Apache Project Website Checks

Checking Project Websites For required content

This script periodically crawls all Apache project and podling websites to check them for a few specific links or text blocks that all projects are expected to have. The checks include verifying that all required links appear on a project homepage, along with an "image" check if project logo files are in apache.org/img

View the crawler code, website display code, validation checks details, and raw JSON data.
Last crawl time: Sat, 27 Apr 2024 12:10:51 GMT over 221 websites.

Site Check Of Type - Image

Check Results URL expected to match regular expression: .
Projects SHOULD add a copy of their logo to https://www.apache.org/logos/ to be included in ASF homepage.
  • Click column badges to sort
  • Project Check Results
    204 0 17
    Accumulo accumulo.svg
    ActiveMQ activemq-1.svg
    AGE age.svg
    Airavata airavata.svg
    Airflow airflow-1.svg
    Allura allura.svg
    Ambari ambari.svg
    Ant ant.svg
    APISIX apisix.svg
    Portable Runtime (APR) apr.svg
    Aries aries.svg
    Arrow arrow.svg
    AsterixDB asterixdb.svg
    Atlas atlas-1.svg
    Avro avro-1.svg
    Axis axis-proposed.svg
    Beam beam-1.svg
    Bigtop bigtop.svg
    Bloodhound bloodhound.svg
    BookKeeper bookkeeper-1.svg
    Brand Management
    Brooklyn brooklyn.svg
    bRPC brpc.svg
    BVal bval.svg
    Calcite calcite-1.svg
    Camel camel-1.svg
    CarbonData carbondata.svg
    Cassandra cassandra-1.svg
    Causeway causeway.svg
    Cayenne cayenne.svg
    Celeborn celeborn-1.svg
    Celix celix.svg
    CloudStack cloudstack-1.svg
    Cocoon cocoon.svg
    Community Development
    Commons commons.svg
    Cordova cordova.svg
    CouchDB couchdb-1.svg
    Creadur creadur.svg
    cTAKES ctakes.svg
    Curator curator.svg
    CXF cxf.svg
    Daffodil daffodil.svg
    DataFu datafu.svg
    Data Privacy
    DataSketches datasketches-1.svg
    DB db.svg
    DeltaSpike deltaspike.svg
    Directory directory-1.svg
    Diversity and Inclusion
    DolphinScheduler dolphinscheduler-1.svg
    Doris doris.svg
    Drill drill.eps
    Druid druid-1.svg
    Dubbo dubbo.svg
    ECharts echarts-1.svg
    Empire-db empire-db.svg
    EventMesh eventmesh-1.svg
    Felix felix.svg
    Fineract fineract-dark-cubeonly.svg
    Flagon flagon.svg
    Flex flex.svg
    Flink flink-1.svg
    Fluo fluo.svg
    FreeMarker freemarker.svg
    Geode geode.svg
    Geronimo geronimo.svg
    Gobblin gobblin.svg
    Gora gora.svg
    Griffin griffin.svg
    Groovy groovy.svg
    Guacamole guacamole.svg
    Gump gump.svg
    Hadoop hadoop-ozone.svg
    HAWQ hawq.svg
    HBase hbase-1.svg
    Helix helix.svg
    Hive hive.svg
    Hop hop.svg
    HTTP Server httpd-pb.svg
    Hudi hudi.svg
    Iceberg iceberg.svg
    Ignite ignite.svg
    Impala impala.svg
    Incubator incubator.svg
    InLong inlong.svg
    IoTDB iotdb-1.svg
    Jackrabbit jackrabbit-oak.svg
    James james-1.svg
    jclouds jclouds.svg
    Jena jena.svg
    JMeter jmeter.svg
    Johnzon johnzon.svg
    JSPWiki jspwiki.svg
    Juneau juneau.svg
    Kafka kafka.svg
    Karaf karaf.svg
    Kibble kibble.svg
    Knox knox.svg
    Kudu kudu.svg
    Kvrocks kvrocks.svg
    Kylin kylin.svg
    Kyuubi kyuubi-1.svg
    Legal Affairs
    Libcloud libcloud.svg
    Linkis linkis.svg
    Logging Services
    Lucene lucene.svg
    Lucene.Net lucenenet-1.svg
    MADlib madlib.svg
    Mahout mahout.svg
    ManifoldCF manifoldcf.svg
    Marketing and Publicity
    Maven maven.svg
    Mesos mesos.svg
    MINA mina.svg
    Mnemonic mnemonic.svg
    MyFaces myfaces.svg
    Mynewt mynewt.svg
    NetBeans netbeans-cubeonly.svg
    NiFi nifi.svg
    Nutch nutch.svg
    NuttX nuttx.svg
    OFBiz ofbiz.svg
    Olingo olingo.svg
    Oozie oozie.svg
    OpenDAL opendal.svg
    OpenJPA openjpa.svg
    OpenMeetings openmeetings-1.svg
    OpenNLP opennlp.svg
    OpenOffice openoffice-1.svg
    OpenWebBeans openwebbeans.svg
    OpenWhisk openwhisk-logo-only.svg
    ORC orc-1.svg
    Ozone ozone.ai
    Paimon paimon.svg
    Parquet parquet.svg
    PDFBox pdfbox.svg
    Pekko pekko.svg
    Perl perl.svg
    Petri petri.svg
    Phoenix phoenix.ai
    Pig pig.svg
    Pinot pinot.svg
    Pivot pivot.svg
    PLC4X plc4x.eps
    POI poi-1.svg
    Portals portals.svg
    Public Affairs
    Pulsar pulsar.svg
    Qpid qpid.svg
    Ranger ranger.svg
    Ratis ratis.svg
    RocketMQ rocketmq.svg
    Roller roller.svg
    Royale royale-1.svg
    Rya rya.svg
    Samza samza.svg
    Santuario santuario.svg
    SDAP sdap-1.ai
    SeaTunnel seatunnel.svg
    Security Team
    Sedona sedona-1.svg
    Serf serf.svg
    ServiceComb servicecomb-1.svg
    ServiceMix servicemix.svg
    ShardingSphere shardingsphere-1.svg
    ShenYu shenyu.svg
    Shiro shiro.svg
    SINGA singa.ai
    SIS sis.svg
    SkyWalking skywalking-1.svg
    Sling sling.svg
    Solr solr.svg
    SpamAssassin spamassassin.svg
    Spark spark.eps
    Steve steve.svg
    Storm storm.svg
    StreamPipes streampipes.svg
    Streams streams.svg
    Struts struts.svg
    Submarine submarine-1.svg
    Subversion subversion.svg
    Superset superset-1.svg
    Synapse synapse.svg
    Syncope syncope.svg
    Travel Assistance
    Tapestry tapestry.svg
    Tcl tcl.svg
    Tez tez.svg
    Thrift thrift.svg
    Tika tika.svg
    TinkerPop tinkerpop.svg
    Tomcat tomcat.svg
    TomEE tomee.svg
    Traffic Control trafficcontrol-1.svg
    Traffic Server trafficserver.svg
    TsFile tsfile.svg
    Turbine turbine.svg
    TVM tvm.eps
    UIMA uima.svg
    Unomi unomi.svg
    VCL vcl.svg
    Velocity velocity.svg
    Whimsy whimsy.svg
    Wicket wicket.svg
    Web Services ws.svg
    Xalan xalan.svg
    Xerces xerces.svg
    XML Graphics xmlgraphics.svg
    Yetus yetus.svg
    YuniKorn yunikorn.svg
    Zeppelin zeppelin-1.svg
    ZooKeeper zookeeper.svg