Apache Podling Website Checks

Checking Podling Websites For required content

NOTE: most podlings may not pass these checks yet during incubation - but they are expected to pass them before graduation.

This script periodically crawls all Apache project and podling websites to check them for a few specific links or text blocks that all projects are expected to have. The checks include verifying that all required links appear on a project homepage, along with an "image" check if project logo files are in apache.org/img

View the crawler code, website display code, validation checks details, and raw JSON data.
Last crawl time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 10:13:36 GMT over 29 websites.

Site Check Of Type - Copyright

Check Results Text of a link expected to match regular expression: ((Copyright|©).*apache|apache.*(Copyright|©))
All website content SHOULD include a copyright notice for the ASF.
  • Click column badges to sort
  • Podling Check Results
    27 0 2
    Amoro Copyright © 2024 The Apache Software Foundation
    Annotator Copyright © 2016-2018 The Apache Software Foundation
    Answer Copyright © 2023 - 2024 The Apache Software Foundation
    Baremaps Copyright © 2024 Apache Software Foundation
    DevLake Copyright ©2024 Apache DevLake, DevLake, Apache, the Apache feather logo and the Apache DevLake project logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation
    Fury Copyright © 2024 The Apache Software Foundation
    Gluten Copyright © 2024 The Apache Software Foundation
    GraphAr Copyright © 2024 The Apache Software Foundation
    Gravitino Copyright © 2024 The Apache Software Foundation
    HoraeDB Copyright © 2024 The Apache Software Foundation
    HugeGraph Copyright © 2024 The Apache Software Foundation
    KIE Copyright © 2024 The Apache Software Foundation
    Livy Copyright © 2017 The Apache Software Foundation.
    Nemo Copyright © 2022 The Apache Software Foundation.
    NLPCraft Copyright © 2023 Apache Software Foundation
    OpenServerless © 2024–2024 Apache OpenServerless
    Pegasus Copyright © 2023 The Apache Software Foundation.
    Pony Mail
    ResilientDB © 2024 Apache ResilientDB (Incubating). All rights reserved.
    Seata Copyright © 2023-2024, The Apache Software Foundation
    StormCrawler © 2024 The Apache Software Foundation
    StreamPark Copyright © 2022-2024 The Apache Software Foundation.
    Teaclave Copyright © 2020 The Apache Software Foundation.
    Toree Copyright © 2015 The Apache Software Foundation.
    Training Copyright ©2019-2023 The Apache Software Foundation
    Uniffle Copyright © 2024 The Apache Software Foundation.
    Wayang Copyright © 2024 The Apache Software Foundation
    XTable Copyright ©2024 Apache XTable™, XTable, Apache, the Apache feather logo and the Apache XTable™ project logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation