Apache Project Website Checks

Checking Project Websites For required content

This script periodically crawls all Apache project and podling websites to check them for a few specific links or text blocks that all projects are expected to have. The checks include verifying that all required links appear on a project homepage, along with an "image" check if project logo files are in apache.org/img

View the crawler code, website display code, validation checks details, and raw JSON data.
Last crawl time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 08:11:59 GMT over 218 websites.

Site Check For Project - Royale

Results for Project Royale .
Check Results column is the actual text or URL found on the homepage for this check (when applicable).
Check Type Check Results Check Description
Uri https://royale.apache.org/
Foundation The Apache Software Foundation
Events https://www.apache.org/events/current-event
License URL expected to match regular expression: ^https?://.*apache.org/licenses/?$
There should be a "License" (*not* "Licenses") navigation link which points to: http[s]://www.apache.org/licenses[/]. (Do not link to sub-pages)
Thanks https://www.apache.org/foundation/thanks.html
Security https://www.apache.org/security/
Sponsorship https://www.apache.org/foundation/sponsorship.html
Trademarks are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation. All other marks mentioned may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Read more about our privacy policy on our
Copyright Copyright © 2017-2023 The Apache Software Foundation
Privacy https://royale.apache.org/privacy-policy URL expected to match regular expression: \Ahttps://privacy\.apache\.org/policies/privacy-policy-public\.html\z | \Ahttps?://(?:www\.)?apache\.org/foundation/policies/privacy\.html\z
All websites must link to the Privacy Policy.
Resources Found 6 external resources: {"maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com"=>1, "fonts.gstatic.com"=>5} Text of a link expected to match regular expression: Found \d+ external resources
Websites must not link to externally hosted resources
Image royale-1.svg