at 111 registrants for Denver, so a concerted registration
social media push will be going out.
We have had a renewed interest from sponsors, already surpassing sponsorship
levels from the 2023 NA event, which is very exciting news.
We have secured two keynote speakers, and have a solid line on a third. We
will also be conducting a CISA-run tabletop security exercise for one half-day
of the event.
Community Over Code Asia 2024
Thanks to the invaluable support of our 10 sponsors and partners, the
dedication of our 30 volunteers, the expertise of our 190 speakers, and the
guidance of our 30 track Chairs, CoC Asia 2024 was a resounding success, held
from July 26 to 28 in Hangzhou, China.
Here are some critical numbers for the conference
* About 1278 people registered for the conference, 863 of whom attended the
meeting in person.
* About 304 people registered to participate in the conference online.
* For the three-day conference keynote sessions, we had about 104k viewers
from 8 live broadcast channels (from China).
* We got 25 community support booths besides the five sponsor booths at the
* We are immensely grateful to the 10 TAC recipients who attended the
conference and provided invaluable support at the ASF booths and conference
We will wrap up the conference videos and photos in the coming weeks.
Please check out the three days recap videos here [1][2][3]
Willem Jiang On behalf of the CoC Asia conference committee
Attachment 7: Report from the Apache Travel Assistance Committee [Gavin McDonald]
Previous Events
Community Over Code EU 2024
Post event surveys are still be done. Need to find a TAC Committee
Member volunteer to do this, it is one easy job that seems to not get
done on time.
Community Over Code Asia 2024
Asia event has been completed and I include a report from our TAC
person on the Ground Chris Wells.
[report by Chris Wells (iroh)]
The conference in Hangzhou was a
wonderful experience for all involved. Logistics within the country
were more approachable than anticipated due to the Alipay app and its
integration with almost all aspects of life in China. Additionally,
the relatively low cost of goods and services meant that not only did
TAC funds go further, but recipients were seemingly able to afford
minor expenses, such as taxi fares, without issue. I believe the
conference organizers appreciated our presence and went out of their
way to ensure our needs were met. Once such occurrence was their help
in planning a welcome dinner for TAC recipients and a few special
guests. The food and experience of said meal were fantastic, and even
those with strict dietary needs were able to find something enjoyable
to eat. While much of the conference programming was in Mandarin,
there were several talks presented in English, and all keynotes had
translation services. There were several lessons learned that will be
useful to keep in mind for next year.
Current Events
Community Over Code NA 2024
We are continuing to work though registering people for the
Conference. We have provided Visa support information for those that
need it, applications for which are in progress. Some flights have
already been booked and we are working our way through the remainder.
Hotel accommodation has already been booked.
Monthly Meetings
For at least the run up to events, we continue to hold monthly
meetings on the second Tuesday. With multiple events to support at the
same time and different people running each event we thought a monthly
live call would compliment our mailing list and Slack Channels. Any
interested members or other Operations folks are welcome to attend
TAC App is closed currently closed, no events currently open. At some
point soon, we need to gather a set of improvements / bug tweaks for a
quote to improve the app.
Future Events
Looking into a few other events.
Short/Medium Term Priorities
Keeping an eye out for other smaller events to support. Post surveys
for Bratislava and Hangzhou.
Mailing List Activity
Not much activity this month
No changes to the membership this month.
Attachment 8: Report from the VP of Diversity and Inclusion [David Nalley]
Attachment 9: Report from the VP of Data Privacy [Christian Grobmeier]
# General
There are no issues that need urgent attention.
Currently, 51 tracking codes were requested (+0).
11 Matomo sites don't receive traffic at this point (not yet implemented).
- Added a new Guide for adding YouTube by using a Jekyll plugin:
- Responded to whether using the GitHub API is acceptable from a privacy perspective: a DPA is already on file, and there are no objections.
- Infra removed a message from "" on my request.
It is possible to send messages to user lists without knowing that this email
is going to be public. The privacy team will work on recommendations to make this more transparent.
# Open tasks
- Provide guidelines for advertising user mailing lists
- Create a list of WordPress sites
- Create a list of domains that are allowed to connect because a DPA is covering it (improved Whimsy support)
- Better documentation about DPAs
- Add "canned responses" and instructions on how to run the privacy office to
the website
- Investigate TAC for data privacy and develop a targeted version for the committee
- Clarify responsibility for the Matomo VM
- Clarify status of ""
- Clarify status of ""
Attachment 10: Report from the VP of Public Affairs [Dirk-Willem van Gulik]
* General Purpose Artificial Intelligence
AI act is now in force - the devil is in the details. And these details matter
a lot - as the act was written in a hurry and is technically
unclear/unimplementable. So that means a lot of cycles with invited experts
and so on in the next months.
Am trying to see if there are members that are willing to participate as such
experts in this process - with call to action on members@ (two folks piped up
* CRA, PLD, etc.
No changes or new activity until parliament starts.
Issues with the European (normative (==law making)) standards organisations
(ESOs) seem to be coming to a head due to perceived/reported in-activity (or
described as ineffectiveness by the powers that be) by CENELEC.
No real impact on us short/mid-term - just makes the open-regulatory WG @
eclipse work more important.
But if this becomes a long term issue - then we should consider if we want to
also encourage the right things in the US and Azia w.r.t. to the International
(normative) standards organisations (ISOs).
* China
Willem and I met with the Director of the Open Source and Software Security
Department at the Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology
(CAICT). They are an expertise centre / scientific research institute directly
under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). Together
with their peer, China Electronics Standardization Institute (CESI, also
under MIT), they are the two key strategic and regulatory entities in that
region - and also the nexus for any work at ISO, ITU, CENELEC, etc.
Generally a good meeting - and important to make sure we keep an open channel
here. Several steps defined (and I am behind on this).
Attachment 11: Report from the VP of W3C Relations [Andy Seaborne]
Attachment 12: Report from the Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Roman Shaposhnik]
Past month has been pretty calm. Committee members took good care of resolving
most issues on time. After resolving a handful of LEGAL issues, we are
slightly up at 23 issues (from 19 last month).
Attachment 13: Report from the Apache Security Team Project [Mark J. Cox]
- Published a blog post to announce the completion of the audit
of three Commons components coordinated through OSTIF
at .
- Published some high-level information about our formal escalation
policies when a PMC is not responsive to security issues as
- Published a public statement on how the ASF is different to a
'vendor' on topics such as Service Level Agreements, Data Processing,
compliance statements and provenance.
- Work on OpenSSF Scorecards: one identified change that would
increase the score across the ASF would be to configure GitHub
projects to enable branch protection by default, explicitly
opting out of this for CTR projects. We determined what would
be needed for this and summarized it in INFRA-25908.
- Looked into leveraging GitHub "Dependency Submission" content
to collect (primitive) SBOM information for projects that don't
publish bespoke SBOM information yet.
Stats for July 2024:
43 [license confusion]
16 [support request/question not security notification]
2 [report/question relating to dependencies]
Security reports: 88 (last months: 61, 51, 61)
16 ['website or other infrastructure']
13 ['airflow']
6 ['httpd']
4 ['cloudstack', 'superset']
3 ['answer', 'openoffice']
2 ['cordova', 'deloitte', 'jspwiki', 'linkis', 'mynewt']
1 ['abuse', 'ambari', 'ant', 'arrow', 'cveprocess', 'dolphinscheduler', 'drill', 'druid', 'echarts', 'guacamole', 'hadoop', 'hertzbeat', 'hive', 'logging', 'netbeans', 'ofbiz', 'ozone', 'pinot', 'poi', 'ponymail', 'rocketmq', 'roller', 'seata', 'shiro', 'spark', 'tomcat', 'wicket', 'zeppelin', 'zookeeper']
In total, as of 1st August 2024, we're tracking 183 (last months:
198, 185) open issues across 68 projects, median age 98 days
(last months: 108, 91). 45 of those issues have CVE names
17 (last month: 15) of these issues, across 9 projects, are older
than 365 days.
Attachment A: Report from the Apache AGE Project [Jeff Jirsa]
## Description:
The mission of Apache AGE is the creation and maintenance of software related
to a multi-model database that enables graph and relational models built on
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: Acknowledging for the record that the PMC chair was
changed by Board resolution in June 2024. The new PMC chair is coming up to
## Membership Data:
Apache AGE was founded 2022-05-17 (2 years ago)
There are currently 19 committers and 12 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Rafsun Masud on 2024-01-28.
- No new committers. Last addition was Zainab Saad on 2024-01-31.
## Project Activity:
Recent releases:
PG11-1.5.0 was released on 2024-03-19.
PG12-1.5.0 was released on 2024-03-11.
PG13-1.5.0 was released on 2024-02-29.
PG14-1.5.0 was released on 2024-02-16.
PG15-1.5.0 was released on 2024-02-06.
PG16-1.5.0 was released on 2024-01-26.
## Community Health:
Contributions remain consistent at a quarter-by-quarter view, with
approximately 40-50 code commits per quarter, though contributions
tend to be cyclical, and local-minima are observed. There exists a
sufficient number of PMC members replying to emails to manage the
Attachment B: Report from the Apache Ambari Project [Brahma Reddy Battula]
Attachment C: Report from the Apache Ant Project [Jan Materne]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Ant is the creation and maintenance of the Ant build
system and related software components.
It consists of the following main projects:
- Ant - core and libraries (AntLibs)
- Ivy - Ant based dependency manager
## Project Status:
Current project status: Primarily in bug fix mode and maintenance mode. Issues
for the board: None for now.
## Membership Data:
Apache Ant was founded 2002-11-18 (22 years ago) There are currently 29
committers and 22 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is
roughly 4:3.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Magesh Umasankar on 2018-07-06.
- No new committers. Last addition was Jaikiran Pai on 2017-06-15.
## Project Activity:
The primary goal of Ant these days is to make sure that it can be used to
build projects using recent releases of Java. The last Ant release
1.10.14 was done in August 2023. We plan to release 1.10.15 release in the
coming weeks (we wanted to do it a month or so back, but couldn't get to it).
We used to maintain 2 release series in Ant - 1.10.x and 1.9.x. 1.9.x was
meant only for those users who wanted to use Java 5 as the JDK runtime. There
was no new bug fixes or development happening in 1.9.x for several years now
and that was intentional. We have now officially EOLed the 1.9.x series after
a vote. Details of the EOL were announced on the list
## Community Health:
Although we don't see too much development activity in Ant, there are several
active users of the Ant build tool. We occasionally also see pull requests on
GitHub. For a project that's in maintenance mode, this amount of activity, I
believe, is decent.
Attachment D: Report from the Apache BookKeeper Project [Enrico Olivelli]
## Description:
The mission of BookKeeper is the creation and maintenance of software related
to Replicated log service which can be used to build replicated state machines
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache BookKeeper was founded 2014-11-19 (10 years ago)
There are currently 32 committers and 19 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 8:5.
Community changes, past quarter:
- ZhangJian He was added to the PMC on 2024-06-14
- Lari Hotari was added as committer on 2024-06-12
## Project Activity:
The project cut a couple of releases in the past quarter
4.17.1 was released on 2024-06-26
4.16.6 was released on 2024-06-26
4.17.0 was released on 2024-04-02
## Community Health:
We have invited a communiy member to become committer
and we promoted a committer to PMC memmber.
Patches are coming also from new contributors.
There is not much activity on the mailing list,
but we have some new users asking questions on Slack.
Attachment E: Report from the Apache Brooklyn Project [Juan D. Cabrerizo]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Brooklyn is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a software framework for modeling, monitoring and managing cloud
applications through autonomic blueprints.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: There are no issues requiring board attention
## Membership Data:
Apache Brooklyn was founded 2015-11-18 (9 years ago)
There are currently 20 committers and 19 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Iuliana Cosmina on 2021-06-04.
- No new committers. Last addition was Mykola Mandra on 2022-03-08.
## Project Activity:
- The last major Brooklyn release was 1.1.0, released on 19/02/2024
- Upgrades in the documentation repository
- Mitigation of vulnerabilities in the golang CLI tool
- Simpler version of the kilt diagram to improve the UI experience for
unexperienced users
## Community Health:
12 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (+300% change)
12 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (+300% change)
Attachment F: Report from the Apache BuildStream Project [Tristan Van Berkom]
## Description:
The mission of Apache BuildStream is the creation and maintenance of software
related to efficiently and correctly developing, building and integrating
software stacks
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: None
## Membership Data:
Apache BuildStream was founded 2022-09-21 (2 years ago)
There are currently 6 committers and 6 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 1:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Abderrahim Kitouni on 2022-09-21.
- No new committers were added.
## Project Activity:
Lots of activity this last quarter:
* bst show features and optimizations
* Increased robustness of buildbox-casd in various ways
* Support optional bearer auth via buildbox-casd
* Use buildbox-casd as remote execution proxy
* Mitigate CVE in tarball extracts
* Add timeout to file downloads, avoids occasional hangs
* Support Python 3.12
* Support loading SourceMirror plugins via junction and pip sources
* Various refactoring and code sanitization, linter upgrade
* on the verge of releasing 2.3.0
## Community Health:
Regular activity on github, some activity on the mailing list discussing
SourceMirror related topics, as is our policy to use the list specifically for
communicating and discussing architecture and design decisions.
