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The Apache Software Foundation
Apache 20th Anniversary Logo

Last run: 2024-12-02 14:10. The data is extracted from a list of minutes which have been approved by the Board.
Please Note The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.

WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
This is due to changes in the layout of the source minutes over the years. Fixes are being worked on.

Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).

Executive Officer Reports

Additional Officer Reports

Committee Reports

Abdera Commons Groovy Lucene.Net PLC4X Subversion
Accumulo Community Development Guacamole Lucy POI Superset
ACE Continuum Gump MADlib Polygene Synapse
ActiveMQ Cordova Hadoop Mahout Portable Runtime (APR) Syncope
AGE CouchDB Hama ManifoldCF Portals SystemDS
Airavata Creadur Harmony Marmotta PredictionIO Tajo
Airflow Crunch HAWQ Maven Public Relations Tapestry
Allura cTAKES HBase Mesos Pulsar Tcl
Ambari Curator Helix MetaModel Qpid Tez
Ant CXF Hive Metro Quetzalcoatl Thrift
Any23 Daffodil HiveMind Metron Ranger Tika
Apex DataFu Hop MINA Ratis Tiles
APISIX DataFusion HTTP Server Mnemonic Rave TinkerPop
Archiva DataSketches HttpComponents MRUnit REEF Tomcat
Aries DB Hudi MXNet River TomEE
Arrow Deltacloud iBATIS MyFaces RocketMQ Traffic Control
AsterixDB DeltaSpike Iceberg Mynewt Roller Traffic Server
Atlas DeviceMap Ignite NetBeans Royale Trafodion
Attic DirectMemory Impala NiFi Rya TsFile
Aurora Directory Incubator Nutch Samza Turbine
Avalon DolphinScheduler InLong NuttX Santuario Tuscany
Axis DRAT Jackrabbit OFBiz SeaTunnel Twill
Bahir Drill Jakarta Olingo Sedona UIMA
Beam Druid JAMES Oltu Sentry Unomi
Beehive Dubbo jclouds Onami Serf Usergrid
Bigtop Eagle Jena OODT ServiceComb VCL
Bloodhound ECharts JMeter Oozie ServiceMix Velocity
BookKeeper Empire-db Johnzon Open Climate Workbench Shale VXQuery
Brooklyn ESME Joshua OpenDAL ShardingSphere Web Services
bRPC Etch JSPWiki OpenJPA ShenYu Whimsy
Buildr EventMesh jUDDI OpenMeetings Shindig Whirr
BuildStream Excalibur Juneau OpenNLP Shiro Wicket
BVal Falcon Kafka OpenOffice SINGA Wink
C++ Standard Library Felix Karaf OpenWebBeans SIS Wookie
Calcite Fineract Kibble OpenWhisk SkyWalking Xalan
Camel Flagon Knox ORC Sling Xerces
CarbonData Flex Kudu Ozone Solr XML
Cassandra Flink Kvrocks Paimon SpamAssassin XML Graphics
Causeway Flume Kylin Parquet Spark XMLBeans
Cayenne Fluo Kyuubi PDFBox Sqoop Yetus
Celeborn Forrest Labs Pekko Stanbol YuniKorn
Celix FreeMarker Lens Perl STeVe Zeppelin
Chemistry Geode Lenya Petri Storm ZooKeeper
Chukwa Geronimo Libcloud Phoenix Stratos
Clerezza Giraph Linkis PHP StreamPipes
Click Gobblin Logging Services Pig Streams
CloudStack Gora Logo Development Pinot Struts
Cocoon Griffin Lucene Pivot Submarine

Podling Reports

Agila Crail Hivemall Marvin-AI Pony Mail Tephra
ALOIS DataLab HoraeDB Milagro Provisionr Tobago
AltRMI Depot HORN mod_ftp Quickstep Toree
Amaterasu Derby HTrace MRQL RAT Training
Amoro DevLake HTTPD-CLI Muse RCF TripleSoup
Annotator DistributedLog HugeGraph Myriad ResilientDB TSIK
Answer Droids Imperius Nemo Ripple Tuweni
Apollo EasyAnt iota NLPCraft S2Graph Uniffle
AriaTosca Edgent Ivy NMaven S4 WADI
AWF FtpServer JDO NPanday SAMOA Warble
Axion Fury JuiCE Nuvem Sanselan Wave
Baremaps Gearpump Kabuki ODF Toolkit Seata Wayang
BatchEE Gluten Kalumet OGNL Sirona Weex
BlueMarlin Gossip Kato Olio Slider Woden
BlueSky Graffito KIE Omid SocialSite WS sponsored
Blur GraphAr Kitty OpenAz Spot WSRP4J
brpc Hadoop Development Tools Liminal OpenServerless Stonehenge XAP
Climate Model Diagnostic Analyzer HCatalog Livy OzHera StormCrawler XTable
CommonsRDF Heraldry log4cxx2 PageSpeed StreamPark Yoko
Composer Hermes log4net Pegasus Tamaya Zeta Components
Concerted Heron Log4php PhotArk Tashi Zipkin
Corinthia HertzBeat Lokahi Pirk Taverna
Cotton HISE Lucene4c Polaris Teaclave

Repeating Special Orders

Other Attachments, Special Orders, and Discussions

Other Agenda Items