The ASF is a 501C3 non-profit corporation in the US - and there's a lot going on the corporate side of the ASF, to keep the corporate records and infrastructure that the many Apache projects you use working.
Below is a listing of the officers and people who make the corporate side of the ASF work. Here are a few more links that explain how corporate governance works at the ASF, which is separate from how Apache PMCs work.
Who this role reports to (the board, another officer, etc.) | president |
Mailing list for questions | |
Board resolution originally creating or updating role | |
Public website for more information | |
ID of cwiki space | APACHECON |
Brian Proffitt |
Maintain relationship with event producer team. In the case of non-ApacheCon events, project communities are primarily responsible for these relationships, but the VP Conferences can assist if needed.
Internal publicity of events. Conference producers are primarily responsible for external publicity, but we have better access to ASF communities than they do. The VP Conferences is responsible for reaching our project developer and user communities with timely information about events, and encouraging them to participate.
Liaison for CFP and talk selection. While, formally, the conference producer is responsible for the schedule at their events (we merely license the brands to them), in reality they are not the subject matter experts. VP Conferences serves as the liaison to these communities, and assists in the talk selection process, coordinating any committee that is evaluating the talk submissions, and putting together the final schedule.
Serves as MC on-site, if desired by the conference producer. Be available to give the “standard” talks, such as The Apache Way, and the State of the Feather, in the event that the President or other officers are unavailable to deliver them. Assist the producer in locating appropriate MCs for other events such as lightning talks, barcamps, and so on, that need strong community participation.
Works closely with VP Brand, VP Marketing, and VP ComDev, to ensure that events follow brand requirements, that community development aspects of these events are available to all community members, and that we can promote events adequately, and supply them with ASF-branded swag when appropriate.
Is ultimately responsible for any event put on by ASF project communities, although most of the time this responsibility is completely delegated to the project itself.