Attachment G: Report from the Apache Cassandra Project [Dinesh Joshi]
## Description:
Apache Cassandra software is a highly scalable second-generation distributed
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing. Continuing to drive towards Cassandra 5.0
release. Issues for the board: None
## Membership Data:
Apache Cassandra was founded 2010-02-16 (14 years ago) There are currently 82
committers and 38 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is
roughly 2:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Stefan Miklosovic was added to the PMC on 2024-08-14
- Jordan West was added to the PMC on 2024-08-14
- C. Scott Andreas was added to the PMC on 2024-05-21
- Joey Lynch was added to the PMC on 2024-07-09
- C. Scott Andreas was added as committer on 2024-05-20
## Are you able to provide adequate oversight of your project? That is, are
there at least three PMC members who are engaged enough to respond in the
event of a CVE or similar crisis?
Yes. Cassandra PMC regularly conducts roll calls. In the last roll call 19 PMC
Members have responded[1]. Critically, the private@ list as well as dev@ list
shows participation from PMCs as well as Committers. In the past 3 months we
have had 3 security related reports / discussions in private@ list which
received responses in a timely manner.
## Are there current or upcoming risks that threaten the sustainability of
your project? This could be anything from a change in employment of
prolific contributors, to an acquisition affecting a significant corporate
contributor, to a change in the technology landscape that makes your
project less (or more) relevant.
No current or upcoming risks known at this time. We continue to expand the
roster of the PMC with individuals with diverse corporate sponsorship
backgrounds as well as representation of our sub-projects. We are in the final
stages of vetting our next major release – 5.0; it’s historically a long
process and there’s shifting engagement from the community on release
validation. Given the vast majority of our contributions are from full-time
individuals sponsored to work on the project, we continue to keep an eye on
and consider governance or release changes that may be necessary to help align
disparate incentives.
## What can the Foundation do to more effectively make your project more
successful in its mission of providing software for the public good?
Nothing specifically stands out at this time.
Attachment H: Report from the Apache Celeborn Project [Keyong Zhou]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Celeborn is the creation and maintenance of software
related to an intermediate data service for big data computing engines to
boost performance, stability, and flexibility
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: None
## Membership Data:
Apache Celeborn was founded 2024-03-20 (5 months ago)
There are currently 22 committers and 14 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Nicholas Jiang was added to the PMC on 2024-07-23
- Fei Wang was added as committer on 2024-07-23
## Project Activity:
Software development activity:
- We released 0.5.1 on July 29th.
- We released 0.4.2 on July 26th.
- We released 0.5.0 on June 24th.
- Support for Apache Flink 1.20 is merged.
- Support for Apache Tez is under development.
- Several CIPs have been discussed and voted, including Support Flink hybrid
shuffle, Celeborn CLI, Chaos Testing Framework, etc.
Meetups and Conferences:
- 4 related talks were given in Apache CoC Asia 2024.
Recent releases:
- 0.5.1 was released on July 29th, 2024.
- 0.4.2 was released on July 26th, 2024.
- 0.5.0 was released on June 24th, 2024.
## Community Health:
Overall community health is good. In the past quarter, dev mail list had a 73%
increase in past quarter. We have been performing extensive outreach for our
users, and encouraging them to contribute back to the project. Also, we are
active in making a voice in various conferences to attract more users.
Attachment I: Report from the Apache Cocoon Project [Cédric Damioli]
## Description:
The mission of Cocoon is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Web development framework: separation of concerns, component-based
## Project Status:
Current project status: Considering moving to the Attic
Issues for the board: none.
## Membership Data:
Apache Cocoon was founded 2003-01-22 (22 years ago)
There are currently 80 committers and 34 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:3.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Christofer Dutz on 2024-01-30.
- No new committers. Last addition was Christofer Dutz on 2023-05-10.
## Project Activity:
Almots no activity past quarter. Ongoing renewed discussions about Attic.
## Community Health:
Despite the project is dormant, there's still people around
to answer every thread.
Nevertheless this is not sufficient to maintain a software project.
Attachment J: Report from the Apache Community Development Project [Swapnil Mane]
## Description:
The mission of Community Development is the creation and maintenance of
software related to Resources to help people become involved with Apache
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing with high activity
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache Community Development was founded 2009-11-01 (15 years ago)
There are currently 49 committers and 41 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:6.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Ayush Saxena on 2024-02-27.
- No new committers. Last addition was Ayush Saxena on 2024-02-27.
## Project Activity:
### Google Summer of Code 2024
Over the past quarter, all 22 participants (mentees) began work on
their respective projects, and mentors have submitted mid-term evaluations,
with all participants successfully passing mid-term evaluations.
### Working Group
We are making good progress in our working group initiatives, with multiple
discussions and activities across different groups. Here are some key updates:
Website Working Group: We discovered valuable content on topics such as
"How to Become a Committer" and a "Developer Onboarding Guide" from
DataFusion and Arrow project wiki. Some of this content could be integrated into
our ComDev site.
Advisors Working Group: Rich Bowen shared ideas for short instructional videos
on various topics. The video scripts are well-developed for some topics,
- Voting on a release
- Apache Brand informational video
- PMC member responsibilities
Proposed New Working Group - Code of Conduct: We proposed creating a new
working group focused on developing a recommended template Code of Conduct
that projects could customize and adopt. The detailed proposal can be
found at [WG-1].
### ALC
We had good activities from various ALCs this quarter. Notably, we established
a new chapter, ALC Shanghai, which held its first meetup on August 3rd,
attracting around 70 attendees. ALC Beijing played a very active role
in organizing CoC Asia 2024 and coordinated efforts to bring together
all ALC chapters in China.
ALC Shenzhen hosted couple of meetups and also participated in CoC Asia 2024.
### Others
We responded to inquiries from few candidates interested in contributing
to Apache projects, as well as a few queries from users looking to
contribute their projects to the ASF.
## Community Health:
We observed a slight drop in activity on our dev mailing list, which was
expected after the spike in the previous quarter due to GSoC inquiries
and related activity. However, looking at the overall engagement,
we had another strong quarter, staying active across various initiatives,
thanks to the efforts of our community members.
Attachment K: Report from the Apache CouchDB Project [Jan Lehnardt]
## Description:
Apache CouchDB software is a document-oriented database that can be queried and
indexed in a MapReduce fashion using JavaScript. CouchDB also offers
incremental replication with bi-directional conflict detection and resolution.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache CouchDB was founded 2008-11-19 (16 years ago)
There are currently 72 committers and 18 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 4:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Glynn Bird on 2023-03-14.
- No new committers. Last addition was Jiahui Li on 2023-08-24.
## Project Activity:
- slowly but surely prodding along for the new 3.4.0 release. As mentioned
in the last report, there are some new packaging challenges because of
new dependencies, so this takes a little longer than a usual release.
- fixed a good bunch of hairy bugs along the way
## Community Health:
- the northern hemisphere summer lull is in full swing, but we are getting
renewed interested in taking over maintainership of our web UI component.
Attachment L: Report from the Apache Creadur Project [Philipp Ottlinger]
## Description:
The mission of Creadur is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Comprehension and auditing of software distributions
## Project Status:
Current project status: ongoing
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache Creadur was founded 2012-04-18 (12 years ago)
There are currently 13 committers and 12 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:6.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last additions were Claude Warren
and Jean-Baptiste Onofré on 2024-01-23.
## Project Activity:
A lot of work is happening within the effort
to harmonize RAT usage among all CLIs (RAT-323).
Apart from that activity is low.
Recent releases:
- Apache Rat 0.16.1 was released on 2024-01-24.
- Apache Rat 0.16 was released on 2023-12-28.
- Apache Creadur Tentacles 0.1 was released on 2022-10-22.
Not sure how I can comment on the open board feedback
from sharan from 2023-11-15 as it is shown under
The comment can be closed as the new PMC members were already elected.
## Community Health:
No change: Claude is working on the harmonization efforts mainly.
Apart from dependency updates not much happening in the other subprojects.
We hope to release 0.17 at the end of August/start of September
to get morefeedback from downstream consumers and
are looking forward to the summer holidays.
Attachment M: Report from the Apache CXF Project [Daniel Kulp]
## Description:
Apache CXF is an open source services framework. CXF helps you build and
develop services using frontend programming APIs, like JAX-WS and JAX-RS.
These services can speak a variety of protocols such as SOAP, XML/HTTP,
RESTful HTTP, or CORBA and work over a variety of transports such as HTTP, JMS
or JBI.
There is also a sub-project that leverages CXF:
Fediz - Fediz helps you to secure your web applications via the standard
WS-Federation Passive Requestor Profile.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing, moderate activity
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache CXF was founded 2008-04-15 (16 years ago)
There are currently 44 committers and 26 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Andy McCright on 2019-02-24.
- Jamie Mark Goodyear was added as committer on 2024-07-19
## Project Activity:
Most of the activity this period was targeting the patch releases that
were done in July. Those patch releases address a bunch of bugs, in
particular, three CVE's were addressed and then made public after the
release was finalized.
We added a committer (Jamie Goodyear) this period due to his work on
testing CXF with different JDK's on different hardware. He's also
driving some work on performance testing and finding performance
Recent releases:
3.5.9 was released on 2024-07-17.
3.6.4 was released on 2024-07-17.
4.0.5 was released on 2024-07-17.
Past releases:
Apache CXF Fediz 1.6.2 was released on 2024-03-25.
## Community Health:
For the most part, the project is making steady, but not stellar, progress.
Many of the protocols and specs that CXF implements are mature specs and don't
really change much. Thus, steady progress and regular releases are a good
thing. We are responding to bug reports, reviewing and merging pull requests,
and hopefully getting patch releases out soon.
The current PMC Chair (dkulp) who has held the position since the creation
of the project 16 years ago has decided to step down. He has recently retired
and no longer uses CXF or Java or Web Services or anything on a day to day
basis and believes the project would be better served by someone more
active in the community. The project has elected Andriy Redko to take on
the role and a Change Of Chair resolution has been added to the agenda.
Dan Kulp wishes the project the best as it moves forward.
Attachment N: Report from the Apache DataSketches Project [Lee Rhodes]
## Description:
The mission of Apache DataSketches is the creation and maintenance of software
related to an open source, high-performance library of streaming algorithms
commonly called "sketches" in the data sciences. Sketches are small, stateful
programs that process massive data as a stream and can provide approximate
answers, with mathematical guarantees, to computationally difficult queries
orders-of-magnitude faster than traditional, exact methods
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing, moderate activity
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache DataSketches was founded 2020-12-15 (4 years ago)
There are currently 17 committers and 14 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:7.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Charlie Dickens on 2023-07-04.
- No new committers. Last addition was Pierre Lacave on 2024-03-12.
## Project Activity:
Big News: Google BigQuery has agreed to support our DataSketches library in
their repo. This means that
all BQ users will be able to use Apache DataSketches in their SQL queries.
A dedicated apache/datasketches-bigquery repo has been set up for the
development of adaptors that connect BQ/SQL to the datasketches-cpp (C++)
library of sketches. No formal releases as of today, but will be soon.
## Community Health:
Our project is healthy. We have a small, loyal and growing community
of users that contact us when they have questions or issues.
We are experiencing growing interest from major corporations and
database platforms in our multi-language libraries.
Of special interest is that our project is frequently referenced
in scientific papers in the areas of streaming algorithms and sketches.
In these papers the Apache DataSketches project is often referenced to as
the most widely used and best known library of open-source sketches.
Attachment O: Report from the Apache DeltaSpike Project [Mark Struberg]
Attachment P: Report from the Apache Doris Project [Mingyu Chen]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Doris is the creation and maintenance of software related
to a MPP-based interactive SQL data warehousing for reporting and analysis
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache Doris was founded 2022-06-15 (2 years ago)
There are currently 74 committers and 23 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Wenqiang Lee was added to the PMC on 2024-05-25
- Kai Jiang was added as committer on 2024-06-18
- Gavin Chou was added as committer on 2024-06-15
- Dongyang Li was added as committer on 2024-06-18
- Chen Qi was added as committer on 2024-05-27
- Chuan Mao was added as committer on 2024-06-15
- Jian Xie was added as committer on 2024-05-31
## Project Activity:
We have released Apache Doris 2.0.11/12/13/14, and 2.1.4/5,
We also released new version of ecosystem tools,
Apache Doris Flink/Spark/Kafka Connector.
In addition, we have released a major version 3.0.0,
which introduce the new architecture of separation computation and storage.
## Community Health:
Overall community health is good.
We have redesigned our website and document to make it more clear
and attract more people to give feedback
Attachment Q: Report from the Apache Drill Project [Charles Givre]
## Description:
The mission of Drill is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Schema-free SQL Query Engine for Apache Hadoop, NoSQL and Cloud Storage
## Project Status:
Current project status: Project is ongoing.
Issues for the board: No issues requiring board attention.
## Membership Data:
Apache Drill was founded 2014-11-18 (10 years ago)
There are currently 62 committers and 27 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was James Turton on 2022-01-23.
- No new committers. Last addition was Maksym Rymar on 2022-10-19.
## Project Activity:
Drill 1.21.2, a significant bug fix release was released in June 2024.
We are close to releasing Drill 1.22, which will contain an integration between
Drill and Apache Daffodil as well as other significant improvements.
Recent releases:
1.21.1 was released on 2023-04-29.
1.21.0 was released on 2023-02-21.
1.20.3 was released on 2023-01-07.
