Apache Corporate Organization Chart

About This Script

The ASF is a 501C3 non-profit corporation in the US - and there's a lot going on the corporate side of the ASF, to keep the corporate records and infrastructure that the many Apache projects you use working.

Below is a listing of the officers and people who make the corporate side of the ASF work. Here are a few more links that explain how corporate governance works at the ASF, which is separate from how Apache PMCs work.

Infrastructure Staff -

Who this role reports to (the board, another officer, etc.) infrastructureadministrator
Mailing list for questions users@infra.apache.org
Public website for more information https://infra.apache.org/team.html
  • Formal duties

  • The ASF Infrastructure team, known as Infra, provides and manages all infrastructure and services for the ASF, and for each project that is part of the Foundation: physical and virtual servers and their operating systems, mailing lists, version control systems, committer accounts, the artifact distribution system, issue tracking systems, and tools and services to facilitate the work of the Foundation, its projects, and committers.

  • Tasks

    • Respond to INFRA JIRA tickets with SLAs.
    • Respond to alerts and perform emergency & routine services maintenance on all core services.