Apache Corporate Organization Chart

About This Script

The ASF is a 501C3 non-profit corporation in the US - and there's a lot going on the corporate side of the ASF, to keep the corporate records and infrastructure that the many Apache projects you use working.

Below is a listing of the officers and people who make the corporate side of the ASF work. Here are a few more links that explain how corporate governance works at the ASF, which is separate from how Apache PMCs work.

V.P., Apache Attic PMC - Herve Boutemy

Who this role reports to (the board, another officer, etc.) board
Mailing list for questions general@attic.apache.org
Board resolution originally creating or updating role http://apache.org/foundation/records/minutes/2008/board_minutes_2008_11_19.txt
Public website for more information http://attic.apache.org/
URL to a publicly-viewable runbook or list of tasks for role https://attic.apache.org/process.html
ID of ticket queue, if actively used ATTIC
Herve Boutemy
  • Formal duties

  • Establish a PMC charged with the oversight of projects which otherwise would not have oversight, to maintain their resources read-only.

  • Goals

  • Keep Apache software code available even when community moves on.

  • Tasks

    • Maintain attic website.
    • Assist projects being moved to attic.
    • Submit quarterly board reports showing the Attic itself is alive.