## Community Health:
The statistics seems to have disappeared from the reporter tool. However,
anecdotally, we have a good throughput of new issues, pull requests, and
questions. Our slack channel is generally active as well.
Attachment R: Report from the Apache Druid Project [Gian Merlino]
Sorry, things got away from me and I neglected to prepare our report on time.
Druid plans to report next month.
Attachment S: Report from the Apache Dubbo Project [Jun Liu]
## Description:
Apache Dubbo is an easy-to-use RPC framework that provides different
language implementations, service discovery, traffic management,
observability, security, tools, and best practices for building
enterprise-ready microservices.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing: With high activity.
Issues for the board:
1. the community has removed from our website.
2. the community has build a benchmark system in the last quarter and need
support of computing resources from the foundation to host it. As
Kubernetes has become the most popular PaaS platform for hosting a software
in its lifecycle, I wonder if it's possible for the foundation to provide
hosted Kubernetes services for projects?
## Membership Data:
Apache Dubbo was founded 2019-05-15 (5 years ago) There are currently 107
committers and 29 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is
roughly 7:2. Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was YouWei Chen on 2023-04-21.
- Jianyi Cai was added as committer on 2024-05-31
- Wu YuHao was added as committer on 2024-05-31
- Xinyang Li was added as committer on 2024-07-02
We have collected about 5 committer candidates from the community and will are
planning to start the voting thread not long after this report.
## Project Activity:
The releases focused mainly on apache/dubbo - the Java implementation, and the
side projects that it directly depends on. More activities need to be made on
our other language implementations in the next quarter.
- 3.2.15 was released on 2024-08-09.
- 3.3.0-beta.5 was released on 2024-08-09.
- dubbo-hessian-lite 4.0.3 was released on 2024-08-09.
- dubbo-hessian-lite 4.0.2 was released on 2024-08-02.
- 3.2.14 was released on 2024-06-23.
- 3.3.0-beta.4 was released on 2024-06-23.
- dubbo-hessian-lite 4.0.1 was released on 2024-06-14.
- 3.2.13 was released on 2024-05-28.
- 3.3.0-beta.3 was released on 2024-05-28.
- dubbo-hessian-lite 4.0.0 was released on 2024-05-17.
## Community Health:
Overall community health is good, especially with
the Java implementation, with all feature development progress
meeting expectations. We are planning to make the 3.3.0 release
officially available in the next quarter.
Some of our side projects like apache/dubbo-kubernetes,
apache/dubbo-samples, and other language implementations
like apache/dubbo-go, apache/dubbo-js, and apache/dubbo-python
are all under active development.
Attachment T: Report from the Apache Empire-db Project [Rainer Döbele]
## Description:
Empire-db is a lightweight relational database access library dealing with all
aspects of storing, manipulating, retrieving and modelling data in relational
database management systems (RDBMS). As an alternative to traditional
OR-Mapping solutions, it provides an SQL centric, no-compromise approach that
uses a Java-Object-Model rather than Mapping Files or Annotations.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing with improved recent activity
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache Empire-db was founded 2012-01-24 (12 years ago)
There are currently 10 committers and 8 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 5:4.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Jan Glaubitz on 2016-07-10.
- No new committers. Last addition was Ralf Eichinger on 2022-03-15.
## Project Activity:
Latest release is empire-db-3.2.0 released on 2024-06-25.
We are happy to report, that we have completed and published a new
release this quarter containing 12 new features or improvements and
7 major bugfixes.
On the boards request, we have also performed a roll call in order
to find out who of our committers is still with the project.
Two committers reported that they are active and contributing regularly.
Three other committers answered that they were paying attention, but are
not really active
Those 5 committers along with one other subscriber who is not a
committer voted to advance or respectively publish the release.
## Community Health:
Our community is still alive and healthy.
It is expected that with all open issues at the time of release
being resolved, there will be less activity in the coming months
until new issues are coming up.
Attachment U: Report from the Apache EventMesh Project [Eason Chen]
## Description:
The mission of Apache EventMesh is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a fully serverless platform used to build distributed event-driven
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing: With moderate activity
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache EventMesh was founded 2023-03-22 (a year ago)
There are currently 51 committers and 16 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Jianbo Liu on 2024-01-05.
- No new committers. Last addition was Fabian Bao on 2024-01-25.
## Project Activity:
New Feature EventMesh Dashboard under the developing
New Feature EventMesh Function runtime under the developing
New Feature add canal connector for sync data with mysql
New Feature Support gtid mode for sync data with mysql
New Feature support full sync of mysql
Enhancement for http source/sink connector
Enhancement for admin server and canal source/sink connector
Participated in CommunityOverCode Asia 2024
## Community Health:
4 new contributors
The new features were under designing or developing,
so the commits and PR activity seems a slight increase.
Contributors increased slightly compared to the previous quarter.
Overall community health is good.
Attachment V: Report from the Apache FreeMarker Project [Dániel Dékány]
## Description:
Apache FreeMarker is a template engine, i.e. a generic tool to generate text
output based on templates. Apache FreeMarker is implemented in Java as a class
library for programmers.
FreeMarker 2 (the current stable line) produces releases since 2002. The
FreeMarker project has joined the ASF in 2015, and graduated from the
Incubator in early 2018.
## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Activity:
Activity was moderate in recent months.
## Health report:
Activity is relatively low, as usual for this project, though with some higher
activity around the 2.3.33 release, which was done. User questions (mostly on
StackOverflow) and new Jira issues are being answered. PR-s slowly but
eventually getting reviewed and merged. Next the goal is to do a relatively
quick 2.3.34 release (to address some annoyance with 2.3.33). Then finishing
the java.time support (FREEMARKER-35) is next priority. The very long term
goal is continuing the ongoing development on the 3.0 branch, so that the
project can innovate, and the code base can become much cleaner and more
attractive for new committers.
## PMC changes:
- Currently 7 PMC members.
- No changes since the graduation on 2018-03-21
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 8 committers.
- Last added: Siegfried Goeschl on 2020-01-07
## Releases:
- 2.3.33 was released on 2024-06-01
Attachment W: Report from the Apache Geode Project [Mark Bretl]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Geode is the creation and maintenance of software related
to a data management platform that provides real-time, consistent access to
data-intensive applications throughout widely distributed cloud architectures.
## Project Status:
Current project status: PMC has voted to terminate project
Issues for the board: Resolution to terminate on board agenda
## Membership Data:
Apache Geode was founded 2016-11-15 (8 years ago)
There are currently 118 committers and 31 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 4:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Calvin Kirs on 2022-11-14.
- No new committers. Last addition was Calvin Kirs on 2022-11-15.
## Project Activity:
PMC reached out to the community to get more volunteers and there was only a
minimal response. With the lack of response to the request for volunteers, the
PMC moved forward with a vote to terminate the project. The result of the vote
was to terminate the project.
## Community Health:
After almost an eight year run as a TLP, the PMC has decided there is not enough
community support to keep the project active.
Attachment X: Report from the Apache Geronimo Project [Jean-Louis Monteiro]
Attachment Y: Report from the Apache Gora Project [Kevin Ratnasekera]
Attachment Z: Report from the Apache Groovy Project [Paul King]
## Description:
Apache Groovy is responsible for the evolution and maintenance of the Groovy
programming language.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing with moderate activity.
Issues for the board: No issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Membership Data:
Apache Groovy was founded 2015-11-18 (9 years ago)
There are currently 21 committers and 12 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 7:4.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Remko Popma on 2022-07-13.
- No new committers. Last addition was Zongle Wang on 2023-08-22.
## Project Activity:
The project is responding well to raised issues for previous releases and
making steady progress towards our next major goal of releasing Groovy 5.
Recent releases:
3.0.22 was released on 2024-06-30.
4.0.22 was released on 2024-06-30.
5.0.0-alpha-9 was released on 2024-06-30.
## Community Health:
Activity within the issue tracker, mailing lists and GitHub PRs was
slightly down compared to previous quarters. We had folks involved
with conferences, and on holidays, and in discussions with Grails.
We'll need to keep an eye on activity numbers next quarter.
This quarter, in the main branch of the main repo, 150 commits were
contributed from 8 contributors including 3 non-committer contributors (1 new).
We very much appreciated being able to run a Groovy track at
CommunityOverCode EU (Bratislava) in June and presenting a
Groovy-related keynote at CommunityOverCode Asia (Hangzhou) in July.
We look forward to participating in CommunityOverCode NA in October.
We are in discussions with the Grails web framework (based on Groovy)
for it to enter the ASF with potentially Groovy as the sponsoring
project during incubation. We expect to vote on that matter next quarter.
Grails is a well-established project spanning many repos and with many
plugins including numerous outdated ones. The Grails team is working
on defining an "MVP" which would describe which core parts of Grails
and maybe some core plugins that would be part of such a proposal.
Attachment AA: Report from the Apache Hop Project [Hans Van Akelyen]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Hop is the creation and maintenance of software related
to a platform for data orchestration
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache Hop was founded 2021-12-15 (3 years ago)
There are currently 24 committers and 10 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Bart Maertens on 2021-12-15.
- Sergio De Lorenzis was added as committer on 2024-06-11
## Project Activity:
2.9.0 was released in May and we are working on 2.10.0. With this release we
will be moving to Java 17 and are focussing on cleaning up old code.
## Community Health:
A new committer has been added to the project. We have a healthy activity of
work. We are looking for ways to gather more information from end users on what
features and components they find important. We launched a first simple survey
and will be sharing those results on the ML.
Attachment AB: Report from the Apache HTTP Server Project [Joe Orton]
Attachment AC: Report from the Apache HttpComponents Project [Michael Osipov]
## Description:
The mission of HttpComponents is the creation and maintenance of software
related to Java toolset of low level HTTP components
## Project Status
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Membership Data:
Apache HttpComponents was founded 2007-11-14 (16 years ago)
There are currently 20 committers and 9 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:3.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Arturo Bernal on 2023-10-27.
- No new committers. Last addition was Arturo Bernal on 2023-06-20.
## Project Activity:
- Development on master has moved to 5.4 for Client and 5.3 for Core
## Community Health:
- Overall the project remains active. Issues and dicussions are
resolved in time.
## Releases:
- HttpCore 5.2.5 GA: 2024-07-03
- HttpClient 5.4-beta1: 2024-06-27
- HttpCore 5.3-beta1: 2024-06-24
Attachment AD: Report from the Apache Ignite Project [Dmitry Pavlov]
## Description:
The mission of Ignite project is the creation and maintenance of software
related to high-performance distributed database engine providing in-memory
and persistent data caching, partitioning, processing, and
querying components.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: None
## Membership Data:
Apache Ignite was founded 2015-08-19 (9 years ago)
There are currently 78 committers and 40 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:3.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Nikita Amelchev on 2023-11-20.
- No new committers. Last addition was Roman Puchkovskiy on 2024-04-24.
## Project Activity:
- No recent releases, 2.16.0 (latest stable) was released on 2023-12-25.
- Extensions for new versions of spring and spring data were released on
- MVCC code removal is almost complete, most likely it will be completed
before 2.17.0.
- Community voted to switch to JDK 11 compilation and drop JDK8 support.
## Community Health:
- Mailing lists (dev, issues, notifications and user) list traffic is almost
the same
- There are a number of Ignite enhancement proposals (IEPs) for Ignite-3 and
one for Ignite-2.
- Project attracts new contributors: new contributors are coming and asking
for permissions in JIRA, some of them complete newbie tickets
Attachment AE: Report from the Apache Impala Project [Zoltán Borók-Nagy]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Impala is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a high-performance distributed SQL engine
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing with high activity
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache Impala was founded 2017-11-15 (7 years ago)
There are currently 70 committers and 40 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 7:4.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Riza Suminto on 2024-03-06.
- No new committers. Last addition was Zihao Ye on 2024-03-24.
## Project Activity:
Impala 4.4.0 was released on May 25th
Impala 3.4.2 was released on June 22nd
Over the last three months, the Impala community has implemented the following:
- Continuous work on using Calcite for query planning
- Improvements and fixes for the current query planner
- Improvements to CatalogD and event handling
- Iceberg V2 read performance improvements
- JDBC table enhancements
- Numerous bug fixes
- Performance improvements
- Test improvements
## Community Health:
reviews@ is the most reliable metric of Impala community activity level.
There were 2100 emails to that list in June, July, and Aug (until 9th)
Attachment AF: Report from the Apache Incubator Project [Justin Mclean]
Attachment AG: Report from the Apache InLong Project [Charles Zhang]
## Description:
The mission of Apache InLong is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a one-stop data integration framework that provides automatic,
secure, and reliable data transmission capabilities. InLong supports both batch
and stream data processing at the same time, which offers great power to build
data analysis, modeling, and other real-time applications based on streaming
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing, with moderate activity.
Issues for the board: There are no issues requiring board attention.
## Membership Data:
Apache InLong was founded 2022-06-15 (2 years ago)
There are currently 50 committers and 30 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 5:3.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Mingyu Bao was added to the PMC on 2024-05-27
- Wenkai Fu was added to the PMC on 2024-08-16
- Wensong Zhang was added as a committer on 2024-08-17
## Project Activity:
In the past quarter, InLong has successfully released 1.13.0,
and the project is working on 1.14.0 (or 2.0.0), which will be released in
early October. For the newly released 1.13.0, it closed about 275+
issues, including 6+ major features and 100+ optimizations, for example:
- Support installing Agent by SSH
- Support field template management
- Support configuring offline synchronization tasks
- Optimize the Sort Standalone configuration process
In addition, The community had an offline meetup with the
Apache Pulsar community during the past quarter.
