This script periodically crawls all Apache project and podling websites to check them for a few specific links or text blocks that all projects are expected to have. The checks include verifying that all required links appear on a project homepage, along with an "image" check if project logo files are in
The script also checks for 3rd party resource references that might be in conflict with our privacy policy.
View the crawler code, website display code, validation checks details, and raw JSON data.
Last crawl time: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 00:14:18 GMT over 216 websites.
Project | Check Results 181 4 31 |
Accumulo | The Apache Software Foundation |
ActiveMQ | |
AGE | How Apache works |
Airavata | Apache Software Foundation |
Airflow | The Apache Software Foundation |
Allura | Apache™ |
Ambari | Apache Software Foundation |
Answer | |
Ant | Apache Software Foundation |
Portable Runtime (APR) | Foundation |
Aries | |
Arrow | ASF Website |
AsterixDB | ASF Homepage |
Atlas | |
Attic | Foundation |
Avro | © 2025 The Apache Software Foundation |
Axis | |
Beam | The Apache Software Foundation |
Bigtop | The Apache Software Foundation |
BookKeeper | The Apache Software Foundation |
Brand Management | |
Brooklyn | |
bRPC | Foundation |
BuildStream | The Apache Software Foundation |
BVal | Home |
Calcite | Apache Software Foundation |
Camel | Apache Software Foundation |
CarbonData | Apache Software Foundation |
Cassandra | The Apache Software Foundation |
Causeway | Apache Home Page |
Cayenne | Apache Homepage |
Celeborn | Apache Software Foundation |
Celix | ASF Home |
CloudStack | Foundation |
Community Development | the Apache Software Foundation |
Commons | The Apache Software Foundation |
Conferences | |
Cordova | The Apache Software Foundation |
CouchDB | About the ASF |
Creadur | The Apache Software Foundation |
cTAKES | Apache Home |
Curator | |
Daffodil | The Apache Software Foundation |
DataFu | Apache Software Foundation |
DataFusion | Apache Software Foundation |
Data Privacy | |
DataSketches | Apache Software Foundation |
DB | Foundation Home page |
DeltaSpike | |
Directory | The Apache Software Foundation |
Diversity and Inclusion | The Apache Software Foundation |
DolphinScheduler | Foundation |
Doris | Foundation |
Drill | |
Druid | Foundation |
Dubbo | |
ECharts | |
Empire-db | |
EventMesh | Foundation |
Felix | |
Fineract | The Apache Software Foundation |
Flagon | Apache Software Foundation |
Flex | The Apache Software Foundation Website |
Flink | Apache Software Foundation |
Fluo | The Apache Software Foundation |
FreeMarker | The Apache Software Foundation |
Fundraising | |
Geode | |
Geronimo | The Apache Software Foundation |
Gobblin | Foundation |
Gora | Apache Software Foundation |
Griffin | Foundation |
Groovy | Apache Software Foundation |
Guacamole | The Apache Software Foundation |
Gump | Apache Software Foundation |
Hadoop | Apache Home |
HBase | The Apache Software Foundation |
Helix | Apache Software Foundation |
Hive | |
Hop | The Apache Software Fountation |
HttpComponents | The Apache Software Foundation |
HTTP Server | The Apache Software Foundation |
Hudi | The Apache Software Foundation |
Iceberg | Apache Software Foundation |
Ignite | The Apache Software Foundation. |
Impala | The Apache Software Foundation |
Incubator | |
InLong | Apache Software Foundation |
IoTDB | Foundation |
Jackrabbit | The Apache Software Foundation |
James | Copyright 2006-2018 The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved. |
jclouds | The Apache Software Foundation |
Jena | Apache Software Foundation |
JMeter | The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) |
Johnzon | |
JSPWiki | Apache |
Juneau | The Apache Software Foundation |
Kafka | |
Karaf | Apache Software Foundation |
Kibble | About the ASF |
Knox | Apache Software Foundation |
Kudu | Apache Software Foundation |
Kvrocks | |
Kylin | |
Kyuubi | |
Legal Affairs | |
Libcloud | The Apache Software Foundation |
Linkis | Foundation |
Logging Services | The Apache Software Foundation |
Lucene | Apache Software Foundation |
Lucene.Net | |
MADlib | The Apache Software Foundation |
Mahout | The Apache Software Foundation |
ManifoldCF | Apache Software Foundation |
Marketing and Publicity | |
Maven | The Apache Software Foundation |
Mesos | The Apache Software Foundation |
MINA | The Apache Software Foundation |
MyFaces | |
Mynewt | Apache |
NetBeans | The Apache Software Foundation |
NiFi | Apache |
Nutch | |
NuttX | The Apache Software Foundation |
OFBiz | The Apache Software Foundation. |
Olingo | |
OpenDAL | |
OpenJPA | The Apache Software Foundation |
OpenMeetings | Apache Software Foundation |
OpenNLP | The Apache Software Foundation |
OpenOffice | |
OpenWebBeans | |
OpenWhisk | Apache Software Foundation |
ORC | Apache Software Foundation |
Ozone | The Apache Software Foundation |
Paimon | |
Parquet | |
PDFBox | The Apache Software Foundation |
Pekko | Apache Software Foundation |
Perl | Apache Software Foundation |
Petri | The Apache Software Foundation. |
Phoenix | Apache Software Foundation |
Pig | Apache |
Pinot | Foundation |
PLC4X | The Apache Software Foundation |
POI | The Apache Software Foundation |
Portals | Apache Software Foundation |
Public Affairs | |
Pulsar | Foundation |
Qpid | |
Ranger | Apache Software Foundation |
Ratis | The Apache Software Foundation |
RocketMQ | |
Roller | The Apache Software Foundation. |
Royale | The Apache Software Foundation |
Rya | The Apache Software Foundation |
Samza | |
Santuario | |
SDAP | Apache Software Foundation |
SeaTunnel | Foundation |
Security Team | |
Sedona | |
Serf | |
ServiceComb | Foundation |
ServiceMix | |
ShardingSphere | |
ShenYu | Foundation |
Shiro | Apache Homepage |
SIS | |
SkyWalking | Apache Software Foundation |
Sling | The Apache Software Foundation |
Solr | Apache Software Foundation |
SpamAssassin | An Apache Project |
Spark | Apache Homepage |
Steve | |
Storm | Apache Software Foundation |
StreamPark | Foundation |
StreamPipes | |
Struts | The Apache Software Foundation |
Subversion | Apache Software Foundation (ASF) |
Superset | Apache Software Foundation |
Synapse | Apache Software Foundation |
Syncope | Apache |
SystemDS | The Apache Software Foundation |
Travel Assistance | the Apache Software Foundation |
Tapestry | Apache™ |
Tcl | |
Tez | |
Thrift | Apache Software Foundation |
Tika | The Apache Software Foundation |
TinkerPop | Apache Homepage |
Tomcat | Apache Home |
TomEE | |
Traffic Control | The Apache Software Foundation |
Traffic Server | |
TsFile | Foundation |
Turbine | Apache Software Foundation |
TVM | Apache Homepage |
UIMA | |
Uniffle | Foundation |
Unomi | Apache Software Foundation |
VCL | Apache Software Foundation |
Velocity | Foundation Home Page |
Whimsy | The Apache Software Foundation |
Wicket | |
Web Services | The Apache Software Foundation |
Xalan | Apache |
Xerces | Apache Software Foundation |
XML Graphics | The Apache Software Foundation |
Yetus | Apache Software Foundation |
YuniKorn | The Apache Software Foundation |
Zeppelin | |
ZooKeeper | |