## Community Health:
The community health looks good overall. The project continues to
release versions, and new contributors are constantly joining.
Attachment AH: Report from the Apache Johnzon Project [Jean-Louis Monteiro]
Attachment AI: Report from the Apache Juneau Project [James Bognar]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Juneau is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a toolkit for marshalling POJOs to a wide variety of content types
using a common framework, and for creating sophisticated self-documenting REST
interfaces and microservices using VERY little code
## Project Status:
Current project status: Dormant:
- Not much happening on the code, but at least 3 PMC members ready to engage
if needed
Issues for the board:
- No issues to report
## Membership Data:
Apache Juneau was founded 2017-10-17 (7 years ago)
There are currently 13 committers and 13 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 1:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Gary D. Gregory on 2023-04-02.
- No new committers. Last addition was Gary D. Gregory on 2023-04-03.
## Project Activity:
Last release was 9.0.1 on Sept 6, 2023.
Activity will pick up soon again to make some minor updates (removal of old
javax.* module dependencies) and create minor releases with latest security
## Community Health:
Currently in the process of inviting two new PMC members. They are still
submitting their paperwork.
Attachment AJ: Report from the Apache Kafka Project [Mickael Maison]
## Description:
The mission of Kafka is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Distributed publish-subscribe messaging system
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: See the section below
## Membership Data:
Apache Kafka was founded 2012-11-21 (12 years ago)
There are currently 61 committers and 36 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 8:5.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Greg Harris on 2024-04-13.
- No new committers. Last addition was Igor Soarez on 2024-04-21.
## Project Activity:
In the past quarter we released, 3.7.1 and 3.8.0.
Kafka 3.8.0 contains a lot of new features (17 KIPs) and improvements
in all components.
- JBOD support in KRaft mode is now production ready
- JBOD support with Tiered Storage (early access)
- Updates to the new consumer group rebalance protocol (early access)
- New GraalVM docker image
- Support for compression levels
- Support for restricting paths with File and Directory configuration providers
- Customizable task assignments
- Support for shared state stores
- New PATCH REST endpoint for partial connector configuration updates
See the announcement for more details:
Kafka 3.9.0 is currently in progress.
## Community Health:
The statistics page ( seems
to be broken so it's hard to compare to the previous quarter. Overall the
project activity remains very high in terms of commits/PRs, Jiras and emails
on mailing lists.
## Issues for the board
### Process for creating Confluence accounts:
Kafka uses Kafka Improvement Proposals (KIP) to design and adopt major/public
API changes. This requires users to create a KIP page in Confluence. Since
February it's not possible for users to create Confluence accounts. This
severely impacts our project as new contributors are not able to propose KIPs.
There is INFRA-25451 where users can request accounts but this is not a
solution as it takes weeks to get accounts created.
Attachment AK: Report from the Apache Kibble Project [Sharan Foga]
Attachment AL: Report from the Apache Knox Project [Larry McCay]
## Description:
The mission of Knox is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Simplify and normalize the deployment and implementation of secure Hadoop
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing project with moderate activity as a result
of being rather mature.
Issues for the board: none.
## Membership Data:
Apache Knox was founded 2014-02-18 (10 years ago)
There are currently 24 committers and 20 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 6:5.
It has been noted that a large number of the 20 PMC members are not
currently subscribed to the private list. We will take an action item
to follow up and and ask them to go emeritus or subscribe.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Marton Balázs on 2022-11-27.
- No new committers. Last addition was Marton Balázs on 2022-11-28.
## Project Activity:
Release data in the database is obsolete. We have had numerous releases
since 2018 with the most recent being 2.0.0 on 2023-02-27. We will begin
discussions for the next release shortly.
## Community Health:
There has been a decrease in email traffic over the last quarter by
52% from 546 to 267. This is due to the delivery of a couple sizable
features and CVE related dependency upgrades in the previous quarter.
There were only 19 commits over the last quarter. This will increase
as we ramp up the next release activities. The jenkins builds were broken
in our github actions as well which was disruptive to development
activities. They seem to be resolved now.
As the next release activities ramp up the commits and email traffic will
increase. We have also seen an uptick in contributors recently and hope
to invite new committers and PMC as appropriate.
Attachment AM: Report from the Apache Kylin Project [Shao Feng Shi]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Kylin is the creation and maintenance of software related
to a distributed and scalable OLAP engine
## Project Status:
Current project status: Dormant
Issues for the board: None
## Membership Data:
Apache Kylin was founded 2015-11-18 (9 years ago)
There are currently 48 committers and 23 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Xiaoxiang Yu on 2020-10-08.
- No new committers. Last addition was Qian Xia on 2023-08-16.
New committers are joining soon with the next major release in Aug or Sep 2024.
## Project Activity:
Recent releases:
- 5.0.0-beta was released on 2023-08-30.
- 5.0.0-alpha was released on 2023-04-26.
- 4.0.3 was released on 2022-12-23.
The next release 5.0.0 (after its beta) will be coming in Aug or Sep 2024.
We are also looking forward to collaborate with Apache Gluten to create a
powerful OLAP solution. Stay tuned.
## Community Health:
Community activities are increasing in the past quarter as the next major
release is coming. (Below numbers are hand crafted as the usual health
metrics is missing for unknown reason.)
- had a 0% increase in traffic in the past quarter
(111 emails compared to 111)
- had a 260% increase in traffic in the past quarter
(18 emails compared to 5)
- git commits had a 155% increase in the past quarter (97 commits compared
to 38)
- jira issues had a 77% increase in the past quarter (590 issues compared
to 333)
Attachment AN: Report from the Apache Libcloud Project [Tomaž Muraus]
Attachment AO: Report from the Apache Logging Services Project [Piotr Karwasz]
## Description:
The mission of the Apache Logging Services project is to create and maintain of
software for managing the logging of application behavior, and for related
software components.
## Project Status:
- Chainsaw is officially "dormant".
- Flume project is de facto "dormant". There has not been any activity
in the last several years.
- Log4cxx is "ongoing" with high activity.
- Log4j is "ongoing" with high activity.
- Log4j Audit project is de facto "dormant". There has not been any
activity in the last several years.
- Log4Net is "ongoing" with high activity.
## Membership Data:
Apache Logging Services was founded 2003-12-17 (21 years ago)
There are currently 45 committers and 23 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Fred am Nil was added to the PMC on 2024-08-07
- No new committers. Last addition was Fred am Nil on 2024-02-09.
## Project Activity:
- Chainsaw was moved to the dormant status by the PMC[0].
- Flume has been inactive for years and needs help: out of 4 PMC members
committed to it, 3 have not been active in at least 2 years[1].
Issue reports[2] are not being addressed for lack of expertise from the rest
of the PMC.
- Log4cxx continues its efficiency improvements, mostly focused on asynchronous
- Log4j has finished a big documentation rewrite project[3].
The project aims at revealing undocumented features, improving the navigability
of the website and providing users with guidance on how to properly and
securely use many features.
- Log4j Audit has been inactive for years and has only one PMC member[1]
committed to it. Nevertheless, due to its low user base (less than 500
downloads/month), it does not constitute a security risk.
- Log4Net is working on version `3.0.0` preview releases, with the final
release planned for September. The release plans to drop support for older
runtimes[2]. The development pace increased considerably since Fred am Nil
joined the team.
- Log4j Kotlin API has released version 1.5.0 on 2024-08-06
## Community Health:
- Flume has no activity, except one recent issue report[5] in the last several
- Log4j is currently the most active project across GitHub and mailing
lists. The user base is active both reporting issues on GitHub and popular
websites like StackOverflow[6].
- Log4j Audit has no activity by any means.
- Log4cxx and Log4net haven't seen much community activity.
Attachment AP: Report from the Apache MADlib Project [Ed Espino]
## Description:
- Apache MADlib is a scalable, big data, SQL-driven machine learning framework
for data scientists.
## Project Status:
- The project is in a critical state due to several factors (below).
- Apache MADlib provides support for PostgreSQL and Greenplum Database.
- Without any public announcement from Broadcom or the in the Greenplum open
source community, on May 24, 2024, the majority of Greenplum's GitHub
repositories have been archived
( The Greenplum slack instance and
supporting mail lists have been deactivated.
- Broadcom is the corporate backer of the Greenplum Database and supporting
components. One of those components is Apache MADlib.
- A PMC request for input on the Greenplum closed source move went unanswered.
"Input on Validating MADlib Branches and Releases Against Greenplum"
- Christofer Dutz performed a roll call (Thu, Jun 13, 2024) of the 12 PMC
members, eight members who did not respond were removed from the PMC.
## Community Health:
- On July 7th, 2024 - Dianjing Wang, the Community Manager for the Cloudberry
Database, a derivative of the Greenplum Database. has expressed interest in
contributing Apache MADlib.
- The Cloudberry Database open source project is currently hosted on GitHub
( The are working on an Apache incubation
## Mailing list activity:
- Aside from roll call and requests for input (gone unswered) from dev and pmc
members, there is virtually not active community.
## Releases:
- v2.1.0 released on 2023-09-08
- v2.0.0 was released on 2023-06-23
- v1.21.0 was released on 2023-03-01
Attachment AQ: Report from the Apache ManifoldCF Project [Piergiorgio Lucidi]
## Description:
The mission of ManifoldCF is the creation and maintenance of software related
to Framework for connecting source content repositories to target repositories
or indexes.
## Issues:
## Membership Data:
Apache ManifoldCF was founded 2012-05-15 There are currently 25
committers and 15 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is
roughly 5:3.
Community changes, since last report in October:
- No new PMC member. Last addition was made on 2023-08-03.
- No new committers. Last addition was on 2019-08-17.
## Project Activity:
2.26 was released on 2023-11-01
2.25 was released on 2023-06-01
The Community sets the following goals:
- Creating a brand new Roadmap
We can probably bring ManifoldCF in the RAG area for injecting data into
vector databases. Finally we can remove, update and add new connectors.
- Facilitating the adoption / making easier for any developer to contribute
ManifoldCF SDK works correctly now using the Maven Snapshot artifacts for
version 2.27-RC1. Now we have a Docker repository for publishing official
images and making easier to deploy extensions using the SDK. We are confident
that after the validation of the new release process it will be an incredible
tool for all the people that want to create extensions.
- Migrating the website from Docbook / Forrest to ASF GitHub Pages
We currently have the website published on GitHub and we can now continue to
manage it directly using GitHub. We are still evaluating how to adopt GitHub
pages as suggested by INFRA.
- Making the release scripts agnostic
We only need to have a GPG key enabled on GitHub in order to publish RCs and
Maven release artifacts. We are still waiting for hints and support about
this from the Apache Security Team and this means that we are still stuck on
creating new releases. Hopefully we should finalize everything in September,
the next Release 2.27 is scheduled for September 30th and it will include
only bugfixes and improvements related to the build and release process.
## Community Health:
We have qualified all the 19 pull requests received on GitHub and we are
going to work on them after the new release process will be validated by the
Apache Security Team.
Attachment AR: Report from the Apache Mnemonic Project [Gordon King]
Attachment AS: Report from the Apache Mynewt Project [Szymon Janc]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Mynewt is the creation and maintenance of software
related to an embedded OS optimized for networking and built for remote
management of constrained devices that are incapable of running either Linux or
## Project Status:
Current project status: ongoing
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache Mynewt was founded 2017-06-21 (7 years ago)
There are currently 37 committers and 19 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:3.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Jerzy Kasenberg on 2019-10-24.
- Michał Górecki was added as committer on 2024-06-27
## Project Activity:
Work is ongoing in several areas, mainly improvements in BSP/MCU support
(common startup code for STM family, Nordic nRF5x family is now using nrfx SDK
for drivers). There has been significant work on improving project documentation
(Doxygen for API, improvements to website, automation of website deployment). On
Bluetooth side work is being continued on adding LE Audio support.
Github email notifications from project repositories are now also configured
according to suggestions from Board few months back.
## Community Health:
Core developers are active on regular basis (with some drop due to summer
season). We also see some past contributors getting active again. For now we are
not going to do anything with inactive PMC members so this is causing no issues
to the project currently.
Attachment AT: Report from the Apache Oozie Project [Dénes Bodó]
## Description:
The mission of Oozie is the creation and maintenance of software related to A
workflow scheduler system to manage Apache Hadoop jobs.
## Project Status:
Current project status: At risk
Issues for the board: No activity from the members.
## Membership Data:
Apache Oozie was founded 2012-08-28 (12 years ago)
There are currently 28 committers and 23 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:6.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Dénes Bodó on 2021-04-08.
- No new committers. Last addition was János Makai on 2022-12-28.
## Project Activity:
Recent releases:
5.2.1 was released on 2021-02-26.
5.2.0 was released on 2019-12-06.
5.1.0 was released on 2018-12-19.
Struggling with lack of human resources.
There are no active members, Chair is about to put in less and less effort
due to personal reasons.
We have build issues in Jenkins, automated tests are not working ATM.
## Community Health:
Development is nearly stopped, there is no activity.
Chair has no bandwidth to reassemble the team, do communication,
fix current issues or develop the product.
I don't see how and when we could improve the above in the near future.
Attachment AU: Report from the Apache OpenMeetings Project [Maxim Solodovnik]
## Description:
The mission of OpenMeetings is the creation and maintenance of software related
to OpenMeetings: Web-Conferencing and real-time collaboration
## Project Status:
Current project status: Dormant
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache OpenMeetings was founded 2013-01-25 (11 years ago)
There are currently 30 committers and 28 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 8:7.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Ali Alhaidary on 2021-03-22.
- No new committers. Last addition was Ali Alhaidary on 2021-04-07.
## Project Activity:
There is not much happening at the project. 8.0.0 release is being prepared
(hopefully will be released in a week or two). Users queries are rare.
This release includes new Jakarta stack this is why it takes significant
time to being prepared and tested.
Recent releases:
- 7.2.0 was released on 2023-12-23.
- 7.1.0 was released on 2023-05-09.
- 7.0.0 was released on 2023-02-13.
## Community Health:
Unfortunately there is not much interest to the project these days.
Email traffic is getting lower every quarter. Let's see if new release will
gain some interest from the community. It is still being used for
educational/interview/e-hospital purposes.
Attachment AV: Report from the Apache OpenOffice Project [Dave Fisher]
Attachment AW: Report from the Apache OpenWhisk Project [Dave Grove]
## Description:
The mission of Apache OpenWhisk is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a platform for building serverless applications with functions
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing with low activity
Issues for the board: None
## Membership Data:
Apache OpenWhisk was founded 2019-07-16 (5 years ago)
There are currently 54 committers and 22 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:3.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Cosmin Stanciu on 2022-02-22.
- No new committers. Last addition was Luke Roy on 2023-03-06.
## Project Activity:
No new releases this quarter and very little project activity this quarter.
Last release was the major release of openwhisk-2.0.0 on 2024-04-07.
## Community Health:
Very little activity this quarter. Only 1 post on dev mailing list in
3 months. No significant development activity.
A handful of issues/PRs from users were opened and responded to on GitHub.
I've personally been very busy with other projects and it appears the rest
of our developer and user community has as well.
Attachment AX: Report from the Apache Ozone Project [Sammi Chen]
## Description
Apache Ozone is a scalable, redundant, and distributed object and file store,
designed to scale to billions of objects/files and run on clusters of
thousands of nodes. Ozone supports S3 compatible object APIs as well as a
Hadoop Compatible File System implementation.
## Issues
## Membership Data
- Apache Ozone was founded 2020-10-21.
- There are currently 81 committers and 36 PMC members in this project. The
Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:4.
- In the last quarter, Tanvi Penumudy was added as committer on 2024-05-31
Arafat Khan was added as committer on 2024-06-10
## Project Activity
- Recon improvements, adding DN decommissioning status and info display,
listKeys filters support, and other fixes and improvements.
- Snapshot bug fixes.
- Atomic Key Overwrite and Key Replacement feature branch is merged into
master branch after community vote.
- HBase on Ozone feature branch is merged into master branch after community
- Storage container reconciliation feature has started the implementation.
- Acceptance test infra and experience are under continuous improvement. The
Docker environment is migrated to Docker 2.
- Java 11/17 compile, test, runtime issue fixing are ongoing.
- Flaky test checking and fixing are ongoing.
- Ozone 1.4.1 RC0 is under vote. Xi Chen is the RM of this release.
- Community activities
- APAC Open Source Day - Ozone Deep dive session
- CoC EU 2024 session "Elevating Scalable Object Storage: A Comprehensive
Exploration of Ozone’s Trailblazing Capabilities"
- CoC EU 2024 session "Recon - Ozone cluster monitoring and observability"
- CoC Asia 2024 session "Apache HBase on Ozone"
- ACL Shanghai Meetup session "Apache Ozone: What's new in next release"
## Releases Data
- 1.0.0 was released on 2020-09-02.
- 1.1.0 was released on 2021-04-20.
- 1.2.0 was released on 2021-11-17.
- 1.2.1 was released on 2021-12-22.
- 1.3.0 was released on 2022-12-18.
- 1.4.0 was released on 2024-01-19.
## Community Health
Last board report was sent on 7th May 2024. Since last report,
- 44 code contributors in the past quarter (+0% change)
- had 66 emails in the past quarter (+0% change)
- 303 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (last 380, -20% change)
- 312 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (last 392, -20% change)
- 265 commits in the past quarter (last 337, -21% change) Note: The commit &
PR count excludes the ones from user "app/dependabot", who has many commits
for dependency jar version upgrade.
Attachment AY: Report from the Apache Perl Project [Steve Hay]
## Description:
The mission of Perl is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Dynamic websites using Perl
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing, with low activity
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache Perl was founded 2000-03-10 (24 years ago)
There are currently 21 committers and 11 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Steve Hay on 2012-03-01.
- No new committers were added.
## Project Activity:
The last release was mod_perl-2.0.13 on 2023-10-21.
Future releases will be made as necessary. I have received messages from people
interested in new builds of mod_perl against perl-5.38, but nothing that
requires a new release of mod_perl as yet.
## Community Health:
Mailing list traffic is low as usual, though with an interesting thread looking
at reasons for a perceived decline in mod_perl usage and reasons why it is still
Attachment AZ: Report from the Apache Petri Project [Dave Fisher]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Petri is the creation and maintenance of software related
to assessment of, education in, and adoption of the Foundation's policies and
procedures for collaborative development and the pros and cons of joining the
## Project Status:
Current project status: Dormant
Issues for the board: None
## Membership Data:
Apache Petri was founded 2019-11-19 (5 years ago)
There are currently 8 committers and 5 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 8:5.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Daniel Shahaf on 2019-11-19.
- No new committers. Last addition was Justin Erenkrantz on 2020-04-23.
## Project Activity:
The only activity has been trying out new ASF Pelican GitHub Actions as a simple
example for building a website.
## Community Health:
We have not had anyone actually come and express interest in following the Petri
path into the Foundation. This is not surprising since it was agreed not to
compete with the Incubator. We remain ready for another experiment.
Attachment BA: Report from the Apache Phoenix Project [Rajeshbabu Chintaguntla]
## Description:
The mission of Phoenix is the creation and maintenance of software related to
High performance relational database layer over Apache HBase for low latency
applications and operational analytical workloads.
## Project Status:
Current project status: HEALTHY
Issues for the board: No issues to report to the board at this time.
## Membership Data:
Apache Phoenix was founded 2014-05-21 (10 years ago)
There are currently 58 committers and 38 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 8:5.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Jacob Isaac on 2023-11-07.
- Palash Chauhan was added as committer on 2024-06-12
## Project Activity:
Apache Phoenix had its last main release 5.2.0 on 2024-04-16.
Python Driver for Apache Phoenix (phoenixdb) 1.2.2 released on 7th June 2024.
Planning to release 5.2.1 soon.
In the past quarter
- Extensive work has been done to complete the follow features:
a. Native JSON data type and Binary JSON (BSON) with Complex Document structures
b. Support HBase 2.6
c. Leverage bloom filters for multi-key point lookups
d. Redesign of Phoenix TTL for views
- Fixed a good amount of performance issues around metadata cache,
avoided unnecessary RPC calls and extensive locks wherever not required.
Active development is going on in
a. Change Data Capture(CDC) feature
b. New variable length binary data type VARBINARY_ENCODED
c. Hive 4 support in Phoenix-Connectors
d. ested loop joins
5. Some more Performance improvements
## Community Health:
The Phoenix community continues to remain active.
There is a decrease in mail traffic of dev, JIRA and commit activities
compared to last quarter because of focused development
on high critical feature development and due to the holiday season.
Attachment BB: Report from the Apache Pinot Project [Kishore G]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Pinot is the creation and maintenance of software related
to distributed OLAP data store to provide Real-time Analytics to power wide
variety of analytical use case
## Project Status:
Current project status: Top level project with high activity
Issues for the board: There are no issues requiring board attention.
## Membership Data:
Apache Pinot was founded 2021-07-20 (3 years ago)
There are currently 35 committers and 12 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Rong Rong on 2023-09-11.
- No new committers. Last addition was Jia Guo on 2024-04-24.
## Project Activity:
Apache Pinot 1.2.0 is scheduled to release in August 2024
12 successful meetups conducted from May to July
## Community Health:
Community very healthy on the Apache Pinot slack with 4891 members
In total there are 332 contributors to the project
Attachment BC: Report from the Apache Pivot Project [Roger Lee Whitcomb]
Attachment BD: Report from the Apache POI Project [Dominik Stadler]
Report from the Apache POI committee [Dominik Stadler]
## Description:
- Apache POI is a Java library for reading and writing Microsoft Office file
The Apache POI PMC also handles bugfixes for the XMLBeans project: XMLBeans
is a tool that allows you to map XML files to generated Java classes via
XML Schema definitions.
## Project Status:
- Overall: Low activity/Mostly maintenance only
- Activity on the project is low with no-one willing/able to invest time to
look for new committers, as the number of people willing to be part of an
old/established project is low. So this project is steering towards a
mostly-maintenance mode unless someone new starts to invest time.
- Note: Non-one wants to spend time looking for new people, so suggesting to
reach out to others or invest in "marketing" will likely not lead to much
## Membership Data:
Apache POI was founded 2007-05-16 (17 years ago) There are currently 41
committers and 34 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio
is roughly 6:5.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Marius Volkhart on 2020-12-27.
- No new committers. Last addition was Marius Volkhart on 2020-12-19.
## Project Activity:
- Apache POI 5.3.0 was released in July, bringing a few bugfixes and a few
smaller features which were contributed via GitHub PRs.
- Automated fuzzing via OSS-Fuzz continues, this provides cases where
potential bugs and security issues can be detected, see and for more details.
- Some support for "reproducible" builds and output formats was added on
latest trunk, see
## Project Release Activity:
- Apache POI 5.3.0 was released on 2024-07-02.
- Apache XMLBeans-5.2.1 was released on 2024-05-27.
## Community Health:
- There are a few bug-reports and user-questions which indicates that Apache
POI is in use. Questions via email or on Stackoverflow usually get answers.
- Bug-numbers slowly increase. Some newly reported issues are fixed, but we
usually get more bugs/questions reported than are addressed by the small
number of active committers, so some bugs do not get attention any more.
- We have a very small number of active committers. There are very few
potential candidates and no-one plans to spend effort to go looking for new
### XMLBeans
- It seems there are is a small but active set of users of XMLBeans besides
Apache POI itself.
- Bug influx for XMLBeans is very low in general because it is a stable
project in maintenance-only mode.
## Bug Statistics:
### Apache POI
- 619 bugs are open overall (+9)
- Having 144 enhancements (+1)
- Thus having 475 actual bugs (+8)
- 114 of these are waiting for feedback (+4)
- Thus having 361 actual workable bugs (+4)
- 3 of the workable bugs have patches available (+-0)
- Distribution of workable bugs across components: {XSSF=99, HSSF=82, SS
Common=44, HWPF=35, XSLF=26, XWPF=23, POI Overall=17, SXSSF=9, OPC=6,
POIFS=6, HPSF=5, HSMF=5, HSLF=2, HPBF=1, SL Common=1}
### Apache XMLBeans
- 165 open issues (+3)
- 116 Bug (+-0)
- 28 Improvement (+-0)
- 16 New Feature (+-0)
- 3 Wish (+1)
- 2 Task (+2)
Attachment BE: Report from the Apache Pulsar Project [Matteo Merli]
## Description:
Pulsar is a highly scalable, low latency messaging platform running on
commodity hardware. It provides simple pub-sub semantics over topics,
guaranteed at-least-once delivery of messages, automatic cursor management for
subscribers, and cross-datacenter replication.
## Project Status:
- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
## Project Activity:
- 3.3.1 was released on August 1st 2024
- 3.2.4 was released on August 1st 2024
- 3.0.6 was released on August 1st 2024
- 3.3.0 was released on June 5th 2024
- Pulsar C++ releases:
- 3.5.1 on April 1st 2024
- Pulsar Python releases:
- 3.5.0 was released on April 13th 2024
- Pulsar Go releases:
- 0.13.1 was released on August 9th 2024
- 0.13.0 was released on July 22nd 2024
- Pulsar reactive client:
- 0.5.6 was released on June 16th 2024
- Pulsar NodeJS client:
- 1.11.1 was released on July 8th 2024
- 1.11.0 was released on April 18th 2024
- We continue to have a very high number of "Pulsar Improvement
Proposal" getting submitted, discussed and voted by the
PIP-344: Correct the behavior of the public API pulsarClient
PIP-345: Optimize finding message by timestamp
PIP-346: Add a simplified configuration file for Pulsar
PIP-347: Extend LTS release process to client SDKs
PIP-349: Add additionalSystemCursorNames ignore list for TTL check
PIP-353: Improve transaction message visibility for peek-messages
PIP-360: Add admin API to display Schema metadata
PIP-366: Support to specify different config for Configuration and Local
Metadata Store
- Pulsar has reached 661 contributors on the main Github repo
(It was 639 contributors in April 2024)
## Health report:
- There is healthy growth in the community, and several users are starting
to become contributors to the project and engage more and more with
the community. In this quarter, 8 contributors were invited as
committers to the project.
## Membership Data:
Apache Pulsar was founded 2018-09-18 (5 years ago)
There are currently 84 committers and 43 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
* No new PMC members. Last addition was Baodi Shi on 2024-04-11.
* Jie Chen was added as committer on 2024-06-19
* WenZhi Feng was added as committer on 2024-07-02
## Community Health:
- Activity on the mailing lists remains high with a mixture of new users,
contributors, and deeper, more experienced users and contributors sparking
discussion and questions and filing bugs or new features.
- 44% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (17 emails compared to 30)
- 28% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (431 emails compared to 591)
## Slack activity:
- 10375 Members (10071 in April 2024)
- 125 Active weekly users (124 in April 2024)
## GitHub activity:
- 741 commits in the past quarter (-40% decrease)
- 90 code contributors in the past quarter (-34% change)
- 451 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-25% change)
- 428 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-24% change)
- 174 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (-24% change)
- 95 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-55% change)
Attachment BF: Report from the Apache Qpid Project [Robbie Gemmell]
Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a protocol
engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a message router,
and client libraries for C, C++, .Net, Go, Java/JMS, Python, and Ruby.
# Releases:
- Qpid ProtonJ2 1.0.0-M21 was released on 19th July 2024.
# Community:
- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and
JIRAs are being raised and addressed in line with prior activity levels.
- There were no new PMC member additions in this quarter.
The most recent new PMC member is Daniil Kirilyuk, added 22nd January 2024
- There were no new committer additions in this quarter.
The most recent new committer is Daniil Kirilyuk, added 17th February 2023
# Development:
- ProtonJ2 had its 1.0.0-M21 release with some bug fixes and dependency
updates. Work continues on more as arising toward M22, including some
improvements to the test peer around message transfer testing for use
in both ProtonJ2 and testing of other components.
- Work continues on Proton-Dotnet towards a future 1.0.0-M11 release,
with some related bug fixes already made and more as arising.
- Work continues on cleaning up older areas of Proton C and its language
bindings, with activity of late around Python and C++. A 0.40.0 release
will be done once some new APIs are introduced, to aid transition before
later removal of deprecated APIs/features in a new major version release.
# Issues:
There are no Board-level issues at this time.
Attachment BG: Report from the Apache Ranger Project [Selvamohan Neethiraj]
Attachment BH: Report from the Apache RocketMQ Project [Xiaorui Wang]
## Description:
The mission of Apache RocketMQ is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a fast, low latency, reliable, scalable, distributed, easy to use
message-oriented middleware, especially for processing large amounts of
streaming data
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: Nothing
## Membership Data:
Apache RocketMQ was founded 2017-09-20 (7 years ago)
There are currently 75 committers and 22 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Zhouxiang Zhan on 2023-09-21.
- Dongyuan Pan was added as committer on 2024-06-15
## Project Activity:
* ROCKETMQ-SPRING-2.3.1 was released on 2024-07-25.
* ROCKETMQ-5.3.0 was released on 2024-07-17.
* ROCKETMQ-EXPORTER was released on 2024-03-04.
## Community Health:
The overall activity level of the Apache RocketMQ community has remained
consistent with previous periods, and this quarter, a new Committer was added.
Additionally, the RocketMQ Learning Sites, has been fully
upgraded at, with a significant increase in
Chinese learning content.
Furthermore, a book related to RocketMQ is soon to be published, written by
a RocketMQ technology enthusiast. I had the privilege of writing the
foreword for this book.
Attachment BI: Report from the Apache Roller Project [David M. Johnson]
## Description:
Apache Roller is a full-featured, Java-based blog server that works well on
Tomcat, Postgres and MySQL, and is known to run on other Java servers
and relational databases. Latest release is 6.1.3 on 2024-06-11.
## Project Status:
The project is mostly dormant with most activity around updating
dependencies, making sure the code runs on the latest Java releases and
security fixes.
## Membership Data:
Apache Roller was founded 2007-02-20 (16 years ago)
There are currently 12 committers and 7 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Michael Bien on 2021-05-24.
- No new committers. Last addition was Yash Maheshwari on 2021-09-01.
## Project Activity:
Roller 6.1.3 was released on June 11, 2024. Booyah! (needed the extra chars)
## Community Health:
The Roller community is healthy enough to maintain Roller and make bug
fix and security releases. We're always on the lookout for new contributors.
Attachment BJ: Report from the Apache Samza Project [Jagadish Venkatraman]
## Description:
The mission of Samza is the creation and maintenance of software related to
distributed stream processing framework.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Healthy
Issues for the board: No issues require the board's attention
## Membership Data:
Apache Samza was founded 2015-01-22 (9 years ago)
There are currently 30 committers and 17 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 8:5.
Community changes, past quarter:-
- New committer Shekhar Sharma 2024-04-21.
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Bharath Kumarasubramanian on 2020-02-13.
## Project Activity:
Project Release Activity:
Recent releases:
1.8.0 was released on 2023-01-17.
1.7.0 was released on 2022-04-04.
samza-1.6.0 was released on 2021-01-28.
## Community Health:
Hosted a "Stream processing meetup with Apache Kafka, Apache Samza" at
LinkedIn HQ on July 4, 2024 (78 attendees):
JIRA activity:
1 issues created/updated in JIRA, past quarter
Commit activity:
3 commits in the past quarter
3 code contributors in the past quarter
Attachment BK: Report from the Apache Santuario Project [Colm O hEigeartaigh]
## Description:
The mission of Santuario is the creation and maintenance of software related to
XML Security in Java
## Project Status:
Current project status: The Java project is actively maintained and PRs are
getting merged and releases made.
The C++ project was retired since the last board report (it was mentioned in
the previous report that a vote had passed to retire it).
## Membership Data:
Apache Santuario was founded 2006-06-27 (18 years ago)
There are currently 18 committers and 7 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:4.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Daniel Kulp on 2018-10-01.
- No new committers. Last addition was Joze Rihtarsic on 2024-05-14.
## Project Activity:
It was a quiet quarter for the project, apart from the task of archiving the
C++ project. A Java release is almost ready, once some failing tests are fixed
in downstream projects.
## Community Health:
Apache Santuario is a mature and stable project that has reached a point
where not too many fixes are required, as it is a set of implementations
of some specifications that are quite old now. It is actively managed by
the PMC
Attachment BL: Report from the Apache SDAP Project [Nga Thien Chung]
## Description:
The mission of Apache SDAP is the creation and maintenance of software related
to an integrated data analytic center for Big Science problems
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache SDAP was founded 2024-04-16 (4 months ago)
There are currently 21 committers and 15 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 7:5.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Grace Llewellyn was added to the PMC on 2024-06-23
- Joe Roberts was added to the PMC on 2024-06-23
- Grace Llewellyn was added as committer on 2024-06-19
- Joe Roberts was added as committer on 2024-06-24
## Project Activity:
Apache SDAP was highlighted in two NASA Hyperwall talks at IEEE IGARSS 2024
( SDAP presentation was given on July 9 at
4:30 PM EEST and Integrated Digital Earth Analysis System (IDEAS)
presentation was given on July 11 at 10:50 AM EEST.
Apache SDAP was highlighted during the Open-Source Framework for
Earth System Digital Twins presentation at IEEE IGARSS 2024 on
Friday, July 12 at 9:00 - 10:40 EEST.
## Community Health:
### Mailing List
Since last month, had 2 new threads.
### Contributors
Since last month, the SDAP community has merged 0 PRs and
created/updated 8 Jira issues.
Attachment BM: Report from the Apache Sedona Project [Jia Yu]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Sedona is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a big geospatial data processing engine. It provides an easy to use
APIs for spatial data scientists to manage, wrangle, and process geospatial data
## Project Status:
Current project status: The project is being actively maintained. Several
people joined the community and started to contribute. We also follow the
3-month release cadence to bring more features to production. Issues for the
board: All good here
## Membership Data:
Apache Sedona was founded 2022-12-20 (2 years ago)
There are currently 19 committers and 17 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Kristin Cowalcijk on 2023-04-04.
- No new committers. Last addition was Furqaan Khan on 2024-02-09.
## Project Activity:
We made 3 new releases in May: 1.5.2, 1.5.3, and 1.6.0 The next release will
be 1.6.1 which will be out this week. In these releases, we introduced several
important features: (1) raster functions (2) 50 more vector geometry functions
(3) new native geojson reader and writer. This makes Sedona by far the most
comprehensive cluster compute engine for spatial data.
## Community Health:
The community is active.
Several new members joined the community and started to contribute.
We plan to invite at least 1 committer and PMC member to
Sedona in the coming weeks.
The downloads of Sedona is also growing.
Now our monthly has reached 1.5M per month.
Attachment BN: Report from the Apache Serf Project [Daniel Sahlberg]
## Description:
The mission of the Apache Serf project is creating and maintening of software
related to HTTP and associated protocols.
## Project Status
The project has sufficient PMC oversight
There are no threats to the sustainability or resillence
of the project
The project has no requests for the Foundation
**Note: The following are auto-generated statistics.**
## Membership Data:
Apache Serf was founded 2015-08-18 (9 years ago)
There are currently 15 committers and 13 PMC members in this project.
## Community changes, past quarter:
No new PMC members. Last addition was Daniel Sahlberg on 2023-10-05.
No new committers. Last addition was Daniel Sahlberg on 2023-10-09.
## Project Activity
Recent releases:
* 1.3.10 was released on 2023-05-31.
* 1.3.9 was released on 2016-08-31.
Attachment BO: Report from the Apache ServiceComb Project [Bao Liu]
## Description:
The mission of Apache ServiceComb is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a microservice framework that provides a set of tools and components
to make development and deployment of cloud applications easier.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache ServiceComb was founded 2018-10-17 (6 years ago)
There are currently 37 committers and 21 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:3.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was ZhangJian He on 2023-03-21.
- No new committers. Last addition was Cheng Youling on 2024-02-21.
## Project Activity:
ServiceComb Java Chassis 2.8.18 was released on 2024-07-04.
ServiceComb Java Chassis 3.2.0 was released on 2024-07-04.
ServiceComb Java Chassis 2.8.17 was released on 2024-06-11.
ServiceComb Java Chassis 3.1.2 was released on 2024-06-06.
ServiceComb Java Chassis 3.1.1 was released on 2024-05-14.
## Community Health:
Overall, community health is good despite low activities for some of
ServiceComb Java Chassis made 5 releases.
There are some development around the ServiceCenter and Kie, while
there are not enough PMC members or committers to maintain website codes,
and there is one pending security issue is not processed for a long
time for ServiceCenter.
Attachment BP: Report from the Apache ShardingSphere Project [Liang Zhang]
## Description:
The mission of Apache ShardingSphere is the creation and maintenance of
software related to a database clustering system providing data sharding,
distributed transactions, and distributed database management
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache ShardingSphere was founded 2020-04-15 (4 years ago)
There are currently 63 committers and 23 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 8:3.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Longtao Jiang on 2024-03-28.
- Cong Hu was added as committer on 2024-05-21
- Chenyang Ma was added as committer on 2024-05-27
## Project Activity:
Since the new version was released in April,
the activity of code submissions remains high.
Currently, there are no plans to release a new version.
For now, the focus is on implementing new features and refactoring.
## Community Health:
With the support for an increasing variety of databases
and the expansion of pluggable functionalities,
the project's code activity remains high.
The transformation of the project from a data sharding middleware
to a Database Plus is gaining more and more
recognition and attention from users.
Attachment BQ: Report from the Apache ShenYu Project [Yu Xiao]
## Description:
ShenYu is a Java native API Gateway for service proxy,
protocol conversion and API governance.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Good Healthy.
Issues for the board: There are no issues requiring board attention.
## Membership Data:
Apache ShenYu was founded 2022-07-20 (2 years ago)
There are currently 55 committers and 25 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Yunlong Lee on 2024-02-04.
- Hongyu Liu was added as committer on 2024-07-30
## Project Activity:
We are ready to release version 2.7.0.
Software development activity:
- We added support spring-boot 3.X.
- We added support multi namespace.
- We added support admin cluster.
- We added discovery Local support upstream health check.
- We added invalidate previous tokens on new Login.
- We added support batch modification of selector/rule status.
- We added support plugin lifecycle and Chain lifecycle.
- We added supports batch modification of path auth status.
- We fixed the bug of being unable to query without registration .
- We fixed cluster e2e failure.
- We fixed close rule cache.
- We fixed k8s liveness probe can not run wget command error.
- We fixed fix hot load issue.
- We refactor export selector data should be combined with discovery Data.
- We refactor resolve dashboard routing mismatch post context-path update.
- We refactor delete SO_SNDBUF & SO_RCVBU .
- We refactor bean utils.
Meetups and Conferences:
- Community meetings(4) to discuss development tasks and how to build
an open governance community.
- 3 Task for ossp (Passed).
## Community Health:
Overall community health is good.
Since the last report, add new 1 contributors added (currently:386).
add +10 subscribers to mailing (currently:498)
Attachment BR: Report from the Apache SIS Project [Martin Desruisseaux]
## Description:
The mission of Apache SIS is the creation and maintenance of software providing
data structures for developing geospatial applications compliant with the model
of OGC/ISO international standards.
## Project Status:
Current project status: ongoing with high activity.
Issues for the board: none.
## Membership Data:
Apache SIS was founded 2012-09-19 (12 years ago)
There are currently 22 committers and 17 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 6:5.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Alexís Manin on 2021-05-27.
- No new committers. Last addition was Bruno P. Kinoshita on 2021-06-23.
## Project Activity:
Work on Apache SIS 1.5 release is still in progress. It takes a long time in
part because of the need to review and cleanup a contribution (Geopackage)
and because the upgrade to latest international standard (ISO 19111) is a
significant amount of work.
We had an Apache SIS talk at the Community Over Code conference in Europe.
We are using Apache SIS again this year in a Testbed from the Open Geospatial
Consortium (OGC): GEOINT Imagery Media for ISR (GIMI).
## Community Health:
Activity is high, but mostly from two developers of the same company.
No new PMC member or committer have been added for the last 3 years,
and there is no candidate at this time. Effort for convincing other
Apache project to replace their LGPL dependency by Apache SIS have
not been very fruitful so far.
Attachment BS: Report from the Apache Solr Project [Jason Gerlowski]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Solr is the creation and maintenance of software related
to highly scalable distributed document search and analytics.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing with moderate activity.
Issues for the board: none.
## Membership Data:
Apache Solr was founded 2021-02-16 (3 years ago), after 15 years as a Lucene
There are currently 96 committers and 61 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Michael Gibney on 2022-12-20.
- Sanjay Dutt was added as committer on 2024-05-20. Congratulations and welcome
to Sanjay!
## Project Activity:
Recent releases:
* 9.6.1 was released on 2024-05-29
Areas of development & interest:
* Multi-threaded Search and other performance improvements
* Guardrails and user protections around expensive operations
* UX: Improvements to Solr scripts, configuration, and Admin UI
* Migration to Java 21
* Decrease ZK-reliance in SolrJ's "CloudSolrClient"
While this quarter only saw one release, work is already underway on Solr
## Community Health:
Anecdotally, commit activity seems a bit slower through these summer months, but
community discussions remain frequent and lively. We've continued holding
monthly "Virtual Meetups" as a forum for discussing new ideas, and our 'dev@'
and 'users@' mailing lists remains active.
We also opened a small blog to our project website at,
and have already seen a handful of posts and tutorials published!
Attachment BT: Report from the Apache Spark Project [Matei Alexandru Zaharia]
Apache Spark is a fast and general purpose engine for large-scale data
processing. It offers high-level APIs in Java, Scala, Python, R and SQL as
well as a rich set of libraries including stream processing, machine learning,
and graph analytics.
Issues for the board:
- None
Project status:
- We released Apache Spark 4.0 Preview 1 on June 3rd, 2024.
- We released Apache Spark 3.5.2 on August 10th, 2024.
- We added three new committers (Allison Wang, Martin Grund, and Haejoon Lee)
and one new PMC member (Kent Yao) to the project.
- The votes for two infrastructure changes have passed: "Move Spark Connect
server to built-in package (Client API layer remains external)" and "Allow
GitHub Actions runs for contributors' PRs without approvals in
- The votes on "SPIP: Stored Procedures API for Catalogs" and "Differentiate
Spark without Spark Connect from Spark Connect" have passed.
- We clarified our committer guidelines at, including reminding committers
about leaving sufficient time for reviews.
- No changes since last report.
Latest releases:
- Spark 3.5.2 was released on August 10, 2024
- Spark 4.0 Preview 1 was released on June 3, 2024
- Spark 3.4.3 was released on April 18, 2024
Committers and PMC:
- The latest committers were added on July 10th, 2023 (Allison Wang, Martin
Grund, and Haejoon Lee).
- The latest PMC member was added on Aug 8th, 2024 (Kent Yao).
Attachment BU: Report from the Apache StreamPipes Project [Philipp Zehnder]
## Description:
The mission of Apache StreamPipes is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a self-service Industrial IoT toolbox which enables non-technical
users to connect, analyze and explore IoT data streams
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: None
## Membership Data:
Apache StreamPipes was founded 2022-11-16 (2 years ago)
There are currently 31 committers and 15 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Zhenyu Luo on 2023-10-17.
- No new committers. Last addition was Isaak Krut on 2024-04-24.
## Project Activity:
- **New Releases:**
- Version 0.95.0 released on June 13, 2024
- Version 0.95.1 released on June 26, 2024
- **Technical Highlights from Latest Releases:**
- Added support for Open Industry 4.0 devices with a new adapter,
enhancing compatibility with modern manufacturing technologies.
- Resolved issues with S7 PLC connections to ensure more
reliable integration for users.
- Fixed functionality problems with the OPCUA Adapter's
"Add All Direct Children" button, improving user experience.
- Enhanced the MS Teams sink with a silent period feature,
allowing users to manage notification timing more effectively
and reduce notification overload.
## Community Health:
The project activity remains high, with a significant volume
of new GitHub discussions and community interactions.
There is a marked increase in community-contributed fixes
and improvements, reflecting active engagement from external developers.
Attachment BV: Report from the Apache Streams Project [Steve Blackmon]
Attachment BW: Report from the Apache Subversion Project [Nathan Hartman]
## Description:
The Apache Subversion® version control system exists to be universally
recognized and adopted as an open-source, centralized version control
solution characterized by its reliability as a safe haven for valuable
data; the simplicity of its model and usage; and its ability to
support the needs of a wide variety of users and projects, from
individuals to large-scale enterprise operations.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing, mature.
Issues for the board: None at this time.
## Membership Data:
Apache Subversion was founded 2010-02-16 (14.5 years ago). Prior to
joining ASF, the project began in February of 2000 (24 years ago).
There are currently 88 committers and 49 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- Timofei Zhakov was added to the PMC on 2024-06-24
- Timofei Zhakov was added as committer on 2024-06-24
## Project Activity:
A major development in progress is support for a CMake-based build
system. This has been requested quite a few times over the past five
years, by people seeking to cross-compile Subversion for use on
Network Attached Storage (NAS) systems, support Subversion on Android,
and other use cases not easily covered by the current build system.
Also, a CMake-based build system should make it easier to build
Subversion on Windows, which has been a pain point for some time. Work
is progressing nicely on a branch. If completed in time for the 1.15
release, we hope to make it available as experimental. The possibility
of transitioning to it as a preferred build system in 1.16 and beyond
under discussion.
## Community Health:
The community appears healthy for a mature and stable project.
Multiple developers monitor the mailing lists and respond when needed.
User questions usually receive helpful responses on the mailing lists,
from both project developers and community members. Substantial new
developments are taking place in the codebase.
Our community is fully volunteer-driven and we would like to thank
everyone for their support.
Attachment BX: Report from the Apache Superset Project [Maxime Beauchemin]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Superset is the creation and maintenance of software
related to data exploration, analysis, visualization, and dashboarding.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing, with high activity.
Issues for the board: and/or DPAs in general - It sounds like the issue with is
still up in the air, but they (and others) who would like to include their
services on our website are asking how to go about the DPA process with the
ASF if that's what's needed. Please let us know if there's a good doc
outlining how to go about this.
Though we have a large number of Committers and PMC members, the truth remains
that a small percentage of these are active. We should still love guidance on
how to reward active participants or incentivize/reactivate inactive
individuals on our roster. Perhaps tagging people as "inactive" or "lapsed"
would seem helpful, if the PMC has no effective means to remove or demote
anyone. It was previously mentioned that the ASF was having discussions about
this issue... let us know if there's a place this conversation is taking place
if you'd like more folks to part.
## Membership Data:
Apache Superset was founded 2020-11-17 (4 years ago)
There are currently 66 committers and 35 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:5.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Sam Firke on 2024-04-08.
- Jack Fisher was added as committer on 2024-06-17
- Joe Li was added as committer on 2024-08-09
- Ross Mabbett was added as committer on 2024-06-17
- Vitor Avila was added as committer on 2024-06-11
## Project Activity:
4.0.2 was released on 2024-07-02.
4.0.1 was released on 2024-05-13.
3.1.3 was released on 2024-05-09.
4.1.0rc1 was voted down, but rc2 is coming soon.
5.0.0 is actively being planned, targeting a November release.
Security Update - We're continuing to triage as many issues as possible as
they're reported. Daniel, our PMC member who leads this effort, is on vacation
as of this report writing, but will follow up with Arnout and the PMC upon his
return. Most reports have been triaged and/or fixed, though some still require
CVE allocation.
## Community Health:
There is plenty of activity on the repo, in growth of GitHub Stars, Issues,
and Pull Requests. There is, as always, a struggle to keep up with all of
this activity (triaging/maintaining Issues and PRs, both old and new)
though we've had increasingly good results by leveraging more AI on both
the repo and our Slack workspace.
We're seeing a number of new participants/contributors, and hope to continue
engaging these users more closely.
Slack is going strong at 16,508 members.
Many people in our community, and other ASF projects, are still asking about
the possibility for an email newsletter. For various reasons, an ASF list
is simply not a good option, and we have effectively been told that we cannot
use a third party tool to email news/updates/events to our Slack membership.
Our community and others are still hoping to find some path forward here
to rekindle this effort.
All in all, Superset remains headed in a positive direction and continues to
grow in terms of user base, repo activity, and community engagement.
Attachment BY: Report from the Apache Syncope Project [Francesco Chicchiriccò]
## Description:
The mission of Syncope is the creation and maintenance of software related to
Managing digital identities in enterprise environments
## Project Status:
Current project status: healthy.
Issues for the board: none.
## Membership Data:
Apache Syncope was founded 2012-11-21 (12 years ago)
There are currently 25 committers and 13 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:4.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Lorenzo Di Cola on 2023-05-22.
- No new committers. Last addition was Samuel Garofalo on 2022-07-29.
## Project Activity:
Branch 3_0_X is keeping up, mainly with bug fixes and dependency upgrades.
A security threat was recently reported and managed as CVE-2024-38503, and lead
to the new release 3.0.8.
Code update and refactoring still happening on master branch, heading next
major version 4.0.0 in the coming months.
Recent releases:
- 3.0.8: 2024-07-24
- 3.0.7: 2024-05-20
- 3.0.6: 2023-12-22
## Community Health:
We observed a slight raise of questions and support requests from newcomers.
Discussions about new features and improvements keep appearing and being
followed up in dev@.
Attachment BZ: Report from the Apache SystemDS Project [Matthias Boehm]
## Description:
Apache SystemDS is a machine learning (ML) system for the end-to-end
data science lifecycle from data preparation and cleaning, over
efficient ML model training, to scoring and debugging. ML algorithms
or pipelines are specified in a high-level language with R-like syntax,
or related Python and Java APIs, and the system automatically generates
hybrid runtime plans of local, in-memory operations and distributed
operations on Apache Spark.
## Issues for the Board:
- None
## Project Status:
- Current work focuses on adding the missing primitives for
a number benchmarks such as TPCx-AI and MLPerf on SystemDS, new APIs
for the alignment of multimodal datasets, an exploration of Java's
new vector and foreign memory APIs, and incremental refinements
of major internal components for compression, reuse, as well as
multiple GPU devices, and distributed and federated operations.
- We added automated code coverage enforcements in order to motivate
continuous improvements of the testsuite's code coverage
## Membership Data:
- Apache SystemDS was founded 2017-05-16 (incubator process entered
- Last PMC members added 2024-03-28 (Olga Ovcharenko)
- Last committer added 2022-12-14 (Badrul Chowdhury)
- There are currently 35 committers and 27 PMC members in the project.
## Activity and Health:
- Code activity is healthy with 51 commits (-46%) in the last 3 months
(summer break for many involved researchers and students).
- Community growth is healthy with 14 active contributors (-22%)
in the last 3 months
- Communication is healthy, mailing list activity is improving,
additional work on better documentation.
## Releases:
- Apache SystemDS 3.2.0 was released on 2024-03-17.
- Apache SystemDS 3.1.0 was released on 2023-03-13.
- Apache SystemDS 3.0.0 was released on 2022-06-20.
- Apache SystemDS 2.2.2 was released on 2022-06-25.
- Apache SystemDS 2.2.1 was released on 2021-12-02.
- Apache SystemDS 2.2.0 was released on 2021-10-30.
- Apache SystemDS 2.1.0 was released on 2021-06-28.
- Apache SystemDS 2.0.0 was released on 2020-10-14.
- Apache SystemML 1.2.0 was released on 2018-08-24.
Attachment CA: Report from the Apache Tez Project [László Bodor]
## Description:
Apache Tez is an effort to develop a generic application framework which can be
used to process arbitrarily complex DAGs of data-processing tasks and also a
re-usable set of data-processing primitives which can be used by other projects.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing
Issues for the board: none.
## Membership Data:
Apache Tez was founded 2014-07-16 (10 years ago)
There are currently 36 committers and 32 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 9:8.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was László Bodor on 2020-11-24.
- No new committers. Last addition was Ayush Saxena on 2024-01-09.
## Project Activity:
The current release candidate of 0.10.4 is being under review.
## Community Health:
The last committer Ayush Saxena is still very active.
The current challenge is that it's very hard to get
release reviews from PMC members, as they are not really active anymore.
I was wondering to report this as an issue for the board,
but so far we have been able to make the release every time,
however, we need to figure out something in the long term.
Attachment CB: Report from the Apache TomEE Project [David Blevins]
Attachment CC: Report from the Apache Traffic Control Project [Eric Friedrich]
## Description:
The mission of Apache Traffic Control is the creation and maintenance of
software related to building, monitoring, configuring, and provisioning a large
scale content delivery network (CDN)
## Project Status:
Current project status: Dormant
Issues for the board: None
## Membership Data:
Apache Traffic Control was founded 2018-05-15 (6 years ago)
There are currently 31 committers and 19 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 8:5.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Steve Hamrick on 2023-02-07.
- No new committers. Last addition was Abdulrahman Elawady on 2023-09-21.
## Project Activity:
Almost all new development has stopped on Traffic Control. There are
occasional commits to keep CI jobs healthy and running. Most of the commit
activity is automated commits such as build jobs and Github's dependabot.
A few new small features have recently been driven/collaborated on by a newer
- Grafana Dashboards to Scenes
- Updated TSB ATS version to 9.2.4
- Logfile cleanup
The most recent release was 8.0.1 on April 3, 2024.
## Community Health:
Discussion on both mailing lists and Slack channel is minimal. There are
still several PMC members active and ready to engage on security fixes
or releases if needed.
A newer contributor is becoming more active, having several features
merged and providing reviews for others.
Attachment CD: Report from the Apache TsFile Project [Jialin Qiao]
## Description:
The mission of Apache TsFile is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a columnar storage file format designed for time series data
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing with high activity.
Issues for the board: no
## Membership Data:
Apache TsFile was founded 2023-11-15 (9 months ago)
There are currently 18 committers and 18 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 1:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Gaofei Cao on 2023-11-15.
- No new committers were added.
## Project Activity:
Support four new data types in TsFile, including Date, Timestamp,
String and Blob.
Add the implementation of C++ TsFile, with C, Python SDK.
Introducing Lazy-decoding of page data in PageReader to improve the
query performance and memory footprint.
Fix RLBE Encoding for float and double, from lossy to lossless.
Improve the performance of InFilter.
TsFile v4 is almost ready for development.
## Community Health:
The mail list is active. had a 170% increase in traffic in the past
quarter (127 emails compared to 47)
Attachment CE: Report from the Apache Turbine Project [Georg Kallidis]
## Description:
The mission of Turbine is the creation and maintenance of software related to a
Java Servlet Web Application Framework and associated component library.
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing with low activity and at least 3 PMC members
ready to engage. Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache Turbine was founded 2007-05-16 (17 years ago)
There are currently 12 committers and 9 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 4:3.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Jeffery Painter on 2017-11-12.
- No new committers. Last addition was Youngho on 2021-12-06.
## Project Activity:
Recent Releases:
Turbine 6.0 Maven Archetype 3.0.0 was released on 2024-07-27.
Turbine 6.0 Core was released on 2024-02-05.
Fulcrum Security 3.0.0 was released on 2023-11-03.
## Community Health:
- Turbine version 6.0 release is now finished with publishing of the
Maven archetype.
- Next release will probably be with standard Java 17 baseline to allow support
for servlet 6.x and Jakarta 10+ (e.g. moving from javax to jakarta namespace).
Code changes are already in preparation for many modules to allow for a
runnable test development Turbine core 7.0-SNAPSHOT version.
Find most recent discussion thread about this in the Turbine dev mailing list:
- Some PMC members participated at Community over Code Europe 2024
in Bratislava with discussions about new ideas and next steps.
Attachment CF: Report from the Apache Velocity Project [Nathan Bubna]
## Description:
The mission of Velocity is the creation and maintenance of software related to
A Java Templating Engine
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing, low activity
Issues for the board: none.
## Membership Data:
Apache Velocity was founded 2006-10-24 (18 years ago)
There are currently 15 committers and 9 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 5:3.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Michael Osipov on 2017-07-27.
- No new committers. Last addition was Thomas Mortagne on 2020-03-09.
## Project Activity:
Velocity Master POM 7 was released on 2024-07-31.
velocity-engine-2.3 was released on 2021-02-27.
velocity-tools-3.1 was released on 2021-02-27.
## Community Health:
Michael has not withdrawn nor stated intention to any of us that he intends
to do so.
We are proceeding at our usual "fits and starts" pace toward a new release.
We also have a new potential contributor in Eduard Drenth. Yes, there is risk if
Michael were to withdraw, but as you saw with the roll call, Geir is still
lurking and would likely help maintain the project if something were to happen
to one of the rest of us. I also consider the somewhat cranky argument over
handling the javax->jakarta business very positive as the "vocal" users in
that discussion are just the type to potentially get involved if needed.
They wouldn't argue if they didn't care, right? :)
Attachment CG: Report from the Apache Web Services Project [Daniel Kulp]
## Description:
Apache Web Services is a collection of shared technologies related to SOAP/XML
based Web Services that can be shared by different implementations. Spring-WS,
Axis2, CXF, and others use parts of the technology created within Apache Web
## Project Status:
Current project status: ongoing, low activity
Issues for the board: none
## Membership Data:
Apache Web Services was founded 2003-01-22 (22 years ago)
There are currently 223 committers and 43 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:2.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Robert Lazarski on 2021-06-14.
- No new committers. Last addition was Alessio Soldano on 2014-09-14.
## Project Activity:
WebServices is a mature project based on standards that are also quite mature.
As such, there is not a significant amount of activity required. However, user
questions are being answered promptly, bugs are being fixed, and there are at
least 3 independent PMC members around making sure the project can continue to
produce releases as needed. Since SOAP/XML based Web Services is no longer
considered state of the art, we don't expect a major uptick in new development
efforts, new committers, etc...
There were no releases this period. Most of the activity was related to
various dependency updates, however there were some other updates to
WSS4J for some Key derivation options and a few other fixes.
Past Releases:
WSS4J 3.0.3 was released on 2024-02-22
Neethi-2.3.1 was released on 2023-09-11.
XmlSchema-2.3.0 was released on 2021-09-20.
Axiom-1.4.0: 2022-05-14
Woden-1.0M10: 2015-09
## Community Health:
As mentioned, SOAP/WebServices is not considered state-of-the-art anymore and
we are getting very little contribution from anyone other than the 2 or 3
regulars" that are driving features and changes needed for CXF (which is
being driven by their employers). Thus, we are not seeing any possibilities
for future new committers or PMC members. However, there are plenty of
people around that can do releases and answer questions and respond to
security issues. It's a mature project.
Attachment CH: Report from the Apache Whimsy Project [Shane Curcuru]
Attachment CI: Report from the Apache Xalan Project [Gary D. Gregory]
## Description:
Apache Xalan exists to promote the use of XSLT. We view XSLT (Extensible
Stylesheet Language Transformations) as a compelling paradigm that transforms
XML documents, thereby facilitating the exchange, transformation, and
presentation of knowledge. The ability to transform XML documents into usable
information has great potential to improve the functionality and use of
information systems. We intend to build freely available XSLT processing
components in order to engender such improvements.
## Project Status:
Current project status: The project status is ongoing focused on the Java side
of the house. Issues for the board: None.
## Membership Data:
Apache Xalan was founded 2004-09-30 (20 years ago)
There are currently 57 committers and 5 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 8:1.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Joseph Kessselman on 2023-08-07.
- No new committers. Last addition was Joseph Kessselman on 2023-06-29.
## Project Activity:
Work in ongoing in the Xalan-J component toward supporting newer XSLT features
with the goal of supporting the XSLT 3 specification. There is a also a desire
to continue releasing the 2.x line.
## Community Health:
The work in the Xalan-J component is performed by a small amount of
dedicated developers.
There is very low activity on the C side of the house, usually a query or
report here and there.
Attachment CJ: Report from the Apache Xerces Project [Michael Glavassevich]
Apache Xerces is a collaborative software development project dedicated to
providing robust, full-featured, commercial-quality, and freely available XML
parsers and closely related technologies on a wide variety of platforms
supporting several languages.
The Xerces-J repository was recently migrated from SVN to GitHub. There was a
flurry of updates committed to improve the XML Schema 1.1 implementation and
test cases in the middle of July but it has otherwise been a quiet period.
Mailing list traffic has been low; roughly 20+ posts on the j-dev and j-users
lists since the beginning of May 2024.
No new releases since the previous report. The latest release is Xerces-J
2.12.2 (January 24th, 2022).
Other than a few posts to the mailing lists there's no activity to report in
the last three months.
Mailing list traffic has been very low; roughly 5+ posts on the c-dev and
c-users lists since the beginning of May 2024.
The latest release is Xerces-C 3.2.5 (December 20th, 2023).
Nothing in particular to report. There was no development activity over the
reporting period.
XML Commons
No activity over the reporting period.
Committer / PMC Changes
The most recent committers were added in April 2017 (Xerces-C) and September
2023 (Xerces-J).
The most recent addition to the PMC was in September 2023.
One committer has committed changes to SVN and GitHub since May 2024.
Attachment CK: Report from the Apache XML Graphics Project [Clay Leeds]
Apache XML Graphics Project Board Report
The Apache XML Graphics Project is responsible for software intended for the
creation & maintenance of the conversion of XML formats to graphical output &
related software components.
Issues for the Board
We have migrated the Apache XML Graphics repositories for XML Graphics
Commons, FOP, FOP PDF Images and Batik to GitHub:
* All XMLGraphics project repositories have been migrated from Subversion to
* A proposal to migrate XMLGraphics projects from Jira to GitHub issues was
passed. Preliminary work to effect this migration has started. The migration
is ongoing.
Latest Versions of Apache XML Graphics Project Projects:
* Apache Batik 1.17 2023-08-22
* Apache FOP 2.9 released 2023-08-22
* Apache FOP PDF Images 2.9 released 2023-08-22
* Apache XML Graphics Commons 2.9 released 2023-08-22
Project Health Report
The level of community and developer activity remains at a consistent,
moderate, level with respect to the previous reporting period.
Recent PMC Changes
Currently 11 PMC members.
* Simon Steiner was added to the PMC on Tue Jan 19 2016
* Clay Leeds was approved for XML Graphics PMC Chair position on March 26,
Currently 21 committers.
* No new committers added in the last 3 months
* Last committer added was Matthias Reischenbacher at Wed May 13 2015
Most Recent Releases
* Apache Batik 1.17 2023-08-22
* Apache FOP 2.9 released 2023-08-22
* Apache FOP PDF Images 2.9 released 2023-08-22
* Apache XML Graphics Commons 2.9 released 2023-08-22
Batik is a Java-based toolkit for applications or applets that want to use
images in the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format for various purposes, such
as display, generation or manipulation.
Latest Release
Apache XML Graphics Apache Batik 1.17 was released on August 22, 2023
* Bug fixes
Apache FOP (Formatting Objects Processor) is a print formatter driven by XSL
formatting objects (XSL-FO) and an output independent formatter. It is a Java
application that reads a formatting object (FO) tree and renders the resulting
pages to a specified output. Output formats currently supported include PDF,
PS, PCL, AFP, XML (area tree representation), Print, AWT and PNG, and to a
lesser extent, RTF and TXT. The primary output target is PDF.
Latest Release
Apache XML Graphics Apache FOP 2.9 was released on August 22, 2023 Apache XML
Graphics Apache FOP PDF Images 2.9 was released on August 22, 2023
* Bug fixes
Apache XML Graphics Commons is a library that consists of several reusable
components used by Apache Batik and Apache FOP. Many of these components can
easily be used separately outside the domains of SVG and XSL-FO. You will find
components such as a PDF library, an RTF library, Graphics2D implementations
that let you generate PDF & PostScript files, and much more.
Latest Release
Apache XML Graphics Commons 2.9 was released on August 22, 2023
* Bug fixes
Attachment CL: Report from the Apache YuniKorn Project [Wilfred Spiegelenburg]
## Description:
The mission of Apache YuniKorn is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a standalone resource scheduler responsible for scheduling batch
jobs and long-running services on large scale distributed systems running in
on-premises environments as well as different public clouds
## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing, with high activity.
Issues for the board: No issues to report.
## Membership Data:
Apache YuniKorn was founded 2022-03-16 (2 years ago)
There are currently 37 committers and 29 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:4.
Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Chia-Ping Tsai on 2024-03-07.
- No new committers. Last addition was Kuan Po Tseng on 2024-03-15.
## Project Activity:
Recent releases:
1.5.2 was released on 2024-07-29.
1.5.1 was released on 2023-05-16.
1.5.0 was released on 2024-03-14.
After the 1.5.0 release focus shifted to fixing the detected regression in a
patch release. The effort was spread over two patch releases. The undetected
regression showed the limitations of our current end to end and scale testing
The main issue for the community is that we have no ability to run scale
tests for each release in a large, hundreds of nodes, Kubernetes cluster.
To help with scale testing the community has reached out to AWS to help fill
that gap. AWS is willing to sponsor these runs with AWS credits. We are still
working through the details on this and hope to use it for the next minor
Work on the next minor release's features is still progressing. The planned
date for this 1.6.0 release has been moved out to next month to compensate for
time and effort the two patch releases have taken.
## Community Health:
13 new Jira accounts were requested. 182 new Jiras created and 162 resolved,
with corresponding GitHub PRs: 170 created and 175 resolved. A slightly lower
number than most quarters due to the patch release focus.
The fortnightly community sync is well attended. Most discussions start on
slack which often end up in jiras being created. Relevant details are copied
from slack to jira. This does require some coaching for new community members.
A group of APAC based community members gave a talk at CoC ASIA. CoC NA has
multiple talks linked to the project scheduled.
Attachment CM: Report about Logo discussions [various Members]
The Members expressed their desire that a new Project Management
Committee be formed to create a refreshed brand and logo for the
Foundation. This desire resulted in a call for a Special Meeting of the
End of minutes for the August 21, 2024 board meeting.